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274 строки
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# Copyright 2023 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import concurrent.futures
import urllib.request
from base64 import b64decode
import flask
import json5
import requests
import validators
from chromestatus_openapi.models import (CreateOriginTrialRequest, GetOriginTrialsResponse, SuccessMessage)
from framework import basehandlers, origin_trials_client, permissions
from internals import notifier_helpers
from internals.core_enums import OT_READY_FOR_CREATION
from internals.core_models import FeatureEntry, Stage
from internals.review_models import Gate, Vote
WEBFEATURE_FILE_URL = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/third_party/blink/public/mojom/use_counter/metrics/web_feature.mojom?format=TEXT'
WEBDXFEATURE_FILE_URL = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/third_party/blink/public/mojom/use_counter/metrics/webdx_feature.mojom?format=TEXT'
ENABLED_FEATURES_FILE_URL = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.json5?format=TEXT'
GRACE_PERIOD_FILE = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/third_party/blink/common/origin_trials/manual_completion_origin_trial_features.cc?format=TEXT'
{'name': 'webfeature_file', 'url': WEBFEATURE_FILE_URL},
{'name': 'webdxfeature_file', 'url': WEBDXFEATURE_FILE_URL},
{'name': 'enabled_features_text', 'url': ENABLED_FEATURES_FILE_URL},
{'name': 'grace_period_file', 'url': GRACE_PERIOD_FILE}
def get_chromium_file(url: str) -> str:
"""Get chromium file contents from a given URL"""
with urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=60) as conn:
return b64decode(conn.read()).decode('utf-8')
class OriginTrialsAPI(basehandlers.EntitiesAPIHandler):
def do_get(self, **kwargs):
"""Get a list of all origin trials.
A list of data on all public origin trials.
trials_list = GetOriginTrialsResponse.from_dict(origin_trials_client.get_trials_list())
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
self.abort(500, 'Error obtaining origin trial data from API')
except KeyError:
self.abort(500, 'Malformed response from origin trials API')
return trials_list
def _validate_creation_args(
self, body: dict) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Check that all provided OT creation arguments are valid."""
chromium_files = {} # Chromium source file contents.
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
future_to_name = {executor.submit(get_chromium_file, f['url']): f['name']
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_name):
name = future_to_name[future]
chromium_files[name] = future.result()
except Exception as exc:
500, f'Error obtaining Chromium file for validation: {str(exc)}')
validation_errors: dict[str, str] = {}
chromium_trial_name = body.get(
'ot_chromium_trial_name', {}).get('value')
if chromium_trial_name is None:
self.abort(400, 'Chromium trial name not specified.')
# Check if a trial already exists with the same name.
trials_list = origin_trials_client.get_trials_list()
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
self.abort(500, 'Error obtaining origin trial data from API')
if (any(trial['origin_trial_feature_name'] == chromium_trial_name
for trial in trials_list)):
validation_errors['ot_chromium_trial_name'] = (
'Chromium trial name is already used by another origin trial')
enabled_features_json = json5.loads(chromium_files['enabled_features_text'])
if (not any(feature.get('origin_trial_feature_name') == chromium_trial_name
for feature in enabled_features_json['data'])):
validation_errors['ot_chromium_trial_name'] = (
'Origin trial feature name not found in file')
if not body.get('ot_is_deprecation_trial', {}).get('value', False):
webfeature_use_counter = body.get(
'ot_webfeature_use_counter', {}).get('value')
# Client will add a prefix to a WebDXFeature use counter.
is_webdx_use_counter = (
webfeature_use_counter and
# Check for valid WebFeature use counter specifications.
if not webfeature_use_counter:
validation_errors['ot_webfeature_use_counter'] = (
'No UseCounter specified for non-deprecation trial.')
elif (not is_webdx_use_counter and
f'{webfeature_use_counter} =' not in chromium_files['webfeature_file']):
validation_errors['ot_webfeature_use_counter'] = (
'UseCounter not landed in web_feature.mojom')
# Check for valid WebDXFeature use counter specifications.
elif is_webdx_use_counter:
formatted_use_counter = webfeature_use_counter[14:]
if not formatted_use_counter:
validation_errors['ot_webfeature_use_counter'] = (
'No WebDXFeature use counter provided.')
elif (f'{formatted_use_counter} ='
not in chromium_files['webdxfeature_file']):
validation_errors['ot_webfeature_use_counter'] = (
'UseCounter not landed in webdx_feature.mojom')
if body.get('ot_has_third_party_support', {}).get('value', False):
for feature in enabled_features_json['data']:
if (feature.get('origin_trial_feature_name') == chromium_trial_name and
not feature.get('origin_trial_allows_third_party', False)):
validation_errors['ot_has_third_party_support'] = (
'One or more features do not have third party support '
'set in runtime_enabled_features.json5. Feature name: '
if body.get('ot_is_critical_trial', {}).get('value', False):
if (f'blink::mojom::OriginTrialFeature::k{chromium_trial_name}'
not in chromium_files['grace_period_file']):
validation_errors['ot_is_critical_trial'] = (
'Use counter has not landed in grace period array '
'for critical trial')
return validation_errors
def check_post_permissions(self, feature_id) -> flask.Response | dict:
"""Raise an exception or redirect if the user cannot request OT."""
