2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2017-02-28 15:17:38 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-09-30 21:48:22 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-10-31 18:22:54 +03:00
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2016-04-07 09:03:59 +03:00
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2016-08-30 20:46:14 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-04-07 09:03:59 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-10-31 18:22:54 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-10-31 18:22:54 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2017-11-09 17:31:15 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-04-07 09:03:59 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-04-07 09:03:59 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-04-07 09:03:59 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-04-07 09:03:59 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
2016-04-07 09:03:59 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2017-03-20 18:53:54 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2017-06-20 18:38:58 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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2017-03-21 19:39:01 +03:00
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2017-04-06 16:19:52 +03:00
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2017-03-21 19:39:01 +03:00
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2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
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Add MacOS gallery and UITest (#721)
* [MacOS] Cleanup
* [Controls] Add Header support to ListView
* [MacOS] NSView reuse on NSTableView
* [MacOS] Some fix on layour order
* [MacOS] Add CarouselPageRenderer
* [MacOS] Implement EventTracker on PageRenderer
* [MacOS] Cleanup CarouselPageRenderer
* [MacOS] Add MasterDetailPage renderer
* [MacOS] MDP renderer don't allow drag of splitter
* [MacOS] Add TabbedPage renderer
* [MacOS] Initial sketch of NavigationPageRenderer
* [MacOS] Send disappearing of CurrentPage on Dispose on NavigationPageRenderer
* [MacOS] Add Gallery page for Mac
* [MacOS] Add MacOSExpressionSearch
* [MacOS] Fix ColorExtension
* [MacOS] Fix MDP renderer layout
* [MacOS] Implement native selection on ListViewRenderer
* [MacOS] Deselect a item on NSTableView
* [MacOS] Remove previous SplitViewItems
* [MacOS] Fix navigationpage height
* [MacOS] Add toolbar for NavigationPageRenderer
* [MacOS] Don't remove selection for now (crashing)
* [MacOS] Refactor page and back button title on NavigationPageRenderer
* [MacOS] Fix bug when native navigate back
* [MacOS] Hide layer when transition
* [MacOS] ListviewRenderer fix BbackgroundColor
* [MacOS] Fix background on ScrollViewRenderer
* [MacOS] Fix header measure on ListViewRenderer
* [MacOS] Add Mac twitter demo
* [Controls] Spaces for easy reading
* [MacOS] More xaml cleanup
* [Core] Add Mac as aTargetPlatform
* [MacOS] Add alerts and actionsheets
* [MacOS] Add GestureRecognizers
* [MacOS] Fix Layout issues when adding children, enable transformations
* [MacOS] Fix title on tab item, move to tabbed navigation based on segmented control
* [MacOS] Hide toolbar when not needed, this allows to work with tabbed page, cleanup
* [MacOS] Add NativeBindings and NativeViewWrapper
* [MacOS] Fix AssemblyInfo
* [MacOS] FIX NRE on SetBackgroundColor BoxView
* [MacOS] Fix NavigationPageRenderer
* [MacOS] Fix build
* [MacOS] Also update page when it resizes
* [MacOS] Add LayoutRenderer for handle items position when the bounds change.
* [MacOS] Refactor/Cleanup
* [MacOS] Add toolbar items support to NavigationPage
* [MacOS] Resize images for TabViewITems
* [MacOS] Fix TabbedPage resize issues , allow users to override some features when creating TVI
* [MacOS] Fix hide/show Navigation toolbar
* [MacOS] Redo CarouselPageRenderer with NSPageController
* [MacOS] Add support for Modal pages
* [MacOS] Refactor navigation from platform
* [Nuget] Add nuget for MacOS
* [Nuget]Fix nuspec
* [Nuget] Add variables for CI
* [Controls] Remove MainMenu from MacOS
* [MacOS] Add TableView renderer (no headers yet)
* [MacOS] Refactoring, marking extensions as internal
* [MacOS] Add group headers for TableViewRenderer
* [MacOS] Workaround for updates on listview collection
* [MacOS] Handle updates of rows in the ListViewRenderer properly
* [MacOS] Fix navigation animation
* Fix navigation header issues with modal pages
* [MacOS] Fix MDP issues with resizing
* [MacOS] Fix general dispose
* [MacOS] Add a ViewControllerWrapper for NSSplitView
* [MacOS] MDP renderer fix animation
* [MacOS] Fix ListView selection bug
* [MacOS] Fix rendering MDP Layout inside wrappers
* [MacOS] Re write the MainToolbar handler
* [MacOS] Don't use Sierra new extensions so we can run in stable channel
* [MacOS] Another way to hide the toolbar (smarter i think)
* [MacOS] Fix MDP bug and remove debug color
* [Controls] Add HanselForms sample
* [MacOS] Fix NRE WebviewRenderer
* [MacOS] Fix uneven rows on ListView renderer
* [MacOS] Fix NRE on load (can+t find the reason this happens)
* [MacOS] Fix uneven rows
* [MacOS] Fix header sizing on ListViewRenderer
* [Controls] More stuff on HanselForms
* [MacOS] Remove warning from ListViewRenderer
* [MacOS] Fix PageRenderer bug double init
* [MacOS] Don't calculate height if RowHeight is provided
* [Controls] More Hanselforms stuff
* [MacOS] Once again a new implementation for the NavigationBar, this time using a custom view to support BackgroundColor
* [MacOS] Fix build
* [MacOS] Refactoring AwesomeBar related controls
* Fix build
* [MacOS] NavigationBar update background and t test colors
* [MacOS] Fix when we remove navigation so it works when the NavigationRenderer wasn't removed from the parent controller like in a TabbedPage
* [MacOS] Add support for ListView grouping
* [MacOS] Fix image extension method.
