зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/AL-Go.git
243 строки
17 KiB
243 строки
17 KiB
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'TestActionsHelper.psm1') -Force
Describe "DetermineDeploymentEnvironments Action Test" {
BeforeAll {
$actionName = "DetermineDeploymentEnvironments"
$scriptRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\Actions\$actionName" -Resolve
$scriptName = "$actionName.ps1"
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'actionScript', Justification = 'False positive.')]
$actionScript = GetActionScript -scriptRoot $scriptRoot -scriptName $scriptName
function PassGeneratedOutput() {
Get-Content $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT -Encoding UTF8 | ForEach-Object {
Set-Variable -Scope Script -Name $_.Split('=')[0] -Value $_.SubString($_.IndexOf('=')+1)
BeforeEach {
$env:GITHUB_REF_NAME = "main"
$env:GITHUB_OUTPUT = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$env:GITHUB_ENV = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([GUID]::NewGuid().ToString())
New-Item -Path $env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
New-Item -Path (Join-Path $env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE '.github') -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
AfterEach {
Remove-Item $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
Remove-Item $env:GITHUB_ENV
Remove-Item $env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE -Recurse -Force
It 'Compile Action' {
Invoke-Expression $actionScript
It 'Test action.yaml matches script' {
$permissions = [ordered]@{
$outputs = [ordered]@{
"EnvironmentsMatrixJson" = "The Environment matrix to use for the Deploy step in compressed JSON format"
"DeploymentEnvironmentsJson" = "Deployment Environments with settings in compressed JSON format"
"EnvironmentCount" = "Number of Deployment Environments"
"UnknownEnvironment" = "Flag determining whether the environment is unknown"
"GenerateALDocArtifact" = "Flag determining whether to generate the ALDoc artifact"
"DeployALDocArtifact" = "Flag determining whether to deploy the ALDoc artifact to GitHub Pages"
YamlTest -scriptRoot $scriptRoot -actionName $actionName -actionScript $actionScript -permissions $permissions -outputs $outputs
# 2 environments defined in GitHub - no branch policy
It 'Test calling action directly - 2 environments defined in GitHub - no branch policy' {
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/environments' } -MockWith {
return @{"Content" = (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 -InputObject @{ "environments" = @( @{ "name" = "test"; "protection_rules" = @() }, @{ "name" = "another"; "protection_rules" = @() } ) })}
$env:Settings = @{ "type" = "PTE"; "runs-on" = "ubuntu-latest"; "shell" = "pwsh"; "environments" = @(); "excludeEnvironments" = @( 'github-pages' ); "alDoc" = @{ "continuousDeployment" = $false; "deployToGitHubPages" = $false } } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse | Should -MatchHashtable @{"matrix"=@{"include"=@(@{"environment"="another";"os"="[""ubuntu-latest""]";"shell"="pwsh"};@{"environment"="test";"os"="[""ubuntu-latest""]";"shell"="pwsh"})};"fail-fast"=$false}
$DeploymentEnvironmentsJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse | Should -MatchHashtable @{"test"=@{"EnvironmentType"="SaaS";"EnvironmentName"="test";"Branches"=@();"BranchesFromPolicy"=@();"Projects"="*";"DependencyInstallMode"="install";"Scope"=$null;"syncMode"=$null;"buildMode"=$null;"continuousDeployment"=$null;"runs-on"=@("ubuntu-latest");"shell"="pwsh";"ppEnvironmentUrl"="";"companyId"=""};"another"=@{"EnvironmentType"="SaaS";"EnvironmentName"="another";"Branches"=@();"BranchesFromPolicy"=@();"Projects"="*";"DependencyInstallMode"="install";"Scope"=$null;"syncMode"=$null;"buildMode"=$null;"continuousDeployment"=$null;"runs-on"=@("ubuntu-latest");"shell"="pwsh";"ppEnvironmentUrl"="";"companyId"=""}}
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 2
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments 'test' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse | Should -MatchHashtable @{"matrix"=@{"include"=@(@{"environment"="test";"os"="[""ubuntu-latest""]";"shell"="pwsh"})};"fail-fast"=$false}
$DeploymentEnvironmentsJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse | Should -MatchHashtable @{"test"=@{"EnvironmentType"="SaaS";"EnvironmentName"="test";"Branches"=@();"BranchesFromPolicy"=@();"Projects"="*";"DependencyInstallMode"="install";"Scope"=$null;"syncMode"=$null;"buildMode"=$null;"continuousDeployment"=$null;"runs-on"=@("ubuntu-latest");"shell"="pwsh";"ppEnvironmentUrl"="";"companyId"=""}}
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
# 2 environments defined in GitHub - one with branch policy = protected branches
It 'Test calling action directly - 2 environments defined in GitHub - one with branch policy = protected branches' {
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/environments' } -MockWith {
return @{"Content" = (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 -InputObject @{ "environments" = @( @{ "name" = "test"; "protection_rules" = @( @{ "type" = "branch_policy"}); "deployment_branch_policy" = @{ "protected_branches" = $true; "custom_branch_policies" = $false } }, @{ "name" = "another"; "protection_rules" = @() } ) })}
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/branches' } -MockWith {
return @{"Content" = (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 -InputObject @( @{ "name" = "branch"; "protected" = $true }, @{ "name" = "main"; "protected" = $false } ))}
$env:Settings = @{ "type" = "PTE"; "runs-on" = "ubuntu-latest"; "shell" = "pwsh"; "environments" = @(); "excludeEnvironments" = @( 'github-pages' ); "alDoc" = @{ "continuousDeployment" = $false; "deployToGitHubPages" = $false } } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse | Should -MatchHashtable @{"matrix"=@{"include"=@(@{"environment"="another";"os"="[""ubuntu-latest""]";"shell"="pwsh"})};"fail-fast"=$false}
$DeploymentEnvironmentsJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse | Should -MatchHashtable @{"another"=@{"EnvironmentType"="SaaS";"EnvironmentName"="another";"Branches"=@();"BranchesFromPolicy"=@();"Projects"="*";"DependencyInstallMode"="install";"Scope"=$null;"syncMode"=$null;"buildMode"=$null;"continuousDeployment"=$null;"runs-on"=@("ubuntu-latest");"shell"="pwsh";"ppEnvironmentUrl"="";"companyId"=""}}
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
$env:GITHUB_REF_NAME = 'branch'
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
# 2 environments defined in GitHub - one with branch policy = branch. the other with no branch policy
It 'Test calling action directly - 2 environments defined in GitHub - one with branch policy = main' {
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/environments' } -MockWith {
return @{"Content" = (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 -InputObject @{ "environments" = @( @{ "name" = "test"; "protection_rules" = @( @{ "type" = "branch_policy"}); "deployment_branch_policy" = @{ "protected_branches" = $false; "custom_branch_policies" = $true } }, @{ "name" = "another"; "protection_rules" = @() } ) })}
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/branches' } -MockWith {
return @{"Content" = (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 -InputObject @( @{ "name" = "branch"; "protected" = $true }, @{ "name" = "main"; "protected" = $false } ))}
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/deployment-branch-policies' } -MockWith {
return @{"Content" = (@{ "branch_policies" = @( @{ "name" = "branch" }, @{ "name" = "branch2" } ) } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress)}
$env:Settings = @{ "type" = "PTE"; "runs-on" = "ubuntu-latest"; "shell" = "pwsh"; "environments" = @(); "excludeEnvironments" = @( 'github-pages' ); "alDoc" = @{ "continuousDeployment" = $false; "deployToGitHubPages" = $false } } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
# Only another environment should be included when deploying from main
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse | Should -MatchHashtable @{"matrix"=@{"include"=@(@{"environment"="another";"os"="[""ubuntu-latest""]";"shell"="pwsh"})};"fail-fast"=$false}
$DeploymentEnvironmentsJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse | Should -MatchHashtable @{"another"=@{"EnvironmentType"="SaaS";"EnvironmentName"="another";"Branches"=@();"BranchesFromPolicy"=@();"Projects"="*";"DependencyInstallMode"="install";"Scope"=$null;"syncMode"=$null;"buildMode"=$null;"continuousDeployment"=$null;"runs-on"=@("ubuntu-latest");"shell"="pwsh";"ppEnvironmentUrl"="";"companyId"=""}}
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "another"
# Change branch to branch - now only test environment should be included (due to branch policy)
$env:GITHUB_REF_NAME = 'branch'
