
700 строки
36 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
// No orphan projects are owned by this configuration.
projects: [],
// Packages that define the build extent.
modules: [
...globR(d`Public/Src`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Public/Sdk/UnitTests`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Private/Wdg`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Private/QTest`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Private/InternalSdk`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Private/Tools`, "module.config.dsc"),
...globR(d`Public/Sdk/SelfHost`, "module.config.dsc"),
frontEnd: {
enabledPolicyRules: [
resolvers: [
// These are the new cleaned up Sdk's
kind: "DScript",
modules: [
f`Public/Sdk/Public/Prelude/package.config.dsc`, // Prelude cannot be named module because it is a v1 module
f`Public/Sdk/Public/Transformers/package.config.dsc`, // Transformers cannot be renamed yet because office relies on the filename
...globR(d`Public/Sdk`, "module.config.dsc"),
// The credential provider should be set by defining the env variable NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDERS_PATH.
kind: "Nuget",
esrpSignConfiguration : Context.getCurrentHost().os === "win" && Environment.getFlag("ENABLE_ESRP") ? {
signToolPath: p`${Environment.expandEnvironmentVariablesInString(Environment.getStringValue("SIGN_TOOL_PATH"))}`,
signToolConfiguration: Environment.getPathValue("ESRP_SESSION_CONFIG"),
signToolEsrpPolicy: Environment.getPathValue("ESRP_POLICY_CONFIG"),
signToolAadAuth: p`${Context.getMount("SourceRoot").path}/Secrets/CodeSign/EsrpAuthentication.json`,
} : undefined,
repositories: importFile(f`config.microsoftInternal.dsc`).isMicrosoftInternal
? {
// If nuget resolver failed to download VisualCpp tool, then download it
// manually from "BuildXL.Selfhost" feed into some folder, and specify
// that folder as the value of "MyInternal" feed below.
// "MyInternal": "E:/BuildXLInternalRepos/NuGetInternal",
// CODESYNC:, Shared\Scripts\bxl.ps1
"BuildXL.Selfhost": "",
// Note: From a compliance point of view it is important that MicrosoftInternal has a single feed.
// If you need to consume packages make sure they are upstreamed in that feed.
: {
"buildxl-selfhost" : "",
"" : "",
"dotnet-arcade" : "",
packages: [
{ id: "NLog", version: "4.7.7" },
{ id: "CLAP", version: "4.6" },
{ id: "CLAP-DotNetCore", version: "4.6" },
{ id: "RuntimeContracts", version: "0.5.0" }, // Be very careful with updating this version, because CloudBuild and other repository needs to be updated as will
{ id: "RuntimeContracts.Analyzer", version: "0.4.3" }, // The versions are different because the analyzer has higher version for now.
{ id: "Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies.net472", version: "1.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource", version: "7.0.2" },
// Roslyn
// The old compiler used by integration tests only.
{ id: "Microsoft.Net.Compilers", version: "4.0.1" }, // Update Public/Src/Engine/UnitTests/Engine/Test.BuildXL.Engine.dsc if you change the version of Microsoft.Net.Compilers.
{ id: "Microsoft.NETCore.Compilers", version: "4.0.1" },
// The package with an actual csc.dll
{ id: "Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset", version: "4.8.0" },
// These packages are used by log generators and because they're old
// we can't use the latest language features there.
