Removing reference to download_data
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
## ==============================================================================
## Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
## Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
## for full license information.
## ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
## This program downloads training, validation and test data and creates additional files
## with token-ids and frequencies.
# This program downloads training, validation and test data and creates additional files
# with token-ids and frequencies.
#import urllib.request, os, sys, tarfile, operator
import urllib.request, os, sys, tarfile, operator
## accumulate word counts in dictionary
#def add_to_count(word, word2Count):
# if word in word2Count:
# word2Count[word] += 1
# else:
# word2Count[word] = 1
# accumulate word counts in dictionary
def add_to_count(word, word2Count):
if word in word2Count:
word2Count[word] += 1
word2Count[word] = 1
## for a text file returns a dictionary with the frequency of each word
#def count_words_in_file(path):
# with open(path,'r') as f:
# word2count = {}
# for line in f:
# words = line.split()
# for word in words:
# add_to_count(word, word2count)
# return word2count
# for a text file returns a dictionary with the frequency of each word
def count_words_in_file(path):
with open(path,'r') as f:
word2count = {}
for line in f:
words = line.split()
for word in words:
add_to_count(word, word2count)
return word2count
## from a dictionary mapping words to counts creates two files:
## * a vocabulary file containing all words sorted by decreasing frequency, one word per line
## * a frequency file containing the frequencies of these word, one number per line.
#def write_vocab_and_frequencies(word2count, vocab_file_path, freq_file_path, word2count_file_path, word2id_file_path):
# vocab_file = open(vocab_file_path,'w', newline='\r\n')
# freq_file = open(freq_file_path,'w', newline='\r\n')
# word2count_file = open(word2count_file_path,'w', newline='\r\n')
# word2id_file = open(word2id_file_path,'w', newline='\r\n')
# sorted_entries = sorted(word2count.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1) , reverse = True)
# from a dictionary mapping words to counts creates two files:
# * a vocabulary file containing all words sorted by decreasing frequency, one word per line
# * a frequency file containing the frequencies of these word, one number per line.
def write_vocab_and_frequencies(word2count, vocab_file_path, freq_file_path, word2count_file_path, word2id_file_path):
vocab_file = open(vocab_file_path,'w', newline='\r\n')
freq_file = open(freq_file_path,'w', newline='\r\n')
word2count_file = open(word2count_file_path,'w', newline='\r\n')
word2id_file = open(word2id_file_path,'w', newline='\r\n')
sorted_entries = sorted(word2count.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1) , reverse = True)
# id=int(0)
# for word, freq in sorted_entries:
# vocab_file.write(word+"\n")
# freq_file.write("%i\n" % freq)
# word2count_file.writelines("%s\t%i\n" % (word, freq))
# word2id_file.writelines("%s\t%i\n" % (word, id))
# id +=1
for word, freq in sorted_entries:
freq_file.write("%i\n" % freq)
word2count_file.writelines("%s\t%i\n" % (word, freq))
word2id_file.writelines("%s\t%i\n" % (word, id))
id +=1
# #close the files
# vocab_file.close()
# freq_file.close()
# word2count_file.close()
#close the files
##copy txt file and append '<eos>' at end of each line
#def append_eos_and_trim(from_path, to_path, max_lines_in_output = None):
# with open(from_path,'r') as f:
# lines =
#copy txt file and append '<eos>' at end of each line
def append_eos_and_trim(from_path, to_path, max_lines_in_output = None):
with open(from_path,'r') as f:
lines =
# with open(to_path,'w') as f:
# count=0
# for line in lines:
# count += 1
# if max_lines_in_output != None and count > max_lines_in_output:
# break
with open(to_path,'w') as f:
for line in lines:
count += 1
if max_lines_in_output != None and count > max_lines_in_output:
# f.write(line + "<eos>\n")
f.write(line + "<eos>\n")
#class Paths(object):
class Paths(object):
# # Relative paths of the data file in the downloaded tar file
# tar_path_test = './simple-examples/data/ptb.test.txt'
# tar_path_train = './simple-examples/data/ptb.train.txt'
# tar_path_validation = './simple-examples/data/ptb.valid.txt'
# Relative paths of the data file in the downloaded tar file
tar_path_test = './simple-examples/data/ptb.test.txt'
