727 строки
26 KiB
Protocol Buffer
727 строки
26 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package googlechrome.lighthouse;
// This comment required for Lightrider import compatibility # header
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// This comment required for LightRider import compatibility # suffix
// Canonical list of errors created by Lighthouse.
enum LighthouseError {
// No error in Lighthouse; the results are reliable.
// An uncategorized error occurred, likely a JavaScript exception.
// The trace did not contain any screenshot events.
// No visual change between the beginning and end of load.
// The trace did not contain any screenshot events.
// The computed speedindex results are non-finite.
// The trace did not contain a TracingStartedInPage event.
// The trace did not contain a navigationStart event.
// The trace did not contain a firstContentfulPaint event.
NO_FCP = 8;
// The trace did not contain a domContentLoaded event.
NO_DCL = 9;
// No network request could be identified as the primary HTML document.
// The HTML document's network request failed due to Chrome-internal reasons
// (canceled, blocked, etc).
// The HTML document's network request completed, but returned an HTTP status
// code of 4xx or 5xx.
// Chromium's tracing controller did not manage to begin tracing across
// processes. Typically fixed by restarting Chromium.
// The trace data wasn't parsed correctly.
// The trace data failed to stream over the protocol.
// Used when security error prevents page load.
// Used when protocol command times out.
// Used when the page is not responding after maxWaitForLoad.
// DNS failure on main document (no resolution, timed out, etc)
// A timeout in the initial connection to the debugger protocol.
// The page requested was not HTML.
NOT_HTML = 21;
// The trace did not contain a ResourceSendRequest event.
// Used when any Chrome interstitial error prevents page load.
// The page has crashed and will no longer respond to 99% of CDP commmands.
// The overarching Lighthouse Response object (LHR)
// https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/main/types/lhr.d.ts
message LighthouseResult {
// The timestamp of when the results were generated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp fetch_time = 1;
// The url requested to lightrider.
string requested_url = 2;
// The final analyzed URL, differs from requested_url when there were
// redirects.
string final_url = 3;
// The version of Lighthouse with which these results were generated.
string lighthouse_version = 4;
// Message containing environment configuration for a LH run
message Environment {
// The user agent that was used by the network
string network_user_agent = 1;
// The user agent used by the host
string host_user_agent = 2;
// The benchmark index that indicates rough device class
google.protobuf.DoubleValue benchmark_index = 3;
// The version of libraries with which these results were generated. Ex:
// axe-core.
map<string, string> credits = 4;
// The environment that the audit was run in
Environment environment = 5;
// The user agent that was used to run the audit
string user_agent = 6;
// Any top level warnings that this run encountered
// default is [] hence ListValue
google.protobuf.ListValue run_warnings = 7;
// Message containing a runtime error config
message RuntimeError {
// The text repr of the error type
LighthouseError code = 1;
// The error explanitory message
string message = 2;
// A runtime error that was encountered during the run
RuntimeError runtime_error = 8;
// A map containing the results of the audits, keyed by audit id. Audits may
// be referenced within more than one category.
map<string, AuditResult> audits = 9;
// A map containing the categories of audits, keyed by category id.
map<string, LhrCategory> categories = 10;
// A map containing groups that categories can belong to, keyed by group id
map<string, CategoryGroup> category_groups = 11;
// Message containing the configuration settings for the LH run
// Next ID: 11
message ConfigSettings {
// The possible form factors an audit can be run in.
// This enum served the emulated_form_factor field, but in v7, that field
// was deprecated. Meanwhile in v7, the form_factor field was added and has
// a mobile/desktop enum, so we simplify reuse, minus the `none` option.
// See
// https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/main/docs/emulation.md#changes-made-in-v7
enum EmulatedFormFactor {
mobile = 1;
desktop = 2;
none = 3 [deprecated = true];
// Removed in v7. Do not use.
EmulatedFormFactor emulated_form_factor = 1 [deprecated = true];
// How Lighthouse should interpret this run in regards to scoring
// performance metrics and skipping mobile-only tests in desktop.
