This is an automated change & the command used is:
find -name '*.signatures.json' -exec sh -c '[ -n "$(tail -c1 {})" ] && echo >> {}' \;
Signed-off-by: Muhammad Falak R Wani <>
* rebase on rlmenge/rlmenge/main-rebase/kernel-5.15
* successful local build kernel-rt
* fix kernel/config mismatch
* add utility packages for rt development
* build rt packages
* modify rt-tests source to point at proper location
* update rt-tests signature
* dashroll kernel-rt to match kernel
* fix issues with old certs being used in kernel-rt
* update kernel-rt source
* bring in python-ethtool
* fix python-ethtool signature
* remove redundant SPECS-EXTENDED folders for specs moved into SPECS
* cleanup duplicates in -EXTENDED, license.json and verify licenses
* conform to license checker
* more license debugging, downgrade pygobject2 since it was only needed for the (since removed) gui portions of tuned
* rerun license map script
* finish rebase
* switch off of temporary local manifests
* fix signature name for python-ethtool, add iso json for rt
* fix python-ethtool signature mess
* bump kernel-rt release to match kernel
* readd newline to manifests
* apply changes from PR #2075 onto kernel-rt
* fix changelog typo