562 строки
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562 строки
19 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2022 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
from typing import Any
from google.cloud import ndb # type: ignore
from internals.core_enums import *
from internals.core_models import Feature, FeatureEntry, Stage
from internals.review_models import Gate
SIMPLE_TYPES = frozenset((int, float, bool, dict, str, list))
def to_dict(entity: ndb.Model) -> dict[str, Any]:
output = {}
for key, prop in entity._properties.items():
# Skip obsolete values that are still in our datastore
if not hasattr(entity, key):
value = getattr(entity, key)
if value is None or type(value) in SIMPLE_TYPES:
output[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, datetime.date):
# Convert date/datetime to ms-since-epoch ("new Date()").
#ms = time.mktime(value.utctimetuple())
#ms += getattr(value, 'microseconds', 0) / 1000
#output[key] = int(ms)
output[key] = str(value)
elif isinstance(value, ndb.GeoPt):
output[key] = {'lat': value.lat, 'lon': value.lon}
elif isinstance(value, ndb.Model):
output[key] = value.to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, ndb.model.User):
output[key] = value.email()
raise ValueError('cannot encode ' + repr(prop))
return output
def del_none(d):
Delete dict keys with None values, and empty lists, recursively.
for key, value in list(d.items()):
if value is None or (isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 0):
del d[key]
elif isinstance(value, dict):
return d
def feature_to_legacy_json(f: Feature) -> dict[str, Any]:
d: dict[str, Any] = to_dict(f)
is_released = f.impl_status_chrome in RELEASE_IMPL_STATES
d['is_released'] = is_released
if f.is_saved():
d['id'] = f.key.integer_id()
d['id'] = None
d['category'] = FEATURE_CATEGORIES[f.category]
d['category_int'] = f.category
if f.feature_type is not None:
d['feature_type'] = FEATURE_TYPES[f.feature_type]
d['feature_type_int'] = f.feature_type
if f.intent_stage is not None:
d['intent_stage'] = INTENT_STAGES[f.intent_stage]
d['intent_stage_int'] = f.intent_stage
d['created'] = {
'by': d.pop('created_by', None),
'when': d.pop('created', None),
d['updated'] = {
'by': d.pop('updated_by', None),
'when': d.pop('updated', None),
d['accurate_as_of'] = d.pop('accurate_as_of', None)
d['standards'] = {
'spec': d.pop('spec_link', None),
'status': {
'text': STANDARDIZATION[f.standardization],
'val': d.pop('standardization', None),
'maturity': {
'text': STANDARD_MATURITY_CHOICES.get(f.standard_maturity),
'short_text': STANDARD_MATURITY_SHORT.get(f.standard_maturity),
'val': f.standard_maturity,
del d['standard_maturity']
d['tag_review_status'] = REVIEW_STATUS_CHOICES[f.tag_review_status]
d['tag_review_status_int'] = f.tag_review_status
d['security_review_status'] = REVIEW_STATUS_CHOICES[
d['security_review_status_int'] = f.security_review_status
d['privacy_review_status'] = REVIEW_STATUS_CHOICES[
d['privacy_review_status_int'] = f.privacy_review_status
d['resources'] = {
'samples': d.pop('sample_links', []),
'docs': d.pop('doc_links', []),
d['tags'] = d.pop('search_tags', [])
d['editors'] = d.pop('editors', [])
d['cc_recipients'] = d.pop('cc_recipients', [])
d['creator'] = d.pop('creator', None)
ff_views = d.pop('ff_views', NO_PUBLIC_SIGNALS)
ie_views = d.pop('ie_views', NO_PUBLIC_SIGNALS)
safari_views = d.pop('safari_views', NO_PUBLIC_SIGNALS)
web_dev_views = d.pop('web_dev_views', DEV_NO_SIGNALS)
d['browsers'] = {
'chrome': {
'bug': d.pop('bug_url', None),
'blink_components': d.pop('blink_components', []),
'devrel': d.pop('devrel', []),
'owners': d.pop('owner', []),
'origintrial': f.impl_status_chrome == ORIGIN_TRIAL,
'intervention': f.impl_status_chrome == INTERVENTION,
'prefixed': d.pop('prefixed', False),
'flag': f.impl_status_chrome == BEHIND_A_FLAG,
'status': {
'text': IMPLEMENTATION_STATUS[f.impl_status_chrome],
'val': d.pop('impl_status_chrome', None)
'desktop': d.pop('shipped_milestone', None),
'android': d.pop('shipped_android_milestone', None),
'webview': d.pop('shipped_webview_milestone', None),
'ios': d.pop('shipped_ios_milestone', None),
'ff': {
'view': {
'text': VENDOR_VIEWS.get(ff_views,
'val': ff_views if ff_views in VENDOR_VIEWS else NO_PUBLIC_SIGNALS,
'url': d.pop('ff_views_link', None),