EmulatedFormFactor form_factor = 5;
// The locale that was active during the audit
string locale = 2;
// List of the categories that were run, empty if all were run
// nullable list of strings
google.protobuf.Value only_categories = 3;
// How Lighthouse was run, e.g. from the Chrome extension or from the npm
// module
string channel = 4;
// Next ID: 7
message ThrottlingSettings {
// The round trip time in milliseconds.
double rtt_ms = 1;
// The network throughput in kilobits per second.
double throughput_kbps = 2;
// The network request latency in milliseconds.
double request_latency_ms = 3;
// The network download throughput in kilobits per second.
double download_throughput_kbps = 4;
// The network upload throughput in kilobits per second.
double upload_throughput_kbps = 5;
// The amount of slowdown applied to the cpu (1/<cpuSlowdownMultiplier>).
double cpu_slowdown_multiplier = 6;
// The throttling config settings.
ThrottlingSettings throttling = 7;
// The method used to throttle the network.
string throttling_method = 8;
message ScreenEmulation {
// Overriding width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override.
double width = 1;
// Overriding height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override.
double height = 2;
// Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override.
double deviceScaleFactor = 3;
// Whether to emulate mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text autosizing and more.
bool mobile = 4;
// Whether screen emulation is disabled. If true, the other emulation settings are ignored.
bool disabled = 5;
// Screen emulation properties (width, height, dpr, mobile viewport) to apply or an object of `{disabled: true}` if Lighthouse should avoid applying screen emulation. If either emulation is applied outside of Lighthouse, or it's being run on a mobile device, it typically should be set to disabled. For desktop, we recommend applying consistent desktop screen emulation.
ScreenEmulation screen_emulation = 9;
// Indicating whether Lighthouse should ignore status codes.
bool ignore_status_code = 10;
// The settings that were used to run this audit
ConfigSettings config_settings = 12;
// i18n info in version 1 message format
I18n i18n = 13;
// Message containing the performance timing data for the Lighthouse run
message Timing {
// Corresponds to:
// https://www.w3.org/TR/performance-timeline-2/#dom-performanceentry
message PerformanceEntry {
string name = 1;
string entry_type = 2;
google.protobuf.DoubleValue start_time = 3;
google.protobuf.DoubleValue duration = 4;
// Whether timing entry was collected during artifact gathering.
bool gather = 5;
// The total duration of Lighthouse's run
google.protobuf.DoubleValue total = 1;
// Corresponds to:
// https://www.w3.org/TR/performance-timeline-2/#idl-def-performanceentrylist
repeated PerformanceEntry entries = 2;
// The performance timing data for the Lighthouse run
Timing timing = 14;
// The Stack Pack data used by audits in this run.
repeated StackPack stack_packs = 15;
// Gather mode used to collect artifacts.
string gather_mode = 16;
// URL of the main document request of the final navigation.
string main_document_url = 17;
// URL displayed on the page after Lighthouse finishes.
string final_displayed_url = 18;
// Screenshot data of the full page, along with node rects relevant to the audit results.
google.protobuf.Value full_page_screenshot = 19;
// Entity classification data.
repeated LhrEntity entities = 20;
// Message containing a category
message CategoryGroup {
// The human readable title of the group
string title = 1;
// The description of what the category is grouping
string description = 2;
// Message containing a category of audits and their combined weighted score.
message LhrCategory {
// the internal id of the category
string id = 1;
// The human-friendly name of the category.
string title = 2;
// A description of what this category is about (e.g. these help you validate
// your seo).
string description = 3;
// The overall score of the category, the weighted average of all its audits,
// from 0-1.
// This value is nullable, so is a `Value` type
google.protobuf.Value score = 4;
// An description for manual audits within this category.
string manual_description = 5;
// A Category's reference to an AuditResult, with a weight for category
// scoring.
message AuditRef {
// Matches a key in the top-level `audits` map.
string id = 1;
// The weight of the audit's score in the overall category score.
google.protobuf.DoubleValue weight = 2;
// The category group that the audit belongs to.
string group = 3;
// The conventional acronym for the audit/metric.
string acronym = 4;
// Any audit IDs closely relevant to this one.
repeated string relevant_audits = 5;
// References to all the audit members and their weight in this category.
repeated AuditRef audit_refs = 6;
// List of gather modes this category is available in.
repeated string supported_modes = 7;
// The ways an audit score should be interpreted:
enum ScoreDisplayMode {
// Unknown mode. This should not be used.
