trigger: none variables: - name: BuildXL.LogsDirectory value: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Out\Logs\pr-$(Build.BuildNumber) - name: BuildXL.PreReleaseTag value: pr.public.apiscan - name: BuildXL.SemanticVersion value: 0.0.$(Build.BuildNumber) - name: BuildXL.Configuration value: Release - name: Codeql.Enabled value: false - name: ServiceConnection.ID value: f8d656f9-65f2-4c67-93ba-fb4ec491e20e jobs: - job: APIScan displayName: APIScan timeoutInMinutes: 120 cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 1 pool: name: BuildXL-DevOpsAgents-Selfhost os: windows steps: - checkout: self fetchDepth: 1 - template: /.azdo/common/journaling.yml # Enable journaling - template: /.azdo/common/set-msvc-version.yml # It should give us enough coverage to run with the default qualifier # We only care to scan binaries we produce, so we are using an output filter pointing to the Out\Bin\$(BuildXL.Configuration)\win-x64 folder - task: CmdLine@2 displayName: BuildXL (cscDebugType=pdbOnly) inputs: script: 'bxl.cmd -DeployConfig $(BuildXL.Configuration) /p:[Sdk.BuildXL]microsoftInternal=0 /p:[Sdk.BuildXL]cscDebugType=pdbOnly /logsDirectory:$(BuildXL.LogsDirectory) /p:[BuildXL.Branding]SemanticVersion=$(BuildXL.SemanticVersion) /p:[BuildXL.Branding]PrereleaseTag=$(BuildXL.PreReleaseTag) /logOutput:FullOutputOnWarningOrError /processRetries:3 Out\Bin\$(BuildXL.Configuration)\win-x64\*' - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1 displayName: Upload logs condition: always() continueOnError: True inputs: path: $(BuildXL.LogsDirectory) artifactName: BuildXL logs # Some of the DLLs in the BuildXL deployment correspond to stock libraries brought in via NuGet. We only want to scan our very own BuildXL DLLs, so # we use the produced PDBs as an indicator of that. As a way to isolate them and only scan those, we use separate binaries & symbols directories, where only # the identified DLLs are copied - powershell: | $bxlDir = '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Out\Bin\Release\win-x64' $binariesDir = '$(Agent.TempDirectory)\APIScan\Binaries' $symbolsDir = '$(Agent.TempDirectory)\APIScan\Symbols' New-Item -Path $binariesDir -ItemType Directory New-Item -Path $symbolsDir -ItemType Directory # Get all the .pdb, .dll and .exe files from bxlDir recursively $pdbFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $bxlDir -Filter "*.pdb" -Recurse $dllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $bxlDir -Filter "*.dll" -Recurse Write-Host "Copying files from '$($bxlDir)' to '$($symbolsDir)'" # Copy all .pdb files to symbolsDir $pdbFiles | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $symbolsDir Write-Host "Copying '$($_.FullName)'" } # Loop through each .pdb file # TODO: there might be dlls with duplicate name in nested directories that actually target different frameworks. We should maybe # instead do a recursive copy preserving the dir structure and make apiscan perform a recursive scan foreach ($pdbFile in $pdbFiles) { # Check if there's a .dll or .exe file with the same name $matchingDllFile = $dllFiles | Where-Object { $_.BaseName -eq $pdbFile.BaseName } # Copy the matching .dll and files to binariesDir if ($null -ne $matchingDllFile) { Copy-Item -Path $matchingDllFile.FullName -Destination $binariesDir Write-Host "Copying '$($matchingDllFile.FullName)'" } } failOnStderr: true displayName: 'Prepare binary and symbol file' continueOnError: false - task: AzureCLI@2 displayName: 'Get service connection details' inputs: azureSubscription: 'BuildXL - APIScan' addSpnToEnvironment: true scriptType: bash scriptLocation: 'inlineScript' inlineScript: | echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=APIScan-clientId;]$servicePrincipalId" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=APIScan-tenantId;]$tenantId" - task: APIScan@2 displayName: 'Run APIScan via Guardian' env: AzureServicesAuthConnectionString: RunAs=App;AppId=$(APIScan-clientId);TenantId=$(APIScan-tenantId);ServiceConnectionId=$(ServiceConnection.ID); SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken) inputs: softwareFolder: '$(Agent.TempDirectory)\APIScan\Binaries' softwareName: 'BuildXL' softwareVersionNum: '$(BuildXL.SemanticVersion)' softwareBuildNum: '$(Build.BuildId)' symbolsFolder: 'SRV*;$(Agent.TempDirectory)\APIScan\Symbols' azureSubscription: 'BuildXL - APIScan' - task: PostAnalysis@2 continueOnError: true inputs: GdnBreakAllTools: false GdnBreakGdnToolApiScan: true GdnBreakGdnToolApiScanSeverity: 'Warning' # Publish the analysis artifacts - task: PublishSecurityAnalysisLogs@3 condition: always() inputs: ArtifactName: 'CodeAnalysisLog' ArtifactType: 'Container' AllTools: false APIScan: true ToolLogsNotFoundAction: 'Standard'