163 строки
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163 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Contains:
# - Go Utilities
$(call create_folder,$(RPMS_DIR))
$(call create_folder,$(CACHED_RPMS_DIR)/cache)
$(call create_folder,$(CCACHE_DIR))
$(call create_folder,$(TOOL_BINS_DIR))
$(call create_folder,$(BUILD_DIR)/tools)
######## GO TOOLS ########
# The version as held in the go.mod file (a line like 'go 1.19'). Add "go" to the front of the version number
# so that it matches the output of 'go version' (e.g. 'go1.19').
go_min_version = go$(shell grep -E '^go [0-9]+\.[0-9]+' $(TOOLS_DIR)/go.mod | awk '{print $$2}')
# Check if the go version is high enough to build the tools. The 'sort' command is used to compare the versions
# (with -V which sorts by version number). If the lowest version in the sort is the same as the minimum version, then
# the installed version must be greater than or equal to the minimum version and we are fine.
ifeq ($(REBUILD_TOOLS),y)
go_current_version = $(shell go version | awk '{print $$3}')
go_version_check = $(shell printf '%s\n%s\n' "$(go_min_version)" "$(go_current_version)" | sort -V | head -n1)
ifneq ($(go_version_check),$(go_min_version))
$(error Go version '$(go_current_version)' is less than minimum required version '$(go_min_version)')
# List of go utilities in tools/ directory
go_tool_list = \
bldtracker \
boilerplate \
depsearch \
downloader \
grapher \
graphpkgfetcher \
graphanalytics \
graphPreprocessor \
imageconfigvalidator \
imagecustomizer \
imagepkgfetcher \
imager \
isomaker \
liveinstaller \
osmodifier \
pkgworker \
precacher \
repoquerywrapper \
roast \
rpmssnapshot \
scheduler \
specarchchecker \
specreader \
srpmpacker \
validatechroot \
# For each utility "util", create a "out/tools/util" target which references code in "tools/util/"
go_tool_targets = $(foreach target,$(go_tool_list),$(TOOL_BINS_DIR)/$(target))
# Common files to monitor for all go targets
go_module_files = $(TOOLS_DIR)/go.mod $(TOOLS_DIR)/go.sum
go_internal_files = $(shell find $(TOOLS_DIR)/internal/ -type f -name '*.go')
go_grapher_files = $(shell find $(TOOLS_DIR)/grapher/ -type f -name '*.go')
go_pkg_files = $(shell find $(TOOLS_DIR)/pkg/ -type f -name '*.go')
go_imagegen_files = $(shell find $(TOOLS_DIR)/imagegen/ -type f -name '*.go')
go_scheduler_files = $(shell find $(TOOLS_DIR)/scheduler -type f -name '*.go')
go_common_files = $(go_module_files) $(go_internal_files) $(go_grapher_files) $(go_imagegen_files) $(go_pkg_files) $(go_scheduler_files) $(STATUS_FLAGS_DIR)/got_go_deps.flag $(BUILD_DIR)/tools/internal.test_coverage
# A report on test coverage for all the go tools
# For each utility "util", create an alias variable "$(go-util)", and a target "go-util".
# Also add file dependencies for the various tools.
# go-util=$(TOOL_BINS_DIR)/util
# .PHONY: go-util
# go-util: $(go-util)
# $(TOOL_BINS_DIR)/util: $(TOOLS_DIR)/util/*.go
define go_util_rule
go-$(notdir $(tool))=$(tool)
.PHONY: go-$(notdir $(tool))
go-$(notdir $(tool)): $(tool)
$(tool): $(call shell_real_build_only, find $(TOOLS_DIR)/$(notdir $(tool))/ -type f -name '*.go')
$(foreach tool,$(go_tool_targets),$(eval $(go_util_rule)))
.PHONY: go-tools clean-go-tools go-tidy-all go-test-coverage
##help:target:go-tools=Preps all go tools (ensure `REBUILD_TOOLS=y` to rebuild).
