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--------------------------------- MODULE ccfraft ---------------------------------
\* This is the formal specification for the Raft consensus algorithm.
\* Copyright 2014 Diego Ongaro.
\* Modifications Copyright 2021 Microsoft.
\* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-4.0
\* International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
\* Modified for CCF by Microsoft Research
\* Author of these modifications:
\* Fritz Alder <fritz.alder@acm.org>
\* Heidi Howard <heidi.howard@microsoft.com>
\* Markus Alexander Kuppe <makuppe@microsoft.com>
\* Partially based on
\* - https://github.com/ongardie/raft.tla/blob/master/raft.tla
\* (base spec, modified)
\* - https://github.com/jinlmsft/raft.tla/blob/master/raft.tla
\* (e.g. clientRequests, committedLog)
\* - https://github.com/dricketts/raft.tla/blob/master/raft.tla
\* (e.g. certain invariants)
EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, Sequences, TLC, FiniteSetsExt, SequencesExt, Functions
\* Constants
\* Server states
States == {
\* A reserved value
\* Message types:
\* CCF: Content types (Normal entry or a signature that signs
\* previous entries or a reconfiguration entry)
AllServers == {
\* Set of nodes for this model
ASSUME Servers /= {}
ASSUME Servers \subseteq AllServers
\* Global variables
\* Keep track of current number of reconfigurations to limit it through the MC.
\* TLC: Finite state space.
VARIABLE reconfigurationCount
\* Each server keeps track of the pending configurations
VARIABLE configurations
reconfigurationVars == <<reconfigurationCount, configurations>>
\* A set representing requests and responses sent from one server
\* to another. With CCF, we have message integrity and can ensure unique messages.
\* Messages only records messages that are currently in-flight, actions should
\* removed messages once received.
VARIABLE messages
\* CCF: Keep track of each append entries message sent from each server to each other server
\* and cap it to a maximum to constraint the state-space for model-checking.
\* TLC: Finite state space.
VARIABLE messagesSent
\* CCF: After reconfiguration, a RetiredLeader leader may need to notify servers
\* of the current commit level to ensure that no deadlock is reached through
\* leaving the network after retirement (as that would lead to endless leader
\* re-elects and drop-outs until f is reached and network fails).
VARIABLE commitsNotified
messageVars == <<messages, messagesSent, commitsNotified>>
\* The following variables are all per server (functions with domain Servers).
\* The server's term number.
VARIABLE currentTerm
\* The server's state.
\* The candidate the server voted for in its current term, or
\* Nil if it hasn't voted for any.
serverVars == <<currentTerm, state, votedFor>>
\* The set of requests that can go into the log.
\* TLC: Finite state space.
VARIABLE clientRequests
\* A Sequence of log entries. The index into this sequence is the index of the
\* log entry. Unfortunately, the Sequence module defines Head(s) as the entry
\* with index 1, so be careful not to use that!
\* The index of the latest entry in the log the state machine may apply.
VARIABLE commitIndex
\* The log and index denoting the operations that have been committed. Instead
\* of copying the committed prefix of the current leader's log, remember the
\* node and the index (up to which the operations have been committed) into its log.
\* This variable is a history variable in TLA+ jargon. It does not exist in an implementation.
VARIABLE committedLog
logVars == <<log, commitIndex, clientRequests, committedLog>>
\* The set of servers from which the candidate has received a vote in its
\* currentTerm.
VARIABLE votesGranted
\* State space limitation: Restrict each node to send a limited amount
\* of requests to other nodes.
\* TLC: Finite state space.
VARIABLE votesRequested
candidateVars == <<votesGranted, votesRequested>>
\* The following variables are used only on leaders:
\* The next entry to send to each follower.
VARIABLE nextIndex
\* The latest entry that each follower has acknowledged is the same as the
\* leader's. This is used to calculate commitIndex on the leader.
VARIABLE matchIndex
leaderVars == <<nextIndex, matchIndex>>
\* End of per server variables.
\* All variables; used for stuttering (asserting state hasn't changed).
vars == <<reconfigurationVars, messageVars, serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Fine-grained state constraint "hooks" for model-checking with TLC.
\* State limitation: Limit requested votes
InRequestVoteLimit(i,j) ==
\* Limit on terms
\* By default, all servers start as followers in term one
\* So this should therefore be at least two
InTermLimit(i) ==
\* CCF: Limit how many identical append entries messages each node can send to another
InMessagesLimit(i, j, index) ==
\* CCF: Limit the number of commit notifications per commit Index and server
InCommitNotificationLimit(i) ==
\* Limit max number of simultaneous candidates
\* We made several restrictions to the state space of Raft. However since we
\* made these restrictions, Deadlocks can occur at places that Raft would in
\* real-world deployments handle graciously.
\* One example of this is if a Quorum of nodes becomes Candidate but can not
\* timeout anymore since we constrained the terms. Then, an artificial Deadlock
\* is reached. We solve this below. If TermLimit is set to any number >2, this is
\* not an issue since breadth-first search will make sure that a similar
\* situation is simulated at term==1 which results in a term increase to 2.
InMaxSimultaneousCandidates(i) ==
\* Limit on client requests
InRequestLimit ==
IsInConfigurations(i, newConfiguration) ==
\* Helpers
min(a, b) == IF a < b THEN a ELSE b
max(a, b) == IF a > b THEN a ELSE b
RestrictPred(f, Test(_)) ==
Restrict(f, { x \in DOMAIN f : Test(x) })
\* Helper for Send and Reply. Given a message m and set of messages, return a
\* new set of messages with one more m in it.
