Reorders parameters of the MapToColumn and MapiToColumn functions. Updates documentation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ let ``Table.OfRows fails when property has invalid type``() =
[<Test; Category("CI")>]
let ``MapToColumn replaces existing column - one column to another existing column``() =
let t = Table.OfColumns ([Column.Create("a", [|0;1|]); Column.Create("b", [|0;1|])])
let t2 = Table.MapToColumn ["b"] "a" (fun a -> a + 1) t
let t2 = Table.MapToColumn "a" ["b"] (fun a -> a + 1) t
Assert.AreEqual(2, t2.Count, "number of columns")
Assert.AreEqual(["b"; "a"], t2 |> colNames, "names of columns") // new 'a' added to the end
Assert.AreEqual([|1;2|], t2.["a"].Rows.AsInt |> toArr, "array of t2.a")
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ let ``MapToColumn replaces existing column - one column to another existing colu
[<Test; Category("CI")>]
let ``MapToColumn replaces existing column - one column to itself``() =
let t = Table.OfColumns ([Column.Create("a", [|0;1|]); Column.Create("b", [|0;1|])])
let t2 = Table.MapToColumn ["a"] "a" (fun a -> a + 1) t
let t2 = Table.MapToColumn "a" ["a"] (fun a -> a + 1) t
Assert.AreEqual(2, t2.Count, "number of columns")
Assert.AreEqual(["b"; "a"], t2 |> colNames, "names of columns") // new 'a' added to the end
Assert.AreEqual([|1;2|], t2.["a"].Rows.AsInt |> toArr, "array of t2.a")
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let ``MapToColumn replaces existing column - one column to itself``() =
[<Test; Category("CI")>]
let ``MapToColumn replaces existing column - 2 columns``() =
let t = Table.OfColumns ([Column.Create("a", [|0;1|]); Column.Create("b", [|0;1|])])
let t2 = Table.MapToColumn ["a"; "b"] "a" (fun a b -> a + b + 1) t
let t2 = Table.MapToColumn "a" ["a"; "b"] (fun a b -> a + b + 1) t
Assert.AreEqual(2, t2.Count, "number of columns")
Assert.AreEqual(["b"; "a"], t2 |> colNames, "names of columns") // new 'a' added to the end
Assert.AreEqual([|1;3|], t2.["a"].Rows.AsInt |> toArr, "array of t2.a")
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ let TableF_MapiToColumn_ManyArgs() =
|> Table.Add(Column.Create("g", [|7|]))
|> Table.Add(Column.Create("h", [|8|]))
|> Table.Add(Column.Create("i", [|9|]))
let table2 = table |> Table.MapiToColumn ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"; "h"; "i"] "$" (fun idx a b c d e f g h i -> idx)
let table2 = table |> Table.MapiToColumn "$" ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"; "h"; "i"] (fun idx a b c d e f g h i -> idx)
let col : int[] = table2.["$"].Rows.AsInt |> toArr
Assert.AreEqual([|0|], col, "Array of the column '$' produced by MapiToColumn")
[<Test; Category("CI")>]
let TableF_MapiToColumn_OneArg() =
let table:Table = Table.OfColumns ([Column.Create("a", [|1|])])
let table2 = table |> Table.MapiToColumn ["a"] "$" (fun idx (a:int) -> idx)
let table2 = table |> Table.MapiToColumn "$" ["a"] (fun idx (a:int) -> idx)
let col : int[] = table2.["$"].Rows.AsInt |> toArr
Assert.AreEqual([|0|], col, "Array of the column '$' produced by MapiToColumn")
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ let TableF_MapiToColumn_OneArg() =
[<Test; Category("CI")>]
let TableF_MapiToColumn_ZeroArg() =
let table:Table = Table.OfColumns ([Column.Create("a", [|1|])])
let table2 = table |> Table.MapiToColumn [] "$" (fun idx -> idx)
let table2 = table |> Table.MapiToColumn "$" [] (fun idx -> idx)
let col : int[] = table2.["$"].Rows.AsInt |> toArr