* [MacOS] Add base Maps project
* [MacOS] Export MapRenderer
* [MacOS] Add pin click and geocoderbacked for Maps
* [MacOS] Add extra binding project for API not in stable.
* [MacOS] Add MacOS Maps lib
* [MacOS]Fix build on alpha
* [MacOS] Remove MacOS Maps extra binding
* [UITest] Basic macOS setup
* [UITest] Add MacOSApp wrapper implementation
* [MacOS] Set AutomationID
* [UITests] Add ActionSheetUITests to MacOS UITest
* [MacOS] Fix bug on Picker
* [UITests] Link basic uitest basefixture and related files
* [MacOS] Fix pickers reuse
* [UItests] Fix MacOS app path
* [UITest] Ignore UItest for appearing on macOS for now
* [UITest] Update macOS for 2.0.3
* [UITest] Refactor EnterText MacOS app
* [UITest]Fix ViewQuery on MacOS
* [UITest]Fix IsEnabled UItest on macOS
* [UITest] Implement Enter, mark some tests inconclusive fix others
* [MacOS] Implement Entry Completed event
* [UITests] Fix UITest for IsVisible, ignore ToolbarItem test for now
* [UITests] Fix ISVisible again add extra category
* [Controls] Cleanup macOS gallery
* [MacOS] Fix Assembly info
* [Docs] Fix docs
* Fix build
* [Nuget] Fix nuspec
* [Controls] Link files on MacOS
* [Core] Update Forms stack before firing a event saying page was removed, possible breaking change
* [MacOS] Implement RemovePage on NavigationPAgeRenderer
* [UItest] Ignore some , implement back on MacOS UITest app
* [MacOS] Add default back button name (needs to be translated)
* [MacOS] Fix dispose
* [UITest] Make 29257 work on MacOS
* [MacOS] Rename stuff
* [MacOS] More renaming and cleanup
* [MacOS] Share implementations for iOS
* [MacOS] Reuse more IOS extensions
* [MacOS] Reuse FontExtensions
* [MacOS] Share NativeViewWrapper related stuff
* [MAcOS] Share event args and ExportRenderer
* [MacOS] Share platform effect
* [MacOS] Fix build
* [Docs]Fixing docs
* [MacOS] Fix ViewCell reuse
* [Core] Support ListView CachingStrategy on MacOS
* [MacOS] Fix issues with TextCell and ImageCell (we can’t set null to a NSControl value)
* [MacOS] Fix MDP child sizing bug
[UITest] Query marked by id and text
* [MacOS] Comment test related with context actions
* [MacOS] Implement missing stuff on ticker
* [MacOS] Make sure VisualElemenTracker calls the ticker update
* [UITests]Ignore context actions and not possible to test
* [MacOS] Fix Grouping bug on Listview
* [MacOS] Fix selection on Listview when using grouping
* [MacOS] Update navbar when page is popped
* [MacOS] Cleanup NavigationBar
* [Controls] More info on exceptions
* [MacOS] Fix bug animation pop modal
* [MacOS] Bring back BackgroundColor of NavigationBar
* [MacOS] Fix UITest animation delay
* [MacOS] Treat warnings as errors
* [MacOS] Center title on toolbar
* [Core] Add Platform configuration specific for MacOS
* [MacOS] Implement TabbedPage platform specific to handle TabItems on NavigationPage bar
* [MacOS] Fix warning
* [MacOS] Fix bug on SearchBar color
* [MacOS]Fix build
* [MacOS] remove extra dll from maps
* [Docs] Update docs
* [MacOS]Cleanup and refactoring
* Revert "[MacOS] remove extra dll from maps"
This reverts commit 73b948937001fea3f28449a963d0b94943e07aa0.