WithMessage(m, msgs) == msgs \union {m}
\* Helper for Discard and Reply. Given a message m and bag of messages, return
\* a new bag of messages with one less m in it.
WithoutMessage(m, msgs) == msgs \ {m}
\* Add a message to the bag of messages.
\* But only if this exact messages does not already exist
Send(m) == messages' =
WithMessage(m, messages)
\* Remove a message from the bag of messages. Used when a server is done
\* processing a message.
Discard(m) == messages' = WithoutMessage(m, messages)
\* Combination of Send and Discard
Reply(response, request) ==
messages' = WithoutMessage(request, WithMessage(response, messages))
HasTypeSignature(e) == e.contentType = TypeSignature
\* CCF: Return the index of the latest committable message
\* (i.e., the last one that was signed by a leader)
MaxCommittableIndex(xlog) ==
SelectLastInSeq(xlog, HasTypeSignature)
\* CCF: Returns the term associated with the MaxCommittableIndex(xlog)
MaxCommittableTerm(xlog) ==
LET iMax == MaxCommittableIndex(xlog)
IN IF iMax = 0 THEN 0 ELSE xlog[iMax].term
Quorums ==
\* Helper function to calculate the Quorum. Needed on each reconfiguration
[ s \in SUBSET Servers |-> {i \in SUBSET(s) : Cardinality(i) * 2 > Cardinality(s)} ]
GetServerSetForIndex(server, index) ==
\* Pick the sets of servers (aka configs) up to that index
\* The union of all ranges/co-domains of the currentConfigurations for server up to and including the index.
UNION { configurations[server][f] : f \in { i \in DOMAIN configurations[server] : i <= index } }
IsInServerSetForIndex(candidate, server, index) ==
\E i \in { i \in DOMAIN configurations[server] : index >= i } :
candidate \in configurations[server][i]
\* Pick the union of all servers across all configurations
GetServerSet(server) ==
UNION (Range(configurations[server]))
IsInServerSet(candidate, server) ==
\E i \in DOMAIN (configurations[server]) :
candidate \in configurations[server][i]
CurrentConfigurationIndex(server) ==
Min(DOMAIN configurations[server])
CurrentConfiguration(server) ==
MaxConfigurationIndex(server) ==
Max(DOMAIN configurations[server])
MaxConfiguration(server) ==
NextConfigurationIndex(server) ==
LET dom == DOMAIN configurations[server]
IN Min(dom \ {Min(dom)})
\* The prefix of the log of server i that has been committed
Committed(i) ==
IF commitIndex[i] = 0
THEN << >>
ELSE SubSeq(log[i],1,commitIndex[i])
\* The prefix of the log of server i that has been committed up to term x
CommittedTermPrefix(i, x) ==
\* Only if log of i is non-empty, and if there exists an entry up to the term x
IF Len(log[i]) /= 0 /\ \E y \in DOMAIN log[i] : log[i][y].term <= x
\* then, we use the subsequence up to the maximum committed term of the leader
LET maxTermIndex ==
CHOOSE y \in DOMAIN log[i] :
/\ log[i][y].term <= x
/\ \A z \in DOMAIN log[i] : log[i][z].term <= x => y >= z
IN SubSeq(log[i], 1, min(maxTermIndex, commitIndex[i]))
\* Otherwise the prefix is the empty tuple
ELSE << >>
\* SNIPPET_START: init_values
\* Define initial values for all variables
InitReconfigurationVars ==
/\ reconfigurationCount = 0
/\ \E c \in SUBSET Servers \ {{}}:
configurations = [i \in Servers |-> [ j \in {0} |-> c ] ]
InitMessagesVars ==
/\ messages = {}
/\ messagesSent = [i \in Servers |-> [j \in Servers |-> << >>] ]
/\ commitsNotified = [i \in Servers |-> <<0,0>>] \* i.e., <<index, times of notification>>
InitServerVars ==
/\ currentTerm = [i \in Servers |-> 1]
/\ state = [i \in Servers |-> IF i \in configurations[i][0] THEN Follower ELSE Pending]
/\ votedFor = [i \in Servers |-> Nil]
InitCandidateVars ==
/\ votesGranted = [i \in Servers |-> {}]
/\ votesRequested = [i \in Servers |-> [j \in Servers |-> 0]]
\* The values nextIndex[i][i] and matchIndex[i][i] are never read, since the
\* leader does not send itself messages. It's still easier to include these
\* in the functions.
InitLeaderVars ==
/\ nextIndex = [i \in Servers |-> [j \in Servers |-> 1]]
/\ matchIndex = [i \in Servers |-> [j \in Servers |-> 0]]
InitLogVars ==
/\ log = [i \in Servers |-> << >>]
/\ commitIndex = [i \in Servers |-> 0]
/\ clientRequests = 1
/\ committedLog = [ node |-> NodeOne, index |-> 0]
Init ==
/\ InitReconfigurationVars
/\ InitMessagesVars
/\ InitServerVars
/\ InitCandidateVars
/\ InitLeaderVars
/\ InitLogVars
\* SNIPPET_END: init_values
\* Define state transitions
\* SNIPPET_START: timeout
\* Server i times out and starts a new election.
Timeout(i) ==
\* Limit the term of each server to reduce state space
/\ InTermLimit(i)
\* Only servers that are not already leaders can become candidates
/\ state[i] \in {Follower, Candidate}
\* Limit number of candidates in our relevant server set
\* (i.e., simulate that not more than a given limit of servers in each configuration times out)
/\ InMaxSimultaneousCandidates(i)
\* Check that the reconfiguration which added this node is at least committable
/\ \E c \in DOMAIN configurations[i] :
/\ i \in configurations[i][c]
/\ MaxCommittableIndex(log[i]) >= c
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Candidate]
/\ currentTerm' = [currentTerm EXCEPT ![i] = currentTerm[i] + 1]
\* Most implementations would probably just set the local vote
\* atomically, but messaging localhost for it is weaker.
