Merge branch 'dev'
* dev: Bump to version 0.2.4 and update date Rebuild docs Add pollStatus function for script actions #62 Fix unit tests Run script actions asynchronously #62 Remove instances of browser() Rebuild docs Refactor and fix issues with HDI #62
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
Package: AzureSMR
Title: Manage and Interact with Azure Resources.
Title: Manage and Interact with Azure Resources
Description: Helps users to manage Azure Services and objects from within an
R Session. This includes Azure Storage (e.g. containers and blobs), Virtual
Machines and HDInsight (Spark, Hive). To use the package, you must configure
an Azure Active Directory application and service principal in the Azure portal.
Type: Package
Version: 0.2.3
Date: 2017-05-21
Version: 0.2.4
Date: 2017-05-30
Authors@R: c(
person(family="Microsoft Corporation", role="cph"),
person("Alan", "Weaver", role=c("aut", "cre"), email=""),
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ Imports:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
@ -77,7 +78,6 @@ importFrom(httr,headers)
@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ azureListStorageContainers <- function(azureActiveContext, storageAccount, stora
verbosity <- set_verbosity(verbose)
URL <- paste0("http://", storageAccount, "")
xdate <- x_ms_date()
SIG <- getSig(azureActiveContext, url = URL, verb = "GET", key = storageKey, storageAccount = storageAccount,
CMD = "\ncomp:list", date = xdate)
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
#' @inheritParams azureListAllResources
#' @family HDInsight functions
#' @references
#' @return Returns Dataframe of HDInsight Clusters
#' @return data frame with summary information of HDI clusters
#' @export
azureListHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, clustername = "*",
subscriptionID, name, type, location, verbose = FALSE) {
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ azureListHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, clustername = "*",
if (missing(subscriptionID)) subscriptionID <- azureActiveContext$subscriptionID
if (missing(resourceGroup)) resourceGroup <- azureActiveContext$resourceGroup
verbosity <- set_verbosity(verbose)
if (clustername != "*") {
@ -26,33 +27,36 @@ azureListHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, clustername = "*",
rg <- if (clustername == "*") "" else paste0("/resourceGroups/", resourceGroup)
cn <- if (clustername == "*") "" else clustername
URL <- paste0("", subscriptionID, rg,
"/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/", cn,
"/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/", cn,
r <- GET(URL, azureApiHeaders(azToken), verbosity)
rc <- content(r)$value
z <-, lapply(rc, function(x) {
rc <- content(r)
extract_one <- function(x) {
x[c("name", "id", "location", "type")],
x$properties[c("tier", "osType", "provisioningState", "clusterState", "createdDate")],
z <- if (is.null(rc$value)) {
} else {
||||, lapply(rc$value, extract_one))
azureActiveContext$resourceGroup <- resourceGroup
#' Get Configuration Information for a specified cluster name.
#' Get configuration information for a specified cluster name.
#' @inheritParams setAzureContext
#' @inheritParams azureAuthenticate
@ -64,69 +68,57 @@ azureListHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, clustername = "*",
#' @export
azureHDIConf <- function(azureActiveContext, clustername, resourceGroup,
subscriptionID, name, type, location, verbose = FALSE) {
azToken <- azureActiveContext$Token
if (missing(subscriptionID)) {
subscriptionID <- azureActiveContext$subscriptionID
} else (subscriptionID <- subscriptionID)
if (missing(resourceGroup)) {
resourceGroup <- azureActiveContext$resourceGroup
} else (resourceGroup <- resourceGroup)
if (missing(clustername)) {
clustername <- azureActiveContext$clustername
} else (clustername <- clustername)
if (missing(subscriptionID)) subscriptionID <- azureActiveContext$subscriptionID
if (missing(resourceGroup)) resourceGroup <- azureActiveContext$resourceGroup
if (missing(clustername)) clustername <- azureActiveContext$clustername
verbosity <- set_verbosity(verbose)
if (!length(azToken)) {
stop("Error: No Token / Not currently Authenticated.")
if (!length(subscriptionID)) {
stop("Error: No subscriptionID provided: Use SUBID argument or set in AzureContext")
if (!length(clustername)) {
stop("Error: No clustername Provided.")
