This is an automated change & the command used is:
find -name '*.signatures.json' -exec sh -c '[ -n "$(tail -c1 {})" ] && echo >> {}' \;
Signed-off-by: Muhammad Falak R Wani <>
* promoting guava to core
* promoting atinject to core
* promoting few plexus packages from extended to core
* promoting slf4j from extended to core
* promoting apache-commons packages from extended to core
* promoting apache-commons logging from extended to core
* adding missing provides
* promoting jsr305 from extended to core
* promoting few packages from extended to core
* updating changelog and release version for changed packages
* fixing sources and cgmanifest for apache-commons-cli and cal10n
* fixing source for apache-commons-cli to match cgmanifest
* updatng licenses and verifying them for packages
* updating and verifying license for plexus-classworlds
* fixing cal10n source file reference
* linting spec files
* linting apache-commons-lang3