% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/AzureTemplate.R \name{azureDeployStatus} \alias{azureDeployStatus} \title{Check Template Deployment Status.} \usage{ azureDeployStatus(azureActiveContext, deplname, resourceGroup, subscriptionID, azToken, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{azureActiveContext}{A container used for caching variables used by AzureSMR} \item{deplname}{deplname} \item{resourceGroup}{Set the name of the Resource Group} \item{subscriptionID}{Set the subscriptionID Obtained automatically by AzureAuthenticate when only one is available} \item{azToken}{Azure Token Object - Obtained by AzureAuthenticate} \item{verbose}{Print Tracing information (Default False)} } \description{ Check Template Deployment Status. } \seealso{ Other Template functions: \code{\link{azureCancelDeploy}}, \code{\link{azureDeleteDeploy}}, \code{\link{azureDeployTemplate}} }