Adding tests to layers library, removing previous non-layers constructors and updating distributed seq2seq.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1040,12 +1040,6 @@ Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "HelloWorld-LogisticRegressi
Tutorials\HelloWorld-LogisticRegression\Train_cntk_text.txt = Tutorials\HelloWorld-LogisticRegression\Train_cntk_text.txt
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "common", "common", "{9A7E977F-0A11-43F6-8FBB-D5697E7DC9B2}"
ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
Examples\common\ = Examples\common\
Examples\common\ = Examples\common\
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Regression", "Regression", "{B1F7024F-51E9-43E7-99BE-8190CBC0B129}"
ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
Examples\Image\Regression\ = Examples\Image\Regression\
@ -2124,7 +2118,6 @@ Global
{A22E7B97-B4D2-43EA-AD53-307FA767A38D} = {305456F0-D9DE-4452-87BE-1C9F3C34C14F}
{2DD4DF97-4379-4D5F-9C1D-7AAC59E47796} = {305456F0-D9DE-4452-87BE-1C9F3C34C14F}
{8D116405-E726-4BF9-B2F7-30CA52CD59C7} = {305456F0-D9DE-4452-87BE-1C9F3C34C14F}
{9A7E977F-0A11-43F6-8FBB-D5697E7DC9B2} = {47755F2E-D674-4175-9E38-8EA053455072}
{B1F7024F-51E9-43E7-99BE-8190CBC0B129} = {9BDFA4BE-790E-408F-915B-5979BB5078C6}
{219A815E-11F4-4C01-9025-342B07768399} = {9BDFA4BE-790E-408F-915B-5979BB5078C6}
{8A624183-63DB-4221-81CD-E8577AD72868} = {9BDFA4BE-790E-408F-915B-5979BB5078C6}
@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ from import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INF
from cntk.device import cpu, try_set_default_device
from cntk.learners import adadelta, learning_rate_schedule, UnitType
from cntk.ops import input, relu, element_times, constant
from cntk.layers import Dense, Sequential, For
from cntk.losses import cross_entropy_with_softmax
from cntk.metrics import classification_error
from cntk.train.training_session import *
from cntk.logging import ProgressPrinter, TensorBoardProgressWriter
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "..", "..", "..", "common"))
from nn import fully_connected_classifier_net
def check_path(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
@ -50,8 +49,9 @@ def simple_mnist(tensorboard_logdir=None):
# Instantiate the feedforward classification model
scaled_input = element_times(constant(0.00390625), feature)
z = fully_connected_classifier_net(
scaled_input, num_output_classes, hidden_layers_dim, num_hidden_layers, relu)
z = Sequential([For(range(num_hidden_layers), lambda i: Dense(hidden_layers_dim, activation=relu)),
ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label)
pe = classification_error(z, label)
@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ from import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INF
from cntk.device import cpu, try_set_default_device
from cntk.learners import sgd, learning_rate_schedule, UnitType
from cntk.ops import input, sequence
from cntk.logging import ProgressPrinter
from cntk.losses import cross_entropy_with_softmax
from cntk.metrics import classification_error
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "..", "..", "common"))
from nn import LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization, embedding, linear_layer, print_training_progress
from cntk.layers import Sequential, Embedding, Recurrence, LSTM, Dense
# Creates the reader
def create_reader(path, is_training, input_dim, label_dim):
@ -26,16 +25,15 @@ def create_reader(path, is_training, input_dim, label_dim):
)), randomize=is_training, max_sweeps = INFINITELY_REPEAT if is_training else 1)
# Defines the LSTM model for classifying sequences
def LSTM_sequence_classifer_net(feature, num_output_classes, embedding_dim, LSTM_dim, cell_dim):
embedding_function = embedding(feature, embedding_dim)
LSTM_function = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(
embedding_function.output, LSTM_dim, cell_dim)[0]
thought_vector = sequence.last(LSTM_function)
return linear_layer(thought_vector, num_output_classes)
def LSTM_sequence_classifier_net(feature, num_output_classes, embedding_dim, LSTM_dim, cell_dim):
lstm_classifier = Sequential([Embedding(embedding_dim),
Recurrence(LSTM(LSTM_dim, cell_dim))[0],
return lstm_classifier(feature)
# Creates and trains a LSTM sequence classification model
def train_sequence_classifier(debug_output=False):
def train_sequence_classifier():
input_dim = 2000
cell_dim = 25
hidden_dim = 25
@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ def train_sequence_classifier(debug_output=False):
label = input(num_output_classes)
# Instantiate the sequence classification model
classifier_output = LSTM_sequence_classifer_net(
classifier_output = LSTM_sequence_classifier_net(
features, num_output_classes, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, cell_dim)
ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(classifier_output, label)
@ -64,21 +62,19 @@ def train_sequence_classifier(debug_output=False):
lr_per_sample = learning_rate_schedule(0.0005, UnitType.sample)
# Instantiate the trainer object to drive the model training
progress_printer = ProgressPrinter(10)
trainer = Trainer(classifier_output, (ce, pe),
sgd(classifier_output.parameters, lr=lr_per_sample))
sgd(classifier_output.parameters, lr=lr_per_sample),
# Get minibatches of sequences to train with and perform model training
minibatch_size = 200
training_progress_output_freq = 10
if debug_output:
training_progress_output_freq = training_progress_output_freq/3
for i in range(251):
mb = reader.next_minibatch(minibatch_size, input_map=input_map)
print_training_progress(trainer, i, training_progress_output_freq)
import copy
@ -12,24 +12,25 @@ import argparse
import _cntk_py
import cntk
from cntk import Trainer, Axis
from cntk.device import try_set_default_device, gpu
from cntk.train.distributed import *
from cntk import Trainer
from cntk.train.distributed import Communicator, data_parallel_distributed_learner, block_momentum_distributed_learner
from import MinibatchSource, CTFDeserializer, StreamDef, StreamDefs, INFINITELY_REPEAT, FULL_DATA_SWEEP
from cntk.learners import learning_rate_schedule, UnitType, momentum_sgd, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule
from cntk import input, cross_entropy_with_softmax, classification_error, sequence, element_select, alias, hardmax
from cntk.ops.functions import CloneMethod
from cntk.learners import fsadagrad, learning_rate_schedule, UnitType, momentum_as_time_constant_schedule
from cntk.train.training_session import *
from cntk.logging import *
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
model_path = os.path.join(abs_path, "Models")
sys.path.append(os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "..", "..", "common"))
from nn import LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization, stabilize, linear_layer, print_training_progress
default_quantization_bits = 32
def create_reader(path, randomize, input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim, size=INFINITELY_REPEAT):
# model dimensions
input_vocab_dim = 69
label_vocab_dim = 69
use_attention = True
def create_reader(path, randomize, size=INFINITELY_REPEAT):
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise RuntimeError("File '%s' does not exist." % (path))
@ -38,115 +39,31 @@ def create_reader(path, randomize, input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim, size=INFINI
labels = StreamDef(field='S1', shape=label_vocab_dim, is_sparse=True)
)), randomize=randomize, max_samples = size)
def create_trainer(network, epoch_size, num_quantization_bits, block_size, warm_up, progress_printer):
# Instantiate the trainer object to drive the model training
lr_per_minibatch = learning_rate_schedule(0.5, UnitType.minibatch)
momentum_time_constant = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(1100)
clipping_threshold_per_sample = 2.3
gradient_clipping_with_truncation = True
def train_and_test(s2smodel, train_reader, test_reader, block_size, num_quantization_bits, max_epochs, epoch_size, minibatch_size, progress_printer, warm_up):
from Sequence2Sequence import create_criterion_function, create_model_train
model_train = create_model_train(s2smodel)
criterion = create_criterion_function(model_train)
# Create learner
if block_size is not None and num_quantization_bits != default_quantization_bits:
raise RuntimeError("Block momentum cannot be used with quantization, please remove quantized_bits option.")