\* CCF change: We do this atomically to reduce state space
/\ votedFor' = [votedFor EXCEPT ![i] = i]
/\ votesRequested' = [votesRequested EXCEPT ![i] = [j \in Servers |-> 0]]
/\ votesGranted' = [votesGranted EXCEPT ![i] = {i}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messageVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* SNIPPET_END: timeout
\* Candidate i sends j a RequestVote request.
RequestVote(i,j) ==
msg == [mtype |-> RequestVoteRequest,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
\* CCF extension: Use last signature message and not last log entry in elections
mlastLogTerm |-> MaxCommittableTerm(log[i]),
mlastLogIndex |-> MaxCommittableIndex(log[i]),
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j]
\* Timeout votes for itself atomically. Thus we do not need to request our own vote.
/\ i /= j
\* Only requests vote if we are candidate
/\ state[i] = Candidate
/\ InRequestVoteLimit(i, j)
\* Reconfiguration: Make sure j is in a configuration of i
/\ IsInServerSet(j, i)
/\ votesRequested' = [votesRequested EXCEPT ![i][j] = votesRequested[i][j] + 1]
/\ Send(msg)
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, serverVars, votesGranted, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Leader i sends j an AppendEntries request containing up to 1 entry.
\* While implementations may want to send more than 1 at a time, this spec uses
\* just 1 because it minimizes atomic regions without loss of generality.
AppendEntries(i, j) ==
\* No messages to itself and sender is primary
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ i /= j
\* Recipient must exist in one configuration relevant to that index
/\ IsInServerSetForIndex(j, i, nextIndex[i][j])
\* There must be an index to send
/\ Len(log[i]) >= nextIndex[i][j]
/\ LET prevLogIndex == nextIndex[i][j] - 1
prevLogTerm == IF prevLogIndex > 0 /\ prevLogIndex <= Len(log[i]) THEN
\* Send up to 1 entry, constrained by the end of the log.
lastEntry == min(Len(log[i]), nextIndex[i][j])
entries == SubSeq(log[i], nextIndex[i][j], lastEntry)
msg == [mtype |-> AppendEntriesRequest,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
mprevLogIndex |-> prevLogIndex,
mprevLogTerm |-> prevLogTerm,
mentries |-> entries,
mcommitIndex |-> min(commitIndex[i], MaxCommittableIndex(SubSeq(log[i],1,lastEntry))),
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j]
index == nextIndex[i][j]
/\ InMessagesLimit(i, j, index)
/\ messagesSent' =
IF Len(messagesSent[i][j]) < index
THEN [messagesSent EXCEPT ![i][j] = Append(messagesSent[i][j], 1) ]
ELSE [messagesSent EXCEPT ![i][j][index] = messagesSent[i][j][index] + 1 ]
/\ Send(msg)
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, commitsNotified, serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Candidate i transitions to leader.
BecomeLeader(i) ==
/\ state[i] = Candidate
\* To become leader, the candidate must have received votes from a majority in each active configuration
/\ \A c \in DOMAIN configurations[i] : votesGranted[i] \in Quorums[configurations[i][c]]
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Leader]
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i] =
[j \in Servers |-> Len(log[i]) + 1]]
/\ matchIndex' = [matchIndex EXCEPT ![i] =
[j \in Servers |-> 0]]
\* CCF: We reset our own log to its committable subsequence, throwing out
\* all unsigned log entries of the previous leader.
/\ LET new_max_index == MaxCommittableIndex(log[i])
\* The new max config index either depends on the max configuration index in the log
\* or is 1 if we only keep the current config (i.e., if there is no config chage in the log)
new_conf_index == Max({c \in DOMAIN configurations[i] : c <= new_max_index})
/\ log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = SubSeq(log[i],1,new_max_index)]
\* Potentially also shorten the currentConfiguration if the removed index contained a configuration
/\ configurations' = [configurations EXCEPT ![i] = RestrictPred(@, LAMBDA c : c <= new_conf_index)]
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationCount, messageVars, currentTerm, votedFor, votesRequested, candidateVars,
commitIndex, clientRequests, committedLog>>
\* Leader i receives a client request to add v to the log.
ClientRequest(i) ==
\* Limit number of client requests
/\ InRequestLimit
\* Only leaders receive client requests
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ LET entry == [term |-> currentTerm[i],
value |-> clientRequests,
contentType |-> TypeEntry]
newLog == Append(log[i], entry)
IN /\ log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = newLog]
\* Make sure that each request is unique, reduce state space to be explored
/\ clientRequests' = clientRequests + 1
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messageVars, serverVars, candidateVars,
leaderVars, commitIndex, committedLog>>
\* SNIPPET_START: signing
\* CCF extension: Signed commits
\* Leader i signs the previous messages in its log to make them committable
\* This is done as a separate entry in the log that has a different
\* message contentType than messages entered by the client.
SignCommittableMessages(i) ==
/\ LET
log_len == Len(log[i])
\* Only applicable to Leaders with a log that contains at least one message
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ log_len > 0
\* Make sure the leader does not create two signatures in a row
/\ log[i][log_len].contentType /= TypeSignature
/\ LET
\* Create a new entry in the log that has the contentType Signature and append it
entry == [term |-> currentTerm[i],
value |-> Nil,
contentType |-> TypeSignature]
newLog == Append(log[i], entry)
IN log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = newLog]
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messageVars, serverVars, candidateVars, clientRequests,
leaderVars, commitIndex, committedLog>>
\* SNIPPET_END: signing
\* SNIPPET_START: reconfig
\* CCF extension: Reconfiguration of servers
\* Leader can propose a change in the current configuration.
