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// cudalib.cpp -- all CUDA calls (but not cublas) are encapsulated here
// All actual CUDA API calls go here, to keep the header out of our other headers.
// F. Seide, V-hansu
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1 // so we can use getenv()...
#include "Basics.h"
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h> // for CUDA API
#include <cuda.h> // for device API
#include "cudalib.h"
#include "cudadevice.h"
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#undef NOMULTIDEVICE // define this to disable any context/driver stuff
#pragma comment(lib, "cuda.lib") // link CUDA device API
#pragma comment(lib, "cudart.lib") // link CUDA runtime
#pragma comment(lib, "cublas.lib")
namespace msra { namespace cuda {
static int devicesallocated = -1; // -1 means not initialized
// allows to write cudaFunction() || "error" (CUDA runtime)
static void operator||(cudaError_t rc, const char *msg)
if (rc != cudaSuccess)
RuntimeError("%s: %s (cuda error %d)", msg, cudaGetErrorString(rc), (int) rc);
cudaStream_t GetCurrentStream()
return cudaStreamDefault;
// synchronize with ongoing thread
void join()
cudaDeviceSynchronize() || "cudaDeviceSynchronize failed";
// allocate a stack to store the devices that have been pushed
const int stackSize = 20;
static int curStack = 0;
static size_t deviceStack[stackSize] = {0};
// memory allocation
void *mallocbytes(size_t nelem, size_t sz)
for (size_t retry = 0;; retry++)
// fprintf (stderr, "mallocbytes: allocating %d elements of size %d, %d bytes\n", (int) nelem, (int) sz, (int) (nelem * sz)); // comment out by [v-hansu] to get rid out annoying output
void *p;
cudaMalloc(&p, nelem * sz) || "cudaMalloc failed";
return p;
catch (const std::exception &e)
fprintf(stderr, "mallocbytes: failed with error %s\n", e.what());
if (retry >= 5)
void freebytes(void *p)
cudaFree(p) || "cudaFree failed";
void memcpyh2d(void *dst, size_t byteoffset, const void *src, size_t nbytes)
cudaMemcpy(byteoffset + (char *) dst, src, nbytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) || "cudaMemcpy failed";
void memcpyd2h(void *dst, const void *src, size_t byteoffset, size_t nbytes)
cudaMemcpy(dst, byteoffset + (const char *) src, nbytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) || "cudaMemcpy failed";