147 строки
5.8 KiB
147 строки
5.8 KiB
// include Fake lib
#I "packages/FAKE/tools"
#r "packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
open System
open System.IO
open Fake.AssemblyInfoFile
open Fake.ReleaseNotesHelper
let buildDir = "./build_output"
let release = LoadReleaseNotes "RELEASE_NOTES.md"
let projects =
[ ("Elmish.XamarinForms/Elmish.XamarinForms.fsproj", "Elmish.XamarinForms", "F# Functional App Dev Framework")
("extensions/Maps/Elmish.XamarinForms.Maps.fsproj", "Elmish.XamarinForms.Maps", "Elmish.XamarinForms extension for Xamarin.Forms.Maps")
("extensions/SkiaSharp/Elmish.XamarinForms.SkiaSharp.fsproj", "Elmish.XamarinForms.SkiaSharp", "Elmish.XamarinForms extension for SkiaSharp")
("extensions/OxyPlot/Elmish.XamarinForms.OxyPlot.fsproj", "Elmish.XamarinForms.OxyPlot", "Elmish.XamarinForms extension for OxyPlot") ]
Target "Build" (fun _ ->
// needed or else 'project.assets.json' not found'
for (projFile, _project, _summary) in projects do
DotNetCli.Restore (fun p -> { p with Project = projFile })
for (projFile, _project, _summary) in projects do
!! projFile |> MSBuildRelease buildDir "Restore" |> Log "LibraryRestore-Output: "
for (projFile, _project, _summary) in projects do
!! projFile |> MSBuildRelease buildDir "Build" |> Log "LibraryBuild-Output: "
Target "BuildSamples" (fun _ ->
// needed or else 'project.assets.json' not found'
DotNetCli.Restore (fun p -> { p with Project = "Elmish.XamarinForms.sln" })
// restore the apps debug
!! "Elmish.XamarinForms.sln"
|> MSBuildDebug null "Restore"
|> Log "SamplesRestoreDebug-Output: "
// build the apps debug
!! "Elmish.XamarinForms.sln"
|> MSBuildDebug null "Build"
|> Log "SamplesBuildDebug-Output: "
Target "Clean" (fun _ ->
CleanDir buildDir
// Generate assembly info files with the right version & up-to-date information
Target "AssemblyInfo" (fun _ ->
for (projFile, projName, summary) in projects do
let projFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(projFile)
let projDetails =
[ Attribute.Title projName
Attribute.Product projName
Attribute.Description summary
Attribute.Version release.AssemblyVersion
Attribute.FileVersion release.AssemblyVersion ]
CreateFSharpAssemblyInfo (projFolder @@ "AssemblyInfo.fs") projDetails
// Build a NuGet package
Target "LibraryNuGet" (fun _ ->
for (projFile, _projName, _summary) in projects do
let projFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(projFile)
Paket.Pack(fun p ->
{ p with
OutputPath = buildDir + "/"
TemplateFile = projFolder + "/paket.template"
Version = release.NugetVersion
ReleaseNotes = toLines release.Notes})
// Build a NuGet package
Target "TemplatesNuGet" (fun _ ->
NuGetHelper.NuGetPack (fun p ->
{ p with
WorkingDir = "templates"
OutputPath = buildDir + "/"
Version = release.NugetVersion
ReleaseNotes = toLines release.Notes}) @"templates/Elmish.XamarinForms.Templates.nuspec"
let exec exe args =
let code = Shell.Exec(exe, args)
if code <> 0 then failwithf "%s %s failed, error code %d" exe args code
Target "TestTemplatesNuGet" (fun _ ->
// Globally install the templates from the template nuget package we just built
DotNetCli.RunCommand id ("new -i " + buildDir + "/Elmish.XamarinForms.Templates." + release.NugetVersion + ".nupkg")
let testAppName = "testapp2" + string (abs (hash System.DateTime.Now.Ticks) % 100)
// Instantiate the template. TODO: additional parameters and variations
CleanDir testAppName
DotNetCli.RunCommand id (sprintf "new elmish-forms-app -n %s -lang F#" testAppName)
let pkgs = Path.GetFullPath(buildDir)
// When restoring, using the build_output as a package source to pick up the package we just compiled
DotNetCli.RunCommand id (sprintf "restore %s/%s/%s.fsproj --source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json --source %s" testAppName testAppName testAppName pkgs)
let slash = if isUnix then "\\" else ""
for c in ["Debug"; "Release"] do
for p in ["Any CPU"; "iPhoneSimulator"] do
exec "msbuild" (sprintf "%s/%s.sln /p:Platform=\"%s\" /p:Configuration=%s /p:PackageSources=%s\"https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json%s;%s%s\"" testAppName testAppName p c slash slash pkgs slash)
(* Manual steps without building nupkg
.\build LibraryNuGet
dotnet new -i templates
rmdir /s /q testapp2
dotnet new elmish-forms-app -n testapp2 -lang F#
dotnet restore testapp2/testapp2/testapp2.fsproj -s build_output/
dotnet new -i templates && rmdir /s /q testapp2 && dotnet new elmish-forms-app -n testapp2 -lang F# && dotnet restore testapp2/testapp2/testapp2.fsproj && msbuild testapp2/testapp2.Android/testapp2.Android.fsproj /t:RestorePackages && msbuild testapp2/testapp2.Android/testapp2.Android.fsproj
dotnet new -i templates && rmdir /s /q testapp2 && dotnet new elmish-forms-app -n testapp2 -lang F# && dotnet restore testapp2/testapp2/testapp2.fsproj && msbuild testapp2/testapp2.iOS/testapp2.iOS.fsproj /t:RestorePackages && msbuild testapp2/testapp2.iOS/testapp2.iOS.fsproj
dotnet new -i templates && rmdir /s /q testapp2 && dotnet new elmish-forms-app -n testapp2 -lang F# --CreateMacProject && dotnet restore testapp2/testapp2/testapp2.fsproj && msbuild testapp2/testapp2.macOS/testapp2.macOS.fsproj /t:RestorePackages && msbuild testapp2/testapp2.macOS/testapp2.macOS.fsproj
Target "NuGet" DoNothing
Target "Test" DoNothing
==> "AssemblyInfo"
==> "Build"
==> "LibraryNuGet"
==> "TemplatesNuGet"
==> "NuGet"
==> "BuildSamples"
==> "Test"
==> "TestTemplatesNuGet"
==> "Test"
// start build
RunTargetOrDefault "Build"