@echo off setlocal SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /A INDEX=0 set ENLISTMENTROOT=%~dp0 FOR %%a IN ("%ENLISTMENTROOT:~0,-1%") DO SET NETCOREROOT=%%~dpaBuildXL_CoreCLR set SCRIPTROOT=%~dp0Shared\Scripts\ set EXE_DIR=%~dp0out\Bin\Release\win-x64 set FINGERPRINT_ERROR_DIR=\\fsu\shares\MsEng\Domino\RunCheckInTests-FingerprintErrorReports set BUILDXL_ARGS= set RUN_PART_A=1 set RUN_PART_B=1 set MINIMAL_LAB=0 if defined RCIT_RUN_PART_A ( set RUN_PART_A=%RCIT_RUN_PART_A% ) if defined RCIT_RUN_PART_B ( set RUN_PART_B=%RCIT_RUN_PART_B% ) REM These are provided to bxl.cmd only when /lab is specified (automated builds). REM For lab builds, log full outputs. REM For lab builds, retry unit tests automatically. REM For lab builds, disable VirusScanEnabledForPath warning. set LAB_SPECIFIC_ARGS=-DisableInteractive /logOutput:FullOutputOnError /p:RetryXunitTests=1 /processRetries:3 /ado /nowarn:2841 set INTERNAL_BUILD_ARGS=/p:[Sdk.BuildXL]microsoftInternal=1 if not defined [BuildXL.Branding]SemanticVersion ( if defined [BuildXL_Branding]SemanticVersion ( echo PATCHING VSTS environment variable hack for SemanticVersion set [BuildXL.Branding]SemanticVersion=%[BuildXL_Branding]SemanticVersion% ) ) if not defined [BuildXL.Branding]PrereleaseTag ( if defined [BuildXL_Branding]PrereleaseTag ( echo PATCHING VSTS environment variable hack for PrereleaseTag set [BuildXL.Branding]PrereleaseTag=%[BuildXL_Branding]PrereleaseTag% ) ) if defined [BuildXL.Branding]SemanticVersion ( echo BUILD VERSIONING: [BuildXL.Branding]SemanticVersion=%[BuildXL.Branding]SemanticVersion% ) if defined [BuildXL.Branding]PrereleaseTag ( echo BUILD VERSIONING: [BuildXL.Branding]PrereleaseTag=%[BuildXL.Branding]PrereleaseTag% ) REM TODO: this list contains temporary nowarns as we tighten down the language and until specs are updated to the latest syntax set NO_WARNS="" call :ParseCommandLine %* if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( exit /b 1 ) REM we kill any old bxl.exe instances that accidentally lingered and cleanup the out/bin and out/objects folders echo Terminating existing runnings builds on this machine first call %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Shared\Scripts\KillBxlInstancesInRepo.cmd if EXIST %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Bin ( echo Cleaning %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Bin rmdir /S /Q %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Bin ) if EXIST %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Objects ( echo Cleaning %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Objects rmdir /S /Q %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Objects ) if EXIST %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Selfhost ( echo Cleaning %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Selfhost rmdir /S /Q %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Selfhost ) if EXIST %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\frontend\Nuget\specs ( echo Cleaning %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\frontend\Nuget\specs rmdir /S /Q %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\frontend\Nuget\specs ) set start=%time% set stepName=Building 'release\win-x64' and DistributedBuildRunner using Lkg and deploying to RunCheckinTests call :StatusMessage %stepName% call :RunBxl -Use LKG -Deploy RunCheckinTests -DeployConfig Release -DeployRuntime win-x64 /f:output='%ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Bin\release\win-x64\*'oroutput='%ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Bin\release\tools\DistributedBuildRunner\*' %BUILDXL_ARGS% /enableLazyOutputs- /TraceInfo:RunCheckinTests=LKG /useCustomPipDescriptionOnConsole- /validateCgManifestForNugets:%ENLISTMENTROOT%\cg\nuget\cgmanifest.json -SharedCacheMode disable if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto BadLKGMessage call :RecordStep "%stepName%" %start% IF "%RUN_CODEX%" == "true" ( call :RunCodex if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto error ) IF "%RUN_PART_A%" == "1" ( call :PartA if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto error ) IF "%RUN_PART_B%" == "1" ( call :PartB if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto error ) IF DEFINED FULL ( set start=%time% set stepName=Verifying memoized file hashes call :StatusMessage %stepName% call %SCRIPTROOT%VerifyFileContentTable.cmd if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo. echo ================================================================================= echo. echo Verifying memoized file hashes echo. echo Your local cache of file hashes could not be verified or became inaccurate. echo This suggests an implementation fault in the File Content Table, disk corruption, echo or a yet-uncovered file system race. Please contact domdev. echo. echo ================================================================================= echo. goto error ) call :RecordStep "%stepName%" %start% ) call :PrintStatistics echo. echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo + SUCCESS :-) You may now push your changes. + echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ echo. echo Remember, if you perform any further commits, merges or rebases before pushing, you MUST RunCheckInTests.cmd again. echo. call %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Shared\Scripts\KillBxlInstancesInRepo.cmd title endlocal && exit /b 0 :RunCodex set start=!time! set stepName=Building using BuildXL call :StatusMessage !stepName! REM Need to use /trackBuildsInUserFolder+ so that the build invocation is written to the .tsv file in User Settings folder. REM The subsequent bxlAnalyzer.exe invocation will read this .tsv file to get information about this build for Codex analysis. call :RunBxl -Use RunCheckinTests %BUILDXL_ARGS% /q:Debug /q:DebugNet472 /f:tag='compile' /TraceInfo:RunCheckinTests=RunCodex /trackBuildsInUserFolder+ /incrementalScheduling- /enableLazyOutputs- -SharedCacheMode disable if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! set start=!time! set stepName=Running Codex execution analyzer to %CodexAnalysisOutDir%\domlog call :StatusMessage !stepName! %EXE_DIR%\bxlAnalyzer.exe /mode:Codex /o:%CodexAnalysisOutDir%\domlog call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! set start=!time! set stepName=Running Codex script analyzer to %CodexAnalysisOutDir%\dsc call :StatusMessage !stepName! %EXE_DIR%\RunInSubst.exe B=%ENLISTMENTROOT% %EXE_DIR%\BxlScriptAnalyzer.exe /c:B:\config.dsc /a:Codex /o:%CodexAnalysisOutDir%\dsc call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! set start=!time! set stepName=Generating solution call :StatusMessage !stepName! call :RunBxl -Use RunCheckinTests %BUILDXL_ARGS% /q:Debug /q:DebugNet472 *.exe *.dll /vs /vsOutputSrc- /solutionName:Domino -SharedCacheMode disable call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! set start=!time! set stepName=Running Codex call :StatusMessage !stepName! %EXE_DIR%\RunInSubst.exe B=%ENLISTMENTROOT% %RunCodexArgs% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! exit /b 0 :PartA set start=!time! set stepName=Building using BuildXL if "!MINIMAL_LAB!" == "1" ( set options=-Use RunCheckinTests %BUILDXL_ARGS% /f:output='%ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Bin\*'oroutput='%ENLISTMENTROOT%\Public\Src\Cache\Out\Bin\*' /q:ReleaseNet472 /q:ReleaseDotNetCore /q:ReleaseDotNetCoreMac /TraceInfo:RunCheckinTests=NewBitsMinimal ) else ( REM WARNING: Cache only runs tests for the Debug qualifiers! Please do not remove Debug qualifiers from this step. set options=-Use RunCheckinTests -All %BUILDXL_ARGS% /q:DebugNet472 /q:ReleaseNet472 /q:DebugDotNetCore /q:ReleaseDotNetCore /q:DebugDotNetCoreMac /q:ReleaseDotNetCoreMac /TraceInfo:RunCheckinTests=NewBits ) call :StatusMessage !stepName! call :RunBxl !options! if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! exit /b 0 :PartB set start=!time! set stepName=Performing a /cleanonly build call :StatusMessage !stepName! call :RunBxl -Use RunCheckinTests %BUILDXL_ARGS% /cleanonly /f:spec='%ENLISTMENTROOT%\Public\Src\Utilities\Instrumentation\LogGen\BuildXL.LogGen.dsc' /TraceInfo:RunCheckinTests=CleanOnly -SharedCacheMode disable if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! set start=!time! set stepName=Building detached to produce stable fingerprints file call :StatusMessage !stepName! REM Incremental scheduling is disabled so we can deterministically get all pip fingerprints exported. REM This build and the next are disconnected from the shared cache to ensure that they don't converge with a remote build happening at the same time. set COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR=%ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\Logs\CompareFingerprints\ REM Neither /cacheGraph- nor /scriptShowSlowest need be used here (and in the next step). REM The reason why they are used here is to exercise DScript front end on .NET Core call :RunBxl /cacheGraph- /scriptShowSlowest -Use RunCheckinTests -minimal %BUILDXL_ARGS% /incrementalScheduling- /TraceInfo:RunCheckinTests=CompareFingerprints1 /logsDirectory:!COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR! -SharedCacheMode disable if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) REM Produce a fingerprint file of the first run. set FIRST_FINGERPRINT_LOG=!COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR!BuildXL.fgrprnt.txt %EXE_DIR%\bxlAnalyzer.exe /mode:FingerprintText /xl:!COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR!BuildXL.xlg /compress- /o:!FIRST_FINGERPRINT_LOG! if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! set start=!time! set stepName=Building using BuildXL a second time to ensure all tasks are cached call :StatusMessage !stepName! REM At some point we should validate that all source files were 'unchanged' in this build. REM incremental scheduling is disabled so we can deterministically get all pip fingerprints exported REM Graph caching is disabled in case there is nondeterminism during graph construction. REM We use the same logs directory but with different prefix. set SECOND_PREFIX=BuildXL.2 call :RunBxl /cacheGraph- /scriptShowSlowest -Use RunCheckinTests -minimal %BUILDXL_ARGS% /incrementalScheduling- /TraceInfo:RunCheckinTests=CompareFingerprints2 /logsDirectory:!COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR! -SharedCacheMode disable /logPrefix:!SECOND_PREFIX! if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) REM Produce a fingerprint file of the second run. set SECOND_FINGERPRINT_LOG=!COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR!!SECOND_PREFIX!.fgrprnt.txt %EXE_DIR%\bxlAnalyzer.exe /mode:FingerprintText /xl:!COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR!!SECOND_PREFIX!.xlg /compress- /o:!SECOND_FINGERPRINT_LOG! if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) REM Compare fingerprints fc !FIRST_FINGERPRINT_LOG! !SECOND_FINGERPRINT_LOG! > !SECOND_FINGERPRINT_LOG!.diff.txt if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo . echo ERROR: BuildWithBuildXL-Minimal used different fingerprints when run a second time ERRORLEVEL:!ERRORLEVEL! 1>&2 echo First Fingerprints Log: !FIRST_FINGERPRINT_LOG! 1>&2 echo Second Fingerprints Log: !SECOND_FINGERPRINT_LOG! 1>&2 echo Fingerprint diff: !SECOND_FINGERPRINT_LOG!.diff.txt 1>&2 for /F %%i IN ('echo !COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR!') DO (set LOGS_DIR_NAME=%%~pi) if "%LOGS_DIR_NAME%" == "" ( set LOGS_DIR_NAME=%COMPUTERNAME%\%RANDOM% ) echo Copying logs to %FINGERPRINT_ERROR_DIR%\%LOGS_DIR_NAME% robocopy /E /MT:8 !COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR! %FINGERPRINT_ERROR_DIR%\%LOGS_DIR_NAME% exit /b 1 ) REM verify fully cached call :VerifyLogIsFullyCached !COMPARE_FINGERPRINTS_LOGS_DIR!!SECOND_PREFIX!.log if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo. echo BuildWithBuildXL-Minimal cached was not fully cached FAILED ERRORLEVEL:!ERRORLEVEL! 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! echo Administrative permissions required for symlink tests. Detecting permissions... net session >nul 2>&1 if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo Administrative permissions not present. Skipping symlink tests... goto :SkipSymLinkTest ) echo Success: Administrative permissions confirmed. Running symlink tests... set start=!time! set stepName=Running SymLink Tests call :StatusMessage !stepName! call :RunBxl -Use RunCheckinTests %BUILDXL_ARGS% /c:%ENLISTMENTROOT%\Public\Src\Sandbox\Windows\DetoursTests\SymLink1\config.dsc /TraceInfo:RunCheckinTests=Symlink /logsDirectory:%~dp0out\Logs\SymLinkTest\ -SharedCacheMode disable /nowarn:855 rmdir /s /q %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Public\Src\Sandbox\Windows\DetoursTests\SymLink1\Out if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (exit /b 1) call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! :SkipSymLinkTest if "!MINIMAL_LAB!" == "0" ( set BUILDXL_BIN_DIRECTORY=%~dp0out\Bin\release\win-x64 set BUILDXL_TEST_BIN_DIRECTORY=%~dp0out\Bin\release\tools\DistributedBuildRunner\win-x64 set start=!time! set stepName=Building Test Project Distributed call :StatusMessage !stepName! call %SCRIPTROOT%\BuildDistributedTest.cmd if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo. echo !stepName! FAILED ERRORLEVEL:!ERRORLEVEL! 