local_learner = momentum_sgd(network['output'].parameters,
lr_per_minibatch, momentum_time_constant,
lr = 0.001 if use_attention else 0.005 # TODO: can we use the same value for both?
local_learner = fsadagrad(model_train.parameters,
lr = learning_rate_schedule([lr]*2+[lr/2]*3+[lr/4], UnitType.sample, epoch_size),
momentum = momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(1100),
if block_size != None:
learner = block_momentum_distributed_learner(local_learner, block_size=block_size)
learner = data_parallel_distributed_learner(local_learner, num_quantization_bits=num_quantization_bits, distributed_after=warm_up)
return Trainer(network['output'], (network['ce'], network['pe']), learner, progress_printer)
trainer = Trainer(None, criterion, learner, progress_printer)
def create_network(input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim):
# network complexity; initially low for faster testing
hidden_dim = 256
num_layers = 1
# Source and target inputs to the model
input_seq_axis = Axis('inputAxis')
label_seq_axis = Axis('labelAxis')
raw_input = sequence.input(shape=(input_vocab_dim), sequence_axis=input_seq_axis, name='raw_input')
raw_labels = sequence.input(shape=(label_vocab_dim), sequence_axis=label_seq_axis, name='raw_labels')
# Instantiate the sequence to sequence translation model
input_sequence = raw_input
# Drop the sentence start token from the label, for decoder training
label_sequence = sequence.slice(raw_labels, 1, 0) # <s> A B C </s> --> A B C </s>
label_sentence_start = sequence.first(raw_labels) # <s>
is_first_label = sequence.is_first(label_sequence) # <s> 0 0 0 ...
label_sentence_start_scattered = sequence.scatter(
label_sentence_start, is_first_label)
# Encoder
encoder_outputH = stabilize(input_sequence)
for i in range(0, num_layers):
(encoder_outputH, encoder_outputC) = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(
encoder_outputH.output, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, sequence.future_value, sequence.future_value)
thought_vectorH = sequence.first(encoder_outputH)
thought_vectorC = sequence.first(encoder_outputC)
thought_vector_broadcastH = sequence.broadcast_as(
thought_vectorH, label_sequence)
thought_vector_broadcastC = sequence.broadcast_as(
thought_vectorC, label_sequence)
# Decoder
decoder_history_hook = alias(label_sequence, name='decoder_history_hook') # copy label_sequence
decoder_input = element_select(is_first_label, label_sentence_start_scattered, sequence.past_value(
decoder_outputH = stabilize(decoder_input)
for i in range(0, num_layers):
if (i > 0):
recurrence_hookH = sequence.past_value
recurrence_hookC = sequence.past_value
isFirst = sequence.is_first(label_sequence)
recurrence_hookH = lambda operand: element_select(
isFirst, thought_vector_broadcastH, sequence.past_value(operand))
recurrence_hookC = lambda operand: element_select(
isFirst, thought_vector_broadcastC, sequence.past_value(operand))
(decoder_outputH, encoder_outputC) = LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(
decoder_outputH.output, hidden_dim, hidden_dim, recurrence_hookH, recurrence_hookC)
decoder_output = decoder_outputH
# Softmax output layer
z = linear_layer(stabilize(decoder_output), label_vocab_dim)
# Criterion nodes
ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_sequence)
errs = classification_error(z, label_sequence)
# network output for decoder history
net_output = hardmax(z)
# make a clone of the graph where the ground truth is replaced by the network output
ng = z.clone(CloneMethod.share, {decoder_history_hook.output : net_output.output})
return {
'raw_input' : raw_input,
'raw_labels' : raw_labels,
'ce' : ce,
'pe' : errs,
'ng' : ng,
'output': z
def train_and_test(network, trainer, train_reader, test_reader, epoch_size, minibatch_size):
train_bind = {
network['raw_input'] : train_reader.streams.features,
network['raw_labels'] : train_reader.streams.labels
train_bind = {criterion.arguments[0]: train_reader.streams.features,
criterion.arguments[1]: train_reader.streams.labels}
mb_source = train_reader,
@ -162,6 +79,10 @@ def train_and_test(network, trainer, train_reader, test_reader, epoch_size, mini
def sequence_to_sequence_translator(train_data, test_data, epoch_size=908241, num_quantization_bits=default_quantization_bits, block_size=3200, warm_up=0, minibatch_size=72, max_epochs=10, randomize_data=False, log_to_file=None, num_mbs_per_log=10, gen_heartbeat=False):
from _cntk_py import set_fixed_random_seed
from Sequence2Sequence import create_model
distributed_sync_report_freq = None
if block_size is not None:
@ -175,17 +96,13 @@ def sequence_to_sequence_translator(train_data, test_data, epoch_size=908241, nu
input_vocab_dim = 69
label_vocab_dim = 69
# create inputs and create model
model = create_model()
network = create_network(input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim)
trainer = create_trainer(network, epoch_size, num_quantization_bits, block_size, warm_up, progress_printer)
train_reader = create_reader(train_data, randomize_data, size=max_epochs*epoch_size)
test_reader = create_reader(test_data, False, size=max_epochs*epoch_size*10)
train_reader = create_reader(train_data, randomize_data, input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim, size=max_epochs*epoch_size)
test_reader = create_reader(test_data, False, input_vocab_dim, label_vocab_dim,
train_and_test(network, trainer, train_reader, test_reader, epoch_size, minibatch_size)
train_and_test(model, train_reader, test_reader, block_size, num_quantization_bits, max_epochs, epoch_size, minibatch_size, progress_printer, warm_up)
if __name__ == '__main__':
data_path = os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "Data")
@ -209,7 +126,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if args['outputdir'] is not None:
model_path = args['outputdir'] + "/models"
if args['device'] is not None:
data_path = args['datadir']
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
# Note: the files in the 'common' folder are deprecated and will be replaced by the layer library
import numpy as np