URL <- paste0("", subscriptionID,
"/resourceGroups/", resourceGroup,
"/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/", clustername,
r <- GET(URL, azureApiHeaders(azToken), verbosity)
rc <- content(r)
if (length(rc) == 0) {
warning("No HDInsight clusters found", immediate. = TRUE)
URL <- paste("", subscriptionID,
"/resourceGroups/", resourceGroup, "/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/",
clustername, "?api-version=2015-03-01-preview", sep = "")
info <- paste(vapply(rc$properties$computeProfile$roles, function(x) {
sprintf("%s: %s * %s",
x$hardwareProfile$vmSize)}, FUN.VALUE = character(1)
), collapse = ", "
r <- GET(URL, add_headers(.headers = c(Host = "",
Authorization = azToken, `Content-type` = "application/json")), verbosity)
rl <- content(r, "text")
dfn <- with(rc, data.frame(
name = name,
id = id,
location = location,
type = type,
tier = rc$properties$tier,
kind = rc$properties$clusterDefinition$kind,
osType = rc$properties$osType,
provisioningState = rc$properties$provisioningState,
status = rc$properties$clusterState,
created = rc$properties$createdDate,
numCores = rc$properties$quotaInfo$coresUsed,
information = info,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
df <- fromJSON(rl)
dfn <-$name)
clust <- nrow(dfn)
if (clust < 1) {
warning("No HDInsight Clusters found")
dfn[1, 1] <- df$name
dfn[1, 2] <- df$id
dfn[1, 3] <- df$location
dfn[1, 4] <- df$type
dfn[1, 5] <- df$properties$tier
dfn[1, 6] <- df$properties$clusterDefinition$kind
dfn[1, 7] <- df$properties$osType
dfn[1, 8] <- df$properties$provisioningState
dfn[1, 9] <- df$properties$clusterState
dfn[1, 10] <- df$properties$createdDate
dfn[1, 11] <- df$properties$quotaInfo$coresUsed
roles1 <- df$properties$computeProfile$roles
rt <- ""
for (i in 1:nrow(roles1)) {
row <- roles1[i, ]
rt <- paste(rt, row$name, "(", row$targetInstanceCount, "*", row[,
3], ")")
dfn[1, 12] <- rt
colnames(dfn) <- c("name", "ID", "location", "type", "tier", "kind",
"OS", "provState", "status", "created", "numCores", "information")
#' Create HDInsight cluster.
@ -150,10 +142,12 @@ azureHDIConf <- function(azureActiveContext, clustername, resourceGroup,
#' @param componentVersion Spark componentVersion. Default : 1.6.2
#' @param vmSize Size of nodes: "Large", "Small", "Standard_D14_V2", etc.
#' @param mode Provisioning mode, "Sync" or "Async". Use "Async" to immediately return to R session after submission of request
#' @param debug Used for debugging purposes. If TRUE, returns json without attempting to connect to Azure
#' @return Success message
#' @family HDInsight functions
#' @note See \url{} to learn about HDInsight Versions
#' @references
#' @export
azureCreateHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, location,
clustername, kind = c("rserver", "spark", "hadoop"),
@ -162,7 +156,7 @@ azureCreateHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, location,
workers = 2,
adminUser, adminPassword, sshUser, sshPassword,
hiveServer, hiveDB, hiveUser, hivePassword,
vmSize = "Small",
vmSize = "Large",
subscriptionID, mode = c("Sync", "Async"),
verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
@ -245,7 +239,6 @@ azureCreateHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, location,
r <- PUT(URL, azureApiHeaders(azToken), body = bodyI, encode = "json", verbosity)
azureActiveContext$resourceGroup <- resourceGroup
@ -363,8 +356,9 @@ azureResizeHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, clustername,
#' @inheritParams azureAuthenticate
#' @inheritParams azureListHDI
#' @return Returns Dataframe of HDInsight Clusters information
#' @return Data frame with HDInsight clusters information
#' @family HDInsight functions
#' @references
#' @export
azureDeleteHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, clustername, subscriptionID,
resourceGroup, verbose = FALSE) {
@ -382,8 +376,9 @@ azureDeleteHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, clustername, subscriptionID,
URL <- paste0("", subscriptionID,
"/resourceGroups/", resourceGroup, "/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/",
clustername, "?api-version=2015-03-01-preview")
"/resourceGroups/", resourceGroup,
"/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/", clustername,
r <- DELETE(URL, azureApiHeaders(azToken), verbosity)
@ -405,14 +400,17 @@ azureDeleteHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, clustername, subscriptionID,
#' @param workerNode install on worker nodes
#' @param edgeNode install on worker nodes
#' @param parameters parameters
