
42 строки
1.7 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Quit on failure
set -e
set -o pipefail
# A helpful one-liner script to check the current default versions
if [[ -z "$RUBY_VER" ]]; then
echo "Need to run with RUBY_VER=?.?" 1>&2
echo " RUBY_VER=3.1 get_gem_versions.sh > versions.txt"
exit 1
PAD_SIZE=23 # (Manually calculated based on the length of '%global error_highlight_version...')
# Grab the 'rubygems' field seperately
curl https://stdgems.org/default_gems.json 2>/dev/null | \
jq '.gems[] | [.gem, .versions["'$RUBY_VER'"]] | select(.[0]=="rubygems")' | \
jq -r '.[0], .[1]' | \
xargs printf '%%global %s_version %s\n' | \
xargs printf "%s %-${PAD_SIZE}s %s\n"
# Print the comments to make life easier
printf '# Add version for default gems from https://stdgems.org/\n'
printf '# A helpful one-liner script to check the current default versions is available via RUBY_VER=3.1 ./get_gem_versions.sh\n'
# -get .json data
# - query each entry for its gem + version matchign $RUBY_VER (but not rubygems)
# - Print each array entry
# - put two per line using paste
# - add '%global' and '_version' to each pkg
# - fix spacing
curl https://stdgems.org/default_gems.json 2>/dev/null | \
jq '.gems[] | [.gem, .versions["'$RUBY_VER'"]] | select(.[1]!=null and .[0]!="rubygems")' | \
jq -r '.[0], .[1]' | \
tr '-' '_' | \
paste -d " " - - | \
xargs printf '%%global %s_version %s\n' | \
xargs printf "%s %-${PAD_SIZE}s %s\n"