from cntk.ops import *
from cntk.initializer import glorot_uniform, he_normal
def linear_layer(input_var, output_dim):
times_param = parameter(shape=(list(input_var.shape)+[output_dim]), init=glorot_uniform())
bias_param = parameter(shape=(output_dim), init=0)
t = times(input_var, times_param)
return bias_param + t
def fully_connected_layer(input, output_dim, nonlinearity):
p = linear_layer(input, output_dim)
return nonlinearity(p)
# Defines a multilayer feedforward classification model
def fully_connected_classifier_net(input, num_output_classes, hidden_layer_dim, num_hidden_layers, nonlinearity):
r = fully_connected_layer(input, hidden_layer_dim, nonlinearity)
for i in range(1, num_hidden_layers):
r = fully_connected_layer(r, hidden_layer_dim, nonlinearity)
return linear_layer(r, num_output_classes)
def conv_bn_layer(input, out_feature_map_count, kernel_shape, strides, bn_time_const, b_value=0, sc_value=1):
num_in_channels = input.shape[0]
kernel_width = kernel_shape[0]
kernel_height = kernel_shape[1]
v_stride = strides[0]
h_stride = strides[1]
#TODO: use RandomNormal to initialize, needs to be exposed in the python api
conv_params = parameter(shape=(out_feature_map_count, num_in_channels, kernel_height, kernel_width), init=he_normal())
conv_func = convolution(conv_params, input, (num_in_channels, v_stride, h_stride))
#TODO: initialize using b_value and sc_value, needs to be exposed in the python api
bias_params = parameter(shape=(out_feature_map_count), init=b_value)
scale_params = parameter(shape=(out_feature_map_count), init=sc_value)
running_mean = constant(0., (out_feature_map_count))
running_invstd = constant(0., (out_feature_map_count))
running_count = constant(0., (1))
return batch_normalization(conv_func, scale_params, bias_params, running_mean, running_invstd, running_count=running_count, spatial=True,
normalization_time_constant=bn_time_const, use_cudnn_engine=True)
def conv_bn_relu_layer(input, out_feature_map_count, kernel_shape, strides, bn_time_const, b_value=0, sc_value=1):
conv_bn_function = conv_bn_layer(input, out_feature_map_count, kernel_shape, strides, bn_time_const, b_value, sc_value)
return relu(conv_bn_function)
def embedding(input, embedding_dim):
input_dim = input.shape[0]
embedding_parameters = parameter(shape=(input_dim, embedding_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
return times(input, embedding_parameters)
def select_last(operand):
return slice(operand, Axis.default_dynamic_axis(), -1, 0)
def stabilize(operand):
scalar_constant = 4.0
f = constant(scalar_constant)
fInv = constant(1.0 / scalar_constant)
beta = element_times(fInv,
log(1.0 + exp(element_times(f, parameter(init=0.99537863)))))
return element_times(beta, operand)
def LSTMP_cell_with_self_stabilization(input, prev_output, prev_cell_state):
input_dim = input.shape[0]
output_dim = prev_output.shape[0]
cell_dim = prev_cell_state.shape[0]
Wxo = parameter(shape=(input_dim, cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Wxi = parameter(shape=(input_dim, cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Wxf = parameter(shape=(input_dim, cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Wxc = parameter(shape=(input_dim, cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Bo = parameter(shape=(cell_dim), init=0)
Bc = parameter(shape=(cell_dim), init=0)
Bi = parameter(shape=(cell_dim), init=0)
Bf = parameter(shape=(cell_dim), init=0)
Whi = parameter(shape=(output_dim, cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Wci = parameter(shape=(cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Whf = parameter(shape=(output_dim, cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Wcf = parameter(shape=(cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Who = parameter(shape=(output_dim, cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Wco = parameter(shape=(cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Whc = parameter(shape=(output_dim, cell_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
Wmr = parameter(shape=(cell_dim, output_dim), init=glorot_uniform())
# Stabilization by routing input through an extra scalar parameter
sWxo = parameter(init=0)
sWxi = parameter(init=0)
sWxf = parameter(init=0)
sWxc = parameter(init=0)
sWhi = parameter(init=0)
sWci = parameter(init=0)
sWhf = parameter(init=0)
sWcf = parameter(init=0)
sWho = parameter(init=0)
sWco = parameter(init=0)
sWhc = parameter(init=0)
sWmr = parameter(init=0)
expsWxo = exp(sWxo)
expsWxi = exp(sWxi)
expsWxf = exp(sWxf)
expsWxc = exp(sWxc)
expsWhi = exp(sWhi)
expsWci = exp(sWci)
expsWhf = exp(sWhf)
expsWcf = exp(sWcf)
expsWho = exp(sWho)
expsWco = exp(sWco)
expsWhc = exp(sWhc)
expsWmr = exp(sWmr)
Wxix = times(element_times(expsWxi, input), Wxi)
Whidh = times(element_times(expsWhi, prev_output), Whi)
Wcidc = element_times(Wci, element_times(expsWci, prev_cell_state))
it = sigmoid(Wxix + Bi + Whidh + Wcidc)
Wxcx = times(element_times(expsWxc, input), Wxc)
Whcdh = times(element_times(expsWhc, prev_output), Whc)
bit = element_times(it, tanh(Wxcx + Whcdh + Bc))
Wxfx = times(element_times(expsWxf, input), Wxf)
Whfdh = times(element_times(expsWhf, prev_output), Whf)
Wcfdc = element_times(Wcf, element_times(expsWcf, prev_cell_state))
ft = sigmoid(Wxfx + Bf + Whfdh + Wcfdc)
bft = element_times(ft, prev_cell_state)
ct = bft + bit
Wxox = times(element_times(expsWxo, input), Wxo)
Whodh = times(element_times(expsWho, prev_output), Who)
Wcoct = element_times(Wco, element_times(expsWco, ct))
ot = sigmoid(Wxox + Bo + Whodh + Wcoct)
mt = element_times(ot, tanh(ct))
return (times(element_times(expsWmr, mt), Wmr), ct)
def LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization(input, output_dim, cell_dim, recurrence_hookH=sequence.past_value, recurrence_hookC=sequence.past_value):
dh = placeholder(
shape=(output_dim), dynamic_axes=input.dynamic_axes)
dc = placeholder(
shape=(cell_dim), dynamic_axes=input.dynamic_axes)
LSTMCell = LSTMP_cell_with_self_stabilization(input, dh, dc)