#' @param wait If TRUE, runs script action synchronously, i.e. waits for successfull completion. If FALSE, submits the action asynchronously
#' @return Returns Success Message
#' @family HDInsight functions
#' @references
#' @export
azureRunScriptAction <- function(azureActiveContext, scriptname, scriptURL,
headNode = TRUE, workerNode = FALSE, edgeNode = FALSE,
clustername, resourceGroup,
parameters = "", subscriptionID, verbose = FALSE) {
parameters = "", subscriptionID,
wait = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
azToken <- azureActiveContext$Token
@ -426,13 +424,8 @@ azureRunScriptAction <- function(azureActiveContext, scriptname, scriptURL,
if (!length(scriptname)) {
stop("Error: No Valid scriptname provided")
if (!length(scriptURL)) {
stop("Error: No Valid scriptURL provided")
if (!length(scriptname)) stop("Error: No Valid scriptname provided")
if (!length(scriptURL)) stop("Error: No Valid scriptURL provided")
if (!any(headNode, workerNode, edgeNode)) {
stop("Error: No role(headNode,workerNode,edgeNode) flag set to TRUE")
@ -465,6 +458,7 @@ azureRunScriptAction <- function(azureActiveContext, scriptname, scriptURL,
azureActiveContext$clustername <- clustername
if (wait) pollStatusScriptAction(azureActiveContext, scriptname = scriptname)
@ -477,6 +471,7 @@ azureRunScriptAction <- function(azureActiveContext, scriptname, scriptURL,
#' @return Dataframe of HDInsight Clusters
#' @family HDInsight functions
#' @references
#' @export
azureScriptActionHistory <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup,
clustername = "*", subscriptionID,
@ -503,20 +498,26 @@ azureScriptActionHistory <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup,
rc <- content(r)$value
if (length(rc) == 0) {
message("No script action history found")
class(rc) <- "azureScriptActionHistory"
dfn <-, lapply(rc, function(x) {
x[c("name", "scriptExecutionId", "startTime")],
if (is.null(x$endTime)) list(endTime = NA) else x["endTime"],
x[c("status", "uri", "parameters")]
azureActiveContext$clustername <- clustername
#' @export
#' @param object azureScriptActionHistory object, created by [azureScriptActionHistory()]
#' @param ... not used
#' @rdname azureScriptActionHistory
summary.azureScriptActionHistory <- function(object, ...) {
||||, lapply(object, function(x) {
x[c("name", "scriptExecutionId", "startTime")],
if (is.null(x$endTime)) list(endTime = NA) else x["endTime"],
x[c("status", "uri", "parameters")]
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#' @inheritParams setAzureContext
#' @inheritParams azureAuthenticate
#' @return Dataframe of subscriptionID; Sets AzureContext subscriptionID
#' @return data frame with subscriptionID; Sets AzureContext subscriptionID
#' @family Resource group functions
#' @export
azureListSubscriptions <- function(azureActiveContext, verbose = FALSE) {
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ azureListSubscriptions <- function(azureActiveContext, verbose = FALSE) {
dfs <- lapply(content(r), data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df1 <-, dfs))
if (nrow(df1) == 1) azureActiveContext$subscriptionID <- df1$subscriptionID[1]
df1 <-, dfs)
if (nrow(df1) == 1) azureActiveContext$subscriptionID <- df1$subscriptionId[1]
@ -16,13 +16,18 @@
#' - [azureListStorageContainers()]
#' - [azureListStorageBlobs()]
#' * Virtual Machines
#' - List VMs: [azureListVM()]
#' - To create a virtual machine, use [azureDeployTemplate()] with a suitable template
#' - Start a VM: [azureStartVM()]
#' - Stop a VM: [azureStopVM()]
#' - Get status: [azureVMStatus()]
#' - List VMs: [azureListVM()]
#' * HDInsight (Nodes, Hive, Spark)
#' * Azure Resource Manager
#' * HDInsight clusters:
#' - [azureListHDI()]
#' - [azureCreateHDI()]
#' - [azureResizeHDI()]
#' - [azureDeleteHDI()]
#' - [azureRunScriptAction()]
#' - [azureScriptActionHistory()]
#' @name AzureSMR
@ -33,7 +38,6 @@
#' @importFrom utils browseURL URLencode ls.str str
#' @importFrom digest hmac
#' @importFrom base64enc base64encode base64decode
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr add_headers headers content status_code http_status authenticate
#' @importFrom httr GET PUT DELETE POST
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ azureSAGetKey <- function(azureActiveContext, storageAccount,
#' @inheritParams azureAuthenticate
#' @inheritParams azureSAGetKey
#' @param location A string for the location to create storage account
#' @param asynchronous If TRUE, submits asynchronous request to Azure. Otherwise waits until storage account is created.
