Fixed multi line comment generation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<package xmlns="">
<title>LINQ to DB T4 Models</title>
<authors>Igor Tkachev</authors>
<owners />
@ -59,10 +59,15 @@ void GenerateTypesFromMetadata()
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Description))
t. Comment.Add("/ <summary>");
t. Comment.Add("/ " + t.Description);
t. Comment.Add("/ </summary>");
dcProp.Comment.Add("/ <summary>");
dcProp.Comment.Add("/ " + t.Description);
foreach (var line in t.Description.Split('\n'))
t. Comment.Add("/ " + line.TrimEnd());
dcProp.Comment.Add("/ " + line.TrimEnd());
t. Comment.Add("/ </summary>");
dcProp.Comment.Add("/ </summary>");
@ -138,7 +143,8 @@ void GenerateTypesFromMetadata()
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.Description))
c.Comment.Add("/ <summary>");
c.Comment.Add("/ " + c.Description);
foreach (var line in c.Description.Split('\n'))
c.Comment.Add("/ " + line.TrimEnd());
c.Comment.Add("/ </summary>");
@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ namespace DB2DataContext
[Column, Nullable] public int? INTDATATYPE { get; set; } // INTEGER
[Column, Nullable] public short? SMALLINTDATATYPE { get; set; } // SMALLINT
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? DECIMALDATATYPE { get; set; } // DECIMAL
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? DECFLOATDATATYPE { get; set; } // DECFLOAT(16)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? DECFLOATDATATYPE { get; set; } // DECFLOAT
[Column, Nullable] public float? REALDATATYPE { get; set; } // REAL
[Column, Nullable] public double? DOUBLEDATATYPE { get; set; } // DOUBLE
[Column, Nullable] public char? CHARDATATYPE { get; set; } // CHAR(1)
[Column, Nullable] public object CHARDATATYPE { get; set; } // CHARACTER
[Column, Nullable] public string VARCHARDATATYPE { get; set; } // VARCHAR(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string CLOBDATATYPE { get; set; } // CLOB(1048576)
[Column, Nullable] public string DBCLOBDATATYPE { get; set; } // DBCLOB(100)
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] BINARYDATATYPE { get; set; } // CHAR (5) FOR BIT DATA
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] VARBINARYDATATYPE { get; set; } // VARCHAR (5) FOR BIT DATA
[Column, Nullable] public object BINARYDATATYPE { get; set; } // CHARACTER
[Column, Nullable] public string VARBINARYDATATYPE { get; set; } // VARCHAR(5)
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] BLOBDATATYPE { get; set; } // BLOB(10)
[Column, Nullable] public string GRAPHICDATATYPE { get; set; } // GRAPHIC(10)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? DATEDATATYPE { get; set; } // DATE
@ -82,16 +82,6 @@ namespace DB2DataContext
[Column, NotNull] public int PersonID { get; set; } // INTEGER
[Column, NotNull] public string Taxonomy { get; set; } // VARCHAR(50)
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Doctor_Person
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=false)]
public Person Person { get; set; }
[Table(Schema="ADMINISTRATOR", Name="GrandChild")]
@ -106,11 +96,11 @@ namespace DB2DataContext
public partial class LinqDataType
[Column, Nullable] public int? ID { get; set; } // INTEGER
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? MoneyValue { get; set; } // DECIMAL(10,4)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? MoneyValue { get; set; } // DECIMAL
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? DateTimeValue { get; set; } // TIMESTAMP
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? DateTimeValue2 { get; set; } // TIMESTAMP
[Column, Nullable] public short? BoolValue { get; set; } // SMALLINT
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] GuidValue { get; set; } // CHAR (16) FOR BIT DATA
[Column, Nullable] public object GuidValue { get; set; } // CHARACTER
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] BinaryValue { get; set; } // BLOB(5000)
[Column, Nullable] public short? SmallIntValue { get; set; } // SMALLINT
[Column, Nullable] public int? IntValue { get; set; } // INTEGER
@ -155,17 +145,7 @@ namespace DB2DataContext
[Column, NotNull ] public string FirstName { get; set; } // VARCHAR(50)
[Column, NotNull ] public string LastName { get; set; } // VARCHAR(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string MiddleName { get; set; } // VARCHAR(50)
[Column, NotNull ] public char Gender { get; set; } // CHAR(1)
#region Associations
/// <summary>
/// FK_Doctor_Person_BackReference
/// </summary>
[Association(ThisKey="PersonID", OtherKey="PersonID", CanBeNull=false)]
public IEnumerable<Doctor> Doctors { get; set; }
[Column, NotNull ] public object Gender { get; set; } // CHARACTER
// View
@ -176,7 +156,7 @@ namespace DB2DataContext
[Column, NotNull ] public string FirstName { get; set; } // VARCHAR(50)
[Column, NotNull ] public string LastName { get; set; } // VARCHAR(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string MiddleName { get; set; } // VARCHAR(50)
[Column, NotNull ] public char Gender { get; set; } // CHAR(1)
[Column, NotNull ] public object Gender { get; set; } // CHARACTER
@ -19,19 +19,77 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
/// </summary>
public partial class TestDataDB : LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection
public ITable<alltype> alltypes { get { return this.GetTable<alltype>(); } }
public ITable<Child> Children { get { return this.GetTable<Child>(); } }
public ITable<Doctor> Doctors { get { return this.GetTable<Doctor>(); } }
public ITable<entity> entities { get { return this.GetTable<entity>(); } }
public ITable<GrandChild> GrandChilds { get { return this.GetTable<GrandChild>(); } }
public ITable<LinqDataType> LinqDataTypes { get { return this.GetTable<LinqDataType>(); } }
public ITable<Parent> Parents { get { return this.GetTable<Parent>(); } }
public ITable<Patient> Patients { get { return this.GetTable<Patient>(); } }
public ITable<Person> People { get { return this.GetTable<Person>(); } }
public ITable<SequenceTest1> SequenceTest1 { get { return this.GetTable<SequenceTest1>(); } }
public ITable<SequenceTest2> SequenceTest2 { get { return this.GetTable<SequenceTest2>(); } }
public ITable<SequenceTest3> SequenceTest3 { get { return this.GetTable<SequenceTest3>(); } }
public ITable<TestIdentity> TestIdentities { get { return this.GetTable<TestIdentity>(); } }
public ITable<admin> admins { get { return this.GetTable<admin>(); } }
public ITable<alltype> alltypes { get { return this.GetTable<alltype>(); } }
public ITable<amexfiler> amexfilers { get { return this.GetTable<amexfiler>(); } }
public ITable<amexsparrpar> amexsparrpars { get { return this.GetTable<amexsparrpar>(); } }
public ITable<audittrace> audittraces { get { return this.GetTable<audittrace>(); } }
public ITable<avtal> avtals { get { return this.GetTable<avtal>(); } }
public ITable<avvikelseposter> avvikelseposters { get { return this.GetTable<avvikelseposter>(); } }
public ITable<babsfiler> babsfilers { get { return this.GetTable<babsfiler>(); } }
public ITable<babssparrpar> babssparrpars { get { return this.GetTable<babssparrpar>(); } }
public ITable<bestcentraler> bestcentralers { get { return this.GetTable<bestcentraler>(); } }
public ITable<cekabfiler> cekabfilers { get { return this.GetTable<cekabfiler>(); } }
public ITable<cekabsparrpar> cekabsparrpars { get { return this.GetTable<cekabsparrpar>(); } }