// Pass/fail audit (0 and 1 are the only possible scores).
binary = 1;
// Scores of 0-1, inclusive.
numeric = 2;
// Audit result score is determined by the metric savings and product score.
// 1 - audit passed
// 0.5 - audit failed and had no metric savings
// 0 - audit failed and had metric savings
metricSavings = 8;
// The audit is an FYI only, and can't be interpreted as pass/fail. Score is
// NaN and should be ignored.
informative = 3;
// The audit turned out to not apply to the page. Score is NaN and should be
// ignored.
not_applicable = 4;
notApplicable = 7;
// The audit exists only to tell you to review something yourself. Score is
// NaN and should be ignored
manual = 5;
// There was an error while running the audit (check `error_message` for
// details). Score is NaN and should be ignored.
error = 6;
// Message containing the result of an individual Lighthouse audit.
message AuditResult {
// The internal audit id
string id = 1;
// A brief description of the audit. The text can change depending on if the
// audit passed or failed.
string title = 2;
// A more detailed description that describes why the audit is important and
// links to Lighthouse documentation on the audit; markdown links supported.
string description = 3;
// The scored value determined by the audit, in the range `0-1`, or NaN if
// `score_display_mode` indicates not scored.
// This value is nullable, so is a `Value` type
google.protobuf.Value score = 4;
// The mode for how the score should be interpreted.
ScoreDisplayMode score_display_mode = 5;
// The human readable value that is displayed as the audit's result
string display_value = 6;
// An explanation of audit-related issues encountered on the test page.
string explanation = 7;
// Error message from any exception thrown while running this audit.
string error_message = 8;
// Extra information provided by some types of audits. Given as an arbitrary
// object.
google.protobuf.Struct details = 9;
// List of warnings associated with this audit
// type of `Value` since this can be null
google.protobuf.Value warnings = 10;
// A numeric value that has a meaning specific to the audit, e.g. the number
// of nodes in the DOM or the timestamp of a specific load event. More
// information can be found in the audit details, if present.
google.protobuf.DoubleValue numeric_value = 11;
// The unit of the numeric_value field. Used to format the numeric value for
// display.
string numeric_unit = 12;
// Stacktrace of error, if any occurred while processing the audit.
string errorStack = 13;
// Message containing the audit's MetricSavings.
message MetricSavings {
// Optional numeric value representing the audit's savings for the LCP metric.
optional google.protobuf.DoubleValue LCP = 1;
// Optional numeric value representing the audit's savings for the FCP metric.
optional google.protobuf.DoubleValue FCP = 2;
// Optional numeric value representing the audit's savings for the CLS metric.
optional google.protobuf.DoubleValue CLS = 3;
// Optional numeric value representing the audit's savings for the TBT metric.
optional google.protobuf.DoubleValue TBT = 4;
// Optional numeric value representing the audit's savings for the INP metric.
optional google.protobuf.DoubleValue INP = 5;
// The audit's MetricSavings.
MetricSavings metricSavings = 14;
// Message containing ScoringOptions.
message ScoringOptions {
// Scoring option's p10.
google.protobuf.DoubleValue p10 = 1;
// Scoring option's median.
google.protobuf.DoubleValue median = 2;
// The audit's ScoringOption.
ScoringOptions scoringOptions = 15;
// An audit's guidance level.