actualDh = recurrence_hookH(LSTMCell[0])
actualDc = recurrence_hookC(LSTMCell[1])
# Form the recurrence loop by replacing the dh and dc placeholders with
# the actualDh and actualDc
{dh: actualDh.output, dc: actualDc.output})
return (LSTMCell[0], LSTMCell[1])
def print_training_progress(trainer, mb, frequency):
if mb % frequency == 0:
training_loss = trainer.previous_minibatch_loss_average
eval_crit = trainer.previous_minibatch_evaluation_average
print("Minibatch: {}, Train Loss: {}, Train Evaluation Criterion: {}".format(
mb, training_loss, eval_crit))
@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ def test_sequence_to_sequence_distributed_1bitsgd(device_id):
params = [ "-e", "2",
"-datadir", cmudict_dataset_directory(),
"-q", "1",
"-ms", "72",
"-ms", "100",
"-es", "500",
"-device", str(device_id) ]
mpiexec_test(device_id, script_under_test, mpiexec_params, params, 0.8622, False, 0, 2E-2)
mpiexec_test(device_id, script_under_test, mpiexec_params, params, 0.8625, False, 0, 2E-2)
def test_sequence_to_sequence_distributed_block_momentum(device_id):
params = [ "-e", "2",
params = [ "-e", "4",
"-datadir", cmudict_dataset_directory(),
"-ms", "72",
"-es", "100",
"-ms", "100",
"-es", "1000",
"-b", "3200",
"-device", str(device_id) ]
mpiexec_test(device_id, script_under_test, mpiexec_params, params, 0.97, False, 1, 2E-2)
mpiexec_test(device_id, script_under_test, mpiexec_params, params, 0.8612, False, 1, 2E-2)
@ -9,16 +9,13 @@ import sys
import os
from cntk.device import cpu, try_set_default_device
from cntk import Trainer
from cntk.layers import Dense, Sequential, For
from cntk.learners import sgd, learning_rate_schedule, UnitType
from cntk.ops import input, sigmoid
from cntk.losses import cross_entropy_with_softmax
from cntk.metrics import classification_error
from cntk.logging import ProgressPrinter
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "..", "Examples", "common"))
from nn import fully_connected_classifier_net
# make sure we get always the same "randomness"
@ -47,9 +44,8 @@ def ffnet():
feature = input((input_dim), np.float32)
label = input((num_output_classes), np.float32)
# Instantiate the feedforward classification model
netout = fully_connected_classifier_net(
feature, num_output_classes, hidden_layers_dim, num_hidden_layers, sigmoid)
netout = Sequential([For(range(num_hidden_layers), lambda i: Dense(hidden_layers_dim, activation=sigmoid)),
ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(netout, label)
pe = classification_error(netout, label)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ __doc__ = '''
In order to debug a graph one simply needs to wrap the root node as follows::
# ... setting up the model in z
from cntk.debug import debug_model
from cntk.debugging import debug_model
z = debug_model(z)
Then, when ``z`` is evaluated or trained (i.e. when either
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def _get_initial_state_or_default(initial_state):
def BlockFunction(op_name, name):
Decorator for defining a @Function as a BlockFunction. Same as @Function, but wrap the content into an as_block().
Decorator for defining a @Function as a BlockFunction. Same as @Function, but wrap the content into an :func:`~cntk.ops.as_block`.
return lambda f: Function(f, make_block=True, op_name=op_name, name=name)
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def _inject_name(f, name):
def ForwardDeclaration(name='forward_declaration'):
Helper for recurrent network declarations.
Returns a placeholder variable with an added method resolve_to() to be called
Returns a placeholder variable with an added method ``resolve_to()`` to be called
at the end to close the loop.
This is used for explicit graph building with recurrent connections.
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ higher_order_layers -- higher-order functions, like Sequential() and ResNetBlock
Note that sequential higher-order functions like Recurrence() are in
from types import FunctionType
from inspect import getargspec
from ..variables import Record
from .blocks import *
from .blocks import _initializer_for, _get_initial_state_or_default, _INFERRED, _inject_name
@ -141,18 +144,23 @@ def For(what_range, constructor, name=''):
constructor (Python function/lambda with 1 or 0 arguments): lambda that constructs a layer
A function that accepts one argument and applies the layers as constructed by ``constructor`` one after another.
# Python 2.7 support requires us to use getargspec() instead of inspect
from inspect import getargspec
takes_arg = len(getargspec(constructor).args) > 0
# For Python 3, check if it is a python function/lambda
if type(constructor) != FunctionType or not callable(constructor):
raise ValueError("constructor must be a Python function/lambda")
# helper to call the layer constructor
def call(i):
if takes_arg:
return constructor(i) # takes an arg: pass it
return constructor() # takes no arg: call without, that's fine too
layers = [call(i) for i in what_range]
sequential = Sequential(layers)
@ -171,9 +179,24 @@ def SequentialClique(functions, name=''):
SequentialClique(functions, name='')
Layer factory function to create a composite that applies a sequence of or any functions onto an input,
Layer factory function to create a composite that applies a sequence of functions onto an input,
with skip connections between all function. I.e. each function receives a sum of the input and all
prior functions' outputs.
>>> from cntk.layers import *
>>> from cntk.ops import abs, sqrt, square
>>> x = input(2)
>>> seq_clique = SequentialClique([abs, sqrt, square])
>>> seq_clique(x).eval(np.array([2, 8], np.float32)) # 400 = square((8 + abs(8)) + sqrt(8 + abs(8)))
array([[ 36., 400.]], dtype=float32)
functions (single or list of :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`): functions to be applied.
A function that accepts one argument and applies the sequence of functions.
def clique(x):
for f in functions:
@ -207,7 +230,7 @@ def ResNetBlock(f, name=''):
the function to add the skip connection to.
