# Lighthouse Viewer Online at https://googlechrome.github.io/lighthouse/viewer/ ## Development Run the following in the root folder of a Lighthouse checkout: * `yarn` * `yarn build-viewer` * `yarn serve-gh-pages` * `open http://localhost:7333/viewer/` This compiles and minifies `app/src/main.js`. Results are written to `dist/gh-pages/viewer/`. ## Deploy Deploys should be done as part of the Lighthouse release process. To push the viewer to the `gh-pages` branch under `viewer/`, run the following in the root folder of a Lighthouse checkout: ```sh yarn deploy-viewer ``` For more information on deployment, see `releasing.md`. ## Usage ### Load JSON from Gist Pass the GitHub Gist identifier as `gist` query parameter. e.g., `http://localhost:7333/?gist=bd1779783a5bbcb348564a58f80f7099` ### Load JSON from URL Pass the absolute URL as `jsonurl` query parameter. e.g., `http://localhost:7333/?jsonurl=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Kikobeats/d570a1aa285c5d1d97bbda10b92fb97f/raw/4b0f14a5914edd25c95b4bd9d09728ab42181c3e/lighthouse.json` ### Run and load from PageSpeed Insights Pass target URL `psiurl` query parameter. e.g., `http://localhost:7333/?psiurl=https://www.example.com&category=seo` The following query parameters are also supported as options: `category` - Category to enable. One per category. `strategy` - mobile, desktop `locale` - locale to render report with `utm_source` - id that identifies the tool using the viewer