if permissions.is_google_or_chromium_account(self.get_current_user()):
return {}
redirect_resp = permissions.validate_feature_edit_permission(
self, feature_id)
return redirect_resp
def do_post(self, **kwargs):
feature_id = int(kwargs['feature_id'])
# Check that feature ID is valid.
if not feature_id:
self.abort(404, msg='No feature specified.')
feature: FeatureEntry | None = FeatureEntry.get_by_id(feature_id)
if feature is None:
self.abort(404, msg=f'Feature {feature_id} not found')
# Check that stage ID is valid.
ot_stage_id = int(kwargs['stage_id'])
if not ot_stage_id:
self.abort(404, msg='No stage specified.')
ot_stage: Stage | None = Stage.get_by_id(ot_stage_id)
if ot_stage is None:
self.abort(404, msg=f'Stage {ot_stage_id} not found')
# Check that user has permission to edit the feature associated
# with the origin trial, or has a @google or @chromium account.
redirect_resp = self.check_post_permissions(feature_id)
if redirect_resp:
return redirect_resp
gates: list[Gate] = Gate.query(Gate.stage_id == ot_stage_id)
for gate in gates:
if gate.state not in (Vote.APPROVED, Vote.NA):
self.abort(400, 'Unapproved gate found for trial stage.')
#TODO(markxiong0122): remove to_dict() when PR#4213 is merged
body = CreateOriginTrialRequest.from_dict(self.get_json_param_dict()).to_dict()
validation_errors = self._validate_creation_args(body)
if validation_errors:
return {
'message': 'Errors found when validating arguments',
'errors': validation_errors
self.update_stage(ot_stage, body, [])
# Flag OT stage as ready to be created.
ot_stage.ot_setup_status = OT_READY_FOR_CREATION
return SuccessMessage(message='Origin trial creation request submitted.').to_dict()
def _validate_extension_args(
self, feature_id: int, ot_stage: Stage, extension_stage: Stage) -> None:
"""Abort if any arguments used for origin trial extension are invalid."""
# The stage should belong to the feature.
if feature_id != extension_stage.feature_id:
self.abort(400, ('Stage does not belong to feature. '
f'feature_id: {feature_id}, '
f'stage_id: {extension_stage.key.integer_id()}'))
trial_id = ot_stage.origin_trial_id
if trial_id is None:
self.abort(400, f'Invalid argument for trial_id: {trial_id}')
milestones = extension_stage.milestones
if milestones is None or milestones.desktop_last is None:
self.abort(404, 'Extension stage has no end milestone defined.')
intent_url = extension_stage.intent_thread_url
if intent_url is None or not validators.url(intent_url):
self.abort(400, ('Invalid argument for extension_intent_url: '
gate = Gate.query(Gate.stage_id == extension_stage.key.integer_id()).get()
if not gate or (gate.state != Vote.APPROVED and gate.state != Vote.NA):
self.abort(400, 'Extension has not received the required approvals.')
def do_patch(self, **kwargs):
"""Extends an existing origin trial"""
feature_id = int(kwargs['feature_id'])
extension_stage_id = int(kwargs['extension_stage_id'])
# Check that feature ID is valid.
if not feature_id:
self.abort(404, msg='No feature specified.')
feature: FeatureEntry | None = FeatureEntry.get_by_id(feature_id)
if feature is None:
self.abort(404, msg=f'Feature {feature_id} not found')
# Check that stage ID is valid.
if not extension_stage_id:
self.abort(404, msg='No stage specified.')
extension_stage: Stage | None = Stage.get_by_id(extension_stage_id)
if extension_stage is None:
self.abort(404, msg=f'Stage {extension_stage_id} not found')
if extension_stage.ot_stage_id is None:
self.abort(400, msg=(f'Extension stage {extension_stage_id} does not '
'have associated origin trial stage.'))
ot_stage: Stage | None = Stage.get_by_id(extension_stage.ot_stage_id)
if ot_stage is None:
self.abort(404, msg=f'OT stage {extension_stage.ot_stage_id} not found')
# Check that user has permission to edit the feature
# associated with the origin trial.
redirect_resp = permissions.validate_feature_edit_permission(
self, feature_id)
if redirect_resp:
return redirect_resp
self._validate_extension_args(feature_id, ot_stage, extension_stage)
ot_stage.origin_trial_id, extension_stage.milestones.desktop_last,
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
self.abort(500, 'Error in request to origin trials API')
except KeyError:
self.abort(500, 'Malformed response from Schedule API')
# This extension has been processed and action is no longer needed.
extension_stage.ot_action_requested = False
notifier_helpers.send_trial_extended_notification(ot_stage, extension_stage)
return SuccessMessage(message='Origin trial extended successfully.').to_dict()