зеркало из https://github.com/microsoft/Azure-DDP.git
Removed unnecessary files
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
Distributed Data Platform on Azure Virtual Machines
Creates a Linux Virtual Machine for use with distributed data platform deployments on Azure virtual machines.
Used to automate the creation of Windows Azure VMs to support the deploying distributed data platforms
on Windows Azure Virtual Machines. This script will be run from master scripts.
The virtual machines will be named based on a prefix. The VMs are distributed evenly across the cloud services.
Each VM will have attached data disks that are written to a storage account defined in the variable array.
All OS disks are written to the default storage account where the image is stored.
.\0_Create-VM.ps1 -imageName "b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu_DAILY_BUILD-saucy-13_10-amd64-server-20140119-en-us-30GB" `
-adminUserName "clusteradmin" `
-adminPassword "Password.1" `
-instanceSize "ExtraLarge" `
-diskSizeInGB 100 `
-vmName "clusternode" `
-affinityGroupName "clusterag" `
-virtualSubnetname "App" `
-virtualNetworkName "DDP-Network" `
-storageAccountName "clustersa" `
-$storageAccountNameDisk "clustersa1" `
-cloudServiceName "clusternode" `
-numofDisks 2
-subscriptionName "MySubscription"
# The name of the image. Can be wildcard pattern.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The administrator username.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The administrator password.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The size of the instances.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The size of the disk(s).
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the vm.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the affinity group.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the virtual network.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the virtual subnet.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the storage account.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the storage account for data disks.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the cloud service.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Number of data disks to add to each virtual machine
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Subscription name for creating objects
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
## Select the subscription
## Set the default storage account
$subscriptionInfo = Get-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
$subName = $subscriptionInfo | %{ $_.SubscriptionName }
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subName –CurrentStorageAccount $storageAccountName
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subName -Current
# Create overall configuration
## Set the VM size, name and general configuration
## Attach disks
$vmConfig = New-AzureVMConfig -Name $vmName -InstanceSize $instanceSize -ImageName $imageName
$vmDetails = Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Linux `
-LinuxUser $adminUserName `
-Password $adminPassword `
-VM $vmConfig
# Add disks to the configuration
for ($index = 0; $index -lt $numOfDisks; $index++)
$diskLabel = "$vmName$index"
$vmConfig = $vmConfig | Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew `
-DiskSizeInGB $diskSizeInGB `
-DiskLabel $diskLabel `
-HostCaching None `
-LUN $index `
-MediaLocation "https://$storageAccountNameDisk.blob.core.windows.net/vhd/$vmName$index.vhd"
# Sets SSH endpoint to port 22 passthrough
Remove-AzureEndpoint "SSH" -VM $vmConfig
Add-AzureEndpoint -Protocol tcp `
-PublicPort 22 `
-LocalPort 22 -Name "SSH" -VM $vmConfig
# Adds the subnet to the configuration
Set-AzureSubnet $virtualSubnetname -VM $vmConfig
# Create the virtual machine
## If the cloud service exists, create the VM in the existing service
## If the cloud service doesn't exist, create the cloud service and the VM
if (Test-AzureName -Service $cloudServiceName)
{$result = New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudServiceName `
-VMs @($vmDetails) `
-VNetName $virtualNetworkName `
#-ErrorVariable creationError
{$result = New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudServiceName `
-VMs @($vmDetails) `
-AffinityGroup $affinityGroupName `
-VNetName $virtualNetworkName `
#-ErrorVariable creationError
Write-Output "Service $cloudServiceName was created successfully. Result is $($result.OperationDescription) $vmName."
throw "Service $cloudServiceName could not be created - Error is: $($creationError[0])"
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
Distributed Data Platform on Azure Virtual Machines
Creates a Linux Virtual Machine for use with distributed data platform deployments on Azure virtual machines.
Used to automate the creation of Windows Azure VMs to support the deploying distributed data platforms
on Windows Azure Virtual Machines. This script will be run from master scripts.
The virtual machines will be named based on a prefix. The VMs are distributed evenly across the cloud services.
Each VM will have attached data disks that are written to a storage account defined in the variable array.
