# use npm modules `pkgfiles` or `irish-pub` to validate which files are selected # folders .vscode/ .github/ assets/ build/ coverage/ proto/ docs/ core/scripts/* viewer/ treemap/ clients/ cli/results/ lighthouse-logger/ **/test/** report/test-assets/ # keep a few scripts useful for CI !core/scripts/manual-chrome-launcher.js !core/scripts/download-chrome.sh !core/scripts/package.json # Exclude the CLI smoketests but keep the smoketest runner that is used # by downstream projects (e.g. publisher ads). !cli/test/smokehouse/** cli/test/smokehouse/test-definitions/ results/ lantern-data/ timings-data/ # ignore all folders named as such node_modules latest-run devtools-tests .tmp # generated files *.report.html *.dom.html *.devtoolslog.json *.trace.json closure-error.log last-run-results.html latest.artifacts.log npm-debug.log yarn-error.log results.html *.lcov # generated files needed for publish dist/** !dist/report/standalone.js !dist/report/flow.js !dist/report/bundle.esm.js # large files changelog.md # dev files .codecov.yml .cz-config.js .DS_Store .editorconfig .eslintignore .eslintrc.cjs .gitattributes .mailmap *.tgz CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md eslint-local-rules.cjs vercel.json yarn.lock