#' @family Storage account functions
#' @export
azureCreateStorageAccount <- function(azureActiveContext, storageAccount,
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ azureListScaleSetNetwork <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, location
lbs <- df$value$name
dfn <- data.frame(lbname = "", publicIpAdress = "", inport = "", outport = "")
clust <- length(lbs)
if (clust > 0) {
for (i in seq_along(lbs)) {
lb <- lbs[i]
@ -142,7 +141,6 @@ azureListScaleSetNetwork <- function(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, location
clust <- nrow(dfn)
clust2 <- length(df2$properties$ipAddress)
if (clust2 > 0) {
#if (length(df2$properties$dnsSettings$fqdn) != length(df2$properties$ipAddress)) browser()
fqdn = if (is.null(df2$properties$dnsSettings$fqdn)) "" else df2$properties$dnsSettings$fqdn,
ipAddress = df2$properties$ipAddress,
@ -133,9 +133,7 @@ getSig <- function(azureActiveContext, url, verb, key, storageAccount,
stopWithAzureError <- function(r) {
#if (status_code(r) %in% c(200, 201, 202, 204)) return()
if(status_code(r) < 300) return()
if (status_code(r) < 300) return()
msg <- paste0(as.character([1], "()") # Name of calling fucntion
addToMsg <- function(x) {
if (!is.null(x)) x <- strwrap(x)
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ pollStatusVM <- function(azureActiveContext) {
pollStatusHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, clustername) {
message("HDI request submitted: ", Sys.time())
message("Key: (.) - in progress, S - succeeded, E - error")
message("Key: (.) - in progress, S - succeeded, E - error, F - failed")
iteration <- 0
waiting <- TRUE
while (iteration < 500 && waiting) {
@ -100,26 +100,68 @@ pollStatusHDI <- function(azureActiveContext, clustername) {
rc <- switch(tolower(summary),
succeeded = "S",
error = "E",
failed = "F",
inprogress = ".",
message(rc, appendLF = FALSE)
if (rc %in% c("S", "E")) {
if (rc %in% c("S", "E", "F")) {
waiting = FALSE
if (rc == "E") {
warning(paste("Error deploying: ", Sys.time()))
if (rc %in% c("E", "F")) {
warning(paste("Error deploying: ", Sys.time()), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if (rc == "?") message(status)
if (rc == "?") message(summary)
iteration <- iteration + 1
if (!rc %in% c("S", "E")) Sys.sleep(10)
if (!rc %in% c("S", "E", "F")) Sys.sleep(10)
message("HDI request completed: ", Sys.time())
pollStatusScriptAction <- function(azureActiveContext, scriptname) {
message("Script action request submitted: ", Sys.time())
message("Key: A - accepted, (.) - in progress, S - succeeded, E - error, F - failed")
iteration <- 0
waiting <- TRUE
while (iteration < 500 && waiting) {
status <- azureScriptActionHistory(azureActiveContext)
idx <- which(sapply(status, "[[", "name") == scriptname)[1]
summary <- status[[idx]]$status
rc <- switch(tolower(summary),
accepted = "A",
succeeded = "S",
error = "E",
failed = "F",
inprogress = ".",
message(rc, appendLF = FALSE)
if (rc %in% c("S", "E", "F")) {
waiting = FALSE
if (rc %in% c("E", "F")) {
warning(paste("Error deploying: ", Sys.time()), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if (rc == "?") message(summary)
iteration <- iteration + 1
if (!rc %in% c("S", "E", "F")) Sys.sleep(5)
message("Script action completed: ", Sys.time())
@ -31,14 +31,21 @@ This enables you to use and change many Azure resources. The following is an inc
\item Virtual Machines
\item List VMs: \code{\link[=azureListVM]{azureListVM()}}
\item To create a virtual machine, use \code{\link[=azureDeployTemplate]{azureDeployTemplate()}} with a suitable template
\item Start a VM: \code{\link[=azureStartVM]{azureStartVM()}}
\item Stop a VM: \code{\link[=azureStopVM]{azureStopVM()}}
\item Get status: \code{\link[=azureVMStatus]{azureVMStatus()}}
\item List VMs: \code{\link[=azureListVM]{azureListVM()}}
\item HDInsight (Nodes, Hive, Spark)
\item Azure Resource Manager
\item HDInsight clusters:
\item \code{\link[=azureListHDI]{azureListHDI()}}
\item \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}
\item \code{\link[=azureResizeHDI]{azureResizeHDI()}}
\item \code{\link[=azureDeleteHDI]{azureDeleteHDI()}}
\item \code{\link[=azureRunScriptAction]{azureRunScriptAction()}}
\item \code{\link[=azureScriptActionHistory]{azureScriptActionHistory()}}
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ azureBlobCD(azureActiveContext, directory, container, file, storageAccount,
\item Local filename to store in Azure blob