'notes': d.pop('ff_views_notes', None),
'edge': { # Deprecated
'view': {
'text': VENDOR_VIEWS.get(ie_views,
'val': ie_views if ie_views in VENDOR_VIEWS else NO_PUBLIC_SIGNALS,
'url': d.pop('ie_views_link', None),
'notes': d.pop('ie_views_notes', None),
'safari': {
'view': {
'text': VENDOR_VIEWS.get(safari_views,
'val': (safari_views if safari_views in VENDOR_VIEWS
'url': d.pop('safari_views_link', None),
'notes': d.pop('safari_views_notes', None),
'webdev': {
'view': {
'text': WEB_DEV_VIEWS.get(f.web_dev_views,
'val': (web_dev_views if web_dev_views in WEB_DEV_VIEWS
'url': d.pop('web_dev_views_link', None),
'notes': d.pop('web_dev_views_notes', None),
'other': {
'view': {
'notes': d.pop('other_views_notes', None),
if is_released and f.shipped_milestone:
d['browsers']['chrome']['status']['milestone_str'] = f.shipped_milestone
elif is_released and f.shipped_android_milestone:
d['browsers']['chrome']['status']['milestone_str'] = f.shipped_android_milestone
d['browsers']['chrome']['status']['milestone_str'] = d['browsers']['chrome']['status']['text']
del_none(d) # Further prune response by removing null/[] values.
return d
## FeatureEntry converter methods ##
def _date_to_str(date: Optional[datetime.datetime]) -> Optional[str]:
"""Returns a string interpretation of a datetime object, or None."""
return str(date) if date is not None else None
def _val_to_list(items: Optional[list]) -> list:
"""Returns the given list, or returns an empty list if null."""
return items if items is not None else []
def _stage_attr(
stage: Optional[Stage], field: str, is_mstone: bool=False) -> Optional[Any]:
"""Returns a specified field of a Stage entity."""
if stage is None:
return None
if not is_mstone:
return getattr(stage, field)
if stage.milestones is None:
return None
return getattr(stage.milestones, field)
def _prep_stage_gate_info(
fe: FeatureEntry, d: dict) -> dict[str, Optional[Stage]]:
"""Adds stage and gate info to the dict and returns major stage info."""
proto_type = STAGE_TYPES_PROTOTYPE[fe.feature_type]
dev_trial_type = STAGE_TYPES_DEV_TRIAL[fe.feature_type]
ot_type = STAGE_TYPES_ORIGIN_TRIAL[fe.feature_type]
extend_type = STAGE_TYPES_EXTEND_ORIGIN_TRIAL[fe.feature_type]
ship_type = STAGE_TYPES_SHIPPING[fe.feature_type]
stages = Stage.query(Stage.feature_id == d['id'])
gates = Gate.query(Gate.feature_id == d['id'])
major_stages: dict[str, Optional[Stage]] = {
'proto': None,
'dev_trial': None,
'ot': None,
'extend': None,
'ship': None}
# Write a collection of stages and gates associated with the feature,
# sorted by type.
d['stages'] = collections.defaultdict(list)
d['gates'] = collections.defaultdict(list)
# Stages and gates are given as a dictionary, with the type as the key,
# and a list of entity IDs as the value.
# TODO(danielrsmith): This approach should be removed or refactored when
# functionality for creating multiple stages is added.
for s in stages:
# Keep major stages for referencing additional fields.
if s.stage_type == proto_type:
major_stages['proto'] = s
elif s.stage_type == dev_trial_type:
major_stages['dev_trial'] = s
elif s.stage_type == ot_type:
major_stages['ot'] = s
elif s.stage_type == extend_type:
major_stages['extend'] = s
elif s.stage_type == ship_type:
major_stages['ship'] = s
for g in gates:
return major_stages
def stage_to_dict(stage: Stage) -> dict[str, Any]:
d: dict[str, Any] = {}
d['id'] = stage.key.integer_id()
d['feature_id'] = stage.feature_id
d['stage_type'] = stage.stage_type
# Add milestone fields
if stage.milestones is not None:
for field in MILESTONE_FIELDS:
d[field] = getattr(stage.milestones, field)
for field in MILESTONE_FIELDS:
d[field] = None
d['pm_emails'] = stage.pm_emails
d['tl_emails'] = stage.tl_emails
d['ux_emails'] = stage.ux_emails
d['te_emails'] = stage.te_emails
d['experiment_goals'] = stage.experiment_goals
d['experiment_risks'] = stage.experiment_risks
d['experiment_extension_reason'] = stage.experiment_extension_reason
d['intent_thread_url'] = stage.intent_thread_url
d['origin_trial_feedback_url'] = stage.origin_trial_feedback_url
d['announcement_url'] = stage.announcement_url
d['ot_stage_id'] = stage.ot_stage_id
return d
def feature_entry_to_json_verbose(fe: FeatureEntry) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns a verbose dictionary with all info about a feature."""