Assert.AreEqual([|0|], col, "Array of the column '$' produced by MapiToColumn")
@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ let TableF_MapToColumn_ManyArgs() =
|> Table.Add(Column.Create("g", [|7|]))
|> Table.Add(Column.Create("h", [|8|]))
|> Table.Add(Column.Create("i", [|9|]))
let table2 = table |> Table.MapToColumn ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"; "h"; "i"] "$" (fun a b c d e f g h i -> true)
let table2 = table |> Table.MapToColumn "$" ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"; "h"; "i"] (fun a b c d e f g h i -> true)
let col : bool[] = table2.["$"].Rows.AsBoolean |> toArr
Assert.AreEqual([|true|], col, "Array of the column '$' produced by MapToColumn")
[<Test; Category("CI")>]
let TableF_MapToColumn_OneArg() =
let table:Table = Table.OfColumns ([Column.Create("a", [|1|])])
let table2 = table |> Table.MapToColumn ["a"] "$" (fun a -> a > 0)
let table2 = table |> Table.MapToColumn "$" ["a"] (fun a -> a > 0)
let col : bool[] = table2.["$"].Rows.AsBoolean |> toArr
Assert.AreEqual([|true|], col, "Array of the column '$' produced by MapToColumn")
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ let TableF_MapToColumn_OneArg() =
[<Test; Category("CI")>]
let TableF_MapToColumn_ZeroArg() =
let table:Table = Table.OfColumns ([Column.Create("a", [|1|])])
let table2 = table |> Table.MapToColumn [] "$" (fun () -> true)
let table2 = table |> Table.MapToColumn "$" [] (fun () -> true)
let col : bool[] = table2.["$"].Rows.AsBoolean |> toArr
Assert.AreEqual([|true|], col, "Array of the column '$' produced by MapToColumn")
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If the real sequence length will be different than specified, a runtime exceptio
let lazyCx = Column.Create ("x", seq{ for i in 0..99 -> float(i) / 10.0 }, 100)
- Another way to create a lazy column is to use `Column.CreateLazy` which takes a `Lazy` instance producing an immutable array and the number of elements.
- Another way to create a lazy column is to use `Column.CreateLazy` which takes a `Lazy` instance producing an immutable array, and the number of elements.
Evalutation of the array will be performed when the column values are first time accessed.*)
let lazyCx' = Column.CreateLazy ("x", lazy(ImmutableArray.Create<float> [| for i in 0..99 -> float(i) / 10.0 |]), 100)
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ To load a table from a delimited text file, such as CSV file, or using given `Te
`Table.Load` function:
let table = Table.Load("table.csv")
let table = Table.Load "table.csv"
`Table.Load` performs columns types inference from text. Note that numeric values are always read as `float`
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ let tableSinX : Table<SinX> =
(**The overloaded functions `Load` and `Save` allow to provide custom settings,
such as specific delimiter, header, support of null strings, and prefefined columns count and types. *)
such as specific delimiter, header, support of null strings, and predefined columns count and types. *)
@ -372,30 +372,30 @@ by choosing the first column having the given name. Still you can explicitly res
has all columns excluding unnecessary.
2. If multiple columns with same name are necessary, build a new table that has same columns but with unique names.
Both approaches do not cause any column data evaluation or copying.
None of the approaches causes column data evaluation or copying.
