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"api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging.LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging.LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging Assembly linq2db.AspNet.dll public class LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter Inheritance object LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter Constructors LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter(ILoggerFactory) public LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) Parameters loggerFactory ILoggerFactory Methods OnTrace(string?, string?, TraceLevel) public void OnTrace(string? message, string? category, TraceLevel level) Parameters message string category string level TraceLevel"
"api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging.OptionsBuilderExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging.OptionsBuilderExtensions.html",
"title": "Class OptionsBuilderExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OptionsBuilderExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging Assembly linq2db.AspNet.dll public static class OptionsBuilderExtensions Inheritance object OptionsBuilderExtensions Methods UseDefaultLogging(DataOptions, IServiceProvider) Configures the connection to use the ILoggerFactory resolved from the container. public static DataOptions UseDefaultLogging(this DataOptions options, IServiceProvider provider) Parameters options DataOptions Builder to configure. provider IServiceProvider Container used to resolve the factory. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseLoggerFactory(DataOptions, ILoggerFactory) Configures the connection to use the ILoggerFactory passed in. public static DataOptions UseLoggerFactory(this DataOptions options, ILoggerFactory factory) Parameters options DataOptions Builder to configure. factory ILoggerFactory Factory used to resolve loggers. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained."
"api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.AspNet.Logging Classes LinqToDBLoggerFactoryAdapter OptionsBuilderExtensions"
"api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.ServiceConfigurationExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.ServiceConfigurationExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ServiceConfigurationExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceConfigurationExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.AspNet Assembly linq2db.AspNet.dll public static class ServiceConfigurationExtensions Inheritance object ServiceConfigurationExtensions Methods AddLinqToDB(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions>, ServiceLifetime) Registers DataConnection as the service IDataContext in the IServiceCollection. You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. For more information on setting up dependency injection, see public static IServiceCollection AddLinqToDB(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions> configure, ServiceLifetime lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped) Parameters serviceCollection IServiceCollection The IServiceCollection to add services to. configure Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions> An action to configure the DataOptions for the context. lifetime ServiceLifetime The lifetime with which to register the Context service in the container. For one connection per request use Scoped (the default). Returns IServiceCollection The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. Examples public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var connectionString = \"connection string to database\"; services.AddLinqToDB(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); } Remarks This will only work when you have 1 database connection across your whole application. If your application needs multiple different connections with different configurations then use AddLinqToDBContext<TContext>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions>, ServiceLifetime) or AddLinqToDBContext<TContext, TContextImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions>, ServiceLifetime). To Resolve the connection inject IDataContext into your services. AddLinqToDBContext<TContext>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions>, ServiceLifetime) Registers TContext as a service in the IServiceCollection. You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. For more information on setting up dependency injection, see public static IServiceCollection AddLinqToDBContext<TContext>(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions> configure, ServiceLifetime lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped) where TContext : IDataContext Parameters serviceCollection IServiceCollection The IServiceCollection to add services to. configure Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions> An action to configure the DataOptions for the context. In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes DataContextOptions and passes it to the base constructor of DataConnection. lifetime ServiceLifetime The lifetime with which to register the Context service in the container. For one connection per request use Scoped (the default). Returns IServiceCollection The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. Type Parameters TContext The type of context to be registered. Must inherit from IDataContext and expose a constructor that takes DataContextOptions (where T is TContext) and passes it to the base constructor of DataConnection. Examples public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var connectionString = \"connection string to database\"; services.AddLinqToDBContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); } Remarks This method should be used when a custom context is required or when multiple contexts with different configurations are required. AddLinqToDBContext<TContext, TContextImplementation>(IServiceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions>, ServiceLifetime) Registers TContext as a service in the IServiceCollection. You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. For more information on setting up dependency injection, see public static IServiceCollection AddLinqToDBContext<TContext, TContextImplementation>(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions> configure, ServiceLifetime lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped) where TContext : IDataContext where TContextImplementation : TContext, IDataContext Parameters serviceCollection IServiceCollection The IServiceCollection to add services to. configure Func<IServiceProvider, DataOptions, DataOptions> An action to configure the DataOptions for the context. In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes DataContextOptions and passes it to the base constructor of DataConnection. lifetime ServiceLifetime The lifetime with which to register the Context service in the container. For one connection per request use Scoped (the default). Returns IServiceCollection The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. Type Parameters TContext The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. TContextImplementation The concrete implementation type used to fulfill requests for TContext from the container. Must inherit from IDataContext and TContext and expose a constructor that takes DataContextOptions (where T is TContextImplementation) and passes it to the base constructor of DataConnection. Examples public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var connectionString = \"connection string to database\"; services.AddLinqToDBContext<IMyContext, MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); } Remarks This method should be used when a custom context is required or when multiple contexts with different configurations are required."
"api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.aspnet/LinqToDB.AspNet.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.AspNet | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.AspNet Classes ServiceConfigurationExtensions"
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.EFConnectionInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.EFConnectionInfo.html",
"title": "Class EFConnectionInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EFConnectionInfo Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Contains database connectivity information, extracted from EF.Core. public sealed class EFConnectionInfo Inheritance object EFConnectionInfo Properties Connection Gets or sets database connection instance. public DbConnection? Connection { get; set; } Property Value DbConnection ConnectionString Gets or sets database connection string. public string? ConnectionString { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.EFForEFExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.EFForEFExtensions.html",
"title": "Class EFForEFExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EFForEFExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Provides conflict-less mappings to EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions extensions. public static class EFForEFExtensions Inheritance object EFForEFExtensions Methods AllAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously determines whether all the elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. public static Task<bool> AllAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> whose elements to test for a condition. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<bool> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains true if every element of the source sequence passes the test in the specified predicate; otherwise, false. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AnyAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. public static Task<bool> AnyAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> whose elements to test for a condition. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<bool> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains true if any elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified predicate; otherwise, false. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AnyAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains any elements. public static Task<bool> AnyAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to check for being empty. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<bool> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains true if the source sequence contains any elements; otherwise, false. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<decimal> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<decimal> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<double> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<double> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<double> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<decimal?> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<decimal?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<float?> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<float?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public static Task<float> AverageAsyncEF(this IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<float> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<decimal> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<decimal> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<double> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<double> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<double> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<decimal?> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<decimal?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<float?> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<float?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<float> AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<float> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ContainsAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using the default equality comparer. public static Task<bool> ContainsAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, TSource item, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. item TSource The object to locate in the sequence. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<bool> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains true if the input sequence contains the specified value; otherwise, false. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. CountAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence that satisfy a condition. public static Task<int> CountAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<int> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate function. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. CountAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence. public static Task<int> CountAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<int> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. FirstAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition. public static Task<TSource> FirstAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the first element of. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the first element in source that passes the test in predicate. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. InvalidOperationException No element satisfies the condition in predicate -or - source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. FirstAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence. public static Task<TSource> FirstAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the first element of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the first element in source. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. FirstOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or a default value if no such element is found. public static Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the first element of. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains default ( TSource ) if source is empty or if no element passes the test specified by predicate, otherwise, the first element in source that passes the test specified by predicate. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. FirstOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. public static Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the first element of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains default ( TSource ) if source is empty; otherwise, the first element in source. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ForEachAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously enumerates the query results and performs the specified action on each element. public static Task ForEachAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Action<TSource> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to enumerate. action Action<TSource> The action to perform on each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or action is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. LongCountAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a long that represents the number of elements in a sequence that satisfy a condition. public static Task<long> LongCountAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<long> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate function. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. LongCountAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a long that represents the total number of elements in a sequence. public static Task<long> LongCountAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<long> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. MaxAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the maximum value of a sequence. public static Task<TSource> MaxAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. MaxAsyncEF<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum resulting value. public static Task<TResult> MaxAsyncEF<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TResult> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TResult The type of the value returned by the function represented by selector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. MinAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the minimum value of a sequence. public static Task<TSource> MinAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. MinAsyncEF<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the minimum resulting value. public static Task<TResult> MinAsyncEF<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TResult> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TResult The type of the value returned by the function represented by selector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SingleAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition, and throws an exception if more than one such element exists. public static Task<TSource> SingleAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test an element for a condition. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in predicate. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. InvalidOperationException No element satisfies the condition in predicate. -or- More than one element satisfies the condition in predicate. -or- source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SingleAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, and throws an exception if there is not exactly one element in the sequence. public static Task<TSource> SingleAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the single element of the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains more than one elements. -or- source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SingleOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or a default value if no such element exists; this method throws an exception if more than one element satisfies the condition. public static Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test an element for a condition. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in predicate, or default ( TSource ) if no such element is found. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. InvalidOperationException More than one element satisfies the condition in predicate. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SingleOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence. public static Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the single element of the input sequence, or default ( TSource) if the sequence contains no elements. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains more than one element. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<decimal> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<decimal> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<double> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<int> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<int> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<long> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<long> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<decimal?> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<decimal?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<double?> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<int?> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<int?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<long?> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<long?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<float?> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<float?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public static Task<float> SumAsyncEF(this IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<float> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<decimal> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<decimal> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<double> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<int> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<int> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<long> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<long> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<decimal?> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<decimal?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<double?> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<int?> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<int?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<long?> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<long?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<float?> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<float?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public static Task<float> SumAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> A projection function to apply to each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<float> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToArrayAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Creates a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function. public static Task<TSource[]> ToArrayAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<TSource[]> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains selected keys and values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or keySelector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) Creates a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function and a comparer. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> A function to extract a key from each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains selected keys and values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TKey The type of the key returned by keySelector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or keySelector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) Creates a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function, a comparer, and an element selector function. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> A function to extract a key from each element. elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> An IEqualityComparer<T> to compare keys. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains values of type TElement selected from the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TKey The type of the key returned by keySelector. TElement The type of the value returned by elementSelector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or keySelector or elementSelector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) Creates a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector and an element selector function. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> A function to extract a key from each element. elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains values of type TElement selected from the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TKey The type of the key returned by keySelector. TElement The type of the value returned by elementSelector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or keySelector or elementSelector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToListAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously creates a List<T> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously. public static Task<List<TSource>> ToListAsyncEF<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a list from. cancellationToken CancellationToken A CancellationToken to observe while waiting for the task to complete. Returns Task<List<TSource>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a List<T> that contains elements from the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.EFProviderInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.EFProviderInfo.html",
"title": "Class EFProviderInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EFProviderInfo Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Required integration information about underlying database provider, extracted from EF.Core. public sealed class EFProviderInfo Inheritance object EFProviderInfo Properties Connection Gets or sets database connection instance. public DbConnection? Connection { get; set; } Property Value DbConnection Context Gets or sets EF.Core context instance. public DbContext? Context { get; set; } Property Value DbContext Options Gets or sets EF.Core context options instance. public IDbContextOptions? Options { get; set; } Property Value IDbContextOptions"
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.ILinqToDBForEFTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.ILinqToDBForEFTools.html",
"title": "Interface ILinqToDBForEFTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ILinqToDBForEFTools Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Interface for EF Core - LINQ To DB integration bridge. public interface ILinqToDBForEFTools Properties EnableChangeTracker Enables attaching entities to change tracker. Entities will be attached only if AsNoTracking() is not used in query and DbContext is configured to track entities. bool EnableChangeTracker { get; set; } Property Value bool Methods ClearCaches() Clears internal caches void ClearCaches() CreateLogger(IDbContextOptions?) Creates logger used for logging Linq To DB connection calls. ILogger? CreateLogger(IDbContextOptions? options) Parameters options IDbContextOptions IDbContextOptions instance. Returns ILogger Logger instance. CreateMappingSchema(IModel, IMetadataReader, IValueConverterSelector, DataOptions) Creates mapping schema using provided EF Core data model and metadata provider. MappingSchema CreateMappingSchema(IModel model, IMetadataReader metadataReader, IValueConverterSelector convertorSelector, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters model IModel EF Core data model. metadataReader IMetadataReader Additional optional LINQ To DB database metadata provider. convertorSelector IValueConverterSelector EF Core registry for type conversion. dataOptions DataOptions Linq To DB context options. Returns MappingSchema Mapping schema for provided EF Core model. CreateMetadataReader(IModel?, IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider>?) Creates metadata provider for specified EF Core data model. Default implementation uses EFCoreMetadataReader metadata provider. IMetadataReader? CreateMetadataReader(IModel? model, IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider>? accessor) Parameters model IModel EF Core data model. accessor IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider> EF Core service provider. Returns IMetadataReader LINQ To DB metadata provider for specified EF Core model. ExtractConnectionInfo(IDbContextOptions?) Extracts EF Core connection information object from IDbContextOptions. EFConnectionInfo ExtractConnectionInfo(IDbContextOptions? options) Parameters options IDbContextOptions IDbContextOptions instance. Returns EFConnectionInfo EF Core connection data. ExtractModel(IDbContextOptions?) Extracts EF Core data model instance from IDbContextOptions. IModel? ExtractModel(IDbContextOptions? options) Parameters options IDbContextOptions IDbContextOptions instance. Returns IModel EF Core data model instance. GetContextOptions(DbContext?) Returns EF Core IDbContextOptions for specific DbContext instance. IDbContextOptions? GetContextOptions(DbContext? context) Parameters context DbContext EF Core DbContext instance. Returns IDbContextOptions IDbContextOptions instance. GetCurrentContext(IQueryable) Extracts DbContext instance from IQueryable object. DbContext? GetCurrentContext(IQueryable query) Parameters query IQueryable EF Core query. Returns DbContext Current DbContext instance. GetDataProvider(DataOptions, EFProviderInfo, EFConnectionInfo) Returns LINQ To DB provider, based on provider data from EF Core. IDataProvider? GetDataProvider(DataOptions options, EFProviderInfo providerInfo, EFConnectionInfo connectionInfo) Parameters options DataOptions Linq To DB context options. providerInfo EFProviderInfo Provider information, extracted from EF Core. connectionInfo EFConnectionInfo Database connection information. Returns IDataProvider LINQ TO DB provider instance. GetMappingSchema(IModel, IMetadataReader?, IValueConverterSelector?, DataOptions?) Returns mapping schema using provided EF Core data model and metadata provider. MappingSchema GetMappingSchema(IModel model, IMetadataReader? metadataReader, IValueConverterSelector? convertorSelector, DataOptions? dataOptions) Parameters model IModel EF Core data model. metadataReader IMetadataReader Additional optional LINQ To DB database metadata provider. convertorSelector IValueConverterSelector EF Core registry for type conversion. dataOptions DataOptions Linq To DB context options. Returns MappingSchema Mapping schema for provided EF Core model. LogConnectionTrace(TraceInfo, ILogger) Logs DataConnection information. void LogConnectionTrace(TraceInfo info, ILogger logger) Parameters info TraceInfo logger ILogger TransformExpression(Expression, IDataContext?, DbContext?, IModel?) Transforms EF Core expression tree to LINQ To DB expression. Expression TransformExpression(Expression expression, IDataContext? dc, DbContext? ctx, IModel? model) Parameters expression Expression EF Core expression tree. dc IDataContext LINQ To DB IDataContext instance. ctx DbContext Optional DbContext instance. model IModel EF Core data model instance. Returns Expression Transformed expression."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.EFCoreExpressionAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.EFCoreExpressionAttribute.html",
"title": "Class EFCoreExpressionAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EFCoreExpressionAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Maps Linq To DB expression. public sealed class EFCoreExpressionAttribute : Sql.ExpressionAttribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.ExpressionAttribute EFCoreExpressionAttribute Inherited Members Sql.ExpressionAttribute.UnknownExpression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.CalcCanBeNull(Sql.IsNullableType, IEnumerable<bool>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ResolveExpressionValues<TContext>(TContext, string, Func<TContext, string, string, string>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PrepareParameterValues<TContext>(TContext, MappingSchema, Expression, ref string, bool, out List<Expression>, bool, out List<SqlDataType>, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PrepareArguments<TContext>(TContext, string, int[], bool, List<Expression>, List<SqlDataType>, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.GetIsPredicate(Expression) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.GetObjectID() Sql.ExpressionAttribute.Expression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ArgIndices Sql.ExpressionAttribute.Precedence Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ServerSideOnly Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PreferServerSide Sql.ExpressionAttribute.InlineParameters Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ExpectExpression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsPredicate Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsAggregate Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsWindowFunction Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsPure Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsNullable Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IgnoreGenericParameters Sql.ExpressionAttribute.CanBeNull MappingAttribute.Configuration Constructors EFCoreExpressionAttribute(string) Creates instance of expression mapper. public EFCoreExpressionAttribute(string expression) Parameters expression string Mapped expression. Methods GetExpression<TContext>(TContext, IDataContext, SelectQuery, Expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? GetExpression<TContext>(TContext context, IDataContext dataContext, SelectQuery query, Expression expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters context TContext dataContext IDataContext query SelectQuery expression Expression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider-1.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider<T> Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Adapter for IAsyncQueryProvider This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public class LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider<T> : IAsyncQueryProvider, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IQueryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IAsyncEnumerable<T> Type Parameters T Type of query element. Inheritance object LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider<T> Implements IAsyncQueryProvider IQueryProviderAsync IQueryProvider IQueryable<T> IEnumerable<T> IQueryable IEnumerable IAsyncEnumerable<T> Extension Methods EFForEFExtensions.AllAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AnyAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AnyAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.ContainsAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.CountAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.CountAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.FirstAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.FirstAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.ForEachAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.LongCountAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.LongCountAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.MaxAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.MaxAsyncEF<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.MinAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.MinAsyncEF<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SingleAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SingleAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.SumAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.ToArrayAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.ToDictionaryAsyncEF<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) EFForEFExtensions.ToListAsyncEF<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AllAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AnyAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AnyAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.ContainsAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.CountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.CountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.FirstAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.FirstAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.ForEachAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.LongCountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.LongCountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.MaxAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.MaxAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.MinAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.MinAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SingleAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SingleAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.ToArrayAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFExtensions.ToListAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqToDBForEFTools.ToLinqToDB<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqToDBForEFTools.ToLinqToDB<T>(IQueryable<T>, IDataContext) Constructors LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider(IDataContext, Expression) Creates instance of adapter. public LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider(IDataContext dataContext, Expression expression) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Data context instance. expression Expression Query expression. Properties ElementType Type of query element. public Type ElementType { get; } Property Value Type Expression Query expression. public Expression Expression { get; } Property Value Expression Provider Query provider. public IQueryProvider Provider { get; } Property Value IQueryProvider Methods CreateQuery(Expression) Creates IQueryable instance from query expression. public IQueryable CreateQuery(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Query expression. Returns IQueryable IQueryable instance. CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) Creates IQueryable<T> instance from query expression. public IQueryable<TElement> CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Query expression. Returns IQueryable<TElement> IQueryable<T> instance. Type Parameters TElement Query element type. Execute(Expression) Executes query expression. public object? Execute(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Query expression. Returns object Query result. ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) Executes query expression and returns result as IAsyncEnumerable<T> value. public Task<IAsyncEnumerable<TResult>> ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters expression Expression Query expression. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task<IAsyncEnumerable<TResult>> Query result as IAsyncEnumerable<T>. Type Parameters TResult Type of result element. ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) Executes query expression and returns typed result. public Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters expression Expression Query expression. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task<TResult> Query result. Type Parameters TResult Type of result. Execute<TResult>(Expression) Executes query expression and returns typed result. public TResult Execute<TResult>(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Query expression. Returns TResult Query result. Type Parameters TResult Type of result. GetAsyncEnumerator(CancellationToken) Gets IAsyncEnumerable<T> for current query. public IAsyncEnumerator<T> GetAsyncEnumerator(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns IAsyncEnumerator<T> Query result as IAsyncEnumerable<T>. ToString() Returns generated SQL for specific LINQ query. public override string? ToString() Returns string Generated SQL."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.LinqToDBOptionsExtension.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.LinqToDBOptionsExtension.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBOptionsExtension | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBOptionsExtension Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Model containing LinqToDB related context options. public class LinqToDBOptionsExtension : IDbContextOptionsExtension Inheritance object LinqToDBOptionsExtension Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension Constructors LinqToDBOptionsExtension() .ctor public LinqToDBOptionsExtension() LinqToDBOptionsExtension(LinqToDBOptionsExtension) .ctor protected LinqToDBOptionsExtension(LinqToDBOptionsExtension copyFrom) Parameters copyFrom LinqToDBOptionsExtension Properties Info Context options extension info object. public DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo Info { get; } Property Value DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo Options List of registered LinqToDB interceptors public virtual DataOptions Options { get; set; } Property Value DataOptions Methods ApplyServices(IServiceCollection) public void ApplyServices(IServiceCollection services) Parameters services IServiceCollection The collection to add services to Validate(IDbContextOptions) Gives the extension a chance to validate that all options in the extension are valid. Most extensions do not have invalid combinations and so this will be a no-op. If options are invalid, then an exception should be thrown. public void Validate(IDbContextOptions options) Parameters options IDbContextOptions"
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal Classes EFCoreExpressionAttribute Maps Linq To DB expression. LinqToDBForEFQueryProvider<T> Adapter for IAsyncQueryProvider This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. LinqToDBOptionsExtension Model containing LinqToDB related context options."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Linq To DB context options builder public class LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder Inheritance object LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder Constructors LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder(DbContextOptionsBuilder) .ctor public LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) Parameters optionsBuilder DbContextOptionsBuilder Properties DbContextOptions Db context options. public DbContextOptions DbContextOptions { get; } Property Value DbContextOptions Methods AddCustomOptions(Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Registers custom Linq To DB options. public LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder AddCustomOptions(Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> Function to setup custom Linq To DB options. Returns LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) Registers Linq To DB interceptor. public LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder AddInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor The interceptor instance to register. Returns LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema) Registers custom Linq To DB MappingSchema. public LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema The interceptor instance to register. Returns LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder"
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBExtensionsAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBExtensionsAdapter.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBExtensionsAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBExtensionsAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll LINQ To DB async extensions adapter to call EF.Core functionality instead of default implementation. public sealed class LinqToDBExtensionsAdapter : IExtensionsAdapter Inheritance object LinqToDBExtensionsAdapter Implements IExtensionsAdapter Methods AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously determines whether all the elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. public Task<bool> AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> whose elements to test for a condition. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains true if every element of the source sequence passes the test in the specified predicate; otherwise, false. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. public Task<bool> AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> whose elements to test for a condition. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains true if any elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified predicate; otherwise, false. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains any elements. public Task<bool> AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to check for being empty. token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains true if the source sequence contains any elements; otherwise, false. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Returns an IAsyncEnumerable<T> which can be enumerated asynchronously. public IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to enumerate. Returns IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> The query results. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions InvalidOperationException source is null. ArgumentNullException source is not a IAsyncEnumerable<T>. AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<decimal> AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<double> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<int> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<long> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<decimal?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<float?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. public Task<float> AverageAsync(IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<float> A sequence of values to calculate the average of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<decimal> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<decimal?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<float?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<float> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the average of the projected values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using the default equality comparer. public Task<bool> ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, TSource item, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. item TSource The object to locate in the sequence. token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains true if the input sequence contains the specified value; otherwise, false. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence that satisfy a condition. public Task<int> CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate function. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence. public Task<int> CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition. public Task<TSource> FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the first element of. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the first element in source that passes the test in predicate. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. InvalidOperationException No element satisfies the condition in predicate -or - source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence. public Task<TSource> FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the first element of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the first element in source. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or a default value if no such element is found. public Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the first element of. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains default ( TSource ) if source is empty or if no element passes the test specified by predicate, otherwise, the first element in source that passes the test specified by predicate. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. public Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the first element of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains default ( TSource ) if source is empty; otherwise, the first element in source. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously enumerates the query results and performs the specified action on each element. public Task ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Action<TSource> action, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to enumerate. action Action<TSource> The action to perform on each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or action is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a long that represents the number of elements in a sequence that satisfy a condition. public Task<long> LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test each element for a condition. token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate function. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns a long that represents the total number of elements in a sequence. public Task<long> LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the maximum value of a sequence. public Task<TSource?> MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum resulting value. public Task<TResult?> MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TResult The type of the value returned by the function represented by selector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the minimum value of a sequence. public Task<TSource?> MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the minimum resulting value. public Task<TResult?> MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TResult The type of the value returned by the function represented by selector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. InvalidOperationException source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition, and throws an exception if more than one such element exists. public Task<TSource> SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test an element for a condition. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in predicate. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. InvalidOperationException No element satisfies the condition in predicate. -or- More than one element satisfies the condition in predicate. -or- source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, and throws an exception if there is not exactly one element in the sequence. public Task<TSource> SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the single element of the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains more than one elements. -or- source contains no elements. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or a default value if no such element exists; this method throws an exception if more than one element satisfies the condition. public Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> A function to test an element for a condition. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in predicate, or default ( TSource ) if no such element is found. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or predicate is null. InvalidOperationException More than one element satisfies the condition in predicate. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence. public Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to return the single element of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the single element of the input sequence, or default ( TSource) if the sequence contains no elements. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. InvalidOperationException source contains more than one element. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<decimal> SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<double> SumAsync(IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<double> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<int> SumAsync(IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<int> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<long> SumAsync(IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<long> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<decimal?> SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<double?> SumAsync(IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<int?> SumAsync(IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<int?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<long?> SumAsync(IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<long?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<float?> SumAsync(IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. public Task<float> SumAsync(IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<float> A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<decimal> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<double> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<int> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<long> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<decimal?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<double?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<int?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<int?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<long?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<long?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<float?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. public Task<float> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> A sequence of values of type TSource. selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> A projection function to apply to each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. Type Parameters TSource Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or selector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously creates an array from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously. public Task<TSource[]> ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create an array from. token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource[]> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains an array that contains elements from the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) Creates a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function and a comparer. public Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, CancellationToken token) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> A function to extract a key from each element. comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> An IEqualityComparer<T> to compare keys. token CancellationToken Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains selected keys and values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TKey The type of the key returned by keySelector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or keySelector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) Creates a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function. public Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, CancellationToken token) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> A function to extract a key from each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains selected keys and values. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TKey The type of the key returned by keySelector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or keySelector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) Creates a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function, a comparer, and an element selector function. public Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, CancellationToken token) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> A function to extract a key from each element. elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> An IEqualityComparer<T> to compare keys. token CancellationToken Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains values of type TElement selected from the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TKey The type of the key returned by keySelector. TElement The type of the value returned by elementSelector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or keySelector or elementSelector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) Creates a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector and an element selector function. public Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, CancellationToken token) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> from. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> A function to extract a key from each element. elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. token CancellationToken Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> that contains values of type TElement selected from the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. TKey The type of the key returned by keySelector. TElement The type of the value returned by elementSelector. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source or keySelector or elementSelector is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled. ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously creates a List<T> from an IQueryable<T> by enumerating it asynchronously. public Task<List<TSource>> ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> to create a list from. token CancellationToken Returns Task<List<TSource>> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains a List<T> that contains elements from the input sequence. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Remarks Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use await to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. See Avoiding DbContext threading issues for more information and examples. See Querying data with EF Core for more information and examples. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. OperationCanceledException If the CancellationToken is canceled."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFExtensions.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBForEFExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBForEFExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Provides conflict-less mappings to AsyncExtensions. public static class LinqToDBForEFExtensions Inheritance object LinqToDBForEFExtensions Methods AllAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<bool> AllAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AnyAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<bool> AnyAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AnyAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<bool> AnyAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float> AverageAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float?> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float> AverageAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> Type Parameters TSource ContainsAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) public static Task<bool> ContainsAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, TSource item, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> item TSource token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource CountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int> CountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource CountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int> CountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource FirstAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource> FirstAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource> FirstAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForEachAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously apply provided action to each element in source sequence. Sequence elements processed sequentially. public static Task ForEachAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Action<TSource> action, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source sequence. action Action<TSource> Action to apply to each sequence element. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Type Parameters TSource Source sequence element type. LongCountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long> LongCountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource LongCountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long> LongCountAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource MaxAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> MaxAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MaxAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TResult?> MaxAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> Type Parameters TSource TResult MinAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> MinAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MinAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TResult?> MinAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> Type Parameters TSource TResult SingleAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource> SingleAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource> SingleAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> SumAsyncLinqToDB(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float> SumAsyncLinqToDB(this IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal?> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int?> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long?> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float?> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float> SumAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> Type Parameters TSource ToArrayAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to an array. public static Task<TSource[]> ToArrayAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TSource[]> Array with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a dictionary. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, CancellationToken token = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> Source element key selector. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> Dictionary with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. TKey Dictionary key type. ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a dictionary. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, CancellationToken token = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> Source element key selector. elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> Dictionary element selector. comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> Dictionary key comparer. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> Dictionary with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. TKey Dictionary key type. TElement Dictionary element type. ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a dictionary. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsyncLinqToDB<TSource, TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, CancellationToken token = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> Source element key selector. elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> Dictionary element selector. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> Dictionary with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. TKey Dictionary key type. TElement Dictionary element type. ToListAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a list. public static Task<List<TSource>> ToListAsyncLinqToDB<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<List<TSource>> List with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFTools.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBForEFTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBForEFTools Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll EF Core DbContext extensions to call LINQ To DB functionality. public static class LinqToDBForEFTools Inheritance object LinqToDBForEFTools Properties EnableChangeTracker Enables attaching entities to change tracker. Entities will be attached only if AsNoTracking() is not used in query and DbContext is configured to track entities. public static bool EnableChangeTracker { get; set; } Property Value bool Implementation Gets or sets EF Core to LINQ To DB integration bridge implementation. public static ILinqToDBForEFTools Implementation { get; set; } Property Value ILinqToDBForEFTools Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DbContext, BulkCopyOptions, IAsyncEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DbContext context, BulkCopyOptions options, IAsyncEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. options BulkCopyOptions Operation options. source IAsyncEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(DbContext, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DbContext context, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. options BulkCopyOptions Operation options. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(DbContext, IAsyncEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DbContext context, IAsyncEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. source IAsyncEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(DbContext, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DbContext context, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(DbContext, int, IAsyncEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DbContext context, int maxBatchSize, IAsyncEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. maxBatchSize int Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. source IAsyncEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(DbContext, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DbContext context, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. maxBatchSize int Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(DbContext, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DbContext context, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. options BulkCopyOptions Operation options. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(DbContext, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DbContext context, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(DbContext, int, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DbContext context, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Database context. maxBatchSize int Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. ClearCaches() Clears internal caches public static void ClearCaches() CreateLinq2DbConnectionDetached(DbContext) Creates LINQ To DB DataConnection instance that creates new database connection using connection information from EF Core DbContext instance. [Obsolete(\"Use CreateLinqToDBConnectionDetached overload.\")] public static DataConnection CreateLinq2DbConnectionDetached(this DbContext context) Parameters context DbContext EF Core DbContext instance. Returns DataConnection LINQ To DB DataConnection instance. CreateLinqToDBConnection(DbContext, IDbContextTransaction?) Creates LINQ To DB DataConnection instance, attached to provided EF Core DbContext instance connection and transaction. public static DataConnection CreateLinqToDBConnection(this DbContext context, IDbContextTransaction? transaction = null) Parameters context DbContext EF Core DbContext instance. transaction IDbContextTransaction Optional transaction instance, to which created connection should be attached. If not specified, will use current DbContext transaction if it available. Returns DataConnection LINQ To DB DataConnection instance. CreateLinqToDBConnection(DbContextOptions) Creates new LINQ To DB DataConnection instance using connectivity information from EF Core DbContextOptions instance. public static DataConnection CreateLinqToDBConnection(this DbContextOptions options) Parameters options DbContextOptions EF Core DbContextOptions instance. Returns DataConnection New LINQ To DB DataConnection instance. CreateLinqToDBConnectionDetached(DbContext) Creates LINQ To DB DataConnection instance that creates new database connection using connection information from EF Core DbContext instance. public static DataConnection CreateLinqToDBConnectionDetached(this DbContext context) Parameters context DbContext EF Core DbContext instance. Returns DataConnection LINQ To DB DataConnection instance. CreateLinqToDBContext(DbContext, IDbContextTransaction?) Creates Linq To DB data context for EF Core database context. public static IDataContext CreateLinqToDBContext(this DbContext context, IDbContextTransaction? transaction = null) Parameters context DbContext EF Core database context. transaction IDbContextTransaction Transaction instance. Returns IDataContext Linq To DB data context. CreateLinqToDbConnection(DbContext, IDbContextTransaction?) Creates LINQ To DB DataConnection instance, attached to provided EF Core DbContext instance connection and transaction. [Obsolete(\"Use CreateLinqToDBConnection overload.\")] public static DataConnection CreateLinqToDbConnection(this DbContext context, IDbContextTransaction? transaction = null) Parameters context DbContext EF Core DbContext instance. transaction IDbContextTransaction Optional transaction instance, to which created connection should be attached. If not specified, will use current DbContext transaction if it available. Returns DataConnection LINQ To DB DataConnection instance. CreateLinqToDbConnection(DbContextOptions) Creates new LINQ To DB DataConnection instance using connectivity information from EF Core DbContextOptions instance. [Obsolete(\"Use CreateLinqToDBConnection overload.\")] public static DataConnection CreateLinqToDbConnection(this DbContextOptions options) Parameters options DbContextOptions EF Core DbContextOptions instance. Returns DataConnection New LINQ To DB DataConnection instance. CreateLinqToDbContext(DbContext, IDbContextTransaction?) Creates Linq To DB data context for EF Core database context. [Obsolete(\"Use CreateLinqToDBContext overload.\")] public static IDataContext CreateLinqToDbContext(this DbContext context, IDbContextTransaction? transaction = null) Parameters context DbContext EF Core database context. transaction IDbContextTransaction Transaction instance. Returns IDataContext Linq To DB data context. CreateLogger(IDbContextOptions?) Creates logger instance. public static ILogger? CreateLogger(IDbContextOptions? options) Parameters options IDbContextOptions DbContext options. Returns ILogger Logger instance. GetConnectionInfo(EFProviderInfo) Extracts database connection information from EF Core provider data. public static EFConnectionInfo GetConnectionInfo(EFProviderInfo info) Parameters info EFProviderInfo EF Core database provider data. Returns EFConnectionInfo Database connection information. GetContextOptions(DbContext) Returns EF Core DbContextOptions for specific DbContext instance. public static IDbContextOptions? GetContextOptions(DbContext context) Parameters context DbContext EF Core DbContext instance. Returns IDbContextOptions DbContextOptions instance. GetCurrentContext(IQueryable) Extracts DbContext instance from IQueryable object. public static DbContext? GetCurrentContext(IQueryable query) Parameters query IQueryable EF Core query. Returns DbContext Current DbContext instance. GetDataProvider(DataOptions, EFProviderInfo, EFConnectionInfo) Returns LINQ To DB provider, based on provider data from EF Core. public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(DataOptions options, EFProviderInfo info, EFConnectionInfo connectionInfo) Parameters options DataOptions Linq To DB context options. info EFProviderInfo EF Core provider information. connectionInfo EFConnectionInfo Database connection information. Returns IDataProvider LINQ TO DB provider instance. GetEFProviderInfo(DbContext) Returns EF Core database provider information for specific DbContext instance. public static EFProviderInfo GetEFProviderInfo(DbContext context) Parameters context DbContext EF Core DbContext instance. Returns EFProviderInfo EF Core provider information. GetEFProviderInfo(DbContextOptions) Returns EF Core database provider information for specific DbContextOptions instance. public static EFProviderInfo GetEFProviderInfo(DbContextOptions options) Parameters options DbContextOptions EF Core DbContextOptions instance. Returns EFProviderInfo EF Core provider information. GetEFProviderInfo(DbConnection) Returns EF Core database provider information for specific DbConnection instance. public static EFProviderInfo GetEFProviderInfo(DbConnection connection) Parameters connection DbConnection EF Core DbConnection instance. Returns EFProviderInfo EF Core provider information. GetLinqToDBOptions(DbContext) Returns Linq To DB context options from EF Context. public static DataOptions? GetLinqToDBOptions(this DbContext context) Parameters context DbContext Returns DataOptions Db context object. GetLinqToDBOptions(IDbContextOptions) Returns Linq To DB context options from EF Context options. public static DataOptions? GetLinqToDBOptions(this IDbContextOptions contextOptions) Parameters contextOptions IDbContextOptions Returns DataOptions Db context options. GetMappingSchema(IModel, IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider>?, DataOptions?) Creates mapping schema using provided EF Core data model. public static MappingSchema GetMappingSchema(IModel model, IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider>? accessor, DataOptions? dataOptions) Parameters model IModel EF Core data model. accessor IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider> EF Core service provider. dataOptions DataOptions Linq To DB context options. Returns MappingSchema Mapping schema for provided EF Core model. GetMetadataReader(IModel?, IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider>?) Creates or return existing metadata provider for provided EF Core data model. If model is null, empty metadata provider will be returned. public static IMetadataReader? GetMetadataReader(IModel? model, IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider>? accessor) Parameters model IModel EF Core data model instance. Could be null. accessor IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider> EF Core service provider. Returns IMetadataReader LINQ To DB metadata provider. GetModel(DbContextOptions?) Extracts EF Core data model instance from DbContextOptions. public static IModel? GetModel(DbContextOptions? options) Parameters options DbContextOptions DbContextOptions instance. Returns IModel EF Core data model instance. GetTable<T>(DbContext) Returns queryable source for specified mapping class for current DBContext, mapped to database table or view. public static ITable<T> GetTable<T>(this DbContext context) where T : class Parameters context DbContext Returns ITable<T> Queryable source. Type Parameters T Mapping class type. Initialize() Initializes integration of LINQ To DB with EF Core. public static void Initialize() Into<T>(DbContext, ITable<T>) Starts LINQ query definition for insert operation. public static IValueInsertable<T> Into<T>(this DbContext context, ITable<T> target) where T : notnull Parameters context DbContext Database context. target ITable<T> Target table. Returns IValueInsertable<T> Insertable source query. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. ToLinqToDBTable<T>(DbSet<T>) Converts EF.Core DbSet<TEntity> instance to LINQ To DB ITable<T> instance. public static ITable<T> ToLinqToDBTable<T>(this DbSet<T> dbSet) where T : class Parameters dbSet DbSet<T> EF.Core DbSet<TEntity> instance. Returns ITable<T> LINQ To DB ITable<T> instance. Type Parameters T Mapping entity type. ToLinqToDBTable<T>(DbSet<T>, IDataContext) Converts EF.Core DbSet<TEntity> instance to LINQ To DB ITable<T> instance using existing LINQ To DB IDataContext instance. public static ITable<T> ToLinqToDBTable<T>(this DbSet<T> dbSet, IDataContext dataContext) where T : class Parameters dbSet DbSet<T> EF.Core DbSet<TEntity> instance. dataContext IDataContext LINQ To DB data context instance. Returns ITable<T> LINQ To DB ITable<T> instance. Type Parameters T Mapping entity type. ToLinqToDB<T>(IQueryable<T>) Converts EF Core's query to LINQ To DB query and attach it to current EF Core connection. public static IQueryable<T> ToLinqToDB<T>(this IQueryable<T> query) Parameters query IQueryable<T> EF Core query. Returns IQueryable<T> LINQ To DB query, attached to current EF Core connection. Type Parameters T Entity type. ToLinqToDB<T>(IQueryable<T>, IDataContext) Converts EF Core's query to LINQ To DB query and attach it to provided LINQ To DB IDataContext. public static IQueryable<T> ToLinqToDB<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, IDataContext dc) Parameters query IQueryable<T> EF Core query. dc IDataContext LINQ To DB IDataContext to use with provided query. Returns IQueryable<T> LINQ To DB query, attached to provided IDataContext. Type Parameters T Entity type. TransformExpression(Expression, IDataContext?, DbContext?, IModel?) Transforms EF Core expression tree to LINQ To DB expression. public static Expression TransformExpression(Expression expression, IDataContext? dc, DbContext? ctx, IModel? model) Parameters expression Expression EF Core expression tree. dc IDataContext LINQ To DB IDataContext instance. ctx DbContext Optional DbContext instance. model IModel EF Core data model instance. Returns Expression Transformed expression. UseLinqToDB(DbContextOptionsBuilder, Action<LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder>?) Registers custom options related to LinqToDB provider. public static DbContextOptionsBuilder UseLinqToDB(this DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder>? linq2dbOptionsAction = null) Parameters optionsBuilder DbContextOptionsBuilder linq2dbOptionsAction Action<LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder> Custom options action. Returns DbContextOptionsBuilder UseLinqToDb(DbContextOptionsBuilder, Action<LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder>?) Registers custom options related to LinqToDB provider. [Obsolete(\"Use UseLinqToDB overload.\")] public static DbContextOptionsBuilder UseLinqToDb(this DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder>? linq2dbOptionsAction = null) Parameters optionsBuilder DbContextOptionsBuilder linq2dbOptionsAction Action<LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder> Custom options action. Returns DbContextOptionsBuilder"
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Linq To DB EF.Core data connection. public class LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection : DataConnection, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, ICloneable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable, IExpressionPreprocessor, IEntityServiceInterceptor, IInterceptor Inheritance object DataConnection LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable ICloneable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable IExpressionPreprocessor IEntityServiceInterceptor IInterceptor Inherited Members DataConnection.WriteTraceLine DataConnection.DisposeCommandAsync() DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) DataConnection.EnsureConnectionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.DisposeTransactionAsync() DataConnection.CloseAsync() DataConnection.DisposeAsync() DataConnection.TraceActionAsync<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) DataConnection.SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings>) DataConnection.AddProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.InsertProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(IDataProvider) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string, string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string) DataConnection.GetRegisteredProviders() DataConnection.AddConfiguration(string, string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddOrSetConfiguration(string, string, string) DataConnection.SetConnectionString(string, string) DataConnection.GetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TryGetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TurnTraceSwitchOn(TraceLevel) DataConnection.Close() DataConnection.CreateCommand() DataConnection.DisposeCommand() DataConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteScalar(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) DataConnection.ClearObjectReaderCache() DataConnection.BeginTransaction() DataConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) DataConnection.CommitTransaction() DataConnection.RollbackTransaction() DataConnection.DisposeTransaction() DataConnection.TraceAction<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult>) DataConnection.AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema) DataConnection.Clone() DataConnection.CheckAndThrowOnDisposed() DataConnection.Dispose() DataConnection.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.ProcessQuery(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext) DataConnection.DefaultSettings DataConnection.DefaultConfiguration DataConnection.DefaultDataProvider DataConnection.Options DataConnection.ConfigurationString DataConnection.DataProvider DataConnection.ConnectionString DataConnection.RetryPolicy DataConnection.IsMarsEnabled DataConnection.DefaultOnTraceConnection DataConnection.OnTraceConnection DataConnection.TraceSwitch DataConnection.TraceSwitchConnection DataConnection.WriteTraceLineConnection DataConnection.Connection DataConnection.LastQuery DataConnection.CommandTimeout DataConnection.Transaction DataConnection.MappingSchema DataConnection.InlineParameters DataConnection.QueryHints DataConnection.NextQueryHints DataConnection.Disposed DataConnection.ThrowOnDisposed DataConnection.OnRemoveInterceptor Constructors LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection(DbContext?, DataOptions, IModel?, Func<Expression, IDataContext, DbContext?, IModel?, Expression>?) Creates new instance of data connection. public LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection(DbContext? context, DataOptions options, IModel? model, Func<Expression, IDataContext, DbContext?, IModel?, Expression>? transformFunc) Parameters context DbContext EF.Core database context. options DataOptions Linq To DB context options. model IModel EF.Core data model. transformFunc Func<Expression, IDataContext, DbContext, IModel, Expression> Expression converter. Properties Context EF.Core database context. public DbContext? Context { get; } Property Value DbContext Tracking Change tracker enable flag. public bool Tracking { get; set; } Property Value bool Methods ProcessExpression(Expression) Converts expression using convert function, passed to context. public Expression ProcessExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Expression to convert. Returns Expression Converted expression."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Linq To DB EF.Core data context. public class LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext : DataContext, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable, IExpressionPreprocessor Inheritance object DataContext LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable IExpressionPreprocessor Inherited Members DataContext.CreateDataConnection(DataOptions) DataContext.CloneDataConnection(DataConnection, DataOptions) DataContext.Dispose(bool) DataContext.DisposeAsync(bool) DataContext.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) DataContext.BeginTransaction() DataContext.BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) DataContext.BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataContext.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataContext.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataContext.Options DataContext.ConfigurationString DataContext.ConnectionString DataContext.DataProvider DataContext.ContextName DataContext.ConfigurationID DataContext.MappingSchema DataContext.InlineParameters DataContext.LastQuery DataContext.OnTraceConnection DataContext.KeepConnectionAlive DataContext.IsMarsEnabled DataContext.QueryHints DataContext.NextQueryHints DataContext.CloseAfterUse DataContext.CommandTimeout Constructors LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext(DbContext?, IDataProvider, string, IModel, Func<Expression, IDataContext, DbContext?, IModel, Expression>?) Creates instance of context. public LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext(DbContext? context, IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString, IModel model, Func<Expression, IDataContext, DbContext?, IModel, Expression>? transformFunc) Parameters context DbContext EF.Core database context. dataProvider IDataProvider lin2db database provider instance. connectionString string Connection string. model IModel EF.Core model. transformFunc Func<Expression, IDataContext, DbContext, IModel, Expression> Expression converter. Methods ProcessExpression(Expression) Converts expression using convert function, passed to context. public Expression ProcessExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Expression to convert. Returns Expression Converted expression."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFToolsException.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFToolsException.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBForEFToolsException | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBForEFToolsException Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Exception class for EF.Core to LINQ To DB integration issues. public sealed class LinqToDBForEFToolsException : Exception, ISerializable Inheritance object Exception LinqToDBForEFToolsException Implements ISerializable Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.GetType() Exception.ToString() Exception.Data Exception.HelpLink Exception.HResult Exception.InnerException Exception.Message Exception.Source Exception.StackTrace Exception.TargetSite Constructors LinqToDBForEFToolsException() Creates new instance of exception. public LinqToDBForEFToolsException() LinqToDBForEFToolsException(string) Creates new instance of exception. public LinqToDBForEFToolsException(string message) Parameters message string Exception message. LinqToDBForEFToolsException(string, Exception) Creates new instance of exception when it generated for other exception. public LinqToDBForEFToolsException(string message, Exception innerException) Parameters message string Exception message. innerException Exception Original exception."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFToolsImplDefault.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBForEFToolsImplDefault.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBForEFToolsImplDefault | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBForEFToolsImplDefault Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Default EF Core - LINQ To DB integration bridge implementation. public class LinqToDBForEFToolsImplDefault : ILinqToDBForEFTools Inheritance object LinqToDBForEFToolsImplDefault Implements ILinqToDBForEFTools Properties EnableChangeTracker Enables attaching entities to change tracker. Entities will be attached only if AsNoTracking() is not used in query and DbContext is configured to track entities. public virtual bool EnableChangeTracker { get; set; } Property Value bool PostgreSqlDefaultVersion Gets or sets default provider version for PostgreSQL Server. Set to v93 dialect. public static PostgreSQLVersion PostgreSqlDefaultVersion { get; set; } Property Value PostgreSQLVersion SqlServerDefaultVersion Gets or sets default provider version for SQL Server. Set to v2008 dialect. public static SqlServerVersion SqlServerDefaultVersion { get; set; } Property Value SqlServerVersion Methods ClearCaches() Force clear of internal caches. public virtual void ClearCaches() CompactExpression(Expression) Compacts expression to handle big filters. public static Expression CompactExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression Compacted expression. CreateLinqToDBDataProvider(EFProviderInfo, LinqToDBProviderInfo, EFConnectionInfo) Creates instance of Linq To DB database provider. protected virtual IDataProvider CreateLinqToDBDataProvider(EFProviderInfo providerInfo, LinqToDBProviderInfo provInfo, EFConnectionInfo connectionInfo) Parameters providerInfo EFProviderInfo EF Core provider settings. provInfo LinqToDBProviderInfo Linq To DB provider settings. connectionInfo EFConnectionInfo EF Core connection settings. Returns IDataProvider Linq To DB database provider. CreateLogger(IDbContextOptions?) Creates logger instance. public virtual ILogger? CreateLogger(IDbContextOptions? options) Parameters options IDbContextOptions DbContext options. Returns ILogger Logger instance. CreateMappingSchema(IModel, IMetadataReader?, IValueConverterSelector?, DataOptions) Creates mapping schema using provided EF Core data model and metadata provider. public virtual MappingSchema CreateMappingSchema(IModel model, IMetadataReader? metadataReader, IValueConverterSelector? convertorSelector, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters model IModel EF Core data model. metadataReader IMetadataReader Additional optional LINQ To DB database metadata provider. convertorSelector IValueConverterSelector dataOptions DataOptions Linq To DB context options. Returns MappingSchema Mapping schema for provided EF.Core model. CreateMetadataReader(IModel?, IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider>?) Creates metadata provider for specified EF Core data model. Default implementation uses EFCoreMetadataReader metadata provider. public virtual IMetadataReader CreateMetadataReader(IModel? model, IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider>? accessor) Parameters model IModel EF Core data model. accessor IInfrastructure<IServiceProvider> EF Core service provider. Returns IMetadataReader LINQ To DB metadata provider for specified EF Core model. CreatePostgreSqlProvider(PostgreSQLVersion, string?) Creates Linq To DB PostgreSQL database provider instance. protected virtual IDataProvider CreatePostgreSqlProvider(PostgreSQLVersion version, string? connectionString) Parameters version PostgreSQLVersion PostgreSQL dialect. connectionString string Connection string. Returns IDataProvider Linq To DB PostgreSQL provider instance. CreateSqlServerProvider(SqlServerVersion, string?) Creates Linq To DB SQL Server database provider instance. protected virtual IDataProvider CreateSqlServerProvider(SqlServerVersion version, string? connectionString) Parameters version SqlServerVersion SQL Server dialect. connectionString string Connection string. Returns IDataProvider Linq To DB SQL Server provider instance. DefineConvertors(MappingSchema, IModel, IValueConverterSelector?, DataOptions) Import type conversions from EF Core model into Linq To DB mapping schema. public virtual void DefineConvertors(MappingSchema mappingSchema, IModel model, IValueConverterSelector? convertorSelector, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Linq To DB mapping schema. model IModel EF Core data mode. convertorSelector IValueConverterSelector Type filter. dataOptions DataOptions Linq To DB context options. EvaluateExpression(Expression?) Evaluates value of expression. public static object? EvaluateExpression(Expression? expr) Parameters expr Expression Expression to evaluate. Returns object Expression value. ExtractConnectionInfo(IDbContextOptions?) Extracts EF Core connection information object from IDbContextOptions. public virtual EFConnectionInfo ExtractConnectionInfo(IDbContextOptions? options) Parameters options IDbContextOptions IDbContextOptions instance. Returns EFConnectionInfo EF Core connection data. ExtractModel(IDbContextOptions?) Extracts EF Core data model instance from IDbContextOptions. public virtual IModel? ExtractModel(IDbContextOptions? options) Parameters options IDbContextOptions IDbContextOptions instance. Returns IModel EF Core data model instance. GetContextOptions(DbContext?) Returns EF Core IDbContextOptions for specific DbContext instance. public virtual IDbContextOptions? GetContextOptions(DbContext? context) Parameters context DbContext EF Core DbContext instance. Returns IDbContextOptions IDbContextOptions instance. GetCurrentContext(IQueryable) Extracts DbContext instance from IQueryable object. Due to unavailability of integration API in EF Core this method use reflection and could became broken after EF Core update. public virtual DbContext? GetCurrentContext(IQueryable query) Parameters query IQueryable EF Core query. Returns DbContext Current DbContext instance. GetDataProvider(DataOptions, EFProviderInfo, EFConnectionInfo) Returns LINQ To DB provider, based on provider data from EF Core. Could be overridden if you have issues with default detection mechanisms. public virtual IDataProvider GetDataProvider(DataOptions options, EFProviderInfo providerInfo, EFConnectionInfo connectionInfo) Parameters options DataOptions Linq To DB context options. providerInfo EFProviderInfo Provider information, extracted from EF Core. connectionInfo EFConnectionInfo Returns IDataProvider LINQ TO DB provider instance. GetLinqToDBProviderInfo(EFProviderInfo) Converts EF Core provider settings to Linq To DB provider settings. protected virtual LinqToDBProviderInfo GetLinqToDBProviderInfo(EFProviderInfo providerInfo) Parameters providerInfo EFProviderInfo EF Core provider settings. Returns LinqToDBProviderInfo Linq To DB provider settings. GetLinqToDBProviderInfo(DatabaseFacade) Creates Linq To DB provider settings object from DatabaseFacade instance. protected virtual LinqToDBProviderInfo? GetLinqToDBProviderInfo(DatabaseFacade database) Parameters database DatabaseFacade EF Core database information object. Returns LinqToDBProviderInfo Linq To DB provider settings. GetLinqToDBProviderInfo(RelationalOptionsExtension) Creates Linq To DB provider settings object from RelationalOptionsExtension instance. protected virtual LinqToDBProviderInfo? GetLinqToDBProviderInfo(RelationalOptionsExtension extensions) Parameters extensions RelationalOptionsExtension EF Core provider options. Returns LinqToDBProviderInfo Linq To DB provider settings. GetLinqToDBProviderInfo(DbConnection) Creates Linq To DB provider settings object from DbConnection instance. protected virtual LinqToDBProviderInfo? GetLinqToDBProviderInfo(DbConnection connection) Parameters connection DbConnection Database connection. Returns LinqToDBProviderInfo Linq To DB provider settings. GetMappingSchema(IModel, IMetadataReader?, IValueConverterSelector?, DataOptions?) Returns mapping schema using provided EF Core data model and metadata provider. public virtual MappingSchema GetMappingSchema(IModel model, IMetadataReader? metadataReader, IValueConverterSelector? convertorSelector, DataOptions? dataOptions) Parameters model IModel EF Core data model. metadataReader IMetadataReader Additional optional LINQ To DB database metadata provider. convertorSelector IValueConverterSelector dataOptions DataOptions Linq To DB context options. Returns MappingSchema Mapping schema for provided EF.Core model. GetPropValue<TValue>(object, string) Gets current property value via reflection. protected static TValue GetPropValue<TValue>(object obj, string propName) Parameters obj object Object instance propName string Property name Returns TValue Property value. Type Parameters TValue Property value type. Exceptions InvalidOperationException IsQueryable(MethodCallExpression, bool) Tests that method is IQueryable<T> extension. public static bool IsQueryable(MethodCallExpression method, bool enumerable = true) Parameters method MethodCallExpression Method to test. enumerable bool Allow IEnumerable<T> extensions. Returns bool true if method is IQueryable<T> extension. LogConnectionTrace(TraceInfo, ILogger) Logs lin2db trace event to logger. public virtual void LogConnectionTrace(TraceInfo info, ILogger logger) Parameters info TraceInfo lin2db trace event. logger ILogger Logger instance. TransformExpression(Expression, IDataContext?, DbContext?, IModel?) Transforms EF Core expression tree to LINQ To DB expression. Method replaces EF Core EntityQueryable<TResult> instances with LINQ To DB GetTable<T>(IDataContext) calls. public virtual Expression TransformExpression(Expression expression, IDataContext? dc, DbContext? ctx, IModel? model) Parameters expression Expression EF Core expression tree. dc IDataContext LINQ To DB IDataContext instance. ctx DbContext Optional DbContext instance. model IModel EF Core data model instance. Returns Expression Transformed expression. TransformQueryRootExpression(IDataContext, QueryRootExpression) Transforms QueryRootExpression descendants to linq2db analogue. Handles Temporal tables also. protected virtual Expression TransformQueryRootExpression(IDataContext dc, QueryRootExpression queryRoot) Parameters dc IDataContext Data context. queryRoot QueryRootExpression Query root expression Returns Expression Transformed expression. Unwrap(Expression?) Removes conversions from expression. public static Expression? Unwrap(Expression? ex) Parameters ex Expression Expression. Returns Expression Unwrapped expression."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBProviderInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.LinqToDBProviderInfo.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBProviderInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBProviderInfo Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Assembly linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore.dll Stores LINQ To DB database provider information. public sealed class LinqToDBProviderInfo Inheritance object LinqToDBProviderInfo Properties ProviderName Gets or sets LINQ To DB provider name. ProviderName for available providers. public string? ProviderName { get; set; } Property Value string Version Server version. Currently is not used. public string? Version { get; set; } Property Value string Methods Merge(LinqToDBProviderInfo?) Replaces null values in current instance with values from parameter. public void Merge(LinqToDBProviderInfo? providerInfo) Parameters providerInfo LinqToDBProviderInfo Provider information to merge into current object."
"api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.efcore/LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore Classes EFConnectionInfo Contains database connectivity information, extracted from EF.Core. EFForEFExtensions Provides conflict-less mappings to EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions extensions. EFProviderInfo Required integration information about underlying database provider, extracted from EF.Core. LinqToDBContextOptionsBuilder Linq To DB context options builder LinqToDBExtensionsAdapter LINQ To DB async extensions adapter to call EF.Core functionality instead of default implementation. LinqToDBForEFExtensions Provides conflict-less mappings to AsyncExtensions. LinqToDBForEFTools EF Core DbContext extensions to call LINQ To DB functionality. LinqToDBForEFToolsDataConnection Linq To DB EF.Core data connection. LinqToDBForEFToolsDataContext Linq To DB EF.Core data context. LinqToDBForEFToolsException Exception class for EF.Core to LINQ To DB integration issues. LinqToDBForEFToolsImplDefault Default EF Core - LINQ To DB integration bridge implementation. LinqToDBProviderInfo Stores LINQ To DB database provider information. Interfaces ILinqToDBForEFTools Interface for EF Core - LINQ To DB integration bridge."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.DefaultConnectionFactory.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.DefaultConnectionFactory.html",
"title": "Class DefaultConnectionFactory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DefaultConnectionFactory Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents default IConnectionFactory public class DefaultConnectionFactory : IConnectionFactory Inheritance object DefaultConnectionFactory Implements IConnectionFactory Methods GetConnection() Creates DataConnection with default parameters public DataConnection GetConnection() Returns DataConnection DataConnection GetContext() Creates DataContext with default parameters public IDataContext GetContext() Returns IDataContext DataContext"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IClameConverter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IClameConverter.html",
"title": "Interface IClameConverter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IClameConverter Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Provides methods to convert from\\to Claim public interface IClameConverter Methods InitializeFromClaim(Claim) Initializes by copying ClaimType and ClaimValue from the other claim. void InitializeFromClaim(Claim other) Parameters other Claim The claim to initialize from. ToClaim() Constructs a new claim with the type and value. Claim ToClaim() Returns Claim"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IConcurrency-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IConcurrency-1.html",
"title": "Interface IConcurrency<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IConcurrency<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Concurrency interface for IIdentityRole<TKey> and IIdentityUser<TKey>/> public interface IConcurrency<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key. Properties ConcurrencyStamp A random value that should change whenever a role is persisted to the store string ConcurrencyStamp { get; set; } Property Value string Id Gets or sets the primary key. TKey Id { get; set; } Property Value TKey"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IConnectionFactory.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IConnectionFactory.html",
"title": "Interface IConnectionFactory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IConnectionFactory Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents connection factory public interface IConnectionFactory Methods GetConnection() Gets new instance of DataConnection DataConnection GetConnection() Returns DataConnection DataConnection GetContext() Gets new instance of IDataContext IDataContext GetContext() Returns IDataContext IDataContext"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityRole-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityRole-1.html",
"title": "Interface IIdentityRole<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IIdentityRole<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a role in the identity system public interface IIdentityRole<TKey> : IConcurrency<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key for the role. Inherited Members IConcurrency<TKey>.Id IConcurrency<TKey>.ConcurrencyStamp Properties Name Gets or sets the name for this role. string Name { get; set; } Property Value string NormalizedName Gets or sets the normalized name for this role. string NormalizedName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityRoleClaim-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityRoleClaim-1.html",
"title": "Interface IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a claim that is granted to all users within a role. public interface IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey> : IClameConverter where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key of the role associated with this claim. Inherited Members IClameConverter.ToClaim() IClameConverter.InitializeFromClaim(Claim) Properties ClaimType Gets or sets the claim type for this claim. string ClaimType { get; set; } Property Value string ClaimValue Gets or sets the claim value for this claim. string ClaimValue { get; set; } Property Value string Id Gets or sets the identifier for this role claim. int Id { get; set; } Property Value int RoleId Gets or sets the of the primary key of the role associated with this claim. TKey RoleId { get; set; } Property Value TKey"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUser-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUser-1.html",
"title": "Interface IIdentityUser<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IIdentityUser<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a user in the identity system public interface IIdentityUser<TKey> : IConcurrency<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key for the user. Inherited Members IConcurrency<TKey>.Id IConcurrency<TKey>.ConcurrencyStamp Properties AccessFailedCount Gets or sets the number of failed login attempts for the current user. int AccessFailedCount { get; set; } Property Value int Email Gets or sets the email address for this user. string Email { get; set; } Property Value string EmailConfirmed Gets or sets a flag indicating if a user has confirmed their email address. bool EmailConfirmed { get; set; } Property Value bool True if the email address has been confirmed, otherwise false. LockoutEnabled Gets or sets a flag indicating if the user could be locked out. bool LockoutEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool True if the user could be locked out, otherwise false. LockoutEnd Gets or sets the date and time, in UTC, when any user lockout ends. DateTimeOffset? LockoutEnd { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset? Remarks A value in the past means the user is not locked out. NormalizedEmail Gets or sets the normalized email address for this user. string NormalizedEmail { get; set; } Property Value string NormalizedUserName Gets or sets the normalized user name for this user. string NormalizedUserName { get; set; } Property Value string PasswordHash Gets or sets a salted and hashed representation of the password for this user. string PasswordHash { get; set; } Property Value string PhoneNumber Gets or sets a telephone number for the user. string PhoneNumber { get; set; } Property Value string PhoneNumberConfirmed Gets or sets a flag indicating if a user has confirmed their telephone address. bool PhoneNumberConfirmed { get; set; } Property Value bool True if the telephone number has been confirmed, otherwise false. SecurityStamp A random value that must change whenever a users credentials change (password changed, login removed) string SecurityStamp { get; set; } Property Value string TwoFactorEnabled Gets or sets a flag indicating if two factor authentication is enabled for this user. bool TwoFactorEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool True if 2fa is enabled, otherwise false. UserName Gets or sets the user name for this user. string UserName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUserClaim-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUserClaim-1.html",
"title": "Interface IIdentityUserClaim<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IIdentityUserClaim<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a claim that a user possesses. public interface IIdentityUserClaim<TKey> : IClameConverter where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key for this user that possesses this claim. Inherited Members IClameConverter.ToClaim() IClameConverter.InitializeFromClaim(Claim) Properties ClaimType Gets or sets the claim type for this claim. string ClaimType { get; set; } Property Value string ClaimValue Gets or sets the claim value for this claim. string ClaimValue { get; set; } Property Value string UserId Gets or sets the primary key of the user associated with this claim. TKey UserId { get; set; } Property Value TKey"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUserLogin-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUserLogin-1.html",
"title": "Interface IIdentityUserLogin<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IIdentityUserLogin<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a login and its associated provider for a user. public interface IIdentityUserLogin<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key of the user associated with this login. Properties LoginProvider Gets or sets the login provider for the login (e.g. facebook, google) string LoginProvider { get; set; } Property Value string ProviderDisplayName Gets or sets the friendly name used in a UI for this login. string ProviderDisplayName { get; set; } Property Value string ProviderKey Gets or sets the unique provider identifier for this login. string ProviderKey { get; set; } Property Value string UserId Gets or sets the of the primary key of the user associated with this login. TKey UserId { get; set; } Property Value TKey"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUserRole-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUserRole-1.html",
"title": "Interface IIdentityUserRole<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IIdentityUserRole<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents the link between a user and a role. public interface IIdentityUserRole<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key used for users and roles. Properties RoleId Gets or sets the primary key of the role that is linked to the user. TKey RoleId { get; set; } Property Value TKey UserId Gets or sets the primary key of the user that is linked to a role. TKey UserId { get; set; } Property Value TKey"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUserToken-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IIdentityUserToken-1.html",
"title": "Interface IIdentityUserToken<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IIdentityUserToken<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents an authentication token for a user. public interface IIdentityUserToken<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key used for users. Properties LoginProvider Gets or sets the LoginProvider this token is from. string LoginProvider { get; set; } Property Value string Name Gets or sets the name of the token. string Name { get; set; } Property Value string UserId Gets or sets the primary key of the user that the token belongs to. TKey UserId { get; set; } Property Value TKey Value Gets or sets the token value. string Value { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityDataConnection-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityDataConnection-1.html",
"title": "Class IdentityDataConnection<TUser> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityDataConnection<TUser> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Base class for the LinqToDB database context used for identity. public class IdentityDataConnection<TUser> : IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string>, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, ICloneable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable where TUser : IdentityUser Type Parameters TUser The type of the user objects. Inheritance object DataConnection IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>> IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string> IdentityDataConnection<TUser> Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable ICloneable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Inherited Members IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.Users IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UserClaims IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UserLogins IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UserRoles IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UserTokens IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.Roles IdentityDataConnection<TUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RoleClaims DataConnection.WriteTraceLine DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) DataConnection.EnsureConnectionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.DisposeTransactionAsync() DataConnection.CloseAsync() DataConnection.DisposeAsync() DataConnection.TraceActionAsync<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) DataConnection.SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings>) DataConnection.AddProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.InsertProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(IDataProvider) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string, string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string) DataConnection.GetRegisteredProviders() DataConnection.AddConfiguration(string, string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddOrSetConfiguration(string, string, string) DataConnection.SetConnectionString(string, string) DataConnection.GetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TryGetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TurnTraceSwitchOn(TraceLevel) DataConnection.Close() DataConnection.CreateCommand() DataConnection.DisposeCommand() DataConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteScalar(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) DataConnection.ClearObjectReaderCache() DataConnection.BeginTransaction() DataConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) DataConnection.CommitTransaction() DataConnection.RollbackTransaction() DataConnection.DisposeTransaction() DataConnection.TraceAction<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult>) DataConnection.AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema) DataConnection.Clone() DataConnection.CheckAndThrowOnDisposed() DataConnection.Dispose() DataConnection.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.ProcessQuery(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext) DataConnection.DefaultSettings DataConnection.DefaultConfiguration DataConnection.DefaultDataProvider DataConnection.Options DataConnection.ConfigurationString DataConnection.DataProvider DataConnection.ConnectionString DataConnection.RetryPolicy DataConnection.IsMarsEnabled DataConnection.OnTraceConnection DataConnection.TraceSwitch DataConnection.TraceSwitchConnection DataConnection.WriteTraceLineConnection DataConnection.Connection DataConnection.LastQuery DataConnection.CommandTimeout DataConnection.Transaction DataConnection.MappingSchema DataConnection.InlineParameters DataConnection.QueryHints DataConnection.NextQueryHints DataConnection.Disposed DataConnection.ThrowOnDisposed DataConnection.OnRemoveInterceptor Constructors IdentityDataConnection() Default constructor public IdentityDataConnection() IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider connection DbConnection Connection object DbConnection IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, DbTransaction) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider transaction DbTransaction Transdaction object DbTransaction IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider connectionString string Connection string IdentityDataConnection(string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(string configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Connection string IdentityDataConnection(string, string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters providerName string Data provider name connectionString string Connection string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityDataConnection-3.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityDataConnection-3.html",
"title": "Class IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Base class for the LinqToDB database context used for identity. public class IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey> : IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, ICloneable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable where TUser : class, IIdentityUser<TKey> where TRole : class, IIdentityRole<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TUser The type of user objects. TRole The type of role objects. TKey The type of the primary key for users and roles. Inheritance object DataConnection IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>> IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey> Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable ICloneable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Derived IdentityDataConnection IdentityDataConnection<TUser> Inherited Members IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.Users IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.UserClaims IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.UserLogins IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.UserRoles IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.UserTokens IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.Roles IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RoleClaims DataConnection.WriteTraceLine DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) DataConnection.EnsureConnectionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.DisposeTransactionAsync() DataConnection.CloseAsync() DataConnection.DisposeAsync() DataConnection.TraceActionAsync<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) DataConnection.SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings>) DataConnection.AddProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.InsertProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(IDataProvider) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string, string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string) DataConnection.GetRegisteredProviders() DataConnection.AddConfiguration(string, string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddOrSetConfiguration(string, string, string) DataConnection.SetConnectionString(string, string) DataConnection.GetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TryGetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TurnTraceSwitchOn(TraceLevel) DataConnection.Close() DataConnection.CreateCommand() DataConnection.DisposeCommand() DataConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteScalar(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) DataConnection.ClearObjectReaderCache() DataConnection.BeginTransaction() DataConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) DataConnection.CommitTransaction() DataConnection.RollbackTransaction() DataConnection.DisposeTransaction() DataConnection.TraceAction<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult>) DataConnection.AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema) DataConnection.Clone() DataConnection.CheckAndThrowOnDisposed() DataConnection.Dispose() DataConnection.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.ProcessQuery(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext) DataConnection.DefaultSettings DataConnection.DefaultConfiguration DataConnection.DefaultDataProvider DataConnection.Options DataConnection.ConfigurationString DataConnection.DataProvider DataConnection.ConnectionString DataConnection.RetryPolicy DataConnection.IsMarsEnabled DataConnection.OnTraceConnection DataConnection.TraceSwitch DataConnection.TraceSwitchConnection DataConnection.WriteTraceLineConnection DataConnection.Connection DataConnection.LastQuery DataConnection.CommandTimeout DataConnection.Transaction DataConnection.MappingSchema DataConnection.InlineParameters DataConnection.QueryHints DataConnection.NextQueryHints DataConnection.Disposed DataConnection.ThrowOnDisposed DataConnection.OnRemoveInterceptor Constructors IdentityDataConnection() Default constructor public IdentityDataConnection() IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider connection DbConnection Connection object DbConnection IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, DbTransaction) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider transaction DbTransaction Transdaction object DbTransaction IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider connectionString string Connection string IdentityDataConnection(string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(string configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Connection string IdentityDataConnection(string, string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters providerName string Data provider name connectionString string Connection string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityDataConnection-8.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityDataConnection-8.html",
"title": "Class IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TRoleClaim, TUserToken> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TRoleClaim, TUserToken> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Base class for the LinqToDB database context used for identity. public class IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TRoleClaim, TUserToken> : DataConnection, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, ICloneable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable where TUser : class, IIdentityUser<TKey> where TRole : class, IIdentityRole<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> where TUserClaim : class, IIdentityUserClaim<TKey> where TUserRole : class, IIdentityUserRole<TKey> where TUserLogin : class, IIdentityUserLogin<TKey> where TRoleClaim : class, IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey> where TUserToken : class, IIdentityUserToken<TKey> Type Parameters TUser The type of user objects. TRole The type of role objects. TKey The type of the primary key for users and roles. TUserClaim The type of the user claim object. TUserRole The type of the user role object. TUserLogin The type of the user login object. TRoleClaim The type of the role claim object. TUserToken The type of the user token object. Inheritance object DataConnection IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TRoleClaim, TUserToken> Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable ICloneable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Derived IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey> Inherited Members DataConnection.WriteTraceLine DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) DataConnection.EnsureConnectionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.DisposeTransactionAsync() DataConnection.CloseAsync() DataConnection.DisposeAsync() DataConnection.TraceActionAsync<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) DataConnection.SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings>) DataConnection.AddProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.InsertProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(IDataProvider) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string, string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string) DataConnection.GetRegisteredProviders() DataConnection.AddConfiguration(string, string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddOrSetConfiguration(string, string, string) DataConnection.SetConnectionString(string, string) DataConnection.GetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TryGetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TurnTraceSwitchOn(TraceLevel) DataConnection.Close() DataConnection.CreateCommand() DataConnection.DisposeCommand() DataConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteScalar(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) DataConnection.ClearObjectReaderCache() DataConnection.BeginTransaction() DataConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) DataConnection.CommitTransaction() DataConnection.RollbackTransaction() DataConnection.DisposeTransaction() DataConnection.TraceAction<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult>) DataConnection.AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema) DataConnection.Clone() DataConnection.CheckAndThrowOnDisposed() DataConnection.Dispose() DataConnection.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.ProcessQuery(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext) DataConnection.DefaultSettings DataConnection.DefaultConfiguration DataConnection.DefaultDataProvider DataConnection.Options DataConnection.ConfigurationString DataConnection.DataProvider DataConnection.ConnectionString DataConnection.RetryPolicy DataConnection.IsMarsEnabled DataConnection.OnTraceConnection DataConnection.TraceSwitch DataConnection.TraceSwitchConnection DataConnection.WriteTraceLineConnection DataConnection.Connection DataConnection.LastQuery DataConnection.CommandTimeout DataConnection.Transaction DataConnection.MappingSchema DataConnection.InlineParameters DataConnection.QueryHints DataConnection.NextQueryHints DataConnection.Disposed DataConnection.ThrowOnDisposed DataConnection.OnRemoveInterceptor Constructors IdentityDataConnection() Default constructor public IdentityDataConnection() IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider connection DbConnection Connection object DbConnection IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, DbTransaction) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider transaction DbTransaction Transdaction object DbTransaction IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider connectionString string Connection string IdentityDataConnection(string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(string configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Connection string IdentityDataConnection(string, string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters providerName string Data provider name connectionString string Connection string Properties RoleClaims Gets the ITable<T> of role claims. public ITable<TRoleClaim> RoleClaims { get; } Property Value ITable<TRoleClaim> Roles Gets the ITable<T> of roles. public ITable<TRole> Roles { get; } Property Value ITable<TRole> UserClaims Gets the ITable<T> of User claims. public ITable<TUserClaim> UserClaims { get; } Property Value ITable<TUserClaim> UserLogins Gets the ITable<T> of User logins. public ITable<TUserLogin> UserLogins { get; } Property Value ITable<TUserLogin> UserRoles Gets the ITable<T> of User roles. public ITable<TUserRole> UserRoles { get; } Property Value ITable<TUserRole> UserTokens Gets the ITable<T> of User tokens. public ITable<TUserToken> UserTokens { get; } Property Value ITable<TUserToken> Users Gets the ITable<T> of Users. public ITable<TUser> Users { get; } Property Value ITable<TUser>"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityDataConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityDataConnection.html",
"title": "Class IdentityDataConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityDataConnection Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Base class for the LinqToDB database context used for identity. public class IdentityDataConnection : IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string>, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, ICloneable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable Inheritance object DataConnection IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>> IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string> IdentityDataConnection Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable ICloneable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Inherited Members IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.Users IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UserClaims IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UserLogins IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UserRoles IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UserTokens IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.Roles IdentityDataConnection<IdentityUser, IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RoleClaims DataConnection.WriteTraceLine DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) DataConnection.EnsureConnectionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.DisposeTransactionAsync() DataConnection.CloseAsync() DataConnection.DisposeAsync() DataConnection.TraceActionAsync<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) DataConnection.SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings>) DataConnection.AddProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.InsertProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(IDataProvider) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string, string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string) DataConnection.GetRegisteredProviders() DataConnection.AddConfiguration(string, string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddOrSetConfiguration(string, string, string) DataConnection.SetConnectionString(string, string) DataConnection.GetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TryGetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TurnTraceSwitchOn(TraceLevel) DataConnection.Close() DataConnection.CreateCommand() DataConnection.DisposeCommand() DataConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteScalar(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) DataConnection.ClearObjectReaderCache() DataConnection.BeginTransaction() DataConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) DataConnection.CommitTransaction() DataConnection.RollbackTransaction() DataConnection.DisposeTransaction() DataConnection.TraceAction<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult>) DataConnection.AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema) DataConnection.Clone() DataConnection.CheckAndThrowOnDisposed() DataConnection.Dispose() DataConnection.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.ProcessQuery(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext) DataConnection.DefaultSettings DataConnection.DefaultConfiguration DataConnection.DefaultDataProvider DataConnection.Options DataConnection.ConfigurationString DataConnection.DataProvider DataConnection.ConnectionString DataConnection.RetryPolicy DataConnection.IsMarsEnabled DataConnection.OnTraceConnection DataConnection.TraceSwitch DataConnection.TraceSwitchConnection DataConnection.WriteTraceLineConnection DataConnection.Connection DataConnection.LastQuery DataConnection.CommandTimeout DataConnection.Transaction DataConnection.MappingSchema DataConnection.InlineParameters DataConnection.QueryHints DataConnection.NextQueryHints DataConnection.Disposed DataConnection.ThrowOnDisposed DataConnection.OnRemoveInterceptor Constructors IdentityDataConnection() Default constructor public IdentityDataConnection() IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider connection DbConnection Connection object DbConnection IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, DbTransaction) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider transaction DbTransaction Transdaction object DbTransaction IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider, string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Data provider object, see IDataProvider connectionString string Connection string IdentityDataConnection(string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(string configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Connection string IdentityDataConnection(string, string) Constructor public IdentityDataConnection(string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters providerName string Data provider name connectionString string Connection string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityRole-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityRole-1.html",
"title": "Class IdentityRole<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityRole<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a role in the identity system public class IdentityRole<TKey> : IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>, IIdentityRole<TKey>, IConcurrency<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key for the role. Inheritance object IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>> IdentityRole<TKey> Implements IIdentityRole<TKey> IConcurrency<TKey> Derived IdentityRole Inherited Members IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>._claims IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>._users IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.Users IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.Claims IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.Id IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.Name IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.NormalizedName IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.ConcurrencyStamp IdentityRole<TKey, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.ToString() Constructors IdentityRole() Initializes a new instance of IdentityRole<TKey>. public IdentityRole() IdentityRole(string) Initializes a new instance of IdentityRole<TKey>. public IdentityRole(string roleName) Parameters roleName string The role name."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityRole-3.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityRole-3.html",
"title": "Class IdentityRole<TKey, TUserRole, TRoleClaim> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityRole<TKey, TUserRole, TRoleClaim> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a role in the identity system public class IdentityRole<TKey, TUserRole, TRoleClaim> : IIdentityRole<TKey>, IConcurrency<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> where TUserRole : IdentityUserRole<TKey> where TRoleClaim : IdentityRoleClaim<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key for the role. TUserRole The type used for user roles. TRoleClaim The type used for role claims. Inheritance object IdentityRole<TKey, TUserRole, TRoleClaim> Implements IIdentityRole<TKey> IConcurrency<TKey> Derived IdentityRole<TKey> Constructors IdentityRole() Initializes a new instance of IdentityRole<TKey>. public IdentityRole() IdentityRole(string) Initializes a new instance of IdentityRole<TKey>. public IdentityRole(string roleName) Parameters roleName string The role name. Fields _claims Claims storage protected ICollection<TRoleClaim> _claims Field Value ICollection<TRoleClaim> _users Users storage protected ICollection<TUserRole> _users Field Value ICollection<TUserRole> Properties Claims Navigation property for claims in this role. [Association(ThisKey = \"Id\", OtherKey = \"RoleId\", Storage = \"_claims\")] public virtual ICollection<TRoleClaim> Claims { get; } Property Value ICollection<TRoleClaim> ConcurrencyStamp A random value that should change whenever a role is persisted to the store public virtual string ConcurrencyStamp { get; set; } Property Value string Id Gets or sets the primary key for this role. [PrimaryKey] [Column(CanBeNull = false, IsPrimaryKey = true, Length = 255)] public virtual TKey Id { get; set; } Property Value TKey Name Gets or sets the name for this role. public virtual string Name { get; set; } Property Value string NormalizedName Gets or sets the normalized name for this role. public virtual string NormalizedName { get; set; } Property Value string Users Navigation property for the users in this role. [Association(ThisKey = \"Id\", OtherKey = \"RoleId\", Storage = \"_users\")] public virtual ICollection<TUserRole> Users { get; } Property Value ICollection<TUserRole> Methods ToString() Returns the name of the role. public override string ToString() Returns string The name of the role."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityRole.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityRole.html",
"title": "Class IdentityRole | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityRole Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll The default implementation of IdentityRole<TKey> which uses a string as the primary key. public class IdentityRole : IdentityRole<string>, IIdentityRole<string>, IConcurrency<string> Inheritance object IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>> IdentityRole<string> IdentityRole Implements IIdentityRole<string> IConcurrency<string> Inherited Members IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>._claims IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>._users IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.Users IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.Claims IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.Id IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.Name IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.NormalizedName IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.ConcurrencyStamp IdentityRole<string, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.ToString() Constructors IdentityRole() Initializes a new instance of IdentityRole. public IdentityRole() Remarks The Id property is initialized to from a new GUID string value. IdentityRole(string) Initializes a new instance of IdentityRole. public IdentityRole(string roleName) Parameters roleName string The role name. Remarks The Id property is initialized to from a new GUID string value."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityRoleClaim-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityRoleClaim-1.html",
"title": "Class IdentityRoleClaim<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityRoleClaim<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a claim that is granted to all users within a role. public class IdentityRoleClaim<TKey> : IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, IClameConverter where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key of the role associated with this claim. Inheritance object IdentityRoleClaim<TKey> Implements IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey> IClameConverter Properties ClaimType Gets or sets the claim type for this claim. public virtual string ClaimType { get; set; } Property Value string ClaimValue Gets or sets the claim value for this claim. public virtual string ClaimValue { get; set; } Property Value string Id Gets or sets the identifier for this role claim. public virtual int Id { get; set; } Property Value int RoleId Gets or sets the of the primary key of the role associated with this claim. public virtual TKey RoleId { get; set; } Property Value TKey Methods InitializeFromClaim(Claim) Initializes by copying ClaimType and ClaimValue from the other claim. public virtual void InitializeFromClaim(Claim other) Parameters other Claim The claim to initialize from. ToClaim() Constructs a new claim with the type and value. public virtual Claim ToClaim() Returns Claim"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUser-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUser-1.html",
"title": "Class IdentityUser<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityUser<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a user in the identity system public class IdentityUser<TKey> : IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>, IIdentityUser<TKey>, IConcurrency<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key for the user. Inheritance object IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>> IdentityUser<TKey> Implements IIdentityUser<TKey> IConcurrency<TKey> Derived IdentityUser Inherited Members IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>._claims IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>._logins IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>._roles IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.Roles IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.Claims IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.Logins IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.Id IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.UserName IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.NormalizedUserName IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.Email IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.NormalizedEmail IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.EmailConfirmed IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.PasswordHash IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.SecurityStamp IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.ConcurrencyStamp IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.PhoneNumber IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.PhoneNumberConfirmed IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.TwoFactorEnabled IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.LockoutEnd IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.LockoutEnabled IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.AccessFailedCount IdentityUser<TKey, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>>.ToString()"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUser-4.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUser-4.html",
"title": "Class IdentityUser<TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityUser<TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a user in the identity system public class IdentityUser<TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin> : IIdentityUser<TKey>, IConcurrency<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key for the user. TUserClaim The type representing a claim. TUserRole The type representing a user role. TUserLogin The type representing a user external login. Inheritance object IdentityUser<TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin> Implements IIdentityUser<TKey> IConcurrency<TKey> Derived IdentityUser<TKey> Constructors IdentityUser() Initializes a new instance of IdentityUser<TKey>. public IdentityUser() IdentityUser(string) Initializes a new instance of IdentityUser<TKey>. public IdentityUser(string userName) Parameters userName string The user name. Fields _claims Claims storage protected ICollection<TUserClaim> _claims Field Value ICollection<TUserClaim> _logins Logins storage protected ICollection<TUserLogin> _logins Field Value ICollection<TUserLogin> _roles Roles storage protected ICollection<TUserRole> _roles Field Value ICollection<TUserRole> Properties AccessFailedCount Gets or sets the number of failed login attempts for the current user. public virtual int AccessFailedCount { get; set; } Property Value int Claims Navigation property for the claims this user possesses. [Association(ThisKey = \"Id\", OtherKey = \"UserId\", Storage = \"_claims\")] public virtual ICollection<TUserClaim> Claims { get; } Property Value ICollection<TUserClaim> ConcurrencyStamp A random value that must change whenever a user is persisted to the store public virtual string ConcurrencyStamp { get; set; } Property Value string Email Gets or sets the email address for this user. public virtual string Email { get; set; } Property Value string EmailConfirmed Gets or sets a flag indicating if a user has confirmed their email address. public virtual bool EmailConfirmed { get; set; } Property Value bool True if the email address has been confirmed, otherwise false. Id Gets or sets the primary key for this user. [PrimaryKey] [Column(CanBeNull = false, IsPrimaryKey = true, Length = 255)] public virtual TKey Id { get; set; } Property Value TKey LockoutEnabled Gets or sets a flag indicating if the user could be locked out. public virtual bool LockoutEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool True if the user could be locked out, otherwise false. LockoutEnd Gets or sets the date and time, in UTC, when any user lockout ends. public virtual DateTimeOffset? LockoutEnd { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset? Remarks A value in the past means the user is not locked out. Logins Navigation property for this users login accounts. [Association(ThisKey = \"Id\", OtherKey = \"UserId\", Storage = \"_logins\")] public virtual ICollection<TUserLogin> Logins { get; } Property Value ICollection<TUserLogin> NormalizedEmail Gets or sets the normalized email address for this user. public virtual string NormalizedEmail { get; set; } Property Value string NormalizedUserName Gets or sets the normalized user name for this user. public virtual string NormalizedUserName { get; set; } Property Value string PasswordHash Gets or sets a salted and hashed representation of the password for this user. public virtual string PasswordHash { get; set; } Property Value string PhoneNumber Gets or sets a telephone number for the user. public virtual string PhoneNumber { get; set; } Property Value string PhoneNumberConfirmed Gets or sets a flag indicating if a user has confirmed their telephone address. public virtual bool PhoneNumberConfirmed { get; set; } Property Value bool True if the telephone number has been confirmed, otherwise false. Roles Navigation property for the roles this user belongs to. [Association(ThisKey = \"Id\", OtherKey = \"UserId\", Storage = \"_roles\")] public virtual ICollection<TUserRole> Roles { get; } Property Value ICollection<TUserRole> SecurityStamp A random value that must change whenever a users credentials change (password changed, login removed) public virtual string SecurityStamp { get; set; } Property Value string TwoFactorEnabled Gets or sets a flag indicating if two factor authentication is enabled for this user. public virtual bool TwoFactorEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool True if 2fa is enabled, otherwise false. UserName Gets or sets the user name for this user. public virtual string UserName { get; set; } Property Value string Methods ToString() Returns the username for this user. public override string ToString() Returns string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUser.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUser.html",
"title": "Class IdentityUser | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityUser Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll The default implementation of IdentityUser<TKey> which uses a string as a primary key. public class IdentityUser : IdentityUser<string>, IIdentityUser<string>, IConcurrency<string> Inheritance object IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>> IdentityUser<string> IdentityUser Implements IIdentityUser<string> IConcurrency<string> Inherited Members IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>._claims IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>._logins IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>._roles IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.Roles IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.Claims IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.Logins IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.Id IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.UserName IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.NormalizedUserName IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.Email IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.NormalizedEmail IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.EmailConfirmed IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.PasswordHash IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.SecurityStamp IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.ConcurrencyStamp IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.PhoneNumber IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.PhoneNumberConfirmed IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.TwoFactorEnabled IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.LockoutEnd IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.LockoutEnabled IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.AccessFailedCount IdentityUser<string, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>>.ToString() Constructors IdentityUser() Initializes a new instance of IdentityUser. public IdentityUser() Remarks The Id property is initialized to from a new GUID string value. IdentityUser(string) Initializes a new instance of IdentityUser. public IdentityUser(string userName) Parameters userName string The user name. Remarks The Id property is initialized to from a new GUID string value."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUserClaim-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUserClaim-1.html",
"title": "Class IdentityUserClaim<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityUserClaim<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a claim that a user possesses. public class IdentityUserClaim<TKey> : IIdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IClameConverter where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type used for the primary key for this user that possesses this claim. Inheritance object IdentityUserClaim<TKey> Implements IIdentityUserClaim<TKey> IClameConverter Properties ClaimType Gets or sets the claim type for this claim. public virtual string ClaimType { get; set; } Property Value string ClaimValue Gets or sets the claim value for this claim. public virtual string ClaimValue { get; set; } Property Value string Id Gets or sets the identifier for this user claim. public virtual int Id { get; set; } Property Value int UserId Gets or sets the primary key of the user associated with this claim. public virtual TKey UserId { get; set; } Property Value TKey Methods InitializeFromClaim(Claim) Reads the type and value from the Claim. public virtual void InitializeFromClaim(Claim claim) Parameters claim Claim ToClaim() Converts the entity into a Claim instance. public virtual Claim ToClaim() Returns Claim"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUserLogin-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUserLogin-1.html",
"title": "Class IdentityUserLogin<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityUserLogin<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a login and its associated provider for a user. public class IdentityUserLogin<TKey> : IIdentityUserLogin<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key of the user associated with this login. Inheritance object IdentityUserLogin<TKey> Implements IIdentityUserLogin<TKey> Properties LoginProvider Gets or sets the login provider for the login (e.g. facebook, google) public virtual string LoginProvider { get; set; } Property Value string ProviderDisplayName Gets or sets the friendly name used in a UI for this login. public virtual string ProviderDisplayName { get; set; } Property Value string ProviderKey Gets or sets the unique provider identifier for this login. public virtual string ProviderKey { get; set; } Property Value string UserId Gets or sets the of the primary key of the user associated with this login. public virtual TKey UserId { get; set; } Property Value TKey"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUserRole-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUserRole-1.html",
"title": "Class IdentityUserRole<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityUserRole<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents the link between a user and a role. public class IdentityUserRole<TKey> : IIdentityUserRole<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key used for users and roles. Inheritance object IdentityUserRole<TKey> Implements IIdentityUserRole<TKey> Properties RoleId Gets or sets the primary key of the role that is linked to the user. public virtual TKey RoleId { get; set; } Property Value TKey UserId Gets or sets the primary key of the user that is linked to a role. public virtual TKey UserId { get; set; } Property Value TKey"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUserToken-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.IdentityUserToken-1.html",
"title": "Class IdentityUserToken<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityUserToken<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents an authentication token for a user. public class IdentityUserToken<TKey> : IIdentityUserToken<TKey> where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key used for users. Inheritance object IdentityUserToken<TKey> Implements IIdentityUserToken<TKey> Properties LoginProvider Gets or sets the LoginProvider this token is from. public virtual string LoginProvider { get; set; } Property Value string Name Gets or sets the name of the token. public virtual string Name { get; set; } Property Value string UserId Gets or sets the primary key of the user that the token belongs to. public virtual TKey UserId { get; set; } Property Value TKey Value Gets or sets the token value. public virtual string Value { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.Resources.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.Resources.html",
"title": "Class Resources | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Resources Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. public class Resources Inheritance object Resources Properties Culture Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. public static CultureInfo Culture { get; set; } Property Value CultureInfo ResourceManager Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. public static ResourceManager ResourceManager { get; } Property Value ResourceManager RoleNotFound Looks up a localized string similar to Role {0} does not exist.. public static string RoleNotFound { get; } Property Value string ValueCannotBeNullOrEmpty Looks up a localized string similar to Value cannot be null or empty.. public static string ValueCannotBeNullOrEmpty { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.RoleStore-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.RoleStore-1.html",
"title": "Class RoleStore<TRole> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RoleStore<TRole> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Creates a new instance of a persistence store for roles. public class RoleStore<TRole> : RoleStore<string, TRole>, IQueryableRoleStore<TRole>, IRoleClaimStore<TRole>, IRoleStore<TRole>, IDisposable where TRole : IdentityRole<string> Type Parameters TRole The type of the class representing a role. Inheritance object RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>> RoleStore<string, TRole> RoleStore<TRole> Implements IQueryableRoleStore<TRole> IRoleClaimStore<TRole> IRoleStore<TRole> IDisposable Inherited Members RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.GetConnection() RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.GetContext() RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.ErrorDescriber RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.CreateAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.CreateAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.UpdateAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.UpdateAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.DeleteAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.GetRoleIdAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.GetRoleNameAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.SetRoleNameAsync(TRole, string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.FindByIdAsync(string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.FindByIdAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.FindByNameAsync(string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.FindByNameAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.GetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.SetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole, string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.Dispose() RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.Roles RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.GetClaimsAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.AddClaimAsync(TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.AddClaimAsync(DataConnection, TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.RemoveClaimAsync(TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.RemoveClaimAsync(DataConnection, TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.ConvertIdFromString(string) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.ConvertIdToString(string) RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.ThrowIfDisposed() RoleStore<string, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<string>>.CreateRoleClaim(TRole, Claim) Constructors RoleStore(IConnectionFactory, IdentityErrorDescriber) Constructs a new instance of RoleStore<TKey, TRole>. public RoleStore(IConnectionFactory factory, IdentityErrorDescriber describer = null) Parameters factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory describer IdentityErrorDescriber The IdentityErrorDescriber."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.RoleStore-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.RoleStore-2.html",
"title": "Class RoleStore<TKey, TRole> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RoleStore<TKey, TRole> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Creates a new instance of a persistence store for roles. public class RoleStore<TKey, TRole> : RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>, IQueryableRoleStore<TRole>, IRoleClaimStore<TRole>, IRoleStore<TRole>, IDisposable where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> where TRole : IdentityRole<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key for a role. TRole The type of the class representing a role. Inheritance object RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>> RoleStore<TKey, TRole> Implements IQueryableRoleStore<TRole> IRoleClaimStore<TRole> IRoleStore<TRole> IDisposable Derived RoleStore<TRole> Inherited Members RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.GetConnection() RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.GetContext() RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.ErrorDescriber RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.CreateAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.CreateAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.UpdateAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.UpdateAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.DeleteAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.GetRoleIdAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.GetRoleNameAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.SetRoleNameAsync(TRole, string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.FindByIdAsync(string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.FindByIdAsync(DataConnection, TKey, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.FindByNameAsync(string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.FindByNameAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.GetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.SetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole, string, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.Dispose() RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.Roles RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.GetClaimsAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.AddClaimAsync(TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.AddClaimAsync(DataConnection, TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.RemoveClaimAsync(TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.RemoveClaimAsync(DataConnection, TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.ConvertIdFromString(string) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.ConvertIdToString(TKey) RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.ThrowIfDisposed() RoleStore<TKey, TRole, IdentityRoleClaim<TKey>>.CreateRoleClaim(TRole, Claim) Constructors RoleStore(IConnectionFactory, IdentityErrorDescriber) Constructs a new instance of RoleStore<TKey, TRole, TRoleClaim>. public RoleStore(IConnectionFactory factory, IdentityErrorDescriber describer = null) Parameters factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory describer IdentityErrorDescriber The IdentityErrorDescriber."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.RoleStore-3.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.RoleStore-3.html",
"title": "Class RoleStore<TKey, TRole, TRoleClaim> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RoleStore<TKey, TRole, TRoleClaim> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Creates a new instance of a persistence store for roles. public class RoleStore<TKey, TRole, TRoleClaim> : IQueryableRoleStore<TRole>, IRoleClaimStore<TRole>, IRoleStore<TRole>, IDisposable where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> where TRole : class, IIdentityRole<TKey> where TRoleClaim : class, IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey>, new() Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key for a role. TRole The type of the class representing a role. TRoleClaim The type of the class representing a role claim. Inheritance object RoleStore<TKey, TRole, TRoleClaim> Implements IQueryableRoleStore<TRole> IRoleClaimStore<TRole> IRoleStore<TRole> IDisposable Derived RoleStore<TKey, TRole> Constructors RoleStore(IConnectionFactory, IdentityErrorDescriber) Constructs a new instance of RoleStore<TKey, TRole, TRoleClaim>. public RoleStore(IConnectionFactory factory, IdentityErrorDescriber describer = null) Parameters factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory describer IdentityErrorDescriber The IdentityErrorDescriber. Properties ErrorDescriber Gets or sets the IdentityErrorDescriber for any error that occurred with the current operation. public IdentityErrorDescriber ErrorDescriber { get; set; } Property Value IdentityErrorDescriber Roles A navigation property for the roles the store contains. public virtual IQueryable<TRole> Roles { get; } Property Value IQueryable<TRole> Methods AddClaimAsync(DataConnection, TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) Adds the claim given to the specified role. protected virtual Task AddClaimAsync(DataConnection db, TRole role, Claim claim, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection role TRole The role to add the claim to. claim Claim The claim to add to the role. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. AddClaimAsync(TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) Adds the claim given to the specified role. public Task AddClaimAsync(TRole role, Claim claim, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role to add the claim to. claim Claim The claim to add to the role. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. ConvertIdFromString(string) Converts the provided id to a strongly typed key object. public virtual TKey ConvertIdFromString(string id) Parameters id string The id to convert. Returns TKey An instance of TKey representing the provided id. ConvertIdToString(TKey) Converts the provided id to its string representation. public virtual string ConvertIdToString(TKey id) Parameters id TKey The id to convert. Returns string An string representation of the provided id. CreateAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) Creates a new role in a store as an asynchronous operation. protected virtual Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(DataConnection db, TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection role TRole The role to create in the store. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> A Task<TResult> that represents the IdentityResult of the asynchronous query. CreateAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) Creates a new role in a store as an asynchronous operation. public Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role to create in the store. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> A Task<TResult> that represents the IdentityResult of the asynchronous query. CreateRoleClaim(TRole, Claim) Creates a entity representing a role claim. protected virtual TRoleClaim CreateRoleClaim(TRole role, Claim claim) Parameters role TRole The associated role. claim Claim The associated claim. Returns TRoleClaim The role claim entity. DeleteAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) Deletes a role from the store as an asynchronous operation. public Task<IdentityResult> DeleteAsync(TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role to delete from the store. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> A Task<TResult> that represents the IdentityResult of the asynchronous query. Dispose() Dispose the stores public void Dispose() FindByIdAsync(DataConnection, TKey, CancellationToken) Finds the role who has the specified ID as an asynchronous operation. protected virtual Task<TRole> FindByIdAsync(DataConnection db, TKey roleId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection roleId TKey cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TRole> A Task<TResult> that result of the look up. FindByIdAsync(string, CancellationToken) Finds the role who has the specified ID as an asynchronous operation. public Task<TRole> FindByIdAsync(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters id string The role ID to look for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TRole> A Task<TResult> that result of the look up. FindByNameAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) Finds the role who has the specified normalized name as an asynchronous operation. protected virtual Task<TRole> FindByNameAsync(DataConnection db, string normalizedName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection normalizedName string The normalized role name to look for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TRole> A Task<TResult> that result of the look up. FindByNameAsync(string, CancellationToken) Finds the role who has the specified normalized name as an asynchronous operation. public Task<TRole> FindByNameAsync(string normalizedName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters normalizedName string The normalized role name to look for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TRole> A Task<TResult> that result of the look up. GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) Get the claims associated with the specified role as an asynchronous operation. protected virtual Task<IList<Claim>> GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection db, TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection role TRole The role whose claims should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<Claim>> A Task<TResult> that contains the claims granted to a role. GetClaimsAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) Get the claims associated with the specified role as an asynchronous operation. public Task<IList<Claim>> GetClaimsAsync(TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role whose claims should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<Claim>> A Task<TResult> that contains the claims granted to a role. GetConnection() Gets DataConnection from supplied IConnectionFactory protected DataConnection GetConnection() Returns DataConnection DataConnection GetContext() Gets IDataContext from supplied IConnectionFactory protected IDataContext GetContext() Returns IDataContext IDataContext GetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) Get a role's normalized name as an asynchronous operation. public virtual Task<string> GetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role whose normalized name should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> A Task<TResult> that contains the name of the role. GetRoleIdAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) Gets the ID for a role from the store as an asynchronous operation. public Task<string> GetRoleIdAsync(TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role whose ID should be returned. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> A Task<TResult> that contains the ID of the role. GetRoleNameAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) Gets the name of a role from the store as an asynchronous operation. public Task<string> GetRoleNameAsync(TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role whose name should be returned. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> A Task<TResult> that contains the name of the role. RemoveClaimAsync(DataConnection, TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) Removes the claim given from the specified role. protected virtual Task RemoveClaimAsync(DataConnection db, TRole role, Claim claim, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection role TRole The role to remove the claim from. claim Claim The claim to remove from the role. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. RemoveClaimAsync(TRole, Claim, CancellationToken) Removes the claim given from the specified role. public Task RemoveClaimAsync(TRole role, Claim claim, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role to remove the claim from. claim Claim The claim to remove from the role. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole, string, CancellationToken) Set a role's normalized name as an asynchronous operation. public virtual Task SetNormalizedRoleNameAsync(TRole role, string normalizedName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role whose normalized name should be set. normalizedName string The normalized name to set cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetRoleNameAsync(TRole, string, CancellationToken) Sets the name of a role in the store as an asynchronous operation. public Task SetRoleNameAsync(TRole role, string roleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role whose name should be set. roleName string The name of the role. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. ThrowIfDisposed() Throws if this class has been disposed. protected void ThrowIfDisposed() UpdateAsync(DataConnection, TRole, CancellationToken) Updates a role in a store as an asynchronous operation. protected virtual Task<IdentityResult> UpdateAsync(DataConnection db, TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection role TRole The role to update in the store. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> A Task<TResult> that represents the IdentityResult of the asynchronous query. UpdateAsync(TRole, CancellationToken) Updates a role in a store as an asynchronous operation. public Task<IdentityResult> UpdateAsync(TRole role, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters role TRole The role to update in the store. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> A Task<TResult> that represents the IdentityResult of the asynchronous query."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.UserStore-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.UserStore-1.html",
"title": "Class UserStore<TUser> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class UserStore<TUser> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Creates a new instance of a persistence store for the specified user type. public class UserStore<TUser> : UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole>, IUserLoginStore<TUser>, IUserRoleStore<TUser>, IUserClaimStore<TUser>, IUserPasswordStore<TUser>, IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser>, IUserEmailStore<TUser>, IUserLockoutStore<TUser>, IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser>, IQueryableUserStore<TUser>, IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser>, IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser>, IUserStore<TUser>, IDisposable where TUser : IdentityUser<string>, new() Type Parameters TUser The type representing a user. Inheritance object UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>> UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole> UserStore<TUser> Implements IUserLoginStore<TUser> IUserRoleStore<TUser> IUserClaimStore<TUser> IUserPasswordStore<TUser> IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser> IUserEmailStore<TUser> IUserLockoutStore<TUser> IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser> IQueryableUserStore<TUser> IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser> IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser> IUserStore<TUser> IDisposable Inherited Members UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole>.CreateUserRole(TUser, IdentityRole) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole>.CreateUserClaim(TUser, Claim) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole>.CreateUserLogin(TUser, UserLoginInfo) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole>.CreateUserToken(TUser, string, string, string) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetConnection() UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetContext() UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ErrorDescriber UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.Users UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetClaimsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddClaimsAsync(DataConnection, IEnumerable<IdentityUserClaim<string>>, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim, CancellationToken, DataConnection) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUsersForClaimAsync(Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UsersForClaimAsync(DataConnection, Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetEmailAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByEmailAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByEmailAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, DateTimeOffset?, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.IncrementAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ResetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUserIdAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetUserNameAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UpdateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UpdateAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.DeleteAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.DeleteAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByIdAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByIdAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByNameAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByNameAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.Dispose() UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddLoginAsync(TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddLoginAsync(DataConnection, TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveLoginAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveLoginAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetLoginsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetLoginsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByLoginAsync(string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByLoginAsync(DataConnection, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.HasPasswordAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddToRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddToRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveFromRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveFromRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetRolesAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetRolesAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.IsInRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.IsInRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUsersInRoleAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUsersInRoleAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateUserRole(TUser, IdentityRole) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateUserClaim(TUser, Claim) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateUserLogin(TUser, UserLoginInfo) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateUserToken(TUser, string, string, string) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ConvertIdFromString(string) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ConvertIdToString(string) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ThrowIfDisposed() UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, IdentityRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Constructors UserStore(IConnectionFactory, IdentityErrorDescriber) Constructs a new instance of UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole>. public UserStore(IConnectionFactory factory, IdentityErrorDescriber describer = null) Parameters factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory describer IdentityErrorDescriber The IdentityErrorDescriber."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.UserStore-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.UserStore-2.html",
"title": "Class UserStore<TUser, TRole> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class UserStore<TUser, TRole> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a new instance of a persistence store for the specified user and role types. public class UserStore<TUser, TRole> : UserStore<string, TUser, TRole>, IUserLoginStore<TUser>, IUserRoleStore<TUser>, IUserClaimStore<TUser>, IUserPasswordStore<TUser>, IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser>, IUserEmailStore<TUser>, IUserLockoutStore<TUser>, IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser>, IQueryableUserStore<TUser>, IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser>, IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser>, IUserStore<TUser>, IDisposable where TUser : IdentityUser<string> where TRole : IdentityRole<string> Type Parameters TUser The type representing a user. TRole The type representing a role. Inheritance object UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>> UserStore<string, TUser, TRole> UserStore<TUser, TRole> Implements IUserLoginStore<TUser> IUserRoleStore<TUser> IUserClaimStore<TUser> IUserPasswordStore<TUser> IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser> IUserEmailStore<TUser> IUserLockoutStore<TUser> IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser> IQueryableUserStore<TUser> IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser> IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser> IUserStore<TUser> IDisposable Inherited Members UserStore<string, TUser, TRole>.CreateUserRole(TUser, TRole) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole>.CreateUserClaim(TUser, Claim) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole>.CreateUserLogin(TUser, UserLoginInfo) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole>.CreateUserToken(TUser, string, string, string) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetConnection() UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetContext() UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ErrorDescriber UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.Users UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetClaimsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddClaimsAsync(DataConnection, IEnumerable<IdentityUserClaim<string>>, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim, CancellationToken, DataConnection) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUsersForClaimAsync(Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UsersForClaimAsync(DataConnection, Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetEmailAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByEmailAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByEmailAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, DateTimeOffset?, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.IncrementAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ResetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUserIdAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetUserNameAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UpdateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.UpdateAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.DeleteAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.DeleteAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByIdAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByIdAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByNameAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByNameAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.Dispose() UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddLoginAsync(TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddLoginAsync(DataConnection, TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveLoginAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveLoginAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetLoginsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetLoginsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByLoginAsync(string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.FindByLoginAsync(DataConnection, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.HasPasswordAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddToRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.AddToRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveFromRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.RemoveFromRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetRolesAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetRolesAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.IsInRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.IsInRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUsersInRoleAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetUsersInRoleAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateUserRole(TUser, TRole) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateUserClaim(TUser, Claim) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateUserLogin(TUser, UserLoginInfo) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.CreateUserToken(TUser, string, string, string) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ConvertIdFromString(string) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ConvertIdToString(string) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.ThrowIfDisposed() UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.SetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<string, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<string>, IdentityUserRole<string>, IdentityUserLogin<string>, IdentityUserToken<string>>.GetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Constructors UserStore(IConnectionFactory, IdentityErrorDescriber) Constructs a new instance of UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole>. public UserStore(IConnectionFactory factory, IdentityErrorDescriber describer = null) Parameters factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory describer IdentityErrorDescriber The IdentityErrorDescriber."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.UserStore-3.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.UserStore-3.html",
"title": "Class UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a new instance of a persistence store for the specified user and role types. public class UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole> : UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>, IUserLoginStore<TUser>, IUserRoleStore<TUser>, IUserClaimStore<TUser>, IUserPasswordStore<TUser>, IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser>, IUserEmailStore<TUser>, IUserLockoutStore<TUser>, IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser>, IQueryableUserStore<TUser>, IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser>, IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser>, IUserStore<TUser>, IDisposable where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> where TUser : IdentityUser<TKey> where TRole : IdentityRole<TKey> Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key for a role. TUser The type representing a user. TRole The type representing a role. Inheritance object UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>> UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole> Implements IUserLoginStore<TUser> IUserRoleStore<TUser> IUserClaimStore<TUser> IUserPasswordStore<TUser> IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser> IUserEmailStore<TUser> IUserLockoutStore<TUser> IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser> IQueryableUserStore<TUser> IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser> IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser> IUserStore<TUser> IDisposable Derived UserStore<TUser> UserStore<TUser, TRole> Inherited Members UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetConnection() UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetContext() UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.ErrorDescriber UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.Users UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RemoveTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RemoveTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetClaimsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.AddClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.AddClaimsAsync(DataConnection, IEnumerable<IdentityUserClaim<TKey>>, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim, CancellationToken, DataConnection) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RemoveClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RemoveClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetUsersForClaimAsync(Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.UsersForClaimAsync(DataConnection, Claim, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetEmailAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.FindByEmailAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.FindByEmailAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, DateTimeOffset?, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.IncrementAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.ResetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetUserIdAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetUserNameAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.CreateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.CreateAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.UpdateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.UpdateAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.DeleteAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.DeleteAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.FindByIdAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.FindByIdAsync(DataConnection, TKey, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.FindByNameAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.FindByNameAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.Dispose() UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.AddLoginAsync(TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.AddLoginAsync(DataConnection, TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RemoveLoginAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RemoveLoginAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetLoginsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetLoginsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.FindByLoginAsync(string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.FindByLoginAsync(DataConnection, string, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.HasPasswordAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.AddToRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.AddToRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RemoveFromRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.RemoveFromRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetRolesAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetRolesAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.IsInRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.IsInRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetUsersInRoleAsync(string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetUsersInRoleAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.CreateUserRole(TUser, TRole) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.CreateUserClaim(TUser, Claim) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.CreateUserLogin(TUser, UserLoginInfo) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.CreateUserToken(TUser, string, string, string) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.ConvertIdFromString(string) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.ConvertIdToString(TKey) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.ThrowIfDisposed() UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.SetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, IdentityUserClaim<TKey>, IdentityUserRole<TKey>, IdentityUserLogin<TKey>, IdentityUserToken<TKey>>.GetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Constructors UserStore(IConnectionFactory, IdentityErrorDescriber) Constructs a new instance of UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole>. public UserStore(IConnectionFactory factory, IdentityErrorDescriber describer = null) Parameters factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory describer IdentityErrorDescriber The IdentityErrorDescriber. Methods CreateUserClaim(TUser, Claim) Called to create a new instance of a IdentityUserClaim<TKey>. protected override IdentityUserClaim<TKey> CreateUserClaim(TUser user, Claim claim) Parameters user TUser The associated user. claim Claim The associated claim. Returns IdentityUserClaim<TKey> CreateUserLogin(TUser, UserLoginInfo) Called to create a new instance of a IdentityUserLogin<TKey>. protected override IdentityUserLogin<TKey> CreateUserLogin(TUser user, UserLoginInfo login) Parameters user TUser The associated user. login UserLoginInfo The sasociated login. Returns IdentityUserLogin<TKey> CreateUserRole(TUser, TRole) Called to create a new instance of a IdentityUserRole<TKey>. protected override IdentityUserRole<TKey> CreateUserRole(TUser user, TRole role) Parameters user TUser The associated user. role TRole The associated role. Returns IdentityUserRole<TKey> CreateUserToken(TUser, string, string, string) Called to create a new instance of a IdentityUserToken<TKey>. protected override IdentityUserToken<TKey> CreateUserToken(TUser user, string loginProvider, string name, string value) Parameters user TUser The associated user. loginProvider string The associated login provider. name string The name of the user token. value string The value of the user token. Returns IdentityUserToken<TKey>"
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.UserStore-7.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.UserStore-7.html",
"title": "Class UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TUserToken> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TUserToken> Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Represents a new instance of a persistence store for the specified user and role types. public class UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TUserToken> : IUserLoginStore<TUser>, IUserRoleStore<TUser>, IUserClaimStore<TUser>, IUserPasswordStore<TUser>, IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser>, IUserEmailStore<TUser>, IUserLockoutStore<TUser>, IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser>, IQueryableUserStore<TUser>, IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser>, IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser>, IUserStore<TUser>, IDisposable where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> where TUser : class, IIdentityUser<TKey> where TRole : class, IIdentityRole<TKey> where TUserClaim : class, IIdentityUserClaim<TKey>, new() where TUserRole : class, IIdentityUserRole<TKey>, new() where TUserLogin : class, IIdentityUserLogin<TKey>, new() where TUserToken : class, IIdentityUserToken<TKey>, new() Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key for a role. TUser The type representing a user. TRole The type representing a role. TUserClaim The type representing a claim. TUserRole The type representing a user role. TUserLogin The type representing a user external login. TUserToken The type representing a user token. Inheritance object UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TUserToken> Implements IUserLoginStore<TUser> IUserRoleStore<TUser> IUserClaimStore<TUser> IUserPasswordStore<TUser> IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser> IUserEmailStore<TUser> IUserLockoutStore<TUser> IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser> IQueryableUserStore<TUser> IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser> IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser> IUserStore<TUser> IDisposable Derived UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole> Constructors UserStore(IConnectionFactory, IdentityErrorDescriber) Creates a new instance of UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TUserToken> . public UserStore(IConnectionFactory factory, IdentityErrorDescriber describer = null) Parameters factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory describer IdentityErrorDescriber The IdentityErrorDescriber used to describe store errors. Properties ErrorDescriber Gets or sets the IdentityErrorDescriber for any error that occurred with the current operation. public IdentityErrorDescriber ErrorDescriber { get; set; } Property Value IdentityErrorDescriber Users A navigation property for the users the store contains. public virtual IQueryable<TUser> Users { get; } Property Value IQueryable<TUser> Methods AddClaimsAsync(DataConnection, IEnumerable<TUserClaim>, CancellationToken) Adds the claims given to the specified user. protected virtual Task AddClaimsAsync(DataConnection dc, IEnumerable<TUserClaim> data, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters dc DataConnection data IEnumerable<TUserClaim> cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. AddClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) Adds the claims given to the specified user. public Task AddClaimsAsync(TUser user, IEnumerable<Claim> claims, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to add the claim to. claims IEnumerable<Claim> The claim to add to the user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. AddLoginAsync(DataConnection, TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken) Adds the login given to the specified user. protected virtual Task AddLoginAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, UserLoginInfo login, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user to add the login to. login UserLoginInfo The login to add to the user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. AddLoginAsync(TUser, UserLoginInfo, CancellationToken) Adds the login given to the specified user. public Task AddLoginAsync(TUser user, UserLoginInfo login, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to add the login to. login UserLoginInfo The login to add to the user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. AddToRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) Adds the given normalizedRoleName to the specified user. protected virtual Task AddToRoleAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, string normalizedRoleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user to add the role to. normalizedRoleName string The role to add. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. AddToRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Adds the given normalizedRoleName to the specified user. public Task AddToRoleAsync(TUser user, string normalizedRoleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to add the role to. normalizedRoleName string The role to add. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. ConvertIdFromString(string) Converts the provided id to a strongly typed key object. public virtual TKey ConvertIdFromString(string id) Parameters id string The id to convert. Returns TKey An instance of TKey representing the provided id. ConvertIdToString(TKey) Converts the provided id to its string representation. public virtual string ConvertIdToString(TKey id) Parameters id TKey The id to convert. Returns string An string representation of the provided id. CreateAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) Creates the specified user in the user store. protected virtual Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user to create. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the IdentityResult of the creation operation. CreateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Creates the specified user in the user store. public Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to create. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the IdentityResult of the creation operation. CreateUserClaim(TUser, Claim) Create a new entity representing a user claim. protected virtual TUserClaim CreateUserClaim(TUser user, Claim claim) Parameters user TUser claim Claim Returns TUserClaim CreateUserLogin(TUser, UserLoginInfo) Create a new entity representing a user login. protected virtual TUserLogin CreateUserLogin(TUser user, UserLoginInfo login) Parameters user TUser login UserLoginInfo Returns TUserLogin CreateUserRole(TUser, TRole) Creates a new entity to represent a user role. protected virtual TUserRole CreateUserRole(TUser user, TRole role) Parameters user TUser role TRole Returns TUserRole CreateUserToken(TUser, string, string, string) Create a new entity representing a user token. protected virtual TUserToken CreateUserToken(TUser user, string loginProvider, string name, string value) Parameters user TUser loginProvider string name string value string Returns TUserToken DeleteAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) Deletes the specified user from the user store. protected virtual Task<IdentityResult> DeleteAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user to delete. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the IdentityResult of the update operation. DeleteAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Deletes the specified user from the user store. public Task<IdentityResult> DeleteAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to delete. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the IdentityResult of the update operation. Dispose() Dispose the store public void Dispose() FindByEmailAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) Gets the user, if any, associated with the specified, normalized email address. protected virtual Task<TUser> FindByEmailAsync(DataConnection db, string normalizedEmail, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection normalizedEmail string The normalized email address to return the user for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TUser> The task object containing the results of the asynchronous lookup operation, the user if any associated with the specified normalized email address. FindByEmailAsync(string, CancellationToken) Gets the user, if any, associated with the specified, normalized email address. public Task<TUser> FindByEmailAsync(string normalizedEmail, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters normalizedEmail string The normalized email address to return the user for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TUser> The task object containing the results of the asynchronous lookup operation, the user if any associated with the specified normalized email address. FindByIdAsync(DataConnection, TKey, CancellationToken) Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified userId. protected virtual Task<TUser> FindByIdAsync(DataConnection db, TKey id, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection id TKey cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TUser> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the user matching the specified userId if it exists. FindByIdAsync(string, CancellationToken) Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified userId. public Task<TUser> FindByIdAsync(string userId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters userId string The user ID to search for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TUser> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the user matching the specified userId if it exists. FindByLoginAsync(DataConnection, string, string, CancellationToken) Retrieves the user associated with the specified login provider and login provider key.. protected virtual Task<TUser> FindByLoginAsync(DataConnection db, string loginProvider, string providerKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection loginProvider string The login provider who provided the providerKey. providerKey string The key provided by the loginProvider to identify a user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TUser> The Task for the asynchronous operation, containing the user, if any which matched the specified login provider and key. FindByLoginAsync(string, string, CancellationToken) Retrieves the user associated with the specified login provider and login provider key.. public Task<TUser> FindByLoginAsync(string loginProvider, string providerKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters loginProvider string The login provider who provided the providerKey. providerKey string The key provided by the loginProvider to identify a user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TUser> The Task for the asynchronous operation, containing the user, if any which matched the specified login provider and key. FindByNameAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified normalized user name. protected virtual Task<TUser> FindByNameAsync(DataConnection db, string normalizedUserName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection normalizedUserName string The normalized user name to search for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TUser> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the user matching the specified normalizedUserName if it exists. FindByNameAsync(string, CancellationToken) Finds and returns a user, if any, who has the specified normalized user name. public Task<TUser> FindByNameAsync(string normalizedUserName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters normalizedUserName string The normalized user name to search for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<TUser> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the user matching the specified normalizedUserName if it exists. GetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Retrieves the current failed access count for the specified user.. public virtual Task<int> GetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose failed access count should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<int> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the failed access count. GetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Get the authenticator key for the specified user. public virtual Task<string> GetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters user TUser The user whose security stamp should be set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the security stamp for the specified user. GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) Get the claims associated with the specified user as an asynchronous operation. protected virtual Task<IList<Claim>> GetClaimsAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user whose claims should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<Claim>> A Task<TResult> that contains the claims granted to a user. GetClaimsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Get the claims associated with the specified user as an asynchronous operation. public Task<IList<Claim>> GetClaimsAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose claims should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<Claim>> A Task<TResult> that contains the claims granted to a user. GetConnection() Gets DataConnection from supplied IConnectionFactory protected DataConnection GetConnection() Returns DataConnection DataConnection GetContext() Gets IDataContext from supplied IConnectionFactory protected IDataContext GetContext() Returns IDataContext IDataContext GetEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets the email address for the specified user. public virtual Task<string> GetEmailAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose email should be returned. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The task object containing the results of the asynchronous operation, the email address for the specified user. GetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets a flag indicating whether the email address for the specified user has been verified, true if the email address is verified otherwise false. public virtual Task<bool> GetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose email confirmation status should be returned. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<bool> The task object containing the results of the asynchronous operation, a flag indicating whether the email address for the specified user has been confirmed or not. GetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Retrieves a flag indicating whether user lockout can enabled for the specified user. public virtual Task<bool> GetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose ability to be locked out should be returned. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<bool> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, true if a user can be locked out, otherwise false. GetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets the last DateTimeOffset a user's last lockout expired, if any. Any time in the past should be indicates a user is not locked out. public virtual Task<DateTimeOffset?> GetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose lockout date should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<DateTimeOffset?> A Task<TResult> that represents the result of the asynchronous query, a DateTimeOffset containing the last time a user's lockout expired, if any. GetLoginsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) Retrieves the associated logins for the specified . protected virtual Task<IList<UserLoginInfo>> GetLoginsAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user whose associated logins to retrieve. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<UserLoginInfo>> The Task for the asynchronous operation, containing a list of UserLoginInfo for the specified user, if any. GetLoginsAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Retrieves the associated logins for the specified . public Task<IList<UserLoginInfo>> GetLoginsAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose associated logins to retrieve. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<UserLoginInfo>> The Task for the asynchronous operation, containing a list of UserLoginInfo for the specified user, if any. GetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Returns the normalized email for the specified user. public virtual Task<string> GetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose email address to retrieve. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The task object containing the results of the asynchronous lookup operation, the normalized email address if any associated with the specified user. GetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets the normalized user name for the specified user. public virtual Task<string> GetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose normalized name should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the normalized user name for the specified user. GetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets the password hash for a user. public virtual Task<string> GetPasswordHashAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to retrieve the password hash for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> A Task<TResult> that contains the password hash for the user. GetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets the telephone number, if any, for the specified user. public virtual Task<string> GetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose telephone number should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the user's telephone number, if any. GetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets a flag indicating whether the specified user's telephone number has been confirmed. public virtual Task<bool> GetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to return a flag for, indicating whether their telephone number is confirmed. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<bool> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, returning true if the specified user has a confirmed telephone number otherwise false. GetRolesAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) Retrieves the roles the specified user is a member of. protected virtual Task<IList<string>> GetRolesAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user whose roles should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<string>> A Task<TResult> that contains the roles the user is a member of. GetRolesAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Retrieves the roles the specified user is a member of. public Task<IList<string>> GetRolesAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose roles should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<string>> A Task<TResult> that contains the roles the user is a member of. GetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Get the security stamp for the specified user. public virtual Task<string> GetSecurityStampAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose security stamp should be set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the security stamp for the specified user. GetTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) Returns the token value. protected virtual Task<string> GetTokenAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, string loginProvider, string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user. loginProvider string The authentication provider for the token. name string The name of the token. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. GetTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) Returns the token value. public Task<string> GetTokenAsync(TUser user, string loginProvider, string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters user TUser The user. loginProvider string The authentication provider for the token. name string The name of the token. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Returns a flag indicating whether the specified user has two factor authentication enabled or not, as an asynchronous operation. public virtual Task<bool> GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose two factor authentication enabled status should be set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<bool> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing a flag indicating whether the specified user has two factor authentication enabled or not. GetUserIdAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets the user identifier for the specified user. public virtual Task<string> GetUserIdAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose identifier should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the identifier for the specified user. GetUserNameAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Gets the user name for the specified user. public virtual Task<string> GetUserNameAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose name should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<string> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the name for the specified user. GetUsersForClaimAsync(Claim, CancellationToken) Retrieves all users with the specified claim. public Task<IList<TUser>> GetUsersForClaimAsync(Claim claim, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters claim Claim The claim whose users should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<TUser>> The Task contains a list of users, if any, that contain the specified claim. GetUsersInRoleAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) Retrieves all users in the specified role. protected virtual Task<IList<TUser>> GetUsersInRoleAsync(DataConnection db, string normalizedRoleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection normalizedRoleName string The role whose users should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<TUser>> The Task contains a list of users, if any, that are in the specified role. GetUsersInRoleAsync(string, CancellationToken) Retrieves all users in the specified role. public Task<IList<TUser>> GetUsersInRoleAsync(string normalizedRoleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters normalizedRoleName string The role whose users should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<TUser>> The Task contains a list of users, if any, that are in the specified role. HasPasswordAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Returns a flag indicating if the specified user has a password. public virtual Task<bool> HasPasswordAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to retrieve the password hash for. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<bool> A Task<TResult> containing a flag indicating if the specified user has a password. If the user has a password the returned value with be true, otherwise it will be false. IncrementAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Records that a failed access has occurred, incrementing the failed access count. public virtual Task<int> IncrementAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose cancellation count should be incremented. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<int> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the incremented failed access count. IsInRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) Returns a flag indicating if the specified user is a member of the give normalizedRoleName. protected virtual Task<bool> IsInRoleAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, string normalizedRoleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user whose role membership should be checked. normalizedRoleName string The role to check membership of cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<bool> A Task<TResult> containing a flag indicating if the specified user is a member of the given group. If the user is a member of the group the returned value with be true, otherwise it will be false. IsInRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Returns a flag indicating if the specified user is a member of the give normalizedRoleName. public Task<bool> IsInRoleAsync(TUser user, string normalizedRoleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose role membership should be checked. normalizedRoleName string The role to check membership of cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<bool> A Task<TResult> containing a flag indicating if the specified user is a member of the given group. If the user is a member of the group the returned value with be true, otherwise it will be false. RemoveClaimsAsync(DataConnection, TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) Removes the claims given from the specified user. protected virtual Task RemoveClaimsAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, IEnumerable<Claim> claims, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user to remove the claims from. claims IEnumerable<Claim> The claim to remove. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. RemoveClaimsAsync(TUser, IEnumerable<Claim>, CancellationToken) Removes the claims given from the specified user. public Task RemoveClaimsAsync(TUser user, IEnumerable<Claim> claims, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to remove the claims from. claims IEnumerable<Claim> The claim to remove. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. RemoveFromRoleAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, CancellationToken) Removes the given normalizedRoleName from the specified user. protected virtual Task RemoveFromRoleAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, string normalizedRoleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user to remove the role from. normalizedRoleName string The role to remove. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. RemoveFromRoleAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Removes the given normalizedRoleName from the specified user. public Task RemoveFromRoleAsync(TUser user, string normalizedRoleName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to remove the role from. normalizedRoleName string The role to remove. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. RemoveLoginAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) Removes the loginProvider given from the specified user. protected virtual Task RemoveLoginAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, string loginProvider, string providerKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user to remove the login from. loginProvider string The login to remove from the user. providerKey string The key provided by the loginProvider to identify a user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. RemoveLoginAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) Removes the loginProvider given from the specified user. public Task RemoveLoginAsync(TUser user, string loginProvider, string providerKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to remove the login from. loginProvider string The login to remove from the user. providerKey string The key provided by the loginProvider to identify a user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. RemoveTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) Deletes a token for a user. protected virtual Task RemoveTokenAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, string loginProvider, string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user. loginProvider string The authentication provider for the token. name string The name of the token. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. RemoveTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, CancellationToken) Deletes a token for a user. public Task RemoveTokenAsync(TUser user, string loginProvider, string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters user TUser The user. loginProvider string The authentication provider for the token. name string The name of the token. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim, CancellationToken) Replaces the claim on the specified user, with the newClaim. public Task ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser user, Claim claim, Claim newClaim, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The role to replace the claim on. claim Claim The claim replace. newClaim Claim The new claim replacing the claim. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser, Claim, Claim, CancellationToken, DataConnection) Replaces the claim on the specified user, with the newClaim. protected virtual Task ReplaceClaimAsync(TUser user, Claim claim, Claim newClaim, CancellationToken cancellationToken, DataConnection db) Parameters user TUser The role to replace the claim on. claim Claim The claim replace. newClaim Claim The new claim replacing the claim. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. db DataConnection Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. ResetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Resets a user's failed access count. public virtual Task ResetAccessFailedCountAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose failed access count should be reset. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. Remarks This is typically called after the account is successfully accessed. SetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Sets the authenticator key for the specified user. public virtual Task SetAuthenticatorKeyAsync(TUser user, string key, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters user TUser The user whose authenticator key should be set. key string The authenticator key to set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetEmailAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Sets the email address for a user. public virtual Task SetEmailAsync(TUser user, string email, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose email should be set. email string The email to set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The task object representing the asynchronous operation. SetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) Sets the flag indicating whether the specified user's email address has been confirmed or not. public virtual Task SetEmailConfirmedAsync(TUser user, bool confirmed, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose email confirmation status should be set. confirmed bool A flag indicating if the email address has been confirmed, true if the address is confirmed otherwise false. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The task object representing the asynchronous operation. SetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) Set the flag indicating if the specified user can be locked out.. public virtual Task SetLockoutEnabledAsync(TUser user, bool enabled, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose ability to be locked out should be set. enabled bool A flag indicating if lock out can be enabled for the specified user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser, DateTimeOffset?, CancellationToken) Locks out a user until the specified end date has passed. Setting a end date in the past immediately unlocks a user. public virtual Task SetLockoutEndDateAsync(TUser user, DateTimeOffset? lockoutEnd, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose lockout date should be set. lockoutEnd DateTimeOffset? The DateTimeOffset after which the user's lockout should end. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Sets the normalized email for the specified user. public virtual Task SetNormalizedEmailAsync(TUser user, string normalizedEmail, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose email address to set. normalizedEmail string The normalized email to set for the specified user. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The task object representing the asynchronous operation. SetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Sets the given normalized name for the specified user. public virtual Task SetNormalizedUserNameAsync(TUser user, string normalizedName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose name should be set. normalizedName string The normalized name to set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetPasswordHashAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Sets the password hash for a user. public virtual Task SetPasswordHashAsync(TUser user, string passwordHash, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to set the password hash for. passwordHash string The password hash to set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Sets the telephone number for the specified user. public virtual Task SetPhoneNumberAsync(TUser user, string phoneNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose telephone number should be set. phoneNumber string The telephone number to set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) Sets a flag indicating if the specified user's phone number has been confirmed.. public virtual Task SetPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(TUser user, bool confirmed, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose telephone number confirmation status should be set. confirmed bool A flag indicating whether the user's telephone number has been confirmed. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetSecurityStampAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Sets the provided security stamp for the specified user. public virtual Task SetSecurityStampAsync(TUser user, string stamp, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose security stamp should be set. stamp string The security stamp to set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetTokenAsync(DataConnection, TUser, string, string, string, CancellationToken) Sets the token value for a particular user. protected virtual Task SetTokenAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, string loginProvider, string name, string value, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user. loginProvider string The authentication provider for the token. name string The name of the token. value string The value of the token. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetTokenAsync(TUser, string, string, string, CancellationToken) Sets the token value for a particular user. public Task SetTokenAsync(TUser user, string loginProvider, string name, string value, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters user TUser The user. loginProvider string The authentication provider for the token. name string The name of the token. value string The value of the token. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser, bool, CancellationToken) Sets a flag indicating whether the specified user has two factor authentication enabled or not, as an asynchronous operation. public virtual Task SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(TUser user, bool enabled, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose two factor authentication enabled status should be set. enabled bool A flag indicating whether the specified user has two factor authentication enabled. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. SetUserNameAsync(TUser, string, CancellationToken) Sets the given userName for the specified user. public virtual Task SetUserNameAsync(TUser user, string userName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user whose name should be set. userName string The user name to set. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task The Task that represents the asynchronous operation. ThrowIfDisposed() Throws if this class has been disposed. protected void ThrowIfDisposed() UpdateAsync(DataConnection, TUser, CancellationToken) Updates the specified user in the user store. protected virtual Task<IdentityResult> UpdateAsync(DataConnection db, TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection user TUser The user to update. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the IdentityResult of the update operation. UpdateAsync(TUser, CancellationToken) Updates the specified user in the user store. public Task<IdentityResult> UpdateAsync(TUser user, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters user TUser The user to update. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IdentityResult> The Task that represents the asynchronous operation, containing the IdentityResult of the update operation. UsersForClaimAsync(DataConnection, Claim, CancellationToken) Retrieves all users with the specified claim. protected virtual Task<IList<TUser>> UsersForClaimAsync(DataConnection db, Claim claim, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters db DataConnection claim Claim The claim whose users should be retrieved. cancellationToken CancellationToken The CancellationToken used to propagate notifications that the operation should be canceled. Returns Task<IList<TUser>> The Task contains a list of users, if any, that contain the specified claim."
"api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/LinqToDB.Identity.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Identity | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Identity Classes DefaultConnectionFactory Represents default IConnectionFactory IdentityDataConnection Base class for the LinqToDB database context used for identity. IdentityDataConnection<TUser> Base class for the LinqToDB database context used for identity. IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey> Base class for the LinqToDB database context used for identity. IdentityDataConnection<TUser, TRole, TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TRoleClaim, TUserToken> Base class for the LinqToDB database context used for identity. IdentityRole The default implementation of IdentityRole<TKey> which uses a string as the primary key. IdentityRoleClaim<TKey> Represents a claim that is granted to all users within a role. IdentityRole<TKey> Represents a role in the identity system IdentityRole<TKey, TUserRole, TRoleClaim> Represents a role in the identity system IdentityUser The default implementation of IdentityUser<TKey> which uses a string as a primary key. IdentityUserClaim<TKey> Represents a claim that a user possesses. IdentityUserLogin<TKey> Represents a login and its associated provider for a user. IdentityUserRole<TKey> Represents the link between a user and a role. IdentityUserToken<TKey> Represents an authentication token for a user. IdentityUser<TKey> Represents a user in the identity system IdentityUser<TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin> Represents a user in the identity system Resources A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. RoleStore<TRole> Creates a new instance of a persistence store for roles. RoleStore<TKey, TRole> Creates a new instance of a persistence store for roles. RoleStore<TKey, TRole, TRoleClaim> Creates a new instance of a persistence store for roles. UserStore<TUser> Creates a new instance of a persistence store for the specified user type. UserStore<TUser, TRole> Represents a new instance of a persistence store for the specified user and role types. UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole> Represents a new instance of a persistence store for the specified user and role types. UserStore<TKey, TUser, TRole, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TUserToken> Represents a new instance of a persistence store for the specified user and role types. Interfaces IClameConverter Provides methods to convert from\\to Claim IConcurrency<TKey> Concurrency interface for IIdentityRole<TKey> and IIdentityUser<TKey>/> IConnectionFactory Represents connection factory IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey> Represents a claim that is granted to all users within a role. IIdentityRole<TKey> Represents a role in the identity system IIdentityUserClaim<TKey> Represents a claim that a user possesses. IIdentityUserLogin<TKey> Represents a login and its associated provider for a user. IIdentityUserRole<TKey> Represents the link between a user and a role. IIdentityUserToken<TKey> Represents an authentication token for a user. IIdentityUser<TKey> Represents a user in the identity system"
"api/linq2db.identity/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IdentityLinqToDbBuilderExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IdentityLinqToDbBuilderExtensions.html",
"title": "Class IdentityLinqToDbBuilderExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityLinqToDbBuilderExtensions Namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection Assembly LinqToDB.Identity.dll Contains extension methods to IdentityBuilder for adding linq2db stores. public static class IdentityLinqToDbBuilderExtensions Inheritance object IdentityLinqToDbBuilderExtensions Methods AddLinqToDBStores(IdentityBuilder, IConnectionFactory) Adds an linq2db plementation of identity information stores. public static IdentityBuilder AddLinqToDBStores(this IdentityBuilder builder, IConnectionFactory factory) Parameters builder IdentityBuilder The IdentityBuilder instance this method extends. factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory Returns IdentityBuilder The IdentityBuilder instance this method extends. AddLinqToDBStores(IdentityBuilder, IConnectionFactory, Type, Type, Type, Type, Type, Type) Adds an linq2db implementation of identity information stores. public static IdentityBuilder AddLinqToDBStores(this IdentityBuilder builder, IConnectionFactory factory, Type keyType, Type userClaimType, Type userRoleType, Type userLoginType, Type userTokenType, Type roleClaimType) Parameters builder IdentityBuilder The IdentityBuilder instance this method extends. factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory keyType Type The type of the primary key used for the users and roles. userClaimType Type The type representing a claim. userRoleType Type The type representing a user role. userLoginType Type The type representing a user external login. userTokenType Type The type representing a user token. roleClaimType Type The type of the class representing a role claim. Returns IdentityBuilder The IdentityBuilder instance this method extends. AddLinqToDBStores<TKey>(IdentityBuilder, IConnectionFactory) Adds an linq2db implementation of identity information stores. public static IdentityBuilder AddLinqToDBStores<TKey>(this IdentityBuilder builder, IConnectionFactory factory) where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> Parameters builder IdentityBuilder The IdentityBuilder instance this method extends. factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory Returns IdentityBuilder The IdentityBuilder instance this method extends. Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key used for the users and roles. AddLinqToDBStores<TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TUserToken, TRoleClaim>(IdentityBuilder, IConnectionFactory) Adds an linq2db implementation of identity information stores. public static IdentityBuilder AddLinqToDBStores<TKey, TUserClaim, TUserRole, TUserLogin, TUserToken, TRoleClaim>(this IdentityBuilder builder, IConnectionFactory factory) where TKey : IEquatable<TKey> where TUserClaim : class, IIdentityUserClaim<TKey> where TUserRole : class, IIdentityUserRole<TKey> where TUserLogin : class, IIdentityUserLogin<TKey> where TUserToken : class, IIdentityUserToken<TKey> where TRoleClaim : class, IIdentityRoleClaim<TKey> Parameters builder IdentityBuilder The IdentityBuilder instance this method extends. factory IConnectionFactory IConnectionFactory Returns IdentityBuilder The IdentityBuilder instance this method extends. Type Parameters TKey The type of the primary key used for the users and roles. TUserClaim The type representing a claim. TUserRole The type representing a user role. TUserLogin The type representing a user external login. TUserToken The type representing a user token. TRoleClaim The type of the class representing a role claim."
"api/linq2db.identity/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.identity/Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.html",
"title": "Namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection Classes IdentityLinqToDbBuilderExtensions Contains extension methods to IdentityBuilder for adding linq2db stores."
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.GrpcConfiguration.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.GrpcConfiguration.html",
"title": "Class GrpcConfiguration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GrpcConfiguration Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto Assembly linq2db.Remote.Grpc.dll Context configuration data contract. [DataContract] public class GrpcConfiguration Inheritance object GrpcConfiguration Properties Configuration [DataMember(Order = 1)] public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.GrpcConfigurationQuery.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.GrpcConfigurationQuery.html",
"title": "Class GrpcConfigurationQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GrpcConfigurationQuery Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto Assembly linq2db.Remote.Grpc.dll Query configuration data contract. [DataContract] public class GrpcConfigurationQuery Inheritance object GrpcConfigurationQuery Properties Configuration [DataMember(Order = 1)] public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string QueryData [DataMember(Order = 2)] public string QueryData { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.GrpcInt.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.GrpcInt.html",
"title": "Class GrpcInt | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GrpcInt Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto Assembly linq2db.Remote.Grpc.dll [DataContract] public class GrpcInt Inheritance object GrpcInt Properties Value [DataMember(Order = 1)] public int Value { get; set; } Property Value int Operators implicit operator int(GrpcInt) public static implicit operator int(GrpcInt a) Parameters a GrpcInt Returns int implicit operator GrpcInt(int) public static implicit operator GrpcInt(int a) Parameters a int Returns GrpcInt"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.GrpcString.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.GrpcString.html",
"title": "Class GrpcString | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GrpcString Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto Assembly linq2db.Remote.Grpc.dll [DataContract] public class GrpcString Inheritance object GrpcString Properties Value [DataMember(Order = 1)] public string? Value { get; set; } Property Value string Operators implicit operator string?(GrpcString) public static implicit operator string?(GrpcString a) Parameters a GrpcString Returns string implicit operator GrpcString(string?) public static implicit operator GrpcString(string? a) Parameters a string Returns GrpcString"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.Dto Classes GrpcConfiguration Context configuration data contract. GrpcConfigurationQuery Query configuration data contract. GrpcInt GrpcString"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.GrpcDataContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.GrpcDataContext.html",
"title": "Class GrpcDataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GrpcDataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc Assembly linq2db.Remote.Grpc.dll Remote data context implementation over GRPC. public class GrpcDataContext : RemoteDataContextBase, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable Inheritance object RemoteDataContextBase GrpcDataContext Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Inherited Members RemoteDataContextBase.Configuration RemoteDataContextBase.ConfigurationString RemoteDataContextBase.MappingSchema RemoteDataContextBase.InlineParameters RemoteDataContextBase.CloseAfterUse RemoteDataContextBase.QueryHints RemoteDataContextBase.NextQueryHints RemoteDataContextBase.SqlProviderType RemoteDataContextBase.SqlOptimizerType RemoteDataContextBase.Options RemoteDataContextBase.GetSqlOptimizer RemoteDataContextBase.BeginBatch() RemoteDataContextBase.CommitBatch() RemoteDataContextBase.CommitBatchAsync() RemoteDataContextBase.Disposed RemoteDataContextBase.ThrowOnDisposed() RemoteDataContextBase.Dispose() RemoteDataContextBase.DisposeAsync() RemoteDataContextBase.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) RemoteDataContextBase.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) Constructors GrpcDataContext(string, GrpcChannelOptions?, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>?) Creates instance of grpc-based remote data context. public GrpcDataContext(string address, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>? optionBuilder = null) Parameters address string Server address. channelOptions GrpcChannelOptions Optional client channel settings. optionBuilder Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> GrpcDataContext(string, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>?) Creates instance of grpc-based remote data context. public GrpcDataContext(string address, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>? optionBuilder = null) Parameters address string Server address. optionBuilder Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> Properties Address Gets erver address. protected string Address { get; } Property Value string ChannelOptions Gets GRPC client channel options. protected GrpcChannelOptions? ChannelOptions { get; } Property Value GrpcChannelOptions ContextIDPrefix protected override string ContextIDPrefix { get; } Property Value string Methods Clone() protected override IDataContext Clone() Returns IDataContext GetClient() protected override ILinqService GetClient() Returns ILinqService"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.GrpcLinqService.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.GrpcLinqService.html",
"title": "Class GrpcLinqService | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GrpcLinqService Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc Assembly linq2db.Remote.Grpc.dll grpc-based remote data context server implementation. public class GrpcLinqService : IGrpcLinqService Inheritance object GrpcLinqService Implements IGrpcLinqService Constructors GrpcLinqService(ILinqService, bool) Create instance of grpc-based remote data context server. public GrpcLinqService(ILinqService linqService, bool transferInternalExceptionToClient) Parameters linqService ILinqService Remote data context server services. transferInternalExceptionToClient bool when true, exception from server will contain exception details; otherwise generic grpc exception will be provided to client. Exceptions ArgumentNullException"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.GrpcLinqServiceClient.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.GrpcLinqServiceClient.html",
"title": "Class GrpcLinqServiceClient | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GrpcLinqServiceClient Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc Assembly linq2db.Remote.Grpc.dll grpc-base remote data context client. public class GrpcLinqServiceClient : ILinqService, IDisposable Inheritance object GrpcLinqServiceClient Implements ILinqService IDisposable Constructors GrpcLinqServiceClient(GrpcChannel) public GrpcLinqServiceClient(GrpcChannel channel) Parameters channel GrpcChannel"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.IGrpcLinqService.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.IGrpcLinqService.html",
"title": "Interface IGrpcLinqService | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IGrpcLinqService Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc Assembly linq2db.Remote.Grpc.dll grpc-based remote context service contract. [ServiceContract] public interface IGrpcLinqService Methods ExecuteBatch(GrpcConfigurationQuery, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteBatch\")] GrpcInt ExecuteBatch(GrpcConfigurationQuery caq, CallContext context = default) Parameters caq GrpcConfigurationQuery context CallContext Returns GrpcInt ExecuteBatchAsync(GrpcConfigurationQuery, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteBatchAsync\")] Task<GrpcInt> ExecuteBatchAsync(GrpcConfigurationQuery caq, CallContext context = default) Parameters caq GrpcConfigurationQuery context CallContext Returns Task<GrpcInt> ExecuteNonQuery(GrpcConfigurationQuery, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteNonQuery\")] GrpcInt ExecuteNonQuery(GrpcConfigurationQuery caq, CallContext context = default) Parameters caq GrpcConfigurationQuery context CallContext Returns GrpcInt ExecuteNonQueryAsync(GrpcConfigurationQuery, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteNonQueryAsync\")] Task<GrpcInt> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(GrpcConfigurationQuery caq, CallContext context = default) Parameters caq GrpcConfigurationQuery context CallContext Returns Task<GrpcInt> ExecuteReader(GrpcConfigurationQuery, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteReader\")] GrpcString ExecuteReader(GrpcConfigurationQuery caq, CallContext context = default) Parameters caq GrpcConfigurationQuery context CallContext Returns GrpcString ExecuteReaderAsync(GrpcConfigurationQuery, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteReaderAsync\")] Task<GrpcString> ExecuteReaderAsync(GrpcConfigurationQuery caq, CallContext context = default) Parameters caq GrpcConfigurationQuery context CallContext Returns Task<GrpcString> ExecuteScalar(GrpcConfigurationQuery, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteScalar\")] GrpcString ExecuteScalar(GrpcConfigurationQuery caq, CallContext context = default) Parameters caq GrpcConfigurationQuery context CallContext Returns GrpcString ExecuteScalarAsync(GrpcConfigurationQuery, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteScalarAsync\")] Task<GrpcString> ExecuteScalarAsync(GrpcConfigurationQuery caq, CallContext context = default) Parameters caq GrpcConfigurationQuery context CallContext Returns Task<GrpcString> GetInfo(GrpcConfiguration, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"GetInfo\")] LinqServiceInfo GetInfo(GrpcConfiguration configuration, CallContext context = default) Parameters configuration GrpcConfiguration context CallContext Returns LinqServiceInfo GetInfoAsync(GrpcConfiguration, CallContext) [OperationContract(Name = \"GetInfoAsync\")] Task<LinqServiceInfo> GetInfoAsync(GrpcConfiguration configuration, CallContext context = default) Parameters configuration GrpcConfiguration context CallContext Returns Task<LinqServiceInfo>"
"api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.grpc/LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc Classes GrpcDataContext Remote data context implementation over GRPC. GrpcLinqService grpc-based remote data context server implementation. GrpcLinqServiceClient grpc-base remote data context client. Interfaces IGrpcLinqService grpc-based remote context service contract."
"api/linq2db.remote.wcf/LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf.IWcfLinqService.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.wcf/LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf.IWcfLinqService.html",
"title": "Interface IWcfLinqService | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IWcfLinqService Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf Assembly linq2db.Remote.Wcf.dll [ServiceContract] public interface IWcfLinqService Methods ExecuteBatch(string?, string) [OperationContract] int ExecuteBatch(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns int ExecuteBatchAsync(string?, string) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteBatchAsync\")] Task<int> ExecuteBatchAsync(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns Task<int> ExecuteNonQuery(string?, string) [OperationContract] int ExecuteNonQuery(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns int ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string?, string) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteNonQueryAsync\")] Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns Task<int> ExecuteReader(string?, string) [OperationContract] string ExecuteReader(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns string ExecuteReaderAsync(string?, string) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteReaderAsync\")] Task<string> ExecuteReaderAsync(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns Task<string> ExecuteScalar(string?, string) [OperationContract] string? ExecuteScalar(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns string ExecuteScalarAsync(string?, string) [OperationContract(Name = \"ExecuteScalarAsync\")] Task<string?> ExecuteScalarAsync(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns Task<string> GetInfo(string?) [OperationContract] LinqServiceInfo GetInfo(string? configuration) Parameters configuration string Returns LinqServiceInfo GetInfoAsync(string?) [OperationContract(Name = \"GetInfoAsync\")] Task<LinqServiceInfo> GetInfoAsync(string? configuration) Parameters configuration string Returns Task<LinqServiceInfo>"
"api/linq2db.remote.wcf/LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf.WcfDataContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.wcf/LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf.WcfDataContext.html",
"title": "Class WcfDataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WcfDataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf Assembly linq2db.Remote.Wcf.dll WCF-based remote data context implementation. public class WcfDataContext : RemoteDataContextBase, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable Inheritance object RemoteDataContextBase WcfDataContext Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Inherited Members RemoteDataContextBase.Configuration RemoteDataContextBase.ConfigurationString RemoteDataContextBase.MappingSchema RemoteDataContextBase.InlineParameters RemoteDataContextBase.CloseAfterUse RemoteDataContextBase.QueryHints RemoteDataContextBase.NextQueryHints RemoteDataContextBase.SqlProviderType RemoteDataContextBase.SqlOptimizerType RemoteDataContextBase.Options RemoteDataContextBase.GetSqlOptimizer RemoteDataContextBase.BeginBatch() RemoteDataContextBase.CommitBatch() RemoteDataContextBase.CommitBatchAsync() RemoteDataContextBase.Disposed RemoteDataContextBase.ThrowOnDisposed() RemoteDataContextBase.Dispose() RemoteDataContextBase.DisposeAsync() RemoteDataContextBase.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) RemoteDataContextBase.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) Constructors WcfDataContext(Binding, EndpointAddress, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>?) public WcfDataContext(Binding binding, EndpointAddress endpointAddress, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>? optionBuilder = null) Parameters binding Binding endpointAddress EndpointAddress optionBuilder Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> WcfDataContext(string) public WcfDataContext(string endpointConfigurationName) Parameters endpointConfigurationName string WcfDataContext(string, EndpointAddress) public WcfDataContext(string endpointConfigurationName, EndpointAddress endpointAddress) Parameters endpointConfigurationName string endpointAddress EndpointAddress WcfDataContext(string, string) public WcfDataContext(string endpointConfigurationName, string remoteAddress) Parameters endpointConfigurationName string remoteAddress string Properties Binding public Binding? Binding { get; } Property Value Binding ContextIDPrefix protected override string ContextIDPrefix { get; } Property Value string Methods Clone() protected override IDataContext Clone() Returns IDataContext GetClient() protected override ILinqService GetClient() Returns ILinqService"
"api/linq2db.remote.wcf/LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf.WcfLinqService.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.wcf/LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf.WcfLinqService.html",
"title": "Class WcfLinqService | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WcfLinqService Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf Assembly linq2db.Remote.Wcf.dll [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)] public class WcfLinqService : IWcfLinqService Inheritance object WcfLinqService Implements IWcfLinqService Constructors WcfLinqService(ILinqService, bool) public WcfLinqService(ILinqService linqService, bool transferInternalExceptionToClient) Parameters linqService ILinqService transferInternalExceptionToClient bool"
"api/linq2db.remote.wcf/LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db.remote.wcf/LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf Classes WcfDataContext WCF-based remote data context implementation. WcfLinqService Interfaces IWcfLinqService"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AstExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AstExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class AstExtensions Inheritance object AstExtensions Methods EnumerateMemberGroups<TGroup>(IEnumerable<IMemberGroup>) public static IEnumerable<TGroup> EnumerateMemberGroups<TGroup>(this IEnumerable<IMemberGroup> groups) where TGroup : IMemberGroup Parameters groups IEnumerable<IMemberGroup> Returns IEnumerable<TGroup> Type Parameters TGroup EnumerateMembers<TGroup, TElement>(IEnumerable<IMemberGroup>) public static IEnumerable<TElement> EnumerateMembers<TGroup, TElement>(this IEnumerable<IMemberGroup> groups) where TGroup : MemberGroup<TElement> where TElement : IGroupElement Parameters groups IEnumerable<IMemberGroup> Returns IEnumerable<TElement> Type Parameters TGroup TElement"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AttributeBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AttributeBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeAttribute custom attribute object builder. public sealed class AttributeBuilder Inheritance object AttributeBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Attribute Built custom attribute. public CodeAttribute Attribute { get; } Property Value CodeAttribute Methods Parameter(CodeReference, ICodeExpression) Add named parameter value. public AttributeBuilder Parameter(CodeReference property, ICodeExpression value) Parameters property CodeReference Attribute property name. value ICodeExpression Parameter value. Returns AttributeBuilder Builder instance. Parameter(ICodeExpression) Add positional parameter value. public AttributeBuilder Parameter(ICodeExpression value) Parameters value ICodeExpression Parameter value. Returns AttributeBuilder Builder instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AttributeOwner | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AttributeOwner Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for elements with custom attributes. public abstract class AttributeOwner : ICodeElement Inheritance object AttributeOwner Implements ICodeElement Derived CodeProperty MethodBase TypeBase Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors AttributeOwner(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>?) protected AttributeOwner(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>? customAttributes) Parameters customAttributes IEnumerable<CodeAttribute> Properties CustomAttributes Custom attributes. public IReadOnlyList<CodeAttribute> CustomAttributes { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeAttribute> ElementType Type of node. public abstract CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum BinaryOperation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum BinaryOperation Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Binary operation type. List of operations limited to those we currently use for code generation and could be extended in future. public enum BinaryOperation Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Add = 4 Addition (+). And = 2 Logical AND (&&). Equal = 0 Equality (==). NotEqual = 1 Inequality (!=). Or = 3 Logical OR (||)."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class BlockBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BlockBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeBlock object builder. public sealed class BlockBuilder Inheritance object BlockBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Block Built code block. public CodeBlock Block { get; } Property Value CodeBlock Methods Append(ICodeStatement) Add statement to block. public BlockBuilder Append(ICodeStatement statement) Parameters statement ICodeStatement Statement to add. Returns BlockBuilder Builder instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ClassBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClassBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeClass object builder. public sealed class ClassBuilder : TypeBuilder<ClassBuilder, CodeClass> Inheritance object TypeBuilder<ClassBuilder, CodeClass> ClassBuilder Inherited Members TypeBuilder<ClassBuilder, CodeClass>.Group TypeBuilder<ClassBuilder, CodeClass>.Type TypeBuilder<ClassBuilder, CodeClass>.AddAttribute(IType) TypeBuilder<ClassBuilder, CodeClass>.AddAttribute(CodeAttribute) TypeBuilder<ClassBuilder, CodeClass>.XmlComment() TypeBuilder<ClassBuilder, CodeClass>.SetModifiers(Modifiers) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods Classes() Add nested classes group group. public ClassGroup Classes() Returns ClassGroup New group instance. Constructors() Add constructors group. public ConstructorGroup Constructors() Returns ConstructorGroup New group instance. Fields(bool) Add fields group. public FieldGroup Fields(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool Group layout. Returns FieldGroup New group instance. Implements(IType) Add implemented interface to class. public ClassBuilder Implements(IType @interface) Parameters interface IType Implemented interface descriptor. Returns ClassBuilder Class builder instance. Inherits(IType) Add base type to inherit. public ClassBuilder Inherits(IType baseClass) Parameters baseClass IType Base class descriptor. Returns ClassBuilder Class builder instance. Methods(bool) Add methods group. public MethodGroup Methods(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool Group layout. Returns MethodGroup New group instance. Properties(bool) Add properties group. public PropertyGroup Properties(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool Group layout. Returns PropertyGroup New group instance. Regions() Add regions group. public RegionGroup Regions() Returns RegionGroup New group instance. TypeInitializer() Add static constructor to class. public TypeInitializerBuilder TypeInitializer() Returns TypeInitializerBuilder Constructor builder instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ClassGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClassGroup Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Group of classes. public sealed class ClassGroup : MemberGroup<CodeClass>, IMemberGroup, ITopLevelElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object MemberGroup<CodeClass> ClassGroup Implements IMemberGroup ITopLevelElement ICodeElement Inherited Members MemberGroup<CodeClass>.Members MemberGroup<CodeClass>.IsEmpty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ClassGroup(ITopLevelElement?) public ClassGroup(ITopLevelElement? owner) Parameters owner ITopLevelElement ClassGroup(IEnumerable<CodeClass>?, ITopLevelElement?) public ClassGroup(IEnumerable<CodeClass>? members, ITopLevelElement? owner) Parameters members IEnumerable<CodeClass> owner ITopLevelElement Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType Owner Optional class parent: parent class or namespace. public ITopLevelElement? Owner { get; } Property Value ITopLevelElement Methods New(CodeIdentifier) public ClassBuilder New(CodeIdentifier name) Parameters name CodeIdentifier Returns ClassBuilder"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeAsOperator | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeAsOperator Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type convert expression using as operator. public sealed class CodeAsOperator : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeAsOperator Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeAsOperator(CodeTypeToken, ICodeExpression) public CodeAsOperator(CodeTypeToken type, ICodeExpression value) Parameters type CodeTypeToken value ICodeExpression CodeAsOperator(IType, ICodeExpression) public CodeAsOperator(IType type, ICodeExpression value) Parameters type IType value ICodeExpression Properties Type Target type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken Value Value (expression) to convert. public ICodeExpression Value { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeAssignmentBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeAssignmentBase Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Assignment expression or statement. public abstract class CodeAssignmentBase Inheritance object CodeAssignmentBase Derived CodeAssignmentExpression CodeAssignmentStatement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeAssignmentBase(ILValue, ICodeExpression) protected CodeAssignmentBase(ILValue lvalue, ICodeExpression rvalue) Parameters lvalue ILValue rvalue ICodeExpression Properties LValue Assignment target. public ILValue LValue { get; } Property Value ILValue RValue Assigned value. public ICodeExpression RValue { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeAssignmentExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeAssignmentExpression Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Assignment expression. public sealed class CodeAssignmentExpression : CodeAssignmentBase, ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeAssignmentBase CodeAssignmentExpression Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeAssignmentBase.LValue CodeAssignmentBase.RValue Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeAssignmentExpression(ILValue, ICodeExpression) public CodeAssignmentExpression(ILValue lvalue, ICodeExpression rvalue) Parameters lvalue ILValue rvalue ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeAssignmentStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeAssignmentStatement Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Assignment statement. public sealed class CodeAssignmentStatement : CodeAssignmentBase, ICodeStatement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeAssignmentBase CodeAssignmentStatement Implements ICodeStatement ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeAssignmentBase.LValue CodeAssignmentBase.RValue Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeAssignmentStatement(ILValue, ICodeExpression, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?) public CodeAssignmentStatement(ILValue lvalue, ICodeExpression rvalue, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? beforeTrivia, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? afterTrivia) Parameters lvalue ILValue rvalue ICodeExpression beforeTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> afterTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public record CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter : IEquatable<CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter> Inheritance object CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter Implements IEquatable<CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeNamedParameter(CodeReference, ICodeExpression) public CodeNamedParameter(CodeReference Property, ICodeExpression Value) Parameters Property CodeReference Value ICodeExpression Properties Property public CodeReference Property { get; init; } Property Value CodeReference Value public ICodeExpression Value { get; init; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Custom attribute declaration. public sealed class CodeAttribute : ITopLevelElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeAttribute Implements ITopLevelElement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeAttribute(CodeTypeToken, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>?, IEnumerable<CodeNamedParameter>?) public CodeAttribute(CodeTypeToken type, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>? parameters, IEnumerable<CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter>? namedParameters) Parameters type CodeTypeToken parameters IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> namedParameters IEnumerable<CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter> CodeAttribute(IType) public CodeAttribute(IType type) Parameters type IType Properties NamedParameters Named attribute parameters. public IReadOnlyList<CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter> NamedParameters { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter> Parameters Positional attribute parameters. public IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> Parameters { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> Type Attribute type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken Methods AddNamedParameter(CodeReference, ICodeExpression) public void AddNamedParameter(CodeReference property, ICodeExpression value) Parameters property CodeReference value ICodeExpression AddParameter(ICodeExpression) public void AddParameter(ICodeExpression parameterValue) Parameters parameterValue ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeAwaitExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeAwaitExpression Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Await expression. public sealed class CodeAwaitExpression : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeAwaitExpression Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeAwaitExpression(ICodeExpression) public CodeAwaitExpression(ICodeExpression task) Parameters task ICodeExpression Properties Task public ICodeExpression Task { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeAwaitStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeAwaitStatement Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Await statement. public sealed class CodeAwaitStatement : ICodeStatement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeAwaitStatement Implements ICodeStatement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeAwaitStatement(ICodeExpression, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?) public CodeAwaitStatement(ICodeExpression task, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? beforeTrivia, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? afterTrivia) Parameters task ICodeExpression beforeTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> afterTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> Properties Task public ICodeExpression Task { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeBinary | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeBinary Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public sealed class CodeBinary : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeBinary Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeBinary(ICodeExpression, BinaryOperation, ICodeExpression) public CodeBinary(ICodeExpression left, BinaryOperation operation, ICodeExpression right) Parameters left ICodeExpression operation BinaryOperation right ICodeExpression Properties Left Left-side operand. public ICodeExpression Left { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression Operation Operation type. public BinaryOperation Operation { get; } Property Value BinaryOperation Right Right-side operand. public ICodeExpression Right { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeBlock | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeBlock Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Code block statement. public sealed class CodeBlock : CodeElementList<ICodeStatement> Inheritance object CodeElementList<ICodeStatement> CodeBlock Inherited Members CodeElementList<ICodeStatement>.Items CodeElementList<ICodeStatement>.Add(ICodeStatement) CodeElementList<ICodeStatement>.InsertAt(ICodeStatement, int) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeBlock() public CodeBlock() CodeBlock(IEnumerable<ICodeStatement>?) public CodeBlock(IEnumerable<ICodeStatement>? items) Parameters items IEnumerable<ICodeStatement>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll AST builder class with helpers to create various AST nodes. public sealed class CodeBuilder Inheritance object CodeBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods Add(ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression) Creates \"+\" binary expression. public CodeBinary Add(ICodeExpression left, ICodeExpression right) Parameters left ICodeExpression Left-side argument. right ICodeExpression Right-side argument. Returns CodeBinary Binary operation instance. And(ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression) Creates logical AND binary operation. public CodeBinary And(ICodeExpression left, ICodeExpression right) Parameters left ICodeExpression Left-side argument. right ICodeExpression Right-side argument. Returns CodeBinary Binary operation instance. Array(IType, bool, bool, params ICodeExpression[]) Creates new array instance creation expression. public CodeNewArray Array(IType type, bool valueTyped, bool inline, params ICodeExpression[] values) Parameters type IType Array element type. valueTyped bool Indicate that array type could be infered from values, so it is not necessary to generate array element type name. inline bool Indicates that array should be generated on single line if possible. values ICodeExpression[] Array values. Returns CodeNewArray Array instance creation expression. ArrayType(IType, bool) Create one-dimensional array type. public IType ArrayType(IType elementType, bool nullable) Parameters elementType IType Array element type. nullable bool Type nullability. Returns IType Array type descriptor. As(IType, ICodeExpression) Creates type conversion expression using as operator. public CodeAsOperator As(IType type, ICodeExpression expression) Parameters type IType Target type. expression ICodeExpression Casted value expression. Returns CodeAsOperator as operator expression. Assign(ILValue, ICodeExpression) Creates assignment statement. public CodeAssignmentStatement Assign(ILValue lvalue, ICodeExpression rvalue) Parameters lvalue ILValue Assignee. rvalue ICodeExpression Assigned value. Returns CodeAssignmentStatement Assignment statement/expression instance. AwaitExpression(ICodeExpression) Creates await expression. public CodeAwaitExpression AwaitExpression(ICodeExpression task) Parameters task ICodeExpression Task expression to await. Returns CodeAwaitExpression Await expression instance. AwaitStatement(ICodeExpression) Creates await statement. public CodeAwaitStatement AwaitStatement(ICodeExpression task) Parameters task ICodeExpression Task expression to await. Returns CodeAwaitStatement Await statement instance. Call(ICodeExpression, CodeIdentifier, params ICodeExpression[]) Create void method call statement. public CodeCallStatement Call(ICodeExpression objOrType, CodeIdentifier method, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters objOrType ICodeExpression Callee object or type in case of static method. method CodeIdentifier Called method name. parameters ICodeExpression[] Method parameters. Returns CodeCallStatement Call element instance. Call(ICodeExpression, CodeIdentifier, IType, params ICodeExpression[]) Create non-void method call expression. public CodeCallExpression Call(ICodeExpression objOrType, CodeIdentifier method, IType returnType, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters objOrType ICodeExpression Callee object or type in case of static method. method CodeIdentifier Called method name. returnType IType Method return value type. parameters ICodeExpression[] Method parameters. Returns CodeCallExpression Call element instance. Call(ICodeExpression, CodeIdentifier, IType, IType[], bool, params ICodeExpression[]) Create non-void generic method call expression. public CodeCallExpression Call(ICodeExpression objOrType, CodeIdentifier method, IType returnType, IType[] genericArguments, bool skipTypeArguments, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters objOrType ICodeExpression Callee object or type in case of static method. method CodeIdentifier Called method name. returnType IType Method return value type. genericArguments IType[] Generic method type arguments. skipTypeArguments bool Type arguments could be skipped on code-generation due to type inference. parameters ICodeExpression[] Method parameters. Returns CodeCallExpression Call element instance. Call(ICodeExpression, CodeIdentifier, IType[], bool, params ICodeExpression[]) Create generic void method call statement. public CodeCallStatement Call(ICodeExpression objOrType, CodeIdentifier method, IType[] genericArguments, bool skipTypeArguments, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters objOrType ICodeExpression Callee object or type in case of static method. method CodeIdentifier Called method name. genericArguments IType[] Generic method type arguments. skipTypeArguments bool Type arguments could be skipped on code-generation due to type inference. parameters ICodeExpression[] Method parameters. Returns CodeCallStatement Call element instance. Cast(IType, ICodeExpression) Creates type cast expression. public CodeTypeCast Cast(IType type, ICodeExpression value) Parameters type IType Target type. value ICodeExpression Casted value expression. Returns CodeTypeCast Cast expression. Commentary(string, bool) Create code comment. public CodeComment Commentary(string text, bool inline) Parameters text string Comment text. inline bool Comment type: inline or single-line. Returns CodeComment Comment instance. Constant(bool, bool) Creates bool constant expression. public CodeConstant Constant(bool value, bool targetTyped) Parameters value bool Constant value. targetTyped bool Indicates that value is target-typed. Returns CodeConstant Constant expression instance. Constant(int, bool) Creates int constant expression. public CodeConstant Constant(int value, bool targetTyped) Parameters value int Constant value. targetTyped bool Indicates that value is target-typed. Returns CodeConstant Constant expression instance. Constant(string, bool) Creates string literal constant expression. public CodeConstant Constant(string value, bool targetTyped) Parameters value string String value. targetTyped bool Indicates that value is target-typed. Returns CodeConstant Constant expression instance. Constant<T>(T, bool) Creates enum constant expression of type T. public CodeConstant Constant<T>(T value, bool targetTyped) where T : Enum Parameters value T Constant value. targetTyped bool Indicates that value is target-typed. Returns CodeConstant Constant expression instance. Type Parameters T Enum type. Default(IType, bool) Create default expression. public CodeDefault Default(IType type, bool targetTyped) Parameters type IType Expression type. targetTyped bool Indicate that expression is target-typed and could ommit type name in generated code. Returns CodeDefault Default expression instance. DisableWarnings(params string[]) Create suppress warning(s) pragma. public CodePragma DisableWarnings(params string[] warnings) Parameters warnings string[] Warnings to suppress. Returns CodePragma Pragma instance. EnableNullableReferenceTypes() Create NRT enable pragma. public CodePragma EnableNullableReferenceTypes() Returns CodePragma Pragma instance. Equal(ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression) Creates equality binary expression. public CodeBinary Equal(ICodeExpression left, ICodeExpression right) Parameters left ICodeExpression Left-side argument. right ICodeExpression Right-side argument. Returns CodeBinary Binary operation instance. Error(string) Create error compiler pragma. public CodePragma Error(string errorMessage) Parameters errorMessage string Error message. Returns CodePragma Pragma instance. ExtCall(IType, CodeIdentifier, params ICodeExpression[]) Create void extension method call statement. public CodeCallStatement ExtCall(IType type, CodeIdentifier method, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters type IType Type, containing extension method. method CodeIdentifier Called method name. parameters ICodeExpression[] Call parameters. Returns CodeCallStatement Call element instance. ExtCall(IType, CodeIdentifier, IType, params ICodeExpression[]) Create non-void extension method call expression. public CodeCallExpression ExtCall(IType type, CodeIdentifier method, IType returnType, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters type IType Type, containing extension method. method CodeIdentifier Called method name. returnType IType Method return value type. parameters ICodeExpression[] Call parameters. Returns CodeCallExpression Call element instance. ExtCall(IType, CodeIdentifier, IType, IType[], bool, params ICodeExpression[]) Create non-void generic extension method call expression. public CodeCallExpression ExtCall(IType type, CodeIdentifier method, IType returnType, IType[] genericArguments, bool skipTypeArguments, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters type IType Type, containing extension method. method CodeIdentifier Called method name. returnType IType Method return value type. genericArguments IType[] Type arguments for generic method. skipTypeArguments bool Type arguments could be skipped on code-generation due to type inference. parameters ICodeExpression[] Call parameters. Returns CodeCallExpression Call element instance. ExtCall(IType, CodeIdentifier, IType[], bool, params ICodeExpression[]) Create void generic extension method call statement. public CodeCallStatement ExtCall(IType type, CodeIdentifier method, IType[] genericArguments, bool skipTypeArguments, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters type IType Type, containing extension method. method CodeIdentifier Called method name. genericArguments IType[] Generic method type arguments. skipTypeArguments bool Type arguments could be skipped on code-generation due to type inference. parameters ICodeExpression[] Call parameters. Returns CodeCallStatement Call element instance. File(string, params CodeImport[]) Add new file code unit. public CodeFile File(string fileName, params CodeImport[] imports) Parameters fileName string File name. imports CodeImport[] Using statements (imports). Returns CodeFile File code-unit. IIF(ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression) Creates ternary expression. public CodeTernary IIF(ICodeExpression condition, ICodeExpression @true, ICodeExpression @false) Parameters condition ICodeExpression Condition expression. true ICodeExpression Condition true value. false ICodeExpression Condition false value. Returns CodeTernary Ternary expression instance. Import(IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier>) Create import statement. public CodeImport Import(IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> @namespace) Parameters namespace IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> Namespace to import. Returns CodeImport Import statement. Index(ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression, IType) Single-parameter indexed access expression. public CodeIndex Index(ICodeExpression obj, ICodeExpression index, IType returnType) Parameters obj ICodeExpression Indexed object. index ICodeExpression Index parameter. returnType IType Return value type. Returns CodeIndex Indexed access expression. Lambda(IType, bool) Creates lambda method builder. public LambdaMethodBuilder Lambda(IType lambdaType, bool ommitTypes) Parameters lambdaType IType Lambda method type (delegate). ommitTypes bool Lambda method could skip generation of types for parameters. Returns LambdaMethodBuilder Lambda method builder instance. LambdaParameter(CodeIdentifier, IType) Creates lambda method parameter without explicit type. public CodeParameter LambdaParameter(CodeIdentifier name, IType type) Parameters name CodeIdentifier Parameter name. type IType Parameter type. Returns CodeParameter Parameter instance. Member(ICodeExpression, CodeReference) Creates member access expression (e.g. property or field accessor). public CodeMember Member(ICodeExpression obj, CodeReference member) Parameters obj ICodeExpression Member owner instance. member CodeReference Member reference. Returns CodeMember Member access expression. Member(IType, CodeReference) Creates static member access expression (e.g. property or field accessor). public CodeMember Member(IType owner, CodeReference member) Parameters owner IType Static property owner type. member CodeReference Member reference. Returns CodeMember Property access expression. Name(string) Creates identifier instance. public CodeIdentifier Name(string name) Parameters name string Name to use as identifier. Returns CodeIdentifier Identifier instance. Name(string, NameFixOptions?, int?) Creates identifier instance with invalid identifier fix parameters. public CodeIdentifier Name(string name, NameFixOptions? fixOptions, int? position) Parameters name string Name to use as identifier. fixOptions NameFixOptions Optional name fix instructions for if identifier name is not valid. position int? Optional identifier position (e.g. position of parameter for parameter name identifier) to use with invalid name fix options. Returns CodeIdentifier Identifier instance. NameOf(ICodeExpression) Creates nameof(member) expression. public CodeNameOf NameOf(ICodeExpression member) Parameters member ICodeExpression Member access expression, used as nameof argument. Returns CodeNameOf Nameof expression instance. Namespace(string) Create namespace definition. public NamespaceBuilder Namespace(string name) Parameters name string Namespace name. Returns NamespaceBuilder Namespace builder instance. New(IType, params ICodeExpression[]) Creates new object expression. public CodeNew New(IType type, params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters type IType Object type to create. parameters ICodeExpression[] Constructor parameters. Returns CodeNew New object expression instance. New(IType, ICodeExpression[], params CodeAssignmentStatement[]) Creates new object expression. public CodeNew New(IType type, ICodeExpression[] parameters, params CodeAssignmentStatement[] initializers) Parameters type IType Object type to create. parameters ICodeExpression[] Constructor parameters. initializers CodeAssignmentStatement[] Field/property initializers. Returns CodeNew New object expression instance. Null(IType, bool) Creates null constant. public CodeConstant Null(IType type, bool targetTyped) Parameters type IType Type of constant. targetTyped bool Indicates that constant type could be inferred from context. Returns CodeConstant Constant expression. Parameter(IType, CodeIdentifier, CodeParameterDirection, ICodeExpression?) Create method parameter. public CodeParameter Parameter(IType type, CodeIdentifier name, CodeParameterDirection direction, ICodeExpression? defaultValue = null) Parameters type IType Parameter type. name CodeIdentifier Parameter name. direction CodeParameterDirection Parameter direction. defaultValue ICodeExpression Parameter default value. Returns CodeParameter Parameter element instance. Return(ICodeExpression?) Creates return statement/expression. public CodeReturn Return(ICodeExpression? expression) Parameters expression ICodeExpression Optional return value. Returns CodeReturn Return statement/expression instance. SuppressNull(ICodeExpression) Generate null-forgiving operator (!). public CodeSuppressNull SuppressNull(ICodeExpression value) Parameters value ICodeExpression Expression to apply operator to. Returns CodeSuppressNull Operator expression. Throw(ICodeExpression) Creates throw statement. public CodeThrowStatement Throw(ICodeExpression exception) Parameters exception ICodeExpression Exception object to throw. Returns CodeThrowStatement Throw statement instance. Type(Type, bool) Create type descriptor from Type instance. public IType Type(Type type, bool nullable) Parameters type Type Type instance. nullable bool Type nullability. Returns IType Type descriptor. TypeParameter(CodeIdentifier) Creates generic type parameter descriptor. public IType TypeParameter(CodeIdentifier name) Parameters name CodeIdentifier Type parameter name. Returns IType Type parameter descriptor instance. Variable(CodeIdentifier, IType, bool) Creates variable declaration. public CodeVariable Variable(CodeIdentifier name, IType type, bool rvalueTyped) Parameters name CodeIdentifier Variable name. type IType Variable type. rvalueTyped bool Indicates that variable is typed by assigned value and could ommit type name during code generation. Returns CodeVariable Variable declaration."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeCallBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeCallBase Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Method call statement. public abstract class CodeCallBase Inheritance object CodeCallBase Derived CodeCallExpression CodeCallStatement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeCallBase(bool, ICodeExpression, CodeIdentifier, IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken>?, bool, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?) protected CodeCallBase(bool extension, ICodeExpression callee, CodeIdentifier method, IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken>? genericArguments, bool skipTypeArguments, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> parameters, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? wrapTrivia) Parameters extension bool callee ICodeExpression method CodeIdentifier genericArguments IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken> skipTypeArguments bool parameters IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> wrapTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> Properties Callee Callee object or type (for static method call). public ICodeExpression Callee { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression CanSkipTypeArguments Indicates, that type arguments generation could be skipped, as they could be inferred from context. public bool CanSkipTypeArguments { get; } Property Value bool Extension Indicates that method is an extension method. Note that for this parameter passed in parameters and Callee property contains type where extension method declared. public bool Extension { get; } Property Value bool MethodName Called method name. public CodeIdentifier MethodName { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Parameters Method call parameters. public IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> Parameters { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> TypeArguments Type arguments for generic method call. public IReadOnlyList<CodeTypeToken> TypeArguments { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeTypeToken> WrapTrivia public IReadOnlyList<SimpleTrivia>? WrapTrivia { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<SimpleTrivia>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeCallExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeCallExpression Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Method call expression. public sealed class CodeCallExpression : CodeCallBase, ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeCallBase CodeCallExpression Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeCallBase.CanSkipTypeArguments CodeCallBase.Extension CodeCallBase.Callee CodeCallBase.MethodName CodeCallBase.TypeArguments CodeCallBase.Parameters CodeCallBase.WrapTrivia Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeCallExpression(bool, ICodeExpression, CodeIdentifier, IEnumerable<IType>, bool, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?, IType) public CodeCallExpression(bool extension, ICodeExpression callee, CodeIdentifier method, IEnumerable<IType> genericArguments, bool skipTypeArguments, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> parameters, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? wrapTrivia, IType returnType) Parameters extension bool callee ICodeExpression method CodeIdentifier genericArguments IEnumerable<IType> skipTypeArguments bool parameters IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> wrapTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> returnType IType Properties ReturnType Gets return type of call expression. public IType ReturnType { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeCallStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeCallStatement Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Method call statement. public sealed class CodeCallStatement : CodeCallBase, ICodeStatement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeCallBase CodeCallStatement Implements ICodeStatement ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeCallBase.CanSkipTypeArguments CodeCallBase.Extension CodeCallBase.Callee CodeCallBase.MethodName CodeCallBase.TypeArguments CodeCallBase.Parameters CodeCallBase.WrapTrivia Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeCallStatement(bool, ICodeExpression, CodeIdentifier, IEnumerable<IType>, bool, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?) public CodeCallStatement(bool extension, ICodeExpression callee, CodeIdentifier method, IEnumerable<IType> genericArguments, bool skipTypeArguments, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> parameters, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? wrapTrivia) Parameters extension bool callee ICodeExpression method CodeIdentifier genericArguments IEnumerable<IType> skipTypeArguments bool parameters IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> wrapTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeClass | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeClass Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public sealed class CodeClass : TypeBase, ITopLevelElement, IGroupElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object AttributeOwner TypeBase CodeClass Implements ITopLevelElement IGroupElement ICodeElement Inherited Members TypeBase.Attributes TypeBase.XmlDoc TypeBase.Type TypeBase.Name AttributeOwner.CustomAttributes Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeClass(CodeClass, CodeIdentifier) Create nested class. public CodeClass(CodeClass parent, CodeIdentifier name) Parameters parent CodeClass Parent class. name CodeIdentifier Class name. CodeClass(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>?, Modifiers, CodeXmlComment?, IType, CodeIdentifier, CodeClass?, CodeTypeToken?, IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken>?, IEnumerable<IMemberGroup>?, CodeTypeInitializer?) public CodeClass(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>? customAttributes, Modifiers attributes, CodeXmlComment? xmlDoc, IType type, CodeIdentifier name, CodeClass? parent, CodeTypeToken? inherits, IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken>? implements, IEnumerable<IMemberGroup>? members, CodeTypeInitializer? typeInitializer) Parameters customAttributes IEnumerable<CodeAttribute> attributes Modifiers xmlDoc CodeXmlComment type IType name CodeIdentifier parent CodeClass inherits CodeTypeToken implements IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken> members IEnumerable<IMemberGroup> typeInitializer CodeTypeInitializer CodeClass(IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier>?, CodeIdentifier) Create top-level or namespace-scoped class. public CodeClass(IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier>? @namespace, CodeIdentifier name) Parameters namespace IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> Optional namespace. name CodeIdentifier Class name. Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType Implements Implemented interfaces. public IReadOnlyList<CodeTypeToken> Implements { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeTypeToken> Inherits Base class. public CodeTypeToken? Inherits { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken Members Class members (in groups). public IReadOnlyList<IMemberGroup> Members { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<IMemberGroup> Parent Parent class. public CodeClass? Parent { get; } Property Value CodeClass This this expression. public CodeThis This { get; } Property Value CodeThis TypeInitializer Static constructor. public CodeTypeInitializer? TypeInitializer { get; } Property Value CodeTypeInitializer"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeComment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeComment Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public sealed class CodeComment : ITopLevelElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeComment Implements ITopLevelElement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeComment(string, bool) public CodeComment(string text, bool inline) Parameters text string inline bool Properties Inline Type of comment - inlined or single-line. public bool Inline { get; } Property Value bool Text Text of commentary. public string Text { get; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeConstant | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeConstant Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Constant expression. E.g. literal (including null literal) or enumeration value. public sealed class CodeConstant : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeConstant Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeConstant(IType, object?, bool) public CodeConstant(IType type, object? value, bool targetTyped) Parameters type IType value object targetTyped bool Properties TargetTyped Indicates that constant type is constrained by context (e.g. used in assignment to property of specific type) and code generator could use it to ommit type information. public bool TargetTyped { get; } Property Value bool Type Constant type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken Value Constant value. public object? Value { get; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeConstructor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeConstructor Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Class constructor. public sealed class CodeConstructor : MethodBase, IGroupElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object AttributeOwner MethodBase CodeConstructor Implements IGroupElement ICodeElement Inherited Members MethodBase.Attributes MethodBase.Body MethodBase.XmlDoc MethodBase.Parameters AttributeOwner.CustomAttributes Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeConstructor(CodeClass) public CodeConstructor(CodeClass @class) Parameters class CodeClass CodeConstructor(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>?, Modifiers, CodeBlock?, CodeXmlComment?, IEnumerable<CodeParameter>?, CodeClass, bool, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>?) public CodeConstructor(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>? customAttributes, Modifiers attributes, CodeBlock? body, CodeXmlComment? xmlDoc, IEnumerable<CodeParameter>? parameters, CodeClass @class, bool thisCall, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>? baseArguments) Parameters customAttributes IEnumerable<CodeAttribute> attributes Modifiers body CodeBlock xmlDoc CodeXmlComment parameters IEnumerable<CodeParameter> class CodeClass thisCall bool baseArguments IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> Properties BaseArguments Parameters for this() or base constructor call. public IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> BaseArguments { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> Class Owner class. public CodeClass Class { get; } Property Value CodeClass ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType ThisCall Indicator wether constructor calls this() or base constructor. public bool ThisCall { get; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeDefault | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeDefault Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Default value expression. public sealed class CodeDefault : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeDefault Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeDefault(CodeTypeToken, bool) public CodeDefault(CodeTypeToken type, bool targetTyped) Parameters type CodeTypeToken targetTyped bool CodeDefault(IType, bool) public CodeDefault(IType type, bool targetTyped) Parameters type IType targetTyped bool Properties TargetTyped Indicates that default value is typed by context so type could be ommited during code generation. public bool TargetTyped { get; } Property Value bool Type Value type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeElementList<TElement> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeElementList<TElement> Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for collection of code nodes of specific type. public abstract class CodeElementList<TElement> where TElement : ICodeElement Type Parameters TElement Type of nodes in collection. Inheritance object CodeElementList<TElement> Derived CodeBlock CodeFile Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeElementList(IEnumerable<TElement>?) protected CodeElementList(IEnumerable<TElement>? items) Parameters items IEnumerable<TElement> Properties Items public IReadOnlyList<TElement> Items { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<TElement> Methods Add(TElement) public void Add(TElement element) Parameters element TElement InsertAt(TElement, int) public void InsertAt(TElement element, int index) Parameters element TElement index int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum CodeElementType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum CodeElementType Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Element types for code AST elements. public enum CodeElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Array = 43 Array instantiation (declaration). AsOperator = 46 as operator expression. AssignmentExpression = 41 Assignment expression. AssignmentStatement = 28 Assignment statement. Attribute = 6 Custom attribute. AwaitExpression = 50 Await expression. AwaitStatement = 29 Await statement. BinaryOperation = 35 Binary operation. CallExpression = 48 Method call expression. CallStatement = 27 Method call statement. Cast = 45 Type cast expression. Class = 8 Class declaration. ClassGroup = 16 Group of classes Comment = 1 Commentary node. Constant = 32 Constant value/literal (including null). Constructor = 10 Instance constructor declaration. ConstructorGroup = 18 Group of construcrtors. Default = 42 Default value expression. EmptyLine = 4 Represents empty line (used for formatting puroses only). ExternalPropertyOrField = 52 External property or field declaration. Field = 13 Field declaration. FieldGroup = 20 Group of fields. File = 0 Element, corresponding to single code unit (file). Identifier = 21 Identifier (name of code element). Import = 3 Import (using) statement. Index = 44 Indexed access. Lambda = 31 Lambda function. MemberAccess = 37 Type member access. Method = 12 Method declaration. MethodGroup = 17 Group of methods. NameOf = 39 Nameof expression. Namespace = 5 Namespace declaration. New = 40 New object creation expression. Parameter = 23 Method of method (including all types of methods like constructors and lamdas). Pragma = 2 Compiler pragma. PragmaGroup = 15 Group of pragma directives. Property = 9 Property declaration. PropertyGroup = 19 Group of properties. Reference = 38 Parameter or variable reference expression. Region = 7 Code region. RegionGroup = 14 Group of code regions. ReturnStatement = 25 Return statement. SuppressNull = 47 ! null-forgiving operator expression. TernaryOperation = 36 Ternary operation. This = 33 'This' object reference in instance type members. ThrowExpression = 49 Throw expression. ThrowStatement = 26 Throw statement. TypeConstructor = 11 Type constructor (static constructor) declaration. TypeReference = 30 Type reference, used in expression context (e.g. in nameof expression or as object element of static member access). TypeToken = 24 Type reference used in type-only context (e.g. field type or parameter type). For type reference used as expression see TypeReference. UnaryOperation = 34 Unary operation. Variable = 51 Variable declaration. XmlComment = 22 Commentary in xml-doc format."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeEmptyLine | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeEmptyLine Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Empty line element. Used for explicit formatting. public sealed class CodeEmptyLine : ITopLevelElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeEmptyLine Implements ITopLevelElement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Instance public static readonly CodeEmptyLine Instance Field Value CodeEmptyLine"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeExternalPropertyOrField | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeExternalPropertyOrField Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Defines reference to property or field of existing type. public sealed class CodeExternalPropertyOrField : CodeTypedName, ITypedName, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeTypedName CodeExternalPropertyOrField Implements ITypedName ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeTypedName.Name CodeTypedName.Type CodeTypedName.Reference Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeExternalPropertyOrField(CodeIdentifier, CodeTypeToken) public CodeExternalPropertyOrField(CodeIdentifier name, CodeTypeToken type) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type CodeTypeToken"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeField | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeField Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Class field definition. public sealed class CodeField : IGroupElement, ICodeElement, ITypedName Inheritance object CodeField Implements IGroupElement ICodeElement ITypedName Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeField(CodeIdentifier, CodeTypeToken, Modifiers, ICodeExpression?) public CodeField(CodeIdentifier name, CodeTypeToken type, Modifiers attributes, ICodeExpression? initializer) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type CodeTypeToken attributes Modifiers initializer ICodeExpression CodeField(CodeIdentifier, IType) public CodeField(CodeIdentifier name, IType type) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type IType Properties Attributes Field attributes and modifiers. public Modifiers Attributes { get; } Property Value Modifiers Initializer Optional field initializer. public ICodeExpression? Initializer { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression Name Field name. public CodeIdentifier Name { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Reference Simple reference to current field. public CodeReference Reference { get; } Property Value CodeReference Type Field type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeFile | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeFile Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll File-level code unit. public sealed class CodeFile : CodeElementList<ITopLevelElement>, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeElementList<ITopLevelElement> CodeFile Implements ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeElementList<ITopLevelElement>.Items CodeElementList<ITopLevelElement>.Add(ITopLevelElement) CodeElementList<ITopLevelElement>.InsertAt(ITopLevelElement, int) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeFile(string) public CodeFile(string fileName) Parameters fileName string CodeFile(string, IEnumerable<CodeComment>?, IEnumerable<CodeImport>?, IEnumerable<ITopLevelElement>?) public CodeFile(string fileName, IEnumerable<CodeComment>? header, IEnumerable<CodeImport>? imports, IEnumerable<ITopLevelElement>? items) Parameters fileName string header IEnumerable<CodeComment> imports IEnumerable<CodeImport> items IEnumerable<ITopLevelElement> Properties FileName File name. Assigned value ignored if NameSource set. public string FileName { get; set; } Property Value string Header File header coomment(s). public IReadOnlyList<CodeComment> Header { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeComment> Imports File imports. public IReadOnlyList<CodeImport> Imports { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeImport> NameSource Get or set optional reference to identifier used for name generation. public CodeIdentifier? NameSource { get; set; } Property Value CodeIdentifier"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeGenerationVisitor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeGenerationVisitor Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base code generation visitor that contains public API for code generation. public abstract class CodeGenerationVisitor : CodeModelVisitor Inheritance object CodeModelVisitor CodeGenerationVisitor Inherited Members CodeModelVisitor.Parent CodeModelVisitor.Visit(ICodeElement) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(PropertyGroup) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(MethodGroup) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(ConstructorGroup) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(RegionGroup) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(ClassGroup) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(FieldGroup) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(PragmaGroup) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeTypeCast) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeAsOperator) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeSuppressNull) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeThrowStatement) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeThrowExpression) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeVariable) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeNewArray) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeIndex) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeField) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeDefault) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeNew) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeAssignmentStatement) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeAssignmentExpression) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeAwaitStatement) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeAwaitExpression) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeImport) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodePragma) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeFile) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeUnary) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeBinary) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeTernary) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeLambda) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeMember) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeNameOf) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeRegion) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeConstant) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeAttribute) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeComment) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeEmptyLine) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeMethod) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeParameter) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeXmlComment) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeConstructor) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeTypeInitializer) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeThis) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeCallStatement) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeCallExpression) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeReturn) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeProperty) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeNamespace) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeClass) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeIdentifier) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeTypeReference) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeTypeToken) CodeModelVisitor.Visit(CodeReference) CodeModelVisitor.VisitList<T>(CodeElementList<T>) CodeModelVisitor.VisitList<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeGenerationVisitor(string, string) Constructor. protected CodeGenerationVisitor(string newLine, string indent) Parameters newLine string Sequence of characters, used as new line by code writer. indent string Sequence of characters, used as one level of indent. Properties NewLineSequences Character sequences, recognized by specific language as new line sequences. protected abstract string[] NewLineSequences { get; } Property Value string[] Methods BuildFragment(Action) Executes provided action and returns all code, generated by it. protected string BuildFragment(Action fragmentBuilder) Parameters fragmentBuilder Action Code generation action. Returns string Code, generated by fragmentBuilder. DecreaseIdent() Decreases current indent size by one level. Throws exception if indent level goes below zero. protected void DecreaseIdent() GetResult() Gets all code, generated by code generator. public string GetResult() Returns string IncreaseIdent() Increases current indent size by one level. protected void IncreaseIdent() PadWithSpaces(string, int) Emits specified code fragment and append spaces after it to match specified by fullLength length (if fragment length is smaller than fullLength). protected void PadWithSpaces(string text, int fullLength) Parameters text string Code fragment to write. fullLength int Minimal length of emitted string. SplitByNewLine(string) Splits provided text into fragments (lines) using language-specific new line detection logic. protected string[] SplitByNewLine(string text) Parameters text string Text to split into lines. Returns string[] Array of lines (without terminating newline sequences). UndoTrivia(IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?) Undo trivia. protected void UndoTrivia(IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? trivia) Parameters trivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> Write(char) Emits provided character into generated code as-is. Prepends it with indent if needed. protected void Write(char chr) Parameters chr char Single character to write to code generator. Write(string) Emits provided code fragment into generated code as-is. Prepends fragment with indent if needed (only before first line if multiple lines passed). protected void Write(string text) Parameters text string Code fragment to write to code generator. WriteDelimitedList<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Action<T>, string, bool) Generates code for provided code elements with specified delimiter between elements. protected void WriteDelimitedList<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, Action<T> writer, string delimiter, bool newLine) Parameters items IEnumerable<T> Code elements to convert to code. writer Action<T> Custom element code generation action. delimiter string Sequence of characters used as delimiter between code elements. newLine bool Specify wether method should generate new line sequence after each delimiter. Also when true, adds new line sequence after last element (without delimiter). Type Parameters T Code element type. WriteDelimitedList<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, bool) Generates code for provided code elements with specified delimiter between elements. protected void WriteDelimitedList<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, string delimiter, bool newLine) where T : ICodeElement Parameters items IEnumerable<T> Code elements to convert to code. delimiter string Sequence of characters used as delimiter between code elements. newLine bool Specify wether method should generate new line sequence after each delimiter. Also when true, adds new line sequence after last element (without delimiter). Type Parameters T Code element type. WriteLine() Emits new line. Does not prepend new line with indent if it is missing. protected void WriteLine() WriteLine(char) Emits provided character into generated code as-is and then emits new line. Prepends it with indent if needed (only before first line if multiple lines passed). protected void WriteLine(char chr) Parameters chr char Single character to write to code generator. WriteLine(string) Emits provided code fragment into generated code as-is and then emits new line. Prepends fragment with indent if needed (only before first line if multiple lines passed). protected void WriteLine(string text) Parameters text string Code fragment to write to code generator. WriteNewLineDelimitedList<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Generates code for provided code elements with new line between elements. In comparison to WriteDelimitedList<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Action<T>, string, bool) doesn't add new line sequence after last element. protected void WriteNewLineDelimitedList<T>(IEnumerable<T> items) where T : ICodeElement Parameters items IEnumerable<T> Code elements to convert to code. Type Parameters T Code element type. WriteTrivia(IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?) Emits trivia. protected void WriteTrivia(IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? trivia) Parameters trivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> WriteUnindented(string) Emits provided code fragment into generated code as-is without automatic indent generation. protected void WriteUnindented(string text) Parameters text string Code fragment to write to code generator. WriteUnindentedLine(string) Emits provided code fragment into generated code as-is without automatic indent generation and then emits new line sequence. protected void WriteUnindentedLine(string text) Parameters text string Code fragment to write to code generator. WriteXmlAttribute(string, bool) Emits provided code fragment and escape characters using XML escaping rules for attributes. Note that attribute should use \" as quotation mark. protected void WriteXmlAttribute(string text, bool doubleQuote = true) Parameters text string Code fragment to write. doubleQuote bool Attribute use \" as quotation mark. Otherwise ' used. WriteXmlText(string) Emits provided code fragment and escape characters using XML escaping rules for inner text. protected void WriteXmlText(string text) Parameters text string Code fragment to write."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeIdentifier | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeIdentifier Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Reference to identifier value. Used instead of string to allow identifier mutation in existing AST (e.g. because initial value is not valid in target language or conflicts with existing identifiers). public sealed class CodeIdentifier : ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeIdentifier Implements ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeIdentifier(string, NameFixOptions?, int?) public CodeIdentifier(string name, NameFixOptions? fixOptions, int? position) Parameters name string fixOptions NameFixOptions position int? CodeIdentifier(string, bool) public CodeIdentifier(string name, bool immutable) Parameters name string immutable bool Properties FixOptions Optional normalization hits for invalid identifier normalization logic. public NameFixOptions? FixOptions { get; } Property Value NameFixOptions Immutable When true, is it not allowed to change identifier name. Should be used only for identifiers that define name of external object (e.g. class, method or property) as renaming such identifier will lead to wrong generated code with reference to unknown object. Setting it for objects, generated by code generator is not recommended as it will prevent it from renaming on naming conflicts and could result in incorrect generated code with duplicate/conflicting identifiers. public bool Immutable { get; } Property Value bool Name Identifier value. public string Name { get; } Property Value string Position Optional identifier ordinal for identifier normalizer (e.g. see SuffixWithPosition). public int? Position { get; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeImport | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeImport Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Import (using) statement. public sealed class CodeImport : ITopLevelElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeImport Implements ITopLevelElement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeImport(IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier>) public CodeImport(IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> @namespace) Parameters namespace IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> Properties Namespace Imported namespace. public IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> Namespace { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeIndex | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeIndex Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Indexed access expression. public sealed class CodeIndex : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeIndex Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeIndex(ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression, IType) public CodeIndex(ICodeExpression @object, ICodeExpression index, IType returnType) Parameters object ICodeExpression index ICodeExpression returnType IType Properties Index Index value. For now only one-parameter indexes supported. public ICodeExpression Index { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression Object Indexed object or type. public ICodeExpression Object { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression ReturnType Type of returned value. public IType ReturnType { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeLambda | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeLambda Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Lambda method. public sealed class CodeLambda : MethodBase, ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object AttributeOwner MethodBase CodeLambda Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Inherited Members MethodBase.Attributes MethodBase.Body MethodBase.XmlDoc MethodBase.Parameters AttributeOwner.CustomAttributes Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeLambda(IType, bool) public CodeLambda(IType targetType, bool canOmmitTypes) Parameters targetType IType canOmmitTypes bool CodeLambda(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>?, Modifiers, CodeBlock?, CodeXmlComment?, IEnumerable<CodeParameter>?, IType, bool) public CodeLambda(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>? customAttributes, Modifiers attributes, CodeBlock? body, CodeXmlComment? xmlDoc, IEnumerable<CodeParameter>? parameters, IType targetType, bool canOmmitTypes) Parameters customAttributes IEnumerable<CodeAttribute> attributes Modifiers body CodeBlock xmlDoc CodeXmlComment parameters IEnumerable<CodeParameter> targetType IType canOmmitTypes bool Properties CanOmmitTypes Specify, that generated code could exclude parameter types in generated code. public bool CanOmmitTypes { get; } Property Value bool ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType TargetType Type of lambda expression. Defined by target location (e.g. by type of method parameter, that accepts lambda). public IType TargetType { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeMember | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeMember Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Member access expression. public sealed class CodeMember : ICodeExpression, ILValue, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeMember Implements ICodeExpression ILValue ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeMember(ICodeExpression, CodeReference) Create instance member access expression. public CodeMember(ICodeExpression instance, CodeReference member) Parameters instance ICodeExpression Member owner instance. member CodeReference Member reference. CodeMember(IType, CodeReference) Create static member access expression. public CodeMember(IType type, CodeReference member) Parameters type IType Member owner type. member CodeReference Member name. Properties Instance Instance of member owner. public ICodeExpression? Instance { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression Member Member to access. public CodeReference Member { get; } Property Value CodeReference Type Type of member owner. public CodeTypeReference? Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeReference"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeMethod | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeMethod Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Class method definition. public sealed class CodeMethod : MethodBase, IGroupElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object AttributeOwner MethodBase CodeMethod Implements IGroupElement ICodeElement Inherited Members MethodBase.Attributes MethodBase.Body MethodBase.XmlDoc MethodBase.Parameters AttributeOwner.CustomAttributes Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeMethod(CodeIdentifier) public CodeMethod(CodeIdentifier name) Parameters name CodeIdentifier CodeMethod(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>?, Modifiers, CodeBlock?, CodeXmlComment?, IEnumerable<CodeParameter>?, CodeIdentifier, CodeTypeToken?, IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken>?) public CodeMethod(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>? customAttributes, Modifiers attributes, CodeBlock? body, CodeXmlComment? xmlDoc, IEnumerable<CodeParameter>? parameters, CodeIdentifier name, CodeTypeToken? returnType, IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken>? typeParameters) Parameters customAttributes IEnumerable<CodeAttribute> attributes Modifiers body CodeBlock xmlDoc CodeXmlComment parameters IEnumerable<CodeParameter> name CodeIdentifier returnType CodeTypeToken typeParameters IEnumerable<CodeTypeToken> Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType Name Method name. public CodeIdentifier Name { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier ReturnType Method return type. null for void methods. public CodeTypeToken? ReturnType { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken TypeParameters Generic method type parameters. public IReadOnlyList<CodeTypeToken> TypeParameters { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeTypeToken>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeModelVisitor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeModelVisitor Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base AST visitor class without node visit methods implementation. public abstract class CodeModelVisitor Inheritance object CodeModelVisitor Derived CodeGenerationVisitor NoopCodeModelVisitor Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Parent Parent node or null if visitor at top level node position. protected ICodeElement? Parent { get; } Property Value ICodeElement Methods Visit(ClassGroup) protected abstract void Visit(ClassGroup group) Parameters group ClassGroup Visit(CodeAsOperator) protected abstract void Visit(CodeAsOperator expression) Parameters expression CodeAsOperator Visit(CodeAssignmentExpression) protected abstract void Visit(CodeAssignmentExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeAssignmentExpression Visit(CodeAssignmentStatement) protected abstract void Visit(CodeAssignmentStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeAssignmentStatement Visit(CodeAttribute) protected abstract void Visit(CodeAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute CodeAttribute Visit(CodeAwaitExpression) protected abstract void Visit(CodeAwaitExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeAwaitExpression Visit(CodeAwaitStatement) protected abstract void Visit(CodeAwaitStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeAwaitStatement Visit(CodeBinary) protected abstract void Visit(CodeBinary expression) Parameters expression CodeBinary Visit(CodeCallExpression) protected abstract void Visit(CodeCallExpression call) Parameters call CodeCallExpression Visit(CodeCallStatement) protected abstract void Visit(CodeCallStatement call) Parameters call CodeCallStatement Visit(CodeClass) protected abstract void Visit(CodeClass @class) Parameters class CodeClass Visit(CodeComment) protected abstract void Visit(CodeComment comment) Parameters comment CodeComment Visit(CodeConstant) protected abstract void Visit(CodeConstant constant) Parameters constant CodeConstant Visit(CodeConstructor) protected abstract void Visit(CodeConstructor ctor) Parameters ctor CodeConstructor Visit(CodeDefault) protected abstract void Visit(CodeDefault expression) Parameters expression CodeDefault Visit(CodeEmptyLine) protected abstract void Visit(CodeEmptyLine line) Parameters line CodeEmptyLine Visit(CodeField) protected abstract void Visit(CodeField field) Parameters field CodeField Visit(CodeFile) protected abstract void Visit(CodeFile file) Parameters file CodeFile Visit(CodeIdentifier) protected abstract void Visit(CodeIdentifier identifier) Parameters identifier CodeIdentifier Visit(CodeImport) protected abstract void Visit(CodeImport import) Parameters import CodeImport Visit(CodeIndex) protected abstract void Visit(CodeIndex expression) Parameters expression CodeIndex Visit(CodeLambda) protected abstract void Visit(CodeLambda method) Parameters method CodeLambda Visit(CodeMember) protected abstract void Visit(CodeMember expression) Parameters expression CodeMember Visit(CodeMethod) protected abstract void Visit(CodeMethod method) Parameters method CodeMethod Visit(CodeNameOf) protected abstract void Visit(CodeNameOf nameOf) Parameters nameOf CodeNameOf Visit(CodeNamespace) protected abstract void Visit(CodeNamespace @namespace) Parameters namespace CodeNamespace Visit(CodeNew) protected abstract void Visit(CodeNew expression) Parameters expression CodeNew Visit(CodeNewArray) protected abstract void Visit(CodeNewArray expression) Parameters expression CodeNewArray Visit(CodeParameter) protected abstract void Visit(CodeParameter parameter) Parameters parameter CodeParameter Visit(CodePragma) protected abstract void Visit(CodePragma pragma) Parameters pragma CodePragma Visit(CodeProperty) protected abstract void Visit(CodeProperty property) Parameters property CodeProperty Visit(CodeReference) protected abstract void Visit(CodeReference reference) Parameters reference CodeReference Visit(CodeRegion) protected abstract void Visit(CodeRegion region) Parameters region CodeRegion Visit(CodeReturn) protected abstract void Visit(CodeReturn statement) Parameters statement CodeReturn Visit(CodeSuppressNull) protected abstract void Visit(CodeSuppressNull expression) Parameters expression CodeSuppressNull Visit(CodeTernary) protected abstract void Visit(CodeTernary expression) Parameters expression CodeTernary Visit(CodeThis) protected abstract void Visit(CodeThis expression) Parameters expression CodeThis Visit(CodeThrowExpression) protected abstract void Visit(CodeThrowExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeThrowExpression Visit(CodeThrowStatement) protected abstract void Visit(CodeThrowStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeThrowStatement Visit(CodeTypeCast) protected abstract void Visit(CodeTypeCast expression) Parameters expression CodeTypeCast Visit(CodeTypeInitializer) protected abstract void Visit(CodeTypeInitializer cctor) Parameters cctor CodeTypeInitializer Visit(CodeTypeReference) protected abstract void Visit(CodeTypeReference type) Parameters type CodeTypeReference Visit(CodeTypeToken) protected abstract void Visit(CodeTypeToken type) Parameters type CodeTypeToken Visit(CodeUnary) protected abstract void Visit(CodeUnary expression) Parameters expression CodeUnary Visit(CodeVariable) protected abstract void Visit(CodeVariable expression) Parameters expression CodeVariable Visit(CodeXmlComment) protected abstract void Visit(CodeXmlComment doc) Parameters doc CodeXmlComment Visit(ConstructorGroup) protected abstract void Visit(ConstructorGroup group) Parameters group ConstructorGroup Visit(FieldGroup) protected abstract void Visit(FieldGroup group) Parameters group FieldGroup Visit(ICodeElement) Main dispatch method. public void Visit(ICodeElement node) Parameters node ICodeElement Node to visit. Visit(MethodGroup) protected abstract void Visit(MethodGroup group) Parameters group MethodGroup Visit(PragmaGroup) protected abstract void Visit(PragmaGroup group) Parameters group PragmaGroup Visit(PropertyGroup) protected abstract void Visit(PropertyGroup group) Parameters group PropertyGroup Visit(RegionGroup) protected abstract void Visit(RegionGroup group) Parameters group RegionGroup VisitList<T>(CodeElementList<T>) Helper method to visit list of nodes. protected void VisitList<T>(CodeElementList<T> list) where T : ICodeElement Parameters list CodeElementList<T> List of nodes. Type Parameters T Node type in list. VisitList<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Helper method to visit collection of nodes. protected void VisitList<T>(IEnumerable<T> list) where T : ICodeElement Parameters list IEnumerable<T> Collection of nodes. Type Parameters T Node type in list."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeNameOf | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeNameOf Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll nameof(...) expression. public sealed class CodeNameOf : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeNameOf Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeNameOf(ICodeExpression) public CodeNameOf(ICodeExpression expression) Parameters expression ICodeExpression Properties Expression nameof argument. public ICodeExpression Expression { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeNamespace | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeNamespace Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Namespace declaration. public sealed class CodeNamespace : ITopLevelElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeNamespace Implements ITopLevelElement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeNamespace(IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier>) public CodeNamespace(IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> name) Parameters name IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> Properties Members Namespace members (in groups). public IReadOnlyList<IMemberGroup> Members { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<IMemberGroup> Name Namespace name. public IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> Name { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeNew | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeNew Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll New object instantiation expression. public sealed class CodeNew : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeNew Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeNew(CodeTypeToken, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>, IEnumerable<CodeAssignmentStatement>) public CodeNew(CodeTypeToken type, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> parameters, IEnumerable<CodeAssignmentStatement> initializers) Parameters type CodeTypeToken parameters IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> initializers IEnumerable<CodeAssignmentStatement> CodeNew(IType, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>, IEnumerable<CodeAssignmentStatement>) public CodeNew(IType type, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> parameters, IEnumerable<CodeAssignmentStatement> initializers) Parameters type IType parameters IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> initializers IEnumerable<CodeAssignmentStatement> Properties Initializers Object initializer properties. public IReadOnlyList<CodeAssignmentStatement> Initializers { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeAssignmentStatement> Parameters Constructor parameters. public IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> Parameters { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> Type Instantiated type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeNewArray | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeNewArray Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Expression, describing new one-dimensional array declaration. public sealed class CodeNewArray : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeNewArray Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeNewArray(CodeTypeToken, bool, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>, bool) public CodeNewArray(CodeTypeToken type, bool valueTyped, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> values, bool inline) Parameters type CodeTypeToken valueTyped bool values IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> inline bool CodeNewArray(IType, bool, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression>, bool) public CodeNewArray(IType type, bool valueTyped, IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> values, bool inline) Parameters type IType valueTyped bool values IEnumerable<ICodeExpression> inline bool Properties Inline Generate array declaration in single code line if possible. public bool Inline { get; } Property Value bool Type Array element type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken ValueTyped Array type could be infered from values. public bool ValueTyped { get; } Property Value bool Values Array elements. public IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression> Values { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<ICodeExpression>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeParameter Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Method parameter. public sealed class CodeParameter : CodeTypedName, ITypedName, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeTypedName CodeParameter Implements ITypedName ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeTypedName.Name CodeTypedName.Type CodeTypedName.Reference Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeParameter(IType, CodeIdentifier, CodeParameterDirection, ICodeExpression?) public CodeParameter(IType type, CodeIdentifier name, CodeParameterDirection direction, ICodeExpression? defaultValue) Parameters type IType name CodeIdentifier direction CodeParameterDirection defaultValue ICodeExpression Properties DefaultValue Parameter's default value. public ICodeExpression? DefaultValue { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression Direction Parameter direction. public CodeParameterDirection Direction { get; } Property Value CodeParameterDirection"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum CodeParameterDirection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum CodeParameterDirection Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Parameter direction. public enum CodeParameterDirection Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields In = 0 Input parameter. Out = 2 Output parameter. Ref = 1 By-ref parameter."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodePragma | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodePragma Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Compiler pragma directive. public sealed class CodePragma : ITopLevelElement, IGroupElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodePragma Implements ITopLevelElement IGroupElement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodePragma(PragmaType, IEnumerable<string>) public CodePragma(PragmaType type, IEnumerable<string> parameters) Parameters type PragmaType parameters IEnumerable<string> Properties Parameters Directive parameters. public IReadOnlyList<string> Parameters { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<string> PragmaType Directive type. public PragmaType PragmaType { get; } Property Value PragmaType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeProperty Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Class property declaration. public sealed class CodeProperty : AttributeOwner, IGroupElement, ICodeElement, ITypedName Inheritance object AttributeOwner CodeProperty Implements IGroupElement ICodeElement ITypedName Inherited Members AttributeOwner.CustomAttributes Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeProperty(CodeIdentifier, IType) public CodeProperty(CodeIdentifier name, IType type) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type IType CodeProperty(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>?, CodeIdentifier, CodeTypeToken, Modifiers, bool, CodeBlock?, bool, CodeBlock?, CodeComment?, CodeXmlComment?, ICodeExpression?) public CodeProperty(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>? customAttributes, CodeIdentifier name, CodeTypeToken type, Modifiers attributes, bool hasGetter, CodeBlock? getter, bool hasSetter, CodeBlock? setter, CodeComment? trailingComment, CodeXmlComment? xmlDoc, ICodeExpression? initializer) Parameters customAttributes IEnumerable<CodeAttribute> name CodeIdentifier type CodeTypeToken attributes Modifiers hasGetter bool getter CodeBlock hasSetter bool setter CodeBlock trailingComment CodeComment xmlDoc CodeXmlComment initializer ICodeExpression Properties Attributes Property attributes and modifiers. public Modifiers Attributes { get; } Property Value Modifiers ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType Getter Getter body. public CodeBlock? Getter { get; } Property Value CodeBlock HasGetter Indicates that property has getter. public bool HasGetter { get; } Property Value bool HasSetter Indicates that property has setter. public bool HasSetter { get; } Property Value bool Initializer Optional initializer. public ICodeExpression? Initializer { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression Name Property name. public CodeIdentifier Name { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Reference Simple reference to current property. public CodeReference Reference { get; } Property Value CodeReference Setter Setter body. public CodeBlock? Setter { get; } Property Value CodeBlock TrailingComment Optional trailing comment on same line as property. public CodeComment? TrailingComment { get; } Property Value CodeComment Type Property type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken XmlDoc Xml-doc comment. public CodeXmlComment? XmlDoc { get; } Property Value CodeXmlComment"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeReference | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeReference Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Defines reference to parameter or variable inside of current method/property or simple (without owner type/instance) reference to field/property. public sealed class CodeReference : ICodeExpression, ILValue, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeReference Implements ICodeExpression ILValue ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeReference(ITypedName) Create parameter, variable, field or property reference (access expression). public CodeReference(ITypedName referenced) Parameters referenced ITypedName Parameter, variable, field or property to reference. Properties Referenced Referenced named object with type (parameter, variable, property or field). public ITypedName Referenced { get; } Property Value ITypedName"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeRegion | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeRegion Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Code region. public sealed class CodeRegion : ITopLevelElement, IGroupElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeRegion Implements ITopLevelElement IGroupElement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeRegion(CodeClass, string) public CodeRegion(CodeClass ownerType, string name) Parameters ownerType CodeClass name string Properties Members Region members (in groups). public IReadOnlyList<IMemberGroup> Members { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<IMemberGroup> Name Region name. public string Name { get; } Property Value string Type Owner class in which region is declared. public CodeClass Type { get; } Property Value CodeClass Methods IsEmpty() Returns true if region is empty. public bool IsEmpty() Returns bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeReturn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeReturn Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Return statement. public sealed class CodeReturn : ICodeStatement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeReturn Implements ICodeStatement ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeReturn(ICodeExpression?, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?) public CodeReturn(ICodeExpression? expression, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? beforeTrivia, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? afterTrivia) Parameters expression ICodeExpression beforeTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> afterTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> Properties Expression Optional return value. public ICodeExpression? Expression { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeSuppressNull | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeSuppressNull Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll null-forgiving operator. public sealed class CodeSuppressNull : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeSuppressNull Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeSuppressNull(ICodeExpression) public CodeSuppressNull(ICodeExpression value) Parameters value ICodeExpression Properties Value Value (expression) to apply operator. public ICodeExpression Value { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeTernary | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeTernary Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public sealed class CodeTernary : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeTernary Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeTernary(ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression, ICodeExpression) public CodeTernary(ICodeExpression condition, ICodeExpression trueValue, ICodeExpression falseValue) Parameters condition ICodeExpression trueValue ICodeExpression falseValue ICodeExpression Properties Condition Condition expression. public ICodeExpression Condition { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression False False value expression. public ICodeExpression False { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression True True value expression. public ICodeExpression True { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeThis | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeThis Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll this reference. public sealed class CodeThis : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeThis Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeThis(CodeClass) public CodeThis(CodeClass @class) Parameters class CodeClass Properties Class public CodeClass Class { get; } Property Value CodeClass"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeThrowBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeThrowBase Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Throw expression. public abstract class CodeThrowBase Inheritance object CodeThrowBase Derived CodeThrowExpression CodeThrowStatement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeThrowBase(ICodeExpression) protected CodeThrowBase(ICodeExpression exception) Parameters exception ICodeExpression Properties Exception Exception object. public ICodeExpression Exception { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeThrowExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeThrowExpression Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Throw expression. public sealed class CodeThrowExpression : CodeThrowBase, ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeThrowBase CodeThrowExpression Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeThrowBase.Exception Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeThrowExpression(ICodeExpression, IType) public CodeThrowExpression(ICodeExpression exception, IType targetType) Parameters exception ICodeExpression targetType IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeThrowStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeThrowStatement Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Throw statement. public sealed class CodeThrowStatement : CodeThrowBase, ICodeStatement, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeThrowBase CodeThrowStatement Implements ICodeStatement ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeThrowBase.Exception Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeThrowStatement(ICodeExpression, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>?) public CodeThrowStatement(ICodeExpression exception, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? beforeTrivia, IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>? afterTrivia) Parameters exception ICodeExpression beforeTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia> afterTrivia IEnumerable<SimpleTrivia>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeTypeCast | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeTypeCast Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type cast expression. public sealed class CodeTypeCast : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeTypeCast Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeTypeCast(CodeTypeToken, ICodeExpression) public CodeTypeCast(CodeTypeToken type, ICodeExpression value) Parameters type CodeTypeToken value ICodeExpression CodeTypeCast(IType, ICodeExpression) public CodeTypeCast(IType type, ICodeExpression value) Parameters type IType value ICodeExpression Properties Type Target type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken Value Value (expression) to cast. public ICodeExpression Value { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeTypeInitializer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeTypeInitializer Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type initializer (static constructor). public sealed class CodeTypeInitializer : MethodBase, ICodeElement Inheritance object AttributeOwner MethodBase CodeTypeInitializer Implements ICodeElement Inherited Members MethodBase.Attributes MethodBase.Body MethodBase.XmlDoc MethodBase.Parameters AttributeOwner.CustomAttributes Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeTypeInitializer(CodeClass) public CodeTypeInitializer(CodeClass type) Parameters type CodeClass Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType Type Owner class. public CodeClass Type { get; } Property Value CodeClass"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeTypeReference | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeTypeReference Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type, used in expression context. public sealed class CodeTypeReference : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeTypeReference Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeTypeReference(IType) public CodeTypeReference(IType type) Parameters type IType Properties Type Type definition. public IType Type { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeTypeToken | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeTypeToken Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type reference, used in type-only context. public sealed class CodeTypeToken : ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeTypeToken Implements ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeTypeToken(IType) public CodeTypeToken(IType type) Parameters type IType Properties Type Type definition. public IType Type { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeTypedName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeTypedName Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Typed named entity (parameter, variable, field or property). public abstract class CodeTypedName : ITypedName Inheritance object CodeTypedName Implements ITypedName Derived CodeExternalPropertyOrField CodeParameter CodeVariable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeTypedName(CodeIdentifier, CodeTypeToken) protected CodeTypedName(CodeIdentifier name, CodeTypeToken type) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type CodeTypeToken Properties Name Name. public CodeIdentifier Name { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Reference Reference to current parameter/variable. public CodeReference Reference { get; } Property Value CodeReference Type Type. public CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeUnary | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeUnary Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public sealed class CodeUnary : ICodeExpression, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeUnary Implements ICodeExpression ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeUnary(ICodeExpression, UnaryOperation) public CodeUnary(ICodeExpression argument, UnaryOperation operation) Parameters argument ICodeExpression operation UnaryOperation Properties Argument Operand. public ICodeExpression Argument { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression Operation Operation type. public UnaryOperation Operation { get; } Property Value UnaryOperation"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeVariable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeVariable Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Variable declaration. public sealed class CodeVariable : CodeTypedName, ITypedName, ILValue, ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeTypedName CodeVariable Implements ITypedName ILValue ICodeElement Inherited Members CodeTypedName.Name CodeTypedName.Type CodeTypedName.Reference Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeVariable(CodeIdentifier, CodeTypeToken, bool) public CodeVariable(CodeIdentifier name, CodeTypeToken type, bool rvalueTyped) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type CodeTypeToken rvalueTyped bool CodeVariable(CodeIdentifier, IType, bool) public CodeVariable(CodeIdentifier name, IType type, bool rvalueTyped) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type IType rvalueTyped bool Properties RValueTyped Indicates that variable type could be infered from assigned value. This could be used to generate var instead of specific type. public bool RValueTyped { get; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public record CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment : IEquatable<CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment> Inheritance object CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment Implements IEquatable<CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ParameterComment(CodeIdentifier, string) public ParameterComment(CodeIdentifier Parameter, string Comment) Parameters Parameter CodeIdentifier Comment string Properties Comment public string Comment { get; init; } Property Value string Parameter public CodeIdentifier Parameter { get; init; } Property Value CodeIdentifier"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeXmlComment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeXmlComment Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll XML-doc commentary. public sealed class CodeXmlComment : ICodeElement Inheritance object CodeXmlComment Implements ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CodeXmlComment() public CodeXmlComment() Properties Parameters Documentation for method/constructor parameters. public IReadOnlyList<CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment> Parameters { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment> Summary Summary documentation element. public string? Summary { get; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ConstructorBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConstructorBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeConstructor builder. public sealed class ConstructorBuilder : MethodBaseBuilder<ConstructorBuilder, CodeConstructor> Inheritance object MethodBaseBuilder<ConstructorBuilder, CodeConstructor> ConstructorBuilder Inherited Members MethodBaseBuilder<ConstructorBuilder, CodeConstructor>.Method MethodBaseBuilder<ConstructorBuilder, CodeConstructor>.SetModifiers(Modifiers) MethodBaseBuilder<ConstructorBuilder, CodeConstructor>.Body() MethodBaseBuilder<ConstructorBuilder, CodeConstructor>.Parameter(CodeParameter) MethodBaseBuilder<ConstructorBuilder, CodeConstructor>.XmlComment() MethodBaseBuilder<ConstructorBuilder, CodeConstructor>.Attribute(IType) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods Base(params ICodeExpression[]) Add base constructor call. public ConstructorBuilder Base(params ICodeExpression[] parameters) Parameters parameters ICodeExpression[] Base constructor parameters. Returns ConstructorBuilder Constructor builder instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ConstructorGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConstructorGroup Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Group of constructors. public sealed class ConstructorGroup : MemberGroup<CodeConstructor>, IMemberGroup, ICodeElement Inheritance object MemberGroup<CodeConstructor> ConstructorGroup Implements IMemberGroup ICodeElement Inherited Members MemberGroup<CodeConstructor>.Members MemberGroup<CodeConstructor>.IsEmpty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ConstructorGroup(CodeClass) public ConstructorGroup(CodeClass owner) Parameters owner CodeClass ConstructorGroup(IEnumerable<CodeConstructor>?, CodeClass) public ConstructorGroup(IEnumerable<CodeConstructor>? members, CodeClass owner) Parameters members IEnumerable<CodeConstructor> owner CodeClass Properties Class Owner class. public CodeClass Class { get; set; } Property Value CodeClass ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType Methods New() public ConstructorBuilder New() Returns ConstructorBuilder"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ConvertCodeModelVisitor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConvertCodeModelVisitor Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base AST rewrite visitor class with noop node visit methods implementation with root-to-leaf visit order. Each node could be replaced with any other node type and this is visitor implementor's responsibility to ensure new node type is compatible with node owner. Otherwise parent node visit method will generate type cast exception trying to consume incompatible child node. Important note: node visitors should visit only child nodes. public abstract class ConvertCodeModelVisitor Inheritance object ConvertCodeModelVisitor Derived ProviderSpecificStructsEqualityFixer Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods Visit(ClassGroup) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(ClassGroup group) Parameters group ClassGroup Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeAsOperator) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeAsOperator expression) Parameters expression CodeAsOperator Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeAssignmentExpression) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeAssignmentExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeAssignmentExpression Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeAssignmentStatement) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeAssignmentStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeAssignmentStatement Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeAttribute) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute CodeAttribute Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeAwaitExpression) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeAwaitExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeAwaitExpression Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeAwaitStatement) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeAwaitStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeAwaitStatement Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeBinary) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeBinary expression) Parameters expression CodeBinary Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeCallExpression) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeCallExpression call) Parameters call CodeCallExpression Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeCallStatement) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeCallStatement call) Parameters call CodeCallStatement Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeClass) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeClass @class) Parameters class CodeClass Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeComment) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeComment comment) Parameters comment CodeComment Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeConstant) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeConstant constant) Parameters constant CodeConstant Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeConstructor) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeConstructor ctor) Parameters ctor CodeConstructor Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeDefault) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeDefault expression) Parameters expression CodeDefault Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeEmptyLine) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeEmptyLine line) Parameters line CodeEmptyLine Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeField) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeField field) Parameters field CodeField Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeFile) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeFile file) Parameters file CodeFile Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeIdentifier) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeIdentifier identifier) Parameters identifier CodeIdentifier Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeImport) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeImport import) Parameters import CodeImport Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeIndex) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeIndex expression) Parameters expression CodeIndex Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeLambda) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeLambda method) Parameters method CodeLambda Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeMember) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeMember expression) Parameters expression CodeMember Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeMethod) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeMethod method) Parameters method CodeMethod Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeNameOf) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeNameOf nameOf) Parameters nameOf CodeNameOf Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeNamespace) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeNamespace @namespace) Parameters namespace CodeNamespace Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeNew) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeNew expression) Parameters expression CodeNew Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeNewArray) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeNewArray expression) Parameters expression CodeNewArray Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeParameter) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeParameter parameter) Parameters parameter CodeParameter Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodePragma) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodePragma pragma) Parameters pragma CodePragma Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeProperty) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeProperty property) Parameters property CodeProperty Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeReference) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeReference reference) Parameters reference CodeReference Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeRegion) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeRegion region) Parameters region CodeRegion Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeReturn) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeReturn statement) Parameters statement CodeReturn Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeSuppressNull) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeSuppressNull expression) Parameters expression CodeSuppressNull Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeTernary) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeTernary expression) Parameters expression CodeTernary Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeThis) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeThis expression) Parameters expression CodeThis Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeThrowExpression) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeThrowExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeThrowExpression Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeThrowStatement) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeThrowStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeThrowStatement Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeTypeCast) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeTypeCast expression) Parameters expression CodeTypeCast Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeTypeInitializer) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeTypeInitializer cctor) Parameters cctor CodeTypeInitializer Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeTypeReference) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeTypeReference type) Parameters type CodeTypeReference Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeTypeToken) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeTypeToken type) Parameters type CodeTypeToken Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeUnary) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeUnary expression) Parameters expression CodeUnary Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeVariable) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeVariable expression) Parameters expression CodeVariable Returns ICodeElement Visit(CodeXmlComment) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(CodeXmlComment doc) Parameters doc CodeXmlComment Returns ICodeElement Visit(ConstructorGroup) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(ConstructorGroup group) Parameters group ConstructorGroup Returns ICodeElement Visit(FieldGroup) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(FieldGroup group) Parameters group FieldGroup Returns ICodeElement Visit(ICodeElement) Main dispatch method. public ICodeElement Visit(ICodeElement node) Parameters node ICodeElement Node to visit. Returns ICodeElement Returns new node if node were replaced or same node otherwise. Visit(MethodGroup) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(MethodGroup group) Parameters group MethodGroup Returns ICodeElement Visit(PragmaGroup) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(PragmaGroup group) Parameters group PragmaGroup Returns ICodeElement Visit(PropertyGroup) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(PropertyGroup group) Parameters group PropertyGroup Returns ICodeElement Visit(RegionGroup) protected virtual ICodeElement Visit(RegionGroup group) Parameters group RegionGroup Returns ICodeElement"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FieldBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FieldBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeField object builder. public sealed class FieldBuilder Inheritance object FieldBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Field Built field object. public CodeField Field { get; } Property Value CodeField Methods AddInitializer(ICodeExpression) Add field initializer. public FieldBuilder AddInitializer(ICodeExpression initializer) Parameters initializer ICodeExpression Initializer expression. Returns FieldBuilder Builder instance. Private() Mark field as private. public FieldBuilder Private() Returns FieldBuilder Builder instance. Public() Mark field as public. public FieldBuilder Public() Returns FieldBuilder Builder instance. ReadOnly() Mark field as readonly. public FieldBuilder ReadOnly() Returns FieldBuilder Builder instance. Static() Mark field as static. public FieldBuilder Static() Returns FieldBuilder Builder instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FieldGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FieldGroup Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Group of fields. public sealed class FieldGroup : MemberGroup<CodeField>, IMemberGroup, ICodeElement Inheritance object MemberGroup<CodeField> FieldGroup Implements IMemberGroup ICodeElement Inherited Members MemberGroup<CodeField>.Members MemberGroup<CodeField>.IsEmpty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors FieldGroup(bool) public FieldGroup(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool FieldGroup(IEnumerable<CodeField>?, bool) public FieldGroup(IEnumerable<CodeField>? members, bool tableLayout) Parameters members IEnumerable<CodeField> tableLayout bool Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType TableLayout Prefered group rendering layout: as-is or table layout. public bool TableLayout { get; } Property Value bool Methods New(CodeIdentifier, IType) public FieldBuilder New(CodeIdentifier name, IType type) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type IType Returns FieldBuilder"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ICodeElement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ICodeElement Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base interface, implemented by all AST nodes. public interface ICodeElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ElementType Type of node. CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ICodeExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ICodeExpression Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Marker interface for expression nodes. public interface ICodeExpression : ICodeElement Inherited Members ICodeElement.ElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Type Expression type. IType Type { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ICodeStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ICodeStatement Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Marker interface for statement nodes. public interface ICodeStatement : ICodeElement Inherited Members ICodeElement.ElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties After IReadOnlyList<SimpleTrivia>? After { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<SimpleTrivia> Before IReadOnlyList<SimpleTrivia>? Before { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<SimpleTrivia> Methods AddSimpleTrivia(SimpleTrivia, bool) void AddSimpleTrivia(SimpleTrivia trivia, bool after) Parameters trivia SimpleTrivia after bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface IGroupElement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IGroupElement Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Marker interface for members of node groups. public interface IGroupElement : ICodeElement Inherited Members ICodeElement.ElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T)"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ILValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ILValue Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Marker interface for l-value nodes (nodes, that could be used as assignment targets). public interface ILValue : ICodeElement Inherited Members ICodeElement.ElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T)"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ILanguageProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ILanguageProvider Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Provides access to language-specific functionality. public interface ILanguageProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ASTBuilder CodeBuilder ASTBuilder { get; } Property Value CodeBuilder FileExtension Default file extension (without leading dot) for source files for current language. string FileExtension { get; } Property Value string FullNameComparer Gets composite identifier comparer (e.g. namespace of full type name). IComparer<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>> FullNameComparer { get; } Property Value IComparer<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>> FullNameEqualityComparer Gets composite identifier equality comparer (e.g. namespace of full type name). IEqualityComparer<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>> FullNameEqualityComparer { get; } Property Value IEqualityComparer<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>> IdentifierEqualityComparer Gets identifier equality comparer for current language. E.g. C# and F# use case-sensitive identifiers, but VB.NET works with case-insensitive identifiers. IEqualityComparer<CodeIdentifier> IdentifierEqualityComparer { get; } Property Value IEqualityComparer<CodeIdentifier> MissingXmlCommentWarnCodes Warning codes for missing XML-doc comments warnings (if supported by language). string[] MissingXmlCommentWarnCodes { get; } Property Value string[] NRTSupported Indicate that language supports nullable reference types annotations. bool NRTSupported { get; } Property Value bool RawIdentifierEqualityComparer Gets identifier equality comparer for current language. E.g. C# and F# use case-sensitive identifiers, but VB.NET works with case-insensitive identifiers. IEqualityComparer<string> RawIdentifierEqualityComparer { get; } Property Value IEqualityComparer<string> TypeEqualityComparerWithNRT Gets IType equality comparer to compare types with taking into account NRT annotations on types. IEqualityComparer<IType> TypeEqualityComparerWithNRT { get; } Property Value IEqualityComparer<IType> TypeEqualityComparerWithoutNRT Gets IType equality comparer to compare types without taking into account NRT annotations on types. IEqualityComparer<IType> TypeEqualityComparerWithoutNRT { get; } Property Value IEqualityComparer<IType> TypeParser Type and namespace parser service. ITypeParser TypeParser { get; } Property Value ITypeParser Methods GetAlias(IType) Returns language-specific type alias (if any) for provided type. For nullable type returns alias without nullability annotations. string? GetAlias(IType type) Parameters type IType Type to check for alias. Could be nullable type. Returns string Type alias if provided type has it. GetCodeGenerator(string, string, bool, IReadOnlyDictionary<CodeIdentifier, ISet<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>>>, IReadOnlyDictionary<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>, ISet<CodeIdentifier>>, IReadOnlyDictionary<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>, ISet<CodeIdentifier>>) Returns visitor that could generate code using target language. CodeGenerationVisitor GetCodeGenerator(string newLine, string indent, bool useNRT, IReadOnlyDictionary<CodeIdentifier, ISet<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>>> knownTypes, IReadOnlyDictionary<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>, ISet<CodeIdentifier>> scopedNames, IReadOnlyDictionary<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>, ISet<CodeIdentifier>> scopedTypes) Parameters newLine string Newline character sequence. indent string Single indent unit character sequence. useNRT bool Indicates wether NRT annotations should be emmited by code generator. knownTypes IReadOnlyDictionary<CodeIdentifier, ISet<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>>> Information about namespaces, that include types with specific name. scopedNames IReadOnlyDictionary<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>, ISet<CodeIdentifier>> Information about names (type name, namespace or type member) in specific naming scopes. scopedTypes IReadOnlyDictionary<IEnumerable<CodeIdentifier>, ISet<CodeIdentifier>> Information about type names (type name and namespace) in specific naming scopes. Returns CodeGenerationVisitor Visitor instance. GetIdentifiersNormalizer() Returns visitor that could be used to fix identifiers in code model. CodeModelVisitor GetIdentifiersNormalizer() Returns CodeModelVisitor Identifers normalization visitor instance. IsValidIdentifierFirstChar(string, UnicodeCategory) Verify that provided character could start indentifier name for current language. bool IsValidIdentifierFirstChar(string character, UnicodeCategory category) Parameters character string Character to validate. category UnicodeCategory Character unicode category. Returns bool true if character is valid at starting position in identifier. IsValidIdentifierNonFirstChar(string, UnicodeCategory) Verify that provided character could be used in indentifier name at non-first position for current language. bool IsValidIdentifierNonFirstChar(string character, UnicodeCategory category) Parameters character string Character to validate. category UnicodeCategory Character unicode category. Returns bool true if character is valid at non-starting position in identifier."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface IMemberGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMemberGroup Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Non-generic interface for member groups. public interface IMemberGroup : ICodeElement Inherited Members ICodeElement.ElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IsEmpty Empty group flag. bool IsEmpty { get; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ITopLevelElement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ITopLevelElement Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Marker insterface to elements, that could be used as top-level file element (doesn't require nesting into some other element to be valid). public interface ITopLevelElement : ICodeElement Inherited Members ICodeElement.ElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T)"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface IType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IType Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type descriptor interface. public interface IType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ArrayElementType Type of array element for array type. IType? ArrayElementType { get; } Property Value IType ArraySizes Optional array sizes for array type. Use array as property type to support multi-dimensional arrays. IReadOnlyList<int?>? ArraySizes { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<int?> External Returns true if type defined in external code and false, when type defined in current AST (as class). bool External { get; } Property Value bool IsNullable Type nullability. E.g. NRT annotation status for reference type and Nullable`T wrapper presence for value type. bool IsNullable { get; } Property Value bool IsValueType Value or reference type. bool IsValueType { get; } Property Value bool Kind Type kind. TypeKind Kind { get; } Property Value TypeKind Name Type name. CodeIdentifier? Name { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Namespace Type namespace. IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier>? Namespace { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeIdentifier> OpenGenericArgCount Number of type arguments for open generic type. int? OpenGenericArgCount { get; } Property Value int? Parent Parent type for nested types. IType? Parent { get; } Property Value IType TypeArguments Type arguments for generic type. IReadOnlyList<IType>? TypeArguments { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<IType> Methods WithNullability(bool) Apply nullability flag to current type. IType WithNullability(bool nullable) Parameters nullable bool New type nullability status. Returns IType New type instance if nullability changed. WithTypeArguments(params IType[]) Specify type arguments for open generic type. Method call valid only on open-generic types. IType WithTypeArguments(params IType[] typeArguments) Parameters typeArguments IType[] Types to use as generic type arguments. Returns IType Generic type with provided type arguments."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ITypeParser | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ITypeParser Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Provides helpers to create IType type descriptor from Type or string with type name. Also provides helpers to parse namespace names. public interface ITypeParser Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods Parse(string, bool) Parse type from type name. Type name should be a full type name in following format: namespaces should be separated by dot: ns1.ns2.type nested types should be separated by plus: ns1.ns2.type+nestest_type1+nested_type2 genric type arguments should be enclosed in <> and separated by comma: ns.type<ns.type1, ns.type2<ns.type1>, ns.type3> open generic types allowed: ns.type<,,> nullability (including reference types) should be indicated by ?: ns.type<T1?>? type aliases, arrays and dynamic types not supported generic type arguments should be real types IType Parse(string typeName, bool valueType) Parameters typeName string String with type name. valueType bool Indicate that parsed type is value type or reference type. Applied only to main type. Nested types (array elements and generic type arguments parsed as value types). Returns IType Parsed type descriptor. Parse(Type) Creates IType type descriptor from Type instance. IType Parse(Type type) Parameters type Type Type to parse. Returns IType IType type descriptor. ParseNamespaceOrRegularTypeName(string, bool) Parse (multi-part) namespace or type name (with namespace) into collection of identifiers for each namespace/type name element. CodeIdentifier[] ParseNamespaceOrRegularTypeName(string name, bool generated) Parameters name string String with namespace or type name. Type name shouldn't contain anything except namespace and namespace (no array brackets, generic argument list). Name components should be separated by dot (.). generated bool When true, name contains generated namespace/type name and could be modified on name conflict. Returns CodeIdentifier[] Namespace/type name elements. Parse<T>() Creates IType type descriptor from T type. IType Parse<T>() Returns IType IType type descriptor. Type Parameters T Type to parse."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ITypedName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ITypedName Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Represents code element, that have type and name (e.g. class field). public interface ITypedName Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Name Element name. CodeIdentifier Name { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Type Element type. CodeTypeToken Type { get; } Property Value CodeTypeToken"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class LambdaMethodBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LambdaMethodBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeLambda object builder. public sealed class LambdaMethodBuilder : MethodBaseBuilder<LambdaMethodBuilder, CodeLambda> Inheritance object MethodBaseBuilder<LambdaMethodBuilder, CodeLambda> LambdaMethodBuilder Inherited Members MethodBaseBuilder<LambdaMethodBuilder, CodeLambda>.Method MethodBaseBuilder<LambdaMethodBuilder, CodeLambda>.SetModifiers(Modifiers) MethodBaseBuilder<LambdaMethodBuilder, CodeLambda>.Body() MethodBaseBuilder<LambdaMethodBuilder, CodeLambda>.Parameter(CodeParameter) MethodBaseBuilder<LambdaMethodBuilder, CodeLambda>.XmlComment() MethodBaseBuilder<LambdaMethodBuilder, CodeLambda>.Attribute(IType) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T)"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class LanguageProviders | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LanguageProviders Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Provides access to built-in language providers. public static class LanguageProviders Inheritance object LanguageProviders Properties CSharp public static ILanguageProvider CSharp { get; } Property Value ILanguageProvider"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MemberGroup<TMember> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemberGroup<TMember> Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for node groups. public abstract class MemberGroup<TMember> : IMemberGroup, ICodeElement where TMember : IGroupElement Type Parameters TMember Type of node in group. Inheritance object MemberGroup<TMember> Implements IMemberGroup ICodeElement Derived ClassGroup ConstructorGroup FieldGroup MethodGroup PragmaGroup PropertyGroup RegionGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors MemberGroup(IEnumerable<TMember>?) protected MemberGroup(IEnumerable<TMember>? members) Parameters members IEnumerable<TMember> Properties ElementType Type of node. public abstract CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType IsEmpty Empty group flag. public virtual bool IsEmpty { get; } Property Value bool Members Group members. public IReadOnlyList<TMember> Members { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<TMember> Methods AddMember(TMember) Add new member to members list. protected TMember AddMember(TMember member) Parameters member TMember New group element. Returns TMember Added element."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MethodBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MethodBase Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for method-like nodes. public abstract class MethodBase : AttributeOwner, ICodeElement Inheritance object AttributeOwner MethodBase Implements ICodeElement Derived CodeConstructor CodeLambda CodeMethod CodeTypeInitializer Inherited Members AttributeOwner.CustomAttributes AttributeOwner.ElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors MethodBase(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>?, Modifiers, CodeBlock?, CodeXmlComment?, IEnumerable<CodeParameter>?) protected MethodBase(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>? customAttributes, Modifiers attributes, CodeBlock? body, CodeXmlComment? xmlDoc, IEnumerable<CodeParameter>? parameters) Parameters customAttributes IEnumerable<CodeAttribute> attributes Modifiers body CodeBlock xmlDoc CodeXmlComment parameters IEnumerable<CodeParameter> Properties Attributes Method modifiers. public Modifiers Attributes { get; } Property Value Modifiers Body Method body (top-level block). public CodeBlock? Body { get; } Property Value CodeBlock Parameters Parameters collection. public IReadOnlyList<CodeParameter> Parameters { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<CodeParameter> XmlDoc Xml-documentation comment. public CodeXmlComment? XmlDoc { get; } Property Value CodeXmlComment"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MethodBaseBuilder<TBuilder, TMethod> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MethodBaseBuilder<TBuilder, TMethod> Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for method-like object builders. public abstract class MethodBaseBuilder<TBuilder, TMethod> where TBuilder : MethodBaseBuilder<TBuilder, TMethod> where TMethod : MethodBase Type Parameters TBuilder Builder class type. TMethod Method like object type. Inheritance object MethodBaseBuilder<TBuilder, TMethod> Derived ConstructorBuilder LambdaMethodBuilder MethodBuilder TypeInitializerBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors MethodBaseBuilder(TMethod) protected MethodBaseBuilder(TMethod method) Parameters method TMethod Properties Method Built method-like object. public TMethod Method { get; } Property Value TMethod Methods Attribute(IType) Create custom attribute builder. public AttributeBuilder Attribute(IType type) Parameters type IType Returns AttributeBuilder Custom attribute builder instance. Body() Create method body builder. public BlockBuilder Body() Returns BlockBuilder Method body builder instance. Parameter(CodeParameter) Create method parameter builder. public TBuilder Parameter(CodeParameter parameter) Parameters parameter CodeParameter Returns TBuilder Builder instance. SetModifiers(Modifiers) Set modifiers to method. Replaces old value. public TBuilder SetModifiers(Modifiers modifiers) Parameters modifiers Modifiers Returns TBuilder Builder instance. XmlComment() Create xml-doc comment builder (or get existing). public XmlDocBuilder XmlComment() Returns XmlDocBuilder Xml-doc comment builder instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MethodBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MethodBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeMethod object builder. public sealed class MethodBuilder : MethodBaseBuilder<MethodBuilder, CodeMethod> Inheritance object MethodBaseBuilder<MethodBuilder, CodeMethod> MethodBuilder Inherited Members MethodBaseBuilder<MethodBuilder, CodeMethod>.Method MethodBaseBuilder<MethodBuilder, CodeMethod>.SetModifiers(Modifiers) MethodBaseBuilder<MethodBuilder, CodeMethod>.Body() MethodBaseBuilder<MethodBuilder, CodeMethod>.Parameter(CodeParameter) MethodBaseBuilder<MethodBuilder, CodeMethod>.XmlComment() MethodBaseBuilder<MethodBuilder, CodeMethod>.Attribute(IType) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods AddAttribute(CodeAttribute) Add custom attribute to method. public MethodBuilder AddAttribute(CodeAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute CodeAttribute Custom attribute. Returns MethodBuilder Method builder instance. Returns(IType) Adds non-void return type to method. public MethodBuilder Returns(IType type) Parameters type IType Returns MethodBuilder Method builder instance. TypeParameter(IType) Adds generic type parameter to method signature. public MethodBuilder TypeParameter(IType typeParameter) Parameters typeParameter IType Returns MethodBuilder Method builder instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MethodGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MethodGroup Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Group of methods. public sealed class MethodGroup : MemberGroup<CodeMethod>, IMemberGroup, ICodeElement Inheritance object MemberGroup<CodeMethod> MethodGroup Implements IMemberGroup ICodeElement Inherited Members MemberGroup<CodeMethod>.Members MemberGroup<CodeMethod>.IsEmpty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors MethodGroup(bool) public MethodGroup(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool MethodGroup(IEnumerable<CodeMethod>?, bool) public MethodGroup(IEnumerable<CodeMethod>? members, bool tableLayout) Parameters members IEnumerable<CodeMethod> tableLayout bool Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType TableLayout Prefered group rendering layout: as-is or table layout. public bool TableLayout { get; } Property Value bool Methods New(CodeIdentifier) public MethodBuilder New(CodeIdentifier name) Parameters name CodeIdentifier Returns MethodBuilder"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum Modifiers | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Modifiers Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Explicit type and type member attributes and modifiers. We don't check if set flag match defaults for applied member or type and always generate modifier if it set by this enum. Also we don't check wether modifier is valid on member/type. [Flags] public enum Modifiers Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Abstract = 64 Abstract class or member. Async = 2048 Async method. Extension = 4608 Extension method. Internal = 4 Internal type or type member. Could be combined with Protected to form protected internal modifier. New = 16 new overload attribute on type members. None = 0 No explicit attributes on type or type member. Override = 32 Member override. Partial = 256 Partial type or type member (e.g. method). Private = 8 Private type or type member. Could be combined with Protected to form private protected modifier. Protected = 2 Protected type member. Could be combined with Private to form private protected modifier. Could be combined with Internal to form protected internal modifier. Public = 1 Public type or type member. ReadOnly = 1024 Read-only field. Sealed = 128 Sealed class/member. Static = 4096 static attribute on type/type members. Virtual = 8192 virtual attribute on type members."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class NameFixOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NameFixOptions Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public sealed class NameFixOptions Inheritance object NameFixOptions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors NameFixOptions(string, NameFixType) public NameFixOptions(string defaultValue, NameFixType fixType) Parameters defaultValue string fixType NameFixType Properties DefaultValue Default fixer value for identifier. public string DefaultValue { get; } Property Value string FixType Identifier fix logic to use. public NameFixType FixType { get; } Property Value NameFixType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum NameFixType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum NameFixType Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Specify available options for name fix logic. public enum NameFixType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Replace = 0 Replace invalid name with provided fixer. ReplaceWithPosition = 1 Replace invalid name with provided fixer and append position value to it. Suffix = 2 Append provided fixer to invalid name. SuffixWithPosition = 3 Append provided fixer to invalid name and append position value afterwards."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class NamespaceBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NamespaceBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeNamespace object builder. public sealed class NamespaceBuilder Inheritance object NamespaceBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Namespace Current namespace AST node. public CodeNamespace Namespace { get; } Property Value CodeNamespace Methods Classes() Adds classes group to namespace. public ClassGroup Classes() Returns ClassGroup Classes group instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class NoopCodeModelVisitor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NoopCodeModelVisitor Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for AST visitors with default implementation for all nodes. public abstract class NoopCodeModelVisitor : CodeModelVisitor Inheritance object CodeModelVisitor NoopCodeModelVisitor Inherited Members CodeModelVisitor.Parent CodeModelVisitor.Visit(ICodeElement) CodeModelVisitor.VisitList<T>(CodeElementList<T>) CodeModelVisitor.VisitList<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods Visit(ClassGroup) protected override void Visit(ClassGroup group) Parameters group ClassGroup Visit(CodeAsOperator) protected override void Visit(CodeAsOperator expression) Parameters expression CodeAsOperator Visit(CodeAssignmentExpression) protected override void Visit(CodeAssignmentExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeAssignmentExpression Visit(CodeAssignmentStatement) protected override void Visit(CodeAssignmentStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeAssignmentStatement Visit(CodeAttribute) protected override void Visit(CodeAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute CodeAttribute Visit(CodeAwaitExpression) protected override void Visit(CodeAwaitExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeAwaitExpression Visit(CodeAwaitStatement) protected override void Visit(CodeAwaitStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeAwaitStatement Visit(CodeBinary) protected override void Visit(CodeBinary expression) Parameters expression CodeBinary Visit(CodeCallExpression) protected override void Visit(CodeCallExpression call) Parameters call CodeCallExpression Visit(CodeCallStatement) protected override void Visit(CodeCallStatement call) Parameters call CodeCallStatement Visit(CodeClass) protected override void Visit(CodeClass @class) Parameters class CodeClass Visit(CodeComment) protected override void Visit(CodeComment comment) Parameters comment CodeComment Visit(CodeConstant) protected override void Visit(CodeConstant constant) Parameters constant CodeConstant Visit(CodeConstructor) protected override void Visit(CodeConstructor ctor) Parameters ctor CodeConstructor Visit(CodeDefault) protected override void Visit(CodeDefault expression) Parameters expression CodeDefault Visit(CodeEmptyLine) protected override void Visit(CodeEmptyLine line) Parameters line CodeEmptyLine Visit(CodeField) protected override void Visit(CodeField field) Parameters field CodeField Visit(CodeFile) protected override void Visit(CodeFile file) Parameters file CodeFile Visit(CodeIdentifier) protected override void Visit(CodeIdentifier identifier) Parameters identifier CodeIdentifier Visit(CodeImport) protected override void Visit(CodeImport import) Parameters import CodeImport Visit(CodeIndex) protected override void Visit(CodeIndex expression) Parameters expression CodeIndex Visit(CodeLambda) protected override void Visit(CodeLambda method) Parameters method CodeLambda Visit(CodeMember) protected override void Visit(CodeMember expression) Parameters expression CodeMember Visit(CodeMethod) protected override void Visit(CodeMethod method) Parameters method CodeMethod Visit(CodeNameOf) protected override void Visit(CodeNameOf nameOf) Parameters nameOf CodeNameOf Visit(CodeNamespace) protected override void Visit(CodeNamespace @namespace) Parameters namespace CodeNamespace Visit(CodeNew) protected override void Visit(CodeNew expression) Parameters expression CodeNew Visit(CodeNewArray) protected override void Visit(CodeNewArray expression) Parameters expression CodeNewArray Visit(CodeParameter) protected override void Visit(CodeParameter parameter) Parameters parameter CodeParameter Visit(CodePragma) protected override void Visit(CodePragma pragma) Parameters pragma CodePragma Visit(CodeProperty) protected override void Visit(CodeProperty property) Parameters property CodeProperty Visit(CodeReference) protected override void Visit(CodeReference reference) Parameters reference CodeReference Visit(CodeRegion) protected override void Visit(CodeRegion region) Parameters region CodeRegion Visit(CodeReturn) protected override void Visit(CodeReturn statement) Parameters statement CodeReturn Visit(CodeSuppressNull) protected override void Visit(CodeSuppressNull expression) Parameters expression CodeSuppressNull Visit(CodeTernary) protected override void Visit(CodeTernary expression) Parameters expression CodeTernary Visit(CodeThis) protected override void Visit(CodeThis expression) Parameters expression CodeThis Visit(CodeThrowExpression) protected override void Visit(CodeThrowExpression expression) Parameters expression CodeThrowExpression Visit(CodeThrowStatement) protected override void Visit(CodeThrowStatement statement) Parameters statement CodeThrowStatement Visit(CodeTypeCast) protected override void Visit(CodeTypeCast expression) Parameters expression CodeTypeCast Visit(CodeTypeInitializer) protected override void Visit(CodeTypeInitializer cctor) Parameters cctor CodeTypeInitializer Visit(CodeTypeReference) protected override void Visit(CodeTypeReference type) Parameters type CodeTypeReference Visit(CodeTypeToken) protected override void Visit(CodeTypeToken type) Parameters type CodeTypeToken Visit(CodeUnary) protected override void Visit(CodeUnary expression) Parameters expression CodeUnary Visit(CodeVariable) protected override void Visit(CodeVariable expression) Parameters expression CodeVariable Visit(CodeXmlComment) protected override void Visit(CodeXmlComment doc) Parameters doc CodeXmlComment Visit(ConstructorGroup) protected override void Visit(ConstructorGroup group) Parameters group ConstructorGroup Visit(FieldGroup) protected override void Visit(FieldGroup group) Parameters group FieldGroup Visit(MethodGroup) protected override void Visit(MethodGroup group) Parameters group MethodGroup Visit(PragmaGroup) protected override void Visit(PragmaGroup group) Parameters group PragmaGroup Visit(PropertyGroup) protected override void Visit(PropertyGroup group) Parameters group PropertyGroup Visit(RegionGroup) protected override void Visit(RegionGroup group) Parameters group RegionGroup"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PragmaGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PragmaGroup Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Group of compiler pragmas. public sealed class PragmaGroup : MemberGroup<CodePragma>, IMemberGroup, ICodeElement Inheritance object MemberGroup<CodePragma> PragmaGroup Implements IMemberGroup ICodeElement Inherited Members MemberGroup<CodePragma>.Members MemberGroup<CodePragma>.IsEmpty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors PragmaGroup() public PragmaGroup() PragmaGroup(IEnumerable<CodePragma>?) public PragmaGroup(IEnumerable<CodePragma>? members) Parameters members IEnumerable<CodePragma> Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType Methods Add(CodePragma) Add compiler pragma to group. public PragmaGroup Add(CodePragma pragma) Parameters pragma CodePragma New pragma to add. Returns PragmaGroup Current group instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum PragmaType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum PragmaType Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Compiler pragma directive type. List of pragmas limited to one we currently support. public enum PragmaType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields DisableWarning = 0 Disable warning(s) directive. Error = 2 Compilation error pragma. NullableEnable = 1 Enable NRT context."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PropertyBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PropertyBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeProperty object builder. public sealed class PropertyBuilder Inheritance object PropertyBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Property Built property. public CodeProperty Property { get; } Property Value CodeProperty Methods AddAttribute(CodeAttribute) Add custom attribute to property. public PropertyBuilder AddAttribute(CodeAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute CodeAttribute Custom attribute. Returns PropertyBuilder Builder instance. AddAttribute(IType) Add custom attribute. public AttributeBuilder AddAttribute(IType type) Parameters type IType Attribute type. Returns AttributeBuilder Custom attribute builder. AddGetter() Add getter implementation. public BlockBuilder AddGetter() Returns BlockBuilder Getter code block builder. AddSetter() Add setter implementation. public BlockBuilder AddSetter() Returns BlockBuilder Setter code block builder. Default(bool) Mark property as having default implementation. public PropertyBuilder Default(bool hasSetter) Parameters hasSetter bool Indicate that property has setter. Returns PropertyBuilder Builder instance. SetInitializer(ICodeExpression) Add property initializer. public PropertyBuilder SetInitializer(ICodeExpression initializer) Parameters initializer ICodeExpression Initialization expression. Returns PropertyBuilder Builder instance. SetModifiers(Modifiers) Set modifiers to property. Replaces old value. public PropertyBuilder SetModifiers(Modifiers modifiers) Parameters modifiers Modifiers Returns PropertyBuilder Builder instance. TrailingComment(string) Add trailing comment to property. public PropertyBuilder TrailingComment(string comment) Parameters comment string Commentaty text. Returns PropertyBuilder Builder instance. XmlComment() Add xml-doc comment. public XmlDocBuilder XmlComment() Returns XmlDocBuilder Xml-doc builder."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PropertyGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PropertyGroup Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Group of properties. public sealed class PropertyGroup : MemberGroup<CodeProperty>, IMemberGroup, ICodeElement Inheritance object MemberGroup<CodeProperty> PropertyGroup Implements IMemberGroup ICodeElement Inherited Members MemberGroup<CodeProperty>.Members MemberGroup<CodeProperty>.IsEmpty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors PropertyGroup(bool) public PropertyGroup(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool PropertyGroup(IEnumerable<CodeProperty>?, bool) public PropertyGroup(IEnumerable<CodeProperty>? members, bool tableLayout) Parameters members IEnumerable<CodeProperty> tableLayout bool Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType TableLayout Prefered group rendering layout: as-is or table layout. public bool TableLayout { get; } Property Value bool Methods New(CodeIdentifier, IType) public PropertyBuilder New(CodeIdentifier name, IType type) Parameters name CodeIdentifier type IType Returns PropertyBuilder"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ProviderSpecificStructsEqualityFixer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ProviderSpecificStructsEqualityFixer Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll This visitor overrides equality operation for some well-known types which doesn't implement \"bool operator==\" and \"bool operator!=\". public sealed class ProviderSpecificStructsEqualityFixer : ConvertCodeModelVisitor Inheritance object ConvertCodeModelVisitor ProviderSpecificStructsEqualityFixer Inherited Members ConvertCodeModelVisitor.Visit(ICodeElement) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ProviderSpecificStructsEqualityFixer(ILanguageProvider) Creates instance of converter. public ProviderSpecificStructsEqualityFixer(ILanguageProvider languageProvider) Parameters languageProvider ILanguageProvider Current language provider. Methods Visit(CodeBinary) protected override ICodeElement Visit(CodeBinary expression) Parameters expression CodeBinary Returns ICodeElement"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class RegionBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RegionBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeRegion object builder. public sealed class RegionBuilder Inheritance object RegionBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Region Built region instance. public CodeRegion Region { get; } Property Value CodeRegion Methods Classes() Add nested classes group to region. public ClassGroup Classes() Returns ClassGroup Returns new nested classes group in current region. Constructors() Add constructors group to region. public ConstructorGroup Constructors() Returns ConstructorGroup Returns new constructors group in current region. Fields(bool) Add fields group to region. public FieldGroup Fields(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool group layout type. Returns FieldGroup Returns new fields group in current region. Methods(bool) Add methods group to region. public MethodGroup Methods(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool group layout type. Returns MethodGroup Returns new methods group in current region. Pragmas() Add pragmas group to region. public PragmaGroup Pragmas() Returns PragmaGroup Returns new pragmas group in current region. Properties(bool) Add property group to region. public PropertyGroup Properties(bool tableLayout) Parameters tableLayout bool group layout type. Returns PropertyGroup Returns new property group in current region. Regions() Add regions group to region. public RegionGroup Regions() Returns RegionGroup Returns new regions group in current region."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class RegionGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RegionGroup Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Group of regions. public sealed class RegionGroup : MemberGroup<CodeRegion>, IMemberGroup, ICodeElement Inheritance object MemberGroup<CodeRegion> RegionGroup Implements IMemberGroup ICodeElement Inherited Members MemberGroup<CodeRegion>.Members Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors RegionGroup(CodeClass) public RegionGroup(CodeClass @class) Parameters class CodeClass RegionGroup(IEnumerable<CodeRegion>?, CodeClass) public RegionGroup(IEnumerable<CodeRegion>? members, CodeClass @class) Parameters members IEnumerable<CodeRegion> class CodeClass Properties ElementType Type of node. public override CodeElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value CodeElementType IsEmpty Empty group flag. public override bool IsEmpty { get; } Property Value bool OwnerType Regions containing class. public CodeClass OwnerType { get; } Property Value CodeClass Methods New(string) Add new region to group. public RegionBuilder New(string name) Parameters name string Region name. Returns RegionBuilder New region builder class."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum SimpleTrivia | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SimpleTrivia Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Simple trivia element. public enum SimpleTrivia Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields NewLine = 0 New line. Padding = 1 Single padding unit."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TypeBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeBase Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for types. public abstract class TypeBase : AttributeOwner, ITopLevelElement, ICodeElement Inheritance object AttributeOwner TypeBase Implements ITopLevelElement ICodeElement Derived CodeClass Inherited Members AttributeOwner.CustomAttributes AttributeOwner.ElementType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TypeBase(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>?, Modifiers, CodeXmlComment?, IType, CodeIdentifier) protected TypeBase(IEnumerable<CodeAttribute>? customAttributes, Modifiers attributes, CodeXmlComment? xmlDoc, IType type, CodeIdentifier name) Parameters customAttributes IEnumerable<CodeAttribute> attributes Modifiers xmlDoc CodeXmlComment type IType name CodeIdentifier Properties Attributes Type modifiers and attributes. public Modifiers Attributes { get; } Property Value Modifiers Name Type name. public CodeIdentifier Name { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Type Type definition. public IType Type { get; } Property Value IType XmlDoc Xml-doc comment. public CodeXmlComment? XmlDoc { get; } Property Value CodeXmlComment"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TypeBuilder<TBuilder, TType> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeBuilder<TBuilder, TType> Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for type builders. public abstract class TypeBuilder<TBuilder, TType> where TBuilder : TypeBuilder<TBuilder, TType> where TType : TypeBase Type Parameters TBuilder Builder implementation type. TType Built type. Inheritance object TypeBuilder<TBuilder, TType> Derived ClassBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TypeBuilder(TType, ClassGroup) protected TypeBuilder(TType type, ClassGroup group) Parameters type TType group ClassGroup Properties Group Class group, to which current class belongs. public ClassGroup Group { get; } Property Value ClassGroup Type Built type type descriptor. public TType Type { get; } Property Value TType Methods AddAttribute(CodeAttribute) Add custom attribute to type. public TBuilder AddAttribute(CodeAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute CodeAttribute Custom attribute. Returns TBuilder Type builder. AddAttribute(IType) Add custom attribute to type. public AttributeBuilder AddAttribute(IType type) Parameters type IType Attribute type. Returns AttributeBuilder Custom attribute builder. SetModifiers(Modifiers) Set modifiers to type. Replaces old value. public TBuilder SetModifiers(Modifiers modifiers) Parameters modifiers Modifiers Returns TBuilder Type builder. XmlComment() Add xml-doc to type. public XmlDocBuilder XmlComment() Returns XmlDocBuilder Xml-doc builder."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TypeInitializerBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeInitializerBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeTypeInitializer method builder. public sealed class TypeInitializerBuilder : MethodBaseBuilder<TypeInitializerBuilder, CodeTypeInitializer> Inheritance object MethodBaseBuilder<TypeInitializerBuilder, CodeTypeInitializer> TypeInitializerBuilder Inherited Members MethodBaseBuilder<TypeInitializerBuilder, CodeTypeInitializer>.Method MethodBaseBuilder<TypeInitializerBuilder, CodeTypeInitializer>.SetModifiers(Modifiers) MethodBaseBuilder<TypeInitializerBuilder, CodeTypeInitializer>.Body() MethodBaseBuilder<TypeInitializerBuilder, CodeTypeInitializer>.Parameter(CodeParameter) MethodBaseBuilder<TypeInitializerBuilder, CodeTypeInitializer>.XmlComment() MethodBaseBuilder<TypeInitializerBuilder, CodeTypeInitializer>.Attribute(IType) Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T)"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum TypeKind | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum TypeKind Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type kind. public enum TypeKind Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Array = 0 Array type. Dynamic = 1 Dynamic type. Generic = 3 Generic type with known type arguments. OpenGeneric = 4 Generic type definition (without type arguments). Regular = 2 Non-generic type. TypeArgument = 5 Generic type argument."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum UnaryOperation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum UnaryOperation Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Unary operation type. List of operations limited to those we currently use for code generation and could be extended in future. public enum UnaryOperation Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Not = 0 Negation (!arg)."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Common | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Common Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Common Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Common Properties Converter Converter type descriptor. public static IType Converter { get; } Property Value IType Converter_ChangeTypeTo ChangeTypeTo<T>(object?, MappingSchema?, ConversionType) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier Converter_ChangeTypeTo { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Configuration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Configuration Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Configuration Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Configuration Properties ConnectionOptions_MappingSchema MappingSchema property reference. public static CodeReference ConnectionOptions_MappingSchema { get; } Property Value CodeReference DataOptions DataOptions type descriptor. public static IType DataOptions { get; } Property Value IType DataOptionsExtensions_UseConfiguration UseConfiguration(DataOptions, string, MappingSchema) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier DataOptionsExtensions_UseConfiguration { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier DataOptionsExtensions_UseMappingSchema UseMappingSchema(DataOptions, MappingSchema) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier DataOptionsExtensions_UseMappingSchema { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier DataOptions_ConnectionOptions ConnectionOptions property reference. public static CodeReference DataOptions_ConnectionOptions { get; } Property Value CodeReference DataOptions_Options Options property reference. public static CodeReference DataOptions_Options { get; } Property Value CodeReference Methods DataOptionsWithType(IType) Returns DataOptions<T> type descriptor. public static IType DataOptionsWithType(IType contextType) Parameters contextType IType Context type. Returns IType Type descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Data | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Data Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Data Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Data Properties DataConnection DataConnection type descriptor. public static IType DataConnection { get; } Property Value IType DataConnectionExtensions DataConnectionExtensions type descriptor. public static IType DataConnectionExtensions { get; } Property Value IType DataConnectionExtensions_ExecuteProc DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProc method reference. public static CodeIdentifier DataConnectionExtensions_ExecuteProc { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier DataConnectionExtensions_ExecuteProcAsync DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync method reference. public static CodeIdentifier DataConnectionExtensions_ExecuteProcAsync { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier DataConnectionExtensions_QueryProc DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProc method reference. public static CodeIdentifier DataConnectionExtensions_QueryProc { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier DataConnectionExtensions_QueryProcAsync DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync method reference. public static CodeIdentifier DataConnectionExtensions_QueryProcAsync { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier DataConnection_CommandTimeout CommandTimeout property reference. public static CodeReference DataConnection_CommandTimeout { get; } Property Value CodeReference DataParameter DataParameter type descriptor. public static IType DataParameter { get; } Property Value IType DataParameterArray DataParameter[] type descriptor. public static IType DataParameterArray { get; } Property Value IType DataParameter_DbType DbType property reference. public static CodeReference DataParameter_DbType { get; } Property Value CodeReference DataParameter_Direction Direction property reference. public static CodeReference DataParameter_Direction { get; } Property Value CodeReference DataParameter_Precision Precision property reference. public static CodeReference DataParameter_Precision { get; } Property Value CodeReference DataParameter_Scale Scale property reference. public static CodeReference DataParameter_Scale { get; } Property Value CodeReference DataParameter_Size Size property reference. public static CodeReference DataParameter_Size { get; } Property Value CodeReference DataParameter_Value Value property reference. public static CodeReference DataParameter_Value { get; } Property Value CodeReference"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Expressions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Expressions Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Expressions Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Expressions Properties MemberHelper MemberHelper type descriptor. public static IType MemberHelper { get; } Property Value IType MemberHelper_MethodOf MethodOf(Expression<Action>) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier MemberHelper_MethodOf { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Mapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Mapping Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Mapping Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Mapping Properties AssociationAttribute AssociationAttribute type descriptor. public static IType AssociationAttribute { get; } Property Value IType AssociationAttribute_AliasName AliasName property reference. public static CodeReference AssociationAttribute_AliasName { get; } Property Value CodeReference AssociationAttribute_CanBeNull CanBeNull property reference. public static CodeReference AssociationAttribute_CanBeNull { get; } Property Value CodeReference AssociationAttribute_ExpressionPredicate ExpressionPredicate property reference. public static CodeReference AssociationAttribute_ExpressionPredicate { get; } Property Value CodeReference AssociationAttribute_OtherKey OtherKey property reference. public static CodeReference AssociationAttribute_OtherKey { get; } Property Value CodeReference AssociationAttribute_QueryExpressionMethod QueryExpressionMethod property reference. public static CodeReference AssociationAttribute_QueryExpressionMethod { get; } Property Value CodeReference AssociationAttribute_Storage Storage property reference. public static CodeReference AssociationAttribute_Storage { get; } Property Value CodeReference AssociationAttribute_ThisKey ThisKey property reference. public static CodeReference AssociationAttribute_ThisKey { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute ColumnAttribute type descriptor. public static IType ColumnAttribute { get; } Property Value IType ColumnAttribute_CanBeNull CanBeNull property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_CanBeNull { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_CreateFormat CreateFormat property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_CreateFormat { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_DataType DataType property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_DataType { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_DbType DbType property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_DbType { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_IsDiscriminator IsDiscriminator property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_IsDiscriminator { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_IsIdentity IsIdentity property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_IsIdentity { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_IsPrimaryKey IsPrimaryKey property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_IsPrimaryKey { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Length Length property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Length { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_MemberName MemberName property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_MemberName { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Order Order property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Order { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Precision Precision property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Precision { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_PrimaryKeyOrder PrimaryKeyOrder property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_PrimaryKeyOrder { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Scale Scale property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Scale { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_SkipOnEntityFetch SkipOnEntityFetch property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_SkipOnEntityFetch { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_SkipOnInsert SkipOnInsert property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_SkipOnInsert { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_SkipOnUpdate SkipOnUpdate property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_SkipOnUpdate { get; } Property Value CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Storage Storage property reference. public static CodeReference ColumnAttribute_Storage { get; } Property Value CodeReference EntityMappingBuilder_HasAttribute HasAttribute(MappingAttribute) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier EntityMappingBuilder_HasAttribute { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier EntityMappingBuilder_Member Member<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>>) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier EntityMappingBuilder_Member { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier FluentMappingBuilder FluentMappingBuilder type descriptor. public static IType FluentMappingBuilder { get; } Property Value IType FluentMappingBuilder_Build Build() method reference. public static CodeIdentifier FluentMappingBuilder_Build { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier FluentMappingBuilder_Entity Entity<T>(string?) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier FluentMappingBuilder_Entity { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier FluentMappingBuilder_HasAttribute HasAttribute(LambdaExpression, MappingAttribute) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier FluentMappingBuilder_HasAttribute { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier MappingAttribute_Configuration Configuration property reference. public static CodeReference MappingAttribute_Configuration { get; } Property Value CodeReference MappingSchema MappingSchema type descriptor. public static IType MappingSchema { get; } Property Value IType MappingSchema_CombineSchemas CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier MappingSchema_CombineSchemas { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier MappingSchema_SetConvertExpression SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier MappingSchema_SetConvertExpression { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier NotColumnAttribute NotColumnAttribute type descriptor. public static IType NotColumnAttribute { get; } Property Value IType PropertyMappingBuilder_IsNotColumn IsNotColumn() method reference. public static CodeIdentifier PropertyMappingBuilder_IsNotColumn { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier TableAttribute TableAttribute type descriptor. public static IType TableAttribute { get; } Property Value IType TableAttribute_Database Database property reference. public static CodeReference TableAttribute_Database { get; } Property Value CodeReference TableAttribute_IsColumnAttributeRequired IsColumnAttributeRequired property reference. public static CodeReference TableAttribute_IsColumnAttributeRequired { get; } Property Value CodeReference TableAttribute_IsTemporary IsTemporary property reference. public static CodeReference TableAttribute_IsTemporary { get; } Property Value CodeReference TableAttribute_IsView IsView property reference. public static CodeReference TableAttribute_IsView { get; } Property Value CodeReference TableAttribute_Schema Schema property reference. public static CodeReference TableAttribute_Schema { get; } Property Value CodeReference TableAttribute_Server Server property reference. public static CodeReference TableAttribute_Server { get; } Property Value CodeReference TableAttribute_TableOptions TableOptions property reference. public static CodeReference TableAttribute_TableOptions { get; } Property Value CodeReference Methods EntityMappingBuilderWithType(IType) Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> type descriptor. public static IType EntityMappingBuilderWithType(IType entityType) Parameters entityType IType Entity type. Returns IType Entity mapping builder type."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers Properties ComparerBuilder ComparerBuilder type descriptor. public static IType ComparerBuilder { get; } Property Value IType ComparerBuilder_GetEqualityComparer GetEqualityComparer<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object?>>[]) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier ComparerBuilder_GetEqualityComparer { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB Properties AsyncExtensions AsyncExtensions type descriptor. public static IType AsyncExtensions { get; } Property Value IType AsyncExtensions_FirstOrDefaultAsync FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier AsyncExtensions_FirstOrDefaultAsync { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier AsyncExtensions_ToListAsync ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier AsyncExtensions_ToListAsync { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier DataExtensions DataExtensions type descriptor. public static IType DataExtensions { get; } Property Value IType DataExtensions_GetTable DataExtensions.GetTable method reference. public static CodeIdentifier DataExtensions_GetTable { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier DataType DataType type descriptor. public static IType DataType { get; } Property Value IType IDataContext IDataContext type descriptor. public static IType IDataContext { get; } Property Value IType IDataContext_MappingSchema MappingSchema property reference. public static CodeReference IDataContext_MappingSchema { get; } Property Value CodeReference ITableT ITable<T> open generic type descriptor. public static IType ITableT { get; } Property Value IType SqlFunctionAttribute Sql.FunctionAttribute type descriptor. public static IType SqlFunctionAttribute { get; } Property Value IType SqlTableFunctionAttribute Sql.TableFunctionAttribute type descriptor. public static IType SqlTableFunctionAttribute { get; } Property Value IType Sql_ExpressionAttribute_ArgIndices ArgIndices property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_ArgIndices { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_CanBeNull CanBeNull property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_CanBeNull { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_InlineParameters InlineParameters property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_InlineParameters { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsAggregate IsAggregate property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsAggregate { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsNullable IsNullable property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsNullable { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsPredicate IsPredicate property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsPredicate { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsPure IsPure property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsPure { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsWindowFunction IsWindowFunction property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_IsWindowFunction { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_PreferServerSide PreferServerSide property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_PreferServerSide { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_ServerSideOnly ServerSideOnly property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_ExpressionAttribute_ServerSideOnly { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_ArgIndices ArgIndices property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_ArgIndices { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_Database Database property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_Database { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_Package Package property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_Package { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_Schema Schema property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_Schema { get; } Property Value CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_Server Server property reference. public static CodeReference Sql_TableFunctionAttribute_Server { get; } Property Value CodeReference Methods ITable(IType) Returns ITable<T> type descriptor. public static IType ITable(IType tableType) Parameters tableType IType Record type. Returns IType Type descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer.Types | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Properties SqlHierarchyId Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlHierarchyId type descriptor. public static IType SqlHierarchyId { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.Microsoft Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.Microsoft"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Collections.Generic | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Collections.Generic Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Collections.Generic Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Collections.Generic Properties IEqualityComparer_Equals Equals(T, T) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier IEqualityComparer_Equals { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier IEqualityComparer_GetHashCode GetHashCode(T) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier IEqualityComparer_GetHashCode { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Methods IEnumerable(IType) Returns IEnumerable<T> type descriptor. public static IType IEnumerable(IType elementType) Parameters elementType IType Element type. Returns IType Type descriptor. IEqualityComparer(IType) Returns IEqualityComparer<T> type descriptor. public static IType IEqualityComparer(IType type) Parameters type IType Compared type. Returns IType Type descriptor. List(IType) Returns List<T> type descriptor. public static IType List(IType elementType) Parameters elementType IType Element type. Returns IType Type descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Collections | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Collections Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Collections Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Collections"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Data.Common | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Data.Common Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Data.Common Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Data.Common Properties DbDataReader DbDataReader type descriptor. public static IType DbDataReader { get; } Property Value IType DbDataReader_GetValue GetValue(int) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier DbDataReader_GetValue { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Data.SqlTypes | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Data.SqlTypes Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Data.SqlTypes Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Data.SqlTypes Properties SqlBinary SqlBinary type descriptor. public static IType SqlBinary { get; } Property Value IType SqlBoolean SqlBoolean type descriptor. public static IType SqlBoolean { get; } Property Value IType SqlByte SqlByte type descriptor. public static IType SqlByte { get; } Property Value IType SqlDateTime SqlDateTime type descriptor. public static IType SqlDateTime { get; } Property Value IType SqlDecimal SqlDecimal type descriptor. public static IType SqlDecimal { get; } Property Value IType SqlDouble SqlDouble type descriptor. public static IType SqlDouble { get; } Property Value IType SqlGuid SqlGuid type descriptor. public static IType SqlGuid { get; } Property Value IType SqlInt16 SqlInt16 type descriptor. public static IType SqlInt16 { get; } Property Value IType SqlInt32 SqlInt32 type descriptor. public static IType SqlInt32 { get; } Property Value IType SqlInt64 SqlInt64 type descriptor. public static IType SqlInt64 { get; } Property Value IType SqlMoney SqlMoney type descriptor. public static IType SqlMoney { get; } Property Value IType SqlSingle SqlSingle type descriptor. public static IType SqlSingle { get; } Property Value IType SqlString SqlString type descriptor. public static IType SqlString { get; } Property Value IType SqlXml SqlXml type descriptor. public static IType SqlXml { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Data | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Data Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Data Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Data"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Linq.Expressions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Linq.Expressions Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Linq.Expressions Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Linq.Expressions Properties LambdaExpression LambdaExpression type descriptor. public static IType LambdaExpression { get; } Property Value IType Methods Expression(IType) Returns Expression<TDelegate> type descriptor. public static IType Expression(IType expressionType) Parameters expressionType IType Expression type. Returns IType Type descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Linq | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Linq Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Linq Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Linq Properties Enumerable Enumerable type descriptor. public static IType Enumerable { get; } Property Value IType Enumerable_ToList ToList<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier Enumerable_ToList { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Queryable Queryable type descriptor. public static IType Queryable { get; } Property Value IType Queryable_First First<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier Queryable_First { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Queryable_FirstOrDefault FirstOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier Queryable_FirstOrDefault { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Queryable_Where Where<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier Queryable_Where { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Methods IQueryable(IType) Returns IQueryable<T> type descriptor. public static IType IQueryable(IType elementType) Parameters elementType IType Element type. Returns IType Type descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Reflection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Reflection Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Reflection Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Reflection Properties MethodInfo MethodInfo type descriptor. public static IType MethodInfo { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Threading.Tasks | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Threading.Tasks Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Threading.Tasks Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Threading.Tasks Methods Task(IType) Returns Task<TResult> type descriptor. public static IType Task(IType valueType) Parameters valueType IType Value type. Returns IType Type descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Threading | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System.Threading Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System.Threading Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System.Threading Properties CancellationToken CancellationToken type descriptor. public static IType CancellationToken { get; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes.System | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes.System Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class WellKnownTypes.System Inheritance object WellKnownTypes.System Properties Action Gets Action type descriptor. public static IType Action { get; } Property Value IType Boolean bool type descriptor. public static IType Boolean { get; } Property Value IType IEquatable_Equals Equals(T) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier IEquatable_Equals { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier IEquatable_Equals_Parameter Equals(T) parameter name. public static CodeIdentifier IEquatable_Equals_Parameter { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Int32 int type descriptor. public static IType Int32 { get; } Property Value IType Int64 long type descriptor. public static IType Int64 { get; } Property Value IType InvalidOperationException InvalidOperationException type descriptor. public static IType InvalidOperationException { get; } Property Value IType Object object type descriptor. public static IType Object { get; } Property Value IType ObjectArrayNullable object?[] type descriptor. public static IType ObjectArrayNullable { get; } Property Value IType ObjectNullable object? type descriptor. public static IType ObjectNullable { get; } Property Value IType Object_Equals Equals(object) method reference. public static CodeIdentifier Object_Equals { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Object_Equals_Parameter Equals(object) parameter name. public static CodeIdentifier Object_Equals_Parameter { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier Object_GetHashCode GetHashCode() method reference. public static CodeIdentifier Object_GetHashCode { get; } Property Value CodeIdentifier String string type descriptor. public static IType String { get; } Property Value IType Methods Func(IType) Returns Func<TResult> type descriptor. public static IType Func(IType returnType) Parameters returnType IType Return value type. Returns IType Type descriptor. Func(IType, IType) Returns Func<T, TResult> type descriptor. public static IType Func(IType returnType, IType arg0) Parameters returnType IType Return value type. arg0 IType Argument type. Returns IType Type descriptor. Func(IType, IType, IType) Returns Func<T1, T2, TResult> type descriptor. public static IType Func(IType returnType, IType arg0, IType arg1) Parameters returnType IType Return value type. arg0 IType First argument type. arg1 IType Second argument type. Returns IType Type descriptor. IEquatable(IType) Returns IEquatable<T> type descriptor. public static IType IEquatable(IType type) Parameters type IType Compared type. Returns IType Type descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class WellKnownTypes | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WellKnownTypes Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll This class contains pre-parsed IType definitions and member references for well-known system and Linq To DB types, used during code generation. public static class WellKnownTypes Inheritance object WellKnownTypes Methods PropertyOrField<TObject, TProperty>(Expression<Func<TObject, TProperty>>, bool) public static CodeReference PropertyOrField<TObject, TProperty>(Expression<Func<TObject, TProperty>> accessor, bool forceNullable) Parameters accessor Expression<Func<TObject, TProperty>> forceNullable bool Returns CodeReference Type Parameters TObject TProperty"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlDocBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlDocBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CodeXmlComment object builder. public sealed class XmlDocBuilder Inheritance object XmlDocBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods Parameter(CodeIdentifier, string) Add parameter section to xml-doc. public XmlDocBuilder Parameter(CodeIdentifier parameter, string text) Parameters parameter CodeIdentifier Parameter name. text string Help text. Returns XmlDocBuilder Builder instance. Summary(string) Add summary section to xml-doc. public XmlDocBuilder Summary(string summary) Parameters summary string Summary text. Returns XmlDocBuilder Builder instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.CodeModel Classes AstExtensions AttributeBuilder CodeAttribute custom attribute object builder. AttributeOwner Base class for elements with custom attributes. BlockBuilder CodeBlock object builder. ClassBuilder CodeClass object builder. ClassGroup Group of classes. CodeAsOperator Type convert expression using as operator. CodeAssignmentBase Assignment expression or statement. CodeAssignmentExpression Assignment expression. CodeAssignmentStatement Assignment statement. CodeAttribute Custom attribute declaration. CodeAttribute.CodeNamedParameter CodeAwaitExpression Await expression. CodeAwaitStatement Await statement. CodeBinary CodeBlock Code block statement. CodeBuilder AST builder class with helpers to create various AST nodes. CodeCallBase Method call statement. CodeCallExpression Method call expression. CodeCallStatement Method call statement. CodeClass CodeComment CodeConstant Constant expression. E.g. literal (including null literal) or enumeration value. CodeConstructor Class constructor. CodeDefault Default value expression. CodeElementList<TElement> Base class for collection of code nodes of specific type. CodeEmptyLine Empty line element. Used for explicit formatting. CodeExternalPropertyOrField Defines reference to property or field of existing type. CodeField Class field definition. CodeFile File-level code unit. CodeGenerationVisitor Base code generation visitor that contains public API for code generation. CodeIdentifier Reference to identifier value. Used instead of string to allow identifier mutation in existing AST (e.g. because initial value is not valid in target language or conflicts with existing identifiers). CodeImport Import (using) statement. CodeIndex Indexed access expression. CodeLambda Lambda method. CodeMember Member access expression. CodeMethod Class method definition. CodeModelVisitor Base AST visitor class without node visit methods implementation. CodeNameOf nameof(...) expression. CodeNamespace Namespace declaration. CodeNew New object instantiation expression. CodeNewArray Expression, describing new one-dimensional array declaration. CodeParameter Method parameter. CodePragma Compiler pragma directive. CodeProperty Class property declaration. CodeReference Defines reference to parameter or variable inside of current method/property or simple (without owner type/instance) reference to field/property. CodeRegion Code region. CodeReturn Return statement. CodeSuppressNull null-forgiving operator. CodeTernary CodeThis this reference. CodeThrowBase Throw expression. CodeThrowExpression Throw expression. CodeThrowStatement Throw statement. CodeTypeCast Type cast expression. CodeTypeInitializer Type initializer (static constructor). CodeTypeReference Type, used in expression context. CodeTypeToken Type reference, used in type-only context. CodeTypedName Typed named entity (parameter, variable, field or property). CodeUnary CodeVariable Variable declaration. CodeXmlComment XML-doc commentary. CodeXmlComment.ParameterComment ConstructorBuilder CodeConstructor builder. ConstructorGroup Group of constructors. ConvertCodeModelVisitor Base AST rewrite visitor class with noop node visit methods implementation with root-to-leaf visit order. Each node could be replaced with any other node type and this is visitor implementor's responsibility to ensure new node type is compatible with node owner. Otherwise parent node visit method will generate type cast exception trying to consume incompatible child node. Important note: node visitors should visit only child nodes. FieldBuilder CodeField object builder. FieldGroup Group of fields. LambdaMethodBuilder CodeLambda object builder. LanguageProviders Provides access to built-in language providers. MemberGroup<TMember> Base class for node groups. MethodBase Base class for method-like nodes. MethodBaseBuilder<TBuilder, TMethod> Base class for method-like object builders. MethodBuilder CodeMethod object builder. MethodGroup Group of methods. NameFixOptions NamespaceBuilder CodeNamespace object builder. NoopCodeModelVisitor Base class for AST visitors with default implementation for all nodes. PragmaGroup Group of compiler pragmas. PropertyBuilder CodeProperty object builder. PropertyGroup Group of properties. ProviderSpecificStructsEqualityFixer This visitor overrides equality operation for some well-known types which doesn't implement \"bool operator==\" and \"bool operator!=\". RegionBuilder CodeRegion object builder. RegionGroup Group of regions. TypeBase Base class for types. TypeBuilder<TBuilder, TType> Base class for type builders. TypeInitializerBuilder CodeTypeInitializer method builder. WellKnownTypes This class contains pre-parsed IType definitions and member references for well-known system and Linq To DB types, used during code generation. WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Common WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Configuration WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Data WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Expressions WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Mapping WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools WellKnownTypes.LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers WellKnownTypes.Microsoft WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer WellKnownTypes.Microsoft.SqlServer.Types WellKnownTypes.System WellKnownTypes.System.Collections WellKnownTypes.System.Collections.Generic WellKnownTypes.System.Data WellKnownTypes.System.Data.Common WellKnownTypes.System.Data.SqlTypes WellKnownTypes.System.Linq WellKnownTypes.System.Linq.Expressions WellKnownTypes.System.Reflection WellKnownTypes.System.Threading WellKnownTypes.System.Threading.Tasks XmlDocBuilder CodeXmlComment object builder. Interfaces ICodeElement Base interface, implemented by all AST nodes. ICodeExpression Marker interface for expression nodes. ICodeStatement Marker interface for statement nodes. IGroupElement Marker interface for members of node groups. ILValue Marker interface for l-value nodes (nodes, that could be used as assignment targets). ILanguageProvider Provides access to language-specific functionality. IMemberGroup Non-generic interface for member groups. ITopLevelElement Marker insterface to elements, that could be used as top-level file element (doesn't require nesting into some other element to be valid). IType Type descriptor interface. ITypeParser Provides helpers to create IType type descriptor from Type or string with type name. Also provides helpers to parse namespace names. ITypedName Represents code element, that have type and name (e.g. class field). Enums BinaryOperation Binary operation type. List of operations limited to those we currently use for code generation and could be extended in future. CodeElementType Element types for code AST elements. CodeParameterDirection Parameter direction. Modifiers Explicit type and type member attributes and modifiers. We don't check if set flag match defaults for applied member or type and always generate modifier if it set by this enum. Also we don't check wether modifier is valid on member/type. NameFixType Specify available options for name fix logic. PragmaType Compiler pragma directive type. List of pragmas limited to one we currently support. SimpleTrivia Simple trivia element. TypeKind Type kind. UnaryOperation Unary operation type. List of operations limited to those we currently use for code generation and could be extended in future."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AdditionalSchemaModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AdditionalSchemaModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Non-default schema model. public sealed class AdditionalSchemaModel : SchemaModelBase Inheritance object SchemaModelBase AdditionalSchemaModel Inherited Members SchemaModelBase.Entities SchemaModelBase.StoredProcedures SchemaModelBase.ScalarFunctions SchemaModelBase.TableFunctions SchemaModelBase.AggregateFunctions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors AdditionalSchemaModel(string, ClassModel, ClassModel) public AdditionalSchemaModel(string dataContextPropertyName, ClassModel wrapperClass, ClassModel contextClass) Parameters dataContextPropertyName string wrapperClass ClassModel contextClass ClassModel Properties ContextClass Schema context class descriptor (nested class of wrapper, defined by WrapperClass). public ClassModel ContextClass { get; } Property Value ClassModel DataContextPropertyName Name of property in main data context with reference to this schema class instance. public string DataContextPropertyName { get; set; } Property Value string WrapperClass Schema wrapper class descriptor. public ClassModel WrapperClass { get; } Property Value ClassModel"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AggregateFunctionModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AggregateFunctionModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Aggregate function model. public sealed class AggregateFunctionModel : ScalarFunctionModelBase Inheritance object FunctionModelBase ScalarFunctionModelBase AggregateFunctionModel Inherited Members ScalarFunctionModelBase.Metadata FunctionModelBase.Name FunctionModelBase.Method FunctionModelBase.Parameters Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors AggregateFunctionModel(SqlObjectName, MethodModel, FunctionMetadata, IType) public AggregateFunctionModel(SqlObjectName name, MethodModel method, FunctionMetadata metadata, IType returnType) Parameters name SqlObjectName method MethodModel metadata FunctionMetadata returnType IType Properties ReturnType Gets or sets function return type. public IType ReturnType { get; set; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AssociationModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AssociationModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Association (e.g. foreign key relation) model. Defines whole relation (both sides). public sealed class AssociationModel Inheritance object AssociationModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors AssociationModel(AssociationMetadata, AssociationMetadata, EntityModel, EntityModel, bool) public AssociationModel(AssociationMetadata sourceMetadata, AssociationMetadata tagetMetadata, EntityModel source, EntityModel target, bool manyToOne) Parameters sourceMetadata AssociationMetadata tagetMetadata AssociationMetadata source EntityModel target EntityModel manyToOne bool Properties BackreferenceExtension Gets or sets association target (TO) extension method descriptor. When not specified - association extension method is not generated. public MethodModel? BackreferenceExtension { get; set; } Property Value MethodModel BackreferenceProperty Gets or sets association target (TO) property descriptor on entity class. When not specified - association property is not generated on entity class. public PropertyModel? BackreferenceProperty { get; set; } Property Value PropertyModel Extension Gets or sets association source (FROM) extension method descriptor. When not specified - association extension method is not generated. public MethodModel? Extension { get; set; } Property Value MethodModel ForeignKeyName Get or set name of foreign key constrain for association based on foreign key. public string? ForeignKeyName { get; set; } Property Value string FromColumns Gets or sets association source (FROM) columns, that used as association keys (usually foreign key columns). When not specified, assocation is defined using other means (SourceMetadata for details). public ColumnModel[]? FromColumns { get; set; } Property Value ColumnModel[] ManyToOne Gets or sets flag indicating that association is many-to-one assocation, where it has collection-based type on target entity. public bool ManyToOne { get; set; } Property Value bool Property Gets or sets association source (FROM) property descriptor on entity class. When not specified - association property is not generated on entity class. public PropertyModel? Property { get; set; } Property Value PropertyModel Source Gets or sets association source (FROM) entity model. public EntityModel Source { get; set; } Property Value EntityModel SourceMetadata Gets or sets association metadata for source (FROM) side or relation. public AssociationMetadata SourceMetadata { get; set; } Property Value AssociationMetadata Target Gets or sets association target (TO) entity model. public EntityModel Target { get; set; } Property Value EntityModel TargetMetadata Gets or sets association metadata for target (TO) side or relation. public AssociationMetadata TargetMetadata { get; set; } Property Value AssociationMetadata ToColumns Gets or sets association target (TO) columns, that used as association keys (usually foreign key columns). When not specified, assocation is defined using other means (TargetMetadata for details). public ColumnModel[]? ToColumns { get; set; } Property Value ColumnModel[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AsyncProcedureResult | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AsyncProcedureResult Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll This model defines results wrapper class for async stored procedure mapper in cases when procedure returns multiple values: result set table and one or more return, out or ref parameter rowcount and one or more return, out or ref parameter two or more return, out or ref parameters public sealed class AsyncProcedureResult Inheritance object AsyncProcedureResult Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors AsyncProcedureResult(ClassModel, PropertyModel) public AsyncProcedureResult(ClassModel @class, PropertyModel mainResult) Parameters class ClassModel mainResult PropertyModel Properties Class Gets or sets class descriptor. public ClassModel Class { get; set; } Property Value ClassModel MainResult Property descriptor for main procedure result: rowcount or recordset. public PropertyModel MainResult { get; set; } Property Value PropertyModel ParameterProperties Returning parameters property descriptors (out, ref or return parameters). public Dictionary<FunctionParameterModel, PropertyModel> ParameterProperties { get; } Property Value Dictionary<FunctionParameterModel, PropertyModel>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ClassModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClassModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Contains basic properties of class. public sealed class ClassModel Inheritance object ClassModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ClassModel(string) public ClassModel(string name) Parameters name string ClassModel(string, string) public ClassModel(string fileName, string name) Parameters fileName string name string Properties BaseType Gets or sets type of base class to inherit current class from. public IType? BaseType { get; set; } Property Value IType CustomAttributes List of additional custom attributes. Doesn't include metadata attributes. public List<CodeAttribute>? CustomAttributes { get; set; } Property Value List<CodeAttribute> FileName Gets or sets optional file name for class without extension. public string? FileName { get; set; } Property Value string Interfaces List of implemented interfaces, could be null. public List<IType>? Interfaces { get; set; } Property Value List<IType> Modifiers Get or sets class modifiers. public Modifiers Modifiers { get; set; } Property Value Modifiers Name Gets or sets class name. public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Namespace Gets or sets class namespace. public string? Namespace { get; set; } Property Value string Summary Gets or sets xml-doc comment summary section text for class. public string? Summary { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ColumnModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ColumnModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Entity column model. public sealed class ColumnModel Inheritance object ColumnModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ColumnModel(ColumnMetadata, PropertyModel) public ColumnModel(ColumnMetadata metadata, PropertyModel property) Parameters metadata ColumnMetadata property PropertyModel Properties Metadata Gets or sets column mapping metadata. public ColumnMetadata Metadata { get; set; } Property Value ColumnMetadata Property Gets or sets code property attributes for column. public PropertyModel Property { get; set; } Property Value PropertyModel"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataContextModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataContextModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Main database context descriptor. Also contains data model for current/default database schema. public sealed class DataContextModel : SchemaModelBase Inheritance object SchemaModelBase DataContextModel Inherited Members SchemaModelBase.Entities SchemaModelBase.StoredProcedures SchemaModelBase.ScalarFunctions SchemaModelBase.TableFunctions SchemaModelBase.AggregateFunctions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContextModel(ClassModel) public DataContextModel(ClassModel classModel) Parameters classModel ClassModel Properties AdditionalSchemas Contains descriptors of addtional database schemas. public Dictionary<string, AdditionalSchemaModel> AdditionalSchemas { get; } Property Value Dictionary<string, AdditionalSchemaModel> Associations Contains all associations (relations) for data model. public List<AssociationModel> Associations { get; } Property Value List<AssociationModel> Class Context class descriptor. public ClassModel Class { get; set; } Property Value ClassModel HasConfigurationConstructor Enables generation of constructor with configuration name string parameter. public bool HasConfigurationConstructor { get; set; } Property Value bool HasDefaultConstructor Enables generation of default constructor. public bool HasDefaultConstructor { get; set; } Property Value bool HasTypedOptionsConstructor Enables generation of constructor with generic configuration options DataOptions<T> parameter. public bool HasTypedOptionsConstructor { get; set; } Property Value bool HasUntypedOptionsConstructor Enables generation of constructor with non-generic configuration options DataOptions parameter. public bool HasUntypedOptionsConstructor { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataModelGenerator | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataModelGenerator Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Implements code model AST generation for database model and produce AST for: database context class table mappings procedures and functions mappings classes for non-default schemas public sealed class DataModelGenerator Inheritance object DataModelGenerator Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataModelGenerator(ILanguageProvider, DatabaseModel, IMetadataBuilder?, Func<string, string>, ISqlBuilder, ScaffoldOptions) Creates data model to AST generator instance. public DataModelGenerator(ILanguageProvider languageProvider, DatabaseModel dataModel, IMetadataBuilder? metadataBuilder, Func<string, string> findMethodParameterNameNormalizer, ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, ScaffoldOptions options) Parameters languageProvider ILanguageProvider Language-specific services. dataModel DatabaseModel Data model to convert. metadataBuilder IMetadataBuilder Data model mappings generation service. findMethodParameterNameNormalizer Func<string, string> Find extension method parameter name normalization action. sqlBuilder ISqlBuilder SQL builder for current database provider. options ScaffoldOptions Scaffolding options. Methods ConvertToCodeModel() Performs conversion of data model to AST. public CodeFile[] ConvertToCodeModel() Returns CodeFile[] Generated AST as collection of files."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Root object for database model. Contains reference to data model and various model options. public sealed class DatabaseModel Inheritance object DatabaseModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DatabaseModel(DataContextModel) public DatabaseModel(DataContextModel context) Parameters context DataContextModel Properties AutoGeneratedHeader Optional header comment text on top of each generated file. Will be wrapped into <auto-generated> tag. public string? AutoGeneratedHeader { get; set; } Property Value string DataContext Gets database context descriptor. public DataContextModel DataContext { get; } Property Value DataContextModel DisableXmlDocWarnings Enable supporession of xml-doc build warnings (e.g. due to missing xml-doc comments) in generated code. public bool DisableXmlDocWarnings { get; set; } Property Value bool NRTEnabled Enable generation of nullable annotations (NRT) in generated code. public bool NRTEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EntityModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EntityModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Contains mapping entity attributes. public sealed class EntityModel Inheritance object EntityModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors EntityModel(EntityMetadata, ClassModel, PropertyModel?) public EntityModel(EntityMetadata metadata, ClassModel @class, PropertyModel? contextProperty) Parameters metadata EntityMetadata class ClassModel contextProperty PropertyModel Properties Class Gets or sets entity class attributes. public ClassModel Class { get; set; } Property Value ClassModel Columns Entity columns collection. Code for columns generated in same order as columns ordered in this list. public List<ColumnModel> Columns { get; } Property Value List<ColumnModel> ContextProperty Gets or sets data context property definition for current entity. Example: public class MyDataContext { ... public ITable<MyEntity> MyEntities => GetTable<MyEntity>(); ... } Type of property must be open-generic type (ITable<T> or IQueryable<T>) as we will use it to instantiate final generic type during code model generation. public PropertyModel? ContextProperty { get; set; } Property Value PropertyModel FindExtensions Gets or sets enum value that defines which Find entity extension methods to generate. public FindTypes FindExtensions { get; set; } Property Value FindTypes ImplementsIEquatable Gets or sets flag indicating that entity class should implement IEquatable<T> interface, which compares entity instances using primary key columns. Ignored for entities without primary key. public bool ImplementsIEquatable { get; set; } Property Value bool Metadata Gets or sets entity mapping metadata. public EntityMetadata Metadata { get; set; } Property Value EntityMetadata"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FileData | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FileData Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Stores code model file node with containing namespace groups. public sealed record FileData : IEquatable<FileData> Inheritance object FileData Implements IEquatable<FileData> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors FileData(CodeFile, Dictionary<string, ClassGroup>) Stores code model file node with containing namespace groups. public FileData(CodeFile File, Dictionary<string, ClassGroup> ClassesPerNamespace) Parameters File CodeFile File-level AST note. ClassesPerNamespace Dictionary<string, ClassGroup> Map of namespace name to AST group withing file. Properties ClassesPerNamespace Map of namespace name to AST group withing file. public Dictionary<string, ClassGroup> ClassesPerNamespace { get; init; } Property Value Dictionary<string, ClassGroup> File File-level AST note. public CodeFile File { get; init; } Property Value CodeFile"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum FindTypes | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum FindTypes Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Defines which Find method signatures should be generated. [Flags] public enum FindTypes Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Async = 2 Method version: async FindAsync(). ByEntity = 32 Method primary key: from entity object. ByPrimaryKey = 16 Method primary key: from parameters. FindAsyncByPkOnContext = Async | ByPrimaryKey | OnContext Generate extension method on generated context object with primary key fields as parameters. FindAsyncByPkOnTable = Async | ByPrimaryKey | OnTable Generate FindAsync extension method on ITable<T> object with primary key fields as parameters. FindAsyncByRecordOnContext = Async | ByEntity | OnContext Generate extension method on generated context object with entity object as parameter. FindAsyncByRecordOnTable = Async | ByEntity | OnTable Generate FindAsync extension method on ITable<T> object with entity object as parameter. FindByPkOnContext = Sync | ByPrimaryKey | OnContext Generate extension method on generated context object with primary key fields as parameters. FindByPkOnTable = Sync | ByPrimaryKey | OnTable Generate Find extension method on ITable<T> object with primary key fields as parameters. FindByRecordOnContext = Sync | ByEntity | OnContext Generate extension method on generated context object with entity object as parameter. FindByRecordOnTable = Sync | ByEntity | OnTable Generate Find extension method on ITable<T> object with entity object as parameter. FindQueryByPkOnContext = Query | ByPrimaryKey | OnContext Generate extension method on generated context object with primary key fields as parameters. FindQueryByPkOnTable = Query | ByPrimaryKey | OnTable Generate FindQuery extension method on ITable<T> object with primary key fields as parameters. FindQueryByRecordOnContext = Query | ByEntity | OnContext Generate extension method on generated context object with entity object as parameter. FindQueryByRecordOnTable = Query | ByEntity | OnTable Generate FindQuery extension method on ITable<T> object with entity object as parameter. None = 0 Generate no Find methods. OnContext = 512 Method extends: generated context. OnTable = 256 Method extends: entity table. Query = 4 Method version: FindQuery(). Sync = 1 Method version: sync Find()."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FunctionModelBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FunctionModelBase Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for stored procedure or function descriptors. public abstract class FunctionModelBase Inheritance object FunctionModelBase Derived ScalarFunctionModelBase TableFunctionModelBase Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors FunctionModelBase(SqlObjectName, MethodModel) protected FunctionModelBase(SqlObjectName name, MethodModel method) Parameters name SqlObjectName method MethodModel Properties Method Gets or sets method descriptor for function/procedure. public MethodModel Method { get; set; } Property Value MethodModel Name Gets or sets database name of function/procedure. public SqlObjectName Name { get; set; } Property Value SqlObjectName Parameters Ordered (in call order) collection of function/procedure parameters. Includes in, out and in/out parameters, but not return parameters. Return parameter is not a part of call signature and defined by separate property. public List<FunctionParameterModel> Parameters { get; } Property Value List<FunctionParameterModel>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FunctionParameterModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FunctionParameterModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Function or procedure parameter descriptor (also for return parameter). public sealed class FunctionParameterModel Inheritance object FunctionParameterModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors FunctionParameterModel(ParameterModel, ParameterDirection) public FunctionParameterModel(ParameterModel parameter, ParameterDirection direction) Parameters parameter ParameterModel direction ParameterDirection Properties DataType Gets or sets parameter's DataType enum value. public DataType? DataType { get; set; } Property Value DataType? DbName Gets or sets parameter's name in database. public string? DbName { get; set; } Property Value string Direction Gets or sets parameter direction. public ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; } Property Value ParameterDirection IsNullable Gets or sets parameter nullability. public bool IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool Parameter Gets or sets method parameter descriptor. public ParameterModel Parameter { get; set; } Property Value ParameterModel Type Gets or sets parameter's database type. public DatabaseType? Type { get; set; } Property Value DatabaseType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FunctionResult | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FunctionResult Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Descriptor of table function or stored procedure return record. Either CustomTable or Entity must be specified, but not both. public sealed record FunctionResult : IEquatable<FunctionResult> Inheritance object FunctionResult Implements IEquatable<FunctionResult> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors FunctionResult(ResultTableModel?, EntityModel?, AsyncProcedureResult?) Descriptor of table function or stored procedure return record. Either CustomTable or Entity must be specified, but not both. public FunctionResult(ResultTableModel? CustomTable, EntityModel? Entity, AsyncProcedureResult? AsyncResult) Parameters CustomTable ResultTableModel Custom record class descriptor. Entity EntityModel Function/procedure returns known entity as record. AsyncResult AsyncProcedureResult Stored procedure return class model for async signature. Properties AsyncResult Stored procedure return class model for async signature. public AsyncProcedureResult? AsyncResult { get; init; } Property Value AsyncProcedureResult CustomTable Custom record class descriptor. public ResultTableModel? CustomTable { get; init; } Property Value ResultTableModel Entity Function/procedure returns known entity as record. public EntityModel? Entity { get; init; } Property Value EntityModel"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface IDataModelGenerationContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IDataModelGenerationContext Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public interface IDataModelGenerationContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AST Gets AST builder. CodeBuilder AST { get; } Property Value CodeBuilder ContextMappingSchema Adds static mapping schema property (if not added yet) to main data context class and returns reference to it. CodeReference ContextMappingSchema { get; } Property Value CodeReference ContextProperties Gets property group for table access properties in CurrentDataContext class. PropertyGroup ContextProperties { get; } Property Value PropertyGroup ContextReference Code reference to instance of MainDataContext. ICodeExpression ContextReference { get; } Property Value ICodeExpression CurrentDataContext Current data context class builder. For default schema references MainDataContext. For schema context references schema context class builder. ClassBuilder CurrentDataContext { get; } Property Value ClassBuilder ExtensionsClass Gets class with extension methods. ClassBuilder ExtensionsClass { get; } Property Value ClassBuilder Files Gets generated files. IEnumerable<CodeFile> Files { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<CodeFile> FindExtensionsGroup Gets method group for Find extension methods. MethodGroup FindExtensionsGroup { get; } Property Value MethodGroup HasContextMappingSchema Returns true if current scaffold generated context mapping schema. bool HasContextMappingSchema { get; } Property Value bool LanguageProvider Gets language services provider. ILanguageProvider LanguageProvider { get; } Property Value ILanguageProvider MainDataContext Main data context class builder (implements IDataContext). ClassBuilder MainDataContext { get; } Property Value ClassBuilder MainDataContextConstructors Main data context countructors group. ConstructorGroup MainDataContextConstructors { get; } Property Value ConstructorGroup MainDataContextPartialMethods Main data context partial methods group. MethodGroup MainDataContextPartialMethods { get; } Property Value MethodGroup MetadataBuilder Gets data model metadata builder. IMetadataBuilder? MetadataBuilder { get; } Property Value IMetadataBuilder Model Gets data model. DatabaseModel Model { get; } Property Value DatabaseModel NonTableFunctionsClass Gets class with mapping methods for scalar, aggregate functions and stored procedures. CodeClass NonTableFunctionsClass { get; } Property Value CodeClass Options Gets data model scaffold options. DataModelOptions Options { get; } Property Value DataModelOptions ProcedureContextParameterType Get type of this context parameter for stored procedures. IType ProcedureContextParameterType { get; } Property Value IType Schema Gets current schema model. SchemaModelBase Schema { get; } Property Value SchemaModelBase SchemasContextRegion Gets region with addtional schemas code. RegionBuilder SchemasContextRegion { get; } Property Value RegionBuilder StaticInitializer Adds static constructor (if not added yet) to main data context class and returns it's body builder. BlockBuilder StaticInitializer { get; } Property Value BlockBuilder TableFunctionsClass Gets class with mapping methods for table functions. CodeClass TableFunctionsClass { get; } Property Value CodeClass Methods AddAggregateFunctionRegion(string) Adds named region for aggregate function mappings. RegionBuilder AddAggregateFunctionRegion(string regionName) Parameters regionName string Region name. Returns RegionBuilder Region builder. AddFile(string) Register new file in code model. FileData AddFile(string fileName) Parameters fileName string File name. Returns FileData Registered file. AddScalarFunctionRegion(string) Adds named region for scalar function mappings. RegionBuilder AddScalarFunctionRegion(string regionName) Parameters regionName string Region name. Returns RegionBuilder Region builder. AddStoredProcedureRegion(string) Adds named region for stored procedure mappings. RegionBuilder AddStoredProcedureRegion(string regionName) Parameters regionName string Region name. Returns RegionBuilder Region builder. AddTableFunctionRegion(string) Adds named region for table function mappings. RegionBuilder AddTableFunctionRegion(string regionName) Parameters regionName string Region name. Returns RegionBuilder Region builder. GetChildContext(AdditionalSchemaModel) Gets child schema model generation context. Available only on main context. IDataModelGenerationContext GetChildContext(AdditionalSchemaModel schema) Parameters schema AdditionalSchemaModel Addtional schema model. Returns IDataModelGenerationContext Schema context. GetColumnProperty(ColumnModel) Gets entity property by column model. CodeProperty GetColumnProperty(ColumnModel model) Parameters model ColumnModel Column model. Returns CodeProperty Column mapping property. GetEntityAssociationExtensionsGroup(EntityModel) Gets method group for asociation extension methods for specific entity. MethodGroup GetEntityAssociationExtensionsGroup(EntityModel entity) Parameters entity EntityModel Entity model. Returns MethodGroup Association extension methods group. GetEntityAssociationsGroup(EntityModel) Gets property group for associations in specific entity. PropertyGroup GetEntityAssociationsGroup(EntityModel entity) Parameters entity EntityModel Entity model. Returns PropertyGroup Association properties group in entity class. GetEntityBuilder(EntityModel) Gets registered entity class builder by entity model. ClassBuilder GetEntityBuilder(EntityModel model) Parameters model EntityModel Entity model. Returns ClassBuilder Entity mapping class builder. MakeFullyQualifiedRoutineName(SqlObjectName) Helper to generate fully-qualified procedure or function name. string MakeFullyQualifiedRoutineName(SqlObjectName routineName) Parameters routineName SqlObjectName Procedure/function object name. Returns string Fully-qualified name of procedure or function. NormalizeParameterName(string) Apply identifier normalization to method parameter. string NormalizeParameterName(string parameterName) Parameters parameterName string Original parameter name. Returns string Normalized parameter name. RegisterChildContext(AdditionalSchemaModel, IDataModelGenerationContext) Register child schema model generation context. Available only on main context. void RegisterChildContext(AdditionalSchemaModel schema, IDataModelGenerationContext context) Parameters schema AdditionalSchemaModel Additional schema model. context IDataModelGenerationContext Schema context. RegisterColumnProperty(ColumnModel, CodeProperty) Register entity property for column. void RegisterColumnProperty(ColumnModel model, CodeProperty property) Parameters model ColumnModel Column model. property CodeProperty Enity column property. RegisterEntityBuilder(EntityModel, ClassBuilder) Register entity class builder for entity model. void RegisterEntityBuilder(EntityModel model, ClassBuilder builder) Parameters model EntityModel Entity model. builder ClassBuilder Entity class builder. TryGetFile(string, out FileData?) Tries to find file in code model by name. bool TryGetFile(string fileName, out FileData? file) Parameters fileName string File name. file FileData File model. Returns bool true if file with such name already registered; false otherwise."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MethodModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MethodModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Contains basic method (including lambda methods and constructors) attributes. public sealed class MethodModel Inheritance object MethodModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors MethodModel(string) public MethodModel(string name) Parameters name string Properties CustomAttributes List of additional custom attributes. Doesn't include metadata attributes. public List<CodeAttribute>? CustomAttributes { get; set; } Property Value List<CodeAttribute> Modifiers Gets or sets method modifiers. public Modifiers Modifiers { get; set; } Property Value Modifiers Name Gets or sets method name. public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Summary Gets or sets summary section text for method xml-doc comment. public string? Summary { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ParameterModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ParameterModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Contains method (including constructors and lambdas) parameter basic attributes. public sealed class ParameterModel Inheritance object ParameterModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ParameterModel(string, IType, CodeParameterDirection) public ParameterModel(string name, IType type, CodeParameterDirection direction) Parameters name string type IType direction CodeParameterDirection Properties Description Gets or sets xml-doc comment text for parameter. public string? Description { get; set; } Property Value string Direction Gets or sets parameter direction. public CodeParameterDirection Direction { get; set; } Property Value CodeParameterDirection Name Gets or sets parameter name. public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Type Gets or sets parameter type. public IType Type { get; set; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PropertyModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PropertyModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Contains basic class property attributes. public sealed class PropertyModel Inheritance object PropertyModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors PropertyModel(string) public PropertyModel(string name) Parameters name string PropertyModel(string, IType) public PropertyModel(string name, IType type) Parameters name string type IType Properties CustomAttributes List of additional custom attributes. Doesn't include metadata attributes. public List<CodeAttribute>? CustomAttributes { get; set; } Property Value List<CodeAttribute> HasSetter Gets or sets property setter status. public bool HasSetter { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDefault Gets or sets property default implementation attribute. public bool IsDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool Modifiers Gets or sets property modifiers. public Modifiers Modifiers { get; set; } Property Value Modifiers Name Gets or sets property name. public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Summary Gets or sets summary section text for property xml-doc comment. public string? Summary { get; set; } Property Value string TrailingComment Gets or sets trailing code comment after property definition. Example: public string MyProperty { get; set; } // this is property comment public string? TrailingComment { get; set; } Property Value string Type Gets or sets property type. public IType? Type { get; set; } Property Value IType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ResultTableModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResultTableModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Custom mapping class descriptor for procedure or table function return record. public sealed class ResultTableModel Inheritance object ResultTableModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ResultTableModel(ClassModel) public ResultTableModel(ClassModel @class) Parameters class ClassModel Properties Class Gets or sets class descriptor. public ClassModel Class { get; set; } Property Value ClassModel Columns Record column descriptors. Must be ordered by ordinal (position in data set, returned by database) as we can use by-ordinal columns mapping in cases where is it not possible to use by-name mapping (e.g. when columns doesn't have names or have multiple columns with same name). public List<ColumnModel> Columns { get; } Property Value List<ColumnModel>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarFunctionModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarFunctionModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Scalar function descriptor. public sealed class ScalarFunctionModel : ScalarFunctionModelBase Inheritance object FunctionModelBase ScalarFunctionModelBase ScalarFunctionModel Inherited Members ScalarFunctionModelBase.Metadata FunctionModelBase.Name FunctionModelBase.Method FunctionModelBase.Parameters Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ScalarFunctionModel(SqlObjectName, MethodModel, FunctionMetadata) public ScalarFunctionModel(SqlObjectName name, MethodModel method, FunctionMetadata metadata) Parameters name SqlObjectName method MethodModel metadata FunctionMetadata Properties Return Gets or sets return value type. Either Return or ReturnTuple must be set, but not both. public IType? Return { get; set; } Property Value IType ReturnTuple Gets or sets return value descriptor, when function returns tuple/row. Either Return or ReturnTuple must be set, but not both. public TupleModel? ReturnTuple { get; set; } Property Value TupleModel"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarFunctionModelBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarFunctionModelBase Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for scalar or aggregate function descriptors (methods with scalar return value). public abstract class ScalarFunctionModelBase : FunctionModelBase Inheritance object FunctionModelBase ScalarFunctionModelBase Derived AggregateFunctionModel ScalarFunctionModel Inherited Members FunctionModelBase.Name FunctionModelBase.Method FunctionModelBase.Parameters Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ScalarFunctionModelBase(SqlObjectName, MethodModel, FunctionMetadata) protected ScalarFunctionModelBase(SqlObjectName name, MethodModel method, FunctionMetadata metadata) Parameters name SqlObjectName method MethodModel metadata FunctionMetadata Properties Metadata Gets or sets function metadata. public FunctionMetadata Metadata { get; set; } Property Value FunctionMetadata"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SchemaModelBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SchemaModelBase Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for schema model. public abstract class SchemaModelBase Inheritance object SchemaModelBase Derived AdditionalSchemaModel DataContextModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AggregateFunctions Schema aggregate functions. public List<AggregateFunctionModel> AggregateFunctions { get; } Property Value List<AggregateFunctionModel> Entities Schema entities (tables and views). public List<EntityModel> Entities { get; } Property Value List<EntityModel> ScalarFunctions Schema scalar functions. public List<ScalarFunctionModel> ScalarFunctions { get; } Property Value List<ScalarFunctionModel> StoredProcedures Schema stored procedures. public List<StoredProcedureModel> StoredProcedures { get; } Property Value List<StoredProcedureModel> TableFunctions Schema table functions. public List<TableFunctionModel> TableFunctions { get; } Property Value List<TableFunctionModel>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class StoredProcedureModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class StoredProcedureModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Stored procedure descriptor. public sealed class StoredProcedureModel : TableFunctionModelBase Inheritance object FunctionModelBase TableFunctionModelBase StoredProcedureModel Inherited Members TableFunctionModelBase.Error FunctionModelBase.Name FunctionModelBase.Method FunctionModelBase.Parameters Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors StoredProcedureModel(SqlObjectName, MethodModel) public StoredProcedureModel(SqlObjectName name, MethodModel method) Parameters name SqlObjectName method MethodModel Properties Results Gets or sets record types for returned result set(s). public List<FunctionResult> Results { get; set; } Property Value List<FunctionResult> Return Gets or sets return parameter descriptor. public FunctionParameterModel? Return { get; set; } Property Value FunctionParameterModel"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TableFunctionModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableFunctionModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Table function model. public sealed class TableFunctionModel : TableFunctionModelBase Inheritance object FunctionModelBase TableFunctionModelBase TableFunctionModel Inherited Members TableFunctionModelBase.Error FunctionModelBase.Name FunctionModelBase.Method FunctionModelBase.Parameters Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TableFunctionModel(SqlObjectName, MethodModel, TableFunctionMetadata, string) public TableFunctionModel(SqlObjectName name, MethodModel method, TableFunctionMetadata metadata, string methodInfoFieldName) Parameters name SqlObjectName method MethodModel metadata TableFunctionMetadata methodInfoFieldName string Properties Metadata Gets or sets table function metadata descriptor. public TableFunctionMetadata Metadata { get; set; } Property Value TableFunctionMetadata MethodInfoFieldName Gets or sets name of private field to store MethodInfo instance of generated function mapping method. public string MethodInfoFieldName { get; set; } Property Value string Result Gets or sets table function result record descriptor. public FunctionResult? Result { get; set; } Property Value FunctionResult"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TableFunctionModelBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableFunctionModelBase Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for table function and stored procedure descriptors (database methods with table-like results). public abstract class TableFunctionModelBase : FunctionModelBase Inheritance object FunctionModelBase TableFunctionModelBase Derived StoredProcedureModel TableFunctionModel Inherited Members FunctionModelBase.Name FunctionModelBase.Method FunctionModelBase.Parameters Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TableFunctionModelBase(SqlObjectName, MethodModel) protected TableFunctionModelBase(SqlObjectName name, MethodModel method) Parameters name SqlObjectName method MethodModel Properties Error Contains error message, generated when result record type failed to load. public string? Error { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TupleFieldModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TupleFieldModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Scalar function return tuple field descriptor. public sealed class TupleFieldModel Inheritance object TupleFieldModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TupleFieldModel(PropertyModel, DatabaseType) public TupleFieldModel(PropertyModel property, DatabaseType type) Parameters property PropertyModel type DatabaseType Properties DataType Gets or sets field's DataType enum value for field. public DataType? DataType { get; set; } Property Value DataType? Property Gets or sets field property descriptor. public PropertyModel Property { get; set; } Property Value PropertyModel Type Gets or sets field's database type. public DatabaseType Type { get; set; } Property Value DatabaseType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TupleModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TupleModel Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Tuple class descriptor for specific scalar function return value, when function returns tuple. public sealed class TupleModel Inheritance object TupleModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TupleModel(ClassModel) public TupleModel(ClassModel @class) Parameters class ClassModel Properties CanBeNull Gets or sets flag, indicating that function could return null instead as tuple value. public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool Class Gets or sets class descriptor. public ClassModel Class { get; set; } Property Value ClassModel Fields Ordered list of tuple field models. Order must correspond to order of field in tuple definition in database. public List<TupleFieldModel> Fields { get; } Property Value List<TupleFieldModel>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataModel Classes AdditionalSchemaModel Non-default schema model. AggregateFunctionModel Aggregate function model. AssociationModel Association (e.g. foreign key relation) model. Defines whole relation (both sides). AsyncProcedureResult This model defines results wrapper class for async stored procedure mapper in cases when procedure returns multiple values: result set table and one or more return, out or ref parameter rowcount and one or more return, out or ref parameter two or more return, out or ref parameters ClassModel Contains basic properties of class. ColumnModel Entity column model. DataContextModel Main database context descriptor. Also contains data model for current/default database schema. DataModelGenerator Implements code model AST generation for database model and produce AST for: database context class table mappings procedures and functions mappings classes for non-default schemas DatabaseModel Root object for database model. Contains reference to data model and various model options. EntityModel Contains mapping entity attributes. FileData Stores code model file node with containing namespace groups. FunctionModelBase Base class for stored procedure or function descriptors. FunctionParameterModel Function or procedure parameter descriptor (also for return parameter). FunctionResult Descriptor of table function or stored procedure return record. Either CustomTable or Entity must be specified, but not both. MethodModel Contains basic method (including lambda methods and constructors) attributes. ParameterModel Contains method (including constructors and lambdas) parameter basic attributes. PropertyModel Contains basic class property attributes. ResultTableModel Custom mapping class descriptor for procedure or table function return record. ScalarFunctionModel Scalar function descriptor. ScalarFunctionModelBase Base class for scalar or aggregate function descriptors (methods with scalar return value). SchemaModelBase Base class for schema model. StoredProcedureModel Stored procedure descriptor. TableFunctionModel Table function model. TableFunctionModelBase Base class for table function and stored procedure descriptors (database methods with table-like results). TupleFieldModel Scalar function return tuple field descriptor. TupleModel Tuple class descriptor for specific scalar function return value, when function returns tuple. Interfaces IDataModelGenerationContext Enums FindTypes Defines which Find method signatures should be generated."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EntityCreatedEventArgs | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EntityCreatedEventArgs Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class EntityCreatedEventArgs Inheritance object EntityCreatedEventArgs Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataContext DataContext that created a new entity. public IDataContext DataContext { get; } Property Value IDataContext Entity Get or sets the entity that created. public object Entity { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AssociationMetadata | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AssociationMetadata Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Association (foreign key relation) mapping attributes. public sealed class AssociationMetadata Inheritance object AssociationMetadata Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Alias Optional table alias name to use in generated SQL for relation instead of name, generated by linq2db. public string? Alias { get; set; } Property Value string CanBeNull Specify type of join operation to generate. When true, linq2db will generate outer join orapply operation. When false - inner join/apply will be generated. public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool Configuration Mapping configuration name. public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string ExpressionPredicate Name of static method or property, that provides additional predicate, used by join/apply operation. public string? ExpressionPredicate { get; set; } Property Value string OtherKey Comma-separated list of properties/fields, mapped to other (target) side of relation keys, used to generate join condition. Must have same order ass ThisKey value. public string? OtherKey { get; set; } Property Value string OtherKeyExpression AST of code expression, used and value for OtherKey property setter. public ICodeExpression? OtherKeyExpression { get; set; } Property Value ICodeExpression QueryExpressionMethod Name of static method or property, that provides assocation query expression, which will be used for SQL generation instead of join by foreign key fields. public string? QueryExpressionMethod { get; set; } Property Value string Storage Field or property name to use as association data storage in eager load operations with assiation materialization. public string? Storage { get; set; } Property Value string ThisKey Comma-separated list of properties/fields, mapped to this (source) side of relation keys, used to generate join condition. Must have same order ass OtherKey value. public string? ThisKey { get; set; } Property Value string ThisKeyExpression AST of code expression, used and value for ThisKey property setter. public ICodeExpression? ThisKeyExpression { get; set; } Property Value ICodeExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ColumnMetadata | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ColumnMetadata Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Column mapping attributes, used with ColumnAttribute mapping attribute. public sealed class ColumnMetadata Inheritance object ColumnMetadata Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CanBeNull Nullability of column. public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool Configuration Mapping configuration name. public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string CreateFormat Contains custom column create format string (SQL), used by create table APIs. See CreateFormat for more details. public string? CreateFormat { get; set; } Property Value string DataType Column DataType type kind. public DataType? DataType { get; set; } Property Value DataType? DbType Column database type attributes. public DatabaseType? DbType { get; set; } Property Value DatabaseType IsColumn When set to false, marks member as non-column propery/field, which shold be ignored by linq2db. Default value: true. public bool IsColumn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDiscriminator Indicates that current column contains discriminator value for mapping with inheritance. public bool IsDiscriminator { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentity Specify, that column value generated by database on record creation operation. Enables same behavior as SkipOnInsert and SkipOnUpdate properties and additionally provides support for identity retrieval on insert operations with identity retrieval (currently limited only to integer types). public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPrimaryKey Column is a part of primary key. public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool MemberName Contains mapped member name, when attribute applied not to member directly but to entity class/interface. See MemberName for more details. public string? MemberName { get; set; } Property Value string Name Column name. When not specified, attribute owner (field or property) name will be used (with same casing). public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Order Contains column ordinal for create table APIs. public int? Order { get; set; } Property Value int? PrimaryKeyOrder Column ordinal in composite primary key. public int? PrimaryKeyOrder { get; set; } Property Value int? SkipOnEntityFetch When set to true, column will be excuded from select operation with implicit columns. E.g. db.Table.ToList(). public bool SkipOnEntityFetch { get; set; } Property Value bool SkipOnInsert Specify, that column should be skipped on record creation operations (e.g. INSERT), except cases when user explicitly specify column in insert expression. public bool SkipOnInsert { get; set; } Property Value bool SkipOnUpdate Specify, that column should be skipped on record update operations (e.g. UPDATE), except cases when user explicitly specify column in update expression. public bool SkipOnUpdate { get; set; } Property Value bool Storage Field or property name to use as data storage in load operations. public string? Storage { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EntityMetadata | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EntityMetadata Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Entity mapping attributes for table or view. public sealed class EntityMetadata Inheritance object EntityMetadata Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Configuration Mapping configuration name. public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string IsColumnAttributeRequired If true, only properties/fields with ColumnAttribute will be mapped. Default value: true. public bool IsColumnAttributeRequired { get; set; } Property Value bool IsTemporary When true, mapped table is temporary table. public bool IsTemporary { get; set; } Property Value bool IsView View or table mapping. public bool IsView { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Table name. public SqlObjectName? Name { get; set; } Property Value SqlObjectName? TableOptions Specify table flags for temporary tables and create/drop table API behavior. public TableOptions TableOptions { get; set; } Property Value TableOptions"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FunctionMetadata | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FunctionMetadata Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Scalar, aggregate or window (analytic) function mapping attributes, used with Sql.FunctionAttribute mapping attribute. public sealed class FunctionMetadata Inheritance object FunctionMetadata Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ArgIndices Contains indexes of mapped method parameters, that should be mapped to function parameter with position matching position of index in array. public int[]? ArgIndices { get; set; } Property Value int[] CanBeNull Function could return NULL value. public bool? CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool? Configuration Mapping configuration name. public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string InlineParameters Function parameters should be inlined into generated SQL as literals. public bool? InlineParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAggregate Function could be used as aggregate. public bool? IsAggregate { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNullable Provides more detailed nullability information than CanBeNull property. public Sql.IsNullableType? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value Sql.IsNullableType? IsPredicate Marks bool-returning function as predicate: function, that could be used in boolean conditions directly without conversion to database boolean type/predicate. public bool? IsPredicate { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPure Pure functions (functions without side-effects that return same outputs for same inputs) calls information could be used by query optimizer to generate better SQL. public bool? IsPure { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsWindowFunction Function could be used as window (analytic) function. public bool? IsWindowFunction { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Function name. public SqlObjectName? Name { get; set; } Property Value SqlObjectName? PreferServerSide Avoid client-side method execution when possible. public bool? PreferServerSide { get; set; } Property Value bool? ServerSideOnly Prevent client-side method exection. public bool? ServerSideOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface IMetadataBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMetadataBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Provides database model metadata generator abstraction. public interface IMetadataBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods BuildAssociationMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext, CodeClass, AssociationMetadata, MethodBuilder) Generates association metadata (e.g. AssociationAttribute) for association mapped to method. Generate only one side of assocation (called twice per association if both sides are mapped). void BuildAssociationMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext context, CodeClass entityClass, AssociationMetadata metadata, MethodBuilder methodBuilder) Parameters context IDataModelGenerationContext Data model generation context. entityClass CodeClass Association entity class. metadata AssociationMetadata Association metadata descriptor for current side of assocation. methodBuilder MethodBuilder Association method generator. BuildAssociationMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext, CodeClass, AssociationMetadata, PropertyBuilder) Generates association metadata (e.g. AssociationAttribute) for association mapped to entity property. Generate only one side of assocation (called twice per association if both sides are mapped). void BuildAssociationMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext context, CodeClass entityClass, AssociationMetadata metadata, PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder) Parameters context IDataModelGenerationContext Data model generation context. entityClass CodeClass Association entity class. metadata AssociationMetadata Association metadata descriptor for current side of assocation. propertyBuilder PropertyBuilder Association property generator. BuildColumnMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext, CodeClass, ColumnMetadata, PropertyBuilder) Generated entity column metadata (e.g. ColumnAttribute). void BuildColumnMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext context, CodeClass entityClass, ColumnMetadata metadata, PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder) Parameters context IDataModelGenerationContext Data model generation context. entityClass CodeClass Column entity class. metadata ColumnMetadata Column metadata descriptor. propertyBuilder PropertyBuilder Column property generator. BuildEntityMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext, EntityModel) Generates entity metadata (e.g. TableAttribute). void BuildEntityMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext context, EntityModel entity) Parameters context IDataModelGenerationContext Data model generation context. entity EntityModel Entity model. BuildFunctionMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext, FunctionMetadata, MethodBuilder) Generates function metadata (e.g. Sql.FunctionAttribute) for scalar, aggregate or window (analytic) function. void BuildFunctionMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext context, FunctionMetadata metadata, MethodBuilder methodBuilder) Parameters context IDataModelGenerationContext Data model generation context. metadata FunctionMetadata Function metadata descriptor. methodBuilder MethodBuilder Function method generator. BuildTableFunctionMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext, TableFunctionMetadata, MethodBuilder) Generates function metadata (e.g. Sql.TableFunctionAttribute) for table function. void BuildTableFunctionMetadata(IDataModelGenerationContext context, TableFunctionMetadata metadata, MethodBuilder methodBuilder) Parameters context IDataModelGenerationContext Data model generation context. metadata TableFunctionMetadata Function metadata descriptor. methodBuilder MethodBuilder Function method generator. Complete(IDataModelGenerationContext) Finalizes metadata generation. void Complete(IDataModelGenerationContext context) Parameters context IDataModelGenerationContext Data model generation context."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MetadataBuilders | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MetadataBuilders Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Provides access to built-in metadata generators. public static class MetadataBuilders Inheritance object MetadataBuilders Methods GetMetadataBuilder(ILanguageProvider, MetadataSource) Gets metadata builder of specific type. public static IMetadataBuilder? GetMetadataBuilder(ILanguageProvider languageProvider, MetadataSource metadataSource) Parameters languageProvider ILanguageProvider Language provider. metadataSource MetadataSource Type of metadata source. Returns IMetadataBuilder Attribute-based metadata builder instance or null."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum MetadataSource | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum MetadataSource Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Defines generated metadata source. public enum MetadataSource Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Attributes = 1 Generated model annotated with mapping attributes. FluentMapping = 2 Context contains static instance of mapping schema with mappings, configured using fluent mapper. None = 0 No metadata generated. User configure own mappings or models used as-is without explicit mappings."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TableFunctionMetadata | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableFunctionMetadata Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Table function mapping attributes, used with Sql.TableFunctionAttribute mapping attribute. public sealed class TableFunctionMetadata Inheritance object TableFunctionMetadata Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ArgIndices Contains indexes of mapped method parameters, that should be mapped to table function parameter with position matching position of index in array. public int[]? ArgIndices { get; set; } Property Value int[] Configuration Mapping configuration name. public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string Name Function name. public SqlObjectName? Name { get; set; } Property Value SqlObjectName?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Classes AssociationMetadata Association (foreign key relation) mapping attributes. ColumnMetadata Column mapping attributes, used with ColumnAttribute mapping attribute. EntityMetadata Entity mapping attributes for table or view. FunctionMetadata Scalar, aggregate or window (analytic) function mapping attributes, used with Sql.FunctionAttribute mapping attribute. MetadataBuilders Provides access to built-in metadata generators. TableFunctionMetadata Table function mapping attributes, used with Sql.TableFunctionAttribute mapping attribute. Interfaces IMetadataBuilder Provides database model metadata generator abstraction. Enums MetadataSource Defines generated metadata source."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class HumanizerNameConverter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class HumanizerNameConverter Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Name conversion provider implementation using Humanizer library. public sealed class HumanizerNameConverter : NameConverterBase, INameConversionProvider Inheritance object NameConverterBase HumanizerNameConverter Implements INameConversionProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Instance Gets converter instance. public static readonly INameConversionProvider Instance Field Value INameConversionProvider Methods GetConverter(Pluralization) Returns name converter for specific conversion type. public override Func<string, string> GetConverter(Pluralization conversion) Parameters conversion Pluralization Conversion type. Returns Func<string, string> Name converter."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface INameConversionProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface INameConversionProvider Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Name conversion provider. public interface INameConversionProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods GetConverter(Pluralization) Returns name converter for specific conversion type. Func<string, string> GetConverter(Pluralization conversion) Parameters conversion Pluralization Conversion type. Returns Func<string, string> Name converter."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum NameCasing | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum NameCasing Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Define name casing formats. public enum NameCasing Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields CamelCase = 2 camelCase. LowerCase = 4 lowercase. None = 0 No specific casing. Pascal = 1 PascalCase. SnakeCase = 3 snake_case. T4CompatNonPluralized = 7 Non-pluralized casing T4 compatibility format. first letter upper-cased non-first letters lower-cased uppercase sequences treated as words in names with mixed casing T4CompatPluralized = 6 Pluralized casing T4 compatibility format. first letter upper-cased non-first letters lower-cased one- and two-letter uppercase sequences treated as words UpperCase = 5 UPPERCASE."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class NameConverterBase.NameParts | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NameConverterBase.NameParts Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public record NameConverterBase.NameParts : IEquatable<NameConverterBase.NameParts> Inheritance object NameConverterBase.NameParts Implements IEquatable<NameConverterBase.NameParts> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors NameParts(string?, string, string?) public NameParts(string? Prefix, string MainWord, string? Suffix) Parameters Prefix string MainWord string Suffix string Properties MainWord public string MainWord { get; init; } Property Value string Prefix public string? Prefix { get; init; } Property Value string Suffix public string? Suffix { get; init; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class NameConverterBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NameConverterBase Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for name converters. public abstract class NameConverterBase : INameConversionProvider Inheritance object NameConverterBase Implements INameConversionProvider Derived HumanizerNameConverter Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods GetConverter(Pluralization) Returns name converter for specific conversion type. public abstract Func<string, string> GetConverter(Pluralization conversion) Parameters conversion Pluralization Conversion type. Returns Func<string, string> Name converter. NormalizeName(string) Identify word in name to convert. Any text before and after word returned and prefix/suffix strings. protected static NameConverterBase.NameParts NormalizeName(string name) Parameters name string Name to convert. Returns NameConverterBase.NameParts Word to covert with optional suffix and prefix to add after convertsion."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum NameTransformation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum NameTransformation Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Defines name transformation modes. public enum NameTransformation Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Association = 2 Association name generation strategy, similar to T4 templates implementation. Includes SplitByUnderscore behavior. None = 0 No transformations applied. SplitByUnderscore = 1 Split name into words using underscore as word separator. E.g.: SOME_NAME -> [SOME, NAME]."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class NamingServices | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NamingServices Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Identifier names normalization service. Identify separate words in name and apply requested pluralization and casing modes. public sealed class NamingServices Inheritance object NamingServices Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods NormalizeIdentifier(NormalizationOptions, string) Normalize provided identifier using specififed normalization options. public string NormalizeIdentifier(NormalizationOptions settings, string name) Parameters settings NormalizationOptions Identifier normalization options. name string Identifier. Returns string Normalized identifier."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class NormalizationOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NormalizationOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Multi-word identifier normalization options. public sealed class NormalizationOptions Inheritance object NormalizationOptions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Casing Gets or sets name casing to apply. public NameCasing Casing { get; set; } Property Value NameCasing DontCaseAllCaps Skip normalization (except Suffix and Prefix) if name contains only uppercase letters. public bool DontCaseAllCaps { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxUpperCaseWordLength Don't case upper-case words if their length not longer than specified by MaxUpperCaseWordLength length. E.g. setting value to 2 will preserve 2-letter abbreviations like ID. public int MaxUpperCaseWordLength { get; set; } Property Value int Pluralization Gets or sets name pluralization options, applied to last word in name. public Pluralization Pluralization { get; set; } Property Value Pluralization PluralizeOnlyIfLastWordIsText Apply pluralization options Pluralization only if name ends with text. public bool PluralizeOnlyIfLastWordIsText { get; set; } Property Value bool Prefix Gets or sets optional prefix to add to normalized name. public string? Prefix { get; set; } Property Value string Suffix Gets or sets optional suffix to add to normalized name. public string? Suffix { get; set; } Property Value string Transformation Gets or sets name transformation mode. public NameTransformation Transformation { get; set; } Property Value NameTransformation Methods MergeInto(NormalizationOptions) public NormalizationOptions MergeInto(NormalizationOptions baseOptions) Parameters baseOptions NormalizationOptions Returns NormalizationOptions"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum Pluralization | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Pluralization Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Defines pluralization-related word conversions. public enum Pluralization Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields None = 0 No conversion applied. Plural = 2 Convert word to plural form. PluralIfLongerThanOne = 3 Convert word to plural form if it is longer than 1 character. Singular = 1 Convert word to singular form."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Naming | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Naming Classes HumanizerNameConverter Name conversion provider implementation using Humanizer library. NameConverterBase Base class for name converters. NameConverterBase.NameParts NamingServices Identifier names normalization service. Identify separate words in name and apply requested pluralization and casing modes. NormalizationOptions Multi-word identifier normalization options. Interfaces INameConversionProvider Name conversion provider. Enums NameCasing Define name casing formats. NameTransformation Defines name transformation modes. Pluralization Defines pluralization-related word conversions."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CodeGenerationOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CodeGenerationOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll General code-generation options, not related to data model directly. public sealed class CodeGenerationOptions Inheritance object CodeGenerationOptions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AddGeneratedFileSuffix Adds '.generated' suffix to files before extension. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool AddGeneratedFileSuffix { get; set; } Property Value bool AutoGeneratedHeader Optional header comment text on top of each generated file. Will be wrapped into <auto-generated> tag. Used only when MarkAsAutoGenerated is set. When null, default linq2db header text will be used. public string? AutoGeneratedHeader { get; set; } Property Value string ClassPerFile Enables class-per-file generation. Otherwise all code will be generated in single file. Default: true In T4 compability mode: false public bool ClassPerFile { get; set; } Property Value bool ConflictingNames List of type and/or namespace names that conflict with generated code. Used to adjust code-generation to resolve conflicts. Name should include both namespace and type name (for types) with dot as namespace separator and plus as nested class separator. E.g. My.Namespace.SomeType+NestedType. Default: empty In T4 compability mode: empty public ISet<string> ConflictingNames { get; } Property Value ISet<string> EnableNullableReferenceTypes Enables generation of nullable reference type annotations in generated code. Ignored if target language doesn't support nullable reference types. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool EnableNullableReferenceTypes { get; set; } Property Value bool Indent Gets or sets string, used for a single indentation level in generated code. Default: \"\\t\" In T4 compability mode: \"\\t\" public string Indent { get; set; } Property Value string MarkAsAutoGenerated Adds <auto-generated /> comment to generated code. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool MarkAsAutoGenerated { get; set; } Property Value bool Namespace Gets or sets namespace name for generated code. Default: \"DataModel\" In T4 compability mode: \"DataModel\" public string? Namespace { get; set; } Property Value string NewLine Gets or sets string, used as newline sequence in generated code. Default: NewLine In T4 compability mode: \"\\r\\n\" public string NewLine { get; set; } Property Value string SuppressMissingXmlDocWarnings Enables suppression of missing XML documentation warnings in generated code. Applicable only to code, generated without <auto-generated /> comment. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true (both CS1573 and CS1591, T4 supporessed only CS1591) public bool SuppressMissingXmlDocWarnings { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataModelLoader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataModelLoader Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Implements database schema load and conversion to data model. public sealed class DataModelLoader Inheritance object DataModelLoader Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataModelLoader(NamingServices, ILanguageProvider, ISchemaProvider, ITypeMappingProvider, ScaffoldOptions, ScaffoldInterceptors?) public DataModelLoader(NamingServices namingServices, ILanguageProvider languageProvider, ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, ITypeMappingProvider typeMappingsProvider, ScaffoldOptions options, ScaffoldInterceptors? interceptors) Parameters namingServices NamingServices languageProvider ILanguageProvider schemaProvider ISchemaProvider typeMappingsProvider ITypeMappingProvider options ScaffoldOptions interceptors ScaffoldInterceptors Methods LoadSchema() Loads database schema into DatabaseModel object. public DatabaseModel LoadSchema() Returns DatabaseModel Loaded database model instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataModelOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataModelOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Data model-related options. public sealed class DataModelOptions Inheritance object DataModelOptions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssociationCollectionAsArray Enables use of array as collection type for association properties/methods. Otherwise see AssociationCollectionType setting. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool AssociationCollectionAsArray { get; set; } Property Value bool AssociationCollectionType When specified, many-sided association property/method will use specified type as return type. Type must be open generic type with one type argument, e.g. IEnumerable<T>, List<T> or ICollection<T>. E.g. \"System.Collections.Generic.List<>\" If not configured, IEnumerable<T> type will be used. Option ignored if AssociationCollectionType set to true. Default: not set In T4 compability mode: not set public string? AssociationCollectionType { get; set; } Property Value string AsyncProcedureResultClassNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for custom mapping class for async stored procedure results wrapper for procedure with multiple returns. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Suffix = \"Results\" In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Suffix = \"Results\" public NormalizationOptions AsyncProcedureResultClassNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions AsyncProcedureResultClassPropertiesNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for custom mapping class properties for async stored procedure results wrapper for procedure with multiple returns. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore public NormalizationOptions AsyncProcedureResultClassPropertiesNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions BaseContextClass Gets or sets type name (full name with namespace) of base class for generated data context. When not specified, DataConnection type used. Provided type should implement IDataContext interface and it is recommented to use wether DataConnection or DataContext classes or classes, derived from them. Default: not set In T4 compability mode: not set public string? BaseContextClass { get; set; } Property Value string BaseEntityClass Gets or sets name of class to use as base class for generated entities. Must be a full type name with namespace. If type is nested, it should use + for type separator, e.g. \"My.NameSpace.SomeClass+BaseEntity\" Current limitaion - type cannot be generic. Default: null In T4 compability mode: null public string? BaseEntityClass { get; set; } Property Value string ContextClassName Gets or sets name of data context class. When not set, database name will be used. If database name not provided by schema provider, \"MyDataContext\" used as name. Default: not set In T4 compability mode: not set public string? ContextClassName { get; set; } Property Value string DataContextClassNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for data context class name when name not provided by user but generated automatically. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore public NormalizationOptions DataContextClassNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions EntityClassIsPartial Enables partial class modifier applied to entity mapping classes. Default: false In T4 compability mode: true public bool EntityClassIsPartial { get; set; } Property Value bool EntityClassNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for entity classes. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Singular, PluralizeOnlyIfLastWordIsText = true In T4 compability mode: T4CompatNonPluralized, SplitByUnderscore, Singular, PluralizeOnlyIfLastWordIsText = true public NormalizationOptions EntityClassNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions EntityClassNameProvider Gets or sets custom name generator for entity class name. Default: not set In T4 compability mode: not set public Func<TableLikeObject, string?>? EntityClassNameProvider { get; set; } Property Value Func<TableLikeObject, string> EntityColumnPropertyNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for entity column properties. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore In T4 compability mode: T4CompatNonPluralized, SplitByUnderscore, MaxUpperCaseWordLength=2 public NormalizationOptions EntityColumnPropertyNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions EntityContextPropertyNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for entity table access property in data context class. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, PluralIfLongerThanOne, PluralizeOnlyIfLastWordIsText = true In T4 compability mode: T4CompatPluralized, SplitByUnderscore, PluralIfLongerThanOne, PluralizeOnlyIfLastWordIsText = true public NormalizationOptions EntityContextPropertyNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions EntityContextPropertyNameProvider Gets or sets custom name generator for data context property name to access entity table. Default: not set In T4 compability mode: not set public Func<TableLikeObject, string?>? EntityContextPropertyNameProvider { get; set; } Property Value Func<TableLikeObject, string> FindParameterNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for Find entity extension method parameters. Default: CamelCase, SplitByUnderscore, DontCaseAllCaps = false In T4 compability mode: CamelCase, SplitByUnderscore, DontCaseAllCaps = false public NormalizationOptions FindParameterNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions FunctionTupleResultClassNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for mapping class for result tuple value of scalar function. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Suffix = \"Result\" In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Suffix = \"Result\" public NormalizationOptions FunctionTupleResultClassNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions FunctionTupleResultPropertyNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for field properies of result tuple value mapping class of scalar function. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore public NormalizationOptions FunctionTupleResultPropertyNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions GenerateAssociationExtensions Enables generation of associations for foreign keys as extension methods (with entity as extended type). Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateAssociationExtensions { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateAssociations Enables generation of associations for foreign keys as entity properties. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool GenerateAssociations { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateDataType Enables generation of DataType enum value for entity column mapping. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateDataType { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateDbType Enables generation of database type name for entity column mapping. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateDbType { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateDefaultSchema Enables generation of Schema name for default schemas in mappings (for tables, views, procedures and functions). Default: false In T4 compability mode: true public bool GenerateDefaultSchema { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateFindExtensions Enables generation of extension methods to access entity by primary key value (using name Find/FindAsync/FindQuery for generated method). Default: FindByPkOnTable | FindAsyncByPkOnTable In T4 compability mode: FindByPkOnTable public FindTypes GenerateFindExtensions { get; set; } Property Value FindTypes GenerateIEquatable Enables generation of IEquatable<T> interface implementation on entity classes with primary key. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateIEquatable { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateInitDataContextMethod Enables generation of InitDataContext partial method on data context class. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool GenerateInitDataContextMethod { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateLength Enables generation of database type length for entity column mapping. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateLength { get; set; } Property Value bool GeneratePrecision Enables generation of database type precision for entity column mapping. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GeneratePrecision { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateProcedureAsync Enables generation of async version of stored procedure mapping. Default: true In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateProcedureAsync { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateProcedureParameterDbType Enables generation of database type name in stored procedure parameter mapping. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateProcedureParameterDbType { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateProcedureResultAsList When true, stored procedure mapping use List<T> as return type. Otherwise IEnumerable<T> type used. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateProcedureResultAsList { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateProcedureSync Enables generation of sync version of stored procedure mapping. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool GenerateProcedureSync { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateProceduresSchemaError Enables generation of error if stored procedure or table function schema load failed. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateProceduresSchemaError { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateScale Enables generation of database type scale for entity column mapping. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateScale { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateSchemaAsType Enables generation of context for entities and procedures/functions from non-default schemas in separate context-like class. Default: true In T4 compability mode: false public bool GenerateSchemaAsType { get; set; } Property Value bool HasConfigurationConstructor Enables generation of data context constructor with (string configurationName) parameter. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool HasConfigurationConstructor { get; set; } Property Value bool HasDefaultConstructor Enables generation of default data context constructor. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool HasDefaultConstructor { get; set; } Property Value bool HasTypedOptionsConstructor Enables generation of data context constructor with generic (DataOptions<T> options) parameter, where T is generated data context class. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool HasTypedOptionsConstructor { get; set; } Property Value bool HasUntypedOptionsConstructor Enables generation of data context constructor with non-generic (DataOptions options) parameter. Default: false In T4 compability mode: true public bool HasUntypedOptionsConstructor { get; set; } Property Value bool IncludeDatabaseInfo Enables generation of comment with database information on data context class. Includes database name, data source and server version values if available from schema provider for current database. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool IncludeDatabaseInfo { get; set; } Property Value bool IncludeDatabaseName Enables generation of Database name in mappings (for tables, views, procedures and functions). Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool IncludeDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value bool MapProcedureResultToEntity Enables reuse of generated entity mapping class and stored procedure or table function return record type, when record mappings match known entity mappings (record has same set of columns by name and type including nullability as entity). Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool MapProcedureResultToEntity { get; set; } Property Value bool Metadata Specifies type of generated metadata source. Default: Attributes In T4 compability mode: Attributes public MetadataSource Metadata { get; set; } Property Value MetadataSource OrderFindParametersByColumnOrdinal Specifies order of primary key column parameters in Find method for entity with composite primary key. Default: true In T4 compability mode: false public bool OrderFindParametersByColumnOrdinal { get; set; } Property Value bool ProcedureNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for stored procedures and functions method names. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore public NormalizationOptions ProcedureNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions ProcedureParameterNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for stored procedures and functions method parameters. Default: CamelCase, SplitByUnderscore In T4 compability mode: CamelCase, SplitByUnderscore public NormalizationOptions ProcedureParameterNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions ProcedureResultClassNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for custom mapping class for result record of stored procedure or table function. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Suffix = \"Result\" In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Suffix = \"Result\" public NormalizationOptions ProcedureResultClassNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions ProcedureResultColumnPropertyNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for column properties of custom mapping class for result record of stored procedure or table function. Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore In T4 compability mode: None, SplitByUnderscore, MaxUpperCaseWordLength=2 public NormalizationOptions ProcedureResultColumnPropertyNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions SchemaClassNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for wrapper class for non-default schema (when GenerateSchemaAsType option enabled). Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Suffix = \"Schema\" In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore, Suffix = \"Schema\" public NormalizationOptions SchemaClassNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions SchemaMap Provides base names for schema wrapper class and main data context property for additional schemas (when GenerateSchemaAsType option set). Default: empty In T4 compability mode: empty public IDictionary<string, string> SchemaMap { get; } Property Value IDictionary<string, string> SchemaPropertyNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for non-default schema data context class accessor property on main data context (when GenerateSchemaAsType option enabled). Default: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore In T4 compability mode: Pascal, SplitByUnderscore public NormalizationOptions SchemaPropertyNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions SkipProceduresWithSchemaErrors Skip generation of mappings for stored procedure, if it failed to load it's schema. Otherwise mapping will be generated, but procedure will have only parameters without return data sets. This option doesn't affect table functions with schema errors - for functions we skip them on error always, because table function must have return result set. Default: false In T4 compability mode: true public bool SkipProceduresWithSchemaErrors { get; set; } Property Value bool SourceAssociationPropertyNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for assocation from foreign key source entity side. Default: Pascal, Association In T4 compability mode: Pascal, Association public NormalizationOptions SourceAssociationPropertyNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions TableFunctionMethodInfoFieldNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for field to store MethodInfo for table function mapping method. Default: CamelCase, SplitByUnderscore, Prefix = \"_\" In T4 compability mode: CamelCase, SplitByUnderscore, Prefix = \"_\" public NormalizationOptions TableFunctionMethodInfoFieldNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions TableFunctionReturnsTable When true, table function mapping use ITable<T> as return type. Otherwise IQueryable<T> type used. Default: false In T4 compability mode: true public bool TableFunctionReturnsTable { get; set; } Property Value bool TargetMultipleAssociationPropertyNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for assocation from foreign key target entity side with multiple cardinality. Default: Pascal, Association, PluralIfLongerThanOne In T4 compability mode: Pascal, Association, PluralIfLongerThanOne public NormalizationOptions TargetMultipleAssociationPropertyNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions TargetSingularAssociationPropertyNameOptions Gets or sets name generation and normalization rules for assocation from foreign key target entity side with singular cardinality. Default: Pascal, Association In T4 compability mode: Pascal, Association public NormalizationOptions TargetSingularAssociationPropertyNameOptions { get; set; } Property Value NormalizationOptions"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FinalDataModel | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FinalDataModel Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Contains data model, used for scaffolding with final types and names, used in generated code, set. public sealed class FinalDataModel Inheritance object FinalDataModel Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AggregateFunctions Schema aggregate functions. public List<AggregateFunctionModel> AggregateFunctions { get; } Property Value List<AggregateFunctionModel> Associations Schema entities (tables and views). public List<AssociationModel> Associations { get; } Property Value List<AssociationModel> Entities Schema entities (tables and views). public List<EntityModel> Entities { get; } Property Value List<EntityModel> ScalarFunctions Schema scalar functions. public List<ScalarFunctionModel> ScalarFunctions { get; } Property Value List<ScalarFunctionModel> StoredProcedures Schema stored procedures. public List<StoredProcedureModel> StoredProcedures { get; } Property Value List<StoredProcedureModel> TableFunctions Schema table functions. public List<TableFunctionModel> TableFunctions { get; } Property Value List<TableFunctionModel>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class NameGenerationServices | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NameGenerationServices Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold.Internal Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Internal API. public static class NameGenerationServices Inheritance object NameGenerationServices Methods GenerateAssociationName(Func<SqlObjectName, string, bool>, SqlObjectName, SqlObjectName, bool, string[], string, NameTransformation, ISet<string>) public static string GenerateAssociationName(Func<SqlObjectName, string, bool> isPrimaryKeyColumn, SqlObjectName thisTable, SqlObjectName otherTable, bool isBackReference, string[] thisColumns, string fkName, NameTransformation transformationSettings, ISet<string> defaultSchemas) Parameters isPrimaryKeyColumn Func<SqlObjectName, string, bool> thisTable SqlObjectName otherTable SqlObjectName isBackReference bool thisColumns string[] fkName string transformationSettings NameTransformation defaultSchemas ISet<string> Returns string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold.Internal | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold.Internal Classes NameGenerationServices Internal API."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScaffoldInterceptors | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScaffoldInterceptors Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base class for scaffold customizations. Constains virtual methods with no-op implementation for each customization point. public abstract class ScaffoldInterceptors Inheritance object ScaffoldInterceptors Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods AfterSourceCodeGenerated(FinalDataModel) Event, triggered after source code generation done. Provides access to database model objects with final types and names set. Could be used to establish link between database object and generated code. public virtual void AfterSourceCodeGenerated(FinalDataModel model) Parameters model FinalDataModel Database model descriptors. GetAggregateFunctions(IEnumerable<AggregateFunction>) Using this method you can add, remove or modify aggregate function schema information. public virtual IEnumerable<AggregateFunction> GetAggregateFunctions(IEnumerable<AggregateFunction> functions) Parameters functions IEnumerable<AggregateFunction> Aggregate function schema, provided by schema provider. Returns IEnumerable<AggregateFunction> Aggregate function schema with interceptor logic applied. GetForeignKeys(IEnumerable<ForeignKey>) Using this method you can add, remove or modify foreign key constrains schema information. public virtual IEnumerable<ForeignKey> GetForeignKeys(IEnumerable<ForeignKey> keys) Parameters keys IEnumerable<ForeignKey> Foreign key schema, provided by schema provider. Returns IEnumerable<ForeignKey> Foreign key schema with interceptor logic applied. GetProcedures(IEnumerable<StoredProcedure>) Using this method you can add, remove or modify stored procedure schema information. public virtual IEnumerable<StoredProcedure> GetProcedures(IEnumerable<StoredProcedure> procedures) Parameters procedures IEnumerable<StoredProcedure> Stored procedure schema, provided by schema provider. Returns IEnumerable<StoredProcedure> Stored procedure schema with interceptor logic applied. GetScalarFunctions(IEnumerable<ScalarFunction>) Using this method you can add, remove or modify scalar function schema information. public virtual IEnumerable<ScalarFunction> GetScalarFunctions(IEnumerable<ScalarFunction> functions) Parameters functions IEnumerable<ScalarFunction> Scalar function schema, provided by schema provider. Returns IEnumerable<ScalarFunction> Scalar function schema with interceptor logic applied. GetTableFunctions(IEnumerable<TableFunction>) Using this method you can add, remove or modify table function schema information. public virtual IEnumerable<TableFunction> GetTableFunctions(IEnumerable<TableFunction> functions) Parameters functions IEnumerable<TableFunction> Table function schema, provided by schema provider. Returns IEnumerable<TableFunction> Table function schema with interceptor logic applied. GetTables(IEnumerable<Table>) Using this method you can add, remove or modify table schema information. public virtual IEnumerable<Table> GetTables(IEnumerable<Table> tables) Parameters tables IEnumerable<Table> Table schema, provided by schema provider. Returns IEnumerable<Table> Table schema with interceptor logic applied. GetTypeMapping(DatabaseType, ITypeParser, TypeMapping?) Using this method you can specify which .NET type and DataType enum value to use with specific database type. Method called only once per database type. CLRType shouldn't be a nullable type, as nullability applied to it later automatically based on owning object (e.g. column or procedure parameter) nullability. public virtual TypeMapping? GetTypeMapping(DatabaseType databaseType, ITypeParser typeParser, TypeMapping? defaultMapping) Parameters databaseType DatabaseType Database type specification. typeParser ITypeParser Type parser to create value for CLRType property from Type instance or type name string. defaultMapping TypeMapping Default type mapping for specified databaseType. Returns TypeMapping Type mapping information for specified databaseType. GetViews(IEnumerable<View>) Using this method you can add, remove or modify view schema information. public virtual IEnumerable<View> GetViews(IEnumerable<View> views) Parameters views IEnumerable<View> View schema, provided by schema provider. Returns IEnumerable<View> View schema with interceptor logic applied. PreprocessAggregateFunction(ITypeParser, AggregateFunctionModel) Using this method user could modify aggregate function code generation options: Return type: ReturnType Function metadata: Metadata Method code-generation options: Method Parameters: Parameters public virtual void PreprocessAggregateFunction(ITypeParser typeParser, AggregateFunctionModel functionModel) Parameters typeParser ITypeParser Type parser service to create type tokens. functionModel AggregateFunctionModel Function model descriptor. PreprocessAssociation(ITypeParser, AssociationModel) Using this method user could modify association code generation options: Metadata for both sides of association: SourceMetadata and TargetMetadata Configure association properties in entity classes: Property and BackreferenceProperty Configure association extension methods: Extension and BackreferenceExtension Association cardinality: ManyToOne Also it is possible to modify set of columns, used by association, but it is probably not very useful. public virtual void PreprocessAssociation(ITypeParser typeParser, AssociationModel associationModel) Parameters typeParser ITypeParser Type parser service to create type tokens. associationModel AssociationModel Association model descriptor. PreprocessEntity(ITypeParser, EntityModel) Using this method user could modify entity code generation options: modify associated table/view metadata descriptor: Metadata modify entity class code generation options including custom attributes: Class modify/add/remove data context table access property: ContextProperty edit list of generated Find/FindAsync/FindQuery extensions: FindExtensions modify column list: Columns including column metadata and property code generation options. public virtual void PreprocessEntity(ITypeParser typeParser, EntityModel entityModel) Parameters typeParser ITypeParser Type parser service to create type tokens. entityModel EntityModel Entity model descriptor. PreprocessScalarFunction(ITypeParser, ScalarFunctionModel) Using this method user could modify scalar function code generation options: Return scalar value or tuple descriptor: Return or ReturnTuple Function metadata: Metadata Method code-generation options: Method Parameters: Parameters public virtual void PreprocessScalarFunction(ITypeParser typeParser, ScalarFunctionModel functionModel) Parameters typeParser ITypeParser Type parser service to create type tokens. functionModel ScalarFunctionModel Function model descriptor. PreprocessStoredProcedure(ITypeParser, StoredProcedureModel) Using this method user could modify stored procedure code generation options: Return parameter descriptor: Return Return tables (data sets) descriptor: Results Error, returned by data set schema load procedure: Error Metadata (procedure name): Name Method code-generation options: Method Parameters: Parameters public virtual void PreprocessStoredProcedure(ITypeParser typeParser, StoredProcedureModel procedureModel) Parameters typeParser ITypeParser Type parser service to create type tokens. procedureModel StoredProcedureModel Stored procedure model descriptor. PreprocessTableFunction(ITypeParser, TableFunctionModel) Using this method user could modify table function code generation options: Function metadata: Metadata Return table descriptor: Result Error, returned by data set schema load procedure: Error Metadata (function name): Name Method code-generation options: Method Parameters: Parameters public virtual void PreprocessTableFunction(ITypeParser typeParser, TableFunctionModel functionModel) Parameters typeParser ITypeParser Type parser service to create type tokens. functionModel TableFunctionModel Function model descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScaffoldOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScaffoldOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ScaffoldOptions Inheritance object ScaffoldOptions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CodeGeneration public CodeGenerationOptions CodeGeneration { get; } Property Value CodeGenerationOptions DataModel public DataModelOptions DataModel { get; } Property Value DataModelOptions Schema public SchemaOptions Schema { get; } Property Value SchemaOptions Methods Default() Gets default scaffold options. public static ScaffoldOptions Default() Returns ScaffoldOptions Options object. T4() Gets options that correspond to default settings, used by T4 templates. public static ScaffoldOptions T4() Returns ScaffoldOptions Options object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Scaffolder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Scaffolder Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Helper class to simplify common scenario of data model generation from database. public sealed class Scaffolder Inheritance object Scaffolder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors Scaffolder(ILanguageProvider, INameConversionProvider, ScaffoldOptions, ScaffoldInterceptors?) Creates instance of data model codegerator from database connection. public Scaffolder(ILanguageProvider languageProvider, INameConversionProvider nameConverter, ScaffoldOptions options, ScaffoldInterceptors? interceptors) Parameters languageProvider ILanguageProvider Language provider to use for data model codegeneration. nameConverter INameConversionProvider INameConversionProvider pluralization service implementation. options ScaffoldOptions Scaffolding process customization options. interceptors ScaffoldInterceptors Optional custom scaffold interceptors. Properties Language Gets language provider, used by current instance. public ILanguageProvider Language { get; } Property Value ILanguageProvider Methods GenerateCodeModel(ISqlBuilder, DatabaseModel, IMetadataBuilder?, params ConvertCodeModelVisitor[]) Converts database model to code model (AST). public CodeFile[] GenerateCodeModel(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, DatabaseModel dataModel, IMetadataBuilder? metadataBuilder, params ConvertCodeModelVisitor[] modelConverters) Parameters sqlBuilder ISqlBuilder Database-specific ISqlBuilder instance. dataModel DatabaseModel Database model. metadataBuilder IMetadataBuilder Data model metadata builder. modelConverters ConvertCodeModelVisitor[] Optional AST post-processing converters. Returns CodeFile[] Code model as collection of code file models. GenerateSourceCode(DatabaseModel, params CodeFile[]) Converts per-file code models (AST) to source code using current language (used by current instance). public SourceCodeFile[] GenerateSourceCode(DatabaseModel dataModel, params CodeFile[] files) Parameters dataModel DatabaseModel Data model, used for code generation. files CodeFile[] Code models. Returns SourceCodeFile[] Source code with file names. LoadDataModel(ISchemaProvider, ITypeMappingProvider) Loads database schema into DatabaseModel object. public DatabaseModel LoadDataModel(ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, ITypeMappingProvider typeMappingsProvider) Parameters schemaProvider ISchemaProvider Database schema provider. typeMappingsProvider ITypeMappingProvider Database types mappings provider. Returns DatabaseModel Loaded database model instance."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SchemaOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SchemaOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public sealed class SchemaOptions Inheritance object SchemaOptions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Catalogs List of catalogs(databases) to include or exclude (see IncludeCatalogs) from schema load. Default: empty In T4 compability mode: empty public ISet<string> Catalogs { get; } Property Value ISet<string> DefaultSchemas List of default schemas. When null, use default schema information from database schema provider. Default: null In T4 compability mode: null public ISet<string>? DefaultSchemas { get; set; } Property Value ISet<string> EnableSqlServerReturnValue Generate RETURN_VALUE stored procedure parameter for SQL Server. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool EnableSqlServerReturnValue { get; set; } Property Value bool IgnoreDuplicateForeignKeys Specify that schema load procedure should ignore duplicate foreign keys (keys with different names but same set of columns). If ignore mode enabled, only one instance of foreign key will be loaded (in order, returned from database). Default: true In T4 compability mode: false public bool IgnoreDuplicateForeignKeys { get; set; } Property Value bool IgnoreSystemHistoryTables This option applied only to SQL Server 2016+ and, when enabled, removes history tables information for temporal tables from schema load results. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool IgnoreSystemHistoryTables { get; set; } Property Value bool IncludeCatalogs Specify how to treat Catalogs list, when it is not empty. When true, load only specified catalogs, otherwise all load catalogs except specififed in Catalogs. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool IncludeCatalogs { get; set; } Property Value bool IncludeSchemas Specify how to treat Schemas list, when it is not empty. When true, load only specified schemas, otherwise load all schemas except specififed in Schemas. Default: true In T4 compability mode: true public bool IncludeSchemas { get; set; } Property Value bool LoadAggregateFunction Delegate to filter loaded aggregate functions by database name (only name and schema provided). Returns true, if aggregate function should be loaded. Default: all aggregate functions allowed. In T4 compability mode: all aggregate functions allowed public Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadAggregateFunction { get; set; } Property Value Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadDatabaseName Include database name component into db object name in schema. Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool LoadDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value bool LoadProcedureSchema Delegate to specify if schema should be loaded for procedure by procedure's database name (only name and schema provided). Returns true, if procedure schema should be loaded. Default: all procedures allowed. In T4 compability mode: all procedures allowed public Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadProcedureSchema { get; set; } Property Value Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadProceduresSchema Specify stored procedures schema load mode: with result schema or without. Default: false In T4 compability mode: true public bool LoadProceduresSchema { get; set; } Property Value bool LoadScalarFunction Delegate to filter loaded scalar functions by database name (only name and schema provided). Returns true, if scalar function should be loaded. Default: all scalar functions allowed. In T4 compability mode: all scalar functions allowed public Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadScalarFunction { get; set; } Property Value Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadStoredProcedure Delegate to filter loaded stored procedured by database name (only name and schema provided). Returns true, if stored procedure should be loaded. Default: all stored procedures allowed. In T4 compability mode: all stored procedures allowed public Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadStoredProcedure { get; set; } Property Value Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadTableFunction Delegate to filter loaded table functions by database name (only name and schema provided). Returns true, if table function should be loaded. Default: all table functions allowed. In T4 compability mode: all table functions allowed public Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadTableFunction { get; set; } Property Value Func<SqlObjectName, bool> LoadTableOrView Delegate to filter loaded tables and views by database name (only name and schema provided). Returns true, if table/view should be loaded. Second parameter (isView) in delegate provides true for view and false for table. Default: all tables and views allowed. In T4 compability mode: all tables and views allowed. public Func<SqlObjectName, bool, bool> LoadTableOrView { get; set; } Property Value Func<SqlObjectName, bool, bool> LoadedObjects Gets or sets flags, that specify which database objects to load from database schema. Default: Table | View | ForeignKey In T4 compability mode: Table | View | ForeignKey | StoredProcedure | ScalarFunction | TableFunction | AggregateFunction public SchemaObjects LoadedObjects { get; set; } Property Value SchemaObjects PreferProviderSpecificTypes When set to true, will prefer generation of provider-specific types instead of general types in mappings (for columns and procedure/function parameters). Default: false In T4 compability mode: false public bool PreferProviderSpecificTypes { get; set; } Property Value bool Schemas List of schemas(owners) to include or exclude (see IncludeSchemas) from schema load. Default: empty In T4 compability mode: empty public ISet<string> Schemas { get; } Property Value ISet<string> UseSafeSchemaLoad Specify stored procedure or table function schema load mode. When false, procedure or function will be executed with SchemaOnly option. Otherwise more safe approach will be used (currently supported only by SQL Server and uses sp_describe_first_result_set stored procedure). If safe-load mode not supported by database, schema load will be disabled. While SchemaOnly is safe in most of cases, it could create issues, when executed procedure contains non-transactional logic. Default: true In T4 compability mode: false public bool UseSafeSchemaLoad { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SourceCodeFile | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SourceCodeFile Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Single-file source code with file name. public record SourceCodeFile : IEquatable<SourceCodeFile> Inheritance object SourceCodeFile Implements IEquatable<SourceCodeFile> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors SourceCodeFile(string, string) Single-file source code with file name. public SourceCodeFile(string FileName, string Code) Parameters FileName string File name (with extension; without path). Code string Source code. Properties Code Source code. public string Code { get; init; } Property Value string FileName File name (with extension; without path). public string FileName { get; init; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Scaffold Classes CodeGenerationOptions General code-generation options, not related to data model directly. DataModelLoader Implements database schema load and conversion to data model. DataModelOptions Data model-related options. FinalDataModel Contains data model, used for scaffolding with final types and names, used in generated code, set. ScaffoldInterceptors Base class for scaffold customizations. Constains virtual methods with no-op implementation for each customization point. ScaffoldOptions Scaffolder Helper class to simplify common scenario of data model generation from database. SchemaOptions SourceCodeFile Single-file source code with file name."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AggregateFunction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AggregateFunction Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Aggregate function descriptor. public sealed record AggregateFunction : CallableObject, IEquatable<CallableObject>, IEquatable<AggregateFunction> Inheritance object CallableObject AggregateFunction Implements IEquatable<CallableObject> IEquatable<AggregateFunction> Inherited Members CallableObject.Kind CallableObject.Name CallableObject.Description CallableObject.Parameters CallableObject.ToString() Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors AggregateFunction(SqlObjectName, string?, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter>, ScalarResult) Aggregate function descriptor. public AggregateFunction(SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters, ScalarResult Result) Parameters Name SqlObjectName Function name. Description string Optional function description. Parameters IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Ordered list of parameters. Result ScalarResult Function return value descriptor. Properties Result Function return value descriptor. public ScalarResult Result { get; init; } Property Value ScalarResult"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AggregateTypeMappingsProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AggregateTypeMappingsProvider Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Implements aggregated ITypeMappingProvider provider. public sealed class AggregateTypeMappingsProvider : ITypeMappingProvider Inheritance object AggregateTypeMappingsProvider Implements ITypeMappingProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors AggregateTypeMappingsProvider(params ITypeMappingProvider[]) Creates instance of AggregateTypeMappingsProvider. public AggregateTypeMappingsProvider(params ITypeMappingProvider[] providers) Parameters providers ITypeMappingProvider[] Aggregated providers."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum CallableKind | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum CallableKind Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Kind of callable object. public enum CallableKind Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields AggregateFunction = 1 Aggregate function. ScalarFunction = 0 Scalar function. StoredProcedure = 3 Stored procedure. TableFunction = 2 Table function."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CallableObject | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CallableObject Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Describes callable database object, e.g. stored procedure or function. public abstract record CallableObject : IEquatable<CallableObject> Inheritance object CallableObject Implements IEquatable<CallableObject> Derived AggregateFunction ScalarFunction StoredProcedure TableFunction Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors CallableObject(CallableKind, SqlObjectName, string?, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter>) Describes callable database object, e.g. stored procedure or function. protected CallableObject(CallableKind Kind, SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters) Parameters Kind CallableKind Callable object type. Name SqlObjectName Callable object name. Description string Optional object description. Parameters IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Ordered list of parameters. Doesn't include return value parameter (when object supports it). Properties Description Optional object description. public string? Description { get; init; } Property Value string Kind Callable object type. public CallableKind Kind { get; init; } Property Value CallableKind Name Callable object name. public SqlObjectName Name { get; init; } Property Value SqlObjectName Parameters Ordered list of parameters. Doesn't include return value parameter (when object supports it). public IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters { get; init; } Property Value IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Column | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Column Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Table or view column descriptor. public sealed record Column : IEquatable<Column> Inheritance object Column Implements IEquatable<Column> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors Column(string, string?, DatabaseType, bool, bool, bool, int?) Table or view column descriptor. public Column(string Name, string? Description, DatabaseType Type, bool Nullable, bool Insertable, bool Updatable, int? Ordinal) Parameters Name string Column name. Description string Optional column description. Type DatabaseType Column type. Nullable bool Column allows NULL values. Insertable bool Flag indicating that column accepts user-provided values for insert operations. Updatable bool Flag indicating that column accepts user-provided values for update operations. Ordinal int? Column ordinal. Properties Description Optional column description. public string? Description { get; init; } Property Value string Insertable Flag indicating that column accepts user-provided values for insert operations. public bool Insertable { get; init; } Property Value bool Name Column name. public string Name { get; init; } Property Value string Nullable Column allows NULL values. public bool Nullable { get; init; } Property Value bool Ordinal Column ordinal. public int? Ordinal { get; init; } Property Value int? Type Column type. public DatabaseType Type { get; init; } Property Value DatabaseType Updatable Flag indicating that column accepts user-provided values for update operations. public bool Updatable { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Database-specific scaffold options. Defines default values. public class DatabaseOptions Inheritance object DatabaseOptions Derived SqlServerDatabaseOptions Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DatabaseOptions() protected DatabaseOptions() Fields Default public static readonly DatabaseOptions Default Field Value DatabaseOptions Properties ScalarFunctionSchemaRequired Indicates that database requires that invoked scalar function should specify schema name. Default value: false. public virtual bool ScalarFunctionSchemaRequired { get; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseType Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Database type descriptor. public sealed record DatabaseType : IEquatable<DatabaseType> Inheritance object DatabaseType Implements IEquatable<DatabaseType> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Remarks While for some types some databases provide Length, Precision or Scale values, this descriptor include values for those properties only if they are part of type definition in SQL and not equal to default value for this type (in cases when such values could be ommited from type definition). Type nullability also not included here, as it is a property of typed object. Constructors DatabaseType(string?, int?, int?, int?) Database type descriptor. public DatabaseType(string? Name, int? Length, int? Precision, int? Scale) Parameters Name string Type name. Length int? Optional type length. Precision int? Optional type precision. Scale int? Optional type scale. Remarks While for some types some databases provide Length, Precision or Scale values, this descriptor include values for those properties only if they are part of type definition in SQL and not equal to default value for this type (in cases when such values could be ommited from type definition). Type nullability also not included here, as it is a property of typed object. Properties Length Optional type length. public int? Length { get; init; } Property Value int? Name Type name. public string? Name { get; init; } Property Value string Precision Optional type precision. public int? Precision { get; init; } Property Value int? Scale Optional type scale. public int? Scale { get; init; } Property Value int? Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ForeignKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ForeignKey Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Describes foreign key relation between tables. public sealed record ForeignKey : IEquatable<ForeignKey> Inheritance object ForeignKey Implements IEquatable<ForeignKey> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ForeignKey(string, SqlObjectName, SqlObjectName, IReadOnlyList<ForeignKeyColumnMapping>) Describes foreign key relation between tables. public ForeignKey(string Name, SqlObjectName Source, SqlObjectName Target, IReadOnlyList<ForeignKeyColumnMapping> Relation) Parameters Name string Name of foreign key. Source SqlObjectName Table, that references other table. Target SqlObjectName Table, referenced by foreign key. Relation IReadOnlyList<ForeignKeyColumnMapping> Ordered list of source-target pairs of columns, used by foreign key relation. Properties Name Name of foreign key. public string Name { get; init; } Property Value string Relation Ordered list of source-target pairs of columns, used by foreign key relation. public IReadOnlyList<ForeignKeyColumnMapping> Relation { get; init; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<ForeignKeyColumnMapping> Source Table, that references other table. public SqlObjectName Source { get; init; } Property Value SqlObjectName Target Table, referenced by foreign key. public SqlObjectName Target { get; init; } Property Value SqlObjectName Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ForeignKeyColumnMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ForeignKeyColumnMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Foreign key source-target column pair. public sealed record ForeignKeyColumnMapping : IEquatable<ForeignKeyColumnMapping> Inheritance object ForeignKeyColumnMapping Implements IEquatable<ForeignKeyColumnMapping> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ForeignKeyColumnMapping(string, string) Foreign key source-target column pair. public ForeignKeyColumnMapping(string SourceColumn, string TargetColumn) Parameters SourceColumn string Column in foreign key source table. TargetColumn string Column in foreign key target table. Properties SourceColumn Column in foreign key source table. public string SourceColumn { get; init; } Property Value string TargetColumn Column in foreign key target table. public string TargetColumn { get; init; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ISchemaProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISchemaProvider Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Database schema provider. public interface ISchemaProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataSource Gets value of DataSource property. Returned value is implementation-specific to used ADO.NET provider. string? DataSource { get; } Property Value string DatabaseName Gets current database name. string? DatabaseName { get; } Property Value string DatabaseOptions Database-specific options, useful for scaffold process. DatabaseOptions DatabaseOptions { get; } Property Value DatabaseOptions ServerVersion Gets current server name. string? ServerVersion { get; } Property Value string Methods GetAggregateFunctions() Returns schema information for all aggregate functions. IEnumerable<AggregateFunction> GetAggregateFunctions() Returns IEnumerable<AggregateFunction> Aggregate functions schema collection. GetDefaultSchemas() Gets list of default database schemas. ISet<string> GetDefaultSchemas() Returns ISet<string> List of default schemas. GetForeignKeys() Returns schema information for all foreign keys. IEnumerable<ForeignKey> GetForeignKeys() Returns IEnumerable<ForeignKey> Foreign keys schema collection. GetProcedures(bool, bool) Returns schema information for all stored procedures. IEnumerable<StoredProcedure> GetProcedures(bool withSchema, bool safeSchemaOnly) Parameters withSchema bool Try to load result records schema. safeSchemaOnly bool When withSchema is true, specify record schema load method: true: read record metadata (not supported by most of databases) false: execute procedure in schema-only mode. Could lead to unwanted side-effects if procedure contains non-transactional functionality Returns IEnumerable<StoredProcedure> Stored procedures schema collection. GetScalarFunctions() Returns schema information for all scalar functions. IEnumerable<ScalarFunction> GetScalarFunctions() Returns IEnumerable<ScalarFunction> Scalar functions schema collection. GetTableFunctions() Returns schema information for all table functions. IEnumerable<TableFunction> GetTableFunctions() Returns IEnumerable<TableFunction> Table functions schema collection. GetTables() Returns schema information for all tables. IEnumerable<Table> GetTables() Returns IEnumerable<Table> Tables schema collection. GetViews() Returns schema information for all views. IEnumerable<View> GetViews() Returns IEnumerable<View> Views schema collection."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface ITypeMappingProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ITypeMappingProvider Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Service to map database type to .net type with DataType hint. public interface ITypeMappingProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Methods GetTypeMapping(DatabaseType) Returns mapping information for specific database type: .net type and optionally DataType hint enum. TypeMapping? GetTypeMapping(DatabaseType databaseType) Parameters databaseType DatabaseType Database type. Returns TypeMapping Mapping to .net type or null, if no mapping defined for specified database type."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Identity | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Identity Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Identity column descriptor. public sealed record Identity : IEquatable<Identity> Inheritance object Identity Implements IEquatable<Identity> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors Identity(string, Sequence?) Identity column descriptor. public Identity(string Column, Sequence? Sequence) Parameters Column string Identity column. Sequence Sequence Identity sequence definition. Properties Column Identity column. public string Column { get; init; } Property Value string Sequence Identity sequence definition. public Sequence? Sequence { get; init; } Property Value Sequence Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class LegacySchemaProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LegacySchemaProvider Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Default schema provider implementation over existing GetSchema(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions?) API. public sealed class LegacySchemaProvider : ISchemaProvider, ITypeMappingProvider Inheritance object LegacySchemaProvider Implements ISchemaProvider ITypeMappingProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors LegacySchemaProvider(DataConnection, SchemaOptions, ILanguageProvider) public LegacySchemaProvider(DataConnection connection, SchemaOptions options, ILanguageProvider languageProvider) Parameters connection DataConnection options SchemaOptions languageProvider ILanguageProvider"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MergedAccessSchemaProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MergedAccessSchemaProvider Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Implements schema provider for MS Access, that takes schema from OLE DB and ODBC providers and merge it into single schema without errors, existing in both providers. public sealed class MergedAccessSchemaProvider : ISchemaProvider Inheritance object MergedAccessSchemaProvider Implements ISchemaProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors MergedAccessSchemaProvider(ISchemaProvider, ISchemaProvider) Creates instance of MergedAccessSchemaProvider. public MergedAccessSchemaProvider(ISchemaProvider oleDbSchema, ISchemaProvider odbcSchema) Parameters oleDbSchema ISchemaProvider OLE DB-based Access schema provider. odbcSchema ISchemaProvider ODBC-based Access schema provider."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Parameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Parameter Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Function or procedure parameter descriptor. public sealed record Parameter : IEquatable<Parameter> Inheritance object Parameter Implements IEquatable<Parameter> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors Parameter(string, string?, DatabaseType, bool, ParameterDirection) Function or procedure parameter descriptor. public Parameter(string Name, string? Description, DatabaseType Type, bool Nullable, ParameterDirection Direction) Parameters Name string Parameter name. Description string Optional parameter description. Type DatabaseType Parameter type. Nullable bool Parameter allows NULL value. Direction ParameterDirection Parameter direction. Properties Description Optional parameter description. public string? Description { get; init; } Property Value string Direction Parameter direction. public ParameterDirection Direction { get; init; } Property Value ParameterDirection Name Parameter name. public string Name { get; init; } Property Value string Nullable Parameter allows NULL value. public bool Nullable { get; init; } Property Value bool Type Parameter type. public DatabaseType Type { get; init; } Property Value DatabaseType"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum ParameterDirection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum ParameterDirection Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Function or procedure parameter direction. Usually applies to procedures only as most of databases support only input parameters for functions. public enum ParameterDirection Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Input = 0 Input (IN) parameter. InputOutput = 2 Input/output (IN OUT) parameter. Output = 1 Output (OUT) parameter."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PrimaryKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PrimaryKey Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Table primary key constraint descriptor. public sealed record PrimaryKey : IEquatable<PrimaryKey> Inheritance object PrimaryKey Implements IEquatable<PrimaryKey> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors PrimaryKey(string?, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) Table primary key constraint descriptor. public PrimaryKey(string? Name, IReadOnlyCollection<string> Columns) Parameters Name string Primary key name. Columns IReadOnlyCollection<string> Primary key columns, ordered by constraint ordinal. Properties Columns Primary key columns, ordered by constraint ordinal. public IReadOnlyCollection<string> Columns { get; init; } Property Value IReadOnlyCollection<string> Name Primary key name. public string? Name { get; init; } Property Value string Methods GetColumnPositionInKey(Column) Gets position of specified column in primary key. public int GetColumnPositionInKey(Column column) Parameters column Column Primary key column. Returns int Position (0-based ordinal) of column in primary key. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Provided column not found in primary key. ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Result | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Result Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Base function result descriptor. public abstract record Result : IEquatable<Result> Inheritance object Result Implements IEquatable<Result> Derived ScalarResult TupleResult VoidResult Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors Result(ResultKind) Base function result descriptor. protected Result(ResultKind Kind) Parameters Kind ResultKind Kind of result value. Properties Kind Kind of result value. public ResultKind Kind { get; init; } Property Value ResultKind"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ResultColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResultColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Column descriptor for table function or procedure result set. public sealed record ResultColumn : IEquatable<ResultColumn> Inheritance object ResultColumn Implements IEquatable<ResultColumn> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ResultColumn(string?, DatabaseType, bool) Column descriptor for table function or procedure result set. public ResultColumn(string? Name, DatabaseType Type, bool Nullable) Parameters Name string Column name. Type DatabaseType Column type. Nullable bool Column allows NULL values. Properties Name Column name. public string? Name { get; init; } Property Value string Nullable Column allows NULL values. public bool Nullable { get; init; } Property Value bool Type Column type. public DatabaseType Type { get; init; } Property Value DatabaseType Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum ResultKind | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum ResultKind Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type of scalar result for function or procedure. public enum ResultKind Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Scalar = 2 Function returns scalar value. Tuple = 1 Function returns tuple object. Void = 0 Function returns no value."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarFunction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarFunction Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Scalar function descriptor. public sealed record ScalarFunction : CallableObject, IEquatable<CallableObject>, IEquatable<ScalarFunction> Inheritance object CallableObject ScalarFunction Implements IEquatable<CallableObject> IEquatable<ScalarFunction> Inherited Members CallableObject.Kind CallableObject.Name CallableObject.Description CallableObject.Parameters CallableObject.ToString() Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ScalarFunction(SqlObjectName, string?, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter>, Result) Scalar function descriptor. public ScalarFunction(SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters, Result Result) Parameters Name SqlObjectName Function name. Description string Optional function description. Parameters IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Ordered list of parameters. Result Result Function return value descriptor. Properties Result Function return value descriptor. public Result Result { get; init; } Property Value Result"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarResult | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarResult Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Scalar return value descriptor. public sealed record ScalarResult : Result, IEquatable<Result>, IEquatable<ScalarResult> Inheritance object Result ScalarResult Implements IEquatable<Result> IEquatable<ScalarResult> Inherited Members Result.Kind Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ScalarResult(string?, DatabaseType, bool) Scalar return value descriptor. public ScalarResult(string? Name, DatabaseType Type, bool Nullable) Parameters Name string Optional name for return value parameter. Type DatabaseType Type of return value. Nullable bool Return value could contain NULL. Properties Name Optional name for return value parameter. public string? Name { get; init; } Property Value string Nullable Return value could contain NULL. public bool Nullable { get; init; } Property Value bool Type Type of return value. public DatabaseType Type { get; init; } Property Value DatabaseType Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Enum SchemaObjects | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SchemaObjects Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Defines loadable database objects. Used to specify types of database objects that should be loaded from schema. Doesn't include dependent objects like parameters or columns. [Flags] public enum SchemaObjects Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields AggregateFunction = 32 Aggregate function. ForeignKey = 64 Foreign key. None = 0 Nothing selected. ScalarFunction = 16 Scalar function. StoredProcedure = 4 Stored procedure. Table = 1 Table. TableFunction = 8 Table function. View = 2 View."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Sequence | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sequence Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Sequence definition. public sealed record Sequence : IEquatable<Sequence> Inheritance object Sequence Implements IEquatable<Sequence> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors Sequence(SqlObjectName?) Sequence definition. public Sequence(SqlObjectName? Name) Parameters Name SqlObjectName? Optional sequence name. Properties Name Optional sequence name. public SqlObjectName? Name { get; init; } Property Value SqlObjectName? Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SqlServerDatabaseOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerDatabaseOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll SQL Server database-specific scaffold options. public sealed class SqlServerDatabaseOptions : DatabaseOptions Inheritance object DatabaseOptions SqlServerDatabaseOptions Inherited Members DatabaseOptions.Default Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Fields Instance public static readonly SqlServerDatabaseOptions Instance Field Value SqlServerDatabaseOptions Properties ScalarFunctionSchemaRequired Indicates that SQL Server requires schema name on scalar function invocation. public override bool ScalarFunctionSchemaRequired { get; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class StoredProcedure | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class StoredProcedure Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Stored procedure descriptor. public sealed record StoredProcedure : CallableObject, IEquatable<CallableObject>, IEquatable<StoredProcedure> Inheritance object CallableObject StoredProcedure Implements IEquatable<CallableObject> IEquatable<StoredProcedure> Inherited Members CallableObject.Kind CallableObject.Name CallableObject.Description CallableObject.Parameters CallableObject.ToString() Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors StoredProcedure(SqlObjectName, string?, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter>, Exception?, IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<ResultColumn>>?, Result) Stored procedure descriptor. public StoredProcedure(SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters, Exception? SchemaError, IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<ResultColumn>>? ResultSets, Result Result) Parameters Name SqlObjectName Procedure name. Description string Optional procedure description. Parameters IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Ordered list of parameters. SchemaError Exception If ResultSets schema failed to load, contains generated exception. ResultSets IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<ResultColumn>> Result sets schema or null if schema load failed. Result Result Procedure scalar return value descriptor. Properties Result Procedure scalar return value descriptor. public Result Result { get; init; } Property Value Result ResultSets Result sets schema or null if schema load failed. public IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<ResultColumn>>? ResultSets { get; init; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<ResultColumn>> SchemaError If ResultSets schema failed to load, contains generated exception. public Exception? SchemaError { get; init; } Property Value Exception"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Table | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Table Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Table descriptor. public sealed record Table : TableLikeObject, IEquatable<TableLikeObject>, IEquatable<Table> Inheritance object TableLikeObject Table Implements IEquatable<TableLikeObject> IEquatable<Table> Inherited Members TableLikeObject.Name TableLikeObject.Description TableLikeObject.Columns TableLikeObject.Identity TableLikeObject.PrimaryKey TableLikeObject.ToString() Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors Table(SqlObjectName, string?, IReadOnlyCollection<Column>, Identity?, PrimaryKey?) Table descriptor. public Table(SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Columns, Identity? Identity, PrimaryKey? PrimaryKey) Parameters Name SqlObjectName Name of table. Description string Optional description, associated with table. Columns IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Ordered (by ordinal) list of table columns. Identity Identity Optional identity column descriptor. PrimaryKey PrimaryKey Optional primary key descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TableFunction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableFunction Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Table function descriptor. public sealed record TableFunction : CallableObject, IEquatable<CallableObject>, IEquatable<TableFunction> Inheritance object CallableObject TableFunction Implements IEquatable<CallableObject> IEquatable<TableFunction> Inherited Members CallableObject.Kind CallableObject.Name CallableObject.Description CallableObject.Parameters CallableObject.ToString() Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TableFunction(SqlObjectName, string?, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter>, Exception?, IReadOnlyCollection<ResultColumn>?) Table function descriptor. public TableFunction(SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters, Exception? SchemaError, IReadOnlyCollection<ResultColumn>? Result) Parameters Name SqlObjectName Function name. Description string Optional function description. Parameters IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Ordered list of parameters. SchemaError Exception If Result schema failed to load, contains generated exception. Result IReadOnlyCollection<ResultColumn> Result set schema or null if schema load failed. Properties Result Result set schema or null if schema load failed. public IReadOnlyCollection<ResultColumn>? Result { get; init; } Property Value IReadOnlyCollection<ResultColumn> SchemaError If Result schema failed to load, contains generated exception. public Exception? SchemaError { get; init; } Property Value Exception"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TableLikeObject | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableLikeObject Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Queryable table-like object descriptor. public abstract record TableLikeObject : IEquatable<TableLikeObject> Inheritance object TableLikeObject Implements IEquatable<TableLikeObject> Derived Table View Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TableLikeObject(SqlObjectName, string?, IReadOnlyCollection<Column>, Identity?, PrimaryKey?) Queryable table-like object descriptor. protected TableLikeObject(SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Columns, Identity? Identity, PrimaryKey? PrimaryKey) Parameters Name SqlObjectName Name of object. Description string Optional description, associated with current object. Columns IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Ordered (by ordinal) list of columns. Identity Identity Optional identity column descriptor. PrimaryKey PrimaryKey Optional primary key descriptor. Properties Columns Ordered (by ordinal) list of columns. public IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Columns { get; init; } Property Value IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Description Optional description, associated with current object. public string? Description { get; init; } Property Value string Identity Optional identity column descriptor. public Identity? Identity { get; init; } Property Value Identity Name Name of object. public SqlObjectName Name { get; init; } Property Value SqlObjectName PrimaryKey Optional primary key descriptor. public PrimaryKey? PrimaryKey { get; init; } Property Value PrimaryKey Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TupleResult | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TupleResult Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Tuple-like return type descriptor. public sealed record TupleResult : Result, IEquatable<Result>, IEquatable<TupleResult> Inheritance object Result TupleResult Implements IEquatable<Result> IEquatable<TupleResult> Inherited Members Result.Kind Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TupleResult(IReadOnlyCollection<ScalarResult>, bool) Tuple-like return type descriptor. public TupleResult(IReadOnlyCollection<ScalarResult> Fields, bool Nullable) Parameters Fields IReadOnlyCollection<ScalarResult> Ordered tuple fields. Nullable bool Return tuple could be NULL. Properties Fields Ordered tuple fields. public IReadOnlyCollection<ScalarResult> Fields { get; init; } Property Value IReadOnlyCollection<ScalarResult> Nullable Return tuple could be NULL. public bool Nullable { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class TypeMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Type mapping information. public sealed record TypeMapping : IEquatable<TypeMapping> Inheritance object TypeMapping Implements IEquatable<TypeMapping> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors TypeMapping(IType, DataType?) Type mapping information. public TypeMapping(IType CLRType, DataType? DataType) Parameters CLRType IType .net type. DataType DataType? Optional DataType hint. Properties CLRType .net type. public IType CLRType { get; init; } Property Value IType DataType Optional DataType hint. public DataType? DataType { get; init; } Property Value DataType?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class View | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class View Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll View descriptor. public sealed record View : TableLikeObject, IEquatable<TableLikeObject>, IEquatable<View> Inheritance object TableLikeObject View Implements IEquatable<TableLikeObject> IEquatable<View> Inherited Members TableLikeObject.Name TableLikeObject.Description TableLikeObject.Columns TableLikeObject.Identity TableLikeObject.PrimaryKey TableLikeObject.ToString() Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors View(SqlObjectName, string?, IReadOnlyCollection<Column>, Identity?, PrimaryKey?) View descriptor. public View(SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Columns, Identity? Identity, PrimaryKey? PrimaryKey) Parameters Name SqlObjectName Name of view. Description string Optional description, associated with view. Columns IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Ordered (by ordinal) list of view columns. Identity Identity Optional identity column descriptor. PrimaryKey PrimaryKey Optional primary key descriptor."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class VoidResult | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class VoidResult Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Void return type descriptor. public sealed record VoidResult : Result, IEquatable<Result>, IEquatable<VoidResult> Inheritance object Result VoidResult Implements IEquatable<Result> IEquatable<VoidResult> Inherited Members Result.Kind Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors VoidResult() Void return type descriptor. public VoidResult() Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Schema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Schema Classes AggregateFunction Aggregate function descriptor. AggregateTypeMappingsProvider Implements aggregated ITypeMappingProvider provider. CallableObject Describes callable database object, e.g. stored procedure or function. Column Table or view column descriptor. DatabaseOptions Database-specific scaffold options. Defines default values. DatabaseType Database type descriptor. ForeignKey Describes foreign key relation between tables. ForeignKeyColumnMapping Foreign key source-target column pair. Identity Identity column descriptor. LegacySchemaProvider Default schema provider implementation over existing GetSchema(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions?) API. MergedAccessSchemaProvider Implements schema provider for MS Access, that takes schema from OLE DB and ODBC providers and merge it into single schema without errors, existing in both providers. Parameter Function or procedure parameter descriptor. PrimaryKey Table primary key constraint descriptor. Result Base function result descriptor. ResultColumn Column descriptor for table function or procedure result set. ScalarFunction Scalar function descriptor. ScalarResult Scalar return value descriptor. Sequence Sequence definition. SqlServerDatabaseOptions SQL Server database-specific scaffold options. StoredProcedure Stored procedure descriptor. Table Table descriptor. TableFunction Table function descriptor. TableLikeObject Queryable table-like object descriptor. TupleResult Tuple-like return type descriptor. TypeMapping Type mapping information. View View descriptor. VoidResult Void return type descriptor. Interfaces ISchemaProvider Database schema provider. ITypeMappingProvider Service to map database type to .net type with DataType hint. Enums CallableKind Kind of callable object. ParameterDirection Function or procedure parameter direction. Usually applies to procedures only as most of databases support only input parameters for functions. ResultKind Type of scalar result for function or procedure. SchemaObjects Defines loadable database objects. Used to specify types of database objects that should be loaded from schema. Doesn't include dependent objects like parameters or columns."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ActivityHierarchy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ActivityHierarchy Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Activity Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Collects LinqToDB call hierarchy information. public class ActivityHierarchy : ActivityBase, IActivity, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inheritance object ActivityBase ActivityHierarchy Implements IActivity IDisposable IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members ActivityBase.DisposeAsync() Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors ActivityHierarchy(ActivityID, Action<string>) Creates a new instance of the ActivityHierarchy class. Can be used in a factory method for ActivityService: ActivityService.AddFactory(activityID => new ActivityHierarchy(activityID, s => hierarchyBuilder.AppendLine(s))); public ActivityHierarchy(ActivityID activityID, Action<string> pushReport) Parameters activityID ActivityID One of the ActivityID values. pushReport Action<string> A delegate that is called to provide a report when the root activity is disposed. Properties Indent Gets or sets the indent string for the hierarchy report. public string Indent { get; set; } Property Value string Methods Dispose() Implements Dispose pattern. public override void Dispose()"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ActivityStatistics | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ActivityStatistics Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Activity Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Collects LinqToDB call statistics. public static class ActivityStatistics Inheritance object ActivityStatistics Methods Factory(ActivityID) Creates an instance of the IActivity class for the specified metric. Can be used in a factory method for ActivityService: ActivityService.AddFactory(ActivityStatistics.Factory); public static IActivity Factory(ActivityID activityID) Parameters activityID ActivityID One of the ActivityID values. Returns IActivity An instance of the IActivity class for the specified metric. GetReport(bool) Returns a report with collected statistics. public static string GetReport(bool includeAll = false) Parameters includeAll bool If true, includes metrics with zero call count. Default is false. Returns string A report with collected statistics."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Activity | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Activity Classes ActivityHierarchy Collects LinqToDB call hierarchy information. ActivityStatistics Collects LinqToDB call statistics."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ComparerBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ComparerBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Builds comparer functions and comparers. public static class ComparerBuilder Inheritance object ComparerBuilder Methods GetEqualityComparer(Type) public static IEqualityComparer GetEqualityComparer(Type type) Parameters type Type Returns IEqualityComparer GetEqualityComparer<T>() Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on object public members equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEqualityComparer<T>() Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetEqualityComparer<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on object public members equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEqualityComparer<T>(IEnumerable<T> ignored) Parameters ignored IEnumerable<T> Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetEqualityComparer<T>(Func<MemberAccessor, bool>) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided object public members equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEqualityComparer<T>(Func<MemberAccessor, bool> memberPredicate) Parameters memberPredicate Func<MemberAccessor, bool> A function to filter members to compare. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetEqualityComparer<T>(Func<TypeAccessor<T>, IEnumerable<MemberAccessor>>) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided object public members equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEqualityComparer<T>(Func<TypeAccessor<T>, IEnumerable<MemberAccessor>> membersToCompare) Parameters membersToCompare Func<TypeAccessor<T>, IEnumerable<MemberAccessor>> A function that returns members to compare. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetEqualityComparer<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object?>>[]) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided object public members equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEqualityComparer<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object?>>[] membersToCompare) Parameters membersToCompare Expression<Func<T, object>>[] Members to compare. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetEqualsFunc<T>() Returns GetEqualsFunc function for type T to compare. public static Func<T, T, bool> GetEqualsFunc<T>() Returns Func<T, T, bool> GetEqualsFunc function. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetEqualsFunc<T>(IEnumerable<MemberAccessor>) Returns GetEqualsFunc function for provided members for type T to compare. public static Func<T, T, bool> GetEqualsFunc<T>(IEnumerable<MemberAccessor> members) Parameters members IEnumerable<MemberAccessor> Members to compare. Returns Func<T, T, bool> GetEqualsFunc function. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetEqualsFunc<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object?>>[]) Returns GetEqualsFunc function for provided members for type T to compare. public static Func<T, T, bool> GetEqualsFunc<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object?>>[] members) Parameters members Expression<Func<T, object>>[] Members to compare. Returns Func<T, T, bool> GetEqualsFunc function. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetGetHashCodeFunc<T>() Returns GetHashCode function for type T to compare. public static Func<T, int> GetGetHashCodeFunc<T>() Returns Func<T, int> GetHashCode function. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetGetHashCodeFunc<T>(IEnumerable<MemberAccessor>) Returns GetHashCode function for provided members for type T to compare. public static Func<T, int> GetGetHashCodeFunc<T>(IEnumerable<MemberAccessor> members) Parameters members IEnumerable<MemberAccessor> Members to compare. Returns Func<T, int> GetHashCode function. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare. GetGetHashCodeFunc<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object?>>[]) Returns GetHashCode function for provided members for type T to compare. public static Func<T, int> GetGetHashCodeFunc<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object?>>[] members) Parameters members Expression<Func<T, object>>[] Members to compare. Returns Func<T, int> GetHashCode function. Type Parameters T The type of objects to compare."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class IgnoreComparisonAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IgnoreComparisonAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field)] public class IgnoreComparisonAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute IgnoreComparisonAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T)"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Comparers Classes ComparerBuilder Builds comparer functions and comparers. IgnoreComparisonAttribute"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityDatabasesCluster | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityDatabasesCluster Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.availability_databases_cluster (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each availability database on the instance of SQL Server that is hosting an availability replica for any Always On availability group in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, regardless of whether the local copy database has been joined to the availability group yet. note When a database is added to an availability group, the primary database is automatically joined to the group. Secondary databases must be prepared on each secondary replica before they can be joined to the availability group. See sys.availability_databases_cluster. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"availability_databases_cluster\", IsView = true)] public class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityDatabasesCluster Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityDatabasesCluster Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseName Name of the database that was added to the availability group. [Column(\"database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string GroupDatabaseID Unique identifier of the database within the availability group, if any, in which the database is participating. group_database_id is the same for this database on the primary replica and on every secondary replica on which the database has been joined to the availability group. NULL = database is not part of an availability replica in any availability group. [Column(\"group_database_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid GroupDatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value Guid GroupID Unique identifier of the availability group in which the availability group, if any, in which the database is participating. NULL = database is not part of an availability replica of in availability group. [Column(\"group_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid GroupID { get; set; } Property Value Guid"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.availability_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each availability group for which the local instance of SQL Server hosts an availability replica. Each row contains a cached copy of the availability group metadata. See sys.availability_groups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"availability_groups\", IsView = true)] public class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroup Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AutomatedBackupPreference Preferred location for performing backups on the availability databases in this availability group. The following are the possible values and their descriptions. 0 : Primary. Backups should always occur on the primary replica. 1 : Secondary only. Performing backups on a secondary replica is preferable. 2 : Prefer Secondary. Performing backups on a secondary replica preferable, but performing backups on the primary replica is acceptable if no secondary replica is available for backup operations. This is the default behavior. 3 : Any Replica. No preference about whether backups are performed on the primary replica or on a secondary replica. For more information, see Active Secondaries: Backup on Secondary Replicas (Always On Availability Groups). [Column(\"automated_backup_preference\")] [Nullable] public byte? AutomatedBackupPreference { get; set; } Property Value byte? AutomatedBackupPreferenceDesc Description of automated_backup_preference, one of: PRIMARY SECONDARY_ONLY SECONDARY NONE [Column(\"automated_backup_preference_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? AutomatedBackupPreferenceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string BasicFeatures Specifies whether this is a Basic availability group. For more information, see Basic Availability Groups (Always On Availability Groups). [Column(\"basic_features\")] [Nullable] public bool? BasicFeatures { get; set; } Property Value bool? ClusterType 0: Windows Server failover cluster 1: External cluster (for example, Linux Pacemaker) 2: None [Column(\"cluster_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? ClusterType { get; set; } Property Value byte? ClusterTypeDesc Text description of cluster type [Column(\"cluster_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ClusterTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string DbFailover Specifies whether the availability group supports failover for database health conditions. The DB_FAILOVER option of CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP controls this setting. [Column(\"db_failover\")] [Nullable] public bool? DbFailover { get; set; } Property Value bool? DtcSupport Specifies whether DTC support has been enabled for this availability group. The DTC_SUPPORT option of CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP controls this setting. [Column(\"dtc_support\")] [Nullable] public bool? DtcSupport { get; set; } Property Value bool? FailureConditionLevel User-defined failure condition level under which an automatic failover must be triggered, one of the integer values shown in the table immediately below this table. The failure-condition levels (1-5) range from the least restrictive, level 1, to the most restrictive, level 5. A given condition level encompasses all of the less restrictive levels. Thus, the strictest condition level, 5, includes the four less restrictive condition levels (1-4), level 4 includes levels 1-3, and so forth. To change this value, use the FAILURE_CONDITION_LEVEL option of the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. [Column(\"failure_condition_level\")] [Nullable] public int? FailureConditionLevel { get; set; } Property Value int? GroupID Unique identifier (GUID) of the availability group. [Column(\"group_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid GroupID { get; set; } Property Value Guid HealthCheckTimeout Wait time (in milliseconds) for the sp_server_diagnostics system stored procedure to return server-health information, before the server instance is assumed to be slow or not responding. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds). To change this value, use the HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT option of the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. [Column(\"health_check_timeout\")] [Nullable] public int? HealthCheckTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int? IsContained 1: Big data cluster master instance configured for high-availability. 0: all other. [Column(\"is_contained\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsContained { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsDistributed Specifies whether this is a distributed availability group. For more information, see Distributed Availability Groups (Always On Availability Groups). [Column(\"is_distributed\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDistributed { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Name of the availability group. This is a user-specified name that must be unique within the Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC). [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string RequiredSynchronizedSecondariesToCommit The number of secondary replicas that must be in a synchronized state for a commit to complete [Column(\"required_synchronized_secondaries_to_commit\")] [Nullable] public int? RequiredSynchronizedSecondariesToCommit { get; set; } Property Value int? ResourceGroupID Resource Group ID for the WSFC cluster resource group of the availability group. [Column(\"resource_group_id\")] [Nullable] public string? ResourceGroupID { get; set; } Property Value string ResourceID Resource ID for the WSFC cluster resource. [Column(\"resource_id\")] [Nullable] public string? ResourceID { get; set; } Property Value string SequenceNumber Identifies the availability group configuration sequence. Incrementally increases every time the availability group primary replica updates the configuration of the group. [Column(\"sequence_number\")] [Nullable] public long? SequenceNumber { get; set; } Property Value long? Version The version of the availability group metadata stored in the Windows Failover Cluster. This version number is incremented when new features are added. [Column(\"version\")] [Nullable] public short? Version { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListener | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListener Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.availability_group_listeners (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) For each Always On availability group, returns either zero rows indicating that no network name is associated with the availability group, or returns a row for each availability-group listener configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. This view displays the real-time configuration gathered from cluster. note This catalog view does not describe details of an IP configuration, that was defined in the WSFC cluster. See sys.availability_group_listeners. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"availability_group_listeners\", IsView = true)] public class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListener Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListener Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DnsName Configured network name (hostname) of the availability group listener. [Column(\"dns_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DnsName { get; set; } Property Value string GroupID Availability group ID (group_id) from sys.availability_groups. [Column(\"group_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid GroupID { get; set; } Property Value Guid IpConfigurationStringFromCluster Cluster IP configuration strings, if any, for this listener. NULL = Listener has no virtual IP addresses. For example: IPv4 address: IPv6 address: 2001::4898:23:1002:20f:1fff:feff:b3a3 [Column(\"ip_configuration_string_from_cluster\")] [Nullable] public string? IpConfigurationStringFromCluster { get; set; } Property Value string IsConformant Whether this IP configuration is conformant, one of: 1 = Listener is conformant. Only 'OR' relations exist among its Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Conformant encompasses every an IP configuration that was created by the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. In addition, if an IP configuration that was created outside of SQL Server, for example by using the WSFC Failover Cluster Manager, but can be modified by the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP tsql statement, the IP configuration qualifies as conformant. 0 = Listener is nonconformant. Typically, this indicates an IP address that could not be configured by using SQL Server commands and, instead, was defined directly in the WSFC cluster. [Column(\"is_conformant\")] [NotNull] public bool IsConformant { get; set; } Property Value bool ListenerID GUID from the cluster resource ID. [Column(\"listener_id\")] [Nullable] public string? ListenerID { get; set; } Property Value string Port The TCP port number configured for the availability group listener. NULL = Listener was configured outside SQL Server and its port number has not been added to the availability group. To add the port, pleaseuse the MODIFY LISTENER option of the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. [Column(\"port\")] [Nullable] public int? Port { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddress | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddress Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.availability_group_listener_ip_addresses (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for every IP address that is associated with any Always On availability group listener in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. Primary key: listener_id + ip_address + ip_sub_mask See sys.availability_group_listener_ip_addresses. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"availability_group_listener_ip_addresses\", IsView = true)] public class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddress Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddress Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IPAddress Configured virtual IP address of the availability group listener. Returns a single IPv4 or IPv6 address. [Column(\"ip_address\")] [Nullable] public string? IPAddress { get; set; } Property Value string IpSubnetMask Configured IP subnet mask for the IPv4 address, if any, that is configured for the availability group listener. NULL = IPv6 subnet [Column(\"ip_subnet_mask\")] [Nullable] public string? IpSubnetMask { get; set; } Property Value string IsDHCP Whether the IP address is configured by DHCP, one of: 0 = IP address is not configured by DHCP. 1 = IP address is configured by DHCP [Column(\"is_dhcp\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDHCP { get; set; } Property Value bool ListenerID Resource GUID from Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. [Column(\"listener_id\")] [Nullable] public string? ListenerID { get; set; } Property Value string NetworkSubnetIP Network subnet IP address that specifies the subnet to which the IP address belongs. [Column(\"network_subnet_ip\")] [Nullable] public string? NetworkSubnetIP { get; set; } Property Value string NetworkSubnetIpv4Mask Network subnet mask of the subnet to which the IP address belongs. network_subnet_ipv4_mask to specify the DHCP <network_subnet_option> options in a WITH DHCP clause of the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. NULL = IPv6 subnet [Column(\"network_subnet_ipv4_mask\")] [Nullable] public string? NetworkSubnetIpv4Mask { get; set; } Property Value string NetworkSubnetPrefixLength Network subnet prefix length of the subnet to which the IP address belongs. [Column(\"network_subnet_prefix_length\")] [Nullable] public int? NetworkSubnetPrefixLength { get; set; } Property Value int? State IP resource ONLINE/OFFLINE state from the WSFC cluster, one of: 1 = Online. IP resource is online. 0 = Offline. IP resource is offline. 2 = Online Pending. IP resource is offline but is being brought online. 3 = Failed. IP resource was being brought online but failed. [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? StateDesc Description of state, one of: ONLINE OFFLINE ONLINE_PENDING FAILED [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupsCluster | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupsCluster Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.availability_groups_cluster (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each Always On availability group in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) . Each row contains the availability group metadata from the WSFC cluster. See sys.availability_groups_cluster. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"availability_groups_cluster\", IsView = true)] public class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupsCluster Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupsCluster Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AutomatedBackupPreference Preferred location for performing backups on the availability databases in this availability group. One of the following values: 0: Primary. Backups should always occur on the primary replica. 1: Secondary only. Performing backups on a secondary replica is preferable. 2: Prefer Secondary. Performing backups on a secondary replica preferable, but performing backups on the primary replica is acceptable if no secondary replica is available for backup operations. This is the default behavior. 3: Any Replica. No preference about whether backups are performed on the primary replica or on a secondary replica. For more information, see Active Secondaries: Backup on Secondary Replicas (Always On Availability Groups). [Column(\"automated_backup_preference\")] [Nullable] public byte? AutomatedBackupPreference { get; set; } Property Value byte? AutomatedBackupPreferenceDesc Description of automated_backup_preference, one of: PRIMARY SECONDARY_ONLY SECONDARY NONE [Column(\"automated_backup_preference_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? AutomatedBackupPreferenceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string FailureConditionLevel User-defined failure condition level under which an automatic failover must be triggered, one of the following integer values: 1: Specifies that an automatic failover should be initiated when any of the following occurs: - The SQL Server service is down. - The lease of the availability group for connecting to the WSFC failover cluster expires because no ACK is received from the server instance. For more information, see How It Works: SQL Server Always On Lease Timeout. 2: Specifies that an automatic failover should be initiated when any of the following occurs: - The instance of SQL Server does not connect to cluster, and the user-specified health_check_timeout threshold of the availability group is exceeded. - The availability replica is in failed state. 3: Specifies that an automatic failover should be initiated on critical SQL Server internal errors, such as orphaned spinlocks, serious write-access violations, or too much dumping. This is the default value. 4: Specifies that an automatic failover should be initiated on moderate SQL Server internal errors, such as a persistent out-of-memory condition in the SQL Server internal resource pool. 5: Specifies that an automatic failover should be initiated on any qualified failure conditions, including: - Exhaustion of SQL Engine worker-threads. - Detection of an unsolvable deadlock. The failure-condition levels (1-5) range from the least restrictive, level 1, to the most restrictive, level 5. A given condition level encompasses all of the less restrictive levels. Thus, the strictest condition level, 5, includes the four less restrictive condition levels (1-4), level 4 includes levels 1-3, and so forth. To change this value, use the FAILURE_CONDITION_LEVEL option of the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. [Column(\"failure_condition_level\")] [Nullable] public int? FailureConditionLevel { get; set; } Property Value int? GroupID Unique identifier (GUID) of the availability group. [Column(\"group_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid GroupID { get; set; } Property Value Guid HealthCheckTimeout Wait time (in milliseconds) for the sp_server_diagnostics system stored procedure to return server-health information, before the server instance is assumed to be slow or not responding. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds). To change this value, use the HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT option of ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. [Column(\"health_check_timeout\")] [Nullable] public int? HealthCheckTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int? Name Name of the availability group. This is a user-specified name that must be unique within the Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC). [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ResourceGroupID Resource Group ID for the WSFC cluster resource group of the availability group. [Column(\"resource_group_id\")] [Nullable] public string? ResourceGroupID { get; set; } Property Value string ResourceID Resource ID for the WSFC cluster resource. [Column(\"resource_id\")] [Nullable] public string? ResourceID { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingList | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingList Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.availability_read_only_routing_lists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for the read only routing list of each availability replica in an Always On availability group in the WSFC failover cluster. See sys.availability_read_only_routing_lists. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"availability_read_only_routing_lists\", IsView = true)] public class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingList Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingList Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ReadOnlyReplicaID Unique ID of the availability replica to which a read-only workload will be routed. [Column(\"read_only_replica_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid ReadOnlyReplicaID { get; set; } Property Value Guid ReplicaID Unique ID of the availability replica that owns the routing list. [Column(\"replica_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid ReplicaID { get; set; } Property Value Guid RoutingPriority Priority order for routing (1 is first, 2 is second, and so forth). [Column(\"routing_priority\")] [NotNull] public int RoutingPriority { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReplica | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReplica Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.availability_replicas (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each of the availability replicas that belong to any Always On availability group in the WSFC failover cluster. If the local server instance is unable to talk to the WSFC failover cluster, for example because the cluster is down or quorum has been lost, only rows for local availability replicas are returned. These rows will contain only the columns of data that are cached locally in metadata. See sys.availability_replicas. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"availability_replicas\", IsView = true)] public class AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReplica Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReplica Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AvailabilityMode The availability mode of the replica, one of: 0 &#124; Asynchronous commit. The primary replica can commit transactions without waiting for the secondary to write the log to disk. 1 &#124; Synchronous commit. The primary replica waits to commit a given transaction until the secondary replica has written the transaction to disk. 4 &#124; Configuration only. The primary replica sends availability group configuration metadata to the replica synchronously. User data is not transmitted to the replica. Available in SQL Server 2017 CU1 and later. For more information, see Availability Modes (Always On Availability Groups). [Column(\"availability_mode\")] [Nullable] public byte? AvailabilityMode { get; set; } Property Value byte? AvailabilityModeDesc Description of availability_mode, one of: ASYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT SYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT CONFIGURATION_ONLY To change this the availability mode of an availability replica, use the AVAILABILITY_MODE option of ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. You cannot change the availability mode of a replica to CONFIGURATION_ONLY. You cannot change a CONFIGURATION_ONLY replica to a secondary or primary replica. [Column(\"availability_mode_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? AvailabilityModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string BackupPriority Represents the user-specified priority for performing backups on this replica relative to the other replicas in the same availability group. The value is an integer in the range of 0..100. For more information, see Active Secondaries: Backup on Secondary Replicas (Always On Availability Groups). [Column(\"backup_priority\")] [Nullable] public int? BackupPriority { get; set; } Property Value int? CreateDate Date that the replica was created. NULL = Replica not on this server instance. [Column(\"create_date\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? EndpointUrl String representation of the user-specified database mirroring endpoint that is used by connections between primary and secondary replicas for data synchronization. For information about the syntax of endpoint URLs, see Specify the Endpoint URL When Adding or Modifying an Availability Replica (SQL Server). NULL = Unable to talk to the WSFC failover cluster. To change this endpoint, use the ENDPOINT_URL option of ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. [Column(\"endpoint_url\")] [Nullable] public string? EndpointUrl { get; set; } Property Value string FailoverMode The failover mode of the availability replica, one of: 0 &#124; Automatic failover. The replica is a potential target for automatic failovers. Automatic failover is supported only if the availability mode is set to synchronous commit (availability_mode = 1) and the availability replica is currently synchronized. 1 &#124; Manual failover. A failover to a secondary replica set to manual failover must be manually initiated by the database administrator. The type of failover that is performed will depend on whether the secondary replica is synchronized, as follows: If the availability replica is not synchronizing or is still synchronizing, only forced failover (with possible data loss) can occur. If the availability mode is set to synchronous commit (availability_mode = 1) and the availability replica is currently synchronized, manual failover without data loss can occur. To view a rollup of the database synchronization health of every availability database in an availability replica, use the synchronization_health and synchronization_health_desc columns of the sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states dynamic management view. The rollup considers the synchronization state of every availability database and the availability mode of its availability replica. Note: To view the synchronization health of a given availability database, query the synchronization_state and synchronization_health columns of the sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states dynamic management view. [Column(\"failover_mode\")] [Nullable] public byte? FailoverMode { get; set; } Property Value byte? FailoverModeDesc Description of failover_mode, one of: MANUAL AUTOMATIC To change the failover mode, use the FAILOVER_MODE option of ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. [Column(\"failover_mode_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? FailoverModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GroupID Unique ID of the availability group to which the replica belongs. [Column(\"group_id\")] [Nullable] public Guid? GroupID { get; set; } Property Value Guid? ModifyDate Date that the replica was last modified. NULL = Replica not on this server instance. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? OwnerSID Security identifier (SID) registered to this server instance for the external owner of this availability replica. NULL for non-local availability replicas. [Column(\"owner_sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? OwnerSID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] PrimaryRoleAllowConnections Whether the availability allows all connections or only read-write connections, one of: 2 = All (default) 3 = Read write [Column(\"primary_role_allow_connections\")] [Nullable] public byte? PrimaryRoleAllowConnections { get; set; } Property Value byte? PrimaryRoleAllowConnectionsDesc Description of primary_role_allow_connections, one of: ALL READ_WRITE [Column(\"primary_role_allow_connections_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PrimaryRoleAllowConnectionsDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ReadOnlyRoutingUrl Connectivity endpoint (URL) of the read only availability replica. For more information, see Configure Read-Only Routing for an Availability Group (SQL Server). [Column(\"read_only_routing_url\")] [Nullable] public string? ReadOnlyRoutingUrl { get; set; } Property Value string ReplicaID Unique ID of the replica. [Column(\"replica_id\")] [Nullable] public Guid? ReplicaID { get; set; } Property Value Guid? ReplicaMetadataID ID for the local metadata object for availability replicas in the Database Engine. [Column(\"replica_metadata_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ReplicaMetadataID { get; set; } Property Value int? ReplicaServerName Server name of the instance of SQL Server that is hosting this replica and, for a non-default instance, its instance name. [Column(\"replica_server_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ReplicaServerName { get; set; } Property Value string SecondaryRoleAllowConnections Whether an availability replica that is performing the secondary role (that is, a secondary replica) can accept connections from clients, one of: 0 = No. No connections are allowed to the databases in the secondary replica, and the databases are not available for read access. This is the default setting. 1 = Read only. Only read-only connections are allowed to the databases in the secondary replica. All database(s) in the replica are available for read access. 2 = All. All connections are allowed to the databases in the secondary replica for read-only access. For more information, see Active Secondaries: Readable Secondary Replicas (Always On Availability Groups). [Column(\"secondary_role_allow_connections\")] [Nullable] public byte? SecondaryRoleAllowConnections { get; set; } Property Value byte? SecondaryRoleAllowConnectionsDesc Description of secondary_role_allow_connections, one of: NO READ_ONLY ALL [Column(\"secondary_role_allow_connections_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SecondaryRoleAllowConnectionsDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SeedingMode One of: 0: Automatic 1: Manual [Column(\"seeding_mode\")] [Nullable] public byte? SeedingMode { get; set; } Property Value byte? SeedingModeDesc Describes seeding mode. AUTOMATIC MANUAL [Column(\"seeding_mode_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SeedingModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SessionTimeout The time-out period, in seconds. The time-out period is the maximum time that the replica waits to receive a message from another replica before considering connection between the primary and secondary replica have failed. Session timeout detects whether secondaries are connected the primary replica. On detecting a failed connection with a secondary replica, the primary replica considers the secondary replica to be NOT_SYNCHRONIZED. On detecting a failed connection with the primary replica, a secondary replica simply attempts to reconnect. Note: Session timeouts do not cause automatic failovers. To change this value, use the SESSION_TIMEOUT option of ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUPTransact-SQL statement. [Column(\"session_timeout\")] [Nullable] public int? SessionTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class AvailabilitySchema.DataContext Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties AvailabilityDatabasesClusters sys.availability_databases_cluster (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each availability database on the instance of SQL Server that is hosting an availability replica for any Always On availability group in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, regardless of whether the local copy database has been joined to the availability group yet. note When a database is added to an availability group, the primary database is automatically joined to the group. Secondary databases must be prepared on each secondary replica before they can be joined to the availability group. See sys.availability_databases_cluster. public ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityDatabasesCluster> AvailabilityDatabasesClusters { get; } Property Value ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityDatabasesCluster> AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddresses sys.availability_group_listener_ip_addresses (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for every IP address that is associated with any Always On availability group listener in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. Primary key: listener_id + ip_address + ip_sub_mask See sys.availability_group_listener_ip_addresses. public ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddress> AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddresses { get; } Property Value ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddress> AvailabilityGroupListeners sys.availability_group_listeners (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) For each Always On availability group, returns either zero rows indicating that no network name is associated with the availability group, or returns a row for each availability-group listener configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. This view displays the real-time configuration gathered from cluster. note This catalog view does not describe details of an IP configuration, that was defined in the WSFC cluster. See sys.availability_group_listeners. public ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListener> AvailabilityGroupListeners { get; } Property Value ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListener> AvailabilityGroups sys.availability_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each availability group for which the local instance of SQL Server hosts an availability replica. Each row contains a cached copy of the availability group metadata. See sys.availability_groups. public ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroup> AvailabilityGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroup> AvailabilityGroupsClusters sys.availability_groups_cluster (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each Always On availability group in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) . Each row contains the availability group metadata from the WSFC cluster. See sys.availability_groups_cluster. public ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupsCluster> AvailabilityGroupsClusters { get; } Property Value ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupsCluster> AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingLists sys.availability_read_only_routing_lists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for the read only routing list of each availability replica in an Always On availability group in the WSFC failover cluster. See sys.availability_read_only_routing_lists. public ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingList> AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingLists { get; } Property Value ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingList> AvailabilityReplicas sys.availability_replicas (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each of the availability replicas that belong to any Always On availability group in the WSFC failover cluster. If the local server instance is unable to talk to the WSFC failover cluster, for example because the cluster is down or quorum has been lost, only rows for local availability replicas are returned. These rows will contain only the columns of data that are cached locally in metadata. See sys.availability_replicas. public ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReplica> AvailabilityReplicas { get; } Property Value ITable<AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReplica>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AvailabilitySchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AvailabilitySchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class AvailabilitySchema Inheritance object AvailabilitySchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.BandwidthUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.BandwidthUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.bandwidth_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance note This applies only to Azure SQL DatabaseV11. Returns information about the network bandwidth used by each database in a Azure SQL Database V11 database server, . Each row returned for a given database summarizes a single direction and class of usage over a one-hour period. This has been deprecated in a Azure SQL Database. The sys.bandwidth_usage view contains the following columns. See sys.bandwidth_usage. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"bandwidth_usage\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.BandwidthUsage Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.BandwidthUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Class The class of bandwidth that was used, one of: Internal: Data that is moving within the Azure platform. External: Data that is moving out of the Azure platform. This class is returned only if the database is engaged in a continuous copy relationship between regions (Active Geo-Replication). If a given database does not participate in any continuous copy relationship, then 'Interlink' rows are not returned. For more information, see the 'Remarks' section later in this topic. [Column(\"class\")] [NotNull] public object Class { get; set; } Property Value object DatabaseName The name of the database that used bandwidth. [Column(\"database_name\")] [NotNull] public object DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value object Direction The type of bandwidth that was used, one of: Ingress: Data that is moving into the Azure SQL Database. Egress: Data that is moving out of the Azure SQL Database. [Column(\"direction\")] [NotNull] public object Direction { get; set; } Property Value object Quantity The amount of bandwidth, in kilobytes (KBs), that was used. [Column(\"quantity\")] [NotNull] public object Quantity { get; set; } Property Value object Time The hour when the bandwidth was consumed. The rows in this view are on a per-hour basis. For example, 2009-09-19 02:00:00.000 means that the bandwidth was consumed on September 19, 2009 between 2:00 A.M. and 3:00 A.M. [Column(\"time\")] [NotNull] public object Time { get; set; } Property Value object TimePeriod The time period when the usage occurred is either Peak or OffPeak. The Peak time is based on the region in which the server was created. For example, if a server was created in the 'US_Northwest' region, the Peak time is defined as being between 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. PST. [Column(\"time_period\")] [NotNull] public object TimePeriod { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DataContext Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties BandwidthUsages sys.bandwidth_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance note This applies only to Azure SQL DatabaseV11. Returns information about the network bandwidth used by each database in a Azure SQL Database V11 database server, . Each row returned for a given database summarizes a single direction and class of usage over a one-hour period. This has been deprecated in a Azure SQL Database. The sys.bandwidth_usage view contains the following columns. See sys.bandwidth_usage. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.BandwidthUsage> BandwidthUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.BandwidthUsage> DatabaseConnectionStats sys.database_connection_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Contains statistics for SQL Database database connectivity events, providing an overview of database connection successes and failures. For more information about connectivity events, see Event Types in sys.event_log (Azure SQL Database). See sys.database_connection_stats. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseConnectionStat> DatabaseConnectionStats { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseConnectionStat> DatabaseFirewallRules sys.database_firewall_rules (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns information about the database-level firewall settings associated with your Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Database-level firewall settings are particularly useful when using contained database users. For more information, see Contained Database Users - Making Your Database Portable. The sys.database_firewall_rules view contains the following columns: See sys.database_firewall_rules. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseFirewallRule> DatabaseFirewallRules { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseFirewallRule> DatabaseServiceObjectives sys.database_service_objectives (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the edition (service tier), service objective (pricing tier) and elastic pool name, if any, for an Azure SQL database or an Azure Synapse Analytics. If logged on to the master database in an Azure SQL Database server, returns information on all databases. For Azure Synapse Analytics, you must be connected to the master database. For information on pricing, see SQL Database options and performance: SQL Database Pricing and Azure Synapse Analytics Pricing. To change the service settings, see ALTER DATABASE (Azure SQL Database) and ALTER DATABASE (Azure Synapse Analytics). The sys.database_service_objectives view contains the following columns. See sys.database_service_objectives. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseServiceObjective> DatabaseServiceObjectives { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseServiceObjective> DatabaseUsages sys.database_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Note: This applies only to Azure SQL Database V11. Lists the number, type, and duration of databases on the SQL Database server. The sys.database_usage view contains the following columns. See sys.database_usage. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseUsage> DatabaseUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseUsage> ElasticPoolResourceStats sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns resource usage statistics for all the elastic pools in a SQL Database server. For each elastic pool, there is one row for each 15 second reporting window (four rows per minute). This includes CPU, IO, Log, storage consumption and concurrent request/session utilization by all databases in the pool. This data is retained for 14 days. || |-| |Applies to: SQL Database V12.| See sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ElasticPoolResourceStat> ElasticPoolResourceStats { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ElasticPoolResourceStat> EventLogs sys.event_log (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Returns successful Azure SQL Database database connections, connection failures, and deadlocks. You can use this information to track or troubleshoot your database activity with SQL Database. > [!CAUTION] > For installations having a large number of databases or high numbers of logins, activity in sys.event_log can cause limitations in performance, high CPU usage, and possibly result in login failures. Queries of sys.event_log can contribute to the problem. Microsoft is working to resolve this issue. In the meantime, to reduce the impact of this issue, limit queries of sys.event_log. Users of the NewRelic SQL Server plugin should visit Microsoft Azure SQL Database plugin tuning & performance tweaks for additional configuration information. The sys.event_log view contains the following columns. See sys.event_log. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.EventLog> EventLogs { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.EventLog> FirewallRules sys.firewall_rules (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns information about the server-level firewall settings associated with your Microsoft Azure SQL Database. The sys.firewall_rules view contains the following columns: See sys.firewall_rules. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.FirewallRule> FirewallRules { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.FirewallRule> ResourceStats sys.resource_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Returns CPU usage and storage data for an Azure SQL Database. The data is collected and aggregated within five-minute intervals. For each user database, there is one row for every five-minute reporting window in which there is a change in resource consumption. The data returned includes CPU usage, storage size change, and database SKU modification. Idle databases with no changes may not have rows for every five-minute interval. Historical data is retained for approximately 14 days. The sys.resource_stats view has different definitions depending on the version of the Azure SQL Database Server that the database is associated with. Consider these differences and any modifications your application requires when upgrading to a new server version. note This dynamic management view applies to Azure SQL Database only. For an equivalent view for Azure SQL Managed Instance, use sys.server_resource_stats. The following table describes the columns available in a v12 server: See sys.resource_stats. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceStat> ResourceStats { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceStat> ResourceUsages sys.resource_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance important This feature is in a preview state. Do not take a dependency on the specific implementation of this feature because the feature might be changed or removed in a future release. While in a preview state, the Azure SQL Database operations team might turn data collection off and on for this DMV: - When turned on, the DMV returns current data as it is aggregated. - When turned off, the DMV returns historical data, which might be stale. Provides hourly summary of resource usage data for user databases in the current server. Historical data is retained for 90 days. For each user database, there is one row for every hour in continuous fashion. Even if the database was idle during that hour, there is one row, and the usage_in_seconds value for that database will be 0. Storage usage and SKU information is rolled up for the hour appropriately. See sys.resource_usage. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceUsage> ResourceUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceUsage> ServerResourceStats sys.server_resource_stats (Azure SQL Managed Instance) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns CPU usage, IO, and storage data for Azure SQL Managed Instance. The data is collected, aggregated and updated within 5 to 10 minutes intervals. There is one row for every 15 seconds reporting. The data returned includes CPU usage, storage size, IO utilization, and SKU. Historical data is retained for approximately 14 days. The sys.server_resource_stats view has different definitions depending on the version of the Azure SQL Managed Instance that the database is associated with. Consider these differences and any modifications your application requires when upgrading to a new server version. note This dynamic management view applies to Azure SQL Managed Instance only. For an equivalent view for Azure SQL Database, use sys.resource_stats. See sys.server_resource_stats. public ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ServerResourceStat> ServerResourceStats { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ServerResourceStat>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseConnectionStat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseConnectionStat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_connection_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Contains statistics for SQL Database database connectivity events, providing an overview of database connection successes and failures. For more information about connectivity events, see Event Types in sys.event_log (Azure SQL Database). See sys.database_connection_stats. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_connection_stats\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseConnectionStat Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseConnectionStat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConnectionFailureCount Number of login failures. [Column(\"connection_failure_count\")] [NotNull] public int ConnectionFailureCount { get; set; } Property Value int DatabaseName Name of the database. [Column(\"database_name\")] [NotNull] public string DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string EndTime UTC date and time of the end of the aggregation interval. End_time is always exactly 5 minutes later than the corresponding start_time in the same row. [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime StartTime UTC date and time of the start of the aggregation interval. The time is always a multiple of 5 minutes. For example: '2011-09-28 16:00:00' '2011-09-28 16:05:00' '2011-09-28 16:10:00' [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SuccessCount Number of successful connections. [Column(\"success_count\")] [NotNull] public int SuccessCount { get; set; } Property Value int TerminatedConnectionCount Only applicable for Azure SQL Database v11. Number of terminated connections. [Column(\"terminated_connection_count\")] [NotNull] public int TerminatedConnectionCount { get; set; } Property Value int ThrottledConnectionCount Only applicable for Azure SQL Database v11. Number of throttled connections. [Column(\"throttled_connection_count\")] [NotNull] public int ThrottledConnectionCount { get; set; } Property Value int TotalFailureCount Total number of failed connections. This is the sum of connection_failure_count, terminated_connection_count, and throttled_connection_count, and does not include deadlock events. [Column(\"total_failure_count\")] [NotNull] public int TotalFailureCount { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseFirewallRule | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseFirewallRule Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_firewall_rules (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns information about the database-level firewall settings associated with your Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Database-level firewall settings are particularly useful when using contained database users. For more information, see Contained Database Users - Making Your Database Portable. The sys.database_firewall_rules view contains the following columns: See sys.database_firewall_rules. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_firewall_rules\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseFirewallRule Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseFirewallRule Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate UTC date and time when the database-level firewall setting was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public object CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value object EndIPAddress The highest IP address in the range of the firewall setting. IP addresses equal to or less than this can attempt to connect to the SQL Database instance. The highest possible IP address is Note: Azure connection attempts are allowed when both this field and the start_ip_address field equals [Column(\"end_ip_address\")] [NotNull] public object EndIPAddress { get; set; } Property Value object ID The identifier of the database-level firewall setting. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public object ID { get; set; } Property Value object ModifyDate UTC date and time when the database-level firewall setting was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public object ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value object Name The name you chose to describe and distinguish the database-level firewall setting. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public object Name { get; set; } Property Value object StartIPAddress The lowest IP address in the range of the database-level firewall setting. IP addresses equal to or greater than this can attempt to connect to the SQL Database instance. The lowest possible IP address is [Column(\"start_ip_address\")] [NotNull] public object StartIPAddress { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseServiceObjective | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseServiceObjective Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_service_objectives (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the edition (service tier), service objective (pricing tier) and elastic pool name, if any, for an Azure SQL database or an Azure Synapse Analytics. If logged on to the master database in an Azure SQL Database server, returns information on all databases. For Azure Synapse Analytics, you must be connected to the master database. For information on pricing, see SQL Database options and performance: SQL Database Pricing and Azure Synapse Analytics Pricing. To change the service settings, see ALTER DATABASE (Azure SQL Database) and ALTER DATABASE (Azure Synapse Analytics). The sys.database_service_objectives view contains the following columns. See sys.database_service_objectives. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_service_objectives\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseServiceObjective Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseServiceObjective Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID The ID of the database, unique within an instance of Azure SQL Database server. Joinable with sys.databases (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int Edition The service tier for the database or data warehouse: Basic, Standard, Premium or Data Warehouse. [Column(\"edition\")] [NotNull] public string Edition { get; set; } Property Value string ElasticPoolName The name of the elastic pool that the database belongs to. Returns NULL if the database is a single database or a data warehouse. [Column(\"elastic_pool_name\")] [NotNull] public string ElasticPoolName { get; set; } Property Value string ServiceObjective The pricing tier of the database. If the database is in an elastic pool, returns ElasticPool. On the Basic tier, returns Basic. Single database in a standard service tier returns one of the following: S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S6, S7, S9 or S12. Single database in a premium tier returns of the following: P1, P2, P4, P6, P11 or P15. Azure Synapse Analytics returns DW100 through DW30000c. For details, see single databases, elastic pools, data warehouses [Column(\"service_objective\")] [NotNull] public string ServiceObjective { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Note: This applies only to Azure SQL Database V11. Lists the number, type, and duration of databases on the SQL Database server. The sys.database_usage view contains the following columns. See sys.database_usage. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_usage\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseUsage Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Quantity The maximum number of databases of an SKU type that existed during that day. [Column(\"quantity\")] [NotNull] public object Quantity { get; set; } Property Value object Sku The type of service tier for the database: Web, Business, Basic, Standard, Premium [Column(\"sku\")] [NotNull] public object Sku { get; set; } Property Value object Time The date when the usage events occurred. [Column(\"time\")] [NotNull] public object Time { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ElasticPoolResourceStat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ElasticPoolResourceStat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns resource usage statistics for all the elastic pools in a SQL Database server. For each elastic pool, there is one row for each 15 second reporting window (four rows per minute). This includes CPU, IO, Log, storage consumption and concurrent request/session utilization by all databases in the pool. This data is retained for 14 days. || |-| |Applies to: SQL Database V12.| See sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"elastic_pool_resource_stats\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ElasticPoolResourceStat Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ElasticPoolResourceStat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AvgAllocatedStoragePercent The percentage of data space allocated by all databases in the elastic pool. This is the ratio of data space allocated to data max size for the elastic pool. For more information see: File space management in SQL Database [Column(\"avg_allocated_storage_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgAllocatedStoragePercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgCpuPercent Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the pool. [Column(\"avg_cpu_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgCpuPercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgDataIoPercent Average I/O utilization in percentage based on the limit of the pool. [Column(\"avg_data_io_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgDataIoPercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgLogWritePercent Average write resource utilization in percentage of the limit of the pool. [Column(\"avg_log_write_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgLogWritePercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgStoragePercent Average storage utilization in percentage of the storage limit of the pool. [Column(\"avg_storage_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgStoragePercent { get; set; } Property Value object ElasticPoolDTULimit Current max elastic pool DTU setting for this elastic pool during this interval. [Column(\"elastic_pool_dtu_limit\")] [NotNull] public int ElasticPoolDTULimit { get; set; } Property Value int ElasticPoolName Name of the elastic database pool. [Column(\"elastic_pool_name\")] [NotNull] public string ElasticPoolName { get; set; } Property Value string ElasticPoolStorageLimitMB Current max elastic pool storage limit setting for this elastic pool in megabytes during this interval. [Column(\"elastic_pool_storage_limit_mb\")] [NotNull] public long ElasticPoolStorageLimitMB { get; set; } Property Value long EndTime UTC time indicating the end of the 15 second reporting interval. [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime MaxSessionPercent Maximum concurrent sessions in percentage based on the limit of the pool. [Column(\"max_session_percent\")] [NotNull] public object MaxSessionPercent { get; set; } Property Value object MaxWorkerPercent Maximum concurrent workers (requests) in percentage based on the limit of the pool. [Column(\"max_worker_percent\")] [NotNull] public object MaxWorkerPercent { get; set; } Property Value object StartTime UTC time indicating the start of the 15 second reporting interval. [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.EventLog | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.EventLog Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.event_log (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Returns successful Azure SQL Database database connections, connection failures, and deadlocks. You can use this information to track or troubleshoot your database activity with SQL Database. > [!CAUTION] > For installations having a large number of databases or high numbers of logins, activity in sys.event_log can cause limitations in performance, high CPU usage, and possibly result in login failures. Queries of sys.event_log can contribute to the problem. Microsoft is working to resolve this issue. In the meantime, to reduce the impact of this issue, limit queries of sys.event_log. Users of the NewRelic SQL Server plugin should visit Microsoft Azure SQL Database plugin tuning & performance tweaks for additional configuration information. The sys.event_log view contains the following columns. See sys.event_log. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"event_log\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.EventLog Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.EventLog Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AdditionalData *Note: This value is always NULL for Azure SQL Database V12. For Deadlock events, this column contains the deadlock graph. This column is NULL for other event types. [Column(\"additional_data\")] [NotNull] public object AdditionalData { get; set; } Property Value object DatabaseName Name of the database. If the connection fails and the user did not specify a database name, then this column is blank. [Column(\"database_name\")] [NotNull] public string DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string Description A detailed description of the event. See Event Types for a list of possible values. [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string EndTime UTC date and time of the end of the aggregation interval. For aggregated events, End_time is always exactly 5 minutes later than the corresponding start_time in the same row. For events that are not aggregated, start_time and end_time equal the actual UTC date and time of the event. [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime EventCategory The high-level component that generated this event. See Event Types for a list of possible values. [Column(\"event_category\")] [NotNull] public string EventCategory { get; set; } Property Value string EventCount The number of times that this event occurred for the specified database within the time interval specified (start_time and end_time). [Column(\"event_count\")] [NotNull] public int EventCount { get; set; } Property Value int EventSubtype The subtype of the occurring event. See Event Types for a list of possible values. [Column(\"event_subtype\")] [NotNull] public int EventSubtype { get; set; } Property Value int EventSubtypeDesc The description of the event subtype. See Event Types for a list of possible values. [Column(\"event_subtype_desc\")] [NotNull] public string EventSubtypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string EventType The type of event. See Event Types for a list of possible values. [Column(\"event_type\")] [NotNull] public string EventType { get; set; } Property Value string Severity The severity of the error. Possible values are: 0 = Information 1 = Warning 2 = Error [Column(\"severity\")] [NotNull] public int Severity { get; set; } Property Value int StartTime UTC date and time of the start of the aggregation interval. For aggregated events, the time is always a multiple of 5 minutes. For example: '2011-09-28 16:00:00' '2011-09-28 16:05:00' '2011-09-28 16:10:00' [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.FirewallRule | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.FirewallRule Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.firewall_rules (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns information about the server-level firewall settings associated with your Microsoft Azure SQL Database. The sys.firewall_rules view contains the following columns: See sys.firewall_rules. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"firewall_rules\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.FirewallRule Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.FirewallRule Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate UTC date and time when the server-level firewall setting was created. Note: UTC is an acronym for Coordinated Universal Time. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public object CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value object EndIPAddress The highest IP address in the range of the server-level firewall setting. IP addresses equal to or less than this can attempt to connect to the SQL Database server. The highest possible IP address is Note: Azure connection attempts are allowed when both this field and the start_ip_address field equals [Column(\"end_ip_address\")] [NotNull] public object EndIPAddress { get; set; } Property Value object ID The identifier of the server-level firewall setting. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public object ID { get; set; } Property Value object ModifyDate UTC date and time when the server-level firewall setting was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public object ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value object Name The name you chose to describe and distinguish the server-level firewall setting. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public object Name { get; set; } Property Value object StartIPAddress The lowest IP address in the range of the server-level firewall setting. IP addresses equal to or greater than this can attempt to connect to the SQL Database server. The lowest possible IP address is [Column(\"start_ip_address\")] [NotNull] public object StartIPAddress { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceStat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceStat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.resource_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Returns CPU usage and storage data for an Azure SQL Database. The data is collected and aggregated within five-minute intervals. For each user database, there is one row for every five-minute reporting window in which there is a change in resource consumption. The data returned includes CPU usage, storage size change, and database SKU modification. Idle databases with no changes may not have rows for every five-minute interval. Historical data is retained for approximately 14 days. The sys.resource_stats view has different definitions depending on the version of the Azure SQL Database Server that the database is associated with. Consider these differences and any modifications your application requires when upgrading to a new server version. note This dynamic management view applies to Azure SQL Database only. For an equivalent view for Azure SQL Managed Instance, use sys.server_resource_stats. The following table describes the columns available in a v12 server: See sys.resource_stats. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"resource_stats\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceStat Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceStat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllocatedStorageInMegaBytes The amount of formatted file space in MB made available for storing database data. Formatted file space is also referred to as data space allocated. For more information, see: File space management in SQL Database [Column(\"allocated_storage_in_megabytes\")] [NotNull] public double AllocatedStorageInMegaBytes { get; set; } Property Value double AvgCpuPercent Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier. [Column(\"avg_cpu_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgCpuPercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgDataIoPercent Average I/O utilization in percentage based on the limit of the service tier. For Hyperscale databases, see Data IO in resource utilization statistics. [Column(\"avg_data_io_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgDataIoPercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgInstanceCpuPercent Average database CPU usage as a percentage of the SQL Database process. [Column(\"avg_instance_cpu_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgInstanceCpuPercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgInstanceMemoryPercent Average database memory usage as a percentage of the SQL Database process. [Column(\"avg_instance_memory_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgInstanceMemoryPercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgLogWritePercent Average write resource utilization in percentage of the limit of the service tier. [Column(\"avg_log_write_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgLogWritePercent { get; set; } Property Value object AvgLoginRatePercent Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"avg_login_rate_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgLoginRatePercent { get; set; } Property Value object CpuLimit Number of vCores for this database during this interval. For databases using the DTU-based model, this column is NULL. [Column(\"cpu_limit\")] [NotNull] public object CpuLimit { get; set; } Property Value object DTULimit Current max database DTU setting for this database during this interval. [Column(\"dtu_limit\")] [NotNull] public int DTULimit { get; set; } Property Value int DatabaseName Name of the user database. [Column(\"database_name\")] [NotNull] public string DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string EndTime UTC time indicating the end of the five-minute reporting interval. [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime MaxSessionPercent Maximum concurrent sessions in percentage based on the limit of the database's service tier. Maximum is currently calculated for the five-minute interval based on the 15-second samples of concurrent session counts. [Column(\"max_session_percent\")] [NotNull] public object MaxSessionPercent { get; set; } Property Value object MaxWorkerPercent Maximum concurrent workers (requests) in percentage based on the limit of the database's service tier. Maximum is currently calculated for the five-minute interval based on the 15-second samples of concurrent worker counts. [Column(\"max_worker_percent\")] [NotNull] public object MaxWorkerPercent { get; set; } Property Value object Sku Service Tier of the database. The following are the possible values: Basic Standard Premium General Purpose Business Critical [Column(\"sku\")] [NotNull] public string Sku { get; set; } Property Value string StartTime UTC time indicating the start of the five-minute reporting interval. [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime StorageInMegaBytes Maximum storage size in megabytes for the time period, including database data, indexes, stored procedures, and metadata. [Column(\"storage_in_megabytes\")] [NotNull] public double StorageInMegaBytes { get; set; } Property Value double XtpStoragePercent Storage utilization for In-Memory OLTP in percentage of the limit of the service tier (at the end of the reporting interval). This includes memory used for storage of the following In-Memory OLTP objects: memory-optimized tables, indexes, and table variables. It also includes memory used for processing ALTER TABLE operations. Returns 0 if In-Memory OLTP is not used in the database. [Column(\"xtp_storage_percent\")] [NotNull] public object XtpStoragePercent { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.resource_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance important This feature is in a preview state. Do not take a dependency on the specific implementation of this feature because the feature might be changed or removed in a future release. While in a preview state, the Azure SQL Database operations team might turn data collection off and on for this DMV: - When turned on, the DMV returns current data as it is aggregated. - When turned off, the DMV returns historical data, which might be stale. Provides hourly summary of resource usage data for user databases in the current server. Historical data is retained for 90 days. For each user database, there is one row for every hour in continuous fashion. Even if the database was idle during that hour, there is one row, and the usage_in_seconds value for that database will be 0. Storage usage and SKU information is rolled up for the hour appropriately. See sys.resource_usage. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"resource_usage\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceUsage Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseName Name of user database. [Column(\"database_name\")] [NotNull] public string DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string Sku Name of the SKU. The following are the possible values: Web Business Basic Standard Premium [Column(\"sku\")] [NotNull] public string Sku { get; set; } Property Value string StorageInMegaBytes Maximum storage size for the hour, including database data, indexes, stored procedures and metadata. [Column(\"storage_in_megabytes\")] [NotNull] public object StorageInMegaBytes { get; set; } Property Value object Time Time (UTC) in hour increments. [Column(\"time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Time { get; set; } Property Value DateTime UsageInSeconds Sum of CPU time used in the hour. Note: This column is deprecated for V11 and does not apply to V12. Value is always set to 0. [Column(\"usage_in_seconds\")] [NotNull] public int UsageInSeconds { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ServerResourceStat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ServerResourceStat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_resource_stats (Azure SQL Managed Instance) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns CPU usage, IO, and storage data for Azure SQL Managed Instance. The data is collected, aggregated and updated within 5 to 10 minutes intervals. There is one row for every 15 seconds reporting. The data returned includes CPU usage, storage size, IO utilization, and SKU. Historical data is retained for approximately 14 days. The sys.server_resource_stats view has different definitions depending on the version of the Azure SQL Managed Instance that the database is associated with. Consider these differences and any modifications your application requires when upgrading to a new server version. note This dynamic management view applies to Azure SQL Managed Instance only. For an equivalent view for Azure SQL Database, use sys.resource_stats. See sys.server_resource_stats. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_resource_stats\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ServerResourceStat Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ServerResourceStat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AvgCpuPercent Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the Managed Instance service tier utilized by the instance. It is calculated as sum of CPU time of all resource pools for all databases in the instance and divided by available CPU time for that tier in the given interval. [Column(\"avg_cpu_percent\")] [NotNull] public object AvgCpuPercent { get; set; } Property Value object EndTime UTC time indicating the end of the fifteen-second reporting interval [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime HardwareGeneration Hardware generation identifier: such as Gen 4 or Gen 5 [Column(\"hardware_generation\")] [NotNull] public string HardwareGeneration { get; set; } Property Value string IOBytesRead Number of physical bytes read within the interval [Column(\"io_bytes_read\")] [NotNull] public long IOBytesRead { get; set; } Property Value long IOBytesWritten Number of physical bytes written within the interval [Column(\"io_bytes_written\")] [NotNull] public long IOBytesWritten { get; set; } Property Value long IORequest Total number of i/o physical operations within the interval [Column(\"io_request\")] [NotNull] public long IORequest { get; set; } Property Value long ReservedStorageMB Reserved storage per instance (amount of storage space that customer purchased for the managed instance) [Column(\"reserved_storage_mb\")] [NotNull] public long ReservedStorageMB { get; set; } Property Value long ResourceName Name of the resource. [Column(\"resource_name\")] [NotNull] public string ResourceName { get; set; } Property Value string ResourceType Type of the resource for which metrics are provided [Column(\"resource_type\")] [NotNull] public object ResourceType { get; set; } Property Value object Sku Managed Instance Service Tier of the Instance. The following are the possible values: General Purpose Business Critical [Column(\"sku\")] [NotNull] public string Sku { get; set; } Property Value string StartTime UTC time indicating the start of the fifteen-second reporting interval [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime StorageSpaceUsedMB Storage used by all database files in a managed instance (including both user and system databases) [Column(\"storage_space_used_mb\")] [NotNull] public object StorageSpaceUsedMB { get; set; } Property Value object VirtualCoreCount Represents number of virtual cores per instance [Column(\"virtual_core_count\")] [NotNull] public int VirtualCoreCount { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class AzureSQLDatabaseSchema Inheritance object AzureSQLDatabaseSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_column_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds distribution information for columns. See sys.pdw_column_distribution_properties. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_column_distribution_properties\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the column. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DistributionOrdinal Ordinal (1-based) within set of distribution. Range: 0 = Not a distribution column. 1 = Azure Synapse Analytics is using this column to distribute the parent table. [Column(\"distribution_ordinal\")] [NotNull] public byte DistributionOrdinal { get; set; } Property Value byte Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which the column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DataContext Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties ColumnDistributionProperties sys.pdw_column_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds distribution information for columns. See sys.pdw_column_distribution_properties. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty> ColumnDistributionProperties { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty> DatabaseMappings sys.pdw_database_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Maps the database_ids of databases to the physical name used on Compute nodes, and provides the principal id of the database owner on the system. Join sys.pdw_database_mappings to sys.databases and sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases. See sys.pdw_database_mappings. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DatabaseMapping> DatabaseMappings { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DatabaseMapping> DiagEventProperties sys.pdw_diag_event_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about which properties are associated with diagnostic events. See sys.pdw_diag_event_properties. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEventProperty> DiagEventProperties { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEventProperty> DiagEvents sys.pdw_diag_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about events that can be included in diagnostic sessions on the system. See sys.pdw_diag_events. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEvent> DiagEvents { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEvent> DiagSessions sys.pdw_diag_sessions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information regarding the various diagnostic sessions that have been created on the system. See sys.pdw_diag_sessions. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagSession> DiagSessions { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagSession> Distributions sys.pdw_distributions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about the distributions on the appliance. It lists one row per appliance distribution. See sys.pdw_distributions. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.Distribution> Distributions { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.Distribution> HealthAlerts sys.pdw_health_alerts (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores properties for the different alerts that can occur on the system; this is a catalog table for alerts. See sys.pdw_health_alerts. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthAlert> HealthAlerts { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthAlert> HealthComponentGroups sys.pdw_health_component_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores information about logical groupings of components and devices. See sys.pdw_health_component_groups. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentGroup> HealthComponentGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentGroup> HealthComponentProperties sys.pdw_health_component_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores properties that describe a device. Some properties show device status and some properties describe the device itself. See sys.pdw_health_component_properties. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentProperty> HealthComponentProperties { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentProperty> HealthComponentStatusMappings sys.pdw_health_component_status_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Defines the mapping between the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics component statuses and the manufacturer-defined component names. See sys.pdw_health_component_status_mappings. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentStatusMapping> HealthComponentStatusMappings { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentStatusMapping> HealthComponents sys.pdw_health_components (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores information about all components and devices that exist in the system. These include hardware, storage devices, and network devices. See sys.pdw_health_components. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponent> HealthComponents { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponent> IndexMappings sys.pdw_index_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Maps the logical indexes to the physical name used on Compute nodes as reflected by a unique combination of object_id of the table holding the index and the index_id of a particular index within that table. See sys.pdw_index_mappings. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping> IndexMappings { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping> LoaderBackupRunDetails sys.pdw_loader_backup_run_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains further detailed information, beyond the information in sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs (Transact-SQL), about ongoing and completed backup and restore operations in Azure Synapse Analytics and about ongoing and completed backup, restore, and load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_backup_run_details. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRunDetail> LoaderBackupRunDetails { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRunDetail> LoaderBackupRuns sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about ongoing and completed backup and restore operations in Azure Synapse Analytics, and about ongoing and completed backup, restore, and load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRun> LoaderBackupRuns { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRun> LoaderRunStages sys.pdw_loader_run_stages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about ongoing and completed load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_run_stages. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderRunStage> LoaderRunStages { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderRunStage> MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperties sys.pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Displays distribution information for columns in a materialized view. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty> MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperties { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty> MaterializedViewDistributionProperties sys.pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) (preview) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Displays distribution information materialized views. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty> MaterializedViewDistributionProperties { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty> MaterializedViewMappings sys.pdw_materialized_view_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Ties the materialized view to internal object names by object_id. The columns physical_name and object_id form the key for this catalog view. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_mappings. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping> MaterializedViewMappings { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping> NodesColumnStoreDictionaries sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_dictionaries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each dictionary used in columnstore indexes. Dictionaries are used to encode some, but not all data types, therefore not all columns in a columnstore index have dictionaries. A dictionary can exist as a primary dictionary (for all segments) and possibly for other secondary dictionaries used for a subset of the column's segments. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_dictionaries. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreDictionary> NodesColumnStoreDictionaries { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreDictionary> NodesColumnStoreRowGroups sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Provides clustered columnstore index information on a per-segment basis to help the administrator make system management decisions in Azure Synapse Analytics. sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups has a column for the total number of rows physically stored (including those marked as deleted) and a column for the number of rows marked as deleted. Use sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups to determine which row groups have a high percentage of deleted rows and should be rebuilt. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup> NodesColumnStoreRowGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup> NodesColumnStoreSegments sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_segments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column in a columnstore index. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_segments. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreSegment> NodesColumnStoreSegments { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreSegment> NodesColumns sys.pdw_nodes_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows columns for user-defined tables and user-defined views. See sys.pdw_nodes_columns. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn> NodesColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn> NodesIndexes sys.pdw_nodes_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns indexes for Azure Synapse Analytics. See sys.pdw_nodes_indexes. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex> NodesIndexes { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex> NodesPartitions sys.pdw_nodes_partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition of all the tables, and most types of indexes in a Azure Synapse Analytics database. All tables and indexes contain at least one partition, whether or not they are explicitly partitioned. See sys.pdw_nodes_partitions. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition> NodesPartitions { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition> NodesPhysicalDatabases sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each physical database on a compute node. Aggregate physical database information to get detailed information about databases. To combine information, join the sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases to the sys.pdw_database_mappings and sys.databases tables. See sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPhysicalDatabase> NodesPhysicalDatabases { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPhysicalDatabase> NodesTables sys.pdw_nodes_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each table object that a principal either owns or on which the principal has been granted some permission. See sys.pdw_nodes_tables. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable> NodesTables { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable> PermanentTableMappings sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Ties permanent user tables to internal object names by object_id. note sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings holds mappings to permanent tables and does not include temporary or external table mappings. See sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping> PermanentTableMappings { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping> ReplicatedTableCacheStates sys.pdw_replicated_table_cache_state (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the state of the cache associated with a replicated table by object_id. See sys.pdw_replicated_table_cache_state. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState> ReplicatedTableCacheStates { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState> TableDistributionProperties sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds distribution information for tables. See sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty> TableDistributionProperties { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty> TableMappings sys.pdw_table_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Ties user tables to internal object names by object_id. See sys.pdw_table_mappings. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping> TableMappings { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping> WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetails sys.workload_management_workload_classifier_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns details for each classifier. See sys.workload-management-workload-classifier-details. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetail> WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetails { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetail> WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifiers sys.workload_management_workload_classifiers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns details for workload classifiers. See sys.workload-management-workload-classifiers. public ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifier> WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifiers { get; } Property Value ITable<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifier>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DatabaseMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DatabaseMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_database_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Maps the database_ids of databases to the physical name used on Compute nodes, and provides the principal id of the database owner on the system. Join sys.pdw_database_mappings to sys.databases and sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases. See sys.pdw_database_mappings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_database_mappings\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DatabaseMapping Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DatabaseMapping Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID The object ID for the database. See sys.databases (Transact-SQL). physical_name and database_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int PhysicalName The physical name for the database on the Compute nodes. physical_name and database_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEvent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEvent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_diag_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about events that can be included in diagnostic sessions on the system. See sys.pdw_diag_events. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_diag_events\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEvent Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEvent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IsEnabled Whether the event is being published. [Column(\"is_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the specific diagnostics event. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Source Source of the event (engine, general, dms, etc.) [Column(\"source\")] [NotNull] public string Source { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEventProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEventProperty Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_diag_event_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about which properties are associated with diagnostic events. See sys.pdw_diag_event_properties. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_diag_event_properties\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEventProperty Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEventProperty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventName Name of the specific diagnostics event. [Column(\"event_name\")] [NotNull] public string EventName { get; set; } Property Value string PropertyName Name of a property of the event. [Column(\"property_name\")] [NotNull] public string PropertyName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagSession | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagSession Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_diag_sessions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information regarding the various diagnostic sessions that have been created on the system. See sys.pdw_diag_sessions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_diag_sessions\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagSession Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagSession Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID ID of the database that is the scope of the diagnostic session. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int HostAddress Address of the machine hosting the session definition (Control node). [Column(\"host_address\")] [NotNull] public string HostAddress { get; set; } Property Value string IsActive Flag indicating whether the flag is active. [Column(\"is_active\")] [NotNull] public bool IsActive { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the diagnostics session. Key for this view. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the user that created the session at the database level. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlData XML payload describing the session. [Column(\"xml_data\")] [NotNull] public string XmlData { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.Distribution | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.Distribution Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_distributions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about the distributions on the appliance. It lists one row per appliance distribution. See sys.pdw_distributions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_distributions\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.Distribution Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.Distribution Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DistributionID Unique numeric id associated with the distribution. Key for this view. Range: 1 to the number of Compute nodes in appliance multiplied by the number of distributions per Compute node. [Column(\"distribution_id\")] [NotNull] public int DistributionID { get; set; } Property Value int Name String identifier associated with the distribution, used as a suffix on distributed tables. Range: String composed of 'A-Z','a-z','0-9','_','-'. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PdwNodeID ID of the node this distribution is on. Range: See pdw_node_id in sys.dm_pdw_nodes (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int Position Position of the distribution within a node respective to other distributions on that node. Range: 1 to the number of distributions per node. [Column(\"position\")] [NotNull] public int Position { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthAlert | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthAlert Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_health_alerts (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores properties for the different alerts that can occur on the system; this is a catalog table for alerts. See sys.pdw_health_alerts. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_health_alerts\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthAlert Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthAlert Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AlertID Unique identifier of the alert. Key for this view. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"alert_id\")] [NotNull] public int AlertID { get; set; } Property Value int AlertName Name of the alert. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"alert_name\")] [NotNull] public string AlertName { get; set; } Property Value string ComponentID ID of the component this alert applies to. The component is a general component identifier, such as 'Power Supply,' and is not specific to an installation. See sys.pdw_health_components (Transact-SQL). Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"component_id\")] [NotNull] public int ComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int Condition Used when type = Threshold. Defines how the alert threshold is calculated. Range: NULL [Column(\"condition\")] [NotNull] public string Condition { get; set; } Property Value string ConditionValue Indicates whether the alert is allowed to occur during system operation. Range: NULL Possible values 0 - alert is not generated. 1 - alert is generated. [Column(\"condition_value\")] [NotNull] public bool ConditionValue { get; set; } Property Value bool Description Description of the alert. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string Severity Severity of the alert. Range: NOT NULL Possible values: 'Informational' 'Warning' 'Error' [Column(\"severity\")] [NotNull] public string Severity { get; set; } Property Value string State State of the alert. Range: NOT NULL Possible values: 'Operational' 'NonOperational' 'Degraded' 'Failed' [Column(\"state\")] [NotNull] public string State { get; set; } Property Value string Status Alert status Range: NULL [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public string Status { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Type of alert. Range: NOT NULL Possible values: StatusChange - The device status has changed. Threshold - A value has exceeded the threshold value. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_health_components (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores information about all components and devices that exist in the system. These include hardware, storage devices, and network devices. See sys.pdw_health_components. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_health_components\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponent Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ComponentID Unique identifier of a component or device. Key for this view. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"component_id\")] [NotNull] public int ComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int ComponentName Name of the component. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"component_name\")] [NotNull] public string ComponentName { get; set; } Property Value string GroupID The logical component group to which this component belongs. See sys.pdw_health_components (Parallel Data Warehouse). Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"group_id\")] [NotNull] public object GroupID { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_health_component_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores information about logical groupings of components and devices. See sys.pdw_health_component_groups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_health_component_groups\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentGroup Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties GroupID Unique identifier for components and devices. Key for this view. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"group_id\")] [NotNull] public int GroupID { get; set; } Property Value int GroupName Logical group name for the components and devices. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"group_name\")] [NotNull] public string GroupName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentProperty Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_health_component_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores properties that describe a device. Some properties show device status and some properties describe the device itself. See sys.pdw_health_component_properties. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_health_component_properties\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentProperty Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentProperty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ComponentID The ID of the component. See sys.pdw_health_components (Transact-SQL). property_id and component_id form the key for this view. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"component_id\")] [NotNull] public int ComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int IsKey Determines whether the device instance is unique or not unique. Range: NOT NULL 0 - Device instance is unique. 1 - Device instance is not unique. [Column(\"is_key\")] [NotNull] public bool IsKey { get; set; } Property Value bool PhysicalName Property name as defined by the manufacturer. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string PropertyID Unique identifier of the property of a component. property_id and component_id form the key for this view. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"property_id\")] [NotNull] public int PropertyID { get; set; } Property Value int PropertyName Name of the property. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"property_name\")] [NotNull] public string PropertyName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentStatusMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentStatusMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_health_component_status_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Defines the mapping between the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics component statuses and the manufacturer-defined component names. See sys.pdw_health_component_status_mappings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_health_component_status_mappings\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentStatusMapping Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentStatusMapping Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ComponentID The ID of the component. See sys.pdw_health_components (Transact-SQL). property_id, component_id, and physical_name form the key for this view. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"component_id\")] [NotNull] public int ComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int LogicalName Property name as defined by Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics. Range: NOT NULL 0 - Device instance is unique. 1 - Device instance is not unique. [Column(\"logical_name\")] [NotNull] public string LogicalName { get; set; } Property Value string PhysicalName Property name as defined by the manufacturer. property_id, component_id, and physical_name form the key for this view. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string PropertyID Unique identifier of the property. property_id, component_id, and physical_name form the key for this view. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"property_id\")] [NotNull] public int PropertyID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_index_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Maps the logical indexes to the physical name used on Compute nodes as reflected by a unique combination of object_id of the table holding the index and the index_id of a particular index within that table. See sys.pdw_index_mappings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_index_mappings\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IndexID The ID for the index. See sys.indexes (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public string IndexID { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The object ID for the logical table on which this index exists. See sys.objects (Transact-SQL). physical_name and object_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PhysicalName The name of the index in the databases on the Compute nodes. physical_name and object_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRun | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRun Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about ongoing and completed backup and restore operations in Azure Synapse Analytics, and about ongoing and completed backup, restore, and load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_loader_backup_runs\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRun Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRun Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Command Full text of the command submitted by the user. Range: Will be truncated if longer than 4000 characters (counting spaces). [Column(\"command\")] [NotNull] public string Command { get; set; } Property Value string DatabaseName Name of the database that is the context of this operation [Column(\"database_name\")] [NotNull] public string DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string EndTime Time the operation completed, failed, or was cancelled. [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Mode The mode within the run type. Range: For operation_type = BACKUP DIFFERENTIAL FULL For operation_type = LOAD APPEND RELOAD UPSERT For operation_type = RESTORE DATABASE HEADER_ONLY [Column(\"mode\")] [NotNull] public string Mode { get; set; } Property Value string Name Null for load. Optional name for backup or restore. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string OperationType The load type. Range: 'BACKUP', 'LOAD', 'RESTORE' [Column(\"operation_type\")] [NotNull] public string OperationType { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the user requesting the operation. [Column(\"Principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int Progress Percentage completed. Range: 0 to 100 [Column(\"progress\")] [NotNull] public int Progress { get; set; } Property Value int RequestID ID of the request performing the operation. For loads, this is the current or last request associated with this load.. Range: See request_id in sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"request_id\")] [NotNull] public string RequestID { get; set; } Property Value string RowsInserted Number of rows inserted into the database table(s) as part of this operation. [Column(\"rows_inserted\")] [NotNull] public long RowsInserted { get; set; } Property Value long RowsProcessed Number of rows processed as part of this operation. [Column(\"rows_processed\")] [NotNull] public long RowsProcessed { get; set; } Property Value long RowsRejected Number of rows rejected as part of this operation. [Column(\"rows_rejected\")] [NotNull] public long RowsRejected { get; set; } Property Value long RunID Unique identifier for a specific backup, restore, or load run. Key for this view. [Column(\"run_id\")] [NotNull] public int RunID { get; set; } Property Value int SessionID ID of the session performing the operation. Range: See session_id in sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"session_id\")] [NotNull] public string SessionID { get; set; } Property Value string StartTime Time the operation started. [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Status Status of the run. Range: 'CANCELLED','COMPLETED','FAILED','QUEUED','RUNNING' [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public string Status { get; set; } Property Value string SubmitTime Time the request was submitted. [Column(\"submit_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SubmitTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime TableName Information not available. [Column(\"table_name\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TotalElapsedTime Total time elapsed between start_time and current time, or between start_time and end_time for completed, cancelled, or failed runs. Range: If total_elapsed_time exceeds the maximum value for an integer (24.8 days in milliseconds), it will cause materialization failure due to overflow. The maximum value in milliseconds is equivalent to 24.8 days. [Column(\"total_elapsed_time\")] [NotNull] public int TotalElapsedTime { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRunDetail | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRunDetail Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_loader_backup_run_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains further detailed information, beyond the information in sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs (Transact-SQL), about ongoing and completed backup and restore operations in Azure Synapse Analytics and about ongoing and completed backup, restore, and load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_backup_run_details. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_loader_backup_run_details\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRunDetail Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRunDetail Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EndTime Time at which the operation ended on this particular node, if any. [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime PdwNodeID Unique identifier of an appliance node for which this record holds details. run_id and pdw_node_id form the key for this view. Range: See node_id in sys.dm_pdw_nodes (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int Progress Progress of the operation expressed as a percentage. Range: 0 to 100 [Column(\"progress\")] [NotNull] public int Progress { get; set; } Property Value int RunID Unique identifier for a specific backup or restore run. run_id and pdw_node_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"run_id\")] [NotNull] public int RunID { get; set; } Property Value int StartTime Time at which the operation started on this particular node. [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Status The current status of the run. Range: 'CANCELLED', 'COMPLETED', 'FAILED', 'QUEUED', 'RUNNING' [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public string Status { get; set; } Property Value string TotalElapsedTime Total time the operation has been running on this particular node. Range: If total_elapsed_time exceeds the maximum value for an integer (24.8 days in milliseconds), it will cause materialization failure due to overflow. The maximum value in milliseconds is equivalent to 24.8 days. [Column(\"total_elapsed_time\")] [NotNull] public int TotalElapsedTime { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderRunStage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderRunStage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_loader_run_stages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about ongoing and completed load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_run_stages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_loader_run_stages\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderRunStage Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderRunStage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EndTime Time at which the stage ended, if any. Range: NULL if not started or in progress. [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime RequestID ID of the request running this stage. [Column(\"request_id\")] [NotNull] public string RequestID { get; set; } Property Value string RunID Unique identifier of a loader run. [Column(\"run_id\")] [NotNull] public int RunID { get; set; } Property Value int Stage The current stage for the run. Range: 'CREATE_STAGING', 'DMS_LOAD', 'LOAD_INSERT', 'LOAD_CLEANUP' [Column(\"stage\")] [NotNull] public string Stage { get; set; } Property Value string StartTime Time at which the stage was started. [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Status Status of this phase. [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public string Status { get; set; } Property Value string TotalElapsedTime Total time this stage spent (or spent so far) running. Range: If total_elapsed_time exceeds the maximum value for an integer (24.8 days in milliseconds), it will cause materialization failure due to overflow. The maximum value in milliseconds is equivalent to 24.8 days. [Column(\"total_elapsed_time\")] [NotNull] public int TotalElapsedTime { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Displays distribution information for columns in a materialized view. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID The ID of the column. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DistributionOrdinal 0 = Not a distribution column. 1 = Azure Synapse Analytics is using this column to distribute the materialized view. [Column(\"distribution_ordinal\")] [NotNull] public byte DistributionOrdinal { get; set; } Property Value byte Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which the column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) (preview) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Displays distribution information materialized views. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DistributionPolicy 2 = HASH 4 = ROUND_ROBIN [Column(\"distribution_policy\")] [NotNull] public byte DistributionPolicy { get; set; } Property Value byte DistributionPolicyDesc HASH, ROUND_ROBIN [Column(\"distribution_policy_desc\")] [NotNull] public string DistributionPolicyDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the materialized view for which thee properties were specified. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_materialized_view_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Ties the materialized view to internal object names by object_id. The columns physical_name and object_id form the key for this catalog view. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_mappings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_materialized_view_mappings\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The object ID for the materialized view. See sys.objects (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PhysicalName The physical name for the materialized view. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_nodes_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows columns for user-defined tables and user-defined views. See sys.pdw_nodes_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_nodes_columns\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollationName Name of the collation of the column if character-based; otherwise, NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [NotNull] public string CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnID ID of the column. Unique in object. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultObjectID ID of the default object; 0 = No default. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"default_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int DefaultObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int IsAnsiPadded 1 = Column uses ANSI_PADDING ON behavior if character, binary, or variant. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_ansi_padded\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAnsiPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool IsColumnSet 1 = Column is a column set. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_column_set\")] [NotNull] public bool IsColumnSet { get; set; } Property Value bool IsComputed 1 = Column is a computed column. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_computed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsComputed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDtsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated by using SSIS. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_dts_replicated\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDtsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFilestream 1 = Column is a FILESTREAM column. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_filestream\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFilestream { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentity 1 = Column has identity values. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_identity\")] [NotNull] public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMergePublished 1 = Column is merge-published. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNonSqlSubscribed 1 = Column has a non-SQL subscriber. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_non_sql_subscribed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNonSqlSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable 1 = Column is nullable. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRowGuidCol 1 = Column is a declared ROWGUIDCOL. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_rowguidcol\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRowGuidCol { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSparse 1 = Column is a sparse column. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_sparse\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSparse { get; set; } Property Value bool IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxLength Maximum length (in bytes) of the column. Range: Includes -1 (not valid) for unsupported column types. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the column. Unique in object. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PdwNodeID Unique identifier of a Azure Synapse Analytics node. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte RuleObjectID ID of the stand-alone rule bound to the column. 0 = No stand-alone rule. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"rule_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int RuleObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Scale Scale of column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the column. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the column as defined by the user. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID 0 = No XML schema collection. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreDictionary | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreDictionary Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_dictionaries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each dictionary used in columnstore indexes. Dictionaries are used to encode some, but not all data types, therefore not all columns in a columnstore index have dictionaries. A dictionary can exist as a primary dictionary (for all segments) and possibly for other secondary dictionaries used for a subset of the column's segments. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_dictionaries. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_nodes_column_store_dictionaries\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreDictionary Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreDictionary Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the columnstore column. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DictionaryID Id of the dictionary. [Column(\"dictionary_id\")] [NotNull] public int DictionaryID { get; set; } Property Value int EntryCount Number of entries in the dictionary. [Column(\"entry_count\")] [NotNull] public long EntryCount { get; set; } Property Value long HoBTID ID of the heap or B-tree index (HoBT) for the table that has this columnstore index. [Column(\"hobt_id\")] [NotNull] public long HoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long LastID The last data id in the dictionary. [Column(\"last_id\")] [NotNull] public int LastID { get; set; } Property Value int OnDiscSize Size of dictionary in bytes. [Column(\"on_disc_size\")] [NotNull] public long OnDiscSize { get; set; } Property Value long PartitionID Indicates the partition ID. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"partition_id\")] [NotNull] public long PartitionID { get; set; } Property Value long PdwNodeID Unique identifier of a Azure Synapse Analytics node. [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Dictionary type: 1 - Hash dictionary containing int values 2 - Not used 3 - Hash dictionary containing string values 4 - Hash dictionary containing float values [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public int TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value int Version Version of the dictionary format. [Column(\"version\")] [NotNull] public int Version { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Provides clustered columnstore index information on a per-segment basis to help the administrator make system management decisions in Azure Synapse Analytics. sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups has a column for the total number of rows physically stored (including those marked as deleted) and a column for the number of rows marked as deleted. Use sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups to determine which row groups have a high percentage of deleted rows and should be rebuilt. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DeletedRows Number of rows physically stored in the row group that are marked for deletion. Always 0 for DELTA row groups. [Column(\"deleted_rows\")] [NotNull] public long DeletedRows { get; set; } Property Value long DelltaStoreHoBTID The hobt_id for delta row groups, or NULL if the row group type is not delta. A delta row group is a read/write row group that is accepting new records. A delta row group has the OPEN status. A delta row group is still in rowstore format and has not been compressed to columnstore format. [Column(\"dellta_store_hobt_id\")] [NotNull] public long DelltaStoreHoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long DistributionID Unique ID of the distribution. [Column(\"distribution_id\")] [NotNull] public int DistributionID { get; set; } Property Value int IndexID ID of the clustered columnstore index on object_id table. [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the underlying table. This is the physical table on the Compute node, not the object_id for the logical table on the Control node. For example, object_id does not match with the object_id in sys.tables. To join with sys.tables, use sys.pdw_index_mappings. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PartitionNumber ID of the table partition that holds row group row_group_id. You can use partition_number to join this DMV to sys.partitions. [Column(\"partition_number\")] [NotNull] public int PartitionNumber { get; set; } Property Value int PdwNodeID Unique ID of a Azure Synapse Analytics node. [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int RowGroupID ID of this row group. This is unique within the partition. [Column(\"row_group_id\")] [NotNull] public int RowGroupID { get; set; } Property Value int SizeInBytes Combined size, in bytes, of all the pages in this row group. This size does not include the size required to store metadata or shared dictionaries. [Column(\"size_in_bytes\")] [NotNull] public int SizeInBytes { get; set; } Property Value int State ID number associated with the state_description. 1 = OPEN 2 = CLOSED 3 = COMPRESSED [Column(\"state\")] [NotNull] public byte State { get; set; } Property Value byte StateDesccription Description of the persistent state of the row group: OPEN - A read/write row group that is accepting new records. An open row group is still in rowstore format and has not been compressed to columnstore format. CLOSED - A row group that has been filled, but not yet compressed by the tuple mover process. COMPRESSED - A row group that has filled and compressed. [Column(\"state_desccription\")] [NotNull] public string StateDesccription { get; set; } Property Value string TotalRows Total rows physically stored in the row group. Some may have been deleted but they are still stored. The maximum number of rows in a row group is 1,048,576 (hexadecimal FFFFF). [Column(\"total_rows\")] [NotNull] public long TotalRows { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreSegment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreSegment Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_segments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column in a columnstore index. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_segments. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_nodes_column_store_segments\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreSegment Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreSegment Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseID Base value ID if encoding type 1 is being used. If encoding type 1 is not being used, base_id is set to 1. [Column(\"base_id\")] [NotNull] public long BaseID { get; set; } Property Value long ColumnID ID of the columnstore column. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int EncodingType Type of encoding used for that segment: 1 = VALUE_BASED - non-string/binary with no dictionary (similar to 4 with some internal variations) 2 = VALUE_HASH_BASED - non-string/binary column with common values in dictionary 3 = STRING_HASH_BASED - string/binary column with common values in dictionary 4 = STORE_BY_VALUE_BASED - non-string/binary with no dictionary 5 = STRING_STORE_BY_VALUE_BASED - string/binary with no dictionary All encodings take advantage of bit-packing and run-length encoding when possible. [Column(\"encoding_type\")] [NotNull] public int EncodingType { get; set; } Property Value int HasNulls 1 if the column segment has null values. [Column(\"has_nulls\")] [NotNull] public int HasNulls { get; set; } Property Value int HoBTID ID of the heap or B-tree index (hobt) for the table that has this columnstore index. [Column(\"hobt_id\")] [NotNull] public long HoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long Magnitude Magnitude if encoding type 1 is being used. If encoding type 1 is not being used, magnitude is set to 1. [Column(\"magnitude\")] [NotNull] public double Magnitude { get; set; } Property Value double MaxDataID Maximum data ID in the column segment. [Column(\"max_data_id\")] [NotNull] public long MaxDataID { get; set; } Property Value long MinDataID Minimum data ID in the column segment. [Column(\"min_data_id\")] [NotNull] public long MinDataID { get; set; } Property Value long NullValue Value used to represent nulls. [Column(\"null_value\")] [NotNull] public long NullValue { get; set; } Property Value long OnDiskSize Size of segment in bytes. [Column(\"on_disk_size\")] [NotNull] public long OnDiskSize { get; set; } Property Value long PartitionID Indicates the partition ID. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"partition_id\")] [NotNull] public long PartitionID { get; set; } Property Value long PdwNodeID Unique identifier of a Azure Synapse Analytics node. [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int PrimaryDictionaryID ID of primary dictionary. A non-zero value points to the local dictionary for this column in the current segment (i.e. the rowgroup). A value of -1 indicates that there is no local dictionary for this segment. [Column(\"primary__dictionary_id\")] [NotNull] public int PrimaryDictionaryID { get; set; } Property Value int RowCount Number of rows in the row group. [Column(\"row_count\")] [NotNull] public int RowCount { get; set; } Property Value int SecondaryDictionaryID ID of secondary dictionary. A non-zero value points to the local dictionary for this column in the current segment (i.e. the rowgroup). A value of -1 indicates that there is no local dictionary for this segment. [Column(\"secondary_dictionary_id\")] [NotNull] public int SecondaryDictionaryID { get; set; } Property Value int SegmentID ID of the column segment. For backward compatibility, the column name continues to be called segment_id even though this is the rowgroup ID. You can uniquely identify a segment using <hobt_id, partition_id, column_id>, <segment_id>. [Column(\"segment_id\")] [NotNull] public int SegmentID { get; set; } Property Value int Version Version of the column segment format. [Column(\"version\")] [NotNull] public int Version { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_nodes_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns indexes for Azure Synapse Analytics. See sys.pdw_nodes_indexes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_nodes_indexes\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllowPageLocks 1 = Index allows page locks. Range: Always 1. [Column(\"allow_page_locks\")] [NotNull] public bool AllowPageLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool AllowRowLocks 1 = Index allows row locks. Range: Always 1. [Column(\"allow_row_locks\")] [NotNull] public bool AllowRowLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool DataSpaceID id of the data space for this index. Data space is either a filegroup or partition scheme. 0 = object_id is a table-valued function. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int FillFactor 0 = FILLFACTOR percentage used when the index was created or rebuilt. 0 = Default value Range: Always 0. [Column(\"fill_factor\")] [NotNull] public byte FillFactor { get; set; } Property Value byte FilterDefinition Expression for the subset of rows included in the filtered index. Range: Always NULL. [Column(\"filter_definition\")] [NotNull] public string FilterDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string HasFilter 0 = Index does not have a filter. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"has_filter\")] [NotNull] public bool HasFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool IgnoreDupKey 0 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is OFF. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"ignore_dup_key\")] [NotNull] public bool IgnoreDupKey { get; set; } Property Value bool IndexID id of the index. index_id is unique only within the object. 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered index > 1 = Nonclustered index [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDisabled 1 = Index is disabled. 0 = Index is not disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsHypothetical 0 = Index is not hypothetical. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_hypothetical\")] [NotNull] public bool IsHypothetical { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPadded 0 = PADINDEX is OFF. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_padded\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPrimaryKey 1 = Index is part of a PRIMARY KEY constraint. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_primary_key\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool IsUnique 0 = Index is not unique. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_unique\")] [NotNull] public bool IsUnique { get; set; } Property Value bool IsUniqueConstraint 1 = Index is part of a UNIQUE constraint. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"is_unique_constraint\")] [NotNull] public bool IsUniqueConstraint { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the index. Name is unique only within the object. NULL = Heap [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID id of the object to which this index belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PdwNodeID Unique identifier of a Azure Synapse Analytics node. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Type of index: 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered 2 = Nonclustered 5 = Clustered xVelocity memory optimized columnstore index [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of index type: HEAP CLUSTERED NONCLUSTERED CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE [Column(\"type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_nodes_partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition of all the tables, and most types of indexes in a Azure Synapse Analytics database. All tables and indexes contain at least one partition, whether or not they are explicitly partitioned. See sys.pdw_nodes_partitions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_nodes_partitions\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataCompression Indicates the state of compression for each partition: 0 = NONE 1 = ROW 2 = PAGE 3 = COLUMNSTORE [Column(\"data_compression\")] [NotNull] public int DataCompression { get; set; } Property Value int DataCompressionDesc Indicates the state of compression for each partition. Possible values are NONE, ROW, and PAGE. [Column(\"data_compression_desc\")] [NotNull] public string DataCompressionDesc { get; set; } Property Value string HoBTID ID of the data heap or B-tree (HoBT) that contains the rows for this partition. [Column(\"hobt_id\")] [NotNull] public long HoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long IndexID ID of the index within the object to which this partition belongs. [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this partition belongs. Every table or view is composed of at least one partition. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PartitionID ID of the partition. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"partition_id\")] [NotNull] public long PartitionID { get; set; } Property Value long PartitionNumber 1-based partition number within the owning index or heap. For Azure Synapse Analytics, the value of this column is 1. [Column(\"partition_number\")] [NotNull] public int PartitionNumber { get; set; } Property Value int PdwNodeID Unique identifier of a Azure Synapse Analytics node. [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int Rows Approximate number of rows in this partition. [Column(\"rows\")] [NotNull] public long Rows { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPhysicalDatabase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPhysicalDatabase Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each physical database on a compute node. Aggregate physical database information to get detailed information about databases. To combine information, join the sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases to the sys.pdw_database_mappings and sys.databases tables. See sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPhysicalDatabase Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPhysicalDatabase Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID The object ID for the database. Note that this value is not same as a database_id in the sys.databases (Transact-SQL) view. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int PdwNodeID Unique numeric id associated with the node. [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int PhysicalName The physical name for the database on the Shell/Compute nodes. This value is same as a value in the physical_name column in the sys.pdw_database_mappings (Transact-SQL) view. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_nodes_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each table object that a principal either owns or on which the principal has been granted some permission. See sys.pdw_nodes_tables. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_nodes_tables\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime FilestreamDataSpaceID Data space ID for a FILESTREAM filegroup or Information not available. Range: NULL [Column(\"filestream_data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int FilestreamDataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int HasReplicationFilter 1 = Table has a replication filter. Range: 0 [Column(\"has_replication_filter\")] [NotNull] public bool HasReplicationFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool HasUncheckedAssemblyData 1 = Table contains persisted data that depends on an assembly whose definition changed during the last ALTER ASSEMBLY. Will be reset to 0 after the next successful DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE. Range: 0; no CLR support. [Column(\"has_unchecked_assembly_data\")] [NotNull] public bool HasUncheckedAssemblyData { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMergePublished 1 = Table is published using merge replication. Range: 0; not supported. [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReplicated 1 = Table is published using replication. Range: 0; replication is not supported. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSyncTranSubscribed 1 = Table is subscribed using an immediate updating subscription. Range: 0; not supported. [Column(\"is_sync_tran_subscribed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSyncTranSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsTrackedByCdc 1 = Table is enabled for change data capture Range: Always 0; no CDC support. [Column(\"is_tracked_by_cdc\")] [NotNull] public bool IsTrackedByCdc { get; set; } Property Value bool LargeValueTypesOutOfRow 1 = Large value types are stored out-of-row. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"large_value_types_out_of_row\")] [NotNull] public bool LargeValueTypesOutOfRow { get; set; } Property Value bool LobDataSpaceID Range: Always 0. [Column(\"lob_data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int LobDataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int LockEscalation The value of the LOCK_ESCALATION option for the table: 2 = AUTO Range: Always 2. [Column(\"lock_escalation\")] [NotNull] public byte LockEscalation { get; set; } Property Value byte LockEscalationDesc A text description of the lock_escalation option. Range: Always AUTO. [Column(\"lock_escalation_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LockEscalationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string LockOnBulkLoad Table is locked on bulk load. Range: TBD [Column(\"lock_on_bulk_load\")] [NotNull] public bool LockOnBulkLoad { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxColumnIDUsed Maximum column ID used by this table. [Column(\"max_column_id_used\")] [NotNull] public int MaxColumnIDUsed { get; set; } Property Value int ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PdwNodeID Unique identifier of a Azure Synapse Analytics node. Range: NOT NULL [Column(\"pdw_node_id\")] [NotNull] public int PdwNodeID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TextInRowLimit 0 = Text in row option is not set. Range: Always 0. [Column(\"text_in_row_limit\")] [NotNull] public int TextInRowLimit { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UsesAnsiNulls Table was created with the SET ANSI_NULLS database option ON. Range: 1 [Column(\"uses_ansi_nulls\")] [NotNull] public bool UsesAnsiNulls { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Ties permanent user tables to internal object names by object_id. note sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings holds mappings to permanent tables and does not include temporary or external table mappings. See sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_permanent_table_mappings\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The object ID for the table. See sys.objects (Transact-SQL). physical_name and object_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PhysicalName The physical name for the table. physical_name and object_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_replicated_table_cache_state (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the state of the cache associated with a replicated table by object_id. See sys.pdw_replicated_table_cache_state. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_replicated_table_cache_state\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The object ID for the table. See sys.objects (Transact-SQL). object_id is the key for this view. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int State The replicated table cache state for this table. Range: 'NotReady','Ready' [Column(\"state\")] [NotNull] public string State { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds distribution information for tables. See sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_table_distribution_properties\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DistributionPolicy 0 = UNDEFINED 1 = NONE 2 = HASH 3 = REPLICATE 4 = ROUND_ROBIN [Column(\"distribution_policy\")] [NotNull] public byte DistributionPolicy { get; set; } Property Value byte DistributionPolicyDesc UNDEFINED, NONE, HASH, REPLICATE, ROUND_ROBIN Range: Azure Synapse Analytics returns either HASH, ROUND_ROBIN or REPLICATE. [Column(\"distribution_policy_desc\")] [NotNull] public string DistributionPolicyDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the table for which thee properties were specified. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.pdw_table_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Ties user tables to internal object names by object_id. See sys.pdw_table_mappings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"pdw_table_mappings\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The object ID for the table. See sys.objects (Transact-SQL). physical_name and object_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PhysicalName The physical name for the table. physical_name and object_id form the key for this view. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifier | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifier Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.workload_management_workload_classifiers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns details for workload classifiers. See sys.workload-management-workload-classifiers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"workload-management-workload-classifiers\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifier Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifier Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ClassifierID Unique ID of the classifier. Is not nullable [Column(\"classifier_id\")] [NotNull] public int ClassifierID { get; set; } Property Value int CreateTime Time the classifier was created. Is not nullable. [Column(\"create_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime GroupName Name of the workload group the classifier is assigned to. Is not nullable. Joinable to sys.workload_management_workload_groups [Column(\"group_name\")] [NotNull] public string GroupName { get; set; } Property Value string Importance Is the relative importance of a request in this workload group and across workload groups for shared resources. Importance specified in the classifier overrides the workload group importance setting. Is nullable. When null, the workload group importance setting is used. Range: low, below_normal, normal (default), above_normal, high [Column(\"importance\")] [NotNull] public string Importance { get; set; } Property Value string IsEnabled INTERNAL [Column(\"is_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyTime Time the classifier was last modified. Is not nullable. [Column(\"modify_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the classifier. Must be unique to the instance. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetail | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetail Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.workload_management_workload_classifier_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns details for each classifier. See sys.workload-management-workload-classifier-details. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"workload-management-workload-classifier-details\", IsView = true)] public class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetail Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetail Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ClassifierID ID of the classifier. Is not nullable. [Column(\"classifier_id\")] [NotNull] public int ClassifierID { get; set; } Property Value int ClassifierType Joinable to sys.workload_management_workload_classifiers. Range: membername wlm_label wlm_context start_time end_time [Column(\"classifier_type\")] [NotNull] public string ClassifierType { get; set; } Property Value string ClassifierValue The value of the classifier. Is not nullable. [Column(\"classifier_value\")] [NotNull] public string ClassifierValue { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema Inheritance object AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.Assembly | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.Assembly Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.assemblies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each assembly. See sys.assemblies. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"assemblies\", IsView = true)] public class CLRAssemblySchema.Assembly Inheritance object CLRAssemblySchema.Assembly Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyID Assembly identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int AssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int ClrName Canonical string that encodes the simple name, version number, culture, public key, and architecture of the assembly. This value uniquely identifies the assembly on the common language runtime (CLR) side. [Column(\"clr_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ClrName { get; set; } Property Value string CreateDate Date the assembly was created or registered. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsUserDefined Indicates the source of the assembly. 0 = System-defined assemblies (such as Microsoft.SqlServer.Types for the hierarchyid data type) 1 = User-defined assemblies [Column(\"is_user_defined\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUserDefined { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsVisible 1 = Assembly is visible to register Transact-SQL entry points. 0 = Assembly is intended only for managed callers. That is, the assembly provides internal implementation for other assemblies in the database. [Column(\"is_visible\")] [NotNull] public bool IsVisible { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the assembly was modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the assembly. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PermissionSet Permission-set/security-level for assembly. 1 = Safe Access 2 = External Access 3 = Unsafe Access [Column(\"permission_set\")] [Nullable] public byte? PermissionSet { get; set; } Property Value byte? PermissionSetDesc Description for permission-set/security-level for assembly. SAFE_ACCESS EXTERNAL_ACCESS UNSAFE_ACCESS [Column(\"permission_set_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PermissionSetDesc { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the principal that owns this assembly. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyFile | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyFile Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.assembly_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each file that makes up an assembly. See sys.assembly_files. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"assembly_files\", IsView = true)] public class CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyFile Inheritance object CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyFile Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyID ID of the assembly to which this file belongs. [Column(\"assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int AssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int Content Content of file. [Column(\"content\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Content { get; set; } Property Value byte[] FileID ID of the file. Is unique within an assembly. The file ID numbered 1 represents the assembly DLL. [Column(\"file_id\")] [NotNull] public int FileID { get; set; } Property Value int Name Name of the assembly file. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyReference | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyReference Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.assembly_references (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each pair of assemblies where one is directly referencing another. See sys.assembly_references. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"assembly_references\", IsView = true)] public class CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyReference Inheritance object CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyReference Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyID ID of the assembly to which this reference belongs. [Column(\"assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int AssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int ReferencedAssemblyID ID of the assembly being referenced. [Column(\"referenced_assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int ReferencedAssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class CLRAssemblySchema.DataContext Inheritance object CLRAssemblySchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties Assemblies sys.assemblies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each assembly. See sys.assemblies. public ITable<CLRAssemblySchema.Assembly> Assemblies { get; } Property Value ITable<CLRAssemblySchema.Assembly> AssemblyFiles sys.assembly_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each file that makes up an assembly. See sys.assembly_files. public ITable<CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyFile> AssemblyFiles { get; } Property Value ITable<CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyFile> AssemblyReferences sys.assembly_references (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each pair of assemblies where one is directly referencing another. See sys.assembly_references. public ITable<CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyReference> AssemblyReferences { get; } Property Value ITable<CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyReference> TrustedAssemblies sys.trusted_assemblies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later Contains a row for each trusted assembly for the server. Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions See sys.trusted_assemblies. public ITable<CLRAssemblySchema.TrustedAssembly> TrustedAssemblies { get; } Property Value ITable<CLRAssemblySchema.TrustedAssembly>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.TrustedAssembly | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CLRAssemblySchema.TrustedAssembly Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.trusted_assemblies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later Contains a row for each trusted assembly for the server. Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions See sys.trusted_assemblies. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"trusted_assemblies\", IsView = true)] public class CLRAssemblySchema.TrustedAssembly Inheritance object CLRAssemblySchema.TrustedAssembly Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the assembly was added to the list of trusted assemblies. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public object CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value object CreatedBy Login name of the principal who added the assembly to the list. [Column(\"created_by\")] [NotNull] public string CreatedBy { get; set; } Property Value string Description Optional user-defined description of the assembly. Microsoft recommends using the canonical name that encodes the simple name, version number, culture, public key, and architecture of the assembly to trust. This value uniquely identifies the assembly on the common language runtime (CLR) side and is the same as the clr_name value in sys.assemblies. [Column(\"description\")] [Nullable] public string? Description { get; set; } Property Value string Hash SHA2_512 hash of the assembly content. [Column(\"hash\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Hash { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CLRAssemblySchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CLRAssemblySchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class CLRAssemblySchema Inheritance object CLRAssemblySchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingDatabase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingDatabase Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Change Tracking Catalog Views - sys.change_tracking_databases Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each database that has change tracking enabled. See sys.change_tracking_databases. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"change_tracking_databases\", IsView = true)] public class ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingDatabase Inheritance object ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingDatabase Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID ID of the database. This is unique within the instance of SQL Server. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int IsAutoCleanupOn Indicates whether change tracking data is automatically cleaned up after the configured retention period: 0 = Off 1 = On [Column(\"is_auto_cleanup_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAutoCleanupOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? RetentionPeriod If autocleanup is being used, the retention period specifies how long the change tracking data is kept in the database. [Column(\"retention_period\")] [Nullable] public int? RetentionPeriod { get; set; } Property Value int? RetentionPeriodUnits Unit of time for the retention period: 1 = Minutes 2 = Hours 3 = Days [Column(\"retention_period_units\")] [Nullable] public byte? RetentionPeriodUnits { get; set; } Property Value byte? RetentionPeriodUnitsDesc Specifies the description of the retention period: Minutes Hours Days [Column(\"retention_period_units_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? RetentionPeriodUnitsDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Change Tracking Catalog Views - sys.change_tracking_tables Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table in the current database that has change tracking enabled. See sys.change_tracking_tables. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"change_tracking_tables\", IsView = true)] public class ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable Inheritance object ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BeginVersion Version of the database when change tracking began for the table. This version is usually indicates when change tracking was enabled, but this value is reset if the table is truncated. [Column(\"begin_version\")] [Nullable] public long? BeginVersion { get; set; } Property Value long? CleanupVersion Version up to which cleanup might have removed change tracking information. [Column(\"cleanup_version\")] [Nullable] public long? CleanupVersion { get; set; } Property Value long? IsTrackColumnsUpdatedOn Current state of change tracking on the table: 0 = OFF 1 = ON [Column(\"is_track_columns_updated_on\")] [NotNull] public bool IsTrackColumnsUpdatedOn { get; set; } Property Value bool MinValidVersion Minimum valid version of change tracking information that is available for the table. When obtaining changes from the table that is associated with this row, the value of last_sync_version must be greater than or equal to the version reported by this column. For more information, see CHANGE_TRACKING_MIN_VALID_VERSION (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"min_valid_version\")] [Nullable] public long? MinValidVersion { get; set; } Property Value long? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of a table that has a change journal. The table can have a change journal even if change tracking is currently off. The table ID is unique within the database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ChangeTrackingSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ChangeTrackingSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ChangeTrackingSchema.DataContext Inheritance object ChangeTrackingSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties ChangeTrackingDatabases Change Tracking Catalog Views - sys.change_tracking_databases Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each database that has change tracking enabled. See sys.change_tracking_databases. public ITable<ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingDatabase> ChangeTrackingDatabases { get; } Property Value ITable<ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingDatabase> ChangeTrackingTables Change Tracking Catalog Views - sys.change_tracking_tables Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table in the current database that has change tracking enabled. See sys.change_tracking_tables. public ITable<ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable> ChangeTrackingTables { get; } Property Value ITable<ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ChangeTrackingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ChangeTrackingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class ChangeTrackingSchema Inheritance object ChangeTrackingSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.AltFile | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.AltFile Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysaltfiles (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Under special circumstances, contains rows corresponding to the files in a database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysaltfiles. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysaltfiles\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.AltFile Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.AltFile Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DbID Database identification number of the database to which this file belongs. [Column(\"dbid\")] [Nullable] public short? DbID { get; set; } Property Value short? FileID File identification number. This is unique for each database. [Column(\"fileid\")] [Nullable] public short? FileID { get; set; } Property Value short? FileName Name of the physical device. This includes the full path of the file. [Column(\"filename\")] [Nullable] public string? FileName { get; set; } Property Value string GroupID File group identification number. [Column(\"groupid\")] [Nullable] public short? GroupID { get; set; } Property Value short? Growth Growth size of the database. 0 = No growth. Can be either the number of pages or the percentage of file size, depending on the value of status. If status is 0x100000, growth is the percentage of file size; otherwise, it is the number of pages. [Column(\"growth\")] [NotNull] public int Growth { get; set; } Property Value int MaxSize Maximum file size, in 8-KB pages. 0 = No growth. -1 = File will grow until the disk is full. 268435456 = Log file will grow to a maximum size of 2 TB. Note: Databases that are upgraded with an unlimited log file size will report -1 for the maximum size of the log file. [Column(\"maxsize\")] [NotNull] public int MaxSize { get; set; } Property Value int Name Logical name of the file. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Perf Reserved. [Column(\"perf\")] [Nullable] public int? Perf { get; set; } Property Value int? Size File size, in 8-kilobyte (KB) pages. [Column(\"size\")] [NotNull] public int Size { get; set; } Property Value int Status Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.CacheObject | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.CacheObject Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syscacheobjects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about how the cache is used. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscacheobjects. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syscacheobjects\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.CacheObject Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.CacheObject Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AvgExecTime For backward compatibility only. Always returns 0. [Column(\"avgexectime\")] [Nullable] public long? AvgExecTime { get; set; } Property Value long? BucketID Bucket ID. Value indicates a range from 0 through (directory size - 1). Directory size is the size of the hash table. [Column(\"bucketid\")] [NotNull] public int BucketID { get; set; } Property Value int CacheObjType Type of object in the cache: Compiled plan Executable plan Parse tree Cursor Extended stored procedure [Column(\"cacheobjtype\")] [NotNull] public string CacheObjType { get; set; } Property Value string DateFormat Date format of the connection that created the cache object. [Column(\"dateformat\")] [Nullable] public short? DateFormat { get; set; } Property Value short? DbID Database ID in which the cache object was compiled. [Column(\"dbid\")] [Nullable] public short? DbID { get; set; } Property Value short? DbIDExec Database ID from which the query is executed. For most objects, dbidexec has the same value as dbid. For system views, dbidexec is the database ID from which the query is executed. For ad hoc queries, dbidexec is 0. This means dbidexec has the same value as dbid. [Column(\"dbidexec\")] [Nullable] public short? DbIDExec { get; set; } Property Value short? LangID Language ID. ID of the language of the connection that created the cache object. [Column(\"langid\")] [Nullable] public short? LangID { get; set; } Property Value short? LastReads For backward compatibility only. Always returns 0. [Column(\"lastreads\")] [Nullable] public long? LastReads { get; set; } Property Value long? LastTime For backward compatibility only. Always returns 0. [Column(\"lasttime\")] [Nullable] public long? LastTime { get; set; } Property Value long? LastWrites For backward compatibility only. Always returns 0. [Column(\"lastwrites\")] [Nullable] public long? LastWrites { get; set; } Property Value long? MaxExecTime For backward compatibility only. Always returns 0. [Column(\"maxexectime\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxExecTime { get; set; } Property Value long? ObjID One of the main keys used for looking up an object in the cache. This is the object ID stored in sysobjects for database objects (procedures, views, triggers, and so on). For cache objects such as ad hoc or prepared SQL, objid is an internally generated value. [Column(\"objid\")] [Nullable] public int? ObjID { get; set; } Property Value int? ObjType Type of object: Stored procedure Prepared statement Ad hoc query (Transact-SQL submitted as language events from the sqlcmd or osql utilities, instead of remote procedure calls) ReplProc (replication procedure) Trigger View Default User table System table Check Rule [Column(\"objtype\")] [NotNull] public string ObjType { get; set; } Property Value string PagesUsed Number of pages consumed by the cache object. [Column(\"pagesused\")] [Nullable] public int? PagesUsed { get; set; } Property Value int? RefCounts Number of other cache objects referencing this cache object. A count of 1 is the base. [Column(\"refcounts\")] [NotNull] public int RefCounts { get; set; } Property Value int SetOptions SET option settings that affect a compiled plan. These settings are part of the cache key. Changes to values in this column indicate users have modified SET options. These options include the following: ANSI_PADDING FORCEPLAN CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ANSI_WARNINGS ANSI_NULLS QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON ANSI_NULL_DFLT_OFF [Column(\"setopts\")] [Nullable] public int? SetOptions { get; set; } Property Value int? Sql Module definition or the first 3900 characters of the batch submitted. [Column(\"sql\")] [Nullable] public string? Sql { get; set; } Property Value string SqlBytes Length in bytes of the procedure definition or batch submitted. [Column(\"sqlbytes\")] [Nullable] public int? SqlBytes { get; set; } Property Value int? Status Indicates whether the cache object is a cursor plan. Currently, only the least significant bit is used. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int? UID Indicates the creator of the plan for ad hoc query plans and prepared plans. -2 = The batch submitted does not depend on implicit name resolution and can be shared among different users. This is the preferred method. Any other value represents the user ID of the user submitting the query in the database. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"uid\")] [Nullable] public short? UID { get; set; } Property Value short? UseCounts Number of times this cache object has been used since inception. [Column(\"usecounts\")] [NotNull] public int UseCounts { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Charset | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Charset Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syscharsets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each character set and sort order defined for use by the SQL Server Database Engine. One of the sort orders is marked in sysconfigures as the default sort order. This is the only one actually being used. See sys.syscharsets. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syscharsets\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Charset Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Charset Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BinaryDefinition Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"binarydefinition\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? BinaryDefinition { get; set; } Property Value byte[] CSID If the row represents a character set, this field is unused. If the row represents a sort order, this field is the ID of the character set that the sort order is built on. It is assumed a character set row with this ID exists in this table. [Column(\"csid\")] [NotNull] public byte CSID { get; set; } Property Value byte Definition Internal definition of the character set or sort order. The structure of the data in this field depends on the type. [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Definition { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Description Optional description of the features of the character set or sort order. [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string ID Unique ID for the character set or sort order. Note sort orders and character sets cannot share the same ID number. The ID range of 1 through 240 is reserved for use by the Database Engine. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public byte ID { get; set; } Property Value byte Name Unique name for the character set or sort order. This field must contain only the letters A-Z or a-z, numbers 0 - 9, and underscores(_); and it must start with a letter. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Status Internal system status information bits. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short? TypeColumn Type of entity this row represents: 1001 = Character set. 2001 = Sort order. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public short TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value short"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Column | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Column Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syscolumns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for every column in every table and view, and a row for each parameter in a stored procedure in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscolumns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syscolumns\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Column Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Column Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AutoVal Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"autoval\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? AutoVal { get; set; } Property Value byte[] BitPos Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"bitpos\")] [Nullable] public byte? BitPos { get; set; } Property Value byte? CDefault ID of the default for this column. [Column(\"cdefault\")] [NotNull] public int CDefault { get; set; } Property Value int ColStat Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"colstat\")] [Nullable] public short? ColStat { get; set; } Property Value short? Collation Name of the collation of the column. NULL if not a character-based column. [Column(\"collation\")] [Nullable] public string? Collation { get; set; } Property Value string CollationID ID of the collation of the column. NULL for noncharacter-based columns. [Column(\"collationid\")] [Nullable] public int? CollationID { get; set; } Property Value int? ColorDer Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"colorder\")] [Nullable] public short? ColorDer { get; set; } Property Value short? ColumnID Column or parameter ID. [Column(\"colid\")] [Nullable] public short? ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value short? Domain ID of the rule or CHECK constraint for this column. [Column(\"domain\")] [NotNull] public int Domain { get; set; } Property Value int ID Object ID of the table to which this column belongs, or the ID of the stored procedure with which this parameter is associated. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int IsComputed Flag indicating whether the column is computed: 0 = Noncomputed 1 = Computed [Column(\"iscomputed\")] [Nullable] public int? IsComputed { get; set; } Property Value int? IsNullable Indicates whether the column allows null values: 1 = True 0 = False [Column(\"isnullable\")] [Nullable] public int? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value int? IsOutParam Indicates whether the procedure parameter is an output parameter: 1 = True 0 = False [Column(\"isoutparam\")] [Nullable] public int? IsOutParam { get; set; } Property Value int? Length Maximum physical storage length from sys.types. [Column(\"length\")] [NotNull] public short Length { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the column or procedure parameter. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Number Subprocedure number when the procedure is grouped. 0 = Nonprocedure entries [Column(\"number\")] [Nullable] public short? Number { get; set; } Property Value short? Offset Offset into the row in which this column appears. [Column(\"offset\")] [Nullable] public short? Offset { get; set; } Property Value short? Prec Level of precision for this column. -1 = xml or large value type. [Column(\"prec\")] [Nullable] public short? Prec { get; set; } Property Value short? PrintFmt Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"printfmt\")] [Nullable] public string? PrintFmt { get; set; } Property Value string Reserved Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"reserved\")] [Nullable] public byte? Reserved { get; set; } Property Value byte? Scale Scale for this column. NULL = Data type is nonnumeric. [Column(\"scale\")] [Nullable] public int? Scale { get; set; } Property Value int? Status Bitmap used to describe a property of the column or the parameter: 0x08 = Column allows null values. 0x10 = ANSI padding was in effect when varchar or varbinary columns were added. Trailing blanks are preserved for varchar and trailing zeros are preserved for varbinary columns. 0x40 = Parameter is an OUTPUT parameter. 0x80 = Column is an identity column. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public byte? Status { get; set; } Property Value byte? TypeColumn Physical storage type from sys.types. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeStat Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"typestat\")] [Nullable] public byte? TypeStat { get; set; } Property Value byte? UserType ID of user-defined data type from sys.types. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of data types exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"usertype\")] [Nullable] public short? UserType { get; set; } Property Value short? XOffset Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"xoffset\")] [Nullable] public short? XOffset { get; set; } Property Value short? XPrec Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"xprec\")] [NotNull] public byte XPrec { get; set; } Property Value byte XScale Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"xscale\")] [NotNull] public byte XScale { get; set; } Property Value byte XType Physical storage type from sys.types. [Column(\"xtype\")] [NotNull] public byte XType { get; set; } Property Value byte XUserType ID of extended user-defined data type. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of data types exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"xusertype\")] [Nullable] public short? XUserType { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Comment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Comment Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syscomments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains entries for each view, rule, default, trigger, CHECK constraint, DEFAULT constraint, and stored procedure within the database. The text column contains the original SQL definition statements. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. We recommend that you use sys.sql_modules instead. For more information, see sys.sql_modules (Transact-SQL). See sys.syscomments. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syscomments\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Comment Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Comment Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CText The raw bytes of the SQL definition statement. [Column(\"ctext\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? CText { get; set; } Property Value byte[] ColumnID Row sequence number for object definitions that are longer than 4,000 characters. [Column(\"colid\")] [NotNull] public short ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value short Compressed Always returns 0. This indicates that the procedure is compressed. [Column(\"compressed\")] [NotNull] public bool Compressed { get; set; } Property Value bool Encrypted Indicates whether the procedure definition is obfuscated. 0 = Not obfuscated 1 = Obfuscated Important *</strong>* To obfuscate stored procedure definitions, use CREATE PROCEDURE with the ENCRYPTION keyword. [Column(\"encrypted\")] [NotNull] public bool Encrypted { get; set; } Property Value bool ID Object ID to which this text applies. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int Language Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"language\")] [Nullable] public short? Language { get; set; } Property Value short? Number Number within procedure grouping, if grouped. 0 = Entries are not procedures. [Column(\"number\")] [Nullable] public short? Number { get; set; } Property Value short? Status Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public short Status { get; set; } Property Value short Text Actual text of the SQL definition statement. The semantics of the decoded expression are equivalent to the original text; however, there are no syntactic guarantees. For example, white spaces are removed from the decoded expression. This SQL Server 2000 (8.x)-compatible view obtains information from current SQL Server structures and can return more characters than the nvarchar(4000) definition. sp_help returns nvarchar(4000) as the data type of the text column. When working with syscomments consider using nvarchar(max). For new development work, do not use syscomments. [Column(\"text\")] [Nullable] public string? Text { get; set; } Property Value string TextType 0 = User-supplied comment 1 = System-supplied comment 4 = Encrypted comment [Column(\"texttype\")] [Nullable] public short? TextType { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Configure | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Configure Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysconfigures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each configuration option set by a user. sysconfigures contains the configuration options that are defined before the most recent startup of SQL Server, plus any dynamic configuration options set since then. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysconfigures. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysconfigures\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Configure Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Configure Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Comment Explanation of the configuration option. [Column(\"comment\")] [NotNull] public string Comment { get; set; } Property Value string Config Configuration variable number. [Column(\"config\")] [NotNull] public int Config { get; set; } Property Value int Status Bitmap that indicates the status for the option. Possible values include the following: 0 = Static. Setting takes effect when the server is restarted. 1 = Dynamic. Variable takes effect when the RECONFIGURE statement is executed. 2 = Advanced. Variable is displayed only when the show advanced options is set. Setting takes effect when the server is restarted. 3 = Dynamic and advanced. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short? Value User-modifiable value for the variable. This is used by the Database Engine only if RECONFIGURE has been executed. [Column(\"value\")] [Nullable] public int? Value { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Constraint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Constraint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysconstraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains mappings of constraints to the objects that own the constraints within the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysconstraints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysconstraints\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Constraint Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Constraint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Actions Reserved [Column(\"actions\")] [Nullable] public int? Actions { get; set; } Property Value int? ColumnID ID of the column on which the constraint is defined. 0 = Table constraint [Column(\"colid\")] [Nullable] public short? ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value short? ConstraintID Constraint number. [Column(\"constid\")] [NotNull] public int ConstraintID { get; set; } Property Value int Error Reserved [Column(\"error\")] [Nullable] public int? Error { get; set; } Property Value int? ID ID of the table that owns the constraint. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int Spare1 Reserved [Column(\"spare1\")] [Nullable] public byte? Spare1 { get; set; } Property Value byte? Status Pseudo-bit-mask indicating the status. Possible values include the following: 1 = PRIMARY KEY constraint 2 = UNIQUE KEY constraint 3 = FOREIGN KEY constraint 4 = CHECK constraint 5 = DEFAULT constraint 16 = Column-level constraint 32 = Table-level constraint [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.CurConfig | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.CurConfig Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syscurconfigs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains an entry for each current configuration option. Also, this view contains four entries that describe the configuration structure. syscurconfigs is built dynamically when queried by a user. For more information, see sys.sysconfigures (Transact-SQL). important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscurconfigs. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syscurconfigs\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.CurConfig Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.CurConfig Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Comment Explanation of the configuration option. [Column(\"comment\")] [NotNull] public string Comment { get; set; } Property Value string Config Configuration variable number. [Column(\"config\")] [Nullable] public short? Config { get; set; } Property Value short? Status Bitmap indicating the status for the option. Possible values include the following: 0 = Static. Setting takes effect when the server is restarted. 1 = Dynamic. Variable takes effect when the RECONFIGURE statement is executed. 2 = Advanced. Variable is displayed only when the show advanced options is set. 3 = Dynamic and advanced. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short? Value User-modifiable value for the variable. This is used by the SQL Server Database Engine only if RECONFIGURE has been executed. [Column(\"value\")] [NotNull] public int Value { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class CompatibilitySchema.DataContext Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties AltFiles sys.sysaltfiles (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Under special circumstances, contains rows corresponding to the files in a database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysaltfiles. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.AltFile> AltFiles { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.AltFile> CacheObjects sys.syscacheobjects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about how the cache is used. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscacheobjects. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.CacheObject> CacheObjects { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.CacheObject> Charsets sys.syscharsets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each character set and sort order defined for use by the SQL Server Database Engine. One of the sort orders is marked in sysconfigures as the default sort order. This is the only one actually being used. See sys.syscharsets. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Charset> Charsets { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Charset> Columns sys.syscolumns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for every column in every table and view, and a row for each parameter in a stored procedure in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscolumns. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Column> Columns { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Column> Comments sys.syscomments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains entries for each view, rule, default, trigger, CHECK constraint, DEFAULT constraint, and stored procedure within the database. The text column contains the original SQL definition statements. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. We recommend that you use sys.sql_modules instead. For more information, see sys.sql_modules (Transact-SQL). See sys.syscomments. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Comment> Comments { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Comment> Configures sys.sysconfigures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each configuration option set by a user. sysconfigures contains the configuration options that are defined before the most recent startup of SQL Server, plus any dynamic configuration options set since then. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysconfigures. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Configure> Configures { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Configure> Constraints sys.sysconstraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains mappings of constraints to the objects that own the constraints within the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysconstraints. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Constraint> Constraints { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Constraint> CurConfigs sys.syscurconfigs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains an entry for each current configuration option. Also, this view contains four entries that describe the configuration structure. syscurconfigs is built dynamically when queried by a user. For more information, see sys.sysconfigures (Transact-SQL). important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscurconfigs. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.CurConfig> CurConfigs { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.CurConfig> Databases sys.sysdatabases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each database in an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. When SQL Server is first installed, sysdatabases contains entries for the master, model, msdb, and tempdb databases. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdatabases. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Database> Databases { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Database> Depends sys.sysdepends (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains dependency information between objects (views, procedures, and triggers) in the database, and the objects (tables, views, and procedures) that are contained in their definition. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdepends. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Depend> Depends { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Depend> Devices sys.sysdevices (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each disk backup file, tape backup file, and database file. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdevices. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Device> Devices { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Device> FileGroups sys.sysfilegroups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each file group in a database. There is at least one entry in this table that is for the primary file group. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfilegroups. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.FileGroup> FileGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.FileGroup> Files sys.sysfiles (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each file in a database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfiles. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.File> Files { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.File> ForeignKeys sys.sysforeignkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the FOREIGN KEY constraints that are in the definitions of tables in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysforeignkeys. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.ForeignKey> ForeignKeys { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.ForeignKey> FullTextCatalogs sys.sysfulltextcatalogs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about the full-text catalogs. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfulltextcatalogs. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.FullTextCatalog> FullTextCatalogs { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.FullTextCatalog> IndexKeys sys.sysindexkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the keys or columns in an index of the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysindexkeys. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.IndexKey> IndexKeys { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.IndexKey> Indexes sys.sysindexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each index and table in the current database. XML indexes are not supported in this view. Partitioned tables and indexes are not fully supported in this view; use the sys.indexes catalog view instead. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysindexes. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Index> Indexes { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Index> Languages sys.syslanguages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each language present in the instance of SQL Server. See sys.syslanguages. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Language> Languages { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Language> LockInfoes sys.syslockinfo (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about all granted, converting, and waiting lock requests. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. important This feature has changed from earlier versions of SQL Server. For more information, see Breaking Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2016. See sys.syslockinfo. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.LockInfo> LockInfoes { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.LockInfo> Logins sys.syslogins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each login account. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Applies to: SQL Server ( SQL Server 2008 through [current version](/troubleshoot/sql/general/determine-version-edition-update-level)). See sys.syslogins. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Login> Logins { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Login> Members sys.sysmembers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each member of a database role. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysmembers. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Member> Members { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Member> Messages sys.sysmessages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each system error or warning that can be returned by the SQL Server Database Engine. The Database Engine displays the error description on the user's screen. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysmessages. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Message> Messages { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Message> Objects sys.sysobjects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each object that is created within a database, such as a constraint, default, log, rule, and stored procedure. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysobjects. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Object> Objects { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Object> OleDBUsers sys.sysoledbusers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) important This SQL Server 2000 (8.x) system table is included in SQL Server as a view for backward compatibility only. We recommend that you use catalog views instead. Contains one row for each user and password mapping for the specified linked server. sysoledbusers is stored in the master database. See sys.sysoledbusers. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.OleDBUser> OleDBUsers { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.OleDBUser> PerfInfoes sys.sysperfinfo (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine representation of the internal performance counters that can be displayed through the Windows System Monitor. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysperfinfo. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.PerfInfo> PerfInfoes { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.PerfInfo> Permissions sys.syspermissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about permissions granted and denied to users, groups, and roles in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syspermissions. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Permission> Permissions { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Permission> Processes sys.sysprocesses (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about processes that are running on an instance of SQL Server. These processes can be client processes or system processes. To access sysprocesses, you must be in the master database context, or you must use the master.dbo.sysprocesses three-part name. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysprocesses. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Process> Processes { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Process> Protects sys.sysprotects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about permissions that have been applied to security accounts in the database by using the GRANT and DENY statements. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysprotects. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Protect> Protects { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Protect> References sys.sysreferences (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains mappings of the FOREIGN KEY constraint definitions to the referenced columns within the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysreferences. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Reference> References { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Reference> RemoteLogins sys.sysremotelogins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each remote user that is permitted to call remote stored procedures on an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysremotelogins. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.RemoteLogin> RemoteLogins { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.RemoteLogin> Servers sys.sysservers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each server that an instance of SQL Server can access as an OLE DB data source. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysservers. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Server> Servers { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.Server> Types sys.systypes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each system-supplied and each user-defined data type defined in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.systypes. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.ETable> Types { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.ETable> Users sys.sysusers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each Microsoft Windows user, Windows group, Microsoft SQL Server user, or SQL Server role in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysusers. public ITable<CompatibilitySchema.User> Users { get; } Property Value ITable<CompatibilitySchema.User>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Database | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Database Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysdatabases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each database in an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. When SQL Server is first installed, sysdatabases contains entries for the master, model, msdb, and tempdb databases. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdatabases. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysdatabases\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Database Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Database Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Category Contains a bitmap of information used for replication: 1 = Published for snapshot or transactional replication. 2 = Subscribed to a snapshot or transactional publication. 4 = Published for merge replication. 8 = Subscribed to a merge publication. 16 = Distribution database. [Column(\"category\")] [Nullable] public int? Category { get; set; } Property Value int? CompatibilityLevel Compatibility level for the database. For more information, see ALTER DATABASE Compatibility Level (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"cmptlevel\")] [NotNull] public byte CompatibilityLevel { get; set; } Property Value byte Crdate Creation date [Column(\"crdate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Crdate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DbID Database ID [Column(\"dbid\")] [Nullable] public short? DbID { get; set; } Property Value short? FileName Operating-system path and name for the primary file for the database. filename is visible to dbcreator, sysadmin, the database owner with CREATE ANY DATABASE permissions, or grantees that have any one of the following permissions: ALTER ANY DATABASE, CREATE ANY DATABASE, VIEW ANY DEFINITION. To return the path and file name, query the sys.sysfiles compatibility view, or the sys.database_files view. [Column(\"filename\")] [Nullable] public string? FileName { get; set; } Property Value string Mode Used internally for locking a database while it is being created. [Column(\"mode\")] [Nullable] public short? Mode { get; set; } Property Value short? Name Database name [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Reserved Reserved for future use. [Column(\"reserved\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? Reserved { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? SID System ID of the database creator [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Status Status bits, some of which can be set by using ALTER DATABASE as noted: 1 = autoclose (ALTER DATABASE) 4 = select into/bulkcopy (ALTER DATABASE using SET RECOVERY) 8 = trunc. log on chkpt (ALTER DATABASE using SET RECOVERY) 16 = torn page detection (ALTER DATABASE) 32 = loading 64 = pre recovery 128 = recovering 256 = not recovered 512 = offline (ALTER DATABASE) 1024 = read only (ALTER DATABASE) 2048 = dbo use only (ALTER DATABASE using SET RESTRICTED_USER) 4096 = single user (ALTER DATABASE) 32768 = emergency mode 65536 = CHECKSUM (ALTER DATABASE) 4194304 = autoshrink (ALTER DATABASE) 1073741824 = cleanly shutdown Multiple bits can be ON at the same time. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int? Status2 16384 = ANSI null default (ALTER DATABASE) 65536 = concat null yields null (ALTER DATABASE) 131072 = recursive triggers (ALTER DATABASE) 1048576 = default to local cursor (ALTER DATABASE) 8388608 = quoted identifier (ALTER DATABASE) 33554432 = cursor close on commit (ALTER DATABASE) 67108864 = ANSI nulls (ALTER DATABASE) 268435456 = ANSI warnings (ALTER DATABASE) 536870912 = full text enabled (set by using sp_fulltext_database) [Column(\"status2\")] [Nullable] public int? Status2 { get; set; } Property Value int? Version Internal version number of the SQL Server code with which the database was created. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"version\")] [Nullable] public short? Version { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Depend | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Depend Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysdepends (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains dependency information between objects (views, procedures, and triggers) in the database, and the objects (tables, views, and procedures) that are contained in their definition. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdepends. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysdepends\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Depend Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Depend Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DepDbID Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"depdbid\")] [Nullable] public short? DepDbID { get; set; } Property Value short? DepID Dependent object ID. [Column(\"depid\")] [NotNull] public int DepID { get; set; } Property Value int DepNumber Dependent procedure number. [Column(\"depnumber\")] [Nullable] public short? DepNumber { get; set; } Property Value short? DepSiteID Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"depsiteid\")] [Nullable] public short? DepSiteID { get; set; } Property Value short? DepType Identifies the dependent object type: 0 = Object or column (non-schema-bound references only 1 = Object or column (schema-bound references) [Column(\"deptype\")] [NotNull] public byte DepType { get; set; } Property Value byte ID Object ID. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int Number Procedure number. [Column(\"number\")] [Nullable] public short? Number { get; set; } Property Value short? ReadObj 1 = The object is being read. 0 = No. [Column(\"readobj\")] [NotNull] public bool ReadObj { get; set; } Property Value bool ResultObj 1 = Object is being updated. 0 = No. [Column(\"resultobj\")] [NotNull] public bool ResultObj { get; set; } Property Value bool SelectAll 1 = Object is used in a SELECT * statement. 0 = No. [Column(\"selall\")] [NotNull] public bool SelectAll { get; set; } Property Value bool Status Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Device | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Device Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysdevices (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each disk backup file, tape backup file, and database file. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdevices. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysdevices\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Device Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Device Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ControllerType Controller type: 0 = Non-CD-ROM database file 2 = Disk backup file 3 - 4 = Diskette backup file 5 = Tape backup file 6 = Named-pipe file [Column(\"cntrltype\")] [Nullable] public short? ControllerType { get; set; } Property Value short? High Maintained for backward compatibility only. [Column(\"high\")] [Nullable] public int? High { get; set; } Property Value int? Low Maintained for backward compatibility only. [Column(\"low\")] [Nullable] public int? Low { get; set; } Property Value int? Name Logical name of the backup file or database file. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PhysicalName Name of the physical file. [Column(\"phyname\")] [Nullable] public string? PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string Size Size of the file in 2-kilobyte (KB) pages. [Column(\"size\")] [Nullable] public int? Size { get; set; } Property Value int? Status Bitmap indicating the type of device: 1 = Default disk 2 = Physical disk 4 = Logical disk 8 = Skip header 16 = Backup file 32 = Serial writes 4096 = Read-only [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.ETable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.ETable Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.systypes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each system-supplied and each user-defined data type defined in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.systypes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"systypes\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.ETable Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.ETable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Allownulls Indicates the default nullability for this data type. This default value is overridden by if nullability is specified by using CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. [Column(\"allownulls\")] [Nullable] public bool? Allownulls { get; set; } Property Value bool? Collation If character based, collation is the collation of the current database; otherwise, it is NULL. [Column(\"collation\")] [Nullable] public string? Collation { get; set; } Property Value string CollationID If character based, collationid is the id of the collation of the current database; otherwise, it is NULL. [Column(\"collationid\")] [Nullable] public int? CollationID { get; set; } Property Value int? Domain ID of the stored procedure that contains integrity checks for this data type. [Column(\"domain\")] [NotNull] public int Domain { get; set; } Property Value int Length Physical length of the data type. [Column(\"length\")] [NotNull] public short Length { get; set; } Property Value short Name Data type name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Prec Level of precision for this data type. -1 = xml or large value types. [Column(\"prec\")] [Nullable] public short? Prec { get; set; } Property Value short? PrintFmt Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"printfmt\")] [Nullable] public string? PrintFmt { get; set; } Property Value string Reserved Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"reserved\")] [Nullable] public short? Reserved { get; set; } Property Value short? Scale Scale for this data type, based on precision. NULL = Data type is nonnumeric. [Column(\"scale\")] [Nullable] public byte? Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte? Status Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public byte? Status { get; set; } Property Value byte? Tdefault ID of the stored procedure that contains integrity checks for this data type. [Column(\"tdefault\")] [NotNull] public int Tdefault { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Physical storage data type. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte UID Schema ID of the owner of the type. For databases upgraded from an earlier version of SQL Server, the schema ID is equal to the user ID of the owner. Important *</strong>* If you use any of the following SQL Server DDL statements, you must use the sys.types catalog view instead of sys.systypes. ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON TYPE CREATE TYPE Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"uid\")] [Nullable] public short? UID { get; set; } Property Value short? UserType User type ID. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of data types exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"usertype\")] [Nullable] public short? UserType { get; set; } Property Value short? Variable Variable-length data type. 1 = True 0 = False [Column(\"variable\")] [NotNull] public bool Variable { get; set; } Property Value bool XPrec Internal precision, as used by the server. Not to be used in queries. [Column(\"xprec\")] [NotNull] public byte XPrec { get; set; } Property Value byte XScale Internal scale, as used by the server. Not to be used in queries. [Column(\"xscale\")] [NotNull] public byte XScale { get; set; } Property Value byte XType Physical storage type. [Column(\"xtype\")] [NotNull] public byte XType { get; set; } Property Value byte XUserType Extended user type. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of data types exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"xusertype\")] [Nullable] public short? XUserType { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.File | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.File Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysfiles (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each file in a database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfiles. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysfiles\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.File Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.File Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties FileID File identification number unique for each database. [Column(\"fileid\")] [Nullable] public short? FileID { get; set; } Property Value short? FileName Name of the physical device. This includes the full path of the file. [Column(\"filename\")] [Nullable] public string? FileName { get; set; } Property Value string GroupID File group identification number. [Column(\"groupid\")] [Nullable] public short? GroupID { get; set; } Property Value short? Growth Growth size of the database. Can be either the number of pages or the percentage of file size, depending on value of status. 0 = No growth. [Column(\"growth\")] [NotNull] public int Growth { get; set; } Property Value int MaxSize Maximum file size, in 8-KB pages. 0 = No growth. -1 = File will grow until the disk is full. 268435456 = Log file will grow to a maximum size of 2 TB. Note: Databases that are upgraded with an unlimited log file size will report -1 for the maximum size of the log file. [Column(\"maxsize\")] [NotNull] public int MaxSize { get; set; } Property Value int Name Logical name of the file. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Perf Reserved. [Column(\"perf\")] [Nullable] public int? Perf { get; set; } Property Value int? Size Size of the file, in 8-KB pages. [Column(\"size\")] [NotNull] public int Size { get; set; } Property Value int Status Status bits for the growth value in either megabytes (MB) or kilobytes (KB). 0x2 = Disk file. 0x40 = Log file. 0x100000 = Growth. This value is a percentage and not the number of pages. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.FileGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.FileGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysfilegroups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each file group in a database. There is at least one entry in this table that is for the primary file group. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfilegroups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysfilegroups\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.FileGroup Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.FileGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllocPolicy Reserved [Column(\"allocpolicy\")] [Nullable] public short? AllocPolicy { get; set; } Property Value short? GroupID Group identification number unique for each database. [Column(\"groupid\")] [Nullable] public short? GroupID { get; set; } Property Value short? GroupName Name of the file group. [Column(\"groupname\")] [NotNull] public string GroupName { get; set; } Property Value string Status 0x8 = Read-only 0x10 = Default [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.ForeignKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.ForeignKey Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysforeignkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the FOREIGN KEY constraints that are in the definitions of tables in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysforeignkeys. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysforeignkeys\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.ForeignKey Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.ForeignKey Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConstraintID ID of the FOREIGN KEY constraint. [Column(\"constid\")] [NotNull] public int ConstraintID { get; set; } Property Value int FKey ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey\")] [Nullable] public short? FKey { get; set; } Property Value short? FKeyID Object ID of the table with the FOREIGN KEY constraint. [Column(\"fkeyid\")] [NotNull] public int FKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int KeyNo Position of the column in the reference column list. [Column(\"keyno\")] [Nullable] public short? KeyNo { get; set; } Property Value short? RKey ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey\")] [Nullable] public short? RKey { get; set; } Property Value short? RKeyID Object ID of the table referenced in the FOREIGN KEY constraint. [Column(\"rkeyid\")] [NotNull] public int RKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.FullTextCatalog | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.FullTextCatalog Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysfulltextcatalogs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about the full-text catalogs. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfulltextcatalogs. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysfulltextcatalogs\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.FullTextCatalog Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.FullTextCatalog Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties FTCatID Identifier of the full-text catalog. [Column(\"ftcatid\")] [Nullable] public short? FTCatID { get; set; } Property Value short? Name Full-text catalog name specified by the user. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Path Root path specified by the user. NULL = Path was not specified. The default (installation) path was used. [Column(\"path\")] [Nullable] public string? Path { get; set; } Property Value string Status Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Index | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Index Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysindexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each index and table in the current database. XML indexes are not supported in this view. Partitioned tables and indexes are not fully supported in this view; use the sys.indexes catalog view instead. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysindexes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysindexes\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Index Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Index Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DPages For indid = 0 or indid = 1, dpages is the count of data pages used. For indid > 1, dpages is the count of index pages used. 0 = Index is partitioned when indid > 1. 0 = Table is partitioned when indid is 0 or 1. Does not yield accurate results if row-overflow occurs. [Column(\"dpages\")] [Nullable] public int? DPages { get; set; } Property Value int? First Pointer to the first or root page. Unused when indid = 0. NULL = Index is partitioned when indid > 1. NULL = Table is partitioned when indid is 0 or 1. [Column(\"first\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? First { get; set; } Property Value byte[] FirstIAM NULL = Index is partitioned. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column] [Nullable] public byte[]? FirstIAM { get; set; } Property Value byte[] GroupID Filegroup ID on which the object was created. NULL = Index is partitioned when indid > 1. NULL = Table is partitioned when indid is 0 or 1. [Column(\"groupid\")] [Nullable] public short? GroupID { get; set; } Property Value short? ID ID of the table to which the index belongs. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int ImpID Index implementation flag. Returns 0. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"impid\")] [Nullable] public short? ImpID { get; set; } Property Value short? IndexID ID of the index: 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered index >1 = Nonclustered index [Column(\"indid\")] [Nullable] public short? IndexID { get; set; } Property Value short? KeyCnt Number of keys. [Column(\"keycnt\")] [Nullable] public short? KeyCnt { get; set; } Property Value short? Keys List of the column IDs of the columns that make up the index key. Returns NULL. To display the index key columns, use sys.sysindexkeys. [Column(\"keys\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Keys { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Lockflags Used to constrain the considered lock granularities for an index. For example, to minimize locking cost, a lookup table that is essentially read-only could be set up to do only table-level locking. [Column(\"lockflags\")] [Nullable] public short? Lockflags { get; set; } Property Value short? MaxLen Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"maxlen\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxLen { get; set; } Property Value int? MaxiRow Maximum size of a nonleaf index row. In SQL Server 2005 (9.x) and later, maxirow is not fully compatible with earlier versions. [Column(\"maxirow\")] [Nullable] public short? MaxiRow { get; set; } Property Value short? MinLen Minimum size of a row. [Column(\"minlen\")] [Nullable] public short? MinLen { get; set; } Property Value short? Name Name of the index or statistic. Returns NULL when indid = 0. Modify your application to look for a NULL heap name. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string OrigFillFactor Original fill factor value used when the index was created. This value is not maintained; however, it can be helpful if you have to re-create an index and do not remember the fill factor value that was used. [Column] [Nullable] public byte? OrigFillFactor { get; set; } Property Value byte? PgModCtr Returns 0. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"pgmodctr\")] [Nullable] public int? PgModCtr { get; set; } Property Value int? Reserved For indid = 0 or indid = 1, reserved is the count of pages allocated for all indexes and table data. For indid > 1, reserved is the count of pages allocated for the index. 0 = Index is partitioned when indid > 1. 0 = Table is partitioned when indid is 0 or 1. Does not yield accurate results if row-overflow occurs. [Column(\"reserved\")] [Nullable] public int? Reserved { get; set; } Property Value int? Reserved2 Returns 0. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"reserved2\")] [Nullable] public int? Reserved2 { get; set; } Property Value int? Reserved3 Returns 0. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"reserved3\")] [Nullable] public int? Reserved3 { get; set; } Property Value int? Reserved4 Returns 0. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"reserved4\")] [Nullable] public int? Reserved4 { get; set; } Property Value int? Root For indid >= 1, root is the pointer to the root page. Unused when indid = 0. NULL = Index is partitioned when indid > 1. NULL = Table is partitioned when indid is 0 or 1. [Column(\"root\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Root { get; set; } Property Value byte[] RowCnt Data-level row count based on indid = 0 and indid = 1. 0 = Index is partitioned when indid > 1. 0 = Table is partitioned when indid is 0 or 1. [Column(\"rowcnt\")] [Nullable] public long? RowCnt { get; set; } Property Value long? RowModCtr Counts the total number of inserted, deleted, or updated rows since the last time statistics were updated for the table. 0 = Index is partitioned when indid > 1. 0 = Table is partitioned when indid is 0 or 1. In SQL Server 2005 (9.x) and later, rowmodctr is not fully compatible with earlier versions. For more information, see Remarks. [Column(\"rowmodctr\")] [Nullable] public int? RowModCtr { get; set; } Property Value int? Rows Data-level row count based on indid = 0 and indid = 1, and the value is repeated for indid >1. [Column(\"rows\")] [Nullable] public int? Rows { get; set; } Property Value int? StatBlob Statistics binary large object (BLOB). Returns NULL. [Column(\"statblob\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? StatBlob { get; set; } Property Value byte[] StatVersion Returns 0. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column] [Nullable] public byte? StatVersion { get; set; } Property Value byte? Status System-status information. Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int? Used For indid = 0 or indid = 1, used is the count of the total pages used for all index and table data. For indid > 1, used is the count of pages used for the index. 0 = Index is partitioned when indid > 1. 0 = Table is partitioned when indid is 0 or 1. Does not yield accurate results if row-overflow occurs. [Column(\"used\")] [Nullable] public int? Used { get; set; } Property Value int? XMaxLen Maximum size of a row [Column(\"xmaxlen\")] [Nullable] public short? XMaxLen { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.IndexKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.IndexKey Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysindexkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the keys or columns in an index of the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysindexkeys. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysindexkeys\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.IndexKey Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.IndexKey Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the column. [Column(\"colid\")] [Nullable] public short? ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value short? ID ID of the table. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int IndexID ID of the index. [Column(\"indid\")] [Nullable] public short? IndexID { get; set; } Property Value short? KeyNo Position of the column in the index. [Column(\"keyno\")] [Nullable] public short? KeyNo { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Language | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Language Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syslanguages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each language present in the instance of SQL Server. See sys.syslanguages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syslanguages\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Language Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Language Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Alias Alternative language name, for example, French. [Column(\"alias\")] [NotNull] public string Alias { get; set; } Property Value string DateFormat Date order, for example, DMY. [Column(\"dateformat\")] [NotNull] public string DateFormat { get; set; } Property Value string Datefirst First day of the week: 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, and so on through 7 for Sunday. [Column(\"datefirst\")] [NotNull] public byte Datefirst { get; set; } Property Value byte Days Comma-separated list of day names in order from Monday through Sunday, with each name having up to 30 characters. [Column(\"days\")] [Nullable] public string? Days { get; set; } Property Value string LangID Unique language ID. [Column(\"langid\")] [NotNull] public short LangID { get; set; } Property Value short Lcid Microsoft Windows locale ID for the language. [Column(\"lcid\")] [NotNull] public int Lcid { get; set; } Property Value int Months Comma-separated list of full-length month names in order from January through December, with each name having up to 20 characters. [Column(\"months\")] [Nullable] public string? Months { get; set; } Property Value string MsgLangID Database Engine message group ID. [Column(\"msglangid\")] [NotNull] public short MsgLangID { get; set; } Property Value short Name Official language name, for example, Français. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ShortMonths Comma-separated list of short-month names in order from January through December, with each name having up to 9 characters. [Column(\"shortmonths\")] [Nullable] public string? ShortMonths { get; set; } Property Value string Upgrade Reserved for system use. [Column(\"upgrade\")] [Nullable] public int? Upgrade { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.LockInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.LockInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syslockinfo (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about all granted, converting, and waiting lock requests. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. important This feature has changed from earlier versions of SQL Server. For more information, see Breaking Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2016. See sys.syslockinfo. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syslockinfo\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.LockInfo Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.LockInfo Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ReqCryrefcnt Reserved for future used. Always set to 0. [Column(\"req_cryrefcnt\")] [NotNull] public short ReqCryrefcnt { get; set; } Property Value short ReqEcid Execution context ID (ECID). Used to indicate which thread in a parallel operation owns a particular lock. [Column(\"req_ecid\")] [NotNull] public int ReqEcid { get; set; } Property Value int ReqLifetime Lock lifetime bitmap. During certain query processing strategies, locks must be maintained on resources until the query processor has completed a particular phase of the query. The lock lifetime bitmap is used by the query processor and transaction manager to indicate groups of locks that can be released when a certain phase of a query has finished running. Certain bits in the bitmap are used to indicate locks that are held until the end of a transaction, even if their reference count equals 0. [Column(\"req_lifetime\")] [NotNull] public int ReqLifetime { get; set; } Property Value int ReqMode Lock request mode. This column is the lock mode of the requester and represents either the granted mode, or the convert or waiting mode. 0 = NULL. No access is granted to the resource. Serves as a placeholder. 1 = Sch-S (Schema stability). Ensures that a schema element, such as a table or index, is not dropped while any session holds a schema stability lock on the schema element. 2 = Sch-M (Schema modification). Must be held by any session that wants to change the schema of the specified resource. Ensures that no other sessions are referencing the indicated object. 3 = S (Shared). The holding session is granted shared access to the resource. 4 = U (Update). Indicates an update lock acquired on resources that may eventually be updated. It is used to prevent a common form of deadlock that occurs when multiple sessions lock resources for potential update in the future. 5 = X (Exclusive). The holding session is granted exclusive access to the resource. 6 = IS (Intent Shared). Indicates the intention to place S locks on some subordinate resource in the lock hierarchy. 7 = IU (Intent Update). Indicates the intention to place U locks on some subordinate resource in the lock hierarchy. 8 = IX (Intent Exclusive). Indicates the intention to place X locks on some subordinate resource in the lock hierarchy. 9 = SIU (Shared Intent Update). Indicates shared access to a resource with the intent of acquiring update locks on subordinate resources in the lock hierarchy. 10 = SIX (Shared Intent Exclusive). Indicates shared access to a resource with the intent of acquiring exclusive locks on subordinate resources in the lock hierarchy. 11 = UIX (Update Intent Exclusive). Indicates an update lock hold on a resource with the intent of acquiring exclusive locks on subordinate resources in the lock hierarchy. 12 = BU. Used by bulk operations. 13 = RangeS_S (Shared Key-Range and Shared Resource lock). Indicates serializable range scan. 14 = RangeS_U (Shared Key-Range and Update Resource lock). Indicates serializable update scan. 15 = RangeI_N (Insert Key-Range and Null Resource lock). Used to test ranges before inserting a new key into an index. 16 = RangeI_S. Key-Range Conversion lock, created by an overlap of RangeI_N and S locks. 17 = RangeI_U. Key-Range Conversion lock, created by an overlap of RangeI_N and U locks. 18 = RangeI_X. Key-Range Conversion lock, created by an overlap of RangeI_N and X locks. 19 = RangeX_S. Key-Range Conversion lock, created by an overlap of RangeI_N and RangeS_S. locks. 20 = RangeX_U. Key-Range Conversion lock, created by an overlap of RangeI_N and RangeS_U locks. 21 = RangeX_X (Exclusive Key-Range and Exclusive Resource lock). This is a conversion lock used when updating a key in a range. [Column(\"req_mode\")] [NotNull] public byte ReqMode { get; set; } Property Value byte ReqOwnertype Type of object associated with the lock: 1 = Transaction 2 = Cursor 3 = Session 4 = ExSession Note that 3 and 4 represent a special version of session locks, tracking database and file group locks, respectively. [Column(\"req_ownertype\")] [NotNull] public short ReqOwnertype { get; set; } Property Value short ReqRefcnt Lock reference count. Every time a transaction asks for a lock on a particular resource, a reference count is incremented. The lock cannot be released until the reference count equals 0. [Column(\"req_refcnt\")] [NotNull] public short ReqRefcnt { get; set; } Property Value short ReqSpid Internal Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine process ID of the session requesting the lock. [Column(\"req_spid\")] [NotNull] public int ReqSpid { get; set; } Property Value int ReqStatus Status of the lock request: 1 = Granted 2 = Converting 3 = Waiting [Column(\"req_status\")] [NotNull] public byte ReqStatus { get; set; } Property Value byte ReqTransactionID Unique transaction ID used in syslockinfo and in profiler event [Column(\"req_transactionID\")] [Nullable] public long? ReqTransactionID { get; set; } Property Value long? ReqTransactionUOW Identifies the Unit of Work ID (UOW) of the DTC transaction. For non-MS DTC transactions, UOW is set to 0. [Column(\"req_transactionUOW\")] [Nullable] public Guid? ReqTransactionUOW { get; set; } Property Value Guid? RscBin Binary lock resource. Contains the actual lock resource that is contained in the lock manager. This column is included for tools that know about the lock resource format for generating their own formatted lock resource, and for performing self joins on syslockinfo. [Column(\"rsc_bin\")] [NotNull] public byte[] RscBin { get; set; } Property Value byte[] RscDbID Database ID associated with the resource. [Column(\"rsc_dbid\")] [NotNull] public short RscDbID { get; set; } Property Value short RscFlag Internal resource flags. [Column(\"rsc_flag\")] [NotNull] public byte RscFlag { get; set; } Property Value byte RscIndid Index ID associated with the resource, if appropriate. [Column(\"rsc_indid\")] [NotNull] public short RscIndid { get; set; } Property Value short RscObjID Object ID associated with the resource, if appropriate. [Column(\"rsc_objid\")] [NotNull] public int RscObjID { get; set; } Property Value int RscText Textual description of a lock resource. Contains a part of the resource name. [Column(\"rsc_text\")] [NotNull] public string RscText { get; set; } Property Value string RscType Resource type: 1 = NULL Resource (not used) 2 = Database 3 = File 4 = Index 5 = Table 6 = Page 7 = Key 8 = Extent 9 = RID (Row ID) 10 = Application [Column(\"rsc_type\")] [NotNull] public byte RscType { get; set; } Property Value byte RscValblk Lock value block. Some resource types may include additional data in the lock resource that is not hashed by the lock manager to determine ownership of a particular lock resource. For example, page locks are not owned by a particular object ID. For lock escalation and other purposes. However, the object ID of a page lock may be included in the lock value block. [Column(\"rsc_valblk\")] [NotNull] public byte[] RscValblk { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Login | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Login Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syslogins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each login account. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Applies to: SQL Server ( SQL Server 2008 through [current version](/troubleshoot/sql/general/determine-version-edition-update-level)). See sys.syslogins. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syslogins\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Login Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Login Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Accdate Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"accdate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Accdate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime BulkAdmin 1 = Login is a member of the bulkadmin fixed server role. [Column(\"bulkadmin\")] [Nullable] public int? BulkAdmin { get; set; } Property Value int? Createdate Date the login was added. [Column(\"createdate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Createdate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DbName Name of the default database of the user when a connection is established. [Column(\"dbname\")] [Nullable] public string? DbName { get; set; } Property Value string Dbcreator 1 = Login is a member of the dbcreator fixed server role. [Column(\"dbcreator\")] [Nullable] public int? Dbcreator { get; set; } Property Value int? Denylogin 1 = Login is a Microsoft Windows user or group and has been denied access. [Column(\"denylogin\")] [Nullable] public int? Denylogin { get; set; } Property Value int? DiskAdmin 1 = Login is a member of the diskadmin fixed server role. [Column(\"diskadmin\")] [Nullable] public int? DiskAdmin { get; set; } Property Value int? Hasaccess 1 = Login has been granted access to the server. [Column(\"hasaccess\")] [Nullable] public int? Hasaccess { get; set; } Property Value int? Isntgroup 1 = Login is a Windows group. [Column(\"isntgroup\")] [Nullable] public int? Isntgroup { get; set; } Property Value int? Isntname 1 = Login is a Windows user or group. 0 = Login is a SQL Server login. [Column(\"isntname\")] [Nullable] public int? Isntname { get; set; } Property Value int? Isntuser 1 = Login is a Windows user. [Column(\"isntuser\")] [Nullable] public int? Isntuser { get; set; } Property Value int? Language Default language of the user. [Column(\"language\")] [Nullable] public string? Language { get; set; } Property Value string Loginname Login name of the user. Provided for backward compatibility. [Column(\"loginname\")] [NotNull] public string Loginname { get; set; } Property Value string Name Login name of the user. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Password Returns NULL. [Column(\"password\")] [Nullable] public string? Password { get; set; } Property Value string ProcessAdmin 1 = Login is a member of the processadmin fixed server role. [Column(\"processadmin\")] [Nullable] public int? ProcessAdmin { get; set; } Property Value int? Resultlimit Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"resultlimit\")] [Nullable] public int? Resultlimit { get; set; } Property Value int? SID Security identifier. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] SecurityAdmin 1 = Login is a member of the securityadmin server role. [Column(\"securityadmin\")] [Nullable] public int? SecurityAdmin { get; set; } Property Value int? ServerAdmin 1 = Login is a member of the serveradmin fixed server role. [Column(\"serveradmin\")] [Nullable] public int? ServerAdmin { get; set; } Property Value int? SetupAdmin 1 = Login is a member of the setupadmin fixed server role. [Column(\"setupadmin\")] [Nullable] public int? SetupAdmin { get; set; } Property Value int? Spacelimit Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"spacelimit\")] [Nullable] public int? Spacelimit { get; set; } Property Value int? Status Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short? SysAdmin 1 = Login is a member of the sysadmin server role. [Column(\"sysadmin\")] [Nullable] public int? SysAdmin { get; set; } Property Value int? Timelimit Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"timelimit\")] [Nullable] public int? Timelimit { get; set; } Property Value int? Totcpu Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"totcpu\")] [Nullable] public int? Totcpu { get; set; } Property Value int? Totio Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"totio\")] [Nullable] public int? Totio { get; set; } Property Value int? Updatedate Date the login was updated. [Column(\"updatedate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Updatedate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Member | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Member Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysmembers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each member of a database role. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysmembers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysmembers\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Member Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Member Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Groupuid User ID for the role. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"groupuid\")] [Nullable] public short? Groupuid { get; set; } Property Value short? Memberuid User ID for the role member. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"memberuid\")] [Nullable] public short? Memberuid { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Message | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Message Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysmessages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each system error or warning that can be returned by the SQL Server Database Engine. The Database Engine displays the error description on the user's screen. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysmessages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysmessages\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Message Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Message Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Description Explanation of the error with placeholders for parameters. [Column(\"description\")] [Nullable] public string? Description { get; set; } Property Value string Dlevel Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"dlevel\")] [Nullable] public short? Dlevel { get; set; } Property Value short? Error Unique error number. [Column(\"error\")] [NotNull] public int Error { get; set; } Property Value int MsgLangID System message group ID. [Column(\"msglangid\")] [NotNull] public short MsgLangID { get; set; } Property Value short Severity Severity level of the error. [Column(\"severity\")] [Nullable] public byte? Severity { get; set; } Property Value byte?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Object | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Object Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysobjects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each object that is created within a database, such as a constraint, default, log, rule, and stored procedure. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysobjects. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysobjects\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Object Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Object Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseSchemaVer Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"base_schema_ver\")] [Nullable] public int? BaseSchemaVer { get; set; } Property Value int? Cache Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"cache\")] [Nullable] public short? Cache { get; set; } Property Value short? Category Used for publication, constraints, and identity. [Column(\"category\")] [Nullable] public int? Category { get; set; } Property Value int? Crdate Date the object was created. [Column(\"crdate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Crdate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Deltrig Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"deltrig\")] [Nullable] public int? Deltrig { get; set; } Property Value int? FTCatID Identifier of the full-text catalog for all user tables registered for full-text indexing, and 0 for all user tables that are not registered. [Column(\"ftcatid\")] [Nullable] public short? FTCatID { get; set; } Property Value short? ID Object identification number [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int Indexdel Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"indexdel\")] [Nullable] public short? Indexdel { get; set; } Property Value short? Info Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"info\")] [Nullable] public short? Info { get; set; } Property Value short? Instrig Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"instrig\")] [Nullable] public int? Instrig { get; set; } Property Value int? Name Object name [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ParentObj Object identification number of the parent object. For example, the table ID if it is a trigger or constraint. [Column(\"parent_obj\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObj { get; set; } Property Value int Refdate Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"refdate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Refdate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Replinfo Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"replinfo\")] [Nullable] public int? Replinfo { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaVer Version number that is incremented every time the schema for a table changes. Always returns 0. [Column(\"schema_ver\")] [Nullable] public int? SchemaVer { get; set; } Property Value int? Seltrig Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"seltrig\")] [Nullable] public int? Seltrig { get; set; } Property Value int? StatsSchemaVer Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"stats_schema_ver\")] [Nullable] public int? StatsSchemaVer { get; set; } Property Value int? Status Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int? Sysstat Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"sysstat\")] [Nullable] public short? Sysstat { get; set; } Property Value short? TypeColumn Object type. Can be one of the following values: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = Default or DEFAULT constraint F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = Scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued functionIF = In-lined table-function IT - Internal table K = PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint L = Log P = Stored procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure R = Rule RF = Replication filter stored procedure S = System table SN = Synonym SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = Table function TR = SQL DML Trigger TT = Table type U = User table V = View X = Extended stored procedure [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string UID Schema ID of the owner of the object. For databases upgraded from an earlier version of SQL Server, the schema ID is equal to the user ID of the owner. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. Important *</strong>* If you use any of the following SQL Server DDL statements, you must use the sys.objects catalog view instead of sys.sysobjects. CREATE &#124; ALTER &#124; DROP USER CREATE &#124; ALTER &#124; DROP ROLE CREATE &#124; ALTER &#124; DROP APPLICATION ROLE CREATE SCHEMA ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON OBJECT [Column(\"uid\")] [Nullable] public short? UID { get; set; } Property Value short? Updtrig Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"updtrig\")] [Nullable] public int? Updtrig { get; set; } Property Value int? Userstat Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"userstat\")] [Nullable] public short? Userstat { get; set; } Property Value short? Version Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"version\")] [Nullable] public int? Version { get; set; } Property Value int? XType Object type. Can be one of the following object types: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = Default or DEFAULT constraint F = FOREIGN KEY constraint L = Log FN = Scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = In-lined table-function IT = Internal table P = Stored procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint (type is K) RF = Replication filter stored procedure S = System table SN = Synonym SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = Table function TR = SQL DML Trigger TT = Table type U = User table UQ = UNIQUE constraint (type is K) V = View X = Extended stored procedure [Column(\"xtype\")] [NotNull] public string XType { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.OleDBUser | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.OleDBUser Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysoledbusers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) important This SQL Server 2000 (8.x) system table is included in SQL Server as a view for backward compatibility only. We recommend that you use catalog views instead. Contains one row for each user and password mapping for the specified linked server. sysoledbusers is stored in the master database. See sys.sysoledbusers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysoledbusers\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.OleDBUser Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.OleDBUser Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Changedate Date the mapping information was last changed. [Column(\"changedate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Changedate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Loginsid SID of the local login to be mapped. [Column(\"loginsid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Loginsid { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Rmtloginame Name of the remote login that loginsid maps to for linked rmtservid. [Column(\"rmtloginame\")] [Nullable] public string? Rmtloginame { get; set; } Property Value string Rmtpassword Returns NULL. [Column(\"rmtpassword\")] [Nullable] public string? Rmtpassword { get; set; } Property Value string Rmtsrvid Security identification number (SID) of the server. [Column(\"rmtsrvid\")] [Nullable] public short? Rmtsrvid { get; set; } Property Value short? Status If 1, the mapping should use the credentials of the user. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.PerfInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.PerfInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysperfinfo (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine representation of the internal performance counters that can be displayed through the Windows System Monitor. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysperfinfo. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysperfinfo\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.PerfInfo Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.PerfInfo Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CntrType Type of counter as defined by the Windows performance architecture. [Column(\"cntr_type\")] [NotNull] public int CntrType { get; set; } Property Value int CntrValue Actual counter value. Frequently, this will be a level or monotonically increasing counter that counts occurrences of the instance event. [Column(\"cntr_value\")] [NotNull] public long CntrValue { get; set; } Property Value long CounterName Name of the performance counter within the object, such as Page Requests or Locks Requested. [Column(\"counter_name\")] [NotNull] public string CounterName { get; set; } Property Value string InstanceName Named instance of the counter. For example, there are counters maintained for each type of lock, such as Table, Page, Key, and so on. The instance name distinguishes between similar counters. [Column(\"instance_name\")] [Nullable] public string? InstanceName { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectName Performance object name, such as SQLServer:LockManager or SQLServer:BufferManager. [Column(\"object_name\")] [NotNull] public string ObjectName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Permission | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Permission Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.syspermissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about permissions granted and denied to users, groups, and roles in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syspermissions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"syspermissions\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Permission Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Permission Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Actadd Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"actadd\")] [Nullable] public short? Actadd { get; set; } Property Value short? Actmod Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"actmod\")] [Nullable] public short? Actmod { get; set; } Property Value short? Grantee ID of the user, group, or role affected by the permission. [Column(\"grantee\")] [Nullable] public short? Grantee { get; set; } Property Value short? Grantor ID of the user, group, or role that granted or denied the permission. [Column(\"grantor\")] [Nullable] public short? Grantor { get; set; } Property Value short? ID ID of the object for object permissions. 0 = Statement permissions. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int Refadd Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"refadd\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Refadd { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Refmod Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"refmod\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Refmod { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Seladd Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"seladd\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Seladd { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Selmod Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"selmod\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Selmod { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Updadd Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"updadd\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Updadd { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Updmod Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"updmod\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Updmod { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Process | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Process Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysprocesses (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about processes that are running on an instance of SQL Server. These processes can be client processes or system processes. To access sysprocesses, you must be in the master database context, or you must use the master.dbo.sysprocesses three-part name. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysprocesses. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysprocesses\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Process Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Process Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Blocked ID of the session that is blocking the request. If this column is NULL, the request is not blocked, or the session information of the blocking session is not available (or cannot be identified). -2 = The blocking resource is owned by an orphaned distributed transaction. -3 = The blocking resource is owned by a deferred recovery transaction. -4 = Session ID of the blocking latch owner could not be determined due to internal latch state transitions. [Column(\"blocked\")] [NotNull] public short Blocked { get; set; } Property Value short Cmd Command currently being executed. [Column(\"cmd\")] [NotNull] public string Cmd { get; set; } Property Value string ContextInfo Data stored in a batch by using the SET CONTEXT_INFO statement. [Column(\"context_info\")] [NotNull] public byte[] ContextInfo { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Cpu Cumulative CPU time for the process. The entry is updated for all processes, regardless of whether the SET STATISTICS TIME option is ON or OFF. [Column(\"cpu\")] [NotNull] public int Cpu { get; set; } Property Value int DbID ID of the database currently being used by the process. [Column(\"dbid\")] [NotNull] public short DbID { get; set; } Property Value short Ecid Execution context ID used to uniquely identify the subthreads operating on behalf of a single process. [Column(\"ecid\")] [NotNull] public short Ecid { get; set; } Property Value short Hostname Name of the workstation. [Column(\"hostname\")] [NotNull] public string Hostname { get; set; } Property Value string Hostprocess Workstation process ID number. [Column(\"hostprocess\")] [NotNull] public string Hostprocess { get; set; } Property Value string Kpid Windows thread ID. [Column(\"kpid\")] [NotNull] public short Kpid { get; set; } Property Value short LastBatch Last time a client process executed a remote stored procedure call or an EXECUTE statement. [Column(\"last_batch\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastBatch { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Lastwaittype A string indicating the name of the last or current wait type. [Column(\"lastwaittype\")] [NotNull] public string Lastwaittype { get; set; } Property Value string LoginTime Time at which a client process logged into the server. [Column(\"login_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LoginTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Loginame Login name. [Column(\"loginame\")] [NotNull] public string Loginame { get; set; } Property Value string Memusage Number of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to this process. A negative number indicates that the process is freeing memory allocated by another process. [Column(\"memusage\")] [NotNull] public int Memusage { get; set; } Property Value int NetAddress Assigned unique identifier for the network adapter on the workstation of each user. When a user logs in, this identifier is inserted in the net_address column. [Column(\"net_address\")] [NotNull] public string NetAddress { get; set; } Property Value string NetLibrary Column in which the client's network library is stored. Every client process comes in on a network connection. Network connections have a network library associated with them that enables them to make the connection. [Column(\"net_library\")] [NotNull] public string NetLibrary { get; set; } Property Value string NtDomain Windows domain for the client, if using Windows Authentication, or a trusted connection. [Column(\"nt_domain\")] [NotNull] public string NtDomain { get; set; } Property Value string NtUsername Windows user name for the process, if using Windows Authentication, or a trusted connection. [Column(\"nt_username\")] [NotNull] public string NtUsername { get; set; } Property Value string OpenTran Number of open transactions for the process. [Column(\"open_tran\")] [NotNull] public short OpenTran { get; set; } Property Value short PageResource Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) An 8-byte hexadecimal representation of the page resource if the waitresource column contains a page. [Column(\"page_resource\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? PageResource { get; set; } Property Value byte[] PhysicalIo Cumulative disk reads and writes for the process. [Column(\"physical_io\")] [NotNull] public long PhysicalIo { get; set; } Property Value long ProgramName Name of the application program. [Column(\"program_name\")] [NotNull] public string ProgramName { get; set; } Property Value string RequestID ID of request. Used to identify requests running in a specific session. [Column(\"request_id\")] [NotNull] public int RequestID { get; set; } Property Value int SID Globally unique identifier (GUID) for the user. [Column(\"sid\")] [NotNull] public byte[] SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Spid SQL Server session ID. [Column(\"spid\")] [NotNull] public short Spid { get; set; } Property Value short SqlHandle Represents the currently executing batch or object. Note This value is derived from the batch or memory address of the object. This value is not calculated by using the SQL Server hash-based algorithm. [Column(\"sql_handle\")] [NotNull] public byte[] SqlHandle { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Status Process ID status. The possible values are: dormant = SQL Server is resetting the session. running = The session is running one or more batches. When Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) is enabled, a session can run multiple batches. For more information, see Using Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS). background = The session is running a background task, such as deadlock detection. rollback = The session has a transaction rollback in process. pending = The session is waiting for a worker thread to become available. runnable = The task in the session is in the runnable queue of a scheduler while waiting to get a time quantum. spinloop = The task in the session is waiting for a spinlock to become free. suspended = The session is waiting for an event, such as I/O, to complete. [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public string Status { get; set; } Property Value string StmtEnd Ending offset of the current SQL statement for the specified sql_handle. -1 = Current statement runs to the end of the results returned by the fn_get_sql function for the specified sql_handle. [Column(\"stmt_end\")] [NotNull] public int StmtEnd { get; set; } Property Value int StmtStart Starting offset of the current SQL statement for the specified sql_handle. [Column(\"stmt_start\")] [NotNull] public int StmtStart { get; set; } Property Value int UID ID of the user that executed the command. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"uid\")] [Nullable] public short? UID { get; set; } Property Value short? Waitresource Textual representation of a lock resource. [Column(\"waitresource\")] [NotNull] public string Waitresource { get; set; } Property Value string Waittime Current wait time in milliseconds. 0 = Process is not waiting. [Column(\"waittime\")] [NotNull] public long Waittime { get; set; } Property Value long Waittype Reserved. [Column(\"waittype\")] [NotNull] public byte[] Waittype { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Protect | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Protect Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysprotects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about permissions that have been applied to security accounts in the database by using the GRANT and DENY statements. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysprotects. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysprotects\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Protect Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Protect Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Action Can have one of the following permissions: 26 = REFERENCES 178 = CREATE FUNCTION 193 = SELECT 195 = INSERT 196 = DELETE 197 = UPDATE 198 = CREATE TABLE 203 = CREATE DATABASE 207 = CREATE VIEW 222 = CREATE PROCEDURE 224 = EXECUTE 228 = BACKUP DATABASE 233 = CREATE DEFAULT 235 = BACKUP LOG 236 = CREATE RULE [Column(\"action\")] [Nullable] public byte? Action { get; set; } Property Value byte? Columns Bitmap of columns to which these SELECT or UPDATE permissions apply. Bit 0 = All columns. Bit 1 = Permissions apply to that column. NULL = No information. [Column(\"columns\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Columns { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Grantor User ID of the user that issued the GRANT or DENY permissions. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"grantor\")] [Nullable] public short? Grantor { get; set; } Property Value short? ID ID of the object to which these permissions apply. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int Protecttype Can have the following values: 204 = GRANT_W_GRANT 205 = GRANT 206 = DENY [Column(\"protecttype\")] [Nullable] public byte? Protecttype { get; set; } Property Value byte? UID ID of user or group to which these permissions apply. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"uid\")] [Nullable] public short? UID { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Reference | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Reference Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysreferences (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains mappings of the FOREIGN KEY constraint definitions to the referenced columns within the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysreferences. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysreferences\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Reference Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Reference Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConstraintID ID of the FOREIGN KEY constraint. [Column(\"constid\")] [NotNull] public int ConstraintID { get; set; } Property Value int FKeyID ID of the referencing table. [Column(\"fkeyid\")] [NotNull] public int FKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int Fkey1 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey1\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey1 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey10 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey10\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey10 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey11 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey11\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey11 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey12 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey12\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey12 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey13 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey13\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey13 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey14 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey14\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey14 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey15 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey15\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey15 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey16 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey16\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey16 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey2 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey2\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey2 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey3 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey3\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey3 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey4 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey4\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey4 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey5 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey5\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey5 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey6 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey6\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey6 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey7 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey7\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey7 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey8 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey8\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey8 { get; set; } Property Value short? Fkey9 Column ID of the referencing column. [Column(\"fkey9\")] [Nullable] public short? Fkey9 { get; set; } Property Value short? FkeyDbID Reserved. [Column(\"fkeydbid\")] [Nullable] public short? FkeyDbID { get; set; } Property Value short? Forkeys Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"forkeys\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Forkeys { get; set; } Property Value byte[] KeyCnt Number of columns in the key. [Column(\"keycnt\")] [Nullable] public short? KeyCnt { get; set; } Property Value short? RKeyID ID of the referenced table. [Column(\"rkeyid\")] [Nullable] public int? RKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int? Refkeys Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"refkeys\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Refkeys { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Rkey1 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey1\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey1 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey10 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey10\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey10 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey11 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey11\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey11 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey12 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey12\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey12 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey13 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey13\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey13 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey14 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey14\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey14 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey15 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey15\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey15 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey16 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey16\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey16 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey2 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey2\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey2 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey3 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey3\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey3 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey4 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey4\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey4 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey5 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey5\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey5 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey6 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey6\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey6 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey7 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey7\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey7 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey8 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey8\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey8 { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkey9 Column ID of the referenced column. [Column(\"rkey9\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkey9 { get; set; } Property Value short? RkeyDbID Reserved. [Column(\"rkeydbid\")] [Nullable] public short? RkeyDbID { get; set; } Property Value short? Rkeyindid Index ID of the unique index on the referenced table covering the referenced key-columns. [Column(\"rkeyindid\")] [Nullable] public short? Rkeyindid { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.RemoteLogin | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.RemoteLogin Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysremotelogins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each remote user that is permitted to call remote stored procedures on an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysremotelogins. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysremotelogins\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.RemoteLogin Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.RemoteLogin Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Changedate Date and time the remote user was added. [Column(\"changedate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Changedate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Remoteserverid Remote server identification. [Column(\"remoteserverid\")] [Nullable] public short? Remoteserverid { get; set; } Property Value short? Remoteusername Login name of the user on a remote server. [Column(\"remoteusername\")] [Nullable] public string? Remoteusername { get; set; } Property Value string SID Microsoft Windows user security ID. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Status Returns 0. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Server | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.Server Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysservers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each server that an instance of SQL Server can access as an OLE DB data source. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysservers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysservers\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.Server Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.Server Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Catalog Catalog that is used when a connection is made to an OLE DB provider. [Column(\"catalog\")] [Nullable] public string? Catalog { get; set; } Property Value string Collation Server collation as set by sp_serveroption@collation name. [Column(\"collation\")] [Nullable] public string? Collation { get; set; } Property Value string Collationcompatible 1 = sp_serveroption@collation compatible set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@collation compatible set to false or off. [Column(\"collationcompatible\")] [NotNull] public bool Collationcompatible { get; set; } Property Value bool Connecttimeout Time-out setting for the server-connection. [Column(\"connecttimeout\")] [Nullable] public int? Connecttimeout { get; set; } Property Value int? Dataaccess 1 = sp_serveroption@data access set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@data access set to false or off. [Column(\"dataaccess\")] [NotNull] public bool Dataaccess { get; set; } Property Value bool Datasource OLE DB data source value. [Column(\"datasource\")] [Nullable] public string? Datasource { get; set; } Property Value string Dist 1 = sp_serveroption@dist set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@dist set to false or off. [Column(\"dist\")] [Nullable] public bool? Dist { get; set; } Property Value bool? Dpub 1 = sp_serveroption@dpub set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@dpub set to false or off. [Column(\"dpub\")] [Nullable] public bool? Dpub { get; set; } Property Value bool? Isremote 1 = Server is a remote server. 0 = Server is a linked server. [Column(\"isremote\")] [Nullable] public bool? Isremote { get; set; } Property Value bool? Lazyschemavalidation 1 = sp_serveroption@lazy schema validation set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@lazy schema validation set to false or off. [Column(\"lazyschemavalidation\")] [NotNull] public bool Lazyschemavalidation { get; set; } Property Value bool Location OLE DB location value. [Column(\"location\")] [Nullable] public string? Location { get; set; } Property Value string Nonsqlsub 0 = server is an instance of SQL Server 1 = server is not an instance of SQL Server [Column(\"nonsqlsub\")] [Nullable] public bool? Nonsqlsub { get; set; } Property Value bool? Providername OLE DB provider name for access to this server. [Column(\"providername\")] [NotNull] public string Providername { get; set; } Property Value string Providerstring OLE DB provider string value. [Column(\"providerstring\")] [Nullable] public string? Providerstring { get; set; } Property Value string Pub 1 = sp_serveroption@pub set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@pub set to false or off. [Column(\"pub\")] [NotNull] public bool Pub { get; set; } Property Value bool Querytimeout Time-out setting for queries against the server. [Column(\"querytimeout\")] [Nullable] public int? Querytimeout { get; set; } Property Value int? Rpc 1 = sp_serveroption@rpc set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@rpc set to false or off. [Column(\"rpc\")] [NotNull] public bool Rpc { get; set; } Property Value bool Rpcout 1 = sp_serveroption@rpc out set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@rpc out set to false or off. [Column(\"rpcout\")] [NotNull] public bool Rpcout { get; set; } Property Value bool Schemadate Date this row was last updated. [Column(\"schemadate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Schemadate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Srvcollation The collation of the server. [Column(\"srvcollation\")] [Nullable] public string? Srvcollation { get; set; } Property Value string Srvid ID (for local use only) of the remote server. [Column(\"srvid\")] [Nullable] public short? Srvid { get; set; } Property Value short? Srvname Name of the server. [Column(\"srvname\")] [NotNull] public string Srvname { get; set; } Property Value string Srvnetname Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"srvnetname\")] [Nullable] public string? Srvnetname { get; set; } Property Value string Srvproduct Product name for the remote server. [Column(\"srvproduct\")] [NotNull] public string Srvproduct { get; set; } Property Value string Srvstatus Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"srvstatus\")] [Nullable] public short? Srvstatus { get; set; } Property Value short? Sub 1 = sp_serveroption@sub set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@sub set to false or off. [Column(\"sub\")] [Nullable] public bool? Sub { get; set; } Property Value bool? System 1 = sp_serveroption@system set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@system set to false or off. [Column(\"system\")] [NotNull] public bool System { get; set; } Property Value bool Topologyx Not used. [Column(\"topologyx\")] [Nullable] public int? Topologyx { get; set; } Property Value int? Topologyy Not used. [Column(\"topologyy\")] [Nullable] public int? Topologyy { get; set; } Property Value int? Useremotecollation 1 = sp_serveroption@remote collation set to true or on. 0 = sp_serveroption@remote collation set to false or off. [Column(\"useremotecollation\")] [NotNull] public bool Useremotecollation { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema.User | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema.User Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sysusers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each Microsoft Windows user, Windows group, Microsoft SQL Server user, or SQL Server role in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysusers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sysusers\", IsView = true)] public class CompatibilitySchema.User Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema.User Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Altuid Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"altuid\")] [Nullable] public short? Altuid { get; set; } Property Value short? Createdate Date the account was added. [Column(\"createdate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Createdate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Environ Reserved. [Column(\"environ\")] [Nullable] public string? Environ { get; set; } Property Value string Gid Group ID to which this user belongs. If uid is the same as gid, this entry defines a group. Overflows or returns NULL if the combined number of groups and users exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"gid\")] [Nullable] public short? Gid { get; set; } Property Value short? Hasdbaccess 1 = Account has database access. [Column(\"hasdbaccess\")] [Nullable] public int? Hasdbaccess { get; set; } Property Value int? Isaliased 1 = Account is aliased to another user. [Column(\"isaliased\")] [Nullable] public int? Isaliased { get; set; } Property Value int? Isapprole 1 = Account is an application role. [Column(\"isapprole\")] [Nullable] public int? Isapprole { get; set; } Property Value int? Islogin 1 = Account is a Windows group, Windows user, or SQL Server user with a login account. [Column(\"islogin\")] [Nullable] public int? Islogin { get; set; } Property Value int? Isntgroup 1 = Account is a Windows group. [Column(\"isntgroup\")] [Nullable] public int? Isntgroup { get; set; } Property Value int? Isntname 1 = Account is a Windows group or Windows user. [Column(\"isntname\")] [Nullable] public int? Isntname { get; set; } Property Value int? Isntuser 1 = Account is a Windows user. [Column(\"isntuser\")] [Nullable] public int? Isntuser { get; set; } Property Value int? Issqlrole 1 = Account is a SQL Server role. [Column(\"issqlrole\")] [Nullable] public int? Issqlrole { get; set; } Property Value int? Issqluser 1 = Account is a SQL Server user. [Column(\"issqluser\")] [Nullable] public int? Issqluser { get; set; } Property Value int? Name User name or group name, unique in this database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Password Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"password\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Password { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Roles Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"roles\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Roles { get; set; } Property Value byte[] SID Security identifier for this entry. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Status Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public short? Status { get; set; } Property Value short? UID User ID, unique in this database. 1 = Database owner Overflows or returns NULL if the number of users and roles exceeds 32,767. [Column(\"uid\")] [Nullable] public short? UID { get; set; } Property Value short? Updatedate Date the account was last changed. [Column(\"updatedate\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Updatedate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class CompatibilitySchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompatibilitySchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class CompatibilitySchema Inheritance object CompatibilitySchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema.CollectionItem | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema.CollectionItem Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syscollector_collection_items (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns information about an item in a collection set. See dbo.syscollector_collection_items. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syscollector_collection_items\", IsView = true)] public class DataCollectorSchema.CollectionItem Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema.CollectionItem Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollectionItemID Identifies an item in the collection set. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collection_item_id\")] [NotNull] public int CollectionItemID { get; set; } Property Value int CollectionSetID Identifies the collection set. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collection_set_id\")] [NotNull] public int CollectionSetID { get; set; } Property Value int CollectorTypeUID The GUID used to identify the collector type. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collector_type_uid\")] [NotNull] public Guid CollectorTypeUID { get; set; } Property Value Guid Frequency The frequency that data is collected by a collection item. Is not nullable. [Column(\"frequency\")] [NotNull] public int Frequency { get; set; } Property Value int Name The name of the collection set. Is nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Parameters Describes the parameterization for the collector type associated with the collection item. The XML schema for this collection item is validated with the XML Schema (XSD) stored in the parameter_schema for a particular collector type. Is nullable. For more information, see syscollector_collector_types (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"parameters\")] [NotNull] public object Parameters { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema.CollectionSet | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema.CollectionSet Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syscollector_collection_sets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collection set, including schedule, collection mode, and its state. See dbo.syscollector_collection_sets. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syscollector_collection_sets\", IsView = true)] public class DataCollectorSchema.CollectionSet Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema.CollectionSet Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollectionJobID Identifies the collection job. Is nullable. [Column(\"collection_job_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid CollectionJobID { get; set; } Property Value Guid CollectionMode Specifies the collection mode for the collection set. Is not nullable. Collection mode is one of the following: 0 - Cached mode. Data collection and upload are on separate schedules. 1 - Non-cached mode. Data collection and upload are on the same schedule. [Column(\"collection_mode\")] [NotNull] public short CollectionMode { get; set; } Property Value short CollectionSetID The local identifier for the collection set. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collection_set_id\")] [NotNull] public int CollectionSetID { get; set; } Property Value int CollectionSetUID The globally unique identifier for the collection set. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collection_set_uid\")] [NotNull] public Guid CollectionSetUID { get; set; } Property Value Guid DaysUntilExpiration The number of days that the collected data is saved in the management data warehouse. Is not nullable. [Column(\"days_until_expiration\")] [NotNull] public short DaysUntilExpiration { get; set; } Property Value short Description Describes the collection set. Is nullable. [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string DumpOnAnyError Turned on (1) or off (0) to indicate whether to create an SSIS dump file on any error. Is not nullable. [Column(\"dump_on_any_error\")] [NotNull] public bool DumpOnAnyError { get; set; } Property Value bool DumpOnCodes Contains the list of SSIS error codes that are used to trigger the dump file. Is nullable. [Column(\"dump_on_codes\")] [NotNull] public string DumpOnCodes { get; set; } Property Value string IsRunning Indicates whether or not the collection set is running. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_running\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRunning { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSystem Turned on (1) or off (0) to indicate if the collection set was included with the data collector or if it was added later by the dc_admin. This could be a custom collection set developed in-house or by a third party. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_system\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value bool LoggingLevel Specifies the logging level (0, 1 or 2). Is not nullable. [Column(\"logging_level\")] [NotNull] public short LoggingLevel { get; set; } Property Value short Name The name of the collection set. Is nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ProxyID Identifies the proxy that is used to run the collection set job step. Is nullable. [Column(\"proxy_id\")] [NotNull] public int ProxyID { get; set; } Property Value int ScheduleUID Provides a pointer to the collection set schedule. Is nullable. [Column(\"schedule_uid\")] [NotNull] public Guid ScheduleUID { get; set; } Property Value Guid Target Identifies the target for the collection set. Is nullable. [Column(\"target\")] [NotNull] public string Target { get; set; } Property Value string UploadJobID Identifies the collection upload job. Is nullable. [Column(\"upload_job_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid UploadJobID { get; set; } Property Value Guid"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema.CollectorType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema.CollectorType Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syscollector_collector_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collector type for a collection item. See dbo.syscollector_collector_types. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syscollector_collector_types\", IsView = true)] public class DataCollectorSchema.CollectorType Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema.CollectorType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollectionPackageID The GUID for a collection package. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collection_package_id\")] [NotNull] public object CollectionPackageID { get; set; } Property Value object CollectionPackageName The name of the collection package. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collection_package_name\")] [NotNull] public string CollectionPackageName { get; set; } Property Value string CollectionPackagePath Provides the path to the collection package. Is nullable. [Column(\"collection_package_path\")] [NotNull] public string CollectionPackagePath { get; set; } Property Value string CollectorTypeUID The GUID for a collection type. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collector_type_uid\")] [NotNull] public object CollectorTypeUID { get; set; } Property Value object IsSystem Turned on (1) or off (0) to indicate if the collector type was shipped with the data collector or if it was added later by the dc_admin. This could be a custom type developed in-house or by a third party. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_system\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value bool Name The name of the collection type. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ParameterFormatter Determines the template to use to transform the XML for use in the collection set property page. Is nullable. [Column(\"parameter_formatter\")] [NotNull] public object ParameterFormatter { get; set; } Property Value object ParameterSchema The XML schema that describes what the configuration for the specified collector type looks like. This XML schema is used to validate the actual XML configuration associated with a particular collection item instance. Is nullable. [Column(\"parameter_schema\")] [NotNull] public object ParameterSchema { get; set; } Property Value object UploadPackageID The GUID for the upload package. Is not nullable. [Column(\"upload_package_id\")] [NotNull] public object UploadPackageID { get; set; } Property Value object UploadPackageName The name of the upload package. Is not nullable. [Column(\"upload_package_name\")] [NotNull] public string UploadPackageName { get; set; } Property Value string UploadPackagePath Provides the path to the upload package. Is nullable. [Column(\"upload_package_path\")] [NotNull] public string UploadPackagePath { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema.ConfigStore | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema.ConfigStore Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syscollector_config_store (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns properties that apply to the entire data collector, as opposed to a collection set instance. Each row in this view describes a specific data collector property, such as the name of the management data warehouse, and the instance name where the management data warehouse is located. See dbo.syscollector_config_store. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syscollector_config_store\", IsView = true)] public class DataCollectorSchema.ConfigStore Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema.ConfigStore Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ParameterName The name of the property. Is not nullable. [Column(\"parameter_name\")] [NotNull] public string ParameterName { get; set; } Property Value string ParameterValue The actual value of the property. Is nullable. [Column(\"parameter_value\")] [NotNull] public object ParameterValue { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class DataCollectorSchema.DataContext Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties CollectionItems syscollector_collection_items (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns information about an item in a collection set. See dbo.syscollector_collection_items. public ITable<DataCollectorSchema.CollectionItem> CollectionItems { get; } Property Value ITable<DataCollectorSchema.CollectionItem> CollectionSets syscollector_collection_sets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collection set, including schedule, collection mode, and its state. See dbo.syscollector_collection_sets. public ITable<DataCollectorSchema.CollectionSet> CollectionSets { get; } Property Value ITable<DataCollectorSchema.CollectionSet> CollectorTypes syscollector_collector_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collector type for a collection item. See dbo.syscollector_collector_types. public ITable<DataCollectorSchema.CollectorType> CollectorTypes { get; } Property Value ITable<DataCollectorSchema.CollectorType> ConfigStores syscollector_config_store (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns properties that apply to the entire data collector, as opposed to a collection set instance. Each row in this view describes a specific data collector property, such as the name of the management data warehouse, and the instance name where the management data warehouse is located. See dbo.syscollector_config_store. public ITable<DataCollectorSchema.ConfigStore> ConfigStores { get; } Property Value ITable<DataCollectorSchema.ConfigStore> ExecutionLogFulls syscollector_execution_log_full (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collection set or package when the execution log is full. See dbo.syscollector_execution_log_full. public ITable<DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLogFull> ExecutionLogFulls { get; } Property Value ITable<DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLogFull> ExecutionLogs syscollector_execution_log (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information from the execution log for a collection set or package. See dbo.syscollector_execution_log. public ITable<DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLog> ExecutionLogs { get; } Property Value ITable<DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLog> ExecutionStats syscollector_execution_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about task execution for a collection set or package. See dbo.syscollector_execution_stats. public ITable<DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionStat> ExecutionStats { get; } Property Value ITable<DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionStat>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLog | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLog Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syscollector_execution_log (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information from the execution log for a collection set or package. See dbo.syscollector_execution_log. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syscollector_execution_log\", IsView = true)] public class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLog Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLog Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollectionItemID Identifies a collection item. Is nullable. [Column(\"collection_item_id\")] [NotNull] public int CollectionItemID { get; set; } Property Value int CollectionSetID Identifies the collection set or package that this log entry represents. Is not nullable. [Column(\"collection_set_id\")] [NotNull] public int CollectionSetID { get; set; } Property Value int FailureMessage If the collection set or package failed, the most recent error message for that component. Is nullable. To obtain more detailed error information, use the fn_syscollector_get_execution_details (Transact-SQL) function. [Column(\"failure_message\")] [NotNull] public string FailureMessage { get; set; } Property Value string FinishTime The time the run completed for finished packages and collection sets. Is nullable. [Column(\"finish_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime FinishTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LastIterationTime For continuously running packages, the last time that the package captured a snapshot. Is nullable. [Column(\"last_iteration_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastIterationTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LogID Identifies each collection set execution. Used to join this view with other detailed logs. Is not nullable. [Column(\"log_id\")] [NotNull] public long LogID { get; set; } Property Value long Operator Identifies who started the collection set or package. Is not nullable. [Column(\"operator\")] [NotNull] public string Operator { get; set; } Property Value string PackageExecutionID Provides a link to the SSIS log table. Is nullable. [Column(\"package_execution_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid PackageExecutionID { get; set; } Property Value Guid PackageID Identifies the collection set or package that generated this log. Is nullable. [Column(\"package_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid PackageID { get; set; } Property Value Guid PackageName The name of the package that generated this log. Is nullable. [Column(\"package_name\")] [NotNull] public string PackageName { get; set; } Property Value string ParentLogID Identifies the parent package or collection set. Is not nullable. The IDs are chained in the parent-child relationship, which enables you to determine which package was started by which collection set. This view groups the log entries by their parent-child linkage and indents the names of the packages, so that the call chain is clearly visible. [Column(\"parent_log_id\")] [NotNull] public long ParentLogID { get; set; } Property Value long RuntimeExecutionMode Indicates whether the collection set activity was collecting data or uploading data. Is nullable. Values are: 0 = Collection 1 = Upload [Column(\"runtime_execution_mode\")] [NotNull] public short RuntimeExecutionMode { get; set; } Property Value short StartTime The time that the collection set or package started. Is not nullable. [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Status Indicates the current status of the collection set or package. Is not nullable. Values are: 0 = running 1 = finished 2 = failed [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public short Status { get; set; } Property Value short"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLogFull | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLogFull Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syscollector_execution_log_full (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collection set or package when the execution log is full. See dbo.syscollector_execution_log_full. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syscollector_execution_log_full\", IsView = true)] public class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLogFull Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLogFull Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollectionSetID Provides a link to the data collection configuration table in msdb. Is nullable. [Column(\"collection_set_id\")] [NotNull] public int CollectionSetID { get; set; } Property Value int Duration The time, in seconds, that the package or collection set has been running. Is nullable. [Column(\"duration\")] [NotNull] public int Duration { get; set; } Property Value int FailureMessage If the collection set or package failed, the most recent error message for that component. Is nullable. To obtain more detailed error information, use the fn_syscollector_get_execution_details (Transact-SQL) function. [Column(\"failure_message\")] [NotNull] public string FailureMessage { get; set; } Property Value string FinishTime The time the run completed for finished packages and collection sets. Is nullable. [Column(\"finish_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime FinishTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LastIterationTime For continuously running packages, the last time that the package captured a snapshot. Is nullable. [Column(\"last_iteration_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastIterationTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LogID Identifies each collection set execution. Used to join this view with other detailed logs. Is nullable. [Column(\"log_id\")] [NotNull] public long LogID { get; set; } Property Value long Name The name of the collection set or package that this log entry represents. Is nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Operator Identifies who started the collection set or package. Is nullable. [Column(\"operator\")] [NotNull] public string Operator { get; set; } Property Value string PackageExecutionID Provides a link to the SSIS log table. Is nullable. [Column(\"package_execution_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid PackageExecutionID { get; set; } Property Value Guid ParentLogID Identifies the parent package or collection set. Is not nullable. The IDs are chained in the parent-child relationship, which enables you to determine which package was started by which collection set. This view groups the log entries by their parent-child linkage and indents the names of the packages so that the call chain is clearly visible. [Column(\"parent_log_id\")] [NotNull] public long ParentLogID { get; set; } Property Value long RuntimeExecutionMode Indicates whether the collection set activity was collecting data or uploading data. Is nullable. [Column(\"runtime_execution_mode\")] [NotNull] public short RuntimeExecutionMode { get; set; } Property Value short StartTime The time that the collection set or package started. Is nullable. [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Status Indicates the current status of the collection set or package. Is nullable. Values are: 0 = running 1 = finished 2 = failed [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public short Status { get; set; } Property Value short"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionStat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionStat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syscollector_execution_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about task execution for a collection set or package. See dbo.syscollector_execution_stats. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syscollector_execution_stats\", IsView = true)] public class DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionStat Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionStat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ExecutionRowCountErrors Number of rows that failed during the data flow. Is nullable. [Column(\"execution_row_count_errors\")] [NotNull] public int ExecutionRowCountErrors { get; set; } Property Value int ExecutionRowCountIn Number of rows processed at the beginning of data flow. Is nullable. [Column(\"execution_row_count_in\")] [NotNull] public int ExecutionRowCountIn { get; set; } Property Value int ExecutionRowCountOut Number of rows processed at the end of data flow. Is nullable. [Column(\"execution_row_count_out\")] [NotNull] public int ExecutionRowCountOut { get; set; } Property Value int ExecutionTimeMs The time, in milliseconds, required for the task to complete. Is nullable. [Column(\"execution_time_ms\")] [NotNull] public int ExecutionTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value int LogID Identifies each collection set execution. Used to join this view with other detailed logs. Is not nullable. [Column(\"log_id\")] [NotNull] public long LogID { get; set; } Property Value long LogTime The time that this information was logged. Is not nullable. [Column(\"log_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LogTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime TaskName The name of the collection set or package task that this information is for. Is not nullable. [Column(\"task_name\")] [NotNull] public string TaskName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataCollectorSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataCollectorSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class DataCollectorSchema Inheritance object DataCollectorSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataSpacesSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataSpacesSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class DataSpacesSchema.DataContext Inheritance object DataSpacesSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties DataSpaces sys.data_spaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each data space. This can be a filegroup, partition scheme, or FILESTREAM data filegroup. See sys.data_spaces. public ITable<DataSpacesSchema.DataSpace> DataSpaces { get; } Property Value ITable<DataSpacesSchema.DataSpace> DestinationDataSpaces sys.destination_data_spaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each data space destination of a partition scheme. See sys.destination_data_spaces. public ITable<DataSpacesSchema.DestinationDataSpace> DestinationDataSpaces { get; } Property Value ITable<DataSpacesSchema.DestinationDataSpace> FileGroups sys.filegroups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each data space that is a filegroup. See sys.filegroups. public ITable<DataSpacesSchema.FileGroup> FileGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<DataSpacesSchema.FileGroup> PartitionSchemes sys.partition_schemes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each Data Space that is a partition scheme, with type = PS. See sys.partition_schemes. public ITable<DataSpacesSchema.PartitionScheme> PartitionSchemes { get; } Property Value ITable<DataSpacesSchema.PartitionScheme>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataSpacesSchema.DataSpace | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataSpacesSchema.DataSpace Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.data_spaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each data space. This can be a filegroup, partition scheme, or FILESTREAM data filegroup. See sys.data_spaces. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"data_spaces\", IsView = true)] public class DataSpacesSchema.DataSpace Inheritance object DataSpacesSchema.DataSpace Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataSpaceID Data space ID number, unique within the database. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDefault 1 = This is the default data space. The default data space is used when a filegroup or partition scheme is not specified in a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement. 0 = This is not the default data space. [Column(\"is_default\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSystem Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 1 = Data space is used for full-text index fragments. 0 = Data space is not used for full-text index fragments. [Column(\"is_system\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Name of data space, unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Data space type: FG = Filegroup FD = FILESTREAM data filegroup FX = Memory-optimized tables filegroup Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. PS = Partition scheme [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of data space type: FILESTREAM_DATA_FILEGROUP MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA_FILEGROUP Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. PARTITION_SCHEME ROWS_FILEGROUP [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataSpacesSchema.DestinationDataSpace | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataSpacesSchema.DestinationDataSpace Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.destination_data_spaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each data space destination of a partition scheme. See sys.destination_data_spaces. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"destination_data_spaces\", IsView = true)] public class DataSpacesSchema.DestinationDataSpace Inheritance object DataSpacesSchema.DestinationDataSpace Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataSpaceID ID of the data space to which data for this scheme's destination is being mapped. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int DestinationID ID (1-based ordinal) of the destination-mapping, unique within the partition scheme. [Column(\"destination_id\")] [NotNull] public int DestinationID { get; set; } Property Value int PartitionSchemeID ID of the partition-scheme that is partitioning to the data space. For partitioned tables, this can be joined to data_space_id in sys.partition_schemes. [Column(\"partition_scheme_id\")] [NotNull] public int PartitionSchemeID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataSpacesSchema.FileGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataSpacesSchema.FileGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.filegroups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each data space that is a filegroup. See sys.filegroups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"filegroups\", IsView = true)] public class DataSpacesSchema.FileGroup Inheritance object DataSpacesSchema.FileGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataSpaceID Data space ID number, unique within the database. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int FilegroupGuid GUID for the filegroup. NULL = PRIMARY filegroup [Column(\"filegroup_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? FilegroupGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? IsAutogrowAllFiles Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later. 1 = When a file in the filegroup meets the autogrow threshold, all files in the filegroup grow. 0 = When a file in the filegroup meets the autogrow threshold, only that file grows. This is the default. [Column(\"is_autogrow_all_files\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAutogrowAllFiles { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsDefault 1 = This is the default data space. The default data space is used when a filegroup or partition scheme is not specified in a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement. 0 = This is not the default data space. [Column(\"is_default\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReadOnly 1 = Filegroup is read-only. 0 = Filegroup is read/write. [Column(\"is_read_only\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReadOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSystem Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 1 = Data space is used for full-text index fragments. 0 = Data space is not used for full-text index fragments. [Column(\"is_system\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value bool? LogFileGroupID Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. In SQL Server, the value is NULL. [Column(\"log_filegroup_id\")] [Nullable] public int? LogFileGroupID { get; set; } Property Value int? Name Name of data space, unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Data space type: FG = Filegroup FD = FILESTREAM data filegroup FX = Memory-optimized tables filegroup Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. PS = Partition scheme [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of data space type: FILESTREAM_DATA_FILEGROUP MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA_FILEGROUP Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. PARTITION_SCHEME ROWS_FILEGROUP [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataSpacesSchema.PartitionScheme | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataSpacesSchema.PartitionScheme Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.partition_schemes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each Data Space that is a partition scheme, with type = PS. See sys.partition_schemes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"partition_schemes\", IsView = true)] public class DataSpacesSchema.PartitionScheme Inheritance object DataSpacesSchema.PartitionScheme Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataSpaceID Data space ID number, unique within the database. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int FunctionID ID of partition function used in the scheme. [Column(\"function_id\")] [NotNull] public int FunctionID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDefault 1 = This is the default data space. The default data space is used when a filegroup or partition scheme is not specified in a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement. 0 = This is not the default data space. [Column(\"is_default\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSystem Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 1 = Data space is used for full-text index fragments. 0 = Data space is not used for full-text index fragments. [Column(\"is_system\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Name of data space, unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Data space type: FG = Filegroup FD = FILESTREAM data filegroup FX = Memory-optimized tables filegroup Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. PS = Partition scheme [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of data space type: FILESTREAM_DATA_FILEGROUP MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA_FILEGROUP Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. PARTITION_SCHEME ROWS_FILEGROUP [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataSpacesSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataSpacesSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class DataSpacesSchema Inheritance object DataSpacesSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataTierApplicationsSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataTierApplicationsSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class DataTierApplicationsSchema.DataContext Inheritance object DataTierApplicationsSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties Instances Data-tier Application Views - dbo.sysdac_instances Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each data-tier application (DAC) instance deployed to an instance of the Database Engine. sysdac_instances belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the sysdac_instances view. See dbo.sysdac_instances. public ITable<DataTierApplicationsSchema.Instance> Instances { get; } Property Value ITable<DataTierApplicationsSchema.Instance>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataTierApplicationsSchema.Instance | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataTierApplicationsSchema.Instance Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Data-tier Application Views - dbo.sysdac_instances Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each data-tier application (DAC) instance deployed to an instance of the Database Engine. sysdac_instances belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the sysdac_instances view. See dbo.sysdac_instances. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"sysdac_instances\", IsView = true)] public class DataTierApplicationsSchema.Instance Inheritance object DataTierApplicationsSchema.Instance Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreatedBy Login that created the DAC instance. [Column(\"created_by\")] [NotNull] public string CreatedBy { get; set; } Property Value string DatabaseName Name of the database created for the DAC isntance. [Column(\"database_name\")] [NotNull] public string DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string DateCreated Date and time the DAC instance was created. [Column(\"date_created\")] [NotNull] public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Description A description of the DAC written when the DAC package was created. [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string InstanceID Identifier of the DAC instance. [Column(\"instance_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid InstanceID { get; set; } Property Value Guid InstanceName Name of the DAC instance specified when the DAC was deployed. [Column(\"instance_name\")] [NotNull] public string InstanceName { get; set; } Property Value string TypeName Name of the DAC specified when the DAC package was created. [Column(\"type_name\")] [NotNull] public string TypeName { get; set; } Property Value string TypeStream A bit stream that contains an encoded representation of the logical objects, such as tables and views, contained in the DAC. [Column(\"type_stream\")] [NotNull] public byte[] TypeStream { get; set; } Property Value byte[] TypeVersion Version of the DAC specified when the DAC package was created. [Column(\"type_version\")] [NotNull] public string TypeVersion { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DataTierApplicationsSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataTierApplicationsSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class DataTierApplicationsSchema Inheritance object DataTierApplicationsSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.AllItem | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.AllItem Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each message processed by Database Mail. Use this view when you want to see the status of all messages. To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_allitems. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"sysmail_allitems\", IsView = true)] public class DatabaseMailSchema.AllItem Inheritance object DatabaseMailSchema.AllItem Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AppendQueryError The append_query_error parameter of the message. 0 indicates that Database Mail should not send the e-mail message if there is an error in the query. [Column(\"append_query_error\")] [NotNull] public bool AppendQueryError { get; set; } Property Value bool AttachQueryResultAsFile When the value is 0, the query results were included in the body of the e-mail message, after the contents of the body. When the value is 1, the results were returned as an attachment. [Column(\"attach_query_result_as_file\")] [NotNull] public bool AttachQueryResultAsFile { get; set; } Property Value bool AttachmentEncoding The type of mail attachment. [Column(\"attachment_encoding\")] [NotNull] public string AttachmentEncoding { get; set; } Property Value string BlindCopyRecipients The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message but whose names do not appear in the message header. [Column(\"blind_copy_recipients\")] [NotNull] public string BlindCopyRecipients { get; set; } Property Value string Body The body of the message. [Column(\"body\")] [NotNull] public string Body { get; set; } Property Value string BodyFormat The body format of the message. The possible values are TEXT and HTML. [Column(\"body_format\")] [NotNull] public string BodyFormat { get; set; } Property Value string CopyRecipients The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message. [Column(\"copy_recipients\")] [NotNull] public string CopyRecipients { get; set; } Property Value string ExcludeQueryOutput The exclude_query_output parameter of the message. For more information, see sp_send_dbmail (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"exclude_query_output\")] [NotNull] public bool ExcludeQueryOutput { get; set; } Property Value bool ExecuteQueryDatabase The database context within which the mail program executed the query. [Column(\"execute_query_database\")] [NotNull] public string ExecuteQueryDatabase { get; set; } Property Value string FileAttachments A semicolon-delimited list of file names attached to the e-mail message. [Column(\"file_attachments\")] [NotNull] public string FileAttachments { get; set; } Property Value string Importance The importance parameter of the message. [Column(\"importance\")] [NotNull] public string Importance { get; set; } Property Value string LastModDate The date and time of the last modification of the row. [Column(\"last_mod_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastModDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LastModUser The user who last modified the row. [Column(\"last_mod_user\")] [NotNull] public string LastModUser { get; set; } Property Value string MailItemID Identifier of the mail item in the mail queue. [Column(\"mailitem_id\")] [NotNull] public int MailItemID { get; set; } Property Value int ProfileID The identifier of the profile used to send the message. [Column(\"profile_id\")] [NotNull] public int ProfileID { get; set; } Property Value int Query The query executed by the mail program. [Column(\"query\")] [NotNull] public string Query { get; set; } Property Value string QueryResultHeader When the value is 1, query results contained column headers. When the value is 0, query results did not include column headers. [Column(\"query_result_header\")] [NotNull] public bool QueryResultHeader { get; set; } Property Value bool QueryResultSeparator The character used to separate columns in the query output. [Column(\"query_result_separator\")] [NotNull] public string QueryResultSeparator { get; set; } Property Value string QueryResultWidth The query_result_width parameter of the message. [Column(\"query_result_width\")] [NotNull] public int QueryResultWidth { get; set; } Property Value int Recipients The e-mail addresses of the message recipients. [Column(\"recipients\")] [NotNull] public string Recipients { get; set; } Property Value string SendRequestDate The date and time the message was placed on the mail queue. [Column(\"send_request_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SendRequestDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SendRequestUser The user who submitted the message. This is the user context of the database mail procedure, not the From: field of the message. [Column(\"send_request_user\")] [NotNull] public string SendRequestUser { get; set; } Property Value string Sensitivity The sensitivity parameter of the message. [Column(\"sensitivity\")] [NotNull] public string Sensitivity { get; set; } Property Value string SentAccountID The identifier of the Database Mail account used to send the message. [Column(\"sent_account_id\")] [NotNull] public int SentAccountID { get; set; } Property Value int SentDate The date and time that the message was sent. [Column(\"sent_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SentDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SentStatus The status of the mail. Possible values are: sent - The mail was sent. unsent - Database mail is still attempting to send the message. retrying - Database Mail failed to send the message but is attempting to send it again. failed - Database mail was unable to send the message. [Column(\"sent_status\")] [NotNull] public string SentStatus { get; set; } Property Value string Subject The subject line of the message. [Column(\"subject\")] [NotNull] public string Subject { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class DatabaseMailSchema.DataContext Inheritance object DatabaseMailSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties AllItems sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each message processed by Database Mail. Use this view when you want to see the status of all messages. To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_allitems. public ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.AllItem> AllItems { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.AllItem> EventLogs sysmail_event_log (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each Windows or SQL Server message returned by the Database Mail system. (Message in this context refers to a message such as an error message, not an e-mail message.) Configure the Logging Level parameter by using the Configure System Parameters dialog box of the Database Mail Configuration Wizard, or the sysmail_configure_sp stored procedure, to determine which messages are returned. See dbo.sysmail_event_log. public ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.EventLog> EventLogs { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.EventLog> FailedItems sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each Database Mail message with the failed status. Use this view to determine which messages were not successfully sent. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). To view e-mail attachments, use sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_faileditems. public ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.FailedItem> FailedItems { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.FailedItem> MailAttachments sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each attachment submitted to Database Mail. Use this view when you want information about Database Mail attachments. To review all e-mails processed by Database Mail use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_mailattachments. public ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.MailAttachment> MailAttachments { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.MailAttachment> SentItems sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each message sent by Database Mail. Use sysmail_sentitems when you want to see which messages were successfully sent. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent or retrying messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see e-mail attachments, use sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_sentitems. public ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.SentItem> SentItems { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.SentItem> UnsentItems sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each Database Mail message with the unsent or retrying status. Messages with unsent or retrying status are still in the mail queue and may be sent at any time. Messages can have the unsent status for the following reasons: - The message is new, and though the message has been placed on the mail queue, Database Mail is working on other messages and has not yet reached this message. - The Database Mail external program is not running and no mail is being sent. Messages can have the retrying status for the following reasons: - Database Mail has attempted to send the mail, but the SMTP mail server could not be contacted. Database Mail will continue to attempt to send the message using other Database Mail accounts assigned to the profile that sent the message. If no accounts can send the mail, Database Mail will wait for the length of time configured for the Account Retry Delay parameter and then attempt to send the message again. Database Mail uses the Account Retry Attempts parameter to determine how many times to attempt to send the message. Messages retain retrying status as long as Database Mail is attempting to send the message. Use this view when you want to see how many messages are waiting to be sent and how long they have been in the mail queue. Normally the number of unsent messages will be low. Conduct a benchmark test during normal operations to determine a reasonable number of messages in the message queue for your operations. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_unsentitems. public ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.UnsentItem> UnsentItems { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabaseMailSchema.UnsentItem>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.EventLog | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.EventLog Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sysmail_event_log (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each Windows or SQL Server message returned by the Database Mail system. (Message in this context refers to a message such as an error message, not an e-mail message.) Configure the Logging Level parameter by using the Configure System Parameters dialog box of the Database Mail Configuration Wizard, or the sysmail_configure_sp stored procedure, to determine which messages are returned. See dbo.sysmail_event_log. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"sysmail_event_log\", IsView = true)] public class DatabaseMailSchema.EventLog Inheritance object DatabaseMailSchema.EventLog Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AccountID The account_id of the account related to the event. NULL if the message is not related to a specific account. [Column(\"account_id\")] [NotNull] public int AccountID { get; set; } Property Value int Description The text of the message being recorded. [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string EventType The type of notice inserted in the log. Possible values are errors, warnings, informational messages, success messages, and additional internal messages. [Column(\"event_type\")] [NotNull] public string EventType { get; set; } Property Value string LastModDate The date and time of the last modification of the row. [Column(\"last_mod_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastModDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LastModUser The user who last modified the row. For e-mails, this is the user who sent the mail. For messages generated by the Database Mail external program, this is the user context of the program. [Column(\"last_mod_user\")] [NotNull] public string LastModUser { get; set; } Property Value string LogDate The date and time the log entry is made. [Column(\"log_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LogDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LogID Identifier of items in the log. [Column(\"Log_id\")] [NotNull] public int LogID { get; set; } Property Value int MailItemID Identifier of the mail item in the mail queue. NULL if the message is not related to a specific e-mail item. [Column(\"mailitem_id\")] [NotNull] public int MailItemID { get; set; } Property Value int ProcessID The process id of the Database Mail external program. This typically changes each time the Database Mail external program starts. [Column(\"process_id\")] [NotNull] public int ProcessID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.FailedItem | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.FailedItem Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each Database Mail message with the failed status. Use this view to determine which messages were not successfully sent. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). To view e-mail attachments, use sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_faileditems. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"sysmail_faileditems\", IsView = true)] public class DatabaseMailSchema.FailedItem Inheritance object DatabaseMailSchema.FailedItem Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AppendQueryError The append_query_error parameter of the message. 0 indicates that Database Mail should not send the e-mail message if there is an error in the query. [Column(\"append_query_error\")] [NotNull] public bool AppendQueryError { get; set; } Property Value bool AttachQueryResultAsFile When the value is 0, the query results were included in the body of the e-mail message, after the contents of the body. When the value is 1, the results were returned as an attachment. [Column(\"attach_query_result_as_file\")] [NotNull] public bool AttachQueryResultAsFile { get; set; } Property Value bool AttachmentEncoding The type of mail attachment. [Column(\"Attachment_encoding\")] [NotNull] public string AttachmentEncoding { get; set; } Property Value string BlindCopyRecipients The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message but whose names do not appear in the message header. [Column(\"blind_copy_recipients\")] [NotNull] public string BlindCopyRecipients { get; set; } Property Value string Body The body of the message. [Column(\"body\")] [NotNull] public string Body { get; set; } Property Value string BodyFormat The body format of the message. The possible values are TEXT and HTML. [Column(\"body_format\")] [NotNull] public string BodyFormat { get; set; } Property Value string CopyRecipients The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message. [Column(\"copy_recipients\")] [NotNull] public string CopyRecipients { get; set; } Property Value string ExcludeQueryOutput The exclude_query_output parameter of the message. For more information, see sp_send_dbmail (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"exclude_query_output\")] [NotNull] public bool ExcludeQueryOutput { get; set; } Property Value bool ExecuteQueryDatabase The database context within which the mail program executed the query. [Column(\"execute_query_database\")] [NotNull] public string ExecuteQueryDatabase { get; set; } Property Value string FileAttachments A semicolon-delimited list of file names attached to the e-mail message. [Column(\"file_attachments\")] [NotNull] public string FileAttachments { get; set; } Property Value string Importance The importance parameter of the message. [Column(\"importance\")] [NotNull] public string Importance { get; set; } Property Value string LastModDate The date and time of the last modification of the row. [Column(\"last_mod_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastModDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LastModUser The user who last modified the row. [Column(\"last_mod_user\")] [NotNull] public string LastModUser { get; set; } Property Value string MailItemID Identifier of the mail item in the mail queue. [Column(\"mailitem_id\")] [NotNull] public int MailItemID { get; set; } Property Value int ProfileID The identifier of the profile used to submit the message. [Column(\"profile_id\")] [NotNull] public int ProfileID { get; set; } Property Value int Query The query executed by the mail program. [Column] [NotNull] public string Query { get; set; } Property Value string QueryResultHeader When the value is 1, query results contained column headers. When the value is 0, query results did not include column headers. [Column(\"query_result_header\")] [NotNull] public bool QueryResultHeader { get; set; } Property Value bool QueryResultSeparator The character used to separate columns in the query output. [Column(\"query_result_separator\")] [NotNull] public string QueryResultSeparator { get; set; } Property Value string QueryResultWidth The query_result_width parameter of the message. [Column(\"query_result_width\")] [NotNull] public int QueryResultWidth { get; set; } Property Value int Recipients The e-mail addresses of the message recipients. [Column(\"recipients\")] [NotNull] public string Recipients { get; set; } Property Value string SendRequestDate The date and time the message was placed on the mail queue. [Column(\"send_request_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SendRequestDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SendRequestUser The user who submitted the message. This is the user context of the database mail procedure, not the From: field of the message. [Column(\"send_request_user\")] [NotNull] public string SendRequestUser { get; set; } Property Value string Sensitivity The sensitivity parameter of the message. [Column(\"sensitivity\")] [NotNull] public string Sensitivity { get; set; } Property Value string SentAccountID The identifier of the Database Mail account used to send the message. Always NULL for this view. [Column(\"sent_account_id\")] [NotNull] public int SentAccountID { get; set; } Property Value int SentDate The date and time that the message was removed from the mail queue. [Column(\"sent_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SentDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SentStatus The status of the mail. Always failed for this view. [Column(\"sent_status\")] [NotNull] public string SentStatus { get; set; } Property Value string Subject The subject line of the message. [Column(\"subject\")] [NotNull] public string Subject { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.MailAttachment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.MailAttachment Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each attachment submitted to Database Mail. Use this view when you want information about Database Mail attachments. To review all e-mails processed by Database Mail use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_mailattachments. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"sysmail_mailattachments\", IsView = true)] public class DatabaseMailSchema.MailAttachment Inheritance object DatabaseMailSchema.MailAttachment Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Attachment The content of the attachment. [Column(\"attachment\")] [NotNull] public byte[] Attachment { get; set; } Property Value byte[] AttachmentID Identifier of the attachment. [Column(\"attachment_id\")] [NotNull] public int AttachmentID { get; set; } Property Value int FileName The file name of the attachment. When attach_query_result is 1 and query_attachment_filename is NULL, Database Mail creates an arbitrary filename. [Column(\"filename\")] [NotNull] public string FileName { get; set; } Property Value string FileSize The size of the attachment in bytes. [Column(\"filesize\")] [NotNull] public int FileSize { get; set; } Property Value int LastModDate The date and time of the last modification of the row. [Column(\"last_mod_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastModDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LastModUser The user who last modified the row. [Column(\"last_mod_user\")] [NotNull] public string LastModUser { get; set; } Property Value string MailItemID Identifier of the mail item that contained the attachment. [Column(\"mailitem_id\")] [NotNull] public int MailItemID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.SentItem | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.SentItem Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each message sent by Database Mail. Use sysmail_sentitems when you want to see which messages were successfully sent. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent or retrying messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see e-mail attachments, use sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_sentitems. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"sysmail_sentitems\", IsView = true)] public class DatabaseMailSchema.SentItem Inheritance object DatabaseMailSchema.SentItem Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AppendQueryError The append_query_error parameter of the message. 0 indicates that Database Mail should not send the e-mail message if there is an error in the query. [Column(\"append_query_error\")] [NotNull] public bool AppendQueryError { get; set; } Property Value bool AttachQueryResultAsFile When the value is 0, the query results were included in the body of the e-mail message, after the contents of the body. When the value is 1, the results were returned as an attachment. [Column(\"attach_query_result_as_file\")] [NotNull] public bool AttachQueryResultAsFile { get; set; } Property Value bool AttachmentEncoding The type of mail attachment. [Column(\"attachment_encoding\")] [NotNull] public string AttachmentEncoding { get; set; } Property Value string BlindCopyRecipients The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message but whose names do not appear in the message header. [Column(\"blind_copy_recipients\")] [NotNull] public string BlindCopyRecipients { get; set; } Property Value string Body The body of the message. [Column(\"body\")] [NotNull] public string Body { get; set; } Property Value string BodyFormat The body format of the message. The possible values are TEXT and HTML. [Column(\"body_format\")] [NotNull] public string BodyFormat { get; set; } Property Value string CopyRecipients The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message. [Column(\"copy_recipients\")] [NotNull] public string CopyRecipients { get; set; } Property Value string ExcludeQueryOutput The exclude_query_output parameter of the message. For more information, see sp_send_dbmail (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"exclude_query_output\")] [NotNull] public bool ExcludeQueryOutput { get; set; } Property Value bool ExecuteQueryDatabase The database context within which the mail program executed the query. [Column(\"execute_query_database\")] [NotNull] public string ExecuteQueryDatabase { get; set; } Property Value string FileAttachments A semicolon-delimited list of file names attached to the e-mail message. [Column(\"file_attachments\")] [NotNull] public string FileAttachments { get; set; } Property Value string Importance The importance parameter of the message. [Column(\"importance\")] [NotNull] public string Importance { get; set; } Property Value string LastModDate The date and time of the last modification of the row. [Column(\"last_mod_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastModDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LastModUser The user who last modified the row. [Column(\"last_mod_user\")] [NotNull] public string LastModUser { get; set; } Property Value string MailItemID Identifier of the mail item in the mail queue. [Column(\"mailitem_id\")] [NotNull] public int MailItemID { get; set; } Property Value int ProfileID The identifier of the profile used to send the message. [Column(\"profile_id\")] [NotNull] public int ProfileID { get; set; } Property Value int Query The query executed by the mail program. [Column(\"query\")] [NotNull] public string Query { get; set; } Property Value string QueryResultHeader When the value is 1, query results contained column headers. When the value is 0, query results did not include column headers. [Column(\"query_result_header\")] [NotNull] public bool QueryResultHeader { get; set; } Property Value bool QueryResultSeparator The character used to separate columns in the query output. [Column(\"query_result_separator\")] [NotNull] public string QueryResultSeparator { get; set; } Property Value string QueryResultWidth The query_result_width parameter of the message. [Column(\"query_result_width\")] [NotNull] public int QueryResultWidth { get; set; } Property Value int Recipients The e-mail addresses of the message recipients. [Column(\"recipients\")] [NotNull] public string Recipients { get; set; } Property Value string SendRequestDate The date and time the message was placed on the mail queue. [Column(\"send_request_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SendRequestDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SendRequestUser The user who sent the message. This is the user context of the database mail procedure, not the From: field of the message. [Column(\"send_request_user\")] [NotNull] public string SendRequestUser { get; set; } Property Value string Sensitivity The sensitivity parameter of the message. [Column(\"sensitivity\")] [NotNull] public string Sensitivity { get; set; } Property Value string SentAccountID The identifier of the Database Mail account used to send the message. [Column(\"sent_account_id\")] [NotNull] public int SentAccountID { get; set; } Property Value int SentDate The date and time that the message was sent. [Column(\"sent_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SentDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SentStatus The status of the mail. Always sent for this view. [Column(\"sent_status\")] [NotNull] public string SentStatus { get; set; } Property Value string Subject The subject line of the message. [Column(\"subject\")] [NotNull] public string Subject { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.UnsentItem | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMailSchema.UnsentItem Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each Database Mail message with the unsent or retrying status. Messages with unsent or retrying status are still in the mail queue and may be sent at any time. Messages can have the unsent status for the following reasons: - The message is new, and though the message has been placed on the mail queue, Database Mail is working on other messages and has not yet reached this message. - The Database Mail external program is not running and no mail is being sent. Messages can have the retrying status for the following reasons: - Database Mail has attempted to send the mail, but the SMTP mail server could not be contacted. Database Mail will continue to attempt to send the message using other Database Mail accounts assigned to the profile that sent the message. If no accounts can send the mail, Database Mail will wait for the length of time configured for the Account Retry Delay parameter and then attempt to send the message again. Database Mail uses the Account Retry Attempts parameter to determine how many times to attempt to send the message. Messages retain retrying status as long as Database Mail is attempting to send the message. Use this view when you want to see how many messages are waiting to be sent and how long they have been in the mail queue. Normally the number of unsent messages will be low. Conduct a benchmark test during normal operations to determine a reasonable number of messages in the message queue for your operations. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_unsentitems. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"sysmail_unsentitems\", IsView = true)] public class DatabaseMailSchema.UnsentItem Inheritance object DatabaseMailSchema.UnsentItem Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AppendQueryError The append_query_error parameter of the message. 0 indicates that Database Mail should not send the e-mail message if there is an error in the query. [Column(\"append_query_error\")] [NotNull] public bool AppendQueryError { get; set; } Property Value bool AttachQueryResultAsFile When the value is 0, the query results were included in the body of the e-mail message, after the contents of the body. When the value is 1, the results were returned as an attachment. [Column(\"attach_query_result_as_file\")] [NotNull] public bool AttachQueryResultAsFile { get; set; } Property Value bool AttachmentEncoding The type of mail attachment. [Column(\"attachment_encoding\")] [NotNull] public string AttachmentEncoding { get; set; } Property Value string BlindCopyRecipients The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message but whose names do not appear in the message header. [Column(\"blind_copy_recipients\")] [NotNull] public string BlindCopyRecipients { get; set; } Property Value string Body The body of the message. [Column(\"body\")] [NotNull] public string Body { get; set; } Property Value string BodyFormat The body format of the message. The possible values are TEXT and HTML. [Column(\"body_format\")] [NotNull] public string BodyFormat { get; set; } Property Value string CopyRecipients The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message. [Column(\"copy_recipients\")] [NotNull] public string CopyRecipients { get; set; } Property Value string ExcludeQueryOutput The exclude_query_output parameter of the message. For more information, see sp_send_dbmail (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"exclude_query_output\")] [NotNull] public bool ExcludeQueryOutput { get; set; } Property Value bool ExecuteQueryDatabase The database context within which the mail program executed the query. [Column(\"execute_query_database\")] [NotNull] public string ExecuteQueryDatabase { get; set; } Property Value string FileAttachments A semicolon-delimited list of file names attached to the e-mail message. [Column(\"file_attachments\")] [NotNull] public string FileAttachments { get; set; } Property Value string Importance The importance parameter of the message. [Column(\"importance\")] [NotNull] public string Importance { get; set; } Property Value string LastModDate The date and time of the last modification of the row. [Column(\"last_mod_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastModDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime LastModUser The user who last modified the row. [Column(\"last_mod_user\")] [NotNull] public string LastModUser { get; set; } Property Value string MailItemID Identifier of the mail item in the mail queue. [Column(\"mailitem_id\")] [NotNull] public int MailItemID { get; set; } Property Value int ProfileID The identifier of the profile used to submit the message. [Column(\"profile_id\")] [NotNull] public int ProfileID { get; set; } Property Value int Query The query executed by the mail program. [Column(\"query\")] [NotNull] public string Query { get; set; } Property Value string QueryResultHeader When the value is 1, query results contained column headers. When the value is 0, query results did not include column headers. [Column(\"query_result_header\")] [NotNull] public bool QueryResultHeader { get; set; } Property Value bool QueryResultSeparator The character used to separate columns in the query output. [Column(\"query_result_separator\")] [NotNull] public string QueryResultSeparator { get; set; } Property Value string QueryResultWidth The query_result_width parameter of the message. [Column(\"query_result_width\")] [NotNull] public int QueryResultWidth { get; set; } Property Value int Recipients The e-mail addresses of the message recipients. [Column(\"recipients\")] [NotNull] public string Recipients { get; set; } Property Value string SendRequestDate The date and time the message was placed on the mail queue. [Column(\"send_request_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SendRequestDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SendRequestUser The user who submitted the message. This is the user context of the database mail procedure, not the From field of the message. [Column(\"send_request_user\")] [NotNull] public string SendRequestUser { get; set; } Property Value string Sensitivity The sensitivity parameter of the message. [Column(\"sensitivity\")] [NotNull] public string Sensitivity { get; set; } Property Value string SentAccountID The identifier of the Database Mail account used to send the message. Always NULL for this view. [Column(\"sent_account_id\")] [NotNull] public int SentAccountID { get; set; } Property Value int SentDate The date and time the Database Mail last attempted to send the mail. NULL if Database Mail has not attempted to send the message. [Column(\"sent_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SentDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SentStatus Will be unsent if Database Mail has not attempted to send the mail. Will be retrying if Database Mail failed to send the message but is trying again. [Column(\"sent_status\")] [NotNull] public string SentStatus { get; set; } Property Value string Subject The subject line of the message. [Column(\"subject\")] [NotNull] public string Subject { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMailSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMailSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class DatabaseMailSchema Inheritance object DatabaseMailSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMirroringSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMirroringSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class DatabaseMirroringSchema.DataContext Inheritance object DatabaseMirroringSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties DatabaseMirroringWitnesses Database Mirroring Witness Catalog Views - sys.database_mirroring_witnesses Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for every witness role that a server plays in a database mirroring partnership. In a database mirroring session, automatic failover requires a witness server. Ideally, the witness resides on a separate computer from both the principal and mirror servers. The witness does not serve the database. Instead, it monitors the status of the principal and mirror servers. If the principal server fails, the witness may initiate automatic failover to the mirror server. See sys.database_mirroring_witnesses. public ITable<DatabaseMirroringSchema.DatabaseMirroringWitness> DatabaseMirroringWitnesses { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabaseMirroringSchema.DatabaseMirroringWitness>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMirroringSchema.DatabaseMirroringWitness | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMirroringSchema.DatabaseMirroringWitness Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Database Mirroring Witness Catalog Views - sys.database_mirroring_witnesses Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for every witness role that a server plays in a database mirroring partnership. In a database mirroring session, automatic failover requires a witness server. Ideally, the witness resides on a separate computer from both the principal and mirror servers. The witness does not serve the database. Instead, it monitors the status of the principal and mirror servers. If the principal server fails, the witness may initiate automatic failover to the mirror server. See sys.database_mirroring_witnesses. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_mirroring_witnesses\", IsView = true)] public class DatabaseMirroringSchema.DatabaseMirroringWitness Inheritance object DatabaseMirroringSchema.DatabaseMirroringWitness Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseName Name of the two copies of the database in the database mirroring session. [Column(\"database_name\")] [NotNull] public string DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string FamilyGuid Identifier of the backup family for the database. Used for detecting matching restore states. [Column(\"family_guid\")] [NotNull] public Guid FamilyGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid IsSuspended Database mirroring is suspended. [Column(\"is_suspended\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSuspended { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSuspendedSequenceNumber Sequence number for setting is_suspended. [Column(\"is_suspended_sequence_number\")] [NotNull] public int IsSuspendedSequenceNumber { get; set; } Property Value int MirrorServerName Name of the partner server whose copy of the database is currently the mirror database. [Column(\"mirror_server_name\")] [Nullable] public string? MirrorServerName { get; set; } Property Value string MirroringGuid Identifier of the mirroring partnership. [Column(\"mirroring_guid\")] [NotNull] public Guid MirroringGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid PartnerSyncState Synchronization state of the mirroring session: 5 = The partners are synchronized. Failover is potentially possible. For information about the requirements for failover see, Role Switching During a Database Mirroring Session (SQL Server). 6 = The partners are not synchronized. Failover is not possible now. [Column(\"partner_sync_state\")] [Nullable] public byte? PartnerSyncState { get; set; } Property Value byte? PartnerSyncStateDesc Description of the synchronization state of the mirroring session: SYNCHRONIZED UNSYNCHRONIZED [Column(\"partner_sync_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PartnerSyncStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalServerName Name of partner server whose copy of the database is currently the principal database. [Column(\"principal_server_name\")] [Nullable] public string? PrincipalServerName { get; set; } Property Value string RoleSequenceNumber Update sequence number for changes to principal/mirror roles played by the mirroring partners. [Column(\"role_sequence_number\")] [NotNull] public int RoleSequenceNumber { get; set; } Property Value int SafetyLevel Transaction safety setting for updates on the mirror database: 0 = Unknown state 1 = Off (asynchronous) 2 = Full (synchronous) Using a witness for automatic failover requires full transaction safety, which is the default. [Column(\"safety_level\")] [NotNull] public byte SafetyLevel { get; set; } Property Value byte SafetyLevelDesc Description of safety guarantee of updates on the mirror database: UNKNOWN OFF FULL [Column(\"safety_level_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SafetyLevelDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SafetySequenceNumber Update sequence number for changes to safety_level. [Column(\"safety_sequence_number\")] [NotNull] public int SafetySequenceNumber { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabaseMirroringSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseMirroringSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class DatabaseMirroringSchema Inheritance object DatabaseMirroringSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.BackupDevice | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.BackupDevice Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.backup_devices (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each backup-device registered by using sp_addumpdevice or created in SQL Server Management Studio. See sys.backup_devices. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"backup_devices\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.BackupDevice Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.BackupDevice Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Name Name of the backup device. Is unique in the set. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PhysicalName Physical file name or path of the backup device. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [Nullable] public string? PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Type of backup device: 2 = Disk 3 = Diskette (obsolete) 5 = Tape 6 = Pipe (obsolete) 7 = Virtual device (for optional use by third-party backup vendors) 9 = URL Typically, only disk (2) and URL (9) are used. [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public byte? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte? TypeDesc Description of backup device type: DISK DISKETTE (obsolete) TAPE PIPE (obsolete) VIRTUAL_DEVICE (for optional use by third party backup vendors) URL Typically, only DISK and URL are used. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DataContext Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties BackupDevices sys.backup_devices (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each backup-device registered by using sp_addumpdevice or created in SQL Server Management Studio. See sys.backup_devices. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.BackupDevice> BackupDevices { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.BackupDevice> DatabaseAutomaticTuningModes sys.database\\_automatic\\_tuning_mode (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns the Automatic Tuning mode for this database. Refer to ALTER DATABASE SET AUTOMATIC_TUNING (Transact-SQL) for available options. See sys.database_automatic_tuning_mode. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningMode> DatabaseAutomaticTuningModes { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningMode> DatabaseAutomaticTuningOptions sys.database\\_automatic\\_tuning_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns the Automatic Tuning options for this database. See sys.database_automatic_tuning_options. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningOption> DatabaseAutomaticTuningOptions { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningOption> DatabaseFiles sys.database_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per file of a database as stored in the database itself. This is a per-database view. See sys.database_files. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseFile> DatabaseFiles { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseFile> DatabaseMirrorings sys.database_mirroring (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each database in the instance of SQL Server. If the database is not ONLINE or database mirroring is not enabled, the values of all columns except database_id will be NULL. To see the row for a database other than master or tempdb, you must either be the database owner or have at least ALTER ANY DATABASE or VIEW ANY DATABASE server-level permission or CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. To see non-NULL values on a mirror database, you must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. note If a database does not participate in mirroring, all columns prefixed with 'mirroring_' are NULL. See sys.database_mirroring. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseMirroring> DatabaseMirrorings { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseMirroring> DatabaseRecoveryStatus sys.database_recovery_status (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per database. If the database is not opened, the SQL Server Database Engine tries to start it. To see the row for a database other than master or tempdb, one of the following must apply: - Be the owner of the database. - Have ALTER ANY DATABASE or VIEW ANY DATABASE server-level permissions. - Have CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. See sys.database_recovery_status. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseRecoveryStatus> DatabaseRecoveryStatus { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseRecoveryStatus> DatabaseScopedConfigurations sys.database_scoped_configurations (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server 2016 and later (Yes) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Contains one row per configuration. See sys.database_scoped_configurations. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseScopedConfiguration> DatabaseScopedConfigurations { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseScopedConfiguration> Databases sys.databases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row per database in the instance of SQL Server. If a database is not ONLINE, or AUTO_CLOSE is set to ON and the database is closed, the values of some columns may be NULL. If a database is OFFLINE, the corresponding row is not visible to low-privileged users. To see the corresponding row if the database is OFFLINE, a user must have at least the ALTER ANY DATABASE server-level permission, or the CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. See sys.databases. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.Database> Databases { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.Database> MasterFiles sys.master_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per file of a database as stored in the master database. This is a single, system-wide view. See sys.master_files. public ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.MasterFile> MasterFiles { get; } Property Value ITable<DatabasesAndFilesSchema.MasterFile>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.Database | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.Database Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.databases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row per database in the instance of SQL Server. If a database is not ONLINE, or AUTO_CLOSE is set to ON and the database is closed, the values of some columns may be NULL. If a database is OFFLINE, the corresponding row is not visible to low-privileged users. To see the corresponding row if the database is OFFLINE, a user must have at least the ALTER ANY DATABASE server-level permission, or the CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. See sys.databases. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"databases\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.Database Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.Database Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CatalogCollationType The catalog collation setting: 0 = DATABASE_DEFAULT 2 = SQL_Latin_1_General_CP1_CI_AS Applies to: Azure SQL Database [Column(\"catalog_collation_type\")] [NotNull] public int CatalogCollationType { get; set; } Property Value int CatalogCollationTypeDesc The catalog collation setting: DATABASE_DEFAULT SQL_Latin_1_General_CP1_CI_AS Applies to: Azure SQL Database [Column(\"catalog_collation_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? CatalogCollationTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string CollationName Collation for the database. Acts as the default collation in the database. NULL = Database is not online or AUTO_CLOSE is set to ON and the database is closed. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string CompatibilityLevel Integer corresponding to the version of SQL Server for which behavior is compatible: Value Applies to 70 SQL Server 7.0 through SQL Server 2008 80 SQL Server 2000 (8.x) through SQL Server 2008 R2 90 SQL Server 2008 through SQL Server 2012 (11.x) 100 SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2008) and Azure SQL Database 110 SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database 120 SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x)) and Azure SQL Database 130 SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x)) and Azure SQL Database 140 SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database 150 SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"compatibility_level\")] [NotNull] public byte CompatibilityLevel { get; set; } Property Value byte Containment Indicates the containment status of the database. 0 = database containment is off. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database 1 = database is in partial containment Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) [Column(\"containment\")] [Nullable] public object? Containment { get; set; } Property Value object ContainmentDesc Indicates the containment status of the database. NONE = legacy database (zero containment) PARTIAL = partially contained database Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"containment_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ContainmentDesc { get; set; } Property Value string CreateDate Date the database was created or renamed. For tempdb, this value changes every time the server restarts. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DatabaseID ID of the database, unique within an instance of SQL Server or within a Azure SQL Database server. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultFulltextLanguageLcid Indicates the locale id (lcid) of the default fulltext language of the contained database. Note: Functions as the default Configure the default full-text language Server Configuration Option of sp_configure. This value is null for a non-contained database. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"default_fulltext_language_lcid\")] [Nullable] public int? DefaultFulltextLanguageLcid { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultFulltextLanguageName Indicates the default fulltext language of the contained database. This value is null for a non-contained database. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"default_fulltext_language_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultFulltextLanguageName { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultLanguageLcid Indicates the local id (lcid) of the default language of a contained database. Note: Functions as the Configure the default language Server Configuration Option of sp_configure. This value is null for a non-contained database. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"default_language_lcid\")] [Nullable] public short? DefaultLanguageLcid { get; set; } Property Value short? DefaultLanguageName Indicates the default language of a contained database. This value is null for a non-contained database. Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"default_language_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultLanguageName { get; set; } Property Value string DelayedDurability The delayed durability setting: 0 = DISABLED 1 = ALLOWED 2 = FORCED For more information, see Control Transaction Durability. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x)) and Azure SQL Database. [Column(\"delayed_durability\")] [Nullable] public int? DelayedDurability { get; set; } Property Value int? DelayedDurabilityDesc The delayed durability setting: DISABLED ALLOWED FORCED Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x)) and Azure SQL Database. [Column(\"delayed_durability_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DelayedDurabilityDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GroupDatabaseID Unique identifier of the database within an Always On availability group, if any, in which the database is participating. group_database_id is the same for this database on the primary replica and on every secondary replica on which the database has been joined to the availability group. NULL = database is not part of an availability replica in any availability group. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"group_database_id\")] [Nullable] public Guid? GroupDatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value Guid? IsAcceleratedDatabaseRecoveryOn Indicates whether Accelerated Database Recovery (ADR) is enabled. 1 = ADR is enabled 0 = ADR is disabled Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"is_accelerated_database_recovery_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAcceleratedDatabaseRecoveryOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAnsiNullDefaultOn 1 = ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT is ON 0 = ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT is OFF [Column(\"is_ansi_null_default_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAnsiNullDefaultOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAnsiNullsOn 1 = ANSI_NULLS is ON 0 = ANSI_NULLS is OFF [Column(\"is_ansi_nulls_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAnsiNullsOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAnsiPaddingOn 1 = ANSI_PADDING is ON 0 = ANSI_PADDING is OFF [Column(\"is_ansi_padding_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAnsiPaddingOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAnsiWarningsOn 1 = ANSI_WARNINGS is ON 0 = ANSI_WARNINGS is OFF [Column(\"is_ansi_warnings_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAnsiWarningsOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsArithabortOn 1 = ARITHABORT is ON 0 = ARITHABORT is OFF [Column(\"is_arithabort_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsArithabortOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAutoCloseOn 1 = AUTO_CLOSE is ON 0 = AUTO_CLOSE is OFF [Column(\"is_auto_close_on\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAutoCloseOn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsAutoCreateStatsIncrementalOn Indicates the default setting for the incremental option of auto stats. 0 = auto create stats are non-incremental 1 = auto create stats are incremental if possible Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x)). [Column(\"is_auto_create_stats_incremental_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAutoCreateStatsIncrementalOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAutoCreateStatsOn 1 = AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS is ON 0 = AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS is OFF [Column(\"is_auto_create_stats_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAutoCreateStatsOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAutoShrinkOn 1 = AUTO_SHRINK is ON 0 = AUTO_SHRINK is OFF [Column(\"is_auto_shrink_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAutoShrinkOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAutoUpdateStatsAsyncOn 1 = AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC is ON 0 = AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC is OFF [Column(\"is_auto_update_stats_async_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAutoUpdateStatsAsyncOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsAutoUpdateStatsOn 1 = AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS is ON 0 = AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS is OFF [Column(\"is_auto_update_stats_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsAutoUpdateStatsOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsBrokerEnabled 1 = The broker in this database is currently sending and receiving messages. 0 = All sent messages will stay on the transmission queue and received messages will not be put on queues in this database. By default, restored or attached databases have the broker disabled. The exception to this is database mirroring where the broker is enabled after failover. [Column(\"is_broker_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsBrokerEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCdcEnabled 1 = Database is enabled for change data capture. For more information, see sys.sp_cdc_enable_db (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"is_cdc_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCdcEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCleanlyShutdown 1 = Database shut down cleanly; no recovery required on startup 0 = Database did not shut down cleanly; recovery is required on startup [Column(\"is_cleanly_shutdown\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsCleanlyShutdown { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsConcatNullYieldsNullOn 1 = CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is ON 0 = CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is OFF [Column(\"is_concat_null_yields_null_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsConcatNullYieldsNullOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsCursorCloseOnCommitOn 1 = CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT is ON 0 = CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT is OFF [Column(\"is_cursor_close_on_commit_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsCursorCloseOnCommitOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsDateCorrelationOn 1 = DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION is ON 0 = DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION is OFF [Column(\"is_date_correlation_on\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDateCorrelationOn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDbChainingOn 1 = Cross-database ownership chaining is ON 0 = Cross-database ownership chaining is OFF [Column(\"is_db_chaining_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDbChainingOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsDistributor 1 = Database is the distribution database for a replication topology 0 = Is not the distribution database for a replication topology [Column(\"is_distributor\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDistributor { get; set; } Property Value bool IsEncrypted Indicates whether the database is encrypted (reflects the state last set by using the ALTER DATABASE SET ENCRYPTION clause). Can be one of the following values: 1 = Encrypted 0 = Not Encrypted For more information about database encryption, see Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). If the database is in the process of being decrypted, is_encrypted shows a value of 0. You can see the state of the encryption process by using the sys.dm_database_encryption_keys dynamic management view. [Column(\"is_encrypted\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsEncrypted { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsFederationMember Indicates if the database is a member of a federation. Applies to: Azure SQL Database [Column(\"is_federation_member\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsFederationMember { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsFulltextEnabled 1 = Full-text is enabled for the database 0 = Full-text is disabled for the database [Column(\"is_fulltext_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsFulltextEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsHonorBrokerPriorityOn Indicates whether the database honors conversation priorities (reflects the state last set by using the ALTER DATABASE SET HONOR_BROKER_PRIORITY clause). Can be one of the following values: 1 = HONOR_BROKER_PRIORITY is ON 0 = HONOR_BROKER_PRIORITY is OFF By default, restored or attached databases have the broker priority off. [Column(\"is_honor_broker_priority_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsHonorBrokerPriorityOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsInStandby Database is read-only for restore log. [Column(\"is_in_standby\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsInStandby { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsLedgerOn Indicates a ledger database, which is a database in which all user tables are ledger tables (all customer database is tamper-evident). Applies to: Azure SQL Database [Column(\"is_ledger_on\")] [NotNull] public bool IsLedgerOn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsLocalCursorDefault 1 = CURSOR_DEFAULT is local 0 = CURSOR_DEFAULT is global [Column(\"is_local_cursor_default\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsLocalCursorDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsMasterKeyEncryptedByServer 1 = Database has an encrypted master key 0 = Database does not have an encrypted master key [Column(\"is_master_key_encrypted_by_server\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMasterKeyEncryptedByServer { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMemoryOptimizedElevateToSnapshotOn Memory-optimized tables are accessed using SNAPSHOT isolation when the session setting TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL is set to a lower isolation level, READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED. 1 = Minimum isolation level is SNAPSHOT. 0 = Isolation level is not elevated. [Column(\"is_memory_optimized_elevate_to_snapshot_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMemoryOptimizedElevateToSnapshotOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsMemoryOptimizedEnabled Indicates whether certain In-Memory features, such as Hybrid Buffer Pool, are enabled for the database. Does not reflect the availability or configuration state of In-Memory OLTP. 1 = memory-optimized features are enabled 0 = memory-optimized features are disabled Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"is_memory_optimized_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMemoryOptimizedEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsMergePublished 1 = Database is a publication database in a merge replication topology 0 = Is not a publication database in a merge replication topology [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMixedPageAllocationOn Indicates whether tables and indexes in the database can allocate initial pages from mixed extents. 0 = Tables and indexes in the database always allocate initial pages from uniform extents. 1 = Tables and indexes in the database can allocate initial pages from mixed extents. For more information, see the SET MIXED_PAGE_ALLOCATION option of ALTER DATABASE SET Options (Transact-SQL). Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x)) [Column(\"is_mixed_page_allocation_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMixedPageAllocationOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNestedTriggersOn Indicates whether or not nested triggers are allowed in the contained database. 0 = nested triggers are not allowed 1 = nested triggers are allowed Note: Functions as the Configure the nested triggers Server Configuration Option of sp_configure. This value is null for a non-contained database. See sys.configurations (Transact-SQL) for further information. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"is_nested_triggers_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNestedTriggersOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNumericRoundabortOn 1 = NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT is ON 0 = NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT is OFF [Column(\"is_numeric_roundabort_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNumericRoundabortOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsParameterizationForced 1 = Parameterization is FORCED 0 = Parameterization is SIMPLE [Column(\"is_parameterization_forced\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsParameterizationForced { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublished 1 = Database is a publication database in a transactional or snapshot replication topology 0 = Is not a publication database [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsQueryStoreOn 1 = The query store is enable for this database. Check sys.database_query_store_options to view the query store status. 0 = The query store is not enabled Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x)). [Column(\"is_query_store_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsQueryStoreOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsQuotedIdentifierOn 1 = QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON 0 = QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF [Column(\"is_quoted_identifier_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsQuotedIdentifierOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReadCommittedSnapshotOn 1 = READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT option is ON. Read operations under the read-committed isolation level are based on snapshot scans and do not acquire locks. 0 = READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT option is OFF (default). Read operations under the read-committed isolation level use share locks. [Column(\"is_read_committed_snapshot_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReadCommittedSnapshotOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReadOnly 1 = Database is READ_ONLY 0 = Database is READ_WRITE [Column(\"is_read_only\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReadOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRecursiveTriggersOn 1 = RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS is ON 0 = RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS is OFF [Column(\"is_recursive_triggers_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRecursiveTriggersOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRemoteDataArchiveEnabled Indicates whether the database is stretched. 0 = The database is not Stretch-enabled. 1 = The database is Stretch-enabled. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x)) For more information, see Stretch Database. [Column(\"is_remote_data_archive_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRemoteDataArchiveEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsResultSetCachingOn Indicates whether result set caching is enabled. 1 = result set caching is enabled 0 = result set caching is disabled Applies to: Azure Synapse Analytics Gen2. While this feature is being rolled out to all regions, please check the version deployed to your instance and the latest Azure Synapse release notes and Gen2 upgrade schedule for feature availability. [Column(\"is_result_set_caching_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsResultSetCachingOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsStalePageDetectionOn Indicates whether stale page detection is enabled. 1 = stale page detection is enabled 0 = stale page detection is disabled Applies to: Azure Synapse Analytics Gen2. While this feature is being rolled out to all regions, please check the version deployed to your instance and the latest Azure Synapse release notes and Gen2 upgrade schedule for feature availability. [Column(\"is_stale_page_detection_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsStalePageDetectionOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSubscribed This column is not used. It will always return 0, regardless of the subscriber status of the database. [Column(\"is_subscribed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSupplementalLoggingEnabled 1 = SUPPLEMENTAL_LOGGING is ON 0 = SUPPLEMENTAL_LOGGING is OFF [Column(\"is_supplemental_logging_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSupplementalLoggingEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSyncWithBackup 1 = Database is marked for replication synchronization with backup 0 = Is not marked for replication synchronization with backup [Column(\"is_sync_with_backup\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSyncWithBackup { get; set; } Property Value bool IsTempdbSpillToRemoteStore Indicates whether tempdb spill to remote store is enabled. 1 = enabled 0 = disabled Applies to: Azure Synapse Analytics Gen2. While this feature is being rolled out to all regions, please check the version deployed to your instance and the latest Azure Synapse release notes and Gen2 upgrade schedule for feature availability. [Column(\"is_tempdb_spill_to_remote_store\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsTempdbSpillToRemoteStore { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsTemporalHistoryRetentionEnabled Indicates whether temporal retention policy cleanup task is enabled. 1 = temporal retention is enabled 0 = temporal retention is disabled Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"is_temporal_history_retention_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsTemporalHistoryRetentionEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsTransformNoiseWordsOn Indicates whether or noise words should be transformed in the contained database. 0 = noise words should not be transformed. 1 = noise words should be transformed. Note: Functions as the transform noise words Server Configuration Option of sp_configure. This value is null for a non-contained database. See sys.configurations (Transact-SQL) for further information. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) [Column(\"is_transform_noise_words_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsTransformNoiseWordsOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsTrustworthyOn 1 = Database has been marked trustworthy 0 = Database has not been marked trustworthy By default, restored or attached databases have the trustworthy not enabled. [Column(\"is_trustworthy_on\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsTrustworthyOn { get; set; } Property Value bool? LogReuseWait Reuse of transaction log space is currently waiting on one of the following as of the last checkpoint. For more detailed explanations of these values, see The Transaction Log. Value 0 = Nothing 1 = Checkpoint (When a database has a memory-optimized data filegroup, you should expect to see the log_reuse_wait column indicate checkpoint or xtp_checkpoint) 1 2 = Log Backup 1 3 = Active backup or restore 1 4 = Active transaction 1 5 = Database mirroring 1 6 = Replication 1 7 = Database snapshot creation 1 8 = Log scan 9 = An Always On Availability Groups secondary replica is applying transaction log records of this database to a corresponding secondary database. 2 9 = Other (Transient) 3 10 = For internal use only 2 11 = For internal use only 2 12 = For internal use only 2 13 = Oldest page 2 14 = Other 2 16 = XTP_CHECKPOINT (When a database has a memory-optimized data filegroup, you should expect to see the log_reuse_wait column indicate checkpoint or xtp_checkpoint) 4 17 = sLog scanning when Accelerated Database Recovery is used 5 1Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2008) 2Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) 3Applies to: SQL Server (up to, and including SQL Server 2008 R2) 4Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x)) 5Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)) [Column(\"log_reuse_wait\")] [Nullable] public byte? LogReuseWait { get; set; } Property Value byte? LogReuseWaitDesc Description of reuse of transaction log space is currently waiting on as of the last checkpoint. Possible values: NOTHING CHECKPOINT LOG_BACKUP ACTIVE_BACKUP_OR_RESTORE ACTIVE_TRANSACTION DATABASE_MIRRORING REPLICATION DATABASE_SNAPSHOT_CREATION LOG_SCAN AVAILABILITY_REPLICA OLDEST_PAGE XTP_CHECKPOINT SLOG_SCAN [Column(\"log_reuse_wait_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? LogReuseWaitDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Name Name of database, unique within an instance of SQL Server or within a Azure SQL Database server. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string OwnerSID SID (Security-Identifier) of the external owner of the database, as registered to the server. For information about who can own a database, see the ALTER AUTHORIZATION for databases section of ALTER AUTHORIZATION. [Column(\"owner_sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? OwnerSID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] PageVerifyOption Setting of PAGE_VERIFY option: 0 = NONE 1 = TORN_PAGE_DETECTION 2 = CHECKSUM [Column(\"page_verify_option\")] [Nullable] public byte? PageVerifyOption { get; set; } Property Value byte? PageVerifyOptionDesc Description of PAGE_VERIFY option setting. [Column(\"page_verify_option_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PageVerifyOptionDesc { get; set; } Property Value string PhysicalDatabaseName For SQL Server, the physical name of the database. For Azure SQL Database, a common id for the databases on a server. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"physical_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? PhysicalDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string RecoveryModel Recovery model selected: 1 = FULL 2 = BULK_LOGGED 3 = SIMPLE [Column(\"recovery_model\")] [Nullable] public byte? RecoveryModel { get; set; } Property Value byte? RecoveryModelDesc Description of recovery model selected. [Column(\"recovery_model_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? RecoveryModelDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ReplicaID Unique identifier of the local Always On availability groups availability replica of the availability group, if any, in which the database is participating. NULL = database is not part of an availability replica of in availability group. Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"replica_id\")] [Nullable] public Guid? ReplicaID { get; set; } Property Value Guid? ResourcePoolID The id of the resource pool that is mapped to this database. This resource pool controls total memory available to memory-optimized tables in this database. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x)) [Column(\"resource_pool_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ResourcePoolID { get; set; } Property Value int? ServiceBrokerGuid Identifier of the service broker for this database. Used as the broker_instance of the target in the routing table. [Column(\"service_broker_guid\")] [NotNull] public Guid ServiceBrokerGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid SnapshotIsolationState State of snapshot-isolation transactions being allowed, as set by the ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION option: 0 = Snapshot isolation state is OFF (default). Snapshot isolation is disallowed. 1 = Snapshot isolation state ON. Snapshot isolation is allowed. 2 = Snapshot isolation state is in transition to OFF state. All transactions have their modifications versioned. Cannot start new transactions using snapshot isolation. The database remains in the transition to OFF state until all transactions that were active when ALTER DATABASE was run can be completed. 3 = Snapshot isolation state is in transition to ON state. New transactions have their modifications versioned. Transactions cannot use snapshot isolation until the snapshot isolation state becomes 1 (ON). The database remains in the transition to ON state until all update transactions that were active when ALTER DATABASE was run can be completed. [Column(\"snapshot_isolation_state\")] [Nullable] public byte? SnapshotIsolationState { get; set; } Property Value byte? SnapshotIsolationStateDesc Description of state of snapshot-isolation transactions being allowed, as set by the ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION option. [Column(\"snapshot_isolation_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SnapshotIsolationStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SourceDatabaseID Non-NULL = ID of the source database of this database snapshot. NULL = Not a database snapshot. [Column(\"source_database_id\")] [Nullable] public int? SourceDatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int? State Value 0 = ONLINE 1 = RESTORING 2 = RECOVERING 1 3 = RECOVERY_PENDING 1 4 = SUSPECT 5 = EMERGENCY 1 6 = OFFLINE 1 7 = COPYING 2 10 = OFFLINE_SECONDARY 2 Note: For Always On databases, query the database_state or database_state_desc columns of sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states. 1Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2008) and Azure SQL Database 2Applies to: Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? StateDesc Description of the database state. See state. [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TargetRecoveryTimeInSeconds The estimated time to recover the database, in seconds. Nullable. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"target_recovery_time_in_seconds\")] [Nullable] public int? TargetRecoveryTimeInSeconds { get; set; } Property Value int? TwoDigitYearCutoff Indicates a value of a number between 1753 and 9999 to represent the cutoff year for interpreting two-digit years as four-digit years. Note: Functions as the Configure the two digit year cutoff Server Configuration Option of sp_configure. This value is null for a non-contained database. See sys.configurations (Transact-SQL) for further information. Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) and Azure SQL Database [Column(\"two_digit_year_cutoff\")] [Nullable] public short? TwoDigitYearCutoff { get; set; } Property Value short? UserAccess User-access setting: 0 = MULTI_USER specified 1 = SINGLE_USER specified 2 = RESTRICTED_USER specified [Column(\"user_access\")] [Nullable] public byte? UserAccess { get; set; } Property Value byte? UserAccessDesc Description of user-access setting. [Column(\"user_access_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? UserAccessDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningMode | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningMode Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database\\_automatic\\_tuning_mode (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns the Automatic Tuning mode for this database. Refer to ALTER DATABASE SET AUTOMATIC_TUNING (Transact-SQL) for available options. See sys.database_automatic_tuning_mode. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_automatic_tuning_mode\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningMode Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningMode Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ActualState Indicates the operation mode of Automatic Tuning mode. [Column(\"actual_state\")] [Nullable] public short? ActualState { get; set; } Property Value short? ActualStateDesc Textual description of the actual operation mode of Automatic Tuning. [Column(\"actual_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ActualStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string DesiredState Desired state of the Automatic Tuning mode. [Column(\"desired_state\")] [Nullable] public short? DesiredState { get; set; } Property Value short? DesiredStateDesc Textual description of the desired operation mode of Automatic Tuning. [Column(\"desired_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DesiredStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningOption | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningOption Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database\\_automatic\\_tuning_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns the Automatic Tuning options for this database. See sys.database_automatic_tuning_options. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_automatic_tuning_options\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningOption Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningOption Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ActualState Indicates the operation mode of Automatic Tuning option. 0 = OFF 1 = ON [Column(\"actual_state\")] [Nullable] public short? ActualState { get; set; } Property Value short? ActualStateDesc Textual description of the actual operation mode of Automatic Tuning option. OFF ON [Column(\"actual_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ActualStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string DesiredState Indicates the desired operation mode for Automatic Tuning option, explicitly set by user. 0 = OFF 1 = ON [Column(\"desired_state\")] [Nullable] public short? DesiredState { get; set; } Property Value short? DesiredStateDesc Textual description of the desired operation mode of Automatic Tuning option. OFF ON [Column(\"desired_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DesiredStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Name The name of the automatic tuning option. Refer to ALTER DATABASE SET AUTOMATIC_TUNING (Transact-SQL) for available options. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Reason Indicates why actual and desired states are different. 2 = DISABLED 11 = QUERY_STORE_OFF 12 = QUERY_STORE_READ_ONLY 13 = NOT_SUPPORTED [Column(\"reason\")] [Nullable] public short? Reason { get; set; } Property Value short? ReasonDesc Textual description of the reason why actual and desired states are different. DISABLED = Option is disabled by system QUERY_STORE_OFF = Query Store is turned off QUERY_STORE_READ_ONLY = Query Store is in read-only mode NOT_SUPPORTED = Available only in SQL Server Enterprise edition [Column(\"reason_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ReasonDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseFile | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseFile Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per file of a database as stored in the database itself. This is a per-database view. See sys.database_files. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_files\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseFile Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseFile Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BackupLsn The LSN of the most recent data or differential backup of the file. [Column(\"backup_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? BackupLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? CreateLsn Log sequence number (LSN) at which the file was created. [Column(\"create_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? CreateLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? DataSpaceID Value can be 0 or greater than 0. A value of 0 represents the database log file, and a value greater than 0 represents the ID of the filegroup where this data file is stored. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int DifferentialBaseGuid Unique identifier of the base backup on which a differential backup will be based. [Column(\"differential_base_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? DifferentialBaseGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? DifferentialBaseLsn Base for differential backups. Data extents changed after this LSN will be included in a differential backup. [Column(\"differential_base_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? DifferentialBaseLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? DifferentialBaseTime Time corresponding to differential_base_lsn. [Column(\"differential_base_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? DifferentialBaseTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? DropLsn LSN at which the file was dropped. 0 = The file name is unavailable for reuse. [Column(\"drop_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? DropLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? FileGuid GUID for the file. NULL = Database was upgraded from an earlier version of SQL Server (Valid for SQL Server 2005 and earlier). [Column(\"file_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? FileGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? FileID ID of the file within database. [Column(\"file_id\")] [NotNull] public int FileID { get; set; } Property Value int Growth 0 = File is fixed size and will not grow. >0 = File will grow automatically. If is_percent_growth = 0, growth increment is in units of 8-KB pages, rounded to the nearest 64 KB. If is_percent_growth = 1, growth increment is expressed as a whole number percentage. [Column(\"growth\")] [NotNull] public int Growth { get; set; } Property Value int IsMediaReadOnly 1 = File is on read-only media. 0 = File is on read-write media. [Column(\"is_media_read_only\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMediaReadOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNameReserved 1 = Dropped file name (name or physical_name) is reusable only after the next log backup. When files are dropped from a database, the logical names stay in a reserved state until the next log backup. This column is relevant only under the full recovery model and the bulk-logged recovery model. [Column(\"is_name_reserved\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNameReserved { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPercentGrowth 1 = Growth of the file is a percentage. 0 = Absolute growth size in pages. [Column(\"is_percent_growth\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPercentGrowth { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReadOnly 1 = File is marked read-only. 0 = File is marked read/write. [Column(\"is_read_only\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReadOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSparse 1 = File is a sparse file. 0 = File is not a sparse file. For more information, see View the Size of the Sparse File of a Database Snapshot (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"is_sparse\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSparse { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxSize Maximum file size, in 8-KB pages: 0 = No growth is allowed. -1 = File will grow until the disk is full. 268435456 = Log file will grow to a maximum size of 2 TB. For FILESTREAM filegroup containers, max_size reflects the maximum size of the container. Note that databases that are upgraded with an unlimited log file size will report -1 for the maximum size of the log file. [Column(\"max_size\")] [NotNull] public int MaxSize { get; set; } Property Value int Name Logical name of the file in the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PhysicalName Operating-system file name. If the database is hosted by an AlwaysOn readable secondary replica, physical_name indicates the file location of the primary replica database. For the correct file location of a readable secondary database, query sys.sysaltfiles. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [Nullable] public string? PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string ReadOnlyLsn LSN at which the filegroup that contains the file changed from read/write to read-only (most recent change). [Column(\"read_only_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? ReadOnlyLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? ReadWriteLsn LSN at which the filegroup that contains the file changed from read-only to read/write (most recent change). [Column(\"read_write_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? ReadWriteLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? RedoStartForkGuid Unique identifier of the recovery fork. The first_fork_guid of the next log backup restored must match this value. This represents the current state of the file. [Column(\"redo_start_fork_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? RedoStartForkGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? RedoStartLsn LSN at which the next roll forward must start. Is NULL unless state = RESTORING or state = RECOVERY_PENDING. [Column(\"redo_start_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? RedoStartLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? RedoTargetForkGuid The recovery fork on which the file can be recovered. Paired with redo_target_lsn. [Column(\"redo_target_fork_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? RedoTargetForkGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? RedoTargetLsn LSN at which the online roll forward on this file can stop. Is NULL unless state = RESTORING or state = RECOVERY_PENDING. [Column(\"redo_target_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? RedoTargetLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? Size Current size of the file, in 8-KB pages. 0 = Not applicable For a database snapshot, size reflects the maximum space that the snapshot can ever use for the file. For FILESTREAM filegroup containers, size reflects the current used size of the container. [Column(\"size\")] [NotNull] public int Size { get; set; } Property Value int State File state: 0 = ONLINE 1 = RESTORING 2 = RECOVERING 3 = RECOVERY_PENDING 4 = SUSPECT 5 = Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. 6 = OFFLINE 7 = DEFUNCT [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? StateDesc Description of the file state: ONLINE RESTORING RECOVERING RECOVERY_PENDING SUSPECT OFFLINE DEFUNCT For more information, see File States. [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn File type: 0 = Rows 1 = Log 2 = FILESTREAM 3 = Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. 4 = Full-text [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of the file type: ROWS LOG FILESTREAM FULLTEXT [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseMirroring | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseMirroring Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_mirroring (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each database in the instance of SQL Server. If the database is not ONLINE or database mirroring is not enabled, the values of all columns except database_id will be NULL. To see the row for a database other than master or tempdb, you must either be the database owner or have at least ALTER ANY DATABASE or VIEW ANY DATABASE server-level permission or CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. To see non-NULL values on a mirror database, you must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. note If a database does not participate in mirroring, all columns prefixed with 'mirroring_' are NULL. See sys.database_mirroring. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_mirroring\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseMirroring Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseMirroring Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID ID of the database. Is unique within an instance of SQL Server. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int MirroringConnectionTimeout Mirroring connection time out in seconds. This is the number of seconds to wait for a reply from a partner or witness before considering them unavailable. The default time-out value is 10 seconds. NULL = Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_connection_timeout\")] [Nullable] public int? MirroringConnectionTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int? MirroringEndOfLogLsn The local end-of-log that has been flushed to disk. This is comparable to the hardened LSN from the mirror server (see the mirroring_failover_lsn column). [Column(\"mirroring_end_of_log_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? MirroringEndOfLogLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? MirroringFailoverLsn Log sequence number (LSN) of the latest transaction log record that is guaranteed to be hardened to disk on both partners. After a failover, the mirroring_failover_lsn is used by the partners as the point of reconciliation at which the new mirror server begins to synchronize the new mirror database with the new principal database. [Column(\"mirroring_failover_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? MirroringFailoverLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? MirroringGuid ID of the mirroring partnership. NULL= Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. Note: If the database does not participate in mirroring, all columns prefixed with 'mirroring_' are NULL. [Column(\"mirroring_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? MirroringGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? MirroringPartnerInstance The instance name and computer name for the other partner. Clients require this information to connect to the partner if it becomes the principal server. NULL = Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_partner_instance\")] [Nullable] public string? MirroringPartnerInstance { get; set; } Property Value string MirroringPartnerName Server name of the database mirroring partner. NULL = Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_partner_name\")] [Nullable] public string? MirroringPartnerName { get; set; } Property Value string MirroringRedoQueue Maximum amount of log to be redone on the mirror. If mirroring_redo_queue_type is set to UNLIMITED, which is the default setting, this column is NULL. If the database is not online, this column is also NULL. Otherwise, this column contains the maximum amount of log in megabytes. When the maximum is reached, the log is temporarily stalled on the principal as the mirror server catches up. This feature limits failover time. For more information, see Estimate the Interruption of Service During Role Switching (Database Mirroring). [Column(\"mirroring_redo_queue\")] [Nullable] public int? MirroringRedoQueue { get; set; } Property Value int? MirroringRedoQueueType UNLIMITED indicates that mirroring will not inhibit the redo queue. This is the default setting. MB for maximum size of the redo queue in mega bytes. Note that if the queue size was specified as kilobytes or gigabytes, the Database Engine converts the value into megabytes. If the database is not online, this column is NULL. [Column(\"mirroring_redo_queue_type\")] [Nullable] public string? MirroringRedoQueueType { get; set; } Property Value string MirroringReplicationLsn The maximum LSN that replication can send. [Column(\"mirroring_replication_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? MirroringReplicationLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? MirroringRole Current role of the local database plays in the database mirroring session. 1 = Principal 2 = Mirror NULL = Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_role\")] [Nullable] public byte? MirroringRole { get; set; } Property Value byte? MirroringRoleDesc Description of the role the local database plays in mirroring, can be one of: PRINCIPAL MIRROR [Column(\"mirroring_role_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? MirroringRoleDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MirroringRoleSequence The number of times that mirroring partners have switched the principal and mirror roles due to a failover or forced service. NULL = Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_role_sequence\")] [Nullable] public int? MirroringRoleSequence { get; set; } Property Value int? MirroringSafetyLevel Safety setting for updates on the mirror database: 0 = Unknown state 1 = Off [asynchronous] 2 = Full [synchronous] NULL = Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_safety_level\")] [Nullable] public byte? MirroringSafetyLevel { get; set; } Property Value byte? MirroringSafetyLevelDesc Transaction safety setting for the updates on the mirror database, can be one of: UNKNOWN OFF FULL NULL [Column(\"mirroring_safety_level_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? MirroringSafetyLevelDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MirroringSafetySequence Update the sequence number for changes to transaction safety level. NULL = Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_safety_sequence\")] [Nullable] public int? MirroringSafetySequence { get; set; } Property Value int? MirroringState State of the mirror database and of the database mirroring session. 0 = Suspended 1 = Disconnected from the other partner 2 = Synchronizing 3 = Pending Failover 4 = Synchronized 5 = The partners are not synchronized. Failover is not possible now. 6 = The partners are synchronized. Failover is potentially possible. For information about the requirements for failover see, Database Mirroring Operating Modes. NULL = Database is inaccessible or is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_state\")] [Nullable] public byte? MirroringState { get; set; } Property Value byte? MirroringStateDesc Description of the state of the mirror database and of the database mirroring session, can be one of: DISCONNECTED SYNCHRONIZED SYNCHRONIZING PENDING_FAILOVER SUSPENDED UNSYNCHRONIZED SYNCHRONIZED NULL For more information, see Mirroring States (SQL Server). [Column(\"mirroring_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? MirroringStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MirroringWitnessName Server name of the database mirroring witness. NULL = No witness exists. [Column(\"mirroring_witness_name\")] [Nullable] public string? MirroringWitnessName { get; set; } Property Value string MirroringWitnessState State of the witness in the database mirroring session of the database, can be one of: 0 = Unknown 1 = Connected 2 = Disconnected NULL = No witness exists, the database is not online, or the database is not mirrored. [Column(\"mirroring_witness_state\")] [Nullable] public byte? MirroringWitnessState { get; set; } Property Value byte? MirroringWitnessStateDesc Description of state, can be one of: UNKNOWN CONNECTED DISCONNECTED NULL [Column(\"mirroring_witness_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? MirroringWitnessStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseRecoveryStatus | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseRecoveryStatus Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_recovery_status (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per database. If the database is not opened, the SQL Server Database Engine tries to start it. To see the row for a database other than master or tempdb, one of the following must apply: - Be the owner of the database. - Have ALTER ANY DATABASE or VIEW ANY DATABASE server-level permissions. - Have CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. See sys.database_recovery_status. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_recovery_status\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseRecoveryStatus Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseRecoveryStatus Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseGuid Used to relate all the database files of a database together. All files must have this GUID in their header page for the database to start as expected. Only one database should ever have this GUID, but duplicates can be created by copying and attaching databases. RESTORE always generates a new GUID when you restore a database that does not yet exist. NULL= Database is offline, or the database will not start. [Column(\"database_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? DatabaseGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? DatabaseID ID of the database, unique within an instance of SQL Server. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int FamilyGuid Identifier of the 'backup family' for the database for detecting matching restore states. NULL= Database is offline or the database will not start. [Column(\"family_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? FamilyGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? FirstRecoveryForkGuid Identifier of the starting recovery fork. NULL= Database is offline, or the database will not start. [Column(\"first_recovery_fork_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? FirstRecoveryForkGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? ForkPointLsn If first_recovery_fork_guid is not equal (!=) to recovery_fork_guid, fork_point_lsn is the log sequence number of the current fork point. Otherwise, the value is NULL. [Column(\"fork_point_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? ForkPointLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? LastLogBackupLsn The starting log sequence number of the next log backup. If NULL, a transaction log back up cannot be performed because either the database is in SIMPLE recovery or there is no current database backup. [Column(\"last_log_backup_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? LastLogBackupLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? RecoveryForkGuid Identifies the current recovery fork on which the database is currently active. NULL= Database is offline, or the database will not start. [Column(\"recovery_fork_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? RecoveryForkGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseScopedConfiguration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseScopedConfiguration Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_scoped_configurations (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server 2016 and later (Yes) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Contains one row per configuration. See sys.database_scoped_configurations. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_scoped_configurations\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseScopedConfiguration Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseScopedConfiguration Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConfigurationID ID of the configuration option. [Column(\"configuration_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ConfigurationID { get; set; } Property Value int? IsValueDefault Specifies whether the value set is the default value. Added in SQL Server 2017. [Column(\"is_value_default\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsValueDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name The name of the configuration option. For information about the possible configurations, see ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Value The value set for this configuration option for the primary replica. [Column(\"value\")] [Nullable] public object? Value { get; set; } Property Value object ValueForSecondary The value set for this configuration option for the secondary replicas. [Column(\"value_for_secondary\")] [Nullable] public object? ValueForSecondary { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.MasterFile | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.MasterFile Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.master_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per file of a database as stored in the master database. This is a single, system-wide view. See sys.master_files. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"master_files\", IsView = true)] public class DatabasesAndFilesSchema.MasterFile Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema.MasterFile Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BackupLsn The LSN of the most recent data or differential backup of the file. [Column(\"backup_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? BackupLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? CreateLsn Log sequence number (LSN) at which the file was created. [Column(\"create_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? CreateLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? CredentialID The credential_id from sys.credentials used for storing the file. For example, when SQL Server is running on an Azure Virtual Machine and the database files are stored in Azure blob storage, a credential is configured with the access credentials to the storage location. [Column(\"credential_id\")] [Nullable] public int? CredentialID { get; set; } Property Value int? DataSpaceID ID of the data space to which this file belongs. Data space is a filegroup. 0 = Log files [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int DatabaseID ID of the database to which this file applies. The masterdatabase_id is always 1. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int DifferentialBaseGuid Unique identifier of the base backup on which a differential backup will be based. [Column(\"differential_base_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? DifferentialBaseGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? DifferentialBaseLsn Base for differential backups. Data extents changed after this LSN will be included in a differential backup. [Column(\"differential_base_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? DifferentialBaseLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? DifferentialBaseTime Time corresponding to differential_base_lsn. [Column(\"differential_base_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? DifferentialBaseTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? DropLsn LSN at which the file was dropped. [Column(\"drop_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? DropLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? FileGuid Unique identifier of the file. NULL = Database was upgraded from an earlier version of SQL Server (Valid for SQL Server 2005 and earlier) . [Column(\"file_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? FileGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? FileID ID of the file within database. The primary file_id is always 1. [Column(\"file_id\")] [NotNull] public int FileID { get; set; } Property Value int Growth 0 = File is fixed size and will not grow. >0 = File will grow automatically. If is_percent_growth = 0, growth increment is in units of 8-KB pages, rounded to the nearest 64 KB If is_percent_growth = 1, growth increment is expressed as a whole number percentage. [Column(\"growth\")] [NotNull] public int Growth { get; set; } Property Value int IsMediaReadOnly 1 = File is on read-only media. 0 = File is on read/write media. [Column(\"is_media_read_only\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMediaReadOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNameReserved 1 = Dropped file name is reusable. A log backup must be taken before the name (name or physical_name) can be reused for a new file name. 0 = File name is unavailable for reuse. [Column(\"is_name_reserved\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNameReserved { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPercentGrowth 1 = Growth of the file is a percentage. 0 = Absolute growth size in pages. [Column(\"is_percent_growth\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPercentGrowth { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReadOnly 1 = File is marked read-only. 0 = file is marked read/write. [Column(\"is_read_only\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReadOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSparse 1 = File is a sparse file. 0 = File is not a sparse file. For more information, see View the Size of the Sparse File of a Database Snapshot (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"is_sparse\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSparse { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxSize Maximum file size, in 8-KB pages: 0 = No growth is allowed. -1 = File will grow until the disk is full. 268435456 = Log file will grow to a maximum size of 2 TB. Note: Databases that are upgraded with an unlimited log file size will report -1 for the maximum size of the log file. [Column(\"max_size\")] [NotNull] public int MaxSize { get; set; } Property Value int Name Logical name of the file in the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PhysicalName Operating-system file name. [Column(\"physical_name\")] [NotNull] public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string ReadOnlyLsn LSN at which the filegroup that contains the file changed from read/write to read-only (most recent change). [Column(\"read_only_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? ReadOnlyLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? ReadWriteLsn LSN at which the filegroup that contains the file changed from read-only to read/write (most recent change). [Column(\"read_write_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? ReadWriteLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? RedoStartForkGuid Unique identifier of the recovery fork. The first_fork_guid of the next log backup restored must match this value. This represents the current state of the container. [Column(\"redo_start_fork_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? RedoStartForkGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? RedoStartLsn LSN at which the next roll forward must start. Is NULL unless state = RESTORING or state = RECOVERY_PENDING. [Column(\"redo_start_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? RedoStartLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? RedoTargetForkGuid The recovery fork on which the container can be recovered. Paired with redo_target_lsn. [Column(\"redo_target_fork_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? RedoTargetForkGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? RedoTargetLsn LSN at which the online roll forward on this file can stop. Is NULL unless state = RESTORING or state = RECOVERY_PENDING. [Column(\"redo_target_lsn\")] [Nullable] public decimal? RedoTargetLsn { get; set; } Property Value decimal? Size Current file size, in 8-KB pages. For a database snapshot, size reflects the maximum space that the snapshot can ever use for the file. Note: This field is populated as zero for FILESTREAM containers. Query the sys.database_files catalog view for the actual size of FILESTREAM containers. [Column(\"size\")] [NotNull] public int Size { get; set; } Property Value int State File state: 0 = ONLINE 1 = RESTORING 2 = RECOVERING 3 = RECOVERY_PENDING 4 = SUSPECT 5 = Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. 6 = OFFLINE 7 = DEFUNCT [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? StateDesc Description of the file state: ONLINE RESTORING RECOVERING RECOVERY_PENDING SUSPECT OFFLINE DEFUNCT For more information, see File States. [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn File type: 0 = Rows. 1 = Log 2 = FILESTREAM 3 = Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. 4 = Full-text (Full-text catalogs earlier than SQL Server 2008; full-text catalogs that are upgraded to or created in SQL Server 2008 or higher will report a file type 0.) [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of the file type: ROWS LOG FILESTREAM FULLTEXT (Full-text catalogs earlier than SQL Server 2008.) [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabasesAndFilesSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class DatabasesAndFilesSchema Inheritance object DatabasesAndFilesSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class EndpointsSchema.DataContext Inheritance object EndpointsSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties DatabaseMirroringEndpoints sys.database_mirroring_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for the database mirroring endpoint of an instance of SQL Server. note The database mirroring endpoint supports both sessions between database mirroring partners and with witnesses and sessions between the primary replica of a Always On availability group and its secondary replicas. See sys.database_mirroring_endpoints. public ITable<EndpointsSchema.DatabaseMirroringEndpoint> DatabaseMirroringEndpoints { get; } Property Value ITable<EndpointsSchema.DatabaseMirroringEndpoint> EndpointWebMethods sys.endpoint_webmethods (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains a row FOR EACH SOAP method defined on a SOAP-enabled HTTP endpoint. The combination of the endpoint_id and namespace columns is unique. See sys.endpoint_webmethods. public ITable<EndpointsSchema.EndpointWebMethod> EndpointWebMethods { get; } Property Value ITable<EndpointsSchema.EndpointWebMethod> Endpoints sys.endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per endpoint that is created in the system. There is always exactly one SYSTEM endpoint. See sys.endpoints. public ITable<EndpointsSchema.Endpoint> Endpoints { get; } Property Value ITable<EndpointsSchema.Endpoint> HttpEndpoints sys.http_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains a row for each endpoint created in the server that uses the HTTP protocol. See sys.http_endpoints. public ITable<EndpointsSchema.HttpEndpoint> HttpEndpoints { get; } Property Value ITable<EndpointsSchema.HttpEndpoint> ServiceBrokerEndpoints sys.service_broker_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains one row for the Service Broker endpoint. For every row in this view, there is a corresponding row with the same endpoint_id in the sys.tcp_endpoints view that contains the TCP configuration metadata. TCP is the only allowed protocol for Service Broker. See sys.service_broker_endpoints. public ITable<EndpointsSchema.ServiceBrokerEndpoint> ServiceBrokerEndpoints { get; } Property Value ITable<EndpointsSchema.ServiceBrokerEndpoint> SoapEndpoints sys.soap_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains one row for each endpoint in the server that carries a SOAP-type payload. For every row in this view, there is a corresponding row with the same endpoint_id in the sys.http_endpoints catalog view that carries the HTTP configuration metadata. See sys.soap_endpoints. public ITable<EndpointsSchema.SoapEndpoint> SoapEndpoints { get; } Property Value ITable<EndpointsSchema.SoapEndpoint> TcpEndpoints sys.tcp_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each TCP endpoint that is in the system. The endpoints that are described by sys.tcp_endpoints provide an object to grant and revoke the connection privilege. The information that is displayed regarding ports and IP addresses is not used to configure the protocols and may not match the actual protocol configuration. To view and configure protocols, use SQL Server Configuration Manager. See sys.tcp_endpoints. public ITable<EndpointsSchema.TcpEndpoint> TcpEndpoints { get; } Property Value ITable<EndpointsSchema.TcpEndpoint>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema.DatabaseMirroringEndpoint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema.DatabaseMirroringEndpoint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_mirroring_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for the database mirroring endpoint of an instance of SQL Server. note The database mirroring endpoint supports both sessions between database mirroring partners and with witnesses and sessions between the primary replica of a Always On availability group and its secondary replicas. See sys.database_mirroring_endpoints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_mirroring_endpoints\", IsView = true)] public class EndpointsSchema.DatabaseMirroringEndpoint Inheritance object EndpointsSchema.DatabaseMirroringEndpoint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CertificateID ID of certificate used for authentication, if any. 0 = Windows Authentication is being used. [Column(\"certificate_id\")] [NotNull] public int CertificateID { get; set; } Property Value int ConnectionAuth The type of connection authentication required for connections to this endpoint, one of: 1 - NTLM 2 - KERBEROS 3 - NEGOTIATE 4 - CERTIFICATE 5 - NTLM, CERTIFICATE 6 - KERBEROS, CERTIFICATE 7 - NEGOTIATE, CERTIFICATE 8 - CERTIFICATE, NTLM 9 - CERTIFICATE, KERBEROS 10 - CERTIFICATE, NEGOTIATE [Column(\"connection_auth\")] [NotNull] public byte ConnectionAuth { get; set; } Property Value byte ConnectionAuthDesc Description of the type of authentication required for connections to this endpoint, one of: NTLM KERBEROS NEGOTIATE CERTIFICATE NTLM, CERTIFICATE KERBEROS, CERTIFICATE NEGOTIATE, CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE, NTLM CERTIFICATE, KERBEROS CERTIFICATE, NEGOTIATE [Column(\"connection_auth_desc\")] [Nullable] public object? ConnectionAuthDesc { get; set; } Property Value object EncryptionAlgorithm Encryption algorithm, one of: 0 - NONE 1 - RC4 2 - AES 3 - NONE, RC4 4 - NONE, AES 5 - RC4, AES 6 - AES, RC4 7 - NONE, RC4, AES 8 - NONE, AES, RC4 [Column(\"encryption_algorithm\")] [NotNull] public byte EncryptionAlgorithm { get; set; } Property Value byte EncryptionAlgorithmDesc Description of the encryption algorithm, one of: NONE RC4 AES NONE, RC4 NONE, AES RC4, AES AES, RC4 NONE, RC4, AES NONE, AES, RC4 [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmDesc { get; set; } Property Value string EndpointID ID of the endpoint. Is unique within the server. An endpoint with an ID less then 65536 is a system endpoint. Is not nullable. [Column(\"endpoint_id\")] [NotNull] public int EndpointID { get; set; } Property Value int IsAdminEndpoint Indicates whether the endpoint is for administrative use. 0 = Nonadministrative endpoint. 1 = Endpoint is an administrative endpoint. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_admin_endpoint\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAdminEndpoint { get; set; } Property Value bool IsEncryptionEnabled 1 means that encryption is enabled. 0 means that encryption is disabled. [Column(\"is_encryption_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEncryptionEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the endpoint. Is unique within the server. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the server principal that created and owns this endpoint. Is nullable. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? Protocol Endpoint protocol. 1 = HTTP 2 = TCP 3 = Name pipes 4 = Shared memory 5 = Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA) Is not nullable. [Column(\"protocol\")] [NotNull] public byte Protocol { get; set; } Property Value byte ProtocolDesc Description of the endpoint protocol. NULLABLE. One of the following values: HTTP TCP NAMED_PIPES SHARED_MEMORY VIA Note: The VIA protocol is deprecated. This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. [Column(\"protocol_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ProtocolDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Role Mirroring role, one of: 0 = None 1 = Partner 2 = Witness 3 = All Note: This value is relevant only for database mirroring. [Column(\"role\")] [Nullable] public byte? Role { get; set; } Property Value byte? RoleDesc Description of mirroring role, one of: NONE PARTNER WITNESS ALL Note: This value is relevant only for database mirroring. [Column(\"role_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? RoleDesc { get; set; } Property Value string State The endpoint state. 0 = STARTED, listening and processing requests. 1 = STOPPED, listening, but not processing requests. 2 = DISABLED, not listening. The default state is 1. Is nullable. [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? StateDesc Description of the endpoint state. STARTED = Listening and processing requests. STOPPED = Listening, but not processing requests. DISABLED = Not listening. The default state is STOPPED. Is nullable. [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Endpoint payload type. 1 = SOAP 2 = TSQL 3 = SERVICE_BROKER 4 = DATABASE_MIRRORING Is not nullable. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of the endpoint payload type. Is nullable. One of the following values: SOAP TSQL SERVICE_BROKER DATABASE_MIRRORING [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema.Endpoint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema.Endpoint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per endpoint that is created in the system. There is always exactly one SYSTEM endpoint. See sys.endpoints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"endpoints\", IsView = true)] public class EndpointsSchema.Endpoint Inheritance object EndpointsSchema.Endpoint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EndpointID ID of the endpoint. Is unique within the server. An endpoint with an ID less then 65536 is a system endpoint. Is not nullable. [Column(\"endpoint_id\")] [NotNull] public int EndpointID { get; set; } Property Value int IsAdminEndpoint Indicates whether the endpoint is for administrative use. 0 = Nonadministrative endpoint. 1 = Endpoint is an administrative endpoint. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_admin_endpoint\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAdminEndpoint { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the endpoint. Is unique within the server. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the server principal that created and owns this endpoint. Is nullable. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? Protocol Endpoint protocol. 1 = HTTP 2 = TCP 3 = Name pipes 4 = Shared memory 5 = Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA) Is not nullable. [Column(\"protocol\")] [NotNull] public byte Protocol { get; set; } Property Value byte ProtocolDesc Description of the endpoint protocol. NULLABLE. One of the following values: HTTP TCP NAMED_PIPES SHARED_MEMORY VIA Note: The VIA protocol is deprecated. This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. [Column(\"protocol_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ProtocolDesc { get; set; } Property Value string State The endpoint state. 0 = STARTED, listening and processing requests. 1 = STOPPED, listening, but not processing requests. 2 = DISABLED, not listening. The default state is 1. Is nullable. [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? StateDesc Description of the endpoint state. STARTED = Listening and processing requests. STOPPED = Listening, but not processing requests. DISABLED = Not listening. The default state is STOPPED. Is nullable. [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Endpoint payload type. 1 = SOAP 2 = TSQL 3 = SERVICE_BROKER 4 = DATABASE_MIRRORING Is not nullable. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of the endpoint payload type. Is nullable. One of the following values: SOAP TSQL SERVICE_BROKER DATABASE_MIRRORING [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema.EndpointWebMethod | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema.EndpointWebMethod Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.endpoint_webmethods (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains a row FOR EACH SOAP method defined on a SOAP-enabled HTTP endpoint. The combination of the endpoint_id and namespace columns is unique. See sys.endpoint_webmethods. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"endpoint_webmethods\", IsView = true)] public class EndpointsSchema.EndpointWebMethod Inheritance object EndpointsSchema.EndpointWebMethod Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EndpointID ID of the endpoint that the webmethod is defined on. [Column(\"endpoint_id\")] [NotNull] public int EndpointID { get; set; } Property Value int MethodAlias Alias for the method. Note: Transact-SQL identifiers allow characters that are not legal in WSDL method names. The alias is used to map the name exposed in the WSDL description of the endpoint to the actual underlying Transact-SQL executable object that is called when the webmethod is invoked. [Column(\"method_alias\")] [NotNull] public string MethodAlias { get; set; } Property Value string Namespace Namespace for the webmethod. [Column(\"namespace\")] [Nullable] public string? Namespace { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectName The object name that the webmethod is redirected to, as specified in the NAME = option. Name parts are separated by a period (.), and delimited using brackets, []. The object name must be a three-part name, as specified in the WSDL option. [Column(\"object_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ObjectName { get; set; } Property Value string ResultFormat Option that determines how results are formatted in the response. 1 = ALL_RESULTS 2 = ROWSETS_ONLY 3 = NONE [Column(\"result_format\")] [Nullable] public byte? ResultFormat { get; set; } Property Value byte? ResultFormatDesc Description of the option that determines how results are formatted in the response. ALL_RESULTS ROWSETS_ONLY NONE [Column(\"result_format_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ResultFormatDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ResultSchema Option that determines which, if any, XSD is sent back with a response. 0 = None 1 = Standard 2 = Default [Column(\"result_schema\")] [Nullable] public byte? ResultSchema { get; set; } Property Value byte? ResultSchemaDesc Description of option that determines which, if any, XSD is sent back with a response. NONE STANDARD DEFAULT [Column(\"result_schema_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ResultSchemaDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema.HttpEndpoint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema.HttpEndpoint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.http_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains a row for each endpoint created in the server that uses the HTTP protocol. See sys.http_endpoints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"http_endpoints\", IsView = true)] public class EndpointsSchema.HttpEndpoint Inheritance object EndpointsSchema.HttpEndpoint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AuthorizationRealm Hint that is returned to the client as part of the HTTP DIGEST authentication challenge. The value of the AUTH REALM option. Is NULL if not specified or if DIGEST authentication is not enabled. [Column(\"authorization_realm\")] [Nullable] public string? AuthorizationRealm { get; set; } Property Value string ClearPort Port number specified in the CLEAR PORT = option. NULL = Not specified. [Column(\"clear_port\")] [NotNull] public int ClearPort { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultLogonDomain Default login domain if you enable BASIC authentication. The value of the DEFAULT LOGON DOMAIN option. Is NULL if not specified or if BASIC authentication is not enabled. [Column(\"default_logon_domain\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultLogonDomain { get; set; } Property Value string InheritedColumns Inherits columns from sys.endpoints (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"< inherited columns>\")] [NotNull] public object InheritedColumns { get; set; } Property Value object IsAnonymousEnabled 1 = Anonymous access is enabled using the AUTHENTICATION = ANONYMOUS option. [Column(\"is_anonymous_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAnonymousEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsBasicAuthEnabled 1 = Basic authentication is enabled using the AUTHENTICATION = BASIC option. [Column(\"is_basic_auth_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsBasicAuthEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsClearPortEnabled 1 = Clear port is enabled using the PORT = CLEAR option. [Column(\"is_clear_port_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsClearPortEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCompressionEnabled 1 = COMPRESSION = ENABLED option is set. [Column(\"is_compression_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCompressionEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDigestAuthEnabled 1 = Digest authentication is enabled using the AUTHENTICATION = DIGEST option. [Column(\"is_digest_auth_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDigestAuthEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIntegratedAuthEnabled 1 = Integrated authentication is enabled using the AUTHENTICATION = INTEGRATED option. [Column(\"is_integrated_auth_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsIntegratedAuthEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsKerberosAuthEnabled 1 = Integrated authentication enabled using the AUTHENTICATION = KERBEROS option. [Column(\"is_kerberos_auth_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsKerberosAuthEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNtlmAuthEnabled 1 = Integrated authentication enabled using the AUTHENTICATION = NTLM option. [Column(\"is_ntlm_auth_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNtlmAuthEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSslPortEnabled 1 = SSL port is enabled using the PORT = SSL option. [Column(\"is_ssl_port_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSslPortEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool Site Name of the host computer for the site, as specified in the SITE = option. [Column(\"site\")] [Nullable] public string? Site { get; set; } Property Value string SslPort Port number value specified in the SSL PORT = option. NULL = Not specified. [Column(\"ssl_port\")] [NotNull] public int SslPort { get; set; } Property Value int UrlPath Path-only portion of the URL for this HTTP endpoint, as specified by the PATH= option. [Column(\"url_path\")] [Nullable] public string? UrlPath { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema.ServiceBrokerEndpoint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema.ServiceBrokerEndpoint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.service_broker_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains one row for the Service Broker endpoint. For every row in this view, there is a corresponding row with the same endpoint_id in the sys.tcp_endpoints view that contains the TCP configuration metadata. TCP is the only allowed protocol for Service Broker. See sys.service_broker_endpoints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"service_broker_endpoints\", IsView = true)] public class EndpointsSchema.ServiceBrokerEndpoint Inheritance object EndpointsSchema.ServiceBrokerEndpoint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CertificateID ID of certificate used for authentication, if any. 0 = Windows Authentication is being used. [Column(\"certificate_id\")] [NotNull] public int CertificateID { get; set; } Property Value int ConnectionAuth The type of connection authentication required for connections to this endpoint, one of: 1 - NTLM 2 - KERBEROS 3 - NEGOTIATE 4 - CERTIFICATE 5 - NTLM, CERTIFICATE 6 - KERBEROS, CERTIFICATE 7 - NEGOTIATE, CERTIFICATE 8 - CERTIFICATE, NTLM 9 - CERTIFICATE, KERBEROS 10 - CERTIFICATE, NEGOTIATE Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"connection_auth\")] [NotNull] public byte ConnectionAuth { get; set; } Property Value byte ConnectionAuthDesc Description of the type of connection authentication required for connections to this endpoint, one of: NTLM KERBEROS NEGOTIATE CERTIFICATE NTLM, CERTIFICATE KERBEROS, CERTIFICATE NEGOTIATE, CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE, NTLM CERTIFICATE, KERBEROS CERTIFICATE, NEGOTIATE NULLABLE. [Column(\"connection_auth_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ConnectionAuthDesc { get; set; } Property Value string EncryptionAlgorithm Encryption algorithm. The following are the possible values with their descriptions and corresponding DDL options. 0 : NONE. Corresponding DDL option: Disabled. 1 : RC4. Corresponding DDL option: {Required &#124; Required algorithm RC4}. 2 : AES. Corresponding DDL option: Required Algorithm AES. 3 : NONE, RC4. Corresponding DDL option: {Supported &#124; Supported Algorithm RC4}. 4 : NONE, AES. Corresponding DDL option: Supported Algorithm AES. 5 : RC4, AES. Corresponding DDL option: Required Algorithm RC4 AES. 6 : AES, RC4. Corresponding DDL option: Required Algorithm AES RC4. 7 : NONE, RC4, AES. Corresponding DDL option: Supported Algorithm RC4 AES. 8 : NONE, AES, RC4. Corresponding DDL option: Supported Algorithm AES RC4. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm\")] [NotNull] public byte EncryptionAlgorithm { get; set; } Property Value byte EncryptionAlgorithmDesc Encryption algorithm description. The possible values and their corresponding DDL options are listed below: NONE : Disabled RC4 : {Required &#124; Required Algorithm RC4} AES : Required Algorithm AES NONE, RC4 : {Supported &#124; Supported Algorithm RC4} NONE, AES : Supported Algorithm AES RC4, AES : Required Algorithm RC4 AES AES, RC4 : Required Algorithm AES RC4 NONE, RC4, AES : Supported Algorithm RC4 AES NONE, AES, RC4 : Supported Algorithm AES RC4 NULLABLE. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmDesc { get; set; } Property Value string EndpointID ID of the endpoint. Is unique within the server. An endpoint with an ID less then 65536 is a system endpoint. Is not nullable. [Column(\"endpoint_id\")] [NotNull] public int EndpointID { get; set; } Property Value int IsAdminEndpoint Indicates whether the endpoint is for administrative use. 0 = Nonadministrative endpoint. 1 = Endpoint is an administrative endpoint. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_admin_endpoint\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAdminEndpoint { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMessageForwardingEnabled Does endpoint support message forwarding. This is initially set to 0 (disabled). Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"is_message_forwarding_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMessageForwardingEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool MessageForwardingSize The maximum number of megabytes of tempdb space allowed to be used for messages being forwarded. This is initially set to 10. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"message_forwarding_size\")] [NotNull] public int MessageForwardingSize { get; set; } Property Value int Name Name of the endpoint. Is unique within the server. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the server principal that created and owns this endpoint. Is nullable. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? Protocol Endpoint protocol. 1 = HTTP 2 = TCP 3 = Name pipes 4 = Shared memory 5 = Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA) Is not nullable. [Column(\"protocol\")] [NotNull] public byte Protocol { get; set; } Property Value byte ProtocolDesc Description of the endpoint protocol. NULLABLE. One of the following values: HTTP TCP NAMED_PIPES SHARED_MEMORY VIA Note: The VIA protocol is deprecated. This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. [Column(\"protocol_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ProtocolDesc { get; set; } Property Value string State The endpoint state. 0 = STARTED, listening and processing requests. 1 = STOPPED, listening, but not processing requests. 2 = DISABLED, not listening. The default state is 1. Is nullable. [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? StateDesc Description of the endpoint state. STARTED = Listening and processing requests. STOPPED = Listening, but not processing requests. DISABLED = Not listening. The default state is STOPPED. Is nullable. [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Endpoint payload type. 1 = SOAP 2 = TSQL 3 = SERVICE_BROKER 4 = DATABASE_MIRRORING Is not nullable. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of the endpoint payload type. Is nullable. One of the following values: SOAP TSQL SERVICE_BROKER DATABASE_MIRRORING [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema.SoapEndpoint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema.SoapEndpoint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.soap_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains one row for each endpoint in the server that carries a SOAP-type payload. For every row in this view, there is a corresponding row with the same endpoint_id in the sys.http_endpoints catalog view that carries the HTTP configuration metadata. See sys.soap_endpoints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"soap_endpoints\", IsView = true)] public class EndpointsSchema.SoapEndpoint Inheritance object EndpointsSchema.SoapEndpoint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DefaultDatabase The name of the default database given in the DATABASE = option. NULL = DEFAULT was specified. [Column(\"default_database\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultDatabase { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultNamespace The default namespace specified in the NAMESPACE = option, or if DEFAULT was specified instead. [Column(\"default_namespace\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultNamespace { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultResultSchema The default value of the SCHEMA = option. 0 = NONE 1 = STANDARD [Column(\"default_result_schema\")] [Nullable] public byte? DefaultResultSchema { get; set; } Property Value byte? DefaultResultSchemaDesc Description of the default value of the SCHEMA = option. NONE STANDARD [Column(\"default_result_schema_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultResultSchemaDesc { get; set; } Property Value string HeaderLimit Maximum allowable size of the SOAP header. [Column(\"header_limit\")] [NotNull] public int HeaderLimit { get; set; } Property Value int InheritedColumns For a list of columns that this view inherits, see sys.endpoints (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"< inherited columns>\")] [NotNull] public object InheritedColumns { get; set; } Property Value object IsSessionEnabled 0 = SESSION = DISABLE option was specified. 1 = SESSION = ENABLED option was specified. [Column(\"is_session_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSessionEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSqlLanguageEnabled 1 = BATCHES = ENABLED option was specified, meaning that ad-hoc SQL batches are allowed on the endpoint. [Column(\"is_sql_language_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSqlLanguageEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsXmlCharsetEnforced 0 = CHARACTER_SET = SQL option was specified. 1 = CHARACTER_SET = XML option was specified. [Column(\"is_xml_charset_enforced\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlCharsetEnforced { get; set; } Property Value bool LoginType Kind of authentication allowed on this endpoint. WINDOWS MIXED [Column(\"login_type\")] [Nullable] public string? LoginType { get; set; } Property Value string SessionTimeout Value specified in SESSION_TIMEOUT = option. [Column(\"session_timeout\")] [NotNull] public int SessionTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int WsdlGeneratorProcedure The three-part name of the stored procedure that implements this method. Names of methods require strict three-part syntax. one, two, or four-part names are not allowed. [Column(\"wsdl_generator_procedure\")] [Nullable] public string? WsdlGeneratorProcedure { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema.TcpEndpoint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema.TcpEndpoint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.tcp_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each TCP endpoint that is in the system. The endpoints that are described by sys.tcp_endpoints provide an object to grant and revoke the connection privilege. The information that is displayed regarding ports and IP addresses is not used to configure the protocols and may not match the actual protocol configuration. To view and configure protocols, use SQL Server Configuration Manager. See sys.tcp_endpoints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"tcp_endpoints\", IsView = true)] public class EndpointsSchema.TcpEndpoint Inheritance object EndpointsSchema.TcpEndpoint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IPAddress Listener IP address as specified by the LISTENER_IP clause. Is nullable. [Column(\"ip_address\")] [Nullable] public string? IPAddress { get; set; } Property Value string InheritedColumns Inherits columns from sys.endpoints. [Column(\"< inherited columns>\")] [NotNull] public object InheritedColumns { get; set; } Property Value object IsDynamicPort 1 = Port number was dynamically assigned. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_dynamic_port\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDynamicPort { get; set; } Property Value bool Port The port number that the endpoint is listening on. Is not nullable. [Column(\"port\")] [NotNull] public int Port { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EndpointsSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EndpointsSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class EndpointsSchema Inheritance object EndpointsSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ExtendedEventsSchema.DataContext Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties DatabaseEventSessionActions sys.database_event_session_actions (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each action on each event of an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_actions. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionAction> DatabaseEventSessionActions { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionAction> DatabaseEventSessionEvents sys.database_event_session_events (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each event in an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_events. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionEvent> DatabaseEventSessionEvents { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionEvent> DatabaseEventSessionFields sys.database_event_session_fields (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each customizable column that was explicitly set on events and targets. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_fields. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField> DatabaseEventSessionFields { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField> DatabaseEventSessionTargets sys.database_event_session_targets (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each event target for an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_targets. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionTarget> DatabaseEventSessionTargets { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionTarget> DatabaseEventSessions sys.database_event_sessions (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Lists all the event session definitions that exist in the current database, in Azure SQL Database. note The similar catalog view named sys.server_event_sessions applies only to MicrosoftSQL Server. || |-| |Applies to: SQL Database, and to any later versions.| See sys.database_event_sessions. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSession> DatabaseEventSessions { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSession> ServerEventSessionActions sys.server_event_session_actions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each action on each event of an event session. See sys.server_event_session_actions. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionAction> ServerEventSessionActions { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionAction> ServerEventSessionEvents sys.server_event_session_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event in an event session. See sys.server_event_session_events. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionEvent> ServerEventSessionEvents { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionEvent> ServerEventSessionFields sys.server_event_session_fields (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each customizable column that was explicitly set on events and targets. See sys.server_event_session_fields. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField> ServerEventSessionFields { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField> ServerEventSessionTargets sys.server_event_session_targets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event target for an event session. See sys.server_event_session_targets. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionTarget> ServerEventSessionTargets { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionTarget> ServerEventSessions sys.server_event_sessions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Lists all the event session definitions that exist in SQL Server. See sys.server_event_sessions. public ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSession> ServerEventSessions { get; } Property Value ITable<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSession>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSession | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSession Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_event_sessions (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Lists all the event session definitions that exist in the current database, in Azure SQL Database. note The similar catalog view named sys.server_event_sessions applies only to MicrosoftSQL Server. || |-| |Applies to: SQL Database, and to any later versions.| See sys.database_event_sessions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_event_sessions\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSession Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSession Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventRetentionMode Determines how event loss is handled. The default is S. Is not nullable. Is one of the following: S. Maps to event_retention_mode_desc = ALLOW_SINGLE_EVENT_LOSS M. Maps to event_retention_mode_desc = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_EVENT_LOSS N. Maps to event_retention_mode_desc = NO_EVENT_LOSS [Column(\"event_retention_mode\")] [NotNull] public string EventRetentionMode { get; set; } Property Value string EventRetentionModeDesc Describes how event loss is handled. The default is ALLOW_SINGLE_EVENT_LOSS. Is not nullable. Is one of the following: ALLOW_SINGLE_EVENT_LOSS. Events can be lost from the session. Single events are dropped only when all event buffers are full. Losing single events when buffers are full allows for acceptable SQL Server performance characteristics, while minimizing the loss in the processed event stream. ALLOW_MULTIPLE_EVENT_LOSS. Full event buffers can be lost from the session. The number of events lost depends on the memory size allocated to the session, the partitioning of the memory, and the size of the events in the buffer. This option minimizes performance impact on the server when event buffers are quickly filled. However, large numbers of events can be lost from the session. NO_EVENT_LOSS. No event loss is allowed. This option ensures that all events raised are retained. Using this option forces all the tasks that fire events to wait until space is available in an event buffer. This may lead to detectable performance degradation while the event session is active. [Column(\"event_retention_mode_desc\")] [NotNull] public string EventRetentionModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string EventSessionID The unique ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int MaxDispatchLatency The amount of time, in milliseconds, that events will be buffered in memory before they are served to session targets. Valid values are from 1 to 2147483648, and -1. A value of -1 indicates that dispatch latency is infinite. Is nullable. [Column(\"max_dispatch_latency\")] [NotNull] public int MaxDispatchLatency { get; set; } Property Value int MaxEventSize The amount of memory set aside for events that do not fit in event session buffers. If max_event_size exceeds the calculated buffer size, two additional buffers of max_event_size are allocated to the event session. Is nullable. [Column(\"max_event_size\")] [NotNull] public int MaxEventSize { get; set; } Property Value int MaxMemory The amount of memory allocated to the session for event buffering. The default value is 4 MB. Is nullable. [Column(\"max_memory\")] [NotNull] public int MaxMemory { get; set; } Property Value int MemoryPartitionMode The location in memory where event buffers are created. The default partition mode is G. Is not nullable. memory_partition_mode is one of: G - NONE C - PER_CPU N - PER_NODE [Column(\"memory_partition_mode\")] [NotNull] public string MemoryPartitionMode { get; set; } Property Value string MemoryPartitionModeDesc The default is NONE. Is not nullable. Is one of the following: NONE. A single set of buffers are created within a SQL Server instance. PER_CPU. A set of buffers is created for each CPU. PER_NODE. A set of buffers is created for each non-uniform memory access (NUMA) node. [Column(\"memory_partition_mode_desc\")] [NotNull] public string MemoryPartitionModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Name The user-defined name for identifying the event session. name is unique. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string StartupState Value determines whether or not session is started automatically when the server starts. The default is 0. Is not nullable. Is one of: 0 (OFF). The session does not start when the server starts. 1 (ON). The event session starts when the server starts. [Column(\"startup_state\")] [NotNull] public bool StartupState { get; set; } Property Value bool TrackCausality Enable or disable causality tracking. If set to 1 (ON), tracking is enabled and related events on different server connections can be correlated. The default setting is 0 (OFF). Is not nullable. [Column(\"track_causality\")] [NotNull] public bool TrackCausality { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionAction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionAction Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_event_session_actions (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each action on each event of an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_actions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_event_session_actions\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionAction Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionAction Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventID The ID of the event. This ID is unique within the event session object. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventID { get; set; } Property Value int EventSessionID The ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int Module The name of the module that contains the event. Is nullable. [Column(\"module\")] [NotNull] public string Module { get; set; } Property Value string Name The name of the action. Is nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Package The name of the event package that contains the event. Is nullable. [Column(\"package\")] [NotNull] public string Package { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionEvent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionEvent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_event_session_events (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each event in an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_events. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_event_session_events\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionEvent Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionEvent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventID The ID of the event. This ID is unique within an event session object. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventID { get; set; } Property Value int EventSessionID The ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int Module The name of the module that contains the event. Is not nullable. [Column(\"module\")] [NotNull] public string Module { get; set; } Property Value string Name The name of the event. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Package The name of the event package that contains the event. Is not nullable. [Column(\"package\")] [NotNull] public string Package { get; set; } Property Value string Predicate The predicate expression that is applied to the event. Is nullable. [Column(\"predicate\")] [NotNull] public string Predicate { get; set; } Property Value string PredicateXml The XML predicate expression that is applied to the event. Is nullable. [Column(\"predicate_xml\")] [NotNull] public string PredicateXml { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_event_session_fields (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each customizable column that was explicitly set on events and targets. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_fields. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_event_session_fields\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventSessionID The ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int Name The name of the field. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The ID of the object this field is associated with. Is not nullable. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Value The value of the field. Is not nullable. [Column(\"value\")] [NotNull] public object Value { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionTarget | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionTarget Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_event_session_targets (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each event target for an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_targets. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_event_session_targets\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionTarget Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionTarget Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventSessionID The ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int Module The name of the module that contains the event target. Is not nullable. [Column(\"module\")] [NotNull] public string Module { get; set; } Property Value string Name The name of the event target. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Package The name of the event package that contains the event target. Is not nullable. [Column(\"package\")] [NotNull] public string Package { get; set; } Property Value string TargetID The ID of the target. ID is unique within the event session object. Is not nullable. [Column(\"target_id\")] [NotNull] public int TargetID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSession | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSession Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_event_sessions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Lists all the event session definitions that exist in SQL Server. See sys.server_event_sessions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_event_sessions\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSession Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSession Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventRetentionMode Determines how event loss is handled. The default is S. Is not nullable. Is one of the following: S. Maps to event_retention_mode_desc = ALLOW_SINGLE_EVENT_LOSS M. Maps to event_retention_mode_desc = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_EVENT_LOSS N. Maps to event_retention_mode_desc = NO_EVENT_LOSS [Column(\"event_retention_mode\")] [Nullable] public string? EventRetentionMode { get; set; } Property Value string EventRetentionModeDesc Describes how event loss is handled. The default is ALLOW_SINGLE_EVENT_LOSS. Is not nullable. Is one of the following: ALLOW_SINGLE_EVENT_LOSS. Events can be lost from the session. Single events are dropped only when all event buffers are full. Losing single events when buffers are full allows for acceptable SQL Server performance characteristics, while minimizing the loss in the processed event stream. ALLOW_MULTIPLE_EVENT_LOSS. Full event buffers can be lost from the session. The number of events lost depends on the memory size allocated to the session, the partitioning of the memory, and the size of the events in the buffer. This option minimizes performance impact on the server when event buffers are quickly filled. However, large numbers of events can be lost from the session. NO_EVENT_LOSS. No event loss is allowed. This option ensures that all events raised are retained. Using this option forces all the tasks that fire events to wait until space is available in an event buffer. This may lead to detectable performance degradation while the event session is active. [Column(\"event_retention_mode_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EventRetentionModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string EventSessionID The unique ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int MaxDispatchLatency The amount of time, in milliseconds, that events will be buffered in memory before they are served to session targets. Valid values are from 0 to 2147483648, and 0. A value of 0 indicates that dispatch latency is infinite. Is nullable. [Column(\"max_dispatch_latency\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxDispatchLatency { get; set; } Property Value int? MaxEventSize The amount of memory set aside for events that do not fit in event session buffers. If max_event_size exceeds the calculated buffer size, two additional buffers of max_event_size are allocated to the event session. Is nullable. [Column(\"max_event_size\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxEventSize { get; set; } Property Value int? MaxMemory The amount of memory allocated to the session for event buffering. The default value is 4 MB. Is nullable. [Column(\"max_memory\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxMemory { get; set; } Property Value int? MemoryPartitionMode The location in memory where event buffers are created. The default partition mode is G. Is not nullable. memory_partition_mode is one of: G - NONE C - PER_CPU N - PER_NODE [Column(\"memory_partition_mode\")] [Nullable] public string? MemoryPartitionMode { get; set; } Property Value string MemoryPartitionModeDesc The default is NONE. Is not nullable. Is one of the following: NONE. A single set of buffers are created within a SQL Server instance. PER_CPU. A set of buffers is created for each CPU. PER_NODE. A set of buffers is created for each non-uniform memory access (NUMA) node. [Column(\"memory_partition_mode_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? MemoryPartitionModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Name The user-defined name for identifying the event session. name is unique. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string StartupState Value determines whether or not session is started automatically when the server starts. The default is 0. Is not nullable. Is one of: 0 (OFF). The session does not start when the server starts. 1 (ON). The event session starts when the server starts. [Column(\"startup_state\")] [Nullable] public bool? StartupState { get; set; } Property Value bool? TrackCausality Enable or disable causality tracking. If set to 1 (ON), tracking is enabled and related events on different server connections can be correlated. The default setting is 0 (OFF). Is not nullable. [Column(\"track_causality\")] [Nullable] public bool? TrackCausality { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionAction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionAction Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_event_session_actions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each action on each event of an event session. See sys.server_event_session_actions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_event_session_actions\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionAction Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionAction Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventID The ID of the event. This ID is unique within the event session object. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventID { get; set; } Property Value int EventSessionID The ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int Module The name of the module that contains the event. Is nullable. [Column(\"module\")] [Nullable] public string? Module { get; set; } Property Value string Name The name of the action. Is nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Package The name of the event package that contains the event. Is nullable. [Column(\"package\")] [Nullable] public string? Package { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionEvent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionEvent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_event_session_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event in an event session. See sys.server_event_session_events. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_event_session_events\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionEvent Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionEvent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventID The ID of the event. This ID is unique within an event session object. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventID { get; set; } Property Value int EventSessionID The ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int Module The name of the module that contains the event. Is not nullable. [Column(\"module\")] [Nullable] public string? Module { get; set; } Property Value string Name The name of the event. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Package The name of the event package that contains the event. Is not nullable. [Column(\"package\")] [Nullable] public string? Package { get; set; } Property Value string Predicate The predicate expression that is applied to the event. Is nullable. [Column(\"predicate\")] [Nullable] public string? Predicate { get; set; } Property Value string PredicateXml The XML predicate expression that is applied to the event. Is nullable. [Column(\"predicate_xml\")] [Nullable] public string? PredicateXml { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_event_session_fields (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each customizable column that was explicitly set on events and targets. See sys.server_event_session_fields. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_event_session_fields\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventSessionID The ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int Name The name of the field. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The ID of the object this field is associated with. Is not nullable. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Value The value of the field. Is not nullable. [Column(\"value\")] [Nullable] public object? Value { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionTarget | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionTarget Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_event_session_targets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event target for an event session. See sys.server_event_session_targets. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_event_session_targets\", IsView = true)] public class ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionTarget Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionTarget Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventSessionID The ID of the event session. Is not nullable. [Column(\"event_session_id\")] [NotNull] public int EventSessionID { get; set; } Property Value int Module The name of the module that contains the event target. Is not nullable. [Column(\"module\")] [Nullable] public string? Module { get; set; } Property Value string Name The name of the event target. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Package The name of the event package that contains the event target. Is not nullable. [Column(\"package\")] [Nullable] public string? Package { get; set; } Property Value string TargetID The ID of the target. ID is unique within the event session object. Is not nullable. [Column(\"target_id\")] [NotNull] public int TargetID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtendedEventsSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class ExtendedEventsSchema Inheritance object ExtendedEventsSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ExternalOperationsSchema.DataContext Inheritance object ExternalOperationsSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties ExternalDataSources sys.external_data_sources (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external data source in the current database for SQL Server, SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Contains a row for each external data source on the server for Analytics Platform System (PDW). See sys.external_data_sources. public ITable<ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalDataSource> ExternalDataSources { get; } Property Value ITable<ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalDataSource> ExternalFileFormats sys.external_file_formats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external file format in the current database for SQL Server, SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Contains a row for each external file format on the server for Analytics Platform System (PDW). See sys.external_file_formats. public ITable<ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalFileFormat> ExternalFileFormats { get; } Property Value ITable<ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalFileFormat> ExternalTables sys.external_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external table in the current database. See sys.external_tables. public ITable<ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable> ExternalTables { get; } Property Value ITable<ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalDataSource | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalDataSource Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.external_data_sources (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external data source in the current database for SQL Server, SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Contains a row for each external data source on the server for Analytics Platform System (PDW). See sys.external_data_sources. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"external_data_sources\", IsView = true)] public class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalDataSource Inheritance object ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalDataSource Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CredentialID The object ID of the database scoped credential used to connect to the external data source. [Column(\"credential_id\")] [NotNull] public int CredentialID { get; set; } Property Value int DataSourceID Object ID for the external data source. [Column(\"data_source_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSourceID { get; set; } Property Value int DatabaseName For type RDBMS, the name of the remote database. For type, SHARD_MAP_MANAGER, the name of the shard map manager database. NULL for other types of external data sources. [Column(\"database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string Location The connection string, which includes the protocol, IP address, and port for the external data source. [Column(\"location\")] [NotNull] public string Location { get; set; } Property Value string Name Name of the external data source. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ResourceManagerLocation For type HADOOP, the IP and port location of the Hadoop resource manager. The resource_manager_location is used for submitting a job on a Hadoop data source. NULL for other types of external data sources. [Column(\"resource_manager_location\")] [Nullable] public string? ResourceManagerLocation { get; set; } Property Value string ShardMapName For type SHARD_MAP_MANAGER, the name of the shard map. NULL for other types of external data sources. [Column(\"shard_map_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ShardMapName { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Data source type displayed as a number. Range: 0 - HADOOP 1 - RDBMS 2 - SHARD_MAP_MANAGER 3 - REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE 4 - internal use only 5 - BLOB_STORAGE 6 - NONE [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Data source type displayed as a string. Range: HADOOP, RDBMS, SHARD_MAP_MANAGER, REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE, BLOB_STORAGE, NONE [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalFileFormat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalFileFormat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.external_file_formats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external file format in the current database for SQL Server, SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Contains a row for each external file format on the server for Analytics Platform System (PDW). See sys.external_file_formats. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"external_file_formats\", IsView = true)] public class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalFileFormat Inheritance object ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalFileFormat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataCompression The data compression method for the external data. Range: For format_type = DELIMITEDTEXT: - '' - '' For format_type = RCFILE: - '' For format_type = ORC: - '' - '' For format_type = PARQUET: - '' - '' [Column(\"data_compression\")] [Nullable] public string? DataCompression { get; set; } Property Value string DateFormat For format_type = DELIMITEDTEXT, this is the user-defined date and time format. [Column(\"date_format\")] [Nullable] public string? DateFormat { get; set; } Property Value string Encoding For format_type = DELIMITEDTEXT, this is the encoding method for the external Hadoop file. Range: Always 'UTF8'. [Column(\"encoding\")] [Nullable] public string? Encoding { get; set; } Property Value string FieldTerminator For format_type = DELIMITEDTEXT, this is the field terminator. [Column(\"field_terminator\")] [Nullable] public string? FieldTerminator { get; set; } Property Value string FileFormatID Object ID for the external file format. [Column(\"file_format_id\")] [NotNull] public int FileFormatID { get; set; } Property Value int FormatType The file format type. Range: DELIMITEDTEXT, RCFILE, ORC, PARQUET [Column(\"format_type\")] [NotNull] public byte FormatType { get; set; } Property Value byte Name Name of the file format. in SQL Server and Azure Synapse Analytics, this is unique for the database. In Analytics Platform System (PDW), this is unique for the server. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string RowTerminator For format_type = DELIMITEDTEXT, this is the character string that terminates each row in the external Hadoop file. Range: Always '\\n'. [Column(\"row_terminator\")] [Nullable] public string? RowTerminator { get; set; } Property Value string SerdeMethod For format_type = RCFILE, this is the serialization/deserialization method. [Column(\"serde_method\")] [Nullable] public string? SerdeMethod { get; set; } Property Value string StringDelimiter For format_type = DELIMITEDTEXT, this is the string delimiter. [Column(\"string_delimiter\")] [Nullable] public string? StringDelimiter { get; set; } Property Value string UseTypeDefault For format_type = DELIMITED TEXT, specifies how to handle missing values when PolyBase is importing data from HDFS text files into Azure Synapse Analytics. Range: 0 - store missing values as the string 'NULL'. 1 - store missing values as the column default value. [Column(\"use_type_default\")] [Nullable] public bool? UseTypeDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.external_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external table in the current database. See sys.external_tables. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"external_tables\", IsView = true)] public class ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable Inheritance object ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DataSourceID Object ID for the external data source. [Column(\"data_source_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSourceID { get; set; } Property Value int DistributionDesc For external tables over a SHARD_MAP_MANAGER external data source, this is the distribution type displayed as a string. [Column(\"distribution_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DistributionDesc { get; set; } Property Value string DistributionType For external tables over a SHARD_MAP_MANAGER external data source, this is the data distribution of the rows across the underlying base tables. Range: 0 - Sharded 1 - Replicated 2 - Round robin [Column(\"distribution_type\")] [Nullable] public int? DistributionType { get; set; } Property Value int? FileFormatID For external tables over a HADOOP external data source, this is the Object ID for the external file format. [Column(\"file_format_id\")] [Nullable] public int? FileFormatID { get; set; } Property Value int? IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool Location For external tables over a HADOOP external data source, this is the path of the external data in HDFS. [Column(\"location\")] [Nullable] public string? Location { get; set; } Property Value string MaxColumnIDUsed Maximum column ID ever used for this table. [Column(\"max_column_id_used\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxColumnIDUsed { get; set; } Property Value int? ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? RejectSampleValue For reject_type = percentage, this is the number of rows to load, either successfully or unsuccessfully, before calculating the percentage of rejected rows. Range: NULL if reject_type = VALUE. [Column(\"reject_sample_value\")] [Nullable] public int? RejectSampleValue { get; set; } Property Value int? RejectType For external tables over a HADOOP external data source, this is the way rejected rows are counted when querying external data. Range: VALUE - the number of rejected rows. PERCENTAGE - the percentage of rejected rows. [Column(\"reject_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? RejectType { get; set; } Property Value byte? RejectValue For external tables over a HADOOP external data source: For reject_type = value, this is the number of row rejections to allow before failing the query. For reject_type = percentage, this is the percentage of row rejections to allow before failing the query. [Column(\"reject_value\")] [Nullable] public double? RejectValue { get; set; } Property Value double? RemoteObjectName For external tables over a SHARD_MAP_MANAGER external data source, this is the name of the base table on the remote databases (if different from the name of the external table). [Column(\"remote_object_name\")] [Nullable] public string? RemoteObjectName { get; set; } Property Value string RemoteSchemaName For external tables over a SHARD_MAP_MANAGER external data source, this is the schema where the base table is located on the remote databases (if different from the schema where the external table is defined). [Column(\"remote_schema_name\")] [Nullable] public string? RemoteSchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int ShardingColumnID For external tables over a SHARD_MAP_MANAGER external data source and a sharded distribution, this is the column ID of the column that contains the sharding key values. [Column(\"sharding_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ShardingColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UsesAnsiNulls Table was created with the SET ANSI_NULLS database option ON. [Column(\"uses_ansi_nulls\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesAnsiNulls { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExternalOperationsSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class ExternalOperationsSchema Inheritance object ExternalOperationsSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DataContext Inheritance object FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties DatabaseFilestreamOptions sys.database_filestream_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays information about the level of non-transactional access to FILESTREAM data in FileTables that is enabled. Contains one row for each database in the SQL Server instance. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.database_filestream_options. public ITable<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DatabaseFilestreamOption> DatabaseFilestreamOptions { get; } Property Value ITable<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DatabaseFilestreamOption> FileTableSystemDefinedObjects sys.filetable_system_defined_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays a list of the system-defined objects that are related to FileTables. Contains one row for each system-defined object. When you create a FileTable, related objects such as constraints and indexes are created at the same time. You cannot alter or drop these objects; they disappear only when the FileTable itself is dropped. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.filetable_system_defined_objects. public ITable<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject> FileTableSystemDefinedObjects { get; } Property Value ITable<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject> FileTables sys.filetables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each FileTable in SQL Server. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.filetables. public ITable<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable> FileTables { get; } Property Value ITable<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DatabaseFilestreamOption | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DatabaseFilestreamOption Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_filestream_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays information about the level of non-transactional access to FILESTREAM data in FileTables that is enabled. Contains one row for each database in the SQL Server instance. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.database_filestream_options. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_filestream_options\", IsView = true)] public class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DatabaseFilestreamOption Inheritance object FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DatabaseFilestreamOption Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID The ID of the database. This value is unique within the SQL Server instance. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int DirectoryName The database-level directory for all FileTable namespaces. [Column(\"directory_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DirectoryName { get; set; } Property Value string NonTransactedAccess The level of non-transactional access to FILESTREAM data that is enabled. The level of access is set by the NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS option of the CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE statement. This setting has one of the following values: 0 - Not enabled. This is the default value. This level is set by providing the value OFF for the NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS option. 1 - Read-only access. This level is set by providing the value READ_ONLY for the NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS option. 3 - Full access. This level is set by providing the value FULL for the NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS option. 5 - In transition to READONLY 6 - In transition to OFF [Column(\"non_transacted_access\")] [NotNull] public byte NonTransactedAccess { get; set; } Property Value byte NonTransactedAccessDesc The description of the level of non-transactional access identified in non_transacted_access. This setting has one of the following values: NONE - This is the default value. READ_ONLY FULL IN_TRANSITION_TO_READ_ONLY IN_TRANSITION_TO_OFF [Column(\"non_transacted_access_desc\")] [NotNull] public string NonTransactedAccessDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.filetables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each FileTable in SQL Server. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.filetables. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"filetables\", IsView = true)] public class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable Inheritance object FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DirectoryName Name of the root directory for a FileTable. [Column(\"directory_name\")] [NotNull] public string DirectoryName { get; set; } Property Value string FilenameCollationID Is the collation identifier defined for the FileTable [Column(\"filename_collation_id\")] [NotNull] public object FilenameCollationID { get; set; } Property Value object FilenameCollationName Is the collation name defined for the FileTable. [Column(\"filename_collation_name\")] [NotNull] public object FilenameCollationName { get; set; } Property Value object IsEnabled 1 = FileTable is in 'enabled' state. [Column(\"is_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. For more information, sys.objects (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public object ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.filetable_system_defined_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays a list of the system-defined objects that are related to FileTables. Contains one row for each system-defined object. When you create a FileTable, related objects such as constraints and indexes are created at the same time. You cannot alter or drop these objects; they disappear only when the FileTable itself is dropped. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.filetable_system_defined_objects. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"filetable_system_defined_objects\", IsView = true)] public class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject Inheritance object FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object ID of the system-defined object related to a FileTable. References the object in sys.objects. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID Object ID of the parent FileTable. References the object in sys.objects. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class FilestreamAndFileTableSchema Inheritance object FilestreamAndFileTableSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.Catalog | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.Catalog Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_catalogs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each full-text catalog. note The following columns will be removed in a future release of SQL Server: data_space_id, file_id, and path. Do not use these columns in new development work, and modify applications that currently use any of these columns as soon as possible. See sys.fulltext_catalogs. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_catalogs\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.Catalog Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.Catalog Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataSpaceID Filegroup where this catalog was created. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [Nullable] public int? DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int? FileID File ID of the full-text file associated with the catalog. [Column(\"file_id\")] [Nullable] public int? FileID { get; set; } Property Value int? FulltextCatalogID ID of the full-text catalog. Is unique across the full-text catalogs in the database. [Column(\"fulltext_catalog_id\")] [NotNull] public int FulltextCatalogID { get; set; } Property Value int IsAccentSensitivityOn Accent-sensitivity setting of the catalog. True = Is accent-sensitive. False = Is not accent-sensitive. [Column(\"is_accent_sensitivity_on\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAccentSensitivityOn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDefault The default full-text catalog. True = Is default. False = Is not default. [Column(\"is_default\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool IsImporting Indicates whether the full-text catalog is being imported: 1 = The catalog is being imported. 2 = The catalog is not being imported. [Column(\"is_importing\")] [NotNull] public bool IsImporting { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the catalog. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Path Name of the catalog directory in the file system. [Column(\"path\")] [Nullable] public string? Path { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the database principal that owns the full-text catalog. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class FullTextSearchSchema.DataContext Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties Catalogs sys.fulltext_catalogs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each full-text catalog. note The following columns will be removed in a future release of SQL Server: data_space_id, file_id, and path. Do not use these columns in new development work, and modify applications that currently use any of these columns as soon as possible. See sys.fulltext_catalogs. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.Catalog> Catalogs { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.Catalog> DocumentTypes sys.fulltext_document_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each document type that is available for full-text indexing operations. Each row represents the IFilter interface that is registered in the instance of SQL Server. See sys.fulltext_document_types. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.DocumentType> DocumentTypes { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.DocumentType> IndexCatalogUsages sys.fulltext_index_catalog_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each full-text catalog to full-text index reference. See sys.fulltext_index_catalog_usages. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage> IndexCatalogUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage> IndexColumns sys.fulltext_index_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each column that is part of a full-text index. See sys.fulltext_index_columns. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn> IndexColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn> IndexFragments sys.fulltext_index_fragments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database A fulltext index uses internal tables called *full-text index fragments* to store the inverted index data. This view can be used to query the metadata about these fragments. This view contains a row for each full-text index fragment in every table that contains a full-text index. See sys.fulltext_index_fragments. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexFragment> IndexFragments { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexFragment> Indexes sys.fulltext_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per full-text index of a tabular object. See sys.fulltext_indexes. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.Index> Indexes { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.Index> Languages sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database This catalog view contains one row per language whose word breakers are registered with SQL Server. Each row displays the LCID and name of the language. When word breakers are registered for a language, its other linguistic resources-stemmers, noise words (stopwords), and thesaurus files-become available to full-text indexing/querying operations. The value of name or lcid can be specified in the full-text queries and full-text index Transact\\-SQL statements. See sys.fulltext_languages. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.Language> Languages { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.Language> RegisteredSearchProperties sys.registered_search_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each search property contained by any search property list on the current database. See sys.registered_search_properties. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchProperty> RegisteredSearchProperties { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchProperty> RegisteredSearchPropertyLists sys.registered_search_property_lists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each search property list on the current database. See sys.registered_search_property_lists. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchPropertyList> RegisteredSearchPropertyLists { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchPropertyList> SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabases sys.fulltext_semantic_language_statistics_database (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row about the semantic language statistics database installed on the current instance of SQL Server. You can query this view to find out about the semantic language statistics component required for semantic processing. See sys.fulltext_semantic_language_statistics_database. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabase> SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabases { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabase> SemanticLanguages sys.fulltext_semantic_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each language whose statistics model is registered with the instance of SQL Server. When a language model is registered, that language is enabled for semantic indexing. This catalog view is similar to sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-SQL). See sys.fulltext_semantic_languages. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguage> SemanticLanguages { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguage> StopWords sys.fulltext_stopwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per stopword for all stoplists in the database. See sys.fulltext_stopwords. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.StopWord> StopWords { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.StopWord> Stoplists sys.fulltext_stoplists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per full-text stoplist in the database. See sys.fulltext_stoplists. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.Stoplist> Stoplists { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.Stoplist> SystemStopWords sys.fulltext_system_stopwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Provides access to the system stoplist. See sys.fulltext_system_stopwords. public ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.SystemStopWord> SystemStopWords { get; } Property Value ITable<FullTextSearchSchema.SystemStopWord>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.DocumentType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.DocumentType Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_document_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each document type that is available for full-text indexing operations. Each row represents the IFilter interface that is registered in the instance of SQL Server. See sys.fulltext_document_types. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_document_types\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.DocumentType Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.DocumentType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ClassID GUID of the IFilter class that supports file extension. [Column(\"class_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid ClassID { get; set; } Property Value Guid DocumentTypeColumn The file extension of the supported document type. This value can be used to identify the filter that will be used during full-text indexing of columns of type varbinary(max) or image. [Column(\"document_type\")] [NotNull] public string DocumentTypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string Manufacturer Name of the IFilter manufacturer. Note: Only documents with the manufacturer as Microsoft are supported on SQL Database. [Column(\"manufacturer\")] [Nullable] public string? Manufacturer { get; set; } Property Value string Path The path to the IFilter DLL. The path is only visible to members of the serveradmin fixed server role. [Column(\"path\")] [Nullable] public string? Path { get; set; } Property Value string Version Version of the IFilter DLL. [Column(\"version\")] [NotNull] public string Version { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.Index | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.Index Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per full-text index of a tabular object. See sys.fulltext_indexes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_indexes\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.Index Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.Index Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ChangeTrackingState State of change-tracking. M = Manual A = Auto O = Off [Column(\"change_tracking_state\")] [Nullable] public string? ChangeTrackingState { get; set; } Property Value string ChangeTrackingStateDesc Description of the state of change-tracking. MANUAL AUTO OFF [Column(\"change_tracking_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ChangeTrackingStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string CrawlEndDate End of the current or last crawl. NULL = None. [Column(\"crawl_end_date\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? CrawlEndDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? CrawlStartDate Start of the current or last crawl. NULL = None. [Column(\"crawl_start_date\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? CrawlStartDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? CrawlType Type of the current or last crawl. F = Full crawl I = Incremental, timestamp-based crawl U = Update crawl, based on notifications P = Full crawl is paused. [Column(\"crawl_type\")] [NotNull] public string CrawlType { get; set; } Property Value string CrawlTypeDesc Description of the current or last crawl type. FULL_CRAWL INCREMENTAL_CRAWL UPDATE_CRAWL PAUSED_FULL_CRAWL [Column(\"crawl_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? CrawlTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string DataSpaceID Filegroup where this full-text index resides. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int FulltextCatalogID ID of the full-text catalog in which the full-text index resides. [Column(\"fulltext_catalog_id\")] [Nullable] public int? FulltextCatalogID { get; set; } Property Value int? HasCrawlCompleted Last crawl (population) that the full-text index has completed. [Column(\"has_crawl_completed\")] [NotNull] public bool HasCrawlCompleted { get; set; } Property Value bool IncrementalTimestamp Timestamp value to use for the next incremental crawl. NULL = None. [Column(\"incremental_timestamp\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? IncrementalTimestamp { get; set; } Property Value byte[] IsEnabled 1 = Full-text index is currently enabled. [Column(\"is_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this full-text index belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PropertyListID ID of the search property list that is associated with this full-text index. NULL indicates that no search property list is associated with the full-text index. To obtain more information about this search property list, use the sys.registered_search_property_lists (Transact-SQL) catalog view. [Column(\"property_list_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PropertyListID { get; set; } Property Value int? StoplistID ID of the stoplist that is associated with this full-text index. [Column(\"stoplist_id\")] [Nullable] public int? StoplistID { get; set; } Property Value int? UniqueIndexID ID of the corresponding unique, non-full-text index that is used to relate the full-text index to the rows. [Column(\"unique_index_id\")] [NotNull] public int UniqueIndexID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_index_catalog_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each full-text catalog to full-text index reference. See sys.fulltext_index_catalog_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_index_catalog_usages\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties FulltextCatalogID ID of full-text catalog. [Column(\"fulltext_catalog_id\")] [NotNull] public int FulltextCatalogID { get; set; } Property Value int IndexID ID of full-text index. [Column(\"index_id\")] [Nullable] public int? IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the full-text indexed table. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_index_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each column that is part of a full-text index. See sys.fulltext_index_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_index_columns\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the column that is part of the full-text index. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int LanguageID LCID of language whose word breaker is used to index this full-text column. 0 = Neutral. For more information, see sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"language_id\")] [NotNull] public int LanguageID { get; set; } Property Value int Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object of which this is part. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int StatisticalSemantics 1 = This column has statistical semantics enabled in addition to full-text indexing. [Column(\"statistical_semantics\")] [NotNull] public int StatisticalSemantics { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumnID ID of the type column that stores the user-supplied document file extension-'.doc', '.xls', and so forth-of the document in a given row. The type column is specified only for columns whose data requires filtering during full-text indexing. NULL if not applicable. For more information, see Configure and Manage Filters for Search. [Column(\"type_column_id\")] [Nullable] public int? TypeColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexFragment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexFragment Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_index_fragments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database A fulltext index uses internal tables called *full-text index fragments* to store the inverted index data. This view can be used to query the metadata about these fragments. This view contains a row for each full-text index fragment in every table that contains a full-text index. See sys.fulltext_index_fragments. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_index_fragments\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.IndexFragment Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.IndexFragment Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataSize Logical size of the fragment in bytes. [Column(\"data_size\")] [NotNull] public int DataSize { get; set; } Property Value int FragmentID Logical ID of the full-text index fragment. This is unique across all fragments for this table. [Column(\"fragment_id\")] [NotNull] public int FragmentID { get; set; } Property Value int FragmentObjectID Object ID of the internal table associated with the fragment. [Column(\"fragment_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int FragmentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int RowCount Number of individual rows in the fragment. [Column(\"row_count\")] [NotNull] public int RowCount { get; set; } Property Value int Status Status of the fragment, one of: 0 = Newly created and not yet used 1 = Being used for insert during fulltext index population or merge 4 = Closed. Ready for query 6 = Being used for merge input and ready for query 8 = Marked for deletion. Will not be used for query and merge source. A status of 4 or 6 means that the fragment is part of the logical full-text index and can be queried; that is, it is a queryable fragment. [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public int Status { get; set; } Property Value int TableID Object ID of the table that contains the full-text index fragment. [Column(\"table_id\")] [NotNull] public int TableID { get; set; } Property Value int Timestamp Timestamp associated with the fragment creation. The timestamps of more recent fragments are larger than the timestamps of older fragments. [Column(\"timestamp\")] [NotNull] public object Timestamp { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.Language | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.Language Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database This catalog view contains one row per language whose word breakers are registered with SQL Server. Each row displays the LCID and name of the language. When word breakers are registered for a language, its other linguistic resources-stemmers, noise words (stopwords), and thesaurus files-become available to full-text indexing/querying operations. The value of name or lcid can be specified in the full-text queries and full-text index Transact\\-SQL statements. See sys.fulltext_languages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_languages\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.Language Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.Language Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Lcid Microsoft Windows locale identifier (LCID) for the language. [Column(\"lcid\")] [NotNull] public int Lcid { get; set; } Property Value int Name Is either the value of the alias in sys.syslanguages corresponding to the value of lcid or the string representation of the numeric LCID. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchProperty Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.registered_search_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each search property contained by any search property list on the current database. See sys.registered_search_properties. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"registered_search_properties\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchProperty Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchProperty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties PropertyDescription Description of the property. [Column(\"property_description\")] [Nullable] public string? PropertyDescription { get; set; } Property Value string PropertyID Internal property ID of the search property within the search property list identified by the property_list_id value. When a given property is added to a given search property list, the Full-Text Engine registers the property and assigns it an internal property ID that is specific to that property list. The internal property ID, which is an integer, is unique to a given search property list. If a given property is registered for multiple search property lists, a different internal property ID might be assigned for each search property list. Note: The internal property ID is distinct from the property integer identifier that is specified when adding the property to the search property list. For more information, see Search Document Properties with Search Property Lists. To view all property-related content in the full-text index: sys.dm_fts_index_keywords_by_property (Transact-SQL) [Column(\"property_id\")] [NotNull] public int PropertyID { get; set; } Property Value int PropertyIntID Integer that identifies this search property within the property set. property_int_id is unique within the property set. [Column(\"property_int_id\")] [NotNull] public int PropertyIntID { get; set; } Property Value int PropertyListID ID of the search property list to which this property belongs. [Column(\"property_list_id\")] [NotNull] public int PropertyListID { get; set; } Property Value int PropertyName Name that uniquely identifies this search property in the search property list. Note: To search on a property, specify this property name in the CONTAINS predicate. [Column(\"property_name\")] [NotNull] public string PropertyName { get; set; } Property Value string PropertySetGuid Globally unique identifier GUID that identifies the property set to which the search property belongs. [Column(\"property_set_guid\")] [NotNull] public Guid PropertySetGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchPropertyList | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchPropertyList Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.registered_search_property_lists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each search property list on the current database. See sys.registered_search_property_lists. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"registered_search_property_lists\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchPropertyList Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchPropertyList Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the property list was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime ModifyDate Date the property list was last modified by any ALTER statement. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the property list. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID Owner of the property list. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? PropertyListID ID of the property list. [Column(\"property_list_id\")] [NotNull] public int PropertyListID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_semantic_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each language whose statistics model is registered with the instance of SQL Server. When a language model is registered, that language is enabled for semantic indexing. This catalog view is similar to sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-SQL). See sys.fulltext_semantic_languages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_semantic_languages\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguage Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Lcid Microsoft Windows locale identifier (LCID) for the language. [Column(\"lcid\")] [NotNull] public int Lcid { get; set; } Property Value int Name Is either the value of the alias in sys.syslanguages (Transact-SQL) corresponding to the value of lcid, or the string representation of the numeric LCID. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabase Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_semantic_language_statistics_database (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row about the semantic language statistics database installed on the current instance of SQL Server. You can query this view to find out about the semantic language statistics component required for semantic processing. See sys.fulltext_semantic_language_statistics_database. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_semantic_language_statistics_database\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabase Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabase Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID ID of the database, unique within an instance of SQL Server. [Column(\"database_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int RegisterDate Date the database was registered for semantic processing. [Column(\"register_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime RegisterDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime RegisteredBy ID of the server principal that registered the database for semantic processing. [Column(\"registered_by\")] [NotNull] public int RegisteredBy { get; set; } Property Value int Version The latest version information specific to the semantic language statistics database. [Column(\"version\")] [NotNull] public string Version { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.StopWord | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.StopWord Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_stopwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per stopword for all stoplists in the database. See sys.fulltext_stopwords. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_stopwords\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.StopWord Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.StopWord Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Language Is either the value of the alias in sys.fulltext_languagescorresponding to the value of the locale identifier (LCID), or is the string representation of the numeric LCID. [Column(\"language\")] [NotNull] public string Language { get; set; } Property Value string LanguageID LCID used for word breaking. [Column(\"language_id\")] [NotNull] public int LanguageID { get; set; } Property Value int StopWordColumn The term to be considered for a stop-word match. [Column(\"stopword\")] [NotNull] public string StopWordColumn { get; set; } Property Value string StoplistID ID of the stoplist to which stopword belongs. This ID is unique within the database. [Column(\"stoplist_id\")] [NotNull] public int StoplistID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.Stoplist | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.Stoplist Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_stoplists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per full-text stoplist in the database. See sys.fulltext_stoplists. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_stoplists\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.Stoplist Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.Stoplist Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date that stoplist was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime ModifyDate Date that stoplist was last modified using any ALTER statement. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the stoplist. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the database principal that owns the stoplist. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? StoplistID ID of the stoplist, unique within the database. [Column(\"stoplist_id\")] [NotNull] public int StoplistID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.SystemStopWord | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema.SystemStopWord Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.fulltext_system_stopwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Provides access to the system stoplist. See sys.fulltext_system_stopwords. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"fulltext_system_stopwords\", IsView = true)] public class FullTextSearchSchema.SystemStopWord Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema.SystemStopWord Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties LanguageID Locale identifier (LCID) of the language. This LCID is used for word breaking. [Column(\"language_id\")] [NotNull] public int LanguageID { get; set; } Property Value int StopWord The term that is considered for a stop-word match. [Column(\"stopword\")] [Nullable] public string? StopWord { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class FullTextSearchSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FullTextSearchSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class FullTextSearchSchema Inheritance object FullTextSearchSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.CheckConstraint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.CheckConstraint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CHECK_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each CHECK constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"CHECK_CONSTRAINTS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.CheckConstraint Inheritance object InformationSchema.CheckConstraint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CheckClause Actual text of the Transact-SQL definition statement. [Column(\"CHECK_CLAUSE\")] [Nullable] public string? CheckClause { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintCatalog Constraint qualifier. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintName Constraint name. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ConstraintName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintSchema Name of the schema to which the constraint belongs. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.Column | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.Column Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll COLUMNS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each column that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA_.view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"COLUMNS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.Column Inheritance object InformationSchema.Column Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CharacterMaximumLength Maximum length, in characters, for binary data, character data, or text and image data. -1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. For more information, see Data Types (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterMaximumLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterOctetLength Maximum length, in bytes, for binary data, character data, or text and image data. -1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterOctetLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterSetCatalog Returns master. This indicates the database in which the character set is located, if the column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetName Returns the unique name for the character set if this column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetName { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetSchema { get; set; } Property Value string CollationCatalog Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CollationName Returns the unique name for the collation if the column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"COLLATION_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string CollationSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationSchema { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnDefault Default value of the column. [Column(\"COLUMN_DEFAULT\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnDefault { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnName Column name. [Column(\"COLUMN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string DataType System-supplied data type. [Column(\"DATA_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? DataType { get; set; } Property Value string DatetimePrecision Subtype code for datetime and ISO interval data types. For other data types, NULL is returned. [Column(\"DATETIME_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public short? DatetimePrecision { get; set; } Property Value short? DomainCatalog If the column is an alias data type, this column is the database name in which the user-defined data type was created. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"DOMAIN_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string DomainName If the column is a user-defined data type, this column is the name of the user-defined data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"DOMAIN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainName { get; set; } Property Value string DomainSchema If the column is a user-defined data type, this column returns the name of the schema of the user-defined data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of a data type. The only reliable way to find the schema of a type is to use the TYPEPROPERTY function. [Column(\"DOMAIN_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainSchema { get; set; } Property Value string IsNullable Nullability of the column. If this column allows for NULL, this column returns YES. Otherwise, NO is returned. [Column(\"IS_NULLABLE\")] [Nullable] public string? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value string NumericPrecision Precision of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public byte? NumericPrecision { get; set; } Property Value byte? NumericPrecisionRadix Precision radix of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX\")] [Nullable] public short? NumericPrecisionRadix { get; set; } Property Value short? NumericScale Scale of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"NUMERIC_SCALE\")] [Nullable] public int? NumericScale { get; set; } Property Value int? OrdinalPosition Column identification number. [Column(\"ORDINAL_POSITION\")] [Nullable] public int? OrdinalPosition { get; set; } Property Value int? TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.ColumnDomainUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.ColumnDomainUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column in the current database that has an alias data type. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.ColumnDomainUsage Inheritance object InformationSchema.ColumnDomainUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnName Column using the alias data type. [Column(\"COLUMN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string DomainCatalog Database in which the alias data type exists. [Column(\"DOMAIN_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string DomainName Alias data type. [Column(\"DOMAIN_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string DomainName { get; set; } Property Value string DomainSchema Name of schema that contains the alias data type. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of a data type. The only reliable way to find the schema of a type is to use the TYPEPROPERTY function. [Column(\"DOMAIN_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainSchema { get; set; } Property Value string TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table in which the alias data type is used. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Table owner. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.ColumnPrivilege | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.ColumnPrivilege Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll COLUMN_PRIVILEGES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column that has a privilege that is either granted to or granted by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"COLUMN_PRIVILEGES\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.ColumnPrivilege Inheritance object InformationSchema.ColumnPrivilege Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnName Column name. [Column(\"COLUMN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string Grantee Privilege grantee. [Column(\"GRANTEE\")] [Nullable] public string? Grantee { get; set; } Property Value string Grantor Privilege grantor. [Column(\"GRANTOR\")] [Nullable] public string? Grantor { get; set; } Property Value string IsGrantable Specifies whether the grantee can grant permissions to others. [Column(\"IS_GRANTABLE\")] [Nullable] public string? IsGrantable { get; set; } Property Value string PrivilegeType Type of privilege. [Column(\"PRIVILEGE_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? PrivilegeType { get; set; } Property Value string TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.ConstraintColumnUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.ConstraintColumnUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column in the current database that has a constraint defined on the column. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.ConstraintColumnUsage Inheritance object InformationSchema.ConstraintColumnUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnName Column name. [Column(\"COLUMN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintCatalog Constraint qualifier. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintName Constraint name. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ConstraintName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintSchema Name of schema that contains the constraint. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintSchema { get; set; } Property Value string TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table owner. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.ConstraintTableUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.ConstraintTableUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table in the current database that has a constraint defined on the table. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.ConstraintTableUsage Inheritance object InformationSchema.ConstraintTableUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConstraintCatalog Constraint qualifier. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintName Constraint name. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ConstraintName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintSchema Name of schema that contains the constraint. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintSchema { get; set; } Property Value string TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class InformationSchema.DataContext Inheritance object InformationSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties CheckConstraints CHECK_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each CHECK constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS. public ITable<InformationSchema.CheckConstraint> CheckConstraints { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.CheckConstraint> ColumnDomainUsages COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column in the current database that has an alias data type. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE. public ITable<InformationSchema.ColumnDomainUsage> ColumnDomainUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.ColumnDomainUsage> ColumnPrivileges COLUMN_PRIVILEGES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column that has a privilege that is either granted to or granted by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES. public ITable<InformationSchema.ColumnPrivilege> ColumnPrivileges { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.ColumnPrivilege> Columns COLUMNS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each column that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA_.view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS. public ITable<InformationSchema.Column> Columns { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.Column> ConstraintColumnUsages CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column in the current database that has a constraint defined on the column. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE. public ITable<InformationSchema.ConstraintColumnUsage> ConstraintColumnUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.ConstraintColumnUsage> ConstraintTableUsages CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table in the current database that has a constraint defined on the table. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE. public ITable<InformationSchema.ConstraintTableUsage> ConstraintTableUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.ConstraintTableUsage> DomainConstraints DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each alias data type in the current database that has a rule bound to it and that can be accessed by current user. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS. public ITable<InformationSchema.DomainConstraint> DomainConstraints { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.DomainConstraint> Domains DOMAINS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each alias data type that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAINS. public ITable<InformationSchema.Domain> Domains { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.Domain> KeyColumnUsages KEY_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column that is constrained as a key in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE. public ITable<InformationSchema.KeyColumnUsage> KeyColumnUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.KeyColumnUsage> Parameters PARAMETERS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each parameter of a user-defined function or stored procedure that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. For functions, this view also returns one row with return value information. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS. public ITable<InformationSchema.Parameter> Parameters { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.Parameter> ReferentialConstraints REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each FOREIGN KEY constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS. public ITable<InformationSchema.ReferentialConstraint> ReferentialConstraints { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.ReferentialConstraint> RoutineColumns ROUTINE_COLUMNS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column returned by the table-valued functions that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from this view, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINE_COLUMNS. public ITable<InformationSchema.RoutineColumn> RoutineColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.RoutineColumn> Routines ROUTINES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each stored procedure and function that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. The columns that describe the return value apply only to functions. For stored procedures, these columns will be NULL. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.*view_name*. note The ROUTINE_DEFINITION column contains the source statements that created the function or stored procedure. These source statements are likely to contain embedded carriage returns. If you are returning this column to an application that displays the results in a text format, the embedded carriage returns in the ROUTINE_DEFINITION results may affect the formatting of the overall result set. If you select the ROUTINE_DEFINITION column, you must adjust for the embedded carriage returns; for example, by returning the result set into a grid or returning ROUTINE_DEFINITION into its own text box. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES. public ITable<InformationSchema.Routine> Routines { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.Routine> Schemata SCHEMATA (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each schema in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. To retrieve information about all databases in an instance of SQL Server, query the sys.databases (Transact-SQL) catalog view. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA. public ITable<InformationSchema.Schema> Schemata { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.Schema> TableConstraints TABLE_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS. public ITable<InformationSchema.TableConstraint> TableConstraints { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.TableConstraint> TablePrivileges TABLE_PRIVILEGES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table privilege that is granted to or granted by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_PRIVILEGES. public ITable<InformationSchema.TablePrivilege> TablePrivileges { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.TablePrivilege> Tables TABLES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each table or view in the current database for which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES. public ITable<InformationSchema.Table> Tables { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.Table> ViewColumnUsages VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each column in the current database that is used in a view definition. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE. public ITable<InformationSchema.ViewColumnUsage> ViewColumnUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.ViewColumnUsage> ViewTableUsages VIEW_TABLE_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each table in the current database that is used in a view. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_TABLE_USAGE. public ITable<InformationSchema.ViewTableUsage> ViewTableUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.ViewTableUsage> Views VIEWS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for views that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS. public ITable<InformationSchema.View> Views { get; } Property Value ITable<InformationSchema.View>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.Domain | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.Domain Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll DOMAINS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each alias data type that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAINS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"DOMAINS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.Domain Inheritance object InformationSchema.Domain Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CharacterMaximumLength Maximum length, in characters, for binary data, character data, or text and image data. -1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. For more information, see Data Types (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterMaximumLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterOctetLength Maximum length, in bytes, for binary data, character data, or text and image data. -1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterOctetLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterSetCatalog Returns master. This indicates the database in which the character set is located, if the column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetName Returns the unique name for the character set if this column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetName { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetSchema { get; set; } Property Value string CollationCatalog Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CollationName Returns the unique name for the sort order if the column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"COLLATION_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string CollationSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationSchema { get; set; } Property Value string DataType System-supplied data type. [Column(\"DATA_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? DataType { get; set; } Property Value string DatetimePrecision Subtype code for datetime and ISO interval data type. For other data types, this column returns a NULL. [Column(\"DATETIME_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public short? DatetimePrecision { get; set; } Property Value short? DomainCatalog Database in which the alias data type exists. [Column(\"DOMAIN_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string DomainDefault Actual text of the definition Transact-SQL statement. [Column(\"DOMAIN_DEFAULT\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainDefault { get; set; } Property Value string DomainName Alias data type. [Column(\"DOMAIN_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string DomainName { get; set; } Property Value string DomainSchema Name of the schema that contains the alias data type. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of a data type. The only reliable way to find the schema of a type is to use the TYPEPROPERTY function. [Column(\"DOMAIN_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainSchema { get; set; } Property Value string NumericPrecision Precision of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public byte? NumericPrecision { get; set; } Property Value byte? NumericPrecisionRadix Precision radix of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX\")] [Nullable] public short? NumericPrecisionRadix { get; set; } Property Value short? NumericScale Scale of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, NULL is returned. [Column(\"NUMERIC_SCALE\")] [Nullable] public byte? NumericScale { get; set; } Property Value byte?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.DomainConstraint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.DomainConstraint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each alias data type in the current database that has a rule bound to it and that can be accessed by current user. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.DomainConstraint Inheritance object InformationSchema.DomainConstraint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConstraintCatalog Database in which the rule exists. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintName Rule name. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ConstraintName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintSchema Name of schema that contains the constraint. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintSchema { get; set; } Property Value string DomainCatalog Database in which the alias data type exists. [Column(\"DOMAIN_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string DomainName Alias data type. [Column(\"DOMAIN_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string DomainName { get; set; } Property Value string DomainSchema Name of schema that contains the alias data type. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of a data type. The only reliable way to find the schema of a type is to use the TYPEPROPERTY function. [Column(\"DOMAIN_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainSchema { get; set; } Property Value string InitiallyDeferred Specifies whether constraint checking is at first deferred. Always returns NO. [Column(\"INITIALLY_DEFERRED\")] [NotNull] public string InitiallyDeferred { get; set; } Property Value string IsDeferrable Specifies whether constraint checking is deferrable. Always returns NO. [Column(\"IS_DEFERRABLE\")] [NotNull] public string IsDeferrable { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.KeyColumnUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.KeyColumnUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll KEY_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column that is constrained as a key in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"KEY_COLUMN_USAGE\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.KeyColumnUsage Inheritance object InformationSchema.KeyColumnUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnName Column name. [Column(\"COLUMN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintCatalog Constraint qualifier. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintName Constraint name. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ConstraintName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintSchema Name of schema that contains the constraint. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintSchema { get; set; } Property Value string OrdinalPosition Column ordinal position. [Column(\"ORDINAL_POSITION\")] [NotNull] public int OrdinalPosition { get; set; } Property Value int TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.Parameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.Parameter Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll PARAMETERS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each parameter of a user-defined function or stored procedure that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. For functions, this view also returns one row with return value information. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"PARAMETERS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.Parameter Inheritance object InformationSchema.Parameter Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AsLocator Returns YES if declared as locator. Otherwise, returns NO. [Column(\"AS_LOCATOR\")] [Nullable] public string? AsLocator { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterMaximumLength Maximum length in characters for binary or character data types. -1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterMaximumLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterOctetLength Maximum length, in bytes, for binary or character data types. -1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterOctetLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterSetCatalog Catalog name of the character set of the parameter. If not one of the character types, returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetName Name of the character set of the parameter. If not one of the character types, returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetName { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetSchema { get; set; } Property Value string CollationCatalog Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CollationName Name of the collation of the parameter. If not one of the character types, returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string CollationSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationSchema { get; set; } Property Value string DataType System-supplied data type. [Column(\"DATA_TYPE\")] [NotNull] public string DataType { get; set; } Property Value string DatetimePrecision Precision in fractional seconds if the parameter type is datetime or smalldatetime. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"DATETIME_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public short? DatetimePrecision { get; set; } Property Value short? IntervalPrecision NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"INTERVAL_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public short? IntervalPrecision { get; set; } Property Value short? IntervalType NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"INTERVAL_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? IntervalType { get; set; } Property Value string IsResult Returns YES if indicates result of the routine that is a function. Otherwise, returns NO. [Column(\"IS_RESULT\")] [Nullable] public string? IsResult { get; set; } Property Value string NumericPrecision Precision of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public byte? NumericPrecision { get; set; } Property Value byte? NumericPrecisionRadix Precision radix of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX\")] [Nullable] public short? NumericPrecisionRadix { get; set; } Property Value short? NumericScale Scale of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_SCALE\")] [Nullable] public byte? NumericScale { get; set; } Property Value byte? OrdinalPosition Ordinal position of the parameter starting at 1. For the return value of a function, this is a 0. [Column(\"ORDINAL_POSITION\")] [NotNull] public int OrdinalPosition { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterMode Returns IN if an input parameter, OUT if an output parameter, and INOUT if an input/output parameter. [Column(\"PARAMETER_MODE\")] [Nullable] public string? ParameterMode { get; set; } Property Value string ParameterName Name of the parameter. NULL if this corresponds to the return value of a function. [Column(\"PARAMETER_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ParameterName { get; set; } Property Value string ScopeCatalog NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"SCOPE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ScopeCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ScopeName NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"SCOPE_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ScopeName { get; set; } Property Value string ScopeSchema NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"SCOPE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ScopeSchema { get; set; } Property Value string SpecificCatalog Catalog name of the routine for which this is a parameter. [Column(\"SPECIFIC_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? SpecificCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string SpecificName Name of the routine for which this is a parameter. [Column(\"SPECIFIC_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string SpecificName { get; set; } Property Value string SpecificSchema Name of the schema of the routine for which this is a parameter. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"SPECIFIC_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? SpecificSchema { get; set; } Property Value string UserDefinedTypeCatalog NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"USER_DEFINED_TYPE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? UserDefinedTypeCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string UserDefinedTypeName NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"USER_DEFINED_TYPE_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? UserDefinedTypeName { get; set; } Property Value string UserDefinedTypeSchema NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"USER_DEFINED_TYPE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? UserDefinedTypeSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.ReferentialConstraint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.ReferentialConstraint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each FOREIGN KEY constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.ReferentialConstraint Inheritance object InformationSchema.ReferentialConstraint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConstraintCatalog Constraint qualifier. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintName Constraint name. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ConstraintName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintSchema Name of schema that contains the constraint. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintSchema { get; set; } Property Value string DeleteRule Action taken when a Transact-SQL statement violates referential integrity defined by this constraint. Returns one of the following: NO ACTION CASCADE SET NULL SET DEFAULT If NO ACTION is specified on ON DELETE for this constraint, the delete on the primary key that is referenced in the constraint will not be propagated to the foreign key. If such a delete of a primary key will cause a referential integrity violation because at least one foreign key contains the same value, SQL Server will not make any change to the parent and referring tables. SQL Server also will raise an error. If CASCADE is specified on ON DELETE on this constraint, any change to the primary key value is automatically propagated to the foreign key value. [Column(\"DELETE_RULE\")] [Nullable] public string? DeleteRule { get; set; } Property Value string MatchOption Referential constraint-matching conditions. Always returns SIMPLE. This means that no match is defined. The condition is considered a match when one of the following is true: At least one value in the foreign key column is NULL. All values in the foreign key column are not NULL, and there is a row in the primary key table that has the same key. [Column(\"MATCH_OPTION\")] [Nullable] public string? MatchOption { get; set; } Property Value string UniqueConstraintCatalog UNIQUE constraint qualifier. [Column(\"UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? UniqueConstraintCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string UniqueConstraintName UNIQUE constraint. [Column(\"UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? UniqueConstraintName { get; set; } Property Value string UniqueConstraintSchema Name of schema that contains the UNIQUE constraint. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? UniqueConstraintSchema { get; set; } Property Value string UpdateRule Action taken when a Transact-SQL statement violates the referential integrity that is defined by this constraint. Returns one of the following: NO ACTION CASCADE SET NULL SET DEFAULT If NO ACTION is specified on ON UPDATE for this constraint, the update of the primary key that is referenced in the constraint will not be propagated to the foreign key. If such an update of a primary key will cause a referential integrity violation because at least one foreign key contains the same value, SQL Server will not make any change to the parent and referring tables. SQL Server also will raise an error. If CASCADE is specified on ON UPDATE for this constraint, any change to the primary key value is automatically propagated to the foreign key value. [Column(\"UPDATE_RULE\")] [Nullable] public string? UpdateRule { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.Routine | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.Routine Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll ROUTINES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each stored procedure and function that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. The columns that describe the return value apply only to functions. For stored procedures, these columns will be NULL. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.*view_name*. note The ROUTINE_DEFINITION column contains the source statements that created the function or stored procedure. These source statements are likely to contain embedded carriage returns. If you are returning this column to an application that displays the results in a text format, the embedded carriage returns in the ROUTINE_DEFINITION results may affect the formatting of the overall result set. If you select the ROUTINE_DEFINITION column, you must adjust for the embedded carriage returns; for example, by returning the result set into a grid or returning ROUTINE_DEFINITION into its own text box. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"ROUTINES\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.Routine Inheritance object InformationSchema.Routine Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CharacterMaximumLength Maximum length in characters, if the return type is a character type. -1 for xml and large-value type data. [Column(\"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterMaximumLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterOctetLength Maximum length in bytes, if the return type is a character type. -1 for xml and large-value type data. [Column(\"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterOctetLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterSetCatalog Always returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetName Name of the character set of the return value. For noncharacter types, returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetName { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetSchema { get; set; } Property Value string CollationCatalog Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CollationName Collation name of the return value. For noncharacter types, returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string CollationSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationSchema { get; set; } Property Value string Created Time when the routine was created. [Column(\"CREATED\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Created { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DataType Data type of the return value of the function. Returns table if a table-valued function. [Column(\"DATA_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? DataType { get; set; } Property Value string DatetimePrecision Fractional precision of a second if the return value is of type datetime. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"DATETIME_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public short? DatetimePrecision { get; set; } Property Value short? DtdIdentifier NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"DTD_IDENTIFIER\")] [Nullable] public string? DtdIdentifier { get; set; } Property Value string ExternalLanguage NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"EXTERNAL_LANGUAGE\")] [Nullable] public string? ExternalLanguage { get; set; } Property Value string ExternalName NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"EXTERNAL_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ExternalName { get; set; } Property Value string IntervalPrecision NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"INTERVAL_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public short? IntervalPrecision { get; set; } Property Value short? IntervalType NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"INTERVAL_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? IntervalType { get; set; } Property Value string IsDeterministic Returns YES if the routine is deterministic. Returns NO if the routine is nondeterministic. Always returns NO for stored procedures. [Column(\"IS_DETERMINISTIC\")] [Nullable] public string? IsDeterministic { get; set; } Property Value string IsImplicitlyInvocable Returns YES if the routine can be implicitly invoked, and NO if function cannot be implicitly invoked. Always returns NO. [Column(\"IS_IMPLICITLY_INVOCABLE\")] [Nullable] public string? IsImplicitlyInvocable { get; set; } Property Value string IsNullCall Indicates whether the routine will be called if any one of its arguments is NULL. [Column(\"IS_NULL_CALL\")] [Nullable] public string? IsNullCall { get; set; } Property Value string IsUserDefinedCast Returns YES if user-defined cast function, and NO if not a user-defined cast function. Always returns NO. [Column(\"IS_USER_DEFINED_CAST\")] [Nullable] public string? IsUserDefinedCast { get; set; } Property Value string LastAltered The last time the function was modified. [Column(\"LAST_ALTERED\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastAltered { get; set; } Property Value DateTime MaxDynamicResultSets Maximum number of dynamic result sets returned by routine. Returns 0 if functions. [Column(\"MAX_DYNAMIC_RESULT_SETS\")] [Nullable] public short? MaxDynamicResultSets { get; set; } Property Value short? MaximumCardinality NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"MAXIMUM_CARDINALITY\")] [Nullable] public long? MaximumCardinality { get; set; } Property Value long? ModuleCatalog NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"MODULE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ModuleCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ModuleName NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"MODULE_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ModuleName { get; set; } Property Value string ModuleSchema NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"MODULE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ModuleSchema { get; set; } Property Value string NumericPrecision Numeric precision of the return value. For the nonnumeric types, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public short? NumericPrecision { get; set; } Property Value short? NumericPrecisionRadix Numeric precision radix of the return value. For nonnumeric types, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX\")] [Nullable] public short? NumericPrecisionRadix { get; set; } Property Value short? NumericScale Scale of the return value. For nonnumeric types, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_SCALE\")] [Nullable] public short? NumericScale { get; set; } Property Value short? ParameterStyle NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"PARAMETER_STYLE\")] [Nullable] public string? ParameterStyle { get; set; } Property Value string RoutineBody Returns SQL for a Transact-SQL function and EXTERNAL for an externally written function. Functions will always be SQL. [Column(\"ROUTINE_BODY\")] [Nullable] public string? RoutineBody { get; set; } Property Value string RoutineCatalog Catalog name of the function. [Column(\"ROUTINE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? RoutineCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string RoutineDefinition Returns the first 4000 characters of the definition text of the function or stored procedure if the function or stored procedure is not encrypted. Otherwise, returns NULL. To ensure that you obtain the complete definition, query the OBJECT_DEFINITION function or the definition column in the sys.sql_modules catalog view. [Column(\"ROUTINE_DEFINITION\")] [Nullable] public string? RoutineDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string RoutineName Name of the function. [Column(\"ROUTINE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string RoutineName { get; set; } Property Value string RoutineSchema Name of the schema that contains this function. Important *</strong>* Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"ROUTINE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? RoutineSchema { get; set; } Property Value string RoutineType Returns PROCEDURE for stored procedures, and FUNCTION for functions. [Column(\"ROUTINE_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? RoutineType { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaLevelRoutine Returns YES if schema-level function, or NO if not a schema-level function. Always returns YES. [Column(\"SCHEMA_LEVEL_ROUTINE\")] [Nullable] public string? SchemaLevelRoutine { get; set; } Property Value string ScopeCatalog NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"SCOPE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ScopeCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ScopeName NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"SCOPE_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ScopeName { get; set; } Property Value string ScopeSchema NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"SCOPE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ScopeSchema { get; set; } Property Value string SpecificCatalog Specific name of the catalog. This name is the same as ROUTINE_CATALOG. [Column(\"SPECIFIC_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? SpecificCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string SpecificName Specific name of the catalog. This name is the same as ROUTINE_NAME. [Column(\"SPECIFIC_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string SpecificName { get; set; } Property Value string SpecificSchema Specific name of the schema. Important *</strong>* Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"SPECIFIC_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? SpecificSchema { get; set; } Property Value string SqlDataAccess Returns one of the following values: NONE = Function does not contain SQL. CONTAINS = Function possibly contains SQL. READS = Function possibly reads SQL data. MODIFIES = Function possibly modifies SQL data. Returns READS for all functions, and MODIFIES for all stored procedures. [Column(\"SQL_DATA_ACCESS\")] [Nullable] public string? SqlDataAccess { get; set; } Property Value string SqlPath NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"SQL_PATH\")] [Nullable] public string? SqlPath { get; set; } Property Value string TypeUdtCatalog NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"TYPE_UDT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeUdtCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TypeUdtName NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"TYPE_UDT_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeUdtName { get; set; } Property Value string TypeUdtSchema NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"TYPE_UDT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeUdtSchema { get; set; } Property Value string UdtCatalog NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"UDT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? UdtCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string UdtName NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"UDT_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? UdtName { get; set; } Property Value string UdtSchema NULL. Reserved for future use. [Column(\"UDT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? UdtSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.RoutineColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.RoutineColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll ROUTINE_COLUMNS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column returned by the table-valued functions that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from this view, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINE_COLUMNS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"ROUTINE_COLUMNS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.RoutineColumn Inheritance object InformationSchema.RoutineColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CharacterMaximumLength Maximum length, in characters, for binary data, character data, or text and image data. -1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, returns NULL. For more information, see Data Types (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterMaximumLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterOctetLength Maximum length, in bytes, for binary data, character data, or text and image data. -1 for xml and large-value type data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH\")] [Nullable] public int? CharacterOctetLength { get; set; } Property Value int? CharacterSetCatalog Returns master. This indicates the database in which the character set is located if the column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetName Returns the unique name for the character set if this column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetName { get; set; } Property Value string CharacterSetSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CharacterSetSchema { get; set; } Property Value string CollationCatalog Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string CollationName Returns the unique name for the sort order if the column is character data or text data type. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string CollationSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"COLLATION_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationSchema { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnDefault Default value of the column. [Column(\"COLUMN_DEFAULT\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnDefault { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnName Column name. [Column(\"COLUMN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string DataType System-supplied data type. [Column(\"DATA_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? DataType { get; set; } Property Value string DatetimePrecision Subtype code for datetime and ISOinteger data types. For other data types, returns NULL. [Column(\"DATETIME_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public short? DatetimePrecision { get; set; } Property Value short? DomainCatalog If the column is an alias data type, this column is the database name in which the user-defined data type was created. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"DOMAIN_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string DomainName If the column is a user-defined data type, this column is the name of the user-defined data type. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"DOMAIN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainName { get; set; } Property Value string DomainSchema If the column is a user-defined data type, this column is the name of the schema that contains the user-defined data type. Otherwise, returns NULL. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"DOMAIN_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? DomainSchema { get; set; } Property Value string IsNullable If this column allows for NULL, returns YES. Otherwise, returns NO. [Column(\"IS_NULLABLE\")] [Nullable] public string? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value string NumericPrecision Precision of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION\")] [Nullable] public byte? NumericPrecision { get; set; } Property Value byte? NumericPrecisionRadix Precision radix of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX\")] [Nullable] public short? NumericPrecisionRadix { get; set; } Property Value short? NumericScale Scale of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. Otherwise, returns NULL. [Column(\"NUMERIC_SCALE\")] [Nullable] public byte? NumericScale { get; set; } Property Value byte? OrdinalPosition Column identification number. [Column(\"ORDINAL_POSITION\")] [NotNull] public int OrdinalPosition { get; set; } Property Value int TableCatalog Catalog or database name of the table-valued function. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Name of the table-valued function. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of the schema that contains the table-valued function. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.Schema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.Schema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll SCHEMATA (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each schema in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. To retrieve information about all databases in an instance of SQL Server, query the sys.databases (Transact-SQL) catalog view. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"SCHEMATA\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.Schema Inheritance object InformationSchema.Schema Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CatalogName Name of current database [Column(\"CATALOG_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? CatalogName { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultCharacterSetCatalog Always returns NULL. [Column(\"DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultCharacterSetCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultCharacterSetName Returns the name of the default character set. [Column(\"DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultCharacterSetName { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultCharacterSetSchema Always returns NULL. [Column(\"DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultCharacterSetSchema { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaName Returns the name of the schema. [Column(\"SCHEMA_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string SchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaOwner Schema owner name. Important Do not use INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to determine the schema of an object. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views only represent a subset of the metadata of an object. The only reliable way to find the schema of an object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"SCHEMA_OWNER\")] [Nullable] public string? SchemaOwner { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.Table | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.Table Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll TABLES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each table or view in the current database for which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"TABLES\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.Table Inheritance object InformationSchema.Table Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table or view name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table. Important only reliable way to find the schema of an object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. INFORMATION_SCHEMA views could be incomplete since they are not updated for all new features. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string TableType Type of table. Can be VIEW or BASE TABLE. [Column(\"TABLE_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? TableType { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.TableConstraint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.TableConstraint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll TABLE_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"TABLE_CONSTRAINTS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.TableConstraint Inheritance object InformationSchema.TableConstraint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConstraintCatalog Constraint qualifier. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintName Constraint name. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ConstraintName { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintSchema Name of schema that contains the constraint. Important only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintSchema { get; set; } Property Value string ConstraintType Type of constraint: CHECK UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY [Column(\"CONSTRAINT_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? ConstraintType { get; set; } Property Value string InitiallyDeferred Specifies whether constraint checking is at first deferred. Always returns NO. [Column(\"INITIALLY_DEFERRED\")] [NotNull] public string InitiallyDeferred { get; set; } Property Value string IsDeferrable Specifies whether constraint checking is deferrable. Always returns NO. [Column(\"IS_DEFERRABLE\")] [NotNull] public string IsDeferrable { get; set; } Property Value string TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table. Important only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.TablePrivilege | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.TablePrivilege Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll TABLE_PRIVILEGES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table privilege that is granted to or granted by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_PRIVILEGES. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"TABLE_PRIVILEGES\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.TablePrivilege Inheritance object InformationSchema.TablePrivilege Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Grantee Privilege grantee. [Column(\"GRANTEE\")] [Nullable] public string? Grantee { get; set; } Property Value string Grantor Privilege grantor. [Column(\"GRANTOR\")] [Nullable] public string? Grantor { get; set; } Property Value string IsGrantable Specifies whether the grantee can grant permissions to others. [Column(\"IS_GRANTABLE\")] [Nullable] public string? IsGrantable { get; set; } Property Value string PrivilegeType Type of privilege. [Column(\"PRIVILEGE_TYPE\")] [Nullable] public string? PrivilegeType { get; set; } Property Value string TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Table name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table. Important only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.View | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.View Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll VIEWS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for views that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"VIEWS\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.View Inheritance object InformationSchema.View Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CheckOption Type of WITH CHECK OPTION. Is CASCADE if the original view was created by using the WITH CHECK OPTION. Otherwise, NONE is returned. [Column(\"CHECK_OPTION\")] [Nullable] public string? CheckOption { get; set; } Property Value string IsUpdatable Specifies whether the view is updatable. Always returns NO. [Column(\"IS_UPDATABLE\")] [NotNull] public string IsUpdatable { get; set; } Property Value string TableCatalog View qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName View name. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the view. Important only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string ViewDefinition If the length of definition is larger than nvarchar(4000), this column is NULL. Otherwise, this column is the view definition text. [Column(\"VIEW_DEFINITION\")] [Nullable] public string? ViewDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.ViewColumnUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.ViewColumnUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each column in the current database that is used in a view definition. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.ViewColumnUsage Inheritance object InformationSchema.ViewColumnUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnName Column name. [Column(\"COLUMN_NAME\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Base table. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the table. Important only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string ViewCatalog View qualifier. [Column(\"VIEW_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ViewCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ViewName View name. [Column(\"VIEW_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ViewName { get; set; } Property Value string ViewSchema Name of schema that contains the view. Important only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"VIEW_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ViewSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema.ViewTableUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema.ViewTableUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll VIEW_TABLE_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each table in the current database that is used in a view. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_TABLE_USAGE. [Table(Schema = \"INFORMATION_SCHEMA\", Name = \"VIEW_TABLE_USAGE\", IsView = true)] public class InformationSchema.ViewTableUsage Inheritance object InformationSchema.ViewTableUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties TableCatalog Table qualifier. [Column(\"TABLE_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? TableCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Base table that the view is based on. [Column(\"TABLE_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableSchema Name of schema that contains the base table. Important only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"TABLE_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? TableSchema { get; set; } Property Value string ViewCatalog View qualifier. [Column(\"VIEW_CATALOG\")] [Nullable] public string? ViewCatalog { get; set; } Property Value string ViewName View name. [Column(\"VIEW_NAME\")] [NotNull] public string ViewName { get; set; } Property Value string ViewSchema Name of schema that contains the view. Important only reliable way to find the schema of a object is to query the sys.objects catalog view. [Column(\"VIEW_SCHEMA\")] [Nullable] public string? ViewSchema { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class InformationSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformationSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class InformationSchema Inheritance object InformationSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class LinkedServersSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinkedServersSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class LinkedServersSchema.DataContext Inheritance object LinkedServersSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties LinkedLogins sys.linked_logins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per linked-server-login mapping, for use by RPC and distributed queries from local server to the corresponding linked server. See sys.linked_logins. public ITable<LinkedServersSchema.LinkedLogin> LinkedLogins { get; } Property Value ITable<LinkedServersSchema.LinkedLogin> RemoteLogins sys.remote_logins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per remote-login mapping. This catalog view is used to map incoming local logins that claim to be coming from a corresponding server to an actual local login. See sys.remote_logins. public ITable<LinkedServersSchema.RemoteLogin> RemoteLogins { get; } Property Value ITable<LinkedServersSchema.RemoteLogin> Servers sys.servers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains a row per linked or remote server registered, and a row for the local server that has server_id = 0. See sys.servers. public ITable<LinkedServersSchema.Server> Servers { get; } Property Value ITable<LinkedServersSchema.Server>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class LinkedServersSchema.LinkedLogin | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinkedServersSchema.LinkedLogin Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.linked_logins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per linked-server-login mapping, for use by RPC and distributed queries from local server to the corresponding linked server. See sys.linked_logins. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"linked_logins\", IsView = true)] public class LinkedServersSchema.LinkedLogin Inheritance object LinkedServersSchema.LinkedLogin Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties LocalPrincipalID Server-principal to whom mapping applies. 0 = wildcard or public. [Column(\"local_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? LocalPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ModifyDate Date the linked login was last changed. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime RemoteName Remote user name to use when connecting. Password is also stored, but not exposed in catalog view interfaces. [Column(\"remote_name\")] [Nullable] public string? RemoteName { get; set; } Property Value string ServerID ID of the server in sys.servers. [Column(\"server_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServerID { get; set; } Property Value int UsesSelfCredential If 1, mapping indicates session should use its own credentials; otherwise, 0 indicates that session uses the name and password that are supplied. [Column(\"uses_self_credential\")] [NotNull] public bool UsesSelfCredential { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class LinkedServersSchema.RemoteLogin | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinkedServersSchema.RemoteLogin Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.remote_logins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per remote-login mapping. This catalog view is used to map incoming local logins that claim to be coming from a corresponding server to an actual local login. See sys.remote_logins. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"remote_logins\", IsView = true)] public class LinkedServersSchema.RemoteLogin Inheritance object LinkedServersSchema.RemoteLogin Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties LocalPrincipalID ID of the server principal to whom the login is mapped. If 0, the remote login is mapped to the login with the same name. [Column(\"local_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? LocalPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ModifyDate Date the linked login was last changed. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime RemoteName Login name that the connection will supply to be mapped. If NULL, the login name that is specified in the connection is used. [Column(\"remote_name\")] [Nullable] public string? RemoteName { get; set; } Property Value string ServerID ID of the server in sys.servers. This name is supplied by the connection from the 'remote' server. [Column(\"server_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServerID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class LinkedServersSchema.Server | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinkedServersSchema.Server Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.servers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains a row per linked or remote server registered, and a row for the local server that has server_id = 0. See sys.servers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"servers\", IsView = true)] public class LinkedServersSchema.Server Inheritance object LinkedServersSchema.Server Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Catalog OLE DB catalog connection property. NULL if none. [Column(\"catalog\")] [Nullable] public string? Catalog { get; set; } Property Value string CollationName Name of collation to use, or NULL if just use local. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string ConnectTimeout Connect time-out in seconds, 0 if none. [Column(\"connect_timeout\")] [Nullable] public int? ConnectTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int? DataSource OLE DB data source connection property. [Column(\"data_source\")] [Nullable] public string? DataSource { get; set; } Property Value string IsCollationCompatible Collation of remote data is assumed to be compatible with local data if no collation information is available. [Column(\"is_collation_compatible\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCollationCompatible { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDataAccessEnabled Server is enabled for distributed queries. [Column(\"is_data_access_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDataAccessEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDistributor Server is a replication Distributor. [Column(\"is_distributor\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDistributor { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsLinked 0 = Is an old-style server added by using sp_addserver, with different RPC and distributed-transaction behavior. 1 = Standard linked server. [Column(\"is_linked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsLinked { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNonsqlSubscriber Server is a non-SQL Server replication Subscriber. [Column(\"is_nonsql_subscriber\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNonsqlSubscriber { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublisher Server is a replication Publisher. [Column(\"is_publisher\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublisher { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRdaServer Applies to: Starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x). Server is remote data archive enable (stretch-enabled). For more information, see Enable Stretch Database on the server. [Column(\"is_rda_server\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRdaServer { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRemoteLoginEnabled RPC option is set enabling incoming remote logins for this server. [Column(\"is_remote_login_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRemoteLoginEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRemoteProcTransactionPromotionEnabled If 1, calling a remote stored procedure starts a distributed transaction and enlists the transaction with MS DTC. For more information, see sp_serveroption (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"is_remote_proc_transaction_promotion_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRemoteProcTransactionPromotionEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRpcOutEnabled Outgoing (from this server) RPC is enabled. [Column(\"is_rpc_out_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRpcOutEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSubscriber Server is a replication Subscriber. [Column(\"is_subscriber\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSubscriber { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSystem This server can be accessed only by the internal system. [Column(\"is_system\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value bool LazySchemaValidation If 1, schema validation is not checked at query startup. [Column(\"lazy_schema_validation\")] [NotNull] public bool LazySchemaValidation { get; set; } Property Value bool Location OLE DB location connection property. NULL if none. [Column(\"location\")] [Nullable] public string? Location { get; set; } Property Value string ModifyDate Date that server information was last changed. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name When server_id = 0, the returned value is the server name. When server_id > 0, the returned value is the local name of linked server. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Product Product name of the linked server. A value of 'SQL Server' indicates another instance of SQL Server. [Column(\"product\")] [NotNull] public string Product { get; set; } Property Value string Provider OLE DB provider name for connecting to linked server. Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x), the value 'SQLNCLI' maps to the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) by default. In earlier versions, the value 'SQLNCLI' maps to the SQL Server Native Client OLE DB provider (SQLNCLI11). [Column(\"provider\")] [NotNull] public string Provider { get; set; } Property Value string ProviderString OLE DB provider-string connection property. Is NULL unless the caller has the ALTER ANY LINKED SERVER permission. [Column(\"provider_string\")] [Nullable] public string? ProviderString { get; set; } Property Value string QueryTimeout Query time-out in seconds, 0 if none. [Column(\"query_timeout\")] [Nullable] public int? QueryTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int? ServerID Local ID of linked server. [Column(\"server_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServerID { get; set; } Property Value int UsesRemoteCollation If 1, use the collation reported by the remote server; otherwise, use the collation specified by the next column. [Column(\"uses_remote_collation\")] [NotNull] public bool UsesRemoteCollation { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class LinkedServersSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinkedServersSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class LinkedServersSchema Inheritance object LinkedServersSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.AllColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.AllColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.all_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the union of all columns belonging to user-defined objects and system objects. See sys.all_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"all_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.AllColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.AllColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllObject all_objects (sys.all_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.AllObject AllObject { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.AllObject CollationName Name of the collation of the column if character-based; otherwise, NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnID ID of the column. Is unique within the object. Column IDs might not be sequential. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultObjectID ID of the default object, regardless of whether it is a stand-alone sys.sp_bindefault, or an in-line, column-level DEFAULT constraint. The parent_object_id column of an inline column-level default object is a reference back to the table itself. 0 = No default. [Column(\"default_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int DefaultObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int GeneratedAlwaysType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. 7, 8, 9, 10 only applies to SQL Database. Identifies when the column value is generated (will always be 0 for columns in system tables): 0 = NOT_APPLICABLE 1 = AS_ROW_START 2 = AS_ROW_END 7 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START 8 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END 9 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START 10 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END For more information, see Temporal Tables (Relational databases). [Column(\"generated_always_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? GeneratedAlwaysType { get; set; } Property Value byte? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Textual description of generated_always_type's value (always NOT_APPLICABLE for columns in system tables) NOT_APPLICABLE AS_ROW_START AS_ROW_END Applies to: SQL Database AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END [Column(\"generated_always_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsAnsiPadded 1 = Column uses ANSI_PADDING ON behavior if character, binary, or variant. 0 = Column is not character, binary, or variant. [Column(\"is_ansi_padded\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAnsiPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool IsColumnSet 1 = Column is a column set. For more information, see Use Column Sets. [Column(\"is_column_set\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsColumnSet { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsComputed 1 = Column is a computed column. [Column(\"is_computed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsComputed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDtsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated by using SSIS. [Column(\"is_dts_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDtsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsFilestream 1 = Column is declared to use filestream storage. [Column(\"is_filestream\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFilestream { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentity 1 = Column has identity values [Column(\"is_identity\")] [NotNull] public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMergePublished 1 = Column is merge-published. [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNonSqlSubscribed 1 = Column has a non-SQL Server subscriber. [Column(\"is_non_sql_subscribed\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNonSqlSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNullable 1 = Column is nullable. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRowGuidCol 1 = Column is a declared ROWGUIDCOL. [Column(\"is_rowguidcol\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRowGuidCol { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSparse 1 = Column is a sparse column. For more information, see Use Sparse Columns. [Column(\"is_sparse\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSparse { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. 0 = Content is a document fragment, or the column data type is not XML. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool LedgerViewColumnType Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, indicates the type of a column in a ledger view: 1 = TRANSACTION_ID 2 = SEQUENCE_NUMBER 3 = OPERATION_TYPE 4 = OPERATION_TYPE_DESC For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type\")] [NotNull] public byte LedgerViewColumnType { get; set; } Property Value byte LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, contains a textual description of the the type of a column in a ledger view: TRANSACTION_ID SEQUENCE_NUMBER OPERATION_TYPE OPERATION_TYPE_DESC [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MaxLength Maximum length (in bytes) of the column. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. For text columns, the max_length value will be 16 or the value set by sp_tableoption 'text in row'. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the column. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectID ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte RuleObjectID ID of the stand-alone rule bound to the column by using sys.sp_bindrule. 0 = No stand-alone rule. For column-level CHECK constraints, see sys.check_constraints (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"rule_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int RuleObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Scale Scale of the column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemTypeID ID of the system-type of the column. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the column as defined by the user. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID Non-zero if the column's data type is xml and the XML is typed. The value will be the ID of the collection containing the column's validating XML schema namespace 0 = no XML schema collection. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.AllObject | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.AllObject Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.all_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the UNION of all schema-scoped user-defined objects and system objects. See sys.all_objects. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"all_objects\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.AllObject Inheritance object ObjectSchema.AllObject Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllColumns all_columns (sys.all_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.AllColumn> AllColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.AllColumn> AllParameters all_parameters (sys.all_parameters) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.AllParameter> AllParameters { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.AllParameter> AllSqlModules all_sql_modules (sys.all_sql_modules) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule> AllSqlModules { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule> AllView all_views (sys.all_views) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.AllView? AllView { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.AllView CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsMSShipped Object created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, another owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternative individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that contains the object. For all schema scoped system objects that are included with SQL Server, this value is always in (schema_id('sys'), schema_id('INFORMATION_SCHEMA')). [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type U = Table (user-defined) UQ = UNIQUE constraint V = View X = Extended stored procedure [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type. AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION INTERNAL_TABLE SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT RULE REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE SYSTEM_TABLE SYNONYM SERVICE_QUEUE CLR_TRIGGER SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER TABLE_TYPE USER_TABLE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT VIEW EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.AllParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.AllParameter Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.all_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the union of all parameters that belong to user-defined or system objects. See sys.all_parameters. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"all_parameters\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.AllParameter Inheritance object ObjectSchema.AllParameter Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllObject all_objects (sys.all_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.AllObject AllObject { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.AllObject ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. The name of the database where the column encryption key exists if different than the database of the column. Is NULL if the key exists in the same database as the column. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyID Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. ID of the CEK. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnEncryptionKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultValue If has_default_value is 1, the value of this column is the value of the default for the parameter; otherwise NULL. [Column(\"default_value\")] [Nullable] public object? DefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value object EncryptionAlgorithmName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Name of encryption algorithm. Only AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 is supported. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_name\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmName { get; set; } Property Value string EncryptionType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type: 1 = Deterministic encryption 2 = Randomized encryption [Column(\"encryption_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EncryptionType { get; set; } Property Value int? EncryptionTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type description: RANDOMIZED DETERMINISTIC [Column(\"encryption_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string HasDefaultValue 1 = Parameter has a default value. SQL Server only maintains default values for CLR objects in this catalog view; therefore, this column will always have a value of 0 for Transact-SQL objects. To view the default value of a parameter in a Transact-SQL object, query the definition column of the sys.sql_modules catalog view, or use the OBJECT_DEFINITION system function. [Column(\"has_default_value\")] [NotNull] public bool HasDefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCursorRef 1 = Parameter is a cursor reference parameter. [Column(\"is_cursor_ref\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCursorRef { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable 1 = Parameter is nullable. (the default). 0 = Parameter is not nullable, for more efficient execution of natively-compiled stored procedures. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsOutput 1 = Parameter is output (or return); otherwise, 0. [Column(\"is_output\")] [NotNull] public bool IsOutput { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReadonly 1 = Parameter is READONLY; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"is_readonly\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReadonly { get; set; } Property Value bool IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. 0 = Content is a document fragment or the data type of the column is not xml. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxLength Maximum length of the parameter, in bytes. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of parameter. Is unique within the object. If the object is a scalar function, the parameter name is an empty string in the row representing the return value. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectID ID of the object to which this parameter belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterID ID of parameter. Is unique within the object. If the object is a scalar function, parameter_id = 0 represents the return value. [Column(\"parameter_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParameterID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the parameter if it is numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte Scale Scale of the parameter if it is numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the parameter. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the parameter as defined by the user. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID Is the ID of the XML schema collection used to validate the parameter. Nonzero if the data type of the parameter is xml and the XML is typed. 0 = There is no XML schema collection, or the parameter is not XML. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.all_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns the union of sys.sql_modules and sys.system_sql_modules. The view returns a row for each natively compiled, scalar user-defined function. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. See sys.all_sql_modules. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"all_sql_modules\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule Inheritance object ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllObject all_objects (sys.all_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.AllObject AllObject { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.AllObject Definition SQL text that defines this module. NULL = Encrypted [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public string? Definition { get; set; } Property Value string ExecuteAsPrincipalID ID of the EXECUTE AS database principal. NULL by default or if EXECUTE AS CALLER. ID of the specified principal if EXECUTE AS SELF or EXECUTE AS <principal>. -2 = EXECUTE AS OWNER. [Column(\"execute_as_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ExecuteAsPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? IsRecompiled Procedure was created using the WITH RECOMPILE option. [Column(\"is_recompiled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRecompiled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaBound Module was created with the SCHEMABINDING option. [Column(\"is_schema_bound\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSchemaBound { get; set; } Property Value bool? NullOnNullInput Module was declared to produce a NULL output on any NULL input. [Column(\"null_on_null_input\")] [Nullable] public bool? NullOnNullInput { get; set; } Property Value bool? ObjectID ID of the object of the containing object. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int UsesAnsiNulls Module was created with SET ANSI_NULLS ON. [Column(\"uses_ansi_nulls\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesAnsiNulls { get; set; } Property Value bool? UsesDatabaseCollation 1 = Schema-bound module definition depends on the default-collation of the database for correct evaluation; otherwise, 0. Such a dependency prevents changing the default collation of the database. [Column(\"uses_database_collation\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesDatabaseCollation { get; set; } Property Value bool? UsesNativeCompilation Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. 0 = not natively compiled 1 = is natively compiled The default value is 0. [Column(\"uses_native_compilation\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesNativeCompilation { get; set; } Property Value bool? UsesQuotedIdentifier Module was created with SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON. [Column(\"uses_quoted_identifier\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesQuotedIdentifier { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.AllView | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.AllView Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.all_views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the UNION of all user-defined and system views. See sys.all_views. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"all_views\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.AllView Inheritance object ObjectSchema.AllView Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllObject all_objects (sys.all_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.AllObject AllObject { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.AllObject CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime HasOpaqueMetadata 1 = VIEW_METADATA option specified for view. For more information, see CREATE VIEW (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"has_opaque_metadata\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasOpaqueMetadata { get; set; } Property Value bool? HasReplicationFilter 1 = View has a replication filter. [Column(\"has_replication_filter\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasReplicationFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool? HasUncheckedAssemblyData 1 = Table contains persisted data that depends on an assembly whose definition changed during the last ALTER ASSEMBLY. Resets to 0 after the next successful DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE. [Column(\"has_unchecked_assembly_data\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasUncheckedAssemblyData { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsDateCorrelationView 1 = View was created automatically by the system to store correlation information between datetime columns. Creation of this view was enabled by setting DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION to ON. [Column(\"is_date_correlation_view\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDateCorrelationView { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReplicated 1 = View is replicated. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string WithCheckOption 1 = WITH CHECK OPTION was specified in the view definition. [Column(\"with_check_option\")] [Nullable] public bool? WithCheckOption { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.AllocationUnit | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.AllocationUnit Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.allocation_units (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each allocation unit in the database. See sys.allocation_units. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"allocation_units\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.AllocationUnit Inheritance object ObjectSchema.AllocationUnit Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllocationUnitID ID of the allocation unit. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"allocation_unit_id\")] [NotNull] public long AllocationUnitID { get; set; } Property Value long ContainerID ID of the storage container associated with the allocation unit. If type = 1 or 3 in a rowstore index container_id = sys.partitions.hobt_id. If type = 1 or 3 in a columnstore index, container_id = sys.column_store_row_groups.delta_store_hobt_id. If type is 2, then container_id = sys.partitions.partition_id. 0 = Allocation unit marked for deferred drop [Column(\"container_id\")] [NotNull] public long ContainerID { get; set; } Property Value long DataPages Number of used pages that have: In-row data LOB data Row-overflow data Note that the value returned excludes internal index pages and allocation-management pages. [Column(\"data_pages\")] [NotNull] public long DataPages { get; set; } Property Value long DataSpaceID ID of the filegroup in which this allocation unit resides. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [Nullable] public int? DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int? TotalPages Total number of pages allocated or reserved by this allocation unit. [Column(\"total_pages\")] [NotNull] public long TotalPages { get; set; } Property Value long TypeColumn Type of allocation unit: 0 = Dropped 1 = In-row data (all data types, except LOB data types) 2 = Large object (LOB) data (text, ntext, image, xml, large value types, and CLR user-defined types) 3 = Row-overflow data [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of the allocation unit type: DROPPED IN_ROW_DATA LOB_DATA ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UseDPages Number of total pages actually in use. [Column(\"used_pages\")] [NotNull] public long UseDPages { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.assembly_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each function, procedure or trigger that is defined by a common language runtime (CLR) assembly. This catalog view maps CLR stored procedures, CLR triggers, or CLR functions to their underlying implementation. Objects of type TA, AF, PC, FS, and FT have an associated assembly module. To find the association between the object and the assembly, you can join this catalog view to other catalog views. For example, when you create a CLR stored procedure, it is represented by one row in sys.objects, one row in sys.procedures (which inherits from sys.objects), and one row in sys.assembly_modules. The stored procedure itself is represented by the metadata in sys.objects and sys.procedures. References to the procedure's underlying CLR implementation are found in sys.assembly_modules. See sys.assembly_modules. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"assembly_modules\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule Inheritance object ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyClass Name of the class within the assembly that defines this module. [Column(\"assembly_class\")] [Nullable] public string? AssemblyClass { get; set; } Property Value string AssemblyID ID of the assembly from which this module was created. [Column(\"assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int AssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int AssemblyMethod Name of the method within the assembly_class that defines this module. NULL for aggregate functions (AF). [Column(\"assembly_method\")] [Nullable] public string? AssemblyMethod { get; set; } Property Value string ExecuteAsPrincipalID ID of the database principal under which the context execution occurs, as specified by the EXECUTE AS clause of the CLR function, stored procedure, or trigger. NULL = EXECUTE AS CALLER. This is the default. ID of the specified database principal = EXECUTE AS SELF, EXECUTE AS user_name, or EXECUTE AS login_name. -2 = EXECUTE AS OWNER. [Column(\"execute_as_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ExecuteAsPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? NullOnNullInput Module was declared to produce a NULL output for any NULL input. [Column(\"null_on_null_input\")] [Nullable] public bool? NullOnNullInput { get; set; } Property Value bool? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number of the SQL object. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.check_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each object that is a CHECK constraint, with sys.objects.type = 'C'. See sys.check_constraints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"check_constraints\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint Inheritance object ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Definition SQL expression that defines this CHECK constraint. [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public string? Definition { get; set; } Property Value string IsDisabled CHECK constraint is disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNotForReplication CHECK constraint was created with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option. [Column(\"is_not_for_replication\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNotForReplication { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNotTrusted CHECK constraint has not been verified by the system for all rows. [Column(\"is_not_trusted\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNotTrusted { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSystemNamed 1 = Name was generated by system. 0 = Name was supplied by the user. [Column(\"is_system_named\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSystemNamed { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentColumnID 0 indicates a table-level CHECK constraint. Non-zero value indicates that this is a column-level CHECK constraint defined on the column with the specified ID value. [Column(\"parent_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UsesDatabaseCollation 1 = The constraint definition depends on the default collation of the database for correct evaluation; otherwise, 0. Such a dependency prevents changing the database default collation. [Column(\"uses_database_collation\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesDatabaseCollation { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Column | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Column Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each column of an object that has columns, such as views or tables. The following is a list of object types that have columns: - Table-valued assembly functions (FT) - Inline table-valued SQL functions (IF) - Internal tables (IT) - System tables (S) - Table-valued SQL functions (TF) - User tables (U) - Views (V) See sys.columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Column Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Column Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollationName Name of the collation of the column if character-based; otherwise NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. The name of the database where the column encryption key exists if different than the database of the column. NULL if the key exists in the same database as the column. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyID Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. ID of the CEK. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnEncryptionKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int? ColumnID ID of the column. Is unique within the object. Column IDs might not be sequential. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultObjectID ID of the default object, regardless of whether it is a stand-alone object sys.sp_bindefault, or an inline, column-level DEFAULT constraint. The parent_object_id column of an inline column-level default object is a reference back to the table itself. 0 = No default. [Column(\"default_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int DefaultObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int EncryptionAlgorithmName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Name of encryption algorithm. Only AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 is supported. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_name\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmName { get; set; } Property Value string EncryptionType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type: 1 = Deterministic encryption 2 = Randomized encryption [Column(\"encryption_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EncryptionType { get; set; } Property Value int? EncryptionTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type description: RANDOMIZED DETERMINISTIC [Column(\"encryption_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GeneratedAlwaysType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. 7, 8, 9, 10 only applies to SQL Database. Identifies when the column value is generated (will always be 0 for columns in system tables): 0 = NOT_APPLICABLE 1 = AS_ROW_START 2 = AS_ROW_END 7 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START 8 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END 9 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START 10 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END For more information, see Temporal Tables (Relational databases). [Column(\"generated_always_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? GeneratedAlwaysType { get; set; } Property Value byte? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Textual description of generated_always_type's value (always NOT_APPLICABLE for columns in system tables) NOT_APPLICABLE AS_ROW_START AS_ROW_END Applies to: SQL Database AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END [Column(\"generated_always_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GraphType Internal column with a set of values. The values are between 1-8 for graph columns and NULL for others. [Column(\"graph_type\")] [Nullable] public int? GraphType { get; set; } Property Value int? GraphTypeDesc internal column with a set of values [Column(\"graph_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? GraphTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsAnsiPadded 1 = Column uses ANSI_PADDING ON behavior if character, binary, or variant. 0 = Column is not character, binary, or variant. [Column(\"is_ansi_padded\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAnsiPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool IsColumnSet 1 = Column is a column set. For more information, see Use Sparse Columns. [Column(\"is_column_set\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsColumnSet { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsComputed 1 = Column is a computed column. [Column(\"is_computed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsComputed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDataDeletionFilterColumn Applies to: Azure SQL Database Edge. Indicates if the column is the data retention filter column for the table. [Column(\"is_data_deletion_filter_column\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDataDeletionFilterColumn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDtsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated by using SSIS. [Column(\"is_dts_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDtsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsFilestream 1 = Column is a FILESTREAM column. [Column(\"is_filestream\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFilestream { get; set; } Property Value bool IsHidden Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later, SQL Database. Indicates if the column is hidden: 0 = regular, not-hidden, visible column 1 = hidden column [Column(\"is_hidden\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsHidden { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsIdentity 1 = Column has identity values [Column(\"is_identity\")] [NotNull] public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMasked Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later, SQL Database. Indicates if the column is masked by a dynamic data masking: 0 = regular, not-masked column 1 = column is masked [Column(\"is_masked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMasked { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMergePublished 1 = Column is merge-published. [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNonSqlSubscribed 1 = Column has a non-SQL Server subscriber. [Column(\"is_non_sql_subscribed\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNonSqlSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNullable 1 = Column is nullable. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRowGuidCol 1 = Column is a declared ROWGUIDCOL. [Column(\"is_rowguidcol\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRowGuidCol { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSparse 1 = Column is a sparse column. For more information, see Use Sparse Columns. [Column(\"is_sparse\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSparse { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. 0 = Content is a document fragment or the column data type is not xml. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool LedgerViewColumnType Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, indicates the type of a column in a ledger view: 1 = TRANSACTION_ID 2 = SEQUENCE_NUMBER 3 = OPERATION_TYPE 4 = OPERATION_TYPE_DESC For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type\")] [NotNull] public byte LedgerViewColumnType { get; set; } Property Value byte LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, contains a textual description of the the type of a column in a ledger view: TRANSACTION_ID SEQUENCE_NUMBER OPERATION_TYPE OPERATION_TYPE_DESC [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MaxLength Maximum length (in bytes) of the column. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. For text, ntext, and image columns, the max_length value will be 16 (representing the 16-byte pointer only) or the value set by sp_tableoption 'text in row'. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the column. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte RuleObjectID ID of the stand-alone rule bound to the column by using sys.sp_bindrule. 0 = No stand-alone rule. For column-level CHECK constraints, see sys.check_constraints (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"rule_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int RuleObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Scale Scale of column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the column. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the column as defined by the user. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID Nonzero if the data type of the column is xml and the XML is typed. The value will be the ID of the collection containing the validating XML schema namespace of the column. 0 = No XML schema collection. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreDictionary | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreDictionary Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.column_store_dictionaries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each dictionary used in xVelocity memory optimized columnstore indexes. Dictionaries are used to encode some, but not all data types, therefore not all columns in a columnstore index have dictionaries. A dictionary can exist as a primary dictionary (for all segments) and possibly for other secondary dictionaries used for a subset of the column's segments. See sys.column_store_dictionaries. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"column_store_dictionaries\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreDictionary Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreDictionary Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the columnstore column starting with 1. The first column has ID = 1, the second column has ID = 2, etc. [Column(\"column_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int? DictionaryID There can be two kinds of dictionaries, global and local, associated with a column segment. A dictionary_id of 0 represents the global dictionary that is shared across all column segments (one for each row group) for that column. [Column(\"dictionary_id\")] [Nullable] public int? DictionaryID { get; set; } Property Value int? EntryCount Number of entries in the dictionary. [Column(\"entry_count\")] [Nullable] public long? EntryCount { get; set; } Property Value long? HoBTID ID of the heap or B-tree index (HoBT) for the table that has this columnstore index. [Column(\"hobt_id\")] [Nullable] public long? HoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long? LastID The last data ID in the dictionary. [Column(\"last_id\")] [Nullable] public int? LastID { get; set; } Property Value int? OnDiskSize Size of dictionary in bytes. [Column(\"on_disk_size\")] [Nullable] public long? OnDiskSize { get; set; } Property Value long? PartitionID Indicates the partition ID. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"partition_id\")] [Nullable] public long? PartitionID { get; set; } Property Value long? TypeColumn Dictionary type: 1 - Hash dictionary containing int values 2 - Not used 3 - Hash dictionary containing string values 4 - Hash dictionary containing float values For more information about dictionaries, see Columnstore Indexes Guide. [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public int? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value int? Version Version of the dictionary format. [Column(\"version\")] [Nullable] public int? Version { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.column_store_row_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides clustered columnstore index information on a per-segment basis to help the administrator make system management decisions. sys.column_store_row_groups has a column for the total number of rows physically stored (including those marked as deleted) and a column for the number of rows marked as deleted. Use sys.column_store_row_groups to determine which row groups have a high percentage of deleted rows and should be rebuilt. See sys.column_store_row_groups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"column_store_row_groups\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DeletedRows Total rows in the row group marked deleted. This is always 0 for DELTA row groups. [Column(\"deleted_rows\")] [Nullable] public long? DeletedRows { get; set; } Property Value long? DeltaStoreHoBTID The hobt_id for OPEN row group in the delta store. NULL if the row group is not in the delta store. NULL for the tail of an in-memory table. [Column(\"delta_store_hobt_id\")] [Nullable] public long? DeltaStoreHoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long? IndexID ID of the index for the table that has this columnstore index. [Column(\"index_id\")] [Nullable] public int? IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The id of the table on which this index is defined. [Column(\"object_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int? PartitionNumber ID of the table partition that holds row group row_group_id. You can use partition_number to join this DMV to sys.partitions. [Column(\"partition_number\")] [Nullable] public int? PartitionNumber { get; set; } Property Value int? RowGroupID The row group number associated with this row group. This is unique within the partition. -1 = tail of an in-memory table. [Column(\"row_group_id\")] [Nullable] public int? RowGroupID { get; set; } Property Value int? SizeInBytes Size in bytes of all the data in this row group (not including metadata or shared dictionaries), for both DELTA and COLUMNSTORE rowgroups. [Column(\"size_in_bytes\")] [Nullable] public long? SizeInBytes { get; set; } Property Value long? State ID number associated with the state_description. 0 = INVISIBLE 1 = OPEN 2 = CLOSED 3 = COMPRESSED 4 = TOMBSTONE [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? StateDescription Description of the persistent state of the row group: INVISIBLE -A hidden compressed segment in the process of being built from data in a delta store. Read actions will use the delta store until the invisible compressed segment is completed. Then the new segment is made visible, and the source delta store is removed. OPEN - A read/write row group that is accepting new records. An open row group is still in rowstore format and has not been compressed to columnstore format. CLOSED - A row group that has been filled, but not yet compressed by the tuple mover process. COMPRESSED - A row group that has filled and compressed. [Column(\"state_description\")] [NotNull] public string StateDescription { get; set; } Property Value string TotalRows Total rows physically stored in the row group. Some may have been deleted but they are still stored. The maximum number of rows in a row group is 1,048,576 (hexadecimal FFFFF). [Column(\"total_rows\")] [Nullable] public long? TotalRows { get; set; } Property Value long?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreSegment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreSegment Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.column_store_segments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each column segment in a columnstore index. There is one column segment per column per rowgroup. For example, a table with 10 rowgroups and 34 columns returns 340 rows. See sys.column_store_segments. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"column_store_segments\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreSegment Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreSegment Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseID Base value ID if encoding type 1 is being used. If encoding type 1 is not being used, base_id is set to -1. [Column(\"base_id\")] [Nullable] public long? BaseID { get; set; } Property Value long? ColumnID ID of the columnstore column. [Column(\"column_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int? EncodingType Type of encoding used for that segment: 1 = VALUE_BASED - non-string/binary with no dictionary (similar to 4 with some internal variations) 2 = VALUE_HASH_BASED - non-string/binary column with common values in dictionary 3 = STRING_HASH_BASED - string/binary column with common values in dictionary 4 = STORE_BY_VALUE_BASED - non-string/binary with no dictionary 5 = STRING_STORE_BY_VALUE_BASED - string/binary with no dictionary For more information, see the Remarks section. [Column(\"encoding_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EncodingType { get; set; } Property Value int? HasNulls 1 if the column segment has null values. [Column(\"has_nulls\")] [Nullable] public int? HasNulls { get; set; } Property Value int? HoBTID ID of the heap or B-tree index (HoBT) for the table that has this columnstore index. [Column(\"hobt_id\")] [Nullable] public long? HoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long? Magnitude Magnitude if encoding type 1 is being used. If encoding type 1 is not being used, magnitude is set to -1. [Column(\"magnitude\")] [Nullable] public double? Magnitude { get; set; } Property Value double? MaxDataID Maximum data ID in the column segment. [Column(\"max_data_id\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxDataID { get; set; } Property Value long? MinDataID Minimum data ID in the column segment. [Column(\"min_data_id\")] [Nullable] public long? MinDataID { get; set; } Property Value long? NullValue Value used to represent nulls. [Column(\"null_value\")] [Nullable] public long? NullValue { get; set; } Property Value long? OnDiskSize Size of segment in bytes. [Column(\"on_disk_size\")] [Nullable] public long? OnDiskSize { get; set; } Property Value long? PartitionID Indicates the partition ID. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"partition_id\")] [Nullable] public long? PartitionID { get; set; } Property Value long? PrimaryDictionaryID A value of 0 represents the global dictionary. A value of -1 indicates that there is no global dictionary created for this column. [Column(\"primary_dictionary_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrimaryDictionaryID { get; set; } Property Value int? RowCount Number of rows in the row group. [Column(\"row_count\")] [Nullable] public int? RowCount { get; set; } Property Value int? SecondaryDictionaryID A non-zero value points to the local dictionary for this column in the current segment (i.e. the rowgroup). A value of -1 indicates that there is no local dictionary for this segment. [Column(\"secondary_dictionary_id\")] [Nullable] public int? SecondaryDictionaryID { get; set; } Property Value int? SegmentID ID of the rowgroup. For backward compatibility, the column name continues to be called segment_id even though this is the rowgroup ID. You can uniquely identify a segment using <hobt_id, partition_id, column_id>, <segment_id>. [Column(\"segment_id\")] [Nullable] public int? SegmentID { get; set; } Property Value int? Version Version of the column segment format. [Column(\"version\")] [Nullable] public int? Version { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.computed_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column found in sys.columns that is a computed-column. See sys.computed_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"computed_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollationName Name of the collation of the column if character-based; otherwise NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. The name of the database where the column encryption key exists if different than the database of the column. NULL if the key exists in the same database as the column. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyID Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. ID of the CEK. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnEncryptionKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int? ColumnID ID of the column. Is unique within the object. Column IDs might not be sequential. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultObjectID ID of the default object, regardless of whether it is a stand-alone object sys.sp_bindefault, or an inline, column-level DEFAULT constraint. The parent_object_id column of an inline column-level default object is a reference back to the table itself. 0 = No default. [Column(\"default_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int DefaultObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Definition SQL text that defines this computed-column. [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public string? Definition { get; set; } Property Value string EncryptionAlgorithmName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Name of encryption algorithm. Only AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 is supported. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_name\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmName { get; set; } Property Value string EncryptionType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type: 1 = Deterministic encryption 2 = Randomized encryption [Column(\"encryption_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EncryptionType { get; set; } Property Value int? EncryptionTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type description: RANDOMIZED DETERMINISTIC [Column(\"encryption_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GeneratedAlwaysType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. 7, 8, 9, 10 only applies to SQL Database. Identifies when the column value is generated (will always be 0 for columns in system tables): 0 = NOT_APPLICABLE 1 = AS_ROW_START 2 = AS_ROW_END 7 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START 8 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END 9 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START 10 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END For more information, see Temporal Tables (Relational databases). [Column(\"generated_always_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? GeneratedAlwaysType { get; set; } Property Value byte? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Textual description of generated_always_type's value (always NOT_APPLICABLE for columns in system tables) NOT_APPLICABLE AS_ROW_START AS_ROW_END Applies to: SQL Database AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END [Column(\"generated_always_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GraphType Internal column with a set of values. The values are between 1-8 for graph columns and NULL for others. [Column(\"graph_type\")] [Nullable] public int? GraphType { get; set; } Property Value int? GraphTypeDesc internal column with a set of values [Column(\"graph_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? GraphTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsAnsiPadded 1 = Column uses ANSI_PADDING ON behavior if character, binary, or variant. 0 = Column is not character, binary, or variant. [Column(\"is_ansi_padded\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAnsiPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool IsColumnSet 1 = Column is a column set. For more information, see Use Sparse Columns. [Column(\"is_column_set\")] [NotNull] public bool IsColumnSet { get; set; } Property Value bool IsComputed 1 = Column is a computed column. [Column(\"is_computed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsComputed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDataDeletionFilterColumn Applies to: Azure SQL Database Edge. Indicates if the column is the data retention filter column for the table. [Column(\"is_data_deletion_filter_column\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDataDeletionFilterColumn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDtsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated by using SSIS. [Column(\"is_dts_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDtsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsFilestream 1 = Column is a FILESTREAM column. [Column(\"is_filestream\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFilestream { get; set; } Property Value bool IsHidden Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later, SQL Database. Indicates if the column is hidden: 0 = regular, not-hidden, visible column 1 = hidden column [Column(\"is_hidden\")] [NotNull] public bool IsHidden { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentity 1 = Column has identity values [Column(\"is_identity\")] [NotNull] public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMasked Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later, SQL Database. Indicates if the column is masked by a dynamic data masking: 0 = regular, not-masked column 1 = column is masked [Column(\"is_masked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMasked { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMergePublished 1 = Column is merge-published. [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNonSqlSubscribed 1 = Column has a non-SQL Server subscriber. [Column(\"is_non_sql_subscribed\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNonSqlSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNullable 1 = Column is nullable. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPersisted Computed column is persisted. [Column(\"is_persisted\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPersisted { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRowGuidCol 1 = Column is a declared ROWGUIDCOL. [Column(\"is_rowguidcol\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRowGuidCol { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSparse 1 = Column is a sparse column. For more information, see Use Sparse Columns. [Column(\"is_sparse\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSparse { get; set; } Property Value bool IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. 0 = Content is a document fragment or the column data type is not xml. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool LedgerViewColumnType Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, indicates the type of a column in a ledger view: 1 = TRANSACTION_ID 2 = SEQUENCE_NUMBER 3 = OPERATION_TYPE 4 = OPERATION_TYPE_DESC For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type\")] [NotNull] public byte LedgerViewColumnType { get; set; } Property Value byte LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, contains a textual description of the the type of a column in a ledger view: TRANSACTION_ID SEQUENCE_NUMBER OPERATION_TYPE OPERATION_TYPE_DESC [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MaxLength Maximum length (in bytes) of the column. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. For text, ntext, and image columns, the max_length value will be 16 (representing the 16-byte pointer only) or the value set by sp_tableoption 'text in row'. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the column. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte RuleObjectID ID of the stand-alone rule bound to the column by using sys.sp_bindrule. 0 = No stand-alone rule. For column-level CHECK constraints, see sys.check_constraints (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"rule_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int RuleObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Scale Scale of column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the column. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the column as defined by the user. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int UsesDatabaseCollation 1 = The column definition depends on the default collation of the database for correct evaluation; otherwise, 0. Such a dependency prevents changing the database default collation. [Column(\"uses_database_collation\")] [NotNull] public bool UsesDatabaseCollation { get; set; } Property Value bool XmlCollectionID Nonzero if the data type of the column is xml and the XML is typed. The value will be the ID of the collection containing the validating XML schema namespace of the column. 0 = No XML schema collection. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ObjectSchema.DataContext Inheritance object ObjectSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties AllColumns sys.all_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the union of all columns belonging to user-defined objects and system objects. See sys.all_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.AllColumn> AllColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.AllColumn> AllObjects sys.all_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the UNION of all schema-scoped user-defined objects and system objects. See sys.all_objects. public ITable<ObjectSchema.AllObject> AllObjects { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.AllObject> AllParameters sys.all_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the union of all parameters that belong to user-defined or system objects. See sys.all_parameters. public ITable<ObjectSchema.AllParameter> AllParameters { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.AllParameter> AllSqlModules sys.all_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns the union of sys.sql_modules and sys.system_sql_modules. The view returns a row for each natively compiled, scalar user-defined function. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. See sys.all_sql_modules. public ITable<ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule> AllSqlModules { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule> AllViews sys.all_views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the UNION of all user-defined and system views. See sys.all_views. public ITable<ObjectSchema.AllView> AllViews { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.AllView> AllocationUnits sys.allocation_units (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each allocation unit in the database. See sys.allocation_units. public ITable<ObjectSchema.AllocationUnit> AllocationUnits { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.AllocationUnit> AssemblyModules sys.assembly_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each function, procedure or trigger that is defined by a common language runtime (CLR) assembly. This catalog view maps CLR stored procedures, CLR triggers, or CLR functions to their underlying implementation. Objects of type TA, AF, PC, FS, and FT have an associated assembly module. To find the association between the object and the assembly, you can join this catalog view to other catalog views. For example, when you create a CLR stored procedure, it is represented by one row in sys.objects, one row in sys.procedures (which inherits from sys.objects), and one row in sys.assembly_modules. The stored procedure itself is represented by the metadata in sys.objects and sys.procedures. References to the procedure's underlying CLR implementation are found in sys.assembly_modules. See sys.assembly_modules. public ITable<ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule> AssemblyModules { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule> CheckConstraints sys.check_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each object that is a CHECK constraint, with sys.objects.type = 'C'. See sys.check_constraints. public ITable<ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint> CheckConstraints { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint> ColumnStoreDictionaries sys.column_store_dictionaries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each dictionary used in xVelocity memory optimized columnstore indexes. Dictionaries are used to encode some, but not all data types, therefore not all columns in a columnstore index have dictionaries. A dictionary can exist as a primary dictionary (for all segments) and possibly for other secondary dictionaries used for a subset of the column's segments. See sys.column_store_dictionaries. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreDictionary> ColumnStoreDictionaries { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreDictionary> ColumnStoreRowGroups sys.column_store_row_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides clustered columnstore index information on a per-segment basis to help the administrator make system management decisions. sys.column_store_row_groups has a column for the total number of rows physically stored (including those marked as deleted) and a column for the number of rows marked as deleted. Use sys.column_store_row_groups to determine which row groups have a high percentage of deleted rows and should be rebuilt. See sys.column_store_row_groups. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup> ColumnStoreRowGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup> ColumnStoreSegments sys.column_store_segments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each column segment in a columnstore index. There is one column segment per column per rowgroup. For example, a table with 10 rowgroups and 34 columns returns 340 rows. See sys.column_store_segments. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreSegment> ColumnStoreSegments { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreSegment> Columns sys.columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each column of an object that has columns, such as views or tables. The following is a list of object types that have columns: - Table-valued assembly functions (FT) - Inline table-valued SQL functions (IF) - Internal tables (IT) - System tables (S) - Table-valued SQL functions (TF) - User tables (U) - Views (V) See sys.columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Column> Columns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Column> ComputedColumns sys.computed_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column found in sys.columns that is a computed-column. See sys.computed_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn> ComputedColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn> DefaultConstraints sys.default_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a default definition (created as part of a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement instead of a CREATE DEFAULT statement), with sys.objects.type = D. See sys.default_constraints. public ITable<ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint> DefaultConstraints { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint> EventNotificationEventTypes sys.event_notification_event_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each event or event group on which an event notification can fire. See sys.event_notification_event_types. public ITable<ObjectSchema.EventNotificationEventType> EventNotificationEventTypes { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.EventNotificationEventType> EventNotifications sys.event_notifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each object that is an event notification, with sys.objects.type = EN. See sys.event_notifications. public ITable<ObjectSchema.EventNotification> EventNotifications { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.EventNotification> Events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each event for which a trigger or event notification fires. These events represent the event types that are specified when the trigger or event notification is created by using CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE EVENT NOTIFICATION. See public ITable<ObjectSchema.Event> Events { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Event> ExtendedProcedures sys.extended_procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each object that is an extended stored procedure, with sys.objects.type = X. Because extended stored procedures are installed into the master database, they are only visible from that database context. Selecting from the sys.extended_procedures view in any other database context will return an empty result set. See sys.extended_procedures. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure> ExtendedProcedures { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure> ExternalLanguageFiles sys.external_language_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2019 (15.x) This catalog view provides a list of the external language extension files in the database. R and Python are reserved names and no external language can be created with those specific names. When an external language is created from a file_spec, the extension itself and its properties are listed in this view. This view will contain one entry per language, per OS. ## sys.external_language_files The catalog view sys.external_language_files lists a row for each external language extension in the database. Parameters See sys.external_language_files. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguageFile> ExternalLanguageFiles { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguageFile> ExternalLanguages sys.external_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2019 (15.x) This catalog view provides a list of the external languages in the database. R and Python are reserved names and no external language can be created with those specific names. ## sys.external_languages The catalog view sys.external_languages lists a row for each external language in the database. See sys.external_languages. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguage> ExternalLanguages { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguage> ExternalLibraries sys.external_libraries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Supports the management of package libraries related to external runtimes such as R, Python, and Java. note In SQL Server 2017, R language and Windows platform are supported. R, Python, and Java on the Windows and Linux platforms are supported in SQL Server 2019 and later. On Azure SQL Managed Instance, R and Python are supported. ## sys.external_libraries The catalog view sys.external_libraries lists a row for each external library that has been uploaded into the database. See sys.external_libraries. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ExternalLibrary> ExternalLibraries { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ExternalLibrary> ExternalLibraryFiles sys.external_library_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Lists a row for each file that makes up an external library. See sys.external_library_files. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ExternalLibraryFile> ExternalLibraryFiles { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ExternalLibraryFile> ForeignKeyColumns sys.foreign_key_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column, or set of columns, that comprise a foreign key. See sys.foreign_key_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ForeignKeyColumn> ForeignKeyColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ForeignKeyColumn> ForeignKeys sys.foreign_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per object that is a FOREIGN KEY constraint, with sys.object.type = F. See sys.foreign_keys. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ForeignKey> ForeignKeys { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ForeignKey> FunctionOrderColumns sys.function_order_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row per column that is a part of an ORDER expression of a common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function. See sys.function_order_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn> FunctionOrderColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn> HashIndexes sys.hash_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Shows the current hash indexes and the hash index properties. Hash indexes are supported only on In-Memory OLTP (In-Memory Optimization). The sys.hash_indexes view contains the same columns as the sys.indexes view and an additional column named bucket_count. For more information about the other columns in the sys.hash_indexes view, see sys.indexes (Transact-SQL). See sys.hash_indexes. public ITable<ObjectSchema.HashIndex> HashIndexes { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.HashIndex> IdentityColumns sys.identity_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column that is an identity column. The sys.identity_columns view inherits rows from the sys.columns view. The sys.identity_columns view returns the columns in the sys.columns view, plus the seed_value, increment_value, last_value, and is_not_for_replication columns. For more information, see Catalog Views (Transact-SQL). See sys.identity_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn> IdentityColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn> IndexColumns sys.index_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row per column that is part of a sys.indexes index or unordered table (heap). See sys.index_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.IndexColumn> IndexColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.IndexColumn> IndexResumableOperations sys.index_resumable_operations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database sys.index_resumable_operations is a system view that monitors and checks the current execution status for resumable Index rebuild or creation. Applies to: SQL Server (2017 and newer), and Azure SQL Database See sys.index_resumable_operations. public ITable<ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation> IndexResumableOperations { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation> Indexes sys.indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per index or heap of a tabular object, such as a table, view, or table-valued function. See sys.indexes. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Index> Indexes { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Index> InternalPartitions sys.internal_partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns one row for each rowset that tracks internal data for columnstore indexes on disk-based tables. These rowsets are internal to columnstore indexes and track deleted rows, rowgroup mappings, and delta store rowgroups. They track data for each for each table partition; every table has at least one partition. SQL Server re-creates the rowsets each time it rebuilds the columnstore index. See sys.internal_partitions. public ITable<ObjectSchema.InternalPartition> InternalPartitions { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.InternalPartition> InternalTables sys.internal_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each object that is an internal table. Internal tables are automatically generated by SQL Server to support various features. For example, when you create a primary XML index, SQL Server automatically creates an internal table to persist the shredded XML document data. Internal tables appear in the sys schema of every database and have unique, system-generated names that indicate their function, for example, xml_index_nodes_2021582240_32001 or queue_messages_1977058079 Internal tables do not contain user-accessible data, and their schema are fixed and unalterable. You cannot reference internal table names in Transact\\-SQL statements. For example, you cannot execute a statement such as SELECT \\* FROM *\\<sys.internal_table_name>*. However, you can query catalog views to see the metadata of internal tables. See sys.internal_tables. public ITable<ObjectSchema.InternalTable> InternalTables { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.InternalTable> KeyConstraints sys.key_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a primary key or unique constraint. Includes sys.objects.type PK and UQ. See sys.key_constraints. public ITable<ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint> KeyConstraints { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint> MaskedColumns sys.masked_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Use the sys.masked_columns view to query for table-columns that have a dynamic data masking function applied to them. This view inherits from the sys.columns view. It returns all columns in the sys.columns view, plus the is_masked and masking_function columns, indicating if the column is masked, and if so, what masking function is defined. This view only shows the columns on which there is a masking function applied. See sys.masked_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn> MaskedColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn> MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttributes sys.memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains a row for each internal memory-optimized table used for storing user memory-optimized tables. Each user table corresponds to one or more internal tables. A single table is used for the core data storage. Additional internal tables are used to support features such as temporal, columnstore index and off-row (LOB) storage for memory-optimized tables. See sys.memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes. public ITable<ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute> MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttributes { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute> ModuleAssemblyUsages sys.module_assembly_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each module-to-assembly reference. See sys.module_assembly_usages. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage> ModuleAssemblyUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage> NumberedProcedureParameters sys.numbered_procedure_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each parameter of a numbered procedure. When you create a numbered stored procedure, the base procedure is number 1. All subsequent procedures have numbers 2, 3, and so forth. sys.numbered_procedure_parameters contains the parameter definitions for all subsequent procedures, numbered 2 and greater. This view does not show parameters for the base stored procedure (number = 1). The base stored procedure is similar to a nonnumbered stored procedure. Therefore, its parameters are represented in sys.parameters (Transact-SQL). important Numbered procedures are deprecated. Use of numbered procedures is discouraged. A DEPRECATION_ANNOUNCEMENT event is fired when a query that uses this catalog view is compiled. note XML and CLR parameters are not supported for numbered procedures. See sys.numbered_procedure_parameters. public ITable<ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter> NumberedProcedureParameters { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter> NumberedProcedures sys.numbered_procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each SQL Server stored procedure that was created as a numbered procedure. This does not show a row for the base (number = 1) stored procedure. Entries for the base stored procedures can be found in views such as sys.objects and sys.procedures. important Numbered procedures are deprecated. Use of numbered procedures is discouraged. A DEPRECATION_ANNOUNCEMENT event is fired when a query that uses this catalog view is compiled. See sys.numbered_procedures. public ITable<ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure> NumberedProcedures { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure> Objects sys.objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each user-defined, schema-scoped object that is created within a database, including natively compiled scalar user-defined function. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. note sys.objects does not show DDL triggers, because they are not schema-scoped. All triggers, both DML and DDL, are found in sys.triggers. sys.triggers supports a mixture of name-scoping rules for the various kinds of triggers. See sys.objects. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Object> Objects { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Object> Parameters sys.parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each parameter of an object that accepts parameters. If the object is a scalar function, there is also a single row describing the return value. That row will have a parameter_id value of 0. See sys.parameters. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Parameter> Parameters { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Parameter> Partitions sys.partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition of all the tables and most types of indexes in the database. Special index types such as Full-Text, Spatial, and XML are not included in this view. All tables and indexes in SQL Server contain at least one partition, whether or not they are explicitly partitioned. See sys.partitions. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Partition> Partitions { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Partition> Periods sys.periods (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Returns a row for each table for which periods have been defined. See sys.periods. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Period> Periods { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Period> PlanGuides sys.plan_guides (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each plan guide in the database. See sys.plan_guides. public ITable<ObjectSchema.PlanGuide> PlanGuides { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.PlanGuide> Procedures sys.procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a procedure of some kind, with sys.objects.type = P, X, RF, and PC. See sys.procedures. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Procedure> Procedures { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Procedure> Sequences sys.sequences (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each sequence object in a database. See sys.sequences. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Sequence> Sequences { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Sequence> ServerAssemblyModules sys.server_assembly_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each assembly module for the server-level triggers of type TA. This view maps assembly triggers to the underlying CLR implementation. You can join this relation to sys.server_triggers. The assembly must be loaded into the master database. The tuple (object_id) is the key for the relation. See sys.server_assembly_modules. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule> ServerAssemblyModules { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule> ServerEventNotifications sys.server_event_notifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each server-level event notification object. See sys.server_event_notifications. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification> ServerEventNotifications { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification> ServerEvents sys.server_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each event for which a server-level event-notification or server-level DDL trigger fires. The columns object_id and type uniquely identify the server event. See sys.server_events. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerEvent> ServerEvents { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerEvent> ServerSqlModules sys.server_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains the set of SQL modules for server-level triggers of type TR. You can join this relation to sys.server_triggers. The tuple (object_id) is the key of the relation. See sys.server_sql_modules. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule> ServerSqlModules { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule> ServerTriggerEvents sys.server_trigger_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each event for which a server-level (synchronous) trigger fires. See sys.server_trigger_events. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerTriggerEvent> ServerTriggerEvents { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerTriggerEvent> ServerTriggers sys.server_triggers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains the set of all server-level DDL triggers with object_type of TR or TA. In the case of CLR triggers, the assembly must be loaded into the master database. All server-level DDL trigger names exist in a single, global scope. See sys.server_triggers. public ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger> ServerTriggers { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger> SqlDependencies sys.sql_dependencies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each dependency on a referenced entity as referenced in the Transact\\-SQL expression or statements that define some other referencing object. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use sys.sql_expression_dependencies instead. See sys.sql_dependencies. public ITable<ObjectSchema.SqlDependency> SqlDependencies { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.SqlDependency> SqlExpressionDependencies sys.sql_expression_dependencies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each by-name dependency on a user-defined entity in the current database. This includes dependences between natively compiled, scalar user-defined functions and other SQL Server modules. A dependency between two entities is created when one entity, called the *referenced entity*, appears by name in a persisted SQL expression of another entity, called the *referencing entity*. For example, when a table is referenced in the definition of a view, the view, as the referencing entity, depends on the table, the referenced entity. If the table is dropped, the view is unusable. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. You can use this catalog view to report dependency information for the following entities: - Schema-bound entities. - Non-schema-bound entities. - Cross-database and cross-server entities. Entity names are reported; however, entity IDs are not resolved. - Column-level dependencies on schema-bound entities. Column-level dependencies for non-schema-bound objects can be returned by using sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities. - Server-level DDL triggers when in the context of the master database. See sys.sql_expression_dependencies. public ITable<ObjectSchema.SqlExpressionDependency> SqlExpressionDependencies { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.SqlExpressionDependency> SqlModules sys.sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each object that is an SQL language-defined module in SQL Server, including natively compiled scalar user-defined function. Objects of type P, RF, V, TR, FN, IF, TF, and R have an associated SQL module. Stand-alone defaults, objects of type D, also have an SQL module definition in this view. For a description of these types, see the type column in the sys.objects catalog view. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. See sys.sql_modules. public ITable<ObjectSchema.SqlModule> SqlModules { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.SqlModule> Stats sys.stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each statistics object that exists for the tables, indexes, and indexed views in the database in SQL Server. Every index will have a corresponding statistics row with the same name and ID (index_id = stats_id), but not every statistics row has a corresponding index. The catalog view sys.stats_columns provides statistics information for each column in the database. For more information about statistics, see Statistics. See sys.stats. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Stat> Stats { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Stat> StatsColumns sys.stats_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column that is part of sys.stats statistics. See sys.stats_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.StatsColumn> StatsColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.StatsColumn> Synonyms sys.synonyms (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each synonym object that is sys.objects.type = SN. See sys.synonyms. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Synonym> Synonyms { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Synonym> SystemColumns sys.system_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column of system objects that have columns. See sys.system_columns. public ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemColumn> SystemColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemColumn> SystemObjects sys.system_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for all schema-scoped system objects that are included with Microsoft SQL Server. All system objects are contained in the schemas named sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See sys.system_objects. public ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemObject> SystemObjects { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemObject> SystemParameters sys.system_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each system object that has parameters. See sys.system_parameters. public ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemParameter> SystemParameters { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemParameter> SystemSqlModules sys.system_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row per system object that contains an SQL language-defined module. System objects of type FN, IF, P, PC, TF, V have an associated SQL module. To identify the containing object, you can join this view to sys.system_objects. See sys.system_sql_modules. public ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule> SystemSqlModules { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule> SystemViews sys.system_views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each system view that is shipped with SQL Server. All system views are contained in the schemas named sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See sys.system_views. public ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemView> SystemViews { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.SystemView> TableTypes sys.table_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Displays properties of user-defined table types in SQL Server. A table type is a type from which table variables or table-valued parameters could be declared. Each table type has a type_table_object_id that is a foreign key into the sys.objects catalog view. You can use this ID column to query various catalog views, in a way that is similar to an object_id column of a regular table, to discover the structure of the table type such as its columns and constraints. See sys.table_types. public ITable<ObjectSchema.TableType> TableTypes { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.TableType> Tables sys.tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each user table in SQL Server. See sys.tables. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Table> Tables { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Table> TriggerEventTypes sys.trigger_event_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event or event group on which a trigger can fire. See sys.trigger_event_types. public ITable<ObjectSchema.TriggerEventType> TriggerEventTypes { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.TriggerEventType> TriggerEvents sys.trigger_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per event for which a trigger fires. note sys.trigger_events does not apply to event notifications. See sys.trigger_events. public ITable<ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent> TriggerEvents { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent> Triggers sys.triggers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each object that is a trigger, with a type of TR or TA. DML trigger names are schema-scoped and, therefore, are visible in sys.objects. DDL trigger names are scoped by the parent entity and are only visible in this view. The parent_class and name columns uniquely identify the trigger in the database. See sys.triggers. public ITable<ObjectSchema.Trigger> Triggers { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.Trigger> Views sys.views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each view object, with sys.objects.type = V. See sys.views. public ITable<ObjectSchema.View> Views { get; } Property Value ITable<ObjectSchema.View>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.default_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a default definition (created as part of a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement instead of a CREATE DEFAULT statement), with sys.objects.type = D. See sys.default_constraints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"default_constraints\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint Inheritance object ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Definition SQL expression that defines this default. [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public string? Definition { get; set; } Property Value string IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSystemNamed 1 = Name was generated by system. 0 = Name was supplied by the user. [Column(\"is_system_named\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSystemNamed { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentColumnID ID of the column in parent_object_id to which this default belongs. [Column(\"parent_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Event | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Event Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each event for which a trigger or event notification fires. These events represent the event types that are specified when the trigger or event notification is created by using CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE EVENT NOTIFICATION. See [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"events\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Event Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Event Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventGroupType Event group on which the trigger or event notification is created, or null if not created on an event group. [Column(\"event_group_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EventGroupType { get; set; } Property Value int? EventGroupTypeDesc Description of the event group on which the trigger or event notification is created, or null if not created on an event group. [Column(\"event_group_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EventGroupTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsTriggerEvent 1 = Trigger event. 0 = Notification event. [Column(\"is_trigger_event\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsTriggerEvent { get; set; } Property Value bool? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the trigger or event notification. This value, together with type, uniquely identifies the row. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Event that causes the trigger to fire. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public int TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value int TypeDesc Description of the event that causes the trigger to fire. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.EventNotification | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.EventNotification Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.event_notifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each object that is an event notification, with sys.objects.type = EN. See sys.event_notifications. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"event_notifications\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.EventNotification Inheritance object ObjectSchema.EventNotification Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BrokerInstance Broker instance to which the notification is sent. [Column(\"broker_instance\")] [Nullable] public string? BrokerInstance { get; set; } Property Value string CreateDate Date created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CreatorSID SID of the login who created the event notification. Is NULL if the FAN_IN option is not specified. [Column(\"creator_sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? CreatorSID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] ModifyDate Always equals create_date. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Event notification name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentClass Class of parent. 0 = Database 1 = Object or Column [Column(\"parent_class\")] [NotNull] public byte ParentClass { get; set; } Property Value byte ParentClassDesc DATABASE OBJECT_OR_COLUMN [Column(\"parent_class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ParentClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ParentID Non-zero ID of the parent object. 0 = The parent class is the database. [Column(\"parent_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the database principal that owns this event notification. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ServiceName Name of the target service to which the notification is sent. [Column(\"service_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ServiceName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.EventNotificationEventType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.EventNotificationEventType Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.event_notification_event_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each event or event group on which an event notification can fire. See sys.event_notification_event_types. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"event_notification_event_types\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.EventNotificationEventType Inheritance object ObjectSchema.EventNotificationEventType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ParentType Type of event group that is the parent of the event or event group. [Column(\"parent_type\")] [Nullable] public int? ParentType { get; set; } Property Value int? TypeColumn Type of event or event group that causes an event notification to fire. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public int TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value int TypeName Name of an event or event group. This can be specified in the FOR clause of a CREATE EVENT NOTIFICATION statement. [Column(\"type_name\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.extended_procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each object that is an extended stored procedure, with sys.objects.type = X. Because extended stored procedures are installed into the master database, they are only visible from that database context. Selecting from the sys.extended_procedures view in any other database context will return an empty result set. See sys.extended_procedures. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"extended_procedures\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DllName Name, including path, of the DLL for this extended stored procedure. [Column(\"dll_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DllName { get; set; } Property Value string IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.external_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2019 (15.x) This catalog view provides a list of the external languages in the database. R and Python are reserved names and no external language can be created with those specific names. ## sys.external_languages The catalog view sys.external_languages lists a row for each external language in the database. See sys.external_languages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"external_languages\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguage Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date and time of creation [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public object CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value object ExternalLanguageID ID of the external language [Column(\"external_language_id\")] [NotNull] public object ExternalLanguageID { get; set; } Property Value object Language Name of the external language. Is unique within the database. R and Python are reserved names per instance [Column(\"language\")] [Nullable] public object? Language { get; set; } Property Value object PrincipalID ID of the principal that owns this external library [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public object? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguageFile | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguageFile Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.external_language_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2019 (15.x) This catalog view provides a list of the external language extension files in the database. R and Python are reserved names and no external language can be created with those specific names. When an external language is created from a file_spec, the extension itself and its properties are listed in this view. This view will contain one entry per language, per OS. ## sys.external_language_files The catalog view sys.external_language_files lists a row for each external language extension in the database. Parameters See sys.external_language_files. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"external_language_files\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguageFile Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguageFile Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Content Content of the external language extension file [Column(\"content\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Content { get; set; } Property Value byte[] EnvironmentVariables External language environment variables [Column(\"environment_variables\")] [Nullable] public string? EnvironmentVariables { get; set; } Property Value string ExternalLanguageID ID of the external language [Column(\"external_language_id\")] [NotNull] public object ExternalLanguageID { get; set; } Property Value object FileName Name of the language extension file [Column(\"file_name\")] [Nullable] public string? FileName { get; set; } Property Value string Parameters External language parameters [Column(\"parameters\")] [Nullable] public string? Parameters { get; set; } Property Value string Platform ID of the host platform on which SQL Server is installed [Column(\"platform\")] [Nullable] public byte? Platform { get; set; } Property Value byte? PlatformDesc Name of the host platform. Valid values are WINDOWS, LINUX. [Column(\"platform_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PlatformDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ExternalLibrary | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ExternalLibrary Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.external_libraries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Supports the management of package libraries related to external runtimes such as R, Python, and Java. note In SQL Server 2017, R language and Windows platform are supported. R, Python, and Java on the Windows and Linux platforms are supported in SQL Server 2019 and later. On Azure SQL Managed Instance, R and Python are supported. ## sys.external_libraries The catalog view sys.external_libraries lists a row for each external library that has been uploaded into the database. See sys.external_libraries. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"external_libraries\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ExternalLibrary Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ExternalLibrary Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ExternalLibraryID ID of the external library object. [Column(\"external_library_id\")] [NotNull] public object ExternalLibraryID { get; set; } Property Value object Language Name of the language or runtime that supports the external library. Valid values are 'R', 'Python', and 'Java'. Additional runtimes might be added in future. [Column(\"language\")] [Nullable] public object? Language { get; set; } Property Value object Name Name of the external library. Is unique within the database per owner. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public object? Name { get; set; } Property Value object PrincipalID ID of the principal that owns this external library. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public object? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value object Scope 0 for public scope; 1 for private scope [Column(\"scope\")] [NotNull] public object Scope { get; set; } Property Value object ScopeDesc Indicates whether the package is public or private [Column(\"scope_desc\")] [NotNull] public string ScopeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ExternalLibraryFile | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ExternalLibraryFile Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.external_library_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Lists a row for each file that makes up an external library. See sys.external_library_files. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"external_library_files\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ExternalLibraryFile Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ExternalLibraryFile Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Content Content of the external library file artifact. [Column(\"content\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Content { get; set; } Property Value byte[] ExternalLibraryID ID of the external library object. [Column(\"external_library_id\")] [NotNull] public object ExternalLibraryID { get; set; } Property Value object Platform ID of the host platform on which SQL Server is installed. [Column(\"platform\")] [Nullable] public object? Platform { get; set; } Property Value object PlatformDesc Name of the host platform. Valid values are WINDOWS, LINUX. [Column(\"platform_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PlatformDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ForeignKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ForeignKey Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.foreign_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per object that is a FOREIGN KEY constraint, with sys.object.type = F. See sys.foreign_keys. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"foreign_keys\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ForeignKey Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ForeignKey Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DeleteReferentialAction The referential action that was declared for this FOREIGN KEY when a delete happens. 0 = No action 1 = Cascade 2 = Set null 3 = Set default [Column(\"delete_referential_action\")] [Nullable] public byte? DeleteReferentialAction { get; set; } Property Value byte? DeleteReferentialActionDesc Description of the referential action that was declared for this FOREIGN KEY when a delete occurs: NO_ACTION CASCADE SET_NULL SET_DEFAULT [Column(\"delete_referential_action_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DeleteReferentialActionDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsDisabled FOREIGN KEY constraint is disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNotForReplication FOREIGN KEY constraint was created by using the NOT FOR REPLICATION option. [Column(\"is_not_for_replication\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNotForReplication { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNotTrusted FOREIGN KEY constraint has not been verified by the system. [Column(\"is_not_trusted\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNotTrusted { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSystemNamed 1 = Name was generated by the system. 0 = Name was supplied by the user. [Column(\"is_system_named\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSystemNamed { get; set; } Property Value bool KeyIndexID ID of the key index within the referenced object. [Column(\"key_index_id\")] [Nullable] public int? KeyIndexID { get; set; } Property Value int? ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ReferencedObjectID ID of the referenced object. [Column(\"referenced_object_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ReferencedObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UpdateReferentialAction The referential action that was declared for this FOREIGN KEY when an update happens. 0 = No action 1 = Cascade 2 = Set null 3 = Set default [Column(\"update_referential_action\")] [Nullable] public byte? UpdateReferentialAction { get; set; } Property Value byte? UpdateReferentialActionDesc Description of the referential action that was declared for this FOREIGN KEY when an update happens: NO_ACTION CASCADE SET_NULL SET_DEFAULT [Column(\"update_referential_action_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? UpdateReferentialActionDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ForeignKeyColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ForeignKeyColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.foreign_key_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column, or set of columns, that comprise a foreign key. See sys.foreign_key_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"foreign_key_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ForeignKeyColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ForeignKeyColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConstraintColumnID ID of the column, or set of columns, that comprise the FOREIGN KEY (1..n where n=number of columns). [Column(\"constraint_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ConstraintColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int ConstraintObjectID ID of the FOREIGN KEY constraint. [Column(\"constraint_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ConstraintObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentColumnID ID of the parent column, which is the referencing column. [Column(\"parent_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the parent of the constraint, which is the referencing object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ReferencedColumnID ID of the referenced column (candidate key column). [Column(\"referenced_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ReferencedColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int ReferencedObjectID ID of the referenced object, which has the candidate key. [Column(\"referenced_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ReferencedObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.function_order_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row per column that is a part of an ORDER expression of a common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function. See sys.function_order_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"function_order_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the column in object_id. column_id is unique only within object_id. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDescending 1 = order column has a descending sort direction. 0 = order column has an ascending sort direction. [Column(\"is_descending\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDescending { get; set; } Property Value bool? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object (CLR table-valued function) the order is defined on. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int OrderColumnID ID of the order column. order_column_id is unique only within object_id. order_column_id represents the position of this column in the ordering. [Column(\"order_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int OrderColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.HashIndex | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.HashIndex Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.hash_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Shows the current hash indexes and the hash index properties. Hash indexes are supported only on In-Memory OLTP (In-Memory Optimization). The sys.hash_indexes view contains the same columns as the sys.indexes view and an additional column named bucket_count. For more information about the other columns in the sys.hash_indexes view, see sys.indexes (Transact-SQL). See sys.hash_indexes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"hash_indexes\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.HashIndex Inheritance object ObjectSchema.HashIndex Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllowPageLocks 1 = Index allows page locks. 0 = Index does not allow page locks. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"allow_page_locks\")] [Nullable] public bool? AllowPageLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool? AllowRowLocks 1 = Index allows row locks. 0 = Index does not allow row locks. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"allow_row_locks\")] [Nullable] public bool? AllowRowLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool? AutoCreated 1 = Index was created by the automatic tuning. 0 = Index was created by the user. Applies to: Azure SQL Database [Column(\"auto_created\")] [Nullable] public bool? AutoCreated { get; set; } Property Value bool? BucketCount Count of hash buckets for hash indexes. For more information about the bucket_count value, including guidelines for setting the value, see CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"bucket_count\")] [NotNull] public int BucketCount { get; set; } Property Value int CompressionDelay 0 = Columnstore index compression delay specified in minutes. NULL = Columnstore index rowgroup compression delay is managed automatically. [Column(\"compression_delay\")] [NotNull] public int CompressionDelay { get; set; } Property Value int DataSpaceID ID of the data space for this index. Data space is either a filegroup or partition scheme. 0 = object_id is a table-valued function or in-memory index. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int FillFactor 0 = FILLFACTOR percentage used when the index was created or rebuilt. 0 = Default value Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"fill_factor\")] [NotNull] public byte FillFactor { get; set; } Property Value byte FilterDefinition Expression for the subset of rows included in the filtered index. NULL for heap, non-filtered index, or insufficient permissions on the table. [Column(\"filter_definition\")] [Nullable] public string? FilterDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string HasFilter 1 = Index has a filter and only contains rows that satisfy the filter definition. 0 = Index does not have a filter. [Column(\"has_filter\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool? IgnoreDupKey 1 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is ON. 0 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is OFF. [Column(\"ignore_dup_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IgnoreDupKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IndexID ID of the index. index_id is unique only within the object. 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered index > 1 = Nonclustered index [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDisabled 1 = Index is disabled. 0 = Index is not disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsHypothetical 1 = Index is hypothetical and cannot be used directly as a data access path. Hypothetical indexes hold column-level statistics. 0 = Index is not hypothetical. [Column(\"is_hypothetical\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsHypothetical { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPadded 1 = PADINDEX is ON. 0 = PADINDEX is OFF. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_padded\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPrimaryKey 1 = Index is part of a PRIMARY KEY constraint. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_primary_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsUnique 1 = Index is unique. 0 = Index is not unique. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_unique\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUnique { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsUniqueConstraint 1 = Index is part of a UNIQUE constraint. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_unique_constraint\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUniqueConstraint { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Name of the index. name is unique only within the object. NULL = Heap [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this index belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int OptimizeForSequentialKey 1 = Index has last-page insert optimization enabled. 0 = Default value. Index has last-page insert optimization disabled. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance [Column(\"optimize_for_sequential_key\")] [NotNull] public bool OptimizeForSequentialKey { get; set; } Property Value bool SuppressDupKeyMessages 1 = Index is configured to suppress duplicate key messages during an index rebuild operation. 0 = Index is not configured to suppress duplicate key messages during an index rebuild operation. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance [Column(\"suppress_dup_key_messages\")] [NotNull] public bool SuppressDupKeyMessages { get; set; } Property Value bool TypeColumn Type of index: 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered rowstore (b-tree) 2 = Nonclustered rowstore (b-tree) 3 = XML 4 = Spatial 5 = Clustered columnstore index. Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. 6 = Nonclustered columnstore index. Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 7 = Nonclustered hash index. Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of index type: HEAP CLUSTERED NONCLUSTERED XML SPATIAL CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE - Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. NONCLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE - Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. NONCLUSTERED HASH : NONCLUSTERED HASH indexes are supported only on memory-optimized tables. The sys.hash_indexes view shows the current hash indexes and the hash properties. For more information, see sys.hash_indexes (Transact-SQL). Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.identity_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column that is an identity column. The sys.identity_columns view inherits rows from the sys.columns view. The sys.identity_columns view returns the columns in the sys.columns view, plus the seed_value, increment_value, last_value, and is_not_for_replication columns. For more information, see Catalog Views (Transact-SQL). See sys.identity_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"identity_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollationName Name of the collation of the column if character-based; otherwise NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. The name of the database where the column encryption key exists if different than the database of the column. NULL if the key exists in the same database as the column. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyID Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. ID of the CEK. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnEncryptionKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int? ColumnID ID of the column. Is unique within the object. Column IDs might not be sequential. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultObjectID ID of the default object, regardless of whether it is a stand-alone object sys.sp_bindefault, or an inline, column-level DEFAULT constraint. The parent_object_id column of an inline column-level default object is a reference back to the table itself. 0 = No default. [Column(\"default_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int DefaultObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int EncryptionAlgorithmName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Name of encryption algorithm. Only AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 is supported. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_name\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmName { get; set; } Property Value string EncryptionType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type: 1 = Deterministic encryption 2 = Randomized encryption [Column(\"encryption_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EncryptionType { get; set; } Property Value int? EncryptionTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type description: RANDOMIZED DETERMINISTIC [Column(\"encryption_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GeneratedAlwaysType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. 7, 8, 9, 10 only applies to SQL Database. Identifies when the column value is generated (will always be 0 for columns in system tables): 0 = NOT_APPLICABLE 1 = AS_ROW_START 2 = AS_ROW_END 7 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START 8 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END 9 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START 10 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END For more information, see Temporal Tables (Relational databases). [Column(\"generated_always_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? GeneratedAlwaysType { get; set; } Property Value byte? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Textual description of generated_always_type's value (always NOT_APPLICABLE for columns in system tables) NOT_APPLICABLE AS_ROW_START AS_ROW_END Applies to: SQL Database AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END [Column(\"generated_always_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GraphType Internal column with a set of values. The values are between 1-8 for graph columns and NULL for others. [Column(\"graph_type\")] [Nullable] public int? GraphType { get; set; } Property Value int? GraphTypeDesc internal column with a set of values [Column(\"graph_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? GraphTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IncrementValue Increment value for this identity column. The data type of the seed value is the same as the data type of the column itself. [Column(\"increment_value\")] [Nullable] public object? IncrementValue { get; set; } Property Value object IsAnsiPadded 1 = Column uses ANSI_PADDING ON behavior if character, binary, or variant. 0 = Column is not character, binary, or variant. [Column(\"is_ansi_padded\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAnsiPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool IsColumnSet 1 = Column is a column set. For more information, see Use Sparse Columns. [Column(\"is_column_set\")] [NotNull] public bool IsColumnSet { get; set; } Property Value bool IsComputed 1 = Column is a computed column. [Column(\"is_computed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsComputed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDataDeletionFilterColumn Applies to: Azure SQL Database Edge. Indicates if the column is the data retention filter column for the table. [Column(\"is_data_deletion_filter_column\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDataDeletionFilterColumn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDtsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated by using SSIS. [Column(\"is_dts_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDtsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsFilestream 1 = Column is a FILESTREAM column. [Column(\"is_filestream\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFilestream { get; set; } Property Value bool IsHidden Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later, SQL Database. Indicates if the column is hidden: 0 = regular, not-hidden, visible column 1 = hidden column [Column(\"is_hidden\")] [NotNull] public bool IsHidden { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentity 1 = Column has identity values [Column(\"is_identity\")] [NotNull] public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMasked Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later, SQL Database. Indicates if the column is masked by a dynamic data masking: 0 = regular, not-masked column 1 = column is masked [Column(\"is_masked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMasked { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMergePublished 1 = Column is merge-published. [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNonSqlSubscribed 1 = Column has a non-SQL Server subscriber. [Column(\"is_non_sql_subscribed\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNonSqlSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNotForReplication Identity column is declared NOT FOR REPLICATION. Note: This column does not apply to Azure Synapse Analytics. [Column(\"is_not_for_replication\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNotForReplication { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNullable 1 = Column is nullable. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRowGuidCol 1 = Column is a declared ROWGUIDCOL. [Column(\"is_rowguidcol\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRowGuidCol { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSparse 1 = Column is a sparse column. For more information, see Use Sparse Columns. [Column(\"is_sparse\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSparse { get; set; } Property Value bool IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. 0 = Content is a document fragment or the column data type is not xml. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool LastValue Last value generated for this identity column. The data type of the seed value is the same as the data type of the column itself. [Column(\"last_value\")] [Nullable] public object? LastValue { get; set; } Property Value object LedgerViewColumnType Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, indicates the type of a column in a ledger view: 1 = TRANSACTION_ID 2 = SEQUENCE_NUMBER 3 = OPERATION_TYPE 4 = OPERATION_TYPE_DESC For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type\")] [NotNull] public byte LedgerViewColumnType { get; set; } Property Value byte LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, contains a textual description of the the type of a column in a ledger view: TRANSACTION_ID SEQUENCE_NUMBER OPERATION_TYPE OPERATION_TYPE_DESC [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MaxLength Maximum length (in bytes) of the column. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. For text, ntext, and image columns, the max_length value will be 16 (representing the 16-byte pointer only) or the value set by sp_tableoption 'text in row'. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the column. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte RuleObjectID ID of the stand-alone rule bound to the column by using sys.sp_bindrule. 0 = No stand-alone rule. For column-level CHECK constraints, see sys.check_constraints (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"rule_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int RuleObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Scale Scale of column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SeedValue Seed value for this identity column. The data type of the seed value is the same as the data type of the column itself. [Column(\"seed_value\")] [Nullable] public object? SeedValue { get; set; } Property Value object SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the column. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the column as defined by the user. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID Nonzero if the data type of the column is xml and the XML is typed. The value will be the ID of the collection containing the validating XML schema namespace of the column. 0 = No XML schema collection. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Index | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Index Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per index or heap of a tabular object, such as a table, view, or table-valued function. See sys.indexes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"indexes\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Index Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Index Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllowPageLocks 1 = Index allows page locks. 0 = Index does not allow page locks. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"allow_page_locks\")] [Nullable] public bool? AllowPageLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool? AllowRowLocks 1 = Index allows row locks. 0 = Index does not allow row locks. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"allow_row_locks\")] [Nullable] public bool? AllowRowLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool? AutoCreated 1 = Index was created by the automatic tuning. 0 = Index was created by the user. Applies to: Azure SQL Database [Column(\"auto_created\")] [Nullable] public bool? AutoCreated { get; set; } Property Value bool? CompressionDelay 0 = Columnstore index compression delay specified in minutes. NULL = Columnstore index rowgroup compression delay is managed automatically. [Column(\"compression_delay\")] [Nullable] public int? CompressionDelay { get; set; } Property Value int? DataSpaceID ID of the data space for this index. Data space is either a filegroup or partition scheme. 0 = object_id is a table-valued function or in-memory index. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [Nullable] public int? DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int? FillFactor 0 = FILLFACTOR percentage used when the index was created or rebuilt. 0 = Default value Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"fill_factor\")] [NotNull] public byte FillFactor { get; set; } Property Value byte FilterDefinition Expression for the subset of rows included in the filtered index. NULL for heap, non-filtered index, or insufficient permissions on the table. [Column(\"filter_definition\")] [Nullable] public string? FilterDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string HasFilter 1 = Index has a filter and only contains rows that satisfy the filter definition. 0 = Index does not have a filter. [Column(\"has_filter\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool? IgnoreDupKey 1 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is ON. 0 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is OFF. [Column(\"ignore_dup_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IgnoreDupKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IndexID ID of the index. index_id is unique only within the object. 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered index > 1 = Nonclustered index [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDisabled 1 = Index is disabled. 0 = Index is not disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsHypothetical 1 = Index is hypothetical and cannot be used directly as a data access path. Hypothetical indexes hold column-level statistics. 0 = Index is not hypothetical. [Column(\"is_hypothetical\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsHypothetical { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPadded 1 = PADINDEX is ON. 0 = PADINDEX is OFF. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_padded\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPrimaryKey 1 = Index is part of a PRIMARY KEY constraint. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_primary_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsUnique 1 = Index is unique. 0 = Index is not unique. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_unique\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUnique { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsUniqueConstraint 1 = Index is part of a UNIQUE constraint. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_unique_constraint\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUniqueConstraint { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Name of the index. name is unique only within the object. NULL = Heap [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this index belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int OptimizeForSequentialKey 1 = Index has last-page insert optimization enabled. 0 = Default value. Index has last-page insert optimization disabled. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance [Column(\"optimize_for_sequential_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? OptimizeForSequentialKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? SuppressDupKeyMessages 1 = Index is configured to suppress duplicate key messages during an index rebuild operation. 0 = Index is not configured to suppress duplicate key messages during an index rebuild operation. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance [Column(\"suppress_dup_key_messages\")] [Nullable] public bool? SuppressDupKeyMessages { get; set; } Property Value bool? TypeColumn Type of index: 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered rowstore (b-tree) 2 = Nonclustered rowstore (b-tree) 3 = XML 4 = Spatial 5 = Clustered columnstore index. Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. 6 = Nonclustered columnstore index. Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 7 = Nonclustered hash index. Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of index type: HEAP CLUSTERED NONCLUSTERED XML SPATIAL CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE - Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. NONCLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE - Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. NONCLUSTERED HASH : NONCLUSTERED HASH indexes are supported only on memory-optimized tables. The sys.hash_indexes view shows the current hash indexes and the hash properties. For more information, see sys.hash_indexes (Transact-SQL). Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.IndexColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.IndexColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.index_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row per column that is part of a sys.indexes index or unordered table (heap). See sys.index_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"index_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.IndexColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.IndexColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the column in object_id. 0 = Row Identifier (RID) in a nonclustered index. column_id is unique only within object_id. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int ColumnStoreOrderOrdinal Ordinal (1-based) within set of order columns in an ordered clustered columnstore index. [Column(\"column_store_order_ordinal\")] [NotNull] public byte ColumnStoreOrderOrdinal { get; set; } Property Value byte IndexColumnID ID of the index column. index_column_id is unique only within index_id. [Column(\"index_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int IndexID ID of the index in which the column is defined. [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDescendingKey 1 = Index key column has a descending sort direction. 0 = Index key column has an ascending sort direction, or the column is part of a columnstore or hash index. [Column(\"is_descending_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDescendingKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsIncludedColumn 1 = Column is a nonkey column added to the index by using the CREATE INDEX INCLUDE clause, or the column is part of a columnstore index. 0 = Column is not an included column. Columns implicitly added because they are part of the clustering key are not listed in sys.index_columns. Columns implicitly added because they are a partitioning column are returned as 0. [Column(\"is_included_column\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsIncludedColumn { get; set; } Property Value bool? KeyOrdinal Ordinal (1-based) within set of key-columns. 0 = Not a key column, or is an XML index, a columnstore index, or a spatial index. Note: An XML or spatial index cannot be a key because the underlying columns are not comparable, meaning that their values cannot be ordered. [Column(\"key_ordinal\")] [NotNull] public byte KeyOrdinal { get; set; } Property Value byte Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object the index is defined on. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PartitionOrdinal Ordinal (1-based) within set of partitioning columns. A clustered columnstore index can have at most 1 partitioning column. 0 = Not a partitioning column. [Column(\"partition_ordinal\")] [NotNull] public byte PartitionOrdinal { get; set; } Property Value byte"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.index_resumable_operations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database sys.index_resumable_operations is a system view that monitors and checks the current execution status for resumable Index rebuild or creation. Applies to: SQL Server (2017 and newer), and Azure SQL Database See sys.index_resumable_operations. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"index_resumable_operations\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation Inheritance object ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IndexID ID of the index (not nullable). index_id is unique only within the object. [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int LastMaxDop Last MAX_DOP used (default = 0) [Column(\"last_max_dop\")] [NotNull] public short LastMaxDop { get; set; } Property Value short LastPauseTime Index operation last pause time (nullable). NULL if operation is running and never paused. [Column(\"last_pause_time\")] [Nullable] public object? LastPauseTime { get; set; } Property Value object Name Name of the index. name is unique only within the object. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this index belongs (not nullable). [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PageCount Total number of index pages allocated by the index build operation for the new and mapping indexes ( not nullable ). [Column(\"page_count\")] [NotNull] public long PageCount { get; set; } Property Value long PartitionNumber Partition number within the owning index or heap. For non-partitioned tables and indexes or in case all partitions are being rebuild the value of this column is NULL. [Column(\"partition_number\")] [Nullable] public int? PartitionNumber { get; set; } Property Value int? PercentComplete Index operation progress completion in % ( not nullable). [Column(\"percent_complete\")] [NotNull] public float PercentComplete { get; set; } Property Value float SqlText DDL T-SQL statement text [Column(\"sql_text\")] [Nullable] public string? SqlText { get; set; } Property Value string StartTime Index operation start time (not nullable) [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime State Operational state for resumable index: 0=Running 1=Pause [Column(\"state\")] [NotNull] public byte State { get; set; } Property Value byte StateDesc Description of the operational state for resumable index (running or Paused) [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TotalExecutionTime Total execution time from start time in minutes (not nullable) [Column(\"total_execution_time\")] [NotNull] public int TotalExecutionTime { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.InternalPartition | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.InternalPartition Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.internal_partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns one row for each rowset that tracks internal data for columnstore indexes on disk-based tables. These rowsets are internal to columnstore indexes and track deleted rows, rowgroup mappings, and delta store rowgroups. They track data for each for each table partition; every table has at least one partition. SQL Server re-creates the rowsets each time it rebuilds the columnstore index. See sys.internal_partitions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"internal_partitions\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.InternalPartition Inheritance object ObjectSchema.InternalPartition Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataCompression The state of compression for the rowset: 0 = NONE 1 = ROW 2 = PAGE [Column(\"data_compression\")] [Nullable] public byte? DataCompression { get; set; } Property Value byte? DataCompressionDesc The state of compression for each partition. Possible values for rowstore tables are NONE, ROW, and PAGE. Possible values for columnstore tables are COLUMNSTORE and COLUMNSTORE_ARCHIVE. [Column(\"data_compression_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DataCompressionDesc { get; set; } Property Value string HoBTID ID of the internal rowset object (HoBT). This is a good key for joining with other DMVs to get more information about the physical characteristics of the internal rowset. [Column(\"hobt_id\")] [NotNull] public long HoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long IndexID Index ID for the columnstore index defined on the table. 1 = clustered columnstore index 2 = nonclustered columnstore index [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int InternalObjectType Rowset objects that track internal data for the columnstore index. 2 = COLUMN_STORE_DELETE_BITMAP 3 = COLUMN_STORE_DELTA_STORE 4 = COLUMN_STORE_DELETE_BUFFER 5 = COLUMN_STORE_MAPPING_INDEX [Column(\"internal_object_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? InternalObjectType { get; set; } Property Value byte? InternalObjectTypeDesc COLUMN_STORE_DELETE_BITMAP - This bitmap index tracks rows that are marked as deleted from the columnstore. The bitmap is for every rowgroup since partitions can have rows in multiple rowgroups. The rows are that are still physically present and taking up space in the columnstore. COLUMN_STORE_DELTA_STORE - Stores groups of rows, called rowgroups, that have not been compressed into columnar storage. Each table partition can have zero or more deltastore rowgroups. COLUMN_STORE_DELETE_BUFFER - For maintaining deletes to updateable nonclustered columnstore indexes. When a query deletes a row from the underlying rowstore table, the delete buffer tracks the deletion from the columnstore. When the number of deleted rows exceed 1048576, they are merged back into the delete bitmap by background Tuple Mover thread or by an explicit Reorganize command. At any given point in time, the union of the delete bitmap and the delete buffer represents all deleted rows. COLUMN_STORE_MAPPING_INDEX - Used only when the clustered columnstore index has a secondary nonclustered index. This maps nonclustered index keys to the correct rowgroup and row ID in the columnstore. It only stores keys for rows that move to a different rowgroup; this occurs when a delta rowgroup is compressed into the columnstore, and when a merge operation merges rows from two different rowgroups. [Column(\"internal_object_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? InternalObjectTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object ID for the table that contains the partition. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int OptimizeForSequentialKey 1 = Partition has last-page insert optimization enabled. 0 = Default value. Partition has last-page insert optimization disabled. [Column(\"optimize_for_sequential_key\")] [NotNull] public bool OptimizeForSequentialKey { get; set; } Property Value bool PartitionID Partition ID for this partition. This is unique within a database. [Column(\"partition_id\")] [NotNull] public long PartitionID { get; set; } Property Value long PartitionNumber The partition number. 1 = first partition of a partitioned table, or the single partition of a nonpartitioned table. 2 = second partition, and so on. [Column(\"partition_number\")] [NotNull] public int PartitionNumber { get; set; } Property Value int RowGroupID ID for the deltastore rowgroup. Each table partition can have zero or more deltastore rowgroups. [Column(\"row_group_id\")] [Nullable] public int? RowGroupID { get; set; } Property Value int? Rows Approximate number of rows in this partition. [Column(\"rows\")] [Nullable] public long? Rows { get; set; } Property Value long?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.InternalTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.InternalTable Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.internal_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each object that is an internal table. Internal tables are automatically generated by SQL Server to support various features. For example, when you create a primary XML index, SQL Server automatically creates an internal table to persist the shredded XML document data. Internal tables appear in the sys schema of every database and have unique, system-generated names that indicate their function, for example, xml_index_nodes_2021582240_32001 or queue_messages_1977058079 Internal tables do not contain user-accessible data, and their schema are fixed and unalterable. You cannot reference internal table names in Transact\\-SQL statements. For example, you cannot execute a statement such as SELECT \\* FROM *\\<sys.internal_table_name>*. However, you can query catalog views to see the metadata of internal tables. See sys.internal_tables. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"internal_tables\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.InternalTable Inheritance object ObjectSchema.InternalTable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime FilestreamDataSpaceID Reserved for future use. [Column(\"filestream_data_space_id\")] [Nullable] public int? FilestreamDataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int? InternalType Type of the internal table: 3 = query_disk_store_query_hints 4 = query_disk_store_query_template_parameterization 6 = query_disk_store_wait_stats 201 = queue_messages 202 = xml_index_nodes 203 = fulltext_catalog_freelist 205 = query_notification 206 = service_broker_map 207 = extended_indexes (such as a spatial index) 208 = filestream_tombstone 209 = change_tracking 210 = tracked_committed_transactions 220 = contained_features 225 = filetable_updates 236 = selective_xml_index_node_table 240 = query_disk_store_query_text 241 = query_disk_store_query 242 = query_disk_store_plan 243 = query_disk_store_runtime_stats 244 = query_disk_store_runtime_stats_interval 245 = query_context_settings [Column(\"internal_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? InternalType { get; set; } Property Value byte? InternalTypeDesc Description of the type of internal table: QUERY_DISK_STORE_QUERY_HINTS QUERY_DISK_STORE_QUERY_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERIZATION QUERY_DISK_STORE_WAIT_STATS QUEUE_MESSAGES XML_INDEX_NODES FULLTEXT_CATALOG_FREELIST FULLTEXT_CATALOG_MAP QUERY_NOTIFICATION SERVICE_BROKER_MAP EXTENDED_INDEXES FILESTREAM_TOMBSTONE CHANGE_TRACKING TRACKED_COMMITTED_TRANSACTIONS CONTAINED_FEATURES FILETABLE_UPDATES SELECTIVE_XML_INDEX_NODE_TABLE QUERY_DISK_STORE_QUERY_TEXT QUERY_DISK_STORE_QUERY QUERY_DISK_STORE_PLAN QUERY_DISK_STORE_RUNTIME_STATS QUERY_DISK_STORE_RUNTIME_STATS_INTERVAL QUERY_CONTEXT_SETTINGS [Column(\"internal_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? InternalTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? LobDataSpaceID Non-zero value is the ID of data space (filegroup or partition-scheme) that holds the large object (LOB) data for this table. [Column(\"lob_data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int LobDataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentID ID of the parent, regardless of whether it is schema-scoped or not. Otherwise, 0 if there is no parent. queue_messages = object_id of queue xml_index_nodes = object_id of the xml index fulltext_catalog_freelist = fulltext_catalog_id of the full-text catalog fulltext_index_map = object_id of the full-text index query_notification, or service_broker_map = 0 extended_indexes = object_id of an extended index, such as a spatial index object_id of the table for which table tracking is enabled = change_tracking [Column(\"parent_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ParentID { get; set; } Property Value int? ParentMinorID Minor ID of the parent. xml_index_nodes = index_id of the XML index extended_indexes = index_id of an extended index, such as a spatial index 0 = queue_messages, fulltext_catalog_freelist, fulltext_index_map, query_notification, service_broker_map, or change_tracking [Column(\"parent_minor_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ParentMinorID { get; set; } Property Value int? ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.key_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a primary key or unique constraint. Includes sys.objects.type PK and UQ. See sys.key_constraints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"key_constraints\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint Inheritance object ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSystemNamed 1 = Name was generated by system. 0 = Name was supplied by the user. [Column(\"is_system_named\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSystemNamed { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UniqueIndexID ID of the corresponding unique index in the parent object that was created to enforce this constraint. [Column(\"unique_index_id\")] [Nullable] public int? UniqueIndexID { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.masked_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Use the sys.masked_columns view to query for table-columns that have a dynamic data masking function applied to them. This view inherits from the sys.columns view. It returns all columns in the sys.columns view, plus the is_masked and masking_function columns, indicating if the column is masked, and if so, what masking function is defined. This view only shows the columns on which there is a masking function applied. See sys.masked_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"masked_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the column. Is unique within the object. Column IDs might not be sequential. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int GeneratedAlwaysType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. 7, 8, 9, 10 only applies to SQL Database. Identifies when the column value is generated (will always be 0 for columns in system tables): 0 = NOT_APPLICABLE 1 = AS_ROW_START 2 = AS_ROW_END 7 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START 8 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END 9 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START 10 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END For more information, see Temporal Tables (Relational databases). [Column(\"generated_always_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? GeneratedAlwaysType { get; set; } Property Value byte? IsMasked Indicates if the column is masked. 1 indicates masked. [Column(\"is_masked\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMasked { get; set; } Property Value bool? MaskingFunction The masking function for the column. [Column(\"masking_function\")] [Nullable] public string? MaskingFunction { get; set; } Property Value string Name Name of the column. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int SysMaskedColumns See sys.columns (Transact-SQL) for more column definitions. [Column(\"sys.masked_columns\")] [NotNull] public object SysMaskedColumns { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains a row for each internal memory-optimized table used for storing user memory-optimized tables. Each user table corresponds to one or more internal tables. A single table is used for the core data storage. Additional internal tables are used to support features such as temporal, columnstore index and off-row (LOB) storage for memory-optimized tables. See sys.memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute Inheritance object ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties MinorID 0 indicates a user or internal table Non-0 indicates the ID of a column stored off-row. Joins with column_id in sys.columns. Each column stored off-row has a corresponding row in this system view. [Column(\"minor_id\")] [NotNull] public int MinorID { get; set; } Property Value int Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the user table. Internal memory-optimized tables that exist to support a user table (such as off-row storage or deleted rows in case of Hk/Columnstore combinations) have the same object_id as their parent. [Column(\"object_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int? TypeColumn Type of internal table. 0 => DELETED_ROWS_TABLE 1 => USER_TABLE 2 => DICTIONARIES_TABLE 3 => SEGMENTS_TABLE 4 => ROW_GROUPS_INFO_TABLE 5 => INTERNAL OFF-ROW DATA TABLE 252 => INTERNAL_TEMPORAL_HISTORY_TABLE [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public int? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value int? TypeDesc Description of the type DELETED_ROWS_TABLE -> Internal table tracking deleted rows for a columnstore index USER_TABLE -> Table containing the in-row user data DICTIONARIES_TABLE -> Dictionaries for a columnstore index SEGMENTS_TABLE -> Compressed segments for a columnstore index ROW_GROUPS_INFO_TABLE -> Metadata about compressed row groups of a columnstore index INTERNAL OFF-ROW DATA TABLE -> Internal table used for storage of an off-row column. In this case, minor_id reflects the column_id. INTERNAL_TEMPORAL_HISTORY_TABLE -> Hot tail of the disk-based history table. Rows inserted into the history are inserted into this internal memory-optimized table first. There is a background task that asynchronously moves rows from this internal table to the disk-based history table. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string XtpObjectID In-Memory OLTP object ID corresponding to the internal memory-optimized table that is used to support the user table. It is unique within the database and it can change over the lifetime of the object. [Column(\"xtp_object_id\")] [NotNull] public long XtpObjectID { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.module_assembly_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each module-to-assembly reference. See sys.module_assembly_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"module_assembly_usages\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyID ID of the assembly from which this module was created. [Column(\"assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int AssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number of the SQL object. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.numbered_procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each SQL Server stored procedure that was created as a numbered procedure. This does not show a row for the base (number = 1) stored procedure. Entries for the base stored procedures can be found in views such as sys.objects and sys.procedures. important Numbered procedures are deprecated. Use of numbered procedures is discouraged. A DEPRECATION_ANNOUNCEMENT event is fired when a query that uses this catalog view is compiled. See sys.numbered_procedures. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"numbered_procedures\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure Inheritance object ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Definition The SQL Server text that defines this procedure. NULL = encrypted. [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public string? Definition { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object of the stored procedure. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ProcedureNumber Number of this procedure within the object, 2 or greater. [Column(\"procedure_number\")] [Nullable] public short? ProcedureNumber { get; set; } Property Value short?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.numbered_procedure_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each parameter of a numbered procedure. When you create a numbered stored procedure, the base procedure is number 1. All subsequent procedures have numbers 2, 3, and so forth. sys.numbered_procedure_parameters contains the parameter definitions for all subsequent procedures, numbered 2 and greater. This view does not show parameters for the base stored procedure (number = 1). The base stored procedure is similar to a nonnumbered stored procedure. Therefore, its parameters are represented in sys.parameters (Transact-SQL). important Numbered procedures are deprecated. Use of numbered procedures is discouraged. A DEPRECATION_ANNOUNCEMENT event is fired when a query that uses this catalog view is compiled. note XML and CLR parameters are not supported for numbered procedures. See sys.numbered_procedure_parameters. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"numbered_procedure_parameters\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter Inheritance object ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IsCursorRef 1 = Parameter is a cursor-reference parameter. [Column(\"is_cursor_ref\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCursorRef { get; set; } Property Value bool IsOutput 1 = Parameter is output or return; otherwise, 0 [Column(\"is_output\")] [NotNull] public bool IsOutput { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxLength Maximum length of the parameter in bytes. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or varbinary(max). [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the parameter. Is unique within procedure_number. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this parameter belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterID ID of the parameter. Is unique within the procedure_number. [Column(\"parameter_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParameterID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the parameter if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte ProcedureNumber Number of this procedure within the object, 2 or greater. [Column(\"procedure_number\")] [NotNull] public short ProcedureNumber { get; set; } Property Value short Scale Scale of the parameter if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the parameter [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type, as defined by user, of the parameter. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Object | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Object Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each user-defined, schema-scoped object that is created within a database, including natively compiled scalar user-defined function. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. note sys.objects does not show DDL triggers, because they are not schema-scoped. All triggers, both DML and DDL, are found in sys.triggers. sys.triggers supports a mixture of name-scoping rules for the various kinds of triggers. See sys.objects. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"objects\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Object Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Object Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyModule assembly_modules (sys.assembly_modules) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule? AssemblyModule { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule ChangeTrackingTables change_tracking_tables (sys.change_tracking_tables) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable> ChangeTrackingTables { get; set; } Property Value IList<ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable> CheckConstraint check_constraints (sys.check_constraints) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint? CheckConstraint { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint ColumnStoreRowGroups column_store_row_groups (sys.column_store_row_groups) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup> ColumnStoreRowGroups { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup> ColumnTypeUsages column_type_usages (sys.column_type_usages) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage> ColumnTypeUsages { get; set; } Property Value IList<ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage> ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsages column_xml_schema_collection_usages (sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsages { get; set; } Property Value IList<XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> Columns columns (sys.columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Column> Columns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Column> ComputedColumns computed_columns (sys.computed_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn> ComputedColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn> CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DatabaseEventSessionFields database_event_session_fields (sys.database_event_session_fields) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField> DatabaseEventSessionFields { get; set; } Property Value IList<ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField> DefaultConstraint default_constraints (sys.default_constraints) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint? DefaultConstraint { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint EventNotifications event_notifications (sys.event_notifications) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.EventNotification> EventNotifications { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.EventNotification> Events events ( [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Event> Events { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Event> ExtendedProcedures extended_procedures (sys.extended_procedures) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure> ExtendedProcedures { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure> ExternalTables external_tables (sys.external_tables) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable> ExternalTables { get; set; } Property Value IList<ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable> FiletableSystemDefinedObjects filetable_system_defined_objects (sys.filetable_system_defined_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject> FiletableSystemDefinedObjects { get; set; } Property Value IList<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject> Filetables filetables (sys.filetables) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable> Filetables { get; set; } Property Value IList<FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable> ForeignKey foreign_keys (sys.foreign_keys) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.ForeignKey? ForeignKey { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.ForeignKey FulltextIndexCatalogUsages fulltext_index_catalog_usages (sys.fulltext_index_catalog_usages) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage> FulltextIndexCatalogUsages { get; set; } Property Value IList<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage> FulltextIndexColumns fulltext_index_columns (sys.fulltext_index_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn> FulltextIndexColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn> FulltextIndexes fulltext_indexes (sys.fulltext_indexes) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<FullTextSearchSchema.Index> FulltextIndexes { get; set; } Property Value IList<FullTextSearchSchema.Index> FunctionOrderColumns function_order_columns (sys.function_order_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn> FunctionOrderColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn> HashIndexes hash_indexes (sys.hash_indexes) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.HashIndex> HashIndexes { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.HashIndex> IdentityColumns identity_columns (sys.identity_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn> IdentityColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn> IndexColumns index_columns (sys.index_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.IndexColumn> IndexColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.IndexColumn> IndexResumableOperations index_resumable_operations (sys.index_resumable_operations) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation> IndexResumableOperations { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation> Indexes indexes (sys.indexes) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Index> Indexes { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Index> InternalPartitions internal_partitions (sys.internal_partitions) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.InternalPartition> InternalPartitions { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.InternalPartition> InternalTables internal_tables (sys.internal_tables) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.InternalTable> InternalTables { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.InternalTable> IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool KeyConstraint key_constraints (sys.key_constraints) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint? KeyConstraint { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint LedgerColumnHistory ledger_column_history (sys.ledger_column_history) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory> LedgerColumnHistory { get; set; } Property Value IList<SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory> LedgerTableHistory ledger_table_history (sys.ledger_table_history) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory> LedgerTableHistory { get; set; } Property Value IList<SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory> MaskedColumns masked_columns (sys.masked_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn> MaskedColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn> MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttributes memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes (sys.memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute> MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttributes { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute> ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime ModuleAssemblyUsages module_assembly_usages (sys.module_assembly_usages) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage> ModuleAssemblyUsages { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage> Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string NumberedProcedureParameters numbered_procedure_parameters (sys.numbered_procedure_parameters) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter> NumberedProcedureParameters { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter> NumberedProcedures numbered_procedures (sys.numbered_procedures) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure> NumberedProcedures { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure> ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterTypeUsages parameter_type_usages (sys.parameter_type_usages) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage> ParameterTypeUsages { get; set; } Property Value IList<ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage> ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsages parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages (sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsages { get; set; } Property Value IList<XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> Parameters parameters (sys.parameters) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Parameter> Parameters { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Parameter> ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Partitions partitions (sys.partitions) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Partition> Partitions { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Partition> PdwColumnDistributionProperties pdw_column_distribution_properties (sys.pdw_column_distribution_properties) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty> PdwColumnDistributionProperties { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty> PdwIndexMappings pdw_index_mappings (sys.pdw_index_mappings) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping> PdwIndexMappings { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping> PdwMaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperties pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties (sys.pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty> PdwMaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperties { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty> PdwMaterializedViewDistributionProperties pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties (sys.pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty> PdwMaterializedViewDistributionProperties { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty> PdwMaterializedViewMappings pdw_materialized_view_mappings (sys.pdw_materialized_view_mappings) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping> PdwMaterializedViewMappings { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping> PdwNodesColumnStoreRowGroups pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups (sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup> PdwNodesColumnStoreRowGroups { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup> PdwNodesColumns pdw_nodes_columns (sys.pdw_nodes_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn> PdwNodesColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn> PdwNodesIndexes pdw_nodes_indexes (sys.pdw_nodes_indexes) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex> PdwNodesIndexes { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex> PdwNodesPartitions pdw_nodes_partitions (sys.pdw_nodes_partitions) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition> PdwNodesPartitions { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition> PdwNodesTables pdw_nodes_tables (sys.pdw_nodes_tables) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable> PdwNodesTables { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable> PdwPermanentTableMappings pdw_permanent_table_mappings (sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping> PdwPermanentTableMappings { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping> PdwReplicatedTableCacheState pdw_replicated_table_cache_state (sys.pdw_replicated_table_cache_state) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState> PdwReplicatedTableCacheState { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState> PdwTableDistributionProperties pdw_table_distribution_properties (sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty> PdwTableDistributionProperties { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty> PdwTableMappings pdw_table_mappings (sys.pdw_table_mappings) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping> PdwTableMappings { get; set; } Property Value IList<AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping> Periods periods (sys.periods) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Period> Periods { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Period> PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? Procedures procedures (sys.procedures) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Procedure> Procedures { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Procedure> QueryStoreQuery query_store_query (sys.query_store_query) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery> QueryStoreQuery { get; set; } Property Value IList<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery> RemoteDataArchiveTables remote_data_archive_tables (sys.remote_data_archive_tables) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable> RemoteDataArchiveTables { get; set; } Property Value IList<StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable> SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int SecurityPolicies security_policies (sys.security_policies) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy> SecurityPolicies { get; set; } Property Value IList<SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy> SecurityPredicates security_predicates (sys.security_predicates) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate> SecurityPredicates { get; set; } Property Value IList<SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate> SelectiveXmlIndexPaths selective_xml_index_paths (sys.selective_xml_index_paths) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath> SelectiveXmlIndexPaths { get; set; } Property Value IList<XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath> Sequences sequences (sys.sequences) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Sequence> Sequences { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Sequence> ServerAssemblyModules server_assembly_modules (sys.server_assembly_modules) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule> ServerAssemblyModules { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule> ServerEventNotifications server_event_notifications (sys.server_event_notifications) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification> ServerEventNotifications { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification> ServerEventSessionFields server_event_session_fields (sys.server_event_session_fields) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField> ServerEventSessionFields { get; set; } Property Value IList<ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField> ServerEvents server_events (sys.server_events) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ServerEvent> ServerEvents { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ServerEvent> ServerSqlModules server_sql_modules (sys.server_sql_modules) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule> ServerSqlModules { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule> ServerTriggers server_triggers (sys.server_triggers) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger> ServerTriggers { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger> ServiceQueue service_queues (sys.service_queues) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue? ServiceQueue { get; set; } Property Value ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue SpatialIndexTessellations spatial_index_tessellations (sys.spatial_index_tessellations) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation> SpatialIndexTessellations { get; set; } Property Value IList<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation> SpatialIndexes spatial_indexes (sys.spatial_indexes) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex> SpatialIndexes { get; set; } Property Value IList<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex> SqlDependencies sql_dependencies (sys.sql_dependencies) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.SqlDependency> SqlDependencies { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.SqlDependency> SqlModules sql_modules (sys.sql_modules) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.SqlModule> SqlModules { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.SqlModule> Stats stats (sys.stats) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Stat> Stats { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Stat> StatsColumns stats_columns (sys.stats_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.StatsColumn> StatsColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.StatsColumn> Synonym synonyms (sys.synonyms) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.Synonym? Synonym { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Synonym Table tables (sys.tables) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.Table? Table { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Table TriggerEvents trigger_events (sys.trigger_events) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent> TriggerEvents { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent> Triggers triggers (sys.triggers) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.Trigger> Triggers { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.Trigger> TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string View views (sys.views) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.View? View { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.View XmlIndexes xml_indexes (sys.xml_indexes) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<XmlSchema.XmlIndex> XmlIndexes { get; set; } Property Value IList<XmlSchema.XmlIndex>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Parameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Parameter Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each parameter of an object that accepts parameters. If the object is a scalar function, there is also a single row describing the return value. That row will have a parameter_id value of 0. See sys.parameters. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"parameters\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Parameter Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Parameter Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. The name of the database where the column encryption key exists if different than the database of the column. Is NULL if the key exists in the same database as the column. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyID Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. ID of the CEK. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnEncryptionKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultValue If has_default_value is 1, the value of this column is the value of the default for the parameter; otherwise NULL. [Column(\"default_value\")] [Nullable] public object? DefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value object EncryptionAlgorithmName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Name of encryption algorithm. Only AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 is supported. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_name\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmName { get; set; } Property Value string EncryptionType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type: 1 = Deterministic encryption 2 = Randomized encryption [Column(\"encryption_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EncryptionType { get; set; } Property Value int? EncryptionTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type description: RANDOMIZED DETERMINISTIC [Column(\"encryption_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string HasDefaultValue 1 = Parameter has default value. SQL Server only maintains default values for CLR objects in this catalog view; therefore, this column has a value of 0 for Transact-SQL objects. To view the default value of a parameter in a Transact-SQL object, query the definition column of the sys.sql_modules catalog view, or use the OBJECT_DEFINITION system function. [Column(\"has_default_value\")] [NotNull] public bool HasDefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCursorRef 1 = Parameter is a cursor-reference parameter. [Column(\"is_cursor_ref\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCursorRef { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable 1 = Parameter is nullable. (the default). 0 = Parameter is not nullable, for more efficient execution of natively-compiled stored procedures. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsOutput 1 = Parameter is OUTPUT or RETURN; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"is_output\")] [NotNull] public bool IsOutput { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReadonly 1 = Parameter is READONLY; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"is_readonly\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReadonly { get; set; } Property Value bool IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. 0 = Content is a document fragment, or the data type of the column is not xml. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxLength Maximum length of the parameter, in bytes. Value = -1 when the column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the parameter. Is unique within the object. If the object is a scalar function, the parameter name is an empty string in the row representing the return value. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this parameter belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterID ID of the parameter. Is unique within the object. If the object is a scalar function, parameter_id = 0 represents the return value. [Column(\"parameter_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParameterID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the parameter if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte Scale Scale of the parameter if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the parameter. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the parameter as defined by the user. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID Non-zero if the data type of the parameter is xml and the XML is typed. The value is the ID of the collection containing the validating XML schema namespace of the parameter. 0 = No XML schema collection. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Partition | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Partition Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition of all the tables and most types of indexes in the database. Special index types such as Full-Text, Spatial, and XML are not included in this view. All tables and indexes in SQL Server contain at least one partition, whether or not they are explicitly partitioned. See sys.partitions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"partitions\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Partition Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Partition Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataCompression Indicates the state of compression for each partition: 0 = NONE 1 = ROW 2 = PAGE 3 = COLUMNSTORE : Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later 4 = COLUMNSTORE_ARCHIVE : Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later Note: Full text indexes will be compressed in any edition of SQL Server. [Column(\"data_compression\")] [NotNull] public byte DataCompression { get; set; } Property Value byte DataCompressionDesc Indicates the state of compression for each partition. Possible values for rowstore tables are NONE, ROW, and PAGE. Possible values for columnstore tables are COLUMNSTORE and COLUMNSTORE_ARCHIVE. [Column(\"data_compression_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DataCompressionDesc { get; set; } Property Value string FilestreamFileGroupID Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. Indicates the ID of the FILESTREAM filegroup stored on this partition. [Column(\"filestream_filegroup_id\")] [NotNull] public short FilestreamFileGroupID { get; set; } Property Value short HoBTID Indicates the ID of the data heap or B-tree (HoBT) that contains the rows for this partition. [Column(\"hobt_id\")] [NotNull] public long HoBTID { get; set; } Property Value long IndexID Indicates the ID of the index within the object to which this partition belongs. 0 = heap 1 = clustered index 2 or greater = nonclustered index [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Indicates the ID of the object to which this partition belongs. Every table or view is composed of at least one partition. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PartitionID Indicates the partition ID. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"partition_id\")] [NotNull] public long PartitionID { get; set; } Property Value long PartitionNumber Is a 1-based partition number within the owning index or heap. For non-partitioned tables and indexes, the value of this column is 1. [Column(\"partition_number\")] [NotNull] public int PartitionNumber { get; set; } Property Value int Rows Indicates the approximate number of rows in this partition. [Column(\"rows\")] [Nullable] public long? Rows { get; set; } Property Value long?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Period | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Period Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.periods (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Returns a row for each table for which periods have been defined. See sys.periods. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"periods\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Period Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Period Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EndColumnID The id of the column that defines the upper period boundary [Column(\"end_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int EndColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int Name Name of the period [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The id of the table containing the period_type column [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PeriodType The numeric value representing the type of period: 1 = system-time period [Column(\"period_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? PeriodType { get; set; } Property Value byte? PeriodTypeDesc The text description of the type of column: SYSTEM_TIME_PERIOD [Column(\"period_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PeriodTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string StartColumnID The id of the column that defines the lower period boundary [Column(\"start_column_id\")] [NotNull] public int StartColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.PlanGuide | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.PlanGuide Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.plan_guides (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each plan guide in the database. See sys.plan_guides. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"plan_guides\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.PlanGuide Inheritance object ObjectSchema.PlanGuide Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date and time the plan guide was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Hints The OPTION clause hints associated with the plan guide. [Column(\"hints\")] [Nullable] public string? Hints { get; set; } Property Value string IsDisabled 1 = Plan guide is disabled. 0 = Plan guide is enabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the plan guide was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public object ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value object Name Name of the plan guide. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Parameters The string defining the list of parameters associated with the plan guide. NULL = No parameter list is associated with the plan guide. [Column(\"parameters\")] [Nullable] public string? Parameters { get; set; } Property Value string PlanGuideID Unique identifier of the plan guide in the database. [Column(\"plan_guide_id\")] [NotNull] public int PlanGuideID { get; set; } Property Value int QueryText Text of the query on which the plan guide is created. [Column(\"query_text\")] [Nullable] public string? QueryText { get; set; } Property Value string ScopeBatch Batch text, if scope_type is SQL. NULL if batch type is not SQL. If NULL and scope_type is SQL, the value of query_text applies. [Column(\"scope_batch\")] [Nullable] public string? ScopeBatch { get; set; } Property Value string ScopeObjectID object_id of the object defining the scope of the plan guide, if the scope is OBJECT. NULL if the plan guide is not scoped to OBJECT. [Column(\"scope_object_id\")] [Nullable] public object? ScopeObjectID { get; set; } Property Value object ScopeType Identifies the scope of the plan guide. 1 = OBJECT 2 = SQL 3 = TEMPLATE [Column(\"scope_type\")] [NotNull] public byte ScopeType { get; set; } Property Value byte ScopeTypeDesc Description of scope of the plan guide. OBJECT SQL TEMPLATE [Column(\"scope_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ScopeTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Procedure | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Procedure Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a procedure of some kind, with sys.objects.type = P, X, RF, and PC. See sys.procedures. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"procedures\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Procedure Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Procedure Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsAutoExecuted 1 = Procedure is auto-executed at the server startup; otherwise, 0. Can only be set for procedures in the master database. [Column(\"is_auto_executed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAutoExecuted { get; set; } Property Value bool IsExecutionReplicated Execution of this procedure is replicated. [Column(\"is_execution_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsExecutionReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReplSerializableOnly Replication of the procedure execution is done only when the transaction can be serialized. [Column(\"is_repl_serializable_only\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReplSerializableOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int SkipsReplConstraints During execution, the procedure skips constraints marked NOT FOR REPLICATION. [Column(\"skips_repl_constraints\")] [Nullable] public bool? SkipsReplConstraints { get; set; } Property Value bool? TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Sequence | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Sequence Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sequences (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each sequence object in a database. See sys.sequences. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sequences\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Sequence Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Sequence Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CacheSize Returns the specified cache size for the sequence object. This column contains NULL if the sequence was created with the NO CACHE option or if CACHE was specified without specifying a cache size. If the value specified by the cache size is larger than the maximum number of values that can be returned by the sequence object, that unobtainable cache size is still displayed. [Column(\"cache_size\")] [Nullable] public object? CacheSize { get; set; } Property Value object CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CurrentValue The last value obligated. That is, the value returned from the most recent execution of the NEXT VALUE FOR function or the last value from executing the sp_sequence_get_range procedure. Returns the START WITH value if the sequence has never been used. [Column(\"current_value\")] [NotNull] public object CurrentValue { get; set; } Property Value object Increment The value that is used to increment the sequence object after each generated value. [Column(\"increment\")] [NotNull] public object Increment { get; set; } Property Value object IsCached Returns 0 if NO CACHE has been specified for the sequence object and 1 if CACHE has been specified. [Column(\"is_cached\")] [Nullable] public object? IsCached { get; set; } Property Value object IsCycling Returns 0 if NO CYCLE has been specified for the sequence object and 1 if CYCLE has been specified. [Column(\"is_cycling\")] [Nullable] public object? IsCycling { get; set; } Property Value object IsExhausted 0 indicates that more values can be generated from the sequence. 1 indicates that the sequence object has reached the MAXVALUE parameter and the sequence is not set to CYCLE. The NEXT VALUE FOR function returns an error until the sequence is restarted by using ALTER SEQUENCE. [Column(\"is_exhausted\")] [NotNull] public object IsExhausted { get; set; } Property Value object IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool LastUsedValue Returns the last value generated by the Next Value For function. Applies to SQL Server 2017 and later. [Column(\"last_used_value\")] [Nullable] public object? LastUsedValue { get; set; } Property Value object MaximumValue The maximum value that can be generated by the sequence object. After this value is reached the sequence object will either start returning an error when trying to generate more values or restart if the CYCLE option is specified. If no MAXVALUE has been specified this column returns the maximum value supported by the sequence object's data type. [Column(\"maximum_value\")] [NotNull] public object MaximumValue { get; set; } Property Value object MinimumValue The minimum value that can be generated by the sequence object. After this value is reached, the sequence object will either return an error when trying to generate more values or restart if the CYCLE option is specified. If no MINVALUE has been specified, this column returns the minimum value supported by the sequence generator's data type. [Column(\"minimum_value\")] [NotNull] public object MinimumValue { get; set; } Property Value object ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Max precision of the data type. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public object Precision { get; set; } Property Value object PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? Scale Max scale of the type. Scale is returned together with precision to give users complete metadata. Scale is always 0 for sequence objects because only integer types are allowed. [Column(\"scale\")] [Nullable] public object? Scale { get; set; } Property Value object SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int StartValue The starting value for the sequence object. If the sequence object is restarted by using ALTER SEQUENCE it will restart at this value. When the sequence object cycles it proceeds to the minimum_value or maximum_value, not the start_value. [Column(\"start_value\")] [NotNull] public object StartValue { get; set; } Property Value object SystemTypeID ID of the system type for sequence object's data type. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public object SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value object TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UserTypeID ID of the data type for the sequence object as defined by the user. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public object UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_assembly_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each assembly module for the server-level triggers of type TA. This view maps assembly triggers to the underlying CLR implementation. You can join this relation to sys.server_triggers. The assembly must be loaded into the master database. The tuple (object_id) is the key for the relation. See sys.server_assembly_modules. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_assembly_modules\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyClass Name of the class within assembly that defines this module. [Column(\"assembly_class\")] [Nullable] public string? AssemblyClass { get; set; } Property Value string AssemblyID ID of the assembly from which this module was created. The assembly must be loaded into the master database. [Column(\"assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int AssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int AssemblyMethod Name of the method within the class that defines this module. Is NULL for aggregate functions (AF). [Column(\"assembly_method\")] [Nullable] public string? AssemblyMethod { get; set; } Property Value string ExecuteAsPrincipalID ID of the EXECUTE AS server principal. NULL by default or if EXECUTE AS CALLER. ID of the specified principal if EXECUTE AS SELF EXECUTE AS <principal>. -2 = EXECUTE AS OWNER. [Column(\"execute_as_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ExecuteAsPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID This is a FOREIGN KEY reference back to the object upon which this assembly module is defined. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerEvent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerEvent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each event for which a server-level event-notification or server-level DDL trigger fires. The columns object_id and type uniquely identify the server event. See sys.server_events. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_events\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ServerEvent Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ServerEvent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventGroupType Event group on which the trigger or event notification is created, or null if not created on an event group. [Column(\"event_group_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EventGroupType { get; set; } Property Value int? EventGroupTypeDesc Description of the event group on which the trigger or event notification is created, or null if not created on an event group [Column(\"event_group_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EventGroupTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the server-level event notification or server-level DDL trigger to fire. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Type of the event that causes the event notification or DDL trigger to fire. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public int TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value int TypeDesc Description of the event that causes the DDL trigger or event notification to fire. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_event_notifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each server-level event notification object. See sys.server_event_notifications. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_event_notifications\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BrokerInstance The service broker where the named target service is defined. [Column(\"broker_instance\")] [Nullable] public string? BrokerInstance { get; set; } Property Value string CreateDate Date created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CreatorSID SID of the login executing the statement that creates the event notification. NULL if WITH FAN_IN is not specified in the event notification definition. [Column(\"creator_sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? CreatorSID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] ModifyDate Date object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Server event notification name. Is unique across all server-level event notifications. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within the master database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentClass Class of parent. Is always 100 = Server. [Column(\"parent_class\")] [NotNull] public byte ParentClass { get; set; } Property Value byte ParentClassDesc Description of class of parent. Is always SERVER. [Column(\"parent_class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ParentClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ParentID Is always 0. [Column(\"parent_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the server principal that owns this. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ServiceName Name of the target service to which the notification is sent. [Column(\"service_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ServiceName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains the set of SQL modules for server-level triggers of type TR. You can join this relation to sys.server_triggers. The tuple (object_id) is the key of the relation. See sys.server_sql_modules. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_sql_modules\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Definition SQL text that defines this module. NULL = Encrypted. [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public string? Definition { get; set; } Property Value string ExecuteAsPrincipalID ID of the EXECUTE AS server principal. NULL by default or if EXECUTE AS CALLER ID of the specified principal if EXECUTE AS SELF EXECUTE AS principal-2 = EXECUTE AS OWNER. [Column(\"execute_as_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ExecuteAsPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID This is a FOREIGN KEY reference back to the server-level trigger where this module is defined. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int UsesAnsiNulls Module was created with ANSI NULLS set option set to ON. [Column(\"uses_ansi_nulls\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesAnsiNulls { get; set; } Property Value bool? UsesQuotedIdentifier Module was created with QUOTED IDENTIFIER set option set to ON. [Column(\"uses_quoted_identifier\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesQuotedIdentifier { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_triggers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains the set of all server-level DDL triggers with object_type of TR or TA. In the case of CLR triggers, the assembly must be loaded into the master database. All server-level DDL trigger names exist in a single, global scope. See sys.server_triggers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_triggers\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the trigger was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsDisabled 1 = Trigger is disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Trigger created on behalf of the user by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the trigger was last modified by using an ALTER statement. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the trigger. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentClass Class of parent. Is always: 100 = Server [Column(\"parent_class\")] [NotNull] public byte ParentClass { get; set; } Property Value byte ParentClassDesc Description of class of parent. Is always: SERVER. [Column(\"parent_class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ParentClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ParentID Always 0 for triggers on the SERVER. [Column(\"parent_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: TA = Assembly (CLR) trigger TR = SQL trigger [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the class of the object type. CLR_TRIGGER SQL_TRIGGER [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerTriggerEvent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.ServerTriggerEvent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_trigger_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each event for which a server-level (synchronous) trigger fires. See sys.server_trigger_events. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_trigger_events\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.ServerTriggerEvent Inheritance object ObjectSchema.ServerTriggerEvent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties InheritedColumns Inherits all columns from sys.server_events. [Column(\"inherited columns\")] [NotNull] public object InheritedColumns { get; set; } Property Value object IsFirst Trigger is marked to be the first to fire for this event. [Column(\"is_first\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsFirst { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsLast Trigger is marked to be the last to fire for this event. [Column(\"is_last\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsLast { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.SqlDependency | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.SqlDependency Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sql_dependencies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each dependency on a referenced entity as referenced in the Transact\\-SQL expression or statements that define some other referencing object. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use sys.sql_expression_dependencies instead. See sys.sql_dependencies. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sql_dependencies\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.SqlDependency Inheritance object ObjectSchema.SqlDependency Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Class Identifies the class of the referenced entity: 0 = Object or column (non-schema-bound references only) 1 = Object or column (schema-bound references) 2 = Types (schema-bound references) 3 = XML Schema collections (schema-bound references) 4 = Partition function (schema-bound references) [Column(\"class\")] [NotNull] public byte Class { get; set; } Property Value byte ClassDesc Description of class of referenced entity: OBJECT_OR_COLUMN_REFERENCE_NON_SCHEMA_BOUND OBJECT_OR_COLUMN_REFERENCE_SCHEMA_BOUND TYPE_REFERENCE XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTION_REFERENCE PARTITION_FUNCTION_REFERENCE [Column(\"class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnID If the referencing ID is a column, ID of referencing column; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int IsSelectAll Object is used in SELECT * clause (object-level only). [Column(\"is_select_all\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSelectAll { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSelected Object or column is selected. [Column(\"is_selected\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSelected { get; set; } Property Value bool IsUpdated Object or column is updated. [Column(\"is_updated\")] [NotNull] public bool IsUpdated { get; set; } Property Value bool Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the referencing object. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ReferencedMajorID ID of the referenced entity, interpreted by value of class, according to: 0, 1 = Object ID of object or column. 2 = Type ID. 3 = XML Schema collection ID. [Column(\"referenced_major_id\")] [NotNull] public int ReferencedMajorID { get; set; } Property Value int ReferencedMinorID Minor-ID of the referenced entity, interpreted by value of class, as shown in the following. When class =: 0, referenced_minor_id is a column ID; or if not a column, it is 0. 1, referenced_minor_id is a column ID; or if not a column, it is 0. Otherwise, referenced_minor_id = 0. [Column(\"referenced_minor_id\")] [NotNull] public int ReferencedMinorID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.SqlExpressionDependency | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.SqlExpressionDependency Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sql_expression_dependencies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each by-name dependency on a user-defined entity in the current database. This includes dependences between natively compiled, scalar user-defined functions and other SQL Server modules. A dependency between two entities is created when one entity, called the *referenced entity*, appears by name in a persisted SQL expression of another entity, called the *referencing entity*. For example, when a table is referenced in the definition of a view, the view, as the referencing entity, depends on the table, the referenced entity. If the table is dropped, the view is unusable. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. You can use this catalog view to report dependency information for the following entities: - Schema-bound entities. - Non-schema-bound entities. - Cross-database and cross-server entities. Entity names are reported; however, entity IDs are not resolved. - Column-level dependencies on schema-bound entities. Column-level dependencies for non-schema-bound objects can be returned by using sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities. - Server-level DDL triggers when in the context of the master database. See sys.sql_expression_dependencies. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sql_expression_dependencies\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.SqlExpressionDependency Inheritance object ObjectSchema.SqlExpressionDependency Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IsAmbiguous Indicates the reference is ambiguous and can resolve at run time to a user-defined function, a user-defined type (UDT), or an xquery reference to a column of type xml. For example, assume that the statement SELECT Sales.GetOrder() FROM Sales.MySales is defined in a stored procedure. Until the stored procedure is executed, it is not known whether Sales.GetOrder() is a user-defined function in the Sales schema or column named Sales of type UDT with a method named GetOrder(). 1 = Reference is ambiguous. 0 = Reference is unambiguous or the entity can be successfully bound when the view is called. Always 0 for schema bound references. [Column(\"is_ambiguous\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAmbiguous { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCallerDependent Indicates that schema binding for the referenced entity occurs at runtime; therefore, resolution of the entity ID depends on the schema of the caller. This occurs when the referenced entity is a stored procedure, extended stored procedure, or a non-schema-bound user-defined function called in an EXECUTE statement. 1 = The referenced entity is caller dependent and is resolved at runtime. In this case, referenced_id is NULL. 0 = The referenced entity ID is not caller dependent. Always 0 for schema-bound references and for cross-database and cross-server references that explicitly specify a schema name. For example, a reference to an entity in the format EXEC MyDatabase.MySchema.MyProc is not caller dependent. However, a reference in the format EXEC MyDatabase..MyProc is caller dependent. [Column(\"is_caller_dependent\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCallerDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaBoundReference 1 = Referenced entity is schema-bound. 0 = Referenced entity is non-schema-bound. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_schema_bound_reference\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaBoundReference { get; set; } Property Value bool ReferencedClass Class of the referenced entity. 1 = Object or column 6 = Type 10 = XML schema collection 21 = Partition function Is not nullable. [Column(\"referenced_class\")] [Nullable] public byte? ReferencedClass { get; set; } Property Value byte? ReferencedClassDesc Description of class of referenced entity. OBJECT_OR_COLUMN TYPE XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTION PARTITION_FUNCTION Is not nullable. [Column(\"referenced_class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ReferencedClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ReferencedDatabaseName Name of the database of the referenced entity. This column is populated for cross-database or cross-server references that are made by specifying a valid three-part or four-part name. NULL for non-schema-bound references when specified using a one-part or two-part name. NULL for schema-bound entities because they must be in the same database and therefore can only be defined using a two-part (schema.object) name. [Column(\"referenced_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ReferencedDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string ReferencedEntityName Name of the referenced entity. Is not nullable. [Column(\"referenced_entity_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ReferencedEntityName { get; set; } Property Value string ReferencedID ID of the referenced entity. The value of this column is never NULL for schema-bound references. The value of this column is always NULL for cross-server and cross-database references. NULL for references within the database if the ID cannot be determined. For non-schema-bound references, the ID cannot be resolved in the following cases: The referenced entity does not exist in the database. The schema of the referenced entity depends on the schema of the caller and is resolved at run time. In this case, is_caller_dependent is set to 1. [Column(\"referenced_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ReferencedID { get; set; } Property Value int? ReferencedMinorID ID of the referenced column when the referencing entity is a column; otherwise 0. Is not nullable. A referenced entity is a column when a column is identified by name in the referencing entity, or when the parent entity is used in a SELECT * statement. [Column(\"referenced_minor_id\")] [NotNull] public int ReferencedMinorID { get; set; } Property Value int ReferencedSchemaName Schema in which the referenced entity belongs. NULL for non-schema-bound references in which the entity was referenced without specifying the schema name. Never NULL for schema-bound references because schema-bound entities must be defined and referenced by using a two-part name. [Column(\"referenced_schema_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ReferencedSchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string ReferencedServerName Name of the server of the referenced entity. This column is populated for cross-server dependencies that are made by specifying a valid four-part name. For information about multipart names, see Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions (Transact-SQL). NULL for non-schema-bound entities for which the entity was referenced without specifying a four-part name. NULL for schema-bound entities because they must be in the same database and therefore can only be defined using a two-part (schema.object) name. [Column(\"referenced_server_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ReferencedServerName { get; set; } Property Value string ReferencingClass Class of the referencing entity. 1 = Object or column 12 = Database DDL trigger 13 = Server DDL trigger Is not nullable. [Column(\"referencing_class\")] [Nullable] public byte? ReferencingClass { get; set; } Property Value byte? ReferencingClassDesc Description of the class of referencing entity. OBJECT_OR_COLUMN DATABASE_DDL_TRIGGER SERVER_DDL_TRIGGER Is not nullable. [Column(\"referencing_class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ReferencingClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ReferencingID ID of the referencing entity. Is not nullable. [Column(\"referencing_id\")] [NotNull] public int ReferencingID { get; set; } Property Value int ReferencingMinorID Column ID when the referencing entity is a column; otherwise 0. Is not nullable. [Column(\"referencing_minor_id\")] [NotNull] public int ReferencingMinorID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.SqlModule | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.SqlModule Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each object that is an SQL language-defined module in SQL Server, including natively compiled scalar user-defined function. Objects of type P, RF, V, TR, FN, IF, TF, and R have an associated SQL module. Stand-alone defaults, objects of type D, also have an SQL module definition in this view. For a description of these types, see the type column in the sys.objects catalog view. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. See sys.sql_modules. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sql_modules\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.SqlModule Inheritance object ObjectSchema.SqlModule Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Definition SQL text that defines this module. This value can also be obtained using the OBJECT_DEFINITION built-in function. NULL = Encrypted. [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public string? Definition { get; set; } Property Value string ExecuteAsPrincipalID ID of the EXECUTE AS database principal. NULL by default or if EXECUTE AS CALLER. ID of the specified principal if EXECUTE AS SELF or EXECUTE AS <principal>. -2 = EXECUTE AS OWNER. [Column(\"execute_as_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public object? ExecuteAsPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value object InlineType Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later. Indicates whether inlining is turned on for the module currently. 0 = inlining is turned off 1 = inlining is turned on. For scalar user-defined functions (UDFs), the value will be 1 if inlining is turned on (explicitly or implicitly). The value will always be 1 for inline table-valued functions (TVFs), and 0 for other module types. [Column(\"inline_type\")] [Nullable] public bool? InlineType { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsInlineable Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later. Indicates whether the module is inlineable or not. Inlineability is based on the conditions specified here. 0 = not inlineable 1 = is inlineable. For scalar user-defined functions (UDFs), the value will be 1 if the UDF is inlineable, and 0 otherwise. It always contains a value of 1 for inline table-valued functions (TVFs), and 0 for all other module types. [Column(\"is_inlineable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsInlineable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRecompiled Procedure was created WITH RECOMPILE option. [Column(\"is_recompiled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRecompiled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaBound Module was created with SCHEMABINDING option. Always contains a value of 1 for natively compiled stored procedures. [Column(\"is_schema_bound\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSchemaBound { get; set; } Property Value bool? NullOnNullInput Module was declared to produce a NULL output on any NULL input. [Column(\"null_on_null_input\")] [Nullable] public bool? NullOnNullInput { get; set; } Property Value bool? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object of the containing object. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int UsesAnsiNulls Module was created with SET ANSI_NULLS ON. Will always be = 0 for rules and defaults. [Column(\"uses_ansi_nulls\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesAnsiNulls { get; set; } Property Value bool? UsesDatabaseCollation 1 = Schema-bound module definition depends on the default-collation of the database for correct evaluation; otherwise, 0. Such a dependency prevents changing the database's default collation. [Column(\"uses_database_collation\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesDatabaseCollation { get; set; } Property Value bool? UsesNativeCompilation Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) through SQL Server 2014 (12.x). 0 = not natively compiled 1 = is natively compiled The default value is 0. [Column(\"uses_native_compilation\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesNativeCompilation { get; set; } Property Value bool? UsesQuotedIdentifier Module was created with SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON. [Column(\"uses_quoted_identifier\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesQuotedIdentifier { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Stat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Stat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each statistics object that exists for the tables, indexes, and indexed views in the database in SQL Server. Every index will have a corresponding statistics row with the same name and ID (index_id = stats_id), but not every statistics row has a corresponding index. The catalog view sys.stats_columns provides statistics information for each column in the database. For more information about statistics, see Statistics. See sys.stats. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"stats\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Stat Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Stat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AutoCreated Indicates whether the statistics were automatically created by SQL Server. 0 = Statistics were not automatically created by SQL Server. 1 = Statistics were automatically created by SQL Server. [Column(\"auto_created\")] [Nullable] public bool? AutoCreated { get; set; } Property Value bool? FilterDefinition Expression for the subset of rows included in filtered statistics. NULL = Non-filtered statistics. [Column(\"filter_definition\")] [Nullable] public string? FilterDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string HasFilter 0 = Statistics do not have a filter and are computed on all rows. 1 = Statistics have a filter and are computed only on rows that satisfy the filter definition. [Column(\"has_filter\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool? HasPersistedSample Indicates whether the statistics were created or updated with the PERSIST_SAMPLE_PERCENT option. 0 = Statistics are not persisting the sample percentage. 1 = Statistics were created or updated with the PERSIST_SAMPLE_PERCENT option. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)) [Column(\"has_persisted_sample\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasPersistedSample { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsIncremental Indicate whether the statistics are created as incremental statistics. 0 = The statistics are not incremental. 1 = The statistics are incremental. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2014 (12.x)) [Column(\"is_incremental\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsIncremental { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsTemporary Indicates whether the statistics is temporary. Temporary statistics support Always On availability groups secondary databases that are enabled for read-only access. 0 = The statistics is not temporary. 1 = The statistics is temporary. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)) [Column(\"is_temporary\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsTemporary { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Name of the statistics. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string NoRecompute Indicates whether the statistics were created with the NORECOMPUTE option. 0 = Statistics were not created with the NORECOMPUTE option. 1 = Statistics were created with the NORECOMPUTE option. [Column(\"no_recompute\")] [Nullable] public bool? NoRecompute { get; set; } Property Value bool? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which these statistics belong. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int StatsGenerationMethod Indicates the method by which statistics are created. 0 = Sort based statistics 1 = Internal use only Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)) [Column(\"stats_generation_method\")] [NotNull] public int StatsGenerationMethod { get; set; } Property Value int StatsGenerationMethodDesc The text description of the method by which statistics are created. Sort based statistics Internal use only Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)) [Column(\"stats_generation_method_desc\")] [NotNull] public string StatsGenerationMethodDesc { get; set; } Property Value string StatsID ID of the statistics. Is unique within the object. If statistics correspond to an index, the stats_id value is the same as the index_id value in the sys.indexes catalog view. [Column(\"stats_id\")] [NotNull] public int StatsID { get; set; } Property Value int UserCreated Indicates whether the statistics were created by a user. 0 = Statistics were not created by a user. 1 = Statistics were created by a user. [Column(\"user_created\")] [Nullable] public bool? UserCreated { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.StatsColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.StatsColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.stats_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column that is part of sys.stats statistics. See sys.stats_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"stats_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.StatsColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.StatsColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the column from sys.columns. [Column(\"column_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object of which this column is part. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int StatsColumnID 1-based ordinal within set of stats columns. [Column(\"stats_column_id\")] [Nullable] public int? StatsColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int? StatsID ID of the statistics of which this column is part. If statistics correspond to an index, the stats_id value is the same as the index_id value in the sys.indexes catalog view. [Column(\"stats_id\")] [NotNull] public int StatsID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Synonym | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Synonym Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.synonyms (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each synonym object that is sys.objects.type = SN. See sys.synonyms. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"synonyms\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Synonym Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Synonym Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseObjectName Fully quoted name of the object to which the user of this synonym is redirected. [Column(\"base_object_name\")] [Nullable] public string? BaseObjectName { get; set; } Property Value string CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.system_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column of system objects that have columns. See sys.system_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"system_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.SystemColumn Inheritance object ObjectSchema.SystemColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollationName Name of the collation of the column if character-based; otherwise, NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnID ID of the column. Is unique within the object. Column IDs might not be sequential. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultObjectID ID of the default object, regardless of whether it is a stand-alone sys.sp_bindefault, or an inline, column-level DEFAULT constraint. The parent_object_id column of an inline column-level default object is a reference back to the table itself. Or, 0 if there is no default. [Column(\"default_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int DefaultObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int GeneratedAlwaysType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. 7, 8, 9, 10 only applies to SQL Database. Identifies when the column value is generated (will always be 0 for columns in system tables): 0 = NOT_APPLICABLE 1 = AS_ROW_START 2 = AS_ROW_END 7 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START 8 = AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END 9 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START 10 = AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END For more information, see Temporal Tables (Relational databases). [Column(\"generated_always_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? GeneratedAlwaysType { get; set; } Property Value byte? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Textual description of generated_always_type's value (always NOT_APPLICABLE for columns in system tables) NOT_APPLICABLE AS_ROW_START AS_ROW_END Applies to: SQL Database AS_TRANSACTION_ID_START AS_TRANSACTION_ID_END AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_START AS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_END [Column(\"generated_always_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? GeneratedAlwaysTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsAnsiPadded 1 = Column uses ANSI_PADDING ON behavior if character, binary, or variant. 0 = Column is not character, binary, or variant. [Column(\"is_ansi_padded\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAnsiPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool IsColumnSet 1 = Column is a column set. For more information, see Use Column Sets. [Column(\"is_column_set\")] [NotNull] public bool IsColumnSet { get; set; } Property Value bool IsComputed 1 = Column is a computed column. [Column(\"is_computed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsComputed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDtsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated by using SSIS. [Column(\"is_dts_replicated\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDtsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFilestream 1 = Column is declared to use filestream storage. [Column(\"is_filestream\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFilestream { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentity 1 = Column has identity values. [Column(\"is_identity\")] [NotNull] public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMergePublished 1 = Column is merge-published. [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNonSqlSubscribed 1 = Column has a non-SQL Server subscriber. [Column(\"is_non_sql_subscribed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNonSqlSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable 1 = Column is nullable. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReplicated 1 = Column is replicated. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRowGuidCol 1 = Column is a declared ROWGUIDCOL. [Column(\"is_rowguidcol\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRowGuidCol { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSparse 1 = Column is a sparse column. For more information, see Use Sparse Columns. [Column(\"is_sparse\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSparse { get; set; } Property Value bool IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. 0 = Content is a document fragment, or the column data type is not xml. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool LedgerViewColumnType Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, indicates the type of a column in a ledger view: 1 = TRANSACTION_ID 2 = SEQUENCE_NUMBER 3 = OPERATION_TYPE 4 = OPERATION_TYPE_DESC For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type\")] [NotNull] public byte LedgerViewColumnType { get; set; } Property Value byte LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Database. If not NULL, contains a textual description of the the type of a column in a ledger view: TRANSACTION_ID SEQUENCE_NUMBER OPERATION_TYPE OPERATION_TYPE_DESC [Column(\"ledger_view_column_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerViewColumnTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MaxLength Maximum length (in bytes) of column. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. For text columns, the max_length value will be 16 or the value set by sp_tableoption 'text in row'. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the column. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectID ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte RuleObjectID ID of the stand-alone rule bound to the column by using sys.sp_bindrule. 0 = No stand-alone rule. For column-level CHECK constraints, see sys.check_constraints (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"rule_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int RuleObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Scale Scale of the column if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemObject system_objects (sys.system_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.SystemObject SystemObject { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.SystemObject SystemTypeID ID of the system-type of the column [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the column as defined by the user. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID Non-zero if the column data type is xml and the XML is typed. The value will be the ID of the collection containing the validating XML schema namespace of the column. 0 = No XML schema collection. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemObject | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemObject Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.system_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for all schema-scoped system objects that are included with Microsoft SQL Server. All system objects are contained in the schemas named sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See sys.system_objects. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"system_objects\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.SystemObject Inheritance object ObjectSchema.SystemObject Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal Microsoft SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when a clustered index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int? PrincipalID ID of the individual owner if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, another owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no other individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. For all schema-scoped system objects that included with SQL Server, this value will always be in (schema_id('sys'), schema_id('INFORMATION_SCHEMA')) [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int SystemColumns system_columns (sys.system_columns) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.SystemColumn> SystemColumns { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.SystemColumn> SystemParameters system_parameters (sys.system_parameters) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.SystemParameter> SystemParameters { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.SystemParameter> SystemSqlModules system_sql_modules (sys.system_sql_modules) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public IList<ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule> SystemSqlModules { get; set; } Property Value IList<ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule> SystemView system_views (sys.system_views) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = true)] public ObjectSchema.SystemView? SystemView { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.SystemView TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type U = Table (user-defined) UQ = UNIQUE constraint V = View X = Extended stored procedure [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type. AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION INTERNAL_TABLE SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT RULE REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE SYSTEM_TABLE SYNONYM SERVICE_QUEUE CLR_TRIGGER SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER TABLE_TYPE USER_TABLE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT VIEW EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemParameter Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.system_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each system object that has parameters. See sys.system_parameters. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"system_parameters\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.SystemParameter Inheritance object ObjectSchema.SystemParameter Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. The name of the database where the column encryption key exists if different than the database of the column. NULL if the key exists in the same database as the column. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ColumnEncryptionKeyDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnEncryptionKeyID Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. ID of the CEK. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ColumnEncryptionKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultValue If has_default_value is 1, the value of this column is the value of the default for the parameter; otherwise NULL. [Column(\"default_value\")] [Nullable] public object? DefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value object EncryptionAlgorithmName Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Name of encryption algorithm. Only AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 is supported. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_name\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmName { get; set; } Property Value string EncryptionType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type: 1 = Deterministic encryption 2 = Randomized encryption [Column(\"encryption_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EncryptionType { get; set; } Property Value int? EncryptionTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Encryption type description: RANDOMIZED DETERMINISTIC [Column(\"encryption_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string HasDefaultValue 1 = Parameter has default value. SQL Server only maintains default values for CLR objects in this catalog view; therefore, this column will always have a value of 0 for Transact-SQL objects. To view the default value of a parameter in a Transact-SQL object, query the definition column of the sys.sql_modules catalog view, or use the OBJECT_DEFINITION system function. [Column(\"has_default_value\")] [NotNull] public bool HasDefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCursorRef 1 = Parameter is a cursor-reference parameter. [Column(\"is_cursor_ref\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCursorRef { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable 1 = Parameter is nullable. (the default). 0 = Parameter is not nullable, for more efficient execution of natively-compiled stored procedures. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsOutput 1 = Parameter is output (or return); otherwise, 0. [Column(\"is_output\")] [NotNull] public bool IsOutput { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReadonly 1 = Parameter is READONLY; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"is_readonly\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReadonly { get; set; } Property Value bool IsXmlDocument 1 = Content is a complete XML document. 0 = Content is a document fragment or the data type of the column is not xml. [Column(\"is_xml_document\")] [NotNull] public bool IsXmlDocument { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxLength Maximum length of the parameter, in bytes. Value will be -1 for when column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the parameter. Is unique within the object. If the object is a scalar function, the parameter name is an empty string in the row representing the return value. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectID ID of the object to which this parameter belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterID ID of the parameter. Is unique within the object. If the object is a scalar function, parameter_id = 0 represents the return value. [Column(\"parameter_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParameterID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the parameter if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte Scale Scale of the parameter if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemObject system_objects (sys.system_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.SystemObject SystemObject { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.SystemObject SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the parameter. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type of the parameter as defined by the user. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID Non-zero if the data type of the parameter is xml and the XML is typed. The value is the ID of the collection that contains the validating XML schema namespace for the parameter. 0 = There is no XML schema collection. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.system_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row per system object that contains an SQL language-defined module. System objects of type FN, IF, P, PC, TF, V have an associated SQL module. To identify the containing object, you can join this view to sys.system_objects. See sys.system_sql_modules. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"system_sql_modules\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule Inheritance object ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Definition SQL text that defines this module. [Column(\"definition\")] [Nullable] public string? Definition { get; set; } Property Value string ExecuteAsPrincipalID Always returns NULL [Column(\"execute_as_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ExecuteAsPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? IsRecompiled 0 = Procedure was not created by using the WITH RECOMPILE option. Always returns 0. [Column(\"is_recompiled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRecompiled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaBound 0 = Module was not created with the SCHEMABINDING option. Always returns 0. [Column(\"is_schema_bound\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaBound { get; set; } Property Value bool NullOnNullInput 0 = Module was not created to produce a NULL output on any NULL input. Always returns 0. [Column(\"null_on_null_input\")] [NotNull] public bool NullOnNullInput { get; set; } Property Value bool ObjectID Object identification number of the containing object, unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int SystemObject system_objects (sys.system_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.SystemObject SystemObject { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.SystemObject UsesAnsiNulls 1 = Module was created with the SET ANSI_NULLS database option ON. Always returns 1. [Column(\"uses_ansi_nulls\")] [NotNull] public bool UsesAnsiNulls { get; set; } Property Value bool UsesDatabaseCollation 0 = Module does not depend on the default collation of the database. Always returns 0. [Column(\"uses_database_collation\")] [NotNull] public bool UsesDatabaseCollation { get; set; } Property Value bool UsesQuotedIdentifier 1 = Module was created with SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON. Always returns 1. [Column(\"uses_quoted_identifier\")] [NotNull] public bool UsesQuotedIdentifier { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemView | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.SystemView Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.system_views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each system view that is shipped with SQL Server. All system views are contained in the schemas named sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See sys.system_views. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"system_views\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.SystemView Inheritance object ObjectSchema.SystemView Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime HasOpaqueMetadata 1 = VIEW_METADATA option specified for view. For more information, see CREATE VIEW (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"has_opaque_metadata\")] [NotNull] public bool HasOpaqueMetadata { get; set; } Property Value bool HasReplicationFilter 1 = View has a replication filter. [Column(\"has_replication_filter\")] [NotNull] public bool HasReplicationFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool HasUncheckedAssemblyData 1 = Table contains persisted data that depends on an assembly whose definition changed during the last ALTER ASSEMBLY. Will be reset to 0 after the next successful DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE. [Column(\"has_unchecked_assembly_data\")] [NotNull] public bool HasUncheckedAssemblyData { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDateCorrelationView 1 = View was created automatically by the system to store correlation information between datetime columns. Creation of this view was enabled by setting DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION to ON. [Column(\"is_date_correlation_view\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDateCorrelationView { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReplicated 1 = View is replicated. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int? PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int SystemObject system_objects (sys.system_objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.SystemObject SystemObject { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.SystemObject TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string WithCheckOption 1 = WITH CHECK OPTION was specified in the view definition. [Column(\"with_check_option\")] [NotNull] public bool WithCheckOption { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Table | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Table Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each user table in SQL Server. See sys.tables. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"tables\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Table Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Table Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Durability Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later and Azure SQL Database. The following are possible values: 0 = SCHEMA_AND_DATA 1 = SCHEMA_ONLY The value of 0 is the default value. [Column(\"durability\")] [Nullable] public byte? Durability { get; set; } Property Value byte? DurabilityDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later and Azure SQL Database. The following are the possible values: SCHEMA_ONLY SCHEMA_AND_DATA The value of SCHEMA_AND_DATA indicates that the table is a durable, in-memory table. SCHEMA_AND_DATA is the default value for memory optimized tables. The value of SCHEMA_ONLY indicates that the table data will not be persisted upon restart of the database with memory optimized objects. [Column(\"durability_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DurabilityDesc { get; set; } Property Value string FilestreamDataSpaceID Is the data space ID for a FILESTREAM filegroup or a partition scheme that consists of FILESTREAM filegroups. To report the name of a FILESTREAM filegroup, execute the query SELECT FILEGROUP_NAME (filestream_data_space_id) FROM sys.tables. sys.tables can be joined to the following views on filestream_data_space_id = data_space_id. - sys.filegroups - sys.partition_schemes - sys.indexes - sys.allocation_units - sys.fulltext_catalogs - sys.data_spaces - sys.destination_data_spaces - sys.master_files - sys.database_files - backupfilegroup (join on filegroup_id) [Column(\"filestream_data_space_id\")] [Nullable] public int? FilestreamDataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int? HasReplicationFilter 1 = Table has a replication filter. [Column(\"has_replication_filter\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasReplicationFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool? HasUncheckedAssemblyData 1 = Table contains persisted data that depends on an assembly whose definition changed during the last ALTER ASSEMBLY. Will be reset to 0 after the next successful DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE. [Column(\"has_unchecked_assembly_data\")] [NotNull] public bool HasUncheckedAssemblyData { get; set; } Property Value bool HistoryRetentionPeriod Applies to: Azure SQL Database. The numeric value representing duration of the temporal history retention period in units specified with history_retention_period_unit. [Column(\"history_retention_period\")] [Nullable] public int? HistoryRetentionPeriod { get; set; } Property Value int? HistoryRetentionPeriodUnit Applies to: Azure SQL Database. The numeric value representing type of temporal history retention period unit. -1: INFINITE 3: DAY 4: WEEK 5: MONTH 6: YEAR [Column(\"history_retention_period_unit\")] [Nullable] public int? HistoryRetentionPeriodUnit { get; set; } Property Value int? HistoryRetentionPeriodUnitDesc Applies to: Azure SQL Database. The text description of type of temporal history retention period unit. INFINITE DAY WEEK MONTH YEAR [Column(\"history_retention_period_unit_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? HistoryRetentionPeriodUnitDesc { get; set; } Property Value string HistoryTableID Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later and Azure SQL Database. When temporal_type = 2 or ledger_type = 2 returns object_id of the table that maintains historical data for a temporal table, otherwise returns NULL. [Column(\"history_table_id\")] [Nullable] public int? HistoryTableID { get; set; } Property Value int? IsDroppedLedgerTable Applies to: Azure SQL Database. Indicates a ledger table that has been dropped. [Column(\"is_dropped_ledger_table\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDroppedLedgerTable { get; set; } Property Value bool IsEdge Applies to: Azure SQL Database. 1 = This is a graph Edge table. 0 = This is not a graph Edge table. [Column(\"is_edge\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsEdge { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsExternal Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Indicates table is an external table. 0 = The table is not an external table. 1 = The table is an external table. [Column(\"is_external\")] [NotNull] public bool IsExternal { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFileTable Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later and Azure SQL Database. 1 = Table is a FileTable. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). [Column(\"is_filetable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsFileTable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMemoryOptimized Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later and Azure SQL Database. The following are the possible values: 0 = not memory optimized. 1 = is memory optimized. A value of 0 is the default value. Memory optimized tables are in-memory user tables, the schema of which is persisted on disk similar to other user tables. Memory optimized tables can be accessed from natively compiled stored procedures. [Column(\"is_memory_optimized\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMemoryOptimized { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsMergePublished 1 = Table is published using merge replication. [Column(\"is_merge_published\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMergePublished { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsNode Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and Azure SQL Database. 1 = This is a graph Node table. 0 = This is not a graph Node table. [Column(\"is_node\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNode { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRemoteDataArchiveEnabled Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later and Azure SQL Database Indicates whether the table is Stretch-enabled. 0 = The table is not Stretch-enabled. 1 = The table is Stretch-enabled. For more info, see Stretch Database. [Column(\"is_remote_data_archive_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRemoteDataArchiveEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReplicated 1 = Table is published using snapshot replication or transactional replication. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSyncTranSubscribed 1 = Table is subscribed using an immediate updating subscription. [Column(\"is_sync_tran_subscribed\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSyncTranSubscribed { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsTrackedByCdc 1 = Table is enabled for change data capture. For more information, see sys.sp_cdc_enable_table (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"is_tracked_by_cdc\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsTrackedByCdc { get; set; } Property Value bool? LargeValueTypesOutOfRow 1 = Large value types are stored out-of-row. For more information, see sp_tableoption (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"large_value_types_out_of_row\")] [Nullable] public bool? LargeValueTypesOutOfRow { get; set; } Property Value bool? LedgerType Applies to: Azure SQL Database. The numeric value indicates if the table is a ledger table. 0 = NON_LEDGER_TABLE 1 = HISTORY_TABLE (associated with an updatable ledger table) 2 = UPDATABLE_LEDGER_TABLE 3 = APPEND_ONLY_LEDGER_TABLE For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. [Column(\"ledger_type\")] [NotNull] public byte LedgerType { get; set; } Property Value byte LedgerTypeDesc Applies to: Azure SQL Database. The text description of a value in the ledger_type column: NON_LEDGER_TABLE HISTORY_TABLE UPDATABLE_LEDGER_TABLE APPEND_ONLY_LEDGER_TABLE [Column(\"ledger_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string LedgerViewID Applies to: Azure SQL Database. When ledger_type IN (2,3) returns object_id of the ledger view, otherwise returns NULL. [Column(\"ledger_view_id\")] [NotNull] public int LedgerViewID { get; set; } Property Value int LobDataSpaceID A nonzero value is the ID of the data space (filegroup or partition scheme) that holds the large object binary (LOB) data for this table. Examples of LOB data types include varbinary(max), varchar(max), geography, or xml. 0 = The table does not LOB data. [Column(\"lob_data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int LobDataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int LockEscalation The value of the LOCK_ESCALATION option for the table: 0 = TABLE 1 = DISABLE 2 = AUTO [Column(\"lock_escalation\")] [Nullable] public byte? LockEscalation { get; set; } Property Value byte? LockEscalationDesc A text description of the lock_escalation option for the table. Possible values are: TABLE, AUTO, and DISABLE. [Column(\"lock_escalation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? LockEscalationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string LockOnBulkLoad Table is locked on bulk load. For more information, see sp_tableoption (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"lock_on_bulk_load\")] [NotNull] public bool LockOnBulkLoad { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxColumnIDUsed Maximum column ID ever used by this table. [Column(\"max_column_id_used\")] [NotNull] public int MaxColumnIDUsed { get; set; } Property Value int ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TemporalType Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later and Azure SQL Database. The numeric value representing the type of table: 0 = NON_TEMPORAL_TABLE 1 = HISTORY_TABLE (associated with a temporal table) 2 = SYSTEM_VERSIONED_TEMPORAL_TABLE [Column(\"temporal_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? TemporalType { get; set; } Property Value byte? TemporalTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later and Azure SQL Database. The text description of the type of table: NON_TEMPORAL_TABLE HISTORY_TABLE SYSTEM_VERSIONED_TEMPORAL_TABLE [Column(\"temporal_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TemporalTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TextInRowLimit The maximum bytes allowed for text in row. 0 = Text in row option is not set. For more information, see sp_tableoption (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"text_in_row_limit\")] [Nullable] public int? TextInRowLimit { get; set; } Property Value int? TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UsesAnsiNulls Table was created with the SET ANSI_NULLS database option ON. [Column(\"uses_ansi_nulls\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesAnsiNulls { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.TableType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.TableType Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.table_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Displays properties of user-defined table types in SQL Server. A table type is a type from which table variables or table-valued parameters could be declared. Each table type has a type_table_object_id that is a foreign key into the sys.objects catalog view. You can use this ID column to query various catalog views, in a way that is similar to an object_id column of a regular table, to discover the structure of the table type such as its columns and constraints. See sys.table_types. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"table_types\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.TableType Inheritance object ObjectSchema.TableType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties InheritedColumns For a list of columns that this view inherits, see sys.types (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"*\\\\<inherited columns>*\")] [NotNull] public object InheritedColumns { get; set; } Property Value object IsMemoryOptimized Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. The following are the possible values: 0 = is not memory optimized 1 = is memory optimized A value of 0 is the default value. Table types are always created with DURABILITY = SCHEMA_ONLY. Only the schema is persisted on disk. [Column(\"is_memory_optimized\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMemoryOptimized { get; set; } Property Value bool? TypeTableObjectID Object identification number. This number is unique within a database. [Column(\"type_table_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int TypeTableObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.Trigger | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.Trigger Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.triggers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each object that is a trigger, with a type of TR or TA. DML trigger names are schema-scoped and, therefore, are visible in sys.objects. DDL trigger names are scoped by the parent entity and are only visible in this view. The parent_class and name columns uniquely identify the trigger in the database. See sys.triggers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"triggers\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.Trigger Inheritance object ObjectSchema.Trigger Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the trigger was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsDisabled Trigger is disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsInsteadOfTrigger 1 = INSTEAD OF triggers 0 = AFTER triggers. [Column(\"is_instead_of_trigger\")] [NotNull] public bool IsInsteadOfTrigger { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Trigger created on behalf of the user by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNotForReplication Trigger was created as NOT FOR REPLICATION. [Column(\"is_not_for_replication\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNotForReplication { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Trigger name. DML trigger names are schema-scoped. DDL trigger names are scoped with respect to the parent entity. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentClass Class of the parent of the trigger. 0 = Database, for the DDL triggers. 1 = Object or column for the DML triggers. [Column(\"parent_class\")] [NotNull] public byte ParentClass { get; set; } Property Value byte ParentClassDesc Description of the parent class of the trigger. DATABASE OBJECT_OR_COLUMN [Column(\"parent_class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ParentClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ParentID ID of the parent of the trigger, as follows: 0 = Triggers that are database-parented triggers. For DML triggers, this is the object_id of the table or view on which the DML trigger is defined. [Column(\"parent_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: TA = Assembly (CLR) trigger TR = SQL trigger [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of object type. CLR_TRIGGER SQL_TRIGGER [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.trigger_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per event for which a trigger fires. note sys.trigger_events does not apply to event notifications. See sys.trigger_events. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"trigger_events\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent Inheritance object ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EventGroupType Event group on which the trigger or event notification is created, or null if not created on an event group. [Column(\"event_group_type\")] [Nullable] public int? EventGroupType { get; set; } Property Value int? EventGroupTypeDesc Description of the event group on which the trigger or event notification is created, or null if not created on an event group. [Column(\"event_group_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? EventGroupTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsFirst Trigger is marked to be the first to fire for this event. [Column(\"is_first\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsFirst { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsLast Trigger is marked to be the last to fire for this event. [Column(\"is_last\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsLast { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsTriggerEvent 1 = Trigger event. 0 = Notification event. [Column(\"is_trigger_event\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsTriggerEvent { get; set; } Property Value bool? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the trigger or event notification. This value, together with type, uniquely identifies the row. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Event that causes the trigger to fire. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public int TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value int TypeDesc Description of the event that causes the trigger to fire. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.TriggerEventType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.TriggerEventType Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.trigger_event_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event or event group on which a trigger can fire. See sys.trigger_event_types. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"trigger_event_types\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.TriggerEventType Inheritance object ObjectSchema.TriggerEventType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ParentType Type of event group that is the parent of the event or event group. [Column(\"parent_type\")] [Nullable] public int? ParentType { get; set; } Property Value int? TypeColumn Type of event or event group that causes a trigger to fire. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public int TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value int TypeName Name of an event or event group. This can be specified in the FOR clause of a CREATE TRIGGER statement. [Column(\"type_name\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema.View | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema.View Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each view object, with sys.objects.type = V. See sys.views. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"views\", IsView = true)] public class ObjectSchema.View Inheritance object ObjectSchema.View Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime HasOpaqueMetadata 1 = VIEW_METADATA option specified for view. For more information, see CREATE VIEW (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"has_opaque_metadata\")] [NotNull] public bool HasOpaqueMetadata { get; set; } Property Value bool HasReplicationFilter 1 = View has a replication filter. [Column(\"has_replication_filter\")] [Nullable] public bool? HasReplicationFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool? HasUncheckedAssemblyData 1 = View contains persisted data that depends on an assembly whose definition changed during the last ALTER ASSEMBLY. Resets to 0 after the next successful DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE. [Column(\"has_unchecked_assembly_data\")] [NotNull] public bool HasUncheckedAssemblyData { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDateCorrelationView 1 = View was created automatically by the system to store correlation information between datetime columns. Creation of this view was enabled by setting DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION to ON. [Column(\"is_date_correlation_view\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDateCorrelationView { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDroppedLedgerView Applies to: Azure SQL Database. Indicates a ledger view that has been dropped. [Column(\"is_dropped_ledger_view\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDroppedLedgerView { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReplicated 1 = View is replicated. [Column(\"is_replicated\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReplicated { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool LedgerViewType Applies to: Azure SQL Database. The numeric value indicating if a view is a ledger view for an updatable ledger table. 0 = NON_LEDGER_VIEW 1 = LEDGER_VIEW For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. [Column(\"ledger_view_type\")] [NotNull] public byte LedgerViewType { get; set; } Property Value byte LedgerViewTypeDesc Applies to: Azure SQL Database. The text description of a value in the ledger_view_type column: NON_LEDGER_VIEW LEDGER_VIEW [Column(\"ledger_view_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerViewTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string WithCheckOption 1 = WITH CHECK OPTION was specified in the view definition. [Column(\"with_check_option\")] [NotNull] public bool WithCheckOption { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ObjectSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class ObjectSchema Inheritance object ObjectSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class PartitionFunctionSchema.DataContext Inheritance object PartitionFunctionSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties PartitionFunctions sys.partition_functions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition function in SQL Server. See sys.partition_functions. public ITable<PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionFunction> PartitionFunctions { get; } Property Value ITable<PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionFunction> PartitionParameters sys.partition_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each parameter of a partition function. See sys.partition_parameters. public ITable<PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionParameter> PartitionParameters { get; } Property Value ITable<PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionParameter> PartitionRangeValues sys.partition_range_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each range boundary value of a partition function of type R. See sys.partition_range_values. public ITable<PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionRangeValue> PartitionRangeValues { get; } Property Value ITable<PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionRangeValue>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionFunction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionFunction Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.partition_functions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition function in SQL Server. See sys.partition_functions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"partition_functions\", IsView = true)] public class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionFunction Inheritance object PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionFunction Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BoundaryValueOnRight For range partitioning. 1 = Boundary value is included in the RIGHT range of the boundary. 0 = LEFT. [Column(\"boundary_value_on_right\")] [NotNull] public bool BoundaryValueOnRight { get; set; } Property Value bool CreateDate Date the function was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Fanout Number of partitions created by the function. [Column(\"fanout\")] [NotNull] public int Fanout { get; set; } Property Value int FunctionID Partition function ID. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"function_id\")] [NotNull] public int FunctionID { get; set; } Property Value int IsSystem Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 1 = Object is used for full-text index fragments. 0 = Object is not used for full-text index fragments. [Column(\"is_system\")] [NotNull] public object IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value object ModifyDate Date the function was last modified using an ALTER statement. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the partition function. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Function type. R = Range [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Function type. RANGE [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionParameter Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.partition_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each parameter of a partition function. See sys.partition_parameters. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"partition_parameters\", IsView = true)] public class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionParameter Inheritance object PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionParameter Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollationName Name of the collation of the parameter if character-based; otherwise, NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string FunctionID ID of the partition function to which this parameter belongs. [Column(\"function_id\")] [NotNull] public int FunctionID { get; set; } Property Value int MaxLength Maximum length of the parameter in bytes. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short ParameterID ID of the parameter. Is unique within the partition function, beginning with 1. [Column(\"parameter_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParameterID { get; set; } Property Value int Precision Precision of the parameter if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte Scale Scale of the parameter if numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the parameter. Corresponds to the system_type_id column of the sys.types catalog view. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type. Is unique within the database. For system data types, user_type_id = system_type_id. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionRangeValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionRangeValue Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.partition_range_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each range boundary value of a partition function of type R. See sys.partition_range_values. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"partition_range_values\", IsView = true)] public class PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionRangeValue Inheritance object PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionRangeValue Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BoundaryID ID (1-based ordinal) of the boundary value tuple, with left-most boundary starting at an ID of 1. [Column(\"boundary_id\")] [NotNull] public int BoundaryID { get; set; } Property Value int FunctionID ID of the partition function for this range boundary value. [Column(\"function_id\")] [NotNull] public int FunctionID { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterID ID of the parameter of the function to which this value corresponds. The values in this column correspond with those in the parameter_id column of the sys.partition_parameters catalog view for any particular function_id. [Column(\"parameter_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParameterID { get; set; } Property Value int Value The actual boundary value. [Column(\"value\")] [Nullable] public object? Value { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PartitionFunctionSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class PartitionFunctionSchema Inheritance object PartitionFunctionSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Condition | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Condition Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syspolicy_conditions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management condition in the instance of SQL Server. syspolicy_conditions belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_conditions view. See dbo.syspolicy_conditions. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syspolicy_conditions\", IsView = true)] public class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Condition Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Condition Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConditionID Identifier of this condition. Each condition represents a collection of one or more condition expressions. [Column(\"condition_id\")] [NotNull] public int ConditionID { get; set; } Property Value int CreatedBy Login that created the condition. [Column(\"created_by\")] [NotNull] public string CreatedBy { get; set; } Property Value string DateCreated Date and time the condition was created. [Column(\"date_created\")] [NotNull] public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DateModified Date and time the condition was created. Is NULL if never modified. [Column(\"date_modified\")] [NotNull] public DateTime DateModified { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Description Description of the condition. The description column is optional and can be NULL. [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string Expression Expression of the facet states. [Column] [NotNull] public string Expression { get; set; } Property Value string Facet Name of the facet that the condition is based on. [Column(\"facet\")] [NotNull] public string Facet { get; set; } Property Value string IsNameCondition Specifies whether the condition is a naming condition. 0 = The condition expression does not contain the @Name variable. 1 = The condition expression contains the @Name variable. [Column(\"is_name_condition\")] [NotNull] public short IsNameCondition { get; set; } Property Value short ModifiedBy Login that most recently modified the condition. Is NULL if never modified. [Column(\"modified_by\")] [NotNull] public string ModifiedBy { get; set; } Property Value string Name Name of the condition. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjName The object name assigned to @Name if the condition expression contains this variable. [Column(\"obj_name\")] [NotNull] public string ObjName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.DataContext Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties Conditions syspolicy_conditions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management condition in the instance of SQL Server. syspolicy_conditions belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_conditions view. See dbo.syspolicy_conditions. public ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Condition> Conditions { get; } Property Value ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Condition> Policies syspolicy_policies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy in the instance of SQL Server. syspolicy_policies belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policies view. See dbo.syspolicy_policies. public ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Policy> Policies { get; } Property Value ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Policy> PolicyCategories syspolicy_policy_categories (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy category in the instance of SQL Server. Policy categories help you organize policies when you have many policies. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_groups view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_categories. public ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategory> PolicyCategories { get; } Property Value ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategory> PolicyCategorySubscriptions syspolicy_policy_category_subscriptions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management subscription in the instance of SQL Server. Each row describes a target and policy category pair. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_group_subscriptions view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_category_subscriptions. public ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategorySubscription> PolicyCategorySubscriptions { get; } Property Value ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategorySubscription> PolicyExecutionHistories syspolicy_policy_execution_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays the time when policies were executed, the result of each execution, and details about errors if any occurred. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_execution_history view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history. public ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistory> PolicyExecutionHistories { get; } Property Value ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistory> PolicyExecutionHistoryDetails syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays the condition expressions that were executed, the targets of the expressions, the result of each execution, and details about errors if any occurred. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_execution_history_details view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details. public ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistoryDetail> PolicyExecutionHistoryDetails { get; } Property Value ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistoryDetail> SystemHealthStates syspolicy_system_health_state (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy and target query expression combination. Use the syspolicy_system_health_state view to programmatically check the policy health of the server. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_system_health_state view. See dbo.syspolicy_system_health_state. public ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.SystemHealthState> SystemHealthStates { get; } Property Value ITable<PolicyBasedManagementSchema.SystemHealthState>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Policy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Policy Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syspolicy_policies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy in the instance of SQL Server. syspolicy_policies belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policies view. See dbo.syspolicy_policies. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syspolicy_policies\", IsView = true)] public class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Policy Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Policy Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConditionID ID of the condition enforced or tested by this policy. [Column(\"condition_id\")] [NotNull] public int ConditionID { get; set; } Property Value int CreatedBy Login that created the policy. [Column(\"created_by\")] [NotNull] public string CreatedBy { get; set; } Property Value string DateCreated Date and time the policy was created. [Column(\"date_created\")] [NotNull] public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DateModified Date and time the policy was created. Is NULL if never modified. [Column(\"date_modified\")] [NotNull] public DateTime DateModified { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Description Description of the policy. The description column is optional and can be NULL. [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string ExecutionMode Evaluation mode for the policy. Possible values are as follows: 0 = On demand This mode evaluates the policy when directly specified by the user. 1 = On change: prevent This automated mode uses DDL triggers to prevent policy violations. 2 = On change: log only This automated mode uses event notification to evaluate a policy when a relevant change occurs and logs policy violations. 4 = On schedule This automated mode uses a SQL Server Agent job to periodically evaluate a policy. The mode logs policy violations. Note: The value 3 is not a possible value. [Column(\"execution_mode\")] [NotNull] public int ExecutionMode { get; set; } Property Value int HelpLink The additional help hyperlink that is assigned to the policy by the policy creator. [Column(\"help_link\")] [NotNull] public string HelpLink { get; set; } Property Value string HelpText The hyperlink text that belongs to help_link. [Column(\"help_text\")] [NotNull] public string HelpText { get; set; } Property Value string IsEnabled Indicates whether the policy is currently enabled (1) or disabled (0). [Column(\"is_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool JobID When the execution_mode is On schedule, contains the ID of the SQL Server Agent job that runs the policy. [Column(\"job_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid JobID { get; set; } Property Value Guid ModifiedBy Login that most recently modified the policy. Is NULL if never modified. [Column(\"modified_by\")] [NotNull] public string ModifiedBy { get; set; } Property Value string Name Name of the policy. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectSetID ID of the object set that the policy evaluates. [Column(\"object_set_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectSetID { get; set; } Property Value int PolicyCategory ID of the Policy-Based Management policy category that this policy belongs to. Is NULL if it is the default policy group. [Column(\"policy_category\")] [NotNull] public int PolicyCategory { get; set; } Property Value int PolicyID Identifier of the policy. [Column(\"policy_id\")] [NotNull] public int PolicyID { get; set; } Property Value int RootConditionID For internal use only. [Column(\"root_condition_id\")] [NotNull] public int RootConditionID { get; set; } Property Value int ScheduleUID When the execution_mode is On schedule, contains the ID of the schedule; otherwise, is NULL. [Column(\"schedule_uid\")] [NotNull] public Guid ScheduleUID { get; set; } Property Value Guid"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategory Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syspolicy_policy_categories (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy category in the instance of SQL Server. Policy categories help you organize policies when you have many policies. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_groups view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_categories. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syspolicy_policy_categories\", IsView = true)] public class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategory Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategory Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties MandateDatabaseSubscriptions Indicates whether the policy category applies to all databases in an instance without an explicit subscription (1) or the policy category must be applied to a database by using an explicit subscription (0). [Column(\"mandate_database_subscriptions\")] [NotNull] public bool MandateDatabaseSubscriptions { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the policy category. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PolicyCategoryID Identifier of the policy category. [Column(\"policy_category_id\")] [NotNull] public int PolicyCategoryID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategorySubscription | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategorySubscription Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syspolicy_policy_category_subscriptions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management subscription in the instance of SQL Server. Each row describes a target and policy category pair. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_group_subscriptions view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_category_subscriptions. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syspolicy_policy_category_subscriptions\", IsView = true)] public class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategorySubscription Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategorySubscription Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties PolicyCategoryID ID of the policy category that is applied to the target. [Column(\"policy_category_id\")] [NotNull] public int PolicyCategoryID { get; set; } Property Value int PolicyCategorySubscriptionID Identifier of this record. [Column(\"policy_category_subscription_id\")] [NotNull] public int PolicyCategorySubscriptionID { get; set; } Property Value int TargetObject Name of the target object. [Column(\"target_object\")] [NotNull] public string TargetObject { get; set; } Property Value string TargetType Type of database object that is the target of this subscription. [Column(\"target_type\")] [NotNull] public string TargetType { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistory Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syspolicy_policy_execution_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays the time when policies were executed, the result of each execution, and details about errors if any occurred. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_execution_history view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syspolicy_policy_execution_history\", IsView = true)] public class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistory Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistory Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties EndDate Time this policy finished running. [Column(\"end_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EndDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Exception Description of the exception if one occurred. [Column(\"exception\")] [NotNull] public string Exception { get; set; } Property Value string ExceptionMessage Message generated by the exception if one occurred. [Column(\"exception_message\")] [NotNull] public string ExceptionMessage { get; set; } Property Value string HistoryID Identifier of this record. Each record indicates a policy and one time that it was initiated. [Column(\"history_id\")] [NotNull] public long HistoryID { get; set; } Property Value long PolicyID Identifier of the policy. [Column(\"policy_id\")] [NotNull] public int PolicyID { get; set; } Property Value int Result Success or failure of the policy. 0 = Failure, 1 = Success. [Column(\"result\")] [NotNull] public bool Result { get; set; } Property Value bool StartDate Date and time this policy tried to run. [Column(\"start_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime StartDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistoryDetail | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistoryDetail Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays the condition expressions that were executed, the targets of the expressions, the result of each execution, and details about errors if any occurred. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_execution_history_details view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details\", IsView = true)] public class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistoryDetail Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistoryDetail Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DetailID Identifier of this record. Each record represents the attempt to evaluate or enforce one condition expression in a policy. If applied to multiple targets, each condition will have a detail record for each target. [Column(\"detail_id\")] [NotNull] public long DetailID { get; set; } Property Value long Exception Description of the exception if one occurred. [Column(\"exception\")] [NotNull] public string Exception { get; set; } Property Value string ExceptionMessage Message generated by the exception if one occurred. [Column(\"exception_message\")] [NotNull] public string ExceptionMessage { get; set; } Property Value string ExecutionDate Date and time that this detail record was created. [Column(\"execution_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ExecutionDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime HistoryID Identifier of the history event. Each history event represents one try to execute a policy. Because a condition can have several condition expressions and several targets, a history_id can create several detail records. Use the history_id column to join this view to the syspolicy_policy_execution_history view. [Column(\"history_id\")] [NotNull] public long HistoryID { get; set; } Property Value long Result Success or failure of this target and condition expression evaluation: 0 (success) or 1 (failure). [Column(\"result\")] [NotNull] public bool Result { get; set; } Property Value bool ResultDetail Result message. Only available if provided by the facet. [Column(\"result_detail\")] [NotNull] public string ResultDetail { get; set; } Property Value string TargetQueryExpression Target of the policy and syspolicy_policy_execution_history view. [Column(\"target_query_expression\")] [NotNull] public string TargetQueryExpression { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.SystemHealthState | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.SystemHealthState Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll syspolicy_system_health_state (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy and target query expression combination. Use the syspolicy_system_health_state view to programmatically check the policy health of the server. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_system_health_state view. See dbo.syspolicy_system_health_state. [Table(Database = \"msdb\", Schema = \"dbo\", Name = \"syspolicy_system_health_state\", IsView = true)] public class PolicyBasedManagementSchema.SystemHealthState Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema.SystemHealthState Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties HealthStateID Identifier of the policy health state record. [Column(\"health_state_id\")] [NotNull] public long HealthStateID { get; set; } Property Value long LastRunDate Date and time the policy was last run. [Column(\"last_run_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime LastRunDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime PolicyID Identifier of the policy. [Column(\"policy_id\")] [NotNull] public int PolicyID { get; set; } Property Value int Result Health state of this target with regard to the policy: 0 = Failure 1 = Success [Column(\"result\")] [NotNull] public bool Result { get; set; } Property Value bool TargetQueryExpression The epxression that defines the target against which the policy is evaluated. [Column(\"target_query_expression\")] [NotNull] public string TargetQueryExpression { get; set; } Property Value string TargetQueryExpressionWithID The target expression, with values assigned to identity variables, that defines the target against which the policy is evaluated. [Column(\"target_query_expression_with_id\")] [NotNull] public string TargetQueryExpressionWithID { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PolicyBasedManagementSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class PolicyBasedManagementSchema Inheritance object PolicyBasedManagementSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class QueryStoreSchema.DataContext Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties DatabaseQueryStoreOptions sys.database_query_store_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the Query Store options for this database. Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later), SQL Database. See sys.database_query_store_options. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.DatabaseQueryStoreOption> DatabaseQueryStoreOptions { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.DatabaseQueryStoreOption> QueryContextSettings sys.query_context_settings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the semantics affecting context settings associated with a query. There are a number of context settings available in SQL Server that influence the query semantics (defining the correct result of the query). The same query text compiled under different settings may produce different results (depending on the underlying data). See sys.query_context_settings. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryContextSetting> QueryContextSettings { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryContextSetting> QueryStorePlans sys.query_store_plan (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about each execution plan associated with a query. See sys.query_store_plan. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStorePlan> QueryStorePlans { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStorePlan> QueryStoreQueries sys.query_store_query (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the query and its associated overall aggregated runtime execution statistics. See sys.query_store_query. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery> QueryStoreQueries { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery> QueryStoreQueryHints sys.query_store_query_hints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains query hints from the Query Store hints (Preview) feature. See sys.query_store_query_hints. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryHint> QueryStoreQueryHints { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryHint> QueryStoreQueryTexts sys.query_store_query_text (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains the Transact\\-SQL text and the SQL handle of the query. See sys.query_store_query_text. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryText> QueryStoreQueryTexts { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryText> QueryStoreRuntimeStats sys.query_store_runtime_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the runtime execution statistics information for the query. See sys.query_store_runtime_stats. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStat> QueryStoreRuntimeStats { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStat> QueryStoreRuntimeStatsIntervals sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the start and end time of each interval over which runtime execution statistics information for a query has been collected. See sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStatsInterval> QueryStoreRuntimeStatsIntervals { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStatsInterval> QueryStoreWaitStats sys.query_store_wait_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database Contains information about the wait information for the query. See sys.query_store_wait_stats. public ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreWaitStat> QueryStoreWaitStats { get; } Property Value ITable<QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreWaitStat>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.DatabaseQueryStoreOption | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.DatabaseQueryStoreOption Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_query_store_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the Query Store options for this database. Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later), SQL Database. See sys.database_query_store_options. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_query_store_options\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.DatabaseQueryStoreOption Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.DatabaseQueryStoreOption Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ActualState Indicates the operation mode of Query Store. In addition to list of desired states required by the user, actual state can be an error state. 0 = OFF 1 = READ_ONLY 2 = READ_WRITE 3 = ERROR [Column(\"actual_state\")] [NotNull] public short ActualState { get; set; } Property Value short ActualStateAdditionalInfo Currently unused. May be implemented in the future. [Column(\"actual_state_additional_info\")] [Nullable] public string? ActualStateAdditionalInfo { get; set; } Property Value string ActualStateDesc Textual description of the actual operation mode of Query Store. OFF READ_ONLY READ_WRITE ERROR There are situations when actual state is different from the desired state: - If the database is set to read-only mode or if Query Store size exceeds its configured quota, Query Store may operate in read-only mode even if read-write was specified by the user. - In extreme scenarios Query Store can enter an ERROR state because of internal errors. Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x), if this happens, Query Store can be recovered by executing the sp_query_store_consistency_check stored procedure in the affected database. If running sp_query_store_consistency_check doesn't work, or if you are using SQL Server 2016 (13.x), you will need to clear the data by running ALTER DATABASE [YourDatabaseName] SET QUERY_STORE CLEAR ALL; [Column(\"actual_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ActualStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string CapturePolicyExecutionCount Query Capture Mode CUSTOM policy option. Defines the number of times a query is executed over the evaluation period. The default is 30. Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later. [Column(\"capture_policy_execution_count\")] [Nullable] public int? CapturePolicyExecutionCount { get; set; } Property Value int? CapturePolicyStaleThresholdHours Query Capture Mode CUSTOM policy option. Defines the evaluation interval period to determine if a query should be captured. The default is 24 hours. Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later. [Column(\"capture_policy_stale_threshold_hours\")] [Nullable] public int? CapturePolicyStaleThresholdHours { get; set; } Property Value int? CapturePolicyTotalCompileCpuTimeMs Query Capture Mode CUSTOM policy option. Defines total elapsed compile CPU time used by a query over the evaluation period. The default is 1000. Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later. [Column(\"capture_policy_total_compile_cpu_time_ms\")] [Nullable] public long? CapturePolicyTotalCompileCpuTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value long? CapturePolicyTotalExecutionCpuTimeMs Query Capture Mode CUSTOM policy option. Defines total elapsed execution CPU time used by a query over the evaluation period. The default is 100. Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later. [Column(\"capture_policy_total_execution_cpu_time_ms\")] [Nullable] public long? CapturePolicyTotalExecutionCpuTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value long? CurrentStorageSizeMB Size of Query Store on disk in megabytes. [Column(\"current_storage_size_mb\")] [Nullable] public long? CurrentStorageSizeMB { get; set; } Property Value long? DesiredState Indicates the desired operation mode of Query Store, explicitly set by user. 0 = OFF 1 = READ_ONLY 2 = READ_WRITE [Column(\"desired_state\")] [NotNull] public short DesiredState { get; set; } Property Value short DesiredStateDesc Textual description of the desired operation mode of Query Store: OFF READ_ONLY READ_WRITE [Column(\"desired_state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DesiredStateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string FlushIntervalSeconds The period for regular flushing of Query Store data to disk in seconds. Default value is 900 (15 min). Change by using the ALTER DATABASE <database> SET QUERY_STORE (DATA_FLUSH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = <interval>) statement. [Column(\"flush_interval_seconds\")] [Nullable] public long? FlushIntervalSeconds { get; set; } Property Value long? IntervalLengthMinutes The statistics aggregation interval in minutes. Arbitrary values are not allowed. Use one of the following: 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, and 1440 minutes. The default value is 60 minutes. [Column(\"interval_length_minutes\")] [Nullable] public long? IntervalLengthMinutes { get; set; } Property Value long? MaxPlansPerQuery Limits the maximum number of stored plans. Default value is 200. If the maximum value is reached, Query Store stops capturing new plans for that query. Setting to 0 removes the limitation with regards to the number of captured plans. Change by using the ALTER DATABASE<database> SET QUERY_STORE (MAX_PLANS_PER_QUERY = <n> statement. [Column(\"max_plans_per_query\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxPlansPerQuery { get; set; } Property Value long? MaxStorageSizeMB Maximum disk size for the Query Store in megabytes (MB). Default value is 100 MB up to SQL Server 2017 (14.x), and 1 GB starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x) . For SQL Database Premium edition, default is 1 GB and for SQL Database Basic edition, default is 10 MB. Change by using the ALTER DATABASE <database> SET QUERY_STORE (MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MB = <size>) statement. [Column(\"max_storage_size_mb\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxStorageSizeMB { get; set; } Property Value long? QueryCaptureMode The currently active query capture mode: 1 = ALL - all queries are captured. This is the default configuration value for SQL Server (SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later). 2 = AUTO - capture relevant queries based on execution count and resource consumption. This is the default configuration value for SQL Database. 3 = NONE - stop capturing new queries. Query Store will continue to collect compile and runtime statistics for queries that were captured already. Use this configuration cautiously since you may miss capturing important queries. 4 = CUSTOM - Allows additional control over the query capture policy using the QUERY_CAPTURE_POLICY options. Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later. [Column(\"query_capture_mode\")] [NotNull] public short QueryCaptureMode { get; set; } Property Value short QueryCaptureModeDesc Textual description of the actual capture mode of Query Store: ALL (default for SQL Server 2016 (13.x)) AUTO (default for SQL Database) NONE CUSTOM [Column(\"query_capture_mode_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? QueryCaptureModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ReadonlyReason When the desired_state_desc is READ_WRITE and the actual_state_desc is READ_ONLY, readonly_reason returns a bit map to indicate why the Query Store is in readonly mode. 1 - database is in read-only mode 2 - database is in single-user mode 4 - database is in emergency mode 8 - database is secondary replica (applies to Always On and Azure SQL Database geo-replication). This value can be effectively observed only on readable secondary replicas 65536 - the Query Store has reached the size limit set by the MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MB option. For more information about this option, see ALTER DATABASE SET options (Transact-SQL). 131072 - The number of different statements in Query Store has reached the internal memory limit. Consider removing queries that you do not need or upgrading to a higher service tier to enable transferring Query Store to read-write mode. 262144 - Size of in-memory items waiting to be persisted on disk has reached the internal memory limit. Query Store will be in read-only mode temporarily until the in-memory items are persisted on disk. 524288 - Database has reached disk size limit. Query Store is part of user database, so if there is no more available space for a database, that means that Query Store cannot grow further anymore. To switch the Query Store operations mode back to read-write, see Verify Query Store is Collecting Query Data Continuously section of Best Practice with the Query Store. [Column(\"readonly_reason\")] [Nullable] public int? ReadonlyReason { get; set; } Property Value int? SizeBasedCleanupMode Controls whether cleanup will be automatically activated when total amount of data gets close to maximum size: 0 = OFF - size-based cleanup won't be automatically activated. 1 = AUTO - size-based cleanup will be automatically activated when size on disk reaches 90 percent of max_storage_size_mb. This is the default configuration value. Size-based cleanup removes the least expensive and oldest queries first. It stops when approximately 80 percent of max_storage_size_mb is reached. [Column(\"size_based_cleanup_mode\")] [NotNull] public short SizeBasedCleanupMode { get; set; } Property Value short SizeBasedCleanupModeDesc Textual description of the actual size-based cleanup mode of Query Store: OFF AUTO (default) [Column(\"size_based_cleanup_mode_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SizeBasedCleanupModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string StaleQueryThresholdDays Number of days that the information for a query is kept in the Query Store. Default value is 30. Set to 0 to disable the retention policy. For SQL Database Basic edition, default is 7 days. Change by using the ALTER DATABASE <database> SET QUERY_STORE ( CLEANUP_POLICY = ( STALE_QUERY_THRESHOLD_DAYS = <value> ) ) statement. [Column(\"stale_query_threshold_days\")] [Nullable] public long? StaleQueryThresholdDays { get; set; } Property Value long? WaitStatsCaptureMode Controls whether Query Store performs capture of wait statistics: 0 = OFF 1 = ON Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later. [Column(\"wait_stats_capture_mode\")] [NotNull] public short WaitStatsCaptureMode { get; set; } Property Value short WaitStatsCaptureModeDesc Textual description of the actual wait statistics capture mode: OFF ON (default) Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later. [Column(\"wait_stats_capture_mode_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? WaitStatsCaptureModeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryContextSetting | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryContextSetting Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.query_context_settings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the semantics affecting context settings associated with a query. There are a number of context settings available in SQL Server that influence the query semantics (defining the correct result of the query). The same query text compiled under different settings may produce different results (depending on the underlying data). See sys.query_context_settings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"query_context_settings\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.QueryContextSetting Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.QueryContextSetting Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AcceptableCursorOptions Cursor options that SQL Server may implicitly convert to in order to support the execution of the statement. [Column(\"acceptable_cursor_options\")] [NotNull] public int AcceptableCursorOptions { get; set; } Property Value int ContextSettingsID Primary key. This value is exposed in Showplan XML for queries. [Column(\"context_settings_id\")] [NotNull] public long ContextSettingsID { get; set; } Property Value long DateFirst The date first value. For more information, see SET DATEFIRST (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"date_first\")] [NotNull] public byte DateFirst { get; set; } Property Value byte DateFormat The date format. For more information, see SET DATEFORMAT (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"date_format\")] [NotNull] public short DateFormat { get; set; } Property Value short DefaultSchemaID ID of the default schema, which is used to resolve names that are not fully qualified. [Column(\"default_schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int DefaultSchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int IsContained 1 indicates a contained database. [Column(\"is_contained\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? IsContained { get; set; } Property Value byte[] IsReplicationSpecific Used for replication. [Column(\"is_replication_specific\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReplicationSpecific { get; set; } Property Value bool LanguageID The id of the language. For more information, see sys.syslanguages (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"language_id\")] [NotNull] public short LanguageID { get; set; } Property Value short MergeActionType The type of trigger execution plan used as the result of a MERGE statement. 0 indicates a non-trigger plan, a trigger plan that does not execute as the result of a MERGE statement, or a trigger plan that executes as the result of a MERGE statement that only specifies a DELETE action. 1 indicates an INSERT trigger plan that runs as the result of a MERGE statement. 2 indicates an UPDATE trigger plan that runs as the result of a MERGE statement. 3 indicates a DELETE trigger plan that runs as the result of a MERGE statement containing a corresponding INSERT or UPDATE action. For nested triggers run by cascading actions, this value is the action of the MERGE statement that caused the cascade. [Column(\"merge_action_type\")] [NotNull] public short MergeActionType { get; set; } Property Value short RequiredCursorOptions Cursor options specified by the user such as the cursor type. [Column(\"required_cursor_options\")] [NotNull] public int RequiredCursorOptions { get; set; } Property Value int SetOptions Bit mask reflecting state of several SET options. For more information, see sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"set_options\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SetOptions { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Status Bitmask field that indicates type of query or context in which query was executed. Column value can be combination of multiple flags (expressed in hexadecimal): 0x0 - regular query (no specific flags) 0x1 - query that was executed through one of the cursor APIs stored procedures 0x2 - query for notification 0x4 - internal query 0x8 - auto parameterized query without universal parameterization 0x10 - cursor fetch refresh query 0x20 - query that is being used in cursor update requests 0x40 - initial result set is returned when a cursor is opened (Cursor Auto Fetch) 0x80 - encrypted query 0x100 - query in context of row-level security predicate [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Status { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStorePlan | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStorePlan Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.query_store_plan (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about each execution plan associated with a query. See sys.query_store_plan. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"query_store_plan\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStorePlan Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.QueryStorePlan Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AvgCompileDuration Plan compilation statistics. [Column(\"avg_compile_duration\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgCompileDuration { get; set; } Property Value double? CompatibilityLevel Database compatibility level of the database referenced in the query. [Column(\"compatibility_level\")] [NotNull] public short CompatibilityLevel { get; set; } Property Value short CountCompiles Plan compilation statistics. [Column(\"count_compiles\")] [Nullable] public long? CountCompiles { get; set; } Property Value long? EngineVersion Version of the engine used to compile the plan in '' format. [Column(\"engine_version\")] [Nullable] public string? EngineVersion { get; set; } Property Value string ForceFailureCount Number of times that forcing this plan has failed. It can be incremented only when the query is recompiled (not on every execution). It is reset to 0 every time is_plan_forced is changed from FALSE to TRUE. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"force_failure_count\")] [NotNull] public long ForceFailureCount { get; set; } Property Value long InitialCompileStartTime Plan compilation statistics. [Column(\"initial_compile_start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTimeOffset InitialCompileStartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset IsForcedPlan Plan is marked as forced when user executes stored procedure sys.sp_query_store_force_plan. Forcing mechanism does not guarantee that exactly this plan will be used for the query referenced by query_id. Plan forcing causes query to be compiled again and typically produces exactly the same or similar plan to the plan referenced by plan_id. If plan forcing does not succeed, force_failure_count is incremented and last_force_failure_reason is populated with the failure reason. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"is_forced_plan\")] [NotNull] public bool IsForcedPlan { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNativelyCompiled Plan includes natively compiled memory optimized procedures. (0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"is_natively_compiled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNativelyCompiled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsOnlineIndexPlan Plan was used during an online index build. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"is_online_index_plan\")] [NotNull] public bool IsOnlineIndexPlan { get; set; } Property Value bool IsParallelPlan Plan is parallel. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return one (1). [Column(\"is_parallel_plan\")] [NotNull] public bool IsParallelPlan { get; set; } Property Value bool IsTrivialPlan Plan is a trivial plan (output in stage 0 of query optimizer). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"is_trivial_plan\")] [NotNull] public bool IsTrivialPlan { get; set; } Property Value bool LastCompileDuration Plan compilation statistics. [Column(\"last_compile_duration\")] [Nullable] public long? LastCompileDuration { get; set; } Property Value long? LastCompileStartTime Plan compilation statistics. [Column(\"last_compile_start_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTimeOffset? LastCompileStartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset? LastExecutionTime Last execution time refers to the last end time of the query/plan. [Column(\"last_execution_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTimeOffset? LastExecutionTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset? LastForceFailureReason Reason why plan forcing failed. 0: no failure, otherwise error number of the error that caused the forcing to fail 8637: ONLINE_INDEX_BUILD 8683: INVALID_STARJOIN 8684: TIME_OUT 8689: NO_DB 8690: HINT_CONFLICT 8691: SETOPT_CONFLICT 8694: DQ_NO_FORCING_SUPPORTED 8698: NO_PLAN 8712: NO_INDEX 8713: VIEW_COMPILE_FAILED <other value>: GENERAL_FAILURE Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_force_failure_reason\")] [NotNull] public int LastForceFailureReason { get; set; } Property Value int LastForceFailureReasonDesc Textual description of last_force_failure_reason_desc. ONLINE_INDEX_BUILD: query tries to modify data while target table has an index that is being built online INVALID_STARJOIN: plan contains invalid StarJoin specification TIME_OUT: Optimizer exceeded number of allowed operations while searching for plan specified by forced plan NO_DB: A database specified in the plan does not exist HINT_CONFLICT: Query cannot be compiled because plan conflicts with a query hint DQ_NO_FORCING_SUPPORTED: Cannot execute query because plan conflicts with use of distributed query or full-text operations. NO_PLAN: Query processor could not produce query plan because forced plan could not be verified to be valid for the query NO_INDEX: Index specified in plan no longer exists VIEW_COMPILE_FAILED: Could not force query plan because of a problem in an indexed view referenced in the plan GENERAL_FAILURE: general forcing error (not covered with reasons above) Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return NONE. [Column(\"last_force_failure_reason_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? LastForceFailureReasonDesc { get; set; } Property Value string PlanForcingType Plan forcing type. 0: NONE 1: MANUAL 2: AUTO [Column(\"plan_forcing_type\")] [NotNull] public int PlanForcingType { get; set; } Property Value int PlanForcingTypeDesc Text description of plan_forcing_type. NONE: No plan forcing MANUAL: Plan forced by user AUTO: Plan forced by automatic tuning [Column(\"plan_forcing_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PlanForcingTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string PlanGroupID ID of the plan group. Cursor queries typically require multiple (populate and fetch) plans. Populate and fetch plans that are compiled together are in the same group. 0 means plan is not in a group. [Column(\"plan_group_id\")] [Nullable] public long? PlanGroupID { get; set; } Property Value long? PlanID Primary key. [Column(\"plan_id\")] [NotNull] public long PlanID { get; set; } Property Value long QueryID Foreign key. Joins to sys.query_store_query (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"query_id\")] [NotNull] public long QueryID { get; set; } Property Value long QueryPlan Showplan XML for the query plan. [Column(\"query_plan\")] [Nullable] public string? QueryPlan { get; set; } Property Value string QueryPlanHash MD5 hash of the individual plan. [Column(\"query_plan_hash\")] [NotNull] public byte[] QueryPlanHash { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.query_store_query (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the query and its associated overall aggregated runtime execution statistics. See sys.query_store_query. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"query_store_query\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AvgBindCpuTime Binding statistics. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_bind_cpu_time\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgBindCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgBindDuration Binding statistics in microseconds. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_bind_duration\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgBindDuration { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgCompileDuration Compilation statistics in microseconds. [Column(\"avg_compile_duration\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgCompileDuration { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgCompileMemoryKb Compile memory statistics. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_compile_memory_kb\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgCompileMemoryKb { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgOptimizeCpuTime Optimization statistics in microseconds. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_optimize_cpu_time\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgOptimizeCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgOptimizeDuration Optimization statistics in microseconds. [Column(\"avg_optimize_duration\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgOptimizeDuration { get; set; } Property Value double? BatchSqlHandle ID of the statement batch the query is part of. Populated only if query references temporary tables or table variables. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return NULL. [Column(\"batch_sql_handle\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? BatchSqlHandle { get; set; } Property Value byte[] ContextSettingsID Foreign key. Joins to sys.query_context_settings (Transact-SQL). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return one (1). [Column(\"context_settings_id\")] [NotNull] public long ContextSettingsID { get; set; } Property Value long CountCompiles Compilation statistics. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return one (1). [Column(\"count_compiles\")] [Nullable] public long? CountCompiles { get; set; } Property Value long? InitialCompileStartTime Compile start time. [Column(\"initial_compile_start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTimeOffset InitialCompileStartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset IsClouddbInternalQuery Always 0 in SQL Server on-premises. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"is_clouddb_internal_query\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsClouddbInternalQuery { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsInternalQuery The query was generated internally. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"is_internal_query\")] [NotNull] public bool IsInternalQuery { get; set; } Property Value bool LastBindCpuTime Binding statistics. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_bind_cpu_time\")] [Nullable] public long? LastBindCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value long? LastBindDuration Binding statistics. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_bind_duration\")] [Nullable] public long? LastBindDuration { get; set; } Property Value long? LastCompileBatchOffsetEnd Information that can be provided to sys.dm_exec_sql_text along with last_compile_batch_sql_handle. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_compile_batch_offset_end\")] [Nullable] public long? LastCompileBatchOffsetEnd { get; set; } Property Value long? LastCompileBatchOffsetStart Information that can be provided to sys.dm_exec_sql_text along with last_compile_batch_sql_handle. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_compile_batch_offset_start\")] [Nullable] public long? LastCompileBatchOffsetStart { get; set; } Property Value long? LastCompileBatchSqlHandle Handle of the last SQL batch in which query was used last time. It can be provided as input to sys.dm_exec_sql_text (Transact-SQL) to get the full text of the batch. [Column(\"last_compile_batch_sql_handle\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? LastCompileBatchSqlHandle { get; set; } Property Value byte[] LastCompileDuration Compilation statistics in microseconds. [Column(\"last_compile_duration\")] [Nullable] public long? LastCompileDuration { get; set; } Property Value long? LastCompileMemoryKb Compile memory statistics. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_compile_memory_kb\")] [Nullable] public long? LastCompileMemoryKb { get; set; } Property Value long? LastCompileStartTime Compile start time. [Column(\"last_compile_start_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTimeOffset? LastCompileStartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset? LastExecutionTime Last execution time refers to the last end time of the query/plan. [Column(\"last_execution_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTimeOffset? LastExecutionTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset? LastOptimizeCpuTime Optimization statistics. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_optimize_cpu_time\")] [Nullable] public long? LastOptimizeCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value long? LastOptimizeDuration Optimization statistics. [Column(\"last_optimize_duration\")] [Nullable] public long? LastOptimizeDuration { get; set; } Property Value long? MaxCompileMemoryKb Compile memory statistics. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_compile_memory_kb\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxCompileMemoryKb { get; set; } Property Value long? Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the database object that the query is part of (stored procedure, trigger, CLR UDF/UDAgg, etc.). 0 if the query is not executed as part of a database object (ad-hoc query). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"object_id\")] [Nullable] public long? ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value long? QueryHash MD5 hash of the individual query, based on the logical query tree. Includes optimizer hints. [Column(\"query_hash\")] [NotNull] public byte[] QueryHash { get; set; } Property Value byte[] QueryID Primary key. [Column(\"query_id\")] [NotNull] public long QueryID { get; set; } Property Value long QueryParameterizationType Kind of parameterization: 0 - None 1 - User 2 - Simple 3 - Forced Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"query_parameterization_type\")] [NotNull] public byte QueryParameterizationType { get; set; } Property Value byte QueryParameterizationTypeDesc Textual description for the parameterization type. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return None. [Column(\"query_parameterization_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? QueryParameterizationTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string QueryTextID Foreign key. Joins to sys.query_store_query_text (Transact-SQL) [Column(\"query_text_id\")] [NotNull] public long QueryTextID { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryHint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryHint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.query_store_query_hints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains query hints from the Query Store hints (Preview) feature. See sys.query_store_query_hints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"query_store_query_hints\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryHint Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryHint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Comment Internal use only. [Column(\"comment\")] [NotNull] public string Comment { get; set; } Property Value string LastQueryHintFailureReason Error code returned when if applying hints failed. Will include the message_id of the error message. [Column(\"last_query_hint_failure_reason\")] [NotNull] public int LastQueryHintFailureReason { get; set; } Property Value int LastQueryHintFailureReasonDesc Will include the error description of the error message. [Column(\"last_query_hint_failure_reason_desc\")] [NotNull] public string LastQueryHintFailureReasonDesc { get; set; } Property Value string QueryHintFailureCount Number of times that the query hint application has failed since the query hint was created or last modified. [Column(\"query_hint_failure_count\")] [NotNull] public long QueryHintFailureCount { get; set; } Property Value long QueryHintID Unique identifier of a query hint. [Column(\"query_hint_id\")] [NotNull] public long QueryHintID { get; set; } Property Value long QueryHintText Hint definition in form of N'OPTION (…) [Column(\"query_hint_text\")] [NotNull] public string QueryHintText { get; set; } Property Value string QueryID Unique identifier of a query in the Query Store. Foreign key to sys.query_store_query.query_id.) [Column(\"query_id\")] [NotNull] public long QueryID { get; set; } Property Value long Source Source of Query Store hint: user source is zero and system-generated is non-zero. [Column(\"source\")] [NotNull] public int Source { get; set; } Property Value int SourceDesc Description of source of Query Store hint. [Column(\"source_desc\")] [NotNull] public string SourceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryText | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryText Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.query_store_query_text (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains the Transact\\-SQL text and the SQL handle of the query. See sys.query_store_query_text. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"query_store_query_text\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryText Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryText Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties HasRestrictedText Query text contains a password or other unmentionable words. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"has_restricted_text\")] [NotNull] public bool HasRestrictedText { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPartOfEncryptedModule Query text is a part of an encrypted module. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"is_part_of_encrypted_module\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPartOfEncryptedModule { get; set; } Property Value bool QuerySqlText SQL text of the query, as provided by the user. Includes whitespaces, hints and comments. Comments and spaces before and after the query text are ignored. Comments and spaces inside text are not ignored. [Column(\"query_sql_text\")] [Nullable] public string? QuerySqlText { get; set; } Property Value string QueryTextID Primary key. [Column(\"query_text_id\")] [NotNull] public long QueryTextID { get; set; } Property Value long StatementSqlHandle SQL handle of the individual query. [Column(\"statement_sql_handle\")] [Nullable] public object? StatementSqlHandle { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.query_store_runtime_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the runtime execution statistics information for the query. See sys.query_store_runtime_stats. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"query_store_runtime_stats\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStat Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AvgClrTime Average CLR time for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_clr_time\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgClrTime { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgCpuTime Average CPU time for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_cpu_time\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgDop Average DOP (degree of parallelism) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_dop\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgDop { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgDuration Average duration for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). [Column(\"avg_duration\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgDuration { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgLogBytesUsed Average number of bytes in the database log used by the query plan, within the aggregation interval. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_log_bytes_used\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgLogBytesUsed { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgLogicalIoReads Average number of logical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval. (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_logical_io_reads\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgLogicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgLogicalIoWrites Average number of logical I/O writes for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_logical_io_writes\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgLogicalIoWrites { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgNumPhysicalIoReads Average number of physical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of read I/O operations). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_num_physical_io_reads\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgNumPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgPageServerIoReads Average number of page server I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Applies to: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale Note: Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance (non-hyperscale) will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_page_server_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public double AvgPageServerIoReads { get; set; } Property Value double AvgPhysicalIoReads Average number of physical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_physical_io_reads\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgQueryMaxUsedMemory Average memory grant (reported as the number of 8 KB pages) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Always 0 for queries using natively compiled memory optimized procedures. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_query_max_used_memory\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgQueryMaxUsedMemory { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgRowcount Average number of returned rows for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"avg_rowcount\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgRowcount { get; set; } Property Value double? AvgTempdbSpaceUsed Average number of pages used in tempdb for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages). Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. [Column(\"avg_tempdb_space_used\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgTempdbSpaceUsed { get; set; } Property Value double? CountExecutions Total count of executions for the query plan within the aggregation interval. [Column(\"count_executions\")] [NotNull] public long CountExecutions { get; set; } Property Value long ExecutionType Determines type of query execution: 0 - Regular execution (successfully finished) 3 - Client initiated aborted execution 4 - Exception aborted execution [Column(\"execution_type\")] [NotNull] public byte ExecutionType { get; set; } Property Value byte ExecutionTypeDesc Textual description of the execution type field: 0 - Regular 3 - Aborted 4 - Exception [Column(\"execution_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ExecutionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string FirstExecutionTime First execution time for the query plan within the aggregation interval. This is the end time of the query execution. [Column(\"first_execution_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTimeOffset FirstExecutionTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset LastClrTime Last CLR time for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_clr_time\")] [NotNull] public long LastClrTime { get; set; } Property Value long LastCpuTime Last CPU time for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_cpu_time\")] [NotNull] public long LastCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value long LastDop Last DOP (degree of parallelism) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_dop\")] [NotNull] public long LastDop { get; set; } Property Value long LastDuration Last duration for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). [Column(\"last_duration\")] [NotNull] public long LastDuration { get; set; } Property Value long LastExecutionTime Last execution time for the query plan within the aggregation interval. This is the end time of the query execution. [Column(\"last_execution_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTimeOffset LastExecutionTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset LastLogBytesUsed Number of bytes in the database log used by the last execution of the query plan, within the aggregation interval. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_log_bytes_used\")] [Nullable] public long? LastLogBytesUsed { get; set; } Property Value long? LastLogicalIoReads Last number of logical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval. (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_logical_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long LastLogicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long LastLogicalIoWrites Last number of logical I/O writes for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_logical_io_writes\")] [NotNull] public long LastLogicalIoWrites { get; set; } Property Value long LastNumPhysicalIoReads Last number of physical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of read I/O operations). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_num_physical_io_reads\")] [Nullable] public long? LastNumPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long? LastPageServerIoReads Last number of page server I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Applies to: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale Note: Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance (non-hyperscale) will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_page_server_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long LastPageServerIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long LastPhysicalIoReads Last number of physical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_physical_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long LastPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long LastQueryMaxUsedMemory Last memory grant (reported as the number of 8 KB pages) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Always 0 for queries using natively compiled memory optimized procedures. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_query_max_used_memory\")] [NotNull] public long LastQueryMaxUsedMemory { get; set; } Property Value long LastRowcount Number of returned rows by the last execution of the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"last_rowcount\")] [NotNull] public long LastRowcount { get; set; } Property Value long LastTempdbSpaceUsed Last number of pages used in tempdb for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages). Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. [Column(\"last_tempdb_space_used\")] [Nullable] public long? LastTempdbSpaceUsed { get; set; } Property Value long? MaxClrTime Maximum CLR time for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_clr_time\")] [NotNull] public long MaxClrTime { get; set; } Property Value long MaxCpuTime Maximum CPU time for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_cpu_time\")] [NotNull] public long MaxCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value long MaxDop Maximum DOP (degree of parallelism) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_dop\")] [NotNull] public long MaxDop { get; set; } Property Value long MaxDuration Maximum duration for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). [Column(\"max_duration\")] [NotNull] public long MaxDuration { get; set; } Property Value long MaxLogBytesUsed Maximum number of bytes in the database log used by the query plan, within the aggregation interval. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_log_bytes_used\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxLogBytesUsed { get; set; } Property Value long? MaxLogicalIoReads Maximum number of logical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval.(expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_logical_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long MaxLogicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long MaxLogicalIoWrites Maximum number of logical I/O writes for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_logical_io_writes\")] [NotNull] public long MaxLogicalIoWrites { get; set; } Property Value long MaxNumPhysicalIoReads Maximum number of physical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of read I/O operations). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_num_physical_io_reads\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxNumPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long? MaxPageServerIoReads Maximum number of page server I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Applies to: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale Note: Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance (non-hyperscale) will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_page_server_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long MaxPageServerIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long MaxPhysicalIoReads Maximum number of physical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_physical_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long MaxPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long MaxQueryMaxUsedMemory Maximum memory grant (reported as the number of 8 KB pages) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Always 0 for queries using natively compiled memory optimized procedures. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"max_query_max_used_memory\")] [NotNull] public long MaxQueryMaxUsedMemory { get; set; } Property Value long MaxRowcount Maximum number of returned rows for the query plan within the aggregation interval. [Column(\"max_rowcount\")] [NotNull] public long MaxRowcount { get; set; } Property Value long MaxTempdbSpaceUsed Maximum number of pages used in tempdb for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages). Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. [Column(\"max_tempdb_space_used\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxTempdbSpaceUsed { get; set; } Property Value long? MinClrTime Minimum CLR time for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_clr_time\")] [NotNull] public long MinClrTime { get; set; } Property Value long MinCpuTime Minimum CPU time for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_cpu_time\")] [NotNull] public long MinCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value long MinDop Minimum DOP (degree of parallelism) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_dop\")] [NotNull] public long MinDop { get; set; } Property Value long MinDuration Minimum duration for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). [Column(\"min_duration\")] [NotNull] public long MinDuration { get; set; } Property Value long MinLogBytesUsed Minimum number of bytes in the database log used by the query plan, within the aggregation interval. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_log_bytes_used\")] [Nullable] public long? MinLogBytesUsed { get; set; } Property Value long? MinLogicalIoReads Minimum number of logical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval. (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_logical_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long MinLogicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long MinLogicalIoWrites Minimum number of logical I/O writes for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_logical_io_writes\")] [NotNull] public long MinLogicalIoWrites { get; set; } Property Value long MinNumPhysicalIoReads Minimum number of physical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of read I/O operations). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_num_physical_io_reads\")] [Nullable] public long? MinNumPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long? MinPageServerIoReads Minimum number of page server I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Applies to: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale Note: Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance (non-hyperscale) will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_page_server_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long MinPageServerIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long MinPhysicalIoReads Minimum number of physical I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_physical_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public long MinPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value long MinQueryMaxUsedMemory Minimum memory grant (reported as the number of 8 KB pages) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Always 0 for queries using natively compiled memory optimized procedures. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_query_max_used_memory\")] [NotNull] public long MinQueryMaxUsedMemory { get; set; } Property Value long MinRowcount Minimum number of returned rows for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"min_rowcount\")] [NotNull] public long MinRowcount { get; set; } Property Value long MinTempdbSpaceUsed Minimum number of pages used in tempdb for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages). Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. [Column(\"min_tempdb_space_used\")] [Nullable] public long? MinTempdbSpaceUsed { get; set; } Property Value long? PlanID Foreign key. Joins to sys.query_store_plan (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"plan_id\")] [NotNull] public long PlanID { get; set; } Property Value long RuntimeStatsID Identifier of the row that represents runtime execution statistics for the plan_id, execution_type and runtime_stats_interval_id. It is unique only for the past runtime statistics intervals. For currently active interval, there may be multiple rows representing runtime statistics for the plan referenced by plan_id, with the execution type represented by execution_type. Typically, one row represents runtime statistics that are flushed to disk, while other(s) represent in-memory state. Hence, to get actual state for every interval you need to aggregate metrics, grouping by plan_id, execution_type and runtime_stats_interval_id. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"runtime_stats_id\")] [NotNull] public long RuntimeStatsID { get; set; } Property Value long RuntimeStatsIntervalID Foreign key. Joins to sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"runtime_stats_interval_id\")] [NotNull] public long RuntimeStatsIntervalID { get; set; } Property Value long StdevClrTime CLR time standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_clr_time\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevClrTime { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevCpuTime CPU time standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_cpu_time\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevCpuTime { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevDop DOP (degree of parallelism) standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_dop\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevDop { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevDuration Duration standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval (reported in microseconds). [Column(\"stdev_duration\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevDuration { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevLogBytesUsed Standard deviation of the number of bytes in the database log used by a query plan, within the aggregation interval. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_log_bytes_used\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevLogBytesUsed { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevLogicalIoReads Number of logical I/O reads standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval. (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_logical_io_reads\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevLogicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevLogicalIoWrites Number of logical I/O writes standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_logical_io_writes\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevLogicalIoWrites { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevPageServerIoReads Standard deviation of the number of page server I/O reads for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Applies to: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale Note: Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance (non-hyperscale) will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_page_server_io_reads\")] [NotNull] public double StdevPageServerIoReads { get; set; } Property Value double StdevPhysicalIoReads Number of physical I/O reads standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages read). Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_physical_io_reads\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevPhysicalIoReads { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevQueryMaxUsedMemory Memory grant standard deviation (reported as the number of 8 KB pages) for the query plan within the aggregation interval. Always 0 for queries using natively compiled memory optimized procedures. Note: Azure Synapse Analytics will always return zero (0). [Column(\"stdev_query_max_used_memory\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevQueryMaxUsedMemory { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevRowcount Standard deviation of the number of returned rows for the query plan within the aggregation interval. [Column(\"stdev_rowcount\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevRowcount { get; set; } Property Value double? StdevTempdbSpaceUsed Number of pages used in tempdb standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval (expressed as a number of 8 KB pages). Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)) and Azure SQL Database. [Column(\"stdev_tempdb_space_used\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevTempdbSpaceUsed { get; set; } Property Value double?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStatsInterval | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStatsInterval Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the start and end time of each interval over which runtime execution statistics information for a query has been collected. See sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"query_store_runtime_stats_interval\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStatsInterval Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStatsInterval Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Comment Always NULL. [Column(\"comment\")] [Nullable] public string? Comment { get; set; } Property Value string EndTime End time of the interval. [Column(\"end_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTimeOffset EndTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset RuntimeStatsIntervalID Primary key. [Column(\"runtime_stats_interval_id\")] [NotNull] public long RuntimeStatsIntervalID { get; set; } Property Value long StartTime Start time of the interval. [Column(\"start_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTimeOffset StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreWaitStat | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreWaitStat Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.query_store_wait_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database Contains information about the wait information for the query. See sys.query_store_wait_stats. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"query_store_wait_stats\", IsView = true)] public class QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreWaitStat Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreWaitStat Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AvgQueryWaitTimeMs Average wait duration for the query plan per execution within the aggregation interval and wait category (reported in milliseconds). [Column(\"avg_query_wait_time_ms\")] [Nullable] public double? AvgQueryWaitTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value double? ExecutionType Determines type of query execution: 0 - Regular execution (successfully finished) 3 - Client initiated aborted execution 4 - Exception aborted execution [Column(\"execution_type\")] [NotNull] public byte ExecutionType { get; set; } Property Value byte ExecutionTypeDesc Textual description of the execution type field: 0 - Regular 3 - Aborted 4 - Exception [Column(\"execution_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ExecutionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string LastQueryWaitTimeMs Last wait duration for the query plan within the aggregation interval and wait category (reported in milliseconds). [Column(\"last_query_wait_time_ms\")] [NotNull] public long LastQueryWaitTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value long MaxQueryWaitTimeMs Maximum CPU wait time for the query plan within the aggregation interval and wait category (reported in milliseconds). [Column(\"max_query_wait_time_ms\")] [NotNull] public long MaxQueryWaitTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value long MinQueryWaitTimeMs Minimum CPU wait time for the query plan within the aggregation interval and wait category (reported in milliseconds). [Column(\"min_query_wait_time_ms\")] [NotNull] public long MinQueryWaitTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value long PlanID Foreign key. Joins to sys.query_store_plan (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"plan_id\")] [NotNull] public long PlanID { get; set; } Property Value long RuntimeStatsIntervalID Foreign key. Joins to sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval (Transact-SQL). [Column(\"runtime_stats_interval_id\")] [NotNull] public long RuntimeStatsIntervalID { get; set; } Property Value long StdevQueryWaitTimeMs Query wait duration standard deviation for the query plan within the aggregation interval and wait category (reported in milliseconds). [Column(\"stdev_query_wait_time_ms\")] [Nullable] public double? StdevQueryWaitTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value double? TotalQueryWaitTimeMs Total CPU wait time for the query plan within the aggregation interval and wait category (reported in milliseconds). [Column(\"total_query_wait_time_ms\")] [NotNull] public long TotalQueryWaitTimeMs { get; set; } Property Value long WaitCategory Wait types are categorized using the table below, and then wait time is aggregated across these wait categories. Different wait categories require a different follow-up analysis to resolve the issue, but wait types from the same category lead to similar troubleshooting experiences, and providing the affected query in addition to the waits is the missing piece to complete the majority of such investigations successfully. [Column(\"wait_category\")] [NotNull] public byte WaitCategory { get; set; } Property Value byte WaitCategoryDesc For textual description of the wait category field, review the table below. [Column(\"wait_category_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? WaitCategoryDesc { get; set; } Property Value string WaitStatsID Identifier of the row representing wait statistics for the plan_id, runtime_stats_interval_id, execution_type and wait_category. It is unique only for the past runtime statistics intervals. For the currently active interval, there may be multiple rows representing wait statistics for the plan referenced by plan_id, with the execution type represented by execution_type and the wait category represented by wait_category. Typically, one row represents wait statistics that are flushed to disk, while other(s) represent in-memory state. Hence, to get actual state for every interval you need to aggregate metrics, grouping by plan_id, runtime_stats_interval_id, execution_type and wait_category. [Column(\"wait_stats_id\")] [NotNull] public long WaitStatsID { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class QueryStoreSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryStoreSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class QueryStoreSchema Inheritance object QueryStoreSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.Configuration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.Configuration Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.resource_governor_configuration (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored Resource Governor state. See sys.resource_governor_configuration. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"resource_governor_configuration\", IsView = true)] public class ResourceGovernorSchema.Configuration Inheritance object ResourceGovernorSchema.Configuration Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ClassifierFunctionID The ID of the classifier function as it is stored in the metadata. Is not nullable. Note This function is used to classify new sessions and uses rules to route the workload to the appropriate workload group. For more information, see Resource Governor. [Column(\"classifier_function_id\")] [NotNull] public int ClassifierFunctionID { get; set; } Property Value int IsEnabled Indicates the current state of the Resource Governor: 0 = Resource Governor is not enabled. 1 = Resource Governor is enabled. Is not nullable. [Column(\"is_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxOutstandingIoPerVolume Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. The maximum number of outstanding I/O per volume. [Column(\"max_outstanding_io_per_volume\")] [NotNull] public int MaxOutstandingIoPerVolume { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ResourceGovernorSchema.DataContext Inheritance object ResourceGovernorSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties Configurations sys.resource_governor_configuration (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored Resource Governor state. See sys.resource_governor_configuration. public ITable<ResourceGovernorSchema.Configuration> Configurations { get; } Property Value ITable<ResourceGovernorSchema.Configuration> ExternalResourcePools sys.resource_governor_external_resource_pools (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) R Services (In-Database) and SQL Server 2017 (14.x) Machine Learning Services Returns the stored external resource pool configuration in SQL Server. Each row of the view determines the configuration of a pool. See sys.resource_governor_external_resource_pools. public ITable<ResourceGovernorSchema.ExternalResourcePool> ExternalResourcePools { get; } Property Value ITable<ResourceGovernorSchema.ExternalResourcePool> ResourcePools sys.resource_governor_resource_pools (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored resource pool configuration in SQL Server. Each row of the view determines the configuration of a pool. See sys.resource_governor_resource_pools. public ITable<ResourceGovernorSchema.ResourcePool> ResourcePools { get; } Property Value ITable<ResourceGovernorSchema.ResourcePool> WorkloadGroups sys.resource_governor_workload_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored workload group configuration in SQL Server. Each workload group can subscribe to one and only one resource pool. See sys.resource_governor_workload_groups. public ITable<ResourceGovernorSchema.WorkloadGroup> WorkloadGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<ResourceGovernorSchema.WorkloadGroup>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.ExternalResourcePool | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.ExternalResourcePool Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.resource_governor_external_resource_pools (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) R Services (In-Database) and SQL Server 2017 (14.x) Machine Learning Services Returns the stored external resource pool configuration in SQL Server. Each row of the view determines the configuration of a pool. See sys.resource_governor_external_resource_pools. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"resource_governor_external_resource_pools\", IsView = true)] public class ResourceGovernorSchema.ExternalResourcePool Inheritance object ResourceGovernorSchema.ExternalResourcePool Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ExternalPoolID Unique ID of the resource pool. Is not nullable. [Column(\"external_pool_id\")] [NotNull] public int ExternalPoolID { get; set; } Property Value int MaxCpuPercent Maximum average CPU bandwidth allowed for all requests in the resource pool when there is CPU contention. Is not nullable. [Column(\"max_cpu_percent\")] [NotNull] public int MaxCpuPercent { get; set; } Property Value int MaxMemoryPercent Percentage of total server memory that can be used by requests in this resource pool. Is not nullable. The effective maximum depends on the pool minimums. For example, max_memory_percent can be set to 100, but the effective maximum is lower. [Column(\"max_memory_percent\")] [NotNull] public int MaxMemoryPercent { get; set; } Property Value int MaxProcesses Maximum number of concurrent external processes. The default value, 0, specifies no limit. Is not nullable. [Column(\"max_processes\")] [NotNull] public int MaxProcesses { get; set; } Property Value int Name Name of the resource pool. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Version Internal version number. [Column(\"version\")] [NotNull] public long Version { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.ResourcePool | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.ResourcePool Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.resource_governor_resource_pools (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored resource pool configuration in SQL Server. Each row of the view determines the configuration of a pool. See sys.resource_governor_resource_pools. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"resource_governor_resource_pools\", IsView = true)] public class ResourceGovernorSchema.ResourcePool Inheritance object ResourceGovernorSchema.ResourcePool Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CapCpuPercent Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. Hard cap on the CPU bandwidth that all requests in the resource pool will receive. Limits the maximum CPU bandwidth to the specified level. The allowed range for value is from 1 through 100. [Column(\"cap_cpu_percent\")] [NotNull] public int CapCpuPercent { get; set; } Property Value int MaxCpuPercent Maximum average CPU bandwidth allowed for all requests in the resource pool when there is CPU contention. Is not nullable. [Column(\"max_cpu_percent\")] [NotNull] public int MaxCpuPercent { get; set; } Property Value int MaxIopsPerVolume Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) per volume setting for this pool. 0 = unlimited. Cannot be null. [Column(\"max_iops_per_volume\")] [NotNull] public int MaxIopsPerVolume { get; set; } Property Value int MaxMemoryPercent Percentage of total server memory that can be used by requests in this resource pool. Is not nullable. The effective maximum depends on the pool minimums. For example, max_memory_percent can be set to 100, but the effective maximum is lower. [Column(\"max_memory_percent\")] [NotNull] public int MaxMemoryPercent { get; set; } Property Value int MinCpuPercent Guaranteed average CPU bandwidth for all requests in the resource pool when there is CPU contention. Is not nullable. [Column(\"min_cpu_percent\")] [NotNull] public int MinCpuPercent { get; set; } Property Value int MinIopsPerVolume Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. The minimum I/O operations per second (IOPS) per volume setting for this pool. 0 = no reservation. Cannot be null. [Column(\"min_iops_per_volume\")] [NotNull] public int MinIopsPerVolume { get; set; } Property Value int MinMemoryPercent Guaranteed amount of memory for all requests in the resource pool. This is not shared with other resource pools. Is not nullable. [Column(\"min_memory_percent\")] [NotNull] public int MinMemoryPercent { get; set; } Property Value int Name Name of the resource pool. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PoolID Unique ID of the resource pool. Is not nullable. [Column(\"pool_id\")] [NotNull] public int PoolID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.WorkloadGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema.WorkloadGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.resource_governor_workload_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored workload group configuration in SQL Server. Each workload group can subscribe to one and only one resource pool. See sys.resource_governor_workload_groups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"resource_governor_workload_groups\", IsView = true)] public class ResourceGovernorSchema.WorkloadGroup Inheritance object ResourceGovernorSchema.WorkloadGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ExternalPoolID Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later. ID of the external resource pool that this workload group uses. [Column(\"external_pool_id\")] [NotNull] public int ExternalPoolID { get; set; } Property Value int GroupID Unique ID of the workload group. Is not nullable. [Column(\"group_id\")] [NotNull] public int GroupID { get; set; } Property Value int GroupMaxRequests Maximum number of concurrent requests. The default value, 0, specifies no limit. Is not nullable. [Column(\"group_max_requests\")] [NotNull] public int GroupMaxRequests { get; set; } Property Value int Importance Note: Importance only applies to workload groups in the same resource pool. Is the relative importance of a request in this workload group. Importance is one of the following, with MEDIUM being the default: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH. Is not nullable. [Column(\"importance\")] [NotNull] public string Importance { get; set; } Property Value string MaxDop Maximum degree of parallelism for the workload group. The default value, 0, uses global settings. Is not nullable. Node: This setting will override the query option maxdop. [Column(\"max_dop\")] [NotNull] public int MaxDop { get; set; } Property Value int Name Name of the workload group. Is not nullable. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PoolID ID of the resource pool that this workload group uses. [Column(\"pool_id\")] [NotNull] public int PoolID { get; set; } Property Value int RequestMaxCpuTimeSec Maximum CPU use limit, in seconds, for a single request. The default value, 0, specifies no limit. Is not nullable. Note: For more information, see CPU Threshold Exceeded Event Class. [Column(\"request_max_cpu_time_sec\")] [NotNull] public int RequestMaxCpuTimeSec { get; set; } Property Value int RequestMaxMemoryGrantPercent Maximum memory grant, as a percentage, for a single request. The default value is 25. Is not nullable. Note: If this setting is higher than 50 percent, large queries will run one at a time. Therefore, there is greater risk of getting an out-of-memory error while the query is running. [Column(\"request_max_memory_grant_percent\")] [NotNull] public int RequestMaxMemoryGrantPercent { get; set; } Property Value int RequestMemoryGrantTimeoutSec Memory grant time-out, in seconds, for a single request. The default value, 0, uses an internal calculation based on query cost. Is not nullable. [Column(\"request_memory_grant_timeout_sec\")] [NotNull] public int RequestMemoryGrantTimeoutSec { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResourceGovernorSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class ResourceGovernorSchema Inheritance object ResourceGovernorSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.AssemblyType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.AssemblyType Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.assembly_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each user-defined type that is defined by a CLR assembly. The following sys.assembly_types appear in the list of inherited columns (see sys.types (Transact-SQL)) after rule_object_id. See sys.assembly_types. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"assembly_types\", IsView = true)] public class ScalarTypesSchema.AssemblyType Inheritance object ScalarTypesSchema.AssemblyType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyClass Name of the class within the assembly that defines this type. [Column(\"assembly_class\")] [Nullable] public string? AssemblyClass { get; set; } Property Value string AssemblyID ID of the assembly from which this type was created. [Column(\"assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int AssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int AssemblyQualifiedName Assembly qualified type name. The name is in a format suitable to be passed to Type.GetType(). [Column(\"assembly_qualified_name\")] [Nullable] public string? AssemblyQualifiedName { get; set; } Property Value string IsBinaryOrdered Sorting the bytes of this type is equivalent to sorting using comparison operators on the type. [Column(\"is_binary_ordered\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsBinaryOrdered { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsFixedLength Length of the type is always the same as max_length. [Column(\"is_fixed_length\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsFixedLength { get; set; } Property Value bool? ProgID ProgID of the type as exposed to COM. [Column(\"prog_id\")] [Nullable] public string? ProgID { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.column_type_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each column that is of user-defined type. See sys.column_type_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"column_type_usages\", IsView = true)] public class ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage Inheritance object ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID ID of the column. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int UserTypeID ID of the user-defined type. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ScalarTypesSchema.DataContext Inheritance object ScalarTypesSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties AssemblyTypes sys.assembly_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each user-defined type that is defined by a CLR assembly. The following sys.assembly_types appear in the list of inherited columns (see sys.types (Transact-SQL)) after rule_object_id. See sys.assembly_types. public ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.AssemblyType> AssemblyTypes { get; } Property Value ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.AssemblyType> ColumnTypeUsages sys.column_type_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each column that is of user-defined type. See sys.column_type_usages. public ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage> ColumnTypeUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage> ParameterTypeUsages sys.parameter_type_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each parameter that is of user-defined type. note This view does not return rows for parameters of numbered procedures. See sys.parameter_type_usages. public ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage> ParameterTypeUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage> TypeAssemblyUsages sys.type_assembly_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per type to assembly reference. See sys.type_assembly_usages. public ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.TypeAssemblyUsage> TypeAssemblyUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.TypeAssemblyUsage> Types sys.types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each system and user-defined type. See sys.types. public ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.Type> Types { get; } Property Value ITable<ScalarTypesSchema.Type>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.parameter_type_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each parameter that is of user-defined type. note This view does not return rows for parameters of numbered procedures. See sys.parameter_type_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"parameter_type_usages\", IsView = true)] public class ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage Inheritance object ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this parameter belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterID ID of the parameter. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"parameter_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParameterID { get; set; } Property Value int UserTypeID ID of the user-defined type. To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.Type | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.Type Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each system and user-defined type. See sys.types. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"types\", IsView = true)] public class ScalarTypesSchema.Type Inheritance object ScalarTypesSchema.Type Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollationName Name of the collation of the type if it is character-based; other wise, NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultObjectID ID of the stand-alone default that is bound to the type by using sp_bindefault. 0 = No default exists. [Column(\"default_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int DefaultObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int IsAssemblyType 1 = Implementation of the type is defined in a CLR assembly. 0 = Type is based on a SQL Server system data type. [Column(\"is_assembly_type\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAssemblyType { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable Type is nullable. [Column(\"is_nullable\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsTableType Indicates the type is a table. [Column(\"is_table_type\")] [NotNull] public bool IsTableType { get; set; } Property Value bool IsUserDefined 1 = User-defined type. 0 = SQL Server system data type. [Column(\"is_user_defined\")] [NotNull] public bool IsUserDefined { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxLength Maximum length (in bytes) of the type. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. For text columns, the max_length value will be 16. [Column(\"max_length\")] [NotNull] public short MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short Name Name of the type. Is unique within the schema. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Precision Max precision of the type if it is numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [NotNull] public byte Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte PrincipalID ID of the individual owner if different from schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? RuleObjectID ID of the stand-alone rule that is bound to the type by using sp_bindrule. 0 = No rule exists. [Column(\"rule_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int RuleObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Scale Max scale of the type if it is numeric-based; otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [NotNull] public byte Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte SchemaID ID of the schema to which the type belongs. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int SystemTypeID ID of the internal system-type of the type. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [NotNull] public byte SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte UserTypeID ID of the type. Is unique within the database. For system data types, user_type_id = system_type_id. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.TypeAssemblyUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarTypesSchema.TypeAssemblyUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.type_assembly_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per type to assembly reference. See sys.type_assembly_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"type_assembly_usages\", IsView = true)] public class ScalarTypesSchema.TypeAssemblyUsage Inheritance object ScalarTypesSchema.TypeAssemblyUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AssemblyID ID of the assembly [Column(\"assembly_id\")] [NotNull] public int AssemblyID { get; set; } Property Value int UserTypeID ID of the type To return the name of the type, join to the sys.types catalog view on this column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ScalarTypesSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarTypesSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class ScalarTypesSchema Inheritance object ScalarTypesSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.AsymmetricKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.AsymmetricKey Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.asymmetric_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each asymmetric key. See sys.asymmetric_keys. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"asymmetric_keys\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.AsymmetricKey Inheritance object SecuritySchema.AsymmetricKey Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Algorithm Algorithm used with the key. 1R = 512-bit RSA 2R = 1024-bit RSA 3R = 2048-bit RSA [Column(\"algorithm\")] [NotNull] public string Algorithm { get; set; } Property Value string AlgorithmDesc Description of the algorithm used with the key. RSA_512 RSA_1024 RSA_2048 [Column(\"algorithm_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? AlgorithmDesc { get; set; } Property Value string AsymmetricKeyID ID of the key. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"asymmetric_key_id\")] [NotNull] public int AsymmetricKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int AttestedBy System use only. [Column(\"attested_by\")] [Nullable] public string? AttestedBy { get; set; } Property Value string CryptographicProviderAlgid Algorithm ID for the cryptographic provider. For non-Extensible Key Management keys this value will be NULL. [Column(\"cryptographic_provider_algid\")] [Nullable] public object? CryptographicProviderAlgid { get; set; } Property Value object CryptographicProviderGuid GUID for the cryptographic provider. For non-Extensible Key Management keys this value will be NULL. [Column(\"cryptographic_provider_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? CryptographicProviderGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? KeyLength Bit length of the key. [Column(\"key_length\")] [NotNull] public int KeyLength { get; set; } Property Value int Name Name of the key. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the database principal that owns the key. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ProviderType Type of cryptographic provider: CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROVIDER = Extensible Key Management keys NULL = Non-Extensible Key Management keys [Column(\"provider_type\")] [Nullable] public string? ProviderType { get; set; } Property Value string PublicKey Public key. [Column(\"public_key\")] [NotNull] public byte[] PublicKey { get; set; } Property Value byte[] PvtKeyEncryptionType How the key is encrypted. NA = Not encrypted MK = Key is encrypted by the master key PW = Key is encrypted by a user-defined password SK = Key is encrypted by service master key. [Column(\"pvt_key_encryption_type\")] [NotNull] public string PvtKeyEncryptionType { get; set; } Property Value string PvtKeyEncryptionTypeDesc Description of how the private key is encrypted. NO_PRIVATE_KEY ENCRYPTED_BY_MASTER_KEY ENCRYPTED_BY_PASSWORD ENCRYPTED_BY_SERVICE_MASTER_KEY [Column(\"pvt_key_encryption_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PvtKeyEncryptionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SID Login SID for this key. For Extensible Key Management keys this value will be NULL. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] StringSID String representation of the login SID of the key. For Extensible Key Management keys this value will be NULL. [Column(\"string_sid\")] [Nullable] public string? StringSID { get; set; } Property Value string Thumbprint SHA-1 hash of the key. The hash is globally unique. [Column(\"thumbprint\")] [NotNull] public byte[] Thumbprint { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.Certificate | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.Certificate Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.certificates (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each certificate in the database. See sys.certificates. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"certificates\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.Certificate Inheritance object SecuritySchema.Certificate Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AttestedBy System use only. [Column(\"attested_by\")] [Nullable] public string? AttestedBy { get; set; } Property Value string CertSerialNumber Serial number of certificate. [Column(\"cert_serial_number\")] [Nullable] public string? CertSerialNumber { get; set; } Property Value string CertificateID ID of the certificate. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"certificate_id\")] [NotNull] public int CertificateID { get; set; } Property Value int ExpiryDate When certificate expires. [Column(\"expiry_date\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? ExpiryDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? IsActiveForBeginDialog If 1, this certificate is used to initiate encrypted service dialogs. [Column(\"is_active_for_begin_dialog\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsActiveForBeginDialog { get; set; } Property Value bool? IssuerName Name of certificate issuer. [Column(\"issuer_name\")] [Nullable] public string? IssuerName { get; set; } Property Value string Name Name of the certificate. Is unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the database principal that owns this certificate. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? PvtKeyEncryptionType How the private key is encrypted. NA = There is no private key for the certificate MK = Private key is encrypted by the master key PW = Private key is encrypted by a user-defined password SK = Private key is encrypted by the service master key. [Column(\"pvt_key_encryption_type\")] [NotNull] public string PvtKeyEncryptionType { get; set; } Property Value string PvtKeyEncryptionTypeDesc Description of how the private key is encrypted. NO_PRIVATE_KEY ENCRYPTED_BY_MASTER_KEY ENCRYPTED_BY_PASSWORD ENCRYPTED_BY_SERVICE_MASTER_KEY [Column(\"pvt_key_encryption_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PvtKeyEncryptionTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string PvtKeyLastBackupDate The date and time the certificate's private key was last exported. [Column(\"pvt_key_last_backup_date\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? PvtKeyLastBackupDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? SID Login SID for this certificate. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] StartDate When certificate becomes valid. [Column(\"start_date\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? StringSID String representation of the login SID for this certificate [Column(\"string_sid\")] [Nullable] public string? StringSID { get; set; } Property Value string Subject Subject of this certificate. [Column(\"subject\")] [Nullable] public string? Subject { get; set; } Property Value string Thumbprint SHA-1 hash of the certificate. The SHA-1 hash is globally unique. [Column(\"thumbprint\")] [NotNull] public byte[] Thumbprint { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKey Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.column_encryption_keys (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server 2016 and later (No) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns information about column encryption keys (CEKs) created with the CREATE COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY statement. Each row represents a CEK. See sys.column_encryption_keys. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"column_encryption_keys\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKey Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKey Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnEncryptionKeyID ID of the CEK. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnEncryptionKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int CreateDate Date the CEK was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime ModifyDate Date the CEK was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name The name of the CEK. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKeyValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKeyValue Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.column_encryption_key_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns information about encrypted values of column encryption keys (CEKs) created with either the CREATE COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY or the ALTER COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY (Transact-SQL) statement. Each row represents a value of a CEK, encrypted with a column master key (CMK). See sys.column_encryption_key_values. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"column_encryption_key_values\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKeyValue Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKeyValue Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnEncryptionKeyID ID of the CEK in the database. [Column(\"column_encryption_key_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnEncryptionKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int ColumnMasteRKeyID ID of the column master key that was used to encrypt the CEK value. [Column(\"column_master_key_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnMasteRKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int EncryptedValue CEK value encrypted with the CMK specified in column_master_key_id. [Column(\"encrypted_value\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? EncryptedValue { get; set; } Property Value byte[] EncryptionAlgorithmName Name of an algorithm used to encrypt the CEK value. Name of the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the value. The algorithm for the system providers must be RSA_OAEP. [Column(\"encryption_algorithm_name\")] [Nullable] public string? EncryptionAlgorithmName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ColumnMasterKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ColumnMasterKey Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.column_master_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each database master key added by using the CREATE MASTER KEY statement. Each row represents a single column master key (CMK). See sys.column_master_keys. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"column_master_keys\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ColumnMasterKey Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ColumnMasterKey Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllowEnclaveComputations Indicates if the column master key is enclave-enabled, (if column encryption keys, encrypted with this master key, can be used for computations inside server-side secure enclaves). For more information, see Always Encrypted with secure enclaves. [Column(\"allow_enclave_computations\")] [NotNull] public bool AllowEnclaveComputations { get; set; } Property Value bool ColumnMasteRKeyID ID of the column master key. [Column(\"column_master_key_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnMasteRKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int CreateDate Date the column master key was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime KeyPath A column master key store-specific path of the key. The format of the path depends on the column master key store type. Example: 'CurrentUser/Personal/'<thumbprint> For a custom column master key store, the developer is responsible for defining what a key path is for the custom column master key store. [Column(\"key_path\")] [Nullable] public string? KeyPath { get; set; } Property Value string KeyStoreProviderName Name of the provider for the column master key store that contains the CMK. Allowed values are: MSSQL_CERTIFICATE_STORE - If the column master key store is a Certificate Store. A user-defined value, if the column master key store is of a custom type. [Column(\"key_store_provider_name\")] [Nullable] public string? KeyStoreProviderName { get; set; } Property Value string ModifyDate Date the column master key was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name The name of the CMK. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Signature A digital signature of key_path and allow_enclave_computations, produced using the column master key, referenced by key_path. [Column(\"signature\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Signature { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.Credential | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.Credential Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.credentials (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Managed Instance ![yes](media/yes-icon.png)Azure Synapse Analytics (Yes) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for each server-level credential. See sys.credentials. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"credentials\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.Credential Inheritance object SecuritySchema.Credential Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Time at which the credential was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CredentialID ID of the credential. Is unique in the server. [Column(\"credential_id\")] [NotNull] public int CredentialID { get; set; } Property Value int CredentialIdentity Name of the identity to use. This will generally be a Windows user. It does not have to be unique. [Column(\"credential_identity\")] [Nullable] public string? CredentialIdentity { get; set; } Property Value string ModifyDate Time at which the credential was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the credential. Is unique in the server. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string TargetID ID of the object that the credential is mapped to. Returns 0 for traditional credentials and non-0 for credentials mapped to a cryptographic provider. For more information about external key management providers, see Extensible Key Management (EKM). [Column(\"target_id\")] [Nullable] public int? TargetID { get; set; } Property Value int? TargetType Type of credential. Returns NULL for traditional credentials, CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROVIDER for credentials mapped to a cryptographic provider. For more information about external key management providers, see Extensible Key Management (EKM). [Column(\"target_type\")] [Nullable] public string? TargetType { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.CryptProperty | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.CryptProperty Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.crypt_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each cryptographic property associated with a securable. See sys.crypt_properties. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"crypt_properties\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.CryptProperty Inheritance object SecuritySchema.CryptProperty Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Class Identifies class of thing on which property exists. 1 = Object or column 5 = Assembly [Column(\"class\")] [NotNull] public byte Class { get; set; } Property Value byte ClassDesc Description of the class of thing on which property exists. OBJECT_OR_COLUMN ASSEMBLY [Column(\"class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string CryptPropertyColumn Signed or encrypted bits. For a signed module these are the signature bits of the module. [Column(\"crypt_property\")] [NotNull] public byte[] CryptPropertyColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte[] CryptType Encryption type. SPVC = Signed by certificate private key SPVA = Signed by asymmetric private key CPVC = Counter signature by certificate private key CPVA = Counter signature by asymmetric key [Column(\"crypt_type\")] [NotNull] public string CryptType { get; set; } Property Value string CryptTypeDesc Description of encryption type. SIGNATURE BY CERTIFICATE SIGNATURE BY ASYMMETRIC KEY COUNTER SIGNATURE BY CERTIFICATE COUNTER SIGNATURE BY ASYMMETRIC KEY [Column(\"crypt_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? CryptTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MajorID ID of thing on which property exists, interpreted according to class [Column(\"major_id\")] [NotNull] public int MajorID { get; set; } Property Value int Thumbprint SHA-1 hash of the certificate or asymmetric key used. [Column(\"thumbprint\")] [NotNull] public byte[] Thumbprint { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.CryptographicProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.CryptographicProvider Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.cryptographic_providers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each registered cryptographic provider. See sys.cryptographic_providers. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"cryptographic_providers\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.CryptographicProvider Inheritance object SecuritySchema.CryptographicProvider Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DllPath Path to DLL that implements the Extensible Key Management (EKM) Application Program Interface (API). [Column(\"dll_path\")] [Nullable] public string? DllPath { get; set; } Property Value string Guid Unique provider GUID. [Column(\"guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? Guid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? IsEnabled Whether the provider is enabled on the server or not. 0 = not enabled (default) 1 = enabled [Column(\"is_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the cryptographic provider. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string ProviderID Identification number of the cryptographic provider. [Column(\"provider_id\")] [NotNull] public int ProviderID { get; set; } Property Value int Version Version of the provider in the format ''. [Column(\"version\")] [Nullable] public string? Version { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class SecuritySchema.DataContext Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties AsymmetricKeys sys.asymmetric_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each asymmetric key. See sys.asymmetric_keys. public ITable<SecuritySchema.AsymmetricKey> AsymmetricKeys { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.AsymmetricKey> Certificates sys.certificates (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each certificate in the database. See sys.certificates. public ITable<SecuritySchema.Certificate> Certificates { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.Certificate> ColumnEncryptionKeyValues sys.column_encryption_key_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns information about encrypted values of column encryption keys (CEKs) created with either the CREATE COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY or the ALTER COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY (Transact-SQL) statement. Each row represents a value of a CEK, encrypted with a column master key (CMK). See sys.column_encryption_key_values. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKeyValue> ColumnEncryptionKeyValues { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKeyValue> ColumnEncryptionKeys sys.column_encryption_keys (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server 2016 and later (No) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns information about column encryption keys (CEKs) created with the CREATE COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY statement. Each row represents a CEK. See sys.column_encryption_keys. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKey> ColumnEncryptionKeys { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKey> ColumnMasterKeys sys.column_master_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each database master key added by using the CREATE MASTER KEY statement. Each row represents a single column master key (CMK). See sys.column_master_keys. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ColumnMasterKey> ColumnMasterKeys { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ColumnMasterKey> Credentials sys.credentials (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Managed Instance ![yes](media/yes-icon.png)Azure Synapse Analytics (Yes) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for each server-level credential. See sys.credentials. public ITable<SecuritySchema.Credential> Credentials { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.Credential> CryptProperties sys.crypt_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each cryptographic property associated with a securable. See sys.crypt_properties. public ITable<SecuritySchema.CryptProperty> CryptProperties { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.CryptProperty> CryptographicProviders sys.cryptographic_providers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each registered cryptographic provider. See sys.cryptographic_providers. public ITable<SecuritySchema.CryptographicProvider> CryptographicProviders { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.CryptographicProvider> DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetails sys.database_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the database audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance for all databases. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). For a list of all audit_action_id's and their names, query sys.dm_audit_actions (Transact-SQL). See sys.database_audit_specification_details. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetail> DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetails { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetail> DatabaseAuditSpecifications sys.database_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the database audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.database_audit_specifications. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecification> DatabaseAuditSpecifications { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecification> DatabaseCredentials sys.database_credentials (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns one row for each database scoped credential in the database. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use sys.database_scoped_credentials instead. See sys.database_credentials. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseCredential> DatabaseCredentials { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseCredential> DatabaseLedgerBlocks sys.database_ledger_blocks (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically chained blocks, each of which represents a block of transactions against ledger tables. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.database_ledger_blocks. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerBlock> DatabaseLedgerBlocks { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerBlock> DatabaseLedgerDigestLocations sys.database_ledger_digest_locations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the current and the historical ledger digest storage endpoints for the ledger feature. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. See sys.database_ledger_digest_locations. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerDigestLocation> DatabaseLedgerDigestLocations { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerDigestLocation> DatabaseLedgerTransactions sys.database_ledger_transactions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of database transactions against ledger tables in the database. A row in this view represents a database transaction. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. See sys.database_ledger_transactions. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerTransaction> DatabaseLedgerTransactions { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerTransaction> DatabasePermissions sys.database_permissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for every permission or column-exception permission in the database. For columns, there is a row for every permission that is different from the corresponding object-level permission. If the column permission is the same as the corresponding object permission, there is no row for it and the permission applied is that of the object. important Column-level permissions override object-level permissions on the same entity. See sys.database_permissions. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabasePermission> DatabasePermissions { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabasePermission> DatabasePrincipals sys.database_principals (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each security principal in a SQL Server database. See sys.database_principals. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabasePrincipal> DatabasePrincipals { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabasePrincipal> DatabaseRoleMembers sys.database_role_members (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each member of each database role. Database users, application roles, and other database roles can be members of a database role. To add members to a role, use the ALTER ROLE statement with the ADD MEMBER option. Join with sys.database_principals to return the names of the principal_id values. See sys.database_role_members. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseRoleMember> DatabaseRoleMembers { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseRoleMember> DatabaseScopedCredentials sys.database_scoped_credentials (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns one row for each database scoped credential in the database. ::: moniker range='=sql-server-2016' See sys.database_scoped_credentials. public ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseScopedCredential> DatabaseScopedCredentials { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.DatabaseScopedCredential> KeyEncryptions sys.key_encryptions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each symmetric key encryption specified by using the ENCRYPTION BY clause of the CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement. See sys.key_encryptions. public ITable<SecuritySchema.KeyEncryption> KeyEncryptions { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.KeyEncryption> LedgerColumnHistories sys.ledger_column_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of operations on columns of ledger tables: adding, renaming, and dropping columns. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.ledger_column_history. public ITable<SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory> LedgerColumnHistories { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory> LedgerTableHistories sys.ledger_table_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of operations on ledger tables: creating ledger tables, renaming ledger tables or ledger views, and dropping ledger tables. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.ledger_table_history. public ITable<SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory> LedgerTableHistories { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory> LoginTokens sys.login_token (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for every server principal that is part of the login token. See sys.login_token. public ITable<SecuritySchema.LoginToken> LoginTokens { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.LoginToken> MasterKeyPasswords sys.master_key_passwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each database master key password added by using the sp_control_dbmasterkey_password stored procedure. The passwords that are used to protect the master keys are stored in the credential store. The credential name follows this format: ##DBMKEY_<database_family_guid>_<random_password_guid>##. The password is stored as the credential secret. For each password added by using sp_control_dbmasterkey_password, there is a row in sys.credentials. Each row in this view shows a credential_id and the family_guid of a database the master key of which is protected by the password associated with that credential. A join with sys.credentials on the credential_id will return useful fields, such as the create_date and credential name. See sys.master_key_passwords. public ITable<SecuritySchema.MasterKeyPassword> MasterKeyPasswords { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.MasterKeyPassword> OpenKeys sys.openkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database This catalog view returns information about encryption keys that are open in the current session. See sys.openkeys. public ITable<SecuritySchema.OpenKey> OpenKeys { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.OpenKey> SecurableClasses sys.securable_classes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a list of securable classes See sys.securable_classes. public ITable<SecuritySchema.SecurableClass> SecurableClasses { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.SecurableClass> SecurityPolicies sys.security_policies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each security policy in the database. See sys.security_policies. public ITable<SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy> SecurityPolicies { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy> SecurityPredicates sys.security_predicates (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each security predicate in the database. See sys.security_predicates. public ITable<SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate> SecurityPredicates { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate> SensitivityClassifications sys.sensitivity_classifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each classified item in the database. See sys.sensitivity_classifications. public ITable<SecuritySchema.SensitivityClassification> SensitivityClassifications { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.SensitivityClassification> ServerAuditSpecificationDetails sys.server_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the server audit specification details (actions) in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). For a list of all audit_action_id's and their names, query sys.dm_audit_actions (Transact-SQL). See sys.server_audit_specification_details. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecificationDetail> ServerAuditSpecificationDetails { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecificationDetail> ServerAuditSpecifications sys.server_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the server audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information on SQL Server Audit, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_audit_specifications. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecification> ServerAuditSpecifications { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecification> ServerAudits sys.server_audits (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each SQL Server audit in a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_audits. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerAudit> ServerAudits { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerAudit> ServerFileAudits sys.server_file_audits (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains extended information about the file audit type in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_file_audits. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerFileAudit> ServerFileAudits { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerFileAudit> ServerPermissions sys.server_permissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each server-level permission. See sys.server_permissions. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerPermission> ServerPermissions { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerPermission> ServerPrincipals sys.server_principals (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for every server-level principal. See sys.server_principals. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerPrincipal> ServerPrincipals { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerPrincipal> ServerRoleMembers sys.server_role_members (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each member of each fixed and user-defined server role. See sys.server_role_members. public ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerRoleMember> ServerRoleMembers { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.ServerRoleMember> SqlLogins sys.sql_logins (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Database (No) Azure Synapse Analytics (Yes) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for every SQL Server authentication login. See sys.sql_logins. public ITable<SecuritySchema.SqlLogin> SqlLogins { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.SqlLogin> SymmetricKeys sys.symmetric_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for every symmetric key created with the CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement. See sys.symmetric_keys. public ITable<SecuritySchema.SymmetricKey> SymmetricKeys { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.SymmetricKey> SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfigurations sys.system_components_surface_area_configuration (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each executable system object that can be enabled or disabled by a surface area configuration component. For more information, see Surface Area Configuration. See sys.system_components_surface_area_configuration. public ITable<SecuritySchema.SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfiguration> SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfigurations { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfiguration> UserTokens sys.user_token (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for every database principal that is part of the user token in SQL Server. See sys.user_token. public ITable<SecuritySchema.UserToken> UserTokens { get; } Property Value ITable<SecuritySchema.UserToken>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecification | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecification Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the database audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.database_audit_specifications. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_audit_specifications\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecification Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecification Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AuditGuid GUID for the audit that contains this specification. Used during enumeration of member database audit specifications during database attach/startup. [Column(\"audit_guid\")] [Nullable] public object? AuditGuid { get; set; } Property Value object CreateDate Date the audit specification was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DatabaseSpecificationID ID of the database specification. [Column(\"database_specification_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseSpecificationID { get; set; } Property Value int IsStateEnabled Audit specification state: 0 - DISABLED 1 -ENABLED [Column(\"is_state_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsStateEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? ModifiedDate Date the audit specification was last modified. [Column(\"modified_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the auditing specification. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetail | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetail Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the database audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance for all databases. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). For a list of all audit_action_id's and their names, query sys.dm_audit_actions (Transact-SQL). See sys.database_audit_specification_details. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_audit_specification_details\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetail Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetail Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AuditActionID ID of the audit action. [Column(\"audit_action_id\")] [NotNull] public int AuditActionID { get; set; } Property Value int AuditActionName Name of audit action or audit action group [Column(\"audit_action_name\")] [Nullable] public object? AuditActionName { get; set; } Property Value object AuditedPrincipalID Principal that is being audited. [Column(\"audited_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int AuditedPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int AuditedResult Audit action results: - SUCCESS AND FAILURE - SUCCESS - FAILURE [Column(\"audited_result\")] [Nullable] public object? AuditedResult { get; set; } Property Value object Class Identifies class of object which is being audited. [Column(\"class\")] [NotNull] public int Class { get; set; } Property Value int ClassDesc Description of class of object which is being audited: - SCHEMA - TABLE [Column(\"class_ desc\")] [NotNull] public object ClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value object DatabaseSpecificationID ID of the audit specification. [Column(\"database_specification_id\")] [NotNull] public int DatabaseSpecificationID { get; set; } Property Value int IsGroup Shows whether the object is a group: 0 - Not a group 1 - Group [Column(\"is_group\")] [Nullable] public object? IsGroup { get; set; } Property Value object MajorID Major ID of object being audited, such as a Table ID of a Table Audit action. [Column(\"major_id\")] [NotNull] public int MajorID { get; set; } Property Value int MinorID Secondary ID of object that is being audited, interpreted according to class, such as the column ID of a Table Audit action. [Column(\"minor_id\")] [NotNull] public object MinorID { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseCredential | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseCredential Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_credentials (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns one row for each database scoped credential in the database. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use sys.database_scoped_credentials instead. See sys.database_credentials. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_credentials\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabaseCredential Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabaseCredential Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Time at which the database scoped credential was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CredentialID ID of the database scoped credential. Is unique in the database. [Column(\"credential_id\")] [NotNull] public int CredentialID { get; set; } Property Value int CredentialIdentity Name of the identity to use. This will generally be a Windows user. It does not have to be unique. [Column(\"credential_identity\")] [Nullable] public string? CredentialIdentity { get; set; } Property Value string ModifyDate Time at which the database scoped credential was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the database scoped credential. Is unique in the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string TargetID ID of the object that the database scoped credential is mapped to. Returns 0 for database scoped credentials [Column(\"target_id\")] [Nullable] public int? TargetID { get; set; } Property Value int? TargetType Type of database scoped credential. Returns NULL for database scoped credentials. [Column(\"target_type\")] [Nullable] public string? TargetType { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerBlock | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerBlock Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_ledger_blocks (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically chained blocks, each of which represents a block of transactions against ledger tables. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.database_ledger_blocks. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_ledger_blocks\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerBlock Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerBlock Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BlockID A sequence number identifying the row in this view. [Column(\"block_id\")] [NotNull] public long BlockID { get; set; } Property Value long BlockSize The number of transactions in the block. [Column(\"block_size\")] [NotNull] public long BlockSize { get; set; } Property Value long PreviousBlockHash A SHA-256 hash of the previous row in the view. [Column(\"previous_block_hash\")] [NotNull] public byte[] PreviousBlockHash { get; set; } Property Value byte[] TransactionRootHash The hash of the root of the Merkle tree, formed by transactions stored in the block. [Column(\"transaction_root_hash\")] [NotNull] public byte[] TransactionRootHash { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerDigestLocation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerDigestLocation Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_ledger_digest_locations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the current and the historical ledger digest storage endpoints for the ledger feature. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. See sys.database_ledger_digest_locations. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_ledger_digest_locations\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerDigestLocation Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerDigestLocation Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IsCurrent Indicates whether this is the current path or a path used in the past. [Column(\"is_current\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCurrent { get; set; } Property Value bool LastDigestBlockID The block ID for the last digest uploaded. [Column(\"last_digest_block_id\")] [NotNull] public long LastDigestBlockID { get; set; } Property Value long Path The location of storage digests. For example, a path for a container in Azure Blob storage. [Column(\"path\")] [NotNull] public string Path { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerTransaction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerTransaction Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_ledger_transactions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of database transactions against ledger tables in the database. A row in this view represents a database transaction. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. See sys.database_ledger_transactions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_ledger_transactions\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerTransaction Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerTransaction Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BlockID A sequence number identifying a row. [Column(\"block_id\")] [NotNull] public long BlockID { get; set; } Property Value long CommitTime The time of the committing transaction. [Column(\"commit_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CommitTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime TableHashes This is a set of key-values pairs, stored in a binary format. The keys are object IDs (from sys.objects) of ledger database tables, modified by the transaction. Each value is a SHA-256 hash of all row versions a transaction created or invalidated. The binary format of data stored in this row is: <version><length>[<key><value>], where - version - indicates the encoding version. Length: 1 byte. - length - the number of entries in the key-value pair list. Length: 1 byte. - key - an object ID. Length: 4 bytes. - value - the hash of rows the transaction cached in the table with the object ID stored as the key. Length: 32 bytes. [Column(\"table_hashes\")] [NotNull] public byte[] TableHashes { get; set; } Property Value byte[] TransactionID A transaction ID that is unique for the database (it corresponds to a transaction ID in the database transaction log). [Column(\"transaction_id\")] [NotNull] public long TransactionID { get; set; } Property Value long TransactionalOrdinal Offset of the transaction in the block. [Column(\"transactional_ordinal\")] [NotNull] public int TransactionalOrdinal { get; set; } Property Value int UserName The name of the user who started the transaction. Captured by calling ORIGINAL_LOGIN(). [Column(\"user_name()\")] [NotNull] public string UserName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabasePermission | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabasePermission Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_permissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for every permission or column-exception permission in the database. For columns, there is a row for every permission that is different from the corresponding object-level permission. If the column permission is the same as the corresponding object permission, there is no row for it and the permission applied is that of the object. important Column-level permissions override object-level permissions on the same entity. See sys.database_permissions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_permissions\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabasePermission Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabasePermission Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Class Identifies class on which permission exists. For more information, see sys.securable_classes (Transact-SQL). 0 = Database 1 = Object or Column 3 = Schema 4 = Database Principal 5 = Assembly - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 6 = Type 10 = XML Schema Collection - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 15 = Message Type - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 16 = Service Contract - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 17 = Service - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 18 = Remote Service Binding - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 19 = Route - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 23 =Full-Text Catalog - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 24 = Symmetric Key - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 25 = Certificate - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 26 = Asymmetric Key - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 29 = Fulltext Stoplist - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 31 = Search Property List - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 32 = Database Scoped Credential - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. 34 = External Language - Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later. [Column(\"class\")] [NotNull] public byte Class { get; set; } Property Value byte ClassDesc Description of class on which permission exists. DATABASE OBJECT_OR_COLUMN SCHEMA DATABASE_PRINCIPAL ASSEMBLY TYPE XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTION MESSAGE_TYPE SERVICE_CONTRACT SERVICE REMOTE_SERVICE_BINDING ROUTE FULLTEXT_CATALOG SYMMETRIC_KEYS CERTIFICATE ASYMMETRIC_KEY FULLTEXT STOPLIST SEARCH PROPERTY LIST DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL EXTERNAL LANGUAGE [Column(\"class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GranteePrincipalID Database principal ID to which the permissions are granted. [Column(\"grantee_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int GranteePrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int GrantorPrincipalID Database principal ID of the grantor of these permissions. [Column(\"grantor_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int GrantorPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int MajorID ID of thing on which permission exists, interpreted according to class. Usually, the major_id is simply the kind of ID that applies to what the class represents. 0 = The database itself >0 = Object-IDs for user objects <0 = Object-IDs for system objects [Column(\"major_id\")] [NotNull] public int MajorID { get; set; } Property Value int MinorID Secondary-ID of thing on which permission exists, interpreted according to class. Often, the minor_id is zero, because there is no subcategory available for the class of object. Otherwise, it is the Column-ID of a table. [Column(\"minor_id\")] [NotNull] public int MinorID { get; set; } Property Value int PermissionName Permission name. [Column(\"permission_name\")] [Nullable] public string? PermissionName { get; set; } Property Value string State Permission state: D = Deny R = Revoke G = Grant W = Grant With Grant Option [Column(\"state\")] [NotNull] public string State { get; set; } Property Value string StateDesc Description of permission state: DENY REVOKE GRANT GRANT_WITH_GRANT_OPTION [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Database permission type. For a list of permission types, see the next table. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabasePrincipal | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabasePrincipal Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_principals (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each security principal in a SQL Server database. See sys.database_principals. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_principals\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabasePrincipal Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabasePrincipal Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllowEncryptedValueModifications Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database. Suppresses cryptographic metadata checks on the server in bulk copy operations. This enables the user to bulk copy data encrypted using Always Encrypted, between tables or databases, without decrypting the data. The default is OFF. [Column(\"allow_encrypted_value_modifications\")] [NotNull] public bool AllowEncryptedValueModifications { get; set; } Property Value bool AuthenticationType Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. Signifies authentication type. The following are the possible values and their descriptions. 0 : No authentication 1 : Instance authentication 2 : Database authentication 3 : Windows authentication 4 : Azure Active Directory authentication [Column(\"authentication_type\")] [NotNull] public int AuthenticationType { get; set; } Property Value int AuthenticationTypeDesc Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. Description of the authentication type. The following are the possible values and their descriptions. NONE : No authentication INSTANCE : Instance authentication DATABASE : Database authentication WINDOWS : Windows authentication EXTERNAL: Azure Active Directory authentication [Column(\"authentication_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? AuthenticationTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string CreateDate Time at which the principal was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime DefaultLanguageLcid Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. Signifies the default LCID for this principal. [Column(\"default_language_lcid\")] [Nullable] public int? DefaultLanguageLcid { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultLanguageName Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. Signifies the default language for this principal. [Column(\"default_language_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultLanguageName { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultSchemaName Name to be used when SQL name does not specify a schema. Null for principals not of type S, U, or A. [Column(\"default_schema_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultSchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string IsFixedRole If 1, this row represents an entry for one of the fixed database roles: db_owner, db_accessadmin, db_datareader, db_datawriter, db_ddladmin, db_securityadmin, db_backupoperator, db_denydatareader, db_denydatawriter. [Column(\"is_fixed_role\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFixedRole { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Time at which the principal was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of principal, unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string OwningPrincipalID ID of the principal that owns this principal. All fixed Database Roles are owned by dbo by default. [Column(\"owning_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? OwningPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? PrincipalID ID of principal, unique within the database. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int SID SID (Security Identifier) of the principal. NULL for SYS and INFORMATION SCHEMAS. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] TypeColumn Principal type: A = Application role C = User mapped to a certificate E = External user from Azure Active Directory G = Windows group K = User mapped to an asymmetric key R = Database role S = SQL user U = Windows user X = External group from Azure Active Directory group or applications [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of principal type. APPLICATION_ROLE CERTIFICATE_MAPPED_USER EXTERNAL_USER WINDOWS_GROUP ASYMMETRIC_KEY_MAPPED_USER DATABASE_ROLE SQL_USER WINDOWS_USER EXTERNAL_GROUPS [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseRoleMember | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseRoleMember Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_role_members (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each member of each database role. Database users, application roles, and other database roles can be members of a database role. To add members to a role, use the ALTER ROLE statement with the ADD MEMBER option. Join with sys.database_principals to return the names of the principal_id values. See sys.database_role_members. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_role_members\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabaseRoleMember Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabaseRoleMember Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties MemberPrincipalID Database principal ID of the member. [Column(\"member_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int MemberPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int RolePrincipalID Database principal ID of the role. [Column(\"role_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int RolePrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseScopedCredential | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.DatabaseScopedCredential Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.database_scoped_credentials (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns one row for each database scoped credential in the database. ::: moniker range='=sql-server-2016' See sys.database_scoped_credentials. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"database_scoped_credentials\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.DatabaseScopedCredential Inheritance object SecuritySchema.DatabaseScopedCredential Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Time at which the database scoped credential was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CredentialID ID of the database scoped credential. Is unique in the database. [Column(\"credential_id\")] [NotNull] public int CredentialID { get; set; } Property Value int CredentialIdentity Name of the identity to use. This will generally be a Windows user. It does not have to be unique. [Column(\"credential_identity\")] [Nullable] public string? CredentialIdentity { get; set; } Property Value string ModifyDate Time at which the database scoped credential was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the database scoped credential. Is unique in the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string TargetID ID of the object that the database scoped credential is mapped to. Returns 0 for database scoped credentials [Column(\"target_id\")] [Nullable] public int? TargetID { get; set; } Property Value int? TargetType Type of database scoped credential. Returns NULL for database scoped credentials. [Column(\"target_type\")] [Nullable] public string? TargetType { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.KeyEncryption | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.KeyEncryption Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.key_encryptions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each symmetric key encryption specified by using the ENCRYPTION BY clause of the CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement. See sys.key_encryptions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"key_encryptions\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.KeyEncryption Inheritance object SecuritySchema.KeyEncryption Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CryptProperty Signed or encrypted bits. [Column(\"crypt_property\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? CryptProperty { get; set; } Property Value byte[] CryptType Type of encryption: ESKS = Encrypted by symmetric key ESKP, ESP2, or ESP3 = Encrypted by password EPUC = Encrypted by certificate EPUA = Encrypted by asymmetric key ESKM = Encrypted by master key [Column(\"crypt_type\")] [NotNull] public string CryptType { get; set; } Property Value string CryptTypeDesc Description of encryption type: ENCRYPTION BY SYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD (Beginning with SQL Server 2017 (14.x), includes a version number for use by CSS.) ENCRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE ENCRYPTION BY ASYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION BY MASTER KEY Note: Windows DPAPI is used to protect the service master key. [Column(\"crypt_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? CryptTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string KeyID ID of the encrypted key. [Column(\"key_id\")] [NotNull] public int KeyID { get; set; } Property Value int Thumbprint SHA-1 hash of the certificate with which the key is encrypted, or the GUID of the symmetric key with which the key is encrypted. [Column(\"thumbprint\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? Thumbprint { get; set; } Property Value byte[]"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.ledger_column_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of operations on columns of ledger tables: adding, renaming, and dropping columns. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.ledger_column_history. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"ledger_column_history\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory Inheritance object SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID The column ID of the column in a ledger table. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int ColumnName The name of the column in ledger table. If the operation has changed the column name, this column captures the new column name. [Column(\"column_name\")] [NotNull] public string ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The object ID of the ledger table. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int OperationType The numeric value indicating the type of the operation 0 = CREATE – creating a column as part of creating the table containing the column using CREATE TABLE. 1 = ADD – adding a column in a ledger table, using ALTER TABLE/ADD COLUMN.. [Column(\"operation_type\")] [NotNull] public byte OperationType { get; set; } Property Value byte OperationTypeDesc Textual description of the value of operation_type. [Column(\"operation_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string OperationTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.ledger_table_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of operations on ledger tables: creating ledger tables, renaming ledger tables or ledger views, and dropping ledger tables. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.ledger_table_history. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"ledger_table_history\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory Inheritance object SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties LedgerViewName The name of the ledger view for the ledger table. If the operation has changed the view name, this column captures the new view name. [Column(\"ledger_view_name\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerViewName { get; set; } Property Value string LedgerViewSchemaName The name of the schema containing the ledger view for the ledger table. If the operation has changed the schema name, this column captures the new schema name. [Column(\"ledger_view_schema_name\")] [NotNull] public string LedgerViewSchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The object ID of the ledger table. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int OperationType The numeric value indicating the type of the operation 0 = CREATE – creating a ledger table. 1 = DROP – dropping a ledger table. [Column(\"operation_type\")] [NotNull] public byte OperationType { get; set; } Property Value byte OperationTypeDesc Textual description of the value of operation_type. [Column(\"operation_type_desc\")] [NotNull] public string OperationTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaName The name of the schema containing the ledger table. If the operation has changed the schema name, this column captures the new schema name. [Column(\"schema_name\")] [NotNull] public string SchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string SequenceNumber The sequence number of the operation within the transaction. [Column(\"sequence_number\")] [NotNull] public long SequenceNumber { get; set; } Property Value long TableName The name of the ledger table. If the operation has changed the table name, this column captures the new table name. [Column(\"table_name\")] [NotNull] public string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TransactionID The transaction of the ID that included the operation on the ledger table. It identifies a row in sys.database_ledger_transactions. [Column(\"transaction_id\")] [NotNull] public long TransactionID { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.LoginToken | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.LoginToken Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.login_token (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for every server principal that is part of the login token. See sys.login_token. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"login_token\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.LoginToken Inheritance object SecuritySchema.LoginToken Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Name Name of the principal. This value is unique within server. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the principal. This value is unique within server. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SID Security identifier of the principal. If this is a Windows principal, sid = Windows SID. If the login is mapped to a certificate, sid = GUID from the certificate. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] TypeColumn Description of principal type. All types are mapped to sid. The value can be one of the following: SQL LOGIN WINDOWS LOGIN WINDOWS GROUP SERVER ROLE LOGIN MAPPED TO CERTIFICATE LOGIN MAPPED TO ASYMMETRIC KEY CERTIFICATE ASYMMETRIC KEY [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string Usage Indicates the principal participates in the evaluation of GRANT or DENY permissions, or serves as an authenticator. This value can be one of the following: GRANT OR DENY DENY ONLY AUTHENTICATOR [Column(\"usage\")] [Nullable] public string? Usage { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.MasterKeyPassword | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.MasterKeyPassword Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.master_key_passwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each database master key password added by using the sp_control_dbmasterkey_password stored procedure. The passwords that are used to protect the master keys are stored in the credential store. The credential name follows this format: ##DBMKEY_<database_family_guid>_<random_password_guid>##. The password is stored as the credential secret. For each password added by using sp_control_dbmasterkey_password, there is a row in sys.credentials. Each row in this view shows a credential_id and the family_guid of a database the master key of which is protected by the password associated with that credential. A join with sys.credentials on the credential_id will return useful fields, such as the create_date and credential name. See sys.master_key_passwords. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"master_key_passwords\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.MasterKeyPassword Inheritance object SecuritySchema.MasterKeyPassword Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CredentialID ID of the credential to which the password belongs. This ID is unique within the server instance. [Column(\"credential_id\")] [NotNull] public int CredentialID { get; set; } Property Value int FamilyGuid Unique ID of the original database at creation. This GUID remains the same after the database is restored or attached, even if the database name is changed. If automatic decryption by the service master key fails, SQL Server uses the family_guid to identify credentials that may contain the password used to protect the database master key. [Column(\"family_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? FamilyGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.OpenKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.OpenKey Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.openkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database This catalog view returns information about encryption keys that are open in the current session. See sys.openkeys. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"openkeys\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.OpenKey Inheritance object SecuritySchema.OpenKey Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DatabaseID ID of the database that contains the key. [Column(\"database_id\")] [Nullable] public int? DatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int? DatabaseName Name of the database that contains the key. [Column(\"database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string KeyGuid GUID of the key. Unique within the database. [Column(\"key_guid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? KeyGuid { get; set; } Property Value byte[] KeyID ID of the key. The ID is unique within the database. [Column(\"key_id\")] [Nullable] public int? KeyID { get; set; } Property Value int? KeyName Name of the key. Unique within the database. [Column(\"key_name\")] [Nullable] public string? KeyName { get; set; } Property Value string OpenedDate Date and time when the key was opened. [Column(\"opened_date\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? OpenedDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? Status 1 if the key is valid in metadata. 0 if the key is not found in metadata. [Column(\"status\")] [Nullable] public int? Status { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.SecurableClass | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.SecurableClass Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.securable_classes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a list of securable classes See sys.securable_classes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"securable_classes\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.SecurableClass Inheritance object SecuritySchema.SecurableClass Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Class Numerical designation of the class. [Column(\"class\")] [Nullable] public int? Class { get; set; } Property Value int? ClassDesc Name of the class. [Column(\"class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.security_policies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each security policy in the database. See sys.security_policies. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"security_policies\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy Inheritance object SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate UTC date the security policy was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsEnabled Security policy specification state: 0 = disabled 1 = enabled [Column(\"is_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Always false. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNotForReplication Policy was created with the NOT FOR REPLICATION option. [Column(\"is_not_for_replication\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNotForReplication { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemabindingEnabled Schemabinding state for the security policy: 0 or NULL = enabled 1 = disabled [Column(\"is_schemabinding_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemabindingEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate UTC date the security policy was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the security policy, unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the security policy. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which the policy belongs. Must be 0. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the owner of the security policy, as registered to the database. NULL if the owner is determined via the schema. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema where the object resides. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Must be SP. [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public object? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value object TypeDesc SECURITY_POLICY. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UsesDatabaseCollation Uses the same collation as the database. [Column(\"uses_database_collation\")] [Nullable] public bool? UsesDatabaseCollation { get; set; } Property Value bool?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.security_predicates (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each security predicate in the database. See sys.security_predicates. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"security_predicates\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate Inheritance object SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the security policy that contains this predicate. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Operation The type of operation specified for the predicate: NULL = all applicable operations 1 = AFTER INSERT 2 = AFTER UPDATE 3 = BEFORE UPDATE 4 = BEFORE DELETE [Column(\"operation\")] [Nullable] public int? Operation { get; set; } Property Value int? OperationDesc The type of operation specified for the predicate: NULL AFTER INSERT AFTER UPDATE BEFORE UPDATE BEFORE DELETE [Column(\"operation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? OperationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string PredicateDefinition Fully qualified name of the function that will be used as a security predicate, including the arguments. Note that the schema.function name may be normalized (i.e. escaped) as well as any other element in the text for consistency. For example: [dbo].[fn_securitypredicate]([wing], [startTime], [endTime]) [Column(\"predicate_definition\")] [Nullable] public string? PredicateDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string PredicateType The type of predicate used by the security policy: 0 = FILTER PREDICATE 1 = BLOCK PREDICATE [Column(\"predicate_type\")] [Nullable] public int? PredicateType { get; set; } Property Value int? PredicateTypeDesc The type of predicate used by the security policy: FILTER BLOCK [Column(\"predicate_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PredicateTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SecurityPredicateID Predicate ID within this security policy. [Column(\"security_predicate_id\")] [NotNull] public int SecurityPredicateID { get; set; } Property Value int TargetObjectID ID of the object on which the security predicate is bound. [Column(\"target_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int TargetObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.SensitivityClassification | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.SensitivityClassification Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sensitivity_classifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each classified item in the database. See sys.sensitivity_classifications. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sensitivity_classifications\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.SensitivityClassification Inheritance object SecuritySchema.SensitivityClassification Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Class Identifies the class of the item on which the classification exists. Will always have the value 1 (representing a column) [Column(\"class\")] [NotNull] public int Class { get; set; } Property Value int ClassDesc A description of the class of the item on which the classification exists. will always have the value OBJECT_OR_COLUMN [Column(\"class_desc\")] [NotNull] public string ClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string InformationType The information type (human readable) assigned for the sensitivity classification [Column(\"information_type\")] [Nullable] public string? InformationType { get; set; } Property Value string InformationTypeID An ID associated with the information type, which can be used by an information protection system such as Azure Information Protection (AIP) [Column(\"information_type_id\")] [Nullable] public string? InformationTypeID { get; set; } Property Value string Label The label (human readable) assigned for the sensitivity classification [Column(\"label\")] [Nullable] public string? Label { get; set; } Property Value string LabelID An ID associated with the label, which can be used by an information protection system such as Azure Information Protection (AIP) [Column(\"label_id\")] [Nullable] public string? LabelID { get; set; } Property Value string MajorID Represents the ID of the table containing the classified column, corresponding with sys.all_objects.object_id [Column(\"major_id\")] [NotNull] public int MajorID { get; set; } Property Value int MinorID Represents the ID of the column on which the classification exists, corresponding with sys.all_columns.column_id [Column(\"minor_id\")] [NotNull] public int MinorID { get; set; } Property Value int Rank A numerical value of the rank: 0 for NONE 10 for LOW 20 for MEDIUM 30 for HIGH 40 for CRITICAL [Column(\"rank\")] [Nullable] public int? Rank { get; set; } Property Value int? RankDesc Textual representation of the rank: NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL [Column(\"rank_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? RankDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerAudit | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerAudit Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_audits (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each SQL Server audit in a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_audits. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_audits\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ServerAudit Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ServerAudit Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AuditGuid GUID for the audit that is used to enumerate audits with member Server&#124;Database audit specifications during server start-up and database attach operations. [Column(\"audit_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? AuditGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? AuditID ID of the audit. [Column(\"audit_id\")] [NotNull] public int AuditID { get; set; } Property Value int CreateDate UTC date the audit was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsStateEnabled 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled [Column(\"is_state_enabled\")] [Nullable] public byte? IsStateEnabled { get; set; } Property Value byte? ModifyDate UTC date the audit was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the audit. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string OnFailure On Failure to write an action entry: 0 - Continue 1 - Shutdown server instance 2 - Fail operation [Column(\"on_failure\")] [Nullable] public byte? OnFailure { get; set; } Property Value byte? OnFailureDesc On Failure to write an action entry: CONTINUE SHUTDOWN SERVER INSTANCE FAIL_OPERATION [Column(\"on_failure_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? OnFailureDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Predicate The predicate expression that is applied to the event. [Column(\"predicate\")] [Nullable] public string? Predicate { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the owner of the audit, as registered to the server. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? QueueDelay Maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before writing to disk. If 0, the audit will guarantee a write before an event can continue. [Column(\"queue_delay\")] [Nullable] public int? QueueDelay { get; set; } Property Value int? TypeColumn Audit type: SL - NT Security event log AL - NT Application event log FL - File on file system [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc SECURITY LOG APPICATION LOG FILE [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecification | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecification Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the server audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information on SQL Server Audit, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_audit_specifications. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_audit_specifications\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecification Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecification Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AuditGuid GUID for the audit that contains this specification. Used during enumeration of member server audit specifications during server startup. [Column(\"audit_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? AuditGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? CreateDate Date the audit server specification was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public object CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value object IsStateEnabled Audit specification state: 0 - DISABLED 1 -ENABLED [Column(\"is_state_enabled\")] [Nullable] public byte? IsStateEnabled { get; set; } Property Value byte? ModifiedDate Date the audit server specification was last modified. [Column(\"modified_date\")] [NotNull] public object ModifiedDate { get; set; } Property Value object Name Name of the server specification. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public object Name { get; set; } Property Value object ServerSpecificationID ID of the server_specification. [Column(\"server_specification_id\")] [NotNull] public object ServerSpecificationID { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecificationDetail | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecificationDetail Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the server audit specification details (actions) in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). For a list of all audit_action_id's and their names, query sys.dm_audit_actions (Transact-SQL). See sys.server_audit_specification_details. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_audit_specification_details\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecificationDetail Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecificationDetail Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AuditActionID ID of the audit action [Column(\"audit_action_id\")] [NotNull] public int AuditActionID { get; set; } Property Value int AuditActionName Name of group or name of audit action [Column(\"audit_action_name\")] [Nullable] public string? AuditActionName { get; set; } Property Value string AuditedPrincipalID Reserved [Column(\"audited_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int AuditedPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int AuditedResult Audited result: - SUCCESS AND FAILURE - SUCCESS - FAILURE [Column(\"audited_result\")] [Nullable] public string? AuditedResult { get; set; } Property Value string Class Reserved [Column(\"class\")] [NotNull] public byte Class { get; set; } Property Value byte ClassDesc Reserved [Column(\"class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsGroup Whether the audited object is a group: 0 - Not a group 1 - Group [Column(\"is_group\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsGroup { get; set; } Property Value bool? MajorID Reserved [Column(\"major_id\")] [NotNull] public int MajorID { get; set; } Property Value int MinorID Reserved [Column(\"minor_id\")] [NotNull] public int MinorID { get; set; } Property Value int ServerSpecificationID ID of the audit server specification [Column(\"server_specification_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServerSpecificationID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerFileAudit | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerFileAudit Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_file_audits (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains extended information about the file audit type in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_file_audits. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_file_audits\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ServerFileAudit Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ServerFileAudit Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AuditGuid GUID of the audit. [Column(\"audit_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? AuditGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? AuditID ID of the audit. [Column(\"audit_id\")] [NotNull] public int AuditID { get; set; } Property Value int CreateDate UTC date when the file audit was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime IsStateEnabled 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled [Column(\"is_state_enabled\")] [Nullable] public byte? IsStateEnabled { get; set; } Property Value byte? LogFileName Base name for the log file supplied in the CREATE AUDIT DDL. An incremental number is added to the base_log_name file as a suffix to create the log file name. [Column(\"log_file_name\")] [Nullable] public string? LogFileName { get; set; } Property Value string LogFilePath Path to where audit is located. File path for file audit, application log path for application log audit. [Column(\"log_file_path\")] [Nullable] public string? LogFilePath { get; set; } Property Value string MaxFileSize Maximum size, in megabytes, of the audit: 0 = Unlimited/Not applicable to the type of audit selected. [Column(\"max_file_size\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxFileSize { get; set; } Property Value long? MaxFiles Maximum number of files to use without the rollover option. [Column(\"max_files\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxFiles { get; set; } Property Value int? MaxRolloverFiles Maximum number of files to use with the rollover option. [Column(\"max_rollover_files\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxRolloverFiles { get; set; } Property Value int? ModifyDate UTC date when the file audit was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public object ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value object Name Name of the audit. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string OnFailure On Failure condition: 0 = Continue 1 = Shut down server instance 2 = Fail operation [Column(\"on_failure\")] [Nullable] public byte? OnFailure { get; set; } Property Value byte? OnFailureDesc On Failure to write an action entry: CONTINUE SHUTDOWN SERVER INSTANCE FAIL OPERATION [Column(\"on_failure_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? OnFailureDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Predicate Predicate expression that is applied to the event. [Column(\"predicate\")] [Nullable] public string? Predicate { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the owner of the audit as registered on the server. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? QueueDelay Suggested maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait before writing to disk. If 0, the audit will guarantee a write before the event can continue. [Column(\"queue_delay\")] [Nullable] public int? QueueDelay { get; set; } Property Value int? ReservedDiskSpace Amount of disk space to reserve per file. [Column(\"reserved_disk_space\")] [NotNull] public int ReservedDiskSpace { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Audit type: SL = NT Security event log AL = NT Application event log FL = File on file system [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Audit type description. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerPermission | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerPermission Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_permissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each server-level permission. See sys.server_permissions. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_permissions\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ServerPermission Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ServerPermission Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Class Identifies class of thing on which permission exists. 100 = Server 101 = Server-principal 105 = Endpoint 108 = Availability Group [Column(\"class\")] [NotNull] public byte Class { get; set; } Property Value byte ClassDesc Description of class on which permission exists. One of the following values: SERVER SERVER_PRINCIPAL ENDPOINT AVAILABILITY GROUP [Column(\"class_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ClassDesc { get; set; } Property Value string GranteePrincipalID Server-principal-ID to which the permissions are granted. [Column(\"grantee_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int GranteePrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int GrantorPrincipalID Server-principal-ID of the grantor of these permissions. [Column(\"grantor_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int GrantorPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int MajorID ID of the securable on which permission exists, interpreted according to class. For most, this is just the kind of ID that applies to what the class represents. Interpretation for non-standard is as follows: 100 = Always 0 [Column(\"major_id\")] [NotNull] public int MajorID { get; set; } Property Value int MinorID Secondary ID of thing on which permission exists, interpreted according to class. [Column(\"minor_id\")] [NotNull] public int MinorID { get; set; } Property Value int PermissionName Permission name. [Column(\"permission_name\")] [Nullable] public string? PermissionName { get; set; } Property Value string State Permission state: D = Deny R = Revoke G = Grant W = Grant With Grant option [Column(\"state\")] [NotNull] public string State { get; set; } Property Value string StateDesc Description of permission state: DENY REVOKE GRANT GRANT_WITH_GRANT_OPTION [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Server permission type. For a list of permission types, see the next table. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerPrincipal | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerPrincipal Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_principals (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for every server-level principal. See sys.server_principals. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_principals\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ServerPrincipal Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ServerPrincipal Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Time at which the principal was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CredentialID ID of a credential associated with this principal. If no credential is associated with this principal, credential_id will be NULL. [Column(\"credential_id\")] [Nullable] public int? CredentialID { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultDatabaseName Default database for this principal. [Column(\"default_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultLanguageName Default language for this principal. [Column(\"default_language_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultLanguageName { get; set; } Property Value string IsDisabled 1 = Login is disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [Nullable] public int? IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value int? IsFixedRole Returns 1 if the principal is one of the built-in server roles with fixed permissions. For more information, see Server-Level Roles. [Column(\"is_fixed_role\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFixedRole { get; set; } Property Value bool ModifyDate Time at which the principal definition was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the principal. Is unique within a server. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string OwningPrincipalID The principal_id of the owner of a server role. NULL if the principal is not a server role. [Column(\"owning_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? OwningPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? PrincipalID ID number of the Principal. Is unique within a server. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int SID SID (Security-IDentifier) of the principal. If Windows principal, then it matches Windows SID. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] TypeColumn Principal type: S = SQL login U = Windows login G = Windows group R = Server role C = Login mapped to a certificate E = External Login from Azure Active Directory X = External group from Azure Active Directory group or applications K = Login mapped to an asymmetric key [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the principal type: SQL_LOGIN WINDOWS_LOGIN WINDOWS_GROUP SERVER_ROLE CERTIFICATE_MAPPED_LOGIN EXTERNAL_LOGIN EXTERNAL_GROUP ASYMMETRIC_KEY_MAPPED_LOGIN [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerRoleMember | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.ServerRoleMember Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.server_role_members (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each member of each fixed and user-defined server role. See sys.server_role_members. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"server_role_members\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.ServerRoleMember Inheritance object SecuritySchema.ServerRoleMember Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties MemberPrincipalID Server-Principal ID of the member. [Column(\"member_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int MemberPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int RolePrincipalID Server-Principal ID of the role. [Column(\"role_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int RolePrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.SqlLogin | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.SqlLogin Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.sql_logins (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Database (No) Azure Synapse Analytics (Yes) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for every SQL Server authentication login. See sys.sql_logins. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"sql_logins\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.SqlLogin Inheritance object SecuritySchema.SqlLogin Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Time at which the principal was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CredentialID ID of a credential associated with this principal. If no credential is associated with this principal, credential_id will be NULL. [Column(\"credential_id\")] [Nullable] public int? CredentialID { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultDatabaseName Default database for this principal. [Column(\"default_database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string DefaultLanguageName Default language for this principal. [Column(\"default_language_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultLanguageName { get; set; } Property Value string IsDisabled 1 = Login is disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [Nullable] public int? IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value int? IsExpirationChecked Password expiration is checked. [Column(\"is_expiration_checked\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsExpirationChecked { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsFixedRole Returns 1 if the principal is one of the built-in server roles with fixed permissions. For more information, see Server-Level Roles. [Column(\"is_fixed_role\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFixedRole { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPolicyChecked Password policy is checked. [Column(\"is_policy_checked\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPolicyChecked { get; set; } Property Value bool? ModifyDate Time at which the principal definition was last modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the principal. Is unique within a server. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string OwningPrincipalID The principal_id of the owner of a server role. NULL if the principal is not a server role. [Column(\"owning_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int OwningPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int PasswordHash Hash of SQL login password. Beginning with SQL Server 2012 (11.x), stored password information is calculated using SHA-512 of the salted password. [Column(\"password_hash\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? PasswordHash { get; set; } Property Value byte[] PrincipalID ID number of the Principal. Is unique within a server. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int SID SID (Security-IDentifier) of the principal. If Windows principal, then it matches Windows SID. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] TypeColumn Principal type: S = SQL login U = Windows login G = Windows group R = Server role C = Login mapped to a certificate E = External Login from Azure Active Directory X = External group from Azure Active Directory group or applications K = Login mapped to an asymmetric key [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the principal type: SQL_LOGIN WINDOWS_LOGIN WINDOWS_GROUP SERVER_ROLE CERTIFICATE_MAPPED_LOGIN EXTERNAL_LOGIN EXTERNAL_GROUP ASYMMETRIC_KEY_MAPPED_LOGIN [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.SymmetricKey | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.SymmetricKey Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.symmetric_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for every symmetric key created with the CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement. See sys.symmetric_keys. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"symmetric_keys\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.SymmetricKey Inheritance object SecuritySchema.SymmetricKey Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AlgorithmDesc Description of the algorithm used with the key: RC2 RC4 DES Triple_DES TRIPLE_DES_3KEY DESX AES_128 AES_192 AES_256 NULL (Extensible Key Management algorithms only) [Column(\"algorithm_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? AlgorithmDesc { get; set; } Property Value string CreateDate Date the key was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime CryptographicProviderAlgid Algorithm ID for the cryptographic provider. For non-Extensible Key Management keys this value will be NULL. [Column(\"cryptographic_provider_algid\")] [Nullable] public object? CryptographicProviderAlgid { get; set; } Property Value object CryptographicProviderGuid GUID for the cryptographic provider. For non-Extensible Key Management keys this value will be NULL. [Column(\"cryptographic_provider_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? CryptographicProviderGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? KeyAlgorithm Algorithm used with the key: R2 = RC2 R4 = RC4 D = DES D3 = Triple DES DT = TRIPLE_DES_3KEY DX = DESX A1 = AES 128 A2 = AES 192 A3 = AES 256 NA = EKM Key [Column(\"key_algorithm\")] [NotNull] public string KeyAlgorithm { get; set; } Property Value string KeyGuid Globally unique identifier (GUID) associated with the key. It is auto-generated for persisted keys. GUIDs for temporary keys are derived from the user-supplied pass phrase. [Column(\"key_guid\")] [Nullable] public Guid? KeyGuid { get; set; } Property Value Guid? KeyLength Length of the key in bits. [Column(\"key_length\")] [NotNull] public int KeyLength { get; set; } Property Value int KeyThumbprint SHA-1 hash of the key. The hash is globally unique. For non-Extensible Key Management keys this value will be NULL. [Column(\"key_thumbprint\")] [Nullable] public object? KeyThumbprint { get; set; } Property Value object ModifyDate Date the key was modified. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the key. Unique within the database. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the database principal who owns the key. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ProviderType Type of cryptographic provider: CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROVIDER = Extensible Key Management keys NULL = Non-Extensible Key Management keys [Column(\"provider_type\")] [Nullable] public string? ProviderType { get; set; } Property Value string SymmetricKeyID ID of the key. Unique within the database. [Column(\"symmetric_key_id\")] [NotNull] public int SymmetricKeyID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfiguration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfiguration Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.system_components_surface_area_configuration (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each executable system object that can be enabled or disabled by a surface area configuration component. For more information, see Surface Area Configuration. See sys.system_components_surface_area_configuration. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"system_components_surface_area_configuration\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfiguration Inheritance object SecuritySchema.SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfiguration Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ComponentName Component name. This will have the keyword collation, Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS. Cannot be NULL. [Column(\"component_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ComponentName { get; set; } Property Value string DatabaseName Database that contains the object. This will have the keyword collation, Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS. Must be one of the following: master msdb mssqlsystemresource [Column(\"database_name\")] [Nullable] public string? DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectName Name of the object. This will have the keyword collation, Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS. Cannot be NULL. [Column(\"object_name\")] [NotNull] public string ObjectName { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaName Schema that contains the object. This will have the keyword collation, Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS. Cannot be NULL. [Column(\"schema_name\")] [Nullable] public string? SchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string State 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled [Column(\"state\")] [Nullable] public byte? State { get; set; } Property Value byte? TypeColumn Object type. Can be one of the following: P = SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE PC = CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE FN = SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION FS = CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION FT = CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION IF = SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION TF = SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION X = EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public string TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Friendly name description of the object type. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema.UserToken | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema.UserToken Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.user_token (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for every database principal that is part of the user token in SQL Server. See sys.user_token. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"user_token\", IsView = true)] public class SecuritySchema.UserToken Inheritance object SecuritySchema.UserToken Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Name Name of the principal. The value is unique within database. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public object? Name { get; set; } Property Value object PrincipalID ID of the principal. The value is unique within database. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SID Security identifier of the principal if the principal is defined external to the database. For example, this can be a SQL Server login, Windows login, Windows Group login, or a login mapped to a certificate, otherwise, this value is NULL. [Column(\"sid\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? SID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] TypeColumn Description of principal type. All types are mapped to sid. The value can be one of the following: SQL USER WINDOWS LOGIN WINDOWS GROUP ROLE APPLICATION ROLE DATABASE ROLE USER MAPPED TO CERTIFICATE USER MAPPED TO ASYMMETRIC KEY CERTIFICATE ASYMMETRIC KEY [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public object? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value object Usage Indicates the principal participates in the evaluation of GRANT or DENY permissions, or serves as an authenticator. This value can be one of the following: GRANT OR DENY DENY ONLY AUTHENTICATOR [Column(\"usage\")] [Nullable] public object? Usage { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SecuritySchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SecuritySchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class SecuritySchema Inheritance object SecuritySchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Configuration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Configuration Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.configurations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each server-wide configuration option value in the system. See sys.configurations. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"configurations\", IsView = true)] public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Configuration Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Configuration Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConfigurationID Unique ID for the configuration value. [Column(\"configuration_id\")] [NotNull] public int ConfigurationID { get; set; } Property Value int Description Description of the configuration option. [Column(\"description\")] [NotNull] public string Description { get; set; } Property Value string IsAdvanced 1 = The variable is displayed only when the show advancedoption is set. [Column(\"is_advanced\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAdvanced { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDynamic 1 = The variable that takes effect when the RECONFIGURE statement is executed. [Column(\"is_dynamic\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDynamic { get; set; } Property Value bool Maximum Maximum value for the configuration option. [Column(\"maximum\")] [Nullable] public object? Maximum { get; set; } Property Value object Minimum Minimum value for the configuration option. [Column(\"minimum\")] [Nullable] public object? Minimum { get; set; } Property Value object Name Name of the configuration option. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Value Configured value for this option. [Column(\"value\")] [Nullable] public object? Value { get; set; } Property Value object ValueInUse Running value currently in effect for this option. [Column(\"value_in_use\")] [Nullable] public object? ValueInUse { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.DataContext Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties Configurations sys.configurations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each server-wide configuration option value in the system. See sys.configurations. public ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Configuration> Configurations { get; } Property Value ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Configuration> TimeZoneInfo sys.time_zone_info (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns information about supported time zones. All time zones installed on the computer are stored in the following registry hive: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones. See sys.time_zone_info. public ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TimeZoneInfo> TimeZoneInfo { get; } Property Value ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TimeZoneInfo> TraceCategories sys.trace_categories (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Similar event classes are grouped by a category. Each row in the sys.trace_categories catalog view identifies a category that is unique across the server. These categories do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. > IMPORTANT! This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_categories. public ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceCategory> TraceCategories { get; } Property Value ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceCategory> TraceColumns sys.trace_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_columns catalog view contains a list of all trace event columns. These columns do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_columns. public ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceColumn> TraceColumns { get; } Property Value ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceColumn> TraceEventBindings sys.trace_event_bindings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_event_bindings catalog view contains a list of all possible usage combinations of events and columns. For each event listed in the trace_event_id column, all available columns are listed in the trace_column_id column. Not all available columns are populated each time a given event occurs. These values do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_event_bindings. public ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEventBinding> TraceEventBindings { get; } Property Value ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEventBinding> TraceEvents sys.trace_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_events catalog view contains a list of all SQL trace events. These trace events do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. > IMPORTANT! This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. For more information about these trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. See sys.trace_events. public ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEvent> TraceEvents { get; } Property Value ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEvent> TraceSubclassValues sys.trace_subclass_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_subclass_values catalog view contains a list of named column values. These subclass values do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_subclass_values. public ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceSubclassValue> TraceSubclassValues { get; } Property Value ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceSubclassValue> Traces sys.traces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.traces catalog view contains the current running traces on the system. This view is intended as a replacement for the fn_trace_getinfo function. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.traces. public ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Trace> Traces { get; } Property Value ITable<ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Trace>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TimeZoneInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TimeZoneInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.time_zone_info (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns information about supported time zones. All time zones installed on the computer are stored in the following registry hive: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones. See sys.time_zone_info. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"time_zone_info\", IsView = true)] public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TimeZoneInfo Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TimeZoneInfo Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CurrentUtcOffset Current offset to UTC. For example, +01:00 or -07:00. [Column(\"current_utc_offset\")] [NotNull] public string CurrentUtcOffset { get; set; } Property Value string IsCurrentlyDst True if currently observing daylight savings time. [Column(\"is_currently_dst\")] [NotNull] public bool IsCurrentlyDst { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of the time zone in Windows standard format. For example, Cen. Australia Standard Time or Central European Standard Time. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Trace | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Trace Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.traces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.traces catalog view contains the current running traces on the system. This view is intended as a replacement for the fn_trace_getinfo function. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.traces. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"traces\", IsView = true)] public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Trace Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Trace Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BufferCount Number of in-memory buffers used by the trace. [Column(\"buffer_count\")] [Nullable] public int? BufferCount { get; set; } Property Value int? BufferSize Size of each buffer (KB). [Column(\"buffer_size\")] [Nullable] public int? BufferSize { get; set; } Property Value int? DroppedEventCount Total number of events dropped. [Column(\"dropped_event_count\")] [Nullable] public int? DroppedEventCount { get; set; } Property Value int? EventCount Total number of events that occurred. [Column(\"event_count\")] [Nullable] public long? EventCount { get; set; } Property Value long? FilePosition Last trace file position. This value is null when the trace is a rowset trace. [Column(\"file_position\")] [Nullable] public long? FilePosition { get; set; } Property Value long? ID Trace ID. [Column(\"id\")] [NotNull] public int ID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDefault 1 = default trace. [Column(\"is_default\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRollover 1 = rollover option is enabled. [Column(\"is_rollover\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRollover { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsRowset 1 = rowset trace. [Column(\"is_rowset\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsRowset { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsShutdown 1 = shutdown option is enabled. [Column(\"is_shutdown\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsShutdown { get; set; } Property Value bool? LastEventTime Time the last event fired. [Column(\"last_event_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? LastEventTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? MaxFiles Maximum number of rollover files. This value is null if the Max number is not set. [Column(\"max_files\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxFiles { get; set; } Property Value int? MaxSize Maximum trace file size limit in megabytes (MB). This value is null when the trace is a rowset trace. [Column(\"max_size\")] [Nullable] public long? MaxSize { get; set; } Property Value long? Path Path of the trace file. This value is null when the trace is a rowset trace. [Column(\"path\")] [Nullable] public string? Path { get; set; } Property Value string ReaderSpid Rowset trace reader session ID. This value is null when the trace is a file trace. [Column(\"reader_spid\")] [Nullable] public int? ReaderSpid { get; set; } Property Value int? StartTime Trace start time. [Column(\"start_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? Status Trace status: 0 = stopped 1 = running [Column(\"status\")] [NotNull] public int Status { get; set; } Property Value int StopTime Time to stop the running trace. [Column(\"stop_time\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? StopTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceCategory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceCategory Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.trace_categories (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Similar event classes are grouped by a category. Each row in the sys.trace_categories catalog view identifies a category that is unique across the server. These categories do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. > IMPORTANT! This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_categories. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"trace_categories\", IsView = true)] public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceCategory Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceCategory Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CategoryID Unique ID of this category. This column is also in the sys.trace_events catalog view. [Column(\"category_id\")] [NotNull] public short CategoryID { get; set; } Property Value short Name Unique name of this category. This parameter is not localized. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Category type: 0 = Normal 1 = Connection 2 = Error [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceColumn Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.trace_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_columns catalog view contains a list of all trace event columns. These columns do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_columns. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"trace_columns\", IsView = true)] public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceColumn Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceColumn Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IsFilterable Indicates whether the column can be used in filter specification. 0 = false 1 = true [Column(\"is_filterable\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFilterable { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRepeatable Indicates whether the column can be referenced in the 'repeated column' data. 0 = false 1 = true [Column(\"is_repeatable\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRepeatable { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRepeatedBase Indicates whether this column is used as a unique key for referencing repeated data. 0 = false 1 = true [Column(\"is_repeated_base\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRepeatedBase { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxSize Maximum data size of this column in bytes. [Column(\"max_size\")] [Nullable] public int? MaxSize { get; set; } Property Value int? Name Unique name of this column. This parameter is not localized. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string TraceColumnID Unique ID of this column. [Column(\"trace_column_id\")] [NotNull] public short TraceColumnID { get; set; } Property Value short TypeName Data type name of this column. [Column(\"type_name\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEvent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEvent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.trace_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_events catalog view contains a list of all SQL trace events. These trace events do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. > IMPORTANT! This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. For more information about these trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. See sys.trace_events. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"trace_events\", IsView = true)] public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEvent Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEvent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CategoryID Category ID of the event. This column is also in the sys.trace_categories catalog view. [Column(\"category_id\")] [NotNull] public short CategoryID { get; set; } Property Value short Name Unique name of this event. This parameter is not localized. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string TraceEventID Unique ID of the event. This column is also in the sys.trace_event_bindings and sys.trace_subclass_values catalog views. [Column(\"trace_event_id\")] [NotNull] public short TraceEventID { get; set; } Property Value short"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEventBinding | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEventBinding Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.trace_event_bindings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_event_bindings catalog view contains a list of all possible usage combinations of events and columns. For each event listed in the trace_event_id column, all available columns are listed in the trace_column_id column. Not all available columns are populated each time a given event occurs. These values do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_event_bindings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"trace_event_bindings\", IsView = true)] public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEventBinding Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEventBinding Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties TraceColumnID ID of the trace column. This column is also in the sys.trace_columns catalog view. [Column(\"trace_column_id\")] [NotNull] public short TraceColumnID { get; set; } Property Value short TraceEventID ID of the trace event. This column is also in the sys.trace_events catalog view. [Column(\"trace_event_id\")] [NotNull] public short TraceEventID { get; set; } Property Value short"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceSubclassValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceSubclassValue Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.trace_subclass_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_subclass_values catalog view contains a list of named column values. These subclass values do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_subclass_values. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"trace_subclass_values\", IsView = true)] public class ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceSubclassValue Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceSubclassValue Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties SubclassName Meaning of the column value. [Column(\"subclass_name\")] [Nullable] public string? SubclassName { get; set; } Property Value string SubclassValue Column value. [Column(\"subclass_value\")] [Nullable] public short? SubclassValue { get; set; } Property Value short? TraceColumnID ID of the trace column used for enumeration. This parameter is also in the sys.trace_columns catalog view. [Column(\"trace_column_id\")] [NotNull] public short TraceColumnID { get; set; } Property Value short TraceEventID ID of the trace event. This parameter is also in the sys.trace_events catalog view. [Column(\"trace_event_id\")] [NotNull] public short TraceEventID { get; set; } Property Value short"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServerWideConfigurationSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class ServerWideConfigurationSchema Inheritance object ServerWideConfigurationSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationEndpoint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationEndpoint Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.conversation_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Each side of a Service Broker conversation is represented by a conversation endpoint. This catalog view contains a row per conversation endpoint in the database. See sys.conversation_endpoints. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"conversation_endpoints\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationEndpoint Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationEndpoint Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConversationGroupID Identifier for the conversation group this conversation belongs to. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"conversation_group_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid ConversationGroupID { get; set; } Property Value Guid ConversationHandle Identifier for this conversation endpoint. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"conversation_handle\")] [NotNull] public Guid ConversationHandle { get; set; } Property Value Guid ConversationID Identifier for the conversation. This identifier is shared by both participants in the conversation. This together with the is_initiator column is unique within the database. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"conversation_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid ConversationID { get; set; } Property Value Guid DialogTimer The time at which the conversation timer for this dialog sends a DialogTimer message. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"dialog_timer\")] [NotNull] public DateTime DialogTimer { get; set; } Property Value DateTime EndDialogSequence The sequence number of the End Dialog message. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"end_dialog_sequence\")] [NotNull] public long EndDialogSequence { get; set; } Property Value long FarBrokerInstance The broker instance for the remote side of the conversation. NULLABLE. [Column(\"far_broker_instance\")] [Nullable] public string? FarBrokerInstance { get; set; } Property Value string FarPrincipalID Identifier of the user whose certificate is used by the remote side of the dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"far_principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int FarPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int FarService Name of the service on the remote side of conversation. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"far_service\")] [NotNull] public string FarService { get; set; } Property Value string FirstOutOfOrderSequence The sequence number of the first message in the out of order messages for this dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"first_out_of_order_sequence\")] [NotNull] public long FirstOutOfOrderSequence { get; set; } Property Value long InboundSessionKeyIdentifier Identifier for inbound encryption key for this dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"inbound_session_key_identifier\")] [NotNull] public Guid InboundSessionKeyIdentifier { get; set; } Property Value Guid IsInitiator Whether this endpoint is the initiator or the target of the conversation. Not NULLABLE. 1 = Initiator 0 = Target [Column(\"is_initiator\")] [NotNull] public byte IsInitiator { get; set; } Property Value byte IsSystem 1 if this is a system dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"is_system\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value bool LastOutOfOrderFrag Sequence number of the last message in the out of order fragments for this dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"last_out_of_order_frag\")] [NotNull] public int LastOutOfOrderFrag { get; set; } Property Value int LastOutOfOrderSequence The sequence number of the last message in the out of order messages for this dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"last_out_of_order_sequence\")] [NotNull] public long LastOutOfOrderSequence { get; set; } Property Value long LastSendTranID Internal transaction ID of last transaction to send a message. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"last_send_tran_id\")] [NotNull] public byte[] LastSendTranID { get; set; } Property Value byte[] Lifetime Expiration date/time for this conversation. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"lifetime\")] [NotNull] public DateTime Lifetime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime OutboundSessionKeyIdentifier Identifier for outbound encryption key for this dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"outbound_session_key_identifier\")] [NotNull] public Guid OutboundSessionKeyIdentifier { get; set; } Property Value Guid PrincipalID Identifier of the principal whose certificate is used by the local side of the dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [NotNull] public int PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int Priority The conversation priority that is assigned to this conversation endpoint. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"priority\")] [NotNull] public byte Priority { get; set; } Property Value byte ReceiveSequence Next message number expected in message receive sequence. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"receive_sequence\")] [NotNull] public long ReceiveSequence { get; set; } Property Value long ReceiveSequenceFrag Next message fragment number expected in message receive sequence. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"receive_sequence_frag\")] [NotNull] public int ReceiveSequenceFrag { get; set; } Property Value int SecurityTimestamp Time at the local session key was created. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"security_timestamp\")] [NotNull] public DateTime SecurityTimestamp { get; set; } Property Value DateTime SendSequence Next message number in the send sequence. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"send_sequence\")] [NotNull] public long SendSequence { get; set; } Property Value long ServiceContractID Identifier of the contract for this conversation. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_contract_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceContractID { get; set; } Property Value int ServiceID Identifier for the service for this side of the conversation. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceID { get; set; } Property Value int State The current state of the conversation. Not NULLABLE. One of: SO Started outbound. SQL Server processed a BEGIN CONVERSATION for this conversation, but no messages have yet been sent. SI Started inbound. Another instance started a new conversation with SQL Server, but SQL Server has not yet completely received the first message. SQL Server may create the conversation in this state if the first message is fragmented or SQL Server receives messages out of order. However, SQL Server might create the conversation in the CO (conversing) state if the first transmission received for the conversation contains the entire first message. CO Conversing. The conversation is established, and both sides of the conversation may send messages. Most of the communication for a typical service takes place when the conversation is in this state. DI Disconnected inbound. The remote side of the conversation has issued an END CONVERSATION. The conversation remains in this state until the local side of the conversation issues an END CONVERSATION. An application might still receive messages for the conversation. Because the remote side of the conversation has ended the conversation, an application cannot send messages on this conversation. When an application issues an END CONVERSATION, the conversation moves to the CD (Closed) state. DO Disconnected outbound. The local side of the conversation has issued an END CONVERSATION. The conversation remains in this state until the remote side of the conversation acknowledges the END CONVERSATION. An application cannot send or receive messages for the conversation. When the remote side of the conversation acknowledges the END CONVERSATION, the conversation moves to the CD (Closed) state. ER Error. An error has occurred on this endpoint. The error message is placed in the application queue. If the application queue is empty, this indicates that the application already consumed the error message. CD Closed. The conversation endpoint is no longer in use. [Column(\"state\")] [NotNull] public string State { get; set; } Property Value string StateDesc Description of endpoint conversation state. This column is NULLABLE. One of: STARTED_OUTBOUND STARTED_INBOUND CONVERSING DISCONNECTED_INBOUND DISCONNECTED_OUTBOUND CLOSED ERROR [Column(\"state_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? StateDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SystemSequence The sequence number of the last system message for this dialog. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"system_sequence\")] [NotNull] public long SystemSequence { get; set; } Property Value long"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.conversation_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each conversation group. See sys.conversation_groups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"conversation_groups\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationGroup Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConversationGroupID Identifier for the conversation group. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"conversation_group_id\")] [NotNull] public Guid ConversationGroupID { get; set; } Property Value Guid IsSystem Indicates whether this is a system instance or not. NULLABLE. [Column(\"is_system\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSystem { get; set; } Property Value bool? ServiceID Identifier of the service for conversations in this group. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationPriority | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationPriority Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.conversation_priorities (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each conversation priority created in the current database, as shown in the following table: See sys.conversation_priorities. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"conversation_priorities\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationPriority Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationPriority Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties LocalServiceID The identifier of the service that is specified as the local service for the conversation priority. This column can be joined on the service_id column in NULLABLE. [Column(\"local_service_id\")] [Nullable] public int? LocalServiceID { get; set; } Property Value int? Name Name of the conversation priority. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Priority The priority level that is specified in this conversation priority. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"priority\")] [NotNull] public byte Priority { get; set; } Property Value byte PriorityID A number that uniquely identifies the conversation priority. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"priority_id\")] [NotNull] public int PriorityID { get; set; } Property Value int RemoteServiceName The name of the service that is specified as the remote service for the conversation priority. NULLABLE. [Column(\"remote_service_name\")] [Nullable] public string? RemoteServiceName { get; set; } Property Value string ServiceContractID The identifier of the contract that is specified for the conversation priority. This can be joined on the service_contract_id column in sys.service_contracts. NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_contract_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ServiceContractID { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class ServiceBrokerSchema.DataContext Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties ConversationEndpoints sys.conversation_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Each side of a Service Broker conversation is represented by a conversation endpoint. This catalog view contains a row per conversation endpoint in the database. See sys.conversation_endpoints. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationEndpoint> ConversationEndpoints { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationEndpoint> ConversationGroups sys.conversation_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each conversation group. See sys.conversation_groups. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationGroup> ConversationGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationGroup> ConversationPriorities sys.conversation_priorities (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each conversation priority created in the current database, as shown in the following table: See sys.conversation_priorities. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationPriority> ConversationPriorities { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationPriority> MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsages sys.message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view returns a row for each service message type that is validated by an XML schema collection. See sys.message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> RemoteServiceBindings sys.remote_service_bindings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per remote service binding. See sys.remote_service_bindings. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.RemoteServiceBinding> RemoteServiceBindings { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.RemoteServiceBinding> Routes sys.routes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance This catalog views contains one row per route. Service Broker uses routes to locate the network address for a service. See sys.routes. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.Route> Routes { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.Route> ServiceContractMessageUsages sys.service_contract_message_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per (contract, message type) pair. See sys.service_contract_message_usages. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractMessageUsage> ServiceContractMessageUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractMessageUsage> ServiceContractUsages sys.service_contract_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per (service, contract) pair. See sys.service_contract_usages. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractUsage> ServiceContractUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractUsage> ServiceContracts sys.service_contracts (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each contract in the database. See sys.service_contracts. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContract> ServiceContracts { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContract> ServiceMessageTypes sys.service_message_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per message type registered in the service broker. See sys.service_message_types. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceMessageType> ServiceMessageTypes { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceMessageType> ServiceQueueUsages sys.service_queue_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view returns a row for each reference between service and service queue. A service can only be associated with one queue. A queue can be associated with multiple services. See sys.service_queue_usages. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueueUsage> ServiceQueueUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueueUsage> ServiceQueues sys.service_queues (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each object in the database that is a service queue, with sys.objects.type = SQ. See sys.service_queues. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue> ServiceQueues { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue> Services (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each service in the database. See public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.Service> Services { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.Service> TransmissionQueues sys.transmission_queue (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each message in the transmission queue, as shown in the following table: See sys.transmission_queue. public ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.TransmissionQueue> TransmissionQueues { get; } Property Value ITable<ServiceBrokerSchema.TransmissionQueue>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view returns a row for each service message type that is validated by an XML schema collection. See sys.message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties MessageTypeID The ID of the service message type. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"message_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int MessageTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID The ID of the collection containing the validating XML schema namespace. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.RemoteServiceBinding | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.RemoteServiceBinding Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.remote_service_bindings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per remote service binding. See sys.remote_service_bindings. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"remote_service_bindings\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.RemoteServiceBinding Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.RemoteServiceBinding Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IsAnonymousOn This remote service binding uses ANONYMOUS security. The identity of the user that begins the conversation is not provided to the target service. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"is_anonymous_on\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAnonymousOn { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Name of this remote service binding. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the database principal that owns this remote service binding. NULLABLE. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? RemotePrincipalID ID for the user specified in the remote service binding. Service Broker uses a certificate owned by this user for communicating with the specified service on the specified contracts. NULLABLE. [Column(\"remote_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? RemotePrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? RemoteServiceBindingID ID of this remote service binding. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"remote_service_binding_id\")] [NotNull] public int RemoteServiceBindingID { get; set; } Property Value int RemoteServiceName Name of the remote service that this binding applies to. NULLABLE. [Column(\"remote_service_name\")] [Nullable] public string? RemoteServiceName { get; set; } Property Value string ServiceContractID ID of the contract that this binding applies to. A value of 0 is a wildcard that means this binding applies to all contracts for the service. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_contract_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceContractID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.Route | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.Route Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.routes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance This catalog views contains one row per route. Service Broker uses routes to locate the network address for a service. See sys.routes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"routes\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.Route Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.Route Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Address Network address to which Service Broker sends messages for the remote service. NULLABLE. For SQL Managed Instance, address must be local. [Column(\"address\")] [Nullable] public string? Address { get; set; } Property Value string BrokerInstance Identifier of the broker that hosts the remote service. NULLABLE. [Column(\"broker_instance\")] [Nullable] public string? BrokerInstance { get; set; } Property Value string Lifetime The date and time when the route expires. Notice that this value does not use the local time zone. Instead, the value shows the expiration time for UTC. NULLABLE. [Column(\"lifetime\")] [Nullable] public DateTime? Lifetime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? MirrorAddress Network address of the mirroring partner for the server specified in the address. NULLABLE. [Column(\"mirror_address\")] [Nullable] public string? MirrorAddress { get; set; } Property Value string Name Name of the route, unique within the database. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID Identifier for the database principal that owns the route. NULLABLE. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? RemoteServiceName Name of the remote service. NULLABLE. [Column(\"remote_service_name\")] [Nullable] public string? RemoteServiceName { get; set; } Property Value string RouteID Identifier for the route. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"route_id\")] [NotNull] public int RouteID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.Service | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.Service Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each service in the database. See [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"services\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.Service Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.Service Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Name Case-sensitive name of service, unique within the database. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID Identifier for the database principal that owns this service. NULLABLE. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ServiceID Identifier of the service. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceID { get; set; } Property Value int ServiceQueueID Object id for the queue that this service uses. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_queue_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceQueueID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContract | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContract Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.service_contracts (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each contract in the database. See sys.service_contracts. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"service_contracts\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContract Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContract Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Name Name of the contract, unique within the database. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID Identifier for the database principal that owns this contract. NULLABLE. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? ServiceContractID Identifier of the contract. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_contract_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceContractID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractMessageUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractMessageUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.service_contract_message_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per (contract, message type) pair. See sys.service_contract_message_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"service_contract_message_usages\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractMessageUsage Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractMessageUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties IsSentByInitiator Message type can be sent by the conversation initiator. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"is_sent_by_initiator\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSentByInitiator { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSentByTarget Message type can be sent by the conversation target. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"is_sent_by_target\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSentByTarget { get; set; } Property Value bool MessageTypeID Identifier of the message type used by the contract. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"message_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int MessageTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int ServiceContractID Identifier of the contract using the message type. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_contract_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceContractID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.service_contract_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per (service, contract) pair. See sys.service_contract_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"service_contract_usages\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractUsage Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ServiceContractID Identifier of the contract used by the service. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_contract_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceContractID { get; set; } Property Value int ServiceID Identifier of the service using the contract. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceMessageType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceMessageType Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.service_message_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per message type registered in the service broker. See sys.service_message_types. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"service_message_types\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceMessageType Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceMessageType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties MessageTypeID Identifier of the message type, unique within the database. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"message_type_id\")] [NotNull] public int MessageTypeID { get; set; } Property Value int Name Name of message type, unique within the database. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID Identifier for the database principal that owns this message type. NULLABLE. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? Validation Validation done by Broker prior to sending messages of this type. Not NULLABLE. One of: N = None X = XML E = Empty [Column(\"validation\")] [NotNull] public string Validation { get; set; } Property Value string ValidationDesc Description of the validation done by Broker prior to sending messages of this type. NULLABLE. One of: NONE XML EMPTY [Column(\"validation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ValidationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string XmlCollectionID For validation that uses an XML schema, the identifier for the schema collection used. Otherwise, NULL. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [Nullable] public int? XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int?"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.service_queues (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each object in the database that is a service queue, with sys.objects.type = SQ. See sys.service_queues. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"service_queues\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ActivationProcedure Three-part name of the activation procedure. [Column(\"activation_procedure\")] [Nullable] public string? ActivationProcedure { get; set; } Property Value string CreateDate Date the object was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime ExecuteAsPrincipalID ID of the EXECUTE AS database principal. NULL by default or if EXECUTE AS CALLER. ID of the specified principal if EXECUTE AS SELF EXECUTE AS <principal>. -2 = EXECUTE AS OWNER. [Column(\"execute_as_principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ExecuteAsPrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? IsActivationEnabled 1 = Activation is enabled. [Column(\"is_activation_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsActivationEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsEnqueueEnabled 1 = Enqueue is enabled. [Column(\"is_enqueue_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEnqueueEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMSShipped Object is created by an internal SQL Server component. [Column(\"is_ms_shipped\")] [NotNull] public bool IsMSShipped { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPoisonMessageHandlingEnabled Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 1 = Poison message handling is enabled. [Column(\"is_poison_message_handling_enabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPoisonMessageHandlingEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPublished Object is published. [Column(\"is_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool IsReceiveEnabled 1 = Receive is enabled. [Column(\"is_receive_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsReceiveEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRetentionEnabled 1 = Messages are retained until dialog end. [Column(\"is_retention_enabled\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRetentionEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSchemaPublished Only the schema of the object is published. [Column(\"is_schema_published\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSchemaPublished { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxReaders Maximum number of the concurrent readers allowed in the queue. [Column(\"max_readers\")] [Nullable] public short? MaxReaders { get; set; } Property Value short? ModifyDate Date the object was last modified by using an ALTER statement. If the object is a table or a view, modify_date also changes when an index on the table or view is created or altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Object name. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID Object identification number. Is unique within a database. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParentObjectID ID of the object to which this object belongs. 0 = Not a child object. [Column(\"parent_object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParentObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int PrincipalID ID of the individual owner, if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner can be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. Is NULL if there is no alternate individual owner. Is NULL if the object type is one of the following: C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) TA = Assembly (CLR-integration) trigger TR = SQL trigger UQ = UNIQUE constraint EC = Edge constraint [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the schema that the object is contained in. Schema-scoped system objects are always contained in the sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA schemas. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int TypeColumn Object type: AF = Aggregate function (CLR) C = CHECK constraint D = DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone) F = FOREIGN KEY constraint FN = SQL scalar function FS = Assembly (CLR) scalar-function FT = Assembly (CLR) table-valued function IF = SQL inline table-valued function IT = Internal table P = SQL Stored Procedure PC = Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure PG = Plan guide PK = PRIMARY KEY constraint R = Rule (old-style, stand-alone) RF = Replication-filter-procedure S = System base table SN = Synonym SO = Sequence object U = Table (user-defined) V = View EC = Edge constraint Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SQ = Service queue TA = Assembly (CLR) DML trigger TF = SQL table-valued-function TR = SQL DML trigger TT = Table type UQ = UNIQUE constraint X = Extended stored procedure Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ST = STATS_TREE Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Analytics Platform System (PDW). ET = External Table [Column(\"type\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value string TypeDesc Description of the object type: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION CHECK_CONSTRAINT CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION CLR_TRIGGER DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT INTERNAL_TABLE PLAN_GUIDE PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT REPLICATION_FILTER_PROCEDURE RULE SEQUENCE_OBJECT Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. SERVICE_QUEUE SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION SQL_TRIGGER SYNONYM SYSTEM_TABLE TABLE_TYPE UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT USER_TABLE VIEW [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueueUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueueUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.service_queue_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view returns a row for each reference between service and service queue. A service can only be associated with one queue. A queue can be associated with multiple services. See sys.service_queue_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"service_queue_usages\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueueUsage Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueueUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ServiceID Identifier of the service. Unique within the database. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceID { get; set; } Property Value int ServiceQueueID Identifier of the service queue used by the service. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_queue_id\")] [NotNull] public int ServiceQueueID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.TransmissionQueue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema.TransmissionQueue Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.transmission_queue (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each message in the transmission queue, as shown in the following table: See sys.transmission_queue. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"transmission_queue\", IsView = true)] public class ServiceBrokerSchema.TransmissionQueue Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema.TransmissionQueue Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ConversationHandle Identifier for the conversation that this message belongs to. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"conversation_handle\")] [NotNull] public Guid ConversationHandle { get; set; } Property Value Guid EnqueueTime Time at which the message entered the queue. This value uses UTC regardless of the local time zone for the instance. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"enqueue_time\")] [NotNull] public DateTime EnqueueTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime FromServiceName Name of the service that this message is from. NULLABLE. [Column(\"from_service_name\")] [Nullable] public string? FromServiceName { get; set; } Property Value string IsConversationError Whether this message is an error message. 0 = Not an error message. 1 = Error message. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"is_conversation_error\")] [NotNull] public bool IsConversationError { get; set; } Property Value bool IsEndOfDialog Whether this message is an end of conversation message. Not NULLABLE. 0 = Not an end of conversation message. 1 = End of conversation message. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"is_end_of_dialog\")] [NotNull] public bool IsEndOfDialog { get; set; } Property Value bool MessageBody The body of this message. NULLABLE. [Column(\"message_body\")] [Nullable] public byte[]? MessageBody { get; set; } Property Value byte[] MessageSequenceNumber Sequence number of the message. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"message_sequence_number\")] [NotNull] public long MessageSequenceNumber { get; set; } Property Value long MessageTypeName Message type name for the message. NULLABLE. [Column(\"message_type_name\")] [Nullable] public string? MessageTypeName { get; set; } Property Value string Priority The priority level that is assigned to this message. Not NULLABLE. [Column(\"priority\")] [NotNull] public byte Priority { get; set; } Property Value byte ServiceContractName Name of the contract that the conversation for this message follows. NULLABLE. [Column(\"service_contract_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ServiceContractName { get; set; } Property Value string ToBrokerInstance Identifier of the broker that hosts the service that this message is to. NULLABLE. [Column(\"to_broker_instance\")] [Nullable] public string? ToBrokerInstance { get; set; } Property Value string ToServiceName Name of the service that this message is to. NULLABLE. [Column(\"to_service_name\")] [Nullable] public string? ToServiceName { get; set; } Property Value string TransmissionStatus The reason this message is on the queue. This is generally an error message explaining why sending the message failed. If this is blank, the message has not been sent yet. NULLABLE. [Column(\"transmission_status\")] [Nullable] public string? TransmissionStatus { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ServiceBrokerSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class ServiceBrokerSchema Inheritance object ServiceBrokerSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SpatialDataSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SpatialDataSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class SpatialDataSchema.DataContext Inheritance object SpatialDataSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties SpatialIndexTessellations sys.spatial_index_tessellations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Represents the information about the tessellation scheme and parameters of each of the spatial indexes. note For information about tessellation, see Spatial Indexes Overview. See sys.spatial_index_tessellations. public ITable<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation> SpatialIndexTessellations { get; } Property Value ITable<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation> SpatialIndexes sys.spatial_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Represents the main index information of the spatial indexes. See sys.spatial_indexes. public ITable<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex> SpatialIndexes { get; } Property Value ITable<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex> SpatialReferenceSystems sys.spatial_reference_systems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Lists the spatial reference systems (SRIDs) supported by SQL Server. See sys.spatial_reference_systems. public ITable<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialReferenceSystem> SpatialReferenceSystems { get; } Property Value ITable<SpatialDataSchema.SpatialReferenceSystem>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.spatial_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Represents the main index information of the spatial indexes. See sys.spatial_indexes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"spatial_indexes\", IsView = true)] public class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex Inheritance object SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllowPageLocks 1 = Index allows page locks. 0 = Index does not allow page locks. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"allow_page_locks\")] [Nullable] public bool? AllowPageLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool? AllowRowLocks 1 = Index allows row locks. 0 = Index does not allow row locks. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"allow_row_locks\")] [Nullable] public bool? AllowRowLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool? AutoCreated 1 = Index was created by the automatic tuning. 0 = Index was created by the user. Applies to: Azure SQL Database [Column(\"auto_created\")] [Nullable] public bool? AutoCreated { get; set; } Property Value bool? CompressionDelay 0 = Columnstore index compression delay specified in minutes. NULL = Columnstore index rowgroup compression delay is managed automatically. [Column(\"compression_delay\")] [NotNull] public int CompressionDelay { get; set; } Property Value int DataSpaceID ID of the data space for this index. Data space is either a filegroup or partition scheme. 0 = object_id is a table-valued function or in-memory index. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int FillFactor 0 = FILLFACTOR percentage used when the index was created or rebuilt. 0 = Default value Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"fill_factor\")] [NotNull] public byte FillFactor { get; set; } Property Value byte FilterDefinition Expression for the subset of rows included in the filtered index. NULL for heap, non-filtered index, or insufficient permissions on the table. [Column(\"filter_definition\")] [Nullable] public string? FilterDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string HasFilter 1 = Index has a filter and only contains rows that satisfy the filter definition. 0 = Index does not have a filter. [Column(\"has_filter\")] [NotNull] public bool HasFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool IgnoreDupKey 1 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is ON. 0 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is OFF. [Column(\"ignore_dup_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IgnoreDupKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IndexID ID of the index. index_id is unique only within the object. 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered index > 1 = Nonclustered index [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDisabled 1 = Index is disabled. 0 = Index is not disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsHypothetical 1 = Index is hypothetical and cannot be used directly as a data access path. Hypothetical indexes hold column-level statistics. 0 = Index is not hypothetical. [Column(\"is_hypothetical\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsHypothetical { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPadded 1 = PADINDEX is ON. 0 = PADINDEX is OFF. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_padded\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPrimaryKey 1 = Index is part of a PRIMARY KEY constraint. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_primary_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsUnique 1 = Index is unique. 0 = Index is not unique. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_unique\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUnique { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsUniqueConstraint 1 = Index is part of a UNIQUE constraint. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_unique_constraint\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUniqueConstraint { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Name of the index. name is unique only within the object. NULL = Heap [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this index belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int OptimizeForSequentialKey 1 = Index has last-page insert optimization enabled. 0 = Default value. Index has last-page insert optimization disabled. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance [Column(\"optimize_for_sequential_key\")] [NotNull] public bool OptimizeForSequentialKey { get; set; } Property Value bool SpatialIndeXType Type of spatial index: 1 = Geometric spatial index 2 = Geographic spatial index [Column(\"spatial_index_type\")] [NotNull] public byte SpatialIndeXType { get; set; } Property Value byte SpatialIndexTypeDesc Type description of spatial index: GEOMETRY = geometric spatial index GEOGRAPHY = geographic spatial index [Column(\"spatial_index_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SpatialIndexTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SuppressDupKeyMessages 1 = Index is configured to suppress duplicate key messages during an index rebuild operation. 0 = Index is not configured to suppress duplicate key messages during an index rebuild operation. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance [Column(\"suppress_dup_key_messages\")] [NotNull] public bool SuppressDupKeyMessages { get; set; } Property Value bool TessellationScheme Name of tessellation scheme: GEOMETRY_GRID, GEOMETRY_AUTO_GRID, GEOGRAPHY_GRID, GEOGRAPHY_AUTO_GRID Note: For information about tessellation schemes, see Spatial Indexes Overview. [Column(\"tessellation_scheme\")] [Nullable] public string? TessellationScheme { get; set; } Property Value string TypeColumn Type of index: 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered rowstore (b-tree) 2 = Nonclustered rowstore (b-tree) 3 = XML 4 = Spatial 5 = Clustered columnstore index. Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. 6 = Nonclustered columnstore index. Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 7 = Nonclustered hash index. Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of index type: HEAP CLUSTERED NONCLUSTERED XML SPATIAL CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE - Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. NONCLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE - Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. NONCLUSTERED HASH : NONCLUSTERED HASH indexes are supported only on memory-optimized tables. The sys.hash_indexes view shows the current hash indexes and the hash properties. For more information, see sys.hash_indexes (Transact-SQL). Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.spatial_index_tessellations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Represents the information about the tessellation scheme and parameters of each of the spatial indexes. note For information about tessellation, see Spatial Indexes Overview. See sys.spatial_index_tessellations. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"spatial_index_tessellations\", IsView = true)] public class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation Inheritance object SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BoundingBoxXmax X-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the bounding box, one of: NULL = Not applicable for a given tessellation scheme (such as GEOGRAPHY_GRID) n = If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID, the x-max coordinate value [Column(\"bounding_box_xmax\")] [Nullable] public double? BoundingBoxXmax { get; set; } Property Value double? BoundingBoxXmin X-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the bounding box, one of: NULL = Not applicable for a given tessellation scheme (such as GEOGRAPHY_GRID) n = If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID, the x-min coordinate value. Note: The coordinates defined by the bounding box parameters are interpreted for each object according to its Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID). [Column(\"bounding_box_xmin\")] [Nullable] public double? BoundingBoxXmin { get; set; } Property Value double? BoundingBoxYmax Y-coordinate of upper-right corner of the bounding box, one of: NULL = Not applicable for a given tessellation scheme (such as GEOGRAPHY_GRID) n = If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID, the y-max coordinate value [Column(\"bounding_box_ymax\")] [Nullable] public double? BoundingBoxYmax { get; set; } Property Value double? BoundingBoxYmin Y-coordinate of the lower-left corner of the bounding box, one of: NULL = Not applicable for a given tessellation scheme (such as GEOGRAPHY_GRID) n = If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID, the y-min coordinate value [Column(\"bounding_box_ymin\")] [Nullable] public double? BoundingBoxYmin { get; set; } Property Value double? CellsPerObject Number of cells per spatial object, one of: If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID or GEOGRAPHY_GRID, n = number of cells per object NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme [Column(\"cells_per_object\")] [Nullable] public int? CellsPerObject { get; set; } Property Value int? IndexID ID of the spatial index in which the indexed column is defined [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int Level1Grid Grid density for the top-level grid. If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID or GEOGRAPHY_GRID, one of: 16 = 4 by 4 grid (LOW) 64 = 8 by 8 grid (MEDIUM) 256 = 16 by 16 grid (HIGH) NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme. NULL is returned when new SQL Server 11 tessellation is used. [Column(\"level_1_grid\")] [Nullable] public short? Level1Grid { get; set; } Property Value short? Level1GridDesc Grid density for the top-level grid, one of: LOW MEDIUM HIGH NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme. NULL is returned when new SQL Server 11 tessellation is used. [Column(\"level_1_grid_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? Level1GridDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Level2Grid Grid density for the 2nd-level grid. If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID or GEOGRAPHY_GRID, one of: 16 = 4 by 4 grid (LOW) 64 = 8 by 8 grid (MEDIUM) 256 = 16 by 16 grid (HIGH) NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme. NULL is returned when new SQL Server 11 tessellation is used. [Column(\"level_2_grid\")] [Nullable] public short? Level2Grid { get; set; } Property Value short? Level2GridDesc Grid density for the 2nd-level grid, one of: LOW MEDIUM HIGH NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme. NULL is returned when new SQL Server 11 tessellation is used. [Column(\"level_2_grid_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? Level2GridDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Level3Grid Grid density for the 3rd-level grid. If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID or GEOGRAPHY_GRID, one of: 16 = 4 by 4 grid (LOW) 64 = 8 by 8 grid (MEDIUM) 256 = 16 by 16 grid (HIGH) NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme. NULL is returned when new SQL Server 11 tessellation is used. [Column(\"level_3_grid\")] [Nullable] public short? Level3Grid { get; set; } Property Value short? Level3GridDesc Grid density for the 3rd-level grid, one of:LOW MEDIUM HIGH NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme. NULL is returned when new SQL Server 11 tessellation is used. [Column(\"level_3_grid_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? Level3GridDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Level4Grid Grid density for the 4th-level grid. If tessellation_scheme is GEOMETRY_GRID or GEOGRAPHY_GRID, one of: 16 = 4 by 4 grid (LOW)64 = 8 by 8 grid (MEDIUM) 256 = 16 by 16 grid (HIGH) NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme. NULL is returned when new SQL Server 11 tessellation is used. [Column(\"level_4_grid\")] [Nullable] public short? Level4Grid { get; set; } Property Value short? Level4GridDesc Grid density for the 4th-level grid, one of: LOW MEDIUM HIGH NULL = Not applicable for given spatial index type or tessellation scheme. NULL is returned when new SQL Server 11 tessellation is used. [Column(\"level_4_grid_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? Level4GridDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object on which the index is defined. Each (object_id, index_id) pair has a corresponding entry in sys.spatial_indexes. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int TessellationScheme Name of the tessellation scheme, one of: GEOMETRY_GRID, GEOGRAPHY_GRID [Column(\"tessellation_scheme\")] [Nullable] public string? TessellationScheme { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialReferenceSystem | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialReferenceSystem Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.spatial_reference_systems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Lists the spatial reference systems (SRIDs) supported by SQL Server. See sys.spatial_reference_systems. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"spatial_reference_systems\", IsView = true)] public class SpatialDataSchema.SpatialReferenceSystem Inheritance object SpatialDataSchema.SpatialReferenceSystem Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AuthorityName The authority of the SRID. [Column(\"authority_name\")] [Nullable] public string? AuthorityName { get; set; } Property Value string AuthorizedSpatialReferenceID The SRID given by the authority named in authority_name. [Column(\"authorized_spatial_reference_id\")] [Nullable] public int? AuthorizedSpatialReferenceID { get; set; } Property Value int? SpatialReferenceID The SRID supported by SQL Server. [Column(\"spatial_reference_id\")] [Nullable] public int? SpatialReferenceID { get; set; } Property Value int? UnitConversionFactor The length of the unit of measure in meters. [Column(\"unit_conversion_factor\")] [Nullable] public double? UnitConversionFactor { get; set; } Property Value double? UnitOfMeasure The name of the unit of measure. [Column(\"unit_of_measure\")] [Nullable] public string? UnitOfMeasure { get; set; } Property Value string WellKnownText The WKT representation of the SRID. [Column(\"well_known_text\")] [Nullable] public string? WellKnownText { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SpatialDataSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SpatialDataSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class SpatialDataSchema Inheritance object SpatialDataSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class StretchDatabaseSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class StretchDatabaseSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class StretchDatabaseSchema.DataContext Inheritance object StretchDatabaseSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties RemoteDataArchiveDatabases Stretch Database Catalog Views - sys.remote_data_archive_databases Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Contains one row for each remote database that stores data from a Stretch-enabled local database. See sys.remote_data_archive_databases. public ITable<StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveDatabase> RemoteDataArchiveDatabases { get; } Property Value ITable<StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveDatabase> RemoteDataArchiveTables Stretch Database Catalog Views - sys.remote_data_archive_tables Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Contains one row for each remote table that stores data from a Stretch-enabled local table. See sys.remote_data_archive_tables. public ITable<StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable> RemoteDataArchiveTables { get; } Property Value ITable<StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveDatabase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveDatabase Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Stretch Database Catalog Views - sys.remote_data_archive_databases Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Contains one row for each remote database that stores data from a Stretch-enabled local database. See sys.remote_data_archive_databases. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"remote_data_archive_databases\", IsView = true)] public class StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveDatabase Inheritance object StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveDatabase Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DataSourceID The data source used to connect to the remote server [Column(\"data_source_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSourceID { get; set; } Property Value int RemoteDatabaseID The auto-generated local identifier of the remote database. [Column(\"remote_database_id\")] [NotNull] public int RemoteDatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int RemoteDatabaseName The name of the remote database. [Column(\"remote_database_name\")] [NotNull] public string RemoteDatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Stretch Database Catalog Views - sys.remote_data_archive_tables Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Contains one row for each remote table that stores data from a Stretch-enabled local table. See sys.remote_data_archive_tables. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"remote_data_archive_tables\", IsView = true)] public class StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable Inheritance object StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties FilterPredicate The filter predicate, if any, that identifies rows in the table to be migrated. If the value is null, the entire table is eligible to be migrated. For more info, see Enable Stretch Database for a table and Select rows to migrate by using a filter predicate. [Column(\"filter_predicate\")] [Nullable] public string? FilterPredicate { get; set; } Property Value string IsMigrationPaused Indicates whether migration is currently paused. [Column(\"is_migration_paused\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsMigrationPaused { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsReconciled Indicates whether the remote table and the SQL Server table are in sync. When the value of is_reconciled is 1 (true), the remote table and the SQL Server table are in sync, and you can run queries that include the remote data. When the value of is_reconciled is 0 (false), the remote table and the SQL Server table are not in sync. Recently migrated rows have to be migrated again. This occurs when you restore the remote Azure database, or when you delete rows manually from the remote table. Until you reconcile the tables, you can't run queries that include the remote data. To reconcile the tables, run sys.sp_rda_reconcile_batch. [Column(\"is_reconciled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsReconciled { get; set; } Property Value bool? MigrationDirection The direction in which data is currently being migrated. The available values are the following. 1 (outbound) 2 (inbound) [Column(\"migration_direction\")] [Nullable] public byte? MigrationDirection { get; set; } Property Value byte? MigrationDirectionDesc The description of the direction in which data is currently being migrated. The available values are the following. outbound (1) inbound (2) [Column(\"migration_direction_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? MigrationDirectionDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The object ID of the Stretch-enabled local table. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int RemoteDatabaseID The auto-generated local identifier of the remote database. [Column(\"remote_database_id\")] [NotNull] public int RemoteDatabaseID { get; set; } Property Value int RemoteTableName The name of the table in the remote database that corresponds to the Stretch-enabled local table. [Column(\"remote_table_name\")] [Nullable] public string? RemoteTableName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class StretchDatabaseSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class StretchDatabaseSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class StretchDatabaseSchema Inheritance object StretchDatabaseSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SystemDB | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SystemDB Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Database : master Data Source : . Server Version : 15.00.2101 public class SystemDB : DataConnection, IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, ICloneable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable Inheritance object DataConnection SystemDB Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable ICloneable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Inherited Members DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) DataConnection.EnsureConnectionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.DisposeTransactionAsync() DataConnection.CloseAsync() DataConnection.DisposeAsync() DataConnection.TraceActionAsync<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) DataConnection.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) DataConnection.DefaultSettings DataConnection.SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings>) DataConnection.AddProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.InsertProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddDataProvider(IDataProvider) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string, string) DataConnection.GetDataProvider(string, string) DataConnection.GetRegisteredProviders() DataConnection.AddConfiguration(string, string, IDataProvider) DataConnection.AddOrSetConfiguration(string, string, string) DataConnection.SetConnectionString(string, string) DataConnection.GetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.TryGetConnectionString(string) DataConnection.DefaultConfiguration DataConnection.DefaultDataProvider DataConnection.Options DataConnection.ConfigurationString DataConnection.DataProvider DataConnection.ConnectionString DataConnection.RetryPolicy DataConnection.IsMarsEnabled DataConnection.DefaultOnTraceConnection DataConnection.OnTraceConnection DataConnection.TraceSwitch DataConnection.TurnTraceSwitchOn(TraceLevel) DataConnection.TraceSwitchConnection DataConnection.WriteTraceLine DataConnection.WriteTraceLineConnection DataConnection.Connection DataConnection.Close() DataConnection.LastQuery DataConnection.CommandTimeout DataConnection.CreateCommand() DataConnection.DisposeCommand() DataConnection.ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteScalar(DbCommand) DataConnection.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) DataConnection.ClearObjectReaderCache() DataConnection.Transaction DataConnection.BeginTransaction() DataConnection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) DataConnection.CommitTransaction() DataConnection.RollbackTransaction() DataConnection.DisposeTransaction() DataConnection.TraceAction<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string>, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult>) DataConnection.MappingSchema DataConnection.InlineParameters DataConnection.QueryHints DataConnection.NextQueryHints DataConnection.AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema) DataConnection.Clone() DataConnection.Disposed DataConnection.ThrowOnDisposed DataConnection.CheckAndThrowOnDisposed() DataConnection.Dispose() DataConnection.AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.OnRemoveInterceptor DataConnection.RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) DataConnection.ProcessQuery(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext) Extension Methods MappingSchemaExtensions.GetEntityEqualityComparer<T>(IDataContext) MappingSchemaExtensions.GetEqualityComparer<T>(IDataContext, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>) MappingSchemaExtensions.GetKeyEqualityComparer<T>(IDataContext) Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors SystemDB() public SystemDB() SystemDB(DataOptions) public SystemDB(DataOptions options) Parameters options DataOptions SystemDB(DataOptions<SystemDB>) public SystemDB(DataOptions<SystemDB> options) Parameters options DataOptions<SystemDB> SystemDB(string) public SystemDB(string configuration) Parameters configuration string Properties Availability public AvailabilitySchema.DataContext Availability { get; set; } Property Value AvailabilitySchema.DataContext AzureSQLDatabase public AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DataContext AzureSQLDatabase { get; set; } Property Value AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DataContext AzureSynapseAnalytics public AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DataContext AzureSynapseAnalytics { get; set; } Property Value AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DataContext CLRAssembly public CLRAssemblySchema.DataContext CLRAssembly { get; set; } Property Value CLRAssemblySchema.DataContext ChangeTracking public ChangeTrackingSchema.DataContext ChangeTracking { get; set; } Property Value ChangeTrackingSchema.DataContext Compatibility public CompatibilitySchema.DataContext Compatibility { get; set; } Property Value CompatibilitySchema.DataContext DataCollector public DataCollectorSchema.DataContext DataCollector { get; set; } Property Value DataCollectorSchema.DataContext DataSpaces public DataSpacesSchema.DataContext DataSpaces { get; set; } Property Value DataSpacesSchema.DataContext DataTierApplications public DataTierApplicationsSchema.DataContext DataTierApplications { get; set; } Property Value DataTierApplicationsSchema.DataContext DatabaseMail public DatabaseMailSchema.DataContext DatabaseMail { get; set; } Property Value DatabaseMailSchema.DataContext DatabaseMirroring public DatabaseMirroringSchema.DataContext DatabaseMirroring { get; set; } Property Value DatabaseMirroringSchema.DataContext DatabasesAndFiles public DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DataContext DatabasesAndFiles { get; set; } Property Value DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DataContext Endpoints public EndpointsSchema.DataContext Endpoints { get; set; } Property Value EndpointsSchema.DataContext ExtendedEvents public ExtendedEventsSchema.DataContext ExtendedEvents { get; set; } Property Value ExtendedEventsSchema.DataContext ExternalOperations public ExternalOperationsSchema.DataContext ExternalOperations { get; set; } Property Value ExternalOperationsSchema.DataContext FilestreamAndFileTable public FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DataContext FilestreamAndFileTable { get; set; } Property Value FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DataContext FullTextSearch public FullTextSearchSchema.DataContext FullTextSearch { get; set; } Property Value FullTextSearchSchema.DataContext Information public InformationSchema.DataContext Information { get; set; } Property Value InformationSchema.DataContext LinkedServers public LinkedServersSchema.DataContext LinkedServers { get; set; } Property Value LinkedServersSchema.DataContext Object public ObjectSchema.DataContext Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.DataContext PartitionFunction public PartitionFunctionSchema.DataContext PartitionFunction { get; set; } Property Value PartitionFunctionSchema.DataContext PolicyBasedManagement public PolicyBasedManagementSchema.DataContext PolicyBasedManagement { get; set; } Property Value PolicyBasedManagementSchema.DataContext QueryStore public QueryStoreSchema.DataContext QueryStore { get; set; } Property Value QueryStoreSchema.DataContext ResourceGovernor public ResourceGovernorSchema.DataContext ResourceGovernor { get; set; } Property Value ResourceGovernorSchema.DataContext ScalarTypes public ScalarTypesSchema.DataContext ScalarTypes { get; set; } Property Value ScalarTypesSchema.DataContext Security public SecuritySchema.DataContext Security { get; set; } Property Value SecuritySchema.DataContext ServerWideConfiguration public ServerWideConfigurationSchema.DataContext ServerWideConfiguration { get; set; } Property Value ServerWideConfigurationSchema.DataContext ServiceBroker public ServiceBrokerSchema.DataContext ServiceBroker { get; set; } Property Value ServiceBrokerSchema.DataContext SpatialData public SpatialDataSchema.DataContext SpatialData { get; set; } Property Value SpatialDataSchema.DataContext StretchDatabase public StretchDatabaseSchema.DataContext StretchDatabase { get; set; } Property Value StretchDatabaseSchema.DataContext Xml public XmlSchema.DataContext Xml { get; set; } Property Value XmlSchema.DataContext Methods InitSchemas() public void InitSchemas()"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class SystemSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SystemSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class SystemSchema Inheritance object SystemSchema Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T)"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each column that is validated by an XML schema. See sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"column_xml_schema_collection_usages\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Inheritance object XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties ColumnID The ID of the column. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"column_id\")] [NotNull] public int ColumnID { get; set; } Property Value int Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The ID of the object to which this column belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID The ID of the collection that contains the validating XML schema namespace of the column. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.DataContext Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class XmlSchema.DataContext Inheritance object XmlSchema.DataContext Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors DataContext(IDataContext) public DataContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsages sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each column that is validated by an XML schema. See sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages. public ITable<XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsages sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each parameter that is validated by an XML schema. See sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages. public ITable<XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsages { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage> SelectiveXmlIndexPaths sys.selective_xml_index_paths (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Available beginning in SQL Server 2012 (11.x) Service Pack 1, each row in sys.selective_xml_index_paths represents one promoted path for particular selective xml index. If you create a selective xml index on xmlcol of table T using following statement, CREATE SELECTIVE XML INDEX sxi1 ON T(xmlcol) FOR ( path1 = '/a/b/c' AS XQUERY 'xs:string', path2 = '/a/b/d' AS XQUERY 'xs:double' ) There will be two new rows in sys.selective_xml_index_paths corresponding to the index sxi1. See sys.selective_xml_index_paths. public ITable<XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath> SelectiveXmlIndexPaths { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath> XmlIndexes sys.xml_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row per XML index. See sys.xml_indexes. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlIndex> XmlIndexes { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlIndex> XmlSchemaAttributes sys.xml_schema_attributes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is an attribute, symbol_space of A. See sys.xml_schema_attributes. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaAttribute> XmlSchemaAttributes { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaAttribute> XmlSchemaCollections sys.xml_schema_collections (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row per XML schema collection. An XML schema collection is a named set of XSD definitions. The XML schema collection itself is contained in a relational schema, and it is identified by a schema-scoped Transact\\-SQL name. The following tuples are unique: xml_collection_id, and schema_id and name. See sys.xml_schema_collections. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaCollection> XmlSchemaCollections { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaCollection> XmlSchemaComponentPlacements sys.xml_schema_component_placements (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per placement for XML schema components. See sys.xml_schema_component_placements. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponentPlacement> XmlSchemaComponentPlacements { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponentPlacement> XmlSchemaComponents sys.xml_schema_components (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per component of an XML schema. The pair (collection_id, namespace_id) is a compound foreign key to the containing namespace. For named components, the values for symbol_space, name, scoping_xml_component_id, is_qualified, xml_namespace_id, xml_collection_id are unique. See sys.xml_schema_components. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponent> XmlSchemaComponents { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponent> XmlSchemaElements sys.xml_schema_elements (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Type, symbol_space of E. See sys.xml_schema_elements. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaElement> XmlSchemaElements { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaElement> XmlSchemaFacets sys.xml_schema_facets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per facet (restriction) of an xml-type definition (corresponds to sys.xml_types). See sys.xml_schema_facets. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaFacet> XmlSchemaFacets { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaFacet> XmlSchemaModelGroups sys.xml_schema_model_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Model-Group, symbol_space of M.. See sys.xml_schema_model_groups. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaModelGroup> XmlSchemaModelGroups { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaModelGroup> XmlSchemaNamespaces sys.xml_schema_namespaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XSD-defined XML namespace. The following tuples are unique: collection_id, namespace_id, and collection_id, and name. See sys.xml_schema_namespaces. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaNamespace> XmlSchemaNamespaces { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaNamespace> XmlSchemaTypes sys.xml_schema_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Type, symbol_space of T. See sys.xml_schema_types. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaType> XmlSchemaTypes { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaType> XmlSchemaWildcardNamespaces sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per enumerated namespace for an XML schema wildcard. See sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcardNamespace> XmlSchemaWildcardNamespaces { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcardNamespace> XmlSchemaWildcards sys.xml_schema_wildcards (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is an Attribute-Wildcard (kind of V) or Element-Wildcard (kind of W), both with symbol_space of N. See sys.xml_schema_wildcards. public ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcard> XmlSchemaWildcards { get; } Property Value ITable<XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcard>"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each parameter that is validated by an XML schema. See sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Inheritance object XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID The ID of the object to which this parameter belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int ParameterID The ID of the parameter. Is unique within the object. [Column(\"parameter_id\")] [NotNull] public int ParameterID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID The ID of the XML schema collection that contains the validating XML schema namespace of the parameter. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.selective_xml_index_paths (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Available beginning in SQL Server 2012 (11.x) Service Pack 1, each row in sys.selective_xml_index_paths represents one promoted path for particular selective xml index. If you create a selective xml index on xmlcol of table T using following statement, CREATE SELECTIVE XML INDEX sxi1 ON T(xmlcol) FOR ( path1 = '/a/b/c' AS XQUERY 'xs:string', path2 = '/a/b/d' AS XQUERY 'xs:double' ) There will be two new rows in sys.selective_xml_index_paths corresponding to the index sxi1. See sys.selective_xml_index_paths. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"selective_xml_index_paths\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath Inheritance object XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CollationName Name of the collation of the type if it is character-based. Otherwise, NULL. [Column(\"collation_name\")] [Nullable] public string? CollationName { get; set; } Property Value string IndexID Unique id of the selective xml index. [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int IsNode 0 = node() hint not present. 1 = node() optimization hint applied. [Column(\"is_node\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsNode { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsSingleton 0 = SINGLETON hint not present. 1 = SINGLETON optimization hint applied. [Column(\"is_singleton\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsSingleton { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsXqueryMaxLengthInferred 1 = maximum length is inferred. [Column(\"is_xquery_max_length_inferred\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsXqueryMaxLengthInferred { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsXqueryTypeInferred 1 = type is inferred. [Column(\"is_xquery_type_inferred\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsXqueryTypeInferred { get; set; } Property Value bool? MaxLength Max Length (in bytes) of the type. -1 = Column data type is varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or xml. [Column(\"max_length\")] [Nullable] public short? MaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short? Name Path name. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of table with XML column. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int Path Promoted path. For example, '/a/b/c/d/e'. [Column(\"path\")] [Nullable] public string? Path { get; set; } Property Value string PathID Promoted XML path id. [Column(\"path_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PathID { get; set; } Property Value int? PathType 0 = XQUERY 1 = SQL [Column(\"path_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? PathType { get; set; } Property Value byte? PathTypeDesc Based on path_type value 'XQUERY' or 'SQL'. [Column(\"path_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? PathTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Precision Maximum precision of the type if it is numeric-based. Otherwise 0. [Column(\"precision\")] [Nullable] public byte? Precision { get; set; } Property Value byte? Scale Maximum scale of the type if it is numeric-based. Otherwise, 0. [Column(\"scale\")] [Nullable] public byte? Scale { get; set; } Property Value byte? SystemTypeID ID of the system type of the column. [Column(\"system_type_id\")] [Nullable] public byte? SystemTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte? UserTypeID ID of the user type of the column. [Column(\"user_type_id\")] [Nullable] public byte? UserTypeID { get; set; } Property Value byte? XmlComponentID Unique ID of the XML schema component in the database. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? XqueryMaxLength Max length (in character of xsd type). [Column(\"xquery_max_length\")] [Nullable] public short? XqueryMaxLength { get; set; } Property Value short? XqueryTypeDescription Name of the specified xsd type. [Column(\"xquery_type_description\")] [Nullable] public string? XqueryTypeDescription { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlIndex | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlIndex Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row per XML index. See sys.xml_indexes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_indexes\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlIndex Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlIndex Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllowPageLocks 1 = Index allows page locks. 0 = Index does not allow page locks. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"allow_page_locks\")] [Nullable] public bool? AllowPageLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool? AllowRowLocks 1 = Index allows row locks. 0 = Index does not allow row locks. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"allow_row_locks\")] [Nullable] public bool? AllowRowLocks { get; set; } Property Value bool? AutoCreated 1 = Index was created by the automatic tuning. 0 = Index was created by the user. Applies to: Azure SQL Database [Column(\"auto_created\")] [Nullable] public bool? AutoCreated { get; set; } Property Value bool? CompressionDelay 0 = Columnstore index compression delay specified in minutes. NULL = Columnstore index rowgroup compression delay is managed automatically. [Column(\"compression_delay\")] [NotNull] public int CompressionDelay { get; set; } Property Value int DataSpaceID ID of the data space for this index. Data space is either a filegroup or partition scheme. 0 = object_id is a table-valued function or in-memory index. [Column(\"data_space_id\")] [NotNull] public int DataSpaceID { get; set; } Property Value int FillFactor 0 = FILLFACTOR percentage used when the index was created or rebuilt. 0 = Default value Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"fill_factor\")] [NotNull] public byte FillFactor { get; set; } Property Value byte FilterDefinition Expression for the subset of rows included in the filtered index. NULL for heap, non-filtered index, or insufficient permissions on the table. [Column(\"filter_definition\")] [Nullable] public string? FilterDefinition { get; set; } Property Value string HasFilter 1 = Index has a filter and only contains rows that satisfy the filter definition. 0 = Index does not have a filter. [Column(\"has_filter\")] [NotNull] public bool HasFilter { get; set; } Property Value bool IgnoreDupKey 1 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is ON. 0 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is OFF. [Column(\"ignore_dup_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IgnoreDupKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IndexID ID of the index. index_id is unique only within the object. 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered index > 1 = Nonclustered index [Column(\"index_id\")] [NotNull] public int IndexID { get; set; } Property Value int IsDisabled 1 = Index is disabled. 0 = Index is not disabled. [Column(\"is_disabled\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsDisabled { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsHypothetical 1 = Index is hypothetical and cannot be used directly as a data access path. Hypothetical indexes hold column-level statistics. 0 = Index is not hypothetical. [Column(\"is_hypothetical\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsHypothetical { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPadded 1 = PADINDEX is ON. 0 = PADINDEX is OFF. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_padded\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPadded { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsPrimaryKey 1 = Index is part of a PRIMARY KEY constraint. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_primary_key\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsUnique 1 = Index is unique. 0 = Index is not unique. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_unique\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUnique { get; set; } Property Value bool? IsUniqueConstraint 1 = Index is part of a UNIQUE constraint. Always 0 for clustered columnstore indexes. [Column(\"is_unique_constraint\")] [Nullable] public bool? IsUniqueConstraint { get; set; } Property Value bool? Name Name of the index. name is unique only within the object. NULL = Heap [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Object objects (sys.objects) [Association(ThisKey = \"ObjectID\", OtherKey = \"ObjectID\", CanBeNull = false)] public ObjectSchema.Object Object { get; set; } Property Value ObjectSchema.Object ObjectID ID of the object to which this index belongs. [Column(\"object_id\")] [NotNull] public int ObjectID { get; set; } Property Value int OptimizeForSequentialKey 1 = Index has last-page insert optimization enabled. 0 = Default value. Index has last-page insert optimization disabled. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x)), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance [Column(\"optimize_for_sequential_key\")] [NotNull] public bool OptimizeForSequentialKey { get; set; } Property Value bool PathID NULL for all XML indexes except secondary selective XML index. Else, the ID of the promoted path over which the secondary selective XML index is built. This value is the same value as path_id from sys.selective_xml_index_paths system view. [Column(\"path_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PathID { get; set; } Property Value int? SecondaryType Type description of secondary index: P = PATH secondary XML index V = VALUE secondary XML index R = PROPERTY secondary XML index NULL = Primary XML index [Column(\"secondary_type\")] [Nullable] public string? SecondaryType { get; set; } Property Value string SecondaryTypeDesc Type description of secondary index: PATH = PATH secondary XML index VALUE = VALUE secondary XML index PROPERTY = PROPERTY secondary xml indexes. NULL = Primary XML index [Column(\"secondary_type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SecondaryTypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string SuppressDupKeyMessages 1 = Index is configured to suppress duplicate key messages during an index rebuild operation. 0 = Index is not configured to suppress duplicate key messages during an index rebuild operation. Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2017 (14.x)), Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance [Column(\"suppress_dup_key_messages\")] [NotNull] public bool SuppressDupKeyMessages { get; set; } Property Value bool TypeColumn Type of index: 0 = Heap 1 = Clustered rowstore (b-tree) 2 = Nonclustered rowstore (b-tree) 3 = XML 4 = Spatial 5 = Clustered columnstore index. Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. 6 = Nonclustered columnstore index. Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. 7 = Nonclustered hash index. Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. [Column(\"type\")] [NotNull] public byte TypeColumn { get; set; } Property Value byte TypeDesc Description of index type: HEAP CLUSTERED NONCLUSTERED XML SPATIAL CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE - Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. NONCLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE - Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. NONCLUSTERED HASH : NONCLUSTERED HASH indexes are supported only on memory-optimized tables. The sys.hash_indexes view shows the current hash indexes and the hash properties. For more information, see sys.hash_indexes (Transact-SQL). Applies to: SQL Server 2014 (12.x) and later. [Column(\"type_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? TypeDesc { get; set; } Property Value string UsingXmlIndexID NULL = Primary XML index. Nonnull = Secondary XML index. Nonnull is a self-join reference to the primary XML index. [Column(\"using_xml_index_id\")] [Nullable] public int? UsingXmlIndexID { get; set; } Property Value int? XmlIndeXType Index type: 0 = Primary XML index 1 = Secondary XML index 2 = Selective XML index 3 = Secondary selective XML index [Column(\"xml_index_type\")] [Nullable] public byte? XmlIndeXType { get; set; } Property Value byte? XmlIndexTypeDescription Description of index type: PRIMARY_XML Secondary XML Index Selective XML Index Secondary Selective XML index [Column(\"xml_index_type_description\")] [Nullable] public string? XmlIndexTypeDescription { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_attributes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is an attribute, symbol_space of A. See sys.xml_schema_attributes. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_attributes\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaAttribute Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaAttribute Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseXmlComponentID ID of the component from which this component is derived. NULL if there is none. [Column(\"base_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? BaseXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultValue Default value of the attribute. Is NULL if a default value is not supplied. [Column(\"default_value\")] [Nullable] public string? DefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value string Derivation Derivation method for derived types: N = None (not derived) X = Extension R = Restriction S = Substitution [Column(\"derivation\")] [NotNull] public string Derivation { get; set; } Property Value string DerivationDesc Description of derivation method for derived types: NONE EXTENSION RESTRICTION SUBSTITUTION [Column(\"derivation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DerivationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsDefaultFixed 1 = The default value is a fixed value. This value cannot be overridden in an XML instance. 0 = The default value is not a fixed value for the attribute. (default) [Column(\"is_default_fixed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDefaultFixed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsQualified 1 = This component has an explicit namespace qualifier. 0 = This is a locally scoped component. In this case, the pair, namespace_id, collection_id, refers to the 'no namespace' targetNamespace. For wildcard components this value will be equal to 1. [Column(\"is_qualified\")] [NotNull] public bool IsQualified { get; set; } Property Value bool Kind Kind of XML schema component. N = Any Type (special intrinsic component) Z = Any Simple Type (special intrinsic component) P = Primitive Type (intrinsic types) S = Simple Type L = List Type U = Union Type C = Complex Simple Type (derived from Simple) K = Complex Type E = Element M = Model-Group W = Element-Wildcard A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group V = Attribute-Wildcard [Column(\"kind\")] [NotNull] public string Kind { get; set; } Property Value string KindDesc Description of the kind of XML schema component: ANY_TYPE ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE PRIMITIVE_TYPE SIMPLE_TYPE LIST_TYPE UNION_TYPE COMPLEX_SIMPLE_TYPE COMPLEX_TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ELEMENT_WILDCARD ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD [Column(\"kind_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? KindDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MustBeQualified 1 = The attribute must be explicitly namespace qualified. 0 = The attribute may be implicitly namespace qualified. (default) [Column(\"must_be_qualified\")] [NotNull] public bool MustBeQualified { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Unique name of the XML schema component. Is NULL if the component is unnamed. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ScopingXmlComponentID Unique ID of the scoping component. NULL if there is none (global scope). [Column(\"scoping_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ScopingXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? SymbolSpace Space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: N = None T = Type E = Element M = Model-Group A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group [Column(\"symbol_space\")] [NotNull] public string SymbolSpace { get; set; } Property Value string SymbolSpaceDesc Description of space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: NONE TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP [Column(\"symbol_space_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SymbolSpaceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string XmlCollectionID ID of the XML schema collection that contains the namespace of this component. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlComponentID Unique ID of the XML schema component in the database. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlNamespaceID ID of the XML namespace within the collection. [Column(\"xml_namespace_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlNamespaceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaCollection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaCollection Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_collections (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row per XML schema collection. An XML schema collection is a named set of XSD definitions. The XML schema collection itself is contained in a relational schema, and it is identified by a schema-scoped Transact\\-SQL name. The following tuples are unique: xml_collection_id, and schema_id and name. See sys.xml_schema_collections. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_collections\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaCollection Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaCollection Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CreateDate Date the XML schema collection was created. [Column(\"create_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime ModifyDate Date the XML schema collection was last altered. [Column(\"modify_date\")] [NotNull] public DateTime ModifyDate { get; set; } Property Value DateTime Name Name of the XML schema collection. [Column(\"name\")] [NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PrincipalID ID of the individual owner if different from the schema owner. By default, schema-contained objects are owned by the schema owner. However, an alternate owner may be specified by using the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to change ownership. NULL = No alternate individual owner. [Column(\"principal_id\")] [Nullable] public int? PrincipalID { get; set; } Property Value int? SchemaID ID of the relational schema that contains this XML schema collection. [Column(\"schema_id\")] [NotNull] public int SchemaID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlCollectionID ID of the XML schema collection. Unique within the database. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponent | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponent Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_components (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per component of an XML schema. The pair (collection_id, namespace_id) is a compound foreign key to the containing namespace. For named components, the values for symbol_space, name, scoping_xml_component_id, is_qualified, xml_namespace_id, xml_collection_id are unique. See sys.xml_schema_components. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_components\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponent Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponent Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseXmlComponentID ID of the component from which this component is derived. NULL if there is none. [Column(\"base_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? BaseXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? Derivation Derivation method for derived types: N = None (not derived) X = Extension R = Restriction S = Substitution [Column(\"derivation\")] [NotNull] public string Derivation { get; set; } Property Value string DerivationDesc Description of derivation method for derived types: NONE EXTENSION RESTRICTION SUBSTITUTION [Column(\"derivation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DerivationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsQualified 1 = This component has an explicit namespace qualifier. 0 = This is a locally scoped component. In this case, the pair, namespace_id, collection_id, refers to the 'no namespace' targetNamespace. For wildcard components this value will be equal to 1. [Column(\"is_qualified\")] [NotNull] public bool IsQualified { get; set; } Property Value bool Kind Kind of XML schema component. N = Any Type (special intrinsic component) Z = Any Simple Type (special intrinsic component) P = Primitive Type (intrinsic types) S = Simple Type L = List Type U = Union Type C = Complex Simple Type (derived from Simple) K = Complex Type E = Element M = Model-Group W = Element-Wildcard A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group V = Attribute-Wildcard [Column(\"kind\")] [NotNull] public string Kind { get; set; } Property Value string KindDesc Description of the kind of XML schema component: ANY_TYPE ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE PRIMITIVE_TYPE SIMPLE_TYPE LIST_TYPE UNION_TYPE COMPLEX_SIMPLE_TYPE COMPLEX_TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ELEMENT_WILDCARD ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD [Column(\"kind_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? KindDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Name Unique name of the XML schema component. Is NULL if the component is unnamed. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ScopingXmlComponentID Unique ID of the scoping component. NULL if there is none (global scope). [Column(\"scoping_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ScopingXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? SymbolSpace Space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: N = None T = Type E = Element M = Model-Group A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group [Column(\"symbol_space\")] [NotNull] public string SymbolSpace { get; set; } Property Value string SymbolSpaceDesc Description of space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: NONE TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP [Column(\"symbol_space_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SymbolSpaceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string XmlCollectionID ID of the XML schema collection that contains the namespace of this component. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlComponentID Unique ID of the XML schema component in the database. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlNamespaceID ID of the XML namespace within the collection. [Column(\"xml_namespace_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlNamespaceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponentPlacement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponentPlacement Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_component_placements (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per placement for XML schema components. See sys.xml_schema_component_placements. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_component_placements\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponentPlacement Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponentPlacement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DefaultValue Default value if one is supplied. Is NULL if a default value is not supplied. [Column(\"default_value\")] [Nullable] public object? DefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value object IsDefaultFixed 1 = The default value is a fixed value. This value cannot be overridden in an XML instance. 0 = The value can be overridden.(default) [Column(\"is_default_fixed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDefaultFixed { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxOccurrences Maximum number of placed component occurs. [Column(\"max_occurrences\")] [NotNull] public int MaxOccurrences { get; set; } Property Value int MinOccurrences Minimum number of placed component occurs. [Column(\"min_occurrences\")] [NotNull] public int MinOccurrences { get; set; } Property Value int PlacedXmlComponentID ID of the placed XML schema component. [Column(\"placed_xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int PlacedXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int PlacementID ID of the placement. This is unique within the owning XML schema component. [Column(\"placement_id\")] [NotNull] public int PlacementID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlComponentID ID of the XML schema component that owns this placement. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaElement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaElement Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_elements (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Type, symbol_space of E. See sys.xml_schema_elements. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_elements\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaElement Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaElement Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseXmlComponentID ID of the component from which this component is derived. NULL if there is none. [Column(\"base_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? BaseXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? DefaultValue Default value of the element. NULL if a default value is not supplied. [Column(\"default_value\")] [Nullable] public object? DefaultValue { get; set; } Property Value object Derivation Derivation method for derived types: N = None (not derived) X = Extension R = Restriction S = Substitution [Column(\"derivation\")] [NotNull] public string Derivation { get; set; } Property Value string DerivationDesc Description of derivation method for derived types: NONE EXTENSION RESTRICTION SUBSTITUTION [Column(\"derivation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DerivationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsAbstract 1 = Element is abstract and cannot be used in an instance document. A member of the substitution group of the element must appear in the instance document. 0 = Element is not abstract. (default). [Column(\"is_abstract\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAbstract { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDefaultFixed 1 = Default value is a fixed value. This value cannot be overridden in XML instance. 0 = Default value is not a fixed value for the element. (default). [Column(\"is_default_fixed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsDefaultFixed { get; set; } Property Value bool IsExtensionBlocked 1 = Replacement with an instance of an extension type is blocked. 0 = Replacement with extension type is allowed. (default) [Column(\"is_extension_blocked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsExtensionBlocked { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFinalExtension 1 = Replacement with an instance of an extension type is disallowed. 0 = Replacement in an instance of an extension type is allowed. (default) [Column(\"is_final_extension\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFinalExtension { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFinalRestriction 1 = Replacement with an instance of a restriction type is disallowed. 0 = Replacement in an instance of a restriction type is allowed. (default) [Column(\"is_final_restriction\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFinalRestriction { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNillable 1 = Element is nillable. 0 = Element is not nillable. (default) [Column(\"is_nillable\")] [NotNull] public bool IsNillable { get; set; } Property Value bool IsQualified 1 = This component has an explicit namespace qualifier. 0 = This is a locally scoped component. In this case, the pair, namespace_id, collection_id, refers to the 'no namespace' targetNamespace. For wildcard components this value will be equal to 1. [Column(\"is_qualified\")] [NotNull] public bool IsQualified { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRestrictionBlocked 1 = Replacement with an instance of a restriction type is blocked. 0 = Replacement with restriction type is allowed. (default) [Column(\"is_restriction_blocked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRestrictionBlocked { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSubstitutionBlocked 1 = Instance of a substitution group cannot be used. 0 = Replacement with substitution group is permitted. (default) [Column(\"is_substitution_blocked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsSubstitutionBlocked { get; set; } Property Value bool Kind Kind of XML schema component. N = Any Type (special intrinsic component) Z = Any Simple Type (special intrinsic component) P = Primitive Type (intrinsic types) S = Simple Type L = List Type U = Union Type C = Complex Simple Type (derived from Simple) K = Complex Type E = Element M = Model-Group W = Element-Wildcard A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group V = Attribute-Wildcard [Column(\"kind\")] [NotNull] public string Kind { get; set; } Property Value string KindDesc Description of the kind of XML schema component: ANY_TYPE ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE PRIMITIVE_TYPE SIMPLE_TYPE LIST_TYPE UNION_TYPE COMPLEX_SIMPLE_TYPE COMPLEX_TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ELEMENT_WILDCARD ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD [Column(\"kind_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? KindDesc { get; set; } Property Value string MustBeQualified 1 = Element must be explicitly namespace qualified. 0 = Element may be implicitly namespace qualified. (default) [Column(\"must_be_qualified\")] [NotNull] public bool MustBeQualified { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Unique name of the XML schema component. Is NULL if the component is unnamed. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ScopingXmlComponentID Unique ID of the scoping component. NULL if there is none (global scope). [Column(\"scoping_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ScopingXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? SymbolSpace Space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: N = None T = Type E = Element M = Model-Group A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group [Column(\"symbol_space\")] [NotNull] public string SymbolSpace { get; set; } Property Value string SymbolSpaceDesc Description of space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: NONE TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP [Column(\"symbol_space_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SymbolSpaceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string XmlCollectionID ID of the XML schema collection that contains the namespace of this component. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlComponentID Unique ID of the XML schema component in the database. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlNamespaceID ID of the XML namespace within the collection. [Column(\"xml_namespace_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlNamespaceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaFacet | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaFacet Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_facets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per facet (restriction) of an xml-type definition (corresponds to sys.xml_types). See sys.xml_schema_facets. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_facets\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaFacet Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaFacet Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties FacetID ID (1-based ordinal) of facet, unique within component-id. [Column(\"facet_id\")] [NotNull] public int FacetID { get; set; } Property Value int IsFixed 1 = Facet has a fixed, prespecified value. 0 = No fixed value. (default) [Column(\"is_fixed\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFixed { get; set; } Property Value bool Kind Kind of facet: LG = Length LN = Minimum Length LX = Maximum Length PT = Pattern (regular expression) EU = Enumeration IN = Minimum Inclusive value IX = Maximum Inclusive value EN = Minimum Exclusive value EX = Maximum Exclusive value DT = Total Digits DF = Fraction Digits WS = White Space normalization [Column(\"kind\")] [NotNull] public string Kind { get; set; } Property Value string KindDesc Description of kind of facet: LENGTH MINIMUM_LENGTH MAXIMUM_LENGTH PATTERN ENUMERATION MINIMUM_INCLUSIVE_VALUE MAXIMUM_INCLUSIVE_VALUE MINIMUM_EXCLUSIVE_VALUE MAXIMUM_EXCLUSIVE_VALUE TOTAL_DIGITS FRACTION_DIGITS WHITESPACE_NORMALIZATION [Column(\"kind_desc\")] [Nullable] public object? KindDesc { get; set; } Property Value object Value Fixed, pre-specified value of the facet. [Column(\"value\")] [Nullable] public object? Value { get; set; } Property Value object XmlComponentID ID of XML component (type) to which this facet belongs. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaModelGroup | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaModelGroup Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_model_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Model-Group, symbol_space of M.. See sys.xml_schema_model_groups. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_model_groups\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaModelGroup Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaModelGroup Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseXmlComponentID ID of the component from which this component is derived. NULL if there is none. [Column(\"base_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? BaseXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? Compositor Compositor kind of group: A = XSD <all> Group C = XSD <choice> Group S = XSD <sequence> Group [Column(\"compositor\")] [NotNull] public string Compositor { get; set; } Property Value string CompositorDesc Description of compositor kind of group: XSD_ALL_GROUP XSD_CHOICE_GROUP XSD_SEQUENCE_GROUP [Column(\"compositor_desc\")] [Nullable] public object? CompositorDesc { get; set; } Property Value object Derivation Derivation method for derived types: N = None (not derived) X = Extension R = Restriction S = Substitution [Column(\"derivation\")] [NotNull] public string Derivation { get; set; } Property Value string DerivationDesc Description of derivation method for derived types: NONE EXTENSION RESTRICTION SUBSTITUTION [Column(\"derivation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DerivationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsQualified 1 = This component has an explicit namespace qualifier. 0 = This is a locally scoped component. In this case, the pair, namespace_id, collection_id, refers to the 'no namespace' targetNamespace. For wildcard components this value will be equal to 1. [Column(\"is_qualified\")] [NotNull] public bool IsQualified { get; set; } Property Value bool Kind Kind of XML schema component. N = Any Type (special intrinsic component) Z = Any Simple Type (special intrinsic component) P = Primitive Type (intrinsic types) S = Simple Type L = List Type U = Union Type C = Complex Simple Type (derived from Simple) K = Complex Type E = Element M = Model-Group W = Element-Wildcard A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group V = Attribute-Wildcard [Column(\"kind\")] [NotNull] public string Kind { get; set; } Property Value string KindDesc Description of the kind of XML schema component: ANY_TYPE ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE PRIMITIVE_TYPE SIMPLE_TYPE LIST_TYPE UNION_TYPE COMPLEX_SIMPLE_TYPE COMPLEX_TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ELEMENT_WILDCARD ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD [Column(\"kind_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? KindDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Name Unique name of the XML schema component. Is NULL if the component is unnamed. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ScopingXmlComponentID Unique ID of the scoping component. NULL if there is none (global scope). [Column(\"scoping_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ScopingXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? SymbolSpace Space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: N = None T = Type E = Element M = Model-Group A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group [Column(\"symbol_space\")] [NotNull] public string SymbolSpace { get; set; } Property Value string SymbolSpaceDesc Description of space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: NONE TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP [Column(\"symbol_space_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SymbolSpaceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string XmlCollectionID ID of the XML schema collection that contains the namespace of this component. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlComponentID Unique ID of the XML schema component in the database. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlNamespaceID ID of the XML namespace within the collection. [Column(\"xml_namespace_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlNamespaceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaNamespace | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaNamespace Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_namespaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XSD-defined XML namespace. The following tuples are unique: collection_id, namespace_id, and collection_id, and name. See sys.xml_schema_namespaces. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_namespaces\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaNamespace Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaNamespace Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Name Name of XML namespace. Blank name indicates no target namespace. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string XmlCollectionID ID of the XML schema collection that contains this namespace. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlNamespaceID 1-based ordinal that uniquely identifies the XML namespace in the database. [Column(\"xml_namespace_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlNamespaceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaType Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Type, symbol_space of T. See sys.xml_schema_types. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_types\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaType Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaType Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties AllowsMixedContent 1 = Mixed content is allowed 0 = Mixed content is not allowed. (default) [Column(\"allows_mixed_content\")] [NotNull] public bool AllowsMixedContent { get; set; } Property Value bool BaseXmlComponentID ID of the component from which this component is derived. NULL if there is none. [Column(\"base_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? BaseXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? Derivation Derivation method for derived types: N = None (not derived) X = Extension R = Restriction S = Substitution [Column(\"derivation\")] [NotNull] public string Derivation { get; set; } Property Value string DerivationDesc Description of derivation method for derived types: NONE EXTENSION RESTRICTION SUBSTITUTION [Column(\"derivation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DerivationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string IsAbstract 1 = Type is an abstract type. All instances of an element of this type must use xsi:type to indicate a derived type that is not abstract. 0 = Type is not abstract. (default) [Column(\"is_abstract\")] [NotNull] public bool IsAbstract { get; set; } Property Value bool IsExtensionBlocked 1 = Replacement with an extension of the type is blocked in instances when the block attribute on the complexType definition or the blockDefault attribute of the ancestor <schema> element information item is set to 'extension' or '#all'. 0 =Replacement with extension is not blocked. [Column(\"is_extension_blocked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsExtensionBlocked { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFinalExtension 1 = Derivation by extension of the type is blocked when the final attribute on the complexType definition or the finalDefault attribute of the ancestor <schema> element information item is set to 'extension' or '#all'. 0 = Extension is allowed. (default) [Column(\"is_final_extension\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFinalExtension { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFinalListMember 1 = This simple type cannot be used as the item type in a list. 0 = This type is a complex type, or it can be used as list item type. (default) [Column(\"is_final_list_member\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFinalListMember { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFinalRestriction 1 = Derivation by restriction of the type is blocked when the final attribute on the simple or complexType definition or the finalDefault attribute of the ancestor <schema> element information item is set to 'restriction' or '#all'. 0 = Restriction is allowed. (default) [Column(\"is_final_restriction\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFinalRestriction { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFinalUnionMember 1 = This simple type cannot be used as the member type of a union type. 0 = This type is a complex type. or it can be used as union member type. (default) [Column(\"is_final_union_member\")] [NotNull] public bool IsFinalUnionMember { get; set; } Property Value bool IsQualified 1 = This component has an explicit namespace qualifier. 0 = This is a locally scoped component. In this case, the pair, namespace_id, collection_id, refers to the 'no namespace' targetNamespace. For wildcard components this value will be equal to 1. [Column(\"is_qualified\")] [NotNull] public bool IsQualified { get; set; } Property Value bool IsRestrictionBlocked 1 = Replacement with a restriction of the type is blocked in instances when the block attribute on the complexType definition or the blockDefault attribute of the ancestor <schema> element information item is set to 'restriction' or '#all'. 0 = Replacement with restriction is not blocked. (default) [Column(\"is_restriction_blocked\")] [NotNull] public bool IsRestrictionBlocked { get; set; } Property Value bool Kind Kind of XML schema component. N = Any Type (special intrinsic component) Z = Any Simple Type (special intrinsic component) P = Primitive Type (intrinsic types) S = Simple Type L = List Type U = Union Type C = Complex Simple Type (derived from Simple) K = Complex Type E = Element M = Model-Group W = Element-Wildcard A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group V = Attribute-Wildcard [Column(\"kind\")] [NotNull] public string Kind { get; set; } Property Value string KindDesc Description of the kind of XML schema component: ANY_TYPE ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE PRIMITIVE_TYPE SIMPLE_TYPE LIST_TYPE UNION_TYPE COMPLEX_SIMPLE_TYPE COMPLEX_TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ELEMENT_WILDCARD ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD [Column(\"kind_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? KindDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Name Unique name of the XML schema component. Is NULL if the component is unnamed. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ScopingXmlComponentID Unique ID of the scoping component. NULL if there is none (global scope). [Column(\"scoping_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ScopingXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? SymbolSpace Space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: N = None T = Type E = Element M = Model-Group A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group [Column(\"symbol_space\")] [NotNull] public string SymbolSpace { get; set; } Property Value string SymbolSpaceDesc Description of space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: NONE TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP [Column(\"symbol_space_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SymbolSpaceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string XmlCollectionID ID of the XML schema collection that contains the namespace of this component. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlComponentID Unique ID of the XML schema component in the database. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlNamespaceID ID of the XML namespace within the collection. [Column(\"xml_namespace_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlNamespaceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcard | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcard Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_wildcards (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is an Attribute-Wildcard (kind of V) or Element-Wildcard (kind of W), both with symbol_space of N. See sys.xml_schema_wildcards. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_wildcards\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcard Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcard Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties BaseXmlComponentID ID of the component from which this component is derived. NULL if there is none. [Column(\"base_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? BaseXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? Derivation Derivation method for derived types: N = None (not derived) X = Extension R = Restriction S = Substitution [Column(\"derivation\")] [NotNull] public string Derivation { get; set; } Property Value string DerivationDesc Description of derivation method for derived types: NONE EXTENSION RESTRICTION SUBSTITUTION [Column(\"derivation_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? DerivationDesc { get; set; } Property Value string DisallowNamespaces 0 = Namespaces enumerated in sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces are the only ones allowed. 1 = Namespaces are the only ones disallowed. [Column(\"disallow_namespaces\")] [NotNull] public bool DisallowNamespaces { get; set; } Property Value bool IsQualified 1 = This component has an explicit namespace qualifier. 0 = This is a locally scoped component. In this case, the pair, namespace_id, collection_id, refers to the 'no namespace' targetNamespace. For wildcard components this value will be equal to 1. [Column(\"is_qualified\")] [NotNull] public bool IsQualified { get; set; } Property Value bool Kind Kind of XML schema component. N = Any Type (special intrinsic component) Z = Any Simple Type (special intrinsic component) P = Primitive Type (intrinsic types) S = Simple Type L = List Type U = Union Type C = Complex Simple Type (derived from Simple) K = Complex Type E = Element M = Model-Group W = Element-Wildcard A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group V = Attribute-Wildcard [Column(\"kind\")] [NotNull] public string Kind { get; set; } Property Value string KindDesc Description of the kind of XML schema component: ANY_TYPE ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE PRIMITIVE_TYPE SIMPLE_TYPE LIST_TYPE UNION_TYPE COMPLEX_SIMPLE_TYPE COMPLEX_TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ELEMENT_WILDCARD ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP ATTRIBUTE_WILDCARD [Column(\"kind_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? KindDesc { get; set; } Property Value string Name Unique name of the XML schema component. Is NULL if the component is unnamed. [Column(\"name\")] [Nullable] public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ProcessContent Indicates how contents are processed. S = Strict validation (must validate) L = Lax validation (validate if possible) P = Skip validation [Column(\"process_content\")] [NotNull] public string ProcessContent { get; set; } Property Value string ProcessContentDesc Description of how contents are processed: STRICT_VALIDATION LAX_VALIDATION SKIP_VALIDATION [Column(\"process_content_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? ProcessContentDesc { get; set; } Property Value string ScopingXmlComponentID Unique ID of the scoping component. NULL if there is none (global scope). [Column(\"scoping_xml_component_id\")] [Nullable] public int? ScopingXmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int? SymbolSpace Space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: N = None T = Type E = Element M = Model-Group A = Attribute G = Attribute-Group [Column(\"symbol_space\")] [NotNull] public string SymbolSpace { get; set; } Property Value string SymbolSpaceDesc Description of space in which this symbol name is unique, based on kind: NONE TYPE ELEMENT MODEL_GROUP ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE_GROUP [Column(\"symbol_space_desc\")] [Nullable] public string? SymbolSpaceDesc { get; set; } Property Value string XmlCollectionID ID of the XML schema collection that contains the namespace of this component. [Column(\"xml_collection_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlCollectionID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlComponentID Unique ID of the XML schema component in the database. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int XmlNamespaceID ID of the XML namespace within the collection. [Column(\"xml_namespace_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlNamespaceID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcardNamespace | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcardNamespace Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per enumerated namespace for an XML schema wildcard. See sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces. [Table(Schema = \"sys\", Name = \"xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces\", IsView = true)] public class XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcardNamespace Inheritance object XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcardNamespace Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Namespace Name or URI of the namespace that is used by the XML wildcard. [Column(\"namespace\")] [NotNull] public string Namespace { get; set; } Property Value string XmlComponentID ID of the XML schema component (wildcard) to which this applies. [Column(\"xml_component_id\")] [NotNull] public int XmlComponentID { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class XmlSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class XmlSchema Inheritance object XmlSchema"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.DataProvider.SqlServer.Schemas Classes AvailabilitySchema AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityDatabasesCluster sys.availability_databases_cluster (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each availability database on the instance of SQL Server that is hosting an availability replica for any Always On availability group in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, regardless of whether the local copy database has been joined to the availability group yet. note When a database is added to an availability group, the primary database is automatically joined to the group. Secondary databases must be prepared on each secondary replica before they can be joined to the availability group. See sys.availability_databases_cluster. AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroup sys.availability_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each availability group for which the local instance of SQL Server hosts an availability replica. Each row contains a cached copy of the availability group metadata. See sys.availability_groups. AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListener sys.availability_group_listeners (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) For each Always On availability group, returns either zero rows indicating that no network name is associated with the availability group, or returns a row for each availability-group listener configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. This view displays the real-time configuration gathered from cluster. note This catalog view does not describe details of an IP configuration, that was defined in the WSFC cluster. See sys.availability_group_listeners. AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupListenerIpAddress sys.availability_group_listener_ip_addresses (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for every IP address that is associated with any Always On availability group listener in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. Primary key: listener_id + ip_address + ip_sub_mask See sys.availability_group_listener_ip_addresses. AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityGroupsCluster sys.availability_groups_cluster (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each Always On availability group in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) . Each row contains the availability group metadata from the WSFC cluster. See sys.availability_groups_cluster. AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReadOnlyRoutingList sys.availability_read_only_routing_lists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for the read only routing list of each availability replica in an Always On availability group in the WSFC failover cluster. See sys.availability_read_only_routing_lists. AvailabilitySchema.AvailabilityReplica sys.availability_replicas (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each of the availability replicas that belong to any Always On availability group in the WSFC failover cluster. If the local server instance is unable to talk to the WSFC failover cluster, for example because the cluster is down or quorum has been lost, only rows for local availability replicas are returned. These rows will contain only the columns of data that are cached locally in metadata. See sys.availability_replicas. AvailabilitySchema.DataContext AzureSQLDatabaseSchema AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.BandwidthUsage sys.bandwidth_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance note This applies only to Azure SQL DatabaseV11. Returns information about the network bandwidth used by each database in a Azure SQL Database V11 database server, . Each row returned for a given database summarizes a single direction and class of usage over a one-hour period. This has been deprecated in a Azure SQL Database. The sys.bandwidth_usage view contains the following columns. See sys.bandwidth_usage. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DataContext AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseConnectionStat sys.database_connection_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Contains statistics for SQL Database database connectivity events, providing an overview of database connection successes and failures. For more information about connectivity events, see Event Types in sys.event_log (Azure SQL Database). See sys.database_connection_stats. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseFirewallRule sys.database_firewall_rules (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns information about the database-level firewall settings associated with your Microsoft Azure SQL Database. Database-level firewall settings are particularly useful when using contained database users. For more information, see Contained Database Users - Making Your Database Portable. The sys.database_firewall_rules view contains the following columns: See sys.database_firewall_rules. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseServiceObjective sys.database_service_objectives (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the edition (service tier), service objective (pricing tier) and elastic pool name, if any, for an Azure SQL database or an Azure Synapse Analytics. If logged on to the master database in an Azure SQL Database server, returns information on all databases. For Azure Synapse Analytics, you must be connected to the master database. For information on pricing, see SQL Database options and performance: SQL Database Pricing and Azure Synapse Analytics Pricing. To change the service settings, see ALTER DATABASE (Azure SQL Database) and ALTER DATABASE (Azure Synapse Analytics). The sys.database_service_objectives view contains the following columns. See sys.database_service_objectives. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.DatabaseUsage sys.database_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Note: This applies only to Azure SQL Database V11. Lists the number, type, and duration of databases on the SQL Database server. The sys.database_usage view contains the following columns. See sys.database_usage. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ElasticPoolResourceStat sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns resource usage statistics for all the elastic pools in a SQL Database server. For each elastic pool, there is one row for each 15 second reporting window (four rows per minute). This includes CPU, IO, Log, storage consumption and concurrent request/session utilization by all databases in the pool. This data is retained for 14 days. || |-| |Applies to: SQL Database V12.| See sys.elastic_pool_resource_stats. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.EventLog sys.event_log (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Returns successful Azure SQL Database database connections, connection failures, and deadlocks. You can use this information to track or troubleshoot your database activity with SQL Database. > [!CAUTION] > For installations having a large number of databases or high numbers of logins, activity in sys.event_log can cause limitations in performance, high CPU usage, and possibly result in login failures. Queries of sys.event_log can contribute to the problem. Microsoft is working to resolve this issue. In the meantime, to reduce the impact of this issue, limit queries of sys.event_log. Users of the NewRelic SQL Server plugin should visit Microsoft Azure SQL Database plugin tuning & performance tweaks for additional configuration information. The sys.event_log view contains the following columns. See sys.event_log. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.FirewallRule sys.firewall_rules (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns information about the server-level firewall settings associated with your Microsoft Azure SQL Database. The sys.firewall_rules view contains the following columns: See sys.firewall_rules. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceStat sys.resource_stats (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Returns CPU usage and storage data for an Azure SQL Database. The data is collected and aggregated within five-minute intervals. For each user database, there is one row for every five-minute reporting window in which there is a change in resource consumption. The data returned includes CPU usage, storage size change, and database SKU modification. Idle databases with no changes may not have rows for every five-minute interval. Historical data is retained for approximately 14 days. The sys.resource_stats view has different definitions depending on the version of the Azure SQL Database Server that the database is associated with. Consider these differences and any modifications your application requires when upgrading to a new server version. note This dynamic management view applies to Azure SQL Database only. For an equivalent view for Azure SQL Managed Instance, use sys.server_resource_stats. The following table describes the columns available in a v12 server: See sys.resource_stats. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ResourceUsage sys.resource_usage (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance important This feature is in a preview state. Do not take a dependency on the specific implementation of this feature because the feature might be changed or removed in a future release. While in a preview state, the Azure SQL Database operations team might turn data collection off and on for this DMV: - When turned on, the DMV returns current data as it is aggregated. - When turned off, the DMV returns historical data, which might be stale. Provides hourly summary of resource usage data for user databases in the current server. Historical data is retained for 90 days. For each user database, there is one row for every hour in continuous fashion. Even if the database was idle during that hour, there is one row, and the usage_in_seconds value for that database will be 0. Storage usage and SKU information is rolled up for the hour appropriately. See sys.resource_usage. AzureSQLDatabaseSchema.ServerResourceStat sys.server_resource_stats (Azure SQL Managed Instance) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns CPU usage, IO, and storage data for Azure SQL Managed Instance. The data is collected, aggregated and updated within 5 to 10 minutes intervals. There is one row for every 15 seconds reporting. The data returned includes CPU usage, storage size, IO utilization, and SKU. Historical data is retained for approximately 14 days. The sys.server_resource_stats view has different definitions depending on the version of the Azure SQL Managed Instance that the database is associated with. Consider these differences and any modifications your application requires when upgrading to a new server version. note This dynamic management view applies to Azure SQL Managed Instance only. For an equivalent view for Azure SQL Database, use sys.resource_stats. See sys.server_resource_stats. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ColumnDistributionProperty sys.pdw_column_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds distribution information for columns. See sys.pdw_column_distribution_properties. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DataContext AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DatabaseMapping sys.pdw_database_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Maps the database_ids of databases to the physical name used on Compute nodes, and provides the principal id of the database owner on the system. Join sys.pdw_database_mappings to sys.databases and sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases. See sys.pdw_database_mappings. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEvent sys.pdw_diag_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about events that can be included in diagnostic sessions on the system. See sys.pdw_diag_events. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagEventProperty sys.pdw_diag_event_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about which properties are associated with diagnostic events. See sys.pdw_diag_event_properties. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.DiagSession sys.pdw_diag_sessions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information regarding the various diagnostic sessions that have been created on the system. See sys.pdw_diag_sessions. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.Distribution sys.pdw_distributions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds information about the distributions on the appliance. It lists one row per appliance distribution. See sys.pdw_distributions. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthAlert sys.pdw_health_alerts (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores properties for the different alerts that can occur on the system; this is a catalog table for alerts. See sys.pdw_health_alerts. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponent sys.pdw_health_components (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores information about all components and devices that exist in the system. These include hardware, storage devices, and network devices. See sys.pdw_health_components. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentGroup sys.pdw_health_component_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores information about logical groupings of components and devices. See sys.pdw_health_component_groups. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentProperty sys.pdw_health_component_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Stores properties that describe a device. Some properties show device status and some properties describe the device itself. See sys.pdw_health_component_properties. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.HealthComponentStatusMapping sys.pdw_health_component_status_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Defines the mapping between the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics component statuses and the manufacturer-defined component names. See sys.pdw_health_component_status_mappings. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.IndexMapping sys.pdw_index_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Maps the logical indexes to the physical name used on Compute nodes as reflected by a unique combination of object_id of the table holding the index and the index_id of a particular index within that table. See sys.pdw_index_mappings. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRun sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about ongoing and completed backup and restore operations in Azure Synapse Analytics, and about ongoing and completed backup, restore, and load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderBackupRunDetail sys.pdw_loader_backup_run_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains further detailed information, beyond the information in sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs (Transact-SQL), about ongoing and completed backup and restore operations in Azure Synapse Analytics and about ongoing and completed backup, restore, and load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_backup_run_details. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.LoaderRunStage sys.pdw_loader_run_stages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about ongoing and completed load operations in Analytics Platform System (PDW). The information persists across system restarts. See sys.pdw_loader_run_stages. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewColumnDistributionProperty sys.pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Displays distribution information for columns in a materialized view. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_column_distribution_properties. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewDistributionProperty sys.pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) (preview) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Displays distribution information materialized views. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_distribution_properties. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.MaterializedViewMapping sys.pdw_materialized_view_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Ties the materialized view to internal object names by object_id. The columns physical_name and object_id form the key for this catalog view. See sys.pdw_materialized_view_mappings. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumn sys.pdw_nodes_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows columns for user-defined tables and user-defined views. See sys.pdw_nodes_columns. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreDictionary sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_dictionaries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each dictionary used in columnstore indexes. Dictionaries are used to encode some, but not all data types, therefore not all columns in a columnstore index have dictionaries. A dictionary can exist as a primary dictionary (for all segments) and possibly for other secondary dictionaries used for a subset of the column's segments. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_dictionaries. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreRowGroup sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Provides clustered columnstore index information on a per-segment basis to help the administrator make system management decisions in Azure Synapse Analytics. sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups has a column for the total number of rows physically stored (including those marked as deleted) and a column for the number of rows marked as deleted. Use sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups to determine which row groups have a high percentage of deleted rows and should be rebuilt. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesColumnStoreSegment sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_segments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column in a columnstore index. See sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_segments. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesIndex sys.pdw_nodes_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns indexes for Azure Synapse Analytics. See sys.pdw_nodes_indexes. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPartition sys.pdw_nodes_partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition of all the tables, and most types of indexes in a Azure Synapse Analytics database. All tables and indexes contain at least one partition, whether or not they are explicitly partitioned. See sys.pdw_nodes_partitions. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesPhysicalDatabase sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each physical database on a compute node. Aggregate physical database information to get detailed information about databases. To combine information, join the sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases to the sys.pdw_database_mappings and sys.databases tables. See sys.pdw_nodes_pdw_physical_databases. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.NodesTable sys.pdw_nodes_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each table object that a principal either owns or on which the principal has been granted some permission. See sys.pdw_nodes_tables. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.PermanentTableMapping sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Ties permanent user tables to internal object names by object_id. note sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings holds mappings to permanent tables and does not include temporary or external table mappings. See sys.pdw_permanent_table_mappings. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.ReplicatedTableCacheState sys.pdw_replicated_table_cache_state (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the state of the cache associated with a replicated table by object_id. See sys.pdw_replicated_table_cache_state. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableDistributionProperty sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Holds distribution information for tables. See sys.pdw_table_distribution_properties. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.TableMapping sys.pdw_table_mappings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Ties user tables to internal object names by object_id. See sys.pdw_table_mappings. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifier sys.workload_management_workload_classifiers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns details for workload classifiers. See sys.workload-management-workload-classifiers. AzureSynapseAnalyticsSchema.WorkloadManagementWorkloadClassifierDetail sys.workload_management_workload_classifier_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns details for each classifier. See sys.workload-management-workload-classifier-details. CLRAssemblySchema CLRAssemblySchema.Assembly sys.assemblies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each assembly. See sys.assemblies. CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyFile sys.assembly_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each file that makes up an assembly. See sys.assembly_files. CLRAssemblySchema.AssemblyReference sys.assembly_references (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each pair of assemblies where one is directly referencing another. See sys.assembly_references. CLRAssemblySchema.DataContext CLRAssemblySchema.TrustedAssembly sys.trusted_assemblies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later Contains a row for each trusted assembly for the server. Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions See sys.trusted_assemblies. ChangeTrackingSchema ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingDatabase Change Tracking Catalog Views - sys.change_tracking_databases Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each database that has change tracking enabled. See sys.change_tracking_databases. ChangeTrackingSchema.ChangeTrackingTable Change Tracking Catalog Views - sys.change_tracking_tables Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table in the current database that has change tracking enabled. See sys.change_tracking_tables. ChangeTrackingSchema.DataContext CompatibilitySchema CompatibilitySchema.AltFile sys.sysaltfiles (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Under special circumstances, contains rows corresponding to the files in a database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysaltfiles. CompatibilitySchema.CacheObject sys.syscacheobjects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about how the cache is used. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscacheobjects. CompatibilitySchema.Charset sys.syscharsets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each character set and sort order defined for use by the SQL Server Database Engine. One of the sort orders is marked in sysconfigures as the default sort order. This is the only one actually being used. See sys.syscharsets. CompatibilitySchema.Column sys.syscolumns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for every column in every table and view, and a row for each parameter in a stored procedure in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscolumns. CompatibilitySchema.Comment sys.syscomments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains entries for each view, rule, default, trigger, CHECK constraint, DEFAULT constraint, and stored procedure within the database. The text column contains the original SQL definition statements. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. We recommend that you use sys.sql_modules instead. For more information, see sys.sql_modules (Transact-SQL). See sys.syscomments. CompatibilitySchema.Configure sys.sysconfigures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each configuration option set by a user. sysconfigures contains the configuration options that are defined before the most recent startup of SQL Server, plus any dynamic configuration options set since then. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysconfigures. CompatibilitySchema.Constraint sys.sysconstraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains mappings of constraints to the objects that own the constraints within the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysconstraints. CompatibilitySchema.CurConfig sys.syscurconfigs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains an entry for each current configuration option. Also, this view contains four entries that describe the configuration structure. syscurconfigs is built dynamically when queried by a user. For more information, see sys.sysconfigures (Transact-SQL). important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syscurconfigs. CompatibilitySchema.DataContext CompatibilitySchema.Database sys.sysdatabases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each database in an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. When SQL Server is first installed, sysdatabases contains entries for the master, model, msdb, and tempdb databases. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdatabases. CompatibilitySchema.Depend sys.sysdepends (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains dependency information between objects (views, procedures, and triggers) in the database, and the objects (tables, views, and procedures) that are contained in their definition. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdepends. CompatibilitySchema.Device sys.sysdevices (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each disk backup file, tape backup file, and database file. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysdevices. CompatibilitySchema.ETable sys.systypes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each system-supplied and each user-defined data type defined in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.systypes. CompatibilitySchema.File sys.sysfiles (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each file in a database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfiles. CompatibilitySchema.FileGroup sys.sysfilegroups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each file group in a database. There is at least one entry in this table that is for the primary file group. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfilegroups. CompatibilitySchema.ForeignKey sys.sysforeignkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the FOREIGN KEY constraints that are in the definitions of tables in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysforeignkeys. CompatibilitySchema.FullTextCatalog sys.sysfulltextcatalogs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains information about the full-text catalogs. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysfulltextcatalogs. CompatibilitySchema.Index sys.sysindexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each index and table in the current database. XML indexes are not supported in this view. Partitioned tables and indexes are not fully supported in this view; use the sys.indexes catalog view instead. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysindexes. CompatibilitySchema.IndexKey sys.sysindexkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the keys or columns in an index of the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysindexkeys. CompatibilitySchema.Language sys.syslanguages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each language present in the instance of SQL Server. See sys.syslanguages. CompatibilitySchema.LockInfo sys.syslockinfo (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about all granted, converting, and waiting lock requests. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. important This feature has changed from earlier versions of SQL Server. For more information, see Breaking Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2016. See sys.syslockinfo. CompatibilitySchema.Login sys.syslogins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each login account. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Applies to: SQL Server ( SQL Server 2008 through [current version](/troubleshoot/sql/general/determine-version-edition-update-level)). See sys.syslogins. CompatibilitySchema.Member sys.sysmembers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each member of a database role. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysmembers. CompatibilitySchema.Message sys.sysmessages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each system error or warning that can be returned by the SQL Server Database Engine. The Database Engine displays the error description on the user's screen. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysmessages. CompatibilitySchema.Object sys.sysobjects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each object that is created within a database, such as a constraint, default, log, rule, and stored procedure. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysobjects. CompatibilitySchema.OleDBUser sys.sysoledbusers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) important This SQL Server 2000 (8.x) system table is included in SQL Server as a view for backward compatibility only. We recommend that you use catalog views instead. Contains one row for each user and password mapping for the specified linked server. sysoledbusers is stored in the master database. See sys.sysoledbusers. CompatibilitySchema.PerfInfo sys.sysperfinfo (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine representation of the internal performance counters that can be displayed through the Windows System Monitor. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysperfinfo. CompatibilitySchema.Permission sys.syspermissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about permissions granted and denied to users, groups, and roles in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.syspermissions. CompatibilitySchema.Process sys.sysprocesses (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about processes that are running on an instance of SQL Server. These processes can be client processes or system processes. To access sysprocesses, you must be in the master database context, or you must use the master.dbo.sysprocesses three-part name. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysprocesses. CompatibilitySchema.Protect sys.sysprotects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about permissions that have been applied to security accounts in the database by using the GRANT and DENY statements. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysprotects. CompatibilitySchema.Reference sys.sysreferences (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains mappings of the FOREIGN KEY constraint definitions to the referenced columns within the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysreferences. CompatibilitySchema.RemoteLogin sys.sysremotelogins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each remote user that is permitted to call remote stored procedures on an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysremotelogins. CompatibilitySchema.Server sys.sysservers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each server that an instance of SQL Server can access as an OLE DB data source. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysservers. CompatibilitySchema.User sys.sysusers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each Microsoft Windows user, Windows group, Microsoft SQL Server user, or SQL Server role in the database. important This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. See sys.sysusers. DataCollectorSchema DataCollectorSchema.CollectionItem syscollector_collection_items (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns information about an item in a collection set. See dbo.syscollector_collection_items. DataCollectorSchema.CollectionSet syscollector_collection_sets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collection set, including schedule, collection mode, and its state. See dbo.syscollector_collection_sets. DataCollectorSchema.CollectorType syscollector_collector_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collector type for a collection item. See dbo.syscollector_collector_types. DataCollectorSchema.ConfigStore syscollector_config_store (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns properties that apply to the entire data collector, as opposed to a collection set instance. Each row in this view describes a specific data collector property, such as the name of the management data warehouse, and the instance name where the management data warehouse is located. See dbo.syscollector_config_store. DataCollectorSchema.DataContext DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLog syscollector_execution_log (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information from the execution log for a collection set or package. See dbo.syscollector_execution_log. DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionLogFull syscollector_execution_log_full (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about a collection set or package when the execution log is full. See dbo.syscollector_execution_log_full. DataCollectorSchema.ExecutionStat syscollector_execution_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides information about task execution for a collection set or package. See dbo.syscollector_execution_stats. DataSpacesSchema DataSpacesSchema.DataContext DataSpacesSchema.DataSpace sys.data_spaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each data space. This can be a filegroup, partition scheme, or FILESTREAM data filegroup. See sys.data_spaces. DataSpacesSchema.DestinationDataSpace sys.destination_data_spaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each data space destination of a partition scheme. See sys.destination_data_spaces. DataSpacesSchema.FileGroup sys.filegroups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each data space that is a filegroup. See sys.filegroups. DataSpacesSchema.PartitionScheme sys.partition_schemes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each Data Space that is a partition scheme, with type = PS. See sys.partition_schemes. DataTierApplicationsSchema DataTierApplicationsSchema.DataContext DataTierApplicationsSchema.Instance Data-tier Application Views - dbo.sysdac_instances Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each data-tier application (DAC) instance deployed to an instance of the Database Engine. sysdac_instances belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the sysdac_instances view. See dbo.sysdac_instances. DatabaseMailSchema DatabaseMailSchema.AllItem sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each message processed by Database Mail. Use this view when you want to see the status of all messages. To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_allitems. DatabaseMailSchema.DataContext DatabaseMailSchema.EventLog sysmail_event_log (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each Windows or SQL Server message returned by the Database Mail system. (Message in this context refers to a message such as an error message, not an e-mail message.) Configure the Logging Level parameter by using the Configure System Parameters dialog box of the Database Mail Configuration Wizard, or the sysmail_configure_sp stored procedure, to determine which messages are returned. See dbo.sysmail_event_log. DatabaseMailSchema.FailedItem sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each Database Mail message with the failed status. Use this view to determine which messages were not successfully sent. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). To view e-mail attachments, use sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_faileditems. DatabaseMailSchema.MailAttachment sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each attachment submitted to Database Mail. Use this view when you want information about Database Mail attachments. To review all e-mails processed by Database Mail use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_mailattachments. DatabaseMailSchema.SentItem sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each message sent by Database Mail. Use sysmail_sentitems when you want to see which messages were successfully sent. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent or retrying messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see e-mail attachments, use sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_sentitems. DatabaseMailSchema.UnsentItem sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains one row for each Database Mail message with the unsent or retrying status. Messages with unsent or retrying status are still in the mail queue and may be sent at any time. Messages can have the unsent status for the following reasons: - The message is new, and though the message has been placed on the mail queue, Database Mail is working on other messages and has not yet reached this message. - The Database Mail external program is not running and no mail is being sent. Messages can have the retrying status for the following reasons: - Database Mail has attempted to send the mail, but the SMTP mail server could not be contacted. Database Mail will continue to attempt to send the message using other Database Mail accounts assigned to the profile that sent the message. If no accounts can send the mail, Database Mail will wait for the length of time configured for the Account Retry Delay parameter and then attempt to send the message again. Database Mail uses the Account Retry Attempts parameter to determine how many times to attempt to send the message. Messages retain retrying status as long as Database Mail is attempting to send the message. Use this view when you want to see how many messages are waiting to be sent and how long they have been in the mail queue. Normally the number of unsent messages will be low. Conduct a benchmark test during normal operations to determine a reasonable number of messages in the message queue for your operations. To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages with the failed status, use sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). See dbo.sysmail_unsentitems. DatabaseMirroringSchema DatabaseMirroringSchema.DataContext DatabaseMirroringSchema.DatabaseMirroringWitness Database Mirroring Witness Catalog Views - sys.database_mirroring_witnesses Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for every witness role that a server plays in a database mirroring partnership. In a database mirroring session, automatic failover requires a witness server. Ideally, the witness resides on a separate computer from both the principal and mirror servers. The witness does not serve the database. Instead, it monitors the status of the principal and mirror servers. If the principal server fails, the witness may initiate automatic failover to the mirror server. See sys.database_mirroring_witnesses. DatabasesAndFilesSchema DatabasesAndFilesSchema.BackupDevice sys.backup_devices (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each backup-device registered by using sp_addumpdevice or created in SQL Server Management Studio. See sys.backup_devices. DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DataContext DatabasesAndFilesSchema.Database sys.databases (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row per database in the instance of SQL Server. If a database is not ONLINE, or AUTO_CLOSE is set to ON and the database is closed, the values of some columns may be NULL. If a database is OFFLINE, the corresponding row is not visible to low-privileged users. To see the corresponding row if the database is OFFLINE, a user must have at least the ALTER ANY DATABASE server-level permission, or the CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. See sys.databases. DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningMode sys.database\\_automatic\\_tuning_mode (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns the Automatic Tuning mode for this database. Refer to ALTER DATABASE SET AUTOMATIC_TUNING (Transact-SQL) for available options. See sys.database_automatic_tuning_mode. DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseAutomaticTuningOption sys.database\\_automatic\\_tuning_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns the Automatic Tuning options for this database. See sys.database_automatic_tuning_options. DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseFile sys.database_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per file of a database as stored in the database itself. This is a per-database view. See sys.database_files. DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseMirroring sys.database_mirroring (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each database in the instance of SQL Server. If the database is not ONLINE or database mirroring is not enabled, the values of all columns except database_id will be NULL. To see the row for a database other than master or tempdb, you must either be the database owner or have at least ALTER ANY DATABASE or VIEW ANY DATABASE server-level permission or CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. To see non-NULL values on a mirror database, you must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. note If a database does not participate in mirroring, all columns prefixed with 'mirroring_' are NULL. See sys.database_mirroring. DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseRecoveryStatus sys.database_recovery_status (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per database. If the database is not opened, the SQL Server Database Engine tries to start it. To see the row for a database other than master or tempdb, one of the following must apply: - Be the owner of the database. - Have ALTER ANY DATABASE or VIEW ANY DATABASE server-level permissions. - Have CREATE DATABASE permission in the master database. See sys.database_recovery_status. DatabasesAndFilesSchema.DatabaseScopedConfiguration sys.database_scoped_configurations (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server 2016 and later (Yes) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Contains one row per configuration. See sys.database_scoped_configurations. DatabasesAndFilesSchema.MasterFile sys.master_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per file of a database as stored in the master database. This is a single, system-wide view. See sys.master_files. EndpointsSchema EndpointsSchema.DataContext EndpointsSchema.DatabaseMirroringEndpoint sys.database_mirroring_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for the database mirroring endpoint of an instance of SQL Server. note The database mirroring endpoint supports both sessions between database mirroring partners and with witnesses and sessions between the primary replica of a Always On availability group and its secondary replicas. See sys.database_mirroring_endpoints. EndpointsSchema.Endpoint sys.endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per endpoint that is created in the system. There is always exactly one SYSTEM endpoint. See sys.endpoints. EndpointsSchema.EndpointWebMethod sys.endpoint_webmethods (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains a row FOR EACH SOAP method defined on a SOAP-enabled HTTP endpoint. The combination of the endpoint_id and namespace columns is unique. See sys.endpoint_webmethods. EndpointsSchema.HttpEndpoint sys.http_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains a row for each endpoint created in the server that uses the HTTP protocol. See sys.http_endpoints. EndpointsSchema.ServiceBrokerEndpoint sys.service_broker_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains one row for the Service Broker endpoint. For every row in this view, there is a corresponding row with the same endpoint_id in the sys.tcp_endpoints view that contains the TCP configuration metadata. TCP is the only allowed protocol for Service Broker. See sys.service_broker_endpoints. EndpointsSchema.SoapEndpoint sys.soap_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Contains one row for each endpoint in the server that carries a SOAP-type payload. For every row in this view, there is a corresponding row with the same endpoint_id in the sys.http_endpoints catalog view that carries the HTTP configuration metadata. See sys.soap_endpoints. EndpointsSchema.TcpEndpoint sys.tcp_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each TCP endpoint that is in the system. The endpoints that are described by sys.tcp_endpoints provide an object to grant and revoke the connection privilege. The information that is displayed regarding ports and IP addresses is not used to configure the protocols and may not match the actual protocol configuration. To view and configure protocols, use SQL Server Configuration Manager. See sys.tcp_endpoints. ExtendedEventsSchema ExtendedEventsSchema.DataContext ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSession sys.database_event_sessions (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Lists all the event session definitions that exist in the current database, in Azure SQL Database. note The similar catalog view named sys.server_event_sessions applies only to MicrosoftSQL Server. || |-| |Applies to: SQL Database, and to any later versions.| See sys.database_event_sessions. ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionAction sys.database_event_session_actions (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each action on each event of an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_actions. ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionEvent sys.database_event_session_events (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each event in an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_events. ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionField sys.database_event_session_fields (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each customizable column that was explicitly set on events and targets. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_fields. ExtendedEventsSchema.DatabaseEventSessionTarget sys.database_event_session_targets (Azure SQL Database) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each event target for an event session. || |-| |Applies to: Azure SQL Database V12 and any later versions.| See sys.database_event_session_targets. ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSession sys.server_event_sessions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Lists all the event session definitions that exist in SQL Server. See sys.server_event_sessions. ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionAction sys.server_event_session_actions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each action on each event of an event session. See sys.server_event_session_actions. ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionEvent sys.server_event_session_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event in an event session. See sys.server_event_session_events. ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionField sys.server_event_session_fields (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each customizable column that was explicitly set on events and targets. See sys.server_event_session_fields. ExtendedEventsSchema.ServerEventSessionTarget sys.server_event_session_targets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event target for an event session. See sys.server_event_session_targets. ExternalOperationsSchema ExternalOperationsSchema.DataContext ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalDataSource sys.external_data_sources (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external data source in the current database for SQL Server, SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Contains a row for each external data source on the server for Analytics Platform System (PDW). See sys.external_data_sources. ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalFileFormat sys.external_file_formats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external file format in the current database for SQL Server, SQL Database, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Contains a row for each external file format on the server for Analytics Platform System (PDW). See sys.external_file_formats. ExternalOperationsSchema.ExternalTable sys.external_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each external table in the current database. See sys.external_tables. FilestreamAndFileTableSchema FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DataContext FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.DatabaseFilestreamOption sys.database_filestream_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays information about the level of non-transactional access to FILESTREAM data in FileTables that is enabled. Contains one row for each database in the SQL Server instance. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.database_filestream_options. FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTable sys.filetables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each FileTable in SQL Server. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.filetables. FilestreamAndFileTableSchema.FileTableSystemDefinedObject sys.filetable_system_defined_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays a list of the system-defined objects that are related to FileTables. Contains one row for each system-defined object. When you create a FileTable, related objects such as constraints and indexes are created at the same time. You cannot alter or drop these objects; they disappear only when the FileTable itself is dropped. For more information about FileTables, see FileTables (SQL Server). See sys.filetable_system_defined_objects. FullTextSearchSchema FullTextSearchSchema.Catalog sys.fulltext_catalogs (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each full-text catalog. note The following columns will be removed in a future release of SQL Server: data_space_id, file_id, and path. Do not use these columns in new development work, and modify applications that currently use any of these columns as soon as possible. See sys.fulltext_catalogs. FullTextSearchSchema.DataContext FullTextSearchSchema.DocumentType sys.fulltext_document_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each document type that is available for full-text indexing operations. Each row represents the IFilter interface that is registered in the instance of SQL Server. See sys.fulltext_document_types. FullTextSearchSchema.Index sys.fulltext_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per full-text index of a tabular object. See sys.fulltext_indexes. FullTextSearchSchema.IndexCatalogUsage sys.fulltext_index_catalog_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each full-text catalog to full-text index reference. See sys.fulltext_index_catalog_usages. FullTextSearchSchema.IndexColumn sys.fulltext_index_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each column that is part of a full-text index. See sys.fulltext_index_columns. FullTextSearchSchema.IndexFragment sys.fulltext_index_fragments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database A fulltext index uses internal tables called *full-text index fragments* to store the inverted index data. This view can be used to query the metadata about these fragments. This view contains a row for each full-text index fragment in every table that contains a full-text index. See sys.fulltext_index_fragments. FullTextSearchSchema.Language sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database This catalog view contains one row per language whose word breakers are registered with SQL Server. Each row displays the LCID and name of the language. When word breakers are registered for a language, its other linguistic resources-stemmers, noise words (stopwords), and thesaurus files-become available to full-text indexing/querying operations. The value of name or lcid can be specified in the full-text queries and full-text index Transact\\-SQL statements. See sys.fulltext_languages. FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchProperty sys.registered_search_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each search property contained by any search property list on the current database. See sys.registered_search_properties. FullTextSearchSchema.RegisteredSearchPropertyList sys.registered_search_property_lists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each search property list on the current database. See sys.registered_search_property_lists. FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguage sys.fulltext_semantic_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each language whose statistics model is registered with the instance of SQL Server. When a language model is registered, that language is enabled for semantic indexing. This catalog view is similar to sys.fulltext_languages (Transact-SQL). See sys.fulltext_semantic_languages. FullTextSearchSchema.SemanticLanguageStatisticsDatabase sys.fulltext_semantic_language_statistics_database (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row about the semantic language statistics database installed on the current instance of SQL Server. You can query this view to find out about the semantic language statistics component required for semantic processing. See sys.fulltext_semantic_language_statistics_database. FullTextSearchSchema.StopWord sys.fulltext_stopwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per stopword for all stoplists in the database. See sys.fulltext_stopwords. FullTextSearchSchema.Stoplist sys.fulltext_stoplists (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per full-text stoplist in the database. See sys.fulltext_stoplists. FullTextSearchSchema.SystemStopWord sys.fulltext_system_stopwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Provides access to the system stoplist. See sys.fulltext_system_stopwords. InformationSchema InformationSchema.CheckConstraint CHECK_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each CHECK constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS. InformationSchema.Column COLUMNS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each column that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA_.view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS. InformationSchema.ColumnDomainUsage COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column in the current database that has an alias data type. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE. InformationSchema.ColumnPrivilege COLUMN_PRIVILEGES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column that has a privilege that is either granted to or granted by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES. InformationSchema.ConstraintColumnUsage CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column in the current database that has a constraint defined on the column. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE. InformationSchema.ConstraintTableUsage CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table in the current database that has a constraint defined on the table. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE. InformationSchema.DataContext InformationSchema.Domain DOMAINS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each alias data type that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAINS. InformationSchema.DomainConstraint DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each alias data type in the current database that has a rule bound to it and that can be accessed by current user. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS. InformationSchema.KeyColumnUsage KEY_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column that is constrained as a key in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE. InformationSchema.Parameter PARAMETERS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each parameter of a user-defined function or stored procedure that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. For functions, this view also returns one row with return value information. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARAMETERS. InformationSchema.ReferentialConstraint REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each FOREIGN KEY constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS. InformationSchema.Routine ROUTINES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each stored procedure and function that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. The columns that describe the return value apply only to functions. For stored procedures, these columns will be NULL. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.*view_name*. note The ROUTINE_DEFINITION column contains the source statements that created the function or stored procedure. These source statements are likely to contain embedded carriage returns. If you are returning this column to an application that displays the results in a text format, the embedded carriage returns in the ROUTINE_DEFINITION results may affect the formatting of the overall result set. If you select the ROUTINE_DEFINITION column, you must adjust for the embedded carriage returns; for example, by returning the result set into a grid or returning ROUTINE_DEFINITION into its own text box. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES. InformationSchema.RoutineColumn ROUTINE_COLUMNS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each column returned by the table-valued functions that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from this view, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINE_COLUMNS. InformationSchema.Schema SCHEMATA (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each schema in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. To retrieve information about all databases in an instance of SQL Server, query the sys.databases (Transact-SQL) catalog view. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA. InformationSchema.Table TABLES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each table or view in the current database for which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES. InformationSchema.TableConstraint TABLE_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table constraint in the current database. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS. InformationSchema.TablePrivilege TABLE_PRIVILEGES (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each table privilege that is granted to or granted by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_PRIVILEGES. InformationSchema.View VIEWS (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for views that can be accessed by the current user in the current database. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS. InformationSchema.ViewColumnUsage VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each column in the current database that is used in a view definition. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE. InformationSchema.ViewTableUsage VIEW_TABLE_USAGE (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each table in the current database that is used in a view. This information schema view returns information about the objects to which the current user has permissions. To retrieve information from these views, specify the fully qualified name of INFORMATION_SCHEMA._view_name_. See INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_TABLE_USAGE. LinkedServersSchema LinkedServersSchema.DataContext LinkedServersSchema.LinkedLogin sys.linked_logins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per linked-server-login mapping, for use by RPC and distributed queries from local server to the corresponding linked server. See sys.linked_logins. LinkedServersSchema.RemoteLogin sys.remote_logins (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per remote-login mapping. This catalog view is used to map incoming local logins that claim to be coming from a corresponding server to an actual local login. See sys.remote_logins. LinkedServersSchema.Server sys.servers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains a row per linked or remote server registered, and a row for the local server that has server_id = 0. See sys.servers. ObjectSchema ObjectSchema.AllColumn sys.all_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the union of all columns belonging to user-defined objects and system objects. See sys.all_columns. ObjectSchema.AllObject sys.all_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the UNION of all schema-scoped user-defined objects and system objects. See sys.all_objects. ObjectSchema.AllParameter sys.all_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the union of all parameters that belong to user-defined or system objects. See sys.all_parameters. ObjectSchema.AllSqlModule sys.all_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns the union of sys.sql_modules and sys.system_sql_modules. The view returns a row for each natively compiled, scalar user-defined function. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. See sys.all_sql_modules. ObjectSchema.AllView sys.all_views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Shows the UNION of all user-defined and system views. See sys.all_views. ObjectSchema.AllocationUnit sys.allocation_units (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each allocation unit in the database. See sys.allocation_units. ObjectSchema.AssemblyModule sys.assembly_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each function, procedure or trigger that is defined by a common language runtime (CLR) assembly. This catalog view maps CLR stored procedures, CLR triggers, or CLR functions to their underlying implementation. Objects of type TA, AF, PC, FS, and FT have an associated assembly module. To find the association between the object and the assembly, you can join this catalog view to other catalog views. For example, when you create a CLR stored procedure, it is represented by one row in sys.objects, one row in sys.procedures (which inherits from sys.objects), and one row in sys.assembly_modules. The stored procedure itself is represented by the metadata in sys.objects and sys.procedures. References to the procedure's underlying CLR implementation are found in sys.assembly_modules. See sys.assembly_modules. ObjectSchema.CheckConstraint sys.check_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each object that is a CHECK constraint, with sys.objects.type = 'C'. See sys.check_constraints. ObjectSchema.Column sys.columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each column of an object that has columns, such as views or tables. The following is a list of object types that have columns: - Table-valued assembly functions (FT) - Inline table-valued SQL functions (IF) - Internal tables (IT) - System tables (S) - Table-valued SQL functions (TF) - User tables (U) - Views (V) See sys.columns. ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreDictionary sys.column_store_dictionaries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each dictionary used in xVelocity memory optimized columnstore indexes. Dictionaries are used to encode some, but not all data types, therefore not all columns in a columnstore index have dictionaries. A dictionary can exist as a primary dictionary (for all segments) and possibly for other secondary dictionaries used for a subset of the column's segments. See sys.column_store_dictionaries. ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreRowGroup sys.column_store_row_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Provides clustered columnstore index information on a per-segment basis to help the administrator make system management decisions. sys.column_store_row_groups has a column for the total number of rows physically stored (including those marked as deleted) and a column for the number of rows marked as deleted. Use sys.column_store_row_groups to determine which row groups have a high percentage of deleted rows and should be rebuilt. See sys.column_store_row_groups. ObjectSchema.ColumnStoreSegment sys.column_store_segments (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each column segment in a columnstore index. There is one column segment per column per rowgroup. For example, a table with 10 rowgroups and 34 columns returns 340 rows. See sys.column_store_segments. ObjectSchema.ComputedColumn sys.computed_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column found in sys.columns that is a computed-column. See sys.computed_columns. ObjectSchema.DataContext ObjectSchema.DefaultConstraint sys.default_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a default definition (created as part of a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement instead of a CREATE DEFAULT statement), with sys.objects.type = D. See sys.default_constraints. ObjectSchema.Event (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each event for which a trigger or event notification fires. These events represent the event types that are specified when the trigger or event notification is created by using CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE EVENT NOTIFICATION. See ObjectSchema.EventNotification sys.event_notifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each object that is an event notification, with sys.objects.type = EN. See sys.event_notifications. ObjectSchema.EventNotificationEventType sys.event_notification_event_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each event or event group on which an event notification can fire. See sys.event_notification_event_types. ObjectSchema.ExtendedProcedure sys.extended_procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each object that is an extended stored procedure, with sys.objects.type = X. Because extended stored procedures are installed into the master database, they are only visible from that database context. Selecting from the sys.extended_procedures view in any other database context will return an empty result set. See sys.extended_procedures. ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguage sys.external_languages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2019 (15.x) This catalog view provides a list of the external languages in the database. R and Python are reserved names and no external language can be created with those specific names. ## sys.external_languages The catalog view sys.external_languages lists a row for each external language in the database. See sys.external_languages. ObjectSchema.ExternalLanguageFile sys.external_language_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2019 (15.x) This catalog view provides a list of the external language extension files in the database. R and Python are reserved names and no external language can be created with those specific names. When an external language is created from a file_spec, the extension itself and its properties are listed in this view. This view will contain one entry per language, per OS. ## sys.external_language_files The catalog view sys.external_language_files lists a row for each external language extension in the database. Parameters See sys.external_language_files. ObjectSchema.ExternalLibrary sys.external_libraries (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Supports the management of package libraries related to external runtimes such as R, Python, and Java. note In SQL Server 2017, R language and Windows platform are supported. R, Python, and Java on the Windows and Linux platforms are supported in SQL Server 2019 and later. On Azure SQL Managed Instance, R and Python are supported. ## sys.external_libraries The catalog view sys.external_libraries lists a row for each external library that has been uploaded into the database. See sys.external_libraries. ObjectSchema.ExternalLibraryFile sys.external_library_files (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Lists a row for each file that makes up an external library. See sys.external_library_files. ObjectSchema.ForeignKey sys.foreign_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per object that is a FOREIGN KEY constraint, with sys.object.type = F. See sys.foreign_keys. ObjectSchema.ForeignKeyColumn sys.foreign_key_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column, or set of columns, that comprise a foreign key. See sys.foreign_key_columns. ObjectSchema.FunctionOrderColumn sys.function_order_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row per column that is a part of an ORDER expression of a common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function. See sys.function_order_columns. ObjectSchema.HashIndex sys.hash_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Shows the current hash indexes and the hash index properties. Hash indexes are supported only on In-Memory OLTP (In-Memory Optimization). The sys.hash_indexes view contains the same columns as the sys.indexes view and an additional column named bucket_count. For more information about the other columns in the sys.hash_indexes view, see sys.indexes (Transact-SQL). See sys.hash_indexes. ObjectSchema.IdentityColumn sys.identity_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column that is an identity column. The sys.identity_columns view inherits rows from the sys.columns view. The sys.identity_columns view returns the columns in the sys.columns view, plus the seed_value, increment_value, last_value, and is_not_for_replication columns. For more information, see Catalog Views (Transact-SQL). See sys.identity_columns. ObjectSchema.Index sys.indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row per index or heap of a tabular object, such as a table, view, or table-valued function. See sys.indexes. ObjectSchema.IndexColumn sys.index_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row per column that is part of a sys.indexes index or unordered table (heap). See sys.index_columns. ObjectSchema.IndexResumableOperation sys.index_resumable_operations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database sys.index_resumable_operations is a system view that monitors and checks the current execution status for resumable Index rebuild or creation. Applies to: SQL Server (2017 and newer), and Azure SQL Database See sys.index_resumable_operations. ObjectSchema.InternalPartition sys.internal_partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns one row for each rowset that tracks internal data for columnstore indexes on disk-based tables. These rowsets are internal to columnstore indexes and track deleted rows, rowgroup mappings, and delta store rowgroups. They track data for each for each table partition; every table has at least one partition. SQL Server re-creates the rowsets each time it rebuilds the columnstore index. See sys.internal_partitions. ObjectSchema.InternalTable sys.internal_tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each object that is an internal table. Internal tables are automatically generated by SQL Server to support various features. For example, when you create a primary XML index, SQL Server automatically creates an internal table to persist the shredded XML document data. Internal tables appear in the sys schema of every database and have unique, system-generated names that indicate their function, for example, xml_index_nodes_2021582240_32001 or queue_messages_1977058079 Internal tables do not contain user-accessible data, and their schema are fixed and unalterable. You cannot reference internal table names in Transact\\-SQL statements. For example, you cannot execute a statement such as SELECT \\* FROM *\\<sys.internal_table_name>*. However, you can query catalog views to see the metadata of internal tables. See sys.internal_tables. ObjectSchema.KeyConstraint sys.key_constraints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a primary key or unique constraint. Includes sys.objects.type PK and UQ. See sys.key_constraints. ObjectSchema.MaskedColumn sys.masked_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Use the sys.masked_columns view to query for table-columns that have a dynamic data masking function applied to them. This view inherits from the sys.columns view. It returns all columns in the sys.columns view, plus the is_masked and masking_function columns, indicating if the column is masked, and if so, what masking function is defined. This view only shows the columns on which there is a masking function applied. See sys.masked_columns. ObjectSchema.MemoryOptimizedTablesInternalAttribute sys.memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains a row for each internal memory-optimized table used for storing user memory-optimized tables. Each user table corresponds to one or more internal tables. A single table is used for the core data storage. Additional internal tables are used to support features such as temporal, columnstore index and off-row (LOB) storage for memory-optimized tables. See sys.memory_optimized_tables_internal_attributes. ObjectSchema.ModuleAssemblyUsage sys.module_assembly_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each module-to-assembly reference. See sys.module_assembly_usages. ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedure sys.numbered_procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each SQL Server stored procedure that was created as a numbered procedure. This does not show a row for the base (number = 1) stored procedure. Entries for the base stored procedures can be found in views such as sys.objects and sys.procedures. important Numbered procedures are deprecated. Use of numbered procedures is discouraged. A DEPRECATION_ANNOUNCEMENT event is fired when a query that uses this catalog view is compiled. See sys.numbered_procedures. ObjectSchema.NumberedProcedureParameter sys.numbered_procedure_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each parameter of a numbered procedure. When you create a numbered stored procedure, the base procedure is number 1. All subsequent procedures have numbers 2, 3, and so forth. sys.numbered_procedure_parameters contains the parameter definitions for all subsequent procedures, numbered 2 and greater. This view does not show parameters for the base stored procedure (number = 1). The base stored procedure is similar to a nonnumbered stored procedure. Therefore, its parameters are represented in sys.parameters (Transact-SQL). important Numbered procedures are deprecated. Use of numbered procedures is discouraged. A DEPRECATION_ANNOUNCEMENT event is fired when a query that uses this catalog view is compiled. note XML and CLR parameters are not supported for numbered procedures. See sys.numbered_procedure_parameters. ObjectSchema.Object sys.objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each user-defined, schema-scoped object that is created within a database, including natively compiled scalar user-defined function. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. note sys.objects does not show DDL triggers, because they are not schema-scoped. All triggers, both DML and DDL, are found in sys.triggers. sys.triggers supports a mixture of name-scoping rules for the various kinds of triggers. See sys.objects. ObjectSchema.Parameter sys.parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each parameter of an object that accepts parameters. If the object is a scalar function, there is also a single row describing the return value. That row will have a parameter_id value of 0. See sys.parameters. ObjectSchema.Partition sys.partitions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition of all the tables and most types of indexes in the database. Special index types such as Full-Text, Spatial, and XML are not included in this view. All tables and indexes in SQL Server contain at least one partition, whether or not they are explicitly partitioned. See sys.partitions. ObjectSchema.Period sys.periods (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Returns a row for each table for which periods have been defined. See sys.periods. ObjectSchema.PlanGuide sys.plan_guides (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each plan guide in the database. See sys.plan_guides. ObjectSchema.Procedure sys.procedures (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each object that is a procedure of some kind, with sys.objects.type = P, X, RF, and PC. See sys.procedures. ObjectSchema.Sequence sys.sequences (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each sequence object in a database. See sys.sequences. ObjectSchema.ServerAssemblyModule sys.server_assembly_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each assembly module for the server-level triggers of type TA. This view maps assembly triggers to the underlying CLR implementation. You can join this relation to sys.server_triggers. The assembly must be loaded into the master database. The tuple (object_id) is the key for the relation. See sys.server_assembly_modules. ObjectSchema.ServerEvent sys.server_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each event for which a server-level event-notification or server-level DDL trigger fires. The columns object_id and type uniquely identify the server event. See sys.server_events. ObjectSchema.ServerEventNotification sys.server_event_notifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each server-level event notification object. See sys.server_event_notifications. ObjectSchema.ServerSqlModule sys.server_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains the set of SQL modules for server-level triggers of type TR. You can join this relation to sys.server_triggers. The tuple (object_id) is the key of the relation. See sys.server_sql_modules. ObjectSchema.ServerTrigger sys.server_triggers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains the set of all server-level DDL triggers with object_type of TR or TA. In the case of CLR triggers, the assembly must be loaded into the master database. All server-level DDL trigger names exist in a single, global scope. See sys.server_triggers. ObjectSchema.ServerTriggerEvent sys.server_trigger_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each event for which a server-level (synchronous) trigger fires. See sys.server_trigger_events. ObjectSchema.SqlDependency sys.sql_dependencies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each dependency on a referenced entity as referenced in the Transact\\-SQL expression or statements that define some other referencing object. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use sys.sql_expression_dependencies instead. See sys.sql_dependencies. ObjectSchema.SqlExpressionDependency sys.sql_expression_dependencies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each by-name dependency on a user-defined entity in the current database. This includes dependences between natively compiled, scalar user-defined functions and other SQL Server modules. A dependency between two entities is created when one entity, called the *referenced entity*, appears by name in a persisted SQL expression of another entity, called the *referencing entity*. For example, when a table is referenced in the definition of a view, the view, as the referencing entity, depends on the table, the referenced entity. If the table is dropped, the view is unusable. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. You can use this catalog view to report dependency information for the following entities: - Schema-bound entities. - Non-schema-bound entities. - Cross-database and cross-server entities. Entity names are reported; however, entity IDs are not resolved. - Column-level dependencies on schema-bound entities. Column-level dependencies for non-schema-bound objects can be returned by using sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities. - Server-level DDL triggers when in the context of the master database. See sys.sql_expression_dependencies. ObjectSchema.SqlModule sys.sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each object that is an SQL language-defined module in SQL Server, including natively compiled scalar user-defined function. Objects of type P, RF, V, TR, FN, IF, TF, and R have an associated SQL module. Stand-alone defaults, objects of type D, also have an SQL module definition in this view. For a description of these types, see the type column in the sys.objects catalog view. For more information, see Scalar User-Defined Functions for In-Memory OLTP. See sys.sql_modules. ObjectSchema.Stat sys.stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each statistics object that exists for the tables, indexes, and indexed views in the database in SQL Server. Every index will have a corresponding statistics row with the same name and ID (index_id = stats_id), but not every statistics row has a corresponding index. The catalog view sys.stats_columns provides statistics information for each column in the database. For more information about statistics, see Statistics. See sys.stats. ObjectSchema.StatsColumn sys.stats_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column that is part of sys.stats statistics. See sys.stats_columns. ObjectSchema.Synonym sys.synonyms (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each synonym object that is sys.objects.type = SN. See sys.synonyms. ObjectSchema.SystemColumn sys.system_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each column of system objects that have columns. See sys.system_columns. ObjectSchema.SystemObject sys.system_objects (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for all schema-scoped system objects that are included with Microsoft SQL Server. All system objects are contained in the schemas named sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See sys.system_objects. ObjectSchema.SystemParameter sys.system_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains one row for each system object that has parameters. See sys.system_parameters. ObjectSchema.SystemSqlModule sys.system_sql_modules (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row per system object that contains an SQL language-defined module. System objects of type FN, IF, P, PC, TF, V have an associated SQL module. To identify the containing object, you can join this view to sys.system_objects. See sys.system_sql_modules. ObjectSchema.SystemView sys.system_views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each system view that is shipped with SQL Server. All system views are contained in the schemas named sys or INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See sys.system_views. ObjectSchema.Table sys.tables (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each user table in SQL Server. See sys.tables. ObjectSchema.TableType sys.table_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Displays properties of user-defined table types in SQL Server. A table type is a type from which table variables or table-valued parameters could be declared. Each table type has a type_table_object_id that is a foreign key into the sys.objects catalog view. You can use this ID column to query various catalog views, in a way that is similar to an object_id column of a regular table, to discover the structure of the table type such as its columns and constraints. See sys.table_types. ObjectSchema.Trigger sys.triggers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row for each object that is a trigger, with a type of TR or TA. DML trigger names are schema-scoped and, therefore, are visible in sys.objects. DDL trigger names are scoped by the parent entity and are only visible in this view. The parent_class and name columns uniquely identify the trigger in the database. See sys.triggers. ObjectSchema.TriggerEvent sys.trigger_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Contains a row per event for which a trigger fires. note sys.trigger_events does not apply to event notifications. See sys.trigger_events. ObjectSchema.TriggerEventType sys.trigger_event_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each event or event group on which a trigger can fire. See sys.trigger_event_types. ObjectSchema.View sys.views (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each view object, with sys.objects.type = V. See sys.views. PartitionFunctionSchema PartitionFunctionSchema.DataContext PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionFunction sys.partition_functions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each partition function in SQL Server. See sys.partition_functions. PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionParameter sys.partition_parameters (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each parameter of a partition function. See sys.partition_parameters. PartitionFunctionSchema.PartitionRangeValue sys.partition_range_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each range boundary value of a partition function of type R. See sys.partition_range_values. PolicyBasedManagementSchema PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Condition syspolicy_conditions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management condition in the instance of SQL Server. syspolicy_conditions belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_conditions view. See dbo.syspolicy_conditions. PolicyBasedManagementSchema.DataContext PolicyBasedManagementSchema.Policy syspolicy_policies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy in the instance of SQL Server. syspolicy_policies belongs to the dbo schema in the msdb database. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policies view. See dbo.syspolicy_policies. PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategory syspolicy_policy_categories (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy category in the instance of SQL Server. Policy categories help you organize policies when you have many policies. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_groups view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_categories. PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyCategorySubscription syspolicy_policy_category_subscriptions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management subscription in the instance of SQL Server. Each row describes a target and policy category pair. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_group_subscriptions view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_category_subscriptions. PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistory syspolicy_policy_execution_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays the time when policies were executed, the result of each execution, and details about errors if any occurred. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_policy_execution_history view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history. PolicyBasedManagementSchema.PolicyExecutionHistoryDetail syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays the condition expressions that were executed, the targets of the expressions, the result of each execution, and details about errors if any occurred. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_execution_history_details view. See dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details. PolicyBasedManagementSchema.SystemHealthState syspolicy_system_health_state (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Displays one row for each Policy-Based Management policy and target query expression combination. Use the syspolicy_system_health_state view to programmatically check the policy health of the server. The following table describes the columns in the syspolicy_system_health_state view. See dbo.syspolicy_system_health_state. QueryStoreSchema QueryStoreSchema.DataContext QueryStoreSchema.DatabaseQueryStoreOption sys.database_query_store_options (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns the Query Store options for this database. Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later), SQL Database. See sys.database_query_store_options. QueryStoreSchema.QueryContextSetting sys.query_context_settings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the semantics affecting context settings associated with a query. There are a number of context settings available in SQL Server that influence the query semantics (defining the correct result of the query). The same query text compiled under different settings may produce different results (depending on the underlying data). See sys.query_context_settings. QueryStoreSchema.QueryStorePlan sys.query_store_plan (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about each execution plan associated with a query. See sys.query_store_plan. QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQuery sys.query_store_query (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the query and its associated overall aggregated runtime execution statistics. See sys.query_store_query. QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryHint sys.query_store_query_hints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Contains query hints from the Query Store hints (Preview) feature. See sys.query_store_query_hints. QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreQueryText sys.query_store_query_text (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains the Transact\\-SQL text and the SQL handle of the query. See sys.query_store_query_text. QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStat sys.query_store_runtime_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the runtime execution statistics information for the query. See sys.query_store_runtime_stats. QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreRuntimeStatsInterval sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Contains information about the start and end time of each interval over which runtime execution statistics information for a query has been collected. See sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval. QueryStoreSchema.QueryStoreWaitStat sys.query_store_wait_stats (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database Contains information about the wait information for the query. See sys.query_store_wait_stats. ResourceGovernorSchema ResourceGovernorSchema.Configuration sys.resource_governor_configuration (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored Resource Governor state. See sys.resource_governor_configuration. ResourceGovernorSchema.DataContext ResourceGovernorSchema.ExternalResourcePool sys.resource_governor_external_resource_pools (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) R Services (In-Database) and SQL Server 2017 (14.x) Machine Learning Services Returns the stored external resource pool configuration in SQL Server. Each row of the view determines the configuration of a pool. See sys.resource_governor_external_resource_pools. ResourceGovernorSchema.ResourcePool sys.resource_governor_resource_pools (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored resource pool configuration in SQL Server. Each row of the view determines the configuration of a pool. See sys.resource_governor_resource_pools. ResourceGovernorSchema.WorkloadGroup sys.resource_governor_workload_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns the stored workload group configuration in SQL Server. Each workload group can subscribe to one and only one resource pool. See sys.resource_governor_workload_groups. ScalarTypesSchema ScalarTypesSchema.AssemblyType sys.assembly_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each user-defined type that is defined by a CLR assembly. The following sys.assembly_types appear in the list of inherited columns (see sys.types (Transact-SQL)) after rule_object_id. See sys.assembly_types. ScalarTypesSchema.ColumnTypeUsage sys.column_type_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each column that is of user-defined type. See sys.column_type_usages. ScalarTypesSchema.DataContext ScalarTypesSchema.ParameterTypeUsage sys.parameter_type_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each parameter that is of user-defined type. note This view does not return rows for parameters of numbered procedures. See sys.parameter_type_usages. ScalarTypesSchema.Type sys.types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for each system and user-defined type. See sys.types. ScalarTypesSchema.TypeAssemblyUsage sys.type_assembly_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row per type to assembly reference. See sys.type_assembly_usages. SecuritySchema SecuritySchema.AsymmetricKey sys.asymmetric_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each asymmetric key. See sys.asymmetric_keys. SecuritySchema.Certificate sys.certificates (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each certificate in the database. See sys.certificates. SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKey sys.column_encryption_keys (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server 2016 and later (No) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns information about column encryption keys (CEKs) created with the CREATE COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY statement. Each row represents a CEK. See sys.column_encryption_keys. SecuritySchema.ColumnEncryptionKeyValue sys.column_encryption_key_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns information about encrypted values of column encryption keys (CEKs) created with either the CREATE COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY or the ALTER COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY (Transact-SQL) statement. Each row represents a value of a CEK, encrypted with a column master key (CMK). See sys.column_encryption_key_values. SecuritySchema.ColumnMasterKey sys.column_master_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each database master key added by using the CREATE MASTER KEY statement. Each row represents a single column master key (CMK). See sys.column_master_keys. SecuritySchema.Credential sys.credentials (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Managed Instance ![yes](media/yes-icon.png)Azure Synapse Analytics (Yes) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for each server-level credential. See sys.credentials. SecuritySchema.CryptProperty sys.crypt_properties (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each cryptographic property associated with a securable. See sys.crypt_properties. SecuritySchema.CryptographicProvider sys.cryptographic_providers (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns one row for each registered cryptographic provider. See sys.cryptographic_providers. SecuritySchema.DataContext SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecification sys.database_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the database audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.database_audit_specifications. SecuritySchema.DatabaseAuditSpecificationDetail sys.database_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the database audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance for all databases. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). For a list of all audit_action_id's and their names, query sys.dm_audit_actions (Transact-SQL). See sys.database_audit_specification_details. SecuritySchema.DatabaseCredential sys.database_credentials (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns one row for each database scoped credential in the database. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use sys.database_scoped_credentials instead. See sys.database_credentials. SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerBlock sys.database_ledger_blocks (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically chained blocks, each of which represents a block of transactions against ledger tables. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.database_ledger_blocks. SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerDigestLocation sys.database_ledger_digest_locations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the current and the historical ledger digest storage endpoints for the ledger feature. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. See sys.database_ledger_digest_locations. SecuritySchema.DatabaseLedgerTransaction sys.database_ledger_transactions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of database transactions against ledger tables in the database. A row in this view represents a database transaction. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger. See sys.database_ledger_transactions. SecuritySchema.DatabasePermission sys.database_permissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for every permission or column-exception permission in the database. For columns, there is a row for every permission that is different from the corresponding object-level permission. If the column permission is the same as the corresponding object permission, there is no row for it and the permission applied is that of the object. important Column-level permissions override object-level permissions on the same entity. See sys.database_permissions. SecuritySchema.DatabasePrincipal sys.database_principals (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a row for each security principal in a SQL Server database. See sys.database_principals. SecuritySchema.DatabaseRoleMember sys.database_role_members (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each member of each database role. Database users, application roles, and other database roles can be members of a database role. To add members to a role, use the ALTER ROLE statement with the ADD MEMBER option. Join with sys.database_principals to return the names of the principal_id values. See sys.database_role_members. SecuritySchema.DatabaseScopedCredential sys.database_scoped_credentials (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns one row for each database scoped credential in the database. ::: moniker range='=sql-server-2016' See sys.database_scoped_credentials. SecuritySchema.KeyEncryption sys.key_encryptions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each symmetric key encryption specified by using the ENCRYPTION BY clause of the CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement. See sys.key_encryptions. SecuritySchema.LedgerColumnHistory sys.ledger_column_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of operations on columns of ledger tables: adding, renaming, and dropping columns. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.ledger_column_history. SecuritySchema.LedgerTableHistory sys.ledger_table_history (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ Azure SQL Database Captures the cryptographically protected history of operations on ledger tables: creating ledger tables, renaming ledger tables or ledger views, and dropping ledger tables. For more information on database ledger, see Azure SQL Database ledger See sys.ledger_table_history. SecuritySchema.LoginToken sys.login_token (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for every server principal that is part of the login token. See sys.login_token. SecuritySchema.MasterKeyPassword sys.master_key_passwords (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance Returns a row for each database master key password added by using the sp_control_dbmasterkey_password stored procedure. The passwords that are used to protect the master keys are stored in the credential store. The credential name follows this format: ##DBMKEY_<database_family_guid>_<random_password_guid>##. The password is stored as the credential secret. For each password added by using sp_control_dbmasterkey_password, there is a row in sys.credentials. Each row in this view shows a credential_id and the family_guid of a database the master key of which is protected by the password associated with that credential. A join with sys.credentials on the credential_id will return useful fields, such as the create_date and credential name. See sys.master_key_passwords. SecuritySchema.OpenKey sys.openkeys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database This catalog view returns information about encryption keys that are open in the current session. See sys.openkeys. SecuritySchema.SecurableClass sys.securable_classes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns a list of securable classes See sys.securable_classes. SecuritySchema.SecurityPolicy sys.security_policies (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each security policy in the database. See sys.security_policies. SecuritySchema.SecurityPredicate sys.security_predicates (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each security predicate in the database. See sys.security_predicates. SecuritySchema.SensitivityClassification sys.sensitivity_classifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns a row for each classified item in the database. See sys.sensitivity_classifications. SecuritySchema.ServerAudit sys.server_audits (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains one row for each SQL Server audit in a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_audits. SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecification sys.server_audit_specifications (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the server audit specifications in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information on SQL Server Audit, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_audit_specifications. SecuritySchema.ServerAuditSpecificationDetail sys.server_audit_specification_details (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains information about the server audit specification details (actions) in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). For a list of all audit_action_id's and their names, query sys.dm_audit_actions (Transact-SQL). See sys.server_audit_specification_details. SecuritySchema.ServerFileAudit sys.server_file_audits (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains extended information about the file audit type in a SQL Server audit on a server instance. For more information, see SQL Server Audit (Database Engine). See sys.server_file_audits. SecuritySchema.ServerPermission sys.server_permissions (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each server-level permission. See sys.server_permissions. SecuritySchema.ServerPrincipal sys.server_principals (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Contains a row for every server-level principal. See sys.server_principals. SecuritySchema.ServerRoleMember sys.server_role_members (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for each member of each fixed and user-defined server role. See sys.server_role_members. SecuritySchema.SqlLogin sys.sql_logins (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Database (No) Azure Synapse Analytics (Yes) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for every SQL Server authentication login. See sys.sql_logins. SecuritySchema.SymmetricKey sys.symmetric_keys (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics √ Analytics Platform System (PDW) Returns one row for every symmetric key created with the CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY statement. See sys.symmetric_keys. SecuritySchema.SystemComponentsSurfaceAreaConfiguration sys.system_components_surface_area_configuration (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row for each executable system object that can be enabled or disabled by a surface area configuration component. For more information, see Surface Area Configuration. See sys.system_components_surface_area_configuration. SecuritySchema.UserToken sys.user_token (Transact-SQL) APPLIES TO: (Yes) SQL Server (Yes) Azure SQL Database (Yes) Azure Synapse Analytics (No) Parallel Data Warehouse Returns one row for every database principal that is part of the user token in SQL Server. See sys.user_token. ServerWideConfigurationSchema ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Configuration sys.configurations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each server-wide configuration option value in the system. See sys.configurations. ServerWideConfigurationSchema.DataContext ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TimeZoneInfo sys.time_zone_info (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later √ Azure SQL Database √ Azure SQL Managed Instance √ Azure Synapse Analytics Returns information about supported time zones. All time zones installed on the computer are stored in the following registry hive: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones. See sys.time_zone_info. ServerWideConfigurationSchema.Trace sys.traces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.traces catalog view contains the current running traces on the system. This view is intended as a replacement for the fn_trace_getinfo function. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.traces. ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceCategory sys.trace_categories (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Similar event classes are grouped by a category. Each row in the sys.trace_categories catalog view identifies a category that is unique across the server. These categories do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. > IMPORTANT! This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_categories. ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceColumn sys.trace_columns (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_columns catalog view contains a list of all trace event columns. These columns do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_columns. ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEvent sys.trace_events (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_events catalog view contains a list of all SQL trace events. These trace events do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. > IMPORTANT! This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. For more information about these trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. See sys.trace_events. ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceEventBinding sys.trace_event_bindings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_event_bindings catalog view contains a list of all possible usage combinations of events and columns. For each event listed in the trace_event_id column, all available columns are listed in the trace_column_id column. Not all available columns are populated each time a given event occurs. These values do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_event_bindings. ServerWideConfigurationSchema.TraceSubclassValue sys.trace_subclass_values (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) The sys.trace_subclass_values catalog view contains a list of named column values. These subclass values do not change for a given version of the SQL Server Database Engine. For a complete list of supported trace events, see SQL Server Event Class Reference. important This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Use Extended Event catalog views instead. See sys.trace_subclass_values. ServiceBrokerSchema ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationEndpoint sys.conversation_endpoints (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Each side of a Service Broker conversation is represented by a conversation endpoint. This catalog view contains a row per conversation endpoint in the database. See sys.conversation_endpoints. ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationGroup sys.conversation_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each conversation group. See sys.conversation_groups. ServiceBrokerSchema.ConversationPriority sys.conversation_priorities (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each conversation priority created in the current database, as shown in the following table: See sys.conversation_priorities. ServiceBrokerSchema.DataContext ServiceBrokerSchema.MessageTypeXmlSchemaCollectionUsage sys.message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view returns a row for each service message type that is validated by an XML schema collection. See sys.message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages. ServiceBrokerSchema.RemoteServiceBinding sys.remote_service_bindings (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per remote service binding. See sys.remote_service_bindings. ServiceBrokerSchema.Route sys.routes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Managed Instance This catalog views contains one row per route. Service Broker uses routes to locate the network address for a service. See sys.routes. ServiceBrokerSchema.Service (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each service in the database. See ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContract sys.service_contracts (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each contract in the database. See sys.service_contracts. ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractMessageUsage sys.service_contract_message_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per (contract, message type) pair. See sys.service_contract_message_usages. ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceContractUsage sys.service_contract_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per (service, contract) pair. See sys.service_contract_usages. ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceMessageType sys.service_message_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row per message type registered in the service broker. See sys.service_message_types. ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueue sys.service_queues (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Contains a row for each object in the database that is a service queue, with sys.objects.type = SQ. See sys.service_queues. ServiceBrokerSchema.ServiceQueueUsage sys.service_queue_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view returns a row for each reference between service and service queue. A service can only be associated with one queue. A queue can be associated with multiple services. See sys.service_queue_usages. ServiceBrokerSchema.TransmissionQueue sys.transmission_queue (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) This catalog view contains a row for each message in the transmission queue, as shown in the following table: See sys.transmission_queue. SpatialDataSchema SpatialDataSchema.DataContext SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndex sys.spatial_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Represents the main index information of the spatial indexes. See sys.spatial_indexes. SpatialDataSchema.SpatialIndexTessellation sys.spatial_index_tessellations (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Represents the information about the tessellation scheme and parameters of each of the spatial indexes. note For information about tessellation, see Spatial Indexes Overview. See sys.spatial_index_tessellations. SpatialDataSchema.SpatialReferenceSystem sys.spatial_reference_systems (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Lists the spatial reference systems (SRIDs) supported by SQL Server. See sys.spatial_reference_systems. StretchDatabaseSchema StretchDatabaseSchema.DataContext StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveDatabase Stretch Database Catalog Views - sys.remote_data_archive_databases Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Contains one row for each remote database that stores data from a Stretch-enabled local database. See sys.remote_data_archive_databases. StretchDatabaseSchema.RemoteDataArchiveTable Stretch Database Catalog Views - sys.remote_data_archive_tables Applies to: √ SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Contains one row for each remote table that stores data from a Stretch-enabled local table. See sys.remote_data_archive_tables. SystemDB Database : master Data Source : . Server Version : 15.00.2101 SystemSchema XmlSchema XmlSchema.ColumnXmlSchemaCollectionUsage sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row for each column that is validated by an XML schema. See sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages. XmlSchema.DataContext XmlSchema.ParameterXmlSchemaCollectionUsage sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row for each parameter that is validated by an XML schema. See sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages. XmlSchema.SelectiveXmlIndexPath sys.selective_xml_index_paths (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Available beginning in SQL Server 2012 (11.x) Service Pack 1, each row in sys.selective_xml_index_paths represents one promoted path for particular selective xml index. If you create a selective xml index on xmlcol of table T using following statement, CREATE SELECTIVE XML INDEX sxi1 ON T(xmlcol) FOR ( path1 = '/a/b/c' AS XQUERY 'xs:string', path2 = '/a/b/d' AS XQUERY 'xs:double' ) There will be two new rows in sys.selective_xml_index_paths corresponding to the index sxi1. See sys.selective_xml_index_paths. XmlSchema.XmlIndex sys.xml_indexes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns one row per XML index. See sys.xml_indexes. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaAttribute sys.xml_schema_attributes (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is an attribute, symbol_space of A. See sys.xml_schema_attributes. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaCollection sys.xml_schema_collections (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) √ Azure SQL Database Returns a row per XML schema collection. An XML schema collection is a named set of XSD definitions. The XML schema collection itself is contained in a relational schema, and it is identified by a schema-scoped Transact\\-SQL name. The following tuples are unique: xml_collection_id, and schema_id and name. See sys.xml_schema_collections. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponent sys.xml_schema_components (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per component of an XML schema. The pair (collection_id, namespace_id) is a compound foreign key to the containing namespace. For named components, the values for symbol_space, name, scoping_xml_component_id, is_qualified, xml_namespace_id, xml_collection_id are unique. See sys.xml_schema_components. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaComponentPlacement sys.xml_schema_component_placements (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per placement for XML schema components. See sys.xml_schema_component_placements. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaElement sys.xml_schema_elements (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Type, symbol_space of E. See sys.xml_schema_elements. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaFacet sys.xml_schema_facets (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per facet (restriction) of an xml-type definition (corresponds to sys.xml_types). See sys.xml_schema_facets. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaModelGroup sys.xml_schema_model_groups (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Model-Group, symbol_space of M.. See sys.xml_schema_model_groups. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaNamespace sys.xml_schema_namespaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XSD-defined XML namespace. The following tuples are unique: collection_id, namespace_id, and collection_id, and name. See sys.xml_schema_namespaces. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaType sys.xml_schema_types (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is a Type, symbol_space of T. See sys.xml_schema_types. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcard sys.xml_schema_wildcards (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per XML schema component that is an Attribute-Wildcard (kind of V) or Element-Wildcard (kind of W), both with symbol_space of N. See sys.xml_schema_wildcards. XmlSchema.XmlSchemaWildcardNamespace sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces (Transact-SQL) Applies to: √ SQL Server (all supported versions) Returns a row per enumerated namespace for an XML schema wildcard. See sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EntityMap<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EntityMap<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.EntityServices Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class EntityMap<T> where T : class Type Parameters T Inheritance object EntityMap<T> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors EntityMap(IDataContext) public EntityMap(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties Entities public IDictionary<T, EntityMapEntry<T>> Entities { get; } Property Value IDictionary<T, EntityMapEntry<T>> Methods GetEntity(IDataContext, object) public T? GetEntity(IDataContext context, object key) Parameters context IDataContext key object Returns T"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EntityMapEntry<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EntityMapEntry<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.EntityServices Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class EntityMapEntry<T> Type Parameters T Inheritance object EntityMapEntry<T> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties CacheCount public int CacheCount { get; } Property Value int DBCount public int DBCount { get; } Property Value int Entity public T Entity { get; } Property Value T"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class IdentityMap | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityMap Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.EntityServices Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class IdentityMap : EntityServiceInterceptor, IEntityServiceInterceptor, IInterceptor, IDisposable Inheritance object EntityServiceInterceptor IdentityMap Implements IEntityServiceInterceptor IInterceptor IDisposable Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Constructors IdentityMap(IDataContext) public IdentityMap(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData, object) Event, triggered when a new entity is created during query materialization. Not triggered for explicitly constructed objects. In code below event could be triggered only for first query: // r created by linq2db implicitly from r in db.table select r; // Entity constructor call specified explicitly by user (projection) from r in db.table select new Entity() { field = r.field }; . public override object EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData eventData, object entity) Parameters eventData EntityCreatedEventData Additional data for event. entity object Materialized entity instance. Returns object Returns entity instance. GetEntities(Type) public IEnumerable GetEntities(Type entityType) Parameters entityType Type Returns IEnumerable GetEntities<T>() public IEnumerable<T> GetEntities<T>() where T : class Returns IEnumerable<T> Type Parameters T GetEntityEntries<T>() public IEnumerable<EntityMapEntry<T>> GetEntityEntries<T>() where T : class Returns IEnumerable<EntityMapEntry<T>> Type Parameters T GetEntityMap<T>() public EntityMap<T> GetEntityMap<T>() where T : class Returns EntityMap<T> Type Parameters T GetEntity<T>(object) public T? GetEntity<T>(object key) where T : class, new() Parameters key object Returns T Type Parameters T"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.EntityServices | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.EntityServices Classes EntityMapEntry<T> EntityMap<T> IdentityMap"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class EnumerableExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EnumerableExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class EnumerableExtensions Inheritance object EnumerableExtensions Methods ToDiagnosticString<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string?, bool) Returns well formatted text. public static string ToDiagnosticString<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, string? header = null, bool addTableHeader = true) Parameters source IEnumerable<T> Source to process. header string Optional header text. addTableHeader bool if true (default), adds table header. Returns string Formatted text. Type Parameters T ToDiagnosticString<T>(IEnumerable<T>, StringBuilder, bool) Returns well formatted text. public static StringBuilder ToDiagnosticString<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, StringBuilder stringBuilder, bool addTableHeader = true) Parameters source IEnumerable<T> Source to process. stringBuilder StringBuilder StringBuilder instance. addTableHeader bool if true (default), adds table header. Returns StringBuilder Formatted text. Type Parameters T"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Interface IMapperBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMapperBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Mapper Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Builds a mapper that maps an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public interface IMapperBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DeepCopy If true, performs deep copy. if default (null), the GetMapperLambdaExpression() method does not do deep copy, however the GetMapperLambdaExpressionEx() method does. bool? DeepCopy { get; set; } Property Value bool? FromMappingDictionary Defines member name mapping for source types. Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>>? FromMappingDictionary { get; set; } Property Value Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>> FromType Type to map from. [NotNull] Type FromType { get; } Property Value Type MappingSchema Mapping schema. [NotNull] MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; set; } Property Value MappingSchema MemberMappers Member mappers. List<MemberMapperInfo>? MemberMappers { get; set; } Property Value List<MemberMapperInfo> ProcessCrossReferences If true, processes object cross references. if default (null), the GetMapperLambdaExpression() method does not process cross references, however the GetMapperLambdaExpressionEx() method does. bool? ProcessCrossReferences { get; set; } Property Value bool? ToMappingDictionary Defines member name mapping for destination types. Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>>? ToMappingDictionary { get; set; } Property Value Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>> ToMemberFilter Filters target members to map. Func<MemberAccessor, bool> ToMemberFilter { get; set; } Property Value Func<MemberAccessor, bool> ToType Type to map to. [NotNull] Type ToType { get; } Property Value Type Methods GetMapperLambdaExpression() Returns a mapper expression to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. Returned expression is compatible to IQueryable. LambdaExpression GetMapperLambdaExpression() Returns LambdaExpression Mapping expression. GetMapperLambdaExpressionEx() Returns a mapper expression to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. LambdaExpression GetMapperLambdaExpressionEx() Returns LambdaExpression Mapping expression."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Map | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Map Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Mapper Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Mapper helper class. public static class Map Inheritance object Map Examples This example shows how to map one object to another. Methods DeepCopy<T>(T) Performs deep copy. public static T DeepCopy<T>(this T obj) Parameters obj T An object to copy. Returns T Created object. Type Parameters T Type of object. GetMapper<TFrom, TTo>() Returns a mapper to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public static Mapper<TFrom, TTo> GetMapper<TFrom, TTo>() Returns Mapper<TFrom, TTo> Mapping expression. Type Parameters TFrom Type to map from. TTo Type to map to. GetMapper<TFrom, TTo>(Func<MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo>, MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo>>) Returns a mapper to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public static Mapper<TFrom, TTo> GetMapper<TFrom, TTo>(Func<MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo>, MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo>> setter) Parameters setter Func<MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo>, MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo>> MapperBuilder parameter setter. Returns Mapper<TFrom, TTo> Mapping expression. Type Parameters TFrom Type to map from. TTo Type to map to."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class Mapper<TFrom, TTo> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Mapper<TFrom, TTo> Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Mapper Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Maps an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public class Mapper<TFrom, TTo> Type Parameters TFrom Type to map from. TTo Type to map to. Inheritance object Mapper<TFrom, TTo> Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Examples This example shows how to map one object to another. Methods GetMapper() Returns a mapper to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public Func<TFrom, TTo> GetMapper() Returns Func<TFrom, TTo> Mapping expression. GetMapperEx() Returns a mapper to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public Func<TFrom, TTo, IDictionary<object, object>?, TTo> GetMapperEx() Returns Func<TFrom, TTo, IDictionary<object, object>, TTo> Mapping expression. GetMapperExpression() Returns a mapper expression to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. Returned expression is compatible to IQueryable. public Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> GetMapperExpression() Returns Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> Mapping expression. GetMapperExpressionEx() Returns a mapper expression to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo, IDictionary<object, object>?, TTo>> GetMapperExpressionEx() Returns Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo, IDictionary<object, object>, TTo>> Mapping expression. Map(TFrom) Returns a mapper to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public TTo Map(TFrom source) Parameters source TFrom Object to map. Returns TTo Destination object. Map(TFrom, TTo) Returns a mapper to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public TTo Map(TFrom source, TTo destination) Parameters source TFrom Object to map. destination TTo Destination object. Returns TTo Destination object. Map(TFrom, TTo, IDictionary<object, object>?) Returns a mapper to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public TTo Map(TFrom source, TTo destination, IDictionary<object, object>? crossReferenceDictionary) Parameters source TFrom Object to map. destination TTo Destination object. crossReferenceDictionary IDictionary<object, object> Storage for cress references if applied. Returns TTo Destination object."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Mapper Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll Builds a mapper that maps an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public class MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> : IMapperBuilder Type Parameters TFrom Type to map from. TTo Type to map to. Inheritance object MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Implements IMapperBuilder Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties DeepCopy If true, performs deep copy. if default (null), the GetMapperExpression() method does not do deep copy, however the GetMapperExpressionEx() method does. public bool? DeepCopy { get; set; } Property Value bool? FromMappingDictionary Defines member name mapping for source types. public Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>>? FromMappingDictionary { get; set; } Property Value Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>> FromType Type to map from. public Type FromType { get; } Property Value Type MappingSchema Mapping schema. public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; set; } Property Value MappingSchema MemberMappers Member mappers. public List<MemberMapperInfo>? MemberMappers { get; set; } Property Value List<MemberMapperInfo> ProcessCrossReferences If true, processes object cross references. if default (null), the GetMapperExpression() method does not process cross references, however the GetMapperExpressionEx() method does. public bool? ProcessCrossReferences { get; set; } Property Value bool? ToMappingDictionary Defines member name mapping for destination types. public Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>>? ToMappingDictionary { get; set; } Property Value Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>> ToMemberFilter Filters target members to map. public Func<MemberAccessor, bool> ToMemberFilter { get; set; } Property Value Func<MemberAccessor, bool> ToType Type to map to. public Type ToType { get; } Property Value Type Methods FromMapping(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for source types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> FromMapping(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. FromMapping(string, string) Defines member name mapping for source types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> FromMapping(string memberName, string mapName) Parameters memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. FromMapping(Type, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for source types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> FromMapping(Type type, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters type Type Type to map. mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. FromMapping(Type, string, string) Defines member name mapping for source types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> FromMapping(Type type, string memberName, string mapName) Parameters type Type Type to map. memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. FromMapping<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for source types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> FromMapping<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Type Parameters T Type to map. FromMapping<T>(string, string) Defines member name mapping for source types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> FromMapping<T>(string memberName, string mapName) Parameters memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Type Parameters T Type to map. GetMapper() Returns a mapper to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public Mapper<TFrom, TTo> GetMapper() Returns Mapper<TFrom, TTo> Mapping expression. GetMapperExpression() Returns a mapper expression to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. Returned expression is compatible to IQueryable. public Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> GetMapperExpression() Returns Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> Mapping expression. GetMapperExpressionEx() Returns a mapper expression to map an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. public Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo, IDictionary<object, object>?, TTo>> GetMapperExpressionEx() Returns Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo, IDictionary<object, object>, TTo>> Mapping expression. MapMember<T>(Expression<Func<TTo, T>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, T>>) Adds member mapper. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> MapMember<T>(Expression<Func<TTo, T>> toMember, Expression<Func<TFrom, T>> setter) Parameters toMember Expression<Func<TTo, T>> Expression that returns a member to map. setter Expression<Func<TFrom, T>> Expression to set the member. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Type Parameters T Type of the member to map. Examples This example shows how to explicitly convert one value to another. Mapping(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for source and destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Mapping(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Mapping(string, string) Defines member name mapping for source and destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Mapping(string memberName, string mapName) Parameters memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Mapping(Type, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for source and destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Mapping(Type type, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters type Type Type to map. mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Mapping(Type, string, string) Defines member name mapping for source and destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Mapping(Type type, string memberName, string mapName) Parameters type Type Type to map. memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Mapping<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for source and destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Mapping<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Type Parameters T Type to map. Mapping<T>(string, string) Defines member name mapping for source and destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Mapping<T>(string memberName, string mapName) Parameters memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Type Parameters T Type to map. SetDeepCopy(bool?) If true, performs deep copy. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> SetDeepCopy(bool? deepCopy) Parameters deepCopy bool? If true, performs deep copy. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. SetMappingSchema(MappingSchema) Sets mapping schema. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> SetMappingSchema(MappingSchema schema) Parameters schema MappingSchema Mapping schema to set. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. SetProcessCrossReferences(bool?) If true, processes object cross references. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> SetProcessCrossReferences(bool? doProcess) Parameters doProcess bool? If true, processes object cross references. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. SetToMemberFilter(Func<MemberAccessor, bool>) Adds a predicate to filter target members to map. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> SetToMemberFilter(Func<MemberAccessor, bool> predicate) Parameters predicate Func<MemberAccessor, bool> Predicate to filter members to map. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. ToMapping(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> ToMapping(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. ToMapping(string, string) Defines member name mapping for destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> ToMapping(string memberName, string mapName) Parameters memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. ToMapping(Type, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> ToMapping(Type type, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters type Type Type to map. mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. ToMapping(Type, string, string) Defines member name mapping for destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> ToMapping(Type type, string memberName, string mapName) Parameters type Type Type to map. memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. ToMapping<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>) Defines member name mapping for destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> ToMapping<T>(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> mapping) Parameters mapping IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Mapping parameters. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Type Parameters T Type to map. ToMapping<T>(string, string) Defines member name mapping for destination types. public MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> ToMapping<T>(string memberName, string mapName) Parameters memberName string Type member name. mapName string Mapping name. Returns MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Returns this mapper. Type Parameters T Type to map."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MemberMapperInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemberMapperInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Mapper Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public class MemberMapperInfo Inheritance object MemberMapperInfo Extension Methods Map.DeepCopy<T>(T) Properties Setter public LambdaExpression Setter { get; set; } Property Value LambdaExpression ToMember public LambdaExpression ToMember { get; set; } Property Value LambdaExpression"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Mapper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools.Mapper Classes Map Mapper helper class. MapperBuilder<TFrom, TTo> Builds a mapper that maps an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. Mapper<TFrom, TTo> Maps an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type. MemberMapperInfo Interfaces IMapperBuilder Builds a mapper that maps an object of TFrom type to an object of TTo type."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Class MappingSchemaExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MappingSchemaExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Assembly linq2db.Tools.dll public static class MappingSchemaExtensions Inheritance object MappingSchemaExtensions Methods GetEntityEqualityComparer<T>(IDataContext) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEntityEqualityComparer<T>(this IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Instance of IDataContext. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare. GetEntityEqualityComparer<T>(ITable<T>) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEntityEqualityComparer<T>(this ITable<T> table) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Instance of ITable<T>. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare. GetEntityEqualityComparer<T>(MappingSchema) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEntityEqualityComparer<T>(this MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Instance of MappingSchema. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare. GetEqualityComparer<T>(IDataContext, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEqualityComparer<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool> columnPredicate) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Instance of IDataContext. columnPredicate Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool> A function to filter columns to compare. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare. GetEqualityComparer<T>(ITable<T>, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEqualityComparer<T>(this ITable<T> table, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool> columnPredicate) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Instance of ITable<T>. columnPredicate Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool> A function to filter columns to compare. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare. GetEqualityComparer<T>(MappingSchema, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetEqualityComparer<T>(this MappingSchema mappingSchema, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool> columnPredicate) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Instance of MappingSchema. columnPredicate Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool> A function to filter columns to compare. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare. GetKeyEqualityComparer<T>(IDataContext) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity primary key columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetKeyEqualityComparer<T>(this IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Instance of IDataContext. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare. GetKeyEqualityComparer<T>(ITable<T>) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity primary key columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetKeyEqualityComparer<T>(this ITable<T> table) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Instance of ITable<T>. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare. GetKeyEqualityComparer<T>(MappingSchema) Returns implementations of the IEqualityComparer<T> generic interface based on provided entity primary key columns equality. public static IEqualityComparer<T> GetKeyEqualityComparer<T>(this MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Instance of MappingSchema. Returns IEqualityComparer<T> Instance of IEqualityComparer<T>. Type Parameters T The type of entity to compare."
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Classes EnumerableExtensions MappingSchemaExtensions"
"api/": {
"href": "api/",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB Classes EntityCreatedEventArgs"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.AnalyticFunctions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.AnalyticFunctions.html",
"title": "Class AnalyticFunctions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AnalyticFunctions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public static class AnalyticFunctions Inheritance object AnalyticFunctions Fields FunctionToken Token name for analytic function. Used for resolving method chain. public const string FunctionToken = \"function\" Field Value string Methods Average<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"AVG({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Average<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Average<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"AVG({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Average<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"AVG({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static double Average<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns double Type Parameters TEntity TV Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"AVG({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static double Average<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns double Type Parameters TEntity TV Corr<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"CORR({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Corr<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) [Sql.Extension(\"CORR({expr1}, {expr2})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal Corr<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, object?>> expr1, Expression<Func<T, object?>> expr2) Parameters source IEnumerable<T> expr1 Expression<Func<T, object>> expr2 Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns decimal Type Parameters T Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) [Sql.Extension(\"CORR({expr1}, {expr2})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal Corr<TEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> expr1, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> expr2) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr1 Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> expr2 Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity Count(ISqlExtension?) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT(*)\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<int> Count(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<int> Count(ISqlExtension?, object?, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<int> Count(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<int> CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static int CountExt<TEntity>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, object?> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, object> Returns int Type Parameters TEntity CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static int CountExt<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns int Type Parameters TEntity TV CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static int CountExt<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> Returns int Type Parameters TEntity TV CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static int CountExt<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier = AggregateModifier.None) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns int Type Parameters TEntity TV Count<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<int> Count<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<int> Type Parameters T CovarPop<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, T) [Sql.Extension(\"COVAR_POP({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> CovarPop<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr1, T expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 T expr2 T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) [Sql.Extension(\"COVAR_POP({expr1}, {expr2})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal CovarPop<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, object?>> expr1, Expression<Func<T, object?>> expr2) Parameters source IEnumerable<T> expr1 Expression<Func<T, object>> expr2 Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns decimal Type Parameters T CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) [Sql.Extension(\"COVAR_POP({expr1}, {expr2})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal CovarPop<TEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> expr1, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> expr2) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr1 Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> expr2 Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity CovarSamp<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, T) [Sql.Extension(\"COVAR_SAMP({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> CovarSamp<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr1, T expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 T expr2 T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) [Sql.Extension(\"COVAR_SAMP({expr1}, {expr2})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal CovarSamp<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, object?>> expr1, Expression<Func<T, object?>> expr2) Parameters source IEnumerable<T> expr1 Expression<Func<T, object>> expr2 Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns decimal Type Parameters T CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) [Sql.Extension(\"COVAR_SAMP({expr1}, {expr2})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal CovarSamp<TEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> expr1, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> expr2) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr1 Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> expr2 Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity CumeDist<TR>(ISqlExtension?) [Sql.Extension(\"CUME_DIST()\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<TR> CumeDist<TR>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<TR> Type Parameters TR CumeDist<TR>(ISqlExtension?, params object?[]) [Sql.Extension(\"CUME_DIST({expr, ', '}) {within_group}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderOnly<TR> CumeDist<TR>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, params object?[] expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object[] Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderOnly<TR> Type Parameters TR DenseRank(ISqlExtension?) [Sql.Extension(\"DENSE_RANK()\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<long> DenseRank(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<long> DenseRank(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"DENSE_RANK({expr1}, {expr2}) {within_group}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderOnly<long> DenseRank(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderOnly<long> Filter<T>(IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T>, bool) [Sql.Extension(\"{function} FILTER (WHERE {filter})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 2, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Filter<T>(this AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> func, bool filter) Parameters func AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> filter bool Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T FirstValue<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, Nulls) [Sql.Extension(\"FIRST_VALUE({expr}){_}{modifier?}\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyNullsModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true, Configuration = \"SqlServer.2022\")] [Sql.Extension(\"FIRST_VALUE({expr}{_}{modifier?})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyNullsModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> FirstValue<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.Nulls nulls) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T nulls Sql.Nulls Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T KeepFirst<TR>(IAggregateFunction<TR>) [Sql.Extension(\"{function} KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST {order_by_clause}){_}{over?}\", ChainPrecedence = 10, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedOrderByAndMaybeOverWithPartition<TR> KeepFirst<TR>(this AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunction<TR> ext) Parameters ext AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunction<TR> Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedOrderByAndMaybeOverWithPartition<TR> Type Parameters TR KeepLast<TR>(IAggregateFunction<TR>) [Sql.Extension(\"{function} KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST {order_by_clause}){_}{over?}\", ChainPrecedence = 10, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedOrderByAndMaybeOverWithPartition<TR> KeepLast<TR>(this AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunction<TR> ext) Parameters ext AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunction<TR> Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedOrderByAndMaybeOverWithPartition<TR> Type Parameters TR Lag<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"LAG({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lag<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T Lag<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, Nulls) [Sql.Extension(\"LAG({expr}{_}{modifier?})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyNullsModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lag<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.Nulls nulls) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T nulls Sql.Nulls Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T Lag<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, Nulls, int, T) [Sql.Extension(\"LAG({expr}{_}{modifier?}, {offset}, {default})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyNullsModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lag<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.Nulls nulls, int offset, T @default) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T nulls Sql.Nulls offset int default T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T Lag<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, int) [Sql.Extension(\"LAG({expr}, {offset})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lag<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, int offset) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T offset int Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T Lag<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, int, T) [Sql.Extension(\"LAG({expr}, {offset}, {default})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lag<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, int offset, T @default) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T offset int default T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T LastValue<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, Nulls) [Sql.Extension(\"LAST_VALUE({expr}){_}{modifier?}\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyNullsModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true, Configuration = \"SqlServer.2022\")] [Sql.Extension(\"LAST_VALUE({expr}{_}{modifier?})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyNullsModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> LastValue<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.Nulls nulls) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T nulls Sql.Nulls Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Lead<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"LEAD({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lead<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T Lead<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, Nulls) [Sql.Extension(\"LEAD({expr}{_}{modifier?})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lead<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.Nulls nulls) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T nulls Sql.Nulls Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T Lead<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, Nulls, int, T) [Sql.Extension(\"LEAD({expr}{_}{modifier?}, {offset}, {default})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyNullsModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lead<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.Nulls nulls, int offset, T @default) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T nulls Sql.Nulls offset int default T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T Lead<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, int) [Sql.Extension(\"LEAD({expr}, {offset})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lead<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, int offset) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T offset int Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T Lead<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, int, T) [Sql.Extension(\"LEAD({expr}, {offset}, {default})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Lead<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, int offset, T @default) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T offset int default T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T ListAgg<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"LISTAGG({expr}) {within_group}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderAndMaybePartition<string> ListAgg<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderAndMaybePartition<string> Type Parameters T ListAgg<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, string) [Sql.Extension(\"LISTAGG({expr}, {delimiter}) {within_group}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderAndMaybePartition<string> ListAgg<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, string delimiter) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T delimiter string Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderAndMaybePartition<string> Type Parameters T LongCount(ISqlExtension?) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT(*)\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<long> LongCount(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<long> LongCount(ISqlExtension?, object?, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<long> LongCount(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<long> LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static long LongCountExt<TEntity>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, object?> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, object> Returns long Type Parameters TEntity LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static long LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns long Type Parameters TEntity TV LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static long LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier = AggregateModifier.None) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns long Type Parameters TEntity TV LongCount<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"COUNT({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<long> LongCount<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<long> Type Parameters T Max<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"MAX({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Max<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Max<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"MAX({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Max<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"MAX({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static TV Max<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns TV Type Parameters TEntity TV Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"MAX({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static TV Max<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns TV Type Parameters TEntity TV Median<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"MEDIAN({expr}) {over}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IReadyToFunctionOrOverWithPartition<T> Median<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IReadyToFunctionOrOverWithPartition<T> Type Parameters T Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) [Sql.Extension(\"MEDIAN({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static long Median<TEntity, T>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, T> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, T> Returns long Type Parameters TEntity T Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) [Sql.Extension(\"MEDIAN({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static long Median<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> Returns long Type Parameters TEntity TV Min<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"MIN({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Min<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Min<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"MIN({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Min<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"MIN({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static TV Min<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns TV Type Parameters TEntity TV Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"MIN({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static TV Min<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns TV Type Parameters TEntity TV NTile<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"NTILE({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> NTile<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T NthValue<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, long) [Sql.Extension(\"NTH_VALUE({expr}, {n})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> NthValue<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, long n) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T n long Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T NthValue<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, long, From, Nulls) [Sql.Extension(\"NTH_VALUE({expr}, {n}){_}{from?}{_}{nulls?}\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyFromAndNullsModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> NthValue<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, long n, Sql.From from, Sql.Nulls nulls) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T n long from Sql.From nulls Sql.Nulls Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T PercentRank<T>(ISqlExtension?) [Sql.Extension(\"PERCENT_RANK()\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> PercentRank<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T> Type Parameters T PercentRank<T>(ISqlExtension?, params object?[]) [Sql.Extension(\"PERCENT_RANK({expr, ', '}) {within_group}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderOnly<T> PercentRank<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, params object?[] expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object[] Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderOnly<T> Type Parameters T PercentileCont<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"PERCENTILE_CONT({expr}) {within_group}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithSingleOrderAndMaybePartition<T> PercentileCont<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithSingleOrderAndMaybePartition<T> Type Parameters T PercentileDisc<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"PERCENTILE_DISC({expr}) {within_group}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithSingleOrderAndMaybePartition<T> PercentileDisc<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithSingleOrderAndMaybePartition<T> Type Parameters T Rank(ISqlExtension?) [Sql.Extension(\"RANK()\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<long> Rank(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<long> Rank(ISqlExtension?, params object?[]) [Sql.Extension(\"RANK({expr, ', '}) {within_group}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderOnly<long> Rank(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, params object?[] expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object[] Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsWithinGroupWithOrderOnly<long> RatioToReport<TR>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"RATIO_TO_REPORT({expr}) {over}\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IOverWithPartitionNeeded<TR> RatioToReport<TR>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IOverWithPartitionNeeded<TR> Type Parameters TR RegrAvgX<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_AVGX({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> RegrAvgX<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T RegrAvgY<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_AVGY({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> RegrAvgY<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T RegrCount(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_COUNT({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<long> RegrCount(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<long> RegrIntercept<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_INTERCEPT({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> RegrIntercept<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T RegrR2<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_R2({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> RegrR2<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T RegrSXX<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_SXX({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> RegrSXX<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T RegrSXY<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_SXY({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> RegrSXY<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T RegrSYY<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_SYY({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> RegrSYY<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T RegrSlope<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"REGR_SLOPE({expr1}, {expr2})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> RegrSlope<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr1, object? expr2) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr1 object expr2 object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T RowNumber(ISqlExtension?) [Sql.Extension(\"ROW_NUMBER()\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<long> RowNumber(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<long> StdDevPop<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"STDDEV_POP({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> StdDevPop<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) [Sql.Extension(\"STDDEV_POP({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity TV StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) [Sql.Extension(\"STDDEV_POP({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity TV StdDevSamp<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"STDDEV_SAMP({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> StdDevSamp<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) [Sql.Extension(\"STDDEV_SAMP({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity TV StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) [Sql.Extension(\"STDDEV_SAMP({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity TV StdDev<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"STDEV({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"STDDEV({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> StdDev<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T StdDev<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"STDEV({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"STDDEV({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> StdDev<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) [Sql.Extension(\"STDEV({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 0, IsWindowFunction = true)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"STDDEV({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 0, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static double StdDev<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> Returns double Type Parameters TEntity TV StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"STDEV({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), ChainPrecedence = 0, IsWindowFunction = true)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"STDDEV({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), ChainPrecedence = 0, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static double StdDev<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns double Type Parameters TEntity TV StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"STDEV({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), ChainPrecedence = 0, IsWindowFunction = true)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"STDDEV({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), ChainPrecedence = 0, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static double StdDev<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier = AggregateModifier.None) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns double Type Parameters TEntity TV Sum<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"SUM({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Sum<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Sum<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"SUM({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Sum<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T VarPop<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"VAR_POP({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> VarPop<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) [Sql.Extension(\"VAR_POP({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal VarPop<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity TV VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) [Sql.Extension(\"VAR_POP({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal VarPop<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity TV VarSamp<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"VAR_SAMP({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> VarSamp<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) [Sql.Extension(\"VAR_SAMP({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity TV VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) [Sql.Extension(\"VAR_SAMP({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static decimal VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> Returns decimal Type Parameters TEntity TV Variance<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?) [Sql.Extension(\"VARIANCE({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Variance<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Variance<T>(ISqlExtension?, object?, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"VARIANCE({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Variance<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, object? expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr object modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAggregateFunctionSelfContained<T> Type Parameters T Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) [Sql.Extension(\"VARIANCE({expr})\", IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static TV Variance<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> Returns TV Type Parameters TEntity TV Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"VARIANCE({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static TV Variance<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns TV Type Parameters TEntity TV Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"VARIANCE({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", BuilderType = typeof(AnalyticFunctions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsWindowFunction = true, ChainPrecedence = 0)] public static TV Variance<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier = AggregateModifier.None) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns TV Type Parameters TEntity TV"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.AsyncDbConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.AsyncDbConnection.html",
"title": "Class AsyncDbConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AsyncDbConnection Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll Implements IAsyncDbConnection wrapper over DbConnection instance with synchronous implementation of asynchronous methods. Providers with async operations support could override its methods with asynchronous implementations. public class AsyncDbConnection : IAsyncDbConnection, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inheritance object AsyncDbConnection Implements IAsyncDbConnection IDisposable IAsyncDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AsyncDbConnection(DbConnection) protected AsyncDbConnection(DbConnection connection) Parameters connection DbConnection Properties Connection Gets underlying connection instance. public virtual DbConnection Connection { get; } Property Value DbConnection ConnectionString Gets or sets the string used to open the connection. public virtual string ConnectionString { get; set; } Property Value string The connection string used to establish the initial connection. The exact contents of the connection string depend on the specific data source for this connection. The default value is an empty string. State Gets a string that describes the state of the connection. public virtual ConnectionState State { get; } Property Value ConnectionState The state of the connection. The format of the string returned depends on the specific type of connection you are using. Methods BeginTransaction() Starts new transaction for current connection with default isolation level. public virtual IAsyncDbTransaction BeginTransaction() Returns IAsyncDbTransaction Database transaction object. BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Starts new transaction for current connection with specified isolation level. public virtual IAsyncDbTransaction BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel) Parameters isolationLevel IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. Returns IAsyncDbTransaction Database transaction object. BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) Starts new transaction asynchronously for current connection with specified isolation level. public virtual Task<IAsyncDbTransaction> BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel isolationLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters isolationLevel IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IAsyncDbTransaction> Database transaction object. BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Starts new transaction asynchronously for current connection with default isolation level. public virtual Task<IAsyncDbTransaction> BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IAsyncDbTransaction> Database transaction object. Close() Closes the connection to the database. This is the preferred method of closing any open connection. public virtual void Close() Exceptions DbException The connection-level error that occurred while opening the connection. CloseAsync() Closes current connection asynchonously. public virtual Task CloseAsync() Returns Task Async operation task. CreateCommand() Creates and returns a DbCommand object associated with the current connection. public virtual DbCommand CreateCommand() Returns DbCommand A DbCommand object. Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public virtual void Dispose() DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. public virtual Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task Open() Opens a database connection with the settings specified by the ConnectionString. public virtual void Open() OpenAsync(CancellationToken) This is the asynchronous version of Open(). Providers should override with an appropriate implementation. The cancellation token can optionally be honored.The default implementation invokes the synchronous Open() call and returns a completed task. The default implementation will return a cancelled task if passed an already cancelled cancellationToken. Exceptions thrown by Open will be communicated via the returned Task Exception property.Do not invoke other methods and properties of the DbConnection object until the returned Task is complete. public virtual Task OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken The cancellation instruction. Returns Task A task representing the asynchronous operation. TryClone() Returns cloned connection instance, if underlying provider supports cloning or null otherwise. public virtual DbConnection? TryClone() Returns DbConnection"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.AsyncDbTransaction.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.AsyncDbTransaction.html",
"title": "Class AsyncDbTransaction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AsyncDbTransaction Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll Basic IAsyncDbTransaction implementation with fallback to synchronous operations if corresponding functionality missing from DbTransaction. public class AsyncDbTransaction : IAsyncDbTransaction, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inheritance object AsyncDbTransaction Implements IAsyncDbTransaction IDisposable IAsyncDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AsyncDbTransaction(DbTransaction) protected AsyncDbTransaction(DbTransaction transaction) Parameters transaction DbTransaction Properties Transaction Gets underlying transaction instance. public DbTransaction Transaction { get; } Property Value DbTransaction Methods Commit() Commits the database transaction. public virtual void Commit() CommitAsync(CancellationToken) Commits transaction asynchronously. public virtual Task CommitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public virtual void Dispose() DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. public virtual Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task Rollback() Rolls back a transaction from a pending state. public virtual void Rollback() RollbackAsync(CancellationToken) Rollbacks transaction asynchronously. public virtual Task RollbackAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.AsyncFactory.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.AsyncFactory.html",
"title": "Class AsyncFactory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AsyncFactory Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll Provides factory methods to create async wrappers for DbConnection and DbTransaction instances. public static class AsyncFactory Inheritance object AsyncFactory Methods Create(DbConnection) Wraps DbConnection instance into type, implementing IAsyncDbConnection. public static IAsyncDbConnection Create(DbConnection connection) Parameters connection DbConnection Connection to wrap. Returns IAsyncDbConnection IAsyncDbConnection implementation for provided connection instance. Create(DbTransaction) Wraps DbTransaction instance into type, implementing IAsyncDbTransaction. public static IAsyncDbTransaction Create(DbTransaction transaction) Parameters transaction DbTransaction Transaction to wrap. Returns IAsyncDbTransaction IAsyncDbTransaction implementation for provided transaction instance. RegisterConnectionFactory<TConnection>(Func<DbConnection, IAsyncDbConnection>) Register or replace custom IAsyncDbConnection for TConnection type. public static void RegisterConnectionFactory<TConnection>(Func<DbConnection, IAsyncDbConnection> factory) where TConnection : DbConnection Parameters factory Func<DbConnection, IAsyncDbConnection> IAsyncDbConnection factory. Type Parameters TConnection Connection type, which should use provided factory. RegisterTransactionFactory<TTransaction>(Func<DbTransaction, IAsyncDbTransaction>) Register or replace custom IAsyncDbTransaction for TTransaction type. public static void RegisterTransactionFactory<TTransaction>(Func<DbTransaction, IAsyncDbTransaction> factory) where TTransaction : DbTransaction Parameters factory Func<DbTransaction, IAsyncDbTransaction> IAsyncDbTransaction factory. Type Parameters TTransaction Transaction type, which should use provided factory."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncDbConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncDbConnection.html",
"title": "Interface IAsyncDbConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IAsyncDbConnection Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll Wrapper over DbConnection instance which contains all operations that could have custom implementation like: IRetryPolicy support asynchronous operations, missing from DbConnection but provided by data provider implementation. public interface IAsyncDbConnection : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Connection Gets underlying connection instance. DbConnection Connection { get; } Property Value DbConnection ConnectionString Gets or sets the string used to open the connection. string ConnectionString { get; set; } Property Value string The connection string used to establish the initial connection. The exact contents of the connection string depend on the specific data source for this connection. The default value is an empty string. State Gets a string that describes the state of the connection. ConnectionState State { get; } Property Value ConnectionState The state of the connection. The format of the string returned depends on the specific type of connection you are using. Methods BeginTransaction() Starts new transaction for current connection with default isolation level. IAsyncDbTransaction BeginTransaction() Returns IAsyncDbTransaction Database transaction object. BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Starts new transaction for current connection with specified isolation level. IAsyncDbTransaction BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel) Parameters isolationLevel IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. Returns IAsyncDbTransaction Database transaction object. BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) Starts new transaction asynchronously for current connection with specified isolation level. Task<IAsyncDbTransaction> BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel isolationLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters isolationLevel IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IAsyncDbTransaction> Database transaction object. BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Starts new transaction asynchronously for current connection with default isolation level. Task<IAsyncDbTransaction> BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IAsyncDbTransaction> Database transaction object. Close() Closes the connection to the database. This is the preferred method of closing any open connection. void Close() Exceptions DbException The connection-level error that occurred while opening the connection. CloseAsync() Closes current connection asynchonously. Task CloseAsync() Returns Task Async operation task. CreateCommand() Creates and returns a DbCommand object associated with the current connection. DbCommand CreateCommand() Returns DbCommand A DbCommand object. Open() Opens a database connection with the settings specified by the ConnectionString. void Open() OpenAsync(CancellationToken) This is the asynchronous version of Open(). Providers should override with an appropriate implementation. The cancellation token can optionally be honored.The default implementation invokes the synchronous Open() call and returns a completed task. The default implementation will return a cancelled task if passed an already cancelled cancellationToken. Exceptions thrown by Open will be communicated via the returned Task Exception property.Do not invoke other methods and properties of the DbConnection object until the returned Task is complete. Task OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken The cancellation instruction. Returns Task A task representing the asynchronous operation. TryClone() Returns cloned connection instance, if underlying provider supports cloning or null otherwise. DbConnection? TryClone() Returns DbConnection"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncDbTransaction.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncDbTransaction.html",
"title": "Interface IAsyncDbTransaction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IAsyncDbTransaction Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll Wrapper over DbTransaction instance with asynchronous operations, missing from DbTransaction. Includes only operations, used by Linq To DB. public interface IAsyncDbTransaction : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Transaction Gets underlying transaction instance. DbTransaction Transaction { get; } Property Value DbTransaction Methods Commit() Commits the database transaction. void Commit() CommitAsync(CancellationToken) Commits transaction asynchronously. Task CommitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Rollback() Rolls back a transaction from a pending state. void Rollback() RollbackAsync(CancellationToken) Rollbacks transaction asynchronously. Task RollbackAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncDisposable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncDisposable.html",
"title": "Interface IAsyncDisposable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IAsyncDisposable Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll Provides a mechanism for releasing unmanaged resources asynchronously. public interface IAsyncDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncEnumerable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncEnumerable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IAsyncEnumerable<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IAsyncEnumerable<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll This API supports the LinqToDB infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. public interface IAsyncEnumerable<out T> Type Parameters T Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetAsyncEnumerator(CancellationToken) This API supports the LinqToDB infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. IAsyncEnumerator<out T> GetAsyncEnumerator(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns IAsyncEnumerator<T>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncEnumerator-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IAsyncEnumerator-1.html",
"title": "Interface IAsyncEnumerator<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IAsyncEnumerator<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll Asynchronous version of the IEnumerator<T> interface, allowing elements to be retrieved asynchronously. public interface IAsyncEnumerator<out T> : IAsyncDisposable Type Parameters T Element type. Inherited Members IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Current Gets the current element in the iteration. T Current { get; } Property Value T Methods MoveNextAsync() Advances the enumerator to the next element in the sequence, returning the result asynchronously. Task<bool> MoveNextAsync() Returns Task<bool> Task containing the result of the operation: true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the sequence."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IQueryProviderAsync.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.IQueryProviderAsync.html",
"title": "Interface IQueryProviderAsync | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IQueryProviderAsync Namespace LinqToDB.Async Assembly linq2db.dll This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public interface IQueryProviderAsync : IQueryProvider Inherited Members IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. Task<IAsyncEnumerable<TResult>> ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters expression Expression cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<IAsyncEnumerable<TResult>> Type Parameters TResult ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters expression Expression cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> Type Parameters TResult"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Async.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Async | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Async Classes AsyncDbConnection Implements IAsyncDbConnection wrapper over DbConnection instance with synchronous implementation of asynchronous methods. Providers with async operations support could override its methods with asynchronous implementations. AsyncDbTransaction Basic IAsyncDbTransaction implementation with fallback to synchronous operations if corresponding functionality missing from DbTransaction. AsyncFactory Provides factory methods to create async wrappers for DbConnection and DbTransaction instances. Interfaces IAsyncDbConnection Wrapper over DbConnection instance which contains all operations that could have custom implementation like: IRetryPolicy support asynchronous operations, missing from DbConnection but provided by data provider implementation. IAsyncDbTransaction Wrapper over DbTransaction instance with asynchronous operations, missing from DbTransaction. Includes only operations, used by Linq To DB. IAsyncDisposable Provides a mechanism for releasing unmanaged resources asynchronously. IAsyncEnumerable<T> This API supports the LinqToDB infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. IAsyncEnumerator<T> Asynchronous version of the IEnumerator<T> interface, allowing elements to be retrieved asynchronously. IQueryProviderAsync This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.AsyncExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.AsyncExtensions.html",
"title": "Class AsyncExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AsyncExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Provides helper methods for asynchronous operations. public static class AsyncExtensions Inheritance object AsyncExtensions Methods AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<bool> AllAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<bool> AnyAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<bool> AnyAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Returns an IAsyncEnumerable<T> that can be enumerated asynchronously. public static IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source sequence. Returns IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> A query that can be enumerated asynchronously. Type Parameters TSource Source sequence element type. AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> AverageAsync(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal?> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float?> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float> AverageAsync(this IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal?> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float?> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float> AverageAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> Type Parameters TSource ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) public static Task<bool> ContainsAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, TSource item, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> item TSource token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int> CountAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int> CountAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource> FirstAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource> FirstAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously apply provided action to each element in source sequence. Sequence elements processed sequentially. public static Task ForEachAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Action<TSource> action, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source sequence. action Action<TSource> Action to apply to each sequence element. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Type Parameters TSource Source sequence element type. ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously apply provided function to each element in source sequence sequentially. Sequence enumeration stops if function returns false. public static Task ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> func, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source sequence. func Func<TSource, bool> Function to apply to each sequence element. Returning false from function will stop numeration. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Type Parameters TSource Source sequence element type. LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long> LongCountAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long> LongCountAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> MaxAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TResult?> MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> Type Parameters TSource TResult MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> MinAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TResult?> MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> Type Parameters TSource TResult SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource> SingleAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource> SingleAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) public static Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal> SumAsync(this IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> SumAsync(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> SumAsync(this IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> SumAsync(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int> SumAsync(this IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> SumAsync(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long> SumAsync(this IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal?> SumAsync(this IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> SumAsync(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> SumAsync(this IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> SumAsync(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int?> SumAsync(this IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int?> SumAsync(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long?> SumAsync(this IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long?> SumAsync(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float?> SumAsync(this IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> SumAsync(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float> SumAsync(this IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<float> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<decimal?> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<double?> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<int?> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<long?> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float?> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) public static Task<float> SumAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> Type Parameters TSource ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to an array. public static Task<TSource[]> ToArrayAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TSource[]> Array with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a dictionary. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, CancellationToken token = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> Source element key selector. comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> Dictionary key comparer. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> Dictionary with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. TKey Dictionary key type. ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a dictionary. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, CancellationToken token = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> Source element key selector. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> Dictionary with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. TKey Dictionary key type. ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a dictionary. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, CancellationToken token = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> Source element key selector. elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> Dictionary element selector. comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> Dictionary key comparer. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> Dictionary with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. TKey Dictionary key type. TElement Dictionary element type. ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a dictionary. public static Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, CancellationToken token = default) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> Source element key selector. elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> Dictionary element selector. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> Dictionary with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type. TKey Dictionary key type. TElement Dictionary element type. ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously loads data from query to a list. public static Task<List<TSource>> ToListAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<List<TSource>> List with query results. Type Parameters TSource Query element type."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Array-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Array-1.html",
"title": "Class Array<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Array<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Empty array instance helper. public static class Array<T> Type Parameters T Array element type. Inheritance object Array<T> Fields Empty Static instance of empty array of specific type. public static readonly T[] Empty Field Value T[]"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Compilation.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Compilation.html",
"title": "Class Compilation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Compilation Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Contains LINQ expression compilation options. public static class Compilation Inheritance object Compilation Methods CompileExpression(LambdaExpression) Internal API. public static Delegate CompileExpression(this LambdaExpression expression) Parameters expression LambdaExpression Returns Delegate CompileExpression<TDelegate>(Expression<TDelegate>) Internal API. public static TDelegate CompileExpression<TDelegate>(this Expression<TDelegate> expression) where TDelegate : Delegate Parameters expression Expression<TDelegate> Returns TDelegate Type Parameters TDelegate SetExpressionCompiler(Func<LambdaExpression, Delegate?>?) Sets LINQ expression compilation method. public static void SetExpressionCompiler(Func<LambdaExpression, Delegate?>? compiler) Parameters compiler Func<LambdaExpression, Delegate> Method to use for expression compilation or null to reset compilation logic to defaults."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Data.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Data.html",
"title": "Class Configuration.Data | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Configuration.Data Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Configuration.Data Inheritance object Configuration.Data Fields BulkCopyUseConnectionCommandTimeout Controls behavior of bulk copy timeout if BulkCopyTimeout is not provided. if true - the current timeout on the DataConnection is used if false - command timeout is infinite. Default value: false. public static bool BulkCopyUseConnectionCommandTimeout Field Value bool ThrowOnDisposed Enables throwing of ObjectDisposedException when access disposed DataConnection instance. Default value: true. public static bool ThrowOnDisposed Field Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Linq.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Linq.html",
"title": "Class Configuration.Linq | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Configuration.Linq Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll LINQ query settings. public static class Configuration.Linq Inheritance object Configuration.Linq Properties CacheSlidingExpiration Specifies timeout when query will be evicted from cache since last execution of query. Default value is 1 hour. public static TimeSpan CacheSlidingExpiration { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan CompareNullsAsValues If set to true nullable fields would be checked for IS NULL in Equal/NotEqual comparisons. This affects: Equal, NotEqual, Not Contains Default value: true. public static bool CompareNullsAsValues { get; set; } Property Value bool Examples public class MyEntity { public int? Value; } db.MyEntity.Where(e => e.Value != 10) from e1 in db.MyEntity join e2 in db.MyEntity on e1.Value equals e2.Value select e1 var filter = new [] {1, 2, 3}; db.MyEntity.Where(e => ! filter.Contains(e.Value)) Would be converted to next queries: SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR Value != 10 SELECT e1.Value FROM MyEntity e1 INNER JOIN MyEntity e2 ON e1.Value = e2.Value OR (e1.Value IS NULL AND e2.Value IS NULL) SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR NOT Value IN (1, 2, 3) DisableQueryCache Used to disable LINQ expressions caching for queries. This cache reduces time, required for query parsing but have several side-effects: - cached LINQ expressions could contain references to external objects as parameters, which could lead to memory leaks if those objects are not used anymore by other code - cache access synchronization could lead to bigger latencies than it saves. Default value: false. It is not recommended to enable this option as it could lead to severe slowdown. Better approach will be to call ClearCache() method to cleanup cache after queries, that produce severe memory leaks you need to fix. More details. public static bool DisableQueryCache { get; set; } Property Value bool DoNotClearOrderBys Controls behavior, when LINQ query chain contains multiple OrderBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) or OrderByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) calls: if true - non-first OrderBy* call will be treated as ThenBy* call; if false - OrderBy* call will discard sort specifications, added by previous OrderBy* and ThenBy* calls. Default value: false. public static bool DoNotClearOrderBys { get; set; } Property Value bool EnableContextSchemaEdit If true, user could add new mappings to context mapping schems (MappingSchema). Otherwise LinqToDBException will be generated on locked mapping schema edit attempt. It is not recommended to enable this option as it has performance implications. Proper approach is to create single MappingSchema instance once, configure mappings for it and use this MappingSchema instance for all context instances. Default value: false. public static bool EnableContextSchemaEdit { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateExpressionTest Enables generation of test class for each LINQ query, executed while this option is enabled. This option could be useful for issue reporting, when you need to provide reproducible case. Test file will be placed to linq2db subfolder of temp folder and exact file path will be logged to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. public static bool GenerateExpressionTest { get; set; } Property Value bool GuardGrouping Controls behavior of LINQ query, which ends with GroupBy call. if true - LinqToDBException will be thrown for such queries; if false - behavior is controlled by PreloadGroups option. Default value: true. public static bool GuardGrouping { get; set; } Property Value bool Remarks More details. IgnoreEmptyUpdate Controls behavior of linq2db when there is no updateable fields in Update query: if true - query not executed and Update operation returns 0 as number of affected records; if false - LinqException will be thrown. Default value: false. public static bool IgnoreEmptyUpdate { get; set; } Property Value bool KeepDistinctOrdered Allows SQL generation to automatically transform SELECT DISTINCT value FROM Table ORDER BY date Into GROUP BY equivalent if syntax is not supported Default value: true. public static bool KeepDistinctOrdered { get; set; } Property Value bool OptimizeJoins If enabled, linq2db will try to reduce number of generated SQL JOINs for LINQ query. Attempted optimizations: removes duplicate joins by unique target table key; removes self-joins by unique key; removes left joins if joined table is not used in query. Default value: true. public static bool OptimizeJoins { get; set; } Property Value bool Options Default LinqOptions options. Automatically synchronized with other settings in Configuration.Linq class. public static LinqOptions Options { get; set; } Property Value LinqOptions ParameterizeTakeSkip Enables Take/Skip parameterization. Default value: true. public static bool ParameterizeTakeSkip { get; set; } Property Value bool PreferApply Used to generate CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY if possible. Default value: true. public static bool PreferApply { get; set; } Property Value bool PreloadGroups Controls how group data for LINQ queries ended with GroupBy will be loaded: if true - group data will be loaded together with main query, resulting in 1 + N queries, where N - number of groups; if false - group data will be loaded when you call enumerator for specific group IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. Default value: false. public static bool PreloadGroups { get; set; } Property Value bool TraceMapperExpression Enables logging of generated mapping expression to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. public static bool TraceMapperExpression { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.LinqService.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.LinqService.html",
"title": "Class Configuration.LinqService | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Configuration.LinqService Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Linq over WCF global settings. public static class Configuration.LinqService Inheritance object Configuration.LinqService Fields SerializeAssemblyQualifiedName Controls format of type name, sent over remote context: if true - name from AssemblyQualifiedName used; if false - name from FullName used. Default value: false. public static bool SerializeAssemblyQualifiedName Field Value bool ThrowUnresolvedTypeException Controls behavior of linq2db, when it cannot load Type by type name on query deserialization: if true - LinqToDBException will be thrown; if false - type load error will be ignored. Default value: false. public static bool ThrowUnresolvedTypeException Field Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.RetryPolicy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.RetryPolicy.html",
"title": "Class Configuration.RetryPolicy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Configuration.RetryPolicy Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Retry policy global settings. public static class Configuration.RetryPolicy Inheritance object Configuration.RetryPolicy Properties DefaultCoefficient The default coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. Default value: 1 second. public static TimeSpan DefaultCoefficient { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan DefaultExponentialBase The default base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. Default value: 2. public static double DefaultExponentialBase { get; set; } Property Value double DefaultMaxDelay The default maximum time delay between retries, must be nonnegative. Default value: 30 seconds. public static TimeSpan DefaultMaxDelay { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan DefaultMaxRetryCount The default number of retry attempts. Default value: 5. public static int DefaultMaxRetryCount { get; set; } Property Value int DefaultRandomFactor The default maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. Default value: 1.1. public static double DefaultRandomFactor { get; set; } Property Value double Factory Retry policy factory method, used to create retry policy for new DataConnection instance. If factory method is not set, retry policy is not used. Not set by default. public static Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>? Factory { get; set; } Property Value Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy> Options Default RetryPolicyOptions options. Automatically synchronized with other settings in Configuration.RetryPolicy class. public static RetryPolicyOptions Options { get; set; } Property Value RetryPolicyOptions UseDefaultPolicy Status of use of default retry policy. Getter returns true if default retry policy used, and false if custom retry policy used or retry policy is not set. Setter sets Factory to default retry policy factory if value is true, otherwise removes retry policy. public static bool UseDefaultPolicy { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Sql.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Sql.html",
"title": "Class Configuration.Sql | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Configuration.Sql Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll SQL generation global settings. public static class Configuration.Sql Inheritance object Configuration.Sql Properties AssociationAlias Format for association alias. Default value: \"a_{0}\". In the following query var query = from child in db.Child select new { child.ChildID, child.Parent.Value1 }; for association Parent will be generated association A_Parent in resulting SQL. SELECT [child].[ChildID], [a_Parent].[Value1] FROM [Child] [child] LEFT JOIN [Parent] [a_Parent] ON ([child].[ParentID] = [a_Parent].[ParentID]) Set this value to null to disable special alias generation queries. public static string? AssociationAlias { get; set; } Property Value string EnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy If true, linq2db will allow any constant expressions in ORDER BY clause. Default value: false. public static bool EnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy { get; set; } Property Value bool GenerateFinalAliases Indicates whether SQL Builder should generate aliases for final projection. It is not required for correct query processing but simplifies SQL analysis. Default value: false. For the query var query = from child in db.Child select new { TrackId = child.ChildID, }; When property is true SELECT [child].[ChildID] as [TrackId] FROM [Child] [child] Otherwise alias will be removed SELECT [child].[ChildID] FROM [Child] [child] public static bool GenerateFinalAliases { get; set; } Property Value bool Options Default SqlOptions options. Automatically synchronized with other settings in Configuration.Sql class. public static SqlOptions Options { get; set; } Property Value SqlOptions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.SqlServer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.SqlServer.html",
"title": "Class Configuration.SqlServer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Configuration.SqlServer Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll SqlServer specific global settings. public static class Configuration.SqlServer Inheritance object Configuration.SqlServer Fields UseSchemaOnlyToGetSchema if set to true, SchemaProvider uses SchemaOnly to get metadata. Otherwise the sp_describe_first_result_set sproc is used. Default value: false. public static bool UseSchemaOnlyToGetSchema Field Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.html",
"title": "Class Configuration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Configuration Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Contains global linq2db settings. public static class Configuration Inheritance object Configuration Fields ContinueOnCapturedContext Defines value to pass to ConfigureAwait(bool) method for all linq2db internal await operations. Default value: false. public static bool ContinueOnCapturedContext Field Value bool IsStructIsScalarType If true - non-primitive and non-enum value types (structures) will be treated as scalar types (e.g. DateTime) during mapping; otherwise they will be treated the same way as classes. Default value: true. public static bool IsStructIsScalarType Field Value bool OptimizeForSequentialAccess Enables mapping expression to be compatible with SequentialAccess behavior. Note that it doesn't switch linq2db to use SequentialAccess behavior for queries, so this optimization could be used for Default too. Default value: false. public static bool OptimizeForSequentialAccess Field Value bool UseEnumValueNameForStringColumns If true - Enum values are stored as by calling ToString(). Default value: true. public static bool UseEnumValueNameForStringColumns Field Value bool Properties MaxArrayParameterLengthLogging Determines number of items after which logging of collection data in SQL will be truncated. This is to avoid Out-Of-Memory exceptions when getting SqlText from TraceInfo or IExpressionQuery for logging or other purposes. public static int MaxArrayParameterLengthLogging { get; set; } Property Value int Remarks This value defaults to 8 elements. Use a value of -1 to disable and always log full collection. Set to 0 to truncate all data. MaxBinaryParameterLengthLogging Determines the length after which logging of binary data in SQL will be truncated. This is to avoid Out-Of-Memory exceptions when getting SqlText from TraceInfo or IExpressionQuery for logging or other purposes. public static int MaxBinaryParameterLengthLogging { get; set; } Property Value int Remarks This value defaults to 100. Use a value of -1 to disable and always log full binary. Set to 0 to truncate all binary data. MaxStringParameterLengthLogging Determines the length after which logging of string data in SQL will be truncated. This is to avoid Out-Of-Memory exceptions when getting SqlText from TraceInfo or IExpressionQuery for logging or other purposes. public static int MaxStringParameterLengthLogging { get; set; } Property Value int Remarks This value defaults to 200. Use a value of -1 to disable and always log full string. Set to 0 to truncate all string data. TraceMaterializationActivity Enables tracing of object materialization activity. It can significantly break performance if tracing consumer performs slow, so it is disabled by default. public static bool TraceMaterializationActivity { get; set; } Property Value bool UseNullableTypesMetadata Whether or not Nullable Reference Types annotations from C# are read and taken into consideration to determine if a column or association can be null. Nullable Types can be overriden with explicit CanBeNull annotations in [Column], [Association], or [Nullable]. public static bool UseNullableTypesMetadata { get; set; } Property Value bool Remarks Defaults to false."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ConversionType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ConversionType.html",
"title": "Enum ConversionType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum ConversionType Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Defines conversion type such as to database / from database conversion direction. public enum ConversionType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Common = 0 Conversion is used for all directions. FromDatabase = 2 Conversion is used to convert values from database to object. ToDatabase = 1 Conversion is used to convert values from object to database."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Convert-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Convert-2.html",
"title": "Class Convert<TFrom, TTo> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Convert<TFrom, TTo> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Converters provider for value conversion from TFrom to TTo type. public static class Convert<TFrom, TTo> Type Parameters TFrom Source conversion type. TTo Target conversion type. Inheritance object Convert<TFrom, TTo> Properties Expression Gets or sets an expression that converts a value of TFrom type to TTo type. Setter updates both expression and delegate forms of converter. Assigning null value will reset converter to default conversion logic. Assigning non-null value will also set converter as default converter. public static Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> Expression { get; set; } Property Value Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> From Gets conversion function delegate. public static Func<TFrom, TTo> From { get; } Property Value Func<TFrom, TTo> Lambda Gets or sets a function that converts a value of TFrom type to TTo type. Setter updates both expression and delegate forms of converter. Assigning null value will reset converter to default conversion logic. Assigning non-null value will also set converter as default converter. public static Func<TFrom, TTo> Lambda { get; set; } Property Value Func<TFrom, TTo>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ConvertBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ConvertBuilder.html",
"title": "Class ConvertBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConvertBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ConvertBuilder Inheritance object ConvertBuilder Methods GetConverter(MappingSchema?, Type, Type) public static Tuple<LambdaExpression, LambdaExpression?, bool> GetConverter(MappingSchema? mappingSchema, Type from, Type to) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema from Type to Type Returns Tuple<LambdaExpression, LambdaExpression, bool> GetDefaultMappingFromEnumType(MappingSchema, Type) public static Type? GetDefaultMappingFromEnumType(MappingSchema mappingSchema, Type enumType) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema enumType Type Returns Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ConvertTo-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ConvertTo-1.html",
"title": "Class ConvertTo<TTo> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConvertTo<TTo> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Value converter to TTo type. public static class ConvertTo<TTo> Type Parameters TTo Target conversion type. Inheritance object ConvertTo<TTo> Methods From<TFrom>(TFrom) Converts value from TFrom to TTo type. public static TTo From<TFrom>(TFrom o) Parameters o TFrom Value to convert. Returns TTo Converted value. Type Parameters TFrom Source conversion type. Examples ConvertTo<int>.From(\"123\");"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Converter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Converter.html",
"title": "Class Converter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Converter Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Type conversion manager. public static class Converter Inheritance object Converter Methods ChangeType(object?, Type, MappingSchema?, ConversionType) Converts value to toConvertType type. public static object? ChangeType(object? value, Type toConvertType, MappingSchema? mappingSchema = null, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters value object Value to convert. toConvertType Type Target conversion type. mappingSchema MappingSchema Optional mapping schema. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for details. Returns object Converted value. ChangeTypeTo<T>(object?, MappingSchema?, ConversionType) Converts value to T type. public static T ChangeTypeTo<T>(object? value, MappingSchema? mappingSchema = null, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters value object Value to convert. mappingSchema MappingSchema Optional mapping schema. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for details. Returns T Converted value. Type Parameters T Target conversion type. GetDefaultMappingFromEnumType(MappingSchema, Type) Returns type, to which provided enumeration values should be mapped. public static Type? GetDefaultMappingFromEnumType(MappingSchema mappingSchema, Type enumType) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Current mapping schema enumType Type Enumeration type. Returns Type Underlying mapping type. SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>) Sets custom converter from TFrom to TTo type. public static void SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> expr) Parameters expr Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> Converter expression. Type Parameters TFrom Source conversion type. TTo Target conversion type."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.DbDataType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.DbDataType.html",
"title": "Struct DbDataType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct DbDataType Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Stores database type attributes. public struct DbDataType : IEquatable<DbDataType> Implements IEquatable<DbDataType> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DbDataType(Type) public DbDataType(Type systemType) Parameters systemType Type DbDataType(Type, DataType) public DbDataType(Type systemType, DataType dataType) Parameters systemType Type dataType DataType DbDataType(Type, DataType, string?) public DbDataType(Type systemType, DataType dataType, string? dbType) Parameters systemType Type dataType DataType dbType string DbDataType(Type, DataType, string?, int?) public DbDataType(Type systemType, DataType dataType, string? dbType, int? length) Parameters systemType Type dataType DataType dbType string length int? DbDataType(Type, DataType, string?, int?, int?, int?) public DbDataType(Type systemType, DataType dataType, string? dbType, int? length, int? precision, int? scale) Parameters systemType Type dataType DataType dbType string length int? precision int? scale int? DbDataType(Type, string) public DbDataType(Type systemType, string dbType) Parameters systemType Type dbType string Properties DataType public readonly DataType DataType { get; } Property Value DataType DbType public readonly string? DbType { get; } Property Value string Length public readonly int? Length { get; } Property Value int? Precision public readonly int? Precision { get; } Property Value int? Scale public readonly int? Scale { get; } Property Value int? SystemType public readonly Type SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Equals(DbDataType) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public readonly bool Equals(DbDataType other) Parameters other DbDataType An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(object?) Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object Another object to compare to. Returns bool true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. EqualsDbOnly(DbDataType) public readonly bool EqualsDbOnly(DbDataType other) Parameters other DbDataType Returns bool GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance. ToString() Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. public override readonly string ToString() Returns string A string containing a fully qualified type name. WithDataType(DataType) public readonly DbDataType WithDataType(DataType dataType) Parameters dataType DataType Returns DbDataType WithDbType(string?) public readonly DbDataType WithDbType(string? dbName) Parameters dbName string Returns DbDataType WithLength(int?) public readonly DbDataType WithLength(int? length) Parameters length int? Returns DbDataType WithPrecision(int?) public readonly DbDataType WithPrecision(int? precision) Parameters precision int? Returns DbDataType WithScale(int?) public readonly DbDataType WithScale(int? scale) Parameters scale int? Returns DbDataType WithSetValues(DbDataType) public readonly DbDataType WithSetValues(DbDataType from) Parameters from DbDataType Returns DbDataType WithSystemType(Type) public readonly DbDataType WithSystemType(Type systemType) Parameters systemType Type Returns DbDataType WithoutSystemType(DbDataType) public readonly DbDataType WithoutSystemType(DbDataType from) Parameters from DbDataType Returns DbDataType WithoutSystemType(ColumnDescriptor) public readonly DbDataType WithoutSystemType(ColumnDescriptor from) Parameters from ColumnDescriptor Returns DbDataType Operators operator ==(DbDataType, DbDataType) public static bool operator ==(DbDataType t1, DbDataType t2) Parameters t1 DbDataType t2 DbDataType Returns bool operator !=(DbDataType, DbDataType) public static bool operator !=(DbDataType t1, DbDataType t2) Parameters t1 DbDataType t2 DbDataType Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.DefaultValue-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.DefaultValue-1.html",
"title": "Class DefaultValue<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DefaultValue<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Default value provider for specific type. Default value used for mapping from NULL database value to C# value. public static class DefaultValue<T> Type Parameters T Type parameter. Inheritance object DefaultValue<T> Properties Value Gets or sets default value for specific type. public static T Value { get; set; } Property Value T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.DefaultValue.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.DefaultValue.html",
"title": "Class DefaultValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DefaultValue Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Default value provider. Default value used for mapping from NULL database value to C# value. public static class DefaultValue Inheritance object DefaultValue Methods GetValue(Type, MappingSchema?) Returns default value for provided type. public static object? GetValue(Type type, MappingSchema? mappingSchema = null) Parameters type Type Type, for which default value requested. mappingSchema MappingSchema Optional mapping schema to provide mapping information for enum type. Returns object Default value for specific type. GetValue<T>() Returns default value for provided type. public static T GetValue<T>() Returns T Default value for specific type. Type Parameters T Type, for which default value requested. SetValue<T>(T) Sets default value for provided type. public static void SetValue<T>(T value) Parameters value T Default value for specific type. Type Parameters T Type, for which default value set."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.EnumerableHelper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.EnumerableHelper.html",
"title": "Class EnumerableHelper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EnumerableHelper Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public static class EnumerableHelper Inheritance object EnumerableHelper Methods Batch<T>(IEnumerable<T>, int) Split enumerable source into batches of specified size. Limitation: each batch could be enumerated only once or exception will be generated. public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Batch<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, int batchSize) Parameters source IEnumerable<T> Source collection to split into batches. batchSize int Size of each batch. Must be positive number. Returns IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> New enumerable of batches. Type Parameters T Type of element in source."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.IOptionSet.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.IOptionSet.html",
"title": "Interface IOptionSet | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IOptionSet Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Interface for extensions that are stored in OptionSets. This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally not used in application code. public interface IOptionSet : IConfigurationID Inherited Members IConfigurationID.ConfigurationID Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.IValueConverter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.IValueConverter.html",
"title": "Interface IValueConverter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IValueConverter Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Defines conversions from an object of one type in a model to an object of the same or different type in the database. public interface IValueConverter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties FromProviderExpression Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the database. LambdaExpression FromProviderExpression { get; } Property Value LambdaExpression HandlesNulls Identifies that convert expressions can handle null values. bool HandlesNulls { get; } Property Value bool ToProviderExpression Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the database. LambdaExpression ToProviderExpression { get; } Property Value LambdaExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.CacheEntryExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.CacheEntryExtensions.html",
"title": "Class CacheEntryExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CacheEntryExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll public static class CacheEntryExtensions Inheritance object CacheEntryExtensions Methods AddExpirationToken<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, IChangeToken) Expire the cache entry if the given IChangeToken expires. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> AddExpirationToken<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, IChangeToken expirationToken) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. expirationToken IChangeToken The IChangeToken that causes the cache entry to expire. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>) The given callback will be fired after the cache entry is evicted from the cache. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> callback) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. callback PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> The callback to run after the entry is evicted. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>, object?) The given callback will be fired after the cache entry is evicted from the cache. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> callback, object? state) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. callback PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> The callback to run after the entry is evicted. state object The state to pass to the post-eviction callback. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, DateTimeOffset) Sets an absolute expiration date for the cache entry. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, DateTimeOffset absolute) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. absolute DateTimeOffset A DateTimeOffset representing the expiration time in absolute terms. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, TimeSpan) Sets an absolute expiration time, relative to now. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, TimeSpan relative) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. relative TimeSpan The TimeSpan representing the expiration time relative to now. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry SetOptions<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>) Applies the values of an existing MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> to the entry. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> SetOptions<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> Set the values of these options on the entry. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry SetPriority<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, CacheItemPriority) Sets the priority for keeping the cache entry in the cache during a memory pressure tokened cleanup. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> SetPriority<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, CacheItemPriority priority) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The entry to set the priority for. priority CacheItemPriority The CacheItemPriority to set on the entry. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry SetSize<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, long) Sets the size of the cache entry value. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> SetSize<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, long size) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. size long The size to set on the entry. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry SetSlidingExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, TimeSpan) Sets how long the cache entry can be inactive (e.g. not accessed) before it will be removed. This will not extend the entry lifetime beyond the absolute expiration (if set). public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> SetSlidingExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, TimeSpan offset) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. offset TimeSpan A TimeSpan representing a sliding expiration. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry SetValue<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, TEntry) Sets the value of the cache entry. public static ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> SetValue<TKey, TEntry>(this ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> entry, TEntry value) where TKey : notnull Parameters entry ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity>. value TEntry The value to set on the entry. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> for chaining. Type Parameters TKey TEntry"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.CacheExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.CacheExtensions.html",
"title": "Class CacheExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CacheExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll public static class CacheExtensions Inheritance object CacheExtensions Methods GetOrCreateAsync<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, Task<TItem>>) public static Task<TItem> GetOrCreateAsync<TKey, TItem>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, Task<TItem>> factory) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey factory Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, Task<TItem>> Returns Task<TItem> Type Parameters TKey TItem GetOrCreate<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TItem>) public static TItem GetOrCreate<TKey, TItem>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TItem> factory) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey factory Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TItem> Returns TItem Type Parameters TKey TItem GetOrCreate<TItem, TKey, TContext>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TContext, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TContext, TItem>) public static TItem GetOrCreate<TItem, TKey, TContext>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key, TContext context, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TContext, TItem> factory) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey context TContext factory Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TContext, TItem> Returns TItem Type Parameters TItem TKey TContext GetOrCreate<TItem, TKey, TDerivedKey, TContext>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TDerivedKey, TContext, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TDerivedKey, TContext, TItem>) public static TItem GetOrCreate<TItem, TKey, TDerivedKey, TContext>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TDerivedKey key, TContext context, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TDerivedKey, TContext, TItem> factory) where TKey : notnull where TDerivedKey : TKey Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TDerivedKey context TContext factory Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TDerivedKey, TContext, TItem> Returns TItem Type Parameters TItem TKey TDerivedKey TContext Get<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey) public static TItem? Get<TKey, TItem>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey Returns TItem Type Parameters TKey TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem) public static TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key, TItem value) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey value TItem Returns TItem Type Parameters TKey TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, IChangeToken) public static TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key, TItem value, IChangeToken expirationToken) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey value TItem expirationToken IChangeToken Returns TItem Type Parameters TKey TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>?) public static TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key, TItem value, MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>? options) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey value TItem options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> Returns TItem Type Parameters TKey TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, DateTimeOffset) public static TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key, TItem value, DateTimeOffset absoluteExpiration) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey value TItem absoluteExpiration DateTimeOffset Returns TItem Type Parameters TKey TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, TimeSpan) public static TItem Set<TKey, TItem>(this IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> cache, TKey key, TItem value, TimeSpan absoluteExpirationRelativeToNow) where TKey : notnull Parameters cache IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem> key TKey value TItem absoluteExpirationRelativeToNow TimeSpan Returns TItem Type Parameters TKey TItem"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.CacheItemPriority.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.CacheItemPriority.html",
"title": "Enum CacheItemPriority | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum CacheItemPriority Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll Specifies how items are prioritized for preservation during a memory pressure triggered cleanup. public enum CacheItemPriority Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields High = 2 Low = 0 NeverRemove = 3 Normal = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.EvictionReason.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.EvictionReason.html",
"title": "Enum EvictionReason | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum EvictionReason Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll public enum EvictionReason Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Capacity = 5 Overflow Expired = 3 Timed out None = 0 Removed = 1 Manually Replaced = 2 Overwritten TokenExpired = 4 Event"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.ICacheEntry-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.ICacheEntry-2.html",
"title": "Interface ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll Represents an entry in the IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> implementation. public interface ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> : IDisposable where TKey : notnull Type Parameters TKey TEntity Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() Extension Methods CacheEntryExtensions.AddExpirationToken<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, IChangeToken) CacheEntryExtensions.RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>) CacheEntryExtensions.RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>, object?) CacheEntryExtensions.SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, DateTimeOffset) CacheEntryExtensions.SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, TimeSpan) CacheEntryExtensions.SetOptions<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>) CacheEntryExtensions.SetPriority<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, CacheItemPriority) CacheEntryExtensions.SetSize<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, long) CacheEntryExtensions.SetSlidingExpiration<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, TimeSpan) CacheEntryExtensions.SetValue<TKey, TEntry>(ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry>, TEntry) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties AbsoluteExpiration Gets or sets an absolute expiration date for the cache entry. DateTimeOffset? AbsoluteExpiration { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset? AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow Gets or sets an absolute expiration time, relative to now. TimeSpan? AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan? ExpirationTokens Gets the IChangeToken instances which cause the cache entry to expire. IList<IChangeToken> ExpirationTokens { get; } Property Value IList<IChangeToken> Key Gets the key of the cache entry. TKey Key { get; } Property Value TKey PostEvictionCallbacks Gets or sets the callbacks will be fired after the cache entry is evicted from the cache. IList<PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey>> PostEvictionCallbacks { get; } Property Value IList<PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey>> Priority Gets or sets the priority for keeping the cache entry in the cache during a cleanup. The default is Normal. CacheItemPriority Priority { get; set; } Property Value CacheItemPriority Size Gets or set the size of the cache entry value. long? Size { get; set; } Property Value long? SlidingExpiration Gets or sets how long a cache entry can be inactive (e.g. not accessed) before it will be removed. This will not extend the entry lifetime beyond the absolute expiration (if set). TimeSpan? SlidingExpiration { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan? Value Gets or set the value of the cache entry. TEntity? Value { get; set; } Property Value TEntity"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.IChangeToken.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.IChangeToken.html",
"title": "Interface IChangeToken | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IChangeToken Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll Propagates notifications that a change has occurred. public interface IChangeToken Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ActiveChangeCallbacks Indicates if this token will pro-actively raise callbacks. If false, the token consumer must poll HasChanged to detect changes. bool ActiveChangeCallbacks { get; } Property Value bool HasChanged Gets a value that indicates if a change has occurred. bool HasChanged { get; } Property Value bool Methods RegisterChangeCallback(Action<object>, object) Registers for a callback that will be invoked when the entry has changed. HasChanged MUST be set before the callback is invoked. IDisposable RegisterChangeCallback(Action<object> callback, object state) Parameters callback Action<object> The Action<T> to invoke. state object State to be passed into the callback. Returns IDisposable An IDisposable that is used to unregister the callback."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.IMemoryCache-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.IMemoryCache-2.html",
"title": "Interface IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll Represents a local in-memory cache whose values are not serialized. public interface IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> : IDisposable where TKey : notnull Type Parameters TKey TEntry Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() Extension Methods CacheExtensions.GetOrCreateAsync<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, Task<TItem>>) CacheExtensions.GetOrCreate<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TItem>) CacheExtensions.GetOrCreate<TItem, TKey, TContext>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TContext, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TContext, TItem>) CacheExtensions.GetOrCreate<TItem, TKey, TDerivedKey, TContext>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TDerivedKey, TContext, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TDerivedKey, TContext, TItem>) CacheExtensions.Get<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, IChangeToken) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>?) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, DateTimeOffset) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, TimeSpan) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods CreateEntry(TKey) Create or overwrite an entry in the cache. ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> CreateEntry(TKey key) Parameters key TKey An object identifying the entry. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The newly created ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> instance. Remove(TKey) Removes the object associated with the given key. void Remove(TKey key) Parameters key TKey An object identifying the entry. TryGetValue(TKey, out TEntry) Gets the item associated with this key if present. bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TEntry value) Parameters key TKey An object identifying the requested entry. value TEntry The located value or null. Returns bool True if the key was found."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.ISystemClock.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.ISystemClock.html",
"title": "Interface ISystemClock | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISystemClock Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll Abstracts the system clock to facilitate testing. public interface ISystemClock Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties UtcNow Retrieves the current system time in UTC. DateTimeOffset UtcNow { get; } Property Value DateTimeOffset"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.MemoryCache-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.MemoryCache-2.html",
"title": "Class MemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll An implementation of IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> using a dictionary to store its entries. public class MemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> : IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry>, IDisposable where TKey : notnull Type Parameters TKey TEntry Inheritance object MemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> Implements IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> IDisposable Extension Methods CacheExtensions.GetOrCreateAsync<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, Task<TItem>>) CacheExtensions.GetOrCreate<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TItem>) CacheExtensions.GetOrCreate<TItem, TKey, TContext>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TContext, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TContext, TItem>) CacheExtensions.GetOrCreate<TItem, TKey, TDerivedKey, TContext>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TDerivedKey, TContext, Func<ICacheEntry<TKey, TItem>, TDerivedKey, TContext, TItem>) CacheExtensions.Get<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, IChangeToken) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>?) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, DateTimeOffset) CacheExtensions.Set<TKey, TItem>(IMemoryCache<TKey, TItem>, TKey, TItem, TimeSpan) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MemoryCache(MemoryCacheOptions) Creates a new MemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> instance. public MemoryCache(MemoryCacheOptions optionsAccessor) Parameters optionsAccessor MemoryCacheOptions The options of the cache. Properties Count Gets the count of the current entries for diagnostic purposes. public int Count { get; } Property Value int Methods Clear() Remove all cache entries. public void Clear() Compact(double) public void Compact(double percentage) Parameters percentage double CreateEntry(TKey) Create or overwrite an entry in the cache. public ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> CreateEntry(TKey key) Parameters key TKey An object identifying the entry. Returns ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntry> The newly created ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> instance. Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() Dispose(bool) protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) Parameters disposing bool ~MemoryCache() Cleans up the background collection events. protected ~MemoryCache() Remove(TKey) Removes the object associated with the given key. public void Remove(TKey key) Parameters key TKey An object identifying the entry. TryGetValue(TKey, out TEntry) Gets the item associated with this key if present. public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TEntry value) Parameters key TKey An object identifying the requested entry. value TEntry The located value or null. Returns bool True if the key was found."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.html",
"title": "Class MemoryCacheEntryExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemoryCacheEntryExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MemoryCacheEntryExtensions Inheritance object MemoryCacheEntryExtensions Methods AddExpirationToken<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, IChangeToken) Expire the cache entry if the given IChangeToken expires. public static MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> AddExpirationToken<TKey>(this MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options, IChangeToken expirationToken) where TKey : notnull Parameters options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>. expirationToken IChangeToken The IChangeToken that causes the cache entry to expire. Returns MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> so that additional calls can be chained. Type Parameters TKey RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>) The given callback will be fired after the cache entry is evicted from the cache. public static MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey>(this MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> callback) where TKey : notnull Parameters options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>. callback PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> The callback to register for calling after an entry is evicted. Returns MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> so that additional calls can be chained. Type Parameters TKey RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>, object?) The given callback will be fired after the cache entry is evicted from the cache. public static MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey>(this MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> callback, object? state) where TKey : notnull Parameters options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>. callback PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> The callback to register for calling after an entry is evicted. state object The state to pass to the callback. Returns MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> so that additional calls can be chained. Type Parameters TKey SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, DateTimeOffset) Sets an absolute expiration date for the cache entry. public static MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey>(this MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options, DateTimeOffset absolute) where TKey : notnull Parameters options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>. absolute DateTimeOffset The expiration time, in absolute terms. Returns MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> so that additional calls can be chained. Type Parameters TKey SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, TimeSpan) Sets an absolute expiration time, relative to now. public static MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey>(this MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options, TimeSpan relative) where TKey : notnull Parameters options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>. relative TimeSpan The expiration time, relative to now. Returns MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> so that additional calls can be chained. Type Parameters TKey SetPriority<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, CacheItemPriority) Sets the priority for keeping the cache entry in the cache during a memory pressure tokened cleanup. public static MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> SetPriority<TKey>(this MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options, CacheItemPriority priority) where TKey : notnull Parameters options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The option on which to set the priority. priority CacheItemPriority The CacheItemPriority to set on the option. Returns MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> so that additional calls can be chained. Type Parameters TKey SetSize<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, long) Sets the size of the cache entry value. public static MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> SetSize<TKey>(this MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options, long size) where TKey : notnull Parameters options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The options to set the entry size on. size long The size to set on the MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>. Returns MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> so that additional calls can be chained. Type Parameters TKey SetSlidingExpiration<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, TimeSpan) Sets how long the cache entry can be inactive (e.g. not accessed) before it will be removed. This will not extend the entry lifetime beyond the absolute expiration (if set). public static MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> SetSlidingExpiration<TKey>(this MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> options, TimeSpan offset) where TKey : notnull Parameters options MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>. offset TimeSpan The sliding expiration time. Returns MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> The MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> so that additional calls can be chained. Type Parameters TKey"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.MemoryCacheEntryOptions-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.MemoryCacheEntryOptions-1.html",
"title": "Class MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll Represents the cache options applied to an entry of the IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> instance. public class MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> where TKey : notnull Type Parameters TKey Inheritance object MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> Extension Methods MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.AddExpirationToken<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, IChangeToken) MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>) MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.RegisterPostEvictionCallback<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>, object?) MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, DateTimeOffset) MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.SetAbsoluteExpiration<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, TimeSpan) MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.SetPriority<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, CacheItemPriority) MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.SetSize<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, long) MemoryCacheEntryExtensions.SetSlidingExpiration<TKey>(MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey>, TimeSpan) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties AbsoluteExpiration Gets or sets an absolute expiration date for the cache entry. public DateTimeOffset? AbsoluteExpiration { get; set; } Property Value DateTimeOffset? AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow Gets or sets an absolute expiration time, relative to now. public TimeSpan? AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan? ExpirationTokens Gets the IChangeToken instances which cause the cache entry to expire. public IList<IChangeToken> ExpirationTokens { get; } Property Value IList<IChangeToken> PostEvictionCallbacks Gets or sets the callbacks will be fired after the cache entry is evicted from the cache. public IList<PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey>> PostEvictionCallbacks { get; } Property Value IList<PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey>> Priority Gets or sets the priority for keeping the cache entry in the cache during a memory pressure triggered cleanup. The default is Normal. public CacheItemPriority Priority { get; set; } Property Value CacheItemPriority Size Gets or sets the size of the cache entry value. public long? Size { get; set; } Property Value long? SlidingExpiration Gets or sets how long a cache entry can be inactive (e.g. not accessed) before it will be removed. This will not extend the entry lifetime beyond the absolute expiration (if set). public TimeSpan? SlidingExpiration { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan?"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.MemoryCacheOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.MemoryCacheOptions.html",
"title": "Class MemoryCacheOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemoryCacheOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll public class MemoryCacheOptions Inheritance object MemoryCacheOptions Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Clock public ISystemClock? Clock { get; set; } Property Value ISystemClock CompactionPercentage Gets or sets the amount to compact the cache by when the maximum size is exceeded. public double CompactionPercentage { get; set; } Property Value double ExpirationScanFrequency Gets or sets the minimum length of time between successive scans for expired items. public TimeSpan ExpirationScanFrequency { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan SizeLimit Gets or sets the maximum size of the cache. public long? SizeLimit { get; set; } Property Value long?"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.PostEvictionCallbackRegistration-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.PostEvictionCallbackRegistration-1.html",
"title": "Class PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll public class PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey> where TKey : notnull Type Parameters TKey Inheritance object PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties EvictionCallback public PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> EvictionCallback { get; set; } Property Value PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> State public object? State { get; set; } Property Value object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.PostEvictionDelegate-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.PostEvictionDelegate-1.html",
"title": "Delegate PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll Signature of the callback which gets called when a cache entry expires. public delegate void PostEvictionDelegate<TKey>(TKey key, object? value, EvictionReason reason, object? state) where TKey : notnull Parameters key TKey The key of the entry being evicted. value object The value of the entry being evicted. reason EvictionReason The EvictionReason. state object The information that was passed when registering the callback. Type Parameters TKey Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.SystemClock.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.SystemClock.html",
"title": "Class SystemClock | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SystemClock Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Assembly linq2db.dll Provides access to the normal system clock. public class SystemClock : ISystemClock Inheritance object SystemClock Implements ISystemClock Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties UtcNow Retrieves the current system time in UTC. public DateTimeOffset UtcNow { get; } Property Value DateTimeOffset"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal.Cache Classes CacheEntryExtensions CacheExtensions MemoryCacheEntryExtensions MemoryCacheEntryOptions<TKey> Represents the cache options applied to an entry of the IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> instance. MemoryCacheOptions MemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> An implementation of IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> using a dictionary to store its entries. PostEvictionCallbackRegistration<TKey> SystemClock Provides access to the normal system clock. Interfaces ICacheEntry<TKey, TEntity> Represents an entry in the IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> implementation. IChangeToken Propagates notifications that a change has occurred. IMemoryCache<TKey, TEntry> Represents a local in-memory cache whose values are not serialized. ISystemClock Abstracts the system clock to facilitate testing. Enums CacheItemPriority Specifies how items are prioritized for preservation during a memory pressure triggered cleanup. EvictionReason Delegates PostEvictionDelegate<TKey> Signature of the callback which gets called when a cache entry expires."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.IConfigurationID.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.IConfigurationID.html",
"title": "Interface IConfigurationID | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IConfigurationID Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal Assembly linq2db.dll For internal use. public interface IConfigurationID Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ConfigurationID int ConfigurationID { get; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.IdentifierBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.IdentifierBuilder.html",
"title": "Struct IdentifierBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct IdentifierBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal Assembly linq2db.dll Internal infrastructure API. Provides functionality for ConfigurationID generation. public readonly struct IdentifierBuilder : IDisposable Implements IDisposable Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IdentifierBuilder() public IdentifierBuilder() IdentifierBuilder(object?) public IdentifierBuilder(object? data) Parameters data object Methods Add(IConfigurationID?) public IdentifierBuilder Add(IConfigurationID? data) Parameters data IConfigurationID Returns IdentifierBuilder Add(bool) public IdentifierBuilder Add(bool data) Parameters data bool Returns IdentifierBuilder Add(Delegate?) public IdentifierBuilder Add(Delegate? data) Parameters data Delegate Returns IdentifierBuilder Add(int?) public IdentifierBuilder Add(int? data) Parameters data int? Returns IdentifierBuilder Add(object?) public IdentifierBuilder Add(object? data) Parameters data object Returns IdentifierBuilder Add(string?) public IdentifierBuilder Add(string? data) Parameters data string Returns IdentifierBuilder Add(string, object?) public IdentifierBuilder Add(string format, object? data) Parameters format string data object Returns IdentifierBuilder AddRange(IEnumerable) public IdentifierBuilder AddRange(IEnumerable items) Parameters items IEnumerable Returns IdentifierBuilder AddTypes(IEnumerable?) public IdentifierBuilder AddTypes(IEnumerable? items) Parameters items IEnumerable Returns IdentifierBuilder CreateID() public int CreateID() Returns int CreateNextID() public static int CreateNextID() Returns int Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() GetObjectID(Expression?) public static int GetObjectID(Expression? ex) Parameters ex Expression Returns int GetObjectID(object?) public static string GetObjectID(object? obj) Parameters obj object Returns string GetObjectID(MethodInfo?) public static string GetObjectID(MethodInfo? m) Parameters m MethodInfo Returns string GetObjectID(Type?) public static string GetObjectID(Type? obj) Parameters obj Type Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.TypeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.TypeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TypeExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal Assembly linq2db.dll public static class TypeExtensions Inheritance object TypeExtensions Methods IsInteger(Type) public static bool IsInteger(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Internal.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Internal Classes TypeExtensions Structs IdentifierBuilder Internal infrastructure API. Provides functionality for ConfigurationID generation. Interfaces IConfigurationID For internal use."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.LinqToDBConvertException.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.LinqToDBConvertException.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBConvertException | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBConvertException Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions. [Serializable] public class LinqToDBConvertException : LinqToDBException, ISerializable, _Exception Inheritance object Exception LinqToDBException LinqToDBConvertException Implements ISerializable _Exception Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.ToString() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.Message Exception.Data Exception.InnerException Exception.TargetSite Exception.StackTrace Exception.HelpLink Exception.Source Exception.HResult Exception.SerializeObjectState Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Remarks This class is the base class for exceptions that may occur during execution of the namespace members. Constructors LinqToDBConvertException() Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBConvertException class. public LinqToDBConvertException() Remarks This constructor initializes the Message property of the new instance such as \"A Build Type exception has occurred.\" LinqToDBConvertException(Exception) Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBConvertException class with the specified InnerException property. public LinqToDBConvertException(Exception innerException) Parameters innerException Exception The InnerException, if any, that threw the current exception. See Also InnerException LinqToDBConvertException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBConvertException class with serialized data. protected LinqToDBConvertException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) Parameters info SerializationInfo The object that holds the serialized object data. context StreamingContext The contextual information about the source or destination. Remarks This constructor is called during deserialization to reconstitute the exception object transmitted over a stream. LinqToDBConvertException(string) Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBConvertException class with the specified error message. public LinqToDBConvertException(string message) Parameters message string The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown. See Also Message LinqToDBConvertException(string, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBConvertException class with the specified error message and InnerException property. public LinqToDBConvertException(string message, Exception innerException) Parameters message string The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown. innerException Exception The InnerException, if any, that threw the current exception. See Also Message InnerException Properties ColumnName Gets name of misconfigured column, which caused exception. public string? ColumnName { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Logging.LoggingExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Logging.LoggingExtensions.html",
"title": "Class LoggingExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LoggingExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Logging Assembly linq2db.dll public static class LoggingExtensions Inheritance object LoggingExtensions Methods GetTraceSwitch(IDataContext) Returns TraceSwitch tracing options, used by provided context. public static TraceSwitch GetTraceSwitch(this IDataContext context) Parameters context IDataContext Context instance. Returns TraceSwitch TraceSwitch instance, used for tracing by provided context. WriteTraceLine(IDataContext, string, string, TraceLevel) Write line to trace associated with provided context. public static void WriteTraceLine(this IDataContext context, string message, string category, TraceLevel level) Parameters context IDataContext Context instance. message string Message text. category string Message category. level TraceLevel Trace level."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Logging.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Logging.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Logging | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Common.Logging Classes LoggingExtensions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.MemberInfoEqualityComparer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.MemberInfoEqualityComparer.html",
"title": "Class MemberInfoEqualityComparer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemberInfoEqualityComparer Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public class MemberInfoEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<MemberInfo> Inheritance object MemberInfoEqualityComparer Implements IEqualityComparer<MemberInfo> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Default public static readonly MemberInfoEqualityComparer Default Field Value MemberInfoEqualityComparer Methods Equals(MemberInfo?, MemberInfo?) Determines whether the specified objects are equal. public bool Equals(MemberInfo? x, MemberInfo? y) Parameters x MemberInfo The first object of type T to compare. y MemberInfo The second object of type T to compare. Returns bool true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false. GetHashCode(MemberInfo) Returns a hash code for the specified object. public int GetHashCode(MemberInfo obj) Parameters obj MemberInfo The object for which a hash code is to be returned. Returns int A hash code for the specified object. Exceptions ArgumentNullException The type of obj is a reference type and obj is null."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Option-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Option-1.html",
"title": "Struct Option<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct Option<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Option type implementation. Option type. public readonly struct Option<T> Type Parameters T Value type. Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields None Gets None value for option. public static readonly Option<T> None Field Value Option<T> Properties HasValue Returns true if current option stores some value instead of None. public bool HasValue { get; } Property Value bool Value Gets value, stored in option. public T Value { get; } Property Value T Methods Some(T) Creates option with value. public static Option<T> Some(T value) Parameters value T Option's value. Returns Option<T> Option instance. Operators implicit operator Option<T>(T) public static implicit operator Option<T>(T value) Parameters value T Returns Option<T>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.OptionsContainer-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.OptionsContainer-1.html",
"title": "Class OptionsContainer<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OptionsContainer<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Base class for options. public abstract class OptionsContainer<T> where T : OptionsContainer<T> Type Parameters T Derived type. Inheritance object OptionsContainer<T> Derived DataOptions Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors OptionsContainer() protected OptionsContainer() OptionsContainer(OptionsContainer<T>) protected OptionsContainer(OptionsContainer<T> options) Parameters options OptionsContainer<T> Properties OptionSets Provides access to option sets, stored in current options object. public virtual IEnumerable<IOptionSet> OptionSets { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<IOptionSet> Methods Apply<TA>(TA) protected void Apply<TA>(TA obj) Parameters obj TA Type Parameters TA Clone() protected abstract T Clone() Returns T FindOrDefault<TSet>(TSet) public TSet FindOrDefault<TSet>(TSet defaultOptions) where TSet : class, IOptionSet Parameters defaultOptions TSet Returns TSet Type Parameters TSet Find<TSet>() Search for options set by set type TSet. public virtual TSet? Find<TSet>() where TSet : class, IOptionSet Returns TSet Options set or null if set with type TSet not found in options. Type Parameters TSet Options set type. Get<TSet>() Returns options set by set type TSet. If options doesn't contain specific options set, it is created and added to options. public virtual TSet Get<TSet>() where TSet : class, IOptionSet, new() Returns TSet Returns options set by set type TSet. If options doesn't contain specific options set, it is created and added to options. Type Parameters TSet Options set type. WithOptions(IOptionSet) Adds or replace IOptionSet instance based on concrete implementation type. public virtual T WithOptions(IOptionSet options) Parameters options IOptionSet Set of options. Returns T New options object with options applied. WithOptions<TSet>(Func<TSet, TSet>) Adds or replace IOptionSet instance, returned by optionSetter delegate. public T WithOptions<TSet>(Func<TSet, TSet> optionSetter) where TSet : class, IOptionSet, new() Parameters optionSetter Func<TSet, TSet> New option set creation delegate. Takes current options set as parameter. Returns T New options object (if optionSetter created new options set). Type Parameters TSet IOptionSet concrete type."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.RawSqlString.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.RawSqlString.html",
"title": "Struct RawSqlString | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct RawSqlString Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll A string representing a raw SQL query. This type enables overload resolution between the regular and interpolated FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]). public readonly struct RawSqlString Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors RawSqlString(string) Constructs a RawSqlString from a string public RawSqlString(string s) Parameters s string The string. Properties Format The string format. public string Format { get; } Property Value string Operators implicit operator RawSqlString(string) Implicitly converts a string to a RawSqlString public static implicit operator RawSqlString(string s) Parameters s string The string. Returns RawSqlString"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.StringBuilderExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.StringBuilderExtensions.html",
"title": "Class StringBuilderExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class StringBuilderExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public static class StringBuilderExtensions Inheritance object StringBuilderExtensions Methods AppendByteArrayAsHexViaLookup32(StringBuilder, byte[]) Appends an array of bytes to a StringBuilder in hex (i.e. 255->FF) format utilizing a static lookup table to minimize allocations. public static StringBuilder AppendByteArrayAsHexViaLookup32(this StringBuilder sb, byte[] bytes) Parameters sb StringBuilder The StringBuilder to append to bytes byte[] The byte array to append in hex Returns StringBuilder Remarks The implementation here was chosen based on: Which indicated that's implementation of ByteArrayToHexViaLookup32 was the fastest method not involving unsafe AppendByteAsHexViaLookup32(StringBuilder, byte) public static StringBuilder AppendByteAsHexViaLookup32(this StringBuilder sb, byte @byte) Parameters sb StringBuilder byte byte Returns StringBuilder"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Tools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Tools.html",
"title": "Class Tools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Tools Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll Various general-purpose helpers. public static class Tools Inheritance object Tools Methods ClearAllCaches() Clears all linq2db caches. public static void ClearAllCaches() CreateEmptyQuery(Type) public static IQueryable CreateEmptyQuery(Type elementType) Parameters elementType Type Returns IQueryable CreateEmptyQuery<T>() public static IQueryable<T> CreateEmptyQuery<T>() Returns IQueryable<T> Type Parameters T IsNullOrEmpty(ICollection?) Checks that collection is not null and have at least one element. public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this ICollection? array) Parameters array ICollection Collection to check. Returns bool true if collection is null or contains no elements, false otherwise. ToDebugDisplay(string) public static string ToDebugDisplay(string str) Parameters str string Returns string TryLoadAssembly(string?, string?) public static Assembly? TryLoadAssembly(string? assemblyName, string? providerFactory) Parameters assemblyName string providerFactory string Returns Assembly"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.TypeHelper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.TypeHelper.html",
"title": "Class TypeHelper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeHelper Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public static class TypeHelper Inheritance object TypeHelper Methods EnumTypeRemapping(Type, Type, Type[]) Enumerates type transformation for generic arguments. public static IEnumerable<Tuple<Type, Type>> EnumTypeRemapping(Type templateType, Type replaced, Type[] templateArguments) Parameters templateType Type Type from generic definition. replaced Type Concrete type which needs mapping to generic definition. templateArguments Type[] Generic arguments of generic definition. Returns IEnumerable<Tuple<Type, Type>> MakeGenericMethod(MethodInfo, Expression[]) Makes generic method based on type of arguments. public static MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo, Expression[] arguments) Parameters methodInfo MethodInfo arguments Expression[] Returns MethodInfo New MethodCallExpression. MakeMethodCall(MethodInfo, params Expression[]) Creates MethodCallExpression without specifying generic parameters. public static MethodCallExpression MakeMethodCall(MethodInfo methodInfo, params Expression[] arguments) Parameters methodInfo MethodInfo arguments Expression[] Returns MethodCallExpression New MethodCallExpression. RegisterTypeRemapping(Type, Type, Type[], Dictionary<Type, Type>) Registers type transformation for generic arguments. public static void RegisterTypeRemapping(Type templateType, Type replaced, Type[] templateArguments, Dictionary<Type, Type> typeMappings) Parameters templateType Type Type from generic definition. replaced Type Concrete type which needs mapping to generic definition. templateArguments Type[] Generic arguments of generic definition. typeMappings Dictionary<Type, Type> Accumulator dictionary for registered mappings."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Utils.ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Utils.ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer-1.html",
"title": "Class Utils.ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Utils.ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public class Utils.ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T> where T : notnull Type Parameters T Inheritance object Utils.ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer<T> Implements IEqualityComparer<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Default public static IEqualityComparer<T> Default Field Value IEqualityComparer<T> Methods Equals(T?, T?) Determines whether the specified objects are equal. public bool Equals(T? x, T? y) Parameters x T The first object of type T to compare. y T The second object of type T to compare. Returns bool true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false. GetHashCode(T) Returns a hash code for the specified object. public int GetHashCode(T obj) Parameters obj T The object for which a hash code is to be returned. Returns int A hash code for the specified object. Exceptions ArgumentNullException The type of obj is a reference type and obj is null."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Utils.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.Utils.html",
"title": "Class Utils | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Utils Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Utils Inheritance object Utils Methods MakeUniqueNames<T>(IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable<string>?, Func<T, string?>, Action<T, string, ISet<string>?>, Func<T, string?>, StringComparer?) public static void MakeUniqueNames<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, IEnumerable<string>? staticNames, Func<T, string?> nameFunc, Action<T, string, ISet<string>?> nameSetter, Func<T, string?> defaultName, StringComparer? comparer = null) Parameters items IEnumerable<T> staticNames IEnumerable<string> nameFunc Func<T, string> nameSetter Action<T, string, ISet<string>> defaultName Func<T, string> comparer StringComparer Type Parameters T MakeUniqueNames<T>(IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable<string>?, Func<T, string?>, Action<T, string, ISet<string>?>, string, StringComparer?) public static void MakeUniqueNames<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, IEnumerable<string>? staticNames, Func<T, string?> nameFunc, Action<T, string, ISet<string>?> nameSetter, string defaultName = \"t\", StringComparer? comparer = null) Parameters items IEnumerable<T> staticNames IEnumerable<string> nameFunc Func<T, string> nameSetter Action<T, string, ISet<string>> defaultName string comparer StringComparer Type Parameters T MakeUniqueNames<T>(IEnumerable<T>, ISet<string>?, Func<string, ISet<string>?, bool>, Func<T, string?>, Action<T, string, ISet<string>?>, Func<T, string?>, StringComparer?) public static void MakeUniqueNames<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, ISet<string>? namesParameter, Func<string, ISet<string>?, bool> validatorFunc, Func<T, string?> nameFunc, Action<T, string, ISet<string>?> nameSetter, Func<T, string?> defaultName, StringComparer? comparer = null) Parameters items IEnumerable<T> namesParameter ISet<string> validatorFunc Func<string, ISet<string>, bool> nameFunc Func<T, string> nameSetter Action<T, string, ISet<string>> defaultName Func<T, string> comparer StringComparer Type Parameters T RemoveDuplicatesFromTail<T>(IList<T>, Func<T, T, bool>) public static void RemoveDuplicatesFromTail<T>(this IList<T> list, Func<T, T, bool> compareFunc) Parameters list IList<T> compareFunc Func<T, T, bool> Type Parameters T RemoveDuplicates<T>(IList<T>, IEqualityComparer<T>?) public static void RemoveDuplicates<T>(this IList<T> list, IEqualityComparer<T>? comparer = null) Parameters list IList<T> comparer IEqualityComparer<T> Type Parameters T RemoveDuplicates<T, TKey>(IList<T>, Func<T, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>?) public static void RemoveDuplicates<T, TKey>(this IList<T> list, Func<T, TKey> keySelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey>? comparer = null) Parameters list IList<T> keySelector Func<T, TKey> comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> Type Parameters T TKey"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ValueConverter-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ValueConverter-2.html",
"title": "Class ValueConverter<TModel, TProvider> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ValueConverter<TModel, TProvider> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public class ValueConverter<TModel, TProvider> : IValueConverter Type Parameters TModel TProvider Inheritance object ValueConverter<TModel, TProvider> Implements IValueConverter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ValueConverter(Expression<Func<TModel, TProvider>>, Expression<Func<TProvider, TModel>>, bool) public ValueConverter(Expression<Func<TModel, TProvider>> convertToProviderExpression, Expression<Func<TProvider, TModel>> convertFromProviderExpression, bool handlesNulls) Parameters convertToProviderExpression Expression<Func<TModel, TProvider>> convertFromProviderExpression Expression<Func<TProvider, TModel>> handlesNulls bool Properties FromProviderExpression Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the database. public LambdaExpression FromProviderExpression { get; } Property Value LambdaExpression HandlesNulls Identifies that convert expressions can handle null values. public bool HandlesNulls { get; } Property Value bool ToProviderExpression Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the database. public LambdaExpression ToProviderExpression { get; } Property Value LambdaExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ValueConverterFunc-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.ValueConverterFunc-2.html",
"title": "Class ValueConverterFunc<TModel, TProvider> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ValueConverterFunc<TModel, TProvider> Namespace LinqToDB.Common Assembly linq2db.dll public class ValueConverterFunc<TModel, TProvider> : IValueConverter Type Parameters TModel TProvider Inheritance object ValueConverterFunc<TModel, TProvider> Implements IValueConverter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ValueConverterFunc(Func<TModel, TProvider>, Func<TProvider, TModel>, bool) public ValueConverterFunc(Func<TModel, TProvider> convertToProviderFunc, Func<TProvider, TModel> convertFromProviderFunc, bool handlesNulls) Parameters convertToProviderFunc Func<TModel, TProvider> convertFromProviderFunc Func<TProvider, TModel> handlesNulls bool Properties FromProviderExpression Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the database. public LambdaExpression FromProviderExpression { get; } Property Value LambdaExpression HandlesNulls Identifies that convert expressions can handle null values. public bool HandlesNulls { get; } Property Value bool ToProviderExpression Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the database. public LambdaExpression ToProviderExpression { get; } Property Value LambdaExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Common.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Common | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Common Classes Array<T> Empty array instance helper. Compilation Contains LINQ expression compilation options. Configuration Contains global linq2db settings. Configuration.Data Configuration.Linq LINQ query settings. Configuration.LinqService Linq over WCF global settings. Configuration.RetryPolicy Retry policy global settings. Configuration.Sql SQL generation global settings. Configuration.SqlServer SqlServer specific global settings. ConvertBuilder ConvertTo<TTo> Value converter to TTo type. Convert<TFrom, TTo> Converters provider for value conversion from TFrom to TTo type. Converter Type conversion manager. DefaultValue Default value provider. Default value used for mapping from NULL database value to C# value. DefaultValue<T> Default value provider for specific type. Default value used for mapping from NULL database value to C# value. EnumerableHelper LinqToDBConvertException Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions. MemberInfoEqualityComparer OptionsContainer<T> Base class for options. StringBuilderExtensions Tools Various general-purpose helpers. TypeHelper Utils Utils.ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer<T> ValueConverterFunc<TModel, TProvider> ValueConverter<TModel, TProvider> Structs DbDataType Stores database type attributes. Option<T> Option type implementation. Option type. RawSqlString A string representing a raw SQL query. This type enables overload resolution between the regular and interpolated FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]). Interfaces IOptionSet Interface for extensions that are stored in OptionSets. This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally not used in application code. IValueConverter Defines conversions from an object of one type in a model to an object of the same or different type in the database. Enums ConversionType Defines conversion type such as to database / from database conversion direction."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.CompiledQuery.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.CompiledQuery.html",
"title": "Class CompiledQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CompiledQuery Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Provides API for compilation and caching of queries for reuse. public class CompiledQuery Inheritance object CompiledQuery Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors CompiledQuery(LambdaExpression) protected CompiledQuery(LambdaExpression query) Parameters query LambdaExpression Methods Compile<TDC, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TResult>>) Compiles the query. public static Func<TDC, TResult> Compile<TDC, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TResult>> query) where TDC : IDataContext Parameters query Expression<Func<TDC, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDC, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDC Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TResult Query result type. Compile<TDC, TArg1, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TResult>>) Compiles the query with parameter. public static Func<TDC, TArg1, TResult> Compile<TDC, TArg1, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TResult>> query) where TDC : IDataContext Parameters query Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDC, TArg1, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDC Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TArg1 Type of parameter for compiled query. TResult Query result type. Compile<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>>) Compiles the query with two parameters. public static Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TResult> Compile<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>> query) where TDC : IDataContext Parameters query Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDC Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TArg1 Type of first parameter for compiled query. TArg2 Type of second parameter for compiled query. TResult Query result type. Compile<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>>) Compiles the query with three parameters. public static Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult> Compile<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>> query) where TDC : IDataContext Parameters query Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDC Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TArg1 Type of first parameter for compiled query. TArg2 Type of second parameter for compiled query. TArg3 Type of third parameter for compiled query. TResult Query result type. Compile<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TResult>>) Compiles the query with four parameters. public static Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TResult> Compile<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TResult>> query) where TDC : IDataContext Parameters query Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDC Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TArg1 Type of first parameter for compiled query. TArg2 Type of second parameter for compiled query. TArg3 Type of third parameter for compiled query. TArg4 Type of forth parameter for compiled query. TResult Query result type. Compile<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TResult>>) Compiles the query with five parameters. public static Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TResult> Compile<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TResult>(Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TResult>> query) where TDC : IDataContext Parameters query Expression<Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDC, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TArg4, TArg5, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDC Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TArg1 Type of first parameter for compiled query. TArg2 Type of second parameter for compiled query. TArg3 Type of third parameter for compiled query. TArg4 Type of forth parameter for compiled query. TArg5 Type of fifth parameter for compiled query. TResult Query result type. Invoke<TDC, TResult>(TDC) Executes compiled query against provided database connection context. public TResult Invoke<TDC, TResult>(TDC dataContext) Parameters dataContext TDC Database connection context. Returns TResult Query execution result. Type Parameters TDC Database connection context type. TResult Query result type. Invoke<TDC, T1, TResult>(TDC, T1) Executes compiled query with one parameter against provided database connection context. public TResult Invoke<TDC, T1, TResult>(TDC dataContext, T1 arg1) Parameters dataContext TDC Database connection context. arg1 T1 Query parameter value. Returns TResult Query execution result. Type Parameters TDC Database connection context type. T1 Query parameter type. TResult Query result type. Invoke<TDC, T1, T2, TResult>(TDC, T1, T2) Executes compiled query with two parameters against provided database connection context. public TResult Invoke<TDC, T1, T2, TResult>(TDC dataContext, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) Parameters dataContext TDC Database connection context. arg1 T1 First query parameter value. arg2 T2 Second query parameter value. Returns TResult Query execution result. Type Parameters TDC Database connection context type. T1 First query parameter type. T2 Second query parameter type. TResult Query result type. Invoke<TDC, T1, T2, T3, TResult>(TDC, T1, T2, T3) Executes compiled query with three parameters against provided database connection context. public TResult Invoke<TDC, T1, T2, T3, TResult>(TDC dataContext, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) Parameters dataContext TDC Database connection context. arg1 T1 First query parameter value. arg2 T2 Second query parameter value. arg3 T3 Third query parameter value. Returns TResult Query execution result. Type Parameters TDC Database connection context type. T1 First query parameter type. T2 Second query parameter type. T3 Third query parameter type. TResult Query result type. Invoke<TDC, T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult>(TDC, T1, T2, T3, T4) Executes compiled query with four parameters against provided database connection context. public TResult Invoke<TDC, T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult>(TDC dataContext, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) Parameters dataContext TDC Database connection context. arg1 T1 First query parameter value. arg2 T2 Second query parameter value. arg3 T3 Third query parameter value. arg4 T4 Forth query parameter value. Returns TResult Query execution result. Type Parameters TDC Database connection context type. T1 First query parameter type. T2 Second query parameter type. T3 Third query parameter type. T4 Forth query parameter type. TResult Query result type. Invoke<TDC, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult>(TDC, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) Executes compiled query with five parameters against provided database connection context. public TResult Invoke<TDC, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult>(TDC dataContext, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5) Parameters dataContext TDC Database connection context. arg1 T1 First query parameter value. arg2 T2 Second query parameter value. arg3 T3 Third query parameter value. arg4 T4 Forth query parameter value. arg5 T5 Fifth query parameter value. Returns TResult Query execution result. Type Parameters TDC Database connection context type. T1 First query parameter type. T2 Second query parameter type. T3 Third query parameter type. T4 Forth query parameter type. T5 Fifth query parameter type. TResult Query result type."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.ConcurrencyExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.ConcurrencyExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ConcurrencyExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConcurrencyExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Concurrency Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ConcurrencyExtensions Inheritance object ConcurrencyExtensions Methods DeleteOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) Performs record delete using optimistic lock strategy asynchronously. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise regular delete operation will be performed. public static Task<int> DeleteOptimisticAsync<T>(this IDataContext dc, T obj, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dc IDataContext Database context. obj T Entity instance to delete. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of deleted records. Type Parameters T Entity type. DeleteOptimisticAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, T, CancellationToken) Performs record delete using optimistic lock strategy asynchronously. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise regular delete operation will be performed. public static Task<int> DeleteOptimisticAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, T obj, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Table source with optional filtering applied. obj T Entity instance to delete. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of deleted records. Type Parameters T Entity type. DeleteOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) Performs record delete using optimistic lock strategy. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise regular delete operation will be performed. public static int DeleteOptimistic<T>(this IDataContext dc, T obj) where T : class Parameters dc IDataContext Database context. obj T Entity instance to delete. Returns int Number of deleted records. Type Parameters T Entity type. DeleteOptimistic<T>(IQueryable<T>, T) Performs record delete using optimistic lock strategy. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise regular delete operation will be performed. public static int DeleteOptimistic<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, T obj) where T : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Table source with optional filtering applied. obj T Entity instance to delete. Returns int Number of deleted records. Type Parameters T Entity type. UpdateOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) Performs record update using optimistic lock strategy asynchronously. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise regular update operation will be performed. public static Task<int> UpdateOptimisticAsync<T>(this IDataContext dc, T obj, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dc IDataContext Database context. obj T Entity instance to update. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Entity type. UpdateOptimisticAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, T, CancellationToken) Performs record update using optimistic lock strategy asynchronously. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise regular update operation will be performed. public static Task<int> UpdateOptimisticAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, T obj, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Table source with optional filtering applied. obj T Entity instance to update. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Entity type. UpdateOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) Performs record update using optimistic lock strategy. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise regular update operation will be performed. public static int UpdateOptimistic<T>(this IDataContext dc, T obj) where T : class Parameters dc IDataContext Database context. obj T Entity instance to update. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Entity type. UpdateOptimistic<T>(IQueryable<T>, T) Performs record update using optimistic lock strategy. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise regular update operation will be performed. public static int UpdateOptimistic<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, T obj) where T : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Table source with optional filtering applied. obj T Entity instance to update. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Entity type. WhereKeyOptimistic<T>(IQueryable<T>, T) Applies primary key and optimistic lock filters to query for specific record. Entity should have column annotated with OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, otherwise only primary key filter will be applied to query. public static IQueryable<T> WhereKeyOptimistic<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, T obj) where T : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Entity query. obj T Entity instance to take current lock field value from. Returns IQueryable<T> Query with filter over lock field. Type Parameters T Entity type."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute.html",
"title": "Class OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Concurrency Assembly linq2db.dll Implements built-in optimistic lock value generation strategies for updates. See VersionBehavior for supported strategies. Used with ConcurrencyExtensions extensions. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field)] public class OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute : OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute(VersionBehavior) public OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute(VersionBehavior behavior) Parameters behavior VersionBehavior Properties Behavior Version column value generation strategy. public VersionBehavior Behavior { get; } Property Value VersionBehavior Methods GetNextValue(ColumnDescriptor, ParameterExpression) Implements generation of update value expression for current optimistic lock column. public override LambdaExpression? GetNextValue(ColumnDescriptor column, ParameterExpression record) Parameters column ColumnDescriptor Column mapping descriptor. record ParameterExpression Updated record. Returns LambdaExpression null to skip explicit column update or update expression. GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute.html",
"title": "Class OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Concurrency Assembly linq2db.dll Defines optimistic lock column value generation strategy for update. Used with ConcurrencyExtensions extensions. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field)] public abstract class OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute() protected OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute() Methods GetNextValue(ColumnDescriptor, ParameterExpression) Returns expression for new value for optimistic lock column on successful update. Should return null if value generated by database. public abstract LambdaExpression? GetNextValue(ColumnDescriptor column, ParameterExpression record) Parameters column ColumnDescriptor Column descriptor. record ParameterExpression Current record variable. Returns LambdaExpression GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.VersionBehavior.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.VersionBehavior.html",
"title": "Enum VersionBehavior | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum VersionBehavior Namespace LinqToDB.Concurrency Assembly linq2db.dll Defines optimistic lock column value generation strategy on record update. Used with OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute and ConcurrencyExtensions extensions. public enum VersionBehavior Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Auto = 0 Column value generated by database automatically on update. E.g. using SQL Server rowversion/timestamp column or database trigger. AutoIncrement = 1 Column value should be incremented by 1. Guid = 2 Uses NewGuid() value. Supported column types: Guid string using ToString() byte[] using ToByteArray()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Concurrency.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Concurrency | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Concurrency Classes ConcurrencyExtensions OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute Implements built-in optimistic lock value generation strategies for updates. See VersionBehavior for supported strategies. Used with ConcurrencyExtensions extensions. OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute Defines optimistic lock column value generation strategy for update. Used with ConcurrencyExtensions extensions. Enums VersionBehavior Defines optimistic lock column value generation strategy on record update. Used with OptimisticLockPropertyAttribute and ConcurrencyExtensions extensions."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.ConnectionStringSettings.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.ConnectionStringSettings.html",
"title": "Class ConnectionStringSettings | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConnectionStringSettings Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Provides explicitly-defined IConnectionStringSettings implementation. public class ConnectionStringSettings : IConnectionStringSettings Inheritance object ConnectionStringSettings Implements IConnectionStringSettings Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ConnectionStringSettings(string, string, string) public ConnectionStringSettings(string name, string connectionString, string providerName) Parameters name string connectionString string providerName string Properties ConnectionString Gets connection string. public string ConnectionString { get; } Property Value string IsGlobal Is this connection configuration defined on global level (machine.config) or on application level. public bool IsGlobal { get; } Property Value bool Name Gets connection configuration name. public string Name { get; } Property Value string ProviderName Gets data provider configuration name. public string ProviderName { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.DataProviderElement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.DataProviderElement.html",
"title": "Class DataProviderElement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataProviderElement Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Data provider configuration element. public sealed class DataProviderElement : ElementBase, IDataProviderSettings Inheritance object ConfigurationElement ElementBase DataProviderElement Implements IDataProviderSettings Inherited Members ElementBase.Attributes ConfigurationElement.IsReadOnly() ConfigurationElement.Equals(object) ConfigurationElement.GetHashCode() ConfigurationElement.LockAttributes ConfigurationElement.LockAllAttributesExcept ConfigurationElement.LockElements ConfigurationElement.LockAllElementsExcept ConfigurationElement.LockItem ConfigurationElement.ElementInformation ConfigurationElement.CurrentConfiguration Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataProviderElement() Creates data provider configuration element. public DataProviderElement() Properties Default Gets a value indicating whether the provider is default. public bool Default { get; } Property Value bool Name Gets a name of this data provider. If not set, Name is used. public string Name { get; } Property Value string TypeName Gets an assembly qualified type name of this data provider. public string TypeName { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.DataProviderElementCollection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.DataProviderElementCollection.html",
"title": "Class DataProviderElementCollection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataProviderElementCollection Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Collection of data provider configuration elements. [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(DataProviderElement))] public class DataProviderElementCollection : ElementCollectionBase<DataProviderElement>, ICollection, IEnumerable Inheritance object ConfigurationElement ConfigurationElementCollection ElementCollectionBase<DataProviderElement> DataProviderElementCollection Implements ICollection IEnumerable Inherited Members ElementCollectionBase<DataProviderElement>.CreateNewElement() ElementCollectionBase<DataProviderElement>.GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement) ElementCollectionBase<DataProviderElement>.this[string] ElementCollectionBase<DataProviderElement>.this[int] ConfigurationElementCollection.IsModified() ConfigurationElementCollection.ResetModified() ConfigurationElementCollection.IsReadOnly() ConfigurationElementCollection.SetReadOnly() ConfigurationElementCollection.Equals(object) ConfigurationElementCollection.GetHashCode() ConfigurationElementCollection.Unmerge(ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationSaveMode) ConfigurationElementCollection.Reset(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.CopyTo(ConfigurationElement[], int) ConfigurationElementCollection.GetEnumerator() ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseAdd(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseAdd(ConfigurationElement, bool) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseIndexOf(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseAdd(int, ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseRemove(object) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseGet(object) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseIsRemoved(object) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseGet(int) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseGetAllKeys() ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseGetKey(int) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseClear() ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseRemoveAt(int) ConfigurationElementCollection.SerializeElement(XmlWriter, bool) ConfigurationElementCollection.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(string, XmlReader) ConfigurationElementCollection.CreateNewElement(string) ConfigurationElementCollection.IsElementRemovable(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.IsElementName(string) ConfigurationElementCollection.AddElementName ConfigurationElementCollection.RemoveElementName ConfigurationElementCollection.ClearElementName ConfigurationElementCollection.Count ConfigurationElementCollection.EmitClear ConfigurationElementCollection.IsSynchronized ConfigurationElementCollection.SyncRoot ConfigurationElementCollection.ElementName ConfigurationElementCollection.ThrowOnDuplicate ConfigurationElementCollection.CollectionType ConfigurationElement.Init() ConfigurationElement.ListErrors(IList) ConfigurationElement.InitializeDefault() ConfigurationElement.SetPropertyValue(ConfigurationProperty, object, bool) ConfigurationElement.SerializeToXmlElement(XmlWriter, string) ConfigurationElement.DeserializeElement(XmlReader, bool) ConfigurationElement.OnRequiredPropertyNotFound(string) ConfigurationElement.PostDeserialize() ConfigurationElement.PreSerialize(XmlWriter) ConfigurationElement.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(string, string) ConfigurationElement.GetTransformedTypeString(string) ConfigurationElement.GetTransformedAssemblyString(string) ConfigurationElement.LockAttributes ConfigurationElement.LockAllAttributesExcept ConfigurationElement.LockElements ConfigurationElement.LockAllElementsExcept ConfigurationElement.LockItem ConfigurationElement.this[ConfigurationProperty] ConfigurationElement.Properties ConfigurationElement.ElementInformation ConfigurationElement.EvaluationContext ConfigurationElement.ElementProperty ConfigurationElement.HasContext ConfigurationElement.CurrentConfiguration Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Tools.IsNullOrEmpty(ICollection?) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) Methods GetElementKey(DataProviderElement) protected override object GetElementKey(DataProviderElement element) Parameters element DataProviderElement Returns object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.ElementBase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.ElementBase.html",
"title": "Class ElementBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ElementBase Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Configuration section element. public abstract class ElementBase : ConfigurationElement Inheritance object ConfigurationElement ElementBase Derived DataProviderElement Inherited Members ConfigurationElement.Init() ConfigurationElement.IsModified() ConfigurationElement.ResetModified() ConfigurationElement.IsReadOnly() ConfigurationElement.SetReadOnly() ConfigurationElement.ListErrors(IList) ConfigurationElement.InitializeDefault() ConfigurationElement.Reset(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElement.Equals(object) ConfigurationElement.GetHashCode() ConfigurationElement.SetPropertyValue(ConfigurationProperty, object, bool) ConfigurationElement.Unmerge(ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationSaveMode) ConfigurationElement.SerializeToXmlElement(XmlWriter, string) ConfigurationElement.SerializeElement(XmlWriter, bool) ConfigurationElement.DeserializeElement(XmlReader, bool) ConfigurationElement.OnRequiredPropertyNotFound(string) ConfigurationElement.PostDeserialize() ConfigurationElement.PreSerialize(XmlWriter) ConfigurationElement.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(string, XmlReader) ConfigurationElement.GetTransformedTypeString(string) ConfigurationElement.GetTransformedAssemblyString(string) ConfigurationElement.LockAttributes ConfigurationElement.LockAllAttributesExcept ConfigurationElement.LockElements ConfigurationElement.LockAllElementsExcept ConfigurationElement.LockItem ConfigurationElement.this[ConfigurationProperty] ConfigurationElement.this[string] ConfigurationElement.ElementInformation ConfigurationElement.EvaluationContext ConfigurationElement.ElementProperty ConfigurationElement.HasContext ConfigurationElement.CurrentConfiguration Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Attributes Gets collection of unknown element attributes. public NameValueCollection Attributes { get; } Property Value NameValueCollection Properties Gets the collection of properties. protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get; } Property Value ConfigurationPropertyCollection The ConfigurationPropertyCollection of properties for the element. Methods OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(string, string) Gets a value indicating whether an unknown attribute is encountered during deserialization. protected override bool OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(string name, string value) Parameters name string The name of the unrecognized attribute. value string The value of the unrecognized attribute. Returns bool True when an unknown attribute is encountered while deserializing."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.ElementCollectionBase-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.ElementCollectionBase-1.html",
"title": "Class ElementCollectionBase<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ElementCollectionBase<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Collection of configuration section elements. public abstract class ElementCollectionBase<T> : ConfigurationElementCollection, ICollection, IEnumerable where T : ConfigurationElement, new() Type Parameters T Element type. Inheritance object ConfigurationElement ConfigurationElementCollection ElementCollectionBase<T> Implements ICollection IEnumerable Derived DataProviderElementCollection Inherited Members ConfigurationElementCollection.IsModified() ConfigurationElementCollection.ResetModified() ConfigurationElementCollection.IsReadOnly() ConfigurationElementCollection.SetReadOnly() ConfigurationElementCollection.Equals(object) ConfigurationElementCollection.GetHashCode() ConfigurationElementCollection.Unmerge(ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationSaveMode) ConfigurationElementCollection.Reset(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.CopyTo(ConfigurationElement[], int) ConfigurationElementCollection.GetEnumerator() ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseAdd(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseAdd(ConfigurationElement, bool) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseIndexOf(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseAdd(int, ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseRemove(object) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseGet(object) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseIsRemoved(object) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseGet(int) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseGetAllKeys() ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseGetKey(int) ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseClear() ConfigurationElementCollection.BaseRemoveAt(int) ConfigurationElementCollection.SerializeElement(XmlWriter, bool) ConfigurationElementCollection.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(string, XmlReader) ConfigurationElementCollection.CreateNewElement(string) ConfigurationElementCollection.IsElementRemovable(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElementCollection.IsElementName(string) ConfigurationElementCollection.AddElementName ConfigurationElementCollection.RemoveElementName ConfigurationElementCollection.ClearElementName ConfigurationElementCollection.Count ConfigurationElementCollection.EmitClear ConfigurationElementCollection.IsSynchronized ConfigurationElementCollection.SyncRoot ConfigurationElementCollection.ElementName ConfigurationElementCollection.ThrowOnDuplicate ConfigurationElementCollection.CollectionType ConfigurationElement.Init() ConfigurationElement.ListErrors(IList) ConfigurationElement.InitializeDefault() ConfigurationElement.SetPropertyValue(ConfigurationProperty, object, bool) ConfigurationElement.SerializeToXmlElement(XmlWriter, string) ConfigurationElement.DeserializeElement(XmlReader, bool) ConfigurationElement.OnRequiredPropertyNotFound(string) ConfigurationElement.PostDeserialize() ConfigurationElement.PreSerialize(XmlWriter) ConfigurationElement.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(string, string) ConfigurationElement.GetTransformedTypeString(string) ConfigurationElement.GetTransformedAssemblyString(string) ConfigurationElement.LockAttributes ConfigurationElement.LockAllAttributesExcept ConfigurationElement.LockElements ConfigurationElement.LockAllElementsExcept ConfigurationElement.LockItem ConfigurationElement.this[ConfigurationProperty] ConfigurationElement.Properties ConfigurationElement.ElementInformation ConfigurationElement.EvaluationContext ConfigurationElement.ElementProperty ConfigurationElement.HasContext ConfigurationElement.CurrentConfiguration Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Tools.IsNullOrEmpty(ICollection?) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) Properties this[int] Gets element from collection by its index. public T this[int index] { get; } Parameters index int Element index. Property Value T Element at specified index. this[string] Gets element from collection by its name. public T this[string name] { get; } Parameters name string Element name. Property Value T Element or null, if element with such name is not found. Methods CreateNewElement() When overridden in a derived class, creates a new ConfigurationElement. protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement() Returns ConfigurationElement A new ConfigurationElement. GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement) Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. protected override sealed object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element) Parameters element ConfigurationElement The ConfigurationElement to return the key for. Returns object An object that acts as the key for the specified ConfigurationElement. GetElementKey(T) protected abstract object GetElementKey(T element) Parameters element T Returns object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.IConnectionStringSettings.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.IConnectionStringSettings.html",
"title": "Interface IConnectionStringSettings | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IConnectionStringSettings Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Connection string configuration provider. public interface IConnectionStringSettings Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ConnectionString Gets connection string. string ConnectionString { get; } Property Value string IsGlobal Is this connection configuration defined on global level (machine.config) or on application level. bool IsGlobal { get; } Property Value bool Name Gets connection configuration name. string Name { get; } Property Value string ProviderName Gets data provider configuration name. string? ProviderName { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.IDataProviderSettings.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.IDataProviderSettings.html",
"title": "Interface IDataProviderSettings | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IDataProviderSettings Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Data provider configuration provider. public interface IDataProviderSettings Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Attributes Extra provider-specific parameters. Sybase: SAP HANA: Oracle: SQL Server: DB2: IEnumerable<NamedValue> Attributes { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<NamedValue> Default Gets a value indicating whether the provider is default. bool Default { get; } Property Value bool Name Gets a name of this data provider configuration. string? Name { get; } Property Value string TypeName Gets an assembly qualified type name of this data provider. string TypeName { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.ILinqToDBSettings.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.ILinqToDBSettings.html",
"title": "Interface ILinqToDBSettings | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ILinqToDBSettings Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Settings provider interface. public interface ILinqToDBSettings Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ConnectionStrings Gets list of connection configurations. IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings> ConnectionStrings { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings> DataProviders Gets list of data provider settings. IEnumerable<IDataProviderSettings> DataProviders { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<IDataProviderSettings> DefaultConfiguration Gets name of default connection configuration. string? DefaultConfiguration { get; } Property Value string DefaultDataProvider Gets name of default data provider configuration. string? DefaultDataProvider { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.LinqToDBSection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.LinqToDBSection.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBSection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBSection Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Implementation of custom configuration section. public class LinqToDBSection : ConfigurationSection, ILinqToDBSettings Inheritance object ConfigurationElement ConfigurationSection LinqToDBSection Implements ILinqToDBSettings Inherited Members ConfigurationSection.GetRuntimeObject() ConfigurationSection.IsModified() ConfigurationSection.ResetModified() ConfigurationSection.DeserializeSection(XmlReader) ConfigurationSection.SerializeSection(ConfigurationElement, string, ConfigurationSaveMode) ConfigurationSection.ShouldSerializePropertyInTargetVersion(ConfigurationProperty, string, FrameworkName, ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationSection.ShouldSerializeElementInTargetVersion(ConfigurationElement, string, FrameworkName) ConfigurationSection.ShouldSerializeSectionInTargetVersion(FrameworkName) ConfigurationSection.SectionInformation ConfigurationElement.Init() ConfigurationElement.IsReadOnly() ConfigurationElement.SetReadOnly() ConfigurationElement.ListErrors(IList) ConfigurationElement.InitializeDefault() ConfigurationElement.Reset(ConfigurationElement) ConfigurationElement.Equals(object) ConfigurationElement.GetHashCode() ConfigurationElement.SetPropertyValue(ConfigurationProperty, object, bool) ConfigurationElement.Unmerge(ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationSaveMode) ConfigurationElement.SerializeToXmlElement(XmlWriter, string) ConfigurationElement.SerializeElement(XmlWriter, bool) ConfigurationElement.DeserializeElement(XmlReader, bool) ConfigurationElement.OnRequiredPropertyNotFound(string) ConfigurationElement.PostDeserialize() ConfigurationElement.PreSerialize(XmlWriter) ConfigurationElement.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(string, string) ConfigurationElement.OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(string, XmlReader) ConfigurationElement.GetTransformedTypeString(string) ConfigurationElement.GetTransformedAssemblyString(string) ConfigurationElement.LockAttributes ConfigurationElement.LockAllAttributesExcept ConfigurationElement.LockElements ConfigurationElement.LockAllElementsExcept ConfigurationElement.LockItem ConfigurationElement.this[ConfigurationProperty] ConfigurationElement.this[string] ConfigurationElement.ElementInformation ConfigurationElement.EvaluationContext ConfigurationElement.ElementProperty ConfigurationElement.HasContext ConfigurationElement.CurrentConfiguration Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataProviders Gets list of data providers configuration elements. public DataProviderElementCollection DataProviders { get; } Property Value DataProviderElementCollection DefaultConfiguration Gets default connection configuration name. public string DefaultConfiguration { get; } Property Value string DefaultDataProvider Gets default data provider configuration name. public string DefaultDataProvider { get; } Property Value string Instance linq2db configuration section. public static LinqToDBSection? Instance { get; } Property Value LinqToDBSection Properties Gets the collection of properties. protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get; } Property Value ConfigurationPropertyCollection The ConfigurationPropertyCollection of properties for the element."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.LinqToDBSettings.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.LinqToDBSettings.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBSettings | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBSettings Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Provides explicitly-defined ILinqToDBSettings implementation. public class LinqToDBSettings : ILinqToDBSettings Inheritance object LinqToDBSettings Implements ILinqToDBSettings Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors LinqToDBSettings(string, string, string) public LinqToDBSettings(string connectionName, string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters connectionName string providerName string connectionString string Properties ConnectionStrings Gets list of connection configurations. public IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings> ConnectionStrings { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings> DataProviders Gets list of data provider settings. public IEnumerable<IDataProviderSettings> DataProviders { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<IDataProviderSettings> DefaultConfiguration Gets name of default connection configuration. public string DefaultConfiguration { get; } Property Value string DefaultDataProvider Gets name of default data provider configuration. public string DefaultDataProvider { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.NamedValue.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.NamedValue.html",
"title": "Class NamedValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NamedValue Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Assembly linq2db.dll Name-value pair. public class NamedValue Inheritance object NamedValue Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Name Gets or sets name for value. public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string Value Gets ot sets value. public string Value { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Configuration.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Configuration Classes ConnectionStringSettings Provides explicitly-defined IConnectionStringSettings implementation. DataProviderElement Data provider configuration element. DataProviderElementCollection Collection of data provider configuration elements. ElementBase Configuration section element. ElementCollectionBase<T> Collection of configuration section elements. LinqToDBSection Implementation of custom configuration section. LinqToDBSettings Provides explicitly-defined ILinqToDBSettings implementation. NamedValue Name-value pair. Interfaces IConnectionStringSettings Connection string configuration provider. IDataProviderSettings Data provider configuration provider. ILinqToDBSettings Settings provider interface."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.BulkCopyOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.BulkCopyOptions.html",
"title": "Class BulkCopyOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BulkCopyOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Defines behavior of BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) method. public sealed record BulkCopyOptions : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<BulkCopyOptions> Inheritance object BulkCopyOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<BulkCopyOptions> Extension Methods DataOptionsExtensions.WithBulkCopyTimeout(BulkCopyOptions, int?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithBulkCopyType(BulkCopyOptions, BulkCopyType) DataOptionsExtensions.WithCheckConstraints(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithDatabaseName(BulkCopyOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithFireTriggers(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithKeepIdentity(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithKeepNulls(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithMaxBatchSize(BulkCopyOptions, int?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithMaxDegreeOfParallelism(BulkCopyOptions, int?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithMaxParametersForBatch(BulkCopyOptions, int?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithNotifyAfter(BulkCopyOptions, int) DataOptionsExtensions.WithRowsCopiedCallback(BulkCopyOptions, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithSchemaName(BulkCopyOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithServerName(BulkCopyOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithTableLock(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithTableName(BulkCopyOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithTableOptions(BulkCopyOptions, TableOptions) DataOptionsExtensions.WithUseInternalTransaction(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithUseParameters(BulkCopyOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithWithoutSession(BulkCopyOptions, bool) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors BulkCopyOptions() public BulkCopyOptions() BulkCopyOptions(int?, int?, BulkCopyType, bool?, bool?, bool?, bool?, bool?, bool?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, int, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>?, bool, int?, int?, bool) Defines behavior of BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) method. public BulkCopyOptions(int? MaxBatchSize = null, int? BulkCopyTimeout = null, BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.Default, bool? CheckConstraints = null, bool? KeepIdentity = null, bool? TableLock = null, bool? KeepNulls = null, bool? FireTriggers = null, bool? UseInternalTransaction = null, string? ServerName = null, string? DatabaseName = null, string? SchemaName = null, string? TableName = null, TableOptions TableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, int NotifyAfter = 0, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>? RowsCopiedCallback = null, bool UseParameters = false, int? MaxParametersForBatch = null, int? MaxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool WithoutSession = false) Parameters MaxBatchSize int? Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. Returns an integer value or zero if no value has been set. BulkCopyTimeout int? Number of seconds for the operation to complete before it times out. BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. CheckConstraints bool? Enables database constrains enforcement during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE KeepIdentity bool? If this option set to true, bulk copy will use values of columns, marked with IsIdentity flag. SkipOnInsert flag in this case will be ignored. Otherwise those columns will be skipped and values will be generated by server. Not compatible with RowByRow mode. TableLock bool? Applies table lock during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: DB2 Informix (using DB2 provider) SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE KeepNulls bool? Enables instert of NULL values instead of values from colum default constraint during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE FireTriggers bool? Enables insert triggers during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE UseInternalTransaction bool? Enables automatic transaction creation during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE ServerName string Gets or sets explicit name of target server instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. Also note that it is not supported by provider-specific insert method. DatabaseName string Gets or sets explicit name of target database instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. SchemaName string Gets or sets explicit name of target schema/owner instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. TableName string Gets or sets explicit name of target table instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. TableOptions TableOptions Gets or sets TableOptions flags overrides instead of configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) method for support information per provider. NotifyAfter int Gets or sets counter after how many copied records RowsCopiedCallback should be called. E.g. if you set it to 10, callback will be called after each 10 copied records. To disable callback, set this option to 0 (default value). RowsCopiedCallback Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Gets or sets callback method that will be called by BulkCopy operation after each NotifyAfter rows copied. This callback will not be used if NotifyAfter set to 0. UseParameters bool Gets or sets whether to Always use Parameters for MultipleRowsCopy. Default is false. If True, provider's override for MaxParameters will be used to determine the maximum number of rows per insert, Unless overridden by MaxParametersForBatch. MaxParametersForBatch int? If set, will override the Maximum parameters per batch statement from MaxParameters. MaxDegreeOfParallelism int? Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. Defines number of connections, used for parallel insert in ProviderSpecific mode. WithoutSession bool Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. When set, provider-specific bulk copy will use session-less connection even if called over connection with session. Note that session-less connections cannot be used with session-bound functionality like temporary tables. Fields Empty public static readonly BulkCopyOptions Empty Field Value BulkCopyOptions Properties BulkCopyTimeout Number of seconds for the operation to complete before it times out. public int? BulkCopyTimeout { get; init; } Property Value int? BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. public BulkCopyType BulkCopyType { get; init; } Property Value BulkCopyType CheckConstraints Enables database constrains enforcement during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public bool? CheckConstraints { get; init; } Property Value bool? DatabaseName Gets or sets explicit name of target database instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public string? DatabaseName { get; init; } Property Value string FireTriggers Enables insert triggers during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public bool? FireTriggers { get; init; } Property Value bool? KeepIdentity If this option set to true, bulk copy will use values of columns, marked with IsIdentity flag. SkipOnInsert flag in this case will be ignored. Otherwise those columns will be skipped and values will be generated by server. Not compatible with RowByRow mode. public bool? KeepIdentity { get; init; } Property Value bool? KeepNulls Enables instert of NULL values instead of values from colum default constraint during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public bool? KeepNulls { get; init; } Property Value bool? MaxBatchSize Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. Returns an integer value or zero if no value has been set. public int? MaxBatchSize { get; init; } Property Value int? MaxDegreeOfParallelism Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. Defines number of connections, used for parallel insert in ProviderSpecific mode. public int? MaxDegreeOfParallelism { get; init; } Property Value int? MaxParametersForBatch If set, will override the Maximum parameters per batch statement from MaxParameters. public int? MaxParametersForBatch { get; init; } Property Value int? NotifyAfter Gets or sets counter after how many copied records RowsCopiedCallback should be called. E.g. if you set it to 10, callback will be called after each 10 copied records. To disable callback, set this option to 0 (default value). public int NotifyAfter { get; init; } Property Value int RowsCopiedCallback Gets or sets callback method that will be called by BulkCopy operation after each NotifyAfter rows copied. This callback will not be used if NotifyAfter set to 0. public Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>? RowsCopiedCallback { get; init; } Property Value Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied> SchemaName Gets or sets explicit name of target schema/owner instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public string? SchemaName { get; init; } Property Value string ServerName Gets or sets explicit name of target server instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. Also note that it is not supported by provider-specific insert method. public string? ServerName { get; init; } Property Value string TableLock Applies table lock during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: DB2 Informix (using DB2 provider) SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public bool? TableLock { get; init; } Property Value bool? TableName Gets or sets explicit name of target table instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. public string? TableName { get; init; } Property Value string TableOptions Gets or sets TableOptions flags overrides instead of configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) method for support information per provider. public TableOptions TableOptions { get; init; } Property Value TableOptions UseInternalTransaction Enables automatic transaction creation during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public bool? UseInternalTransaction { get; init; } Property Value bool? UseParameters Gets or sets whether to Always use Parameters for MultipleRowsCopy. Default is false. If True, provider's override for MaxParameters will be used to determine the maximum number of rows per insert, Unless overridden by MaxParametersForBatch. public bool UseParameters { get; init; } Property Value bool WithoutSession Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. When set, provider-specific bulk copy will use session-less connection even if called over connection with session. Note that session-less connections cannot be used with session-bound functionality like temporary tables. public bool WithoutSession { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods Equals(BulkCopyOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(BulkCopyOptions? other) Parameters other BulkCopyOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.BulkCopyRowsCopied.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.BulkCopyRowsCopied.html",
"title": "Class BulkCopyRowsCopied | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BulkCopyRowsCopied Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll public class BulkCopyRowsCopied Inheritance object BulkCopyRowsCopied Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Abort Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the bulk copy operation should be aborted. public bool Abort { get; set; } Property Value bool RowsCopied Gets a value that returns the number of rows copied during the current bulk copy operation. public long RowsCopied { get; set; } Property Value long StartTime Gets operation execution start time. public DateTime StartTime { get; } Property Value DateTime"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.BulkCopyType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.BulkCopyType.html",
"title": "Enum BulkCopyType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum BulkCopyType Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Bulk copy implementation type. For more details on support level by provider see this article. public enum BulkCopyType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Default = 0 LINQ To DB will select copy method based on current provider. Default method usually set at [PROVIDER_NAME_HERE]Tools.DefaultBulkCopyType. MultipleRows = 2 Data will be inserted into table as a batch insert using INSERT FROM SELECT or similar code. If method not supported, it will be downgraded to RowByRow method. ProviderSpecific = 3 Data will be inserted using native bulk copy functionality if supported. If method not supported, it will be downgraded to RowByRow method. RowByRow = 1 Data will be inserted into table as a sequence of selects, row by row."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.CommandInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.CommandInfo.html",
"title": "Class CommandInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CommandInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Provides database connection command abstraction. public class CommandInfo Inheritance object CommandInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors CommandInfo(DataConnection, string) Creates database command instance using provided database connection and command text. public CommandInfo(DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection instance. commandText string Command text. CommandInfo(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) Creates database command instance using provided database connection, command text and single parameter. public CommandInfo(DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, DataParameter parameter) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection instance. commandText string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. CommandInfo(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Creates database command instance using provided database connection, command text and parameters. public CommandInfo(DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection instance. commandText string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] List of command parameters. CommandInfo(DataConnection, string, object?) Creates database command instance using provided database connection, command text and parameters. public CommandInfo(DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, object? parameters) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection instance. commandText string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with colum name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Fields CommandBehavior Command behavior flags. See CommandBehavior for more details. Default value: Default. public CommandBehavior CommandBehavior Field Value CommandBehavior CommandText Command text. public string CommandText Field Value string CommandType Type of command. See CommandType for all supported types. Default value: Text. public CommandType CommandType Field Value CommandType DataConnection Instance of database connection, associated with command. public DataConnection DataConnection Field Value DataConnection Parameters Command parameters. public DataParameter[]? Parameters Field Value DataParameter[] Methods ClearObjectReaderCache() Clears global cache of object mapping functions from query results and mapping functions from value to DataParameter. public static void ClearObjectReaderCache() Execute() Executes command and returns number of affected records. public int Execute() Returns int Number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public Task<int> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync<T>(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteProc() Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns number of affected records. Saves result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding DataParameter object. public int ExecuteProc() Returns int Number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteProcAsync(CancellationToken) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records. Saves result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding DataParameter object. public Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteProcAsync<T>(CancellationToken) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value. Saves result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding DataParameter object. public Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteProc<T>() Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns single value. public T ExecuteProc<T>() Returns T Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteReader() Executes command and returns data reader instance. public DataReader ExecuteReader() Returns DataReader Data reader object. ExecuteReaderAsync(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns data reader instance. public Task<DataReaderAsync> ExecuteReaderAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<DataReaderAsync> Task with data reader object. ExecuteReaderProc() Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns data reader instance. public DataReader ExecuteReaderProc() Returns DataReader Data reader object. ExecuteReaderProcAsync(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns data reader instance. public Task<DataReaderAsync> ExecuteReaderProcAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<DataReaderAsync> Data reader object. Execute<T>() Executes command and returns single value. Saves result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding DataParameter object. public T Execute<T>() Returns T Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. QueryAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryAsync<T>(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryForEachAsync<T>(Action<T>, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and apply provided action to each record. public Task QueryForEachAsync<T>(Action<T> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters action Action<T> Action, applied to each result record. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Returns task. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryForEachAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, Action<T>, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and apply provided action to each record, mapped using provided mapping function. public Task QueryForEachAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, Action<T> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. action Action<T> Action, applied to each result record. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Returns task. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryMultipleAsync<T>(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns a result containing multiple result sets. Saves result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding DataParameter object. public Task<T> QueryMultipleAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets. Type Parameters T Result set type. QueryMultiple<T>() Executes command and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public T QueryMultiple<T>() where T : class Returns T Returns result. Type Parameters T Result set type. QueryProcAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(T, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(T template, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets. Type Parameters T Result set type. QueryProcMultiple<T>() Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. Saves result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding DataParameter object. public T QueryProcMultiple<T>() where T : class Returns T Returns result. Type Parameters T Result set type. QueryProc<T>() Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>() Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProc<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProc<T>(T) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(T template) Parameters template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>() Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public IEnumerable<T> Query<T>() Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>) Executes command and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(T) Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(T template) Parameters template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.ConnectionOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.ConnectionOptions.html",
"title": "Class ConnectionOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConnectionOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record ConnectionOptions : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<ConnectionOptions> Inheritance object ConnectionOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<ConnectionOptions> Extension Methods DataOptionsExtensions.WithAfterConnectionOpened(ConnectionOptions, Action<DbConnection>, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithBeforeConnectionOpened(ConnectionOptions, Action<DbConnection>, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithConfigurationString(ConnectionOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithConnectionFactory(ConnectionOptions, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>) DataOptionsExtensions.WithConnectionString(ConnectionOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithDataProvider(ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithDataProviderFactory(ConnectionOptions, Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataOptionsExtensions.WithDbConnection(ConnectionOptions, DbConnection?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithDbTransaction(ConnectionOptions, DbTransaction) DataOptionsExtensions.WithDisposeConnection(ConnectionOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithMappingSchema(ConnectionOptions, MappingSchema) DataOptionsExtensions.WithOnEntityDescriptorCreated(ConnectionOptions, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) DataOptionsExtensions.WithProviderName(ConnectionOptions, string) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ConnectionOptions() public ConnectionOptions() ConnectionOptions(string?, string?, IDataProvider?, string?, MappingSchema?, DbConnection?, DbTransaction?, bool, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>?, Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>?, ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor?, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>?) public ConnectionOptions(string? ConfigurationString = null, string? ConnectionString = null, IDataProvider? DataProvider = null, string? ProviderName = null, MappingSchema? MappingSchema = null, DbConnection? DbConnection = null, DbTransaction? DbTransaction = null, bool DisposeConnection = false, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>? ConnectionFactory = null, Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>? DataProviderFactory = null, ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor? ConnectionInterceptor = null, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>? OnEntityDescriptorCreated = null) Parameters ConfigurationString string Gets configuration string name to use with DataConnection instance. ConnectionString string The connection string, or null if a DbConnection was used instead of a connection string. DataProvider IDataProvider Gets optional IDataProvider implementation to use with connection. ProviderName string Gets optional provider name to use with DataConnection instance. MappingSchema MappingSchema Gets optional MappingSchema instance to use with DataConnection instance. DbConnection DbConnection Gets optional DbConnection instance to use with DataConnection instance. DbTransaction DbTransaction Gets optional DbTransaction instance to use with DataConnection instance. DisposeConnection bool Gets DbConnection ownership status for DataConnection instance. If true, DataConnection will dispose provided connection on own dispose. ConnectionFactory Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> Gets connection factory to use with DataConnection instance. Accepts current context DataOptions settings. DataProviderFactory Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider> Gets IDataProvider factory to use with DataConnection instance. ConnectionInterceptor ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor Connection interceptor to support connection configuration before or right after connection opened. OnEntityDescriptorCreated Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> Action, called on entity descriptor creation. Allows descriptor modification. When not specified, application-wide callback EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback called. Properties ConfigurationString Gets configuration string name to use with DataConnection instance. public string? ConfigurationString { get; init; } Property Value string ConnectionFactory Gets connection factory to use with DataConnection instance. Accepts current context DataOptions settings. public Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>? ConnectionFactory { get; init; } Property Value Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> ConnectionInterceptor Connection interceptor to support connection configuration before or right after connection opened. public ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor? ConnectionInterceptor { get; init; } Property Value ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor ConnectionString The connection string, or null if a DbConnection was used instead of a connection string. public string? ConnectionString { get; init; } Property Value string DataProvider Gets optional IDataProvider implementation to use with connection. public IDataProvider? DataProvider { get; init; } Property Value IDataProvider DataProviderFactory Gets IDataProvider factory to use with DataConnection instance. public Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>? DataProviderFactory { get; init; } Property Value Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider> DbConnection Gets optional DbConnection instance to use with DataConnection instance. public DbConnection? DbConnection { get; init; } Property Value DbConnection DbTransaction Gets optional DbTransaction instance to use with DataConnection instance. public DbTransaction? DbTransaction { get; init; } Property Value DbTransaction DisposeConnection Gets DbConnection ownership status for DataConnection instance. If true, DataConnection will dispose provided connection on own dispose. public bool DisposeConnection { get; init; } Property Value bool MappingSchema Gets optional MappingSchema instance to use with DataConnection instance. public MappingSchema? MappingSchema { get; init; } Property Value MappingSchema OnEntityDescriptorCreated Action, called on entity descriptor creation. Allows descriptor modification. When not specified, application-wide callback EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback called. public Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>? OnEntityDescriptorCreated { get; init; } Property Value Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> ProviderName Gets optional provider name to use with DataConnection instance. public string? ProviderName { get; init; } Property Value string Methods Equals(ConnectionOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(ConnectionOptions? other) Parameters other ConnectionOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection.html",
"title": "Class DataConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataConnection Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Implements persistent database connection abstraction over different database engines. Could be initialized using connection string name or connection string, or attached to existing connection or transaction. public class DataConnection : IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, ICloneable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable Inheritance object DataConnection Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable ICloneable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Extension Methods DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.Execute(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.Execute(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.Execute(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProc(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProc(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProc<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteProc<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, CommandType, CommandBehavior, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.Execute<T>(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) DataConnectionExtensions.Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.Merge<T>(DataConnection, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataConnectionExtensions.Merge<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataConnectionExtensions.Merge<T>(DataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataConnectionExtensions.Merge<T>(DataConnection, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProcMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.Query<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?) DataConnectionExtensions.SetCommand(DataConnection, string) DataConnectionExtensions.SetCommand(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) DataConnectionExtensions.SetCommand(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) DataConnectionExtensions.SetCommand(DataConnection, string, object?) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3AutoMerge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3IntegrityCheck<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Merge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Optimize<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Rebuild<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5AutoMerge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5CrisisMerge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5DeleteAll<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5Delete<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int, TEntity) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5IntegrityCheck<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5Merge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5Optimize<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5Pgsz<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5Rank<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, string) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5Rebuild<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5UserMerge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) InterceptorExtensions.OnNextCommandInitialized(DataConnection, Func<CommandEventData, DbCommand, DbCommand>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) LoggingExtensions.GetTraceSwitch(IDataContext) LoggingExtensions.WriteTraceLine(IDataContext, string, string, TraceLevel) ConcurrencyExtensions.DeleteOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) ConcurrencyExtensions.DeleteOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) ConcurrencyExtensions.UpdateOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) ConcurrencyExtensions.UpdateOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>>) DataExtensions.CreateTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.Delete<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]) DataExtensions.GetCte<T>(IDataContext, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>, string?) DataExtensions.GetCte<T>(IDataContext, string?, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>) DataExtensions.GetTable<T>(IDataContext) DataExtensions.GetTable<T>(IDataContext, object?, MethodInfo, params object?[]) DataExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.SelectQuery<TEntity>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TEntity>>) DataExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.Update<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, Func<string>) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, string) LinqExtensions.Into<T>(IDataContext, ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.SelectAsync<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.Select<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) Constructors DataConnection() Creates database connection object that uses default connection configuration from DefaultConfiguration property. public DataConnection() DataConnection(DataOptions) Creates database connection object that uses a DataOptions to configure the connection. public DataConnection(DataOptions options) Parameters options DataOptions Options, setup ahead of time. DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connection DbConnection Existing database connection to use. Remarks connection would not be disposed. DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection, MappingSchema) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, connection and mapping schema. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connection DbConnection Existing database connection to use. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection, MappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, connection and mapping schema. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection, MappingSchema mappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connection DbConnection Existing database connection to use. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection, bool) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection, bool disposeConnection) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connection DbConnection Existing database connection to use. disposeConnection bool If true connection would be disposed on DataConnection disposing. DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection, bool, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection, bool disposeConnection, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connection DbConnection Existing database connection to use. disposeConnection bool If true connection would be disposed on DataConnection disposing. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbConnection, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connection DbConnection Existing database connection to use. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> Remarks connection would not be disposed. DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbTransaction) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and transaction. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. transaction DbTransaction Existing database transaction to use. DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbTransaction, MappingSchema) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, transaction and mapping schema. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. transaction DbTransaction Existing database transaction to use. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbTransaction, MappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, transaction and mapping schema. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction, MappingSchema mappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. transaction DbTransaction Existing database transaction to use. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(IDataProvider, DbTransaction, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and transaction. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. transaction DbTransaction Existing database transaction to use. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(IDataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection factory. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> connectionFactory) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connectionFactory Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> Database connection factory method. DataConnection(IDataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>, MappingSchema) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, connection factory and mapping schema. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> connectionFactory, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connectionFactory Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> Database connection factory method. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. DataConnection(IDataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>, MappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, connection factory and mapping schema. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> connectionFactory, MappingSchema mappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connectionFactory Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> Database connection factory method. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(IDataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection factory. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> connectionFactory, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connectionFactory Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> Database connection factory method. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(IDataProvider, string) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection string. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. DataConnection(IDataProvider, string, MappingSchema) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, connection string and mapping schema. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. DataConnection(IDataProvider, string, MappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, connection string and mapping schema. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString, MappingSchema mappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(IDataProvider, string, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection string. public DataConnection(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation to use with this connection. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(MappingSchema) Creates database connection object that uses default connection configuration from DefaultConfiguration property and provided mapping schema. public DataConnection(MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. DataConnection(MappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses default connection configuration from DefaultConfiguration property and provided mapping schema. public DataConnection(MappingSchema mappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses default connection configuration from DefaultConfiguration property. public DataConnection(Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(string?) Creates database connection object that uses provided connection configuration. public DataConnection(string? configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Name of database connection configuration to use with this connection. In case of null, configuration from DefaultConfiguration property will be used. DataConnection(string?, MappingSchema) Creates database connection object that uses provided connection configuration and mapping schema. public DataConnection(string? configurationString, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters configurationString string Name of database connection configuration to use with this connection. In case of null, configuration from DefaultConfiguration property will be used. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. DataConnection(string?, MappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses provided connection configuration and mapping schema. public DataConnection(string? configurationString, MappingSchema mappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters configurationString string Name of database connection configuration to use with this connection. In case of null, configuration from DefaultConfiguration property will be used. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(string?, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses provided connection configuration. public DataConnection(string? configurationString, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters configurationString string Name of database connection configuration to use with this connection. In case of null, configuration from DefaultConfiguration property will be used. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(string, string) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection string. public DataConnection(string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters providerName string Name of database provider to use with this connection. ProviderName class for list of providers. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. DataConnection(string, string, MappingSchema) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, connection string and mapping schema. public DataConnection(string providerName, string connectionString, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters providerName string Name of database provider to use with this connection. ProviderName class for list of providers. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. DataConnection(string, string, MappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider, connection string and mapping schema. public DataConnection(string providerName, string connectionString, MappingSchema mappingSchema, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters providerName string Name of database provider to use with this connection. ProviderName class for list of providers. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema to use with this connection. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> DataConnection(string, string, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions>) Creates database connection object that uses specified database provider and connection string. public DataConnection(string providerName, string connectionString, Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> optionsSetter) Parameters providerName string Name of database provider to use with this connection. ProviderName class for list of providers. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. optionsSetter Func<DataOptions, DataOptions> Fields WriteTraceLine Trace function. By Default use Debug class for logging, but could be replaced to log e.g. to your log file. will be ignored if UseTraceWith(DataOptions, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel>) is called on builder First parameter contains trace message. Second parameter contains trace message category (DisplayName). Third parameter contains trace level for message (TraceLevel). TraceSwitch Should only not use to write trace lines, only use WriteTraceLineConnection. public static Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel> WriteTraceLine Field Value Action<string, string, TraceLevel> Properties CommandTimeout Gets or sets command execution timeout in seconds. Negative timeout value means that default timeout will be used. 0 timeout value corresponds to infinite timeout. By default timeout is not set and default value for current provider used. public int CommandTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int ConfigurationString Database configuration name (connection string name). public string? ConfigurationString { get; } Property Value string Connection Gets underlying database connection, used by current connection object. public DbConnection Connection { get; } Property Value DbConnection ConnectionString Database connection string. public string? ConnectionString { get; } Property Value string DataProvider Database provider implementation for specific database engine. public IDataProvider DataProvider { get; } Property Value IDataProvider DefaultConfiguration Gets or sets default connection configuration name. Used by DataConnection by default and could be set automatically from: - DefaultConfiguration; - first non-global connection string name from ConnectionStrings; - first non-global connection string name passed to SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings>) method. public static string? DefaultConfiguration { get; set; } Property Value string See Also DefaultConfiguration DefaultDataProvider Gets or sets name of default data provider, used by new connection if user didn't specified provider explicitly in constructor or in connection options. Initialized with value from DefaultSettings.DefaultDataProvider. public static string? DefaultDataProvider { get; set; } Property Value string See Also DefaultConfiguration DefaultOnTraceConnection Gets or sets default trace handler. public static Action<TraceInfo> DefaultOnTraceConnection { get; set; } Property Value Action<TraceInfo> DefaultSettings Gets or sets default connection settings. By default contains settings from linq2db configuration section from configuration file (not supported by .Net Core). ILinqToDBSettings public static ILinqToDBSettings? DefaultSettings { get; set; } Property Value ILinqToDBSettings Disposed protected bool Disposed { get; } Property Value bool InlineParameters Gets or sets option to force inline parameter values as literals into command text. If parameter inlining not supported for specific value type, it will be used as parameter. public bool InlineParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMarsEnabled Gets or sets status of Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) feature. This feature available only for SQL Azure and SQL Server 2005+. public bool IsMarsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool LastQuery Contains text of last command, sent to database using current connection. public string? LastQuery { get; } Property Value string MappingSchema Gets mapping schema, used for current connection. public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema NextQueryHints Gets list of query hints (writable collection), that will be used only for next query, executed through current connection. public List<string> NextQueryHints { get; } Property Value List<string> OnRemoveInterceptor public Action<IInterceptor>? OnRemoveInterceptor { get; set; } Property Value Action<IInterceptor> OnTraceConnection Gets or sets trace handler, used for current connection instance. Configured on the connection builder using UseTracing(DataOptions, Action<TraceInfo>). defaults to WriteTraceLineConnection calls. public Action<TraceInfo> OnTraceConnection { get; set; } Property Value Action<TraceInfo> Options Current DataContext options public DataOptions Options { get; } Property Value DataOptions QueryHints Gets list of query hints (writable collection), that will be used for all queries, executed through current connection. public List<string> QueryHints { get; } Property Value List<string> RetryPolicy Retry policy for current connection. public IRetryPolicy? RetryPolicy { get; set; } Property Value IRetryPolicy ThrowOnDisposed public bool? ThrowOnDisposed { get; set; } Property Value bool? TraceSwitch Gets or sets global data connection trace options. Used for all new connections unless UseTraceLevel(DataOptions, TraceLevel) is called on builder. defaults to off unless library was built in debug mode. Should only be used when TraceSwitchConnection can not be used! public static TraceSwitch TraceSwitch { get; set; } Property Value TraceSwitch TraceSwitchConnection gets or sets the trace switch, this is used by some methods to determine if OnTraceConnection should be called. defaults to TraceSwitch used for current connection instance. public TraceSwitch TraceSwitchConnection { get; set; } Property Value TraceSwitch Transaction Gets current transaction, associated with connection. public DbTransaction? Transaction { get; } Property Value DbTransaction WriteTraceLineConnection Gets the delegate to write logging messages for this connection. Defaults to WriteTraceLine. Used for the current instance. public Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel> WriteTraceLineConnection { get; protected set; } Property Value Action<string, string, TraceLevel> Methods AddConfiguration(string, string, IDataProvider?) Register connection configuration with specified connection string and database provider implementation. public static void AddConfiguration(string configuration, string connectionString, IDataProvider? dataProvider = null) Parameters configuration string Connection configuration name. connectionString string Connection string. dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider. If not specified, will use provider, registered using configuration value. AddDataProvider(IDataProvider) Registers database provider implementation using Name name. public static void AddDataProvider(IDataProvider dataProvider) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation. AddDataProvider(string, IDataProvider) Registers database provider implementation by provided unique name. public static void AddDataProvider(string providerName, IDataProvider dataProvider) Parameters providerName string Provider name, to which provider implementation will be mapped. dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation. AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) Adds interceptor instance to context. public void AddInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor Interceptor. AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema) Adds additional mapping schema to current connection. public DataConnection AddMappingSchema(MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema. Returns DataConnection Current connection object. Remarks DataConnection will share MappingSchema instances that were created by combining same mapping schemas. AddOrSetConfiguration(string, string, string) public static void AddOrSetConfiguration(string configuration, string connectionString, string dataProvider) Parameters configuration string connectionString string dataProvider string AddProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider?>) Registers database provider factory method. Factory accepts connection string settings and connection string. Could return null, if cannot create provider instance using provided options. public static void AddProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider?> providerDetector) Parameters providerDetector Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider> Factory method delegate. BeginTransaction() Starts new transaction for current connection with default isolation level. If connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public virtual DataConnectionTransaction BeginTransaction() Returns DataConnectionTransaction Database transaction object. BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Starts new transaction for current connection with specified isolation level. If connection already have transaction, it will be rolled back. public virtual DataConnectionTransaction BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel) Parameters isolationLevel IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. Returns DataConnectionTransaction Database transaction object. BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) Starts new transaction asynchronously for current connection with specified isolation level. If connection already have transaction, it will be rolled back. public virtual Task<DataConnectionTransaction> BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel isolationLevel, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters isolationLevel IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<DataConnectionTransaction> Database transaction object. BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Starts new transaction asynchronously for current connection with default isolation level. If connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public virtual Task<DataConnectionTransaction> BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<DataConnectionTransaction> Database transaction object. CheckAndThrowOnDisposed() protected void CheckAndThrowOnDisposed() ClearObjectReaderCache() Removes cached data mappers. public static void ClearObjectReaderCache() Clone() Clones current connection. public object Clone() Returns object Cloned connection. Close() Closes and dispose associated underlying database transaction/connection. public virtual void Close() CloseAsync() Closes and dispose associated underlying database transaction/connection asynchronously. public virtual Task CloseAsync() Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. CommitTransaction() Commits transaction (if any), associated with connection. public virtual void CommitTransaction() CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Commits started (if any) transaction, associated with connection. If underlying provider doesn't support asynchronous commit, it will be performed synchronously. public virtual Task CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. CreateCommand() This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. public DbCommand CreateCommand() Returns DbCommand Dispose() Disposes connection. public void Dispose() DisposeAsync() Disposes connection asynchronously. public Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. DisposeCommand() This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. public void DisposeCommand() DisposeTransaction() Disposes transaction (if any), associated with connection. public virtual void DisposeTransaction() DisposeTransactionAsync() Dispose started (if any) transaction, associated with connection. If underlying provider doesn't support asynchonous disposal, it will be performed synchonously. public virtual Task DisposeTransactionAsync() Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. EnsureConnectionAsync(CancellationToken) Ensure that database connection opened. If opened connection missing, it will be opened asynchronously. public Task EnsureConnectionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Async operation task. ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand) protected virtual int ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand command) Parameters command DbCommand Returns int ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) protected virtual Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<int> ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) protected virtual DataReaderWrapper ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior commandBehavior) Parameters commandBehavior CommandBehavior Returns DataReaderWrapper ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) protected virtual Task<DataReaderWrapper> ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior commandBehavior, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters commandBehavior CommandBehavior cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<DataReaderWrapper> ExecuteScalar(DbCommand) protected virtual object? ExecuteScalar(DbCommand command) Parameters command DbCommand Returns object ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) protected virtual Task<object?> ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<object> GetConnectionString(string) Returns connection string for specified connection name. public static string GetConnectionString(string configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Connection name. Returns string Connection string. GetDataProvider(string) Returns database provider implementation, associated with provided connection configuration name. public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(string configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Connection configuration name. Returns IDataProvider Database provider. GetDataProvider(string, string) Returns database provider associated with provider name and connection string. public static IDataProvider? GetDataProvider(string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters providerName string Provider name. connectionString string Connection string. Returns IDataProvider Database provider. GetDataProvider(string, string, string) Returns database provider associated with provider name, configuration and connection string. public static IDataProvider? GetDataProvider(string providerName, string configurationString, string connectionString) Parameters providerName string Provider name. configurationString string Connection configuration name. connectionString string Connection string. Returns IDataProvider Database provider. GetRegisteredProviders() Returns registered database providers. public static IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IDataProvider> GetRegisteredProviders() Returns IReadOnlyDictionary<string, IDataProvider> Returns registered providers collection. InsertProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider?>) Registers database provider factory method. Factory accepts connection string settings and connection string. Could return null, if cannot create provider instance using provided options. public static void InsertProviderDetector(Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider?> providerDetector) Parameters providerDetector Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider> Factory method delegate. ProcessQuery(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext) protected virtual SqlStatement ProcessQuery(SqlStatement statement, EvaluationContext context) Parameters statement SqlStatement context EvaluationContext Returns SqlStatement RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) Removes interceptor instance from context. public void RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor Interceptor. RollbackTransaction() Rollbacks transaction (if any), associated with connection. public virtual void RollbackTransaction() RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Rollbacks started (if any) transaction, associated with connection. If underlying provider doesn't support asynchonous commit, it will be performed synchonously. public virtual Task RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. SetConnectionString(string, string) Sets connection string for specified connection name. public static void SetConnectionString(string configuration, string connectionString) Parameters configuration string Connection name. connectionString string Connection string. SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings>) Register connection strings for use by data connection class. public static void SetConnectionStrings(IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings> connectionStrings) Parameters connectionStrings IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings> Collection of connection string configurations. TraceActionAsync<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string?>?, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) protected static Task<TResult> TraceActionAsync<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection dataConnection, TraceOperation traceOperation, Func<TContext, string?>? commandText, TContext context, Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection traceOperation TraceOperation commandText Func<TContext, string> context TContext action Func<DataConnection, TContext, CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> Type Parameters TContext TResult TraceAction<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection, TraceOperation, Func<TContext, string?>?, TContext, Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult>) protected static TResult TraceAction<TContext, TResult>(DataConnection dataConnection, TraceOperation traceOperation, Func<TContext, string?>? commandText, TContext context, Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult> action) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection traceOperation TraceOperation commandText Func<TContext, string> context TContext action Func<DataConnection, TContext, TResult> Returns TResult Type Parameters TContext TResult TryGetConnectionString(string?) Returns connection string for specified configuration name or NULL. public static string? TryGetConnectionString(string? configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Configuration. Returns string Connection string or NULL. TurnTraceSwitchOn(TraceLevel) Sets tracing level for data connections. public static void TurnTraceSwitchOn(TraceLevel traceLevel = TraceLevel.Info) Parameters traceLevel TraceLevel Connection tracing level. Remarks Use TraceSwitchConnection when possible, configured via UseTraceLevel(DataOptions, TraceLevel)."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataConnectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataConnectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DataConnectionExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataConnectionExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Contains extension methods for DataConnection class. public static class DataConnectionExtensions Inheritance object DataConnectionExtensions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. options BulkCopyOptions Operation options. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. maxBatchSize int Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation into table specified in options parameter or into table, identified by table. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. options BulkCopyOptions Operation options. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation into table, identified by table. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously performs bulk insert operation into table, identified by table. public static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. maxBatchSize int Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Task with bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. options BulkCopyOptions Operation options. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, int, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. maxBatchSize int Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation into table specified in options parameter or into table, identified by table. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. options BulkCopyOptions Operation options. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation into table, identified by table. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) Performs bulk insert operation into table, identified by table. public static BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. maxBatchSize int Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. source IEnumerable<T> Records to insert. Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Bulk insert operation status. Type Parameters T Mapping type of inserted record. Execute(DataConnection, string) Executes command and returns number of affected records. public static int Execute(this DataConnection connection, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. Returns int Number of records, affected by command execution. Execute(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command and returns number of affected records. public static int Execute(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns int Number of records, affected by command execution. Execute(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command and returns number of affected records. public static int Execute(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns int Number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string) Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteProc(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns number of affected records. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters. public static int ExecuteProc(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns int Number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteProc(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns number of affected records. public static int ExecuteProc(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns int Number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters. public static Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteProcAsync(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns number of affected records. public static Task<int> ExecuteProcAsync(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<int> Task with number of records, affected by command execution. ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters. public static Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T> Task with resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T> Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type asynchronously and returns single value. public static Task<T> ExecuteProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T> Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteProc<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns single value. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters. public static T ExecuteProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns T Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteProc<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns single value. public static T ExecuteProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns T Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string) Executes command and returns data reader instance. public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. Returns DataReader Data reader object. ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) Executes command and returns data reader instance. public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. Returns DataReader Data reader object. ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command and returns data reader instance. public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns DataReader Data reader object. ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, CommandType, CommandBehavior, params DataParameter[]) Executes command and returns data reader instance. public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CommandType commandType, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. commandType CommandType Type of command. See CommandType for all supported types. commandBehavior CommandBehavior Command behavior flags. See CommandBehavior for more details. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns DataReader Data reader object. ExecuteReader(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command and returns data reader instance. public static DataReader ExecuteReader(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns DataReader Data reader object. Execute<T>(DataConnection, string) Executes command and returns single value. public static T Execute<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. Returns T Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) Executes command and returns single value. public static T Execute<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. Returns T Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command and returns single value. public static T Execute<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns T Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. Execute<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command and returns single value. public static T Execute<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns T Resulting value. Type Parameters T Resulting value type. MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source (optional). If delete operation enabled by delete parameter - method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. delete bool If true, merge command will include delete by source operation without condition. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. cancellationToken CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order: Update Insert. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. cancellationToken CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter, applied to delete operation. Optional. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. cancellationToken CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. MergeAsync<T>(DataConnection, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. source IQueryable<T> Source data to merge into target table. All source data will be loaded from server for command generation. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter, applied both to source and delete operation. Required. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. cancellationToken CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. MergeAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source (optional). If delete operation enabled by delete parameter - method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. delete bool If true, merge command will include delete by source operation without condition. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. cancellationToken CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. MergeAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order: Update Insert. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. cancellationToken CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. MergeAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter, applied to delete operation. Optional. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. cancellationToken CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. MergeAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Executes following merge operations asynchronously in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static Task<int> MergeAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. source IQueryable<T> Source data to merge into target table. All source data will be loaded from server for command generation. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter, applied both to source and delete operation. Required. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. cancellationToken CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Task with number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Merge<T>(DataConnection, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Executes following merge operations in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source (optional). If delete operation enabled by delete parameter - method could be used only for with Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. delete bool If true, merge command will include delete by source operation without condition. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Returns number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Merge<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Executes following merge operations in specified order: Update Insert. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Returns number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Merge<T>(DataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Executes following merge operations in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter, applied to delete operation. Optional. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Returns number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Merge<T>(DataConnection, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Executes following merge operations in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. source IQueryable<T> Source data to merge into target table. All source data will be loaded from server for command generation. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter, applied both to source and delete operation. Required. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Returns number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Merge<T>(ITable<T>, bool, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Executes following merge operations in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source (optional). If delete operation enabled by delete parameter - method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. delete bool If true, merge command will include delete by source operation without condition. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Returns number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Merge<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Executes following merge operations in specified order: Update Insert. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Returns number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Merge<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, IEnumerable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Executes following merge operations in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter, applied to delete operation. Optional. source IEnumerable<T> Source data to merge into target table. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Returns number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Merge<T>(ITable<T>, IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Executes following merge operations in specified order: Update Insert Delete By Source. Method could be used only with SQL Server. [Obsolete(\"Legacy Merge API obsoleted and will be removed in future versions. See migration guide or direct translation of old API to new one in code of this method\")] public static int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : class Parameters table ITable<T> Target table. source IQueryable<T> Source data to merge into target table. All source data will be loaded from server for command generation. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter, applied both to source and delete operation. Required. tableName string Optional target table name. databaseName string Optional target table's database name. schemaName string Optional target table's schema name. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Returns number of affected target records. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. QueryMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public static Task<T> QueryMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public static Task<T> QueryMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public static T QueryMultiple<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns T Returns result. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes stored procedure asynchronously and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?, CancellationToken) Executes stored procedure asynchronously and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes stored procedure asynchronously and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryProcAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<IEnumerable<T>> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters. public static Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public static Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public static Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command asynchronously using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public static Task<T> QueryProcMultipleAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T> A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains object with multiply result sets. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryProcMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. Sets result values for output and reference parameters to corresponding parameters in parameters. public static T QueryProcMultiple<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns T Returns result. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryProcMultiple<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns a result containing multiple result sets. public static T QueryProcMultiple<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) where T : class Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns T Returns result. Type Parameters T Result set type. Examples Example of T definition with ResultSetIndexAttribute. class MultipleResult { [ResultSetIndex(0)] public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(1)] public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(2)] public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } [ResultSetIndex(3)] public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Example of T definition without attributes. class MultipleResult { public IEnumerable<Person> AllPersons { get; set; } public IList<Doctor> AllDoctors { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Patient> AllPatients { get; set; } public Patient FirstPatient { get; set; } } Remarks type T should have default constructor. if at least one property or field has ResultSetIndexAttribute, then properties that are not marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute will be ignored. if there is missing index in properties that are marked with ResultSetIndexAttribute, then result set under missing index will be ignored. if there is no ResultSetIndexAttribute, then all non readonly fields or properties with setter will read from multiple result set. Order is based on their appearance in class. QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command using StoredProcedure command type and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. This is caller's responsibility to properly escape procedure name. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes stored procedure and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryProc<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?) Executes stored procedure and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> QueryProc<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values of specified type. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values of specified type. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values of specified type. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToArrayAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns array of values of specified type. public static Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<T[]> Returns task with array of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values of specified type. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values of specified type. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, params DataParameter[]) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values of specified type. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. QueryToListAsync<T>(DataConnection, T, string, CancellationToken, object?) Executes command asynchronously and returns list of values of specified type. public static Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, CancellationToken cancellationToken, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns Task<List<T>> Returns task with list of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string) Executes command and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, Func<DbDataReader, T>, string, object?) Executes command and returns results as collection of values, mapped using provided mapping function. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Record mapping function from data reader. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, string) Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, DataParameter parameter) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, string, object?) Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, T, string, params DataParameter[]) Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. Query<T>(DataConnection, T, string, object?) Executes command and returns results as collection of values of specified type. public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(this DataConnection connection, T template, string sql, object? parameters) Parameters connection DataConnection Database connection. template T This value used only for T parameter type inference, which makes this method usable with anonymous types. sql string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns collection of query result records. Type Parameters T Result record type. SetCommand(DataConnection, string) Creates command wrapper for current connection with provided command text. public static CommandInfo SetCommand(this DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. commandText string Command text. Returns CommandInfo Database command wrapper. SetCommand(DataConnection, string, DataParameter) Creates command wrapper for current connection with provided command text and single parameter. public static CommandInfo SetCommand(this DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, DataParameter parameter) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. commandText string Command text. parameter DataParameter Command parameter. Returns CommandInfo Database command wrapper. SetCommand(DataConnection, string, params DataParameter[]) Creates command wrapper for current connection with provided command text and parameters. public static CommandInfo SetCommand(this DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, params DataParameter[] parameters) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. commandText string Command text. parameters DataParameter[] Command parameters. Returns CommandInfo Database command wrapper. SetCommand(DataConnection, string, object?) Creates command wrapper for current connection with provided command text and parameters. public static CommandInfo SetCommand(this DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, object? parameters) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection. commandText string Command text. parameters object Command parameters. Supported values: - null for command without parameters; - single DataParameter instance; - array of DataParameter parameters; - mapping class entity. Last case will convert all mapped columns to DataParameter instances using following logic: - if column is of DataParameter type, column value will be used. If parameter name (Name) is not set, column name will be used; - if converter from column type to DataParameter is defined in mapping schema, it will be used to create parameter with column name passed to converter; - otherwise column value will be converted to DataParameter using column name as parameter name and column value will be converted to parameter value using conversion, defined by mapping schema. Returns CommandInfo Database command wrapper."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataConnectionTransaction.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataConnectionTransaction.html",