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! REM build distributed integration tests set start=!time! set stepName=Building Distributed Integration Tests call :StatusMessage !stepName! setlocal call %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Private\DistributedIntegrationTest\BuildDistributed.cmd if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo. echo !stepName! FAILED ERRORLEVEL:!ERRORLEVEL! 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) endlocal call :RecordStep "!stepName!" !start! ) exit /b 0 :error call :PrintStatistics echo. echo --------------------------------------------------------------- echo - FAILURE :-( Fix the issues and RunCheckInTests.cmd again. - echo --------------------------------------------------------------- call %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Shared\Scripts\KillBxlInstancesInRepo.cmd title endlocal && exit /b 1 :ParseCommandLine if /I "%1" == "/maxproc" ( set BUILDXL_ARGS=%BUILDXL_ARGS% /maxProc:%2 shift shift ) if /I "%1" == "/lab" ( set BUILDXL_ARGS=%LAB_SPECIFIC_ARGS% %BUILDXL_ARGS% set [Sdk.BuildXL]xunitSemaphoreCount=20 echo ***Running in /lab mode: Note that this build will populate the distributed cache.*** shift ) else if /I "%1" == "/minimal_lab" ( set BUILDXL_ARGS=%LAB_SPECIFIC_ARGS% %BUILDXL_ARGS% set MINIMAL_LAB=1 echo ***Running minimal lab suite.*** shift ) if /I "%1" == "/partA" ( set RUN_PART_A=1 set RUN_PART_B=0 echo ***Running only Part A*** shift ) else if /I "%1" == "/partB" ( set RUN_PART_A=0 set RUN_PART_B=1 echo ***Running only Part B*** shift ) if /I "%1" == "/full" ( rem Set this to perform the full suite set FULL=1 echo ***Running full suite, including very expensive tests*** shift ) if /I "%1" == "/internal" ( set BUILDXL_ARGS=%INTERNAL_BUILD_ARGS% %BUILDXL_ARGS% echo ***Running internal build*** shift ) if "%RUN_CODEX%" == "true" ( set RUN_PART_A=0 set RUN_PART_B=0 ) if "%1" NEQ "" ( echo Unrecognized argument: %1 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0 :RunBxl REM Make sure (for now) shared compilation is turned off for any BuildXL invocation under RunCheckInTests call %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Bxl.cmd -UseManagedSharedCompilation:$false %* if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo. 1>&2 echo --------------------------------------------------------------- 1>&2 echo - Failed BuildXL invocation: 1>&2 echo - %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Bxl.cmd %* 1>&2 echo - ERRORLEVEL:%ERRORLEVEL% 1>&2 echo --------------------------------------------------------------- 1>&2 echo. 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0 :RunBxlCoreClr REM BUG: 1199393: Temporary have to hack the generated nuspecs since the coreclr run doesn't run under b: rmdir /s/q %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\frontend\Nuget\specs set cmd=%NETCOREROOT%\bxl.exe %* set OLD_NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH=%NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH% set NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH=%ENLISTMENTROOT%\Shared\Tools echo %cmd% call %cmd% if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo. 1>&2 echo --------------------------------------------------------------- 1>&2 echo - Failed BuildXL CoreCLR invocation: 1>&2 echo - %NETCOREROOT%\bxl.exe %* 1>&2 echo - ERRORLEVEL:%ERRORLEVEL% 1>&2 echo --------------------------------------------------------------- 1>&2 echo. 1>&2 exit /b 1 ) REM BUG: 1199393: Temporary have to hack the generated nuspecs since the coreclr run doesn't run under b: rmdir /s/q %ENLISTMENTROOT%\Out\frontend\Nuget\specs REM Restore credential provider path. set NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH=%OLD_NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH% exit /b 0 :VerifyLogIsFullyCached REM DScript relies on journaling to get a pip graph hit. This is not always available, since it either needs an elevated prompt or the scan journal service running REM TODO: Uncomment when these restrictions are relaxed. REM SET PIP_GRAPH_CACHED= REM