public ITable<Child> Children { get { return this.GetTable<Child>(); } }
public ITable<Doctor> Doctors { get { return this.GetTable<Doctor>(); } }
public ITable<doksidhuvud> doksidhuvuds { get { return this.GetTable<doksidhuvud>(); } }
public ITable<dokument> dokuments { get { return this.GetTable<dokument>(); } }
public ITable<dtproperty> dtproperties { get { return this.GetTable<dtproperty>(); } }
public ITable<emvposttyper> emvposttypers { get { return this.GetTable<emvposttyper>(); } }
public ITable<entity> entities { get { return this.GetTable<entity>(); } }
public ITable<fakturaunderlag> fakturaunderlags { get { return this.GetTable<fakturaunderlag>(); } }
public ITable<fakturor> fakturors { get { return this.GetTable<fakturor>(); } }
public ITable<filtransferparam> filtransferparams { get { return this.GetTable<filtransferparam>(); } }
public ITable<firewalllog> firewalllogs { get { return this.GetTable<firewalllog>(); } }
public ITable<ftpsajter> ftpsajters { get { return this.GetTable<ftpsajter>(); } }
public ITable<GrandChild> GrandChilds { get { return this.GetTable<GrandChild>(); } }
public ITable<inrapporter> inrapporters { get { return this.GetTable<inrapporter>(); } }
public ITable<inutfiler> inutfilers { get { return this.GetTable<inutfiler>(); } }
public ITable<inutfilerpartner> inutfilerpartners { get { return this.GetTable<inutfilerpartner>(); } }
public ITable<journalnummer> journalnummers { get { return this.GetTable<journalnummer>(); } }
public ITable<kortgrupper> kortgruppers { get { return this.GetTable<kortgrupper>(); } }
public ITable<kortintervallsparrar> kortintervallsparrars { get { return this.GetTable<kortintervallsparrar>(); } }
public ITable<kortprefix> kortprefixes { get { return this.GetTable<kortprefix>(); } }
public ITable<kortprefixregler> kortprefixreglers { get { return this.GetTable<kortprefixregler>(); } }
public ITable<kortsparrar> kortsparrars { get { return this.GetTable<kortsparrar>(); } }
public ITable<kortsparrar2> kortsparrar2 { get { return this.GetTable<kortsparrar2>(); } }
public ITable<lifez> lifezs { get { return this.GetTable<lifez>(); } }
public ITable<LinqDataType> LinqDataTypes { get { return this.GetTable<LinqDataType>(); } }
public ITable<logg> loggs { get { return this.GetTable<logg>(); } }
public ITable<loginip> loginips { get { return this.GetTable<loginip>(); } }
public ITable<loginlogg> loginloggs { get { return this.GetTable<loginlogg>(); } }
public ITable<miscparam> miscparams { get { return this.GetTable<miscparam>(); } }
public ITable<nummerserier> nummerseriers { get { return this.GetTable<nummerserier>(); } }
public ITable<onlineparam> onlineparams { get { return this.GetTable<onlineparam>(); } }
public ITable<onlinesparrar> onlinesparrars { get { return this.GetTable<onlinesparrar>(); } }
public ITable<onlinetransaktioner> onlinetransaktioners { get { return this.GetTable<onlinetransaktioner>(); } }
public ITable<orter> orters { get { return this.GetTable<orter>(); } }
public ITable<parametrar> parametrars { get { return this.GetTable<parametrar>(); } }
public ITable<Parent> Parents { get { return this.GetTable<Parent>(); } }
public ITable<partner> partners { get { return this.GetTable<partner>(); } }
public ITable<partnerbatchnr> partnerbatchnrs { get { return this.GetTable<partnerbatchnr>(); } }
public ITable<partneridbypartner> partneridbypartners { get { return this.GetTable<partneridbypartner>(); } }
public ITable<partnersfaktulagnr> partnersfaktulagnrs { get { return this.GetTable<partnersfaktulagnr>(); } }
public ITable<partnersfakturanr> partnersfakturanrs { get { return this.GetTable<partnersfakturanr>(); } }
public ITable<partnersinrapportrefnr> partnersinrapportrefnrs { get { return this.GetTable<partnersinrapportrefnr>(); } }
public ITable<partnerskvittokk> partnerskvittokks { get { return this.GetTable<partnerskvittokk>(); } }
public ITable<Patient> Patients { get { return this.GetTable<Patient>(); } }
public ITable<Person> People { get { return this.GetTable<Person>(); } }
public ITable<prefix> prefixes { get { return this.GetTable<prefix>(); } }
public ITable<provision> provisions { get { return this.GetTable<provision>(); } }
public ITable<referensnummer> referensnummers { get { return this.GetTable<referensnummer>(); } }
public ITable<resetransaktioner> resetransaktioners { get { return this.GetTable<resetransaktioner>(); } }
public ITable<securlog> securlogs { get { return this.GetTable<securlog>(); } }
public ITable<SequenceTest1> SequenceTest1 { get { return this.GetTable<SequenceTest1>(); } }
public ITable<SequenceTest2> SequenceTest2 { get { return this.GetTable<SequenceTest2>(); } }
public ITable<SequenceTest3> SequenceTest3 { get { return this.GetTable<SequenceTest3>(); } }
public ITable<smsalarm> smsalarms { get { return this.GetTable<smsalarm>(); } }
public ITable<smstelefonnr> smstelefonnrs { get { return this.GetTable<smstelefonnr>(); } }
public ITable<svergetaxifilterkort> svergetaxifilterkorts { get { return this.GetTable<svergetaxifilterkort>(); } }
public ITable<TestIdentity> TestIdentities { get { return this.GetTable<TestIdentity>(); } }
public ITable<tracy> tracies { get { return this.GetTable<tracy>(); } }
public ITable<wineventlog> wineventlogs { get { return this.GetTable<wineventlog>(); } }
public TestDataDB()
@ -43,6 +101,20 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
[Table(Schema="public", Name="admins")]
public partial class admin
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int admid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string admnamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string admpassword { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? admstatus { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string admoldpasswords { get; set; } // character varying(300)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? admpassworddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string admmobilnr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string admsmspassword { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? admsmspassworddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="public", Name="alltypes")]
public partial class alltype
@ -79,6 +151,131 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
[Column, Nullable] public string xmldatatype { get; set; } // xml
[Table(Schema="public", Name="amexfiler")]
public partial class amexfiler
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int axfid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? axftrsendtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? axfkvhamttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? axfstatus { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string axffilnamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? axffilnr { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="amexsparrpar")]
public partial class amexsparrpar
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int aspid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string aspbegtid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public string aspendtid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public int? aspintmin { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? aspfiltid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? asphamttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="public", Name="audittrace")]