"title": "Class DataConnectionTransaction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataConnectionTransaction Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Data connection transaction controller. public class DataConnectionTransaction : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inheritance object DataConnectionTransaction Implements IDisposable IAsyncDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataConnectionTransaction(DataConnection) Creates new transaction controller for data connection. public DataConnectionTransaction(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance. Properties DataConnection Returns associated data connection instance. public DataConnection DataConnection { get; } Property Value DataConnection Methods Commit() Commits current transaction for data connection. public void Commit() CommitAsync(CancellationToken) Commits current transaction for data connection asynchonously. If underlying provider doesn't support asynchonous commit, it will be performed synchonously. public Task CommitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. public Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task Rollback() Rolllbacks current transaction for data connection. public void Rollback() RollbackAsync(CancellationToken) Rollbacks current transaction for data connection asynchonously. If underlying provider doesn't support asynchonous rollback, it will be performed synchonously. public Task RollbackAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataParameter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataParameter.html",
"title": "Class DataParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataParameter Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll [ScalarType] public class DataParameter Inheritance object DataParameter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataParameter() public DataParameter() DataParameter(string?, object?) public DataParameter(string? name, object? value) Parameters name string value object DataParameter(string?, object?, DataType) public DataParameter(string? name, object? value, DataType dataType) Parameters name string value object dataType DataType DataParameter(string?, object?, DataType, string?) public DataParameter(string? name, object? value, DataType dataType, string? dbType) Parameters name string value object dataType DataType dbType string DataParameter(string?, object?, string) public DataParameter(string? name, object? value, string dbType) Parameters name string value object dbType string Properties DataType Gets or sets the DataType of the parameter. public DataType DataType { get; set; } Property Value DataType One of the DataType values. The default is Undefined. DbType Gets or sets Database Type name of the parameter. public string? DbType { get; set; } Property Value string Name of Database Type or empty string. Direction Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parameter is input-only, output-only, bidirectional, or a stored procedure return value parameter. public ParameterDirection? Direction { get; set; } Property Value ParameterDirection? One of the ParameterDirection values. The default is Input. IsArray public bool IsArray { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Gets or sets the name of the DataParameter. public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string The name of the DataParameter. The default is an empty string. Output Provider's parameter instance for out, in-out, return parameters. Could be used to read parameter value for complex types like Oracle's BFile. public DbParameter? Output { get; } Property Value DbParameter Precision Gets or sets precision for parameter type. public int? Precision { get; set; } Property Value int? Scale Gets or sets scale for parameter type. public int? Scale { get; set; } Property Value int? Size Gets or sets the maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. public int? Size { get; set; } Property Value int? The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. The default value is inferred from the parameter value. Value Gets or sets the value of the parameter. public object? Value { get; set; } Property Value object An object that is the value of the parameter. The default value is null. Methods Binary(string?, byte[]?) public static DataParameter Binary(string? name, byte[]? value) Parameters name string value byte[] Returns DataParameter Binary(string?, Binary?) public static DataParameter Binary(string? name, Binary? value) Parameters name string value Binary Returns DataParameter BinaryJson(string?, string?) public static DataParameter BinaryJson(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter BitArray(string?, BitArray?) public static DataParameter BitArray(string? name, BitArray? value) Parameters name string value BitArray Returns DataParameter Blob(string?, byte[]?) public static DataParameter Blob(string? name, byte[]? value) Parameters name string value byte[] Returns DataParameter Boolean(string?, bool) public static DataParameter Boolean(string? name, bool value) Parameters name string value bool Returns DataParameter Byte(string?, byte) public static DataParameter Byte(string? name, byte value) Parameters name string value byte Returns DataParameter Char(string?, char) public static DataParameter Char(string? name, char value) Parameters name string value char Returns DataParameter Char(string?, string?) public static DataParameter Char(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter Create(string?, bool) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, bool value) Parameters name string value bool Returns DataParameter Create(string?, byte) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, byte value) Parameters name string value byte Returns DataParameter Create(string?, byte[]?) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, byte[]? value) Parameters name string value byte[] Returns DataParameter Create(string?, char) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, char value) Parameters name string value char Returns DataParameter Create(string?, BitArray?) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, BitArray? value) Parameters name string value BitArray Returns DataParameter Create(string?, Dictionary<string, string>?) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, Dictionary<string, string>? value) Parameters name string value Dictionary<string, string> Returns DataParameter Create(string?, Binary?) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, Binary? value) Parameters name string value Binary Returns DataParameter Create(string?, DateTime) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, DateTime value) Parameters name string value DateTime Returns DataParameter Create(string?, DateTimeOffset) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, DateTimeOffset value) Parameters name string value DateTimeOffset Returns DataParameter Create(string?, decimal) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, decimal value) Parameters name string value decimal Returns DataParameter Create(string?, double) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, double value) Parameters name string value double Returns DataParameter Create(string?, Guid) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, Guid value) Parameters name string value Guid Returns DataParameter Create(string?, short) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, short value) Parameters name string value short Returns DataParameter Create(string?, int) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, int value) Parameters name string value int Returns DataParameter Create(string?, long) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, long value) Parameters name string value long Returns DataParameter Create(string?, sbyte) [CLSCompliant(false)] public static DataParameter Create(string? name, sbyte value) Parameters name string value sbyte Returns DataParameter Create(string?, float) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, float value) Parameters name string value float Returns DataParameter Create(string?, string?) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter Create(string?, TimeSpan) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, TimeSpan value) Parameters name string value TimeSpan Returns DataParameter Create(string?, ushort) [CLSCompliant(false)] public static DataParameter Create(string? name, ushort value) Parameters name string value ushort Returns DataParameter Create(string?, uint) [CLSCompliant(false)] public static DataParameter Create(string? name, uint value) Parameters name string value uint Returns DataParameter Create(string?, ulong) [CLSCompliant(false)] public static DataParameter Create(string? name, ulong value) Parameters name string value ulong Returns DataParameter Create(string?, XDocument?) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, XDocument? value) Parameters name string value XDocument Returns DataParameter Create(string?, XmlDocument?) public static DataParameter Create(string? name, XmlDocument? value) Parameters name string value XmlDocument Returns DataParameter Date(string?, DateTime) public static DataParameter Date(string? name, DateTime value) Parameters name string value DateTime Returns DataParameter DateTime(string?, DateTime) public static DataParameter DateTime(string? name, DateTime value) Parameters name string value DateTime Returns DataParameter DateTime2(string?, DateTime) public static DataParameter DateTime2(string? name, DateTime value) Parameters name string value DateTime Returns DataParameter DateTimeOffset(string?, DateTimeOffset) public static DataParameter DateTimeOffset(string? name, DateTimeOffset value) Parameters name string value DateTimeOffset Returns DataParameter Decimal(string?, decimal) public static DataParameter Decimal(string? name, decimal value) Parameters name string value decimal Returns DataParameter Dictionary(string?, IDictionary?) public static DataParameter Dictionary(string? name, IDictionary? value) Parameters name string value IDictionary Returns DataParameter Double(string?, double) public static DataParameter Double(string? name, double value) Parameters name string value double Returns DataParameter Guid(string?, Guid) public static DataParameter Guid(string? name, Guid value) Parameters name string value Guid Returns DataParameter Image(string?, byte[]?) public static DataParameter Image(string? name, byte[]? value) Parameters name string value byte[] Returns DataParameter Int16(string?, short) public static DataParameter Int16(string? name, short value) Parameters name string value short Returns DataParameter Int32(string?, int) public static DataParameter Int32(string? name, int value) Parameters name string value int Returns DataParameter Int64(string?, long) public static DataParameter Int64(string? name, long value) Parameters name string value long Returns DataParameter Json(string?, string?) public static DataParameter Json(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter Money(string?, decimal) public static DataParameter Money(string? name, decimal value) Parameters name string value decimal Returns DataParameter NChar(string?, char) public static DataParameter NChar(string? name, char value) Parameters name string value char Returns DataParameter NChar(string?, string?) public static DataParameter NChar(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter NText(string?, string?) public static DataParameter NText(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter NVarChar(string?, char) public static DataParameter NVarChar(string? name, char value) Parameters name string value char Returns DataParameter NVarChar(string?, string?) public static DataParameter NVarChar(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter SByte(string?, sbyte) [CLSCompliant(false)] public static DataParameter SByte(string? name, sbyte value) Parameters name string value sbyte Returns DataParameter Single(string?, float) public static DataParameter Single(string? name, float value) Parameters name string value float Returns DataParameter SmallDateTime(string?, DateTime) public static DataParameter SmallDateTime(string? name, DateTime value) Parameters name string value DateTime Returns DataParameter SmallMoney(string?, decimal) public static DataParameter SmallMoney(string? name, decimal value) Parameters name string value decimal Returns DataParameter Text(string?, string?) public static DataParameter Text(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter Time(string?, TimeSpan) public static DataParameter Time(string? name, TimeSpan value) Parameters name string value TimeSpan Returns DataParameter Timestamp(string?, byte[]?) public static DataParameter Timestamp(string? name, byte[]? value) Parameters name string value byte[] Returns DataParameter UInt16(string?, ushort) [CLSCompliant(false)] public static DataParameter UInt16(string? name, ushort value) Parameters name string value ushort Returns DataParameter UInt32(string?, uint) [CLSCompliant(false)] public static DataParameter UInt32(string? name, uint value) Parameters name string value uint Returns DataParameter UInt64(string?, ulong) [CLSCompliant(false)] public static DataParameter UInt64(string? name, ulong value) Parameters name string value ulong Returns DataParameter Udt(string?, object?) public static DataParameter Udt(string? name, object? value) Parameters name string value object Returns DataParameter VarBinary(string?, byte[]?) public static DataParameter VarBinary(string? name, byte[]? value) Parameters name string value byte[] Returns DataParameter VarBinary(string?, Binary?) public static DataParameter VarBinary(string? name, Binary? value) Parameters name string value Binary Returns DataParameter VarChar(string?, char) public static DataParameter VarChar(string? name, char value) Parameters name string value char Returns DataParameter VarChar(string?, string?) public static DataParameter VarChar(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter VarNumeric(string?, decimal) public static DataParameter VarNumeric(string? name, decimal value) Parameters name string value decimal Returns DataParameter Variant(string?, object?) public static DataParameter Variant(string? name, object? value) Parameters name string value object Returns DataParameter Xml(string?, string?) public static DataParameter Xml(string? name, string? value) Parameters name string value string Returns DataParameter Xml(string?, XDocument?) public static DataParameter Xml(string? name, XDocument? value) Parameters name string value XDocument Returns DataParameter Xml(string?, XmlDocument?) public static DataParameter Xml(string? name, XmlDocument? value) Parameters name string value XmlDocument Returns DataParameter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataReader.html",
"title": "Class DataReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataReader Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll public class DataReader : IDisposable Inheritance object DataReader Implements IDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataReader(CommandInfo, DataReaderWrapper) public DataReader(CommandInfo commandInfo, DataReaderWrapper dataReader) Parameters commandInfo CommandInfo dataReader DataReaderWrapper Properties CommandInfo public CommandInfo? CommandInfo { get; } Property Value CommandInfo Reader public DbDataReader? Reader { get; } Property Value DbDataReader Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() Execute<T>() public T Execute<T>() Returns T Type Parameters T Query<T>() public IEnumerable<T> Query<T>() Returns IEnumerable<T> Type Parameters T Query<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>) public IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Returns IEnumerable<T> Type Parameters T Query<T>(T) public IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(T template) Parameters template T Returns IEnumerable<T> Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataReaderAsync.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataReaderAsync.html",
"title": "Class DataReaderAsync | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataReaderAsync Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll public class DataReaderAsync : IDisposable Inheritance object DataReaderAsync Implements IDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataReaderAsync(CommandInfo, DataReaderWrapper) public DataReaderAsync(CommandInfo commandInfo, DataReaderWrapper dataReader) Parameters commandInfo CommandInfo dataReader DataReaderWrapper Properties CommandInfo public CommandInfo? CommandInfo { get; } Property Value CommandInfo Reader public DbDataReader? Reader { get; } Property Value DbDataReader Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() DisposeAsync() public Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task ExecuteForEachAsync<T>() public Task<T> ExecuteForEachAsync<T>() Returns Task<T> Type Parameters T ExecuteForEachAsync<T>(CancellationToken) public Task<T> ExecuteForEachAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<T> Type Parameters T QueryForEachAsync<T>(Action<T>) public Task QueryForEachAsync<T>(Action<T> action) Parameters action Action<T> Returns Task Type Parameters T QueryForEachAsync<T>(Action<T>, CancellationToken) public Task QueryForEachAsync<T>(Action<T> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters action Action<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task Type Parameters T QueryForEachAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, Action<T>) public Task QueryForEachAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, Action<T> action) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> action Action<T> Returns Task Type Parameters T QueryForEachAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, Action<T>, CancellationToken) public Task QueryForEachAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, Action<T> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> action Action<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task Type Parameters T QueryForEachAsync<T>(T, Action<T>) public Task QueryForEachAsync<T>(T template, Action<T> action) Parameters template T action Action<T> Returns Task Type Parameters T QueryForEachAsync<T>(T, Action<T>, CancellationToken) public Task QueryForEachAsync<T>(T template, Action<T> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters template T action Action<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task Type Parameters T QueryToArrayAsync<T>() public Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>() Returns Task<T[]> Type Parameters T QueryToArrayAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>) public Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Returns Task<T[]> Type Parameters T QueryToArrayAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, CancellationToken) public Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<T[]> Type Parameters T QueryToArrayAsync<T>(CancellationToken) public Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<T[]> Type Parameters T QueryToArrayAsync<T>(T) public Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(T template) Parameters template T Returns Task<T[]> Type Parameters T QueryToArrayAsync<T>(T, CancellationToken) public Task<T[]> QueryToArrayAsync<T>(T template, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters template T cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<T[]> Type Parameters T QueryToListAsync<T>() public Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>() Returns Task<List<T>> Type Parameters T QueryToListAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>) public Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> Returns Task<List<T>> Type Parameters T QueryToListAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T>, CancellationToken) public Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(Func<DbDataReader, T> objectReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters objectReader Func<DbDataReader, T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<List<T>> Type Parameters T QueryToListAsync<T>(CancellationToken) public Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<List<T>> Type Parameters T QueryToListAsync<T>(T) public Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(T template) Parameters template T Returns Task<List<T>> Type Parameters T QueryToListAsync<T>(T, CancellationToken) public Task<List<T>> QueryToListAsync<T>(T template, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters template T cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<List<T>> Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataReaderWrapper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.DataReaderWrapper.html",
"title": "Class DataReaderWrapper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataReaderWrapper Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Disposable wrapper over DbDataReader instance, which properly disposes associated objects. public class DataReaderWrapper : IDisposable Inheritance object DataReaderWrapper Implements IDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataReaderWrapper(DbDataReader) Creates wrapper instance for specified data reader. public DataReaderWrapper(DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters dataReader DbDataReader Wrapped data reader instance. Properties DataReader public DbDataReader? DataReader { get; } Property Value DbDataReader Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.QueryTraceOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.QueryTraceOptions.html",
"title": "Class QueryTraceOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryTraceOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record QueryTraceOptions : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<QueryTraceOptions> Inheritance object QueryTraceOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<QueryTraceOptions> Extension Methods DataOptionsExtensions.WithOnTrace(QueryTraceOptions, Action<TraceInfo>) DataOptionsExtensions.WithTraceLevel(QueryTraceOptions, TraceLevel) DataOptionsExtensions.WithWriteTrace(QueryTraceOptions, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors QueryTraceOptions() public QueryTraceOptions() QueryTraceOptions(TraceLevel?, Action<TraceInfo>?, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel>?) public QueryTraceOptions(TraceLevel? TraceLevel = null, Action<TraceInfo>? OnTrace = null, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel>? WriteTrace = null) Parameters TraceLevel TraceLevel? Gets custom trace level to use with DataConnection instance. OnTrace Action<TraceInfo> Gets custom trace method to use with DataConnection instance. WriteTrace Action<string, string, TraceLevel> Gets custom trace writer to use with DataConnection instance. Fields Empty public static readonly QueryTraceOptions Empty Field Value QueryTraceOptions Properties OnTrace Gets custom trace method to use with DataConnection instance. public Action<TraceInfo>? OnTrace { get; init; } Property Value Action<TraceInfo> TraceLevel Gets custom trace level to use with DataConnection instance. public TraceLevel? TraceLevel { get; init; } Property Value TraceLevel? WriteTrace Gets custom trace writer to use with DataConnection instance. public Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel>? WriteTrace { get; init; } Property Value Action<string, string, TraceLevel> Methods Equals(QueryTraceOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(QueryTraceOptions? other) Parameters other QueryTraceOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.IRetryPolicy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.IRetryPolicy.html",
"title": "Interface IRetryPolicy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IRetryPolicy Namespace LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IRetryPolicy Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Execute(Action) void Execute(Action operation) Parameters operation Action ExecuteAsync(Func<CancellationToken, Task>, CancellationToken) Task ExecuteAsync(Func<CancellationToken, Task> operation, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters operation Func<CancellationToken, Task> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> operation, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters operation Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> A function that returns a started task of type TResult. cancellationToken CancellationToken A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight or that already completed successfully. Returns Task<TResult> A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. Type Parameters TResult The result type of the Task<TResult> returned by operation. Execute<TResult>(Func<TResult>) Executes the specified operation and returns the result. TResult Execute<TResult>(Func<TResult> operation) Parameters operation Func<TResult> A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type TResult. Returns TResult The result from the operation. Type Parameters TResult The return type of operation."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.RetryLimitExceededException.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.RetryLimitExceededException.html",
"title": "Class RetryLimitExceededException | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RetryLimitExceededException Namespace LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy Assembly linq2db.dll [Serializable] public class RetryLimitExceededException : LinqToDBException, ISerializable, _Exception Inheritance object Exception LinqToDBException RetryLimitExceededException Implements ISerializable _Exception Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.ToString() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.Message Exception.Data Exception.InnerException Exception.TargetSite Exception.StackTrace Exception.HelpLink Exception.Source Exception.HResult Exception.SerializeObjectState Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors RetryLimitExceededException() public RetryLimitExceededException() RetryLimitExceededException(Exception) public RetryLimitExceededException(Exception innerException) Parameters innerException Exception RetryLimitExceededException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) protected RetryLimitExceededException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) Parameters info SerializationInfo context StreamingContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyBase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyBase.html",
"title": "Class RetryPolicyBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RetryPolicyBase Namespace LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class RetryPolicyBase : IRetryPolicy Inheritance object RetryPolicyBase Implements IRetryPolicy Derived ClickHouseRetryPolicy SqlServerRetryPolicy Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors RetryPolicyBase(int, TimeSpan, double, double, TimeSpan) Creates a new instance of RetryPolicyBase. protected RetryPolicyBase(int maxRetryCount, TimeSpan maxRetryDelay, double randomFactor, double exponentialBase, TimeSpan coefficient) Parameters maxRetryCount int The maximum number of retry attempts. maxRetryDelay TimeSpan The maximum delay in milliseconds between retries. randomFactor double The maximum random factor. exponentialBase double The base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries. coefficient TimeSpan The coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries. Properties Coefficient The coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. public TimeSpan Coefficient { get; } Property Value TimeSpan ExceptionsEncountered The list of exceptions that caused the operation to be retried so far. protected virtual List<Exception> ExceptionsEncountered { get; } Property Value List<Exception> ExponentialBase The base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. public double ExponentialBase { get; } Property Value double MaxRetryCount The maximum number of retry attempts. protected virtual int MaxRetryCount { get; } Property Value int MaxRetryDelay The maximum delay in milliseconds between retries. protected virtual TimeSpan MaxRetryDelay { get; } Property Value TimeSpan Random A pseudo-random number generator that can be used to vary the delay between retries. protected virtual Random Random { get; } Property Value Random RandomFactor The maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. public double RandomFactor { get; } Property Value double Suspended Indicates whether the strategy is suspended. The strategy is typically suspending while executing to avoid recursive execution from nested operations. protected static bool Suspended { get; set; } Property Value bool Methods Execute(Action) public virtual void Execute(Action operation) Parameters operation Action ExecuteAsync(Func<CancellationToken, Task>, CancellationToken) public Task ExecuteAsync(Func<CancellationToken, Task> operation, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters operation Func<CancellationToken, Task> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. public virtual Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> operation, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters operation Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>> A function that returns a started task of type TResult. cancellationToken CancellationToken A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight or that already completed successfully. Returns Task<TResult> A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. Type Parameters TResult The result type of the Task<TResult> returned by operation. Execute<TResult>(Func<TResult>) Executes the specified operation and returns the result. public virtual TResult Execute<TResult>(Func<TResult> operation) Parameters operation Func<TResult> A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type TResult. Returns TResult The result from the operation. Type Parameters TResult The return type of operation. GetNextDelay(Exception) Determines whether the operation should be retried and the delay before the next attempt. protected virtual TimeSpan? GetNextDelay(Exception lastException) Parameters lastException Exception The exception thrown during the last execution attempt. Returns TimeSpan? Returns the delay indicating how long to wait for before the next execution attempt if the operation should be retried; null otherwise OnFirstExecution() Method called before the first operation execution protected virtual void OnFirstExecution() OnRetry() Method called before retrying the operation execution protected virtual void OnRetry() ShouldRetryOn(Exception) Determines whether the specified exception represents a transient failure that can be compensated by a retry. protected abstract bool ShouldRetryOn(Exception exception) Parameters exception Exception The exception object to be verified. Returns bool true if the specified exception is considered as transient, otherwise false."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.RetryPolicyOptions.html",
"title": "Class RetryPolicyOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RetryPolicyOptions Namespace LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record RetryPolicyOptions : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<RetryPolicyOptions> Inheritance object RetryPolicyOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<RetryPolicyOptions> Extension Methods DataOptionsExtensions.WithCoefficient(RetryPolicyOptions, TimeSpan) DataOptionsExtensions.WithExponentialBase(RetryPolicyOptions, double) DataOptionsExtensions.WithFactory(RetryPolicyOptions, Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithMaxDelay(RetryPolicyOptions, TimeSpan) DataOptionsExtensions.WithMaxRetryCount(RetryPolicyOptions, int) DataOptionsExtensions.WithRandomFactor(RetryPolicyOptions, double) DataOptionsExtensions.WithRetryPolicy(RetryPolicyOptions, IRetryPolicy) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors RetryPolicyOptions() public RetryPolicyOptions() RetryPolicyOptions(IRetryPolicy?, Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>?, int, TimeSpan, double, double, TimeSpan) public RetryPolicyOptions(IRetryPolicy? RetryPolicy = null, Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>? Factory = null, int MaxRetryCount = 0, TimeSpan MaxDelay = default, double RandomFactor = 0, double ExponentialBase = 0, TimeSpan Coefficient = default) Parameters RetryPolicy IRetryPolicy Retry policy for new DataConnection instance. Factory Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy> Retry policy factory method, used to create retry policy for new DataConnection instance. If factory method is not set, retry policy is not used. MaxRetryCount int The number of retry attempts. MaxDelay TimeSpan The maximum time delay between retries, must be nonnegative. RandomFactor double The maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. ExponentialBase double The base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. Coefficient TimeSpan The coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. Properties Coefficient The coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. public TimeSpan Coefficient { get; init; } Property Value TimeSpan ExponentialBase The base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. public double ExponentialBase { get; init; } Property Value double Factory Retry policy factory method, used to create retry policy for new DataConnection instance. If factory method is not set, retry policy is not used. public Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>? Factory { get; init; } Property Value Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy> MaxDelay The maximum time delay between retries, must be nonnegative. public TimeSpan MaxDelay { get; init; } Property Value TimeSpan MaxRetryCount The number of retry attempts. public int MaxRetryCount { get; init; } Property Value int RandomFactor The maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. public double RandomFactor { get; init; } Property Value double RetryPolicy Retry policy for new DataConnection instance. public IRetryPolicy? RetryPolicy { get; init; } Property Value IRetryPolicy Methods Equals(RetryPolicyOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(RetryPolicyOptions? other) Parameters other RetryPolicyOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Data.RetryPolicy Classes RetryLimitExceededException RetryPolicyBase RetryPolicyOptions Interfaces IRetryPolicy"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.TraceInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.TraceInfo.html",
"title": "Class TraceInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TraceInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Tracing information for the DataConnection events. public class TraceInfo Inheritance object TraceInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors TraceInfo(DataConnection, TraceInfoStep, TraceOperation, bool) Initializes a new instance of the TraceInfo class. public TraceInfo(DataConnection dataConnection, TraceInfoStep traceInfoStep, TraceOperation operation, bool isAsync) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection DataConnection instance, generated this trace. traceInfoStep TraceInfoStep Trace execution step. operation TraceOperation Operation associated with trace event. isAsync bool Flag indicating whether operation was executed asynchronously. Properties Command Gets or sets the DbCommand associated with the tracing event. public DbCommand? Command { get; set; } Property Value DbCommand CommandText Gets or sets the text of the command. public string? CommandText { get; set; } Property Value string DataConnection Gets or sets the DataConnection that produced the tracing event. public DataConnection DataConnection { get; } Property Value DataConnection Exception Gets or sets the Exception for Error step. public Exception? Exception { get; set; } Property Value Exception ExecutionTime Gets or sets the execution time for AfterExecute, Completed, and Error steps. public TimeSpan? ExecutionTime { get; set; } Property Value TimeSpan? IsAsync Gets a flag indicating whether operation was executed asynchronously. public bool IsAsync { get; } Property Value bool MapperExpression Gets or sets the expression used by the results mapper. public Expression? MapperExpression { get; set; } Property Value Expression Operation Gets the operation, for which tracing event generated, TraceOperation. public TraceOperation Operation { get; } Property Value TraceOperation RecordsAffected Gets or sets the number of rows affected by the command or the number of rows produced by the DataReader. public int? RecordsAffected { get; set; } Property Value int? SqlText Gets the formatted SQL text of the command. public string SqlText { get; } Property Value string StartTime Gets or sets the starting DateTime of the operation (UTC). public DateTime? StartTime { get; set; } Property Value DateTime? TraceInfoStep Gets the tracing execution step, TraceInfoStep. public TraceInfoStep TraceInfoStep { get; } Property Value TraceInfoStep TraceLevel Gets or sets the tracing detail level, TraceLevel. public TraceLevel TraceLevel { get; set; } Property Value TraceLevel"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.TraceInfoStep.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.TraceInfoStep.html",
"title": "Enum TraceInfoStep | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum TraceInfoStep Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Tracing steps for the DataConnection trace events. public enum TraceInfoStep Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AfterExecute = 1 Occurs after a command is executed. BeforeExecute = 0 Occurs before executing a command. Completed = 4 Occurs when an operation is completed and its associated DataReader is closed. Error = 2 Occurs when an error happened during the command execution. MapperCreated = 3 Occurs when the result mapper was created. See Also TraceInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.TraceOperation.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.TraceOperation.html",
"title": "Enum TraceOperation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum TraceOperation Namespace LinqToDB.Data Assembly linq2db.dll Type of operation associated with specific trace event. public enum TraceOperation Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BeginTransaction = 7 BeginTransaction() or BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) or BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) or BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken)operation. See also IsAsync. BuildMapping = 5 Mapper build operation. See also IsAsync. BulkCopy = 3 BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) or BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataConnection, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) operation. See also IsAsync. CommitTransaction = 8 CommitTransaction() or CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) operation. See also IsAsync. DisposeQuery = 6 Query runner disposal operation. See also IsAsync. DisposeTransaction = 10 DisposeTransaction() or DisposeTransactionAsync() operation. See also IsAsync. ExecuteNonQuery = 0 ExecuteNonQuery() or ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) operation. See also IsAsync. ExecuteReader = 1 ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) or ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) operation. See also IsAsync. ExecuteScalar = 2 ExecuteScalar() or ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) operation. See also IsAsync. Open = 4 Open() or OpenAsync(CancellationToken) operation. See also IsAsync. RollbackTransaction = 9 RollbackTransaction() or RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) operation. See also IsAsync. See Also TraceInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Data.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Data | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Data Classes BulkCopyOptions Defines behavior of BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) method. BulkCopyRowsCopied CommandInfo Provides database connection command abstraction. ConnectionOptions DataConnection Implements persistent database connection abstraction over different database engines. Could be initialized using connection string name or connection string, or attached to existing connection or transaction. DataConnectionExtensions Contains extension methods for DataConnection class. DataConnectionTransaction Data connection transaction controller. DataParameter DataReader DataReaderAsync DataReaderWrapper Disposable wrapper over DbDataReader instance, which properly disposes associated objects. QueryTraceOptions TraceInfo Tracing information for the DataConnection events. Enums BulkCopyType Bulk copy implementation type. For more details on support level by provider see this article. TraceInfoStep Tracing steps for the DataConnection trace events. TraceOperation Type of operation associated with specific trace event."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataContext.html",
"title": "Class DataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataContext Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Implements abstraction over non-persistent database connection that could be released after query or transaction execution. public class DataContext : IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable Inheritance object DataContext Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable IInterceptable<ICommandInterceptor> IInterceptable<IConnectionInterceptor> IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Extension Methods InterceptorExtensions.OnNextCommandInitialized(DataContext, Func<CommandEventData, DbCommand, DbCommand>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) LoggingExtensions.GetTraceSwitch(IDataContext) LoggingExtensions.WriteTraceLine(IDataContext, string, string, TraceLevel) ConcurrencyExtensions.DeleteOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) ConcurrencyExtensions.DeleteOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) ConcurrencyExtensions.UpdateOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) ConcurrencyExtensions.UpdateOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>>) DataExtensions.CreateTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.Delete<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]) DataExtensions.GetCte<T>(IDataContext, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>, string?) DataExtensions.GetCte<T>(IDataContext, string?, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>) DataExtensions.GetTable<T>(IDataContext) DataExtensions.GetTable<T>(IDataContext, object?, MethodInfo, params object?[]) DataExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.SelectQuery<TEntity>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TEntity>>) DataExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.Update<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, Func<string>) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, string) LinqExtensions.Into<T>(IDataContext, ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.SelectAsync<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.Select<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) Constructors DataContext() Creates data context using default database configuration. DefaultConfiguration for more details. public DataContext() DataContext(DataOptions) Creates database context object that uses a DataOptions to configure the connection. public DataContext(DataOptions options) Parameters options DataOptions Options, setup ahead of time. DataContext(IDataProvider, string) Creates data context using specific data provider implementation and connection string. public DataContext(IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString) Parameters dataProvider IDataProvider Database provider implementation. connectionString string Database connection string. DataContext(string?) Creates data context using specific database configuration. public DataContext(string? configurationString) Parameters configurationString string Connection configuration name. In case of null value, context will use default configuration. DefaultConfiguration for more details. DataContext(string, string) Creates data context using specified database provider and connection string. public DataContext(string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters providerName string Name of database provider to use with this connection. ProviderName class for list of providers. connectionString string Database connection string to use for connection with database. Properties CloseAfterUse Gets or sets flag to close context after query execution or leave it open. public bool CloseAfterUse { get; set; } Property Value bool CommandTimeout Gets or sets command execution timeout in seconds. Negative timeout value means that default timeout will be used. 0 timeout value corresponds to infinite timeout. By default timeout is not set and default value for current provider used. public int CommandTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int ConfigurationID Gets or sets ContextID. public int ConfigurationID { get; } Property Value int ConfigurationString Gets initial value for database connection configuration name. public string? ConfigurationString { get; } Property Value string ConnectionString Gets initial value for database connection string. public string? ConnectionString { get; } Property Value string ContextName Gets or sets context identifier. Uses provider's name by default. public string ContextName { get; } Property Value string DataProvider Gets database provider implementation. public IDataProvider DataProvider { get; } Property Value IDataProvider InlineParameters Gets or sets option to force inline parameter values as literals into command text. If parameter inlining not supported for specific value type, it will be used as parameter. public bool InlineParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool IsMarsEnabled Gets or sets status of Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) feature. This feature available only for SQL Azure and SQL Server 2005+. public bool IsMarsEnabled { get; set; } Property Value bool KeepConnectionAlive Gets or sets option to dispose underlying connection after use. Default value: false. public bool KeepConnectionAlive { get; set; } Property Value bool LastQuery Contains text of last command, sent to database using current context. public string? LastQuery { get; set; } Property Value string MappingSchema Gets or sets mapping schema. Uses provider's mapping schema by default. public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema NextQueryHints Gets list of query hints (writable collection), that will be used only for next query, executed through current context. public List<string> NextQueryHints { get; } Property Value List<string> OnTraceConnection Gets or sets trace handler, used for data connection instance. public Action<TraceInfo>? OnTraceConnection { get; set; } Property Value Action<TraceInfo> Options Current DataContext options public DataOptions Options { get; } Property Value DataOptions QueryHints Gets list of query hints (writable collection), that will be used for all queries, executed through current context. public List<string> QueryHints { get; } Property Value List<string> Methods AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) Adds interceptor instance to context. public void AddInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor Interceptor. BeginTransaction() Starts new transaction for current context with default isolation level. If connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public virtual DataContextTransaction BeginTransaction() Returns DataContextTransaction Database transaction object. BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Starts new transaction for current context with specified isolation level. If connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public virtual DataContextTransaction BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel level) Parameters level IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. Returns DataContextTransaction Database transaction object. BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) Starts new transaction asynchronously for current context with specified isolation level. If connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public virtual Task<DataContextTransaction> BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel level, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters level IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<DataContextTransaction> Database transaction object. BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Starts new transaction asynchronously for current context with default isolation level. If connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public virtual Task<DataContextTransaction> BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<DataContextTransaction> Database transaction object. CloneDataConnection(DataConnection, DataOptions) Creates instance of DataConnection class, attached to same database connection/transaction passed in options. Used by Clone(bool) API only if IsMarsEnabled is true and there is an active connection associated with current context. DataConnection instance, used by current context instance. Connection options, will have DbConnection or DbTransaction set. New DataConnection instance. protected virtual DataConnection CloneDataConnection(DataConnection currentConnection, DataOptions options) Parameters currentConnection DataConnection options DataOptions Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DataOptions) Creates instance of DataConnection class, used by context internally. protected virtual DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DataOptions options) Parameters options DataOptions Returns DataConnection New DataConnection instance. Dispose(bool) Closes underlying connection. protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) Parameters disposing bool DisposeAsync(bool) Closes underlying connection. protected virtual Task DisposeAsync(bool disposing) Parameters disposing bool Returns Task RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) Removes interceptor instance from context. public void RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor Interceptor."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataContextOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataContextOptions.html",
"title": "Class DataContextOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataContextOptions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record DataContextOptions : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataContextOptions> Inheritance object DataContextOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataContextOptions> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataContextOptions() public DataContextOptions() DataContextOptions(int?, IReadOnlyList<IInterceptor>?) public DataContextOptions(int? CommandTimeout = null, IReadOnlyList<IInterceptor>? Interceptors = null) Parameters CommandTimeout int? The command timeout, or null if none has been set. Interceptors IReadOnlyList<IInterceptor> Gets Interceptors to use with DataConnection instance. Fields Empty public static readonly DataContextOptions Empty Field Value DataContextOptions Properties CommandTimeout The command timeout, or null if none has been set. public int? CommandTimeout { get; init; } Property Value int? Interceptors Gets Interceptors to use with DataConnection instance. public IReadOnlyList<IInterceptor>? Interceptors { get; init; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<IInterceptor> Methods Equals(DataContextOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(DataContextOptions? other) Parameters other DataContextOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataContextTransaction.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataContextTransaction.html",
"title": "Class DataContextTransaction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataContextTransaction Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Explicit data context DataContext transaction wrapper. public class DataContextTransaction : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inheritance object DataContextTransaction Implements IDisposable IAsyncDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataContextTransaction(DataContext) Creates new transaction wrapper. public DataContextTransaction(DataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext DataContext Data context. Properties DataContext Gets or sets transaction's data context. public DataContext DataContext { get; set; } Property Value DataContext Methods BeginTransaction() Start new transaction with default isolation level. If underlying connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public void BeginTransaction() BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel) Start new transaction with specified isolation level. If underlying connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public void BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel level) Parameters level IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel, CancellationToken) Start new transaction asynchronously with specified isolation level. If underlying connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public Task BeginTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel level, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters level IsolationLevel Transaction isolation level. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Start new transaction asynchronously with default isolation level. If underlying connection already has transaction, it will be rolled back. public Task BeginTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task CommitTransaction() Commits started transaction. public void CommitTransaction() CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Commits started transaction. If underlying provider doesn't support asynchronous commit, it will be performed synchronously. public Task CommitTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Dispose() Rollbacks started transaction (if any). public void Dispose() RollbackTransaction() Rollbacks started transaction. public void RollbackTransaction() RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken) Rollbacks started transaction asynchronously. If underlying provider doesn't support asynchronous rollback, it will be performed synchronously. public Task RollbackTransactionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DataExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Data context extension methods. public static class DataExtensions Inheritance object DataExtensions Fields SelectQueryMethodInfo public static MethodInfo SelectQueryMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo Methods Compile<TDc, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TResult>>) Compiles the query. public static Func<TDc, TResult> Compile<TDc, TResult>(this IDataContext dataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TResult>> query) where TDc : IDataContext Parameters dataContext IDataContext Data connection context. query Expression<Func<TDc, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDc, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDc Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TResult Query result type. Compile<TDc, TArg1, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult>>) Compiles the query with parameter. public static Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult> Compile<TDc, TArg1, TResult>(this IDataContext dataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult>> query) where TDc : IDataContext Parameters dataContext IDataContext Data connection context. query Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDc Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TArg1 Type of parameter for compiled query. TResult Query result type. Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>>) Compiles the query with two parameters. public static Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult> Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>(this IDataContext dataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>> query) where TDc : IDataContext Parameters dataContext IDataContext Data connection context. query Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDc Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TArg1 Type of first parameter for compiled query. TArg2 Type of second parameter for compiled query. TResult Query result type. Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>>) Compiles the query with three parameters. public static Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult> Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>(this IDataContext dataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>> query) where TDc : IDataContext Parameters dataContext IDataContext Data connection context. query Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>> The query expression to be compiled. Returns Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult> A generic delegate that represents the compiled query. Type Parameters TDc Type of data context parameter, passed to compiled query. TArg1 Type of first parameter for compiled query. TArg2 Type of second parameter for compiled query. TArg3 Type of third parameter for compiled query. TResult Query result type. CreateTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously creates new table in database for mapping class T. Information about table name, columns names and types is taken from mapping class. public static Task<ITable<T>> CreateTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? statementHeader = null, string? statementFooter = null, DefaultNullable defaultNullable = DefaultNullable.None, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. statementHeader string Optional replacement for \"CREATE TABLE table_name\" header. Header is a template with {0} parameter for table name. statementFooter string Optional SQL, appended to generated create table statement. defaultNullable DefaultNullable Defines how columns nullability flag should be generated: - Null - generate only NOT NULL for non-nullable fields. Missing nullability information treated as NULL by database. - NotNull - generate only NULL for nullable fields. Missing nullability information treated as NOT NULL by database. - None - explicitly generate NULL and NOT NULL for all columns. Default value: None. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<ITable<T>> Created table as queryable source. Type Parameters T Mapping class. CreateTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions) Creates new table in database for mapping class T. Information about table name, columns names and types is taken from mapping class. public static ITable<T> CreateTable<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? statementHeader = null, string? statementFooter = null, DefaultNullable defaultNullable = DefaultNullable.None, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. statementHeader string Optional replacement for \"CREATE TABLE table_name\" header. Header is a template with {0} parameter for table name. statementFooter string Optional SQL, appended to generated create table statement. defaultNullable DefaultNullable Defines how columns nullability flag should be generated: - Null - generate only NOT NULL for non-nullable fields. Missing nullability information treated as NULL by database. - NotNull - generate only NULL for nullable fields. Missing nullability information treated as NOT NULL by database. - None - explicitly generate NULL and NOT NULL for all columns. Default value: None. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns ITable<T> Created table as queryable source. Type Parameters T Mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, IEnumerable<T> items, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> setTable, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. Table mapping could be changed using fluent mapper. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, IQueryable<T> items, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> setTable, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Func<ITable<T>, Task>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Func<ITable<T>, Task> Optional asynchronous action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, IQueryable<T> items, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Func<ITable<T>, Task>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Func<ITable<T>, Task> Optional asynchronous action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, string tableName, IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, string tableName, IEnumerable<T> items, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> setTable, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. Table mapping could be changed using fluent mapper. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, string? tableName, IQueryable<T> items, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> setTable, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Func<ITable<T>, Task>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Func<ITable<T>, Task> Optional asynchronous action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, string? tableName, IQueryable<T> items, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Func<ITable<T>, Task>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Func<ITable<T>, Task> Optional asynchronous action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateTempTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext db, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, IEnumerable<T> items, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> setTable, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. Table mapping could be changed using fluent mapper. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, IQueryable<T> items, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> setTable, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Action<ITable<T>>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Action<ITable<T>> Optional action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, IQueryable<T> items, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Action<ITable<T>>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Action<ITable<T>> Optional action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, string tableName, IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, string tableName, IEnumerable<T> items, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> setTable, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. Table mapping could be changed using fluent mapper. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, string? tableName, IQueryable<T> items, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> setTable, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Action<ITable<T>>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Action<ITable<T>> Optional action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, string? tableName, IQueryable<T> items, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Action<ITable<T>>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Action<ITable<T>> Optional action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table. public static TempTable<T> CreateTempTable<T>(this IDataContext db, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary) where T : class Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. DeleteAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously deletes record in table, identified by T mapping class. Record to delete identified by match on primary key value from obj value. public static Task<int> DeleteAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data for delete operation. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. Delete<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Deletes record in table, identified by T mapping class. Record to delete identified by match on primary key value from obj value. public static int Delete<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data for delete operation. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. DropTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously drops table identified by mapping class T. public static Task DropTableAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, bool? throwExceptionIfNotExists = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. throwExceptionIfNotExists bool? If false, any exception during drop operation will be silently caught and 0 returned. This behavior is not correct and will be fixed in future to mask only missing table exceptions. Tracked by issue. Default value: true. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Type Parameters T Mapping class. DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously drops table identified by table parameter. public static Task DropTableAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, bool? throwExceptionIfNotExists = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Dropped table. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. throwExceptionIfNotExists bool? If false, any exception during drop operation will be silently caught and 0 returned. This behavior is not correct and will be fixed in future to mask only missing table exceptions. Tracked by issue. Default value: true. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task Asynchronous operation completion task. Type Parameters T Mapping class. DropTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) Drops table identified by mapping class T. public static void DropTable<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, bool? throwExceptionIfNotExists = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. throwExceptionIfNotExists bool? If false, any exception during drop operation will be silently caught and 0 returned. This behavior is not correct and will be fixed in future to mask only missing table exceptions. Tracked by issue. Default value: true. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Type Parameters T Mapping class. DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) Drops table identified by table parameter. public static void DropTable<T>(this ITable<T> table, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, bool? throwExceptionIfNotExists = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Dropped table. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. throwExceptionIfNotExists bool? If false, any exception during drop operation will be silently caught and 0 returned. This behavior is not correct and will be fixed in future to mask only missing table exceptions. Tracked by issue. Default value: true. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Type Parameters T Mapping class. FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]) Creates a LINQ query based on a raw SQL query. If the database provider supports composing on the supplied SQL, you can compose on top of the raw SQL query using LINQ operators - context.FromSql<Blogs>(\"SELECT * FROM dbo.Blogs\").OrderBy(b => b.Name); As with any API that accepts SQL it is important to parameterize any user input to protect against a SQL injection attack. You can include parameter place holders in the SQL query string and then supply parameter values as additional arguments. Any parameter values you supply will automatically be converted to a DbParameter - context.FromSql<Blogs>(\"SELECT * FROM [dbo].[SearchBlogs]({0})\", userSuppliedSearchTerm); This overload also accepts DbParameter instances as parameter values. context.FromSql<Blogs>(\"SELECT * FROM [dbo].[SearchBlogs]({0})\", new DataParameter(\"@searchTerm\", userSuppliedSearchTerm, DataType.Int64)); public static IQueryable<TEntity> FromSql<TEntity>(this IDataContext dataContext, RawSqlString sql, params object?[] parameters) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. sql RawSqlString The raw SQL query parameters object[] The values to be assigned to parameters. Returns IQueryable<TEntity> An IQueryable<T> representing the raw SQL query. Type Parameters TEntity Source query record type. Remarks Additional parentheses will be added to the query if first word in raw query is 'SELECT', otherwise users are responsible to add them themselves. GetCte<T>(IDataContext, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>, string?) Helps to define a recursive CTE. public static IQueryable<T> GetCte<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>> cteBody, string? cteTableName = null) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. cteBody Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>> Recursive query body. cteTableName string Common table expression name. Returns IQueryable<T> Common table expression. Type Parameters T Source query record type. GetCte<T>(IDataContext, string?, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>) Helps to define a recursive CTE. public static IQueryable<T> GetCte<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, string? cteTableName, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>> cteBody) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. cteTableName string Common table expression name. cteBody Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>> Recursive query body. Returns IQueryable<T> Common table expression. Type Parameters T Source query record type. GetTable<T>(IDataContext) Returns queryable source for specified mapping class for current connection, mapped to database table or view. public static ITable<T> GetTable<T>(this IDataContext dataContext) where T : class Parameters dataContext IDataContext Data connection context. Returns ITable<T> Queryable source. Type Parameters T Mapping class type. GetTable<T>(IDataContext, object?, MethodInfo, params object?[]) Returns queryable source for specified mapping class for current connection, mapped to table expression or function. It could be used e.g. for queries to table-valued functions or to decorate queried table with hints. public static ITable<T> GetTable<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, object? instance, MethodInfo methodInfo, params object?[] parameters) where T : class Parameters dataContext IDataContext Data connection context. instance object Instance object for methodInfo method or null for static method. methodInfo MethodInfo Method, decorated with expression attribute, based on Sql.TableFunctionAttribute. parameters object[] Parameters for methodInfo method. Returns ITable<T> Queryable source. Type Parameters T Mapping class type. InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Inserts record asynchronously into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. public static Task<int> InsertAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Inserts record asynchronously into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. public static Task<int> InsertAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts new record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter or update existing record, identified by match on primary key value. public static Task<int> InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert or update. columnFilter InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert and update. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts new record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter or update existing record, identified by match on primary key value. public static Task<int> InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert or update. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts new record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter or update existing record, identified by match on primary key value. public static int InsertOrReplace<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert or update. columnFilter InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert and update. Parameters: entity, column descriptor and operation (true for insert ) tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts new record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter or update existing record, identified by match on primary key value. public static int InsertOrReplace<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert or update. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as decimal value. public static Task<decimal> InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<decimal> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as decimal value. public static Task<decimal> InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<decimal> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as decimal value. public static decimal InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns decimal Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as decimal value. public static decimal InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns decimal Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record. public static Task<object> InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<object> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record. public static Task<object> InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<object> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record. public static object InsertWithIdentity<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns object Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record. public static object InsertWithIdentity<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns object Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as int value. public static Task<int> InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as int value. public static Task<int> InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as int value. public static int InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as int value. public static int InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as long value. public static Task<long> InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<long> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as long value. public static Task<long> InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<long> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as long value. public static long InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns long Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Returns identity value for inserted record as long value. public static long InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns long Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Mapping class. Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. public static int Insert<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, InsertColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. columnFilter InsertColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Inserts record into table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. public static int Insert<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to insert. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. IntoTempTableAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T>, IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, BulkCopyOptions?, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static Task<TempTable<T>> IntoTempTableAsync<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, IDataContext db, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. IntoTempTableAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>?, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. Table mapping could be changed using fluent mapper. public static Task<TempTable<T>> IntoTempTableAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> items, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, Func<ITable<T>, Task>? action = null, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>? setTable = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where T : class Parameters items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. action Func<ITable<T>, Task> Optional asynchronous action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. IntoTempTable<T>(IEnumerable<T>, IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, BulkCopyOptions?) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static TempTable<T> IntoTempTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, IDataContext db, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, BulkCopyOptions? options = null) where T : class Parameters items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. IntoTempTable<T>(IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, Action<ITable<T>>?, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>?) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public static TempTable<T> IntoTempTable<T>(this IQueryable<T> items, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.IsTemporary, Action<ITable<T>>? action = null, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>? setTable = null) where T : class Parameters items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. Default is IsTemporary. action Action<ITable<T>> Optional action that will be executed after table creation, but before it populated with data from items. setTable Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>> Action to modify T entity's mapping using fluent mapping. Note that context mapping schema must be writable to allow it. You can enable writable MappingSchema using UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) configuration helper or enable writeable schemata globally using EnableContextSchemaEdit option. Latter option is not recommended as it will affect performance significantly. Returns TempTable<T> Returns temporary table instance. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. SelectQuery<TEntity>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TEntity>>) Creates a LINQ query based on expression. Returned IQueryable<T> represents single record. Could be useful for function calls, querying of database variables, properties or sub-queries. public static IQueryable<TEntity> SelectQuery<TEntity>(this IDataContext dataContext, Expression<Func<TEntity>> selector) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. selector Expression<Func<TEntity>> Value selection expression. Returns IQueryable<TEntity> An IQueryable<T> representing single record. Type Parameters TEntity Type of result. Examples Complex record: db.SelectQuery(() => new { Version = 1, CurrentTimeStamp = Sql.CurrentTimeStamp }); Scalar value: db.SelectQuery(() => Sql.CurrentTimeStamp); Remarks Method works for most supported database engines, except databases which do not support SELECT Value without FROM statement. For Oracle it will be translated to SELECT Value FROM SYS.DUAL UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously updates record in table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Record to update identified by match on primary key value from obj value. public static Task<int> UpdateAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, UpdateColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to update. columnFilter UpdateColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to update. tableName string Name of the table databaseName string Name of the database schemaName string Name of the schema serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Asynchronously updates record in table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Record to update identified by match on primary key value from obj value. public static Task<int> UpdateAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to update. tableName string Name of the table databaseName string Name of the database schemaName string Name of the schema serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. Update<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Updates record in table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Record to update identified by match on primary key value from obj value. public static int Update<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, UpdateColumnFilter<T>? columnFilter, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to update. columnFilter UpdateColumnFilter<T> Filter columns to update. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class. Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Updates record in table, identified by T mapping class, using values from obj parameter. Record to update identified by match on primary key value from obj value. public static int Update<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. obj T Object with data to update. tableName string Optional table name to override default table name, extracted from T mapping. databaseName string Optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. schemaName string Optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. serverName string Optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. tableOptions TableOptions Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Mapping class."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataOptions-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataOptions-1.html",
"title": "Class DataOptions<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataOptions<T> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Typed DataOptions wrapper to support multiple option objects registration in DI containers. public class DataOptions<T> where T : IDataContext Type Parameters T Associated database context type. Inheritance object DataOptions<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataOptions(DataOptions) public DataOptions(DataOptions options) Parameters options DataOptions Properties Options Gets wrapped DataOptions instance. public DataOptions Options { get; } Property Value DataOptions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataOptions.html",
"title": "Class DataOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataOptions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Immutable context configuration object. public sealed class DataOptions : OptionsContainer<DataOptions>, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataOptions>, ICloneable Inheritance object OptionsContainer<DataOptions> DataOptions Implements IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataOptions> ICloneable Inherited Members OptionsContainer<DataOptions>.WithOptions<TSet>(Func<TSet, TSet>) OptionsContainer<DataOptions>.FindOrDefault<TSet>(TSet) OptionsContainer<DataOptions>.Get<TSet>() Extension Methods DataOptionsExtensions.RemoveInterceptor(DataOptions, IInterceptor) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAccess(DataOptions, string, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAccessOdbc(DataOptions, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAccessOdbc(DataOptions, string, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAccessOleDb(DataOptions, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAccessOleDb(DataOptions, string, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAfterConnectionOpened(DataOptions, Action<DbConnection>, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAse(DataOptions, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAse(DataOptions, string, bool, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseAse(DataOptions, string, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBeforeConnectionOpened(DataOptions, Action<DbConnection>, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyCheckConstraints(DataOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyDatabaseName(DataOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyFireTriggers(DataOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyKeepIdentity(DataOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyKeepNulls(DataOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyMaxBatchSize(DataOptions, int?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyMaxDegreeOfParallelism(DataOptions, int?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyMaxParametersForBatch(DataOptions, int?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyNotifyAfter(DataOptions, int) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyRowsCopiedCallback(DataOptions, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopySchemaName(DataOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyServerName(DataOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyTableLock(DataOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyTableName(DataOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyTableOptions(DataOptions, TableOptions) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyTimeout(DataOptions, int?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyType(DataOptions, BulkCopyType) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyUseInternalTransaction(DataOptions, bool?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyUseParameters(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseBulkCopyWithoutSession(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseCacheSlidingExpiration(DataOptions, TimeSpan?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseClickHouse(DataOptions, ClickHouseProvider, Func<ClickHouseOptions, ClickHouseOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseClickHouse(DataOptions, ClickHouseProvider, string, Func<ClickHouseOptions, ClickHouseOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseCoefficient(DataOptions, TimeSpan) DataOptionsExtensions.UseCompareNullsAsValues(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConfiguration(DataOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConfiguration(DataOptions, string, MappingSchema) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConfigurationString(DataOptions, string?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConfigurationString(DataOptions, string, MappingSchema) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConnection(DataOptions, IDataProvider, DbConnection) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConnection(DataOptions, IDataProvider, DbConnection, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConnection(DataOptions, DbConnection) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConnectionFactory(DataOptions, IDataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConnectionFactory(DataOptions, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConnectionString(DataOptions, IDataProvider, string) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConnectionString(DataOptions, string) DataOptionsExtensions.UseConnectionString(DataOptions, string, string) DataOptionsExtensions.UseDB2(DataOptions, DB2Version, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseDB2(DataOptions, string, DB2Version, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseDB2(DataOptions, string, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseDataProvider(DataOptions, IDataProvider) DataOptionsExtensions.UseDataProviderFactory(DataOptions, Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) DataOptionsExtensions.UseDefaultRetryPolicyFactory(DataOptions) DataOptionsExtensions.UseDisableQueryCache(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseDoNotClearOrderBys(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseEnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseExponentialBase(DataOptions, double) DataOptionsExtensions.UseFactory(DataOptions, Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseFirebird(DataOptions, Func<FirebirdOptions, FirebirdOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseFirebird(DataOptions, string, Func<FirebirdOptions, FirebirdOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseGenerateExpressionTest(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseGenerateFinalAliases(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseGuardGrouping(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseInformix(DataOptions, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseInformix(DataOptions, string, bool, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseInformix(DataOptions, string, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseInterceptor(DataOptions, IInterceptor) DataOptionsExtensions.UseInterceptors(DataOptions, params IInterceptor[]) DataOptionsExtensions.UseInterceptors(DataOptions, IEnumerable<IInterceptor>) DataOptionsExtensions.UseKeepDistinctOrdered(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMappingSchema(DataOptions, MappingSchema) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMaxDelay(DataOptions, TimeSpan) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMaxRetryCount(DataOptions, int) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMySql(DataOptions, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMySql(DataOptions, string, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMySqlConnector(DataOptions, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMySqlConnector(DataOptions, string, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMySqlData(DataOptions, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseMySqlData(DataOptions, string, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseOnEntityDescriptorCreated(DataOptions, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) DataOptionsExtensions.UseOptimizeJoins(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseOracle(DataOptions, OracleVersion, OracleProvider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseOracle(DataOptions, string, OracleProvider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseOracle(DataOptions, string, OracleVersion, OracleProvider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseOracle(DataOptions, string, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseParameterizeTakeSkip(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UsePostgreSQL(DataOptions, PostgreSQLVersion, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UsePostgreSQL(DataOptions, string, PostgreSQLVersion, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UsePostgreSQL(DataOptions, string, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>) DataOptionsExtensions.UsePreferApply(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UsePreferExistsForScalar(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UsePreloadGroups(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseProvider(DataOptions, string) DataOptionsExtensions.UseRandomFactor(DataOptions, double) DataOptionsExtensions.UseRetryPolicy(DataOptions, IRetryPolicy) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSQLite(DataOptions, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSQLite(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSQLiteMicrosoft(DataOptions, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSQLiteMicrosoft(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSQLiteOfficial(DataOptions, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSQLiteOfficial(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSapHana(DataOptions, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSapHana(DataOptions, string, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSapHanaNative(DataOptions, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSapHanaNative(DataOptions, string, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSapHanaODBC(DataOptions, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSapHanaODBC(DataOptions, string, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSqlCe(DataOptions, Func<SqlCeOptions, SqlCeOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSqlCe(DataOptions, string, Func<SqlCeOptions, SqlCeOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSqlServer(DataOptions, SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider, Func<SqlServerOptions, SqlServerOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseSqlServer(DataOptions, string, SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider, Func<SqlServerOptions, SqlServerOptions>?) DataOptionsExtensions.UseTraceLevel(DataOptions, TraceLevel) DataOptionsExtensions.UseTraceMapperExpression(DataOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.UseTraceWith(DataOptions, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel>) DataOptionsExtensions.UseTracing(DataOptions, Action<TraceInfo>) DataOptionsExtensions.UseTracing(DataOptions, TraceLevel, Action<TraceInfo>) DataOptionsExtensions.UseTransaction(DataOptions, IDataProvider, DbTransaction) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataOptions() public DataOptions() DataOptions(ConnectionOptions) public DataOptions(ConnectionOptions connectionOptions) Parameters connectionOptions ConnectionOptions Properties BulkCopyOptions public BulkCopyOptions BulkCopyOptions { get; } Property Value BulkCopyOptions ConnectionOptions public ConnectionOptions ConnectionOptions { get; } Property Value ConnectionOptions DataContextOptions public DataContextOptions DataContextOptions { get; } Property Value DataContextOptions LinqOptions public LinqOptions LinqOptions { get; } Property Value LinqOptions OptionSets Provides access to option sets, stored in current options object. public override IEnumerable<IOptionSet> OptionSets { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<IOptionSet> RetryPolicyOptions public RetryPolicyOptions RetryPolicyOptions { get; } Property Value RetryPolicyOptions SqlOptions public SqlOptions SqlOptions { get; } Property Value SqlOptions Methods Apply(DataConnection) public void Apply(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Apply(DataContext) public void Apply(DataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext DataContext Clone() protected override DataOptions Clone() Returns DataOptions Equals(DataOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(DataOptions? other) Parameters other DataOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(object?) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object The object to compare with the current object. Returns bool true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. Find<TSet>() Search for options set by set type TSet. public override TSet? Find<TSet>() where TSet : class, IOptionSet Returns TSet Options set or null if set with type TSet not found in options. Type Parameters TSet Options set type. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object. WithOptions(IOptionSet) Adds or replace IOptionSet instance based on concrete implementation type. public override DataOptions WithOptions(IOptionSet options) Parameters options IOptionSet Set of options. Returns DataOptions New options object with options applied. Operators operator ==(DataOptions?, DataOptions?) public static bool operator ==(DataOptions? t1, DataOptions? t2) Parameters t1 DataOptions t2 DataOptions Returns bool operator !=(DataOptions?, DataOptions?) public static bool operator !=(DataOptions? t1, DataOptions? t2) Parameters t1 DataOptions t2 DataOptions Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataOptionsExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataOptionsExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DataOptionsExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataOptionsExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Set of extensions for DataOptions. public static class DataOptionsExtensions Inheritance object DataOptionsExtensions Methods RemoveInterceptor(DataOptions, IInterceptor) Removes IInterceptor instance from the context. public static DataOptions RemoveInterceptor(this DataOptions options, IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters options DataOptions interceptor IInterceptor Returns DataOptions UseAccess(DataOptions, string, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) Configure connection to use Access default provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseAccess(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Access connection string. optionSetter Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions> Optional AccessOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider determined by inspecting connection string for OleDb or ODBC-specific markers and otherwise defaults to OleDb provider. For more fine-grained configuration see UseAccessOleDb(DataOptions, string, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) and UseAccessOdbc(DataOptions, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) methods. UseAccessOdbc(DataOptions, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) Configure connection to use Access ODBC provider. public static DataOptions UseAccessOdbc(this DataOptions options, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions> Optional AccessOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseAccessOdbc(DataOptions, string, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) Configure connection to use Access ODBC provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseAccessOdbc(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Access connection string. optionSetter Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions> Optional AccessOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseAccessOleDb(DataOptions, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) Configure connection to use Access OleDb provider. public static DataOptions UseAccessOleDb(this DataOptions options, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions> Optional AccessOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseAccessOleDb(DataOptions, string, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>?) Configure connection to use Access OleDb provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseAccessOleDb(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Access connection string. optionSetter Func<AccessOptions, AccessOptions> Optional AccessOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseAfterConnectionOpened(DataOptions, Action<DbConnection>, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>?) Sets custom actions, executed after connection opened. public static DataOptions UseAfterConnectionOpened(this DataOptions options, Action<DbConnection> afterConnectionOpened, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>? afterConnectionOpenedAsync = null) Parameters options DataOptions afterConnectionOpened Action<DbConnection> Action, executed for connection instance after Open() call. Also called after OpenAsync(CancellationToken) call if afterConnectionOpenedAsync action is not provided. Accepts connection instance as parameter. afterConnectionOpenedAsync Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task> Action, executed for connection instance from async execution path after OpenAsync(CancellationToken) call. Accepts connection instance as parameter. If this option is not set, afterConnectionOpened synchronous action called. Use this option only if you need to perform async work from action, otherwise afterConnectionOpened is sufficient. Returns DataOptions UseAse(DataOptions, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>?) Configure connection to use SAP/Sybase ASE default provider. public static DataOptions UseAse(this DataOptions options, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions> Optional SybaseOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Provider selection available only for .NET Framework applications. Default provider will be chosen by probing current folder for provider assembly and if it is not found, default to official Sybase.AdoNet45.AseClient provider. UseAse(DataOptions, string, bool, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>?) Configure connection to use specific SAP/Sybase ASE provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseAse(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, bool useNativeProvider, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SAP/Sybase ASE connection string. useNativeProvider bool if true, Sybase.AdoNet45.AseClient provider will be used; otherwise managed AdoNetCore.AseClient. optionSetter Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions> Optional SybaseOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseAse(DataOptions, string, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>?) Configure connection to use SAP/Sybase ASE default provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseAse(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SAP/Sybase ASE connection string. optionSetter Func<SybaseOptions, SybaseOptions> Optional SybaseOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Provider selection available only for .NET Framework applications. Default provider will be choosen by probing current folder for provider assembly and if it is not found, default to official Sybase.AdoNet45.AseClient provider. UseBeforeConnectionOpened(DataOptions, Action<DbConnection>, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>?) Sets custom actions, executed before connection opened. public static DataOptions UseBeforeConnectionOpened(this DataOptions options, Action<DbConnection> afterConnectionOpening, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>? afterConnectionOpeningAsync = null) Parameters options DataOptions afterConnectionOpening Action<DbConnection> Action, executed before database connection opened. Accepts connection instance as parameter. afterConnectionOpeningAsync Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task> Action, executed after database connection opened from async execution path. Accepts connection instance as parameter. If this option is not set, afterConnectionOpening synchronous action called. Use this option only if you need to perform async work from action, otherwise afterConnectionOpening is sufficient. Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyCheckConstraints(DataOptions, bool?) Enables database constrains enforcement during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyCheckConstraints(this DataOptions options, bool? checkConstraints) Parameters options DataOptions checkConstraints bool? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyDatabaseName(DataOptions, string?) Gets or sets explicit name of target database instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyDatabaseName(this DataOptions options, string? databaseName) Parameters options DataOptions databaseName string Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyFireTriggers(DataOptions, bool?) Enables insert triggers during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyFireTriggers(this DataOptions options, bool? fireTriggers) Parameters options DataOptions fireTriggers bool? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyKeepIdentity(DataOptions, bool?) If this option set to true, bulk copy will use values of columns, marked with IsIdentity flag. SkipOnInsert flag in this case will be ignored. Otherwise those columns will be skipped and values will be generated by server. Not compatible with RowByRow mode. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyKeepIdentity(this DataOptions options, bool? keepIdentity) Parameters options DataOptions keepIdentity bool? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyKeepNulls(DataOptions, bool?) Enables instert of NULL values instead of values from colum default constraint during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyKeepNulls(this DataOptions options, bool? keepNulls) Parameters options DataOptions keepNulls bool? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyMaxBatchSize(DataOptions, int?) Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. Returns an integer value or zero if no value has been set. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyMaxBatchSize(this DataOptions options, int? maxBatchSize) Parameters options DataOptions maxBatchSize int? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyMaxDegreeOfParallelism(DataOptions, int?) Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. Defines number of connections, used for parallel insert in ProviderSpecific mode. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyMaxDegreeOfParallelism(this DataOptions options, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism) Parameters options DataOptions maxDegreeOfParallelism int? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyMaxParametersForBatch(DataOptions, int?) If set, will override the Maximum parameters per batch statement from MaxParameters. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyMaxParametersForBatch(this DataOptions options, int? maxParametersForBatch) Parameters options DataOptions maxParametersForBatch int? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyNotifyAfter(DataOptions, int) Gets or sets counter after how many copied records RowsCopiedCallback should be called. E.g. if you set it to 10, callback will be called after each 10 copied records. To disable callback, set this option to 0 (default value). public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyNotifyAfter(this DataOptions options, int notifyAfter) Parameters options DataOptions notifyAfter int Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyRowsCopiedCallback(DataOptions, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>?) Gets or sets callback method that will be called by BulkCopy operation after each NotifyAfter rows copied. This callback will not be used if NotifyAfter set to 0. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyRowsCopiedCallback(this DataOptions options, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>? rowsCopiedCallback) Parameters options DataOptions rowsCopiedCallback Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopySchemaName(DataOptions, string?) Gets or sets explicit name of target schema/owner instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopySchemaName(this DataOptions options, string? schemaName) Parameters options DataOptions schemaName string Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyServerName(DataOptions, string?) Gets or sets explicit name of target server instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. Also note that it is not supported by provider-specific insert method. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyServerName(this DataOptions options, string? serverName) Parameters options DataOptions serverName string Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyTableLock(DataOptions, bool?) Applies table lock during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: DB2 Informix (using DB2 provider) SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyTableLock(this DataOptions options, bool? tableLock) Parameters options DataOptions tableLock bool? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyTableName(DataOptions, string?) Gets or sets explicit name of target table instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyTableName(this DataOptions options, string? tableName) Parameters options DataOptions tableName string Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyTableOptions(DataOptions, TableOptions) Gets or sets TableOptions flags overrides instead of configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) method for support information per provider. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyTableOptions(this DataOptions options, TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters options DataOptions tableOptions TableOptions Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyTimeout(DataOptions, int?) Number of seconds for the operation to complete before it times out. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyTimeout(this DataOptions options, int? bulkCopyTimeout) Parameters options DataOptions bulkCopyTimeout int? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyType(DataOptions, BulkCopyType) Specify bulk copy implementation type. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyType(this DataOptions options, BulkCopyType bulkCopyType) Parameters options DataOptions bulkCopyType BulkCopyType Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyUseInternalTransaction(DataOptions, bool?) Enables automatic transaction creation during bulk copy operation. Supported with ProviderSpecific bulk copy mode for following databases: Oracle SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyUseInternalTransaction(this DataOptions options, bool? useInternalTransaction) Parameters options DataOptions useInternalTransaction bool? Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyUseParameters(DataOptions, bool) Gets or sets whether to Always use Parameters for MultipleRowsCopy. Default is false. If True, provider's override for MaxParameters will be used to determine the maximum number of rows per insert, Unless overridden by MaxParametersForBatch. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyUseParameters(this DataOptions options, bool useParameters) Parameters options DataOptions useParameters bool Returns DataOptions UseBulkCopyWithoutSession(DataOptions, bool) Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. When set, provider-specific bulk copy will use session-less connection even if called over connection with session. Note that session-less connections cannot be used with session-bound functionality like temporary tables. public static DataOptions UseBulkCopyWithoutSession(this DataOptions options, bool withoutSession) Parameters options DataOptions withoutSession bool Returns DataOptions UseCacheSlidingExpiration(DataOptions, TimeSpan?) Specifies timeout when query will be evicted from cache since last execution of query. Default value is 1 hour. public static DataOptions UseCacheSlidingExpiration(this DataOptions options, TimeSpan? cacheSlidingExpiration) Parameters options DataOptions cacheSlidingExpiration TimeSpan? Returns DataOptions UseClickHouse(DataOptions, ClickHouseProvider, Func<ClickHouseOptions, ClickHouseOptions>?) Configure connection to use UseClickHouse provider. public static DataOptions UseClickHouse(this DataOptions options, ClickHouseProvider provider, Func<ClickHouseOptions, ClickHouseOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. provider ClickHouseProvider ClickHouse provider. optionSetter Func<ClickHouseOptions, ClickHouseOptions> Optional ClickHouseOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseClickHouse(DataOptions, ClickHouseProvider, string, Func<ClickHouseOptions, ClickHouseOptions>?) Configure connection to use UseClickHouse provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseClickHouse(this DataOptions options, ClickHouseProvider provider, string connectionString, Func<ClickHouseOptions, ClickHouseOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. provider ClickHouseProvider ClickHouse provider. connectionString string ClickHouse connection string. optionSetter Func<ClickHouseOptions, ClickHouseOptions> Optional ClickHouseOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseCoefficient(DataOptions, TimeSpan) The coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. Default value: 1 second. public static DataOptions UseCoefficient(this DataOptions options, TimeSpan coefficient) Parameters options DataOptions coefficient TimeSpan Returns DataOptions UseCompareNullsAsValues(DataOptions, bool) If set to true nullable fields would be checked for IS NULL in Equal/NotEqual comparisons. This affects: Equal, NotEqual, Not Contains Default value: true. public static DataOptions UseCompareNullsAsValues(this DataOptions options, bool compareNullsAsValues) Parameters options DataOptions compareNullsAsValues bool Returns DataOptions Examples public class MyEntity { public int? Value; } db.MyEntity.Where(e => e.Value != 10) from e1 in db.MyEntity join e2 in db.MyEntity on e1.Value equals e2.Value select e1 var filter = new [] {1, 2, 3}; db.MyEntity.Where(e => ! filter.Contains(e.Value)) Would be converted to next queries: SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR Value != 10 SELECT e1.Value FROM MyEntity e1 INNER JOIN MyEntity e2 ON e1.Value = e2.Value OR (e1.Value IS NULL AND e2.Value IS NULL) SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR NOT Value IN (1, 2, 3) UseConfiguration(DataOptions, string?) Defines configuration sting to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConfiguration(this DataOptions options, string? configurationString) Parameters options DataOptions configurationString string Returns DataOptions UseConfiguration(DataOptions, string, MappingSchema) Defines configuration sting and MappingSchema to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConfiguration(this DataOptions options, string configurationString, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters options DataOptions configurationString string mappingSchema MappingSchema Returns DataOptions UseConfigurationString(DataOptions, string?) Defines configuration sting to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConfigurationString(this DataOptions options, string? configurationString) Parameters options DataOptions configurationString string Returns DataOptions UseConfigurationString(DataOptions, string, MappingSchema) Defines configuration sting and MappingSchema to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConfigurationString(this DataOptions options, string configurationString, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters options DataOptions configurationString string mappingSchema MappingSchema Returns DataOptions UseConnection(DataOptions, IDataProvider, DbConnection) Defines data provider and DbConnection to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConnection(this DataOptions options, IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection) Parameters options DataOptions dataProvider IDataProvider connection DbConnection Returns DataOptions UseConnection(DataOptions, IDataProvider, DbConnection, bool) Defines data provider and DbConnection to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConnection(this DataOptions options, IDataProvider dataProvider, DbConnection connection, bool disposeConnection) Parameters options DataOptions dataProvider IDataProvider connection DbConnection disposeConnection bool Returns DataOptions UseConnection(DataOptions, DbConnection) Defines DbConnection to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConnection(this DataOptions options, DbConnection connection) Parameters options DataOptions connection DbConnection Returns DataOptions UseConnectionFactory(DataOptions, IDataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>) Defines data provider and connection factory to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConnectionFactory(this DataOptions options, IDataProvider dataProvider, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> connectionFactory) Parameters options DataOptions dataProvider IDataProvider connectionFactory Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> Returns DataOptions UseConnectionFactory(DataOptions, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>) Defines connection factory to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConnectionFactory(this DataOptions options, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> connectionFactory) Parameters options DataOptions connectionFactory Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> Returns DataOptions UseConnectionString(DataOptions, IDataProvider, string) Defines data provider and connection sting to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConnectionString(this DataOptions options, IDataProvider dataProvider, string connectionString) Parameters options DataOptions dataProvider IDataProvider connectionString string Returns DataOptions UseConnectionString(DataOptions, string) Defines connection sting to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConnectionString(this DataOptions options, string connectionString) Parameters options DataOptions connectionString string Returns DataOptions UseConnectionString(DataOptions, string, string) Defines provider name and connection sting to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseConnectionString(this DataOptions options, string providerName, string connectionString) Parameters options DataOptions providerName string connectionString string Returns DataOptions UseDB2(DataOptions, DB2Version, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>?) Configure connection to use specific DB2 provider. public static DataOptions UseDB2(this DataOptions options, DB2Version version, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. version DB2Version DB2 server version. optionSetter Func<DB2Options, DB2Options> Optional DB2Options configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseDB2(DataOptions, string, DB2Version, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>?) Configure connection to use specific DB2 provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseDB2(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, DB2Version version, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string DB2 connection string. version DB2Version DB2 server version. optionSetter Func<DB2Options, DB2Options> Optional DB2Options configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseDB2(DataOptions, string, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>?) Configure connection to use DB2 default provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseDB2(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string DB2 connection string. optionSetter Func<DB2Options, DB2Options> Optional DB2Options configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks DB2 provider will be chosen automatically: if AutoDetectProvider (default: true) enabled, LinqToDB will query server for version otherwise DB2 LUW provider will be chosen. For more fine-grained configuration see UseDB2(DataOptions, string, DB2Version, Func<DB2Options, DB2Options>?) overload. UseDataProvider(DataOptions, IDataProvider) Defines data provider to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseDataProvider(this DataOptions options, IDataProvider dataProvider) Parameters options DataOptions dataProvider IDataProvider Returns DataOptions UseDataProviderFactory(DataOptions, Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) Sets DataProviderFactory option. public static DataOptions UseDataProviderFactory(this DataOptions options, Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider> dataProviderFactory) Parameters options DataOptions dataProviderFactory Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider> Returns DataOptions UseDefaultRetryPolicyFactory(DataOptions) Uses default retry policy factory. public static DataOptions UseDefaultRetryPolicyFactory(this DataOptions options) Parameters options DataOptions Returns DataOptions UseDisableQueryCache(DataOptions, bool) Used to disable LINQ expressions caching for queries. This cache reduces time, required for query parsing but have several side-effects: - cached LINQ expressions could contain references to external objects as parameters, which could lead to memory leaks if those objects are not used anymore by other code - cache access synchronization could lead to bigger latencies than it saves. Default value: false. It is not recommended to enable this option as it could lead to severe slowdown. Better approach will be to call ClearCache() method to cleanup cache after queries, that produce severe memory leaks you need to fix. More details. public static DataOptions UseDisableQueryCache(this DataOptions options, bool disableQueryCache) Parameters options DataOptions disableQueryCache bool Returns DataOptions UseDoNotClearOrderBys(DataOptions, bool) Controls behavior, when LINQ query chain contains multiple OrderBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) or OrderByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) calls: if true - non-first OrderBy* call will be treated as ThenBy* call; if false - OrderBy* call will discard sort specifications, added by previous OrderBy* and ThenBy* calls. Default value: false. public static DataOptions UseDoNotClearOrderBys(this DataOptions options, bool doNotClearOrderBys) Parameters options DataOptions doNotClearOrderBys bool Returns DataOptions UseEnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy(DataOptions, bool) If true, linq2db will allow any constant expressions in ORDER BY clause. Default value: false. public static DataOptions UseEnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy(this DataOptions options, bool enableConstantExpressionInOrderBy) Parameters options DataOptions enableConstantExpressionInOrderBy bool Returns DataOptions UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(DataOptions, bool) If true, user could add new mappings to context mapping schems (MappingSchema). Otherwise, LinqToDBException will be generated on locked mapping schema edit attempt. It is not recommended to enable this option as it has performance implications. Proper approach is to create single MappingSchema instance once, configure mappings for it and use this MappingSchema instance for all context instances. public static DataOptions UseEnableContextSchemaEdit(this DataOptions options, bool enableContextSchemaEdit) Parameters options DataOptions enableContextSchemaEdit bool Returns DataOptions UseExponentialBase(DataOptions, double) The base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. Default value: 2. public static DataOptions UseExponentialBase(this DataOptions options, double exponentialBase) Parameters options DataOptions exponentialBase double Returns DataOptions UseFactory(DataOptions, Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>?) Retry policy factory method, used to create retry policy for new DataConnection instance. If factory method is not set, retry policy is not used. Not set by default. public static DataOptions UseFactory(this DataOptions options, Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>? factory) Parameters options DataOptions factory Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy> Returns DataOptions UseFirebird(DataOptions, Func<FirebirdOptions, FirebirdOptions>?) Configure connection to use Firebird provider. public static DataOptions UseFirebird(this DataOptions options, Func<FirebirdOptions, FirebirdOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<FirebirdOptions, FirebirdOptions> Optional FirebirdOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseFirebird(DataOptions, string, Func<FirebirdOptions, FirebirdOptions>?) Configure connection to use Firebird provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseFirebird(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<FirebirdOptions, FirebirdOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Firebird connection string. optionSetter Func<FirebirdOptions, FirebirdOptions> Optional FirebirdOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseGenerateExpressionTest(DataOptions, bool) Enables generation of test class for each LINQ query, executed while this option is enabled. This option could be useful for issue reporting, when you need to provide reproducible case. Test file will be placed to linq2db subfolder of temp folder and exact file path will be logged to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. public static DataOptions UseGenerateExpressionTest(this DataOptions options, bool generateExpressionTest) Parameters options DataOptions generateExpressionTest bool Returns DataOptions UseGenerateFinalAliases(DataOptions, bool) Indicates whether SQL Builder should generate aliases for final projection. It is not required for correct query processing but simplifies SQL analysis. Default value: false. For the query var query = from child in db.Child select new { TrackId = child.ChildID, }; When property is true SELECT [child].[ChildID] as [TrackId] FROM [Child] [child] Otherwise alias will be removed SELECT [child].[ChildID] FROM [Child] [child] public static DataOptions UseGenerateFinalAliases(this DataOptions options, bool generateFinalAliases) Parameters options DataOptions generateFinalAliases bool Returns DataOptions UseGuardGrouping(DataOptions, bool) Controls behavior of LINQ query, which ends with GroupBy call. if true - LinqToDBException will be thrown for such queries; if false - behavior is controlled by UsePreloadGroups(DataOptions, bool) option. Default value: true. public static DataOptions UseGuardGrouping(this DataOptions options, bool guardGrouping) Parameters options DataOptions guardGrouping bool Returns DataOptions Remarks More details. UseIgnoreEmptyUpdate(DataOptions, bool) Controls behavior of linq2db when there is no updateable fields in Update query: if true - query not executed and Update operation returns 0 as number of affected records; if false - LinqToDBException will be thrown. Default value: false. public static DataOptions UseIgnoreEmptyUpdate(DataOptions options, bool ignoreEmptyUpdate) Parameters options DataOptions ignoreEmptyUpdate bool Returns DataOptions UseInformix(DataOptions, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>?) Configure connection to use Informix default provider. public static DataOptions UseInformix(this DataOptions options, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions> Optional InformixOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider will be chosen by probing current folder for provider assembly and if it is not found, default to IBM.Data.DB2 provider. This is not applicable to .NET Core applications as they always use IBM.Data.DB2 provider. UseInformix(DataOptions, string, bool, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>?) Configure connection to use specific Informix provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseInformix(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, bool useDB2Provider, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Informix connection string. useDB2Provider bool if true, IBM.Data.DB2 provider will be used; otherwise IBM.Data.Informix. optionSetter Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions> Optional InformixOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseInformix(DataOptions, string, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>?) Configure connection to use Informix default provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseInformix(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Informix connection string. optionSetter Func<InformixOptions, InformixOptions> Optional InformixOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider will be chosen by probing current folder for provider assembly and if it is not found, default to IBM.Data.DB2 provider. This is not applicable to .NET Core applications as they always use IBM.Data.DB2 provider. UseInterceptor(DataOptions, IInterceptor) Adds IInterceptor instance to those registered on the context. Interceptors can be used to view, change, or suppress operations taken by linq2db. See the specific implementations of IInterceptor for details. For example, 'ICommandInterceptor'. Extensions can also register multiple IInterceptors in the internal service provider. If both injected and application interceptors are found, then the injected interceptors are run in the order that they are resolved from the service provider, and then the application interceptors are run in the order that they were added to the context. Calling this method multiple times will result in all interceptors in every call being added to the context. Interceptors added in a previous call are not overridden by interceptors added in a later call. public static DataOptions UseInterceptor(this DataOptions options, IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters options DataOptions interceptor IInterceptor The interceptor to add. Returns DataOptions The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. UseInterceptors(DataOptions, params IInterceptor[]) Adds IInterceptor instances to those registered on the context. Interceptors can be used to view, change, or suppress operations taken by linq2db. See the specific implementations of IInterceptor for details. For example, 'ICommandInterceptor'. Extensions can also register multiple IInterceptors in the internal service provider. If both injected and application interceptors are found, then the injected interceptors are run in the order that they are resolved from the service provider, and then the application interceptors are run in the order that they were added to the context. Calling this method multiple times will result in all interceptors in every call being added to the context. Interceptors added in a previous call are not overridden by interceptors added in a later call. public static DataOptions UseInterceptors(this DataOptions options, params IInterceptor[] interceptors) Parameters options DataOptions interceptors IInterceptor[] The interceptors to add. Returns DataOptions The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. UseInterceptors(DataOptions, IEnumerable<IInterceptor>) Adds IInterceptor instances to those registered on the context. Interceptors can be used to view, change, or suppress operations taken by linq2db. See the specific implementations of IInterceptor for details. For example, 'ICommandInterceptor'. A single interceptor instance can implement multiple different interceptor interfaces. I will be registered as an interceptor for all interfaces that it implements. Extensions can also register multiple IInterceptors in the internal service provider. If both injected and application interceptors are found, then the injected interceptors are run in the order that they are resolved from the service provider, and then the application interceptors are run in the order that they were added to the context. Calling this method multiple times will result in all interceptors in every call being added to the context. Interceptors added in a previous call are not overridden by interceptors added in a later call. public static DataOptions UseInterceptors(this DataOptions options, IEnumerable<IInterceptor> interceptors) Parameters options DataOptions interceptors IEnumerable<IInterceptor> The interceptors to add. Returns DataOptions The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. UseKeepDistinctOrdered(DataOptions, bool) Allows SQL generation to automatically transform SELECT DISTINCT value FROM Table ORDER BY date Into GROUP BY equivalent if syntax is not supported Default value: true. public static DataOptions UseKeepDistinctOrdered(this DataOptions options, bool keepDistinctOrdered) Parameters options DataOptions keepDistinctOrdered bool Returns DataOptions UseMappingSchema(DataOptions, MappingSchema) Defines mapping schema to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseMappingSchema(this DataOptions options, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters options DataOptions mappingSchema MappingSchema Returns DataOptions UseMaxDelay(DataOptions, TimeSpan) The maximum time delay between retries, must be nonnegative. Default value: 30 seconds. public static DataOptions UseMaxDelay(this DataOptions options, TimeSpan defaultMaxDelay) Parameters options DataOptions defaultMaxDelay TimeSpan Returns DataOptions UseMaxRetryCount(DataOptions, int) The number of retry attempts. Default value: 5. public static DataOptions UseMaxRetryCount(this DataOptions options, int maxRetryCount) Parameters options DataOptions maxRetryCount int Returns DataOptions UseMySql(DataOptions, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) Configure connection to use MySql default provider. public static DataOptions UseMySql(this DataOptions options, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions> Optional MySqlOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider will be chosen by probing current folder for provider assembly and if it is not found, default to MySql.Data provider. UseMySql(DataOptions, string, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) Configure connection to use MySql default provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseMySql(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string MySql connection string. optionSetter Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions> Optional MySqlOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider will be chosen by probing current folder for provider assembly and if it is not found, default to MySql.Data provider. UseMySqlConnector(DataOptions, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) Configure connection to use MySqlConnector MySql provider. public static DataOptions UseMySqlConnector(this DataOptions options, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions> Optional MySqlOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseMySqlConnector(DataOptions, string, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) Configure connection to use MySqlConnector MySql provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseMySqlConnector(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string MySql connection string. optionSetter Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions> Optional MySqlOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseMySqlData(DataOptions, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) Configure connection to use MySql.Data MySql provider. public static DataOptions UseMySqlData(this DataOptions options, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions> Optional MySqlOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseMySqlData(DataOptions, string, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>?) Configure connection to use MySql.Data MySql provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseMySqlData(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string MySql connection string. optionSetter Func<MySqlOptions, MySqlOptions> Optional MySqlOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseOnEntityDescriptorCreated(DataOptions, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) Defines entity descriptor creation callback to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseOnEntityDescriptorCreated(this DataOptions options, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> onEntityDescriptorCreated) Parameters options DataOptions onEntityDescriptorCreated Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> Returns DataOptions UseOptimizeJoins(DataOptions, bool) If enabled, linq2db will try to reduce number of generated SQL JOINs for LINQ query. Attempted optimizations: removes duplicate joins by unique target table key; removes self-joins by unique key; removes left joins if joined table is not used in query. Default value: true. public static DataOptions UseOptimizeJoins(this DataOptions options, bool optimizeJoins) Parameters options DataOptions optimizeJoins bool Returns DataOptions UseOracle(DataOptions, OracleVersion, OracleProvider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>?) Configure connection to use specific Oracle provider, dialect and provider-specific options. public static DataOptions UseOracle(this DataOptions options, OracleVersion dialect, OracleProvider provider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. dialect OracleVersion Oracle dialect support level. provider OracleProvider ADO.NET provider to use. optionSetter Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions> Optional OracleOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseOracle(DataOptions, string, OracleProvider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>?) Configure connection to use specific Oracle provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseOracle(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, OracleProvider provider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Oracle connection string. provider OracleProvider ADO.NET provider to use. optionSetter Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions> Optional OracleOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseOracle(DataOptions, string, OracleVersion, OracleProvider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>?) Configure connection to use specific Oracle provider, dialect and connection string. public static DataOptions UseOracle(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, OracleVersion dialect, OracleProvider provider, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Oracle connection string. dialect OracleVersion Oracle dialect support level. provider OracleProvider ADO.NET provider to use. optionSetter Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions> Optional OracleOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseOracle(DataOptions, string, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>?) Configure connection to use Oracle default provider, specific dialect and connection string. public static DataOptions UseOracle(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string Oracle connection string. optionSetter Func<OracleOptions, OracleOptions> Optional OracleOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks By default LinqToDB tries to load managed version of Oracle provider. UseParameterizeTakeSkip(DataOptions, bool) Enables Take/Skip parameterization. Default value: true. public static DataOptions UseParameterizeTakeSkip(this DataOptions options, bool parameterizeTakeSkip) Parameters options DataOptions parameterizeTakeSkip bool Returns DataOptions UsePostgreSQL(DataOptions, PostgreSQLVersion, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>?) Configure connection to use PostgreSQL Npgsql provider, specific dialect and provider-specific options. public static DataOptions UsePostgreSQL(this DataOptions options, PostgreSQLVersion dialect = PostgreSQLVersion.AutoDetect, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. dialect PostgreSQLVersion PostgreSQL dialect support level. optionSetter Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions> Optional PostgreSQLOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UsePostgreSQL(DataOptions, string, PostgreSQLVersion, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>?) Configure connection to use PostgreSQL Npgsql provider, specific dialect, provider-specific options and connection string. public static DataOptions UsePostgreSQL(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, PostgreSQLVersion dialect = PostgreSQLVersion.AutoDetect, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string PostgreSQL connection string. dialect PostgreSQLVersion PostgreSQL dialect support level. optionSetter Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions> Optional PostgreSQLOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UsePostgreSQL(DataOptions, string, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>) Configure connection to use PostgreSQL Npgsql provider, default dialect and connection string. public static DataOptions UsePostgreSQL(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions> optionSetter) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string PostgreSQL connection string. optionSetter Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions> PostgreSQLOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks PostgreSQL dialect will be chosen automatically: if AutoDetectProvider (default: true) enabled, LinqToDB will query server for version otherwise v92 will be used as default dialect. For more fine-grained configuration see UsePostgreSQL(DataOptions, string, PostgreSQLVersion, Func<PostgreSQLOptions, PostgreSQLOptions>?) overload. UsePreferApply(DataOptions, bool) Used to generate CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY if possible. Default value: true. public static DataOptions UsePreferApply(this DataOptions options, bool preferApply) Parameters options DataOptions preferApply bool Returns DataOptions UsePreferExistsForScalar(DataOptions, bool) Depending on this option linq2db generates different SQL for sequence.Contains(value). true - EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sequence WHERE sequence.key = value). false - value IN (SELECT sequence.key FROM sequence). Default value: false. public static DataOptions UsePreferExistsForScalar(this DataOptions options, bool preferExistsForScalar) Parameters options DataOptions preferExistsForScalar bool Returns DataOptions UsePreloadGroups(DataOptions, bool) Controls how group data for LINQ queries ended with GroupBy will be loaded: if true - group data will be loaded together with main query, resulting in 1 + N queries, where N - number of groups; if false - group data will be loaded when you call enumerator for specific group IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. Default value: false. public static DataOptions UsePreloadGroups(this DataOptions options, bool preloadGroups) Parameters options DataOptions preloadGroups bool Returns DataOptions UseProvider(DataOptions, string) Defines provider name to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseProvider(this DataOptions options, string providerName) Parameters options DataOptions providerName string Returns DataOptions UseRandomFactor(DataOptions, double) The maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. Default value: 1.1. public static DataOptions UseRandomFactor(this DataOptions options, double randomFactor) Parameters options DataOptions randomFactor double Returns DataOptions UseRetryPolicy(DataOptions, IRetryPolicy) Uses retry policy. public static DataOptions UseRetryPolicy(this DataOptions options, IRetryPolicy retryPolicy) Parameters options DataOptions retryPolicy IRetryPolicy Returns DataOptions UseSQLite(DataOptions, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) Configure connection to use SQLite default provider. public static DataOptions UseSQLite(this DataOptions options, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions> Optional SQLiteOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider will be chosen by probing current folder for provider assembly and if it is not found, default to System.Data.Sqlite provider. For more fine-grained configuration see UseSQLiteOfficial(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) and UseSQLiteMicrosoft(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) methods. UseSQLite(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) Configure connection to use SQLite default provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseSQLite(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SQLite connection string. optionSetter Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions> Optional SQLiteOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider will be chosen by probing current folder for provider assembly and if it is not found, default to System.Data.Sqlite provider. For more fine-grained configuration see UseSQLiteOfficial(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) and UseSQLiteMicrosoft(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) methods. UseSQLiteMicrosoft(DataOptions, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) Configure connection to use Microsoft.Data.Sqlite SQLite provider. public static DataOptions UseSQLiteMicrosoft(this DataOptions options, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions> Optional SQLiteOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSQLiteMicrosoft(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) Configure connection to use Microsoft.Data.Sqlite SQLite provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseSQLiteMicrosoft(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SQLite connection string. optionSetter Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions> Optional SQLiteOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSQLiteOfficial(DataOptions, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) Configure connection to use System.Data.Sqlite SQLite provider. public static DataOptions UseSQLiteOfficial(this DataOptions options, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions> Optional SQLiteOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSQLiteOfficial(DataOptions, string, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>?) Configure connection to use System.Data.Sqlite SQLite provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseSQLiteOfficial(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SQLite connection string. optionSetter Func<SQLiteOptions, SQLiteOptions> Optional SQLiteOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSapHana(DataOptions, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) Configure connection to use SAP HANA default provider. public static DataOptions UseSapHana(this DataOptions options, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions> Optional SapHanaOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider will be Sap.Data.Hana native provider for .NET Framework and .NET Core applications and ODBC provider for .NET STANDARD builds. UseSapHana(DataOptions, string, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) Configure connection to use SAP HANA default provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseSapHana(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SAP HANA connection string. optionSetter Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions> Optional SapHanaOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. Remarks Default provider will be Sap.Data.Hana native provider for .NET Framework and .NET Core applications and ODBC provider for .NET STANDARD builds. UseSapHanaNative(DataOptions, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) Configure connection to use native SAP HANA provider. public static DataOptions UseSapHanaNative(this DataOptions options, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions> Optional SapHanaOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSapHanaNative(DataOptions, string, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) Configure connection to use native SAP HANA provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseSapHanaNative(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SAP HANA connection string. optionSetter Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions> Optional SapHanaOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSapHanaODBC(DataOptions, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) Configure connection to use SAP HANA ODBC provider. public static DataOptions UseSapHanaODBC(this DataOptions options, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions> Optional SapHanaOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSapHanaODBC(DataOptions, string, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>?) Configure connection to use SAP HANA ODBC provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseSapHanaODBC(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SAP HANA connection string. optionSetter Func<SapHanaOptions, SapHanaOptions> Optional SapHanaOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSqlCe(DataOptions, Func<SqlCeOptions, SqlCeOptions>?) Configure connection to use SQL CE provider. public static DataOptions UseSqlCe(this DataOptions options, Func<SqlCeOptions, SqlCeOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. optionSetter Func<SqlCeOptions, SqlCeOptions> Optional SqlCeOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSqlCe(DataOptions, string, Func<SqlCeOptions, SqlCeOptions>?) Configure connection to use SQL CE provider and connection string. public static DataOptions UseSqlCe(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, Func<SqlCeOptions, SqlCeOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SQL CE connection string. optionSetter Func<SqlCeOptions, SqlCeOptions> Optional SqlCeOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSqlServer(DataOptions, SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider, Func<SqlServerOptions, SqlServerOptions>?) Configure connection to use specific SQL Server provider, dialect and provider-specific options. public static DataOptions UseSqlServer(this DataOptions options, SqlServerVersion dialect = SqlServerVersion.AutoDetect, SqlServerProvider provider = SqlServerProvider.AutoDetect, Func<SqlServerOptions, SqlServerOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. dialect SqlServerVersion SQL Server dialect support level. provider SqlServerProvider SQL Server provider to use. optionSetter Func<SqlServerOptions, SqlServerOptions> Optional SqlServerOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseSqlServer(DataOptions, string, SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider, Func<SqlServerOptions, SqlServerOptions>?) Configure connection to use specific SQL Server provider, dialect, connection string and provider-specific options. public static DataOptions UseSqlServer(this DataOptions options, string connectionString, SqlServerVersion dialect = SqlServerVersion.AutoDetect, SqlServerProvider provider = SqlServerProvider.AutoDetect, Func<SqlServerOptions, SqlServerOptions>? optionSetter = null) Parameters options DataOptions Instance of DataOptions. connectionString string SQL Server connection string. dialect SqlServerVersion SQL Server dialect support level. provider SqlServerProvider SQL Server provider to use. optionSetter Func<SqlServerOptions, SqlServerOptions> Optional SqlServerOptions configuration callback. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseTraceLevel(DataOptions, TraceLevel) Configure the database to use specified trace level. public static DataOptions UseTraceLevel(this DataOptions options, TraceLevel traceLevel) Parameters options DataOptions traceLevel TraceLevel Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseTraceMapperExpression(DataOptions, bool) Enables logging of generated mapping expression to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. public static DataOptions UseTraceMapperExpression(this DataOptions options, bool traceMapperExpression) Parameters options DataOptions traceMapperExpression bool Returns DataOptions UseTraceWith(DataOptions, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel>) Configure the database to use the specified a string trace callback. public static DataOptions UseTraceWith(this DataOptions options, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel> write) Parameters options DataOptions write Action<string, string, TraceLevel> Callback, may not be called depending on the trace level. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseTracing(DataOptions, Action<TraceInfo>) Configure the database to use the specified callback for logging or tracing. public static DataOptions UseTracing(this DataOptions options, Action<TraceInfo> onTrace) Parameters options DataOptions onTrace Action<TraceInfo> Callback, may not be called depending on the trace level. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseTracing(DataOptions, TraceLevel, Action<TraceInfo>) Configure the database to use the specified trace level and callback for logging or tracing. public static DataOptions UseTracing(this DataOptions options, TraceLevel traceLevel, Action<TraceInfo> onTrace) Parameters options DataOptions traceLevel TraceLevel Trace level to use. onTrace Action<TraceInfo> Callback, may not be called depending on the trace level. Returns DataOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. UseTransaction(DataOptions, IDataProvider, DbTransaction) Defines data provider and transaction to use with DataOptions. public static DataOptions UseTransaction(this DataOptions options, IDataProvider dataProvider, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters options DataOptions dataProvider IDataProvider transaction DbTransaction Returns DataOptions WithAfterConnectionOpened(ConnectionOptions, Action<DbConnection>, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>?) Sets custom actions, executed after connection opened. public static ConnectionOptions WithAfterConnectionOpened(this ConnectionOptions options, Action<DbConnection> afterConnectionOpened, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>? afterConnectionOpenedAsync = null) Parameters options ConnectionOptions afterConnectionOpened Action<DbConnection> Action, executed for connection instance after Open() call. Also called after OpenAsync(CancellationToken) call if afterConnectionOpenedAsync action is not provided. Accepts connection instance as parameter. afterConnectionOpenedAsync Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task> Action, executed for connection instance from async execution path after OpenAsync(CancellationToken) call. Accepts connection instance as parameter. If this option is not set, afterConnectionOpened synchronous action called. Use this option only if you need to perform async work from action, otherwise afterConnectionOpened is sufficient. Returns ConnectionOptions WithBeforeConnectionOpened(ConnectionOptions, Action<DbConnection>, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>?) Sets custom actions, executed before connection opened. public static ConnectionOptions WithBeforeConnectionOpened(this ConnectionOptions options, Action<DbConnection> afterConnectionOpening, Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task>? afterConnectionOpeningAsync = null) Parameters options ConnectionOptions afterConnectionOpening Action<DbConnection> Action, executed before database connection opened. Accepts connection instance as parameter. afterConnectionOpeningAsync Func<DbConnection, CancellationToken, Task> Action, executed after database connection opened from async execution path. Accepts connection instance as parameter. If this option is not set, afterConnectionOpening synchronous action called. Use this option only if you need to perform async work from action, otherwise afterConnectionOpening is sufficient. Returns ConnectionOptions WithBulkCopyTimeout(BulkCopyOptions, int?) Number of seconds for the operation to complete before it times out. public static BulkCopyOptions WithBulkCopyTimeout(this BulkCopyOptions options, int? bulkCopyTimeout) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions bulkCopyTimeout int? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithBulkCopyType(BulkCopyOptions, BulkCopyType) Bulk copy mode. public static BulkCopyOptions WithBulkCopyType(this BulkCopyOptions options, BulkCopyType bulkCopyType) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions bulkCopyType BulkCopyType Returns BulkCopyOptions WithCacheSlidingExpiration(LinqOptions, TimeSpan?) Specifies timeout when query will be evicted from cache since last execution of query. Default value is 1 hour. public static LinqOptions WithCacheSlidingExpiration(this LinqOptions options, TimeSpan? cacheSlidingExpiration) Parameters options LinqOptions cacheSlidingExpiration TimeSpan? Returns LinqOptions WithCheckConstraints(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) Checks constraints while data is being inserted. public static BulkCopyOptions WithCheckConstraints(this BulkCopyOptions options, bool? checkConstraints) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions checkConstraints bool? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithCoefficient(RetryPolicyOptions, TimeSpan) The coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. Default value: 1 second. public static RetryPolicyOptions WithCoefficient(this RetryPolicyOptions options, TimeSpan coefficient) Parameters options RetryPolicyOptions coefficient TimeSpan Returns RetryPolicyOptions WithCompareNullsAsValues(LinqOptions, bool) If set to true nullable fields would be checked for IS NULL in Equal/NotEqual comparisons. This affects: Equal, NotEqual, Not Contains Default value: true. public static LinqOptions WithCompareNullsAsValues(this LinqOptions options, bool compareNullsAsValues) Parameters options LinqOptions compareNullsAsValues bool Returns LinqOptions Examples public class MyEntity { public int? Value; } db.MyEntity.Where(e => e.Value != 10) from e1 in db.MyEntity join e2 in db.MyEntity on e1.Value equals e2.Value select e1 var filter = new [] {1, 2, 3}; db.MyEntity.Where(e => ! filter.Contains(e.Value)) Would be converted to next queries: SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR Value != 10 SELECT e1.Value FROM MyEntity e1 INNER JOIN MyEntity e2 ON e1.Value = e2.Value OR (e1.Value IS NULL AND e2.Value IS NULL) SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR NOT Value IN (1, 2, 3) WithConfigurationString(ConnectionOptions, string?) Sets ConfigurationString option. public static ConnectionOptions WithConfigurationString(this ConnectionOptions options, string? configurationString) Parameters options ConnectionOptions configurationString string Returns ConnectionOptions WithConnectionFactory(ConnectionOptions, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection>) Sets ConnectionFactory option. public static ConnectionOptions WithConnectionFactory(this ConnectionOptions options, Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> connectionFactory) Parameters options ConnectionOptions connectionFactory Func<DataOptions, DbConnection> Returns ConnectionOptions WithConnectionString(ConnectionOptions, string?) Sets ConnectionString option. public static ConnectionOptions WithConnectionString(this ConnectionOptions options, string? connectionString) Parameters options ConnectionOptions connectionString string Returns ConnectionOptions WithDataProvider(ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider?) Sets DataProvider option. public static ConnectionOptions WithDataProvider(this ConnectionOptions options, IDataProvider? dataProvider) Parameters options ConnectionOptions dataProvider IDataProvider Returns ConnectionOptions WithDataProviderFactory(ConnectionOptions, Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider>) Sets DataProviderFactory option. public static ConnectionOptions WithDataProviderFactory(this ConnectionOptions options, Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider> dataProviderFactory) Parameters options ConnectionOptions dataProviderFactory Func<ConnectionOptions, IDataProvider> Returns ConnectionOptions WithDatabaseName(BulkCopyOptions, string?) Gets or sets explicit name of target database instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public static BulkCopyOptions WithDatabaseName(this BulkCopyOptions options, string? databaseName) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions databaseName string Returns BulkCopyOptions WithDbConnection(ConnectionOptions, DbConnection?) Sets DbConnection option. public static ConnectionOptions WithDbConnection(this ConnectionOptions options, DbConnection? connection) Parameters options ConnectionOptions connection DbConnection Returns ConnectionOptions WithDbTransaction(ConnectionOptions, DbTransaction) Sets DbTransaction option. public static ConnectionOptions WithDbTransaction(this ConnectionOptions options, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters options ConnectionOptions transaction DbTransaction Returns ConnectionOptions WithDisableQueryCache(LinqOptions, bool) Used to disable LINQ expressions caching for queries. This cache reduces time, required for query parsing but have several side-effects: - cached LINQ expressions could contain references to external objects as parameters, which could lead to memory leaks if those objects are not used anymore by other code - cache access synchronization could lead to bigger latencies than it saves. Default value: false. It is not recommended to enable this option as it could lead to severe slowdown. Better approach will be to call ClearCache() method to cleanup cache after queries, that produce severe memory leaks you need to fix. More details. public static LinqOptions WithDisableQueryCache(this LinqOptions options, bool disableQueryCache) Parameters options LinqOptions disableQueryCache bool Returns LinqOptions WithDisposeConnection(ConnectionOptions, bool) Sets DisposeConnection option. public static ConnectionOptions WithDisposeConnection(this ConnectionOptions options, bool disposeConnection) Parameters options ConnectionOptions disposeConnection bool Returns ConnectionOptions WithDoNotClearOrderBys(LinqOptions, bool) Controls behavior, when LINQ query chain contains multiple OrderBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) or OrderByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) calls: if true - non-first OrderBy* call will be treated as ThenBy* call; if false - OrderBy* call will discard sort specifications, added by previous OrderBy* and ThenBy* calls. Default value: false. public static LinqOptions WithDoNotClearOrderBys(this LinqOptions options, bool doNotClearOrderBys) Parameters options LinqOptions doNotClearOrderBys bool Returns LinqOptions WithEnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy(SqlOptions, bool) If true, linq2db will allow any constant expressions in ORDER BY clause. Default value: false. public static SqlOptions WithEnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy(this SqlOptions options, bool enableConstantExpressionInOrderBy) Parameters options SqlOptions enableConstantExpressionInOrderBy bool Returns SqlOptions WithEnableContextSchemaEdit(LinqOptions, bool) If true, user could add new mappings to context mapping schems (MappingSchema). Otherwise, LinqToDBException will be generated on locked mapping schema edit attempt. It is not recommended to enable this option as it has performance implications. Proper approach is to create single MappingSchema instance once, configure mappings for it and use this MappingSchema instance for all context instances. public static LinqOptions WithEnableContextSchemaEdit(this LinqOptions options, bool enableContextSchemaEdit) Parameters options LinqOptions enableContextSchemaEdit bool Returns LinqOptions WithExponentialBase(RetryPolicyOptions, double) The base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. Default value: 2. public static RetryPolicyOptions WithExponentialBase(this RetryPolicyOptions options, double exponentialBase) Parameters options RetryPolicyOptions exponentialBase double Returns RetryPolicyOptions WithFactory(RetryPolicyOptions, Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>?) Retry policy factory method, used to create retry policy for new DataConnection instance. If factory method is not set, retry policy is not used. Not set by default. public static RetryPolicyOptions WithFactory(this RetryPolicyOptions options, Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy?>? factory) Parameters options RetryPolicyOptions factory Func<DataConnection, IRetryPolicy> Returns RetryPolicyOptions WithFireTriggers(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) When specified, causes the server to fire the insert triggers for the rows being inserted into the database. public static BulkCopyOptions WithFireTriggers(this BulkCopyOptions options, bool? fireTriggers) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions fireTriggers bool? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithGenerateExpressionTest(LinqOptions, bool) Enables generation of test class for each LINQ query, executed while this option is enabled. This option could be useful for issue reporting, when you need to provide reproducible case. Test file will be placed to linq2db subfolder of temp folder and exact file path will be logged to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. public static LinqOptions WithGenerateExpressionTest(this LinqOptions options, bool generateExpressionTest) Parameters options LinqOptions generateExpressionTest bool Returns LinqOptions WithGenerateFinalAliases(SqlOptions, bool) Indicates whether SQL Builder should generate aliases for final projection. It is not required for correct query processing but simplifies SQL analysis. Default value: false. For the query var query = from child in db.Child select new { TrackId = child.ChildID, }; When property is true SELECT [child].[ChildID] as [TrackId] FROM [Child] [child] Otherwise alias will be removed SELECT [child].[ChildID] FROM [Child] [child] public static SqlOptions WithGenerateFinalAliases(this SqlOptions options, bool generateFinalAliases) Parameters options SqlOptions generateFinalAliases bool Returns SqlOptions WithGuardGrouping(LinqOptions, bool) Controls behavior of LINQ query, which ends with GroupBy call. if true - LinqToDBException will be thrown for such queries; if false - behavior is controlled by UsePreloadGroups(DataOptions, bool) option. Default value: true. public static LinqOptions WithGuardGrouping(this LinqOptions options, bool guardGrouping) Parameters options LinqOptions guardGrouping bool Returns LinqOptions Remarks More details. WithIgnoreEmptyUpdate(LinqOptions, bool) Controls behavior of linq2db when there is no updateable fields in Update query: if true - query not executed and Update operation returns 0 as number of affected records; if false - LinqToDBException will be thrown. Default value: false. public static LinqOptions WithIgnoreEmptyUpdate(LinqOptions options, bool ignoreEmptyUpdate) Parameters options LinqOptions ignoreEmptyUpdate bool Returns LinqOptions WithKeepDistinctOrdered(LinqOptions, bool) Allows SQL generation to automatically transform SELECT DISTINCT value FROM Table ORDER BY date Into GROUP BY equivalent if syntax is not supported Default value: true. public static LinqOptions WithKeepDistinctOrdered(this LinqOptions options, bool keepDistinctOrdered) Parameters options LinqOptions keepDistinctOrdered bool Returns LinqOptions WithKeepIdentity(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) If this option set to true, bulk copy will use values of columns, marked with IsIdentity flag. SkipOnInsert flag in this case will be ignored. Otherwise, those columns will be skipped and values will be generated by server. Not compatible with RowByRow mode. public static BulkCopyOptions WithKeepIdentity(this BulkCopyOptions options, bool? keepIdentity) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions keepIdentity bool? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithKeepNulls(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) Preserves null values in the destination table regardless of the settings for default values. public static BulkCopyOptions WithKeepNulls(this BulkCopyOptions options, bool? keepNulls) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions keepNulls bool? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithMappingSchema(ConnectionOptions, MappingSchema) Sets MappingSchema option. public static ConnectionOptions WithMappingSchema(this ConnectionOptions options, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters options ConnectionOptions mappingSchema MappingSchema Returns ConnectionOptions WithMaxBatchSize(BulkCopyOptions, int?) Number of rows in each batch. At the end of each batch, the rows in the batch are sent to the server. Returns an integer value or zero if no value has been set. public static BulkCopyOptions WithMaxBatchSize(this BulkCopyOptions options, int? maxBatchSize) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions maxBatchSize int? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithMaxDegreeOfParallelism(BulkCopyOptions, int?) Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. Defines number of connections, used for parallel insert in ProviderSpecific mode. public static BulkCopyOptions WithMaxDegreeOfParallelism(this BulkCopyOptions options, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions maxDegreeOfParallelism int? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithMaxDelay(RetryPolicyOptions, TimeSpan) The maximum time delay between retries, must be nonnegative. Default value: 30 seconds. public static RetryPolicyOptions WithMaxDelay(this RetryPolicyOptions options, TimeSpan maxDelay) Parameters options RetryPolicyOptions maxDelay TimeSpan Returns RetryPolicyOptions WithMaxParametersForBatch(BulkCopyOptions, int?) If set, will override the Maximum parameters per batch statement from MaxParameters. public static BulkCopyOptions WithMaxParametersForBatch(this BulkCopyOptions options, int? maxParametersForBatch) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions maxParametersForBatch int? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithMaxRetryCount(RetryPolicyOptions, int) The number of retry attempts. Default value: 5. public static RetryPolicyOptions WithMaxRetryCount(this RetryPolicyOptions options, int maxRetryCount) Parameters options RetryPolicyOptions maxRetryCount int Returns RetryPolicyOptions WithNotifyAfter(BulkCopyOptions, int) Gets or sets counter after how many copied records RowsCopiedCallback should be called. E.g. if you set it to 10, callback will be called after each 10 copied records. To disable callback, set this option to 0 (default value). public static BulkCopyOptions WithNotifyAfter(this BulkCopyOptions options, int notifyAfter) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions notifyAfter int Returns BulkCopyOptions WithOnEntityDescriptorCreated(ConnectionOptions, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) Sets OnEntityDescriptorCreated option. public static ConnectionOptions WithOnEntityDescriptorCreated(this ConnectionOptions options, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> onEntityDescriptorCreated) Parameters options ConnectionOptions onEntityDescriptorCreated Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> Returns ConnectionOptions WithOnTrace(QueryTraceOptions, Action<TraceInfo>) Configure the database to use the specified callback for logging or tracing. public static QueryTraceOptions WithOnTrace(this QueryTraceOptions options, Action<TraceInfo> onTrace) Parameters options QueryTraceOptions onTrace Action<TraceInfo> Callback, may not be called depending on the trace level. Returns QueryTraceOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. WithOptimizeJoins(LinqOptions, bool) If enabled, linq2db will try to reduce number of generated SQL JOINs for LINQ query. Attempted optimizations: removes duplicate joins by unique target table key; removes self-joins by unique key; removes left joins if joined table is not used in query. Default value: true. public static LinqOptions WithOptimizeJoins(this LinqOptions options, bool optimizeJoins) Parameters options LinqOptions optimizeJoins bool Returns LinqOptions WithParameterizeTakeSkip(LinqOptions, bool) Enables Take/Skip parameterization. Default value: true. public static LinqOptions WithParameterizeTakeSkip(this LinqOptions options, bool parameterizeTakeSkip) Parameters options LinqOptions parameterizeTakeSkip bool Returns LinqOptions WithPreferApply(LinqOptions, bool) Used to generate CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY if possible. Default value: true. public static LinqOptions WithPreferApply(this LinqOptions options, bool preferApply) Parameters options LinqOptions preferApply bool Returns LinqOptions WithPreferExistsForScalar(LinqOptions, bool) Depending on this option linq2db generates different SQL for sequence.Contains(value). true - EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sequence WHERE sequence.key = value). false - value IN (SELECT sequence.key FROM sequence). Default value: false. public static LinqOptions WithPreferExistsForScalar(this LinqOptions options, bool preferExistsForScalar) Parameters options LinqOptions preferExistsForScalar bool Returns LinqOptions WithPreloadGroups(LinqOptions, bool) Controls how group data for LINQ queries ended with GroupBy will be loaded: if true - group data will be loaded together with main query, resulting in 1 + N queries, where N - number of groups; if false - group data will be loaded when you call enumerator for specific group IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. Default value: false. public static LinqOptions WithPreloadGroups(this LinqOptions options, bool preloadGroups) Parameters options LinqOptions preloadGroups bool Returns LinqOptions WithProviderName(ConnectionOptions, string) Sets ProviderName option. public static ConnectionOptions WithProviderName(this ConnectionOptions options, string providerName) Parameters options ConnectionOptions providerName string Returns ConnectionOptions WithRandomFactor(RetryPolicyOptions, double) The maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. Default value: 1.1. public static RetryPolicyOptions WithRandomFactor(this RetryPolicyOptions options, double randomFactor) Parameters options RetryPolicyOptions randomFactor double Returns RetryPolicyOptions WithRetryPolicy(RetryPolicyOptions, IRetryPolicy) Uses retry policy public static RetryPolicyOptions WithRetryPolicy(this RetryPolicyOptions options, IRetryPolicy retryPolicy) Parameters options RetryPolicyOptions retryPolicy IRetryPolicy Returns RetryPolicyOptions WithRowsCopiedCallback(BulkCopyOptions, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>?) Gets or sets callback method that will be called by BulkCopy operation after each NotifyAfter rows copied. This callback will not be used if NotifyAfter set to 0. public static BulkCopyOptions WithRowsCopiedCallback(this BulkCopyOptions options, Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied>? rowsCopiedCallback) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions rowsCopiedCallback Action<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Returns BulkCopyOptions WithSchemaName(BulkCopyOptions, string?) Gets or sets explicit name of target schema/owner instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public static BulkCopyOptions WithSchemaName(this BulkCopyOptions options, string? schemaName) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions schemaName string Returns BulkCopyOptions WithServerName(BulkCopyOptions, string?) Gets or sets explicit name of target server instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. Also note that it is not supported by provider-specific insert method. public static BulkCopyOptions WithServerName(this BulkCopyOptions options, string? serverName) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions serverName string Returns BulkCopyOptions WithTableLock(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) Obtains a bulk update lock for the duration of the bulk copy operation. public static BulkCopyOptions WithTableLock(this BulkCopyOptions options, bool? tableLock) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions tableLock bool? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithTableName(BulkCopyOptions, string?) Gets or sets explicit name of target table instead of one, configured for copied entity in mapping schema. public static BulkCopyOptions WithTableName(this BulkCopyOptions options, string? tableName) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions tableName string Returns BulkCopyOptions WithTableOptions(BulkCopyOptions, TableOptions) Gets or sets TableOptions flags overrides instead of configured for copied entity in mapping schema. See IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) method for support information per provider. public static BulkCopyOptions WithTableOptions(this BulkCopyOptions options, TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions tableOptions TableOptions Returns BulkCopyOptions WithTraceLevel(QueryTraceOptions, TraceLevel) Configure the database to use specified trace level. public static QueryTraceOptions WithTraceLevel(this QueryTraceOptions options, TraceLevel traceLevel) Parameters options QueryTraceOptions traceLevel TraceLevel Returns QueryTraceOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained. WithTraceMapperExpression(LinqOptions, bool) Enables logging of generated mapping expression to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. public static LinqOptions WithTraceMapperExpression(this LinqOptions options, bool traceMapperExpression) Parameters options LinqOptions traceMapperExpression bool Returns LinqOptions WithUseInternalTransaction(BulkCopyOptions, bool?) When specified, each batch of the bulk-copy operation will occur within a transaction. public static BulkCopyOptions WithUseInternalTransaction(this BulkCopyOptions options, bool? useInternalTransaction) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions useInternalTransaction bool? Returns BulkCopyOptions WithUseParameters(BulkCopyOptions, bool) Gets or sets whether to Always use Parameters for MultipleRowsCopy. Default is false. If True, provider's override for MaxParameters will be used to determine the maximum number of rows per insert, Unless overridden by MaxParametersForBatch. public static BulkCopyOptions WithUseParameters(this BulkCopyOptions options, bool useParameters) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions useParameters bool Returns BulkCopyOptions WithWithoutSession(BulkCopyOptions, bool) Implemented only by ClickHouse.Client provider. When set, provider-specific bulk copy will use session-less connection even if called over connection with session. Note that session-less connections cannot be used with session-bound functionality like temporary tables. public static BulkCopyOptions WithWithoutSession(this BulkCopyOptions options, bool withoutSession) Parameters options BulkCopyOptions withoutSession bool Returns BulkCopyOptions WithWriteTrace(QueryTraceOptions, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel>) Configure the database to use the specified a string trace callback. public static QueryTraceOptions WithWriteTrace(this QueryTraceOptions options, Action<string?, string?, TraceLevel> write) Parameters options QueryTraceOptions write Action<string, string, TraceLevel> Callback, may not be called depending on the trace level. Returns QueryTraceOptions The builder instance so calls can be chained."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessHints.Query.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessHints.Query.html",
"title": "Class AccessHints.Query | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AccessHints.Query Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Assembly linq2db.dll public static class AccessHints.Query Inheritance object AccessHints.Query Fields WithOwnerAccessOption public const string WithOwnerAccessOption = \"WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessHints.html",
"title": "Class AccessHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AccessHints Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Assembly linq2db.dll public static class AccessHints Inheritance object AccessHints Methods SubQueryHint<TSource>(IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Access\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> SubQueryHint<TSource>(this IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. WithOwnerAccessOption<TSource>(IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"WithOwnerAccessOptionImpl\")] public static IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithOwnerAccessOption<TSource>(this IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessODBCDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessODBCDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class AccessODBCDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AccessODBCDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Assembly linq2db.dll public class AccessODBCDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter> AccessODBCDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AccessODBCDataProvider() public AccessODBCDataProvider() Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns instance of IQueryParametersNormalizer, which implements normalization logic for parameters of single query. E.g. it could include: trimming names that are too long removing/replacing unsupported characters name deduplication for parameters with same name . For implementation without state it is recommended to return static instance. E.g. this could be done for providers with positional parameters that ignore names. public override IQueryParametersNormalizer GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns IQueryParametersNormalizer GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessOleDbDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessOleDbDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class AccessOleDbDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AccessOleDbDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Assembly linq2db.dll public class AccessOleDbDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter> AccessOleDbDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<OleDbProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) DataProviderBase.SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AccessOleDbDataProvider() public AccessOleDbDataProvider() Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessOptions.html",
"title": "Class AccessOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AccessOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record AccessOptions : DataProviderOptions<AccessOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<AccessOptions>>, IEquatable<AccessOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<AccessOptions> AccessOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<AccessOptions>> IEquatable<AccessOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<AccessOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<AccessOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AccessOptions() public AccessOptions() AccessOptions(BulkCopyType) public AccessOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for Access by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(AccessOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(AccessOptions? other) Parameters other AccessOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.AccessTools.html",
"title": "Class AccessTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AccessTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Assembly linq2db.dll Contains Access provider management tools. public static class AccessTools Inheritance object AccessTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for Access by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. [Obsolete(\"Use AccessOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType Methods AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IAccessSpecificTable<TSource> AsAccess<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Returns IAccessSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> AsAccess<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Returns IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, string?) Creates DataConnection object using provided connection object. public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, string? providerName = null) Parameters connection DbConnection Connection instance. providerName string Provider name. Returns DataConnection DataConnection instance. CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, string?) Creates DataConnection object using provided transaction object. public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, string? providerName = null) Parameters transaction DbTransaction Transaction instance. providerName string Provider name. Returns DataConnection DataConnection instance. CreateDataConnection(string, string?) Creates DataConnection object using provided Access connection string. public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, string? providerName = null) Parameters connectionString string Connection string. providerName string Provider name. Returns DataConnection DataConnection instance. CreateDatabase(string, bool, string) Creates new Access database file. Requires Access OLE DB provider (JET or ACE) and ADOX. public static void CreateDatabase(string databaseName, bool deleteIfExists = false, string provider = \"Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0\") Parameters databaseName string Name of database to create. deleteIfExists bool If true, existing database will be removed before create. provider string Name of OleDb provider to use to create database. Default value: \"Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0\". Remarks Provider value examples: Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 (for JET database), Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0, Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0 (for ACE database). DropDatabase(string) Removes database file by database name. public static void DropDatabase(string databaseName) Parameters databaseName string Name of database to remove. GetDataProvider(string?) Returns instance of Access database provider. public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(string? providerName = null) Parameters providerName string Returns IDataProvider AccessOleDbDataProvider or AccessODBCDataProvider instance."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.IAccessSpecificQueryable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.IAccessSpecificQueryable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IAccessSpecificQueryable<out TSource> : IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IQueryable, IEnumerable Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.Expression IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider Extension Methods AccessHints.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) AccessHints.WithOwnerAccessOption<TSource>(IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.IAccessSpecificTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.IAccessSpecificTable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IAccessSpecificTable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IAccessSpecificTable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IAccessSpecificTable<out TSource> : ITable<TSource>, IExpressionQuery<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where TSource : notnull Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members ITable<TSource>.ServerName ITable<TSource>.DatabaseName ITable<TSource>.SchemaName ITable<TSource>.TableName ITable<TSource>.TableOptions ITable<TSource>.TableID IExpressionQuery<TSource>.Expression IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Access Classes AccessHints AccessHints.Query AccessODBCDataProvider AccessOleDbDataProvider AccessOptions AccessTools Contains Access provider management tools. Interfaces IAccessSpecificQueryable<TSource> IAccessSpecificTable<TSource>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BasicBulkCopy.ProviderConnections.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BasicBulkCopy.ProviderConnections.html",
"title": "Struct BasicBulkCopy.ProviderConnections | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct BasicBulkCopy.ProviderConnections Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll protected struct BasicBulkCopy.ProviderConnections Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields DataConnection public DataConnection DataConnection Field Value DataConnection ProviderConnection public DbConnection ProviderConnection Field Value DbConnection ProviderTransaction public DbTransaction? ProviderTransaction Field Value DbTransaction"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BasicBulkCopy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BasicBulkCopy.html",
"title": "Class BasicBulkCopy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BasicBulkCopy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class BasicBulkCopy Inheritance object BasicBulkCopy Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CastAllRowsParametersOnUnionAll protected virtual bool CastAllRowsParametersOnUnionAll { get; } Property Value bool CastFirstRowLiteralOnUnionAll protected virtual bool CastFirstRowLiteralOnUnionAll { get; } Property Value bool CastFirstRowParametersOnUnionAll protected virtual bool CastFirstRowParametersOnUnionAll { get; } Property Value bool MaxParameters protected virtual int MaxParameters { get; } Property Value int MaxSqlLength protected virtual int MaxSqlLength { get; } Property Value int Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(BulkCopyType, ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public virtual Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(BulkCopyType bulkCopyType, ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters bulkCopyType BulkCopyType table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(BulkCopyType, ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>) public virtual BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(BulkCopyType bulkCopyType, ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters bulkCopyType BulkCopyType table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CastLiteral(ColumnDescriptor) protected virtual bool CastLiteral(ColumnDescriptor column) Parameters column ColumnDescriptor Returns bool GetTableName<T>(ISqlBuilder, BulkCopyOptions, ITable<T>, bool) protected static string GetTableName<T>(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, BulkCopyOptions options, ITable<T> table, bool escaped = true) where T : notnull Parameters sqlBuilder ISqlBuilder options BulkCopyOptions table ITable<T> escaped bool Returns string Type Parameters T MultipleRowsCopy1(MultipleRowsHelper, IEnumerable) protected BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy1(MultipleRowsHelper helper, IEnumerable source) Parameters helper MultipleRowsHelper source IEnumerable Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy1Async(MultipleRowsHelper, IEnumerable, CancellationToken) protected Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopy1Async(MultipleRowsHelper helper, IEnumerable source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters helper MultipleRowsHelper source IEnumerable cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopy1Async<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) protected Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopy1Async<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T MultipleRowsCopy1<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>) protected BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy1<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T MultipleRowsCopy2(MultipleRowsHelper, IEnumerable, string) protected BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy2(MultipleRowsHelper helper, IEnumerable source, string from) Parameters helper MultipleRowsHelper source IEnumerable from string Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy2Async(MultipleRowsHelper, IEnumerable, string, CancellationToken) protected Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopy2Async(MultipleRowsHelper helper, IEnumerable source, string from, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters helper MultipleRowsHelper source IEnumerable from string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopy2Async<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>, string, CancellationToken) protected Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopy2Async<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, string from, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> from string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T MultipleRowsCopy2<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>, string) protected BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy2<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, string from) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> from string Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T MultipleRowsCopy3(MultipleRowsHelper, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable, string) protected BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy3(MultipleRowsHelper helper, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable source, string from) Parameters helper MultipleRowsHelper options BulkCopyOptions source IEnumerable from string Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy3Async(MultipleRowsHelper, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable, string, CancellationToken) protected Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopy3Async(MultipleRowsHelper helper, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable source, string from, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters helper MultipleRowsHelper options BulkCopyOptions source IEnumerable from string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) protected virtual Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T MultipleRowsCopyHelper(MultipleRowsHelper, IEnumerable, string?, Action<MultipleRowsHelper>, Action<MultipleRowsHelper, object, string?>, Action<MultipleRowsHelper>, int, int) protected static BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopyHelper(MultipleRowsHelper helper, IEnumerable source, string? from, Action<MultipleRowsHelper> prepFunction, Action<MultipleRowsHelper, object, string?> addFunction, Action<MultipleRowsHelper> finishFunction, int maxParameters, int maxSqlLength) Parameters helper MultipleRowsHelper source IEnumerable from string prepFunction Action<MultipleRowsHelper> addFunction Action<MultipleRowsHelper, object, string> finishFunction Action<MultipleRowsHelper> maxParameters int maxSqlLength int Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopyHelperAsync(MultipleRowsHelper, IEnumerable, string?, Action<MultipleRowsHelper>, Action<MultipleRowsHelper, object, string?>, Action<MultipleRowsHelper>, CancellationToken, int, int) protected static Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopyHelperAsync(MultipleRowsHelper helper, IEnumerable source, string? from, Action<MultipleRowsHelper> prepFunction, Action<MultipleRowsHelper, object, string?> addFunction, Action<MultipleRowsHelper> finishFunction, CancellationToken cancellationToken, int maxParameters, int maxSqlLength) Parameters helper MultipleRowsHelper source IEnumerable from string prepFunction Action<MultipleRowsHelper> addFunction Action<MultipleRowsHelper, object, string> finishFunction Action<MultipleRowsHelper> cancellationToken CancellationToken maxParameters int maxSqlLength int Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> MultipleRowsCopy<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>) protected virtual BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T ProviderSpecificCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) protected virtual Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> ProviderSpecificCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T ProviderSpecificCopy<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>) protected virtual BulkCopyRowsCopied ProviderSpecificCopy<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T RowByRowCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) protected virtual Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> RowByRowCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions dataOptions, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> dataOptions DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T RowByRowCopy<T>(ITable<T>, DataOptions, IEnumerable<T>) protected virtual BulkCopyRowsCopied RowByRowCopy<T>(ITable<T> table, DataOptions dataOptions, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> dataOptions DataOptions source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T TraceAction(DataConnection, Func<string>, Func<int>) protected void TraceAction(DataConnection dataConnection, Func<string> commandText, Func<int> action) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection commandText Func<string> action Func<int> TraceActionAsync(DataConnection, Func<string>, Func<Task<int>>) protected Task TraceActionAsync(DataConnection dataConnection, Func<string> commandText, Func<Task<int>> action) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection commandText Func<string> action Func<Task<int>> Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BulkCopyReader-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BulkCopyReader-1.html",
"title": "Class BulkCopyReader<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BulkCopyReader<T> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class BulkCopyReader<T> : BulkCopyReader, IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord, IEnumerable, IAsyncDisposable Type Parameters T Inheritance object MarshalByRefObject DbDataReader BulkCopyReader BulkCopyReader<T> Implements IDataReader IDisposable IDataRecord IEnumerable IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members BulkCopyReader.Count BulkCopyReader.GetName(int) BulkCopyReader.GetFieldType(int) BulkCopyReader.GetValue(int) BulkCopyReader.GetValues(object[]) BulkCopyReader.FieldCount BulkCopyReader.GetBytes(int, long, byte[], int, int) BulkCopyReader.GetChars(int, long, char[], int, int) BulkCopyReader.GetDataTypeName(int) BulkCopyReader.GetOrdinal(string) BulkCopyReader.GetBoolean(int) BulkCopyReader.GetByte(int) BulkCopyReader.GetChar(int) BulkCopyReader.GetGuid(int) BulkCopyReader.GetInt16(int) BulkCopyReader.GetInt32(int) BulkCopyReader.GetInt64(int) BulkCopyReader.GetFloat(int) BulkCopyReader.GetDouble(int) BulkCopyReader.GetString(int) BulkCopyReader.GetDecimal(int) BulkCopyReader.GetDateTime(int) BulkCopyReader.IsDBNull(int) BulkCopyReader.this[int] BulkCopyReader.this[string] BulkCopyReader.Close() BulkCopyReader.GetSchemaTable() BulkCopyReader.NextResult() BulkCopyReader.Read() BulkCopyReader.Depth BulkCopyReader.IsClosed BulkCopyReader.RecordsAffected BulkCopyReader.GetEnumerator() BulkCopyReader.HasRows DbDataReader.Dispose(bool) DbDataReader.GetDbDataReader(int) DbDataReader.GetStream(int) DbDataReader.GetTextReader(int) DbDataReader.GetFieldValue<T>(int) DbDataReader.GetFieldValueAsync<T>(int) DbDataReader.GetFieldValueAsync<T>(int, CancellationToken) DbDataReader.IsDBNullAsync(int) DbDataReader.IsDBNullAsync(int, CancellationToken) DbDataReader.ReadAsync() DbDataReader.ReadAsync(CancellationToken) DbDataReader.NextResultAsync() DbDataReader.NextResultAsync(CancellationToken) DbDataReader.VisibleFieldCount MarshalByRefObject.MemberwiseClone(bool) MarshalByRefObject.GetLifetimeService() MarshalByRefObject.InitializeLifetimeService() MarshalByRefObject.CreateObjRef(Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) Constructors BulkCopyReader(DataConnection, List<ColumnDescriptor>, IEnumerable<T>) public BulkCopyReader(DataConnection dataConnection, List<ColumnDescriptor> columns, IEnumerable<T> collection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection columns List<ColumnDescriptor> collection IEnumerable<T> Properties Current protected override object Current { get; } Property Value object Methods DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. public Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task MoveNext() protected override bool MoveNext() Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BulkCopyReader.Parameter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BulkCopyReader.Parameter.html",
"title": "Class BulkCopyReader.Parameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BulkCopyReader.Parameter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class BulkCopyReader.Parameter : DbParameter, IDbDataParameter, IDataParameter Inheritance object MarshalByRefObject DbParameter BulkCopyReader.Parameter Implements IDbDataParameter IDataParameter Inherited Members MarshalByRefObject.MemberwiseClone(bool) MarshalByRefObject.GetLifetimeService() MarshalByRefObject.InitializeLifetimeService() MarshalByRefObject.CreateObjRef(Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DbType Gets or sets the DbType of the parameter. public override DbType DbType { get; set; } Property Value DbType One of the DbType values. The default is String. Exceptions ArgumentException The property is not set to a valid DbType. Direction Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the parameter is input-only, output-only, bidirectional, or a stored procedure return value parameter. public override ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; } Property Value ParameterDirection One of the ParameterDirection values. The default is Input. Exceptions ArgumentException The property is not set to one of the valid ParameterDirection values. IsNullable Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the parameter accepts null values. public override bool IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool true if null values are accepted; otherwise false. The default is false. ParameterName Gets or sets the name of the DbParameter. public override string ParameterName { get; set; } Property Value string The name of the DbParameter. The default is an empty string (\"\"). Size Gets or sets the maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. public override int Size { get; set; } Property Value int The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. The default value is inferred from the parameter value. SourceColumn Gets or sets the name of the source column mapped to the DataSet and used for loading or returning the Value. public override string SourceColumn { get; set; } Property Value string The name of the source column mapped to the DataSet. The default is an empty string. SourceColumnNullMapping Sets or gets a value which indicates whether the source column is nullable. This allows DbCommandBuilder to correctly generate Update statements for nullable columns. public override bool SourceColumnNullMapping { get; set; } Property Value bool true if the source column is nullable; false if it is not. SourceVersion Gets or sets the DataRowVersion to use when you load Value. public override DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get; set; } Property Value DataRowVersion One of the DataRowVersion values. The default is Current. Exceptions ArgumentException The property is not set to one of the DataRowVersion values. Value Gets or sets the value of the parameter. public override object? Value { get; set; } Property Value object An object that is the value of the parameter. The default value is null. Methods ResetDbType() Resets the DbType property to its original settings. public override void ResetDbType()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BulkCopyReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.BulkCopyReader.html",
"title": "Class BulkCopyReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BulkCopyReader Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class BulkCopyReader : DbDataReader, IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord, IEnumerable Inheritance object MarshalByRefObject DbDataReader BulkCopyReader Implements IDataReader IDisposable IDataRecord IEnumerable Derived BulkCopyReader<T> Inherited Members DbDataReader.Dispose(bool) DbDataReader.GetDbDataReader(int) DbDataReader.GetStream(int) DbDataReader.GetTextReader(int) DbDataReader.GetFieldValue<T>(int) DbDataReader.GetFieldValueAsync<T>(int) DbDataReader.GetFieldValueAsync<T>(int, CancellationToken) DbDataReader.IsDBNullAsync(int) DbDataReader.IsDBNullAsync(int, CancellationToken) DbDataReader.ReadAsync() DbDataReader.ReadAsync(CancellationToken) DbDataReader.NextResultAsync() DbDataReader.NextResultAsync(CancellationToken) DbDataReader.VisibleFieldCount MarshalByRefObject.MemberwiseClone(bool) MarshalByRefObject.GetLifetimeService() MarshalByRefObject.InitializeLifetimeService() MarshalByRefObject.CreateObjRef(Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) Constructors BulkCopyReader(DataConnection, List<ColumnDescriptor>) protected BulkCopyReader(DataConnection dataConnection, List<ColumnDescriptor> columns) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection columns List<ColumnDescriptor> Fields Count public int Count Field Value int Properties Current protected abstract object Current { get; } Property Value object Depth Gets a value indicating the depth of nesting for the current row. public override int Depth { get; } Property Value int The depth of nesting for the current row. FieldCount Gets the number of columns in the current row. public override int FieldCount { get; } Property Value int The number of columns in the current row. Exceptions NotSupportedException There is no current connection to an instance of SQL Server. HasRows Gets a value that indicates whether this DbDataReader contains one or more rows. public override bool HasRows { get; } Property Value bool true if the DbDataReader contains one or more rows; otherwise false. IsClosed Gets a value indicating whether the DbDataReader is closed. public override bool IsClosed { get; } Property Value bool true if the DbDataReader is closed; otherwise false. Exceptions InvalidOperationException The SqlDataReader is closed. this[int] Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of object. public override object this[int i] { get; } Parameters i int Property Value object The value of the specified column. Exceptions IndexOutOfRangeException The index passed was outside the range of 0 through FieldCount. this[string] Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of object. public override object this[string name] { get; } Parameters name string The name of the column. Property Value object The value of the specified column. Exceptions IndexOutOfRangeException No column with the specified name was found. RecordsAffected Gets the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement. public override int RecordsAffected { get; } Property Value int The number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted. -1 for SELECT statements; 0 if no rows were affected or the statement failed. Methods Close() Closes the DbDataReader object. public override void Close() GetBoolean(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a Boolean. public override bool GetBoolean(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns bool The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetByte(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a byte. public override byte GetByte(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns byte The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetBytes(int, long, byte[]?, int, int) Reads a stream of bytes from the specified column, starting at location indicated by dataOffset, into the buffer, starting at the location indicated by bufferOffset. public override long GetBytes(int ordinal, long dataOffset, byte[]? buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. dataOffset long The index within the row from which to begin the read operation. buffer byte[] The buffer into which to copy the data. bufferOffset int The index with the buffer to which the data will be copied. length int The maximum number of characters to read. Returns long The actual number of bytes read. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetChar(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a single character. public override char GetChar(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns char The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetChars(int, long, char[]?, int, int) Reads a stream of characters from the specified column, starting at location indicated by dataOffset, into the buffer, starting at the location indicated by bufferOffset. public override long GetChars(int ordinal, long dataOffset, char[]? buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. dataOffset long The index within the row from which to begin the read operation. buffer char[] The buffer into which to copy the data. bufferOffset int The index with the buffer to which the data will be copied. length int The maximum number of characters to read. Returns long The actual number of characters read. GetDataTypeName(int) Gets name of the data type of the specified column. public override string GetDataTypeName(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns string A string representing the name of the data type. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetDateTime(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a DateTime object. public override DateTime GetDateTime(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns DateTime The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetDecimal(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a decimal object. public override decimal GetDecimal(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns decimal The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetDouble(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a double-precision floating point number. public override double GetDouble(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns double The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetEnumerator() Returns an IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the rows in the data reader. public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator() Returns IEnumerator An IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the rows in the data reader. GetFieldType(int) Gets the data type of the specified column. public override Type GetFieldType(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns Type The data type of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetFloat(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a single-precision floating point number. public override float GetFloat(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns float The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetGuid(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a globally-unique identifier (GUID). public override Guid GetGuid(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns Guid The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetInt16(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a 16-bit signed integer. public override short GetInt16(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns short The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetInt32(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a 32-bit signed integer. public override int GetInt32(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns int The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetInt64(int) Gets the value of the specified column as a 64-bit signed integer. public override long GetInt64(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns long The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetName(int) Gets the name of the column, given the zero-based column ordinal. public override string GetName(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns string The name of the specified column. GetOrdinal(string) Gets the column ordinal given the name of the column. public override int GetOrdinal(string name) Parameters name string The name of the column. Returns int The zero-based column ordinal. Exceptions IndexOutOfRangeException The name specified is not a valid column name. GetSchemaTable() Returns a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the DbDataReader. public override DataTable GetSchemaTable() Returns DataTable A DataTable that describes the column metadata. Exceptions InvalidOperationException The SqlDataReader is closed. GetString(int) Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of string. public override string GetString(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns string The value of the specified column. Exceptions InvalidCastException The specified cast is not valid. GetValue(int) Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of object. public override object GetValue(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns object The value of the specified column. GetValues(object?[]) Populates an array of objects with the column values of the current row. public override int GetValues(object?[] values) Parameters values object[] An array of object into which to copy the attribute columns. Returns int The number of instances of object in the array. IsDBNull(int) Gets a value that indicates whether the column contains nonexistent or missing values. public override bool IsDBNull(int ordinal) Parameters ordinal int The zero-based column ordinal. Returns bool true if the specified column is equivalent to DBNull; otherwise false. MoveNext() protected abstract bool MoveNext() Returns bool NextResult() Advances the reader to the next result when reading the results of a batch of statements. public override bool NextResult() Returns bool true if there are more result sets; otherwise false. Read() Advances the reader to the next record in a result set. public override bool Read() Returns bool true if there are more rows; otherwise false."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseConfiguration.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseConfiguration.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseConfiguration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseConfiguration Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ClickHouseConfiguration Inheritance object ClickHouseConfiguration Properties UseStandardCompatibleAggregates Enables -OrNull combinator for Min, Max, Sum and Avg aggregation functions to support SQL standard-compatible behavior. Default value: false. [Obsolete(\"Use ClickHouseOptions.Default.UseStandardCompatibleAggregates instead.\")] public static bool UseStandardCompatibleAggregates { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class ClickHouseDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter> ClickHouseDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<ClickHouseProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ClickHouseDataProvider(string, ClickHouseProvider) protected ClickHouseDataProvider(string name, ClickHouseProvider provider) Parameters name string provider ClickHouseProvider Properties Provider public ClickHouseProvider Provider { get; } Property Value ClickHouseProvider SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateConnectionInternal(string) protected override DbConnection CreateConnectionInternal(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns DbConnection CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns instance of IQueryParametersNormalizer, which implements normalization logic for parameters of single query. E.g. it could include: trimming names that are too long removing/replacing unsupported characters name deduplication for parameters with same name . For implementation without state it is recommended to return static instance. E.g. this could be done for providers with positional parameters that ignore names. public override IQueryParametersNormalizer GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns IQueryParametersNormalizer GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) public override bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions options, DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters options DataOptions reader DbDataReader idx int Returns bool? SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseHints.Join.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseHints.Join.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseHints.Join | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseHints.Join Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ClickHouseHints.Join Inheritance object ClickHouseHints.Join Fields All public const string All = \"ALL\" Field Value string AllAnti public const string AllAnti = \"ALL ANTI\" Field Value string AllAny public const string AllAny = \"ALL ANY\" Field Value string AllAsOf public const string AllAsOf = \"ALL ASOF\" Field Value string AllOuter public const string AllOuter = \"ALL OUTER\" Field Value string AllSemi public const string AllSemi = \"ALL SEMI\" Field Value string Anti public const string Anti = \"ANTI\" Field Value string Any public const string Any = \"ANY\" Field Value string AsOf public const string AsOf = \"ASOF\" Field Value string Global public const string Global = \"GLOBAL\" Field Value string GlobalAnti public const string GlobalAnti = \"GLOBAL ANTI\" Field Value string GlobalAny public const string GlobalAny = \"GLOBAL ANY\" Field Value string GlobalAsOf public const string GlobalAsOf = \"GLOBAL ASOF\" Field Value string GlobalOuter public const string GlobalOuter = \"GLOBAL OUTER\" Field Value string GlobalSemi public const string GlobalSemi = \"GLOBAL SEMI\" Field Value string Outer public const string Outer = \"OUTER\" Field Value string Semi public const string Semi = \"SEMI\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseHints.Query.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseHints.Query.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseHints.Query | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseHints.Query Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ClickHouseHints.Query Inheritance object ClickHouseHints.Query Fields Settings public const string Settings = \"SETTINGS\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseHints.Table.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseHints.Table.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseHints.Table | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseHints.Table Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ClickHouseHints.Table Inheritance object ClickHouseHints.Table Fields Final public const string Final = \"FINAL\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseHints.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseHints Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ClickHouseHints Inheritance object ClickHouseHints Methods FinalHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource>) Adds FINAL modifier to FROM Clause of all the tables in the method scope. [ExpressionMethod(\"ClickHouse\", \"FinalQueryHintImpl\")] public static IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> FinalHint<TSource>(this IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FinalHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource>) Adds FINAL modifier to FROM Clause. [ExpressionMethod(\"ClickHouse\", \"FinalHintImpl\")] public static IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> FinalHint<TSource>(this IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FinalInScopeHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource>) Adds FINAL modifier to FROM Clause of all the tables in the method scope. [ExpressionMethod(\"ClickHouse\", \"FinalInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> FinalInScopeHint<TSource>(this IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FinalInScopeHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource>) Adds FINAL modifier to FROM Clause. [ExpressionMethod(\"ClickHouse\", \"FinalInScopeHintImpl2\")] public static IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> FinalInScopeHint<TSource>(this IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SettingsHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object?[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ClickHouse\", \"SettingsHintImpl\")] public static IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> SettingsHint<TSource>(this IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string hintFormat, params object?[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> hintFormat string hintParameters object[] Returns IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseOptions.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record ClickHouseOptions : DataProviderOptions<ClickHouseOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<ClickHouseOptions>>, IEquatable<ClickHouseOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<ClickHouseOptions> ClickHouseOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<ClickHouseOptions>> IEquatable<ClickHouseOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<ClickHouseOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<ClickHouseOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ClickHouseOptions() public ClickHouseOptions() ClickHouseOptions(BulkCopyType, bool) public ClickHouseOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.ProviderSpecific, bool UseStandardCompatibleAggregates = false) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode. Default value: ProviderSpecific. UseStandardCompatibleAggregates bool Enables -OrNull combinator for Min, Max, Sum and Avg aggregation functions to support SQL standard-compatible behavior. Default value: false. Properties UseStandardCompatibleAggregates Enables -OrNull combinator for Min, Max, Sum and Avg aggregation functions to support SQL standard-compatible behavior. Default value: false. public bool UseStandardCompatibleAggregates { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(ClickHouseOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(ClickHouseOptions? other) Parameters other ClickHouseOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProvider.html",
"title": "Enum ClickHouseProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum ClickHouseProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll Defines supported ClickHouse ADO.NET provider implementation libraries. public enum ClickHouseProvider Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields ClickHouseClient = 1 DarkWanderer ClickHouse provider: MySqlConnector = 2 MySqlConnector provider: Octonica = 0 Octonica ClickHouse provider:"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ClickHouseColumnSettings(object) public ClickHouseColumnSettings(object instance) Parameters instance object ClickHouseColumnSettings(Type) public ClickHouseColumnSettings(Type columnType) Parameters columnType Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnWriter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnWriter.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnWriter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnWriter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnWriter : TypeWrapper, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnWriter Implements IDisposable IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ClickHouseColumnWriter(object, Delegate[]) public ClickHouseColumnWriter(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Methods ConfigureColumn(int, ClickHouseColumnSettings) public void ConfigureColumn(int ordinal, ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings columnSettings) Parameters ordinal int columnSettings ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. public Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task EndWrite() public void EndWrite() EndWriteAsync(CancellationToken) public Task EndWriteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task WriteTable(IReadOnlyList<object>, int) public void WriteTable(IReadOnlyList<object> columns, int rowCount) Parameters columns IReadOnlyList<object> rowCount int WriteTableAsync(IReadOnlyList<object>, int, CancellationToken) public Task WriteTableAsync(IReadOnlyList<object> columns, int rowCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters columns IReadOnlyList<object> rowCount int cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll Octonica.ClicHouseClient wappers. public static class ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers Inheritance object ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public class ClickHouseProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object ClickHouseProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields ClientAssemblyName public const string ClientAssemblyName = \"ClickHouse.Client\" Field Value string ClientClientNamespace public const string ClientClientNamespace = \"ClickHouse.Client.ADO\" Field Value string ClientProviderFactoryName public const string ClientProviderFactoryName = \"ClickHouse.Client\" Field Value string ClientProviderTypesNamespace public const string ClientProviderTypesNamespace = \"ClickHouse.Client.Numerics\" Field Value string OctonicaAssemblyName public const string OctonicaAssemblyName = \"Octonica.ClickHouseClient\" Field Value string OctonicaClientNamespace public const string OctonicaClientNamespace = \"Octonica.ClickHouseClient\" Field Value string OctonicaProviderFactoryName public const string OctonicaProviderFactoryName = \"Octonica.ClickHouseClient\" Field Value string Properties ClientDecimalToStringConverter public Func<object, string>? ClientDecimalToStringConverter { get; } Property Value Func<object, string> ClientDecimalType public Type? ClientDecimalType { get; } Property Value Type CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type MappingSchema public MappingSchema? MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type? TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods GetInstance(ClickHouseProvider) public static ClickHouseProviderAdapter GetInstance(ClickHouseProvider provider) Parameters provider ClickHouseProvider Returns ClickHouseProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseRetryPolicy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseRetryPolicy.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseRetryPolicy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseRetryPolicy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll Retry policy handles only following exceptions: Octonica client ClickHouseException with codes ClickHouseErrorCodes.InvalidConnectionState, ClickHouseErrorCodes.ConnectionClosed, ClickHouseErrorCodes.NetworkError MySqlConnector MySqlException.IsTransient == true (requires .NET 6+ and MySqlConnector 1.3.0 or greater) public class ClickHouseRetryPolicy : RetryPolicyBase, IRetryPolicy Inheritance object RetryPolicyBase ClickHouseRetryPolicy Implements IRetryPolicy Inherited Members RetryPolicyBase.RandomFactor RetryPolicyBase.ExponentialBase RetryPolicyBase.Coefficient RetryPolicyBase.ExceptionsEncountered RetryPolicyBase.Random RetryPolicyBase.MaxRetryCount RetryPolicyBase.MaxRetryDelay RetryPolicyBase.Suspended RetryPolicyBase.Execute<TResult>(Func<TResult>) RetryPolicyBase.Execute(Action) RetryPolicyBase.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) RetryPolicyBase.ExecuteAsync(Func<CancellationToken, Task>, CancellationToken) RetryPolicyBase.OnFirstExecution() RetryPolicyBase.OnRetry() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ClickHouseRetryPolicy() Creates a new instance of ClickHouseRetryPolicy. public ClickHouseRetryPolicy() ClickHouseRetryPolicy(int) Creates a new instance of ClickHouseRetryPolicy. public ClickHouseRetryPolicy(int maxRetryCount) Parameters maxRetryCount int The maximum number of retry attempts. ClickHouseRetryPolicy(int, TimeSpan, double, double, TimeSpan, ICollection<int>?) Creates a new instance of ClickHouseRetryPolicy. public ClickHouseRetryPolicy(int maxRetryCount, TimeSpan maxRetryDelay, double randomFactor, double exponentialBase, TimeSpan coefficient, ICollection<int>? errorNumbersToAdd) Parameters maxRetryCount int The maximum number of retry attempts. maxRetryDelay TimeSpan The maximum delay in milliseconds between retries. randomFactor double The maximum random factor. exponentialBase double The base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries. coefficient TimeSpan The coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries. errorNumbersToAdd ICollection<int> Additional SQL error numbers that should be considered transient. Methods GetNextDelay(Exception) Determines whether the operation should be retried and the delay before the next attempt. protected override TimeSpan? GetNextDelay(Exception lastException) Parameters lastException Exception The exception thrown during the last execution attempt. Returns TimeSpan? Returns the delay indicating how long to wait for before the next execution attempt if the operation should be retried; null otherwise ShouldRetryOn(Exception) Determines whether the specified exception represents a transient failure that can be compensated by a retry. protected override bool ShouldRetryOn(Exception exception) Parameters exception Exception The exception object to be verified. Returns bool true if the specified exception is considered as transient, otherwise false."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseTools.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ClickHouseTools Inheritance object ClickHouseTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode. Default value: BulkCopyType.ProviderSpecific. [Obsolete(\"Use ClickHouseOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType Methods AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> AsClickHouse<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Returns IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> AsClickHouse<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Returns IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, ClickHouseProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, ClickHouseProvider provider = ClickHouseProvider.Octonica) Parameters connection DbConnection provider ClickHouseProvider Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, ClickHouseProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, ClickHouseProvider provider = ClickHouseProvider.Octonica) Parameters transaction DbTransaction provider ClickHouseProvider Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, ClickHouseProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, ClickHouseProvider provider = ClickHouseProvider.Octonica) Parameters connectionString string provider ClickHouseProvider Returns DataConnection GetDataProvider(ClickHouseProvider) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(ClickHouseProvider provider = ClickHouseProvider.Octonica) Parameters provider ClickHouseProvider Returns IDataProvider"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseTransientExceptionDetector.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.ClickHouseTransientExceptionDetector.html",
"title": "Class ClickHouseTransientExceptionDetector | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClickHouseTransientExceptionDetector Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll Detects the exceptions caused by transient failures. Currently handles only: Octonica client ClickHouseException with codes ClickHouseErrorCodes.InvalidConnectionState, ClickHouseErrorCodes.ConnectionClosed, ClickHouseErrorCodes.NetworkError public static class ClickHouseTransientExceptionDetector Inheritance object ClickHouseTransientExceptionDetector Methods IsHandled(Exception, out IEnumerable<int>?) public static bool IsHandled(Exception ex, out IEnumerable<int>? errorNumbers) Parameters ex Exception errorNumbers IEnumerable<int> Returns bool ShouldRetryOn(Exception) public static bool ShouldRetryOn(Exception ex) Parameters ex Exception Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.IClickHouseSpecificQueryable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.IClickHouseSpecificQueryable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<out TSource> : IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IQueryable, IEnumerable Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.Expression IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider Extension Methods ClickHouseHints.FinalHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseHints.FinalInScopeHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseHints.SettingsHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object?[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.IClickHouseSpecificTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.IClickHouseSpecificTable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IClickHouseSpecificTable<out TSource> : ITable<TSource>, IExpressionQuery<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where TSource : notnull Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members ITable<TSource>.ServerName ITable<TSource>.DatabaseName ITable<TSource>.SchemaName ITable<TSource>.TableName ITable<TSource>.TableOptions ITable<TSource>.TableID IExpressionQuery<TSource>.Expression IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods ClickHouseHints.FinalHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource>) ClickHouseHints.FinalInScopeHint<TSource>(IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.ClickHouse Classes ClickHouseConfiguration ClickHouseDataProvider ClickHouseHints ClickHouseHints.Join ClickHouseHints.Query ClickHouseHints.Table ClickHouseOptions ClickHouseProviderAdapter ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers Octonica.ClicHouseClient wappers. ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnWriter ClickHouseRetryPolicy Retry policy handles only following exceptions: Octonica client ClickHouseException with codes ClickHouseErrorCodes.InvalidConnectionState, ClickHouseErrorCodes.ConnectionClosed, ClickHouseErrorCodes.NetworkError MySqlConnector MySqlException.IsTransient == true (requires .NET 6+ and MySqlConnector 1.3.0 or greater) ClickHouseTools ClickHouseTransientExceptionDetector Detects the exceptions caused by transient failures. Currently handles only: Octonica client ClickHouseException with codes ClickHouseErrorCodes.InvalidConnectionState, ClickHouseErrorCodes.ConnectionClosed, ClickHouseErrorCodes.NetworkError Interfaces IClickHouseSpecificQueryable<TSource> IClickHouseSpecificTable<TSource> Enums ClickHouseProvider Defines supported ClickHouse ADO.NET provider implementation libraries."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2BulkCopyShared.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2BulkCopyShared.html",
"title": "Class DB2BulkCopyShared | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2BulkCopyShared Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll public static class DB2BulkCopyShared Inheritance object DB2BulkCopyShared Methods ProviderSpecificCopyImpl<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, DbConnection, BulkCopyAdapter, Action<DataConnection, Func<string>, Func<int>>) public static BulkCopyRowsCopied ProviderSpecificCopyImpl<T>(ITable<T> table, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, DataConnection dataConnection, DbConnection connection, DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter bulkCopy, Action<DataConnection, Func<string>, Func<int>> traceAction) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> options BulkCopyOptions source IEnumerable<T> dataConnection DataConnection connection DbConnection bulkCopy DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter traceAction Action<DataConnection, Func<string>, Func<int>> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2DataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2DataProvider.html",
"title": "Class DB2DataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2DataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class DB2DataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter> DB2DataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<DB2ProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DB2DataProvider(string, DB2Version) protected DB2DataProvider(string name, DB2Version version) Parameters name string version DB2Version Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Version public DB2Version Version { get; } Property Value DB2Version Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2IdentifierQuoteMode.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2IdentifierQuoteMode.html",
"title": "Enum DB2IdentifierQuoteMode | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum DB2IdentifierQuoteMode Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll Identifier quotation logic for SQL generation. public enum DB2IdentifierQuoteMode Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Auto = 2 Quote identifiers only when it is required according to DB2 identifier quotation rules: identifier starts with underscore: '_' identifier contains whitespace character(s) identifier contains lowercase letter(s) None = 0 Never quote identifiers. Quote = 1 Allways quote identifiers."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2Options.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2Options.html",
"title": "Class DB2Options | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2Options Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record DB2Options : DataProviderOptions<DB2Options>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<DB2Options>>, IEquatable<DB2Options> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<DB2Options> DB2Options Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<DB2Options>> IEquatable<DB2Options> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<DB2Options>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<DB2Options>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DB2Options() public DB2Options() DB2Options(BulkCopyType, DB2IdentifierQuoteMode) public DB2Options(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows, DB2IdentifierQuoteMode IdentifierQuoteMode = DB2IdentifierQuoteMode.Auto) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for DB2 by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. IdentifierQuoteMode DB2IdentifierQuoteMode Identifier quotation logic for SQL generation. Default value: Auto. Properties IdentifierQuoteMode Identifier quotation logic for SQL generation. Default value: Auto. public DB2IdentifierQuoteMode IdentifierQuoteMode { get; init; } Property Value DB2IdentifierQuoteMode Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(DB2Options?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(DB2Options? other) Parameters other DB2Options An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter.html",
"title": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll public class DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Inheritance object DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Create public Func<DbConnection, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy> Create { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy> CreateColumnMapping public Func<int, string, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping> CreateColumnMapping { get; } Property Value Func<int, string, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy.html",
"title": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DB2BulkCopy(DB2Connection, DB2BulkCopyOptions) public DB2BulkCopy(DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection connection, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions options) Parameters connection DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection options DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions DB2BulkCopy(object, Delegate[]) public DB2BulkCopy(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties BulkCopyTimeout public int BulkCopyTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int ColumnMappings public DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection ColumnMappings { get; set; } Property Value DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection DestinationTableName public string? DestinationTableName { get; set; } Property Value string NotifyAfter public int NotifyAfter { get; set; } Property Value int Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() WriteToServer(IDataReader) public void WriteToServer(IDataReader dataReader) Parameters dataReader IDataReader Events DB2RowsCopied public event DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventHandler? DB2RowsCopied Event Type DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping.html",
"title": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping(int, string) public DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping(int source, string destination) Parameters source int destination string DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping(object) public DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping(object instance) Parameters instance object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html",
"title": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object, Delegate[]) public DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Methods Add(DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping) public DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping Add(DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping bulkCopyColumnMapping) Parameters bulkCopyColumnMapping DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping Returns DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions.html",
"title": "Enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] [Flags] public enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Default = 0 KeepIdentity = 1 TableLock = 2 Truncate = 4"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection.html",
"title": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DB2Connection(object, Delegate[]) public DB2Connection(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] DB2Connection(string) public DB2Connection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Properties eServerType public DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2ServerTypes eServerType { get; } Property Value DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2ServerTypes Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() Open() public void Open()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs.html",
"title": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs(object, Delegate[]) public DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties Abort public bool Abort { get; set; } Property Value bool RowsCopied public int RowsCopied { get; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventHandler.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventHandler.html",
"title": "Delegate DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventHandler | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventHandler Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public delegate void DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventHandler(object sender, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs e) Parameters sender object e DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2ServerTypes.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2ServerTypes.html",
"title": "Enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2ServerTypes | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2ServerTypes Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2ServerTypes Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields DB2_390 = 2 DB2_400 = 4 DB2_IDS = 16 DB2_UNKNOWN = 0 DB2_UW = 1 DB2_VM = 24 DB2_VM_VSE = 8 DB2_VSE = 40"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type.html",
"title": "Enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BigInt = 3 BigSerial = 30 Binary = 15 BinaryXml = 31 Blob = 22 Boolean = 1015 Byte = 40 Char = 12 Char1 = 1001 Clob = 21 Cursor = 33 Datalink = 24 Date = 9 DateTime = 38 DbClob = 23 Decimal = 7 DecimalFloat = 28 Double = 5 DynArray = 29 Float = 6 Graphic = 18 Int8 = 35 Integer = 2 IntervalDayFraction = 1005 IntervalYearMonth = 1004 Invalid = 0 List = 1010 LongVarBinary = 17 LongVarChar = 14 LongVarGraphic = 20 Money = 37 MultiSet = 1009 NChar = 1006 NVarChar = 1007 Null = 1003 Numeric = 8 Other = 1016 Real = 4 Real370 = 27 Row = 1011 RowId = 25 SQLUDTFixed = 1013 SQLUDTVar = 1012 Serial = 34 Serial8 = 36 Set = 1008 SmallFloat = 1002 SmallInt = 1 SmartLobLocator = 1014 Text = 39 Time = 10 TimeStampWithTimeZone = 32 Timestamp = 11 VarBinary = 16 VarChar = 13 VarGraphic = 19 Xml = 26"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2ProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2ProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll public class DB2ProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object DB2ProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AssemblyName public const string AssemblyName = \"IBM.Data.DB2\" Field Value string AssemblyNameOld [Obsolete(\"Unused. Will be removed in v6\")] public const string? AssemblyNameOld = null Field Value string ClientNamespace public const string ClientNamespace = \"IBM.Data.DB2\" Field Value string ClientNamespaceOld [Obsolete(\"Unused. Will be removed in v6\")] public const string? ClientNamespaceOld = null Field Value string CoreClientNamespace public const string CoreClientNamespace = \"IBM.Data.DB2.Core\" Field Value string NetFxClientNamespace public const string NetFxClientNamespace = \"IBM.Data.DB2\" Field Value string ProviderFactoryName public const string ProviderFactoryName = \"IBM.Data.DB2\" Field Value string TypesNamespace public const string TypesNamespace = \"IBM.Data.DB2Types\" Field Value string Properties BulkCopy public DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter BulkCopy { get; } Property Value DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type CreateConnection public Func<string, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection> CreateConnection { get; } Property Value Func<string, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection> DB2BinaryType public Type DB2BinaryType { get; } Property Value Type DB2BlobType public Type DB2BlobType { get; } Property Value Type DB2ClobType public Type DB2ClobType { get; } Property Value Type DB2DateTimeType public Type? DB2DateTimeType { get; } Property Value Type DB2DateType public Type DB2DateType { get; } Property Value Type DB2DecimalFloatType public Type DB2DecimalFloatType { get; } Property Value Type DB2DecimalType public Type DB2DecimalType { get; } Property Value Type DB2DoubleType public Type DB2DoubleType { get; } Property Value Type DB2Int16Type public Type DB2Int16Type { get; } Property Value Type DB2Int32Type public Type DB2Int32Type { get; } Property Value Type DB2Int64Type public Type DB2Int64Type { get; } Property Value Type DB2Real370Type public Type DB2Real370Type { get; } Property Value Type DB2RealType public Type DB2RealType { get; } Property Value Type DB2RowIdType public Type DB2RowIdType { get; } Property Value Type DB2StringType public Type DB2StringType { get; } Property Value Type DB2TimeSpanType public Type? DB2TimeSpanType { get; } Property Value Type DB2TimeStampType public Type DB2TimeStampType { get; } Property Value Type DB2TimeType public Type DB2TimeType { get; } Property Value Type DB2XmlType public Type DB2XmlType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type GetDB2BinaryReaderMethod public string GetDB2BinaryReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2BlobReaderMethod public string GetDB2BlobReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2ClobReaderMethod public string GetDB2ClobReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2DateReaderMethod public string GetDB2DateReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2DateTimeReaderMethod public string? GetDB2DateTimeReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2DecimalFloatReaderMethod public string GetDB2DecimalFloatReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2DecimalReaderMethod public string GetDB2DecimalReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2DoubleReaderMethod public string GetDB2DoubleReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2Int16ReaderMethod public string GetDB2Int16ReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2Int32ReaderMethod public string GetDB2Int32ReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2Int64ReaderMethod public string GetDB2Int64ReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2Real370ReaderMethod public string GetDB2Real370ReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2RealReaderMethod public string GetDB2RealReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2RowIdReaderMethod public string GetDB2RowIdReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2StringReaderMethod public string GetDB2StringReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2TimeReaderMethod public string GetDB2TimeReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2TimeStampReaderMethod public string GetDB2TimeStampReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2XmlReaderMethod public string GetDB2XmlReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDbType public Func<DbParameter, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type> GetDbType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type> Instance public static DB2ProviderAdapter Instance { get; } Property Value DB2ProviderAdapter IsDB2BinaryNull public Func<object, bool> IsDB2BinaryNull { get; } Property Value Func<object, bool> MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type ProviderTypesNamespace public string ProviderTypesNamespace { get; } Property Value string SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type> TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2Tools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2Tools.html",
"title": "Class DB2Tools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DB2Tools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll public static class DB2Tools Inheritance object DB2Tools Properties AutoDetectProvider public static bool AutoDetectProvider { get; set; } Property Value bool DefaultBulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for DB2 by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. [Obsolete(\"Use DB2Options.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType Methods CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, DB2Version) Creates DataConnection object using provided connection object. public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, DB2Version version = DB2Version.LUW) Parameters connection DbConnection Connection instance. version DB2Version DB2 version. Returns DataConnection DataConnection instance. CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, DB2Version) Creates DataConnection object using provided transaction object. public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, DB2Version version = DB2Version.LUW) Parameters transaction DbTransaction Transaction instance. version DB2Version DB2 version. Returns DataConnection DataConnection instance. CreateDataConnection(string, DB2Version) Creates DataConnection object using provided DB2 connection string. public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, DB2Version version = DB2Version.LUW) Parameters connectionString string Connection string. version DB2Version DB2 version. Returns DataConnection DataConnection instance. GetDataProvider(DB2Version) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(DB2Version version = DB2Version.LUW) Parameters version DB2Version Returns IDataProvider ResolveDB2(Assembly) public static void ResolveDB2(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolveDB2(string) public static void ResolveDB2(string path) Parameters path string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2Version.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.DB2Version.html",
"title": "Enum DB2Version | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum DB2Version Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Assembly linq2db.dll public enum DB2Version Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields LUW = 0 zOS = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2 Classes DB2BulkCopyShared DB2DataProvider DB2Options DB2ProviderAdapter DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs DB2Tools Enums DB2IdentifierQuoteMode Identifier quotation logic for SQL generation. DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyOptions DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2ServerTypes DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type DB2Version Delegates DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DataProviderBase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DataProviderBase.html",
"title": "Class DataProviderBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataProviderBase Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class DataProviderBase : IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase Implements IDataProvider Derived DynamicDataProviderBase<TProviderMappings> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataProviderBase(string, MappingSchema) protected DataProviderBase(string name, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters name string mappingSchema MappingSchema Fields ReaderExpressions public readonly ConcurrentDictionary<ReaderInfo, Expression> ReaderExpressions Field Value ConcurrentDictionary<ReaderInfo, Expression> Properties ConnectionNamespace public abstract string? ConnectionNamespace { get; } Property Value string DataReaderType public abstract Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type ID public int ID { get; } Property Value int MappingSchema public virtual MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Name public string Name { get; } Property Value string OnConnectionCreated public static Func<IDataProvider, DbConnection, DbConnection>? OnConnectionCreated { get; set; } Property Value Func<IDataProvider, DbConnection, DbConnection> SqlProviderFlags public SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags { get; } Property Value SqlProviderFlags SupportedTableOptions public abstract TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions TransactionsSupported public virtual bool TransactionsSupported { get; } Property Value bool Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public virtual Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public virtual BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) public virtual void ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand command) Parameters command DbCommand ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) public virtual Type ConvertParameterType(Type type, DbDataType dataType) Parameters type Type dataType DbDataType Returns Type CreateConnection(string) public DbConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns DbConnection CreateConnectionInternal(string) protected abstract DbConnection CreateConnectionInternal(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns DbConnection CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public abstract ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder DisposeCommand(DbCommand) public virtual void DisposeCommand(DbCommand command) Parameters command DbCommand ExecuteScope(DataConnection) Creates disposable object, which should be disposed by caller after database query execution completed. Could be used to execute provider's method with scope-specific settings, e.g. with Invariant culture to workaround incorrect culture handling in provider. public virtual IExecutionScope? ExecuteScope(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Current data connection object. Returns IExecutionScope Scoped execution disposable object or null if provider doesn't need scoped configuration. FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression?) protected bool FindExpression(ReaderInfo info, out Expression? expr) Parameters info ReaderInfo expr Expression Returns bool GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) public virtual CommandBehavior GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior commandBehavior) Parameters commandBehavior CommandBehavior Returns CommandBehavior GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) public virtual object? GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection dataConnection, string parameterName) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameterName string Returns object GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns instance of IQueryParametersNormalizer, which implements normalization logic for parameters of single query. E.g. it could include: trimming names that are too long removing/replacing unsupported characters name deduplication for parameters with same name . For implementation without state it is recommended to return static instance. E.g. this could be done for providers with positional parameters that ignore names. public virtual IQueryParametersNormalizer GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns IQueryParametersNormalizer GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type?) public virtual Expression GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader reader, int idx, Expression readerExpression, Type? toType) Parameters reader DbDataReader idx int readerExpression Expression toType Type Returns Expression GetSchemaProvider() public abstract ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public abstract ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[]?, bool) Initializes DataConnection command object. public virtual DbCommand InitCommand(DataConnection dataConnection, DbCommand command, CommandType commandType, string commandText, DataParameter[]? parameters, bool withParameters) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance to initialize with new command. command DbCommand Command instance to initialize. commandType CommandType Type of command. commandText string Command SQL. parameters DataParameter[] Optional list of parameters to add to initialized command. withParameters bool Flag to indicate that command has parameters. Used to configure parameters support when method called without parameters and parameters added later to command. Returns DbCommand Initialized command instance. InitContext(IDataContext) public virtual void InitContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) public virtual bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions options, DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters options DataOptions reader DbDataReader idx int Returns bool? NormalizeTypeName(string?) protected virtual string? NormalizeTypeName(string? typeName) Parameters typeName string Returns string SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) protected void SetCharField(string dataTypeName, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>> expr) Parameters dataTypeName string expr Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>> SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) protected void SetCharFieldToType<T>(string dataTypeName, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>> expr) Parameters dataTypeName string expr Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>> Type Parameters T SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) protected void SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> expr) Parameters expr Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> Type Parameters TP T SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) protected void SetField<TP, T>(string dataTypeName, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> expr) Parameters dataTypeName string expr Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> Type Parameters TP T SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) protected void SetField<TP, T>(string dataTypeName, Type fieldType, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> expr) Parameters dataTypeName string fieldType Type expr Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> Type Parameters TP T SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public virtual void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected virtual void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) protected void SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> expr) Parameters expr Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> Type Parameters TP T SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) protected void SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> expr) Parameters expr Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> Type Parameters TP T TS SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) protected void SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> expr) Parameters expr Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> Type Parameters TP T TF SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) protected void SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string dataTypeName, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> expr) Parameters dataTypeName string expr Expression<Func<TP, int, T>> Type Parameters TP T TF"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DataProviderOptions-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DataProviderOptions-1.html",
"title": "Class DataProviderOptions<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataProviderOptions<T> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract record DataProviderOptions<T> : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<T>> where T : DataProviderOptions<T>, new() Type Parameters T Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<T> Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<T>> Derived AccessOptions ClickHouseOptions DB2Options FirebirdOptions InformixOptions MySqlOptions OracleOptions PostgreSQLOptions SQLiteOptions SapHanaOptions SqlCeOptions SqlServerOptions SybaseOptions Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataProviderOptions() protected DataProviderOptions() DataProviderOptions(BulkCopyType) protected DataProviderOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. DataProviderOptions(DataProviderOptions<T>) protected DataProviderOptions(DataProviderOptions<T> original) Parameters original DataProviderOptions<T> Properties BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. public BulkCopyType BulkCopyType { get; init; } Property Value BulkCopyType Default Default options. public static T Default { get; set; } Property Value T Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected abstract IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DataTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DataTools.html",
"title": "Class DataTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public static class DataTools Inheritance object DataTools Fields GetCharExpression public static Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>> GetCharExpression Field Value Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>> Methods ConvertCharToSql(StringBuilder, string, Action<StringBuilder, int>, char) public static void ConvertCharToSql(StringBuilder stringBuilder, string startString, Action<StringBuilder, int> appendConversion, char value) Parameters stringBuilder StringBuilder startString string appendConversion Action<StringBuilder, int> value char ConvertStringToSql(StringBuilder, string, string?, Action<StringBuilder, int>, string, char[]?) public static void ConvertStringToSql(StringBuilder stringBuilder, string plusOperator, string? startPrefix, Action<StringBuilder, int> appendConversion, string value, char[]? extraEscapes) Parameters stringBuilder StringBuilder plusOperator string startPrefix string appendConversion Action<StringBuilder, int> value string extraEscapes char[] EscapeUnterminatedBracket(string?) Improved version of Replace(\"[\", \"[[]\") code, used before. public static string? EscapeUnterminatedBracket(string? str) Parameters str string Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DynamicDataProviderBase-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.DynamicDataProviderBase-1.html",
"title": "Class DynamicDataProviderBase<TProviderMappings> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DynamicDataProviderBase<TProviderMappings> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class DynamicDataProviderBase<TProviderMappings> : DataProviderBase, IDataProvider where TProviderMappings : IDynamicProviderAdapter Type Parameters TProviderMappings Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<TProviderMappings> Implements IDataProvider Derived AccessODBCDataProvider AccessOleDbDataProvider ClickHouseDataProvider DB2DataProvider FirebirdDataProvider InformixDataProvider MySqlDataProvider OracleDataProvider PostgreSQLDataProvider SQLiteDataProvider SapHanaDataProvider SapHanaOdbcDataProvider SqlCeDataProvider SqlServerDataProvider SybaseDataProvider Inherited Members DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.SupportedTableOptions DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) DataProviderBase.GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) DataProviderBase.SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetSchemaProvider() DataProviderBase.SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataProviderBase.BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DynamicDataProviderBase(string, MappingSchema, TProviderMappings) protected DynamicDataProviderBase(string name, MappingSchema mappingSchema, TProviderMappings providerMappings) Parameters name string mappingSchema MappingSchema providerMappings TProviderMappings Fields GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod protected const string GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod = \"GetProviderSpecificValue\" Field Value string Properties Adapter public TProviderMappings Adapter { get; } Property Value TProviderMappings ConnectionNamespace public override string? ConnectionNamespace { get; } Property Value string DataReaderType public override Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type TransactionsSupported public override bool TransactionsSupported { get; } Property Value bool Methods CreateConnectionInternal(string) protected override DbConnection CreateConnectionInternal(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns DbConnection SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type?) protected bool SetField(Type fieldType, string dataTypeName, string methodName, bool throwException = true, Type? dataReaderType = null) Parameters fieldType Type dataTypeName string methodName string throwException bool dataReaderType Type Returns bool SetProviderField(Type, string, Type?) protected void SetProviderField(Type fieldType, string methodName, Type? dataReaderType = null) Parameters fieldType Type methodName string dataReaderType Type SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type?, string?) protected bool SetProviderField(Type toType, Type fieldType, string methodName, bool throwException = true, Type? dataReaderType = null, string? typeName = null) Parameters toType Type fieldType Type methodName string throwException bool dataReaderType Type typeName string Returns bool SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type?) protected void SetProviderField<TField>(string methodName, Type? dataReaderType = null) Parameters methodName string dataReaderType Type Type Parameters TField SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type?) protected bool SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string methodName, bool throwException = true, Type? dataReaderType = null) Parameters methodName string throwException bool dataReaderType Type Returns bool Type Parameters TTo TField SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type?) protected void SetToTypeField(Type toType, string methodName, Type? dataReaderType = null) Parameters toType Type methodName string dataReaderType Type TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) public virtual DbCommand? TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext dataContext, DbCommand command) Parameters dataContext IDataContext command DbCommand Returns DbCommand TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) public virtual DbConnection? TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext dataContext, DbConnection connection) Parameters dataContext IDataContext connection DbConnection Returns DbConnection TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) public virtual DbParameter? TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext dataContext, DbParameter parameter) Parameters dataContext IDataContext parameter DbParameter Returns DbParameter TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) public virtual DbTransaction? TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext dataContext, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters dataContext IDataContext transaction DbTransaction Returns DbTransaction"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdConfiguration.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdConfiguration.html",
"title": "Class FirebirdConfiguration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FirebirdConfiguration Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public static class FirebirdConfiguration Inheritance object FirebirdConfiguration Properties IdentifierQuoteMode Specifies how identifiers like table and field names should be quoted. [Obsolete(\"Use FirebirdOptions.Default.IdentifierQuoteMode instead.\")] public static FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode IdentifierQuoteMode { get; set; } Property Value FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode Remarks Default value: Auto. IsLiteralEncodingSupported Specifies that Firebird supports literal encoding. Availiable from version 2.5. [Obsolete(\"Use FirebirdOptions.Default.IsLiteralEncodingSupported instead.\")] public static bool IsLiteralEncodingSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class FirebirdDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FirebirdDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public class FirebirdDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter> FirebirdDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<FirebirdProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors FirebirdDataProvider() public FirebirdDataProvider() FirebirdDataProvider(ISqlOptimizer) public FirebirdDataProvider(ISqlOptimizer sqlOptimizer) Parameters sqlOptimizer ISqlOptimizer FirebirdDataProvider(string, ISqlOptimizer?) protected FirebirdDataProvider(string name, ISqlOptimizer? sqlOptimizer) Parameters name string sqlOptimizer ISqlOptimizer Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) public override bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions options, DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters options DataOptions reader DbDataReader idx int Returns bool? SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FirebirdExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FirebirdExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public static class FirebirdExtensions Inheritance object FirebirdExtensions Methods Firebird(ISqlExtension?) public static IFirebirdExtensions? Firebird(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns IFirebirdExtensions UuidToChar(IFirebirdExtensions?, Guid?) [Sql.Extension(\"UUID_TO_CHAR({guid})\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static string? UuidToChar(this IFirebirdExtensions? ext, Guid? guid) Parameters ext IFirebirdExtensions guid Guid? Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode.html",
"title": "Enum FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll Possible modes for Firebird identifier quotes. This enumeration covers only identifier quotation logic and don't handle identifier length limits. public enum FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Auto = 2 Quote identifiers if needed. LINQ To DB will quote identifiers, if they are not valid without quotation. This includes: use of reserved words; use of any characters except latin letters, digits, _ and $; use digit, _ or $ as first character. This is default mode. Note that if you need to preserve casing of identifiers, you should use Quote mode. Quoted identifiers not supported by SQL Dialect < 3. None = 0 Do not quote identifiers. LINQ To DB will not check identifiers for validity (spaces, reserved words) is this mode. This mode should be used only for SQL Dialect < 3 and it is developer's responsibility to ensure that there is no identifiers in use that require quotation. Quote = 1 Always quote identifiers. LINQ To DB will quote all identifiers, even if it is not required. Select this mode, if you need to preserve identifiers casing. Quoted identifiers not supported by SQL Dialect < 3."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdOptions.html",
"title": "Class FirebirdOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FirebirdOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record FirebirdOptions : DataProviderOptions<FirebirdOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<FirebirdOptions>>, IEquatable<FirebirdOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<FirebirdOptions> FirebirdOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<FirebirdOptions>> IEquatable<FirebirdOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<FirebirdOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<FirebirdOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors FirebirdOptions() public FirebirdOptions() FirebirdOptions(BulkCopyType, FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode, bool) public FirebirdOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows, FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode IdentifierQuoteMode = FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode.Auto, bool IsLiteralEncodingSupported = true) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for Firebird by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. IdentifierQuoteMode FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode Specifies how identifiers like table and field names should be quoted. Default value: Auto. IsLiteralEncodingSupported bool Specifies that Firebird supports literal encoding. Availiable from version 2.5. Properties IdentifierQuoteMode Specifies how identifiers like table and field names should be quoted. Default value: Auto. public FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode IdentifierQuoteMode { get; init; } Property Value FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode IsLiteralEncodingSupported Specifies that Firebird supports literal encoding. Availiable from version 2.5. public bool IsLiteralEncodingSupported { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(FirebirdOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(FirebirdOptions? other) Parameters other FirebirdOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType.html",
"title": "Enum FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Array = 0 BigInt = 1 Binary = 2 Boolean = 3 Char = 4 Date = 5 Dec16 = 21 Dec34 = 22 Decimal = 6 Double = 7 Float = 8 Guid = 9 Int128 = 23 Integer = 10 Numeric = 11 SmallInt = 12 Text = 13 Time = 14 TimeStamp = 15 TimeStampTZ = 17 TimeStampTZEx = 18 TimeTZ = 19 TimeTZEx = 20 VarChar = 16"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class FirebirdProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FirebirdProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public class FirebirdProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object FirebirdProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AssemblyName public const string AssemblyName = \"FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient\" Field Value string ClientNamespace public const string ClientNamespace = \"FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient\" Field Value string TypesNamespace public const string TypesNamespace = \"FirebirdSql.Data.Types\" Field Value string Properties ClearAllPools public Action ClearAllPools { get; } Property Value Action CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type FbDecFloatType FB client 7.10.0+. public Type? FbDecFloatType { get; } Property Value Type FbZonedDateTimeType public Type? FbZonedDateTimeType { get; } Property Value Type FbZonedTimeType public Type? FbZonedTimeType { get; } Property Value Type GetDbType public Func<DbParameter, FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType> GetDbType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType> IsDateOnlySupported public bool IsDateOnlySupported { get; } Property Value bool MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type ProviderTypesNamespace public string? ProviderTypesNamespace { get; } Property Value string SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType> TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdSqlBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdSqlBuilder.html",
"title": "Class FirebirdSqlBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FirebirdSqlBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public class FirebirdSqlBuilder : BasicSqlBuilder<FirebirdOptions>, ISqlBuilder Inheritance object BasicSqlBuilder BasicSqlBuilder<FirebirdOptions> FirebirdSqlBuilder Implements ISqlBuilder Inherited Members BasicSqlBuilder<FirebirdOptions>.ProviderOptions BasicSqlBuilder.OptimizationContext BasicSqlBuilder.MappingSchema BasicSqlBuilder.StringBuilder BasicSqlBuilder.SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlBuilder.DataOptions BasicSqlBuilder.DataProvider BasicSqlBuilder.ValueToSqlConverter BasicSqlBuilder.Statement BasicSqlBuilder.Indent BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStep BasicSqlBuilder.SqlOptimizer BasicSqlBuilder.SkipAlias BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinSupported BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinParenthesisRequired BasicSqlBuilder.WrapJoinCondition BasicSqlBuilder.CanSkipRootAliases(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.InlineComma BasicSqlBuilder.Comma BasicSqlBuilder.OpenParens BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveInlineComma() BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertElement<T>(T) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSetOperation(SetOperation, StringBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.MergeSqlBuilderData(BasicSqlBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.FinalizeBuildQuery(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlBuilder(SelectQuery, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilder<TContext>(Action<TContext>, TContext) BasicSqlBuilder.ParenthesizeJoin(List<SqlJoinedTable>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlForUnion() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery2(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateQuery(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectQuery(SqlSelectStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCteBody(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery2(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMultiInsertQuery(SqlMultiInsertStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUnknownQuery() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildObjectNameSuffix(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertInline(string, ConvertType) BasicSqlBuilder.IsCteColumnListSupported BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWithClause(SqlWithClause) BasicSqlBuilder.StartStatementQueryExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputColumnExpressions(IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsBooleanInColumn BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsNullInColumn BasicSqlBuilder.WrapBooleanExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumnExpression(SelectQuery, ISqlExpression, string, ref bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WrapColumnExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildAlterDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTableName(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateSetKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateSet(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.OutputKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.DeletedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.InsertedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyInsert(SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlOutputClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, string, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsMerge(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement, string) BasicSqlBuilder.EndLine BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsUpdateInsert(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTableStatement(SqlTruncateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTable(SqlTruncateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDropTableStatementIfExists(SqlDropTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableFieldType(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute1(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute2(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTablePrimaryKey(SqlCreateTableStatement, string, IEnumerable<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteFromClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPhysicalTable(ISqlTableSource, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlValuesTable(SqlValuesTable, string, out bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyValues(SqlValuesTable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableName(SqlTableSource, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(SqlTable, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableNameExtensions(SqlTable) BasicSqlBuilder.GetExtensionBuilder(Type) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string, Func<SqlQueryExtension, bool>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(StringBuilder, List<SqlQueryExtension>, string, string, string, Sql.QueryExtensionScope) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildJoinTable(SelectQuery, SqlJoinedTable, ref int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildJoinType(SqlJoinedTable, SqlSearchCondition) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhere(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByBody(GroupingType, List<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildHavingClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOrderByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionForOrderBy(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.LimitFormat(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.OffsetFormat(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.OffsetFirst BasicSqlBuilder.TakePercent BasicSqlBuilder.TakeTies BasicSqlBuilder.NeedSkip(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.NeedTake(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSkipFirst(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTakeHints(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOffsetLimit(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereSearchCondition(SelectQuery, SqlSearchCondition) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(int, SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicateOperator(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicate(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicate(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicateFallback(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(int, int, ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildLikePredicate(SqlPredicate.Like) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFieldTableAlias(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, string, ref bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.TryConvertParameterToSql(SqlParameterValue) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildParameter(SqlParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlRow(SqlRow, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionContext BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValue(SqlDataType, object) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFunction(SqlFunction) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(StringBuilder, SqlDataType) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPrecedence(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTag(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlComment(StringBuilder, SqlComment) BasicSqlBuilder.AlternativeGetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery, IEnumerable<SqlColumn>) BasicSqlBuilder.IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlBuilder.IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSequenceNameAttribute(SqlTable, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTableAlias(ISqlTableSource) BasicSqlBuilder.AppendIndent() BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterName(StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetUdtTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterType(IDataContext, StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameters(IDataContext, StringBuilder, IEnumerable<DbParameter>) BasicSqlBuilder.ApplyQueryHints(string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int, string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) BasicSqlBuilder.Name BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveAlias(string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTempAliases(int, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSubQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.TableIDs BasicSqlBuilder.TablePath BasicSqlBuilder.QueryName BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlID(Sql.SqlID) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsColumnAliasesInSource BasicSqlBuilder.RequiresConstantColumnAliases BasicSqlBuilder.IsEmptyValuesSourceSupported BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTableSchema BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeStatement(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeTerminator(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdate(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationInsert(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateWithDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDeleteBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOn(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeSourceQuery(SqlTableLikeSource) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFakeTableName() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValues(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeInto(SqlMergeStatement) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors FirebirdSqlBuilder(IDataProvider, MappingSchema, DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags) public FirebirdSqlBuilder(IDataProvider provider, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, ISqlOptimizer sqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters provider IDataProvider mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions sqlOptimizer ISqlOptimizer sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags Properties CteFirst Identifies CTE clause location: CteFirst = true (default): WITH clause goes first in query CteFirst = false: WITH clause goes before SELECT public override bool CteFirst { get; } Property Value bool FakeTable If IsValuesSyntaxSupported set to false and provider doesn't support SELECTs without FROM clause, this property should contain name of table (or equivalent SQL) with single record. IMPORTANT: as this property could return SQL, we don't escape it, so it should contain only valid SQL/identifiers. protected override string FakeTable { get; } Property Value string IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired protected override bool IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired { get; } Property Value bool IsValuesSyntaxSupported If true, provider supports list of VALUES as a source element of merge command. protected override bool IsValuesSyntaxSupported { get; } Property Value bool SkipFirst protected override bool SkipFirst { get; } Property Value bool SkipFormat protected override string SkipFormat { get; } Property Value string Methods BuildCommand(SqlStatement, int) protected override void BuildCommand(SqlStatement statement, int commandNumber) Parameters statement SqlStatement commandNumber int BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable) protected override void BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable BuildCreateTableNullAttribute(SqlField, DefaultNullable) protected override void BuildCreateTableNullAttribute(SqlField field, DefaultNullable defaultNullable) Parameters field SqlField defaultNullable DefaultNullable BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) protected override void BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType type, bool forCreateTable, bool canBeNull) Parameters type SqlDataType forCreateTable bool canBeNull bool Type could store NULL values (could be used for column table type generation or for databases with explicit typee nullability like ClickHouse). BuildDeleteQuery(SqlDeleteStatement) protected override void BuildDeleteQuery(SqlDeleteStatement deleteStatement) Parameters deleteStatement SqlDeleteStatement BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement) protected override void BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement dropTable) Parameters dropTable SqlDropTableStatement BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) protected override void BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement createTable) Parameters createTable SqlCreateTableStatement BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause) protected override void BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause insertClause) Parameters insertClause SqlInsertClause BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) protected override void BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement insertOrUpdate) Parameters insertOrUpdate SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement BuildObjectName(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, ConvertType, bool, TableOptions, bool) Writes database object name into provided StringBuilder instance. public override StringBuilder BuildObjectName(StringBuilder sb, SqlObjectName name, ConvertType objectType, bool escape, TableOptions tableOptions, bool withoutSuffix) Parameters sb StringBuilder String builder for generated object name. name SqlObjectName Name of database object (e.g. table, view, procedure or function). objectType ConvertType Type of database object, used to select proper name converter. escape bool If true, apply required escaping to name components. Must be true except rare cases when escaping is not needed. tableOptions TableOptions Table options if called for table. Used to properly generate names for temporary tables. withoutSuffix bool If object name have suffix, which could be detached from main name, this parameter disables suffix generation (enables generation of only main name part). Returns StringBuilder sb parameter value. BuildSelectClause(SelectQuery) protected override void BuildSelectClause(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildStartCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) protected override void BuildStartCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement createTable) Parameters createTable SqlCreateTableStatement BuildTypedExpression(SqlDataType, ISqlExpression) protected override void BuildTypedExpression(SqlDataType dataType, ISqlExpression value) Parameters dataType SqlDataType value ISqlExpression CommandCount(SqlStatement) public override int CommandCount(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns int Convert(StringBuilder, string, ConvertType) public override StringBuilder Convert(StringBuilder sb, string value, ConvertType convertType) Parameters sb StringBuilder value string convertType ConvertType Returns StringBuilder CreateSqlBuilder() protected override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder() Returns ISqlBuilder FirstFormat(SelectQuery) protected override string FirstFormat(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns string GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable) public override ISqlExpression? GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable Returns ISqlExpression GetPhysicalTableName(ISqlTableSource, string?, bool, string?, bool) protected override string GetPhysicalTableName(ISqlTableSource table, string? alias, bool ignoreTableExpression = false, string? defaultDatabaseName = null, bool withoutSuffix = false) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string ignoreTableExpression bool defaultDatabaseName string withoutSuffix bool Returns string GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) protected override string? GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext dataContext, DbParameter parameter) Parameters dataContext IDataContext parameter DbParameter Returns string IsReserved(string) protected override sealed bool IsReserved(string word) Parameters word string Returns bool IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>, int, int) Checks that value in specific row and column in enumerable source requires type information generation. protected override bool IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable source, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]> rows, int row, int column) Parameters source SqlValuesTable Merge source table. rows IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]> Merge source data. row int Index of data row to check. Could contain -1 to indicate that this is a check for empty source NULL value. column int Index of data column to check in row. Returns bool Returns true, if generated SQL should include type information for value at specified position, otherwise false returned."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdSqlOptimizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdSqlOptimizer.html",
"title": "Class FirebirdSqlOptimizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FirebirdSqlOptimizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public class FirebirdSqlOptimizer : BasicSqlOptimizer, ISqlOptimizer Inheritance object BasicSqlOptimizer FirebirdSqlOptimizer Implements ISqlOptimizer Inherited Members BasicSqlOptimizer.SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlOptimizer.CorrectUnionOrderBy(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.FixSetOperationNulls(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeUpdateSubqueries(SqlStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.FixEmptySelect(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.HasParameters(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertCountSubQuery(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.CreateSqlValue(object, SqlBinaryExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.CreateSqlValue(object, DbDataType, params ISqlExpression[]) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeFunction(SqlFunction, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizePredicate(ISqlPredicate, EvaluationContext, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeRowExprExpr(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeRowInList(SqlPredicate.InList) BasicSqlOptimizer.RowIsNullFallback(SqlRow, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.RowComparisonFallback(SqlPredicate.Operator, SqlRow, SqlRow, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertBetweenPredicate(SqlPredicate.Between) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeQueryElement(ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement, OptimizationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement, OptimizationContext, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.CanCompareSearchConditions BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertPredicateImpl(ISqlPredicate, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeEscapeCharacter BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeWildcardCharacter BasicSqlOptimizer.LikePatternParameterSupport BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeIsEscapeSupported BasicSqlOptimizer.StandardLikeCharactersToEscape BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikeCharacters(string, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.GenerateEscapeReplacement(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikePattern(string) BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikeCharacters(ISqlExpression, ref ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertLikePredicate(MappingSchema, SqlPredicate.Like, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertSearchStringPredicateViaLike(SqlPredicate.SearchString, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertInListPredicate(MappingSchema, SqlPredicate.InList, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertCoalesceToBinaryFunc(SqlFunction, string, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxLength(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxPrecision(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxScale(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxDisplaySize(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertConversion(SqlFunction) BasicSqlOptimizer.AlternativeConvertToBoolean(SqlFunction, DataOptions, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertBooleanExprToCase(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsSmallDateTimeType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateTime2Type(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateTimeType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateDataOffsetType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.FloorBeforeConvert(SqlFunction) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeDelete(SqlDeleteStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMainTableSource(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsAggregationFunction(IQueryElement) BasicSqlOptimizer.NeedsEnvelopingForUpdate(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeUpdate(SqlUpdateStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.FindUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlTable) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeUpdatePostgreSqlite(SqlUpdateStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.CorrectUpdateTable(SqlUpdateStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.CheckAliases(SqlStatement, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Inc(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Dec(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeJoins(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsParameterDependedQuery(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsParameterDependent(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeAggregates(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertSkipTake(MappingSchema, DataOptions, SelectQuery, OptimizationContext, out ISqlExpression, out ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.SeparateDistinctFromPagination(SqlStatement, Func<SelectQuery, bool>) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber(SqlStatement, bool, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber<TContext>(TContext, SqlStatement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, bool>, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceDistinctOrderByWithRowNumber(SqlStatement, Func<SelectQuery, bool>) BasicSqlOptimizer.TryConvertToValue(ISqlExpression, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsBooleanParameter(ISqlExpression, int, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertFunctionParameters(SqlFunction, bool) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors FirebirdSqlOptimizer(SqlProviderFlags) public FirebirdSqlOptimizer(SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags Fields LikeFirebirdEscapeSymbols protected static string[] LikeFirebirdEscapeSymbols Field Value string[] Properties LikeCharactersToEscape Characters with special meaning in LIKE predicate (defined by LikeCharactersToEscape) that should be escaped to be used as matched character. Default: [\"%\", \"_\", \"?\", \"*\", \"#\", \"[\", \"]\"]. public override string[] LikeCharactersToEscape { get; } Property Value string[] LikeValueParameterSupport public override bool LikeValueParameterSupport { get; } Property Value bool Methods ConvertExpressionImpl(ISqlExpression, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public override ISqlExpression ConvertExpressionImpl(ISqlExpression expression, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor) Parameters expression ISqlExpression visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlExpression ConvertFunction(SqlFunction) protected override ISqlExpression ConvertFunction(SqlFunction func) Parameters func SqlFunction Returns ISqlExpression ConvertSearchStringPredicate(SearchString, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public override ISqlPredicate ConvertSearchStringPredicate(SqlPredicate.SearchString predicate, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor) Parameters predicate SqlPredicate.SearchString visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlPredicate Finalize(MappingSchema, SqlStatement, DataOptions) Finalizes query. public override SqlStatement Finalize(MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement Query which is ready for optimization. FinalizeStatement(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext, DataOptions) public override SqlStatement FinalizeStatement(SqlStatement statement, EvaluationContext context, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters statement SqlStatement context EvaluationContext dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement IsParameterDependedElement(IQueryElement) public override bool IsParameterDependedElement(IQueryElement element) Parameters element IQueryElement Returns bool OptimizeExpression(ISqlExpression, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public override ISqlExpression OptimizeExpression(ISqlExpression expression, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> convertVisitor) Parameters expression ISqlExpression convertVisitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlExpression TransformStatement(SqlStatement, DataOptions) Used for correcting statement and should return new statement if changes were made. public override SqlStatement TransformStatement(SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.FirebirdTools.html",
"title": "Class FirebirdTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FirebirdTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public static class FirebirdTools Inheritance object FirebirdTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use FirebirdOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType Methods ClearAllPools() public static void ClearAllPools() CreateDataConnection(DbConnection) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection) Parameters connection DbConnection Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction) Parameters transaction DbTransaction Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns DataConnection GetDataProvider() public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider() Returns IDataProvider ResolveFirebird(Assembly) public static void ResolveFirebird(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolveFirebird(string) public static void ResolveFirebird(string path) Parameters path string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.IFirebirdExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.IFirebirdExtensions.html",
"title": "Interface IFirebirdExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IFirebirdExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IFirebirdExtensions Extension Methods FirebirdExtensions.UuidToChar(IFirebirdExtensions?, Guid?) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Firebird Classes FirebirdConfiguration FirebirdDataProvider FirebirdExtensions FirebirdOptions FirebirdProviderAdapter FirebirdSqlBuilder FirebirdSqlOptimizer FirebirdTools Interfaces IFirebirdExtensions Enums FirebirdIdentifierQuoteMode Possible modes for Firebird identifier quotes. This enumeration covers only identifier quotation logic and don't handle identifier length limits. FirebirdProviderAdapter.FbDbType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.IDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.IDataProvider.html",
"title": "Interface IDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IDataProvider Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ConnectionNamespace string? ConnectionNamespace { get; } Property Value string DataReaderType Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type ID int ID { get; } Property Value int MappingSchema MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Name string Name { get; } Property Value string SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags { get; } Property Value SqlProviderFlags SupportedTableOptions TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions TransactionsSupported bool TransactionsSupported { get; } Property Value bool Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) Type ConvertParameterType(Type type, DbDataType dataType) Parameters type Type dataType DbDataType Returns Type CreateConnection(string) DbConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns DbConnection CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder DisposeCommand(DbCommand) void DisposeCommand(DbCommand command) Parameters command DbCommand ExecuteScope(DataConnection) Returns scoped context object to wrap calls of Execute* methods. Using this, provider could e.g. change thread culture during Execute* calls. Following calls wrapped right now: DataConnection.ExecuteNonQuery DataConnection.ExecuteReader. IExecutionScope? ExecuteScope(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance used with scope. Returns IExecutionScope Returns disposable scope object. Can be null. GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) CommandBehavior GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior commandBehavior) Parameters commandBehavior CommandBehavior Returns CommandBehavior GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) object? GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection dataConnection, string parameterName) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameterName string Returns object GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns instance of IQueryParametersNormalizer, which implements normalization logic for parameters of single query. E.g. it could include: trimming names that are too long removing/replacing unsupported characters name deduplication for parameters with same name . For implementation without state it is recommended to return static instance. E.g. this could be done for providers with positional parameters that ignore names. IQueryParametersNormalizer GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns IQueryParametersNormalizer GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) Expression GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader reader, int idx, Expression readerExpression, Type toType) Parameters reader DbDataReader idx int readerExpression Expression toType Type Returns Expression GetSchemaProvider() ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[]?, bool) Initializes DataConnection command object. DbCommand InitCommand(DataConnection dataConnection, DbCommand command, CommandType commandType, string commandText, DataParameter[]? parameters, bool withParameters) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance to initialize with new command. command DbCommand Command instance to initialize. commandType CommandType Type of command. commandText string Command SQL. parameters DataParameter[] Optional list of parameters to add to initialized command. withParameters bool Flag to indicate that command has parameters. Used to configure parameters support when method called without parameters and parameters added later to command. Returns DbCommand Initialized command instance. InitContext(IDataContext) void InitContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions options, DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters options DataOptions reader DbDataReader idx int Returns bool? SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.IDataProviderFactory.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.IDataProviderFactory.html",
"title": "Interface IDataProviderFactory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IDataProviderFactory Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IDataProviderFactory Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetDataProvider(IEnumerable<NamedValue>) IDataProvider GetDataProvider(IEnumerable<NamedValue> attributes) Parameters attributes IEnumerable<NamedValue> Returns IDataProvider"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.IDynamicProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.IDynamicProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Interface IDynamicProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IDynamicProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Contains base information about ADO.NET provider. Could be extended by specific implementation to expose additional provider-specific services. public interface IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. Type? TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.IQueryParametersNormalizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.IQueryParametersNormalizer.html",
"title": "Interface IQueryParametersNormalizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IQueryParametersNormalizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Interface, implemented by query parameter name normalization policy for specific provider/database. public interface IQueryParametersNormalizer Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Normalize(string?) Normalize parameter name and return normalized name. string? Normalize(string? originalName) Parameters originalName string Original parameter name. Returns string Normalized parameter name."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixConfiguration.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixConfiguration.html",
"title": "Class InformixConfiguration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixConfiguration Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll public static class InformixConfiguration Inheritance object InformixConfiguration Properties ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator Enables use of explicit fractional seconds separator in datetime values. Must be enabled for Informix starting from v11.70.xC8 and v12.10.xC2. More details at: [Obsolete(\"Use InformixOptions.Default.ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator instead.\")] public static bool ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class InformixDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class InformixDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter> InformixDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<InformixProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors InformixDataProvider(string) protected InformixDataProvider(string providerName) Parameters providerName string Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder ExecuteScope(DataConnection) Creates disposable object, which should be disposed by caller after database query execution completed. Could be used to execute provider's method with scope-specific settings, e.g. with Invariant culture to workaround incorrect culture handling in provider. public override IExecutionScope ExecuteScope(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Current data connection object. Returns IExecutionScope Scoped execution disposable object or null if provider doesn't need scoped configuration. GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixOptions.html",
"title": "Class InformixOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record InformixOptions : DataProviderOptions<InformixOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<InformixOptions>>, IEquatable<InformixOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<InformixOptions> InformixOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<InformixOptions>> IEquatable<InformixOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<InformixOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<InformixOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors InformixOptions() public InformixOptions() InformixOptions(BulkCopyType, bool) public InformixOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.ProviderSpecific, bool ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator = true) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for Informix by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: ProviderSpecific. ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator bool Enables use of explicit fractional seconds separator in datetime values. Must be enabled for Informix starting from v11.70.xC8 and v12.10.xC2. More details at: Properties ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator Enables use of explicit fractional seconds separator in datetime values. Must be enabled for Informix starting from v11.70.xC8 and v12.10.xC2. More details at: public bool ExplicitFractionalSecondsSeparator { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(InformixOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(InformixOptions? other) Parameters other InformixOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter.html",
"title": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll public class InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Inheritance object InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Create public Func<DbConnection, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy> Create { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy> CreateColumnMapping public Func<int, string, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping> CreateColumnMapping { get; } Property Value Func<int, string, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy.html",
"title": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IfxBulkCopy(IfxConnection, IfxBulkCopyOptions) public IfxBulkCopy(InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection connection, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions options) Parameters connection InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection options InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions IfxBulkCopy(object, Delegate[]) public IfxBulkCopy(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties BulkCopyTimeout public int BulkCopyTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int ColumnMappings public InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection ColumnMappings { get; set; } Property Value InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection DestinationTableName public string? DestinationTableName { get; set; } Property Value string NotifyAfter public int NotifyAfter { get; set; } Property Value int Methods WriteToServer(IDataReader) public void WriteToServer(IDataReader dataReader) Parameters dataReader IDataReader Events IfxRowsCopied public event InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventHandler? IfxRowsCopied Event Type InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping.html",
"title": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping(int, string) public IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping(int source, string destination) Parameters source int destination string IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping(object) public IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping(object instance) Parameters instance object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html",
"title": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object, Delegate[]) public IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Methods Add(IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping) public InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping bulkCopyColumnMapping) Parameters bulkCopyColumnMapping InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping Returns InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions.html",
"title": "Enum InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] [Flags] public enum InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Default = 0 KeepIdentity = 1 TableLock = 2 Truncate = 4"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection.html",
"title": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection Inheritance object InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs.html",
"title": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs(object, Delegate[]) public IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties Abort public bool Abort { get; set; } Property Value bool RowsCopied public int RowsCopied { get; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventHandler.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventHandler.html",
"title": "Delegate InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventHandler | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventHandler Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public delegate void InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventHandler(object sender, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs e) Parameters sender object e InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType.html",
"title": "Enum InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BigInt = 203 BigSerial = 230 Binary = 215 Blob = 110 Boolean = 126 Byte = 11 Char = 0 Char1 = 1001 Clob = 111 Datalink = 224 Date = 7 DateTime = 10 DbClob = 223 Decimal = 5 DecimalFloat = 228 Double = 205 DynArray = 229 Float = 3 Graphic = 218 Int8 = 17 Integer = 2 IntervalDayFraction = 1499 IntervalYearMonth = 1400 Invalid = 200 LVarChar = 101 List = 21 LongVarBinary = 217 LongVarChar = 101 LongVarGraphic = 220 Money = 8 MultiSet = 20 NChar = 15 NVarChar = 16 Null = 9 Numeric = 208 Other = 99 Real = 4 Real370 = 227 Row = 22 RowId = 225 SQLUDTFixed = 41 SQLUDTVar = 40 Serial = 6 Serial8 = 18 Set = 19 SmallFloat = 4 SmallInt = 1 SmartLOBLocator = 112 Text = 12 Time = 210 Timestamp = 211 VarBinary = 216 VarChar = 13 VarGraphic = 219 Xml = 226"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class InformixProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll public class InformixProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object InformixProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields IfxAssemblyName public const string IfxAssemblyName = \"IBM.Data.Informix\" Field Value string IfxClientNamespace public const string IfxClientNamespace = \"IBM.Data.Informix\" Field Value string IfxProviderFactoryName public const string IfxProviderFactoryName = \"IBM.Data.Informix\" Field Value string IfxTypesNamespace public const string IfxTypesNamespace = \"IBM.Data.Informix\" Field Value string Properties BlobType public Type BlobType { get; } Property Value Type ClobType public Type ClobType { get; } Property Value Type CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DB2BulkCopy public DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter? DB2BulkCopy { get; } Property Value DB2ProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type DateTimeType public Type? DateTimeType { get; } Property Value Type DecimalType public Type? DecimalType { get; } Property Value Type GetBigIntReaderMethod public string? GetBigIntReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDB2Type public Func<DbParameter, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type>? GetDB2Type { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type> GetDateTimeReaderMethod public string GetDateTimeReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDecimalReaderMethod public string? GetDecimalReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetIfxType public Func<DbParameter, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType>? GetIfxType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType> GetTimeSpanReaderMethod public string GetTimeSpanReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string InformixBulkCopy public InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter? InformixBulkCopy { get; } Property Value InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter IsIDSProvider IDS or SQLI provider. public bool IsIDSProvider { get; } Property Value bool MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type ProviderTypesNamespace public string ProviderTypesNamespace { get; } Property Value string SetDB2Type public Action<DbParameter, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type>? SetDB2Type { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Type> SetIfxType public Action<DbParameter, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType>? SetIfxType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType> TimeSpanFactory public Func<TimeSpan, object>? TimeSpanFactory { get; } Property Value Func<TimeSpan, object> TimeSpanType public Type? TimeSpanType { get; } Property Value Type TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods GetInstance(string) public static InformixProviderAdapter GetInstance(string name) Parameters name string Returns InformixProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.InformixTools.html",
"title": "Class InformixTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InformixTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Assembly linq2db.dll public static class InformixTools Inheritance object InformixTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use InformixOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType Methods CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, string? providerName = null) Parameters connection DbConnection providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, string? providerName = null) Parameters transaction DbTransaction providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, string? providerName = null) Parameters connectionString string providerName string Returns DataConnection GetDataProvider(string?) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(string? providerName = null) Parameters providerName string Returns IDataProvider"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Informix Classes InformixConfiguration InformixDataProvider InformixOptions InformixProviderAdapter InformixProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection InformixProviderAdapter.IfxConnection InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs InformixTools Enums InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyOptions InformixProviderAdapter.IfxType Delegates InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MultipleRowsHelper-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MultipleRowsHelper-1.html",
"title": "Class MultipleRowsHelper<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MultipleRowsHelper<T> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class MultipleRowsHelper<T> : MultipleRowsHelper where T : notnull Type Parameters T Inheritance object MultipleRowsHelper MultipleRowsHelper<T> Inherited Members MultipleRowsHelper.SqlBuilder MultipleRowsHelper.OriginalContext MultipleRowsHelper.DataConnection MultipleRowsHelper.MappingSchema MultipleRowsHelper.Options MultipleRowsHelper.Descriptor MultipleRowsHelper.Columns MultipleRowsHelper.ColumnTypes MultipleRowsHelper.TableName MultipleRowsHelper.ParameterName MultipleRowsHelper.Parameters MultipleRowsHelper.StringBuilder MultipleRowsHelper.RowsCopied MultipleRowsHelper.CurrentCount MultipleRowsHelper.ParameterIndex MultipleRowsHelper.HeaderSize MultipleRowsHelper.BatchSize MultipleRowsHelper.LastRowStringIndex MultipleRowsHelper.LastRowParameterIndex MultipleRowsHelper.SuppressCloseAfterUse MultipleRowsHelper.SetHeader() MultipleRowsHelper.BuildColumns(object, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>, bool, bool, bool, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>) MultipleRowsHelper.Execute() MultipleRowsHelper.ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MultipleRowsHelper(ITable<T>, DataOptions) public MultipleRowsHelper(ITable<T> table, DataOptions options) Parameters table ITable<T> options DataOptions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MultipleRowsHelper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MultipleRowsHelper.html",
"title": "Class MultipleRowsHelper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MultipleRowsHelper Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class MultipleRowsHelper Inheritance object MultipleRowsHelper Derived MultipleRowsHelper<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MultipleRowsHelper(IDataContext, DataOptions, Type) protected MultipleRowsHelper(IDataContext dataConnection, DataOptions options, Type entityType) Parameters dataConnection IDataContext options DataOptions entityType Type Fields BatchSize public int BatchSize Field Value int ColumnTypes public readonly SqlDataType[] ColumnTypes Field Value SqlDataType[] Columns public readonly ColumnDescriptor[] Columns Field Value ColumnDescriptor[] CurrentCount public int CurrentCount Field Value int DataConnection public readonly DataConnection DataConnection Field Value DataConnection Descriptor public readonly EntityDescriptor Descriptor Field Value EntityDescriptor HeaderSize public int HeaderSize Field Value int LastRowParameterIndex public int LastRowParameterIndex Field Value int LastRowStringIndex public int LastRowStringIndex Field Value int MappingSchema public readonly MappingSchema MappingSchema Field Value MappingSchema Options public readonly DataOptions Options Field Value DataOptions OriginalContext public readonly IDataContext OriginalContext Field Value IDataContext ParameterIndex public int ParameterIndex Field Value int ParameterName public readonly string ParameterName Field Value string Parameters public readonly List<DataParameter> Parameters Field Value List<DataParameter> RowsCopied public readonly BulkCopyRowsCopied RowsCopied Field Value BulkCopyRowsCopied SqlBuilder public readonly ISqlBuilder SqlBuilder Field Value ISqlBuilder StringBuilder public readonly StringBuilder StringBuilder Field Value StringBuilder TableName public string? TableName Field Value string Properties SuppressCloseAfterUse public bool SuppressCloseAfterUse { get; set; } Property Value bool Methods BuildColumns(object, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>?, bool, bool, bool, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>?) public virtual void BuildColumns(object item, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>? skipConvert = null, bool castParameters = false, bool castAllRows = false, bool castFirstRowLiteralOnUnionAll = false, Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool>? castLiteral = null) Parameters item object skipConvert Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool> castParameters bool castAllRows bool castFirstRowLiteralOnUnionAll bool castLiteral Func<ColumnDescriptor, bool> Execute() public bool Execute() Returns bool ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken) public Task<bool> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> SetHeader() public void SetHeader()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.IMySqlExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.IMySqlExtensions.html",
"title": "Interface IMySqlExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMySqlExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IMySqlExtensions Extension Methods MySqlExtensions.Match(IMySqlExtensions?, MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier, string, params object?[]) MySqlExtensions.Match(IMySqlExtensions?, string, params object?[]) MySqlExtensions.MatchRelevance(IMySqlExtensions?, MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier, string, params object?[]) MySqlExtensions.MatchRelevance(IMySqlExtensions?, string, params object?[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.IMySqlSpecificQueryable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.IMySqlSpecificQueryable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IMySqlSpecificQueryable<out TSource> : IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IQueryable, IEnumerable Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.Expression IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider Extension Methods MySqlHints.BatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.BatchedKeyAccessInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.BkaHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.BkaInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.BlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.BlockNestedLoopInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.BnlHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.BnlInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.DerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.DerivedConditionPushDownInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.ForShareHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.ForShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.ForShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.ForUpdateHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.ForUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.ForUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.HashJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.HashJoinInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.JoinFixedOrderHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.JoinFixedOrderInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.JoinOrderHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.JoinOrderInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.JoinPrefixHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.JoinPrefixInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.JoinSuffixHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.JoinSuffixInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.LockInShareModeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.MaxExecutionTimeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) MySqlHints.MergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.MergeInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoBatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.NoBatchedKeyAccessInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoBkaHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.NoBkaInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoBlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.NoBlockNestedLoopInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoBnlHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.NoBnlInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoDerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.NoDerivedConditionPushDownInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoHashJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.NoHashJoinInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoMergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.NoMergeInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoSemiJoinHintWithQueryBlock<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoSemiJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.QueryBlockHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) MySqlHints.QueryHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) MySqlHints.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) MySqlHints.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) MySqlHints.ResourceGroupHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) MySqlHints.SemiJoinHintWithQueryBlock<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.SemiJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.SetVarHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) MySqlHints.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) MySqlHints.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) MySqlHints.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) MySqlHints.SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, string, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) MySqlHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) MySqlHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.IMySqlSpecificTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.IMySqlSpecificTable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IMySqlSpecificTable<out TSource> : ITable<TSource>, IExpressionQuery<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where TSource : notnull Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members ITable<TSource>.ServerName ITable<TSource>.DatabaseName ITable<TSource>.SchemaName ITable<TSource>.TableName ITable<TSource>.TableOptions ITable<TSource>.TableID IExpressionQuery<TSource>.Expression IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods MySqlHints.BatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.BkaHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.BlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.BnlHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.DerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.ForceIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.ForceIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.ForceIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.ForceIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.ForceKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.ForceKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.ForceKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.ForceKeyHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.GroupIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.HashJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.IgnoreIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IgnoreIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IgnoreIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IgnoreIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IgnoreKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IgnoreKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IgnoreKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IgnoreKeyHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.IndexMergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.JoinFixedOrderHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.JoinIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.JoinOrderHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.JoinPrefixHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.JoinSuffixHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.MergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.MrrHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoBatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoBkaHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoBlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoBnlHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoDerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoGroupIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoHashJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoIcpHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoIndexMergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoJoinIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoMergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) MySqlHints.NoMrrHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoOrderIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoRangeOptimizationHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.NoSkipScanHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.OrderIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.SkipScanHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, string, params Sql.SqlID[]) MySqlHints.TableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string) MySqlHints.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) MySqlHints.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) MySqlHints.TableIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string) MySqlHints.TableIndexHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) MySqlHints.TableIndexHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) MySqlHints.UseIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.UseIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.UseIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.UseIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.UseKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.UseKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.UseKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) MySqlHints.UseKeyHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class MySqlDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class MySqlDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter> MySqlDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<MySqlProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MySqlDataProvider(string) protected MySqlDataProvider(string name) Parameters name string Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier.html",
"title": "Enum MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll Search modifier for MATCH AGAINST full-text search predicate. public enum MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Boolean = 1 Applies 'IN BOOLEAN MODE' (default value) search modifier. NaturalLanguage = 0 Applies 'IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE' (default value) search modifier. WithQueryExpansion = 2 Applies 'IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE WITH QUERY EXPANSION'/'WITH QUERY EXPANSION' search modifier."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlExtensions.html",
"title": "Class MySqlExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MySqlExtensions Inheritance object MySqlExtensions Methods Match(IMySqlExtensions?, MatchModifier, string, params object?[]) Applies full-text search condition using MATCH AGAINST predicate against specified full-text columns using specified search modifier. Example: MATCH(col1, col2) AGAINST('search query' MODIFIER). [Sql.Extension(\"MATCH({columns, ', '}) AGAINST ({search}{modifier?})\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(MySqlExtensions.ModifierBuilder))] public static bool Match(this IMySqlExtensions? ext, MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier modifier, string search, params object?[] columns) Parameters ext IMySqlExtensions Extension point. modifier MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier Search modifier. search string Full-text search condition. columns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. Match(IMySqlExtensions?, string, params object?[]) Applies full-text search condition using MATCH AGAINST predicate against specified full-text columns using default mode (IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE). Example: MATCH(col1, col2) AGAINST('search query'). [Sql.Extension(\"MATCH({columns, ', '}) AGAINST ({search})\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true)] public static bool Match(this IMySqlExtensions? ext, string search, params object?[] columns) Parameters ext IMySqlExtensions Extension point. search string Full-text search condition. columns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. MatchRelevance(IMySqlExtensions?, MatchModifier, string, params object?[]) Calculates relevance of full-text search for current record using MATCH AGAINST predicate against specified full-text columns using specified search modifier. Example: MATCH(col1, col2) AGAINST('search query' MODIFIER). [Sql.Extension(\"MATCH({columns, ', '}) AGAINST ({search}{modifier?})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(MySqlExtensions.ModifierBuilder))] public static double MatchRelevance(this IMySqlExtensions? ext, MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier modifier, string search, params object?[] columns) Parameters ext IMySqlExtensions Extension point. modifier MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier Search modifier. search string Full-text search condition. columns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried. Returns double Returns full-text search relevance value for current record. MatchRelevance(IMySqlExtensions?, string, params object?[]) Calculates relevance of full-text search for current record using MATCH AGAINST predicate against specified full-text columns using default mode (IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE). Example: MATCH(col1, col2) AGAINST('search query'). [Sql.Extension(\"MATCH({columns, ', '}) AGAINST ({search})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static double MatchRelevance(this IMySqlExtensions? ext, string search, params object?[] columns) Parameters ext IMySqlExtensions Extension point. search string Full-text search condition. columns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried. Returns double Returns full-text search relevance value for current record. MySql(ISqlExtension?) public static IMySqlExtensions? MySql(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns IMySqlExtensions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlHints.Query.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlHints.Query.html",
"title": "Class MySqlHints.Query | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlHints.Query Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MySqlHints.Query Inheritance object MySqlHints.Query Fields BatchedKeyAccess public const string BatchedKeyAccess = \"BKA\" Field Value string Bka public const string Bka = \"BKA\" Field Value string BlockNestedLoop public const string BlockNestedLoop = \"BNL\" Field Value string Bnl public const string Bnl = \"BNL\" Field Value string DerivedConditionPushDown public const string DerivedConditionPushDown = \"DERIVED_CONDITION_PUSHDOWN\" Field Value string HashJoin public const string HashJoin = \"HASH_JOIN\" Field Value string JoinFixedOrder public const string JoinFixedOrder = \"JOIN_FIXED_ORDER\" Field Value string JoinOrder public const string JoinOrder = \"JOIN_ORDER\" Field Value string JoinPrefix public const string JoinPrefix = \"JOIN_PREFIX\" Field Value string JoinSuffix public const string JoinSuffix = \"JOIN_SUFFIX\" Field Value string Merge public const string Merge = \"MERGE\" Field Value string NoBatchedKeyAccess public const string NoBatchedKeyAccess = \"NO_BKA\" Field Value string NoBka public const string NoBka = \"NO_BKA\" Field Value string NoBlockNestedLoop public const string NoBlockNestedLoop = \"NO_BNL\" Field Value string NoBnl public const string NoBnl = \"NO_BNL\" Field Value string NoDerivedConditionPushDown public const string NoDerivedConditionPushDown = \"NO_DERIVED_CONDITION_PUSHDOWN\" Field Value string NoHashJoin public const string NoHashJoin = \"NO_HASH_JOIN\" Field Value string NoMerge public const string NoMerge = \"NO_MERGE\" Field Value string NoSemiJoin public const string NoSemiJoin = \"NO_SEMIJOIN\" Field Value string ResourceGroup public const string ResourceGroup = \"RESOURCE_GROUP\" Field Value string SemiJoin public const string SemiJoin = \"SEMIJOIN\" Field Value string SetVar public const string SetVar = \"SET_VAR\" Field Value string Methods MaxExecutionTime(int) [Sql.Expression(\"MAX_EXECUTION_TIME({0})\")] public static string MaxExecutionTime(int value) Parameters value int Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlHints.SubQuery.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlHints.SubQuery.html",
"title": "Class MySqlHints.SubQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlHints.SubQuery Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MySqlHints.SubQuery Inheritance object MySqlHints.SubQuery Fields ForShare public const string ForShare = \"FOR SHARE\" Field Value string ForUpdate public const string ForUpdate = \"FOR UPDATE\" Field Value string LockInShareMode public const string LockInShareMode = \"LOCK IN SHARE MODE\" Field Value string NoWait public const string NoWait = \"NOWAIT\" Field Value string SkipLocked public const string SkipLocked = \"SKIP LOCKED\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlHints.Table.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlHints.Table.html",
"title": "Class MySqlHints.Table | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlHints.Table Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MySqlHints.Table Inheritance object MySqlHints.Table Fields BatchedKeyAccess public const string BatchedKeyAccess = \"BKA\" Field Value string Bka public const string Bka = \"BKA\" Field Value string BlockNestedLoop public const string BlockNestedLoop = \"BNL\" Field Value string Bnl public const string Bnl = \"BNL\" Field Value string DerivedConditionPushDown public const string DerivedConditionPushDown = \"DERIVED_CONDITION_PUSHDOWN\" Field Value string ForceIndex public const string ForceIndex = \"FORCE INDEX\" Field Value string ForceIndexForGroupBy public const string ForceIndexForGroupBy = \"FORCE INDEX FOR GROUP BY\" Field Value string ForceIndexForJoin public const string ForceIndexForJoin = \"FORCE INDEX FOR JOIN\" Field Value string ForceIndexForOrderBy public const string ForceIndexForOrderBy = \"FORCE INDEX FOR ORDER BY\" Field Value string ForceKey public const string ForceKey = \"FORCE KEY\" Field Value string ForceKeyForGroupBy public const string ForceKeyForGroupBy = \"FORCE KEY FOR GROUP BY\" Field Value string ForceKeyForJoin public const string ForceKeyForJoin = \"FORCE KEY FOR JOIN\" Field Value string ForceKeyForOrderBy public const string ForceKeyForOrderBy = \"FORCE KEY FOR ORDER BY\" Field Value string GroupIndex public const string GroupIndex = \"GROUP_INDEX\" Field Value string HashJoin public const string HashJoin = \"HASH_JOIN\" Field Value string IgnoreIndex public const string IgnoreIndex = \"IGNORE INDEX\" Field Value string IgnoreIndexForGroupBy public const string IgnoreIndexForGroupBy = \"IGNORE INDEX FOR GROUP BY\" Field Value string IgnoreIndexForJoin public const string IgnoreIndexForJoin = \"IGNORE INDEX FOR JOIN\" Field Value string IgnoreIndexForOrderBy public const string IgnoreIndexForOrderBy = \"IGNORE INDEX FOR ORDER BY\" Field Value string IgnoreKey public const string IgnoreKey = \"IGNORE KEY\" Field Value string IgnoreKeyForGroupBy public const string IgnoreKeyForGroupBy = \"IGNORE KEY FOR GROUP BY\" Field Value string IgnoreKeyForJoin public const string IgnoreKeyForJoin = \"IGNORE KEY FOR JOIN\" Field Value string IgnoreKeyForOrderBy public const string IgnoreKeyForOrderBy = \"IGNORE KEY FOR ORDER BY\" Field Value string Index public const string Index = \"INDEX\" Field Value string IndexMerge public const string IndexMerge = \"INDEX_MERGE\" Field Value string JoinFixedOrder public const string JoinFixedOrder = \"JOIN_FIXED_ORDER\" Field Value string JoinIndex public const string JoinIndex = \"JOIN_INDEX\" Field Value string JoinOrder public const string JoinOrder = \"JOIN_ORDER\" Field Value string JoinPrefix public const string JoinPrefix = \"JOIN_PREFIX\" Field Value string JoinSuffix public const string JoinSuffix = \"JOIN_SUFFIX\" Field Value string Merge public const string Merge = \"MERGE\" Field Value string Mrr public const string Mrr = \"MRR\" Field Value string NoBatchedKeyAccess public const string NoBatchedKeyAccess = \"NO_BKA\" Field Value string NoBka public const string NoBka = \"NO_BKA\" Field Value string NoBlockNestedLoop public const string NoBlockNestedLoop = \"NO_BNL\" Field Value string NoBnl public const string NoBnl = \"NO_BNL\" Field Value string NoDerivedConditionPushDown public const string NoDerivedConditionPushDown = \"NO_DERIVED_CONDITION_PUSHDOWN\" Field Value string NoGroupIndex public const string NoGroupIndex = \"NO_GROUP_INDEX\" Field Value string NoHashJoin public const string NoHashJoin = \"NO_HASH_JOIN\" Field Value string NoIcp public const string NoIcp = \"NO_ICP\" Field Value string NoIndex public const string NoIndex = \"NO_INDEX\" Field Value string NoIndexMerge public const string NoIndexMerge = \"NO_INDEX_MERGE\" Field Value string NoJoinIndex public const string NoJoinIndex = \"NO_JOIN_INDEX\" Field Value string NoMerge public const string NoMerge = \"NO_MERGE\" Field Value string NoMrr public const string NoMrr = \"NO_MRR\" Field Value string NoOrderIndex public const string NoOrderIndex = \"NO_ORDER_INDEX\" Field Value string NoRangeOptimization public const string NoRangeOptimization = \"NO_RANGE_OPTIMIZATION\" Field Value string NoSkipScan public const string NoSkipScan = \"NO_SKIP_SCAN\" Field Value string OrderIndex public const string OrderIndex = \"ORDER_INDEX\" Field Value string SkipScan public const string SkipScan = \"SKIP_SCAN\" Field Value string UseIndex public const string UseIndex = \"USE INDEX\" Field Value string UseIndexForGroupBy public const string UseIndexForGroupBy = \"USE INDEX FOR GROUP BY\" Field Value string UseIndexForJoin public const string UseIndexForJoin = \"USE INDEX FOR JOIN\" Field Value string UseIndexForOrderBy public const string UseIndexForOrderBy = \"USE INDEX FOR ORDER BY\" Field Value string UseKey public const string UseKey = \"USE KEY\" Field Value string UseKeyForGroupBy public const string UseKeyForGroupBy = \"USE KEY FOR GROUP BY\" Field Value string UseKeyForJoin public const string UseKeyForJoin = \"USE KEY FOR JOIN\" Field Value string UseKeyForOrderBy public const string UseKeyForOrderBy = \"USE KEY FOR ORDER BY\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlHints.html",
"title": "Class MySqlHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlHints Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MySqlHints Inheritance object MySqlHints Methods BatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"BatchedKeyAccessHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> BatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"BatchedKeyAccessTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> BatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BatchedKeyAccessInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"BatchedKeyAccessInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> BatchedKeyAccessInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BkaHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"BkaHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> BkaHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BkaHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"BkaTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> BkaHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BkaInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"BkaInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> BkaInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"BlockNestedLoopHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> BlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"BlockNestedLoopTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> BlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BlockNestedLoopInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"BlockNestedLoopInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> BlockNestedLoopInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BnlHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"BnlHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> BnlHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BnlHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"BnlTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> BnlHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource BnlInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"BnlInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> BnlInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource DerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"DerivedConditionPushDownHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> DerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource DerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"DerivedConditionPushDownTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> DerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource DerivedConditionPushDownInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"DerivedConditionPushDownInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> DerivedConditionPushDownInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForShareHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForShareHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForShareHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForShareNoWaitHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForShareSkipLockedHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForUpdateHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForUpdateHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForUpdateHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForUpdateNoWaitHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForUpdateSkipLockedHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForceIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"ForceIndexForGroupByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> ForceIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForceIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"ForceIndexForJoinIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> ForceIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForceIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"ForceIndexForOrderByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> ForceIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForceIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"ForceIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> ForceIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForceKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"ForceKeyForGroupByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> ForceKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForceKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"ForceKeyForJoinIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> ForceKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForceKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"ForceKeyForOrderByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> ForceKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForceKeyHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"ForceKeyIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> ForceKeyHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource GroupIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"GroupIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> GroupIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource HashJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"HashJoinHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> HashJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource HashJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"HashJoinTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> HashJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource HashJoinInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"HashJoinInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> HashJoinInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IgnoreIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IgnoreIndexForGroupByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IgnoreIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IgnoreIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IgnoreIndexForJoinIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IgnoreIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IgnoreIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IgnoreIndexForOrderByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IgnoreIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IgnoreIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IgnoreIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IgnoreIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IgnoreKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IgnoreKeyForGroupByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IgnoreKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IgnoreKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IgnoreKeyForJoinIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IgnoreKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IgnoreKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IgnoreKeyForOrderByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IgnoreKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IgnoreKeyHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IgnoreKeyIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IgnoreKeyHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexMergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"IndexMergeIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> IndexMergeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinFixedOrderHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinFixedOrderHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinFixedOrderHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinFixedOrderHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinFixedOrderTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> JoinFixedOrderHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinFixedOrderInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinFixedOrderInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinFixedOrderInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> JoinIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinOrderHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinOrderHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinOrderHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinOrderHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinOrderTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> JoinOrderHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinOrderInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinOrderInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinOrderInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinPrefixHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinPrefixHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinPrefixHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinPrefixHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinPrefixTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> JoinPrefixHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinPrefixInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinPrefixInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinPrefixInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinSuffixHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinSuffixHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinSuffixHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinSuffixHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinSuffixTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> JoinSuffixHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinSuffixInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"JoinSuffixInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinSuffixInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource LockInShareModeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"LockInShareModeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> LockInShareModeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MaxExecutionTimeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"MaxExecutionTimeHintImpl2\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> MaxExecutionTimeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MergeHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> MergeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"MergeTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> MergeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MergeInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"MergeInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> MergeInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MrrHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"MrrIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> MrrHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoBatchedKeyAccessHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoBatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoBatchedKeyAccessTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoBatchedKeyAccessHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBatchedKeyAccessInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoBatchedKeyAccessInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoBatchedKeyAccessInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBkaHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoBkaHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoBkaHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBkaHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoBkaTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoBkaHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBkaInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoBkaInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoBkaInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoBlockNestedLoopHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoBlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoBlockNestedLoopTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoBlockNestedLoopHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBlockNestedLoopInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoBlockNestedLoopInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoBlockNestedLoopInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBnlHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoBnlHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoBnlHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBnlHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoBnlTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoBnlHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoBnlInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoBnlInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoBnlInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoDerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoDerivedConditionPushDownHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoDerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoDerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoDerivedConditionPushDownTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoDerivedConditionPushDownHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoDerivedConditionPushDownInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoDerivedConditionPushDownInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoDerivedConditionPushDownInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoGroupIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoGroupIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoGroupIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoHashJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoHashJoinHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoHashJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoHashJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoHashJoinTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoHashJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoHashJoinInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoHashJoinInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoHashJoinInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoIcpHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoIcpIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoIcpHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoIndexMergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoIndexMergeIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoIndexMergeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoJoinIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoJoinIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoJoinIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoMergeHintImpl4\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoMergeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMergeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoMergeTableHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoMergeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMergeInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoMergeInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoMergeInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMrrHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoMrrIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoMrrHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoOrderIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoOrderIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoOrderIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoRangeOptimizationHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoRangeOptimizationIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoRangeOptimizationHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoSemiJoinHintWithQueryBlock<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoSemiJoinHintWithQueryBlockImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoSemiJoinHintWithQueryBlock<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params string[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> values string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoSemiJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoSemiJoinHintImpl5\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoSemiJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params string[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> values string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoSkipScanHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"NoSkipScanIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> NoSkipScanHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OrderIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"OrderIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> OrderIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource QueryBlockHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder), \" \", \", \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryBlockHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added to join in generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. QueryHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Hint parameter. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Hint parameter type QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Table-like query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. ResourceGroupHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"ResourceGroupHintImpl3\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> ResourceGroupHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> value string Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SemiJoinHintWithQueryBlock<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"SemiJoinHintWithQueryBlockImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> SemiJoinHintWithQueryBlock<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params string[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> values string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SemiJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"SemiJoinHintImpl5\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> SemiJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params string[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> values string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SetVarHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"SetVarHintImpl3\")] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> SetVarHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> value string Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SkipScanHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"SkipScanIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> SkipScanHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SubQueryHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> SubQueryHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Hint parameter. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Hint parameter type SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Table-like query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params SqlID[]) Adds subquery hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(MySqlHints.SubQueryTableHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added to join in generated query. tableIDs SqlID[] Table IDs. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, string, params SqlID[]) Adds subquery hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(MySqlHints.SubQueryTableHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, string hint2, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added to join in generated query. hint2 string NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED tableIDs SqlID[] Table IDs. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params SqlID[]) Adds subquery hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(MySqlHints.SubQueryTableHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added to join in generated query. tableIDs SqlID[] Table IDs. Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, string, params SqlID[]) Adds subquery hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(MySqlHints.SubQueryTableHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, string hint2, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added to join in generated query. hint2 string NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED tableIDs SqlID[] Table IDs. Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TableHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \", \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string) Adds an index hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> TableIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with index hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TableIndexHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds an index hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> TableIndexHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with index hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableIndexHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds an index hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> TableIndexHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with index hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \", \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params object[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters object[] Table hint parameters. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(this IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. UseIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"UseIndexForGroupByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> UseIndexForGroupByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"UseIndexForJoinIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> UseIndexForJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"UseIndexForOrderByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> UseIndexForOrderByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseIndexHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"UseIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> UseIndexHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"UseKeyForGroupByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> UseKeyForGroupByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"UseKeyForJoinIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> UseKeyForJoinHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"UseKeyForOrderByIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> UseKeyForOrderByHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseKeyHint<TSource>(IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"MySql\", \"UseKeyIndexHintImpl\")] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> UseKeyHint<TSource>(this IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlOptions.html",
"title": "Class MySqlOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record MySqlOptions : DataProviderOptions<MySqlOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<MySqlOptions>>, IEquatable<MySqlOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<MySqlOptions> MySqlOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<MySqlOptions>> IEquatable<MySqlOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<MySqlOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<MySqlOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MySqlOptions() public MySqlOptions() MySqlOptions(BulkCopyType) public MySqlOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for MySql by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(MySqlOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(MySqlOptions? other) Parameters other MySqlOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter.html",
"title": "Class MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public class MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Inheritance object MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlProviderAdapter.MySqlProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlProviderAdapter.MySqlProvider.html",
"title": "Enum MySqlProviderAdapter.MySqlProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum MySqlProviderAdapter.MySqlProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public enum MySqlProviderAdapter.MySqlProvider Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields MySqlConnector = 1 MySqlData = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class MySqlProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class MySqlProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object MySqlProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields MySqlConnectorAssemblyName public const string MySqlConnectorAssemblyName = \"MySqlConnector\" Field Value string MySqlConnectorNamespace public const string MySqlConnectorNamespace = \"MySqlConnector\" Field Value string MySqlConnectorTypesNamespace public const string MySqlConnectorTypesNamespace = \"MySqlConnector\" Field Value string MySqlDataAssemblyName public const string MySqlDataAssemblyName = \"MySql.Data\" Field Value string MySqlDataClientNamespace public const string MySqlDataClientNamespace = \"MySql.Data.MySqlClient\" Field Value string MySqlDataTypesNamespace public const string MySqlDataTypesNamespace = \"MySql.Data.Types\" Field Value string OldMySqlConnectorNamespace public const string OldMySqlConnectorNamespace = \"MySql.Data.MySqlClient\" Field Value string OldMySqlConnectorTypesNamespace public const string OldMySqlConnectorTypesNamespace = \"MySql.Data.Types\" Field Value string Properties BulkCopy public MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter? BulkCopy { get; protected set; } Property Value MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type GetDateOnlyMethodName public string? GetDateOnlyMethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetDateTimeOffsetMethodName MySqlConnector-only. public string? GetDateTimeOffsetMethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetDbType Returns object, because both providers use different enums and we anyway don't need typed value. public Func<DbParameter, object> GetDbType { get; protected set; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, object> GetMySqlDateTimeMethodName public string GetMySqlDateTimeMethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetMySqlDecimalMethodName Not supported by MySqlConnector prior to 2.1.0. public string? GetMySqlDecimalMethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetSByteMethodName public string? GetSByteMethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetTimeOnlyMethodName public string? GetTimeOnlyMethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetTimeSpanMethodName public string? GetTimeSpanMethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetUInt16MethodName public string? GetUInt16MethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetUInt32MethodName public string? GetUInt32MethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string GetUInt64MethodName public string? GetUInt64MethodName { get; protected set; } Property Value string IsDateOnlySupported public bool IsDateOnlySupported { get; protected set; } Property Value bool IsPackageProceduresSupported public abstract bool IsPackageProceduresSupported { get; } Property Value bool MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; protected set; } Property Value MappingSchema MySqlDateTimeType public Type MySqlDateTimeType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type MySqlDecimalGetter Not needed for MySqlConnector as it supports MySqlDecimal parameters. public Func<object, string>? MySqlDecimalGetter { get; protected set; } Property Value Func<object, string> MySqlDecimalType Not supported by MySqlConnector prior to 2.1.0. public Type? MySqlDecimalType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type MySqlGeometryType public Type MySqlGeometryType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type ProviderType public MySqlProviderAdapter.MySqlProvider ProviderType { get; protected set; } Property Value MySqlProviderAdapter.MySqlProvider ProviderTypesNamespace public string ProviderTypesNamespace { get; protected set; } Property Value string TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type Methods GetInstance(string) public static MySqlProviderAdapter GetInstance(string name) Parameters name string Returns MySqlProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.MySqlTools.html",
"title": "Class MySqlTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MySqlTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MySqlTools Inheritance object MySqlTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use MySqlOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType DetectedProviderName public static string DetectedProviderName { get; } Property Value string Methods AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> AsMySql<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> AsMySql<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Returns IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, string? providerName = null) Parameters connection DbConnection providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, string? providerName = null) Parameters transaction DbTransaction providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, string? providerName = null) Parameters connectionString string providerName string Returns DataConnection GetDataProvider(string?) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(string? providerName = null) Parameters providerName string Returns IDataProvider ResolveMySql(Assembly) public static void ResolveMySql(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolveMySql(string, string?) public static void ResolveMySql(string path, string? assemblyName) Parameters path string assemblyName string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.MySql Classes MySqlDataProvider MySqlExtensions MySqlHints MySqlHints.Query MySqlHints.SubQuery MySqlHints.Table MySqlOptions MySqlProviderAdapter MySqlProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter MySqlTools Interfaces IMySqlExtensions IMySqlSpecificQueryable<TSource> IMySqlSpecificTable<TSource> Enums MySqlExtensions.MatchModifier Search modifier for MATCH AGAINST full-text search predicate. MySqlProviderAdapter.MySqlProvider"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.NoopQueryParametersNormalizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.NoopQueryParametersNormalizer.html",
"title": "Class NoopQueryParametersNormalizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NoopQueryParametersNormalizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll No-op query parameter normalization policy. Could be used for providers with positional nameless parameters or providers without database support. public sealed class NoopQueryParametersNormalizer : IQueryParametersNormalizer Inheritance object NoopQueryParametersNormalizer Implements IQueryParametersNormalizer Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Instance public static readonly IQueryParametersNormalizer Instance Field Value IQueryParametersNormalizer Methods Normalize(string?) Normalize parameter name and return normalized name. public string? Normalize(string? originalName) Parameters originalName string Original parameter name. Returns string Normalized parameter name."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType.html",
"title": "Enum OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BigInt = 1 Binary = 2 Bit = 3 Char = 4 Date = 23 DateTime = 5 Decimal = 6 Double = 8 Image = 9 Int = 10 NChar = 11 NText = 12 NVarChar = 13 Numeric = 7 Real = 14 SmallDateTime = 16 SmallInt = 17 Text = 18 Time = 24 Timestamp = 19 TinyInt = 20 UniqueIdentifier = 15 VarBinary = 21 VarChar = 22"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OdbcProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OdbcProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class OdbcProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OdbcProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class OdbcProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object OdbcProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AssemblyName public const string AssemblyName = \"System.Data.Odbc\" Field Value string ClientNamespace public const string ClientNamespace = \"System.Data.Odbc\" Field Value string Properties CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type GetDbType public Func<DbParameter, OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType> GetDbType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType> ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType> TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods GetInstance() public static OdbcProviderAdapter GetInstance() Returns OdbcProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OleDbProviderAdapter.ColumnFlags.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OleDbProviderAdapter.ColumnFlags.html",
"title": "Enum OleDbProviderAdapter.ColumnFlags | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum OleDbProviderAdapter.ColumnFlags Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll DBCOLUMNFLAGS OLE DB enumeration. [Flags] public enum OleDbProviderAdapter.ColumnFlags : long Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields CacheDeferred = 1024 IsBookmark = 1 IsCollection = 32768 IsDefaultStream = 16384 IsFixedLength = 16 IsLong = 128 IsNullable = 32 IsRow = 262144 IsRowId = 256 IsRowUrl = 8192 IsRowVer = 512 IsRowset = 131072 IsStream = 65536 MayBeNull = 64 MayDefer = 2 Reserved = 4096 RowSpecificColumn = 524288 ScaleIsNegative = 2048 Write = 4 WriteUnknown = 8"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType.html",
"title": "Enum OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BSTR = 8 BigInt = 20 Binary = 128 Boolean = 11 Char = 129 Currency = 6 DBDate = 133 DBTime = 134 DBTimeStamp = 135 Date = 7 Decimal = 14 Double = 5 Empty = 0 Error = 10 Filetime = 64 Guid = 72 IDispatch = 9 IUnknown = 13 Integer = 3 LongVarBinary = 205 LongVarChar = 201 LongVarWChar = 203 Numeric = 131 PropVariant = 138 Single = 4 SmallInt = 2 TinyInt = 16 UnsignedBigInt = 21 UnsignedInt = 19 UnsignedSmallInt = 18 UnsignedTinyInt = 17 VarBinary = 204 VarChar = 200 VarNumeric = 139 VarWChar = 202 Variant = 12 WChar = 130"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OleDbProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.OleDbProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class OleDbProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OleDbProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class OleDbProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object OleDbProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AssemblyName public const string AssemblyName = \"System.Data.OleDb\" Field Value string ClientNamespace public const string ClientNamespace = \"System.Data.OleDb\" Field Value string Properties CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type GetDbType public Func<DbParameter, OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType> GetDbType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType> GetOleDbSchemaTable public Func<DbConnection, Guid, object[]?, DataTable> GetOleDbSchemaTable { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, Guid, object[], DataTable> ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType> TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods GetInstance() public static OleDbProviderAdapter GetInstance() Returns OleDbProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.AlternativeBulkCopy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.AlternativeBulkCopy.html",
"title": "Enum AlternativeBulkCopy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum AlternativeBulkCopy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll Defines type of multi-row INSERT operation to generate for RowByRow bulk copy mode. public enum AlternativeBulkCopy Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields InsertAll = 0 This mode generates INSERT ALL statement. Note that INSERT ALL doesn't support sequences and will use single generated value for all rows. INSERT ALL INTO target_table VALUES(/*row data*/) ... INTO target_table VALUES(/*row data*/) InsertDual = 2 This mode generates INSERT ... SELECT statement. INSERT INTO target_table(/*columns*/) SELECT /*row data*/ FROM DUAL UNION ALL ... UNION ALL SELECT /*row data*/ FROM DUAL InsertInto = 1 This mode performs regular INSERT INTO query with array of values for each column. INSERT INTO target_table(/*columns*/) VALUES(:column1ArrayParameter, ..., :columnXArrayParameter)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.IOracleSpecificQueryable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.IOracleSpecificQueryable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IOracleSpecificQueryable<out TSource> : IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IQueryable, IEnumerable Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.Expression IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider Extension Methods OracleHints.AllRowsHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.AppendHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.AppendValuesHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.CacheInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.ClusterInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.ClusteringHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.ContainersHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.CursorSharingExactHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.DisableParallelDmlHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.DrivingSiteInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.EnableParallelDmlHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.FactInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.FirstRowsHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) OracleHints.FreshMVHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.FreshMaterializedViewHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.FullInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.GroupingHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.HashInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.InMemoryInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.InMemoryPruningInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.LeadingHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.MergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.MergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.MergeInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.ModelMinAnalysisHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.MonitorHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NativeFullOuterJoinHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoAppendHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoCacheInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoClusteringHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoExpandHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoExpandHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.NoFactInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoInMemoryInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoInMemoryPruningInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.NoMergeInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoMonitorHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoNativeFullOuterJoinHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoPQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoPQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.NoPQSkewInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoParallelInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.NoPushPredicateInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoPushSubQueriesHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.NoPxJoinFilterInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoQueryTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoRewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoRewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.NoStarTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoStarTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.NoUnnestHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoUnnestHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.NoUseBandHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.NoUseCubeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.NoUseHashHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.NoUseMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.NoUseNLHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.NoUseNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.NoXmlIndexRewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoXmlQueryRewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.OptParamHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.OrderedHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.PQFilterHashHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PQFilterNoneHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PQFilterRandomHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PQFilterSerialHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PQSkewInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.ParallelAutoHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.ParallelDefaultHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.ParallelHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.ParallelHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) OracleHints.ParallelManualHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.PushPredicateInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.PushSubQueriesHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.PxJoinFilterInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.QueryHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) OracleHints.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) OracleHints.RewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.RewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.StarTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.StarTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) OracleHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) OracleHints.UnnestHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.UnnestHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.UseBandHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.UseConcatHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) OracleHints.UseConcatHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.UseCubeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.UseHashHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.UseMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.UseNLHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) OracleHints.UseNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.IOracleSpecificTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.IOracleSpecificTable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IOracleSpecificTable<out TSource> : ITable<TSource>, IExpressionQuery<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where TSource : notnull Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members ITable<TSource>.ServerName ITable<TSource>.DatabaseName ITable<TSource>.SchemaName ITable<TSource>.TableName ITable<TSource>.TableOptions ITable<TSource>.TableID IExpressionQuery<TSource>.Expression IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods OracleHints.CacheHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.ClusterHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.DrivingSiteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.DynamicSamplingHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, int) OracleHints.FactHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.FullHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.HashHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.InMemoryHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.InMemoryPruningHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.IndexAscHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexCombineHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexDescHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexFFSHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexFastFullScanHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexJoinHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexSSAscHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexSSDescHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexSSHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexSkipScanAscHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexSkipScanDescHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.IndexSkipScanHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.MergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoCacheHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoFactHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoInMemoryHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoInMemoryPruningHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoIndexFFSHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.NoIndexFastFullScanHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.NoIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.NoIndexSSHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.NoIndexSkipScanHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.NoMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoPQSkewHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoParallelHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoParallelIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params object[]) OracleHints.NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.NoPxJoinFilterHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.PQDistributeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, string, string) OracleHints.PQSkewHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.ParallelDefaultHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.ParallelHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, int) OracleHints.ParallelIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params object[]) OracleHints.PushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.PxJoinFilterHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) OracleHints.TableHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, string) OracleHints.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) OracleHints.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) OracleHints.UseNLWithIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) OracleHints.UseNestedLoopWithIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.Oracle11ParametersNormalizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.Oracle11ParametersNormalizer.html",
"title": "Class Oracle11ParametersNormalizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Oracle11ParametersNormalizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class Oracle11ParametersNormalizer : Oracle122ParametersNormalizer, IQueryParametersNormalizer Inheritance object UniqueParametersNormalizer Oracle122ParametersNormalizer Oracle11ParametersNormalizer Implements IQueryParametersNormalizer Inherited Members UniqueParametersNormalizer.Normalize(string) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties MaxLength protected override int MaxLength { get; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.Oracle11SqlOptimizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.Oracle11SqlOptimizer.html",
"title": "Class Oracle11SqlOptimizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Oracle11SqlOptimizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public class Oracle11SqlOptimizer : BasicSqlOptimizer, ISqlOptimizer Inheritance object BasicSqlOptimizer Oracle11SqlOptimizer Implements ISqlOptimizer Derived Oracle12SqlOptimizer Inherited Members BasicSqlOptimizer.SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlOptimizer.CorrectUnionOrderBy(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.FixSetOperationNulls(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeUpdateSubqueries(SqlStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.FixEmptySelect(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.HasParameters(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertCountSubQuery(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.CreateSqlValue(object, SqlBinaryExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.CreateSqlValue(object, DbDataType, params ISqlExpression[]) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeExpression(ISqlExpression, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeFunction(SqlFunction, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizePredicate(ISqlPredicate, EvaluationContext, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeRowExprExpr(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeRowInList(SqlPredicate.InList) BasicSqlOptimizer.RowIsNullFallback(SqlRow, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.RowComparisonFallback(SqlPredicate.Operator, SqlRow, SqlRow, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertBetweenPredicate(SqlPredicate.Between) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeQueryElement(ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement, OptimizationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement, OptimizationContext, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.CanCompareSearchConditions BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeEscapeCharacter BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeWildcardCharacter BasicSqlOptimizer.LikePatternParameterSupport BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeValueParameterSupport BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeIsEscapeSupported BasicSqlOptimizer.StandardLikeCharactersToEscape BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikeCharacters(string, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.GenerateEscapeReplacement(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikePattern(string) BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikeCharacters(ISqlExpression, ref ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertLikePredicate(MappingSchema, SqlPredicate.Like, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertSearchStringPredicateViaLike(SqlPredicate.SearchString, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertSearchStringPredicate(SqlPredicate.SearchString, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertInListPredicate(MappingSchema, SqlPredicate.InList, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertCoalesceToBinaryFunc(SqlFunction, string, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxLength(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxPrecision(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxScale(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxDisplaySize(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertConversion(SqlFunction) BasicSqlOptimizer.AlternativeConvertToBoolean(SqlFunction, DataOptions, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertBooleanExprToCase(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsSmallDateTimeType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateTime2Type(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateTimeType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateDataOffsetType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.FloorBeforeConvert(SqlFunction) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeDelete(SqlDeleteStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMainTableSource(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsAggregationFunction(IQueryElement) BasicSqlOptimizer.NeedsEnvelopingForUpdate(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeUpdate(SqlUpdateStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.FindUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlTable) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeUpdatePostgreSqlite(SqlUpdateStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.CorrectUpdateTable(SqlUpdateStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.CheckAliases(SqlStatement, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Inc(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Dec(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeJoins(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsParameterDependedQuery(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsParameterDependent(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.FinalizeStatement(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeAggregates(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertSkipTake(MappingSchema, DataOptions, SelectQuery, OptimizationContext, out ISqlExpression, out ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.SeparateDistinctFromPagination(SqlStatement, Func<SelectQuery, bool>) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber(SqlStatement, bool, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber<TContext>(TContext, SqlStatement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, bool>, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceDistinctOrderByWithRowNumber(SqlStatement, Func<SelectQuery, bool>) BasicSqlOptimizer.TryConvertToValue(ISqlExpression, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsBooleanParameter(ISqlExpression, int, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertFunctionParameters(SqlFunction, bool) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors Oracle11SqlOptimizer(SqlProviderFlags) public Oracle11SqlOptimizer(SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags Fields OracleLikeCharactersToEscape protected static string[] OracleLikeCharactersToEscape Field Value string[] Properties LikeCharactersToEscape Characters with special meaning in LIKE predicate (defined by LikeCharactersToEscape) that should be escaped to be used as matched character. Default: [\"%\", \"_\", \"?\", \"*\", \"#\", \"[\", \"]\"]. public override string[] LikeCharactersToEscape { get; } Property Value string[] Methods ConvertExpressionImpl(ISqlExpression, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public override ISqlExpression ConvertExpressionImpl(ISqlExpression expression, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor) Parameters expression ISqlExpression visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlExpression ConvertFunction(SqlFunction) protected override ISqlExpression ConvertFunction(SqlFunction func) Parameters func SqlFunction Returns ISqlExpression ConvertPredicateImpl(ISqlPredicate, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public override ISqlPredicate ConvertPredicateImpl(ISqlPredicate predicate, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor) Parameters predicate ISqlPredicate visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlPredicate Finalize(MappingSchema, SqlStatement, DataOptions) Finalizes query. public override SqlStatement Finalize(MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement Query which is ready for optimization. IsParameterDependedElement(IQueryElement) public override bool IsParameterDependedElement(IQueryElement element) Parameters element IQueryElement Returns bool ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNum(SqlStatement, bool) Replaces Take/Skip by ROWNUM usage. See 'Pagination with ROWNUM' for more information. protected SqlStatement ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNum(SqlStatement statement, bool onlySubqueries) Parameters statement SqlStatement Statement which may contain take/skip modifiers. onlySubqueries bool Indicates when transformation needed only for subqueries. Returns SqlStatement The same statement or modified statement when optimization has been performed. TransformStatement(SqlStatement, DataOptions) Used for correcting statement and should return new statement if changes were made. public override SqlStatement TransformStatement(SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.Oracle122ParametersNormalizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.Oracle122ParametersNormalizer.html",
"title": "Class Oracle122ParametersNormalizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Oracle122ParametersNormalizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public class Oracle122ParametersNormalizer : UniqueParametersNormalizer, IQueryParametersNormalizer Inheritance object UniqueParametersNormalizer Oracle122ParametersNormalizer Implements IQueryParametersNormalizer Derived Oracle11ParametersNormalizer Inherited Members UniqueParametersNormalizer.Comparer UniqueParametersNormalizer.DefaultName UniqueParametersNormalizer.CounterSeparator UniqueParametersNormalizer.MaxLength UniqueParametersNormalizer.MakeValidName(string) UniqueParametersNormalizer.IsValidFirstCharacter(char) UniqueParametersNormalizer.IsValidCharacter(char) UniqueParametersNormalizer.Normalize(string) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods IsReserved(string) protected override bool IsReserved(string name) Parameters name string Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.Oracle12SqlOptimizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.Oracle12SqlOptimizer.html",
"title": "Class Oracle12SqlOptimizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Oracle12SqlOptimizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public class Oracle12SqlOptimizer : Oracle11SqlOptimizer, ISqlOptimizer Inheritance object BasicSqlOptimizer Oracle11SqlOptimizer Oracle12SqlOptimizer Implements ISqlOptimizer Inherited Members Oracle11SqlOptimizer.Finalize(MappingSchema, SqlStatement, DataOptions) Oracle11SqlOptimizer.OracleLikeCharactersToEscape Oracle11SqlOptimizer.LikeCharactersToEscape Oracle11SqlOptimizer.IsParameterDependedElement(IQueryElement) Oracle11SqlOptimizer.ConvertPredicateImpl(ISqlPredicate, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) Oracle11SqlOptimizer.ConvertExpressionImpl(ISqlExpression, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) Oracle11SqlOptimizer.ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNum(SqlStatement, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlOptimizer.CorrectUnionOrderBy(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.FixSetOperationNulls(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeUpdateSubqueries(SqlStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.FixEmptySelect(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.HasParameters(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertCountSubQuery(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.CreateSqlValue(object, SqlBinaryExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.CreateSqlValue(object, DbDataType, params ISqlExpression[]) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeExpression(ISqlExpression, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeFunction(SqlFunction, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizePredicate(ISqlPredicate, EvaluationContext, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeRowExprExpr(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeRowInList(SqlPredicate.InList) BasicSqlOptimizer.RowIsNullFallback(SqlRow, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.RowComparisonFallback(SqlPredicate.Operator, SqlRow, SqlRow, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertBetweenPredicate(SqlPredicate.Between) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeQueryElement(ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement, OptimizationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement, OptimizationContext, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.CanCompareSearchConditions BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeEscapeCharacter BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeWildcardCharacter BasicSqlOptimizer.LikePatternParameterSupport BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeValueParameterSupport BasicSqlOptimizer.LikeIsEscapeSupported BasicSqlOptimizer.StandardLikeCharactersToEscape BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikeCharacters(string, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.GenerateEscapeReplacement(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikePattern(string) BasicSqlOptimizer.EscapeLikeCharacters(ISqlExpression, ref ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertLikePredicate(MappingSchema, SqlPredicate.Like, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertSearchStringPredicateViaLike(SqlPredicate.SearchString, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertSearchStringPredicate(SqlPredicate.SearchString, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertInListPredicate(MappingSchema, SqlPredicate.InList, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertCoalesceToBinaryFunc(SqlFunction, string, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxLength(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxPrecision(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxScale(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMaxDisplaySize(SqlDataType) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertConversion(SqlFunction) BasicSqlOptimizer.AlternativeConvertToBoolean(SqlFunction, DataOptions, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertBooleanExprToCase(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsSmallDateTimeType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateTime2Type(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateTimeType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsDateDataOffsetType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.FloorBeforeConvert(SqlFunction) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeDelete(SqlDeleteStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetMainTableSource(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsAggregationFunction(IQueryElement) BasicSqlOptimizer.NeedsEnvelopingForUpdate(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeUpdate(SqlUpdateStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.FindUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlTable) BasicSqlOptimizer.GetAlternativeUpdatePostgreSqlite(SqlUpdateStatement, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.CorrectUpdateTable(SqlUpdateStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.CheckAliases(SqlStatement, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Add(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Inc(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Sub(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Dec(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Mul(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.Div(ISqlExpression, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeJoins(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsParameterDependedQuery(SelectQuery) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsParameterDependent(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.FinalizeStatement(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext, DataOptions) BasicSqlOptimizer.OptimizeAggregates(SqlStatement) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertSkipTake(MappingSchema, DataOptions, SelectQuery, OptimizationContext, out ISqlExpression, out ISqlExpression) BasicSqlOptimizer.SeparateDistinctFromPagination(SqlStatement, Func<SelectQuery, bool>) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber(SqlStatement, bool, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber<TContext>(TContext, SqlStatement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, bool>, bool) BasicSqlOptimizer.ReplaceDistinctOrderByWithRowNumber(SqlStatement, Func<SelectQuery, bool>) BasicSqlOptimizer.TryConvertToValue(ISqlExpression, EvaluationContext) BasicSqlOptimizer.IsBooleanParameter(ISqlExpression, int, int) BasicSqlOptimizer.ConvertFunctionParameters(SqlFunction, bool) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors Oracle12SqlOptimizer(SqlProviderFlags) public Oracle12SqlOptimizer(SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags Methods ConvertFunction(SqlFunction) protected override ISqlExpression ConvertFunction(SqlFunction func) Parameters func SqlFunction Returns ISqlExpression TransformStatement(SqlStatement, DataOptions) Used for correcting statement and should return new statement if changes were made. public override SqlStatement TransformStatement(SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class OracleDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class OracleDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter> OracleDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<OracleProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors OracleDataProvider(string, OracleProvider, OracleVersion) protected OracleDataProvider(string name, OracleProvider provider, OracleVersion version) Parameters name string provider OracleProvider version OracleVersion Properties Provider public OracleProvider Provider { get; } Property Value OracleProvider SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Version public OracleVersion Version { get; } Property Value OracleVersion Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) public override void ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand command) Parameters command DbCommand ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) public override Type ConvertParameterType(Type type, DbDataType dataType) Parameters type Type dataType DbDataType Returns Type CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns instance of IQueryParametersNormalizer, which implements normalization logic for parameters of single query. E.g. it could include: trimming names that are too long removing/replacing unsupported characters name deduplication for parameters with same name . For implementation without state it is recommended to return static instance. E.g. this could be done for providers with positional parameters that ignore names. public override IQueryParametersNormalizer GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns IQueryParametersNormalizer GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[]?, bool) Initializes DataConnection command object. public override DbCommand InitCommand(DataConnection dataConnection, DbCommand command, CommandType commandType, string commandText, DataParameter[]? parameters, bool withParameters) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance to initialize with new command. command DbCommand Command instance to initialize. commandType CommandType Type of command. commandText string Command SQL. parameters DataParameter[] Optional list of parameters to add to initialized command. withParameters bool Flag to indicate that command has parameters. Used to configure parameters support when method called without parameters and parameters added later to command. Returns DbCommand Initialized command instance. SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleHints.Hint.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleHints.Hint.html",
"title": "Class OracleHints.Hint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleHints.Hint Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public static class OracleHints.Hint Inheritance object OracleHints.Hint Fields AllRows public const string AllRows = \"ALL_ROWS\" Field Value string Append public const string Append = \"APPEND\" Field Value string AppendValues public const string AppendValues = \"APPEND_VALUES\" Field Value string Cache public const string Cache = \"CACHE\" Field Value string Cluster public const string Cluster = \"CLUSTER\" Field Value string Clustering public const string Clustering = \"CLUSTERING\" Field Value string CursorSharingExact public const string CursorSharingExact = \"CURSOR_SHARING_EXACT\" Field Value string DisableParallelDml public const string DisableParallelDml = \"DISABLE_PARALLEL_DML\" Field Value string DrivingSite public const string DrivingSite = \"DRIVING_SITE\" Field Value string DynamicSampling public const string DynamicSampling = \"DYNAMIC_SAMPLING\" Field Value string EnableParallelDml public const string EnableParallelDml = \"ENABLE_PARALLEL_DML\" Field Value string Fact public const string Fact = \"FACT\" Field Value string FreshMV public const string FreshMV = \"FRESH_MV\" Field Value string FreshMaterializedView public const string FreshMaterializedView = \"FRESH_MV\" Field Value string Full public const string Full = \"FULL\" Field Value string Grouping public const string Grouping = \"GROUPING\" Field Value string Hash public const string Hash = \"HASH\" Field Value string InMemory public const string InMemory = \"NMEMORY\" Field Value string InMemoryPruning public const string InMemoryPruning = \"INMEMORY_PRUNING\" Field Value string Index public const string Index = \"INDEX\" Field Value string IndexAsc public const string IndexAsc = \"INDEX_ASC\" Field Value string IndexCombine public const string IndexCombine = \"INDEX_COMBINE\" Field Value string IndexDesc public const string IndexDesc = \"INDEX_DESC\" Field Value string IndexFFS public const string IndexFFS = \"INDEX_FFS\" Field Value string IndexFastFullScan public const string IndexFastFullScan = \"INDEX_FFS\" Field Value string IndexJoin public const string IndexJoin = \"INDEX_JOIN\" Field Value string IndexSS public const string IndexSS = \"INDEX_SS\" Field Value string IndexSSAsc public const string IndexSSAsc = \"INDEX_SS_ASC\" Field Value string IndexSSDesc public const string IndexSSDesc = \"INDEX_SS_DESC\" Field Value string IndexSkipScan public const string IndexSkipScan = \"INDEX_SS\" Field Value string IndexSkipScanAsc public const string IndexSkipScanAsc = \"INDEX_SS_ASC\" Field Value string IndexSkipScanDesc public const string IndexSkipScanDesc = \"INDEX_SS_DESC\" Field Value string Leading public const string Leading = \"LEADING\" Field Value string Merge public const string Merge = \"MERGE\" Field Value string ModelMinAnalysis public const string ModelMinAnalysis = \"MODEL_MIN_ANALYSIS\" Field Value string Monitor public const string Monitor = \"MONITOR\" Field Value string NativeFullOuterJoin public const string NativeFullOuterJoin = \"NATIVE_FULL_OUTER_JOIN\" Field Value string NoAppend public const string NoAppend = \"NOAPPEND\" Field Value string NoCache public const string NoCache = \"NOCACHE\" Field Value string NoClustering public const string NoClustering = \"NO_CLUSTERING\" Field Value string NoExpand public const string NoExpand = \"NO_EXPAND\" Field Value string NoFact public const string NoFact = \"NO_FACT\" Field Value string NoInMemory public const string NoInMemory = \"NO_INMEMORY\" Field Value string NoInMemoryPruning public const string NoInMemoryPruning = \"NO_INMEMORY_PRUNING\" Field Value string NoIndex public const string NoIndex = \"NO_INDEX\" Field Value string NoIndexFFS public const string NoIndexFFS = \"NO_INDEX_FFS\" Field Value string NoIndexFastFullScan public const string NoIndexFastFullScan = \"NO_INDEX_FFS\" Field Value string NoIndexSS public const string NoIndexSS = \"NO_INDEX_SS\" Field Value string NoIndexSkipScan public const string NoIndexSkipScan = \"NO_INDEX_SS\" Field Value string NoMerge public const string NoMerge = \"NO_MERGE\" Field Value string NoMonitor public const string NoMonitor = \"NO_MONITOR\" Field Value string NoNativeFullOuterJoin public const string NoNativeFullOuterJoin = \"NO_NATIVE_FULL_OUTER_JOIN\" Field Value string NoPQConcurrentUnion public const string NoPQConcurrentUnion = \"NO_PQ_CONCURRENT_UNION\" Field Value string NoPQSkew public const string NoPQSkew = \"NO_PQ_SKEW\" Field Value string NoParallel public const string NoParallel = \"NO_PARALLEL\" Field Value string NoParallelIndex public const string NoParallelIndex = \"NO_PARALLEL_INDEX\" Field Value string NoPushPredicate public const string NoPushPredicate = \"PUSH_PRED\" Field Value string NoPushSubQueries public const string NoPushSubQueries = \"NO_PUSH_SUBQ\" Field Value string NoPxJoinFilter public const string NoPxJoinFilter = \"NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER\" Field Value string NoQueryTransformation public const string NoQueryTransformation = \"NO_QUERY_TRANSFORMATION\" Field Value string NoRewrite public const string NoRewrite = \"NO_REWRITE\" Field Value string NoStarTransformation public const string NoStarTransformation = \"NO_STAR_TRANSFORMATION\" Field Value string NoUnnest public const string NoUnnest = \"NO_UNNEST\" Field Value string NoUseBand public const string NoUseBand = \"NO_USE_BAND\" Field Value string NoUseCube public const string NoUseCube = \"NO_USE_CUBE\" Field Value string NoUseHash public const string NoUseHash = \"NO_USE_HASH\" Field Value string NoUseMerge public const string NoUseMerge = \"NO_USE_MERGE\" Field Value string NoUseNL public const string NoUseNL = \"NO_USE_NL\" Field Value string NoUseNestedLoop public const string NoUseNestedLoop = \"NO_USE_NL\" Field Value string NoXmlIndexRewrite public const string NoXmlIndexRewrite = \"NO_XMLINDEX_REWRITE\" Field Value string NoXmlQueryRewrite public const string NoXmlQueryRewrite = \"NO_XML_QUERY_REWRITE\" Field Value string OptParam public const string OptParam = \"OPT_PARAM\" Field Value string Ordered public const string Ordered = \"ORDERED\" Field Value string PQConcurrentUnion public const string PQConcurrentUnion = \"PQ_CONCURRENT_UNION\" Field Value string PQDistribute public const string PQDistribute = \"PQ_DISTRIBUTE\" Field Value string PQFilterHash public const string PQFilterHash = \"PQ_FILTER(HASH)\" Field Value string PQFilterNone public const string PQFilterNone = \"PQ_FILTER(NONE)\" Field Value string PQFilterRandom public const string PQFilterRandom = \"PQ_FILTER(RANDOM)\" Field Value string PQFilterSerial public const string PQFilterSerial = \"PQ_FILTER(SERIAL)\" Field Value string PQSkew public const string PQSkew = \"PQ_SKEW\" Field Value string Parallel public const string Parallel = \"PARALLEL\" Field Value string ParallelIndex public const string ParallelIndex = \"PARALLEL_INDEX\" Field Value string PushPredicate public const string PushPredicate = \"PUSH_PRED\" Field Value string PushSubQueries public const string PushSubQueries = \"PUSH_SUBQ\" Field Value string PxJoinFilter public const string PxJoinFilter = \"PX_JOIN_FILTER\" Field Value string Rewrite public const string Rewrite = \"REWRITE\" Field Value string StarTransformation public const string StarTransformation = \"STAR_TRANSFORMATION\" Field Value string Unnest public const string Unnest = \"UNNEST\" Field Value string UseBand public const string UseBand = \"USE_BAND\" Field Value string UseConcat public const string UseConcat = \"USE_CONCAT\" Field Value string UseCube public const string UseCube = \"USE_CUBE\" Field Value string UseHash public const string UseHash = \"USE_HASH\" Field Value string UseMerge public const string UseMerge = \"USE_MERGE\" Field Value string UseNL public const string UseNL = \"USE_NL\" Field Value string UseNLWithIndex public const string UseNLWithIndex = \"USE_NL_WITH_INDEX\" Field Value string UseNestedLoop public const string UseNestedLoop = \"USE_NL\" Field Value string UseNestedLoopWithIndex public const string UseNestedLoopWithIndex = \"USE_NL_WITH_INDEX\" Field Value string Methods Containers(string) [Sql.Expression(\"CONTAINERS(DEFAULT_PDB_HINT='{0}')\")] public static string Containers(string hint) Parameters hint string Returns string FirstRows(int) [Sql.Expression(\"FIRST_ROWS({0})\")] public static string FirstRows(int value) Parameters value int Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleHints.html",
"title": "Class OracleHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleHints Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public static class OracleHints Inheritance object OracleHints Methods AllRowsHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"AllRowsHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> AllRowsHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AppendHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"AppendHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> AppendHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AppendValuesHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"AppendValuesHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> AppendValuesHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CacheHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"CacheTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> CacheHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CacheInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"CacheInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> CacheInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ClusterHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"ClusterTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> ClusterHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ClusterInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"ClusterInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ClusterInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ClusteringHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"ClusteringHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ClusteringHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ContainersHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainersHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ContainersHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> hint string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CursorSharingExactHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"CursorSharingExactHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> CursorSharingExactHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource DisableParallelDmlHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"DisableParallelDmlHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> DisableParallelDmlHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource DrivingSiteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"DrivingSiteTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> DrivingSiteHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource DrivingSiteInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"DrivingSiteInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> DrivingSiteInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource DynamicSamplingHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"DynamicSamplingHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> DynamicSamplingHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> value int Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource EnableParallelDmlHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"EnableParallelDmlHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> EnableParallelDmlHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FactHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"FactTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> FactHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FactInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"FactInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> FactInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstRowsHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"FirstRowsHintImpl2\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> FirstRowsHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FreshMVHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"FreshMVHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> FreshMVHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FreshMaterializedViewHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"FreshMaterializedViewHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> FreshMaterializedViewHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FullHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"FullTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> FullHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FullInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"FullInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> FullInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource GroupingHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"GroupingHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> GroupingHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource HashHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"HashTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> HashHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource HashInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"HashInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> HashInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource InMemoryHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"InMemoryTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> InMemoryHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource InMemoryInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"InMemoryInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> InMemoryInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource InMemoryPruningHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"InMemoryPruningTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> InMemoryPruningHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource InMemoryPruningInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"InMemoryPruningInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> InMemoryPruningInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexAscHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexAscIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexAscHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexCombineHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexCombineIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexCombineHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexDescHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexDescIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexDescHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexFFSHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexFFSIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexFFSHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexFastFullScanHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexFastFullScanIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexFastFullScanHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexJoinHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexJoinIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexJoinHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexSSAscHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexSSAscIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexSSAscHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexSSDescHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexSSDescIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexSSDescHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexSSHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexSSIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexSSHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexSkipScanAscHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexSkipScanAscIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexSkipScanAscHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexSkipScanDescHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexSkipScanDescIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexSkipScanDescHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource IndexSkipScanHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"IndexSkipScanIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> IndexSkipScanHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource LeadingHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"LeadingHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> LeadingHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MergeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> MergeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"MergeHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> MergeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"MergeTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> MergeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MergeInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"MergeInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> MergeInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ModelMinAnalysisHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"ModelMinAnalysisHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ModelMinAnalysisHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MonitorHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"MonitorHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> MonitorHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NativeFullOuterJoinHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NativeFullOuterJoinHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NativeFullOuterJoinHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoAppendHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoAppendHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoAppendHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoCacheHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoCacheTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoCacheHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoCacheInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoCacheInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoCacheInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoClusteringHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoClusteringHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoClusteringHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoExpandHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoExpandHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoExpandHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoExpandHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoExpandHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoExpandHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoFactHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoFactTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoFactHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoFactInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoFactInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoFactInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoInMemoryHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoInMemoryTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoInMemoryHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoInMemoryInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoInMemoryInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoInMemoryInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoInMemoryPruningHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoInMemoryPruningTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoInMemoryPruningHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoInMemoryPruningInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoInMemoryPruningInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoInMemoryPruningInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoIndexFFSHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoIndexFFSIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoIndexFFSHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoIndexFastFullScanHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoIndexFastFullScanIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoIndexFastFullScanHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoIndexHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoIndexSSHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoIndexSSIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoIndexSSHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoIndexSkipScanHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoIndexSkipScanIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoIndexSkipScanHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoMergeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoMergeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoMergeHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoMergeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoMergeTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoMergeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMergeInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoMergeInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoMergeInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoMonitorHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoMonitorHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoMonitorHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoNativeFullOuterJoinHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoNativeFullOuterJoinHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoNativeFullOuterJoinHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoPQConcurrentUnionHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoPQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoPQConcurrentUnionHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoPQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPQSkewHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoPQSkewTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoPQSkewHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPQSkewInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoPQSkewInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoPQSkewInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoParallelHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoParallelTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoParallelHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoParallelInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoParallelInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoParallelInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoParallelIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params object[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoParallelIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoParallelIndexHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params object[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> values object[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoPushPredicateHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoPushPredicateHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoPushPredicateTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoPushPredicateHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPushPredicateInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoPushPredicateInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoPushPredicateInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPushSubQueriesHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoPushSubQueriesHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoPushSubQueriesHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPxJoinFilterHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoPxJoinFilterTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> NoPxJoinFilterHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoPxJoinFilterInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"NoPxJoinFilterInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoPxJoinFilterInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoQueryTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoQueryTransformationHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoQueryTransformationHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoRewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoRewriteHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoRewriteHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoRewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoRewriteHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoRewriteHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoStarTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoStarTransformationHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoStarTransformationHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoStarTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoStarTransformationHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoStarTransformationHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoUnnestHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoUnnestHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoUnnestHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoUnnestHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoUnnestHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoUnnestHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoUseBandHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoUseBandHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoUseBandHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoUseCubeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoUseCubeHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoUseCubeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoUseHashHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoUseHashHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoUseHashHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoUseMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoUseMergeHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoUseMergeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoUseNLHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoUseNLHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoUseNLHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoUseNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoUseNestedLoopHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoUseNestedLoopHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoXmlIndexRewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoXmlIndexRewriteHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoXmlIndexRewriteHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NoXmlQueryRewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NoXmlQueryRewriteHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> NoXmlQueryRewriteHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptParamHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptParamHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptParamHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params string[] parameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> parameters string[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OrderedHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OrderedHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> OrderedHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"PQConcurrentUnionHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"PQConcurrentUnionHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PQConcurrentUnionHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQDistributeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, string, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"PQDistributeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> PQDistributeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, string outerDistribution, string innerDistribution) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> outerDistribution string innerDistribution string Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQFilterHashHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"PQFilterHashHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PQFilterHashHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQFilterNoneHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"PQFilterNoneHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PQFilterNoneHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQFilterRandomHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"PQFilterRandomHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PQFilterRandomHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQFilterSerialHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"PQFilterSerialHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PQFilterSerialHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQSkewHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"PQSkewTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> PQSkewHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PQSkewInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"PQSkewInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PQSkewInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ParallelAutoHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"ParallelAutoHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ParallelAutoHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ParallelDefaultHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"ParallelDefaultHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ParallelDefaultHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ParallelDefaultHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"ParallelDefaultHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> ParallelDefaultHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ParallelHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"ParallelHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ParallelHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ParallelHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"ParallelHintImpl2\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ParallelHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ParallelHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"ParallelHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> ParallelHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> value int Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ParallelIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params object[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ParallelIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> ParallelIndexHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params object[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> values object[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ParallelManualHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"ParallelManualHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> ParallelManualHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"PushPredicateHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PushPredicateHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"PushPredicateHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PushPredicateHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PushPredicateHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"PushPredicateTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> PushPredicateHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PushPredicateInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"PushPredicateInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PushPredicateInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PushSubQueriesHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"PushSubQueriesHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PushSubQueriesHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PxJoinFilterHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"PxJoinFilterTableHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> PxJoinFilterHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource PxJoinFilterInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"PxJoinFilterInScopeHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> PxJoinFilterInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource QueryHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. // will produce following SQL code in generated query: INNER LOOP JOIN var tableWithHint = db.Table.JoinHint(\"LOOP\"); [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Hint parameter. Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Hint parameter type QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder), \" \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. RewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"RewriteHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> RewriteHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource RewriteHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"RewriteHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> RewriteHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource StarTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"StarTransformationHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> StarTransformationHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource StarTransformationHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"StarTransformationHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> StarTransformationHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource TableHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \" \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \" \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params object[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters object[] Table hint parameters. Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. UnnestHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"UnnestHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UnnestHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UnnestHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"UnnestHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UnnestHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseBandHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"UseBandHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UseBandHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseConcatHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"UseConcatHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UseConcatHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseConcatHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"UseConcatHintImpl3\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UseConcatHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, string queryBlock) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> queryBlock string Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseCubeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"UseCubeHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UseCubeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseHashHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"UseHashHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UseHashHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseMergeHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"UseMergeHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UseMergeHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseNLHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"UseNLHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UseNLHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseNLWithIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"UseNLWithIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> UseNLWithIndexHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseNestedLoopHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"UseNestedLoopHintImpl4\")] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> UseNestedLoopHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource UseNestedLoopWithIndexHint<TSource>(IOracleSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"Oracle\", \"UseNestedLoopWithIndexIndexHintImpl\")] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> UseNestedLoopWithIndexHint<TSource>(this IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors Devart11MappingSchema() public Devart11MappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DevartMappingSchema() public DevartMappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors Managed11MappingSchema() public Managed11MappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ManagedMappingSchema() public ManagedMappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors Native11MappingSchema() public Native11MappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors NativeMappingSchema() public NativeMappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class OracleMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class OracleMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) Returns custom value conversion expression from from type to to type if it is defined in mapping schema, or null otherwise. public override LambdaExpression? TryGetConvertExpression(Type from, Type to) Parameters from Type Source type. to Type Target type. Returns LambdaExpression Conversion expression or null, if conversion is not defined."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleOptions.html",
"title": "Class OracleOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record OracleOptions : DataProviderOptions<OracleOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<OracleOptions>>, IEquatable<OracleOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<OracleOptions> OracleOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<OracleOptions>> IEquatable<OracleOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<OracleOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<OracleOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors OracleOptions() public OracleOptions() OracleOptions(BulkCopyType, AlternativeBulkCopy, bool) public OracleOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows, AlternativeBulkCopy AlternativeBulkCopy = AlternativeBulkCopy.InsertAll, bool DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers = false) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for oracle by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. AlternativeBulkCopy AlternativeBulkCopy Defines type of multi-row INSERT operation to generate for RowByRow bulk copy mode. DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers bool Gets or sets flag to tell LinqToDB to quote identifiers, if they contain lowercase letters. Default value: false. This flag is added for backward compatibility and not recommended for use with new applications. Properties AlternativeBulkCopy Defines type of multi-row INSERT operation to generate for RowByRow bulk copy mode. public AlternativeBulkCopy AlternativeBulkCopy { get; init; } Property Value AlternativeBulkCopy DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers Gets or sets flag to tell LinqToDB to quote identifiers, if they contain lowercase letters. Default value: false. This flag is added for backward compatibility and not recommended for use with new applications. public bool DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(OracleOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(OracleOptions? other) Parameters other OracleOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleProvider.html",
"title": "Enum OracleProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum OracleProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll Lists supported Oracle ADO.NET providers. public enum OracleProvider Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Devart = 2 Devart.Data.Oracle provider. Managed = 0 Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core providers. Native = 1 Oracle.DataAccess legacy native provider for .NET Framework (ODP.NET)."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleProviderAdapter.BulkCopyOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleProviderAdapter.BulkCopyOptions.html",
"title": "Enum OracleProviderAdapter.BulkCopyOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum OracleProviderAdapter.BulkCopyOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll Intermediate enum to expose from adapter instead of two incompatible provider-specific enums. [Flags] public enum OracleProviderAdapter.BulkCopyOptions Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Default = 0 DisableIndexes = 1 DisableTriggers = 2 KeepConstraints = 4 KeepExternalForeignKeys = 8 KeepPrimaryKeys = 16 KeepSelfReferencedForeignKeys = 32 NoLogging = 64 UseArrayBinding = 128 UseInternalTransaction = 256"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class OracleProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public class OracleProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object OracleProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields DevartAssemblyName public const string DevartAssemblyName = \"Devart.Data.Oracle\" Field Value string DevartClientNamespace public const string DevartClientNamespace = \"Devart.Data.Oracle\" Field Value string DevartFactoryName public const string DevartFactoryName = \"Devart.Data.Oracle\" Field Value string DevartTypesNamespace public const string DevartTypesNamespace = \"Devart.Data.Oracle\" Field Value string ManagedAssemblyName public const string ManagedAssemblyName = \"Oracle.ManagedDataAccess\" Field Value string ManagedClientNamespace public const string ManagedClientNamespace = \"Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client\" Field Value string ManagedTypesNamespace public const string ManagedTypesNamespace = \"Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types\" Field Value string NativeAssemblyName public const string NativeAssemblyName = \"Oracle.DataAccess\" Field Value string NativeClientNamespace public const string NativeClientNamespace = \"Oracle.DataAccess.Client\" Field Value string NativeProviderFactoryName public const string NativeProviderFactoryName = \"Oracle.DataAccess.Client\" Field Value string NativeTypesNamespace public const string NativeTypesNamespace = \"Oracle.DataAccess.Types\" Field Value string Properties BindingByNameEnabled public bool BindingByNameEnabled { get; } Property Value bool CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type ExecuteArray public Func<DbCommand, int, int>? ExecuteArray { get; } Property Value Func<DbCommand, int, int> GetDatabaseName public Func<DbConnection, string>? GetDatabaseName { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, string> GetHostName public Func<DbConnection, string>? GetHostName { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, string> MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema OracleBFileType public Type OracleBFileType { get; } Property Value Type OracleBinaryType public Type OracleBinaryType { get; } Property Value Type OracleBlobType public Type OracleBlobType { get; } Property Value Type OracleClobType public Type OracleClobType { get; } Property Value Type OracleDateType public Type OracleDateType { get; } Property Value Type OracleDecimalType public Type OracleDecimalType { get; } Property Value Type OracleIntervalDSType public Type OracleIntervalDSType { get; } Property Value Type OracleIntervalYMType public Type OracleIntervalYMType { get; } Property Value Type OracleRefCursorType public Type OracleRefCursorType { get; } Property Value Type OracleStringType public Type OracleStringType { get; } Property Value Type OracleTimeStampLTZType public Type? OracleTimeStampLTZType { get; } Property Value Type OracleTimeStampTZType public Type? OracleTimeStampTZType { get; } Property Value Type OracleTimeStampType public Type OracleTimeStampType { get; } Property Value Type OracleXmlTypeType public Type OracleXmlTypeType { get; } Property Value Type ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type ProviderTypesNamespace public string ProviderTypesNamespace { get; } Property Value string ReadDateTimeOffsetFromOracleTimeStamp public Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, DateTimeOffset>>? ReadDateTimeOffsetFromOracleTimeStamp { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, DateTimeOffset>> ReadDateTimeOffsetFromOracleTimeStampLTZ public Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, DateTimeOffset>>? ReadDateTimeOffsetFromOracleTimeStampLTZ { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, DateTimeOffset>> ReadDateTimeOffsetFromOracleTimeStampTZ public Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, DateTimeOffset>> ReadDateTimeOffsetFromOracleTimeStampTZ { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, DateTimeOffset>> ReadOracleDecimalToDecimal public Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, decimal>>? ReadOracleDecimalToDecimal { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, decimal>> ReadOracleDecimalToDecimalAdv public Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, decimal>>? ReadOracleDecimalToDecimalAdv { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, decimal>> ReadOracleDecimalToInt public Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, int>>? ReadOracleDecimalToInt { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, int>> ReadOracleDecimalToLong public Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, long>>? ReadOracleDecimalToLong { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, long>> SetArrayBindCount public Action<DbCommand, int>? SetArrayBindCount { get; } Property Value Action<DbCommand, int> SetBindByName public Action<DbCommand, bool> SetBindByName { get; } Property Value Action<DbCommand, bool> SetInitialLONGFetchSize public Action<DbCommand, int>? SetInitialLONGFetchSize { get; } Property Value Action<DbCommand, int> TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods CreateConnection(string) public DbConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns DbConnection CreateOracleTimeStampTZ(DateTimeOffset, string) public object CreateOracleTimeStampTZ(DateTimeOffset dto, string offset) Parameters dto DateTimeOffset offset string Returns object GetInstance(OracleProvider) public static OracleProviderAdapter GetInstance(OracleProvider provider) Parameters provider OracleProvider Returns OracleProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleTools.html",
"title": "Class OracleTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OracleTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll public static class OracleTools Inheritance object OracleTools Properties AutoDetectProvider public static bool AutoDetectProvider { get; set; } Property Value bool DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use OracleOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType DefaultVersion public static OracleVersion DefaultVersion { get; set; } Property Value OracleVersion DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers Gets or sets flag to tell LinqToDB to quote identifiers, if they contain lowercase letters. Default value: false. This flag is added for backward compatibility and not recommended for use with new applications. [Obsolete(\"Use OracleOptions.Default.DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers instead.\")] public static bool DontEscapeLowercaseIdentifiers { get; set; } Property Value bool UseAlternativeBulkCopy Specifies type of multi-row INSERT operation to generate for RowByRow bulk copy mode. Default value: InsertAll. [Obsolete(\"Use OracleOptions.Default.AlternativeBulkCopy instead.\")] public static AlternativeBulkCopy UseAlternativeBulkCopy { get; set; } Property Value AlternativeBulkCopy Methods AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> AsOracle<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> AsOracle<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Returns IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, OracleVersion, OracleProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, OracleVersion version = OracleVersion.AutoDetect, OracleProvider provider = OracleProvider.Managed) Parameters connection DbConnection version OracleVersion provider OracleProvider Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, OracleVersion, OracleProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, OracleVersion version = OracleVersion.AutoDetect, OracleProvider provider = OracleProvider.Managed) Parameters transaction DbTransaction version OracleVersion provider OracleProvider Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, OracleVersion, OracleProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, OracleVersion version = OracleVersion.AutoDetect, OracleProvider provider = OracleProvider.Managed) Parameters connectionString string version OracleVersion provider OracleProvider Returns DataConnection GetDataProvider(OracleVersion, OracleProvider, string?) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(OracleVersion version = OracleVersion.AutoDetect, OracleProvider provider = OracleProvider.Managed, string? connectionString = null) Parameters version OracleVersion provider OracleProvider connectionString string Returns IDataProvider GetXmlData<T>(DataOptions, MappingSchema, IEnumerable<T>) public static string GetXmlData<T>(DataOptions options, MappingSchema mappingSchema, IEnumerable<T> data) Parameters options DataOptions mappingSchema MappingSchema data IEnumerable<T> Returns string Type Parameters T OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>) public static ITable<T> OracleXmlTable<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, IEnumerable<T> data) where T : class Parameters dataContext IDataContext data IEnumerable<T> Returns ITable<T> Type Parameters T OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, Func<string>) public static ITable<T> OracleXmlTable<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, Func<string> xmlData) where T : class Parameters dataContext IDataContext xmlData Func<string> Returns ITable<T> Type Parameters T OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, string) public static ITable<T> OracleXmlTable<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, string xmlData) where T : class Parameters dataContext IDataContext xmlData string Returns ITable<T> Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleVersion.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.OracleVersion.html",
"title": "Enum OracleVersion | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum OracleVersion Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Assembly linq2db.dll Supported Oracle SQL dialects. public enum OracleVersion Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AutoDetect = 0 Use automatic detection of dialect by asking Oracle server for version. v11 = 11 Oracle 11g dialect. v12 = 12 Oracle 12c+ dialect."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Oracle Classes Oracle11ParametersNormalizer Oracle11SqlOptimizer Oracle122ParametersNormalizer Oracle12SqlOptimizer OracleDataProvider OracleHints OracleHints.Hint OracleMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema OracleOptions OracleProviderAdapter OracleTools Interfaces IOracleSpecificQueryable<TSource> IOracleSpecificTable<TSource> Enums AlternativeBulkCopy Defines type of multi-row INSERT operation to generate for RowByRow bulk copy mode. OracleProvider Lists supported Oracle ADO.NET providers. OracleProviderAdapter.BulkCopyOptions Intermediate enum to expose from adapter instead of two incompatible provider-specific enums. OracleVersion Supported Oracle SQL dialects."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.IPostgreSQLExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.IPostgreSQLExtensions.html",
"title": "Interface IPostgreSQLExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IPostgreSQLExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IPostgreSQLExtensions Extension Methods PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAppend<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayCat<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayDims<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayLength<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], int) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayLower<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], int) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayNDims<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayPosition<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayPosition<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T, int) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayPositions<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayPrepend<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayRemove<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayReplace<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T, T) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayToString<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], string) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayToString<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], string, string) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayUpper<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], int) PostgreSQLExtensions.Cardinality<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ConcatArrays<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[][]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ConcatArrays<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, params T[][]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ConcatArrays<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[][], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ContainedBy<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.Contains<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.CurrentCatalog(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) PostgreSQLExtensions.CurrentDatabase(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) PostgreSQLExtensions.CurrentRole(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) PostgreSQLExtensions.CurrentSchema(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) PostgreSQLExtensions.CurrentSchemas(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) PostgreSQLExtensions.CurrentSchemas(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext, bool) PostgreSQLExtensions.CurrentUser(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) PostgreSQLExtensions.GreaterThanOrEqual<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.GreaterThan<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.LessThanOrEqual<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.LessThan<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.Overlaps<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.SessionUser(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) PostgreSQLExtensions.StringToArray(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, string, string) PostgreSQLExtensions.StringToArray(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, string, string, string) PostgreSQLExtensions.ValueIsEqualToAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ValueIsGreaterThanAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualToAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ValueIsLessThanAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ValueIsLessThanOrEqualToAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.ValueIsNotEqualToAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) PostgreSQLExtensions.Version(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<out TSource> : IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IQueryable, IEnumerable Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.Expression IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider Extension Methods PostgreSQLHints.ForKeyShareHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForKeyShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForKeyShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForNoKeyUpdateHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForNoKeyUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForNoKeyUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForShareHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForUpdateHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.ForUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params Sql.SqlID[]) PostgreSQLHints.SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, string, params Sql.SqlID[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.IPostgreSQLSpecificTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.IPostgreSQLSpecificTable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IPostgreSQLSpecificTable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IPostgreSQLSpecificTable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IPostgreSQLSpecificTable<out TSource> : ITable<TSource>, IExpressionQuery<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where TSource : notnull Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members ITable<TSource>.ServerName ITable<TSource>.DatabaseName ITable<TSource>.SchemaName ITable<TSource>.TableName ITable<TSource>.TableOptions ITable<TSource>.TableID IExpressionQuery<TSource>.Expression IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter.html",
"title": "Class NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors NpgsqlBinaryImporter(object, Delegate[]) public NpgsqlBinaryImporter(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties HasComplete public bool HasComplete { get; } Property Value bool HasComplete5 public bool HasComplete5 { get; } Property Value bool SupportsAsync public bool SupportsAsync { get; } Property Value bool Methods Cancel() Npgsql 3.x provides Cancel method. Npgsql 4.x uses Complete method. public void Cancel() Complete() public void Complete() Complete5() [CLSCompliant(false)] [TypeWrapperName(\"Complete\")] public ulong Complete5() Returns ulong CompleteAsync(CancellationToken) public Task<ulong> CompleteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<ulong> Dispose() public void Dispose() DisposeAsync() public Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task StartRow() public void StartRow() StartRowAsync(CancellationToken) public Task StartRowAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task WriteAsync<T>(T, NpgsqlDbType, CancellationToken) public Task WriteAsync<T>(T value, NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType npgsqlDbType, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters value T npgsqlDbType NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task Type Parameters T WriteAsync<T>(T, string, CancellationToken) public Task WriteAsync<T>(T value, string dataTypeName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters value T dataTypeName string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task Type Parameters T Write<T>(T, NpgsqlDbType) public void Write<T>(T value, NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType npgsqlDbType) Parameters value T npgsqlDbType NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType Type Parameters T Write<T>(T, string) public void Write<T>(T value, string dataTypeName) Parameters value T dataTypeName string Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection.html",
"title": "Class NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors NpgsqlConnection(object, Delegate[]) public NpgsqlConnection(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] NpgsqlConnection(string) public NpgsqlConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Properties PostgreSqlVersion public Version PostgreSqlVersion { get; } Property Value Version Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() Open() public void Open()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType.html",
"title": "Enum NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Abstime = 33 Array = -2147483648 BigIntMultirange = 536870913 BigIntRange = 1073741825 Bigint = 1 Bit = 25 Boolean = 2 Box = 3 Bytea = 4 Char = 6 Cid = 43 Cidr = 44 Circle = 5 Citext = 51 Npgsql 3.0.?. Date = 7 DateMultirange = 536870919 DateRange = 1073741831 Double = 8 Geography = 55 Npgsql 4.0.0+. Geometry = 50 Npgsql 3.1.0+. Hstore = 37 Inet = 24 Int2Vector = 52 Npgsql 3.1.0+. Integer = 9 IntegerMultirange = 536870921 IntegerRange = 1073741833 InternalChar = 38 Interval = 30 Json = 35 JsonPath = 57 Jsonb = 36 LQuery = 61 LSeg = 11 LTree = 60 LTxtQuery = 62 Line = 10 MacAddr = 34 MacAddr8 = 54 Npgsql 3.2.7+. Money = 12 Multirange = 536870912 Name = 32 Numeric = 13 NumericMultirange = 536870925 NumericRange = 1073741837 Oid = 41 Oidvector = 29 Path = 14 PgLsn = 59 Point = 15 Polygon = 16 Range = 1073741824 Real = 17 Refcursor = 23 Regconfig = 56 Npgsql 4.0.3+. Regtype = 49 Npgsql 3.0.2. Smallint = 18 Text = 19 Tid = 53 Npgsql 3.1.0+. Time = 20 [CLSCompliant(false)] TimeTZ = 31 [Obsolete(\"Marked obsolete to avoid unintentional use\")] TimeTz = 31 Added as alias to TimeTZ in npgsql 4.0.0. Don't use it, as it will not work with 3.x. Timestamp = 21 TimestampMultirange = 536870933 TimestampRange = 1073741845 [CLSCompliant(false)] TimestampTZ = 26 [Obsolete(\"Marked obsolete to avoid unintentional use\")] TimestampTz = 26 Added as alias to TimestampTZ in npgsql 4.0.0. Don't use it, as it will not work with 3.x. TimestampTzMultirange = 536870938 TimestampTzRange = 1073741850 TsQuery = 46 TsVector = 45 Unknown = 40 Uuid = 27 Varbit = 39 Varchar = 22 Xid = 42 Xid8 = 64 Xml = 28"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.NpgsqlProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.NpgsqlProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class NpgsqlProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NpgsqlProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public class NpgsqlProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object NpgsqlProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AssemblyName public const string AssemblyName = \"Npgsql\" Field Value string ClientNamespace public const string ClientNamespace = \"Npgsql\" Field Value string TypesNamespace public const string TypesNamespace = \"NpgsqlTypes\" Field Value string Properties BeginBinaryImport public Func<DbConnection, string, NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter> BeginBinaryImport { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, string, NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter> BeginBinaryImportAsync public Func<DbConnection, string, CancellationToken, Task<NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter>>? BeginBinaryImportAsync { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, string, CancellationToken, Task<NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter>> CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type GetDateReaderMethod public string? GetDateReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDbType public Func<DbParameter, NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType> GetDbType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType> GetIntervalReaderMethod public string? GetIntervalReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetTimeStampReaderMethod public string? GetTimeStampReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema NpgsqlBoxType public Type NpgsqlBoxType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlCidrType public Type? NpgsqlCidrType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlCircleType public Type NpgsqlCircleType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlDateTimeType public Type? NpgsqlDateTimeType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlDateType public Type? NpgsqlDateType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlInetType public Type NpgsqlInetType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlIntervalReader public Expression? NpgsqlIntervalReader { get; } Property Value Expression NpgsqlIntervalType public Type? NpgsqlIntervalType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlLSegType public Type NpgsqlLSegType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlLineType public Type NpgsqlLineType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlPathType public Type NpgsqlPathType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlPointType public Type NpgsqlPointType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlPolygonType public Type NpgsqlPolygonType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlRangeTType public Type NpgsqlRangeTType { get; } Property Value Type NpgsqlTimeSpanType public Type? NpgsqlTimeSpanType { get; } Property Value Type ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type ProviderTypesNamespace public string ProviderTypesNamespace { get; } Property Value string SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType> SupportsBigInteger public bool SupportsBigInteger { get; } Property Value bool TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods ApplyDbTypeFlags(NpgsqlDbType, bool, bool, bool, bool) public NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType ApplyDbTypeFlags(NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType type, bool isArray, bool isRange, bool isMultiRange, bool convertAlways) Parameters type NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType isArray bool isRange bool isMultiRange bool convertAlways bool Returns NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType CreateConnection(string) public NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection GetInstance() public static NpgsqlProviderAdapter GetInstance() Returns NpgsqlProviderAdapter IsDbTypeSupported(NpgsqlDbType) public bool IsDbTypeSupported(NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType type) Parameters type NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class PostgreSQLDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostgreSQLDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class PostgreSQLDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter> PostgreSQLDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<NpgsqlProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors PostgreSQLDataProvider(PostgreSQLVersion) protected PostgreSQLDataProvider(PostgreSQLVersion version) Parameters version PostgreSQLVersion PostgreSQLDataProvider(string, PostgreSQLVersion) protected PostgreSQLDataProvider(string name, PostgreSQLVersion version) Parameters name string version PostgreSQLVersion Properties HasMacAddr8 public bool HasMacAddr8 { get; } Property Value bool SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Version public PostgreSQLVersion Version { get; } Property Value PostgreSQLVersion Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer NormalizeTypeName(string?) protected override string? NormalizeTypeName(string? typeName) Parameters typeName string Returns string SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLExtensions.html",
"title": "Class PostgreSQLExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostgreSQLExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public static class PostgreSQLExtensions Inheritance object PostgreSQLExtensions Methods ArrayAggregate<T>(ISqlExtension?, T) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_AGG({expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsAggregate = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T[]> ArrayAggregate<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T[]> Type Parameters T ArrayAggregate<T>(ISqlExtension?, T, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_AGG({modifier?}{_}{expr})\", TokenName = \"function\", BuilderType = typeof(PostgreSQLExtensions.ApplyAggregateModifier), ChainPrecedence = 0, IsAggregate = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T[]> ArrayAggregate<T>(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext, T expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension expr T modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns AnalyticFunctions.IAnalyticFunctionWithoutWindow<T[]> Type Parameters T ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_AGG({modifier?}{_}{expr}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", BuilderType = typeof(PostgreSQLExtensions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<TEntity, TV[]> ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(this IEnumerable<TEntity> source, Func<TEntity, TV> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IEnumerable<TEntity> expr Func<TEntity, TV> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<TEntity, TV[]> Type Parameters TEntity TV ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_AGG({expr}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<TEntity, TV[]> ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<TEntity, TV[]> Type Parameters TEntity TV ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, AggregateModifier) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_AGG({modifier?}{_}{expr}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", BuilderType = typeof(PostgreSQLExtensions.ApplyAggregateModifier), IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<TEntity, TV[]> ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> expr, Sql.AggregateModifier modifier) Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> expr Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>> modifier Sql.AggregateModifier Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<TEntity, TV[]> Type Parameters TEntity TV ArrayAppend<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_APPEND({array}, {element})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static T[] ArrayAppend<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, T element) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] element T Returns T[] Type Parameters T ArrayCat<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_CAT({array1}, {array2})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static T[] ArrayCat<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[] Returns T[] Type Parameters T ArrayDims<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_DIMS({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static string ArrayDims<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] Returns string Type Parameters T ArrayLength<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], int) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_LENGTH({array}, {dimension})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static int ArrayLength<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, int dimension) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] dimension int Returns int Type Parameters T ArrayLower<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], int) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_LOWER({array}, {dimension})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static int ArrayLower<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, int dimension) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] dimension int Returns int Type Parameters T ArrayNDims<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_NDIMS({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static int ArrayNDims<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] Returns int Type Parameters T ArrayPosition<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_POSITION({array}, {element})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static int ArrayPosition<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, T element) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] element T Returns int Type Parameters T ArrayPosition<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T, int) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_POSITION({array}, {element}, {start})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static int ArrayPosition<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, T element, int start) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] element T start int Returns int Type Parameters T ArrayPositions<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_POSITIONS({array}, {element})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static int[] ArrayPositions<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, T element) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] element T Returns int[] Type Parameters T ArrayPrepend<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_PREPEND({element}, {array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static T[] ArrayPrepend<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T element, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions element T array T[] Returns T[] Type Parameters T ArrayRemove<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_REMOVE({array}, {element})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static T[] ArrayRemove<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, T element) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] element T Returns T[] Type Parameters T ArrayReplace<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T, T) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_REPLACE({array}, {oldElement}, {newElement})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static T[] ArrayReplace<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, T oldElement, T newElement) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] oldElement T newElement T Returns T[] Type Parameters T ArrayToString<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], string) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_TO_STRING({array}, {delimiter})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static string ArrayToString<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, string delimiter) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] delimiter string Returns string Type Parameters T ArrayToString<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], string, string) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_TO_STRING({array}, {delimiter}, {nullString})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static string ArrayToString<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, string delimiter, string nullString) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] delimiter string nullString string Returns string Type Parameters T ArrayUpper<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], int) [Sql.Extension(\"ARRAY_UPPER({array}, {dimension})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static T[] ArrayUpper<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array, int dimension) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] dimension int Returns T[] Type Parameters T Cardinality<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"CARDINALITY({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static int Cardinality<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array T[] Returns int Type Parameters T ConcatArrays<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[][]) [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} || {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 60)] public static T[] ConcatArrays<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[][] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[][] Returns T[] Type Parameters T ConcatArrays<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, params T[][]) [Sql.Extension(\"{arrays, ' || '}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 60)] public static T[] ConcatArrays<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, params T[][] arrays) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions arrays T[][] Returns T[] Type Parameters T ConcatArrays<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[][], T[]) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} || {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 60)] public static T[] ConcatArrays<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[][] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[][] array2 T[] Returns T[] Type Parameters T ContainedBy<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} <@ {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPredicate = true, Precedence = 50)] public static bool ContainedBy<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T Contains<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} @> {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPredicate = true, Precedence = 50)] public static bool Contains<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T CurrentCatalog(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) [Sql.Extension(\"CURRENT_CATALOG\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string CurrentCatalog(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext Returns string CurrentDatabase(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) [Sql.Extension(\"CURRENT_DATABASE()\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string CurrentDatabase(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext Returns string CurrentRole(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) [Sql.Extension(\"CURRENT_ROLE\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string CurrentRole(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext Returns string CurrentSchema(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) [Sql.Extension(\"CURRENT_SCHEMA\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string CurrentSchema(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext Returns string CurrentSchemas(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) [Sql.Extension(\"CURRENT_SCHEMAS()\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string[] CurrentSchemas(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext Returns string[] CurrentSchemas(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext, bool) [Sql.Extension(\"CURRENT_SCHEMAS({includeImplicit})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string[] CurrentSchemas(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc, bool includeImplicit) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext includeImplicit bool Returns string[] CurrentUser(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) [Sql.Extension(\"CURRENT_USER\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string CurrentUser(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext Returns string GreaterThanOrEqual<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} > {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPredicate = true, Precedence = 50)] public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T GreaterThan<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} > {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPredicate = true, Precedence = 50)] public static bool GreaterThan<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T LessThanOrEqual<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} <= {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPredicate = true, Precedence = 50)] public static bool LessThanOrEqual<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T LessThan<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} < {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, IsPredicate = true, Precedence = 50)] public static bool LessThan<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T Overlaps<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T[], T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{array1} && {array2}\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPredicate = true, Precedence = 50)] public static bool Overlaps<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T[] array1, T[] array2) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions array1 T[] array2 T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T PostgreSQL(ISqlExtension?) public static IPostgreSQLExtensions? PostgreSQL(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns IPostgreSQLExtensions SessionUser(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) [Sql.Extension(\"SESSION_USER\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string SessionUser(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext Returns string StringToArray(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, string, string) [Sql.Extension(\"STRING_TO_ARRAY({str}, {delimiter})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static string[] StringToArray(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, string str, string delimiter) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions str string delimiter string Returns string[] StringToArray(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, string, string, string) [Sql.Extension(\"STRING_TO_ARRAY({str}, {delimiter}, {nullString})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 100)] public static string[] StringToArray(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, string str, string delimiter, string nullString) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions str string delimiter string nullString string Returns string[] ValueIsEqualToAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{value} = ANY({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 50, IsPredicate = true)] public static bool ValueIsEqualToAny<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T value, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions value T array T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T ValueIsGreaterThanAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{value} > ANY({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 50, IsPredicate = true)] public static bool ValueIsGreaterThanAny<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T value, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions value T array T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T ValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualToAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{value} >= ANY({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 50, IsPredicate = true)] public static bool ValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualToAny<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T value, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions value T array T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T ValueIsLessThanAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{value} < ANY({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 50, IsPredicate = true)] public static bool ValueIsLessThanAny<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T value, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions value T array T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T ValueIsLessThanOrEqualToAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{value} <= ANY({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 50, IsPredicate = true)] public static bool ValueIsLessThanOrEqualToAny<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T value, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions value T array T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T ValueIsNotEqualToAny<T>(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, T, T[]) [Sql.Extension(\"{value} <> ANY({array})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = true, Precedence = 50, IsPredicate = true)] public static bool ValueIsNotEqualToAny<T>(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, T value, T[] array) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions value T array T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T Version(IPostgreSQLExtensions?, IDataContext) [Sql.Extension(\"VERSION()\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static string Version(this IPostgreSQLExtensions? ext, IDataContext dc) Parameters ext IPostgreSQLExtensions dc IDataContext Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLHints.html",
"title": "Class PostgreSQLHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostgreSQLHints Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public static class PostgreSQLHints Inheritance object PostgreSQLHints Fields ForKeyShare public const string ForKeyShare = \"FOR KEY SHARE\" Field Value string ForNoKeyUpdate public const string ForNoKeyUpdate = \"FOR NO KEY UPDATE\" Field Value string ForShare public const string ForShare = \"FOR SHARE\" Field Value string ForUpdate public const string ForUpdate = \"FOR UPDATE\" Field Value string NoWait public const string NoWait = \"NOWAIT\" Field Value string SkipLocked public const string SkipLocked = \"SKIP LOCKED\" Field Value string Methods ForKeyShareHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForKeyShareHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForKeyShareHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForKeyShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForKeyShareNoWaitHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForKeyShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForKeyShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForKeyShareSkipLockedHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForKeyShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForNoKeyUpdateHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForNoKeyUpdateHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForNoKeyUpdateHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForNoKeyUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForNoKeyUpdateNoWaitHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForNoKeyUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForNoKeyUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForNoKeyUpdateSkipLockedHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForNoKeyUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForShareHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForShareHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForShareHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForShareNoWaitHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForShareNoWaitHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForShareSkipLockedHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForShareSkipLockedHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForUpdateHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForUpdateHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForUpdateHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForUpdateNoWaitHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForUpdateNoWaitHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params SqlID[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"ForUpdateSkipLockedHintImpl\")] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> ForUpdateSkipLockedHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters query IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableIDs SqlID[] Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params SqlID[]) Adds join hint to a generated query. // will produce following SQL code in generated query: INNER LOOP JOIN var tableWithHint = db.Table.JoinHint(\"LOOP\"); [Sql.QueryExtension(\"PostgreSQL\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(PostgreSQLHints.SubQueryTableHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added to join in generated query. tableIDs SqlID[] Table IDs. Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, string, params SqlID[]) Adds join hint to a generated query. // will produce following SQL code in generated query: INNER LOOP JOIN var tableWithHint = db.Table.JoinHint(\"LOOP\"); [Sql.QueryExtension(\"PostgreSQL\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(PostgreSQLHints.SubQueryTableHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> SubQueryTableHint<TSource>(this IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, string hint2, params Sql.SqlID[] tableIDs) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added to join in generated query. hint2 string NOWAIT | SKIP LOCKED tableIDs SqlID[] Table IDs. Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode.html",
"title": "Enum PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll Identifier quotation logic for SQL generation. public enum PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Auto = 3 Quote identifiers only when it is required according to PostgreSQL identifier quotation rules: identifier use reserved word identifier constains prohibited character(s) identifier constains upper-case letter(s) Needed = 2 Quote identifiers only when it is required according to PostgreSQL identifier quotation rules (except uppercase letters, for that look at Auto mode): identifier use reserved word identifier contains whitespace character(s) None = 0 Never quote identifiers. Quote = 1 Allways quote identifiers."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLOptions.html",
"title": "Class PostgreSQLOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostgreSQLOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record PostgreSQLOptions : DataProviderOptions<PostgreSQLOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<PostgreSQLOptions>>, IEquatable<PostgreSQLOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<PostgreSQLOptions> PostgreSQLOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<PostgreSQLOptions>> IEquatable<PostgreSQLOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<PostgreSQLOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<PostgreSQLOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors PostgreSQLOptions() public PostgreSQLOptions() PostgreSQLOptions(BulkCopyType, bool, PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode) public PostgreSQLOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows, bool NormalizeTimestampData = true, PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode IdentifierQuoteMode = PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode.Auto) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for PostgreSQL by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. NormalizeTimestampData bool Enables normalization of DateTime and DateTimeOffset data, passed to query as parameter or passed to BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) APIs, to comform with Npgsql 6 requerements: convert DateTimeOffset value to UTC value with zero Offset Use Utc for DateTime timestamptz values Use Unspecified for DateTime timestamp values with Utc kind Default value: true. IdentifierQuoteMode PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode Specify identifiers quotation logic for SQL generation. Default value: Auto. Properties IdentifierQuoteMode Specify identifiers quotation logic for SQL generation. Default value: Auto. public PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode IdentifierQuoteMode { get; init; } Property Value PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode NormalizeTimestampData Enables normalization of DateTime and DateTimeOffset data, passed to query as parameter or passed to BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) APIs, to comform with Npgsql 6 requerements: convert DateTimeOffset value to UTC value with zero Offset Use Utc for DateTime timestamptz values Use Unspecified for DateTime timestamp values with Utc kind Default value: true. public bool NormalizeTimestampData { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(PostgreSQLOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(PostgreSQLOptions? other) Parameters other PostgreSQLOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLSchemaProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLSchemaProvider.html",
"title": "Class PostgreSQLSchemaProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostgreSQLSchemaProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public class PostgreSQLSchemaProvider : SchemaProviderBase, ISchemaProvider Inheritance object SchemaProviderBase PostgreSQLSchemaProvider Implements ISchemaProvider Inherited Members SchemaProviderBase.IncludedSchemas SchemaProviderBase.ExcludedSchemas SchemaProviderBase.IncludedCatalogs SchemaProviderBase.ExcludedCatalogs SchemaProviderBase.GenerateChar1AsString SchemaProviderBase.DataTypesSchema SchemaProviderBase.GetProcedureSchemaExecutesProcedure SchemaProviderBase.BuildSchemaFilter(GetSchemaOptions, string, Action<StringBuilder, string>) SchemaProviderBase.GetSchema(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) SchemaProviderBase.ForeignKeyColumnComparison(string) SchemaProviderBase.GetHashSet(string[], IEqualityComparer<string>) SchemaProviderBase.GetProviderSpecificTables(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) SchemaProviderBase.GetProviderSpecificProcedures(DataConnection) SchemaProviderBase.LoadProcedureTableSchema(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions, ProcedureSchema, string, List<TableSchema>) SchemaProviderBase.BuildProcedureParameter(ParameterSchema) SchemaProviderBase.GetDataTypeByProviderDbType(int, GetSchemaOptions) SchemaProviderBase.GetProcedureSchema(DataConnection, string, CommandType, DataParameter[], GetSchemaOptions) SchemaProviderBase.GetDataSourceName(DataConnection) SchemaProviderBase.GetDatabaseName(DataConnection) SchemaProviderBase.InitProvider(DataConnection) SchemaProviderBase.GetDbType(GetSchemaOptions, string, DataTypeInfo, int?, int?, int?, string, string, string) SchemaProviderBase.ToValidName(string) SchemaProviderBase.ToTypeName(Type, bool) SchemaProviderBase.ProcessSchema(DatabaseSchema, GetSchemaOptions) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors PostgreSQLSchemaProvider(PostgreSQLDataProvider) public PostgreSQLSchemaProvider(PostgreSQLDataProvider provider) Parameters provider PostgreSQLDataProvider Methods BuildTableFunctionLoadTableSchemaCommand(ProcedureSchema, string) Builds table function call command. protected override string BuildTableFunctionLoadTableSchemaCommand(ProcedureSchema procedure, string commandText) Parameters procedure ProcedureSchema commandText string Returns string GetColumns(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) protected override List<ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<ColumnInfo> GetDataType(string?, DataType?, GetSchemaOptions) protected override DataTypeInfo? GetDataType(string? typeName, DataType? dataType, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters typeName string dataType DataType? options GetSchemaOptions Returns DataTypeInfo GetDataType(string?, string?, int?, int?, int?) protected override DataType GetDataType(string? dataType, string? columnType, int? length, int? precision, int? scale) Parameters dataType string columnType string length int? precision int? scale int? Returns DataType GetDataTypes(DataConnection) Returns list of database data types. protected override List<DataTypeInfo> GetDataTypes(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection instance. Returns List<DataTypeInfo> List of database data types. GetForeignKeys(DataConnection, IEnumerable<TableSchema>, GetSchemaOptions) protected override IReadOnlyCollection<ForeignKeyInfo> GetForeignKeys(DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<TableSchema> tables, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection tables IEnumerable<TableSchema> options GetSchemaOptions Returns IReadOnlyCollection<ForeignKeyInfo> GetPrimaryKeys(DataConnection, IEnumerable<TableSchema>, GetSchemaOptions) protected override IReadOnlyCollection<PrimaryKeyInfo> GetPrimaryKeys(DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<TableSchema> tables, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection tables IEnumerable<TableSchema> options GetSchemaOptions Returns IReadOnlyCollection<PrimaryKeyInfo> GetProcedureParameters(DataConnection, IEnumerable<ProcedureInfo>, GetSchemaOptions) protected override List<ProcedureParameterInfo> GetProcedureParameters(DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<ProcedureInfo> procedures, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection procedures IEnumerable<ProcedureInfo> options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<ProcedureParameterInfo> GetProcedureResultColumns(DataTable, GetSchemaOptions) protected override List<ColumnSchema> GetProcedureResultColumns(DataTable resultTable, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters resultTable DataTable options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<ColumnSchema> GetProcedures(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) protected override List<ProcedureInfo>? GetProcedures(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<ProcedureInfo> GetProviderSpecificType(string?) protected override string? GetProviderSpecificType(string? dataType) Parameters dataType string Returns string GetProviderSpecificTypeNamespace() protected override string GetProviderSpecificTypeNamespace() Returns string GetSystemType(string?, string?, DataTypeInfo?, int?, int?, int?, GetSchemaOptions) protected override Type? GetSystemType(string? dataType, string? columnType, DataTypeInfo? dataTypeInfo, int? length, int? precision, int? scale, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataType string columnType string dataTypeInfo DataTypeInfo length int? precision int? scale int? options GetSchemaOptions Returns Type GetTables(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) protected override List<TableInfo> GetTables(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<TableInfo>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLSql15Builder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLSql15Builder.html",
"title": "Class PostgreSQLSql15Builder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostgreSQLSql15Builder Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public class PostgreSQLSql15Builder : PostgreSQLSqlBuilder, ISqlBuilder Inheritance object BasicSqlBuilder BasicSqlBuilder<PostgreSQLOptions> PostgreSQLSqlBuilder PostgreSQLSql15Builder Implements ISqlBuilder Inherited Members PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.SupportsNullInColumn PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.LimitFormat(SelectQuery) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.OffsetFormat(SelectQuery) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.IsReserved(string) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.IdentifierQuoteMode PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.Convert(StringBuilder, string, ConvertType) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableFieldType(SqlField) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildJoinType(SqlJoinedTable, SqlSearchCondition) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildObjectName(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, ConvertType, bool, TableOptions, bool) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTableStatement(SqlTruncateTableStatement) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int, string) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildSubQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.BuildSql() PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>, int, int) BasicSqlBuilder<PostgreSQLOptions>.ProviderOptions BasicSqlBuilder.OptimizationContext BasicSqlBuilder.MappingSchema BasicSqlBuilder.StringBuilder BasicSqlBuilder.SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlBuilder.DataOptions BasicSqlBuilder.DataProvider BasicSqlBuilder.ValueToSqlConverter BasicSqlBuilder.Statement BasicSqlBuilder.Indent BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStep BasicSqlBuilder.SqlOptimizer BasicSqlBuilder.SkipAlias BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinSupported BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinParenthesisRequired BasicSqlBuilder.CteFirst BasicSqlBuilder.WrapJoinCondition BasicSqlBuilder.CanSkipRootAliases(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.CommandCount(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.InlineComma BasicSqlBuilder.Comma BasicSqlBuilder.OpenParens BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveInlineComma() BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertElement<T>(T) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSetOperation(SetOperation, StringBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.MergeSqlBuilderData(BasicSqlBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCommand(SqlStatement, int) BasicSqlBuilder.FinalizeBuildQuery(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlBuilder(SelectQuery, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilder<TContext>(Action<TContext>, TContext) BasicSqlBuilder.ParenthesizeJoin(List<SqlJoinedTable>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlForUnion() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery2(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateQuery(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectQuery(SqlSelectStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCteBody(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery2(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMultiInsertQuery(SqlMultiInsertStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUnknownQuery() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildObjectNameSuffix(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertInline(string, ConvertType) BasicSqlBuilder.IsCteColumnListSupported BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWithClause(SqlWithClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.StartStatementQueryExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputColumnExpressions(IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsBooleanInColumn BasicSqlBuilder.WrapBooleanExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumnExpression(SelectQuery, ISqlExpression, string, ref bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WrapColumnExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildAlterDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTableName(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateSetKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateSet(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.OutputKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.DeletedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.InsertedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyInsert(SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlOutputClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, string, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsMerge(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement, string) BasicSqlBuilder.EndLine BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsUpdateInsert(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTable(SqlTruncateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDropTableStatementIfExists(SqlDropTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStartCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableNullAttribute(SqlField, DefaultNullable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute1(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute2(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTablePrimaryKey(SqlCreateTableStatement, string, IEnumerable<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteFromClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPhysicalTable(ISqlTableSource, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlValuesTable(SqlValuesTable, string, out bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyValues(SqlValuesTable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableName(SqlTableSource, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(SqlTable, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableNameExtensions(SqlTable) BasicSqlBuilder.GetExtensionBuilder(Type) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string, Func<SqlQueryExtension, bool>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(StringBuilder, List<SqlQueryExtension>, string, string, string, Sql.QueryExtensionScope) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildJoinTable(SelectQuery, SqlJoinedTable, ref int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhere(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByBody(GroupingType, List<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildHavingClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOrderByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionForOrderBy(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.SkipFirst BasicSqlBuilder.SkipFormat BasicSqlBuilder.FirstFormat(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.OffsetFirst BasicSqlBuilder.TakePercent BasicSqlBuilder.TakeTies BasicSqlBuilder.NeedSkip(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.NeedTake(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSkipFirst(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTakeHints(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOffsetLimit(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereSearchCondition(SelectQuery, SqlSearchCondition) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(int, SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicateOperator(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicate(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicate(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicateFallback(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(int, int, ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildLikePredicate(SqlPredicate.Like) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFieldTableAlias(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, string, ref bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.TryConvertParameterToSql(SqlParameterValue) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildParameter(SqlParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTypedExpression(SqlDataType, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlRow(SqlRow, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionContext BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValue(SqlDataType, object) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFunction(SqlFunction) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(StringBuilder, SqlDataType) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPrecedence(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTag(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlComment(StringBuilder, SqlComment) BasicSqlBuilder.AlternativeGetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery, IEnumerable<SqlColumn>) BasicSqlBuilder.IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlBuilder.IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSequenceNameAttribute(SqlTable, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTableAlias(ISqlTableSource) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPhysicalTableName(ISqlTableSource, string, bool, string, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.AppendIndent() BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterName(StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetUdtTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterType(IDataContext, StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameters(IDataContext, StringBuilder, IEnumerable<DbParameter>) BasicSqlBuilder.ApplyQueryHints(string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) BasicSqlBuilder.Name BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveAlias(string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTempAliases(int, string) BasicSqlBuilder.TableIDs BasicSqlBuilder.TablePath BasicSqlBuilder.QueryName BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlID(Sql.SqlID) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsColumnAliasesInSource BasicSqlBuilder.RequiresConstantColumnAliases BasicSqlBuilder.IsValuesSyntaxSupported BasicSqlBuilder.IsEmptyValuesSourceSupported BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTable BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTableSchema BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeStatement(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeTerminator(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdate(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationInsert(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateWithDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDeleteBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOn(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeSourceQuery(SqlTableLikeSource) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFakeTableName() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValues(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeInto(SqlMergeStatement) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors PostgreSQLSql15Builder(IDataProvider?, MappingSchema, DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags) public PostgreSQLSql15Builder(IDataProvider? provider, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, ISqlOptimizer sqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters provider IDataProvider mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions sqlOptimizer ISqlOptimizer sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags Methods BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) protected override void BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement insertOrUpdate) Parameters insertOrUpdate SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement CreateSqlBuilder() protected override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder() Returns ISqlBuilder"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLSqlBuilder.html",
