Added support for creating GL context using the "assemble" methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,11 +8,27 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace SkiaSharp
// public delegates
public delegate IntPtr GRGlGetProcDelegate (object context, string name);
// internal proxy delegates
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer (CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
internal delegate IntPtr GRGlGetProcDelegateInternal (IntPtr context, string name);
public class GRGlInterface : SKObject
// so the GC doesn't collect the delegate
private static readonly GRGlGetProcDelegateInternal getProcDelegate;
static GRGlInterface ()
getProcDelegate = new GRGlGetProcDelegateInternal (GrGLGetProcInternal);
internal GRGlInterface (IntPtr h, bool owns)
: base (h, owns)
@ -29,6 +45,54 @@ namespace SkiaSharp
return GetObject<GRGlInterface> (SkiaApi.gr_glinterface_create_native_interface ());
public static GRGlInterface AssembleInterface (GRGlGetProcDelegate get)
return AssembleInterface (null, get);
public static GRGlInterface AssembleInterface (object context, GRGlGetProcDelegate get)
var del = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate (getProcDelegate);
var ctx = new GRGlGetProcDelegateContext (context, get);
var ptr = ctx.Wrap ();
var glInterface = GetObject<GRGlInterface> (SkiaApi.gr_glinterface_assemble_interface (ptr, del));
GRGlGetProcDelegateContext.Free (ptr);
return glInterface;
public static GRGlInterface AssembleGlInterface (GRGlGetProcDelegate get)
return AssembleGlInterface (null, get);
public static GRGlInterface AssembleGlInterface (object context, GRGlGetProcDelegate get)
var del = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate (getProcDelegate);
var ctx = new GRGlGetProcDelegateContext (context, get);
var ptr = ctx.Wrap ();
var glInterface = GetObject<GRGlInterface> (SkiaApi.gr_glinterface_assemble_gl_interface (ptr, del));
GRGlGetProcDelegateContext.Free (ptr);
return glInterface;
public static GRGlInterface AssembleGlesInterface (GRGlGetProcDelegate get)
return AssembleGlesInterface (null, get);
public static GRGlInterface AssembleGlesInterface (object context, GRGlGetProcDelegate get)
var del = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate (getProcDelegate);
var ctx = new GRGlGetProcDelegateContext (context, get);
var ptr = ctx.Wrap ();
var glInterface = GetObject<GRGlInterface> (SkiaApi.gr_glinterface_assemble_gles_interface (ptr, del));
GRGlGetProcDelegateContext.Free (ptr);
return glInterface;
public GRGlInterface Clone ()
return GetObject<GRGlInterface> (SkiaApi.gr_glinterface_clone (Handle));
@ -52,6 +116,54 @@ namespace SkiaSharp
base.Dispose (disposing);
// internal proxy
#if __IOS__
[ObjCRuntime.MonoPInvokeCallback (typeof (GRGlGetProcDelegateInternal))]
private static IntPtr GrGLGetProcInternal (IntPtr context, string name)
var ctx = GRGlGetProcDelegateContext.Unwrap (context);
return ctx.GetProc (ctx.Context, name);
// This is the actual context passed to native code.
// Instead of marshalling the user's data as an IntPtr and requiring
// him to wrap/unwarp, we do it via a proxy class. This also prevents
// us from having to marshal the user's callback too.
private struct GRGlGetProcDelegateContext
// the "managed version" of the callback
public readonly GRGlGetProcDelegate GetProc;
public readonly object Context;
public GRGlGetProcDelegateContext (object context, GRGlGetProcDelegate get)
Context = context;
GetProc = get;
// wrap this context into a "native" pointer
public IntPtr Wrap ()
var gc = GCHandle.Alloc (this, GCHandleType.Pinned);
return GCHandle.ToIntPtr (gc);
// unwrap the "native" pointer into a managed context
public static GRGlGetProcDelegateContext Unwrap (IntPtr ptr)
var gchandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr (ptr);
return (GRGlGetProcDelegateContext) gchandle.Target;
// unwrap and free the context
public static void Free (IntPtr ptr)
var gchandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr (ptr);
gchandle.Free ();
@ -1056,6 +1056,12 @@ namespace SkiaSharp
// GLInterface
[DllImport(SKIA, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static gr_glinterface_t gr_glinterface_assemble_interface (IntPtr ctx, IntPtr get);
[DllImport(SKIA, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static gr_glinterface_t gr_glinterface_assemble_gl_interface (IntPtr ctx, IntPtr get);
[DllImport(SKIA, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static gr_glinterface_t gr_glinterface_assemble_gles_interface (IntPtr ctx, IntPtr get);
[DllImport(SKIA, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static gr_glinterface_t gr_glinterface_default_interface ();
[DllImport(SKIA, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
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