public partial class audittrace
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int rownumber { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? eventclass { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string textdata { get; set; } // character varying(10485760)
[Column, Nullable] public string ntusername { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column, Nullable] public int? clientprocessid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string applicationname { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column, Nullable] public string loginname { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column, Nullable] public int? spid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public long? duration { get; set; } // bigint
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? starttime { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public long? reads { get; set; } // bigint
[Column, Nullable] public long? writes { get; set; } // bigint
[Column, Nullable] public int? cpu { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="avtal")]
public partial class avtal
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int avtid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int avtpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int avtkortgruppnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public decimal avtavgiftkr { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, NotNull ] public decimal avtavgiftpc { get; set; } // numeric(12,3)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="avvikelseposter")]
public partial class avvikelseposter
[PrimaryKey, Identity ] public int avpid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string avptransaktionsid { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, NotNull ] public string avpavvikelsetyp { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Column, NotNull ] public int avputforpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int avputgivpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string avpredovisningsnr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, NotNull ] public DateTime avpdatumtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, NotNull ] public decimal avpbelopp { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, NotNull ] public int avpbehandlad { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string avpmeddelandeinfo { get; set; } // character varying(3000)
[Column, Nullable] public int? avpfakturanr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? avpantaldragforsok { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string avputgivreferens { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="babsfiler")]
public partial class babsfiler
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int bbfid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? bbftrsendtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? bbfkvhamttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? bbfstatus { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string bbffilnamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? bbffilnr { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="babssparrpar")]
public partial class babssparrpar
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int bspid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string bspbegtid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public string bspendtid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public int? bspintmin { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? bspfiltid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? bsphamttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string bspfiltyp { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="bestcentraler")]
public partial class bestcentraler
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int bscid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string bscort { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column, Nullable] public string bscnamn { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column, Nullable] public string bsctelefon { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column, Nullable] public string bscwebadress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? bscpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? ortid { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="cekabfiler")]
public partial class cekabfiler
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int ckfid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? ckftrsendtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? ckfkvhamttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? ckfstatus { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string ckffilnamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? ckffilnr { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="cekabsparrpar")]
public partial class cekabsparrpar
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int cspid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string cspbegtid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public string cspendtid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public int? cspintmin { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? cspfiltid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? csphamttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="public", Name="Child")]
public partial class Child
@ -103,12 +300,112 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
[Table(Schema="public", Name="doksidhuvud")]
public partial class doksidhuvud
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int dshid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string dshtext { get; set; } // character varying(1000)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="dokument")]
public partial class dokument
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int dokid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string doknamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string dokbeskrivning { get; set; } // character varying(400)
[Column, Nullable] public int? doksortord { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] dokdata { get; set; } // bytea
[Column, Nullable] public int? dokdatalen { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string dokconttype { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="dtproperties")]
public partial class dtproperty
[PrimaryKey, Identity ] public int id { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? objectid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string property { get; set; } // character varying(64)
[Column, Nullable] public string value { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string uvalue { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] lvalue { get; set; } // bytea
[Column, NotNull ] public int version { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="emvposttyper")]
public partial class emvposttyper
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int emkpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string emkposttyp { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public string emkcardschemecode { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string emkcardschemetext { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="entity")]
