Squash of the following
1. fix gather and prelu arguments order issue. 2. add typenameToTypeProto map initialization. 3. add CNTK native default lotus logger. 4. add CNTK unsqueeze op.
This commit is contained in:
@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ namespace CNTK
const std::vector<bool>& autoPadding,const NDShape& dilation, size_t maxTempMemSizeInSamples, const std::wstring& name = L"");
CNTK_API FunctionPtr MatMul(const Variable& leftOperand, const Variable& rightOperand, const std::wstring& name = L"");
CNTK_API FunctionPtr Gemm(const Variable& operandA, const Variable& operandB, const Variable& operandC, float alpha = 1.0, float beta = 1.0, bool transA = false, bool transB = false, const std::wstring& name = L"");
CNTK_API FunctionPtr Unsqueeze(const Variable& operand, const std::vector<Axis>& axes, const std::wstring& name = L"");
// This is meant for debugging purposes only and is very likely to be deprecated in the future.
CNTK_API void SaveAsLegacyModel(const FunctionPtr& rootFunction, const std::wstring& modelFile);
@ -171,6 +171,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="DistributedLearnerBase.h" />
<ClInclude Include="EvaluatorWrapper.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Learner.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Logger.h" />
<ClInclude Include="MinibatchSource.h" />
<ClInclude Include="PrimitiveFunctionAttributes.h" />
<ClInclude Include="PrimitiveFunction.h" />
@ -297,6 +297,9 @@
<ClInclude Include="proto\onnx\onnx_repo\onnx\common\assertions.h">
<ClInclude Include="Logger.h">
<Filter Include="API">
@ -116,6 +116,12 @@ namespace CNTK
// The first two inputs are Constant for alpha and beta, followed with three Variable A, B and C.
inputs = { m_inputs[0], m_inputs[1], m_inputs[3], m_inputs[2], m_inputs[4] };
else if (pythonOperandOrder && primitiveFunction && (primitiveFunction->OpName() == L"GatherOp" || primitiveFunction->OpType() == PrimitiveOpType::Gather))
assert(m_inputs.size() == 2);
// For GatherOp, python operand order is reversed.
inputs = { m_inputs[1], m_inputs[0] };
inputs = m_inputs;
@ -2258,7 +2264,7 @@ namespace CNTK
auto swapped = TransposeAxes(refPlaceholder, lastAxis, axis);
auto gatherSwapped = GatherOp(indPlaceholder, swapped);
auto result = TransposeAxes(gatherSwapped, lastAxis, axis);
return AsBlock(std::move(result), { { refPlaceholder, reference },{ indPlaceholder, indices } }, std::move(additionalProperties), L"GatherOp", name);
return AsBlock(std::move(result), { { indPlaceholder, indices }, { refPlaceholder, reference } }, std::move(additionalProperties), L"GatherOp", name);
@ -2917,12 +2923,13 @@ namespace CNTK
FunctionPtr PReLU(const Variable& alpha, const Variable& operand, const std::wstring& name)
auto operandPlaceholder = PlaceholderVariable();
auto alphaPlaceholder = PlaceholderVariable();
auto lessThanZero = Less(operandPlaceholder, Constant::Scalar(operand.GetDataType(), 0.0));
auto result = ElementSelect(lessThanZero,
ElementTimes(alpha, operandPlaceholder),
ElementTimes(alphaPlaceholder, operandPlaceholder),
return AsBlock(std::move(result), { { operandPlaceholder, operand } }, L"PReLU", name);
return AsBlock(std::move(result), { { operandPlaceholder, operand },{ alphaPlaceholder, alpha } }, L"PReLU", name);
FunctionPtr Softplus(const Variable& operand, const std::wstring& name)
@ -3749,5 +3756,89 @@ namespace CNTK
L"Gemm", name);
FunctionPtr Unsqueeze(const Variable& operand, const std::vector<Axis>& axes, const std::wstring& name)
int cntk_index;
int onnx_axis;
std::vector<size_t> axesIndices;
for (auto axis : axes)
// We need to express in onnx axis system to help ONNX conversion.
if (axis.IsStaticAxis())
if (axis.StaticAxisIndex() < 0)
// python shape [2,3,4,5], cntk_py_index = 1 (point at 3).
// in python, sanitize_axis applies Axis(-cntk_py_index - 1) so axis = -2
// in cpp shape becomes [5,4,3,2], axis(-2) is still pointing to 3 (from the last)
// With ONNX Unsqueeze op, result shall be: [2,3,4,5]. thus onnx_axis = cntk_py_index = 1 (point to 3)
// for CNTK reshape, cntk_index shall point to the one after 3 (2): cntk_index = axis + 1
// cntk_index (-1) needs to be converted to positive by rank + cntk_index = 3
int cntk_py_index = -axis.StaticAxisIndex() - 1;
onnx_axis = cntk_py_index;
cntk_index = axis.StaticAxisIndex() + operand.Shape().Rank() + axes.size();
// in this case shape is the same as in python: [2,3,4,5]
// that is: cntk_py_index = 1, points to 3
// onnx_axis = 1, points to 3 in [2,3,4,5]
// cntk_index = 1, points to 3 in [2,3,4,5]
int cntk_py_index = axis.StaticAxisIndex();
onnx_axis = cntk_py_index;
cntk_index = cntk_py_index;
else if (axis.IsBatchAxis())
// expected result: [[batch],[flatten sample]]([[#][2,3,4,5]])
// current onnx Unsqueeze op should not have batch axis in attribute.