# Do not convert to JSON if the entity has not been saved.
if not fe.key:
return {}
d: dict[str, Any] = fe.to_dict()
d['id'] = fe.key.integer_id()
# Get stage and gate info, returning stage info to be more explicitly added.
stages = _prep_stage_gate_info(fe, d)
# Prototype stage fields.
d['intent_to_implement_url'] = _stage_attr(
stages['proto'], 'intent_thread_url')
# Dev trial stage fields.
d['dt_milestone_desktop_start'] = _stage_attr(
stages['dev_trial'], 'desktop_first', True)
d['dt_milestone_android_start'] = _stage_attr(
stages['dev_trial'], 'android_first', True)
d['dt_milestone_ios_start'] = _stage_attr(
stages['dev_trial'], 'ios_first', True)
d['dt_milestone_webview_start'] = _stage_attr(
stages['dev_trial'], 'webview_first', True)
d['ready_for_trial_url'] = _stage_attr(
stages['dev_trial'], 'announcement_url')
# Origin trial stage fields.
d['ot_milestone_desktop_start'] = _stage_attr(
stages['ot'], 'desktop_first', True)
d['ot_milestone_android_start'] = _stage_attr(
stages['ot'], 'android_first', True)
d['ot_milestone_webview_start'] = _stage_attr(
stages['ot'], 'webview_first', True)
d['ot_milestone_desktop_end'] = _stage_attr(
stages['ot'], 'desktop_last', True)
d['ot_milestone_android_end'] = _stage_attr(
stages['ot'], 'android_last', True)
d['ot_milestone_webview_end'] = _stage_attr(
stages['ot'], 'webview_last', True)
d['origin_trial_feeback_url'] = _stage_attr(
stages['ot'], 'origin_trial_feedback_url')
d['intent_to_experiment_url'] = _stage_attr(
stages['ot'], 'intent_thread_url')
d['experiment_goals'] = _stage_attr(stages['ot'], 'experiment_goals')
d['experiment_risks'] = _stage_attr(stages['ot'], 'experiment_risks')
d['announcement_url'] = _stage_attr(stages['ot'], 'announcement_url')
# Extend origin trial stage fields.
d['experiment_extension_reason'] = _stage_attr(
stages['extend'], 'experiment_extension_reason')
d['intent_to_extend_experiment_url'] = _stage_attr(
stages['extend'], 'intent_thread_url')
# Ship stage fields.
d['intent_to_ship_url'] = _stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'intent_thread_url')
d['finch_url'] = _stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'finch_url')
impl_status_chrome = d.pop('impl_status_chrome', None)
standard_maturity = d.pop('standard_maturity', None)
d['is_released'] = fe.impl_status_chrome in RELEASE_IMPL_STATES
d['category'] = FEATURE_CATEGORIES[fe.category]
d['category_int'] = fe.category
if fe.feature_type is not None:
d['feature_type'] = FEATURE_TYPES[fe.feature_type]
d['feature_type_int'] = fe.feature_type
if fe.intent_stage is not None:
d['intent_stage'] = INTENT_STAGES[fe.intent_stage]
d['intent_stage_int'] = fe.intent_stage
d['created'] = {
'by': d.pop('creator_email', None),
'when': _date_to_str(fe.created),
d['updated'] = {
'by': d.pop('updater_email', None),
'when': _date_to_str(fe.updated),
d['accurate_as_of'] = _date_to_str(fe.accurate_as_of)
d['standards'] = {
'spec': fe.spec_link,
'maturity': {
'text': STANDARD_MATURITY_CHOICES.get(standard_maturity),
'short_text': STANDARD_MATURITY_SHORT.get(standard_maturity),
'val': standard_maturity,
d['tag_review_status'] = REVIEW_STATUS_CHOICES[fe.tag_review_status]
d['tag_review_status_int'] = fe.tag_review_status
d['security_review_status'] = REVIEW_STATUS_CHOICES[
d['security_review_status_int'] = fe.security_review_status
d['privacy_review_status'] = REVIEW_STATUS_CHOICES[fe.privacy_review_status]
d['privacy_review_status_int'] = fe.privacy_review_status
d['resources'] = {
'samples': _val_to_list(fe.sample_links),
'docs': _val_to_list(fe.doc_links),
d['tags'] = d.pop('search_tags', None)
d['editors'] = d.pop('editor_emails', [])
d['cc_emails'] = d.pop('cc_emails', [])
d['creator'] = fe.creator_email
d['comments'] = d.pop('feature_notes', None)
ff_views = d.pop('ff_views', NO_PUBLIC_SIGNALS)
safari_views = d.pop('safari_views', NO_PUBLIC_SIGNALS)
