
188 строки
8.1 KiB

[string] $configName = "",
[string] $githubOwner,
[string] $token,
[string] $algoBranch,
[switch] $directCommit
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\Actions\Github-Helper.psm1" -Resolve) -DisableNameChecking
$errorActionPreference = "Stop"; $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
Write-Host "::WARNING::The collect mechanism is deprecated. Use the new direct AL-Go development mechanism instead."
$oldPath = Get-Location
try {
invoke-git config --global "$"
invoke-git config --global "$githubOwner"
invoke-git config --global hub.protocol https
invoke-git config --global core.autocrlf false
Write-Host "Authenticating with GitHub using token"
$token | invoke-gh auth login --with-token
$originalOwnerAndRepo = @{
"actionsRepo" = "microsoft/AL-Go-Actions"
"perTenantExtensionRepo" = "microsoft/AL-Go-PTE"
"appSourceAppRepo" = "microsoft/AL-Go-AppSource"
$originalBranch = "main"
Set-Location $PSScriptRoot
$baseRepoPath = invoke-git -returnValue rev-parse --show-toplevel
Write-Host "Base repo path: $baseRepoPath"
$user = invoke-gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" user -silent -returnValue | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "GitHub user: $($user.login)"
if ($configName -eq "") { $configName = $user.login }
if ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($configName) -eq "") { $configName += ".json" }
$config = Get-Content $configName -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "Using config file: $configName"
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Out-Host
Set-Location $baseRepoPath
if ($algoBranch) {
invoke-git checkout $algoBranch
else {
$algoBranch = invoke-git -returnValue branch --show-current
Write-Host "Source branch: $algoBranch"
$status = invoke-git -returnValue status --porcelain=v1 | Where-Object { ($_) -and ($_.SubString(3) -notlike "Internal/*") }
if ($status) {
throw "Destination repo is not clean, cannot collect changes into dirty repo"
$srcUrl = invoke-git -returnValue config --get remote.origin.url
if ($srcUrl.EndsWith('.git')) { $srcUrl = $srcUrl.Substring(0, $srcUrl.Length - 4) }
$uri = [Uri]::new($srcUrl)
$srcOwnerAndRepo = $uri.LocalPath.Trim('/')
Write-Host "Source Owner+Repo: $srcOwnerAndRepo"
if (($config.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq "baseFolder") -and ($config.baseFolder)) {
$baseFolder = Join-Path $config.baseFolder $config.localFolder
else {
$baseFolder = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")) $config.localFolder
if (!(Test-Path $baseFolder)) {
New-Item $baseFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Set-Location $baseFolder
$config.actionsRepo, $config.perTenantExtensionRepo, $config.appSourceAppRepo | ForEach-Object {
if (Test-Path $_) {
Set-Location $_
$expectedUrl = "$($config.githubOwner)/$_.git"
$actualUrl = invoke-git -returnValue config --get remote.origin.url
if ($expectedUrl -ne $actualUrl) {
throw "unexpected git repo - was $actualUrl, expected $expectedUrl"
Set-Location $baseFolder
$actionsRepoPath = Join-Path $baseFolder $config.actionsRepo
$appSourceAppRepoPath = Join-Path $baseFolder $config.appSourceAppRepo
$perTenantExtensionRepoPath = Join-Path $baseFolder $config.perTenantExtensionRepo
Write-Host "This script will collect the changes in $($config.branch) from three repositories:"
Write-Host "-$($config.githubOwner)/$($config.actionsRepo) (folder $actionsRepoPath)"
Write-Host "-$($config.githubOwner)/$($config.perTenantExtensionRepo) (folder $perTenantExtensionRepoPath)"
Write-Host "-$($config.githubOwner)/$($config.appSourceAppRepo) (folder $appSourceAppRepoPath)"
Write-Host "To the $algoBranch branch from $srcOwnerAndRepo (folder $baseRepoPath)"
$config.actionsRepo, $config.perTenantExtensionRepo, $config.appSourceAppRepo | ForEach-Object {
if (Test-Path $_) {
Set-Location $_
invoke-git pull
else {
$serverUrl = "$($config.githubOwner)/$_.git"
invoke-git clone --quiet $serverUrl
Set-Location $_
invoke-git checkout $config.branch
Set-Location $baseFolder
$repos = @(
@{ "repo" = $config.actionsRepo; "srcPath" = Join-Path $baseRepoPath "Actions"; "dstPath" = $actionsRepoPath; "branch" = $config.branch }
@{ "repo" = $config.perTenantExtensionRepo; "srcPath" = Join-Path $baseRepoPath "Templates\Per Tenant Extension"; "dstPath" = $perTenantExtensionRepoPath; "branch" = $config.branch }
@{ "repo" = $config.appSourceAppRepo; "srcPath" = Join-Path $baseRepoPath "Templates\AppSource App"; "dstPath" = $appSourceAppRepoPath; "branch" = $config.branch }
$baseRepoBranch = ''
if (!$directCommit) {
$baseRepoBranch = "collect-from-$($config.branch)/$alGoBranch/$((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString(`"yyMMddHHmmss`"))" # e.g. collect-from-nopr/main/210101120000
Set-Location $baseRepoPath
invoke-git checkout -b $baseRepoBranch
$repos | ForEach-Object {
Set-Location $baseFolder
$repo = $_.repo
$srcPath = $_.srcPath
$dstPath = $_.dstPath
Write-Host "Removing $srcPath content"
Get-ChildItem -Path $srcPath -Force | Where-Object { !($_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name -eq ".git") } | ForEach-Object {
$name = $_.FullName
Write-Host "Remove $name"
if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
Remove-Item $name -Force -Recurse
else {
Remove-Item $name -Force
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Collecting from $repo"
Get-ChildItem -Path $dstPath -Recurse -File -Force | Where-Object { $ -notlike '*' } | ForEach-Object {
$dstFile = $_.FullName
$srcFile = $srcPath + $dstFile.Substring($dstPath.Length)
$srcFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($srcFile)
if (!(Test-Path $srcFilePath)) {
New-Item $srcFilePath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Write-Host "$dstFile -> $srcFile"
$lines = ([string](Get-ContentLF -path $dstFile)).Split("`n")
"actionsRepo", "perTenantExtensionRepo", "appSourceAppRepo" | ForEach-Object {
$regex = "^(.*)$($config.githubOwner)\/$($config."$_")(.*)$($config.branch)(.*)$"
$replace = "`${1}$($originalOwnerAndRepo."$_")`${2}$originalBranch`${3}"
$lines = $lines | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $regex, $replace }
if ($_.Name -eq "AL-Go-Helper.ps1") {
$lines = $lines | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^(\s*)\$defaultBcContainerHelperVersion(\s*)=(\s*)"(.*)"(.*)$', "`${1}`$defaultBcContainerHelperVersion`${2}=`${3}""""`${5}" }
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($srcFile, "$($lines -join "`n")`n")
Set-Location $baseRepoPath
$serverUrl = "https://$($user.login):$$($srcOwnerAndRepo).git"
$commitMessage = "Collect changes from $($config.githubOwner)/*@$($config.branch)"
invoke-git add *
invoke-git commit --allow-empty -m "'$commitMessage'"
if ($baseRepoBranch) {
invoke-git push -u $serverUrl $baseRepoBranch
invoke-gh pr create --fill --head $baseRepoBranch --repo $srcOwnerAndRepo --base $ENV:GITHUB_REF_NAME
invoke-git checkout $algoBranch
else {
invoke-git push $serverUrl
finally {
set-location $oldPath