RuiRomano 732e77348c TOM version update, new workspace with capacity 2024-07-24 10:11:14 +01:00
SamplePBIP small bug fixes; Import-FabricItem cmdlet 2024-04-23 15:43:15 +01:00
sample-resources fabricps-pbip and pbip CD pipeline (#242) 2023-12-20 19:30:11 +00:00
.gitignore remove OutFile and better LRO handling 2024-02-14 15:47:33 +00:00
FabricPS-PBIP.psd1 fabricps-pbip and pbip CD pipeline (#242) 2023-12-20 19:30:11 +00:00
FabricPS-PBIP.psm1 TOM version update, new workspace with capacity 2024-07-24 10:11:14 +01:00 bug on nuget download, sample of export single item 2024-07-02 12:36:04 +01:00


The FabricPS-PBIP module has a dependency to Az.Accounts module for authentication into Fabric.

Before running the sample scripts below, run the following script to download and install 'fabricps-pbip' module including it's dependencies:

Warning This module was updated to work only with PBIP format produced by Power BI Desktop March 2024 update.

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ".\modules" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

, "") |% {

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_ -OutFile ".\modules\$(Split-Path $_ -Leaf)"

if(-not (Get-Module Az.Accounts -ListAvailable)) { 
    Install-Module Az.Accounts -Scope CurrentUser -Force

Import-Module ".\modules\FabricPS-PBIP" -Force


To call the Fabric API you must authenticate with a user account or Service Principal. Learn more about service principals and how to enable them here.

With user account

Set-FabricAuthToken -reset

With service principal (spn)

Set-FabricAuthToken -servicePrincipalId "[AppId]" -servicePrincipalSecret "[AppSecret]" -tenantId "[TenantId]" -reset

Sample - Export items from workspace

Export-FabricItems -workspaceId "[Workspace Id]" -path '[Export folder file path]'

Sample - Import PBIP to workspace - all items

Import-FabricItems -workspaceId "[Workspace Id]" -path "[PBIP file path]"

Sample - Export item from workspace

Export-FabricItem -workspaceId "[Workspace Id]" -itemId "[Item Id]" -path '[Export folder file path]'

Sample - Import PBIP to workspace - item by item

$semanticModelImport = Import-FabricItem -workspaceId "[Workspace Id]" -path "[PBIP Path]\[Name].SemanticModel"

# Import the report and ensure its binded to the previous imported report

$reportImport = Import-FabricItem -workspaceId $workspaceId -path "[PBIP Path]\[Name].Report" -itemProperties @{"semanticModelId"=$semanticModelImport.Id}

Sample - Import PBIP item with different display name

Import-FabricItem -workspaceId "[Workspace Id]" -path "[PBIP Path]\[Name].SemanticModel" -itemProperties @{"displayName"="[Semantic Model Name]"}

Sample - Import PBIP overriding semantic model parameters

$pbipPath = "[PBIP Path]"
$workspaceId = "[Workspace Id]"

Set-SemanticModelParameters -path "$pbipPath\[Name].SemanticModel" -parameters @{"Parameter1"= "Parameter1Value"}

Import-FabricItems -workspaceId $workspaceId -path $pbipPath

Sample - Create Workspace and set permissions

$workspaceName = "[Workspace Name]"

$workspaceId = New-FabricWorkspace  -name $workspaceName -skipErrorIfExists

$workspacePermissions = @(
    "principal" = @{
        "id" = "[User Principal Id1]"
        "type" = "user"
    "role"= "Admin"
    "principal" = @{
        "id" = "[User Principal Id2]"
        "type" = "user"
    "role"= "Member"

Set-FabricWorkspacePermissions -workspaceId $workspaceId -permissions $workspacePermissions

Sample - Deploy semantic model and bind to Shared Cloud Connection (SCC)

Learn more about Sharec Cloud Connections here.

$workspaceName = "[Workspace Name]"
$pbipPath = "[PBIP Path]\[Name].SemanticModel"
$connectionsToBind = @("[SCC Connection Id]")

# Authenticate

Set-FabricAuthToken -reset

# Ensure workspace exists

$workspaceId = New-FabricWorkspace  -name $workspaceName -skipErrorIfExists

# Import the semantic model and save the item id

$semanticModelImport = Import-FabricItem -workspaceId $workspaceId -path $pbipPath

# Bind to connections using PowerBI API - no need to specify the datasource, the service automatically maps the datasource to the connection

Write-Host "Binding semantic model to connections"

$authToken = Get-FabricAuthToken

# 'gatewayObjectId' as '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 indicate the connection is a sharable cloud.

$body = @{
    "gatewayObjectId"= "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
    "datasourceObjectIds" = $connectionsToBind
} | ConvertTo-Json

$headers = @{'Content-Type'="application/json"; 'Authorization' = "Bearer $authToken"}

Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri "$workspaceId/datasets/$($semanticModelImport.Id)/Default.BindToGateway" -Method Post -Body $body

Sample - Invoke any Fabric API

Import-Module ".\FabricPS-PBIP" -Force

Set-FabricAuthToken -reset

Invoke-FabricAPIRequest -uri "workspaces"