% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/AzureBatch.R \name{azureCreateBatchAccount} \alias{azureCreateBatchAccount} \title{Create an azure batch account.} \usage{ azureCreateBatchAccount(azureActiveContext, batchAccount, location = "northeurope", resourceGroup, subscriptionID, asynchronous = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by \code{AzureSMR}, created by \code{\link[=createAzureContext]{createAzureContext()}}} \item{location}{A string for the location to create batch account} \item{resourceGroup}{Name of the resource group} \item{subscriptionID}{Subscription ID. This is obtained automatically by \code{\link[=azureAuthenticate]{azureAuthenticate()}} when only a single subscriptionID is available via Active Directory} \item{asynchronous}{If TRUE, submits asynchronous request to Azure. Otherwise waits until batch account is created.} \item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)} } \description{ Create an azure batch account. } \references{ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/batchmanagement/batchaccount } \seealso{ Other Batch account functions: \code{\link{azureBatchGetKey}}, \code{\link{azureDeleteBatchAccount}}, \code{\link{azureListBatchAccounts}} }