google.protobuf.DoubleValue guidanceLevel = 16;
// Message containing the i18n data for the LHR - Version 1
message I18n {
// Message holding the formatted strings used in the renderer
message RendererFormattedStrings {
// The disclaimer shown below a performance metric value
string variance_disclaimer = 1;
// The heading for the estimated page load savings opportunity of an audit
string opportunity_resource_column_label = 2;
// The heading for the estimated page load savings of opportunitu audits
string opportunity_savings_column_label = 3;
// The error string shown next to an erroring audit
string error_missing_audit_info = 4;
// The label shown next to an audit or metric that has had an error
string error_label = 5;
// The label shown above a bulleted list of warnings
string warning_header = 6;
// The tooltip text on an expandable chevron icon
string audit_group_expand_tooltip = 7;
// The heading that is shown above a list of audits that are passing
string passed_audits_group_title = 8;
// The heading shown above a list of audits that do not apply to a page
string not_applicable_audits_group_title = 9;
// The heading shown above a list of audits that were not computerd in the
// run
string manual_audits_group_title = 10;
// The label shown preceding important warnings that may have invalidated an
// entire report
string toplevel_warnings_message = 11;
// The label that explains the score gauges scale (0-49, 50-89, 90-100)
string scorescale_label = 12;
// The label for values shown in the summary of critical request chains
string crc_longest_duration_label = 13;
// The label for the initial request in a critical request chain
string crc_initial_navigation = 14;
// The disclaimer shown under performance explaining that the network can
// vary
string ls_performance_category_description = 15;
// The title of the lab data performance category
string lab_data_title = 16;
// The heading that is shown above a list of audits that have warnings
string warning_audits_group_title = 17;
// The label for the button to show all lines of a snippet
string snippet_expand_button_label = 18;
// The label for the button to show only a few lines of a snippet
string snippet_collapse_button_label = 19;
// This label is for a filter checkbox above a table of items
string third_party_resources_label = 20;
// Descriptive explanation for emulation setting when emulating a generic
// desktop form factor, as opposed to a mobile-device like form factor.
string runtime_desktop_emulation = 21;
// Descriptive explanation for emulation setting when emulating a Nexus 5X
// mobile device.
string runtime_mobile_emulation = 22;
// Descriptive explanation for emulation setting when no device emulation is
// set.
string runtime_no_emulation = 23;
// Label for a row in a table that shows the estimated CPU power of the
// machine running Lighthouse. Example row values: 532, 1492, 783.
string runtime_settings_benchmark = 24;
// Label for a row in a table that describes the CPU throttling conditions
// that were used during a Lighthouse run, if any.
string runtime_settings_CPU_throttling = 25;
// Label for a row in a table that describes the kind of device that was
// emulated for the Lighthouse run. Example values for row elements: 'No
// Emulation', 'Emulated Desktop', etc.
string runtime_settings_device = 26;
// Label for a row in a table that shows the time at which a Lighthouse run
// was conducted; formatted as a timestamp, e.g. Jan 1, 1970 12:00 AM UTC.
string runtime_settings_fetch_time = 27 [deprecated = true];
// Label for a row in a table that describes the network throttling
// conditions that were used during a Lighthouse run, if any.
string runtime_settings_network_throttling = 28;
// Title of the Runtime settings table in a Lighthouse report. Runtime
// settings are the environment configurations that a specific report used
// at auditing time.
string runtime_settings_title = 29 [deprecated = true];
// Label for a row in a table that shows the User Agent that was detected on
// the Host machine that ran Lighthouse.
string runtime_settings_UA = 30 [deprecated = true];
// Label for a row in a table that shows the User Agent that was used to
// send out all network requests during the Lighthouse run.
string runtime_settings_UA_network = 31;
// Label for a row in a table that shows the URL that was audited during a
// Lighthouse run.
string runtime_settings_Url = 32 [deprecated = true];
// Descriptive explanation for a runtime setting that is set to an unknown
// value.
string runtime_unknown = 33;
// Option in a dropdown menu that copies the Lighthouse JSON object to the
// system clipboard.
string dropdown_copy_JSON = 34;
// Option in a dropdown menu that toggles the themeing of the report between
// Light(default) and Dark themes.
string dropdown_dark_theme = 35;
// Option in a dropdown menu that opens a full Lighthouse report in a print
// dialog.
string dropdown_print_expanded = 36;
// Option in a dropdown menu that opens a small, summary report in a print
// dialog.
string dropdown_print_summary = 37;
// Option in a dropdown menu that saves the current report as a new GitHub
// Gist.
string dropdown_save_gist = 38;
// Option in a dropdown menu that saves the Lighthouse report HTML locally
// to the system as a '.html' file.
string dropdown_save_HTML = 39;
// Option in a dropdown menu that saves the Lighthouse JSON object to the
// local system as a '.json' file.
string dropdown_save_JSON = 40;
// Option in a dropdown menu that opens the current report in the Lighthouse
// Viewer Application.
string dropdown_viewer = 41;
// Label for button to create an issue against the Lighthouse GitHub
// project.
string footer_issue = 42;
// Descriptive explanation for environment throttling that was provided by
// the runtime environment instead of provided by Lighthouse throttling.