\* This will switch the current set of servers to the proposed set, ONCE BOTH
\* sets of servers have committed this message (in the adjusted configuration
\* this means waiting for the signature to be committed)
ChangeConfiguration(i, newConfiguration) ==
\* Only leader can propose changes
/\ state[i] = Leader
\* Limit reconfigurations
/\ IsInConfigurations(i, newConfiguration)
\* Configuration is non empty
/\ newConfiguration /= {}
\* Configuration is a proper subset of the Servers
/\ newConfiguration \subseteq Servers
\* Configuration is not equal to current configuration
/\ newConfiguration /= CurrentConfiguration(i)
\* Keep track of running reconfigurations to limit state space
/\ reconfigurationCount' = reconfigurationCount + 1
/\ LET
entry == [term |-> currentTerm[i],
value |-> newConfiguration,
contentType |-> TypeReconfiguration]
newLog == Append(log[i], entry)
/\ log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = newLog]
/\ configurations' = [configurations EXCEPT ![i] = @ @@ Len(log[i]) + 1 :> newConfiguration]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messageVars, serverVars, candidateVars, clientRequests,
leaderVars, commitIndex, committedLog>>
\* SNIPPET_END: reconfig
\* Leader i advances its commitIndex to the next possible Index.
\* This is done as a separate step from handling AppendEntries responses,
\* in part to minimize atomic regions, and in part so that leaders of
\* single-server clusters are able to mark entries committed.
\* In CCF and with reconfiguration, the following limitations apply:
\* - An index can only be committed if it is agreed upon by a Quorum in the
\* old AND in the new configuration. This means that for any given index,
\* all configurations of at least that index need to have a quorum of
\* servers agree on the index before it can be seen as committed.
AdvanceCommitIndex(i) ==
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ LET
\* We want to get the smallest such index forward that is a signature
new_index == SelectInSubSeq(log[i], commitIndex[i]+1, Len(log[i]), HasTypeSignature)
new_log ==
IF new_index > 1 THEN
[ j \in 1..new_index |-> log[i][j] ]
<< >>
new_config_index == NextConfigurationIndex(i)
/\ \* Select those configs that need to have a quorum to agree on this leader
\A config \in {c \in DOMAIN(configurations[i]) : new_index >= c } :
\* In all of these configs, we now need a quorum in the servers that have the correct matchIndex
LET config_servers == configurations[i][config]
required_quorum == Quorums[config_servers]
agree_servers == {k \in config_servers : matchIndex[i][k] >= new_index}
IN (IF i \in config_servers THEN {i} ELSE {}) \cup agree_servers \in required_quorum
\* only advance if necessary (this is basically a sanity check after the Min above)
/\ commitIndex[i] < new_index
/\ commitIndex' = [commitIndex EXCEPT ![i] = new_index]
/\ committedLog' = IF new_index > committedLog.index THEN [ node |-> i, index |-> new_index ] ELSE committedLog
\* If commit index surpasses the next configuration, pop the first config, and eventually retire as leader
/\ \/ /\ Cardinality(DOMAIN configurations[i]) > 1
/\ new_index >= NextConfigurationIndex(i)
/\ configurations' = [configurations EXCEPT ![i] = RestrictPred(configurations[i], LAMBDA c : c >= new_config_index)]
\* Get the set of relevant servers of all configurations after the first
/\ \/ /\ \A c \in DOMAIN (configurations[i]) \ {CurrentConfigurationIndex(i)} :
new_index >= c => i \notin configurations[i][c]
\* Retire if i is not in next configuration anymore
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = RetiredLeader]
/\ UNCHANGED << currentTerm, votedFor, reconfigurationCount >>
\* Otherwise, states remain unchanged
\/ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, reconfigurationCount>>
\* Otherwise, Configuration and states remain unchanged
\/ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, serverVars>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<messageVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, log, clientRequests>>
\* CCF reconfiguration change:
\* RetiredLeader server i notifies the current commit level to server j
\* This allows to retire gracefully instead of deadlocking the system through removing itself from the network.
NotifyCommit(i,j) ==
\* Only RetiredLeader servers send these commit messages
/\ state[i] = RetiredLeader
\* Only send notifications of commit to servers in the server set
/\ IsInServerSetForIndex(j, i, commitIndex[i])
/\ \/ commitsNotified[i][1] < commitIndex[i]
\/ InCommitNotificationLimit(i)
/\ LET new_notified == IF commitsNotified[i][1] = commitIndex[i]
THEN <<commitsNotified[i][1], commitsNotified[i][2] + 1>>
ELSE <<commitIndex[i], 1>>
IN commitsNotified' = [commitsNotified EXCEPT ![i] = new_notified]
/\ LET msg == [mtype |-> NotifyCommitMessage,
mcommitIndex |-> commitIndex[i],
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j]
IN Send(msg)
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messagesSent, serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars >>
\* CCF supports checkQuorum which enables a leader to choose to abdicate leadership.
CheckQuorum(i) ==
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Follower]
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messageVars, currentTerm, votedFor, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Message handlers
\* i = recipient, j = sender, m = message
\* Server i receives a RequestVote request from server j with
\* m.mterm <= currentTerm[i].