"title": "Class PostgreSQLSqlBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostgreSQLSqlBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public class PostgreSQLSqlBuilder : BasicSqlBuilder<PostgreSQLOptions>, ISqlBuilder Inheritance object BasicSqlBuilder BasicSqlBuilder<PostgreSQLOptions> PostgreSQLSqlBuilder Implements ISqlBuilder Derived PostgreSQLSql15Builder Inherited Members BasicSqlBuilder<PostgreSQLOptions>.ProviderOptions BasicSqlBuilder.OptimizationContext BasicSqlBuilder.MappingSchema BasicSqlBuilder.StringBuilder BasicSqlBuilder.SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlBuilder.DataOptions BasicSqlBuilder.DataProvider BasicSqlBuilder.ValueToSqlConverter BasicSqlBuilder.Statement BasicSqlBuilder.Indent BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStep BasicSqlBuilder.SqlOptimizer BasicSqlBuilder.SkipAlias BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinSupported BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinParenthesisRequired BasicSqlBuilder.CteFirst BasicSqlBuilder.WrapJoinCondition BasicSqlBuilder.CanSkipRootAliases(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.CommandCount(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.InlineComma BasicSqlBuilder.Comma BasicSqlBuilder.OpenParens BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveInlineComma() BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertElement<T>(T) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSetOperation(SetOperation, StringBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.MergeSqlBuilderData(BasicSqlBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCommand(SqlStatement, int) BasicSqlBuilder.FinalizeBuildQuery(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlBuilder(SelectQuery, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilder<TContext>(Action<TContext>, TContext) BasicSqlBuilder.ParenthesizeJoin(List<SqlJoinedTable>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlForUnion() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery2(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateQuery(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectQuery(SqlSelectStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCteBody(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery2(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMultiInsertQuery(SqlMultiInsertStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUnknownQuery() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildObjectNameSuffix(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertInline(string, ConvertType) BasicSqlBuilder.IsCteColumnListSupported BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWithClause(SqlWithClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.StartStatementQueryExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputColumnExpressions(IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsBooleanInColumn BasicSqlBuilder.WrapBooleanExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumnExpression(SelectQuery, ISqlExpression, string, ref bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WrapColumnExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildAlterDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTableName(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateSetKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateSet(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.OutputKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.DeletedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.InsertedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyInsert(SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlOutputClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, string, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsMerge(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement, string) BasicSqlBuilder.EndLine BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsUpdateInsert(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTable(SqlTruncateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDropTableStatementIfExists(SqlDropTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStartCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableNullAttribute(SqlField, DefaultNullable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute1(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute2(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTablePrimaryKey(SqlCreateTableStatement, string, IEnumerable<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteFromClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPhysicalTable(ISqlTableSource, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlValuesTable(SqlValuesTable, string, out bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyValues(SqlValuesTable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableName(SqlTableSource, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(SqlTable, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableNameExtensions(SqlTable) BasicSqlBuilder.GetExtensionBuilder(Type) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string, Func<SqlQueryExtension, bool>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(StringBuilder, List<SqlQueryExtension>, string, string, string, Sql.QueryExtensionScope) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildJoinTable(SelectQuery, SqlJoinedTable, ref int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhere(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByBody(GroupingType, List<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildHavingClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOrderByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionForOrderBy(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.SkipFirst BasicSqlBuilder.SkipFormat BasicSqlBuilder.FirstFormat(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.OffsetFirst BasicSqlBuilder.TakePercent BasicSqlBuilder.TakeTies BasicSqlBuilder.NeedSkip(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.NeedTake(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSkipFirst(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTakeHints(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOffsetLimit(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereSearchCondition(SelectQuery, SqlSearchCondition) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(int, SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicateOperator(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicate(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicate(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicateFallback(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(int, int, ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildLikePredicate(SqlPredicate.Like) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFieldTableAlias(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, string, ref bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.TryConvertParameterToSql(SqlParameterValue) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildParameter(SqlParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTypedExpression(SqlDataType, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlRow(SqlRow, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionContext BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValue(SqlDataType, object) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFunction(SqlFunction) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(StringBuilder, SqlDataType) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPrecedence(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTag(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlComment(StringBuilder, SqlComment) BasicSqlBuilder.AlternativeGetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery, IEnumerable<SqlColumn>) BasicSqlBuilder.IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlBuilder.IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSequenceNameAttribute(SqlTable, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTableAlias(ISqlTableSource) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPhysicalTableName(ISqlTableSource, string, bool, string, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.AppendIndent() BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterName(StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetUdtTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterType(IDataContext, StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameters(IDataContext, StringBuilder, IEnumerable<DbParameter>) BasicSqlBuilder.ApplyQueryHints(string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) BasicSqlBuilder.Name BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveAlias(string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTempAliases(int, string) BasicSqlBuilder.TableIDs BasicSqlBuilder.TablePath BasicSqlBuilder.QueryName BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlID(Sql.SqlID) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsColumnAliasesInSource BasicSqlBuilder.RequiresConstantColumnAliases BasicSqlBuilder.IsValuesSyntaxSupported BasicSqlBuilder.IsEmptyValuesSourceSupported BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTable BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTableSchema BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeStatement(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeTerminator(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdate(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationInsert(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateWithDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDeleteBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOn(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeSourceQuery(SqlTableLikeSource) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFakeTableName() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValues(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeInto(SqlMergeStatement) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors PostgreSQLSqlBuilder(IDataProvider?, MappingSchema, DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags) public PostgreSQLSqlBuilder(IDataProvider? provider, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, ISqlOptimizer sqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters provider IDataProvider mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions sqlOptimizer ISqlOptimizer sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags PostgreSQLSqlBuilder(BasicSqlBuilder) protected PostgreSQLSqlBuilder(BasicSqlBuilder parentBuilder) Parameters parentBuilder BasicSqlBuilder Properties IdentifierQuoteMode [Obsolete(\"Use PostgreSQLOptions.Default.IdentifierQuoteMode instead.\")] public static PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode IdentifierQuoteMode { get; set; } Property Value PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired protected override bool IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired { get; } Property Value bool SupportsNullInColumn protected override bool SupportsNullInColumn { get; } Property Value bool Methods BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable) protected override void BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable BuildCreateTableFieldType(SqlField) protected override void BuildCreateTableFieldType(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) protected override void BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType type, bool forCreateTable, bool canBeNull) Parameters type SqlDataType forCreateTable bool canBeNull bool Type could store NULL values (could be used for column table type generation or for databases with explicit typee nullability like ClickHouse). BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement) protected override void BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement dropTable) Parameters dropTable SqlDropTableStatement BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) protected override void BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement createTable) Parameters createTable SqlCreateTableStatement BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause) protected override void BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause insertClause) Parameters insertClause SqlInsertClause BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) protected override void BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement insertOrUpdate) Parameters insertOrUpdate SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement BuildJoinType(SqlJoinedTable, SqlSearchCondition) protected override bool BuildJoinType(SqlJoinedTable join, SqlSearchCondition condition) Parameters join SqlJoinedTable condition SqlSearchCondition Returns bool BuildObjectName(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, ConvertType, bool, TableOptions, bool) Writes database object name into provided StringBuilder instance. public override StringBuilder BuildObjectName(StringBuilder sb, SqlObjectName name, ConvertType objectType, bool escape, TableOptions tableOptions, bool withoutSuffix = false) Parameters sb StringBuilder String builder for generated object name. name SqlObjectName Name of database object (e.g. table, view, procedure or function). objectType ConvertType Type of database object, used to select proper name converter. escape bool If true, apply required escaping to name components. Must be true except rare cases when escaping is not needed. tableOptions TableOptions Table options if called for table. Used to properly generate names for temporary tables. withoutSuffix bool If object name have suffix, which could be detached from main name, this parameter disables suffix generation (enables generation of only main name part). Returns StringBuilder sb parameter value. BuildQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) protected override void BuildQueryExtensions(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement BuildSql() protected override void BuildSql() BuildSubQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) protected override void BuildSubQueryExtensions(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement BuildTruncateTableStatement(SqlTruncateTableStatement) protected override void BuildTruncateTableStatement(SqlTruncateTableStatement truncateTable) Parameters truncateTable SqlTruncateTableStatement Convert(StringBuilder, string, ConvertType) public override StringBuilder Convert(StringBuilder sb, string value, ConvertType convertType) Parameters sb StringBuilder value string convertType ConvertType Returns StringBuilder CreateSqlBuilder() protected override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder() Returns ISqlBuilder GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable) public override ISqlExpression? GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable Returns ISqlExpression GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) protected override string? GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext dataContext, DbParameter parameter) Parameters dataContext IDataContext parameter DbParameter Returns string GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int, string) public override string GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int count, string sequenceName) Parameters count int sequenceName string Returns string IsReserved(string) protected override sealed bool IsReserved(string word) Parameters word string Returns bool IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>, int, int) Checks that value in specific row and column in enumerable source requires type information generation. protected override bool IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable source, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]> rows, int row, int column) Parameters source SqlValuesTable Merge source table. rows IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]> Merge source data. row int Index of data row to check. Could contain -1 to indicate that this is a check for empty source NULL value. column int Index of data column to check in row. Returns bool Returns true, if generated SQL should include type information for value at specified position, otherwise false returned. LimitFormat(SelectQuery) protected override string LimitFormat(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns string OffsetFormat(SelectQuery) protected override string OffsetFormat(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLTools.html",
"title": "Class PostgreSQLTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PostgreSQLTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll public static class PostgreSQLTools Inheritance object PostgreSQLTools Properties AutoDetectProvider public static bool AutoDetectProvider { get; set; } Property Value bool DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use PostgreSQLOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType NormalizeTimestampData Enables normalization of DateTime and DateTimeOffset data, passed to query as parameter or passed to BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) APIs, to comform with Npgsql 6 requerements: convert DateTimeOffset value to UTC value with zero Offset Use Utc for DateTime timestamptz values Use Unspecified for DateTime timestamp values with Utc kind Default value: true. [Obsolete(\"Use PostgreSQLOptions.Default.NormalizeTimestampData instead.\")] public static bool NormalizeTimestampData { get; set; } Property Value bool Methods AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Returns IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, PostgreSQLVersion) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, PostgreSQLVersion version = PostgreSQLVersion.AutoDetect) Parameters connection DbConnection version PostgreSQLVersion Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, PostgreSQLVersion) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, PostgreSQLVersion version = PostgreSQLVersion.AutoDetect) Parameters transaction DbTransaction version PostgreSQLVersion Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, PostgreSQLVersion) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, PostgreSQLVersion version = PostgreSQLVersion.AutoDetect) Parameters connectionString string version PostgreSQLVersion Returns DataConnection GetDataProvider(PostgreSQLVersion, string?) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(PostgreSQLVersion version = PostgreSQLVersion.AutoDetect, string? connectionString = null) Parameters version PostgreSQLVersion connectionString string Returns IDataProvider ResolvePostgreSQL(Assembly) public static void ResolvePostgreSQL(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolvePostgreSQL(string) public static void ResolvePostgreSQL(string path) Parameters path string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLVersion.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLVersion.html",
"title": "Enum PostgreSQLVersion | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum PostgreSQLVersion Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Assembly linq2db.dll PostgreSQL language dialect. Version defines minimal PostgreSQL version to use this dialect. public enum PostgreSQLVersion Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AutoDetect = 0 Use automatic detection of dialect by asking PostgreSQL server for version. v15 = 4 PostgreSQL 15+ SQL dialect. v92 = 1 PostgreSQL 9.2+ SQL dialect. v93 = 2 PostgreSQL 9.3+ SQL dialect. v95 = 3 PostgreSQL 9.5+ SQL dialect."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.PostgreSQL Classes NpgsqlProviderAdapter NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection PostgreSQLDataProvider PostgreSQLExtensions PostgreSQLHints PostgreSQLOptions PostgreSQLSchemaProvider PostgreSQLSql15Builder PostgreSQLSqlBuilder PostgreSQLTools Interfaces IPostgreSQLExtensions IPostgreSQLSpecificQueryable<TSource> IPostgreSQLSpecificTable<TSource> Enums NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlDbType PostgreSQLIdentifierQuoteMode Identifier quotation logic for SQL generation. PostgreSQLVersion PostgreSQL language dialect. Version defines minimal PostgreSQL version to use this dialect."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ReaderInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.ReaderInfo.html",
"title": "Struct ReaderInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct ReaderInfo Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public struct ReaderInfo : IEquatable<ReaderInfo> Implements IEquatable<ReaderInfo> Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataReaderType public Type? DataReaderType { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type DataTypeName public string? DataTypeName { readonly get; set; } Property Value string FieldType public Type? FieldType { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type ProviderFieldType public Type? ProviderFieldType { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type ToType public Type? ToType { readonly get; set; } Property Value Type Methods Equals(ReaderInfo) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(ReaderInfo other) Parameters other ReaderInfo An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(object?) Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object Another object to compare to. Returns bool true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance. public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns int A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.ISQLiteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.ISQLiteExtensions.html",
"title": "Interface ISQLiteExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISQLiteExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISQLiteExtensions Extension Methods SQLiteExtensions.FTS3MatchInfo<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3MatchInfo<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Offsets<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string, string) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string, string, string) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string, string, string, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string, string, string, int, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5Highlight<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, int, string, string) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, int, string, string, string, int) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5bm25<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) SQLiteExtensions.FTS5bm25<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, params double[]) SQLiteExtensions.Match(ISQLiteExtensions?, object?, string) SQLiteExtensions.MatchTable<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, ITable<TEntity>, string) SQLiteExtensions.Rank<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) SQLiteExtensions.RowId<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.ISQLiteSpecificTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.ISQLiteSpecificTable-1.html",
"title": "Interface ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISQLiteSpecificTable<out TSource> : ITable<TSource>, IExpressionQuery<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where TSource : notnull Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members ITable<TSource>.ServerName ITable<TSource>.DatabaseName ITable<TSource>.SchemaName ITable<TSource>.TableName ITable<TSource>.TableOptions ITable<TSource>.TableID IExpressionQuery<TSource>.Expression IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods SQLiteHints.IndexedByHint<TSource>(ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource>, string) SQLiteHints.NotIndexedHint<TSource>(ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource>) SQLiteHints.TableHint<TSource>(ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource>, string) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class SQLiteDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter> SQLiteDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<SQLiteProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SQLiteDataProvider(string) Creates the specified SQLite provider based on the provider name. protected SQLiteDataProvider(string name) Parameters name string If ProviderName.SQLite is provided, the detection mechanism preferring System.Data.SQLite to Microsoft.Data.Sqlite will be used. SQLiteDataProvider(string, MappingSchema) protected SQLiteDataProvider(string name, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters name string mappingSchema MappingSchema Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder ExecuteScope(DataConnection) Creates disposable object, which should be disposed by caller after database query execution completed. Could be used to execute provider's method with scope-specific settings, e.g. with Invariant culture to workaround incorrect culture handling in provider. public override IExecutionScope? ExecuteScope(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Current data connection object. Returns IExecutionScope Scoped execution disposable object or null if provider doesn't need scoped configuration. GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) public override bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions options, DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters options DataOptions reader DbDataReader idx int Returns bool? NormalizeTypeName(string?) protected override string? NormalizeTypeName(string? typeName) Parameters typeName string Returns string SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SQLiteExtensions Inheritance object SQLiteExtensions Methods FTS3AutoMerge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) Executes FTS3/FTS4 'automerge' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('automerge=segments')\". public static void FTS3AutoMerge<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, int segments) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. segments int Segments command parameter. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS3IntegrityCheck<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) Executes FTS3/FTS4 'integrity-check' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('integrity-check')\". public static void FTS3IntegrityCheck<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS3MatchInfo<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) FTS3/4 matchinfo(fts_table) function. Example: \"matchinfo(table)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3MatchInfoImpl1\")] public static byte[] FTS3MatchInfo<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. Returns byte[] Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS3MatchInfo<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string) FTS3/4 matchinfo(fts_table, format) function. Example: \"matchinfo(table, 'format')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3MatchInfoImpl2\")] public static byte[] FTS3MatchInfo<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, string format) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. format string Format string function parameter. Returns byte[] Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS3Merge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int, int) Executes FTS3/FTS4 'merge' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('merge=blocks,segments')\". public static void FTS3Merge<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, int blocks, int segments) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. blocks int Blocks command parameter. segments int Segments command parameter. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS3Offsets<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) FTS3/4 offsets(fts_table) function. Example: \"offsets(table)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3OffsetsImpl\")] public static string FTS3Offsets<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS3Optimize<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) Executes FTS3/FTS4 'optimize' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('optimize')\". public static void FTS3Optimize<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS3Rebuild<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) Executes FTS3/FTS4 'rebuild' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('rebuild')\". public static void FTS3Rebuild<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) FTS3/4 snippet(fts_table) function. Example: \"snippet(table)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3SnippetImpl1\")] public static string FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string) FTS3/4 snippet(fts_table, startMatch) function. Example: \"snippet(table, 'startMatch')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3SnippetImpl2\")] public static string FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, string startMatch) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. startMatch string Start match wrap text. Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string, string) FTS3/4 snippet(fts_table, startMatch, endMatch) function. Example: \"snippet(table, 'startMatch', 'endMatch')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3SnippetImpl3\")] public static string FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, string startMatch, string endMatch) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. startMatch string Start match wrap text. endMatch string End match wrap text. Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string, string, string) FTS3/4 snippet(fts_table, startMatch, endMatch, ellipses) function. Example: \"snippet(table, 'startMatch', 'endMatch', 'ellipses')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3SnippetImpl4\")] public static string FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, string startMatch, string endMatch, string ellipses) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. startMatch string Start match wrap text. endMatch string End match wrap text. ellipses string Ellipses text. Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string, string, string, int) FTS3/4 snippet(fts_table, startMatch, endMatch, ellipses, columnIndex) function. Example: \"snippet(table, 'startMatch', 'endMatch', 'ellipses', columnIndex)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3SnippetImpl5\")] public static string FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, string startMatch, string endMatch, string ellipses, int columnIndex) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. startMatch string Start match wrap text. endMatch string End match wrap text. ellipses string Ellipses text. columnIndex int Index of column to extract snippet from. -1 matches all columns. Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, string, string, string, int, int) FTS3/4 snippet(fts_table, startMatch, endMatch, ellipses, columnIndex, tokensNumber) function. Example: \"snippet(table, 'startMatch', 'endMatch', 'ellipses', columnIndex, tokensNumber)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts3SnippetImpl6\")] public static string FTS3Snippet<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, string startMatch, string endMatch, string ellipses, int columnIndex, int tokensNumber) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. startMatch string Start match wrap text. endMatch string End match wrap text. ellipses string Ellipses text. columnIndex int Index of column to extract snippet from. -1 matches all columns. tokensNumber int Manages how many tokens should be returned (check function documentation). Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4. FTS5AutoMerge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) Executes FTS5 'automerge' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table, rank) VALUES('automerge', value)\". public static void FTS5AutoMerge<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, int value) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. value int Command parameter. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5CrisisMerge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) Executes FTS5 'crisismerge' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table, rank) VALUES('crisismerge', value)\". public static void FTS5CrisisMerge<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, int value) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. value int Command parameter. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5DeleteAll<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) Executes FTS5 'delete-all' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('delete-all')\". public static void FTS5DeleteAll<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5Delete<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int, TEntity) Executes FTS5 'delete' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table, rowid, col1, col2) VALUES('delete', rowid, 'col1_value', 'col2_value')\". public static void FTS5Delete<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, int rowid, TEntity record) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. rowid int Record rowid value. record TEntity Current record entity. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5Highlight<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, int, string, string) FTS5 highlight(fts_table, columnIndex, startMatch, endMatch) function. Example: \"highlight(table, columnIndex, 'startMatch', 'endMatch')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts5HighlightImpl\")] public static string FTS5Highlight<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, int columnIndex, string startMatch, string endMatch) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. columnIndex int Index of column to extract highlighted text from. startMatch string Start match wrap text. endMatch string End match wrap text. Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS5. FTS5IntegrityCheck<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) Executes FTS5 'integrity-check' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('integrity-check')\". public static void FTS5IntegrityCheck<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5Merge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) Executes FTS5 'merge' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table, rank) VALUES('merge', value)\". public static void FTS5Merge<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, int value) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. value int Command parameter. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5Optimize<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) Executes FTS5 'optimize' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('optimize')\". public static void FTS5Optimize<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5Pgsz<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) Executes FTS5 'pgsz' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table, rank) VALUES('pgsz', value)\". public static void FTS5Pgsz<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, int value) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. value int Command parameter. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5Rank<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, string) Executes FTS5 'rank' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table, rank) VALUES('rank', 'function')\". public static void FTS5Rank<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, string function) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. function string Rank function. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5Rebuild<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>) Executes FTS5 'rebuild' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table) VALUES('rebuild')\". public static void FTS5Rebuild<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5Snippet<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, int, string, string, string, int) FTS5 snippet(fts_table, columnIndex, startMatch, endMatch, ellipses, tokensNumber) function. Example: \"snippet(table, columnIndex, 'startMatch', 'endMatch', 'ellipses', tokensNumber)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts5SnippetImpl\")] public static string FTS5Snippet<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, int columnIndex, string startMatch, string endMatch, string ellipses, int tokensNumber) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. columnIndex int Index of column to extract snippet from. startMatch string Start match wrap text. endMatch string End match wrap text. ellipses string Ellipses text. tokensNumber int Manages how many tokens should be returned (check function documentation). Returns string Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS5. FTS5UserMerge<TEntity>(DataConnection, ITable<TEntity>, int) Executes FTS5 'usermerge' command for specific table. Example: \"INSERT INTO table(table, rank) VALUES('usermerge', value)\". public static void FTS5UserMerge<TEntity>(this DataConnection dc, ITable<TEntity> table, int value) where TEntity : class Parameters dc DataConnection DataConnection instance. table ITable<TEntity> FTS table. value int Command parameter. Type Parameters TEntity Table mapping class. FTS5bm25<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) FTS5 bm25(fts_table) function. Example: \"bm25(table)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts5bm25Impl1\")] public static double FTS5bm25<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. Returns double Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS5. FTS5bm25<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity, params double[]) FTS5 bm25(fts_table, ...weights) function. Example: \"bm25(table, col1_weight, col2_weight)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"Fts5bm25Impl2\")] public static double FTS5bm25<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity, params double[] weights) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Full-text search table. weights double[] Weights for columns (each value appied to corresponding column). Returns double Check documentation of SQLite site. Type Parameters TEntity Full-text search table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS5. Match(ISQLiteExtensions?, object?, string) Applies full-text search condition using MATCH predicate against whole FTS table or specific column. Examples: \"table MATCH 'search query'\"/\"table.column MATCH 'search query'\". [ExpressionMethod(\"MatchImpl1\")] public static bool Match(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, object? entityOrColumn, string match) Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entityOrColumn object Table or column to perform full-text search against. match string Full-text search condition. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. Remarks FTS Support: FTS3/4, FTS5. MatchTable<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, ITable<TEntity>, string) Performs full-text search query against specified table and returns search results. Example: \"table('search query')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"MatchTableImpl1\")] public static IQueryable<TEntity> MatchTable<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, ITable<TEntity> table, string match) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TEntity> Table to perform full-text search against. match string Full-text search condition. Returns IQueryable<TEntity> Returns table, filtered using specified search condition, applied to whole table. Type Parameters TEntity Queried table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS5. Rank<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) Provides access to FTS5 rank hidden column. Example: \"table.rank\". [ExpressionMethod(\"RankImpl\")] public static double? Rank<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Table record instance. Returns double? Returns rank column value. Type Parameters TEntity Type of table mapping class. Remarks FTS Support: FTS5. RowId<TEntity>(ISQLiteExtensions?, TEntity) Provides access to rowid hidden column. Example: \"table.rowid\". [ExpressionMethod(\"RowIdImpl\")] public static int RowId<TEntity>(this ISQLiteExtensions? ext, TEntity entity) where TEntity : class Parameters ext ISQLiteExtensions Extension point. entity TEntity Table record instance. Returns int Returns rowid column value. Type Parameters TEntity Type of table mapping class. SQLite(ISqlExtension?) public static ISQLiteExtensions? SQLite(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns ISQLiteExtensions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteHints.Hint.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteHints.Hint.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteHints.Hint | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteHints.Hint Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SQLiteHints.Hint Inheritance object SQLiteHints.Hint Fields NotIndexed public const string NotIndexed = \"NOT INDEXED\" Field Value string Methods IndexedBy(string) [Sql.Expression(\"INDEXED BY {0}\")] public static string IndexedBy(string value) Parameters value string Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteHints.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteHints Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SQLiteHints Inheritance object SQLiteHints Methods IndexedByHint<TSource>(ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"IndexedByImpl\")] public static ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> IndexedByHint<TSource>(this ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> table, string indexName) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> indexName string Returns ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource NotIndexedHint<TSource>(ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NotIndexedImpl\")] public static ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> NotIndexedHint<TSource>(this ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource TableHint<TSource>(ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource>, string) [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SQLite\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource>(this ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> hint string Returns ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteMappingSchema.ClassicMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteMappingSchema.ClassicMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteMappingSchema.ClassicMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteMappingSchema.ClassicMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public class SQLiteMappingSchema.ClassicMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema SQLiteMappingSchema.ClassicMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.GenerateID() LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ClassicMappingSchema() public ClassicMappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteMappingSchema.MicrosoftMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteMappingSchema.MicrosoftMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteMappingSchema.MicrosoftMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteMappingSchema.MicrosoftMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public class SQLiteMappingSchema.MicrosoftMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema SQLiteMappingSchema.MicrosoftMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.GenerateID() LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MicrosoftMappingSchema() public MicrosoftMappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public class SQLiteMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema SQLiteMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.GenerateID() LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteOptions.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record SQLiteOptions : DataProviderOptions<SQLiteOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SQLiteOptions>>, IEquatable<SQLiteOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<SQLiteOptions> SQLiteOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SQLiteOptions>> IEquatable<SQLiteOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<SQLiteOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<SQLiteOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SQLiteOptions() public SQLiteOptions() SQLiteOptions(BulkCopyType, bool) public SQLiteOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows, bool AlwaysCheckDbNull = true) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for SQLite by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. AlwaysCheckDbNull bool Enables null-value checks during database data mapping even if SQLite reports that column cannot be NULL to avoid NullReferenceException on mapping when database reports nullability incorrectly. Default value: true. Properties AlwaysCheckDbNull Enables null-value checks during database data mapping even if SQLite reports that column cannot be NULL to avoid NullReferenceException on mapping when database reports nullability incorrectly. Default value: true. public bool AlwaysCheckDbNull { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(SQLiteOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(SQLiteOptions? other) Parameters other SQLiteOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public class SQLiteProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object SQLiteProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields MicrosoftDataSQLiteAssemblyName public const string MicrosoftDataSQLiteAssemblyName = \"Microsoft.Data.Sqlite\" Field Value string MicrosoftDataSQLiteClientNamespace public const string MicrosoftDataSQLiteClientNamespace = \"Microsoft.Data.Sqlite\" Field Value string SystemDataSQLiteAssemblyName public const string SystemDataSQLiteAssemblyName = \"System.Data.SQLite\" Field Value string SystemDataSQLiteClientNamespace public const string SystemDataSQLiteClientNamespace = \"System.Data.SQLite\" Field Value string Properties ClearAllPools public Action? ClearAllPools { get; } Property Value Action CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods GetInstance(string) public static SQLiteProviderAdapter GetInstance(string name) Parameters name string Returns SQLiteProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteSqlBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteSqlBuilder.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteSqlBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteSqlBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public class SQLiteSqlBuilder : BasicSqlBuilder, ISqlBuilder Inheritance object BasicSqlBuilder SQLiteSqlBuilder Implements ISqlBuilder Inherited Members BasicSqlBuilder.OptimizationContext BasicSqlBuilder.MappingSchema BasicSqlBuilder.StringBuilder BasicSqlBuilder.SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlBuilder.DataOptions BasicSqlBuilder.DataProvider BasicSqlBuilder.ValueToSqlConverter BasicSqlBuilder.Statement BasicSqlBuilder.Indent BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStep BasicSqlBuilder.SqlOptimizer BasicSqlBuilder.SkipAlias BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinParenthesisRequired BasicSqlBuilder.CteFirst BasicSqlBuilder.WrapJoinCondition BasicSqlBuilder.CanSkipRootAliases(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.InlineComma BasicSqlBuilder.Comma BasicSqlBuilder.OpenParens BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveInlineComma() BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertElement<T>(T) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSetOperation(SetOperation, StringBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.MergeSqlBuilderData(BasicSqlBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.FinalizeBuildQuery(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlBuilder(SelectQuery, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilder<TContext>(Action<TContext>, TContext) BasicSqlBuilder.ParenthesizeJoin(List<SqlJoinedTable>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlForUnion() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery2(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateQuery(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectQuery(SqlSelectStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCteBody(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery2(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMultiInsertQuery(SqlMultiInsertStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUnknownQuery() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildObjectNameSuffix(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertInline(string, ConvertType) BasicSqlBuilder.IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired BasicSqlBuilder.IsCteColumnListSupported BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWithClause(SqlWithClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.StartStatementQueryExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputColumnExpressions(IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsBooleanInColumn BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsNullInColumn BasicSqlBuilder.WrapBooleanExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumnExpression(SelectQuery, ISqlExpression, string, ref bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WrapColumnExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildAlterDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateSetKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateSet(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.OutputKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.DeletedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.InsertedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyInsert(SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlOutputClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, string, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsMerge(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement, string) BasicSqlBuilder.EndLine BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsUpdateInsert(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTableStatement(SqlTruncateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTable(SqlTruncateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDropTableStatementIfExists(SqlDropTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStartCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableFieldType(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableNullAttribute(SqlField, DefaultNullable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute1(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteFromClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPhysicalTable(ISqlTableSource, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyValues(SqlValuesTable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableName(SqlTableSource, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableNameExtensions(SqlTable) BasicSqlBuilder.GetExtensionBuilder(Type) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string, Func<SqlQueryExtension, bool>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(StringBuilder, List<SqlQueryExtension>, string, string, string, Sql.QueryExtensionScope) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildJoinTable(SelectQuery, SqlJoinedTable, ref int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildJoinType(SqlJoinedTable, SqlSearchCondition) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhere(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByBody(GroupingType, List<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildHavingClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOrderByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionForOrderBy(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.SkipFirst BasicSqlBuilder.SkipFormat BasicSqlBuilder.FirstFormat(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.OffsetFirst BasicSqlBuilder.TakePercent BasicSqlBuilder.TakeTies BasicSqlBuilder.NeedSkip(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.NeedTake(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSkipFirst(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTakeHints(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOffsetLimit(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereSearchCondition(SelectQuery, SqlSearchCondition) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(int, SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicateOperator(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicate(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicateFallback(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(int, int, ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildLikePredicate(SqlPredicate.Like) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFieldTableAlias(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, string, ref bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.TryConvertParameterToSql(SqlParameterValue) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildParameter(SqlParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTypedExpression(SqlDataType, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlRow(SqlRow, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionContext BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValue(SqlDataType, object) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFunction(SqlFunction) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(StringBuilder, SqlDataType) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPrecedence(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTag(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlComment(StringBuilder, SqlComment) BasicSqlBuilder.AlternativeGetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery, IEnumerable<SqlColumn>) BasicSqlBuilder.IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlBuilder.IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSequenceNameAttribute(SqlTable, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTableAlias(ISqlTableSource) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPhysicalTableName(ISqlTableSource, string, bool, string, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.AppendIndent() BasicSqlBuilder.IsReserved(string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterName(StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetUdtTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterType(IDataContext, StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameters(IDataContext, StringBuilder, IEnumerable<DbParameter>) BasicSqlBuilder.ApplyQueryHints(string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int, string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) BasicSqlBuilder.Name BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveAlias(string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTempAliases(int, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSubQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.TableIDs BasicSqlBuilder.TablePath BasicSqlBuilder.QueryName BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlID(Sql.SqlID) BasicSqlBuilder.RequiresConstantColumnAliases BasicSqlBuilder.IsValuesSyntaxSupported BasicSqlBuilder.IsEmptyValuesSourceSupported BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTable BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTableSchema BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeTerminator(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdate(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationInsert(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateWithDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDeleteBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOn(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeSourceQuery(SqlTableLikeSource) BasicSqlBuilder.IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>, int, int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFakeTableName() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValues(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeInto(SqlMergeStatement) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SQLiteSqlBuilder(IDataProvider?, MappingSchema, DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags) public SQLiteSqlBuilder(IDataProvider? provider, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, ISqlOptimizer sqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters provider IDataProvider mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions sqlOptimizer ISqlOptimizer sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags Properties IsNestedJoinSupported public override bool IsNestedJoinSupported { get; } Property Value bool SupportsColumnAliasesInSource If true, provider supports column aliases specification after table alias. E.g. as table_alias (column_alias1, column_alias2). protected override bool SupportsColumnAliasesInSource { get; } Property Value bool Methods BuildCommand(SqlStatement, int) protected override void BuildCommand(SqlStatement statement, int commandNumber) Parameters statement SqlStatement commandNumber int BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable) protected override void BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute2(SqlField) protected override void BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute2(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField BuildCreateTablePrimaryKey(SqlCreateTableStatement, string, IEnumerable<string>) protected override void BuildCreateTablePrimaryKey(SqlCreateTableStatement createTable, string pkName, IEnumerable<string> fieldNames) Parameters createTable SqlCreateTableStatement pkName string fieldNames IEnumerable<string> BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) protected override void BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType type, bool forCreateTable, bool canBeNull) Parameters type SqlDataType forCreateTable bool canBeNull bool Type could store NULL values (could be used for column table type generation or for databases with explicit typee nullability like ClickHouse). BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement) protected override void BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement dropTable) Parameters dropTable SqlDropTableStatement BuildIsDistinctPredicate(IsDistinct) protected override void BuildIsDistinctPredicate(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct expr) Parameters expr SqlPredicate.IsDistinct BuildMergeStatement(SqlMergeStatement) protected override void BuildMergeStatement(SqlMergeStatement merge) Parameters merge SqlMergeStatement BuildObjectName(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, ConvertType, bool, TableOptions, bool) Writes database object name into provided StringBuilder instance. public override StringBuilder BuildObjectName(StringBuilder sb, SqlObjectName name, ConvertType objectType, bool escape, TableOptions tableOptions, bool withoutSuffix) Parameters sb StringBuilder String builder for generated object name. name SqlObjectName Name of database object (e.g. table, view, procedure or function). objectType ConvertType Type of database object, used to select proper name converter. escape bool If true, apply required escaping to name components. Must be true except rare cases when escaping is not needed. tableOptions TableOptions Table options if called for table. Used to properly generate names for temporary tables. withoutSuffix bool If object name have suffix, which could be detached from main name, this parameter disables suffix generation (enables generation of only main name part). Returns StringBuilder sb parameter value. BuildSqlValuesTable(SqlValuesTable, string, out bool) protected override void BuildSqlValuesTable(SqlValuesTable valuesTable, string alias, out bool aliasBuilt) Parameters valuesTable SqlValuesTable alias string aliasBuilt bool BuildTableExtensions(SqlTable, string) protected override void BuildTableExtensions(SqlTable table, string alias) Parameters table SqlTable alias string BuildUpdateTableName(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) protected override void BuildUpdateTableName(SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlUpdateClause updateClause) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery updateClause SqlUpdateClause CommandCount(SqlStatement) public override int CommandCount(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns int Convert(StringBuilder, string, ConvertType) public override StringBuilder Convert(StringBuilder sb, string value, ConvertType convertType) Parameters sb StringBuilder value string convertType ConvertType Returns StringBuilder CreateSqlBuilder() protected override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder() Returns ISqlBuilder LimitFormat(SelectQuery) protected override string LimitFormat(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns string OffsetFormat(SelectQuery) protected override string OffsetFormat(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.SQLiteTools.html",
"title": "Class SQLiteTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SQLiteTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SQLiteTools Inheritance object SQLiteTools Properties AlwaysCheckDbNull [Obsolete(\"Use SQLiteOptions.Default.AlwaysCheckDbNull instead.\")] public static bool AlwaysCheckDbNull { get; set; } Property Value bool DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use SQLiteOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType DetectedProviderName public static string DetectedProviderName { get; } Property Value string Methods AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> AsSQLite<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Returns ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ClearAllPools(string?) Invokes ClearAllPools() method for specified provider. public static void ClearAllPools(string? provider = null) Parameters provider string For which provider ClearAllPools should be called: SQLiteClassic: System.Data.SQLite SQLiteMS: Microsoft.Data.Sqlite null: both (any) CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, string? providerName = null) Parameters connection DbConnection providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, string? providerName = null) Parameters transaction DbTransaction providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, string? providerName = null) Parameters connectionString string providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDatabase(string, bool, string) public static void CreateDatabase(string databaseName, bool deleteIfExists = false, string extension = \".sqlite\") Parameters databaseName string deleteIfExists bool extension string DropDatabase(string) public static void DropDatabase(string databaseName) Parameters databaseName string GetDataProvider(string?) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(string? providerName = null) Parameters providerName string Returns IDataProvider ResolveSQLite(Assembly) public static void ResolveSQLite(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolveSQLite(string) public static void ResolveSQLite(string path) Parameters path string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SQLite Classes SQLiteDataProvider SQLiteExtensions SQLiteHints SQLiteHints.Hint SQLiteMappingSchema SQLiteMappingSchema.ClassicMappingSchema SQLiteMappingSchema.MicrosoftMappingSchema SQLiteOptions SQLiteProviderAdapter SQLiteSqlBuilder SQLiteTools Interfaces ISQLiteExtensions ISQLiteSpecificTable<TSource>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute.html",
"title": "Class CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public class CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute : Sql.TableExpressionAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.TableFunctionAttribute Sql.TableExpressionAttribute CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members Sql.TableExpressionAttribute.Name Sql.TableExpressionAttribute.Expression Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Schema Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Database Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Server Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Package Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.ArgIndices Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.GetObjectID() MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute() public CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute() Methods SetTable<TContext>(DataOptions, TContext, ISqlBuilder, MappingSchema, SqlTable, MethodCallExpression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public override void SetTable<TContext>(DataOptions options, TContext context, ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlTable table, MethodCallExpression methodCall, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters options DataOptions context TContext sqlBuilder ISqlBuilder mappingSchema MappingSchema table SqlTable methodCall MethodCallExpression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.GetHanaSchemaOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.GetHanaSchemaOptions.html",
"title": "Class GetHanaSchemaOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GetHanaSchemaOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public class GetHanaSchemaOptions : GetSchemaOptions Inheritance object GetSchemaOptions GetHanaSchemaOptions Inherited Members GetSchemaOptions.PreferProviderSpecificTypes GetSchemaOptions.GetTables GetSchemaOptions.GetForeignKeys GetSchemaOptions.GetProcedures GetSchemaOptions.GenerateChar1AsString GetSchemaOptions.IgnoreSystemHistoryTables GetSchemaOptions.DefaultSchema GetSchemaOptions.IncludedSchemas GetSchemaOptions.ExcludedSchemas GetSchemaOptions.IncludedCatalogs GetSchemaOptions.ExcludedCatalogs GetSchemaOptions.StringComparer GetSchemaOptions.LoadProcedure GetSchemaOptions.GetAssociationMemberName GetSchemaOptions.ProcedureLoadingProgress GetSchemaOptions.LoadTable GetSchemaOptions.UseSchemaOnly Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields GetStoredProcedureParameters public Func<ProcedureSchema, DataParameter[]?> GetStoredProcedureParameters Field Value Func<ProcedureSchema, DataParameter[]> ThrowExceptionIfCalculationViewsNotAuthorized public bool ThrowExceptionIfCalculationViewsNotAuthorized Field Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public class SapHanaDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter> SapHanaDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<SapHanaProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SapHanaDataProvider() public SapHanaDataProvider() Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) public override Type ConvertParameterType(Type type, DbDataType dataType) Parameters type Type dataType DbDataType Returns Type CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) public override bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions options, DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters options DataOptions reader DbDataReader idx int Returns bool? SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors NativeMappingSchema() public NativeMappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors OdbcMappingSchema() public OdbcMappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public class SapHanaMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema SapHanaMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.GenerateID() LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaOdbcDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaOdbcDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaOdbcDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaOdbcDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public class SapHanaOdbcDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter> SapHanaOdbcDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<OdbcProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataProviderBase.BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SapHanaOdbcDataProvider() public SapHanaOdbcDataProvider() Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) public override Type ConvertParameterType(Type type, DbDataType dataType) Parameters type Type dataType DbDataType Returns Type CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder ExecuteScope(DataConnection) Creates disposable object, which should be disposed by caller after database query execution completed. Could be used to execute provider's method with scope-specific settings, e.g. with Invariant culture to workaround incorrect culture handling in provider. public override IExecutionScope ExecuteScope(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Current data connection object. Returns IExecutionScope Scoped execution disposable object or null if provider doesn't need scoped configuration. GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns instance of IQueryParametersNormalizer, which implements normalization logic for parameters of single query. E.g. it could include: trimming names that are too long removing/replacing unsupported characters name deduplication for parameters with same name . For implementation without state it is recommended to return static instance. E.g. this could be done for providers with positional parameters that ignore names. public override IQueryParametersNormalizer GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns IQueryParametersNormalizer GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[]?, bool) Initializes DataConnection command object. public override DbCommand InitCommand(DataConnection dataConnection, DbCommand command, CommandType commandType, string commandText, DataParameter[]? parameters, bool withParameters) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection instance to initialize with new command. command DbCommand Command instance to initialize. commandType CommandType Type of command. commandText string Command SQL. parameters DataParameter[] Optional list of parameters to add to initialized command. withParameters bool Flag to indicate that command has parameters. Used to configure parameters support when method called without parameters and parameters added later to command. Returns DbCommand Initialized command instance. IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) public override bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions options, DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters options DataOptions reader DbDataReader idx int Returns bool? SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaOptions.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record SapHanaOptions : DataProviderOptions<SapHanaOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SapHanaOptions>>, IEquatable<SapHanaOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<SapHanaOptions> SapHanaOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SapHanaOptions>> IEquatable<SapHanaOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<SapHanaOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<SapHanaOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SapHanaOptions() public SapHanaOptions() SapHanaOptions(BulkCopyType) public SapHanaOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for SapHana by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(SapHanaOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(SapHanaOptions? other) Parameters other SapHanaOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors HanaBulkCopy(HanaConnection, HanaBulkCopyOptions, HanaTransaction?) public HanaBulkCopy(SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection connection, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions options, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction? transaction) Parameters connection SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection options SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions transaction SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction HanaBulkCopy(object, Delegate[]) public HanaBulkCopy(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties BatchSize public int BatchSize { get; set; } Property Value int BulkCopyTimeout public int BulkCopyTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int CanWriteToServerAsync public bool CanWriteToServerAsync { get; } Property Value bool ColumnMappings public SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection ColumnMappings { get; } Property Value SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection DestinationTableName public string? DestinationTableName { get; set; } Property Value string NotifyAfter public int NotifyAfter { get; set; } Property Value int Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() WriteToServer(IDataReader) public void WriteToServer(IDataReader dataReader) Parameters dataReader IDataReader WriteToServerAsync(IDataReader, CancellationToken) public Task WriteToServerAsync(IDataReader dataReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters dataReader IDataReader cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task Events HanaRowsCopied public event SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventHandler? HanaRowsCopied Event Type SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping(int, string) public HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping(int source, string destination) Parameters source int destination string HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping(object) public HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping(object instance) Parameters instance object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object, Delegate[]) public HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Methods Add(HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping) public SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping bulkCopyColumnMapping) Parameters bulkCopyColumnMapping SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping Returns SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions.html",
"title": "Enum SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] [Flags] public enum SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Default = 0 KeepIdentity = 1 TableLock = 2 UseInternalTransaction = 4"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection Inheritance object SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaDbType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaDbType.html",
"title": "Enum SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaDbType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaDbType Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaDbType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AlphaNum = 1 BigInt = 2 Blob = 3 Boolean = 4 Clob = 5 Date = 6 Decimal = 7 Double = 8 Integer = 9 NClob = 10 NVarChar = 11 Real = 12 SecondDate = 13 ShortText = 14 SmallDecimal = 15 SmallInt = 16 TableType = 23 Text = 17 Time = 18 TimeStamp = 19 TinyInt = 20 VarBinary = 21 VarChar = 22"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs(object, Delegate[]) public HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties Abort public bool Abort { get; set; } Property Value bool RowsCopied public long RowsCopied { get; } Property Value long"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventHandler.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventHandler.html",
"title": "Delegate SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventHandler | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventHandler Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public delegate void SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventHandler(object sender, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs e) Parameters sender object e SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction Inheritance object SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public class SapHanaProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object SapHanaProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AssemblyName public const string AssemblyName = \"Sap.Data.Hana.v4.5\" Field Value string ClientNamespace public const string ClientNamespace = \"Sap.Data.Hana\" Field Value string ProviderFactoryName public const string ProviderFactoryName = \"Sap.Data.Hana\" Field Value string Properties CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type CreateBulkCopy public Func<DbConnection, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions, DbTransaction?, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy> CreateBulkCopy { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions, DbTransaction, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy> CreateBulkCopyColumnMapping public Func<int, string, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping> CreateBulkCopyColumnMapping { get; } Property Value Func<int, string, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping> DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaDbType> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaDbType> TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.SapHanaTools.html",
"title": "Class SapHanaTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SapHanaTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SapHanaTools Inheritance object SapHanaTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use SapHanaOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType DetectedProviderName public static string DetectedProviderName { get; } Property Value string Methods CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, string? providerName = null) Parameters connection DbConnection providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, string? providerName = null) Parameters transaction DbTransaction providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, string? providerName = null) Parameters connectionString string providerName string Returns DataConnection GetDataProvider(string?, string?) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(string? providerName = null, string? assemblyName = null) Parameters providerName string assemblyName string Returns IDataProvider ResolveSapHana(Assembly) public static void ResolveSapHana(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolveSapHana(string) public static void ResolveSapHana(string path) Parameters path string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.ViewWithParametersTableSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.ViewWithParametersTableSchema.html",
"title": "Class ViewWithParametersTableSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ViewWithParametersTableSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Assembly linq2db.dll public class ViewWithParametersTableSchema : TableSchema Inheritance object TableSchema ViewWithParametersTableSchema Inherited Members TableSchema.ID TableSchema.CatalogName TableSchema.SchemaName TableSchema.TableName TableSchema.Description TableSchema.IsDefaultSchema TableSchema.IsView TableSchema.IsProcedureResult TableSchema.TypeName TableSchema.IsProviderSpecific TableSchema.Columns TableSchema.ForeignKeys TableSchema.GroupName Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ViewWithParametersTableSchema() public ViewWithParametersTableSchema() Properties Parameters public List<ParameterSchema>? Parameters { get; set; } Property Value List<ParameterSchema>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SapHana Classes CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute GetHanaSchemaOptions SapHanaDataProvider SapHanaMappingSchema SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema SapHanaOdbcDataProvider SapHanaOptions SapHanaProviderAdapter SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaConnection SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaTransaction SapHanaTools ViewWithParametersTableSchema Enums SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyOptions SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaDbType Delegates SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.ISqlCeSpecificQueryable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.ISqlCeSpecificQueryable-1.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<out TSource> : IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IQueryable, IEnumerable Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.Expression IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider Extension Methods SqlCeHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlCeHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) SqlCeHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) SqlCeHints.WithHoldLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithNoLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithPagLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithRowLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithTabLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithUpdLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithXLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.ISqlCeSpecificTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.ISqlCeSpecificTable-1.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlCeSpecificTable<out TSource> : ITable<TSource>, IExpressionQuery<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where TSource : notnull Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members ITable<TSource>.ServerName ITable<TSource>.DatabaseName ITable<TSource>.SchemaName ITable<TSource>.TableName ITable<TSource>.TableOptions ITable<TSource>.TableID IExpressionQuery<TSource>.Expression IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods SqlCeHints.TableHint<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, string) SqlCeHints.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) SqlCeHints.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) SqlCeHints.WithHoldLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithIndex<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, string) SqlCeHints.WithIndex<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) SqlCeHints.WithNoLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithPagLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithRowLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithTabLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithUpdLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlCeHints.WithXLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeConfiguration.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeConfiguration.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeConfiguration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeConfiguration Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlCeConfiguration Inheritance object SqlCeConfiguration Properties InlineFunctionParameters Enables force inlining of function parameters to support SQL CE 3.0. Default value: false. [Obsolete(\"Use SqlCeOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static bool InlineFunctionParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlCeDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter> SqlCeDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlCeProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlCeDataProvider() public SqlCeDataProvider() SqlCeDataProvider(string, MappingSchema) protected SqlCeDataProvider(string name, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters name string mappingSchema MappingSchema Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) public override bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions options, DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters options DataOptions reader DbDataReader idx int Returns bool? SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeHints.Table.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeHints.Table.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeHints.Table | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeHints.Table Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlCeHints.Table Inheritance object SqlCeHints.Table Fields HoldLock public const string HoldLock = \"HoldLock\" Field Value string Index public const string Index = \"Index\" Field Value string NoLock public const string NoLock = \"NoLock\" Field Value string PagLock public const string PagLock = \"PagLock\" Field Value string RowLock public const string RowLock = \"RowLock\" Field Value string TabLock public const string TabLock = \"TabLock\" Field Value string UpdLock public const string UpdLock = \"UpdLock\" Field Value string XLock public const string XLock = \"XLock\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeHints.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeHints Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlCeHints Inheritance object SqlCeHints Methods TableHint<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlCe\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlCe\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlCe\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlCe\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlCe\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params object[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters object[] Table hint parameters. Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlCe\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. WithHoldLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithHoldLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithHoldLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithHoldLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithHoldLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithHoldLock<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithIndex<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"WithIndexImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithIndex<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table, string indexName) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> indexName string Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithIndex<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"WithIndex2Impl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithIndex<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithNoLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithNoLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithNoLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithNoLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithNoLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithNoLock<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithPagLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithPagLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithPagLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithPagLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithPagLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithPagLock<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithRowLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithRowLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithRowLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithRowLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithRowLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithRowLock<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithTabLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithTabLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithTabLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithTabLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithTabLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithTabLock<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithUpdLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithUpdLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithUpdLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithUpdLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithUpdLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithUpdLock<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithXLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithXLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithXLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithXLock<TSource>(ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlCe\", \"WithXLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> WithXLock<TSource>(this ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class SqlCeMappingSchema : LockedMappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema SqlCeMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Inherited Members LockedMappingSchema.IsLockable LockedMappingSchema.IsLocked MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlCeMappingSchema() public SqlCeMappingSchema()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeOptions.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record SqlCeOptions : DataProviderOptions<SqlCeOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SqlCeOptions>>, IEquatable<SqlCeOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<SqlCeOptions> SqlCeOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SqlCeOptions>> IEquatable<SqlCeOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<SqlCeOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<SqlCeOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlCeOptions() public SqlCeOptions() SqlCeOptions(BulkCopyType, bool) public SqlCeOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows, bool InlineFunctionParameters = false) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for SqlCe by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: MultipleRows. InlineFunctionParameters bool Enables force inlining of function parameters to support SQL CE 3.0. Default value: false. Properties InlineFunctionParameters Enables force inlining of function parameters to support SQL CE 3.0. Default value: false. public bool InlineFunctionParameters { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(SqlCeOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(SqlCeOptions? other) Parameters other SqlCeOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlCeEngine(object, Delegate[]) public SqlCeEngine(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] SqlCeEngine(string) public SqlCeEngine(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Methods CreateDatabase() public void CreateDatabase() Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlCeProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object SqlCeProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AssemblyName public const string AssemblyName = \"System.Data.SqlServerCe\" Field Value string ClientNamespace public const string ClientNamespace = \"System.Data.SqlServerCe\" Field Value string ProviderFactoryName public const string ProviderFactoryName = \"System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0\" Field Value string Properties CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type CreateSqlCeEngine public Func<string, SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine> CreateSqlCeEngine { get; } Property Value Func<string, SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine> DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type GetDbType public Func<DbParameter, SqlDbType> GetDbType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, SqlDbType> ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, SqlDbType> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, SqlDbType> TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods GetInstance() public static SqlCeProviderAdapter GetInstance() Returns SqlCeProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlCeTools.html",
"title": "Class SqlCeTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCeTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlCeTools Inheritance object SqlCeTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use SqlCeOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType Methods CreateDataConnection(DbConnection) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection) Parameters connection DbConnection Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction) Parameters transaction DbTransaction Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns DataConnection CreateDatabase(string, bool) public static void CreateDatabase(string databaseName, bool deleteIfExists = false) Parameters databaseName string deleteIfExists bool DropDatabase(string) public static void DropDatabase(string databaseName) Parameters databaseName string GetDataProvider() public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider() Returns IDataProvider ResolveSqlCe(Assembly) public static void ResolveSqlCe(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolveSqlCe(string) public static void ResolveSqlCe(string path) Parameters path string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlServerTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.SqlServerTools.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerTools Inheritance object SqlServerTools Methods AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> AsSqlCe<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> AsSqlCe<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlCe Classes SqlCeConfiguration SqlCeDataProvider SqlCeHints SqlCeHints.Table SqlCeMappingSchema SqlCeOptions SqlCeProviderAdapter SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine SqlCeTools SqlServerTools Interfaces ISqlCeSpecificQueryable<TSource> ISqlCeSpecificTable<TSource>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.ISqlServerExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.ISqlServerExtensions.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlServerExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlServerExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlServerExtensions Extension Methods SqlServerExtensions.Contains(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, params object?[]) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsProperty(ISqlServerExtensions?, object?, string, string) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsPropertyWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, object?, string, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsPropertyWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, object?, string, string, string) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, string) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, string) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, int, params object?[]) SqlServerExtensions.ContainsWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, string, params object?[]) SqlServerExtensions.FreeText(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, params object?[]) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int, int) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, string) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int, int) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, string) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, int, params object?[]) SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, string, params object?[]) SqlServerExtensions.IsNull<T>(ISqlServerExtensions?, T?, T?) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.ISqlServerSpecificQueryable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.ISqlServerSpecificQueryable-1.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<out TSource> : IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IQueryable, IEnumerable Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.Expression IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider Extension Methods SqlServerHints.JoinHashHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.JoinHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.JoinLoopHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.JoinMergeHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.JoinRemoteHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionConcatUnion<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionDisableExternalPushDown<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionDisableScaleOutExecution<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionExpandViews<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionFast<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) SqlServerHints.OptionForceExternalPushDown<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionForceOrder<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionForceScaleOutExecution<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionHashGroup<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionHashJoin<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionHashUnion<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionIgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndex<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionKeepFixedPlan<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionKeepPlan<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionLoopJoin<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionMaxDop<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) SqlServerHints.OptionMaxGrantPercent<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) SqlServerHints.OptionMaxRecursion<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) SqlServerHints.OptionMergeJoin<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionMergeUnion<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionMinGrantPercent<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) SqlServerHints.OptionNoPerformanceSpool<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionOptimizeForUnknown<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionOptimizeFor<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) SqlServerHints.OptionOrderGroup<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionQueryTraceOn<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) SqlServerHints.OptionRecompile<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionRobustPlan<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.OptionTableHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, Sql.SqlID, params string[]) SqlServerHints.OptionUseHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) SqlServerHints.QueryHint2008Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.QueryHint2012Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.QueryHint2016Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.QueryHint2019Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.QueryHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) SqlServerHints.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) SqlServerHints.TablesInScopeHint2012Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.TablesInScopeHint2014Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) SqlServerHints.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) SqlServerHints.WithForceScanInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithForceSeekInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithHoldLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithNoLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithNoWaitInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithPagLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithReadCommittedInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithReadCommittedLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithReadPastInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithReadUncommittedInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithRepeatableReadInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithRowLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithSerializableInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithSnapshotInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithTabLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithTabLockXInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithUpdLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithXLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.ISqlServerSpecificTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.ISqlServerSpecificTable-1.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlServerSpecificTable<out TSource> : ITable<TSource>, IExpressionQuery<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where TSource : notnull Type Parameters TSource Inherited Members ITable<TSource>.ServerName ITable<TSource>.DatabaseName ITable<TSource>.SchemaName ITable<TSource>.TableName ITable<TSource>.TableOptions ITable<TSource>.TableID IExpressionQuery<TSource>.Expression IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods SqlServerHints.JoinHashHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.JoinHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.JoinLoopHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.JoinMergeHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.JoinRemoteHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.TableHint2012Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.TableHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) SqlServerHints.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) SqlServerHints.TemporalTableAll<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.TemporalTableAsOf<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, DateTime) SqlServerHints.TemporalTableBetween<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, DateTime, DateTime) SqlServerHints.TemporalTableContainedIn<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, DateTime, DateTime) SqlServerHints.TemporalTableFromTo<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, DateTime, DateTime) SqlServerHints.WithForceScan<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithForceSeek<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithForceSeek<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params Expression<Func<TSource, object>>[]) SqlServerHints.WithHoldLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithIndex<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string) SqlServerHints.WithIndex<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) SqlServerHints.WithNoLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithNoWait<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithPagLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithReadCommittedLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithReadCommitted<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithReadPast<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithReadUncommitted<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithRepeatableRead<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithRowLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithSerializable<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithSnapshot<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithSpatialWindowMaxCells<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, int) SqlServerHints.WithTabLockX<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithTabLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithUpdLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) SqlServerHints.WithXLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AllowsNull = 0 ColumnId = 1 FullTextTypeColumn = 2 GeneratedAlwaysType = 3 IsColumnSet = 4 IsComputed = 5 IsCursorType = 6 IsDeterministic = 7 IsFulltextIndexed = 8 IsHidden = 9 IsIdNotForRepl = 11 IsIdentity = 10 IsIndexable = 12 IsOutParam = 13 IsPrecise = 14 IsRowGuidCol = 15 IsSparse = 16 IsSystemVerified = 17 IsXmlIndexable = 18 Precision = 19 Scale = 20 StatisticalSemantics = 24 SystemDataAccess = 21 UserDataAccess = 22 UsesAnsiTrim = 23"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Auth_Scheme = 2 Client_Net_Address = 5 Local_Net_Address = 3 Local_TCP_Port = 4 Net_Transport = 0 Physical_Net_Transport = 6 Protocol_Type = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Collation = 0 ComparisonStyle = 1 Edition = 2 IsAnsiNullDefault = 3 IsAnsiNullsEnabled = 4 IsAnsiPaddingEnabled = 5 IsAnsiWarningsEnabled = 6 IsArithmeticAbortEnabled = 7 IsAutoClose = 8 IsAutoCreateStatistics = 9 IsAutoCreateStatisticsIncremental = 14 IsAutoShrink = 10 IsAutoUpdateStatistics = 11 IsClone = 12 IsCloseCursorsOnCommitEnabled = 19 IsFulltextEnabled = 13 IsInStandBy = 15 IsLocalCursorsDefault = 16 IsMemoryOptimizedElevateToSnapshotEnabled = 24 IsMergePublished = 17 IsNullConcat = 18 IsNumericRoundAbortEnabled = 26 IsParameterizationForced = 31 IsPublished = 20 IsQuotedIdentifiersEnabled = 29 IsRecursiveTriggersEnabled = 21 IsSubscribed = 22 IsSyncWithBackup = 23 IsTornPageDetectionEnabled = 34 IsVerifiedClone = 25 IsXTPSupported = 27 LCID = 30 LastGoodCheckDbTime = 28 MaxSizeInBytes = 32 Recovery = 33 SQLSortOrder = 37 ServiceObjective = 35 ServiceObjectiveId = 36 Status = 38 Updateability = 39 UserAccess = 40 Version = 41"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.DateParts.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.DateParts.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.DateParts | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.DateParts Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.DateParts Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Day = 4 DayOfYear = 3 Hour = 7 Microsecond = 11 Millisecond = 10 Minute = 8 Month = 2 Nanosecond = 12 Quarter = 1 Second = 9 Week = 5 WeekDay = 6 Year = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields IsDefault = 2 IsReadOnly = 0 IsUserDefinedFG = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FilePropertyExName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FilePropertyExName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.FilePropertyExName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.FilePropertyExName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.FilePropertyExName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AccountType = 1 BlobTier = 0 IsInferredTier = 2 IsPageBlob = 3"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FilePropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FilePropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.FilePropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.FilePropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.FilePropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields IsLogFile = 2 IsPrimaryFile = 1 IsReadOnly = 0 SpaceUsed = 3"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AccentSensitivity = 0 ImportStatus = 8 IndexSize = 1 ItemCount = 2 LogSize = 3 MergeStatus = 4 PopulateCompletionAge = 5 PopulateStatus = 6 UniqueKeyCount = 7"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields ConnectTimeout = 1 DataTimeout = 3 IsFulltextInstalled = 2 LoadOSResources = 4 ResourceUsage = 0 VerifySignature = 5"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields ColumnId = 0 IsDescending = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.IndexPropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.IndexPropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.IndexPropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.IndexPropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.IndexPropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields IndexDepth = 0 IndexFillFactor = 1 IndexID = 2 IsAutoStatistics = 3 IsClustered = 4 IsColumnstore = 13 IsDisabled = 5 IsFulltextKey = 6 IsHypothetical = 7 IsOptimizedForSequentialKey = 14 IsPadIndex = 8 IsPageLockDisallowed = 9 IsRowLockDisallowed = 10 IsStatistics = 11 IsUnique = 12"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.JsonData.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.JsonData.html",
"title": "Class SqlFn.JsonData | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlFn.JsonData Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public record SqlFn.JsonData : IEquatable<SqlFn.JsonData> Inheritance object SqlFn.JsonData Implements IEquatable<SqlFn.JsonData> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Key [Column(\"key\")] public string? Key { get; set; } Property Value string Type [Column(\"type\")] public int? Type { get; set; } Property Value int? Value [Column(\"value\")] public string? Value { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BaseType = 0 Cardinality = 107 CnstIsClustKey = 1 CnstIsColumn = 2 CnstIsDeleteCascade = 3 CnstIsDisabled = 4 CnstIsNonclustKey = 5 CnstIsNotRepl = 6 CnstIsNotTrusted = 7 CnstIsUpdateCascade = 8 ExecIsAfterTrigger = 9 ExecIsAnsiNullsOn = 10 ExecIsDeleteTrigger = 11 ExecIsFirstDeleteTrigger = 12 ExecIsFirstInsertTrigger = 13 ExecIsFirstUpdateTrigger = 14 ExecIsInsertTrigger = 15 ExecIsInsteadOfTrigger = 16 ExecIsLastDeleteTrigger = 17 ExecIsLastInsertTrigger = 18 ExecIsLastUpdateTrigger = 19 ExecIsQuotedIdentOn = 20 ExecIsStartup = 21 ExecIsTriggerDisabled = 22 ExecIsTriggerNotForRepl = 23 ExecIsUpdateTrigger = 24 ExecIsWithNativeCompilation = 29 HasAfterTrigger = 25 HasDeleteTrigger = 26 HasInsertTrigger = 27 HasInsteadOfTrigger = 28 HasUpdateTrigger = 30 IsAnsiNullsOn = 31 IsCheckCnst = 32 IsConstraint = 33 IsDefault = 34 IsDefaultCnst = 35 IsDeterministic = 36 IsEncrypted = 37 IsExecuted = 38 IsExtendedProc = 39 IsForeignKey = 40 IsIndexable = 42 IsIndexed = 41 IsInlineFunction = 43 IsMSShipped = 44 IsPrecise = 45 IsPrimaryKey = 46 IsProcedure = 47 IsQueue = 49 IsQuotedIdentOn = 48 IsReplProc = 50 IsRule = 51 IsScalarFunction = 52 IsSchemaBound = 53 IsSystemTable = 54 IsSystemVerified = 55 IsTable = 56 IsTableFunction = 57 IsTrigger = 58 IsUniqueCnst = 59 IsUserTable = 60 IsView = 61 OwnerId = 62 SchemaId = 63 SystemDataAccess = 64 TableDeleteTrigger = 65 TableDeleteTriggerCount = 66 TableFullTextBackgroundUpdateIndexOn = 69 TableFullTextChangeTrackingOn = 74 TableFullTextMergeStatus = 67 TableFullTextSemanticExtraction = 94 TableFulltextCatalogId = 68 TableFulltextDocsProcessed = 79 TableFulltextFailCount = 70 TableFulltextItemCount = 71 TableFulltextKeyColumn = 72 TableFulltextPendingChanges = 84 TableFulltextPopulateStatus = 89 TableHasActiveFulltextIndex = 99 TableHasCheckCnst = 73 TableHasClustIndex = 75 TableHasColumnSet = 106 TableHasDefaultCnst = 76 TableHasDeleteTrigger = 77 TableHasForeignKey = 78 TableHasForeignRef = 80 TableHasIdentity = 81 TableHasIndex = 82 TableHasInsertTrigger = 83 TableHasNonclustIndex = 85 TableHasPrimaryKey = 86 TableHasRowGuidCol = 87 TableHasTextImage = 88 TableHasTimestamp = 90 TableHasUniqueCnst = 91 TableHasUpdateTrigger = 92 TableHasVarDecimalStorageFormat = 104 TableInsertTrigger = 93 TableInsertTriggerCount = 96 TableIsFake = 95 TableIsLockedOnBulkLoad = 97 TableIsMemoryOptimized = 98 TableIsPinned = 100 TableTemporalType = 108 TableTextInRowLimit = 101 TableUpdateTrigger = 102 TableUpdateTriggerCount = 103 UserDataAccess = 105"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields CnstIsClustKey = 0 CnstIsColumn = 1 CnstIsDeleteCascade = 2 CnstIsDisabled = 3 CnstIsNonclustKey = 4 CnstIsNotRepl = 5 CnstIsNotTrusted = 6 CnstIsUpdateCascade = 7 ExecIsAfterTrigger = 8 ExecIsAnsiNullsOn = 9 ExecIsDeleteTrigger = 10 ExecIsFirstDeleteTrigger = 11 ExecIsFirstInsertTrigger = 12 ExecIsFirstUpdateTrigger = 13 ExecIsInsertTrigger = 14 ExecIsInsteadOfTrigger = 15 ExecIsLastDeleteTrigger = 16 ExecIsLastInsertTrigger = 17 ExecIsLastUpdateTrigger = 18 ExecIsQuotedIdentOn = 19 ExecIsStartup = 20 ExecIsTriggerDisabled = 21 ExecIsTriggerNotForRepl = 22 ExecIsUpdateTrigger = 23 ExecIsWithNativeCompilation = 24 HasAfterTrigger = 25 HasDeleteTrigger = 26 HasInsertTrigger = 27 HasInsteadOfTrigger = 28 HasUpdateTrigger = 29 IsAnsiNullsOn = 30 IsCheckCnst = 31 IsConstraint = 32 IsDefault = 33 IsDefaultCnst = 34 IsDeterministic = 35 IsEncrypted = 36 IsExecuted = 37 IsExtendedProc = 38 IsForeignKey = 39 IsIndexable = 41 IsIndexed = 40 IsInlineFunction = 42 IsMSShipped = 43 IsPrimaryKey = 44 IsProcedure = 45 IsQueue = 47 IsQuotedIdentOn = 46 IsReplProc = 48 IsRule = 49 IsScalarFunction = 50 IsSchemaBound = 51 IsSystemTable = 52 IsSystemVerified = 53 IsTable = 54 IsTableFunction = 55 IsTrigger = 56 IsUniqueCnst = 57 IsUserTable = 58 IsView = 59 OwnerId = 60 SchemaId = 61 TableDeleteTrigger = 62 TableDeleteTriggerCount = 63 TableFullTextBackgroundUpdateIndexOn = 64 TableFullTextMergeStatus = 65 TableFulltextCatalogId = 66 TableFulltextChangeTrackingOn = 74 TableFulltextDocsProcessed = 69 TableFulltextFailCount = 67 TableFulltextItemCount = 68 TableFulltextKeyColumn = 70 TableFulltextPendingChanges = 79 TableFulltextPopulateStatus = 84 TableHasActiveFulltextIndex = 89 TableHasCheckCnst = 71 TableHasClustIndex = 72 TableHasColumnSet = 101 TableHasDefaultCnst = 73 TableHasDeleteTrigger = 75 TableHasForeignKey = 76 TableHasForeignRef = 77 TableHasIdentity = 78 TableHasIndex = 80 TableHasInsertTrigger = 81 TableHasNonclustIndex = 82 TableHasPrimaryKey = 83 TableHasRowGuidCol = 85 TableHasTextImage = 86 TableHasTimestamp = 87 TableHasUniqueCnst = 88 TableHasUpdateTrigger = 90 TableHasVarDecimalStorageFormat = 94 TableInsertTrigger = 91 TableInsertTriggerCount = 92 TableIsFake = 93 TableIsLockedOnBulkLoad = 95 TableIsMemoryOptimized = 96 TableIsPinned = 97 TableTemporalType = 102 TableTextInRowLimit = 98 TableUpdateTrigger = 99 TableUpdateTriggerCount = 100"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ServerPropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.ServerPropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.ServerPropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.ServerPropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.ServerPropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BuildClrVersion = 0 Collation = 1 CollationID = 2 ComparisonStyle = 3 ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS = 4 Edition = 5 EditionID = 6 EngineEdition = 7 FilestreamConfiguredLevel = 8 FilestreamEffectiveLevel = 9 FilestreamShareName = 10 HadrManagerStatus = 11 InstanceDefaultBackupPath = 14 InstanceDefaultDataPath = 12 InstanceDefaultLogPath = 13 InstanceName = 15 IsAdvancedAnalyticsInstalled = 19 IsBigDataCluster = 16 IsClustered = 17 IsExternalAuthenticationOnly = 24 IsFullTextInstalled = 18 IsHadrEnabled = 20 IsIntegratedSecurityOnly = 29 IsLocalDB = 21 IsPolyBaseInstalled = 22 IsSingleUser = 23 IsTempDbMetadataMemoryOptimized = 34 IsXTPSupported = 25 LCID = 26 LicenseType = 27 MachineName = 28 NumLicenses = 30 ProcessID = 31 ProductBuild = 32 ProductBuildType = 33 ProductLevel = 35 ProductMajorVersion = 36 ProductMinorVersion = 37 ProductUpdateLevel = 38 ProductUpdateReference = 39 ProductVersion = 40 ResourceLastUpdateDateTime = 44 ResourceVersion = 41 ServerName = 42 SqlCharSet = 43 SqlCharSetName = 45 SqlSortOrder = 46 SqlSortOrderName = 47"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.TypePropertyName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.TypePropertyName.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFn.TypePropertyName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFn.TypePropertyName Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlFn.TypePropertyName Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AllowsNull = 0 OwnerId = 1 Precision = 2 Scale = 3 UsesAnsiTrim = 4"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlFn.html",
"title": "Class SqlFn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlFn Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlFn Inheritance object SqlFn Properties Connections @@CONNECTIONS (Transact-SQL) This function returns the number of attempted connections - both successful and unsuccessful - since SQL Server was last started. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@CONNECTIONS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int Connections { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException CpuBusy @@CPU_BUSY (Transact-SQL) This function returns the amount of time that SQL Server has spent in active operation since its latest start. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@CPU_BUSY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int CpuBusy { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException CurrentTimestamp CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (Transact-SQL) This function returns the current database system timestamp as a datetime value, without the database time zone offset. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP derives this value from the operating system of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server runs. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static DateTime CurrentTimestamp { get; } Property Value DateTime datetime Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateFirst @@DATEFIRST (Transact-SQL) This function returns the current value of SET DATEFIRST, for a specific session. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@DATEFIRST\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static byte DateFirst { get; } Property Value byte tinyint Exceptions InvalidOperationException DbTS @@DBTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns the value of the current timestamp data type for the current database. The current database will have a guaranteed unique timestamp value. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@DBTS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static byte[] DbTS { get; } Property Value byte[] varbinary Exceptions InvalidOperationException IOBusy @@IO_BUSY (Transact-SQL) Returns the time that SQL Server has spent performing input and output operations since SQL Server was last started. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@IO_BUSY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int IOBusy { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException Identity @@IDENTITY (Transact-SQL) Is a system function that returns the last-inserted identity value. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@IDENTITY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static decimal? Identity { get; } Property Value decimal? numeric(38,0) Exceptions InvalidOperationException Idle @@IDLE (Transact-SQL) Returns the time that SQL Server has been idle since it was last started. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@IDLE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int Idle { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException LangID @@LANGID (Transact-SQL) Returns the local language identifier (ID) of the language that is currently being used. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@LANGID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static short LangID { get; } Property Value short smallint Exceptions InvalidOperationException Language @@LANGUAGE (Transact-SQL) Returns the name of the language currently being used. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@LANGUAGE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string Language { get; } Property Value string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException LockTimeout @@LOCK_TIMEOUT (Transact-SQL) Returns the current lock time-out setting in milliseconds for the current session. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@LOCK_TIMEOUT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int LockTimeout { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException MaxConnections @@MAX_CONNECTIONS (Transact-SQL) Returns the maximum number of simultaneous user connections allowed on an instance of SQL Server. The number returned is not necessarily the number currently configured. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@MAX_CONNECTIONS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int MaxConnections { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException MaxPrecision @@MAX_PRECISION (Transact-SQL) Returns the precision level used by decimal and numeric data types as currently set in the server. [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@MAX_PRECISION\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static byte MaxPrecision { get; } Property Value byte tinyint Exceptions InvalidOperationException NestLevel @@NESTLEVEL (Transact-SQL) Returns the nesting level of the current stored procedure execution (initially 0) on the local server. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@NESTLEVEL\", ServerSideOnly = true)] [CLSCompliant(false)] public static int NestLevel { get; } Property Value int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Options @@OPTIONS (Transact-SQL) Returns information about the current SET options. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@OPTIONS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int Options { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException PackReceived @@PACK_RECEIVED (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of input packets read from the network by SQL Server since it was last started. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@PACK_RECEIVED\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int PackReceived { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException PackSent @@PACK_SENT (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of output packets written to the network by SQL Server since it was last started. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@PACK_SENT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int PackSent { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException PacketErrors @@PACKET_ERRORS (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of network packet errors that have occurred on SQL Server connections since SQL Server was last started. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@PACKET_ERRORS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int PacketErrors { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException RemServer @@REMSERVER (Transact-SQL) Returns the name of the remote SQL Server database server as it appears in the login record. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@REMSERVER\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? RemServer { get; } Property Value string nvarchar(128) Exceptions InvalidOperationException RowCount @@ROWCOUNT (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of rows affected by the last statement. If the number of rows is more than 2 billion, use ROWCOUNT_BIG. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@ROWCOUNT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int RowCount { get; } Property Value int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException ServerName @@SERVERNAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the name of the local server that is running SQL Server. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@SERVERNAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string ServerName { get; } Property Value string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException ServiceName @@SERVICENAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the name of the registry key under which SQL Server is running. @@SERVICENAME returns 'MSSQLSERVER' if the current instance is the default instance; this function returns the instance name if the current instance is a named instance. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@SERVICENAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string ServiceName { get; } Property Value string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException SpID @@SPID (Transact-SQL) Returns the session ID of the current user process. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@SPID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static short SpID { get; } Property Value short smallint Exceptions InvalidOperationException TextSize @@TEXTSIZE (Transact-SQL) Returns the current value of the TEXTSIZE option. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@TEXTSIZE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int TextSize { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException TimeTicks @@TIMETICKS (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of microseconds per tick. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@TIMETICKS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int TimeTicks { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException TotalErrors @@TOTAL_ERRORS (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of microseconds per tick. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@TOTAL_ERRORS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int TotalErrors { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException TotalRead @@TOTAL_READ (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of microseconds per tick. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@TOTAL_READ\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int TotalRead { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException TotalWrite @@TOTAL_WRITE (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of microseconds per tick. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@TOTAL_WRITE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int TotalWrite { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException TransactionCount @@TRANCOUNT (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of input packets read from the network by SQL Server since it was last started. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@TRANCOUNT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int TransactionCount { get; } Property Value int integer Exceptions InvalidOperationException Version @@VERSION (Transact-SQL) Returns system and build information for the current installation of SQL Server. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"@@VERSION\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string Version { get; } Property Value string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException Methods Abs<T>(T) ABS (Transact-SQL) A mathematical function that returns the absolute (positive) value of the specified numeric expression. (ABS changes negative values to positive values. ABS has no effect on zero or positive values.) [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ABS\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Abs<T>(T numeric_expression) Parameters numeric_expression T An expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category. Returns T Returns the same type as numeric_expression. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Acos<T>(T) ACOS (Transact-SQL) A function that returns the angle, in radians, whose cosine is the specified float expression. This is also called arccosine. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ACOS\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Acos<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T An expression of either type float or of a type that can implicitly convert to float. Only a value ranging from -1.00 to 1.00 is valid. For values outside this range, no value is returned, and ACOS will report a domain error. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException AppName() APP_NAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns the application name for the current session, if the application sets that name value. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"APP_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string AppName() Returns string nvarchar(128) Exceptions InvalidOperationException Ascii(char) ASCII (Transact-SQL) Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of a character expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ASCII\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int Ascii(char character_expression) Parameters character_expression char An expression of type char or varchar. Returns int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Ascii(string?) ASCII (Transact-SQL) Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of a character expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ASCII\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Ascii(string? character_expression) Parameters character_expression string An expression of type char or varchar. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Asin<T>(T) ASIN (Transact-SQL) A function that returns the angle, in radians, whose sine is the specified float expression. This is also called arcsine. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ASIN\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Asin<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T An expression of either type float or of a type that can implicitly convert to float. Only a value ranging from -1.00 to 1.00 is valid. For values outside this range, no value is returned, and ASIN will report a domain error. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Atan<T>(T) ATAN (Transact-SQL) A function that returns the angle, in radians, whose tangent is a specified float expression. This is also called arctangent. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ATAN\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Atan<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T An expression of either type float or of a type that implicitly convert to float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Atn2<T>(T, T) ATN2 (Transact-SQL) Returns the angle, in radians, between the positive x-axis and the ray from the origin to the point (y, x), where x and y are the values of the two specified float expressions. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ATN2\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Atn2<T>(T float_expression, T float_expression2) Parameters float_expression T An expression of type float. float_expression2 T Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException BinaryCheckSum() BINARY_CHECKSUM (Transact-SQL) Returns the binary checksum value computed over a row of a table or over a list of expressions. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"BINARY_CHECKSUM(*)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int BinaryCheckSum() Returns int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException BinaryCheckSum(params object[]) BINARY_CHECKSUM (Transact-SQL) Returns the binary checksum value computed over a row of a table or over a list of expressions. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"BINARY_CHECKSUM\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int BinaryCheckSum(params object[] expressions) Parameters expressions object[] An expression of any type. BINARY_CHECKSUM ignores expressions of noncomparable data types in its computation. Returns int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Cast<T>(object?) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"CAST({0} as {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T Cast<T>(object? expression) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Cast<T>(object?, SqlType<T>) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"CAST({expression} as {data_type})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Cast<T>(object? expression, SqlType<T> data_type) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. data_type SqlType<T> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Cast<T>(object?, Func<SqlType<T>>) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"CAST({expression} as {data_type})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Cast<T>(object? expression, Func<SqlType<T>> data_type) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. data_type Func<SqlType<T>> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Ceiling<T>(T) CEILING (Transact-SQL) This function returns the smallest integer greater than, or equal to, the specified numeric expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CEILING\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Ceiling<T>(T numeric_expression) Parameters numeric_expression T An expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category. For this function, the bit data type is invalid. Returns T Return values have the same type as numeric_expression. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Char(int?) CHAR (Transact-SQL) Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of a character expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CHAR\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static char? Char(int? integer_expression) Parameters integer_expression int? An integer from 0 through 255. CHAR returns a NULL value for integer expressions outside this input range or not representing a complete character. CHAR also returns a NULL value when the character exceeds the length of the return type. Many common character sets share ASCII as a sub-set and will return the same character for integer values in the range 0 through 127. Returns char? char(1) Exceptions InvalidOperationException CharIndex(string?, string?) CHARINDEX (Transact-SQL) This function searches for one character expression inside a second character expression, returning the starting position of the first expression if found. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CHARINDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? CharIndex(string? expressionToFind, string? expressionToSearch) Parameters expressionToFind string A character expression containing the sequence to find. expressionToFind has an 8000 character limit. expressionToSearch string A character expression to search. Returns int? bigint if expressionToSearch has an nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or varchar(max) data type; int otherwise. Exceptions InvalidOperationException CharIndex(string?, string?, int?) CHARINDEX (Transact-SQL) This function searches for one character expression inside a second character expression, returning the starting position of the first expression if found. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CHARINDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? CharIndex(string? expressionToFind, string? expressionToSearch, int? start_location) Parameters expressionToFind string A character expression containing the sequence to find. expressionToFind has an 8000 character limit. expressionToSearch string A character expression to search. start_location int? An integer or bigint expression at which the search starts. If start_location is not specified, has a negative value, or has a zero (0) value, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch. Returns int? bigint if expressionToSearch has an nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or varchar(max) data type; int otherwise. Exceptions InvalidOperationException CharIndex(string?, string?, long?) CHARINDEX (Transact-SQL) This function searches for one character expression inside a second character expression, returning the starting position of the first expression if found. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CHARINDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static long? CharIndex(string? expressionToFind, string? expressionToSearch, long? start_location) Parameters expressionToFind string A character expression containing the sequence to find. expressionToFind has an 8000 character limit. expressionToSearch string A character expression to search. start_location long? An integer or bigint expression at which the search starts. If start_location is not specified, has a negative value, or has a zero (0) value, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch. Returns long? bigint if expressionToSearch has an nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or varchar(max) data type; int otherwise. Exceptions InvalidOperationException CharIndexBig(string?, string?) CHARINDEX (Transact-SQL) This function searches for one character expression inside a second character expression, returning the starting position of the first expression if found. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CHARINDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static long? CharIndexBig(string? expressionToFind, string? expressionToSearch) Parameters expressionToFind string A character expression containing the sequence to find. expressionToFind has an 8000 character limit. expressionToSearch string A character expression to search. Returns long? bigint if expressionToSearch has an nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or varchar(max) data type; int otherwise. Exceptions InvalidOperationException CharIndexBig(string?, string?, int?) CHARINDEX (Transact-SQL) This function searches for one character expression inside a second character expression, returning the starting position of the first expression if found. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CHARINDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static long? CharIndexBig(string? expressionToFind, string? expressionToSearch, int? start_location) Parameters expressionToFind string A character expression containing the sequence to find. expressionToFind has an 8000 character limit. expressionToSearch string A character expression to search. start_location int? An integer or bigint expression at which the search starts. If start_location is not specified, has a negative value, or has a zero (0) value, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch. Returns long? bigint if expressionToSearch has an nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or varchar(max) data type; int otherwise. Exceptions InvalidOperationException CheckSum() CHECKSUM (Transact-SQL) The CHECKSUM function returns the checksum value computed over a table row, or over an expression list. Use CHECKSUM to build hash indexes. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"CHECKSUM(*)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int CheckSum() Returns int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException CheckSum(params object[]) CHECKSUM (Transact-SQL) The CHECKSUM function returns the checksum value computed over a table row, or over an expression list. Use CHECKSUM to build hash indexes. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CHECKSUM\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int CheckSum(params object[] expressions) Parameters expressions object[] An expression of any type, except a noncomparable data type. Returns int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Choose<T>(int?, params T[]) CHOOSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the last identity value generated for a specified table or view. The last identity value generated can be for any session and any scope. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CHOOSE\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Choose<T>(int? index, params T[] values) Parameters index int? Is an integer expression that represents a 1-based index into the list of the items following it. values T[] List of comma separated values of any data type. Returns T Returns the data type with the highest precedence from the set of types passed to the function. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Collate(string?, string) COLLATE (Transact-SQL) Returns a character expression after converting uppercase character data to lowercase. Windows_collation_name is the collation name for a Windows Collation Name. Collation and Unicode support [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"{string} COLLATE {collation_name}\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.CollateBuilder))] public static string? Collate(string? @string, string collation_name) Parameters string string collation_name string Is the name of the collation to be applied to the expression, column definition, or database definition. collation_name can be only a specified Windows_collation_name or a SQL_collation_name. collation_name must be a literal value. collation_name cannot be represented by a variable or expression. Returns string Exceptions InvalidOperationException ColumnLength(string, string) COL_LENGTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns the defined length of a column, in bytes. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"COL_LENGTH\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static short? ColumnLength(string table, string column) Parameters table string The name of the table whose column length information we want to determine. table is an expression of type nvarchar. column string The column name whose length we want to determine. column is an expression of type nvarchar. Returns short? smallint Exceptions InvalidOperationException ColumnName(int?, int) COL_NAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns the name of a table column, based on the table identification number and column identification number values of that table column. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"COL_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? ColumnName(int? table_id, int column_id) Parameters table_id int? The identification number of the table containing that column. The table_id argument has an int data type. column_id int The identification number of the column. The column_id argument has an int data type. Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException ColumnProperty(int?, string, ColumnPropertyName) COLUMNPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) This function returns column or parameter information. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"COLUMNPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName>))] public static int? ColumnProperty(int? id, string column, SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName property) Parameters id int? An expression containing the identifier (ID) of the table or procedure. column string An expression containing the name of the column or parameter. property SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName For the id argument, the property argument specifies the information type that the COLUMNPROPERTY function will return. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Compress(byte[]?) COMPRESS (Transact-SQL) This function compresses the input expression, using the GZIP algorithm. The function returns a byte array of type varbinary(max). [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"COMPRESS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static byte[] Compress(byte[]? expression) Parameters expression byte[] A binary(n) char(n) nchar(n) nvarchar(max) nvarchar(n) varbinary(max) varbinary(n) varchar(max) or varchar(n) expression. Returns byte[] varbinary(max) representing the compressed content of the input. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Compress(string?) COMPRESS (Transact-SQL) This function compresses the input expression, using the GZIP algorithm. The function returns a byte array of type varbinary(max). [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"COMPRESS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static byte[] Compress(string? expression) Parameters expression string A binary(n) char(n) nchar(n) nvarchar(max) nvarchar(n) varbinary(max) varbinary(n) varchar(max) or varchar(n) expression. Returns byte[] varbinary(max) representing the compressed content of the input. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Concat(params string?[]) CONCAT (Transact-SQL) This function returns a string resulting from the concatenation, or joining, of two or more string values in an end-to-end manner. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CONCAT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Concat(params string?[] string_value) Parameters string_value string[] A string value to concatenate to the other values. The CONCAT function requires at least two string_value arguments, and no more than 254 string_value arguments. Returns string string_value Exceptions InvalidOperationException ConcatWithSeparator(string?, params string?[]) CONCAT_WS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a string resulting from the concatenation, or joining, of two or more string values in an end-to-end manner. It separates those concatenated string values with the delimiter specified in the first function argument. (CONCAT_WS indicates concatenate with separator.) [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CONCAT_WS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? ConcatWithSeparator(string? separator, params string?[] arguments) Parameters separator string An expression of any character type (char, nchar, nvarchar, or varchar). arguments string[] An expression of any type. The CONCAT_WS function requires at least two arguments, and no more than 254 arguments. Returns string A string value whose length and type depend on the input. Exceptions InvalidOperationException ConnectionProperty(ConnectionPropertyName) CONNECTIONPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) For a request that comes in to the server, this function returns information about the connection properties of the unique connection which supports that request. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"CONNECTIONPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName>))] public static object? ConnectionProperty(SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName property) Parameters property SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName The property of the connection. Returns object int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Convert<T>(SqlType<T>, object?) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"CONVERT({data_type}, {expression})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Convert<T>(SqlType<T> data_type, object? expression) Parameters data_type SqlType<T> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. expression object Any valid expression. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Convert<T>(SqlType<T>, object?, int) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"CONVERT({data_type}, {expression}, {style})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Convert<T>(SqlType<T> data_type, object? expression, int style) Parameters data_type SqlType<T> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. expression object Any valid expression. style int Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Convert<T>(Func<SqlType<T>>, object?) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"CONVERT({data_type}, {expression})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Convert<T>(Func<SqlType<T>> data_type, object? expression) Parameters data_type Func<SqlType<T>> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. expression object Any valid expression. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Convert<T>(Func<SqlType<T>>, object?, int) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"CONVERT({data_type}, {expression}, {style})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Convert<T>(Func<SqlType<T>> data_type, object? expression, int style) Parameters data_type Func<SqlType<T>> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. expression object Any valid expression. style int Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Convert<T>(object?) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"CONVERT({1}, {0})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T Convert<T>(object? expression) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Convert<T>(object?, int) CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"CONVERT({2}, {0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T Convert<T>(object? expression, int style) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. style int Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Cos<T>(T) COS (Transact-SQL) A mathematical function that returns the trigonometric cosine of the specified angle - measured in radians - in the specified expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"COS\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Cos<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T An expression of type float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Cot<T>(T) COT (Transact-SQL) A mathematical function that returns the trigonometric cotangent of the specified angle - in radians - in the specified float expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"COT\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Cot<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T An expression of type float, or of a type that can implicitly convert to float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException CurrentRequestID() CURRENT_REQUEST_ID (Transact-SQL) This function returns the ID of the current request within the current session. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CURRENT_REQUEST_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static short CurrentRequestID() Returns short smallint Exceptions InvalidOperationException CurrentTimezone() CURRENT_TIMEZONE (Transact-SQL) This function returns the name of the time zone observed by a server or an instance. For SQL Managed Instance, return value is based on the time zone of the instance itself assigned during instance creation, not the time zone of the underlying operating system. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CURRENT_TIMEZONE\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string CurrentTimezone() Returns string varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException CurrentTimezoneID() CURRENT_TIMEZONE_ID (Transact-SQL) This function returns the ID of the time zone observed by a server or an instance. For Azure SQL Managed Instance, return value is based on the time zone of the instance itself assigned during instance creation, not the time zone of the underlying operating system. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CURRENT_TIMEZONE_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string CurrentTimezoneID() Returns string varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException CurrentTransactionID() CURRENT_TRANSACTION_ID (Transact-SQL) This function returns the transaction ID of the current transaction in the current session. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"CURRENT_TRANSACTION_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static long CurrentTransactionID() Returns long bigint Exceptions InvalidOperationException DataLengthBig<T>(T) DATALENGTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns the number of bytes used to represent any expression. DATALENGTH becomes really helpful when used with data types that can store variable-length data, such as: ntext nvarchar text varbinary varchar For a NULL value, DATALENGTH returns NULL. Use the LEN to return the number of characters encoded into a given string expression, and DATALENGTH to return the size in bytes for a given string expression. These outputs may differ depending on the data type and type of encoding used in the column. For more information on storage differences between different encoding types, see Collation and Unicode Support. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DATALENGTH\", new int[] { 0 }, ServerSideOnly = true)] [CLSCompliant(false)] public static long? DataLengthBig<T>(T expression) Parameters expression T An expression of any data type. Returns long? bigint if expression has an nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or varchar(max) data type; otherwise int. Type Parameters T An expression of any data type. Exceptions InvalidOperationException DataLength<T>(T) DATALENGTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns the number of bytes used to represent any expression. DATALENGTH becomes really helpful when used with data types that can store variable-length data, such as: ntext nvarchar text varbinary varchar For a NULL value, DATALENGTH returns NULL. Use the LEN to return the number of characters encoded into a given string expression, and DATALENGTH to return the size in bytes for a given string expression. These outputs may differ depending on the data type and type of encoding used in the column. For more information on storage differences between different encoding types, see Collation and Unicode Support. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DATALENGTH\", new int[] { 0 }, ServerSideOnly = true)] [CLSCompliant(false)] public static int? DataLength<T>(T expression) Parameters expression T An expression of any data type. Returns int? bigint if expression has an nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or varchar(max) data type; otherwise int. Type Parameters T An expression of any data type. Exceptions InvalidOperationException DatabasePropertyEx(string, DatabasePropertyName) DATABASEPROPERTYEX (Transact-SQL) For a specified database in SQL Server, this function returns the current setting of the specified database option or property. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATABASEPROPERTYEX\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName>))] public static object? DatabasePropertyEx(string database, SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName property) Parameters database string An expression specifying the name of the database for which DATABASEPROPERTYEX will return the named property information. database has an nvarchar(128) data type. property SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName An expression specifying the name of the database property to return. property has a varchar(128) data type Returns object sql_variant Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateAdd(DateParts, int?, DateTimeOffset?) DATEADD (Transact-SQL) This function adds a number (a signed integer) to a datepart of an input date, and returns a modified date/time value. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEADD({datepart}, {number}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static DateTimeOffset? DateAdd(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, int? number, DateTimeOffset? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The part of date to which DATEADD adds an integer number. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. number int? An expression that can resolve to an int that DATEADD adds to a datepart of date. DATEADD accepts user-defined variable values for number. DATEADD will truncate a specified number value that has a decimal fraction. It will not round the number value in this situation. date DateTimeOffset? Returns DateTimeOffset? varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateAdd(DateParts, int?, DateTime?) DATEADD (Transact-SQL) This function adds a number (a signed integer) to a datepart of an input date, and returns a modified date/time value. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEADD({datepart}, {number}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static DateTime? DateAdd(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, int? number, DateTime? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The part of date to which DATEADD adds an integer number. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. number int? An expression that can resolve to an int that DATEADD adds to a datepart of date. DATEADD accepts user-defined variable values for number. DATEADD will truncate a specified number value that has a decimal fraction. It will not round the number value in this situation. date DateTime? Returns DateTime? varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateAdd(DateParts, int?, TimeSpan?) DATEADD (Transact-SQL) This function adds a number (a signed integer) to a datepart of an input date, and returns a modified date/time value. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEADD({datepart}, {number}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static TimeSpan? DateAdd(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, int? number, TimeSpan? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The part of date to which DATEADD adds an integer number. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. number int? An expression that can resolve to an int that DATEADD adds to a datepart of date. DATEADD accepts user-defined variable values for number. DATEADD will truncate a specified number value that has a decimal fraction. It will not round the number value in this situation. date TimeSpan? Returns TimeSpan? varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateAdd(DateParts, int?, string?) DATEADD (Transact-SQL) This function adds a number (a signed integer) to a datepart of an input date, and returns a modified date/time value. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEADD({datepart}, {number}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static DateTime? DateAdd(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, int? number, string? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The part of date to which DATEADD adds an integer number. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. number int? An expression that can resolve to an int that DATEADD adds to a datepart of date. DATEADD accepts user-defined variable values for number. DATEADD will truncate a specified number value that has a decimal fraction. It will not round the number value in this situation. date string Returns DateTime? varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateDiff(DateParts, DateTimeOffset?, DateTimeOffset?) DATEDIFF (Transact-SQL) This function returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEDIFF({datepart}, {startdate}, {enddate})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static int? DateDiff(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, DateTimeOffset? startdate, DateTimeOffset? enddate) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts startdate DateTimeOffset? enddate DateTimeOffset? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateDiff(DateParts, DateTime?, DateTime?) DATEDIFF (Transact-SQL) This function returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEDIFF({datepart}, {startdate}, {enddate})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static int? DateDiff(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, DateTime? startdate, DateTime? enddate) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts startdate DateTime? enddate DateTime? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateDiff(DateParts, TimeSpan?, TimeSpan?) DATEDIFF (Transact-SQL) This function returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEDIFF({datepart}, {startdate}, {enddate})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static int? DateDiff(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, TimeSpan? startdate, TimeSpan? enddate) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts startdate TimeSpan? enddate TimeSpan? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateDiff(DateParts, string?, string?) DATEDIFF (Transact-SQL) This function returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEDIFF({datepart}, {startdate}, {enddate})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static int? DateDiff(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, string? startdate, string? enddate) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts startdate string enddate string Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateDiffBig(DateParts, DateTimeOffset?, DateTimeOffset?) DATEDIFF_BIG (Transact-SQL) This function returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEDIFF_BIG({datepart}, {startdate}, {enddate})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static long? DateDiffBig(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, DateTimeOffset? startdate, DateTimeOffset? enddate) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts startdate DateTimeOffset? enddate DateTimeOffset? Returns long? bigint Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateDiffBig(DateParts, DateTime?, DateTime?) DATEDIFF_BIG (Transact-SQL) This function returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEDIFF_BIG({datepart}, {startdate}, {enddate})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static long? DateDiffBig(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, DateTime? startdate, DateTime? enddate) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts startdate DateTime? enddate DateTime? Returns long? bigint Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateDiffBig(DateParts, TimeSpan?, TimeSpan?) DATEDIFF_BIG (Transact-SQL) This function returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEDIFF_BIG({datepart}, {startdate}, {enddate})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static long? DateDiffBig(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, TimeSpan? startdate, TimeSpan? enddate) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts startdate TimeSpan? enddate TimeSpan? Returns long? bigint Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateDiffBig(DateParts, string?, string?) DATEDIFF_BIG (Transact-SQL) This function returns the count (as a signed integer value) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEDIFF_BIG({datepart}, {startdate}, {enddate})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static long? DateDiffBig(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, string? startdate, string? enddate) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts startdate string enddate string Returns long? bigint Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateFromParts(int?, int?, int?) DATEFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a date value that maps to the specified year, month, and day values. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEFROMPARTS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? DateFromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day) Parameters year int? An integer expression that specifies a year. month int? An integer expression that specifies a month, from 1 to 12. day int? An integer expression that specifies a day. Returns DateTime? date Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateName(DateParts, DateTimeOffset?) DATENAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns a character string representing the specified datepart of the specified date. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATENAME({datepart}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static string? DateName(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, DateTimeOffset? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The specific part of the date argument that DATENAME will return. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. date DateTimeOffset? Returns string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateName(DateParts, DateTime?) DATENAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns a character string representing the specified datepart of the specified date. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATENAME({datepart}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static string? DateName(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, DateTime? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The specific part of the date argument that DATENAME will return. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. date DateTime? Returns string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateName(DateParts, TimeSpan?) DATENAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns a character string representing the specified datepart of the specified date. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATENAME({datepart}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static string? DateName(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, TimeSpan? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The specific part of the date argument that DATENAME will return. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. date TimeSpan? Returns string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateName(DateParts, string?) DATENAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns a character string representing the specified datepart of the specified date. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATENAME({datepart}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static string? DateName(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, string? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The specific part of the date argument that DATENAME will return. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. date string Returns string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException DatePart(DateParts, DateTimeOffset?) DATEPART (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer representing the specified datepart of the specified date. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEPART({datepart}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static int? DatePart(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, DateTimeOffset? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The specific part of the date argument for which DATEPART will return an integer. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. date DateTimeOffset? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DatePart(DateParts, DateTime?) DATEPART (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer representing the specified datepart of the specified date. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEPART({datepart}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static int? DatePart(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, DateTime? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The specific part of the date argument for which DATEPART will return an integer. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. date DateTime? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DatePart(DateParts, TimeSpan?) DATEPART (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer representing the specified datepart of the specified date. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEPART({datepart}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static int? DatePart(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, TimeSpan? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The specific part of the date argument for which DATEPART will return an integer. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. date TimeSpan? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DatePart(DateParts, string?) DATEPART (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer representing the specified datepart of the specified date. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"DATEPART({datepart}, {date})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DatePartBuilder))] public static int? DatePart(SqlFn.DateParts datepart, string? date) Parameters datepart SqlFn.DateParts The specific part of the date argument for which DATEPART will return an integer. This table lists all valid datepart arguments. date string Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTime2FromParts(int?, int?, int?) DATETIME2FROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a datetime2 value for the specified date and time arguments. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIME2FROMPARTS({0}, {1}, {2}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? DateTime2FromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day) Parameters year int? month int? day int? Returns DateTime? datetime2 Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTime2FromParts(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) DATETIME2FROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a datetime2 value for the specified date and time arguments. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIME2FROMPARTS({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, 0, 0)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? DateTime2FromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? seconds) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? seconds int? Returns DateTime? datetime2 Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTime2FromParts(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) DATETIME2FROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a datetime2 value for the specified date and time arguments. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIME2FROMPARTS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? DateTime2FromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? seconds, int? fractions, int? precision) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? seconds int? fractions int? precision int? Returns DateTime? datetime2 Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTimeFromParts(int?, int?, int?) DATETIMEFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a datetime value for the specified date and time arguments. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIMEFROMPARTS({0}, {1}, {2}, 0, 0, 0, 0)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? DateTimeFromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day) Parameters year int? month int? day int? Returns DateTime? datetime Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTimeFromParts(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) DATETIMEFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a datetime value for the specified date and time arguments. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIMEFROMPARTS({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, 0)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? DateTimeFromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? seconds) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? seconds int? Returns DateTime? datetime Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTimeFromParts(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) DATETIMEFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a datetime value for the specified date and time arguments. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIMEFROMPARTS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? DateTimeFromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? seconds, int? milliseconds) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? seconds int? milliseconds int? Returns DateTime? datetime Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTimeOffsetFromParts(int?, int?, int?) DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) Returns a datetimeoffset value for the specified date and time arguments. The returned value has a precision specified by the precision argument, and an offset as specified by the offset arguments. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS({0}, {1}, {2}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTimeOffset? DateTimeOffsetFromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day) Parameters year int? month int? day int? Returns DateTimeOffset? datetimeoffset Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTimeOffsetFromParts(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) Returns a datetimeoffset value for the specified date and time arguments. The returned value has a precision specified by the precision argument, and an offset as specified by the offset arguments. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, 0, 0, 0, 0)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTimeOffset? DateTimeOffsetFromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? seconds) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? seconds int? Returns DateTimeOffset? datetimeoffset Exceptions InvalidOperationException DateTimeOffsetFromParts(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) Returns a datetimeoffset value for the specified date and time arguments. The returned value has a precision specified by the precision argument, and an offset as specified by the offset arguments. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTimeOffset? DateTimeOffsetFromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? seconds, int? fractions, int? hour_offset, int? minute_offset, int? precision) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? seconds int? fractions int? hour_offset int? minute_offset int? precision int? Returns DateTimeOffset? datetimeoffset Exceptions InvalidOperationException Day(DateTimeOffset?) DAY (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer that represents the day (day of the month) of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DAY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Day(DateTimeOffset? date) Parameters date DateTimeOffset? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Day(DateTime?) DAY (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer that represents the day (day of the month) of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DAY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Day(DateTime? date) Parameters date DateTime? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Day(string?) DAY (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer that represents the day (day of the month) of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DAY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Day(string? date) Parameters date string Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DbID() DB_ID (Transact-SQL) This function returns the database identification (ID) number of a specified database. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DB_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int DbID() Returns int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DbID(string) DB_ID (Transact-SQL) This function returns the database identification (ID) number of a specified database. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DB_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? DbID(string database_name) Parameters database_name string The name of the database whose database ID number DB_ID will return. If the call to DB_ID omits database_name, DB_ID returns the ID of the current database. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException DbName() DB_NAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns the name of a specified database. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DB_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string DbName() Returns string nvarchar(128) Exceptions InvalidOperationException DbName(int) DB_NAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns the name of a specified database. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DB_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? DbName(int database_id) Parameters database_id int The identification number (ID) of the database whose name DB_NAME will return. If the call to DB_NAME omits database_id, DB_NAME returns the name of the current database. Returns string nvarchar(128) Exceptions InvalidOperationException Decompress(byte[]) DECOMPRESS (Transact-SQL) This function will decompress an input expression value, using the GZIP algorithm. DECOMPRESS will return a byte array (VARBINARY(MAX) type). [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DECOMPRESS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] expression) Parameters expression byte[] A varbinary(n), varbinary(max), or binary(n) value. Returns byte[] varbinary(max) representing the compressed content of the input. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Degrees<T>(T) DEGREES (Transact-SQL) This function returns the corresponding angle, in degrees, for an angle specified in radians. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DEGREES\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Degrees<T>(T numeric_expression) Parameters numeric_expression T An expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type. Returns T Return values have the same type as numeric_expression. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Difference(string?, string?) DIFFERENCE (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer value measuring the difference between the SOUNDEX() values of two different character expressions. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DIFFERENCE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Difference(string? character_expression1, string? character_expression2) Parameters character_expression1 string An alphanumeric expression of character data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column. character_expression2 string Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException EndOfMonth(DateTime?) EOMONTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns the last day of the month containing a specified date, with an optional offset. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"EOMONTH\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? EndOfMonth(DateTime? start_date) Parameters start_date DateTime? A date expression that specifies the date for which to return the last day of the month. Returns DateTime? date Exceptions InvalidOperationException EndOfMonth(DateTime?, int?) EOMONTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns the last day of the month containing a specified date, with an optional offset. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"EOMONTH\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? EndOfMonth(DateTime? start_date, int? month_to_add) Parameters start_date DateTime? A date expression that specifies the date for which to return the last day of the month. month_to_add int? An optional integer expression that specifies the number of months to add to start_date. Returns DateTime? date Exceptions InvalidOperationException EndOfMonth(string?) EOMONTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns the last day of the month containing a specified date, with an optional offset. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"EOMONTH\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? EndOfMonth(string? start_date) Parameters start_date string A date expression that specifies the date for which to return the last day of the month. Returns DateTime? date Exceptions InvalidOperationException EndOfMonth(string?, int?) EOMONTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns the last day of the month containing a specified date, with an optional offset. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"EOMONTH\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? EndOfMonth(string? start_date, int? month_to_add) Parameters start_date string A date expression that specifies the date for which to return the last day of the month. month_to_add int? An optional integer expression that specifies the number of months to add to start_date. Returns DateTime? date Exceptions InvalidOperationException Exp<T>(T) EXP (Transact-SQL) Returns the exponential value of the specified float expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"EXP\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Exp<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException FileGroupID(string?) FILEGROUP_ID (Transact-SQL) This function returns the filegroup identification (ID) number for a specified filegroup name. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FILEGROUP_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? FileGroupID(string? filegroup_name) Parameters filegroup_name string An expression of type sysname, representing the filegroup name whose filegroup ID FILEGROUP_ID will return. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException FileGroupName(short?) FILEGROUP_NAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns the filegroup name for the specified filegroup identification (ID) number. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FILEGROUP_Name\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? FileGroupName(short? filegroup_id) Parameters filegroup_id short? The filegroup ID number whose filegroup name FILEGROUP_NAME will return. filegroup_id has a smallint data type. Returns string nvarchar(128) Exceptions InvalidOperationException FileGroupProperty(string?, FileGroupPropertyName) FILEGROUPPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) This function returns the filegroup property value for a specified name and filegroup value. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"FILEGROUPPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName>))] public static int? FileGroupProperty(string? filegroup_name, SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName property) Parameters filegroup_name string An expression of type sysname that represents the filegroup name for which FILEGROUPPROPERTY returns the named property information. property SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName An expression of type varchar(128) that returns the name of the filegroup property. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException FileID(string?) FILE_ID (Transact-SQL) For the given logical name for a component file of the current database, this function returns the file identification (ID) number. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FILE_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static short? FileID(string? file_name) Parameters file_name string An expression of type sysname, representing the logical name of the file whose file ID value FILE_ID will return. Returns short? smallint Exceptions InvalidOperationException FileIDEx(string?) FILE_IDEX (Transact-SQL) This function returns the file identification (ID) number for the specified logical name of a data, log, or full-text file of the current database. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FILE_IDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? FileIDEx(string? file_name) Parameters file_name string An expression of type sysname that returns the file ID value 'FILE_IDEX' for the name of the file. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException FileName(int?) FILE_NAME (Transact-SQL) This function returns the logical file name for a given file identification (ID) number. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FILE_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? FileName(int? file_id) Parameters file_id int? The file identification number whose file name FILE_NAME will return. file_id has an int data type. Returns string nvarchar(128) Exceptions InvalidOperationException FileProperty(string?, FilePropertyName) FILEPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) Returns the specified file name property value when a file name in the current database and a property name are specified. Returns NULL for files that are not in the current database. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"FILEPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.FilePropertyName>))] public static int? FileProperty(string? file_name, SqlFn.FilePropertyName property) Parameters file_name string Is an expression that contains the name of the file associated with the current database for which to return property information. file_name is nchar(128). property SqlFn.FilePropertyName Is an expression that contains the name of the file property to return. property is varchar(128), and can be one of the following values. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException FilePropertyEx(string?, FilePropertyExName) FILEPROPERTYEX (Transact-SQL) Returns the specified extended file property value when a file name in the current database and a property name are specified. Returns NULL for files that are not in the current database or for extended file properties that do not exist. Currently, extended file properties only apply to databases that are in Azure Blob storage. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"FILEPROPERTYEX\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.FilePropertyExName>))] public static object? FilePropertyEx(string? file_name, SqlFn.FilePropertyExName property) Parameters file_name string Is an expression that contains the name of the file associated with the current database for which to return property information. file_name is nchar(128). property SqlFn.FilePropertyExName Is an expression that contains the name of the file property to return. property is varchar(128), and can be one of the following values. Returns object sql_variant Exceptions InvalidOperationException Floor<T>(T) FLOOR (Transact-SQL) Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified numeric expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FLOOR\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Floor<T>(T numeric_expression) Parameters numeric_expression T An expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type. Returns T Return values have the same type as numeric_expression. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Format(object?, string?) FORMAT (Transact-SQL) Returns a value formatted with the specified format and optional culture. Use the FORMAT function for locale-aware formatting of date/time and number values as strings. For general data type conversions, use CAST or CONVERT. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FORMAT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Format(object? value, string? format) Parameters value object Expression of a supported data type to format. For a list of valid types, see the table in the following Remarks section. format string Returns string nvarchar or null Exceptions InvalidOperationException FormatMessage(int, params object?[]) FORMATMESSAGE (Transact-SQL) Constructs a message from an existing message in sys.messages or from a provided string. The functionality of FORMATMESSAGE resembles that of the RAISERROR statement. However, RAISERROR prints the message immediately, while FORMATMESSAGE returns the formatted message for further processing. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FORMATMESSAGE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? FormatMessage(int msg_number, params object?[] param_values) Parameters msg_number int Is the ID of the message stored in sys.messages. If msg_number is <= 13000, or if the message does not exist in sys.messages, NULL is returned. param_values object[] Is a parameter value for use in the message. Can be more than one parameter value. The values must be specified in the order in which the placeholder variables appear in the message. The maximum number of values is 20. Returns string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException FormatMessage(string, params object?[]) FORMATMESSAGE (Transact-SQL) Constructs a message from an existing message in sys.messages or from a provided string. The functionality of FORMATMESSAGE resembles that of the RAISERROR statement. However, RAISERROR prints the message immediately, while FORMATMESSAGE returns the formatted message for further processing. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"FORMATMESSAGE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? FormatMessage(string msg_string, params object?[] param_values) Parameters msg_string string Is a string enclosed in single quotes and containing parameter value placeholders. The error message can have a maximum of 2,047 characters. If the message contains 2,048 or more characters, only the first 2,044 are displayed and an ellipsis is added to indicate that the message has been truncated. Note that substitution parameters consume more characters than the output shows because of internal storage behavior. param_values object[] Is a parameter value for use in the message. Can be more than one parameter value. The values must be specified in the order in which the placeholder variables appear in the message. The maximum number of values is 20. Returns string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException FullTextCatalogProperty(string?, FullTextCatalogPropertyName) FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) Returns information about full-text catalog properties in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName>))] public static int? FullTextCatalogProperty(string? catalog_name, SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName property) Parameters catalog_name string Is an expression containing the name of the full-text catalog. property SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName Is an expression containing the name of the full-text catalog property. The table lists the properties and provides descriptions of the information returned. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException FullTextServiceProperty(FullTextServicePropertyName) FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) Returns information related to the properties of the Full-Text Engine. These properties can be set and retrieved by using sp_fulltext_service. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName>))] public static int? FullTextServiceProperty(SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName property) Parameters property SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName Is an expression containing the name of the full-text service-level property. The table lists the properties and provides descriptions of the information returned. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException GetAnsiNull() GETANSINULL (Transact-SQL) Returns the default nullability for the database for this session. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"GETANSINULL\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? GetAnsiNull() Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException GetAnsiNull(string) GETANSINULL (Transact-SQL) Returns the default nullability for the database for this session. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"GETANSINULL\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? GetAnsiNull(string database) Parameters database string Is the name of the database for which to return nullability information. database is either char or nchar. If char, database is implicitly converted to nchar. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException GetDate() GETDATE (Transact-SQL) Returns the current database system timestamp as a datetime value without the database time zone offset. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"GETDATE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime GetDate() Returns DateTime datetime Exceptions InvalidOperationException GetUtcDate() GETUTCDATE (Transact-SQL) Returns the current database system timestamp as a datetime value. The database time zone offset is not included. This value represents the current UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time). This value is derived from the operating system of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server is running. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"GETUTCDATE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime GetUtcDate() Returns DateTime datetime Exceptions InvalidOperationException HostID() HOST_ID (Transact-SQL) Returns the workstation identification number. The workstation identification number is the process ID (PID) of the application on the client computer that is connecting to SQL Server. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"HOST_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string HostID() Returns string char(10) Exceptions InvalidOperationException HostName() HOST_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the workstation identification number. The workstation identification number is the process ID (PID) of the application on the client computer that is connecting to SQL Server. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"HOST_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string HostName() Returns string nvarchar(128) Exceptions InvalidOperationException IdentityCurrent(string) IDENT_CURRENT (Transact-SQL) Returns the last identity value generated for a specified table or view. The last identity value generated can be for any session and any scope. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"IDENT_CURRENT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static decimal IdentityCurrent(string table_or_view) Parameters table_or_view string Is the name of the table or view whose identity value is returned. table_or_view is varchar, with no default. Returns decimal numeric(@@MAXPRECISION, 0)) Exceptions InvalidOperationException IdentityIncrement(string) IDENT_INCR (Transact-SQL) Returns the increment value specified when creating a table or view's identity column. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"IDENT_INCR\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static decimal IdentityIncrement(string table_or_view) Parameters table_or_view string Is an expression specifying the table or view to check for a valid identity increment value. table_or_view can be a character string constant enclosed in quotation marks. It can also be a variable, a function, or a column name. table_or_view is char, nchar, varchar, or nvarchar. Returns decimal numeric(@@MAXPRECISION, 0)) Exceptions InvalidOperationException IdentitySeed(string) IDENT_SEED (Transact-SQL) Returns the original seed value specified when creating an identity column in a table or a view. Changing the current value of an identity column by using DBCC CHECKIDENT doesn't change the value returned by this function. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"IDENT_SEED\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static decimal IdentitySeed(string table_or_view) Parameters table_or_view string Is an expression specifying the table or view to check for a valid identity increment value. table_or_view can be a character string constant enclosed in quotation marks. It can also be a variable, a function, or a column name. table_or_view is char, nchar, varchar, or nvarchar. Returns decimal numeric(@@MAXPRECISION, 0)) Exceptions InvalidOperationException Iif<T>(bool?, T, T) IIF (Transact-SQL) Returns one of two values, depending on whether the Boolean expression evaluates to true or false in SQL Server. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"IIF\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Iif<T>(bool? boolean_expression, T true_value, T false_value) Parameters boolean_expression bool? A valid Boolean expression. true_value T Value to return if boolean_expression evaluates to true. false_value T Value to return if boolean_expression evaluates to false. Returns T Returns the data type with the highest precedence from the types in true_value and false_value. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException IndexColumn(string, int, int) INDEX_COL (Transact-SQL) Returns the indexed column name. Returns NULL for XML indexes. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"INDEX_COL\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? IndexColumn(string table_or_view, int index_id, int key_id) Parameters table_or_view string Is the name of the table or indexed view. table_or_view_name must be delimited by single quotation marks and can be fully qualified by database name and schema name. index_id int Is the ID of the index. index_ID is int. key_id int Is the index key column position. key_ID is int. Returns string nvarchar(128) Exceptions InvalidOperationException IndexKeyProperty(int?, int?, int?, IndexKeyPropertyName) INDEXKEY_PROPERTY (Transact-SQL) Returns information about the index key. Returns NULL for XML indexes. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"INDEXKEY_PROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName>))] public static int? IndexKeyProperty(int? object_ID, int? index_ID, int? key_ID, SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName property) Parameters object_ID int? Is the object identification number of the table or indexed view. object_ID is int. index_ID int? Is the index identification number. index_ID is int. key_ID int? Is the index key column position. key_ID is int. property SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName Is the name of the property for which information will be returned. property is a character string and can be one of the following values. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException IndexProperty(int?, string?, IndexPropertyName) INDEXPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) Returns information about the index key. Returns NULL for XML indexes. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"INDEXPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.IndexPropertyName>))] public static int? IndexProperty(int? object_ID, string? index_or_statistics_name, SqlFn.IndexPropertyName property) Parameters object_ID int? Is an expression that contains the object identification number of the table or indexed view for which to provide index property information. object_ID is int. index_or_statistics_name string Is an expression that contains the name of the index or statistics for which to return property information. index_or_statistics_name is nvarchar(128). property SqlFn.IndexPropertyName Is an expression that contains the name of the database property to return. property is varchar(128), and can be one of these values. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException IsDate(string) ISDATE (Transact-SQL) Returns 1 if the expression is a valid datetime value; otherwise, 0. ISDATE returns 0 if the expression is a datetime2 value. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ISDATE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int IsDate(string expression) Parameters expression string Returns int int Exceptions InvalidOperationException IsJson(string?) ISJSON (Transact-SQL) Tests whether a string contains valid JSON. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ISJSON\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static bool? IsJson(string? expression) Parameters expression string The string to test. Returns bool? Returns 1 if the string contains valid JSON; otherwise, returns 0. Returns null if expression is null. Exceptions InvalidOperationException IsNull<T>(T, T) ISNULL (Transact-SQL) Replaces NULL with the specified replacement value. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ISNULL\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T IsNull<T>(T check_expression, T replacement_value) Parameters check_expression T Is the expression to be checked for NULL. check_expression can be of any type. replacement_value T Is the expression to be returned if check_expression is NULL. replacement_value must be of a type that is implicitly convertible to the type of check_expression. Returns T Returns the same type as check_expression. If a literal NULL is provided as check_expression, returns the datatype of the replacement_value. If a literal NULL is provided as check_expression and no replacement_value is provided, returns an int. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException IsNumeric<T>(T) ISNUMERIC (Transact-SQL) Determines whether an expression is a valid numeric type. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ISNUMERIC\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static int IsNumeric<T>(T expression) Parameters expression T Is the expression to be evaluated. Returns int int Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException JsonModify(string?, string, string) JSON_MODIFY (Transact-SQL) Updates the value of a property in a JSON string and returns the updated JSON string. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"JSON_MODIFY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? JsonModify(string? expression, string path, string newValue) Parameters expression string An expression. Typically the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text. path string A JSON path expression that specifies the property to update. newValue string The new value for the property specified by path. The new value must be a [n]varchar or text. Returns string Returns the updated value of expression as properly formatted JSON text. Exceptions InvalidOperationException JsonQuery(string?, string) JSON_QUERY (Transact-SQL) Extracts an object or an array from a JSON string. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"JSON_QUERY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? JsonQuery(string? expression, string path) Parameters expression string An expression. Typically the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text. path string A JSON path that specifies the property to extract. Returns string Returns a JSON fragment of type nvarchar(max). The collation of the returned value is the same as the collation of the input expression. Exceptions InvalidOperationException JsonValue(string?, string) JSON_VALUE (Transact-SQL) Extracts a scalar value from a JSON string. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"JSON_VALUE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? JsonValue(string? expression, string path) Parameters expression string An expression. Typically the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text. path string A JSON path that specifies the property to extract. Returns string Returns a single text value of type nvarchar(4000). The collation of the returned value is the same as the collation of the input expression. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Left(string?, int?) LEFT (Transact-SQL) Returns the left part of a character string with the specified number of characters. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"LEFT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Left(string? character_expression, int? integer_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is an expression of character or binary data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column. character_expression can be of any data type, except text or ntext, that can be implicitly converted to varchar or nvarchar. Otherwise, use the CAST function to explicitly convert character_expression. integer_expression int? Is a positive integer that specifies how many characters of the character_expression will be returned. If integer_expression is negative, an error is returned. If integer_expression is type bigint and contains a large value, character_expression must be of a large data type such as varchar(max). The integer_expression parameter counts a UTF-16 surrogate character as one character. Returns string Returns varchar when character_expression is a non-Unicode character data type. Returns nvarchar when character_expression is a Unicode character data type. Exceptions InvalidOperationException LeftTrim(string?) LTRIM (Transact-SQL) Returns a character expression after it removes leading blanks. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"LTRIM\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? LeftTrim(string? character_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is the string expression of character or binary data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column. character_expression must be of a data type that is implicitly convertible to varchar. Returns string varchar or nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException Len(string?) LEN (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of characters of the specified string expression, excluding trailing spaces. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"LEN\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Len(string? character_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is the string expression to be evaluated. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column of either character or binary data. Returns int? bigint if expression is of the varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) data types; otherwise, int. Exceptions InvalidOperationException LenBig(string?) LEN (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of characters of the specified string expression, excluding trailing spaces. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"LEN\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static long? LenBig(string? character_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is the string expression to be evaluated. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column of either character or binary data. Returns long? bigint if expression is of the varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) data types; otherwise, int. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Log10<T>(T) LOG10 (Transact-SQL) Returns the base-10 logarithm of the specified float expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"LOG\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Log10<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Log<T>(T) LOG (Transact-SQL) Returns the natural logarithm of the specified float expression in SQL Server. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"LOG\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Log<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Log<T>(T, int) LOG (Transact-SQL) Returns the natural logarithm of the specified float expression in SQL Server. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"LOG\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Log<T>(T float_expression, int @base) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float. base int Optional integer argument that sets the base for the logarithm. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Lower(string?) LOWER (Transact-SQL) Returns a character expression after converting uppercase character data to lowercase. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"LOWER\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Lower(string? character_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is the string expression of character or binary data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column. character_expression must be of a data type that is implicitly convertible to varchar. Returns string varchar or nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException MinActiveRowVersion() MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION (Transact-SQL) Returns the workstation identification number. The workstation identification number is the process ID (PID) of the application on the client computer that is connecting to SQL Server. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static byte[] MinActiveRowVersion() Returns byte[] Returns a binary(8) value. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Month(DateTimeOffset?) MONTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer that represents the day (day of the month) of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"MONTH\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Month(DateTimeOffset? date) Parameters date DateTimeOffset? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Month(DateTime?) MONTH (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer that represents the day (day of the month) of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"MONTH\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Month(DateTime? date) Parameters date DateTime? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Month(string?) MONTH (Transact-SQL) Returns an integer that represents the month of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"MONTH\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Month(string? date) Parameters date string Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException NChar(int?) NCHAR (Transact-SQL) Returns the Unicode character with the specified integer code, as defined by the Unicode standard. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"NCHAR\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static char? NChar(int? integer_expression) Parameters integer_expression int? When the collation of the database does not contain the Supplementary Character (SC) flag, this is a positive integer from 0 through 65535 (0 through 0xFFFF). If a value outside this range is specified, NULL is returned. Returns char? nchar(1) when the default database collation does not support supplementary characters. nvarchar(2) when the default database collation supports supplementary characters. Exceptions InvalidOperationException NewID() NEWID (Transact-SQL) Creates a unique value of type uniqueidentifier. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"NEWID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static Guid NewID() Returns Guid uniqueidentifier Exceptions InvalidOperationException NextValueFor(string) NEXT VALUE FOR (Transact-SQL) Generates a sequence number from the specified sequence object. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"NEXT VALUE FOR {sequence_name}\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.NextValueForBuilder))] public static object? NextValueFor(string sequence_name) Parameters sequence_name string The name of the sequence object that generates the number. Returns object Returns a number using the type of the sequence. Exceptions InvalidOperationException NextValueForOver(string) NEXT VALUE FOR (Transact-SQL) Generates a sequence number from the specified sequence object. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"NEXT VALUE FOR {sequence_name} OVER ({order_by_clause})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.NextValueForBuilder), TokenName = \"function\", ChainPrecedence = 1, IsWindowFunction = true)] public static AnalyticFunctions.INeedsOrderByOnly<object?> NextValueForOver(string sequence_name) Parameters sequence_name string The name of the sequence object that generates the number. Returns AnalyticFunctions.INeedsOrderByOnly<object> Returns a number using the type of the sequence. Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectDefinition(int?) OBJECT_DEFINITION (Transact-SQL) Returns the Transact-SQL source text of the definition of a specified object. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECT_DEFINITION\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? ObjectDefinition(int? object_id) Parameters object_id int? Is the ID of the object to be used. object_id is int, and assumed to represent an object in the current database context. Returns string nvarchar(max) Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectID(string) OBJECT_ID (Transact-SQL) Returns the database object identification number of a schema-scoped object. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECT_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? ObjectID(string object_name) Parameters object_name string Is the object to be used. object_name is either varchar or nvarchar. If object_name is varchar, it is implicitly converted to nvarchar. Specifying the database and schema names is optional. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectID(string, string) OBJECT_ID (Transact-SQL) Returns the database object identification number of a schema-scoped object. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECT_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? ObjectID(string object_name, string object_type) Parameters object_name string Is the object to be used. object_name is either varchar or nvarchar. If object_name is varchar, it is implicitly converted to nvarchar. Specifying the database and schema names is optional. object_type string Is the schema-scoped object type. object_type is either varchar or nvarchar. If object_type is varchar, it is implicitly converted to nvarchar. For a list of object types, see the type column in sys.objects (Transact-SQL). Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectName(int?) OBJECT_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the database object name for schema-scoped objects. For a list of schema-scoped objects, see sys.objects (Transact-SQL). [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECT_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? ObjectName(int? object_id) Parameters object_id int? Is the ID of the object to be used. object_id is int and is assumed to be a schema-scoped object in the specified database, or in the current database context. Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectName(int?, int?) OBJECT_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the database object name for schema-scoped objects. For a list of schema-scoped objects, see sys.objects (Transact-SQL). [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECT_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? ObjectName(int? object_id, int? database_id) Parameters object_id int? Is the ID of the object to be used. object_id is int and is assumed to be a schema-scoped object in the specified database, or in the current database context. database_id int? Is the ID of the database where the object is to be looked up. database_id is int. Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectProperty(int?, ObjectPropertyName) OBJECTPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) Returns information about schema-scoped objects in the current database. For a list of schema-scoped objects, see sys.objects (Transact-SQL). This function cannot be used for objects that are not schema-scoped, such as data definition language (DDL) triggers and event notifications. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECTPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName>))] public static int? ObjectProperty(int? id, SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName property) Parameters id int? Is an expression that represents the ID of the object in the current database. id is int and is assumed to be a schema-scoped object in the current database context. property SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName Is an expression that represents the information to be returned for the object specified by id. property can be one of the following values. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectPropertyEx(int?, ObjectPropertyExName) OBJECTPROPERTYEX (Transact-SQL) Returns information about schema-scoped objects in the current database. For a list of these objects, see sys.objects (Transact-SQL). OBJECTPROPERTYEX cannot be used for objects that are not schema-scoped, such as data definition language (DDL) triggers and event notifications. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECTPROPERTYEX\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName>))] public static object? ObjectPropertyEx(int? id, SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName property) Parameters id int? Is an expression that represents the ID of the object in the current database. id is int and is assumed to be a schema-scoped object in the current database context. property SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName Is an expression that contains the information to be returned for the object specified by id. The return type is sql_variant. The following table shows the base data type for each property value. Returns object sql_variant Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectSchemaName(int?) OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the database schema name for schema-scoped objects. For a list of schema-scoped objects, see sys.objects (Transact-SQL). [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? ObjectSchemaName(int? object_id) Parameters object_id int? Is the ID of the object to be used. object_id is int and is assumed to be a schema-scoped object in the specified database, or in the current database context. Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException ObjectSchemaName(int?, int?) OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the database schema name for schema-scoped objects. For a list of schema-scoped objects, see sys.objects (Transact-SQL). [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? ObjectSchemaName(int? object_id, int? database_id) Parameters object_id int? Is the ID of the object to be used. object_id is int and is assumed to be a schema-scoped object in the specified database, or in the current database context. database_id int? Is the ID of the database where the object is to be looked up. database_id is int. Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException OpenJson(string?) OPENJSON (Transact-SQL) A table-valued function that parses JSON text and returns objects and properties from the JSON input as rows and columns. [Sql.TableExpression(\"OPENJSON({2}) {1}\")] public static IQueryable<SqlFn.JsonData> OpenJson(string? json) Parameters json string An expression. Typically the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text. Returns IQueryable<SqlFn.JsonData> Returns a rowset view over the elements of a JSON object or array. Remarks Only available on SQL Server 2016 or later, and compatibility mode for the database must be set to 130 or higher Exceptions InvalidOperationException OpenJson(string?, string) OPENJSON (Transact-SQL) A table-valued function that parses JSON text and returns objects and properties from the JSON input as rows and columns. [Sql.TableExpression(\"OPENJSON({2}, {3}) {1}\")] public static IQueryable<SqlFn.JsonData> OpenJson(string? json, string path) Parameters json string An expression. Typically the name of a variable or a column that contains JSON text. path string A JSON path expression that specifies the property to query. Returns IQueryable<SqlFn.JsonData> Returns a rowset view over the elements of a JSON object or array. Remarks Only available on SQL Server 2016 or later, and compatibility mode for the database must be set to 130 or higher Exceptions InvalidOperationException OriginalDbName() ORIGINAL_DB_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the database name specified by the user in the database connection string. This database is specified by using the sqlcmd-d option (USE database). It can also be specified with the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data source expression (initial catalog = databasename). This database is different from the default user database. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ORIGINAL_DB_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? OriginalDbName() Returns string Exceptions InvalidOperationException PI() PI (Transact-SQL) Returns the constant value of PI. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"PI\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static double PI() Returns double float Exceptions InvalidOperationException ParseName(string?, int) PARSENAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the database schema name for schema-scoped objects. For a list of schema-scoped objects, see sys.objects (Transact-SQL). [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"PARSENAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? ParseName(string? object_name, int object_piece) Parameters object_name string Is the parameter that holds the name of the object for which to retrieve the specified object part. This parameter is an optionally-qualified object name. If all parts of the object name are qualified, this name can have four parts: the server name, the database name, the schema name, and the object name. Each part of the 'object_name' string is type sysname which is equivalent to nvarchar(128) or 256 bytes. If any part of the string exceeds 256 bytes, PARSENAME will return NULL for that part as it is not a valid sysname. object_piece int Is the object part to return. object_piece is of type int, and can have these values: 1 = Object name 2 = Schema name 3 = Database name 4 = Server name Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException Parse<T>(string) PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"PARSE({0} as {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T Parse<T>(string string_value) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Parse<T>(string, SqlType<T>) PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"PARSE({string_value} as {data_type})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Parse<T>(string string_value, SqlType<T> data_type) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. data_type SqlType<T> Literal value representing the data type requested for the result. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Parse<T>(string, SqlType<T>, string) PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"PARSE({string_value} as {data_type} USING {culture})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Parse<T>(string string_value, SqlType<T> data_type, string culture) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. data_type SqlType<T> Literal value representing the data type requested for the result. culture string Optional string that identifies the culture in which string_value is formatted. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Parse<T>(string, Func<SqlType<T>>) PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"PARSE({string_value} as {data_type})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Parse<T>(string string_value, Func<SqlType<T>> data_type) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. data_type Func<SqlType<T>> Literal value representing the data type requested for the result. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Parse<T>(string, Func<SqlType<T>>, string) PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"PARSE({string_value} as {data_type} USING {culture})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T Parse<T>(string string_value, Func<SqlType<T>> data_type, string culture) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. data_type Func<SqlType<T>> Literal value representing the data type requested for the result. culture string Optional string that identifies the culture in which string_value is formatted. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Parse<T>(string, string) PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"PARSE({0} as {2} USING {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T Parse<T>(string string_value, string culture) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. culture string Optional string that identifies the culture in which string_value is formatted. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException PatIndex(string?, string?) PATINDEX (Transact-SQL) Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a pattern in a specified expression, or zeros if the pattern is not found, on all valid text and character data types. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"PATINDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? PatIndex(string? pattern, string? expression) Parameters pattern string Is a character expression that contains the sequence to be found. Wildcard characters can be used; however, the % character must come before and follow pattern (except when you search for first or last characters). pattern is an expression of the character string data type category. pattern is limited to 8000 characters. expression string Is an expression, typically a column that is searched for the specified pattern. expression is of the character string data type category. Returns int? bigint if expression is of the varchar(max) or nvarchar(max) data types; otherwise int. Exceptions InvalidOperationException PatIndexBig(string?, string?) PATINDEX (Transact-SQL) Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a pattern in a specified expression, or zeros if the pattern is not found, on all valid text and character data types. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"PATINDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static long? PatIndexBig(string? pattern, string? expression) Parameters pattern string Is a character expression that contains the sequence to be found. Wildcard characters can be used; however, the % character must come before and follow pattern (except when you search for first or last characters). pattern is an expression of the character string data type category. pattern is limited to 8000 characters. expression string Is an expression, typically a column that is searched for the specified pattern. expression is of the character string data type category. Returns long? bigint if expression is of the varchar(max) or nvarchar(max) data types; otherwise int. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Power<T>(T, T) POWER (Transact-SQL) Returns the base-10 logarithm of the specified float expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"POWER\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Power<T>(T float_expression, T y) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float. y T Is the power to which to raise float_expression. y can be an expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException PublishingServerName() PUBLISHINGSERVERNAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the name of the originating Publisher for a published database participating in a database mirroring session. This function is executed at a Publisher instance of SQL Server on the publication database. Use it to determine the original Publisher of the published database. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"PUBLISHINGSERVERNAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? PublishingServerName() Returns string nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException QuoteName(string?) QUOTENAME (Transact-SQL) Returns a Unicode string with the delimiters added to make the input string a valid SQL Server delimited identifier. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"QUOTENAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? QuoteName(string? character_string) Parameters character_string string Is a string of Unicode character data. character_string is sysname and is limited to 128 characters. Inputs greater than 128 characters return NULL. Returns string nvarchar(258) Exceptions InvalidOperationException QuoteName(string?, string?) QUOTENAME (Transact-SQL) Returns a Unicode string with the delimiters added to make the input string a valid SQL Server delimited identifier. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"QUOTENAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? QuoteName(string? character_string, string? quote_character) Parameters character_string string Is a string of Unicode character data. character_string is sysname and is limited to 128 characters. Inputs greater than 128 characters return NULL. quote_character string Is a one-character string to use as the delimiter. Can be a single quotation mark ( ' ), a left or right bracket ( [] ), a double quotation mark ( \" ), a left or right parenthesis ( () ), a greater than or less than sign ( >< ), a left or right brace ( {} ) or a backtick ( ` ). NULL returns if an unacceptable character is supplied. If quote_character is not specified, brackets are used. Returns string nvarchar(258) Exceptions InvalidOperationException Radians<T>(T) RADIANS (Transact-SQL) Returns radians when a numeric expression, in degrees, is entered. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"RADIANS\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Radians<T>(T numeric_expression) Parameters numeric_expression T An expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type. Returns T Return values have the same type as numeric_expression. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Random() RAND (Transact-SQL) Returns a pseudo-random float value from 0 through 1, exclusive. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"RAND\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static double Random() Returns double float Exceptions InvalidOperationException Random(int) RAND (Transact-SQL) Returns a pseudo-random float value from 0 through 1, exclusive. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"RAND\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static double Random(int seed) Parameters seed int Returns double float Exceptions InvalidOperationException Replace(string?, string?, string?) REPLACE (Transact-SQL) Replaces all occurrences of a specified string value with another string value. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"REPLACE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Replace(string? string_expression, string? string_pattern, string? string_replacement) Parameters string_expression string Is the string expression to be searched. string_expression can be of a character or binary data type. string_pattern string Is the substring to be found. string_pattern can be of a character or binary data type. string_pattern must not exceed the maximum number of bytes that fits on a page. If string_pattern is an empty string (''), string_expression is returned unchanged. string_replacement string Is the replacement string. string_replacement can be of a character or binary data type. Returns string Returns nvarchar if one of the input arguments is of the nvarchar data type; otherwise, REPLACE returns varchar. Returns NULL if any one of the arguments is NULL. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Replicate(byte[]?, int?) REPLICATE (Transact-SQL) Repeats a string value a specified number of times. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"REPLICATE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Replicate(byte[]? string_expression, int? integer_expression) Parameters string_expression byte[] Is an expression of a character string or binary data type. integer_expression int? Is an expression of any integer type, including bigint. If integer_expression is negative, NULL is returned. Returns string Returns the same type as string_expression. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Replicate(string?, int?) REPLICATE (Transact-SQL) Repeats a string value a specified number of times. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"REPLICATE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Replicate(string? string_expression, int? integer_expression) Parameters string_expression string Is an expression of a character string or binary data type. integer_expression int? Is an expression of any integer type, including bigint. If integer_expression is negative, NULL is returned. Returns string Returns the same type as string_expression. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Reverse(string?) REVERSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the reverse order of a string value. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"REVERSE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Reverse(string? string_expression) Parameters string_expression string string_expression is an expression of a string or binary data type. string_expression can be a constant, variable, or column of either character or binary data. Returns string varchar or nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException Right(string?, int?) RIGHT (Transact-SQL) Returns the right part of a character string with the specified number of characters. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"RIGHT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Right(string? character_expression, int? integer_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is an expression of character or binary data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column. character_expression can be of any data type, except text or ntext, that can be implicitly converted to varchar or nvarchar. Otherwise, use the CAST function to explicitly convert character_expression. integer_expression int? Is a positive integer that specifies how many characters of the character_expression will be returned. If integer_expression is negative, an error is returned. If integer_expression is type bigint and contains a large value, character_expression must be of a large data type such as varchar(max). The integer_expression parameter counts a UTF-16 surrogate character as one character. Returns string Returns varchar when character_expression is a non-Unicode character data type. Returns nvarchar when character_expression is a Unicode character data type. Exceptions InvalidOperationException RightTrim(string?) RTRIM (Transact-SQL) Returns a character string after truncating all trailing spaces. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"RTRIM\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? RightTrim(string? character_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is an expression of character data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column of either character or binary data. Returns string varchar or nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException Round<T>(T, int) ROUND (Transact-SQL) Returns a numeric value, rounded to the specified length or precision. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ROUND\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Round<T>(T numeric_expression, int length) Parameters numeric_expression T An expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type. length int Is the precision to which numeric_expression is to be rounded. length must be an expression of type tinyint, smallint, or int. When length is a positive number, numeric_expression is rounded to the number of decimal positions specified by length. When length is a negative number, numeric_expression is rounded on the left side of the decimal point, as specified by length. Returns T Return values have the same type as numeric_expression. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Round<T>(T, int, int) ROUND (Transact-SQL) Returns a numeric value, rounded to the specified length or precision. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ROUND\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Round<T>(T numeric_expression, int length, int function) Parameters numeric_expression T An expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type. length int Is the precision to which numeric_expression is to be rounded. length must be an expression of type tinyint, smallint, or int. When length is a positive number, numeric_expression is rounded to the number of decimal positions specified by length. When length is a negative number, numeric_expression is rounded on the left side of the decimal point, as specified by length. function int Is the type of operation to perform. function must be tinyint, smallint, or int. When function is omitted or has a value of 0 (default), numeric_expression is rounded. When a value other than 0 is specified, numeric_expression is truncated Returns T Return values have the same type as numeric_expression. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException RowCountBig() ROWCOUNT_BIG (Transact-SQL) Returns the number of rows affected by the last statement executed. This function operates like @@ROWCOUNT, except the return type of ROWCOUNT_BIG is bigint. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"ROWCOUNT_BIG\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static long RowCountBig() Returns long bigint Exceptions InvalidOperationException SchemaID() SCHEMA_ID (Transact-SQL) Returns the schema ID associated with a schema name. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SCHEMA_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? SchemaID() Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException SchemaID(string) SCHEMA_ID (Transact-SQL) Returns the schema ID associated with a schema name. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SCHEMA_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? SchemaID(string schema_name) Parameters schema_name string Is the name of the schema. schema_name is a sysname. If schema_name is not specified, SCHEMA_ID will return the ID of the default schema of the caller. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException SchemaName() SCHEMA_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the schema name associated with a schema ID. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SCHEMA_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? SchemaName() Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException SchemaName(int?) SCHEMA_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the schema name associated with a schema ID. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SCHEMA_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? SchemaName(int? schema_id) Parameters schema_id int? The ID of the schema. schema_id is an int. If schema_id is not defined, SCHEMA_NAME will return the name of the default schema of the caller. Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException ScopeIdentity() SCOPE_IDENTITY (Transact-SQL) Returns the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope. A scope is a module: a stored procedure, trigger, function, or batch. Therefore, if two statements are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch, they are in the same scope. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SCOPE_IDENTITY\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static decimal ScopeIdentity() Returns decimal numeric(38,0) Exceptions InvalidOperationException ServerProperty(ServerPropertyName) SERVERPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) Returns property information about the server instance. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"SERVERPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.ServerPropertyName>))] public static object? ServerProperty(SqlFn.ServerPropertyName property) Parameters property SqlFn.ServerPropertyName Is an expression that contains the property information to be returned for the server. Returns object sql_variant Exceptions InvalidOperationException Sign<T>(T) SIGN (Transact-SQL) Returns the positive (+1), zero (0), or negative (-1) sign of the specified expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SIGN\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Sign<T>(T numeric_expression) Parameters numeric_expression T An expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type. Returns T Return values have the same type as numeric_expression. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Sin<T>(T, T) SIN (Transact-SQL) Returns the trigonometric sine of the specified angle, in radians, and in an approximate numeric, float, expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SIN\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Sin<T>(T float_expression, T y) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float, in radians. y T Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException SmallDateTimeFromParts(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) SMALLDATETIMEFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) Returns a smalldatetime value for the specified date and time. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SMALLDATETIMEFROMPARTS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? SmallDateTimeFromParts(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? Returns DateTime? datetime Exceptions InvalidOperationException SoundEx(string?) SOUNDEX (Transact-SQL) Returns a four-character (SOUNDEX) code to evaluate the similarity of two strings. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SOUNDEX\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? SoundEx(string? character_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is an alphanumeric expression of character data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column. Returns string varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException Space(int?) SPACE (Transact-SQL) Returns a string of repeated spaces. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SPACE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Space(int? integer_expression) Parameters integer_expression int? Is a positive integer that indicates the number of spaces. If integer_expression is negative, a null string is returned. Returns string varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException Sqrt<T>(T) SQRT (Transact-SQL) Returns the square root of the specified float value. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SQRT\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Sqrt<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Square<T>(T) SQUARE (Transact-SQL) Returns the square of the specified float value. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SQUARE\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Square<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException StatsDate(int?, int?) STATS_DATE (Transact-SQL) Returns the date of the most recent update for statistics on a table or indexed view. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"STATS_DATE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime? StatsDate(int? object_id, int? stats_id) Parameters object_id int? ID of the table or indexed view with the statistics. stats_id int? ID of the statistics object. Returns DateTime? Returns datetime on success. Returns NULL if a statistics blob was not created. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Str<T>(T?) STR (Transact-SQL) Returns character data converted from numeric data. The character data is right-justified, with a specified length and decimal precision. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"STR\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string? Str<T>(T? float_expression) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of approximate numeric (float) data type with a decimal point. Returns string varchar Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Str<T>(T?, int) STR (Transact-SQL) Returns character data converted from numeric data. The character data is right-justified, with a specified length and decimal precision. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"STR\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string? Str<T>(T? float_expression, int length) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of approximate numeric (float) data type with a decimal point. length int Is the total length. This includes decimal point, sign, digits, and spaces. The default is 10. Returns string varchar Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException Str<T>(T?, int, int) STR (Transact-SQL) Returns character data converted from numeric data. The character data is right-justified, with a specified length and decimal precision. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"STR\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string? Str<T>(T? float_expression, int length, int @decimal) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of approximate numeric (float) data type with a decimal point. length int Is the total length. This includes decimal point, sign, digits, and spaces. The default is 10. decimal int Is the number of places to the right of the decimal point. decimal must be less than or equal to 16. If decimal is more than 16 then the result is truncated to sixteen places to the right of the decimal point. Returns string varchar Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException StringEscape(string?, string?) STRING_ESCAPE (Transact-SQL) Returns character data converted from numeric data. The character data is right-justified, with a specified length and decimal precision. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"STRING_ESCAPE\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string? StringEscape(string? text, string? type) Parameters text string Is a nvarchar expression expression representing the object that should be escaped. type string Escaping rules that will be applied. Currently the value supported is 'json'. Returns string varchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException Stuff(string?, int?, int?, string?) STUFF (Transact-SQL) The STUFF function inserts a string into another string. It deletes a specified length of characters in the first string at the start position and then inserts the second string into the first string at the start position. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"STUFF\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string? Stuff(string? character_expression, int? start, int? length, string? replaceWith_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is an expression of character data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column of either character or binary data. start int? Is an integer value that specifies the location to start deletion and insertion. If start is negative or zero, a null string is returned. If start is longer than the first character_expression, a null string is returned. start can be of type bigint. length int? Is an integer that specifies the number of characters to delete. If length is negative, a null string is returned. If length is longer than the first character_expression, deletion occurs up to the last character in the last character_expression. If length is zero, insertion occurs at start location and no characters are deleted. length can be of type bigint. replaceWith_expression string Is an expression of character data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column of either character or binary data. This expression replaces length characters of character_expression beginning at start. Providing NULL as the replaceWith_expression, removes characters without inserting anything. Returns string Returns character data if character_expression is one of the supported character data types. Returns binary data if character_expression is one of the supported binary data types. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Substring(string?, int?, int?) SUBSTRING (Transact-SQL) Returns part of a character, binary, text, or image expression in SQL Server. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SUBSTRING\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string? Substring(string? expression, int? start, int? length) Parameters expression string Is a character, binary, text, ntext, or image expression. start int? Is an integer or bigint expression that specifies where the returned characters start. (The numbering is 1 based, meaning that the first character in the expression is 1). If start is less than 1, the returned expression will begin at the first character that is specified in expression. In this case, the number of characters that are returned is the largest value of either the sum of start + length - 1 or 0. If start is greater than the number of characters in the value expression, a zero-length expression is returned. length int? Is a positive integer or bigint expression that specifies how many characters of the expression will be returned. If length is negative, an error is generated and the statement is terminated. If the sum of start and length is greater than the number of characters in expression, the whole value expression beginning at start is returned. Returns string Returns character data if expression is one of the supported character data types. Returns binary data if expression is one of the supported binary data types. Exceptions InvalidOperationException SwitchOffset(DateTimeOffset?, string) SWITCHOFFSET (Transact-SQL) Returns a datetimeoffset value that is changed from the stored time zone offset to a specified new time zone offset. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SWITCHOFFSET\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTimeOffset? SwitchOffset(DateTimeOffset? datetimeoffset_expression, string timezoneoffset_expression) Parameters datetimeoffset_expression DateTimeOffset? timezoneoffset_expression string Returns DateTimeOffset? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException SysDatetime() SYSDATETIME (Transact-SQL) Returns a datetime2(7) value that contains the date and time of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server is running. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SYSDATETIME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime SysDatetime() Returns DateTime datetime2(7) Exceptions InvalidOperationException SysDatetimeOffset() SYSDATETIMEOFFSET (Transact-SQL) Returns a datetimeoffset(7) value that contains the date and time of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server is running. The time zone offset is included. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SYSDATETIMEOFFSET\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTimeOffset SysDatetimeOffset() Returns DateTimeOffset datetimeoffset(7) Exceptions InvalidOperationException SysUtcDatetime() SYSUTCDATETIME (Transact-SQL) Returns a datetime2 value that contains the date and time of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server is running. The date and time is returned as UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time). The fractional second precision specification has a range from 1 to 7 digits. The default precision is 7 digits. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SYSUTCDATETIME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTime SysUtcDatetime() Returns DateTime datetime2 Exceptions InvalidOperationException Tan<T>(T) TAN (Transact-SQL) Returns the tangent of the input expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"TAN\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static T Tan<T>(T float_expression) Parameters float_expression T Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float. Returns T float Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TimeFromParts(int?, int?, int?) TIMEFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a date value that maps to the specified year, month, and day values. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"TIMEFROMPARTS({0}, {1}, {2}, 0, 0)\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static TimeSpan? TimeFromParts(int? hour, int? minute, int? seconds) Parameters hour int? minute int? seconds int? Returns TimeSpan? date Exceptions InvalidOperationException TimeFromParts(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) TIMEFROMPARTS (Transact-SQL) This function returns a date value that maps to the specified year, month, and day values. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"TIMEFROMPARTS\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static TimeSpan? TimeFromParts(int? hour, int? minute, int? seconds, int? fractions, int? precision) Parameters hour int? minute int? seconds int? fractions int? precision int? Returns TimeSpan? date Exceptions InvalidOperationException ToDatetimeOffset(DateTimeOffset?, string) TODATETIMEOFFSET (Transact-SQL) Returns a datetimeoffset value that is translated from a datetime2 expression. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"TODATETIMEOFFSET\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static DateTimeOffset? ToDatetimeOffset(DateTimeOffset? datetime_expression, string timezoneoffset_expression) Parameters datetime_expression DateTimeOffset? timezoneoffset_expression string Returns DateTimeOffset? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Translate(string?, string?, string?) TRANSLATE (Transact-SQL) Returns part of a character, binary, text, or image expression in SQL Server. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"TRANSLATE\", ServerSideOnly = true, IgnoreGenericParameters = true)] public static string? Translate(string? inputString, string? characters, string? translations) Parameters inputString string inputString Is the string expression to be searched. inputString can be any character data type (nvarchar, varchar, nchar, char). characters string translations string Is a string expression containing the replacement characters. translations must be the same data type and length as characters. Returns string Returns a character expression of the same data type as inputString where characters from the second argument are replaced with the matching characters from third argument. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Trim(string?) TRIM (Transact-SQL) Removes the space character char(32) or other specified characters from the start and end of a string. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"TRIM\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Trim(string? @string) Parameters string string Is an expression of any character type (nvarchar, varchar, nchar, or char) where characters should be removed. Returns string Returns a character expression with a type of string argument where the space character char(32) or other specified characters are removed from both sides. Returns NULL if input string is NULL. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Trim(string, string?) TRIM (Transact-SQL) Removes the space character char(32) or other specified characters from the start and end of a string. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"TRIM({0} FROM {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Trim(string characters, string? @string) Parameters characters string Is a literal, variable, or function call of any non-LOB character type (nvarchar, varchar, nchar, or char) containing characters that should be removed. nvarchar(max) and varchar(max) types aren't allowed. string string Is an expression of any character type (nvarchar, varchar, nchar, or char) where characters should be removed. Returns string Returns a character expression with a type of string argument where the space character char(32) or other specified characters are removed from both sides. Returns NULL if input string is NULL. Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryCast<T>(object?) TRY_CAST (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CAST({0} as {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T TryCast<T>(object? expression) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryCast<T>(object?, SqlType<T>) TRY_CAST (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CAST({expression} as {data_type})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryCast<T>(object? expression, SqlType<T> data_type) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. data_type SqlType<T> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryCast<T>(object?, Func<SqlType<T>>) TRY_CAST (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CAST({expression} as {data_type})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryCast<T>(object? expression, Func<SqlType<T>> data_type) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. data_type Func<SqlType<T>> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryConvert<T>(SqlType<T>, object?) TRY_CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CONVERT({data_type}, {expression})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryConvert<T>(SqlType<T> data_type, object? expression) Parameters data_type SqlType<T> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. expression object Any valid expression. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryConvert<T>(SqlType<T>, object?, int) TRY_CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CONVERT({data_type}, {expression}, {style})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryConvert<T>(SqlType<T> data_type, object? expression, int style) Parameters data_type SqlType<T> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. expression object Any valid expression. style int Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryConvert<T>(Func<SqlType<T>>, object?) TRY_CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CONVERT({data_type}, {expression})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryConvert<T>(Func<SqlType<T>> data_type, object? expression) Parameters data_type Func<SqlType<T>> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. expression object Any valid expression. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryConvert<T>(Func<SqlType<T>>, object?, int) TRY_CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CONVERT({data_type}, {expression}, {style})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryConvert<T>(Func<SqlType<T>> data_type, object? expression, int style) Parameters data_type Func<SqlType<T>> The target data type. This includes xml, bigint, and sql_variant. Alias data types cannot be used. expression object Any valid expression. style int Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryConvert<T>(object?) TRY_CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CONVERT({1}, {0})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T TryConvert<T>(object? expression) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryConvert<T>(object?, int) TRY_CONVERT (Transact-SQL) These functions convert an expression of one data type to another. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_CONVERT({2}, {0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T TryConvert<T>(object? expression, int style) Parameters expression object Any valid expression. style int Returns T Returns expression, translated to data_type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryParse<T>(string) TRY_PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_PARSE({0} as {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T TryParse<T>(string string_value) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryParse<T>(string, SqlType<T>) TRY_PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_PARSE({string_value} as {data_type})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryParse<T>(string string_value, SqlType<T> data_type) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. data_type SqlType<T> Literal value representing the data type requested for the result. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryParse<T>(string, SqlType<T>, string) TRY_PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_PARSE({string_value} as {data_type} USING {culture})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryParse<T>(string string_value, SqlType<T> data_type, string culture) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. data_type SqlType<T> Literal value representing the data type requested for the result. culture string Optional string that identifies the culture in which string_value is formatted. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryParse<T>(string, Func<SqlType<T>>) TRY_PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_PARSE({string_value} as {data_type})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryParse<T>(string string_value, Func<SqlType<T>> data_type) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. data_type Func<SqlType<T>> Literal value representing the data type requested for the result. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryParse<T>(string, Func<SqlType<T>>, string) TRY_PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_PARSE({string_value} as {data_type} USING {culture})\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.DataTypeBuilder))] public static T TryParse<T>(string string_value, Func<SqlType<T>> data_type, string culture) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. data_type Func<SqlType<T>> Literal value representing the data type requested for the result. culture string Optional string that identifies the culture in which string_value is formatted. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TryParse<T>(string, string) TRY_PARSE (Transact-SQL) Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type in SQL Server. [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"TRY_PARSE({0} as {2} USING {1})\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T TryParse<T>(string string_value, string culture) Parameters string_value string nvarchar(4000) value representing the formatted value to parse into the specified data type. culture string Optional string that identifies the culture in which string_value is formatted. Returns T Returns the result of the expression, translated to the requested data type. Type Parameters T Exceptions InvalidOperationException TypeID(string) TYPE_ID (Transact-SQL) Returns the ID for a specified data type name. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"TYPE_ID\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? TypeID(string type_name) Parameters type_name string Is the name of the data type. type_name is of type nvarchar. type_name can be a system or user-defined data type. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException TypeName(int?) TYPE_NAME (Transact-SQL) Returns the unqualified type name of a specified type ID. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"TYPE_NAME\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? TypeName(int? type_id) Parameters type_id int? Is the ID of the type that will be used. type_id is an int, and it can refer to a type in any schema that the caller has permission to access. Returns string sysname Exceptions InvalidOperationException TypeProperty(string?, TypePropertyName) TYPEPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) Returns information about a data type. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"TYPEPROPERTY\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(SqlFn.PropertyBuilder<SqlFn.TypePropertyName>))] public static int? TypeProperty(string? type, SqlFn.TypePropertyName property) Parameters type string Is the name of the data type. property SqlFn.TypePropertyName Is the type of information to be returned for the data type. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Unicode(string) UNICODE (Transact-SQL) Removes the space character char(32) or other specified characters from the start and end of a string. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"UNICODE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Unicode(string ncharacter_expression) Parameters ncharacter_expression string Is an nchar or nvarchar expression. Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Upper(string?) UPPER (Transact-SQL) Returns a character expression after converting uppercase character data to lowercase. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"UPPER\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string? Upper(string? character_expression) Parameters character_expression string Is the string expression of character or binary data. character_expression can be a constant, variable, or column. character_expression must be of a data type that is implicitly convertible to varchar. Returns string varchar or nvarchar Exceptions InvalidOperationException XactState() XACT_STATE (Transact-SQL) Is a scalar function that reports the user transaction state of a current running request. XACT_STATE indicates whether the request has an active user transaction, and whether the transaction is capable of being committed. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"XACT_STATE\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static short XactState() Returns short smallint Exceptions InvalidOperationException Year(DateTimeOffset?) YEAR (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer that represents the day (day of the month) of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"YEAR\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Year(DateTimeOffset? date) Parameters date DateTimeOffset? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Year(DateTime?) YEAR (Transact-SQL) This function returns an integer that represents the day (day of the month) of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"YEAR\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Year(DateTime? date) Parameters date DateTime? Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException Year(string?) YEAR (Transact-SQL) Returns an integer that represents the year of the specified date. [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"YEAR\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static int? Year(string? date) Parameters date string Returns int? int Exceptions InvalidOperationException"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerConfiguration.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerConfiguration.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerConfiguration | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerConfiguration Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerConfiguration Inheritance object SqlServerConfiguration Properties GenerateScopeIdentity [Obsolete(\"Use SqlServerOptions.Default.GenerateScopeIdentity instead.\")] public static bool GenerateScopeIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class SqlServerDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter> SqlServerDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<SqlServerProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) DataProviderBase.ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) DataProviderBase.GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlServerDataProvider(string, SqlServerVersion) protected SqlServerDataProvider(string name, SqlServerVersion version) Parameters name string version SqlServerVersion SqlServerDataProvider(string, SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider) protected SqlServerDataProvider(string name, SqlServerVersion version, SqlServerProvider provider) Parameters name string version SqlServerVersion provider SqlServerProvider Properties Provider public SqlServerProvider Provider { get; } Property Value SqlServerProvider SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Version public SqlServerVersion Version { get; } Property Value SqlServerVersion Methods AddUdtType(Type, string) public void AddUdtType(Type type, string udtName) Parameters type Type udtName string AddUdtType(Type, string, object?, DataType) public void AddUdtType(Type type, string udtName, object? defaultValue, DataType dataType = DataType.Undefined) Parameters type Type udtName string defaultValue object dataType DataType AddUdtType<T>(string, T, DataType) public void AddUdtType<T>(string udtName, T defaultValue, DataType dataType = DataType.Undefined) Parameters udtName string defaultValue T dataType DataType Type Parameters T BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) public override object? GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection dataConnection, string parameterName) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameterName string Returns object GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey-1.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey> Type Parameters TKey Inheritance object SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Key [Column(\"KEY\")] public TKey Key Field Value TKey Rank [Column(\"RANK\")] public int Rank Field Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerExtensions Inheritance object SqlServerExtensions Methods Contains(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, params object?[]) Applies full-text search condition using CONTAINS predicate against specified full-text columns or all FTS columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINS((col1, col2), N'search')\". [Sql.Extension(\"CONTAINS(({tableOrColumns, ', '}), {search})\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true)] public static bool Contains(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, string search, params object?[] tableOrColumns) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. search string Full-text search condition. tableOrColumns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried or table, if all FST columns should be queried. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. ContainsProperty(ISqlServerExtensions?, object?, string, string) Applies full-text search condition using CONTAINS(PROPERTY(...)) predicate against specified full-text column property. Example: \"CONTAINS(PROPERTY(column, 'property'), N'search')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsPropertyImpl1\")] public static bool ContainsProperty(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, object? column, string property, string search) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. column object Full-text column that should be queried. property string Name of document property to search in. search string Full-text search condition. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. ContainsPropertyWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, object?, string, string, int) Applies full-text search condition using CONTAINS(PROPERTY(...)) predicate against specified full-text column property. Example: \"CONTAINS(PROPERTY(column, 'property'), N'search', LANGUAGE language_code)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsPropertyImpl3\")] public static bool ContainsPropertyWithLanguage(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, object? column, string property, string search, int language) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. column object Full-text column that should be queried. property string Name of document property to search in. search string Full-text search condition. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. ContainsPropertyWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, object?, string, string, string) Applies full-text search condition using CONTAINS(PROPERTY(...)) predicate against specified full-text column property. Example: \"CONTAINS(PROPERTY(column, 'property'), N'search', LANGUAGE N'language')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsPropertyImpl2\")] public static bool ContainsPropertyWithLanguage(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, object? column, string property, string search, string language) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. column object Full-text column that should be queried. property string Name of document property to search in. search string Full-text search condition. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE language_code)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl12\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string search, int language) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. search string Full-text search condition. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int, int) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE language_code, top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl11\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string search, int language, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. search string Full-text search condition. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, string) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE N'language')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl10\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string search, string language) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. search string Full-text search condition. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, string, int) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE N'language', top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl9\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string search, string language, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. search string Full-text search condition. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, *, N'search', LANGUAGE language_code, top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl6\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string search, int language) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. search string Full-text search condition. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int, int) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, *, N'search', LANGUAGE language_code)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl5\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string search, int language, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. search string Full-text search condition. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, string) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, *, N'search', LANGUAGE N'language')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl3\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string search, string language) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. search string Full-text search condition. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, string, int) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, *, N'search', LANGUAGE N'language', top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl4\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string search, string language, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. search string Full-text search condition. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl7\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string search) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. search string Full-text search condition. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl8\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string search, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. search string Full-text search condition. top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, *, N'search')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl1\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string search) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. search string Full-text search condition. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int) Performs full-text search query using CONTAINSTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINSTABLE(table, *, N'search', top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"ContainsTableImpl2\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> ContainsTable<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string search, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. search string Full-text search condition. top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. ContainsWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, int, params object?[]) Applies full-text search condition using CONTAINS predicate against specified full-text columns or all FTS columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINS((col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE language_code)\". [Sql.Extension(\"CONTAINS(({tableOrColumns, ', '}), {search}, LANGUAGE {language})\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true)] public static bool ContainsWithLanguage(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, string search, int language, params object?[] tableOrColumns) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. search string Full-text search condition. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). tableOrColumns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried or table, if all FST columns should be queried. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. ContainsWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, string, params object?[]) Applies full-text search condition using CONTAINS predicate against specified full-text columns or all FTS columns in table. Example: \"CONTAINS((col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE N'language')\". [Sql.Extension(\"CONTAINS(({tableOrColumns, ', '}), {search}, LANGUAGE {language})\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true)] public static bool ContainsWithLanguage(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, string search, string language, params object?[] tableOrColumns) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. search string Full-text search condition. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). tableOrColumns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried or table, if all FST columns should be queried. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. FreeText(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, params object?[]) Applies full-text search condition using FREETEXT predicate against specified full-text columns or all FTS columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXT((col1, col2), N'search')\". [Sql.Extension(\"FREETEXT(({tableOrColumns, ', '}), {term})\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true)] public static bool FreeText(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, string term, params object?[] tableOrColumns) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. term string Full-text search term. tableOrColumns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried or table, if all FST columns should be queried. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE language_code)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl12\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string term, int language) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. term string Full-text search term. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int, int) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE language_code, top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl11\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string term, int language, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. term string Full-text search term. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, string) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE N'language')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl9\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string term, string language) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. term string Full-text search term. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, string, int) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE N'language', top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl10\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string term, string language, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. term string Full-text search term. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, *, N'search', LANGUAGE language_code)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl6\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string term, int language) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. term string Full-text search term. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int, int) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, *, N'search', LANGUAGE language_code, top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl5\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string term, int language, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. term string Full-text search term. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, string) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, *, N'search', LANGUAGE N'language')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl3\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string term, string language) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. term string Full-text search term. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, string, int) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, *, N'search', LANGUAGE N'language', top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl4\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTableWithLanguage<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string term, string language, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. term string Full-text search term. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl7\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string term) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. term string Full-text search term. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>>, string, int) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against specified full-text columns. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, (col1, col2), N'search', top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl8\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, Expression<Func<TTable, object?>> columns, string term, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. columns Expression<Func<TTable, object>> Selector expression for full-text columns that should be queried. term string Full-text search term. top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, *, N'search')\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl1\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string term) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. term string Full-text search term. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(ISqlServerExtensions?, ITable<TTable>, string, int) Performs full-text search query using FREETEXTTABLE function against all full-text columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXTTABLE(table, *, N'search', top)\". [ExpressionMethod(\"FreeTextTableImpl2\")] public static IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> FreeTextTable<TTable, TKey>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, ITable<TTable> table, string term, int top) where TTable : notnull Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. table ITable<TTable> Table to perform full-text search query against. term string Full-text search term. top int Top filter to return top N ranked results. Returns IQueryable<SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey>> Returns full-text search ranking table. Type Parameters TTable Queried table mapping class. TKey Full-text index key type. FreeTextWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, int, params object?[]) Applies full-text search condition using FREETEXT predicate against specified full-text columns or all FTS columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXT((col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE language_code)\". [Sql.Extension(\"FREETEXT(({tableOrColumns, ', '}), {term}, LANGUAGE {language})\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true)] public static bool FreeTextWithLanguage(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, string term, int language, params object?[] tableOrColumns) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. term string Full-text search term. language int Language LCID code (see syslanguages.lcid). tableOrColumns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried or table, if all FST columns should be queried. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. FreeTextWithLanguage(ISqlServerExtensions?, string, string, params object?[]) Applies full-text search condition using FREETEXT predicate against specified full-text columns or all FTS columns in table. Example: \"FREETEXT((col1, col2), N'search', LANGUAGE N'language')\". [Sql.Extension(\"FREETEXT(({tableOrColumns, ', '}), {term}, LANGUAGE {language})\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true)] public static bool FreeTextWithLanguage(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, string term, string language, params object?[] tableOrColumns) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. term string Full-text search term. language string Language name (see syslanguages.alias). tableOrColumns object[] Full-text columns that should be queried or table, if all FST columns should be queried. Returns bool Returns true if full-text search found matching records. IsNull<T>(ISqlServerExtensions?, T?, T?) Generates 'ISNULL( value, replacementValue )' function. [Sql.Extension(\"ISNULL({value}, {replacementValue})\", ServerSideOnly = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAllParametersNullable)] public static T IsNull<T>(this ISqlServerExtensions? ext, T? value, T? replacementValue) Parameters ext ISqlServerExtensions Extension point. value T Value to test whether is NULL. replacementValue T Value to replace. Returns T Function returns a replacementValue if the value is NULL. Type Parameters T Generic type. SqlServer(ISqlExtension?) public static ISqlServerExtensions? SqlServer(this Sql.ISqlExtension? ext) Parameters ext Sql.ISqlExtension Returns ISqlServerExtensions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.Join.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.Join.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerHints.Join | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerHints.Join Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerHints.Join Inheritance object SqlServerHints.Join Fields Hash public const string Hash = \"HASH\" Field Value string Loop public const string Loop = \"LOOP\" Field Value string Merge public const string Merge = \"MERGE\" Field Value string Remote public const string Remote = \"REMOTE\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.Query.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.Query.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerHints.Query | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerHints.Query Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerHints.Query Inheritance object SqlServerHints.Query Fields ConcatUnion public const string ConcatUnion = \"CONCAT UNION\" Field Value string DisableExternalPushDown public const string DisableExternalPushDown = \"DISABLE EXTERNALPUSHDOWN\" Field Value string DisableScaleOutExecution public const string DisableScaleOutExecution = \"DISABLE SCALEOUTEXECUTION\" Field Value string ExpandViews public const string ExpandViews = \"EXPAND VIEWS\" Field Value string ForceExternalPushDown public const string ForceExternalPushDown = \"FORCE EXTERNALPUSHDOWN\" Field Value string ForceOrder public const string ForceOrder = \"FORCE ORDER\" Field Value string ForceScaleOutExecution public const string ForceScaleOutExecution = \"FORCE SCALEOUTEXECUTION\" Field Value string HashGroup public const string HashGroup = \"HASH GROUP\" Field Value string HashJoin public const string HashJoin = \"HASH JOIN\" Field Value string HashUnion public const string HashUnion = \"HASH UNION\" Field Value string IgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndex public const string IgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndex = \"IGNORE_NONCLUSTERED_COLUMNSTORE_INDEX\" Field Value string KeepFixedPlan public const string KeepFixedPlan = \"KEEPFIXED PLAN\" Field Value string KeepPlan public const string KeepPlan = \"KEEP PLAN\" Field Value string LoopJoin public const string LoopJoin = \"LOOP JOIN\" Field Value string MergeJoin public const string MergeJoin = \"MERGE JOIN\" Field Value string MergeUnion public const string MergeUnion = \"MERGE UNION\" Field Value string NoPerformanceSpool public const string NoPerformanceSpool = \"NO_PERFORMANCE_SPOOL\" Field Value string OptimizeForUnknown public const string OptimizeForUnknown = \"OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN\" Field Value string OrderGroup public const string OrderGroup = \"ORDER GROUP\" Field Value string ParameterizationForced public const string ParameterizationForced = \"PARAMETERIZATION FORCED\" Field Value string ParameterizationSimple public const string ParameterizationSimple = \"PARAMETERIZATION SIMPLE\" Field Value string Recompile public const string Recompile = \"RECOMPILE\" Field Value string RobustPlan public const string RobustPlan = \"ROBUST PLAN\" Field Value string Methods Fast(int) [Sql.Expression(\"FAST {0}\")] public static string Fast(int value) Parameters value int Returns string MaxDop(int) [Sql.Expression(\"MAXDOP {0}\")] public static string MaxDop(int value) Parameters value int Returns string MaxGrantPercent(decimal) [Sql.Expression(\"MAX_GRANT_PERCENT={0}\")] public static string MaxGrantPercent(decimal value) Parameters value decimal Returns string MaxRecursion(int) [Sql.Expression(\"MAXRECURSION {0}\")] public static string MaxRecursion(int value) Parameters value int Returns string MinGrantPercent(decimal) [Sql.Expression(\"MIN_GRANT_PERCENT={0}\")] public static string MinGrantPercent(decimal value) Parameters value decimal Returns string OptimizeFor(string) [Sql.Expression(\"OPTIMIZE FOR ({0})\")] public static string OptimizeFor(string value) Parameters value string Returns string QueryTraceOn(int) [Sql.Expression(\"QUERYTRACEON {0}\")] public static string QueryTraceOn(int value) Parameters value int Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.Table.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.Table.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerHints.Table | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerHints.Table Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerHints.Table Inheritance object SqlServerHints.Table Fields ForceScan public const string ForceScan = \"ForceScan\" Field Value string ForceSeek public const string ForceSeek = \"ForceSeek\" Field Value string HoldLock public const string HoldLock = \"HoldLock\" Field Value string Index public const string Index = \"Index\" Field Value string NoLock public const string NoLock = \"NoLock\" Field Value string NoWait public const string NoWait = \"NoWait\" Field Value string PagLock public const string PagLock = \"PagLock\" Field Value string ReadCommitted public const string ReadCommitted = \"ReadCommitted\" Field Value string ReadCommittedLock public const string ReadCommittedLock = \"ReadCommittedLock\" Field Value string ReadPast public const string ReadPast = \"ReadPast\" Field Value string ReadUncommitted public const string ReadUncommitted = \"ReadUncommitted\" Field Value string RepeatableRead public const string RepeatableRead = \"RepeatableRead\" Field Value string RowLock public const string RowLock = \"RowLock\" Field Value string Serializable public const string Serializable = \"Serializable\" Field Value string Snapshot public const string Snapshot = \"Snapshot\" Field Value string TabLock public const string TabLock = \"TabLock\" Field Value string TabLockX public const string TabLockX = \"TabLockX\" Field Value string UpdLock public const string UpdLock = \"UpdLock\" Field Value string XLock public const string XLock = \"XLock\" Field Value string Methods SpatialWindowMaxCells(int) [Sql.Expression(\"SPATIAL_WINDOW_MAX_CELLS={0}\")] public static string SpatialWindowMaxCells(int value) Parameters value int Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.TemporalTable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.TemporalTable.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerHints.TemporalTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerHints.TemporalTable Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerHints.TemporalTable Inheritance object SqlServerHints.TemporalTable Fields All public const string All = \"ALL\" Field Value string AsOf public const string AsOf = \"AS OF\" Field Value string Between public const string Between = \"BETWEEN\" Field Value string ContainedIn public const string ContainedIn = \"CONTAINED IN (\" Field Value string FromTo public const string FromTo = \"FROM\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerHints.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerHints Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerHints Inheritance object SqlServerHints Methods JoinHashHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinHashHintImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinHashHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinHashHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinHashTableHintImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> JoinHashHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a join hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.JoinHint, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. JoinHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string) Adds a join hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.JoinHint, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> JoinHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. JoinLoopHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinLoopHintImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinLoopHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinLoopHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinLoopTableHintImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> JoinLoopHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinMergeHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinMergeHintImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinMergeHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinMergeHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinMergeTableHintImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> JoinMergeHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinRemoteHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinRemoteHintImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> JoinRemoteHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource JoinRemoteHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"JoinRemoteTableHintImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> JoinRemoteHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionConcatUnion<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionConcatUnionImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionConcatUnion<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionDisableExternalPushDown<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionDisableExternalPushDownImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionDisableExternalPushDown<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionDisableScaleOutExecution<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionDisableScaleOutExecutionImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionDisableScaleOutExecution<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionExpandViews<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionExpandViewsImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionExpandViews<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionFast<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionFastImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionFast<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionForceExternalPushDown<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionForceExternalPushDownImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionForceExternalPushDown<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionForceOrder<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionForceOrderImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionForceOrder<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionForceScaleOutExecution<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionForceScaleOutExecutionImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionForceScaleOutExecution<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionHashGroup<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionHashGroupImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionHashGroup<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionHashJoin<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionHashJoinImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionHashJoin<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionHashUnion<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionHashUnionImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionHashUnion<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionIgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndex<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionIgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndexImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionIgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndex<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionKeepFixedPlan<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionKeepFixedPlanImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionKeepFixedPlan<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionKeepPlan<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionKeepPlanImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionKeepPlan<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionLoopJoin<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionLoopJoinImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionLoopJoin<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionMaxDop<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionMaxDopImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionMaxDop<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionMaxGrantPercent<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionMaxGrantPercentImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionMaxGrantPercent<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionMaxRecursion<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionMaxRecursionImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionMaxRecursion<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionMergeJoin<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionMergeJoinImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionMergeJoin<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionMergeUnion<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionMergeUnionImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionMergeUnion<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionMinGrantPercent<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionMinGrantPercentImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionMinGrantPercent<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionNoPerformanceSpool<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionNoPerformanceSpoolImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionNoPerformanceSpool<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionOptimizeForUnknown<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionOptimizeForUnknownImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionOptimizeForUnknown<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionOptimizeFor<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.ParamsExtensionBuilder), \"OPTIMIZE FOR\")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionOptimizeFor<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, params string[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> values string[] Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionOrderGroup<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionOrderGroupImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionOrderGroup<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionQueryTraceOn<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionQueryTraceOnImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionQueryTraceOn<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query, int value) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> value int Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionRecompile<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionRecompileImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionRecompile<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionRobustPlan<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"OptionRobustPlanImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionRobustPlan<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionTableHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, SqlID, params string[]) [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2008\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.TableParamsExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2012\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.TableParamsExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2014\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.TableParamsExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2016\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.TableParamsExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2017\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.TableParamsExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.TableParamsExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.TableParamsExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionTableHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, Sql.SqlID tableID, params string[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> tableID Sql.SqlID values string[] Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource OptionUseHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, params string[]) [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2017\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.ParamsExtensionBuilder), \"USE HINT\")] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.ParamsExtensionBuilder), \"USE HINT\")] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.ParamsExtensionBuilder), \"USE HINT\")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> OptionUseHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, params string[] values) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> values string[] Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource QueryHint2008Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2008\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2012\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2014\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2016\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2017\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint2008Plus<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. QueryHint2012Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2012\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2014\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2016\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2017\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint2012Plus<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. QueryHint2016Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2016\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2017\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint2016Plus<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. QueryHint2019Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint2019Plus<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. QueryHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Hint parameter. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Hint parameter type QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableHint2012Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string) [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2012\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2014\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2016\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2017\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint2012Plus<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> hint string Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource TableHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TablesInScopeHint2012Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2012\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2014\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2016\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2017\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint2012Plus<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint2014Plus<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2014\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2016\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2017\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2019\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer.2022\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint2014Plus<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params object[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters object[] Table hint parameters. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TemporalTableAll<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) See Temporal table Expression ALL Qualifying Rows All rows Note Returns the union of rows that belong to the current and the history table. [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"TemporalTableAllImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TemporalTableAll<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with FOR SYSTEM_TIME ALL filter. Type Parameters TSource TemporalTableAsOf<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, DateTime) See Temporal table Expression AS OF dateTime Qualifying Rows ValidFrom <= dateTime AND ValidTo > dateTime Note Returns a table with rows containing the values that were current at the specified point in time in the past. Internally, a union is performed between the temporal table and its history table and the results are filtered to return the values in the row that was valid at the point in time specified by the dateTime parameter. The value for a row is deemed valid if the system_start_time_column_name value is less than or equal to the dateTime parameter value and the system_end_time_column_name value is greater than the dateTime parameter value. [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"TemporalTableAsOfImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TemporalTableAsOf<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, DateTime dateTime) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> dateTime DateTime Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OFdateTime filter. Type Parameters TSource TemporalTableBetween<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, DateTime, DateTime) See Temporal table Expression BETWEEN dateTime AND dateTime2 Qualifying Rows ValidFrom <= dateTime2 AND ValidTo > dateTime Note Same as in the FOR SYSTEM_TIME FROMdateTimeTOdateTime2 description, except the table of rows returned includes rows that became active on the upper boundary defined by the dateTime2 endpoint. [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"TemporalTableBetweenImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TemporalTableBetween<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, DateTime dateTime, DateTime dateTime2) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> dateTime DateTime dateTime2 DateTime Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with FOR SYSTEM_TIME BETWEENdateTimeANDdateTime2 filter. Type Parameters TSource TemporalTableContainedIn<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, DateTime, DateTime) See Temporal table Expression CONTAINED IN (dateTime, dateTime2) Qualifying Rows ValidFrom >= dateTime AND ValidTo <= dateTime2 Note Returns a table with the values for all row versions that were opened and closed within the specified time range defined by the two period values for the CONTAINED IN argument. Rows that became active exactly on the lower boundary or ceased being active exactly on the upper boundary are included. [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"TemporalTableContainedInImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TemporalTableContainedIn<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, DateTime dateTime, DateTime dateTime2) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> dateTime DateTime dateTime2 DateTime Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with FOR SYSTEM_TIME CONTAINED IN (dateTime, dateTime2) filter. Type Parameters TSource TemporalTableFromTo<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, DateTime, DateTime) See Temporal table Expression FROM dateTime TO dateTime2 Qualifying Rows ValidFrom < dateTime2 AND ValidTo > dateTime Note Returns a table with the values for all row versions that were active within the specified time range, regardless of whether they started being active before the dateTime parameter value for the FROM argument or ceased being active after the dateTime2 parameter value for the TO argument. Internally, a union is performed between the temporal table and its history table and the results are filtered to return the values for all row versions that were active at any time during the time range specified. Rows that stopped being active exactly on the lower boundary defined by the FROM endpoint aren't included, and records that became active exactly on the upper boundary defined by the TO endpoint are also not included. [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"TemporalTableFromToImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> TemporalTableFromTo<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, DateTime dateTime, DateTime dateTime2) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> dateTime DateTime dateTime2 DateTime Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Table-like query source with FOR SYSTEM_TIME FROMdateTimeTOdateTime2 filter. Type Parameters TSource WithForceScanInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithForceScanQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithForceScanInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithForceScan<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithForceScanTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithForceScan<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithForceSeekInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithForceSeekQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithForceSeekInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithForceSeek<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithForceSeekTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithForceSeek<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithForceSeek<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string, params Expression<Func<TSource, object>>[]) [Sql.QueryExtension(\"SqlServer\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(SqlServerHints.WithForceSeekExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithForceSeek<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, string indexName, params Expression<Func<TSource, object>>[] columns) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> indexName string columns Expression<Func<TSource, object>>[] Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithHoldLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithHoldLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithHoldLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithHoldLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithHoldLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithHoldLock<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithIndex<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, string) [ExpressionMethod(\"WithIndexImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithIndex<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, string indexName) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> indexName string Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithIndex<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, params string[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"WithIndex2Impl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithIndex<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, params string[] indexNames) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> indexNames string[] Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithNoLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithNoLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithNoLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithNoLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithNoLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithNoLock<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithNoWaitInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithNoWaitQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithNoWaitInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithNoWait<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithNoWaitTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithNoWait<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithPagLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithPagLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithPagLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithPagLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithPagLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithPagLock<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithReadCommittedInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithReadCommittedQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithReadCommittedInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithReadCommittedLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithReadCommittedLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithReadCommittedLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithReadCommittedLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithReadCommittedLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithReadCommittedLock<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithReadCommitted<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithReadCommittedTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithReadCommitted<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithReadPastInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithReadPastQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithReadPastInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithReadPast<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithReadPastTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithReadPast<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithReadUncommittedInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithReadUncommittedQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithReadUncommittedInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithReadUncommitted<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithReadUncommittedTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithReadUncommitted<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithRepeatableReadInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithRepeatableReadQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithRepeatableReadInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithRepeatableRead<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithRepeatableReadTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithRepeatableRead<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithRowLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithRowLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithRowLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithRowLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithRowLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithRowLock<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithSerializableInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithSerializableQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithSerializableInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithSerializable<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithSerializableTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithSerializable<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithSnapshotInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithSnapshotQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithSnapshotInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithSnapshot<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithSnapshotTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithSnapshot<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithSpatialWindowMaxCells<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>, int) [ExpressionMethod(\"WithSpatialWindowMaxCellsImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithSpatialWindowMaxCells<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table, int cells) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> cells int Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithTabLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithTabLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithTabLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithTabLockXInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithTabLockXQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithTabLockXInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithTabLockX<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithTabLockXTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithTabLockX<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithTabLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithTabLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithTabLock<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithUpdLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithUpdLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithUpdLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithUpdLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithUpdLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithUpdLock<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithXLockInScope<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithXLockQueryImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> WithXLockInScope<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> query) where TSource : notnull Parameters query ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource WithXLock<TSource>(ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource>) [ExpressionMethod(\"SqlServer\", \"WithXLockTableImpl\")] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> WithXLock<TSource>(this ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerOptions.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record SqlServerOptions : DataProviderOptions<SqlServerOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SqlServerOptions>>, IEquatable<SqlServerOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<SqlServerOptions> SqlServerOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SqlServerOptions>> IEquatable<SqlServerOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<SqlServerOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<SqlServerOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlServerOptions() public SqlServerOptions() SqlServerOptions(BulkCopyType, bool) public SqlServerOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.ProviderSpecific, bool GenerateScopeIdentity = true) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Default bulk copy mode, used for SqlServer by BulkCopy<T>(DataConnection, IEnumerable<T>) methods, if mode is not specified explicitly. Default value: ProviderSpecific. GenerateScopeIdentity bool Enables identity selection using SCOPE_IDENTITY function for insert with identity APIs. Default value: true. Properties GenerateScopeIdentity Enables identity selection using SCOPE_IDENTITY function for insert with identity APIs. Default value: true. public bool GenerateScopeIdentity { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(SqlServerOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(SqlServerOptions? other) Parameters other SqlServerOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProvider.html",
"title": "Enum SqlServerProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlServerProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll SQL Server database provider. public enum SqlServerProvider Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AutoDetect = 0 Automatically detect provider. If application has Microsoft.Data.SqlClient assembly deployed, then MicrosoftDataSqlClient provider used. Otherwise use SystemDataSqlClient provider. MicrosoftDataSqlClient = 2 Microsoft.Data.SqlClient provider. SystemDataSqlClient = 1 System.Data.SqlClient legacy provider."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlBulkCopy(SqlConnection, SqlBulkCopyOptions, SqlTransaction?) public SqlBulkCopy(SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection connection, SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions options, SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction? transaction) Parameters connection SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection options SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions transaction SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction SqlBulkCopy(object, Delegate[]) public SqlBulkCopy(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties BatchSize public int BatchSize { get; set; } Property Value int BulkCopyTimeout public int BulkCopyTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int ColumnMappings public SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection ColumnMappings { get; } Property Value SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection DestinationTableName public string? DestinationTableName { get; set; } Property Value string NotifyAfter public int NotifyAfter { get; set; } Property Value int Methods WriteToServer(IDataReader) public void WriteToServer(IDataReader dataReader) Parameters dataReader IDataReader WriteToServerAsync(IDataReader, CancellationToken) public Task WriteToServerAsync(IDataReader dataReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters dataReader IDataReader cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task Events SqlRowsCopied public event SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler? SqlRowsCopied Event Type SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(int, string) public SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(int source, string destination) Parameters source int destination string SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(object) public SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(object instance) Parameters instance object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object, Delegate[]) public SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Methods Add(SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping) public SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping bulkCopyColumnMapping) Parameters bulkCopyColumnMapping SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping Returns SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions.html",
"title": "Enum SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] [Flags] public enum SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AllowEncryptedValueModifications = 64 CheckConstraints = 2 Default = 0 FireTriggers = 16 KeepIdentity = 1 KeepNulls = 8 TableLock = 4 UseInternalTransaction = 32"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlConnection(object, Delegate[]) public SqlConnection(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] SqlConnection(string) public SqlConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Properties ServerVersion public string ServerVersion { get; } Property Value string Methods CreateCommand() public DbCommand CreateCommand() Returns DbCommand Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public void Dispose() Open() public void Open()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlConnectionStringBuilder(object, Delegate[]) public SqlConnectionStringBuilder(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] SqlConnectionStringBuilder(string) public SqlConnectionStringBuilder(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Properties MultipleActiveResultSets public bool MultipleActiveResultSets { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs(object, Delegate[]) public SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties Abort public bool Abort { get; set; } Property Value bool RowsCopied public long RowsCopied { get; } Property Value long"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler.html",
"title": "Delegate SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public delegate void SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler(object sender, SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs e) Parameters sender object e SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction Inheritance object SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlServerProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object SqlServerProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields MicrosoftAssemblyName public const string MicrosoftAssemblyName = \"Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\" Field Value string MicrosoftClientNamespace public const string MicrosoftClientNamespace = \"Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\" Field Value string MicrosoftProviderFactoryName public const string MicrosoftProviderFactoryName = \"Microsoft.Data.SqlClient\" Field Value string SystemAssemblyName public const string SystemAssemblyName = \"System.Data.SqlClient\" Field Value string SystemClientNamespace public const string SystemClientNamespace = \"System.Data.SqlClient\" Field Value string SystemProviderFactoryName public const string SystemProviderFactoryName = \"System.Data.SqlClient\" Field Value string Properties CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type GetDateTimeOffsetReaderMethod public string GetDateTimeOffsetReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetDbType public Func<DbParameter, SqlDbType> GetDbType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, SqlDbType> GetSqlXmlReaderMethod public string GetSqlXmlReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetTimeSpanReaderMethod public string GetTimeSpanReaderMethod { get; } Property Value string GetTypeName public Func<DbParameter, string> GetTypeName { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, string> GetUdtTypeName public Func<DbParameter, string> GetUdtTypeName { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, string> ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, SqlDbType> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, SqlDbType> SetTypeName public Action<DbParameter, string> SetTypeName { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, string> SetUdtTypeName public Action<DbParameter, string> SetUdtTypeName { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, string> SqlDataRecordType public Type SqlDataRecordType { get; } Property Value Type SqlExceptionType public Type SqlExceptionType { get; } Property Value Type TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods CreateBulkCopy(DbConnection, SqlBulkCopyOptions, DbTransaction?) public SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy CreateBulkCopy(DbConnection connection, SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions options, DbTransaction? transaction) Parameters connection DbConnection options SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions transaction DbTransaction Returns SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy CreateBulkCopyColumnMapping(int, string) public SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping CreateBulkCopyColumnMapping(int source, string destination) Parameters source int destination string Returns SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping CreateConnection(string) public SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection CreateConnection(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection CreateConnectionStringBuilder(string) public SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder CreateConnectionStringBuilder(string connectionString) Parameters connectionString string Returns SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder GetInstance(SqlServerProvider) public static SqlServerProviderAdapter GetInstance(SqlServerProvider provider) Parameters provider SqlServerProvider Returns SqlServerProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerRetryPolicy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerRetryPolicy.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerRetryPolicy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerRetryPolicy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlServerRetryPolicy : RetryPolicyBase, IRetryPolicy Inheritance object RetryPolicyBase SqlServerRetryPolicy Implements IRetryPolicy Inherited Members RetryPolicyBase.RandomFactor RetryPolicyBase.ExponentialBase RetryPolicyBase.Coefficient RetryPolicyBase.ExceptionsEncountered RetryPolicyBase.Random RetryPolicyBase.MaxRetryCount RetryPolicyBase.MaxRetryDelay RetryPolicyBase.Suspended RetryPolicyBase.Execute<TResult>(Func<TResult>) RetryPolicyBase.Execute(Action) RetryPolicyBase.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult>>, CancellationToken) RetryPolicyBase.ExecuteAsync(Func<CancellationToken, Task>, CancellationToken) RetryPolicyBase.OnFirstExecution() RetryPolicyBase.OnRetry() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlServerRetryPolicy() Creates a new instance of SqlServerRetryPolicy. public SqlServerRetryPolicy() Remarks The default retry limit is 5, which means that the total amount of time spent before failing is 26 seconds plus the random factor. SqlServerRetryPolicy(int) Creates a new instance of SqlServerRetryPolicy. public SqlServerRetryPolicy(int maxRetryCount) Parameters maxRetryCount int The maximum number of retry attempts. SqlServerRetryPolicy(int, TimeSpan, double, double, TimeSpan, ICollection<int>?) Creates a new instance of SqlServerRetryPolicy. public SqlServerRetryPolicy(int maxRetryCount, TimeSpan maxRetryDelay, double randomFactor, double exponentialBase, TimeSpan coefficient, ICollection<int>? errorNumbersToAdd) Parameters maxRetryCount int The maximum number of retry attempts. maxRetryDelay TimeSpan The maximum delay in milliseconds between retries. randomFactor double The maximum random factor. exponentialBase double The base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries. coefficient TimeSpan The coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries. errorNumbersToAdd ICollection<int> Additional SQL error numbers that should be considered transient. Methods GetNextDelay(Exception) Determines whether the operation should be retried and the delay before the next attempt. protected override TimeSpan? GetNextDelay(Exception lastException) Parameters lastException Exception The exception thrown during the last execution attempt. Returns TimeSpan? Returns the delay indicating how long to wait for before the next execution attempt if the operation should be retried; null otherwise ShouldRetryOn(Exception) Determines whether the specified exception represents a transient failure that can be compensated by a retry. protected override bool ShouldRetryOn(Exception exception) Parameters exception Exception The exception object to be verified. Returns bool true if the specified exception is considered as transient, otherwise false."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerTools.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlServerTools Inheritance object SqlServerTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType [Obsolete(\"Use SqlServerOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType Methods AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> AsSqlServer<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.None, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> AsSqlServer<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Returns ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, SqlServerVersion version = SqlServerVersion.AutoDetect, SqlServerProvider provider = SqlServerProvider.AutoDetect) Parameters connection DbConnection version SqlServerVersion provider SqlServerProvider Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, SqlServerVersion version = SqlServerVersion.AutoDetect, SqlServerProvider provider = SqlServerProvider.AutoDetect) Parameters transaction DbTransaction version SqlServerVersion provider SqlServerProvider Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, SqlServerVersion version = SqlServerVersion.AutoDetect, SqlServerProvider provider = SqlServerProvider.AutoDetect) Parameters connectionString string version SqlServerVersion provider SqlServerProvider Returns DataConnection DetectServerVersion(SqlServerProvider, string) Connects to SQL Server Database and parses version information. public static SqlServerVersion? DetectServerVersion(SqlServerProvider provider, string connectionString) Parameters provider SqlServerProvider connectionString string Returns SqlServerVersion? Detected SQL Server version. GetDataProvider(SqlServerVersion, SqlServerProvider, string?) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(SqlServerVersion version = SqlServerVersion.AutoDetect, SqlServerProvider provider = SqlServerProvider.AutoDetect, string? connectionString = null) Parameters version SqlServerVersion provider SqlServerProvider connectionString string Returns IDataProvider QuoteIdentifier(string) public static string QuoteIdentifier(string identifier) Parameters identifier string Returns string ResolveSqlTypes(Assembly) Registers spatial types assembly (Microsoft.SqlServer.Types). Also check for additional required configuration steps. public static void ResolveSqlTypes(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolveSqlTypes(string) Tries to load and register spatial types using provided path to types assembly (Microsoft.SqlServer.Types). Also check for additional required configuration steps. public static void ResolveSqlTypes(string path) Parameters path string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerTransientExceptionDetector.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerTransientExceptionDetector.html",
"title": "Class SqlServerTransientExceptionDetector | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlServerTransientExceptionDetector Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll Detects the exceptions caused by SQL Server transient failures. public static class SqlServerTransientExceptionDetector Inheritance object SqlServerTransientExceptionDetector Methods IsHandled(Exception, out IEnumerable<int>?) public static bool IsHandled(Exception ex, out IEnumerable<int>? errorNumbers) Parameters ex Exception errorNumbers IEnumerable<int> Returns bool ShouldRetryOn(Exception) public static bool ShouldRetryOn(Exception ex) Parameters ex Exception Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerVersion.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlServerVersion.html",
"title": "Enum SqlServerVersion | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlServerVersion Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll SQL Server dialect for SQL generation. public enum SqlServerVersion Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AutoDetect = 0 Use automatic detection of dialect by asking SQL Server for version (compatibility level information used). v2005 = 1 SQL Server 2005 dialect. v2008 = 2 SQL Server 2008 dialect. v2012 = 3 SQL Server 2012 dialect. v2014 = 4 SQL Server 2014 dialect. v2016 = 5 SQL Server 2016 dialect. v2017 = 6 SQL Server 2017 dialect. v2019 = 7 SQL Server 2019 dialect. v2022 = 8 SQL Server 2022 dialect."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlType-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlType-1.html",
"title": "Class SqlType<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlType<T> Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll See Data types. public class SqlType<T> : SqlType Type Parameters T Inheritance object SqlType SqlType<T> Inherited Members SqlType.ToString() SqlType.BigInt SqlType.Numeric() SqlType.Numeric(int) SqlType.Numeric(int, int) SqlType.Bit SqlType.SmallInt SqlType.Decimal() SqlType.Decimal(int) SqlType.Decimal(int, int) SqlType.SmallMoney SqlType.Int SqlType.TinyInt SqlType.Money SqlType.Float() SqlType.Float(int) SqlType.Real SqlType.Date SqlType.DatetimeOffset() SqlType.DatetimeOffset(int) SqlType.Datetime2() SqlType.Datetime2(int) SqlType.SmallDatetime SqlType.Datetime SqlType.Time() SqlType.Time(int) SqlType.Char() SqlType.Char(int) SqlType.CharMax SqlType.VarChar() SqlType.VarChar(int) SqlType.VarCharMax SqlType.Text SqlType.NChar() SqlType.NChar(int) SqlType.NCharMax SqlType.NVarChar() SqlType.NVarChar(int) SqlType.NVarCharMax SqlType.NText SqlType.Binary() SqlType.Binary(int) SqlType.BinaryMax SqlType.VarBinary() SqlType.VarBinary(int) SqlType.VarBinaryMax SqlType.Image SqlType.Cursor SqlType.RowVersion SqlType.HierarchyID() SqlType.HierarchyID<T>() SqlType.UniqueIdentifier SqlType.SqlVariant SqlType.Xml() SqlType.Xml<T>() SqlType.Geometry() SqlType.Geometry<T>() SqlType.Geography() SqlType.Geography<T>() SqlType.Table Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlType(string) public SqlType(string dataType) Parameters dataType string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.SqlType.html",
"title": "Class SqlType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlType Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Assembly linq2db.dll See Data types. public abstract class SqlType Inheritance object SqlType Derived SqlType<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlType(string) protected SqlType(string dataType) Parameters dataType string Properties BigInt public static SqlType<long?> BigInt { get; } Property Value SqlType<long?> BinaryMax public static SqlType<byte[]?> BinaryMax { get; } Property Value SqlType<byte[]> Bit public static SqlType<bool?> Bit { get; } Property Value SqlType<bool?> CharMax public static SqlType<string?> CharMax { get; } Property Value SqlType<string> Cursor public static SqlType<object?> Cursor { get; } Property Value SqlType<object> Date public static SqlType<DateTime?> Date { get; } Property Value SqlType<DateTime?> Datetime public static SqlType<DateTime?> Datetime { get; } Property Value SqlType<DateTime?> Image public static SqlType<byte[]?> Image { get; } Property Value SqlType<byte[]> Int public static SqlType<int?> Int { get; } Property Value SqlType<int?> Money public static SqlType<decimal?> Money { get; } Property Value SqlType<decimal?> NCharMax public static SqlType<string?> NCharMax { get; } Property Value SqlType<string> NText public static SqlType<string?> NText { get; } Property Value SqlType<string> NVarCharMax public static SqlType<string?> NVarCharMax { get; } Property Value SqlType<string> Real public static SqlType<float?> Real { get; } Property Value SqlType<float?> RowVersion public static SqlType<byte[]?> RowVersion { get; } Property Value SqlType<byte[]> SmallDatetime public static SqlType<DateTime?> SmallDatetime { get; } Property Value SqlType<DateTime?> SmallInt public static SqlType<short?> SmallInt { get; } Property Value SqlType<short?> SmallMoney public static SqlType<decimal?> SmallMoney { get; } Property Value SqlType<decimal?> SqlVariant public static SqlType<object?> SqlVariant { get; } Property Value SqlType<object> Table public static SqlType<object?> Table { get; } Property Value SqlType<object> Text public static SqlType<string?> Text { get; } Property Value SqlType<string> TinyInt public static SqlType<byte?> TinyInt { get; } Property Value SqlType<byte?> UniqueIdentifier public static SqlType<Guid?> UniqueIdentifier { get; } Property Value SqlType<Guid?> VarBinaryMax public static SqlType<byte[]?> VarBinaryMax { get; } Property Value SqlType<byte[]> VarCharMax public static SqlType<string?> VarCharMax { get; } Property Value SqlType<string> Methods Binary() public static SqlType<byte[]?> Binary() Returns SqlType<byte[]> Binary(int) public static SqlType<byte[]?> Binary(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<byte[]> Char() public static SqlType<string?> Char() Returns SqlType<string> Char(int) public static SqlType<string?> Char(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<string> Datetime2() public static SqlType<DateTime?> Datetime2() Returns SqlType<DateTime?> Datetime2(int) public static SqlType<DateTime?> Datetime2(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<DateTime?> DatetimeOffset() public static SqlType<DateTimeOffset?> DatetimeOffset() Returns SqlType<DateTimeOffset?> DatetimeOffset(int) public static SqlType<DateTimeOffset?> DatetimeOffset(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<DateTimeOffset?> Decimal() public static SqlType<decimal?> Decimal() Returns SqlType<decimal?> Decimal(int) public static SqlType<decimal?> Decimal(int precision) Parameters precision int Returns SqlType<decimal?> Decimal(int, int) public static SqlType<decimal?> Decimal(int precision, int scale) Parameters precision int scale int Returns SqlType<decimal?> Float() public static SqlType<double?> Float() Returns SqlType<double?> Float(int) public static SqlType<double?> Float(int n) Parameters n int Returns SqlType<double?> Geography() public static SqlType<object?> Geography() Returns SqlType<object> Geography<T>() public static SqlType<T> Geography<T>() Returns SqlType<T> Type Parameters T Geometry() public static SqlType<object?> Geometry() Returns SqlType<object> Geometry<T>() public static SqlType<T> Geometry<T>() Returns SqlType<T> Type Parameters T HierarchyID() public static SqlType<object?> HierarchyID() Returns SqlType<object> HierarchyID<T>() public static SqlType<T> HierarchyID<T>() Returns SqlType<T> Type Parameters T NChar() public static SqlType<string?> NChar() Returns SqlType<string> NChar(int) public static SqlType<string?> NChar(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<string> NVarChar() public static SqlType<string?> NVarChar() Returns SqlType<string> NVarChar(int) public static SqlType<string?> NVarChar(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<string> Numeric() public static SqlType<decimal?> Numeric() Returns SqlType<decimal?> Numeric(int) public static SqlType<decimal?> Numeric(int precision) Parameters precision int Returns SqlType<decimal?> Numeric(int, int) public static SqlType<decimal?> Numeric(int precision, int scale) Parameters precision int scale int Returns SqlType<decimal?> Time() public static SqlType<TimeSpan?> Time() Returns SqlType<TimeSpan?> Time(int) public static SqlType<TimeSpan?> Time(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<TimeSpan?> ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object. VarBinary() public static SqlType<byte[]?> VarBinary() Returns SqlType<byte[]> VarBinary(int) public static SqlType<byte[]?> VarBinary(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<byte[]> VarChar() public static SqlType<string?> VarChar() Returns SqlType<string> VarChar(int) public static SqlType<string?> VarChar(int size) Parameters size int Returns SqlType<string> Xml() public static SqlType<string?> Xml() Returns SqlType<string> Xml<T>() public static SqlType<T> Xml<T>() Returns SqlType<T> Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.SqlServer Classes SqlFn SqlFn.JsonData SqlServerConfiguration SqlServerDataProvider SqlServerExtensions SqlServerExtensions.FreeTextKey<TKey> SqlServerHints SqlServerHints.Join SqlServerHints.Query SqlServerHints.Table SqlServerHints.TemporalTable SqlServerOptions SqlServerProviderAdapter SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlTransaction SqlServerRetryPolicy SqlServerTools SqlServerTransientExceptionDetector Detects the exceptions caused by SQL Server transient failures. SqlType See Data types. SqlType<T> See Data types. Interfaces ISqlServerExtensions ISqlServerSpecificQueryable<TSource> ISqlServerSpecificTable<TSource> Enums SqlFn.ColumnPropertyName SqlFn.ConnectionPropertyName SqlFn.DatabasePropertyName SqlFn.DateParts SqlFn.FileGroupPropertyName SqlFn.FilePropertyExName SqlFn.FilePropertyName SqlFn.FullTextCatalogPropertyName SqlFn.FullTextServicePropertyName SqlFn.IndexKeyPropertyName SqlFn.IndexPropertyName SqlFn.ObjectPropertyExName SqlFn.ObjectPropertyName SqlFn.ServerPropertyName SqlFn.TypePropertyName SqlServerProvider SQL Server database provider. SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyOptions SqlServerVersion SQL Server dialect for SQL generation. Delegates SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseDataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseDataProvider.html",
"title": "Class SybaseDataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseDataProvider Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class SybaseDataProvider : DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>, IDataProvider Inheritance object DataProviderBase DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter> SybaseDataProvider Implements IDataProvider Inherited Members DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.GetProviderSpecificValueReaderMethod DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.Adapter DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.ConnectionNamespace DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.DataReaderType DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.TransactionsSupported DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.CreateConnectionInternal(string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.SetField(Type, string, string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TField>(string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.SetToTypeField(Type, string, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField<TTo, TField>(string, bool, Type) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.SetProviderField(Type, Type, string, bool, Type, string) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderParameter(IDataContext, DbParameter) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DynamicDataProviderBase<SybaseProviderAdapter>.TryGetProviderTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DataProviderBase.Name DataProviderBase.MappingSchema DataProviderBase.SqlProviderFlags DataProviderBase.OnConnectionCreated DataProviderBase.InitContext(IDataContext) DataProviderBase.ID DataProviderBase.CreateConnection(string) DataProviderBase.InitCommand(DataConnection, DbCommand, CommandType, string, DataParameter[], bool) DataProviderBase.ClearCommandParameters(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.DisposeCommand(DbCommand) DataProviderBase.GetConnectionInfo(DataConnection, string) DataProviderBase.GetCommandBehavior(CommandBehavior) DataProviderBase.ExecuteScope(DataConnection) DataProviderBase.ReaderExpressions DataProviderBase.SetCharField(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetCharFieldToType<T>(string, Expression<Func<DbDataReader, int, string>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetField<TP, T>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetProviderField<TP, T, TS>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.SetToType<TP, T, TF>(string, Expression<Func<TP, int, T>>) DataProviderBase.NormalizeTypeName(string) DataProviderBase.GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) DataProviderBase.FindExpression(ReaderInfo, out Expression) DataProviderBase.IsDBNullAllowed(DataOptions, DbDataReader, int) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SybaseDataProvider(string) protected SybaseDataProvider(string name) Parameters name string Properties SupportedTableOptions public override TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) public override Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> Type Parameters T BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions, ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) public override BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(DataOptions options, ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters options DataOptions table ITable<T> source IEnumerable<T> Returns BulkCopyRowsCopied Type Parameters T ConvertParameterType(Type, DbDataType) public override Type ConvertParameterType(Type type, DbDataType dataType) Parameters type Type dataType DbDataType Returns Type CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema, DataOptions) public override ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlBuilder GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns instance of IQueryParametersNormalizer, which implements normalization logic for parameters of single query. E.g. it could include: trimming names that are too long removing/replacing unsupported characters name deduplication for parameters with same name . For implementation without state it is recommended to return static instance. E.g. this could be done for providers with positional parameters that ignore names. public override IQueryParametersNormalizer GetQueryParameterNormalizer() Returns IQueryParametersNormalizer GetSchemaProvider() public override ISchemaProvider GetSchemaProvider() Returns ISchemaProvider GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions) public override ISqlOptimizer GetSqlOptimizer(DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlOptimizer SetParameter(DataConnection, DbParameter, string, DbDataType, object?) public override void SetParameter(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, string name, DbDataType dataType, object? value) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter name string dataType DbDataType value object SetParameterType(DataConnection, DbParameter, DbDataType) protected override void SetParameterType(DataConnection dataConnection, DbParameter parameter, DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection parameter DbParameter dataType DbDataType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseOptions.html",
"title": "Class SybaseOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record SybaseOptions : DataProviderOptions<SybaseOptions>, IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SybaseOptions>>, IEquatable<SybaseOptions> Inheritance object DataProviderOptions<SybaseOptions> SybaseOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<DataProviderOptions<SybaseOptions>> IEquatable<SybaseOptions> Inherited Members DataProviderOptions<SybaseOptions>.BulkCopyType DataProviderOptions<SybaseOptions>.Default Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SybaseOptions() public SybaseOptions() SybaseOptions(BulkCopyType) public SybaseOptions(BulkCopyType BulkCopyType = BulkCopyType.MultipleRows) Parameters BulkCopyType BulkCopyType Using ProviderSpecific mode with bit and identity fields could lead to following errors: bit: false inserted into bit field for first record even if true provided; identity: bulk copy operation fail with exception: \"Bulk insert failed. Null value is not allowed in not null column.\". Those are provider bugs and could be fixed in latest versions. Methods CreateID(IdentifierBuilder) protected override IdentifierBuilder CreateID(IdentifierBuilder builder) Parameters builder IdentifierBuilder Returns IdentifierBuilder Equals(SybaseOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(SybaseOptions? other) Parameters other SybaseOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseParametersNormalizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseParametersNormalizer.html",
"title": "Class SybaseParametersNormalizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseParametersNormalizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class SybaseParametersNormalizer : UniqueParametersNormalizer, IQueryParametersNormalizer Inheritance object UniqueParametersNormalizer SybaseParametersNormalizer Implements IQueryParametersNormalizer Inherited Members UniqueParametersNormalizer.Normalize(string) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties MaxLength protected override int MaxLength { get; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy.html",
"title": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy : TypeWrapper, IDisposable Inheritance object TypeWrapper SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy Implements IDisposable Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AseBulkCopy(AseConnection, AseBulkCopyOptions, AseTransaction?) public AseBulkCopy(SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection connection, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions options, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction? transaction) Parameters connection SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection options SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions transaction SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction AseBulkCopy(object, Delegate[]) public AseBulkCopy(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties BatchSize public int BatchSize { get; set; } Property Value int BulkCopyTimeout public int BulkCopyTimeout { get; set; } Property Value int ColumnMappings public SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection ColumnMappings { get; } Property Value SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection DestinationTableName public string? DestinationTableName { get; set; } Property Value string NotifyAfter public int NotifyAfter { get; set; } Property Value int Methods WriteToServer(IDataReader) public void WriteToServer(IDataReader dataReader) Parameters dataReader IDataReader Events AseRowsCopied public event SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventHandler? AseRowsCopied Event Type SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping.html",
"title": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AseBulkCopyColumnMapping(object) public AseBulkCopyColumnMapping(object instance) Parameters instance object AseBulkCopyColumnMapping(string, string) public AseBulkCopyColumnMapping(string source, string destination) Parameters source string destination string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.html",
"title": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object, Delegate[]) public AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Methods Add(AseBulkCopyColumnMapping) public int Add(SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping bulkCopyColumnMapping) Parameters bulkCopyColumnMapping SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping Returns int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions.html",
"title": "Enum SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] [Flags] public enum SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields CheckConstraints = 1 Default = 0 EnableBulkLoad_0 = 64 EnableBulkLoad_1 = 128 EnableBulkLoad_2 = 256 FireTriggers = 2 KeepIdentity = 4 KeepNulls = 8 TableLock = 16 UseInternalTransaction = 32"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection.html",
"title": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection Inheritance object SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType.html",
"title": "Enum SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public enum SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BigDateTime = 93 BigInt = -5 Binary = -2 Bit = -7 Char = 1 Date = 91 DateTime = 93 Decimal = 3 Double = 8 Image = -4 Integer = 4 Money = -200 NChar = -204 NVarChar = -205 Numeric = 2 Real = 7 SmallDateTime = -202 SmallInt = 5 SmallMoney = -201 Text = -1 Time = 92 TimeStamp = -203 TinyInt = -6 UniChar = -8 UniVarChar = -9 Unitext = -10 UnsignedBigInt = -208 UnsignedInt = -207 UnsignedSmallInt = -206 Unsupported = 0 VarBinary = -3 VarChar = 12"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs.html",
"title": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs : TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs Inherited Members TypeWrapper.instance_ TypeWrapper.CompiledWrappers TypeWrapper.PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AseRowsCopiedEventArgs(object, Delegate[]) public AseRowsCopiedEventArgs(object instance, Delegate[] wrappers) Parameters instance object wrappers Delegate[] Properties Abort public bool Abort { get; set; } Property Value bool RowCopied public int RowCopied { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventHandler.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventHandler.html",
"title": "Delegate SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventHandler | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventHandler Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public delegate void SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventHandler(object sender, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs e) Parameters sender object e SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction.html",
"title": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll [Wrapper] public class SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction Inheritance object SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter.html",
"title": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll public class SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Inheritance object SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Create public Func<DbConnection, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions, DbTransaction?, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy> Create { get; } Property Value Func<DbConnection, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions, DbTransaction, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy> CreateColumnMapping public Func<string, string, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping> CreateColumnMapping { get; } Property Value Func<string, string, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseProviderAdapter.html",
"title": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseProviderAdapter Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll public class SybaseProviderAdapter : IDynamicProviderAdapter Inheritance object SybaseProviderAdapter Implements IDynamicProviderAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields ManagedAssemblyName public const string ManagedAssemblyName = \"AdoNetCore.AseClient\" Field Value string ManagedClientNamespace public const string ManagedClientNamespace = \"AdoNetCore.AseClient\" Field Value string NativeAssemblyName public const string NativeAssemblyName = \"Sybase.AdoNet45.AseClient\" Field Value string NativeClientNamespace public const string NativeClientNamespace = \"Sybase.Data.AseClient\" Field Value string NativeProviderFactoryName public const string NativeProviderFactoryName = \"Sybase.Data.AseClient\" Field Value string Properties BulkCopy public SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter? BulkCopy { get; } Property Value SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter CommandType Gets type, that implements DbCommand for current ADO.NET provider. public Type CommandType { get; } Property Value Type ConnectionType Gets type, that implements DbConnection for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ConnectionType { get; } Property Value Type DataReaderType Gets type, that implements DbDataReader for current ADO.NET provider. public Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type GetDbType public Func<DbParameter, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType> GetDbType { get; } Property Value Func<DbParameter, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType> ParameterType Gets type, that implements DbParameter for current ADO.NET provider. public Type ParameterType { get; } Property Value Type SetDbType public Action<DbParameter, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType> SetDbType { get; } Property Value Action<DbParameter, SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType> TransactionType Gets type, that implements DbTransaction for current ADO.NET provider. For providers/databases without transaction support contains null. public Type TransactionType { get; } Property Value Type Methods GetInstance(string) public static SybaseProviderAdapter GetInstance(string name) Parameters name string Returns SybaseProviderAdapter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseTools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.SybaseTools.html",
"title": "Class SybaseTools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SybaseTools Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SybaseTools Inheritance object SybaseTools Properties DefaultBulkCopyType Using ProviderSpecific mode with bit and identity fields could lead to following errors: bit: false inserted into bit field for first record even if true provided; identity: bulk copy operation fail with exception: \"Bulk insert failed. Null value is not allowed in not null column.\". Those are provider bugs and could be fixed in latest versions. [Obsolete(\"Use SybaseOptions.Default.BulkCopyType instead.\")] public static BulkCopyType DefaultBulkCopyType { get; set; } Property Value BulkCopyType DetectedProviderName public static string DetectedProviderName { get; } Property Value string Methods CreateDataConnection(DbConnection, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbConnection connection, string? providerName = null) Parameters connection DbConnection providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(DbTransaction transaction, string? providerName = null) Parameters transaction DbTransaction providerName string Returns DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string, string?) public static DataConnection CreateDataConnection(string connectionString, string? providerName = null) Parameters connectionString string providerName string Returns DataConnection GetDataProvider(string?, string?) public static IDataProvider GetDataProvider(string? providerName = null, string? assemblyName = null) Parameters providerName string assemblyName string Returns IDataProvider ResolveSybase(Assembly) public static void ResolveSybase(Assembly assembly) Parameters assembly Assembly ResolveSybase(string) public static void ResolveSybase(string path) Parameters path string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider.Sybase Classes SybaseDataProvider SybaseOptions SybaseParametersNormalizer SybaseProviderAdapter SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection SybaseProviderAdapter.AseConnection SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs SybaseProviderAdapter.AseTransaction SybaseProviderAdapter.BulkCopyAdapter SybaseTools Enums SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyOptions SybaseProviderAdapter.AseDbType Delegates SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventHandler"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.UniqueParametersNormalizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.UniqueParametersNormalizer.html",
"title": "Class UniqueParametersNormalizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class UniqueParametersNormalizer Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Parameter name rules, implemented by this policy: duplicate name check is case-insensitive max name length: 50 characters allowed characters: ASCII digits, ASCII letters, _ (underscore). allowed first character: ASCII letter. default name if name missing/invalid: \"p\" duplicates resolved by adding \"_counter\" suffix public class UniqueParametersNormalizer : IQueryParametersNormalizer Inheritance object UniqueParametersNormalizer Implements IQueryParametersNormalizer Derived Oracle122ParametersNormalizer SybaseParametersNormalizer Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Comparer protected virtual StringComparer Comparer { get; } Property Value StringComparer CounterSeparator protected virtual string CounterSeparator { get; } Property Value string DefaultName protected virtual string DefaultName { get; } Property Value string MaxLength protected virtual int MaxLength { get; } Property Value int Methods IsReserved(string) protected virtual bool IsReserved(string name) Parameters name string Returns bool IsValidCharacter(char) protected virtual bool IsValidCharacter(char chr) Parameters chr char Returns bool IsValidFirstCharacter(char) protected virtual bool IsValidFirstCharacter(char chr) Parameters chr char Returns bool MakeValidName(string) Method should validate name characters and remove or replace invalid characters. Default implementation removes all characters except ASCII letters/digits and underscore. protected virtual string MakeValidName(string name) Parameters name string Returns string Normalize(string?) Normalize parameter name and return normalized name. public string? Normalize(string? originalName) Parameters originalName string Original parameter name. Returns string Normalized parameter name."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataProvider.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.DataProvider Classes BasicBulkCopy BulkCopyReader BulkCopyReader.Parameter BulkCopyReader<T> DataProviderBase DataProviderOptions<T> DataTools DynamicDataProviderBase<TProviderMappings> MultipleRowsHelper MultipleRowsHelper<T> NoopQueryParametersNormalizer No-op query parameter normalization policy. Could be used for providers with positional nameless parameters or providers without database support. OdbcProviderAdapter OleDbProviderAdapter UniqueParametersNormalizer Parameter name rules, implemented by this policy: duplicate name check is case-insensitive max name length: 50 characters allowed characters: ASCII digits, ASCII letters, _ (underscore). allowed first character: ASCII letter. default name if name missing/invalid: \"p\" duplicates resolved by adding \"_counter\" suffix Structs BasicBulkCopy.ProviderConnections ReaderInfo Interfaces IDataProvider IDataProviderFactory IDynamicProviderAdapter Contains base information about ADO.NET provider. Could be extended by specific implementation to expose additional provider-specific services. IQueryParametersNormalizer Interface, implemented by query parameter name normalization policy for specific provider/database. Enums OdbcProviderAdapter.OdbcType OleDbProviderAdapter.ColumnFlags DBCOLUMNFLAGS OLE DB enumeration. OleDbProviderAdapter.OleDbType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.DataType.html",
"title": "Enum DataType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum DataType Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll List of data types, supported by linq2db. Provider-level support depends on database capabilities and current implementation support level and could vary for different providers. public enum DataType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BFile = 51 Oracle BFILE data type. Binary = 7 A fixed-length stream of binary data ranging between 1 and 8,000 bytes. BinaryJson = 43 Binary type utilized postgres provider (jsonb). BitArray = 39 Array of bits. Blob = 9 Binary large object. Boolean = 11 A simple type representing Boolean values of true or false. Byte = 17 An 8-bit unsigned integer ranging in value from 0 to 255. Char = 1 A fixed-length stream of non-Unicode characters ranging between 1 and 8,000 characters. Cursor = 41 Result set (for example OracleDbType.RefCursor). Date = 26 A type representing a date value. Date32 = 27 Date32 ClickHouse type. DateTime = 29 Date and time data ranging in value from January 1, 1753 to December 31, 9999 to an accuracy of 3.33 milliseconds. DateTime2 = 30 Date and time data. Date value range is from January 1,1 AD through December 31, 9999 AD. Time value range is 00:00:00 through 23:59:59.9999999 with an accuracy of 100 nanoseconds. DateTime64 = 33 DateTime64 ClickHouse type. DateTimeOffset = 32 Date and time data with time zone awareness. Date value range is from January 1,1 AD through December 31, 9999 AD. Time value range is 00:00:00 through 23:59:59.9999999 with an accuracy of 100 nanoseconds. Time zone value range is -14:00 through +14:00. DecFloat = 52 Type representing number with fixed precision and floating scale. Decimal = 23 A simple type representing values with fixed precision and scale numbers. When maximum precision is used, valid values are from -10^38+1 through 10^38-1. Decimal128 = 70 Decimal128 ClickHouse type. Decimal256 = 71 Decimal256 ClickHouse type. Decimal32 = 68 Decimal32 ClickHouse type. Decimal64 = 69 Decimal64 ClickHouse type. Dictionary = 40 Dictionary type for key-value pairs. Double = 22 A floating point number within the range of -1.79E +308 through 1.79E +308. Enum = 48 PostgreSQL Enum type. Enum16 = 50 ClickHouse Enum16 type. Enum8 = 49 ClickHouse Enum8 type. Guid = 12 A globally unique identifier (or GUID). IPv4 = 58 IPv4 address. Used with: ClickHouse. IPv6 = 59 IPv6 address. Used with: ClickHouse. Image = 10 A variable-length stream of binary data ranging from 0 to 2 31 -1 (or 2,147,483,647) bytes. Int128 = 54 An integral type representing signed 128-bit integers with values between -170141183460469231731687303715884105728 and 170141183460469231731687303715884105727. Used with: Firebird 4+, ClickHouse. Int16 = 14 An integral type representing signed 16-bit integers with values between -32768 and 32767. Int256 = 56 Signed 256-bit integer. Used with: ClickHouse. Int32 = 15 An integral type representing signed 32-bit integers with values between -2147483648 and 2147483647. Int64 = 16 An integral type representing signed 64-bit integers with values between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807. Interval = 47 PostgreSQL interval type. IntervalDay = 63 IntervalDay ClickHouse type. IntervalHour = 62 IntervalHour ClickHouse type. IntervalMinute = 61 IntervalMinute ClickHouse type. IntervalMonth = 65 IntervalMonth ClickHouse type. IntervalQuarter = 66 IntervalQuarter ClickHouse type. IntervalSecond = 60 IntervalSecond ClickHouse type. IntervalWeek = 64 IntervalWeek ClickHouse type. IntervalYear = 67 IntervalYear ClickHouse type. Json = 42 Json type utilized in postgres provider. Long = 45 Oracle data type for storing character data of variable length up to 2 Gigabytes in length (bigger version of the VARCHAR2 datatype). LongRaw = 46 Oracle data type for storing binary data of variable length up to 2 Gigabytes in length. Money = 24 A currency value ranging from -2 63 (or -9,223,372,036,854,775,808) to 2 63 -1 (or +9,223,372,036,854,775,807) with an accuracy to a ten-thousandth of a currency unit. NChar = 4 A fixed-length stream of Unicode characters ranging between 1 and 4,000 characters. NText = 6 A variable-length stream of Unicode data with a maximum length of 2 30 - 1 (or 1,073,741,823) characters. NVarChar = 5 A variable-length stream of Unicode characters ranging between 1 and 4,000 characters. Implicit conversion fails if the string is greater than 4,000 characters. Oracle: We need NVarChar2 in order to insert UTF8 string values. The default Odp VarChar2 dbtype doesnt work with UTF8 values. Note : Microsoft oracle client uses NVarChar value by default. Same as VARCHAR2 except that the column stores values in the National CS , ie you can store values in Bangla if your National CS is BN8BSCII .If the National CS is of fixed width CS (all characters are represented by a fixed byte ,say 2 bytes for JA16EUCFIXED) , then NVARCHAR2(30) stores 30 Characters. Varchar2 works with 8 bit characters where as Nvarchar2 works ith 16 bit characters. If you have to store data other than english prefer Nvarchar2 or viceversa. NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 are Unicode datatypes that store Unicode character data. The character set of NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 datatypes can only be either AL16UTF16 or UTF8 and is specified at database creation time as the national character set. AL16UTF16 and UTF8 are both Unicode encoding. The NCHAR datatype stores fixed-length character strings that correspond to the national character set.The NVARCHAR2 datatype stores variable length character strings. When you create a table with an NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 column, the maximum size specified is always in character length semantics. Character length semantics is the default and only length semantics for NCHAR or NVARCHAR2. For example, if national character set is UTF8, then the following statement defines the maximum byte length of 90 bytes: CREATE TABLE tab1 (col1 NCHAR(30)); This statement creates a column with maximum character length of 30. The maximum byte length is the multiple of the maximum character length and the maximum number of bytes in each character. The maximum length of an NVARCHAR2 column is 4000 bytes. It can hold up to 4000 characters. The actual data is subject to the maximum byte limit of 4000. The two size constraints must be satisfied simultaneously at run time. SByte = 13 An integral type representing signed 8-bit integers with values between -128 and 127. Single = 21 A floating point number within the range of -3.40E +38 through 3.40E +38. SmallDateTime = 31 Date and time data ranging in value from January 1, 1900 to June 6, 2079 to an accuracy of one minute. SmallMoney = 25 A currency value ranging from -214,748.3648 to +214,748.3647 with an accuracy to a ten-thousandth of a currency unit. Structured = 44 SQL Server 2008+ table-valued parameter type (TVP). Text = 3 A variable-length stream of non-Unicode data with a maximum length of 2 31 -1 (or 2,147,483,647) characters. Time = 28 A type representing a time value. TimeTZ = 53 Type representing a time value with timezone or offset. Timestamp = 34 Array of type Byte. Automatically generated binary numbers, which are guaranteed to be unique within a database. timestamp is used typically as a mechanism for version-stamping table rows. The storage size is 8 bytes. UInt128 = 55 Unsigned 128-bit integer. Used with: ClickHouse. UInt16 = 18 An integral type representing unsigned 16-bit integers with values between 0 and 65535. UInt256 = 57 Unsigned 256-bit integer. Used with: ClickHouse. UInt32 = 19 An integral type representing unsigned 32-bit integers with values between 0 and 4294967295. UInt64 = 20 An integral type representing unsigned 64-bit integers with values between 0 and 18446744073709551615. Udt = 38 A SQL Server 2005 user-defined type (UDT). Undefined = 0 Undefined data type. VarBinary = 8 A variable-length stream of binary data ranging between 1 and 8,000 bytes. Implicit conversion fails if the byte array is greater than 8,000 bytes. VarChar = 2 A variable-length stream of non-Unicode characters ranging between 1 and 8,000 characters. Use VarChar when the database column is varchar(max). VarNumeric = 37 A variable-length numeric value. Variant = 36 A general type representing any reference or value type not explicitly represented by another DataType value. Xml = 35 An XML value. Obtain the XML as a string using the GetValue method or Value property, or as an XmlReader by calling the CreateReader method."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ExprParameterAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ExprParameterAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ExprParameterAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExprParameterAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)] public class ExprParameterAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute ExprParameterAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ExprParameterAttribute() public ExprParameterAttribute() ExprParameterAttribute(string) public ExprParameterAttribute(string name) Parameters name string Properties Name public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ExpressionMethodAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ExpressionMethodAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ExpressionMethodAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExpressionMethodAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll When applied to method or property, tells linq2db to replace them in queryable LINQ expression with another expression, returned by method, specified in this attribute. Requirements to expression method: - expression method should be in the same class and replaced property of method; - method could be private. When applied to property, expression: - method should return function expression with the same return type as property type; - expression method could take up to two parameters in any order - current object parameter and database connection context object. When applied to method: - expression method should return function expression with the same return type as method return type; - method cannot have void return type; - parameters in expression method should go in the same order as in substituted method; - expression could take method instance object as first parameter; - expression could take database connection context object as last parameter; - last method parameters could be ommited from expression method, but only if you don't add database connection context parameter. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method|AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)] public class ExpressionMethodAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute ExpressionMethodAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ExpressionMethodAttribute(LambdaExpression) Creates instance of attribute. public ExpressionMethodAttribute(LambdaExpression expression) Parameters expression LambdaExpression Substitution expression. ExpressionMethodAttribute(string) Creates instance of attribute. public ExpressionMethodAttribute(string methodName) Parameters methodName string Name of method in the same class that returns substitution expression. ExpressionMethodAttribute(string?, string) Creates instance of attribute. public ExpressionMethodAttribute(string? configuration, string methodName) Parameters configuration string Connection configuration, for which this attribute should be taken into account. methodName string Name of method in the same class that returns substitution expression. Properties Alias Gets or sets alias for substitution expression. Note that alias can be overriden by projection member name. public string? Alias { get; set; } Property Value string Expression Substitution expression. public LambdaExpression? Expression { get; set; } Property Value LambdaExpression IsColumn Gets or sets calculated column flag. When applied to property and set to true, Linq To DB will load data into property using expression during entity materialization. public bool IsColumn { get; set; } Property Value bool MethodName Name of method in the same class that returns substitution expression. public string? MethodName { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.CustomMapperAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.CustomMapperAttribute.html",
"title": "Class CustomMapperAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CustomMapperAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.ReturnValue)] public class CustomMapperAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute CustomMapperAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors CustomMapperAttribute(Type) public CustomMapperAttribute(Type mapper) Parameters mapper Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.DefaultValueExpression.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.DefaultValueExpression.html",
"title": "Class DefaultValueExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DefaultValueExpression Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public class DefaultValueExpression : Expression Inheritance object Expression DefaultValueExpression Inherited Members Expression.Assign(Expression, Expression) Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType, Expression, Expression) Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType, Expression, Expression, bool, MethodInfo) Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType, Expression, Expression, bool, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.Equal(Expression, Expression) Expression.Equal(Expression, Expression, bool, MethodInfo) Expression.ReferenceEqual(Expression, Expression) Expression.NotEqual(Expression, Expression) Expression.NotEqual(Expression, Expression, bool, MethodInfo) Expression.ReferenceNotEqual(Expression, Expression) Expression.GreaterThan(Expression, Expression) Expression.GreaterThan(Expression, Expression, bool, MethodInfo) Expression.LessThan(Expression, Expression) Expression.LessThan(Expression, Expression, bool, MethodInfo) Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(Expression, Expression) Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(Expression, Expression, bool, MethodInfo) Expression.LessThanOrEqual(Expression, Expression) Expression.LessThanOrEqual(Expression, Expression, bool, MethodInfo) Expression.AndAlso(Expression, Expression) Expression.AndAlso(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.OrElse(Expression, Expression) Expression.OrElse(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.Coalesce(Expression, Expression) Expression.Coalesce(Expression, Expression, LambdaExpression) Expression.Add(Expression, Expression) Expression.Add(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.AddAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.AddAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.AddAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.AddAssignChecked(Expression, Expression) Expression.AddAssignChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.AddAssignChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.AddChecked(Expression, Expression) Expression.AddChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.Subtract(Expression, Expression) Expression.Subtract(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.SubtractAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.SubtractAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.SubtractAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.SubtractAssignChecked(Expression, Expression) Expression.SubtractAssignChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.SubtractAssignChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.SubtractChecked(Expression, Expression) Expression.SubtractChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.Divide(Expression, Expression) Expression.Divide(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.DivideAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.DivideAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.DivideAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.Modulo(Expression, Expression) Expression.Modulo(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.ModuloAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.ModuloAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.ModuloAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.Multiply(Expression, Expression) Expression.Multiply(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.MultiplyAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.MultiplyAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.MultiplyAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.MultiplyAssignChecked(Expression, Expression) Expression.MultiplyAssignChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.MultiplyAssignChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.MultiplyChecked(Expression, Expression) Expression.MultiplyChecked(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.LeftShift(Expression, Expression) Expression.LeftShift(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.LeftShiftAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.LeftShiftAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.LeftShiftAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.RightShift(Expression, Expression) Expression.RightShift(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.RightShiftAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.RightShiftAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.RightShiftAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.And(Expression, Expression) Expression.And(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.AndAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.AndAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.AndAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.Or(Expression, Expression) Expression.Or(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.OrAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.OrAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.OrAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.ExclusiveOr(Expression, Expression) Expression.ExclusiveOr(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.ExclusiveOrAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.ExclusiveOrAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.ExclusiveOrAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.Power(Expression, Expression) Expression.Power(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.PowerAssign(Expression, Expression) Expression.PowerAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.PowerAssign(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, LambdaExpression) Expression.ArrayIndex(Expression, Expression) Expression.Block(Expression, Expression) Expression.Block(Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Block(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Block(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Block(params Expression[]) Expression.Block(IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Block(Type, params Expression[]) Expression.Block(Type, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Block(IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>, params Expression[]) Expression.Block(Type, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>, params Expression[]) Expression.Block(IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Block(Type, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Catch(Type, Expression) Expression.Catch(ParameterExpression, Expression) Expression.Catch(Type, Expression, Expression) Expression.Catch(ParameterExpression, Expression, Expression) Expression.MakeCatchBlock(Type, ParameterExpression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Condition(Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Condition(Expression, Expression, Expression, Type) Expression.IfThen(Expression, Expression) Expression.IfThenElse(Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Constant(object) Expression.Constant(object, Type) Expression.DebugInfo(SymbolDocumentInfo, int, int, int, int) Expression.ClearDebugInfo(SymbolDocumentInfo) Expression.Empty() Expression.Default(Type) Expression.MakeDynamic(Type, CallSiteBinder, params Expression[]) Expression.MakeDynamic(Type, CallSiteBinder, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.MakeDynamic(Type, CallSiteBinder, Expression) Expression.MakeDynamic(Type, CallSiteBinder, Expression, Expression) Expression.MakeDynamic(Type, CallSiteBinder, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.MakeDynamic(Type, CallSiteBinder, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Dynamic(CallSiteBinder, Type, params Expression[]) Expression.Dynamic(CallSiteBinder, Type, Expression) Expression.Dynamic(CallSiteBinder, Type, Expression, Expression) Expression.Dynamic(CallSiteBinder, Type, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Dynamic(CallSiteBinder, Type, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Dynamic(CallSiteBinder, Type, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.ElementInit(MethodInfo, params Expression[]) Expression.ElementInit(MethodInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.VisitChildren(ExpressionVisitor) Expression.Accept(ExpressionVisitor) Expression.ReduceAndCheck() Expression.ReduceExtensions() Expression.Break(LabelTarget) Expression.Break(LabelTarget, Expression) Expression.Break(LabelTarget, Type) Expression.Break(LabelTarget, Expression, Type) Expression.Continue(LabelTarget) Expression.Continue(LabelTarget, Type) Expression.Return(LabelTarget) Expression.Return(LabelTarget, Type) Expression.Return(LabelTarget, Expression) Expression.Return(LabelTarget, Expression, Type) Expression.Goto(LabelTarget) Expression.Goto(LabelTarget, Type) Expression.Goto(LabelTarget, Expression) Expression.Goto(LabelTarget, Expression, Type) Expression.MakeGoto(GotoExpressionKind, LabelTarget, Expression, Type) Expression.MakeIndex(Expression, PropertyInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.ArrayAccess(Expression, params Expression[]) Expression.ArrayAccess(Expression, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Property(Expression, string, params Expression[]) Expression.Property(Expression, PropertyInfo, params Expression[]) Expression.Property(Expression, PropertyInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Invoke(Expression, params Expression[]) Expression.Invoke(Expression, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Label(LabelTarget) Expression.Label(LabelTarget, Expression) Expression.Label() Expression.Label(string) Expression.Label(Type) Expression.Label(Type, string) Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression, params ParameterExpression[]) Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression, bool, params ParameterExpression[]) Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression, bool, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression, string, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression, string, bool, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda(Expression, params ParameterExpression[]) Expression.Lambda(Expression, bool, params ParameterExpression[]) Expression.Lambda(Expression, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda(Expression, bool, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda(Type, Expression, params ParameterExpression[]) Expression.Lambda(Type, Expression, bool, params ParameterExpression[]) Expression.Lambda(Type, Expression, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda(Type, Expression, bool, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda(Expression, string, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda(Expression, string, bool, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda(Type, Expression, string, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.Lambda(Type, Expression, string, bool, IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.GetFuncType(params Type[]) Expression.TryGetFuncType(Type[], out Type) Expression.GetActionType(params Type[]) Expression.TryGetActionType(Type[], out Type) Expression.GetDelegateType(params Type[]) Expression.ListInit(NewExpression, params Expression[]) Expression.ListInit(NewExpression, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.ListInit(NewExpression, MethodInfo, params Expression[]) Expression.ListInit(NewExpression, MethodInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.ListInit(NewExpression, params ElementInit[]) Expression.ListInit(NewExpression, IEnumerable<ElementInit>) Expression.Loop(Expression) Expression.Loop(Expression, LabelTarget) Expression.Loop(Expression, LabelTarget, LabelTarget) Expression.Bind(MemberInfo, Expression) Expression.Bind(MethodInfo, Expression) Expression.Field(Expression, FieldInfo) Expression.Field(Expression, string) Expression.Field(Expression, Type, string) Expression.Property(Expression, string) Expression.Property(Expression, Type, string) Expression.Property(Expression, PropertyInfo) Expression.Property(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.PropertyOrField(Expression, string) Expression.MakeMemberAccess(Expression, MemberInfo) Expression.MemberInit(NewExpression, params MemberBinding[]) Expression.MemberInit(NewExpression, IEnumerable<MemberBinding>) Expression.ListBind(MemberInfo, params ElementInit[]) Expression.ListBind(MemberInfo, IEnumerable<ElementInit>) Expression.ListBind(MethodInfo, params ElementInit[]) Expression.ListBind(MethodInfo, IEnumerable<ElementInit>) Expression.MemberBind(MemberInfo, params MemberBinding[]) Expression.MemberBind(MemberInfo, IEnumerable<MemberBinding>) Expression.MemberBind(MethodInfo, params MemberBinding[]) Expression.MemberBind(MethodInfo, IEnumerable<MemberBinding>) Expression.Call(MethodInfo, Expression) Expression.Call(MethodInfo, Expression, Expression) Expression.Call(MethodInfo, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Call(MethodInfo, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Call(MethodInfo, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Call(MethodInfo, params Expression[]) Expression.Call(MethodInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Call(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.Call(Expression, MethodInfo, params Expression[]) Expression.Call(Expression, MethodInfo, Expression, Expression) Expression.Call(Expression, MethodInfo, Expression, Expression, Expression) Expression.Call(Expression, string, Type[], params Expression[]) Expression.Call(Type, string, Type[], params Expression[]) Expression.Call(Expression, MethodInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.ArrayIndex(Expression, params Expression[]) Expression.ArrayIndex(Expression, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.NewArrayInit(Type, params Expression[]) Expression.NewArrayInit(Type, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.NewArrayBounds(Type, params Expression[]) Expression.NewArrayBounds(Type, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.New(ConstructorInfo) Expression.New(ConstructorInfo, params Expression[]) Expression.New(ConstructorInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.New(ConstructorInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>, IEnumerable<MemberInfo>) Expression.New(ConstructorInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>, params MemberInfo[]) Expression.New(Type) Expression.Parameter(Type) Expression.Variable(Type) Expression.Parameter(Type, string) Expression.Variable(Type, string) Expression.RuntimeVariables(params ParameterExpression[]) Expression.RuntimeVariables(IEnumerable<ParameterExpression>) Expression.SwitchCase(Expression, params Expression[]) Expression.SwitchCase(Expression, IEnumerable<Expression>) Expression.Switch(Expression, params SwitchCase[]) Expression.Switch(Expression, Expression, params SwitchCase[]) Expression.Switch(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, params SwitchCase[]) Expression.Switch(Type, Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, params SwitchCase[]) Expression.Switch(Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, IEnumerable<SwitchCase>) Expression.Switch(Type, Expression, Expression, MethodInfo, IEnumerable<SwitchCase>) Expression.SymbolDocument(string) Expression.SymbolDocument(string, Guid) Expression.SymbolDocument(string, Guid, Guid) Expression.SymbolDocument(string, Guid, Guid, Guid) Expression.TryFault(Expression, Expression) Expression.TryFinally(Expression, Expression) Expression.TryCatch(Expression, params CatchBlock[]) Expression.TryCatchFinally(Expression, Expression, params CatchBlock[]) Expression.MakeTry(Type, Expression, Expression, Expression, IEnumerable<CatchBlock>) Expression.TypeIs(Expression, Type) Expression.TypeEqual(Expression, Type) Expression.MakeUnary(ExpressionType, Expression, Type) Expression.MakeUnary(ExpressionType, Expression, Type, MethodInfo) Expression.Negate(Expression) Expression.Negate(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.UnaryPlus(Expression) Expression.UnaryPlus(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.NegateChecked(Expression) Expression.NegateChecked(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.Not(Expression) Expression.Not(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.IsFalse(Expression) Expression.IsFalse(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.IsTrue(Expression) Expression.IsTrue(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.OnesComplement(Expression) Expression.OnesComplement(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.TypeAs(Expression, Type) Expression.Unbox(Expression, Type) Expression.Convert(Expression, Type) Expression.Convert(Expression, Type, MethodInfo) Expression.ConvertChecked(Expression, Type) Expression.ConvertChecked(Expression, Type, MethodInfo) Expression.ArrayLength(Expression) Expression.Quote(Expression) Expression.Rethrow() Expression.Rethrow(Type) Expression.Throw(Expression) Expression.Throw(Expression, Type) Expression.Increment(Expression) Expression.Increment(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.Decrement(Expression) Expression.Decrement(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.PreIncrementAssign(Expression) Expression.PreIncrementAssign(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.PreDecrementAssign(Expression) Expression.PreDecrementAssign(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.PostIncrementAssign(Expression) Expression.PostIncrementAssign(Expression, MethodInfo) Expression.PostDecrementAssign(Expression) Expression.PostDecrementAssign(Expression, MethodInfo) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateExpression(Expression?, IDataContext?) ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateExpression<T>(Expression?, IDataContext?) ExpressionExtensions.Find(Expression?, Expression) ExpressionExtensions.Find<TContext>(Expression?, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, bool>) ExpressionExtensions.GetCount<TContext>(Expression, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, bool>) ExpressionExtensions.GetDebugView(Expression) ExpressionExtensions.Replace(Expression, Expression, Expression) ExpressionExtensions.Replace(Expression, Expression, Expression, IEqualityComparer<Expression>) ExpressionExtensions.Transform(Expression?, Func<Expression, TransformInfo>) ExpressionExtensions.Transform(Expression?, Func<Expression, Expression>) ExpressionExtensions.Transform<TContext>(Expression?, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, TransformInfo>) ExpressionExtensions.Transform<TContext>(Expression?, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, Expression>) ExpressionExtensions.Visit<TContext>(Expression, TContext, Action<TContext, Expression>) ExpressionExtensions.Visit<TContext>(Expression, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, bool>) Constructors DefaultValueExpression(MappingSchema?, Type) public DefaultValueExpression(MappingSchema? mappingSchema, Type type) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema type Type Properties CanReduce Indicates that the node can be reduced to a simpler node. If this returns true, Reduce() can be called to produce the reduced form. public override bool CanReduce { get; } Property Value bool True if the node can be reduced, otherwise false. NodeType Gets the node type of this Expression. public override ExpressionType NodeType { get; } Property Value ExpressionType One of the ExpressionType values. Type Gets the static type of the expression that this Expression represents. public override Type Type { get; } Property Value Type The Type that represents the static type of the expression. Methods Reduce() Reduces this node to a simpler expression. If CanReduce returns true, this should return a valid expression. This method can return another node which itself must be reduced. public override Expression Reduce() Returns Expression The reduced expression. ToString() Returns a textual representation of the Expression. public override string ToString() Returns string A textual representation of the Expression."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionEvaluator.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionEvaluator.html",
"title": "Class ExpressionEvaluator | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExpressionEvaluator Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll Internal API. public static class ExpressionEvaluator Inheritance object ExpressionEvaluator Methods EvaluateExpression(Expression?, IDataContext?) public static object? EvaluateExpression(this Expression? expr, IDataContext? dataContext = null) Parameters expr Expression dataContext IDataContext Returns object EvaluateExpression<T>(Expression?, IDataContext?) public static T? EvaluateExpression<T>(this Expression? expr, IDataContext? dataContext = null) where T : class Parameters expr Expression dataContext IDataContext Returns T Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ExpressionExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExpressionExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ExpressionExtensions Inheritance object ExpressionExtensions Methods Find(Expression?, Expression) Enumerates the expression tree and returns the exprToFind if it's contained within the expr. public static Expression? Find(this Expression? expr, Expression exprToFind) Parameters expr Expression exprToFind Expression Returns Expression Find<TContext>(Expression?, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, bool>) Enumerates the given expr and returns the first sub-expression which matches the given func. If no expression was found, null is returned. public static Expression? Find<TContext>(this Expression? expr, TContext context, Func<TContext, Expression, bool> func) Parameters expr Expression context TContext func Func<TContext, Expression, bool> Returns Expression Type Parameters TContext GetBody(LambdaExpression, Expression) Returns the body of lambda but replaces the first parameter of that lambda expression with the exprToReplaceParameter expression. public static Expression GetBody(this LambdaExpression lambda, Expression exprToReplaceParameter) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression exprToReplaceParameter Expression Returns Expression GetBody(LambdaExpression, Expression, Expression) Returns the body of lambda but replaces the first two parameters of that lambda expression with the given replace expressions. public static Expression GetBody(this LambdaExpression lambda, Expression exprToReplaceParameter1, Expression exprToReplaceParameter2) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression exprToReplaceParameter1 Expression exprToReplaceParameter2 Expression Returns Expression GetBody(LambdaExpression, Expression, Expression, Expression) Returns the body of lambda but replaces the first three parameters of that lambda expression with the given replace expressions. public static Expression GetBody(this LambdaExpression lambda, Expression exprToReplaceParameter1, Expression exprToReplaceParameter2, Expression exprToReplaceParameter3) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression exprToReplaceParameter1 Expression exprToReplaceParameter2 Expression exprToReplaceParameter3 Expression Returns Expression GetCount<TContext>(Expression, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, bool>) Returns the total number of expression items which are matching the given. func. public static int GetCount<TContext>(this Expression expr, TContext context, Func<TContext, Expression, bool> func) Parameters expr Expression Expression-Tree which gets counted. context TContext Expression-Tree visitor context. func Func<TContext, Expression, bool> Predicate which is used to test if the given expression should be counted. Returns int Type Parameters TContext GetDebugView(Expression) Gets the DebugView internal property value of provided expression. public static string GetDebugView(this Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Expression to get DebugView. Returns string DebugView value. GetMemberGetter(MemberInfo, Expression) public static Expression GetMemberGetter(MemberInfo mi, Expression obj) Parameters mi MemberInfo obj Expression Returns Expression Replace(Expression, Expression, Expression) public static Expression Replace(this Expression expression, Expression toReplace, Expression replacedBy) Parameters expression Expression toReplace Expression replacedBy Expression Returns Expression Replace(Expression, Expression, Expression, IEqualityComparer<Expression>) public static Expression Replace(this Expression expression, Expression toReplace, Expression replacedBy, IEqualityComparer<Expression> equalityComparer) Parameters expression Expression toReplace Expression replacedBy Expression equalityComparer IEqualityComparer<Expression> Returns Expression Transform(Expression?, Func<Expression, TransformInfo>) public static Expression? Transform(this Expression? expr, Func<Expression, TransformInfo> func) Parameters expr Expression func Func<Expression, TransformInfo> Returns Expression Transform(Expression?, Func<Expression, Expression>) Enumerates the expression tree of expr and might replace expression with the returned value of the given func. public static Expression? Transform(this Expression? expr, Func<Expression, Expression> func) Parameters expr Expression func Func<Expression, Expression> Returns Expression The modified expression. Transform<TContext>(Expression?, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, TransformInfo>) public static Expression? Transform<TContext>(this Expression? expr, TContext context, Func<TContext, Expression, TransformInfo> func) Parameters expr Expression context TContext func Func<TContext, Expression, TransformInfo> Returns Expression Type Parameters TContext Transform<TContext>(Expression?, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, Expression>) Enumerates the expression tree of expr and might replace expression with the returned value of the given func. public static Expression? Transform<TContext>(this Expression? expr, TContext context, Func<TContext, Expression, Expression> func) Parameters expr Expression context TContext func Func<TContext, Expression, Expression> Returns Expression The modified expression. Type Parameters TContext Visit<TContext>(Expression, TContext, Action<TContext, Expression>) Calls the given func for each child node of the expr. public static void Visit<TContext>(this Expression expr, TContext context, Action<TContext, Expression> func) Parameters expr Expression context TContext func Action<TContext, Expression> Type Parameters TContext Visit<TContext>(Expression, TContext, Func<TContext, Expression, bool>) Calls the given func for each node of the expr. If the func returns false, no childs of the tested expression will be enumerated. public static void Visit<TContext>(this Expression expr, TContext context, Func<TContext, Expression, bool> func) Parameters expr Expression context TContext func Func<TContext, Expression, bool> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionGenerator.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionGenerator.html",
"title": "Class ExpressionGenerator | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExpressionGenerator Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public class ExpressionGenerator Inheritance object ExpressionGenerator Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ExpressionGenerator() public ExpressionGenerator() ExpressionGenerator(TypeMapper) public ExpressionGenerator(TypeMapper mapper) Parameters mapper TypeMapper Properties ResultExpression public Expression ResultExpression { get; } Property Value Expression Methods AddExpression(Expression) public Expression AddExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression AddVariable(ParameterExpression) public ParameterExpression AddVariable(ParameterExpression variable) Parameters variable ParameterExpression Returns ParameterExpression Assign(Expression, Expression) public Expression Assign(Expression left, Expression right) Parameters left Expression right Expression Returns Expression AssignToVariable(Expression, string?) public ParameterExpression AssignToVariable(Expression expression, string? name = null) Parameters expression Expression name string Returns ParameterExpression Build() public Expression Build() Returns Expression Build(Action<ExpressionGenerator>, TypeMapper?) public static Expression Build(Action<ExpressionGenerator> buildFunc, TypeMapper? typeMapper = null) Parameters buildFunc Action<ExpressionGenerator> typeMapper TypeMapper Returns Expression Condition(Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression Condition(Expression test, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse) Parameters test Expression ifTrue Expression ifFalse Expression Returns Expression DeclareVariable(Type, string?) public ParameterExpression DeclareVariable(Type type, string? name = null) Parameters type Type name string Returns ParameterExpression IfThen(Expression, Expression) public Expression IfThen(Expression test, Expression ifTrue) Parameters test Expression ifTrue Expression Returns Expression IfThenElse(Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression IfThenElse(Expression test, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse) Parameters test Expression ifTrue Expression ifFalse Expression Returns Expression MapAction(Expression<Action>) public Expression MapAction(Expression<Action> action) Parameters action Expression<Action> Returns Expression MapAction<T>(Expression<Action<T>>, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T>(Expression<Action<T>> action, Expression p) Parameters action Expression<Action<T>> p Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T MapAction<T1, T2>(Expression<Action<T1, T2>>, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T1, T2>(Expression<Action<T1, T2>> action, Expression p1, Expression p2) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2>> p1 Expression p2 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 MapAction<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>>, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>> action, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 MapAction<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>>, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>> action, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3, Expression p4) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression p4 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 MapAction<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>>, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>> action, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3, Expression p4, Expression p5) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression p4 Expression p5 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 MapExpression<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>>) public Expression MapExpression<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TR>> Returns Expression Type Parameters TR MapExpression<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>>, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>> func, Expression p) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, TR>> p Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T TR MapExpression<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> func, Expression p1, Expression p2) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> p1 Expression p2 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 TR MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> func, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> func, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3, Expression p4) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression p4 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> func, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3, Expression p4, Expression p5) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression p4 Expression p5 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR MemberAccess<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>>, Expression) public MemberExpression MemberAccess<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> memberExpression, Expression obj) Parameters memberExpression Expression<Func<T, object>> obj Expression Returns MemberExpression Type Parameters T Throw(Expression) public Expression Throw(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression TryCatch(Expression, params CatchBlock[]) public Expression TryCatch(Expression body, params CatchBlock[] catchBlocks) Parameters body Expression catchBlocks CatchBlock[] Returns Expression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionHelper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionHelper.html",
"title": "Class ExpressionHelper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExpressionHelper Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ExpressionHelper Inheritance object ExpressionHelper Methods Field(Expression, string) Compared to Field(Expression, string), performs case-sensitive field search. public static MemberExpression Field(Expression obj, string name) Parameters obj Expression name string Returns MemberExpression Field(Type, string) Compared to Field(Expression, Type, string), performs case-sensitive field search and search only for static fields. public static MemberExpression Field(Type type, string name) Parameters type Type name string Returns MemberExpression Property(Expression, string) Compared to Property(Expression, string), performs case-sensitive property search. public static MemberExpression Property(Expression obj, string name) Parameters obj Expression name string Returns MemberExpression Property(Type, string) Compared to Property(Expression, Type, string), performs case-sensitive property search and search only for static properties. public static MemberExpression Property(Type type, string name) Parameters type Type name string Returns MemberExpression PropertyOrField(Expression, string) Compared to PropertyOrField(Expression, string), performs case-sensitive member search. public static MemberExpression PropertyOrField(Expression obj, string name) Parameters obj Expression name string Returns MemberExpression PropertyOrField(Type, string, bool) Compared to PropertyOrField(Expression, string), performs case-sensitive member search. public static MemberExpression PropertyOrField(Type type, string name, bool allowInherited = true) Parameters type Type name string allowInherited bool Returns MemberExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionInstances.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ExpressionInstances.html",
"title": "Class ExpressionInstances | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExpressionInstances Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll Contains pre-created instances of ConstantExpression object for often used constants. Using those instances we avoid unnecessary allocations of same constant instances and avoid boxing for value constants (e.g. booleans, integers). public static class ExpressionInstances Inheritance object ExpressionInstances Fields Constant0 public static readonly ConstantExpression Constant0 Field Value ConstantExpression Constant1 public static readonly ConstantExpression Constant1 Field Value ConstantExpression Constant26 public static readonly ConstantExpression Constant26 Field Value ConstantExpression Constant29 public static readonly ConstantExpression Constant29 Field Value ConstantExpression False public static readonly ConstantExpression False Field Value ConstantExpression HashMultiplier public static readonly Expression HashMultiplier Field Value Expression NullIDataContext public static readonly Expression NullIDataContext Field Value Expression True public static readonly ConstantExpression True Field Value ConstantExpression UntypedNull public static readonly ConstantExpression UntypedNull Field Value ConstantExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ICustomMapper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ICustomMapper.html",
"title": "Interface ICustomMapper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ICustomMapper Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ICustomMapper Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods CanMap(Expression) bool CanMap(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns bool Map(Expression) Expression Map(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.IGenericInfoProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.IGenericInfoProvider.html",
"title": "Interface IGenericInfoProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IGenericInfoProvider Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll Generic conversions provider. Implementation class must be generic, as type parameters will be used for conversion initialization in SetInfo(MappingSchema) method. // this conversion provider adds conversion from IEnumerable<T> to ImmutableList<T> for specific T type parameter class EnumerableToImmutableListConvertProvider<T> : IGenericInfoProvider { public void SetInfo(MappingSchema mappingSchema) { mappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<IEnumerable<T>,ImmutableList<T>>( t => ImmutableList.Create(t.ToArray())); } } SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) for more details. public interface IGenericInfoProvider Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods SetInfo(MappingSchema) Implementation should use this method to provide conversions for generic types with type parameters, used to instantiate instance of current class. void SetInfo(MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema, to which conversions should be added."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.IsQueryableAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.IsQueryableAttribute.html",
"title": "Class IsQueryableAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IsQueryableAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll Used to define queryable members. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)] public class IsQueryableAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute IsQueryableAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType.html",
"title": "Struct MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public struct MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType : IEquatable<MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType> Implements IEquatable<MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType> Inherited Members ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MemberInfoWithType(Type?, MemberInfo) public MemberInfoWithType(Type? type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type memberInfo MemberInfo Fields MemberInfo public MemberInfo MemberInfo Field Value MemberInfo Type public Type? Type Field Value Type Methods Equals(MemberInfoWithType) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public readonly bool Equals(MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType other) Parameters other MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(object?) Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object Another object to compare to. Returns bool true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance. public override readonly int GetHashCode() Returns int A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.MemberHelper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.MemberHelper.html",
"title": "Class MemberHelper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemberHelper Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MemberHelper Inheritance object MemberHelper Methods ConstructorOf(Expression<Func<object>>) public static ConstructorInfo ConstructorOf(Expression<Func<object>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<object>> Returns ConstructorInfo ConstructorOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>>) public static ConstructorInfo ConstructorOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns ConstructorInfo Type Parameters T FieldOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>>) public static FieldInfo FieldOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns FieldInfo Type Parameters T GetMemberInfo(Expression) Gets the member information from given expression. public static MemberInfo GetMemberInfo(Expression expr) Parameters expr Expression The expression. Returns MemberInfo Remarks Returns member information for given expressions, e.g.: For: x => x.SomeProperty, returns MemberInfo of SomeProperty. For: x => x.SomeMethod(), returns MethodInfo of SomeMethod. For: x => new { X = x.Name }, return ConstructorInfo of anonymous type. For: x => Sql.Property<int>(x, \"SomeProperty\"), returns MemberInfo of \"SomeProperty\" if exists on type, otherwise returns DynamicColumnInfo for SomeProperty on given type. Exceptions ArgumentException Only simple, non-navigational, member names are supported in this context (e.g.: x => Sql.Property(x, \"SomeProperty\")). GetMemberInfo(LambdaExpression) Gets the member information from given lambda expression. GetMemberInfo(Expression) public static MemberInfo GetMemberInfo(LambdaExpression func) Parameters func LambdaExpression The lambda expression. Returns MemberInfo Exceptions ArgumentException Only simple, non-navigational, member names are supported in this context (e.g.: x => Sql.Property(x, \"SomeProperty\")). GetMemberInfoWithType(Expression) Gets the member information with type from given expression. public static MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType GetMemberInfoWithType(Expression expr) Parameters expr Expression The expression. Returns MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType Remarks Returns member information for given expressions, e.g.: For: x => x.SomeProperty, returns MemberInfo of SomeProperty. For: x => x.SomeMethod(), returns MethodInfo of SomeMethod. For: x => new { X = x.Name }, return ConstructorInfo of anonymous type. For: x => Sql.Property<int>(x, \"SomeProperty\"), returns MemberInfo of \"SomeProperty\" if exists on type, otherwise returns DynamicColumnInfo for SomeProperty on given type. Exceptions ArgumentException Only simple, non-navigational, member names are supported in this context (e.g.: x => Sql.Property(x, \"SomeProperty\")). GetMemberInfoWithType(LambdaExpression) Gets the member information with type from given lambda expression. GetMemberInfo(Expression) public static MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType GetMemberInfoWithType(LambdaExpression func) Parameters func LambdaExpression The lambda expression. Returns MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType Exceptions ArgumentException Only simple, non-navigational, member names are supported in this context (e.g.: x => Sql.Property(x, \"SomeProperty\")). MemberOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>>) public static MemberInfo MemberOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns MemberInfo Type Parameters T MemberOf<T, TMember>(Expression<Func<T, TMember>>) public static MemberInfo MemberOf<T, TMember>(Expression<Func<T, TMember>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, TMember>> Returns MemberInfo Type Parameters T TMember MethodOf(Expression<Action>) public static MethodInfo MethodOf(Expression<Action> func) Parameters func Expression<Action> Returns MethodInfo MethodOf(Expression<Func<object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOf(Expression<Func<object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<object>> Returns MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric(Expression<Action>) public static MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric(Expression<Action> func) Parameters func Expression<Action> Returns MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric(Expression<Func<object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric(Expression<Func<object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<object>> Returns MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T MethodOfGeneric<T1, T2>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric<T1, T2>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, object>> Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 MethodOfGeneric<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, object>> Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 MethodOfGeneric<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOfGeneric<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, object>> Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 MethodOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T MethodOf<T1, T2>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOf<T1, T2>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, object>> Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 MethodOf<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOf<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, object>> Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 MethodOf<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, object?>>) public static MethodInfo MethodOf<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, object>> Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 PropertyOf(Expression<Func<object?>>) public static PropertyInfo PropertyOf(Expression<Func<object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<object>> Returns PropertyInfo PropertyOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>>) public static PropertyInfo PropertyOf<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns PropertyInfo Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.SqlQueryDependentAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.SqlQueryDependentAttribute.html",
"title": "Class SqlQueryDependentAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlQueryDependentAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll Used for controlling query caching of custom SQL Functions. Parameter with this attribute will be evaluated on client side before generating SQL. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)] public class SqlQueryDependentAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute SqlQueryDependentAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived SqlQueryDependentParamsAttribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ExpressionsEqual<TContext>(TContext, Expression, Expression, Func<TContext, Expression, Expression, bool>) Compares two expressions during expression tree comparison. Has to be overriden if specific comparison required. public virtual bool ExpressionsEqual<TContext>(TContext context, Expression expr1, Expression expr2, Func<TContext, Expression, Expression, bool> comparer) Parameters context TContext expr1 Expression expr2 Expression comparer Func<TContext, Expression, Expression, bool> Default function for comparing expressions. Returns bool Result of comparison Type Parameters TContext ObjectsEqual(object?, object?) Compares two objects during expression tree comparison. Handles sequences also. Has to be overriden if specific comparison required. public virtual bool ObjectsEqual(object? obj1, object? obj2) Parameters obj1 object obj2 object Returns bool Result of comparison PrepareForCache(Expression) Used for preparation method argument to cached expression value. public virtual Expression PrepareForCache(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Expression for caching. Returns Expression Ready to cache expression. SplitExpression(Expression) Returns sub-expressions, if attribute applied to composite expression. Default (non-composite) implementation returns expression. public virtual IEnumerable<Expression> SplitExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Expression to split. Returns IEnumerable<Expression> Passed expression of sub-expressions for composite expression."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.SqlQueryDependentParamsAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.SqlQueryDependentParamsAttribute.html",
"title": "Class SqlQueryDependentParamsAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlQueryDependentParamsAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll Used for controlling query caching of custom SQL Functions. Parameter with this attribute will be evaluated on client side before generating SQL. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)] public class SqlQueryDependentParamsAttribute : SqlQueryDependentAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute SqlQueryDependentAttribute SqlQueryDependentParamsAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members SqlQueryDependentAttribute.ObjectsEqual(object, object) SqlQueryDependentAttribute.PrepareForCache(Expression) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ExpressionsEqual<TContext>(TContext, Expression, Expression, Func<TContext, Expression, Expression, bool>) Compares two expressions during expression tree comparison. Has to be overriden if specific comparison required. public override bool ExpressionsEqual<TContext>(TContext context, Expression expr1, Expression expr2, Func<TContext, Expression, Expression, bool> comparer) Parameters context TContext expr1 Expression expr2 Expression comparer Func<TContext, Expression, Expression, bool> Default function for comparing expressions. Returns bool Result of comparison Type Parameters TContext SplitExpression(Expression) Returns sub-expressions, if attribute applied to composite expression. Default (non-composite) implementation returns expression. public override IEnumerable<Expression> SplitExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Expression to split. Returns IEnumerable<Expression> Passed expression of sub-expressions for composite expression."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TransformInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TransformInfo.html",
"title": "Struct TransformInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct TransformInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public struct TransformInfo Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors TransformInfo(Expression) public TransformInfo(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression TransformInfo(Expression, bool) public TransformInfo(Expression expression, bool stop) Parameters expression Expression stop bool TransformInfo(Expression, bool, bool) public TransformInfo(Expression expression, bool stop, bool @continue) Parameters expression Expression stop bool continue bool Fields Continue public bool Continue Field Value bool Expression public Expression Expression Field Value Expression Stop public bool Stop Field Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeMapper.MemberBuilder-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeMapper.MemberBuilder-2.html",
"title": "Class TypeMapper.MemberBuilder<T, TV> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeMapper.MemberBuilder<T, TV> Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public class TypeMapper.MemberBuilder<T, TV> Type Parameters T TV Inheritance object TypeMapper.MemberBuilder<T, TV> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods BuildGetter<TBase>() public Func<TBase, TV> BuildGetter<TBase>() Returns Func<TBase, TV> Type Parameters TBase BuildSetter<TBase>() public Action<TBase, TV> BuildSetter<TBase>() Returns Action<TBase, TV> Type Parameters TBase"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeMapper.TypeBuilder-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeMapper.TypeBuilder-1.html",
"title": "Class TypeMapper.TypeBuilder<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeMapper.TypeBuilder<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public class TypeMapper.TypeBuilder<T> Type Parameters T Inheritance object TypeMapper.TypeBuilder<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Member<TV>(Expression<Func<T, TV>>) public TypeMapper.MemberBuilder<T, TV> Member<TV>(Expression<Func<T, TV>> memberExpression) Parameters memberExpression Expression<Func<T, TV>> Returns TypeMapper.MemberBuilder<T, TV> Type Parameters TV"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeMapper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeMapper.html",
"title": "Class TypeMapper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeMapper Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll Implements typed mappings support for dynamically loaded types. public sealed class TypeMapper Inheritance object TypeMapper Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods BuildAction(LambdaExpression) public Action BuildAction(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Action BuildAction<T>(LambdaExpression) public Action<T> BuildAction<T>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Action<T> Type Parameters T BuildAction<T1, T2>(LambdaExpression) public Action<T1, T2> BuildAction<T1, T2>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Action<T1, T2> Type Parameters T1 T2 BuildAction<T1, T2, T3>(LambdaExpression) public Action<T1, T2, T3> BuildAction<T1, T2, T3>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Action<T1, T2, T3> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 BuildAction<T1, T2, T3, T4>(LambdaExpression) public Action<T1, T2, T3, T4> BuildAction<T1, T2, T3, T4>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Action<T1, T2, T3, T4> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 BuildAction<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(LambdaExpression) public Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> BuildAction<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 BuildFactory<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>>) public Func<object> BuildFactory<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<TR>> Returns Func<object> Type Parameters TR BuildFactory<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>>) public Func<T, object> BuildFactory<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T, TR>> Returns Func<T, object> Type Parameters T TR BuildFactory<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>) public Func<T1, T2, object> BuildFactory<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> Returns Func<T1, T2, object> Type Parameters T1 T2 TR BuildFactory<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>) public Func<T1, T2, T3, object> BuildFactory<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, object> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR BuildFunc<TR>(LambdaExpression) public Func<TR> BuildFunc<TR>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Func<TR> Type Parameters TR BuildFunc<T, TR>(LambdaExpression) public Func<T, TR> BuildFunc<T, TR>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Func<T, TR> Type Parameters T TR BuildFunc<T1, T2, TR>(LambdaExpression) public Func<T1, T2, TR> BuildFunc<T1, T2, TR>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Func<T1, T2, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 TR BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, TR>(LambdaExpression) public Func<T1, T2, T3, TR> BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, TR>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(LambdaExpression) public Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR> BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(LambdaExpression) public Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR> BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>(LambdaExpression) public Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR> BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 TR BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR>(LambdaExpression) public Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR> BuildFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR>(LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters lambda LambdaExpression Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 TR BuildWrappedFactory<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>>) public Func<TR> BuildWrappedFactory<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<TR>> Returns Func<TR> Type Parameters TR BuildWrappedFactory<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>>) public Func<T, TR> BuildWrappedFactory<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T, TR>> Returns Func<T, TR> Type Parameters T TR BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>) public Func<T1, T2, TR> BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> Returns Func<T1, T2, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 TR BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>) public Func<T1, T2, T3, TR> BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>) public Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR> BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>) public Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR> BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>>) public Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR> BuildWrappedFactory<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>> newFunc) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters newFunc Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>> Returns Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 TR FinalizeMappings() public void FinalizeMappings() MapAction(Expression<Action>) public Expression MapAction(Expression<Action> action) Parameters action Expression<Action> Returns Expression MapActionLambda(Expression<Action>) public LambdaExpression MapActionLambda(Expression<Action> action) Parameters action Expression<Action> Returns LambdaExpression MapActionLambda<T>(Expression<Action<T>>) public LambdaExpression MapActionLambda<T>(Expression<Action<T>> action) Parameters action Expression<Action<T>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T MapActionLambda<T1, T2>(Expression<Action<T1, T2>>) public LambdaExpression MapActionLambda<T1, T2>(Expression<Action<T1, T2>> action) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 MapActionLambda<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>>) public LambdaExpression MapActionLambda<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>> action) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 MapActionLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>>) public LambdaExpression MapActionLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>> action) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 MapActionLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>>) public LambdaExpression MapActionLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>> action) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 MapAction<T>(Expression<Action<T>>, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T>(Expression<Action<T>> action, Expression p) Parameters action Expression<Action<T>> p Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T MapAction<T1, T2>(Expression<Action<T1, T2>>, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T1, T2>(Expression<Action<T1, T2>> action, Expression p1, Expression p2) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2>> p1 Expression p2 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 MapAction<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>>, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>> action, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 MapAction<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>>, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>> action, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3, Expression p4) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression p4 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 MapAction<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>>, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapAction<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>> action, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3, Expression p4, Expression p5) Parameters action Expression<Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression p4 Expression p5 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 MapExpression<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>>) public Expression MapExpression<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TR>> Returns Expression Type Parameters TR MapExpression<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>>, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>> func, Expression p) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, TR>> p Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T TR MapExpression<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> func, Expression p1, Expression p2) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> p1 Expression p2 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 TR MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> func, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> func, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3, Expression p4) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression p4 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression) public Expression MapExpression<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> func, Expression p1, Expression p2, Expression p3, Expression p4, Expression p5) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> p1 Expression p2 Expression p3 Expression p4 Expression p5 Expression Returns Expression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR MapLambda<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>>) public LambdaExpression MapLambda<T, TR>(Expression<Func<T, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T TR MapLambda<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>) public LambdaExpression MapLambda<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 TR MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>) public LambdaExpression MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>) public LambdaExpression MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>) public LambdaExpression MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>>) public LambdaExpression MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 TR MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR>>) public LambdaExpression MapLambda<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 TR RegisterTypeWrapper(Type, Type) public void RegisterTypeWrapper(Type wrapperType, Type originalType) Parameters wrapperType Type originalType Type RegisterTypeWrapper<TWrapper>(Type) public void RegisterTypeWrapper<TWrapper>(Type originalType) Parameters originalType Type Type Parameters TWrapper Type<T>() public TypeMapper.TypeBuilder<T> Type<T>() Returns TypeMapper.TypeBuilder<T> Type Parameters T WrapTask<TR>(Task, Type, CancellationToken) public Task<TR?> WrapTask<TR>(Task instanceTask, Type instanceType, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters instanceTask Task instanceType Type cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<TR> Type Parameters TR Wrap<TR>(object?) public TR? Wrap<TR>(object? instance) where TR : TypeWrapper Parameters instance object Returns TR Type Parameters TR"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeWrapper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeWrapper.html",
"title": "Class TypeWrapper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeWrapper Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll Implements base class for typed wrappers over provider-specific type. public class TypeWrapper Inheritance object TypeWrapper Derived ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnSettings ClickHouseProviderAdapter.OctonicaWrappers.ClickHouseColumnWriter DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopy DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2Connection DB2ProviderAdapter.DB2RowsCopiedEventArgs InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopy InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMapping InformixProviderAdapter.IfxBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection InformixProviderAdapter.IfxRowsCopiedEventArgs NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlBinaryImporter NpgsqlProviderAdapter.NpgsqlConnection SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopy SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMapping SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection SapHanaProviderAdapter.HanaRowsCopiedEventArgs SqlCeProviderAdapter.SqlCeEngine SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopy SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnection SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlConnectionStringBuilder SqlServerProviderAdapter.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopy SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMapping SybaseProviderAdapter.AseBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection SybaseProviderAdapter.AseRowsCopiedEventArgs Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors TypeWrapper() This constructor is never called and used only as base constructor for constructor signatures in child class. protected TypeWrapper() TypeWrapper(object, Delegate[]?) This is real constructor for wrapper class. protected TypeWrapper(object instance, Delegate[]? wrappers) Parameters instance object Instance of wrapped provider-specific type. wrappers Delegate[] Built delegates for wrapper to call base wrapped type functionality. Properties CompiledWrappers Provides access to delegates, created from expressions, defined in wrapper class using following property and type mappings, configured for TypeMapper: private static IEumerable<T> Wrappers { get; } where T could be LambdaExpression or Tuple<LambdaExpression, bool> . Boolean flag means that mapping expression compilation allowed to fail if it is set to true. This could be used to map optional API, that present only in specific versions of provider. If wrapper doesn't need any wrapper delegates, this property could be ommited. protected Delegate[] CompiledWrappers { get; } Property Value Delegate[] instance_ Gets underlying provider-specific object, used by wrapper. public object instance_ { get; } Property Value object Methods PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>>) Creates property setter expression from property getter. Limitation: property should have getter. protected static Expression<Action<TI, TP>> PropertySetter<TI, TP>(Expression<Func<TI, TP>> getter) Parameters getter Expression<Func<TI, TP>> Returns Expression<Action<TI, TP>> Type Parameters TI TP"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeWrapperNameAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.TypeWrapperNameAttribute.html",
"title": "Class TypeWrapperNameAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeWrapperNameAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)] public class TypeWrapperNameAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute TypeWrapperNameAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors TypeWrapperNameAttribute(string) public TypeWrapperNameAttribute(string name) Parameters name string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ValueTaskToTaskMapper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.ValueTaskToTaskMapper.html",
"title": "Class ValueTaskToTaskMapper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ValueTaskToTaskMapper Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll public class ValueTaskToTaskMapper : ICustomMapper Inheritance object ValueTaskToTaskMapper Implements ICustomMapper Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.WrapperAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.WrapperAttribute.html",
"title": "Class WrapperAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WrapperAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Assembly linq2db.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Struct|AttributeTargets.Enum|AttributeTargets.Interface|AttributeTargets.Delegate)] public class WrapperAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute WrapperAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors WrapperAttribute() public WrapperAttribute() WrapperAttribute(string) public WrapperAttribute(string typeName) Parameters typeName string Properties TypeName public string? TypeName { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Expressions.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Expressions Classes CustomMapperAttribute DefaultValueExpression ExpressionEvaluator Internal API. ExpressionExtensions ExpressionGenerator ExpressionHelper ExpressionInstances Contains pre-created instances of ConstantExpression object for often used constants. Using those instances we avoid unnecessary allocations of same constant instances and avoid boxing for value constants (e.g. booleans, integers). IsQueryableAttribute Used to define queryable members. MemberHelper SqlQueryDependentAttribute Used for controlling query caching of custom SQL Functions. Parameter with this attribute will be evaluated on client side before generating SQL. SqlQueryDependentParamsAttribute Used for controlling query caching of custom SQL Functions. Parameter with this attribute will be evaluated on client side before generating SQL. TypeMapper Implements typed mappings support for dynamically loaded types. TypeMapper.MemberBuilder<T, TV> TypeMapper.TypeBuilder<T> TypeWrapper Implements base class for typed wrappers over provider-specific type. TypeWrapperNameAttribute ValueTaskToTaskMapper WrapperAttribute Structs MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType TransformInfo Interfaces ICustomMapper IGenericInfoProvider Generic conversions provider. Implementation class must be generic, as type parameters will be used for conversion initialization in SetInfo(MappingSchema) method. // this conversion provider adds conversion from IEnumerable<T> to ImmutableList<T> for specific T type parameter class EnumerableToImmutableListConvertProvider<T> : IGenericInfoProvider { public void SetInfo(MappingSchema mappingSchema) { mappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<IEnumerable<T>,ImmutableList<T>>( t => ImmutableList.Create(t.ToArray())); } } SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) for more details."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ExtensionBuilderExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ExtensionBuilderExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ExtensionBuilderExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExtensionBuilderExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ExtensionBuilderExtensions Inheritance object ExtensionBuilderExtensions Methods Add(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) public static ISqlExpression Add(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression left, ISqlExpression right, Type type) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder left ISqlExpression right ISqlExpression type Type Returns ISqlExpression Add(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) public static ISqlExpression Add(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression left, int value) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder left ISqlExpression value int Returns ISqlExpression AddExpression(ISqExtensionBuilder, string, string) public static Sql.SqlExtensionParam AddExpression(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, string name, string expr) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder name string expr string Returns Sql.SqlExtensionParam AddParameter(ISqExtensionBuilder, string, string) public static Sql.SqlExtensionParam AddParameter(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, string name, string value) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder name string value string Returns Sql.SqlExtensionParam Add<T>(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public static ISqlExpression Add<T>(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression left, ISqlExpression right) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder left ISqlExpression right ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T Dec(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression) public static ISqlExpression Dec(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression expr) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder expr ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Div(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) public static ISqlExpression Div(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2, Type type) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression type Type Returns ISqlExpression Div(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) public static ISqlExpression Div(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression expr1, int value) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder expr1 ISqlExpression value int Returns ISqlExpression Div<T>(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public static ISqlExpression Div<T>(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T Inc(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression) public static ISqlExpression Inc(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression expr) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder expr ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Mul(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) public static ISqlExpression Mul(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression left, ISqlExpression right, Type type) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder left ISqlExpression right ISqlExpression type Type Returns ISqlExpression Mul(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) public static ISqlExpression Mul(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression expr1, int value) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder expr1 ISqlExpression value int Returns ISqlExpression Mul<T>(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public static ISqlExpression Mul<T>(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression left, ISqlExpression right) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder left ISqlExpression right ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T Sub(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) public static ISqlExpression Sub(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression left, ISqlExpression right, Type type) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder left ISqlExpression right ISqlExpression type Type Returns ISqlExpression Sub(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) public static ISqlExpression Sub(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression left, int value) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder left ISqlExpression value int Returns ISqlExpression Sub<T>(ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public static ISqlExpression Sub<T>(this Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder, ISqlExpression left, ISqlExpression right) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder left ISqlExpression right ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Extensions.AttributesExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Extensions.AttributesExtensions.html",
"title": "Class AttributesExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AttributesExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Extensions Assembly linq2db.dll public static class AttributesExtensions Inheritance object AttributesExtensions Methods GetAttribute<T>(ICustomAttributeProvider, bool) Retrieves first custom attribute applied to a type or type member. If there are multiple attributes found and inherit set to true, attribute from source preferred. public static T? GetAttribute<T>(this ICustomAttributeProvider source, bool inherit = true) where T : Attribute Parameters source ICustomAttributeProvider An attribute owner. inherit bool When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute. Returns T A reference to the first custom attribute of type T that is applied to element, or null if there is no such attribute. Type Parameters T The type of attribute to search for. Only attributes that are assignable to this type are returned. GetAttributes<T>(ICustomAttributeProvider, bool) Returns a list of custom attributes applied to a type or type member. If there are multiple attributes found and inherit set to true, attributes ordered from current to base type in inheritance hierarchy. public static T[] GetAttributes<T>(this ICustomAttributeProvider source, bool inherit = true) where T : Attribute Parameters source ICustomAttributeProvider An attribute owner. inherit bool When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute. Returns T[] A list of custom attributes applied to this type, or a list with zero (0) elements if no attributes have been applied. Type Parameters T The type of attribute to search for. Only attributes that are assignable to this type are returned. HasAttribute<T>(ICustomAttributeProvider, bool) Check if attribute that implements T type exists on source. public static bool HasAttribute<T>(this ICustomAttributeProvider source, bool inherit = true) where T : Attribute Parameters source ICustomAttributeProvider An attribute owner. inherit bool When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute. Returns bool Returns true if at least one attribute found. Type Parameters T The type of attribute to search for. Only attributes that are assignable to this type are covered."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Extensions.ReflectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Extensions.ReflectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ReflectionExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ReflectionExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Extensions Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ReflectionExtensions Inheritance object ReflectionExtensions Methods AsNullable(Type) Wraps type into Nullable<T> class. public static Type AsNullable(this Type type) Parameters type Type Value type to wrap. Must be value type (except Nullable<T> itself). Returns Type Type, wrapped by Nullable<T>. CanConvertTo(Type, Type) public static bool CanConvertTo(this Type fromType, Type toType) Parameters fromType Type toType Type Returns bool EqualsTo(MemberInfo?, MemberInfo?, Type?) public static bool EqualsTo(this MemberInfo? member1, MemberInfo? member2, Type? declaringType = null) Parameters member1 MemberInfo member2 MemberInfo declaringType Type Returns bool GetDefaultConstructorEx(Type) public static ConstructorInfo? GetDefaultConstructorEx(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns ConstructorInfo GetDefaultValue(Type) public static object? GetDefaultValue(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns object GetDefiningTypes(Type, MemberInfo) public static IEnumerable<Type> GetDefiningTypes(this Type child, MemberInfo member) Parameters child Type member MemberInfo Returns IEnumerable<Type> GetEventEx(Type, string) public static EventInfo? GetEventEx(this Type type, string eventName) Parameters type Type eventName string Returns EventInfo GetGenericArguments(Type, Type) Returns an array of Type objects that represent the type arguments of a generic type or the type parameters of a generic type definition. public static Type[]? GetGenericArguments(this Type type, Type baseType) Parameters type Type A Type instance. baseType Type Non generic base type. Returns Type[] An array of Type objects that represent the type arguments of a generic type. Returns an empty array if the current type is not a generic type. GetGenericType(Type, Type) public static Type? GetGenericType(this Type genericType, Type type) Parameters genericType Type type Type Returns Type GetInstanceMemberEx(Type, string) public static MemberInfo[] GetInstanceMemberEx(this Type type, string name) Parameters type Type name string Returns MemberInfo[] GetInterfaceMapEx(Type, Type) public static InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMapEx(this Type type, Type interfaceType) Parameters type Type interfaceType Type Returns InterfaceMapping GetItemType(Type?) public static Type? GetItemType(this Type? type) Parameters type Type Returns Type GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) Gets the Type of a list item. public static Type GetListItemType(this IEnumerable? list) Parameters list IEnumerable A object instance. Returns Type The Type instance that represents the exact runtime type of a list item. GetListItemType(Type) Gets the Type of a list item. public static Type GetListItemType(this Type listType) Parameters listType Type A Type instance. Returns Type The Type instance that represents the exact runtime type of a list item. GetMemberEx(Type, MemberInfo) Returns MemberInfo of type described by memberInfo It us useful when member's declared and reflected types are not the same. public static MemberInfo? GetMemberEx(this Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type Type to find member info memberInfo MemberInfo MemberInfo Returns MemberInfo MemberInfo or null Remarks This method searches only properties, fields and methods GetMemberType(MemberInfo) public static Type GetMemberType(this MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo Returns Type GetMethodEx(Type, string) public static MethodInfo? GetMethodEx(this Type type, string name) Parameters type Type name string Returns MethodInfo GetMethodEx(Type, string, int, params Type[]) Gets generic method. public static MethodInfo? GetMethodEx(this Type type, string name, int genericParametersCount, params Type[] types) Parameters type Type name string genericParametersCount int types Type[] Returns MethodInfo GetMethodEx(Type, string, params Type[]) public static MethodInfo? GetMethodEx(this Type type, string name, params Type[] types) Parameters type Type name string types Type[] Returns MethodInfo GetMethodEx(Type, Type, string, params Type[]) Gets method by name, input parameters and return type. Usefull for method overloads by return type, like op_Explicit/op_Implicit conversions. public static MethodInfo? GetMethodEx(this Type type, Type returnType, string name, params Type[] types) Parameters type Type returnType Type name string types Type[] Returns MethodInfo GetNonPublicPropertiesEx(Type) public static PropertyInfo[] GetNonPublicPropertiesEx(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns PropertyInfo[] GetPropertiesEx(Type) public static PropertyInfo[] GetPropertiesEx(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns PropertyInfo[] GetPropertyInfo(MethodInfo?) public static PropertyInfo? GetPropertyInfo(this MethodInfo? method) Parameters method MethodInfo Returns PropertyInfo GetPublicInstanceMembersEx(Type) public static MemberInfo[] GetPublicInstanceMembersEx(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns MemberInfo[] GetPublicInstanceMethodEx(Type, string, params Type[]) public static MethodInfo? GetPublicInstanceMethodEx(this Type type, string name, params Type[] types) Parameters type Type name string types Type[] Returns MethodInfo GetPublicInstanceValueMembers(Type) public static MemberInfo[] GetPublicInstanceValueMembers(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns MemberInfo[] GetPublicMemberEx(Type, string) public static MemberInfo[] GetPublicMemberEx(this Type type, string name) Parameters type Type name string Returns MemberInfo[] GetStaticMembersEx(Type, string) public static MemberInfo[] GetStaticMembersEx(this Type type, string name) Parameters type Type name string Returns MemberInfo[] GetTypeCodeEx(Type) public static TypeCode GetTypeCodeEx(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns TypeCode IsAnonymous(Type) public static bool IsAnonymous(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns bool IsDynamicColumnPropertyEx(MemberInfo) Determines whether member info is dynamic column property. public static bool IsDynamicColumnPropertyEx(this MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo The member information. Returns bool true if member info is dynamic column property; otherwise, false. IsEnumerableTType(Type, Type) public static bool IsEnumerableTType(this Type type, Type elementType) Parameters type Type elementType Type Returns bool IsFieldEx(MemberInfo) public static bool IsFieldEx(this MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo Returns bool IsFloatType(Type) public static bool IsFloatType(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns bool IsGenericEnumerableType(Type) public static bool IsGenericEnumerableType(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns bool IsIntegerType(Type) public static bool IsIntegerType(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns bool IsMethodEx(MemberInfo) public static bool IsMethodEx(this MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo Returns bool IsNullable(Type) Returns true, if type is Nullable<T> type. public static bool IsNullable(this Type type) Parameters type Type A Type instance. Returns bool true, if type represents Nullable<T> type; otherwise, false. IsNullableGetValueOrDefault(MemberInfo) public static bool IsNullableGetValueOrDefault(this MemberInfo member) Parameters member MemberInfo Returns bool IsNullableHasValueMember(MemberInfo) public static bool IsNullableHasValueMember(this MemberInfo member) Parameters member MemberInfo Returns bool IsNullableValueMember(MemberInfo) public static bool IsNullableValueMember(this MemberInfo member) Parameters member MemberInfo Returns bool IsPropertyEx(MemberInfo) public static bool IsPropertyEx(this MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo Returns bool IsSameOrParentOf(Type, Type) Determines whether the specified types are considered equal. public static bool IsSameOrParentOf(this Type parent, Type child) Parameters parent Type A Type instance. child Type A type possible derived from the parent type Returns bool True, when an object instance of the type child can be used as an object of the type parent; otherwise, false. Remarks Note that nullable types does not have a parent-child relation to it's underlying type. For example, the 'int?' type (nullable int) and the 'int' type aren't a parent and it's child. IsScalar(Type, bool) Gets a value indicating whether a type can be used as a db primitive. public static bool IsScalar(this Type type, bool checkArrayElementType = true) Parameters type Type A Type instance. checkArrayElementType bool True if needed to check element type for arrays Returns bool True, if the type parameter is a primitive type; otherwise, False. Remarks string. Stream. XmlReader. XmlDocument. are specially handled by the library and, therefore, can be treated as scalar types. IsSqlPropertyMethodEx(MemberInfo) Determines whether member info represent a Sql.Property method. public static bool IsSqlPropertyMethodEx(this MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo The member information. Returns bool true if member info is Sql.Property method; otherwise, false. IsSubClassOf(Type, Type) Determines whether the type derives from the specified check. public static bool IsSubClassOf(this Type type, Type check) Parameters type Type The type to test. check Type The type to compare with. Returns bool true if the type derives from check; otherwise, false. Remarks This method also returns false if type and the check are equal. ToNullableUnderlying(Type) public static Type ToNullableUnderlying(this Type type) Parameters type Type Returns Type ToUnderlying(Type) Returns the underlying type argument of the specified type. public static Type ToUnderlying(this Type type) Parameters type Type A Type instance. Returns Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Extensions.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Extensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Extensions Classes AttributesExtensions ReflectionExtensions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.IDataContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.IDataContext.html",
"title": "Interface IDataContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IDataContext Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Database connection abstraction interface. public interface IDataContext : IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members IConfigurationID.ConfigurationID IDisposable.Dispose() IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync() Extension Methods LoggingExtensions.GetTraceSwitch(IDataContext) LoggingExtensions.WriteTraceLine(IDataContext, string, string, TraceLevel) ConcurrencyExtensions.DeleteOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) ConcurrencyExtensions.DeleteOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) ConcurrencyExtensions.UpdateOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) ConcurrencyExtensions.UpdateOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>>) DataExtensions.CreateTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.Delete<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]) DataExtensions.GetCte<T>(IDataContext, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>, string?) DataExtensions.GetCte<T>(IDataContext, string?, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>) DataExtensions.GetTable<T>(IDataContext) DataExtensions.GetTable<T>(IDataContext, object?, MethodInfo, params object?[]) DataExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.SelectQuery<TEntity>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TEntity>>) DataExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.Update<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, Func<string>) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, string) LinqExtensions.Into<T>(IDataContext, ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.SelectAsync<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.Select<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CloseAfterUse Gets or sets flag to close context after query execution or leave it open. bool CloseAfterUse { get; set; } Property Value bool ConfigurationString Gets initial value for database connection configuration name. string? ConfigurationString { get; } Property Value string ContextName Provider identifier. string ContextName { get; } Property Value string CreateSqlProvider Gets SQL builder service factory method for current context data provider. Func<ISqlBuilder> CreateSqlProvider { get; } Property Value Func<ISqlBuilder> DataReaderType Gets data reader implementation type for current context data provider. Type DataReaderType { get; } Property Value Type GetSqlOptimizer Gets SQL optimizer service factory method for current context data provider. Func<DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer> GetSqlOptimizer { get; } Property Value Func<DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer> InlineParameters Gets or sets option to force inline parameter values as literals into command text. If parameter inlining not supported for specific value type, it will be used as parameter. bool InlineParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool MappingSchema Gets mapping schema, used for current context. MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema NextQueryHints Gets list of query hints (writable collection), that will be used only for next query, executed using current context. List<string> NextQueryHints { get; } Property Value List<string> Options Current DataContext LINQ options DataOptions Options { get; } Property Value DataOptions QueryHints Gets list of query hints (writable collection), that will be used for all queries, executed using current context. List<string> QueryHints { get; } Property Value List<string> SqlProviderFlags Gets SQL support flags for current context data provider. SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags { get; } Property Value SqlProviderFlags SupportedTableOptions Gets supported table options for current context data provider. TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor? UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor { get; } Property Value IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor Methods AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) Adds interceptor instance to context. void AddInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor Interceptor. Clone(bool) Clones current context. IDataContext Clone(bool forNestedQuery) Parameters forNestedQuery bool Returns IDataContext Cloned context. Close() Closes context connection and disposes underlying resources. void Close() CloseAsync() Closes context connection and disposes underlying resources. Task CloseAsync() Returns Task GetQueryRunner(Query, int, Expression, object?[]?, object?[]?) Returns query runner service for current context. IQueryRunner GetQueryRunner(Query query, int queryNumber, Expression expression, object?[]? parameters, object?[]? preambles) Parameters query Query Query batch object. queryNumber int Index of query in query batch. expression Expression Query results mapping expression. parameters object[] Query parameters. preambles object[] Query preambles Returns IQueryRunner Query runner service. GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader, int, Expression, Type) Returns column value reader expression. Expression GetReaderExpression(DbDataReader reader, int idx, Expression readerExpression, Type toType) Parameters reader DbDataReader Data reader instance. idx int Column index. readerExpression Expression Data reader accessor expression. toType Type Expected value type. Returns Expression Column read expression. IsDBNullAllowed(DbDataReader, int) Returns true, of data reader column could contain DBNull value. bool? IsDBNullAllowed(DbDataReader reader, int idx) Parameters reader DbDataReader Data reader instance. idx int Column index. Returns bool? true or null if column could contain DBNull. RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) Removes interceptor instance from context. void RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor Interceptor."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.IExtensionsAdapter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.IExtensionsAdapter.html",
"title": "Interface IExtensionsAdapter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IExtensionsAdapter Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Interface to override default implementation of LINQ To DB async operations. public interface IExtensionsAdapter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Task<bool> AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Task<bool> AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<bool> AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Returns IAsyncEnumerable<TSource> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) Task<decimal> AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> AverageAsync(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<double> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<int> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<long> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) Task<decimal?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) Task<float?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> AverageAsync(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) Task<float> AverageAsync(IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<float> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) Task<decimal> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) Task<double> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) Task<decimal?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) Task<double?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) Task<float?> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> Type Parameters TSource AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) Task<float> AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> Type Parameters TSource ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) Task<bool> ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, TSource item, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> item TSource token CancellationToken Returns Task<bool> Type Parameters TSource CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Task<int> CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<int> CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource> FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource> FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource?> FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Action<TSource> action, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> action Action<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task Type Parameters TSource LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Task<long> LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<long> LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource?> MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) Task<TResult?> MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> Type Parameters TSource TResult MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource?> MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) Task<TResult?> MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TResult> Type Parameters TSource TResult SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource> SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource> SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource?> SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal>, CancellationToken) Task<decimal> SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> SumAsync(IQueryable<double>, CancellationToken) Task<double> SumAsync(IQueryable<double> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<double> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> SumAsync(IQueryable<int>, CancellationToken) Task<int> SumAsync(IQueryable<int> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<int> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> SumAsync(IQueryable<long>, CancellationToken) Task<long> SumAsync(IQueryable<long> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<long> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal?>, CancellationToken) Task<decimal?> SumAsync(IQueryable<decimal?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<decimal?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> SumAsync(IQueryable<double?>, CancellationToken) Task<double?> SumAsync(IQueryable<double?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<double?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> SumAsync(IQueryable<int?>, CancellationToken) Task<int?> SumAsync(IQueryable<int?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<int?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int?> SumAsync(IQueryable<long?>, CancellationToken) Task<long?> SumAsync(IQueryable<long?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<long?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long?> SumAsync(IQueryable<float?>, CancellationToken) Task<float?> SumAsync(IQueryable<float?> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<float?> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> SumAsync(IQueryable<float>, CancellationToken) Task<float> SumAsync(IQueryable<float> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<float> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) Task<decimal> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) Task<double> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) Task<int> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) Task<long> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) Task<decimal?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<decimal?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) Task<double?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, double?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<double?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) Task<int?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, int?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<int?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) Task<long?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, long?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<long?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) Task<float?> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float?>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float?> Type Parameters TSource SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) Task<float> SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, float>> selector, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> selector Expression<Func<TSource, float>> token CancellationToken Returns Task<float> Type Parameters TSource ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<TSource[]> ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<TSource[]> Type Parameters TSource ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, CancellationToken token) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> token CancellationToken Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> Type Parameters TSource TKey ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, CancellationToken token) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> token CancellationToken Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TSource>> Type Parameters TSource TKey ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer, CancellationToken token) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> comparer IEqualityComparer<TKey> token CancellationToken Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> Type Parameters TSource TKey TElement ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector, Func<TSource, TElement> elementSelector, CancellationToken token) where TKey : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> keySelector Func<TSource, TKey> elementSelector Func<TSource, TElement> token CancellationToken Returns Task<Dictionary<TKey, TElement>> Type Parameters TSource TKey TElement ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Task<List<TSource>> ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> token CancellationToken Returns Task<List<TSource>> Type Parameters TSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ILoadWithQueryable-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ILoadWithQueryable-2.html",
"title": "Interface ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Provides support for queryable LoadWith/ThenLoad chaining operators. public interface ILoadWithQueryable<out TEntity, out TProperty> : IQueryable<TEntity>, IEnumerable<TEntity>, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IAsyncEnumerable<TEntity> Type Parameters TEntity The entity type. TProperty The property type. Inherited Members IEnumerable<TEntity>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.Expression IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IAsyncEnumerable<TEntity>.GetAsyncEnumerator(CancellationToken) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ITable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ITable-1.html",
"title": "Interface ITable<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ITable<T> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Table-like queryable source, e.g. table, view or table-valued function. public interface ITable<out T> : IExpressionQuery<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery where T : notnull Type Parameters T Record mapping type. Inherited Members IExpressionQuery<T>.Expression IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>) Properties DatabaseName string? DatabaseName { get; } Property Value string SchemaName string? SchemaName { get; } Property Value string ServerName string? ServerName { get; } Property Value string TableID string? TableID { get; } Property Value string TableName string TableName { get; } Property Value string TableOptions TableOptions TableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ITableMutable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ITableMutable-1.html",
"title": "Interface ITableMutable<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ITableMutable<T> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public interface ITableMutable<out T> where T : notnull Type Parameters T Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ChangeDatabaseName(string?) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. ITable<out T> ChangeDatabaseName(string? databaseName) Parameters databaseName string Returns ITable<T> ChangeSchemaName(string?) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. ITable<out T> ChangeSchemaName(string? schemaName) Parameters schemaName string Returns ITable<T> ChangeServerName(string?) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. ITable<out T> ChangeServerName(string? serverName) Parameters serverName string Returns ITable<T> ChangeTableID(string?) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. ITable<out T> ChangeTableID(string? tableID) Parameters tableID string Returns ITable<T> ChangeTableName(string) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. ITable<out T> ChangeTableName(string tableName) Parameters tableName string Returns ITable<T> ChangeTableOptions(TableOptions) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. ITable<out T> ChangeTableOptions(TableOptions options) Parameters options TableOptions Returns ITable<T>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.InsertColumnFilter-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.InsertColumnFilter-1.html",
"title": "Delegate InsertColumnFilter<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate InsertColumnFilter<T> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Defines signature for column filter for insert operations. public delegate bool InsertColumnFilter<T>(T entity, ColumnDescriptor column) Parameters entity T Entity instance. column ColumnDescriptor Descriptor of column. Returns bool true, if column should be included in operation and false otherwise. Type Parameters T Entity type. Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter-1.html",
"title": "Delegate InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Defines signature for column filter for insert or update/replace operations. public delegate bool InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>(T entity, ColumnDescriptor column, bool isInsert) Parameters entity T Entity instance. column ColumnDescriptor Descriptor of column. isInsert bool If true, filter applied to insert operation, otherwise to update/replace. Returns bool true, if column should be included in operation and false otherwise. Type Parameters T Entity type. Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.InterceptorExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.InterceptorExtensions.html",
"title": "Class InterceptorExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InterceptorExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Contains extensions that add one-time interceptors to connection. public static class InterceptorExtensions Inheritance object InterceptorExtensions Methods OnNextCommandInitialized(DataConnection, Func<CommandEventData, DbCommand, DbCommand>) Adds CommandInitialized(CommandEventData, DbCommand) interceptor, fired on next command only. public static void OnNextCommandInitialized(this DataConnection dataConnection, Func<CommandEventData, DbCommand, DbCommand> onCommandInitialized) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection to apply interceptor to. onCommandInitialized Func<CommandEventData, DbCommand, DbCommand> Interceptor delegate. OnNextCommandInitialized(DataContext, Func<CommandEventData, DbCommand, DbCommand>) Adds CommandInitialized(CommandEventData, DbCommand) interceptor, fired on next command only. public static void OnNextCommandInitialized(this DataContext dataContext, Func<CommandEventData, DbCommand, DbCommand> onCommandInitialized) Parameters dataContext DataContext Data context to apply interceptor to. onCommandInitialized Func<CommandEventData, DbCommand, DbCommand> Interceptor delegate."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.CommandEventData.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.CommandEventData.html",
"title": "Struct CommandEventData | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct CommandEventData Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll Event arguments for ICommandInterceptor events. public readonly struct CommandEventData Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataConnection Gets data connection associated with event. public DataConnection DataConnection { get; } Property Value DataConnection"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.CommandInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.CommandInterceptor.html",
"title": "Class CommandInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CommandInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class CommandInterceptor : ICommandInterceptor, IInterceptor Inheritance object CommandInterceptor Implements ICommandInterceptor IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods AfterExecuteReader(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, DbDataReader) Event, triggered after command execution using ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) or ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) methods. public virtual void AfterExecuteReader(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Executed command. commandBehavior CommandBehavior Behavior, used for command execution. dataReader DbDataReader DbDataReader instance, returned by ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) or ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) methods. BeforeReaderDispose(CommandEventData, DbCommand?, DbDataReader) Event, triggered after all data is consumed from DbDataReader before Dispose() call. public virtual void BeforeReaderDispose(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand? command, DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Executed command. Could be null. dataReader DbDataReader DbDataReader instance. BeforeReaderDisposeAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand?, DbDataReader) Event, triggered after all data is consumed from DbDataReader before DisposeAsync call. public virtual Task BeforeReaderDisposeAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand? command, DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Executed command. Could be null. dataReader DbDataReader DbDataReader instance. Returns Task CommandInitialized(CommandEventData, DbCommand) Event, triggered after command prepared for execution with both command text and parameters set. public virtual DbCommand CommandInitialized(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Initialized command instance. Returns DbCommand Returns command instance for execution. ExecuteNonQuery(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<int>) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteNonQuery() method. public virtual Option<int> ExecuteNonQuery(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<int> result) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. result Option<int> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. Returns Option<int> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<int>, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) method. public virtual Task<Option<int>> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<int> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. result Option<int> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task<Option<int>> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteReader(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader>) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) method. public virtual Option<DbDataReader> ExecuteReader(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader> result) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. commandBehavior CommandBehavior Behavior, used for command execution. result Option<DbDataReader> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. Returns Option<DbDataReader> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader>, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) method. public virtual Task<Option<DbDataReader>> ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. commandBehavior CommandBehavior Behavior, used for command execution. result Option<DbDataReader> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task<Option<DbDataReader>> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteScalar(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<object?>) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteScalar() method. public virtual Option<object?> ExecuteScalar(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<object?> result) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. result Option<object> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. Returns Option<object> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteScalarAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<object?>, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) method. public virtual Task<Option<object?>> ExecuteScalarAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<object?> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. result Option<object> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task<Option<object>> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.ConnectionEventData.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.ConnectionEventData.html",
"title": "Struct ConnectionEventData | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct ConnectionEventData Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll Event arguments for IConnectionInterceptor events. public readonly struct ConnectionEventData Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataConnection Gets data connection associated with event. Could be null when used for connections, created not from DataConnection. E.g. in provider detection logic or for some databases in bulk copy code. public DataConnection? DataConnection { get; } Property Value DataConnection"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.ConnectionInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.ConnectionInterceptor.html",
"title": "Class ConnectionInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConnectionInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class ConnectionInterceptor : IConnectionInterceptor, IInterceptor Inheritance object ConnectionInterceptor Implements IConnectionInterceptor IInterceptor Derived ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) Event, triggered after connection opened. public virtual void ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) Event, triggered after connection opened asynchronously. public virtual Task ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) Event, triggered before connection open. public virtual void ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before asynchronous connection open. public virtual Task ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor.html",
"title": "Class ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor : ConnectionInterceptor, IConnectionInterceptor, IInterceptor Inheritance object ConnectionInterceptor ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor Implements IConnectionInterceptor IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) Event, triggered after connection opened. public override void ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) Event, triggered after connection opened asynchronously. public override Task ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) Event, triggered before connection open. public override void ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before asynchronous connection open. public override Task ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.DataContextEventData.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.DataContextEventData.html",
"title": "Struct DataContextEventData | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct DataContextEventData Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll Event arguments for IDataContextInterceptor events. public readonly struct DataContextEventData Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Context Gets data context, associated with event. public IDataContext Context { get; } Property Value IDataContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.DataContextInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.DataContextInterceptor.html",
"title": "Class DataContextInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataContextInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class DataContextInterceptor : IDataContextInterceptor, IInterceptor Inheritance object DataContextInterceptor Implements IDataContextInterceptor IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods OnClosed(DataContextEventData) Event, triggered after IDataContext instance closed by Close() call. public virtual void OnClosed(DataContextEventData eventData) Parameters eventData DataContextEventData Additional data for event. OnClosedAsync(DataContextEventData) Event, triggered after IDataContext instance closed by CloseAsync() call. public virtual Task OnClosedAsync(DataContextEventData eventData) Parameters eventData DataContextEventData Additional data for event. Returns Task OnClosing(DataContextEventData) Event, triggered before IDataContext instance closed by Close() call. public virtual void OnClosing(DataContextEventData eventData) Parameters eventData DataContextEventData Additional data for event. OnClosingAsync(DataContextEventData) Event, triggered before IDataContext instance closed by CloseAsync() call. public virtual Task OnClosingAsync(DataContextEventData eventData) Parameters eventData DataContextEventData Additional data for event. Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.EntityCreatedEventData.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.EntityCreatedEventData.html",
"title": "Struct EntityCreatedEventData | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct EntityCreatedEventData Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll Event arguments for EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData, object) event. public readonly struct EntityCreatedEventData Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Context Gets data context, associated with event. public IDataContext Context { get; } Property Value IDataContext DatabaseName Gets entity database name. public string? DatabaseName { get; } Property Value string SchemaName Gets entity schema name. public string? SchemaName { get; } Property Value string ServerName Gets entity linked server name. public string? ServerName { get; } Property Value string TableName Gets entity table name. public string? TableName { get; } Property Value string TableOptions Gets entity table options. public TableOptions TableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.EntityServiceInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.EntityServiceInterceptor.html",
"title": "Class EntityServiceInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EntityServiceInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class EntityServiceInterceptor : IEntityServiceInterceptor, IInterceptor Inheritance object EntityServiceInterceptor Implements IEntityServiceInterceptor IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData, object) Event, triggered when a new entity is created during query materialization. Not triggered for explicitly constructed objects. In code below event could be triggered only for first query: // r created by linq2db implicitly from r in db.table select r; // Entity constructor call specified explicitly by user (projection) from r in db.table select new Entity() { field = r.field }; . public virtual object EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData eventData, object entity) Parameters eventData EntityCreatedEventData Additional data for event. entity object Materialized entity instance. Returns object Returns entity instance."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.ICommandInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.ICommandInterceptor.html",
"title": "Interface ICommandInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ICommandInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ICommandInterceptor : IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods AfterExecuteReader(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, DbDataReader) Event, triggered after command execution using ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) or ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) methods. void AfterExecuteReader(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Executed command. commandBehavior CommandBehavior Behavior, used for command execution. dataReader DbDataReader DbDataReader instance, returned by ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) or ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) methods. BeforeReaderDispose(CommandEventData, DbCommand?, DbDataReader) Event, triggered after all data is consumed from DbDataReader before Dispose() call. void BeforeReaderDispose(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand? command, DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Executed command. Could be null. dataReader DbDataReader DbDataReader instance. BeforeReaderDisposeAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand?, DbDataReader) Event, triggered after all data is consumed from DbDataReader before DisposeAsync call. Task BeforeReaderDisposeAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand? command, DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Executed command. Could be null. dataReader DbDataReader DbDataReader instance. Returns Task CommandInitialized(CommandEventData, DbCommand) Event, triggered after command prepared for execution with both command text and parameters set. DbCommand CommandInitialized(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Initialized command instance. Returns DbCommand Returns command instance for execution. ExecuteNonQuery(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<int>) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteNonQuery() method. Option<int> ExecuteNonQuery(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<int> result) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. result Option<int> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. Returns Option<int> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<int>, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) method. Task<Option<int>> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<int> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. result Option<int> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task<Option<int>> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteReader(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader>) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) method. Option<DbDataReader> ExecuteReader(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader> result) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. commandBehavior CommandBehavior Behavior, used for command execution. result Option<DbDataReader> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. Returns Option<DbDataReader> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader>, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior, CancellationToken) method. Task<Option<DbDataReader>> ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. commandBehavior CommandBehavior Behavior, used for command execution. result Option<DbDataReader> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task<Option<DbDataReader>> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteScalar(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<object?>) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteScalar() method. Option<object?> ExecuteScalar(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<object?> result) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. result Option<object> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. Returns Option<object> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result. ExecuteScalarAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<object?>, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before command execution using ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) method. Task<Option<object?>> ExecuteScalarAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<object?> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData CommandEventData Additional data for event. command DbCommand Command, prepared for execution. result Option<object> Value, returned by previous interceptor when multiple ICommandInterceptor instances registered or None. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task<Option<object>> When event returns None, Linq To DB will execute command, otherwise it will use returned value as execution result."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IConnectionInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IConnectionInterceptor.html",
"title": "Interface IConnectionInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IConnectionInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IConnectionInterceptor : IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) Event, triggered after connection opened. void ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) Event, triggered after connection opened asynchronously. Task ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) Event, triggered before connection open. void ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) Event, triggered before asynchronous connection open. Task ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters eventData ConnectionEventData Additional data for event. connection DbConnection Connection instance. cancellationToken CancellationToken Cancellation token. Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IDataContextInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IDataContextInterceptor.html",
"title": "Interface IDataContextInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IDataContextInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IDataContextInterceptor : IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods OnClosed(DataContextEventData) Event, triggered after IDataContext instance closed by Close() call. void OnClosed(DataContextEventData eventData) Parameters eventData DataContextEventData Additional data for event. OnClosedAsync(DataContextEventData) Event, triggered after IDataContext instance closed by CloseAsync() call. Task OnClosedAsync(DataContextEventData eventData) Parameters eventData DataContextEventData Additional data for event. Returns Task OnClosing(DataContextEventData) Event, triggered before IDataContext instance closed by Close() call. void OnClosing(DataContextEventData eventData) Parameters eventData DataContextEventData Additional data for event. OnClosingAsync(DataContextEventData) Event, triggered before IDataContext instance closed by CloseAsync() call. Task OnClosingAsync(DataContextEventData eventData) Parameters eventData DataContextEventData Additional data for event. Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IEntityServiceInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IEntityServiceInterceptor.html",
"title": "Interface IEntityServiceInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IEntityServiceInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IEntityServiceInterceptor : IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData, object) Event, triggered when a new entity is created during query materialization. Not triggered for explicitly constructed objects. In code below event could be triggered only for first query: // r created by linq2db implicitly from r in db.table select r; // Entity constructor call specified explicitly by user (projection) from r in db.table select new Entity() { field = r.field }; . object EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData eventData, object entity) Parameters eventData EntityCreatedEventData Additional data for event. entity object Materialized entity instance. Returns object Returns entity instance."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IInterceptable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IInterceptable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IInterceptable<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IInterceptable<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IInterceptable<T> : IInterceptable where T : IInterceptor Type Parameters T Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Interceptor T? Interceptor { get; set; } Property Value T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IInterceptable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IInterceptable.html",
"title": "Interface IInterceptable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IInterceptable Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IInterceptable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IInterceptor.html",
"title": "Interface IInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor.html",
"title": "Interface IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor : IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods UnwrapCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) DbCommand UnwrapCommand(IDataContext dataContext, DbCommand command) Parameters dataContext IDataContext command DbCommand Returns DbCommand UnwrapConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) DbConnection UnwrapConnection(IDataContext dataContext, DbConnection connection) Parameters dataContext IDataContext connection DbConnection Returns DbConnection UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext, DbDataReader) DbDataReader UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext dataContext, DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters dataContext IDataContext dataReader DbDataReader Returns DbDataReader UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) DbTransaction UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext dataContext, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters dataContext IDataContext transaction DbTransaction Returns DbTransaction"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor.html",
"title": "Class UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor : IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor, IInterceptor Inheritance object UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor Implements IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor IInterceptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods UnwrapCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) public virtual DbCommand UnwrapCommand(IDataContext dataContext, DbCommand command) Parameters dataContext IDataContext command DbCommand Returns DbCommand UnwrapConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) public virtual DbConnection UnwrapConnection(IDataContext dataContext, DbConnection connection) Parameters dataContext IDataContext connection DbConnection Returns DbConnection UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext, DbDataReader) public virtual DbDataReader UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext dataContext, DbDataReader dataReader) Parameters dataContext IDataContext dataReader DbDataReader Returns DbDataReader UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) public virtual DbTransaction UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext dataContext, DbTransaction transaction) Parameters dataContext IDataContext transaction DbTransaction Returns DbTransaction"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Interceptors.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Interceptors Classes CommandInterceptor ConnectionInterceptor ConnectionOptionsConnectionInterceptor DataContextInterceptor EntityServiceInterceptor UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor Structs CommandEventData Event arguments for ICommandInterceptor events. ConnectionEventData Event arguments for IConnectionInterceptor events. DataContextEventData Event arguments for IDataContextInterceptor events. EntityCreatedEventData Event arguments for EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData, object) event. Interfaces ICommandInterceptor IConnectionInterceptor IDataContextInterceptor IEntityServiceInterceptor IInterceptable IInterceptable<T> IInterceptor IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.KeepConnectionAliveScope.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.KeepConnectionAliveScope.html",
"title": "Class KeepConnectionAliveScope | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class KeepConnectionAliveScope Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Explicit DataContext connection reuse scope. See KeepConnectionAlive for more details. public class KeepConnectionAliveScope : IDisposable Inheritance object KeepConnectionAliveScope Implements IDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors KeepConnectionAliveScope(DataContext) Creates connection reuse scope for DataContext. public KeepConnectionAliveScope(DataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext DataContext Data context. Methods Dispose() Restores old connection reuse option. public void Dispose()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.AccessorMember.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.AccessorMember.html",
"title": "Class AccessorMember | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AccessorMember Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public class AccessorMember Inheritance object AccessorMember Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AccessorMember(Expression) public AccessorMember(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression AccessorMember(MemberInfo) public AccessorMember(MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo AccessorMember(MemberInfo, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>?) public AccessorMember(MemberInfo memberInfo, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>? arguments) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo arguments ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> Properties Arguments public ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>? Arguments { get; } Property Value ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> MemberInfo public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get; } Property Value MemberInfo Methods Equals(AccessorMember) protected bool Equals(AccessorMember other) Parameters other AccessorMember Returns bool Equals(object?) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object The object to compare with the current object. Returns bool true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.ConvertFlags.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.ConvertFlags.html",
"title": "Enum ConvertFlags | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum ConvertFlags Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Assembly linq2db.dll public enum ConvertFlags Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields All = 2 Field = 0 Key = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext.html",
"title": "Class ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Assembly linq2db.dll public class ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext Inheritance object ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext(IDataContext) public ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext(IDataContext dataContext) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Properties DataContext public IDataContext DataContext { get; } Property Value IDataContext MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Methods AggregateExpression(Expression) public static Expression AggregateExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression CanBeCompiled(Expression) public bool CanBeCompiled(Expression expr) Parameters expr Expression Returns bool CanBeConstant(Expression) public bool CanBeConstant(Expression expr) Parameters expr Expression Returns bool ClearVisitedCache() public void ClearVisitedCache() ConvertMethod(MethodCallExpression, LambdaExpression) public Expression ConvertMethod(MethodCallExpression pi, LambdaExpression lambda) Parameters pi MethodCallExpression lambda LambdaExpression Returns Expression ConvertMethodExpression(Type, MemberInfo, out string?) public LambdaExpression? ConvertMethodExpression(Type type, MemberInfo mi, out string? alias) Parameters type Type mi MemberInfo alias string Returns LambdaExpression ExpandExpression(Expression) public Expression ExpandExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression ExpandExpressionTransformer(Expression) public Expression ExpandExpressionTransformer(Expression expr) Parameters expr Expression Returns Expression ExpandQueryableMethods(Expression) public Expression ExpandQueryableMethods(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression ExposeExpression(Expression) public Expression ExposeExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression IsDependsOnParameters() public bool IsDependsOnParameters() Returns bool IsServerSideOnly(Expression) public bool IsServerSideOnly(Expression expr) Parameters expr Expression Returns bool PreferServerSide(Expression, bool) public bool PreferServerSide(Expression expr, bool enforceServerSide) Parameters expr Expression enforceServerSide bool Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.IToSqlConverter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.IToSqlConverter.html",
"title": "Interface IToSqlConverter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IToSqlConverter Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IToSqlConverter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ToSql(Expression) ISqlExpression ToSql(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns ISqlExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.RequestFor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.RequestFor.html",
"title": "Enum RequestFor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum RequestFor Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Assembly linq2db.dll public enum RequestFor Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Association = 1 Checks the sequence if the expression is an association. Expression = 5 Checks the sequence if the expression contains an SQL expression. Field = 4 Checks the sequence if the expression is a field. GroupJoin = 3 Checks the sequence if the expression is a group join. Object = 2 Checks the sequence if the expression is a table, an association, new {}, or new MyClass {}. Root = 7 Checks the context if it's a root of the expression. SubQuery = 6 Checks the context if it's a subquery. Table = 0 Checks the sequence if the expression is a table or an association."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.SequenceConvertInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.SequenceConvertInfo.html",
"title": "Class SequenceConvertInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SequenceConvertInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Assembly linq2db.dll public class SequenceConvertInfo Inheritance object SequenceConvertInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Expression public Expression Expression Field Value Expression ExpressionsToReplace public List<SequenceConvertPath>? ExpressionsToReplace Field Value List<SequenceConvertPath> Parameter public ParameterExpression? Parameter Field Value ParameterExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.SequenceConvertPath.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.SequenceConvertPath.html",
"title": "Class SequenceConvertPath | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SequenceConvertPath Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Assembly linq2db.dll public class SequenceConvertPath Inheritance object SequenceConvertPath Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Expr public Expression Expr Field Value Expression Level public int Level Field Value int Path public Expression Path Field Value Expression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.SqlInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.SqlInfo.html",
"title": "Class SqlInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlInfo Inheritance object SqlInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlInfo(ISqlExpression, SelectQuery?, int) public SqlInfo(ISqlExpression sql, SelectQuery? query = null, int index = -1) Parameters sql ISqlExpression query SelectQuery index int SqlInfo(IEnumerable<MemberInfo>, ISqlExpression, SelectQuery?, int) public SqlInfo(IEnumerable<MemberInfo> mi, ISqlExpression sql, SelectQuery? query = null, int index = -1) Parameters mi IEnumerable<MemberInfo> sql ISqlExpression query SelectQuery index int SqlInfo(IEnumerable<MemberInfo>, ISqlExpression, int) public SqlInfo(IEnumerable<MemberInfo> mi, ISqlExpression sql, int index) Parameters mi IEnumerable<MemberInfo> sql ISqlExpression index int SqlInfo(MemberInfo, ISqlExpression, SelectQuery?, int) public SqlInfo(MemberInfo mi, ISqlExpression sql, SelectQuery? query = null, int index = -1) Parameters mi MemberInfo sql ISqlExpression query SelectQuery index int SqlInfo(MemberInfo[], ISqlExpression, SelectQuery?, int) public SqlInfo(MemberInfo[] mi, ISqlExpression sql, SelectQuery? query = null, int index = -1) Parameters mi MemberInfo[] sql ISqlExpression query SelectQuery index int Fields Index public readonly int Index Field Value int MemberChain public readonly MemberInfo[] MemberChain Field Value MemberInfo[] Query public readonly SelectQuery? Query Field Value SelectQuery Sql public readonly ISqlExpression Sql Field Value ISqlExpression Methods AppendMember(MemberInfo) public SqlInfo AppendMember(MemberInfo mi) Parameters mi MemberInfo Returns SqlInfo Clone(MemberInfo) public SqlInfo Clone(MemberInfo mi) Parameters mi MemberInfo Returns SqlInfo CompareLastMember(SqlInfo) public bool CompareLastMember(SqlInfo info) Parameters info SqlInfo Returns bool CompareMembers(SqlInfo) public bool CompareMembers(SqlInfo info) Parameters info SqlInfo Returns bool ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object. WithIndex(int) public SqlInfo WithIndex(int index) Parameters index int Returns SqlInfo WithMember(MemberInfo) public SqlInfo WithMember(MemberInfo mi) Parameters mi MemberInfo Returns SqlInfo WithMembers(IEnumerable<MemberInfo>) public SqlInfo WithMembers(IEnumerable<MemberInfo> mi) Parameters mi IEnumerable<MemberInfo> Returns SqlInfo WithQuery(SelectQuery?) public SqlInfo WithQuery(SelectQuery? query) Parameters query SelectQuery Returns SqlInfo WithSql(ISqlExpression) public SqlInfo WithSql(ISqlExpression sql) Parameters sql ISqlExpression Returns SqlInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.SqlQueryExtensionData.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.SqlQueryExtensionData.html",
"title": "Class SqlQueryExtensionData | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlQueryExtensionData Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlQueryExtensionData Inheritance object SqlQueryExtensionData Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlQueryExtensionData(string, Expression, ParameterInfo, int) public SqlQueryExtensionData(string name, Expression expr, ParameterInfo parameter, int paramsIndex = -1) Parameters name string expr Expression parameter ParameterInfo paramsIndex int Properties Expression public Expression Expression { get; } Property Value Expression Name public string Name { get; } Property Value string Parameter public ParameterInfo Parameter { get; } Property Value ParameterInfo ParamsIndex public int ParamsIndex { get; } Property Value int SqlExpression public ISqlExpression? SqlExpression { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Builder.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Builder Classes ExpressionTreeOptimizationContext SequenceConvertInfo SequenceConvertPath SqlInfo SqlQueryExtensionData Interfaces IToSqlConverter Enums ConvertFlags RequestFor"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo.html",
"title": "Class Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public class Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo : IExpressionInfo Inheritance object Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo Implements IExpressionInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Lambda public Func<LambdaExpression>? Lambda Field Value Func<LambdaExpression> Methods GetExpression(MappingSchema) public LambdaExpression GetExpression(MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Returns LambdaExpression SetExpression(LambdaExpression) public void SetExpression(LambdaExpression expression) Parameters expression LambdaExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Expressions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Expressions.html",
"title": "Class Expressions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Expressions Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Expressions Inheritance object Expressions Methods AccessInt<T>(T) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"Int\", new int[] { 0 })] public static T AccessInt<T>(T value) Parameters value T Returns T Type Parameters T AccessRound<T>(T, int?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"Round\", new int[] { 0, 1 })] public static T AccessRound<T>(T value, int? precision) Parameters value T precision int? Returns T Type Parameters T AltStuff(string?, int?, int?, string?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? AltStuff(string? str, int? startLocation, int? length, string? value) Parameters str string startLocation int? length int? value string Returns string ConvertBinary(MappingSchema, BinaryExpression) Searches for registered BinaryExpression mapping and returns LambdaExpression which has to replace this expression. public static LambdaExpression? ConvertBinary(MappingSchema mappingSchema, BinaryExpression binaryExpression) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Current mapping schema. binaryExpression BinaryExpression Expression which has to be replaced. Returns LambdaExpression Returns registered LambdaExpression or null. ConvertMember(MappingSchema, Type?, MemberInfo) public static LambdaExpression? ConvertMember(MappingSchema mappingSchema, Type? objectType, MemberInfo mi) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema objectType Type mi MemberInfo Returns LambdaExpression ConvertToCaseCompareTo(string?, string?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? ConvertToCaseCompareTo(string? str, string? value) Parameters str string value string Returns int? DateAdd(DateParts, int?, int?) [Sql.Extension(\"DateAdd\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.DateAddBuilder))] public static DateTime? DateAdd(Sql.DateParts part, int? number, int? days) Parameters part Sql.DateParts number int? days int? Returns DateTime? DecimalPI() [Sql.Function(\"PI\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static decimal DecimalPI() Returns decimal DoublePI() [Sql.Function(\"PI\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static double DoublePI() Returns double Hex(Guid?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Hex(Guid? guid) Parameters guid Guid? Returns string L<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>>) public static LambdaExpression L<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters TR L<T1, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, TR>>) public static LambdaExpression L<T1, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 TR L<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>) public static LambdaExpression L<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 TR L<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>) public static LambdaExpression L<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR L<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>) public static LambdaExpression L<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR L<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>) public static LambdaExpression L<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR L<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>>) public static LambdaExpression L<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TR>> Returns LambdaExpression Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 TR M<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>>) public static MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType M<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType Type Parameters T M<T>(Expression<Func<T>>) public static MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType M<T>(Expression<Func<T>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<T>> Returns MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType Type Parameters T MakeDateTime2(int?, int?, int?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"DateSerial\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static DateTime? MakeDateTime2(int? year, int? month, int? day) Parameters year int? month int? day int? Returns DateTime? MapBinary(ExpressionType, Type, Type, LambdaExpression) Maps specific BinaryExpression to another LambdaExpression during SQL generation. public static void MapBinary(ExpressionType nodeType, Type leftType, Type rightType, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters nodeType ExpressionType NodeType of BinaryExpression ExpressionType which needs mapping. leftType Type Exact type of Left member. rightType Type Exact type of Right member. expression LambdaExpression Lambda expression which has to replace BinaryExpression. Remarks Note that method is not thread safe and has to be used only in Application's initialization section. MapBinary(string, ExpressionType, Type, Type, LambdaExpression) Maps specific BinaryExpression to another Lambda expression during SQL generation. public static void MapBinary(string providerName, ExpressionType nodeType, Type leftType, Type rightType, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters providerName string Name of database provider to use with this connection. ProviderName class for list of providers. nodeType ExpressionType NodeType of BinaryExpression ExpressionType which needs mapping. leftType Type Exact type of Left member. rightType Type Exact type of Right member. expression LambdaExpression Lambda expression which has to replace BinaryExpression Remarks Note that method is not thread safe and has to be used only in Application's initialization section. MapBinary<TLeft, TRight, TR>(Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>>, Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>>) Maps specific BinaryExpression to another LambdaExpression during SQL generation. public static void MapBinary<TLeft, TRight, TR>(Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>> binaryExpression, Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>> expression) Parameters binaryExpression Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>> Expression which has to be replaced. expression Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>> Lambda expression which has to replace binaryExpression. Type Parameters TLeft Exact type of Left member. TRight Exact type of Right member. TR Result type of binaryExpression. Remarks Note that method is not thread safe and has to be used only in Application's initialization section. MapBinary<TLeft, TRight, TR>(string, Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>>, Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>>) Maps specific BinaryExpression to another LambdaExpression during SQL generation. public static void MapBinary<TLeft, TRight, TR>(string providerName, Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>> binaryExpression, Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string Name of database provider to use with this connection. ProviderName class for list of providers. binaryExpression Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>> Expression which has to be replaced. expression Expression<Func<TLeft, TRight, TR>> Lambda expression which has to replace binaryExpression. Type Parameters TLeft Exact type of Left member. TRight Exact type of Right member. TR Result type of binaryExpression. Remarks Note that method is not thread safe and has to be used only in Application's initialization section. MapMember(Expression<Func<object>>, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember(Expression<Func<object>> memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters memberInfo Expression<Func<object>> expression LambdaExpression MapMember(MemberInfo, IExpressionInfo) public static void MapMember(MemberInfo memberInfo, IExpressionInfo expressionInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo expressionInfo IExpressionInfo MapMember(MemberInfo, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember(MemberInfo memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo expression LambdaExpression MapMember(string, MemberInfoWithType, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember(string providerName, MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType memberInfoWithType, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfoWithType MemberHelper.MemberInfoWithType expression LambdaExpression MapMember(string, Expression<Func<object>>, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember(string providerName, Expression<Func<object>> memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo Expression<Func<object>> expression LambdaExpression MapMember(string, MemberInfo, IExpressionInfo) public static void MapMember(string providerName, MemberInfo memberInfo, IExpressionInfo expressionInfo) Parameters providerName string memberInfo MemberInfo expressionInfo IExpressionInfo MapMember(string, MemberInfo, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember(string providerName, MemberInfo memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo MemberInfo expression LambdaExpression MapMember(string, Type, MemberInfo, IExpressionInfo) public static void MapMember(string providerName, Type objectType, MemberInfo memberInfo, IExpressionInfo expressionInfo) Parameters providerName string objectType Type memberInfo MemberInfo expressionInfo IExpressionInfo MapMember(string, Type, MemberInfo, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember(string providerName, Type objectType, MemberInfo memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters providerName string objectType Type memberInfo MemberInfo expression LambdaExpression MapMember(Type, MemberInfo, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember(Type objectType, MemberInfo memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters objectType Type memberInfo MemberInfo expression LambdaExpression MapMember<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>>, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>> memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters memberInfo Expression<Func<T, object>> expression LambdaExpression Type Parameters T MapMember<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>>, Expression<Func<TR>>) public static void MapMember<TR>(Expression<Func<TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<TR>> expression) Parameters memberInfo Expression<Func<TR>> expression Expression<Func<TR>> Type Parameters TR MapMember<T>(string, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, LambdaExpression) public static void MapMember<T>(string providerName, Expression<Func<T, object?>> memberInfo, LambdaExpression expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo Expression<Func<T, object>> expression LambdaExpression Type Parameters T MapMember<TR>(string, Expression<Func<TR>>, Expression<Func<TR>>) public static void MapMember<TR>(string providerName, Expression<Func<TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo Expression<Func<TR>> expression Expression<Func<TR>> Type Parameters TR MapMember<TR>(string, Type, Expression<Func<TR>>, Expression<Func<TR>>) public static void MapMember<TR>(string providerName, Type objectType, Expression<Func<TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<TR>> expression Expression<Func<TR>> Type Parameters TR MapMember<TR>(Type, Expression<Func<TR>>, Expression<Func<TR>>) public static void MapMember<TR>(Type objectType, Expression<Func<TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<TR>> expression) Parameters objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<TR>> expression Expression<Func<TR>> Type Parameters TR MapMember<T1, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, TR>> expression) Parameters memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, TR>> Type Parameters T1 TR MapMember<T1, TR>(string, Expression<Func<T1, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, TR>(string providerName, Expression<Func<T1, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, TR>> Type Parameters T1 TR MapMember<T1, TR>(string, Type, Expression<Func<T1, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, TR>(string providerName, Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, TR>> Type Parameters T1 TR MapMember<T1, TR>(Type, Expression<Func<T1, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, TR>(Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, TR>> expression) Parameters objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, TR>> Type Parameters T1 TR MapMember<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> expression) Parameters memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 TR MapMember<T1, T2, TR>(string, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, TR>(string providerName, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 TR MapMember<T1, T2, TR>(string, Type, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, TR>(string providerName, Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 TR MapMember<T1, T2, TR>(Type, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, TR>(Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> expression) Parameters objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> expression) Parameters memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, TR>(string, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, TR>(string providerName, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, TR>(string, Type, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, TR>(string providerName, Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Type, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, TR>(Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> expression) Parameters objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> expression) Parameters memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(string, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(string providerName, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(string, Type, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(string providerName, Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Type, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>(Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> expression) Parameters objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> expression) Parameters memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(string, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(string providerName, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(string, Type, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(string providerName, Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> expression) Parameters providerName string objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Type, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>>) public static void MapMember<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>(Type objectType, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> memberInfo, Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> expression) Parameters objectType Type memberInfo Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> expression Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TR>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 TR Mdy(int?, int?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static DateTime? Mdy(int? month, int? day, int? year) Parameters month int? day int? year int? Returns DateTime? N(Func<LambdaExpression>) public static Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo N(Func<LambdaExpression> func) Parameters func Func<LambdaExpression> Returns Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo Replicate(char?, int?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Repeat\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Repeat\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"string\", new int[] { 1, 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Replicate(char? ch, int? count) Parameters ch char? count int? Returns string Replicate(string?, int?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Repeat\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Repeat\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"string\", new int[] { 1, 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Replicate(string? str, int? count) Parameters str string count int? Returns string Round(decimal?, int, int) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static decimal? Round(decimal? value, int precision, int mode) Parameters value decimal? precision int mode int Returns decimal? Round(double?, int, int) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static double? Round(double? value, int precision, int mode) Parameters value double? precision int mode int Returns double? SetGenericInfoProvider(Type) public static void SetGenericInfoProvider(Type type) Parameters type Type TrimLeft(string?, params char[]) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"TRIM(LEADING FROM {0})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false)] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"trim(LEADING {1} FROM {0})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.LTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2022\", \"LTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.LTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"LTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.LTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"Informix\", \"LTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.LTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"LTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.LTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"LTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.LTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"LTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.LTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"LTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.LTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Function(\"LTrim\", new int[] { 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static string? TrimLeft(string? str, params char[] trimChars) Parameters str string trimChars char[] Returns string TrimRight(string?, params char[]) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"TRIM(TRAILING FROM {0})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false)] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"trim(TRAILING {1} FROM {0})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.RTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2022\", \"RTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.RTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"RTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.RTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"Informix\", \"RTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.RTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"RTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.RTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"RTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.RTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"RTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.RTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"RTRIM({0}, {1})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Expressions.RTrimCharactersBuilder))] [Sql.Function(\"RTrim\", new int[] { 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static string? TrimRight(string? str, params char[] trimChars) Parameters str string trimChars char[] Returns string VarChar(object?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static string? VarChar(object? obj, int? size) Parameters obj object size int? Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IDataReaderAsync.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IDataReaderAsync.html",
"title": "Interface IDataReaderAsync | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IDataReaderAsync Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IDataReaderAsync : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataReader DbDataReader DataReader { get; } Property Value DbDataReader Methods ReadAsync(CancellationToken) Task<bool> ReadAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<bool>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IExpressionInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IExpressionInfo.html",
"title": "Interface IExpressionInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IExpressionInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IExpressionInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetExpression(MappingSchema) LambdaExpression GetExpression(MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Returns LambdaExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IExpressionPreprocessor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IExpressionPreprocessor.html",
"title": "Interface IExpressionPreprocessor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IExpressionPreprocessor Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IExpressionPreprocessor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ProcessExpression(Expression) Expression ProcessExpression(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns Expression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IExpressionQuery-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IExpressionQuery-1.html",
"title": "Interface IExpressionQuery<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IExpressionQuery<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IExpressionQuery<out T> : IOrderedQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery Type Parameters T Inherited Members IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() IQueryable.ElementType IQueryable.Provider IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsyncEnumerable<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProviderAsync.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression, CancellationToken) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression) IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression) IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression) IExpressionQuery.SqlText IExpressionQuery.DataContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>) Properties Expression Expression Expression { get; } Property Value Expression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IExpressionQuery.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IExpressionQuery.html",
"title": "Interface IExpressionQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IExpressionQuery Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IExpressionQuery Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataContext IDataContext DataContext { get; } Property Value IDataContext Expression Expression Expression { get; } Property Value Expression SqlText string SqlText { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IMergeable-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IMergeable-2.html",
"title": "Interface IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll Merge command builder that have target table, source, match (ON) condition and at least one operation configured. You can add more operations to this type of builder or execute command. public interface IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> : IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. Extension Methods LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>) LinqExtensions.InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.MergeAsync<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputInto<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputInto<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutput<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutput<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IMergeableOn-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IMergeableOn-2.html",
"title": "Interface IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll Merge command builder that have only target table and source configured. Only operation available for this type of builder is match (ON) condition configuration. public interface IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. Extension Methods LinqExtensions.On<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.On<TTarget, TSource, TKey>(IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IMergeableSource-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IMergeableSource-2.html",
"title": "Interface IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll Merge command builder that have target table, source and match (ON) condition configured. You can only add operations to this type of builder. public interface IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. Extension Methods LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>) LinqExtensions.InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IMergeableUsing-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IMergeableUsing-1.html",
"title": "Interface IMergeableUsing<TTarget> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll Merge command builder that have only target table configured. Only operation available for this type of builder is source configuration. public interface IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. Extension Methods LinqExtensions.UsingTarget<TTarget>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Using<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Using<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>, IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IQueryContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IQueryContext.html",
"title": "Interface IQueryContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IQueryContext Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IQueryContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Aliases AliasesContext? Aliases { get; set; } Property Value AliasesContext Context object? Context { get; set; } Property Value object DataOptions DataOptions? DataOptions { get; } Property Value DataOptions Statement SqlStatement Statement { get; } Property Value SqlStatement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IQueryRunner.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IQueryRunner.html",
"title": "Interface IQueryRunner | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IQueryRunner Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IQueryRunner : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataContext IDataContext DataContext { get; } Property Value IDataContext Expression Expression Expression { get; } Property Value Expression MapperExpression Expression? MapperExpression { get; set; } Property Value Expression Parameters object?[]? Parameters { get; } Property Value object[] Preambles object?[]? Preambles { get; } Property Value object[] QueryNumber int QueryNumber { get; set; } Property Value int RowsCount int RowsCount { get; set; } Property Value int Methods ExecuteNonQuery() Executes query and returns number of affected records. int ExecuteNonQuery() Returns int Number of affected records. ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken) Executes query asynchronously and returns number of affected records. Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. ExecuteReader() Executes query and returns data reader. DataReaderWrapper ExecuteReader() Returns DataReaderWrapper Data reader with query results. ExecuteReaderAsync(CancellationToken) Executes query asynchronously and returns data reader. Task<IDataReaderAsync> ExecuteReaderAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<IDataReaderAsync> Data reader with query results. ExecuteScalar() Executes query and returns scalar value. object? ExecuteScalar() Returns object Scalar value. ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken) Executes query asynchronously and returns scalar value. Task<object?> ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<object> Scalar value. GetSqlText() Returns SQL text for query. string GetSqlText() Returns string Query SQL text."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.ISelectInsertable-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.ISelectInsertable-2.html",
"title": "Interface ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Type Parameters TSource TTarget Extension Methods LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TValue>>) LinqExtensions.Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>>, Expression<Func<TValue>>) LinqExtensions.Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>>, TValue) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IUpdatable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IUpdatable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IUpdatable<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IUpdatable<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IUpdatable<T> Type Parameters T Extension Methods LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IUpdatable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IUpdatable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IUpdatable<T>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IUpdatable<T>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IUpdatable<T>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IUpdatable<T>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IValueInsertable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.IValueInsertable-1.html",
"title": "Interface IValueInsertable<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IValueInsertable<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IValueInsertable<T> Type Parameters T Extension Methods LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IValueInsertable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IValueInsertable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(IValueInsertable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(IValueInsertable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Internal.ColumnReaderAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Internal.ColumnReaderAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ColumnReaderAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ColumnReaderAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Internal Assembly linq2db.dll Internal API. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)] public class ColumnReaderAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute ColumnReaderAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ColumnReaderAttribute(int) public ColumnReaderAttribute(int indexParameterIndex) Parameters indexParameterIndex int Properties IndexParameterIndex public int IndexParameterIndex { get; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Internal.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Internal.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Internal | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Linq.Internal Classes ColumnReaderAttribute Internal API."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Internals.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Internals.html",
