Update Getting started section of the Python API docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,15 +32,16 @@ Installing the Python module
#. Go to ``<cntkpath>/contrib/Python`` and run ``python setup.py install``
#. Set up the environment variable ``CNTK_EXECUTABLE_PATH`` to point to the
CNTK executable
CNTK executable. Make sure the executable is also included
#. Enjoy Python's ease of use with CNTK's speed::
>>> import cntk as cn
>>> cn.__version__
>>> import cntk as C
>>> C.__version__
>>> with cn.Context('demo', clean_up=False) as ctx:
... a = cn.constant([[1,2], [3,4]])
... print(ctx.eval(a + [[10,20], [30, 40]]))
>>> with C.LocalExecutionContext('demo', clean_up=False) as ctx:
... a = C.constant([[1,2], [3,4]])
... i = C.input_numpy([[[10,20], [30, 40]]])
... print(ctx.eval(a + i))
[[11.0, 22.0], [33.0, 44.0]]
In this case, we have set ``clean_up=False`` so that you can now peek into the
@ -71,37 +72,36 @@ explained::
import cntk as C
import numpy as np
def simple_network():
# 500 samples, 250-dimensional data
N = 500
d = 250
# 500 samples, 250-dimensional data
N = 500
d = 250
# create synthetic data using numpy
X = np.random.randn(N, d)
Y = np.random.randint(size=(N, 1), low=0, high=2)
Y = np.hstack((Y, 1-Y))
# create synthetic data using numpy
X = np.random.randn(N, d)
Y = np.random.randint(size=(N, 1), low=0, high=2)
Y = np.hstack((Y, 1-Y))
# set up the training data for CNTK
x = C.input_numpy(X, has_dynamic_axis=False)
y = C.input_numpy(Y, has_dynamic_axis=False)
# set up the training data for CNTK
x = C.input_numpy(X)
y = C.input_numpy(Y)
# define our network parameters: a weight tensor and a bias
W = C.parameter((2, d))
b = C.parameter((2, 1))
# create a dense 'layer' by multiplying the weight tensor and
# the features and adding the bias
out = C.times(W, x) + b
# define our network parameters: a weight tensor and a bias
W = C.parameter((d, 2))
b = C.parameter((1, 2))
# setup the criterion node using cross entropy with softmax
ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(y, out, name='loss')
ce.tag = 'criterion'
# create a dense 'layer' by multiplying the weight tensor and
# the features and adding the bias
out = C.times(x, W) + b
# define our SGD parameters and train!
my_sgd = C.SGDParams(epoch_size=0, minibatch_size=25, learning_rates_per_mb=0.1, max_epochs=3)
with C.LocalExecutionContext('logreg') as ctx:
ctx.train(root_nodes=[ce], training_params=my_sgd)
# setup the criterion node using cross entropy with softmax
ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(y, out, name='loss')
ce.tag = 'criterion'
# define our SGD parameters and train!
my_sgd = C.SGDParams(epoch_size=0, minibatch_size=25, learning_rates_per_mb=0.1, max_epochs=3)
with C.LocalExecutionContext('logreg') as ctx:
ctx.train(root_nodes=[ce], training_params=my_sgd)
In the example above, we first create a synthetic data set of 500 samples, each with a 2-dimensional
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ on the right.
.. figure:: images/nn_layers.png
:width: 600px
:alt: NN Layers
As is apparent from the figure above on the right, RNNs are the natural structure for
dealing with sequences. This includes everything from text to music to video; anything
where the current state is dependent on the previous state. While RNNs are indeed
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ concentrate on the central feature of the LSTM model: the `memory cell`.
.. figure:: images/lstm_cell.png
:width: 400px
:alt: LSTM cell
An LSTM cell.
The LSTM cell is associated with three gates that control how information is stored /
@ -208,48 +208,49 @@ sequence classification. We can think of the network as adding a series of layer
We can define this network as follows in the CNTK Python API::
import cntk as C
import cntk as C
def seqcla():
# model
num_labels = 5
vocab = 2000
embed_dim = 50
# LSTM params
input_dim = 50
output_dim = 128
cell_dim = 128
def seqcla():
# model
num_labels = 5
vocab = 2000
embed_dim = 50
t = C.dynamic_axis(name='t')
# temporarily using cntk1 SpareInput because cntk2's input() will simply allow sparse as a parameter
features = cntk1.SparseInput(vocab, dynamicAxis=t, name='features')
labels = C.input(num_labels, name='labels')
train_reader = C.CNTKTextFormatReader(train_file)
# LSTM params
input_dim = 50
output_dim = 128
cell_dim = 128
# setup embedding matrix
embedding = C.parameter((embed_dim, vocab),
t = C.dynamic_axis(name='t')
# temporarily using cntk1 SparseInput because cntk2's input() will simply allow sparse as a parameter
features = cntk1.SparseInput(vocab, dynamicAxis=t, name='features')
labels = C.input(num_labels, name='labels')
train_reader = C.CNTKTextFormatReader(train_file)
# setup embedding matrix
embedding = C.parameter((embed_dim, vocab),
# get the vector representing the word
sequence = C.times(embedding, features, name='sequence')
# add an LSTM layer
L = lstm_layer(output_dim, cell_dim, sequence, input_dim)
# add a dense layer on top
w = C.parameter((num_labels, output_dim), name='w')
b = C.parameter((num_labels), name='b')
z = C.plus(C.times(w, L), b, name='z')
z.tag = "output"
# and reconcile the shared dynamic axis
pred = C.reconcile_dynamic_axis(z, labels, name='pred')
ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(labels, pred)
ce.tag = "criterion"
# get the vector representing the word
sequence = C.times(embedding, features, name='sequence')
# add an LSTM layer
L = lstm_layer(output_dim, cell_dim, sequence, input_dim)
# add a dense layer on top
w = C.parameter((num_labels, output_dim), name='w')
b = C.parameter((num_labels), name='b')
z = C.plus(C.times(w, L), b, name='z')
z.tag = "output"
# and reconcile the shared dynamic axis
pred = C.reconcile_dynamic_axis(z, labels, name='pred')
ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(labels, pred)
ce.tag = "criterion"
Let's go through some of the intricacies of the above network definition. First, we define
some parameters of the data and the network. We have 5 possible classes for the sequences;
@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ the criterion node that adds a softmax and then implements the cross entropy los
we add the criterion node, however, we call :func:`cntk.ops.reconcile_dynamic_axis` which will ensure
that the minibatch layout for the labels and the data with dynamic axes is compatible.
For the full explanation of how ``lstm_layer()`` is defined, please see the full example in the
For the full explanation of how ``lstm_layer()`` is defined, please see the full example (`seqcla.py <https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/blob/master/contrib/Python/cntk/examples/LSTM/seqcla.py>`_) in the
Examples section.
How to pass Python data as train/test data
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