For example, if `table` has several columns named `"x"` and you need only one with index 0,
create a table that contains the only needed column `"x"`:
build a table that contains the only needed column `"x"`:
let table2 =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i c -> i, c)
|> Seq.choose (fun (i, c) ->
match c.Name with
| "x" when i <> 0 -> None
| _ -> Some c))
|> Seq.mapi (fun i c -> i, c)
|> Seq.choose (fun (i, c) ->
match c.Name with
| "x" when i <> 0 -> None
| _ -> Some c)
|> Table.OfColumns
(** Next example renames columns named `"x"` by appending the column index to the name: *)
let table3 =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i c ->
match c.Name with
| "x" -> Column.Create (sprintf "x (%d)" i, c.Rows, c.Height)
| _ -> c))
|> Seq.mapi (fun i c ->
match c.Name with
| "x" -> Column.Create (sprintf "x (%d)" i, c.Rows, c.Height)
| _ -> c)
|> Table.OfColumns
### Mapping Rows
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ The signature is: `Map<'a,'b,'c> : columnNames:seq<string> -> map:('a->'b) -> ta
The generic function `map:'a->'b` is only partially defined. If `columnNames` contains:
* 0 columns, then `map:unit->'c`, so `'a = unit`, `'b = 'c`
* 1 column, then `map:'a->'c`, where `'a` is the type of the column, so `'b = 'c`
* 1 column, then `map:'a->'c`, where `'a` is the type of the column, the function result type is `'b = 'c`
* 2 columns, then `map:'a->'d->'c`, where `'a` and `'d` are the types of the columns, so `'b = 'd->'c`
* 3 columns, then `map:'a->'d->'e->'c`, where `'a`, `'d` and `'e` are the types of the columns, so `'b = 'd->'e->'c`
* n...
@ -430,40 +430,43 @@ let xsinx : float seq =
#### Table.MapToColumn, Table.MapiToColumn
The function `Table.MapToColumn` builds a new table that contains all columns of the given table and
a new column or a replacement of an original table column (if there is an existing column with same name as the target name in the original table);
a new column or a replacement of an original table column (if there is an existing column with same name as the target name);
elements of the column are the results of applying the given function to each of the rows of the given table columns.
`Table.MapiToColumn` also provides an integer index passed to the function which indicates the index of row being transformed.
The signature is: `MapToColumn : columnNames:seq<string> -> newColumnName:string -> map:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> Table`
The signature is: `MapToColumn : newColumnName:string -> columnNames:seq<string> -> map:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> Table`
The generic function `map:'a->'b` is only partially defined. If `columnNames` contains:
* 0 columns, then `map:unit->'b`, so the new column type is `'b` and `'a = unit`
* 0 columns, then `map:unit->'b`, so `'a = unit` and the new column type is `'b`
* 1 column, then `map:'a->'b`, where `'a` is the type of the source column, and `'b` is the new column type
* 2 columns, then `map:'a->'d->'c`, where `'a` and `'d` are the types of the source columns, so `'b = 'd->'c`, and `'c` is the new column type
* 3 columns, then `map:'a->'d->'e->'c`, where `'a`, `'d` and `'e` are the types of the source columns, so `'b = 'd->'e->'c`, and `'c` is the new column type
* n...
Ultimate result type of the `map` function must be valid column type: either `int`, `float`, `string`, `bool` or `System.DateTime`.
Ultimate result type of the `map` function must be valid column type: either `int`, `float`, `string`, `bool` or `DateTime`.
The following examples adds new table column named `"log(x)"` which contains logarithm of the column `"x"` value for each of the table rows:
let tableLog =
|> Table.MapToColumn ["x"] "log(x)" log
let tableLog = table |> Table.MapToColumn "log(x)" ["x"] log
(*** include-value: tableLog ***)
### Filtering Rows _to do_
### Filtering Rows
The filtering functions return a new table containing all rows from a table where a predicate is true,
while the predicate takes a set of columns.
The function `Table.Filter` returns a new table containing only the rows of the table for which the given predicate returns `true`.
The predicate gets values of the given columns only. `Table.Filteri` also provides an integer index passed to the predicate which indicates the index of row being filtered.