public partial class entity
[Column, NotNull] public string the_name { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="fakturaunderlag")]
public partial class fakturaunderlag
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int faupartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int faufaktulagnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? faufakturanr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? fautid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? fausumdebbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? fauantdebresor { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? fausumkredbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? fauantkredresor { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="fakturor")]
public partial class fakturor
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int fakpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int fakfakturanr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int fakutgivartyp { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? fakfakturatid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? faktotgodkbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? faktotprovbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? faktotmomsprov { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? faktotfulagbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? faktotbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? fakbokjournr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? fakbetstatus { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? faktotchargeback { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="filtransferparam")]
public partial class filtransferparam
[Identity ] public int ftpid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? ftppartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string ftpfiltyp { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string ftpascbin { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="firewalllog")]
public partial class firewalllog
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int fwlid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? fwldatumtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string fwlmessage { get; set; } // character varying(500)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="ftpsajter")]
public partial class ftpsajter
[Identity ] public int ftsid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? ftspartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string ftsadress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string ftskonto { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string ftspassord { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public bool? ftspassiv { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public string ftsprotocol { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? ftskontonr { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="GrandChild")]
public partial class GrandChild
@ -117,6 +414,141 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
[Column, Nullable] public int? GrandChildID { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="inrapporter")]
public partial class inrapporter
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int inrpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string inrinrapportrefnr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? inrinrapporttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? inrsuminrapportbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? inrantinrapportresor { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? inrsumgodkbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? inrantgodkresor { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? inrsumavvisbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? inrantavvisresor { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? inrsumprovisionbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? inrsummomsprovision { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="inutfiler")]
public partial class inutfiler
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int iufid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? iufpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? iufdatumtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string iuffiltyp { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string iufinfo { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? iufantalpost { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? iufantalladd { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string iufhttpconttype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] iufdata { get; set; } // bytea
[Column, Nullable] public int? iufdatalen { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? iufantalsftpladd { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="inutfilerpartners")]
public partial class inutfilerpartner
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int iufid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int iuppartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? iupantalladd { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="journalnummer")]
public partial class journalnummer
[Column, Nullable] public long? jnrskuld { get; set; } // bigint
[Column, Nullable] public long? jnrfordring { get; set; } // bigint
[Table(Schema="public", Name="kortgrupper")]
public partial class kortgrupper
[PrimaryKey, Identity ] public int kgrid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int kgrkortgruppnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string kgrkortgrpnamn { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column, Nullable] public int? kgrutgivartyp { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? kgrsortorder { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="kortintervallsparrar")]
public partial class kortintervallsparrar
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public string kiskortnrbeg { get; set; } // character varying(24)
[Column, NotNull ] public string kiskortnrend { get; set; } // character varying(24)
[Column, Nullable] public int? kispartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string kisorsak { get; set; } // character varying(19)
[Column, Nullable] public string kisreklamdatum { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column, Nullable] public string kisborttagdatum { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? kissparrtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public char? kisuppdatkod { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="kortprefix")]
public partial class kortprefix
