
574 строки
14 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using Xamarin.Forms.Internals;
using Xamarin.Forms.CustomAttributes;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.UITest;
using Xamarin.Forms.Core.UITests;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Xamarin.Forms.Controls.Issues
[Preserve(AllMembers = true)]
[Issue(IssueTracker.Github, 1704, "[Enhancement] Basic GIF animation features", PlatformAffected.UWP)]
public class Issue1704 : TestTabbedPage
ContentPage _page1;
ContentPage _page2;
ContentPage _page3;
ContentPage _page4;
protected override void Init()
_page1 = new OnLoadAnimationPage { Title = "On Load" };
_page2 = new OnStartAnimationPage { Title = "On Start" };
_page3 = new LoadImageSourceAnimationPage { Title = "Source" };
_page4 = new MiscPage { Title = "Misc" };
public void Issue1704Test()
RunningApp.WaitForElement("On Load");
RunningApp.WaitForElement("On Start");
RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("On Load"));
RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("On Start"));
RunningApp.WaitForElement(q => q.Marked("Start Animation"));
RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("Start Animation"));
RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("Stop Animation"));
RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("Misc"));
RunningApp.WaitForElement(q => q.Marked("Start Animation"));
RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("Start Animation"));
RunningApp.Tap(q => q.Marked("Stop Animation"));
[Preserve(AllMembers = true)]
class OnLoadAnimationPage : ContentPage
Label _referenceImageLabel;
Image _referenceImage;
Label _animatedImageLabel;
Image _animatedImage;
public OnLoadAnimationPage()
_referenceImageLabel = new Label
Text = "Reference image (no animation).",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_referenceImage = new Image
Source = "GifTwo.gif",
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
_animatedImageLabel = new Label
Text = "Animated image (if this image isn't animating make sure you are using Fast Renderers).",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_animatedImage = new Image
Source = "GifTwo.gif",
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
Content = new StackLayout
Padding = new Thickness(0, 16),
Children = {
protected override void OnAppearing()
_animatedImage.IsAnimationPlaying = true;
[Preserve(AllMembers = true)]
class OnStartAnimationPage : ContentPage
Label _referenceImageLabel;
Image _referenceImage;
Label _animatedImageLabel;
Image _animatedImage;
Button _startStopButton;
public OnStartAnimationPage()
_referenceImageLabel = new Label
Text = "Reference image (no animation).",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_referenceImage = new Image
Source = "GifOne.gif",
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
_animatedImageLabel = new Label
Text = "Animated image.",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_animatedImage = new Image
Source = "GifOne.gif",
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
_animatedImage.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) =>
if (args.PropertyName == nameof(Image.IsAnimationPlaying))
OnAnimationFinishedPlaying(sender, args);
_startStopButton = new Button { Text = "Start Animation", Margin = new Thickness(0, 20, 0, 0) };
_startStopButton.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
if (!_animatedImage.IsAnimationPlaying)
_animatedImage.IsAnimationPlaying = true;
_startStopButton.Text = "Stop Animation";
_animatedImage.IsAnimationPlaying = false;
_startStopButton.Text = "Start Animation";
Content = new ScrollView()
Content =
new StackLayout
Padding = new Thickness(0, 16),
Children = {
void OnAnimationFinishedPlaying(object sender, EventArgs e)
_startStopButton.Text = "Start Animation";
// Example URI's:
// Small animated GIF (24 KB compressed, 14 frames)
// Medium animated GIF (184 KB compressed, 30 frames)
// Semi large GIF (447 KB, 48 frames).
// Large animated GIF (3 MB compressed, 192 frames).
// Large animated GIF that could trigger OOM scenarios and slow load times (12 MB compressed, 240 frames).
