
148 строки
7.3 KiB

Get-Module TestActionsHelper | Remove-Module -Force
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'TestActionsHelper.psm1')
$errorActionPreference = "Stop"; $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
Describe 'VerifyPRChanges Action Tests' {
BeforeAll {
$actionName = "VerifyPRChanges"
$scriptRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\Actions\$actionName" -Resolve
$scriptName = "$actionName.ps1"
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'scriptPath', Justification = 'False positive.')]
$scriptPath = Join-Path $scriptRoot $scriptName
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', 'actionScript', Justification = 'False positive.')]
$actionScript = GetActionScript -scriptRoot $scriptRoot -scriptName $scriptName
It 'should fail if the PR is from a fork and changes a script' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename": "Scripts/BuildScript.ps1", "status": "modified"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
} | Should -Throw
It 'should fail if the PR is from a fork and adds a script' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename":"Scripts/BuildScript.ps1", "status": "added"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
} | Should -Throw
It 'should fail if the PR is from a fork and removes a script' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename":"Scripts/BuildScript.ps1","status":"removed"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
} | Should -Throw
It 'should fail if the PR is from a fork and changes the CODEOWNERS file' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename":"CODEOWNERS","status":"modified"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
} | Should -Throw
It 'should fail if the PR is from a fork and changes anything in the .github folder' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename":".github/Settings.json","status":"modified"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
} | Should -Throw
It 'should fail if the PR is from a fork and changes a yml file' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename":".github/workflows/test.yaml","status":"modified"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
} | Should -Throw
It 'should succeed if the PR is from a fork and changes an .al file' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename":"ALModule/","status":"modified"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
Mock Write-Host {}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
Assert-MockCalled Write-Host -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Object -eq "Verification completed successfully." }
It 'should succeed if the PR is from a fork and adds an .al file' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename":"ALModule/","status":"added"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
Mock Write-Host {}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
Assert-MockCalled Write-Host -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Object -eq "Verification completed successfully." }
It 'should succeed if the PR is from a fork and removes an .al file' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 1 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '[{"filename":"ALModule/","status":"removed"}]' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -match "/files"}
Mock Write-Host {}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
Assert-MockCalled Write-Host -Exactly 1 -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Object -eq "Verification completed successfully." }
It 'should fail if the PR is from a fork and changes more than 3000 files' {
Mock -CommandName Invoke-WebRequest -MockWith { @{"Content" = '{ "changed_files": 5001 }' } } -ParameterFilter { $Uri -and $Uri -notmatch "/files"}
& $scriptPath `
-prBaseRepository "microsoft/AL-Go" `
-pullRequestId "123456" `
-token "ABC"
} | Should -Throw
It 'Compile Action' {
Invoke-Expression $actionScript
It 'Test action.yaml matches script' {
$permissions = [ordered]@{
$outputs = [ordered]@{
YamlTest -scriptRoot $scriptRoot -actionName $actionName -actionScript $actionScript -permissions $permissions -outputs $outputs