The signature is: `Filter : columnNames:seq<string> -> predicate:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> Table`
The generic function `predicate:'a->'b` is only partially defined. If `columnNames` contains:
* 1 column, then `predicate:'a->bool`, where `'a` is the type of the column, and `'b = bool`
* 2 columns, then `predicate:'a->'d->bool`, where `'a` and `'d` are the types of the columns, and `'b = 'd->bool`
* 3 columns, then `predicate:'a->'d->'e->bool`, where `'a`, `'d` and `'e` are the types of the columns, and `'b = 'd->'e->bool`
* n...
@ -472,21 +475,71 @@ the column `"x"` is between 0 and 1:
let table_filter_x = table |> Table.Filter ["x"] (fun x -> x >= 0.0 && x <= 1.0)
(*** include-value: table_filter_x ***)
To get a subset of table rows, use the function `Table.Filteri`:
(** To get a subset of table rows, use the function `Table.Filteri`. The following example builds a table that contains only first 10 rows of the original table: *)
let table_10rows = table |> Table.Filteri [] (fun i -> i < 10)
### Transforming and Appending Tables _to do_
### Concatenating Tables
`Table.AppendTransform` *)
The function `Table.Append` returns a new table that contains the columns of both given tables in order.
Duplicate column names are allowed. Heights of the tables must be equal.
The signature is: `Table.Append : table1:Table -> table2:Table -> Table`
### Transforming Tables
The function `Table.Transform` applies the given function to the values of the given table columns and returns the function result.
Each column is represented as an immutable array.
The signature is: `Transform<'a,'b,'c> : columnNames:seq<string> -> transform:(ImmutableArray<'a>->'b) -> table:Table -> 'c`
The generic function `transform:ImmutableArray<'a>->'b` is only partially defined. If `columnNames` contains:
* 1 column, then `transform:ImmutableArray<'a>->'c`, where `'a` is the type of the column, so `'b = 'c`.
* 2 columns, then `transform:ImmutableArray<'a>->ImmutableArray<'d>->'c`, where `'a` and `'d` are the types of the columns, so `'b = ImmutableArray<'d>->'c`
* n...
The following example computes the midpoint approximation to the integral of `sin(x)` using the table containing columns "x" and "sin(x)":
let integr : float =
|> Table.Transform ["x";"sin(x)"] (fun (x:ImmutableArray<float>) (sinx:ImmutableArray<float>) ->
let mutable sum = 0.0
for i in 0..x.Length-2 do sum <- sum + sinx.[i] * (x.[i+1] - x.[i])
(*** include-value:integr ***)
(** The next example builds a new table which contains a single column with running maximum of the column "sin(x)" of the existing table: *)
let getRunningMax(values: ImmutableArray<float>) =
|> Seq.skip 1
|> Seq.scan(fun max sin -> if sin > max then sin else max) values.[0]
let tableMax : Table =
|> Table.Transform ["sin(x)"] (fun (sinx:ImmutableArray<float>) ->
Table.OfColumns [ Column.Create("running max of sin(x)", getRunningMax sinx) ])
(*** include-value:tableMax ***)
(** There are cases when the table produced by `Transform` should be appended to the original table.
