1. fix gather and prelu arguments order issue.
2. add typenameToTypeProto map initialization.
3. add CNTK native default lotus logger.
4. add CNTK unsqueeze op.
This commit is contained in:
Bowen Bao 2018-07-26 14:46:06 -07:00
Родитель 6ed965924c
Коммит 279a466b5f
12 изменённых файлов: 232 добавлений и 13 удалений

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@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ namespace CNTK
const std::vector<bool>& autoPadding,const NDShape& dilation, size_t maxTempMemSizeInSamples, const std::wstring& name = L"");
CNTK_API FunctionPtr MatMul(const Variable& leftOperand, const Variable& rightOperand, const std::wstring& name = L"");
CNTK_API FunctionPtr Gemm(const Variable& operandA, const Variable& operandB, const Variable& operandC, float alpha = 1.0, float beta = 1.0, bool transA = false, bool transB = false, const std::wstring& name = L"");
CNTK_API FunctionPtr Unsqueeze(const Variable& operand, const std::vector<Axis>& axes, const std::wstring& name = L"");
// This is meant for debugging purposes only and is very likely to be deprecated in the future.
CNTK_API void SaveAsLegacyModel(const FunctionPtr& rootFunction, const std::wstring& modelFile);

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@ -171,6 +171,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="DistributedLearnerBase.h" />
<ClInclude Include="EvaluatorWrapper.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Learner.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Logger.h" />
<ClInclude Include="MinibatchSource.h" />
<ClInclude Include="PrimitiveFunctionAttributes.h" />
<ClInclude Include="PrimitiveFunction.h" />

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@ -297,6 +297,9 @@
<ClInclude Include="proto\onnx\onnx_repo\onnx\common\assertions.h">
<ClInclude Include="Logger.h">
<Filter Include="API">

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@ -116,6 +116,12 @@ namespace CNTK
// The first two inputs are Constant for alpha and beta, followed with three Variable A, B and C.
inputs = { m_inputs[0], m_inputs[1], m_inputs[3], m_inputs[2], m_inputs[4] };
else if (pythonOperandOrder && primitiveFunction && (primitiveFunction->OpName() == L"GatherOp" || primitiveFunction->OpType() == PrimitiveOpType::Gather))
assert(m_inputs.size() == 2);
// For GatherOp, python operand order is reversed.
inputs = { m_inputs[1], m_inputs[0] };
inputs = m_inputs;
@ -2258,7 +2264,7 @@ namespace CNTK
auto swapped = TransposeAxes(refPlaceholder, lastAxis, axis);
auto gatherSwapped = GatherOp(indPlaceholder, swapped);
auto result = TransposeAxes(gatherSwapped, lastAxis, axis);
return AsBlock(std::move(result), { { refPlaceholder, reference },{ indPlaceholder, indices } }, std::move(additionalProperties), L"GatherOp", name);
return AsBlock(std::move(result), { { indPlaceholder, indices }, { refPlaceholder, reference } }, std::move(additionalProperties), L"GatherOp", name);
@ -2917,12 +2923,13 @@ namespace CNTK
FunctionPtr PReLU(const Variable& alpha, const Variable& operand, const std::wstring& name)
auto operandPlaceholder = PlaceholderVariable();
auto alphaPlaceholder = PlaceholderVariable();
auto lessThanZero = Less(operandPlaceholder, Constant::Scalar(operand.GetDataType(), 0.0));
auto result = ElementSelect(lessThanZero,
ElementTimes(alpha, operandPlaceholder),
ElementTimes(alphaPlaceholder, operandPlaceholder),
return AsBlock(std::move(result), { { operandPlaceholder, operand } }, L"PReLU", name);
return AsBlock(std::move(result), { { operandPlaceholder, operand },{ alphaPlaceholder, alpha } }, L"PReLU", name);
FunctionPtr Softplus(const Variable& operand, const std::wstring& name)
@ -3749,5 +3756,89 @@ namespace CNTK
L"Gemm", name);
FunctionPtr Unsqueeze(const Variable& operand, const std::vector<Axis>& axes, const std::wstring& name)
int cntk_index;
int onnx_axis;
std::vector<size_t> axesIndices;
for (auto axis : axes)
// We need to express in onnx axis system to help ONNX conversion.
if (axis.IsStaticAxis())
if (axis.StaticAxisIndex() < 0)
// python shape [2,3,4,5], cntk_py_index = 1 (point at 3).
// in python, sanitize_axis applies Axis(-cntk_py_index - 1) so axis = -2
// in cpp shape becomes [5,4,3,2], axis(-2) is still pointing to 3 (from the last)
// With ONNX Unsqueeze op, result shall be: [2,3,4,5]. thus onnx_axis = cntk_py_index = 1 (point to 3)
// for CNTK reshape, cntk_index shall point to the one after 3 (2): cntk_index = axis + 1
// cntk_index (-1) needs to be converted to positive by rank + cntk_index = 3
int cntk_py_index = -axis.StaticAxisIndex() - 1;
onnx_axis = cntk_py_index;
cntk_index = axis.StaticAxisIndex() + operand.Shape().Rank() + axes.size();
// in this case shape is the same as in python: [2,3,4,5]
// that is: cntk_py_index = 1, points to 3
// onnx_axis = 1, points to 3 in [2,3,4,5]
// cntk_index = 1, points to 3 in [2,3,4,5]
int cntk_py_index = axis.StaticAxisIndex();
onnx_axis = cntk_py_index;
cntk_index = cntk_py_index;
else if (axis.IsBatchAxis())
// expected result: [[batch],[flatten sample]]([[#][2,3,4,5]])
// current onnx Unsqueeze op should not have batch axis in attribute.
cntk_index = 0;
LogicError("Unsqueeze: accept only static and batch axes.");
if (cntk_index < 0 || cntk_index > operand.Shape().Rank() + axes.size())
LogicError("Unsqueeze: unsupported axis (operand.Shape().Rank() = %zu, outShape.Rank() = %zu, axis = %s).",
operand.Shape().Rank(), operand.Shape().Rank() + axes.size(), ToLegacyString(ToUTF8(axis.AsString())).c_str());
std::vector<size_t> outShape(axesIndices.size() + operand.Shape().Rank(), 0);
for (int axis : axesIndices)
if (axis >= outShape.size())
LogicError("Unsqueeze: 'axes' has an out of range axis(%d >= %zu).", axis, outShape.size());
if (outShape[axis] != 0)
LogicError("Unsqueeze: 'axes' has a duplicate axis(%d).", axis);
outShape[axis] = 1;
auto begin = operand.Shape().Dimensions().cbegin();
for (auto &axisSize : outShape)
if (axisSize == 0)
axisSize = *begin++;
assert(begin == operand.Shape().Dimensions().cend());
Dictionary attributes = Dictionary();
attributes[PrimitiveFunction::AttributeNameAxisVec] = AsDictionaryValueVector(axes);
Variable operandPlaceholder = PlaceholderVariable(operand.Shape(), L"operandPlaceholder", {});
FunctionPtr result = Reshape(operandPlaceholder, outShape);
return AsBlock(std::move(result), {{operandPlaceholder, operand}}, std::move(attributes), L"Unsqueeze", name);