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common", version: "3.5.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp", version: "3.5.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic", version: "3.5.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Common", version: "3.5.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green", "System.Composition"],
dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: ["SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green", "System.Composition"],
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces", version: "3.5.0" },
// VBCSCompilerLogger needs the latest version (.net 5), but we haven't completed the migration to net 5 for
// the rest of the codebase yet
// Note: if any of the CodeAnalysis packages get upgraded, any new
// switch introduced in the compiler command line argument supported by
// the new version needs to be evaluated and incorporated into VBCSCompilerLogger.cs
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common.ForVBCS"},
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.ForVBCS",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common"] },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.ForVBCS",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common"]},
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Common", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Common.ForVBCS",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green", "System.Composition"],
dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: ["SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green", "System.Composition"],
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces", version: "3.8.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Workspaces.ForVBCS" },
{ id: "Humanizer.Core", version: "2.2.0" },
// Old code analysis libraries, for tests only
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common", version: "2.10.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common.Old" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp", version: "2.10.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Old" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic", version: "2.10.0", alias: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Old" },
// Roslyn Analyzers
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers", version: "3.3.1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers", version: "2.6.3" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeQuality.Analyzers", version: "2.3.0-beta1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.NetFramework.Analyzers", version: "2.3.0-beta1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers", version: "2.3.0-beta1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers", version: "5.0.3"},
{ id: "AsyncFixer", version: "1.6.0" },
{ id: "ErrorProne.NET.CoreAnalyzers", version: "0.6.1-beta.1" },
{ id: "protobuf-net.BuildTools", version: "3.0.101" },
{ id: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.Analyzers", version: "17.6.40"},
{ id: "Text.Analyzers", version: "2.3.0-beta1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PublicApiAnalyzers", version: "3.3.4" },
// MEF
{ id: "Microsoft.Composition", version: "1.0.30" },
{ id: "System.Composition.AttributedModel", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "System.Composition.Convention", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "System.Composition.Hosting", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "System.Composition.Runtime", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "System.Composition.TypedParts", version: "1.0.31" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Redist", version: "1.1.28" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent", version: "3.0.7" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.Globalization.CultureInfoCache", version: "1.0.0-rc1-final" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.MemoryPool", version: "1.0.0-rc1-final" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.PlatformAbstractions", version: "1.1.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.Http", version: "7.0.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow", version: "4.5.24" },
{ id: "Microsoft.TypeScript.Compiler", version: "1.8" },
{ id: "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ConfigurationManager", version: "" },
{ id: "Newtonsoft.Json", version: "13.0.3" },
{ id: "Newtonsoft.Json.Bson", version: "1.0.1" },
{ id: "System.Reflection.Metadata", version: "8.0.0" },
// The VBCS logger is used by QuickBuild and runs in the context of old VS installations, so it cannot use a higher version
// Please do not upgrade this dll (or if you do, make sure this happens in coordination with the QuickBuild team)
{ id: "System.Reflection.Metadata", version: "5.0.0", alias: "System.Reflection.Metadata.ForVBCS" },
{ id: "System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow", version: "8.0.0" },
// Nuget
{ id: "NuGet.Packaging", version: "6.9.1" },
{ id: "NuGet.Configuration", version: "6.9.1" },
{ id: "NuGet.Common", version: "6.9.1" },
{ id: "NuGet.Protocol", version: "6.9.1" },
{ id: "NuGet.Versioning", version: "6.9.1" },
{ id: "NuGet.CommandLine", version: "6.9.1" },
{ id: "NuGet.Frameworks", version: "6.9.1"}, // needed for qtest on .net core
// ProjFS (virtual file system)
{ id: "Microsoft.Windows.ProjFS", version: "1.2.19351.1" },
// RocksDb
{ id: "RocksDbSharp", version: "8.1.1-20240730.1", alias: "RocksDbSharpSigned" },
{ id: "RocksDbNative", version: "8.1.1-20240730.1" },
{ id: "JsonDiffPatch.Net", version: "2.1.0" },
// Event hubs
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.Amqp", version: "2.6.1" },
{ id: "Azure.Core.Amqp", version: "1.3.0"},
{ id: "Azure.Messaging.EventHubs", version: "5.9.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Core", version: "1.0.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging", version: "7.2.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens", version: "7.2.0" },
{ id: "System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt", version: "7.2.0"},
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens", version: "7.2.0" },
// Key Vault
{ id: "Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets", version: "4.5.0" },
{ id: "Azure.Security.KeyVault.Certificates", version: "4.5.1" },
{ id: "Azure.Identity", version: "1.11.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Identity.Client", version: "4.61.3" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Abstractions", version: "7.2.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal", version: "4.61.3" },