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int kpxid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string kpxprefix { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public char? kpxpstatus { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column, Nullable] public int? kpxlangd { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? kpxpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? kpxkortgruppnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string kpxkortutgivare { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? kpxuppdattid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? kpxaltlangd { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? kpxminibel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? kpxidktrbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? kpxauktktrbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? kpxmaxibel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public string kpxaukttelenr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public char? kpxcsmetdod { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column, Nullable] public string kpxservkod { get; set; } // character varying(3)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="kortprefixregler")]
public partial class kortprefixregler
[Column, NotNull] public string kprprefix { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, NotNull] public int kprlength { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="kortsparrar")]
public partial class kortsparrar
[PrimaryKey, Identity ] public int kspid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string kspkortnr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? ksppartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? kspsparrtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string kspkortutgiv { get; set; } // character varying(2)
[Column, Nullable] public string kspkorttyp { get; set; } // character varying(2)
[Column, Nullable] public char? kspsparrkod { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column, Nullable] public char? kspuppdatkod { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column, Nullable] public short? kspfullflag { get; set; } // smallint
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? ksprevdatum { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="public", Name="kortsparrar2")]
public partial class kortsparrar2
[PrimaryKey, Identity ] public int kspid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string kspkortnr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? ksppartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? kspsparrtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string kspkortutgiv { get; set; } // character varying(2)
[Column, Nullable] public string kspkorttyp { get; set; } // character varying(2)
[Column, Nullable] public char? kspsparrkod { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column, Nullable] public char? kspuppdatkod { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column, Nullable] public short? kspfullflag { get; set; } // smallint
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? ksprevdatum { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="public", Name="lifez")]
public partial class lifez
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int lfzindex { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public byte[] lfzvalue { get; set; } // bytea
[Table(Schema="public", Name="LinqDataTypes")]
public partial class LinqDataType
@ -132,6 +564,167 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
[Column, Nullable] public long? BigIntValue { get; set; } // bigint
[Table(Schema="public", Name="logg")]
public partial class logg
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int logid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? logtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? logpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string logprogram { get; set; } // character varying(512)
[Column, Nullable] public string logtext { get; set; } // character varying(200)
[Column, Nullable] public string logdetaljer { get; set; } // character varying(4000)
[Column, Nullable] public string logdetaljer2 { get; set; } // character varying(4000)
[Column, Nullable] public string logdetaljer3 { get; set; } // character varying(4000)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="loginip")]
public partial class loginip
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int lipid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string lipipadress { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="loginlogg")]
public partial class loginlogg
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int lilid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string lilloginid { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? lildatumtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public bool? lilresultat { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public string liluserhostip { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string lilmessage { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="miscparam")]
public partial class miscparam
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int mscid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? mscmisc0 { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string mscmisc1 { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string mscmisc2 { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string mscmisc3 { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string mscmisc4 { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="nummerserier")]
public partial class nummerserier
[Column, Nullable] public string nrsid { get; set; } // character(20)
[Column, Nullable] public int? nrsnummer { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="onlineparam")]
public partial class onlineparam
[Identity ] public int olpid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? olponlinenr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string olpinrapptid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="onlinesparrar")]
public partial class onlinesparrar
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int olsid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string olskortnr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? olspartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? olssparrtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string olssparrnybort { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public bool? olssparrflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Table(Schema="public", Name="onlinetransaktioner")]
public partial class onlinetransaktioner
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int oltid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? oltutforpart { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string oltterminalid { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? olttransdatum { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string oltkortdata { get; set; } // character varying(70)
[Column, Nullable] public string oltkortnr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? olttransbelopp { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? oltmomsbelopp { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? oltonlinenr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string oltregmetod { get; set; } // character varying(2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? oltutgivpart { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? oltkortgruppnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public char? oltdebkred { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="orter")]
public partial class orter
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int ortid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string ortnamn { get; set; } // character varying(30)