string throttling_provided = 43;
// Label for a row in a table that shows in what tool Lighthouse is being
// run (e.g. The lighthouse CLI, Chrome DevTools, Lightrider, WebPageTest,
// etc).
string runtime_settings_channel = 44 [deprecated = true];
// Text link pointing to the Lighthouse scoring calculator. This link
// immediately follows a sentence stating the performance score is
// calculated from the perf metrics.
string calculator_link = 45;
// Label for a row in a table that shows the version of the Axe library used
string runtime_settings_axe_version = 46;
// Label for a button that opens the Treemap App
string view_treemap_label = 47;
// Label preceding a radio control for filtering the list of audits. The
// radio choices are various performance metrics (FCP, LCP, TBT), and if
// chosen, the audits in the report are hidden if they are not relevant to
// the selected metric.
string show_relevant_audits = 48;
// Descriptive label that this analysis run was from a single pageload
// of a browser (not a summary of hundreds of loads)
string runtime_single_load = 49;
// Descriptive explanation that this analysis run was from a single pageload
// of a browser, whereas field data often summarizes hundreds+ of page loads
string runtime_single_load_tooltip = 50;
// Descriptive label that this analysis only considers the initial load of the page,
// and no interaction beyond when the page had "fully loaded"
string runtime_analysis_window = 51;
// Label for an interactive control that will reveal or hide a group of content.
// This control toggles between the text 'Show' and 'Hide'.
string show = 52;
// Label for an interactive control that will reveal or hide a group of content.
// This control toggles between the text 'Show' and 'Hide'.
string hide = 53;
// Label for an interactive control that will reveal or hide a group of content.
// This control toggles between the text 'Expand view' and 'Collapse view'.
string expand_view = 54;
// Label for an interactive control that will reveal or hide a group of content.
// This control toggles between the text 'Expand view' and 'Collapse view'.
string collapse_view = 55;
// Label indicating that Lighthouse throttled the page to emulate a slow 4G network connection.
string runtime_slow_4g = 56;
// Label indicating that Lighthouse throttled the page using custom throttling settings.
string runtime_custom = 57;
// This label is for a button that will show the user a trace of the page.
string view_trace_label = 58;
// This label is for a button that will show the user a trace of the page.
string view_original_trace_label = 59 [deprecated = true];
// Label for a row in a table that shows the screen emulation used
string runtime_settings_screen_emulation = 60;
// Label for a row decorative chip indiciating entity is first-party.
string first_party_chip_label = 61;
// Label for a link tooltip indicating that it will be opened in a new tab of the browser.
string open_in_a_new_tab_tooltip = 62;
// Label for a generic category for all resources that could not be attributed against a 1st or 3rd party entity.
string unattributable = 63;
// This label is for a button that will show the user a trace of the page.
string dropdown_view_unthrottled_trace = 64;
// Descriptive label that this analysis considers some arbitrary period of time containing user interactions
string runtime_analysis_window_timespan = 65;
// Descriptive label that this analysis considers a snapshot of the page at a single point in time
string runtime_analysis_window_snapshot = 66;
// Message for PWA deprecation.
string pwa_removal_message = 67;
// The message holding all formatted strings used in the renderer.
RendererFormattedStrings renderer_formatted_strings = 1;
// Holds all message paths used. The locale of the report has already be used to translated
// the strings in this LighthouseResult, but this field can be used to translate into another
// language.
map<string, google.protobuf.ListValue> icu_message_paths = 2;
// Message containing Stack Pack information.
message StackPack {
// The human readable id of the Stack Pack.
string id = 1;
// The user facing title of the Stack Pack.
string title = 2;
// The icon as a data url.
string icon_data_URL = 3;
// Map of audit-ids to Stack Pack descriptions.
map<string, string> descriptions = 4;
// Message containing an Entity.
message LhrEntity {
// Name of the entity.
string name = 1;
// An optional homepage URL of the entity.
optional string homepage = 2;
// An optional category name for the entity.
optional string category = 3;
// An optional flag indicating if the entity is the first party.
optional bool is_first_party = 4;
// An optional flag indicating if the entity is not recognized.
optional bool is_unrecognized = 5;
// A list of URL origin strings that belong to this entity.
repeated string origins = 6;