{ id: "Azure.Core", version: "1.38.0" },
{ id: "System.Memory.Data", version: "1.0.2" },
{ id: "System.ClientModel", version: "1.0.0" },
// Authentication
{ id: "Microsoft.Identity.Client.Broker", version: "4.55.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Identity.Client.NativeInterop", version: "0.13.8" },
// Package sets
// Azure Blob Storage SDK V12
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Blobs", version: "12.16.0" },
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Common", version: "12.15.0" },
{ id: "System.IO.Hashing", version: "6.0.0" },
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Blobs.Batch", version: "12.10.0" },
{ id: "Azure.Storage.Blobs.ChangeFeed", version: "12.0.0-preview.34" },
// xUnit
{ id: "xunit.abstractions", version: "2.0.3" },
{ id: "xunit.assert", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.extensibility.core", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.extensibility.execution", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.runner.console", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.runner.visualstudio", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.runner.utility", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "xunit.runner.reporters", version: "2.5.3" },
{ id: "Microsoft.DotNet.XUnitConsoleRunner", version: "2.5.1-beta.19270.4" },
// SQL
{ id: "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient", version: "5.1.5" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI", version: "5.1.1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SNI.runtime", version: "5.1.1" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect", version: "6.35.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols", version: "6.35.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.SqlServer.Server", version: "1.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Runtime.Caching", version: "6.0.0" },
// microsoft test platform
{ id: "Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHost", version: "16.4.0"},
{ id: "Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel", version: "16.4.0"},
{ id: "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk", version: "15.9.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.CodeCoverage", version: "15.9.0" },
{ id: "System.Private.Uri", version: "4.3.2" },
// CloudStore dependencies
{ id: "DeduplicationSigned", version: "1.0.14" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Bcl", version: "1.1.10" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Bcl.Async", version: "1.0.168" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces", version: "8.0.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Bcl.Build", version: "1.0.14" },
{ id: "Pipelines.Sockets.Unofficial", version: "2.2.0" },
{ id: "System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter", version: "5.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Threading.Channels", version: "7.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Linq.Async", version: "4.0.0"},
{ id: "Polly", version: "7.2.1" },
{ id: "Polly.Contrib.WaitAndRetry", version: "1.1.1" },
// Azurite node app compiled to standalone executable
// Sources for this package are:
// This packaged is produced by the pipeline:
{ id: "BuildXL.Azurite.Executables", version: "1.0.0-CI-20230614-171424" },
// Testing
{ id: "System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData", version: "7.0.0"},
{ id: "System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager", version: "7.0.0"},
{ id: "System.Diagnostics.EventLog", version: "7.0.0" },
{ id: "FluentAssertions", version: "5.3.0" },
{ id: "DotNet.Glob", version: "2.0.3" },
{ id: "Minimatch", version: "" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights", version: "2.21.0", dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: ["System.RunTime.InteropServices"] },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Agent.Intercept", version: "2.0.7" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector", version: "2.3.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.PerfCounterCollector", version: "2.3.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer", version: "2.3.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer.TelemetryChannel", version: "2.3.0" },
{ id: "System.Security.Cryptography.Xml", version: "4.7.1" },
{ id: "System.Text.Encodings.Web", version: "8.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Security.Permissions", version: "7.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Windows.Extensions", version: "7.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Drawing.Common", version: "7.0.0" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents", version: "7.0.0" },
{ id: "System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs", version: "7.0.2" },
{ id: "ILRepack", version: "2.0.16" },
// VS language service
{ id: "System.Runtime.Analyzers", version: "1.0.1" },
{ id: "System.Runtime.InteropServices.Analyzers", version: "1.0.1" },
{ id: "System.Security.Cryptography.Hashing.Algorithms.Analyzers", version: "1.1.0" },
{ id: "Validation", version: "2.5.42"},
// VSTS managed API
{ id: "Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client", version: "16.170.0"},
{ id: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.WebApi", version: "16.170.0",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["*"] },
{ id: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Common.Contracts", version: "16.170.0"},
// MSBuild. These should be used for compile references only, as at runtime one can only practically use MSBuilds from Visual Studio / dotnet CLI
{ id: "Microsoft.Build", version: "17.10.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Runtime", version: "17.10.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core", version: "17.10.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core", version: "17.10.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Framework", version: "17.10.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.NET.StringTools", version: "17.10.4" },
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Locator", version: "1.5.5" },
{ id: "System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext", version: "8.0.0"},
{ id: "System.Resources.Extensions", version: "4.6.0-preview9.19411.4",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["System.Memory"]},
// Buffers and Memory
{ id: "System.Buffers", version: "4.5.1" }, /* Change Sync: BuildXLSdk.cacheBindingRedirects() */ // A different version, because StackExchange.Redis uses it.