[Preserve(AllMembers = true)]
class LoadImageSourceAnimationPage : ContentPage
Label _animatedImageLabel;
Image _animatedImage;
Entry _imageSource;
Button _loadImageButton;
ActivityIndicator _loadingIndicator;
class TimerContextData
public Image AnimationImage { get; set; }
public Entry ImageSource { get; set; }
public Button LoadButton { get; set; }
public ActivityIndicator LoadIndicator { get; set; }
public Timer Timer { get; set; }
public LoadImageSourceAnimationPage()
_animatedImageLabel = new Label
Text = "Animated image.",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_animatedImage = new Image
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
_imageSource = new Entry { Placeholder = "Image Source" };
_imageSource.Focused += (object sender, FocusEventArgs e) =>
_imageSource.TextColor = Color.Default;
_loadImageButton = new Button { Text = "Load Image" };
_loadImageButton.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_imageSource.Text) && !_animatedImage.IsLoading)
_loadImageButton.IsEnabled = false;
_imageSource.IsEnabled = false;
_loadingIndicator.IsVisible = true;
_loadingIndicator.IsRunning = true;
_animatedImage.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(_imageSource.Text));
var timerContext = new TimerContextData
AnimationImage = _animatedImage,
ImageSource = _imageSource,
LoadButton = _loadImageButton,
LoadIndicator = _loadingIndicator
var onLoadCompleteTimer = new Timer(OnLoadImageComplete, timerContext, 100, 100);
timerContext.Timer = onLoadCompleteTimer;
catch (Exception)
_imageSource.TextColor = Color.Red;
_loadImageButton.IsEnabled = true;
_imageSource.IsEnabled = true;
_loadingIndicator.IsVisible = false;
_loadingIndicator.IsRunning = false;
_loadingIndicator = new ActivityIndicator
IsVisible = false,
IsRunning = false
Content = new ScrollView()
Content = new StackLayout
Padding = new Thickness(0, 16),
Children = {
protected override void OnAppearing()
_animatedImage.IsAnimationPlaying = true;
static void OnLoadImageComplete(Object state)
if (state is TimerContextData context)
lock (context)
if (context.AnimationImage != null && !context.AnimationImage.IsLoading)
var animationImage = context.AnimationImage;
var imageSource = context.ImageSource;
var loadButton = context.LoadButton;
var loadingIndicator = context.LoadIndicator;
context.Timer = null;
context.AnimationImage = null;
context.ImageSource = null;
context.LoadButton = null;
context.LoadIndicator = null;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
if (loadButton != null)
loadButton.IsEnabled = true;
if (loadingIndicator != null)
loadingIndicator.IsVisible = false;
loadingIndicator.IsRunning = false;
if (imageSource != null)
imageSource.IsEnabled = true;
if (animationImage != null)
animationImage.IsAnimationPlaying = true;
[Preserve(AllMembers = true)]
class MiscPage : ContentPage
Label _noAnimationFallbackLabel;
Image _noAnimationFallbackImage;
Label _initNoAnimationLabel;
Image _initNoAnimationImage;
Button _initNoAnimationButton;
Label _stressTestLabel;
Label _stressTestIterationLabel;
Entry _stressTestItertionEntry;
Image _stressTestImage;
Button _startStressTestButton;
ProgressBar _stressTestProgressBar;
Button _stopStressTestButton;
int _stressTestIterationCount = 1000;
AutoResetEvent _nextStressTest = new AutoResetEvent(false);
bool _abortStressTest = false;
protected override void OnAppearing()
_noAnimationFallbackImage.IsAnimationPlaying = true;
_stressTestImage.IsAnimationPlaying = true;
public MiscPage()
_noAnimationFallbackLabel = new Label
Text = "No animation error fallback.",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_noAnimationFallbackImage = new Image
Source = "coffee.png",
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
_initNoAnimationLabel = new Label
Text = "Initial loaded without animation.",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_initNoAnimationImage = new Image
Source = "GifTwo.gif",
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
_initNoAnimationButton = new Button
Text = "Start Animation",
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_initNoAnimationButton.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
if (!_initNoAnimationImage.IsAnimationPlaying)
_initNoAnimationImage.IsAnimationPlaying = true;
_noAnimationFallbackImage.IsAnimationPlaying = true;
_initNoAnimationButton.Text = "Stop Animation";
_initNoAnimationImage.IsAnimationPlaying = false;
_noAnimationFallbackImage.IsAnimationPlaying = false;
_initNoAnimationButton.Text = "Start Animation";
_stressTestLabel = new Label
Text = "Image loading stress test.",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 24, 0, 0)
_stressTestIterationLabel = new Label
Text = "Test iterations:",
FontSize = 12,
FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
_stressTestItertionEntry = new Entry { Text = _stressTestIterationCount.ToString() };
_stressTestImage = new Image
Source = "GifTwo.gif",
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
IsVisible = false
_startStressTestButton = new Button
Text = "Run Stress Test",
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_startStressTestButton.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
_startStressTestButton.Text = "Running...";
_startStressTestButton.IsEnabled = false;
_stopStressTestButton.IsEnabled = true;
_abortStressTest = false;
int.TryParse(_stressTestItertionEntry.Text, out _stressTestIterationCount);
#if __UWP__
{ runStressTest(); });
_stressTestProgressBar = new ProgressBar();
_stopStressTestButton = new Button
Text = "Stop Stress Test",
IsEnabled = false,
Margin = new Thickness(0, 12, 0, 12)
_stopStressTestButton.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
_stopStressTestButton.IsEnabled = false;
_abortStressTest = true;
Content = new StackLayout
Padding = new Thickness(0, 16),
Children = {
async void runStressTest()
for (int i = 0; i < _stressTestIterationCount && !_abortStressTest; i++)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
if (i % 2 == 0)
_stressTestImage.Source = "GifTwo.gif";
_stressTestImage.Source = "GifOne.gif";
_stressTestProgressBar.Progress = (double)i / (double)_stressTestIterationCount;
while (_stressTestImage.IsLoading)
await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
_startStressTestButton.Text = "Run Stress Test";
_startStressTestButton.IsEnabled = true;
_stopStressTestButton.IsEnabled = false;
if (!_abortStressTest)
_stressTestProgressBar.Progress = 1;