cntk_index = 0;
LogicError("Unsqueeze: accept only static and batch axes.");
if (cntk_index < 0 || cntk_index > operand.Shape().Rank() + axes.size())
LogicError("Unsqueeze: unsupported axis (operand.Shape().Rank() = %zu, outShape.Rank() = %zu, axis = %s).",
operand.Shape().Rank(), operand.Shape().Rank() + axes.size(), ToLegacyString(ToUTF8(axis.AsString())).c_str());
std::vector<size_t> outShape(axesIndices.size() + operand.Shape().Rank(), 0);
for (int axis : axesIndices)
if (axis >= outShape.size())
LogicError("Unsqueeze: 'axes' has an out of range axis(%d >= %zu).", axis, outShape.size());
if (outShape[axis] != 0)
LogicError("Unsqueeze: 'axes' has a duplicate axis(%d).", axis);
outShape[axis] = 1;
auto begin = operand.Shape().Dimensions().cbegin();
for (auto &axisSize : outShape)
if (axisSize == 0)
axisSize = *begin++;
assert(begin == operand.Shape().Dimensions().cend());
Dictionary attributes = Dictionary();
attributes[PrimitiveFunction::AttributeNameAxisVec] = AsDictionaryValueVector(axes);
Variable operandPlaceholder = PlaceholderVariable(operand.Shape(), L"operandPlaceholder", {});
FunctionPtr result = Reshape(operandPlaceholder, outShape);
return AsBlock(std::move(result), {{operandPlaceholder, operand}}, std::move(attributes), L"Unsqueeze", name);
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#pragma once
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "core/common/logging/capture.h"
#include "core/common/logging/isink.h"
namespace CNTK {
class CNTKClogSink : public Lotus::Logging::ISink {
: stream_{&(std::clog)}, flush_{true}
void SendImpl(const Lotus::Logging::Timestamp ×tamp,
const std::string &logger_id, const Lotus::Logging::Capture &message) override
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << " [" << message.SeverityPrefix() << ":" << message.Category() << ":" << logger_id << ", "
<< message.Location().ToString() << "] " << message.Message();
(*stream_) << msg.str() << "\n";
if (flush_) {
std::ostream *stream_;
const bool flush_;
} // namespace CNTK
@ -3089,6 +3089,13 @@ void CNTKToONNXHelper::CopyAttributes(const FunctionPtr& src, LotusIR::Node* nod
node->AddAttribute("transA", transA);
node->AddAttribute("transB", transB);
else if (src->OpName() == L"Unsqueeze")
std::vector<Axis> axes = AsVector<Axis>(src->Attributes()[L"axisVec"].Value<std::vector<DictionaryValue>>());
std::vector<int64_t> ax = ConvertAxesToOnnx(axes, src->Inputs()[0]);
node->AddAttribute("axes", ax);
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
#include "proto/onnx/core/graph/model.h"
#include "proto/onnx/core/graph/graph.h"
#include "proto/onnx/core/common/logging/logging.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "ONNX.h"
#include "CNTKToONNX.h"
#include "ONNXToCNTK.h"
@ -19,6 +21,32 @@ using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
namespace CNTK
std::once_flag ONNXFormat::op_schema_initializer_flag_;
static std::string defaultLoggerId{"Default"};
static Lotus::Logging::LoggingManager default_logging_manager_{
std::unique_ptr<Lotus::Logging::ISink>{new CNTKClogSink{}},
Lotus::Logging::Severity severity;
switch (GetTraceLevel())
case TraceLevel::Error:
severity = Lotus::Logging::Severity::kERROR;
case TraceLevel::Warning:
severity = Lotus::Logging::Severity::kWARNING;
case TraceLevel::Info:
severity = Lotus::Logging::Severity::kINFO;
severity = Lotus::Logging::Severity::kFATAL;
return severity;
&defaultLoggerId };
// MaxVersion number in ONNX 1.2 is 7. Change this number (e.g. to 1 or 5)
// to experiment with earlier version ONNX. This is to help debugging with reshape op
// (and some convolution ops which only passed with newer version)
@ -60,8 +88,29 @@ namespace CNTK
void ONNXFormat::InitializeLotusIR()
// Initializing ONNX_NAMESPACE::Utils::DataTypeUtils::GetTypeStrToProtoMap()
// This is a static unordered_map<string, TypeProto> variable that stores the mapping from type name(string) to TypeProto.
// If used without proper initialization, we risk poluting this static map:
// Whenever it sees a TypeProto with an unseen type name, it tries to store that TypeProto into the map.
// That TypeProto object might very likely contain TensorShapeProto, which describes the shape for that particular tensor.