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ azureBlobFind(azureActiveContext, file, storageAccount, storageKey, container,
\item Local filename to store in Azure blob
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ azureBlobLS(azureActiveContext, directory, recursive = FALSE, storageAccount,
\item{recursive}{If TRUE, list blob store directories recursively}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -2,24 +2,27 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/AzureHDI.R
\title{Create Specifed HDInsight Cluster.}
\title{Create HDInsight cluster.}
azureCreateHDI(azureActiveContext, clustername, location, kind = "spark",
storageAccount, storageKey, version = "3.4", componentVersion = "1.6.2",
workers = 2, adminUser, adminPassword, sshUser, sshPassword, hiveServer,
hiveDB, hiveUser, hivePassword, resourceGroup, vmSize = "Large",
subscriptionID, mode = "Sync", verbose = FALSE)
azureCreateHDI(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, location, clustername,
kind = c("rserver", "spark", "hadoop"), storageAccount, storageKey,
version = "3.5", componentVersion = "1.6.2", workers = 2, adminUser,
adminPassword, sshUser, sshPassword, hiveServer, hiveDB, hiveUser,
hivePassword, vmSize = "Large", subscriptionID, mode = c("Sync", "Async"),
verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{resourceGroup}{Name of the resource group}
\item{location}{Azure region, e.g. 'westeurope' or 'southcentralus'}
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{kind}{HDinsight kind: "hadoop","spark" or "rserver"}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -45,8 +48,6 @@ azureCreateHDI(azureActiveContext, clustername, location, kind = "spark",
\item{hivePassword}{Hive user password}
\item{resourceGroup}{Name of the resource group}
\item{vmSize}{Size of nodes: "Large", "Small", "Standard_D14_V2", etc.}
\item{subscriptionID}{Subscription ID. This is obtained automatically by \code{\link[=azureAuthenticate]{azureAuthenticate()}} when only a single subscriptionID is available via Active Directory}
@ -54,16 +55,21 @@ azureCreateHDI(azureActiveContext, clustername, location, kind = "spark",
\item{mode}{Provisioning mode, "Sync" or "Async". Use "Async" to immediately return to R session after submission of request}
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
\item{debug}{Used for debugging purposes. If TRUE, returns json without attempting to connect to Azure}
Success message
Create Specifed HDInsight Cluster.
Create HDInsight cluster.
See \url{} to learn about HDInsight Versions
Other HDInsight functions: \code{\link{azureDeleteHDI}},
\code{\link{azureHDIConf}}, \code{\link{azureListHDI}},
@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
\title{Create an Azure Storage Account.}
azureCreateStorageAccount(azureActiveContext, storageAccount,
location = "northeurope", resourceGroup, subscriptionID, verbose = FALSE)
location = "northeurope", resourceGroup, subscriptionID,
asynchronous = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{location}{A string for the location to create storage account}
@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ azureCreateStorageAccount(azureActiveContext, storageAccount,
\item{subscriptionID}{Subscription ID. This is obtained automatically by \code{\link[=azureAuthenticate]{azureAuthenticate()}} when only a single subscriptionID is available via Active Directory}
\item{asynchronous}{If TRUE, submits asynchronous request to Azure. Otherwise waits until storage account is created.}
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ azureCreateStorageContainer(azureActiveContext, container, storageAccount,
\item{container}{Storage container name. See \code{\link[=azureListStorageContainers]{azureListStorageContainers()}}}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ azureDeleteBlob(azureActiveContext, blob, directory, storageAccount, storageKey,
\item{directory}{Blob store directory to list for content}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/AzureHDI.R
\title{Delete Specifed HDInsight Cluster.}
\title{Delete HDInsight cluster.}
azureDeleteHDI(azureActiveContext, clustername, subscriptionID, resourceGroup,
verbose = FALSE)
@ -19,10 +19,13 @@ azureDeleteHDI(azureActiveContext, clustername, subscriptionID, resourceGroup,
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
Returns Dataframe of HDInsight Clusters information
Data frame with HDInsight clusters information
Delete Specifed HDInsight Cluster.