All OS disks are written to the default storage account where the image is stored.
.\0_Create-VM.ps1 -imageName "b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu_DAILY_BUILD-saucy-13_10-amd64-server-20140119-en-us-30GB" `
-adminUserName "clusteradmin" `
-adminPassword "Password.1" `
-instanceSize "ExtraLarge" `
-diskSizeInGB 100 `
-vmName "clusternode" `
-affinityGroupName "clusterag" `
-virtualSubnetname "App" `
-virtualNetworkName "DDP-Network" `
-storageAccountName "clustersa" `
-$storageAccountNameDisk "clustersa1" `
-cloudServiceName "clusternode" `
-numofDisks 2
-subscriptionName "MySubscription"
# The name of the image. Can be wildcard pattern.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The administrator username.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The administrator password.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The size of the instances.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The size of the disk(s).
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the vm.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the affinity group.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the virtual network.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the virtual subnet.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the storage account.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the storage account for data disks.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the cloud service.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Number of data disks to add to each virtual machine
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Subscription name for creating objects
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
## Select the subscription
## Set the default storage account
$subscriptionInfo = Get-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
$subName = $subscriptionInfo | %{ $_.SubscriptionName }
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subName –CurrentStorageAccount $storageAccountName
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subName -Current
# Create overall configuration
## Set the VM size, name and general configuration
## Attach disks
$vmConfig = New-AzureVMConfig -Name $vmName -InstanceSize $instanceSize -ImageName $imageName
$vmDetails = Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Linux `
-LinuxUser $adminUserName `
-Password $adminPassword `
-VM $vmConfig
# Add disks to the configuration
for ($index = 0; $index -lt $numOfDisks; $index++)
$diskLabel = "$vmName$index"
$vmConfig = $vmConfig | Add-AzureDataDisk -CreateNew `
-DiskSizeInGB $diskSizeInGB `
-DiskLabel $diskLabel `
-HostCaching None `
-LUN $index `
-MediaLocation "https://$storageAccountNameDisk.blob.core.windows.net/vhd/$vmName$index.vhd"
# Sets SSH endpoint to port 22 passthrough
Remove-AzureEndpoint "SSH" -VM $vmConfig
Add-AzureEndpoint -Protocol tcp `
-PublicPort 22 `
-LocalPort 22 -Name "SSH" -VM $vmConfig
# Adds the subnet to the configuration
Set-AzureSubnet $virtualSubnetname -VM $vmConfig
# Create the virtual machine
## If the cloud service exists, create the VM in the existing service
## If the cloud service doesn't exist, create the cloud service and the VM
if (Test-AzureName -Service $cloudServiceName)
{$result = New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudServiceName `
-VMs @($vmDetails) `
-VNetName $virtualNetworkName `
#-ErrorVariable creationError
{$result = New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudServiceName `
-VMs @($vmDetails) `
-AffinityGroup $affinityGroupName `
-VNetName $virtualNetworkName `
#-ErrorVariable creationError
Write-Output "Service $cloudServiceName was created successfully. Result is $($result.OperationDescription) $vmName."
throw "Service $cloudServiceName could not be created - Error is: $($creationError[0])"
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
Distributed Data Platform on Azure Virtual Machines
Create the Management node for distributed data platform deployments on Azure virtual machines. The script will create the virtual network,
storage accounts, and affinity groups.
The virtual machines will be named based on a prefix.
.\3_Cluster_Nodes.ps1 -imageName "clusternodec" `
-adminUserName "clusteradmin" `
-adminPassword "Password.1" `
-instanceSize "ExtraLarge" `
-diskSizeInGB 0 `
-numofDisks 0 `
-vmNamePrefix "clusternode" `
-cloudServicePrefix "clusternode" `
-numCloudServices 3 `
-numNodes 6 `
-affinityGroupName "clusterag" `
-virtualNetworkName "DDP-Network" `
-virtualSubnetname "App" `
-storageAccountName "clustersa" `
-storageAccountList "clustersa1", "clustersa2", "clustersa3", "clustersa4" `
-hostsfile ".\hosts.txt" `
-hostscript ".\hostscript.sh"
-subscriptionName "MySubscription"
# The name of the image used to create the vms.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The administrator username.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The administrator password.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The size of the instances.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The size of the disk(s).