tar_path_train = './simple-examples/data/ptb.train.txt'
tar_path_validation = './simple-examples/data/ptb.valid.txt'
# tmp_dir = './tmp/'
tmp_dir = './tmp/'
# # final path of the data files
# data_dir = './ptb/'
# test = os.path.join(data_dir, 'test.txt')
# train = os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.txt')
# validation = os.path.join(data_dir, 'valid.txt')
# final path of the data files
data_dir = './ptb/'
test = os.path.join(data_dir, 'test.txt')
train = os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.txt')
validation = os.path.join(data_dir, 'valid.txt')
# # files derived from the data files
# tokens = os.path.join(data_dir, 'vocab.txt')
# frequencies = os.path.join(data_dir, 'freq.txt')
# token2frequency = os.path.join(data_dir, 'token2freq.txt')
# token2id = os.path.join(data_dir, 'token2id.txt')
# files derived from the data files
tokens = os.path.join(data_dir, 'vocab.txt')
frequencies = os.path.join(data_dir, 'freq.txt')
token2frequency = os.path.join(data_dir, 'token2freq.txt')
token2id = os.path.join(data_dir, 'token2id.txt')
#if __name__=='__main__':
if __name__=='__main__':
# # downloading the data
# url =""
# downloading the data
url =""
# tmpGz = "tmp.tgz"
# if not os.path.isfile(tmpGz):
# print("downloading " + url + " to " + tmpGz)
# urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, tmpGz)
tmpGz = "tmp.tgz"
if not os.path.isfile(tmpGz):
print("downloading " + url + " to " + tmpGz)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, tmpGz)
# # extracting the files we need from the tarfile
#, 'r')
# print("Extracting files into: " + Paths.tmp_dir)
# fileReader.extract(Paths.tar_path_test, path = Paths.tmp_dir)
# fileReader.extract(Paths.tar_path_train, path = Paths.tmp_dir)
# fileReader.extract(Paths.tar_path_validation, path = Paths.tmp_dir)
# extracting the files we need from the tarfile
||||, 'r')
print("Extracting files into: " + Paths.tmp_dir)
fileReader.extract(Paths.tar_path_test, path = Paths.tmp_dir)
fileReader.extract(Paths.tar_path_train, path = Paths.tmp_dir)
fileReader.extract(Paths.tar_path_validation, path = Paths.tmp_dir)
# print('creating final data files in directory:' + Paths.data_dir)
# os.mkdir(Paths.data_dir)
# append_eos_and_trim(os.path.join(Paths.tmp_dir, Paths.tar_path_test), Paths.test)
# append_eos_and_trim(os.path.join(Paths.tmp_dir, Paths.tar_path_train), Paths.train)
# append_eos_and_trim(os.path.join(Paths.tmp_dir, Paths.tar_path_validation), Paths.validation, max_lines_in_output = 50)
print('creating final data files in directory:' + Paths.data_dir)
append_eos_and_trim(os.path.join(Paths.tmp_dir, Paths.tar_path_test), Paths.test)
append_eos_and_trim(os.path.join(Paths.tmp_dir, Paths.tar_path_train), Paths.train)
append_eos_and_trim(os.path.join(Paths.tmp_dir, Paths.tar_path_validation), Paths.validation, max_lines_in_output = 50)
# fileReader.close()
# #removing the temporary file
# os.remove(tmpGz)
#removing the temporary file
# # from the training file generate a number of helper files
# word2count = count_words_in_file(Paths.train)
# write_vocab_and_frequencies(word2count, Paths.tokens, Paths.frequencies, Paths.token2frequency, Paths.token2id)
# from the training file generate a number of helper files
word2count = count_words_in_file(Paths.train)
write_vocab_and_frequencies(word2count, Paths.tokens, Paths.frequencies, Paths.token2frequency, Paths.token2id)
@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ from cntk.models import For, Sequential
from cntk.utils import log_number_of_parameters, ProgressPrinter
from data_reader import DataReader
from math import log, exp
from download_data import Paths
from cntk.device import set_default_device, cpu, gpu
# Setting global parameters
@ -179,12 +177,6 @@ def print_progress(samples_per_second, average_full_ce, total_samples, total_tim
# Creates and trains an rnn language model.
def train_lm():
training_text_file = Paths.train
validation_text_file = Paths.validation
token_to_ix_file_path = Paths.token2id
sampling_weights_file_path = Paths.frequencies
data = DataReader(token_to_id_path, segment_sepparator)
# Create model nodes for the source and target inputs
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