The function `Table.AppendTransform` transforms the original table and then concatenates the original and transformed tables: *)
let tableWithMax : Table =
|> Table.AppendTransform ["sin(x)"] (fun (sinx:ImmutableArray<float>) ->
Table.OfColumns [ Column.Create("running max of sin(x)", getRunningMax sinx) ])
(*** include-value:tableWithMax ***)
(** The signature is: `AppendTransform : columnNames:seq<string> -> transform:(ImmutableArray<'a>->'b) -> table:Table -> Table`
It is similar to the `Transform` function but here the ultimate result type of the partially defined function `transform` must be `Table`. *)
(*** define:typedef-Column ***)
type Column =
@ -364,37 +364,37 @@ type Table internal (columns : Column list, height : int) =
for i = 1 to columns.Length do row.[i] <- colArrays.[i-1].[rowIdx]
deleg.DynamicInvoke(row) :?> 'c)
static member private MapToColumn_a<'a,'b,'c> (columnNames:seq<string>) (newColumnName:string) (map:('a->'b)) (table:Table) : Table =
static member private MapToColumn_a<'a,'b,'c> (newColumnName:string) (columnNames:seq<string>) (map:('a->'b)) (table:Table) : Table =
let columnArray = Table.Map<'a,'b,'c> columnNames map table |> ImmutableArray.CreateRange
if table.Columns |> List.exists (fun c -> c.Name = newColumnName) then table |> Table.Remove [newColumnName] else table
|> Table.Add (Column.Create(newColumnName, columnArray))
static member private reflectedMapToColumn_a = typeof<Table>.GetMethod("MapToColumn_a", Reflection.BindingFlags.Static ||| Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
static member MapToColumn(columnNames:seq<string>) (newColumnName:string) (map:('a->'b)) (table:Table) : Table =
static member MapToColumn (newColumnName:string) (columnNames:seq<string>) (map:('a->'b)) (table:Table) : Table =
let names = columnNames |> Seq.toArray
match names.Length with
| 0 | 1 -> Table.MapToColumn_a<'a,'b,'b> names newColumnName map table
| 0 | 1 -> Table.MapToColumn_a<'a,'b,'b> newColumnName names map table
| n ->
let res = Funcs.getNthResultType n map
let mapTable = Table.reflectedMapToColumn_a.MakeGenericMethod( typeof<'a>, typeof<'b>, res )
mapTable.Invoke(null, [|box names; box newColumnName; box map; box table|]) :?> Table
mapTable.Invoke(null, [|box newColumnName; box names; box map; box table|]) :?> Table
static member private MapiToColumn_a<'a,'c> (columnNames:seq<string>) (newColumnName:string) (map:(int->'a)) (table:Table) : Table =
static member private MapiToColumn_a<'a,'c> (newColumnName:string) (columnNames:seq<string>) (map:(int->'a)) (table:Table) : Table =
let columnArray = Table.Mapi<'a,'c> columnNames map table |> ImmutableArray.CreateRange
if table.Columns |> List.exists (fun c -> c.Name = newColumnName) then table |> Table.Remove [newColumnName] else table
|> Table.Add (Column.Create(newColumnName, columnArray))
static member private reflectedMapiToColumn_a = typeof<Table>.GetMethod("MapiToColumn_a", Reflection.BindingFlags.Static ||| Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic)
static member MapiToColumn(columnNames:seq<string>) (newColumnName:string) (map:(int->'a)) (table:Table) : Table =
static member MapiToColumn (newColumnName:string) (columnNames:seq<string>) (map:(int->'a)) (table:Table) : Table =
let names = columnNames |> Seq.toArray
match names.Length with
| 0 -> Table.MapiToColumn_a<'a,'a> names newColumnName map table
| 0 -> Table.MapiToColumn_a<'a,'a> newColumnName names map table
| n ->
let res = Funcs.getNthResultType (n+1) map
let mapTable = Table.reflectedMapiToColumn_a.MakeGenericMethod( typeof<'a>, res )
mapTable.Invoke(null, [|box names; box newColumnName; box map; box table|]) :?> Table
mapTable.Invoke(null, [|box newColumnName; box names; box map; box table|]) :?> Table
static member Transform<'a,'b,'c> (columnNames:seq<string>) (transform:(ImmutableArray<'a>->'b)) (table:Table) : 'c =
let cs = Seq.toArray columnNames
@ -136,8 +136,9 @@ type [<Class>] Table =
/// contained in the given column names.
static member Remove : columnNames:seq<string> -> table:Table -> Table
/// Return a new table containing all rows from a table where a predicate is true, where the predicate takes a set of columns
/// The generic predicate function is only partially defined
/// The function `Table.Filter` returns a new table containing only the rows of the table for which the given predicate returns `true`.
/// The predicate gets values of the given columns only.
/// The generic predicate function is only partially defined.