* [MacOS] Fix wrong refactoring
* [MacOS] dix formatting
* [MacOS] Fix build
* [MacOS] Fix bug on TabbedPageRenderer no title
* [MacOS,UITest] Update packages
* [MacOS ,UITest] Add delay when tapping something, and focus with double click
* [MacOS,UITest] Ignore UITest, not possible to test with current version
* [MacOS,UITest] Ignore test that uses Frame, UITest doesn’t return it
* [MacOS] Fix bug when no title on toolbar items
* [MacOS] Remove FormsNSView
* [MacOS] Cleanup on dispose on MDP renderer
* [MacOS] Different way to test leak of MDP, need to look at this again after
* [MacOS] Update current page when source changes
* [MacOS] More cleanup
* [MacOS,UITest] Implement ClearText
* [MacOS,UITest] ClearText doesn’t work for now on MacOS uitest
* [MacOS] Make sure we show the previous page when popping a Modal
* [MacOS] Fix issue with sizing the Header and visibility, remove for now header renderer reuse
* [MacOS] Clean CustomNSTableView
* [MacOS] Share LabelRenderer with iOS
* [MacOS,UITest] Don’t try to scroll for the element
* [MacOS] Share ResourcesProvider with iOS
* [MAcoS] Share VisualElementPackager with iOS
* [MacOS] Share ViewRenderer with iOS
* [MacOS] Merge with VisualElementTracker from iOS
* [MacOS] Merge with EventTracker from iOS
* [MacOS] Merge with VisualElementRenderer of iOS
* [MacOS] Make sure we always have a layer
* [MacOS] Fix Tracker merge with iOS version
* [MacOS] Fix bug with tabbed page on modal without navigation
* [Core] Rever change on core
* [Controls] Add missing image
* [MacOS] Clear renderers before setting them MDP
* [MacOS] Update tabbedPage ContainerArea
* [Controls] Add Custom renderers tests
* [MacOS] Fix ListViewRenderer
* [MacOS,UITest] Refactoring, implement index
* [MacOS] Make sure we don’t pass null to TextField string value
* [MacOS] Support for multiple clicks in same selected item on NSTableView
* [MacOS, UITest] Fix bug on Back because of refactoring
* [MacOS,UITest] Ignore UITest because we’d-not have ScrollDownTo yet
* [MacOS] Support Focus on EntryRenderer
* [MacOS,UITest] Ignore more a couple of tests that we can’t test on UITest Desktop
* [MacOS,UITest] MacOSApp looks for StaticText fields too
* [MacOS, UITest] Fix EnterText for marked Entry
* [MacOS] Fix index bug on TablevIewDataSource
* [MacOS] Fix SelectedItem TableViewDataSource
* [Nuget] Add Mac to Maps nuspec
* [Nuget]Fix path
* [Controls] Add basic FormsGallery sample
* [macOS] Fixed Tab NSImage crash in TabbedPageRenderer (#705)
* [macOS] Fixed Tab NSImage crash in TabbedPageRenderer
* Coding Style
* Coding Style
* [MacOS] Fix previous merge with master
* [MacOS] Possible simple fix for click on views overlapping
* [UItest] Ignore this part of the test we can’t click on NSViews yet
* [MacOS] Rename to IsOnViewCell
* fix docs
* [MacOS] Cleanup, Address feedback from Samantha’s review
* [MacOS] Add ContextActions
* [Controls] Remove FormsGalery for now
* [Docs] Update docs
* [MacOS] Implement ContextActions
* [MacOS,UITests] Enable and support UITests of ContextActions
2017-01-27 15:52:38 +03:00
<BundleResource Include= "coffee.png" />
2017-09-14 11:32:48 +03:00
<Content Include= "Default-812h%403x.png" />
2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
<ItemGroup >
2017-04-06 16:19:52 +03:00
<Reference Include= "AdvancedColorPicker, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL" >
<HintPath > ..\packages\AdvancedColorPicker.2.0.1\lib\Xamarin.iOS\AdvancedColorPicker.dll</HintPath>
<Private > True</Private>
2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
<Reference Include= "System" />
<Reference Include= "System.Xml" />
<Reference Include= "System.Core" />
<Reference Include= "Xamarin.iOS" />
2016-09-18 21:24:44 +03:00
<Reference Include= "PLCrashReporterUnifiedBinding" >
<HintPath > ..\packages\Xamarin.Insights.1.12.3\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\PLCrashReporterUnifiedBinding.dll</HintPath>
<Reference Include= "Xamarin.Insights" >
<HintPath > ..\packages\Xamarin.Insights.1.12.3\lib\Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Insights.dll</HintPath>
<Reference Include= "Calabash" >
2017-11-10 17:38:49 +03:00
<HintPath > ..\packages\Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent.0.21.2\lib\Xamarin.iOS\Calabash.dll</HintPath>
2016-09-18 21:24:44 +03:00
2016-03-22 23:02:25 +03:00
<Import Project= "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.CSharp.targets" />
<Import Project= "$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets" Condition= "Exists('$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets')" />
<Target Name= "EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets= "PrepareForBuild" >
<PropertyGroup >
<ErrorText > This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition= "!Exists('$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets')" Text= "$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets'))" />
2017-04-06 16:19:52 +03:00
<ItemGroup />
2016-09-18 21:24:44 +03:00
<Import Project= "..\packages\Xamarin.Insights.1.12.3\build\Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Insights.targets" Condition= "Exists('..\packages\Xamarin.Insights.1.12.3\build\Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Insights.targets')" />
2017-10-24 11:41:33 +03:00