go-tools: $(go_tool_targets)
clean: clean-go-tools
rm -rf $(TOOL_BINS_DIR)
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)/tools
go_ldflags := -X github.com/microsoft/azurelinux/toolkit/tools/internal/exe.ToolkitVersion=$(RELEASE_VERSION) \
-X github.com/microsoft/azurelinux/toolkit/tools/pkg/imagecustomizerlib.ToolVersion=$(IMAGE_CUSTOMIZER_FULL_VERSION)
# Matching rules for the above targets
# Tool specific pre-requisites are tracked via $(go-util): $(shell find...) dynamic variable defined above
ifneq ($(REBUILD_TOOLS),y)
# SDK by default will ship with tool binaries pre-compiled (REBUILD_TOOLS=n), don't build them, just copy.
@if [ ! -f $@ ]; then \
if [ -f $(TOOLKIT_BINS_DIR)/$(notdir $@) ]; then \
echo "Restoring '$@' from '$(TOOLKIT_BINS_DIR)/$(notdir $@)'"; \
cp $(TOOLKIT_BINS_DIR)/$(notdir $@) $@ ; \
fi ; \
fi && \
[ -f $@ ] || $(call print_error,Unable to find tool $@. Set TOOL_BINS_DIR=.../ or set REBUILD_TOOLS=y ) ; \
touch $@
# Rebuild the go tools as needed
$(TOOL_BINS_DIR)/%: $(go_common_files)
cd $(TOOLS_DIR)/$* && \
go test -ldflags="$(go_ldflags)" -test.short -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=$(BUILD_DIR)/tools/$*.test_coverage ./... && \
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build \
-ldflags="$(go_ldflags)" \
# Runs tests for common components
$(BUILD_DIR)/tools/internal.test_coverage: $(go_internal_files) $(go_imagegen_files) $(STATUS_FLAGS_DIR)/got_go_deps.flag
cd $(TOOLS_DIR)/$* && \
go test -ldflags="$(go_ldflags)" -test.short -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=$@ ./...
# Downloads all the go dependencies without using sudo, so we don't break other go use cases for the user.
# We can check if $SUDO_USER is set (the user who invoked sudo), and if so, use that user to run go get via sudo -u.
# We allow the command to fail with || echo ..., since we don't want to fail the build if the user has already
# downloaded the dependencies as root. The go build command will download the dependencies if they are missing (but as root).
@cd $(TOOLS_DIR)/ && \
if [ -z "$$SUDO_USER" ]; then \
echo "SUDO_USER is not set, running 'go get' as user '$$USER'"; \
go get -d ./... || echo "Failed to run 'go get', falling back to 'go build' to pull modules" ; \
else \
echo "SUDO_USER is set, running 'go get' as user '$$SUDO_USER'"; \
sudo -u $$SUDO_USER go get -d ./... || echo "Failed to run 'go get', falling back to 'go build' to pull modules" ; \
fi && \
touch $@
##help:target:go-tidy-all=Runs `go-fmt-all` and `go-mod-tidy`.
# Return a list of all directories inside tools/ which contains a *.go file in
# the form of "go-fmt-<directory>"
go-tidy-all: go-mod-tidy go-fmt-all
##help:target:go-mod-tidy=Tidy the go module files.
# Updates the go module file
rm -f $(TOOLS_DIR)/go.sum
cd $(TOOLS_DIR) && go mod tidy
##help:target:go-fmt-all=Auto format all `*.go` files.
# Runs go fmt inside each matching directory
cd $(TOOLS_DIR) && go fmt ./...
# Formats the test coverage for the tools
.PHONY: $(BUILD_DIR)/tools/all_tools.coverage
$(BUILD_DIR)/tools/all_tools.coverage: $(call shell_real_build_only, find $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -type f -name '*.go') $(STATUS_FLAGS_DIR)/got_go_deps.flag
cd $(TOOLS_DIR) && go test -ldflags="$(go_ldflags)" -coverpkg=./... -test.short -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=$@ ./...
$(test_coverage_report): $(BUILD_DIR)/tools/all_tools.coverage
cd $(TOOLS_DIR) && go tool cover -html=$(BUILD_DIR)/tools/all_tools.coverage -o $@
##help:target:go-test-coverage=Run and publish test coverage for all go tools.
go-test-coverage: $(test_coverage_report)
@echo Coverage report available at: $(test_coverage_report)