// This shape will become the default for every TypeProto object created from that type name later on.
// And this leads to lots of unexpected errors such as shape inference failure.
// The solution is to initialize the map at the first run.
std::call_once(op_schema_initializer_flag_, [&]() {
ONNX_NAMESPACE::OpSchema tmpSchemaForInitializingAllTensorTypes;
tmpSchemaForInitializingAllTensorTypes.TypeConstraint("T", ONNX_NAMESPACE::OpSchema::all_tensor_types(), "");
void ONNXFormat::Save(const FunctionPtr& src, const std::wstring& filepath)
auto model = CNTKToONNX::CreateModel(src);
#ifdef _WIN32
LotusIR::Model::Save(*model, filepath);
@ -72,6 +121,8 @@ void ONNXFormat::Save(const FunctionPtr& src, const std::wstring& filepath)
FunctionPtr ONNXFormat::Load(const std::wstring& filepath, const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice)
std::shared_ptr<LotusIR::Model> model;
#ifdef _WIN32
@ -16,5 +16,8 @@ namespace CNTK
static void Save(const FunctionPtr& src, const std::wstring& filepath);
static FunctionPtr Load(const std::wstring& filepath, const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice = DeviceDescriptor::UseDefaultDevice());
static void InitializeLotusIR();
static std::once_flag op_schema_initializer_flag_;
@ -2634,6 +2634,12 @@ FunctionPtr ONNXToCNTKHelper::CreateFunction(const Node *node, const std::vector
FunctionPtr cntkFunction = Reshape(inputs[0], newShape, ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(node->Name()));
return cntkFunction;
else if (onnxOpName == "Unsqueeze")
std::vector<Axis> axes = ConvertONNXAxesToCNTKCppApi(GetNamedAttributeAsInt64Vec(node, "axes"), inputs[0]);
FunctionPtr cntkFunction = ::CNTK::Internal::Unsqueeze(inputs[0], axes, ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(node->Name()));
return cntkFunction;
else if (onnxOpName == "Concat")
// We allow the 'axis' attribute to be optional, and not required (as
@ -417,6 +417,9 @@ namespace ONNX
{ L"MatMul",{ {
{ L"MatMul", "MatMul" },
} } },
{ L"Unsqueeze",{ {
{ L"Unsqueeze", "Unsqueeze" },
} } },
// given a cntkOpName and cntk attribute OpName which is saved in CNTK::Function's attribute,
@ -486,7 +489,6 @@ namespace ONNX
{ L"ELU",{ 0, 1 } },
{ L"LeakyReLU",{ 0, 1 } },
{ L"SELU",{ 0, 1, 2 } },
{ L"PReLU",{ 0 } },
{ L"ElementMax",{} },
{ L"ElementMin",{} },
{ L"HardSigmoid",{ 0, 1, 2, 3 } },
@ -509,7 +511,7 @@ namespace ONNX
{ L"BatchNormalization",{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1 } },
{ L"Times",{ 1, 0 } },
{ L"Gather",{ 1, 0 } },
{ L"PReLU",{ 1, 0 } },
{ L"PReLU",{ -1, 0, 1 } },
{ L"Gemm", { -1, -1, 1, 0, 2} },
@ -524,11 +524,11 @@ def test_Floor(tmpdir, dtype):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", DType_Config)
def test_Gather(tmpdir, dtype):
pytest.skip('Needs to be fixed after removal of batch axis change.')
if (dtype == np.float16):
pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")
with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
c = np.asarray([[[0],[1]],[[4],[5]]]).astype(dtype)
c = np.asarray([[[0],[1]]]).astype(dtype)
#c = np.asarray([[[0],[1]],[[4],[5]]]).astype(dtype) # batch size = 2 not supported yet.
x = C.input_variable((2,1))
d = np.arange(12).reshape(6,2).astype(dtype)
y = C.constant(d)
@ -1052,11 +1052,26 @@ def test_Pad(tmpdir, dtype):
verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Pad_1')
#def test_PRelu(tmpdir):
# data = np.asarray([[-1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2]])
# alpha = C.constant(value=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
# model = C.param_relu(alpha, data)
# verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'PRelu_0')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", DType_Config)
def test_PRelu(tmpdir, dtype):
# no input
x_data = np.asarray([[-1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2]], dtype=dtype)
x = C.constant(value=x_data, dtype=dtype)
alpha_data = np.asarray([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]], dtype=dtype)
alpha = C.constant(value=alpha_data, dtype=dtype)
model = C.param_relu(alpha, x)
verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'PRelu_0')
# one input
x = C.input_variable(x_data.shape, dtype=dtype)
model = C.param_relu(alpha, x)
verify_one_input(model, x_data, tmpdir, 'PRelu_1')
# two input
x = C.input_variable(x_data.shape, dtype=dtype)
alpha = C.input_variable(alpha_data.shape, dtype=dtype)
model = C.param_relu(alpha, x)
verify_two_input(model, alpha_data, x_data, tmpdir, 'PRelu_2')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", DType_Config)
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