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#' Authenticates against Azure Active directory application.
#' @inheritParams setAzureContext
#' @param verbose Print Tracing information (Default False)
#' @note See \url{} for instructions to set up an Active Directory application
#' @references \url{}
#' @return Retunrs Azure Tokem and sets AzureContext Token
#' @family Resources
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @export
azureAuthenticate <- function(azureActiveContext, tenantID, clientID, authKey, verbose = FALSE) {
if (missing(tenantID)) {
tenantID <- azureActiveContext$tenantID
} else (tenantID <- tenantID)
if (missing(clientID)) {
clientID <- azureActiveContext$clientID
} else (clientID <- clientID)
if (missing(authKey)) {
authKey <- azureActiveContext$authKey
} else (authKey <- authKey)
if (!length(tenantID)) {
stop("Error: No tenantID provided: Use tenantID argument or set in AzureContext")
if (!length(clientID)) {
stop("Error: No clientID provided: Use clientID argument or set in AzureContext")
if (!length(authKey)) {
stop("Error: No authKey provided: Use authKey argument or set in AzureContext")
verbosity <- if (verbose)
httr::verbose(TRUE) else NULL
URLGT <- paste0("", tenantID, "/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0")
authKeyEncoded <- URLencode(authKey, reserved = TRUE)
bodyGT <- paste0("grant_type=client_credentials&",
clientID, "&client_secret=", authKeyEncoded)
r <- httr::POST(URLGT,
.headers = c(`Cache-Control` = "no-cache",
`Content-type` = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")),
body = bodyGT,
j1 <- content(r, "parsed", encoding = "UTF-8")
if (status_code(r) != 200) stopWithAzureError(r)
AT <- paste("Bearer", j1$access_token)
azureActiveContext$Token <- AT
azureActiveContext$tenantID <- tenantID
azureActiveContext$clientID <- clientID
azureActiveContext$authKey <- authKey
azureActiveContext$EXPIRY <- Sys.time() + 3598
SUBS <- azureListSubscriptions(azureActiveContext)
return("Authentication Suceeded : Key Obtained")
#' Check the timestamp of a Token and Renew if needed.
#' @inheritParams setAzureContext
#' @inheritParams azureAuthenticate
#' @family Resources
#' @export
azureCheckToken <- function(azureActiveContext) {
if (missing(azureActiveContext) || is.null(azureActiveContext)) return(NA)
if (is.null(azureActiveContext$EXPIRY))
stop("Not Authenticated: Use azureAuthenticate")
if (azureActiveContext$EXPIRY < Sys.time()) {
message("Azure Token Expired: Attempting automatic renewal")