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Number of data disks to add to each virtual machine
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the vm.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the cloud service.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the cloud service.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The number of nodes.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the affinity group.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the virtual network.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the virtual subnet.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the primary storage account.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The name of the storage accounts for the data disks.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# The location of the hosts file.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$hostsfile = ".\hosts.txt",
# The location of the script to push updates to the cluster nodes.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$hostscript = ".\hostscript.sh",
# Subscription name for creating objects
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
## Select the subscription
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
## Check if the storage accounts exist. If not, create the storage accounts.
## Storage accounts should have been created in the step 1_Management_Node.
get-job | ? {($_.State -ne "Running") -and ($_.State -ne "Blocked")} | remove-job
$jobs = @()
foreach ($storageAccount in $storageAccountList)
$jobs += Start-Job -FilePath .\0_Create_Storage_Account.ps1 `
-ArgumentList $affinityGroupName, `
$storageAccount, `
Write-Progress -Activity "Submitting storage account for creation"
Write-Progress "Submitting storage account for creation" -Completed
Write-Progress "Waiting for storage account creation jobs to finish..." -PercentComplete -1
$jobs | Wait-Job | Out-Null
Write-Progress "Waiting for storage account creation jobs to finish..." -Completed
## Select the image created in previous step. Image is used to provision
## cluster nodes.
$image = Get-AzureVMImage -ImageName $imageName
## Create the virtual machines for the cluster nodes
### Write the hostscript and hosts file
### Set static IP on the VM
### First iteration will create the inital vm in each cloud service.
### First vm in each cloud service will create the cloud service and require longer locks.
$countStorageAccount = $storageAccountList.Length
$countService = 1
$countVM = 1
$storageAccountIndex = 0
for ($countVM = 1; $countVM -le $numCloudServices; $countVM++)