web_dev_views = d.pop('web_dev_views', DEV_NO_SIGNALS)
d['browsers'] = {
'chrome': {
'bug': fe.bug_url,
'blink_components': d.pop('blink_components', []),
'devrel': _val_to_list(fe.devrel_emails),
'owners': d.pop('owner_emails', []),
'origintrial': fe.impl_status_chrome == ORIGIN_TRIAL,
'intervention': fe.impl_status_chrome == INTERVENTION,
'prefixed': fe.prefixed,
'flag': fe.impl_status_chrome == BEHIND_A_FLAG,
'status': {
'text': IMPLEMENTATION_STATUS[impl_status_chrome],
'val': impl_status_chrome
'desktop': _stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'desktop_first', True),
'android': _stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'android_first', True),
'webview': _stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'webview_first', True),
'ios': _stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'ios_first', True),
'ff': {
'view': {
'text': VENDOR_VIEWS.get(ff_views,
'val': ff_views if ff_views in VENDOR_VIEWS else NO_PUBLIC_SIGNALS,
'url': d.pop('ff_views_link', None),
'notes': d.pop('ff_views_notes'),
'safari': {
'view': {
'text': VENDOR_VIEWS.get(safari_views,
'val': (safari_views if safari_views in VENDOR_VIEWS
'url': d.pop('safari_views_link', None),
'notes': d.pop('safari_views_notes', None),
'webdev': {
'view': {
'text': WEB_DEV_VIEWS.get(web_dev_views,
'val': (web_dev_views if web_dev_views in WEB_DEV_VIEWS
'url': d.pop('web_dev_views_link', None),
'notes': d.pop('web_dev_views_notes', None),
'other': {
'view': {
'notes': d.pop('other_views_notes', None),
if d['is_released'] and _stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'desktop_first', True):
d['browsers']['chrome']['status']['milestone_str'] = (
_stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'desktop_first', True))
elif d['is_released'] and _stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'android_first', True):
d['browsers']['chrome']['status']['milestone_str'] = (
_stage_attr(stages['ship'], 'android_first', True))
d['browsers']['chrome']['status']['milestone_str'] = (
del_none(d) # Further prune response by removing null/[] values.
return d
def feature_entry_to_json_basic(fe: FeatureEntry) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns a dictionary with basic info about a feature."""
# Return an empty dictionary if the entity has not been saved to datastore.
if not fe.key:
return {}
return {
'id': fe.key.integer_id(),
'name': fe.name,
'summary': fe.summary,
'unlisted': fe.unlisted,
'blink_components': fe.blink_components or [],
'resources': {
'samples': fe.sample_links or [],
'docs': fe.doc_links or [],
'standards': {
'spec': fe.spec_link,
'maturity': {
'text': STANDARD_MATURITY_CHOICES.get(fe.standard_maturity),
'short_text': STANDARD_MATURITY_SHORT.get(fe.standard_maturity),
'val': fe.standard_maturity,
'browsers': {
'chrome': {
'bug': fe.bug_url,
'blink_components': fe.blink_components or [],
'devrel': fe.devrel_emails or [],
'owners': fe.owner_emails or [],
'origintrial': fe.impl_status_chrome == ORIGIN_TRIAL,
'intervention': fe.impl_status_chrome == INTERVENTION,
'prefixed': fe.prefixed,
'flag': fe.impl_status_chrome == BEHIND_A_FLAG,
'status': {
'text': IMPLEMENTATION_STATUS[fe.impl_status_chrome],
'val': fe.impl_status_chrome
'ff': {
'view': {
'text': VENDOR_VIEWS.get(fe.ff_views,
'val': (fe.ff_views if fe.ff_views in VENDOR_VIEWS
'url': fe.ff_views_link,
'notes': fe.ff_views_notes,
'safari': {
'view': {
'text': VENDOR_VIEWS.get(fe.safari_views,
'val': (fe.safari_views if fe.safari_views in VENDOR_VIEWS
'url': fe.safari_views_link,
'notes': fe.safari_views_notes,
'webdev': {
'view': {
'text': WEB_DEV_VIEWS.get(fe.web_dev_views,
'val': (fe.web_dev_views if fe.web_dev_views in WEB_DEV_VIEWS
'url': fe.web_dev_views_link,
'notes': fe.web_dev_views_notes,
'other': {
'view': {
'notes': fe.other_views_notes,