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "test"
# Change branch to branch2 - test environment should still be included (due to branch policy)
$env:GITHUB_REF_NAME = 'branch2'
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "test"
# Add Branch policy to settings to only allow branch to deploy to test environment - now no environments should be included
$settings += @{
"DeployToTest" = @{
"Branches" = @("branch")
$env:Settings = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 0
# Change branch to branch - test environment should still be included (due to branch policy)
$env:GITHUB_REF_NAME = 'branch'
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "test"
# 2 environments defined in GitHub, 1 in settings - exclude another environment
It 'Test calling action directly - 2 environments defined in GitHub, one in settings' {
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/environments' } -MockWith {
return @{"Content" = (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 -InputObject @{ "environments" = @( @{ "name" = "test"; "protection_rules" = @() }; @{ "name" = "another"; "protection_rules" = @() } ) })}
$settings = @{ "type" = "PTE"; "runs-on" = "ubuntu-latest"; "shell" = "pwsh"; "environments" = @("settingsenv"); "excludeEnvironments" = @( 'github-pages' ); "alDoc" = @{ "continuousDeployment" = $false; "deployToGitHubPages" = $false } }
$env:Settings = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 3
# Exclude another environment
$settings.excludeEnvironments += @('another')
$env:Settings = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 2
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Not -Contain "another"
# Add Branch policy to settings to only allow branch to deploy to test environment
$settings += @{
"DeployToTest" = @{
"Branches" = @("branch")
$env:Settings = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "settingsenv"
# Changing branch to branch - now only test environment should be included (due to settings branch policy)
$env:GITHUB_REF_NAME = 'branch'
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "test"
# 2 environments defined in Settings - one PROD and one non-PROD (name based)
It 'Test calling action directly - 2 environments defined in Settings - one PROD and one non-PROD (name based)' {
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/environments' } -MockWith {
throw "Not supported"
# One PROD environment and one non-PROD environment - only non-PROD environment is selected for CD
$settings = @{ "type" = "PTE"; "runs-on" = "ubuntu-latest"; "shell" = "pwsh"; "environments" = @("test (PROD)","another"); "excludeEnvironments" = @( 'github-pages' ); "alDoc" = @{ "continuousDeployment" = $false; "deployToGitHubPages" = $false } }
$env:Settings = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "another"
# Publish to test environment - test is included
$env:Settings = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments 'test' -type 'Publish'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "test (PROD)"
# 2 environments defined in Settings - one PROD and one non-PROD (settings based)
It 'Test calling action directly - 2 environments defined in Settings - one PROD and one non-PROD (settings based)' {
$settings = @{ "type" = "PTE"; "runs-on" = "ubuntu-latest"; "shell" = "pwsh"; "environments" = @("test (PROD)","another"); "excludeEnvironments" = @( 'github-pages' ); "alDoc" = @{ "continuousDeployment" = $false; "deployToGitHubPages" = $false } }
Mock InvokeWebRequest -ParameterFilter { $uri -like '*/environments' } -MockWith {
throw "Not supported"
$settings += @{
"DeployToTest" = @{
"continuousDeployment" = $false
"DeployToAnother" = @{
"continuousDeployment" = $true
# One PROD environment and one non-PROD environment - only non-PROD environment is selected for CD
$env:Settings = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments '*' -type 'CD'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "another"
# Publish to test environment - test is included
$env:Settings = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
. (Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName) -getEnvironments 'test' -type 'Publish'
$EnvironmentCount | Should -Be 1
($EnvironmentsMatrixJson | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-HashTable -recurse).matrix.include.environment | Should -Contain "test (PROD)"