Delete HDInsight cluster.
Other HDInsight functions: \code{\link{azureCreateHDI}},
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ azureDeleteStorageContainer(azureActiveContext, container, storageAccount,
\item{container}{Storage container name. See \code{\link[=azureListStorageContainers]{azureListStorageContainers()}}}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ azureDeletestorageAccount(azureActiveContext, storageAccount, resourceGroup,
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{resourceGroup}{Name of the resource group}
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
\title{Deploy a resource from an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template.}
azureDeployTemplate(azureActiveContext, deplname, templateURL, paramURL,
templateJSON, paramJSON, mode = "Sync", resourceGroup, subscriptionID,
verbose = FALSE)
templateJSON, paramJSON, mode = c("Sync", "Async"), resourceGroup,
subscriptionID, verbose = FALSE)
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ azureGetBlob(azureActiveContext, blob, directory, type = "text",
\item{type}{String, either "text" or "raw". Passed to \code{\link[httr:content]{httr::content()}}}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/AzureHDI.R
\title{Get Configuration Information for a specified cluster name.}
\title{Get configuration information for a specified cluster name.}
azureHDIConf(azureActiveContext, clustername, resourceGroup, subscriptionID,
name, type, location, verbose = FALSE)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ azureHDIConf(azureActiveContext, clustername, resourceGroup, subscriptionID,
Returns Dataframe of HDInsight Clusters information
Get Configuration Information for a specified cluster name.
Get configuration information for a specified cluster name.
Other HDInsight functions: \code{\link{azureCreateHDI}},
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ azureHiveSQL(azureActiveContext, CMD, clustername, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword,
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ azureHiveStatus(azureActiveContext, clustername, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword,
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
@ -25,11 +25,14 @@ azureListHDI(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, clustername = "*",
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
Returns Dataframe of HDInsight Clusters
data frame with summary information of HDI clusters
Get all HDInsight Clusters in default Subscription or details for a specified cluster name.
Other HDInsight functions: \code{\link{azureCreateHDI}},
\code{\link{azureDeleteHDI}}, \code{\link{azureHDIConf}},
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ azureListStorageBlobs(azureActiveContext, storageAccount, storageKey, container,
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ azureListStorageContainers(azureActiveContext, storageAccount, storageKey,
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ azureListSubscriptions(azureActiveContext, verbose = FALSE)
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
Dataframe of subscriptionID; Sets AzureContext subscriptionID
data frame with subscriptionID; Sets AzureContext subscriptionID
Get available subscriptions.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ azurePutBlob(azureActiveContext, blob, contents = "", file = "", directory,
\item{directory}{Blob store directory to list for content}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
@ -2,19 +2,20 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/AzureHDI.R
\title{Resize a HDInsight Cluster role.}
\title{Resize a HDInsight cluster role.}
azureResizeHDI(azureActiveContext, clustername, role = "worker", size = 2,
mode = "Sync", subscriptionID, resourceGroup, verbose = FALSE)
azureResizeHDI(azureActiveContext, clustername, role = c("worker", "head",
"edge"), size = 2, mode = c("Sync", "Async"), subscriptionID,
resourceGroup, verbose = FALSE)
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{role}{role type: 'worker', 'head' or 'Edge'}
\item{role}{role type: 'worker', 'head' or 'edge'}
\item{size}{Desired size of role type}
\item{size}{Numeric: the number of nodes for this type of role}
\item{mode}{Provisioning mode, "Sync" or "Async". Use "Async" to immediately return to R session after submission of request}
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ azureResizeHDI(azureActiveContext, clustername, role = "worker", size = 2,
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
Resize a HDInsight Cluster role.
Resize a HDInsight cluster role.