[Column, Nullable] public double? ortlatitud { get; set; } // double precision
[Column, Nullable] public double? ortlongitud { get; set; } // double precision
[Column, Nullable] public int? ortradie { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="parametrar")]
public partial class parametrar
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int parid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string parbasdir { get; set; } // character varying(256)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? parmoms { get; set; } // numeric(6,3)
[Column, Nullable] public int? paramexfilnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? paramexnxtspvdag { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string paramexnxtspdatum { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public int? parcekabfilnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string parcekabkcv { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string parcekabkey { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public int? parbokjournr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string parsmtpserver { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string pareposttpadm { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string pareposttp { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string partpnamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string partpgatuadress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string partpgatunr { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public string partppostnr { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public string partppostadress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string partpbesokadress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string partporgnr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string partpbankgiro { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string partpbankkonto { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? parskvalpdag { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? parskvalpbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public string partpadmpassword { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt1namn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt1telefon { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt1mobil { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt1epost { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt2namn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt2telefon { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt2mobil { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt2epost { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public bool? parsparrtpflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? parsparrtptid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public bool? parsparrkkflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? parsparrkktid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public bool? parsystemtestflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public int? parresemaxdag { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? parhamtmaxdag { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string parinrappbeg { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public string parinrappend { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public string parbetuppdtid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public string parspckbeg { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public string parspckend { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? parspckfiltid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? parspckhamttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? parspckintmin { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string parbokjourtid { get; set; } // character varying(5)
[Column, Nullable] public string partpadmpasswordr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? parmaxfakturabel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? parsptprevdatum { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string parsptpupdtid { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public bool? parskapakarta { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public int? parbabsfilnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt3namn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt3telefon { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt3mobil { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string parkt3epost { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public int? parsftpsparadagar { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="Parent")]
public partial class Parent
@ -139,6 +732,100 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
[Column, Nullable] public int? Value1 { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="partners")]
public partial class partner
[PrimaryKey, Identity ] public int prtid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int prtpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string prtbenamn { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtnamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtgatuadress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtgatunr { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtpostnr { get; set; } // character varying(6)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtpostadress { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtepost { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public int? prtutgivartyp { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string prttestprodflag { get; set; } // character varying(2)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtckredovisnr { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtbankkonto { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtaxredovisnr { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtpassword { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? prtfaktulagnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string prtdnredovisnr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public bool? prtsparreflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public bool? prtutgivare { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public bool? prtutforare { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public string prtktknamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtktktelefon { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtktkepost { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtfaxnr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string prttaxameter { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public bool? prtonline { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public string prtbbredovisnr { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtoldpasswords { get; set; } // character varying(500)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? prtpassworddate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? prtkontrollgrans { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public bool? prtautogiro { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public string prtktkavtnamn { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtktkavttelefon { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtktkavtepost { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string prtorgnr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? prtmedgivdatum { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? prtmedgivstatus { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? prtsftpaktiv { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string prttbredovisnr { get; set; } // character varying(15)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="partnerbatchnr")]
