
74 строки
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#Run code coverage tests to generate report
.\nuget.exe install "OpenCover" -Version "4.6.519"
$assemblies = get-childitem "..\bin\Release" -Filter *Tests.dll -Exclude *netcoreapp11.Tests.dll -recurse | foreach-object { $_.FullName }
foreach ($assembly in $assemblies)
Write-Host "==========================================="
Write-Host "Running tests for $assembly"
Write-Host "==========================================="
..\packages\OpenCover.4.6.519\tools\OpenCover.Console.exe `
-register:user `
"-target:${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe" `
"-targetargs:$assembly /logger:trx" `
"-filter:+[Microsoft.ApplicationInsights*]* +[Microsoft.AI*]* -[*Tests]* -[*TestFramework*]*" `
-hideskipped:All `
-output:.\coverage.xml `
$netcoreassemblies = get-childitem "..\bin\Release" -Filter *netcoreapp11.Tests.dll -recurse | foreach-object { $_.FullName }
foreach ($assembly in $netcoreassemblies)
Write-Host "==========================================="
Write-Host "Running tests for $assembly"
Write-Host "==========================================="
# Net Core tests should be run by a different version of vstest.console.exe
..\packages\OpenCover.4.6.519\tools\OpenCover.Console.exe `
-register:user `
"-target:${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\vstest.console.exe" `
"-targetargs:$assembly /logger:trx /Framework:FrameworkCore10" `
"-filter:+[Microsoft.ApplicationInsights*]* +[Microsoft.AI*]* -[*Tests]* -[*TestFramework*]*" `
-hideskipped:All `
-output:.\coverage.xml `
#Download report uploader
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", ".\")
#On the Agent box repo is in a detached state. So get branchName by commit hash
$lastCommit = $(git rev-parse HEAD)
Write-Host "Last commit:" $lastCommit
$branchNames = $(git branch --all --contains $lastCommit)
Write-Host "All branches that have this commit:" $branchNames
Foreach ($branchName in $branchNames)
# First element in the array is trash because repo is detached
if ($i -gt 1)
$branchName = $branchName.Trim()
# Check for what branches current commit (for which we have coverage) is the last commit
$lastCommitOnBranch = $(git rev-parse $branchName)
if ($lastCommitOnBranch -eq $lastCommit)
#Cut the prefix that CodeCov does not handle well
if ($branchName.StartsWith("remotes/origin/"))
$branchName = $branchName.Substring("remotes/origin/".Length)
Write-Host "We will upload report to:" $branchName
#Upload report
.\ -f coverage.xml -t $env:CODECOVACCESSKEY -X gcov -B $branchName