bug fix: vsnprintf() used in ThrowFormatted() does not
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,13 +61,16 @@ template <class E>
__declspec_noreturn static inline void ThrowFormatted(const char* format, ...)
va_list args;
const size_t bufferSize = 1024;
char buffer[bufferSize];
va_start(args, format);
int written = vsnprintf(buffer, bufferSize, format, args);
if (written >= bufferSize - 1)
sprintf(buffer + bufferSize - 6, "[...]");
char buffer[1024] = { 0 }; // initialize in case vsnprintf() does a half-assed job such as a failing character conversion
int written = vsnprintf(buffer, _countof(buffer) - 1, format, args); // -1 because vsnprintf() does not always write a 0-terminator, although the MSDN documentation states so
// TODO: In case of EILSEQ error, choose between just outputting the raw format itself vs. continuing the half-completed buffer
//if (written < 0) // an invalid wide-string conversion may lead to EILSEQ
// strncpy(buffer, format, _countof(buffer)
UNUSED(written); // vsnprintf() returns -1 in case of overflow, instead of the #characters written as claimed in the MSDN documentation states so
if (strlen(buffer)/*written*/ >= (int)_countof(buffer) - 2)
sprintf(buffer + _countof(buffer) - 4, "...");
#ifdef _DEBUG // print this to log, so we can see what the error is before throwing
fprintf(stderr, "\nAbout to throw exception '%s'\n", buffer);
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ public:
auto iter = m_nameToNodeMap.find(name);
if (iter == m_nameToNodeMap.end())
RuntimeError("GetNodeFromName: Node name %ls does not exist.", name.c_str());
RuntimeError("GetNodeFromName: Network has no node named '%ls'.", name.c_str());
return iter->second;
@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ public:
else // node name is not found, dump all nodes
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: node name %ls does not exist in the network. dumping all nodes.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: node name '%ls' does not exist in the network. dumping all nodes instead.\n",
DumpAllNodesToFile(printValues, printMetadata, outputFile);
@ -270,13 +270,13 @@ TensorShape ComputationNodeBase::GetTensorSliceFor(size_t rank, const FrameRange
return tensorShape;
// same but 'fr' refers to a single column, and result will not have seq/time axes
// same as GetTensorSliceFor() except that 'fr' refers to a single column, and result will not have seq/time axes
// This is needed by TimesNode when the left argument has to be broken up into individual matrices/GEMM calls.
// To enable its first argument to have an MBLayout, it needs to un-pad if we have an MBLayout but only refer to a single sequence and time step.
TensorShape ComputationNodeBase::GetOneSampleTensorSliceFor(size_t rank, const FrameRange& fr) const
TensorShape result = GetTensorSliceFor(rank, fr);
// To enable A to have an MBLayout, we need to un-pad if we have an MBLayout but only refer to a single sequence and time step.
// Undo the adding of (seq, time) axes that was done by GetTensorShape()
// undo the adding of (seq, time) axes that was done by GetTensorShape()
if (!fr.IsOneColumnWrt(GetMBLayout()))
LogicError("GetOneSampleTensorSliceFor: Requires 'fr' to refer to a single sample.");
if (HasMBLayout())
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ template class ElementTimesNode<double>;
// shared code of TimesNode and TransposeTimesNode (which transposes A)
// The common case, W * v with weights W and minibatch data v is efficiently
// implemented as a per-minibatch BLAS GEMM call.
// If the A is minibatch data, then this operation is currently not efficient.
// If A is minibatch data, then this operation is currently not efficient.
// TODO: Implement this with TensorView::DoElementwiseProductOf() and stride magic
// TODO: Transpose flags for all matrices, inputs and outputs?
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ public:
// the left argument can only be applied sample by sample, and must be returned as a matrix object
// (as a consequence, it then also applies to the node itself)
// if the left argument of the matrix product (A) has a time axis, it can only be applied sample by sample
// where each sample is treated as a separate matrix object (as a consequence, it then also applies to B and the result as well)
TensorView<ElemType> OneSampleTensorFor(int inputIndex, bool gradient/*instead of value*/, const FrameRange& fr)
auto input = inputIndex < 0 ? this : Input(inputIndex).get();
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ private:
virtual void /*ComputationNode::*/ ForwardProp(const FrameRange& fr) override
// if A is minibatch data, then this must be performed frame-by-frame, sequence-by-sequence, one GEMM call each.
// If argument A is minibatch data, then this must be performed frame-by-frame, sequence-by-sequence, one GEMM call each.
// This will be inefficient. We hope this will be the baseline of a future, more efficient TensorView-based implementation.
if (!fr.IsOneColumnWrt(Input(0)->GetMBLayout()))
@ -290,7 +290,6 @@ public:
// Transposition is applied after flattening into 2D, but only allowed if the input sample is 2D anyway.
auto input0 = OneSampleTensorFor(0, /*gradient=*/false, fr.AllowBroadcast());
auto input1 = OneSampleTensorFor(1, /*gradient=*/false, fr.AllowBroadcast());
//auto input1 = Input(1)->ValueTensorFor(Input(1)->GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), fr.AllowBroadcast());
auto output = OneSampleTensorFor(-1, /*gradient=*/false, fr);
output.AssignMatrixProductOf(false/*transC*/, input0, m_transpose/*transA*/, input1, false/*transB*/);
@ -321,18 +320,14 @@ public:
if (Input(1)->Value().GetMatrixType() == SPARSE && Input(0)->Gradient().GetMatrixType() == DENSE && Gradient().GetMatrixType() == DENSE)
Input(0)->Gradient().SwitchToMatrixType(SPARSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseBlockCol, false);
auto input0Gradient = OneSampleTensorFor(0, /*gradient=*/true, fr.AllowBroadcast());
//auto input1 = Input(1)->ValueTensorFor(Input(1)->GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), fr.AllowBroadcast());
auto input1 = OneSampleTensorFor(1, /*gradient=*/false, fr.AllowBroadcast());
//auto outputGradient = GradientTensorFor( GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), fr);
auto outputGradient = OneSampleTensorFor(-1, /*gradient=*/true, fr);
input0Gradient.AddMatrixProductOf(m_transpose/*transC*/, outputGradient, false/*transA*/, input1, true/*transB*/);
else if (inputIndex == 1) // right derivative
auto input0 = OneSampleTensorFor(0, /*gradient=*/false, fr.AllowBroadcast());
//auto input1Gradient = Input(1)->GradientTensorFor(Input(1)->GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), fr.AllowBroadcast());
auto input1Gradient = OneSampleTensorFor(1, /*gradient=*/true, fr.AllowBroadcast());
//auto outputGradient = GradientTensorFor( GetSampleLayout().GetRank(), fr);
auto outputGradient = OneSampleTensorFor(-1, /*gradient=*/true, fr);
input1Gradient.AddMatrixProductOf(false/*transC*/, input0, !m_transpose/*transA*/, outputGradient, false/*transB*/);
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