# if ($countService -gt $numCloudServices) {$countService = 1}
if ($storageAccountIndex -eq $countStorageAccount) {$storageAccountIndex = 0}
.\0_Create_Cluster_Nodes.ps1 -imageName $imageName `
-adminUserName $adminUserName `
-adminPassword $adminPassword `
-instanceSize $instanceSize `
-diskSizeInGB $diskSizeInGB `
-numofDisks $numOfDisks `
-vmNamePrefix $vmNamePrefix `
-cloudServicePrefix $cloudServicePrefix `
-affinityGroupName $affinityGroupName `
-virtualNetworkName $virtualNetworkName `
-virtualSubnetname $virtualSubnetname `
-storageAccountName $storageAccountName `
-storageAccountList $storageAccountList `
-hostsfile $hostsfile `
-hostscript $hostscript `
-subscriptionName $subscriptionName `
-countService $countService `
-countVM $countVM `
-storageAccountIndex $storageAccountIndex
## Create the virtual machines for the cluster nodes
### Write the hostscript and hosts file
### Set static IP on the VM
### First iteration will create the inital vm in each cloud service.
### First vm in each cloud service will create the cloud service and require longer locks.
$countStorageAccount = $storageAccountList.Length
$countService = 1
$countVM = $numCloudServices + 1
#$storageAccountIndex = 0
for ($countVM = 1; $countVM -le $numNodes; $countVM++)
if ($countService -gt $numCloudServices) {$countService = 1}
if ($storageAccountIndex -eq $countStorageAccount) {$storageAccountIndex = 0}
$jobs += Start-Job -FilePath .\0_Create_Cluster_Nodes.ps1 `
-ArgumentList $imageName, `
$adminUserName, `
$adminPassword, `
$instanceSize, `
$diskSizeInGB, `
$numOfDisks, `
$vmNamePrefix, `
$cloudServicePrefix, `
$affinityGroupName, `
$virtualNetworkName, `
$virtualSubnetname, `
$storageAccountName, `
$storageAccountList, `
$hostsfile, `
$hostscript, `
$subscriptionName, `
$countService, `
$countVM, `
Write-Progress -Activity "Submitting virtual machine for creation"
Write-Progress "Submitting virtual machine for creation" -Completed
Write-Progress "Waiting for virtual machine creation jobs to finish..." -PercentComplete -1
$jobs | Wait-Job | Out-Null
Write-Progress "Waiting for virtual machine creation jobs to finish..." -Completed
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
<!--Set Cluster Variables-->
<!--Set the subscription-->
<SubscriptionName>MTC Workshop</SubscriptionName>
<!--Affinity Group Settings-->
<!--affinityGroupLocation is the location where the cluster will deploy. East US, West US, East Asia, Southeast Asia, North Europe, West Europe are examples of valid locations-->
<!--affinityGroupName must be globally unique-->
<affinityGroupLocation>West US</affinityGroupLocation>
<affinityGroupDescription>Affinity Group DDP Sample</affinityGroupDescription>
<affinityGroupLabel>AG for DDP Sample</affinityGroupLabel>
<!--Virtual Network Settings-->
<!--If the virtual network already exists, input the vnet settings -->
<!--If the virtual networ doesn't exist, the scripts will generate the vnet based on the settings -->
<!--Valid address space settings include, and -->
<!--Network faq is here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/dn133803.aspx -->
<!--Storage Account Settings-->
<!--All storage account names must be globally unique-->
<!--Virtual Machine Settings-->
<!--cloudServicePrefix must be globally unique-->
<!--do not change the hosts/hostscript names-->
<!--Set Management Node Variables-->
<!--Set Clone Node Variable-->
<!--Set Clone Image Variables-->
<cloneimageLabel>Test 0 Clone</cloneimageLabel>
<!--Set Cluster Nodes Variables-->
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
<!--Set Cluster Variables-->
<!--Set the subscription-->
<SubscriptionName>MTC Workshop</SubscriptionName>
<!--Affinity Group Settings-->
<!--affinityGroupLocation is the location where the cluster will deploy. East US, West US, East Asia, Southeast Asia, North Europe, West Europe are examples of valid locations-->
<!--affinityGroupName must be globally unique-->
<affinityGroupLocation>West US</affinityGroupLocation>
<affinityGroupDescription>Affinity Group DDP Sample</affinityGroupDescription>
<affinityGroupLabel>AG for DDP Sample</affinityGroupLabel>
<!--Virtual Network Settings-->
<!--If the virtual network already exists, input the vnet settings -->
<!--If the virtual networ doesn't exist, the scripts will generate the vnet based on the settings -->
<!--Valid address space settings include, and -->
<!--Network faq is here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/dn133803.aspx -->
<!--Storage Account Settings-->
<!--All storage account names must be globally unique-->
<!--Virtual Machine Settings-->
<!--cloudServicePrefix must be globally unique-->
<!--do not change the hosts/hostscript names-->
<!--Set Management Node Variables-->
<!--Set Clone Node Variable-->
<!--Set Clone Image Variables-->
<cloneimageLabel>Test 0 Clone</cloneimageLabel>
<!--Set Cluster Nodes Variables-->
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
$subscriptionName = "MTC Workshop"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
cd "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH"
[xml]$ddpconfig = Get-Content ".\ClusterConfig Sample lara.xml"
## Management Node
$subscriptionName = "MTC Workshop"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
cd "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH"
[xml]$ddpconfig = Get-Content ".\ClusterConfig Sample lara.xml"
.\1_Management_Node.ps1 -imageName $ddpconfig.Cluster.ManagementNode.galleryimageName `
-adminUserName $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminUserName `
-adminPassword $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminPassword`
-instanceSize $ddpconfig.Cluster.ManagementNode.instanceSize`
-diskSizeInGB $ddpconfig.Cluster.ManagementNode.diskSizeInGB `
-numOfDisks $ddpconfig.Cluster.ManagementNode.numOfDisks `
-vmNamePrefix $ddpconfig.Cluster.vmNamePrefix `
-cloudServiceName $ddpconfig.Cluster.cloudServicePrefix `
-storageAccountName $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountName `
-storageAccountList $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountList.Name `
-affinityGroupLocation $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupLocation `
-affinityGroupName $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupName `
-affinityGroupDescription $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupDescription `
-affinityGroupLabel $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupLabel `
-virtualNetworkName $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualNetworkName `
-virtualNetworkAddressSpace $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualNetworkAddressSpace `
-virtualNetworkCIDR $ddpconfig.Cluster.VirtualNetworkCIDR `
-virtualSubnetname $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualSubnetname `
-subnetAddressSpace $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubnetAddressSpace `
-subnetCIDR $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubnetCIDR `
-installerPort 7180 `
-hostscript $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostscript `
-hostsfile $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostsfile `
-subscriptionName $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubscriptionName
## Clone Node
## Create the clone node used for generating the data nodes and name nodes.
$subscriptionName = "MTC Workshop"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
cd "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH"
[xml]$ddpconfig = Get-Content ".\ClusterConfig Sample lara.xml"
.\2_Clone_Node.ps1 -imageName $ddpconfig.Cluster.CloneNode.galleryimageName `
-adminUserName $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminUserName `
-adminPassword $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminPassword `
-instanceSize $ddpconfig.Cluster.CloneNode.instanceSize `
-diskSizeInGB 0 `
-numOfDisks 0 `
-vmNamePrefix $ddpconfig.Cluster.vmNamePrefix `
-cloudServiceName $ddpconfig.Cluster.cloudServicePrefix `
-storageAccountName $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountName `
-affinityGroupName $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupName `
-virtualNetworkName $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualNetworkName `
-virtualSubnetname $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualSubnetname `
-subscriptionName $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubscriptionName
## Manual Updates
## Before you continue, complete the manual updates from the documentation to prepare the
## cluster nodes.
## Capture the image
$subscriptionName = "MTC Workshop"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
cd "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH"
[xml]$ddpconfig = Get-Content ".\ClusterConfig Sample lara.xml"
$vmName = $ddpconfig.Cluster.vmNamePrefix + "c"
.\3_Capture_Image.ps1 -cloudServiceName $ddpconfig.Cluster.cloudServicePrefix `
-vmName $vmName `
-imageName $ddpconfig.Cluster.CloneImage.cloneimageName `
-imageLabel $ddpconfig.Cluster.CloneImage.cloneimageLabel `
-subscriptionName $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubscriptionName
## Create the worker nodes
$subscriptionName = "MTC Workshop"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
cd "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH"
[xml]$ddpconfig = Get-Content ".\ClusterConfig Sample lara.xml"
.\4_Cluster_Nodes.ps1 -imageName $ddpconfig.Cluster.CloneImage.cloneimageName `
-adminUserName $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminUserName `
-adminPassword $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminPassword `
-instanceSize $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.instanceSize `
-diskSizeInGB $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.diskSizeInGB `
-numOfDisks $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numOfDisks `
-vmNamePrefix $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.vmNamePrefix `
-cloudServicePrefix $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.cloudServicePrefix `
-numCloudServices $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numCloudServices `
-numNodes $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numNodes `
-affinityGroupName $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupName `
-virtualNetworkName $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualNetworkName `
-virtualSubnetname $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualSubnetname `
-storageAccountName $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountName `
-storageAccountList $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountList.Name `
-hostsfile $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostsfile `
-hostscript $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostscript `
-subscriptionName $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubscriptionName
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Sat Jun 28 2014 15:18:21 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time):
[Error: Missing attribute value]
Error: Missing attribute value
at XMLFragment.attribute (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\node_modules\xmlbuilder\lib\XMLFragment.js:268:15)
at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\node_modules\azure\node_modules\azure-mgmt\lib\models\servicemanagementserialize.js:540:35
at Array.forEach (native)
at ServiceManagementSerialize.buildNetworkConfiguration (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\node_modules\azure\node_modules\azure-mgmt\lib\models\servicemanagementserialize.js:536:38)
at Object.ServiceManagementService.setNetworkConfig (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\node_modules\azure\node_modules\azure-mgmt\lib\servicemanagementservice.js:2114:32)
at Object.exports.doServiceManagementOperation (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\lib\util\utils.js:218:22)
at setNetworkConfig (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\lib\commands\asm\network.js:1029:11)