A function that accepts one argument, applies ``f`` to it, and adds the original argument.
def skip(x):
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ def Convolution(filter_shape, # shape of receptive field, e.g. (3,3)
reduction_rank (`int`, defaults to 1): set to 0 if input items are scalars (input has no depth axis), e.g. an audio signal or a black-and-white image
that is stored with tensor shape (H,W) instead of (1,H,W)
transpose_weight (bool, defaults to `False`): When this is `True` this is convolution, otherwise this is correlation (which is common for most toolkits)
max_temp_mem_size_in_samples (int, defaults to 0): Limits the amount of memory for intermiadate convolution results. A value of 0 means, memory is automatically managed.
max_temp_mem_size_in_samples (int, defaults to 0): Limits the amount of memory for intermediate convolution results. A value of 0 means, memory is automatically managed.
name (str, defaults to ''): the name of the function instance in the network
@ -680,7 +680,6 @@ def ConvolutionTranspose(filter_shape, # shape of receptive field, e.g. (
:class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function` that accepts one argument and applies the convolution operation to it
activation = get_default_override(ConvolutionTranspose, activation=activation)
init = get_default_override(ConvolutionTranspose, init=init)
pad = get_default_override(ConvolutionTranspose, pad=pad)
@ -1055,11 +1054,14 @@ def Dropout(dropout_rate=None,
A function that accepts one argument and applies the operation to it
if dropout_rate is None and keep_prob is None:
raise ValueError("Dense: either dropout_rate or keep_prob must be specified.")
raise ValueError("Dropout: either dropout_rate or keep_prob must be specified.")
elif dropout_rate is not None and keep_prob is not None:
raise ValueError("Dense: dropout_rate and keep_prob cannot be specified at the same time.")
raise ValueError("Dropout: dropout_rate and keep_prob cannot be specified at the same time.")
elif keep_prob is not None:
if keep_prob < 0.0 or keep_prob >= 1.0:
raise ValueError("Dropout: keep_prob must be in the interval [0,1)")
dropout_rate = 1-keep_prob
@BlockFunction('Dropout', name)
def dropout_f(x):
return dropout(x, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, seed=seed)
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
import numpy as np
from cntk.ops import input, abs, square, sqrt, cos
from cntk.layers import For, Dense, SequentialClique, ResNetBlock, Sequential
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize("layers_count, dense_units", [(4,5), (6,9), (7, 10)])
def test_for_constructor_layer(layers_count, dense_units):
x = input(4)
network = For(range(layers_count), lambda i: Dense(dense_units))
expected_num_of_parameters = 2 * layers_count
assert len(network.parameters) == expected_num_of_parameters
res = network(x)
expected_output_shape = (dense_units,)
assert res.shape == expected_output_shape
def test_failing_for_constructor():
with pytest.raises((ValueError, TypeError)):
network = For(range(3), Dense(5))
class MyFunction:
def __call__(self, x):
return Dense(x)
with pytest.raises((ValueError, TypeError)):
network = For(range(3), MyFunction())
with pytest.raises((ValueError, TypeError)):
network = For(range(3), MyFunction()(5))
INPUT_DATA = [[2, 8],[4, 7, 9], [5, 6, 10]]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_data", INPUT_DATA)
def test_sequential_clique_with_functions(input_data):
x = input(len(input_data))
seq_clique = SequentialClique([abs, sqrt, square])(x)
assert seq_clique.shape == x.shape
np_data = np.asarray(input_data, np.float32)
res = seq_clique.eval(np_data)
expected_res = np.abs(np_data) + np_data
expected_res += np.sqrt(expected_res)
expected_res = np.square(expected_res)
expected_res.shape = (1,) + expected_res.shape
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, expected_res, decimal=4)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_elements, expected", [(5,360.0), (7,1344.0)])
def test_sequential_clique_with_layers(input_elements, expected):
x = input(input_elements)
np_data = np.arange(input_elements, dtype=np.float32)
unit_dense = Dense(input_elements, activation=None, init=1)
seq_clique = SequentialClique([unit_dense, unit_dense, unit_dense])(x)
assert seq_clique.shape == x.shape
res = seq_clique.eval(np_data)
assert res[0].shape == (input_elements,)
assert np.unique(res[0])[0] == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_data", INPUT_DATA)
def test_sequential_constructor(input_data):
x = input(len(input_data))
np_data = np.asarray(input_data, np.float32)
seq_layers = Sequential([abs, sqrt, square, cos])(x)
assert seq_layers.shape == x.shape
res = seq_layers(np_data)
expected_res = np.cos(np.square(np.sqrt(np.abs(np_data))))
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[0], expected_res, decimal=4)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_data", [[3, 5],[9, 25, 13]])
def test_resnet_block(input_data):
x = input(len(input_data))
res_net = ResNetBlock(square)(x)
np_data = np.asarray(input_data, np.float32)
actual_res = res_net.eval(np_data)
expected_res = np.square(np_data) + np_data
expected_res.shape = (1,) + expected_res.shape
np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_res, expected_res)
@ -5,27 +5,37 @@
# ==============================================================================
import numpy as np
from cntk import *
from cntk.layers import *
from cntk.layers.typing import *
from cntk import Axis, input, reshape, sigmoid, element_max, Function, Constant, greater, default_options, default_options_for, \
get_default_override, default_override_or
from cntk.layers import BlockFunction, Convolution, Convolution1D, Convolution2D, Convolution3D, Dense, Embedding, Fold, For, \
MaxPooling, MaxUnpooling, LSTM, GRU, RNNUnit, Sequential, Stabilizer, Dropout, Recurrence, \
