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---------- MODULE MCccfraftWithReconfig ----------
EXTENDS ccfraft, TLC
Servers_mc == {NodeOne, NodeTwo}
Configurations == <<{NodeOne}, {NodeOne, NodeTwo}, {NodeTwo}>>
\* SNIPPET_START: mc_config
MCIsInConfigurations(i, newConfiguration) ==
/\ reconfigurationCount < Len(Configurations)-1
/\ newConfiguration = Configurations[reconfigurationCount+2]
\* Limit the terms that can be reached. Needs to be set to at least 3 to
\* evaluate all relevant states. If set to only 2, the candidate_quorum
\* constraint below is too restrictive.
MCInTermLimit(i) ==
currentTerm[i] < 3
\* Limit number of requests (new entries) that can be made
MCInRequestLimit ==
clientRequests <= 2
\* Limit on number of request votes that can be sent to each other node
MCInRequestVoteLimit(i,j) ==
votesRequested[i][j] < 1
\* Limit number of duplicate messages sent to the same server
MCInMessagesLimit(i, j, index) ==
IF Len(messagesSent[i][j]) >= index
THEN messagesSent[i][j][index] < 1
\* Limit number of times a RetiredLeader server sends commit notifications
MCInCommitNotificationLimit(i) ==
commitsNotified[i][2] < 2
\* Limit max number of simultaneous candidates
MCInMaxSimultaneousCandidates(i) ==
Cardinality({ s \in GetServerSetForIndex(i, commitIndex[i]) : state[s] = Candidate}) < 1
\* SNIPPET_END: mc_config
mc_spec == Spec
\* Symmetry set over possible servers. May dangerous and is only enabled
\* via the Symmetry option in cfg file.
Symmetry == Permutations(Servers_mc)
\* Exclude messagesSent variable s.t. two states are considered equal if they only differ in the number of messages sent.
View == << reconfigurationVars, <<messages, commitsNotified>>, serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars >>