106 строки
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106 строки
3.8 KiB
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml;
using Xamarin.Forms.Internals;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
namespace Xamarin.Forms
public sealed class BindablePropertyConverter : TypeConverter, IExtendedTypeConverter
object IExtendedTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(CultureInfo culture, object value, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
return ((IExtendedTypeConverter)this).ConvertFromInvariantString(value as string, serviceProvider);
object IExtendedTypeConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(string value, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
return null;
if (serviceProvider == null)
return null;
var parentValuesProvider = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IProvideValueTarget)) as IProvideParentValues;
var typeResolver = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IXamlTypeResolver)) as IXamlTypeResolver;
if (typeResolver == null)
return null;
IXmlLineInfo lineinfo = null;
var xmlLineInfoProvider = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IXmlLineInfoProvider)) as IXmlLineInfoProvider;
if (xmlLineInfoProvider != null)
lineinfo = xmlLineInfoProvider.XmlLineInfo;
string[] parts = value.Split('.');
Type type = null;
if (parts.Length == 1)
if (parentValuesProvider == null)
string msg = string.Format("Can't resolve {0}", parts[0]);
throw new XamlParseException(msg, lineinfo);
object parent = parentValuesProvider.ParentObjects.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault();
if (parentValuesProvider.TargetObject is Setter)
var style = parent as Style;
var triggerBase = parent as TriggerBase;
if (style != null)
type = style.TargetType;
else if (triggerBase != null)
type = triggerBase.TargetType;
else if (parentValuesProvider.TargetObject is Trigger)
type = (parentValuesProvider.TargetObject as Trigger).TargetType;
else if (parentValuesProvider.TargetObject is PropertyCondition && (parent as TriggerBase) != null)
type = (parent as TriggerBase).TargetType;
if (type == null)
throw new XamlParseException($"Can't resolve {parts [0]}", lineinfo);
return ConvertFrom(type, parts[0], lineinfo);
if (parts.Length == 2)
if (!typeResolver.TryResolve(parts[0], out type))
string msg = string.Format("Can't resolve {0}", parts[0]);
throw new XamlParseException(msg, lineinfo);
return ConvertFrom(type, parts[1], lineinfo);
throw new XamlParseException($"Can't resolve {value}. Syntax is [[prefix:]Type.]PropertyName.", lineinfo);
public override object ConvertFromInvariantString(string value)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
return null;
if (value.Contains(":"))
Log.Warning(null, "Can't resolve properties with xml namespace prefix.");
return null;
string[] parts = value.Split('.');
if (parts.Length != 2)
Log.Warning(null, $"Can't resolve {value}. Accepted syntax is Type.PropertyName.");
return null;
Type type = Type.GetType("Xamarin.Forms." + parts[0]);
return ConvertFrom(type, parts[1], null);
BindableProperty ConvertFrom(Type type, string propertyName, IXmlLineInfo lineinfo)
string name = propertyName + "Property";
FieldInfo bpinfo = type.GetField(fi => fi.Name == name && fi.IsStatic && fi.IsPublic && fi.FieldType == typeof(BindableProperty));
if (bpinfo == null)
throw new XamlParseException($"Can't resolve {name} on {type.Name}", lineinfo);
var bp = bpinfo.GetValue(null) as BindableProperty;
if (bp.PropertyName != propertyName)
throw new XamlParseException($"The PropertyName of {type.Name}.{name} is not {propertyName}", lineinfo);
return bp;
} |