{ id: "System.Memory", version: "4.5.5" }, /* Change Sync: BuildXLSdk.cacheBindingRedirects() */
{ id: "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe", version: "6.0.0" }, /* Change Sync: BuildXLSdk.cacheBindingRedirects() */
{ id: "System.IO.Pipelines", version: "7.0.0-rc.1.22426.10" },
{ id: "System.Numerics.Vectors", version: "4.5.0" }, /* Change Sync: BuildXLSdk.cacheBindingRedirects() */
// Extra dependencies to make MSBuild work
{ id: "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Interop", version: "3.2.2146"},
{ id: "System.CodeDom", version: "4.4.0"},
{ id: "System.Text.Encoding.CodePages", version: "4.5.1" },
// Used for MSBuild input/output prediction
{ id: "Microsoft.Build.Prediction", version: "0.3.0" },
{ id: "SharpZipLib", version: "1.3.3" },
{ id: "ObjectLayoutInspector", version: "0.1.4" },
// Ninja JSON graph generation helper
{ id: "BuildXL.Tools.Ninjson", version: "1.11.6", osSkip: [ "macOS" ] },
{ id: "BuildXL.Tools.AppHostPatcher", version: "1.0.0" },
// Azure Communication
{ id: "Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime", version: "2.3.24",
dependentPackageIdsToSkip: ["Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime"],
dependentPackageIdsToIgnore: ["Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime"],
{ id: "Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure", version: "3.3.19" },
{ id: "Antlr4.Runtime.Standard", version: "4.7.2" },
// For C++ testing
{ id: "boost", version: "" },
// Needed for SBOM Generation
{ id: "Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions", version: "8.0.0" },
{ id: "packageurl-dotnet", version: "1.1.0" },
{ id: "System.Reactive", version: "4.4.1" },
// CredScan
{ id: "Crc32.NET", version: "1.2.0" },
// Windows CoW on ReFS
{ id: "CopyOnWrite", version: "0.3.8" },
// Windows SDK
// CODESYNC: This version should be updated together with the version number in Public/Sdk/Experimental/Msvc/WindowsSdk/windowsSdk.dsc
{ id: "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.cpp", version: "10.0.22621.755", osSkip: [ "macOS", "unix" ] },
{ id: "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.x86", version: "10.0.22621.755", osSkip: [ "macOS", "unix" ] },
{ id: "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.CPP.x64", version: "10.0.22621.755", osSkip: [ "macOS", "unix" ] },
doNotEnforceDependencyVersions: true,
// .NET Runtimes.