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#pragma once
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "core/common/logging/capture.h"
#include "core/common/logging/isink.h"
namespace CNTK {
class CNTKClogSink : public Lotus::Logging::ISink {
: stream_{&(std::clog)}, flush_{true}
void SendImpl(const Lotus::Logging::Timestamp &timestamp,
const std::string &logger_id, const Lotus::Logging::Capture &message) override
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << " [" << message.SeverityPrefix() << ":" << message.Category() << ":" << logger_id << ", "
<< message.Location().ToString() << "] " << message.Message();
(*stream_) << msg.str() << "\n";
if (flush_) {
std::ostream *stream_;
const bool flush_;
} // namespace CNTK

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@ -3089,6 +3089,13 @@ void CNTKToONNXHelper::CopyAttributes(const FunctionPtr& src, LotusIR::Node* nod
node->AddAttribute("transA", transA);
node->AddAttribute("transB", transB);
else if (src->OpName() == L"Unsqueeze")
std::vector<Axis> axes = AsVector<Axis>(src->Attributes()[L"axisVec"].Value<std::vector<DictionaryValue>>());
std::vector<int64_t> ax = ConvertAxesToOnnx(axes, src->Inputs()[0]);
node->AddAttribute("axes", ax);

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@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
#include "proto/onnx/core/graph/model.h"
#include "proto/onnx/core/graph/graph.h"
#include "proto/onnx/core/common/logging/logging.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "ONNX.h"
#include "CNTKToONNX.h"
#include "ONNXToCNTK.h"
@ -19,6 +21,32 @@ using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
namespace CNTK
std::once_flag ONNXFormat::op_schema_initializer_flag_;
static std::string defaultLoggerId{"Default"};
static Lotus::Logging::LoggingManager default_logging_manager_{
std::unique_ptr<Lotus::Logging::ISink>{new CNTKClogSink{}},
Lotus::Logging::Severity severity;
switch (GetTraceLevel())
case TraceLevel::Error:
severity = Lotus::Logging::Severity::kERROR;
case TraceLevel::Warning:
severity = Lotus::Logging::Severity::kWARNING;
case TraceLevel::Info:
severity = Lotus::Logging::Severity::kINFO;
severity = Lotus::Logging::Severity::kFATAL;
return severity;
&defaultLoggerId };
// MaxVersion number in ONNX 1.2 is 7. Change this number (e.g. to 1 or 5)
// to experiment with earlier version ONNX. This is to help debugging with reshape op
// (and some convolution ops which only passed with newer version)
@ -60,8 +88,29 @@ namespace CNTK
void ONNXFormat::InitializeLotusIR()
// Initializing ONNX_NAMESPACE::Utils::DataTypeUtils::GetTypeStrToProtoMap()
// This is a static unordered_map<string, TypeProto> variable that stores the mapping from type name(string) to TypeProto.
// If used without proper initialization, we risk poluting this static map:
// Whenever it sees a TypeProto with an unseen type name, it tries to store that TypeProto into the map.
// That TypeProto object might very likely contain TensorShapeProto, which describes the shape for that particular tensor.
// This shape will become the default for every TypeProto object created from that type name later on.
// And this leads to lots of unexpected errors such as shape inference failure.
// The solution is to initialize the map at the first run.
std::call_once(op_schema_initializer_flag_, [&]() {
ONNX_NAMESPACE::OpSchema tmpSchemaForInitializingAllTensorTypes;
tmpSchemaForInitializingAllTensorTypes.TypeConstraint("T", ONNX_NAMESPACE::OpSchema::all_tensor_types(), "");
void ONNXFormat::Save(const FunctionPtr& src, const std::wstring& filepath)
auto model = CNTKToONNX::CreateModel(src);
#ifdef _WIN32
LotusIR::Model::Save(*model, filepath);
@ -72,6 +121,8 @@ void ONNXFormat::Save(const FunctionPtr& src, const std::wstring& filepath)
FunctionPtr ONNXFormat::Load(const std::wstring& filepath, const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice)
std::shared_ptr<LotusIR::Model> model;
#ifdef _WIN32