/// If there are:
/// 1 column, predicate should be predicate:('a->bool), where 'a is the type of the column, so 'b = bool
/// 2 columns, predicate:('b>'c->bool), where 'b and 'c are the types of the columns, so 'b = 'c->bool
@ -145,96 +146,45 @@ type [<Class>] Table =
/// n...
static member Filter : columnNames:seq<string> -> predicate:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> Table
/// Return a new table containing all rows from a table where a predicate is true, where the predicate takes a set of columns and row index
/// The generic predicate function is only partially defined
/// If there are:
/// 0 column, predicate should be: `int->bool`, so `'a = bool`
/// 1 column, predicate should be: `int->'b->bool`, where 'b is the type of the column, so `'a = 'b -> bool`
/// 2 columns, predicate should be: `int->'b->'c->bool`, where 'b and 'c are the types of the columns, so 'a = 'b->'c->bool
/// n...
/// The function `Table.Filter` returns a new table containing only the rows of the table for which the given predicate returns `true`.
/// The predicate gets values of the given columns only. An integer index passed to the predicate is the index of row being filtered.
/// The generic predicate function is only partially defined.
static member Filteri : columnNames:seq<string> -> predicate:(int->'a) -> table:Table -> Table
/// Builds a new sequence whose elements are the results of applying the given function 'map'
/// to each of the rows of the given table columns.
/// The generic map function is only partially defined.
/// If there are:
/// - 0 columns, map should be `map:(unit->'c)`, where `'a` is the type of the column, so `'a = unit` and `'b = 'c`
/// - 1 column, map should be `map:('a->'c)`, where `'a` is the type of the column, so `'b = 'c`
/// - 2 columns, map('a->'d->'c), where 'a and 'd are the types of the columns, so 'b = 'd->'c
/// - 3 columns, map('a->'d->'e->'c), where 'a, 'd and 'e are the types of the columns, so 'b = 'd->'e->'c
/// - n...
/// to each of the rows of the given table columns. The generic `map` function is only partially defined.
static member Map<'a,'b,'c> : columnNames:seq<string> -> map:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> 'c seq
/// <summary>Builds a new sequence whose elements are the results of applying the given function 'map'
/// to each of the rows of the given table columns.
/// The integer index passed to the function indicates the index of row being transformed.</summary>
/// <remarks><p>The generic map function is only partially defined.
/// If there are:
/// 0 columns, map is called for each row of the table and should be map:(int->'c), so 'a = 'c
/// 1 column, map should be map:(int->'d->'c), where 'd is the type of the column, so 'a = 'd->'c
/// 2 columns, map:(int->'d->'e->'c), where 'd and 'e are the types of the columns, so 'a = 'd->'e->'c
/// n...
/// </p></remarks>
/// Builds a new sequence whose elements are the results of applying the given function 'map'
/// to each of the rows of the given table columns.
/// The integer index passed to the function indicates the index of row being transformed.
/// The generic `map` function is only partially defined.
static member Mapi<'a,'c> : columnNames:seq<string> -> map:(int->'a) -> table:Table -> 'c seq
/// Builds a new table that contains all columns of the given table and a new column or a replacement of an original table column;
/// elements of the column are the results of applying the given function to each of the rows of the given table columns.
/// The generic map function is only partially defined.
/// If there are:
/// - 1 column, map should be map:('a->'c), where 'a is the type of the column, so 'b = 'c
/// - 2 columns, map('a->'d->'c), where 'a and 'd are the types of the columns, so 'b = 'd->'c
/// - 3 columns, map('a->'d->'e->'c), where 'a, 'd and 'e are the types of the columns, so 'b = 'd->'e->'c
/// - n...
/// Ultimate result type of the map function must be either Int, Float, String, Bool or DateTime.
/// </remarks>
static member MapToColumn : columnNames:seq<string> -> newColumnName:string -> map:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> Table
/// The generic `map` function is only partially defined.