for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=]" %%a IN ('findstr /c:^"Reloading pip graph from previous build^" %1') DO ( SET PIP_GRAPH_CACHED=true) REM IF "%PIP_GRAPH_CACHED%"=="" ( REM echo. REM echo Unable to find 'Reloading pip graph from previous build' in %1 1>&2 REM endlocal && exit /b 1 REM ) SET EXISTING_SERVER_STRING= for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=]" %%a IN ('findstr /c:^"Running from existing BuildXL server process^" %1') DO ( SET EXISTING_SERVER_STRING=%%b) IF "%EXISTING_SERVER_STRING%"=="" ( echo. echo Build should have reused an existing server process. Unable to find server reuse message endlocal && exit /b 1 ) SET PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT_STRING= for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=]" %%a IN ('findstr /c:^"Processes that were launched^" %1') DO ( SET PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT_STRING=%%b) IF "%PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT_STRING%"=="" ( echo. echo Unable to find process count in %1 1>&2 endlocal && exit /b 1 ) SET PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT= for /F "tokens=2-3 delims=:" %%a IN ('echo %PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT_STRING%') DO ( SET PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT=%%b) IF "%PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT%"=="" ( echo. echo Unable to find cached process count in %1 1>&2 endlocal && exit /b 1 ) SET CACHED_COUNT_STRING= for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=]" %%a IN ('findstr /c:^"Processes that were skipped due to cache hit^" %1') DO ( SET CACHED_COUNT_STRING=%%b) IF "%CACHED_COUNT_STRING%"=="" ( echo. echo Unable to find process count in %1 1>&2 endlocal && exit /b 1 ) SET CACHED_COUNT= for /F "tokens=2-3 delims=:" %%a IN ('echo %CACHED_COUNT_STRING%') DO ( SET CACHED_COUNT=%%b) IF "%CACHED_COUNT%"=="" ( echo. echo Unable to find cached process count in %1 1>&2 endlocal && exit /b 1 ) IF NOT "%PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT%"==" 0" ( echo. echo Cached build of BuildXL was not fully cached. Process launched count [%PROCESS_LAUNCHED_COUNT%] was not zero. 1>&2 endlocal && exit /b 1 ) echo Most recent run at %1 cached %CACHED_COUNT% of %PROCESS_COUNT% process executions. endlocal && exit /b 0 :StatusMessage echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo -- RunCheckinTest -- %* echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- title RunCheckinTest -- %* exit /b 0 :RecordStep set _stepname=%~1 set _starttime=%~2 call :ElapsedSeconds %_starttime% %time% _duration set STEPS[%INDEX%][0]=%_stepname% set STEPS[%INDEX%][1]=%_duration% set /A INDEX = INDEX+1 exit /b :PrintStatistics echo. echo ================================== Instrumentation Results ================================== set /A "length=INDEX-1" set _sum=0 for /L %%i in (0,1,!length!) do ( set _step=!STEPS[%%i][0]! set "_spaces= " set "_duration=!_spaces!!STEPS[%%i][1]!" set "_line=!_step!!_spaces!" set "_line=!_line:~0,80!:!_duration:~-5! sec" call echo == !_line! set /A "_sum=_sum+_duration" ) set "_line=Total!_spaces!" set "_sum=!_spaces!!_sum!" set "_line=!_line:~0,80!:!_sum:~-5! sec" echo == !_line! echo ============================================================================================= exit /b :ElapsedSeconds for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%~1") do set /a _start=(((%%a*60)+1%%b %% 100)*60+1%%c %% 100) for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%~2") do set /a _stop=(((%%a*60)+1%%b %% 100)*60+1%%c %% 100) set /a _elapsedseconds=_stop-_start if %_elapsedseconds% lss 0 set /a _elapsedseconds+=86400 set %~3=%_elapsedseconds% exit /b :BadLKGMessage echo. 1>&2 echo ================================================================================= 1>&2 echo. 1>&2 echo Building BuildXL using the NuGet LKG Failed:1>&2 echo. 1>&2 echo It seems that you have made a change that is incompatible with the NuGetPackage 1>&2 echo we use to bootstrap the BuildXL build. 1>&2 echo You will have to publish a new NuGet Package. 1>&2 echo. 1>&2 echo Please run the following command: 1>&2 echo Shared\Scripts\PublishDevLkg.cmd 1>&2 echo to update it with your updated code. 1>&2 echo. 1>&2 echo ================================================================================= 1>&2 echo. 1>&2 goto error