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Script for BuildXL self-hosting with specified PATs. This script is used to perform BuildXL self-hosting in Azure pipeline.
NOTE: This script is deprecated.
The way to run BuildXL on ADO is just including .azdo/common/set-variable-pats.yml to set up the environment
as a pre-build step of the 1ESPT BuildXL workflow (or before running bxl.cmd directly).
[ValidateSet("LKG", "Dev", "RunCheckinTests", "RunCheckinTestSamples", "ChangeJournalService")]
[string]$Use = "LKG",
[ValidateSet("Release", "Debug")]
[string]$DeployConfig = "Debug",
[ValidateSet("net472", "net5.0", "net6.0", "win-x64", "osx-x64")]
[string]$DeployRuntime = "win-x64",
[ValidateSet("Dev", "RunCheckinTests", "RunCheckinTestSamples", "ChangeJournalService")]
[switch]$Minimal = $false,
[switch]$EnableProcessRemoting = $false,
[ValidateSet("Disable", "Consume", "ConsumeAndPublish")]
[string]$SharedCacheMode = "Disable",
[Parameter(mandatory=$false, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
Write-Warning "This script is deprecated."
Write-Warning "The way to run BuildXL on ADO is just including .azdo/common/set-variable-pats.yml to set up the environment as a pre-build step of the 1ESPT BuildXL workflow (or before running bxl.cmd directly)."
# 1. Set PATs
$PatArgs = @(
"-OneEsPat", $OneEsPat,
"-CbPat", $CbPat,
"-MsEngGitPat", $MsEngGitPat
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NcPath))
$PatArgs += @("-NcPath", $NcPath)
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VstsPat))
$PatArgs += @("-VstsPat", $VstsPat)
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VstsCredProviderPath))
$PatArgs += @("-VstsCredProviderPath", $VstsCredProviderPath)
$PatArgsStr = $PatArgs -Join " "
Invoke-Expression ".azdo/scripts/SetVariablePats.ps1 $PatArgsStr"
Write-Host "Call bxl.cmd $BxlArgs"
.\bxl.cmd $BxlArgs