
149 строки
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import assert = require("assert");
import sinon = require("sinon");
import AppInsights = require("../../applicationinsights");
import TelemetryClient = require("../../Library/TelemetryClient");
import { AutoCollectNativePerformance } from "../../AutoCollection/NativePerformance";
import { JsonConfig } from "../../Library/JsonConfig";
import * as Constants from "../../Declarations/Constants";
describe("AutoCollection/NativePerformance", () => {
var sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox;
beforeEach(() => {
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
JsonConfig["_instance"] = undefined;
afterEach(() => {
describe("#init and #dispose()", () => {
it("init should enable and dispose should stop autocollection interval", () => {
var setIntervalSpy = sandbox.spy(global, "setInterval");
var clearIntervalSpy = sandbox.spy(global, "clearInterval");
const statsAddSpy = sandbox.spy(AutoCollectNativePerformance.INSTANCE["_statsbeat"], "addFeature");
const statsRemoveSpy = sandbox.spy(AutoCollectNativePerformance.INSTANCE["_statsbeat"], "removeFeature");
.setAutoCollectPerformance(false, true)
if (AutoCollectNativePerformance["_metricsAvailable"]) {
assert.strictEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.INSTANCE["_statsbeat"]["_feature"], Constants.StatsbeatFeature.NATIVE_METRICS + Constants.StatsbeatFeature.DISK_RETRY);
assert.equal(setIntervalSpy.callCount, 3, "setInteval should be called three times as part of NativePerformance initialization as well as Statsbeat");
assert.strictEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.INSTANCE["_statsbeat"]["_feature"], Constants.StatsbeatFeature.DISK_RETRY);
assert.equal(clearIntervalSpy.callCount, 1, "clearInterval should be called once as part of NativePerformance shutdown");
} else {
assert.equal(setIntervalSpy.callCount, 2, "setInterval should not be called if NativePerformance package is not available, Statsbeat will be called");
assert.equal(clearIntervalSpy.callCount, 0, "clearInterval should not be called if NativePerformance package is not available");
it("constructor should be safe to call multiple times", () => {
var client = new TelemetryClient("1aa11111-bbbb-1ccc-8ddd-eeeeffff3333");
var native = new AutoCollectNativePerformance(client);
var sinonSpy = sandbox.spy(AutoCollectNativePerformance.INSTANCE, "dispose");
assert.doesNotThrow(() => { native = new AutoCollectNativePerformance(client) }, "NativePerformance can be constructed more than once");
assert.ok(sinonSpy.calledOnce, "dispose is called when second instance is constructed");
it("Calling enable multiple times should not create multiple timers", () => {
var client = new TelemetryClient("1aa11111-bbbb-1ccc-8ddd-eeeeffff3333");
var sinonSpy = sandbox.spy(global, "setInterval");
var native = new AutoCollectNativePerformance(client);
assert.doesNotThrow(() => native.enable(true), "Does not throw when trying to enable");
assert.doesNotThrow(() => native.enable(true), "Does not throw when trying to enable");
if (AutoCollectNativePerformance["_metricsAvailable"]) {
assert.equal(sinonSpy.callCount, 1, "setInterval should be singleton");
assert.equal(sinonSpy.callCount, 0, "setInterval should not be called if native metrics package is not installed");
it("Calling enable when metrics are not available should fail gracefully", () => {
var client = new TelemetryClient("1aa11111-bbbb-1ccc-8ddd-eeeeffff3333");
var native = new AutoCollectNativePerformance(client);
AutoCollectNativePerformance["_metricsAvailable"] = false;
assert.doesNotThrow(() => native.enable(true), "Does not throw when native metrics are not available and trying to enable");
assert.doesNotThrow(() => native.enable(false), "Does not throw when native metrics are not available and trying to disable");
describe("#_parseEnabled", () => {
it("should return equal input arg if no env vars are set", () => {
const _customConfig = JsonConfig.getInstance();
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(true, _customConfig), { isEnabled: true, disabledMetrics: {} });
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(false, _customConfig), { isEnabled: false, disabledMetrics: {} });
const config = { gc: true, heap: true };
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(config, _customConfig), { isEnabled: true, disabledMetrics: config });
it("should overwrite input arg if disable all extended metrics env var is set", () => {
const env = <{ [id: string]: string }>{};
const originalEnv = process.env;
env[ENV_nativeMetricsDisableAll] = "set";
process.env = env;
const _customConfig = JsonConfig.getInstance();
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(true, _customConfig), { isEnabled: false, disabledMetrics: {} });
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled({}, _customConfig), { isEnabled: false, disabledMetrics: {} });
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled({ gc: true }, _customConfig), { isEnabled: false, disabledMetrics: {} });
process.env = originalEnv;
it("should overwrite input arg if individual env vars are set", () => {
const expectation = { gc: true, heap: true };
const env = <{ [id: string]: string }>{};
const originalEnv = process.env;
env[ENV_nativeMetricsDisablers] = "gc,heap";
process.env = env;
const _customConfig = JsonConfig.getInstance();
let inConfig;
inConfig = false;
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(inConfig, _customConfig), { isEnabled: false, disabledMetrics: expectation });
inConfig = true;
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(inConfig, _customConfig), { isEnabled: true, disabledMetrics: expectation });
inConfig = {};
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(inConfig, _customConfig), { isEnabled: true, disabledMetrics: expectation });
inConfig = { gc: true };
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(inConfig, _customConfig), { isEnabled: true, disabledMetrics: expectation });
inConfig = { loop: true };
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(inConfig, _customConfig), { isEnabled: true, disabledMetrics: { ...inConfig, ...expectation } });
inConfig = { gc: false, loop: true, heap: 'abc', something: 'else' };
assert.deepEqual(AutoCollectNativePerformance.parseEnabled(<any>inConfig, _customConfig), { isEnabled: true, disabledMetrics: { ...inConfig, ...expectation } });
process.env = originalEnv;