{ kind: "SourceResolver", modules: [f`Public\Sdk\SelfHost\Libraries\Dotnet-Runtime-6-External\module.config.dsc`] },
{ kind: "SourceResolver", modules: [f`Public\Sdk\SelfHost\Libraries\Dotnet-Runtime-8-External\module.config.dsc`] },
kind: "Download",
downloads: [
// XNU kernel sources
moduleName: "Apple.Darwin.Xnu",
url: "",
hash: "VSO0:D6D26AEECA99240D2D833B6B8B811609B9A6E3516C0EE97A951B64F9AA4F90F400",
archiveType: "tgz",
// DotNet Core Runtime 8.0.8
moduleName: "",
url: "",
hash: "VSO0:5666D527C8650888563201DAE8E631203BAC9BB20E9FB4EA5D0C9CDB3C8097C500",
archiveType: "zip",
moduleName: "DotNet-Runtime.osx-x64.8.0",
url: "",
hash: "VSO0:FC1B70F4959FBEB214B957E97B9484F5CD057F5D0292C4B5AC2D8BDC252CC04800",
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moduleName: "DotNet-Runtime.linux-x64.8.0",
url: "",
hash: "VSO0:B089DD0ECC3F0E968F2906A981E2D3BF0B812AADD511CE7EC6EAF43CF878468900",
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// DotNet Core Runtime 6.0.33
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url: "",
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url: "",
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moduleName: "DotNet-Runtime.linux-x64.6.0",
url: "",
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archiveType: "tgz",
// The following are needed for dotnet core MSBuild test deployments
moduleName: "",
url: "",
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url: "",
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url: '',
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targetRuntime: "win-x64",
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targetFramework: "net6.0",
targetRuntime: "win-x64",
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targetFramework: "net8.0",
targetRuntime: "osx-x64",
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isWritable: false,
isReadable: true
// Special scrubbable mount with the content that can be cleaned up by running bxl.exe /scrub
name: a`ScrubbableDeployment`,
path: Context.getCurrentHost().os !== "macOS" ? p`Out/Objects/TempDeployment` : p`Out/Objects.noindex/TempDeployment`,
trackSourceFileChanges: true,
isWritable: true,
isReadable: true,
isScrubbable: true,
name: a`SdkRoot`,
path: p`Public/Sdk/Public`,
trackSourceFileChanges: true,
isWritable: false,
isReadable: true,
name: a`Example`,
path: p`Example`,
trackSourceFileChanges: true,
isWritable: false,
isReadable: true
name: a`Sandbox`,
path: p`Public/Src/Sandbox`,
trackSourceFileChanges: true,
isWritable: false,
isReadable: true
name: a`NodeJsForUnitTests`,
path: p`Out/NodeJsForUnitTests`,
trackSourceFileChanges: true,
isWritable: true,
isReadable: true,
isScrubbable: true,
...(Environment.getStringValue("BUILDXL_DROP_CONFIG") !== undefined ?
// Path used in CloudBuild for things like drop configuration files. These files should not be tracked.
name: a`CloudBuild`,
path: Environment.getPathValue("BUILDXL_DROP_CONFIG").parent,
trackSourceFileChanges: false,
isWritable: false,
isReadable: true
] : []),
name: a`ThirdParty_mono`,
path: p`third_party/mono@abad3612068e7333956106e7be02d9ce9e346f92`,
trackSourceFileChanges: true,
isWritable: false,
isReadable: true
...(Environment.hasVariable("TOOLPATH_GUARDIAN") ?
name: a`GuardianDrop`,
path: Environment.getPathValue("TOOLPATH_GUARDIAN").parent,
isReadable: true,
isWritable: true,
trackSourceFileChanges: true
] : []),
...(Environment.hasVariable("ESRP_POLICY_CONFIG") ?
name: a`EsrpPolicyConfig`,
path: Environment.getPathValue("ESRP_POLICY_CONFIG").parent,
isReadable: true,
isWritable: false,
trackSourceFileChanges: true
] : []),
...(Environment.hasVariable("ESRP_SESSION_CONFIG") ?
name: a`EsrpSessionConfig`,
path: Environment.getPathValue("ESRP_SESSION_CONFIG").parent,
isReadable: true,
isWritable: false,
trackSourceFileChanges: true
] : [])
searchPathEnumerationTools: [
ide: {
// Let the /VS flag generate the projects in the source tree so that add/remove C# file works properly.
canWriteToSrc: true,
dotSettingsFile: f`Public/Sdk/SelfHost/BuildXL/BuildXL.sln.DotSettings`,
cacheableFileAccessAllowlist: Context.getCurrentHost().os !== "win" ? [] : [
// Allow the debugger to be able to be launched from BuildXL Builds
name: "JitDebugger",
toolPath: f`${Environment.getDirectoryValue("SystemRoot")}/system32/vsjitdebugger.exe`,
pathRegex: `.*${Environment.getStringValue("CommonProgramFiles").replace("\\", "\\\\")}\\\\Microsoft Shared\\\\VS7Debug\\\\.*`
// cl.exe may write temporary files under its working directory
name: "cl.exe",
toolPath: a`cl.exe`,
pathRegex: ".*.tmp"