[dev] Optional python2 support in python-sphinx (#464)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,50 +1,49 @@
%{!?python2_sitelib: %define python2_sitelib %(python2 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib;print(get_python_lib())")}
%{!?python3_sitelib: %define python3_sitelib %(python3 -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib;print(get_python_lib())")}
Summary: Python documentation generator
Name: python-sphinx
Version: 1.7.9
Release: 11%{?dist}
Group: Development/Tools
License: BSD
URL: https://www.sphinx-doc.org
Vendor: Microsoft Corporation
Distribution: Mariner
%bcond_without python2
Summary: Python documentation generator
Name: python-sphinx
Version: 1.7.9
Release: 12%{?dist}
License: BSD
Vendor: Microsoft Corporation
Distribution: Mariner
Group: Development/Tools
URL: https://www.sphinx-doc.org
#Source0: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz
Source0: Sphinx-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRequires: python2
BuildRequires: python2-libs
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: python-setuptools
BuildRequires: babel
BuildRequires: python-docutils
BuildRequires: python-jinja2
BuildRequires: python-pygments
BuildRequires: python-six
BuildRequires: python-sphinx-theme-alabaster
BuildRequires: python-imagesize
BuildRequires: python-requests
BuildRequires: python-snowballstemmer
BuildRequires: pytest
BuildRequires: python-typing
BuildRequires: python-pip
Requires: python2
Requires: python2-libs
Requires: babel
Requires: python-docutils
Requires: python-jinja2
Requires: python-pygments
Requires: python-six
Requires: python-sphinx-theme-alabaster
Requires: python-imagesize
Requires: python-requests
Requires: python-snowballstemmer
Requires: python-typing
Requires: python2-sphinxcontrib-websupport
Source0: Sphinx-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
%if %{with python2}
BuildRequires: babel
BuildRequires: pytest
BuildRequires: python-docutils
BuildRequires: python-imagesize
BuildRequires: python-jinja2
BuildRequires: python-pip
BuildRequires: python-pygments
BuildRequires: python-requests
BuildRequires: python-setuptools
BuildRequires: python-six
BuildRequires: python-snowballstemmer
BuildRequires: python-sphinx-theme-alabaster
BuildRequires: python-typing
BuildRequires: python2
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: python2-libs
Requires: babel
Requires: python-docutils
Requires: python-imagesize
Requires: python-jinja2
Requires: python-pygments
Requires: python-requests
Requires: python-six
Requires: python-snowballstemmer
Requires: python-sphinx-theme-alabaster
Requires: python-typing
Requires: python2
Requires: python2-libs
Requires: python2-sphinxcontrib-websupport
Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and
@ -55,34 +54,33 @@ documentation, but has now been cleaned up in the hope that it will be
useful to many other projects.
%package -n python3-sphinx
Summary: Python documentation generator
BuildRequires: python3
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-babel
BuildRequires: python3-docutils
BuildRequires: python3-jinja2
BuildRequires: python3-pygments
BuildRequires: python3-six
BuildRequires: python3-sphinx-theme-alabaster
BuildRequires: python3-imagesize
BuildRequires: python3-requests
BuildRequires: python3-snowballstemmer
BuildRequires: python3-pytest
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-xml
Requires: python3
Requires: python3-libs
Requires: python3-babel
Requires: python3-docutils
Requires: python3-jinja2
Requires: python3-pygments
Requires: python3-six
Requires: python3-sphinx-theme-alabaster
Requires: python3-imagesize
Requires: python3-requests
Requires: python3-snowballstemmer
Requires: python3-sphinxcontrib-websupport
Summary: Python documentation generator
BuildRequires: python3
BuildRequires: python3-babel
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-docutils
BuildRequires: python3-imagesize
BuildRequires: python3-jinja2
BuildRequires: python3-pygments
BuildRequires: python3-pytest
BuildRequires: python3-requests
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-six
BuildRequires: python3-snowballstemmer
BuildRequires: python3-sphinx-theme-alabaster
BuildRequires: python3-xml
Requires: python3
Requires: python3-babel
Requires: python3-docutils
Requires: python3-imagesize
Requires: python3-jinja2
Requires: python3-libs
Requires: python3-pygments
Requires: python3-requests
Requires: python3-six
Requires: python3-snowballstemmer
Requires: python3-sphinx-theme-alabaster
Requires: python3-sphinxcontrib-websupport
%description -n python3-sphinx
@ -94,38 +92,48 @@ rm -rf ../p3dir
cp -a . ../p3dir
%if %{with python2}
python2 setup.py build
pushd ../p3dir
python3 setup.py build
%if %{with python2}
python2 setup.py install --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=%{buildroot}
mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-quickstart %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-quickstart-2
mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-build %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-build-2
mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-autogen %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-autogen-2
mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-apidoc %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-apidoc-2
pushd ../p3dir
python3 setup.py install --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=%{buildroot}
mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-quickstart %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-quickstart3
mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-build %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-build3
mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-autogen %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-autogen3
mv %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-apidoc %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/sphinx-apidoc3
ln -sfv sphinx-quickstart3 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-quickstart-3
ln -sfv sphinx-build3 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-build-3
ln -sfv sphinx-autogen3 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-autogen-3
ln -sfv sphinx-apidoc3 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-apidoc-3
ln -sfv sphinx-quickstart %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-quickstart-3
ln -sfv sphinx-quickstart %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-quickstart3
ln -sfv sphinx-build %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-build-3
ln -sfv sphinx-build %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-build3
ln -sfv sphinx-autogen %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-autogen-3
ln -sfv sphinx-autogen %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-autogen3
ln -sfv sphinx-apidoc %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-apidoc-3
ln -sfv sphinx-apidoc %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sphinx-apidoc3
python2 setup.py install --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=%{buildroot}
make -k check |& tee %{_specdir}/%{name}-check-log || %{nocheck}
%if %{with python2}
%license LICENSE
%files -n python3-sphinx
@ -137,47 +145,72 @@ make -k check |& tee %{_specdir}/%{name}-check-log || %{nocheck}
* Mon Dec 14 2020 Ruying Chen <v-ruyche@microsoft.com> - 1.7.9-12
- Make python3- package default and python2- optional.
- Reserve unversioned sphinx-* binaries for python3.
- Rename python2 sphinx-* binaries to sphinx-*-2.
* Fri Aug 21 2020 Thomas Crain <thcrain@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-11
- Add sphinx-*-3 binary symlinks for Fedora compatibility
- Add Requires: python(2/3)-sphinxcontrib-websupport
- Correct license shortname
* Tue Jun 02 2020 Jon Slobodzian <joslobo@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-10
- Add python-typing back.
* Sat May 09 2020 Nick Samson <nisamson@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-9
- Added %%license line automatically
* Thu Apr 30 2020 Emre Girgin <mrgirgin@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-8
- Renaming python-pytest to pytest
* Wed Apr 29 2020 Emre Girgin <mrgirgin@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-7
- Renaming python-babel to babel
* Wed Apr 29 2020 Emre Girgin <mrgirgin@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-6
- Renaming python-Pygments to python-pygments
* Tue Apr 28 2020 Emre Girgin <mrgirgin@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-5
- Renaming python-alabaster to python-sphinx-theme-alabaster
* Mon Apr 13 2020 Nicolas Ontiveros <niontive@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-4
- Remove python-typing from BuildRequires and Requires.
* Tue Apr 07 2020 Joe Schmitt <joschmit@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-3
- Update URL.
- Update Source0 with valid URL.
- Remove sha1 macro.
- License verified.
* Tue Sep 03 2019 Mateusz Malisz <mamalisz@microsoft.com> 1.7.9-2
- Initial CBL-Mariner import from Photon (license: Apache2).
* Sun Sep 09 2018 Tapas Kundu <tkundu@vmware.com> 1.7.9-1
- Update to version 1.7.9
* Wed Jun 07 2017 Xiaolin Li <xiaolinl@vmware.com> 1.5.3-5
- Add python3-setuptools and python3-xml to python3 sub package Buildrequires.
* Thu Jun 01 2017 Dheeraj Shetty <dheerajs@vmware.com> 1.5.3-4
- Keep the original python2 scripts and rename the python3 scripts
* Wed Apr 26 2017 Dheeraj Shetty <dheerajs@vmware.com> 1.5.3-3
- BuildRequires and Requires python-babel, python-docutils, python-jinja2,
python-Pygments, python-six, python-alabaster, python-imagesize,
python-requests and python-snowballstemmer. Adding python3 version
* Tue Apr 25 2017 Priyesh Padmavilasom <ppadmavilasom@vmware.com> 1.5.3-2
- Fix arch
* Thu Mar 30 2017 Sarah Choi <sarahc@vmware.com> 1.5.3-1
- Upgrade version to 1.5.3
* Fri Dec 16 2016 Dheeraj Shetty <dheerajs@vmware.com> 1.5.1-1
- Initial
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