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# Delegate protocols should be class-only so they can be weakly referenced.
- class_delegate_protocol
# Closing brace with closing parenthesis should not have any whitespaces in the middle.
- closing_brace
# Closure end should have the same indentation as the line that started it.
- closure_end_indentation
# Colons should be next to the identifier when specifying a type and next to the key in dictionary literals.
- colon
# There should be no space before and one after any comma.
- comma
# Conditional statements should always return on the next line.
- conditional_returns_on_newline
# Prefer contains over first(where:) != nil
- contains_over_first_not_nil
# if, for, guard, switch, while, and catch statements shouldn't unnecessarily wrap their conditionals or arguments in parentheses.
- control_statement
# Discouraged direct initialization of types that can be harmful (UIDevice, Bundle, etc)
- discouraged_direct_init
# Prefer () -> over Void ->.
- empty_parameters
# When using trailing closures, empty parentheses should be avoided after the method call.
- empty_parentheses_with_trailing_closure
# Properties should have a type interface
- explicit_type_interface
# Prefer to use extension access modifiers.
- extension_access_modifier
# A fatalError call should have a message.
- fatal_error_message
# Header comments should be consistent with project patterns.
- file_header
# Identifier names should only contain alphanumeric characters and start with a lowercase character or should only contain capital letters.
- identifier_name
# Computed read-only properties and subscripts should avoid using the get keyword.
- implicit_getter
# Files should not contain leading whitespace.
- leading_whitespace
# Struct-scoped constants are preferred over legacy global constants.
- legacy_constant
# Swift constructors are preferred over legacy convenience functions.
- legacy_constructor
# MARK comment should be in valid format. e.g. '// MARK: ...' or '// MARK: - ...'
- mark
# Modifier order should be consistent.
- modifier_order
# Functions and methods parameters should be either on the same line, or one per line.
- multiline_parameters
# Trailing closure syntax should not be used when passing more than one closure argument.
- multiple_closures_with_trailing_closure
# Opening braces should be preceded by a single space and on the same line as the declaration.
- opening_brace
# Operators should be surrounded by a single whitespace when they are being used.
- operator_usage_whitespace
# Some overridden methods should always call super
- overridden_super_call
# Prefer private over fileprivate declarations.
- private_over_fileprivate
# When declaring properties in protocols, the order of accessors should be get set.
- protocol_property_accessors_order
# Prefer _ = foo() over let _ = foo() when discarding a result from a function.
- redundant_discardable_let
# Initializing an optional variable with nil is redundant.
- redundant_optional_initialization
# Property setter access level shouldn't be explicit if it's the same as the variable access level.
- redundant_set_access_control
# String enum values can be omitted when they are equal to the enumcase name.
- redundant_string_enum_value
# Properties, variables, and constants should not have redundant type annotation
- redundant_type_annotation
# Returning Void in a function declaration is redundant.
- redundant_void_return
# Return arrow and return type should be separated by a single space or on a separate line.
- return_arrow_whitespace
# Prefer shorthand operators (+=, -=, *=, /=) over doing the operation and assigning.
- shorthand_operator
# Else and catch should be on the same line, one space after the previous declaration.
- statement_position
# SwiftLint 'disable' commands are superfluous when the disabled rule would not have triggered a violation in the disabled region.
- superfluous_disable_command
# Case statements should vertically align with their enclosing switch statement, or indented if configured otherwise.
- switch_case_alignment
# Cases inside a switch should always be on a newline.
- switch_case_on_newline
# Shorthand syntactic sugar should be used, i.e. [Int] instead of Array.
- syntactic_sugar
# Trailing commas in arrays and dictionaries should be avoided/enforced.
- trailing_comma
# Files should have a single trailing newline.
- trailing_newline
# Lines should not have trailing semicolons.
- trailing_semicolon
# Lines should not have trailing whitespace.
- trailing_whitespace
# Type name should only contain alphanumeric characters, start with an uppercase character, and span between 3 and 50 characters in length.
- type_name
# Avoid using unneeded break statements.
- unneeded_break_in_switch
# Unused parameter in a closure should be replaced with _.
- unused_closure_parameter
# When the index or the item is not used, .enumerated() can be removed.
- unused_enumerated
# Prefer != nil over let _ =.
- unused_optional_binding
# Function parameters should be aligned vertically if they're in multiple lines in a declaration.
- vertical_parameter_alignment
# Limit vertical whitespace to a single empty line.
- vertical_whitespace
# Prefer -> Void over -> ().
- void_return
# Delegates should be weak to avoid reference cycles.
- weak_delegate
excluded: # paths to ignore during linting. Takes precedence over `included`.
- Pods
explicit_type_interface: # requires type annotation on everything but local variables and constants
- local
allow_redundancy: true # Ignores rule if it would result in redundancy
required_pattern: |
\/\/ Copyright \(c\) Microsoft Corporation\. All rights reserved\.
\/\/ Licensed under the MIT License\.
min_length: 1
max_length: 60
- acl
- setterACL
- override
- typeMethods
min_length: 3
max_length: 50