public partial class partnerbatchnr
[PrimaryKey, NotNull] public int pbnpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull] public int pbnbatchnr { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="partneridbypartner")]
public partial class partneridbypartner
[Column, NotNull] public int piddefiningpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull] public int piddescribedpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull] public string pidpartnerid { get; set; } // character varying(32)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="partnersfaktulagnr")]
public partial class partnersfaktulagnr
[Column, Nullable] public int? pfupartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? pfufaktulagnr { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="partnersfakturanr")]
public partial class partnersfakturanr
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int pfapartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int pfautgivartyp { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? pfafakturanr { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="partnersinrapportrefnr")]
public partial class partnersinrapportrefnr
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int pirpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string pirinrapportrefnr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? pirinrapporttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="public", Name="partnerskvittokk")]
public partial class partnerskvittokk
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int pkkid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? pkkdatumtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? pkkkortutgivare { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? pkktransfilnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? pkkpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string pkkinrapportrefnr { get; set; } // character varying(9)
[Column, Nullable] public int? pkkstatus { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="Patient")]
public partial class Patient
@ -182,6 +869,109 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
[Table(Schema="public", Name="prefix")]
public partial class prefix
[Column, Nullable] public string col001 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col002 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col003 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col004 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col005 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col006 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col007 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col008 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col009 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col010 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col011 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col012 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col013 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col014 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col015 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Column, Nullable] public string col016 { get; set; } // character varying(255)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="provision")]
public partial class provision
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public int prvpartnernr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string prvinrapportrefnr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, NotNull ] public int prvkortgruppnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? prvfakturanr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? prvsumgodkbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public int? prvantgodkresor { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? prvprovisionbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? prvmomsprovision { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="referensnummer")]
public partial class referensnummer
[Identity ] public int rnrid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? rnrdummy { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="resetransaktioner")]
public partial class resetransaktioner
[PrimaryKey, Identity ] public int rtrid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int rtrutforpart { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public int rtrutgivpart { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string rtrkortdata { get; set; } // character varying(70)
[Column, NotNull ] public string rtrkortnr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrutforbc { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrtaxinr { get; set; } // character varying(6)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrforarnr { get; set; } // character varying(6)
[Column, NotNull ] public DateTime rtrstarttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? rtrsluttid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public int? rtrrestid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrhadress { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column, Nullable] public int? rtrhgatunr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrhuppgang { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrladress { get; set; } // character varying(25)
[Column, Nullable] public int? rtrlgatunr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrluppgang { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public int? rtrantviaadr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrreslangd { get; set; } // numeric(8,1)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrbestallnr { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrgrundavg { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrframkbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrvantebel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrkundkbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrtariffbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrfastbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrresebel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrextrabel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrdricksbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrejdebbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public decimal? rtrrabattbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, NotNull ] public decimal rtrmomssats { get; set; } // numeric(4,2)
[Column, NotNull ] public decimal rtrmomsbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, NotNull ] public decimal rtrmomsgrbel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, NotNull ] public decimal rtrfakturabel { get; set; } // numeric(12,2)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrfsedelnr { get; set; } // character varying(8)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrregkomm { get; set; } // character varying(200)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrmeddelubc { get; set; } // character varying(200)
