|[Computer Vision](https://github.com/microsoft/computervision)| Accelerate the development of computer vision applications with examples and best practice guidelines for building computer vision systems
|[Naturel Language Processing](https://github.com/microsoft/nlp)|State-of-the-art methods and common scenarios that are popular among researchers and practitioners working on problems involving text and language.|
| [Deploy Classic ML Model on Kubernetes](https://github.com/dciborow/AIArchitecturesAndPractices/tree/master/architectures/Python-ML-RealTimeServing) | Python | CPU | Real-Time Scoring| Train LightGBM model locally using Azure ML, deploy on Kubernetes or IoT Edge for _real-time_ scoring | [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/AZGlobal/Azure%20Global%20CAT%20Engineering/_apis/build/status/AI%20CAT/Python-ML-RealTimeServing?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/AZGlobal/Azure%20Global%20CAT%20Engineering/_build/latest?definitionId=21&branchName=master)
| [Deploy Deep Learning Model on Kubernetes](https://github.com/dciborow/AIArchitecturesAndPractices/tree/master/architectures/Python-Keras-RealTimeServing) | Python | Keras | Real-Time Scoring| Deploy image classification model on Kubernetes or IoT Edge for _real-time_ scoring using Azure ML | [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/AZGlobal/Azure%20Global%20CAT%20Engineering/_apis/build/status/AI%20CAT/Python-Keras-RealTimeServing?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/AZGlobal/Azure%20Global%20CAT%20Engineering/_build/latest?definitionId=17&branchName=master)
| [Building a Real-time Recommendation API](https://github.com/microsoft/recommenders/blob/master/notebooks/05_operationalize/als_movie_o16n.ipynb) | Recommenders | PySpark | CPU | Real-Time Scoring| Walks through the creation of appropriate azure resources, training a recommendation model using Azure Databricks and deploying it as an API.|
If there is a particular scenario you are interested in seeing a tutorial for please fill in a [scenario suggestion](https://github.com/Microsoft/AIReferenceArchitectures/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=scenario_request.md&title=%5BSCENARIO%5D)
## Ongoing Work
We are constantly developing interesting AI reference architectures using Microsoft AI Platform. Some of the ongoing projects include IoT Edge scenarios, model scoring on mobile devices, add more... To follow the progress and any new reference architectures, please go to the AI section of this [link](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/reference-architectures/).
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