Other HDInsight functions: \code{\link{azureCreateHDI}},
@ -2,24 +2,25 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/AzureHDI.R
\title{Run Script Action on HDI Cluster.}
\title{Run script action on HDI cluster.}
azureRunScriptAction(azureActiveContext, scriptname = "script1", scriptURL,
azureRunScriptAction(azureActiveContext, scriptname, scriptURL,
headNode = TRUE, workerNode = FALSE, edgeNode = FALSE, clustername,
resourceGroup, parameters = "", subscriptionID, verbose = FALSE)
resourceGroup, parameters = "", subscriptionID, wait = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
\item{scriptname}{Identifier for Custom action scrript operation}
\item{scriptname}{Identifier for Custom action script operation}
\item{scriptURL}{URL to custom action script (Sring)}
\item{scriptURL}{URL to custom action script}
\item{headNode}{install on head nodes (default FALSE)}
\item{headNode}{install on head nodes}
\item{workerNode}{install on worker nodes (default FALSE)}
\item{workerNode}{install on worker nodes}
\item{edgeNode}{install on worker nodes (default FALSE)}
\item{edgeNode}{install on worker nodes}
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
@ -29,13 +30,18 @@ azureRunScriptAction(azureActiveContext, scriptname = "script1", scriptURL,
\item{subscriptionID}{Subscription ID. This is obtained automatically by \code{\link[=azureAuthenticate]{azureAuthenticate()}} when only a single subscriptionID is available via Active Directory}
\item{wait}{If TRUE, runs script action synchronously, i.e. waits for successfull completion. If FALSE, submits the action asynchronously}
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
Returns Success Message
Run Script Action on HDI Cluster.
Run script action on HDI cluster.
Other HDInsight functions: \code{\link{azureCreateHDI}},
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ azureSAGetKey(azureActiveContext, storageAccount, resourceGroup, subscriptionID,
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{resourceGroup}{Name of the resource group}
@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/AzureHDI.R
\title{Get all HDInsight Script Action History for a specified cluster name.}
\title{Get all HDInsight script action history for a specified cluster name.}
azureScriptActionHistory(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, clustername = "*",
subscriptionID, name, type, verbose = FALSE)
\method{summary}{azureScriptActionHistory}(object, ...)
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
@ -21,12 +24,19 @@ azureScriptActionHistory(azureActiveContext, resourceGroup, clustername = "*",
\item{type}{filter by resource type}
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
\item{object}{azureScriptActionHistory object, created by \code{\link[=azureScriptActionHistory]{azureScriptActionHistory()}}}
\item{...}{not used}
Dataframe of HDInsight Clusters
Get all HDInsight Script Action History for a specified cluster name.
Get all HDInsight script action history for a specified cluster name.
Other HDInsight functions: \code{\link{azureCreateHDI}},
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ azureSparkCMD(azureActiveContext, CMD, clustername, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword,
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{sessionID}{Spark sessionID. See \code{\link[=azureSparkCMD]{azureSparkCMD()}}}
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ azureSparkJob(azureActiveContext, FILE, clustername, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword,
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ azureSparkListJobs(azureActiveContext, clustername, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword,
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ azureSparkListSessions(azureActiveContext, clustername, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword,
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ azureSparkNewSession(azureActiveContext, clustername, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword,
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{kind}{HDinsight kind: "hadoop","spark" or "pyspark"}
\item{kind}{HDinsight kind: "hadoop","spark" or "rserver". See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)}
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ azureSparkStopSession(azureActiveContext, clustername, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword,
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{sessionID}{Spark sessionID. See \code{\link[=azureSparkCMD]{azureSparkCMD()}}}
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
\title{Updates azureActiveContext object.}
setAzureContext(azureActiveContext, tenantID, clientID, authKey, azToken,
subscriptionID, resourceGroup, storageKey, storageAccount, container, blob,
vmName, hdiAdmin, hdiPassword, clustername, kind, sessionID)
setAzureContext(azureActiveContext, tenantID, clientID, authKey, subscriptionID,
resourceGroup, storageKey, storageAccount, container, blob, vmName, hdiAdmin,
hdiPassword, clustername, kind, sessionID)
\item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}}
@ -17,15 +17,13 @@ setAzureContext(azureActiveContext, tenantID, clientID, authKey, azToken,
\item{authKey}{The Authentication Key provided during creation of the Active Directory application / service principal}
\item{azToken}{Azure authentication token, obtained by \code{\link[=azureAuthenticate]{azureAuthenticate()}}}
\item{subscriptionID}{Subscription ID. This is obtained automatically by \code{\link[=azureAuthenticate]{azureAuthenticate()}} when only a single subscriptionID is available via Active Directory}