RecurrenceFrom, LayerNormalization, ConvolutionTranspose
from cntk.layers.typing import Sequence, Signature, Tensor, SequenceOver
import pytest
# Note: We do not test gradients here, assuming that those are tested elsewhere.
# Forward outputs are tested to verify that the structure of the layer is as expected.
def test_layers_name(device_id):
def test_layers_name():
from cntk import placeholder
I = placeholder(name='input')
p = Dense(10, name='dense10')(I)
assert( == 'dense10')
assert( == 'input')
assert( == 'dense10')
q = Convolution((3, 3), 3, name='conv33')(I)
assert( == 'conv33')
assert( == 'conv33')
e = Embedding(0, name='emb')(I)
assert( == 'emb')
assert( == 'emb')
e = Embedding(0, name='')(I)
assert( == '')
assert( == '')
def assert_list_of_arrays_equal(r, exp, err_msg):
@ -56,7 +66,7 @@ def test_default_options():
# @Function, @BlockFunction, types
def test_Function(device_id):
def test_Function():
# Test 1: BlockFunction()
@ -88,7 +98,7 @@ def test_Function(device_id):
# . syntax for name lookup
def test_lookup(device_id):
def test_lookup():
model = Sequential([ Dense(3, init=1, name='first'), Dense(2, init=2, name='second')])
W1 = model.first.W.value
@ -144,7 +154,7 @@ def test_recurrence():
# recurrence (Fold()) over regular function
def test_recurrence_fun(device_id):
def test_recurrence_fun():
from cntk.layers import Recurrence
from cntk.ops import plus
@ -172,7 +182,7 @@ def test_recurrence_fun(device_id):
# UnfoldFrom()
def test_unfold(device_id):
def test_unfold():
from cntk.layers import UnfoldFrom
@ -205,10 +215,56 @@ def test_unfold(device_id):
r = FU(x)
exp = [[[ 2 ], [ 4 ], [ 8 ], [ 16 ], [ 32 ]], # tests length_increase
[[ 2 ], [ 4 ], [ 8 ], [ 16 ], [ 32 ], [ 64 ]]] # tests early cut-off due to until_predicate
assert_list_of_arrays_equal(r, exp, err_msg='Error in UnfoldFrom(..., until_predicate, length_increase, ...) forward')
# Test LSTM recurrence
RECURRENT_BLOCK_DATA = [ # block_type, block_outputs_count, block_size, W_mult, H_mult, outputs_count
# expected_res
(LSTM, 2, 5, 4, 4,
[[ 0.21532 , 0.21532 , 0.21532 , 0.21532 , 0.21532 ],
[ 0.760161, 0.760161, 0.760161, 0.760161, 0.760161],
[ 0.95975 , 0.95975 , 0.95975 , 0.95975 , 0.95975 ],
[ 0.993661, 0.993661, 0.993661, 0.993661, 0.993661]]),
(GRU, 1, 5, 3, 2,
[[ 0.1903 , 0.1903 , 0.1903 , 0.1903 , 0.1903 ],
[ 0.262537, 0.262537, 0.262537, 0.262537, 0.262537],
[ 0.276712, 0.276712, 0.276712, 0.276712, 0.276712],
[ 0.279545, 0.279545, 0.279545, 0.279545, 0.279545]]),
(RNNUnit, 1, 5, 1, 1,
[[ 0.645656, 0.645656, 0.645656, 0.645656, 0.645656],
[ 0.925727, 0.925727, 0.925727, 0.925727, 0.925727],
[ 0.986114, 0.986114, 0.986114, 0.986114, 0.986114],
[ 0.997249, 0.997249, 0.997249, 0.997249, 0.997249]]),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("block_type, block_outputs_count, block_size, W_mult, H_mult, expected_res", RECURRENT_BLOCK_DATA)
def test_recurrent_block(block_type, block_outputs_count, block_size, W_mult, H_mult, expected_res):
input_shape = 4
sequenceAxis = Axis('sequenceAxis')
y = input(input_shape, dynamic_axes=[Axis.default_batch_axis(), sequenceAxis])
data = np.reshape(np.arange(0,16, dtype=np.float32), (1,4,4))
rnn_block = block_type(block_size, init=0.1)
assert len(rnn_block.outputs) == block_outputs_count
rnn_net = Recurrence(rnn_block)(y)
assert rnn_net.b.shape == (W_mult*block_size,)
assert rnn_net.W.shape == (input_shape, W_mult*block_size)
assert rnn_net.H.shape == (block_size, H_mult*block_size)
res = rnn_net.eval(data)
expected = np.asarray(expected_res, dtype=np.float32)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res[0], expected, decimal=6)
# Test dense layer for correctness
@ -224,8 +280,7 @@ def test_layers_dense(device_id):
res = p(y).eval({y: dat})
npout = np.matrix(dat[0]) * +
np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, npout, err_msg='Error in dense layer')
@ -238,8 +293,6 @@ def test_layers_dense(device_id):
return 1./(1 + np.exp(-x))
npout = _sigmoid(np.matrix(dat[0]) * +
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, npout, decimal=7, err_msg='Error in dense layer with sigmoid')
@ -255,10 +308,17 @@ def test_layers_dense(device_id):
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, npout, decimal=7, err_msg='Error in 2-dense layer')
# Test 4: Failing configuration
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Dense(2, input_rank=1, map_rank=1) # input_rank and map_rank can be specified at the same time
# Test Embedding layer for correctness
def test_layers_embedding(device_id):
def test_layers_embedding():
embDim = 3
y = input(2)
@ -289,6 +349,16 @@ def test_layers_embedding(device_id):
npout = np.matrix(dat[0]) * e.E.value
np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, npout, err_msg='Error in constant embedding layer')
# Failing calls
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Embedding(shape=None, init=1, weights=[1., 2., 3.])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Embedding(3, weights=[1., 2., 3.])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Test Convolutional layer for shape correctness
@ -313,7 +383,7 @@ def _getConvOutShape(inDim, kernelDim, zeroPad, strides):
raise ValueError("Stride must be a non-zero positive number")
def test_layers_convolution_shape(device_id):
def test_layers_convolution_shape():
# Get the output shape
# i: input dimension
# k: kernel dimension
@ -383,7 +453,7 @@ def test_layers_convolution_shape(device_id):
expected_shape = (out_num_filters,
_getConvOutShape(inH, in_filter_shape[0], zeropad, in_strides),
_getConvOutShape(inW, in_filter_shape[1], zeropad, in_strides))
np.testing.assert_array_equal(model_shape, expected_shape, \
"Error in convolution with stride = 1 and padding")
@ -409,8 +479,7 @@ def test_layers_convolution_shape(device_id):
np.testing.assert_array_equal(model_shape, expected_shape, \
"Error in convolution with stride > 1 and padding")
def test_layers_convolution_value(device_id):
def test_layers_convolution_value():
# Common parameters
inC, inH, inW = 1, 3, 3
in_filter_shape = (3, 3)
@ -500,7 +569,7 @@ def test_layers_convolution_value(device_id):
# Test convolutional 3D layer for correctness (p=False s = 1)
def test_layers_convolution_3d(device_id):
def test_layers_convolution_3d():
inC, inH, inW, inD = 1, 3, 3, 3
y = input((inC,inH, inW, inD))
dat = np.ones([1, inC, inH, inW, inD], dtype = np.float32)
@ -526,7 +595,7 @@ def test_layers_convolution_3d(device_id):
# Test convolutional 2D layer for correctness (p=False s = 1)
def test_layers_convolution_2d(device_id):
def test_layers_convolution_2d():
inC, inH, inW = 1, 3, 3
y = input((inC,inH, inW))
@ -553,7 +622,7 @@ def test_layers_convolution_2d(device_id):
# sequential convolution without reduction dimension
def test_sequential_convolution_without_reduction_dim(device_id):