at __$createVNet (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\lib\commands\asm\network.js:791:30)
at __tryCatch (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\node_modules\streamline\lib\callbacks\runtime.js:141:4)
at ___ (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\CLI\lib\commands\asm\network.js:789:141)
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
$jobs.ChildJobs |where {$_.state -eq "Failed" -and $_.Id -gt 200} | Receive-Job -Name $_.JobId -Keep
Receive-Job -Name Job203 -Keep
Receive-Job -
Select-AzureSubscription "MTC Workshop"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
$jobs.ChildJobs |where {$_.state -eq "Failed" -and $_.Id -gt 200}| Format-List -Property *
Get-Job | Format-List -Property *
$jobs.ChildJobs |Select -ExpandProperty $_.Command
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
cd "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH"
[xml]$ddpconfig = Get-Content ".\ClusterConfig Sample 2.xml"
$imageName = $ddpconfig.Cluster.CloneImage.cloneimageName
$adminUserName = $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminUserName
$adminPassword = $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminPassword
$instanceSize = $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.instanceSize
$diskSizeInGB= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.diskSizeInGB
$numOfDisks= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numOfDisks
$vmNamePrefix= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.vmNamePrefix
$cloudServicePrefix= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.cloudServicePrefix
$numCloudServices= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numCloudServices
$numNodes= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numNodes
$affinityGroupName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupName
$virtualNetworkName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualNetworkName
$virtualSubnetname= $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualSubnetname
$storageAccountName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountName
$storageAccountList= $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountList.Name
$hostsfile= $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostsfile
$hostscript= $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostscript
$subscriptionName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubscriptionName
# Following modifies the Write-Output behavior to turn the messages on globally for this session
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
azure account set $subscriptionName
$countStorageAccount = $storageAccountList.Count
$countService = 1
$countVM = 1
$storageAccountIndex = 0
$jobs = @()
for ($countVM = 1; $countVM -le $numNodes; $countVM++)
if ($countService -gt [int]$numCloudServices) {$countService = 1}
if ($storageAccountIndex -eq $countStorageAccount) {$storageAccountIndex = 0}
$cloudServiceName = "$cloudServicePrefix$countService"
$vmName = "$vmNamePrefix$countVM"
$storageAccount = $storageAccountList[$storageAccountIndex]
$jobs += Start-Job -FilePath "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH\0_Create_Cluster_Nodes.ps1" `
-ArgumentList "ncdv3c", `
"clusteradmin", `
"Password.1", `
"extralarge", `
10, `
1, `
$vmName, `
"ncdv3", `
"ncdv3", `
"ncdv3", `
"App", `
"ncdv3", `
"ncdv3", `
".\hosts", `
".\hostscript.sh", `
"MTC Workshop"
Write-Progress -Activity "Submitting machine for creation" -Status $vmName -PercentComplete ($countVM / $numNodes * 100)
Write-Progress "Submitting virtual machine for creation" -Completed
Write-Progress "Waiting for virtual machine creation jobs to finish..." -PercentComplete -1
$jobs | Wait-Job | Out-Null
Write-Progress "Waiting for virtual machine creation jobs to finish..." -Completed
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
cd "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH"
[xml]$ddpconfig = Get-Content ".\ClusterConfig Sample 2.xml"
$imageName = $ddpconfig.Cluster.CloneImage.cloneimageName
$adminUserName = $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminUserName
$adminPassword = $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminPassword
$instanceSize = $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.instanceSize
$diskSizeInGB= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.diskSizeInGB
$numOfDisks= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numOfDisks
$vmNamePrefix= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.vmNamePrefix
$cloudServicePrefix= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.cloudServicePrefix
$numCloudServices= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numCloudServices