\item{resourceGroup}{Name of the resource group}
\item{storageKey}{Storage key associated with storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account}
\item{storageAccount}{Name of the azure storage account. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and use numbers and lower-case letters only.}
\item{container}{Storage container name. See \code{\link[=azureListStorageContainers]{azureListStorageContainers()}}}
@ -33,13 +31,13 @@ setAzureContext(azureActiveContext, tenantID, clientID, authKey, azToken,
\item{vmName}{Name of the virtual machine}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username}
\item{hdiAdmin}{HDInsight admin username. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password}
\item{hdiPassword}{HDInsight admin password. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{clustername}{Cluster name, used for HDI and Spark clusters. See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{kind}{HDinsight kind: "hadoop","spark" or "pyspark"}
\item{kind}{HDinsight kind: "hadoop","spark" or "rserver". See \code{\link[=azureCreateHDI]{azureCreateHDI()}}}
\item{sessionID}{Spark sessionID. See \code{\link[=azureSparkCMD]{azureSparkCMD()}}}
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ azureAuthenticate(asc, verbose = FALSE)
timestamp <- format(Sys.time(), format = "%y%m%d%H%M")
resourceGroup_name <- paste0("_AzureSMtest_", timestamp)
cluster_name <- paste0("azuresmrhdi", timestamp)
storage_name <- paste0("azuresmrhdist", timestamp)
test_that("Can create resource group", {
@ -46,58 +48,63 @@ test_that("Can create HDI cluster", {
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name, clustername = "azuresmr_hdi_test",
storageAccount = "azuresmrhditest",
adminUser = "Azuresmr_test1", adminPassword = "Password_1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "Password_1",
debug = TRUE
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name,
clustername = cluster_name,
storageAccount = storage_name,
adminUser = "Azuresmr_test1", adminPassword = "Password_1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "Password_1",
debug = TRUE
"creating storage account"
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name, clustername = "azuresmr_hdi_test",
storageAccount = "azuresmrhditest",
adminUser = "Azuresmr_test1", adminPassword = "Azuresmr_test1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "sssUser_test1",
debug = FALSE
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name,
clustername = cluster_name,
storageAccount = storage_name,
adminUser = "Azuresmr_test1", adminPassword = "Azuresmr_test1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "sssUser_test1",
debug = FALSE
"should not contain 3 consecutive letters from the username"
# debug - default
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name, clustername = "azuresmr_hdi_test",
storageAccount = "azuresmrhditest",
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name,
clustername = cluster_name,
storageAccount = storage_name,
adminUser = "x", adminPassword = "Azuresmr_test1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "sshUser_test1",
debug = TRUE
# debug - rserver
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name, clustername = "azuresmr_hdi_test",
storageAccount = "azuresmrhditest",
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name,
clustername = cluster_name,
storageAccount = storage_name,
adminUser = "x", adminPassword = "Azuresmr_test1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "sshUser_test1",
kind = "rserver",
debug = TRUE
# debug - hadoop
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name, clustername = "azuresmr_hdi_test",
storageAccount = "azuresmrhditest",
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name,
clustername = cluster_name,
storageAccount = storage_name,
adminUser = "x", adminPassword = "Azuresmr_test1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "sshUser_test1",
kind = "hadoop",
debug = TRUE
@ -109,14 +116,15 @@ test_that("can create HDI cluster", {
# create the actual instance - rserver
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name, clustername = "azuresmrhditest",
storageAccount = paste0("azuresmrhdi", timestamp),
adminUser = "x", adminPassword = "Azuresmr_test1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "sshUser_test1",
kind = "rserver",
debug = FALSE
azureCreateHDI(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name,
clustername = cluster_name,
storageAccount = storage_name,
adminUser = "x", adminPassword = "Azuresmr_test1",
sshUser = "sssUser_test1", sshPassword = "sshUser_test1",
kind = "rserver",
debug = FALSE
@ -128,15 +136,15 @@ test_that("can run action scripts", {
# run an action script
scriptname = "installPackages",
scriptURL = "",
workerNode = TRUE, edgeNode = TRUE,
parameters = "useCRAN stringr")
scriptname = "installPackages",
scriptURL = "",
workerNode = TRUE, edgeNode = TRUE,
parameters = "useCRAN stringr")
# retrieve action script history
z <- azureScriptActionHistory(asc)
expect_is(z, "data.frame")
expect_is(z, "azureScriptActionHistory")
# --------
@ -148,9 +156,14 @@ test_that("can delete HDI cluster", {
z <- azureListHDI(asc)
expect_is(z, "data.frame")
z <- azureListHDI(asc,
clustername = cluster_name,
resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name)
expect_is(z, "data.frame")
# delete cluster
azureDeleteHDI(asc, clustername = "azuresmrhditest")
azureDeleteHDI(asc, clustername = cluster_name)
azureDeleteResourceGroup(asc, resourceGroup = resourceGroup_name)
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