/// Ultimate result type of the map function must be either `float`, `int`, `string`, `bool` or `DateTime`.
static member MapToColumn : newColumnName:string -> columnNames:seq<string> -> map:('a->'b) -> table:Table -> Table
/// <summary>Builds a new table that contains all columns of the given table and a new column or a replacement of an original table column;
/// Builds a new table that contains all columns of the given table and a new column or a replacement of an original table column;
/// elements of the column are the results of applying the given function to each of the rows of the given table columns.
/// The integer index passed to the function indicates the index of row being transformed.</summary>
/// <remarks><p>The generic map function is only partially defined.
/// If there are:
/// 0 columns, map is called for each row of the table and should be map:(int->'c), so 'a = 'c
/// 1 column, map should be map:(int->'d->'c), where 'd is the type of the column, so 'a = 'd->'c
/// 2 columns, map:(int->'d->'e->'c), where 'd and 'e are the types of the columns, so 'a = 'd->'e->'c
/// n...
/// </p>
/// <p>Ultimate result type of the map function must be either Int, Float, String, Bool or DateTime.</p>
/// </remarks>
static member MapiToColumn : columnNames:seq<string> -> newColumnName:string -> map:(int->'a) -> table:Table -> Table
/// The integer index passed to the function indicates the index of row being transformed.
/// The generic `map` function is only partially defined.
/// Ultimate result type of the map function must be either `float`, `int`, `string`, `bool` or `DateTime`.
static member MapiToColumn : newColumnName:string -> columnNames:seq<string> -> map:(int->'a) -> table:Table -> Table
/// <summary>Applies the given function to the arrays of given table columns.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <p>The generic curried transform function is only partially defined.
/// If there are:
/// 1 column, transform should be transform:('a->'c) where 'a is an array corresponding to the column type, so 'b = 'c
/// 2 columns, transform('a->'d->'c) where 'a, 'd are arrays corresponding to the columns types, so 'b = 'd->'c
/// 3 columns, transform('a->'d->'e->'c) where 'a, 'd, 'e are arrays corresponding to the columns types, so 'b = 'd->'e->'c
/// n...</p>
/// </remarks>
/// Applies the given function to the values of the given table columns and returns the function result.
/// Each column is represented as an immutable array.
/// The generic transform function is only partially defined.
static member Transform<'a,'b,'c> : columnNames:seq<string> -> transform:(ImmutableArray<'a>->'b) -> table:Table -> 'c
/// Builds a new table that contains columns of both given tables. Duplicate column names are allowed.
/// Builds a new table that contains the columns of both given tables in order. Duplicate column names are allowed.
static member Append : table1:Table -> table2:Table -> Table
/// Builds a new matrix table by concatenting columns of two given matrix tables. Duplicate column names are allowed.
static member AppendMatrix : table1:MatrixTable<'v> -> table2:MatrixTable<'v> -> MatrixTable<'v>
/// <summary>Builds a new table that contains columns of the given table appended with columns of a table produced by the
/// given function applied to the arrays of given table columns.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <p>The generic curried transform function is only partially defined.
/// If there are:
/// 1 column, transform should be transform:('a->Table) where 'a is an array corresponding to the column type, so 'b = Table
/// 2 columns, transform('a->'d->Table) where 'a, 'd are arrays corresponding to the columns types, so 'b = 'd->Table
/// 3 columns, transform('a->'d->'e->Table) where 'a, 'd, 'e are arrays corresponding to the columns types, so 'b = 'd->'e->Table
/// n...</p>
/// <p>The transform function argument types may be one of: Column, T[], IRArray<T> or Array.</p>
/// </remarks>
/// Builds a new table that contains columns of the given table appended with columns of a table produced by the
/// given function applied to the values of the given table columns.
/// The generic transform function is only partially defined but its ultimate result must be of type `Table`.
static member AppendTransform : columnNames:seq<string> -> transform:(ImmutableArray<'a>->'b) -> table:Table -> Table
/// Loads a table from a delimited text file.
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