$numNodes= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numNodes
$affinityGroupName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupName
$virtualNetworkName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualNetworkName
$virtualSubnetname= $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualSubnetname
$storageAccountName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountName
$storageAccountList= $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountList.Name
$hostsfile= $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostsfile
$hostscript= $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostscript
$subscriptionName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubscriptionName
# Following modifies the Write-Output behavior to turn the messages on globally for this session
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
azure account set $subscriptionName
$countStorageAccount = $storageAccountList.Count
$countService = 1
$countVM = 1
$storageAccountIndex = 0
$jobs = @()
for ($countVM = 1; $countVM -le $numNodes; $countVM++)
if ($countService -gt [int]$numCloudServices) {$countService = 1}
if ($storageAccountIndex -eq $countStorageAccount) {$storageAccountIndex = 0}
$cloudServiceName = "$cloudServicePrefix$countService"
$vmName = "$vmNamePrefix$countVM"
$storageAccount = $storageAccountList[$storageAccountIndex]
$path = Resolve-Path ".\" + "\0_Create_Cluster_Nodes.ps1"
$jobs += Start-Job -FilePath "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH\0_Create_Cluster_Nodes.ps1" `
-ArgumentList "ncdv3c", `
"clusteradmin", `
"Password.1", `
"extralarge", `
10, `
1, `
"ncdlara$countVM", `
"ncdv3", `
"ncdv3", `
"ncdv3", `
"App", `
"ncdv3", `
"ncdv3", `
".\hosts", `
".\hostscript.sh", `
"MTC Workshop", `
Write-Progress -Activity "Submitting machine for creation" -Status $vmName -PercentComplete ($countVM / $numNodes * 100)
Write-Progress "Submitting virtual machine for creation" -Completed
Write-Progress "Waiting for virtual machine creation jobs to finish..." -PercentComplete -1
$jobs | Wait-Job | Out-Null
Write-Progress "Waiting for virtual machine creation jobs to finish..." -Completed
Receive-Job -Name Job7 -Keep
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
cd "C:\Users\larar\Source\Workspaces\Distributed Data Cluster on Azure\GitHubScripts\PoSH"
[xml]$ddpconfig = Get-Content ".\ClusterConfig Sample.xml"
$imageName = $ddpconfig.Cluster.CloneImage.cloneimageName
$adminUserName = $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminUserName
$adminPassword = $ddpconfig.Cluster.adminPassword
$instanceSize = $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.instanceSize
$diskSizeInGB= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.diskSizeInGB
$numOfDisks= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numOfDisks
$vmNamePrefix= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.vmNamePrefix
$cloudServicePrefix= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.cloudServicePrefix
$numCloudServices= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numCloudServices
$numNodes= $ddpconfig.Cluster.ClusterNodes.numNodes
$affinityGroupName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.affinityGroupName
$virtualNetworkName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualNetworkName
$virtualSubnetname= $ddpconfig.Cluster.virtualSubnetname
$storageAccountName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountName
$storageAccountList= $ddpconfig.Cluster.storageAccountList.Name
$hostsfile= $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostsfile
$hostscript= $ddpconfig.Cluster.hostscript
$subscriptionName= $ddpconfig.Cluster.SubscriptionName
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
azure account set $subscriptionName
$countStorageAccount = $storageAccountList.Count
$countService = 2
$countVM = 1
[int]$storageAccountIndex = 0
$cloudServiceName = $cloudServicePrefix+[string]$countService
$vmName = $vmNamePrefix+[string]$countVM
$storageAccount = $storageAccountList[$storageAccountIndex]
.\0_Create_Cluster_Nodes.ps1 `
-imageName "ncdv3c" `
-adminUserName "clusteradmin" `
-adminPassword "Password.1" `
-instanceSize "ExtraLarge" `
-diskSizeinGB 10 `
-numOfDisks 1 `
-vmName $vmName `
-cloudServiceName "ncdv3" `
-affinityGroupName "ncdv3" `
-virtualNetworkName "ncdv3" `
-virtualSubnetName "App" `
-storageAccountName "ncdv3" `
-storageAccount "ncdv3" `
-hostsfile ".\hostsfile" `
-hostscript ".\hostscript" `
-subscriptionName "MTC Workshop"
"ncdv3c" `
"clusteradmin" `
"Password.1" `
"extralarge" `
10 `
1 `
$vmName `
"ncdv3" `
"ncdv3" `
"ncdv3" `
"App" `
"ncdv3" `
"ncdv3" `
".\hosts" `
".\hostscript.sh" `
"MTC Workshop"
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