HandleRequestVoteRequest(i, j, m) ==
LET logOk == \/ m.mlastLogTerm > MaxCommittableTerm(log[i])
\/ /\ m.mlastLogTerm = MaxCommittableTerm(log[i])
\* CCF change: Log is only okay up to signatures,
\* not any message in the log
/\ m.mlastLogIndex >= MaxCommittableIndex(log[i])
grant == /\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ logOk
/\ votedFor[i] \in {Nil, j}
IN /\ m.mterm <= currentTerm[i]
/\ \/ grant /\ votedFor' = [votedFor EXCEPT ![i] = j]
\/ ~grant /\ UNCHANGED votedFor
/\ Reply([mtype |-> RequestVoteResponse,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
mvoteGranted |-> grant,
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j],
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, state, currentTerm, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Server i receives a RequestVote response from server j with
\* m.mterm = currentTerm[i].
HandleRequestVoteResponse(i, j, m) ==
\* This tallies votes even when the current state is not Candidate, but
\* they won't be looked at, so it doesn't matter.
\* It also tallies votes from servers that are not in the configuration but that is filtered out in BecomeLeader
/\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ \/ /\ m.mvoteGranted
/\ votesGranted' = [votesGranted EXCEPT ![i] =
votesGranted[i] \cup {j}]
\/ /\ ~m.mvoteGranted
/\ UNCHANGED votesGranted
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, serverVars, votedFor, votesRequested, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Server i receives a RequestVote request from server j with
\* m.mterm < currentTerm[i].
RejectAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, m, logOk) ==
/\ \/ m.mterm < currentTerm[i]
\/ /\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ state[i] = Follower
/\ \lnot logOk
/\ Reply([mtype |-> AppendEntriesResponse,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
msuccess |-> FALSE,
mmatchIndex |-> 0,
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j],
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, serverVars, logVars>>
ReturnToFollowerState(i, m) ==
/\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ state[i] = Candidate
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Follower]
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, currentTerm, votedFor, logVars, messages>>
AppendEntriesAlreadyDone(i, j, index, m) ==
/\ \/ m.mentries = << >>
\/ /\ m.mentries /= << >>
/\ Len(log[i]) >= index
/\ log[i][index].term = m.mentries[1].term
\* In normal Raft, this could make our commitIndex decrease (for
\* example if we process an old, duplicated request).
\* In CCF however, messages are encrypted and integrity protected
\* which also prevents message replays and duplications.
\* Note, though, that [][\A i \in Servers : commitIndex[i]' >= commitIndex[i]]_vars is not a theorem of the specification.
/\ commitIndex' = [commitIndex EXCEPT ![i] = m.mcommitIndex]
/\ Reply([mtype |-> AppendEntriesResponse,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
msuccess |-> TRUE,
mmatchIndex |-> m.mprevLogIndex + Len(m.mentries),
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j],
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, serverVars, log, clientRequests, committedLog>>
ConflictAppendEntriesRequest(i, index, m) ==
/\ m.mentries /= << >>
/\ Len(log[i]) >= index
/\ log[i][index].term /= m.mentries[1].term
/\ LET new_log == [index2 \in 1..(Len(log[i]) - 1) |-> log[i][index2]]
new_conf_index == Max({c \in DOMAIN configurations[i] : c < index})
IN /\ log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = new_log]
\* Potentially also shorten the currentConfiguration if the removed index contained a configuration
/\ configurations' = [configurations EXCEPT ![i] = RestrictPred(@, LAMBDA c : c <= new_conf_index)]
\* On conflicts, we shorten the log. This means we also want to reset the
\* sent messages that we track to limit the state space
/\ LET newCounts == [j \in Servers
|-> [n \in 1..min(Len(messagesSent[i][j]) - 1, index - 1)
|-> messagesSent[i][j][n]]]
IN messagesSent' = [messagesSent EXCEPT ![i] = newCounts ]
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationCount, serverVars, commitIndex, messages, commitsNotified, clientRequests, committedLog>>
NoConflictAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.mentries /= << >>
/\ Len(log[i]) = m.mprevLogIndex
/\ log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = Append(log[i], m.mentries[1])]
\* If this is a reconfiguration, update Configuration list
\* Also, if the commitIndex is updated, we may pop an old config at the same time
/\ LET
have_added_config == m.mentries[1].contentType = TypeReconfiguration
added_config == IF have_added_config
THEN m.mprevLogIndex + 1 :> m.mentries[1].value
ELSE << >>
new_commit_index == max(m.mcommitIndex, commitIndex[i])
new_config_index == NextConfigurationIndex(i)
\* A config can be removed if the new commit index reaches at least the next config index.
\* This happens either on configs that are already in the currentConfiguration list or on new configs that
\* are already committed.
have_removed_config == IF Cardinality(DOMAIN configurations[i]) > 1
THEN new_commit_index >= new_config_index
ELSE IF have_added_config
THEN new_commit_index >= m.mprevLogIndex + 1
base_config == IF have_removed_config
THEN IF Cardinality(DOMAIN configurations[i]) > 1
THEN RestrictPred(configurations[i], LAMBDA c : c >= new_config_index)
ELSE << >>
ELSE configurations[i]
new_config == IF have_added_config
THEN base_config @@ added_config
ELSE base_config
/\ commitIndex' = [commitIndex EXCEPT ![i] = new_commit_index]
/\ configurations' = [configurations EXCEPT ![i] = new_config]
\* If we added a new configuration that we are in and were pending, we are now follower
/\ \/ /\ state[i] = Pending
/\ \E conf_index \in DOMAIN(new_config) : i \in new_config[conf_index]
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Follower ]
\/ UNCHANGED state
/\ Reply([mtype |-> AppendEntriesResponse,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
msuccess |-> TRUE,
mmatchIndex |-> m.mprevLogIndex + Len(m.mentries),
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j],
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationCount, messagesSent, commitsNotified, currentTerm, votedFor, clientRequests, committedLog>>
AcceptAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, logOk, m) ==
\* accept request
/\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ state[i] \in {Follower, Pending}
/\ logOk
/\ LET index == m.mprevLogIndex + 1
IN \/ AppendEntriesAlreadyDone(i, j, index, m)
\/ ConflictAppendEntriesRequest(i, index, m)
\/ NoConflictAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, m)
\* Server i receives an AppendEntries request from server j with
\* m.mterm <= currentTerm[i]. This just handles m.entries of length 0 or 1, but
\* implementations could safely accept more by treating them the same as
\* multiple independent requests of 1 entry.
HandleAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, m) ==
LET logOk == \/ m.mprevLogIndex = 0
\/ /\ m.mprevLogIndex > 0
/\ m.mprevLogIndex <= Len(log[i])
/\ m.mprevLogTerm = log[i][m.mprevLogIndex].term
IN /\ m.mterm <= currentTerm[i]
/\ \/ RejectAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, m, logOk)
\/ ReturnToFollowerState(i, m)
\/ AcceptAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, logOk, m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<candidateVars, leaderVars>>
\* Server i receives an AppendEntries response from server j with
\* m.mterm = currentTerm[i].
HandleAppendEntriesResponse(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ \/ /\ m.msuccess \* successful
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = m.mmatchIndex + 1]
/\ matchIndex' = [matchIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = m.mmatchIndex]
\/ /\ \lnot m.msuccess \* not successful
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] =
Max({nextIndex[i][j] - 1, 1})]
/\ UNCHANGED matchIndex
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, serverVars, candidateVars, logVars>>
\* Any RPC with a newer term causes the recipient to advance its term first.
UpdateTerm(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.mterm > currentTerm[i]
/\ currentTerm' = [currentTerm EXCEPT ![i] = m.mterm]
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = IF @ \in {Leader, Candidate} THEN Follower ELSE @]
/\ votedFor' = [votedFor EXCEPT ![i] = Nil]
\* messages is unchanged so m can be processed further.
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, messageVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Responses with stale terms are ignored.
DropStaleResponse(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.mterm < currentTerm[i]
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, serverVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Drop messages if they are irrelevant to the node
DropIgnoredMessage(i,j,m) ==
\* Drop messages if...
\* .. recipient is still Pending..
\/ /\ state[i] = Pending
\* .. and the message is anything other than an append entries request
/\ m.mtype /= AppendEntriesRequest
\* OR if message is to a server that has surpassed the Pending stage ..
\/ /\ state[i] /= Pending
\* .. and it comes from a server outside of the configuration
/\ \lnot IsInServerSet(j, i)
\* OR if recipient is RetiredLeader and this is not a request to vote
\/ /\ state[i] = RetiredLeader
/\ m.mtype /= RequestVoteRequest
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationVars, serverVars, messagesSent, commitsNotified, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* RetiredLeader leaders send notify commit messages to update all nodes about the commit level
UpdateCommitIndex(i,j,m) ==
/\ m.mcommitIndex > commitIndex[i]
/\ LET
new_commit_index == m.mcommitIndex
new_config_index == NextConfigurationIndex(i)
\* Old config can be dropped when we reach the index of the next config
can_drop_config == IF Cardinality(DOMAIN configurations[i]) > 1
THEN new_commit_index >= new_config_index
new_config == IF can_drop_config
THEN RestrictPred(configurations[i], LAMBDA c : c >= new_config_index)
ELSE configurations[i]
/\ commitIndex' = [commitIndex EXCEPT ![i] = new_commit_index]
/\ configurations' = [configurations EXCEPT ![i] = new_config]
/\ UNCHANGED <<reconfigurationCount, messages, messagesSent, commitsNotified, currentTerm,
votedFor, candidateVars, leaderVars, log, clientRequests, committedLog>>
\* Receive a message.
Receive ==
\E m \in messages :
LET i == m.mdest
j == m.msource
\/ /\ m.mtype = NotifyCommitMessage
/\ UpdateCommitIndex(i,j,m)
/\ Discard(m)
\* Drop any message that are to be ignored by the recipient
\/ DropIgnoredMessage(i,j,m)
\* Any RPC with a newer term causes the recipient to advance
\* its term first. Responses with stale terms are ignored.
\/ UpdateTerm(i, j, m)
\/ /\ m.mtype = RequestVoteRequest
/\ HandleRequestVoteRequest(i, j, m)
\/ /\ m.mtype = RequestVoteResponse
/\ \/ DropStaleResponse(i, j, m)
\/ HandleRequestVoteResponse(i, j, m)
\/ /\ m.mtype = AppendEntriesRequest
/\ HandleAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, m)
\/ /\ m.mtype = AppendEntriesResponse
/\ \/ DropStaleResponse(i, j, m)
\/ HandleAppendEntriesResponse(i, j, m)
\* End of message handlers.
\* SNIPPET_START: next_states
\* Defines how the variables may transition.
Next ==
\/ \E i \in Servers : Timeout(i)
\/ \E i, j \in Servers : RequestVote(i, j)
\/ \E i \in Servers : BecomeLeader(i)
\/ \E i \in Servers : ClientRequest(i)
\/ \E i \in Servers : SignCommittableMessages(i)
\/ \E i \in Servers : \E c \in SUBSET(Servers) : ChangeConfiguration(i, c)
\/ \E i, j \in Servers : NotifyCommit(i,j)
\/ \E i \in Servers : AdvanceCommitIndex(i)
\/ \E i, j \in Servers : AppendEntries(i, j)
\/ \E i \in Servers : CheckQuorum(i)
\/ Receive
\* SNIPPET_END: next_states
\* The specification must start with the initial state and transition according
\* to Next.
