Operations ========== This section describes how :term:`Operators` manage the different nodes constituting a CCF network. .. panels:: :fa:`laptop-code` :doc:`run_setup` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set up a VM or a container to run a CCF application node. --- :fa:`play-circle` :doc:`start_network` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start a new instance of a CCF service, and add an initial set of execution nodes. --- :fa:`cogs` :doc:`configuration` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configure CCF nodes from JSON configuration file. --- :fa:`upload` :doc:`ledger_snapshot` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Provision a new execution node for an existing service quickly from a state snapshot. --- :fa:`sync-alt` :doc:`code_upgrade` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Upgrade a live service with minimal downtime. --- :fa:`sync-alt` :doc:`code_upgrade_1x` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Specific guidelines to upgrade a service from CCF 1.x to 2.0. --- :fa:`stamp` :doc:`certificates` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set and renew nodes and service x509 certificates. --- :fa:`helicopter` :doc:`recovery` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Recover a service instance from a catastrophic failure, using one or more ledger copies. --- :fa:`network-wired` :doc:`network` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configure a network to deploy a CCF service. --- :fa:`file-alt` :doc:`node_output` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Monitor node health and events using logs. --- :fa:`tachometer-alt` :doc:`resource_usage` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Monitor node resource consumption. --- :fa:`terminal` :doc:`operator_rpc_api` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Node API reference. .. toctree:: :hidden: run_setup start_network configuration ledger_snapshot code_upgrade code_upgrade_1x certificates recovery network node_output resource_usage operator_rpc_api