"title": "Class Internals | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Internals Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static class Internals Inheritance object Internals Methods CreateExpressionQueryInstance<T>(IDataContext, Expression) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static IQueryable<T> CreateExpressionQueryInstance<T>(IDataContext dataContext, Expression expression) Parameters dataContext IDataContext expression Expression Returns IQueryable<T> Type Parameters T GetDataContext<T>(IUpdatable<T>) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static IDataContext? GetDataContext<T>(IUpdatable<T> updatable) Parameters updatable IUpdatable<T> Returns IDataContext Type Parameters T GetDataContext<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static IDataContext? GetDataContext<T>(IValueInsertable<T> insertable) Parameters insertable IValueInsertable<T> Returns IDataContext Type Parameters T GetDataContext<T>(IQueryable<T>) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static IDataContext? GetDataContext<T>(IQueryable<T> queryable) Parameters queryable IQueryable<T> Returns IDataContext Type Parameters T GetDataContext<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static IDataContext? GetDataContext<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> insertable) Parameters insertable ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Returns IDataContext Type Parameters TSource TTarget"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.LinqException.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.LinqException.html",
"title": "Class LinqException | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqException Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions. [Serializable] public class LinqException : Exception, ISerializable, _Exception Inheritance object Exception LinqException Implements ISerializable _Exception Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.ToString() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.Message Exception.Data Exception.InnerException Exception.TargetSite Exception.StackTrace Exception.HelpLink Exception.Source Exception.HResult Exception.SerializeObjectState Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Remarks This class is the base class for exceptions that may occur during execution of the namespace members. Constructors LinqException() Initializes a new instance of the LinqException class. public LinqException() Remarks This constructor initializes the Message property of the new instance to a system-supplied message that describes the error, such as \"LinqToDB Linq error has occurred.\" LinqException(Exception) Initializes a new instance of the LinqException class with the InnerException property. public LinqException(Exception innerException) Parameters innerException Exception The InnerException, if any, that threw the current exception. See Also InnerException LinqException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the LinqException class with serialized data. protected LinqException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) Parameters info SerializationInfo The object that holds the serialized object data. context StreamingContext The contextual information about the source or destination. Remarks This constructor is called during deserialization to reconstitute the exception object transmitted over a stream. LinqException(string, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the LinqException class with the specified error message and InnerException property. public LinqException(string message, Exception innerException) Parameters message string The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown. innerException Exception The InnerException, if any, that threw the current exception. See Also Message InnerException LinqException(string, params object?[]) Initializes a new instance of the LinqException class with the specified error message. public LinqException(string message, params object?[] args) Parameters message string The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown. args object[] An object array containing zero or more objects to format. See Also Message"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.MethodHelper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.MethodHelper.html",
"title": "Class MethodHelper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MethodHelper Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MethodHelper Inheritance object MethodHelper Methods GetMethodInfo(Delegate) public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo(this Delegate del) Parameters del Delegate Returns MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T1, T2>(Func<T1, T2>, T1) public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T1, T2>(Func<T1, T2> f, T1 unused1) Parameters f Func<T1, T2> unused1 T1 Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3>(Func<T1, T2, T3>, T1, T2) public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3>(Func<T1, T2, T3> f, T1 unused1, T2 unused2) Parameters f Func<T1, T2, T3> unused1 T1 unused2 T2 Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4>, T1, T2, T3) public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4> f, T1 unused1, T2 unused2, T3 unused3) Parameters f Func<T1, T2, T3, T4> unused1 T1 unused2 T2 unused3 T3 Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>, T1, T2, T3, T4) public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> f, T1 unused1, T2 unused2, T3 unused3, T4 unused4) Parameters f Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> unused1 T1 unused2 T2 unused3 T3 unused4 T4 Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> f, T1 unused1, T2 unused2, T3 unused3, T4 unused4, T5 unused5) Parameters f Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> unused1 T1 unused2 T2 unused3 T3 unused4 T4 unused5 T5 Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7> f, T1 unused1, T2 unused2, T3 unused3, T4 unused4, T5 unused5, T6 unused6) Parameters f Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7> unused1 T1 unused2 T2 unused3 T3 unused4 T4 unused5 T5 unused6 T6 Returns MethodInfo Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.NoLinqCache.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.NoLinqCache.html",
"title": "Class NoLinqCache | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NoLinqCache Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll Provides a scope, in which LINQ queries will not be added to a LINQ query cache. This could be used to tell linq2db to not cache queries that operate with big parametes. More details could be found here. Take into account that this class only disables adding of new query, created in its scope, to a cache. If query already present in cache - linq2db will use cached query. public class NoLinqCache : IDisposable Inheritance object NoLinqCache Implements IDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Scope() Creates disposable no-cache scope. public static IDisposable Scope() Returns IDisposable"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Query-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Query-1.html",
"title": "Class Query<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Query<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public class Query<T> : Query Type Parameters T Inheritance object Query Query<T> Inherited Members Query.GetQueries() Query.Compare(IDataContext, Expression) Query.ClearCaches() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CacheMissCount public static long CacheMissCount { get; } Property Value long Methods ClearCache() Empties LINQ query cache for T entity type. public static void ClearCache() GetQuery(IDataContext, ref Expression, out bool) public static Query<T> GetQuery(IDataContext dataContext, ref Expression expr, out bool dependsOnParameters) Parameters dataContext IDataContext expr Expression dependsOnParameters bool Returns Query<T>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Query.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.Query.html",
"title": "Class Query | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Query Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class Query Inheritance object Query Derived Query<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ClearCaches() Clears query caches for all typed queries. public static void ClearCaches() Compare(IDataContext, Expression) protected bool Compare(IDataContext dataContext, Expression expr) Parameters dataContext IDataContext expr Expression Returns bool GetQueries() public IReadOnlyCollection<QueryInfo> GetQueries() Returns IReadOnlyCollection<QueryInfo>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.QueryInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.QueryInfo.html",
"title": "Class QueryInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Assembly linq2db.dll public class QueryInfo : IQueryContext Inheritance object QueryInfo Implements IQueryContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Aliases public AliasesContext? Aliases { get; set; } Property Value AliasesContext Context public object? Context { get; set; } Property Value object DataOptions public DataOptions? DataOptions { get; set; } Property Value DataOptions Statement public SqlStatement Statement { get; set; } Property Value SqlStatement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Linq.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Linq | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Linq Classes AccessorMember Expressions Expressions.LazyExpressionInfo Internals This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. LinqException Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions. MethodHelper NoLinqCache Provides a scope, in which LINQ queries will not be added to a LINQ query cache. This could be used to tell linq2db to not cache queries that operate with big parametes. More details could be found here. Take into account that this class only disables adding of new query, created in its scope, to a cache. If query already present in cache - linq2db will use cached query. Query QueryInfo Query<T> Interfaces IDataReaderAsync IExpressionInfo IExpressionPreprocessor IExpressionQuery IExpressionQuery<T> IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder that have only target table and source configured. Only operation available for this type of builder is match (ON) condition configuration. IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder that have target table, source and match (ON) condition configured. You can only add operations to this type of builder. IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Merge command builder that have only target table configured. Only operation available for this type of builder is source configuration. IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder that have target table, source, match (ON) condition and at least one operation configured. You can add more operations to this type of builder or execute command. IQueryContext IQueryRunner ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> IUpdatable<T> IValueInsertable<T>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.LinqExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.LinqExtensions.html",
"title": "Class LinqExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Contains extension methods for LINQ queries. public static class LinqExtensions Inheritance object LinqExtensions Properties ExtensionsAdapter public static IExtensionsAdapter? ExtensionsAdapter { get; set; } Property Value IExtensionsAdapter ProcessSourceQueryable Gets or sets callback for preprocessing query before execution. Useful for intercepting queries. public static Func<IQueryable, IQueryable>? ProcessSourceQueryable { get; set; } Property Value Func<IQueryable, IQueryable> Methods AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Specifies a temporary named result set, known as a common table expression (CTE). public static IQueryable<TSource> AsCte<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Common table expression. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) Specifies a temporary named result set, known as a common table expression (CTE). public static IQueryable<TSource> AsCte<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string? name) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. name string Common table expression name. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Common table expression. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Converts a generic IEnumerable<T> to Linq To DB query. public static IQueryable<TElement> AsQueryable<TElement>(this IEnumerable<TElement> source, IDataContext dataContext) Parameters source IEnumerable<TElement> A sequence to convert. dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. Returns IQueryable<TElement> An IQueryable<T> that represents the input sequence. Type Parameters TElement The type of the elements of source. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source is null. AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Defines that sub-query is mandatory for source query and cannot be removed during the query optimization. public static IQueryable<TSource> AsSubQuery<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query converted into sub-query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) Defines that sub-query is mandatory for source query and cannot be removed during the query optimization. public static IQueryable<TSource> AsSubQuery<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string queryName) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. queryName string Query name. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query converted into sub-query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. AsSubQuery<TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>>) Defines that sub-query is mandatory for grouping query and cannot be removed during the query optimization. public static IQueryable<TKey> AsSubQuery<TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> grouping) Parameters grouping IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> Source data query. Returns IQueryable<TKey> Query converted into sub-query. Type Parameters TKey The type of the key of the IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. TElement The type of the values in the IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. AsSubQuery<TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>>, string) Defines that sub-query is mandatory for grouping query and cannot be removed during the query optimization. public static IQueryable<TKey> AsSubQuery<TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> grouping, string queryName) Parameters grouping IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> Source data query. queryName string Query name. Returns IQueryable<TKey> Query converted into sub-query. Type Parameters TKey The type of the key of the IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. TElement The type of the values in the IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) Casts IQueryable<T> query to IUpdatable<T> query. public static IUpdatable<T> AsUpdatable<T>(this IQueryable<T> source) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source IQueryable<T> query. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Query record type. AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) Starts insert operation LINQ query definition. public static IValueInsertable<T> AsValueInsertable<T>(this ITable<T> source) where T : notnull Parameters source ITable<T> Target table. Returns IValueInsertable<T> Insertable source query. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) Defines cross join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TResult> CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(this IQueryable<TOuter> outer, IQueryable<TInner> inner, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> resultSelector) Parameters outer IQueryable<TOuter> Left join operand. inner IQueryable<TInner> Right join operand. resultSelector Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> A function to create a result element from two matching elements. Returns IQueryable<TResult> Right operand. Type Parameters TOuter Type of record for left join operand. TInner Type of record for right join operand. TResult The type of the result elements. DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) Overrides database name with new name for current query. This call will have effect only for databases that support database name in fully-qualified table name. Supported by: Access, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SAP HANA, SQLite, Informix, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. Requires schema name (see SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?)): DB2, SAP HANA, PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL supports only name of current database. public static ITable<T> DatabaseName<T>(this ITable<T> table, string? name) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. name string Name of database. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new database name. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) Executes delete operation asynchronously, using source query as initial filter for records, that should be deleted, and predicate expression as additional filter. public static Task<int> DeleteAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Query that returns records to delete. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter expression, to specify what records from source should be deleted. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of deleted records. Type Parameters T Mapping class for delete operation target table. DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes delete operation asynchronously, using source query as filter for records, that should be deleted. public static Task<int> DeleteAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Query that returns records to delete. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of deleted records. Type Parameters T Mapping class for delete operation target table. DeleteWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) Adds new delete operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation removes record in target table for each record that was matched in source and target, if it was matched by operation predicate and wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> DeleteWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> searchCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Operation execution condition over target and source records. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. DeleteWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>) Adds new delete operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation removes record in target table for each record that was matched in source and target, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> DeleteWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>) IMPORTANT: This operation supported only by Microsoft SQL Server. Adds new delete by source operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation removes record in target table for each record that was matched only in target and passed filtering with operation predicate, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> searchCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> Operation execution condition over target record. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>) IMPORTANT: This operation supported only by Microsoft SQL Server. Adds new delete by source operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation removes record in target table for each record that was matched only in target and wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) Deletes records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns deleted records. public static Task<TSource[]> DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for delete operation. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TSource[]> Array of records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.0+ (doesn't support multi-table statements; database limitation) DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Deletes records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns deleted records. public static Task<TOutput[]> DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for delete operation. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TOutput[]> Array of records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.0+ (doesn't support multi-table statements; database limitation) DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Deletes records from source query into target table asynchronously and outputs deleted records into outputTable. public static Task<int> DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TOutput : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for delete operation. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) Deletes records from source query into target table asynchronously and outputs deleted records into outputTable. public static Task<int> DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, CancellationToken token = default) where TOutput : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for delete operation. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) Deletes records from source query into target table and outputs deleted records into outputTable. public static int DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TOutput> outputTable) where TOutput : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for delete operation. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) Deletes records from source query into target table and outputs deleted records into outputTable. public static int DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TOutput : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for delete operation. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Deletes records from source query and returns deleted records. public static IEnumerable<TSource> DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for delete operation. Returns IEnumerable<TSource> Enumeration of records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.0+ (doesn't support multi-table statements; database limitation) DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) Deletes records from source query into target table and returns deleted records. public static IEnumerable<TOutput> DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for delete operation. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<TOutput> Enumeration of records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.0+ (doesn't support multi-table statements; database limitation) Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) Executes delete operation, using source query as filter for records, that should be deleted. public static int Delete<T>(this IQueryable<T> source) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Query that returns records to delete. Returns int Number of deleted records. Type Parameters T Mapping class for delete operation target table. Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) Executes delete operation, using source query as initial filter for records, that should be deleted, and predicate expression as additional filter. public static int Delete<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Query that returns records to delete. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter expression, to specify what records from source should be deleted. Returns int Number of deleted records. Type Parameters T Mapping class for delete operation target table. DisableGuard<TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>>) Disables grouping guard for particular grouping query. public static IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> DisableGuard<TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> grouping) Parameters grouping IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> Source data query. Returns IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> Query with suppressed grouping guard. Type Parameters TKey The type of the key of the IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. TElement The type of the values in the IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) Drops database table asynchronously. public static Task<int> DropAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, bool throwExceptionIfNotExists = true, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Dropped table. throwExceptionIfNotExists bool If false, any exception during drop operation will be silently catched and 0 returned. This behavior is not correct and will be fixed in future to mask only missing table exceptions. Tracked by issue. Default value: true. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Usually -1 as it is not data modification operation. Type Parameters T Table record type. Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) Drops database table. public static int Drop<T>(this ITable<T> target, bool throwExceptionIfNotExists = true) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Dropped table. throwExceptionIfNotExists bool If false, any exception during drop operation will be silently catched and 0 returned. This behavior is not correct and will be fixed in future to mask only missing table exceptions. Tracked by issue. Default value: true. Returns int Number of affected records. Usually -1 as it is not data modification operation. Type Parameters T Table record type. ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) Selects record at specified position from source query asynchronously. If query doesn't return enough records, InvalidOperationException will be thrown. public static Task<TSource> ElementAtAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<int>> index, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. index Expression<Func<int>> Expression that defines index of record to select. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TSource> Record at specified position. Type Parameters TSource Source table record type. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Source query doesn't have record with specified index. ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) Selects record at specified position from source query asynchronously. public static Task<TSource> ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<int>> index, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. index Expression<Func<int>> Expression that defines index of record to select. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TSource> Record at specified position or default value, if source query doesn't have record with such index. Type Parameters TSource Source table record type. ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) Selects record at specified position from source query. public static TSource ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<int>> index) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. index Expression<Func<int>> Expression that defines index of record to select. Returns TSource Record at specified position or default value, if source query doesn't have record with such index. Type Parameters TSource Source table record type. ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) Selects record at specified position from source query. If query doesn't return enough records, InvalidOperationException will be thrown. public static TSource ElementAt<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<int>> index) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. index Expression<Func<int>> Expression that defines index of record to select. Returns TSource Record at specified position. Type Parameters TSource Source table record type. Exceptions InvalidOperationException Source query doesn't have record with specified index. ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) Produces the set difference of two sequences. public static IQueryable<TSource> ExceptAll<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source1, IEnumerable<TSource> source2) Parameters source1 IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> whose elements that are not also in source2 will be returned. source2 IEnumerable<TSource> An IEnumerable<T> whose elements that also occur in the first sequence will not appear in the returned sequence. Returns IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the set difference of the two sequences. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of the input sequences. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source1 or source2 is null. FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) Defines full outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TSource> FullJoin<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Right join operand. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Join predicate. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Right operand. Type Parameters TSource Type of record for right join operand. FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) Defines full outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TResult> FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(this IQueryable<TOuter> outer, IQueryable<TInner> inner, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> resultSelector) Parameters outer IQueryable<TOuter> Left join operand. inner IQueryable<TInner> Right join operand. predicate Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> Join predicate. resultSelector Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> A function to create a result element from two matching elements. Returns IQueryable<TResult> Right operand. Type Parameters TOuter Type of record for left join operand. TInner Type of record for right join operand. TResult The type of the result elements. GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) Generates test source code for specified query. This method could be usefull to debug queries and attach test code to linq2db issue reports. public static string GenerateTestString<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, bool mangleNames = false) Parameters query IQueryable<T> Query to test. mangleNames bool Should we use real names for used types, members and namespace or generate obfuscated names. Returns string Test source code. Type Parameters T HasCreateIfNotExists(TableOptions) public static bool HasCreateIfNotExists(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool HasDropIfExists(TableOptions) public static bool HasDropIfExists(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool HasIsGlobalTemporaryData(TableOptions) public static bool HasIsGlobalTemporaryData(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool HasIsGlobalTemporaryStructure(TableOptions) public static bool HasIsGlobalTemporaryStructure(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool HasIsLocalTemporaryData(TableOptions) public static bool HasIsLocalTemporaryData(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool HasIsLocalTemporaryStructure(TableOptions) public static bool HasIsLocalTemporaryStructure(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool HasIsTemporary(TableOptions) public static bool HasIsTemporary(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool HasIsTransactionTemporaryData(TableOptions) public static bool HasIsTransactionTemporaryData(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) Records unique key for IQueryable. It allows sub-query to be optimized out in LEFT JOIN if columns from sub-query are not used in final projection and predicate. public static IQueryable<TSource> HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. keySelector Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> A function to specify which fields are unique. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query converted into sub-query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TKey Key type. Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) Filters source query using HAVING SQL clause. In general you don't need to use this method as linq2db is able to propely identify current context for Where<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) method and generate HAVING clause. More details. public static IQueryable<TSource> Having<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query to filter. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Filtering expression. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Filtered query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) Disables Query Filters in current query. public static IQueryable<TSource> IgnoreFilters<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, params Type[] entityTypes) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. entityTypes Type[] Optional types with which filters should be disabled. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query with disabled filters. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) Adds an index hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] public static ITable<TSource> IndexHint<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ITable<TSource> Table-like query source with index hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds an index hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] public static ITable<TSource> IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(this ITable<TSource> table, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns ITable<TSource> Table-like query source with index hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds an index hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \" \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.IndexHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] public static ITable<TSource> IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(this ITable<TSource> table, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns ITable<TSource> Table-like query source with index hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Inline parameters in query which can be converted to SQL Literal. public static IQueryable<TSource> InlineParameters<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query with inlined parameters. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) Defines inner join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TSource> InnerJoin<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Right join operand. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Join predicate. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Right operand. Type Parameters TSource Type of record for right join operand. InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) Defines inner or outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TResult> InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(this IQueryable<TOuter> outer, IQueryable<TInner> inner, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> resultSelector) Parameters outer IQueryable<TOuter> Left join operand. inner IQueryable<TInner> Right join operand. predicate Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> Join predicate. resultSelector Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> A function to create a result element from two matching elements. Returns IQueryable<TResult> Right operand. Type Parameters TOuter Type of record for left join operand. TInner Type of record for right join operand. TResult The type of the result elements. InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously. public static Task<int> InsertAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes insert query asynchronously. public static Task<int> InsertAsync<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes configured insert query asynchronously. public static Task<int> InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously. public static Task<int> InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts new record into target table or updates existing record if record with the same key value already exists in target table. When null value or expression without field setters passed to onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter, this method implements INSERT IF NOT EXISTS logic. public static Task<int> InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> insertSetter, Expression<Func<T, T?>>? onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter, Expression<Func<T>> keySelector, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. insertSetter Expression<Func<T>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter Expression<Func<T, T>> Updated record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Accepts updated record as parameter. keySelector Expression<Func<T>> Key fields selector to specify what fields and values must be used as key fields for selection between insert and update operations. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers for each key field. Assigned key field value will be used as key value by operation type selector. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Table record type. InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts new record into target table or updates existing record if record with the same primary key value already exists in target table. When null value or expression without field setters passed to onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter, this method implements INSERT IF NOT EXISTS logic. public static Task<int> InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> insertSetter, Expression<Func<T, T?>>? onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. insertSetter Expression<Func<T>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter Expression<Func<T, T>> Updated record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Accepts updated record as parameter. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Table record type. InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) Inserts new record into target table or updates existing record if record with the same primary key value already exists in target table. When null value or expression without field setters passed to onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter, this method implements INSERT IF NOT EXISTS logic. public static int InsertOrUpdate<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> insertSetter, Expression<Func<T, T?>>? onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. insertSetter Expression<Func<T>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter Expression<Func<T, T>> Updated record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Accepts updated record as parameter. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Table record type. InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) Inserts new record into target table or updates existing record if record with the same key value already exists in target table. When null value or expression without field setters passed to onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter, this method implements INSERT IF NOT EXISTS logic. public static int InsertOrUpdate<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> insertSetter, Expression<Func<T, T?>>? onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter, Expression<Func<T>> keySelector) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. insertSetter Expression<Func<T>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. onDuplicateKeyUpdateSetter Expression<Func<T, T>> Updated record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Accepts updated record as parameter. keySelector Expression<Func<T>> Key fields selector to specify what fields and values must be used as key fields for selection between insert and update operations. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers for each key field. Assigned key field value will be used as key value by operation type selector. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Table record type. InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>) Adds new insert operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation inserts new record to target table using data from the same fields of source record for each new record from source that passes filtering with specified predicate, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> searchCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> Operation execution condition over source record. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target and source records type. InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Adds new insert operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation inserts new record to target table using user-defined values for target columns for each new record from source that passes filtering with specified predicate, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Operation execution condition over source record. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Create record expression using source record. Expression should be a call to target record constructor with field/properties initializers to be recognized by API. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget>) Adds new insert operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation inserts new record to target table using data from the same fields of source record for each new record from source, not processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> Merge command builder interface. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target and source records type. InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Adds new insert operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation inserts new record to target table using user-defined values for target columns for each new record from source, not processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Create record expression using source record. Expression should be a call to target record constructor with field/properties initializers to be recognized by API. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns identity value of inserted record as decimal value. public static Task<decimal> InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<decimal> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes insert query asynchronously and returns identity value of inserted record as decimal value. public static Task<decimal?> InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<decimal?> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes configured insert query asynchronously and returns identity value of last inserted record as decimal value. public static Task<decimal?> InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<decimal?> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns identity value of last inserted record as decimal value. public static Task<decimal?> InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<decimal?> Last inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) Inserts single record into target table and returns identity value of inserted record as decimal value. public static decimal InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns decimal Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) Executes insert query and returns identity value of inserted record as decimal value. public static decimal? InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Returns decimal? Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) Executes configured insert query and returns identity value of last inserted record as decimal value. public static decimal? InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Returns decimal? Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Inserts records from source query into target table and returns identity value of last inserted record as decimal value. public static decimal? InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns decimal? Last inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns identity value of inserted record. public static Task<object> InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<object> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes insert query asynchronously and returns identity value of inserted record. public static Task<object> InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<object> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes configured insert query asynchronously and returns identity value of last inserted record. public static Task<object> InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<object> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns identity value of last inserted record. public static Task<object> InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<object> Last inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) Inserts single record into target table and returns identity value of inserted record. public static object InsertWithIdentity<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns object Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertWithIdentity<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) Executes insert query and returns identity value of inserted record. public static object InsertWithIdentity<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Returns object Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) Executes configured insert query and returns identity value of last inserted record. public static object InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Returns object Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Inserts records from source query into target table and returns identity value of last inserted record. public static object InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns object Last inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns identity value of inserted record as int value. public static Task<int> InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes insert query asynchronously and returns identity value of inserted record as int value. public static Task<int?> InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int?> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes configured insert query asynchronously and returns identity value of last inserted record as int value. public static Task<int?> InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int?> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns identity value of last inserted record as int value. public static Task<int?> InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int?> Last inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) Inserts single record into target table and returns identity value of inserted record as int value. public static int InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) Executes insert query and returns identity value of inserted record as int value. public static int? InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Returns int? Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) Executes configured insert query and returns identity value of last inserted record as int value. public static int? InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Returns int? Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Inserts records from source query into target table and returns identity value of last inserted record as int value. public static int? InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns int? Last inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns identity value of inserted record as long value. public static Task<long> InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<long> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes insert query asynchronously and returns identity value of inserted record as long value. public static Task<long?> InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<long?> Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes configured insert query asynchronously and returns identity value of last inserted record as long value. public static Task<long?> InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<long?> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns identity value of last inserted record as long value. public static Task<long?> InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<long?> Last inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) Inserts single record into target table and returns identity value of inserted record as long value. public static long InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns long Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) Executes insert query and returns identity value of inserted record as long value. public static long? InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Returns long? Inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters T Target table record type. InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) Executes configured insert query and returns identity value of last inserted record as long value. public static long? InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Returns long? Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Inserts records from source query into target table and returns identity value of last inserted record as long value. public static long? InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns long? Last inserted record's identity value. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns inserted record. public static Task<TTarget> InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TTarget>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TTarget> Inserted record. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns inserted record. public static Task<TTarget> InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target, TTarget obj, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. obj TTarget Object with data to insert. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TTarget> Inserted record. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutputAsync<T>(IValueInsertable<T>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns inserted record. public static Task<T> InsertWithOutputAsync<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<T> Inserted record. Type Parameters T Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns inserted record. public static Task<TOutput> InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(this ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TTarget>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TOutput> Inserted record. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes configured insert query asynchronously and returns inserted record. public static Task<TTarget> InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TTarget> Inserted record. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IValueInsertable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and returns inserted record. public static Task<TOutput> InsertWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TOutput> Inserted record. Type Parameters T Target table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns newly created records. public static Task<TTarget[]> InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TTarget[]> Array of records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously and returns newly created records. public static Task<TOutput[]> InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TOutput[]> Array of records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and outputs that record into outputTable. public static Task<int> InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TTarget>> setter, ITable<TTarget> outputTable, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TTarget>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Inserts single record into target table asynchronously and outputs that record into outputTable. public static Task<int> InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(this ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TTarget>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull where TOutput : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TTarget>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes configured insert query asynchronously and returns inserted record. public static Task<int> InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, ITable<TTarget> outputTable, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously and outputs inserted records into outputTable. public static Task<int> InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TTarget> outputTable, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Inserts records from source query into target table asynchronously and outputs inserted records into outputTable. public static Task<int> InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull where TOutput : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) Inserts single record into target table and outputs that record into outputTable. public static int InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TTarget>> setter, ITable<TTarget> outputTable) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TTarget>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) Inserts single record into target table and outputs that record into outputTable. public static int InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(this ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TTarget>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TTarget : notnull where TOutput : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TTarget>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, ITable<TTarget>) Executes configured insert query and returns inserted record. public static int InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, ITable<TTarget> outputTable) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) Inserts records from source query into target table and outputs newly created records into outputTable. public static int InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TTarget> outputTable) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) Inserts records from source query into target table and outputs inserted records into outputTable. public static int InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TTarget : notnull where TOutput : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) Inserts single record into target table and returns inserted record. public static TTarget InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TTarget>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns TTarget Inserted record. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) Inserts single record into target table and returns inserted record. public static TTarget InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target, TTarget obj) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. obj TTarget Object with data to insert. Returns TTarget Inserted record. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutput<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) Inserts single record into target table and returns inserted record. public static T InsertWithOutput<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Returns T Inserted record. Type Parameters T Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) Inserts single record into target table and returns inserted record. public static TOutput InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(this ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TTarget>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns TOutput Inserted record. Type Parameters TTarget Inserted record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) Executes configured insert query and returns inserted record. public static TTarget InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Returns TTarget Inserted record. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IValueInsertable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TOutput>>) Inserts single record into target table and returns inserted record. public static TOutput InsertWithOutput<T, TOutput>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns TOutput Inserted record. Type Parameters T Target table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Inserts records from source query into target table and returns newly created records. public static IEnumerable<TTarget> InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<TTarget> Enumeration of records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) Inserts records from source query into target table and returns newly created records. public static IEnumerable<TOutput> InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<TOutput> Enumeration of records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL SQLite 3.35+ MariaDB 10.5+ Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) Inserts single record into target table. public static int Insert<T>(this ITable<T> target, Expression<Func<T>> setter) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Target table. setter Expression<Func<T>> Insert expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Inserted record type. Insert<T>(IValueInsertable<T>) Executes insert query. public static int Insert<T>(this IValueInsertable<T> source) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters T Target table record type. Insert<TSource, TTarget>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>) Executes configured insert query. public static int Insert<TSource, TTarget>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Inserts records from source query into target table. public static int Insert<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Inserted record constructor expression. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) Produces the set intersection of two sequences. public static IQueryable<TSource> IntersectAll<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source1, IEnumerable<TSource> source2) Parameters source1 IQueryable<TSource> A sequence whose elements that also appear in source2 are returned. source2 IEnumerable<TSource> A sequence whose elements that also appear in the first sequence are returned. Returns IQueryable<TSource> A sequence that contains the set intersection of the two sequences. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of the input sequences. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source1 or source2 is null. Into<T>(IDataContext, ITable<T>) Starts insert operation LINQ query definition. public static IValueInsertable<T> Into<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, ITable<T> target) where T : notnull Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. target ITable<T> Target table. Returns IValueInsertable<T> Insertable source query. Type Parameters T Target table mapping class. Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) Converts LINQ query into insert query with source query data as data to insert. public static ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Into<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. Returns ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insertable source query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. IsSet(TableOptions) public static bool IsSet(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool IsTemporaryOptionSet(TableOptions) public static bool IsTemporaryOptionSet(this TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Returns bool JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a join hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(Sql.QueryExtensionScope.JoinHint, typeof(NoneExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> JoinHint<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query source with join hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) Defines inner or outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TSource> Join<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, SqlJoinType joinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Right join operand. joinType SqlJoinType Type of join. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Join predicate. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Right operand. Type Parameters TSource Type of record for right join operand. Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) Defines inner or outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TResult> Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(this IQueryable<TOuter> outer, IQueryable<TInner> inner, SqlJoinType joinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> resultSelector) Parameters outer IQueryable<TOuter> Left join operand. inner IQueryable<TInner> Right join operand. joinType SqlJoinType Type of join. predicate Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> Join predicate. resultSelector Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> A function to create a result element from two matching elements. Returns IQueryable<TResult> Right operand. Type Parameters TOuter Type of record for left join operand. TInner Type of record for right join operand. TResult The type of the result elements. LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) Defines left outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TSource> LeftJoin<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Right join operand. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Join predicate. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Right operand. Type Parameters TSource Type of record for right join operand. LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) Defines left outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TResult> LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(this IQueryable<TOuter> outer, IQueryable<TInner> inner, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> resultSelector) Parameters outer IQueryable<TOuter> Left join operand. inner IQueryable<TInner> Right join operand. predicate Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> Join predicate. resultSelector Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> A function to create a result element from two matching elements. Returns IQueryable<TResult> Right operand. Type Parameters TOuter Type of record for left join operand. TInner Type of record for right join operand. TResult The type of the result elements. LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) Specifies associations, that should be loaded for each loaded record from current table. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. Some usage examples: // loads records from Table1 with Reference association loaded for each Table1 record db.Table1.LoadWithAsTable(r => r.Reference); // loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association loaded for each Table1 record // loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record db.Table1.LoadWithAsTable(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); // loads records from Table1 with References collection association loaded for each Table1 record db.Table1.LoadWithAsTable(r => r.References); // loads records from Table1 with Reference1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record // loads records from Reference2 collection association for each loaded Reference1 record // loads records from Reference3 association for each loaded Reference2 record // note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect // query results and always select all records db.Table1.LoadWithAsTable(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); public static ITable<T> LoadWithAsTable<T>(this ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, object?>> selector) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. selector Expression<Func<T, object>> Association selection expression. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TProperty>?>>, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for each loaded record from current table. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. loadFunc parameter could be used to define additional association loading logic like filters or loading of more associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TProperty>?>> selector, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> loadFunc) where TEntity : class Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TProperty>>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). loadFunc Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> Defines additional logic for association load query. Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following query loads records from Table1 with Reference association, loaded for each Table1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference); Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Following query loads records from Table1 with References collection association loaded for each Table1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References); Following query loads records from Table1 with: - Reference1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record; - Reference2 collection association for each loaded Reference1 record; - Reference3 association for each loaded Reference2 record. Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); Following query loads records from Table1 with References collection association loaded for each Table1 record, where References record contains only records without \"exclude\" text in Name property. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References, r => r.Where(rr => !rr.Name.Contains(\"exclude\"))); Following query loads records from Table1 with References1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record, where References1 record also load Reference2 association. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1, r => r.LoadWith(rr => rr.Reference2)); LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty?>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for each loaded record from current table. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty?>> selector) where TEntity : class Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following query loads records from Table1 with Reference association, loaded for each Table1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference); Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Following query loads records from Table1 with References collection association loaded for each Table1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References); Following query loads records from Table1 with References collection association loaded for each Table1 record. Also it limits loaded records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References.Where(e => !e.IsDeleted).Take(10)); Following query loads records from Table1 with: - Reference1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record; - Reference2 collection association for each loaded Reference1 record; - Reference3 association for each loaded Reference2 record. Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty?>>, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for each loaded record from current table. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. loadFunc parameter could be used to define additional association loading logic like filters or loading of more associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty?>> selector, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> loadFunc) where TEntity : class Parameters source IQueryable<TEntity> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). loadFunc Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> Defines additional logic for association load query. Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following query loads records from Table1 with Reference association, loaded for each Table1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference); Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Following query loads records from Table1 with References collection association loaded for each Table1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References); Following query loads records from Table1 with: - Reference1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record; - Reference2 collection association for each loaded Reference1 record; - Reference3 association for each loaded Reference2 record. Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); Following query loads records from Table1 with References collection association loaded for each Table1 record, where References record contains only records without \"exclude\" text in Name property. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References, r => r.Where(rr => !rr.Name.Contains(\"exclude\"))); Following query loads records from Table1 with References1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record, where References1 record also load Reference2 association. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1, r => r.LoadWith(rr => rr.Reference2)); MergeAsync<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, CancellationToken) Executes merge command and returns total number of target records, affected by merge operations. public static Task<int> MergeAsync<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. token CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) Starts merge operation definition from source query. public static IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. Returns IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Returns merge command builder with source and target set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) Starts merge operation definition from source query. public static IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, string hint) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. hint string Database-specific merge hint. Returns IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Returns merge command builder with source and target set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) Starts merge operation definition from source query. public static IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, IQueryable<TTarget> target) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target IQueryable<TTarget> Target query. If the query is not a table or a cte, it will be converted into a cte as the merge target. Returns IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Returns merge command builder with source and target set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. MergeWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) Executes merge command and returns output information, affected by merge operations. public static IAsyncEnumerable<TOutput> MergeWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. outputExpression Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IAsyncEnumerable<TOutput> Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2008+ Firebird 3+ (doesn't support more than one record and \"action\" parameter; database limitation) MergeWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) Executes merge command and returns output information, affected by merge operations. public static IAsyncEnumerable<TOutput> MergeWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. outputExpression Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IAsyncEnumerable<TOutput> Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2008+ Firebird 3+ (doesn't support more than one record and \"action\" parameter; database limitation) MergeWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes merge command, inserts output information into table and returns total number of target records, affected by merge operations. public static Task<int> MergeWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TOutput : notnull Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Table which should handle output result. outputExpression Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2008+ MergeWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes merge command, inserts output information into table and returns total number of target records, affected by merge operations. public static Task<int> MergeWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TOutput : notnull Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Table which should handle output result. outputExpression Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Returns Task<int> Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2008+ MergeWithOutputInto<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) Executes merge command, inserts output information into table and returns total number of target records, affected by merge operations. public static int MergeWithOutputInto<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TOutput : notnull Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Table which should handle output result. outputExpression Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2008+ MergeWithOutputInto<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) Executes merge command, inserts output information into table and returns total number of target records, affected by merge operations. public static int MergeWithOutputInto<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TOutput : notnull Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Table which should handle output result. outputExpression Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2008+ MergeWithOutput<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) Executes merge command and returns output information, affected by merge operations. public static IEnumerable<TOutput> MergeWithOutput<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. outputExpression Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<TOutput> Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2008+ Firebird 3+ (doesn't support more than one record and \"action\" parameter; database limitation) MergeWithOutput<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) Executes merge command and returns output information, affected by merge operations. public static IEnumerable<TOutput> MergeWithOutput<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. outputExpression Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<TOutput> Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2008+ Firebird 3+ (doesn't support more than one record and \"action\" parameter; database limitation) Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) Starts merge operation definition from target table. public static IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Merge<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. Returns IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Returns merge command builder, that contains only target. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) Starts merge operation definition from target table. public static IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Merge<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target, string hint) where TTarget : notnull Parameters target ITable<TTarget> Target table. hint string Database-specific merge hint. Returns IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Returns merge command builder, that contains only target. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) Starts merge operation definition from a subquery. If the query is not a table or a cte, it will be converted into a cte as the merge target. public static IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Merge<TTarget>(this IQueryable<TTarget> target) Parameters target IQueryable<TTarget> Target table. Returns IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Returns merge command builder, that contains only target. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. Merge<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>) Executes merge command and returns total number of target records, affected by merge operations. public static int Merge<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge) Parameters merge IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Merge command definition. Returns int Returns number of target table records, affected by merge command. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. OnTargetKey<TTarget>(IMergeableOn<TTarget, TTarget>) Adds definition of matching of target and source records using primary key columns. public static IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> OnTargetKey<TTarget>(this IMergeableOn<TTarget, TTarget> merge) Parameters merge IMergeableOn<TTarget, TTarget> Merge command builder. Returns IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> Returns merge command builder with source, target and match (ON) set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. On<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) Adds definition of matching of target and source records using match condition. public static IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> On<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> matchCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder. matchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Rule to match/join target and source records. Returns IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Returns merge command builder with source, target and match (ON) set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. On<TTarget, TSource, TKey>(IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) Adds definition of matching of target and source records using key value. public static IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> On<TTarget, TSource, TKey>(this IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>> targetKey, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> sourceKey) Parameters merge IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder. targetKey Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>> Target record match key definition. sourceKey Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> Source record match key definition. Returns IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Returns merge command builder with source, target and match (ON) set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. TKey Source and target records join/match key type. Or(TableOptions, TableOptions) public static TableOptions Or(this TableOptions tableOptions, TableOptions additionalOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions additionalOptions TableOptions Returns TableOptions QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Hint parameter. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Hint parameter type QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder), \" \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.QueryHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Table-like query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) Defines query name for specified sub-query. The query cannot be removed during the query optimization. public static IQueryable<TSource> QueryName<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string queryName) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. queryName string Query name. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query converted into sub-query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. QueryName<TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>>, string) Defines query name for specified sub-query. The query cannot be removed during the query optimization. public static IQueryable<TKey> QueryName<TKey, TElement>(this IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> grouping, string queryName) Parameters grouping IQueryable<IGrouping<TKey, TElement>> Source data query. queryName string Query name. Returns IQueryable<TKey> Query converted into sub-query. Type Parameters TKey The type of the key of the IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. TElement The type of the values in the IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Removes ordering from current query. public static IQueryable<TSource> RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Unsorted query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) Defines right outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TSource> RightJoin<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Right join operand. predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Join predicate. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Right operand. Type Parameters TSource Type of record for right join operand. RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) Defines right outer join between two sub-queries or tables. public static IQueryable<TResult> RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(this IQueryable<TOuter> outer, IQueryable<TInner> inner, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> resultSelector) Parameters outer IQueryable<TOuter> Left join operand. inner IQueryable<TInner> Right join operand. predicate Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>> Join predicate. resultSelector Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>> A function to create a result element from two matching elements. Returns IQueryable<TResult> Right operand. Type Parameters TOuter Type of record for left join operand. TInner Type of record for right join operand. TResult The type of the result elements. SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) Overrides owner/schema name with new name for current query. This call will have effect only for databases that support owner/schema name in fully-qualified table name. Supported by: DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Informix, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. public static ITable<T> SchemaName<T>(this ITable<T> table, string? name) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. name string Name of owner/schema. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new owner/schema name. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. SelectAsync<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) Loads scalar value or record from database without explicit table source asynchronously. Could be usefull for function calls, querying of database variables or properties, subqueries, execution of code on server side. public static Task<T> SelectAsync<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, Expression<Func<T>> selector) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. selector Expression<Func<T>> Value selection expression. Returns Task<T> Requested value. Type Parameters T Type of result. Select<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) Loads scalar value or record from database without explicit table source. Could be usefull for function calls, querying of database variables or properties, subqueries, execution of code on server side. public static T Select<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, Expression<Func<T>> selector) Parameters dataContext IDataContext Database connection context. selector Expression<Func<T>> Value selection expression. Returns T Requested value. Type Parameters T Type of result. ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) Overrides linked server name with new name for current query. This call will have effect only for databases that support linked server name in fully-qualified table name. Supported by: SQL Server, Informix, Oracle, SAP HANA2. public static ITable<T> ServerName<T>(this ITable<T> table, string? name) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. name string Name of linked server. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new linked server name. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. Set<T>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) Adds update field expression to query. It can be any expression with string interpolation. public static IUpdatable<T> Set<T>(this IUpdatable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, string>> setExpression) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source query with records to update. setExpression Expression<Func<T, string>> Custom update expression. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Updated record type. Examples The following example shows how to append string value to appropriate field. db.Users.Where(u => u.UserId == id) .AsUpdatable() .Set(u => $\"{u.Name}\" += {str}\") .Update(); Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) Adds update field expression to query. It can be any expression with string interpolation. public static IUpdatable<T> Set<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, string>> setExpression) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source query with records to update. setExpression Expression<Func<T, string>> Custom update expression. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Updated record type. Examples The following example shows how to append string value to appropriate field. db.Users.Where(u => u.UserId == id) .Set(u => $\"{u.Name}\" += {str}\") .Update(); Set<T, TV>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) Adds update field expression to query. public static IUpdatable<T> Set<T, TV>(this IUpdatable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> extract, Expression<Func<T, TV>> update) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source query with records to update. extract Expression<Func<T, TV>> Updated field selector expression. update Expression<Func<T, TV>> Updated field setter expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Updated record type. TV Updated field type. Set<T, TV>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) Adds update field expression to query. public static IUpdatable<T> Set<T, TV>(this IUpdatable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> extract, Expression<Func<TV>> update) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source query with records to update. extract Expression<Func<T, TV>> Updated field selector expression. update Expression<Func<TV>> Updated field setter expression. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Updated record type. TV Updated field type. Set<T, TV>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) Adds update field expression to query. public static IUpdatable<T> Set<T, TV>(this IUpdatable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> extract, TV value) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source query with records to update. extract Expression<Func<T, TV>> Updated field selector expression. value TV Value, assigned to updated field. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Updated record type. TV Updated field type. Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) Adds update field expression to query. public static IUpdatable<T> Set<T, TV>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> extract, Expression<Func<T, TV>> update) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source query with records to update. extract Expression<Func<T, TV>> Updated field selector expression. update Expression<Func<T, TV>> Updated field setter expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Updated record type. TV Updated field type. Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) Adds update field expression to query. public static IUpdatable<T> Set<T, TV>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> extract, Expression<Func<TV>> update) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source query with records to update. extract Expression<Func<T, TV>> Updated field selector expression. update Expression<Func<TV>> Updated field setter expression. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Updated record type. TV Updated field type. Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) Adds update field expression to query. public static IUpdatable<T> Set<T, TV>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> extract, TV value) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source query with records to update. extract Expression<Func<T, TV>> Updated field selector expression. value TV Value, assigned to updated field. Returns IUpdatable<T> IUpdatable<T> query. Type Parameters T Updated record type. TV Updated field type. Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) Ignores first N records from source query. public static IQueryable<TSource> Skip<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<int>> count) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. count Expression<Func<int>> Expression that defines number of records to skip. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query without skipped records. Type Parameters TSource Source table record type. SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a query hint to a generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> SubQueryHint<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Hint parameter. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Hint parameter type SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a query hint to the generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.SubQueryHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Table-like query source with hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] public static ITable<TSource> TableHint<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ITable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] public static ITable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this ITable<TSource> table, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns ITable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \" \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \", \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] public static ITable<TSource> TableHint<TSource, TParam>(this ITable<TSource> table, string hint, params TParam[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters TParam[] Table hint parameters. Returns ITable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) Assigns table id. public static ITable<T> TableID<T>(this ITable<T> table, string? id) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. id string Table ID. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new name. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) Overrides table or view name with new name for current query. public static ITable<T> TableName<T>(this ITable<T> table, string name) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. name string Name of table. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new name. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \" \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder), \" \", \", \")] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintWithParametersExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, params object[] hintParameters) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameters object[] Table hint parameters. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) Adds a table hint to all the tables in the method scope. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TablesInScopeHint, typeof(HintWithParameterExtensionBuilder))] public static IQueryable<TSource> TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint, TParam hintParameter) where TSource : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. hintParameter TParam Table hint parameter. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. TParam Table hint parameter type. TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) Adds a tag comment before generated query for table. The example below will produce following code before generated query: /* my tag */\\r\\n db.Table.TagQuery(\"my tag\"); public static ITable<T> TagQuery<T>(this ITable<T> table, string tagValue) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. tagValue string Tag text to be added as comment before generated query. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with tag. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) Adds a tag comment before generated query. The example below will produce following code before generated query: /* my tag */\\r\\n db.Table.TagQuery(\"my tag\"); public static IQueryable<TSource> TagQuery<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string tagValue) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. tagValue string Tag text to be added as comment before generated query. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query with tag. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class. Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) Limits number of records, returned from query. Allows to specify TAKE clause hints. Using this method may cause runtime LinqException if take hints are not supported by database. public static IQueryable<TSource> Take<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, int count, TakeHints hints) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. count int SQL TAKE parameter value. hints TakeHints TakeHints hints for SQL TAKE clause. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query with limit applied. Type Parameters TSource Source table record type. Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) Limits number of records, returned from query. public static IQueryable<TSource> Take<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<int>> count) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. count Expression<Func<int>> Expression that defines number of records to select. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query with limit applied. Type Parameters TSource Source table record type. Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) Limits number of records, returned from query. Allows to specify TAKE clause hints. Using this method may cause runtime LinqException if take hints are not supported by database. public static IQueryable<TSource> Take<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<int>> count, TakeHints hints) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. count Expression<Func<int>> Expression that defines SQL TAKE parameter value. hints TakeHints TakeHints hints for SQL TAKE clause. Returns IQueryable<TSource> Query with limit applied. Type Parameters TSource Source table record type. ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>>, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, IEnumerable<TProperty>>>, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for parent association, loaded by previous LoadWith/ThenLoad call in chain. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. loadFunc parameter could be used to define additional association loading logic like filters or loading of more associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(this ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>> source, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, IEnumerable<TProperty>>> selector, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> loadFunc) where TEntity : class Parameters source ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, IEnumerable<TProperty>>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). loadFunc Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> Defines additional logic for association load query. Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TPreviousProperty Type of parent association. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); Following query loads records from Table1 with References1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record with References2 collection association loaded for each record in References1, with filter over References2 record to include only records without \"exclude\" text in Name property. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r1 => r1.References2, r2 => r2.Where(rr2 => !rr2.Name.Contains(\"exclude\"))); ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>>, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty?>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for parent association, loaded by previous LoadWith/ThenLoad call in chain. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(this ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>> source, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty?>> selector) where TEntity : class Parameters source ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TPreviousProperty Type of parent association. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>>, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty?>>, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for parent association, loaded by previous LoadWith/ThenLoad call in chain. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. loadFunc parameter could be used to define additional association loading logic like filters or loading of more associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(this ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>> source, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty?>> selector, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> loadFunc) where TEntity : class Parameters source ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPreviousProperty>> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). loadFunc Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> Defines additional logic for association load query. Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TPreviousProperty Type of parent association. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); Following query loads records from Table1 with References1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record with References2 collection association loaded for each record in References1, with filter over References2 record to include only records without \"exclude\" text in Name property. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r1 => r1.References2, r2 => r2.Where(rr2 => !rr2.Name.Contains(\"exclude\"))); ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty>, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, IEnumerable<TProperty>?>>, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for parent association, loaded by previous LoadWith/ThenLoad call in chain. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. loadFunc parameter could be used to define additional association loading logic like filters or loading of more associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(this ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, IEnumerable<TProperty>?>> selector, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> loadFunc) where TEntity : class Parameters source ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, IEnumerable<TProperty>>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). loadFunc Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> Defines additional logic for association load query. Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TPreviousProperty Type of parent association. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); Following query loads records from Table1 with References1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record with References2 collection association loaded for each record in References1, with filter over References2 record to include only records without \"exclude\" text in Name property. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r1 => r1.References2, r2 => r2.Where(rr2 => !rr2.Name.Contains(\"exclude\"))); ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty>, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty?>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for parent association, loaded by previous LoadWith/ThenLoad call in chain. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(this ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty?>> selector) where TEntity : class Parameters source ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TPreviousProperty Type of parent association. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty>, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty?>>, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>>) Specifies associations that should be loaded for parent association, loaded by previous LoadWith/ThenLoad call in chain. All associations, specified in selector expression, will be loaded. Take into account that use of this method could require multiple queries to load all requested associations. loadFunc parameter could be used to define additional association loading logic like filters or loading of more associations. public static ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenLoad<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(this ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source, Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty?>> selector, Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> loadFunc) where TEntity : class Parameters source ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> The source query. selector Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> A lambda expression representing navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). loadFunc Expression<Func<IQueryable<TProperty>, IQueryable<TProperty>>> Defines additional logic for association load query. Returns ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Returns new query with related data included. Type Parameters TEntity Type of entity being queried. TPreviousProperty Type of parent association. TProperty Type of the related entity to be included. Examples Following queries loads records from Table1 with Reference1 association and then loads records from Reference2 association for each loaded Reference1 record. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1.Reference2); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.Reference1).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference2); Note that a way you access collection association record (by index, using First() method) doesn't affect query results and always select all records. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1[0].References2.First().Reference3); Same query using ThenLoad extension. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r => r.References2).ThenLoad(r => r.Reference3); Following query loads records from Table1 with References1 collection association loaded for each Table1 record with References2 collection association loaded for each record in References1, with filter over References2 record to include only records without \"exclude\" text in Name property. db.Table1.LoadWith(r => r.References1).ThenLoad(r1 => r1.References2, r2 => r2.Where(rr2 => !rr2.Name.Contains(\"exclude\"))); ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) Adds descending sort expression to a query. If query already sorted, existing sorting will be preserved and updated with new sort. public static IOrderedQueryable<TSource> ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> Sort expression selector. Returns IOrderedQueryable<TSource> Sorted query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TKey Sort expression type. ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) Adds ascending sort expression to a query. If query already sorted, existing sorting will be preserved and updated with new sort. public static IOrderedQueryable<TSource> ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query. keySelector Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> Sort expression selector. Returns IOrderedQueryable<TSource> Sorted query. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TKey Sort expression type. TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) Truncates database table asynchronously. public static Task<int> TruncateAsync<T>(this ITable<T> target, bool resetIdentity = true, CancellationToken token = default) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Truncated table. resetIdentity bool Performs reset identity column. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Usually -1 as it is not data modification operation. Type Parameters T Table record type. Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) Truncates database table. public static int Truncate<T>(this ITable<T> target, bool resetIdentity = true) where T : notnull Parameters target ITable<T> Truncated table. resetIdentity bool Performs reset identity column. Returns int Number of affected records. Usually -1 as it is not data modification operation. Type Parameters T Table record type. UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) Concatenates two sequences, similar to Concat<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>). public static IQueryable<TSource> UnionAll<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source1, IEnumerable<TSource> source2) Parameters source1 IQueryable<TSource> The first sequence to concatenate. source2 IEnumerable<TSource> The sequence to concatenate to the first sequence. Returns IQueryable<TSource> An IQueryable<T> that contains the concatenated elements of the two input sequences. Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of the input sequences. Exceptions ArgumentNullException source1 or source2 is null. UpdateAsync<T>(IUpdatable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation asynchronously for already configured update query. public static Task<int> UpdateAsync<T>(this IUpdatable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Update query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation asynchronously using source query as record filter with additional filter expression. public static Task<int> UpdateAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter expression, to specify what records from source query should be updated. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation asynchronously using source query as record filter. public static Task<int> UpdateAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation asynchronously against target table. public static Task<int> UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation asynchronously against target table. Also see UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) method. public static Task<int> UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table selection expression. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>>) IMPORTANT: This operation supported only by Oracle Database. Adds new update with delete operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table using data from the same fields of source record for each record that was matched in source and target and passes filtering with specified predicate, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. After that it removes updated records if they are matched by delete predicate. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> deleteCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> Update execution condition over target and source records. deleteCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> Delete execution condition over updated target and source records. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target and source records type. UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) IMPORTANT: This operation supported only by Oracle Database. Adds new update with delete operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table using user-defined values for target columns for each record that was matched in source and target and passes filtering with specified predicate, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. After that it removes updated records if they matched by delete predicate. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> deleteCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Update execution condition over target and source records. setter Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> Update record expression using target and source records. Expression should be a call to target record constructor with field/properties initializers to be recognized by API. deleteCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Delete execution condition over updated target and source records. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>>) Adds new update operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table using data from the same fields of source record for each record that was matched in source and target and passes filtering with specified predicate, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> searchCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> Operation execution condition over target and source records. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target and source records type. UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) Adds new update operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table using user-defined values for target columns for each record that was matched in source and target and passes filtering with specified predicate, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> setter) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Operation execution condition over target and source records. setter Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> Update record expression using target and source records. Expression should be a call to target record constructor with field/properties initializers to be recognized by API. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>>) IMPORTANT: This operation supported only by Oracle Database. Adds new update with delete operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table using data from the same fields of source record for each record that was matched in source and target, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. After that it removes updated records if they are matched by delete predicate. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> deleteCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> Merge command builder interface. deleteCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> Delete execution condition over updated target and source records. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target and source records type. UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) IMPORTANT: This operation supported only by Oracle Database. Adds new update with delete operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table using user-defined values for target columns for each record that was matched in source and target, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. After that it removes updated records if they matched by delete predicate. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> deleteCondition) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. setter Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> Update record expression using target and source records. Expression should be a call to target record constructor with field/properties initializers to be recognized by API. deleteCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Delete execution condition over updated target and source records. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget>) Adds new update operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table using data from the same fields of source record for each record that was matched in source and target, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> Merge command builder interface. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target and source records type. UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) Adds new update operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table using user-defined values for target columns for each record that was matched in source and target, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> setter) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. setter Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> Update record expression using target and source records. Expression should be a call to target record constructor with field/properties initializers to be recognized by API. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) IMPORTANT: This operation supported only by Microsoft SQL Server. Adds new update by source operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table for each record that was matched only in target using user-defined values for target columns, if it passed filtering by operation predicate and wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> setter) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. searchCondition Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> Operation execution condition over target record. setter Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> Update record expression using target record. Expression should be a call to target record constructor with field/properties initializers to be recognized by API. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) IMPORTANT: This operation supported only by Microsoft SQL Server. Adds new update by source operation to merge and returns new merge command with added operation. This operation updates record in target table for each record that was matched only in target using user-defined values for target columns, if it wasn't processed by previous operations. public static IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> setter) Parameters merge IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Merge command builder interface. setter Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> Update record expression using target record. Expression should be a call to target record constructor with field/properties initializers to be recognized by API. Returns IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> Returns new merge command builder with new operation. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IUpdatable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static Task<UpdateOutput<T>[]> UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(this IUpdatable<T> source, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source data query. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<UpdateOutput<T>[]> Deleted and inserted values for every record updated. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static Task<UpdateOutput<T>[]> UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<UpdateOutput<T>[]> Deleted and inserted values for every record updated. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static Task<TOutput[]> UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(this IUpdatable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source data query. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (T deleted, T inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TOutput[]> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL (doesn't support old data; database limitation) SQLite 3.35+ (doesn't support old data; database limitation) UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static Task<UpdateOutput<TTarget>[]> UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<UpdateOutput<TTarget>[]> Deleted and inserted values for every record updated. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static Task<TOutput[]> UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (T deleted, T inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TOutput[]> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL (doesn't support old data; database limitation) SQLite 3.35+ (doesn't support old data; database limitation) UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static Task<UpdateOutput<TTarget>[]> UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<UpdateOutput<TTarget>[]> Deleted and inserted values for every record updated. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static Task<TOutput[]> UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (TSource source, TTarget deleted, TTarget inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TOutput[]> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL (doesn't support old data; database limitation) SQLite 3.35+ (doesn't support old data; database limitation) UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static Task<TOutput[]> UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (TSource source, TTarget deleted, TTarget inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TOutput[]> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL (doesn't support old data; database limitation) SQLite 3.35+ (doesn't support old data; database limitation) UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T>(IUpdatable<T>, ITable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static Task<int> UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T>(this IUpdatable<T> source, ITable<T> outputTable, CancellationToken token = default) where T : class Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source data query. outputTable ITable<T> Output table. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<T>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static Task<int> UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, ITable<T> outputTable, CancellationToken token = default) where T : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<T> Output table. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IUpdatable<T>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static Task<int> UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(this IUpdatable<T> source, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TOutput : class Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source data query. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (T deleted, T inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static Task<int> UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TTarget> outputTable, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static Task<int> UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TOutput : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (T deleted, T inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static Task<int> UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TTarget> outputTable, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static Task<int> UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TTarget : class where TOutput : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (TSource source, TTarget deleted, TTarget inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static Task<int> UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression, CancellationToken token = default) where TOutput : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (TSource source, TTarget deleted, TTarget inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. token CancellationToken Optional asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<int> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputInto<T>(IUpdatable<T>, ITable<T>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static int UpdateWithOutputInto<T>(this IUpdatable<T> source, ITable<T> outputTable) where T : class Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source data query. outputTable ITable<T> Output table. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputInto<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<T>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static int UpdateWithOutputInto<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, ITable<T> outputTable) where T : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<T> Output table. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IUpdatable<T>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static int UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(this IUpdatable<T> source, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TOutput : class Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source data query. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (T deleted, T inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static int UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TTarget> outputTable) where TTarget : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static int UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TOutput : class Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (T deleted, T inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static int UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TTarget> outputTable) where TTarget : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TTarget> Output table. Returns int Number of affected records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static int UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TTarget : class where TOutput : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (TSource source, TTarget deleted, TTarget inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static int UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, ITable<TOutput> outputTable, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TOutput : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputTable ITable<TOutput> Output table. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (TSource source, TTarget deleted, TTarget inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ UpdateWithOutput<T>(IUpdatable<T>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static IEnumerable<UpdateOutput<T>> UpdateWithOutput<T>(this IUpdatable<T> source) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source data query. Returns IEnumerable<UpdateOutput<T>> Deleted and inserted values for every record updated. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static IEnumerable<UpdateOutput<T>> UpdateWithOutput<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<UpdateOutput<T>> Deleted and inserted values for every record updated. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IUpdatable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static IEnumerable<TOutput> UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(this IUpdatable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Source data query. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (T deleted, T inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializer. Returns IEnumerable<TOutput> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL (doesn't support old data; database limitation) SQLite 3.35+ (doesn't support old data; database limitation) UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static IEnumerable<UpdateOutput<TTarget>> UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<UpdateOutput<TTarget>> Deleted and inserted values for every record updated. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static IEnumerable<TOutput> UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (T deleted, T inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<TOutput> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL (doesn't support old data; database limitation) SQLite 3.35+ (doesn't support old data; database limitation) UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static IEnumerable<UpdateOutput<TTarget>> UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<UpdateOutput<TTarget>> Deleted and inserted values for every record updated. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static IEnumerable<TOutput> UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) where TTarget : class Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (TSource source, TTarget deleted, TTarget inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<TOutput> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL (doesn't support old data; database limitation) SQLite 3.35+ (doesn't support old data; database limitation) UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static IEnumerable<TOutput> UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> outputExpression) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. outputExpression Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>> Output record constructor expression. Parameters passed are as follows: (TSource source, TTarget deleted, TTarget inserted). Expression supports only record new expression with field initializers. Returns IEnumerable<TOutput> Output values from the update statement. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. TOutput Output table record type. Remarks Database support: SQL Server 2005+ Firebird 2.5+ (doesn't support more than one record; database limitation) PostgreSQL (doesn't support old data; database limitation) SQLite 3.35+ (doesn't support old data; database limitation) Update<T>(IUpdatable<T>) Executes update operation for already configured update query. public static int Update<T>(this IUpdatable<T> source) Parameters source IUpdatable<T> Update query. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter with additional filter expression. public static int Update<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. predicate Expression<Func<T, bool>> Filter expression, to specify what records from source query should be updated. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) Executes update operation using source query as record filter. public static int Update<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, T>> setter) Parameters source IQueryable<T> Source data query. setter Expression<Func<T, T>> Update expression. Uses updated record as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters T Updated table record type. Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. public static int Update<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target ITable<TTarget> Target table. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Executes update-from-source operation against target table. Also see Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) method. public static int Update<TSource, TTarget>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. target Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Target table selection expression. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns int Number of updated records. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table mapping class. UsingTarget<TTarget>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>) Sets target table as merge command source. public static IMergeableOn<TTarget, TTarget> UsingTarget<TTarget>(this IMergeableUsing<TTarget> merge) Parameters merge IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Merge command builder. Returns IMergeableOn<TTarget, TTarget> Returns merge command builder with source and target set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. Using<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>, IEnumerable<TSource>) Adds source collection to merge command definition. public static IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Using<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableUsing<TTarget> merge, IEnumerable<TSource> source) Parameters merge IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Merge command builder. source IEnumerable<TSource> Source data collection. Returns IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Returns merge command builder with source and target set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. Using<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>, IQueryable<TSource>) Adds source query to merge command definition. public static IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Using<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableUsing<TTarget> merge, IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters merge IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Merge command builder. source IQueryable<TSource> Source data query. Returns IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Returns merge command builder with source and target set. Type Parameters TTarget Target record type. TSource Source record type. Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) Starts insert operation LINQ query definition from field setter expression. public static IValueInsertable<T> Value<T, TV>(this ITable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> field, Expression<Func<TV>> value) where T : notnull Parameters source ITable<T> Source table to insert to. field Expression<Func<T, TV>> Setter field selector expression. value Expression<Func<TV>> Setter field value expression. Returns IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Type Parameters T Target table record type. TV Setter field type. Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) Starts insert operation LINQ query definition from field setter expression. public static IValueInsertable<T> Value<T, TV>(this ITable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> field, TV value) where T : notnull Parameters source ITable<T> Source table to insert to. field Expression<Func<T, TV>> Setter field selector expression. value TV Setter field value. Returns IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Type Parameters T Target table record type. TV Setter field type. Value<T, TV>(IValueInsertable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) Add field setter to insert operation LINQ query. public static IValueInsertable<T> Value<T, TV>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> field, Expression<Func<TV>> value) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. field Expression<Func<T, TV>> Setter field selector expression. value Expression<Func<TV>> Setter field value expression. Returns IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Type Parameters T Target table record type. TV Setter field type. Value<T, TV>(IValueInsertable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) Add field setter to insert operation LINQ query. public static IValueInsertable<T> Value<T, TV>(this IValueInsertable<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TV>> field, TV value) Parameters source IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. field Expression<Func<T, TV>> Setter field selector expression. value TV Setter field value. Returns IValueInsertable<T> Insert query. Type Parameters T Target table record type. TV Setter field type. Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TValue>>) Add field setter to insert operation LINQ query. public static ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>> field, Expression<Func<TSource, TValue>> value) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. field Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>> Setter field selector expression. value Expression<Func<TSource, TValue>> Setter field value expression. Accepts source record as parameter. Returns ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Type Parameters TSource Source record type. TTarget Target record type TValue Field type. Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>>, Expression<Func<TValue>>) Add field setter to insert operation LINQ query. public static ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>> field, Expression<Func<TValue>> value) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. field Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>> Setter field selector expression. value Expression<Func<TValue>> Setter field value expression. Returns ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Type Parameters TSource Source record type. TTarget Target record type TValue Field type. Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>>, TValue) Add field setter to insert operation LINQ query. public static ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Value<TSource, TTarget, TValue>(this ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> source, Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>> field, TValue value) Parameters source ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. field Expression<Func<TTarget, TValue>> Setter field selector expression. value TValue Setter field value. Returns ISelectInsertable<TSource, TTarget> Insert query. Type Parameters TSource Source record type. TTarget Target record type TValue Field type. WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) Replaces access to a table in generated query with SQL expression. Example below adds hint to a table. Also see With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) method. var tableWithHint = db.Table.WithTableExpression(\"{0} {1} with (UpdLock)\"); public static ITable<T> WithTableExpression<T>(this ITable<T> table, string expression) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. expression string SQL template to use instead of table name. Template supports two parameters: - {0} original table name; - {1} table alias. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new table source expression. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) Adds a table hint to a table in generated query. [Sql.QueryExtension(\"Oracle\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(\"MySql\", Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(TableSpecHintExtensionBuilder))] [Sql.QueryExtension(null, Sql.QueryExtensionScope.TableHint, typeof(HintExtensionBuilder))] public static ITable<TSource> With<TSource>(this ITable<TSource> table, string hint) where TSource : notnull Parameters table ITable<TSource> Table-like query source. hint string SQL text, added as a database specific hint to generated query. Returns ITable<TSource> Table-like query source with table hints. Type Parameters TSource Table record mapping class."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.LinqOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.LinqOptions.html",
"title": "Class LinqOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqOptions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record LinqOptions : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<LinqOptions> Inheritance object LinqOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<LinqOptions> Extension Methods DataOptionsExtensions.WithCacheSlidingExpiration(LinqOptions, TimeSpan?) DataOptionsExtensions.WithCompareNullsAsValues(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithDisableQueryCache(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithDoNotClearOrderBys(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithEnableContextSchemaEdit(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithGenerateExpressionTest(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithGuardGrouping(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithKeepDistinctOrdered(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithOptimizeJoins(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithParameterizeTakeSkip(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithPreferApply(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithPreferExistsForScalar(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithPreloadGroups(LinqOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithTraceMapperExpression(LinqOptions, bool) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors LinqOptions() public LinqOptions() LinqOptions(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, TimeSpan?, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool) public LinqOptions(bool PreloadGroups = false, bool IgnoreEmptyUpdate = false, bool GenerateExpressionTest = false, bool TraceMapperExpression = false, bool DoNotClearOrderBys = false, bool OptimizeJoins = true, bool CompareNullsAsValues = true, bool GuardGrouping = true, bool DisableQueryCache = false, TimeSpan? CacheSlidingExpiration = null, bool PreferApply = true, bool KeepDistinctOrdered = true, bool ParameterizeTakeSkip = true, bool EnableContextSchemaEdit = false, bool PreferExistsForScalar = false) Parameters PreloadGroups bool Controls how group data for LINQ queries ended with GroupBy will be loaded: if true - group data will be loaded together with main query, resulting in 1 + N queries, where N - number of groups; if false - group data will be loaded when you call enumerator for specific group IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. Default value: false. IgnoreEmptyUpdate bool Controls behavior of linq2db when there is no updateable fields in Update query: if true - query not executed and Update operation returns 0 as number of affected records; if false - LinqException will be thrown. Default value: false. GenerateExpressionTest bool Enables generation of test class for each LINQ query, executed while this option is enabled. This option could be useful for issue reporting, when you need to provide reproducible case. Test file will be placed to linq2db subfolder of temp folder and exact file path will be logged to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. TraceMapperExpression bool Enables logging of generated mapping expression to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. DoNotClearOrderBys bool Controls behavior, when LINQ query chain contains multiple OrderBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) or OrderByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) calls: if true - non-first OrderBy* call will be treated as ThenBy* call; if false - OrderBy* call will discard sort specifications, added by previous OrderBy* and ThenBy* calls. Default value: false. OptimizeJoins bool If enabled, linq2db will try to reduce number of generated SQL JOINs for LINQ query. Attempted optimizations: removes duplicate joins by unique target table key; removes self-joins by unique key; removes left joins if joined table is not used in query. Default value: true. CompareNullsAsValues bool If set to true nullable fields would be checked for IS NULL in Equal/NotEqual comparisons. This affects: Equal, NotEqual, Not Contains Default value: true. public class MyEntity { public int? Value; } db.MyEntity.Where(e => e.Value != 10) from e1 in db.MyEntity join e2 in db.MyEntity on e1.Value equals e2.Value select e1 var filter = new [] {1, 2, 3}; db.MyEntity.Where(e => ! filter.Contains(e.Value)) Would be converted to next queries: SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR Value != 10 SELECT e1.Value FROM MyEntity e1 INNER JOIN MyEntity e2 ON e1.Value = e2.Value OR (e1.Value IS NULL AND e2.Value IS NULL) SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR NOT Value IN (1, 2, 3) GuardGrouping bool Controls behavior of LINQ query, which ends with GroupBy call. - if true - LinqToDBException will be thrown for such queries; - if false - behavior is controlled by PreloadGroups option. Default value: true. More details. DisableQueryCache bool Used to disable LINQ expressions caching for queries. This cache reduces time, required for query parsing but have several side-effects: - cached LINQ expressions could contain references to external objects as parameters, which could lead to memory leaks if those objects are not used anymore by other code - cache access synchronization could lead to bigger latencies than it saves. Default value: false. It is not recommended to enable this option as it could lead to severe slowdown. Better approach will be to call ClearCache() method to cleanup cache after queries, that produce severe memory leaks you need to fix. More details. CacheSlidingExpiration TimeSpan? Specifies timeout when query will be evicted from cache since last execution of query. Default value is 1 hour. PreferApply bool Used to generate CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY if possible. Default value: true. KeepDistinctOrdered bool Allows SQL generation to automatically transform SELECT DISTINCT value FROM Table ORDER BY date Into GROUP BY equivalent if syntax is not supported Default value: true. ParameterizeTakeSkip bool Enables Take/Skip parameterization. Default value: true. EnableContextSchemaEdit bool If true, user could add new mappings to context mapping schems (MappingSchema). Otherwise, LinqToDBException will be generated on locked mapping schema edit attempt. It is not recommended to enable this option as it has performance implications. Proper approach is to create single MappingSchema instance once, configure mappings for it and use this MappingSchema instance for all context instances. Default value: false. PreferExistsForScalar bool If true, EXISTS operator will be generated instead of IN operator for scalar values. SELECT Value FROM MyEntity e WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM MyEntity2 e2 WHERE e2.Value = e.Value) vs SELECT Value FROM MyEntity e WHERE Value IN (SELECT Value FROM MyEntity2 e2) Default value: false. Properties CacheSlidingExpiration Specifies timeout when query will be evicted from cache since last execution of query. Default value is 1 hour. public TimeSpan? CacheSlidingExpiration { get; init; } Property Value TimeSpan? CacheSlidingExpirationOrDefault public TimeSpan CacheSlidingExpirationOrDefault { get; } Property Value TimeSpan CompareNullsAsValues If set to true nullable fields would be checked for IS NULL in Equal/NotEqual comparisons. This affects: Equal, NotEqual, Not Contains Default value: true. public class MyEntity { public int? Value; } db.MyEntity.Where(e => e.Value != 10) from e1 in db.MyEntity join e2 in db.MyEntity on e1.Value equals e2.Value select e1 var filter = new [] {1, 2, 3}; db.MyEntity.Where(e => ! filter.Contains(e.Value)) Would be converted to next queries: SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR Value != 10 SELECT e1.Value FROM MyEntity e1 INNER JOIN MyEntity e2 ON e1.Value = e2.Value OR (e1.Value IS NULL AND e2.Value IS NULL) SELECT Value FROM MyEntity WHERE Value IS NULL OR NOT Value IN (1, 2, 3) public bool CompareNullsAsValues { get; init; } Property Value bool DisableQueryCache Used to disable LINQ expressions caching for queries. This cache reduces time, required for query parsing but have several side-effects: - cached LINQ expressions could contain references to external objects as parameters, which could lead to memory leaks if those objects are not used anymore by other code - cache access synchronization could lead to bigger latencies than it saves. Default value: false. It is not recommended to enable this option as it could lead to severe slowdown. Better approach will be to call ClearCache() method to cleanup cache after queries, that produce severe memory leaks you need to fix. More details. public bool DisableQueryCache { get; init; } Property Value bool DoNotClearOrderBys Controls behavior, when LINQ query chain contains multiple OrderBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) or OrderByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) calls: if true - non-first OrderBy* call will be treated as ThenBy* call; if false - OrderBy* call will discard sort specifications, added by previous OrderBy* and ThenBy* calls. Default value: false. public bool DoNotClearOrderBys { get; init; } Property Value bool EnableContextSchemaEdit If true, user could add new mappings to context mapping schems (MappingSchema). Otherwise, LinqToDBException will be generated on locked mapping schema edit attempt. It is not recommended to enable this option as it has performance implications. Proper approach is to create single MappingSchema instance once, configure mappings for it and use this MappingSchema instance for all context instances. Default value: false. public bool EnableContextSchemaEdit { get; init; } Property Value bool GenerateExpressionTest Enables generation of test class for each LINQ query, executed while this option is enabled. This option could be useful for issue reporting, when you need to provide reproducible case. Test file will be placed to linq2db subfolder of temp folder and exact file path will be logged to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. public bool GenerateExpressionTest { get; init; } Property Value bool GuardGrouping Controls behavior of LINQ query, which ends with GroupBy call. - if true - LinqToDBException will be thrown for such queries; - if false - behavior is controlled by PreloadGroups option. Default value: true. More details. public bool GuardGrouping { get; init; } Property Value bool IgnoreEmptyUpdate Controls behavior of linq2db when there is no updateable fields in Update query: if true - query not executed and Update operation returns 0 as number of affected records; if false - LinqException will be thrown. Default value: false. public bool IgnoreEmptyUpdate { get; init; } Property Value bool KeepDistinctOrdered Allows SQL generation to automatically transform SELECT DISTINCT value FROM Table ORDER BY date Into GROUP BY equivalent if syntax is not supported Default value: true. public bool KeepDistinctOrdered { get; init; } Property Value bool OptimizeJoins If enabled, linq2db will try to reduce number of generated SQL JOINs for LINQ query. Attempted optimizations: removes duplicate joins by unique target table key; removes self-joins by unique key; removes left joins if joined table is not used in query. Default value: true. public bool OptimizeJoins { get; init; } Property Value bool ParameterizeTakeSkip Enables Take/Skip parameterization. Default value: true. public bool ParameterizeTakeSkip { get; init; } Property Value bool PreferApply Used to generate CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY if possible. Default value: true. public bool PreferApply { get; init; } Property Value bool PreferExistsForScalar If true, EXISTS operator will be generated instead of IN operator for scalar values. SELECT Value FROM MyEntity e WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM MyEntity2 e2 WHERE e2.Value = e.Value) vs SELECT Value FROM MyEntity e WHERE Value IN (SELECT Value FROM MyEntity2 e2) Default value: false. public bool PreferExistsForScalar { get; init; } Property Value bool PreloadGroups Controls how group data for LINQ queries ended with GroupBy will be loaded: if true - group data will be loaded together with main query, resulting in 1 + N queries, where N - number of groups; if false - group data will be loaded when you call enumerator for specific group IGrouping<TKey, TElement>. Default value: false. public bool PreloadGroups { get; init; } Property Value bool TraceMapperExpression Enables logging of generated mapping expression to data connection tracing infrastructure. See TraceSwitch for more details. Default value: false. public bool TraceMapperExpression { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods Equals(LinqOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(LinqOptions? other) Parameters other LinqOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.LinqToDBConstants.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.LinqToDBConstants.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBConstants | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBConstants Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public static class LinqToDBConstants Inheritance object LinqToDBConstants Fields Copyright public const string Copyright = \"© 2011-2024\" Field Value string ProductDescription public const string ProductDescription = \"Linq to DB\" Field Value string ProductName public const string ProductName = \"Linq to DB\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.LinqToDBException.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.LinqToDBException.html",
"title": "Class LinqToDBException | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqToDBException Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions. [Serializable] public class LinqToDBException : Exception, ISerializable, _Exception Inheritance object Exception LinqToDBException Implements ISerializable _Exception Derived LinqToDBConvertException RetryLimitExceededException Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.ToString() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.Message Exception.Data Exception.InnerException Exception.TargetSite Exception.StackTrace Exception.HelpLink Exception.Source Exception.HResult Exception.SerializeObjectState Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Remarks This class is the base class for exceptions that may occur during execution of the namespace members. Constructors LinqToDBException() Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBException class. public LinqToDBException() Remarks This constructor initializes the Message property of the new instance such as \"A Build Type exception has occurred.\". LinqToDBException(Exception) Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBException class with the specified InnerException property. public LinqToDBException(Exception innerException) Parameters innerException Exception The InnerException, if any, that threw the current exception. See Also InnerException LinqToDBException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBException class with serialized data. protected LinqToDBException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) Parameters info SerializationInfo The object that holds the serialized object data. context StreamingContext The contextual information about the source or destination. Remarks This constructor is called during deserialization to reconstitute the exception object transmitted over a stream. LinqToDBException(string) Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBException class with the specified error message. public LinqToDBException(string message) Parameters message string The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown. See Also Message LinqToDBException(string, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the LinqToDBException class with the specified error message and InnerException property. public LinqToDBException(string message, Exception innerException) Parameters message string The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown. innerException Exception The InnerException, if any, that threw the current exception. See Also Message InnerException"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.AssociationAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.AssociationAttribute.html",
"title": "Class AssociationAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AssociationAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Defines relation between tables or views. Could be applied to: instance properties and fields; instance and static methods. For associations, defined using static methods, this mapping side defined by type of first parameter. Also, optionally, you can pass data context object as extra method parameter. Based on association type - to one or to multiple records - result type should be target record's mapping type or IEquatable<T> collection. By default associations are used only for joins generation in LINQ queries and will have null value for loaded records. To load data into association, you should explicitly specify it in your query using LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty?>>) method. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method|AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)] public class AssociationAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute AssociationAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AssociationAttribute() Creates attribute instance. public AssociationAttribute() Properties AliasName Gets or sets alias for association. Used in SQL generation process. public string? AliasName { get; set; } Property Value string AssociationSetterExpression Specifies a setter expression. If is set, it will be used to set the storage member when using LoadWith(). Action takes two parameters: the storage member and the value to assign to it. Expression<Action<SomeContainerType,SomeOtherEntity>> setContainerValue; setContainerValue = (container, value) => container.Value = value;</code></pre></example></p> public Expression? AssociationSetterExpression { get; set; } Property Value Expression AssociationSetterExpressionMethod Specifies static property or method without parameters, that returns a setter expression. If is set, it will be used to set the storage member when using LoadWith(). Result of method should be Action which takes two parameters: the storage member and the value to assign to it. public class SomeEntity { [Association(SetExpressionMethod = nameof(OtherImpl), CanBeNull = true)] public SomeOtherEntity Other { get; set; } public static Expression<Action<SomeContainerType,SomeOtherEntity>> OtherImpl() { return (container, value) => container.Value = value; } }</code></pre></example></p> public string? AssociationSetterExpressionMethod { get; set; } Property Value string CanBeNull Defines type of join: inner join for CanBeNull = false; outer join for CanBeNull = true. When using Configuration.UseNullableTypesMetadata, the default value for associations (cardinality 1) is derived from nullability. Otherwise the default value is true (for collections and when option is disabled). public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool ExpressionPredicate Specifies static property or method without parameters, that returns join predicate expression. This predicate will be used together with ThisKey/OtherKey join keys, if they are specified. Predicate expression lambda function takes two parameters: this record and other record and returns boolean result. public string? ExpressionPredicate { get; set; } Property Value string OtherKey Gets or sets comma-separated list of association key members on another side of association. Those keys will be used for join predicate generation and must be compatible with ThisKey keys. You must specify keys it you do not use custom predicate (see ExpressionPredicate). public string? OtherKey { get; set; } Property Value string Predicate Specifies predicate expression. This predicate will be used together with ThisKey/OtherKey join keys, if they are specified. Predicate expression lambda function takes two parameters: this record and other record and returns boolean result. public Expression? Predicate { get; set; } Property Value Expression QueryExpression Specifies query expression. If is set, other association keys are ignored. Lambda function takes two parameters: this record, IDataContext and returns IQueryable result. Expression<Func<SomeEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<SomeOtherEntity>>> associationQuery; associationQuery = (e, db) => db.GetTable<SomeOtherEntity>().Where(se => se.Id == e.Id);</code></pre></example></p> public Expression? QueryExpression { get; set; } Property Value Expression QueryExpressionMethod Specifies static property or method without parameters, that returns IQueryable expression. If is set, other association keys are ignored. Result of query method should be lambda which takes two parameters: this record, IDataContext and returns IQueryable result. public class SomeEntity { [Association(ExpressionQueryMethod = nameof(OtherImpl), CanBeNull = true)] public SomeOtherEntity Other { get; set; } public static Expression<Func<SomeEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<SomeOtherEntity>>> OtherImpl() { return (e, db) => db.GetTable<SomeOtherEntity>().Where(se => se.Id == e.Id); } }</code></pre></example></p> public string? QueryExpressionMethod { get; set; } Property Value string Storage Specify name of property or field to store association value, loaded using LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty?>>) method. When not specified, current association member will be used. public string? Storage { get; set; } Property Value string ThisKey Gets or sets comma-separated list of association key members on this side of association. Those keys will be used for join predicate generation and must be compatible with OtherKey keys. You must specify keys it you do not use custom predicate (see ExpressionPredicate). public string? ThisKey { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string GetOtherKeys() Returns OtherKey value as a list of key member names. public string[] GetOtherKeys() Returns string[] List of key members. GetThisKeys() Returns ThisKey value as a list of key member names. public string[] GetThisKeys() Returns string[] List of key members."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.AssociationDescriptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.AssociationDescriptor.html",
"title": "Class AssociationDescriptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AssociationDescriptor Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Stores association descriptor. public class AssociationDescriptor Inheritance object AssociationDescriptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors AssociationDescriptor(Type, MemberInfo, string[], string[], string?, Expression?, string?, Expression?, string?, string?, Expression?, bool?, string?) Creates descriptor instance. public AssociationDescriptor(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo, string[] thisKey, string[] otherKey, string? expressionPredicate, Expression? predicate, string? expressionQueryMethod, Expression? expressionQuery, string? storage, string? associationSetterExpressionMethod, Expression? associationSetterExpression, bool? canBeNull, string? aliasName) Parameters type Type From (this) side entity mapping type. memberInfo MemberInfo Association member (field, property or method). thisKey string[] List of names of from (this) key members. otherKey string[] List of names of to (other) key members. expressionPredicate string Optional predicate expression source property or method. predicate Expression Optional predicate expression. expressionQueryMethod string Optional name of query method. expressionQuery Expression Optional query expression. storage string Optional association value storage field or property name. associationSetterExpressionMethod string Optional name of setter method. associationSetterExpression Expression Optional setter expression. canBeNull bool? If true, association will generate outer join, otherwise - inner join. aliasName string Optional alias for representation in SQL. Properties AliasName Gets alias for association. Used in SQL generation process. public string? AliasName { get; } Property Value string AssociationSetterExpression Gets optional setter expression. public Expression? AssociationSetterExpression { get; } Property Value Expression AssociationSetterExpressionMethod Gets optional setter method source property or method. public string? AssociationSetterExpressionMethod { get; } Property Value string CanBeNull Gets join type, generated for current association. If true, association will generate outer join, otherwise - inner join. public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ExpressionPredicate Gets optional predicate expression source property or method. public string? ExpressionPredicate { get; } Property Value string ExpressionQuery Gets optional query expression. public Expression? ExpressionQuery { get; } Property Value Expression ExpressionQueryMethod Gets optional query method source property or method. public string? ExpressionQueryMethod { get; } Property Value string IsList public bool IsList { get; } Property Value bool MemberInfo Gets association member (field, property or method). public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get; } Property Value MemberInfo OtherKey Gets list of names of to (other) key members. Could be empty, if association has predicate expression. public string[] OtherKey { get; } Property Value string[] Predicate Gets optional predicate expression. public Expression? Predicate { get; } Property Value Expression Storage Gets optional association value storage field or property name. Used with LoadWith. public string? Storage { get; } Property Value string ThisKey Gets list of names of from (this) key members. Could be empty, if association has predicate expression. public string[] ThisKey { get; } Property Value string[] Methods GenerateAlias() Generates table alias for association. public string GenerateAlias() Returns string Generated alias. GetElementType(MappingSchema) public Type GetElementType(MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Returns Type GetParentElementType() public Type GetParentElementType() Returns Type GetPredicate(Type, Type) Loads predicate expression from ExpressionPredicate member. public LambdaExpression? GetPredicate(Type parentType, Type objectType) Parameters parentType Type Type of object that declares association objectType Type Type of object associated with expression predicate Returns LambdaExpression null of association has no custom predicate expression or predicate expression, specified by ExpressionPredicate member. GetQueryMethod(Type, Type) Loads query method expression from ExpressionQueryMethod member. public LambdaExpression? GetQueryMethod(Type parentType, Type objectType) Parameters parentType Type Type of object that declares association objectType Type Type of object associated with query method expression Returns LambdaExpression null of association has no custom query method expression or query method expression, specified by ExpressionQueryMethod member. HasQueryMethod() public bool HasQueryMethod() Returns bool ParseKeys(string?) Parse comma-separated list of association key column members into string array. public static string[] ParseKeys(string? keys) Parameters keys string Comma-separated (spaces allowed) list of association key column members. Returns string[] Returns array with names of association key column members."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ColumnAliasAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ColumnAliasAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ColumnAliasAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ColumnAliasAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Specifies that current field or property is just an alias to another property or field. Currently this attribute has several issues: you can apply it to class or interface - such attribute will be ignored by linq2db; it is possible to define attribute without setting MemberName value; you can define alias to another alias property or field and potentially create loop. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)] public class ColumnAliasAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute ColumnAliasAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ColumnAliasAttribute() Use ColumnAliasAttribute(string) constructor or specify MemberName value. public ColumnAliasAttribute() ColumnAliasAttribute(string) Creates attribute instance. public ColumnAliasAttribute(string memberName) Parameters memberName string Name of target property or field. Properties MemberName Gets or sets the name of target property or field. public string? MemberName { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ColumnAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ColumnAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ColumnAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ColumnAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Configures mapping of mapping class member to database column. Could be applied directly to a property or field or to mapping class/interface. In latter case you should specify member name using MemberName property. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field|AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)] public class ColumnAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute ColumnAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived NotColumnAttribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ColumnAttribute() Creates attribute instance. public ColumnAttribute() ColumnAttribute(string) Creates attribute instance. public ColumnAttribute(string columnName) Parameters columnName string Database column name. ColumnAttribute(string, string) Creates attribute instance. public ColumnAttribute(string columnName, string memberName) Parameters columnName string Database column name. memberName string Name of mapped member. See MemberName for more details. Properties CanBeNull Gets or sets whether a column can contain NULL values. public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool CreateFormat Custom template for column definition in create table SQL expression, generated using CreateTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions) methods. Template accepts following string parameters: {0} - column name; {1} - column type; {2} - NULL specifier; {3} - identity specification. public string? CreateFormat { get; set; } Property Value string DataType Gets or sets linq2db type for column. Default value: default type, defined for member type in mapping schema. public DataType DataType { get; set; } Property Value DataType DbType Gets or sets the name of the database column type. Default value: default type, defined for member type in mapping schema. public string? DbType { get; set; } Property Value string IsColumn Gets or sets flag that tells that current member should be included into mapping. Use NonColumnAttribute instead as a shorthand. Default value: true. public bool IsColumn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDiscriminator Gets or sets whether a column contains a discriminator value for a LINQ to DB inheritance hierarchy. InheritanceMappingAttribute for more details. Default value: false. public bool IsDiscriminator { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentity Gets or sets whether a column contains values that the database auto-generates. Also see IdentityAttribute. public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPrimaryKey Gets or sets whether this class member represents a column that is part or all of the primary key of the table. Also see PrimaryKeyAttribute. public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool Length Gets or sets the length of the database column. Default value: value, defined for member type in mapping schema. public int Length { get; set; } Property Value int MemberName Gets or sets the name of mapped member. When applied to class or interface, should contain name of property of field. If column mapped to a property or field of composite object, MemberName should contain a path to that member using dot as separator. public class Address { public string City { get; set; } public string Street { get; set; } public int Building { get; set; } } [Column(\"city\", \"Residence.City\")] [Column(\"user_name\", \"Name\")] public class User { public string Name; [Column(\"street\", \".Street\")] [Column(\"building_number\", MemberName = \".Building\")] public Address Residence { get; set; } }</code></pre></example> public string? MemberName { get; set; } Property Value string Name Gets or sets the name of a column in database. If not specified, member name will be used. public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Order Specifies the order of the field in table creation. Positive values first (ascending), then unspecified (arbitrary), then negative values (ascending). public int Order { get; set; } Property Value int Remarks Ordering performed in SqlTable constructor. Precision Gets or sets the precision of the database column. Default value: value, defined for member type in mapping schema. public int Precision { get; set; } Property Value int PrimaryKeyOrder Gets or sets the Primary Key order. See Order for more details. public int PrimaryKeyOrder { get; set; } Property Value int Scale Gets or sets the Scale of the database column. Default value: value, defined for member type in mapping schema. public int Scale { get; set; } Property Value int SkipOnEntityFetch Gets or sets whether a column must be explicitly defined in a Select statement to be fetched. If true, a \"SELECT *\"-ish statement won't retrieve this column. Default value: false. public bool SkipOnEntityFetch { get; set; } Property Value bool SkipOnInsert Gets or sets whether a column is insertable. This flag will affect only insert operations with implicit columns specification like Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) method and will be ignored when user explicitly specifies value for this column. public bool SkipOnInsert { get; set; } Property Value bool SkipOnUpdate Gets or sets whether a column is updatable. This flag will affect only update operations with implicit columns specification like Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) method and will be ignored when user explicitly specifies value for this column. public bool SkipOnUpdate { get; set; } Property Value bool Storage Gets or sets a storage property or field to hold the value from a column. Could be usefull e.g. in combination of private storage field and getter-only mapping property. public string? Storage { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ColumnDescriptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ColumnDescriptor.html",
"title": "Class ColumnDescriptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ColumnDescriptor Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Stores mapping entity column descriptor. public class ColumnDescriptor : IColumnChangeDescriptor Inheritance object ColumnDescriptor Implements IColumnChangeDescriptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ColumnDescriptor(MappingSchema, EntityDescriptor, ColumnAttribute?, MemberAccessor, bool) Creates descriptor instance. public ColumnDescriptor(MappingSchema mappingSchema, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, ColumnAttribute? columnAttribute, MemberAccessor memberAccessor, bool hasInheritanceMapping) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema, associated with descriptor. entityDescriptor EntityDescriptor Entity descriptor. columnAttribute ColumnAttribute Column attribute, from which descriptor data should be extracted. memberAccessor MemberAccessor Column mapping member accessor. hasInheritanceMapping bool Owning entity included in inheritance mapping. Properties CanBeNull Gets whether a column can contain null values. public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ColumnName Gets the name of a column in database. If not specified, MemberName value will be used. public string ColumnName { get; } Property Value string CreateFormat Custom template for column definition in create table SQL expression, generated using CreateTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions) methods. Template accepts following string parameters: {0} - column name; {1} - column type; {2} - NULL specifier; {3} - identity specification. public string? CreateFormat { get; } Property Value string DataType Gets LINQ to DB type for column. public DataType DataType { get; } Property Value DataType DbType Gets the name of the database column type. public string? DbType { get; } Property Value string EntityDescriptor Gets Entity descriptor. public EntityDescriptor EntityDescriptor { get; } Property Value EntityDescriptor HasInheritanceMapping Indicates that owning entity included in inheritance mapping. public bool HasInheritanceMapping { get; } Property Value bool HasValuesToSkipOnInsert Gets whether the column has specific values that should be skipped on insert. public bool HasValuesToSkipOnInsert { get; } Property Value bool HasValuesToSkipOnUpdate Gets whether the column has specific values that should be skipped on update. public bool HasValuesToSkipOnUpdate { get; } Property Value bool IsDiscriminator Gets whether a column contains a discriminator value for a LINQ to DB inheritance hierarchy. InheritanceMappingAttribute for more details. Default value: false. public bool IsDiscriminator { get; } Property Value bool IsIdentity Gets whether a column contains values that the database auto-generates. public bool IsIdentity { get; } Property Value bool IsPrimaryKey Gets whether this member represents a column that is part or all of the primary key of the table. Also see PrimaryKeyAttribute. public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; } Property Value bool Length Gets the length of the database column. public int? Length { get; } Property Value int? MappingSchema Gets MappingSchema for current ColumnDescriptor. public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema MemberAccessor Gets column mapping member accessor. public MemberAccessor MemberAccessor { get; } Property Value MemberAccessor MemberInfo Gets column mapping member (field or property). public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get; } Property Value MemberInfo MemberName Gets the name of mapped member. When applied to class or interface, should contain name of property of field. If column is mapped to a property or field of composite object, MemberName should contain a path to that member using dot as separator. public class Address { public string City { get; set; } public string Street { get; set; } public int Building { get; set; } } [Column(\"city\", \"Residence.Street\")] [Column(\"user_name\", \"Name\")] public class User { public string Name; [Column(\"street\", \".Street\")] [Column(\"building_number\", MemberName = \".Building\")] public Address Residence { get; set; } }</code></pre></example> public string MemberName { get; } Property Value string MemberType Gets type of column mapping member (field or property). public Type MemberType { get; } Property Value Type Order Sort order for column list. Positive values first, then unspecified (null), then negative values. public int? Order { get; } Property Value int? Precision Gets the precision of the database column. public int? Precision { get; } Property Value int? PrimaryKeyOrder Gets order of current column in composite primary key. Order is used for query generation to define in which order primary key columns must be mentioned in query from columns with smallest order value to greatest. public int PrimaryKeyOrder { get; } Property Value int Scale Gets the Scale of the database column. public int? Scale { get; } Property Value int? SequenceName Gets sequence name for specified column. public SequenceNameAttribute? SequenceName { get; } Property Value SequenceNameAttribute SkipModificationFlags Gets flags for which operation values are skipped. public SkipModification SkipModificationFlags { get; } Property Value SkipModification SkipOnEntityFetch Gets whether a column must be explicitly defined in a Select statement to be fetched. If true, a \"SELECT *\"-ish statement won't retrieve this column. Default value: false. public bool SkipOnEntityFetch { get; } Property Value bool SkipOnInsert Gets whether a column is insertable. This flag will affect only insert operations with implicit columns specification like Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) method and will be ignored when user explicitly specifies value for this column. public bool SkipOnInsert { get; } Property Value bool SkipOnUpdate Gets whether a column is updatable. This flag will affect only update operations with implicit columns specification like Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) method and will be ignored when user explicitly specifies value for this column. public bool SkipOnUpdate { get; } Property Value bool Storage Gets storage property or field to hold the value from a column. Could be usefull e.g. in combination of private storage field and getter-only mapping property. public string? Storage { get; } Property Value string StorageInfo Gets value storage member (field or property). public MemberInfo StorageInfo { get; } Property Value MemberInfo StorageType Gets type of column value storage member (field or property). public Type StorageType { get; } Property Value Type ValueConverter Gets value converter for specific column. public IValueConverter? ValueConverter { get; } Property Value IValueConverter Methods ApplyConversions(MappingSchema, Expression, DbDataType, IValueConverter?, bool) Helper function for applying all needed conversions for converting value to database type. public static Expression ApplyConversions(MappingSchema mappingSchema, Expression getterExpr, DbDataType dbDataType, IValueConverter? valueConverter, bool includingEnum) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema. getterExpr Expression Expression which returns value which has to be converted. dbDataType DbDataType Database type. valueConverter IValueConverter Optional IValueConverter includingEnum bool Provides default enum conversion. Returns Expression Expression with applied conversions. ApplyConversions(Expression, DbDataType, bool) Helper function for applying all needed conversions for converting value to database type. public Expression ApplyConversions(Expression getterExpr, DbDataType dbDataType, bool includingEnum) Parameters getterExpr Expression Expression which returns value which has to be converted. dbDataType DbDataType Database type. includingEnum bool Provides default enum conversion. Returns Expression Expression with applied conversions. CalculateDbDataType(MappingSchema, Type) public static DbDataType CalculateDbDataType(MappingSchema mappingSchema, Type systemType) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema systemType Type Returns DbDataType GetConvertedDbDataType() Returns DbDataType for current column after conversions. public DbDataType GetConvertedDbDataType() Returns DbDataType GetDbDataType(bool) Returns DbDataType for current column. public DbDataType GetDbDataType(bool completeDataType) Parameters completeDataType bool Returns DbDataType GetDbParamLambda() Returns Lambda for extracting column value, converted to database type or DataParameter, from entity object. public LambdaExpression GetDbParamLambda() Returns LambdaExpression Returns Lambda which extracts member value to database type or DataParameter. GetDbValueLambda() Returns Lambda for extracting column value, converted to database type, from entity object. public LambdaExpression GetDbValueLambda() Returns LambdaExpression Returns Lambda which extracts member value to database type. GetDefaultDbParamExpression() Returns default column value, converted to database type or DataParameter. public Expression GetDefaultDbParamExpression() Returns Expression GetDefaultDbValueExpression() Returns Lambda for extracting column value, converted to database type, from entity object. public Expression GetDefaultDbValueExpression() Returns Expression Returns Lambda which extracts member value to database type. GetOriginalValueLambda() Returns Lambda for extracting original column value from entity object. public LambdaExpression GetOriginalValueLambda() Returns LambdaExpression Returns Lambda which extracts member value. GetProviderValue(object) Extracts column value, converted to database type, from entity object. public virtual object? GetProviderValue(object obj) Parameters obj object Entity object to extract column value from. Returns object Returns column value, converted to database type. ShouldSkip(object, EntityDescriptor, SkipModification) Checks if the passed object has values that should bes skipped based on the given flags. public virtual bool ShouldSkip(object obj, EntityDescriptor descriptor, SkipModification flags) Parameters obj object The object containing the values for the operation. descriptor EntityDescriptor EntityDescriptor of the current instance. flags SkipModification The flags that specify which operation should be checked. Returns bool true if object contains values that should be skipped."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.DataTypeAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.DataTypeAttribute.html",
"title": "Class DataTypeAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataTypeAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll This attribute allows to override default types, defined in mapping schema, for current column. Also see DataType and DbType. Applying this attribute to class or interface will have no effect. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)] public class DataTypeAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute DataTypeAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataTypeAttribute(DataType) Creates attribute instance. public DataTypeAttribute(DataType dataType) Parameters dataType DataType linq2db column type name. DataTypeAttribute(DataType, string) Creates attribute instance. public DataTypeAttribute(DataType dataType, string dbType) Parameters dataType DataType linq2db column type name. dbType string SQL column type name. DataTypeAttribute(string) Creates attribute instance. public DataTypeAttribute(string dbType) Parameters dbType string SQL column type name. Properties DataType Gets or sets linq2db type of the database column. public DataType? DataType { get; set; } Property Value DataType? DbType Gets or sets the name of the database column type. public string? DbType { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.DynamicColumnAccessorAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.DynamicColumnAccessorAttribute.html",
"title": "Class DynamicColumnAccessorAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DynamicColumnAccessorAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Configure setter and getter methods for dynamic columns. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)] public class DynamicColumnAccessorAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute DynamicColumnAccessorAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Remarks Expected signatures for getter and setter: // should return true and value of property, if property value found in storage // should return false if property value not found in storage static object Getter(Entity object, string propertyName, object defaultValue); // or object this.Getter(string propertyName, object defaultValue); // where defaultValue is default value for property type for current MappingSchema static void Setter(Entity object, string propertyName, object value) or void this.Setter(string propertyName, object value) Properties GetterExpression Gets or sets name of dynamic properties property get expression. public LambdaExpression? GetterExpression { get; set; } Property Value LambdaExpression GetterExpressionMethod Gets or sets name of dynamic properties property getter expression method or property. Method or property must be static. public string? GetterExpressionMethod { get; set; } Property Value string GetterMethod Gets or sets name of dynamic properties property getter method. public string? GetterMethod { get; set; } Property Value string SetterExpression Gets or sets name of dynamic properties property set expression. public LambdaExpression? SetterExpression { get; set; } Property Value LambdaExpression SetterExpressionMethod Gets or sets name of dynamic properties property setter expression method or property. Method or property must be static. public string? SetterExpressionMethod { get; set; } Property Value string SetterMethod Gets or sets name of dynamic properties property setter method. public string? SetterMethod { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string Validate() protected void Validate() See Also Attribute"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.DynamicColumnInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.DynamicColumnInfo.html",
"title": "Class DynamicColumnInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DynamicColumnInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Discovers the attributes of a property and provides access to property metadata. public class DynamicColumnInfo : PropertyInfo, ICustomAttributeProvider, _MemberInfo, _PropertyInfo, IEquatable<DynamicColumnInfo> Inheritance object MemberInfo PropertyInfo DynamicColumnInfo Implements ICustomAttributeProvider _MemberInfo _PropertyInfo IEquatable<DynamicColumnInfo> Inherited Members PropertyInfo.GetConstantValue() PropertyInfo.GetRawConstantValue() PropertyInfo.GetValue(object) PropertyInfo.GetValue(object, object[]) PropertyInfo.SetValue(object, object) PropertyInfo.SetValue(object, object, object[]) PropertyInfo.GetRequiredCustomModifiers() PropertyInfo.GetOptionalCustomModifiers() PropertyInfo.GetAccessors() PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod() PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod() PropertyInfo.MemberType PropertyInfo.GetMethod PropertyInfo.SetMethod PropertyInfo.IsSpecialName MemberInfo.CustomAttributes MemberInfo.MetadataToken MemberInfo.Module Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AttributesExtensions.GetAttribute<T>(ICustomAttributeProvider, bool) AttributesExtensions.GetAttributes<T>(ICustomAttributeProvider, bool) AttributesExtensions.HasAttribute<T>(ICustomAttributeProvider, bool) ReflectionExtensions.EqualsTo(MemberInfo?, MemberInfo?, Type?) ReflectionExtensions.GetMemberType(MemberInfo) ReflectionExtensions.IsDynamicColumnPropertyEx(MemberInfo) ReflectionExtensions.IsFieldEx(MemberInfo) ReflectionExtensions.IsMethodEx(MemberInfo) ReflectionExtensions.IsNullableGetValueOrDefault(MemberInfo) ReflectionExtensions.IsNullableHasValueMember(MemberInfo) ReflectionExtensions.IsNullableValueMember(MemberInfo) ReflectionExtensions.IsPropertyEx(MemberInfo) ReflectionExtensions.IsSqlPropertyMethodEx(MemberInfo) Constructors DynamicColumnInfo(Type, Type, string) Initializes a new instance of the DynamicColumnInfo class. public DynamicColumnInfo(Type declaringType, Type columnType, string memberName) Parameters declaringType Type Type of the declaring. columnType Type Type of the column. memberName string Name of the member. Properties Attributes Gets the attributes for this property. public override PropertyAttributes Attributes { get; } Property Value PropertyAttributes Attributes of this property. CanRead Gets a value indicating whether the property can be read. public override bool CanRead { get; } Property Value bool true if this property can be read; otherwise, false. CanWrite Gets a value indicating whether the property can be written to. public override bool CanWrite { get; } Property Value bool true if this property can be written to; otherwise, false. DeclaringType Gets the class that declares this member. public override Type DeclaringType { get; } Property Value Type The Type object for the class that declares this member. Name Gets the name of the current member. public override string Name { get; } Property Value string A string containing the name of this member. PropertyType Gets the type of this property. public override Type PropertyType { get; } Property Value Type The type of this property. ReflectedType Gets the class object that was used to obtain this instance of MemberInfo. public override Type ReflectedType { get; } Property Value Type The Type object through which this MemberInfo object was obtained. Methods Equals(DynamicColumnInfo?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(DynamicColumnInfo? other) Parameters other DynamicColumnInfo An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(object?) Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object An object to compare with this instance, or null. Returns bool true if obj equals the type and value of this instance; otherwise, false. GetAccessors(bool) Returns an array whose elements reflect the public and, if specified, non-public get, set, and other accessors of the property reflected by the current instance. public override MethodInfo[] GetAccessors(bool nonPublic) Parameters nonPublic bool Indicates whether non-public methods should be returned in the MethodInfo array. true if non-public methods are to be included; otherwise, false. Returns MethodInfo[] An array of MethodInfo objects whose elements reflect the get, set, and other accessors of the property reflected by the current instance. If nonPublic is true, this array contains public and non-public get, set, and other accessors. If nonPublic is false, this array contains only public get, set, and other accessors. If no accessors with the specified visibility are found, this method returns an array with zero (0) elements. GetCustomAttributes(bool) When overridden in a derived class, returns an array of all custom attributes applied to this member. public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit) Parameters inherit bool true to search this member's inheritance chain to find the attributes; otherwise, false. This parameter is ignored for properties and events; see Remarks. Returns object[] An array that contains all the custom attributes applied to this member, or an array with zero elements if no attributes are defined. Exceptions InvalidOperationException This member belongs to a type that is loaded into the reflection-only context. See How to: Load Assemblies into the Reflection-Only Context. TypeLoadException A custom attribute type could not be loaded. GetCustomAttributes(Type, bool) When overridden in a derived class, returns an array of custom attributes applied to this member and identified by Type. public override object[] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit) Parameters attributeType Type The type of attribute to search for. Only attributes that are assignable to this type are returned. inherit bool true to search this member's inheritance chain to find the attributes; otherwise, false. This parameter is ignored for properties and events; see Remarks. Returns object[] An array of custom attributes applied to this member, or an array with zero elements if no attributes assignable to attributeType have been applied. Exceptions TypeLoadException A custom attribute type cannot be loaded. ArgumentNullException If attributeType is null. InvalidOperationException This member belongs to a type that is loaded into the reflection-only context. See How to: Load Assemblies into the Reflection-Only Context. GetCustomAttributesData() Returns a list of CustomAttributeData objects representing data about the attributes that have been applied to the target member. public override IList<CustomAttributeData> GetCustomAttributesData() Returns IList<CustomAttributeData> A generic list of CustomAttributeData objects representing data about the attributes that have been applied to the target member. GetGetMethod(bool) When overridden in a derived class, returns the public or non-public get accessor for this property. public override MethodInfo GetGetMethod(bool nonPublic) Parameters nonPublic bool Indicates whether a non-public get accessor should be returned. true if a non-public accessor is to be returned; otherwise, false. Returns MethodInfo A MethodInfo object representing the get accessor for this property, if nonPublic is true. Returns null if nonPublic is false and the get accessor is non-public, or if nonPublic is true but no get accessors exist. Exceptions SecurityException The requested method is non-public and the caller does not have ReflectionPermission to reflect on this non-public method. GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A 32-bit signed integer hash code. GetIndexParameters() When overridden in a derived class, returns an array of all the index parameters for the property. public override ParameterInfo[] GetIndexParameters() Returns ParameterInfo[] An array of type ParameterInfo containing the parameters for the indexes. If the property is not indexed, the array has 0 (zero) elements. GetSetMethod(bool) When overridden in a derived class, returns the set accessor for this property. public override MethodInfo GetSetMethod(bool nonPublic) Parameters nonPublic bool Indicates whether the accessor should be returned if it is non-public. true if a non-public accessor is to be returned; otherwise, false. Returns MethodInfo Value Condition A MethodInfo object representing the Set method for this property. The set accessor is public.-or- nonPublic is true and the set accessor is non-public. nullnonPublic is true, but the property is read-only.-or- nonPublic is false and the set accessor is non-public.-or- There is no set accessor. Exceptions SecurityException The requested method is non-public and the caller does not have ReflectionPermission to reflect on this non-public method. GetValue(object?, BindingFlags, Binder?, object?[]?, CultureInfo?) When overridden in a derived class, returns the property value of a specified object that has the specified binding, index, and culture-specific information. public override object GetValue(object? obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder? binder, object?[]? index, CultureInfo? culture) Parameters obj object The object whose property value will be returned. invokeAttr BindingFlags A bitwise combination of the following enumeration members that specify the invocation attribute: InvokeMethod, CreateInstance, Static, GetField, SetField, GetProperty, and SetProperty. You must specify a suitable invocation attribute. For example, to invoke a static member, set the Static flag. binder Binder An object that enables the binding, coercion of argument types, invocation of members, and retrieval of MemberInfo objects through reflection. If binder is null, the default binder is used. index object[] Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null for non-indexed properties. culture CultureInfo The culture for which the resource is to be localized. If the resource is not localized for this culture, the Parent property will be called successively in search of a match. If this value is null, the culture-specific information is obtained from the CurrentUICulture property. Returns object The property value of the specified object. Exceptions ArgumentException The index array does not contain the type of arguments needed.-or- The property's get accessor is not found. TargetException The object does not match the target type, or a property is an instance property but obj is null. TargetParameterCountException The number of parameters in index does not match the number of parameters the indexed property takes. MethodAccessException There was an illegal attempt to access a private or protected method inside a class. TargetInvocationException An error occurred while retrieving the property value. For example, an index value specified for an indexed property is out of range. The InnerException property indicates the reason for the error. IsDefined(Type, bool) When overridden in a derived class, indicates whether one or more attributes of the specified type or of its derived types is applied to this member. public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit) Parameters attributeType Type The type of custom attribute to search for. The search includes derived types. inherit bool true to search this member's inheritance chain to find the attributes; otherwise, false. This parameter is ignored for properties and events; see Remarks. Returns bool true if one or more instances of attributeType or any of its derived types is applied to this member; otherwise, false. SetValue(object?, object?, BindingFlags, Binder?, object?[]?, CultureInfo?) When overridden in a derived class, sets the property value for a specified object that has the specified binding, index, and culture-specific information. public override void SetValue(object? obj, object? value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder? binder, object?[]? index, CultureInfo? culture) Parameters obj object The object whose property value will be set. value object The new property value. invokeAttr BindingFlags A bitwise combination of the following enumeration members that specify the invocation attribute: InvokeMethod, CreateInstance, Static, GetField, SetField, GetProperty, or SetProperty. You must specify a suitable invocation attribute. For example, to invoke a static member, set the Static flag. binder Binder An object that enables the binding, coercion of argument types, invocation of members, and retrieval of MemberInfo objects through reflection. If binder is null, the default binder is used. index object[] Optional index values for indexed properties. This value should be null for non-indexed properties. culture CultureInfo The culture for which the resource is to be localized. If the resource is not localized for this culture, the Parent property will be called successively in search of a match. If this value is null, the culture-specific information is obtained from the CurrentUICulture property. Exceptions ArgumentException The index array does not contain the type of arguments needed.-or- The property's set accessor is not found. TargetException The object does not match the target type, or a property is an instance property but obj is null. TargetParameterCountException The number of parameters in index does not match the number of parameters the indexed property takes. MethodAccessException There was an illegal attempt to access a private or protected method inside a class. TargetInvocationException An error occurred while setting the property value. For example, an index value specified for an indexed property is out of range. The InnerException property indicates the reason for the error. Operators operator ==(DynamicColumnInfo?, DynamicColumnInfo?) Implements the operator ==. public static bool operator ==(DynamicColumnInfo? a, DynamicColumnInfo? b) Parameters a DynamicColumnInfo a. b DynamicColumnInfo The b. Returns bool The result of the operator. operator !=(DynamicColumnInfo?, DynamicColumnInfo?) Implements the operator !=. public static bool operator !=(DynamicColumnInfo? a, DynamicColumnInfo? b) Parameters a DynamicColumnInfo a. b DynamicColumnInfo The b. Returns bool The result of the operator."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute.html",
"title": "Class DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Marks target member as dynamic columns store. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field)] public class DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string See Also Attribute"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.EntityDescriptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.EntityDescriptor.html",
"title": "Class EntityDescriptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EntityDescriptor Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Stores mapping entity descriptor. public class EntityDescriptor : IEntityChangeDescriptor Inheritance object EntityDescriptor Implements IEntityChangeDescriptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors EntityDescriptor(MappingSchema, Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>?) Creates descriptor instance. public EntityDescriptor(MappingSchema mappingSchema, Type type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>? onEntityDescriptorCreated) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema, associated with descriptor. type Type Mapping class type. onEntityDescriptorCreated Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> Properties Aliases Gets mapping dictionary to map column aliases to target columns or aliases. public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>? Aliases { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> Associations Gets list of association descriptors for current entity. public IReadOnlyList<AssociationDescriptor> Associations { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<AssociationDescriptor> CalculatedMembers Gets list of calculated column members (properties with IsColumn set to true). public IReadOnlyList<MemberAccessor>? CalculatedMembers { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<MemberAccessor> Columns Gets list of column descriptors for current entity. public IReadOnlyList<ColumnDescriptor> Columns { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<ColumnDescriptor> DynamicColumnsStore Gets the dynamic columns store descriptor. public ColumnDescriptor? DynamicColumnsStore { get; } Property Value ColumnDescriptor HasCalculatedMembers Returns true, if entity has calculated columns. Also see CalculatedMembers. public bool HasCalculatedMembers { get; } Property Value bool InheritanceMapping Gets list of inheritance mapping descriptors for current entity. public IReadOnlyList<InheritanceMapping> InheritanceMapping { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<InheritanceMapping> InheritanceRoot For entity descriptor with inheritance mapping gets descriptor of root (base) entity. public EntityDescriptor? InheritanceRoot { get; } Property Value EntityDescriptor IsColumnAttributeRequired Gets or sets column mapping rules for current mapping class or interface. If true, properties and fields should be marked with one of those attributes to be used for mapping: ColumnAttribute; PrimaryKeyAttribute; IdentityAttribute; ColumnAliasAttribute. Otherwise all supported members of scalar type will be used: public instance fields and properties; explicit interface implementation properties. Also see IsStructIsScalarType and ScalarTypeAttribute. public bool IsColumnAttributeRequired { get; } Property Value bool this[string] Gets column descriptor by member name. public ColumnDescriptor? this[string memberName] { get; } Parameters memberName string Member name. Property Value ColumnDescriptor Returns column descriptor or null, if descriptor not found. Name Gets name of table or view in database. public SqlObjectName Name { get; } Property Value SqlObjectName ObjectType Gets mapping class type. public Type ObjectType { get; } Property Value Type QueryFilterFunc public Delegate? QueryFilterFunc { get; } Property Value Delegate SkipModificationFlags Gets flags for which operation values are skipped. public SkipModification SkipModificationFlags { get; } Property Value SkipModification TableOptions Gets or sets table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. public TableOptions TableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions TypeAccessor Gets mapping type accessor. public TypeAccessor TypeAccessor { get; } Property Value TypeAccessor Methods FindAssociationDescriptor(MemberInfo) Returns association descriptor based on its MemberInfo public AssociationDescriptor? FindAssociationDescriptor(MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo Returns AssociationDescriptor FindColumnDescriptor(MemberInfo) Returns column descriptor based on its MemberInfo public ColumnDescriptor? FindColumnDescriptor(MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo Returns ColumnDescriptor"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.EntityMappingBuilder-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.EntityMappingBuilder-1.html",
"title": "Class EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Fluent mapping entity builder. public class EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Type Parameters TEntity Entity mapping type. Inheritance object EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors EntityMappingBuilder(FluentMappingBuilder, string?) Creates entity mapping builder. public EntityMappingBuilder(FluentMappingBuilder builder, string? configuration) Parameters builder FluentMappingBuilder Fluent mapping builder. configuration string Optional mapping schema configuration name, for which this entity builder should be taken into account. ProviderName for standard configuration names. Properties Configuration Gets mapping schema configuration name, for which this entity builder should be taken into account. ProviderName for standard configuration names. public string? Configuration { get; } Property Value string Methods Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>>, bool?) Adds one-to-many association mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>> Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>> queryExpression, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>> Association member getter expression. queryExpression Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>> Query expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Other association side type Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>>, bool?) Adds one-to-many association mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>> Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>> predicate, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>> Association member getter expression. predicate Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>> Predicate expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Other association side type Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>>, bool?) Adds one-to-one association mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>> queryExpression, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> Association member getter expression. queryExpression Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>> Query expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Other association side type Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>>, bool?) Adds one-to-one association mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>> predicate, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> Association member getter expression. predicate Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>> Predicate expression canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Other association side type Association<TPropElement, TThisKey, TOtherKey>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>>, Expression<Func<TPropElement, TOtherKey>>, bool?) Adds association mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>> Association<TPropElement, TThisKey, TOtherKey>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>> thisKey, Expression<Func<TPropElement, TOtherKey>> otherKey, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>>> Association member getter expression. thisKey Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>> This association key getter expression. otherKey Expression<Func<TPropElement, TOtherKey>> Other association key getter expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TPropElement Association member type. TThisKey This association side key type. TOtherKey Other association side key type. Association<TProperty, TThisKey, TOtherKey>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>>, Expression<Func<TProperty, TOtherKey>>, bool?) Adds association mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Association<TProperty, TThisKey, TOtherKey>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>> thisKey, Expression<Func<TProperty, TOtherKey>> otherKey, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> Association member getter expression. thisKey Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>> This association key getter expression. otherKey Expression<Func<TProperty, TOtherKey>> Other association key getter expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TProperty Association member type. TThisKey This association side key type. TOtherKey Other association side key type. Build() Adds configured mappings to builder's mapping schema. public FluentMappingBuilder Build() Returns FluentMappingBuilder DynamicColumnsStore(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) Adds dynamic columns store dictionary member mapping to current entity. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> DynamicColumnsStore(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Column mapping property or field getter expression. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns fluent property mapping builder. DynamicPropertyAccessors(Expression<Func<TEntity, string, object?, object?>>, Expression<Action<TEntity, string, object?>>) Specify value set/get logic for dynamic properties, defined using Property<T>(object?, string) API. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> DynamicPropertyAccessors(Expression<Func<TEntity, string, object?, object?>> getter, Expression<Action<TEntity, string, object?>> setter) Parameters getter Expression<Func<TEntity, string, object, object>> Getter expression. Parameters: entity instance column name in database default value for column type (from MappingSchema) returns column value for provided entity instance. setter Expression<Action<TEntity, string, object>> Setter expression. Parameters: entity instance column name in database column value to set Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Entity<TE>(string?) Creates entity builder for specified mapping type. public EntityMappingBuilder<TE> Entity<TE>(string? configuration = null) Parameters configuration string Optional mapping schema configuration name, for which this entity builder should be taken into account. ProviderName for standard configuration names. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TE> Returns new fluent entity mapping builder. Type Parameters TE Mapping type. HasAttribute(MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to current entity. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasAttribute(MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasAttribute(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to a member, specified using lambda expression. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasAttribute(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> func, MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Target member, specified using lambda expression. attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified member. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasAttribute(LambdaExpression, MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to a member, specified using lambda expression. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasAttribute(LambdaExpression func, MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters func LambdaExpression Target member, specified using lambda expression. attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified member. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasAttribute(MemberInfo, MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to specified member. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasAttribute(MemberInfo memberInfo, MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo Target member. attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified member. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasColumn(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, int) Adds column mapping to current entity. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasColumn(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> func, int order = -1) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Column member getter expression. order int Unused. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasDatabaseName(string) Sets database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasDatabaseName(string databaseName) Parameters databaseName string Database name. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasIdentity<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>>) Adds identity column mapping to current entity. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasIdentity<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> Identity field getter expression. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. Type Parameters TProperty HasIsTemporary(bool) Sets linked server name. See IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) method for support information per provider. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasIsTemporary(bool isTemporary = true) Parameters isTemporary bool Linked server name. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasPrimaryKey<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>>, int) Adds primary key mapping to current entity. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasPrimaryKey<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> func, int order = -1) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> Primary key getter expression. order int Primary key field order. When multiple fields specified by getter expression, fields will be ordered from first mentioned field to last one starting from provided order with step 1. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. Type Parameters TProperty HasQueryFilter(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IDataContext, IQueryable<TEntity>>) Specifies a LINQ IQueryable<T> function that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting this entity type. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasQueryFilter(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IDataContext, IQueryable<TEntity>> filterFunc) Parameters filterFunc Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IDataContext, IQueryable<TEntity>> The LINQ predicate expression. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. HasQueryFilter(Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, bool>>) Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting this entity type. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasQueryFilter(Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, bool>> filter) Parameters filter Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, bool>> The LINQ predicate expression. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. HasQueryFilter<TDataContext>(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, TDataContext, IQueryable<TEntity>>) Specifies a LINQ IQueryable<T> function that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting this entity type. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasQueryFilter<TDataContext>(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, TDataContext, IQueryable<TEntity>> filterFunc) where TDataContext : IDataContext Parameters filterFunc Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, TDataContext, IQueryable<TEntity>> The LINQ predicate expression. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. Type Parameters TDataContext HasQueryFilter<TDataContext>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TDataContext, bool>>) Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting this entity type. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasQueryFilter<TDataContext>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TDataContext, bool>> filter) where TDataContext : IDataContext Parameters filter Expression<Func<TEntity, TDataContext, bool>> The LINQ predicate expression. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. Type Parameters TDataContext HasSchemaName(string) Sets database schema/owner name for current entity, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasSchemaName(string schemaName) Parameters schemaName string Schema/owner name. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasServerName(string) Sets linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasServerName(string serverName) Parameters serverName string Linked server name. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasSkipValuesOnInsert(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, params object?[]) Adds option for skipping values for column on current entity during insert. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasSkipValuesOnInsert(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> func, params object?[] values) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Column member getter expression. values object[] Values that should be skipped during insert. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasSkipValuesOnUpdate(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, params object?[]) Adds option for skipping values for column on current entity during update. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasSkipValuesOnUpdate(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> func, params object?[] values) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Column member getter expression. values object[] Values that should be skipped during update. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasTableName(string) Sets database table name for current entity. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasTableName(string tableName) Parameters tableName string Table name. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. HasTableOptions(TableOptions) Sets Table options. See TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) method for support information per provider. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> HasTableOptions(TableOptions tableOptions) Parameters tableOptions TableOptions Table options. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. Ignore(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, int) Instruct LINQ to DB to not incude specified member into mapping. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Ignore(Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>> func, int order = -1) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Member getter expression. order int Unused. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. Inheritance<TS>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TS>>, TS, Type, bool) Adds inheritance mapping for specified discriminator value. public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Inheritance<TS>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TS>> key, TS value, Type type, bool isDefault = false) Parameters key Expression<Func<TEntity, TS>> Discriminator member getter expression. value TS Discriminator value. type Type Mapping type, used with specified discriminator value. isDefault bool If true, current mapping type used by default. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. Type Parameters TS Discriminator value type. IsColumnNotRequired() Sets if it is not required to use IsColumn() - all public fields and properties are treated as columns This is the default behaviour public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> IsColumnNotRequired() Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. IsColumnRequired() Sets if it is required to use IsColumn() to treat property or field as column public EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> IsColumnRequired() Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Returns current fluent entity mapping builder. Member<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>>) Adds member mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Member<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> Column mapping property or field getter expression. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TProperty Property<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>>) Adds column mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Property<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> Column mapping property or field getter expression. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TProperty"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.FluentMappingBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.FluentMappingBuilder.html",
"title": "Class FluentMappingBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FluentMappingBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Fluent mapping builder. public class FluentMappingBuilder Inheritance object FluentMappingBuilder Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors FluentMappingBuilder() Creates new MappingSchema and fluent mapping builder for it. public FluentMappingBuilder() FluentMappingBuilder(MappingSchema) Creates fluent mapping builder for specified mapping schema. public FluentMappingBuilder(MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Mapping schema. Properties MappingSchema Gets builder's mapping schema. public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Methods Build() Adds configured mappings to builder's mapping schema. public FluentMappingBuilder Build() Returns FluentMappingBuilder Entity<T>(string?) Creates entity builder for specified mapping type. public EntityMappingBuilder<T> Entity<T>(string? configuration = null) Parameters configuration string Optional mapping schema configuration name, for which this entity builder should be taken into account. ProviderName for standard configuration names. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<T> Returns entity fluent mapping builder. Type Parameters T Mapping type. HasAttribute(LambdaExpression, MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to a member, specified using lambda expression. public FluentMappingBuilder HasAttribute(LambdaExpression func, MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters func LambdaExpression Target member, specified using lambda expression. attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified member. Returns FluentMappingBuilder Returns current fluent mapping builder. HasAttribute(MemberInfo, MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to specified member. public FluentMappingBuilder HasAttribute(MemberInfo memberInfo, MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters memberInfo MemberInfo Target member. attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified member. Returns FluentMappingBuilder Returns current fluent mapping builder. HasAttribute(Type, MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to specified type. public FluentMappingBuilder HasAttribute(Type type, MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters type Type Target type. attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified type. Returns FluentMappingBuilder Returns current fluent mapping builder. HasAttribute<T>(MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to specified type. public FluentMappingBuilder HasAttribute<T>(MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified type. Returns FluentMappingBuilder Returns current fluent mapping builder. Type Parameters T Target type. HasAttribute<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>>, MappingAttribute) Adds mapping attribute to a member, specified using lambda expression. public FluentMappingBuilder HasAttribute<T>(Expression<Func<T, object?>> func, MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters func Expression<Func<T, object>> Target member, specified using lambda expression. attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified member. Returns FluentMappingBuilder Returns current fluent mapping builder. Type Parameters T Type of labmda expression parameter."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.IColumnChangeDescriptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.IColumnChangeDescriptor.html",
"title": "Interface IColumnChangeDescriptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IColumnChangeDescriptor Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Mapping entity column descriptor change interface. public interface IColumnChangeDescriptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ColumnName Gets or sets the name of a column in database. If not specified, MemberName value will be returned. string ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string MemberName Gets the name of mapped member. When applied to class or interface, should contain name of property of field. If column is mapped to a property or field of composite object, MemberName should contain a path to that member using dot as separator. public class Address { public string City { get; set; } public string Street { get; set; } public int Building { get; set; } } [Column(\"city\", \"Residence.Street\")] [Column(\"user_name\", \"Name\")] public class User { public string Name; [Column(\"street\", \".Street\")] [Column(\"building_number\", MemberName = \".Building\")] public Address Residence { get; set; } }</code></pre></example> string MemberName { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.IEntityChangeDescriptor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.IEntityChangeDescriptor.html",
"title": "Interface IEntityChangeDescriptor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IEntityChangeDescriptor Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Mapping entity descriptor change interface. public interface IEntityChangeDescriptor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Columns Gets list of change interfaces for column descriptors for current entity. IEnumerable<IColumnChangeDescriptor> Columns { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<IColumnChangeDescriptor> DatabaseName Gets or sets optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. string? DatabaseName { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaName Gets or sets optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. string? SchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string ServerName Gets or sets optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. string? ServerName { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Gets or sets name of table or view in database. string TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TableOptions Gets or sets Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. TableOptions TableOptions { get; set; } Property Value TableOptions TypeAccessor Gets mapping type accessor. TypeAccessor TypeAccessor { get; } Property Value TypeAccessor"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.IdentityAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.IdentityAttribute.html",
"title": "Class IdentityAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class IdentityAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Marks target column as identity column with value, generated on database side during insert operations. Identity columns will be ignored for insert and update operations with implicit column list like Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) or Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) methods. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)] public class IdentityAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute IdentityAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IdentityAttribute() Creates attribute instance. public IdentityAttribute() IdentityAttribute(string?) Creates attribute instance. public IdentityAttribute(string? configuration) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. See LinqToDB.Configuration. Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.InheritanceMapping.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.InheritanceMapping.html",
"title": "Class InheritanceMapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InheritanceMapping Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Stores inheritance mapping information for single discriminator value. public class InheritanceMapping Inheritance object InheritanceMapping Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Code Inheritance discriminator value. public object? Code Field Value object Discriminator Discriminator column descriptor. public ColumnDescriptor Discriminator Field Value ColumnDescriptor IsDefault Is it default mapping. public bool IsDefault Field Value bool Type Mapping class type for current discriminator value. public Type Type Field Value Type Properties DiscriminatorName Gets discriminator field or property name. public string DiscriminatorName { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.InheritanceMappingAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.InheritanceMappingAttribute.html",
"title": "Class InheritanceMappingAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class InheritanceMappingAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Defines to which type linq2db should map record based on discriminator value. You can apply this attribute to a base class or insterface, implemented by all child classes. Don't forget to define discriminator value storage column using IsDiscriminator. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = true)] public class InheritanceMappingAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute InheritanceMappingAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Remarks You cannot configure inheritance mapping using this attribute for discriminator types, not supported by .NET attributes. See document for a list of supported types. Properties Code Gets or sets discriminator value. public object? Code { get; set; } Property Value object IsDefault Get or sets flag, that tells linq2db that current mapping should be used by default if suitable mapping type not found. public bool IsDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool Type Gets or sets type, to which record with current discriminator value should be mapped. public Type Type { get; set; } Property Value Type Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.LockedMappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.LockedMappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class LockedMappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LockedMappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Locked mapping schema. public abstract class LockedMappingSchema : MappingSchema, IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema LockedMappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Derived OracleMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema SQLiteMappingSchema SQLiteMappingSchema.ClassicMappingSchema SQLiteMappingSchema.MicrosoftMappingSchema SapHanaMappingSchema SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema SqlCeMappingSchema Inherited Members MappingSchema.CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) MappingSchema.ValueToSqlConverter MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) MappingSchema.SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) MappingSchema.GetDefaultValue(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultValue(Type, object) MappingSchema.GetCanBeNull(Type) MappingSchema.SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() MappingSchema.InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) MappingSchema.SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) MappingSchema.ChangeTypeTo<T>(object) MappingSchema.ChangeType(object, Type) MappingSchema.EnumToValue(Enum) MappingSchema.TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) MappingSchema.SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) MappingSchema.GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) MappingSchema.GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object, Type) MappingSchema.SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) MappingSchema.AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type) MappingSchema.HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) MappingSchema.GetDynamicColumns(Type) MappingSchema.ConfigurationList MappingSchema.DisplayID MappingSchema.Default MappingSchema.IsScalarType(Type) MappingSchema.SetScalarType(Type, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, object, bool, DataType) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) MappingSchema.AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) MappingSchema.GetDataType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, DataType) MappingSchema.SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) MappingSchema.GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) MappingSchema.GetMapValues(Type) MappingSchema.ColumnNameComparer MappingSchema.EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>) MappingSchema.GetDefinedTypes() MappingSchema.ClearCache() MappingSchema.GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) MappingSchema.SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors LockedMappingSchema(string, params MappingSchema[]) protected LockedMappingSchema(string configuration, params MappingSchema[] schemas) Parameters configuration string schemas MappingSchema[] Properties IsLockable public override bool IsLockable { get; } Property Value bool IsLocked public override bool IsLocked { get; } Property Value bool Methods GenerateID() protected override int GenerateID() Returns int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.MapValue.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.MapValue.html",
"title": "Class MapValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MapValue Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Stores enum mapping information for single enum value. public class MapValue Inheritance object MapValue Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MapValue(object, params MapValueAttribute[]) Creates instance of class. public MapValue(object origValue, params MapValueAttribute[] mapValues) Parameters origValue object Mapped enum value. mapValues MapValueAttribute[] Enum value mappings. Properties MapValues Gets enum value mappings. public MapValueAttribute[] MapValues { get; } Property Value MapValueAttribute[] OrigValue Gets enum value. public object OrigValue { get; } Property Value object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.MapValueAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.MapValueAttribute.html",
"title": "Class MapValueAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MapValueAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Defines bidirectional mapping between enum field value, used on client and database value, stored in database and used in queries. Enumeration field could have multiple MapValueAttribute attributes. Mapping from database value to enumeration performed when you load data from database. Linq2db will search for enumeration field with MapValueAttribute with required value. If attribute with such value is not found, you will receive LinqToDBException error. If you cannot specify all possible values using MapValueAttribute, you can specify custom mapping using methods like SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType). Mapping from enumeration value performed when you save it to database or use in query. If your enum field has multiple MapValueAttribute attributes, you should mark one of them as default using IsDefault property. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)] public class MapValueAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute MapValueAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MapValueAttribute() Adds MapValueAttribute mapping to enum field. If you don't specify Value property, null value will be used. public MapValueAttribute() MapValueAttribute(object?) Adds MapValueAttribute to enum field. public MapValueAttribute(object? value) Parameters value object Database value, mapped to current enumeration field. MapValueAttribute(object, bool) Adds MapValueAttribute to enum field. public MapValueAttribute(object value, bool isDefault) Parameters value object Database value, mapped to current enumeration field. isDefault bool If true, database value from this attribute will be used for mapping to database value. MapValueAttribute(string, object) Adds MapValueAttribute to enum field. public MapValueAttribute(string configuration, object value) Parameters configuration string Name of configuration, for which this attribute instance will be used. value object Database value, mapped to current enumeration field. MapValueAttribute(string, object?, bool) Adds MapValueAttribute to enum field. public MapValueAttribute(string configuration, object? value, bool isDefault) Parameters configuration string Name of configuration, for which this attribute instance will be used. value object Database value, mapped to current enumeration field. isDefault bool If true, database value from this attribute will be used for mapping to database value. Properties IsDefault If true, Value property value will be used for conversion from enumeration to database value. public bool IsDefault { get; set; } Property Value bool Value Database value, to which current enumeration field will be mapped when used in query or saved to database. This value, when loaded from database, will be converted to current enumeration field. public object? Value { get; set; } Property Value object Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.MappingAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.MappingAttribute.html",
"title": "Class MappingAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MappingAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class MappingAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived OptimisticLockPropertyBaseAttribute ExpressionMethodAttribute AssociationAttribute ColumnAliasAttribute ColumnAttribute DataTypeAttribute DynamicColumnAccessorAttribute DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute IdentityAttribute InheritanceMappingAttribute MapValueAttribute NullableAttribute PrimaryKeyAttribute QueryFilterAttribute ScalarTypeAttribute SequenceNameAttribute SkipBaseAttribute TableAttribute ValueConverterAttribute Sql.EnumAttribute Sql.ExpressionAttribute Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute Sql.TableFunctionAttribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Configuration Gets or sets mapping schema configuration name, for which this attribute should be taken into account. ProviderName for standard names. Attributes with null or empty string Configuration value applied to all configurations (if no attribute found for current configuration). public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string Methods Equals(object?) Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object An object to compare with this instance or null. Returns bool true if obj equals the type and value of this instance; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A 32-bit signed integer hash code. GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public abstract string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.MappingSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.MappingSchema.html",
"title": "Class MappingSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MappingSchema Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Mapping schema. public class MappingSchema : IConfigurationID Inheritance object MappingSchema Implements IConfigurationID Derived LockedMappingSchema Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MappingSchema() Creates mapping schema instance. public MappingSchema() MappingSchema(params MappingSchema[]) Creates mapping schema, derived from other mapping schemata. public MappingSchema(params MappingSchema[] schemas) Parameters schemas MappingSchema[] Base mapping schemata. MappingSchema(string?) Creates mapping schema for specified configuration name. public MappingSchema(string? configuration) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. ProviderName for standard names. Remarks Schema name should be unique for mapping schemas with different mappings. Using same name could lead to incorrect mapping used when mapping schemas with same name define different mappings for same type. MappingSchema(string?, params MappingSchema[]?) Creates mapping schema with specified configuration name and base mapping schemas. public MappingSchema(string? configuration, params MappingSchema[]? schemas) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. ProviderName for standard names. schemas MappingSchema[] Base mapping schemas. Remarks Schema name should be unique for mapping schemas with different mappings. Using same name could lead to incorrect mapping used when mapping schemas with same name define different mappings for same type. Fields Default Default mapping schema, used by LINQ to DB, when more specific mapping schema not provided. public static MappingSchema Default Field Value MappingSchema Properties ColumnNameComparer Gets or sets column name comparison rules for comparison of column names in mapping with column name, returned by provider's data reader. public StringComparer ColumnNameComparer { get; set; } Property Value StringComparer ConfigurationList Gets configurations, associated with current mapping schema. public string[] ConfigurationList { get; } Property Value string[] DisplayID public string DisplayID { get; } Property Value string EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback Gets or sets application-wide action, called when the EntityDescriptor is created. Could be used to adjust created descriptor before use. Not called, when connection has connection-level callback defined (OnEntityDescriptorCreated). public static Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>? EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback { get; set; } Property Value Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> IsLockable public virtual bool IsLockable { get; } Property Value bool IsLocked public virtual bool IsLocked { get; } Property Value bool ValueToSqlConverter Gets value to SQL (usually literal) converter. public ValueToSqlConverter ValueToSqlConverter { get; } Property Value ValueToSqlConverter Methods AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader) Adds additional metadata attributes provider to current schema. public void AddMetadataReader(IMetadataReader reader) Parameters reader IMetadataReader Metadata attributes provider. AddScalarType(Type, DataType, bool) Configure provided type mapping to scalar database type. public void AddScalarType(Type type, DataType dataType = DataType.Undefined, bool withNullable = true) Parameters type Type Type to configure. dataType DataType Optional scalar data type. withNullable bool Also register Nullable<T> type. AddScalarType(Type, SqlDataType, bool) Configure provided type mapping to scalar database type. public void AddScalarType(Type type, SqlDataType dataType, bool withNullable = true) Parameters type Type Type to configure. dataType SqlDataType Database data type. withNullable bool Also register Nullable<T> type. AddScalarType(Type, object?, DataType) Configure provided type mapping to scalar database type. public void AddScalarType(Type type, object? defaultValue, DataType dataType = DataType.Undefined) Parameters type Type Type to configure. defaultValue object Default value. See SetDefaultValue(Type, object?) for more details. dataType DataType Optional scalar data type. AddScalarType(Type, object?, bool, DataType) Configure provided type mapping to scalar database type. public void AddScalarType(Type type, object? defaultValue, bool canBeNull, DataType dataType = DataType.Undefined) Parameters type Type Type to configure. defaultValue object Default value. See SetDefaultValue(Type, object?) for more details. canBeNull bool Set null value support flag. See SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) for more details. dataType DataType Optional scalar data type. ChangeType(object?, Type) Converts value to specified type. public object? ChangeType(object? value, Type conversionType) Parameters value object Value to convert. conversionType Type Target type. Returns object Converted value. ChangeTypeTo<T>(object?) Converts value to specified type. public T ChangeTypeTo<T>(object? value) Parameters value object Value to convert. Returns T Converted value. Type Parameters T Target type. ClearCache() Clears EntityDescriptor cache. public static void ClearCache() CombineSchemas(MappingSchema, MappingSchema) Internal API. public static MappingSchema CombineSchemas(MappingSchema ms1, MappingSchema ms2) Parameters ms1 MappingSchema ms2 MappingSchema Returns MappingSchema EnumToValue(Enum) Converts enum value to database value. public object? EnumToValue(Enum value) Parameters value Enum Enum value. Returns object Database value. GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object?, Type) public Expression GenerateConvertedValueExpression(object? value, Type type) Parameters value object type Type Returns Expression GenerateID() protected virtual int GenerateID() Returns int GenerateSafeConvert(Type, Type) public LambdaExpression GenerateSafeConvert(Type fromType, Type type) Parameters fromType Type type Type Returns LambdaExpression GetAttribute<T>(Type) Gets attribute of specified type, associated with specified type. Attributes are filtered by schema's configuration names (see ConfigurationList). public T? GetAttribute<T>(Type type) where T : MappingAttribute Parameters type Type Attribute owner type. Returns T First found attribute of specified type or null, if no attributes found. Type Parameters T Mapping attribute type (must inherit MappingAttribute). GetAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) Gets attribute of specified type, associated with specified type member. Attributes are filtered by schema's configuration names (see ConfigurationList). public T? GetAttribute<T>(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) where T : MappingAttribute Parameters type Type Member's owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Attribute owner member. Returns T First found attribute of specified type or null, if no attributes found. Type Parameters T Mapping attribute type (must inherit MappingAttribute). GetAttributes<T>(Type) Gets attributes of specified type, associated with specified type. Attributes are filtered by schema's configuration names (see ConfigurationList). public T[] GetAttributes<T>(Type type) where T : MappingAttribute Parameters type Type Attributes owner type. Returns T[] Attributes of specified type. Type Parameters T Mapping attribute type (must inherit MappingAttribute). GetAttributes<T>(Type, MemberInfo, bool) Gets attributes of specified type, associated with specified type member. Attributes are filtered by schema's configuration names (see ConfigurationList). public T[] GetAttributes<T>(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo, bool forFirstConfiguration = false) where T : MappingAttribute Parameters type Type Member's owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Attributes owner member. forFirstConfiguration bool If true - returns only atributes for first configuration with attributes from ConfigurationList. Returns T[] Attributes of specified type. Type Parameters T Mapping attribute type (must inherit MappingAttribute). GetCanBeNull(Type) Returns true, if value of specified type could contain null. public bool GetCanBeNull(Type type) Parameters type Type Value type. Returns bool Returns true if specified type supports null values. GetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, bool, bool, ConversionType) Returns conversion expression from from type to to type. public LambdaExpression? GetConvertExpression(DbDataType from, DbDataType to, bool checkNull = true, bool createDefault = true, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters from DbDataType Source type. to DbDataType Target type. checkNull bool If true, and source type could contain null, conversion expression will check converted value for null and replace it with default value. SetDefaultValue(Type, object?) for more details. createDefault bool Create new conversion expression, if conversion is not defined. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns LambdaExpression Conversion expression or null, if there is no such conversion and createDefault is false. GetConvertExpression(Type, Type, bool, bool, ConversionType) Returns conversion expression from from type to to type. public LambdaExpression? GetConvertExpression(Type from, Type to, bool checkNull = true, bool createDefault = true, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters from Type Source type. to Type Target type. checkNull bool If true, and source type could contain null, conversion expression will check converted value for null and replace it with default value. SetDefaultValue(Type, object?) for more details. createDefault bool Create new conversion expression, if conversion is not defined. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns LambdaExpression Conversion expression or null, if there is no such conversion and createDefault is false. GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool, bool, ConversionType) Returns conversion expression from TFrom type to TTo type. public Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>? GetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(bool checkNull = true, bool createDefault = true, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters checkNull bool If true, and source type could contain null, conversion expression will check converted value for null and replace it with default value. SetDefaultValue(Type, object?) for more details. createDefault bool Create new conversion expression, if conversion is not defined. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> Conversion expression or null, if there is no such conversion and createDefault is false. Type Parameters TFrom Source type. TTo Target type. GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType) Returns conversion delegate for conversion from TFrom type to TTo type. public Func<TFrom, TTo>? GetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns Func<TFrom, TTo> Conversion delegate or null if conversion is not defined. Type Parameters TFrom Source type. TTo Target type. GetDataType(Type) Returns database type mapping information for specified type. public SqlDataType GetDataType(Type type) Parameters type Type Mapped type. Returns SqlDataType Database type information. GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type) Returns type, to which provided enumeration type is mapped or null, if type is not configured. See SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type). public Type? GetDefaultFromEnumType(Type enumType) Parameters enumType Type Enumeration type. Returns Type Mapped type or null. GetDefaultValue(Type) Returns default value for specified type. Default value is a value, used instead of NULL value, read from database. public object? GetDefaultValue(Type type) Parameters type Type Value type. Returns object Returns default value for type. GetDefinedTypes() Enumerates types registered by FluentMappingBuilder. public IEnumerable<Type> GetDefinedTypes() Returns IEnumerable<Type> Returns all types, mapped by fluent mappings. GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. public MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetEntityDescriptor(Type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>?) Returns mapped entity descriptor. public EntityDescriptor GetEntityDescriptor(Type type, Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor>? onEntityDescriptorCreated = null) Parameters type Type Mapped type. onEntityDescriptorCreated Action<MappingSchema, IEntityChangeDescriptor> Action, called when new descriptor instance created. When set to null, EntityDescriptorCreatedCallback callback used. Returns EntityDescriptor Mapping descriptor. GetMapValues(Type) Returns enum type mapping information or null for non-enum types. public virtual MapValue[]? GetMapValues(Type type) Parameters type Type Mapped type. Returns MapValue[] Mapping values for enum type and null for non-enum types. GetUnderlyingDataType(Type, out bool) Returns scalar database type mapping information for provided type. public SqlDataType GetUnderlyingDataType(Type type, out bool canBeNull) Parameters type Type Mapped type. canBeNull bool Returns true, if type type is enum with mapping to null value. Initial parameter value, passed to this method is not used. Returns SqlDataType Scalar database type information. HasAttribute<T>(Type) Returns true if attribute of specified type, associated with specified type. Attributes are filtered by schema's configuration names (see ConfigurationList). public bool HasAttribute<T>(Type type) where T : MappingAttribute Parameters type Type Attribute owner type. Returns bool Returns true if attribute of specified type, associated with specified type. Type Parameters T Mapping attribute type (must inherit MappingAttribute). HasAttribute<T>(Type, MemberInfo) Returns true if attribute of specified type, associated with specified type member. Attributes are filtered by schema's configuration names (see ConfigurationList). public bool HasAttribute<T>(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) where T : MappingAttribute Parameters type Type Member's owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Attribute owner member. Returns bool Returns true if attribute of specified type, associated with specified type member. Type Parameters T Mapping attribute type (must inherit MappingAttribute). InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[]) Initialize generic conversions for specific type parameters. public bool InitGenericConvertProvider(params Type[] types) Parameters types Type[] Generic type parameters. Returns bool Returns true if new generic type conversions could have added to mapping schema. InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() Initialize generic conversions for specific type parameter. public void InitGenericConvertProvider<T>() Type Parameters T Generic type parameter, for which converters should be initialized. IsScalarType(Type) Returns true, if provided type mapped to scalar database type in current schema. public bool IsScalarType(Type type) Parameters type Type Type to check. Returns bool true, if type mapped to scalar database type. SetCanBeNull(Type, bool) Sets null value support flag for specified type. public void SetCanBeNull(Type type, bool value) Parameters type Type Value type. value bool If true, specified type value could contain null. SetConvertExpression(DbDataType, DbDataType, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) Specify conversion expression for conversion from fromType type to toType type. public MappingSchema SetConvertExpression(DbDataType fromType, DbDataType toType, LambdaExpression expr, bool addNullCheck = true, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters fromType DbDataType Source type. toType DbDataType Target type. expr LambdaExpression Conversion expression. addNullCheck bool If true, conversion expression will be wrapped with default value substitution logic for null values. Wrapper will be added only if source type can have null values and conversion expression doesn't use default value provider. See DefaultValue<T> and DefaultValue types for more details. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns MappingSchema SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) Specify conversion expression for conversion from fromType type to toType type. public MappingSchema SetConvertExpression(Type fromType, Type toType, LambdaExpression expr, bool addNullCheck = true, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters fromType Type Source type. toType Type Target type. expr LambdaExpression Conversion expression. addNullCheck bool If true, conversion expression will be wrapped with default value substitution logic for null values. Wrapper will be added only if source type can have null values and conversion expression doesn't use default value provider. See DefaultValue<T> and DefaultValue types for more details. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns MappingSchema SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType) Specify conversion expression for conversion from TFrom type to TTo type. public MappingSchema SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> expr, bool addNullCheck = true, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters expr Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> Conversion expression. addNullCheck bool If true, conversion expression will be wrapped with default value substitution logic for null values. Wrapper will be added only if source type can have null values and conversion expression doesn't use default value provider. See DefaultValue<T> and DefaultValue types for more details. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns MappingSchema Type Parameters TFrom Source type. TTo Target type. SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, ConversionType) Specify conversion expression for conversion from TFrom type to TTo type. public MappingSchema SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> checkNullExpr, Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> expr, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters checkNullExpr Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> null values conversion expression. expr Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>> Conversion expression. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns MappingSchema Type Parameters TFrom Source type. TTo Target type. SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, ConversionType) Specify conversion delegate for conversion from TFrom type to TTo type. public MappingSchema SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo> func, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters func Func<TFrom, TTo> Conversion delegate. conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns MappingSchema Type Parameters TFrom Source type. TTo Target type. SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo>, DbDataType, DbDataType, ConversionType) Specify conversion delegate for conversion from TFrom type to TTo type. public MappingSchema SetConverter<TFrom, TTo>(Func<TFrom, TTo> func, DbDataType from, DbDataType to, ConversionType conversionType = ConversionType.Common) Parameters func Func<TFrom, TTo> Conversion delegate. from DbDataType Source type detalization to DbDataType Target type detalization conversionType ConversionType Conversion type. See ConversionType for more details. Returns MappingSchema Type Parameters TFrom Source type. TTo Target type. SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo) Set conversion expressions for conversion from and to string for basic types (byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong , float, double, decimal, DateTime, DateTimeOffset) using provided culture format providers. public void SetCultureInfo(CultureInfo info) Parameters info CultureInfo Culture with format providers for conversions. SetDataType(Type, DataType) Associate specified type with LINQ to DB data type. public void SetDataType(Type type, DataType dataType) Parameters type Type Mapped type. dataType DataType LINQ to DB data type. SetDataType(Type, SqlDataType) Associate specified type with database data type. public void SetDataType(Type type, SqlDataType dataType) Parameters type Type Mapped type. dataType SqlDataType Database data type. SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type, Type) Sets type, to which provided enumeration type should be mapped. public void SetDefaultFromEnumType(Type enumType, Type defaultFromType) Parameters enumType Type Enumeration type. defaultFromType Type Mapped type. SetDefaultValue(Type, object?) Sets default value for specific type. Default value is a value, used instead of NULL value, read from database. public void SetDefaultValue(Type type, object? value) Parameters type Type Value type. value object Default value. SetGenericConvertProvider(Type) Adds generic type conversions provider. Type converter must implement IGenericInfoProvider interface. IGenericInfoProvider for more details and examples. public void SetGenericConvertProvider(Type type) Parameters type Type Generic type conversions provider. SetScalarType(Type, bool) Configure how provided type should be handled during mapping to database - as scalar value or composite type. public void SetScalarType(Type type, bool isScalarType = true) Parameters type Type Type to configure. isScalarType bool true, if provided type should be mapped to scalar database value. SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>) Sets value to SQL converter action for specific value type. public MappingSchema SetValueToSqlConverter(Type type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object> converter) Parameters type Type Value type. converter Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object> Converter action. Action accepts three parameters: - SQL string builder to write generated value SQL to; - value SQL type descriptor; - value. Returns MappingSchema SetValueToSqlConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object>) Sets value to SQL converter action for specific value type. public MappingSchema SetValueToSqlConverter(Type type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object> converter) Parameters type Type Value type. converter Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, object> Converter action. Action accepts three parameters: - SQL string builder to write generated value SQL to; - value SQL type descriptor; - value. Returns MappingSchema TryGetConvertExpression(Type, Type) Returns custom value conversion expression from from type to to type if it is defined in mapping schema, or null otherwise. public virtual LambdaExpression? TryGetConvertExpression(Type from, Type to) Parameters from Type Source type. to Type Target type. Returns LambdaExpression Conversion expression or null, if conversion is not defined."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.NotColumnAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.NotColumnAttribute.html",
"title": "Class NotColumnAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NotColumnAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Marks current property or column to be ignored for mapping when explicit column mapping disabled. See IsColumnAttributeRequired. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)] public class NotColumnAttribute : ColumnAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute ColumnAttribute NotColumnAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members ColumnAttribute.Name ColumnAttribute.MemberName ColumnAttribute.DataType ColumnAttribute.DbType ColumnAttribute.IsColumn ColumnAttribute.Storage ColumnAttribute.IsDiscriminator ColumnAttribute.SkipOnEntityFetch ColumnAttribute.SkipOnInsert ColumnAttribute.SkipOnUpdate ColumnAttribute.IsIdentity ColumnAttribute.IsPrimaryKey ColumnAttribute.PrimaryKeyOrder ColumnAttribute.CanBeNull ColumnAttribute.Length ColumnAttribute.Precision ColumnAttribute.Scale ColumnAttribute.CreateFormat ColumnAttribute.Order ColumnAttribute.GetObjectID() MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors NotColumnAttribute() Creates attribute instance. public NotColumnAttribute()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.NotNullAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.NotNullAttribute.html",
"title": "Class NotNullAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NotNullAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Sets nullability flag for current column to false. See NullableAttribute for more details. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field)] public class NotNullAttribute : NullableAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute NullableAttribute NotNullAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members NullableAttribute.CanBeNull NullableAttribute.GetObjectID() MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors NotNullAttribute() Creates attribute isntance. public NotNullAttribute() NotNullAttribute(string) Creates attribute isntance. public NotNullAttribute(string configuration) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. See LinqToDB.Configuration."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.NullableAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.NullableAttribute.html",
"title": "Class NullableAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class NullableAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Explicitly specifies that associated column could contain NULL values. Overrides default nullability flag from current mapping schema for property/field type. Has lower priority over CanBeNull. Using this attribute, you can allow NULL values for identity columns. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)] public class NullableAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute NullableAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived NotNullAttribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors NullableAttribute() Creates attribute isntance. public NullableAttribute() NullableAttribute(bool) Creates attribute isntance. public NullableAttribute(bool isNullable) Parameters isNullable bool Nullability flag for current column. NullableAttribute(string, bool) Creates attribute isntance. public NullableAttribute(string configuration, bool isNullable) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. See LinqToDB.Configuration. isNullable bool Nullability flag for current column. Properties CanBeNull Gets or sets nullability flag for current column. Default value: true. public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.PrimaryKeyAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.PrimaryKeyAttribute.html",
"title": "Class PrimaryKeyAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PrimaryKeyAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Marks property or field as a member of primary key for current mapping type. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)] public class PrimaryKeyAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute PrimaryKeyAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors PrimaryKeyAttribute() Creates attribute instance. public PrimaryKeyAttribute() PrimaryKeyAttribute(int) Creates attribute instance. public PrimaryKeyAttribute(int order) Parameters order int Column order in composite primary key. PrimaryKeyAttribute(string?, int) Creates attribute instance. public PrimaryKeyAttribute(string? configuration, int order) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. See LinqToDB.Configuration. order int Column order in composite primary key. Properties Order Gets or sets order of current column in composite primary key. Order is used for query generation to define in which order primary key columns must be mentioned in query from columns with smallest order value to greatest. Default value: -1. public int Order { get; set; } Property Value int Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.PropertyMappingBuilder-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.PropertyMappingBuilder-2.html",
"title": "Class PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Column or association fluent mapping builder. public class PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Type Parameters TEntity Entity type. TProperty Column or association member type. Inheritance object PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors PropertyMappingBuilder(EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>>) Creates column or association fluent mapping builder. public PropertyMappingBuilder(EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> entity, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> memberGetter) Parameters entity EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Entity fluent mapping builder. memberGetter Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> Column or association member getter expression. Methods Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>>, bool?) Adds association mapping to current column's entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>> Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>> queryExpression, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>> Association member getter expression. queryExpression Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>> Query expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Other association side type Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>>, bool?) Adds association mapping to current column's entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>> Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>> predicate, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>>> Association member getter expression. predicate Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>> Predicate expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TOther>> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Other association side type Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>>, bool?) Adds association mapping to current column's entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>> queryExpression, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> Association member getter expression. queryExpression Expression<Func<TEntity, IDataContext, IQueryable<TOther>>> Query expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Other association side type Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>>, bool?) Adds association mapping to current column's entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Association<TOther>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>> predicate, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> Association member getter expression. predicate Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther, bool>> Predicate expression canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Other association side type Association<TPropElement, TThisKey, TOtherKey>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>>, Expression<Func<TPropElement, TOtherKey>>, bool?) Adds association mapping to current column's entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>> Association<TPropElement, TThisKey, TOtherKey>(Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>> thisKey, Expression<Func<TPropElement, TOtherKey>> otherKey, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>>> Association member getter expression. thisKey Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>> This association key getter expression. otherKey Expression<Func<TPropElement, TOtherKey>> Other association key getter expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, IEnumerable<TPropElement>> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TPropElement Association member type. TThisKey This association side key type. TOtherKey Other association side key type. Association<TOther, TThisKey, TOtherKey>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>>, Expression<Func<TOther, TOtherKey>>, bool?) Adds association mapping to current column's entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Association<TOther, TThisKey, TOtherKey>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> prop, Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>> thisKey, Expression<Func<TOther, TOtherKey>> otherKey, bool? canBeNull = null) Parameters prop Expression<Func<TEntity, TOther>> Association member getter expression. thisKey Expression<Func<TEntity, TThisKey>> This association key getter expression. otherKey Expression<Func<TOther, TOtherKey>> Other association key getter expression. canBeNull bool? Defines type of join. True - left join, False - inner join. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TOther> Returns association mapping builder. Type Parameters TOther Association member type. TThisKey This association side key type. TOtherKey Other association side key type. Build() Adds configured mappings to builder's mapping schema. public FluentMappingBuilder Build() Returns FluentMappingBuilder Entity<TE>(string?) Creates entity builder for specified mapping type. public EntityMappingBuilder<TE> Entity<TE>(string? configuration = null) Parameters configuration string Optional mapping schema configuration name, for which this entity builder should be taken into account. ProviderName for standard configuration names. Returns EntityMappingBuilder<TE> Returns entity mapping builder. Type Parameters TE Mapping type. HasAttribute(MappingAttribute) Adds attribute to current mapping member. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasAttribute(MappingAttribute attribute) Parameters attribute MappingAttribute Mapping attribute to add to specified member. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column or association mapping builder. HasColumnName(string) Sets name for current column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasColumnName(string columnName) Parameters columnName string Column name. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasConversionFunc<TProvider>(Func<TProperty, TProvider>, Func<TProvider, TProperty>, bool) Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasConversionFunc<TProvider>(Func<TProperty, TProvider> toProvider, Func<TProvider, TProperty> toModel, bool handlesNulls = false) Parameters toProvider Func<TProperty, TProvider> toModel Func<TProvider, TProperty> handlesNulls bool Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. Type Parameters TProvider The type to convert to and from. HasConversion<TProvider>(Expression<Func<TProperty, TProvider>>, Expression<Func<TProvider, TProperty>>, bool) Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasConversion<TProvider>(Expression<Func<TProperty, TProvider>> toProvider, Expression<Func<TProvider, TProperty>> toModel, bool handlesNulls = false) Parameters toProvider Expression<Func<TProperty, TProvider>> toModel Expression<Func<TProvider, TProperty>> handlesNulls bool Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. Type Parameters TProvider The type to convert to and from. HasCreateFormat(string) Sets custom column create SQL template. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasCreateFormat(string format) Parameters format string Custom template for column definition in create table SQL expression, generated using CreateTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions) methods. Template accepts following string parameters: {0} - column name; {1} - column type; {2} - NULL specifier; {3} - identity specification. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasDataType(DataType) Sets LINQ to DB type for current column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasDataType(DataType dataType) Parameters dataType DataType Data type. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasDbType(string) Sets database type for current column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasDbType(string dbType) Parameters dbType string Column type. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasLength(int) Sets the length of the database column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasLength(int length) Parameters length int Column length. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasOrder(int) Sets the Order of the database column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasOrder(int order) Parameters order int Column order. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasPrecision(int) Sets the precision of the database column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasPrecision(int precision) Parameters precision int Column precision. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasScale(int) Sets the Scale of the database column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasScale(int scale) Parameters scale int Column scale. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasSkipOnInsert(bool) Sets whether a column is insertable. This flag will affect only insert operations with implicit columns specification like Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) method and will be ignored when user explicitly specifies value for this column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasSkipOnInsert(bool skipOnInsert = true) Parameters skipOnInsert bool If true - column will be ignored for implicit insert operations. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasSkipOnUpdate(bool) Sets whether a column is updatable. This flag will affect only update operations with implicit columns specification like Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) method and will be ignored when user explicitly specifies value for this column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasSkipOnUpdate(bool skipOnUpdate = true) Parameters skipOnUpdate bool If true - column will be ignored for implicit update operations. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. HasStorage(string) Adds data storage property or field for current column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> HasStorage(string storage) Parameters storage string Name of storage property or field for current column. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. IsAlias(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>) Sets that property is alias to another member. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsAlias(Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> aliasMember) Parameters aliasMember Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> Alias member getter expression. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. IsAlias(string) Sets that property is alias to another member. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsAlias(string aliasMember) Parameters aliasMember string Alias member name. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. IsColumn() Sets current member to be included into mapping as column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsColumn() Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. IsDiscriminator(bool) Marks current column as discriminator column for inheritance mapping. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsDiscriminator(bool isDiscriminator = true) Parameters isDiscriminator bool If true - column is used as inheritance mapping discriminator. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. IsExpression<TR>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TR>>, bool, string?) Configure property as alias to another member. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsExpression<TR>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TR>> expression, bool isColumn = false, string? alias = null) Parameters expression Expression<Func<TEntity, TR>> Expression for mapping member during read. isColumn bool Indicates whether a property value should be filled during entity materialization (calculated property). alias string Optional alias for specific member expression. By default Member Name is used. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. Type Parameters TR IsIdentity() Marks current column as identity column. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsIdentity() Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. IsNotColumn() Sets current member to be excluded from mapping. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsNotColumn() Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current mapping builder. IsNotNull() Sets whether a column can contain NULL values. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsNotNull() Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. IsNullable(bool) Sets whether a column can contain NULL values. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsNullable(bool isNullable = true) Parameters isNullable bool If true - column could contain NULL values. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. IsPrimaryKey(int) Marks current column as primary key member. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> IsPrimaryKey(int order = -1) Parameters order int Order of property in primary key. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. Member<TMember>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TMember>>) Adds member mapping to current entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TMember> Member<TMember>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TMember>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, TMember>> Column mapping property or field getter expression. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TMember> Returns fluent property mapping builder. Type Parameters TMember Property<TMember>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TMember>>) Adds new column mapping to current column's entity. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TMember> Property<TMember>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TMember>> func) Parameters func Expression<Func<TEntity, TMember>> Column mapping property or field getter expression. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TMember> Returns property mapping builder. Type Parameters TMember SkipOnEntityFetch(bool) Marks current column to be skipped by default during a full entity fetch public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> SkipOnEntityFetch(bool skipOnEntityFetch = true) Parameters skipOnEntityFetch bool If true, column won't be fetched unless explicity selected in a Linq query. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder. UseSequence(string, string?, string?) Specifies value generation sequence for current column. See SequenceNameAttribute notes for list of supported databases. public PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> UseSequence(string sequenceName, string? schema = null, string? configuration = null) Parameters sequenceName string Name of sequence. schema string Optional sequence schema name. configuration string Optional mapping configuration name. If not specified, entity configuration used. Returns PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Returns current column mapping builder."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.QueryFilterAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.QueryFilterAttribute.html",
"title": "Class QueryFilterAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryFilterAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Contains reference to filter function defined by HasQueryFilter(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IDataContext, IQueryable<TEntity>>) [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Interface)] public class QueryFilterAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute QueryFilterAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties FilterFunc Filter function of type Func<T1, T2, TResult>, where - T1 and TResult are IQueryable<T> - T2 is IDataContext public Delegate? FilterFunc { get; set; } Property Value Delegate Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ResultSetIndexAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ResultSetIndexAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ResultSetIndexAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ResultSetIndexAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Used to mark the index of a result set when multiple result sets need to be processed for a command. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] public class ResultSetIndexAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute ResultSetIndexAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ResultSetIndexAttribute(int) public ResultSetIndexAttribute(int index) Parameters index int Properties Index public int Index { get; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ScalarTypeAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ScalarTypeAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ScalarTypeAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ScalarTypeAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Overrides default scalar detection for target class or structure. By default linq2db treats primitives and structs as scalar types. This attribute allows you to mark class or struct as scalar type or mark struct as non-scalar type. Also see IsStructIsScalarType. Note that if you marks some type as scalar, you will need to define custom mapping logic between object of that type and data parameter using SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) methods. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)] public class ScalarTypeAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute ScalarTypeAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ScalarTypeAttribute() Creates attribute instance. public ScalarTypeAttribute() ScalarTypeAttribute(bool) Creates attribute instance. public ScalarTypeAttribute(bool isScalar) Parameters isScalar bool Should target type be treated as scalar type or not. ScalarTypeAttribute(string) Creates attribute instance. public ScalarTypeAttribute(string configuration) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. See LinqToDB.Configuration. ScalarTypeAttribute(string, bool) Creates attribute instance. public ScalarTypeAttribute(string configuration, bool isScalar) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. See LinqToDB.Configuration. isScalar bool Should target type be treated as scalar type or not. Properties IsScalar Gets or sets scalar type flag. Default value: true. public bool IsScalar { get; set; } Property Value bool Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SequenceNameAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SequenceNameAttribute.html",
"title": "Class SequenceNameAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SequenceNameAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Specifies value generation sequence for mapped property of field. Currently it supported only for: Firebird generators Oracle sequences PostgreSQL serial pseudotypes/sequences [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)] public class SequenceNameAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute SequenceNameAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SequenceNameAttribute(string) Creates attribute instance. public SequenceNameAttribute(string sequenceName) Parameters sequenceName string Sequence generator name. SequenceNameAttribute(string?, string) Creates attribute instance. public SequenceNameAttribute(string? configuration, string sequenceName) Parameters configuration string Mapping schema configuration name. See LinqToDB.Configuration. sequenceName string Sequence generator name. Properties Schema Gets or sets sequence generator schema name. public string? Schema { get; set; } Property Value string SequenceName Gets or sets sequence generator name. public string SequenceName { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipBaseAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipBaseAttribute.html",
"title": "Class SkipBaseAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SkipBaseAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Abstract Attribute to be used for skipping values [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = true)] public abstract class SkipBaseAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute SkipBaseAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived SkipValuesByListAttribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Affects Defines on which method a value should be skipped. public abstract SkipModification Affects { get; } Property Value SkipModification Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string ShouldSkip(object, EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) Check if object contains values that should be skipped. public abstract bool ShouldSkip(object obj, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor) Parameters obj object The object to check. entityDescriptor EntityDescriptor The entity descriptor. columnDescriptor ColumnDescriptor The column descriptor. Returns bool true if object should be skipped for the operation."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipModification.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipModification.html",
"title": "Enum SkipModification | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SkipModification Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Flags for specifying skip modifications used for Attributes based on SkipBaseAttribute. [Flags] public enum SkipModification Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Insert = 1 A value should be skipped on insert. None = 0 No value should be skipped. Update = 2 A value should be skipped on update."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipValuesByListAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipValuesByListAttribute.html",
"title": "Class SkipValuesByListAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SkipValuesByListAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Abstract Attribute to be used for skipping value for SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute based on Insert or SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute based on Update/> or a custom Attribute derived from this to override ShouldSkip(object, EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) [CLSCompliant(false)] public abstract class SkipValuesByListAttribute : SkipBaseAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute SkipBaseAttribute SkipValuesByListAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute Inherited Members SkipBaseAttribute.Affects MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SkipValuesByListAttribute(IEnumerable<object?>) protected SkipValuesByListAttribute(IEnumerable<object?> values) Parameters values IEnumerable<object> Properties Values Gets collection with values to skip. protected HashSet<object?> Values { get; set; } Property Value HashSet<object> Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string ShouldSkip(object, EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) Check if object contains values that should be skipped. public override bool ShouldSkip(object obj, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor) Parameters obj object The object to check. entityDescriptor EntityDescriptor The entity descriptor. columnDescriptor ColumnDescriptor The column descriptor. Returns bool true if object should be skipped for the operation."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute.html",
"title": "Class SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Attribute for skipping specific values on insert. [CLSCompliant(false)] public class SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute : SkipValuesByListAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute SkipBaseAttribute SkipValuesByListAttribute SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members SkipValuesByListAttribute.Values SkipValuesByListAttribute.ShouldSkip(object, EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) SkipValuesByListAttribute.GetObjectID() MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute(params object?[]?) Constructor. public SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute(params object?[]? values) Parameters values object[] Values to skip on insert operations. Properties Affects Operations, affected by value skipping. public override SkipModification Affects { get; } Property Value SkipModification"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute.html",
"title": "Class SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Attribute for skipping specific values on update. [CLSCompliant(false)] public class SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute : SkipValuesByListAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute SkipBaseAttribute SkipValuesByListAttribute SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members SkipValuesByListAttribute.Values SkipValuesByListAttribute.ShouldSkip(object, EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) SkipValuesByListAttribute.GetObjectID() MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute(params object?[]?) Constructor. public SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute(params object?[]? values) Parameters values object[] Values to skip on update operations. Properties Affects Operations, affected by value skipping. public override SkipModification Affects { get; } Property Value SkipModification"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.TableAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.TableAttribute.html",
"title": "Class TableAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll Maps databse table or view to a class or interface. You can apply it to any class including non-public, nester or abstract classes. Applying it to interfaces will allow you to perform queries against target table, but you need to specify projection in your query explicitly, if you want to select data from such mapping. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)] public class TableAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute TableAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors TableAttribute() Creates new table mapping attribute. public TableAttribute() TableAttribute(string) Creates new table mapping attribute. public TableAttribute(string tableName) Parameters tableName string Name of mapped table or view in database. Properties Database Gets or sets optional database name, to override default database name. See DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public string? Database { get; set; } Property Value string IsColumnAttributeRequired Gets or sets column mapping rules for current class or interface. If true, properties and fields should be marked with one of those attributes to be used for mapping: ColumnAttribute; PrimaryKeyAttribute; IdentityAttribute; ColumnAliasAttribute. Otherwise all supported members of scalar type will be used: public instance fields and properties; explicit interface implementation properties. Also see IsStructIsScalarType and ScalarTypeAttribute. Default value: true. public bool IsColumnAttributeRequired { get; set; } Property Value bool IsTemporary Gets or sets IsTemporary flag. See IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) method for support information per provider. public bool IsTemporary { get; set; } Property Value bool IsView This property is not used by linq2db and could be used for informational purposes. public bool IsView { get; set; } Property Value bool Name Gets or sets name of table or view in database. When not specified, name of class or interface will be used. public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Schema Gets or sets optional schema/owner name, to override default name. See SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public string? Schema { get; set; } Property Value string Server Gets or sets optional linked server name. See ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) method for support information per provider. public string? Server { get; set; } Property Value string TableOptions Gets or sets Table options. See TableOptions enum for support information per provider. public TableOptions TableOptions { get; set; } Property Value TableOptions Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ValueConverterAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.ValueConverterAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ValueConverterAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ValueConverterAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Assembly linq2db.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property|AttributeTargets.Field, Inherited = true)] public class ValueConverterAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute ValueConverterAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ConverterType Gets or sets converter type. ConverterType should implement IValueConverter interface, should have public constructor with no parameters. public Type? ConverterType { get; set; } Property Value Type ValueConverter ValueConverter for mapping Database Values to Model values. public IValueConverter? ValueConverter { get; set; } Property Value IValueConverter Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string GetValueConverter(ColumnDescriptor) Returns IValueConverter for specific column. public virtual IValueConverter? GetValueConverter(ColumnDescriptor columnDescriptor) Parameters columnDescriptor ColumnDescriptor Returns IValueConverter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Mapping.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Mapping Classes AssociationAttribute Defines relation between tables or views. Could be applied to: instance properties and fields; instance and static methods. For associations, defined using static methods, this mapping side defined by type of first parameter. Also, optionally, you can pass data context object as extra method parameter. Based on association type - to one or to multiple records - result type should be target record's mapping type or IEquatable<T> collection. By default associations are used only for joins generation in LINQ queries and will have null value for loaded records. To load data into association, you should explicitly specify it in your query using LoadWith<TEntity, TProperty>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty?>>) method. AssociationDescriptor Stores association descriptor. ColumnAliasAttribute Specifies that current field or property is just an alias to another property or field. Currently this attribute has several issues: you can apply it to class or interface - such attribute will be ignored by linq2db; it is possible to define attribute without setting MemberName value; you can define alias to another alias property or field and potentially create loop. ColumnAttribute Configures mapping of mapping class member to database column. Could be applied directly to a property or field or to mapping class/interface. In latter case you should specify member name using MemberName property. ColumnDescriptor Stores mapping entity column descriptor. DataTypeAttribute This attribute allows to override default types, defined in mapping schema, for current column. Also see DataType and DbType. Applying this attribute to class or interface will have no effect. DynamicColumnAccessorAttribute Configure setter and getter methods for dynamic columns. DynamicColumnInfo Discovers the attributes of a property and provides access to property metadata. DynamicColumnsStoreAttribute Marks target member as dynamic columns store. EntityDescriptor Stores mapping entity descriptor. EntityMappingBuilder<TEntity> Fluent mapping entity builder. FluentMappingBuilder Fluent mapping builder. IdentityAttribute Marks target column as identity column with value, generated on database side during insert operations. Identity columns will be ignored for insert and update operations with implicit column list like Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) or Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) methods. InheritanceMapping Stores inheritance mapping information for single discriminator value. InheritanceMappingAttribute Defines to which type linq2db should map record based on discriminator value. You can apply this attribute to a base class or insterface, implemented by all child classes. Don't forget to define discriminator value storage column using IsDiscriminator. LockedMappingSchema Locked mapping schema. MapValue Stores enum mapping information for single enum value. MapValueAttribute Defines bidirectional mapping between enum field value, used on client and database value, stored in database and used in queries. Enumeration field could have multiple MapValueAttribute attributes. Mapping from database value to enumeration performed when you load data from database. Linq2db will search for enumeration field with MapValueAttribute with required value. If attribute with such value is not found, you will receive LinqToDBException error. If you cannot specify all possible values using MapValueAttribute, you can specify custom mapping using methods like SetConvertExpression<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TTo>>, bool, ConversionType). Mapping from enumeration value performed when you save it to database or use in query. If your enum field has multiple MapValueAttribute attributes, you should mark one of them as default using IsDefault property. MappingAttribute MappingSchema Mapping schema. NotColumnAttribute Marks current property or column to be ignored for mapping when explicit column mapping disabled. See IsColumnAttributeRequired. NotNullAttribute Sets nullability flag for current column to false. See NullableAttribute for more details. NullableAttribute Explicitly specifies that associated column could contain NULL values. Overrides default nullability flag from current mapping schema for property/field type. Has lower priority over CanBeNull. Using this attribute, you can allow NULL values for identity columns. PrimaryKeyAttribute Marks property or field as a member of primary key for current mapping type. PropertyMappingBuilder<TEntity, TProperty> Column or association fluent mapping builder. QueryFilterAttribute Contains reference to filter function defined by HasQueryFilter(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IDataContext, IQueryable<TEntity>>) ResultSetIndexAttribute Used to mark the index of a result set when multiple result sets need to be processed for a command. ScalarTypeAttribute Overrides default scalar detection for target class or structure. By default linq2db treats primitives and structs as scalar types. This attribute allows you to mark class or struct as scalar type or mark struct as non-scalar type. Also see IsStructIsScalarType. Note that if you marks some type as scalar, you will need to define custom mapping logic between object of that type and data parameter using SetConvertExpression(Type, Type, LambdaExpression, bool, ConversionType) methods. SequenceNameAttribute Specifies value generation sequence for mapped property of field. Currently it supported only for: Firebird generators Oracle sequences PostgreSQL serial pseudotypes/sequences SkipBaseAttribute Abstract Attribute to be used for skipping values SkipValuesByListAttribute Abstract Attribute to be used for skipping value for SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute based on Insert or SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute based on Update/> or a custom Attribute derived from this to override ShouldSkip(object, EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) SkipValuesOnInsertAttribute Attribute for skipping specific values on insert. SkipValuesOnUpdateAttribute Attribute for skipping specific values on update. TableAttribute Maps databse table or view to a class or interface. You can apply it to any class including non-public, nester or abstract classes. Applying it to interfaces will allow you to perform queries against target table, but you need to specify projection in your query explicitly, if you want to select data from such mapping. ValueConverterAttribute Interfaces IColumnChangeDescriptor Mapping entity column descriptor change interface. IEntityChangeDescriptor Mapping entity descriptor change interface. Enums SkipModification Flags for specifying skip modifications used for Attributes based on SkipBaseAttribute."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MergeDefinition-2.Operation.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MergeDefinition-2.Operation.html",
"title": "Class MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public class MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Inheritance object MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties BySourcePredicate public Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>? BySourcePredicate { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> CreateExpression public Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>? CreateExpression { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> HasCondition public bool HasCondition { get; } Property Value bool MatchedPredicate public Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>? MatchedPredicate { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> MatchedPredicate2 public Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>? MatchedPredicate2 { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> NotMatchedPredicate public Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>? NotMatchedPredicate { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Type public MergeOperationType Type { get; } Property Value MergeOperationType UpdateBySourceExpression public Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>? UpdateBySourceExpression { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> UpdateExpression public Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>? UpdateExpression { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> Methods Delete(Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) public static MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Delete(Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> predicate) Parameters predicate Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation DeleteBySource(Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>) public static MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation DeleteBySource(Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> predicate) Parameters predicate Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Insert(Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) public static MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Insert(Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> create) Parameters predicate Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> create Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Update(Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) public static MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Update(Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> update) Parameters predicate Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> update Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation UpdateBySource(Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) public static MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation UpdateBySource(Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> update) Parameters predicate Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> update Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation UpdateWithDelete(Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) public static MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation UpdateWithDelete(Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> updatePredicate, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> update, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> deletePredicate) Parameters updatePredicate Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> update Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> deletePredicate Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MergeDefinition-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MergeDefinition-2.html",
"title": "Class MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public class MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> : IMergeableUsing<TTarget>, IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource>, IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> where TTarget : notnull Type Parameters TTarget TSource Inheritance object MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> Implements IMergeableUsing<TTarget> IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> Extension Methods LinqExtensions.On<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.On<TTarget, TSource, TKey>(IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>) LinqExtensions.InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UsingTarget<TTarget>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Using<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Using<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeableUsing<TTarget>, IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.MergeAsync<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputInto<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutputInto<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutput<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.MergeWithOutput<TTarget, TSource, TOutput>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>, Expression<Func<string, TTarget, TTarget, TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget, TSource>(IMergeable<TTarget, TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MergeDefinition(ITable<TTarget>) public MergeDefinition(ITable<TTarget> target) Parameters target ITable<TTarget> MergeDefinition(ITable<TTarget>, IQueryable<TSource>) public MergeDefinition(ITable<TTarget> target, IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters target ITable<TTarget> source IQueryable<TSource> MergeDefinition(ITable<TTarget>, IQueryable<TSource>, string) public MergeDefinition(ITable<TTarget> target, IQueryable<TSource> source, string hint) Parameters target ITable<TTarget> source IQueryable<TSource> hint string MergeDefinition(ITable<TTarget>, string) public MergeDefinition(ITable<TTarget> target, string hint) Parameters target ITable<TTarget> hint string Properties EnumerableSource public IEnumerable<TSource>? EnumerableSource { get; } Property Value IEnumerable<TSource> Hint public string? Hint { get; } Property Value string KeyType public Type? KeyType { get; } Property Value Type MatchPredicate public Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>? MatchPredicate { get; } Property Value Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Operations public MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation[]? Operations { get; } Property Value Operation[] QueryableSource public IQueryable<TSource>? QueryableSource { get; } Property Value IQueryable<TSource> SourceKey public Expression? SourceKey { get; } Property Value Expression Target public ITable<TTarget> Target { get; } Property Value ITable<TTarget> TargetKey public Expression? TargetKey { get; } Property Value Expression Methods AddOnKey<TKey>(Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) public MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> AddOnKey<TKey>(Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>> targetKey, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> sourceKey) Parameters targetKey Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>> sourceKey Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> Type Parameters TKey AddOnPredicate(Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>>) public MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> AddOnPredicate(Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> matchPredicate) Parameters matchPredicate Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> AddOperation(Operation) public MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> AddOperation(MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation operation) Parameters operation MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> AddSource<TNewSource>(IEnumerable<TNewSource>) public MergeDefinition<TTarget, TNewSource> AddSource<TNewSource>(IEnumerable<TNewSource> source) where TNewSource : class Parameters source IEnumerable<TNewSource> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TNewSource> Type Parameters TNewSource AddSource<TNewSource>(IQueryable<TNewSource>) public MergeDefinition<TTarget, TNewSource> AddSource<TNewSource>(IQueryable<TNewSource> source) where TNewSource : class Parameters source IQueryable<TNewSource> Returns MergeDefinition<TTarget, TNewSource> Type Parameters TNewSource"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MergeOperationType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MergeOperationType.html",
"title": "Enum MergeOperationType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum MergeOperationType Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public enum MergeOperationType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Delete = 2 DeleteBySource = 5 Insert = 0 Update = 1 UpdateBySource = 4 UpdateWithDelete = 3"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.AttributeReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.AttributeReader.html",
"title": "Class AttributeReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AttributeReader Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll public class AttributeReader : IMetadataReader Inheritance object AttributeReader Implements IMetadataReader Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetAttributes(Type) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type) Parameters type Type Attributes owner type. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of mapping attributes. GetAttributes(Type, MemberInfo) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type member. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type Member type. Could be used by some metadata providers to identify actual member owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Type member for which mapping attributes should be returned. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of attributes. GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. public MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetObjectID() Should return a unique ID for cache purposes. If the implemented Metadata reader returns instance-specific data you'll need to calculate a unique value based on content. Otherwise just use a static const e.g. $\".{nameof(YourMetadataReader)}.\" public string GetObjectID() Returns string The object ID as string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.FluentMetadataReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.FluentMetadataReader.html",
"title": "Class FluentMetadataReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class FluentMetadataReader Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll public class FluentMetadataReader : IMetadataReader Inheritance object FluentMetadataReader Implements IMetadataReader Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors FluentMetadataReader(IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, List<MappingAttribute>>, IReadOnlyDictionary<MemberInfo, List<MappingAttribute>>, IReadOnlyList<MemberInfo>) public FluentMetadataReader(IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, List<MappingAttribute>> typeAttributes, IReadOnlyDictionary<MemberInfo, List<MappingAttribute>> memberAttributes, IReadOnlyList<MemberInfo> orderedMembers) Parameters typeAttributes IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, List<MappingAttribute>> memberAttributes IReadOnlyDictionary<MemberInfo, List<MappingAttribute>> orderedMembers IReadOnlyList<MemberInfo> Methods GetAttributes(Type) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type) Parameters type Type Attributes owner type. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of mapping attributes. GetAttributes(Type, MemberInfo) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type member. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type Member type. Could be used by some metadata providers to identify actual member owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Type member for which mapping attributes should be returned. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of attributes. GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. public MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetObjectID() Should return a unique ID for cache purposes. If the implemented Metadata reader returns instance-specific data you'll need to calculate a unique value based on content. Otherwise just use a static const e.g. $\".{nameof(YourMetadataReader)}.\" public string GetObjectID() Returns string The object ID as string GetRegisteredTypes() Gets all types, registered by by current fluent mapper. public IEnumerable<Type> GetRegisteredTypes() Returns IEnumerable<Type> Returns array with all types, mapped by current fluent mapper."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.IMetadataReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.IMetadataReader.html",
"title": "Interface IMetadataReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IMetadataReader Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IMetadataReader Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetAttributes(Type) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type. MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type) Parameters type Type Attributes owner type. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of mapping attributes. GetAttributes(Type, MemberInfo) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type member. MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type Member type. Could be used by some metadata providers to identify actual member owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Type member for which mapping attributes should be returned. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of attributes. GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetObjectID() Should return a unique ID for cache purposes. If the implemented Metadata reader returns instance-specific data you'll need to calculate a unique value based on content. Otherwise just use a static const e.g. $\".{nameof(YourMetadataReader)}.\" string GetObjectID() Returns string The object ID as string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.MetadataException.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.MetadataException.html",
"title": "Class MetadataException | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MetadataException Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions. [Serializable] public class MetadataException : Exception, ISerializable, _Exception Inheritance object Exception MetadataException Implements ISerializable _Exception Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.ToString() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.Message Exception.Data Exception.InnerException Exception.TargetSite Exception.StackTrace Exception.HelpLink Exception.Source Exception.HResult Exception.SerializeObjectState Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Remarks This class is the base class for exceptions that may occur during execution of the namespace members. Constructors MetadataException() Initializes a new instance of the MetadataException class. public MetadataException() Remarks This constructor initializes the Message property of the new instance such as \"A Build Type exception has occurred.\" MetadataException(Exception) Initializes a new instance of the MetadataException class with the specified InnerException property. public MetadataException(Exception innerException) Parameters innerException Exception The InnerException, if any, that threw the current exception. See Also InnerException MetadataException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the MetadataException class with serialized data. protected MetadataException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) Parameters info SerializationInfo The object that holds the serialized object data. context StreamingContext The contextual information about the source or destination. Remarks This constructor is called during deserialization to reconstitute the exception object transmitted over a stream. MetadataException(string) Initializes a new instance of the MetadataException class with the specified error message. public MetadataException(string message) Parameters message string The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown. See Also Message MetadataException(string, Exception) Initializes a new instance of the MetadataException class with the specified error message and InnerException property. public MetadataException(string message, Exception innerException) Parameters message string The message to display to the client when the exception is thrown. innerException Exception The InnerException, if any, that threw the current exception. See Also Message InnerException"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.MetadataReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.MetadataReader.html",
"title": "Class MetadataReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MetadataReader Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll Aggregation metadata reader, that just delegates all calls to nested readers. public class MetadataReader : IMetadataReader Inheritance object MetadataReader Implements IMetadataReader Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MetadataReader(params IMetadataReader[]) public MetadataReader(params IMetadataReader[] readers) Parameters readers IMetadataReader[] Fields Default Default instance of MetadataReader, used by Default. By default contains only AttributeReader. public static MetadataReader Default Field Value MetadataReader Properties Readers public IReadOnlyList<IMetadataReader> Readers { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<IMetadataReader> Methods GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. public MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetObjectID() Should return a unique ID for cache purposes. If the implemented Metadata reader returns instance-specific data you'll need to calculate a unique value based on content. Otherwise just use a static const e.g. $\".{nameof(YourMetadataReader)}.\" public string GetObjectID() Returns string The object ID as string GetRegisteredTypes() Enumerates types, registered by FluentMetadataBuilder. public IReadOnlyList<Type> GetRegisteredTypes() Returns IReadOnlyList<Type> Returns array with all types, mapped by fluent mappings."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.SystemComponentModelDataAnnotationsSchemaAttributeReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.SystemComponentModelDataAnnotationsSchemaAttributeReader.html",
"title": "Class SystemComponentModelDataAnnotationsSchemaAttributeReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SystemComponentModelDataAnnotationsSchemaAttributeReader Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll Metadata provider using mapping attributes from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema namespace: TableAttribute ColumnAttribute public class SystemComponentModelDataAnnotationsSchemaAttributeReader : IMetadataReader Inheritance object SystemComponentModelDataAnnotationsSchemaAttributeReader Implements IMetadataReader Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetAttributes(Type) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type) Parameters type Type Attributes owner type. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of mapping attributes. GetAttributes(Type, MemberInfo) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type member. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type Member type. Could be used by some metadata providers to identify actual member owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Type member for which mapping attributes should be returned. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of attributes. GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. public MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetObjectID() Should return a unique ID for cache purposes. If the implemented Metadata reader returns instance-specific data you'll need to calculate a unique value based on content. Otherwise just use a static const e.g. $\".{nameof(YourMetadataReader)}.\" public string GetObjectID() Returns string The object ID as string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.SystemDataLinqAttributeReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.SystemDataLinqAttributeReader.html",
"title": "Class SystemDataLinqAttributeReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SystemDataLinqAttributeReader Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll Metadata provider using mapping attributes from System.Data.Linq.Mapping namespace: TableAttribute DatabaseAttribute ColumnAttribute AssociationAttribute public class SystemDataLinqAttributeReader : IMetadataReader Inheritance object SystemDataLinqAttributeReader Implements IMetadataReader Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetAttributes(Type) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type) Parameters type Type Attributes owner type. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of mapping attributes. GetAttributes(Type, MemberInfo) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type member. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type Member type. Could be used by some metadata providers to identify actual member owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Type member for which mapping attributes should be returned. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of attributes. GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. public MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetObjectID() Should return a unique ID for cache purposes. If the implemented Metadata reader returns instance-specific data you'll need to calculate a unique value based on content. Otherwise just use a static const e.g. $\".{nameof(YourMetadataReader)}.\" public string GetObjectID() Returns string The object ID as string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader.html",
"title": "Class SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll Adds support for types and functions, defined in Microsoft.SqlServer.Types spatial types (or any other types and methods, that use SqlMethodAttribute or SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute mapping attributes). Check for additional required configuration steps to support SQL Server spatial types. public class SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader : IMetadataReader Inheritance object SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader Implements IMetadataReader Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader(Type, Type) Creates new instance of SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader. public SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader(Type sqlMethodAttribute, Type sqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute) Parameters sqlMethodAttribute Type SqlMethodAttribute type. sqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute Type SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute type. Fields MicrosoftDataSqlClientProvider Provider instance, which use mapping attributes from Microsoft.Data.SqlClient assembly (v1-4). Could be null of assembly not found. public static IMetadataReader? MicrosoftDataSqlClientProvider Field Value IMetadataReader MicrosoftSqlServerServerProvider Provider instance, which uses mapping attributes from Microsoft.SqlServer.Server assembly. Used with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient provider starting from v5. Could be null of assembly not found. public static IMetadataReader? MicrosoftSqlServerServerProvider Field Value IMetadataReader SystemDataSqlClientProvider Provider instance, which use mapping attributes from System.Data.SqlClient assembly. Could be null of assembly not found. public static IMetadataReader? SystemDataSqlClientProvider Field Value IMetadataReader Methods GetAttributes(Type) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type) Parameters type Type Attributes owner type. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of mapping attributes. GetAttributes(Type, MemberInfo) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type member. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type Member type. Could be used by some metadata providers to identify actual member owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Type member for which mapping attributes should be returned. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of attributes. GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. public MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetObjectID() Should return a unique ID for cache purposes. If the implemented Metadata reader returns instance-specific data you'll need to calculate a unique value based on content. Otherwise just use a static const e.g. $\".{nameof(YourMetadataReader)}.\" public string GetObjectID() Returns string The object ID as string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.XmlAttributeReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.XmlAttributeReader.html",
"title": "Class XmlAttributeReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class XmlAttributeReader Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Assembly linq2db.dll Metadata atributes provider. Uses XML document to describe attributes and their bindings. public class XmlAttributeReader : IMetadataReader Inheritance object XmlAttributeReader Implements IMetadataReader Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Examples XML format: <[Root]> <Type Name=\"<Type.FullName|Type.Name>\"> <Member Name=\"<Name>\"> [<Attribute />]* </Member> [<Attribute />]* </Type> </[Root]> Root node name could be any Type nodes define entity classes with entity type name specified in Name attribute (must be typeof(Entity).FullName or typeof(Entity).Name value) Member nodes define entity class members with mapping attributes with member name specified in Name attribute Attr nodes define attributes of entity (if nested into Type node) or entity member (when nested into Member node) Attribute node format: <[AttributeTypeName]> <[PropertyName] Value=\"<serialized_value>\" Type=\"<Type.FullName|Type.Name>\" /> </[AttributeTypeName]> Node name is a mapping attribute type name as Type.FullName, Type.Name or Type.Name without \"Attribute\" suffix PropertyName node name is a name of attribute property you want to set Type attribute specify value type as Type.FullName or Type.Name string and specified only for non-string properties Value contains attribute property value, serialized as string, understandable by ChangeType(object?, Type, MappingSchema?, ConversionType) method Constructors XmlAttributeReader(Stream) Creates metadata provider instance. public XmlAttributeReader(Stream xmlDocStream) Parameters xmlDocStream Stream Stream with XML document. XmlAttributeReader(string) Creates metadata provider instance. public XmlAttributeReader(string xmlFile) Parameters xmlFile string Parameter could reference to (probed in specified order): full or relative path to XML file resolved against current directory full or relative path to XML file resolved against application's app domain base directory (BaseDirectory) name of resource with XML document, resolved using GetManifestResourceStream(string) method name of resource suffix (.{xmlFile}) for resource with XML document, resolved using GetManifestResourceStream(string) method Resource search performed in calling assembly. XmlAttributeReader(string, Assembly) Creates metadata provider instance. public XmlAttributeReader(string xmlFile, Assembly assembly) Parameters xmlFile string Parameter could reference to (probed in specified order): full or relative path to XML file resolved against current directory full or relative path to XML file resolved against application's app domain base directory (BaseDirectory) name of resource with XML document, resolved using GetManifestResourceStream(string) method name of resource suffix (.{xmlFile}) for resource with XML document, resolved using GetManifestResourceStream(string) method assembly Assembly Assembly to load resource from for two last options from xmlFile parameter. Methods GetAttributes(Type) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type) Parameters type Type Attributes owner type. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of mapping attributes. GetAttributes(Type, MemberInfo) Gets all mapping attributes on specified type member. public MappingAttribute[] GetAttributes(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo) Parameters type Type Member type. Could be used by some metadata providers to identify actual member owner type. memberInfo MemberInfo Type member for which mapping attributes should be returned. Returns MappingAttribute[] Array of attributes. GetDynamicColumns(Type) Gets the dynamic columns defined on given type. public MemberInfo[] GetDynamicColumns(Type type) Parameters type Type The type. Returns MemberInfo[] All dynamic columns defined on given type. GetObjectID() Should return a unique ID for cache purposes. If the implemented Metadata reader returns instance-specific data you'll need to calculate a unique value based on content. Otherwise just use a static const e.g. $\".{nameof(YourMetadataReader)}.\" public string GetObjectID() Returns string The object ID as string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Metadata.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Metadata Classes AttributeReader FluentMetadataReader MetadataException Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions. MetadataReader Aggregation metadata reader, that just delegates all calls to nested readers. SystemComponentModelDataAnnotationsSchemaAttributeReader Metadata provider using mapping attributes from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema namespace: TableAttribute ColumnAttribute SystemDataLinqAttributeReader Metadata provider using mapping attributes from System.Data.Linq.Mapping namespace: TableAttribute DatabaseAttribute ColumnAttribute AssociationAttribute SystemDataSqlServerAttributeReader Adds support for types and functions, defined in Microsoft.SqlServer.Types spatial types (or any other types and methods, that use SqlMethodAttribute or SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute mapping attributes). Check for additional required configuration steps to support SQL Server spatial types. XmlAttributeReader Metadata atributes provider. Uses XML document to describe attributes and their bindings. Interfaces IMetadataReader"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse-1.html",
"title": "Interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Type Parameters TSource Extension Methods MultiInsertExtensions.InsertAllAsync<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>, CancellationToken) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertAll<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertFirstAsync<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>, CancellationToken) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertFirst<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto-1.html",
"title": "Interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> Type Parameters TSource Extension Methods MultiInsertExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource>, CancellationToken) MultiInsertExtensions.Insert<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource>) MultiInsertExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertSource-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertSource-1.html",
"title": "Interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertSource<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertSource<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertSource<TSource> : MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource>, MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource>, MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Type Parameters TSource Extension Methods MultiInsertExtensions.InsertAllAsync<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>, CancellationToken) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertAll<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertFirstAsync<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>, CancellationToken) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertFirst<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource>, CancellationToken) MultiInsertExtensions.Insert<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource>) MultiInsertExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MultiInsertExtensions.Else<TSource, TTarget>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.When<TSource, TTarget>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen-1.html",
"title": "Interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> : MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Type Parameters TSource Extension Methods MultiInsertExtensions.InsertAllAsync<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>, CancellationToken) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertAll<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertFirstAsync<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>, CancellationToken) MultiInsertExtensions.InsertFirst<TSource>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource>) MultiInsertExtensions.Else<TSource, TTarget>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.When<TSource, TTarget>(MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.MultiInsertExtensions.html",
"title": "Class MultiInsertExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MultiInsertExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public static class MultiInsertExtensions Inheritance object MultiInsertExtensions Methods Else<TSource, TTarget>(IMultiInsertWhen<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Insert into target table when previous conditions don't match. public static MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Else<TSource, TTarget>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table to insert into. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. InsertAllAsync<TSource>(IMultiInsertElse<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts source data into every matching condition. public static Task<int> InsertAllAsync<TSource>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> insert, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters insert MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Multi-table insert to perform. token CancellationToken Cancellation token for async operation. Returns Task<int> Number of inserted rows. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. InsertAll<TSource>(IMultiInsertElse<TSource>) Inserts source data into every matching condition. public static int InsertAll<TSource>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> insert) Parameters insert MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Multi-table insert to perform. Returns int Number of inserted rows. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. InsertAsync<TSource>(IMultiInsertInto<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts source data into every configured table. public static Task<int> InsertAsync<TSource>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> insert, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters insert MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> Multi-table insert to perform. token CancellationToken Cancellation token for async operation. Returns Task<int> Number of inserted rows. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. InsertFirstAsync<TSource>(IMultiInsertElse<TSource>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously inserts source data into the first matching condition. public static Task<int> InsertFirstAsync<TSource>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> insert, CancellationToken token = default) Parameters insert MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Multi-table insert to perform. token CancellationToken Cancellation token for async operation. Returns Task<int> Number of inserted rows. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. InsertFirst<TSource>(IMultiInsertElse<TSource>) Inserts source data into the first matching condition. public static int InsertFirst<TSource>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> insert) Parameters insert MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> Multi-table insert to perform. Returns int Number of inserted rows. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. Insert<TSource>(IMultiInsertInto<TSource>) Inserts source data into every configured table. public static int Insert<TSource>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> insert) Parameters insert MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> Multi-table insert to perform. Returns int Number of inserted rows. Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. Into<TSource, TTarget>(IMultiInsertInto<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Unconditionally insert into target table. public static MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> Into<TSource, TTarget>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. target ITable<TTarget> Target table to insert into. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type. MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Inserts records from source query into multiple target tables. public static MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertSource<TSource> MultiInsert<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source) Parameters source IQueryable<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. Returns MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertSource<TSource> Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. Remarks Only supported by Oracle data provider. When<TSource, TTarget>(IMultiInsertWhen<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) Conditionally insert into target table. public static MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> When<TSource, TTarget>(this MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> condition, ITable<TTarget> target, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) where TTarget : notnull Parameters source MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> Source query, that returns data for insert operation. condition Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> Predicate indicating when to insert into target table. target ITable<TTarget> Target table to insert into. setter Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> Update expression. Uses record from source query as parameter. Expression supports only target table record new expression with field initializers. Returns MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> Type Parameters TSource Source query record type. TTarget Target table record type."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ProviderName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.ProviderName.html",
"title": "Class ProviderName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ProviderName Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Default names for providers. public static class ProviderName Inheritance object ProviderName Fields Access Microsoft Access OleDb provider (both JET or ACE). Used as configuration name for Access mapping schema AccessMappingSchema. public const string Access = \"Access\" Field Value string AccessOdbc Microsoft Access ODBC provider. Used as configuration name for Access mapping schema AccessMappingSchema. public const string AccessOdbc = \"Access.Odbc\" Field Value string ClickHouse ClickHouse provider base name. public const string ClickHouse = \"ClickHouse\" Field Value string ClickHouseClient ClickHouse provider using ClickHouse.Client ADO.NET provider. public const string ClickHouseClient = \"ClickHouse.Client\" Field Value string ClickHouseMySql ClickHouse provider using MySqlConnector ADO.NET provider. public const string ClickHouseMySql = \"ClickHouse.MySql\" Field Value string ClickHouseOctonica ClickHouse provider using Octonica.ClickHouseClient ADO.NET provider. public const string ClickHouseOctonica = \"ClickHouse.Octonica\" Field Value string DB2 IBM DB2 default provider (DB2 LUW). Used as configuration name for both DB2 base mapping schema DB2MappingSchema. public const string DB2 = \"DB2\" Field Value string DB2LUW IBM DB2 LUW provider. Used as configuration name for DB2 LUW mapping schema DB2MappingSchema.DB2LUWMappingSchema. public const string DB2LUW = \"DB2.LUW\" Field Value string DB2zOS IBM DB2 for z/OS provider. Used as configuration name for DB2 z/OS mapping schema DB2MappingSchema.DB2zOSMappingSchema. public const string DB2zOS = \"DB2.z/OS\" Field Value string Firebird Firebird provider. Used as configuration name for Firebird mapping schema FirebirdMappingSchema. public const string Firebird = \"Firebird\" Field Value string Informix Informix IBM.Data.Informix provider (including IDS provider). Used as configuration name for Informix mapping schema InformixMappingSchema. public const string Informix = \"Informix\" Field Value string InformixDB2 Informix over IBM.Data.DB2 IDS provider. Used as configuration name for Informix mapping schema InformixMappingSchema. public const string InformixDB2 = \"Informix.DB2\" Field Value string MariaDB MariaDB provider. Used as an additional configuration name for MySql mapping schema MySqlMappingSchema. public const string MariaDB = \"MariaDB\" Field Value string MySql MySql provider. Used as configuration name for MySql mapping schema MySqlMappingSchema. public const string MySql = \"MySql\" Field Value string MySqlConnector MySqlConnector provider. Used as configuration name for MySql mapping schema MySqlMappingSchema. public const string MySqlConnector = \"MySqlConnector\" Field Value string MySqlOfficial MySql provider. Used as configuration name for MySql mapping schema MySqlMappingSchema. public const string MySqlOfficial = \"MySql.Official\" Field Value string Oracle Oracle ODP.NET autodetected provider (native or managed). Used as configuration name for Oracle base mapping schema OracleMappingSchema. public const string Oracle = \"Oracle\" Field Value string Oracle11Devart Oracle (11g dialect) Devart provider. Used as configuration name for Oracle managed provider mapping schema OracleMappingSchema.Devart11MappingSchema. public const string Oracle11Devart = \"Oracle.11.Devart\" Field Value string Oracle11Managed Oracle (11g dialect) ODP.NET managed provider. Used as configuration name for Oracle managed provider mapping schema OracleMappingSchema.Managed11MappingSchema. public const string Oracle11Managed = \"Oracle.11.Managed\" Field Value string Oracle11Native Oracle (11g dialect) ODP.NET native provider. Used as configuration name for Oracle native provider mapping schema OracleMappingSchema.Native11MappingSchema. public const string Oracle11Native = \"Oracle.11.Native\" Field Value string OracleDevart Oracle Devart provider. Used as configuration name for Oracle managed provider mapping schema OracleMappingSchema.DevartMappingSchema. public const string OracleDevart = \"Oracle.Devart\" Field Value string OracleManaged Oracle ODP.NET managed provider. Used as configuration name for Oracle managed provider mapping schema OracleMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema. public const string OracleManaged = \"Oracle.Managed\" Field Value string OracleNative Oracle ODP.NET native provider. Used as configuration name for Oracle native provider mapping schema OracleMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema. public const string OracleNative = \"Oracle.Native\" Field Value string PostgreSQL PostgreSQL 9.2- data provider. Used as configuration name for PostgreSQL mapping schema PostgreSQLMappingSchema. public const string PostgreSQL = \"PostgreSQL\" Field Value string PostgreSQL15 PostgreSQL 15+ data provider. public const string PostgreSQL15 = \"PostgreSQL.15\" Field Value string PostgreSQL92 PostgreSQL 9.2- data provider. public const string PostgreSQL92 = \"PostgreSQL.9.2\" Field Value string PostgreSQL93 PostgreSQL 9.3+ data provider. public const string PostgreSQL93 = \"PostgreSQL.9.3\" Field Value string PostgreSQL95 PostgreSQL 9.5+ data provider. public const string PostgreSQL95 = \"PostgreSQL.9.5\" Field Value string SQLite SQLite provider. Used as configuration name for SQLite mapping schema SQLiteMappingSchema. public const string SQLite = \"SQLite\" Field Value string SQLiteClassic System.Data.Sqlite provider. public const string SQLiteClassic = \"SQLite.Classic\" Field Value string SQLiteMS Microsoft.Data.Sqlite provider. public const string SQLiteMS = \"SQLite.MS\" Field Value string SapHana SAP HANA provider. Used as configuration name for SAP HANA mapping schema SapHanaMappingSchema. public const string SapHana = \"SapHana\" Field Value string SapHanaNative SAP HANA provider. Used as configuration name for SAP HANA mapping schema SapHanaMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema. public const string SapHanaNative = \"SapHana.Native\" Field Value string SapHanaOdbc SAP HANA ODBC provider. Used as configuration name for SAP HANA mapping schema SapHanaMappingSchema.OdbcMappingSchema. public const string SapHanaOdbc = \"SapHana.Odbc\" Field Value string SqlCe Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition provider. Used as configuration name for SQL CE mapping schema SqlCeMappingSchema. public const string SqlCe = \"SqlCe\" Field Value string SqlServer Microsoft SQL Server default provider (SQL Server 2008). Used as configuration name for SQL Server base mapping schema SqlServerMappingSchema. public const string SqlServer = \"SqlServer\" Field Value string SqlServer2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provider. Used as configuration name for SQL Server 2005 mapping schema SqlServerMappingSchema.SqlServer2005MappingSchema. public const string SqlServer2005 = \"SqlServer.2005\" Field Value string SqlServer2008 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 provider. Used as configuration name for SQL Server 2008 mapping schema SqlServerMappingSchema.SqlServer2008MappingSchema. public const string SqlServer2008 = \"SqlServer.2008\" Field Value string SqlServer2012 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provider. Used as configuration name for SQL Server 2012 mapping schema SqlServerMappingSchema.SqlServer2012MappingSchema. public const string SqlServer2012 = \"SqlServer.2012\" Field Value string SqlServer2014 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 provider. public const string SqlServer2014 = \"SqlServer.2014\" Field Value string SqlServer2016 Microsoft SQL Server 2016 provider. Used as configuration name for SQL Server 2016 mapping schema SqlServerMappingSchema.SqlServer2016MappingSchema. public const string SqlServer2016 = \"SqlServer.2016\" Field Value string SqlServer2017 Microsoft SQL Server 2017 provider. Used as configuration name for SQL Server 2017 mapping schema SqlServerMappingSchema.SqlServer2017MappingSchema. public const string SqlServer2017 = \"SqlServer.2017\" Field Value string SqlServer2019 Microsoft SQL Server 2019 provider. Used as configuration name for SQL Server 2019 mapping schema SqlServerMappingSchema.SqlServer2019MappingSchema. public const string SqlServer2019 = \"SqlServer.2019\" Field Value string SqlServer2022 Microsoft SQL Server 2022 provider. Used as configuration name for SQL Server 2019 mapping schema SqlServerMappingSchema.SqlServer2022MappingSchema. public const string SqlServer2022 = \"SqlServer.2022\" Field Value string Sybase Native SAP/Sybase ASE provider. Used as configuration name for Sybase ASE mapping schema SybaseMappingSchema.NativeMappingSchema. public const string Sybase = \"Sybase\" Field Value string SybaseManaged Managed Sybase/SAP ASE provider from DataAction. Used as configuration name for Sybase ASE mapping schema SybaseMappingSchema.ManagedMappingSchema. public const string SybaseManaged = \"Sybase.Managed\" Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.IObjectFactory.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.IObjectFactory.html",
"title": "Interface IObjectFactory | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IObjectFactory Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IObjectFactory Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods CreateInstance(TypeAccessor) object CreateInstance(TypeAccessor typeAccessor) Parameters typeAccessor TypeAccessor Returns object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.MemberAccessor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.MemberAccessor.html",
"title": "Class MemberAccessor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class MemberAccessor Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public class MemberAccessor Inheritance object MemberAccessor Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors MemberAccessor(TypeAccessor, MemberInfo, EntityDescriptor?) public MemberAccessor(TypeAccessor typeAccessor, MemberInfo memberInfo, EntityDescriptor? ed) Parameters typeAccessor TypeAccessor memberInfo MemberInfo ed EntityDescriptor Properties Getter [Obsolete(\"Use GetValue method instead\")] public Func<object, object?>? Getter { get; } Property Value Func<object, object> GetterExpression [Obsolete(\"Use GetGetterExpression method instead\")] public LambdaExpression GetterExpression { get; } Property Value LambdaExpression HasGetter public bool HasGetter { get; } Property Value bool HasSetter public bool HasSetter { get; } Property Value bool IsComplex public bool IsComplex { get; } Property Value bool MemberInfo public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get; } Property Value MemberInfo Name public string Name { get; } Property Value string Setter [Obsolete(\"Use SetValue method instead\")] public Action<object, object?>? Setter { get; } Property Value Action<object, object> SetterExpression [Obsolete(\"Use GetSetterExpression method instead\")] public LambdaExpression SetterExpression { get; } Property Value LambdaExpression Type public Type Type { get; } Property Value Type TypeAccessor public TypeAccessor TypeAccessor { get; } Property Value TypeAccessor Methods GetGetterExpression(Expression) public Expression GetGetterExpression(Expression instance) Parameters instance Expression Returns Expression GetSetterExpression(Expression, Expression) public Expression GetSetterExpression(Expression instance, Expression value) Parameters instance Expression value Expression Returns Expression GetValue(object) public virtual object? GetValue(object o) Parameters o object Returns object SetValue(object, object?) public virtual void SetValue(object o, object? value) Parameters o object value object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.ADONet.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.ADONet.html",
"title": "Class Methods.ADONet | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.ADONet Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.ADONet Inheritance object Methods.ADONet Fields ConnectionString public static readonly PropertyInfo ConnectionString Field Value PropertyInfo IsDBNull public static readonly MethodInfo IsDBNull Field Value MethodInfo IsDBNullAsync public static readonly MethodInfo IsDBNullAsync Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.Enumerable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.Enumerable.html",
"title": "Class Methods.Enumerable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.Enumerable Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.Enumerable Inheritance object Methods.Enumerable Fields AsQueryable public static readonly MethodInfo AsQueryable Field Value MethodInfo Contains public static readonly MethodInfo Contains Field Value MethodInfo DefaultIfEmpty public static readonly MethodInfo DefaultIfEmpty Field Value MethodInfo DefaultIfEmptyValue public static readonly MethodInfo DefaultIfEmptyValue Field Value MethodInfo Distinct public static readonly MethodInfo Distinct Field Value MethodInfo ElementAt public static readonly MethodInfo ElementAt Field Value MethodInfo ElementAtOrDefault public static readonly MethodInfo ElementAtOrDefault Field Value MethodInfo First public static readonly MethodInfo First Field Value MethodInfo FirstOrDefault public static readonly MethodInfo FirstOrDefault Field Value MethodInfo FirstOrDefaultCondition public static readonly MethodInfo FirstOrDefaultCondition Field Value MethodInfo GroupJoin public static readonly MethodInfo GroupJoin Field Value MethodInfo Join public static readonly MethodInfo Join Field Value MethodInfo OfType public static readonly MethodInfo OfType Field Value MethodInfo Select public static readonly MethodInfo Select Field Value MethodInfo SelectManyProjection public static readonly MethodInfo SelectManyProjection Field Value MethodInfo SelectManySimple public static readonly MethodInfo SelectManySimple Field Value MethodInfo Skip public static readonly MethodInfo Skip Field Value MethodInfo Take public static readonly MethodInfo Take Field Value MethodInfo ToArray public static readonly MethodInfo ToArray Field Value MethodInfo ToList public static readonly MethodInfo ToList Field Value MethodInfo Where public static readonly MethodInfo Where Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.ColumnReader.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.ColumnReader.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.ColumnReader | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.ColumnReader Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.ColumnReader Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.ColumnReader Fields GetRawValueSequential public static readonly MethodInfo GetRawValueSequential Field Value MethodInfo GetValue public static readonly MethodInfo GetValue Field Value MethodInfo GetValueSequential public static readonly MethodInfo GetValueSequential Field Value MethodInfo RawValuePlaceholder public static readonly MethodInfo RawValuePlaceholder Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.DataParameter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.DataParameter.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.DataParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.DataParameter Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.DataParameter Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.DataParameter Fields DbDataType public static readonly PropertyInfo DbDataType Field Value PropertyInfo Value public static readonly PropertyInfo Value Field Value PropertyInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Delete.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Delete.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Delete | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Delete Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Delete Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Delete Fields DeleteQueryable public static readonly MethodInfo DeleteQueryable Field Value MethodInfo DeleteQueryableAsync public static readonly MethodInfo DeleteQueryableAsync Field Value MethodInfo DeleteQueryablePredicate public static readonly MethodInfo DeleteQueryablePredicate Field Value MethodInfo DeleteQueryablePredicateAsync public static readonly MethodInfo DeleteQueryablePredicateAsync Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.GroupBy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.GroupBy.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.GroupBy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.GroupBy Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.GroupBy Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.GroupBy Fields Cube public static readonly MethodInfo Cube Field Value MethodInfo Grouping public static readonly MethodInfo Grouping Field Value MethodInfo GroupingSets public static readonly MethodInfo GroupingSets Field Value MethodInfo Rollup public static readonly MethodInfo Rollup Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.DC.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.DC.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.DC | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.DC Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.DC Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.DC Fields Insert public static readonly MethodInfo Insert Field Value MethodInfo InsertAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertAsync Field Value MethodInfo Into public static readonly MethodInfo Into Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.Q.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.Q.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.Q | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.Q Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.Q Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.Q Fields Insert public static readonly MethodInfo Insert Field Value MethodInfo InsertAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithIdentity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithIdentity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithIdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithIdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt32Identity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt32Identity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt64Identity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt64Identity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo Into public static readonly MethodInfo Into Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.SI.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.SI.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.SI | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.SI Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.SI Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.SI Fields Insert public static readonly MethodInfo Insert Field Value MethodInfo InsertAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithIdentity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithIdentity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithIdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithIdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt32Identity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt32Identity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt64Identity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt64Identity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo Value public static readonly MethodInfo Value Field Value MethodInfo ValueExpression public static readonly MethodInfo ValueExpression Field Value MethodInfo ValueSourceExpression public static readonly MethodInfo ValueSourceExpression Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.T.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.T.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.T | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.T Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.T Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.T Fields AsValueInsertable public static readonly MethodInfo AsValueInsertable Field Value MethodInfo Insert public static readonly MethodInfo Insert Field Value MethodInfo InsertAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithIdentity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithIdentity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithIdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithIdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt32Identity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt32Identity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt64Identity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt64Identity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo Value public static readonly MethodInfo Value Field Value MethodInfo ValueExpression public static readonly MethodInfo ValueExpression Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.VI.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.VI.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.VI | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.VI Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.VI Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.VI Fields Insert public static readonly MethodInfo Insert Field Value MethodInfo InsertAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithIdentity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithIdentity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithIdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithIdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt32Identity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt32Identity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt64Identity public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt64Identity Field Value MethodInfo InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync Field Value MethodInfo Value public static readonly MethodInfo Value Field Value MethodInfo ValueExpression public static readonly MethodInfo ValueExpression Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Insert Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Insert"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Merge.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Merge.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Merge | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Merge Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Merge Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Merge Fields DeleteWhenMatchedAndMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo DeleteWhenMatchedAndMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAndMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAndMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo ExecuteMergeMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo ExecuteMergeMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo InsertWhenNotMatchedAndMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo InsertWhenNotMatchedAndMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo MergeIntoMethodInfo1 public static readonly MethodInfo MergeIntoMethodInfo1 Field Value MethodInfo MergeIntoMethodInfo2 public static readonly MethodInfo MergeIntoMethodInfo2 Field Value MethodInfo MergeMethodInfo1 public static readonly MethodInfo MergeMethodInfo1 Field Value MethodInfo MergeMethodInfo2 public static readonly MethodInfo MergeMethodInfo2 Field Value MethodInfo MergeWithOutput public static readonly MethodInfo MergeWithOutput Field Value MethodInfo MergeWithOutputInto public static readonly MethodInfo MergeWithOutputInto Field Value MethodInfo MergeWithOutputIntoSource public static readonly MethodInfo MergeWithOutputIntoSource Field Value MethodInfo MergeWithOutputSource public static readonly MethodInfo MergeWithOutputSource Field Value MethodInfo OnMethodInfo1 public static readonly MethodInfo OnMethodInfo1 Field Value MethodInfo OnMethodInfo2 public static readonly MethodInfo OnMethodInfo2 Field Value MethodInfo OnTargetKeyMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo OnTargetKeyMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo UpdateWhenMatchedAndMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateWhenMatchedAndMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDeleteMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDeleteMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySourceAndMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySourceAndMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo UsingMethodInfo1 public static readonly MethodInfo UsingMethodInfo1 Field Value MethodInfo UsingMethodInfo2 public static readonly MethodInfo UsingMethodInfo2 Field Value MethodInfo UsingTargetMethodInfo public static readonly MethodInfo UsingTargetMethodInfo Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.MultiInsert.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.MultiInsert.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.MultiInsert | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.MultiInsert Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.MultiInsert Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.MultiInsert Fields Begin public static readonly MethodInfo Begin Field Value MethodInfo Else public static readonly MethodInfo Else Field Value MethodInfo Insert public static readonly MethodInfo Insert Field Value MethodInfo InsertAll public static readonly MethodInfo InsertAll Field Value MethodInfo InsertFirst public static readonly MethodInfo InsertFirst Field Value MethodInfo Into public static readonly MethodInfo Into Field Value MethodInfo When public static readonly MethodInfo When Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.SqlExt.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.SqlExt.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.SqlExt | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.SqlExt Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.SqlExt Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.SqlExt Fields Alias public static readonly MethodInfo Alias Field Value MethodInfo Property public static readonly MethodInfo Property Field Value MethodInfo ToNotNull public static readonly MethodInfo ToNotNull Field Value MethodInfo ToNotNullable public static readonly MethodInfo ToNotNullable Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Table.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Table.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Table | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Table Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Table Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Table Fields DatabaseName public static readonly MethodInfo DatabaseName Field Value MethodInfo SchemaName public static readonly MethodInfo SchemaName Field Value MethodInfo ServerName public static readonly MethodInfo ServerName Field Value MethodInfo TableID public static readonly MethodInfo TableID Field Value MethodInfo TableName public static readonly MethodInfo TableName Field Value MethodInfo TableOptions public static readonly MethodInfo TableOptions Field Value MethodInfo With public static readonly MethodInfo With Field Value MethodInfo WithTableExpression public static readonly MethodInfo WithTableExpression Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Tools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Tools.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Tools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Tools Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Tools Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Tools Fields CreateEmptyQuery public static readonly MethodInfo CreateEmptyQuery Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Update.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.Update.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Update | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB.Update Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB.Update Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB.Update Fields AsUpdatable public static readonly MethodInfo AsUpdatable Field Value MethodInfo SetQueryableExpression public static readonly MethodInfo SetQueryableExpression Field Value MethodInfo SetQueryablePrev public static readonly MethodInfo SetQueryablePrev Field Value MethodInfo SetQueryableSetCustom public static readonly MethodInfo SetQueryableSetCustom Field Value MethodInfo SetQueryableValue public static readonly MethodInfo SetQueryableValue Field Value MethodInfo SetUpdatableExpression public static readonly MethodInfo SetUpdatableExpression Field Value MethodInfo SetUpdatablePrev public static readonly MethodInfo SetUpdatablePrev Field Value MethodInfo SetUpdatableSetCustom public static readonly MethodInfo SetUpdatableSetCustom Field Value MethodInfo SetUpdatableValue public static readonly MethodInfo SetUpdatableValue Field Value MethodInfo UpdatePredicateSetter public static readonly MethodInfo UpdatePredicateSetter Field Value MethodInfo UpdatePredicateSetterAsync public static readonly MethodInfo UpdatePredicateSetterAsync Field Value MethodInfo UpdateSetter public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateSetter Field Value MethodInfo UpdateSetterAsync public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateSetterAsync Field Value MethodInfo UpdateTarget public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateTarget Field Value MethodInfo UpdateTargetAsync public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateTargetAsync Field Value MethodInfo UpdateTargetFuncSetter public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateTargetFuncSetter Field Value MethodInfo UpdateTargetFuncSetterAsync public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateTargetFuncSetterAsync Field Value MethodInfo UpdateUpdatable public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateUpdatable Field Value MethodInfo UpdateUpdatableAsync public static readonly MethodInfo UpdateUpdatableAsync Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.LinqToDB.html",
"title": "Class Methods.LinqToDB | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.LinqToDB Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.LinqToDB Inheritance object Methods.LinqToDB Fields AsQueryable public static readonly MethodInfo AsQueryable Field Value MethodInfo AsSubQuery public static readonly MethodInfo AsSubQuery Field Value MethodInfo DisableGuard public static readonly MethodInfo DisableGuard Field Value MethodInfo GetTable public static readonly MethodInfo GetTable Field Value MethodInfo IgnoreFilters public static readonly MethodInfo IgnoreFilters Field Value MethodInfo InlineParameters public static readonly MethodInfo InlineParameters Field Value MethodInfo JoinTypePredicateSelector public static readonly MethodInfo JoinTypePredicateSelector Field Value MethodInfo LoadWith public static readonly MethodInfo LoadWith Field Value MethodInfo LoadWithAsTable public static readonly MethodInfo LoadWithAsTable Field Value MethodInfo LoadWithManyFilter public static readonly MethodInfo LoadWithManyFilter Field Value MethodInfo LoadWithSingleFilter public static readonly MethodInfo LoadWithSingleFilter Field Value MethodInfo RemoveOrderBy public static readonly MethodInfo RemoveOrderBy Field Value MethodInfo TagQuery public static readonly MethodInfo TagQuery Field Value MethodInfo ThenLoadFromMany public static readonly MethodInfo ThenLoadFromMany Field Value MethodInfo ThenLoadFromManyManyFilter public static readonly MethodInfo ThenLoadFromManyManyFilter Field Value MethodInfo ThenLoadFromManySingleFilter public static readonly MethodInfo ThenLoadFromManySingleFilter Field Value MethodInfo ThenLoadFromSingle public static readonly MethodInfo ThenLoadFromSingle Field Value MethodInfo ThenLoadFromSingleManyFilter public static readonly MethodInfo ThenLoadFromSingleManyFilter Field Value MethodInfo ThenLoadFromSingleSingleFilter public static readonly MethodInfo ThenLoadFromSingleSingleFilter Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.Queryable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.Queryable.html",
"title": "Class Methods.Queryable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.Queryable Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.Queryable Inheritance object Methods.Queryable Fields AsEnumerable public static readonly MethodInfo AsEnumerable Field Value MethodInfo Contains public static readonly MethodInfo Contains Field Value MethodInfo DefaultIfEmpty public static readonly MethodInfo DefaultIfEmpty Field Value MethodInfo DefaultIfEmptyValue public static readonly MethodInfo DefaultIfEmptyValue Field Value MethodInfo Distinct public static readonly MethodInfo Distinct Field Value MethodInfo ElementAt public static readonly MethodInfo ElementAt Field Value MethodInfo ElementAtAsync public static readonly MethodInfo ElementAtAsync Field Value MethodInfo ElementAtOrDefault public static readonly MethodInfo ElementAtOrDefault Field Value MethodInfo ElementAtOrDefaultAsync public static readonly MethodInfo ElementAtOrDefaultAsync Field Value MethodInfo First public static readonly MethodInfo First Field Value MethodInfo FirstOrDefault public static readonly MethodInfo FirstOrDefault Field Value MethodInfo FirstOrDefaultCondition public static readonly MethodInfo FirstOrDefaultCondition Field Value MethodInfo GroupJoin public static readonly MethodInfo GroupJoin Field Value MethodInfo Join public static readonly MethodInfo Join Field Value MethodInfo OfType public static readonly MethodInfo OfType Field Value MethodInfo Select public static readonly MethodInfo Select Field Value MethodInfo SelectManyProjection public static readonly MethodInfo SelectManyProjection Field Value MethodInfo SelectManySimple public static readonly MethodInfo SelectManySimple Field Value MethodInfo Skip public static readonly MethodInfo Skip Field Value MethodInfo Take public static readonly MethodInfo Take Field Value MethodInfo ToArray public static readonly MethodInfo ToArray Field Value MethodInfo ToList public static readonly MethodInfo ToList Field Value MethodInfo Where public static readonly MethodInfo Where Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.System.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.System.html",
"title": "Class Methods.System | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods.System Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Methods.System Inheritance object Methods.System Fields Guid_NewGuid public static readonly MethodInfo Guid_NewGuid Field Value MethodInfo Guid_ToByteArray public static readonly MethodInfo Guid_ToByteArray Field Value MethodInfo Guid_ToString public static readonly MethodInfo Guid_ToString Field Value MethodInfo"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.Methods.html",
"title": "Class Methods | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Methods Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll This API supports the LinqToDB infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. public static class Methods Inheritance object Methods"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.ObjectFactoryAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.ObjectFactoryAttribute.html",
"title": "Class ObjectFactoryAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ObjectFactoryAttribute Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Interface)] public class ObjectFactoryAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute ObjectFactoryAttribute Implements _Attribute Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ObjectFactoryAttribute(Type) public ObjectFactoryAttribute(Type type) Parameters type Type Properties ObjectFactory public IObjectFactory ObjectFactory { get; } Property Value IObjectFactory"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.TypeAccessor-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.TypeAccessor-1.html",
"title": "Class TypeAccessor<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeAccessor<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public class TypeAccessor<T> : TypeAccessor Type Parameters T Inheritance object TypeAccessor TypeAccessor<T> Inherited Members TypeAccessor.AddMember(MemberAccessor) TypeAccessor.CreateInstanceEx() TypeAccessor.ObjectFactory TypeAccessor.Members TypeAccessor.this[string] TypeAccessor.this[int] TypeAccessor.GetAccessor(Type) TypeAccessor.GetAccessor<T>() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Type public override Type Type { get; } Property Value Type Methods Create() public T Create() Returns T CreateInstance() public override object CreateInstance() Returns object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.TypeAccessor.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.TypeAccessor.html",
"title": "Class TypeAccessor | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TypeAccessor Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class TypeAccessor Inheritance object TypeAccessor Derived TypeAccessor<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties this[int] public MemberAccessor this[int index] { get; } Parameters index int Property Value MemberAccessor this[string] public MemberAccessor this[string memberName] { get; } Parameters memberName string Property Value MemberAccessor Members public List<MemberAccessor> Members { get; } Property Value List<MemberAccessor> ObjectFactory public IObjectFactory? ObjectFactory { get; set; } Property Value IObjectFactory Type public abstract Type Type { get; } Property Value Type Methods AddMember(MemberAccessor) protected void AddMember(MemberAccessor member) Parameters member MemberAccessor CreateInstance() public virtual object CreateInstance() Returns object CreateInstanceEx() public object CreateInstanceEx() Returns object GetAccessor(Type) public static TypeAccessor GetAccessor(Type type) Parameters type Type Returns TypeAccessor GetAccessor<T>() public static TypeAccessor<T> GetAccessor<T>() Returns TypeAccessor<T> Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Reflection.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Reflection Classes MemberAccessor Methods This API supports the LinqToDB infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. Methods.ADONet Methods.Enumerable Methods.LinqToDB Methods.LinqToDB.ColumnReader Methods.LinqToDB.DataParameter Methods.LinqToDB.Delete Methods.LinqToDB.GroupBy Methods.LinqToDB.Insert Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.DC Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.Q Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.SI Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.T Methods.LinqToDB.Insert.VI Methods.LinqToDB.Merge Methods.LinqToDB.MultiInsert Methods.LinqToDB.SqlExt Methods.LinqToDB.Table Methods.LinqToDB.Tools Methods.LinqToDB.Update Methods.Queryable Methods.System ObjectFactoryAttribute TypeAccessor TypeAccessor<T> Interfaces IObjectFactory"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.DataService-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.DataService-1.html",
"title": "Class DataService<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataService<T> Namespace LinqToDB.Remote Assembly linq2db.dll public class DataService<T> : DataService<T>, IRequestHandler, IServiceProvider where T : IDataContext Type Parameters T Inheritance object DataService<T> DataService<T> Implements IRequestHandler IServiceProvider Inherited Members DataService<T>.AttachHost(IDataServiceHost) DataService<T>.ProcessRequestForMessage(Stream) DataService<T>.ProcessRequest() DataService<T>.CreateDataSource() DataService<T>.HandleException(HandleExceptionArgs) DataService<T>.OnStartProcessingRequest(ProcessRequestArgs) DataService<T>.ProcessingPipeline DataService<T>.CurrentDataSource Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors DataService() public DataService() DataService(DataOptions, MappingSchema) public DataService(DataOptions options, MappingSchema mappingSchema) Parameters options DataOptions mappingSchema MappingSchema Methods GetService(Type) Gets the service object of the specified type. public object? GetService(Type serviceType) Parameters serviceType Type An object that specifies the type of service object to get. Returns object A service object of type serviceType.-or- null if there is no service object of type serviceType."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.ILinqService.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.ILinqService.html",
"title": "Interface ILinqService | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ILinqService Namespace LinqToDB.Remote Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ILinqService Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ExecuteBatch(string?, string) int ExecuteBatch(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns int ExecuteBatchAsync(string?, string, CancellationToken) Task<int> ExecuteBatchAsync(string? configuration, string queryData, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters configuration string queryData string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<int> ExecuteNonQuery(string?, string) int ExecuteNonQuery(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns int ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string?, string, CancellationToken) Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string? configuration, string queryData, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters configuration string queryData string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<int> ExecuteReader(string?, string) string ExecuteReader(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns string ExecuteReaderAsync(string?, string, CancellationToken) Task<string> ExecuteReaderAsync(string? configuration, string queryData, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters configuration string queryData string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<string> ExecuteScalar(string?, string) string? ExecuteScalar(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns string ExecuteScalarAsync(string?, string, CancellationToken) Task<string?> ExecuteScalarAsync(string? configuration, string queryData, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters configuration string queryData string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<string> GetInfo(string?) LinqServiceInfo GetInfo(string? configuration) Parameters configuration string Returns LinqServiceInfo GetInfoAsync(string?, CancellationToken) Task<LinqServiceInfo> GetInfoAsync(string? configuration, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters configuration string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<LinqServiceInfo>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.LinqService.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.LinqService.html",
"title": "Class LinqService | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqService Namespace LinqToDB.Remote Assembly linq2db.dll public class LinqService : ILinqService Inheritance object LinqService Implements ILinqService Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors LinqService() public LinqService() LinqService(MappingSchema?) public LinqService(MappingSchema? mappingSchema) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Fields TypeResolver public static Func<string, Type?> TypeResolver Field Value Func<string, Type> Properties AllowUpdates public bool AllowUpdates { get; set; } Property Value bool MappingSchema public MappingSchema? MappingSchema { get; set; } Property Value MappingSchema Methods CreateDataContext(string?) public virtual DataConnection CreateDataContext(string? configuration) Parameters configuration string Returns DataConnection ExecuteBatch(string?, string) public int ExecuteBatch(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns int ExecuteBatchAsync(string?, string, CancellationToken) public Task<int> ExecuteBatchAsync(string? configuration, string queryData, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters configuration string queryData string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<int> ExecuteNonQuery(string?, string) public int ExecuteNonQuery(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns int ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string?, string, CancellationToken) public Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(string? configuration, string queryData, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters configuration string queryData string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<int> ExecuteReader(string?, string) public string ExecuteReader(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns string ExecuteReaderAsync(string?, string, CancellationToken) public Task<string> ExecuteReaderAsync(string? configuration, string queryData, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters configuration string queryData string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<string> ExecuteScalar(string?, string) public string? ExecuteScalar(string? configuration, string queryData) Parameters configuration string queryData string Returns string ExecuteScalarAsync(string?, string, CancellationToken) public Task<string?> ExecuteScalarAsync(string? configuration, string queryData, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters configuration string queryData string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<string> GetInfo(string?) public virtual LinqServiceInfo GetInfo(string? configuration) Parameters configuration string Returns LinqServiceInfo GetInfoAsync(string?, CancellationToken) public virtual Task<LinqServiceInfo> GetInfoAsync(string? configuration, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Parameters configuration string cancellationToken CancellationToken Returns Task<LinqServiceInfo> HandleException(Exception) protected virtual void HandleException(Exception exception) Parameters exception Exception ValidateQuery(LinqServiceQuery) protected virtual void ValidateQuery(LinqServiceQuery query) Parameters query LinqServiceQuery"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.LinqServiceInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.LinqServiceInfo.html",
"title": "Class LinqServiceInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqServiceInfo Namespace LinqToDB.Remote Assembly linq2db.dll [DataContract] public class LinqServiceInfo Inheritance object LinqServiceInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties MappingSchemaType [DataMember(Order = 1)] public string MappingSchemaType { get; set; } Property Value string SqlBuilderType [DataMember(Order = 2)] public string SqlBuilderType { get; set; } Property Value string SqlOptimizerType [DataMember(Order = 3)] public string SqlOptimizerType { get; set; } Property Value string SqlProviderFlags [DataMember(Order = 4)] public SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags { get; set; } Property Value SqlProviderFlags SupportedTableOptions [DataMember(Order = 5)] public TableOptions SupportedTableOptions { get; set; } Property Value TableOptions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.LinqServiceQuery.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.LinqServiceQuery.html",
"title": "Class LinqServiceQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqServiceQuery Namespace LinqToDB.Remote Assembly linq2db.dll public class LinqServiceQuery Inheritance object LinqServiceQuery Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataOptions public DataOptions DataOptions { get; set; } Property Value DataOptions QueryHints public IReadOnlyCollection<string>? QueryHints { get; set; } Property Value IReadOnlyCollection<string> Statement public SqlStatement Statement { get; set; } Property Value SqlStatement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.LinqServiceResult.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.LinqServiceResult.html",
"title": "Class LinqServiceResult | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class LinqServiceResult Namespace LinqToDB.Remote Assembly linq2db.dll public class LinqServiceResult Inheritance object LinqServiceResult Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Data public List<string[]> Data { get; set; } Property Value List<string[]> FieldCount public int FieldCount { get; set; } Property Value int FieldNames public string[] FieldNames { get; set; } Property Value string[] FieldTypes public Type[] FieldTypes { get; set; } Property Value Type[] QueryID public Guid QueryID { get; set; } Property Value Guid RowCount public int RowCount { get; set; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.RemoteDataContextBase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.RemoteDataContextBase.html",
"title": "Class RemoteDataContextBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class RemoteDataContextBase Namespace LinqToDB.Remote Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class RemoteDataContextBase : IDataContext, IConfigurationID, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable, IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor>, IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor>, IInterceptable Inheritance object RemoteDataContextBase Implements IDataContext IConfigurationID IDisposable IAsyncDisposable IInterceptable<IDataContextInterceptor> IInterceptable<IEntityServiceInterceptor> IInterceptable<IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor> IInterceptable Extension Methods LoggingExtensions.GetTraceSwitch(IDataContext) LoggingExtensions.WriteTraceLine(IDataContext, string, string, TraceLevel) ConcurrencyExtensions.DeleteOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) ConcurrencyExtensions.DeleteOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) ConcurrencyExtensions.UpdateOptimisticAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, CancellationToken) ConcurrencyExtensions.UpdateOptimistic<T>(IDataContext, T) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TResult>>) DataExtensions.Compile<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TDc, TArg1, TArg2, TArg3, TResult>>) DataExtensions.CreateTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, string?, DefaultNullable, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string, IEnumerable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, Action<EntityMappingBuilder<T>>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.CreateTempTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.Delete<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]) DataExtensions.GetCte<T>(IDataContext, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>, string?) DataExtensions.GetCte<T>(IDataContext, string?, Func<IQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>>) DataExtensions.GetTable<T>(IDataContext) DataExtensions.GetTable<T>(IDataContext, object?, MethodInfo, params object?[]) DataExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplaceAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Insert<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.SelectQuery<TEntity>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<TEntity>>) DataExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.Update<T>(IDataContext, T, UpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) DataExtensions.Update<T>(IDataContext, T, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, Func<string>) OracleTools.OracleXmlTable<T>(IDataContext, string) LinqExtensions.Into<T>(IDataContext, ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.SelectAsync<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.Select<T>(IDataContext, Expression<Func<T>>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors RemoteDataContextBase(DataOptions) protected RemoteDataContextBase(DataOptions options) Parameters options DataOptions Properties CloseAfterUse Gets or sets flag to close context after query execution or leave it open. public bool CloseAfterUse { get; set; } Property Value bool Configuration [Obsolete(\"Use ConfigurationString instead.\")] public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string ConfigurationString Gets initial value for database connection configuration name. public string? ConfigurationString { get; set; } Property Value string ContextIDPrefix protected abstract string ContextIDPrefix { get; } Property Value string Disposed protected bool Disposed { get; } Property Value bool GetSqlOptimizer Gets SQL optimizer service factory method for current context data provider. public Func<DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer> GetSqlOptimizer { get; } Property Value Func<DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer> InlineParameters Gets or sets option to force inline parameter values as literals into command text. If parameter inlining not supported for specific value type, it will be used as parameter. public bool InlineParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool MappingSchema Gets mapping schema, used for current context. public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; set; } Property Value MappingSchema NextQueryHints Gets list of query hints (writable collection), that will be used only for next query, executed using current context. public List<string> NextQueryHints { get; } Property Value List<string> Options Current DataContext LINQ options public DataOptions Options { get; } Property Value DataOptions QueryHints Gets list of query hints (writable collection), that will be used for all queries, executed using current context. public List<string> QueryHints { get; } Property Value List<string> SqlOptimizerType public virtual Type SqlOptimizerType { get; set; } Property Value Type SqlProviderType public virtual Type SqlProviderType { get; set; } Property Value Type Methods AddInterceptor(IInterceptor) Adds interceptor instance to context. public void AddInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor Interceptor. BeginBatch() public void BeginBatch() Clone() protected abstract IDataContext Clone() Returns IDataContext CommitBatch() public void CommitBatch() CommitBatchAsync() public Task CommitBatchAsync() Returns Task Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public virtual void Dispose() DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. public virtual Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task GetClient() protected abstract ILinqService GetClient() Returns ILinqService RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor) Removes interceptor instance from context. public void RemoveInterceptor(IInterceptor interceptor) Parameters interceptor IInterceptor Interceptor. ThrowOnDisposed() protected void ThrowOnDisposed()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Remote.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Remote | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Remote Classes DataService<T> LinqService LinqServiceInfo LinqServiceQuery LinqServiceResult RemoteDataContextBase Interfaces ILinqService"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.AssociationType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.AssociationType.html",
"title": "Enum AssociationType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum AssociationType Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public enum AssociationType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Auto = 0 ManyToOne = 3 OneToMany = 2 OneToOne = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ColumnInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ColumnInfo.html",
"title": "Class ColumnInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ColumnInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class ColumnInfo Inheritance object ColumnInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields ColumnType public string? ColumnType Field Value string DataType public string? DataType Field Value string Description public string? Description Field Value string IsIdentity public bool IsIdentity Field Value bool IsNullable public bool IsNullable Field Value bool Length public int? Length Field Value int? Name public string Name Field Value string Ordinal public int Ordinal Field Value int Precision public int? Precision Field Value int? Scale public int? Scale Field Value int? SkipOnInsert public bool SkipOnInsert Field Value bool SkipOnUpdate public bool SkipOnUpdate Field Value bool TableID public string TableID Field Value string Type public DataType? Type Field Value DataType?"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ColumnSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ColumnSchema.html",
"title": "Class ColumnSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ColumnSchema Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Describes table column. public class ColumnSchema Inheritance object ColumnSchema Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Table Gets column owner schema. public TableSchema Table Field Value TableSchema Properties ColumnName Gets column name. public string ColumnName { get; set; } Property Value string ColumnType Gets db-specific column type. public string? ColumnType { get; set; } Property Value string DataType Gets column type as DataType enumeration value. public DataType DataType { get; set; } Property Value DataType Description Gets column description. public string? Description { get; set; } Property Value string IsIdentity Gets flag indicating that it is identity column. public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable Gets flag indicating that it is nullable column. public bool IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPrimaryKey Gets flag indicating that column is a part of primary key. public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool Length Gets column type length. public int? Length { get; set; } Property Value int? MemberName Gets C# friendly column name. public string MemberName { get; set; } Property Value string MemberType Gets .net column type as a string. public string MemberType { get; set; } Property Value string Ordinal Column ordinal. public int? Ordinal { get; set; } Property Value int? Precision Gets column type precision. public int? Precision { get; set; } Property Value int? PrimaryKeyOrder Gets position of column in composite primary key. public int PrimaryKeyOrder { get; set; } Property Value int ProviderSpecificType Gets provider-specific .net column type as a string. public string? ProviderSpecificType { get; set; } Property Value string Scale Gets column type scale. public int? Scale { get; set; } Property Value int? SkipOnInsert Gets flag indicating that insert operations without explicit column setter should ignore this column. public bool SkipOnInsert { get; set; } Property Value bool SkipOnUpdate Gets flag indicating that update operations without explicit column setter should ignore this column. public bool SkipOnUpdate { get; set; } Property Value bool SystemType Gets .net column type. public Type? SystemType { get; set; } Property Value Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.DataTypeInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.DataTypeInfo.html",
"title": "Class DataTypeInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataTypeInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Database data type descriptor. Implements subset of DataTypes schema collection: public class DataTypeInfo Inheritance object DataTypeInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields CreateFormat Gets or sets SQL type name template - type name and, optionally, parameters. This template could be used to define column or variable of specific type. E.g. DECIMAL({0}, {1}). public string? CreateFormat Field Value string CreateParameters Gets or sets comma-separated positional list of CreateFormat parameters. E.g. \"precision,scale\". Order of parameters must match order in CreateFormat. public string? CreateParameters Field Value string DataType Gets or sets .NET type name, used by provider for current type. public string DataType Field Value string ProviderDbType Gets or sets provider-specific type identifier to use for query parameters of this type. Corresponds to some provider's enumeration, e.g. SqlDbType, OracleType, etc. public int ProviderDbType Field Value int ProviderSpecific Marks provider-specific types. public bool ProviderSpecific Field Value bool TypeName Gets or sets SQL name of data type. public string TypeName Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.DatabaseSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.DatabaseSchema.html",
"title": "Class DatabaseSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DatabaseSchema Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class DatabaseSchema Inheritance object DatabaseSchema Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataSource public string DataSource { get; set; } Property Value string DataTypesSchema public DataTable? DataTypesSchema { get; set; } Property Value DataTable Database public string Database { get; set; } Property Value string Procedures public List<ProcedureSchema> Procedures { get; set; } Property Value List<ProcedureSchema> ProviderSpecificTypeNamespace public string? ProviderSpecificTypeNamespace { get; set; } Property Value string ServerVersion public string ServerVersion { get; set; } Property Value string Tables public List<TableSchema> Tables { get; set; } Property Value List<TableSchema>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ForeignKeyInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ForeignKeyInfo.html",
"title": "Class ForeignKeyInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ForeignKeyInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class ForeignKeyInfo Inheritance object ForeignKeyInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Name public string Name Field Value string Ordinal public int Ordinal Field Value int OtherColumn public string OtherColumn Field Value string OtherTableID public string OtherTableID Field Value string ThisColumn public string ThisColumn Field Value string ThisTableID public string ThisTableID Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ForeignKeySchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ForeignKeySchema.html",
"title": "Class ForeignKeySchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ForeignKeySchema Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class ForeignKeySchema Inheritance object ForeignKeySchema Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties AssociationType public AssociationType AssociationType { get; set; } Property Value AssociationType BackReference public ForeignKeySchema? BackReference { get; set; } Property Value ForeignKeySchema CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool KeyName public string KeyName { get; set; } Property Value string MemberName public string MemberName { get; set; } Property Value string OtherColumns public List<ColumnSchema> OtherColumns { get; set; } Property Value List<ColumnSchema> OtherTable public TableSchema OtherTable { get; set; } Property Value TableSchema ThisColumns public List<ColumnSchema> ThisColumns { get; set; } Property Value List<ColumnSchema> ThisTable public TableSchema? ThisTable { get; set; } Property Value TableSchema"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.GetSchemaOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.GetSchemaOptions.html",
"title": "Class GetSchemaOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class GetSchemaOptions Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Defines schema load options. public class GetSchemaOptions Inheritance object GetSchemaOptions Derived GetHanaSchemaOptions Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields DefaultSchema Default Schema name. public string? DefaultSchema Field Value string ExcludedCatalogs List of disallowed databases/catalogs. public string?[]? ExcludedCatalogs Field Value string[] ExcludedSchemas List of disallowed schemas/owners. public string?[]? ExcludedSchemas Field Value string[] GenerateChar1AsString Should linq2db use string for char(1) type or char. Default type: char (false). public bool GenerateChar1AsString Field Value bool GetAssociationMemberName Optional custom name generation logic for association property. public Func<ForeignKeySchema, string>? GetAssociationMemberName Field Value Func<ForeignKeySchema, string> GetForeignKeys Enable or disable read of foreign keys. Default - enabled (true). Disabe could be useful at least for Access, as it could crash on some database files. public bool GetForeignKeys Field Value bool GetProcedures Enable or disable read of procedures and functions metadata. Default - enabled (true). public bool GetProcedures Field Value bool GetTables Enable or disable read of table schema. Default - enabled (true). public bool GetTables Field Value bool IgnoreSystemHistoryTables Only for SQL Server. Doesn't return history table schema for temporal tables. public bool IgnoreSystemHistoryTables Field Value bool IncludedCatalogs List of allowed databases/catalogs. public string?[]? IncludedCatalogs Field Value string[] IncludedSchemas List of allowed schemas/owners. public string?[]? IncludedSchemas Field Value string[] LoadProcedure Optional procedure metadata load filter. By default all procedures loaded. public Func<ProcedureSchema, bool> LoadProcedure Field Value Func<ProcedureSchema, bool> LoadTable Optinal callback to filter loaded tables. receives object with table details and return boolean flag to indicate that table should be loaded (true) or skipped (false). public Func<LoadTableData, bool>? LoadTable Field Value Func<LoadTableData, bool> PreferProviderSpecificTypes When set to true, will prefer generation of provider-specific types instead of general types. public bool PreferProviderSpecificTypes Field Value bool ProcedureLoadingProgress Optional callback to report procedure metadata load progress. First parameter contains total number of discovered procedures. Second parameter provides position of currently loaded procedure. public Action<int, int> ProcedureLoadingProgress Field Value Action<int, int> StringComparer String comparison logic for IncludedSchemas, ExcludedSchemas, IncludedCatalogs and ExcludedCatalogs values. Default is OrdinalIgnoreCase. public StringComparer StringComparer Field Value StringComparer UseSchemaOnly if set to true, SchemaProvider uses SchemaOnly to get SqlServer metadata. Otherwise the sp_describe_first_result_set sproc is used. public bool UseSchemaOnly Field Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ISchemaProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ISchemaProvider.html",
"title": "Interface ISchemaProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISchemaProvider Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Database schema provider. public interface ISchemaProvider Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetSchema(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions?) Returns database schema. Note that it is recommended to call this method outside of transaction as some providers do not support it or behave incorrectly. At least following providers shouldn't be called in transaction: MySQL; Microsoft SQL Server; Sybase; DB2. DatabaseSchema GetSchema(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions? options = null) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection to use to read schema from. options GetSchemaOptions Schema read configuration options. Returns DatabaseSchema Returns database schema information."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.LoadTableData.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.LoadTableData.html",
"title": "Struct LoadTableData | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct LoadTableData Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Contains table information, passed to LoadTable delegate. public readonly struct LoadTableData Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Database Gets table database/catalog name. Could be null for some providers. public string? Database { get; } Property Value string IsDefaultSchema Gets flag to indicate that table belongs to default schema. public bool IsDefaultSchema { get; } Property Value bool IsSystem Gets flag to indicate system view or table. public bool IsSystem { get; } Property Value bool IsView Gets flag to indicate that this is not a table but view. public bool IsView { get; } Property Value bool Name Gets name of current table or view. public string Name { get; } Property Value string Schema Gets table schema/owner name. Could be null for some providers. public string? Schema { get; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ParameterSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ParameterSchema.html",
"title": "Class ParameterSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ParameterSchema Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Describes database procedure or function parameter. public class ParameterSchema Inheritance object ParameterSchema Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DataType Gets parameter type as DataType enumeration value. public DataType DataType { get; set; } Property Value DataType Description Gets parameter description. public string? Description { get; set; } Property Value string IsIn Gets flag indicating that it is input parameter. public bool IsIn { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable Gets flag indicating that it is nullable parameter. public bool IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value bool IsOut Gets flag indicating that it is output parameter. public bool IsOut { get; set; } Property Value bool IsResult Gets flag indicating that it is return value parameter. public bool IsResult { get; set; } Property Value bool ParameterName Gets C#-friendly parameter name. public string ParameterName { get; set; } Property Value string ParameterType Gets .net type for parameter as string. public string ParameterType { get; set; } Property Value string ProviderSpecificType Gets provider-specific .net parameter type as a string. public string? ProviderSpecificType { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaName Gets parameter's name. public string? SchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string SchemaType Gets database-specific parameter type. public string? SchemaType { get; set; } Property Value string Size Gets parameter type size. public int? Size { get; set; } Property Value int? SystemType Gets .net type for parameter. public Type? SystemType { get; set; } Property Value Type"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.PrimaryKeyInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.PrimaryKeyInfo.html",
"title": "Class PrimaryKeyInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PrimaryKeyInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class PrimaryKeyInfo Inheritance object PrimaryKeyInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields ColumnName public string ColumnName Field Value string Ordinal public int Ordinal Field Value int PrimaryKeyName public string? PrimaryKeyName Field Value string TableID public string TableID Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ProcedureInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ProcedureInfo.html",
"title": "Class ProcedureInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ProcedureInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Database procedure or function description. public class ProcedureInfo Inheritance object ProcedureInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields CatalogName Gets or sets database name for procedure. public string? CatalogName Field Value string Description Procedure or function description. public string? Description Field Value string IsAggregateFunction Gets or sets flag to distinguish aggregate function from other functions. public bool IsAggregateFunction Field Value bool IsDefaultSchema Get or sets flag, indicating that procedure belongs to default schema/owner. public bool IsDefaultSchema Field Value bool IsFunction Gets or sets flag to distinguish function from procedure. public bool IsFunction Field Value bool IsResultDynamic Get or sets flag, indicating that procedure returns dynamic (generic) result. public bool IsResultDynamic Field Value bool IsTableFunction Gets or sets flag to distinguish table function from other functions. public bool IsTableFunction Field Value bool IsWindowFunction Gets or sets flag to distinguish window function from other functions. public bool IsWindowFunction Field Value bool PackageName Gets or sets package/module/library name for procedure. public string? PackageName Field Value string ProcedureDefinition Gets or sets procedure source code. public string? ProcedureDefinition Field Value string ProcedureID Gets or sets unique procedure identifier. NOTE: this is not fully-qualified procedure name (even if it used right now for some providers as procedure identifier). public string ProcedureID Field Value string ProcedureName Gets or sets procedure name. public string ProcedureName Field Value string SchemaName Gets or sets schema/owner name for procedure. public string? SchemaName Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ProcedureParameterInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ProcedureParameterInfo.html",
"title": "Class ProcedureParameterInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ProcedureParameterInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Database procedure or function parameter description. public class ProcedureParameterInfo Inheritance object ProcedureParameterInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields DataType Get or sets database type for parameter. public string? DataType Field Value string DataTypeExact Get or sets exact database type for parameter. public string? DataTypeExact Field Value string Description Parameter's description. public string? Description Field Value string IsIn Gets or sets input or input-output parameter flag. public bool IsIn Field Value bool IsNullable Gets flag indicating that it is nullable parameter. public bool IsNullable Field Value bool IsOut Gets or sets output or input-output parameter flag. public bool IsOut Field Value bool IsResult Gets or sets return value parameter flag. public bool IsResult Field Value bool Length Gets or sets parameter type length attribute. public int? Length Field Value int? Ordinal Gets or sets parameter position. public int Ordinal Field Value int ParameterName Gets or sets parameter name. public string? ParameterName Field Value string Precision Gets or sets parameter type precision attribute. public int? Precision Field Value int? ProcedureID Gets or sets unique procedure identifier. NOTE: this is not fully-qualified procedure name (even if it used right now for some providers as procedure identifier). public string ProcedureID Field Value string Scale Gets or sets parameter type scale attribute. public int? Scale Field Value int? UDTCatalog Parameter's user-defined type(UDT) catalog/database. public string? UDTCatalog Field Value string UDTName Parameter's user-defined type(UDT) name. public string? UDTName Field Value string UDTSchema Parameter's user-defined type(UDT) schema/owner. public string? UDTSchema Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ProcedureSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.ProcedureSchema.html",
"title": "Class ProcedureSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ProcedureSchema Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Describes database procedure or function. public class ProcedureSchema Inheritance object ProcedureSchema Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CatalogName Name of database, that contains current procedure. public string? CatalogName { get; set; } Property Value string Description Gets procedure or function description. public string? Description { get; set; } Property Value string IsAggregateFunction Gets flag indicating that it is aggregate function or not. public bool IsAggregateFunction { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDefaultSchema Gets flag indicating that procedure defined with default owner/schema or not. public bool IsDefaultSchema { get; set; } Property Value bool IsFunction true for function and false for procedure. public bool IsFunction { get; set; } Property Value bool IsLoaded Gets flag indicating that procedure tabl result schema loaded. If it is false, procedure doesn't return table-like results or schema loading failed. In latter case check ResultException property for error. public bool IsLoaded { get; set; } Property Value bool IsResultDynamic Get or sets flag, indicating that procedure returns dynamic (generic) result. public bool IsResultDynamic { get; set; } Property Value bool IsTableFunction Gets flag indicating that it is scalar or table function. public bool IsTableFunction { get; set; } Property Value bool MemberName C#-friendly name. public string MemberName { get; set; } Property Value string PackageName Name of procedure package/library/module. public string? PackageName { get; set; } Property Value string Parameters Gets list of procedure parameters. public List<ParameterSchema> Parameters { get; set; } Property Value List<ParameterSchema> ProcedureName Procedure or function name. public string ProcedureName { get; set; } Property Value string ResultException Contains exception, generated during schema load. public Exception? ResultException { get; set; } Property Value Exception ResultTable Gets table result schema for procedure to table function. public TableSchema? ResultTable { get; set; } Property Value TableSchema SchemaName Name of procedure schema/owner. public string? SchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string SimilarTables List of tables with the same schema as schema in ResultTable. public List<TableSchema>? SimilarTables { get; set; } Property Value List<TableSchema>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.SchemaProviderBase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.SchemaProviderBase.html",
"title": "Class SchemaProviderBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SchemaProviderBase Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class SchemaProviderBase : ISchemaProvider Inheritance object SchemaProviderBase Implements ISchemaProvider Derived PostgreSQLSchemaProvider Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields DataTypesSchema protected DataTable DataTypesSchema Field Value DataTable ExcludedCatalogs protected HashSet<string?> ExcludedCatalogs Field Value HashSet<string> ExcludedSchemas protected HashSet<string?> ExcludedSchemas Field Value HashSet<string> GenerateChar1AsString protected bool GenerateChar1AsString Field Value bool IncludedCatalogs protected HashSet<string?> IncludedCatalogs Field Value HashSet<string> IncludedSchemas protected HashSet<string?> IncludedSchemas Field Value HashSet<string> Properties GetProcedureSchemaExecutesProcedure If true, provider doesn't support schema-only procedure execution and will execute procedure for real. protected virtual bool GetProcedureSchemaExecutesProcedure { get; } Property Value bool Methods BuildProcedureParameter(ParameterSchema) protected virtual DataParameter BuildProcedureParameter(ParameterSchema p) Parameters p ParameterSchema Returns DataParameter BuildSchemaFilter(GetSchemaOptions?, string, Action<StringBuilder, string>) protected string? BuildSchemaFilter(GetSchemaOptions? options, string defaultSchema, Action<StringBuilder, string> stringLiteralBuilder) Parameters options GetSchemaOptions defaultSchema string stringLiteralBuilder Action<StringBuilder, string> Returns string BuildTableFunctionLoadTableSchemaCommand(ProcedureSchema, string) Builds table function call command. protected virtual string BuildTableFunctionLoadTableSchemaCommand(ProcedureSchema procedure, string commandText) Parameters procedure ProcedureSchema commandText string Returns string ForeignKeyColumnComparison(string) protected virtual StringComparison ForeignKeyColumnComparison(string column) Parameters column string Returns StringComparison GetColumns(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) protected abstract List<ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<ColumnInfo> GetDataSourceName(DataConnection) protected virtual string GetDataSourceName(DataConnection dbConnection) Parameters dbConnection DataConnection Returns string GetDataType(string?, DataType?, GetSchemaOptions) protected virtual DataTypeInfo? GetDataType(string? typeName, DataType? dataType, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters typeName string dataType DataType? options GetSchemaOptions Returns DataTypeInfo GetDataType(string?, string?, int?, int?, int?) protected abstract DataType GetDataType(string? dataType, string? columnType, int? length, int? precision, int? scale) Parameters dataType string columnType string length int? precision int? scale int? Returns DataType GetDataTypeByProviderDbType(int, GetSchemaOptions) protected DataTypeInfo? GetDataTypeByProviderDbType(int typeId, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters typeId int options GetSchemaOptions Returns DataTypeInfo GetDataTypes(DataConnection) Returns list of database data types. protected virtual List<DataTypeInfo> GetDataTypes(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Database connection instance. Returns List<DataTypeInfo> List of database data types. GetDatabaseName(DataConnection) protected virtual string GetDatabaseName(DataConnection dbConnection) Parameters dbConnection DataConnection Returns string GetDbType(GetSchemaOptions, string?, DataTypeInfo?, int?, int?, int?, string?, string?, string?) protected virtual string? GetDbType(GetSchemaOptions options, string? columnType, DataTypeInfo? dataType, int? length, int? precision, int? scale, string? udtCatalog, string? udtSchema, string? udtName) Parameters options GetSchemaOptions columnType string dataType DataTypeInfo length int? precision int? scale int? udtCatalog string udtSchema string udtName string Returns string GetForeignKeys(DataConnection, IEnumerable<TableSchema>, GetSchemaOptions) protected abstract IReadOnlyCollection<ForeignKeyInfo> GetForeignKeys(DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<TableSchema> tables, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection tables IEnumerable<TableSchema> options GetSchemaOptions Returns IReadOnlyCollection<ForeignKeyInfo> GetHashSet(string?[]?, IEqualityComparer<string?>) protected static HashSet<string?> GetHashSet(string?[]? data, IEqualityComparer<string?> comparer) Parameters data string[] comparer IEqualityComparer<string> Returns HashSet<string> GetPrimaryKeys(DataConnection, IEnumerable<TableSchema>, GetSchemaOptions) protected abstract IReadOnlyCollection<PrimaryKeyInfo> GetPrimaryKeys(DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<TableSchema> tables, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection tables IEnumerable<TableSchema> options GetSchemaOptions Returns IReadOnlyCollection<PrimaryKeyInfo> GetProcedureParameters(DataConnection, IEnumerable<ProcedureInfo>, GetSchemaOptions) protected virtual List<ProcedureParameterInfo>? GetProcedureParameters(DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<ProcedureInfo> procedures, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection procedures IEnumerable<ProcedureInfo> options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<ProcedureParameterInfo> GetProcedureResultColumns(DataTable, GetSchemaOptions) protected virtual List<ColumnSchema> GetProcedureResultColumns(DataTable resultTable, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters resultTable DataTable options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<ColumnSchema> GetProcedureSchema(DataConnection, string, CommandType, DataParameter[], GetSchemaOptions) protected virtual DataTable? GetProcedureSchema(DataConnection dataConnection, string commandText, CommandType commandType, DataParameter[] parameters, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection commandText string commandType CommandType parameters DataParameter[] options GetSchemaOptions Returns DataTable GetProcedures(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) protected virtual List<ProcedureInfo>? GetProcedures(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<ProcedureInfo> GetProviderSpecificProcedures(DataConnection) protected virtual List<ProcedureSchema>? GetProviderSpecificProcedures(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Returns List<ProcedureSchema> GetProviderSpecificTables(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) protected virtual List<TableSchema>? GetProviderSpecificTables(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<TableSchema> GetProviderSpecificType(string?) protected virtual string? GetProviderSpecificType(string? dataType) Parameters dataType string Returns string GetProviderSpecificTypeNamespace() protected abstract string? GetProviderSpecificTypeNamespace() Returns string GetSchema(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions?) Returns database schema. Note that it is recommended to call this method outside of transaction as some providers do not support it or behave incorrectly. At least following providers shouldn't be called in transaction: MySQL; Microsoft SQL Server; Sybase; DB2. public virtual DatabaseSchema GetSchema(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions? options = null) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection Data connection to use to read schema from. options GetSchemaOptions Schema read configuration options. Returns DatabaseSchema Returns database schema information. GetSystemType(string?, string?, DataTypeInfo?, int?, int?, int?, GetSchemaOptions) protected virtual Type? GetSystemType(string? dataType, string? columnType, DataTypeInfo? dataTypeInfo, int? length, int? precision, int? scale, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataType string columnType string dataTypeInfo DataTypeInfo length int? precision int? scale int? options GetSchemaOptions Returns Type GetTables(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions) protected abstract List<TableInfo> GetTables(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection options GetSchemaOptions Returns List<TableInfo> InitProvider(DataConnection) protected virtual void InitProvider(DataConnection dataConnection) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection LoadProcedureTableSchema(DataConnection, GetSchemaOptions, ProcedureSchema, string, List<TableSchema>) protected virtual void LoadProcedureTableSchema(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options, ProcedureSchema procedure, string commandText, List<TableSchema> tables) Parameters dataConnection DataConnection options GetSchemaOptions procedure ProcedureSchema commandText string tables List<TableSchema> ProcessSchema(DatabaseSchema, GetSchemaOptions) protected virtual DatabaseSchema ProcessSchema(DatabaseSchema databaseSchema, GetSchemaOptions schemaOptions) Parameters databaseSchema DatabaseSchema schemaOptions GetSchemaOptions Returns DatabaseSchema ToTypeName(Type?, bool) public static string ToTypeName(Type? type, bool isNullable) Parameters type Type isNullable bool Returns string ToValidName(string) public static string ToValidName(string name) Parameters name string Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.TableInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.TableInfo.html",
"title": "Class TableInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class TableInfo Inheritance object TableInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields CatalogName public string? CatalogName Field Value string Description public string? Description Field Value string IsDefaultSchema public bool IsDefaultSchema Field Value bool IsProviderSpecific public bool IsProviderSpecific Field Value bool IsView public bool IsView Field Value bool SchemaName public string? SchemaName Field Value string TableID public string TableID Field Value string TableName public string TableName Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.TableSchema.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.TableSchema.html",
"title": "Class TableSchema | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableSchema Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Assembly linq2db.dll Describes table-like objects such as tables, views, procedure or function results. public class TableSchema Inheritance object TableSchema Derived ViewWithParametersTableSchema Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CatalogName Gets table database (catalog) name. public string? CatalogName { get; set; } Property Value string Columns Gets list of table columns. public List<ColumnSchema> Columns { get; set; } Property Value List<ColumnSchema> Description Gets table description. public string? Description { get; set; } Property Value string ForeignKeys Gets list of table foreign keys. public List<ForeignKeySchema> ForeignKeys { get; set; } Property Value List<ForeignKeySchema> GroupName Gets table group name. Used by T4 templates to group tables to generate Schema Type if GenerateSchemaAsType is true. If NULL, SchemaName is used. public string? GroupName { get; set; } Property Value string ID Gets unique table identifier, based on name, schema and database names. public string? ID { get; set; } Property Value string IsDefaultSchema Gets flag indicating that table defined with default owner/schema or not. public bool IsDefaultSchema { get; set; } Property Value bool IsProcedureResult Gets flag indicating that table describes procedure or function result set. public bool IsProcedureResult { get; set; } Property Value bool IsProviderSpecific Gets flag indicating that it is not a user-defined table. public bool IsProviderSpecific { get; set; } Property Value bool IsView Gets flag indicating that table describes view. public bool IsView { get; set; } Property Value bool SchemaName Gets table owner/schema name. public string? SchemaName { get; set; } Property Value string TableName Gets database table name. public string? TableName { get; set; } Property Value string TypeName Gets C# friendly table name. public string TypeName { get; set; } Property Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.SchemaProvider Classes ColumnInfo ColumnSchema Describes table column. DataTypeInfo Database data type descriptor. Implements subset of DataTypes schema collection: DatabaseSchema ForeignKeyInfo ForeignKeySchema GetSchemaOptions Defines schema load options. ParameterSchema Describes database procedure or function parameter. PrimaryKeyInfo ProcedureInfo Database procedure or function description. ProcedureParameterInfo Database procedure or function parameter description. ProcedureSchema Describes database procedure or function. SchemaProviderBase TableInfo TableSchema Describes table-like objects such as tables, views, procedure or function results. Structs LoadTableData Contains table information, passed to LoadTable delegate. Interfaces ISchemaProvider Database schema provider. Enums AssociationType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl-2.html",
"title": "Class Sql.AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl<T, TR> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl<T, TR> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public class Sql.AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl<T, TR> : Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>, Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR>, Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR>, Sql.IQueryableContainer Type Parameters T TR Inheritance object Sql.AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl<T, TR> Implements Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> Sql.IQueryableContainer Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) StringAggregateExtensions.OrderByDescending<T, TR>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>) StringAggregateExtensions.OrderByDescending<T, TR, TKey>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) StringAggregateExtensions.OrderBy<T, TR>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>) StringAggregateExtensions.OrderBy<T, TR, TKey>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) StringAggregateExtensions.ThenByDescending<T, TR, TKey>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) StringAggregateExtensions.ThenBy<T, TR, TKey>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) StringAggregateExtensions.ToValue<T, TR>(Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR>) Constructors AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl(IQueryable<TR>) public AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl(IQueryable<TR> query) Parameters query IQueryable<TR> Properties Query public IQueryable Query { get; } Property Value IQueryable"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.AggregateModifier.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.AggregateModifier.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.AggregateModifier | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.AggregateModifier Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public enum Sql.AggregateModifier Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields All = 2 Distinct = 1 None = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ConvertTo-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ConvertTo-1.html",
"title": "Class Sql.ConvertTo<TTo> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.ConvertTo<TTo> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Sql.ConvertTo<TTo> Type Parameters TTo Inheritance object Sql.ConvertTo<TTo> Methods From<TFrom>(TFrom) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"$Convert$\", new int[] { 1, 2, 0 }, IsPure = true)] public static TTo From<TFrom>(TFrom obj) Parameters obj TFrom Returns TTo Type Parameters TFrom"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.DateParts.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.DateParts.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.DateParts | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.DateParts Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public enum Sql.DateParts Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Day = 4 DayOfYear = 3 Hour = 7 Millisecond = 10 Minute = 8 Month = 2 Quarter = 1 Second = 9 Week = 5 This date part behavior depends on used database and also depends on where if calculated - in C# code or in database. Eeach database could have own week numbering logic, see notes below. Current implementation uses following schemas per-provider: C# evaluation: CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(date.Value, CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, DayOfWeek.Sunday) Databases: US numbering schema used by: MS Access SQL CE SQL Server SAP/Sybase ASE Informix US 0-based numbering schema used by MySQL database ISO numbering schema with incorrect numbering of first week used by SAP HANA database ISO numbering schema with proper numbering of first week used by: Firebird PostgreSQL ClickHouse Primitive (each 7 days counted as week) numbering schema: DB2 Oracle SQLite numbering logic cannot be classified by human being WeekDay = 6 Year = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.EnumAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.EnumAttribute.html",
"title": "Class Sql.EnumAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.EnumAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Enum, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] public class Sql.EnumAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.EnumAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ExpressionAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ExpressionAttribute.html",
"title": "Class Sql.ExpressionAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.ExpressionAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll An Attribute that allows custom Expressions to be defined for a Method used within a Linq Expression. [Serializable] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method|AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)] public class Sql.ExpressionAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.ExpressionAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived Sql.ExtensionAttribute Sql.FunctionAttribute Sql.PropertyAttribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ExpressionAttribute(string?) Creates an Expression that will be used in SQL, in place of the method call decorated by this attribute. public ExpressionAttribute(string? expression) Parameters expression string The SQL expression. Use {0},{1}... for parameters given to the method call. ExpressionAttribute(string, params int[]) Creates an Expression that will be used in SQL, in place of the method call decorated by this attribute. public ExpressionAttribute(string expression, params int[] argIndices) Parameters expression string The SQL expression. Use {0},{1}... for parameters given to the method call. argIndices int[] Used for setting the order of the method arguments being passed into the function. ExpressionAttribute(string, string) Creates an Expression that will be used in SQL, for the ProviderName specified, in place of the method call decorated by this attribute. public ExpressionAttribute(string configuration, string expression) Parameters configuration string The Database configuration for which this Expression will be used. expression string The SQL expression. Use {0},{1}... for parameters given to the method call. ExpressionAttribute(string, string, params int[]) Creates an Expression that will be used in SQL, for the ProviderName specified, in place of the method call decorated by this attribute. public ExpressionAttribute(string configuration, string expression, params int[] argIndices) Parameters configuration string The Database configuration for which this Expression will be used. expression string The SQL expression. Use {0},{1}... for parameters given to the method call. argIndices int[] Used for setting the order of the method arguments being passed into the function. Fields UnknownExpression public static readonly SqlExpression UnknownExpression Field Value SqlExpression Properties ArgIndices The order of Arguments to be passed into the function from the method call. public int[]? ArgIndices { get; set; } Property Value int[] CanBeNull If true, result can be null public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool ExpectExpression Used internally by Sql.ExtensionAttribute. public bool ExpectExpression { get; set; } Property Value bool Expression The expression to be used in building the SQL. public string? Expression { get; set; } Property Value string IgnoreGenericParameters if true, do not generate generic parameters. public bool IgnoreGenericParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool InlineParameters If true inline all parameters passed into the expression. public bool InlineParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool IsAggregate If true, this expression represents an aggregate result Examples would be SUM(),COUNT(). public bool IsAggregate { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNullable Used to determine whether the return type should be treated as something that can be null If CanBeNull is not explicitly set. Default is Undefined, which will be treated as true public Sql.IsNullableType IsNullable { get; set; } Property Value Sql.IsNullableType IsPredicate If true the expression is treated as a Predicate And when used in a Where clause will not have an added comparison to 'true' in the database. public bool IsPredicate { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPure If true, it notifies SQL Optimizer that expression returns same result if the same values/parameters are used. It gives optimizer additional information how to simplify query. For example ORDER BY PureFunction(\"Str\") can be removed because PureFunction function uses constant value. For example Random function is NOT Pure function because it returns different result all time. But expression CurrentTimestamp is Pure in case of executed query. DateAdd(DateParts, double?, DateTime?) is also Pure function because it returns the same result with the same parameters. public bool IsPure { get; set; } Property Value bool IsWindowFunction If true, this expression represents a Window Function Examples would be SUM() OVER(), COUNT() OVER(). public bool IsWindowFunction { get; set; } Property Value bool Precedence Determines the priority of the expression in evaluation. Refer to Precedence. public int Precedence { get; set; } Property Value int PreferServerSide If true a greater effort will be made to execute the expression on the DB server instead of in .NET. public bool PreferServerSide { get; set; } Property Value bool ServerSideOnly If true The expression will only be evaluated on the database server. If it cannot, an exception will be thrown. public bool ServerSideOnly { get; set; } Property Value bool Methods CalcCanBeNull(IsNullableType, IEnumerable<bool>) public static bool? CalcCanBeNull(Sql.IsNullableType isNullable, IEnumerable<bool> nullInfo) Parameters isNullable Sql.IsNullableType nullInfo IEnumerable<bool> Returns bool? GetCanBeNull(ISqlExpression[]) protected bool GetCanBeNull(ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters parameters ISqlExpression[] Returns bool GetExpression<TContext>(TContext, IDataContext, SelectQuery, Expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public virtual ISqlExpression? GetExpression<TContext>(TContext context, IDataContext dataContext, SelectQuery query, Expression expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters context TContext dataContext IDataContext query SelectQuery expression Expression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext GetIsPredicate(Expression) public virtual bool GetIsPredicate(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns bool GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string PrepareArguments<TContext>(TContext, string, int[]?, bool, List<Expression?>, List<SqlDataType>?, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression?>) public static ISqlExpression[] PrepareArguments<TContext>(TContext context, string expressionStr, int[]? argIndices, bool addDefault, List<Expression?> knownExpressions, List<SqlDataType>? genericTypes, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression?> converter) Parameters context TContext expressionStr string argIndices int[] addDefault bool knownExpressions List<Expression> genericTypes List<SqlDataType> converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression[] Type Parameters TContext PrepareParameterValues<TContext>(TContext, MappingSchema, Expression, ref string?, bool, out List<Expression?>, bool, out List<SqlDataType>?, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public static void PrepareParameterValues<TContext>(TContext context, MappingSchema mappingSchema, Expression expression, ref string? expressionStr, bool includeInstance, out List<Expression?> knownExpressions, bool ignoreGenericParameters, out List<SqlDataType>? genericTypes, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters context TContext mappingSchema MappingSchema expression Expression expressionStr string includeInstance bool knownExpressions List<Expression> ignoreGenericParameters bool genericTypes List<SqlDataType> converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext ResolveExpressionValues<TContext>(TContext, string, Func<TContext, string, string?, string?>) public static string ResolveExpressionValues<TContext>(TContext context, string expression, Func<TContext, string, string?, string?> valueProvider) Parameters context TContext expression string valueProvider Func<TContext, string, string, string> Returns string Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ExtensionAttribute.ExtensionBuilder-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ExtensionAttribute.ExtensionBuilder-1.html",
"title": "Class Sql.ExtensionAttribute.ExtensionBuilder<TContext> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.ExtensionAttribute.ExtensionBuilder<TContext> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll protected class Sql.ExtensionAttribute.ExtensionBuilder<TContext> : Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder Type Parameters TContext Inheritance object Sql.ExtensionAttribute.ExtensionBuilder<TContext> Implements Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Add(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Add(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.AddExpression(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, string, string) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.AddParameter(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, string, string) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Add<T>(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Dec(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Div(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Div(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Div<T>(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Inc(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Mul(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Mul(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Mul<T>(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Sub(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Sub(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Sub<T>(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) Constructors ExtensionBuilder(TContext, string?, object?, IDataContext, SelectQuery, SqlExtension, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>, MemberInfo, Expression[]) public ExtensionBuilder(TContext context, string? configuration, object? builderValue, IDataContext dataContext, SelectQuery query, Sql.SqlExtension extension, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter, MemberInfo member, Expression[] arguments) Parameters context TContext configuration string builderValue object dataContext IDataContext query SelectQuery extension Sql.SqlExtension converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> member MemberInfo arguments Expression[] Properties Arguments public Expression[] Arguments { get; } Property Value Expression[] BuilderValue public object? BuilderValue { get; } Property Value object Configuration public string? Configuration { get; } Property Value string DataContext public IDataContext DataContext { get; } Property Value IDataContext Expression public string Expression { get; set; } Property Value string Extension public Sql.SqlExtension Extension { get; } Property Value Sql.SqlExtension Mapping public MappingSchema Mapping { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Member public MemberInfo Member { get; } Property Value MemberInfo Method public MethodInfo? Method { get; } Property Value MethodInfo Query public SelectQuery Query { get; } Property Value SelectQuery ResultExpression public ISqlExpression? ResultExpression { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression Methods AddParameter(string, ISqlExpression) public Sql.SqlExtensionParam AddParameter(string name, ISqlExpression expr) Parameters name string expr ISqlExpression Returns Sql.SqlExtensionParam ConvertExpression(Expression, bool, ColumnDescriptor?) public ISqlExpression ConvertExpression(Expression expr, bool unwrap, ColumnDescriptor? columnDescriptor) Parameters expr Expression unwrap bool columnDescriptor ColumnDescriptor Returns ISqlExpression ConvertExpressionToSql(Expression, bool) public ISqlExpression ConvertExpressionToSql(Expression expression, bool unwrap) Parameters expression Expression unwrap bool Returns ISqlExpression ConvertToSqlExpression() public ISqlExpression ConvertToSqlExpression() Returns ISqlExpression ConvertToSqlExpression(int) public ISqlExpression ConvertToSqlExpression(int precedence) Parameters precedence int Returns ISqlExpression GetExpression(int, bool) public ISqlExpression GetExpression(int index, bool unwrap) Parameters index int unwrap bool Returns ISqlExpression GetExpression(string, bool) public ISqlExpression GetExpression(string argName, bool unwrap) Parameters argName string unwrap bool Returns ISqlExpression GetObjectValue(int) public object GetObjectValue(int index) Parameters index int Returns object GetObjectValue(string) public object GetObjectValue(string argName) Parameters argName string Returns object GetValue<T>(int) public T GetValue<T>(int index) Parameters index int Returns T Type Parameters T GetValue<T>(string) public T GetValue<T>(string argName) Parameters argName string Returns T Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ExtensionAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ExtensionAttribute.html",
"title": "Class Sql.ExtensionAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.ExtensionAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method|AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)] public class Sql.ExtensionAttribute : Sql.ExpressionAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.ExpressionAttribute Sql.ExtensionAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members Sql.ExpressionAttribute.Expression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ArgIndices Sql.ExpressionAttribute.Precedence Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ServerSideOnly Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PreferServerSide Sql.ExpressionAttribute.InlineParameters Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ExpectExpression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsPredicate Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsAggregate Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsWindowFunction Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsPure Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsNullable Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IgnoreGenericParameters Sql.ExpressionAttribute.CanBeNull Sql.ExpressionAttribute.GetCanBeNull(ISqlExpression[]) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.CalcCanBeNull(Sql.IsNullableType, IEnumerable<bool>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ResolveExpressionValues<TContext>(TContext, string, Func<TContext, string, string, string>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.UnknownExpression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PrepareParameterValues<TContext>(TContext, MappingSchema, Expression, ref string, bool, out List<Expression>, bool, out List<SqlDataType>, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PrepareArguments<TContext>(TContext, string, int[], bool, List<Expression>, List<SqlDataType>, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.GetIsPredicate(Expression) MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ExtensionAttribute(string) public ExtensionAttribute(string expression) Parameters expression string ExtensionAttribute(string, string) public ExtensionAttribute(string configuration, string expression) Parameters configuration string expression string ExtensionAttribute(string, Type) public ExtensionAttribute(string configuration, Type builderType) Parameters configuration string builderType Type ExtensionAttribute(Type) public ExtensionAttribute(Type builderType) Parameters builderType Type Properties BuilderType public Type? BuilderType { get; set; } Property Value Type BuilderValue public object? BuilderValue { get; set; } Property Value object ChainPrecedence Defines in which order process extensions. Items will be ordered Descending. public int ChainPrecedence { get; set; } Property Value int TokenName public string? TokenName { get; set; } Property Value string Methods BuildFunctionsChain<TContext>(TContext, IDataContext, SelectQuery, Expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) protected List<Sql.SqlExtensionParam> BuildFunctionsChain<TContext>(TContext context, IDataContext dataContext, SelectQuery query, Expression expr, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters context TContext dataContext IDataContext query SelectQuery expr Expression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Returns List<Sql.SqlExtensionParam> Type Parameters TContext BuildSqlExpression(SqlExtension, Type?, int, SqlFlags, bool?, IsNullableType) public static SqlExpression BuildSqlExpression(Sql.SqlExtension root, Type? systemType, int precedence, SqlFlags flags, bool? canBeNull, Sql.IsNullableType isNullable) Parameters root Sql.SqlExtension systemType Type precedence int flags SqlFlags canBeNull bool? isNullable Sql.IsNullableType Returns SqlExpression ExcludeExtensionChain(MappingSchema, Expression) public static Expression ExcludeExtensionChain(MappingSchema mapping, Expression expr) Parameters mapping MappingSchema expr Expression Returns Expression GetExpression<TContext>(TContext, IDataContext, SelectQuery, Expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression GetExpression<TContext>(TContext context, IDataContext dataContext, SelectQuery query, Expression expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters context TContext dataContext IDataContext query SelectQuery expression Expression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext GetExtensionAttributes(Expression, MappingSchema) public static Sql.ExtensionAttribute[] GetExtensionAttributes(Expression expression, MappingSchema mapping) Parameters expression Expression mapping MappingSchema Returns ExtensionAttribute[] GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.From.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.From.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.From | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.From Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public enum Sql.From Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields First = 1 Last = 2 None = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.FunctionAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.FunctionAttribute.html",
"title": "Class Sql.FunctionAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.FunctionAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Defines an SQL server-side Function with parameters passed in. [Serializable] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method|AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)] public class Sql.FunctionAttribute : Sql.ExpressionAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.ExpressionAttribute Sql.FunctionAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members Sql.ExpressionAttribute.Expression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ArgIndices Sql.ExpressionAttribute.Precedence Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ServerSideOnly Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PreferServerSide Sql.ExpressionAttribute.InlineParameters Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ExpectExpression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsPredicate Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsAggregate Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsWindowFunction Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsPure Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsNullable Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IgnoreGenericParameters Sql.ExpressionAttribute.CanBeNull Sql.ExpressionAttribute.GetCanBeNull(ISqlExpression[]) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.CalcCanBeNull(Sql.IsNullableType, IEnumerable<bool>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ResolveExpressionValues<TContext>(TContext, string, Func<TContext, string, string, string>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.UnknownExpression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PrepareParameterValues<TContext>(TContext, MappingSchema, Expression, ref string, bool, out List<Expression>, bool, out List<SqlDataType>, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PrepareArguments<TContext>(TContext, string, int[], bool, List<Expression>, List<SqlDataType>, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.GetIsPredicate(Expression) MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors FunctionAttribute() Defines an SQL Function, which shall be the same as the name as the function called. public FunctionAttribute() FunctionAttribute(string) Defines an SQL function with the given name. public FunctionAttribute(string name) Parameters name string The name of the function. no parenthesis () should be used. FunctionAttribute(string, params int[]) Defines an SQL function with the given name. public FunctionAttribute(string name, params int[] argIndices) Parameters name string The name of the function. no parenthesis () should be used. argIndices int[] Used for setting the order of the method arguments being passed into the function. FunctionAttribute(string, string) Defines an SQL function with the given name, for the ProviderName given. public FunctionAttribute(string configuration, string name) Parameters configuration string The Database configuration for which this Expression will be used. name string The name of the function. no parenthesis () should be used. FunctionAttribute(string, string, params int[]) Defines an SQL function with the given name, for the ProviderName given. public FunctionAttribute(string configuration, string name, params int[] argIndices) Parameters configuration string The Database configuration for which this Expression will be used. name string The name of the function. no parenthesis () should be used. argIndices int[] Used for setting the order of the method arguments being passed into the function. Properties Name The name of the Database Function public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetExpression<TContext>(TContext, IDataContext, SelectQuery, Expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? GetExpression<TContext>(TContext context, IDataContext dataContext, SelectQuery query, Expression expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters context TContext dataContext IDataContext query SelectQuery expression Expression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IAggregateFunction-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IAggregateFunction-2.html",
"title": "Interface Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface Sql.IAggregateFunction<out T, out TR> : Sql.IQueryableContainer Type Parameters T TR Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) StringAggregateExtensions.ToValue<T, TR>(Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered-2.html",
"title": "Interface Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<out T, out TR> : Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR>, Sql.IQueryableContainer Type Parameters T TR Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) StringAggregateExtensions.OrderByDescending<T, TR>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>) StringAggregateExtensions.OrderByDescending<T, TR, TKey>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) StringAggregateExtensions.OrderBy<T, TR>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>) StringAggregateExtensions.OrderBy<T, TR, TKey>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) StringAggregateExtensions.ToValue<T, TR>(Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered-2.html",
"title": "Interface Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<out T, out TR> : Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR>, Sql.IQueryableContainer Type Parameters T TR Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) StringAggregateExtensions.ThenByDescending<T, TR, TKey>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) StringAggregateExtensions.ThenBy<T, TR, TKey>(Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) StringAggregateExtensions.ToValue<T, TR>(Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IExtensionCallBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IExtensionCallBuilder.html",
"title": "Interface Sql.IExtensionCallBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface Sql.IExtensionCallBuilder Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface Sql.IExtensionCallBuilder Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Build(ISqExtensionBuilder) void Build(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder builder) Parameters builder Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IGroupBy.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IGroupBy.html",
"title": "Interface Sql.IGroupBy | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface Sql.IGroupBy Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface Sql.IGroupBy Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties None bool None { get; } Property Value bool Methods Cube<T>(Expression<Func<T>>) T Cube<T>(Expression<Func<T>> cubeKey) Parameters cubeKey Expression<Func<T>> Returns T Type Parameters T GroupingSets<T>(Expression<Func<T>>) T GroupingSets<T>(Expression<Func<T>> setsExpression) Parameters setsExpression Expression<Func<T>> Returns T Type Parameters T Rollup<T>(Expression<Func<T>>) T Rollup<T>(Expression<Func<T>> rollupKey) Parameters rollupKey Expression<Func<T>> Returns T Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IQueryableContainer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IQueryableContainer.html",
"title": "Interface Sql.IQueryableContainer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface Sql.IQueryableContainer Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface Sql.IQueryableContainer Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder.html",
"title": "Interface Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder Extension Methods ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Add(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Add(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.AddExpression(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, string, string) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.AddParameter(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, string, string) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Add<T>(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Dec(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Div(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Div(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Div<T>(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Inc(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Mul(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Mul(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Mul<T>(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Sub(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Sub(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, int) ExtensionBuilderExtensions.Sub<T>(Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Arguments Expression[] Arguments { get; } Property Value Expression[] BuilderValue object? BuilderValue { get; } Property Value object Configuration string? Configuration { get; } Property Value string DataContext IDataContext DataContext { get; } Property Value IDataContext Expression string Expression { get; set; } Property Value string Extension Sql.SqlExtension Extension { get; } Property Value Sql.SqlExtension Mapping MappingSchema Mapping { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Member MemberInfo Member { get; } Property Value MemberInfo Query SelectQuery Query { get; } Property Value SelectQuery ResultExpression ISqlExpression? ResultExpression { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression Methods AddParameter(string, ISqlExpression) Sql.SqlExtensionParam AddParameter(string name, ISqlExpression expr) Parameters name string expr ISqlExpression Returns Sql.SqlExtensionParam ConvertExpressionToSql(Expression, bool) ISqlExpression ConvertExpressionToSql(Expression expression, bool unwrap = false) Parameters expression Expression unwrap bool Returns ISqlExpression ConvertToSqlExpression() ISqlExpression ConvertToSqlExpression() Returns ISqlExpression ConvertToSqlExpression(int) ISqlExpression ConvertToSqlExpression(int precedence) Parameters precedence int Returns ISqlExpression GetExpression(int, bool) ISqlExpression GetExpression(int index, bool unwrap = false) Parameters index int unwrap bool Returns ISqlExpression GetExpression(string, bool) ISqlExpression GetExpression(string argName, bool unwrap = false) Parameters argName string unwrap bool Returns ISqlExpression GetObjectValue(int) object GetObjectValue(int index) Parameters index int Returns object GetObjectValue(string) object GetObjectValue(string argName) Parameters argName string Returns object GetValue<T>(int) T GetValue<T>(int index) Parameters index int Returns T Type Parameters T GetValue<T>(string) T GetValue<T>(string argName) Parameters argName string Returns T Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ISqlExtension.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.ISqlExtension.html",
"title": "Interface Sql.ISqlExtension | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface Sql.ISqlExtension Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public interface Sql.ISqlExtension Extension Methods AnalyticFunctions.Average<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.Count(Sql.ISqlExtension?) AnalyticFunctions.Count(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Count<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, T) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, T) AnalyticFunctions.CumeDist<TR>(Sql.ISqlExtension?) AnalyticFunctions.CumeDist<TR>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, params object?[]) AnalyticFunctions.DenseRank(Sql.ISqlExtension?) AnalyticFunctions.DenseRank(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.FirstValue<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.Nulls) AnalyticFunctions.Lag<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.Lag<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.Nulls) AnalyticFunctions.Lag<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.Nulls, int, T) AnalyticFunctions.Lag<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, int) AnalyticFunctions.Lag<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, int, T) AnalyticFunctions.LastValue<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.Nulls) AnalyticFunctions.Lead<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.Lead<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.Nulls) AnalyticFunctions.Lead<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.Nulls, int, T) AnalyticFunctions.Lead<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, int) AnalyticFunctions.Lead<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, int, T) AnalyticFunctions.ListAgg<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.ListAgg<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, string) AnalyticFunctions.LongCount(Sql.ISqlExtension?) AnalyticFunctions.LongCount(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.LongCount<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.Max<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.Max<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.Min<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.Min<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.NTile<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.NthValue<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, long) AnalyticFunctions.NthValue<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, long, Sql.From, Sql.Nulls) AnalyticFunctions.PercentRank<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?) AnalyticFunctions.PercentRank<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, params object?[]) AnalyticFunctions.PercentileCont<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.PercentileDisc<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.Rank(Sql.ISqlExtension?) AnalyticFunctions.Rank(Sql.ISqlExtension?, params object?[]) AnalyticFunctions.RatioToReport<TR>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrAvgX<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrAvgY<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrCount(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrIntercept<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrR2<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrSXX<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrSXY<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrSYY<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RegrSlope<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.RowNumber(Sql.ISqlExtension?) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Sum<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) AnalyticFunctions.Sum<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, object?, Sql.AggregateModifier) FirebirdExtensions.Firebird(Sql.ISqlExtension?) MySqlExtensions.MySql(Sql.ISqlExtension?) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<T>(Sql.ISqlExtension?, T, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.PostgreSQL(Sql.ISqlExtension?) SQLiteExtensions.SQLite(Sql.ISqlExtension?) SqlServerExtensions.SqlServer(Sql.ISqlExtension?) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IsNullableType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.IsNullableType.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.IsNullableType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.IsNullableType Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Provides information when function or expression could return null. public enum Sql.IsNullableType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields IfAllParametersNullable = 8 IfAnyParameterNullable = 3 Expression could return NULL if at least one parameter of expression could contain NULL. NotNullable = 2 Expression never returns NULL. Nullable = 1 Expression could always return NULL. SameAsFirstParameter = 4 Expression could return NULL if first parameter of expression could contain NULL. SameAsLastParameter = 7 Expression could return NULL if last parameter of expression could contain NULL. SameAsSecondParameter = 5 Expression could return NULL if second parameter of expression could contain NULL. SameAsThirdParameter = 6 Expression could return NULL if third parameter of expression could contain NULL. Undefined = 0 Nullability not specified, and other sources (like CanBeNull or return type) will be used to identify nullability."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.Nulls.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.Nulls.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.Nulls | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.Nulls Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public enum Sql.Nulls Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Ignore = 2 None = 0 Respect = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.NullsPosition.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.NullsPosition.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.NullsPosition | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.NullsPosition Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public enum Sql.NullsPosition Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields First = 1 Last = 2 None = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.PropertyAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.PropertyAttribute.html",
"title": "Class Sql.PropertyAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.PropertyAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll An attribute used to define a static value or a Database side property/method that takes no parameters. [Serializable] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method|AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)] public class Sql.PropertyAttribute : Sql.ExpressionAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.ExpressionAttribute Sql.PropertyAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members Sql.ExpressionAttribute.Expression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ArgIndices Sql.ExpressionAttribute.Precedence Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ServerSideOnly Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PreferServerSide Sql.ExpressionAttribute.InlineParameters Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ExpectExpression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsPredicate Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsAggregate Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsWindowFunction Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsPure Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IsNullable Sql.ExpressionAttribute.IgnoreGenericParameters Sql.ExpressionAttribute.CanBeNull Sql.ExpressionAttribute.GetCanBeNull(ISqlExpression[]) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.CalcCanBeNull(Sql.IsNullableType, IEnumerable<bool>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.ResolveExpressionValues<TContext>(TContext, string, Func<TContext, string, string, string>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.UnknownExpression Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PrepareParameterValues<TContext>(TContext, MappingSchema, Expression, ref string, bool, out List<Expression>, bool, out List<SqlDataType>, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.PrepareArguments<TContext>(TContext, string, int[], bool, List<Expression>, List<SqlDataType>, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression>) Sql.ExpressionAttribute.GetIsPredicate(Expression) MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors PropertyAttribute() Creates a property to be used in SQL The name of the Property/Method will be used. public PropertyAttribute() PropertyAttribute(string) Creates a Property to be used in SQL. public PropertyAttribute(string name) Parameters name string The name of the property. PropertyAttribute(string, string) Creates a property to be used in SQL for the given ProviderName. public PropertyAttribute(string configuration, string name) Parameters configuration string The ProviderName the property will be used under. name string The name of the property. Properties Name The name of the Property. public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetExpression<TContext>(TContext, IDataContext, SelectQuery, Expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? GetExpression<TContext>(TContext context, IDataContext dataContext, SelectQuery query, Expression expression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters context TContext dataContext IDataContext query SelectQuery expression Expression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute.html",
"title": "Class Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Defines custom query extension builder. [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method|AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)] public class Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute Implements _Attribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors QueryExtensionAttribute(QueryExtensionScope, Type) public QueryExtensionAttribute(Sql.QueryExtensionScope scope, Type extensionBuilderType) Parameters scope Sql.QueryExtensionScope extensionBuilderType Type QueryExtensionAttribute(QueryExtensionScope, Type, params string[]) public QueryExtensionAttribute(Sql.QueryExtensionScope scope, Type extensionBuilderType, params string[] extensionArguments) Parameters scope Sql.QueryExtensionScope extensionBuilderType Type extensionArguments string[] QueryExtensionAttribute(string?, QueryExtensionScope, Type) public QueryExtensionAttribute(string? configuration, Sql.QueryExtensionScope scope, Type extensionBuilderType) Parameters configuration string scope Sql.QueryExtensionScope extensionBuilderType Type QueryExtensionAttribute(string?, QueryExtensionScope, Type, string) public QueryExtensionAttribute(string? configuration, Sql.QueryExtensionScope scope, Type extensionBuilderType, string extensionArgument) Parameters configuration string scope Sql.QueryExtensionScope extensionBuilderType Type extensionArgument string QueryExtensionAttribute(string?, QueryExtensionScope, Type, string, string) public QueryExtensionAttribute(string? configuration, Sql.QueryExtensionScope scope, Type extensionBuilderType, string extensionArgument0, string extensionArgument1) Parameters configuration string scope Sql.QueryExtensionScope extensionBuilderType Type extensionArgument0 string extensionArgument1 string QueryExtensionAttribute(string?, QueryExtensionScope, Type, params string[]) public QueryExtensionAttribute(string? configuration, Sql.QueryExtensionScope scope, Type extensionBuilderType, params string[] extensionArguments) Parameters configuration string scope Sql.QueryExtensionScope extensionBuilderType Type extensionArguments string[] Properties ExtensionArguments public string[]? ExtensionArguments { get; set; } Property Value string[] ExtensionBuilderType Instance of ISqlExtensionBuilder. public Type? ExtensionBuilderType { get; set; } Property Value Type Scope public Sql.QueryExtensionScope Scope { get; } Property Value Sql.QueryExtensionScope Methods ExtendJoin(List<SqlQueryExtension>, List<SqlQueryExtensionData>) public virtual void ExtendJoin(List<SqlQueryExtension> extensions, List<SqlQueryExtensionData> parameters) Parameters extensions List<SqlQueryExtension> parameters List<SqlQueryExtensionData> ExtendQuery(List<SqlQueryExtension>, List<SqlQueryExtensionData>) public virtual void ExtendQuery(List<SqlQueryExtension> extensions, List<SqlQueryExtensionData> parameters) Parameters extensions List<SqlQueryExtension> parameters List<SqlQueryExtensionData> ExtendSubQuery(List<SqlQueryExtension>, List<SqlQueryExtensionData>) public virtual void ExtendSubQuery(List<SqlQueryExtension> extensions, List<SqlQueryExtensionData> parameters) Parameters extensions List<SqlQueryExtension> parameters List<SqlQueryExtensionData> ExtendTable(SqlTable, List<SqlQueryExtensionData>) public virtual void ExtendTable(SqlTable table, List<SqlQueryExtensionData> parameters) Parameters table SqlTable parameters List<SqlQueryExtensionData> GetExtension(List<SqlQueryExtensionData>) public virtual SqlQueryExtension GetExtension(List<SqlQueryExtensionData> parameters) Parameters parameters List<SqlQueryExtensionData> Returns SqlQueryExtension GetExtensionAttributes(Expression, MappingSchema) public static Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute[] GetExtensionAttributes(Expression expression, MappingSchema mapping) Parameters expression Expression mapping MappingSchema Returns QueryExtensionAttribute[] GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.QueryExtensionScope.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.QueryExtensionScope.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.QueryExtensionScope | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.QueryExtensionScope Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public enum Sql.QueryExtensionScope Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields IndexHint = 3 JoinHint = 4 None = 0 QueryHint = 6 SubQueryHint = 5 TableHint = 1 TableNameHint = 7 TablesInScopeHint = 2"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlExtension.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlExtension.html",
"title": "Class Sql.SqlExtension | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.SqlExtension Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public class Sql.SqlExtension Inheritance object Sql.SqlExtension Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlExtension(string, params SqlExtensionParam[]) public SqlExtension(string expr, params Sql.SqlExtensionParam[] parameters) Parameters expr string parameters SqlExtensionParam[] SqlExtension(Type?, string, int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool?, params SqlExtensionParam[]) public SqlExtension(Type? systemType, string expr, int precedence, int chainPrecedence, bool isAggregate, bool isWindowFunction, bool isPure, bool isPredicate, bool? canBeNull, params Sql.SqlExtensionParam[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type expr string precedence int chainPrecedence int isAggregate bool isWindowFunction bool isPure bool isPredicate bool canBeNull bool? parameters SqlExtensionParam[] Properties CanBeNull public bool? CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool? ChainPrecedence public int ChainPrecedence { get; set; } Property Value int Expr public string Expr { get; set; } Property Value string IsAggregate public bool IsAggregate { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPredicate public bool IsPredicate { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPure public bool IsPure { get; set; } Property Value bool IsWindowFunction public bool IsWindowFunction { get; set; } Property Value bool NamedParameters public Dictionary<string, List<Sql.SqlExtensionParam>> NamedParameters { get; } Property Value Dictionary<string, List<Sql.SqlExtensionParam>> Precedence public int Precedence { get; set; } Property Value int SystemType public Type? SystemType { get; set; } Property Value Type Methods AddParameter(SqlExtensionParam) public Sql.SqlExtensionParam AddParameter(Sql.SqlExtensionParam param) Parameters param Sql.SqlExtensionParam Returns Sql.SqlExtensionParam AddParameter(string, ISqlExpression) public Sql.SqlExtensionParam AddParameter(string name, ISqlExpression sqlExpression) Parameters name string sqlExpression ISqlExpression Returns Sql.SqlExtensionParam GetParameters() public Sql.SqlExtensionParam[] GetParameters() Returns SqlExtensionParam[] GetParametersByName(string) public IEnumerable<Sql.SqlExtensionParam> GetParametersByName(string name) Parameters name string Returns IEnumerable<Sql.SqlExtensionParam>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlExtensionParam.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlExtensionParam.html",
"title": "Class Sql.SqlExtensionParam | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.SqlExtensionParam Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public class Sql.SqlExtensionParam Inheritance object Sql.SqlExtensionParam Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlExtensionParam(string?, SqlExtension) public SqlExtensionParam(string? name, Sql.SqlExtension extension) Parameters name string extension Sql.SqlExtension SqlExtensionParam(string?, ISqlExpression) public SqlExtensionParam(string? name, ISqlExpression expression) Parameters name string expression ISqlExpression Properties Expression public ISqlExpression? Expression { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression Extension public Sql.SqlExtension? Extension { get; set; } Property Value Sql.SqlExtension Name public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Methods ToDebugString() public string ToDebugString() Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlID.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlID.html",
"title": "Struct Sql.SqlID | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct Sql.SqlID Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public readonly struct Sql.SqlID : IToSqlConverter, IEquatable<Sql.SqlID> Implements IToSqlConverter IEquatable<Sql.SqlID> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlID(SqlIDType, string) public SqlID(Sql.SqlIDType type, string id) Parameters type Sql.SqlIDType id string Properties ID public string ID { get; } Property Value string Type public Sql.SqlIDType Type { get; } Property Value Sql.SqlIDType Methods Equals(SqlID) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(Sql.SqlID other) Parameters other Sql.SqlID An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(object?) Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object Another object to compare to. Returns bool true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance. Parse(string) public static Sql.SqlID Parse(string value) Parameters value string Returns Sql.SqlID ToSql(Expression) public ISqlExpression ToSql(Expression expression) Parameters expression Expression Returns ISqlExpression ToString() Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. public override string ToString() Returns string A string containing a fully qualified type name."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlIDType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlIDType.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.SqlIDType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.SqlIDType Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public enum Sql.SqlIDType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields TableAlias = 0 TableName = 1 TableSpec = 2"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlRow-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.SqlRow-2.html",
"title": "Class Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> : IComparable Type Parameters T1 T2 Inheritance object Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Implements IComparable Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) Sql.Overlaps<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2>, Sql.SqlRow<T3, T4>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods CompareTo(object?) Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object. public abstract int CompareTo(object? obj) Parameters obj object An object to compare with this instance. Returns int A value that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This instance precedes obj in the sort order. Zero This instance occurs in the same position in the sort order as obj. Greater than zero This instance follows obj in the sort order. Exceptions ArgumentException obj is not the same type as this instance. Operators operator >(SqlRow<T1, T2>, SqlRow<T1, T2>) public static bool operator >(Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> x, Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> y) Parameters x Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> y Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Returns bool operator >=(SqlRow<T1, T2>, SqlRow<T1, T2>) public static bool operator >=(Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> x, Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> y) Parameters x Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> y Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Returns bool operator <(SqlRow<T1, T2>, SqlRow<T1, T2>) public static bool operator <(Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> x, Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> y) Parameters x Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> y Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Returns bool operator <=(SqlRow<T1, T2>, SqlRow<T1, T2>) public static bool operator <=(Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> x, Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> y) Parameters x Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> y Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.TableExpressionAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.TableExpressionAttribute.html",
"title": "Class Sql.TableExpressionAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.TableExpressionAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll [Serializable] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)] public class Sql.TableExpressionAttribute : Sql.TableFunctionAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.TableFunctionAttribute Sql.TableExpressionAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived CalculationViewInputParametersExpressionAttribute Inherited Members Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Schema Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Database Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Server Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.Package Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.ArgIndices Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.GetObjectID() MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors TableExpressionAttribute(string) public TableExpressionAttribute(string expression) Parameters expression string TableExpressionAttribute(string, params int[]) public TableExpressionAttribute(string expression, params int[] argIndices) Parameters expression string argIndices int[] TableExpressionAttribute(string, string) public TableExpressionAttribute(string sqlProvider, string expression) Parameters sqlProvider string expression string TableExpressionAttribute(string, string, params int[]) public TableExpressionAttribute(string sqlProvider, string expression, params int[] argIndices) Parameters sqlProvider string expression string argIndices int[] Properties Expression public string? Expression { get; set; } Property Value string Name protected string? Name { get; } Property Value string Methods SetTable<TContext>(DataOptions, TContext, ISqlBuilder, MappingSchema, SqlTable, MethodCallExpression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public override void SetTable<TContext>(DataOptions options, TContext context, ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlTable table, MethodCallExpression methodCall, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters options DataOptions context TContext sqlBuilder ISqlBuilder mappingSchema MappingSchema table SqlTable methodCall MethodCallExpression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.TableFunctionAttribute.html",
"title": "Class Sql.TableFunctionAttribute | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.TableFunctionAttribute Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll [Serializable] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)] public class Sql.TableFunctionAttribute : MappingAttribute, _Attribute Inheritance object Attribute MappingAttribute Sql.TableFunctionAttribute Implements _Attribute Derived Sql.TableExpressionAttribute Inherited Members MappingAttribute.Configuration MappingAttribute.GetHashCode() MappingAttribute.Equals(object) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors TableFunctionAttribute() public TableFunctionAttribute() TableFunctionAttribute(string) public TableFunctionAttribute(string name) Parameters name string TableFunctionAttribute(string, params int[]) public TableFunctionAttribute(string name, params int[] argIndices) Parameters name string argIndices int[] TableFunctionAttribute(string, string) public TableFunctionAttribute(string configuration, string name) Parameters configuration string name string TableFunctionAttribute(string, string, params int[]) public TableFunctionAttribute(string configuration, string name, params int[] argIndices) Parameters configuration string name string argIndices int[] Properties ArgIndices public int[]? ArgIndices { get; set; } Property Value int[] Database public string? Database { get; set; } Property Value string Name public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Package public string? Package { get; set; } Property Value string Schema public string? Schema { get; set; } Property Value string Server public string? Server { get; set; } Property Value string Methods GetObjectID() Returns mapping attribute id, based on all attribute options. public override string GetObjectID() Returns string SetTable<TContext>(DataOptions, TContext, ISqlBuilder, MappingSchema, SqlTable, MethodCallExpression, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression>) public virtual void SetTable<TContext>(DataOptions options, TContext context, ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlTable table, MethodCallExpression methodCall, Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor?, ISqlExpression> converter) Parameters options DataOptions context TContext sqlBuilder ISqlBuilder mappingSchema MappingSchema table SqlTable methodCall MethodCallExpression converter Func<TContext, Expression, ColumnDescriptor, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.TableQualification.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.TableQualification.html",
"title": "Enum Sql.TableQualification | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum Sql.TableQualification Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll [Flags] public enum Sql.TableQualification Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields DatabaseName = 2 Full = TableName | DatabaseName | SchemaName | ServerName | TableOptions None = 0 SchemaName = 4 ServerName = 8 TableName = 1 TableOptions = 16"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.Types.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.Types.html",
"title": "Class Sql.Types | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql.Types Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Sql.Types Inheritance object Sql.Types Properties BigInt [Sql.Property(\"Oracle\", \"Number(19)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"BigInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static long BigInt { get; } Property Value long Bit [Sql.Property(\"Informix\", \"Boolean\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Boolean\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Boolean\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SQLite\", \"Boolean\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"TinyInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Bit\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static bool Bit { get; } Property Value bool Date [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2005\", \"Datetime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlCe\", \"Datetime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Date\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime Date { get; } Property Value DateTime DateTime [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"DateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime DateTime { get; } Property Value DateTime DateTime2 [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2005\", \"DateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"DateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlCe\", \"DateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Sybase\", \"DateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"DateTime2\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime DateTime2 { get; } Property Value DateTime DateTimeOffset [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2022\", \"DateTimeOffset\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2019\", \"DateTimeOffset\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2017\", \"DateTimeOffset\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2016\", \"DateTimeOffset\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2014\", \"DateTimeOffset\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2012\", \"DateTimeOffset\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlServer.2008\", \"DateTimeOffset\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"DateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTimeOffset DateTimeOffset { get; } Property Value DateTimeOffset DefaultChar [Sql.Property(\"SqlCe\", \"NChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static string DefaultChar { get; } Property Value string DefaultDecimal [Sql.Property(\"Decimal\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static decimal DefaultDecimal { get; } Property Value decimal DefaultNChar [Sql.Property(\"DB2\", \"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"NChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static string DefaultNChar { get; } Property Value string DefaultNVarChar [Sql.Property(\"DB2\", \"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Oracle\", \"VarChar2\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"VarChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"VarChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"NVarChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static string DefaultNVarChar { get; } Property Value string DefaultVarChar [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlCe\", \"NVarChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"VarChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static string DefaultVarChar { get; } Property Value string Float [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Decimal(29,10)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"Double\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Float\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static double Float { get; } Property Value double Int [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Signed\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Int\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static int Int { get; } Property Value int Money [Sql.Property(\"Oracle\", \"Number(19,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"Decimal(18,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Decimal(19,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Decimal(19,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"Decimal(19,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Money\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static decimal Money { get; } Property Value decimal Real [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Decimal(29,10)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Real\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static float Real { get; } Property Value float SmallDateTime [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"TimeStamp\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"DateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlCe\", \"DateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"SecondDate\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SmallDateTime\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime SmallDateTime { get; } Property Value DateTime SmallInt [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Signed\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SmallInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static short SmallInt { get; } Property Value short SmallMoney [Sql.Property(\"Informix\", \"Decimal(10,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Oracle\", \"Number(10,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"Decimal(10,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Decimal(10,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Decimal(10,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SqlCe\", \"Decimal(10,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"Decimal(10,4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"SmallMoney\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static decimal SmallMoney { get; } Property Value decimal Time [Sql.Property(\"Time\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime Time { get; } Property Value DateTime TinyInt [Sql.Property(\"DB2\", \"SmallInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Informix\", \"SmallInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Oracle\", \"Number(3)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"DB2\", \"SmallInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"SmallInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"PostgreSQL\", \"SmallInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"MySql\", \"Unsigned\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"TinyInt\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static byte TinyInt { get; } Property Value byte Methods Char(int) [Sql.Function(\"SqlCe\", \"NChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static string Char(int length) Parameters length int Returns string Decimal(int) [Sql.Expression(\"SapHana\", \"Decimal({0},4)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static decimal Decimal(int precision) Parameters precision int Returns decimal Decimal(int, int) [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static decimal Decimal(int precision, int scale) Parameters precision int scale int Returns decimal NChar(int) [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static string NChar(int length) Parameters length int Returns string NVarChar(int) [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"Oracle\", \"VarChar2\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"VarChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"PostgreSQL\", \"VarChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static string NVarChar(int length) Parameters length int Returns string VarChar(int) [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"Char\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlCe\", \"NVarChar\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static string VarChar(int length) Parameters length int Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Sql.html",
"title": "Class Sql | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Sql Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public static class Sql Inheritance object Sql Fields GroupBy public static Sql.IGroupBy GroupBy Field Value Sql.IGroupBy Properties CurrentTimestamp [Sql.Property(\"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Firebird\", \"LOCALTIMESTAMP\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Informix\", \"CURRENT\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Access\", \"Now\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlCe\", \"GetDate\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"Sybase\", \"GetDate\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"now\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime CurrentTimestamp { get; } Property Value DateTime CurrentTimestamp2 [Sql.Property(\"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Informix\", \"CURRENT\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Access\", \"Now\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlCe\", \"GetDate\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"Sybase\", \"GetDate\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"now\", CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime CurrentTimestamp2 { get; } Property Value DateTime CurrentTimestampUtc [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SYSUTCDATETIME\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"Sybase\", \"GETUTCDATE\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Expression(\"SQLite\", \"DATETIME('now')\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"UTC_TIMESTAMP\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Expression(\"PostgreSQL\", \"timezone('UTC', now())\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Expression(\"DB2\", \"CURRENT TIMESTAMP - CURRENT TIMEZONE\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 70)] [Sql.Expression(\"Oracle\", \"SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 60)] [Sql.Property(\"SapHana\", \"CURRENT_UTCTIMESTAMP\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 60)] [Sql.Expression(\"Informix\", \"datetime(1970-01-01 00:00:00) year to second + (dbinfo('utc_current')/86400)::int::char(9)::interval day(9) to day + (mod(dbinfo('utc_current'), 86400))::char(5)::interval second(5) to second\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 60)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"now('UTC')\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime CurrentTimestampUtc { get; } Property Value DateTime CurrentTzTimestamp [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"SYSDATETIMEOFFSET\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"PostgreSQL\", \"now\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Oracle\", \"SYSTIMESTAMP\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 60)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"now\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTimeOffset CurrentTzTimestamp { get; } Property Value DateTimeOffset DateFirst [Sql.Property(\"@@DATEFIRST\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"ClickHouse\", \"1\", CanBeNull = false)] public static int DateFirst { get; } Property Value int Ext public static Sql.ISqlExtension? Ext { get; } Property Value Sql.ISqlExtension Methods Abs(decimal?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? Abs(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns decimal? Abs(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Abs(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Abs(short?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static short? Abs(short? value) Parameters value short? Returns short? Abs(int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Abs(int? value) Parameters value int? Returns int? Abs(long?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static long? Abs(long? value) Parameters value long? Returns long? Abs(sbyte?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static sbyte? Abs(sbyte? value) Parameters value sbyte? Returns sbyte? Abs(float?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static float? Abs(float? value) Parameters value float? Returns float? Acos(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Acos(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? AliasExpr() Useful for specifying place of alias when using FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]) method. [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableSourceBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static ISqlExpression AliasExpr() Returns ISqlExpression ISqlExpression which is Alias Placeholder. Examples The following FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]) calls are equivalent. db.FromSql<int>($\"select 1 as value from TableA {Sql.AliasExpr()}\") db.FromSql<int>($\"select 1 as value from TableA\") Remarks If FromSql<TEntity>(IDataContext, RawSqlString, params object?[]) contains at least one AliasExpr(), automatic alias for the query will be not generated. AllColumns() Generates '*'. [Sql.Expression(\"*\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, Precedence = 100)] public static object?[] AllColumns() Returns object[] AsNotNull<T>(T) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", new int[] { 0 }, CanBeNull = false)] public static T AsNotNull<T>(T value) Parameters value T Returns T Type Parameters T AsNotNullable<T>(T) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", new int[] { 0 }, CanBeNull = false)] public static T AsNotNullable<T>(T value) Parameters value T Returns T Type Parameters T AsNullable<T>(T) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", new int[] { 0 }, CanBeNull = true)] public static T AsNullable<T>(T value) Parameters value T Returns T Type Parameters T AsSql<T>(T) Enforces generating SQL even if an expression can be calculated locally. [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", new int[] { 0 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static T AsSql<T>(T obj) Parameters obj T Expression to generate SQL. Returns T Returns 'obj'. Type Parameters T Asin(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Asin(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Atan(double?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Atn\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Atan(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Atan2(double?, double?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"Atn2\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Atan2\", new int[] { 1, 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlCe\", \"Atn2\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Sybase\", \"Atn2\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Atan2(double? x, double? y) Parameters x double? y double? Returns double? Between<T>(T?, T?, T?) [Sql.Extension(\"\", \"\", PreferServerSide = true, IsPredicate = true, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.BetweenBuilder))] public static bool Between<T>(this T? value, T? low, T? high) where T : struct, IComparable Parameters value T? low T? high T? Returns bool Type Parameters T Between<T>(T, T, T) [Sql.Extension(\"\", \"\", PreferServerSide = true, IsPredicate = true, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.BetweenBuilder))] public static bool Between<T>(this T value, T low, T high) where T : IComparable Parameters value T low T high T Returns bool Type Parameters T Ceiling(decimal?) [Sql.Function(\"Informix\", \"Ceil\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Oracle\", \"Ceil\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SapHana\", \"Ceil\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? Ceiling(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns decimal? Ceiling(double?) [Sql.Function(\"Informix\", \"Ceil\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Oracle\", \"Ceil\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SapHana\", \"Ceil\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Ceiling(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? CharIndex(char?, string?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Locate\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"Locate\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SapHana\", \"Locate\", new int[] { 1, 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"positionUTF8\", new int[] { 1, 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Position\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? CharIndex(char? value, string? str) Parameters value char? str string Returns int? CharIndex(char?, string?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Locate\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"Locate\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SapHana\", \"Locate\", new int[] { 1, 0, 2 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"positionUTF8({1}, {0}, toUInt32({2}))\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Position\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? CharIndex(char? value, string? str, int? start) Parameters value char? str string start int? Returns int? CharIndex(string?, string?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Locate\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"Locate\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SapHana\", \"Locate\", new int[] { 1, 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Position\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"positionUTF8\", new int[] { 1, 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? CharIndex(string? substring, string? str) Parameters substring string str string Returns int? CharIndex(string?, string?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Locate\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"Locate\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Position\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"positionUTF8({1}, {0}, toUInt32({2}))\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"SapHana\", \"Locate(Substring({1},{2} + 1),{0}) + {2}\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? CharIndex(string? substring, string? str, int? start) Parameters substring string str string start int? Returns int? Collate(string?, string) Apply collation to a string expression. [Sql.Extension(\"\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DB2LUWCollationBuilder), Configuration = \"DB2.LUW\")] [Sql.Extension(\"\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.PostgreSQLCollationBuilder), Configuration = \"PostgreSQL\")] [Sql.Extension(\"\", ServerSideOnly = true, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.NamedCollationBuilder))] public static string? Collate(this string? expr, string collation) Parameters expr string Expression to apply collation to. collation string Collation to apply. Returns string Expression with specified collation. Remarks Server-side only, does not perform validation on collation name beyond simple valid character checks. Concat(params object[]) public static string Concat(params object[] args) Parameters args object[] Returns string Concat(params string[]) public static string Concat(params string[] args) Parameters args string[] Returns string ConcatStrings(string, params string?[]) Concatenates NOT NULL strings, using the specified separator between each member. [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2022\", \"CONCAT_WS({separator}, {argument, ', '})\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.CommonConcatWsArgumentsBuilder), BuilderValue = \"ISNULL({0}, '')\")] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2019\", \"CONCAT_WS({separator}, {argument, ', '})\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.CommonConcatWsArgumentsBuilder), BuilderValue = \"ISNULL({0}, '')\")] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2017\", \"CONCAT_WS({separator}, {argument, ', '})\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.CommonConcatWsArgumentsBuilder), BuilderValue = \"ISNULL({0}, '')\")] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"CONCAT_WS({separator}, {argument, ', '})\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.CommonConcatWsArgumentsBuilder), BuilderValue = null)] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"CONCAT_WS({separator}, {argument, ', '})\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.CommonConcatWsArgumentsBuilder), BuilderValue = null)] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.OldSqlServerConcatWsBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.SqliteConcatWsBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"arrayStringConcat([{arguments, ', '}], {separator})\", CanBeNull = false)] public static string ConcatStrings(string separator, params string?[] arguments) Parameters separator string The string to use as a separator. separator is included in the returned string only if arguments has more than one element. arguments string[] A collection that contains the strings to concatenate. Returns string Convert2<TTo, TFrom>(TTo, TFrom) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"Convert\", new int[] { 0, 1 }, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsSecondParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"$Convert$\", new int[] { 2, 3, 1 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsSecondParameter, Configuration = \"ClickHouse\")] public static TTo Convert2<TTo, TFrom>(TTo to, TFrom from) Parameters to TTo from TFrom Returns TTo Type Parameters TTo TFrom Convert<TTo, TFrom>(TTo, TFrom) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"Convert\", new int[] { 0, 1 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsSecondParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"$Convert$\", new int[] { 2, 3, 1 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsSecondParameter, Configuration = \"ClickHouse\")] public static TTo Convert<TTo, TFrom>(TTo to, TFrom from) Parameters to TTo from TFrom Returns TTo Type Parameters TTo TFrom Convert<TTo, TFrom>(TTo, TFrom, int) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"Convert\", new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsSecondParameter)] public static TTo Convert<TTo, TFrom>(TTo to, TFrom from, int format) Parameters to TTo from TFrom format int Returns TTo Type Parameters TTo TFrom Convert<TTo, TFrom>(TFrom) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"$Convert$\", new int[] { 1, 2, 0 }, IsPure = true)] public static TTo Convert<TTo, TFrom>(TFrom obj) Parameters obj TFrom Returns TTo Type Parameters TTo TFrom Cos(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Cos(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Cosh(double?) [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"cosh\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Cosh(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Cot(double?) [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"1/tan({0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable, Precedence = 80)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Cot(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? DateAdd(DateParts, double?, DateTimeOffset?) [Sql.Extension(\"DateAdd\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateOffsetAddBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateOffsetAddBuilderPostgreSQL))] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderOracle))] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderDB2))] [Sql.Extension(\"Informix\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderInformix))] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderMySql))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderSQLite))] [Sql.Extension(\"Access\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderAccess))] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderSapHana))] [Sql.Extension(\"Firebird\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderFirebird))] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderClickHouse))] public static DateTimeOffset? DateAdd(Sql.DateParts part, double? number, DateTimeOffset? date) Parameters part Sql.DateParts number double? date DateTimeOffset? Returns DateTimeOffset? DateAdd(DateParts, double?, DateTime?) [Sql.Extension(\"DateAdd\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderOracle))] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderDB2))] [Sql.Extension(\"Informix\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderInformix))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderPostgreSQL))] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderMySql))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderSQLite))] [Sql.Extension(\"Access\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderAccess))] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderSapHana))] [Sql.Extension(\"Firebird\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderFirebird))] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateAddBuilderClickHouse))] public static DateTime? DateAdd(Sql.DateParts part, double? number, DateTime? date) Parameters part Sql.DateParts number double? date DateTime? Returns DateTime? DateDiff(DateParts, DateTimeOffset?, DateTimeOffset?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Extension(\"DateDiff\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"TIMESTAMPDIFF\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderDB2))] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderSapHana))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderSQLite))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderPostgreSql))] [Sql.Extension(\"Access\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderAccess))] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderClickHouse))] public static int? DateDiff(Sql.DateParts part, DateTimeOffset? startDate, DateTimeOffset? endDate) Parameters part Sql.DateParts startDate DateTimeOffset? endDate DateTimeOffset? Returns int? DateDiff(DateParts, DateTime?, DateTime?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Extension(\"DateDiff\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"TIMESTAMPDIFF\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderDB2))] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderSapHana))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderSQLite))] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderOracle))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderPostgreSql))] [Sql.Extension(\"Access\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderAccess))] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DateDiffBuilderClickHouse))] public static int? DateDiff(Sql.DateParts part, DateTime? startDate, DateTime? endDate) Parameters part Sql.DateParts startDate DateTime? endDate DateTime? Returns int? DatePart(DateParts, DateTimeOffset?) [Sql.Extension(\"DatePart\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderDB2))] [Sql.Extension(\"Informix\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderInformix))] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"Extract({part} from {date})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderMySql))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Cast(Floor(Extract({part} from {date})) as int)\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderPostgre))] [Sql.Extension(\"Firebird\", \"Cast(Floor(Extract({part} from {date})) as int)\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderFirebird))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"Cast(StrFTime('%{part}', {date}) as int)\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderSqLite))] [Sql.Extension(\"Access\", \"DatePart('{part}', {date})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderAccess))] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderSapHana))] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderOracle))] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderClickHouse))] public static int? DatePart(Sql.DateParts part, DateTimeOffset? date) Parameters part Sql.DateParts date DateTimeOffset? Returns int? DatePart(DateParts, DateTime?) [Sql.Extension(\"DatePart\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderDB2))] [Sql.Extension(\"Informix\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderInformix))] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"Extract({part} from {date})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderMySql))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Cast(Floor(Extract({part} from {date})) as int)\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderPostgre))] [Sql.Extension(\"Firebird\", \"Cast(Floor(Extract({part} from {date})) as int)\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderFirebird))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"Cast(StrFTime('%{part}', {date}) as int)\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderSqLite))] [Sql.Extension(\"Access\", \"DatePart('{part}', {date})\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderAccess))] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderSapHana))] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderOracle))] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.DatePartBuilderClickHouse))] public static int? DatePart(Sql.DateParts part, DateTime? date) Parameters part Sql.DateParts date DateTime? Returns int? DateToTime(DateTime?) [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static TimeSpan? DateToTime(DateTime? date) Parameters date DateTime? Returns TimeSpan? Default<T>() Generates 'DEFAULT' keyword, usable in inserts. [Sql.Expression(\"DEFAULT\", ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T Default<T>() Returns T Type Parameters T Degrees(decimal?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? Degrees(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns decimal? Degrees(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Degrees(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Degrees(short?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static short? Degrees(short? value) Parameters value short? Returns short? Degrees(int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Degrees(int? value) Parameters value int? Returns int? Degrees(long?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static long? Degrees(long? value) Parameters value long? Returns long? Degrees(sbyte?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static sbyte? Degrees(sbyte? value) Parameters value sbyte? Returns sbyte? Degrees(float?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static float? Degrees(float? value) Parameters value float? Returns float? Exp(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Exp(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Expr<T>(RawSqlString, params object[]) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.ExprBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static T Expr<T>(RawSqlString sql, params object[] parameters) Parameters sql RawSqlString parameters object[] Returns T Type Parameters T FieldExpr(object) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.FieldNameBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static ISqlExpression FieldExpr(object fieldExpr) Parameters fieldExpr object Returns ISqlExpression FieldExpr(object, bool) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.FieldNameBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static ISqlExpression FieldExpr(object fieldExpr, bool qualified) Parameters fieldExpr object qualified bool Returns ISqlExpression FieldExpr<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.FieldNameBuilderDirect), ServerSideOnly = false)] public static ISqlExpression FieldExpr<T, TV>(ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, TV>> fieldExpr) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> fieldExpr Expression<Func<T, TV>> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T TV FieldExpr<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, bool) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.FieldNameBuilderDirect), ServerSideOnly = false)] public static ISqlExpression FieldExpr<T, TV>(ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, TV>> fieldExpr, bool qualified) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> fieldExpr Expression<Func<T, TV>> qualified bool Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T TV FieldName(object) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.FieldNameBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string FieldName(object fieldExpr) Parameters fieldExpr object Returns string FieldName(object, bool) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.FieldNameBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string FieldName(object fieldExpr, bool qualified) Parameters fieldExpr object qualified bool Returns string FieldName<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object>>) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.FieldNameBuilderDirect), ServerSideOnly = false)] public static string FieldName<T>(ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, object>> fieldExpr) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> fieldExpr Expression<Func<T, object>> Returns string Type Parameters T FieldName<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object>>, bool) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.FieldNameBuilderDirect), ServerSideOnly = false)] public static string FieldName<T>(ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T, object>> fieldExpr, bool qualified) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> fieldExpr Expression<Func<T, object>> qualified bool Returns string Type Parameters T Floor(decimal?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Int\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? Floor(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns decimal? Floor(double?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Int\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Floor(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? GetDate() [Sql.Property(\"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Informix\", \"CURRENT\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Property(\"Access\", \"Now\", CanBeNull = false)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"now\", CanBeNull = false)] public static DateTime GetDate() Returns DateTime Grouping(params object[]) [Sql.Extension(\"GROUPING({fields, ', '})\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsAggregate = true)] public static int Grouping(params object[] fields) Parameters fields object[] Returns int IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) [Sql.Extension(typeof(Sql.IsDistinctBuilder), ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false)] public static bool IsDistinctFrom<T>(this T value, T? other) where T : struct Parameters value T other T? Returns bool Type Parameters T IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) [Sql.Extension(typeof(Sql.IsDistinctBuilder), ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false)] public static bool IsDistinctFrom<T>(this T value, T other) Parameters value T other T Returns bool Type Parameters T IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) [Sql.Extension(typeof(Sql.IsDistinctBuilder), Expression = \"NOT\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false)] public static bool IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(this T value, T? other) where T : struct Parameters value T other T? Returns bool Type Parameters T IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) [Sql.Extension(typeof(Sql.IsDistinctBuilder), Expression = \"NOT\", ServerSideOnly = false, PreferServerSide = false)] public static bool IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(this T value, T other) Parameters value T other T Returns bool Type Parameters T Left(string?, int?) [Sql.Function(PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SQLite\", \"LeftStr\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"leftUTF8\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Left(string? str, int? length) Parameters str string length int? Returns string Length(byte[]?) [Sql.Function(PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Len\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Octet_Length\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DataLength\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlCe\", \"DataLength\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Sybase\", \"DataLength\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static int? Length(byte[]? value) Parameters value byte[] Returns int? Length(Binary?) [Sql.Function(PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Len\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Octet_Length\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"DataLength\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlCe\", \"DataLength\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Sybase\", \"DataLength\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static int? Length(Binary? value) Parameters value Binary Returns int? Length(string?) [Sql.Function(PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Len\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Char_Length\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlServer\", \"Len\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"SqlCe\", \"Len\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Sybase\", \"Len\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"Char_Length\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"Informix\", \"CHAR_LENGTH\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"CHAR_LENGTH\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"DB2.LUW\", \"CHARACTER_LENGTH({0},CODEUNITS32)\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static int? Length(string? str) Parameters str string Returns int? Like(string?, string?) [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, IsPredicate = true)] public static bool Like(string? matchExpression, string? pattern) Parameters matchExpression string pattern string Returns bool Like(string?, string?, char?) [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, IsPredicate = true)] public static bool Like(string? matchExpression, string? pattern, char? escapeCharacter) Parameters matchExpression string pattern string escapeCharacter char? Returns bool Log(decimal?) [Sql.Function(\"Informix\", \"LogN\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Oracle\", \"Ln\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Ln\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Ln\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SapHana\", \"Ln\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? Log(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns decimal? Log(decimal?, decimal?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"Log({1}) / Log({0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable, Precedence = 80)] public static decimal? Log(decimal? newBase, decimal? value) Parameters newBase decimal? value decimal? Returns decimal? Log(double?) [Sql.Function(\"Informix\", \"LogN\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Oracle\", \"Ln\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Ln\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Ln\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SapHana\", \"Ln\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Log(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Log(double?, double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"Log({1}) / Log({0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable, Precedence = 80)] public static double? Log(double? newBase, double? value) Parameters newBase double? value double? Returns double? Log10(double?) [Sql.Function(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Log\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"SapHana\", \"Log(10,{0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Log10(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Lower(string?) [Sql.Function(\"$ToLower$\", ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Lower(string? str) Parameters str string Returns string MakeDateTime(int?, int?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static DateTime? MakeDateTime(int? year, int? month, int? day) Parameters year int? month int? day int? Returns DateTime? MakeDateTime(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static DateTime? MakeDateTime(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? second) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? second int? Returns DateTime? NewGuid() [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"generateUUIDv4\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPure = false)] [Sql.Function(\"Oracle\", \"Sys_Guid\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPure = false)] [Sql.Function(\"Firebird\", \"Gen_Uuid\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPure = false)] [Sql.Function(\"MySql\", \"Uuid\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPure = false)] [Sql.Expression(\"Sybase\", \"NewID(1)\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPure = false)] [Sql.Expression(\"SapHana\", \"SYSUUID\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPure = false)] [Sql.Function(\"NewID\", ServerSideOnly = true, CanBeNull = false, IsPure = false)] public static Guid NewGuid() Returns Guid NoConvert<T>(T) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.NoConvertBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static T NoConvert<T>(T expr) Parameters expr T Returns T Type Parameters T NotBetween<T>(T?, T?, T?) [Sql.Extension(\"\", \"\", PreferServerSide = true, IsPredicate = true, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.NotBetweenBuilder))] public static bool NotBetween<T>(this T? value, T? low, T? high) where T : struct, IComparable Parameters value T? low T? high T? Returns bool Type Parameters T NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) [Sql.Extension(\"\", \"\", PreferServerSide = true, IsPredicate = true, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.NotBetweenBuilder))] public static bool NotBetween<T>(this T value, T low, T high) where T : IComparable Parameters value T low T high T Returns bool Type Parameters T NullIf<T>(T?, T?) [Sql.Expression(\"NULLIF({0}, {1})\", PreferServerSide = true)] [Sql.Expression(\"Access\", \"case when {0} = {1} then null else {0} end\", PreferServerSide = false)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlCe\", \"case when {0} = {1} then null else {0} end\", PreferServerSide = false)] public static T? NullIf<T>(T? value, T? compareTo) where T : struct Parameters value T? compareTo T? Returns T? Type Parameters T NullIf<T>(T?, T) [Sql.Expression(\"NULLIF({0}, {1})\", PreferServerSide = true)] [Sql.Expression(\"Access\", \"case when {0} = {1} then null else {0} end\", PreferServerSide = false)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlCe\", \"case when {0} = {1} then null else {0} end\", PreferServerSide = false)] public static T? NullIf<T>(T? value, T compareTo) where T : struct Parameters value T? compareTo T Returns T? Type Parameters T NullIf<T>(T?, T?) [Sql.Expression(\"NULLIF({0}, {1})\", PreferServerSide = true)] [Sql.Expression(\"Access\", \"case when {0} = {1} then null else {0} end\", PreferServerSide = false)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlCe\", \"case when {0} = {1} then null else {0} end\", PreferServerSide = false)] public static T? NullIf<T>(T? value, T? compareTo) where T : class Parameters value T compareTo T Returns T Type Parameters T Overlaps<T1, T2, T3, T4>(SqlRow<T1, T2>, SqlRow<T3, T4>) [Sql.Extension(\"\", \"\", IsPredicate = true, ServerSideOnly = true, Precedence = 50, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.OverlapsBuilder))] public static bool Overlaps<T1, T2, T3, T4>(this Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> thisRow, Sql.SqlRow<T3, T4> other) Parameters thisRow Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> other Sql.SqlRow<T3, T4> Returns bool Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 PadLeft(string?, int?, char?) [Sql.Function(Name = \"LPad\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"leftPadUTF8({0}, toUInt32({1}), {2})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? PadLeft(string? str, int? length, char? paddingChar) Parameters str string length int? paddingChar char? Returns string PadRight(string?, int?, char?) [Sql.Function(Name = \"RPad\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"rightPadUTF8({0}, toUInt32({1}), {2})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? PadRight(string? str, int? length, char? paddingChar) Parameters str string length int? paddingChar char? Returns string Power(double?, double?) [Sql.Expression(\"Access\", \"{0} ^ {1}\", Precedence = 80, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Power(double? x, double? y) Parameters x double? y double? Returns double? Property<T>(object?, string) Allows access to entity property via name. Property can be dynamic or non-dynamic. public static T Property<T>(object? entity, string propertyName) Parameters entity object The entity. propertyName string Name of the property. Returns T Type Parameters T Property type. Exceptions LinqException 'Property' is only server-side method. Replace(string?, char?, char?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Sybase\", \"Str_Replace\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"replaceAll\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Replace(string? str, char? oldValue, char? newValue) Parameters str string oldValue char? newValue char? Returns string Replace(string?, string?, string?) [Sql.Function(\"$Replace$\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Replace(string? str, string? oldValue, string? newValue) Parameters str string oldValue string newValue string Returns string Reverse(string?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"reverseUTF8\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Reverse(string? str) Parameters str string Returns string Right(string?, int?) [Sql.Function(PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SQLite\", \"RightStr\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"rightUTF8\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Right(string? str, int? length) Parameters str string length int? Returns string Round(decimal?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? Round(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns decimal? Round(decimal?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? Round(decimal? value, int? precision) Parameters value decimal? precision int? Returns decimal? Round(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Round(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Round(double?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Round(double? value, int? precision) Parameters value double? precision int? Returns double? RoundToEven(decimal?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"roundBankers\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static decimal? RoundToEven(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns decimal? RoundToEven(decimal?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"roundBankers\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? RoundToEven(decimal? value, int? precision) Parameters value decimal? precision int? Returns decimal? RoundToEven(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"roundBankers\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static double? RoundToEven(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? RoundToEven(double?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"roundBankers\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? RoundToEven(double? value, int? precision) Parameters value double? precision int? Returns double? Row<T1, T2>(T1, T2) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.RowBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Row<T1, T2>(T1 value1, T2 value2) Parameters value1 T1 value2 T2 Returns Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Type Parameters T1 T2 Row<T1, T2, T3>(T1, T2, T3) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.RowBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, T3>> Row<T1, T2, T3>(T1 value1, T2 value2, T3 value3) Parameters value1 T1 value2 T2 value3 T3 Returns Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, T3>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 Row<T1, T2, T3, T4>(T1, T2, T3, T4) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.RowBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, T4>>> Row<T1, T2, T3, T4>(T1 value1, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4) Parameters value1 T1 value2 T2 value3 T3 value4 T4 Returns Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, T4>>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 Row<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.RowBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, Sql.SqlRow<T4, T5>>>> Row<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(T1 value1, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, T5 value5) Parameters value1 T1 value2 T2 value3 T3 value4 T4 value5 T5 Returns Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, Sql.SqlRow<T4, T5>>>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Row<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.RowBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, Sql.SqlRow<T4, Sql.SqlRow<T5, T6>>>>> Row<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(T1 value1, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, T5 value5, T6 value6) Parameters value1 T1 value2 T2 value3 T3 value4 T4 value5 T5 value6 T6 Returns Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, Sql.SqlRow<T4, Sql.SqlRow<T5, T6>>>>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Row<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.RowBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, Sql.SqlRow<T4, Sql.SqlRow<T5, Sql.SqlRow<T6, T7>>>>>> Row<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(T1 value1, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, T5 value5, T6 value6, T7 value7) Parameters value1 T1 value2 T2 value3 T3 value4 T4 value5 T5 value6 T6 value7 T7 Returns Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, Sql.SqlRow<T4, Sql.SqlRow<T5, Sql.SqlRow<T6, T7>>>>>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 Row<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.RowBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, Sql.SqlRow<T4, Sql.SqlRow<T5, Sql.SqlRow<T6, Sql.SqlRow<T7, T8>>>>>>> Row<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(T1 value1, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, T5 value5, T6 value6, T7 value7, T8 value8) Parameters value1 T1 value2 T2 value3 T3 value4 T4 value5 T5 value6 T6 value7 T7 value8 T8 Returns Sql.SqlRow<T1, Sql.SqlRow<T2, Sql.SqlRow<T3, Sql.SqlRow<T4, Sql.SqlRow<T5, Sql.SqlRow<T6, Sql.SqlRow<T7, T8>>>>>>> Type Parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Sign(decimal?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Sgn\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Sign(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns int? Sign(double?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Sgn\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Sign(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns int? Sign(short?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Sgn\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Sign(short? value) Parameters value short? Returns int? Sign(int?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Sgn\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Sign(int? value) Parameters value int? Returns int? Sign(long?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Sgn\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Sign(long? value) Parameters value long? Returns int? Sign(sbyte?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Sgn\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Sign(sbyte? value) Parameters value sbyte? Returns int? Sign(float?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Sgn\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static int? Sign(float? value) Parameters value float? Returns int? Sin(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Sin(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Sinh(double?) [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"sinh\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Sinh(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Space(int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"SapHana\", \"Lpad('',{0},' ')\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"leftPadUTF8('', toUInt32({0}), ' ')\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Space(int? length) Parameters length int? Returns string Sqrt(double?) [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Sqr\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Sqrt(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? StringAggregate(IEnumerable<string?>, string) [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2022\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2019\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2017\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSapHanaBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"GROUP_CONCAT({source}, {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"GROUP_CONCAT({source}{_}{order_by_clause?} SEPARATOR {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}) {aggregation_ordering}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle.Native\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}) {aggregation_ordering}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2.LUW\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2.z/OS\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Firebird\", \"LIST({source}, {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"arrayStringConcat(groupArray({source}), {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, CanBeNull = false)] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<string?, string> StringAggregate(this IEnumerable<string?> source, string separator) Parameters source IEnumerable<string> separator string Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<string, string> StringAggregate(IQueryable<string?>, string) [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2022\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2019\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2017\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"STRING_AGG({source}, {separator}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSapHanaBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"GROUP_CONCAT({source}, {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"GROUP_CONCAT({source}{_}{order_by_clause?} SEPARATOR {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}) {aggregation_ordering}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle.Native\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}) {aggregation_ordering}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2.LUW\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2.z/OS\", \"LISTAGG({source}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Firebird\", \"LIST({source}, {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"arrayStringConcat(groupArray({source}), {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, CanBeNull = false)] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<string?, string> StringAggregate(this IQueryable<string?> source, string separator) Parameters source IQueryable<string> separator string Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<string, string> StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2022\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2019\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2017\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSapHanaBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"GROUP_CONCAT({selector}, {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"GROUP_CONCAT({selector}{_}{order_by_clause?} SEPARATOR {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}) {aggregation_ordering}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle.Native\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}) {aggregation_ordering}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2.LUW\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2.z/OS\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Firebird\", \"LIST({selector}, {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"arrayStringConcat(groupArray({selector}), {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, CanBeNull = false)] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, string> StringAggregate<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, string separator, Func<T, string?> selector) Parameters source IEnumerable<T> separator string selector Func<T, string> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, string> Type Parameters T StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>) [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2022\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2019\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SqlServer.2017\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSql2017Builder))] [Sql.Extension(\"PostgreSQL\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"SapHana\", \"STRING_AGG({selector}, {separator}{_}{order_by_clause?})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, BuilderType = typeof(Sql.StringAggSapHanaBuilder))] [Sql.Extension(\"SQLite\", \"GROUP_CONCAT({selector}, {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"MySql\", \"GROUP_CONCAT({selector}{_}{order_by_clause?} SEPARATOR {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}) {aggregation_ordering}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle.Native\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}) {aggregation_ordering}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2.LUW\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"DB2.z/OS\", \"LISTAGG({selector}, {separator}){_}{aggregation_ordering?}\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"Firebird\", \"LIST({selector}, {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10)] [Sql.Extension(\"ClickHouse\", \"arrayStringConcat(groupArray({selector}), {separator})\", IsAggregate = true, ChainPrecedence = 10, CanBeNull = false)] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, string> StringAggregate<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string separator, Expression<Func<T, string?>> selector) Parameters source IQueryable<T> separator string selector Expression<Func<T, string>> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, string> Type Parameters T Stuff(IEnumerable<string>, int?, int?, string) [Sql.Function(ServerSideOnly = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"concat(substringUTF8({0}, 1, {1} - 1), {3}, substringUTF8({0}, {1} + {2}))\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string Stuff(IEnumerable<string> characterExpression, int? start, int? length, string replaceWithExpression) Parameters characterExpression IEnumerable<string> start int? length int? replaceWithExpression string Returns string Stuff(string?, int?, int?, string?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"concat(substringUTF8({0}, 1, {1} - 1), {3}, substringUTF8({0}, {1} + {2}))\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Stuff(string? str, int? start, int? length, string? newString) Parameters str string start int? length int? newString string Returns string Substring(string?, int?, int?) [Sql.Function(PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Access\", \"Mid\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"DB2\", \"Substr\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Informix\", \"Substr\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"Oracle\", \"Substr\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"SQLite\", \"Substr\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"Substring({0} from {1} for {2})\", PreferServerSide = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Substring(string? str, int? start, int? length) Parameters str string start int? length int? Returns string TableAlias(string) public static Sql.SqlID TableAlias(string id) Parameters id string Returns Sql.SqlID TableExpr(object) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableNameBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static ISqlExpression TableExpr(object tableExpr) Parameters tableExpr object Returns ISqlExpression TableExpr(object, TableQualification) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableNameBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static ISqlExpression TableExpr(object tableExpr, Sql.TableQualification qualification) Parameters tableExpr object qualification Sql.TableQualification Returns ISqlExpression TableExpr<T>(ITable<T>) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableNameBuilderDirect))] public static ISqlExpression TableExpr<T>(ITable<T> table) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T TableExpr<T>(ITable<T>, TableQualification) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableNameBuilderDirect))] public static ISqlExpression TableExpr<T>(ITable<T> table, Sql.TableQualification qualification) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> qualification Sql.TableQualification Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T TableField<TEntity, TColumn>(TEntity, string) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableFieldBuilder))] public static TColumn TableField<TEntity, TColumn>(TEntity entity, string fieldName) Parameters entity TEntity fieldName string Returns TColumn Type Parameters TEntity TColumn TableName(object) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableNameBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string TableName(object tableExpr) Parameters tableExpr object Returns string TableName(object, TableQualification) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableNameBuilder), ServerSideOnly = true)] public static string TableName(object tableExpr, Sql.TableQualification qualification) Parameters tableExpr object qualification Sql.TableQualification Returns string TableName(string) public static Sql.SqlID TableName(string id) Parameters id string Returns Sql.SqlID TableName<T>(ITable<T>) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableNameBuilderDirect))] public static string TableName<T>(ITable<T> table) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Returns string Type Parameters T TableName<T>(ITable<T>, TableQualification) [Sql.Extension(\"\", BuilderType = typeof(Sql.TableNameBuilderDirect))] public static string TableName<T>(ITable<T> table, Sql.TableQualification qualification) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> qualification Sql.TableQualification Returns string Type Parameters T TableSpec(string) public static Sql.SqlID TableSpec(string id) Parameters id string Returns Sql.SqlID Tan(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Tan(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? Tanh(double?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Tanh(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? ToDate(int?, int?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static DateTime? ToDate(int? year, int? month, int? day) Parameters year int? month int? day int? Returns DateTime? ToDate(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static DateTime? ToDate(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? second) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? second int? Returns DateTime? ToDate(int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?, int?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static DateTime? ToDate(int? year, int? month, int? day, int? hour, int? minute, int? second, int? millisecond) Parameters year int? month int? day int? hour int? minute int? second int? millisecond int? Returns DateTime? ToNotNull<T>(T?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", new int[] { 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static T ToNotNull<T>(T? value) where T : struct Parameters value T? Returns T Type Parameters T ToNotNullable<T>(T?) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", new int[] { 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static T ToNotNullable<T>(T? value) where T : struct Parameters value T? Returns T Type Parameters T ToNullable<T>(T) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", new int[] { 0 }, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static T? ToNullable<T>(T value) where T : struct Parameters value T Returns T? Type Parameters T ToSql<T>(T) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Expression(\"{0}\", new int[] { 0 }, ServerSideOnly = true, InlineParameters = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static T ToSql<T>(T obj) Parameters obj T Returns T Type Parameters T Trim(string?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Trim(string? str) Parameters str string Returns string Trim(string?, char?) [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"DB2\", \"Strip({0}, B, {1})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"trim(BOTH {1} FROM {0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Trim(string? str, char? ch) Parameters str string ch char? Returns string TrimLeft(string?) [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"TRIM(LEADING FROM {0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"LTrim\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"trimLeft\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? TrimLeft(string? str) Parameters str string Returns string TrimLeft(string?, char?) [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"trim(LEADING {1} FROM {0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"TRIM(LEADING {1} FROM {0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"DB2\", \"Strip({0}, L, {1})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"LTrim\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? TrimLeft(string? str, char? ch) Parameters str string ch char? Returns string TrimRight(string?) [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"TRIM(TRAILING FROM {0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"RTrim\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"ClickHouse\", \"trimRight\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? TrimRight(string? str) Parameters str string Returns string TrimRight(string?, char?) [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"trim(TRAILING {1} FROM {0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"TRIM(TRAILING {1} FROM {0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"DB2\", \"Strip({0}, T, {1})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(\"RTrim\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? TrimRight(string? str, char? ch) Parameters str string ch char? Returns string Truncate(decimal?) [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"Round({0}, 0, 1)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"DB2\", \"Truncate({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Informix\", \"Trunc({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Oracle\", \"Trunc({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"Trunc({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Trunc({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"MySql\", \"Truncate({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlCe\", \"Round({0}, 0, 1)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"SapHana\", \"Round({0}, 0, ROUND_DOWN)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static decimal? Truncate(decimal? value) Parameters value decimal? Returns decimal? Truncate(double?) [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"Round({0}, 0, 1)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"DB2\", \"Truncate({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Informix\", \"Trunc({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Oracle\", \"Trunc({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"Firebird\", \"Trunc({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Trunc({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"MySql\", \"Truncate({0}, 0)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlCe\", \"Round({0}, 0, 1)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Expression(\"SapHana\", \"Round({0}, 0, ROUND_DOWN)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] [Sql.Function(IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static double? Truncate(double? value) Parameters value double? Returns double? TryConvertOrDefault<TFrom, TTo>(TFrom, TTo?) Performs value conversion to specified type. If conversion failed, returns value, specified by defaultValue parameter. Supported databases: Oracle 12.2 or newer (not all conversions possible, check Oracle's documentation on CAST expression) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"$TryConvertOrDefault$\", new int[] { 3, 2, 0, 1 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static TTo? TryConvertOrDefault<TFrom, TTo>(TFrom value, TTo? defaultValue) where TTo : struct Parameters value TFrom Value to convert. defaultValue TTo? Value, returned when conversion failed. Returns TTo? Value, converted to target type or defaultValue if conversion failed. Type Parameters TFrom Source value type. TTo Target value type. TryConvertOrDefault<TFrom, TTo>(TFrom, TTo?) Performs value conversion to specified type. If conversion failed, returns value, specified by defaultValue parameter. Supported databases: Oracle 12.2 or newer (not all conversions possible, check Oracle's documentation on CAST expression) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"$TryConvertOrDefault$\", new int[] { 3, 2, 0, 1 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static TTo? TryConvertOrDefault<TFrom, TTo>(TFrom value, TTo? defaultValue) where TTo : class Parameters value TFrom Value to convert. defaultValue TTo Value, returned when conversion failed. Returns TTo Value, converted to target type or defaultValue if conversion failed. Type Parameters TFrom Source value type. TTo Target value type. TryConvert<TFrom, TTo>(TFrom, TTo?) Performs value conversion to specified type. If conversion failed, returns null. Supported databases: SQL Server 2012 or newer Oracle 12.2 or newer (not all conversions possible, check Oracle's documentation on CAST expression) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"$TryConvert$\", new int[] { 3, 2, 0 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.Nullable)] public static TTo? TryConvert<TFrom, TTo>(TFrom value, TTo? _) where TTo : struct Parameters value TFrom Value to convert. _ TTo? Unused. Added to support method overloads. Returns TTo? Value, converted to target type or null if conversion failed. Type Parameters TFrom Source value type. TTo Target value type. TryConvert<TFrom, TTo>(TFrom, TTo?) Performs value conversion to specified type. If conversion failed, returns null. Supported databases: SQL Server 2012 or newer Oracle 12.2 or newer (not all conversions possible, check Oracle's documentation on CAST expression) [CLSCompliant(false)] [Sql.Function(\"$TryConvert$\", new int[] { 3, 2, 0 }, ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.Nullable)] public static TTo? TryConvert<TFrom, TTo>(TFrom value, TTo? _) where TTo : class Parameters value TFrom Value to convert. _ TTo Unused. Added to support method overloads. Returns TTo Value, converted to target type or null if conversion failed. Type Parameters TFrom Source value type. TTo Target value type. Upper(string?) [Sql.Function(\"$ToUpper$\", ServerSideOnly = true, IsPure = true, IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.IfAnyParameterNullable)] public static string? Upper(string? str) Parameters str string Returns string ZeroPad(int?, int) [Sql.Expression(\"Lpad({0},{1},'0')\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"Access\", \"Format({0}, String('0', {1}))\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"Sybase\", \"right(replicate('0',{1}) + cast({0} as varchar(255)),{1})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"PostgreSQL\", \"Lpad({0}::text,{1},'0')\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"SQLite\", \"printf('%0{1}d', {0})\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"ClickHouse\", \"leftPadUTF8(toString({0}), toUInt32({1}), '0')\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlCe\", \"REPLICATE('0', {1} - LEN(CAST({0} as NVARCHAR({1})))) + CAST({0} as NVARCHAR({1}))\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer\", \"format({0}, 'd{1}')\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer.2005\", \"REPLICATE('0', CASE WHEN LEN(CAST({0} as NVARCHAR)) > {1} THEN 0 ELSE ({1} - LEN(CAST({0} as NVARCHAR))) END) + CAST({0} as NVARCHAR)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] [Sql.Expression(\"SqlServer.2008\", \"REPLICATE('0', CASE WHEN LEN(CAST({0} as NVARCHAR)) > {1} THEN 0 ELSE ({1} - LEN(CAST({0} as NVARCHAR))) END) + CAST({0} as NVARCHAR)\", IsNullable = Sql.IsNullableType.SameAsFirstParameter)] public static string? ZeroPad(int? val, int length) Parameters val int? length int Returns string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlJoinType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlJoinType.html",