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
\* Correctness invariants
\* These invariants should be true for all possible states
\* Committed log entries should not conflict
LogInv ==
/\ \A i \in Servers : IsPrefix(Committed(i),SubSeq(log[committedLog.node],1,committedLog.index))
\* There should not be more than one leader per term at the same time
\* Note that this does not rule out multiple leaders in the same term at different times
MoreThanOneLeaderInv ==
\A i,j \in Servers :
(/\ currentTerm[i] = currentTerm[j]
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ state[j] = Leader)
=> i = j
\* If a candidate has a chance of being elected, there
\* are no log entries with that candidate's term
CandidateTermNotInLogInv ==
\A i \in Servers :
(/\ state[i] = Candidate
/\ \A k \in DOMAIN (configurations[i]) :
{j \in Servers :
/\ currentTerm[j] = currentTerm[i]
/\ votedFor[j] = i
} \in Quorums[configurations[i][k]]
\A j \in Servers :
\A n \in DOMAIN log[j] :
log[j][n].term /= currentTerm[i]
\* A leader always has the greatest index for its current term (this does not
\* mean all of its log will survive if it is not committed + signed yet)
ElectionSafetyInv ==
\A i \in Servers :
state[i] = Leader =>
\A j \in Servers : i /= j =>
LET FilterAndMax(a, b) ==
IF a.term = currentTerm[i] THEN max(a.term, b) ELSE b
IN FoldSeq(FilterAndMax, 0, log[i]) >= FoldSeq(FilterAndMax, 0, log[j])
\* Every (index, term) pair determines a log prefix.
\* From page 8 of the Raft paper: "If two logs contain an entry with the same index and term, then the logs are identical in all preceding entries."
LogMatchingInv ==
\A i, j \in Servers : i /= j =>
\A n \in 1..min(Len(log[i]), Len(log[j])) :
log[i][n].term = log[j][n].term =>
SubSeq(log[i],1,n) = SubSeq(log[j],1,n)
\* A leader has all committed entries in its log. This is expressed
\* by LeaderCompleteness below. The inductive invariant for
\* that property is the conjunction of LeaderCompleteness with the
\* other three properties below.
\* All committed entries are contained in the log
\* of at least one server in every quorum
QuorumLogInv ==
\A i \in Servers :
\A S \in Quorums[GetServerSetForIndex(i, commitIndex[i])] :
\E j \in S :
IsPrefix(Committed(i), log[j])
\* The "up-to-date" check performed by servers
\* before issuing a vote implies that i receives
\* a vote from j only if i has all of j's committed
\* entries
MoreUpToDateCorrectInv ==
\A i, j \in Servers : i /= j =>
((\/ MaxCommittableTerm(log[i]) > MaxCommittableTerm(log[j])
\/ /\ MaxCommittableTerm(log[i]) = MaxCommittableTerm(log[j])
/\ MaxCommittableIndex(log[i]) >= MaxCommittableIndex(log[j])) =>
IsPrefix(Committed(j), log[i]))
\* The committed entries in every log are a prefix of the
\* leader's log up to the leader's term (since a next Leader may already be
\* elected without the old leader stepping down yet)
LeaderCompletenessInv ==
\A i \in Servers :
state[i] = Leader =>
\A j \in Servers : i /= j =>
IsPrefix(CommittedTermPrefix(j, currentTerm[i]),log[i])
\* In CCF, only signature messages should ever be committed
SignatureInv ==
\A i \in Servers :
\/ commitIndex[i] = 0
\/ log[i][commitIndex[i]].contentType = TypeSignature
\* Helper function for checking the type safety of log entries
LogTypeOK(xlog) ==
IF Len(xlog) > 0 THEN
\A k \in 1..Len(xlog) :
/\ xlog[k].term \in Nat \ {0}
/\ \/ /\ xlog[k].contentType = TypeEntry
/\ xlog[k].value \in Nat \ {0}
\/ /\ xlog[k].contentType = TypeSignature
/\ xlog[k].value = Nil
\/ /\ xlog[k].contentType = TypeReconfiguration
/\ xlog[k].value \subseteq Servers
ReconfigurationVarsTypeInv ==
/\ reconfigurationCount \in Nat
/\ \A i \in Servers :
\A c \in DOMAIN configurations[i]:
configurations[i][c] \subseteq Servers
MessageVarsTypeInv ==
/\ \A m \in messages :
/\ m.msource \in Servers
/\ m.mdest \in Servers
/\ m.mterm \in Nat \ {0}
/\ \/ /\ m.mtype = AppendEntriesRequest
/\ m.mprevLogIndex \in Nat
/\ m.mprevLogTerm \in Nat
/\ LogTypeOK(m.mentries)
/\ m.mcommitIndex \in Nat
\/ /\ m.mtype = AppendEntriesResponse
/\ m.msuccess \in BOOLEAN
/\ m.mmatchIndex \in Nat
\/ /\ m.mtype = RequestVoteRequest
/\ m.mlastLogTerm \in Nat
/\ m.mlastLogIndex \in Nat
\/ /\ m.mtype = RequestVoteResponse
/\ m.mvoteGranted \in BOOLEAN
\/ /\ m.mtype = NotifyCommitMessage
/\ m.mcommitIndex \in Nat
/\ \A i,j \in Servers : i /= j =>
/\ Len(messagesSent[i][j]) \in Nat
/\ IF Len(messagesSent[i][j]) > 0 THEN
\A k \in 1..Len(messagesSent[i][j]) :
messagesSent[i][j][k] \in Nat \ {0}
/\ \A i \in Servers :
/\ commitsNotified[i][1] \in Nat