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@ -16,5 +16,8 @@ namespace CNTK
static void Save(const FunctionPtr& src, const std::wstring& filepath);
static FunctionPtr Load(const std::wstring& filepath, const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice = DeviceDescriptor::UseDefaultDevice());
static void InitializeLotusIR();
static std::once_flag op_schema_initializer_flag_;

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@ -2634,6 +2634,12 @@ FunctionPtr ONNXToCNTKHelper::CreateFunction(const Node *node, const std::vector
FunctionPtr cntkFunction = Reshape(inputs[0], newShape, ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(node->Name()));
return cntkFunction;
else if (onnxOpName == "Unsqueeze")
std::vector<Axis> axes = ConvertONNXAxesToCNTKCppApi(GetNamedAttributeAsInt64Vec(node, "axes"), inputs[0]);
FunctionPtr cntkFunction = ::CNTK::Internal::Unsqueeze(inputs[0], axes, ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(node->Name()));
return cntkFunction;
else if (onnxOpName == "Concat")
// We allow the 'axis' attribute to be optional, and not required (as

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@ -417,6 +417,9 @@ namespace ONNX
{ L"MatMul",{ {
{ L"MatMul", "MatMul" },
} } },
{ L"Unsqueeze",{ {
{ L"Unsqueeze", "Unsqueeze" },
} } },
// given a cntkOpName and cntk attribute OpName which is saved in CNTK::Function's attribute,
@ -486,7 +489,6 @@ namespace ONNX
{ L"ELU",{ 0, 1 } },
{ L"LeakyReLU",{ 0, 1 } },
{ L"SELU",{ 0, 1, 2 } },
{ L"PReLU",{ 0 } },
{ L"ElementMax",{} },
{ L"ElementMin",{} },
{ L"HardSigmoid",{ 0, 1, 2, 3 } },
@ -509,7 +511,7 @@ namespace ONNX
{ L"BatchNormalization",{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1 } },
{ L"Times",{ 1, 0 } },
{ L"Gather",{ 1, 0 } },
{ L"PReLU",{ 1, 0 } },
{ L"PReLU",{ -1, 0, 1 } },
{ L"Gemm", { -1, -1, 1, 0, 2} },

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@ -524,11 +524,11 @@ def test_Floor(tmpdir, dtype):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", DType_Config)
def test_Gather(tmpdir, dtype):
pytest.skip('Needs to be fixed after removal of batch axis change.')
if (dtype == np.float16):
pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")
with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
c = np.asarray([[[0],[1]],[[4],[5]]]).astype(dtype)
c = np.asarray([[[0],[1]]]).astype(dtype)
#c = np.asarray([[[0],[1]],[[4],[5]]]).astype(dtype) # batch size = 2 not supported yet.
x = C.input_variable((2,1))
d = np.arange(12).reshape(6,2).astype(dtype)
y = C.constant(d)
@ -1052,11 +1052,26 @@ def test_Pad(tmpdir, dtype):
verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Pad_1')
#def test_PRelu(tmpdir):
# data = np.asarray([[-1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2]])
# alpha = C.constant(value=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
# model = C.param_relu(alpha, data)
# verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'PRelu_0')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", DType_Config)
def test_PRelu(tmpdir, dtype):
# no input
x_data = np.asarray([[-1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2]], dtype=dtype)
x = C.constant(value=x_data, dtype=dtype)
alpha_data = np.asarray([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]], dtype=dtype)
alpha = C.constant(value=alpha_data, dtype=dtype)
model = C.param_relu(alpha, x)
verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'PRelu_0')
# one input
x = C.input_variable(x_data.shape, dtype=dtype)
model = C.param_relu(alpha, x)
verify_one_input(model, x_data, tmpdir, 'PRelu_1')
# two input
x = C.input_variable(x_data.shape, dtype=dtype)
alpha = C.input_variable(alpha_data.shape, dtype=dtype)
model = C.param_relu(alpha, x)
verify_two_input(model, alpha_data, x_data, tmpdir, 'PRelu_2')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", DType_Config)