#!/bin/bash set -e MY_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) source "$MY_DIR/Public/Src/Sandbox/MacOs/scripts/env.sh" declare arg_Positional=() declare arg_DeployDev="" declare arg_DeployDevRelease="" declare arg_UseDev="" declare arg_Minimal="" declare arg_Internal="" declare arg_Cgmanifest="" if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then readonly HostQualifier=Linux readonly DeploymentFolder=linux-x64 elif [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "darwin"* ]]; then readonly HostQualifier=DotNetCoreMac readonly DeploymentFolder=osx-x64 else print_error "Operating system not supported: ${OSTYPE}" exit 1 fi function callNuget() { if [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then $MONO_HOME/mono Shared/Tools/NuGet.exe "$@" elif [[ "${OSTYPE}" == "darwin"* ]]; then $MONO_HOME/mono Shared/Tools/NuGet.exe "$@" else print_error "Operating system not supported: ${OSTYPE}" return 1 fi } function findMono() { local monoLocation=$(which mono) if [[ -z $monoLocation ]]; then print_error "Did not find Mono. Please ensure mono is installed per: https://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/ and is accessable in your PATH" return 1 else export MONO_HOME="$(dirname "$monoLocation")" fi } function getLkg() { local LKG_FILE="BuildXLLkgVersionPublic.cmd" if [[ -n "$arg_Internal" ]]; then local LKG_FILE="BuildXLLkgVersion.cmd" fi local BUILDXL_LKG_VERSION=$(grep "BUILDXL_LKG_VERSION" "$MY_DIR/Shared/Scripts/$LKG_FILE" | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '\r') local BUILDXL_LKG_NAME=$(grep "BUILDXL_LKG_NAME" "$MY_DIR/Shared/Scripts/$LKG_FILE" | cut -d= -f2 | perl -pe 's/(net472|win-x64)/'${DeploymentFolder}'/g' | tr -d '\r') local BUILDXL_LKG_FEED_1=$(grep "BUILDXL_LKG_FEED_1" "$MY_DIR/Shared/Scripts/$LKG_FILE" | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '\r') print_info "Nuget Feed: $BUILDXL_LKG_FEED_1" print_info "Getting package: $BUILDXL_LKG_NAME.$BUILDXL_LKG_VERSION" local _BUILDXL_BOOTSTRAP_OUT="$MY_DIR/Out/BootStrap" callNuget install -OutputDirectory "$_BUILDXL_BOOTSTRAP_OUT" -Source $BUILDXL_LKG_FEED_1 $BUILDXL_LKG_NAME -Version $BUILDXL_LKG_VERSION export BUILDXL_BIN="$_BUILDXL_BOOTSTRAP_OUT/$BUILDXL_LKG_NAME.$BUILDXL_LKG_VERSION" } function setMinimal() { arg_Positional+=(/q:Debug${HostQualifier} "/f:output='$MY_DIR/Out/Bin/debug/${DeploymentFolder}/*'") } function setInternal() { arg_Positional+=("/p:[Sdk.BuildXL]microsoftInternal=1") arg_Positional+=("/remoteTelemetry+") for arg in "$@" do to_lower=`printf '%s\n' "$arg" | awk '{ print tolower($0) }'` if [[ " $to_lower " == *"endpointsecurity"* ]]; then return fi done } function compileWithBxl() { local args=( --config "$MY_DIR/config.dsc" /fancyConsoleMaxStatusPips:10 /exp:LazySODeletion /nowarn:11319 # DX11319: nuget version mismatch "$@" ) if [[ -z "${VSTS_BUILDXL_BIN}" ]]; then bash "$BUILDXL_BIN/bxl.sh" "${args[@]}" else # Currently only used on VSTS CI to allow for custom BuildXL binary execution bash "$VSTS_BUILDXL_BIN/bxl.sh" "${args[@]}" fi } function printHelp() { echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]} [--deploy-dev[-release]] [--use-dev] [--minimal] [--internal] [--shared-comp] [--cgmanifest] [--vs] [--test-method ] [--test-class ] " } function parseArgs() { arg_Positional=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do cmd="$1" case $cmd in --help | -h) printHelp shift return 1 ;; --deploy-dev) arg_DeployDev="1" shift ;; --deploy-dev-release) arg_DeployDevRelease="1" shift ;; --use-dev) arg_UseDev="1" shift ;; --minimal) arg_Minimal="1" shift ;; --internal) arg_Internal="1" shift ;; --cgmanifest) arg_Cgmanifest="1" shift ;; --test-class) arg_Positional+=("/p:[UnitTest]Filter.testClass=$2") shift shift ;; --test-method) arg_Positional+=("/p:[UnitTest]Filter.testMethod=$2") shift shift ;; --shared-comp) arg_Positional+=("/p:[Sdk.BuildXL]useManagedSharedCompilation=1") shift ;; --use-adobuildrunner) arg_Positional+=("--use-adobuildrunner") shift ;; --vs) arg_Positional+=( "/vs" "/vsTargetFramework:netcoreapp3.0" "/vsTargetFramework:netcoreapp3.1" "/vsTargetFramework:netstandard2.0" "/vsTargetFramework:netstandard2.1") shift ;; *) arg_Positional+=("$1") shift ;; esac done } function deployBxl { # (fromDir, toDir) local fromDir="$1" local toDir="$2" mkdir -p "$toDir" /usr/bin/rsync -arhq "$fromDir/" "$toDir" --delete print_info "Successfully deployed developer build from $fromDir to: $toDir; use it with the '--use-dev' flag now." } function installCredProvider() { local dotnetLocation="$(which dotnet)" if [[ -z $dotnetLocation ]]; then print_error "Did not find dotnet. Please ensure dotnet is installed per: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux and is accessable in your PATH" return 1 fi local destinationFolder="$HOME/.nuget" local credentialProvider="$destinationFolder/plugins/netcore/CredentialProvider.Microsoft/" local credentialProviderExe="$credentialProvider/CredentialProvider.Microsoft.exe" export NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH="$credentialProvider" # If not on ADO, do not install the cred provider if it is already installed. # On ADO, just make sure we have the right thing, the download time is not significant for a lab build if [[ (! -n "$ADOBuild") && -f "$credentialProviderExe" ]]; then print_info "Credential provider already installed under $destinationFolder" return; fi # Download the artifacts credential provider mkdir -p "$destinationFolder" wget -q -c https://github.com/microsoft/artifacts-credprovider/releases/download/v1.0.0/Microsoft.NuGet.CredentialProvider.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz -C "$destinationFolder" # Remove the .exe, since we want to replace it with a script that runs on Mac/Linux rm "$credentialProviderExe" # Create a new .exe with the shape of a script that calls dotnet against the dotnetcore dll echo "#!/bin/bash" > "$credentialProviderExe" echo "exec $dotnetLocation $credentialProvider/CredentialProvider.Microsoft.dll \"\$@\"" >> "$credentialProviderExe" chmod u+x "$credentialProviderExe" } function launchCredProvider() { local credProviderPath=$(find "$NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH" -name "CredentialProvider*.exe" -type f | head -n 1) if [[ -z $credProviderPath ]]; then print_error "Did not find a credential provider under $NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH" exit 1 fi # CODESYNC: config.dsc. The URI needs to match the (single) feed used for the internal build $credProviderPath -U https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/cloudbuild/_packaging/BuildXL.Selfhost/nuget/v3/index.json -V Information -C -R } # allow this script to be sourced, in which case we shouldn't execute anything if [[ "$0" != "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ]]; then return 0 fi # Make sure we are running in our own working directory pushd "$MY_DIR" parseArgs "$@" if [[ -n "$arg_Internal" && -n "$TF_BUILD" ]]; then readonly ADOBuild="1" fi findMono if [[ -n "$arg_DeployDev" || -n "$arg_Minimal" ]]; then setMinimal fi if [[ -n "$arg_DeployDevRelease" ]]; then arg_Positional+=(/q:Release${HostQualifier} "/f:output='$MY_DIR/Out/Bin/release/${DeploymentFolder}/*'") fi if [[ -n "$arg_Internal" ]]; then setInternal $@ fi if [[ -n "$arg_Cgmanifest" ]]; then arg_Positional+=(/generateCgManifestForNugets:"${MY_DIR}/cg/nuget/cgmanifest.json") fi # if the nuget credential provider is not configured (and the build is an internal one, which is where it is needed) # download and install the artifacts credential provider if [[ -n "$arg_Internal" ]] && [[ ! -d "${NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH:-}" ]]; then installCredProvider fi # The internal build needs authentication. When not running on ADO use the configured cred provider # to prompt for credentials as a way to guarantee the auth token will be cached for the subsequent build. # This may prompt an interactive pop-up/console. ADO pipelines already configure the corresponding env vars # so there is no need to do this on that case. Once the token is cached, launching the provider shouldn't need # any user interaction # TF_BUILD is an environment variable that is always present on ADO builds. So we use it to detect that case. if [[ -n "$arg_Internal" && ! -n "$TF_BUILD" ]];then launchCredProvider fi # Make sure we pass the credential provider as an env var to bxl invocation if [[ -n $NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH ]];then arg_Positional+=("/p:NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH=$NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH") fi # If this is an internal build running on ADO, the nuget authentication is non-interactive and therefore we need to setup # VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS if not configured, so the Microsoft credential provider can pick that up. The script assumes the corresponding # secrets to be exposed in the environment if [[ -n "$ADOBuild" && (! -n $VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS)]];then if [[ (! -n $PAT1esSharedAssets) ]]; then print_error "Environment variable PAT1esSharedAssets is not set." exit 1 fi if [[ (! -n $PATCloudBuild) ]]; then print_error "Environment variable PATCloudBuild is not set." exit 1 fi export VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS="{\"endpointCredentials\":[{\"endpoint\":\"https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/1essharedassets/_packaging/BuildXL/nuget/v3/index.json\",\"password\":\"$PAT1esSharedAssets\"},{\"endpoint\":\"https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/cloudbuild/_packaging/BuildXL.Selfhost/nuget/v3/index.json\",\"password\":\"$PATCloudBuild\"}]}" fi # For local builds we want to use the in-build Linux runtime (as opposed to the runtime.linux-x64.BuildXL package) if [[ -z "$TF_BUILD" ]];then arg_Positional+=("/p:[Sdk.BuildXL]validateLinuxRuntime=0") fi # Indicates that XUnit tests should be retried on ADO builds due to flakiness with certain tests if [[ -n "$ADOBuild" ]]; then # RetryXunitTests will specify a retry exit code of 1 for all xunit pips, and NumXunitRetries will specify the number of times to retry the xunit pip arg_Positional+=("/p:RetryXunitTests=1") arg_Positional+=("/p:NumXunitRetries=2") fi if [[ -n "$arg_UseDev" ]]; then if [[ ! -f $MY_DIR/Out/Selfhost/Dev/bxl ]]; then print_error "Error: Could not find the dev deployment. Make sure you build with --deploy-dev first." exit 1 fi export BUILDXL_BIN=$MY_DIR/Out/Selfhost/Dev elif [[ -z "$BUILDXL_BIN" ]]; then getLkg fi compileWithBxl ${arg_Positional[@]} if [[ -n "$arg_DeployDev" ]]; then deployBxl "$MY_DIR/Out/Bin/debug/${DeploymentFolder}" "$MY_DIR/Out/Selfhost/Dev" fi if [[ -n "$arg_DeployDevRelease" ]]; then deployBxl "$MY_DIR/Out/Bin/release/${DeploymentFolder}" "$MY_DIR/Out/Selfhost/Dev" fi popd