/\ commitsNotified[i][2] \in Nat
ServerVarsTypeInv ==
/\ \A i \in Servers :
/\ currentTerm[i] \in Nat \ {0}
/\ state[i] \in States
/\ votedFor[i] \in {Nil} \cup Servers
CandidateVarsTypeInv ==
/\ \A i \in Servers :
/\ votesGranted[i] \subseteq Servers
/\ \A j \in Servers : i /= j =>
/\ votesRequested[i][j] \in Nat
LeaderVarsTypeInv ==
/\ \A i, j \in Servers : i /= j =>
/\ nextIndex[i][j] \in Nat \ {0}
/\ matchIndex[i][j] \in Nat
LogVarsTypeInv ==
/\ \A i \in Servers :
/\ Len(log[i]) \in Nat
/\ LogTypeOK(log[i])
/\ commitIndex[i] \in Nat
/\ clientRequests \in Nat \ {0}
/\ committedLog \in [ node: Servers, index: Nat ]
\* Invariant to check the type safety of all variables
TypeInv ==
/\ ReconfigurationVarsTypeInv
/\ MessageVarsTypeInv
/\ ServerVarsTypeInv
/\ CandidateVarsTypeInv
/\ LeaderVarsTypeInv
/\ LogVarsTypeInv
\* Each server's term should be equal to or greater than the terms of messages it has sent
MonoTermInv ==
\A m \in messages: currentTerm[m.msource] >= m.mterm
\* Terms in logs should be monotonically increasing
MonoLogInv ==
\A i \in Servers :
\/ Len(log[i]) = 0
\/ /\ log[i][Len(log[i])].term <= currentTerm[i]
/\ \/ Len(log[i]) = 1
\/ \A k \in 1..Len(log[i])-1 :
\* Terms in logs should only increase after a signature
\/ log[i][k].term = log[i][k+1].term
\/ /\ log[i][k].term < log[i][k+1].term
/\ log[i][k].contentType = TypeSignature
LogConfigurationConsistentInv ==
\A i \in Servers:
\A k \in DOMAIN (configurations[i]) :
k # 0 => log[i][k].value = configurations[i][k]
\* Debugging invariants
\* These invariants should give error traces and are useful for debugging to see if important situations are possible
\* These invariants are not checked unless specified in the .cfg file
\* This invariant is false with checkQuorum enabled but true with checkQuorum disabled
DebugInvLeaderCannotStepDown ==
\A m \in messages :
/\ m.mtype = AppendEntriesRequest
/\ currentTerm[m.msource] = m.mterm
=> state[m.msource] = Leader
\* This invariant shows that it should be possible for Node 4 or 5 to become leader
\* Note that symmetry for the set of servers should be disabled to check this debug invariant
DebugInvReconfigLeader ==
/\ state[NodeFour] /= Leader
/\ state[NodeFive] /= Leader
\* This invariant shows that a txn can be committed after a reconfiguration
DebugInvSuccessfulCommitAfterReconfig ==
\lnot (
\E i \in Servers:
\E k_1,k_2 \in 1..Len(log[i]) :
/\ k_1 < k_2
/\ log[i][k_1].contentType = TypeReconfiguration
/\ log[i][k_2].contentType = TypeEntry
/\ commitIndex[i] > k_2
\* Check that eventually all messages can be dropped or processed and we did not forget a message
DebugInvAllMessagesProcessable ==
Len(messages) > 0 ~> Len(messages) = 0
\* The Retirement state is reached by Leaders that remove themselves from the configuration.
\* It should be reachable if a leader is removed.
DebugInvRetirementReachable ==
\A i \in Servers : state[i] /= RetiredLeader
\* Changelog:
\* CCF version of TLA model
\* 2021-05:
\* - Removed the following features from the model:
\* - Restart (In CCF, no restart possible. Crashed nodes will not recover but
\* will need to be added again in a configuration change.)
\* - DuplicateMessage (In CCF, message encryption catches duplicated messages
\* before they are passed on to the Raft protocol level)
\* - DropMessage disabled (but not removed), due to state explosion we do not
\* consider this in our model.
\* - Added the following features to the model:
\* - SignCommittableMessages: In CCF the leader signs the last messages which
\* only makes them committed after this signature has been committed.
\* - Reconfiguration of running servers through ChangeConfiguration, added
\* Retired Leader and Pending states
\* - NotifyCommit for RetiredLeader to keep notifying of known commitIndex
\* - Limits on most perpetrators for state explosion
\* - Changed the following behavior:
\* - Messages are now a set which removes duplicates but simplifies states
\* Original Raft changelog:
\* 2014-12-02:
\* - Fix AppendEntries to only send one entry at a time, as originally
\* intended. Since SubSeq is inclusive, the upper bound of the range should
\* have been nextIndex, not nextIndex + 1. Thanks to Igor Kovalenko for
\* reporting the issue.
\* - Change matchIndex' to matchIndex (without the apostrophe) in
\* AdvanceCommitIndex. This apostrophe was not intentional and perhaps
\* confusing, though it makes no practical difference (matchIndex' equals
\* matchIndex). Thanks to Hugues Evrard for reporting the issue.
\* 2014-07-06:
\* - Version from PhD dissertation |