"title": "Enum SqlJoinType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlJoinType Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Defines join type. Used with join LINQ helpers. public enum SqlJoinType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Full = 3 Full outer join. Inner = 0 Inner join. Left = 1 Left outer join. Right = 2 Right outer join."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlOptions.html",
"title": "Class SqlOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlOptions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed record SqlOptions : IOptionSet, IConfigurationID, IEquatable<SqlOptions> Inheritance object SqlOptions Implements IOptionSet IConfigurationID IEquatable<SqlOptions> Extension Methods DataOptionsExtensions.WithEnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy(SqlOptions, bool) DataOptionsExtensions.WithGenerateFinalAliases(SqlOptions, bool) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlOptions() public SqlOptions() SqlOptions(bool, bool) public SqlOptions(bool EnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy = false, bool GenerateFinalAliases = false) Parameters EnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy bool If true, linq2db will allow any constant expressions in ORDER BY clause. Default value: false. GenerateFinalAliases bool Indicates whether SQL Builder should generate aliases for final projection. It is not required for correct query processing but simplifies SQL analysis. Default value: false. For the query var query = from child in db.Child select new { TrackId = child.ChildID, }; When property is true SELECT [child].[ChildID] as [TrackId] FROM [Child] [child] Otherwise alias will be removed SELECT [child].[ChildID] FROM [Child] [child] Properties EnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy If true, linq2db will allow any constant expressions in ORDER BY clause. Default value: false. public bool EnableConstantExpressionInOrderBy { get; init; } Property Value bool GenerateFinalAliases Indicates whether SQL Builder should generate aliases for final projection. It is not required for correct query processing but simplifies SQL analysis. Default value: false. For the query var query = from child in db.Child select new { TrackId = child.ChildID, }; When property is true SELECT [child].[ChildID] as [TrackId] FROM [Child] [child] Otherwise alias will be removed SELECT [child].[ChildID] FROM [Child] [child] public bool GenerateFinalAliases { get; init; } Property Value bool Methods Equals(SqlOptions?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(SqlOptions? other) Parameters other SqlOptions An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object. Pack() public int Pack() Returns int Unpack(int) public SqlOptions Unpack(int n) Parameters n int Returns SqlOptions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlBuilder-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlBuilder-1.html",
"title": "Class BasicSqlBuilder<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BasicSqlBuilder<T> Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class BasicSqlBuilder<T> : BasicSqlBuilder, ISqlBuilder where T : DataProviderOptions<T>, IOptionSet, new() Type Parameters T Inheritance object BasicSqlBuilder BasicSqlBuilder<T> Implements ISqlBuilder Derived FirebirdSqlBuilder PostgreSQLSqlBuilder Inherited Members BasicSqlBuilder.OptimizationContext BasicSqlBuilder.MappingSchema BasicSqlBuilder.StringBuilder BasicSqlBuilder.SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlBuilder.DataOptions BasicSqlBuilder.DataProvider BasicSqlBuilder.ValueToSqlConverter BasicSqlBuilder.Statement BasicSqlBuilder.Indent BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStep BasicSqlBuilder.SqlOptimizer BasicSqlBuilder.SkipAlias BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinSupported BasicSqlBuilder.IsNestedJoinParenthesisRequired BasicSqlBuilder.CteFirst BasicSqlBuilder.WrapJoinCondition BasicSqlBuilder.CanSkipRootAliases(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.CommandCount(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.InlineComma BasicSqlBuilder.Comma BasicSqlBuilder.OpenParens BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveInlineComma() BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertElement<T>(T) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSetOperation(SetOperation, StringBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.MergeSqlBuilderData(BasicSqlBuilder) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCommand(SqlStatement, int) BasicSqlBuilder.FinalizeBuildQuery(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlBuilder(SelectQuery, int, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.CreateSqlBuilder() BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.WithStringBuilder<TContext>(Action<TContext>, TContext) BasicSqlBuilder.ParenthesizeJoin(List<SqlJoinedTable>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSql() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlForUnion() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteQuery2(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateQuery(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectQuery(SqlSelectStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCteBody(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertQuery2(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMultiInsertQuery(SqlMultiInsertStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUnknownQuery() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildObjectName(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, ConvertType, bool, TableOptions, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildObjectNameSuffix(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.ConvertInline(string, ConvertType) BasicSqlBuilder.Convert(StringBuilder, string, ConvertType) BasicSqlBuilder.IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired BasicSqlBuilder.IsCteColumnListSupported BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWithClause(SqlWithClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSelectClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.StartStatementQueryExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumns(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputColumnExpressions(IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsBooleanInColumn BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsNullInColumn BasicSqlBuilder.WrapBooleanExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildColumnExpression(SelectQuery, ISqlExpression, string, ref bool) BasicSqlBuilder.WrapColumnExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildAlterDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateTableName(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.UpdateSetKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.BuildUpdateSet(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) BasicSqlBuilder.OutputKeyword BasicSqlBuilder.DeletedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.InsertedOutputTable BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyInsert(SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOutputSubclause(SqlOutputClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, string, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsMerge(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement, string) BasicSqlBuilder.EndLine BasicSqlBuilder.BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsUpdateInsert(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTableStatement(SqlTruncateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTruncateTable(SqlTruncateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDropTableStatementIfExists(SqlDropTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildStartCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableFieldType(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableNullAttribute(SqlField, DefaultNullable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute1(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute2(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildCreateTablePrimaryKey(SqlCreateTableStatement, string, IEnumerable<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDeleteFromClause(SqlDeleteStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFromExtensions(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPhysicalTable(ISqlTableSource, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlValuesTable(SqlValuesTable, string, out bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildEmptyValues(SqlValuesTable) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableName(SqlTableSource, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(SqlTable, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableNameExtensions(SqlTable) BasicSqlBuilder.GetExtensionBuilder(Type) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string, string, string, Func<SqlQueryExtension, bool>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(StringBuilder, List<SqlQueryExtension>, string, string, string, Sql.QueryExtensionScope) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildJoinTable(SelectQuery, SqlJoinedTable, ref int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildJoinType(SqlJoinedTable, SqlSearchCondition) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhere(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildGroupByBody(GroupingType, List<ISqlExpression>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildHavingClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOrderByClause(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionForOrderBy(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.SkipFirst BasicSqlBuilder.SkipFormat BasicSqlBuilder.FirstFormat(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.LimitFormat(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.OffsetFormat(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.OffsetFirst BasicSqlBuilder.TakePercent BasicSqlBuilder.TakeTies BasicSqlBuilder.NeedSkip(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.NeedTake(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSkipFirst(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTakeHints(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildOffsetLimit(SelectQuery) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildWhereSearchCondition(SelectQuery, SqlSearchCondition) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSearchCondition(int, SqlSearchCondition, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicateOperator(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExprExprPredicate(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicate(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildIsDistinctPredicateFallback(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildPredicate(int, int, ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildLikePredicate(SqlPredicate.Like) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFieldTableAlias(SqlField) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, string, ref bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.TryConvertParameterToSql(SqlParameterValue) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildParameter(SqlParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTypedExpression(SqlDataType, ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlRow(SqlRow, bool, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildExpressionContext BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValue(SqlDataType, object) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFunction(SqlFunction) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(StringBuilder, SqlDataType) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPrecedence(ISqlPredicate) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildTag(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlComment(StringBuilder, SqlComment) BasicSqlBuilder.AlternativeGetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery, IEnumerable<SqlColumn>) BasicSqlBuilder.IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) BasicSqlBuilder.IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) BasicSqlBuilder.GetSequenceNameAttribute(SqlTable, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTableAlias(ISqlTableSource) BasicSqlBuilder.GetPhysicalTableName(ISqlTableSource, string, bool, string, bool) BasicSqlBuilder.AppendIndent() BasicSqlBuilder.IsReserved(string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterName(StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetUdtTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameterType(IDataContext, StringBuilder, DbParameter) BasicSqlBuilder.PrintParameters(IDataContext, StringBuilder, IEnumerable<DbParameter>) BasicSqlBuilder.ApplyQueryHints(string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) BasicSqlBuilder.GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int, string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) BasicSqlBuilder.Name BasicSqlBuilder.RemoveAlias(string) BasicSqlBuilder.GetTempAliases(int, string) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSubQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.TableIDs BasicSqlBuilder.TablePath BasicSqlBuilder.QueryName BasicSqlBuilder.BuildSqlID(Sql.SqlID) BasicSqlBuilder.SupportsColumnAliasesInSource BasicSqlBuilder.RequiresConstantColumnAliases BasicSqlBuilder.IsValuesSyntaxSupported BasicSqlBuilder.IsEmptyValuesSourceSupported BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTable BasicSqlBuilder.FakeTableSchema BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeStatement(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeTerminator(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdate(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationInsert(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateWithDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationDeleteBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOperationUpdateBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeOn(SqlMergeStatement) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeSourceQuery(SqlTableLikeSource) BasicSqlBuilder.IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>, int, int) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildFakeTableName() BasicSqlBuilder.BuildValues(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>) BasicSqlBuilder.BuildMergeInto(SqlMergeStatement) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors BasicSqlBuilder(IDataProvider?, MappingSchema, DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags) protected BasicSqlBuilder(IDataProvider? provider, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, ISqlOptimizer sqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters provider IDataProvider mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions sqlOptimizer ISqlOptimizer sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlBuilder(BasicSqlBuilder) protected BasicSqlBuilder(BasicSqlBuilder parentBuilder) Parameters parentBuilder BasicSqlBuilder Properties ProviderOptions public T ProviderOptions { get; } Property Value T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlBuilder.Step.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlBuilder.Step.html",
"title": "Enum BasicSqlBuilder.Step | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum BasicSqlBuilder.Step Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll protected enum BasicSqlBuilder.Step Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AlterDeleteClause = 3 DeleteClause = 2 FromClause = 6 GroupByClause = 8 HavingClause = 9 InsertClause = 5 OffsetLimit = 11 OrderByClause = 10 Output = 13 QueryExtensions = 14 SelectClause = 1 Tag = 12 UpdateClause = 4 WhereClause = 7 WithClause = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlBuilder.html",
"title": "Class BasicSqlBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BasicSqlBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class BasicSqlBuilder : ISqlBuilder Inheritance object BasicSqlBuilder Implements ISqlBuilder Derived SQLiteSqlBuilder BasicSqlBuilder<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors BasicSqlBuilder(IDataProvider?, MappingSchema, DataOptions, ISqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags) protected BasicSqlBuilder(IDataProvider? provider, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, ISqlOptimizer sqlOptimizer, SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters provider IDataProvider mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions sqlOptimizer ISqlOptimizer sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags BasicSqlBuilder(BasicSqlBuilder) protected BasicSqlBuilder(BasicSqlBuilder parentBuilder) Parameters parentBuilder BasicSqlBuilder Fields BuildExpressionContext protected object? BuildExpressionContext Field Value object BuildStep protected BasicSqlBuilder.Step BuildStep Field Value BasicSqlBuilder.Step DataProvider protected IDataProvider? DataProvider Field Value IDataProvider EndLine protected static readonly char[] EndLine Field Value char[] Indent protected int Indent Field Value int SkipAlias protected bool SkipAlias Field Value bool SqlOptimizer protected ISqlOptimizer SqlOptimizer Field Value ISqlOptimizer Statement protected SqlStatement Statement Field Value SqlStatement Properties Comma End-of-line comma separator. Default value: \",\" protected virtual string Comma { get; } Property Value string CteFirst Identifies CTE clause location: CteFirst = true (default): WITH clause goes first in query CteFirst = false: WITH clause goes before SELECT public virtual bool CteFirst { get; } Property Value bool DataOptions public DataOptions DataOptions { get; } Property Value DataOptions DeletedOutputTable protected virtual string DeletedOutputTable { get; } Property Value string FakeTable If IsValuesSyntaxSupported set to false and provider doesn't support SELECTs without FROM clause, this property should contain name of table (or equivalent SQL) with single record. IMPORTANT: as this property could return SQL, we don't escape it, so it should contain only valid SQL/identifiers. protected virtual string? FakeTable { get; } Property Value string FakeTableSchema If IsValuesSyntaxSupported set to false and provider doesn't support SELECTs without FROM clause, this property could contain name of schema for table with single record. Returned name should be already escaped if escaping required. protected virtual string? FakeTableSchema { get; } Property Value string InlineComma Inline comma separator. Default value: \", \" protected virtual string InlineComma { get; } Property Value string InsertedOutputTable protected virtual string InsertedOutputTable { get; } Property Value string IsCteColumnListSupported protected virtual bool IsCteColumnListSupported { get; } Property Value bool IsEmptyValuesSourceSupported If true, builder will generate command for empty enumerable source; Otherwise exception will be generated. protected virtual bool IsEmptyValuesSourceSupported { get; } Property Value bool IsNestedJoinParenthesisRequired public virtual bool IsNestedJoinParenthesisRequired { get; } Property Value bool IsNestedJoinSupported public virtual bool IsNestedJoinSupported { get; } Property Value bool IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired protected virtual bool IsRecursiveCteKeywordRequired { get; } Property Value bool IsValuesSyntaxSupported If true, provider supports list of VALUES as a source element of merge command. protected virtual bool IsValuesSyntaxSupported { get; } Property Value bool MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Name public virtual string Name { get; } Property Value string OffsetFirst protected virtual bool OffsetFirst { get; } Property Value bool OpenParens End-of-line open parentheses element. Default value: \"(\" protected virtual string OpenParens { get; } Property Value string OptimizationContext public OptimizationContext OptimizationContext { get; protected set; } Property Value OptimizationContext OutputKeyword protected virtual string OutputKeyword { get; } Property Value string QueryName public string? QueryName { get; set; } Property Value string RequiresConstantColumnAliases If true, provider require column aliases for each column. E.g. as table_alias (column_alias1, column_alias2). protected virtual bool RequiresConstantColumnAliases { get; } Property Value bool SkipFirst protected virtual bool SkipFirst { get; } Property Value bool SkipFormat protected virtual string? SkipFormat { get; } Property Value string SqlProviderFlags public SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags { get; } Property Value SqlProviderFlags StringBuilder public StringBuilder StringBuilder { get; set; } Property Value StringBuilder SupportsBooleanInColumn protected virtual bool SupportsBooleanInColumn { get; } Property Value bool SupportsColumnAliasesInSource If true, provider supports column aliases specification after table alias. E.g. as table_alias (column_alias1, column_alias2). protected virtual bool SupportsColumnAliasesInSource { get; } Property Value bool SupportsNullInColumn protected virtual bool SupportsNullInColumn { get; } Property Value bool TableIDs public Dictionary<string, TableIDInfo>? TableIDs { get; set; } Property Value Dictionary<string, TableIDInfo> TablePath public string? TablePath { get; set; } Property Value string TakePercent protected virtual string TakePercent { get; } Property Value string TakeTies protected virtual string TakeTies { get; } Property Value string UpdateKeyword protected virtual string UpdateKeyword { get; } Property Value string UpdateSetKeyword protected virtual string UpdateSetKeyword { get; } Property Value string ValueToSqlConverter protected ValueToSqlConverter ValueToSqlConverter { get; } Property Value ValueToSqlConverter WrapJoinCondition True if it is needed to wrap join condition with () public virtual bool WrapJoinCondition { get; } Property Value bool Examples INNER JOIN Table2 t2 ON (t1.Value = t2.Value) Methods AlternativeGetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery, IEnumerable<SqlColumn>) protected IEnumerable<SqlColumn> AlternativeGetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery selectQuery, IEnumerable<SqlColumn> columns) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery columns IEnumerable<SqlColumn> Returns IEnumerable<SqlColumn> AppendIndent() protected StringBuilder AppendIndent() Returns StringBuilder ApplyQueryHints(string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) public string ApplyQueryHints(string sqlText, IReadOnlyCollection<string> queryHints) Parameters sqlText string queryHints IReadOnlyCollection<string> Returns string BuildAlterDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) protected virtual void BuildAlterDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement deleteStatement) Parameters deleteStatement SqlDeleteStatement BuildBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression) protected virtual void BuildBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression expr) Parameters expr SqlBinaryExpression BuildColumnExpression(SelectQuery?, ISqlExpression, string?, ref bool) protected virtual void BuildColumnExpression(SelectQuery? selectQuery, ISqlExpression expr, string? alias, ref bool addAlias) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery expr ISqlExpression alias string addAlias bool BuildColumns(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildColumns(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildCommand(SqlStatement, int) protected virtual void BuildCommand(SqlStatement statement, int commandNumber) Parameters statement SqlStatement commandNumber int BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable) protected virtual void BuildCreateTableCommand(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable BuildCreateTableFieldType(SqlField) protected virtual void BuildCreateTableFieldType(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute1(SqlField) protected virtual void BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute1(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute2(SqlField) protected virtual void BuildCreateTableIdentityAttribute2(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField BuildCreateTableNullAttribute(SqlField, DefaultNullable) protected virtual void BuildCreateTableNullAttribute(SqlField field, DefaultNullable defaultNullable) Parameters field SqlField defaultNullable DefaultNullable BuildCreateTablePrimaryKey(SqlCreateTableStatement, string, IEnumerable<string>) protected virtual void BuildCreateTablePrimaryKey(SqlCreateTableStatement createTable, string pkName, IEnumerable<string> fieldNames) Parameters createTable SqlCreateTableStatement pkName string fieldNames IEnumerable<string> BuildCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) protected virtual void BuildCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement createTable) Parameters createTable SqlCreateTableStatement BuildCteBody(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildCteBody(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) protected void BuildDataType(SqlDataType type, bool forCreateTable, bool canBeNull) Parameters type SqlDataType forCreateTable bool canBeNull bool Type could store NULL values (could be used for column table type generation or for databases with explicit typee nullability like ClickHouse). BuildDataType(StringBuilder, SqlDataType) Appends an SqlDataType's String to a provided StringBuilder public StringBuilder BuildDataType(StringBuilder sb, SqlDataType dataType) Parameters sb StringBuilder dataType SqlDataType Returns StringBuilder The stringbuilder with the type information appended. BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType, bool, bool) protected virtual void BuildDataTypeFromDataType(SqlDataType type, bool forCreateTable, bool canBeNull) Parameters type SqlDataType forCreateTable bool canBeNull bool Type could store NULL values (could be used for column table type generation or for databases with explicit typee nullability like ClickHouse). BuildDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement) protected virtual void BuildDeleteClause(SqlDeleteStatement deleteStatement) Parameters deleteStatement SqlDeleteStatement BuildDeleteFromClause(SqlDeleteStatement) protected virtual void BuildDeleteFromClause(SqlDeleteStatement deleteStatement) Parameters deleteStatement SqlDeleteStatement BuildDeleteQuery(SqlDeleteStatement) protected virtual void BuildDeleteQuery(SqlDeleteStatement deleteStatement) Parameters deleteStatement SqlDeleteStatement BuildDeleteQuery2(SqlDeleteStatement) protected void BuildDeleteQuery2(SqlDeleteStatement deleteStatement) Parameters deleteStatement SqlDeleteStatement BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement) protected virtual void BuildDropTableStatement(SqlDropTableStatement dropTable) Parameters dropTable SqlDropTableStatement BuildDropTableStatementIfExists(SqlDropTableStatement) protected void BuildDropTableStatementIfExists(SqlDropTableStatement dropTable) Parameters dropTable SqlDropTableStatement BuildEmptyInsert(SqlInsertClause) protected virtual void BuildEmptyInsert(SqlInsertClause insertClause) Parameters insertClause SqlInsertClause BuildEmptyValues(SqlValuesTable) protected void BuildEmptyValues(SqlValuesTable valuesTable) Parameters valuesTable SqlValuesTable BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) protected virtual void BuildEndCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement createTable) Parameters createTable SqlCreateTableStatement BuildExprExprPredicate(ExprExpr) protected virtual void BuildExprExprPredicate(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr expr) Parameters expr SqlPredicate.ExprExpr BuildExprExprPredicateOperator(ExprExpr) protected virtual void BuildExprExprPredicateOperator(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr expr) Parameters expr SqlPredicate.ExprExpr BuildExpression(ISqlExpression) protected StringBuilder BuildExpression(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns StringBuilder BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, bool) public void BuildExpression(ISqlExpression expr, bool buildTableName, bool checkParentheses, bool throwExceptionIfTableNotFound = true) Parameters expr ISqlExpression buildTableName bool checkParentheses bool throwExceptionIfTableNotFound bool BuildExpression(ISqlExpression, bool, bool, string?, ref bool, bool) protected virtual StringBuilder BuildExpression(ISqlExpression expr, bool buildTableName, bool checkParentheses, string? alias, ref bool addAlias, bool throwExceptionIfTableNotFound = true) Parameters expr ISqlExpression buildTableName bool checkParentheses bool alias string addAlias bool throwExceptionIfTableNotFound bool Returns StringBuilder BuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) protected void BuildExpression(int precedence, ISqlExpression expr) Parameters precedence int expr ISqlExpression BuildExpressionForOrderBy(ISqlExpression) protected virtual void BuildExpressionForOrderBy(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression BuildFakeTableName() protected virtual bool BuildFakeTableName() Returns bool BuildFieldTableAlias(SqlField) Used to disable field table name (alias) generation. protected virtual bool BuildFieldTableAlias(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns bool BuildFromClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildFromClause(SqlStatement statement, SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters statement SqlStatement selectQuery SelectQuery BuildFromExtensions(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildFromExtensions(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildFunction(SqlFunction) protected virtual void BuildFunction(SqlFunction func) Parameters func SqlFunction BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause) protected virtual void BuildGetIdentity(SqlInsertClause insertClause) Parameters insertClause SqlInsertClause BuildGroupByBody(GroupingType, List<ISqlExpression>) protected virtual void BuildGroupByBody(GroupingType groupingType, List<ISqlExpression> items) Parameters groupingType GroupingType items List<ISqlExpression> BuildGroupByClause(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildGroupByClause(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildHavingClause(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildHavingClause(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) protected void BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement statement, SqlInsertClause insertClause, bool addAlias) Parameters statement SqlStatement insertClause SqlInsertClause addAlias bool BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, string?, bool, bool) protected virtual void BuildInsertClause(SqlStatement statement, SqlInsertClause insertClause, string? insertText, bool appendTableName, bool addAlias) Parameters statement SqlStatement insertClause SqlInsertClause insertText string appendTableName bool addAlias bool BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) protected virtual void BuildInsertOrUpdateQuery(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement insertOrUpdate) Parameters insertOrUpdate SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsMerge(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement, string?) protected virtual void BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsMerge(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement insertOrUpdate, string? fromDummyTable) Parameters insertOrUpdate SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement fromDummyTable string BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsUpdateInsert(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement) protected void BuildInsertOrUpdateQueryAsUpdateInsert(SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement insertOrUpdate) Parameters insertOrUpdate SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement BuildInsertQuery(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) protected virtual void BuildInsertQuery(SqlStatement statement, SqlInsertClause insertClause, bool addAlias) Parameters statement SqlStatement insertClause SqlInsertClause addAlias bool BuildInsertQuery2(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause, bool) protected void BuildInsertQuery2(SqlStatement statement, SqlInsertClause insertClause, bool addAlias) Parameters statement SqlStatement insertClause SqlInsertClause addAlias bool BuildIsDistinctPredicate(IsDistinct) protected virtual void BuildIsDistinctPredicate(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct expr) Parameters expr SqlPredicate.IsDistinct BuildIsDistinctPredicateFallback(IsDistinct) protected void BuildIsDistinctPredicateFallback(SqlPredicate.IsDistinct expr) Parameters expr SqlPredicate.IsDistinct BuildJoinTable(SelectQuery, SqlJoinedTable, ref int) protected void BuildJoinTable(SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlJoinedTable join, ref int joinCounter) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery join SqlJoinedTable joinCounter int BuildJoinType(SqlJoinedTable, SqlSearchCondition) protected virtual bool BuildJoinType(SqlJoinedTable join, SqlSearchCondition condition) Parameters join SqlJoinedTable condition SqlSearchCondition Returns bool BuildLikePredicate(Like) protected virtual void BuildLikePredicate(SqlPredicate.Like predicate) Parameters predicate SqlPredicate.Like BuildMergeInto(SqlMergeStatement) protected virtual void BuildMergeInto(SqlMergeStatement merge) Parameters merge SqlMergeStatement BuildMergeOn(SqlMergeStatement) protected virtual void BuildMergeOn(SqlMergeStatement mergeStatement) Parameters mergeStatement SqlMergeStatement BuildMergeOperationDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) protected virtual void BuildMergeOperationDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause operation) Parameters operation SqlMergeOperationClause BuildMergeOperationDeleteBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) protected virtual void BuildMergeOperationDeleteBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause operation) Parameters operation SqlMergeOperationClause BuildMergeOperationInsert(SqlMergeOperationClause) protected virtual void BuildMergeOperationInsert(SqlMergeOperationClause operation) Parameters operation SqlMergeOperationClause BuildMergeOperationUpdate(SqlMergeOperationClause) protected virtual void BuildMergeOperationUpdate(SqlMergeOperationClause operation) Parameters operation SqlMergeOperationClause BuildMergeOperationUpdateBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause) protected virtual void BuildMergeOperationUpdateBySource(SqlMergeOperationClause operation) Parameters operation SqlMergeOperationClause BuildMergeOperationUpdateWithDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause) protected virtual void BuildMergeOperationUpdateWithDelete(SqlMergeOperationClause operation) Parameters operation SqlMergeOperationClause BuildMergeSourceQuery(SqlTableLikeSource) protected virtual void BuildMergeSourceQuery(SqlTableLikeSource mergeSource) Parameters mergeSource SqlTableLikeSource BuildMergeStatement(SqlMergeStatement) protected virtual void BuildMergeStatement(SqlMergeStatement merge) Parameters merge SqlMergeStatement BuildMergeTerminator(SqlMergeStatement) Allows to add text after generated merge command. E.g. to specify command terminator if provider requires it. protected virtual void BuildMergeTerminator(SqlMergeStatement merge) Parameters merge SqlMergeStatement BuildMultiInsertQuery(SqlMultiInsertStatement) protected virtual void BuildMultiInsertQuery(SqlMultiInsertStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlMultiInsertStatement BuildObjectName(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, ConvertType, bool, TableOptions, bool) Writes database object name into provided StringBuilder instance. public virtual StringBuilder BuildObjectName(StringBuilder sb, SqlObjectName name, ConvertType objectType, bool escape, TableOptions tableOptions, bool withoutSuffix = false) Parameters sb StringBuilder String builder for generated object name. name SqlObjectName Name of database object (e.g. table, view, procedure or function). objectType ConvertType Type of database object, used to select proper name converter. escape bool If true, apply required escaping to name components. Must be true except rare cases when escaping is not needed. tableOptions TableOptions Table options if called for table. Used to properly generate names for temporary tables. withoutSuffix bool If object name have suffix, which could be detached from main name, this parameter disables suffix generation (enables generation of only main name part). Returns StringBuilder sb parameter value. BuildObjectNameSuffix(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, bool) protected virtual StringBuilder BuildObjectNameSuffix(StringBuilder sb, SqlObjectName name, bool escape) Parameters sb StringBuilder name SqlObjectName escape bool Returns StringBuilder BuildOffsetLimit(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildOffsetLimit(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildOrderByClause(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildOrderByClause(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildOutputColumnExpressions(IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression>) protected virtual void BuildOutputColumnExpressions(IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression> expressions) Parameters expressions IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression> BuildOutputSubclause(SqlOutputClause?) protected virtual void BuildOutputSubclause(SqlOutputClause? output) Parameters output SqlOutputClause BuildOutputSubclause(SqlStatement, SqlInsertClause) protected virtual void BuildOutputSubclause(SqlStatement statement, SqlInsertClause insertClause) Parameters statement SqlStatement insertClause SqlInsertClause BuildParameter(SqlParameter) protected virtual void BuildParameter(SqlParameter parameter) Parameters parameter SqlParameter BuildPhysicalTable(ISqlTableSource, string?, string?) protected virtual bool? BuildPhysicalTable(ISqlTableSource table, string? alias, string? defaultDatabaseName = null) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string defaultDatabaseName string Returns bool? BuildPredicate(ISqlPredicate) protected virtual void BuildPredicate(ISqlPredicate predicate) Parameters predicate ISqlPredicate BuildPredicate(int, int, ISqlPredicate) protected void BuildPredicate(int parentPrecedence, int precedence, ISqlPredicate predicate) Parameters parentPrecedence int precedence int predicate ISqlPredicate BuildQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) protected virtual void BuildQueryExtensions(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement BuildQueryExtensions(StringBuilder, List<SqlQueryExtension>, string?, string, string?, QueryExtensionScope) protected void BuildQueryExtensions(StringBuilder sb, List<SqlQueryExtension> sqlQueryExtensions, string? prefix, string delimiter, string? suffix, Sql.QueryExtensionScope scope) Parameters sb StringBuilder sqlQueryExtensions List<SqlQueryExtension> prefix string delimiter string suffix string scope Sql.QueryExtensionScope BuildSearchCondition(SqlSearchCondition, bool) protected virtual void BuildSearchCondition(SqlSearchCondition condition, bool wrapCondition) Parameters condition SqlSearchCondition wrapCondition bool BuildSearchCondition(int, SqlSearchCondition, bool) protected virtual void BuildSearchCondition(int parentPrecedence, SqlSearchCondition condition, bool wrapCondition) Parameters parentPrecedence int condition SqlSearchCondition wrapCondition bool BuildSelectClause(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildSelectClause(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildSelectQuery(SqlSelectStatement) protected virtual void BuildSelectQuery(SqlSelectStatement selectStatement) Parameters selectStatement SqlSelectStatement BuildSetOperation(SetOperation, StringBuilder) protected virtual void BuildSetOperation(SetOperation operation, StringBuilder sb) Parameters operation SetOperation sb StringBuilder BuildSkipFirst(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildSkipFirst(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildSql() protected virtual void BuildSql() BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int) public void BuildSql(int commandNumber, SqlStatement statement, StringBuilder sb, OptimizationContext optimizationContext, int startIndent = 0) Parameters commandNumber int statement SqlStatement sb StringBuilder optimizationContext OptimizationContext startIndent int BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int, bool) protected virtual void BuildSql(int commandNumber, SqlStatement statement, StringBuilder sb, OptimizationContext optimizationContext, int indent, bool skipAlias) Parameters commandNumber int statement SqlStatement sb StringBuilder optimizationContext OptimizationContext indent int skipAlias bool BuildSqlBuilder(SelectQuery, int, bool) protected virtual void BuildSqlBuilder(SelectQuery selectQuery, int indent, bool skipAlias) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery indent int skipAlias bool BuildSqlComment(StringBuilder, SqlComment) protected virtual StringBuilder BuildSqlComment(StringBuilder sb, SqlComment comment) Parameters sb StringBuilder comment SqlComment Returns StringBuilder BuildSqlForUnion() protected void BuildSqlForUnion() BuildSqlID(SqlID) public string BuildSqlID(Sql.SqlID id) Parameters id Sql.SqlID Returns string BuildSqlRow(SqlRow, bool, bool, bool) protected virtual void BuildSqlRow(SqlRow expr, bool buildTableName, bool checkParentheses, bool throwExceptionIfTableNotFound) Parameters expr SqlRow buildTableName bool checkParentheses bool throwExceptionIfTableNotFound bool BuildSqlValuesTable(SqlValuesTable, string, out bool) protected virtual void BuildSqlValuesTable(SqlValuesTable valuesTable, string alias, out bool aliasBuilt) Parameters valuesTable SqlValuesTable alias string aliasBuilt bool BuildStartCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement) protected virtual void BuildStartCreateTableStatement(SqlCreateTableStatement createTable) Parameters createTable SqlCreateTableStatement BuildSubQueryExtensions(SqlStatement) protected virtual void BuildSubQueryExtensions(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement BuildTableExtensions(SqlTable, string) protected virtual void BuildTableExtensions(SqlTable table, string alias) Parameters table SqlTable alias string BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string?, string, string?) protected void BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder sb, SqlTable table, string alias, string? prefix, string delimiter, string? suffix) Parameters sb StringBuilder table SqlTable alias string prefix string delimiter string suffix string BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder, SqlTable, string, string?, string, string?, Func<SqlQueryExtension, bool>) protected void BuildTableExtensions(StringBuilder sb, SqlTable table, string alias, string? prefix, string delimiter, string? suffix, Func<SqlQueryExtension, bool> tableExtensionFilter) Parameters sb StringBuilder table SqlTable alias string prefix string delimiter string suffix string tableExtensionFilter Func<SqlQueryExtension, bool> BuildTableName(SqlTableSource, bool, bool) protected void BuildTableName(SqlTableSource ts, bool buildName, bool buildAlias) Parameters ts SqlTableSource buildName bool buildAlias bool BuildTableNameExtensions(SqlTable) protected virtual void BuildTableNameExtensions(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable BuildTag(SqlStatement) protected virtual void BuildTag(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement BuildTakeHints(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildTakeHints(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildTruncateTable(SqlTruncateTableStatement) protected virtual void BuildTruncateTable(SqlTruncateTableStatement truncateTable) Parameters truncateTable SqlTruncateTableStatement BuildTruncateTableStatement(SqlTruncateTableStatement) protected virtual void BuildTruncateTableStatement(SqlTruncateTableStatement truncateTable) Parameters truncateTable SqlTruncateTableStatement BuildTypedExpression(SqlDataType, ISqlExpression) protected virtual void BuildTypedExpression(SqlDataType dataType, ISqlExpression value) Parameters dataType SqlDataType value ISqlExpression BuildUnknownQuery() protected virtual void BuildUnknownQuery() BuildUpdateClause(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) protected virtual void BuildUpdateClause(SqlStatement statement, SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlUpdateClause updateClause) Parameters statement SqlStatement selectQuery SelectQuery updateClause SqlUpdateClause BuildUpdateQuery(SqlStatement, SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) protected virtual void BuildUpdateQuery(SqlStatement statement, SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlUpdateClause updateClause) Parameters statement SqlStatement selectQuery SelectQuery updateClause SqlUpdateClause BuildUpdateSet(SelectQuery?, SqlUpdateClause) protected virtual void BuildUpdateSet(SelectQuery? selectQuery, SqlUpdateClause updateClause) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery updateClause SqlUpdateClause BuildUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) protected virtual void BuildUpdateTable(SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlUpdateClause updateClause) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery updateClause SqlUpdateClause BuildUpdateTableName(SelectQuery, SqlUpdateClause) protected virtual void BuildUpdateTableName(SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlUpdateClause updateClause) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery updateClause SqlUpdateClause BuildUpdateWhereClause(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildUpdateWhereClause(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildValue(SqlDataType?, object?) protected void BuildValue(SqlDataType? dataType, object? value) Parameters dataType SqlDataType value object BuildValues(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>) protected void BuildValues(SqlValuesTable source, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]> rows) Parameters source SqlValuesTable rows IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]> BuildWhere(SelectQuery) protected virtual bool BuildWhere(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns bool BuildWhereClause(SelectQuery) protected virtual void BuildWhereClause(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery BuildWhereSearchCondition(SelectQuery, SqlSearchCondition) protected virtual void BuildWhereSearchCondition(SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlSearchCondition condition) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery condition SqlSearchCondition BuildWithClause(SqlWithClause?) protected virtual void BuildWithClause(SqlWithClause? with) Parameters with SqlWithClause CanSkipRootAliases(SqlStatement) protected virtual bool CanSkipRootAliases(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns bool CommandCount(SqlStatement) public virtual int CommandCount(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns int Convert(StringBuilder, string, ConvertType) public virtual StringBuilder Convert(StringBuilder sb, string value, ConvertType convertType) Parameters sb StringBuilder value string convertType ConvertType Returns StringBuilder ConvertElement<T>(T?) public T? ConvertElement<T>(T? element) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T Returns T Type Parameters T ConvertInline(string, ConvertType) public string ConvertInline(string value, ConvertType convertType) Parameters value string convertType ConvertType Returns string CreateSqlBuilder() protected abstract ISqlBuilder CreateSqlBuilder() Returns ISqlBuilder FinalizeBuildQuery(SqlStatement) protected virtual void FinalizeBuildQuery(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement FirstFormat(SelectQuery) protected virtual string? FirstFormat(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns string GetExtensionBuilder(Type) protected static ISqlExtensionBuilder GetExtensionBuilder(Type builderType) Parameters builderType Type Returns ISqlExtensionBuilder GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable) public virtual ISqlExpression? GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable Returns ISqlExpression GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) public virtual string GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor entity, ColumnDescriptor column) Parameters entity EntityDescriptor column ColumnDescriptor Returns string GetPhysicalTableName(ISqlTableSource, string?, bool, string?, bool) protected virtual string GetPhysicalTableName(ISqlTableSource table, string? alias, bool ignoreTableExpression = false, string? defaultDatabaseName = null, bool withoutSuffix = false) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string ignoreTableExpression bool defaultDatabaseName string withoutSuffix bool Returns string GetPrecedence(ISqlPredicate) protected static int GetPrecedence(ISqlPredicate predicate) Parameters predicate ISqlPredicate Returns int GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) protected virtual string? GetProviderTypeName(IDataContext dataContext, DbParameter parameter) Parameters dataContext IDataContext parameter DbParameter Returns string GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int, string) public virtual string GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int count, string sequenceName) Parameters count int sequenceName string Returns string GetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery) protected virtual IEnumerable<SqlColumn> GetSelectedColumns(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<SqlColumn> GetSequenceNameAttribute(SqlTable, bool) protected SequenceNameAttribute? GetSequenceNameAttribute(SqlTable table, bool throwException) Parameters table SqlTable throwException bool Returns SequenceNameAttribute GetTableAlias(ISqlTableSource) protected string? GetTableAlias(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns string GetTempAliases(int, string) public string[] GetTempAliases(int n, string defaultAlias) Parameters n int defaultAlias string Returns string[] GetTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) protected virtual string? GetTypeName(IDataContext dataContext, DbParameter parameter) Parameters dataContext IDataContext parameter DbParameter Returns string GetUdtTypeName(IDataContext, DbParameter) protected virtual string? GetUdtTypeName(IDataContext dataContext, DbParameter parameter) Parameters dataContext IDataContext parameter DbParameter Returns string IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) protected static bool IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression expr, string dateName) Parameters expr ISqlExpression dateName string Returns bool IsReserved(string) protected virtual bool IsReserved(string word) Parameters word string Returns bool IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]>, int, int) Checks that value in specific row and column in enumerable source requires type information generation. protected virtual bool IsSqlValuesTableValueTypeRequired(SqlValuesTable source, IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]> rows, int row, int column) Parameters source SqlValuesTable Merge source table. rows IReadOnlyList<ISqlExpression[]> Merge source data. row int Index of data row to check. Could contain -1 to indicate that this is a check for empty source NULL value. column int Index of data column to check in row. Returns bool Returns true, if generated SQL should include type information for value at specified position, otherwise false returned. IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) protected static bool IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns bool LimitFormat(SelectQuery) protected virtual string? LimitFormat(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns string MergeSqlBuilderData(BasicSqlBuilder) protected virtual void MergeSqlBuilderData(BasicSqlBuilder sqlBuilder) Parameters sqlBuilder BasicSqlBuilder NeedSkip(ISqlExpression?, ISqlExpression?) protected bool NeedSkip(ISqlExpression? takeExpression, ISqlExpression? skipExpression) Parameters takeExpression ISqlExpression skipExpression ISqlExpression Returns bool NeedTake(ISqlExpression?) protected bool NeedTake(ISqlExpression? takeExpression) Parameters takeExpression ISqlExpression Returns bool OffsetFormat(SelectQuery) protected virtual string? OffsetFormat(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns string ParenthesizeJoin(List<SqlJoinedTable>) protected virtual bool ParenthesizeJoin(List<SqlJoinedTable> joins) Parameters joins List<SqlJoinedTable> Returns bool PrintParameterName(StringBuilder, DbParameter) protected virtual void PrintParameterName(StringBuilder sb, DbParameter parameter) Parameters sb StringBuilder parameter DbParameter PrintParameterType(IDataContext, StringBuilder, DbParameter) protected virtual void PrintParameterType(IDataContext dataContext, StringBuilder sb, DbParameter parameter) Parameters dataContext IDataContext sb StringBuilder parameter DbParameter PrintParameters(IDataContext, StringBuilder, IEnumerable<DbParameter>?) public virtual StringBuilder PrintParameters(IDataContext dataContext, StringBuilder sb, IEnumerable<DbParameter>? parameters) Parameters dataContext IDataContext sb StringBuilder parameters IEnumerable<DbParameter> Returns StringBuilder RemoveAlias(string) public void RemoveAlias(string alias) Parameters alias string RemoveInlineComma() protected StringBuilder RemoveInlineComma() Returns StringBuilder StartStatementQueryExtensions(SelectQuery?) protected virtual void StartStatementQueryExtensions(SelectQuery? selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery TryConvertParameterToSql(SqlParameterValue) protected virtual bool TryConvertParameterToSql(SqlParameterValue paramValue) Parameters paramValue SqlParameterValue Returns bool WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(ISqlExpression) protected string WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns string WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(int, ISqlExpression) protected string WithStringBuilderBuildExpression(int precedence, ISqlExpression expr) Parameters precedence int expr ISqlExpression Returns string WithStringBuilder<TContext>(Action<TContext>, TContext) protected string WithStringBuilder<TContext>(Action<TContext> func, TContext context) Parameters func Action<TContext> context TContext Returns string Type Parameters TContext WrapBooleanExpression(ISqlExpression) protected virtual ISqlExpression WrapBooleanExpression(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression WrapColumnExpression(ISqlExpression) protected virtual ISqlExpression WrapColumnExpression(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext.html",
"title": "Struct BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public readonly struct BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors RunOptimizationContext(OptimizationContext, BasicSqlOptimizer, MappingSchema, DataOptions, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public RunOptimizationContext(OptimizationContext optimizationContext, BasicSqlOptimizer optimizer, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, bool register, Func<ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> func) Parameters optimizationContext OptimizationContext optimizer BasicSqlOptimizer mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions register bool func Func<ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Fields DataOptions public readonly DataOptions DataOptions Field Value DataOptions Func public readonly Func<ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Func Field Value Func<ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> MappingSchema public readonly MappingSchema MappingSchema Field Value MappingSchema OptimizationContext public readonly OptimizationContext OptimizationContext Field Value OptimizationContext Optimizer public readonly BasicSqlOptimizer Optimizer Field Value BasicSqlOptimizer Register public readonly bool Register Field Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlOptimizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlOptimizer.html",
"title": "Class BasicSqlOptimizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class BasicSqlOptimizer Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class BasicSqlOptimizer : ISqlOptimizer Inheritance object BasicSqlOptimizer Implements ISqlOptimizer Derived FirebirdSqlOptimizer Oracle11SqlOptimizer Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors BasicSqlOptimizer(SqlProviderFlags) protected BasicSqlOptimizer(SqlProviderFlags sqlProviderFlags) Parameters sqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags Fields StandardLikeCharactersToEscape protected static string[] StandardLikeCharactersToEscape Field Value string[] Properties CanCompareSearchConditions public virtual bool CanCompareSearchConditions { get; } Property Value bool LikeCharactersToEscape Characters with special meaning in LIKE predicate (defined by LikeCharactersToEscape) that should be escaped to be used as matched character. Default: [\"%\", \"_\", \"?\", \"*\", \"#\", \"[\", \"]\"]. public virtual string[] LikeCharactersToEscape { get; } Property Value string[] LikeEscapeCharacter Escape sequence/character to escape special characters in LIKE predicate (defined by LikeCharactersToEscape). Default: \"~\". public virtual string LikeEscapeCharacter { get; } Property Value string LikeIsEscapeSupported Should be true for provider with LIKE ... ESCAPE modifier support. Default: true. public virtual bool LikeIsEscapeSupported { get; } Property Value bool LikePatternParameterSupport public virtual bool LikePatternParameterSupport { get; } Property Value bool LikeValueParameterSupport public virtual bool LikeValueParameterSupport { get; } Property Value bool LikeWildcardCharacter public virtual string LikeWildcardCharacter { get; } Property Value string SqlProviderFlags public SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags { get; } Property Value SqlProviderFlags Methods Add(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) public ISqlExpression Add(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2, Type type) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression type Type Returns ISqlExpression Add(ISqlExpression, int) public ISqlExpression Add(ISqlExpression expr1, int value) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression value int Returns ISqlExpression Add<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public ISqlExpression Add<T>(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T AlternativeConvertToBoolean(SqlFunction, DataOptions, int) protected ISqlExpression? AlternativeConvertToBoolean(SqlFunction func, DataOptions dataOptions, int paramNumber) Parameters func SqlFunction dataOptions DataOptions paramNumber int Returns ISqlExpression CheckAliases(SqlStatement, int) protected void CheckAliases(SqlStatement statement, int maxLen) Parameters statement SqlStatement maxLen int ConvertBetweenPredicate(Between) public virtual ISqlPredicate ConvertBetweenPredicate(SqlPredicate.Between between) Parameters between SqlPredicate.Between Returns ISqlPredicate ConvertBooleanExprToCase(ISqlExpression) protected ISqlExpression ConvertBooleanExprToCase(ISqlExpression expression) Parameters expression ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression ConvertCoalesceToBinaryFunc(SqlFunction, string, bool) protected ISqlExpression ConvertCoalesceToBinaryFunc(SqlFunction func, string funcName, bool supportsParameters = true) Parameters func SqlFunction funcName string supportsParameters bool Returns ISqlExpression ConvertConversion(SqlFunction) Implements CONVERT function converter. protected virtual ISqlExpression ConvertConversion(SqlFunction func) Parameters func SqlFunction Returns ISqlExpression ConvertCountSubQuery(SelectQuery) public virtual bool ConvertCountSubQuery(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns bool ConvertElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement?, OptimizationContext) Converts query element to specific provider dialect. public virtual IQueryElement? ConvertElement(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, IQueryElement? element, OptimizationContext context) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions element IQueryElement context OptimizationContext Returns IQueryElement ConvertExpressionImpl(ISqlExpression, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public virtual ISqlExpression ConvertExpressionImpl(ISqlExpression expression, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor) Parameters expression ISqlExpression visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlExpression ConvertFunction(SqlFunction) protected virtual ISqlExpression ConvertFunction(SqlFunction func) Parameters func SqlFunction Returns ISqlExpression ConvertFunctionParameters(SqlFunction, bool) protected SqlFunction ConvertFunctionParameters(SqlFunction func, bool withParameters = false) Parameters func SqlFunction withParameters bool Returns SqlFunction ConvertInListPredicate(MappingSchema, InList, EvaluationContext) public virtual ISqlPredicate ConvertInListPredicate(MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlPredicate.InList p, EvaluationContext context) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema p SqlPredicate.InList context EvaluationContext Returns ISqlPredicate ConvertLikePredicate(MappingSchema, Like, EvaluationContext) LIKE predicate interceptor. Default implementation does nothing. public virtual ISqlPredicate ConvertLikePredicate(MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlPredicate.Like predicate, EvaluationContext context) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema Current mapping schema. predicate SqlPredicate.Like LIKE predicate. context EvaluationContext Parameters evaluation context for current query. Returns ISqlPredicate Preprocessed predicate. ConvertPredicateImpl(ISqlPredicate, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public virtual ISqlPredicate ConvertPredicateImpl(ISqlPredicate predicate, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor) Parameters predicate ISqlPredicate visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlPredicate ConvertSearchStringPredicate(SearchString, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public virtual ISqlPredicate ConvertSearchStringPredicate(SqlPredicate.SearchString predicate, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor) Parameters predicate SqlPredicate.SearchString visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlPredicate ConvertSearchStringPredicateViaLike(SearchString, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) protected ISqlPredicate ConvertSearchStringPredicateViaLike(SqlPredicate.SearchString predicate, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor) Parameters predicate SqlPredicate.SearchString visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlPredicate ConvertSkipTake(MappingSchema, DataOptions, SelectQuery, OptimizationContext, out ISqlExpression?, out ISqlExpression?) Corrects skip/take for specific DataProvider public virtual void ConvertSkipTake(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, SelectQuery selectQuery, OptimizationContext optimizationContext, out ISqlExpression? takeExpr, out ISqlExpression? skipExpr) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions selectQuery SelectQuery optimizationContext OptimizationContext takeExpr ISqlExpression skipExpr ISqlExpression CorrectUnionOrderBy(SqlStatement) protected virtual SqlStatement CorrectUnionOrderBy(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlStatement CorrectUpdateTable(SqlUpdateStatement) Corrects situation when update table is located in JOIN clause. Usually it is generated by associations. protected SqlUpdateStatement CorrectUpdateTable(SqlUpdateStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlUpdateStatement Statement to examine. Returns SqlUpdateStatement Corrected statement. CreateSqlValue(object?, DbDataType, params ISqlExpression[]) public static ISqlExpression CreateSqlValue(object? value, DbDataType dbDataType, params ISqlExpression[] basedOn) Parameters value object dbDataType DbDataType basedOn ISqlExpression[] Returns ISqlExpression CreateSqlValue(object?, SqlBinaryExpression) public static ISqlExpression CreateSqlValue(object? value, SqlBinaryExpression be) Parameters value object be SqlBinaryExpression Returns ISqlExpression Dec(ISqlExpression) public ISqlExpression Dec(ISqlExpression expr1) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Div(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) public ISqlExpression Div(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2, Type type) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression type Type Returns ISqlExpression Div(ISqlExpression, int) public ISqlExpression Div(ISqlExpression expr1, int value) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression value int Returns ISqlExpression Div<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public ISqlExpression Div<T>(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T EscapeLikeCharacters(ISqlExpression, ref ISqlExpression?) public virtual ISqlExpression EscapeLikeCharacters(ISqlExpression expression, ref ISqlExpression? escape) Parameters expression ISqlExpression escape ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression EscapeLikeCharacters(string, string) public virtual string EscapeLikeCharacters(string str, string escape) Parameters str string escape string Returns string EscapeLikePattern(string) Implements LIKE pattern escaping logic for provider without ESCAPE clause support (LikeIsEscapeSupported is false). Default logic prefix characters from LikeCharactersToEscape with LikeEscapeCharacter. protected virtual string EscapeLikePattern(string str) Parameters str string Raw pattern value. Returns string Escaped pattern value. Finalize(MappingSchema, SqlStatement, DataOptions) Finalizes query. public virtual SqlStatement Finalize(MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement Query which is ready for optimization. FinalizeStatement(SqlStatement, EvaluationContext, DataOptions) public virtual SqlStatement FinalizeStatement(SqlStatement statement, EvaluationContext context, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters statement SqlStatement context EvaluationContext dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement FindUpdateTable(SelectQuery, SqlTable) protected SqlTable? FindUpdateTable(SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlTable tableToFind) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery tableToFind SqlTable Returns SqlTable FixEmptySelect(SqlStatement) protected virtual void FixEmptySelect(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement FixSetOperationNulls(SqlStatement) protected virtual SqlStatement FixSetOperationNulls(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlStatement FloorBeforeConvert(SqlFunction) protected ISqlExpression FloorBeforeConvert(SqlFunction func) Parameters func SqlFunction Returns ISqlExpression GenerateEscapeReplacement(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public static ISqlExpression GenerateEscapeReplacement(ISqlExpression expression, ISqlExpression character) Parameters expression ISqlExpression character ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression GetAlternativeDelete(SqlDeleteStatement, DataOptions) protected SqlDeleteStatement GetAlternativeDelete(SqlDeleteStatement deleteStatement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters deleteStatement SqlDeleteStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlDeleteStatement GetAlternativeUpdate(SqlUpdateStatement, DataOptions) protected SqlUpdateStatement GetAlternativeUpdate(SqlUpdateStatement updateStatement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters updateStatement SqlUpdateStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlUpdateStatement GetAlternativeUpdatePostgreSqlite(SqlUpdateStatement, DataOptions) protected SqlStatement GetAlternativeUpdatePostgreSqlite(SqlUpdateStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters statement SqlUpdateStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement GetMainTableSource(SelectQuery) protected SqlTableSource? GetMainTableSource(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns SqlTableSource GetMaxDisplaySize(SqlDataType) protected virtual int? GetMaxDisplaySize(SqlDataType type) Parameters type SqlDataType Returns int? GetMaxLength(SqlDataType) protected virtual int? GetMaxLength(SqlDataType type) Parameters type SqlDataType Returns int? GetMaxPrecision(SqlDataType) protected virtual int? GetMaxPrecision(SqlDataType type) Parameters type SqlDataType Returns int? GetMaxScale(SqlDataType) protected virtual int? GetMaxScale(SqlDataType type) Parameters type SqlDataType Returns int? HasParameters(ISqlExpression) protected static bool HasParameters(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns bool Inc(ISqlExpression) public ISqlExpression Inc(ISqlExpression expr1) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression IsAggregationFunction(IQueryElement) public static bool IsAggregationFunction(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool IsBooleanParameter(ISqlExpression, int, int) protected static bool IsBooleanParameter(ISqlExpression expr, int count, int i) Parameters expr ISqlExpression count int i int Returns bool IsDateDataOffsetType(ISqlExpression) protected static bool IsDateDataOffsetType(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns bool IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression, string) protected static bool IsDateDataType(ISqlExpression expr, string dateName) Parameters expr ISqlExpression dateName string Returns bool IsDateTime2Type(ISqlExpression, string) protected static bool IsDateTime2Type(ISqlExpression expr, string typeName) Parameters expr ISqlExpression typeName string Returns bool IsDateTimeType(ISqlExpression, string) protected static bool IsDateTimeType(ISqlExpression expr, string typeName) Parameters expr ISqlExpression typeName string Returns bool IsParameterDependedElement(IQueryElement) public virtual bool IsParameterDependedElement(IQueryElement element) Parameters element IQueryElement Returns bool IsParameterDependedQuery(SelectQuery) public virtual bool IsParameterDependedQuery(SelectQuery query) Parameters query SelectQuery Returns bool IsParameterDependent(SqlStatement) Examine query for parameter dependency. public bool IsParameterDependent(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns bool IsSmallDateTimeType(ISqlExpression, string) protected static bool IsSmallDateTimeType(ISqlExpression expr, string typeName) Parameters expr ISqlExpression typeName string Returns bool IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression) protected static bool IsTimeDataType(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns bool Mul(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) public ISqlExpression Mul(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2, Type type) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression type Type Returns ISqlExpression Mul(ISqlExpression, int) public ISqlExpression Mul(ISqlExpression expr1, int value) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression value int Returns ISqlExpression Mul<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public ISqlExpression Mul<T>(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T NeedsEnvelopingForUpdate(SelectQuery) protected bool NeedsEnvelopingForUpdate(SelectQuery query) Parameters query SelectQuery Returns bool OptimizeAggregates(SqlStatement) public SqlStatement OptimizeAggregates(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlStatement OptimizeBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression, EvaluationContext) public virtual ISqlExpression OptimizeBinaryExpression(SqlBinaryExpression be, EvaluationContext context) Parameters be SqlBinaryExpression context EvaluationContext Returns ISqlExpression OptimizeElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement?, OptimizationContext, bool) public IQueryElement? OptimizeElement(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, IQueryElement? element, OptimizationContext optimizationContext, bool withConversion) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions element IQueryElement optimizationContext OptimizationContext withConversion bool Returns IQueryElement OptimizeExpression(ISqlExpression, ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>) public virtual ISqlExpression OptimizeExpression(ISqlExpression expression, ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> convertVisitor) Parameters expression ISqlExpression convertVisitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> Returns ISqlExpression OptimizeFunction(SqlFunction, EvaluationContext) public virtual ISqlExpression OptimizeFunction(SqlFunction func, EvaluationContext context) Parameters func SqlFunction context EvaluationContext Returns ISqlExpression OptimizeJoins(SqlStatement) public void OptimizeJoins(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement OptimizePredicate(ISqlPredicate, EvaluationContext, DataOptions) public virtual ISqlPredicate OptimizePredicate(ISqlPredicate predicate, EvaluationContext context, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters predicate ISqlPredicate context EvaluationContext dataOptions DataOptions Returns ISqlPredicate OptimizeQueryElement(ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement) public virtual IQueryElement OptimizeQueryElement(ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> visitor, IQueryElement element) Parameters visitor ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext> element IQueryElement Returns IQueryElement OptimizeRowExprExpr(ExprExpr, EvaluationContext) protected ISqlPredicate OptimizeRowExprExpr(SqlPredicate.ExprExpr predicate, EvaluationContext context) Parameters predicate SqlPredicate.ExprExpr context EvaluationContext Returns ISqlPredicate OptimizeRowInList(InList) protected virtual ISqlPredicate OptimizeRowInList(SqlPredicate.InList predicate) Parameters predicate SqlPredicate.InList Returns ISqlPredicate OptimizeUpdateSubqueries(SqlStatement, DataOptions) protected virtual SqlStatement OptimizeUpdateSubqueries(SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement ReplaceDistinctOrderByWithRowNumber(SqlStatement, Func<SelectQuery, bool>) Alternative mechanism how to prevent loosing sorting in Distinct queries. protected SqlStatement ReplaceDistinctOrderByWithRowNumber(SqlStatement statement, Func<SelectQuery, bool> queryFilter) Parameters statement SqlStatement Statement which may contain Distinct queries. queryFilter Func<SelectQuery, bool> Query filter predicate to determine if query needs processing. Returns SqlStatement The same statement or modified statement when transformation has been performed. ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber(SqlStatement, bool, bool) Replaces pagination by Window function ROW_NUMBER(). protected SqlStatement ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber(SqlStatement statement, bool supportsEmptyOrderBy, bool onlySubqueries) Parameters statement SqlStatement Statement which may contain take/skip modifiers. supportsEmptyOrderBy bool Indicates that database supports OVER () syntax. onlySubqueries bool Indicates when transformation needed only for subqueries. Returns SqlStatement The same statement or modified statement when transformation has been performed. ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber<TContext>(TContext, SqlStatement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, bool>, bool) Replaces pagination by Window function ROW_NUMBER(). protected SqlStatement ReplaceTakeSkipWithRowNumber<TContext>(TContext context, SqlStatement statement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, bool> predicate, bool supportsEmptyOrderBy) Parameters context TContext predicate context object. statement SqlStatement Statement which may contain take/skip modifiers. predicate Func<TContext, SelectQuery, bool> Indicates when the transformation is needed supportsEmptyOrderBy bool Indicates that database supports OVER () syntax. Returns SqlStatement The same statement or modified statement when transformation has been performed. Type Parameters TContext RowComparisonFallback(Operator, SqlRow, SqlRow, EvaluationContext) protected ISqlPredicate RowComparisonFallback(SqlPredicate.Operator op, SqlRow row1, SqlRow row2, EvaluationContext context) Parameters op SqlPredicate.Operator row1 SqlRow row2 SqlRow context EvaluationContext Returns ISqlPredicate RowIsNullFallback(SqlRow, bool) protected ISqlPredicate RowIsNullFallback(SqlRow row, bool isNot) Parameters row SqlRow isNot bool Returns ISqlPredicate SeparateDistinctFromPagination(SqlStatement, Func<SelectQuery, bool>) Moves Distinct query into another subquery. Useful when preserving ordering is required, because some providers do not support DISTINCT ORDER BY. -- before SELECT DISTINCT TAKE 10 c1, c2 FROM A ORDER BY c1 -- after SELECT TAKE 10 B.c1, B.c2 FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT c1, c2 FROM A ) B ORDER BY B.c1 protected SqlStatement SeparateDistinctFromPagination(SqlStatement statement, Func<SelectQuery, bool> queryFilter) Parameters statement SqlStatement Statement which may contain take/skip and Distinct modifiers. queryFilter Func<SelectQuery, bool> Query filter predicate to determine if query needs processing. Returns SqlStatement The same statement or modified statement when transformation has been performed. Sub(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, Type) public ISqlExpression Sub(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2, Type type) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression type Type Returns ISqlExpression Sub(ISqlExpression, int) public ISqlExpression Sub(ISqlExpression expr1, int value) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression value int Returns ISqlExpression Sub<T>(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public ISqlExpression Sub<T>(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters T TransformStatement(SqlStatement, DataOptions) Used for correcting statement and should return new statement if changes were made. public virtual SqlStatement TransformStatement(SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement TryConvertToValue(ISqlExpression, EvaluationContext) protected static ISqlExpression TryConvertToValue(ISqlExpression expr, EvaluationContext context) Parameters expr ISqlExpression context EvaluationContext Returns ISqlExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ConvertType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ConvertType.html",
"title": "Enum ConvertType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum ConvertType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public enum ConvertType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields ExceptionToErrorMessage = 14 Gets error message from a native exception. For example: SqlException -> SqlException.Message, OleDbException -> OleDbException.Errors[0].Message ExceptionToErrorNumber = 13 Gets error number from a native exception. For example: SqlException -> SqlException.Number, OleDbException -> OleDbException.Errors[0].NativeError NameToCommandParameter = 1 Provided name should be converted to command parameter name. For example: firstName -> @firstName for the following query: db.Parameter(\"@firstName\") = \"John\"; ^ here NameToDatabase = 6 Provided name should be converted to query database. For example: MyDatabase -> [MyDatabase] for the following query: SELECT * FROM [MyDatabase]..[Person] ^ add ^ NameToPackage = 8 Provided name should be converted to package/module/library name. NameToProcedure = 9 Provided name should be converted to function/procedure name. NameToQueryField = 3 Provided name should be converted to query field name. For example: FirstName -> [FirstName] for the following query: SELECT [FirstName] FROM Person WHERE ID = 1 ^ add ^ NameToQueryFieldAlias = 4 Provided name should be converted to query field alias. For example: ID -> \"ID\" for the following query: SELECT \"ID\" as \"ID\" FROM Person WHERE \"ID\" = 1 ^ ^ here NameToQueryParameter = 0 Provided name should be converted to query parameter name. For example: firstName -> @firstName for the following query: SELECT * FROM Person WHERE FirstName = @firstName ^ here NameToQueryTable = 10 Provided name should be converted to query table name. For example: Person -> [Person] for the following query: SELECT * FROM [Person] ^ add ^ NameToQueryTableAlias = 11 Provided name should be converted to query table alias. For example: table1 -> [table1] for the following query: SELECT * FROM [Person] [table1] ^ add ^ NameToSchema = 7 Provided name should be converted to query schema/owner. For example: dbo -> [dbo] for the following query: SELECT * FROM [ dbo ].[Person] ^ add ^ NameToServer = 5 Provided name should be converted to linked server name. For example: host name\\named instance -> [host name\\named instance] for the following query: SELECT * FROM [host name\\named instance]..[Person] ^ add ^ NameToSprocParameter = 2 Provided name should be converted to stored procedure parameter name. For example: firstName -> @firstName for the following query: db.Parameter(\"@firstName\") = \"John\"; ^ here SequenceName = 15 Provided name should be converted to sequence name. SprocParameterToName = 12 Provided stored procedure parameter name should be converted to name. For example: @firstName -> firstName for the following query: db.Parameter(\"@firstName\") = \"John\"; ^ '@' has to be removed TriggerName = 16 Provided name should be converted to trigger name."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ISqlBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ISqlBuilder.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlBuilder Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties MappingSchema MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Name string Name { get; } Property Value string QueryName string? QueryName { get; } Property Value string SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags SqlProviderFlags { get; } Property Value SqlProviderFlags StringBuilder StringBuilder StringBuilder { get; } Property Value StringBuilder TableIDs Dictionary<string, TableIDInfo>? TableIDs { get; } Property Value Dictionary<string, TableIDInfo> TablePath string? TablePath { get; } Property Value string Methods ApplyQueryHints(string, IReadOnlyCollection<string>) string ApplyQueryHints(string sqlText, IReadOnlyCollection<string> queryHints) Parameters sqlText string queryHints IReadOnlyCollection<string> Returns string BuildDataType(StringBuilder, SqlDataType) StringBuilder BuildDataType(StringBuilder sb, SqlDataType dataType) Parameters sb StringBuilder dataType SqlDataType Returns StringBuilder BuildExpression(StringBuilder, ISqlExpression, bool, object?) void BuildExpression(StringBuilder sb, ISqlExpression expr, bool buildTableName, object? context = null) Parameters sb StringBuilder expr ISqlExpression buildTableName bool context object BuildObjectName(StringBuilder, SqlObjectName, ConvertType, bool, TableOptions, bool) Writes database object name into provided StringBuilder instance. StringBuilder BuildObjectName(StringBuilder sb, SqlObjectName name, ConvertType objectType = ConvertType.NameToQueryTable, bool escape = true, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, bool withoutSuffix = false) Parameters sb StringBuilder String builder for generated object name. name SqlObjectName Name of database object (e.g. table, view, procedure or function). objectType ConvertType Type of database object, used to select proper name converter. escape bool If true, apply required escaping to name components. Must be true except rare cases when escaping is not needed. tableOptions TableOptions Table options if called for table. Used to properly generate names for temporary tables. withoutSuffix bool If object name have suffix, which could be detached from main name, this parameter disables suffix generation (enables generation of only main name part). Returns StringBuilder sb parameter value. BuildSql(int, SqlStatement, StringBuilder, OptimizationContext, int) void BuildSql(int commandNumber, SqlStatement statement, StringBuilder sb, OptimizationContext optimizationContext, int startIndent = 0) Parameters commandNumber int statement SqlStatement sb StringBuilder optimizationContext OptimizationContext startIndent int BuildSqlID(SqlID) string? BuildSqlID(Sql.SqlID id) Parameters id Sql.SqlID Returns string CommandCount(SqlStatement) int CommandCount(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns int Convert(StringBuilder, string, ConvertType) StringBuilder Convert(StringBuilder sb, string value, ConvertType convertType) Parameters sb StringBuilder value string convertType ConvertType Returns StringBuilder ConvertInline(string, ConvertType) string ConvertInline(string value, ConvertType convertType) Parameters value string convertType ConvertType Returns string GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable) ISqlExpression? GetIdentityExpression(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable Returns ISqlExpression GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor) string GetMaxValueSql(EntityDescriptor entity, ColumnDescriptor column) Parameters entity EntityDescriptor column ColumnDescriptor Returns string GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int, string) string GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(int count, string sequenceName) Parameters count int sequenceName string Returns string PrintParameters(IDataContext, StringBuilder, IEnumerable<DbParameter>?) StringBuilder PrintParameters(IDataContext dataContext, StringBuilder sb, IEnumerable<DbParameter>? parameters) Parameters dataContext IDataContext sb StringBuilder parameters IEnumerable<DbParameter> Returns StringBuilder"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ISqlOptimizer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ISqlOptimizer.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlOptimizer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlOptimizer Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlOptimizer Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods ConvertElement(MappingSchema, DataOptions, IQueryElement?, OptimizationContext) Converts query element to specific provider dialect. IQueryElement? ConvertElement(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, IQueryElement? element, OptimizationContext context) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions element IQueryElement context OptimizationContext Returns IQueryElement ConvertSkipTake(MappingSchema, DataOptions, SelectQuery, OptimizationContext, out ISqlExpression?, out ISqlExpression?) Corrects skip/take for specific DataProvider void ConvertSkipTake(MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions dataOptions, SelectQuery selectQuery, OptimizationContext optimizationContext, out ISqlExpression? takeExpr, out ISqlExpression? skipExpr) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema dataOptions DataOptions selectQuery SelectQuery optimizationContext OptimizationContext takeExpr ISqlExpression skipExpr ISqlExpression Finalize(MappingSchema, SqlStatement, DataOptions) Finalizes query. SqlStatement Finalize(MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlStatement statement, DataOptions dataOptions) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema statement SqlStatement dataOptions DataOptions Returns SqlStatement Query which is ready for optimization. IsParameterDependent(SqlStatement) Examine query for parameter dependency. bool IsParameterDependent(SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.OptimizationContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.OptimizationContext.html",
"title": "Class OptimizationContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class OptimizationContext Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class OptimizationContext Inheritance object OptimizationContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors OptimizationContext(EvaluationContext, AliasesContext, bool, Func<IQueryParametersNormalizer>) public OptimizationContext(EvaluationContext context, AliasesContext aliases, bool isParameterOrderDependent, Func<IQueryParametersNormalizer> parametersNormalizerFactory) Parameters context EvaluationContext aliases AliasesContext isParameterOrderDependent bool parametersNormalizerFactory Func<IQueryParametersNormalizer> Properties Aliases public AliasesContext Aliases { get; } Property Value AliasesContext Context public EvaluationContext Context { get; } Property Value EvaluationContext IsParameterOrderDependent public bool IsParameterOrderDependent { get; } Property Value bool Methods AddParameter(SqlParameter) public SqlParameter AddParameter(SqlParameter parameter) Parameters parameter SqlParameter Returns SqlParameter ClearParameters() public void ClearParameters() ConvertAll<T>(RunOptimizationContext, T, Func<ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<RunOptimizationContext>, bool>) public T ConvertAll<T>(BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext context, T element, Func<ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction, Func<ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, bool> parentAction) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters context BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext element T convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> parentAction Func<ConvertVisitor<BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext>, bool> Returns T Type Parameters T GetParameters() public IReadOnlyList<SqlParameter> GetParameters() Returns IReadOnlyList<SqlParameter> HasParameters() public bool HasParameters() Returns bool IsOptimized(IQueryElement, out IQueryElement?) public bool IsOptimized(IQueryElement element, out IQueryElement? newExpr) Parameters element IQueryElement newExpr IQueryElement Returns bool RegisterOptimized(IQueryElement, IQueryElement) public void RegisterOptimized(IQueryElement element, IQueryElement newExpr) Parameters element IQueryElement newExpr IQueryElement SuggestDynamicParameter(DbDataType, object?) public SqlParameter SuggestDynamicParameter(DbDataType dbDataType, object? value) Parameters dbDataType DbDataType value object Returns SqlParameter"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.RowFeature.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.RowFeature.html",
"title": "Enum RowFeature | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum RowFeature Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll ROW constructor (tuple) feature support flags. [Flags] public enum RowFeature Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Between = 16 Provider supports BETWEEN operator for tuples. CompareToSelect = 32 Provider supports subqueries in tuple constructor: (SELECT 1, 2). Comparisons = 4 Provider supports comparison operators for tuples: >, >=, <<=. Equality = 2 Provider supports equality (=, <>) operators with tuples. In = 64 Provider supports tuples with IN operator: (1, 2) IN ((1, 2), (3, 4)). IsNull = 1 Provider supports for IS NULL operator: (1, 2) IS NULL. None = 0 Overlaps = 8 Provider supports OVERLAPS operator. Update = 128 Provider supports tuples in SET clause with non-literal rvalue: UPDATE T SET (COL1, COL2) = (SELECT 1, 2). UpdateLiteral = 256 Provider supports tuples in SET clause with rvalue literal: UPDATE T SET (COL1, COL2) = (1, 2)."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.SqlProviderFlags.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.SqlProviderFlags.html",
"title": "Class SqlProviderFlags | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlProviderFlags Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll [DataContract] public sealed class SqlProviderFlags Inheritance object SqlProviderFlags Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties AcceptsOuterExpressionInAggregate Provider supports aggregated expression with Outer reference SELECT ( SELECT SUM(inner.FieldX + outer.FieldOuter) FROM table2 inner ) AS Sum_Column FROM table1 outer Otherwise aggeragated expression will be wrapped in subquery and aggregate function will be applied to subquery column. SELECT ( SELECT SUM(sub.Column) FROM ( SELECT inner.FieldX + outer.FieldOuter AS Column FROM table2 inner ) sub ) AS Sum_Column FROM table1 outer Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 31)] public bool AcceptsOuterExpressionInAggregate { get; set; } Property Value bool AcceptsTakeAsParameter Indicates that TAKE/TOP/LIMIT could accept parameter. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 3)] public bool AcceptsTakeAsParameter { get; set; } Property Value bool AcceptsTakeAsParameterIfSkip Indicates that TAKE/LIMIT could accept parameter only if also SKIP/OFFSET specified. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 4)] public bool AcceptsTakeAsParameterIfSkip { get; set; } Property Value bool CanCombineParameters Indicates that provider could share parameter between statements in multi-statement batch. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 16)] public bool CanCombineParameters { get; set; } Property Value bool CustomFlags Flags for use by external providers. [DataMember(Order = 36)] public List<string> CustomFlags { get; set; } Property Value List<string> DefaultMultiQueryIsolationLevel Used when there is query which needs several additional database requests for completing query (e.g. eager load or client-side GroupBy). Default (set by DataProviderBase): RepeatableRead. [DataMember(Order = 34)] public IsolationLevel DefaultMultiQueryIsolationLevel { get; set; } Property Value IsolationLevel DoesNotSupportCorrelatedSubquery [DataMember(Order = 37)] public bool DoesNotSupportCorrelatedSubquery { get; set; } Property Value bool IsAllSetOperationsSupported Provider supports EXCEPT ALL, INTERSECT ALL set operators. Otherwise they will be emulated. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 28)] public bool IsAllSetOperationsSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsApplyJoinSupported Indicates support for OUTER/CROSS APPLY. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 14)] public bool IsApplyJoinSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCommonTableExpressionsSupported Indicates support of CTE expressions. If provider does not support CTE, unsuported exception will be thrown when using CTE. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 25)] public bool IsCommonTableExpressionsSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCountDistinctSupported Provider supports COUNT(DISTINCT column) function. Otherwise it will be emulated. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 30)] public bool IsCountDistinctSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCountSubQuerySupported Indicates that database supports count subquery as scalar in column. SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM some_table) FROM ... Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 12)] public bool IsCountSubQuerySupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsCrossJoinSupported Indicates support for CROSS JOIN. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 23)] public bool IsCrossJoinSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDistinctOrderBySupported Indicates that database supports and correctly handles DISTINCT queries with ORDER BY over fields missing from projection. Otherwise: Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 26)] public bool IsDistinctOrderBySupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsDistinctSetOperationsSupported Provider supports EXCEPT, INTERSECT set operators. Otherwise it will be emulated. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 29)] public bool IsDistinctSetOperationsSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsExistsPreferableForContains [DataMember(Order = 38)] public bool IsExistsPreferableForContains { get; set; } Property Value bool IsGroupByColumnRequred Provider requires that selected subquery column must be used in group by even for constant column. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 22)] public bool IsGroupByColumnRequred { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentityParameterRequired Indicates that provider requires explicit output parameter for insert with identity queries to get identity from database. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 13)] public bool IsIdentityParameterRequired { get; set; } Property Value bool IsInnerJoinAsCrossSupported Indicates support for CROSS JOIN emulation using INNER JOIN a ON 1 = 1. Currently has no effect if IsCrossJoinSupported enabled but it is recommended to use proper value. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 24)] public bool IsInnerJoinAsCrossSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsInsertOrUpdateSupported Indicates support for single-query insert-or-update operation support. Otherwise two separate queries used to emulate operation (update, then insert if nothing found to update). Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 15)] public bool IsInsertOrUpdateSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsNamingQueryBlockSupported Provider supports Naming Query Blocks QB_NAME(qb) Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 33)] public bool IsNamingQueryBlockSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsOrderByAggregateFunctionsSupported Indicates support for aggregate functions in ORDER BY statement. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 27)] public bool IsOrderByAggregateFunctionsSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsParameterOrderDependent Indicates that provider (not database!) uses positional parameters instead of named parameters (parameter values assigned in order they appear in query, not by parameter name). Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 2)] public bool IsParameterOrderDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool IsProjectionBoolSupported [DataMember(Order = 39)] public bool IsProjectionBoolSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSkipSupported Indicates support for SKIP/OFFSET paging clause (parameter) without TAKE clause. Provider could set this flag even if database not support it if emulates missing functionality. E.g. : TAKE [MAX_ALLOWED_VALUE] SKIP skip_value Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 6)] public bool IsSkipSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSkipSupportedIfTake Indicates support for SKIP/OFFSET paging clause (parameter) only if also TAKE/LIMIT specified. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 7)] public bool IsSkipSupportedIfTake { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSubQueryColumnSupported Indicates support for scalar subquery in select list. E.g. SELECT (SELECT TOP 1 value FROM some_table) AS MyColumn, ... Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 10)] public bool IsSubQueryColumnSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSubQueryOrderBySupported Indicates support of ORDER BY clause in sub-queries. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 11)] public bool IsSubQueryOrderBySupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSubQueryTakeSupported Indicates support for paging clause in subquery. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 9)] public bool IsSubQueryTakeSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSybaseBuggyGroupBy Enables fix for incorrect Sybase ASE behavior for following query: -- will return single record with 0 value (incorrect) SELECT 0 as [c1] FROM [Child] [t1] GROUP BY [t1].[ParentID] Fix enables following SQL generation: -- works correctly SELECT [t1].[ParentID] as [c1] FROM [Child] [t1] GROUP BY [t1].[ParentID] Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 1)] public bool IsSybaseBuggyGroupBy { get; set; } Property Value bool IsTakeSupported Indicates support for TOP/TAKE/LIMIT paging clause. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 5)] public bool IsTakeSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsUpdateFromSupported Indicates support for following UPDATE syntax: UPDATE A SET ... FROM B Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 32)] public bool IsUpdateFromSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool IsUpdateSetTableAliasSupported Indicates that SET clause in update statement could use table alias prefix for set columns (lvalue): SET t_alias.field = value. Default (set by DataProviderBase): true. [DataMember(Order = 18)] public bool IsUpdateSetTableAliasSupported { get; set; } Property Value bool MaxInListValuesCount Specifies limit of number of values in single IN predicate without splitting it into several IN's. Default (set by DataProviderBase): int.MaxValue (basically means there is no limit). [DataMember(Order = 17)] public int MaxInListValuesCount { get; set; } Property Value int OutputDeleteUseSpecialTable If true, removed record fields in OUTPUT clause of DELETE statement should be referenced using table with special name (e.g. DELETED or OLD). Otherwise fields should be referenced using target table. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 19)] public bool OutputDeleteUseSpecialTable { get; set; } Property Value bool OutputInsertUseSpecialTable If true, added record fields in OUTPUT clause of INSERT statement should be referenced using table with special name (e.g. INSERTED or NEW). Otherwise fields should be referenced using target table. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 20)] public bool OutputInsertUseSpecialTable { get; set; } Property Value bool OutputUpdateUseSpecialTables If true, OUTPUT clause supports both OLD and NEW data in UPDATE statement using tables with special names. Otherwise only current record fields (after update) available using target table. Default (set by DataProviderBase): false. [DataMember(Order = 21)] public bool OutputUpdateUseSpecialTables { get; set; } Property Value bool RowConstructorSupport Provider support Row Constructor (1, 2, 3) in various positions (flags) Default (set by DataProviderBase): None. [DataMember(Order = 35)] public RowFeature RowConstructorSupport { get; set; } Property Value RowFeature TakeHintsSupported Indicates supported TAKE/LIMIT hints. Default (set by DataProviderBase): null (none). [DataMember(Order = 8)] public TakeHints? TakeHintsSupported { get; set; } Property Value TakeHints? Methods Equals(object?) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object The object to compare with the current object. Returns bool true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. GetAcceptsTakeAsParameterFlag(SelectQuery) public bool GetAcceptsTakeAsParameterFlag(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns bool GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object. GetIsSkipSupportedFlag(ISqlExpression?, ISqlExpression?) public bool GetIsSkipSupportedFlag(ISqlExpression? takeExpression, ISqlExpression? skipExpression) Parameters takeExpression ISqlExpression skipExpression ISqlExpression Returns bool GetIsTakeHintsSupported(TakeHints) public bool GetIsTakeHintsSupported(TakeHints hints) Parameters hints TakeHints Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.TableIDInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.TableIDInfo.html",
"title": "Class TableIDInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableIDInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class TableIDInfo Inheritance object TableIDInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors TableIDInfo(string, string, string) public TableIDInfo(string tableAlias, string tableName, string tableSpec) Parameters tableAlias string tableName string tableSpec string Fields TableAlias public string TableAlias Field Value string TableName public string TableName Field Value string TableSpec public string TableSpec Field Value string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ValueToSqlConverter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.ValueToSqlConverter.html",
"title": "Class ValueToSqlConverter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ValueToSqlConverter Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Assembly linq2db.dll public class ValueToSqlConverter Inheritance object ValueToSqlConverter Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ValueToSqlConverter() public ValueToSqlConverter() ValueToSqlConverter(params ValueToSqlConverter[]?) public ValueToSqlConverter(params ValueToSqlConverter[]? converters) Parameters converters ValueToSqlConverter[] Methods CanConvert(SqlDataType, DataOptions, object?) public bool CanConvert(SqlDataType dataType, DataOptions options, object? value) Parameters dataType SqlDataType options DataOptions value object Returns bool CanConvert(Type) public bool CanConvert(Type type) Parameters type Type Returns bool Convert(StringBuilder, MappingSchema, DataOptions, object?) public StringBuilder Convert(StringBuilder stringBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions options, object? value) Parameters stringBuilder StringBuilder mappingSchema MappingSchema options DataOptions value object Returns StringBuilder Convert(StringBuilder, MappingSchema, SqlDataType?, DataOptions, object?) public StringBuilder Convert(StringBuilder stringBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlDataType? dataType, DataOptions options, object? value) Parameters stringBuilder StringBuilder mappingSchema MappingSchema dataType SqlDataType options DataOptions value object Returns StringBuilder SetConverter(Type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>?) public void SetConverter(Type type, Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object>? converter) Parameters type Type converter Action<StringBuilder, SqlDataType, DataOptions, object> TryConvert(StringBuilder, MappingSchema, DataOptions, object?) public bool TryConvert(StringBuilder stringBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, DataOptions options, object? value) Parameters stringBuilder StringBuilder mappingSchema MappingSchema options DataOptions value object Returns bool TryConvert(StringBuilder, MappingSchema, SqlDataType?, DataOptions, object?) public bool TryConvert(StringBuilder stringBuilder, MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlDataType? dataType, DataOptions options, object? value) Parameters stringBuilder StringBuilder mappingSchema MappingSchema dataType SqlDataType options DataOptions value object Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlProvider.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.SqlProvider Classes BasicSqlBuilder BasicSqlBuilder<T> BasicSqlOptimizer OptimizationContext SqlProviderFlags TableIDInfo ValueToSqlConverter Structs BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationContext Interfaces ISqlBuilder ISqlOptimizer Enums BasicSqlBuilder.Step ConvertType RowFeature ROW constructor (tuple) feature support flags."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.AliasesContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.AliasesContext.html",
"title": "Class AliasesContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class AliasesContext Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class AliasesContext Inheritance object AliasesContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods GetAliased() public ICollection<IQueryElement> GetAliased() Returns ICollection<IQueryElement> GetUsedTableAliases() public HashSet<string> GetUsedTableAliases() Returns HashSet<string> IsAliased(IQueryElement) public bool IsAliased(IQueryElement element) Parameters element IQueryElement Returns bool RegisterAliased(IQueryElement) public void RegisterAliased(IQueryElement element) Parameters element IQueryElement RegisterAliased(IReadOnlyCollection<IQueryElement>) public void RegisterAliased(IReadOnlyCollection<IQueryElement> elements) Parameters elements IReadOnlyCollection<IQueryElement>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ClauseBase-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ClauseBase-2.html",
"title": "Class ClauseBase<T1, T2> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClauseBase<T1, T2> Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class ClauseBase<T1, T2> : ConditionBase<T1, T2> where T1 : ClauseBase<T1, T2> Type Parameters T1 T2 Inheritance object ConditionBase<T1, T2> ClauseBase<T1, T2> Derived SqlWhereClause Inherited Members ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Search ConditionBase<T1, T2>.GetNext() ConditionBase<T1, T2>.SetOr(bool) ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Not ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr(ISqlExpression) ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Field(SqlField) ConditionBase<T1, T2>.SubQuery(SelectQuery) ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Value(object) ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Exists(SelectQuery) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ClauseBase(SelectQuery?) protected ClauseBase(SelectQuery? selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Properties From public SqlFromClause From { get; } Property Value SqlFromClause GroupBy public SqlGroupByClause GroupBy { get; } Property Value SqlGroupByClause Having public SqlWhereClause Having { get; } Property Value SqlWhereClause OrderBy public SqlOrderByClause OrderBy { get; } Property Value SqlOrderByClause Select public SqlSelectClause Select { get; } Property Value SqlSelectClause SelectQuery protected SelectQuery SelectQuery { get; } Property Value SelectQuery Methods End() public SelectQuery End() Returns SelectQuery"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ClauseBase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ClauseBase.html",
"title": "Class ClauseBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ClauseBase Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class ClauseBase Inheritance object ClauseBase Derived SqlFromClause SqlGroupByClause SqlOrderByClause SqlSelectClause SqlWhereClause.Next Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ClauseBase(SelectQuery?) protected ClauseBase(SelectQuery? selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Properties From public SqlFromClause From { get; } Property Value SqlFromClause GroupBy public SqlGroupByClause GroupBy { get; } Property Value SqlGroupByClause Having public SqlWhereClause Having { get; } Property Value SqlWhereClause OrderBy public SqlOrderByClause OrderBy { get; } Property Value SqlOrderByClause Select public SqlSelectClause Select { get; } Property Value SqlSelectClause SelectQuery protected SelectQuery SelectQuery { get; } Property Value SelectQuery Where public SqlWhereClause Where { get; } Property Value SqlWhereClause Methods End() public SelectQuery End() Returns SelectQuery"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.CloneVisitor-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.CloneVisitor-1.html",
"title": "Struct CloneVisitor<TContext> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct CloneVisitor<TContext> Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public readonly struct CloneVisitor<TContext> Type Parameters TContext Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Clone<T>(T[]?) public T[]? Clone<T>(T[]? elements) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters elements T[] Returns T[] Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConditionBase-2.Expr_.Op_.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConditionBase-2.Expr_.Op_.html",
"title": "Class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ Inheritance object ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods All(SelectQuery) public T2 All(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns T2 Any(SelectQuery) public T2 Any(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns T2 Expr(ISqlExpression) public T2 Expr(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns T2 Field(SqlField) public T2 Field(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns T2 Some(SelectQuery) public T2 Some(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns T2 SubQuery(SelectQuery) public T2 SubQuery(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns T2 Value(object) public T2 Value(object value) Parameters value object Returns T2"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConditionBase-2.Expr_.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConditionBase-2.Expr_.html",
"title": "Class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Inheritance object ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Equal public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ Equal { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ Greater public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ Greater { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ GreaterOrEqual public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ GreaterOrEqual { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ IsNotNull public T2 IsNotNull { get; } Property Value T2 IsNull public T2 IsNull { get; } Property Value T2 Less public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ Less { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ LessOrEqual public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ LessOrEqual { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ NotEqual public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ NotEqual { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ NotGreater public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ NotGreater { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ NotLess public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ NotLess { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ Methods Between(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public T2 Between(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression Returns T2 In(bool, params object[]) public T2 In(bool compareNullsAsValues, params object[] exprs) Parameters compareNullsAsValues bool exprs object[] Returns T2 InSubQuery(SelectQuery) public T2 InSubQuery(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns T2 Like(ISqlExpression) public T2 Like(ISqlExpression expression) Parameters expression ISqlExpression Returns T2 Like(ISqlExpression, SqlValue?) public T2 Like(ISqlExpression expression, SqlValue? escape) Parameters expression ISqlExpression escape SqlValue Returns T2 Like(string) public T2 Like(string expression) Parameters expression string Returns T2 Like(string, SqlValue) public T2 Like(string expression, SqlValue escape) Parameters expression string escape SqlValue Returns T2 NotBetween(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public T2 NotBetween(ISqlExpression expr1, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression expr2 ISqlExpression Returns T2 NotIn(bool, params object[]) public T2 NotIn(bool compareNullsAsValues, params object[] exprs) Parameters compareNullsAsValues bool exprs object[] Returns T2 NotInSubQuery(SelectQuery) public T2 NotInSubQuery(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns T2"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConditionBase-2.Not_.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConditionBase-2.Not_.html",
"title": "Class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Not_ | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Not_ Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Not_ Inheritance object ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Not_ Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Exists(SelectQuery) public T2 Exists(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns T2 Expr(ISqlExpression) public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Expr(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Field(SqlField) public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Field(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ SubQuery(SelectQuery) public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ SubQuery(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Value(object) public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Value(object value) Parameters value object Returns ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConditionBase-2.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConditionBase-2.html",
"title": "Class ConditionBase<T1, T2> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConditionBase<T1, T2> Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class ConditionBase<T1, T2> where T1 : ConditionBase<T1, T2> Type Parameters T1 T2 Inheritance object ConditionBase<T1, T2> Derived ClauseBase<T1, T2> SqlFromClause.Join SqlSearchCondition Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Not public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Not_ Not { get; } Property Value ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Not_ Search protected abstract SqlSearchCondition Search { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition Methods Exists(SelectQuery) public T2 Exists(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns T2 Expr(ISqlExpression) public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Expr(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Field(SqlField) public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Field(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ GetNext() protected abstract T2 GetNext() Returns T2 SetOr(bool) protected T1 SetOr(bool value) Parameters value bool Returns T1 SubQuery(SelectQuery) public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ SubQuery(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Value(object) public ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ Value(object value) Parameters value object Returns ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConvertVisitor-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConvertVisitor-1.html",
"title": "Class ConvertVisitor<TContext> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ConvertVisitor<TContext> Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class ConvertVisitor<TContext> Type Parameters TContext Inheritance object ConvertVisitor<TContext> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields AllowMutation public bool AllowMutation Field Value bool Context public TContext Context Field Value TContext CurrentElement public IQueryElement CurrentElement Field Value IQueryElement HasStack public bool HasStack Field Value bool Properties ParentElement public IQueryElement? ParentElement { get; } Property Value IQueryElement Stack public List<IQueryElement> Stack { get; } Property Value List<IQueryElement> Methods AddVisited(IQueryElement, IQueryElement?) public void AddVisited(IQueryElement element, IQueryElement? newElement) Parameters element IQueryElement newElement IQueryElement RemoveVisited(IQueryElement) public void RemoveVisited(IQueryElement element) Parameters element IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.CteClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.CteClause.html",
"title": "Class CteClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class CteClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class CteClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object CteClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Constructors CteClause(SelectQuery?, Type, bool, string?) public CteClause(SelectQuery? body, Type objectType, bool isRecursive, string? name) Parameters body SelectQuery objectType Type isRecursive bool name string Fields CteIDCounter public static int CteIDCounter Field Value int Properties Body public SelectQuery? Body { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery CteID public int CteID { get; } Property Value int ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Fields public SqlField[]? Fields { get; } Property Value SqlField[] IsRecursive public bool IsRecursive { get; set; } Property Value bool Name public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string ObjectType public Type ObjectType { get; set; } Property Value Type Methods RegisterFieldMapping(int, Func<SqlField>) public SqlField RegisterFieldMapping(int index, Func<SqlField> fieldFactory) Parameters index int fieldFactory Func<SqlField> Returns SqlField ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.DefaultNullable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.DefaultNullable.html",
"title": "Enum DefaultNullable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum DefaultNullable Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum DefaultNullable Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields None = 0 NotNull = 2 Null = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.EvaluationContext.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.EvaluationContext.html",
"title": "Class EvaluationContext | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class EvaluationContext Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class EvaluationContext Inheritance object EvaluationContext Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors EvaluationContext(IReadOnlyParameterValues?) public EvaluationContext(IReadOnlyParameterValues? parameterValues = null) Parameters parameterValues IReadOnlyParameterValues Properties ParameterValues public IReadOnlyParameterValues? ParameterValues { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyParameterValues Methods Register(IQueryElement, object?) public void Register(IQueryElement expr, object? value) Parameters expr IQueryElement value object RegisterError(IQueryElement) public void RegisterError(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.GroupingType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.GroupingType.html",
"title": "Enum GroupingType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum GroupingType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum GroupingType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Cube = 3 Default = 0 GroupBySets = 1 Rollup = 2"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.IInvertibleElement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.IInvertibleElement.html",
"title": "Interface IInvertibleElement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IInvertibleElement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IInvertibleElement Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods CanInvert() bool CanInvert() Returns bool Invert() IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.IQueryElement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.IQueryElement.html",
"title": "Interface IQueryElement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IQueryElement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IQueryElement Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ElementType QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Methods ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.IReadOnlyParameterValues.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.IReadOnlyParameterValues.html",
"title": "Interface IReadOnlyParameterValues | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IReadOnlyParameterValues Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IReadOnlyParameterValues Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods TryGetValue(SqlParameter, out SqlParameterValue?) bool TryGetValue(SqlParameter parameter, out SqlParameterValue? value) Parameters parameter SqlParameter value SqlParameterValue Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlExpression.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlExpression.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlExpression Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlExpression : IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members IQueryElement.ElementType IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) IEquatable<ISqlExpression>.Equals(ISqlExpression) ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CanBeNull bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool Precedence int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType Type? SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlExpressionWalkable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlExpressionWalkable.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlExpressionWalkable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlExpressionWalkable Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlExtensionBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlExtensionBuilder.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlExtensionBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlExtensionBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlExtensionBuilder Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlPredicate.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlPredicate.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlPredicate | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlPredicate Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlPredicate : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members IQueryElement.ElementType IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CanBeNull bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool Precedence int Precedence { get; } Property Value int Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlQueryExtensionBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlQueryExtensionBuilder.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlQueryExtensionBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlQueryExtensionBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlQueryExtensionBuilder : ISqlExtensionBuilder Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Build(ISqlBuilder, StringBuilder, SqlQueryExtension) void Build(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, StringBuilder stringBuilder, SqlQueryExtension sqlQueryExtension) Parameters sqlBuilder ISqlBuilder stringBuilder StringBuilder sqlQueryExtension SqlQueryExtension"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlTableExtensionBuilder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlTableExtensionBuilder.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlTableExtensionBuilder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlTableExtensionBuilder Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlTableExtensionBuilder : ISqlExtensionBuilder Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Build(ISqlBuilder, StringBuilder, SqlQueryExtension, SqlTable, string) void Build(ISqlBuilder sqlBuilder, StringBuilder stringBuilder, SqlQueryExtension sqlQueryExtension, SqlTable table, string alias) Parameters sqlBuilder ISqlBuilder stringBuilder StringBuilder sqlQueryExtension SqlQueryExtension table SqlTable alias string"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlTableSource.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ISqlTableSource.html",
"title": "Interface ISqlTableSource | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface ISqlTableSource Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public interface ISqlTableSource : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members ISqlExpression.Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) ISqlExpression.CanBeNull ISqlExpression.Precedence ISqlExpression.SystemType IQueryElement.ElementType IQueryElement.ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) IEquatable<ISqlExpression>.Equals(ISqlExpression) ISqlExpressionWalkable.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties All SqlField All { get; } Property Value SqlField SourceID int SourceID { get; } Property Value int SqlTableType SqlTableType SqlTableType { get; } Property Value SqlTableType Methods GetKeys(bool) IList<ISqlExpression> GetKeys(bool allIfEmpty) Parameters allIfEmpty bool Returns IList<ISqlExpression>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.JoinExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.JoinExtensions.html",
"title": "Class JoinExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class JoinExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public static class JoinExtensions Inheritance object JoinExtensions Methods CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join CrossApply(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join CrossApply(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join FullJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join FullJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join InnerJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join InnerJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join Join(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join Join(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join Join(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join LeftJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join LeftJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join OuterApply(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join OuterApply(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join RightJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join RightJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join WeakInnerJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join WeakInnerJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join WeakJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join WeakJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join WeakLeftJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params Join[]) public static SqlFromClause.Join WeakLeftJoin(this ISqlTableSource table, string alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause.Join"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.JoinType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.JoinType.html",
"title": "Enum JoinType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum JoinType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum JoinType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Auto = 0 CrossApply = 3 Full = 6 Inner = 1 Left = 2 OuterApply = 4 Right = 5"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.MultiInsertType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.MultiInsertType.html",
"title": "Enum MultiInsertType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum MultiInsertType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum MultiInsertType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields All = 1 First = 2 Unconditional = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.Precedence.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.Precedence.html",
"title": "Class Precedence | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class Precedence Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class Precedence Inheritance object Precedence Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Additive public const int Additive = 60 Field Value int Bitwise public const int Bitwise = 40 Field Value int Comparison public const int Comparison = 50 Field Value int Concatenate This precedence is only for SQLite's || concatenate operator: public const int Concatenate = 85 Field Value int LogicalConjunction public const int LogicalConjunction = 20 Field Value int LogicalDisjunction public const int LogicalDisjunction = 10 Field Value int LogicalNegation public const int LogicalNegation = 30 Field Value int Multiplicative public const int Multiplicative = 80 Field Value int Primary public const int Primary = 100 Field Value int Subtraction public const int Subtraction = 70 Field Value int Unary public const int Unary = 90 Field Value int Unknown public const int Unknown = 0 Field Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.PseudoFunctions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.PseudoFunctions.html",
"title": "Class PseudoFunctions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class PseudoFunctions Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll Contains names and create helpers for pseudo-functions, generated by linq2db and then converted to database-specific SQL by provider-specific SQL optimizer. public static class PseudoFunctions Inheritance object PseudoFunctions Fields COALESCE Function to return first non-null argument: COALESCE(values...) public const string COALESCE = \"$Coalesce$\" Field Value string CONVERT Function to convert value from one type to another: CONVERT(to_type, from_type, value) { CanBeNull = value.CanBeNull } public const string CONVERT = \"$Convert$\" Field Value string REMOVE_CONVERT Function to suppress conversion SQL generation for provided value: REMOVE_CONVERT(value, resultType) public const string REMOVE_CONVERT = \"$Convert_Remover$\" Field Value string REPLACE Function to replace one text fragment with another in string: REPLACE(value, oldSubstring, newSubstring) public const string REPLACE = \"$Replace$\" Field Value string TO_LOWER Function to convert text parameter to lowercased form: TO_LOWER(string) public const string TO_LOWER = \"$ToLower$\" Field Value string TO_UPPER Function to convert text parameter to uppercased form: TO_UPPER(string) public const string TO_UPPER = \"$ToUpper$\" Field Value string TRY_CONVERT Function to convert value from one type to another: TRY_CONVERT(to_type, from_type, value) { CanBeNull = true }. Returns NULL on conversion failure. public const string TRY_CONVERT = \"$TryConvert$\" Field Value string TRY_CONVERT_OR_DEFAULT Function to convert value from one type to another: TRY_CONVERT_OR_DEFAULT(to_type, from_type, value, defaultValue) { CanBeNull = value.CanBeNull || defaultValue.CanBeNull }. Returns provided default value on conversion failure. public const string TRY_CONVERT_OR_DEFAULT = \"$TryConvertOrDefault$\" Field Value string Methods MakeCoalesce(Type, params ISqlExpression[]) public static SqlFunction MakeCoalesce(Type systemType, params ISqlExpression[] values) Parameters systemType Type values ISqlExpression[] Returns SqlFunction MakeConvert(SqlDataType, SqlDataType, ISqlExpression) public static SqlFunction MakeConvert(SqlDataType toType, SqlDataType fromType, ISqlExpression value) Parameters toType SqlDataType fromType SqlDataType value ISqlExpression Returns SqlFunction MakeRemoveConvert(ISqlExpression, SqlDataType) public static SqlFunction MakeRemoveConvert(ISqlExpression value, SqlDataType resultType) Parameters value ISqlExpression resultType SqlDataType Returns SqlFunction MakeReplace(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public static SqlFunction MakeReplace(ISqlExpression value, ISqlExpression oldSubstring, ISqlExpression newSubstring) Parameters value ISqlExpression oldSubstring ISqlExpression newSubstring ISqlExpression Returns SqlFunction MakeToLower(ISqlExpression) public static SqlFunction MakeToLower(ISqlExpression value) Parameters value ISqlExpression Returns SqlFunction MakeToUpper(ISqlExpression) public static SqlFunction MakeToUpper(ISqlExpression value) Parameters value ISqlExpression Returns SqlFunction MakeTryConvert(SqlDataType, SqlDataType, ISqlExpression) public static SqlFunction MakeTryConvert(SqlDataType toType, SqlDataType fromType, ISqlExpression value) Parameters toType SqlDataType fromType SqlDataType value ISqlExpression Returns SqlFunction MakeTryConvertOrDefault(SqlDataType, SqlDataType, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public static SqlFunction MakeTryConvertOrDefault(SqlDataType toType, SqlDataType fromType, ISqlExpression value, ISqlExpression defaultValue) Parameters toType SqlDataType fromType SqlDataType value ISqlExpression defaultValue ISqlExpression Returns SqlFunction"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryElementType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryElementType.html",
"title": "Enum QueryElementType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum QueryElementType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum QueryElementType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields BetweenPredicate = 16 Column = 24 Comment = 59 Condition = 26 ConditionalInsertClause = 52 CreateTableStatement = 53 CteClause = 40 DeleteStatement = 49 DropTableStatement = 54 ExprExprPredicate = 13 ExprPredicate = 11 FromClause = 33 FuncLikePredicate = 22 GroupByClause = 35 GroupingSet = 58 InListPredicate = 21 InSubQueryPredicate = 20 InsertClause = 30 InsertOrUpdateStatement = 47 InsertStatement = 46 IsDistinctPredicate = 18 IsNullPredicate = 17 IsTruePredicate = 19 JoinedTable = 28 LikePredicate = 14 MergeOperationClause = 57 MergeStatement = 50 MultiInsertStatement = 51 NotExprPredicate = 12 OrderByClause = 36 OrderByItem = 37 OutputClause = 44 SearchCondition = 25 SearchStringPredicate = 15 SelectClause = 29 SelectStatement = 45 SetExpression = 32 SetOperator = 38 SqlAliasPlaceholder = 9 SqlBinaryExpression = 5 SqlCteTable = 41 SqlDataType = 7 SqlExpression = 3 SqlField = 0 SqlFunction = 1 SqlID = 60 SqlObjectExpression = 4 SqlParameter = 2 SqlQuery = 23 SqlRawSqlTable = 42 SqlRow = 10 SqlTable = 8 SqlTableLikeSource = 56 SqlValue = 6 SqlValuesTable = 43 TableSource = 27 TruncateTableStatement = 55 UpdateClause = 31 UpdateStatement = 48 WhereClause = 34 WithClause = 39"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryFindVisitor-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryFindVisitor-1.html",
"title": "Struct QueryFindVisitor<TContext> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct QueryFindVisitor<TContext> Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public readonly struct QueryFindVisitor<TContext> Type Parameters TContext Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors QueryFindVisitor(Func<IQueryElement, bool>) public QueryFindVisitor(Func<IQueryElement, bool> find) Parameters find Func<IQueryElement, bool> QueryFindVisitor(TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) public QueryFindVisitor(TContext context, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> find) Parameters context TContext find Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> Methods Find(IQueryElement?) public IQueryElement? Find(IQueryElement? element) Parameters element IQueryElement Returns IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryHelper.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryHelper.html",
"title": "Class QueryHelper | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryHelper Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public static class QueryHelper Inheritance object QueryHelper Methods CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) public static bool CanBeEvaluated(this IQueryElement expr, EvaluationContext context) Parameters expr IQueryElement context EvaluationContext Returns bool CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) public static bool CanBeEvaluated(this IQueryElement expr, bool withParameters) Parameters expr IQueryElement withParameters bool Returns bool CanRemoveOrderBy(SelectQuery, SqlProviderFlags, QueryInformation) Detects when we can remove order public static bool CanRemoveOrderBy(SelectQuery selectQuery, SqlProviderFlags flags, QueryInformation information) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery flags SqlProviderFlags information QueryInformation Returns bool CollectDependencies(IQueryElement, IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource>, HashSet<ISqlExpression>, IEnumerable<IQueryElement>?) public static void CollectDependencies(IQueryElement root, IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> sources, HashSet<ISqlExpression> found, IEnumerable<IQueryElement>? ignore = null) Parameters root IQueryElement sources IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> found HashSet<ISqlExpression> ignore IEnumerable<IQueryElement> CollectUniqueKeys(ISqlTableSource, bool, List<IList<ISqlExpression>>) Collects unique keys from different sources. public static void CollectUniqueKeys(ISqlTableSource tableSource, bool includeDistinct, List<IList<ISqlExpression>> knownKeys) Parameters tableSource ISqlTableSource includeDistinct bool Flag to include Distinct as unique key. knownKeys List<IList<ISqlExpression>> List with found keys. CollectUniqueKeys(SqlTableSource, List<IList<ISqlExpression>>) Collects unique keys from different sources. public static void CollectUniqueKeys(SqlTableSource tableSource, List<IList<ISqlExpression>> knownKeys) Parameters tableSource SqlTableSource knownKeys List<IList<ISqlExpression>> List with found keys. CollectUsedSources(IQueryElement, HashSet<ISqlTableSource>, IEnumerable<IQueryElement>?) public static void CollectUsedSources(IQueryElement root, HashSet<ISqlTableSource> found, IEnumerable<IQueryElement>? ignore = null) Parameters root IQueryElement found HashSet<ISqlTableSource> ignore IEnumerable<IQueryElement> ConcatSearchCondition(SqlWhereClause, SqlSearchCondition) public static void ConcatSearchCondition(this SqlWhereClause where, SqlSearchCondition search) Parameters where SqlWhereClause search SqlSearchCondition ContainsAggregationFunctionOneLevel(IQueryElement) public static bool ContainsAggregationFunctionOneLevel(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool ContainsAggregationOrWindowFunction(IQueryElement) public static bool ContainsAggregationOrWindowFunction(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool ContainsAggregationOrWindowFunctionDeep(IQueryElement) public static bool ContainsAggregationOrWindowFunctionDeep(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool ContainsAggregationOrWindowFunctionOneLevel(IQueryElement) public static bool ContainsAggregationOrWindowFunctionOneLevel(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool ContainsElement(IQueryElement, IQueryElement) public static bool ContainsElement(IQueryElement testedRoot, IQueryElement element) Parameters testedRoot IQueryElement element IQueryElement Returns bool ConvertFormatToConcatenation(string, IList<ISqlExpression>) public static ISqlExpression ConvertFormatToConcatenation(string format, IList<ISqlExpression> parameters) Parameters format string parameters IList<ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression CorrectSearchConditionNesting(SelectQuery, SqlCondition, HashSet<ISqlTableSource>) public static SqlCondition CorrectSearchConditionNesting(SelectQuery sql, SqlCondition condition, HashSet<ISqlTableSource> forTableSources) Parameters sql SelectQuery condition SqlCondition forTableSources HashSet<ISqlTableSource> Returns SqlCondition CountElements(ISqlExpression) public static IDictionary<QueryElementType, int> CountElements(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns IDictionary<QueryElementType, int> DependencyCount(IQueryElement, IQueryElement, HashSet<IQueryElement>?) public static int DependencyCount(IQueryElement testedRoot, IQueryElement onElement, HashSet<IQueryElement>? elementsToIgnore = null) Parameters testedRoot IQueryElement onElement IQueryElement elementsToIgnore HashSet<IQueryElement> Returns int EnsureConjunction(SqlSearchCondition) Ensures that expression is not A OR B but (A OR B) Function makes all needed manipulations for that public static SqlSearchCondition EnsureConjunction(this SqlSearchCondition searchCondition) Parameters searchCondition SqlSearchCondition Returns SqlSearchCondition EnsureConjunction(SqlWhereClause) Ensures that expression is not A OR B but (A OR B) Function makes all needed manipulations for that public static SqlWhereClause EnsureConjunction(this SqlWhereClause whereClause) Parameters whereClause SqlWhereClause Returns SqlWhereClause EnumerateAccessibleSources(SelectQuery) Enumerates table sources recursively based on joins public static IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> EnumerateAccessibleSources(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> EnumerateAccessibleSources(SqlTableSource) public static IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> EnumerateAccessibleSources(SqlTableSource tableSource) Parameters tableSource SqlTableSource Returns IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> EnumerateAccessibleTables(SelectQuery) public static IEnumerable<SqlTable> EnumerateAccessibleTables(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<SqlTable> EnumerateInnerJoined(SelectQuery) public static IEnumerable<SqlTableSource> EnumerateInnerJoined(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<SqlTableSource> EnumerateInnerJoined(SqlTableSource) public static IEnumerable<SqlTableSource> EnumerateInnerJoined(SqlTableSource tableSource) Parameters tableSource SqlTableSource Returns IEnumerable<SqlTableSource> EnumerateJoins(SelectQuery) public static IEnumerable<SqlJoinedTable> EnumerateJoins(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<SqlJoinedTable> EnumerateJoins(SqlTableSource) public static IEnumerable<SqlJoinedTable> EnumerateJoins(SqlTableSource tableSource) Parameters tableSource SqlTableSource Returns IEnumerable<SqlJoinedTable> EnumerateLevelSources(SelectQuery) public static IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> EnumerateLevelSources(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> EnumerateLevelSources(SqlTableSource) public static IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> EnumerateLevelSources(SqlTableSource tableSource) Parameters tableSource SqlTableSource Returns IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> EnumerateLevelTables(SelectQuery) public static IEnumerable<SqlTable> EnumerateLevelTables(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<SqlTable> EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) public static bool? EvaluateBoolExpression(this IQueryElement expr, EvaluationContext context, bool? defaultValue = null) Parameters expr IQueryElement context EvaluationContext defaultValue bool? Returns bool? EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) public static object? EvaluateExpression(this IQueryElement expr, EvaluationContext context) Parameters expr IQueryElement context EvaluationContext Returns object ExtractField(ISqlExpression) Returns SqlField from specific expression. Usually from SqlColumn. Conversion is ignored. public static SqlField? ExtractField(ISqlExpression expression) Parameters expression ISqlExpression Returns SqlField Field instance associated with expression FindJoin(SelectQuery, Func<SqlJoinedTable, bool>) public static SqlJoinedTable? FindJoin(this SelectQuery query, Func<SqlJoinedTable, bool> match) Parameters query SelectQuery match Func<SqlJoinedTable, bool> Returns SqlJoinedTable GenerateEquality(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool) public static SqlCondition GenerateEquality(ISqlExpression field1, ISqlExpression field2, bool compareNullsAsValues) Parameters field1 ISqlExpression field2 ISqlExpression compareNullsAsValues bool Returns SqlCondition GetBoolValue(ISqlExpression, EvaluationContext) public static bool? GetBoolValue(ISqlExpression expression, EvaluationContext context) Parameters expression ISqlExpression context EvaluationContext Returns bool? GetColumnDescriptor(ISqlExpression?) Returns ColumnDescriptor for expr. public static ColumnDescriptor? GetColumnDescriptor(ISqlExpression? expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Tested SQL Expression. Returns ColumnDescriptor Associated column descriptor or null. GetDbDataType(ISqlExpression?) public static DbDataType GetDbDataType(ISqlExpression? expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns DbDataType GetDeleteTable(SqlDeleteStatement) public static SqlTable? GetDeleteTable(this SqlDeleteStatement deleteStatement) Parameters deleteStatement SqlDeleteStatement Returns SqlTable GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) public static DbDataType GetExpressionType(this ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns DbDataType GetParameterValue(SqlParameter, IReadOnlyParameterValues?) public static SqlParameterValue GetParameterValue(this SqlParameter parameter, IReadOnlyParameterValues? parameterValues) Parameters parameter SqlParameter parameterValues IReadOnlyParameterValues Returns SqlParameterValue GetUnderlyingExpression(ISqlExpression?) Unwraps SqlColumn and returns underlying expression. public static ISqlExpression? GetUnderlyingExpression(ISqlExpression? expression) Parameters expression ISqlExpression Returns ISqlExpression Underlying expression. GetUnderlyingExpressionValue(SqlExpression, bool) public static ISqlExpression GetUnderlyingExpressionValue(SqlExpression sqlExpression, bool checkNullability) Parameters sqlExpression SqlExpression checkNullability bool Returns ISqlExpression GetUnderlyingField(ISqlExpression) Returns SqlField from specific expression. Usually from SqlColumn. Complex expressions ignored. public static SqlField? GetUnderlyingField(ISqlExpression expression) Parameters expression ISqlExpression Returns SqlField Field instance associated with expression GetUpdateTable(SqlUpdateStatement) public static SqlTable? GetUpdateTable(this SqlUpdateStatement updateStatement) Parameters updateStatement SqlUpdateStatement Returns SqlTable GetUsedSources(ISqlExpression, HashSet<ISqlTableSource>) Retrieves which sources are used in the rootexpression public static void GetUsedSources(ISqlExpression root, HashSet<ISqlTableSource> foundSources) Parameters root ISqlExpression Expression to analyze. foundSources HashSet<ISqlTableSource> Output container for detected sources/ GetValueConverter(ISqlExpression?) Returns IValueConverter for expr. public static IValueConverter? GetValueConverter(ISqlExpression? expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Tested SQL Expression. Returns IValueConverter Associated converter or null. HasOuterReferences(ISet<ISqlTableSource>, ISqlExpression) public static bool HasOuterReferences(ISet<ISqlTableSource> sources, ISqlExpression expr) Parameters sources ISet<ISqlTableSource> expr ISqlExpression Returns bool HasQueryParameters(ISqlExpression) public static bool HasQueryParameters(ISqlExpression expression) Parameters expression ISqlExpression Returns bool IsAggregationFunction(IQueryElement) public static bool IsAggregationFunction(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool IsAggregationOrWindowFunction(IQueryElement) public static bool IsAggregationOrWindowFunction(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) public static bool IsComplexExpression(this ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns bool IsConstant(ISqlExpression) Returns true if tested expression is constant during query execution (e.g. value or parameter). public static bool IsConstant(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Tested expression. Returns bool IsConstantFast(ISqlExpression) public static bool IsConstantFast(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns bool IsDependsOn(IQueryElement, IQueryElement, HashSet<IQueryElement>?) public static bool IsDependsOn(IQueryElement testedRoot, IQueryElement onElement, HashSet<IQueryElement>? elementsToIgnore = null) Parameters testedRoot IQueryElement onElement IQueryElement elementsToIgnore HashSet<IQueryElement> Returns bool IsDependsOn(IQueryElement, HashSet<ISqlTableSource>, HashSet<IQueryElement>?) public static bool IsDependsOn(IQueryElement testedRoot, HashSet<ISqlTableSource> onSources, HashSet<IQueryElement>? elementsToIgnore = null) Parameters testedRoot IQueryElement onSources HashSet<ISqlTableSource> elementsToIgnore HashSet<IQueryElement> Returns bool IsEqualTables(SqlTable?, SqlTable?) public static bool IsEqualTables(SqlTable? table1, SqlTable? table2) Parameters table1 SqlTable table2 SqlTable Returns bool IsExpression(ISqlExpression) Returns true if it is anything except Field or Column. public static bool IsExpression(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Tested expression Returns bool true if tested expression is not a Field or Column IsMutable(IQueryElement) public static bool IsMutable(this IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool IsTransitiveExpression(SqlExpression, bool) public static bool IsTransitiveExpression(SqlExpression sqlExpression, bool checkNullability) Parameters sqlExpression SqlExpression checkNullability bool Returns bool IsWindowFunction(IQueryElement) public static bool IsWindowFunction(IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns bool JoinRemoval<TContext>(TContext, SqlStatement, Func<TContext, SqlStatement, SqlJoinedTable, bool>) Removes Join from query based on joinFunc result. public static SqlStatement JoinRemoval<TContext>(TContext context, SqlStatement statement, Func<TContext, SqlStatement, SqlJoinedTable, bool> joinFunc) Parameters context TContext joinFunc context object. statement SqlStatement Source statement. joinFunc Func<TContext, SqlStatement, SqlJoinedTable, bool> Returns SqlStatement Same or new statement with removed joins. Type Parameters TContext MoveOrderByUp(params SelectQuery[]) Helper function for moving Ordering up in select tree. public static void MoveOrderByUp(params SelectQuery[] queries) Parameters queries SelectQuery[] Array of queries MoveSearchConditionsToJoin(SelectQuery, SqlJoinedTable, List<SqlCondition>?) public static void MoveSearchConditionsToJoin(SelectQuery sql, SqlJoinedTable joinedTable, List<SqlCondition>? movedConditions) Parameters sql SelectQuery joinedTable SqlJoinedTable movedConditions List<SqlCondition> NeedColumnForExpression(SelectQuery, ISqlExpression, bool) Returns correct column or field according to nesting. public static ISqlExpression? NeedColumnForExpression(SelectQuery selectQuery, ISqlExpression forExpression, bool inProjection) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Analyzed query. forExpression ISqlExpression Expression that has to be enveloped by column. inProjection bool If 'true', function ensures that column is created. If 'false' it may return Field if it fits to nesting level. Returns ISqlExpression Returns Column of Field according to its nesting level. May return null if expression is not valid for selectQuery NeedParameterInlining(ISqlExpression) public static bool NeedParameterInlining(ISqlExpression expression) Parameters expression ISqlExpression Returns bool RemoveNotUnusedColumns(SelectQuery) public static void RemoveNotUnusedColumns(this SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery RootQuery(SelectQuery) public static SelectQuery RootQuery(this SelectQuery query) Parameters query SelectQuery Returns SelectQuery ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) public static bool ShouldCheckForNull(this ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns bool SuggestDbDataType(ISqlExpression) public static DbDataType? SuggestDbDataType(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns DbDataType? ToDebugString(IQueryElement) public static string ToDebugString(this IQueryElement expr) Parameters expr IQueryElement Returns string TransformExpressionIndexes<TContext>(TContext, string, Func<TContext, int, int>) public static string TransformExpressionIndexes<TContext>(TContext context, string expression, Func<TContext, int, int> transformFunc) Parameters context TContext expression string transformFunc Func<TContext, int, int> Returns string Type Parameters TContext TransformInnerJoinsToWhere(SelectQuery) Transforms SELECT * FROM A INNER JOIN B ON A.ID = B.ID to SELECT * FROM A, B WHERE A.ID = B.ID public static SelectQuery TransformInnerJoinsToWhere(this SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Input SelectQuery. Returns SelectQuery The same query instance. TryConvertOrderedDistinctToGroupBy(SelectQuery, SqlProviderFlags) Converts ORDER BY DISTINCT to GROUP BY equivalent public static bool TryConvertOrderedDistinctToGroupBy(SelectQuery select, SqlProviderFlags flags) Parameters select SelectQuery flags SqlProviderFlags Returns bool TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) public static bool TryEvaluateExpression(this IQueryElement expr, EvaluationContext context, out object? result) Parameters expr IQueryElement context EvaluationContext result object Returns bool TryRemoveDistinct(SelectQuery, QueryInformation) Detects when we can remove order public static bool TryRemoveDistinct(SelectQuery selectQuery, QueryInformation information) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery information QueryInformation Returns bool UnwrapExpression(ISqlExpression, bool) public static ISqlExpression UnwrapExpression(ISqlExpression expr, bool checkNullability) Parameters expr ISqlExpression checkNullability bool Returns ISqlExpression ValidateTable(SelectQuery, ISqlTableSource) public static bool ValidateTable(SelectQuery selectQuery, ISqlTableSource table) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery table ISqlTableSource Returns bool WrapQuery<TStatement>(TStatement, SelectQuery, bool) Wraps queryToWrap by another select. Keeps columns count the same. After modification statement is equivalent symantically. --before SELECT c1, c2 FROM A -- after SELECT B.c1, B.c2 FROM ( SELECT c1, c2 FROM A ) B public static TStatement WrapQuery<TStatement>(TStatement statement, SelectQuery queryToWrap, bool allowMutation) where TStatement : SqlStatement Parameters statement TStatement Statement which may contain tested query queryToWrap SelectQuery Tells which select query needs enveloping allowMutation bool Wrapped query can be not recreated for performance considerations. Returns TStatement The same statement or modified statement when wrapping has been performed. Type Parameters TStatement WrapQuery<TStatement, TContext>(TContext, TStatement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, IQueryElement?, bool>, Action<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>?, bool, bool) Wraps queries by another select. Keeps columns count the same. After modification statement is equivalent symantically. public static TStatement WrapQuery<TStatement, TContext>(TContext context, TStatement statement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, IQueryElement?, bool> wrapTest, Action<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>? onWrap, bool allowMutation, bool withStack) where TStatement : SqlStatement Parameters context TContext onWrap and wrapTest context object. statement TStatement wrapTest Func<TContext, SelectQuery, IQueryElement, bool> Delegate for testing when query needs to be wrapped. onWrap Action<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> After enveloping query this function called for prcess needed optimizations. allowMutation bool Wrapped query can be not recreated for performance considerations. withStack bool Must be set to true, if wrapTest function use 3rd parameter (containing parent element) otherwise it will be always null. Returns TStatement The same statement or modified statement when wrapping has been performed. Type Parameters TStatement TContext Type of onWrap and wrapTest context object. WrapQuery<TStatement, TContext>(TContext, TStatement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, IQueryElement?, int>, Action<TContext, IReadOnlyList<SelectQuery>>, bool, bool) Wraps tested query in subquery(s). Keeps columns count the same. After modification statement is equivalent semantically. --before SELECT c1, c2 -- QA FROM A -- after (with 2 subqueries) SELECT C.c1, C.c2 -- QC FROM ( SELECT B.c1, B.c2 -- QB FROM ( SELECT c1, c2 -- QA FROM A ) B FROM ) C public static TStatement WrapQuery<TStatement, TContext>(TContext context, TStatement statement, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, IQueryElement?, int> wrapTest, Action<TContext, IReadOnlyList<SelectQuery>> onWrap, bool allowMutation, bool withStack) where TStatement : SqlStatement Parameters context TContext onWrap and wrapTest context object. statement TStatement Statement which may contain tested query wrapTest Func<TContext, SelectQuery, IQueryElement, int> Delegate for testing which query needs to be enveloped. Result of delegate call tells how many subqueries needed. 0 - no changes 1 - one subquery N - N subqueries onWrap Action<TContext, IReadOnlyList<SelectQuery>> After wrapping query this function called for prcess needed optimizations. Array of queries contains [QC, QB, QA] allowMutation bool Wrapped query can be not recreated for performance considerations. withStack bool Must be set to true, if wrapTest function use 3rd parameter (containing parent element) otherwise it will be always null. Returns TStatement The same statement or modified statement when wrapping has been performed. Type Parameters TStatement TContext Type of onWrap and wrapTest context object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo.html",
"title": "Class QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo Inheritance object QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors HierarchyInfo(SelectQuery, HierarchyType, IQueryElement?) public HierarchyInfo(SelectQuery masterQuery, QueryInformation.HierarchyType hierarchyType, IQueryElement? parentElement) Parameters masterQuery SelectQuery hierarchyType QueryInformation.HierarchyType parentElement IQueryElement Properties HierarchyType public QueryInformation.HierarchyType HierarchyType { get; } Property Value QueryInformation.HierarchyType MasterQuery public SelectQuery MasterQuery { get; } Property Value SelectQuery ParentElement public IQueryElement? ParentElement { get; } Property Value IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryInformation.HierarchyType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryInformation.HierarchyType.html",
"title": "Enum QueryInformation.HierarchyType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum QueryInformation.HierarchyType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum QueryInformation.HierarchyType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields From = 0 InnerQuery = 3 Join = 1 SetOperator = 2"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryInformation.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryInformation.html",
"title": "Class QueryInformation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryInformation Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public class QueryInformation Inheritance object QueryInformation Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors QueryInformation(SelectQuery) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public QueryInformation(SelectQuery rootQuery) Parameters rootQuery SelectQuery Methods GetHierarchyInfo(SelectQuery) Returns HirarchyInfo for specific selectQuery public QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo? GetHierarchyInfo(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo GetParentQuery(SelectQuery) Returns parent query if query is subquery for select public SelectQuery? GetParentQuery(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Returns SelectQuery GetQueriesChildFirst() public IEnumerable<SelectQuery> GetQueriesChildFirst() Returns IEnumerable<SelectQuery> GetQueriesChildFirst(SelectQuery) public IEnumerable<SelectQuery> GetQueriesChildFirst(SelectQuery root) Parameters root SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<SelectQuery> GetQueriesParentFirst() public IEnumerable<SelectQuery> GetQueriesParentFirst() Returns IEnumerable<SelectQuery> GetQueriesParentFirst(SelectQuery) public IEnumerable<SelectQuery> GetQueriesParentFirst(SelectQuery root) Parameters root SelectQuery Returns IEnumerable<SelectQuery> Resync() Resync tree info. Can be called also during enumeration. public void Resync()"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryParentVisitor-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryParentVisitor-1.html",
"title": "Struct QueryParentVisitor<TContext> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct QueryParentVisitor<TContext> Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public readonly struct QueryParentVisitor<TContext> Type Parameters TContext Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors QueryParentVisitor(bool, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) public QueryParentVisitor(bool all, Func<IQueryElement, bool> visit) Parameters all bool visit Func<IQueryElement, bool> QueryParentVisitor(TContext, bool, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) public QueryParentVisitor(TContext context, bool all, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> visit) Parameters context TContext all bool visit Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> Fields VisitedElements public readonly Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement?> VisitedElements Field Value Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Methods Visit(IQueryElement?) public void Visit(IQueryElement? element) Parameters element IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryType.html",
"title": "Enum QueryType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum QueryType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum QueryType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields CreateTable = 5 Delete = 1 DropTable = 6 Insert = 3 InsertOrUpdate = 4 Merge = 8 MultiInsert = 9 Select = 0 TruncateTable = 7 Update = 2"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryVisitor-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryVisitor-1.html",
"title": "Struct QueryVisitor<TContext> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct QueryVisitor<TContext> Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public readonly struct QueryVisitor<TContext> Type Parameters TContext Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() ValueType.ToString() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors QueryVisitor(bool, Action<IQueryElement>) public QueryVisitor(bool all, Action<IQueryElement> visit) Parameters all bool visit Action<IQueryElement> QueryVisitor(TContext, bool, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) public QueryVisitor(TContext context, bool all, Action<TContext, IQueryElement> visit) Parameters context TContext all bool visit Action<TContext, IQueryElement> Fields VisitedElements public readonly Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement?> VisitedElements Field Value Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Methods Visit(IQueryElement?) public void Visit(IQueryElement? element) Parameters element IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryVisitorExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.QueryVisitorExtensions.html",
"title": "Class QueryVisitorExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class QueryVisitorExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public static class QueryVisitorExtensions Inheritance object QueryVisitorExtensions Methods Clone<T>(T?) public static T? Clone<T>(this T? element) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T Returns T Type Parameters T Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public static T? Clone<T>(this T? element, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> objectTree) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T objectTree Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns T Type Parameters T Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) public static T? Clone<T>(this T? element, Func<IQueryElement, bool> doClone) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T doClone Func<IQueryElement, bool> Returns T Type Parameters T Clone<T>(T[]?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public static T[]? Clone<T>(this T[]? elements, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> objectTree) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters elements T[] objectTree Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns T[] Type Parameters T Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) public static T? Clone<T, TContext>(this T? element, TContext context, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> objectTree, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> doClone) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext objectTree Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> doClone Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> Returns T Type Parameters T TContext Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) public static T? Clone<T, TContext>(this T? element, TContext context, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> doClone) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext doClone Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> Returns T Type Parameters T TContext ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public static T ConvertAll<T>(this T element, bool allowMutation, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T allowMutation bool convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<object>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns T Type Parameters T ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public static T ConvertAll<TContext, T>(this T element, TContext context, bool allowMutation, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext allowMutation bool convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns T Type Parameters TContext T ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public static T ConvertAll<TContext, T>(this T element, TContext context, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns T Type Parameters TContext T ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) public static T ConvertAll<TContext, T>(this T element, TContext context, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool> parentAction) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> parentAction Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool> Returns T Type Parameters TContext T Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public static T Convert<T>(this T element, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<object>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns T Type Parameters T Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) public static T Convert<T>(this T element, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction, bool withStack) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<object>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> withStack bool Returns T Type Parameters T Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public static T Convert<TContext, T>(this T element, TContext context, bool allowMutation, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext allowMutation bool convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns T Type Parameters TContext T Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) public static T Convert<TContext, T>(this T element, TContext context, bool allowMutation, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction, bool withStack) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext allowMutation bool convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> withStack bool Returns T Type Parameters TContext T Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public static T Convert<TContext, T>(this T element, TContext context, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns T Type Parameters TContext T Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) public static T Convert<TContext, T>(this T element, TContext context, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> convertAction, bool withStack) where T : class, IQueryElement Parameters element T context TContext convertAction Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement> withStack bool Returns T Type Parameters TContext T Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) public static IQueryElement? Find(this IQueryElement? element, QueryElementType type) Parameters element IQueryElement type QueryElementType Returns IQueryElement Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) public static IQueryElement? Find(this IQueryElement? element, Func<IQueryElement, bool> find) Parameters element IQueryElement find Func<IQueryElement, bool> Returns IQueryElement Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) public static IQueryElement? Find<TContext>(this IQueryElement? element, TContext context, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> find) Parameters element IQueryElement context TContext find Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> Returns IQueryElement Type Parameters TContext Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) public static void Visit(this IQueryElement element, Action<IQueryElement> action) Parameters element IQueryElement action Action<IQueryElement> VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) public static void VisitAll(this IQueryElement element, Action<IQueryElement> action) Parameters element IQueryElement action Action<IQueryElement> VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) public static void VisitAll<TContext>(this IQueryElement element, TContext context, Action<TContext, IQueryElement> action) Parameters element IQueryElement context TContext action Action<TContext, IQueryElement> Type Parameters TContext VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) public static void VisitParentFirst(this IQueryElement element, Func<IQueryElement, bool> action) Parameters element IQueryElement action Func<IQueryElement, bool> VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) public static void VisitParentFirstAll(this IQueryElement element, Func<IQueryElement, bool> action) Parameters element IQueryElement action Func<IQueryElement, bool> VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) public static void VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(this IQueryElement element, TContext context, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> action) Parameters element IQueryElement context TContext action Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> Type Parameters TContext VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) public static void VisitParentFirst<TContext>(this IQueryElement element, TContext context, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> action) Parameters element IQueryElement context TContext action Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool> Type Parameters TContext Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) public static void Visit<TContext>(this IQueryElement element, TContext context, Action<TContext, IQueryElement> action) Parameters element IQueryElement context TContext action Action<TContext, IQueryElement> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ReservedWords.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ReservedWords.html",
"title": "Class ReservedWords | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ReservedWords Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public static class ReservedWords Inheritance object ReservedWords Methods Add(string, string?) public static void Add(string word, string? providerName = null) Parameters word string providerName string IsReserved(string, string?) public static bool IsReserved(string word, string? providerName = null) Parameters word string providerName string Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SelectQuery.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SelectQuery.html",
"title": "Class SelectQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SelectQuery Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SelectQuery : ISqlTableSource, ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SelectQuery Implements ISqlTableSource ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryHelper.FindJoin(SelectQuery, Func<SqlJoinedTable, bool>) QueryHelper.RemoveNotUnusedColumns(SelectQuery) QueryHelper.RootQuery(SelectQuery) QueryHelper.TransformInnerJoinsToWhere(SelectQuery) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SelectQuery() public SelectQuery() Fields SourceIDCounter public static int SourceIDCounter Field Value int Properties All public SqlField All { get; } Property Value SqlField CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool DebugSqlText protected string DebugSqlText { get; } Property Value string DoNotRemove Gets or sets flag when sub-query can be removed during optimization. public bool DoNotRemove { get; set; } Property Value bool DoNotSetAliases public bool DoNotSetAliases { get; set; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType From public SqlFromClause From { get; } Property Value SqlFromClause GroupBy public SqlGroupByClause GroupBy { get; } Property Value SqlGroupByClause HasSetOperators public bool HasSetOperators { get; } Property Value bool HasUniqueKeys public bool HasUniqueKeys { get; } Property Value bool Having public SqlWhereClause Having { get; } Property Value SqlWhereClause IsParameterDependent public bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool IsSimple public bool IsSimple { get; } Property Value bool IsSimpleOrSet public bool IsSimpleOrSet { get; } Property Value bool OrderBy public SqlOrderByClause OrderBy { get; } Property Value SqlOrderByClause ParentSelect public SelectQuery? ParentSelect { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int Properties public List<object> Properties { get; } Property Value List<object> QueryName public string? QueryName { get; set; } Property Value string Select public SqlSelectClause Select { get; } Property Value SqlSelectClause SetOperators public List<SqlSetOperator> SetOperators { get; } Property Value List<SqlSetOperator> SourceID public int SourceID { get; } Property Value int SqlQueryExtensions public List<SqlQueryExtension>? SqlQueryExtensions { get; set; } Property Value List<SqlQueryExtension> SqlTableType public SqlTableType SqlTableType { get; } Property Value SqlTableType SqlText public string SqlText { get; } Property Value string SystemType public Type? SystemType { get; } Property Value Type UniqueKeys Contains list of columns that build unique key for this sub-query. Used in JoinOptimizer for safely removing sub-query from resulting SQL. public List<ISqlExpression[]> UniqueKeys { get; } Property Value List<ISqlExpression[]> Where public SqlWhereClause Where { get; } Property Value SqlWhereClause Methods AddUnion(SelectQuery, bool) public void AddUnion(SelectQuery union, bool isAll) Parameters union SelectQuery isAll bool Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ForEachTable<TContext>(TContext, Action<TContext, SqlTableSource>, HashSet<SelectQuery>) public void ForEachTable<TContext>(TContext context, Action<TContext, SqlTableSource> action, HashSet<SelectQuery> visitedQueries) Parameters context TContext action Action<TContext, SqlTableSource> visitedQueries HashSet<SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext GetKeys(bool) public IList<ISqlExpression> GetKeys(bool allIfEmpty) Parameters allIfEmpty bool Returns IList<ISqlExpression> GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SetOperation.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SetOperation.html",
"title": "Enum SetOperation | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SetOperation Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SetOperation Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Except = 2 ExceptAll = 3 Intersect = 4 IntersectAll = 5 Union = 0 UnionAll = 1"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlAliasPlaceholder.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlAliasPlaceholder.html",
"title": "Class SqlAliasPlaceholder | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlAliasPlaceholder Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlAliasPlaceholder : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlAliasPlaceholder Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType public Type SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Equals(ISqlExpression?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(ISqlExpression? other) Parameters other ISqlExpression An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlBinaryExpression.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlBinaryExpression.html",
"title": "Class SqlBinaryExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlBinaryExpression Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll [Serializable] public class SqlBinaryExpression : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlBinaryExpression Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlBinaryExpression(Type, ISqlExpression, string, ISqlExpression) public SqlBinaryExpression(Type systemType, ISqlExpression expr1, string operation, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters systemType Type expr1 ISqlExpression operation string expr2 ISqlExpression SqlBinaryExpression(Type, ISqlExpression, string, ISqlExpression, int) public SqlBinaryExpression(Type systemType, ISqlExpression expr1, string operation, ISqlExpression expr2, int precedence) Parameters systemType Type expr1 ISqlExpression operation string expr2 ISqlExpression precedence int Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expr1 public ISqlExpression Expr1 { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Expr2 public ISqlExpression Expr2 { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Operation public string Operation { get; } Property Value string Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SqlText public string SqlText { get; } Property Value string SystemType public Type SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Deconstruct(out ISqlExpression, out string, out ISqlExpression) public void Deconstruct(out ISqlExpression expr1, out string operation, out ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression operation string expr2 ISqlExpression Deconstruct(out Type, out ISqlExpression, out string, out ISqlExpression) public void Deconstruct(out Type systemType, out ISqlExpression expr1, out string operation, out ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters systemType Type expr1 ISqlExpression operation string expr2 ISqlExpression Equals(ISqlExpression?, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression? other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlColumn.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlColumn.html",
"title": "Class SqlColumn | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlColumn Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlColumn : IEquatable<SqlColumn>, ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlColumn Implements IEquatable<SqlColumn> ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlColumn(SelectQuery, ISqlExpression) public SqlColumn(SelectQuery builder, ISqlExpression expression) Parameters builder SelectQuery expression ISqlExpression SqlColumn(SelectQuery?, ISqlExpression, string?) public SqlColumn(SelectQuery? parent, ISqlExpression expression, string? alias) Parameters parent SelectQuery expression ISqlExpression alias string Properties Alias public string? Alias { get; set; } Property Value string CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expression public ISqlExpression Expression { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression Parent public SelectQuery? Parent { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType public Type? SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Equals(SqlColumn?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(SqlColumn? other) Parameters other SqlColumn An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object. ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object. UnderlyingExpression() public ISqlExpression UnderlyingExpression() Returns ISqlExpression Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlComment.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlComment.html",
"title": "Class SqlComment | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlComment Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlComment : IQueryElement Inheritance object SqlComment Implements IQueryElement Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlComment() public SqlComment() Properties ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Lines public List<string> Lines { get; } Property Value List<string> Methods ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlCondition.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlCondition.html",
"title": "Class SqlCondition | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCondition Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlCondition : IQueryElement Inheritance object SqlCondition Implements IQueryElement Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlCondition(bool, ISqlPredicate) public SqlCondition(bool isNot, ISqlPredicate predicate) Parameters isNot bool predicate ISqlPredicate SqlCondition(bool, ISqlPredicate, bool) public SqlCondition(bool isNot, ISqlPredicate predicate, bool isOr) Parameters isNot bool predicate ISqlPredicate isOr bool Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsNot public bool IsNot { get; set; } Property Value bool IsOr public bool IsOr { get; set; } Property Value bool Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int Predicate public ISqlPredicate Predicate { get; set; } Property Value ISqlPredicate Methods Deconstruct(out bool, out ISqlPredicate, out bool) public void Deconstruct(out bool isNot, out ISqlPredicate predicate, out bool isOr) Parameters isNot bool predicate ISqlPredicate isOr bool Equals(SqlCondition, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(SqlCondition other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other SqlCondition comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlConditionalInsertClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlConditionalInsertClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlConditionalInsertClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlConditionalInsertClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlConditionalInsertClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlConditionalInsertClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlConditionalInsertClause(SqlInsertClause, SqlSearchCondition?) public SqlConditionalInsertClause(SqlInsertClause insert, SqlSearchCondition? when) Parameters insert SqlInsertClause when SqlSearchCondition Properties Insert public SqlInsertClause Insert { get; } Property Value SqlInsertClause When public SqlSearchCondition? When { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlCreateTableStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlCreateTableStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlCreateTableStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCreateTableStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlCreateTableStatement : SqlStatement, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlCreateTableStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Constructors SqlCreateTableStatement(SqlTable) public SqlCreateTableStatement(SqlTable sqlTable) Parameters sqlTable SqlTable Properties DefaultNullable public DefaultNullable DefaultNullable { get; set; } Property Value DefaultNullable ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsParameterDependent public override bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType SelectQuery public override SelectQuery? SelectQuery { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery StatementFooter public string? StatementFooter { get; set; } Property Value string StatementHeader public string? StatementHeader { get; set; } Property Value string Table public SqlTable Table { get; } Property Value SqlTable Methods GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public override void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlCteTable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlCteTable.html",
"title": "Class SqlCteTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlCteTable Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlCteTable : SqlTable, ISqlTableSource, ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlTable SqlCteTable Implements ISqlTableSource ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlTable.ToString() SqlTable.FindFieldByMemberName(string) SqlTable.Alias SqlTable.ObjectType SqlTable.TableOptions SqlTable.ID SqlTable.Expression SqlTable.TableArguments SqlTable.Fields SqlTable.SqlQueryExtensions SqlTable.IdentityFields SqlTable.SequenceAttributes SqlTable.All SqlTable.GetIdentityField() SqlTable.Add(SqlField) SqlTable.AddRange(IEnumerable<SqlField>) SqlTable.SourceID SqlTable.GetKeys(bool) SqlTable.CanBeNull SqlTable.Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) SqlTable.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlCteTable(CteClause, EntityDescriptor) public SqlCteTable(CteClause cte, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor) Parameters cte CteClause entityDescriptor EntityDescriptor SqlCteTable(SqlCteTable, IEnumerable<SqlField>, CteClause) public SqlCteTable(SqlCteTable table, IEnumerable<SqlField> fields, CteClause cte) Parameters table SqlCteTable fields IEnumerable<SqlField> cte CteClause Properties Cte public CteClause? Cte { get; set; } Property Value CteClause ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType SqlTableType public override SqlTableType SqlTableType { get; } Property Value SqlTableType SqlText public string SqlText { get; } Property Value string TableName public override SqlObjectName TableName { get; set; } Property Value SqlObjectName Methods ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlDataType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlDataType.html",
"title": "Class SqlDataType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlDataType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlDataType : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IEquatable<SqlDataType> Inheritance object SqlDataType Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable IEquatable<SqlDataType> Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlDataType(DbDataType) public SqlDataType(DbDataType dataType) Parameters dataType DbDataType SqlDataType(DataType) public SqlDataType(DataType dataType) Parameters dataType DataType SqlDataType(DataType, int?) public SqlDataType(DataType dataType, int? length) Parameters dataType DataType length int? SqlDataType(DataType, Type) public SqlDataType(DataType dataType, Type type) Parameters dataType DataType type Type SqlDataType(DataType, Type, int) public SqlDataType(DataType dataType, Type type, int length) Parameters dataType DataType type Type length int SqlDataType(DataType, Type, int, int) public SqlDataType(DataType dataType, Type type, int precision, int scale) Parameters dataType DataType type Type precision int scale int SqlDataType(DataType, Type, string) public SqlDataType(DataType dataType, Type type, string dbType) Parameters dataType DataType type Type dbType string Fields Boolean public static readonly SqlDataType Boolean Field Value SqlDataType Byte public static readonly SqlDataType Byte Field Value SqlDataType ByteArray public static readonly SqlDataType ByteArray Field Value SqlDataType Char public static readonly SqlDataType Char Field Value SqlDataType CharArray public static readonly SqlDataType CharArray Field Value SqlDataType DateTime public static readonly SqlDataType DateTime Field Value SqlDataType DateTimeOffset public static readonly SqlDataType DateTimeOffset Field Value SqlDataType DbBinary public static readonly SqlDataType DbBinary Field Value SqlDataType DbBinaryJson public static readonly SqlDataType DbBinaryJson Field Value SqlDataType DbBitArray public static readonly SqlDataType DbBitArray Field Value SqlDataType DbBoolean public static readonly SqlDataType DbBoolean Field Value SqlDataType DbByte public static readonly SqlDataType DbByte Field Value SqlDataType DbChar public static readonly SqlDataType DbChar Field Value SqlDataType DbDate public static readonly SqlDataType DbDate Field Value SqlDataType DbDateTime public static readonly SqlDataType DbDateTime Field Value SqlDataType DbDateTime2 public static readonly SqlDataType DbDateTime2 Field Value SqlDataType DbDateTimeOffset public static readonly SqlDataType DbDateTimeOffset Field Value SqlDataType DbDecFloat public static readonly SqlDataType DbDecFloat Field Value SqlDataType DbDecimal public static readonly SqlDataType DbDecimal Field Value SqlDataType DbDictionary public static readonly SqlDataType DbDictionary Field Value SqlDataType DbDouble public static readonly SqlDataType DbDouble Field Value SqlDataType DbGuid public static readonly SqlDataType DbGuid Field Value SqlDataType DbImage public static readonly SqlDataType DbImage Field Value SqlDataType DbInt128 public static readonly SqlDataType DbInt128 Field Value SqlDataType DbInt16 public static readonly SqlDataType DbInt16 Field Value SqlDataType DbInt32 public static readonly SqlDataType DbInt32 Field Value SqlDataType DbInt64 public static readonly SqlDataType DbInt64 Field Value SqlDataType DbJson public static readonly SqlDataType DbJson Field Value SqlDataType DbMoney public static readonly SqlDataType DbMoney Field Value SqlDataType DbNChar public static readonly SqlDataType DbNChar Field Value SqlDataType DbNText public static readonly SqlDataType DbNText Field Value SqlDataType DbNVarChar public static readonly SqlDataType DbNVarChar Field Value SqlDataType DbSByte public static readonly SqlDataType DbSByte Field Value SqlDataType DbSingle public static readonly SqlDataType DbSingle Field Value SqlDataType DbSmallDateTime public static readonly SqlDataType DbSmallDateTime Field Value SqlDataType DbSmallMoney public static readonly SqlDataType DbSmallMoney Field Value SqlDataType DbText public static readonly SqlDataType DbText Field Value SqlDataType DbTime public static readonly SqlDataType DbTime Field Value SqlDataType DbTimeTZ public static readonly SqlDataType DbTimeTZ Field Value SqlDataType DbTimestamp public static readonly SqlDataType DbTimestamp Field Value SqlDataType DbUInt16 public static readonly SqlDataType DbUInt16 Field Value SqlDataType DbUInt32 public static readonly SqlDataType DbUInt32 Field Value SqlDataType DbUInt64 public static readonly SqlDataType DbUInt64 Field Value SqlDataType DbUdt public static readonly SqlDataType DbUdt Field Value SqlDataType DbVarBinary public static readonly SqlDataType DbVarBinary Field Value SqlDataType DbVarChar public static readonly SqlDataType DbVarChar Field Value SqlDataType DbVariant public static readonly SqlDataType DbVariant Field Value SqlDataType DbXml public static readonly SqlDataType DbXml Field Value SqlDataType Decimal public static readonly SqlDataType Decimal Field Value SqlDataType Double public static readonly SqlDataType Double Field Value SqlDataType Guid public static readonly SqlDataType Guid Field Value SqlDataType Int16 public static readonly SqlDataType Int16 Field Value SqlDataType Int32 public static readonly SqlDataType Int32 Field Value SqlDataType LinqBinary public static readonly SqlDataType LinqBinary Field Value SqlDataType SByte public static readonly SqlDataType SByte Field Value SqlDataType Single public static readonly SqlDataType Single Field Value SqlDataType SqlBinary public static readonly SqlDataType SqlBinary Field Value SqlDataType SqlBoolean public static readonly SqlDataType SqlBoolean Field Value SqlDataType SqlByte public static readonly SqlDataType SqlByte Field Value SqlDataType SqlBytes public static readonly SqlDataType SqlBytes Field Value SqlDataType SqlChars public static readonly SqlDataType SqlChars Field Value SqlDataType SqlDateTime public static readonly SqlDataType SqlDateTime Field Value SqlDataType SqlDecimal public static readonly SqlDataType SqlDecimal Field Value SqlDataType SqlDouble public static readonly SqlDataType SqlDouble Field Value SqlDataType SqlGuid public static readonly SqlDataType SqlGuid Field Value SqlDataType SqlInt16 public static readonly SqlDataType SqlInt16 Field Value SqlDataType SqlInt32 public static readonly SqlDataType SqlInt32 Field Value SqlDataType SqlInt64 public static readonly SqlDataType SqlInt64 Field Value SqlDataType SqlMoney public static readonly SqlDataType SqlMoney Field Value SqlDataType SqlSingle public static readonly SqlDataType SqlSingle Field Value SqlDataType SqlString public static readonly SqlDataType SqlString Field Value SqlDataType SqlXml public static readonly SqlDataType SqlXml Field Value SqlDataType String public static readonly SqlDataType String Field Value SqlDataType TimeSpan public static readonly SqlDataType TimeSpan Field Value SqlDataType UInt16 public static readonly SqlDataType UInt16 Field Value SqlDataType UInt32 public static readonly SqlDataType UInt32 Field Value SqlDataType UInt64 public static readonly SqlDataType UInt64 Field Value SqlDataType Undefined public static readonly SqlDataType Undefined Field Value SqlDataType Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsCharDataType public bool IsCharDataType { get; } Property Value bool Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType public Type SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Type public DbDataType Type { get; } Property Value DbDataType Methods Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Equals(SqlDataType?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(SqlDataType? other) Parameters other SqlDataType An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(object?) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters obj object The object to compare with the current object. Returns bool true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. GetDataType(DataType) public static SqlDataType GetDataType(DataType type) Parameters type DataType Returns SqlDataType GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object. GetMaxDisplaySize(DataType) public static int? GetMaxDisplaySize(DataType dbType) Parameters dbType DataType Returns int? GetMaxLength(DataType) public static int? GetMaxLength(DataType dbType) Parameters dbType DataType Returns int? GetMaxPrecision(DataType) public static int? GetMaxPrecision(DataType dbType) Parameters dbType DataType Returns int? GetMaxScale(DataType) public static int? GetMaxScale(DataType dbType) Parameters dbType DataType Returns int? TypeCanBeNull(Type) public static bool TypeCanBeNull(Type type) Parameters type Type Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlDeleteStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlDeleteStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlDeleteStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlDeleteStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlDeleteStatement : SqlStatementWithQueryBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase SqlDeleteStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatementWithQueryBase.SelectQuery SqlStatementWithQueryBase.With SqlStatementWithQueryBase.GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryHelper.GetDeleteTable(SqlDeleteStatement) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Constructors SqlDeleteStatement() public SqlDeleteStatement() SqlDeleteStatement(SelectQuery?) public SqlDeleteStatement(SelectQuery? selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsParameterDependent public override bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool Output public SqlOutputClause? Output { get; set; } Property Value SqlOutputClause QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType Table public SqlTable? Table { get; set; } Property Value SqlTable Top public ISqlExpression? Top { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression Methods ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public override void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlDropTableStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlDropTableStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlDropTableStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlDropTableStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlDropTableStatement : SqlStatement, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlDropTableStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Constructors SqlDropTableStatement(SqlTable) public SqlDropTableStatement(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsParameterDependent public override bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType SelectQuery public override SelectQuery? SelectQuery { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery Table public SqlTable Table { get; } Property Value SqlTable Methods GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public override void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlException.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlException.html",
"title": "Class SqlException | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlException Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll [Serializable] public class SqlException : Exception, ISerializable, _Exception Inheritance object Exception SqlException Implements ISerializable _Exception Inherited Members Exception.GetBaseException() Exception.ToString() Exception.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Exception.GetType() Exception.Message Exception.Data Exception.InnerException Exception.TargetSite Exception.StackTrace Exception.HelpLink Exception.Source Exception.HResult Exception.SerializeObjectState Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlException() public SqlException() SqlException(Exception) public SqlException(Exception innerException) Parameters innerException Exception SqlException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) protected SqlException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) Parameters info SerializationInfo context StreamingContext SqlException(string) public SqlException(string message) Parameters message string SqlException(string, Exception) public SqlException(string message, Exception innerException) Parameters message string innerException Exception SqlException(string, params object?[]) public SqlException(string message, params object?[] args) Parameters message string args object[]"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlExpression.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlExpression.html",
"title": "Class SqlExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlExpression Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlExpression : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlExpression Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlExpression(string, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlExpression(string expr, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters expr string parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlExpression(string, int, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlExpression(string expr, int precedence, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters expr string precedence int parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlExpression(Type?, string, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlExpression(Type? systemType, string expr, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type expr string parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlExpression(Type?, string, int, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlExpression(Type? systemType, string expr, int precedence, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type expr string precedence int parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlExpression(Type?, string, int, SqlFlags, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlExpression(Type? systemType, string expr, int precedence, SqlFlags flags, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type expr string precedence int flags SqlFlags parameters ISqlExpression[] Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expr public string Expr { get; } Property Value string Flags public SqlFlags Flags { get; } Property Value SqlFlags IsAggregate public bool IsAggregate { get; } Property Value bool IsPredicate public bool IsPredicate { get; } Property Value bool IsPure public bool IsPure { get; } Property Value bool IsWindowFunction public bool IsWindowFunction { get; } Property Value bool Parameters public ISqlExpression[] Parameters { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression[] Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType public Type? SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Equals(ISqlExpression?, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression? other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object. NeedsEqual(IQueryElement) public static bool NeedsEqual(IQueryElement ex) Parameters ex IQueryElement Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SqlExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static class SqlExtensions Inheritance object SqlExtensions Methods EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static SelectQuery EnsureQuery(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SelectQuery GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static SqlField? GetIdentityField(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlField GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static SqlInsertClause? GetInsertClause(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlInsertClause GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static SqlOutputClause? GetOutputClause(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlOutputClause GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static SqlUpdateClause? GetUpdateClause(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlUpdateClause GetWithClause(SqlStatement) public static SqlWithClause? GetWithClause(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlWithClause IsDelete(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static bool IsDelete(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns bool IsInsert(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static bool IsInsert(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns bool IsUpdate(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static bool IsUpdate(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns bool NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static bool NeedsIdentity(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns bool RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static SqlInsertClause RequireInsertClause(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlInsertClause RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. public static SqlUpdateClause RequireUpdateClause(this SqlStatement statement) Parameters statement SqlStatement Returns SqlUpdateClause"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlField.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlField.html",
"title": "Class SqlField | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlField Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlField : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlField Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlField(ColumnDescriptor) public SqlField(ColumnDescriptor column) Parameters column ColumnDescriptor SqlField(ISqlTableSource, string) public SqlField(ISqlTableSource table, string name) Parameters table ISqlTableSource name string SqlField(SqlField) public SqlField(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField SqlField(string, string) public SqlField(string name, string physicalName) Parameters name string physicalName string SqlField(Type, string?, bool) public SqlField(Type systemType, string? name, bool canBeNull) Parameters systemType Type name string canBeNull bool Properties Alias public string? Alias { get; set; } Property Value string CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool ColumnDescriptor public ColumnDescriptor ColumnDescriptor { get; set; } Property Value ColumnDescriptor CreateFormat public string? CreateFormat { get; set; } Property Value string CreateOrder public int? CreateOrder { get; set; } Property Value int? ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsDynamic public bool IsDynamic { get; set; } Property Value bool IsIdentity public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool IsInsertable public bool IsInsertable { get; set; } Property Value bool IsPrimaryKey public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } Property Value bool IsUpdatable public bool IsUpdatable { get; set; } Property Value bool Name public string Name { get; set; } Property Value string PhysicalName public string PhysicalName { get; set; } Property Value string Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int PrimaryKeyOrder public int PrimaryKeyOrder { get; set; } Property Value int SkipOnEntityFetch public bool SkipOnEntityFetch { get; set; } Property Value bool Table public ISqlTableSource? Table { get; set; } Property Value ISqlTableSource Type public DbDataType Type { get; set; } Property Value DbDataType Methods Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFlags.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFlags.html",
"title": "Enum SqlFlags | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlFlags Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll [Flags] public enum SqlFlags Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields IsAggregate = 1 IsPredicate = 8 IsPure = 4 IsWindowFunction = 16 None = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFromClause.Join.Next.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFromClause.Join.Next.html",
"title": "Class SqlFromClause.Join.Next | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlFromClause.Join.Next Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlFromClause.Join.Next Inheritance object SqlFromClause.Join.Next Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties And public SqlFromClause.Join And { get; } Property Value SqlFromClause.Join Or public SqlFromClause.Join Or { get; } Property Value SqlFromClause.Join Operators implicit operator Join(Next) public static implicit operator SqlFromClause.Join(SqlFromClause.Join.Next next) Parameters next SqlFromClause.Join.Next Returns SqlFromClause.Join"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFromClause.Join.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFromClause.Join.html",
"title": "Class SqlFromClause.Join | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlFromClause.Join Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlFromClause.Join : ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next> Inheritance object ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next> SqlFromClause.Join Inherited Members ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.Search ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.GetNext() ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.SetOr(bool) ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.Not ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.Expr(ISqlExpression) ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.Field(SqlField) ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.SubQuery(SelectQuery) ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.Value(object) ConditionBase<SqlFromClause.Join, SqlFromClause.Join.Next>.Exists(SelectQuery) Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties JoinedTable public SqlJoinedTable JoinedTable { get; } Property Value SqlJoinedTable Search protected override SqlSearchCondition Search { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition Methods GetNext() protected override SqlFromClause.Join.Next GetNext() Returns SqlFromClause.Join.Next"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFromClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFromClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlFromClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlFromClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlFromClause : ClauseBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object ClauseBase SqlFromClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members ClauseBase.Select ClauseBase.From ClauseBase.Where ClauseBase.GroupBy ClauseBase.Having ClauseBase.OrderBy ClauseBase.End() ClauseBase.SelectQuery Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType this[ISqlTableSource] public SqlTableSource? this[ISqlTableSource table] { get; } Parameters table ISqlTableSource Property Value SqlTableSource this[ISqlTableSource, string?] public SqlTableSource? this[ISqlTableSource table, string? alias] { get; } Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string Property Value SqlTableSource Tables public List<SqlTableSource> Tables { get; } Property Value List<SqlTableSource> Methods FindTableSource(SqlTable) public ISqlTableSource? FindTableSource(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable Returns ISqlTableSource IsChild(ISqlTableSource) public bool IsChild(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns bool Table(ISqlTableSource, params Join[]) public SqlFromClause Table(ISqlTableSource table, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause Table(ISqlTableSource, string?, params Join[]) public SqlFromClause Table(ISqlTableSource table, string? alias, params SqlFromClause.Join[] joins) Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string joins Join[] Returns SqlFromClause"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFunction.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlFunction.html",
"title": "Class SqlFunction | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlFunction Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlFunction : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlFunction Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlFunction(Type, string, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlFunction(Type systemType, string name, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type name string parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlFunction(Type, string, bool, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlFunction(Type systemType, string name, bool isAggregate, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type name string isAggregate bool parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlFunction(Type, string, bool, bool, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlFunction(Type systemType, string name, bool isAggregate, bool isPure, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type name string isAggregate bool isPure bool parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlFunction(Type, string, bool, bool, int, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlFunction(Type systemType, string name, bool isAggregate, bool isPure, int precedence, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type name string isAggregate bool isPure bool precedence int parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlFunction(Type, string, bool, int, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlFunction(Type systemType, string name, bool isAggregate, int precedence, params ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type name string isAggregate bool precedence int parameters ISqlExpression[] Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool DoNotOptimize public bool DoNotOptimize { get; set; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsAggregate public bool IsAggregate { get; } Property Value bool IsPure public bool IsPure { get; } Property Value bool Name public string Name { get; } Property Value string Parameters public ISqlExpression[] Parameters { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression[] Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType public Type SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods CreateAll(SelectQuery) public static SqlFunction CreateAll(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns SqlFunction CreateAny(SelectQuery) public static SqlFunction CreateAny(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns SqlFunction CreateCount(Type, ISqlTableSource) public static SqlFunction CreateCount(Type type, ISqlTableSource table) Parameters type Type table ISqlTableSource Returns SqlFunction CreateExists(SelectQuery) public static SqlFunction CreateExists(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns SqlFunction CreateSome(SelectQuery) public static SqlFunction CreateSome(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns SqlFunction Deconstruct(out string) public void Deconstruct(out string name) Parameters name string Deconstruct(out Type, out string) public void Deconstruct(out Type systemType, out string name) Parameters systemType Type name string Deconstruct(out Type, out string, out ISqlExpression[]) public void Deconstruct(out Type systemType, out string name, out ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters systemType Type name string parameters ISqlExpression[] Equals(ISqlExpression?, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression? other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlGroupByClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlGroupByClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlGroupByClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlGroupByClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlGroupByClause : ClauseBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object ClauseBase SqlGroupByClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members ClauseBase.Select ClauseBase.From ClauseBase.Where ClauseBase.GroupBy ClauseBase.Having ClauseBase.OrderBy ClauseBase.End() ClauseBase.SelectQuery Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType GroupingType public GroupingType GroupingType { get; set; } Property Value GroupingType IsEmpty public bool IsEmpty { get; } Property Value bool Items public List<ISqlExpression> Items { get; } Property Value List<ISqlExpression> Methods EnumItems() public IEnumerable<ISqlExpression> EnumItems() Returns IEnumerable<ISqlExpression> Expr(ISqlExpression) public SqlGroupByClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns SqlGroupByClause Field(SqlField) public SqlGroupByClause Field(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns SqlGroupByClause"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlGroupingSet.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlGroupingSet.html",
"title": "Class SqlGroupingSet | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlGroupingSet Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlGroupingSet : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlGroupingSet Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlGroupingSet() public SqlGroupingSet() Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Items public List<ISqlExpression> Items { get; } Property Value List<ISqlExpression> Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType public Type? SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Equals(ISqlExpression?) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(ISqlExpression? other) Parameters other ISqlExpression An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlInsertClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlInsertClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlInsertClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlInsertClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlInsertClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlInsertClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlInsertClause() public SqlInsertClause() Properties DefaultItems public List<SqlSetExpression> DefaultItems { get; } Property Value List<SqlSetExpression> ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Into public SqlTable? Into { get; set; } Property Value SqlTable Items public List<SqlSetExpression> Items { get; } Property Value List<SqlSetExpression> WithIdentity public bool WithIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement : SqlStatementWithQueryBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatementWithQueryBase.IsParameterDependent SqlStatementWithQueryBase.SelectQuery SqlStatementWithQueryBase.With SqlStatementWithQueryBase.WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Constructors SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement(SelectQuery?) public SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement(SelectQuery? selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Insert public SqlInsertClause Insert { get; set; } Property Value SqlInsertClause QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType Update public SqlUpdateClause Update { get; set; } Property Value SqlUpdateClause Methods GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlInsertStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlInsertStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlInsertStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlInsertStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlInsertStatement : SqlStatementWithQueryBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase SqlInsertStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatementWithQueryBase.IsParameterDependent SqlStatementWithQueryBase.SelectQuery SqlStatementWithQueryBase.With SqlStatementWithQueryBase.WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Constructors SqlInsertStatement() public SqlInsertStatement() SqlInsertStatement(SelectQuery) public SqlInsertStatement(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Insert public SqlInsertClause Insert { get; set; } Property Value SqlInsertClause Output public SqlOutputClause? Output { get; set; } Property Value SqlOutputClause QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType Methods GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlInsertWithIdentity.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlInsertWithIdentity.html",
"title": "Class SqlInsertWithIdentity | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlInsertWithIdentity Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlInsertWithIdentity Inheritance object SqlInsertWithIdentity Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlJoinedTable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlJoinedTable.html",
"title": "Class SqlJoinedTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlJoinedTable Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlJoinedTable : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlJoinedTable Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlJoinedTable(JoinType, ISqlTableSource, string?, bool) public SqlJoinedTable(JoinType joinType, ISqlTableSource table, string? alias, bool isWeak) Parameters joinType JoinType table ISqlTableSource alias string isWeak bool SqlJoinedTable(JoinType, SqlTableSource, bool) public SqlJoinedTable(JoinType joinType, SqlTableSource table, bool isWeak) Parameters joinType JoinType table SqlTableSource isWeak bool SqlJoinedTable(JoinType, SqlTableSource, bool, SqlSearchCondition) public SqlJoinedTable(JoinType joinType, SqlTableSource table, bool isWeak, SqlSearchCondition searchCondition) Parameters joinType JoinType table SqlTableSource isWeak bool searchCondition SqlSearchCondition Properties CanConvertApply public bool CanConvertApply { get; set; } Property Value bool Condition public SqlSearchCondition Condition { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsWeak public bool IsWeak { get; set; } Property Value bool JoinType public JoinType JoinType { get; set; } Property Value JoinType SqlQueryExtensions public List<SqlQueryExtension>? SqlQueryExtensions { get; set; } Property Value List<SqlQueryExtension> Table public SqlTableSource Table { get; set; } Property Value SqlTableSource Methods Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlMergeOperationClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlMergeOperationClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlMergeOperationClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlMergeOperationClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlMergeOperationClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlMergeOperationClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlMergeOperationClause(MergeOperationType) public SqlMergeOperationClause(MergeOperationType type) Parameters type MergeOperationType Properties Items public List<SqlSetExpression> Items { get; } Property Value List<SqlSetExpression> OperationType public MergeOperationType OperationType { get; } Property Value MergeOperationType Where public SqlSearchCondition? Where { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition WhereDelete public SqlSearchCondition? WhereDelete { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlMergeStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlMergeStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlMergeStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlMergeStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlMergeStatement : SqlStatementWithQueryBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase SqlMergeStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatementWithQueryBase.With SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Constructors SqlMergeStatement(SqlTable) public SqlMergeStatement(SqlTable target) Parameters target SqlTable Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType HasIdentityInsert public bool HasIdentityInsert { get; } Property Value bool Hint public string? Hint { get; } Property Value string IsParameterDependent public override bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool On public SqlSearchCondition On { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition Operations public List<SqlMergeOperationClause> Operations { get; } Property Value List<SqlMergeOperationClause> Output public SqlOutputClause? Output { get; set; } Property Value SqlOutputClause QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType SelectQuery public override SelectQuery? SelectQuery { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery Source public SqlTableLikeSource Source { get; } Property Value SqlTableLikeSource Target public SqlTableSource Target { get; } Property Value SqlTableSource Methods GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public override void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlMultiInsertStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlMultiInsertStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlMultiInsertStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlMultiInsertStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlMultiInsertStatement : SqlStatement, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlMultiInsertStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Constructors SqlMultiInsertStatement(SqlTableLikeSource) public SqlMultiInsertStatement(SqlTableLikeSource source) Parameters source SqlTableLikeSource Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType InsertType public MultiInsertType InsertType { get; } Property Value MultiInsertType Inserts public List<SqlConditionalInsertClause> Inserts { get; } Property Value List<SqlConditionalInsertClause> IsParameterDependent public override bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType SelectQuery public override SelectQuery? SelectQuery { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery Source public SqlTableLikeSource Source { get; } Property Value SqlTableLikeSource Methods Add(SqlSearchCondition?, SqlInsertClause) public void Add(SqlSearchCondition? when, SqlInsertClause insert) Parameters when SqlSearchCondition insert SqlInsertClause GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public override void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlObjectExpression.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlObjectExpression.html",
"title": "Class SqlObjectExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlObjectExpression Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlObjectExpression : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlObjectExpression Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlObjectExpression(MappingSchema, SqlInfo[]) public SqlObjectExpression(MappingSchema mappingSchema, SqlInfo[] infoParameters) Parameters mappingSchema MappingSchema infoParameters SqlInfo[] Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType MappingSchema public MappingSchema MappingSchema { get; } Property Value MappingSchema Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType public Type? SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Equals(ISqlExpression?, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression? other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object. GetSqlValue(object, int) public SqlValue GetSqlValue(object obj, int index) Parameters obj object index int Returns SqlValue"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlObjectName.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlObjectName.html",
"title": "Struct SqlObjectName | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Struct SqlObjectName Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll Represents full name of database object (e.g. table, view, function or procedure) split into components. public readonly record struct SqlObjectName : IEquatable<SqlObjectName> Implements IEquatable<SqlObjectName> Inherited Members ValueType.Equals(object) ValueType.GetHashCode() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlObjectName(string, string?, string?, string?, string?) Represents full name of database object (e.g. table, view, function or procedure) split into components. public SqlObjectName(string Name, string? Server = null, string? Database = null, string? Schema = null, string? Package = null) Parameters Name string Name of object in current scope (e.g. in schema or package). Server string Database server or linked server name. Database string Database/catalog name. Schema string Schema/user name. Package string Package/module/library name (used with functions and stored procedures). Properties Database Database/catalog name. public string? Database { get; init; } Property Value string Name Name of object in current scope (e.g. in schema or package). public string Name { get; init; } Property Value string Package Package/module/library name (used with functions and stored procedures). public string? Package { get; init; } Property Value string Schema Schema/user name. public string? Schema { get; init; } Property Value string Server Database server or linked server name. public string? Server { get; init; } Property Value string Methods ToString() Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. public override string ToString() Returns string A string containing a fully qualified type name."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlObjectNameComparer.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlObjectNameComparer.html",
"title": "Class SqlObjectNameComparer | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlObjectNameComparer Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public sealed class SqlObjectNameComparer : IComparer<SqlObjectName> Inheritance object SqlObjectNameComparer Implements IComparer<SqlObjectName> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Instance public static readonly IComparer<SqlObjectName> Instance Field Value IComparer<SqlObjectName>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlOrderByClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlOrderByClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlOrderByClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlOrderByClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlOrderByClause : ClauseBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object ClauseBase SqlOrderByClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members ClauseBase.Select ClauseBase.From ClauseBase.Where ClauseBase.GroupBy ClauseBase.Having ClauseBase.OrderBy ClauseBase.End() ClauseBase.SelectQuery Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsEmpty public bool IsEmpty { get; } Property Value bool Items public List<SqlOrderByItem> Items { get; } Property Value List<SqlOrderByItem> Methods Expr(ISqlExpression) public SqlOrderByClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns SqlOrderByClause Expr(ISqlExpression, bool) public SqlOrderByClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr, bool isDescending) Parameters expr ISqlExpression isDescending bool Returns SqlOrderByClause ExprAsc(ISqlExpression) public SqlOrderByClause ExprAsc(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns SqlOrderByClause ExprDesc(ISqlExpression) public SqlOrderByClause ExprDesc(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns SqlOrderByClause Field(SqlField) public SqlOrderByClause Field(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns SqlOrderByClause Field(SqlField, bool) public SqlOrderByClause Field(SqlField field, bool isDescending) Parameters field SqlField isDescending bool Returns SqlOrderByClause FieldAsc(SqlField) public SqlOrderByClause FieldAsc(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns SqlOrderByClause FieldDesc(SqlField) public SqlOrderByClause FieldDesc(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns SqlOrderByClause"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlOrderByItem.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlOrderByItem.html",
"title": "Class SqlOrderByItem | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlOrderByItem Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlOrderByItem : IQueryElement Inheritance object SqlOrderByItem Implements IQueryElement Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlOrderByItem(ISqlExpression, bool) public SqlOrderByItem(ISqlExpression expression, bool isDescending) Parameters expression ISqlExpression isDescending bool Properties ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expression public ISqlExpression Expression { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression IsDescending public bool IsDescending { get; } Property Value bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlOutputClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlOutputClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlOutputClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlOutputClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlOutputClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlOutputClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DeletedTable public SqlTable? DeletedTable { get; set; } Property Value SqlTable ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType HasOutput public bool HasOutput { get; } Property Value bool HasOutputItems public bool HasOutputItems { get; } Property Value bool InsertedTable public SqlTable? InsertedTable { get; set; } Property Value SqlTable OutputColumns public List<ISqlExpression>? OutputColumns { get; set; } Property Value List<ISqlExpression> OutputItems public List<SqlSetExpression> OutputItems { get; } Property Value List<SqlSetExpression> OutputTable public SqlTable? OutputTable { get; set; } Property Value SqlTable"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlParameter.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlParameter.html",
"title": "Class SqlParameter | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlParameter Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlParameter : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlParameter Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryHelper.GetParameterValue(SqlParameter, IReadOnlyParameterValues?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlParameter(DbDataType, string?, object?) public SqlParameter(DbDataType type, string? name, object? value) Parameters type DbDataType name string value object Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsQueryParameter public bool IsQueryParameter { get; set; } Property Value bool Name public string? Name { get; set; } Property Value string Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int Type public DbDataType Type { get; set; } Property Value DbDataType Value public object? Value { get; } Property Value object ValueConverter public Func<object?, object?>? ValueConverter { get; set; } Property Value Func<object, object> Methods CorrectParameterValue(object?) public object? CorrectParameterValue(object? rawValue) Parameters rawValue object Returns object Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlParameterValue.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlParameterValue.html",
"title": "Class SqlParameterValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlParameterValue Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlParameterValue Inheritance object SqlParameterValue Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlParameterValue(object?, DbDataType) public SqlParameterValue(object? providerValue, DbDataType dbDataType) Parameters providerValue object dbDataType DbDataType Properties DbDataType public DbDataType DbDataType { get; } Property Value DbDataType ProviderValue public object? ProviderValue { get; } Property Value object"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlParameterValues.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlParameterValues.html",
"title": "Class SqlParameterValues | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlParameterValues Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlParameterValues : IReadOnlyParameterValues Inheritance object SqlParameterValues Implements IReadOnlyParameterValues Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Empty public static readonly IReadOnlyParameterValues Empty Field Value IReadOnlyParameterValues Methods AddValue(SqlParameter, object?, DbDataType) public void AddValue(SqlParameter parameter, object? providerValue, DbDataType dbDataType) Parameters parameter SqlParameter providerValue object dbDataType DbDataType SetValue(SqlParameter, object?) public void SetValue(SqlParameter parameter, object? value) Parameters parameter SqlParameter value object TryGetValue(SqlParameter, out SqlParameterValue?) public bool TryGetValue(SqlParameter parameter, out SqlParameterValue? value) Parameters parameter SqlParameter value SqlParameterValue Returns bool"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr : SqlPredicate.Expr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Derived SqlPredicate.Between SqlPredicate.InList SqlPredicate.InSubQuery SqlPredicate.IsDistinct SqlPredicate.IsNull SqlPredicate.IsTrue SqlPredicate.Like SqlPredicate.NotExpr SqlPredicate.SearchString Inherited Members SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Expr.ElementType SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors BaseNotExpr(ISqlExpression, bool, int) protected BaseNotExpr(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, int precedence) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool precedence int Properties IsNot public bool IsNot { get; } Property Value bool Methods CanInvert() public bool CanInvert() Returns bool Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public abstract IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.Between.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.Between.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.Between | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.Between Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.Between : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.Between Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors Between(ISqlExpression, bool, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression) public Between(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, ISqlExpression exp2, ISqlExpression exp3) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool exp2 ISqlExpression exp3 ISqlExpression Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expr2 public ISqlExpression Expr2 { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Expr3 public ISqlExpression Expr3 { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.Expr.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.Expr.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.Expr | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.Expr Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.Expr : SqlPredicate, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Derived SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.ExprExpr Inherited Members SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors Expr(ISqlExpression) public Expr(ISqlExpression exp1) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression Expr(ISqlExpression, int) public Expr(ISqlExpression exp1, int precedence) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression precedence int Properties CanBeNull public override bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expr1 public ISqlExpression Expr1 { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.ExprExpr.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.ExprExpr.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.ExprExpr | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.ExprExpr Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.ExprExpr : SqlPredicate.Expr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.ExprExpr Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors ExprExpr(ISqlExpression, Operator, ISqlExpression, bool?) public ExprExpr(ISqlExpression exp1, SqlPredicate.Operator op, ISqlExpression exp2, bool? withNull) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression op SqlPredicate.Operator exp2 ISqlExpression withNull bool? Properties CanBeNull public override bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expr2 public ISqlExpression Expr2 { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Operator public SqlPredicate.Operator Operator { get; } Property Value SqlPredicate.Operator WithNull public bool? WithNull { get; } Property Value bool? Methods CanInvert() public bool CanInvert() Returns bool Deconstruct(out ISqlExpression, out Operator, out ISqlExpression, out bool?) public void Deconstruct(out ISqlExpression expr1, out SqlPredicate.Operator @operator, out ISqlExpression expr2, out bool? withNull) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression operator SqlPredicate.Operator expr2 ISqlExpression withNull bool? Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement Reduce(EvaluationContext) public ISqlPredicate Reduce(EvaluationContext context) Parameters context EvaluationContext Returns ISqlPredicate ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.FuncLike.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.FuncLike.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.FuncLike | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.FuncLike Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.FuncLike : SqlPredicate, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.FuncLike Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors FuncLike(SqlFunction) public FuncLike(SqlFunction func) Parameters func SqlFunction Properties CanBeNull public override bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Function public SqlFunction Function { get; } Property Value SqlFunction Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.InList.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.InList.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.InList | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.InList Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.InList : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.InList Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors InList(ISqlExpression, bool?, bool) public InList(ISqlExpression exp1, bool? withNull, bool isNot) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression withNull bool? isNot bool InList(ISqlExpression, bool?, bool, ISqlExpression) public InList(ISqlExpression exp1, bool? withNull, bool isNot, ISqlExpression value) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression withNull bool? isNot bool value ISqlExpression InList(ISqlExpression, bool?, bool, IEnumerable<ISqlExpression>?) public InList(ISqlExpression exp1, bool? withNull, bool isNot, IEnumerable<ISqlExpression>? values) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression withNull bool? isNot bool values IEnumerable<ISqlExpression> Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Values public List<ISqlExpression> Values { get; } Property Value List<ISqlExpression> WithNull public bool? WithNull { get; } Property Value bool? Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.InSubQuery.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.InSubQuery.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.InSubQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.InSubQuery Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.InSubQuery : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.InSubQuery Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors InSubQuery(ISqlExpression, bool, SelectQuery) public InSubQuery(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool subQuery SelectQuery Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType SubQuery public SelectQuery SubQuery { get; } Property Value SelectQuery Methods Deconstruct(out ISqlExpression, out bool, out SelectQuery) public void Deconstruct(out ISqlExpression exp1, out bool isNot, out SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool subQuery SelectQuery Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.IsDistinct.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.IsDistinct.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.IsDistinct | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.IsDistinct Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.IsDistinct : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.IsDistinct Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IsDistinct(ISqlExpression, bool, ISqlExpression) public IsDistinct(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, ISqlExpression exp2) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool exp2 ISqlExpression Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expr2 public ISqlExpression Expr2 { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.IsNull.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.IsNull.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.IsNull | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.IsNull Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.IsNull : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.IsNull Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IsNull(ISqlExpression, bool) public IsNull(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Methods Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.IsTrue.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.IsTrue.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.IsTrue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.IsTrue Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.IsTrue : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.IsTrue Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors IsTrue(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool?, bool, bool) public IsTrue(ISqlExpression exp1, ISqlExpression trueValue, ISqlExpression falseValue, bool? withNull, bool isNot, bool optimizeNull) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression trueValue ISqlExpression falseValue ISqlExpression withNull bool? isNot bool optimizeNull bool Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType FalseValue public ISqlExpression FalseValue { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression OptimizeNull public bool OptimizeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool TrueValue public ISqlExpression TrueValue { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression WithNull public bool? WithNull { get; } Property Value bool? Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement Reduce() public ISqlPredicate Reduce() Returns ISqlPredicate ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.Like.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.Like.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.Like | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.Like Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.Like : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.Like Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors Like(ISqlExpression, bool, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression?, string?) public Like(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, ISqlExpression exp2, ISqlExpression? escape, string? functionName = null) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool exp2 ISqlExpression escape ISqlExpression functionName string Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Escape public ISqlExpression? Escape { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Expr2 public ISqlExpression Expr2 { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression FunctionName public string? FunctionName { get; } Property Value string Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.NotExpr.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.NotExpr.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.NotExpr | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.NotExpr Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.NotExpr : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.NotExpr Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors NotExpr(ISqlExpression, bool, int) public NotExpr(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, int precedence) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool precedence int Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Methods Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.Operator.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.Operator.html",
"title": "Enum SqlPredicate.Operator | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlPredicate.Operator Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlPredicate.Operator Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Equal = 0 Greater = 2 GreaterOrEqual = 3 Less = 5 LessOrEqual = 6 NotEqual = 1 NotGreater = 4 NotLess = 7 Overlaps = 8"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind.html",
"title": "Enum SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Contains = 2 EndsWith = 1 StartsWith = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.SearchString.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.SearchString.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate.SearchString | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate.SearchString Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlPredicate.SearchString : SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr, ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.SearchString Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.IsNot SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr.CanInvert() SqlPredicate.Expr.Expr1 SqlPredicate.Expr.CanBeNull SqlPredicate.Precedence Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SearchString(ISqlExpression, bool, ISqlExpression, SearchKind, ISqlExpression) public SearchString(ISqlExpression exp1, bool isNot, ISqlExpression exp2, SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind searchKind, ISqlExpression caseSensitive) Parameters exp1 ISqlExpression isNot bool exp2 ISqlExpression searchKind SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind caseSensitive ISqlExpression Properties CaseSensitive public ISqlExpression CaseSensitive { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expr2 public ISqlExpression Expr2 { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Kind public SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind Kind { get; } Property Value SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public override bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Invert() public override IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected override void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected override void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlPredicate.html",
"title": "Class SqlPredicate | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlPredicate Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class SqlPredicate : ISqlPredicate, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlPredicate Implements ISqlPredicate IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Derived SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.FuncLike Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlPredicate(int) protected SqlPredicate(int precedence) Parameters precedence int Properties CanBeNull public abstract bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public abstract QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int Methods Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public abstract bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) protected abstract void ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) protected abstract void Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlQueryExtension.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlQueryExtension.html",
"title": "Class SqlQueryExtension | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlQueryExtension Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlQueryExtension : ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlQueryExtension Implements ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Arguments public Dictionary<string, ISqlExpression> Arguments { get; } Property Value Dictionary<string, ISqlExpression> BuilderType public Type? BuilderType { get; set; } Property Value Type Configuration public string? Configuration { get; set; } Property Value string Scope public Sql.QueryExtensionScope Scope { get; set; } Property Value Sql.QueryExtensionScope Methods Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlRawSqlTable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlRawSqlTable.html",
"title": "Class SqlRawSqlTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlRawSqlTable Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlRawSqlTable : SqlTable, ISqlTableSource, ISqlExpression, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IQueryElement Inheritance object SqlTable SqlRawSqlTable Implements ISqlTableSource ISqlExpression IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable IQueryElement Inherited Members SqlTable.FindFieldByMemberName(string) SqlTable.Alias SqlTable.TableName SqlTable.ObjectType SqlTable.SqlTableType SqlTable.TableOptions SqlTable.ID SqlTable.Expression SqlTable.TableArguments SqlTable.Fields SqlTable.SqlQueryExtensions SqlTable.IdentityFields SqlTable.SequenceAttributes SqlTable.All SqlTable.GetIdentityField() SqlTable.Add(SqlField) SqlTable.AddRange(IEnumerable<SqlField>) SqlTable.SourceID SqlTable.GetKeys(bool) SqlTable.ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) SqlTable.CanBeNull SqlTable.Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlRawSqlTable(EntityDescriptor, string, ISqlExpression[]) public SqlRawSqlTable(EntityDescriptor endtityDescriptor, string sql, ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters endtityDescriptor EntityDescriptor sql string parameters ISqlExpression[] SqlRawSqlTable(SqlRawSqlTable, ISqlExpression[]) public SqlRawSqlTable(SqlRawSqlTable table, ISqlExpression[] parameters) Parameters table SqlRawSqlTable parameters ISqlExpression[] Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Parameters public ISqlExpression[] Parameters { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression[] SQL public string SQL { get; } Property Value string SqlText public string SqlText { get; } Property Value string Methods ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object. Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlRow.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlRow.html",
"title": "Class SqlRow | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlRow Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlRow : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlRow Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlRow(ISqlExpression[]) public SqlRow(ISqlExpression[] values) Parameters values ISqlExpression[] Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int SystemType public Type? SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Values public ISqlExpression[] Values { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression[] Methods Equals(ISqlExpression) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other) Parameters other ISqlExpression An object to compare with this object. Returns bool true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false. Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSearchCondition.Next.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSearchCondition.Next.html",
"title": "Class SqlSearchCondition.Next | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlSearchCondition.Next Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlSearchCondition.Next Inheritance object SqlSearchCondition.Next Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties And public SqlSearchCondition And { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition Or public SqlSearchCondition Or { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition Methods ToExpr() public ISqlExpression ToExpr() Returns ISqlExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSearchCondition.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSearchCondition.html",
"title": "Class SqlSearchCondition | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlSearchCondition Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlSearchCondition : ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>, ISqlPredicate, ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable, IInvertibleElement Inheritance object ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next> SqlSearchCondition Implements ISqlPredicate ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable IInvertibleElement Inherited Members ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.Search ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.GetNext() ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.SetOr(bool) ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.Not ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.Expr(ISqlExpression) ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.Field(SqlField) ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.SubQuery(SelectQuery) ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.Value(object) ConditionBase<SqlSearchCondition, SqlSearchCondition.Next>.Exists(SelectQuery) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryHelper.EnsureConjunction(SqlSearchCondition) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlSearchCondition() public SqlSearchCondition() SqlSearchCondition(SqlCondition) public SqlSearchCondition(SqlCondition condition) Parameters condition SqlCondition SqlSearchCondition(SqlCondition, SqlCondition) public SqlSearchCondition(SqlCondition condition1, SqlCondition condition2) Parameters condition1 SqlCondition condition2 SqlCondition SqlSearchCondition(IEnumerable<SqlCondition>) public SqlSearchCondition(IEnumerable<SqlCondition> list) Parameters list IEnumerable<SqlCondition> Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool Conditions public List<SqlCondition> Conditions { get; } Property Value List<SqlCondition> ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int Search protected override SqlSearchCondition Search { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition SystemType public Type SystemType { get; } Property Value Type Methods Add(SqlCondition) public SqlSearchCondition Add(SqlCondition condition) Parameters condition SqlCondition Returns SqlSearchCondition CanInvert() public bool CanInvert() Returns bool Deconstruct(out List<SqlCondition>) public void Deconstruct(out List<SqlCondition> conditions) Parameters conditions List<SqlCondition> Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool Equals(ISqlPredicate, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlPredicate other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlPredicate comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool GetNext() protected override SqlSearchCondition.Next GetNext() Returns SqlSearchCondition.Next Invert() public IQueryElement Invert() Returns IQueryElement"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSelectClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSelectClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlSelectClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlSelectClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlSelectClause : ClauseBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object ClauseBase SqlSelectClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members ClauseBase.Select ClauseBase.From ClauseBase.Where ClauseBase.GroupBy ClauseBase.Having ClauseBase.OrderBy ClauseBase.End() ClauseBase.SelectQuery Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Columns public List<SqlColumn> Columns { get; } Property Value List<SqlColumn> ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType HasModifier public bool HasModifier { get; } Property Value bool IsDistinct public bool IsDistinct { get; set; } Property Value bool OptimizeDistinct public bool OptimizeDistinct { get; set; } Property Value bool SkipValue public ISqlExpression? SkipValue { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression TakeHints public TakeHints? TakeHints { get; } Property Value TakeHints? TakeValue public ISqlExpression? TakeValue { get; } Property Value ISqlExpression Methods Add(ISqlExpression) public int Add(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns int Add(ISqlExpression, string?) public int Add(ISqlExpression expr, string? alias) Parameters expr ISqlExpression alias string Returns int AddColumn(ISqlExpression) public SqlColumn AddColumn(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns SqlColumn AddNew(ISqlExpression, string?) public int AddNew(ISqlExpression expr, string? alias = null) Parameters expr ISqlExpression alias string Returns int AddNewColumn(ISqlExpression) public SqlColumn AddNewColumn(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns SqlColumn Expr(ISqlExpression) public SqlSelectClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns SqlSelectClause Expr(ISqlExpression, string) public SqlSelectClause Expr(ISqlExpression expr, string alias) Parameters expr ISqlExpression alias string Returns SqlSelectClause Expr(string, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlSelectClause Expr(string expr, params ISqlExpression[] values) Parameters expr string values ISqlExpression[] Returns SqlSelectClause Expr(string, int, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlSelectClause Expr(string expr, int priority, params ISqlExpression[] values) Parameters expr string priority int values ISqlExpression[] Returns SqlSelectClause Expr(string, string, int, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlSelectClause Expr(string alias, string expr, int priority, params ISqlExpression[] values) Parameters alias string expr string priority int values ISqlExpression[] Returns SqlSelectClause Expr(Type, string, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlSelectClause Expr(Type systemType, string expr, params ISqlExpression[] values) Parameters systemType Type expr string values ISqlExpression[] Returns SqlSelectClause Expr(Type, string, int, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlSelectClause Expr(Type systemType, string expr, int priority, params ISqlExpression[] values) Parameters systemType Type expr string priority int values ISqlExpression[] Returns SqlSelectClause Expr(Type, string, string, int, params ISqlExpression[]) public SqlSelectClause Expr(Type systemType, string alias, string expr, int priority, params ISqlExpression[] values) Parameters systemType Type alias string expr string priority int values ISqlExpression[] Returns SqlSelectClause ExprNew(ISqlExpression) public SqlSelectClause ExprNew(ISqlExpression expr) Parameters expr ISqlExpression Returns SqlSelectClause Expr<T>(ISqlExpression, string, ISqlExpression) public SqlSelectClause Expr<T>(ISqlExpression expr1, string operation, ISqlExpression expr2) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression operation string expr2 ISqlExpression Returns SqlSelectClause Type Parameters T Expr<T>(ISqlExpression, string, ISqlExpression, int) public SqlSelectClause Expr<T>(ISqlExpression expr1, string operation, ISqlExpression expr2, int priority) Parameters expr1 ISqlExpression operation string expr2 ISqlExpression priority int Returns SqlSelectClause Type Parameters T Expr<T>(string, ISqlExpression, string, ISqlExpression, int) public SqlSelectClause Expr<T>(string alias, ISqlExpression expr1, string operation, ISqlExpression expr2, int priority) Parameters alias string expr1 ISqlExpression operation string expr2 ISqlExpression priority int Returns SqlSelectClause Type Parameters T Field(SqlField) public SqlSelectClause Field(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField Returns SqlSelectClause Field(SqlField, string) public SqlSelectClause Field(SqlField field, string alias) Parameters field SqlField alias string Returns SqlSelectClause Skip(ISqlExpression) public SqlSelectClause Skip(ISqlExpression value) Parameters value ISqlExpression Returns SqlSelectClause Skip(int) public SqlSelectClause Skip(int value) Parameters value int Returns SqlSelectClause SubQuery(SelectQuery) public SqlSelectClause SubQuery(SelectQuery subQuery) Parameters subQuery SelectQuery Returns SqlSelectClause SubQuery(SelectQuery, string) public SqlSelectClause SubQuery(SelectQuery selectQuery, string alias) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery alias string Returns SqlSelectClause Take(ISqlExpression?, TakeHints?) public SqlSelectClause Take(ISqlExpression? value, TakeHints? hints) Parameters value ISqlExpression hints TakeHints? Returns SqlSelectClause Take(int, TakeHints?) public SqlSelectClause Take(int value, TakeHints? hints) Parameters value int hints TakeHints? Returns SqlSelectClause"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSelectStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSelectStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlSelectStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlSelectStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlSelectStatement : SqlStatementWithQueryBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase SqlSelectStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatementWithQueryBase.IsParameterDependent SqlStatementWithQueryBase.SelectQuery SqlStatementWithQueryBase.With SqlStatementWithQueryBase.GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) SqlStatementWithQueryBase.WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Constructors SqlSelectStatement() public SqlSelectStatement() SqlSelectStatement(SelectQuery) public SqlSelectStatement(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType Methods ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSetExpression.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSetExpression.html",
"title": "Class SqlSetExpression | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlSetExpression Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlSetExpression : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlSetExpression Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlSetExpression(ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression?) public SqlSetExpression(ISqlExpression column, ISqlExpression? expression) Parameters column ISqlExpression expression ISqlExpression Properties Column public ISqlExpression Column { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expression public ISqlExpression? Expression { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSetOperator.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlSetOperator.html",
"title": "Class SqlSetOperator | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlSetOperator Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlSetOperator : IQueryElement Inheritance object SqlSetOperator Implements IQueryElement Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlSetOperator(SelectQuery, SetOperation) public SqlSetOperator(SelectQuery selectQuery, SetOperation operation) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery operation SetOperation Properties ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Operation public SetOperation Operation { get; } Property Value SetOperation SelectQuery public SelectQuery SelectQuery { get; } Property Value SelectQuery"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class SqlStatement : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Derived SqlCreateTableStatement SqlDropTableStatement SqlMultiInsertStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase SqlTruncateTableStatement Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties DebugSqlText protected string DebugSqlText { get; } Property Value string ElementType public abstract QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsParameterDependent public abstract bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool ParentStatement Used internally for SQL Builder public SqlStatement? ParentStatement { get; set; } Property Value SqlStatement QueryType public abstract QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType SelectQuery public abstract SelectQuery? SelectQuery { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery SqlQueryExtensions public List<SqlQueryExtension>? SqlQueryExtensions { get; set; } Property Value List<SqlQueryExtension> SqlText public string SqlText { get; } Property Value string Tag public SqlComment? Tag { get; } Property Value SqlComment Methods CollectParameters() [Obsolete(\"API will be removed in future versions\")] public SqlParameter[] CollectParameters() Returns SqlParameter[] GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public abstract ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Indicates when optimizer can not remove reference for particular table public virtual bool IsDependedOn(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable Returns bool PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext?, out AliasesContext) public static void PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement statement, AliasesContext? prevAliasContext, out AliasesContext newAliasContext) Parameters statement SqlStatement prevAliasContext AliasesContext newAliasContext AliasesContext ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public abstract StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public abstract void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public virtual ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlStatementWithQueryBase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlStatementWithQueryBase.html",
"title": "Class SqlStatementWithQueryBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlStatementWithQueryBase Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public abstract class SqlStatementWithQueryBase : SqlStatement, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Derived SqlDeleteStatement SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement SqlInsertStatement SqlMergeStatement SqlSelectStatement SqlUpdateStatement Inherited Members SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.QueryType SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.ElementType SqlStatement.ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) SqlStatement.Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlStatementWithQueryBase(SelectQuery?) protected SqlStatementWithQueryBase(SelectQuery? selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Properties IsParameterDependent public override bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool SelectQuery public override SelectQuery? SelectQuery { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery With public SqlWithClause? With { get; set; } Property Value SqlWithClause Methods GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public override void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTable.html",
"title": "Class SqlTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlTable Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlTable : ISqlTableSource, ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlTable Implements ISqlTableSource ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Derived SqlCteTable SqlRawSqlTable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlTable(EntityDescriptor, string?) public SqlTable(EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, string? physicalName = null) Parameters entityDescriptor EntityDescriptor physicalName string SqlTable(SqlTable) public SqlTable(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable SqlTable(SqlTable, IEnumerable<SqlField>, ISqlExpression[]) public SqlTable(SqlTable table, IEnumerable<SqlField> fields, ISqlExpression[] tableArguments) Parameters table SqlTable fields IEnumerable<SqlField> tableArguments ISqlExpression[] SqlTable(Type, int?, SqlObjectName) protected SqlTable(Type objectType, int? sourceId, SqlObjectName tableName) Parameters objectType Type sourceId int? tableName SqlObjectName Properties Alias public string? Alias { get; set; } Property Value string All public SqlField All { get; } Property Value SqlField CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } Property Value bool ElementType public virtual QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Expression Custom SQL expression format string (used together with TableArguments) to transform SqlTable to custom table expression. Arguments: {0}: TableName {1}: Alias {2+}: arguments from TableArguments (with index adjusted by 2) public string? Expression { get; set; } Property Value string Fields public IReadOnlyList<SqlField> Fields { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<SqlField> ID public virtual string? ID { get; set; } Property Value string IdentityFields public IReadOnlyList<SqlField> IdentityFields { get; } Property Value IReadOnlyList<SqlField> ObjectType public Type ObjectType { get; protected set; } Property Value Type SequenceAttributes public SequenceNameAttribute[]? SequenceAttributes { get; protected set; } Property Value SequenceNameAttribute[] SourceID public int SourceID { get; } Property Value int SqlQueryExtensions public List<SqlQueryExtension>? SqlQueryExtensions { get; set; } Property Value List<SqlQueryExtension> SqlTableType public virtual SqlTableType SqlTableType { get; set; } Property Value SqlTableType TableArguments public ISqlExpression[]? TableArguments { get; set; } Property Value ISqlExpression[] TableName public virtual SqlObjectName TableName { get; set; } Property Value SqlObjectName TableOptions public TableOptions TableOptions { get; set; } Property Value TableOptions Methods Add(SqlField) public void Add(SqlField field) Parameters field SqlField AddRange(IEnumerable<SqlField>) public void AddRange(IEnumerable<SqlField> collection) Parameters collection IEnumerable<SqlField> Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool FindFieldByMemberName(string) Search for table field by mapping class member name. public SqlField? FindFieldByMemberName(string memberName) Parameters memberName string Mapping class member name. Returns SqlField GetIdentityField() public SqlField? GetIdentityField() Returns SqlField GetKeys(bool) public IList<ISqlExpression> GetKeys(bool allIfEmpty) Parameters allIfEmpty bool Returns IList<ISqlExpression> ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. public override string ToString() Returns string A string that represents the current object. ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public virtual StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public virtual ISqlExpression Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTableLikeSource.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTableLikeSource.html",
"title": "Class SqlTableLikeSource | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlTableLikeSource Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlTableLikeSource : ISqlTableSource, ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlTableLikeSource Implements ISqlTableSource ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlTableLikeSource() public SqlTableLikeSource() Properties IsParameterDependent public bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool Name public string Name { get; } Property Value string Source public ISqlTableSource Source { get; } Property Value ISqlTableSource SourceEnumerable public SqlValuesTable? SourceEnumerable { get; } Property Value SqlValuesTable SourceFields public List<SqlField> SourceFields { get; } Property Value List<SqlField> SourceID public int SourceID { get; } Property Value int SourceQuery public SelectQuery? SourceQuery { get; } Property Value SelectQuery Methods ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTableSource.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTableSource.html",
"title": "Class SqlTableSource | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlTableSource Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlTableSource : ISqlTableSource, ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlTableSource Implements ISqlTableSource ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlTableSource(ISqlTableSource, string?) public SqlTableSource(ISqlTableSource source, string? alias) Parameters source ISqlTableSource alias string SqlTableSource(ISqlTableSource, string?, params SqlJoinedTable[]?) public SqlTableSource(ISqlTableSource source, string? alias, params SqlJoinedTable[]? joins) Parameters source ISqlTableSource alias string joins SqlJoinedTable[] SqlTableSource(ISqlTableSource, string?, IEnumerable<SqlJoinedTable>, IEnumerable<ISqlExpression[]>?) public SqlTableSource(ISqlTableSource source, string? alias, IEnumerable<SqlJoinedTable> joins, IEnumerable<ISqlExpression[]>? uniqueKeys) Parameters source ISqlTableSource alias string joins IEnumerable<SqlJoinedTable> uniqueKeys IEnumerable<ISqlExpression[]> Properties Alias public string? Alias { get; set; } Property Value string All public SqlField All { get; } Property Value SqlField CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType HasUniqueKeys public bool HasUniqueKeys { get; } Property Value bool this[ISqlTableSource] public SqlTableSource? this[ISqlTableSource table] { get; } Parameters table ISqlTableSource Property Value SqlTableSource this[ISqlTableSource, string?] public SqlTableSource? this[ISqlTableSource table, string? alias] { get; } Parameters table ISqlTableSource alias string Property Value SqlTableSource Joins public List<SqlJoinedTable> Joins { get; } Property Value List<SqlJoinedTable> Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int Source public ISqlTableSource Source { get; set; } Property Value ISqlTableSource SourceID public int SourceID { get; } Property Value int SqlTableType public SqlTableType SqlTableType { get; } Property Value SqlTableType SystemType public Type? SystemType { get; } Property Value Type UniqueKeys Contains list of columns that build unique key for Source. Used in JoinOptimizer for safely removing sub-query from resulting SQL. public List<ISqlExpression[]> UniqueKeys { get; } Property Value List<ISqlExpression[]> Methods Deconstruct(out ISqlTableSource) public void Deconstruct(out ISqlTableSource source) Parameters source ISqlTableSource Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool ForEach<TContext>(TContext, Action<TContext, SqlTableSource>, HashSet<SelectQuery>) public void ForEach<TContext>(TContext context, Action<TContext, SqlTableSource> action, HashSet<SelectQuery> visitedQueries) Parameters context TContext action Action<TContext, SqlTableSource> visitedQueries HashSet<SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext GetJoinNumber() public int GetJoinNumber() Returns int GetTables() public IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> GetTables() Returns IEnumerable<ISqlTableSource> Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTableType.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTableType.html",
"title": "Enum SqlTableType | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum SqlTableType Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public enum SqlTableType Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Cte = 4 Expression = 3 Function = 2 MergeSource = 6 RawSql = 5 SystemTable = 1 Special context-specific table with fixed name. E.g. NEW/OLD, INSERTED/DELETED tables, available in OUTPUT/RETURNING clause contexts. Table = 0 Values = 7"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTruncateTableStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlTruncateTableStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlTruncateTableStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlTruncateTableStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlTruncateTableStatement : SqlStatement, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlTruncateTableStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) SqlStatement.IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsParameterDependent public override bool IsParameterDependent { get; set; } Property Value bool QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType ResetIdentity public bool ResetIdentity { get; set; } Property Value bool SelectQuery public override SelectQuery? SelectQuery { get; set; } Property Value SelectQuery Table public SqlTable? Table { get; set; } Property Value SqlTable Methods GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public override void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlUpdateClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlUpdateClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlUpdateClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlUpdateClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlUpdateClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlUpdateClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlUpdateClause() public SqlUpdateClause() Properties ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Items public List<SqlSetExpression> Items { get; } Property Value List<SqlSetExpression> Keys public List<SqlSetExpression> Keys { get; } Property Value List<SqlSetExpression> Table public SqlTable? Table { get; set; } Property Value SqlTable"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlUpdateStatement.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlUpdateStatement.html",
"title": "Class SqlUpdateStatement | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlUpdateStatement Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlUpdateStatement : SqlStatementWithQueryBase, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase SqlUpdateStatement Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members SqlStatementWithQueryBase.IsParameterDependent SqlStatementWithQueryBase.SelectQuery SqlStatementWithQueryBase.With SqlStatementWithQueryBase.WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) SqlStatement.SqlText SqlStatement.DebugSqlText SqlStatement.ParentStatement SqlStatement.CollectParameters() SqlStatement.Tag SqlStatement.SqlQueryExtensions SqlStatement.PrepareQueryAndAliases(SqlStatement, AliasesContext, out AliasesContext) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) SqlExtensions.EnsureQuery(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetIdentityField(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetOutputClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetUpdateClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.GetWithClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsDelete(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsInsert(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.IsUpdate(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.NeedsIdentity(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireInsertClause(SqlStatement) SqlExtensions.RequireUpdateClause(SqlStatement) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryHelper.GetUpdateTable(SqlUpdateStatement) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlUpdateStatement(SelectQuery) public SqlUpdateStatement(SelectQuery selectQuery) Parameters selectQuery SelectQuery Properties ElementType public override QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Output public SqlOutputClause? Output { get; set; } Property Value SqlOutputClause QueryType public override QueryType QueryType { get; } Property Value QueryType Update public SqlUpdateClause Update { get; set; } Property Value SqlUpdateClause Methods AfterSetAliases() public void AfterSetAliases() GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public override ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource IsDependedOn(SqlTable) Indicates when optimizer can not remove reference for particular table public override bool IsDependedOn(SqlTable table) Parameters table SqlTable Returns bool ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public override StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public override ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlValue.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlValue.html",
"title": "Class SqlValue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlValue Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlValue : ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlValue Implements ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Constructors SqlValue(DbDataType, object?) public SqlValue(DbDataType valueType, object? value) Parameters valueType DbDataType value object SqlValue(object) public SqlValue(object value) Parameters value object SqlValue(Type, object?) public SqlValue(Type systemType, object? value) Parameters systemType Type value object Properties CanBeNull public bool CanBeNull { get; } Property Value bool ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Precedence public int Precedence { get; } Property Value int Value Provider specific value public object? Value { get; } Property Value object ValueType public DbDataType ValueType { get; set; } Property Value DbDataType Methods Deconstruct(out object?) public void Deconstruct(out object? value) Parameters value object Equals(ISqlExpression, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool>) public bool Equals(ISqlExpression other, Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> comparer) Parameters other ISqlExpression comparer Func<ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression, bool> Returns bool GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashCode() Returns int A hash code for the current object."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlValuesTable.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlValuesTable.html",
"title": "Class SqlValuesTable | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlValuesTable Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlValuesTable : ISqlTableSource, ISqlExpression, IQueryElement, IEquatable<ISqlExpression>, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlValuesTable Implements ISqlTableSource ISqlExpression IQueryElement IEquatable<ISqlExpression> ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryHelper.GetExpressionType(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.IsComplexExpression(ISqlExpression) QueryHelper.ShouldCheckForNull(ISqlExpression) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.CrossApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.FullJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.InnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.Join(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.LeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.OuterApply(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.RightJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakInnerJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) JoinExtensions.WeakLeftJoin(ISqlTableSource, string, params SqlFromClause.Join[]) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Fields public List<SqlField> Fields { get; } Property Value List<SqlField> SourceID public int SourceID { get; } Property Value int"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlWhereClause.Next.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlWhereClause.Next.html",
"title": "Class SqlWhereClause.Next | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlWhereClause.Next Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlWhereClause.Next : ClauseBase Inheritance object ClauseBase SqlWhereClause.Next Inherited Members ClauseBase.Select ClauseBase.From ClauseBase.Where ClauseBase.GroupBy ClauseBase.Having ClauseBase.OrderBy ClauseBase.End() ClauseBase.SelectQuery Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties And public SqlWhereClause And { get; } Property Value SqlWhereClause Or public SqlWhereClause Or { get; } Property Value SqlWhereClause"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlWhereClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlWhereClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlWhereClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlWhereClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlWhereClause : ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>, IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next> ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next> SqlWhereClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Inherited Members ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.Select ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.From ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.GroupBy ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.Having ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.OrderBy ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.End() ClauseBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.SelectQuery ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.Search ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.GetNext() ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.SetOr(bool) ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.Not ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.Expr(ISqlExpression) ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.Field(SqlField) ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.SubQuery(SelectQuery) ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.Value(object) ConditionBase<SqlWhereClause, SqlWhereClause.Next>.Exists(SelectQuery) Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryHelper.ConcatSearchCondition(SqlWhereClause, SqlSearchCondition) QueryHelper.EnsureConjunction(SqlWhereClause) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType IsEmpty public bool IsEmpty { get; } Property Value bool Search protected override SqlSearchCondition Search { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition SearchCondition public SqlSearchCondition SearchCondition { get; } Property Value SqlSearchCondition Methods GetNext() protected override SqlWhereClause.Next GetNext() Returns SqlWhereClause.Next"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlWithClause.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.SqlWithClause.html",
"title": "Class SqlWithClause | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlWithClause Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class SqlWithClause : IQueryElement, ISqlExpressionWalkable Inheritance object SqlWithClause Implements IQueryElement ISqlExpressionWalkable Extension Methods QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.CanBeEvaluated(IQueryElement, bool) QueryHelper.EvaluateBoolExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, bool?) QueryHelper.EvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext) QueryHelper.IsMutable(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.ToDebugString(IQueryElement) QueryHelper.TryEvaluateExpression(IQueryElement, EvaluationContext, out object?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, QueryElementType) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find(IQueryElement?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Find<TContext>(IQueryElement?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll(IQueryElement, Action<IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll(IQueryElement, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirstAll<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.VisitParentFirst<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Visit<TContext>(IQueryElement, TContext, Action<TContext, IQueryElement>) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T>(T?, Func<IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Clone<T, TContext>(T?, TContext, Func<TContext, IQueryElement, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<T>(T, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.ConvertAll<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, bool>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<T>(T, Func<ConvertVisitor<object?>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, bool, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) QueryVisitorExtensions.Convert<TContext, T>(T, TContext, Func<ConvertVisitor<TContext>, IQueryElement, IQueryElement>, bool) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Clauses public List<CteClause> Clauses { get; set; } Property Value List<CteClause> ElementType public QueryElementType ElementType { get; } Property Value QueryElementType Methods GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource) public ISqlTableSource? GetTableSource(ISqlTableSource table) Parameters table ISqlTableSource Returns ISqlTableSource ToString(StringBuilder, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement>) public StringBuilder ToString(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> dic) Parameters sb StringBuilder dic Dictionary<IQueryElement, IQueryElement> Returns StringBuilder WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery>) public void WalkQueries<TContext>(TContext context, Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> func) Parameters context TContext func Func<TContext, SelectQuery, SelectQuery> Type Parameters TContext Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions, TContext, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression>) public ISqlExpression? Walk<TContext>(WalkOptions options, TContext context, Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> func) Parameters options WalkOptions context TContext func Func<TContext, ISqlExpression, ISqlExpression> Returns ISqlExpression Type Parameters TContext"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.WalkOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.WalkOptions.html",
"title": "Class WalkOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class WalkOptions Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Assembly linq2db.dll public class WalkOptions Inheritance object WalkOptions Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Default public static readonly WalkOptions Default Field Value WalkOptions ProcessParent public readonly bool ProcessParent Field Value bool SkipColumnDeclaration public readonly bool SkipColumnDeclaration Field Value bool WithProcessParent public static readonly WalkOptions WithProcessParent Field Value WalkOptions WithSkipColumnDeclaration public static readonly WalkOptions WithSkipColumnDeclaration Field Value WalkOptions"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.SqlQuery.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.SqlQuery Classes AliasesContext ClauseBase ClauseBase<T1, T2> ConditionBase<T1, T2> ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_ ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Expr_.Op_ ConditionBase<T1, T2>.Not_ ConvertVisitor<TContext> CteClause EvaluationContext JoinExtensions Precedence PseudoFunctions Contains names and create helpers for pseudo-functions, generated by linq2db and then converted to database-specific SQL by provider-specific SQL optimizer. QueryHelper QueryInformation This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. QueryInformation.HierarchyInfo QueryVisitorExtensions ReservedWords SelectQuery SqlAliasPlaceholder SqlBinaryExpression SqlColumn SqlComment SqlCondition SqlConditionalInsertClause SqlCreateTableStatement SqlCteTable SqlDataType SqlDeleteStatement SqlDropTableStatement SqlException SqlExpression SqlExtensions This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. SqlField SqlFromClause SqlFromClause.Join SqlFromClause.Join.Next SqlFunction SqlGroupByClause SqlGroupingSet SqlInsertClause SqlInsertOrUpdateStatement SqlInsertStatement SqlInsertWithIdentity SqlJoinedTable SqlMergeOperationClause SqlMergeStatement SqlMultiInsertStatement SqlObjectExpression SqlObjectNameComparer SqlOrderByClause SqlOrderByItem SqlOutputClause SqlParameter SqlParameterValue SqlParameterValues SqlPredicate SqlPredicate.BaseNotExpr SqlPredicate.Between SqlPredicate.Expr SqlPredicate.ExprExpr SqlPredicate.FuncLike SqlPredicate.InList SqlPredicate.InSubQuery SqlPredicate.IsDistinct SqlPredicate.IsNull SqlPredicate.IsTrue SqlPredicate.Like SqlPredicate.NotExpr SqlPredicate.SearchString SqlQueryExtension SqlRawSqlTable SqlRow SqlSearchCondition SqlSearchCondition.Next SqlSelectClause SqlSelectStatement SqlSetExpression SqlSetOperator SqlStatement SqlStatementWithQueryBase SqlTable SqlTableLikeSource SqlTableSource SqlTruncateTableStatement SqlUpdateClause SqlUpdateStatement SqlValue SqlValuesTable SqlWhereClause SqlWhereClause.Next SqlWithClause WalkOptions Structs CloneVisitor<TContext> QueryFindVisitor<TContext> QueryParentVisitor<TContext> QueryVisitor<TContext> SqlObjectName Represents full name of database object (e.g. table, view, function or procedure) split into components. Interfaces IInvertibleElement IQueryElement IReadOnlyParameterValues ISqlExpression ISqlExpressionWalkable ISqlExtensionBuilder ISqlPredicate ISqlQueryExtensionBuilder ISqlTableExtensionBuilder ISqlTableSource Enums DefaultNullable GroupingType JoinType MultiInsertType QueryElementType QueryInformation.HierarchyType QueryType SetOperation SqlFlags SqlPredicate.Operator SqlPredicate.SearchString.SearchKind SqlTableType"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.StringAggregateExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.StringAggregateExtensions.html",
"title": "Class StringAggregateExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class StringAggregateExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public static class StringAggregateExtensions Inheritance object StringAggregateExtensions Methods OrderByDescending<T, TR>(IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>) [Sql.Extension(\"WITHIN GROUP ({order_by_clause})\", TokenName = \"aggregation_ordering\", ChainPrecedence = 2)] [Sql.Extension(\"ORDER BY {order_item, ', '}\", TokenName = \"order_by_clause\")] [Sql.Extension(\"{aggregate} DESC\", TokenName = \"order_item\")] public static Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> OrderByDescending<T, TR>(this Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> aggregate) Parameters aggregate Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> Type Parameters T TR OrderByDescending<T, TR, TKey>(IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) [Sql.Extension(\"WITHIN GROUP ({order_by_clause})\", TokenName = \"aggregation_ordering\", ChainPrecedence = 2)] [Sql.Extension(\"ORDER BY {order_item, ', '}\", TokenName = \"order_by_clause\")] [Sql.Extension(\"{expr} DESC\", TokenName = \"order_item\")] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> OrderByDescending<T, TR, TKey>(this Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> aggregate, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> expr) Parameters aggregate Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> expr Expression<Func<T, TKey>> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> Type Parameters T TR TKey OrderBy<T, TR>(IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>) [Sql.Extension(\"WITHIN GROUP ({order_by_clause})\", TokenName = \"aggregation_ordering\", ChainPrecedence = 2)] [Sql.Extension(\"ORDER BY {order_item, ', '}\", TokenName = \"order_by_clause\")] [Sql.Extension(\"{aggregate}\", TokenName = \"order_item\")] public static Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> OrderBy<T, TR>(this Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> aggregate) Parameters aggregate Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> Type Parameters T TR OrderBy<T, TR, TKey>(IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) [Sql.Extension(\"WITHIN GROUP ({order_by_clause})\", TokenName = \"aggregation_ordering\", ChainPrecedence = 2)] [Sql.Extension(\"ORDER BY {order_item, ', '}\", TokenName = \"order_by_clause\")] [Sql.Extension(\"{expr}\", TokenName = \"order_item\")] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> OrderBy<T, TR, TKey>(this Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> aggregate, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> expr) Parameters aggregate Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> expr Expression<Func<T, TKey>> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> Type Parameters T TR TKey ThenByDescending<T, TR, TKey>(IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) [Sql.Extension(\"{expr} DESC\", TokenName = \"order_item\")] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> ThenByDescending<T, TR, TKey>(this Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> aggregate, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> expr) Parameters aggregate Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> expr Expression<Func<T, TKey>> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> Type Parameters T TR TKey ThenBy<T, TR, TKey>(IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR>, Expression<Func<T, TKey>>) [Sql.Extension(\"{expr}\", TokenName = \"order_item\")] public static Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> ThenBy<T, TR, TKey>(this Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> aggregate, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> expr) Parameters aggregate Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> expr Expression<Func<T, TKey>> Returns Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> Type Parameters T TR TKey ToValue<T, TR>(IAggregateFunction<T, TR>) [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle\", \"WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ROWNUM)\", TokenName = \"aggregation_ordering\", ChainPrecedence = 0, IsAggregate = true)] [Sql.Extension(\"Oracle.Native\", \"WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ROWNUM)\", TokenName = \"aggregation_ordering\", ChainPrecedence = 0, IsAggregate = true)] [Sql.Extension(\"\", ChainPrecedence = 0, IsAggregate = true)] public static TR ToValue<T, TR>(this Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> aggregate) Parameters aggregate Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> Returns TR Type Parameters T TR"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.TableExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.TableExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TableExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TableExtensions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Contains extension methods for LINQ queries. public static class TableExtensions Inheritance object TableExtensions Methods GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) Builds table name for table. public static string GetTableName<T>(this ITable<T> table) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table instance. Returns string Table name. Type Parameters T Table record type. IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) Overrides IsTemporary flag for the current table. This call will have effect only for databases that support temporary tables. Supported by: DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Informix, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. public static ITable<T> IsTemporary<T>(this ITable<T> table) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new owner/schema name. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) Overrides IsTemporary flag for the current table. This call will have effect only for databases that support temporary tables. Supported by: DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Informix, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. public static ITable<T> IsTemporary<T>(this ITable<T> table, bool isTemporary) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. isTemporary bool If true, the current tables will handled as a temporary table. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new owner/schema name. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) Overrides TableOptions value for the current table. This call will have effect only for databases that support the options. public static ITable<T> TableOptions<T>(this ITable<T> table, TableOptions options) where T : notnull Parameters table ITable<T> Table-like query source. options TableOptions TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) value. Returns ITable<T> Table-like query source with new owner/schema name. Type Parameters T Table record mapping class."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.TableOptions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.TableOptions.html",
"title": "Enum TableOptions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum TableOptions Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Provides table mapping flags to specify temporary table kind if mapped table is temporary table and Create/Drop Table API behavior when target table exists/not exists. [Flags] public enum TableOptions Extension Methods LinqExtensions.HasCreateIfNotExists(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.HasDropIfExists(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.HasIsGlobalTemporaryData(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.HasIsGlobalTemporaryStructure(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.HasIsLocalTemporaryData(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.HasIsLocalTemporaryStructure(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.HasIsTemporary(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.HasIsTransactionTemporaryData(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.IsSet(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.IsTemporaryOptionSet(TableOptions) LinqExtensions.Or(TableOptions, TableOptions) Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields CheckExistence = CreateIfNotExists | DropIfExists CreateIfNotExists = 2 IF NOT EXISTS option of the CREATE statement. This option will have effect only for databases that support the option. Supported by: DB2, Firebird, Informix, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. DropIfExists = 4 IF EXISTS option of the DROP statement. This option will have effect only for databases that support the option. Supported by: DB2, Firebird, Informix, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. IsGlobalTemporaryData = 128 Table data is global temporary (table data is visible from other sessions). This option will have effect only for databases that support temporary tables. Supported by: DB2, Firebird, Oracle, SAP Hana, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. IsGlobalTemporaryStructure = 32 Table is global temporary (table structure is visible from other sessions). This option will have effect only for databases that support temporary tables. Supported by: DB2, Firebird, Oracle, SAP Hana, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. IsLocalTemporaryData = 64 Table data is temporary (table data is not visible to other sessions). This option will have effect only for databases that support temporary tables. Supported by: DB2, Informix, MySql, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SAP Hana, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. IsLocalTemporaryStructure = 16 Table is temporary (table structure is not visible to other sessions). This option will have effect only for databases that support temporary tables. Supported by: DB2, Informix, MySql, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SAP Hana, SQL Server, Sybase ASE. IsTemporary = 8 Table is temporary (not visible to other sessions). This option will have effect only for databases that support temporary tables. If database supports both global and local temporary tables, local table will be used. Supported by: DB2, Firebird, Informix, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, SAP Hana, Sybase ASE. IsTemporaryOptionSet = IsTemporary | IsLocalTemporaryStructure | IsGlobalTemporaryStructure | IsLocalTemporaryData | IsGlobalTemporaryData | IsTransactionTemporaryData IsTransactionTemporaryData = 256 Table data is temporary (table data is transaction level visible). This option will have effect only for databases that support temporary tables. Supported by: Firebird, Oracle, PostgreSQL. None = 1 NotSet = 0"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.TakeHints.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.TakeHints.html",
"title": "Enum TakeHints | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum TakeHints Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Hints for Take Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints)Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints). [Flags] public enum TakeHints Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Percent = 1 SELECT TOP 10 PERCENT. WithTies = 2 SELECT TOP 10 WITH TIES."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.TempTable-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.TempTable-1.html",
"title": "Class TempTable<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class TempTable<T> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Temporary table. Temporary table is a table, created when you create instance of this class and deleted when you dispose it. It uses regular tables even if underlying database supports temporary tables concept. public class TempTable<T> : ITable<T>, IExpressionQuery<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>, IQueryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IQueryProviderAsync, IQueryProvider, IExpressionQuery, ITableMutable<T>, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable where T : notnull Type Parameters T Table record mapping class. Inheritance object TempTable<T> Implements ITable<T> IExpressionQuery<T> IOrderedQueryable<T> IQueryable<T> IEnumerable<T> IOrderedQueryable IQueryable IEnumerable IQueryProviderAsync IQueryProvider IExpressionQuery ITableMutable<T> IDisposable IAsyncDisposable Extension Methods DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopyAsync<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, BulkCopyOptions, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, IEnumerable<T>) DataConnectionExtensions.BulkCopy<T>(ITable<T>, int, IEnumerable<T>) DataExtensions.DropTableAsync<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) DataExtensions.DropTable<T>(ITable<T>, string?, string?, string?, bool?, string?, TableOptions) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SQLiteTools.AsSQLite<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(ITable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsValueInsertable<T>(ITable<T>) LinqExtensions.DatabaseName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.DropAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Drop<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.IndexHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?) LinqExtensions.InsertOrUpdate<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, Expression<Func<T, T?>>?, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, TTarget) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TTarget, TOutput>(ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T>>) LinqExtensions.LoadWithAsTable<T>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.SchemaName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.ServerName<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TableHint<TSource, TParam>(ITable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TableID<T>(ITable<T>, string?) LinqExtensions.TableName<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.TruncateAsync<T>(ITable<T>, bool, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.Truncate<T>(ITable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Value<T, TV>(ITable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.WithTableExpression<T>(ITable<T>, string) LinqExtensions.With<TSource>(ITable<TSource>, string) TableExtensions.GetTableName<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>) TableExtensions.IsTemporary<T>(ITable<T>, bool) TableExtensions.TableOptions<T>(ITable<T>, TableOptions) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>, Expression<Func<T, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, object?>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, T>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, T>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IEnumerable<TEntity>, Func<TEntity, TV>, Sql.AggregateModifier) LinqExtensions.AsQueryable<TElement>(IEnumerable<TElement>, IDataContext) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IEnumerable<T>, string, Func<T, string?>) DataExtensions.RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) ReflectionExtensions.GetListItemType(IEnumerable?) AnalyticFunctions.Average<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Corr<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.CountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.CovarPop<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.CovarSamp<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>, Expression<Func<TEntity, object?>>) AnalyticFunctions.LongCountExt<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Max<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.Median<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Min<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDevSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.StdDev<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AnalyticFunctions.VarPop<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.VarSamp<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) AnalyticFunctions.Variance<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) AsyncExtensions.AllAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AnyAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AsAsyncEnumerable<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.AverageAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ContainsAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, TSource, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.CountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.FirstOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Action<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ForEachUntilAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, bool>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.LongCountAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MaxAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.MinAsync<TSource, TResult>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SingleOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, decimal?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, double?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, int?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, long?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float?>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.SumAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, float>>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToArrayAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToDictionaryAsync<TSource, TKey, TElement>(IQueryable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TKey>, Func<TSource, TElement>, CancellationToken) AsyncExtensions.ToListAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) AccessTools.AsAccess<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) ClickHouseTools.AsClickHouse<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) MySqlTools.AsMySql<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) OracleTools.AsOracle<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>) PostgreSQLExtensions.ArrayAggregate<TEntity, TV>(IQueryable<TEntity>, Expression<Func<TEntity, TV>>, Sql.AggregateModifier) PostgreSQLTools.AsPostgreSQL<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlCe<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) SqlServerTools.AsSqlServer<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsCte<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string?) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.AsSubQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.AsUpdatable<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.CrossJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutputInto<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.DeleteWithOutput<TSource, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>) LinqExtensions.Delete<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAtAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefaultAsync<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.ElementAtOrDefault<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ElementAt<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.ExceptAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.FullJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.GenerateTestString<T>(IQueryable<T>, bool) LinqExtensions.HasUniqueKey<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.Having<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.IgnoreFilters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, params Type[]) LinqExtensions.InlineParameters<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.InnerJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.InsertAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithDecimalIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithIdentity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt32Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64IdentityAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithInt64Identity<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.InsertWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Insert<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.IntersectAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.Into<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.JoinHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Join<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.Join<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, SqlJoinType, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.LeftJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, string) LinqExtensions.MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.Merge<TTarget>(IQueryable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.QueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.QueryName<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.RemoveOrderBy<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>>) LinqExtensions.RightJoin<TOuter, TInner, TResult>(IQueryable<TOuter>, IQueryable<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, bool>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, string>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>) LinqExtensions.Set<T, TV>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, TV>>, TV) LinqExtensions.Skip<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.SubQueryHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params TParam[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, params object[]) LinqExtensions.TablesInScopeHint<TSource, TParam>(IQueryable<TSource>, string, TParam) LinqExtensions.TagQuery<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, string) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>) LinqExtensions.Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints) LinqExtensions.ThenOrByDescending<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.ThenOrBy<TSource, TKey>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>>) LinqExtensions.UnionAll<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TSource>) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputIntoAsync<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>, CancellationToken) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TTarget>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutputInto<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, ITable<TOutput>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<T, TOutput>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>, Expression<Func<T, T, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.UpdateWithOutput<TSource, TTarget, TOutput>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget, TTarget, TOutput>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, bool>>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<T>(IQueryable<T>, Expression<Func<T, T>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, ITable<TTarget>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) LinqExtensions.Update<TSource, TTarget>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>>) MultiInsertExtensions.MultiInsert<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Sql.StringAggregate<T>(IQueryable<T>, string, Expression<Func<T, string?>>) Constructors TempTable(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public TempTable(IDataContext db, IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. TempTable(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public TempTable(IDataContext db, IQueryable<T> items, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Action<ITable<T>>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Action<ITable<T>> Optional action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. TempTable(IDataContext, string?, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public TempTable(IDataContext db, string? tableName, IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. TempTable(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Action<ITable<T>>?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public TempTable(IDataContext db, string? tableName, IQueryable<T> items, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Action<ITable<T>>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Action<ITable<T>> Optional action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. TempTable(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) Creates new temporary table. public TempTable(IDataContext db, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. TempTable(ITable<T>, EntityDescriptor?) Configures a temporary table that will be dropped when this instance is disposed protected TempTable(ITable<T> table, EntityDescriptor? tableDescriptor) Parameters table ITable<T> Table instance. tableDescriptor EntityDescriptor Temporary table entity descriptor. Fields TotalCopied Gets total number of records, inserted into table using BulkCopy. public long TotalCopied Field Value long Properties DataContext Gets data connection, associated with current table. public IDataContext DataContext { get; } Property Value IDataContext DatabaseName public string? DatabaseName { get; } Property Value string SchemaName public string? SchemaName { get; } Property Value string ServerName public string? ServerName { get; } Property Value string TableID public string? TableID { get; } Property Value string TableName public string TableName { get; } Property Value string TableOptions public TableOptions TableOptions { get; } Property Value TableOptions Methods Copy(IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?) Insert new records into table using BulkCopy. public long Copy(IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null) Parameters items IEnumerable<T> Records to insert into table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. Returns long Number of records, inserted into table. CopyAsync(IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, CancellationToken) Insert new records into table using BulkCopy. public Task<long> CopyAsync(IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters items IEnumerable<T> Records to insert into table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<long> Number of records, inserted into table. CreateAsync(IDataContext, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext db, IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext db, IQueryable<T> items, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Func<ITable<T>, Task>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Func<ITable<T>, Task> Optional asynchronous action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext, string?, IEnumerable<T>, BulkCopyOptions?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using BulkCopy. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext db, string? tableName, IEnumerable<T> items, BulkCopyOptions? options = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IEnumerable<T> Initial records to insert into created table. options BulkCopyOptions Optional BulkCopy options. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext, string?, IQueryable<T>, string?, string?, Func<ITable<T>, Task>?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table and populate it using data from provided query. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext db, string? tableName, IQueryable<T> items, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, Func<ITable<T>, Task>? action = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. items IQueryable<T> Query to get records to populate created table with initial data. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. action Func<ITable<T>, Task> Optional asynchronous action that will be executed after table creation but before it populated with data from items. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions, CancellationToken) Creates new temporary table. public static Task<TempTable<T>> CreateAsync(IDataContext db, string? tableName = null, string? databaseName = null, string? schemaName = null, string? serverName = null, TableOptions tableOptions = TableOptions.NotSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters db IDataContext Database connection instance. tableName string Optional name of temporary table. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. databaseName string Optional name of table's database. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. schemaName string Optional name of table schema/owner. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. serverName string Optional name of linked server. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. tableOptions TableOptions Optional Table options. If not specified, value from mapping will be used. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<TempTable<T>> Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public virtual void Dispose() DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. public virtual Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task Insert(IQueryable<T>) Insert data into table using records, returned by provided query. public long Insert(IQueryable<T> items) Parameters items IQueryable<T> Query with records to insert into temporary table. Returns long Number of records, inserted into table. InsertAsync(IQueryable<T>, CancellationToken) Insert data into table using records, returned by provided query. public Task<long> InsertAsync(IQueryable<T> items, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Parameters items IQueryable<T> Query with records to insert into temporary table. cancellationToken CancellationToken Asynchronous operation cancellation token. Returns Task<long> Number of records, inserted into table."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.ActivityBase.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.ActivityBase.html",
"title": "Class ActivityBase | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ActivityBase Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Assembly linq2db.dll Provides a basic implementation of the IActivity interface. You do not have to use this class. However, it can help you to avoid incompatibility issues in the future if the IActivity interface is extended. public abstract class ActivityBase : IActivity, IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inheritance object ActivityBase Implements IActivity IDisposable IAsyncDisposable Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Methods Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. public abstract void Dispose() DisposeAsync() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources asynchronously. public virtual Task DisposeAsync() Returns Task"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.ActivityID.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.ActivityID.html",
"title": "Enum ActivityID | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Enum ActivityID Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Assembly linq2db.dll Activity Service event ID. public enum ActivityID Extension Methods Sql.Between<T>(T, T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T?) Sql.NotBetween<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Fields Build = 9 BuildQuery = 14 BuildSequence = 10 BuildSequenceBuild = 12 BuildSequenceCanBuild = 11 BuildSql = 45 BulkCopy = 43 BulkCopyAsync = 44 CommandExecuteNonQuery = 69 CommandExecuteNonQueryAsync = 70 CommandExecuteReader = 67 CommandExecuteReaderAsync = 68 CommandExecuteScalar = 65 CommandExecuteScalarAsync = 66 CommandInfoExecute = 46 CommandInfoExecuteAsync = 49 CommandInfoExecuteAsyncT = 50 CommandInfoExecuteCustom = 48 CommandInfoExecuteT = 47 CommandInterceptorAfterExecuteReader = 78 The AfterExecuteReader(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, DbDataReader) method call. CommandInterceptorBeforeReaderDispose = 79 The BeforeReaderDispose(CommandEventData, DbCommand?, DbDataReader) method call. CommandInterceptorBeforeReaderDisposeAsync = 80 The BeforeReaderDisposeAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand?, DbDataReader) method call. CommandInterceptorCommandInitialized = 71 The CommandInitialized(CommandEventData, DbCommand) method call. CommandInterceptorExecuteNonQuery = 74 The ExecuteNonQuery(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<int>) method call. CommandInterceptorExecuteNonQueryAsync = 75 The ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<int>, CancellationToken) method call. CommandInterceptorExecuteReader = 76 The ExecuteReader(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader>) method call. CommandInterceptorExecuteReaderAsync = 77 The ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, CommandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader>, CancellationToken) method call. CommandInterceptorExecuteScalar = 72 The ExecuteScalar(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<object?>) method call. CommandInterceptorExecuteScalarAsync = 73 The ExecuteScalarAsync(CommandEventData, DbCommand, Option<object?>, CancellationToken) method call. ConnectionBeginTransaction = 57 ConnectionBeginTransactionAsync = 58 ConnectionClose = 53 ConnectionCloseAsync = 54 ConnectionDispose = 55 ConnectionDisposeAsync = 56 ConnectionInterceptorConnectionOpened = 83 The ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) method call. ConnectionInterceptorConnectionOpenedAsync = 84 The ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) method call. ConnectionInterceptorConnectionOpening = 81 The ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection) method call. ConnectionInterceptorConnectionOpeningAsync = 82 The ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData, DbConnection, CancellationToken) method call. ConnectionOpen = 51 ConnectionOpenAsync = 52 CreateTable = 29 CreateTableAsync = 30 DataContextInterceptorOnClosed = 87 The OnClosed(DataContextEventData) method call. DataContextInterceptorOnClosedAsync = 88 The OnClosedAsync(DataContextEventData) method call. DataContextInterceptorOnClosing = 85 The OnClosing(DataContextEventData) method call. DataContextInterceptorOnClosingAsync = 86 The OnClosingAsync(DataContextEventData) method call. DeleteObject = 33 DeleteObjectAsync = 34 DropTable = 31 DropTableAsync = 32 EntityServiceInterceptorEntityCreated = 89 The EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData, object) method call. ExecuteElement = 19 ExecuteElementAsync = 20 ExecuteNonQuery = 23 ExecuteNonQuery2 = 25 ExecuteNonQuery2Async = 26 ExecuteNonQueryAsync = 24 ExecuteQuery = 17 ExecuteQueryAsync = 18 ExecuteScalar = 21 ExecuteScalarAlternative = 27 Alternative implementation of InsertOrReplace<T>(IDataContext, T, InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T>?, string?, string?, string?, string?, TableOptions) method. ExecuteScalarAlternativeAsync = 28 ExecuteScalarAsync = 22 FinalizeQuery = 15 GetIEnumerable = 16 GetQueryCreate = 8 GetQueryFind = 5 GetQueryFindExpose = 6 GetQueryFindFind = 7 GetQueryTotal = 4 GetSqlText = 94 InsertObject = 35 InsertObjectAsync = 36 InsertOrReplaceObject = 37 InsertOrReplaceObjectAsync = 38 InsertWithIdentityObject = 39 InsertWithIdentityObjectAsync = 40 Materialization = 95 OnTraceInternal = 96 QueryProviderExecute = 1 QueryProviderExecuteT = 0 QueryProviderGetEnumerator = 3 QueryProviderGetEnumeratorT = 2 ReorderBuilders = 13 TransactionCommit = 59 TransactionCommitAsync = 60 TransactionDispose = 63 TransactionDisposeAsync = 64 TransactionRollback = 61 TransactionRollbackAsync = 62 UnwrapDataObjectInterceptorUnwrapCommand = 92 The UnwrapCommand(IDataContext, DbCommand) method call. UnwrapDataObjectInterceptorUnwrapConnection = 90 The UnwrapConnection(IDataContext, DbConnection) method call. UnwrapDataObjectInterceptorUnwrapDataReader = 93 The UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext, DbDataReader) method call. UnwrapDataObjectInterceptorUnwrapTransaction = 91 The UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext, DbTransaction) method call. UpdateObject = 41 UpdateObjectAsync = 42"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.ActivityService.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.ActivityService.html",
"title": "Class ActivityService | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class ActivityService Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Assembly linq2db.dll Provides API to register factory methods that return an Activity object or null for provided ActivityID event. public static class ActivityService Inheritance object ActivityService Methods AddFactory(Func<ActivityID, IActivity?>) Adds a factory method that returns an Activity object or null for provided ActivityID event. public static void AddFactory(Func<ActivityID, IActivity?> factory) Parameters factory Func<ActivityID, IActivity> A factory method."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.DataExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.DataExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DataExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class DataExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Assembly linq2db.dll public static class DataExtensions Inheritance object DataExtensions Methods RetrieveIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T>, DataConnection, bool, bool) Initializes source columns, marked with IsIdentity or IdentityAttribute with identity values: if column had sequence name set using SequenceNameAttribute and useSequenceName set to true, values from sequence used. Implemented for: Oracle, PostgreSQL if table has identity configured and useIdentity set to true, values from sequence used. Implemented for: SQL Server 2005+ Otherwise column initialized with values, incremented by 1 starting with max value from database for this column plus 1. public static IEnumerable<T> RetrieveIdentity<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, DataConnection context, bool useSequenceName = true, bool useIdentity = false) where T : notnull Parameters source IEnumerable<T> Ordered list of entities to initialize. context DataConnection Data connection to use to retrieve sequence values of max used value for column. useSequenceName bool Enables identity values retrieval from sequence for columns with sequence name specified in mapping using SequenceNameAttribute. Implemented for Oracle and PostgreSQL. useIdentity bool Enables identity values retrieval from table with identity column. Implemented for SQL Server 2005+. Returns IEnumerable<T> Returns new collection of identity fields initialized or source if entity had no identity columns. Type Parameters T Entity type."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.IActivity.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.IActivity.html",
"title": "Interface IActivity | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IActivity Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Assembly linq2db.dll Represents a user-defined operation with context to be used for Activity Service events. public interface IActivity : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.SqlExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.SqlExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SqlExtensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class SqlExtensions Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Assembly linq2db.dll public static class SqlExtensions Inheritance object SqlExtensions Methods In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) [ExpressionMethod(\"InImpl1\")] public static bool In<T>(this T value, IEnumerable<T> sequence) Parameters value T sequence IEnumerable<T> Returns bool Type Parameters T In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) [ExpressionMethod(\"InImpl2\")] public static bool In<T>(this T value, IQueryable<T> sequence) Parameters value T sequence IQueryable<T> Returns bool Type Parameters T In<T>(T, T, T) [ExpressionMethod(\"InImpl4\")] public static bool In<T>(this T value, T cmp1, T cmp2) Parameters value T cmp1 T cmp2 T Returns bool Type Parameters T In<T>(T, T, T, T) [ExpressionMethod(\"InImpl5\")] public static bool In<T>(this T value, T cmp1, T cmp2, T cmp3) Parameters value T cmp1 T cmp2 T cmp3 T Returns bool Type Parameters T In<T>(T, params T[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"InImpl3\")] public static bool In<T>(this T value, params T[] sequence) Parameters value T sequence T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NotInImpl1\")] public static bool NotIn<T>(this T value, IEnumerable<T> sequence) Parameters value T sequence IEnumerable<T> Returns bool Type Parameters T NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) [ExpressionMethod(\"NotInImpl2\")] public static bool NotIn<T>(this T value, IQueryable<T> sequence) Parameters value T sequence IQueryable<T> Returns bool Type Parameters T NotIn<T>(T, T, T) [ExpressionMethod(\"NotInImpl4\")] public static bool NotIn<T>(this T value, T cmp1, T cmp2) Parameters value T cmp1 T cmp2 T Returns bool Type Parameters T NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) [ExpressionMethod(\"NotInImpl5\")] public static bool NotIn<T>(this T value, T cmp1, T cmp2, T cmp3) Parameters value T cmp1 T cmp2 T cmp3 T Returns bool Type Parameters T NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) [ExpressionMethod(\"NotInImpl3\")] public static bool NotIn<T>(this T value, params T[] sequence) Parameters value T sequence T[] Returns bool Type Parameters T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.Tools.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB.Tools Classes ActivityBase Provides a basic implementation of the IActivity interface. You do not have to use this class. However, it can help you to avoid incompatibility issues in the future if the IActivity interface is extended. ActivityService Provides API to register factory methods that return an Activity object or null for provided ActivityID event. DataExtensions SqlExtensions Interfaces IActivity Represents a user-defined operation with context to be used for Activity Service events. Enums ActivityID Activity Service event ID."
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.UpdateColumnFilter-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.UpdateColumnFilter-1.html",
"title": "Delegate UpdateColumnFilter<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Delegate UpdateColumnFilter<T> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll Defines signature for column filter for update operations. public delegate bool UpdateColumnFilter<T>(T entity, ColumnDescriptor column) Parameters entity T Entity instance. column ColumnDescriptor Descriptor of column. Returns bool true, if column should be included in operation and false otherwise. Type Parameters T Entity type. Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) MethodHelper.GetMethodInfo(Delegate)"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.UpdateOutput-1.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.UpdateOutput-1.html",
"title": "Class UpdateOutput<T> | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Class UpdateOutput<T> Namespace LinqToDB Assembly linq2db.dll public class UpdateOutput<T> Type Parameters T Inheritance object UpdateOutput<T> Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) Properties Deleted public T Deleted { get; set; } Property Value T Inserted public T Inserted { get; set; } Property Value T"
"api/linq2db/LinqToDB.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/LinqToDB.html",
"title": "Namespace LinqToDB | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace LinqToDB Classes AnalyticFunctions AsyncExtensions Provides helper methods for asynchronous operations. CompiledQuery Provides API for compilation and caching of queries for reuse. DataContext Implements abstraction over non-persistent database connection that could be released after query or transaction execution. DataContextOptions DataContextTransaction Explicit data context DataContext transaction wrapper. DataExtensions Data context extension methods. DataOptions Immutable context configuration object. DataOptionsExtensions Set of extensions for DataOptions. DataOptions<T> Typed DataOptions wrapper to support multiple option objects registration in DI containers. ExprParameterAttribute ExpressionMethodAttribute When applied to method or property, tells linq2db to replace them in queryable LINQ expression with another expression, returned by method, specified in this attribute. Requirements to expression method: - expression method should be in the same class and replaced property of method; - method could be private. When applied to property, expression: - method should return function expression with the same return type as property type; - expression method could take up to two parameters in any order - current object parameter and database connection context object. When applied to method: - expression method should return function expression with the same return type as method return type; - method cannot have void return type; - parameters in expression method should go in the same order as in substituted method; - expression could take method instance object as first parameter; - expression could take database connection context object as last parameter; - last method parameters could be ommited from expression method, but only if you don't add database connection context parameter. ExtensionBuilderExtensions InterceptorExtensions Contains extensions that add one-time interceptors to connection. KeepConnectionAliveScope Explicit DataContext connection reuse scope. See KeepConnectionAlive for more details. LinqExtensions Contains extension methods for LINQ queries. LinqOptions LinqToDBConstants LinqToDBException Defines the base class for the namespace exceptions. MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource> MergeDefinition<TTarget, TSource>.Operation MultiInsertExtensions ProviderName Default names for providers. Sql Sql.AggregateFunctionNotOrderedImpl<T, TR> Sql.ConvertTo<TTo> Sql.EnumAttribute Sql.ExpressionAttribute An Attribute that allows custom Expressions to be defined for a Method used within a Linq Expression. Sql.ExtensionAttribute Sql.ExtensionAttribute.ExtensionBuilder<TContext> Sql.FunctionAttribute Defines an SQL server-side Function with parameters passed in. Sql.PropertyAttribute An attribute used to define a static value or a Database side property/method that takes no parameters. Sql.QueryExtensionAttribute Defines custom query extension builder. Sql.SqlExtension Sql.SqlExtensionParam Sql.SqlRow<T1, T2> Sql.TableExpressionAttribute Sql.TableFunctionAttribute Sql.Types SqlOptions StringAggregateExtensions TableExtensions Contains extension methods for LINQ queries. TempTable<T> Temporary table. Temporary table is a table, created when you create instance of this class and deleted when you dispose it. It uses regular tables even if underlying database supports temporary tables concept. UpdateOutput<T> Structs Sql.SqlID Interfaces IDataContext Database connection abstraction interface. IExtensionsAdapter Interface to override default implementation of LINQ To DB async operations. ILoadWithQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Provides support for queryable LoadWith/ThenLoad chaining operators. ITableMutable<T> This is internal API and is not intended for use by Linq To DB applications. It may change or be removed without further notice. ITable<T> Table-like queryable source, e.g. table, view or table-valued function. MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertElse<TSource> MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertInto<TSource> MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertSource<TSource> MultiInsertExtensions.IMultiInsertWhen<TSource> Sql.IAggregateFunctionNotOrdered<T, TR> Sql.IAggregateFunctionOrdered<T, TR> Sql.IAggregateFunction<T, TR> Sql.IExtensionCallBuilder Sql.IGroupBy Sql.IQueryableContainer Sql.ISqExtensionBuilder Sql.ISqlExtension Enums DataType List of data types, supported by linq2db. Provider-level support depends on database capabilities and current implementation support level and could vary for different providers. MergeOperationType Sql.AggregateModifier Sql.DateParts Sql.From Sql.IsNullableType Provides information when function or expression could return null. Sql.Nulls Sql.NullsPosition Sql.QueryExtensionScope Sql.SqlIDType Sql.TableQualification SqlJoinType Defines join type. Used with join LINQ helpers. TableOptions Provides table mapping flags to specify temporary table kind if mapped table is temporary table and Create/Drop Table API behavior when target table exists/not exists. TakeHints Hints for Take Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, int, TakeHints)Take<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<int>>, TakeHints). Delegates InsertColumnFilter<T> Defines signature for column filter for insert operations. InsertOrUpdateColumnFilter<T> Defines signature for column filter for insert or update/replace operations. UpdateColumnFilter<T> Defines signature for column filter for update operations."
"api/linq2db/linq2db.IExecutionScope.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/linq2db.IExecutionScope.html",
"title": "Interface IExecutionScope | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interface IExecutionScope Namespace linq2db Assembly linq2db.dll public interface IExecutionScope : IDisposable Inherited Members IDisposable.Dispose() Extension Methods Sql.IsDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) Sql.IsNotDistinctFrom<T>(T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.In<T>(T, IQueryable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, T, T, T) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, params T[]) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IEnumerable<T>) SqlExtensions.NotIn<T>(T, IQueryable<T>)"
"api/linq2db/linq2db.html": {
"href": "api/linq2db/linq2db.html",
"title": "Namespace | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Namespace Interfaces IExecutionScope"
"articles/CLI.html": {
"href": "articles/CLI.html",
"title": "LINQ to DB CLI tools | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "LINQ to DB CLI tools Installation Use Usage Examples Generate SQLite database model in current folder Generate SQLite database model using response file Customize Scaffold with Code Customization with assembly Customization with T4 template Interceptors Overview Schema Load Interceptors Interceptor implementation example Database schema models Type mapping interceptor Example Data Model Interceptors Interceptor implementation examples Data model classes Code models Metadata models Installation Note Requres .NET Core 3.1 or higher. Install as global tool: dotnet tool install -g linq2db.cli Update: dotnet tool update -g linq2db.cli General information on .NET Tools could be found here Use To invoke tool use dotnet-linq2db <PARAMETERS> or dotnet linq2db <PARAMETERS> command. Available commands: dotnet linq2db help: prints general help dotnet linq2db help scaffold: prints help for scaffold command (also you can see help here) dotnet linq2db scaffold <options>: performs database model scaffolding dotnet linq2db template [-o template_path]: creates base T4 template file for scaffolding customization code For list of available options, use dotnet linq2db help scaffold command. Usage Examples Generate SQLite database model in current folder This command uses minimal set of options, required for scaffolding (database provider and connection string) and generates database model classes in current folder. dotnet linq2db scaffold -p SQLite -c \"Data Source=c:\\Databases\\MyDatabase.sqlite\" Generate SQLite database model using response file This command demonstrates use of configuration file with scaffold options combined with command line options. dotnet linq2db scaffold -i database.json -c \"Data Source=c:\\Databases\\MyDatabase.sqlite\" database.json file: { \"general\": { \"provider\": \"SQLite\", \"connection\": \"Data Source=c:\\\\Databases\\\\TestDatabase.sqlite\", \"output\": \"c:\\\\MyProject\\\\DbModel\", \"overwrite\": true } } Here you can see that connection string passed using both command line and json config file. In such cases option passed in command line takes precedence. Scaffold configs (response files) are convenient in many ways: you can store scaffolding options for your project in source control and share with other developers with many options it is hard to work with command line some options not available from CLI or hard to use due to CLI nature (e.g. various issues with escaping of parameters) Customize Scaffold with Code For more advanced scaffolding configuration you can use scaffold interceptor class (inherited from ScaffoldInterceptors class), passed as pre-built assembly (don't forget that scaffold utility use .net core 3.1+, so don't target it with .NET Framework TFM) or T4 template. Class, inherited from ScaffoldInterceptors should have default constructor or constructor with ScaffoldOptions parameters. Main difference between assembly and T4 approach is: with assembly you can write customization in any .net language in your favorite IDE, but need to build it to .net assembly to use with T4 you can use only C# and IDE support for T4 templates is limited, but you will have ready-to-use T4 template to modify and compilation will be done by cli tool To invoke scaffolding with code-based customization use --customize path_to_file option: dotnet linq2db scaffold -i database.json -c \"Data Source=c:\\Databases\\MyDatabase.sqlite\" --customize CustomAssembly.dll dotnet linq2db scaffold -i database.json -c \"Data Source=c:\\Databases\\MyDatabase.sqlite\" --customize CustomTemplate.t4 CLI tool will detect custmization approach using file extension: .dll: referenced file will be loaded as assembly any other extension: referenced file will be treated as T4 template Customization with assembly Create new .net library project and reference linq2db.Tools nuget Add class, inherited from LinqToDB.Scaffold.ScaffoldInterceptors and override required customization methods Build assembly and use it with --custmize option Note CLI tool tries to locate and load referenced 3rd-party assemblies, used by customization assembly automatically. If it fails to find referenced assembly, you can try to enable local copy behavior by adding following property to project file: <CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies>true</CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies> Customization with T4 template Generate initial T4 template file using dotnet linq2db template command Edit Interceptors class methods in template with required customization logic Use template file with --custmize option Interceptors Overview Scaffold process is a multi-stange process with following steps: database schema load generation of data context object model from schema generation of data context code model from object model generation of source code from code model We allow injection of interceptors/extension points at some of those stages. They could be split into three categories: Database schema load interceptors. Those interceptors allow user to add, remove or modify information about database objects, used for data model generation. Database type mapping interceptor. This interceptor allows user to override default .NET type used for specific database type in data model or specify .NET type for database type, not known to scaffold utility (e.g. some custom database type) Data model interceptors. Those interceptors work with generate data model objects and allow user to modify them before they will be converted to source code. Such objects include: entities (table/view mapping classes) methods for stored procedure or function mapping associations (foreign key relations) some other generated objects. Schema Load Interceptors During schema load stage user can filter, modify or even add new database object descriptors to database schema. There is interception method for each of currently supported database object types: IEnumerable<Table> GetTables (IEnumerable<Table> tables); IEnumerable<View> GetViews (IEnumerable<View> views); IEnumerable<ForeignKey> GetForeignKeys (IEnumerable<ForeignKey> keys); IEnumerable<StoredProcedure> GetProcedures (IEnumerable<StoredProcedure> procedures); IEnumerable<TableFunction> GetTableFunctions (IEnumerable<TableFunction> functions); IEnumerable<ScalarFunction> GetScalarFunctions (IEnumerable<ScalarFunction> functions); IEnumerable<AggregateFunction> GetAggregateFunctions(IEnumerable<AggregateFunction> functions) Note Database object-specific interceptor will be called only if specific object type load was allowed in options (see --objects parameter). Interceptor implementation example public override IEnumerable<Table> GetTables(IEnumerable<Table> tables) { foreach (var table in tables) { if (table.Name.Schema == \"private\") { // hide/ignore tables from \"private\" schema // note that it could be also done using --exclude-schemas CLI option continue; } if (table.Name.Name.StartsWith(\"test_\")) { // modify record: remove test_ prefix from table name yield return table with { Name = table.Name with { Name = table.Name.Name.Substring(\"test_\".Length) } }; continue; } yield return table; } // add new table record, not returned by schema API yield return new Table( new SqlObjectName(\"my_table_name\"), null, new[] { new Column(\"pk\", null, new DatabaseType(\"BIGINT\", null, null, null), false, false, false) }, new Identity(\"pk\", null), new PrimaryKey(\"PK_my_table_name\", new[] { \"pk\" })); } public override IEnumerable<ForeignKey> GetForeignKeys(IEnumerable<ForeignKey> keys) { // add additional relation (foreign key) // from table Item (OrderId FK field) to table Order (Id PK field) // source table name var source = new SqlObjectName(\"Item\", Schema: \"dbo\"); // target table name var target = new SqlObjectName(\"Order\", Schema: \"dbo\"); // list of foreign key columns (source column + target column pairs) var relation = new[] { new ForeignKeyColumnMapping(\"OrderId\", \"Id\") }; // foreign key relation definition var fk = new ForeignKey(\"FK_Item_Order\", source, target, relation); // return foreign keys from schema + new key return keys.Concat(new[] { fk }); } Database schema models // generic descriptors public readonly record struct SqlObjectName(string Name, string? Server = null, string? Database = null, string? Schema = null, string? Package = null); public sealed record DatabaseType(string? Name, long? Length, int? Precision, int? Scale); // table/view descriptors public sealed record Table( SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Columns, Identity? Identity, PrimaryKey? PrimaryKey); public sealed record View( SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Column> Columns, Identity? Identity, PrimaryKey? PrimaryKey); public sealed record ForeignKey( string Name, SqlObjectName Source, SqlObjectName Target, IReadOnlyList<ForeignKeyColumnMapping> Relation); public sealed record Column(string Name, string? Description, DatabaseType Type, bool Nullable, bool Insertable, bool Updatable); public sealed record Identity(string Column, Sequence? Sequence); public sealed record Sequence(SqlObjectName? Name); public sealed record PrimaryKey(string? Name, IReadOnlyCollection<string> Columns); public sealed record ForeignKeyColumnMapping(string SourceColumn, string TargetColumn); // procedures and functions descriptors public sealed record StoredProcedure( SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters, Exception? SchemaError, IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<ResultColumn>>? ResultSets, Result Result); public sealed record TableFunction( SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters, Exception? SchemaError, IReadOnlyCollection<ResultColumn>? Result); public sealed record AggregateFunction( SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters, ScalarResult Result); public sealed record ScalarFunction( SqlObjectName Name, string? Description, IReadOnlyCollection<Parameter> Parameters, Result Result); public sealed record Parameter( string Name, string? Description, DatabaseType Type, bool Nullable, ParameterDirection Direction); public enum ParameterDirection { Input, Output, InputOutput } public enum ResultKind { Void, Tuple, Scalar, } public sealed record ScalarResult(string? Name, DatabaseType Type, bool Nullable) : Result(ResultKind.Scalar); public sealed record TupleResult(IReadOnlyCollection<ScalarResult> Fields, bool Nullable) : Result(ResultKind.Tuple); public sealed record VoidResult() : Result(ResultKind.Void); public sealed record ResultColumn(string? Name, DatabaseType Type, bool Nullable); Type mapping interceptor This interceptor allows user to specify which .NET type should be used for specific database type and usefull in several cases: when default type mapping use wrong type user wants to use different type for specific database type default type mapping cannot map type and uses fallback type (System.Object) Note Database type doesn't include nullability flag. Nullability applied to type automatically later. // IMPORTANT: this method called only once for each database type // ITypeParser inte TypeMapping GetTypeMapping(DatabaseType databaseType, ITypeParser typeParser, TypeMapping defaultMapping); // IType is internal .NET type abstraction created only using ITypeParser interface methods // DataType is LinqToDB.DataType mapping enum public sealed record TypeMapping(IType CLRType, DataType? DataType); // this interface provides helpers to create type tokens from System.Type or type name public interface ITypeParser { // create type token from .NET Type IType Parse(Type type); IType Parse<T>(); // create type token from full type name (with namespace) // namespaces and type separated by dot (.) // nested types separated by plus (+) // generic types allowed // Example: \"My.NameSpace.WrapperClass+NestedClass<int, string>\" // // valueType: specify that type is reference or value type to properly handle type nullability IType Parse(string typeName, bool valueType); } Example // defaultMapping could be null if tool cannot map database type // in such cases default type (System.Object) will be used in mapping public override TypeMapping? GetTypeMapping(DatabaseType databaseType, ITypeParser typeParser, TypeMapping? defaultMapping) { // use provider-specific (Npgsql) type for \"date\" database type if (databaseType?.Name?.ToLower() == \"date\") return new TypeMapping(typeParser.Parse<NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDate>(), null); // or use string if Npgsql assembly not referenced // return new TypeMapping(typeParser.Parse(\"NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDate\", true), null); // for other types use default mapping return defaultMapping; } Data Model Interceptors This group of interceptors allow user to modify generated data model objects before they converted to source code. // This interceptor works with single entity model object that // corresponds to database table or view. // List of options, available for modification: // - Table/view mapping metadata // - Entity class code generation options (name, visibility, inheritance, etc) // - Data context table property for entity // - Find/FindQuery entity extensions generation options // - List of entity column properties (column metada and property code generation options) void PreprocessEntity(ITypeParser typeParser, EntityModel entityModel); Interceptor implementation examples // several use-cases cases of entity customization public override void PreprocessEntity(ITypeParser typeParser, EntityModel entityModel) { // change type for specific column: use DateOnly type for event_date columns in audit table if (entityModel.Metadata.Name?.Name.StartsWith(\"Audit$\") == true) { var dateColumn = entityModel.Columns.Where(c => c.Metadata.Name == \"event_date\").Single(); // create type from name string because CLI tool use .net core 3.1 runtime without DateOnly type dateColumn.Property.Type = typeParser.Parse(\"System.DateOnly\", true); } // for log tables, remove table access properties from data context class if (entityModel.Metadata.Name?.Name.StartsWith(\"Logs$\") == true) entityModel.ContextProperty = null; // for table with name \"alltypes\" we cannot recognize separate words to properly generate class name // let's modify generated entity class name in model if (entityModel.Class.Name == \"Alltypes\") entityModel.Class.Name = \"AllTypes\"; // mark column as non-editable var creatorColumn = entityModel.Columns.Where(c => c.Metadata.Name == \"created_by\").FirstOrDefault(); if (creatorColumn != null) creatorColumn.Metadata.SkipOnUpdate = true; } Data model classes // data model descriptors // entity descriptor public sealed class EntityModel { public EntityMetadata Metadata { get; set; } public ClassModel Class { get; set; } public PropertyModel? ContextProperty { get; set; } public FindTypes FindExtensions { get; set; } public bool ImplementsIEquatable { get; set; } public List<ColumnModel> Columns { get; } } // column descriptor public sealed class ColumnModel { public ColumnMetadata Metadata { get; set; } public PropertyModel Property { get; set; } } // Flags to specify generated Find/FindQuery extensions per-entity [Flags] public enum FindTypes { // specify generated method signatures: None, /// <summary> /// Method version: sync Find(). /// </summary> Sync = 0x0001, /// <summary> /// Method version: async FindAsync(). /// </summary> Async = 0x0002, /// <summary> /// Method version: FindQuery(). /// </summary> Query = 0x0004, // specify what should be passed to methods: primary key values or whole entity instance /// <summary> /// Method primary key: from parameters. /// </summary> ByPrimaryKey = 0x0010, /// <summary> /// Method primary key: from entity object. /// </summary> ByEntity = 0x0020, // specify extended type /// <summary> /// Method extends: entity table. /// </summary> OnTable = 0x0100, /// <summary> /// Method extends: generated context. /// </summary> OnContext = 0x0200, // some ready-to-use flags combinations FindByPkOnTable = Sync | ByPrimaryKey | OnTable, FindAsyncByPkOnTable = Async | ByPrimaryKey | OnTable, FindQueryByPkOnTable = Query | ByPrimaryKey | OnTable, FindByRecordOnTable = Sync | ByEntity | OnTable, FindAsyncByRecordOnTable = Async | ByEntity | OnTable, FindQueryByRecordOnTable = Query | ByEntity | OnTable, FindByPkOnContext = Sync | ByPrimaryKey | OnContext, FindAsyncByPkOnContext = Async | ByPrimaryKey | OnContext, FindQueryByPkOnContext = Query | ByPrimaryKey | OnContext, FindByRecordOnContext = Sync | ByEntity | OnContext, FindAsyncByRecordOnContext = Async | ByEntity | OnContext, FindQueryByRecordOnContext = Query | ByEntity | OnContext, } public sealed class StoredProcedureModel : TableFunctionModelBase { public FunctionParameterModel? Return { get; set; } public List<FunctionResult> Results { get; set; } = new(); } public sealed class TableFunctionModel : TableFunctionModelBase { public string MethodInfoFieldName { get; set; } public TableFunctionMetadata Metadata { get; set; } public FunctionResult? Result { get; set; } } public sealed class ScalarFunctionModel : ScalarFunctionModelBase { public IType? Return { get; set; } public TupleModel? ReturnTuple { get; set; } } public sealed class AggregateFunctionModel : ScalarFunctionModelBase { public IType ReturnType { get; set; } } public abstract class TableFunctionModelBase : FunctionModelBase { public string? Error { get; set; } } public abstract class ScalarFunctionModelBase : FunctionModelBase { public FunctionMetadata Metadata { get; set; } } public abstract class FunctionModelBase { public MethodModel Method { get; set; } public List<FunctionParameterModel> Parameters { get; } = new(); public SqlObjectName Name { get; set; } } public sealed class FunctionParameterModel { public ParameterModel Parameter { get; set; } public string? DbName { get; set; } public DatabaseType? Type { get; set; } public DataType? DataType { get; set; } public bool IsNullable { get; set; } public System.Data.ParameterDirection Direction { get; set; } } public sealed class TupleModel { public ClassModel Class { get; set; } public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } public List<TupleFieldModel> Fields { get; } = new (); } public sealed class TupleFieldModel { public PropertyModel Property { get; set; } public DatabaseType Type { get; set; } public DataType? DataType { get; set; } } public sealed record FunctionResult( ResultTableModel? CustomTable, EntityModel? Entity, AsyncProcedureResult? AsyncResult); public sealed class ResultTableModel { public ClassModel Class { get; set; } public List<ColumnModel> Columns { get; } = new (); } public sealed class AsyncProcedureResult { public ClassModel Class { get; set; } public PropertyModel MainResult { get; set; } public Dictionary<FunctionParameterModel, PropertyModel> ParameterProperties { get; } = new(); } public sealed class AssociationModel { public AssociationMetadata SourceMetadata { get; set; } public AssociationMetadata TargetMetadata { get; set; } public EntityModel Source { get; set; } public EntityModel Target { get; set; } public PropertyModel? Property { get; set; } public PropertyModel? BackreferenceProperty { get; set; } public MethodModel? Extension { get; set; } public MethodModel? BackreferenceExtension { get; set; } public ColumnModel[]? FromColumns { get; set; } public ColumnModel[]? ToColumns { get; set; } public bool ManyToOne { get; set; } public string? ForeignKeyName { get; set; } } Code models public sealed class ClassModel { public string? Summary { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string? Namespace { get; set; } public IType? BaseType { get; set; } public List<IType>? Interfaces { get; set; } public Modifiers Modifiers { get; set; } public string? FileName { get; set; } public List<CodeAttribute>? CustomAttributes { get; set; } } public sealed class PropertyModel { public string Name { get; set; } public IType? Type { get; set; } public string? Summary { get; set; } public Modifiers Modifiers { get; set; } public bool IsDefault { get; set; } public bool HasSetter { get; set; } public string? TrailingComment { get; set; } public List<CodeAttribute>? CustomAttributes { get; set; } } public sealed class MethodModel { public string? Summary { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Modifiers Modifiers { get; set; } public List<CodeAttribute>? CustomAttributes { get; set; } } public sealed class ParameterModel { public string Name { get; set; } public IType Type { get; set; } public string? Description { get; set; } public CodeParameterDirection Direction { get; set; } } // various modifiers on type/type member [Flags] public enum Modifiers { None = 0, Public = 0x0001, Protected = 0x0002, Internal = 0x0004, Private = 0x0008, New = 0x0010, Override = 0x0020, Abstract = 0x0040, Sealed = 0x0080, Partial = 0x0100, Extension = 0x0200 | Static, ReadOnly = 0x0400, Async = 0x0800, Static = 0x1000, Virtual = 0x2000, } public enum CodeParameterDirection { In, Ref, Out } Metadata models public sealed class EntityMetadata { public SqlObjectName? Name { get; set; } public bool IsView { get; set; } public string? Configuration { get; set; } public bool IsColumnAttributeRequired { get; set; } = true; public bool IsTemporary { get; set; } public TableOptions TableOptions { get; set; } } public sealed class ColumnMetadata { public string? Name { get; set; } public DatabaseType? DbType { get; set; } public DataType? DataType { get; set; } public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } public bool SkipOnInsert { get; set; } public bool SkipOnUpdate { get; set; } public bool IsIdentity { get; set; } public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } public int? PrimaryKeyOrder { get; set; } public string? Configuration { get; set; } public string? MemberName { get; set; } public string? Storage { get; set; } public string? CreateFormat { get; set; } public bool IsColumn { get; set; } = true; public bool IsDiscriminator { get; set; } public bool SkipOnEntityFetch { get; set; } public int? Order { get; set; } } // table function/stored procedure public sealed class TableFunctionMetadata { public SqlObjectName? Name { get; set; } public string? Configuration { get; set; } public int[]? ArgIndices { get; set; } } // scalar/aggregate function public sealed class FunctionMetadata { public SqlObjectName? Name { get; set; } public int[]? ArgIndices { get; set; } public string? Configuration { get; set; } public bool? ServerSideOnly { get; set; } public bool? PreferServerSide { get; set; } public bool? InlineParameters { get; set; } public bool? IsPredicate { get; set; } public bool? IsAggregate { get; set; } public bool? IsWindowFunction { get; set; } public bool? IsPure { get; set; } public bool? CanBeNull { get; set; } public Sql.IsNullableType? IsNullable { get; set; } } public sealed class AssociationMetadata { public bool CanBeNull { get; set; } public ICodeExpression? ThisKeyExpression { get; set; } public ICodeExpression? OtherKeyExpression { get; set; } public string? Configuration { get; set; } public string? Alias { get; set; } public string? Storage { get; set; } public string? ThisKey { get; set; } public string? OtherKey { get; set; } public string? ExpressionPredicate { get; set; } public string? QueryExpressionMethod { get; set; } }"
"articles/FAQ.html": {
"href": "articles/FAQ.html",
"title": "General | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "General Which async model Linq To DB use? I need to configure connection before or immediately after it opened (e.g. set SQL Server AccessToken or SQLite encryption key) Mapping Do I need to use Attribute and/or Code first Mapping? How can I use calculated fields? How can I use SQL Server spatial types How to fix it General Which async model Linq To DB use? By default it use await awaitable.ConfigureAwait(false) (same as await awaitable) mode for internal asyn calls. If you need it to use another mode you can change it by setting following configuration option: // switch to await awaitable.ConfigureAwait(true) Configuration.ContinueOnCapturedContext = true; I need to configure connection before or immediately after it opened (e.g. set SQL Server AccessToken or SQLite encryption key) Note You also could use connection factory method or connection interceptor to configure connection, but we recommend to use connection configuration action option as it used also for auto-detection of provider dialect (for providers with auto-detect logic and when auto-detect is enabled). Configure connection on creation/open (SQL Server and SQLite examples): public class MySqlServerDb : DataConnection // or DataContext { public MySqlServerDb(connectionString) : base( new DataOptions() .UseSqlServer(connectionString) .UseBeforeConnectionOpened(connection => { connection.AccessToken = \"..token here..\"; })) { } } public class MySQLiteDb : DataConnection // or DataContext { public MySQLiteDb(connectionString) : base( new DataOptions() .UseSQLite(connectionString) .UseAfterConnectionOpened( connection => { using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = $\"PRAGMA KEY '{key}'\"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }, // optionally add async version to use non-blocking calls from async execution path async (connection, cancellationToken) => { using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = $\"PRAGMA KEY '{key}'\"; await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken); })) { } } using (var db = new MySqlServerDb()) { // queries here will get pre-configured connection } Mapping Do I need to use Attribute and/or Code first Mapping? Not strictly. It is possible to use Linq To DB with simple, non-attributed POCOs, however there will be specific limitations: The biggest of these is that Linq To DB will not have information about nullability of reference types (e.g. string) and treat all such columns as nullable by default if you don't enable C# nullable reference types annotations in your code and not tell Linq To DB to read them. Table and column names will have to match the class and property names. You can get around this for the class itself by using the .TableName() Method after your GetTable<> call (e.x. conn.GetTable<MyCleanClassName>().TableName(\"my_not_so_clean_table_name\") ) Unless using the explicit insert/update syntax (i.e. .Value()/.Set()), all columns will be written off the supplied POCO. How can I use calculated fields? You need to mark them to be ignored during insert or update operations, e.g. using ColumnAttribute attribute: public class MyEntity { [Column(SkipOnInsert = true, SkipOnUpdate = true)] public int CalculatedField { get; set; } } How can I use SQL Server spatial types Spatial types for SQL Server provided by: Microsoft.SqlServer.Types assembly from Microsoft for .NET Framework dotMorten.Microsoft.SqlServer.Types assembly from Morten Nielsen for .NET Core. v1.x versions are for System.Data.SqlClient provider and v2.x versions are for Microsoft.Data.SqlClient provider Microsoft.SqlServer.Server nuget for use with Microsoft.Data.SqlClient provider (starting from 5.0 release of client) Linq To DB will automatically locate required types. You can register types assembly in Linq To DB manually, but it shouldn't be needed: SqlServerTools.ResolveSqlTypes(typeof(SqlGeography).Assembly); Main problem that people hit with SQL Server spatial types is following error on select queries: Can't create '<DB_NAME>.sys.<SPATIAL_TYPE_NAME>' type or '' specific type for <COLUMN_NAME>. This happens due to different versions of Microsoft.SqlServer.Types assembly, requested by SqlClient, and assembly, referenced by your project. How to fix it For .NET Framework you just need to add assembly bindings redirect to your configuration file to redirect all assembly load requests to your version (make sure that newVersion contains proper version of assembly you have): <runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\"> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name=\"Microsoft.SqlServer.Types\" publicKeyToken=\"89845dcd8080cc91\" culture=\"neutral\"/> <bindingRedirect oldVersion=\"\" newVersion=\"\" /> </dependentAssembly> </assemblyBinding> </runtime> For .NET Core it is a bit tricky because: .NET Core doesn't support binding redirects You need to use 3rd-party assembly with non-Microsoft public key and binding redirects doesn't allow such redirects anyway To workaround it you need to add custom assembly resolver to your code: // subscribe to assembly load request event somewhere in your init code AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Resolving += OnAssemblyResolve; Assembly OnAssemblyResolve(AssemblyLoadContext assemblyLoadContext, AssemblyName assemblyName) { try { // you need to unsubscribe here to avoid StackOverflowException, // as LoadFromAssemblyName will go in recursion here otherwise AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Resolving -= OnAssemblyResolve; // return resolved assembly for cases when it can be resolved return assemblyLoadContext.LoadFromAssemblyName(assemblyName); } catch { // on failue - check if it failed to load our types assembly // and explicitly return it if (assemblyName.Name == \"Microsoft.SqlServer.Types\") return typeof(SqlGeography).Assembly; // if it failed to load some other assembly - just pass exception as-is throw; } finally { // don't forget to restore our load handler AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Resolving += OnAssemblyResolve; } }"
"articles/T4.html": {
"href": "articles/T4.html",
"title": "T4 Models | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Warning We recommend to use dotnet scaffold tool instead of T4 due to limitations of T4 engine (e.g. limited cross-platform support). Tool documentation could be found here. T4 Models T4 models are used to generate POCO's C# code using your database structure. Installation First you should install one of packages with T4 templates into your project: Install-Package linq2db.<PROVIDER_NAME> Where <PROVIDER_NAME> is one of supported databases, for example: Install-Package linq2db.SqlServer This also will install: linq2db package T4 templates Example of model generation T4 template (CopyMe.<DB_NAME>.tt.txt) provider package (if it is available on nuget). Running After package installing you will see new LinqToDB.Templates folder in your project, this folder contains all needed T4 stuff to generate your model. To create a data model template copy CopyMe.<DB_NAME>.tt.txt file from LinqToDB.Templates project folder to desired location and rename it to file with .tt extension, e.g. For SDK projects see important notes below. Make sure that custom tool for your tt file set to TextTemplatingFileGenerator, otherwise it will not run or will give you error like error : Failed to resolve include text for file ...ttinclude Next you need to edit content of your .tt file. It contains following main sections: Configuration of database structure load process (GetSchemaOptions object properties, read more about it below) Database structure load call - this is a call to LoadMetadata() function - it connects to your database and fetches all needed metadata (table structure, views, procedures and so on). Here you need to specify connection options for your database Customization of model generation process (read below) Call to GenerateModel() method to generate C# file with data model classes SDK project specifics Because SDK projects install nuget content files as references to files in nuget cache instead of copying them into project's folder, to run T4 templates you'll need create empty <choose_your_name>.tt file manually and paste content of CopyMe.<DB_NAME>.tt.txt to it. Also it is not recommended to alter *.ttinclude files directly as you will alter nuget cache content, which will affect any other SDK projects that use that package. Configuring schema load process Use the following initialization before you call the LoadMetadata() method. All schema load functionality configured using GetSchemaOptions property of LinqToDB.SchemaProvider.GetSchemaOptions type. Check this class for all available options. All loaded schema information is used for mappings generation, so if you want to limit generated mappings, it is the best place to do it. // Enables loading of tables and views information GetSchemaOptions.GetTables = true; // Enables loading of foreign key relations for associations GetSchemaOptions.GetForeignKeys = true; // Enables loading of functions and procedures information GetSchemaOptions.GetProcedures = true; // Enables use of System.Char type in generated model for text types // with length 1 instead of System.String GetSchemaOptions.GenerateChar1AsString = false; // Enables generation of provider-specific type for column or parameter mapping // when both common .net type and provider-specific type supported. GetSchemaOptions.PreferProviderSpecificTypes = false; // (string[]) List of schemas to select. // Option applied only if is is not empty GetSchemaOptions.IncludedSchemas = null; // (string[]) List of schemas to exclude from select. // Option applied only if is is not empty GetSchemaOptions.ExcludedSchemas = null; // (string) explicit name of default schema. // If not specified, use default schema for current connection. GetSchemaOptions.DefaultSchema = null; // Option makes sense only for providers that return schema for several databases // (string[]) List of databases/catalogs to select. // Option applied only if is is not empty GetSchemaOptions.IncludedCatalogs = null; // Option makes sense only for providers that return schema for several databases // (string[]) List of databases/catalogs to exclude from select. // Option applied only if is is not empty GetSchemaOptions.ExcludedCatalogs = null; // Custom filter for table/view schema load // Can be used to exclude views or tables from generation based in their descriptor. // This filter especially usefull, when you wan't to exclude table, referenced by other generated // tables using associations, or by procedures using excluded table as result. Doing it in filter // will automatically prevent associations generation and will trigger generation of procedure-specific // result classes. // LoadTableData type: // Func<LoadTableData, bool> GetSchemaOptions.LoadTable = null; // Comparer, used for IncludedSchemas/ExcludedSchemas/IncludedCatalogs/ExcludedCatalogs lookups StringComparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; // Custom filter for procedure/function result schema loader. // Can be used to exclude schema load for functions, that generate error during schema load // Also check GenerateProcedureErrors option below // ProcedureSchema type: // GetSchemaOptions.LoadProcedure = (ProcedureSchema p) => true; // SQL Server 2012+ only // true: use sp_describe_first_result_set procedure to load procedure schema // false: use CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly to load procedure schema GetSchemaOptions.UseSchemaOnly = Common.Configuration.SqlServer.UseSchemaOnlyToGetSchema = false; // type: Func<ForeignKeySchema, string> // Defines custom association naming logic // GetSchemaOptions.GetAssociationMemberName = null; // Procedures load progress reporting callback // Not applicable for T4 templates GetSchemaOptions.ProcedureLoadingProgress = (int total, int current) => {}; Configuring generation process Use the following initialization before you call the LoadMetadata() method. /* Global/generic options */ // Namespace to use for generated model NamespaceName = \"DataModels\"; // Enables generation of nullable reference type annotations EnableNullableReferenceTypes = false; // Disable CS8618 for uninitialized model columns and references of non-nullable reference type EnforceModelNullability = true; // Defines method to distinguish value types from reference types by type name // used by nullable reference types feature to detect reference types, when only type name available // If EnableNullableReferenceTypes enabled, but value type not recognized properly // you must provide your own resolver for unresolved types // IsValueType = typeName => { // switch (typeName) // { // case \"unresolved type name\": return true; // or false for reference type // default: return IsValueTypeDefault(typeName); // } // }; // by default resolve unknown types, ending with ? as value types and other types as reference types Func<string, boolean> IsValueType = IsValueTypeDefault; /* Data context configuration */ // (string) Name of base class for generated data context class. // Default: LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection. BaseDataContextClass = null; // (string) Name of data context class. // Default: <DATABASE_NAME> + \"DB\" DataContextName = null; // Enables generation of constructors for data context class. // Disabling could be usefull if you need to have custom implementation // of constructors in partial class GenerateConstructors = true; // Enforce generating DataContext constructors. // (string) Defines name of default configuration to use with default data context constructor DefaultConfiguration = null; // Enables generation of data context comment with database name, data source and database version GenerateDatabaseInfo = true; /* Schemas configuration */ // Enables generation of mappings for each schema in separate type GenerateSchemaAsType = false; // Contains mapping of schema name to corresponding schema class name // By default is empty and class name generated from schema name // Requires GenerateSchemaAsType=true set SchemaNameMapping = Dictionary<string,string>(); // Suffix, added to schema class name // Requires GenerateSchemaAsType=true set SchemaNameSuffix = \"Schema\" // Name of data context class for schema. // Requires GenerateSchemaAsType=true set SchemaDataContextTypeName = \"DataContext\" /* Table mappings configuration */ // (string) Specify base class (or comma-separated list of class and/or interfaces) for table mappings BaseEntityClass = null; // Enables generation of TableAttribute.Database property using database name, returned by schema loader GenerateDatabaseName = false; // Enables generation of TableAttribute.Database property with provided name value. // (string) If set, overrides GenerateDatabaseName behavior DatabaseName = null; // Enables generation of TableAttribute.Server property with provided name value. ServerName = null; // Enables generation of TableAttribute.Schema property for default schema IncludeDefaultSchema = true; // Enables generation of mappings for views GenerateViews = true; // Enables prefixing mapping classes for tables in non-default schema with schema name // E.g. MySchema.MyTable -> MySchema_MyTable // Applicable only if GenerateSchemaAsType = false PrefixTableMappingWithSchema = true; // Enables prefixing mapping classes for tables in default schema with schema name // E.g. dbo.MyTable -> dbo_MyTable // Applicable only if IncludeDefaultSchema = true && GenerateSchemaAsType = false && PrefixTableMappingWithSchema = true PrefixTableMappingForDefaultSchema = false; /* Columns comfiguration */ // Enables compact generation of column properties IsCompactColumns = true; // Enables compact generation of aliased column properties IsCompactColumnAliases = true; // Enables generation of DataType, Length, Precision and Scale properties of ColumnAttribute. // Could be overriden (except DataType) by options below GenerateDataTypes = false; // (boolean) Enables or disables generation of ColumnAttribute.Length property. // If null, GenerateDataTypes value is used GenerateLengthProperty = null; // (boolean) Enables or disables generation of ColumnAttribute.Precision property. // If null, GenerateDataTypes value is used GeneratePrecisionProperty = null; // (boolean) Enables or disables generation of ColumnAttribute.Scale property. // If null, GenerateDataTypes value is used GenerateScaleProperty = null; // Enables generation of ColumnAttribute.DbType property. GenerateDbTypes = false; // Enables generation of ObsoleteAttribute for column aliases GenerateObsoleteAttributeForAliases = false; /* Associations configuration */ // Defines type template for one-to-many association, when it is generated as a member of table mapping. // Some other options: \"{0}[]\", \"List<{0}>\". OneToManyAssociationType = \"IEnumerable<{0}>\"; // Enables generation of associations in table mappings GenerateAssociations = true; // Enables generation of back side of association. Applies to both table mapping members and extension // associations GenerateBackReferences = true; // Enables generation of associations as extension methods for related table mapping classes GenerateAssociationExtensions = false; // Defines method to generate name for \"one\" side of association Func<ForeignKey, string> GetAssociationExtensionSingularName = GetAssociationExtensionSingularNameDefault; // Defines method to generate name for \"many\" side of association Func<ForeignKey, string> GetAssociationExtensionPluralName = GetAssociationExtensionPluralNameDefault; /* Procedures and functions configuration */ // Enables use of existing table mappings for procedures and functions that return same results as // defined by mapping ReplaceSimilarTables = true; // If enabled, procedure schema load error will be generated as #error directive and fail build // of output file. Useful for initial generation to highlight places, that require review or // additional hints for schema loader // Also check GetSchemaOptions.LoadProcedure option above GenerateProcedureErrors = true; // If enabled, methods for procedures that return table will be generated with List<T> return type and // IMPORTANT: this will lead to load of all procedure results into list and could lead // to performance issues on big results GenerateProcedureResultAsList = false; // Enables stored procedure methods to accept generated context object or DataConnection type GenerateProceduresOnTypedContext = true; /* Other generated functionality */ // Enables generation of Find(pk fields) extension methods for record selection by primary key value GenerateFindExtensions = true; /* Pluralization services */ // Enables pluralization of table mapping classes PluralizeClassNames = false; // Enables singularization of table mapping classes SingularizeClassNames = true; // Enables pluralization of ITable<> properties in data context PluralizeDataContextPropertyNames = true; // Enables singularization of ITable<> properties in data context SingularizeDataContextPropertyNames = false; /* Naming configuration */ // Enables normalization of of type and member names. // Default normalization removes underscores and capitalize first letter. // Could be overriden using ToValidName option below. // By default doesn't normalize names without underscores. // see NormalizeNamesWithoutUnderscores setting NormalizeNames = true; // enables parameter name normalization for procedures/functions NormalizeParameterName = true; // enables column property name normalization for procedure/table function result table NormalizeProcedureColumnName = true; // enables normalization of names without underscores. NormalizeNamesWithoutUnderscores = false; // Defines logic to convert type/member name, derived from database object name, to C# identifier. Func<string, bool, string> ToValidName = ToValidNameDefault; // Makes C# identifier valid by removing unsupported symbols and calling ToValidName Func<string, bool, string> ConvertToCompilable = ConvertToCompilableDefault; // Defines C# identifier normalization logic. // Default implementation calls ConvertToCompilable and then escape names equal to C# identifiers Func<string, bool, string> NormalizeName = NormalizeNameDefault; Provider specific options SQL Server // Enables generation of extensions for Free Text Search // // NOTE: this option is not needed anymore, as it generates old-style FTS support code and not recommeded for use // use new extesions from this PR: bool GenerateSqlServerFreeText = false; // Enables return value parameter generation for procedure. // By default generation of this parameter is disabled, because it is not possible to say (except examining // procedure code) if procedure uses this parameter or it always returns default value (0). // Usefull for procedures, that use \"RETURN code\" statements to returns integer values from procedure. void AddReturnParameter(string procedureName, string parameterName = \"@return\"); PostgreSQL // Enables generation of case-sensitive names of database objects bool GenerateCaseSensitiveNames = false; Sybase // Enables generation of Sybase sysobjects tables bool GenerateSybaseSystemTables = false; Example of generation process customization Use the following code to modify your model before you call the GenerateModel() method. // Replaces table mapping class name GetTable(\"Person\").TypeName = \"MyName\"; // Sets base class & interface for mapping class GetTable(\"Person\").BaseClass = \"PersonBase, IId\"; // Replaces property name for column PersonID of Person table with ID. GetColumn(\"Person\", \"PersonID\") .MemberName = \"ID\"; // Sets [Column(SkipOnUpdate=true)]. // Same logic can be used for other column options GetColumn(\"Person\", \"PasswordHash\").SkipOnUpdate = true; // Change column property type GetColumn(\"Person\", \"Gender\") .Type = \"global::Model.Gender\"; // or // TypeBuilder usually used when type name depends on name from model and could change before // code generation GetColumn(\"Person\", \"Gender\") .TypeBuilder = () => \"global::Model.Gender\"; // Replaces association property name GetFK(\"Orders\", \"FK_Orders_Customers\").MemberName = \"Customers\"; // Changes association type GetFK(\"Orders\", \"FK_Orders_Customers\").AssociationType = AssociationType.OneToMany; SetTable(string tableName, string TypeName = null, string DataContextPropertyName = null) .Column(string columnName, string MemberName = null, string Type = null, bool? IsNullable = null) .FK (string fkName, string MemberName = null, AssociationType? AssociationType = null) ; // Adds extra namespace to usings Model.Usings.Add(\"MyNamespace\"); // Replaces all property names for columns where name is '<TableName>' + 'ID' with 'ID'. foreach (var t in Tables.Values) foreach (var c in t.Columns.Values) if (c.IsPrimaryKey && c.MemberName == t.TypeName + \"ID\") c.MemberName = \"ID\"; Useful members and data structures Dictionary<string,Table> Tables = new Dictionary<string,Table> (); Dictionary<string,Procedure> Procedures = new Dictionary<string,Procedure>(); Table GetTable (string name); Procedure GetProcedure (string name); Column GetColumn (string tableName, string columnName); ForeignKey GetFK (string tableName, string fkName); ForeignKey GetForeignKey(string tableName, string fkName); public class Table { public string Schema; public string TableName; public string DataContextPropertyName; public bool IsView; public string Description; public string AliasPropertyName; public string AliasTypeName; public string TypeName; public Dictionary<string,Column> Columns; public Dictionary<string,ForeignKey> ForeignKeys; } public partial class Column : Property { public string ColumnName; // Column name in database public bool IsNullable; public bool IsIdentity; public string ColumnType; // Type of the column in database public DbType DbType; public string Description; public bool IsPrimaryKey; public int PrimaryKeyOrder; public bool SkipOnUpdate; public bool SkipOnInsert; public bool IsDuplicateOrEmpty; public string AliasName; public string MemberName; } public enum AssociationType { Auto, OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, } public partial class ForeignKey : Property { public string KeyName; public Table OtherTable; public List<Column> ThisColumns; public List<Column> OtherColumns; public bool CanBeNull; public ForeignKey BackReference; public string MemberName; public AssociationType AssociationType; } public partial class Procedure : Method { public string Schema; public string ProcedureName; public bool IsFunction; public bool IsTableFunction; public bool IsDefaultSchema; public Table ResultTable; public Exception ResultException; public List<Table> SimilarTables; public List<Parameter> ProcParameters; } public class Parameter { public string SchemaName; public string SchemaType; public bool IsIn; public bool IsOut; public bool IsResult; public int? Size; public string ParameterName; public string ParameterType; public Type SystemType; public string DataType; } IEquatable interface implementation (Equatable.ttinclude) There is Equatable.ttinclude template that could be used to implement IEquatable<T> interface. This template has following options: partial class Class { // Determines whether need to implement IEquatable interface for this class public bool IsEquatable = DefaultEquatable; } // Default value for Class.IsEquatable property bool DefaultEquatable = true; // Default field name for equality comparer implementation string EqualityComparerFieldName = \"_comparer\"; // Properties filter option to select equality members Func<Class, Property, bool> EqualityPropertiesFilter = EqualityPropertiesFilterDefault; // Default implementation of the EqualityPropertiesFilter option static bool EqualityPropertiesFilterDefault(Class cl, Property prop) { // Don't generate equality for non-table classes (e.g. data manager class) and associations // Compare only by primary keys return cl is Table && prop is Column col && col.IsPrimaryKey; }"
"articles/general/Managing-data-connection.html": {
"href": "articles/general/Managing-data-connection.html",
"title": "Managing Data Connection | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Managing Data Connection Since connecting to a database is an expensive operation, .NET database providers use connection pools to minimize this cost. They take a connection from the pool, use it, and then release the connection back to the pool so it could be reused. If you don't release database connections back to the pool then: Your application would create more and more connections to the database. This is because from connection pool's point of view there are no available connections to reuse. When the pool size limit is reached then your application would fail to obtain a new connection. To avoid connection leaks you should pay attention to how you are creating and disposing connections. There are two ways to query a database with linq2db: Using the DataConnection class you can make several queries using a single database connection. This way you do not have the overhead of opening and closing database connections for each query. You should follow these simple rules: Always dispose the DataConnection instance. We recommend the C#'s using block. (Please see below for an example.) Your query should be executed before the DataConnection object is disposed. Starting with version 1.8.0 we have added checks to catch improper usages; you will get ObjectDisposedException when trying to perform a query on a disposed DataConnection instance. Using the DataContext class opens and closes an actual connection for each query! Be careful with the DataContext.KeepConnectionAlive property. If you set it to true it would work the same way as DataConnection. Done Right using (var db = new DataConnection()) { // your code here } public IEnumerable<Person> GetPersons() { using (var db = new DataConnection()) { // The ToList call sends the query to the database while we are still in the using block return db.GetTable<Person>().ToList(); } } public IEnumerable<Person> GetPersons() { // The ToList call sends the query to the database and then DataContext releases the connection return new DataContext().GetTable<Person>().ToList(); } public IQuerable<Person> GetPersons() { // If this example the query is not sent to the database. It will be executed later // when we enumerate IQuerable. DataContext will handle the connection release properly. return new DataContext().GetTable<Person>(); } public async Task<IEnumerable<Person>> GetPersons() { using (var db = new DataConnection()) { // Here await would suspend the execution inside of the using block while waiting // for the query results from ToListAsync(). After that the execution would // continue and `DataConnection` would be properly disposed. return await db.GetTable<Person>().ToListAsync(); } } Done Wrong public IEnumerable<Person> GetPersons() { using (var db = new DataConnection()) { // The query would be executed only when we enumerate, meaning after this function // exits. By that time DataConnection would have already been disposed and the // database connection returned to the pool. return db.GetTable<Person>(); } } // By the time we call .ToList() the DataConnection would already be disposed. // Starting with version 1.8.0 this would fail with ObjectDisposedException. // Versions prior to 1.8.0 would execute the query (if there are any free connections // left) and leak the connection. var persons = GetPersons().ToList(); public async Task<IEnumerable<Person>> GetPersons() { using (var db = new DataConnection()) { // The awaitable task would be returned immediately creating a race condition. return db.GetTable<Person>().ToListAsync(); } } // The query execution would be called on a disposed DataConnection var persons = await GetPersons();"
"articles/general/Video.html": {
"href": "articles/general/Video.html",
"title": "LINQ Video | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "LINQ Video LINQ to SqlServer LINQ CRUD Operations"
"articles/general/databases.html": {
"href": "articles/general/databases.html",
"title": "Supported Databases | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Supported Databases Class with name constants. One database may have several providers because of: using different ADO .Net implementations (as for SQLite) SQL compatibility level, that allows using new SQL features of the database engine (as for MS SQL Server) Database Provider name ClickHouse ClickHouse ClickHouse.MySql ClickHouse.Client ClickHouse.Octonica DB2 (LUW, z/OS) DB2 DB2.LUW DB2.z/OS Firebird Firebird Informix Informix Informix.DB2 Microsoft Access Access Access.ODBC Microsoft Sql Azure Microsoft Sql Server SqlServer - default compatibility level SQL Server 2008 SqlServer.2000 (removed in v4) SqlServer.2005 SqlServer.2008 SqlServer.2012 SqlServer.2014 SqlServer.2016 SqlServer.2017 SqlServer.2019 SqlServer.2022 Microsoft SqlCe SqlCe MySql MySql MySqlConnector MySql.Official Oracle Oracle Oracle.11.Managed Oracle.11.Native Oracle.11.Devart Oracle.Managed Oracle.Native Oracle.Devart PostgreSQL PostgreSQL PostgreSQL.9.2 PostgreSQL.9.3 PostgreSQL.9.5 PostgreSQL.15 SQLite SQLite, SQLite.Classic - using System.Data.Sqlite SQLite.MS - using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite SAP HANA SapHana SapHana.Native SapHana.Odbc Sybase ASE Sybase - using Native SAP/Sybase ASE provider Sybase.Managed - using Managed Sybase/SAP ASE provider from DataAction DB2 iSeries iSeriesProvider"
"articles/general/interceptors.html": {
"href": "articles/general/interceptors.html",
"title": "Interceptors | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Interceptors This API available since Linq To DB 4.0.0 Introduction Interceptors IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor IEntityServiceInterceptor IDataContextInterceptor ICommandInterceptor IConnectionInterceptor Interceptors Registration Interceptors support per context Migration Introduction Interceptors represent an generic exensibility mechanism that allows users to attach custom logic at different places of Linq To DB execution pipeline. In prior versions Linq To DB used assorted set of events, properties, delegates, virtual methods and interfaces with multiple usability issues: it wasn't an easy task to find specific extension point due to scarse documentation, absense of single extensibility mechanism and lack of common approach some extension points were not synchronized between IDataContext implementations. E.g. you can have some extension point on DataConnection, but not on DataContext and vice versa. New mechanim provides following exensibility infrastructure: set of interceptor interfaces which group extension points logically; base interceptor implementation classes without added functionality. They could be used by user for own interceptor implementation. Just inherit from those classes and override required interceptor methods (also it is possible to implement interceptor interface directly); single mechanism for interceptors registration in IDataContext implementations (DataConnection, DataContext, RemoteContext); interceptors registration using DataOptions conntection configuration object (including required fluent configuration APIs); single source of documentation (this document). Note that interceptors replace old extensibility mechanims, which means you may need to migrate your existing code to interceptors if you used them. For migration notes check migration notes section below. We can add more interceptors in future (e.g. on user request). Interceptors List of implemented interceptor interfaces: IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor : provides compatibility layer for connection wrappers, e.g. MiniProfiler IEntityServiceInterceptor : interceptor for entity creation on query materialization IDataContextInterceptor : interceptor for data context services ICommandInterceptor : DbCommand methods calls interceptor IConnectionInterceptor : DbConnection methods calls interceptor IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor Base abstract class: UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor. This interceptor used by Linq To DB to access underlying ADO.NET provider objects when they are wrapped by non-provider classes. Most know example of such wrapper is MiniProfiler. It wraps native ADO.NET objects with profiling classes and Linq To DB uses this interceptor to access underlying objects to call provider-specific functionality, not awailable on wrapper directly. Interceptor methods: // access underlying connection object DbConnection UnwrapConnection(IDataContext dataContext, DbConnection connection); // access underlying transaction object DbTransaction UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext dataContext, DbTransaction transaction); // access underlying command object DbCommand UnwrapCommand(IDataContext dataContext, DbCommand command); // access underlying data reader object DbDataReader UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext dataContext, DbDataReader dataReader); Example of MiniProfiler-based interceptor implementation: // MiniProfiler unwrap interceptor public class MiniProfilerInterceptor : UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor { // as interceptor is thread-safe, we will create // and use single instance public static readonly IInterceptor Instance = new MiniProfilerInterceptor(); public override DbConnection UnwrapConnection(IDataContext dataContext, DbConnection connection) { return connection is ProfiledDbConnection c ? c.WrappedConnection : connection; } public override DbTransaction UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext dataContext, DbTransaction transaction) { return transaction is ProfiledDbTransaction t ? t.WrappedTransaction : transaction; } public override DbCommand UnwrapCommand(IDataContext dataContext, DbCommand command) { return command is ProfiledDbCommand c ? c.WrappedCommand : command; } public override DbDataReader UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext dataContext, DbDataReader dataReader) { return dataReader is ProfiledDbDataReader dr ? dr.WrappedReader : dataReader; } } IEntityServiceInterceptor Base abstract class: UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor. This interceptor provides access to entity materialization event during query execution. Interceptor methods: // triggered for new entity object (only for imlicit record materialization). // // Example 1: // table.ToList(); // No explicit entity constructor call: event will be triggered for each materialized table record // // Example 2: // table.Select(r => new SomeEntity() { Field1 = r.Field1 }).ToList(); // Query contains explicit entity constructor call: no event will be triggered object EntityCreated(EntityCreatedEventData eventData, object entity); // event arguments struct EntityCreatedEventData { public IDataContext Context { get; } public TableOptions TableOptions { get; } public string? TableName { get; } public string? SchemaName { get; } public string? DatabaseName { get; } public string? ServerName { get; } } IDataContextInterceptor Base abstract class: DataContextInterceptor. This interceptor provides access to events and operations associated with database context. Interceptor methods: // triggered before data context instance `Close/CloseAsync` method execution void OnClosing(DataContextEventData eventData); Task OnClosingAsync(DataContextEventData eventData); // triggered after data context instance `Close/CloseAsync` method execution void OnClosed(DataContextEventData eventData); Task OnClosedAsync(DataContextEventData eventData); struct DataContextEventData { public IDataContext Context { get; } } ICommandInterceptor Base abstract class: CommandInterceptor. This interceptor provides access to events and operations associated with database command. // triggered after command initialization but before execution // it provides access to prepared SQL command and parameters DbCommand CommandInitialized(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command); // triggered before `ExecuteScalar/ExecuteScalarAsync` call on command // and could replace actual call by returning results from interceptor Option<object?> ExecuteScalar (CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<object?> result); Task<Option<object?>> ExecuteScalarAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<object?> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken); // triggered before `ExecuteNonQuery/ExecuteNonQueryAsync` call on command // and could replace actual call by returning results from interceptor Option<int> ExecuteNonQuery (CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<int> result); Task<Option<int>> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, Option<int> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken); // triggered before `ExecuteReader/ExecuteReaderAsync` call on command // and could replace actual call by returning results from interceptor Option<DbDataReader> ExecuteReader (CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader> result); Task<Option<DbDataReader>> ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, Option<DbDataReader> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken); // triggered after `ExecuteReader/ExecuteReaderAsync` call but before reader enumeration // could be used to configure reader void AfterExecuteReader( CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand command, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, DbDataReader dataReader); // triggered before DbDataReader dispose using Dispose method in synchronous APIs void BeforeReaderDispose( CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand? command, DbDataReader dataReader); // triggered before DbDataReader dispose using DisposeAsync method in asynchronous APIs Task BeforeReaderDisposeAsync( CommandEventData eventData, DbCommand? command, DbDataReader dataReader); struct CommandEventData { public DataConnection DataConnection { get; } } IConnectionInterceptor Base abstract class: ConnectionInterceptor. This interceptor provides access to events and operations associated with database connection. // triggered before data connection `Open/OpenAsync` method execution void ConnectionOpening(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection); Task ConnectionOpeningAsync(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken); // triggered after data connection `Open/OpenAsync` method execution void ConnectionOpened(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection); Task ConnectionOpenedAsync(ConnectionEventData eventData, DbConnection connection, CancellationToken cancellationToken); struct ConnectionEventData { public DataConnection DataConnection { get; } } Interceptors Registration Interceptors could be registred using multiple ways: add interceptor instance to existing connection/context object using AddInterceptor method add interceptor to DataOptions use single-time interceptor of ICommandInterceptor.CommandInitialized using OnNextCommandInitialized method of context // registration in DataContext using (var ctx = new DataContext(...)) { // add interceptor to current context ctx.AddInterceptor(interceptor); // one-time command prepared interceptor ctx.OnNextCommandInitialized((args, cmd) => { // save next command parameters to external variable parameters = cmd.Parameters.Cast<DbParameter>().ToArray(); return cmd; }); } // registration in DataConnection using (var ctx = new DataConnection(...)) { ctx.AddInterceptor(interceptor); // one-time command prepared interceptor ctx.OnNextCommandInitialized((args, cmd) => { // set oracle-specific command option for next command ((OracleCommand)command).BindByName = false; }); } // registration in DataConnection using fluent options configuration var options = new DataOptions() .UseSqlServer(connectionString) .WithInterceptor(interceptor); var dc = new DataConnection(options); Interceptors support per context RemoteDataContext: IDataContextInterceptor IEntityServiceInterceptor IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor DataContext and DataConnection: ICommandInterceptor IConnectionInterceptor IDataContextInterceptor IEntityServiceInterceptor IUnwrapDataObjectInterceptor Migration To see which APIs were replaced with interceptors check migration notes."
"articles/general/metrics.html": {
"href": "articles/general/metrics.html",
"title": "ActivityService (Metrics) | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "ActivityService (Metrics) Overview The ActivityService provides functionality to collect critical Linq To DB telemetry data, that can be used to monitor, analyze, and optimize your application. The ActivityService is compatible with the OpenTelemetry specification and System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource package. IActivity interface The IActivity represents a single activity that can be measured. This is an interface that you need to implement to collect Linq To DB telemetry data. ActivityBase class The ActivityBase class provides a basic implementation of the IActivity interface. You do not have to use this class. However, it can help you to avoid incompatibility issues in the future if the IActivity interface is extended. ActivityService class The ActivityService class provides a simple API to register factory methods that create IActivity instances or null for provided ActivityID event. You can register multiple factory methods. ActivityID The ActivityID is a unique identifier of the LinqToDB activity. It is used to identify the activity in the metrics data. Linq To DB contains a large set of telemetry collection points that can be used to collect data. Each collection point has a unique ActivityID identifier. Configuration.TraceMaterializationActivity The Configuration.TraceMaterializationActivity property can be used to enable or disable tracing of object materialization activity. It can significantly break performance if tracing consumer performs slow, so it is disabled by default. Example The following example shows how to use the ActivityService and OpenTelemetry to collect Linq To DB telemetry data. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; using LinqToDB; using LinqToDB.Data; using LinqToDB.Mapping; using LinqToDB.Tools; using OpenTelemetry; using OpenTelemetry.Resources; using OpenTelemetry.Trace; namespace OpenTelemetryExample { static class Program { static async Task Main() { using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder() .SetResourceBuilder(ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault().AddService(\"MySample\")) .AddSource(\"Sample.LinqToDB\") .AddConsoleExporter() .Build(); ActivitySource.AddActivityListener(_activityListener); // Register the factory method that creates LinqToDBActivity instances. // ActivityService.AddFactory(LinqToDBActivity.Create); { await using var db = new DataConnection(new DataOptions().UseSQLiteMicrosoft(\"Data Source=Northwind.MS.sqlite\")); await db.CreateTableAsync<Customer>(tableOptions:TableOptions.CheckExistence); var count = await db.GetTable<Customer>().CountAsync(); Console.WriteLine($\"Count is {count}\"); } } static readonly ActivitySource _activitySource = new(\"Sample.LinqToDB\"); static readonly ActivityListener _activityListener = new() { ShouldListenTo = _ => true, SampleUsingParentId = (ref ActivityCreationOptions<string> _) => ActivitySamplingResult.AllData, Sample = (ref ActivityCreationOptions<ActivityContext> _) => ActivitySamplingResult.AllData }; // This class is used to collect LinqToDB telemetry data. // sealed class LinqToDBActivity : IActivity { readonly Activity _activity; LinqToDBActivity(Activity activity) { _activity = activity; } public void Dispose() { _activity.Dispose(); } public ValueTask DisposeAsync() { Dispose(); return default; } // This method is called by the ActivityService to create an instance of the LinqToDBActivity class. // public static IActivity? Create(ActivityID id) { var a = _activitySource.StartActivity(id.ToString()); return a == null ? null : new LinqToDBActivity(a); } } [Table(Name=\"Customers\")] public sealed class Customer { [PrimaryKey] public string CustomerID = null!; [Column, NotNull] public string CompanyName = null!; } } } Output: Activity.TraceId: 4ee29f995cd25bba583def846a2aa220 Activity.SpanId: cd0647218f959924 Activity.TraceFlags: Recorded Activity.ParentSpanId: 268635637f43fbd1 Activity.ActivitySourceName: Sample.LinqToDB Activity.DisplayName: FinalizeQuery Activity.Kind: Internal Activity.StartTime: 2023-12-28T07:14:45.0200111Z Activity.Duration: 00:00:00.0644992 Resource associated with Activity: MySample 61b68727-d6bd-43a1-a426-c206851b6bdb opentelemetry telemetry.sdk.language: dotnet telemetry.sdk.version: 1.6.0 Activity.TraceId: 4ee29f995cd25bba583def846a2aa220 Activity.SpanId: 8f5842b0c199c668 Activity.TraceFlags: Recorded Activity.ParentSpanId: 93fb3a253e06df95 Activity.ActivitySourceName: Sample.LinqToDB Activity.DisplayName: BuildSql Activity.Kind: Internal Activity.StartTime: 2023-12-28T07:14:45.4280856Z Activity.Duration: 00:00:00.0101335 Resource associated with Activity: MySample 61b68727-d6bd-43a1-a426-c206851b6bdb opentelemetry telemetry.sdk.language: dotnet telemetry.sdk.version: 1.6.0 ... Activity.TraceId: 45a597dbc0d5b354e18d371b02a101c6 Activity.SpanId: 38cfd4c41f55583b Activity.TraceFlags: Recorded Activity.ActivitySourceName: Sample.LinqToDB Activity.DisplayName: ExecuteElementAsync Activity.Kind: Internal Activity.StartTime: 2023-12-28T07:14:46.2702044Z Activity.Duration: 00:00:00.1555957 Resource associated with Activity: MySample 61b68727-d6bd-43a1-a426-c206851b6bdb opentelemetry telemetry.sdk.language: dotnet telemetry.sdk.version: 1.6.0 Count is 91 Tools The LinqToDB.Tools package contains two activity factories ActivityHierarchy and ActivityStatistics that can be used to generate Linq To DB activity reports. An exsample of how to use these factories can be found here. The following is an output of this example: Count is 91 LinqToDB call hierarchy: CreateTable FinalizeQuery Execute NonQuery BuildSql Connection Open Command ExecuteNonQuery IQueryProvider.Execute<T> GetQuery Find Expose Find Create Build BuildSequence CanBuild (22) Build BuildSequence CanBuild Build ReorderBuilders BuildQuery FinalizeQuery Execute Element BuildSql Command ExecuteReader Materialization Connection Dispose LinqToDB statistics: Count : 77 +----------------------------------------+------------------+-----------+------------------+---------+ | Name | Elapsed | CallCount | TimePerCall | Percent | +----------------------------------------+------------------+-----------+------------------+---------+ | IQueryProvider.Execute<T> | 00:00:00.1279609 | 1 | 00:00:00.1279609 | 35.85% | | IQueryProvider.Execute | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | IQueryProvider.GetEnumerator<T> | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | IQueryProvider.GetEnumerator | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | GetQuery | 00:00:00.0748878 | 1 | 00:00:00.0748878 | 20.98% | | Find | 00:00:00.0084079 | 1 | 00:00:00.0084079 | 2.36% | | Expose | 00:00:00.0081031 | 1 | 00:00:00.0081031 | 2.27% | | Find | 00:00:00.0002990 | 1 | 00:00:00.0002990 | 0.08% | | Create | 00:00:00.0664771 | 1 | 00:00:00.0664771 | 18.63% | | Build | 00:00:00.0450327 | 1 | 00:00:00.0450327 | 12.62% | | BuildSequence | 00:00:00.0083066 | 2 | 00:00:00.0041533 | 2.33% | | CanBuild | 00:00:00.0000421 | 23 | 00:00:00.0000018 | 0.01% | | Build | 00:00:00.0080319 | 2 | 00:00:00.0040159 | 2.25% | | ReorderBuilders | 00:00:00.0004451 | 1 | 00:00:00.0004451 | 0.12% | | BuildQuery | 00:00:00.0382906 | 1 | 00:00:00.0382906 | 10.73% | | FinalizeQuery | 00:00:00.0590411 | 2 | 00:00:00.0295205 | 16.54% | | GetIEnumerable | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute | 00:00:00.2289324 | 3 | 00:00:00.0763108 | 64.15% | | Execute Query | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute Query Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute Element | 00:00:00.0513571 | 1 | 00:00:00.0513571 | 14.39% | | Execute Element Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute Scalar | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute Scalar Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute Scalar 2 | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute Scalar 2 Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute NonQuery | 00:00:00.0511693 | 1 | 00:00:00.0511693 | 14.34% | | Execute NonQuery Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute NonQuery 2 | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Execute NonQuery 2 Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | CreateTable | 00:00:00.1264060 | 1 | 00:00:00.1264060 | 35.42% | | CreateTable Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | DropTable | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | DropTable Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Delete Object | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Delete Object Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Insert Object | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Insert Object Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | InsertOrReplace Object | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | InsertOrReplace Object Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | InsertWithIdentity Object | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | InsertWithIdentity Object Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Update Object | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Update Object Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | BulkCopy | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | BulkCopy Async | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | BuildSql | 00:00:00.0383149 | 2 | 00:00:00.0191574 | 10.74% | | SQL Execute | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | SQL Execute<T> | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | SQL ExecuteCustom | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | SQL ExecuteAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | SQL ExecuteAsync<T> | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | ADO.NET | 00:00:00.0100436 | 4 | 00:00:00.0025109 | 2.81% | | Connection Open | 00:00:00.0041363 | 1 | 00:00:00.0041363 | 1.16% | | Connection OpenAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Connection Close | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Connection CloseAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Connection Dispose | 00:00:00.0009168 | 1 | 00:00:00.0009168 | 0.26% | | Connection DisposeAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Connection BeginTransaction | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Connection BeginTransactionAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Transaction Commit | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Transaction CommitAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Transaction Rollback | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Transaction RollbackAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Transaction Dispose | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Transaction DisposeAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Command ExecuteScalar | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Command ExecuteScalarAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Command ExecuteReader | 00:00:00.0003941 | 1 | 00:00:00.0003941 | 0.11% | | Command ExecuteReaderAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Command ExecuteNonQuery | 00:00:00.0045964 | 1 | 00:00:00.0045964 | 1.29% | | Command ExecuteNonQueryAsync | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | OnTraceInternal | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Materialization | 00:00:00.0005660 | 1 | 00:00:00.0005660 | 0.16% | | GetSqlText | 00:00:00 | 0 | 00:00:00 | | | Total | 00:00:00.3568933 | 4 | 00:00:00.0892233 | 100.00% | +----------------------------------------+------------------+-----------+------------------+---------+"
"articles/get-started/asp-dotnet-core/index.html": {
"href": "articles/get-started/asp-dotnet-core/index.html",
"title": "Configuring LINQ To DB for ASP.NET Core | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Configuring LINQ To DB for ASP.NET Core Available since: 3.0.0-rc.0 In this walkthrough, you will configure an ASP.NET Core application to access a local SQLite Database using LINQ To DB Prerequisites The following will be reuiqred to complete this walkthrough: Latest dotnet core SDK Visual Studio or some other IDE Create a new project First thing we're going to do is create a new ASP.NET Core application using the dotnet CLI dotnet new webapp -o gettingStartedLinqToDBAspNet Install LINQ To DB We can now use the CLI to install LINQ To DB and database provider (SQLite in this walkthrough) dotnet add package linq2db.AspNet dotnet add package System.Data.SQLite.Core Custom Data Connection We're going to create a custom data connection to use to access LINQ To DB, create a class like this: using LinqToDB.Configuration; using LinqToDB.Data; public class AppDataConnection: DataConnection { public AppDataConnection(DataOptions<AppDataConnection> options) :base(options.Options) { } } Tip Note here our AppDataConnection inherits from LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection which is the base class for the Linq To DB connection. Tip a public constructor that accepts DataOptions<AppDataConnection> and passes the options on to the base constructor is required. Add Connection String For this example we're going to use SQLite in memory mode, for production you'll want to use something else, but it's pretty easy to change. First you want to add the connection string to appsettings.Development.json, something like this: { \"Logging\": { \"LogLevel\": { \"Default\": \"Information\", \"Microsoft\": \"Warning\", \"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime\": \"Information\" } }, //add this \"ConnectionStrings\": { \"Default\": \":memory:\" //<-- connection string, used in the next step } } Configure Dependency injection inside Startup.cs you want register the data connection like this: public class Startup { public IConfiguration Configuration { get; } public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { //... //using LinqToDB.AspNet services.AddLinqToDBContext<AppDataConnection>((provider, options) => options //will configure the AppDataConnection to use //sqite with the provided connection string //there are methods for each supported database .UseSQLite(Configuration.GetConnectionString(\"Default\")) //default logging will log everything using the ILoggerFactory configured in the provider .UseDefaultLogging(provider)); //... } } Tip There's plenty of other configuration options available, if you are familiar with LINQ To DB already, you can convert your existing application over to use the new DataOptions class as every configuration method is supported Tip Use AddLinqToDBContext<TContext, TContextImplementation> if you would like to resolve an interface or base class instead of the concrete class in your controllers By default this will configure the service provider to create a new AppDataConnection for each HTTP Request, and will dispose of it once the request is finished. This can be configured with the last parameter to AddLinqToDBContext(... ServiceLifetime lifetime), more information about lifetimes here Simple Entity Configuration Let's create this simple entity in our project using System; using LinqToDB.Mapping; public class Person { [PrimaryKey] public Guid Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid(); public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime Birthday { get; set; } } Add table property to the data connection Open up our AppDataConnection and add this property public class AppDataConnection: DataConnection { //... public ITable<Person> People => GetTable<Person>(); //... } Now we can inject our data connection into a controller and query and insert/update/delete using the ITable<Person> interface. Tip side note, since we don't have anything to create the actual database, we need to add this code into the configure method in Startup.cs public class Startup { //... public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env) { //... using (var scope = app.ApplicationServices.CreateScope()) { var dataConnection = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<AppDataConnection>(); dataConnection.CreateTable<Person>(); } //... } } //... Inject the connection into a controller In order to actually access the database we're going to want to use it from a controller, here's a sample controller to get you started with a few examples. public class PeopleController : Controller { private readonly AppDataConnection _connection; public PeopleController(AppDataConnection connection) { _connection = connection; } [HttpGet] public Task<Person[]> ListPeople() { return _connection.People.ToArrayAsync(); } [HttpGet(\"{id}\")] public Task<Person?> GetPerson(Guid id) { return _connection.People.SingleOrDefaultAsync(person => person.Id == id); } [HttpDelete(\"{id}\")] public Task<int> DeletePerson(Guid id) { return _connection.People.Where(person => person.Id == id).DeleteAsync(); } [HttpPatch] public Task<int> UpdatePerson(Person person) { return _connection.UpdateAsync(person); } [HttpPatch(\"{id}/new-name\")] public Task<int> UpdatePersonName(Guid id, string newName) { return _connection.People.Where(person => person.Id == id) .Set(person => person.Name, newName) .UpdateAsync(); } [HttpPut] public Task<int> InsertPerson(Person person) { return _connection.InsertAsync(person); } } Quick start for people already familiar with LINQ To DB LINQ To DB now has support for ASP.NET Dependency injection. Here's a simple example of how to add it to dependency injection public class Startup { public IConfiguration Configuration { get; } public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { //... //using LinqToDB.AspNet services.AddLinqToDBContext<AppDataConnection>((provider, options) => options //will configure the AppDataConnection to use //SqlServer with the provided connection string //there are methods for each supported database .UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString(\"Default\")) //default logging will log everything using //an ILoggerFactory configured in the provider .UseDefaultLogging(provider)); //... } } We've done our best job to allow any existing use case to be migrated to using the new configuration options, please create an issue if something isn't supported. There are also some methods to setup tracing and mapping schema. You'll need to update your data connection to accept the new options class too. public class AppDataConnection: DataConnection { public AppDataConnection(DataOptions<AppDataConnection> options) :base(options.Options) { } } DataConnection will use the options passed into the base constructor to setup the connection."
"articles/get-started/full-dotnet/existing-db.html": {
"href": "articles/get-started/full-dotnet/existing-db.html",
"title": "Getting Started on .NET Framework - Existing Database - LINQ To DB | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Warning T4 templates are obsoleted and replaced with new dotnet tool. Tool documentation could be found here. Getting started with LINQ To DB with an Existing Database In this walkthrough, you will build a console application that performs basic data access against a Microsoft SQL Server database using LINQ To DB. You will use existing database to create your model. Tip You can view this article's sample on GitHub. Prerequisites The following prerequisites are needed to complete this walkthrough: Visual Studio Northwind Database Tip Northwind Database script file, which could be executed using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Create new project Open Visual Studio File > New > Project... From the left menu select Templates > Visual C# > Windows Classic Desktop Select the Console App (.NET Framework) project template Ensure you are targeting .NET Framework 4.5.1 or later Give the project a name and click OK Install LINQ To DB To use LINQ To DB, install the package for the database provider(s) you want to target. This walkthrough uses SQL Server. For a list of available providers see Database Providers. Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console Run Install-Package linq2db.SqlServer Generate model from database Now it's time to generate your model from database. Project > New Folder... Enter DataModels as the name and click OK DataModels > Add Item... and select Text Template Enter as the name and click OK Copy the content from the file Project > LinqToDB.Templates\\ Modify host, database name and credentials for your SQL Server in LoadSqlServerMetadata function call Save - it should invoke model generation Tip There are many ways to customize generation process. Follow this link for details. Use your model You can now use your model to perform data access. Open App.config Replace the contents of the file with the following XML (correct connection string based on your server location and credentials) <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name=\"MyDatabase\" providerName=\"System.Data.SqlClient\" connectionString=\"Data Source=.;Database=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI;\" /> </connectionStrings> </configuration> Open Program.cs Replace the contents of the file with the following code using System; using System.Linq; namespace GetStarted { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var db = new DataModel.NorthwindDB()) { var q = from c in db.Customers select c; foreach (var c in q) Console.WriteLine(c.ContactName); } } } } Debug > Start Without Debugging You will see list of Contact names."
"articles/get-started/install/index.html": {
"href": "articles/get-started/install/index.html",
"title": "Installing LINQ To DB | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Installing LINQ To DB from Nuget You can develop many different types of applications that target .NET (Core), .NET Framework, or other platforms supported by LINQ To DB. install main linq2db package: nuget install linq2db install ADO.NET provider(s) from nuget (if they available on nuget) or locally for providers with custom installer"
"articles/links.html": {
"href": "articles/links.html",
"title": "Links | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Links LINQ to DB NuGets LINQ to DB pre-release NuGets LINQ to DB on GitHub Source Code Code Examples"
"articles/project/Issue-reporting.html": {
"href": "articles/project/Issue-reporting.html",
"title": "How to report an issue | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "How to report an issue To help you with your problem we need to know: linq2db version you are using Database you are using (including version) Database provider you are using (including version) Code sample, demonstrating the problem & result SQL query (if any) Explain what is wrong Certainly, the best way of reporting an issue would be the Pull Request with test, demonstrating an issue and fix. Or just the test. Please, when making such PR use data model from Tests.Model project. If your query is not obvious and it is not clear how to write minimal reproducing sample, please read above about how to generate test sample. Generating the test This page describes how to generate NUnit test, demonstrating your issue. Cleanup C:\\Users\\[username]\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\linq2db (if exists) Set LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Linq.GenerateExpressionTest = true; before your failing query, and LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Linq.GenerateExpressionTest = false; after. Execute your failing query. ExpressionTest.0.cs file would be generated in C:\\Users\\[username]\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\linq2db. This would contain unit test with your query and POCO model. Attach this file to the issue. For example: LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Linq.GenerateExpressionTest = true; // Don't forget to trigger query execution by calling e.g. ToList() var q = db.GetTable<MyTable>().Where(_ => _.Id > 111).ToList(); LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Linq.GenerateExpressionTest = false;"
"articles/project/contrib.html": {
"href": "articles/project/contrib.html",
"title": "Contributing guide | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Contributing guide Project structure Solution and folder structure Folder Description .\\Build Build and CI files, check in that folder .\\Data Databases and database creation scripts for tests .\\NuGet LINQ to DB NuGet packages build files .\\Redist Binaries, unavailable officially at NuGet, used by tests and nugets .\\Source\\LinqToDB LINQ to DB source code .\\Source\\LinqToDB.AspNet LINQ to DB ASP.NET Core integration library source code .\\Source\\LinqToDB.CLI LINQ to DB CLI scaffold tool source code .\\Source\\LinqToDB.Remote.Grpc LINQ to DB Remote Context GRPC client/server source code .\\Source\\LinqToDB.Remote.Wcf LINQ to DB Remote Context WCF client/server source code .\\Source\\LinqToDB.Templates LINQ to DB t4models source code .\\Source\\LinqToDB.Tools LINQ to DB Tools source code .\\Tests Unit test projects folder .\\Tests\\Base LINQ to DB testing framework .\\Tests\\FSharp F# models and tests .\\Tests\\Linq Main project for LINQ to DB unit tests .\\Tests\\Model Model classes for tests .\\Tests\\Tests.T4 T4 templates test project .\\Tests\\Tests.Benchmarks Benchmarks .\\Tests\\Tests.PLayground Test project for use with linq2db.playground.sln lite test solution Used for work on specific test without full solution load .\\Tests\\VisualBasic Visual Basic models and tests support Solutions .\\linq2db.sln - full linq2db solution .\\linq2db.playground.slnf - ligthweight linq2db test solution. Used to work on specific test without loading of all payload of full solution .\\linq2db.Benchmarks.slnf - ligthweight linq2db benchmarks solution. Used to work on benchmarks without loading of all payload of full solution Source projects Preferred target defines: NETFRAMEWORK - net45, net46 and net472 target ifdef NETSTANDARD2_1PLUS - targets with netstandard2.1 support (netstandard2.1, netcoreapp3.1, net6.0, net7.0). Don't use this define in test projects! NATIVE_ASYNC - ifdef with native support for ValueTask, IAsyncEnumerable<T> and IAsyncDisposable types Other allowed target defines: NETSTANDARD2_1 - netstandard2.1 target ifdef NETCOREAPP3_1 - netcoreapp3.1 target ifdef NETSTANDARD2_0 - netstandard2.0 target ifdef NET6_0 - net6.0 target ifdef NET7_0 - net7.0 target ifdef NET45 - net45 target ifdef NET46 - net46 target ifdef NET472 - net472 target ifdef Allowed debugging defines: TRACK_BUILD - ??? DEBUG - for debug code in debug build. To disable debug code use DEBUG1 rename OVERRIDETOSTRING - enables ToString() overrides for AST model (must be enabled in LinqToDB.csproj by renaming existing OVERRIDETOSTRING1 define) Test projects Tests targets: net472, netcoreapp31, net6.0, net7.0 Allowed target defines: NETCOREAPP3_1 - netcoreapp3.1 target ifdef NET6_0 - net6.0 target ifdef NET7_0 - net7.0 target ifdef NET472 - net472 target ifdef AZURE - for Azure Pipelines CI builds Build You can use solution to build and run tests. Also you can build whole solution or library using the following batch files: .\\Build.cmd - builds all the projects in the solution for Debug, Release and Azure configurations .\\Compile.cmd - builds LinqToDB project for Debug and Release configurations .\\Clean.cmd - cleanups solution projects for Debug, Release and Azure configurations .\\Test.cmd - build Debug configuration and run tests for net472, netcoreapp3.1, net6.0 and net7.0 targets. You can set other configuration by passing it as first parameter, disable test targets by passing 0 to second (for net472), third (for netcoreapp3.1), fourth (for net6.0) or fifth (for net7.0) parameter and format (default:html) as 7th parameter. Example of running Release build tests for netcoreapp3.1 only with trx as output: test.cmd Release 0 1 0 0 0 trx Different platforms support Because we target different TFMs, we use: Conditional compilation. See supported defines above Implementation of missing runtime functionality (usually copied from dotnet/runtime repository). Should be placed to Source\\Shared folder with proper TFM #ifdefs (it will be picked by all projects automatically) and made explicitly internal to avoid conflicts. Branches master - main development branch, contains code for next release release - branch with the latest released version Run tests NUnit3 is used as unit-testing framework. Most of tests are run for all supported databases and written in same pattern: // TestBase - base class for all our tests // provides required testing infrastructure [TestFixture] public class Test: TestBase { // DataSourcesAttribute - custom attribute to feed test with enabled database configurations [Test] public void Test([DataSources] string context) { // TestBase.GetDataContext - creates new IDataContext // also supports creation of remote client and server // for remote contexts using(var db = GetDataContext(context)) { // Here is the most interesting // this.Person - list of persons, corresponding Person table in database (derived from TestBase) // db.Person - database table // So test checks that LINQ to Objects query produces the same result as executed database query AreEqual(this.Person.Where(_ => _.Name == \"John\"), db.Person.Where(_ => _.Name == \"John\")); } } } Configure data providers for tests DataSourcesAttribute generates tests for each enabled data provider. Configuration is taken from .\\Tests\\DataProviders.json and .\\Tests\\UserDataProviders.json (used first, if exists). Repository already contains pre-configured UserDataProviders.json.template configuration with basic setup for SQLite-based testing and all you need is to rename it to UserDataProviders.json, add connection string for other databases you want to test. UserDataProviders.json will be ignored by git, so you can edit it freely. Configuration file is used to specify user-specific settings such as connection strings to test databases and list of providers to test. The [User]DataProviders.json is a regular JSON file: UserDataProviders.json example (with description) { // .net framework 4.7.2 test configuration \"NET472\" : { // base configuration to inherit settings from // Inheritance rules: // - DefaultConfiguration, TraceLevel, Providers - use value from base configuration only if it is not defined in current configuration // - Connections - merge current and base connection strings \"BasedOn\" : \"LocalConnectionStrings\", // default provider, used as a source of reference data // LINQ to DB uses SQLite for it and you hardly need to change it \"DefaultConfiguration\" : \"SQLite.Classic\", // (optional) contains full or relative (from test assembly location) path to test baselines directory. // When path is set and specified directory exists - enables baselines generation for tests. \"BaselinesPath\": \"c:\\\\github\\\\linq2db.baselines\", // logging level // Supported values: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose // Default level: Info \"TraceLevel\" : \"Error\", // list of database providers, enabled for current test configuration \"Providers\" : [ \"Access\", \"SqlCe\", \"SQLite.Classic\", \"SQLite.MS\", \"Northwind.SQLite\", \"Northwind.SQLite.MS\", \"SqlServer.2014\", \"SqlServer.2012\", \"SqlServer.2008\", \"SqlServer.2005\", \"SqlServer.Azure\", \"DB2\", \"Firebird\", \"Informix\", \"MySql\", \"MariaDB\", \"Oracle.Native\", \"Oracle.Managed\", \"PostgreSQL\", \"Sybase.Managed\", \"SqlServer.Northwind\", \"TestNoopProvider\" ], // list of test skip categories, disabled for current test configuration // to set test skip category, use SkipCategoryAttribute on test method, class or whole assembly \"Skip\" : [ \"Access.12\" ] }, // .net 6.0 test configuration \"NET60\" : { \"BasedOn\" : \"LocalConnectionStrings\", \"Providers\" : [ \"SQLite.MS\", \"Northwind.SQLite.MS\", \"SqlServer.2014\", \"SqlServer.2012\", \"SqlServer.2008\", \"SqlServer.2005\", \"SqlServer.Azure\", \"Firebird\", \"MySql\", \"MariaDB\", \"PostgreSQL\", \"SqlServer.Northwind\", \"TestNoopProvider\" ] }, // .net 7.0 test configuration \"NET70\" : { \"BasedOn\" : \"LocalConnectionStrings\", \"Providers\" : [ \"SQLite.MS\", \"Northwind.SQLite.MS\", \"SqlServer.2014\", \"SqlServer.2012\", \"SqlServer.2008\", \"SqlServer.2005\", \"SqlServer.Azure\", \"Firebird\", \"MySql\", \"MariaDB\", \"PostgreSQL\", \"SqlServer.Northwind\", \"TestNoopProvider\" ] }, // list of connection strings for all providers \"LocalConnectionStrings\": { \"BasedOn\" : \"CommonConnectionStrings\", \"Connections\" : { // override connection string for SqlAzure provider // all other providers will use default inherited connection strings from CommonConnectionStrings configuration \"SqlServer.Azure\" : { \"Provider\" : \"System.Data.SqlClient\", \"ConnectionString\" : \",1433;Database=TestData;User ID=TestUser@zzzzzzzzz;Password=TestPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;\" } } } } To define your own configurations DO NOT EDIT DataProviders.json - create .\\Tests\\Linq\\UserDataProviders.json and define needed configurations. Tests execution depends on _CreateData.* tests executed first. Those tests recreate test databases and populate them with test data, so if you are going to run one test be sure to run _CreateData before it manually. Also - if your test changes database data, be sure to revert those changes (!) to avoid side effects for other tests. Continuous Integration We do run builds and tests with: Azure Pipelines pipelines/default.yml. It builds solution, generate and publish nugets and runs tests for: .Net 4.7.2 .Net Core 3.1 (Windows, Linux and MacOS) .Net 6.0 (Windows, Linux and MacOS) .Net 7.0 (Windows, Linux and MacOS) For more details check readme CI builds are done for all branches and PRs. Tests run for all branches and PRs except release branch Nugets publishing to Azure feeds enabled only for branch Nugets publishing to enabled only for release branch Publishing packages \"Nightly\" builds packages are published to Azure feeds for each successful build of master branch. Release packages are published to for each successful build of release branch. Building releases Update Release Notes and create empty entry for vNext release Create PR from master to release branch, in comments add @testers to notify all testers that we are ready to release Wait few days for feedback from testers and approval from contributors Merge PR Tag release on master branch Update versions in master branch (this will lead to publish all next master builds as new version RC): in \\Build\\Azure\\pipelines\\templates\\build-vars.yml set assemblyVersion and packageVersion (for release and development) parameters to next version. Always use next minor version and change it to major only before release, if it should be new major version release Process In general you should follow simple rules: Code style should match exising code There should be no compilation warnings (will fail CI builds) Do not add new features without tests Avoid direct pushes to master and release branches To fix some issue or implement new feature create new branch and make pull request after you are ready to merge or create pull request as work-in-progress pull request. Merge your PR only after contributors' review. bugfix branches must use issue/<issue_id> naming format feature branches must use feature/<issue_id_or_feature_name> naming format If you do have repository write access, it is recommended to use central repository instead of fork Do not add new public classes, properties, methods without XML documentation on them Read issues and help users Do not EF :) See also Issue reporting"
"articles/sql/Bulk-Copy.html": {
"href": "articles/sql/Bulk-Copy.html",
"title": "Bulk Copy (Bulk Insert) | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Bulk Copy (Bulk Insert) Some database servers provide functionality to insert large amounts of data into a table in more effective way compared to conventional inserts. The downside of this method is that each server has its own view on how this functionality should work; there is no standard interface for it. Overview To leverage the complexity of work with this operation, LINQ To DB provides a BulkCopy method. There are several overrides, but all of them do the same thing - take data and operation options, then perform inserts and return operation status. How insert operations are performed internally depends on the level of provider support and the provided options. // DataConnectionExtensions.cs BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source) BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source) BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source) BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, int maxBatchSize, IEnumerable<T> source) BulkCopyRowsCopied BulkCopy<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source) In addition, there are two asynchronous methods for each of the methods listed above; one accepting an IEnumerable<T>, and for .Net Standard, one accepting an IAsyncEnumerable<T>. Each method accepts an optional CancellationToken parameter to cancel the bulk copy operation. A few of the asynchronous signatures are listed below: Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IAsyncEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Task<BulkCopyRowsCopied> BulkCopyAsync<T>(this ITable<T> table, IAsyncEnumerable<T> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) Insert methods and support by providers LINQ To DB allows you to specify one of four insert methods (or three, as Default is not an actual method): Default. LINQ To DB will choose the method automatically, based on the provider used. Which method to use for a specific provider can be overriden using the <PROVIDER_NAME>Tools.DefaultBulkCopyType property. RowByRow. This method just iterates over a provided collection and inserts each record using separate SQL INSERT commands. This is the least effective method, but some providers support only this one. MultipleRows. Similar to RowByRow. Inserts multiple records at once using SQL INSERT FROM SELECT or similar batch insert commands. This one is faster than RowByRow, but is only available for providers that support such INSERT operations. If the method is not supported, LINQ To DB will silently fall back to the RowByRow implementation. ProviderSpecific. Most effective method, available only for a few providers. Uses provider specific functionality, usually not based on SQL and could have provider-specific limitations, like transactions support. If the method is not supported, LINQ To DB will silently fall back to the MultipleRows implementation. Provider RowByRow MultipleRows ProviderSpecific Default Notes Microsoft Access Yes No No MultipleRows AccessTools.DefaultBulkCopyType IBM DB2 (LUW, zOS) Yes Yes Yes (will fallback to MultipleRows if called in transaction) MultipleRows DB2Tools.DefaultBulkCopyType Firebird Yes Yes No MultipleRows FirebirdTools.DefaultBulkCopyType IBM Informix Yes No Yes (when using IDS provider for DB2 or Informix. Will fallback to MultipleRows if called in transaction) ProviderSpecific InformixTools.DefaultBulkCopyType MySql / MariaDB Yes Yes Yes MultipleRows MySqlTools.DefaultBulkCopyType Oracle Yes Yes Yes MultipleRows OracleTools.DefaultBulkCopyType PostgreSQL Yes Yes Yes (read important notes below) MultipleRows PostgreSQLTools.DefaultBulkCopyType SAP HANA Yes No Yes MultipleRows SapHanaTools.DefaultBulkCopyType Microsoft SQL CE Yes Yes No MultipleRows SqlCeTools.DefaultBulkCopyType SQLite Yes Yes No MultipleRows SQLiteTools.DefaultBulkCopyType Microsoft SQL Server Yes Yes Yes ProviderSpecific SqlServerTools.DefaultBulkCopyType Sybase ASE Yes Yes Yes (using native provider. Also see) MultipleRows SybaseTools.DefaultBulkCopyType ClickHouse Yes Yes Yes (except MySqlConnector) ProviderSpecific ClickHouseTools.DefaultBulkCopyType Note that when using the provider-specific insert method, only some providers support asynchronous operation; other providers will silently fall back to a synchronous operation. Providers with async support: MySqlConnector Npgsql SAP HANA native provider System.Data.SqlClient and Microsoft.Data.SqlClient ClickHouse.Client and Octonica.ClickHouseClient PostgreSQL provider-specific bulk copy For PostgreSQL, BulkCopy uses the BINARY COPY operation when the ProviderSpecific method specified. This operation is very sensitive to what types are used. You must always use the proper type that matches the type in target table, or you will receive an error from server (e.g. \"22P03: incorrect binary data format\"). Below is a list of types that could result in error without an explicit type specification: decimal/numeric vs money. Those are two different types, mapped to System.Decimal. Default mappings will use the numeric type, so if your column is the money type, you should type it in mappings using DataType = DataType.Money or DbType = \"money\" hints. time vs interval. Those are two different types, mapped to System.TimeSpan. Default mappings will use the time type, so if your column is the interval type, you should type it in mappings using a DbType = \"interval\" hint. Or use the NpgsqlTimeSpan type for intervals. any text types/json vs jsonb. All those types are mapped to System.String (except character which is mapped to System.Char). Default mappings will not work for jsonb column and you should type it in mappings using DataType = DataType.BinaryJson or DbType = \"jsonb\" hints. inet vs cidr. If you use NpgsqlInet type for the mapping column, it could be mapped to both inet and 'cidr' types. There is no default mapping for this type, so you should explicitly specify it using DbType = \"inet\" or DbType = \"cidr\" hints. Also for inet you can use IPAddress which will be mapped to the inet type. macaddr vs macaddr8. Both types could be mapped to the same PhysicalAddress/String types, so you should explicitly specify the column type using DbType = \"macaddr\" or DbType = \"macaddr8\" hints. Even if you use a provider version without macaddr8 support, you should specify the hint or it will break after the provider updates to a newer version. date type. You should use the NpgsqlDate type in mappings or specify DataType = DataType.Date or DbType = \"date\" hints. time with time zone type needs the DbType = \"time with time zone\" hint. If you have issues with other types, feel free to create an issue. Options See BulkCopyOptions properties and support per-provider. Some options explained below. KeepIdentity option (default : false) This option allows you to insert provided values into the identity column. It is supported by limited set of providers and is not compatible with RowByRow mode. Hence, if the provider doesn't support any other insert mode, the KeepIdentity option is not supported. This option is not supported for RowByRow because corresponding functionality is not implemented by LINQ To DB; it could be added upon request. If you will set this option to true for an unsupported mode or provider, you will get a LinqToDBException. Provider Support Microsoft Access No IBM DB2 (LUW, zOS) Only for GENERATED BY DEFAULT columns Firebird No (you need to disable triggers manually, if you use generators in triggers) IBM Informix No MySql / MariaDB Yes Oracle Partial. Starting from version 12c it will work for GENERATED BY DEFAULT columns (as DB2), for earlier versions you need to disable triggers with generators (as Firebird). Note that for versions prior to 12c, no exception will be thrown if you will try to use it with KeepIdentity set to true and generated values will be used silently as LINQ To DB don't have Oracle version detection right now. This could be changed in future. PostgreSQL Yes SAP HANA Depends on provider version (HANA 2 only?) Microsoft SQL CE Yes SQLite Yes Microsoft SQL Server Yes Sybase ASE Yes ClickHouse No (ClickHouse doesn't have identity/sequence concept) MaxDegreeOfParallelism Option (default: null) Supported only by ClickHouse.Client provider and defines number of parallel connections to use for insert. Note that behavior depends on provider implementation, which currently use 4 parallel connections by default and perform parallel insert only for batches larger than 100K records. WithoutSession Option (default: false) Supported only by ClickHouse.Client provider. When enabled, provider will use session-less connection even if linq2db connection configured to use sessions. Note that: session-less connection requied for parallel inserts (see MaxDegreeOfParallelism option) session-less connections doesn't support temporary tables, so you cannot insert into temporary table with this option set to true See Also As an alternative to BulkCopy, a Merge operation could be used. It allows more flexibility but is not available for some providers and will be always slower than BulkCopy with native provider support."
"articles/sql/CTE.html": {
"href": "articles/sql/CTE.html",
"title": "Common Table Expression (CTE) | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Common Table Expression (CTE) To get familiar with CTE, you can check documentation for Transact SQL: WITH common_table_expression When CTEs are useful Reusing the same SQL part in complex query Recursive table processing Defining simple CTE CTE in LINQ To DB implements IQueryable and any IQueryable can be converted to CTE with the extension method AsCte(\"optional_name\"). var employeeSubordinatesReport = from e in db.Employee select new { e.EmployeeID, e.LastName, e.FirstName, NumberOfSubordinates = db.Employee .Where(e2 => e2.ReportsTo == e.ReportsTo) .Count(), e.ReportsTo }; // define CTE named EmployeeSubordinatesReport // employeeSubordinatesReport sub-query used as CTE body var employeeSubordinatesReportCte = employeeSubordinatesReport .AsCte(\"EmployeeSubordinatesReport\"); The variable employeeSubordinatesReportCte can now be reused in other parts of linq query. var result = from employee in employeeSubordinatesReportCte from manager in employeeSubordinatesReportCte .LeftJoin(manager => employee.ReportsTo == manager.EmployeeID) select new { employee.LastName, employee.FirstName, employee.NumberOfSubordinates, ManagerLastName = manager.LastName, ManagerFirstName = manager.FirstName, ManagerNumberOfSubordinates = manager.NumberOfSubordinates }; You are not limited in the number of CTEs, defined in a query, and they may reference each other. LINQ To DB will put them in the correct order and generate SQL with one limitation - there should be no circular references between CTEs. WITH [EmployeeSubordinatesReport] ( [ReportsTo], [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName], [NumberOfSubordinates] ) AS ( SELECT [t2].[ReportsTo], [t2].[EmployeeID], [t2].[LastName], [t2].[FirstName], ( SELECT Count(*) FROM [Employees] [t1] WHERE [t1].[ReportsTo] IS NULL AND [t2].[ReportsTo] IS NULL OR [t1].[ReportsTo] = [t2].[ReportsTo] ) as [c1] FROM [Employees] [t2] ) SELECT [t3].[LastName] as [LastName1], [t3].[FirstName] as [FirstName1], [t3].[NumberOfSubordinates], [manager].[LastName] as [LastName2], [manager].[FirstName] as [FirstName2], [manager].[NumberOfSubordinates] as [NumberOfSubordinates1] FROM [EmployeeSubordinatesReport] [t3] LEFT JOIN [EmployeeSubordinatesReport] [manager] ON [t3].[ReportsTo] = [manager].[EmployeeID] Defining recursive CTE Recursive CTEs are special because they are allowed to reference themselves! Because of this special ability, you can use recursive CTEs to solve problems other queries cannot. As an example, recursive CTEs are really good at working with hierarchical data such as org charts for bill of materials. (Further reading: Recursive CTEs Explained). CTEs have limitations that are not handled by LINQ To DB, so you have to be aware of them before start of usage - Guidelines for Defining and Using Recursive Common Table Expressions Since in C# language we can not use a variable's reference in its own initialization expression, we have created a function that helps in defining recursive queries: GetCte<TCteProjection>(cte => ...). TCteProjection is a required generic parameter that is needed for resolving the type of the lambda parameter. The following example shows how to define a CTE to calculate the employee level in the hierarchy: // defining class for representing Recursive CTE class EmployeeHierarchyCTE { public int EmployeeID; public string LastName; public string FirstName; public int? ReportsTo; public int HierarchyLevel; } using (var db = new NorthwindDB(context)) { var employeeHierarchyCte = db.GetCte<EmployeeHierarchyCTE>(employeeHierarchy => { return ( from e in db.Employee where e.ReportsTo == null select new EmployeeHierarchyCTE { EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID, LastName = e.LastName, FirstName = e.FirstName, ReportsTo = e.ReportsTo, HierarchyLevel = 1 } ) .Concat ( from e in db.Employee from eh in employeeHierarchy .InnerJoin(eh => e.ReportsTo == eh.EmployeeID) select new EmployeeHierarchyCTE { EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID, LastName = e.LastName, FirstName = e.FirstName, ReportsTo = e.ReportsTo, HierarchyLevel = eh.HierarchyLevel + 1 } ); }); var result = from eh in employeeHierarchyCte orderby eh.HierarchyLevel, eh.LastName, eh.FirstName select eh; var data = result.ToArray(); } Resulting SQL: WITH [employeeHierarchy] ( [EmployeeID], [LastName], [FirstName], [ReportsTo], [HierarchyLevel] ) AS ( SELECT [t1].[EmployeeID], [t1].[LastName], [t1].[FirstName], [t1].[ReportsTo], 1 as [c1] FROM [Employees] [t1] WHERE [t1].[ReportsTo] IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT [t2].[EmployeeID], [t2].[LastName], [t2].[FirstName], [t2].[ReportsTo], [eh].[HierarchyLevel] + 1 as [c1] FROM [Employees] [t2] INNER JOIN [employeeHierarchy] [eh] ON [t2].[ReportsTo] = [eh].[EmployeeID] ) SELECT [t3].[EmployeeID] as [EmployeeID2], [t3].[LastName] as [LastName2], [t3].[FirstName] as [FirstName2], [t3].[ReportsTo] as [ReportsTo2], [t3].[HierarchyLevel] FROM [employeeHierarchy] [t3] ORDER BY [t3].[HierarchyLevel], [t3].[LastName], [t3].[FirstName] Database engines that support CTE Database Engine Minimal version Firebird 2.1 MS SQL 2008 MySQL 8.0.1 Oracle 11g Release 2 PostgreSQL 8.4 SQLite 3.8.3 IBM DB2 8 IBM Informix 14.10 ClickHouse Known limitations Oracle and Firebird DML operations that use CTE are not completely implemented. Informix CTE are not yet implemented."
"articles/sql/Join-Operators.html": {
"href": "articles/sql/Join-Operators.html",
"title": "Joins | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Joins LINQ To DB supports all standard SQL join types: INNER, LEFT, FULL, RIGHT, CROSS JOIN. For join types that do not have a direct LINQ equivalent, such as a left join, we have a few examples further down of methods that are provided to cleanly write such joins. INNER JOIN Join operator on single column var query = from c in db.Category join p in db.Product on c.CategoryID equals p.CategoryID where !p.Discontinued select c; Using \"Where\" condition var query = from c in db.Category from p in db.Product.Where(pr => pr.CategoryID == c.CategoryID) where !p.Discontinued select c; Using \"InnerJoin\" function var query = from c in db.Category from p in db.Product.InnerJoin(pr => pr.CategoryID == c.CategoryID) where !p.Discontinued select c; Resulting SQL SELECT [c].[CategoryID], [c].[CategoryName], [c].[Description], [c].[Picture] FROM [Categories] [c] INNER JOIN [Products] [p] ON [c].[CategoryID] = [p].[CategoryID] WHERE [p].[Discontinued] <> 1 Join operator on multiple columns var query = from p in db.Product from o in db.Order join d in db.OrderDetail on new { p.ProductID, o.OrderID } equals new { d.ProductID, d.OrderID } where !p.Discontinued select new { p.ProductID, o.OrderID, }; Resulting SQL SELECT [t3].[ProductID] as [ProductID1], [t3].[OrderID] as [OrderID1] FROM ( SELECT [t1].[ProductID], [t2].[OrderID], [t1].[Discontinued] FROM [Products] [t1], [Orders] [t2] ) [t3] INNER JOIN [Order Details] [d] ON [t3].[ProductID] = [d].[ProductID] AND [t3].[OrderID] = [d].[OrderID] WHERE [t3].[Discontinued] <> 1 LEFT JOIN Join operator on single column var query = from c in db.Category join p in db.Product on c.CategoryID equals p.CategoryID into lj from lp in lj.DefaultIfEmpty() where !lp.Discontinued select c; Using \"Where\" condition var query = from c in db.Category from lp in db.Product.Where(p => p.CategoryID == c.CategoryID).DefaultIfEmpty() where !lp.Discontinued select c; Using \"LeftJoin\" function var query = from c in db.Category from p in db.Product.LeftJoin(pr => pr.CategoryID == c.CategoryID) where !p.Discontinued select c; Resulting SQL SELECT [c1].[CategoryID], [c1].[CategoryName], [c1].[Description], [c1].[Picture] FROM [Categories] [c1] LEFT JOIN [Products] [lj] ON [c1].[CategoryID] = [lj].[CategoryID] WHERE 1 <> [lj].[Discontinued] RIGHT JOIN Using \"RightJoin\" function var query = from c in db.Category from p in db.Product.RightJoin(pr => pr.CategoryID == c.CategoryID) where !p.Discontinued select c; Resulting SQL SELECT [t2].[CategoryID], [t2].[CategoryName], [t2].[Description], [t2].[Picture] FROM [Categories] [t2] RIGHT JOIN [Products] [t1] ON [t1].[CategoryID] = [t2].[CategoryID] WHERE 1 <> [t1].[Discontinued] FULL JOIN Using \"FullJoin\" function var query = from c in db.Category from p in db.Product.FullJoin(pr => pr.CategoryID == c.CategoryID) where !p.Discontinued select c; Resulting SQL SELECT [t2].[CategoryID], [t2].[CategoryName], [t2].[Description], [t2].[Picture] FROM [Categories] [t2] FULL JOIN [Products] [t1] ON [t1].[CategoryID] = [t2].[CategoryID] WHERE 1 <> [t1].[Discontinued] CROSS JOIN Using SelectMany var query = from c in db.Category from p in db.Product where !p.Discontinued select new {c, p}; Resulting SQL SELECT [t1].[CategoryID], [t1].[CategoryName], [t1].[Description], [t1].[Picture], [t2].[ProductID], [t2].[ProductName], [t2].[SupplierID], [t2].[CategoryID] as [CategoryID1], [t2].[QuantityPerUnit], [t2].[UnitPrice], [t2].[UnitsInStock], [t2].[UnitsOnOrder], [t2].[ReorderLevel], [t2].[Discontinued] FROM [Categories] [t1], [Products] [t2] WHERE 1 <> [t2].[Discontinued]"
"articles/sql/Query-Extensions.html": {
"href": "articles/sql/Query-Extensions.html",
"title": "Query Extensions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Query Extensions LinqToDB contains different mechanisms to extend and customize generated SQL. Query Extensions are designed to extend SQL on clause and statement level such as table, join, query hints, etc. Common Hint Extensions The QueryExtensionScope enumeration defines a scope where this extension is applied to. Value Method Applied to Description None Path through methods IQueryable This type of extension should not generate SQL and can be used to implement path through methods such as AsSqlServer() that converts IQueryable sequence to ISqlServerSpecificQueryable. TableHint TableHint, With ITable Generates table hints. TablesInScopeHint TablesInScopeHint IQueryable This method applies provided hint to all the tables in scope of this method. It is supported by the same database providers as TableHint. IndexHint IndexHint ITable MySql supports both hint styles: Oracle Optimizer Hints and SqlServer Table Hints. The TableHint extension generates Oracle hints, whereas this extension supports SqlServer hint style. JoinHint JoinHint IQueryable Generates join hints. SubQueryHint SubQueryHint IQueryable Generates subquery or statement hints. Supported by PostgreSQL. QueryHint QueryHint IQueryable Generates statement hints. TableID method and Sql.SqlID class Some hints require references to table specifications or aliases. LinqToDB automatically generates table and subquery aliases, so the idea to use generated names for hints is definitely not the best. The TableID method assigns provided identifier to a table and this ID can be used later to generate references to the table. The following methods can be used as hint parameters to generate table references: Method Description Sql.TableAlias(\"id\") Generates table alias. Sql.TableName(\"id\") Generates table name. Sql.TableSpec(\"id\") Generates table specification. May include query block name. Naming Query Blocks Oracle and MySql table-level, index-level, and subquery optimizer hints permit specific query blocks to be named as part of their argument syntax. To create these names, use the following methods: AsSubQuery(\"qb_name\") QueryName(\"qb_name\") Examples Access var q = ( from p in db.Parent select p ) .QueryHint(AccessHints.Query.WithOwnerAccessOption); SELECT [p].[ParentID], [p].[Value1] FROM [Parent] [p] WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION MySql var q = ( from p in ( from p in db.Parent.TableID(\"Pr\") .TableHint(MySqlHints.Table.NoBka) .TableHint(MySqlHints.Table.Index, \"PK_Parent\") from c in db.Child.TableID(\"Ch\") .IndexHint(MySqlHints.Table.UseKeyForOrderBy, \"IX_ChildIndex\", \"IX_ChildIndex2\") select p ) .AsSubQuery(\"qq\") select p ) .QueryHint(MySqlHints.Query.NoBka, Sql.TableSpec(\"Pr\"), Sql.TableSpec(\"Ch\")) .QueryHint(MySqlHints.Query.SetVar, \"sort_buffer_size=16M\"); SELECT /*+ NO_BKA(p@qq) INDEX(p@qq PK_Parent) NO_BKA(p@qq, c_1@qq) SET_VAR(sort_buffer_size=16M) */ `p_1`.`ParentID`, `p_1`.`Value1` FROM ( SELECT /*+ QB_NAME(qq) */ `p`.`ParentID`, `p`.`Value1` FROM `Parent` `p`, `Child` `c_1` USE KEY FOR ORDER BY(IX_ChildIndex, IX_ChildIndex2) ) `p_1` Oracle var q = ( from p in ( from c in db.Child .TableHint(OracleHints.Hint.Full) .TableHint(OracleHints.Hint.Parallel, \"DEFAULT\") join p in db.Parent .TableHint(OracleHints.Hint.DynamicSampling, 1) .TableHint(OracleHints.Hint.Index, \"parent_ix\") .AsSubQuery(\"Parent\") on c.ParentID equals p.ParentID select p ) .AsSubQuery() select p ) .QueryHint(OracleHints.Hint.NoUnnest, \"@Parent\"); SELECT /*+ FULL(p_1.c_1) PARALLEL(p_1.c_1 DEFAULT) DYNAMIC_SAMPLING(t1@Parent 1) INDEX(t1@Parent parent_ix) NO_UNNEST(@Parent) */ p_1.\"ParentID\", p_1.\"Value1\" FROM ( SELECT p.\"ParentID\", p.\"Value1\" FROM \"Child\" c_1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT /*+ QB_NAME(Parent) */ t1.\"ParentID\", t1.\"Value1\" FROM \"Parent\" t1 ) p ON c_1.\"ParentID\" = p.\"ParentID\" ) p_1 PostgreSQL var q = ( from p in ( from p in ( from p in db.Parent from c in db.Child where c.ParentID == p.ParentID select p ) .SubQueryHint(PostgreSQLHints.ForUpdate) .AsSubQuery() where p.ParentID < -100 select p ) .SubQueryHint(PostgreSQLHints.ForShare) select p ) .SubQueryHint(PostgreSQLHints.ForKeyShare + \" \" + PostgreSQLHints.SkipLocked); SELECT p_1.\"ParentID\", p_1.\"Value1\" FROM ( SELECT p.\"ParentID\", p.\"Value1\" FROM \"Parent\" p, \"Child\" c_1 WHERE c_1.\"ParentID\" = p.\"ParentID\" FOR UPDATE ) p_1 WHERE p_1.\"ParentID\" < -100 FOR SHARE FOR KEY SHARE SKIP LOCKED SqlCe from p in db.Person .TableHint(SqlCeHints.Table.Index, \"PK_Person\") .With(SqlCeHints.Table.NoLock) select p; SELECT [p].[FirstName], [p].[PersonID], [p].[LastName], [p].[MiddleName], [p].[Gender] FROM [Person] [p] WITH (Index(PK_Person), NoLock) SQLite from p in db.Person.TableHint(SQLiteHints.Hint.IndexedBy(\"IX_PersonDesc\")) where p.ID > 0 select p; SELECT [p].[FirstName], [p].[PersonID], [p].[LastName], [p].[MiddleName], [p].[Gender] FROM [Person] [p] INDEXED BY IX_PersonDesc WHERE [p].[PersonID] > 0 SqlServer var q = ( from c in db.Child .TableHint(SqlServerHints.Table.SpatialWindowMaxCells(10)) .IndexHint(SqlServerHints.Table.Index, \"IX_ChildIndex\") join p in ( from t in db.Parent.With(SqlServerHints.Table.NoLock) where t.Children.Any() select new { t.ParentID, t.Children.Count } ) .JoinHint(SqlServerHints.Join.Hash) on c.ParentID equals p.ParentID select p ) .QueryHint(SqlServerHints.Query.Recompile) .QueryHint(SqlServerHints.Query.Fast(10)) .QueryHint(SqlServerHints.Query.MaxGrantPercent(25)); SELECT [p].[ParentID], [p].[Count_1] FROM [Child] [c_1] WITH (SPATIAL_WINDOW_MAX_CELLS=10, Index(IX_ChildIndex)) INNER HASH JOIN ( SELECT [t].[ParentID], ( SELECT Count(*) FROM [Child] [t1] WHERE [t].[ParentID] = [t1].[ParentID] ) as [Count_1] FROM [Parent] [t] WITH (NoLock) WHERE EXISTS( SELECT * FROM [Child] [t2] WHERE [t].[ParentID] = [t2].[ParentID] ) ) [p] ON [c_1].[ParentID] = [p].[ParentID] OPTION (RECOMPILE, FAST 10, MAX_GRANT_PERCENT=25) Database Specific Hint Extensions The extension methods above are common and can be used to generate SQL for all database providers. You will be responsible for generated SQL as LinqToDB will generate SQL based on what you pass as parameters. Besides, LinqToDB implements database specific hint extensions. These extensions are designed specially for specific providers in the type-safe way and are “provider friendly” (which means you can use different specific database hints applied for the same LINQ query and they will not conflict). C# var q = ( from p in db.Parent.TableID(\"pr\") .AsMySql() .NoBatchedKeyAccessHint() .IndexHint(\"PK_Parent\") from c in db.Child.TableID(\"ch\") .AsMySql() .UseIndexHint(\"IX_ChildIndex\") .AsOracle() .FullHint() .HashHint() .AsSqlCe() .WithNoLock() .AsSQLite() .NotIndexedHint() .AsSqlServer() .WithNoLock() .WithNoWait() join t in db.Patient.TableID(\"pt\") .AsSqlServer() .JoinLoopHint() on c.ParentID equals t.PersonID select t ) .QueryName(\"qb\") .AsAccess() .WithOwnerAccessOption() .AsMySql() .MaxExecutionTimeHint(1000) .BatchedKeyAccessHint(Sql.TableSpec(\"ch\")) .AsOracle() .ParallelHint(2) .NoUnnestHint(\"qb\") .AsPostgreSQL() .ForShareHint(Sql.TableAlias(\"pt\")) .AsSqlServer() .WithReadUncommittedInScope() .OptionRecompile() .OptionTableHint(Sql.TableAlias(\"pr\"), SqlServerHints.Table.ReadUncommitted) .OptionNoPerformanceSpool() ; SQL Access SELECT [t].[PersonID], [t].[Diagnosis] FROM ( SELECT [c_1].[ParentID] FROM [Parent] [p], [Child] [c_1] ) [t1] INNER JOIN [Patient] [t] ON ([t1].[ParentID] = [t].[PersonID]) WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION MySql SELECT /*+ QB_NAME(qb) NO_BKA(t1.p@qb) INDEX(t1.p@qb PK_Parent) MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) BKA(t1.c_1@qb) */ `t`.`PersonID`, `t`.`Diagnosis` FROM ( SELECT `c_1`.`ParentID` FROM `Parent` `p`, `Child` `c_1` USE INDEX(IX_ChildIndex) ) `t1` INNER JOIN `Patient` `t` ON `t1`.`ParentID` = `t`.`PersonID` Oracle SELECT /*+ QB_NAME(qb) FULL(t1.c_1@qb) HASH(t1.c_1@qb) PARALLEL(2) NO_UNNEST(qb) */ t.\"PersonID\", t.\"Diagnosis\" FROM ( SELECT c_1.\"ParentID\" FROM \"Parent\" p, \"Child\" c_1 ) t1 INNER JOIN \"Patient\" t ON t1.\"ParentID\" = t.\"PersonID\" PostgreSQL SELECT /* qb */ t.\"PersonID\", t.\"Diagnosis\" FROM ( SELECT c_1.\"ParentID\" FROM \"Parent\" p, \"Child\" c_1 ) t1 INNER JOIN \"Patient\" t ON t1.\"ParentID\" = t.\"PersonID\" FOR SHARE OF t SqlCe SELECT /* qb */ [t].[PersonID], [t].[Diagnosis] FROM ( SELECT [c_1].[ParentID] FROM [Parent] [p], [Child] [c_1] WITH (NoLock) ) [t1] INNER JOIN [Patient] [t] ON [t1].[ParentID] = [t].[PersonID] SQLite SELECT /* qb */ [t].[PersonID], [t].[Diagnosis] FROM ( SELECT [c_1].[ParentID] FROM [Parent] [p], [Child] [c_1] NOT INDEXED ) [t1] INNER JOIN [Patient] [t] ON [t1].[ParentID] = [t].[PersonID] SqlServer 2005 SELECT /* qb */ [t].[PersonID], [t].[Diagnosis] FROM ( SELECT [c_1].[ParentID] FROM [Parent] [p] WITH (ReadUncommitted), [Child] [c_1] WITH (NoLock, NoWait, ReadUncommitted) ) [t1] INNER LOOP JOIN [Patient] [t] WITH (ReadUncommitted) ON [t1].[ParentID] = [t].[PersonID] OPTION (RECOMPILE) SqlServer 2008 SELECT /* qb */ [t].[PersonID], [t].[Diagnosis] FROM ( SELECT [c_1].[ParentID] FROM [Parent] [p] WITH (ReadUncommitted), [Child] [c_1] WITH (NoLock, NoWait, ReadUncommitted) ) [t1] INNER LOOP JOIN [Patient] [t] WITH (ReadUncommitted) ON [t1].[ParentID] = [t].[PersonID] OPTION (RECOMPILE, TABLE HINT(p, ReadUncommitted)) SqlServer 2019 SELECT /* qb */ [t].[PersonID], [t].[Diagnosis] FROM ( SELECT [c_1].[ParentID] FROM [Parent] [p] WITH (ReadUncommitted), [Child] [c_1] WITH (NoLock, NoWait, ReadUncommitted) ) [t1] INNER LOOP JOIN [Patient] [t] WITH (ReadUncommitted) ON [t1].[ParentID] = [t].[PersonID] OPTION (RECOMPILE, TABLE HINT(p, ReadUncommitted), NO_PERFORMANCE_SPOOL)"
"articles/sql/Window-Functions-(Analytic-Functions).html": {
"href": "articles/sql/Window-Functions-(Analytic-Functions).html",
"title": "Window (Analytic) Functions | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Window (Analytic) Functions Window functions are implemented as extension methods for static Sql.Ext property. For extensions generation (e.g. partitioning or ordering) fluent syntax is used. Call Syntax Sql.Ext.[Function]([Parameters]) .Over() .[PartitionPart] .[OrderByPart] .[WindowingPart] .ToValue(); Last function in method chain must be function ToValue() - it is a mark that method chain is finished. Example var q = from p in db.Parent join c in db.Child on p.ParentID equals c.ParentID select new { Rank = Sql.Ext.Rank() .Over() .PartitionBy(p.Value1, c.ChildID) .OrderBy(p.Value1) .ThenBy(c.ChildID) .ThenBy(c.ParentID) .ToValue(), RowNumber = Sql.Ext.RowNumber() .Over() .PartitionBy(p.Value1, c.ChildID) .OrderByDesc(p.Value1) .ThenBy(c.ChildID) .ThenByDesc(c.ParentID) .ToValue(), DenseRank = Sql.Ext.DenseRank() .Over() .PartitionBy(p.Value1, c.ChildID) .OrderBy(p.Value1) .ToValue(), Sum = Sql.Ext.Sum(p.Value1) .Over() .PartitionBy(p.Value1, c.ChildID) .OrderBy(p.Value1) .ToValue(), Avg = Sql.Ext.Average<double>(p.Value1) .Over() .PartitionBy(p.Value1, c.ChildID) .OrderBy(p.Value1) .ToValue(), Count = Sql.Ext.Count(p.ParentID, Sql.AggregateModifier.All) .Over() .PartitionBy(p.Value1) .OrderBy(p.Value1) .Range.Between.UnboundedPreceding.And.CurrentRow .ToValue(), }; var res = q.ToArray(); Resulting SQL SELECT RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY [p].[Value1], [c7].[ChildID] ORDER BY [p].[Value1], [c7].[ChildID], [c7].[ParentID]) as [c1], ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [p].[Value1], [c7].[ChildID] ORDER BY [p].[Value1] DESC, [c7].[ChildID], [c7].[ParentID] DESC) as [c2], DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY [p].[Value1], [c7].[ChildID] ORDER BY [p].[Value1]) as [c3], SUM([p].[Value1]) OVER(PARTITION BY [p].[Value1], [c7].[ChildID] ORDER BY [p].[Value1]) as [c4], AVG([p].[Value1]) OVER(PARTITION BY [p].[Value1], [c7].[ChildID] ORDER BY [p].[Value1]) as [c5], COUNT(ALL [p].[ParentID]) OVER(PARTITION BY [p].[Value1] ORDER BY [p].[Value1] RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as [c6] FROM [Parent] [p] INNER JOIN [Child] [c7] ON [p].[ParentID] = [c7].[ParentID] Supported Functions (could be incomplete) The following table contains list of supported Window Functions and LINQ To DB representation of these functions. Function Linq To DB Extension AVG Sql.Ext.Average() CORR Sql.Ext.Corr() COUNT Sql.Ext.Count() COVAR_POP Sql.Ext.CovarPop() COVAR_SAMP Sql.Ext.CovarSamp() CUME_DIST Sql.Ext.CumeDist() DENSE_RANK Sql.Ext.DenseRank() FIRST Sql.Ext.[AggregateFunction].KeepFirst() FIRST_VALUE Sql.Ext.FirstValue() LAG Sql.Ext.Lag() LAST Sql.Ext.[AggregateFunction].KeepLast() LAST_VALUE Sql.Ext.LastValue() LEAD Sql.Ext.Lead() LISTAGG Sql.Ext.ListAgg() MAX Sql.Ext.Max() MEDIAN Sql.Ext.Median() MIN Sql.Ext.Min() NTH_VALUE Sql.Ext.NthValue() NTILE Sql.Ext.NTile() PERCENT_RANK Sql.Ext.PercentRank() PERCENTILE_CONT Sql.Ext.PercentileCont() PERCENTILE_DISC Sql.Ext.PercentileDisc() RANK Sql.Ext.Rank() RATIO_TO_REPORT Sql.Ext.RatioToReport() REGR_ (Linear Regression) Functions REGR_SLOPE Sql.Ext.RegrSlope() REGR_INTERCEPT Sql.Ext.RegrIntercept() REGR_COUNT Sql.Ext.RegrCount() REGR_R2 Sql.Ext.RegrR2() REGR_AVGX Sql.Ext.RegrAvgX() REGR_AVGY Sql.Ext.RegrAvgY() REGR_SXX Sql.Ext.RegrSXX() REGR_SYY Sql.Ext.RegrSYY() REGR_SXY Sql.Ext.RegrSXY() ROW_NUMBER Sql.Ext.RowNumber() STDDEV Sql.Ext.StdDev() STDDEV_POP Sql.Ext.StdDevPop() STDDEV_SAMP Sql.Ext.StdDevSamp() SUM Sql.Ext.Sum() VAR_POP Sql.Ext.VarPop() VAR_SAMP Sql.Ext.VarSamp() VARIANCE Sql.Ext.Variance() If you have found that your database supports function that is not listed in table above, you can easily create your own extension (but it will be better to create feature request or PR). Code samples are located in Sql.Analytic.cs Window Functions Support Oracle MSSQL SQLite PostreSQL MariaDB MySQL 8 DB2 z/OS DB2 LUW DB2 iSeries Informix SAP HANA SAP/Sybase ASE Firebird 3+ ClickHouse"
"articles/sql/merge/Merge-API-Background.html": {
"href": "articles/sql/merge/Merge-API-Background.html",
"title": "Merge API Background Information | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Merge API Background Information Merge API uses MERGE INTO command defined by SQL:2003 standard with updates in SQL:2008. Additionally we support some non-standard extensions to this command. See specific database engine support information below. Later we plan to extend providers support by adding support for UPSERT-like commands. Basic syntax (SQL:2003) MERGE INTO <target_table> [[AS] <alias>] USING <source_data_set> [[AS] <alias>] ON <match_condition> -* one or both cases could be specified WHEN MATCHED THEN <update_operation> WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN <insert_operation> <update_operation> := UPDATE SET <column> = <value> [, <column> = <value>] <insert_operation> := INSERT (<column_list>) VALUES(<values_list>) Advanced syntax (SQL:2008 extensions) Multiple MATCH cases It is possible to perform different operations for records, matched by ON match condition by specifying extra conditions on WHEN statement: WHEN [NOT] MATCHED [AND <extra_condition>] THEN <match_specific_operation> DELETE operation DELETE operation could be used for WHEN MATCHED case. WHEN MATCHED [AND <extra condition>] THEN DELETE Links MERGE on wikibooks SQL grammar see SQL:2003 and SQL:2011 (sic! grammars) Supported Databases Merge API Background Information Basic syntax (SQL:2003) Advanced syntax (SQL:2008 extensions) Multiple MATCH cases DELETE operation Links Supported Databases General considerations Microsoft SQL Server 2008+ IBM DB2 Firebird Oracle Database Sybase/SAP ASE IBM Informix SAP HANA 2 PostgreSQL General considerations Not all data types supported or have limited support for some providers right now if you use client-side source. Usually it will be binary types. Check notes for specific provider below. Microsoft SQL Server 2008+ Microsoft SQL Server supports Merge API starting from SQL Server 2008 release. It supports all features from SQL:2008 standard and adds support for two new operations, not available for other providers: Update by source operation Delete by source operation Those two operations allow to update or delete target record when no matching record found in source. Of course it means that only target record available in context of those two operations. Limitations: operation of each type can be used only once in merge command even with different predicates only up to three operations supported in single command Other notes: identity insert enabled for insert operation Links: MERGE INTO command IBM DB2 Note: merge implementation was tested only on DB2 LUW. DB2 supports all features from SQL:2008 standard. Limitations: doesn't support associations (joins) in match predicate Links: MERGE INTO DB2 z/OS 12 MERGE INTO DB2 iSeries 7.3 MERGE INTO DB2 LUW 11.1 Firebird Firebird 2.1-2.5 supports all features from SQL:2003 standard. Firebird 3.0 supports all features from SQL:2008 standard. Limitations: update of fields, used in match condition could lead to unexpected results in Firebird 2.5 very small double values in client-side source could fail BLOB and TIMESTAMP mapped to TimeSpan will not work with client-side source if null values mixed with non-null values Links: Firebird 2.5 MERGE INTO Firebird 3.0 MERGE INTO Firebird 4.0 MERGE INTO Oracle Database Oracle supports SQL:2003 features and operation conditions from SQL:2008. Instead of independent Delete operation it supports delete condition for Update operation, which will be applied only to updated records and work with updated values. To support this behavior, merge API supports Update Then Delete operation, that works only for Oracle. You also can use regular Update operation, but not Delete. For Delete operation you can use `UpdateWithDelete' with the same condition for update and delete. Limitations: Only two operations per command supported, where one of them should be Insert and second should be Update or UpdateWithDelete Delete operation not supported Associations in `Insert' setters not supported fields, used in match condition, cannot be updated command with empty enumerable source will not send command to database and return 0 immediately mixing nulls and non-null values for binary column for client-side source doesn't work Links: MERGE INTO Sybase/SAP ASE ASE supports all features from SQL:2008 standard Limitations: it is hard to name it just a limitation * server could crash on some merge queries associations in match condition not supported (undocumented) returned number of affected records could be (and usually is) more than expected Merge only with Delete operations doesn't work (undocumented) Some combinations of operations rise error with text that doesn't make any sense (undocumented): \"MERGE is not allowed because different MERGE actions are referenced in the same WHEN [NOT] MATCHED clause\", which is not true, because other commands with same set of operations just work command with empty enumerable source will not send command to database and return 0 immediately Other notes: identity insert enabled for insert operation Links: MERGE INTO ASE 15.7 MERGE INTO ASE 16 IBM Informix Informix supports all features from SQL:2003 standard and Delete operation from SQL:2008. Limitations: associations not supported BYTE type (C# byte[] binary type) in client-side source leads to unexpected results for unknown reason Other notes: for enumerable source it could be required to specify database types on columns that contain null values if provider cannot infer them properly Links: MERGE INTO SAP HANA 2 SAP HANA 2 supports all features from SQL:2003 standard. Limitations: Update operation must be first if both Update and Insert operations used in command associations in Insert operation not supported command with empty enumerable source will not send command to database and return 0 immediately Links: MERGE INTO PostgreSQL PostgreSQL supports all features from SQL:2008 standard starting from version 15. Limitations: nothing substantial Links: MERGE INTO"
"articles/sql/merge/Merge-API-Description.html": {
"href": "articles/sql/merge/Merge-API-Description.html",
"title": "Merge API Description | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Merge API Description Merge API contains four groups of methods: Merge, MergeInto, Using, UsingTarget methods to configure merge command's source and target On, OnTargetKey methods to configure merge command's match condition InsertWhenNotMatched*, UpdateWhenMatched*, DeleteWhenMatched*, UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource*, DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource*, UpdateWhenMatched*ThenDelete methods to add operations to merge command Merge and MergeAsync methods to execute command against database To create and execute merge command you should first configure target, source and match conditions. Then you must add at least one operation to merge builder. After that you should call Merge method to execute command. Note that all operation methods returns new merge builder, so code like that: // Incorrect call example var merge = db.Table.Merge().UsingTarget().OnTargetKey().DeleteWhenMatched(); // wrong, it will not modify merge object, but will create new one // correct line should be // merge = merge.InsertWhenNotMatched(); merge.InsertWhenNotMatched(); // execute merge with only one command - Delete merge.Merge(); // CORRECT db.Table.Merge().UsingTarget().OnTargetKey().DeleteWhenMatched().InsertWhenNotMatched().Merge(); General notes on API All API parameters are required and cannot be null. If you what to skip some parameter, check for a method without it. If there is no such method - this parameter cannot be ommited. Validation Before command execution, linq2db will try to validate your command and throw LinqToDBException if it detects use of feature, unsupported by provider or general misconfiguration. It will not detect all issues, but will greatly reduce number of errors from user side. Also validation error contains message that points to error in your command. Database engine errors sometimes require research to understand what they mean in current specific context. Operations API Merge operations will be added to generated query in the same order as they were called on command builder, because it is possible to specify several operations that could match the same record using operation conditions. In such cases database engine choose first matching operation as a winner. Also dont forget to check what your database engine could [[support|Merge-API-:-Background-Information-and-Providers-Support]] to understand what API you can use. Methods Target and Source Configuration Methods Match Configuration Methods InsertWhenNotMatched* UpdateWhenMatched* DeleteWhenMatched* UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource* DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource* UpdateWhenMatched*ThenDelete Merge and MergeAsync Target and Source Configuration Methods // starts merge command and use table parameter as target IMergeableUsing<TTarget> Merge<TTarget>(this ITable<TTarget> target); // adds source query to merge, started by Merge() method IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Using<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableUsing<TTarget> merge, IQueryable<TSource> source); // adds source collection to merge, started by Merge() method IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> Using<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableUsing<TTarget> merge, IEnumerable<TSource> source); // adds target as source to merge, started by Merge() method IMergeableOn<TTarget, TTarget> UsingTarget<TTarget>(this IMergeableUsing<TTarget> merge); // starts merge command using source query and target table IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> MergeInto<TTarget, TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, ITable<TTarget> target); Those methods allow you to create merge builder and specify source and target. To do it you can use: MergeInto method, which setups both source and target Merge + Using`UsingTarget` method sequence, where target and source specified by separate method. Methods could accept following parameters: target Target table, that should be modified by merge command. source Source data set, that should be merged into target table. Could be a client-side collection, table or query. Match Configuration Methods // adds match condition using specified key from target and source record // Examples: // merge.On(target => new { target.Field1, target.Field2 }, source => new { source.Field1, source.Field2 }) // merge.On(target => target.Id, source => source.Id) IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> On<TTarget, TSource, TKey>(this IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TKey>> targetKey, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> sourceKey); // add match condition using boolean expression over target and source record IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> On<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableOn<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> matchCondition); // adds match condition using primary key columns IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> OnTargetKey<TTarget>(this IMergeableOn<TTarget, TTarget> merge); On`OnTargetKey` adds match condition to merge command builder. Notes matchCondition should be used only for rows matching. Any source filters must be applied to source directly to avoid database engine-specific side-effects (e.g. see Oracle limitations). matchCondition or match using keys shouldn't match more than one source record to one target record. InsertWhenNotMatched IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge); IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> searchCondition); IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> InsertWhenNotMatched<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter); IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TSource, TTarget>> setter) InsertWhenNotMatched takes insert operation options and returns new merge command builder with new operation. InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd method additionally takes operation condition expression. merge Merge command builder. Method will return new builder with new insert operation. It will not modify original object. searchCondition Operation execution condition. Operation without condition will be applied to all matching records. If there are multiple operations within same group - only last one allowed to have no condition. WhenNotMatched match group could contain only Insert operations. setter Record creation expression. Defines set exInsertWhenNotMatched takes insert operation options and returns new merge command builder with new operation. InsertWhenNotMatchedAnd method additionally takes operation condition expression. pressions for values in new record. For methods without this parameters source record inserted into target (except fields marked with SkipOnInsert attribute or IsIdentity for provider without identity insert support). db.Table .Merge() .Using(source) .OnTargetKey() .InsertWhenNotMatched(source => new TargetRecord() { Field1 = 10, Field2 = source.Field2, Field3 = source.Field1 + source.Field2 }) .Merge(); UpdateWhenMatched IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge); IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> searchCondition) IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> setter); IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> setter); UpdateWhenMatched takes update operation options and returns new merge command builder with new operation. UpdateWhenMatchedAnd method additionally takes operation condition expression. merge Merge command builder. UpdateWhenMatched method will return new builder with new update operation. It will not modify original object. searchCondition Operation execution condition. Operation without condition will be applied to all matching records. If there are multiple operations within same group - only last one could omit condition. WhenMatched match group could contain only Update and Delete operations. setter Record update expression. Defines update expressions for values in target record. When not specified, source record values used to update target record (except fields marked with SkipOnUpdate or IsIdentity attributes). db.Table .Merge() .Using(source) .OnTargetKey() .UpdateWhenMatched((target, source) => new TargetRecord() { Field1 = target.Field10, Field2 = source.Field2, Field3 = source.Field1 + target.Field2 }) .Merge(); DeleteWhenMatched IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> DeleteWhenMatched<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge); IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> DeleteWhenMatchedAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> searchCondition); DeleteWhenMatched takes delete operation options and returns new merge command builder with new operation. merge Merge command builder. DeleteWhenMatched method will return new builder with new delete operation. It will not modify original object. searchCondition Operation execution condition. Operation without condition will be applied to all matching records. If there are multiple operations within same match group - only last one could omit condition. WhenMatched match group could contain only Update and Delete operations. UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> setter); IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget>> setter); IMPORTANT: This method could be used only with SQL Server. UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource takes update operation options and returns new merge command builder with new operation. merge Merge command builder. UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource method will return new builder with new update operation. It will not modify original object. searchCondition Operation execution condition. Operation without condition will be applied to all matching records. If there are multiple operations within same group - only last one could omit condition. WhenNotMatchedBySource match group could contain only UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource and DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource operations. But due to SQL Server limitations you can use only one UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource and DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource operation in single command. setter Record update expression. Defines update expressions for values in target record. db.Table .Merge() .Using(source) .OnTargetKey() .UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource(target => new TargetRecord() { Field1 = target.Field10, Field2 = target.Field2, Field3 = target.Field3 + 10 }) .Merge(); DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge); IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, bool>> searchCondition); IMPORTANT: This method could be used only with SQL Server. DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource takes delete operation options and returns new merge command builder with new operation. merge Merge command builder. DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource method will return new builder with new delete operation. It will not modify original object. searchCondition Operation execution condition. Operation without condition will be applied to all matching records. If there are multiple operations within same group - only last one could omit condition. WhenNotMatchedBySource match group could contain only UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource and DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource operations. But due to SQL Server limitations you can use only one UpdateWhenNotMatchedBySource and DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource operation in single command. UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> deleteCondition); IMergeable<TTarget, TTarget> UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TTarget> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTarget, bool>> deleteCondition); IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> deleteCondition); IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> UpdateWhenMatchedAndThenDelete<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeableSource<TTarget, TSource> merge, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> searchCondition, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, TTarget>> setter, Expression<Func<TTarget, TSource, bool>> deleteCondition); IMPORTANT: This method could be used only with Oracle Database. UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete method takes update and delete operation options and returns new merge command builder with new operation. merge Merge command builder. UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete method will return new builder with new update with delete operation. It will not modify original object. searchCondition Update operation execution condition. Operation without condition will be applied to all matching records. Oracle doesn't support multiple commands in current match group. You can use only UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete or UpdateWhenMatched in single command. setter Record update expression. Optional. Defines update expressions for values in target record. db.Table .Merge() .From(source) .OnTargetKey() .UpdateWhenMatchedThenDelete((target, source) => new TargetRecord() { Field1 = target.Field10, Field2 = source.Field2, Field3 = source.Field1 + target.Field2 }, (updatedTarget, source) => updatedTarget.Field3 > 100) .Merge(); deleteCondition Delete operation execution condition. Identifies updated records that should be deleted. Note that this condition applied to updated target record with new field values. Merge int Merge<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge); Task<int> MergeAsync<TTarget, TSource>(this IMergeable<TTarget, TSource> merge, CancellationToken token = default); Merge method builds and executes merge command against database and returns number of affected records. MergeAsync does the same job asynchronously. merge Merge command builder. Notes Merge returns number of affected records. Consult your database documentation for more details, but in general except SAP/Sybase ASE it is the same for all databases."
"articles/sql/merge/Merge-API-Migration.html": {
"href": "articles/sql/merge/Merge-API-Migration.html",
"title": "Migrating from old Merge API | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Migrating from old Merge API This page contains information how to replace old Merge API calls with new API calls. Breaking changes Old API consider empty source list as noop operation and returns 0 without request to database. New version allways send command to database because: it will help to find errors in your command it will fix by source operations for SQL Server, which make sense for empty source Exception: Oracle, Sybase and SAP HANA implementations still use noop approach due to too aggressive type checking. Code migration Old API has 4x2 Merge methods. One method accepts target table as first parameter, another - DataConnection instance. New API works only with tables as target so you will need to get table from data connection using following code: dataConnection.GetTable<TTable>() If you used tableName, databaseName or schemaName parameters, replace them with follwing calls on table: db.GetTable<T>() .TableName(tableName) .DatabaseName(databaseName) .SchemaName(schemaName); Method 1 Parameters tableName, databaseName and schemaName omitted. // Old API int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T,bool>> predicate); int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, IQueryable<T> source, Expression<Func<T,bool>> predicate); // New API // You can (and should) remove .AsEnumerable() - it was added to copy old behavior db.GetTable<T>() .Merge() .Using(source.Where(predicate).AsEnumerable()) .OnTargetKey() .UpdateWhenMatched() .InsertWhenNotMatched() .DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd(predicate) .Merge(); Method 2 Parameters tableName, databaseName and schemaName omitted. // Old API int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, Expression<Func<T,bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source) int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, Expression<Func<T,bool>> predicate, IEnumerable<T> source); // New API db.GetTable<T>() .Merge() .Using(source) .OnTargetKey() .UpdateWhenMatched() .InsertWhenNotMatched() .DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySourceAnd(predicate) .Merge(); Method 3 Parameters tableName, databaseName and schemaName omitted. // Old API int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source); int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, bool delete, IEnumerable<T> source); // New API // (delete = true) db.GetTable<T>() .Merge() .Using(source) .OnTargetKey() .UpdateWhenMatched() .InsertWhenNotMatched() .DeleteWhenNotMatchedBySource() .Merge(); // (delete = false) db.GetTable<T>() .Merge() .Using(source) .OnTargetKey() .UpdateWhenMatched() .InsertWhenNotMatched() .Merge(); Method 4 Parameters tableName, databaseName and schemaName omitted. // Old API int Merge<T>(this DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable<T> source); int Merge<T>(this ITable<T> table, IEnumerable<T> source); // New API db.GetTable<T>() .Merge() .Using(source) .OnTargetKey() .UpdateWhenMatched() .InsertWhenNotMatched() .Merge();"
"articles/sql/merge/Merge-API.html": {
"href": "articles/sql/merge/Merge-API.html",
"title": "Merge API | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "Merge API This API available since linq2db 1.9.0. It superseeds previous version of API with very limited functionality. For migration from old API check link below. Supported Databases Microsoft SQL Server IBM DB2 Firebird Oracle Database Sybase/SAP ASE IBM Informix SAP HANA 2 PostgreSQL 15 Related Pages Background API Description Migration from old API guide Introduction Merge is an atomic operation to update table (target) content using other table (source). Merge API provides methods to build Merge command and execute it. Command could have following elements (availability depends on database engine, see [[support table|Merge-API-:-Background-Information-and-Providers-Support]] for more details): target. Required element. Could be a table or updateable view source. Required element. Could be a table, query or client-side collection match/on rule. Optional element. Defines rule to match target and source records. By default we match target and source by primary key columns ordered list of operations to perform for each match. At least one operation required operation condition. Optional element. Specify additional condition for operation execution. Merge Operations Merge operations could be splitted into three groups: Matched operations. Operations, executed for records, present in both target and source according to match rule. Not matched operations. Operations, executed for records, present only in source according to match rule. Not matched by source. Operations, executed for records, present only in target according to match rule. Each group of operations work with their own set of source and target records and could contain more than one operation. In this case each operation must have operation condition except last one, which could omit it and be applied to all remaining records. Operations within group must be ordered properly. Example You want to do following: update status of all orders in AwaitingConfirmation status to Confirmed and delete all orders with amount equal to 0. Your merge operation will look like: db.Orders // start merge command .Merge() // use the same table for source .UsingTarget() // match on primary key columns .OnTargetKey() // first delete all records with 0 amount // we also can use source in condition because they reference the same record in our case .DeleteWhenMatchedAnd((target, source) => target.amount == 0) // for records, not handled by previous command, update records in AwaitingConfirmation status .UpdateWhenMatchedAnd( (target, source) => target.status == Status.AwaitingConfirmation, (target, source) => new Order() { status = Status.Confirmed }) // send merge command to database .Merge(); In example above, delete and update operations belong to the same match group so their order is important. If you will put Update before Delete your merge command will do something else: it will update all orders in AwaitingConfirmation status and for remaining orders will remove those with 0 amount. After merge execution you could receive confirmed orders with 0 amount in Orders table. Matched operations Because those operations executed for records, present in both target and source, they have access to both records. There are two operations in this group (plus one non-standard operation for Oracle): Update operation. This operation allows to update target record fields. Delete operation. This operation allows to delete target record. Update Then Delete operation. This is Oracle-only operation, which updates target record and then delete updated records (usually using delete predicate). Not matched operations Those operations executed for records, present only in source table, so they could access only target table properties. This group contains only one operation - Insert operation, which adds new record to target table. Not matched by source operations This is SQL Server-only extension, that allows to perform operations for records, present only in target table. This group contains same operations as Matched group with one distinction - operations could access only target record: Update By Source operation. Allows to update target table record. Delete By Source operation. Allows to delete target table record."
"index.html": {
"href": "index.html",
"title": "LINQ to DB | Linq To DB",
"keywords": "LINQ to DB LINQ to DB is the fastest LINQ database access library offering a simple, light, fast, and type-safe layer between your POCO objects and your database. Architecturally it is one step above micro-ORMs like Dapper, Massive, or PetaPoco, in that you work with LINQ expressions, not with magic strings, while maintaining a thin abstraction layer between your code and the database. Your queries are checked by the C# compiler and allow for easy refactoring. However, it's not as heavy as LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework. There is no change-tracking, so you have to manage that yourself, but on the positive side you get more control and faster access to your data. In other words LINQ to DB is type-safe SQL. Development version nuget feed (how to use) You can follow our twitter bot to receive notifications about new releases. Note that currently it is only release notification bot and we don't monitor questions there. Standout Features Rich Querying API: Explicit Join Syntax (In addition to standard LINQ join syntax) CTE Support Bulk Copy/Insert Window/Analytic Functions Merge API Extensibility: Ability to Map Custom SQL to Static Functions See documentation for more details. Code examples and demos can be found here or in tests. Release notes page. Related Linq To DB and 3rd-party projects linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore (adds support for linq2db functionality in EF.Core projects) LinqToDB.Identity - ASP.NET Core Identity provider using Linq To DB LINQPad Driver DB2 iSeries Provider ASP.NET CORE 2 Template ASP.NET CORE 3 Template with Angular ASP.NET CORE 5 Template PostGIS extensions for linq2db Notable open-source users: nopCommerce - popular open-source e-commerce solution OdataToEntity - library to create OData service from database context SunEngine - site, blog and forum engine Unmantained projects: IdentityServer4.LinqToDB - IdentityServer4 persistence layer using Linq To DB Configuring connection strings Passing Into Constructor You can simply pass connection string into DataConnection or DataContext constructor using DataOptions class. Minimal configuration example: var db = new DataConnection( new DataOptions() .UseSqlServer(@\"Server=.\\;Database=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=True;\")); Use connection configuration action to setup SqlClient-specific authentication token: var options = new DataOptions() .UseSqlServer(connectionString, SqlServerVersion.v2017, SqlServerProvider.MicrosoftDataSqlClient) .UseBeforeConnectionOpened(cn => { ((SqlConnection)cn).AccessToken = accessToken; }); // pass configured options to data context constructor var dc = new DataContext(options); Tip There are a lot of configuration methods on DataOptions you can use. Tip It is recommended to create configured DataOptions instance once and use it everywhere. E.g. you can register it in your DI container. Using Config File (.NET Framework) In your web.config or app.config make sure you have a connection string (check this file for supported providers): <connectionStrings> <add name=\"Northwind\" connectionString = \"Server=.\\;Database=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=True;\" providerName = \"SqlServer\" /> </connectionStrings> Using Connection String Settings Provider Alternatively, you can implement custom settings provider with ILinqToDBSettings interface, for example: public class ConnectionStringSettings : IConnectionStringSettings { public string ConnectionString { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string ProviderName { get; set; } public bool IsGlobal => false; } public class MySettings : ILinqToDBSettings { public IEnumerable<IDataProviderSettings> DataProviders => Enumerable.Empty<IDataProviderSettings>(); public string DefaultConfiguration => \"SqlServer\"; public string DefaultDataProvider => \"SqlServer\"; public IEnumerable<IConnectionStringSettings> ConnectionStrings { get { // note that you can return multiple ConnectionStringSettings instances here yield return new ConnectionStringSettings { Name = \"Northwind\", ProviderName = ProviderName.SqlServer, ConnectionString = @\"Server=.\\;Database=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=True;\" }; } } } And later just set on program startup before the first query is done (Startup.cs for example): DataConnection.DefaultSettings = new MySettings(); Use with ASP.NET Core See article. Define POCO class You can generate POCO classes from your database using linq2db.cli dotnet tool. Alternatively, you can write them manually and map to database using mapping attributes or fluent mapping configuration. Also you can use POCO classes as-is without additional mappings if they use same naming for classes and properties as table and column names in database. Configuration using mapping attributes using System; using LinqToDB.Mapping; [Table(\"Products\")] public class Product { [PrimaryKey, Identity] public int ProductID { get; set; } [Column(\"ProductName\"), NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } [Column] public int VendorID { get; set; } [Association(ThisKey = nameof(VendorID), OtherKey=nameof(Vendor.ID))] public Vendor Vendor { get; set; } // ... other columns ... } This approach involves attributes on all properties that should be mapped. This way lets you to configure all possible things linq2db ever supports. There is one thing to mention: if you add at least one attribute into POCO, all other properties should also have attributes, otherwise they will be ignored: using System; using LinqToDB.Mapping; [Table(\"Products\")] public class Product { [PrimaryKey, Identity] public int ProductID { get; set; } // Property `Name` will be ignored as it lacks `Column` attibute. public string Name { get; set; } } Fluent Configuration This method lets you configure your mapping dynamically at runtime. Furthermore, it lets you to have several different configurations if you need so. You will get all configuration abilities available with attribute configuration. These two approaches are interchangeable in their abilities. This kind of configuration is done through the class MappingSchema. With Fluent approach you can configure only things that require it explicitly. All other properties will be inferred by linq2db: // IMPORTANT: configure mapping schema instance only once // and use it with all your connections that need those mappings // Never create new mapping schema for each connection as // it will seriously harm performance var myFluentMappings = new MappingSchema(); var builder = mappingSchema.GetFluentMappingBuilder(); builder.Entity<Product>() .HasTableName(\"Products\") .HasSchemaName(\"dbo\") .HasIdentity(x => x.ProductID) .HasPrimaryKey(x => x.ProductID) .Ignore(x => x.SomeNonDbProperty) .Property(x => x.TimeStamp) .HasSkipOnInsert() .HasSkipOnUpdate() .Association(x => x.Vendor, x => x.VendorID, x => x.VendorID, canBeNull: false) ; //... other mapping configurations // commit configured mappings to mapping schema builder.Build(); In this example we configured only three properties and one association. We let Linq To DB to infer all other properties as columns with same name as property. To use your MappingSchema instance you should pass it DataConnection or DataContext constructor: var options = new DataOptions() .UseSqlServer(@\"Server=.\\;Database=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=True;\") .UseMappingSchema(myFluentMappings); var db = new DataConnection(option); Inferred Configuration This approach involves no attributes at all. In this case Linq To DB will use POCO's name as table name and property names as column names (with exact same casing, which could be important for case-sensitive databases). This might seem to be convenient, but there are some restrictions: Linq To DB will not infer primary key even if class has property called ID; it will not infer nullability of reference types if you don't use nullable reference types annotations; associations will not be automatically configured. using System; using LinqToDB.Mapping; public class Product { public int ProductID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int VendorID { get; set; } public Vendor Vendor { get; set; } // ... other columns ... } This way Linq To DB will auto-configure Product class to map to Product table with fields ProductID, Name, and VendorID. POCO will not get ProductID property treated as primary key. And there will be no association with Vendor. This approach is not generally recommended. DataConnection class At this point LINQ to DB doesn't know how to connect to our database or which POCOs go with what database. All this mapping is done through a DataConnection class: public class DbNorthwind : LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection { public DbNorthwind() : base(\"Northwind\") { } public ITable<Product> Product => this.GetTable<Product>(); public ITable<Category> Category => this.GetTable<Category>(); // ... other tables ... } We call the base constructor with the \"Northwind\" parameter. This parameter (called configuration name) has to match the name=\"Northwind\" we defined above as name of our connection string. We also added convenience properties for Product and Category mapping classes to write LINQ queries. And now let's get some data: using LinqToDB; using LinqToDB.Common; public static List<Product> GetProducts() { using var db = new DbNorthwind(); var query = from p in db.Product where p.ProductID > 25 orderby p.Name descending select p; return query.ToList(); } Make sure you always wrap your DataConnection class (in our case DbNorthwind) in a using statement. This is required for proper resource management, like releasing the database connections back into the pool (more details). Queries Selecting Columns Most times we get the entire row from the database: from p in db.Product where p.ProductID == 5 select p; However, sometimes getting all the fields is too wasteful so we want only certain fields, but still use our POCOs; something that is challenging for libraries that rely on object tracking, like LINQ to SQL. from p in db.Product orderby p.Name descending select new Product { Name = p.Name }; Composing queries Rather than concatenating strings we can 'compose' LINQ expressions. In the example below the final SQL will be different if onlyActive is true or false, or if searchFor is not null. public static Product[] GetProducts(bool onlyActive, string searchFor) { using var db = new DbNorthwind(); var products = from p in db.Product select p; if (onlyActive) { products = from p in products where !p.Discontinued select p; } if (searchFor != null) { products = from p in products where p.Name.Contains(searchFor) select p; } return products.ToArray(); } Paging A lot of times we need to write code that returns only a subset of the entire dataset. We expand on the previous example to show what a product search function could look like. Keep in mind that the code below will query the database twice. Once to find out the total number of records, something that is required by many paging controls, and once to return the actual data. public static List<Product> Search( string searchFor, int currentPage, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { using var db = new DbNorthwind(); var products = from p in db.Product select p; if (searchFor != null) { products = from p in products where p.Name.Contains(searchFor) select p; } totalRecords = products.Count(); return products.Skip((currentPage - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList(); } Joins This assumes we added a Category class, just like we did with the Product class, defined all the fields, and defined table access property in our DbNorthwind data access class. We can now write an INNER JOIN query like this: from p in db.Product join c in db.Category on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID select new Product { Name = p.Name, Category = c }; and a LEFT JOIN query like this: from p in db.Product from c in db.Category.Where(q => q.CategoryID == p.CategoryID).DefaultIfEmpty() select new Product { Name = p.Name, Category = c }; More samples are here Creating your POCOs In the previous example we assign an entire Category object to our product, but what if we want all the fields in our Product class, but we don't want to specify every field by hand? Unfortunately, we cannot write this: from p in db.Product from c in db.Category.Where(q => q.CategoryID == p.CategoryID).DefaultIfEmpty() select new Product(c); The query above assumes the Product class has a constructor that takes in a Category object. The query above won't work, but we can work around that with the following query: from p in db.Product from c in db.Category.Where(q => q.CategoryID == p.CategoryID).DefaultIfEmpty() select Product.Build(p, c); For this to work, we need a function in the Product class that looks like this: public static Product Build(Product? product, Category category) { if (product != null) { product.Category = category; } return product; } One caveat with this approach is that if you're using it with composed queries (see example above) the select Build part has to come only in the final select. Insert At some point we will need to add a new Product to the database. One way would be to call the Insert extension method found in the LinqToDB namespace; so make sure you import that. using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); db.Insert(product); This inserts all the columns from our Product class, but without retrieving the generated identity value. To do that we can use InsertWith*Identity methods, like this: using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); product.ProductID = db.InsertWithInt32Identity(product); There is also InsertOrReplace that updates a database record if it was found by primary key or adds it otherwise. If you need to insert only certain fields, or use values generated by the database, you could write: using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); db.Product .Value(p => p.Name, product.Name) .Value(p => p.UnitPrice, 10.2m) .Value(p => p.Added, () => Sql.CurrentTimestamp) .Insert(); Use of this method also allows us to build insert statements like this: using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); var statement = db.Product .Value(p => p.Name, product.Name) .Value(p => p.UnitPrice, 10.2m); if (storeAdded) statement.Value(p => p.Added, () => Sql.CurrentTimestamp); statement.Insert(); Update Updating records follows similar pattern to Insert. We have an extension method that updates all the columns in the database: using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); db.Update(product); And we also have a lower level update mechanism: using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); db.Product .Where(p => p.ProductID == product.ProductID) .Set(p => p.Name, product.Name) .Set(p => p.UnitPrice, product.UnitPrice) .Update(); Similarly, we can break an update query into multiple pieces if needed: using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); var statement = db.Product .Where(p => p.ProductID == product.ProductID) .Set(p => p.Name, product.Name); if (updatePrice) statement = statement.Set(p => p.UnitPrice, product.UnitPrice); statement.Update(); You're not limited to a single record update. For example, we could discontinue all the products that are no longer in stock: using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); db.Product .Where(p => p.UnitsInStock == 0) .Set(p => p.Discontinued, true) .Update(); Delete Similar to how you update records, you can also delete records: using LinqToDB; using var db = new DbNorthwind(); db.Product .Where(p => p.Discontinued) .Delete(); Bulk Copy Bulk copy feature supports the transfer of large amounts of data into a table from another data source. For more details read this article. using LinqToDB.Data; [Table(\"ProductsTemp\")] public class ProductTemp { [PrimaryKey] public int ProductID { get; set; } [Column(\"ProductName\"), NotNull] public string Name { get; set; } // ... other columns ... } var list = new List<ProductTemp>(); // ... populate list ... using var db = new DbNorthwind(); db.BulkCopy(list); Transactions Using database transactions is easy. All you have to do is call BeginTransaction() on your DataConnection, run one or more queries, and then commit the changes by calling CommitTransaction(). If something happened and you need to roll back your changes you can either call RollbackTransaction() or throw an exception. using var db = new DbNorthwind(); db.BeginTransaction(); // or //using var tr = db.BeginTransaction(); // ... select / insert / update / delete ... if (somethingIsNotRight) { db.RollbackTransaction(); // or // tr.Rollback(); } else { db.CommitTransaction(); // or // tr.Commit(); } Also, you can use .NET built-in TransactionScope class: using var transaction = new TransactionScope(); // or for async code // using var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled); using var db = new DbNorthwind(); ... transaction.Complete(); It should be noted that there are two base classes for your \"context\" class: LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection and LinqToDB.DataContext. The key difference between them is in connection retention behaviour. DataConnection opens connection with first query and holds it open until dispose happens. DataContext behaves the way you might used to with Entity Framework: it opens connection per query and closes it right after query is done. This difference in behavior matters when used with TransactionScope: using var db = new LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection(\"provider name\", \"connection string\"); var product = db.GetTable<Product>() .FirstOrDefault(); // connection opened here var scope = new TransactionScope(); // this transaction was not attached to connection // because it was opened earlier product.Name = \"Lollipop\"; db.Update(product); scope.Dispose(); // no transaction rollback happed, \"Lollipop\" has been saved A DataConnection is attached with ambient transaction in moment it is opened. Any TransactionScopes created after the connection is created will no effect on that connection. Replacing DataConnection with DataContext in code shown earlier will make transaction scope work as expected: the created record will be discarded with the transaction. Although, DataContext appears to be the right class to choose, it is strongly recommended to use DataConnection instead. It's default behaviour might be changed with setting CloseAfterUse property to true: public class DbNorthwind : LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection { public DbNorthwind() : base(\"Northwind\") { (this as IDataContext).CloseAfterUse = true; } } Merge Here you can read about SQL MERGE support. Window (Analytic) Functions Here you can read about Window (Analytic) Functions support. MiniProfiler If you would like to use MiniProfiler or other profiling tool that wraps ADO.NET provider classes, you need to configure our regular DataConnection to use wrapped connection. // example of SQL Server-backed data connection with MiniProfiler enabled for debug builds public class DbDataContext : DataConnection { // let's use profiler only for debug builds #if !DEBUG // regular non-profiled constructor public DbDataContext() : base(\"Northwind\") {} #else public DbDataContext() : base( new DataOptions() .UseSqlServer(connectionString, SqlServerVersion.v2012) .UseConnectionFactory(GetConnection) .UseInterceptor(new UnwrapProfilerInterceptor())) { } // wrap connection into profiler wrapper private static DbConnection GetConnection(DataOptions options) { // create provider-specific connection instance. SqlConnection in our case var dbConnection = new SqlConnection(options.ConnectionOptions.ConnectionString); // wrap it by profiler's connection implementation return new StackExchange.Profiling.Data.ProfiledDbConnection( dbConnection, MiniProfiler.Current); } // define UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor sealed class UnwrapProfilerInterceptor : UnwrapDataObjectInterceptor { public override DbConnection UnwrapConnection(IDataContext dataContext, DbConnection connection) { return connection is ProfiledDbConnection c ? c.WrappedConnection : connection; } public override DbTransaction UnwrapTransaction(IDataContext dataContext, DbTransaction transaction) { return transaction is ProfiledDbTransaction t ? t.WrappedTransaction : transaction; } public override DbCommand UnwrapCommand(IDataContext dataContext, DbCommand command) { return command is ProfiledDbCommand c ? c.WrappedCommand : command; } public override DbDataReader UnwrapDataReader(IDataContext dataContext, DbDataReader dataReader) { return dataReader is ProfiledDbDataReader dr ? dr.WrappedReader : dataReader; } } #endif } More Still have questions left? Check out our documentation site and FAQ"