def test_sequential_convolution_without_reduction_dim():
c = Convolution(3, init=np.array([4., 2., 1.], dtype=np.float32), sequential=True, pad=False, reduction_rank=0, bias=False)
c.update_signature(Sequence[Tensor[()]]) # input is a sequence of scalars
data = [np.array([2., 6., 4., 8., 6.])] # like a short audio sequence, in the dynamic dimension
@ -588,7 +657,7 @@ def test_sequential_convolution_without_reduction_dim(device_id):
# 1D convolution without reduction dimension
def test_1D_convolution_without_reduction_dim(device_id):
def test_1D_convolution_without_reduction_dim():
c = Convolution1D(3, init=np.array([4, 2, 1]), pad=True, reduction_rank=0, bias=False)
data = [np.array([[2, 6, 4, 8, 6]])] # like a audio sequence, in a static dimension
@ -596,18 +665,22 @@ def test_1D_convolution_without_reduction_dim(device_id):
exp = [[10, 24, 40, 38, 44]]
np.testing.assert_array_equal(out, exp, err_msg='Error in 1D convolution without reduction dimension')
# Failing call
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Test Deconvolution layer for correctness
# TESTTODO: Add the test for deconvolution once current bug with lower/upper pad is fixed
def test_layers_deconvolution(device_id):
def test_layers_deconvolution():
# Test Conv/Pooling/Unpooling/Deconvolution and layer for correctness
# TESTTODO: Add the test for deconvolution once current bug with lower/upper pad is fixed
def test_layers_conv_pool_unpool_deconv(device_id):
def test_layers_conv_pool_unpool_deconv():
# inC, inH, inW = 1,4,4
@ -649,7 +722,7 @@ def test_layers_conv_pool_unpool_deconv(device_id):
# Test for dropout
def test_layers_dropout(device_id):
def test_layers_dropout():
dat = np.array([[1., 1., 1., 1.]], dtype=np.float32)
y = input(4)
p = Dense(1, activation=None, name='foo')(y)
@ -661,10 +734,21 @@ def test_layers_dropout(device_id):
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, expected_res, decimal=7, \
err_msg="Error in dropout computation")
z = Dropout(keep_prob=0.25, name='bar')(p)
res = z(y).eval({y: dat})
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res, expected_res, decimal=7, \
err_msg="Error in dropout computation with keep_prob")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
z = Dropout(keep_prob=-1.5, name='bar')(p)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
z = Dropout(1.5, name='bar')(p)
# Test for Stabilizer
def test_layers_stabilizer(device_id):
def test_layers_stabilizer():
y = input(4)
p = Stabilizer()(y)
@ -678,7 +762,7 @@ def test_layers_stabilizer(device_id):
# Test for LayerNormalization
def test_layers_layer_normalization(device_id):
def test_layers_layer_normalization():
y = input(4)
p = LayerNormalization(name='foo')(y)
@ -697,7 +781,7 @@ def test_layers_layer_normalization(device_id):
# Test for BatchNormalization
# TESTTODO: Currently the result doesn't match the expected result
def test_layers_batch_normalization(device_id):
def test_layers_batch_normalization():
# dat = np.array([[1.0,0.5,1.0,0.5]], dtype=np.float32)
# y = input(4)
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root
# for full license information.
# ==============================================================================
import numpy as np
from cntk import *
from cntk.layers import *
from cntk.layers.typing import *
import pytest
def test_attention_model():
attention_dim = 128
attention_span = 20
attention_axis = -3
att_model = AttentionModel(attention_dim, attention_span, attention_axis, name='attention_model')
expected_num_of_inputs = 142
assert len(att_model.inputs) == expected_num_of_inputs
@ -396,4 +396,17 @@ def test_constant_data_type_mismatch():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_update_signature():
from cntk.layers.typing import Tensor
input_dim = 14
def f(x):
return x*x
assert f.outputs[0].shape == (input_dim,)
assert f.x.shape == (input_dim,)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Getting started
Getting started
You can optionally try the `tutorials <>`__ with pre-installed CNTK running in Azure Notebook hosted environment (for free) if you have not installed the toolkit in your own machine.
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ you can start using CNTK from Python right away (don't forget to ``activate`` yo
>>> import cntk
>>> cntk.__version__
>>> cntk.minus([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]).eval()
array([-3., -3., -3.], dtype=float32)
The above makes use of the CNTK ``minus`` node with two array constants. Every operator has an ``eval()`` method that can be called which runs a forward
pass for that node using its inputs, and returns the result of the forward pass. A slightly more interesting example that uses input variables (the
The above makes use of the CNTK ``minus`` node with two array constants. Every operator has an ``eval()`` method that can be called which runs a forward
pass for that node using its inputs, and returns the result of the forward pass. A slightly more interesting example that uses input variables (the
more common case) is as follows:
>>> import numpy as np
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ more common case) is as follows:
>>> cntk.squared_error(x, y).eval({x:x0, y:y0})
array([ 29.], dtype=float32)
In the above example we are first setting up two input variables with shape ``(1, 2)``. We then setup a ``squared_error`` node with those two variables as
inputs. Within the ``eval()`` method we can setup the input-mapping of the data for those two variables. In this case we pass in two numpy arrays.
In the above example we are first setting up two input variables with shape ``(1, 2)``. We then setup a ``squared_error`` node with those two variables as
inputs. Within the ``eval()`` method we can setup the input-mapping of the data for those two variables. In this case we pass in two numpy arrays.
The squared error is then of course ``(2-4)**2 + (1-6)**2 = 29``.
Most of the data containers like parameters, constants, values, etc. implement
@ -48,27 +48,25 @@ where every NumPy arrays has the shape of the static axes of ``var``.
Overview and first run
CNTK2 is a major overhaul of CNTK in that one now has full control over the data and how it is read in, the training and testing loops, and minibatch
construction. The Python bindings provide direct access to the created network graph, and data can be manipulated outside of the readers not only
CNTK2 is a major overhaul of CNTK in that one now has full control over the data and how it is read in, the training and testing loops, and minibatch
construction. The Python bindings provide direct access to the created network graph, and data can be manipulated outside of the readers not only
for more powerful and complex networks, but also for interactive Python sessions while a model is being created and debugged.
