
104 строки
3.4 KiB

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Write-BackendDebugLog {
param (
if( Get-Command 'Write-Log' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Write-Log -Message $Message
else {
Write-Verbose $Message -Verbose
function Publish-FunctionApp {
param (
$PublishDir = Join-Path $OutputDir $FunctionName
Write-BackendDebugLog -Message "Building [ $ProjectDir ] --> [ $PublishDir ]"
$PublishLogs = dotnet publish $ProjectDir --configuration RELEASE --output $PublishDir --nologo
if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-BackendDebugLog -Message ($PublishLogs -join "`n")
throw "Errors while building Function App [ $FunctionName ]"
$ArchivePath = Join-Path $OutputDir "$"
Write-BackendDebugLog -Message "Zipping Artifacts [ $PublishDir ]/* --> [ $ArchivePath ]"
try {
Compress-Archive -Path "$PublishDir/*" -DestinationPath $ArchivePath -Force -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Write-BackendDebugLog -Message "Errors while compressing artifacts for Function App [ $FunctionName ]"
throw $_
Write-BackendDebugLog -Message "Deploying to Azure Function App [ $ResourceGroupName/$FunctionAppName ]"
# Turning Error only mode to reduce clutter on the terminal
$result = az functionapp deployment source config-zip -g $ResourceGroupName -n $FunctionAppName --src $ArchivePath --only-show-errors | ConvertFrom-Json
if(!$result) {
throw "Failed to deploy Function App [ $FunctionName ]"
Write-Output "Function App [ $FunctionName ] Published Successfully"
function Install-Backend {
param (
Write-BackendDebugLog -Message "Switching to [$SourceRoot] as working directory"
Push-Location $SourceRoot
$PublishRoot = 'Artifacts'
if(Test-Path $PublishRoot) {
Write-BackendDebugLog -Message "Deleting existing Artifacts"
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $PublishRoot -Recurse -Force
try {
Write-BackendDebugLog -Message "Installing FunctionApp"
$PublishParams = @{
FunctionName = "AssessmentAppApi";
ProjectDir = "Assessment.App.Functions";
OutputDir = $PublishRoot;
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName;
FunctionAppName = $FunctionAppName;
Publish-FunctionApp @PublishParams
Write-Output "Backend Installation Completed Successfully"
finally {