Pawel Winogrodzki
[main] Removing `log4j12`. (#2008)
* Removing openSUSE specs.
* Initial work to fix 'ant-*' packages.
* Updating 'xml-common-apis'.
* Restoring 'apache-commons-logging' with removed dependency on 'log4j12'.
* Initial commit for 'dom4j'.
* Clean-up for 'dom4j'.
* Adding licenses and signatures.
* Restoring 'slf4j'.
* Adding Fedora's version of 'velocity'
* Initial commit for 'xbean' from Fedora.
* Switching to Fedora's 'xbean'.
* Standard clean-up.
* Adding signatures, removing binaries.
* Removing 'log4j12'.
* Updating 'slf4j-sources'.
* Verifying licenses, updating sources.
* Adding sources retrieval tool.
* Linting.
2022-01-27 16:29:41 -08:00 |