CNTK2 also includes a number of ready-to-extend examples and a layers library. The latter allows one to simply build a powerful deep network by
snapping together building blocks such as convolution layers, recurrent neural net layers (LSTMs, etc.), and fully-connected layers. To begin, we will take a
CNTK2 also includes a number of ready-to-extend examples and a layers library. The latter allows one to simply build a powerful deep network by
snapping together building blocks such as convolution layers, recurrent neural net layers (LSTMs, etc.), and fully-connected layers. To begin, we will take a
look at a standard fully connected deep network in our first basic use.
First basic use
The first step in training or running a network in CNTK is to decide which device it should be run on. If you have access to a GPU, training time
The first step in training or running a network in CNTK is to decide which device it should be run on. If you have access to a GPU, training time
can be vastly improved. To explicitly set the device to GPU, set the target device as follows::
from cntk.device import set_default_device, gpu
Now let's setup a network that will learn a classifier based on the example fully connected classifier network
(``nn.fully_connected_classifier_net``). This is defined, along with several other simple and more complex DNN building blocks in
``Examples/common/``. Go to the ``[CNTK root]/Examples/common/`` directory and create a ```` file with the
following contents:
Now let's setup a network that will learn a classifier with fully connected layers using only the functions :func:`~cntk.layers.layers.Sequential`
and :func:`~cntk.layers.layers.Dense` from the Layers Library. Create a ```` file with the following contents:
.. literalinclude::
@ -90,22 +88,22 @@ Running ``python`` (using the correct python environment) will gene
error rate on an unseen minibatch: 0.0
The example above sets up a 2-layer fully connected deep neural network with 50 hidden dimensions per layer. We first setup two input variables, one for
the input data and one for the labels. We then called the fully connected classifier network model function which simply sets up the required weights,
The example above sets up a 2-layer fully connected deep neural network with 50 hidden dimensions per layer. We first setup two input variables, one for
the input data and one for the labels. We then called the fully connected classifier network model function which simply sets up the required weights,
biases, and activation functions for each layer.
We set two root nodes in the network: ``ce`` is the cross entropy which defined our model's loss function, and ``pe`` is the classification error. We
set up a trainer object with the root nodes of the network and a learner. In this case we pass in the standard SGD learner with default parameters and a
We set two root nodes in the network: ``ce`` is the cross entropy which defined our model's loss function, and ``pe`` is the classification error. We
set up a trainer object with the root nodes of the network and a learner. In this case we pass in the standard SGD learner with default parameters and a
learning rate of 0.02.
Finally, we manually perform the training loop. We run through the data for the specific number of epochs (``num_minibatches_to_train``), get the ``features``
and ``labels`` that will be used during this training step, and call the trainer's ``train_minibatch`` function which maps the input and label variables that
we setup previously to the current ``features`` and ``labels`` data (numpy arrays) that we are using in this minibatch. We use the convenience function
``print_training_progress`` to display our loss and error every 20 steps and then finally we test our network again using the ``trainer`` object. It's
Finally, we manually perform the training loop. We run through the data for the specific number of epochs (``num_minibatches_to_train``), get the ``features``
and ``labels`` that will be used during this training step, and call the trainer's ``train_minibatch`` function which maps the input and label variables that
we setup previously to the current ``features`` and ``labels`` data (numpy arrays) that we are using in this minibatch. We use the convenience function
``print_training_progress`` to display our loss and error every 20 steps and then finally we test our network again using the ``trainer`` object. It's
as easy as that!
Now that we've seen some of the basics of setting up and training a network using the CNTK Python API, let's look at a more interesting deep
learning problem in more detail (for the full example above along with the function to generate random data, please see
Now that we've seen some of the basics of setting up and training a network using the CNTK Python API, let's look at a more interesting deep
learning problem in more detail (for the full example above along with the function to generate random data, please see
@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ classes for our sequences. As before, we define two input variables: one for the
that input through an LSTM recurrent neural network layer, and returns a fixed-size output from the LSTM by selecting the last hidden state of the
embedded_inputs = embedding(input, embedding_dim)
lstm_outputs = simple_lstm(embedded_inputs, LSTM_dim, cell_dim)[0]
thought_vector = sequence.last(lstm_outputs)
return linear_layer(thought_vector, num_output_classes)
lstm_classifier = Sequential([Embedding(embedding_dim),
Recurrence(LSTM(LSTM_dim, cell_dim))[0],
That is the entire network definition. In the second line above we select the first output from the LSTM. In
this implementation of the LSTM this is the actual output while the second output is the state of the LSTM.
@ -7,12 +7,7 @@ from cntk.learners import sgd, learning_rate_schedule, UnitType
from cntk import input, cross_entropy_with_softmax, \
classification_error, sequence
from cntk.logging import ProgressPrinter
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(abs_path, "..", "..", "..", "Examples", "common"))
from nn import LSTMP_component_with_self_stabilization as simple_lstm
from nn import embedding, linear_layer
from cntk.layers import Sequential, Embedding, Recurrence, LSTM, Dense
# Creates the reader
def create_reader(path, is_training, input_dim, label_dim):
@ -24,16 +19,17 @@ def create_reader(path, is_training, input_dim, label_dim):
# Defines the LSTM model for classifying sequences
def LSTM_sequence_classifer_net(input, num_output_classes, embedding_dim,
def LSTM_sequence_classifier_net(input, num_output_classes, embedding_dim,
LSTM_dim, cell_dim):
embedded_inputs = embedding(input, embedding_dim)
lstm_outputs = simple_lstm(embedded_inputs, LSTM_dim, cell_dim)[0]
thought_vector = sequence.last(lstm_outputs)
return linear_layer(thought_vector, num_output_classes)
lstm_classifier = Sequential([Embedding(embedding_dim),
Recurrence(LSTM(LSTM_dim, cell_dim))[0],
return lstm_classifier(input)
# Creates and trains a LSTM sequence classification model
def train_sequence_classifier(debug_output=False):
def train_sequence_classifier():
input_dim = 2000
cell_dim = 25
hidden_dim = 25
@ -45,7 +41,7 @@ def train_sequence_classifier(debug_output=False):
label = input(num_output_classes)
# Instantiate the sequence classification model
classifier_output = LSTM_sequence_classifer_net(
classifier_output = LSTM_sequence_classifier_net(
features, num_output_classes, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, cell_dim)
ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(classifier_output, label)
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