[Column, Nullable] public string rtrfordontyp { get; set; } // character varying(32)
[Column, NotNull ] public string rtrinrapprefnr { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, NotNull ] public int rtrfaktulagnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public char? rtrmankortibil { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column, Nullable] public int? rtrutgivartyp { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? rtrkortgruppnr { get; set; } // integer
[Column, NotNull ] public string rtrrespostid { get; set; } // character varying(12)
[Column, Nullable] public char? rtrtestprodflag { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Column, Nullable] public char? rtrdebkred { get; set; } // character varying(1)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="securlog")]
public partial class securlog
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int selid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? seldatumtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string sellogtyp { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string selmessage { get; set; } // character varying(100)
[Column, Nullable] public string sellongmsg { get; set; } // character(1000)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="SequenceTest1")]
public partial class SequenceTest1
@ -203,9 +993,71 @@ namespace PostreSQLDataContext
[Column, Nullable] public string Value { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="smsalarm")]
public partial class smsalarm
[Identity ] public int smsid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public bool? smsalarmflag { get; set; } // boolean
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? smsalarmtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? smssendtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string smssimpin { get; set; } // character varying(4)
[Column, Nullable] public string smssimpuk { get; set; } // character varying(10)
[Column, Nullable] public int? smscomportno { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string smsudpserverip { get; set; } // character varying(20)
[Column, Nullable] public int? smsudpportno { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="smstelefonnr")]
public partial class smstelefonnr
[Identity ] public int stnid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string stntelefonnr { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Table(Schema="public", Name="svergetaxifilterkort")]
public partial class svergetaxifilterkort
[PrimaryKey, NotNull ] public string stfkortnr { get; set; } // character varying(24)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? stfregtid { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Table(Schema="public", Name="TestIdentity")]
public partial class TestIdentity
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int ID { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="tracy")]
public partial class tracy
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int rownumber { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public int? eventclass { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string textdata { get; set; } // character varying(10485760)
[Column, Nullable] public string ntusername { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column, Nullable] public int? clientprocessid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string applicationname { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column, Nullable] public string loginname { get; set; } // character varying(128)
[Column, Nullable] public int? spid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public long? duration { get; set; } // bigint
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? starttime { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public long? reads { get; set; } // bigint
[Column, Nullable] public long? writes { get; set; } // bigint
[Column, Nullable] public int? cpu { get; set; } // integer
[Table(Schema="public", Name="wineventlogs")]
public partial class wineventlog
[PrimaryKey, Identity] public int welid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string welmachinename { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string wellogname { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public string welentrytype { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public DateTime? weleventdate { get; set; } // timestamp (6) without time zone
[Column, Nullable] public string welmessage { get; set; } // character varying(1000)
[Column, Nullable] public string welcategory { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? welcategorynumber { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string welsource { get; set; } // character varying(50)
[Column, Nullable] public int? weleventid { get; set; } // integer
[Column, Nullable] public string welusername { get; set; } // character varying(50)
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ namespace T4Model.Tests
private bool _isEditing;
public bool IsEditing { get { return _isEditing; } }
public virtual void BeginEdit () { _isEditing = true; }
public virtual void BeginEdit () { AcceptChanges(); _isEditing = true; }
public virtual void CancelEdit() { _isEditing = false; RejectChanges(); }
public virtual void EndEdit () { _isEditing = false; AcceptChanges(); }
@ -727,20 +727,82 @@ namespace T4Model.Tests
#region Validation
[field : NonSerialized]
public int _isValidCounter;
public static partial class CustomValidator
// The following method(s) must be implemented:
// public static ValidationResult ValidateEditableLong1(TestClass1 obj) { return ValidationResult.Success; }
// public static ValidationResult ValidateEditableInt1(TestClass1 obj) { return ValidationResult.Success; }
public static bool IsValid(TestClass1 obj)
ValidateEditableLong1(obj) == ValidationResult.Success &&
ValidateEditableInt1(obj) == ValidationResult.Success;
var flag0 = ValidationResult.Success == ValidateEditableLong1(obj, obj.EditableLong1);
var flag1 = ValidationResult.Success == ValidateEditableInt1(obj, obj.EditableInt1);
return flag0 || flag1;
public static ValidationResult ValidateEditableLong1(TestClass1 obj, long value)
var list = new List<ValidationResult>();
new ValidationContext(obj, null, null) { MemberName = NameOfEditableLong1 }, list);
obj.ValidateEditableLong1(value, list);
if (list.Count > 0)
foreach (var result in list)
foreach (var name in result.MemberNames)
obj.AddError(name, result.ErrorMessage);
return list[0];
return ValidationResult.Success;
public static ValidationResult ValidateEditableInt1(TestClass1 obj, int value)
var list = new List<ValidationResult>();
new ValidationContext(obj, null, null) { MemberName = NameOfEditableInt1 }, list);
obj.ValidateEditableInt1(value, list);
if (list.Count > 0)
foreach (var result in list)
foreach (var name in result.MemberNames)
obj.AddError(name, result.ErrorMessage);
return list[0];
return ValidationResult.Success;
partial void ValidateEditableLong1(long value, List<ValidationResult> validationResults);
partial void ValidateEditableInt1 (int value, List<ValidationResult> validationResults);
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