
248 строки
7.6 KiB
Executable File

'use strict';
// This gulpfile makes use of new JavaScript features.
// Babel handles this without us having to do anything. It just works.
// You can read more about the new JavaScript features here:
import path from 'path';
import gulp from 'gulp';
import del from 'del';
import swPrecache from 'sw-precache';
import * as uglifyEs from 'gulp-uglify-es';
const uglify = uglifyEs.default;
import gulpLoadPlugins from 'gulp-load-plugins';
import merge from 'merge-stream';
import * as cssslam from 'css-slam';
const $ = gulpLoadPlugins();
function minifyHtml() {
return $.minifyHtml({
quotes: true,
empty: true,
spare: true
}).on('error', console.log.bind(console));
function uglifyJS() {
return uglify({
output: {comments: 'some'},
function license() {
return $.license('Apache2', {
organization: 'Copyright (c) 2016 The Google Inc. All rights reserved.',
tiny: true
gulp.task('lint', () => {
return gulp.src([
// Compile and automatically prefix stylesheets
gulp.task('styles', () => {
'last 1 version',
'last 2 iOS versions'
// For best performance, don't add Sass partials to `gulp.src`
return gulp.src([
outputStyle: 'compressed',
precision: 10
}).on('error', $.sass.logError))
// Run scripts through babel. Note, this does not include vulcanized js.
gulp.task('js', () => {
return gulp.src([
.pipe($.babel()) // Defaults are in .babelrc
.pipe(license()) // Add license to top.
.pipe($.rename({suffix: '.min'}))
// Vulcanize the Polymer imports, creating *.vulcanize.* files beside the
// original import files.
gulp.task('vulcanize-lazy-elements', () => {
return gulp.src([
stripComments: true,
inlineScripts: true,
inlineCss: true,
// Leave out elements registered by main site or shared in other
// lazy-loaded elements.
stripExcludes: [
.pipe($.rename({suffix: '.vulcanize'}))
.pipe($.crisper({scriptInHead: true})) // Separate HTML and JS. CSP friendly.
.pipe($.if('*.html', minifyHtml())) // Minify HTML output.
.pipe($.if('*.html', cssslam.gulp())) // Minify CSS in HTML output.
.pipe($.if('*.js', uglifyJS())) // Minify JS in HTML output.
.pipe($.if('*.js', license())) // Add license to top.
gulp.task('vulcanize', gulp.series('styles', 'vulcanize-lazy-elements', function vulcanizeStuff() {
return gulp.src([
stripComments: true,
inlineScripts: true,
inlineCss: true
.pipe($.rename({suffix: '.vulcanize'}))
.pipe($.crisper({scriptInHead: true})) // Separate HTML and JS. CSP friendly.
.pipe($.if('*.html', minifyHtml())) // Minify HTML output.
.pipe($.if('*.html', cssslam.gulp())) // Minify CSS in HTML output.
.pipe($.if('*.js', uglifyJS())) // Minify JS in HTML output.
.pipe($.if('*.js', license())) // Add license to top.
// Clean generated files
gulp.task('clean', () => {
return del([
], {dot: true});
// Generate a service worker file that will provide offline functionality for
// local resources.
gulp.task('generate-service-worker', () => {
const staticDir = 'static';
const distDir = path.join(staticDir, 'dist');
const filepath = path.join(distDir, 'service-worker.js');
return swPrecache.write(filepath, {
cacheId: 'chromestatus',
verbose: true,
logger: $.util.log,
staticFileGlobs: [
// Images
// Scripts
`${staticDir}/js/**/!(*.es6).js`, // Don't include unminimized/untranspiled js.
// Styles. All styles are inline into pages or vulcanized bundles.
// Polymer imports
// NOTE: The admin imports are intentionally excluded, as the admin pages
// only work online
runtimeCaching: [{ // Server-side generated content
// The features page, which optionally has a trailing slash or a
// feature id. For example:
// - /features
// - /features/
// - /features/<numeric feature id>
// This overly-specific regex is required to avoid matching other
// static content (i.e. /static/css/features/features.css)
urlPattern: /\/features(\/(\w+)?)?$/,
handler: 'fastest',
options: {
cache: {
maxEntries: 10,
name: 'features-cache'
}, {
// The metrics pages (optionally with a trailing slash)
// - /metrics/css/animated
// - /metrics/css/timeline/animated
// - /metrics/css/popularity
// - /metrics/css/timeline/popularity
// - /metrics/feature/popularity
// - /metrics/feature/timeline/popularity
urlPattern: /\/metrics\/(css|feature)\/(timeline\/)?(animated|popularity)(\/)?$/,
handler: 'fastest',
options: {
cache: {
maxEntries: 10,
name: 'metrics-cache'
}, {
// The samples page (optionally with a trailing slash)
urlPattern: /\/samples(\/)?$/,
handler: 'fastest',
options: {
cache: {
maxEntries: 10,
name: 'samples-cache'
}, {
// For dynamic data (json), use "fastest" so liefi scenarios are fast.
// "fastest" also makes a network request to update the cached copy.
// The worst case is that the user with an active SW gets stale content
// and never refreshes the page.
// TODO: use sw-toolbox notifyOnCacheUpdate when it's ready
urlPattern: /\/data\//,
handler: 'fastest'
}, {
urlPattern: /\/features(_v\d+)?.json$/,
handler: 'fastest'
}, {
urlPattern: /\/samples.json$/,
handler: 'fastest'
}, {
urlPattern: /\/omaha_data$/,
handler: 'fastest'
// Build production files, the default task
gulp.task('default', gulp.series(
// Load custom tasks from the `tasks` directory
// Run: `npm install --save-dev require-dir` from the command-line
// try { require('require-dir')('tasks'); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }