2017-04-25 21:16:25 +03:00
using System ;
using System.Globalization ;
using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes ;
using Xamarin.Forms.Internals ;
using Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests ;
using Xamarin.UITest ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues
[Preserve(AllMembers = true)]
[Issue(IssueTracker.Bugzilla, 51173, "ImageRenderer, async void SetImage - Cannot catch exceptions", PlatformAffected.All)]
public class Bugzilla51173 : TestContentPage
[Test(Description = "Attempt to load an image from a URI which does not exist")]
public void Bugzilla51173_NonexistentUri ( )
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( UriDoesNotExist ) ) ;
RunningApp . Tap ( UriDoesNotExist ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( ErrorLogged ) ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( NotLoading ) ) ;
[Test(Description = "The IImageSourceHandler itself throws an exception")]
public void Bugzilla51173_HandlerThrowsException ( )
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( HandlerThrows ) ) ;
RunningApp . Tap ( HandlerThrows ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( ErrorLogged ) ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( NotLoading ) ) ;
[Test(Description = "The URI is valid, but the image data is not")]
public void Bugzilla51173_RealUriWithInvalidImageData ( )
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( RealUriInvalidImage ) ) ;
RunningApp . Tap ( RealUriInvalidImage ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( ErrorLogged ) ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( NotLoading ) ) ;
[Test(Description = "Attempt to load a local image which does not exist")]
public void Bugzilla51173_NonexistentImage ( )
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( ImageDoesNotExist ) ) ;
RunningApp . Tap ( ImageDoesNotExist ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( ErrorLogged ) ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( NotLoading ) ) ;
[Test(Description = "Attempt to load a local image which exists, but has corrupt data")]
public void Bugzilla51173_InvalidImage ( )
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( ImageIsInvalid ) ) ;
RunningApp . Tap ( ImageIsInvalid ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( ErrorLogged ) ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( NotLoading ) ) ;
[Test(Description = "Load a valid image")]
public void Bugzilla51173_ValidImage ( )
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( ValidImage ) ) ;
RunningApp . Tap ( ValidImage ) ;
RunningApp . WaitForElement ( q = > q . Marked ( NotLoading ) ) ;
const string ValidImage = "Valid Image" ;
const string ImageDoesNotExist = "Non-existent Image File" ;
const string ImageIsInvalid = "Invalid Image File (bad data)" ;
const string UriDoesNotExist = "Non-existent URI" ;
const string HandlerThrows = "Source Throws Exception" ;
const string RealUriInvalidImage = "Valid URI with invalid image file" ;
const string ErrorLogged = "Error logged" ;
const string Loading = "Loading" ;
const string NotLoading = "Not Loading" ;
Label _results ;
Image _image ;
class LoadingConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert ( object value , Type targetType , object parameter , CultureInfo culture )
if ( ( bool ) value )
return Loading ;
return NotLoading ;
public object ConvertBack ( object value , Type targetType , object parameter , CultureInfo culture )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
protected override void Init ( )
_results = new Label { Margin = 10 , FontAttributes = FontAttributes . Bold , BackgroundColor = Color . Silver , HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment . Center } ;
var errorMessage = new Label ( ) ;
Log . Listeners . Add (
new DelegateLogListener ( ( c , m ) = > Device . BeginInvokeOnMainThread ( ( ) = >
_results . Text = ErrorLogged ;
errorMessage . Text = m ;
} ) ) ) ;
var instructions = new Label
Text =
"Pressing the 'Valid Image' button should display an image of a coffee cup. Every other button should cause the messager 'Error logged' to appear at the top of the page."
} ;
_image = new Image { BackgroundColor = Color . Bisque , HeightRequest = 20 } ;
var loadingState = new Label ( ) ;
loadingState . SetBinding ( Label . TextProperty , new Binding ( Image . IsLoadingProperty . PropertyName , BindingMode . Default , new LoadingConverter ( ) ) ) ;
loadingState . BindingContext = _image ;
var legit = CreateTest ( ( ) = > _image . Source = ImageSource . FromFile ( "coffee.png" ) , ValidImage ) ;
var invalidImageFileName = CreateTest ( ( ) = > _image . Source = ImageSource . FromFile ( "fake.png" ) , ImageDoesNotExist ) ;
var invalidImageFile = CreateTest ( ( ) = > _image . Source = ImageSource . FromFile ( "invalidimage.jpg" ) , ImageIsInvalid ) ;
var fakeUri = CreateTest ( ( ) = > _image . Source = ImageSource . FromUri ( new Uri ( "http://not.real" ) ) , UriDoesNotExist ) ;
var crashImage = CreateTest ( ( ) = > _image . Source = new FailImageSource ( ) , HandlerThrows ) ;
var uriInvalidImageData =
CreateTest ( ( ) = > _image . Source = ImageSource . FromUri ( new Uri ( "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hartez/a2dda6b5c78852bcf4832af18f21a023/raw/39f4cd2e9fe8514694ac7fa0943017eb9308853d/corrupt.jpg" ) ) ,
RealUriInvalidImage ) ;
Content = new StackLayout
Margin = new Thickness ( 5 , 20 , 5 , 0 ) ,
Children =
2017-09-15 00:26:02 +03:00
_results ,
loadingState ,
2017-04-25 21:16:25 +03:00
_image ,
instructions ,
legit ,
invalidImageFileName ,
invalidImageFile ,
fakeUri ,
crashImage ,
uriInvalidImageData ,
} ;
Button CreateTest ( Action imageLoadAction , string title )
var button = new Button { Text = title } ;
button . Clicked + = ( sender , args ) = >
_results . Text = "" ;
imageLoadAction ( ) ;
} ;
return button ;