141 строка
4.9 KiB
141 строка
4.9 KiB
# build snippet.html from minified javascript snippet
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The relative output path/format.")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The tab replacement.")]
[string]$tab=" ",
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The uri for integration environment backend.")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The uri for production environment CDN content.")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The uri for integration environment CDN content.")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The number of extra tabs (per bug: 1591487).")]
Gets an absolute output path for a given flavor
An absolute path
function Get-OutputPath($flavor) {
$path = $outputPath -replace "\.", "$($flavor)."
return ".\snippet\$($path)"
Get pretty-printed minified snippet text
Reads minified snippet output, uses regexs to enhance readability and returns a string which is functionally equivalent to the input
An HTML script tag containing the snippet
function Read-MinifiedSnippet()
# find the file path with preference for release build
$snippetPath = ".\bundle\snippet\snippet.min.js"
# read the minified snippet
$snippet = gc $snippetPath
# common regex http://www.regexr.com/
$formatterMatch = '(.*?{)(.*?)(}\({)(.*?)(}\);)(.*?;)(.*)'
$formatterReplace = '\t$1\r\n\t$2\r\n$3\r\n\t$4\r\n$5\r\n\r\n$6\r\n$7;'
$snippet = $snippet -replace $formatterMatch,$formatterReplace
# accomodate weird powershel regex escape behavior
# note: this will not work directly with the replace pattern above, only strings with double quotes can use `r`n
$snippet = $snippet -replace "\\r\\n","`r`n\t"
$snippet = $snippet -replace "\\t",$tab
# change the minified config param to ai for readability
$readabilityMatch = '(\bn\b)'
$readabilityReplace = 'config'
$snippet = $snippet -replace $readabilityMatch,$readabilityReplace
# set CDN path
$snippet = $snippet -replace 'CDN_PATH',$prodCDNPath
# add script tag
$snippet = "<script type=""text/javascript"">`r`n" + $snippet + "`r`n</script>"
return $snippet
Redirect a given snippet to the integration environment backend
An HTML script tag containing the snippet redirected to the integration environment
function Get-IntVersion($snippetText) {
$iKeyMatch = '(.*?)(instrumentationKey:)(".*")'
$iKeyReplace = '$1$2$3,\r\n$1endpointUrl:"ENDPOINT_PATH",\r\n$1url:"CDN_PATH"'
$snippetText = $snippetText -replace $iKeyMatch,$iKeyReplace
$snippetText = $snippetText -replace "\\r\\n","`r`n"
$snippetText = $snippetText -replace 'CDN_PATH',$intCDNPath
$snippetText = $snippetText -replace 'ENDPOINT_PATH',$intEnvironment
return $snippetText
Redirect a given snippet to the integration environment backend
An HTML script tag containing the snippet redirected to the integration environment
function Get-VSIXVersion($snippetText) {
# build padding string
$padding = ""
$tabCount = $extraTabs
while($extraTabs -gt 0) {
$padding += $tab
# add required padding for vsix
$replace = $padding + '$1'
$snippetText = $snippetText -replace '(.+\r\n)',$replace
$snippetText = $snippetText -replace '(</script>)',$replace
# add extra encoding for vsix (vsix calls string.format so '{' and '} must be doubled)
$snippetText = $snippetText -replace '{','{{' -replace '}','}}'
# add {0} target for vsix
$snippetText = $snippetText -replace 'INSTRUMENTATION_KEY','{0}'
return $snippetText
# 1) write snippet for prod getInstrumentation API
$snippet = Read-MinifiedSnippet
$outputFile = Get-OutputPath -flavor ""
$snippet | out-file $outputFile
# 2) write snippet for prod VSIX/nuget
$snippet_vsix = Get-VSIXVersion -snippetText $snippet
$outputFile_vsix = Get-OutputPath -flavor "_vsix"
$snippet_vsix | out-file $outputFile_vsix
# 3) write snippet for int getInstrumentation API
$snippet_int = Get-IntVersion -snippetText $snippet
$outputFile_int = Get-OutputPath -flavor "_int"
$snippet_int | out-file $outputFile_int
# 4) write snippet for int VSIX/nuget
$snippet_vsixint = Get-IntVersion -snippetText $snippet_vsix
$outputFile_vsixint = Get-OutputPath -flavor "_vsixint"
$snippet_vsixint | out-file $outputFile_vsixint